#so i think dean. reluctantly. against his will. starts feeling bonded to castiel too. in a way that lasts after castiel rebels from heaven.
quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
THAT BEING SAID. castiel holding hell as a threat over dean's head in order to fuck him is extremely hot. dean just got finished being tortured by hell, and he's been saved, and the angel that saved him says 'bend over that table or I'll put you back on the rack.' and is it better to be tortured by heaven than by hell?
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spohkh · 3 years
miracle on cornelia street [dean/castiel]
so BASICALLY sarah @adanceinasnowglobe and i were talking about what everyone would be up to post-series -- yknow, like, now that theyre all safe and healthy n everythings cool and destiel is officially together. yknow. as happened in canon -- and we were like so obviously destiel get a house, and thats kind of the basis of this verse so !! this is the foundational fic for what i HOPE will be a series of fun lil day-in-the-life drabbles, from both me and sarah!! 
ehehehe :-) enjoy!
read on AO3
The house is a quaint thing, sitting low and snug under a pair of shady oak trees in a quiet suburb just outside of downtown Lawrence. Its brickwork face is weathered—definitely in need of a good power wash—and the roof is just as worn. The bottom step to the porch slants unevenly, and the porch itself has cracks in the concrete. There are chips in the paint on the window frames, the iron porch railing is rusting, and who knows when the gutters were last given a proper cleaning.
There’s a lot of work to be done, but standing there in the small front lawn, Dean Winchester can’t say if he’s ever seen anyplace else so perfect as the house at 3767 Cornelia Street. Dean’s house—his home. His home with Cas.
“Can you believe it?” he quietly says to Miracle, who has been sitting patiently by Dean’s leg. Miracle tilts her head and wags her tail. Dean looks back up at the house. “Yeah, me neither.”
The sound of a familiar car rumbling up the road snaps Dean out of his reverie. He rubs a knuckle at his eye and clears his throat and tries to look like he hadn’t been standing in his front yard about to cry while talking to his dog, christ.
The car rolls to a stop on the curb just in front of the house. The driver’s side door opens, and Sam slowly unfolds his ridiculous limbs as he gets out. It’s always a wonder how he can fit himself into a car at all. Sam gives a dorky little wave as he ambles over to where Dean is standing.
Dean peers behind Sam, trying to see into the car. “What, no Eileen?”
“Hello to you, too. Dick,” he replies snarkily. “She’s wrapping up a work thing. She’ll come over when she’s done.”
Dean sucks his teeth in disappointment. “Ah, well. Guess you can go home then.” Sam shoves at his shoulder. Dean just laughs and pulls Sam in for a proper hello hug.
“Why are you standing out here, anyway?” Sam asks when they part.
“Can’t a man just hang out in his own front yard? Accompanied by a dashing canine companion?” He leans down to pat Miracle on the head.
“I guess…” Sam looks down at Miracle. When she tips her head up and gazes back at him, Sam snorts.
“Miracle on Cornelia Street,” Sam says with mirth.
Dean squints at him. “What?” he repeats, now more incredulous.
“You know—like Miracle on 34th Street. But we’re on Cornelia, so.” He nods down at the dog. “Miracle on Cornelia Street.”
“Dude.” Dean rolls his eyes at Sam’s goofy grin and starts walking up the path to the house, Miracle trotting behind him. “Shut up and come inside already.”
Sam follows after him, pausing just inside the threshold as he spots something on the doorframe. “Oh, classy,” he says, throwing a sardonic look to where D.W. and C.W. are scratched into the wood.
“Just wait,” Dean jokes with a toothy smile, “when I got the time I’m gonna draw a little heart around it.” He was joking, but now that he said it, he kind of wanted to.
Cas looks up from the stove when they walk into the dining room. He’s wearing one of Dean’s old AC/DC tees, the logo all but worn away from being washed so many times. He’s usually in some ratty tee or other when lounging around these days. But in honor of Sam’s visit today (Cas’ words) and to seem a little more dressy short of donning his usual button-downs (Dean’s private opinion), he’s also wearing the cable-knit cardigan Sam got him as a gift last Christmas. “Hi, Sam.”
Sam leans against the counter that separates the dining and kitchen areas, craning his giraffe neck to catch a glimpse at the stove. “Hey, Cas! What’cha cooking?”
“Nothing. Dean made it. I was just watching the pot so it didn’t boil over.” He locks eyes with Dean, his intent stare very clearly communicating I did not touch the chili I added nothing I did not touch the dial I was just watching it like you asked so don’t even start.
Dean just smiles as he walks past the counter and steps into Cas’ space. “Thank you, sweetheart,” he says, and busses Cas on the cheek.
“You’re welcome,” Cas replies warmly. He’s gazing up at Dean with those summer afternoon blue eyes, standing in one of Dean’s shirts and that dorky cardigan, and Dean starts to get full of that feeling from out in the front yard again. If they were alone, Dean would probably say something recklessly sappy like I am so stupid in love with you.
As it is, Dean clears his throat and turns back to Sam, slinging an arm around Cas’ shoulders, and says, “He did the salad.”
Cas sneaks him a knowing look before, thankfully, putting his attention on Sam without commenting on Dean’s hasty redirection. “I did the salad,” Cas agrees blithely, and places the salad bowl on the counter for Sam to see, seeming pleased with himself.
Sam looks between the two of them, an amused tilt to his eyebrow that Dean implicitly distrusts. He’s definitely thinking mocking thoughts about the two of them. But he just quirks a smile and says, “It looks great.” Shrewd little diplomat.
Cas shifts to the side to see past Sam’s shoulder. Sam glances behind himself before shooting Cas a confused look.
“She’s still at work,” Dean tells Cas, guessing who he’s looking for. “Sadly.”
“What, am I not good enough?”
“Of course you are,” Cas promises earnestly, just as Dean says, “Well…”
Sam’s opening his mouth to retort, probably something absolutely scathing, when his phone chimes. He pulls it out of his pocket, a smile spreading over his face. “Speak of the devil,” he says, then tips his head with a grimace, “as it were. That was Eileen. She’ll be here soon, so I’m gonna go wash up.”
“Bathroom’s down the hall—“
“Dude, I know where it is. I did help you guys move in.”
Dean spreads his hands in assent. “Fine, christ, I swear never to be a good host to you in my home ever again. Go ahead and go take your dump now.”
“I’m not gonna—ohmygodnevermind.” He turns on his heel and huffs down the hall, Miracle trotting after him, the tags on her collar clinking together jauntily.
Dean reaches past Cas to turn the burner off, then lands his hand on Cas’ hip. “Have I told you today how cute you are in that sweater?”
“Yes.” Cas brings his hands up to cradle Dean’s face. “Four times.”
“Make it five.” Dean kisses him. He pulls Cas into a hug, pressing his face against Castiel’s shoulder. They sway into each other. After a warm moment, Dean says in a low voice, “The first family dinner in our house.”
Cas hums a soft, contented sound in agreement. “The first of many,” he responds, just as quiet. Dean squeezes him tighter. He knows they’re both thinking about Jack and Claire, their bedrooms sitting empty and waiting for whenever they can find the time to visit—and Kaia and Alex and Jody with Claire, if they can, and Charlie and her girlfriend, and Bobby, and all the other wayward extensions of their sprawling family caught out in the wind. Their house isn’t big enough to host everyone, but with Sam and Eileen up the block and the bunker just a few miles out, there’s plenty of room to put up people who come out their way. Dean has the hope that 3767 Cornelia Street becomes a common pitstop for folks—a suburban Roadhouse, a tidier (much tidier) Singer Salvage.
Dean presses a kiss against Cas’ neck, and Cas breathes a sweet little sigh that pushes all thoughts about future dinners right out the window. Fuck, this dinner could go out the window, for all he cares. He kisses a little higher up, right under Cas’ jawline, before pulling back to catch Castiel’s darkened gaze. “How ‘bout we ditch the nag and go have a private party of our own?”
“Dean, no. I worked really hard on that salad.” He sounds perfectly serious, but the playful glint in his eye gives him away. Dean snorts, mumbling oh, forgive me, Chef Cas as he leans in again.
Just as they kiss, Sam walks back in. “Hey, I think something’s wrong with your sink–- oh, sorry.”
“Huh?” Dean reluctantly pulls away as Sam clears his throat, looking sheepish. “What’s wrong with what, Sammy?”
“Uh, with your bathroom.”
“The bathroom? Oh, what, you clogged the toilet?”
“Then how did the toilet get messed up?”
“It’s the SINK, the SINK—”
“You took a shit in the sink?”
Cas pinches the bridge of his nose. “Dean…”
“What? He started it.”
“Started WHAT?”
Dean snaps his fingers. “The end of the world.”
“Oh! My god!”
“I guess technically, yeah, since god is our kid...” He turns to Cas. “Weird, weird lives we lead.”
Cas just shakes his head, clearly exasperated. Sam has given up on speaking completely and has fallen back on making a gesture like he’s one second away from grabbing Dean by the throat.
“I was there for all twelve years of it,” Sam says to Cas, “and I still can’t believe you stayed with this guy.”
“Well,” Cas muses serenely, “you’ve been here a lot longer than me.”
Sam grimaces when Dean throws him his best shit-eating grin. Nothing like his two favorite people bonding over how much of a pain he is.
The sound of the front door opening distracts them, and then a voice calls, “Knock knock! The life of the party has arrived!”
“Eileen!” Sam exclaims happily. Miracle takes off down the hall, Sam hot on her heels.
Dean chuckles at Sam’s unabashed excitement, then gives Castiel another peck on the cheek before moving away from him. “Can you put everything out on the table? I’ll go check out the bathroom sitch real quick.”
Cas catches his hand as he starts to leave, softly saying his name. When Dean looks back at him, Cas smiles and says, “I love you.”
Dean wonders if maybe three time’s the charm and he should just give in to what his body wants him to do. If a man has a right to stand around and cry messily anywhere in his own home, surely the kitchen would be the place to do it. The kitchen, after all, is the heart of any house.
But Dean doesn’t. He indulges in a little sniffle, Cas’ eyes glimmering with knowing in the soft light. Dean brings Cas’ hand to his mouth and kisses the neat gold band around his finger, and he kisses each peaked knuckle, and he turns Cas’ hand over and kisses his palm and his wrist. Then he lets go and puts his own hand against Cas’ cheek, and says his recklessly sappy thing: “I love you, too, sweetheart.”
And the glowing feeling inside him doesn’t settle, only grows brighter.
Whatever’s wrong with the sink will be just one more thing to a long list of shit to deal with. Their house needs work, no denying. But Dean knows they’ve got plenty of time.
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drsilverfish · 5 years
The Rupture/ The Rapture - Subtextual Grammar and Castiel’s Relationship to Dean in 15x03
Hey everyone,
Catching up British time and just seen the ep, so looking forward to seeing all your posts and gifs shortly! Firstly, some musings of my own.
Has Berens’ ripped everyone’s hearts out already? That’s some pretty potent symbolism right there for heartbreak huh? (Sorry Ketch):
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The Rupture recalls, in subtext, through visual symbolism, Castiel’s long narrative journey in relation to Dean. So that Dean and Cas’ break-up, already foreshadowed by Chuck and Amara’s “divorce” in Reno last week, at the end of the episode (for those following the symbolism) is given extra punch. 
Firstly, the title, The Rupture 15x03 deliberately recalls, following Dabb’s ouroboros (circular/ spiral) narrative structure, The Rapture 4x20. That episode was critical for Dean and Castiel’s relationship. Castiel rebelled against Heaven and entered Dean’s dreams (his intimate space) in order to try to warn him about the angels’ plans by passing him a love note:
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In the subtextual grammar of the show, that pier incident, has become a symbol of Dean and Castiel’s intimate connection. For example in 14x10 Nihilism, you can see a pier at sunset with a figure standing on it in the background on the wall, behind Dean’s mind-Pamela:
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And remember, mind-Pamela profoundly represents Dean’s feelings for Castiel in that episode. Recall her costume, with the winged necklace and the T-shirt symbolising Dean’s salvation from Hell by Cas? And mind-Pamela, in Rocky’s Bar, is someone Dean wants, but thinks he can’t have.
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Of course, Castiel was dragged back to Heaven and punished for his disobedience in 4x20 The Rapture, yet, eventually, as we know, he rebelled again and chose to help Dean over Heaven. So, when Berens recalls The Rapture in his episode title, The Rupture, it is to remind us just how much Castiel has sacrificed for Dean. 
“I rebelled, and I did it, all of it.... for you” (5x02 Good God Y’All).
As Cas said to Dean last week, in 15x02 Raising Hell, what’s “real”, despite Chuck’s machinations?: “We are.”  
Cas can see (at that point) that his connection to Dean has profound meaning, at least for him (a profound bond, indeed) because Dean helped Cas finally break free of Heaven’s control. Something (we learn in 8x21 The Great Escapist) that Cas had been trying over and over to do for aeons, only to be mind-wiped and re-programmed again and again. Naomi tries to torture re-programme Cas, yet again, in 8x17 Goodbye Stranger, by getting him to murder endless Dean clones in Heaven (making it very clear that the source of Castiel’s free will and resistance is his connection to Dean specifically). BUT Cas’ bond with Dean is too strong, and he breaks free of Naomi’s conditioning when faced with the real Dean, bloodied and on his knees, telling him: “I need you.”
If anything in Chuck’s multiverse symbolises free will it is Castiel’s rebellion against Heaven for Dean. 
What Cas isn’t clear on, by 15x03, is that the “profound bond” continues to have any meaning for Dean himself. As he says, bitterly to Belphegor:
Cas: “Sam and Dean are just using you. Don’t mistake that for caring about you, because I an assure you, they don’t.”
Bel: “Wow, you learn that the hard way?”
The symbolism, of Castiel’s journey in relation to Dean, continues in 15x03 in the visual grammar, as we see Cas, literally, jumping into Hell:
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which of course recalls what we all know so well - that Cas fought his way into Hell and rescued Dean from Alastair’s clutches and resurrected him:
Castiel (to Dean): “When we discovered Lilith’s plan for you, we laid siege to Hell, and we fought our way to get to you...” (4x16 On the Head of a Pin). 
This shot of Dean and Cas together in 15x03, literally at Hell’s mouth, with a gravestone between them, likewise symbolises that event (Castiel’s resurrection of Dean from Hell) as well as the present “death” of their relationship:
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So, it’s no accident that the magical object Castiel is tricked by Belphegor into retrieving from Hell in 15x03 is Lilith’s crook. Because (as in the 4x16 quote above) Lilith was the demon who worked to ensure Dean was dragged to Hell, to be broken by Alastair (whom Belphegor re-mentioned, also not by accident, in 15x01 Back and to the Future) thus breaking the first seal to jumpstart Lucifer’s return and the apocalypse.
All these reminders of Castiel’s significance to Dean, of Castiel’s salvation of Dean, of how they averted Chuck’s apocalpyse before (in S5), together, at the very moment of their break-up.... 
So, when we see Castiel on his knees in Hell, reluctantly singing a praise hymn in Enochian to Lucifer in order to achieve access to Lilith’s crook, aka magic horn? (Belphegor explicitly refers to the crook as a “horn”).  
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Well, in subtext, the magic horn (Lilith’s crook) can be read as a sexual metaphor. 
This symbolism is the juxtaposition of the sacred and the profane - an angel at prayer in Hell. 
And following the shot of Cas kneeling in Hell, we get this shot of Dean, looking down into the Hell-mouth...
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A visual reversal of Castiel’s rescue of Dean from Hell in S4.
Castiel passes the “magic horn” to the demon wearing the body of his beloved son, Jack:
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 Jack who always, in subtext, symbolised the (forbidden) love between Dean and Castiel (his adoptive parents) because, as a Nephilim, he was the product of (forbidden) human-angel congress. 
Here at the start of S15, we know Castiel is losing his angelic powers after trying to heal Sam’s God-wound, and the show has previously been quite clear that becoming human entangles Cas in the world of human sexuality. We’ve seen that in 5x04 The End  with Castiel and the orgies he shares with Future!Dean:
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And we also saw it (crudely drawn by Bucklemming) in 9x03 I’m No Angel, when newly fallen Human!Cas has survival sex with the Reaper possessing April (yes, ugh - consent issues all round):
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Belphegor pleading with Cas in Jack’s voice reminds us of everything Jack meant to Cas. Cas, after all, once towed Heaven’s party line and regarded Nephilim as “abominations”. We saw that in 8x22 Clip Show, when Metatron  inveigled Cas into killing a Nephilim, in order to obtain her heart, for his (subtext-heavy) angel-fall spell, and we also saw it in the flash-back sequences in 12x10 Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets when Cas believed Akobel deserved to die for (supposedly) fathering a Nephilim child with Lily.  
What was once profane to Cas has become sacred. 
Jack, and loving Jack, represented (among other things) for Castiel, some kind of accommodation with his own secret heart. If the child of an angel (Lucifer, no less) and a human could NOT be a monster, then maybe an angel loving a human might not be monstrous either, despite Heaven’s edicts. 
But then Jack (apparently) killed Mary, and the Winchester family, whose always previously shaky membership (for Cas), Jack’s co-adoption with Sam and Dean had cemented for him, was blown apart. 
In 15x03 Cas is forced to kill Belphegor wearing the body of Jack:
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And the death of Jack’s Nephilim (human-angel union) image, becomes, in the visual grammar, a metaphor for the death of Castiel’s hope of any continuing union between him and Dean - the death, on Dean’s part, Cas believes, of the profound bond. Hence we get a corpse-shot:
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And Castiel’s tears:
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Castiel echoes (having absorbed them) Dean’s unkind (grief-stricken) words to him from 14x18 Absence, “You’re dead to me!”
Cas (to Dean): “I’m dead to you.” (15x03).
After everything they’ve been through together (to Hell and back, as carefully illustrated in the visual grammar of 15x03) Castiel has utterly lost hope that he has any remaining emotional meaning for Dean; without Jack, without Mary, without his powers.  
Walking away (as the Winchester family signature music plays poignantly in the background) is a huge (and ultimately positive) step for Cas, who has, over the years, more and more built his identity and his meaning around his connection to the Winchesters, following his long rebellion against (and rejection by) Heaven. After everything Cas has been through (the narrative suggests) he deserves to be his own person, to be loved for himself (not his powers) and not to be taken for granted. 
And so we are left with the LOUD narrative negative space of Dean’s silence at the end.
 We can see Dean’s tense body language, in the final shot, half poised as if to spring forward, half frozen to the spot, as Cas leaves:
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That silence in the narrative structure, which is mirrored in the symbolism of the ghosts/ demons being temporarily re-bottled up in Hell (like Dean’s feelings) as well as in the re-death of the feminine in the form of Rowena (because the feminine in the grammar of SPN = feelings) DEMANDS words, at some point down the road. 
Last time Cas was human, Dean kicked him out of the Bunker (thanks to Dean’s coercive pact with Gadreel) and we saw Cas’ broken-hearted suffering over that break-up in 9x06 Heaven Can’t Wait (Berens’ very first episode for SPN):
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This time, Cas has more agency. He decides to initiate the break-up, because his heart (and how very human of you, Cas) can’t bear being treated to Dean’s silence, Dean’s anger and Dean’s (apparent) indifference any longer. 
Now, we need not only to see Dean come to his own broken-hearted realisation over this (reverse) break-up (after all, we’ve seen Dean broken-hearted over losing Cas, to death, before now) but for Cas to see that realisation, in Dean. 
In The Rapture (4x20) we are told the story of how Castiel the angel came to take Jimmy Novak as a vessel - how the angel we know became conjoined to the human-form we best know him in:
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 In The Rupture (15x03) Castiel is losing his angelic powers again, moving once more towards inhabiting Jimmy Novak’s vessel, which is now his own body (Jimmy’s soul long-gone, and indeed that body destroyed and yet resurrected AS Cas, several times), as a human. 
Last time Cas was human, Dean missed his shot. How about this time?
The Ouroboros narrative is taking its final turn.     
My usual disclaimer: subtextual readings do not inevitably indicate or imply that textual romantic declarations will be forthcoming between Dean and Cas. That element of the story has been told in subtext for 10 years (and that’s where it quite likely will remain, in the terrain of ambiguity). Subtext IS however, part of narrative.
Nevertheless, an emotional reconcilliation of some sort, however readable as “brotherly”, comrades-in-armsy, nebulously “familial” etc. is, by story-logic, absolutely inevitable. 
That which is parted will be re-joined - Chuck to Amara, Cas to Dean. 
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whitewitchdani · 4 years
Laters, Baby: Chapter 10
Read Chapter 9 Here
Word Count: 2598
Pairing: Winchester!Sister x Lucifer
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of sex, language
A/N: Chapter 10! Let me know what you think and if you’d like to be tagged!
Later’s, Baby Masterlist
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You were pleasantly surprised that, although you had slept in Hell and on the way here, you felt tired almost as soon as your head hit the pillow. You had gotten more sleep in the last 24 hours alone than all three Winchesters combined got in a week. Though, with everything that had happened, could anyone really blame you? 
You snuggled deeply into the sheets of the bed and took a deep breath. Flipping over to your other side, you pulled the silk sheets up to your... Silk sheets? You opened your eyes to see red silk sheets in place of the white cotton ones that had been there before. What the hell? you thought to yourself. You were facing the door of the bedroom at Bobby’s house so you hadn’t left, what was going on? You returned to your left side and gasped as you were met with a pair of deep blue eyes. 
“I know you said red was cliché, but these are so much more comfortable than the drab that was on here before, aren’t they?”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Lucifer?”
“In the flesh. Well, sort of.”
“But, how? How’d you find-” you paused and let out a small laugh, “I’m dreaming, aren’t I?”
“‘fraid so doll. I know you’re disappointed you don’t get all this in person but since my annoying little bro carved that warding into all of your ribs, I can’t find you physically. This is the only way we can talk.”
“Talk about what? Are you finally going to tell me what the hell is going on?”
Lucifer sat up against the headboard and you followed suit. He took a deep breath and pushed a piece of hair behind your ear. It may have only been a dream, but it felt so incredibly real to you; you felt his hand touch your face and the chill that went down your spine as a result. 
“I suppose it’s only fair that you know as much as I do. This involves you too.” He sighed and rose from the bed, beginning to pace in front of it. “You know, this whole thing is just as weird for me as it is for you. You’re... human. Your whole race is broken, flawed. And for some Dad-forsaken reason, I can’t bring myself to kill you. I’m developing feelings. It’s terrible.”
“Okay this is getting a little insulting...”
“But it’s not terrible, that’s the thing. I like it. I like you. I was there when Father created the soulmate connection for humans. It was beautiful, one of the only things I envied of your kind. It’s incredibly rare, but deep and powerful when it happens.” He moved to sit back beside you on the bed. “Why Father brought you to me, I am unsure, but I am glad he did. I am eager to complete the connection, because I know that once we do we will be incredible together. Powerful.”
“Complete the connection? What do you mean? And powerful? Lucifer I’m so lost right now.” 
He caressed your face, “Right now, we are only in the beginning stages of the connection. I miss you, but it’s tolerable. After we complete the connection, we will truly become soulmates. Our souls will intertwine and become one. The mixture of your humanity and my grace as a result will make us extremely powerful, BOTH of us.” 
“How do we complete the connection?”
Lucifer smirked, “That’s the fun part. I’ve never had intercourse with a human, but from what I’ve seen it looks extremely enjoyable.”
“Woah, woah, wait. What?? Okay, number one; please don’t call it intercourse. Number two; we complete the connection by having sex? Seriously??”
“Yes, angel. And when we do we will be inseparable. You will receive some of my grace, and I will receive some of your humanity, making us two of the most powerful beings in existence.”
“This...this is insane.” You leaned back and rubbed your temples.
“Trust me, I know. It won’t happen immediately, I’m not a monster.”
“You’re literally the devil.” 
“Yes, but like I said, I’m nothing if not one for the classics. All that old school romance stuff looks fun. Plus, it’s a rule of the connection, it cannot be forced in any way.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. For some reason you trusted Lucifer, but knowing those things put you more at ease regardless. You were lost in your own head when Lucifer suddenly stood, “I have to go.”
You stood as well, “Wait what? Why? Lucifer, I have so many questions.”
He walked towards you and brought you into his arms. It was strange; you kept forgetting this was a dream because everything felt so real. You could feel his cool arms around you and how safe you felt in them; you could smell him, although you couldn’t place it, as it was something completely Lucifer. You only knew two things in that moment: how much you missed Lucifer and how much you wanted him to kiss you right now. Both of those things were equally amazing and surprising to you. 
“You will wake soon. Come find me out there. Find Castiel, he will tell you the proper way to summon me. Knowing him, he is somewhat supportive of this since it’s Dad’s plan and will help you. The pain of the separation will get worse the longer we’re apart, so try to hurry,” he said with a smirk. 
He looked down and cupped your face in both of his hands. You swore your heart stopped; he was going to kiss you. He leaned in slowly and you closed your eyes, waiting for his cool lips to meet yours and...
You woke up abruptly, shooting up into a sitting position with a gasp. You sat forward so suddenly you almost knocked foreheads with Sam who was sitting next to you on the bed. Thankfully he was able to scoot back in time to avoid the collision, but you woke up so abruptly that even Dean and Bobby, who were standing at the foot of the bed, took a step back as well. 
You were sitting there breathing heavily for a few seconds before Sam broke the silence, “Y/N, what the hell just happened?”
Turning to look at your twin, you tried to come up with a deflection on the fly, “What do you mean? I took a nap and had a nightmare, not exactly a new occurrence.”
Sam turned to look at the two men at the foot of the bed before turning back to his sister, “Y/N/N we’ve been trying to wake you up for over an hour, nothing’s worked. When we finally gave up you woke up on your own.” He handed you the glass of water he’d placed on the bedside table when he first came upstairs.
“Yeah, so you wanna try the truth this time?” Dean snapped, folding his arms.
After taking a long drink, you dropped your head into your hands; everything that was going on your life was starting to give you a migraine. The last thing you wanted to tell your family was that you spent your time in dreamland with Lucifer. You rubbed at your temples while contemplating on how to explain what had happened, reluctantly deciding on the truth.
You looked to your family and began, “I came up here to lay down and must’ve fallen asleep because when I rolled over, Lucifer was there.”
Dean cursed and ran a hand over his face, but Bobby was confused. “I don’t understand. How exactly did that happen?”
“Angels can enter our subconscious mind while we’re dreaming. Cas has done it to Dean before and Lucifer did it to me soon after he took Nick as a vessel. Y/N, what did he say to you?”
“He explained the soulmate connection; what it takes to complete it and what will happen afterwards.”
“Yeah you complete it and you’re like, officially soulmates. Being separated from you wouldn’t weaken him,” explained Sam.
You looked at Sam and sighed, “That’s part of it.”
Dean walked forward, “Wait, part?? What the hell else is there? Cas only told us about the completing part.”
You looked at your brother incredulously, “Good to know you knew more about this thing that affects me than I did,” you fidgeted with your hands and took a deep breath. Telling your brothers the next part was not going to be easy, you partly expected Dean to actually explode. 
“According to Lucifer, we complete the bond by, well, having sex,” you continued, causing everyone in the room to cringe at your statement. “But after that, apparently something happens, something mystical. He said that once the bond is completed, I will receive some of his grace and he’ll receive some of my humanity, causing us to become two of the most powerful beings in all of creation.”
You looked up from your fidgeting hands to see three pairs of wide eyes staring back at you. It wasn’t really surprising; you did just drop a huge bomb in their lap. You were having trouble believing it yourself. 
Dean suddenly swiped the books that were on the desk across the room onto the floor. You flinched at the sudden outburst. It wasn’t too surprising though; you knew Dean would be pissed.
“Hey, some of them books are one of a kind boy. I know you ain’t happy but if you ruin one of them books, I’ll put a boot in yer ass.” Bobby moved to pick up some of the books off of the floor, “I was buildin’ up a collection of books on archangels and this is what I got so far. How about instead of getting all hot and bothered, we do some research and try to find out what to do about this?”
Before anyone could move, Dean exploded. He turned to you, looking madder than you had ever seen him. “How are you so calm?? You just dropped that giant bomb on us so nonchalantly. Are you, like, okay with this or something?”
You stood from the bed, “Of course I’m not okay with this Dean! I don’t think any of us are okay with anything that has happened in the past year. But after talking to him, I think that I am Lucifer’s main focus, not the apocalypse. If we become as powerful as he says we will, we can strengthen Nick and he won’t need to take Sam as a vessel! 
“And I’m human! Don’t you think maybe loving and being with a human will cause him to maybe not hate us as a species so much? Angels are real, Dean, which means God is real. I know this is a concept that both of us have struggled to come to terms with, but now? I don’t think we have a choice. He apparently made me for Lucifer and I can feel it. It’s not something we can just ignore and hope goes away. Being away from him much longer is going to start to be physically painful. We’re running out of options.”
Dean’s face was stone; he always was hard to read. You couldn’t tell what was running through his mind and you were worried. Bobby and Sam were silent near the door, watching the scene unfold before them. They had learned long ago to not get in between a Dean-Y/N fight; it was how Sam earned his first black eye as a kid. 
The stone face was beginning to turn red, “No. No we are not out of options. Our original plan could still work. We can still shove the Devil back in the box!”
“And how do you think that would affect me, huh? I can already feel how being away from him is affecting me. Imagine if we put him back in the cage, what would happen to me? We’re Winchester’s, this is apparently our destiny!”
Dean scoffed, “Destiny?? God can take destiny and shove it right up his ass. You shouldn’t have any part in this, Y/N. I should’ve made you stay at Stanford when Dad went missing. This isn’t your fight; you aren’t even really a Winchester.”
You barely heard Sam’s exclamation. Your eyes went wide and your chest tightened as your worst fear became reality right in front of you. Ever since you found out you weren’t really their sister this was your greatest fear, that they’d drop you like yesterday’s newspaper. 
The room was silent as they awaited your reaction. A single tear slipped down your face as you finally met Dean’s gaze again.
“Get out,” you said quietly. 
You were too calm. It would’ve been better if you had started screaming at him. Bobby started herding Dean towards the door while Sam remained in the corner of the room. Dean had immediately regretted what he’d said as soon as it slipped past his lips. He turned and paused in the doorway, “Y/N/N-”
“I SAID GET OUT!” You grabbed the glass of water from the bedside table and launched it towards your brother. It impacted on the wall near his head, Dean ducking out of the doorway in the nick of time. 
You were breathing heavily as the door closed. You walked up and leaned your forehead against it, tears streaming down your face when a hand landed on your shoulder. Spinning around you came face to face with Sam, who you had forgotten was still in the room. 
“Please, just go Sam.”
“Dean didn’t mean that, Y/N. He’s just upset and worried. You ARE a Winchester, no matter if John and Mary are your parents or not. Obviously, you were meant to be in our family and as Bobby always says, family don’t end with blood.”
You smiled at your twin who returned it. In that moment you knew what you were going to do about the situation at hand. But you knew you couldn’t without saying something to Sam.
“Sam, you’re the best twin any girl could ever ask for. You’ve been my best friend my whole life and you were there for me through everything. I love you, Sam. So much. But you can’t be there for me through this. I’m sorry.” 
“I love you too, Y/N/N. What’s going on? What’re you sorry for?”
“For this.” You opened the door and shoved your brother through, closing and locking it after he was out. To ensure your twin’s six-foot-four frame wouldn’t bust through, you shoved the dresser in front of it as well. 
Standing there for a second, you just listened to Sam bang on the door, calling for you and then for Dean and Bobby. You knew you didn’t have much time before the three of them would be able to get the door open.
You closed your eyes and for a minute the room was bathed in silence. When you opened them again, you waited expectantly. Suddenly, there was a whoosh sound and you turned to the figure that had appeared in front of the window.
“Y/N, your brothers are on the other side of that door and very upset. What is happening? Why have you barricaded yourself from them and called me?” Cas squinted his eyes and tilted his head at you, a trait you had always found endearing. 
“I need help Cas and I know you’re the only one who will help me.”   
“What is it that you need?”
You took a deep breath and took a step towards the angel, “I need you to help me summon Lucifer.”  
Read Chapter 11 Here
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Heaven: Part four
Chapter Summary:
Anna recalls her past and Sam and Dean understand why Castiel and Uriel want her dead. Anna recognizes Ariel from 'work' but doesn't remember her as the new and improved angel she is now. Ariel and Dean finally steal a moment for themselves
Character(s): Ariel, Dean, Sam, Ruby, Anna, Castiel, Uriel, Lucifer, Michael
Pairing(s): Eventual Dean x Ariel, Ruby x Sam, (former) Lucifer x Ariel
Warning(s): MAJOR Angst, Little bit of Crack, Angelcest??? Typical SUPERNATURAL Violence, Mild Language
A/N: I've been struggling to write this chapter since I have to write more than 3 characters than what I'm used to. Writing for Sam, Ariel and Dean is easy peasy but Ruby, Anna, Pamela, and the others are very difficult. I am publishing this chapter into two parts since I feel like that would be the easiest and because it's very long.
Also, I have no idea how Angel relationships work. They don't share the same DNA at all but only the same creator so under that, they are somewhat 'related' but not technically. Ariel and Lucifer have a strange, toxic, codependent relationship to begin with because of the bond- so I can expect them to be strange and touchy but with Michael and Ariel, she shuns it.
Please feel free to leave feedback.
Beta'd by Zoe (a friend)
Word count: 3,270+
Sam took a step forward, his eyes wide. He doesn't understand why he's fearful for Ariel's life when a regular hunting knife won't injure her.
The tall hunter outstretched his arms, slowly walking toward Anna. "She saved your life- she isn't with them!"
"You heard them, Anna...lower your blade." Ariel delivered those lines coldly, a dark part inside of her awakening.
At the given moment, Ariel wanted to snap her neck like a twig, and get to the next seal but she couldn't. It wasn't the humane thing to do and inside her head, she fought a constant battle between light and dark.
Anna pressed the rigid blade deeper, breaking Ariel's soft skin. She winced only slightly; Angels still felt pain.
The lesser angel turned her head toward Dean, "Like hell, angels like her don't save lives." Anna tried to get through to him but he just stood there, surprised by Ariel's calm demeanor. "She takes them. She came to take mine- she doesn't help at all!"
Ariel looked at Sam with dead eyes, "Get this lunatic off of me, before I seriously hurt her." A complacent smile to match her dead tone.
Sam finally looked Ariel in the eyes, "Wait- What do you mean she takes them?" But if that were the case why didn't anyone else react that way when they met Ariel? There was a small glint of uncertainty in his eyes, almost like he wanted to believe Anna.
Ariel scrutinized the two hunters, wondering what they were going to do. Were they going to let Ariel explain or kick her out? Inside she felt the suffocating darkness, devouring the good in her, and on the outside, she appeared calm.
Anna lowered the knife, "In Heaven- what do you think she did? Think she sat on a chair all day and watched you guys?" She gave her full attention to the hunters in an attempt to sway them to her side. "She was sort of like a dog. Michael says go fetch...she would fetch. Michael says-"
"Kill..." Pamela cut off Anna, stealing Ariel's attention.
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Anna nodded her head, "She kills..." She looked at Ariel before continuing, "I used to report back to her... she was Head of my division. She watched humans for millions of years and then one day..."
Anna turned back to the Winchesters, "She smites an entire city- Children, women, innocent people that didn't deserve to die..."
The archangel's jaw tightened as Anna unraveled her ugly past. Her azure eyes met Dean's, his chartreuse eyes giving the angel a once over before shaking his head.
"People change." Dean murmured.
This earned him an incredulous look from Anna and a small smile from his archangel.
Ariel returned her attention back to the aggressive angel, "I saved your life... I have changed.
"Ariel is not innocent." Anna protested, walking over to Dean who just had a weird look in his eyes. He was ready to accept that she changed rather than lose her. Dean had done some horrible things too, did that mean that he couldn't change?
The worst part for Ariel was Dean, him trying so hard to be loyal, with every instinct telling him otherwise.
Sam shifted on his back foot, "And apparently... neither are you, Anna."
Pamela stood from her chair, "Ariel...why does that sound so familiar?" She turned her head in the boys' general direction. It took her only a moment to piece it together, "Why the hell is the angel that almost killed me- here hanging with you like she's family. I would think you'd kick her ass to the curb once she told you God had work for you."
"Don't talk about my Father like that..." Ariel tilted her head up toward the ceiling, inhaling deeply as she couldn't process what the hell she was feeling. Was this anxiety or panic? Maybe a little bit of both. She felt like she was on the chopping block although they couldn't kill her, she still felt like she might die.
"Why? It's not like he is actually there for you." Anna sneered.
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Ariel pushed herself up off of the wall and glared at Anna with contempt in her voice, "He brought me back from the dead just so I can save your insufferable ass," She closed the gap between them, now in her face. "So that's a giant fuck you- to your face."
The archangel snatched the hunting blade from Anna's hand, spinning her around and forcing her against the wall with glowing gold eyes; There was a small hint of red in them. She held the blade against Anna's throat as her back was pressed flat against the iron wall. Ariel had no intention of hurting Anna. She just wanted to scare her into submission.
"Ariel!" Dean bellowed.
Ariel flipped her fiery red hair over her shoulder and let out a low huff, "You all have no idea what the hell it is like- to- to have a connection to Lucifer." She said his name with disgust. "Not just body and mind- but Grace. He's... inside of me. I can feel his...claws hooked deep," Her words fell off near the end.
The archangel subconsciously pressed the rigid blade deeper into Anna's neck, it pricking at her skin, drawing blood. "I was young- Dp you know what happens when you disagree with Lucifer? And you're always meant to be together because your Father likes to experiment?"
Ariel finally lowered the blade, turning to face Dean who had shared the same choleric expression as her. "So, don't paint me as this evil archangel-" She paused, peering over her shoulder at Anna and gripped the blade in her hands. Before she continued, she stabbed the blade right beside Anna's head, sticking it into the iron wall with great force.
"Because I am NOT Him," Ariel growled.
Soon after the outburst, Ariel's heels scuffed against the concrete as she walked past the Winchesters and used her grace to unlock the door. It swung open and she stepped through, furiously strutting over to the steps and leaving the basement.
Only a few seconds passed when the sound of a door slamming shut, echoed throughout the house and startling them all.
Dean flinched at the sound, his eyes still glued to the spot where she jammed the knife into the iron wall. His brain couldn't comprehend what the hell just happened before his eyes. The hunter gulped his jaw and shifted his gaze over to the wayward angel that just attacked his 'girlfriend.'
Everything escalated so quickly.
Anna's voice softened, "I'm sorry... But you can imagine why I was nervous-"
Dean cut her off, trying his best to conceal his frustration. He slightly shook his head in response to her half-assed apology, "Don't," He muttered. "She'll be fine...Just try not to attack her again with a knife."
Sam inhaled deeply and glanced at his brother who was just as unsure as him."Let's uh... go upstairs and see if there's anything in Bobby's books." He murmured as he motioned to the stairs,
Anna nodded at this, reluctantly going upstairs with a terrified Ruby.
Sam sighed, "What do we do?" He looked to Dean for help
The short-haired hunter ran his hand over his face. "Not sure." Dean's response was short, but he wore a stoic expression as he was deep in thought.
Today was going to be a long day.
Sam took a deep breath before giving a curt nod and starting for the door. Once he reached the devil's trap he glanced over his shoulder with a wary expression, "Do you believe her? I mean- about Ariel..."
This question earned a soft grunt from Dean, while his eyes were still fixed on the hunting knife. His brows snapped together as he heard a loud "Dean" from Pamela. The jaded hunter turned his body toward the blind psychic and held out his arm for her to latch onto.
"Sorry," Dean whispered.
Pamela held onto Dean for guidance as they left the panic room and headed toward the stairs. She furrowed her brows as Ariel's words echoed in her mind, 'He brought me back from the dead' If she was brought back from death a month later, would she still be the same?
Dean kept his eyes straight ahead as he traveled up the stairs with Pamela. A burning sensation filled his ears, almost like there was something that needed to be said but what? He decided he should now thank Pamela for her help before anything else transpired and he never gets the chance to.
"Thanks-" "Dean-" They spoke simultaneously.
A small smile crept onto Dean's lips at the scenario, "You first." He stated as he helped her up to the top step, watching her turn around to face him.
Pamela took a short breath before placing a light hand on his forearm, "There is darkness there... I felt it." Her comment prompted Dean to push her hand away and attempt to walk past her but she took a step in front of him.
"You have to consider... is Ariel really on your side?" She murmured.
Dean's eyes shot up to her black sunglasses, glowering at her with a clenched jaw. "Sam's waiting." He stepped around the psychic and walked into the library where he was met with Sam, Anna, and Ruby; Pamela close in tow.
For the time Dean and Pamela had been in the basement, Anna had been upstairs apologizing to Sam for freaking out.
Anna paced the room, her arms folded over her breasts as she pondered who might have come after her. "Don't be afraid... I'm not like Ariel or the others," She spoke with uncertainty heavy in her voice.
"I don't find that very reassuring..." Ruby argued with her arms crossed as she leaned against the doorway. She remained outside of the library and near the entrance because of the Devil's trap above their heads.
The cherry red-haired woman stopped in her tracks and glanced up at the Winchesters. "So...Castiel, Uriel-- they're the ones that came for me? Not the archangel?"
Dean's reply was abrasive, "No, she doesn't want to kill you. If her bashing in that prick's head isn't proof enough then I don't know what is." He perched himself against the desk, hoping Ariel didn't think he believed she was like Lucifer.
Sam inhaled sharply at the memory of the small redhead using all her strength to punch Uriel in the face. A faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he thought of her habit of not holding back, it was scary but also reassuring.
"So, you know them?" The giant asked, his eyes following the fallen angel.
Anna reluctantly nodded her head, "We were kinda in the same foxhole..." She fiddled with the zipper on her jacket as she stopped to think of what to say next. She sighed, "Before humans- before you all... I used to report to Ariel."
"So, if Ariel was your boss... What about Castiel and Uriel?" Dean queried, tapping his fingers on the wood.
Anna smiled faintly at the assumption that those two held rank over her. "Try the other way around...Though I'm sure after my fall, someone put Castiel in charge."
"But now they want to kill you?" Pamela's voice came from behind the angel, drawing attention from Anna to her. She stood leaning against the other side of the door frame but decided it was best to sit down.
Being the gentleman he was, Sam stepped forward to help Pamela into the nearest chair.
Anna let out a small sigh and began pacing the room again, "Orders are orders. I'm sure I have a death sentence on my head."
A small 'Why?' came from Pamela which prompted Anna to stop in her tracks and turn to the group, "I disobeyed..." She started. "Which, for us, is about the worst thing you can do... I fell."
"So like... Ariel?" Sam questioned.
Anna inhaled deeply, "No, that's different-"
"How is it different?" Dean cut Anna off.
"Anna fell to earth... became human." Ariel's sudden voice caused everyone to flinch and turn in her direction, she was walking into the kitchen with a bag of what they assumed to be food.
Food always dissolved tension. Right?
Anna tensed up at her sudden presence while all the others relaxed; There was an obvious shift in the atmosphere. The fallen angel slowly turned to face her former superior officer, her hazel eyes darting between Ariel's eyes and the food.
"You can relax. I'm going to murder you with Biggerson's." Ariel joked as she began taking the fast food out of the paper bags and placing it on the dining table.
Dean watched Ariel, searching her for any hint of sadness from earlier but she looked unbothered. At least on the outside. But Dean knew she was hurting inside.
Sam pursed his lips, "I'm not understanding, If you can become human- why can't she?" He pointed to the copper-haired archangel that stepped past the fallen lesser angel and over to where he was standing. It was odd to have her stand next to him and not next to Dean. Was she mad at Dean, or ashamed to be near him?
Ariel perched herself on the desk, leaning close to Sam, knowing he could relate to maybe how she was feeling with the darkness brewing inside her.
"It's different for archangels- ours refills over a long period of time... but regular angels- lesser angels, their grace doesn't. And removing your grace... it's painful," Ariel informed them.
Anna reluctantly nodded her head in agreement, "Try cutting your kidney out with a butter knife. That kind of hurt." She let out a heavy sigh. "I ripped out my grace."
The righteous man's brows snapped together at that statement, "Come again?"
The troubled archangel drew her lower lip between her lip and shifted onto her less dominant foot. "I told you....grace- it's pure energy. It's what let us use our magic," Ariel explained.
"Right... So, I hacked it out and fell. And my mother, Amy, couldn't get pregnant. Always called me her little miracle," Anna glanced over at Dean with a faint smile.
Ariel caught this.
"And the longer she stayed Human... she forgot she was an angel," Ariel added with a curt nod.
Dean raised a brow at Ariel's response. He had to be honest, he wasn't listening. When Ariel entered, his attention went to her wings that were draped around her and Sam. Maybe she didn't mean it or she just propped them up behind her- but it bothered Dean. And she didn't look at him once since she had returned and now he felt like maybe there was something wrong between them. He was pulled out of his thoughts when Ruby broke the silence.
"We're screwed," Ruby huffed. She pushed herself up from the frame and shook her head, "Ariel has little to no grace, Anna has NO grace- I don't think you all appreciate how completely screwed we are."
"Ruby's right." Anna paced the room once again before stopping and recommencing, "Heaven wants me dead- and if Ariel has no grace- She can't fight off angels and demons. Maybe one side- but even then..." The fallen angel let out a frustrated sigh and looked to Ariel for guidance, it was a force of habit.
Ariel's eyes were fixed on the carpet as she thought over how the scenario would go, "The only solution would be, to find your grace." She pushed herself up from the desk and walked around the side. "Ruby is basically human besides a few magic tricks and strength,"
The archangel unfolded the map of the USA and stretched it out over the desk as she resumed speaking, "Anna is human and I can't even smite a fly... So we need her to get her grace back, whether it be for her- that is... if she chooses to stay human."
"So, what, one of you just takes some divine bong hit, and, shazam, and you become Roma Downey?" Dean pointed between the two redheads and each of them nodded but one responded verbally.
"Something like that," Anna replied.
Dean straightened and turned around to face his angel that still hadn't made eye contact with him. He opted to ignore her silent treatment and clasped his hands together, "Alright, Red, I like your plan. So where's this grace of hers?"
Ariel shook her head and kept her eyes locked on the map, "Hard to say," She lied. "After I had the job change, I never paid Anna any mind. She fell sometime around the 20th century...because then- I remember speaking with Castiel. He was... heartbroken to say the least."
Sam smiled faintly at her response, "How old are you?" He knew she danced around the topic of age, he wasn't sure why. It wasn't as if they would be repulsed by the fact she is billions of years old. If anything Sam would probably ask a ton of questions.
A quaint smile danced across her lips, "Like I've told you before, I've been alive since creation- not before..." Ariel gazed at Sam with sweet eyes, "But you already knew that- You're just calling me old." She laughed, keeping her eyes on Sam until her smile faltered when she remembered how serious things were at the moment.
"Anyways," She cleared her throat and focused on the map. "We should be able to figure it out depending on where she fell...so?"
Dean watched this exchange with jealous eyes. He remembered that day... Ariel went off with Sam for two days and they came back acting weird as if something happened between them. Sam would always say 'Ask Ariel' and she would just say 'Ask Sam.'
It was an annoying paradox that would have never ended if he hadn't stopped prying.
Glowering at his brother and not even bothering to listen to the plan, Dean was startled when Sam said his name.
"What?" Dean snapped.
"I asked if you can take Pamela home while Ariel and I figure out where her grace landed," Sam huffed at his brother's obliviousness wondering what the hell had Dean so caught up in his head. Little did he know, it was him.
"Yeah, sure..." Dean toned down his envy and dug through his jean pockets for the impala keys. Once he found them he pivoted on his heel and held out a hand for Pam to take.
Ariel kept her eyes on the map as she sifted through her deepest memories, trying to remember where her grace landed. She was on earth at the time, right? Yes. The guardian's brows snapped together as she could distinctly remember the screaming. God, the screaming.
How could she have done these terrible things?
Was that what God wanted?
'Did you change your mind?' An incorporeal voice reverberated through Ariel's skull causing her to flinch.
Ruby eyed her, "You alright?" She questioned Ariel who seemed a bit skittish.
Ariel parted her lips, taking in a short breath. She went too deep into her memories and came across horrors and regrets.
It all overwhelmed her.
"No," She murmured.
"What's wrong?" Sam straightened as he gazed at the agonized angel. He could tell it had something to do with Lucifer from how she flinched. He now wondered if Lucifer was speaking to her from the cage.
That couldn't be possible, right? Maybe it was just a flashback.
Anna stared at her former boss with furrowed brows."Maybe just go outside- get some fresh air," She murmured.
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cas-lost-grace · 5 years
Dean/Cas/Benny, true!mates au
Castiel knows something’s wrong when he feels his chest tighten. Dean’s anguish seeps through their mating bond and makes Cas gasp.
Castiel’s vision narrows, all that matters is to get to his mate as fast as possible so he doesn’t even know how he’s gotten home. He finds Dean curled on the couch in their living room.
The room is warm and comfortable and smells of their love but right now it feels like a battlefield. Cas crosses it in a few fast strides and reaches for Dean. Dean makes a pained sound and cowers to avert Cas’ touch.
"Dean!" Cas breathes out collapsing on his knees next to the couch. "Dean, babe, what’s wrong?"
"I can’t-" Dean sobs, "I can’t talk about it." He wipes his wet eyes but there are more tears rolling down his cheeks.
Cas feels his own eyes burning, his own sobs stuck in his throat.
"Dean, please, I’m your mate, I love you, whatever’s going on, you can tell me."
Dean whines as if Cas’ words are hurting him further and he shakes his head vehemently. "Please, don’t. Don’t."
Cas forces himself to heave a breath. He turns around and sits down leaning his back against the couch.
"Alright, Dean. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. You can tell me when you’re ready. Or you can ask anything of me. I’m here."
He squeezes his eyes shut and clenches his teeth when he hears Dean crying harder, but he doesn’t move.
The sobs turn into soft sniffles after a few long minutes and eventually Dean’s breathing evens out. Cas thinks he cried himself to sleep, but then Dean’s hand touches his neck tentatively, sending a shiver down his spine. Dean’s gentle fingers find the mating mark on the side of Cas’ neck and he sniffs a little again. When he speaks his voice is hoarse from crying and weak as if he doesn’t want to hear his own words.
"There’s a new guy at work. Benny, he’s-"
There’s something strange coming through the bond, something that makes Cas’ hackles rise and simultaneously warm pools in his belly. He almost catches the truth before Dean says it out loud.
"He’s my true mate."
Castiel’s blood runs cold. His vision darkens at the edges and there’s ringing in his ears. His heart is beating so hard it’s painful.
He hears Dean calling his name, but it sounds far away. The only thing that anchors him is the slight press of Dean’s fingers against his mark. Cas tries to focus on taking small gulps of breath. The ringing in his ears subsides and he starts making sense of Dean’s words.
"It doesn’t mean anything. You’re my mate. I love you. I’m not going anywhere. I love you. Cas. You’re the only one, I swear."
"Stop," Cas says, his voice dull. Dean shuts his mouth with an audible clap. The silence is heavy, interrupted only by the sounds of their breathing.
Cas understand why Dean’s been crying. He can feel his sadness like his own. He knows how it feels to lose your true mate. He knew his since they were kids, but Balthazar died when Cas was twenty, long before he met Dean. He remembers how awful it was to lose him, he remembers the sound of his own heart breaking.
Now he hears an echo of it from Dean, smells it in the air.
But through the veil of pain, he sees one thing. He understands that the reason why Dean feels this way is that he’s chosen him. He’s chosen Cas over his true mate and even though it pains him, his decision is so firm he mourns his true mate as if he was dead.
That realization makes Cas turn and wrap his arms around Dean, squeezing him so hard air rushes out of his lungs.
He rubs his face against Dean’s neck, breathing in his smell, mixing it with his own.
"Cas," Dean sighs and Cas realizes he’s smearing his own tears all over Dean’s skin.
Cas´ heart feels unsteady, stumbling, his chest too tight for it. Dean loves him. He loves him so much that he’s willing to sacrifice his happiness for him. No, that’s not it, he believes he’s already found his happiness with Cas and he doesn’t want to ruin it no matter how much it hurts. Cas sobs and pulls Dean closer, dragging him off the couch and into his lap.
"Cas!" he gasps and it’s almost a chuckle, he must feel Cas’ giddiness and he doesn’t understand it.
Cas’ fingers tangle in Dean’s hair and he tugs a little, tilting Dean’s head so he can press a hard kiss to his lips before looking into his eyes.
"I love you," he says firmly, surer by the truth of his words than ever.
Dean’s eyes fill with tears. "Cas, I-"
"Shh. Everything’s okay, Dean. It’s fine," he kisses him again, soft and slow. "I wanna meet that Benny."
Dean recoils as if being struck. There’s hurt and fear polluting his smell.
"But, Cas, I-"
"No, no! Calm down. You’re my mate and I’m never letting go of you, Dean. All I want is seeing you happy-"
"I’m happy with you!"
"I know, I know, Dean. But I can’t let you let this go. I know what it’s like to lose your true mate and I can’t let that happen to anyone. Not you, not even the stranger."
Dean rubs his eyes with the heels of his hands. "So what? You want me to cheat on you? I’m not gonna do that."
Cas huffs out a laugh. "No. Of course not. All I’m saying is we should meet. All three of us. And maybe we’ll figure something out."
Dean frowns at him, pouting his lips adorably. "You’re not going to rip his throat off, do you?"
Cas laughs again, this time it feels real, his insides are warm again and his head is light. "No, unless you tell me to."
Dean lets out a huge sight and his relief rushes through their bond straight into Cas’ chest. Dean presses himself against Cas, resting his chin on his shoulder. "I love you, Cas, I love you so much."
Cas is nervous. Dean’s nervous. Cas wonders if Benny is nervous too. He should be, he’s meeting his true mate’s mate. What a mess.
Dean is resetting the table for the third time. Cas moves their wedding photo slightly to the left. The bell rings. Dean jumps. Cas squeezes his shoulder reassuringly and gains himself a weak smile. They walk to the door hand in hand. Dean takes a deep breath before he opens the door.
Cas’ breath catches in his throat. Benny is as tall as him but broader and he holds himself in a way that makes him seem bigger. His eyes are icy blue but the look in them is warm even though a little unsure right now. He’s hot, of course, he is, he’s Dean’s, true mate.
"Hello," he says, his voice as deep and warm as Cas expected from his looks.
"Um, hey! This is Cas," Dean says. Benny smiles at him then extends his hand to Cas who squeezes it tight. He can smell him now. Strong and masculine and warm. He smells like security, like warm sheets in the morning, like something you want to hold on to.
"Benny. Nice to meet you." He has a strong Louisiana accent that somehow only accentuates the warmth coming off of him.
"Castiel. Welcome to our home," with that he releases his hand and motions him inside.
Somehow, the dinner is less awkward then Cas expected. He reluctantly blames it on Benny’s personality - it’s hard not to feel comfortable and relaxed around him. He just seems like he can make everything alright. Cas hopes this whole thing will turn out alright too.
At first, he mostly watches Dean and Benny interact. They fit well together. Have a similar sense of humor and some mutual interests. They don’t flirt, fortunately, just talk like friends, or like a married couple. The thought makes Cas’ stomach churn. Dean must feel it because he squeezes his thigh under the table. Benny’s icy eyes turn to Cas.
"So, you’re a teacher, right?" Cas searches his face and his smell for a hint of hostility, of jealousy, but there’s none. Benny seems genuinely open and friendly, so Cas humors him by talking about his job and asking him about his life.
Eventually, he catches himself having a good time.
When they finish eating Dean and Cas start cleaning up the table. Benny offers to help but they shoo him away so he goes on the porch for a smoke.
"He’s taking too long," Dean says, frowning, concern coming off him in waves. "I hope he didn’t run away."
"I’m sure he didn’t. Let’s check out on him."
They step outside together but the moment Cas sees him - shoulders hunched, his confidence gone from his posture, he stops and lets Dean approach him alone.
"Benny?" Dean addresses him softly. Cas notices Benny running the back of his hand under his eyes. Dean must have noticed too because there’s something soft and fluttering running through their mental bond. He squeezes Benny’s shoulder. Benny turns at him and strives for a smile that comes off mirthless.
Cas can feel the intimacy of the scene before him, but he can’t tear his eyes away, can’t force himself to leave.
"You okay?" Dean asks.
Benny huffs a little. "Yeah, yeah, I am just..." it’s obvious he doesn’t want to admit his feelings but it’s hard to hide anything from your true mate. Cas remembers that.
"It’s a bit hard seeing the two of you together. The way you fit together, complement each other. Your bond is so strong and I... I’m kinda sad I will never have this." Cas feels a pang of pain in his chest and can’t tell if it’s his own or Dean’s. Benny tries to hide his hurt by a smile but it doesn’t really work.
Dean opens his mouth to console him somehow but Benny cuts him off. "Dean, I’m not going to steal you away from Cas. He doesn’t deserve that and I... I’m not sure I can give you what you have with him."
Dean takes a deep breath. "I love Cas," he says and this time it’s him who doesn’t let the other interrupt him. "I love him more than I thought I could love anyone. I thought I loved him with my whole heart, but the truth is now I think my heart is too big for that. I mean, who says the heart is a limited source of love? That the love can run out? That I have only enough for one person?"
"Dean," the one word holds so much hurt, so much want, that it’s almost impossible. Cas holds his breath as he watches from shadows his mate stepping closer to Benny.
"I love Cas and that’s not gonna change. But I feel that I could love you too. That I should." He places his hand on Benny’s cheek and leans down to press their lips together - softly, chastely. Cas feels the bolt of lightning the simple touch sends through Dean’s body. It makes his blood rush, his skin prickle begging for touch.
Benny’s eyes fall shut during the kiss and he keeps them closed for a moment after Dean pulls back.
"He’s still your mate. Shouldn’t he have a say in this?"
"He does," Dean says with a hint of a smile and looks at Cas. Cas almost has to laugh realizing that Dean’s known about him the whole time.
Benny’s eyes, on the other hand, widen as Cas steps out of the shadows and walks towards him. He seems like he expects Cas to strike.
"Dean, go pour us a drink," Cas says squeezing Dean’s hand briefly. Dean nods and leaves without a question. Cas takes his place in front of Benny.
"I meant everything I said. I’m not going to take him away from you, " Benny says when Dean’s out of earshot.
"I wouldn’t let you."
They consider each other for a long moment. It’s Cas who breaks the charged silence.
"I can feel you through his bond. How much he wants you, how much he needs you."
Benny licks his lips, he’s breathing slowly, surely taking in Cas’ smell, but it’s probably not enough because he leans even closer to Cas’ neck, speaking into his ear a confession of his own.
"I smell you all over him," he says, " your smells are so mingled together that when I smell my true mate... I can’t tell where he ends and you start."
Cas turns his head so his lips are just inches from Benny’s. "Because we’re one. Does it mean-"
Benny nods minutely. "I take it. All of it. If you want me."
Their kiss is nothing like the one Benny shared with Dean. It’s open-mouthed and slow, so slow it’s actually filthy, the two of them tasting each other, exploring.
They only stop when they hear a loud clink from the door. Benny’s hand resting on Cas’ hip tightens.
They both turn to see Dean standing in the doorway, two glasses in one hand, third in the other.
He’s trembling slightly.
They’re both at his sides in an instant, arms wrapping around him, holding him, comforting him through touch. It’s weirdly natural, the three of them intertwined, Dean in the middle, leaning into them both. Cas nuzzles at his neck smelling the relief and happiness that makes him sob.
"You really think this can work?" Benny asks his fingers running through Cas’ hair, his other arm wrapped around them both.
"I hope so," Dean breathes out. "I’m already liking this too much." He grins and presses a kiss to Cas’ temple before turning his head and kissing Benny. The effect is much stronger now when they’re all touching each other and Cas groans when he feels his blood rushing south.
"Let’s move to the bedroom and see how that’s gonna work."
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helianthus21 · 6 years
10 Years Of Castiel
Day 3: Cas & the angels or Cas & the Winchesters
because why can’t he have both? inspired by B99′s episode “The Party”
Samandriel shifts his weight nervously from one foot to the other.
“Stand still,” berates Rachel, sending him a glare that is just this side of disdainful.
“I'm nervous,” he defends himself. “We're finally meeting the man Castiel chose over Heaven.”
He says the name Castiel like a revelation. Like he's not sure he's worthy of tasting the word on his tongue.
Anna steps forward and puts a hand on Samandriel's shoulder. “He did not choose one thing over the other,” she assures gently. “He simply moved into a new home.” Her hand tightens on his shoulder, not less gentle, but with underlying sternness to it. “In any case, have I not told you to dress appropriately for this, Samandriel?”
Samandriel looks down at the work uniform of the Wiener Hut his vessel was wearing when he said Yes, and his eyes widen in panic. He hadn't thought of changing his vessel's costume. Now what would they think of him? When Anna mentioned appropriate outer appearances, he'd thought 'take a human vessel', for burning the humans' eyes out was considered a social faux-pas when attending human festivities. Really, it would be just rude.
“Humans have a high regard for their 'dress code', I believe it is called,” provides Hannah helpfully.
Even without seeing it, the whole flock that stands in a circle around the entrance of the Bunker can feel Balthazar's eye-roll as a wave rolling through their graces. “Someone who thinks wearing those ridiculous plaid scraps of clothing is à la mode has no business judging other people's fashion senses, trust me, darling.”
Anna rounds on him. “And you,” she says, pointing an almost accusing finger at him. “Behave. No snide remarks towards Dean. In fact,” she considers, face turning oddly green around the edges as she visualises the multitude of Balthazar's possible social transgressions. “Don't talk to Dean at all. Find an unobtrusive corner and when approached talk about... wine. Yes, that might be for the best.”
“I'll just talk about fighting techniques and military strategy,” Inias practically bounces with excitement at the prospect of acquainting himself with these humans. “They are all hunters, right? They'll love the subject of war.”
Anna looks around the group one last time and asks if everyone's ready before she presses the door bell. After just a few seconds, the door opens and Castiel greets them with a mild smile and excitedly buzzing grace. “You're here!” he says, and then, more subdued, “Thank you for coming. I hope you found the way without complications.”
“Hello, Castiel!” greets Samandriel. He'd only ever caught glimpses of The Rebellious One, and it is an honor to be graced with his presence. “Your trench coat is magnificent,” he says, and judging by the warning squint Anna sends his way and Balthazars gleeful amusement he must have promptly made a fool of himself.
But Castiel doesn't seem to notice. “Thank you. I wear it every day.”
Behind his back, Samandriel hears Balthazar murmur something that sounds like “This promises to be very entertaining.”
At this very moment, another figure joins them at Castiel's side, rubbing a hand up and down his back in a manner that seems like it’s a familiar gesture between them. Castiel leans into the touch and smiles up at Dean Winchester.
“Hey, so, glad to have you here and all that,” Dean greets them half-heartedly, but Samandriel beams right over his lack of courtesy and sticks out his laden arms towards him.
“We bear gifts for our hosts!”
Reluctantly, like he suspects the carton to hold a bomb instead of a dessert native to human cuisine, he accepts the present. “It's pie!” Samandriel encourages, until Dean finally opens the lid.
He observes the contents, and then a judgmental look that could rival Archangel Raphael's (may he rest for their peace) hits Samandriel from under long lashes. “That's not pie,” Dean corrects drily. “That's cake.”
Samandriel shifts again, nervous about having misstepped. “I-,” he stammers. “Aren't those... the same?”
A heavy silence follows, so charged that it reminds him of the calm of the gathering of Grace before a smiting. Then: “They're not the same!”
“Dean.” Castiel intervenes by laying a hand on top of Dean's shoulder, and the effect is instant. Dean puts on a more relaxed posture and plasters on a smile.
“Thanks for the... cake. Can I offer you some of it? Maybe,” he shrugs a shoulder. “All of it?”
Before Samandriel can respond, Anna pushes her way past him into the Bunker, halting just in front of the hosts. “That would be most gracious of you, thanks.” With another warning glare towards the group of angels, she leads the way to the center of Castiel's birthday party.
Inside, there are people Samandriel has heard of from the Gospels. Sam Winchester may be the most prominent of them, but there's also Claire Novak of the bloodline of Castiel's vessels, and the prophet Kevin Tran as well as who appears to be his mother looking askance at the angels. The woman beside Sam Winchester is a Man of Letter legacy and huntress with the name Eileen Leahy, as she tells them. Two other women surprise Samandriel by throwing their arms around him in greeting, appearing to prefer a much less formal greeting ritual than the rest of the hunters. The one with the red hair, Samandriel learns, rules over a land called Moondoor, and the other one introduces herself as Donna, a sheriff of some American state that is not Kansas, where they’re currently located.
Human hunters are not the only guests on this party, however. There's a gruff looking vampire who grunts out he's “Benny” and then disappears to whisper something into Dean's ears, a young psychic by the name of Patience and an anxious looking dreamwalker who never leaves Claire Novak's side for too long.
In the dark haired young girl who laughs about something the other sheriff, Jody Mills, is saying, Samandriel can sense faint traces of vampirism. He's curious about the story she could tell, but hesitates to approach.
“Samandriel!” Castiel's voice catches him unaware and he whirls around. His little heart beats against the fragile ribcage of his borrowed body. Castiel is carrying a plate with a slice of the cake he brought and offers it to Samandriel. “Sorry, I should have told you. Dean prefers pie. But I personally find your cake most excellent. Can I ask, where did you buy it?”
“I made it myself!” Samandriel says, his wings spreading proudly over his head in the etheric plane.
Castiel seems impressed indeed, just as Samandriel had hoped. “Good work,” he praises and Samandriel feels as if the skin on his vessel's face heats up.
When Dean again steps up next to Castiel, he supposes his chance has come. He'll befriend the new family of The Rebellious One. “What did you think about the movie Tombstone?” he asks, apropos of nothing. Anna had briefed them about social etiquette, but her lecture about How To Start A Conversation had seemed so unnecessary complicated to him back then.
Dean raises an eyebrow his way. “You've watched Tombstone?”
In reality, Samandriel has only read the synopsis on the back of this flat visual device humans use to play back their animated pictures, but he nods eagerly.
“Well, it's one of my favourite movies. What was you favourite scene?”
And that question makes Samandriel's mind go blank. “Uhhhm,” he stumbles through an answer that won't come, can't come because he can't have a favourite scene of something he has never watched. “When they... engraved... the tombstone?” He tries, thinking he can't be too far off when the title already features a tombstone.
One side of Dean's mouth twitch, and he opens it to keep their conversation going, but before he can do so, Castiel takes his hand and moves to pull him away from the little circle they’ve formed. “Can I speak to you for a minute, Dean? Sorry to leave you, Samandriel, if you would join Charlie over there, I believe she wanted to show you how the Google worked.”
And with that, they're gone. Samandriel turns his attention to the young woman who grins and waves him over with a gesture of her hand.
“Why are you mad at me? It's your angel friends who're screwing up your birthday party! You should be yelling at them!”
Dean storms through the door to their bedroom, directly followed by Cas who closes the door to give them even more privacy.
“They're not the problem, Dean. You've been dismissive, contrary, and downright rude to them when all they've been doing is try to fit in. You completely thwarted Inias' and Samandriel's attempts at conversation!”
Dean rolls his eyes. “If you can call that a conversation...”
“When Inias started his retelling of angelic warfare you claimed such conversation topics were banned in the Bunker. That was an outright lie, there's almost nothing you like talking about more than beating up enemies!”
“Not with them, I don't.”
With a sigh, Dean lets himself flop onto their bed. The springs squeak but there's another noise accompanying it that has nothing to do with old furniture. He exchanges a look with Cas, and notices he's already drawn his angel blade. With Cas as rear cover, he jumps off the mattress and peeks under the bed.
Three pairs of blue eyes are blinking back at them.
“Surprise?” Balthazar tries.
“In my defense, I was just trying to keep them in check,” says Anna, as Cas drags them all back to the war room. He can't believe he'd been so wrong about his brothers and sisters. Well, again.
“I was trying to investigate your recreational interests to find a common ground for social bonding,” defends Inias, facial expression distorted into a sad frown.
“You mean you were spying on us,” barks Dean. He turns around to confront Balthazar. “And what's your excuse?”
Balthazar shrugs, not looking guilty at all. “Just wanted to raid your secret alcohol stash.”
While Dean's still trying to put his indignation into words that aren't stammers, Anna turns to Cas. “I'm sorry, Cas. I tried to hold them back.”
Castiel touches her forearm gently. “Don't blame yourself, Anna. I should've known this was a bad idea.” He turns towards the rest of their guests. Despite the fact that this 'birthday party' had not been a wish of his – Sam and Dean had insisted, not taking no, or 'I'm an angel, I don't have a birthday' for an answer – he feels dejected about the less than favorable turn of events.
“Maybe,” he starts, shoulders slumping with defeat. “Maybe it's best if you go. All of you.” He gestures to the angels, making sure they know he's addressing them and only them.
Anna nods at him sadly but understandingly. She moves to usher the ragtag group of angels towards the door.
But: “Wait!”
The sudden protest surprises both Cas and the angels. And most of all, probably, the speaker himself: Dean's scratching at his neck in a manner Cas knows indicates his nervousness.
“I mean – Cas, you don't have to,” he sighs, looking a bit out of place in this strange circumstance where he finds himself defending the angels of all people. “They meant well, don't punish them on my account.”
“Dean, it's not-”
“I was giving 'em a hard time, Cas, you were right,” he looks sheepishly at Cas. “I'm just wary whenever angels are in the picture, I can't help it. You've been hurt so many times, and I can't stand watching you go through this every time. But these guys,” he gestures to Anna and Samandriel, and even Balthazar, “they're good people, Cas, and you wanted them here and I shouldn't have been such a... jerk,” he laughs dryly. “It's your party and you should enjoy it with everyone you love, and if that includes those no-good, pain-in-the-ass angels, then who am I to stand in the way. You deserve it, man.”
Castiel takes a look around, notes the look of hope on Samandriel and Inias' faces, watches Rachel's hard frown melting away in the face of Donna's winning enthusiasm, the quiet curiosity with which Hannah pokes at a bagel on her plate, and finally, catches Balthazar's encouraging grin.
They are good people, he thinks. Dean's right, he shouldn't throw that away because of a minor faux-pas. He turns to Dean again, leans forward to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Dean.” For indulging him. For trying to protect him even when the situation doesn't necessarily warrant it.
And also, “No one's ever expended such an effort for me.” He gestures around at the party, at all the people who've shown up to celebrate his existence. His grace beats a happy rhythm against his ribcage.
Dean smiles back at him.
“Well, it's about time,” comments Balthazar, the softness in his eyes betraying his posed nonchalance as he nips at his newly snatched wine glass.
Castiel bumps his shoulder against him in a brotherly affection that is new to him. He decides he likes it. “Thank you, too,” he says. He takes in the mix of bright souls and pulsing graces, and thinks that what they've created today, the merging of his two worlds, might indeed work, could even be something good, if they'll let it.
It’s worth a try, in any case.
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a-simple-lee · 7 years
Artistic Inspiration - An SPN fic
Prompt (anonymous): Can u do a soulmate au destiel, were they both won’t stop bothering each other with tickles?! I know that theres not really a plot, but I love the soulmate au and I thought that you wrote for it before, sorry if you didn’t ( I have a horrible memory) thank u 😘
Author’s Note: Ok so although I do not in fact write for the Soulmate AU, I was so happy to receive this request bc it’s absolutely one of my favourite AU’s ever, and I’d been hoping to write it for a while! I wasn’t sure exactly which Soulmate AU was referred to in this prompt, since there are a bunch of different ones, but I went with the classic one where soulmates are linked through their skin, and whatever is drawn on their skin also appears on their soulmate’s skin, if that makes sense. I think there was a tickle fic I read a while back set in the same AU, I’ll go and find it and link it as soon as I can! 
Wordcount: 3,122
Description: Destiel. Cas probably shouldn’t have told his soulmate he was ticklish. Silly drawing antics ensue.
           It had first started when Dean was in secondary school. His teacher was attempting to somehow excite interest in a bunch of teens who couldn’t possibly care less about trying to find the solutions of simultaneous equations, and Dean was barely awake. Somehow the pen that was supposed to be taking notes had drifted to the inside of his wrist, where it was tracing the beginnings of a small doodle. Dean glanced down at the ink flooding onto his skin and squinted in concentration, joining the last two points. There. A tiny star. Some miniscule whisper in the back of his mind scolded him for drawing on his skin; from a young age it was strongly discouraged that children draw on their arms, lest their soulmate reply - that sort of bond wasn’t meant to be formed until later in life.
           But Dean had had enough. After all, it didn’t exactly feel like he was ruining fate’s plans; there was no sense of foreboding, no guilt burning in his blood. None of this seemed wrong. It just felt like the nib of a pen pressing on his skin.
           …Wait a minute.
He wasn’t drawing.
His breathing stilted for a moment, air seeming to catch in the space between his throat and chest. Eyes turned to the ceiling, he tried to find where the oxygen in the air had gone. There wasn’t any. Against his will, his gaze drifted to where he’d drawn the star.
A single planet orbited it. The ink was blue, written in fountain pen.
Hand fumbling over the maze of his desk, Dean grabbed his biro. His mouth found the end and chewed as his mind raced. What do you say to the person you’re supposed to spend eternity with?
He could’ve rolled his eyes at the stupidity of it. But it was all he could think to write.
A wave of cobalt swept over his wrist, forming a letter. Rapt, Dean watched in unbridled curiosity as the reply took shape.
Dean grinned. Glancing at the teacher to check they were still occupied, his pen returned to his skin.
I’m Dean. You?
Castiel. But Cas is easier.
At the front of the classroom, the teacher’s whiteboard pen stopped squeaking as they turned to the students.
“And…that’s the solution. Everybody got that?”
           Six years later, and Cas was propping his head up over a med textbook. He couldn’t fathom why he’d wanted to choose one of the most tedious majors in existence, yet for some reason he felt himself driven to study. At one am. On a monday night. Technically tuesday morning, Cas reasoned to himself with a note of hysteria. The college library wasn’t completely empty; a few solitary students were hunched over their notes as if they held universal secrets, clearly cramming for tests. Cas winced out of sympathy - his phone buzzed, and his hand reached out to dismiss it in a frustrated swipe. He tugged on his sweater sleeves and rubbed his eyes, too exhausted to try to memorize any more diagrams of the human Endocrine system. Picking up his pen with a huff, he attempted to make some more notes.
           Yet when he found his hand drifted to his skin instead, Castiel didn’t mind. His eyes widened when he saw he’d already been left a message.
You awake?
He quickly scribbled out a response.
Sorry. I didn’t notice the writing. I am awake. Why are you?
I dunno. Couldn’t sleep, or something.
Dean, you make no sense.
Right back at ya. Why are YOU awake?
           A small huff of a laugh juddered out of Cas as he shook his head. A girl at the desk working over her calculator gave him an odd look.
Need some help?
No. Too tired.
Why don’t we play a game, then? Keep you awake.
Dean, I don’t-
           His message was cut short when Dean scribbled over the ‘don’t’ he was writing.
Just say yes, I’m trying to help here.
Ok. I’m gonna draw on you and you gotta write the scientific name of the body part on your wrist.
Dean, that sounds like it could-
No. I’m just trying to keep you awake, is all. Chill.
           Cas planted his head firmly on the desk in a gesture of exasperation. There was a slight pause as he waited for something to happen. He flinched when the familiar pressure of Dean’s biro scraped over the inside of his upper arm, tracing a tiny line. Eyes scrunching as the pen suddenly changed course in an erratic jerk, his hand quickly scribbled the name out onto his wrist.
Bicep Brachii.
The writing halted for a moment as Dean seemed to consider Castiel’s answer. A few more seconds passed before his scrawled capitals appeared next to Cas’ cursive.
Sounds right. I just wanna finish the drawing, then I’ll do the next one.
Whatever you say, Da Vinci.
Shut up.
           The seconds between transitioning from Cas’ wrist to his inner arm seemed to carry an air of indignation. The med student felt his arm twitch against his will as the ink made touchdown on his skin again, continuing to make seemingly random lines. He tried to trace their paths in his mind, attempting a sort of mental join-the-dots; but it was becoming increasingly hard to concentrate on forming an image when the doodle seemed to be encroaching further and further up his arm. A slight quirk of his lips tried to pull itself into a reflexive smile as the trailing lines suddenly became quick pokes; Cas felt random ink dots being prodded and squiggled into his arm. He reached for his pen.
Ok, that’s enough. Can we move on?
It tickles.
You didn’t tell me you were ticklish.
           Castiel regretted the decision immediately - the feeling of a pen trailing up towards his armpit had him clamping his arms to his torso, trying to keep his composure in the middle of a library.
Stop!! I’m in the library!
           Much to his relief, the pen nib ceased its torture.
Alright, you dork.
Shut up.
Only if you go home and get some sleep.
           He rolled his eyes, reluctantly sliding his textbook into his satchel.
Fine. Good night.
Good night.
           A concerning groan sounded from the car as Dean made what felt like the thousandth tightening with his spanner. The impala juddered worryingly, and Dean groaned, wheeling his way out from underneath the car for a lunch break.
Hello, Dean.
           Cas’ writing was a welcome distraction from the frustration of car fixing, Dean decided. He grabbed his pen and began scrawling a response on his way to the kitchen.
Hey, Cas.
Sam was sat at the table, two sandwiches in front of him.
“How’s the break from college goin’, Sam?”
His brother groaned, sliding a sandwich to Dean, who took it and sat down, leaving it untouched for a minute.
“Uneventful. Jess and I have been writing to one another,” he paused, gesturing to his ink-covered arm. “but everybody else is just kind of taking a breather for the weekend.”
“Huh. Well, Baby’s not holding up too well. I’m gonna have to grab a couple new parts for her sometime-”
I didn’t appreciate your torture yesterday.
           Dean spluttered, shaking his head with a grin.
“Cas, you son of a b*tch.”
           Sam had since learned better than to question his brother’s conversations with his soulmate, and went back to eating his lunch.
It wasn’t torture, Cas.
You try being quiet in the library when someone is tickling you.
Nice try, but I ain’t ticklish.
Nope. Not at-  
A brief scribble under his arm caused him to recoil, words dying on his skin as his pen trailed into a jerky sort of flatline.
“Dude, you ok?” Sam was giving him a questioning look.
“U-uh yeah, Cas is just being a b*tch, is all” He remarked, before slamming his hands down on the table when something scrawled over his side.
“You sure?”
Cas, you’re so weird. Stop. His handwriting was stilted and shaky despite his efforts to remain unaffected by the pen scratching under his ribs.
“Dean, you are such a liar.” The older WInchester had failed to notice six foot four of brother behind him, reading the conversation on his arm. Before Dean could protest, Sam grabbed his arm and wrote a message to his soulmate.
Don’t listen to him. He’s lying about being ticklish.
Thank you, Sam (?)
           Dean snatched his hand back, rubbing at the ink in a vain attempt to erase it. A slight giggle escaped from his lips as Cas moved his focus to his tummy.
Dammit, Cas! Stop!
I need to finish my drawing.
           He sighed in annoyance, eyes pivoting to the ceiling in a plea to the Heavens before glancing back down and lifting his shirt slightly. A small galaxy was dotting its way over his torso, stars and planets floating in the gaps between his freckles. His head lowered to the table in resignation. It was going to be a while before Cas was finished.
           “Dude, where is your beer?” Gabriel’s head emerged from the kitchen doorway, and Cas looked up from his position in front of the TV to give a vague gesture.
“Second shelf, fridge door.” The loading screen of the WiiU didn’t seem to be moving much. It was one of the occasional times where Cas found himself visited by a brother, normally to play outdated video games and chat about college over beer. To call the experience enjoyable was far from the truth; people meant visits, and visits meant cleaning, which meant trying to convince others through the state of your living space that you were, in fact, mentally stable. Not to say that Cas didn’t appreciate Gabriel’s presence, per se; in fact he found the snarky blonde one of his more bearable relatives.
           Cas’s train of thought was interrupted when the familiar scratching of Dean’s handwriting appeared on the back of his hand.
Hello, Dean.
“Talking with lover boy again, are we?” The couch cushions sank as Gabriel plonked himself next to Cas, placing a couple bottles of beer on the table. Cas grunted in acknowledgement, too busy reading Dean’s forming words to reply.
You know, Cas, I forgot to get you back for embarrassing me yesterday.
You wouldn’t. My brother’s here.
Great! He’ll probably help me figure out your ticklish spots.
Please don’t.
           The pillow resting under Dean’s chin shifted as he turned behind him to face Charlie, rucked up plaid shirt obscuring his vision as she stood beside his bare back.
“You know it’ll take a while to wash off, right? It’s some expensive ink.”
“Worth it,” He grinned. Charlie shrugged, grabbing her ink pot and a small paintbrush.
“He’s going to hate you for this,” The redhead’s smile was full of mischief as she sat down over the lower part of her friend’s back.
“Oh, I know. I know.” Dean grabbed the pen lying next to his hand to write a quick reply to Cas.
Sorry, no can do. Charlie needs to practise her body painting.
           Cas’ heart rate shot up, and he turned to Gabriel, eyes wide.
“U-uh, Gabriel, I know you just got here-”
“Something the matter, Cassie?”
“N-not really - yes - it’s complicated.”
“What’s he been saying to you?” Eyebrows furrowed, Gabriel seized his wrist, a wicked grin swiftly overtaking his features. Cas ducked his head, heat rushing to his face.
“Oh, I see~” Gabriel purred, eyes alight with mischief.
“No, Gabriel, it’s not what it looks like-” Suddenly he clamped both hands over his mouth, frame jolting in a reflexive twitch.
“Then, pray tell, ticklish baby bro, what is it?” But the person in question was curled up on the couch, streams of giggles flowing from his mouth as his body flailed in an attempt to stop an invisible tickler.
“Shehe’s pahahainting on my bahack! Mahahahake him stop!”
“Now why would I do that? His friend needs to practice!”
           A snort punctuated Cas’ hysterics, and Gabriel paused to laugh at his spectacle of a brother before whipping out a pen and leaving a message for Dean.
“Dammit-” Dean suppressed a grin as Charlie’s paintbrush swirled over the dip in his spine.
“Aww, whassa matter, Dean-o? Ticklish?”
“Shuhut up, this is worth it.”
“If you say so.” He could feel the smugness radiating from Charlie but didn’t have the resolve to snark at her without dissolving into giggles. With a note of hysteria, he wondered how Cas was holding up. Pressure on his right arm made him glance down.
Wow, Dean-o, going in for the kill already?
Dean frowned at the comic sans-esque writing.
Gabriel? How do you mean?
Dude, his back is a major tickle spot. He can’t stand it.
A smirk overtook his features.
Lucky guess, I suppose.
           Cas shrieked as the brushstrokes reached his shoulder blades, back contorting in the hopes of stopping the feeling of the ink being swished and dotted in playful swirls over his skin.
“Yikes, Cassie, you sound a little tense.”
“Gahahabe, no!”
“Lemme help you relax a bit.” With that, the elder sat over Cas’ hips, tippling his fingers over his brother’s sides as an experiment.
“Ahahaha, plehehehease!” Cas shook his head, dark hair beyond messy as he tried to escape the torment.
“Please what? Carry on? Sure.”
Cas had heard about Charlie before, and she’d sounded nice enough. Yet for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to think of her favourably any more, not with the downright sadistic painting technique. Each and every stroke took a detour, dragging out the tickling to its fullest before the brush lifted for only a few seconds before touching down on another area of his back to wreak havoc with a new style of brushwork, switching from broad sweeps to brief flicks and dabs. It was maddening.
“Nahahahaha!” His hysterics quickly became interspersed with more snorts, and Gabriel paused his torture to laugh at Cas.
“Are you kidding? Snorts? This is too adorable.”
“Shuhuhuhut uhuhup, Gahahabriel!”
“Telling me to shut up? In your position, Cassie? You’re gonna pay for that.”
           Gabriel swiftly returned to pinching up and down his brother’s sides, taking delight in the childish giggles that resulted.
“You okay there?” Charlie’s voice was tainted with mirth; she was enjoying herself way too much, Dean thought. He suppressed a flinch, and nodded, jaw tense.
“I-i’m good. How muhuch longer?”
“Almost done.” She replied, a wolfish grin taking shape as she flicked over a dimple at the bottom of Dean’s spine.
“I swear, you’re going down after this, Bradbury.”
“I’d watch your step, Winchester. You’re in no place to be making threats. And it’s Queen Bradbury to you.”
           Dean groaned into the couch cushion. The next few minutes would feel like forever.
“Aahahaha, Gabrihihiel, plehehehehease stahahahahap!”
“Bingo-bango! He speaks! For a moment there I thought you’d turned into a giggle machine, Cassanova!” Gabriel watched with amusement as Cas’ cheeks flushed a darker shade of red at the teasing.
“Ihihih’m nohohot a chihihihild! Plehehehease!”
“Hmmm,” He paused, feigning deliberation as he raised a hand to his chin. “Methinks it’s time for an attitude adjustment, no?”
“GABRIEL NO!” Cas marvelled at the fact the plea managed to make its way out in between laughs.
“More like, Gabriel, yes! Now where was that big bright red tickle button of yours? Yknow, the ones that have ‘do not push’ written on them in capitals?”
“PLEASE DON’T!” The younger Novak kicked his legs against the couch in desperation, dreading the oncoming assault.
“Ah, that’s right!” Gabriel halted, quickly snaking his hands up under Cas’ arms. “There they are!” His fingers wriggled in tandem, a smirk lighting up his features as his brother’s arms immediately clamped to their adjoining torso.
“NAHAHAHAHA!” Cas shut his eyes, the conflicting feelings too much to bear as his nervous system was overloaded with the signals from his heightened nerves. Unmitigated laughter bounced against the walls as he struggled to get free, words escaping his grasp as the tickling became too much. Within seconds, his laughter fell silent, and Cas was reduced to nothing more than a helpless, giggling puddle.
           His sibling quickly withdrew his hands, watching as Cas slowly regained some coherency. Eventually, the hysterics subsided into a more controlled flow of giggles, and Castiel curled up into a fetal position, riding out the remainder of the tickle attack by himself.
           At long last, Charlie’s work appeared to have come to a halt. Cas lay breathing heavily for a few seconds to regain precious oxygen before cautiously reaching for his pen, ignoring Gabriel’s snide remark about his ‘ridiculous ticklishness’.
I hate you.
No you don’t, Cas.
           Dean smiled at the ire seeping from Cas’ message before sitting up and turning to Charlie, careful not to let any wet ink on his skin touch the back of the couch.
“You think he’ll like it?” He huffed. Charlie nodded from beside him.
“It might get you out of any potential repercussions. Maybe.”
“I’ll take maybe over going through that again,” Dean grinned, elbowing Charlie when she reached up to ruffle his hair. His pen drifted to his wrist to elaborate.
No you don’t, Cas. Look in the mirror.
           The door to his bathroom swung open, and Cas stepped onto the tiled floor hesitantly, smooth stone feeling cold against his bare feet. Gabriel followed, and the pair stood in front of the mirror above the sink.
“Well, are you gonna see what it is?” He pushed, nudging Castiel in the shoulder. The latter rolled his eyes, and pulled off his ACDC shirt with a huff that was promptly cut off when the ink was revealed. Cas turned in front of the mirror, trying to get a better view of his own back.
“Wow, little bro. That’s a nice tattoo you got there.”
“I suppose Charlie’s practice may have payed off,” Cas admitted begrudgingly, staring awestruck at the masterpiece that had been traced onto his skin. A pair of black-tinged wings rested unfurled on his back, feathers branching out over his back and crossing onto the backs of his arms in places. He stretched, watching as the drawing shifted with his movements - the wings seemed have their own mind, branching out in synchronisation with his body. Cas fumbled for his pen.
…Thank you. I…suppose this warrants a truce?
           “Dean Winchester, you are a class A Dork.” Charlie muttered, unable to fight back a grin as she watched their conversation on his skin. They were stood in front of the mirror in the corner, admiring her artistry and waiting for the ink to dry.
“Shut up, nerd.” He teased, wings opening as he reached for his pen.
Sure, Cas. Truce.
103 notes · View notes
thecuriouscrusader · 7 years
The Protector
Pairing: Dean x Castiel
Word Count: 2572
Prompt: “Good. Keep close to the others. And I mean close. Not just in the same room. Stay in the same part of the room. Promise?” - Phantoms by Dean Koontz, page 211.
Tags: Wolf AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Established Relationship, Sabriel (Side Pairing), Violence, Protective Dean, Alpha Dean, Omega Cas, Injured Dean, Mention of Forced Breeding, No Smut
Summary: When Lucifer’s pack starts kidnapping omegas Dean fights to protect Cas, but he is the one who might need rescuing.
A/N: Written for @angelschallenge Storybook Challenge. Thank you for the awesome prompt, I had fun writing something different! And thank you again to @mrsgabrieltrickster for beta-ing x
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As wolf packs go they were certainly an unusual bunch. Dean while a fiercely protective leader would welcome those who were rejected by their old packs either because they were alphas not viewed as strong enough, or betas told they were useless since they could not hunt like alphas or breed like omegas.
Dean and his younger brother Sam had been strays themselves after losing both of their parents, until Bobby and Ellen had raised them into their pack and treated them as their own. As Dean grew older he wanted to follow in their footsteps and start a pack of his own, to care for those who no one else would.
He had stumbled across an abandoned bunker on the outskirts of Lebanon while hunting. It was a huge place equipped with everything a pack could need to thrive such as comfy beds, weapons, and working electronic appliances, but there were a few extra touches which needed to be made like blankets and photographs to make it feel like a really family nest.
It had taken five years for the pack to grow to what they were now. They were a small bunch compared to most packs in the Nebraska territory, but they were a close unit that shared an unbreakable familial bond. What they did not have in numbers they had in loyalty.
Their pack was made of four alphas; Dean, Benny who was his second in command, Krissy, a young but highly determined runaway, and Gabriel, Sam’s mate and Castiel’s older brother. Gabe lacked the usual violent alpha drive but he was sly and protective. Then were the four betas, Sam, Garth, Charlie, and Kevin .The latter three had been travelling together for a while before meeting Dean and the other alphas on a hunt. 
Lastly was Dean’s loving mate, and the only omega in their pack, Castiel. Dean had run into Gabriel in the forest when he had been frantically searching for someone to help his injured little brother. Castiel had fallen over a stray root and twisted his ankle leaving him unable to walk or protect himself.
Dean had been instantly drawn to the poor omega, trembling with fear after being left alone. Plenty of packs roamed those woods, not all of them good - one small whiff of unmated omega and Castiel could have been done for. While Dean and his pack did not look down on omega’s the world did not share their view.
Dean had instantly felt a surge of protectiveness at seeing the scared omega. He had scooped Castiel up in his arms and carried him all the way back to the bunker. Underneath the cloud of fear Dean could smell the honey and Rose petals which bloomed from Castiel’s natural scent, and he had tasted just as sweet when they mated not long after. 
Dean loved Castiel with all his heart and he would do anything to keep his family safe. If anyone dared to threaten their harmony then they had better hope God was on their side. 
Dean and Castiel were curled up on their bed. Castiel was dozing in Dean’s arms whilst the alpha brushed back his mate’s hair and peppered kisses all across his cheek and nose. Castiel smiled softly as he basked in his alpha’s warmth. It was these moments of silent bliss that they cherished the most. Their state of serenity was shattered when there was a frantic knock on the door.
“Dudes, family meeting, now!" Charlie ordered.
Castiel and Dean shared a concerned look before they quickly straightened themselves out and went to meet the others in the library. 
"What’s going on?” Dean asked.
“Benny and I were out hunting cattle in the usual fields but when we got there they had all been slaughtered” Krissy said. 
“But that ain’t even the real problem” Benny added, “the whole area reeked of sulphur.”
A tense silence filled the room. Castiel gripped tightly onto Dean’s arm and the alpha noticed that his mate’s scent had shifted back to that dark cloud of fear from when they first met. 
All of the wolf packs across North America knew that particular scent belonged to an evil group whose leader has dubbed himself Lucifer. They were ruthless when it came to murdering humans, and they were all obnoxious alpha’s who kidnapped omegas - mated or not - and forced them to breed.
“We went to Bobby’s to see if they knew anything” Krissy said. “He heard from another pack that Lucifer was heading this way and…and several omegas have gone missing." 
Castiel gasped and brought a hand to his mouth. All omegas felt emotionally connected in some way as they were the most vulnerable and looked down upon; for Castiel to hear that they were missing was like losing his own brothers and sisters.
"I’m so sorry, sweetheart” Dean whispered as he wrapped his arm around Castiel and pulled him close.
“What if they come for Cas?” Gabriel asked voicing everyone’s concern. 
“Then we’ll kill them” Dean snarled. He held Castiel possessively against his chest and no one dared to speak for a while until the protective alpha scent faded slightly.
“I say we don’t even give them the chance to come here” Benny said eventually. “We find'em first and take'em down." 
"Sounds good to me” Krissy smirked. 
Dean did not know how to respond when all he could focus on was his mate trembling in his arms.
“Give me ten minutes with Cas and I’ll get back to you” Dean said.
He led the omega back to their room and they sat down on the bed together.
“Tell me what you’re thinking, sweetheart” Dean urged as he brushed back Castiel’s hair.
“I…I think Benny is right” Castiel said as he looked into Dean’s eyes; the alpha hated seeing all the pain and fear swimming in the blue eyes that held such warmth earlier. “But I don’t want him to be.”
Dean frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Lucifer’s pack needs to be stopped. They’re never going to cease taking omegas and murdering innocent humans, but… they’re also extremely dangerous and the thought of any of you getting hurt because you were trying to protect me…" 
He trailed off and bowed his head as tears began to escape him.
"Hey…” Dean said soothingly as he wrapped Castiel up in his arms. “Cas, I love you, and everyone else here loves you. If there is any chance that Lucifer wants to take you from us then we’re gonna fight him. We’re family; that means we look out for each other, and we can’t let Lucifer tear any more families apart.”
Castiel looked up into Dean’s eyes; there was a mixture of rage and worry in the emerald eyes he loved. He knew that it would equate to Dean battling whoever he needed to protect him, but he also knew Dean would not risk the rest of their pack if he did not believe they could win.
“Okay” Castiel said quietly. 
Dean smiled reassuringly and kissed Castiel sweetly on the lips. 
They returned to the others in the library. They all sat around the table in a sombre silence except for Benny who was pacing. 
“Benny, Krissy, Gabe, you’re with me” Dean said taking on his true alpha tone. “The rest of you are our second line of defense. I want you to take Cas and hide. Try to mask his scent as much as you can. Sammy, you’re in charge.”
“Maybe I should stay with Cas?” Gabriel spoke up. It was rare to hear the usually cheery alpha sound so distressed. 
“They’re going to need your skills” Sam said as he took his mate’s hand. “Cas is my brother too. I’ll look after him, I promise." 
 Gabriel smiled at him. "Thanks, Sammich." 
"Alright, everyone get ready” Dean said.
While the others were preparing Castiel pulled Dean to the side.
“Make sure you all come back in one piece” he implored.
“Was that you alpha-ing me?” Dean teased hoping to clear the tension. Castiel frowned. “Of course we will” Dean said as he pulled Castiel into his arms. “You still got some scent suppressants to help hide yourself?” Castiel nodded against his chest. “Good. Keep close to the others. And I mean close. Not just in the same room. Stay in the same part of the room. Promise?" 
"I promise." 
They kissed each other deeply before reluctantly breaking apart. 
Dean headed up the stairs to meet with the other alphas.
"We’ve got this brother” Benny said as he placed a hand on Dean’s shoulder.
Benny had been kicked out of his old pack after losing his mate, Andrea; the pack had blamed him. He met Dean when he had saved the younger alpha from some hunters and as a thank you Dean had invited him to join them. At first Benny wanted to decline, but he knew that Andrea would want him to move on and he felt that making a fresh start with a new family would be the best way to start redeeming himself for letting her down.
He of all people understood how much this meant to Dean, and he was going to be right by his side whatever. 
“Thanks, man” Dean said with a small smile. “Alright, let’s move out." 
They shifted into their wolf forms and decided to scout out the area in pairs; Benny and Krissy headed off east while Dean and Gabriel went west. There was a distinct trail of sulphur which grew stronger the closer they got to the centre of the woods; Dean knew it must be a trap. He paused to think about their next move. 
Gabriel suddenly started growling and Dean turned around to see two female alphas - Abaddon and Dagon, they were amongst the first to join Lucifer’s pack. 
"Winchester” Abaddon smirked. “It’s a real honour. For a pack so weak we hear that you’re doing quite well." 
"Go die in a ditch” Gabriel snarled.
Dean gave Gabriel a look of warning to tread carefully.
“You should leave” Dean said. “Unless you want to see first-hand what we’re capable of.”
Dagon laughed. “You can’t intimidate us. A hot-headed Winchester who always acts before he thinks and the runt of the litter” she nodded at Gabriel.
Gabriel bared his teeth and took a few steps forward but Dean kept him back with his tail.
“If you just let us have your omega then we won’t have to bother killing the rest of you” Abaddon said. “We hear that he’s such a pretty little thing." 
At that moment Dean had to keep himself in check even though his alpha rage wanted to rip their throats out for even talking about Cas.
"You’re not getting anywhere near him” he replied sternly as he widened his stance.
“Typical Winchester” Dagon scoffed. “Self-sacrificing so you don’t have to be around to deal with the consequences." 
"So, are we gonna do this?” Abaddon asked. “Or are you going to do the smart thing and step aside?" 
"So you can kidnap Cas!?” Gabriel exclaimed. “The hell we are!" 
Before Dean could stop him Gabriel launched himself at Dagon. They landed in a heap on the floor and tried to claw and bite at each other wherever they could reach. 
Dean tried to go and help Gabriel but Abaddon pounced at him. Dean growled and shook her off, but Abaddon was relentless as she sunk her teeth into Dean’s tail. He managed to kick Abaddon’s face using his hind legs. He turned around and aimed his teeth at her neck, but Abaddon was quicker as she bit into Dean’s side. Dean howled in pain and fell to the floor. 
Before the fight could escalate the air filled with a familiar scent; one which Dean knew better than any other. 
"Stop!” Castiel yelled as he appeared in the clearing. He was still in his human form making himself look even more vulnerable. “Please, I’ll go with you. Just please leave them alone!" 
"Cas…no” Dean pleaded. 
“Mmm, you smell soooo good” Dagon said as she was lured away from Gabriel.
“So sweet” Abaddon added as she let go of Dean and started to walk towards Castiel too.
“I’m glad you think so” Castiel said without a hint of fear. “Because that means you’ve been paying no attention to Sam and Charlie.”
Abaddon and Dagon whipped around and saw two other wolves approaching. 
“Looks like you’re outnumbered ladies” Dean said as he hauled himself to his feet.
He leapt at Abaddon with Sam while Charlie helped Gabriel go after Dagon.
There wasn’t much of a fight after that, each of Lucifer’s lackeys laid dead within minutes. 
Dean turned back into his human form and immediately stumbled to the ground clutching his side.
“Dean!” Castiel called as he ran to his mate. 
“You broke your promise” Dean said through gritted teeth as he tried to fight through the pain.
“Yes, but we got here just in time to stop you from breaking yours” Castiel pointed out as he wrapped his arm around Dean’s back and leaned the alpha against his chest. “I’m sorry but we couldn’t just sit back on this one. I gave the betas’ a bigger dose of my suppressants to mask their scents. Garth and Kevin have gone to help Benny and Krissy." 
"But using yourself as bait Cas? That was friggin’ nuts! If you’d been hurt I’d have never forgiven myself." 
"Well I’m not hurt so just don’t think about it, but you are” Castiel said worriedly. “Let me see." 
"How are the others?” Dean asked; naturally he had to check on everyone else first. 
Castiel looked over at Sam and Charlie who were tending to Gabriel. Sam gave Castiel an affirmative nod.
“They’re fine” Cas reported. “Can you please focus on yourself now?" 
Dean lifted his arm slowly and exposed the bleeding bite mark on his side. Luckily the thickness of his wolf skin had protected him from the worst of the attack.  
"Looks like Sam’s going to need to get his stitching kit out again” Castiel lightly teased. 
Dean groaned. “No, just leave me here." 
"Not a chance” Castiel said as he kissed the side of his mate’s head. “When we first met and I was injured you carried me, so now I’m returning the favour." 
Castiel took a few steps back and changed into his wolf form. He lay flat on the ground so Dean could hoist himself onto his back and then the four of them started the journey back to the bunker. 
A couple of hours later Dean and Castiel were once again laid in bed together, but this time Dean had a bandage wrapped around his middle. 
"Thank you, for saving us” Dean said. 
Castiel looked surprised. “You’re not angry?”
Dean sighed. “I was never really angry, just worried.”
“Well, believe it or not I do worry about you too” Castiel said. “We’re mates; partners in everything. We’re bonded so whatever you feel for me I feel for you too." 
"I know” Dean said with a small smile. “I love you." 
"I love you too” Castiel said. They shared a delicate loving kiss. “Now, are you going to let me take care of you, and be a man about it?" 
"Yes” Dean drawled. 
“Do you want to cuddle?" 
"Yes” Dean murmured.
“Do you want to be the little spoon?" 
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olivialourdefanfic · 7 years
Supernatural FanFic, Installment 13
(Sophia arrives with Metatron at the bar. She looks around, noticing him.)
Sophia: You. You did this.
Metatron: I’m human, Sophia. Remember? Your precious Castiel took my grace.
Sophia: Well, if you didn’t… who did?
Chuck: Maybe it was me.
(Sophia walks slowly toward Chuck’s voice, slowly coming around to face him. He smiles at her.)
Sophia: Chuck?! It’s really you!
(Chuck stands to hug Sophia.)
Chuck: I thought it was time you and I talked, Sophia. We need to.
Sophia: Why is HE here?
Chuck: To edit my book. Don’t worry, he won’t bother us.
(Chuck and Sophia sit a booth away from Metatron as he works.)
Sophia: Why did you bring me here?
Chuck: I thought it was time you and I talked one on one. It’s been a few years.
Sophia: It has. It’s been a long time since anyone has even seen proof you exist, Chuck.
Chuck: I like that you call me Chuck, rather than my real name.
Sophia: I can tell you’re not interested in being recognized as God.
(Chuck looks uncomfortable.)
Chuck: Chuck is fine.
Sophia: I understand.
Chuck: Look, Sophia, in a weird, abstract way, I’m kind of like your weird uncle.
(Sophia glares at him.)
Sophia: Amara is not my mother. I HAD a mother. She was murdered by your scribe.
Chuck: I know, and his time is coming, Sophia, and when it does, you will be at the front of the line. I promise. But right now, we need to talk about your role in all this. It’s very specific, and I need to make sure you understand what you’re doing.
Sophia: It’s not like I can back out. Ever since that prophecy, my life has been shaped to be here. I was in denial until Dean killed Cain. I thought maybe, you know, Metatron killing my mother… Fluke thing. But then Dean killed Cain, and it got real. Everything my aunt said, it all happened. She told me I would fall in love with the Winchesters, she told me that Dean would kill Cain, she told me everything. I chose this life because of that prophecy, and I intend to fulfill the promises I made, Chuck. I wouldn’t back out, even if I could. Do you know what Amara is doing to Lucifer right now as we speak?
Chuck: Lucifer made his choices.
Sophia: I know you don’t believe that, Chuck. Contrary to what everyone thinks, Luci is still your favorite, and the way he’s turned out is your fault. He trusted you and loved you more than anyone else. Did the Mark not fail him and turn him into what he is? And what about the vessel he’s in, hmm? Did Castiel choose this? Is this what Castiel said yes to? Is this what Jimmy Novak died for? Is this what Claire Novak lost her father for?!
Chuck: Castiel knew it would be dangerous. He read the warning label. Jimmy gave his body to Castiel forever, I don’t think he much cares now.
Sophia: Castiel was not thinking clearly. He believed in his brother enough to let him in, because he thought Luci could fix this. He did his damn job, Chuck. He sacrificed himself for YOUR humanity countless times, and this is how he gets repaid?
Chuck: Don’t you think I know how he’s suffered and sacrificed? Who do you think rebuilt him every time?! Sophia. Come on.
Sophia: Don’t patronize me, Chuck. Amara will kill Lucifer AND his vessel if I don’t do something soon. I need you to step into the ring with me. Please. For Luci. For Castiel. Please, Chuck.
Chuck: I’m not sure I can do that, Sophia.
Sophia: I’m supposed to be your niece, huh? Some uncle.
(Sophia stands to walk away. Chuck tries to slam her back down into the booth, but she keeps walking. He looks confused as she looks back at him.)
Chuck: What the…?!
Sophia: That’s right, I don’t answer to you. You don’t command me. I command myself.
Chuck: I forgot. You’re her creation, but no one’s subordinate.
(Sophia returns to the table, grasping Chuck’s hands.)
Sophia: Chuck, please. How could you just give up? You put in all this work and then just go on vacation?
Chuck: I’m here now, Sophia. I have to help get you ready for what’s to come.  
Sophia: I can’t even control my power right now.
Chuck: I’m here to help you with that.
(Chuck squeezes her hand.)
Sophia: Is this your way of getting in on the action?
Chuck: I will be in on the action.
Sophia: She wants a face to face with you, Chuck. It’s why she’s taken Lucifer. She knows you still love him.
Chuck: I know… I know.
Sophia: Are you going to give her what she wants?
Chuck: I don’t know…
Sophia: Time is running out, Chuck. You can’t just wait her out. She’s gonna kill Lucifer, and his vessel. Lucifer dying, I can deal with. His vessel on the other hand…
Chuck: I know, okay?! I have to work with you so you can beat her.
Sophia: But you’re here now. Why does it need to be me?
Chuck: I couldn’t do it myself last time. You… you can beat her at her own game. As much as you don’t want to admit it, she runs within you. That feeling in the pit of your stomach when someone hurts you, or hurts someone you love, or when things don’t go the way you want them to? That’s her. That urge to hurt, to destroy? All her. She’s in you, because she made you.
Sophia: I don’t know what you’re-
Chuck: Cut it, Sophia, I know you know what I mean. Now’s not the time for denial. I need to work with you to use that against her. You don’t even know how much power is really inside you. You have power to destroy everything I created, and rebuild it again. That’s the kind of power you have running through you.
Sophia: I have questions. My Aunt Mara predicted all of this. Was she a prophet?
Chuck: It would be impossible, Sophia- she was an Abellona. She couldn’t be. I made the prophets. I didn’t make the Abellona people. Prophets are normal humans prechosen at random. Someone with witch blood can’t be a prophet. It’s just a gift that activated when something important was supposed to happen to someone in her family. She knew her entire life that even if she didn’t have extraordinary gifts that she used daily, one day she would have powers that would activate when someone special was born- you. You gave your own aunt that purpose just by being born.
Sophia: Did you bring Castiel back all these times because of me? Because of our… “familial” bond?
Chuck: He’s important to more people than just you.
Sophia: I’m not here to argue that Castiel is loved.
Chuck: Well…Yes. I bring him back to keep you happy… Because no matter what he does to you, you still love him madly. He risks his place in heaven for an abomination that my sister created, and he keeps crawling back to you.
Sophia: Thanks.
Chuck: That came out wrong. I meant that… Well, he pulled Dean Winchester out of hell to win you back. Everything Castiel has done since has been to win you over. He faced your mother, knowing she could murder him, all to prove himself worthy of you.
Sophia: So you understand how important it is that we get him back then?
Chuck: Sophia, your problem is that you are thinking too narrow. This isn’t about saving Castiel. He may not even want to be saved.
(Sophia becomes incredibly emotional. Her eyes flick to that vibrant purple, and her eyes spill tears.)
Sophia: Don’t. Don’t you say that. Don’t say that to me. He did this for me. So I wouldn’t have to die. I have to help him. I’ll do anything.
Chuck: And I’ll give you all the tools you need. But you need to see the big picture here, Sophia- the fate of the Universe I created is on you.
Sophia: If you care so much about your stupid Universe, why don’t you step up to the plate?
Chuck: I’ll step up to the plate, but not yet. Come on, we have a lot to talk about. Come sing with me to get the party started.
(Chuck stands up, walking to the stage and grabbing his guitar. He sits down, and Sophia, eyes still purple, reluctantly takes her place at the piano on stage. They start playing “Poison and Wine”, Sophia just simply knowing what to play.)
Chuck: You only know what I want you to.
Sophia: I know everything you don't want me to.
Chuck: Oh, your mouth is poison, your mouth is wine.
Sophia: You think your dreams are the same as mine.
Both: Oh, I don't love you but I always will. Oh, I don't love you but I always will. Oh, I don't love you but I always will. I always will.
Sophia: I wish you'd hold me when I turn my back.
Chuck: The less I give, the more I get back.
Sophia: Oh, your hands can heal, your hands can bruise.
Chuck: I don't have a choice.
Both: But I'd still choose you. Oh, I don't love you but I always will. Oh, I don't love you but I always will. Oh, I don't love you but I always will. Oh, I don't love you but I always will. Oh, I don't love you but I always will. Oh, I don't love you but I always will. Oh, I don't love you but I always will. I always will. I always will. I always will. I always will. I always will.
(Chuck smiles at her.)
Chuck: Your turn, Sophia. Sing for me.
(Sophia is quiet for a moment, thinking deeply. Then, she begins a haunting ballad. Her emotions are clear and obvious. Chuck creates a band to play behind her.)
Sophia: Memories fade into the silence, haunting me tonight. With hope's last breath I take this moment in, it will be the last. Then morning breaks, and the sunlight takes the pain away. Ever after never came, and I'm still waiting for a life that never was. And all the dreams I lay to rest are ghosts that keep me. After all that I've become, I am only one. I am only one. I close my eyes and bleed this empty heart of all that longs to die. When faces lie and love will falter, I'm left with only time. And time will break the dreams that take the pain away. Ever after never came, and I'm still waiting for a love I'll never have. And all the dreams I lay to rest are ghosts that keep me. After all that I've become, I am only one. I am only one. I'm on my own here, and no one's left to be the hero of this fairy tale gone wrong. As night will fall, my heart will die alone. Ever after never came, and I'm still waiting for my heart to beat again. And all the dreams I've laid to rest are ghosts that keep me. After all that I've become, I am only one. I am only one. I am only one.
(Chuck, shaken by her emotional performance, applauds her.)
Chuck: Sophia, that was beautiful, SO beautiful.
(Sophia is staring at the keys, running a gentle hand over them.)
Sophia: There’s more.
Chuck: Get it out, honey.
(Sophia is silent, then begins a ballad.)
Sophia: I've been believing in something so distant, as if I was human. And I've been denying this feeling of hopelessness in me, in me. All the promises I made, just to let you down. You believed in me, but I'm broken. I have nothing left. And all I feel is this cruel wanting. We've been falling for all this time, and now I'm lost in paradise. As much as I'd like the past not to exist, it still does. And as much as I'd like to feel like I belong here, I'm just as scared as you. I have nothing left. And all I feel is this cruel wanting. We've been falling for all this time. And now I'm lost in paradise. Run away, run away. One day we won't feel this pain anymore. Take it all away. Shadows of you. ‘Cause they won't let me go until I have nothing left. And all I feel is this cruel wanting. We've been falling for all this time. And now I'm lost in paradise. Alone, and lost in paradise.
(Chuck is flabbergasted, his heart broken for her. Sophia is silent, staring down at the piano keys. Her tears are falling on the piano keys as she puts her fingers back on them. She begins a lullaby-type song.)
Sophia: Watching you sleep for so long, knowing I can't turn the rain into sun any more. I've given you all that I have, now I stand here, too scared to hold your hand. Afraid you might wake to see the monster that had to leave. 'Cause you see the shelter as the storm, holding wind to keep you warm. You are everything to me, this is why I have to leave. So sleep well my angel. Under the ash and the lies, something beautiful once here now dies. And the tears burn my eyes, as you sit there, all alone. I just want to come home… But you see the shelter as the storm, holding wind to keep you warm. You are everything to me, this is why I have to leave. So sleep well my angel. Sleep well, my angel. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You see the shelter as the storm, holding wind to keep you warm. You are everything to me, this is why… You see the shelter as the storm, holding wind to keep you warm. You are everything to me, this is why I have to leave. So sleep well, my angel. Sleep well, my angel.
(Chuck’s shock is complete. The band disappears, and Sophia rejoins him in the booth. He grips both her hands.)
Chuck: Sophia. You can’t do this just to save Castiel. This is happening regardless of the choices he’s made.
Sophia: It’s not just about him, Chuck. The prophecy said that the three men I love would live if I did this. It’s about all three of them, Chuck.
Chuck: Sophia, that’s too narrow.
Sophia: I don’t care about the rest of the Universe. I’m sorry, I know you created it and I know I should care, but I don’t. They are the only things in this Universe that I give any craps about, and I will save them. I WILL protect them. They are my only family left, and if it’s the last thing I do in this life, I will save them.
Chuck: I made them, Sophia, and I can un-make them if I want to.
(Sophia’s features darken, and she glares coldly at Chuck.)
Sophia: But then you run the risk of becoming my enemy, and I doubt you’re ready for that kind of a fight.
Chuck: This isn’t a fight between the two of us, but you just proved my point- she’s inside you. She dwells within you. That rage you just felt? It’s hers. I can show you how to access that power, and how to use it. You have to trust me now, Sophia. If I don’t show you how, the power will consume you and kill you, or turn you into something you’re not. Or do I need to remind you of the shell you were when you came back from Purgatory?
(Sophia shudders at the memory. Then, she smiles.)
Sophia: Castiel saved me then. I need to save him now, Chuck.
Chuck: He’s the reason you needed saving then, Sophia.
Sophia: Wow.
Chuck: I’m sorry, but it’s true. You went that night to protect him. He let the Leviathan into the world; it was his mess to clean up. You should have let him go alone. It was his lesson to learn, not yours.
(Sophia is annoyed by his criticism coupled with his inability to admit his mistakes.)
Sophia: Can we skip the part where we talk about everyone’s screw ups but yours? Or do I get to bring up how you screwed up Lucifer so bad you had to lock him in a cage in Hell to keep his mouth shut? He’s got his own axe to grind with you, Chuck, and I have half a mind to let him have at it when I rescue him from Amara.
Chuck: She can’t see you yet, Sophia. I know she has already, but you’re not ready for the real battle yet. You’ll never beat her in this condition.
Sophia: Well, we need him, Chuck. I won’t do anything until he’s rescued.
Chuck: You mean until Castiel is rescued.
Sophia: They’re in the same vessel. So, until they’re safe and sound from her torture, I make no moves.
Chuck: Can you feel Castiel right now?
Sophia: Yes… It’s our blood bond. We can feel each other’s pain, emotional and physical.
Chuck: Is he in pain?
Sophia: They both are, Chuck, and a lot of it. Come on. I know you still have love for Luci underneath it all. He’s still your favorite. It’s time for you to confront your mistakes, too.
(Chuck is quiet. Sophia falls into silence, staring at the table. Chuck sighs.)
Chuck: I will put aside everything as long as everyone else does. As long as you understand that this is bigger than you and Castiel.
Sophia: You misunderstand me, Chuck. Perhaps it’s because you’ve never loved anyone the way Castiel and I do, but that’s exactly what it’s about for me. I’m willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for him, because I love him, forever, no questions asked. No matter what he’s done, I forgive him, and I love him. You wired him differently on purpose, Chuck, just like Lucifer. You gave them both free will for a reason. So yes, I do understand that this is bigger than Castiel and I. What you fail to understand is that I don’t care.
(Chuck looks pained, as if there is a large load on his shoulders that he needs to get out. He breathes deep.)
Chuck: I created Castiel for you, Sophia. I knew what was coming for you, and I felt like I had to soften the blow for you a little. I felt like it was the least I could do to make you something, someone, who would love you beyond any measure, and remain loyal to you when others would turn their back on you. I had to find something in the Universe worthy of your love, worthy of you and your sacrifice, and it’s Castiel. He is your soul mate, Sophia. I made him exactly as he is, just for you, and I CAN understand you wanting to save him. But I gave him free will, for better or for worse. Maybe it’s a design flaw, maybe it’s his greatest strength. He fell in love with you on his own, more than I could have ever imagined he would, and it’s that love that keeps him with you. He makes his own choices, and you may not always be able to save him from his choices. He broke out of Naomi’s mind control because his free will was too strong. He couldn’t bear to hurt Dean then because he knew, even then, that it would hurt you. His love for you is stronger than any other hold anyone will ever have over him. He loves you more than he loves me, and I made him. I made him… to love you.
Sophia: What are you saying?
Chuck: I knew you would be along eventually, and I made Castiel for you. Metatron screwed up his words when he was scribing for me. The Bible speaks of the Righteous Man… Metatron interpreted it wrong. What I meant was that Castiel was to fall in love with the Godless Woman, who was also righteous, the woman who answered to no one, the woman who saved the world. He never translated your name, and so the error could never be corrected. Metatron’s an idiot. That’s you, Sophia. It was always going to be you. Just like we brought John and Mary Winchester together, you were planned for thousands of years. There was never anyone else for this task, and even though you had a choice, it would always have been you regardless.
Sophia: What if I hadn’t chosen this?
Chuck: It would have been your mother, or your child. Your choices shaped this, Sophia. You literally created your own destiny. You are free will personified. That’s how powerful you are, and how powerful you have always been. The Fates couldn’t even control you. You are something more powerful than even I am, because you were born from the Darkness, and made by the Light. There is nothing, past or present, that can stop you now. The raw power you have, it very nearly puts you at the level of a deity. I just have to show you what you can with that power, help you harness it and use it for your own will, and you will be unstoppable.
Sophia: Will I ever see my parents again?
Chuck: You could bring them back if you really wanted to. I can show you how.
Sophia: Wait. Are you teaching me to be you?
Chuck: Well, if my sister kills me, someone needs to take my place. You are the natural choice, and you’d be next in line, anyway. You could combine both of us within you and your body could withstand it. What better way to stick it to her than making one of her own the next God?
Sophia: This is a lot to take in, Chuck.
Chuck: I understand, Sophia. Process for now, but be ready to work soon. Be seeing you.
(Chuck disappears, and Sophia teleports herself back to the bunker. She collapses into her bed, weak from her power. She falls asleep.)
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ruined-by-destiel · 7 years
Something Amazing
Summary: After being dragged to a club on a Saturday night, it ends up going a lot better than you expected, and you end up with much more than you bargained for. Not that you’re complaining, of course.
Words: 1,588
Cas x Reader
Warnings: none
Notes: this is a college au I came up with (very) loosely based on an experience I had with some friends and I thought would make a cute fic. So anyways let me know what you think, there may be more parts to this in the future!
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Your best friend Allison had somehow managed to drag you out of the house on a Saturday night, insisting that you needed to “loosen up and have some fun.” After a lot of convincing and begging, you reluctantly got ready and headed out with her, knowing she wouldn’t give up until you’d done something productive for the day.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like to go out- Saturday’s were just the one day you had off from school and your job. Every day was filled with homework and your job, and the only thing that pushed you through the worst of the week was knowing that on Saturday you’d get to relax. And that’s what you were doing earlier- reading a book in your room- when Allison came barging in, talking about the new dance club that had recently opened.
And now here you were, standing in the corner of a room with about roughly twenty people in it. Great. All the trouble you went through to look nice, and no one was even here?
“Do you think they’ll give us a refund if we leave now?”
Allison waved you off, taking off her coat and setting it on a nearby chair.
“It only opened up half an hour ago, I’m sure more people will be here soon.”
Sure enough, within another fifteen minutes the place was packed. You soon found yourself actually having fun, enjoying the music and having fun scoping out any cute guys in the room.
“Oooh, right there on your six. Blonde in the graphic t-shirt.”
You nonchalantly looked back to check out the guy, then turned again to your best friend. “Not really my type, but I’ll totally go talk to him for you.”
“Don’t you dare.” Allison glared at you but the smile on her face made it much less threatening. You laughed and took a sip of your Monster drink, needing something to keep you on your feet for the last stretch of the night.
The two of you soon were back in the middle of the dance pit, jumping around as glow sticks were thrown into the crowd. In the middle of all the commotion you caught a glimpse of someone from the corner of your eye and turned slightly, looking away again when the guy looked directly over at you. You danced to the beat of the music and, after a few moments, looked over to your right again. The guy was still there and blushed when he was caught staring, quickly turning away. You shook your head and laughed, still watching him from the corner of your eye.
He looked back at you one more time before making up his mind and walked over to where you and Allison were dancing, a smile on his face.
“Mind if I join you ladies?”
You shook your head and kept dancing, losing yourself in the music. You locked gazes again with the stranger, his smile growing wider.
“What’s your name?”
“Y/N.” You yelled over the loud beat of the music. It was almost impossible to hear anything.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Castiel.”
“Castiel!” He leaned a bit closer so you could hear him better. “But you can call me Cas.”
You smiled. “Nice to meet you, Cas. This is my friend Alli-” you turned to introduce your friend but she was gone, on the other side of the room talking to someone else. You rolled your eyes affectionately. Typical.
Soon, in the midst of dancing and over the sound of the music, you and Castiel were talking about everything and having a great time. The two of you just clicked. It was almost midnight and you were standing to the side of the room with Cas when your phone buzzed. You pulled it out and saw a message from Allison, saying she was getting ready to leave. You sighed and put your phone back in your pocket.
“My friend is getting ready to leave and she’s my ride, so I better get going.”
Cas nodded, pulling out his own phone. “You mind if I get your number?”
You smiled, shaking your head. “Not at all.” You quickly plugged in your digits next to your name, adding a smiley face to the end. You handed Cas’ phone back to him and he put it away.
“I’ll send you a text later.” You nodded, grabbing your coat from the nearby chair. “Can I walk you out?”
You couldn’t keep the grin off your face as you walked towards the door and out in the parking lot, where Allison was waiting. You turned to face Cas.
“I had a lot of fun, it was great meeting you.”
“You too.” He placed a quick kiss to your cheek. “I’ll see you around.”
Face burning, you got into the car and Allison pulled out of the parking lot, on your way back to the apartment the two of you shared. You sighed contentedly as you leaned against the back of the seat, letting Allison ramble on about how cute Castiel was. A buzz pulled you out of your daze as you opened up your messages, smiling at the text you’d just received.
“I had a lot of fun hanging out with you tonight. Let’s do it again sometime :) -Cas”
Two days later you’d set a date to see Cas again. The two of you had texted back and forth since the other night and had gotten to know each other a little better. Finally you’d invited him over to your apartment to watch a movie with you and your friends, and he agreed. It was almost nine when you got a phone call from him, picking it up instantly.
“Hey, where am I supposed to park? I don’t want to take someone’s assigned space and get booted.” You smiled at the sound of his voice, loving the deep gravelly tone of it.
“You see the frozen yogurt shop? Right behind it is a space labelled visitors parking. There should be some spots there.”
Silence. “Ok, I found it.”
“Awesome. I’m in apartment fourteen. I’ll see you soon.”
“See ya.”
You hung up and sat on the couch, anxiously playing with your phone as you waited for Cas to arrive. Your other two roommates and Allison were in one of the rooms, doing who knows what as you pulled out your movies. After a couple of minutes there was a knock at the door.
“Come in!”
The door opened and Castiel walked in, smiling when he saw you.
“Hi.” He walked over and gave you a hug before shedding his jacket and shoes. “It’s nice to see you again.”
You felt your cheeks start to warm up. “You too.”
Just then your roommates walked out from the bedroom, putting on their coats and shoes. “We’re going over to see the guys, we’ll be back later.”
“I thought you guys were going to watch the movie!” You frowned, knowing what they were doing. “You can’t just leave.”
“Sorry, but they made brownies. You two have fun!” And with that they left.
You stared at the door for a few seconds before turning back to Cas, who shrugged.
“Looks like it’s just you and me, then.”
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. “Yep. Just you and me.”
The two of you ended up watching one of the old James Bond movies, since you hadn’t seen any of them before (much to Cas’ disappointment). You found yourself laughing at the side comments Cas made every now and then, both of you inching closer and closer to each other as time went by.
You’d gotten up for some water and, with sudden resolve, when you sat back down you closed the distance between the two of you. Cas casually slung an arm around your waist and you adjusted so that you were now leaning up against his chest, letting out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
A few minutes went by in silence before Cas starting playing with your fingers, linking together your free hands. You relaxed further into his hold, closing your eyes. Your heart began to race as he pressed gentle kisses to your head, your shoulder, your neck, and then your jaw. You leaned into the kisses, loving the way his lips felt against your skin. He kissed his way across your jaw, ever so slowly, before you gave in and tilted your head up, pressing your lips against his.
The kiss started slow and sweet, before progressing into something much more heated. After what seemed like an eternity you pulled back, catching your breath. Castiel pressed his forehead against yours.
“You good?”
You nodded, unable to speak. You’d never moved this quickly with anyone, especially on a first date. Was this a date? You brushed the thought away, focusing on what was happening right then. You took a deep breath before you spoke.
“I really like you. But I’d really like to take this slow.” Cas nodded and brushed some stray hair behind your ear. “I still want to get to know you better, and I’d really like to spend more time together.”
“Ok.” Cas pressed a kiss to your knuckles. “I agree. Especially with the ‘spending more time together’ part.”
You laughed, feeling any nervousness you still had dissolve. “Ok.” You leaned back against his chest and smiled as he ran his fingers through your hair. This could be the start of something amazing.
Forever Tags: @teamfreewill-imagine @purgatoan @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @sleepywinchester @obi-wan-my-only-ho @latinenglishfandomblog @supernaturalyobessed @ronnie248-blog @moonstar86 @love-kittykat21
Pond/Cas Tags: @castieltrash1 @waywardlullabies @they-are-not-just-stories @manawhaat @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @blushingsamgirl @bkwrm523 @salvachester @whispersandwhiskerburn @lipstickandwhiskey @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @deathtonormalcy56 @wildfirewinchester @for-the-love-of-dean @deandoesthingstome @cici0507 @fiveleaf @deansleather @mrswhozeewhatsis @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @idreamofhazel @ilovedean-spn2 @jpadjackles @babypieandwhiskey @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @writingbeautifulmen @revwinchester @oldfashioncdvillain @drarina1737 @castieltrash1 @mysaintsasinner @ohwritever @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder
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themadamelibrarian · 5 years
Don't Break My Fragile Heart - Part 9 of Loving Heart
Written By: @themadamelibrarian & @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Gabriel/Lucifer/Sam Winchester, Gabriel & Lucifer (Supernatural) Characters: Gabriel (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural) Additional Tags: Sad!Lucifer, bad memories, Hurt/Comfort, Upset!Lucifer, Caring!Gabriel, brothers being brothers Summary: Today is a day Lucifer will never forget. It’s just a matter of how he remembers it.
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April 22 dawned rainy and cloudy over the bunker, and while everyone else was up and about, Lucifer was still in the nest, curled up in a ball of blankets and wings, hugging Mr. Floofles tight to his chest, and silently weeping.  
Today marked the anniversary of the day Gabriel fled from Heaven, unable to stand Michael’s and Lucifer’s bickering any longer. Which meant it wasn’t long until the anniversary of his Fall (admittedly, a much easier anniversary to deal with) and it wasn’t long until the anniversary of Michael throwing him into the Cage until he deemed that the Apocalypse would happen.
The anniversary of Gabriel leaving always hit Lucifer hard, his Grace knowing the exact moment that his baby brother left his life. But now it was even worse. He had his brother back, and in a much more intimate capacity than before; and it came with his Vessel as their third.
Were they going to leave him too?
The morning passed with the usual comings and goings of the inhabitants as the Winchester’s prepared to leave for a hunt. At first when Lucifer didn't show as Sam was loading up the Impala, Gabriel offered to go get him so they could say their goodbyes.
“Let him sleep.” Sam finished loading the last bag in the car and gave Gabriel a parting kiss.
“You'll call if you need us?” Gabriel asked as Sam pressed their foreheads together.
“Always. I'll miss you and Luc’ while I'm gone, but I'm just a flight away.” Sam reassured the Angel and in part, himself.
“I know.” Gabriel whispered and reluctantly pulled away. “Go. Before I change my mind about letting you go and cart you off to parts unknown.”
Sam chuckled as he turned towards the car and sank into the passenger side.
“Take care of yourselves.” Gabriel said to Dean. The old Winchester nodded solemnly and took his place in the vehicle. With a roar of the engine the brothers left the safety of the bunker to put their lives on the line for the safety of innocents once more.
Gabriel sighed when they were out of sight. There was an element of worry that weighed heavily on his heart every time they left. Thankfully, Lucifer was his companion during these times, but it was peculiar he’d not gotten out of bed that morning to see them off. It was a habit of his, both of them and if Gabriel were a superstitious creature he’d wonder what Lucifer's absence was a harbinger of.
Shaking the darker thoughts from his mind, Gabriel left the garage to check on his older brother. Reaching their shared bedroom, Gabriel quietly opened the door to find the space as dark as he and Sam had left it. “Luci, are you awake?” He nearly whispered as he approached the bed.
Lucifer nodded. “Yeah.” He sniffled. He burrowed deeper inside his blankets and hid his face. No matter how many times Sam and Gabriel told him they didn’t care if they saw him cry, he still didn’t like doing it in front of them. He sent a trail of Grace after Sam, telling him he wasn’t feeling well, sorry he didn’t see him off, but he loved him.
Gabriel crawled into the bed behind Lucifer and gently rested his chin on his brother's shoulder. “What's the matter?”
“Don’t feel well.” Lucifer mumbled. It wasn’t a lie, at least not completely. He didn’t feel well, but not like sick unwell.
“Luci, angels don’t get sick. Unless you’ve come across a spell or sigil lately while rooting around in the storage room.” Gabriel sat up and looked down at Lucifer with concern. “You didn’t did you?”
“No.” Lucifer mumbled. “Didn’t come across anything in storage.”
“Then tell me what doesn’t feel well and if I can help make you feel better, I will.” Gabriel flopped down on the bed in front of Lucifer and rested a hand on his waist.
Lucifer shrugged. “It’s... a lot of things. Feeling down.”
“Well laying here in the dark won’t help.” Gabriel said as he rubbed his hand along his brother’s side. “Come out for a walk with me and we can talk about what’s troubling you.”
“Don’t wanna move.” Lucifer mumbled. “Just want to rest.” And hide, his mind added. So I don’t have to watch you leave. Again.
“Alright, but I’m turning on some lights.” Gabriel snapped his fingers and the room's ceiling was covered in strands of small white twinkle lights that winked slowly in random patterns. “There. Not too bright and gives makes it seem less like a dungeon in here.” He finished with a press of his lips to Lucifer’s forehead.
Lucifer shrugged and nuzzled his face down into the blankets, keeping it hid from Gabriel.
“You know you can talk to me and not be the stoic big brother type, right?” Gabriel asked softly, his fingers gently carding through Lucifer’s hair. He hated to see Lucifer like this and was at a loss of what to do for him other than just lay quietly until he snapped out of it or talked.
Lucifer nodded. “Yeah,” he said softly. His hand reached out and rested gently on top of Gabriel’s other hand, needing as much contact with his brother as possible right now.
“Good.” Gabriel rolled to his back and pulled Lucifer along with him until the older angel was draped over his chest. “I could read to you, if you like.”
Lucifer nodded and buried his face into Gabriel’s shoulder. “Please,” he whispered.
“Okay.” Gabriel reached for his book resting on the nightstand and opened it to the marked page and started to read. “Pride and Prejudice… ’Occupied in observing Mr. Bingley's attentions to her sister, Elizabeth was far from suspecting that she was herself becoming an object of some interest in the eyes of his friend. Mr. Darcy had at first scarcely allowed her to be pretty; he had looked at her without admiration at the ball; and when they next met, he looked at her only to criticize.’ “
Lucifer smiled softly and listened to his brother read out loud, still staying hidden.
Gabriel paused in his reading to snap up two mugs of tea. He held one out to Lucifer in silence.
Lucifer took his tea with a soft thanks and sipped it. There were no longer tears flowing although tear tracks remained. He cuddled into his brother, content to just listen to Gabriel’s voice and feel his solid presence.
Gabriel kept reading until he finished two more chapters, then softly closed the book. “You feeling better, Heylel?” His voice came out slightly rough from prolonged use.
“A little.” Lucifer confessed quietly, resting his head on his brother’s shoulder, almost clinging to his brother.
“Ready to talk about it?” Gabriel prodded once again, his hand taking hold of Lucifer’s and winding their fingers together.
Lucifer shook his head. “Not really.” he murmured, squeezing Gabriel’s hand lightly.
“Okay.” Gabriel stroked a thumb over the top of his hand. It’d been a long time since they had time together like this, with no duties in heaven or research for the Winchester’s. He was at a loss of what to really talk about so he said the first thing that came to mind. At least it related to current events in the bunker. “Did you hear that the human’s legalized same sex marriage in this country?”
“That was almost a year ago now, Gabriel.” Lucifer mumbled, cuddling into his brother.
“It still happened, and it’s taken Dean this long to work up the courage to think about it. I suspect he will ask Cassie.”  His smile was a little crooked as he spoke. The thought of Dean Winchester getting down on bended knee was enough to make him giggle because even though Dean had no problem being with a man or rather a male, he still held on to a level of machismo that was amusing for Gabriel to watch.
Lucifer smiled and nuzzled into Gabriel. “Unless Castiel beats him to it.”
Gabriel snorted out a laugh. “I’m popping popcorn and watching that. It will be the most awkward marriage proposal in history. Unless Cassie ups the ante and asks for a bonding instead.”
Lucifer chuckled and nodded. “We can hope.” he said quietly.
After a quiet moment, Gabriel sighed and pressed his cheek against the top of Lucifer’s head. “You ever thought about it?”
Lucifer nodded. “Many times.” he confessed softly. “You?”
“Often enough but I’m not sure if I’m ready or Sam. I don’t want to do such a thing without all of us in on it.” Gabriel turned his head to look down at his brother. “Doesn’t mean I don’t love you to bits, it’s just... this is new... for all of us.”
Lucifer nodded. “I know I’m not ready, even though I want to.” he whispered. “But it’s new, and it’s raw. And...” He stopped himself, not wanting to tell Gabriel that he was afraid they’d leave him, especially Gabriel. The memory of Gabriel screaming that he was leaving Heaven, that he wasn’t their brother any longer, ran deep within him. Tears welled up in his eyes and he hid his face in his brother’s shoulder.
“Hey now.” Gabriel said in concern as Lucifer’s mood swung around. “What’s wrong?” He shifted around and gently lifted Lucifer’s face with a finger bent under his brother’s chin. “Tell me, Heylel. Please?”
Lucifer closed his eyes and let loose a sob. He didn’t want to tell Gabriel, but Gabriel deserved to know. Do you know what today is ? He asked his brother telepathically, trembling.
“Thursday.. I think. Time’s a little funny for me sometimes.” Gabriel wiped away a stray tear on Lucifer’s cheek. “Unless something good’s on TV. Then I remember the hell out of the date. So what is it about today that has you crying?”
Lucifer let loose another sob. Today’s... Today’s the anniversary of when you left. When you fled from Heaven. When... When you told me and Mikey we were no longer your family.
Gabriel was stunned. He barely remembered the exact day himself let alone expected anyone else to. The events were clear in his mind, like it’d happened last week but the burning ache that always accompanied the memory had dulled over the years. That is, until he saw how it was affecting Lucifer. Now it was regret that after all these centuries his actions back then caused this kind of pain.. “I was scared and angry back then but I’m here now. Isn’t that what counts?”
Doesn’t mean it doesn’t still feel like an archangel blade to my heart, Lucifer sobbed. Doesn’t mean I’m not afraid of you doing it again. I chased after you, you know. I never meant to drive you away. I never meant for any of this to happen. And then Mikey blamed me for it and now I have you back and I’m terrified that I’ll do something that’ll make you leave again.
Gabriel pressed his lips to Lucifer’s forehead, not in a kiss but just for the contact. Closing eyes, he let out a shaky breath. “I’m sorry, my love. I’m sorry I hurt you like that but I had to go back then. I was losing myself in all of that... anger. But I promise, there is nothing you could do now that will drive me away. You’re mine now, just as I’m yours.”
Lucifer nodded and buried his head into Gabriel’s neck, letting everything out, sobbing almost hysterically. I wish I could do it all over again. Tell Dad to shove his vodka influenced sister somewhere where I didn’t go; not have gotten so angry and upset; not have dragged you into it. I wish I didn’t fuck up so badly that you ran and I had to Fall. That anniversary’s coming up too, and the one where Mikey threw me into the Cage. And I... I just want to do it all over again, so I don’t have to feel all of this pain.
“I know, Heylel. I know. There are things we all want to change.” Gabriel whispered as he sat up and drew Lucifer into his lap. Wrapping his wings around his brother, he slowly rocked. “And I can’t believe you called the Darkness a Vodka Aunt.” he said with a hint of a smile.
Well, she was. Lucifer groaned. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to be slowly soothed by the rocking and the comfort of Gabriel’s wings. I hate this time of year, almost more than winter. he confessed. It’s like non-stop sobbing and feeling upset and rage and just... sadness. Mikey made fun of me for it, in the Cage. Told me I wasn’t feeling sorry for anyone but myself, and because I do nothing but cry, he took advantage of that. Its... It’s painful, this feeling. And I hate it. And it’s like all at once. Like in two weeks, it’s the anniversary of my Fall. A month later when I got thrown into the Cage. And all I want to do is curl in a ball and cry and hide from the world. He sniffled and nosed his shoulder.
Gabriel took in what was said, nodding in agreement at parts and when Lucifer finished, he pulled back and looked into Lucifer’s eyes. “First of all, Mike’s a dick. No one should be made to feel less for feeling like this. Second, what we need to do is build happy memories on these days. So when you think of the date you don’t focus on our family’s mess. So tell me, Luci. What’s an item on your bucket list?”
Lucifer shrugged and sniffled. “Dunno. Don’t really have one,” he whispered quietly. He dabbed at his eyes with a blanket, lowering them when he admitted that.
“We gotta change that.” Gabriel smiled as he whipped up a pencil and paper out of thin air. “What’s something you always have wanted to do? It can be silly, thrilling, meaningful... anything.”
Lucifer shrugged. There were things he wanted to do, but they dealt with changing the past, and he wasn’t about to go testing the Fates. Nope, Balthazar had already done that, he would not cross them.
“How about I tell you one of mine?” Gabriel offered.
Lucifer nodded. “Okay.” he said quietly.
“I want to go to New Guinea and try every kind of candy they have that’s native to their country.” Gabriel said with a grin.
Lucifer gave a small smile. “Why New Guinea?” He asked quietly.
“I haven’t been there.” Gabriel shrugged.
Lucifer nodded and snuggled into Gabriel. He traced foreign patterns onto his skin and concentrated on being there with him, in the here and now and not eons ago, when his baby brother ran off and Lucifer couldn’t find him.  
Gabriel squirmed when Lucifer hit a ticklish spot. Snatching up his brother’s hands, he placed a gentle kiss to his fingers. “We should go to Disneyland. A big family outing with you, Sam, Cas, Dean and me.”
Lucifer smiled and rested his head on his shoulder. “I’d like that.” he admitted softly, closing his eyes.
Chuckling, he looked down at their hands as he toyed with them. “Imagine Cas in Mickey Mouse ears.”
Lucifer giggled and smiled. “No. Dean. Dean can do a really good Mickey impression,” he said.
“No kidding?” Gabriel raised an eyebrow as his chuckling turned to actual laughter.
“No kidding!” Lucifer laughed. “Don’t tell him I said that, but Sam will confirm.”
“Just when you think you know a guy.” Gabriel shook his head in disbelief, then looked to Lucifer with a smile, his finger trailing over his brother’s cheek. “Look at that.”
“Look at what?” Lucifer asked.
“Your smile.” Gabriel murmured. “Always liked it.”
Lucifer blushed and hid his face. “I really don’t smile anymore, it’s more of a smirk,” he mumbled.
“I don’t know why. It’s a beautiful smile.” Gabriel turned to coax him from hiding.
Lucifer shrugged and allowed his brother to coax him out of hiding, giving a shy smile.
Gabriel pressed a gentle kiss to Lucifer’s lips. It wasn’t demanding or passionate. Just a touch to show he cared that he was there, and that Lucifer was cherished.
Lucifer returned the soft kiss, his eyes sliding shut. Gabriel was here, was with him. He wasn’t going anywhere. It wasn’t Lucifer’s fault, all those years ago. At least, not completely.
Parting with one more peck to his brother’s lips, he tilted his head to the side with a mischievous grin. “Hey Luci, want to help prank Dean’s room for when he gets back?”
Lucifer gave one of his patented, trademark smirks. “Of course!”
Gabriel jumped up from the bed and held his hand out to the other angel. This was important. They may have been separated for far longer than could really be counted, but here they were. Lucifer and Gabriel, two of the first born of heaven, together again and if Gabriel had anything to say about it, never to part.
Lucifer beamed and took Gabriel’s hand, hauling himself up from the bed. For the first time since Gabriel fled, this day would not be miserable. He had his brother back, and with everything he had, he would make sure his baby brother never left again.
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