#so i loose track of them
lavenoon · 1 year
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kisses him kisses him kisses him
@naffeclipse you've seen this one but I'm posting it today for the serotonin boost, so have a callback to the first doodles <3
*self insert is not a girl (he/ she)
og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic!
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starbuck · 6 months
various thoughts:
i would like to have a significant other
i would like to develop my personality a bit more before meeting a significant other
i should wait until after top surgery before even considering seeing anyone bc i’m gonna be much happier and more confident after that
i want to know my local area better
i NEED more pretentious local friends who are willing to experience new things with me in my local area
i need to read and watch and listen to and DO more and i have the time to do it now, so i need to make it happen
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brittlebutch · 4 months
Desperately trying to make sense of Alex's motivations in Season Two and you know, I do eventually have to wonder if maybe Alex wasn't actually lying in the majority of those tapes.
Like, we tend to assume that Alex's motivations have been a consistent throughline since the college years, but do we actually know that that's the case? Do we know for sure that Alex was acting in deliberate, calculated ways in 2006; or could it be that he's telling the Truth on those olds tapes when he says he's blacking out and can't remember what's happening to anyone? After all, if we're assuming that Season 2 Alex's motivations are the exact same as his motives in Season 3, then it doesn't make any sense at all that he spend months working with Jay to try to find Amy; Season 3 Alex would have attempted to kill Jay like, on sight just to get things over with as quickly as possible and contain the spread of contamination as best as he could.
But, maybe, if Alex really had been separated from Amy after the events of the 04-04-10 tape, and if he really doesn't know where she is, then maybe that could make things start to make more sense. Maybe he really had been watching Jay's channel, and seeing Jay start going through the same things he went through in college without things devolving into violence and disappearances, and wondered if things maybe could play out differently this time. Maybe he really did send that tape to Jay to ask him for help, maybe he really was just trying to find Amy.
But then, instead of actually being helpful, Jay makes it extremely clear that he's a lot more interested in stalking Alex than he is in finding Amy. Alex asked for help, and instead there's a bunch of masked dudes on Jay's heels that keep attacking him, Jay is breaking into his house, stealing his things, leading the Operator right to him all over again, keeps trying to get other people (namely: Jessica -- if Alex is being honest when he says that his call reassuring her that Amy had been found was an effort to make Sure she stayed away from everything that was happening) involved; and instead of anything getting better, instead of anyone finding Amy, things are just getting worse all over again.
It's not until after the incident at the tunnel that things seem to start rapidly devolving. Rather than a calculated attempt to finally follow through with his need to curb the spread of contamination, this is very clearly an outburst of rage and terror. Alex's "I told you not to follow me" line in conjunction with Jay speculating that Alex didn't know who that guy was, to me, pretty firmly seems to speak to Alex having mistaken that stranger for Jay. From his point of view, Alex knows that Jay and totheark know where he live, have broken in before, he suspects that Jay stole a key to make it easier to get into his house, and he's been followed on the daily for months -- Alex is sitting at the tunnel because he doesn't know where else he can go without being constantly surveilled, hunted, and assaulted. And instead of getting a moment by himself to breathe, Jay followed him out there all over again (it feels like Alex looks directly at the camera in Jay's footage of him from this day; he knew for a fact that Jay was there), and then to make matters worse now 'Jay' won't even keep his distance anymore.
So Alex lashes out. And it's not until afterwards that he looks down and finally recognizes that this wasn't Jay -- it was someone completely innocent. Things have finally reached the low point he was at in college all over again; maybe even worse this time. If Alex doesn't remember attacking anyone in college, but he was at least partially conscious of it this time, then things have reached an entirely new rock bottom, they've reached an absolute point of no return.
He has no idea what happened to Amy, and he's spent months trying to find her with no hint of where she could be; he doesn't know where Jay actually is or what additional trouble he could be causing at this point; he does know that now innocent people are getting caught in the crossfire (in regards to the stranger in the tunnel, and also Jessica now that Jay has her phone number, and the untold number of people Jay got involved when he started posting videos to the Marble Hornets channel); things are spiraling out of control and there's no one left to ask for help. The situation isn't getting better, it's getting worse; things aren't getting easier to handle, they're just getting more out of hand; the negative impact is spreading and who knows how much further it can still go?
So, Alex decides to go scorched earth. He disfigures the body with the rock either to hide evidence or to make sure the guy would actually stay dead and not just get back up to start his own cycle of contamination in a few years. He tries to give Jay one last chance to back off, and Jay instead admits he's been talking to Jessica, acts obstinate and lies about not having Alex's spare key, and then breaks into Alex's house a second time (minimum). If Alex doesn't stop him now, who will? Alex met with Jay planning to kill the others, and then himself, so he could put a stop to this once and for all and keep things from getting any worse than they already were.
Maybe it makes a lot more sense if, rather than being a strangely incomprehensible detour on what should have been a straight path, the events of Season Two were the breaking point that put Alex on that path to begin with.
#N posts stuff#idk!!! I've been thinking a lot lately about the tendency to take Characters at Face Value; when they tell us things we tend to#automatically believe them despite what evidence we might have to the contrary. & like when it comes to deciphering what#went down during the college film project it's mostly totheark that posits that Alex was Definitely Lying and Definitely Acting on Purpose#(even Jay is largely ambivalent - wondering which way it leans and basically saying it could go either way)#but. do we KNOW that they know that? Do we Know that they're Right when they claim that? Or are they just Assuming based off#of their own rage and animosity towards Alex due to what happened? Do we Know for Sure that Alex Was Lying in s1?#i don't know if we do!! And so without Knowing that for sure; how can we speak to Alex's motivations in season one OR season two?#now TO BE CLEAR: I am not saying this in an attempt to claim that Alex is somehow completely innocent of all guilt and that like.#Jay is the 'Real Antagonist' of the series - not at all my intention. this is just More of my usual 'look. Everyone in this series is#all kinds of Morally Grey; no recurring character in this series is free of guilt they ALL have unique fatal flaws & trends towards#antagonism that makes things worse and dooms them all' shtick - a la 'everyone Thinks they're doing the Right Thing but No One Is'#BUT i Am wondering if this Does help to like. clear up some of the ambiguity/uncertainty of Season Two - and even Season One - and#lets the series as a whole read a little bit clearer? idk i know that Jay does Claim to think that Alex was bullshitting him#the whole time & was Actually planning on tying up loose ends the whole time but AGAIN it doesn't make Sense he'd wait so long#idk - Am i making sense? does any of this track? i'm trying to figure it out; i am open to comments on the subject to help#i haven't rewatched season 3 yet today and so maybe there's stuff in there that contradicts this whole theory lmao but i'm taking a break#and just posting this anyway; we'll see what happens lol#marble hornets#mh lb
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onejellyfishplease · 7 months
do you like emo music
among a lot of other stuff, YES
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
Links meet AU analysis master post
Hi there!
As you probably know by now I make analysis posts for a variety of Links Meet Au's
This is to not only help me keep track, but for you to know quickly who it is I make these for! I do plan on asking a few more creators of the comics I'm currently reading. When I do get confirmation I'll add those to this list.
Have a great Day!
I make posts for the following Links meet AU's - Links go to the main pages of each AU you should go check them out all of them are great :)
Linked universe
Zelda the sacred realm
Bonus Links
Shifting Sands (LU AU)
Heroes spirit
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waterfallofspace · 10 months
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Sooooo, I tried a comic format for the first time!~
I knew I wanted to do something with the little A/ku sketch, aaaand this is what ended up happening~
(loosely) based on ~this wav~ that was a birthday gift for the incredible @goodlucksnez so please take this as a second gift, a little past your birthday so let's just call it "brainrot feeding" <33
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splatarsenal · 15 days
the Winchesters and their tswag
NOT wincest
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trans headcanons I have for them, buckle in
mentions of transphobia; both internal and not, I'm trans myself and I am not very good at explaining the trans experience so excuse the mess this is
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y'know, sam and dean Winchester the hunters yeah they're actually both transmasc and dean was the first one to acknowledge that he was in fact trans instead of both boys being born at birth well boys they were born in the bodies of girls (I don't entirely know how to explain this I am sorry even from my trans perspective I'm just stupid) nonetheless sam was more clueless but dean knew that sam didn't feel.. Comfortable in his body to say the least, and sorry to any John fans (if you even exist.. /lh) John would probably be transphobic towards the boys, I mean he was already a shit father in the show and it's just what I think if you don't.. Like that? Idk...i dont liek john :3.. Anyways! whenever john would leave for hunts dean had the ability to make sam feel comfortable in his own skin. he was his big brother after all, snice their dad was almost always busy hunting for ol' yellow eyes dean had to worry about sam acknowledging the real world at such a young age. He'd try his best just to let sam have a childhood unlike his. (Idk if this is already canon covers ur mouth) dean didn't start testosterone till around the time he was in high school, he backed down from it because what if dad found out, god what would he even think of him? his little girl becoming a man. that's not what John would've wanted. those thoughts ate deans mind up like a rabid animal on its prey. sam was clueless about things he could take to get more comfortable or even surgeries he could get (PLEASE EXCUSE HOW DUMB I AM AT THIS..,.,. 3:) it would take longer to accept he was trans he'd have to do his own research for a good bit to fight off his internal transphobia to accept his trueness (??? Is that even a word..) When dean and sam reunited (in the pilot you know) sam refused to believe that was dean, unlike dean who was proud of sam and of his far he had came. but sam had to quiz dean. dean wasn't his big sister anymore wasn't the "tomboy" he knew to love he was dean Winchester. his older brother who still was shorter then sam... Ironic isn't it?
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tswwwit · 2 years
just thinking about a Dipper reincarnation who was already in a relationship before Bill showed up! Bill wouldn't kill this partner if Dipper asked nicely to keep them alive... right?
I don't think Bill would kill the partner, necessarily! If only because that would piss Dipper off pretty badly. That doesn't mean he can't be unnerving and vaguely threatening, though!
But honestly, in the case where Dipper's in a relationship that's not with Bill?
Oh boy. If you thought Bill was obnoxious before, see what he's like when he's bringing all his power to bear on being the worst, most omnipresent, third-wheeling, unavoidable cockblock.
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lorenlily · 2 months
the "there's a good album in there" takes are so funny to me
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coolcattime · 10 months
On one hand, I don’t need to write any more AUs, but on the other hand… Mianite Cursed Pirate Crew AU. The basic concept of this AU is based on a TTRPG called Rapscallions which I haven’t played but I love the concept of.
Basic setup is just that the cast are all members of a pirate crew and each one is cursed in some way.
The Crew: Capsize, Tom, Jordan, Redbeard, and Sonja
Capsize is the captain of the crew, though she’s rarely seen off her ship making her co-captain more known to the general public. Once during a particularly bad attack, she called out to the sea goddess to save everyone’s lives. Her calls worked, Capsize became one with the sea, being able to turn the ocean itself against their enemies. However this connection came with a price, her being forbidden from stepping foot on land. Notably she will always insist that she is forbidden, not unable, to step foot on land. She has never said exactly what’ll happen if she goes against this rule, just that the goddess wants to keep her close and she isn’t going to go against a goddess.
Tom is Capsize’s co-captain, a position which everyone else on the ship is definitely very happy about. He got himself cursed when dealing the final blow to a leviathan, an encounter that technically killed him. In his dying moments he swallowed leviathan blood, which revived him with a couple of consequences. Notably, he looks slightly off with no light in his eyes and an odd green tint to his skin. However, he also gained powers, though he’s still figuring out exactly how to use them, with one of the few he’s sure of is his new found ability to communicate with the giant sea beasts that once caused his death. 
Jordan would very much insist that he isn’t cursed, seeing that his actual abilities aren’t the things giving him trouble. However the others note that being touched by the gods in a way that gives him no special powers, but has inspired multiple groups to try and track him to to fulfil his apparent “terrible destiny” counts as a curse as they’re fighting to stop him from getting kidnapped or captured seemingly every other week. Despite his insistence that he isn’t cursed, he always gets quiet when asked when his apparent destiny is, not wanting to reveal what he is apparently destined for, especially not when he’s finally figured out who “the rival” and “the love interest” described in the terrible tale are supposed to be.
Redbeard, much like Tom, got cursed during a fight, but not one that killed him. During a raid on a cargo ship, a strange creature was unleashed on them, managing to claw and bite him before they took it down. This very quickly proved to have consequences as the body of the creature is identified as a lycanthrope and they realise what Redbeard being bitten by it means. They manage full moons as best as they can, making use of the brig and any magical locks they can get ahold of. They haven’t had any incidents thus far, but Redbeard still fears what will happen if he ever gets loose.
Sonja was the only to get cursed before joining the crew and she is the newest member of said crew. She was a researcher of many different kinds of magic and legends, though she tried to keep her activities on the down low due to attitudes of the town guard towards magically powerful people. However, one night while lost in her studies, she discovered  a creature claiming to be a djinni locked within one of the books she was studying. Not quite understanding what she was dealing with, she made a wish releasing the creature and binding herself to her journal. Now she has powers, the ability to gain knowledge just from writing questions in her journal as well as the odd power to bend luck, but she also cannot roam far from her journal and if anyone but her gets ahold of it, she has no choice but to do as they say.
She found the crew after writing in her question asking for somewhere safe to flee, knowing that if anyone in the town caught wind of what had happened she’d never have freedom again. They took her in without question (they can’t exactly turn down more hands on deck), though her sudden departure was noticed by a friend, who isn’t sure what to make of the news that she apparently was taken by a pirate crew.
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heniareth · 1 year
It's interesting to note how the Tabris Origin, which involves a wedding, kidnapping and attempted sexual harassment, and fighting your way through an estate full of guards, is the Origin where gender plays a huge role in what story you experience. M!Tabris will always storm the castle coming to the rescue of his cousin and his betrothed, while F!Tabris will always have to fight her way out because the men in her life can't fully protect her (Nelaros dies, Soris literally hands her the sword, Cyrion is powerless to stop the abduction. Okay, this may be a little unfair to Soris who does fight side by side with Tabris and counsels caution the same way regardless of Tabris's gender). I'd go so far as to say that Tabris is the only Origin where the gender of your PC has a definite impact on the story.
TLDR to the rant in the tags: Tabris is constrained on all sides by being an elf, by their gender, in part by their family, and by society at large (both the Alienage and the wider city).
#bumble our guys are occupying my mind again. the origin defines their roles and experiences so#a lot has been said about the superficial equality of men and women in dragon age: they are equal from a legal point of view#both can become soldiers inherit or assume a position of political and social authority#but that's pretty much it#that experiment aside i think for the tabris story it's interesting. tabris is so contrained#don't go out of the alienage at night. don't anger the shem#don't carry weapons. don't insult them. live in squalor & misery with no hopes of social mobility. get married to a person you don't know#this happens to you because you are an elf. and this happens to you because you are playing as a man or a woman#the other origin where gendered violence might crop up is brosca and idk to what extent bc i haven't had much contact with f!brosca's story#but it would be just like beraht to make weird comments. aeducan gets a weird comment by trian too but that's it#but the alienage is a pressure cooker and the violence dealt unto its inhabitants has a perverse amount of nuance#unlike the circle which is another pressure cooker but a different one the alienage has a better life and more opportunities paraded in#*front of its inhabitants at every waking hour. the mages don't have that jarring contrast (they are reminded of how bad they have it in#*other ways but violence is much easier to normalize in closed communities. there is a reason uldred was able to stoke a rebellion after#*having been at ostagar. one taste of fresh air and that stuffy tower must've been hell awaiting. even wynne takes ger first chance to gtfo#the alienage however knows with striking clarity what it doesn't have. and that hurts. that stings. this ramble went way off track#but my main point is that tabris is constrained on all sides while at the same time having a better life dangled in front of their nose#*every single waking hour. no wonder their origin ends in massacre at their hands#the dam has broken loose. the water is finally cooking over and the pressure cooker explodes#tabris has a body count comparable to that of a seasoned criminal (brosca) and of a knight defending their invaded home (cousland)#which is freaking impressive if you ask me#dragon age#dao#dragon age origins#tabris#warden tabris#f!tabris#m!tabris#astala tabris
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sysig · 1 year
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Finally, some comfortable clothes (Patreon)
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
I’ve just realised another reason why Edward Cullen is an idiot. He acts like provoking the Volturi is the only surefire way to die, but surely he could’ve had a similar effect by provoking some random nomads, and brought way less danger on the rest of the family? Sure, it would’ve taken longer, but he wouldn’t have had to go all the way to Italy or deal with a possible refusal, or Aro’s creepiness. Idk, just seems like a better way
#like i know there’s no guarantee of 1) being able to find murderous nomads or that 2) said murderous nomads would know how#to kill another vampire; but i figure edward has the best shot of anyone at figuring those things out#he can literally read minds. if there’s ANY other vamp in the vicinity he’ll find out quickly; and he could also read their mind to find out#if they knew other vampires’ weaknesses. hell he could’ve killed a random other vamp by fire & caused their mate to avenge them#using the method they now knew would work#he could also have self-destructed via werewolves but i guess that would’ve brought the pack down on the rest of the cullens#also it would require edward to hurt a human or at least convincingly pretend to and we Know he wouldn’t do that 🙄#he’s such a weird and tedious little man honestly. the fact that the plot of the next two books pretty much only happened because edward#decided that exposing himself to italians was a better idea than like… tracking down victoria or maybe someone carlisle knows#&picking a fight. edward i would love to study you#personal#also yes i am rewatching eclipse. and what about it#just realised edward could honestly have just asked some random nomads to kill him and they would probably have done it#like maria? jasper’s maria?? she absolutely would have killed him just to practice#sidenote but maria is one of the BIGGEST loose ends in the series for me. like i am dying to know where she ended up#her and that other dhampir kid’s father who was apparently a fucking scientist or something??#steph put so much crazy shit into these books and then never brought it up again. she answered ONLY the wrong questions and for what#it is no fucking wonder i was obsessed with twilight fanfic for a hot second as a teen…. the people need to know what’s going on#i’ve never seen a writer have so many potentially interesting ideas but execute them so badly#i want to study steph as well but i know the answer to everything she does is just mormonism so it’d be disappointing ultimately
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visdiefje · 10 months
Always so sad when a product that changes other people's daily lives doesn't do the same for you... I know everyone's different but can I be the same here please
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keep it down they're sleeping!!
anyway i love themb.
here's the non-blanket version. tw for scars and for some level of nudity but like. they're just sleepy boys.
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roitaminnah · 1 year
to those awaiting the next chapter of roses are red I present to you the unfortunate news that I accidentally closed the browser tab of my ppkm google doc and thus my adhd ass forgot it existed, because I, at the ripe age of twenty five, do not have object permanence. sooo um I haven't written anything for several days please forgive me the tab IS OPEN now so hopefully that will um. I will remember to write
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