#to him in the moment that he lets cas have what he wants. <3 normal couple things.
quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
THAT BEING SAID. castiel holding hell as a threat over dean's head in order to fuck him is extremely hot. dean just got finished being tortured by hell, and he's been saved, and the angel that saved him says 'bend over that table or I'll put you back on the rack.' and is it better to be tortured by heaven than by hell?
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arlathavellan · 21 days
Phantom Pains | III
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Fandom: ACOTAR
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Reader: she/her, (3/4-High Fae, 1/4-Tartera), Y/N used
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 2.7k
Something is... wrong. Time missing, memories missing, thoughts missing. Wondering where things both big and small disappeared to, like the dress you were working on or even the past seventeen hours of your day. Something is very wrong, and the thought seems to slip your mind as soon as it comes. || Azriel has been a part of your life for years now, and has been courting you since the fall of Hybern. Only, things don't seem to be as simple as you'd both assumed they'd be. It seems someone thought you were the weak link-- the easy ticket to infiltrating the inner circle through its spymaster. And maybe you are.
|| Previous Part | Next Part (wip) | Masterlist ||
All Azriel ever wanted was to keep you safe. From the moment he first saw you, he knew you were something precious, something to be protected. Convinced he knew best how, he kept you away from the inner court, away from the side of himself he was afraid you would turn from in fear. His hubris and shame kept you away from the people who could protect you while he was gone.
Cas and Mor had wanted to be introduced to you years ago, before things were even official between the two of you. Afraid it would only put a target on your back, he let himself pretend it was better for you to never cross paths with that part of his life.
After the war, he started to let his guard down. Mor would commission gowns from you, both supporting you and building a professional relationship as a compromise to respect Azriel's boundaries. When he eventually decided it was time to officially introduce you to everyone, he went to Feyre first, thinking it would be easiest for you to connect artist-to-artist rather than let one of the others completely overwhelm you. She was happy to agree, and excited at the prospect of helping ease you into their family. When she finally got her dress, it brought your little shop more attention than you'd had since coming to own it. The way your face lit up when you told him about having to hire someone to help you out helped reassure him that he'd made the right choice. He wanted nothing more than to introduce you to the rest of his loved ones, knowing they'd love you almost as much as he did.
It was obvious to them all how much you meant to Azriel.
It was obvious to everyone who knew who he was that you were the Spymaster's weakness.
That was his mistake; growing too comfortable with the bubble of peace that had existed undisturbed around the two of you. When he was with you, he let himself imagine he was someone else, someone with less blood on his hands.
He never should have forgotten, never should have let his guard down. It didn't matter how many times he'd been able to walk you home with no issue— every moment you were seen with him was a public admittance that you were important to him. Azriel could never be a normal illyrian, never act like it was possible to separate the parts of himself. Every waking moment he was the Shadowsinger, the Spymaster. His love for you didn't keep you safe, it only made you a target. Everything he did to put a smile on your face made it that much easier for others to hurt you.
Azriel is on his way back from his mission when Rhysand gets in contact with him.
Come home, he says. Now.
He tries to ask questions. Anxiety swirls in the pit of his stomach as he flies, any response met with a resounding silence.
The mission had been underwhelming, the intel he'd gotten no more than cold tracks leading straight to a dead end. Whispers of rebellion, more faeries foolish enough to act out against Rhysand moreso because of what he is than what he's done. There was nothing when he'd gotten there, just a long-abandoned camp that left no clues behind. His shadows couldn't find anything either, returning just to whisper confusion in his ear. While he was ready to call it and go home, he didn't feel right dropping the thread without seeing where it might really end. After a week of searching, he felt like he'd been run in circles, and told Rhysand he was coming back to Velaris empty-handed. It seemed to be a routine the past year, a lot of low-effort surveillance that seemed to result in nothing.
Not even a souvenir? He'd joked.
He wasn't joking now.
"What's going on?" He asks in response, scanning the room. The atmosphere of the house is low, and it has all of his senses on high alert. "Is everyone okay?"
Azriel lands on the balcony of the Town House. If it were official Court business, Rhysand would be in the House of Wind. But the Town House? This was family business. He opened the doors swiftly, some of his shadows immediately fanning out to sweep the residence.
"Az," Cassian calls, voice tight and shoulders tensed as he practically marches towards him.
Shadows curl at his neck, overloading him with information. He winces, unable to sift through it all at once. They're panicked, some moving around the room so fast they're knocking chairs into the table and toppling over vases. The noise draws another person into the room as Cassian steadies him by his shoulders.
Room, he can barely make out in their desperate jumble of cries. Your room, your room. Five in house. Three in room. High Lord, doctor, sw—
"Azriel!" Mor cries, ducking around Cassian's wings to help hold him straight as his shadows continue their barrage of information, nearly knocking him off his feet in their haste.
Five in house. Three in room.
"Mor, grab a chair before they knock him down—" High lord.
"We don't have time—" Doctor.
"—just get Rhys—" Sweetheart.
Silence falls over the room as his shadows still in a single breath. His wide eyes meet Cassian's, flicker over to Mor's distressed, tear-streaked face, and the pieces fall into place.
"Y/N?" he breathes, terror gripping his chest.
Hands reach for him once more, mouths opening in explanation, but as his knees buckle, the light is sucked out of the room in an instant, and he's gone.
"Now," you say, making a few final adjustments to the garment in front of you. "There's still some work to be done, mostly alterations, but it will absolutely be done in time for the party."
The woman behind you is absolutely giddy, facing away until you give the word.
"Before we get started on all that, I know you mentioned you wanted a draping that was loose and flowy, but I was worried the fabric might snag on your jewelry." You explain. "So It's still a loose drape, but a little less than what I first showed you when we were picking out fabrics."
She lets out an impressed 'ooo' as you explain. "That's so smart; I can't wear my chunky bracelets with half my dresses. My lady, I defer to your judgment."
Letting out a laugh, you fluff out the skirt in preparation for its presentation. "Okay! Now, three, two—"
"—one!" Mor cuts off, spinning around to see the dress. Her hands fly up to her mouth as she bounces on her feet. "Yes, yes! Oh, Y/N, it's even better than I imagined."
Pride wells up in your chest as she moves closer to see the gown, but a wave of confusion washes over you as you sway slightly on your feet. She… liked the dress? No. No, she didn't like the dress. This isn’t what happened. Your head spins as you watch Mor fuss over the skirt, playing with the fabric to have the gemstones on the inner layers catch on the light like stars.
You ran out of that fabric. There wasn't enough left for a full skirt, so you had to go without it. You stumble backwards towards the wall, but nothing catches you. Panic grips your throat as you float weightlessly, and everything is drowned in black.
It's okay, a voice whispers in your mind. You're alright. I need to see what memories they locked away so I can figure out what they were looking for.
Memories… that was a memory? But that didn't happen. You try to close your eyes tightly against the darkness, but you feel nothing. Light floods your vision, and suddenly you're sitting on your couch alone.
"Hello?" You call, voice shaking. "Who's there?"
"I suppose an explanation is in order, now that you're here." The voice comes from everywhere and nowhere at once, until an unfamiliar faerie steps out of the shadows with his hands raised.
You stand unsteadily as he moves closer.
"My name is Rhysand, though you can just call me Rhys," he says.
"While I wish the circumstances were better, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Y/N."
"Rhysand…" you mutter, feeling feint. "Azriel's brother?"
A fond expression crosses his face. "Not typically the first title that comes to mind for people, but I must admit it's refreshing."
The couch behind you seems to beckon you once more, and he has no objections when you sit back down. "What's going on?"
"I thought this might be easier to digest." A chair you certainly don't own appears on the other side of the coffee table for him to take a seat. "We're in your head right now. I can't say I've ever tried something like this, but I quite like it. Although I believe your mind may be doing most of the heavy lifting, so we don't have much time."
Holding your hands out, your flip them over as you curl your fingers. Everything has a bit of a smoky quality to it, like it would all disappear with a gust of wind, and feels the same sluggish consistency as your shadows.
"What… happened?" Quiet as your voice is, he seems to hear you perfectly well.
His gaze is pained when you look back up at him, eyebrows pinched as he tries to explain. "From what I can tell, someone has gotten access to your mind, and had been taking and altering your memories. I don't know for what purpose, so I've been trying to see what they've hidden to try and figure it out. Do you know when this may have started?"
The answer comes to you immediately, the incident having weighed on your mind since it happened. "I lost a few hours a little over a month ago. Azriel found me standing in the street."
Something passes over his face, and the moment of silence that follows has dread building in your gut.
"Az spoke to me about that night," he says softly, almost slowly. It reminds you of that moment with Mor, before everything in your head exploded. He opens his mouth to speak once more, but his attention is snapped elsewhere. Looking to the side, his expression twists with confusion and anger. "Someone's trying to break through my wards. I'll be back soon; let your mind rest, and we'll continue once you've regained your strength."
"Wait—" you lurch forward, reaching for him, but you continue falling forward as everything you see dissipates.
Your existence feels lighter and lighter, until you feel nothing at all.
Azriel feels the wards fighting him, digging under his skin as his shadows slip through cracks that aren’t there. He’s never tried to travel within the house like this, never had need to, but with his shadows guiding him to you he had no complaints.
His room explodes with darkness as he finally lands on his feet, the sound of an older woman screaming in shock filling his ears before they all congregated around his bed. Looking around frantically, he took stock of the occupants of the room.
Madja stood by his dresser, hastily straightening bottles of medicines and salves that had been knocked askew by his arrival. By his bed, stepping back from the writhing mass of darkness, was Rhys, with a displeased expression.
“What happened?” he asks before the High Lord can speak.
Rhys sighs, rubbing between his brows as they pinch together. “Was that you, bursting through my wards?”
“Rhys,” Azriel hisses.
“You were right,” Rhys says, leveling him with a look that urged him to try and stay calm. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you then, Az. But we can fix it, now.”
The ground seems to fall out from beneath his feet. Stumbling forward, the Spymaster catches himself on the foot of his bed, shadows curling up his arms.
“She’s had multiple memories locked away, and when Mor caught on…”
Azriel looks up at him, wanting him to finish but not wanting to hear the words.
“It was a Daemati.”
The breath leaves his lungs, and the illyrian curls in on himself at the jolt of pain that shoots through his chest. A steady hand grasps his shoulder, grounding him.
“She’s alright, now. I’ve shut them out of her head so they can’t do any further damage, but…” he trails off, as if it might ease the blow.
Azriel understands the implication loud and clear. “But they’ve already caused damage.” He digs the heels of his palms into his eyes, taking deep breaths as Rhys sighs. The only sounds in the room are his breaths, the rustling of his sheets, and the near-silent clacking of Madja’s equipment. “How bad is it?”
Rhys’ hand twists on his shoulder as he moves to sit beside him on the bed. “She may have some residual issues with memory loss in the future. I didn’t get very far, but they’ve locked numerous memories away, most pertaining to interactions with you or Mor.”
The silence that follows is somehow more tense than the last, and when Azriel finally straightens back up to look at Rhys, the expression that greets him is pained.
“When I asked her when she began to have issues relating to her memory… she claimed that you found her standing in the street a little over a month ago.”
A month ago. Had you really been suffering for so long unnoticed that you’d lost so much time? Everything he’d just chalked up to stress about the customer influx, and you were missing three months worth of memories. What had they even left for you?
He turns to look over his shoulder at you, his shadows parting just enough for him to see you sleeping peacefully in his bed.
“I’m keeping her unconscious for now,” Rhys tells him. “It will give her mind time to rest and heal itself, so I don’t do more harm than good.” His hand squeezes his shoulder, turning his attention back to him. “With the depth and frequency of attack… they have to be somewhere in the city, Az. Somewhere close to her.”
His fists clench tightly in his sheets, a low-bubbling rage festering in his gut. “Someone in Velaris did this?”
“We opened our gates to Hewn city,” Mor calls from the doorway. The two turn to look at her, a heavy weight settling upon the room at her words. “We should start with any frequent visitors, see who spends a lot of time in her part of the Palace of Thread and Jewels.”
“The intel we’ve been getting,” Azriel says, voice raspy. “Almost a year of nothing.”
Rhys answers with a dawning dread. “Someone wanted you out of the city. Away from her.”
He shares a look with Mor as Azriel stands from his bed and storms out of his room, half of his shadows rushing after him.
Cassian is downstairs to meet him at the door. “Don—“
“Move, Cas,” he snarls, stopping in front of him.
“Think, Az. If you go tearing through the streets of Velaris—“ an attempt to shoulder past him is stopped with a hard shove, “—they’ll be in the wind before you can find them.”
The two have their stand-off, Azriel’s siphons beginning to burn as Mor makes it back downstairs, Rhys close behind.
“You’re needed here, Az.” She’s met with a glare, hazel eyes dark. “Don’t give me that. You know we need to narrow our search down so they don’t see us coming.”
Rhys steps forward with a subtle tilt of his head. Azriel’s gaze snaps towards him, brow cocking as he waits for a third iteration of the same argument. “Y/N needs you here, with her.”
Silence falls between them, a battle of wills crackling the air around them. Darkness creeps up his legs, his torso, curling around his neck to voice their deliberation.
Sweetheart, they say. Alone, hurt, with us, safe, sweetheart, safe.
He closes his eyes with a heavy, weary sigh, shoulders dropping and siphons fading. A heavy hand lands on his shoulder from behind.
“We’ll find the son of a bitch who did this,” Cassian promises. “And then they’re all yours.”
He opens his eyes for a moment, searching for deep blue. Rhys’ gaze meets his, darkening as he nods his confirmation.
“You’d do the same for me, brother,” he says. In a moment unshared with the others, the rest goes unspoken.
If it were Feyre lying there. If it were my mate instead.
Here I am falling into my old dialogue-heavy traps! I was going to queue this for tomorrow but I got too excited lmao
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@pellucid-constellations @horneybeach1 @hyemishii @brujitafantomatico @batlokiuniverse
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callsign-dexter · 6 months
My Daughter, My Heart Pt. 2
Summary: Jake and Javy are on their deployment and now Elizabeth is alone. Having not been able to stand being alone in Lemoore, CA she moves to San Diego, CA.
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Ex-Girlfriend (OC: Elizabeth Taylor), Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, pregnancy, cursing
My Daughter, My Heart
Prolog Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Javy and Elizabeth stayed on the couch for a few hours. Javy hadn't heard a word from Jake since he sent that text message and he was going to give him an ear full when he got home. Elizabeth cried her eyes out until she couldn't cry any more tears. "Are you sure you don't want me to tell Jake?" Javy asked Elizabeth as he came back to the couch with a cup of tea that he had gone to get her a few moments ago. She shrugged as she took it from his hands.
"I don't know. I mean I'm pissed that he did this to me but he also didn't know. What do you think I should do? Why did he leave?" She asked him. Javy sighed.
"You tell him when you're ready. I can't guarantee it'll stay a secret. We got deployment papers." He said and she nodded.
"If it comes out then it comes out. Just please don't say anything outright. When do you guys leave?" She asked and Javy nodded.
"He leave tomorrow and I leave the day afterwards. You got it, Liz." Javy said and hugged her.
"Thank you, Javy. Please don't leave me too." She said and he shook his head.
"Not going to happen. However, I do need to get going and start packing." Javy said and she nodded and she hated the thought of him leaving but he needed to go. She showed him out with a million thoughts running through her head.
When Jake got into this truck after grabbing his stuff from his and Javy’s office he looked at his phone again. Uneasiness filled his stomach and he just wanted to flip back time and forget what he did. He really did love Elizabeth, hell they were high school sweethearts. He hates breaking her heart but it would be so much worse if he didn't come back from this mission. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind and headed to his and Javy’s house. When he arrived Javy’s car was not there and he was thankful for that. Jake turned the engine off and headed inside he figured that he better go ahead and pack and maybe consider staying on base. "Fuck. I made a mistake." Jake said as he was packing for his deployment. He ran a hand down his face but continued to pack. He was almost done packing when he heard Javy’s car pull up and the engine cut off. He sighed and went downstairs as he walked into the door.
"You fucked up." Javy said pointing at him and Jake hung his head.
"I know. How bad?" He asked looking back up at him.
"Bad, Jake. Really bad." Javy said and Jake's heart clenched. He never wanted to cause her pain but yet that is what he did and he'll forever hate himself. "Let's just finish packing and get ready to go." Javy said and Jake nodded and they just that.
Elizabeth didn't know how she could go on with the thought of knowing that she was pregnant with the baby of the man that she still loved. But she is a smart woman and she would figure it out and that is exactly what she told herself as she watched Javy drive off. She took a couple of deep breaths and got ready to cook some supper and head off to bed and start her normal routine without Jake beside her. She turned around and faced the kitchen and looked at it remembering all of the good times that her and Jake had like dancing in the kitchen with music playing in the background while supper is being cooked. The memory brought a smile to her face but it quickly fell when she remembered how she came in and found it bare of his items. She shook her head and started on dinner and thought about what she was going to do now.
Once dinner was ready she got her some food and headed to the couch where she sat and turned on the TV to something completely random. She wasn't really watching the show more like eating and thinking of how this all could have been avoided. Sure they have been through deployments together and of course she was scared that he wouldn't come back but that just made them stronger. So, why was this one so different? Was it because of the length of the deployment? She would never know but for now all she could do was move on and raise this their baby alone. Maybe a new start was a the right option. Before she knew it, it was time for bed and tomorrow would be a different day and maybe she would have somethings figured out. She would be talking to her boss about an transfer to somewhere else. "Why Jake? Why now?" She said into the room wishing he could give her an explanation but he couldn't and that just made her cry as she got ready for bed.
The next morning came quicker than she would have liked but she got up and started her routine. She was going to be making an appointment to see an OB/GYN on her lunch break. As she was in the kitchen making breakfast it hit her that Jake was leaving today and she deiced to give him a call even though she knew that he wouldn't answer. It didn't even ring just went straight to voicemail.
You've reached Jake Seresin. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Hey, Jake. It's me. I hope you have a good deployment and get back safely. I still love you. I just wanted you to know that. Goodbye, Jake.
She ended the voicemail with tears in her eyes and then she stared at her phone thinking about deleting his number or blocking it but decided it against it. She put her phone away and got her stuff and headed into work earlier than usual. She needed to talk to her boss first thing.
When she got into her car she opened the garage and started the engine. She backed out and closed the garage as she started to drive she stopped by the mailbox and grabbed the mail and continued her drive to the base. It was only a 10 minute drive to the base and when she got in there she got on with ease. She's going to hate this drive from now on and this base but is always going to love the school. She parked in an empty spot and killed the engine and got out and headed inside and straight to the main office, thankfully Mr. Saver was in and she knocked on the door and got a faint "Come in." She opened the door and smiled.
"Good morning, Mr. Saver." She said and he looked up and smiled.
"Ah! Miss. Taylor! What can I do for you?" He asked and got up as she sat down in a chair and him on the edge of his desk.
"I need to transfer." She said deciding to come out and say it and he frowned.
"Everything ok?" He asked and she shook her head.
"No. My long-term boyfriend and I broke up yesterday and I found out I was pregnant. I need to get away from this place. Everything reminds me of him." She said and he nodded.
"I'll see what I can do. There is a school in San Diego, CA on the Miramar Navy base looking for another teacher. I can get in touch with them and see about getting you transferred, if you want." He said and she nodded.
"Please. That would be great." She said feeling hopeful.
"It may take a month or two getting everything transferred." He said and again she nodded.
"I'm willing to wait." She said and nodded.
"We're going to miss you." He said and stood and so did she and hugged him. "If you need anything in the mean time or at all please don't hesitate to call, Melissa and I are willing to help and give tips on kids." He said they chuckled and pulled apart. It was true she had grown close to a lot of people and he was one.
"Thank you so much." She said "I won't hesitate to call or ask." She said and he smiled and held the door open for her and she went to her classroom to get the day started.
Lunch time rolled around and she had given up the hope that Jake was going to call her back, it broke her heart. She headed to her appointment that was on base, she was nervous about it but she needed to know for sure and what to do. As she walked in she walked up to the receptionist, who was very nice, and she gave her some papers to fill out as she waited. It was easy to fill them out and she got them done pretty fast. She took the papers up to the desk and gave them back. Then she went back to sit down.
She didn't have to wait long until she was called back. She was nervous and the nurse could sense that. She talked to Elizabeth like she was an old friend and she loved that and it made her nerves ease up. She left her in the room by herself and now she had to wait. 10 minutes rolled by and the doctor came in and smiled at Elizabeth. "Good morning, Miss. Taylor." She said and she smiled.
"Please call me Elizabeth. I get called Miss Taylor all day at school." She said and they both chuckled.
"Alright, Elizabeth. I'm Dr. Olivia. It says here that you think you might be pregnant." She said looking down at the papers and then back up.
"Yes, I took a test yesterday at lunch and it came up positive." She said and Dr. Olivia nodded.
"We'll take some blood samples and do a physical and talk about some medical history. I'll send Nurse Harper in to draw some labs." She said and Elizabeth nodded with a smile and she left not even a minute later Nurse Harper was coming in and introducing herself to Elizabeth and started to draw the labs. It was over before she knew it and that was thanks to Nurse Harper talking to her throughout the process.
"I'll send these off and we'll get them back shortly." She said and Elizabeth nodded and headed off. Everything was quick and done efficiently. 20 minutes later Dr. Olivia was walking back in with a smile.
"I first want to say congratulations, you're about a week pregnant." She said and Elizabeth smiled and tears formed for many different reasons but she always wanted to be a mom especially with Jake but now it was just without Jake. "We'll get along with your physical and then some medical history." She said and Elizabeth nodded and that went by super fast and everything came back good. She didn't have any medical problems with her or her family. When she asked about Jake's she answered with ease, especially since he didn't have any and neither did his family, even though it was painful to talk about him. She left the appointment satisfied and a smile on her face and went back to work.
The rest of the day went without a hitch and when she was packing up Mr. Saver walked in with a smile. "I have some great news." He said as she looked up and she smiled.
"Oh?" She asked
"Yes, you got the transfer. You're going to be transferring in two months." He said and she could've squealed but refrained from it.
"That's great news! Thank you so much!" She said and got up and hugged him and then they pulled apart and he walked out of the room and she finished up her work and headed home.
When she got home she started to pack the things in boxes that she wasn't going to use. She did this all with a smile on her face this was a good thing for her. After taking a break and eating something she sat on the couch and turned on the TV to finish out the night. She found herself rubbing her stomach. "It's just you and me. We'll get through this together." She said finding herself smiling.
There wasn't much contact with Jake and Javy on their deployment at least there wasn't going to be for at least 2 months. Javy was still absolutely furious with Jake. Jake still felt guilty for what he did but in his mind, it was the right thing to do. "How was Elizabeth?" Jake asked as he and Javy sat in the common area of the ship.
"Heartbroken." Javy said looking at Jake as he hung his head and guilt ran through his heart. "She's going through a rough patch and she needed you. You turned your back on her." Javy said and Jake was silent and jaw clenched.
"What the hell does that mean?" Jake asked and Javy looked at him.
"It's not my place to tell." Javy said and got up and left leaving Jake to his thoughts. He knew he fucked up. He didn't have to be reminded of it. Yes, he asked about her but it hurt to even say her name.
2 months flew by quickly and before Elizabeth knew it she was settling into her home. Most of the boxes were unpacked. There was a slight baby bump forming and that made her happy. She had her first prenatal checkup and another medical checkup 3 days before she started her teaching job. Jake had passed her mind every now and then but not much.
She needed to go to the grocery to stock up on some stuff that she needed and that is exactly what she did. She grabbed her keys and plugged in the closest grocery store in her GPS and headed that way. It didn't take long and before she knew it she was parking and walking into the store. Elizabeth grabbed a crate and began her shopping. As she was turning the corner of an isle she bumped into another cart and her hand went to her stomach when it accidentally hit it. "Oh! I'm so sorry." A husky voice said and she looked up to find a tall, handsome, brunette, and blue-eyed man and she swore her heart stopped. "Are you ok?" He asked and that seemed to snap her out of her trance.
"Yea I'm fine." She said with a smile.
"I'm Grant Braxton." He said and held out his hand for her to shake and she did and smiled.
"I'm Elizabeth Taylor." She replied.
"How far along are you?" He asked she pulled a confused face.
"Huh?" She asked
"You protected your stomach only expecting mothers do that." He said and she smiled.
"2 months." She said and he smiled. "How did you know?" She asked.
"I'm a doctor." He replied "What do you do? I haven't seen you around." He asked.
"I actually just moved here. I'm a teacher." She said. They must've talked for what seemed like hours but was really 20 minutes and they really hit it off.
"I would love to take you out some time." He said and her smile grew bigger.
"I would love that." She said and they exchanged phone numbers and then they finished shopping and he walked her to her car. They said goodbye to each other and headed off their own ways. She sat in her car for a minute. She couldn't help but stop smiling. For the first time after Jake broke her heart, she felt happy. This was gonna be good for her and the unborn child.
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curiousquirks · 1 year
helloo! it's me again
lately i've been thinking about overhaul a lot, so how about we get to see your take on his nsfw alphabet? 🤭
i'm tempted to write it myself but i'm out of ideas lately 😔 so yeah, have a nice day/night!
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A/N: Hi hi <3 I'm happy to be able to do his first since I love him the most aha I hope you have a lovely day
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Listen, post nut clarity hits this man like a truck. He’s not going to prioritize anything other than getting himself clean. He feels like he needs to crawl out of his own skin because he just gets so uncomfortable. Once he deals with that however, he’ll make sure that his partner is okay (making sure they’re not in pain or getting them anything they need) but they will need to clean themselves as well. Immediately. He’ll help don’t worry.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself: His eyes. They’re intense and he can command without a word. He also knows that it makes his partner melt when he forces strong eye contact.
His partner: Hips. He subconsciously will have his hands just laying on their hips outside of the bedroom. It adds to their silhouette which he admits to finding himself admiring far too often. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Normally Kai would think it’s the most disgusting thing, something that just thinking about would set him off. However, in the heat of the moment Kai finds himself letting those disgusting thoughts flow through his mind unfiltered and perverting his senses. In those moments, Kai would want nothing more than to watch it drip out their hole or force it to paint their body, especially their face. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He will intentionally make his partner be loud as he can make them because he hopes someone hears them. He’d never say this, of course, because he refuses to admit that it’s a kink of some kind. What happens intimately between partners should be kept private afterall. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
If this man ever gets a partner, it’s the first for anything. He never would be looking for a partner, it’d be a slow burn type of romance but when he does fall in love it’d be hard. They’d be his first time, obviously, and he’d be nervous and awkward until he got the hang of it. He knows just about everything about sexual education but that knowledge only does so much in theory. He’s not someone who watches porn so he’d have to learn in a more hands-on way. His partner would definitely know that he loves them because of how vulnerable he is being.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Doggy-Style (usually either with their face shoved into the mattress or pulled up towards him) or Missionary (he’s a simple man, also because he push them into a matting press) 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Oh it’s very serious. He doesn’t like any humorous things happening when he’s having sex, and no he doesn’t find it amusing when his partner tries to do anything funny either. That being said, if something happens like someone falling off the bed, it wouldn’t ruin the moment. He can recover quickly and make them get back on track really easily.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Well groomed and maintained. Exactly what he’d expect of his partner. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
If it was a heat of the moment, it’s not very romantic. It’s hot and heavy. Kai likes preplanning hours set aside for enjoying his time with his partner though. It’s an event. It’s incredibly intimate and romantic. That’s his preference. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t like masturbating. He doesn’t find it nearly as fulfilling as reaching climax with his partner. He’s done it a few times, but it’s mostly so it’ll be gone so he can focus because he can’t ignore his erection. Also he is someone who would prefer looking at pictures of his partner to get off too, not finding any aid in looking at someone else. He prefers audio recordings from his partner more than anything, as it makes him come faster than anything else.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
BREEDING KINK (but this is a man in denial about it)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His bed. He’s not too big on doing it in risky places and prefers the comfort of his own bedroom. Only other place he’d pick is the bathroom.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Rile him up throughout the day with simple things like lingering touches, whispering in his ear, pressing your body against him. Begging can be an easy ticket, but they'd have to sound desperate. That’s his favorite.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Involving another person is completely off limits. He’s too selfish for that.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He’s not someone too keen on giving oral to his partner, but there have been moments where he did. He’s not a god at it or anything but the best thing about Kai is that he won’t stop at something until he’s satisfied with his skill level in it. 
It does make him go feral watching his partner out of breath, saliva dripping down their face after they choked on his cock though. It’s one of those heat of the moment fantasies that nearly has him finishing on the spot.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s usually pretty rough and the pace depends on if he's trying to drag it out or not at the time. He’s not someone who likes quickies, because he takes his time enjoying the feeling. He usually only goes slow on purpose to fuck with his partner and make them squirm under him.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
It would only happen if he ended up doing something hot and heavy and he really needed to be somewhere soon. His partner would pay for it later too. He doesn’t half-ass anything, it’s why he likes taking his time with his partner. They’ll be thoroughly fucked when he’s done with them.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He doesn’t like disrupting anything he has set in place so experimenting takes a lot of work. His partner would honestly have to suggest things and work with convincing him. But I mean they are the ones who opened this world to him in the first place so maybe he should listen at least. 
As for risks? He’d rather not. Okay, well non-horny Kai would say this. Horny Kai takes quite a few risks during the moment.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Kai usually will edge himself for a while before coming. He can last for a long time, usually getting a few orgasms out of his partner before he’ll finish. He does this, not because he can’t go for multiple rounds but because he’ll probably be too uncomfortable to continue until he relaxes for a while. His quirk helps too lmao
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He’s not opposed to toys at all. In fact he has no issue using them on his partner at all. The fact that he can make them writhe and whimper without touching them himself, he enjoys it more than he admits.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If his partner is being a brat and annoying him on purpose, he will go out of his way to tease the fuck out of them. It doesn’t matter if his partner is sitting there whining about how much they want him to touch them, should’ve behaved better. 
He also has his own streak of teasing his partner with subtle touches and whispers in their ear, relishing in how they squirm. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s not that loud when it comes to noises, he’s more of a grunter. If he’s in control that is. Get that man submissive and he is whiny and whimpering like a bitch. 
When he does dirty talk it’s barely above a whisper though. He wants his partner loud, doesn’t mean he is going to be.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Kai has a high wall to climb to get him to do certain things that he’d consider more extreme (like pegging or being submissive for his partner for example) but once you get over that wall? He is a whore.  
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Bigger than average. Nothing too extreme but it’s pretty. Uncut and always clean. He takes pride in that he never had to use his quirk to alter it.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
I see it as more of a switch. It’s usually off but he can let himself get turned on. Sometimes his partner forces the switch to turn on without him noticing.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s too uncomfortable to fall asleep immediately, he’s got too much to do. Unless he was the one thoroughly fucked in the mattress that is. He’ll end up passing out and then wake up and be in the worst mood for the next 24 hours.
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nellyofthevalley · 8 months
truths, ch.1
astarion x fem!tav rating: explicit
content: piv sex, fingering, biting/blood drinking, emotionally repressed losers who can't communicate, angst I guess
summary: this fic is mostly an excuse to write a bunch of dialogue bouncing around in my head. astarion is a sad little idiot who turns his fears into a self-fulfilling prophecy because he never learned how to love. it may or may not turn into a tragedy
“As I told you—you broke my cold, dead heart. Of course it was cruel,” Astarion says, melodramatic, hamming it up for her. He wants her to feel guilty for it; he wants her to stop being so tiring and play right into his hand. Make it easy for him.“I don’t believe you,” Tav says. “Everything you say sounds like a pretty lie, and you all but told me that’s what it is. Pretty lies. I’m not interested.”
chapters: ch.1 | ch.2 | ch.3 | ch.4 | ch.5 | ch.6 | ch.7 | ch.8
read it on ao3 or below the cut
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Camping in the Underdark is unsettling, to say the least. The party hears noises in the distance, reminiscent of the howl of wolves or the songs of birds on the surface, but here, the sounds are warped and unrecognizable, and when they travel, they never meet the creatures that match the sound. Their party travels lighter with fewer bodies, having stricter lookout shifts with more on nighttime patrol. Tonight is Lae’zel and Shadowheart on shift, and Tav can imagine that’s going well. After all, it was only a few days ago they’d been at each others throats. 
At least they are speaking to one another—Astarion hasn’t talked to her for days. Not since she turned him down at the tieflings’ celebration at camp, back by the grove. It would be fine, if it weren’t for the fact that it’s so obvious and awkward; he is clearly avoiding her, and she doesn’t know how to handle it. Avoid him? Act normal? What is normal anymore, anyway? 
She hadn’t meant to let him down so callously; how smug and fake he sounded finally got on her nerves. She didn’t expect him to seem so wounded by it. He was so good at putting on a fake face and fake words, so why was he surprised that she’d rejected him? What did he expect?
‘I’ve gotten on my back ten thousand times or more and forgotten half of them,’ he’d said after. ‘But you... you I’ll remember.’
The words linger in her mind like a parasite, fighting for space with her tadpole. It bothers her that she can’t let this go. Were they just more pretty words he spouted to get her in bed again, or something else? For a moment, it almost seemed like his facade had cracked when he said it. For all she knows, that could've been a performance as well. 
This evening, Tav finds herself in Halsin’s company while she works at her braids, discussing the road ahead. It won’t be long before they’re met with the shadow-cursed lands, and out of them all, Halsin knows the most. He recounts his studies on the curse and tadpole, eager to head off to their next destination despite the danger. Halsin clearly feels a certain responsibility to the cursed lands, though he’s also struggling with leaving the grove behind. 
“They’ll be fine without you—they’re tough,” Tav offers, doing her best to provide some kind of comfort. “You’ll be missed, I’m sure. I’m glad you’re with us, we’re lucky to have you.”
“I remain optimistic that Francesca will strive in my old position. Still, it is difficult to leave my home behind,” he says. “I’m afraid the city will be an even harder adjustment for me. The busy streets and crowds are a far cry from the comforts of nature.”
“There, there, Halsin,” Gale chimes in, joining the group by the campfire. “You might be pleasantly surprised. I admit, the city park has nothing on your lovely grove, but, well. You share the pursuit of knowledge, I assume? Baldur’s Gate is home to many wonderful things—the best of which being an extraordinary bookstore known as Sorcerous Sundries.”
Gale likes to hear Gale talk, so Tav backs off and lets him engage with Halsin in her stead. Her attention turns toward the campfire on this particularly cold night, stretching her arms and hands out in front of her, taking in the warmth it provides. Her own tent is dull and cold, so she can find sleep only once the boys have talked all they can talk and finally leave, allowing her the silence needed to rest.
Tav glances over at Astarion’s tent, and unsurprisingly, he’s nowhere to be found. Likely off hunting, she thinks. Ever since the party and their strange little silent treatment pact started, he’s been getting his fill elsewhere. She used to provide for him—to help him be ‘stronger, fight better,’ as he’d argued. Now, things were too tense to invite him back. 
She finds herself wondering if he’s chasing animals or people. It’s none of her business who he feeds from, but she can’t deny the slight twinge of jealousy eating at her, at the thought of him having his needs met from another ‘thinking’ creature. 
‘Truth be told, you were my first,’ he’d said. Tav felt shame as her cheeks flushed. His first. Something about that sounded so… personal.
Her attention snaps back to the present, settling into the bed roll by the fire, watching the flames frolic. As her eyes start to drift away, the need for sleep washing over her, the sounds of the wilderness become duller, drowned out. She didn’t realize how tired she was, how exhausting this day had been. Her muscles relax, sight fades, and thoughts morph into concepts as she drifts away to the warm comfort of sleep. 
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Tav wakes in a sweat. Her skin feels like it’s melting, like she’s being boiled alive; her hands rush to her face, and when she touches herself, the skin oozes off her bones, flowing down her fingers and arms. She tries to scream, and nothing comes out, her mouth a gooey mess dripping onto the ground beneath her.
She tries to stand and flee, but her ankles are already turning into liquid fire. Her body lowers, slowly liquifying into the ground below. She’s helpless, a lost cause; an existence destined to fade away and be lost forever. A voice—her voice—tells her so, tells her ‘give up’.
Tav wakes again, this time with an audible scream. She instinctively jumps out of bed, rising to her knees; hands rush to touch her face again, relief and surprise coursing through her body as she realizes she’s still there. All of her, in one piece; not melting away as her dreams try to convince her. 
She sits upright and tears flow from her eyes, frustrated—these dreams keep happening to her, and she doesn’t understand it. The campfire is all except gone, hardly any flame or heat remains. 
“Tav!” Shadowheart calls to her, running and kneeling beside her. “Did something happen? Are you okay?”
“I-I’m fine, I think,” she gets out, looking over her fingers and feet again, as if she has to remind herself they’re still there, still real. “Just… having nightmares.”
“Chk. If a dream bothers you that much, I question your sanity,” Lae’zel comments in her typical, apathetic tone, approaching the duo. “Soon you may develop a fever, grow tentacles, become ghaik at last—the moment you do, I’ll be ready to strike.”
Tav rolls her eyes, prodding at the campfire, hoping to reignite the tiny flame. Despite her dream, the air is cold, and her bedroll isn’t enough. Shadowheart and Lae’zel head off in separate directions to resume their patrol, and Tav catches Shadowheart glancing back at her on their way out. She seems genuinely concerned for Tav, and it’s nice to know someone does. The others are either sleeping peacefully in their tents or pretending to. Tav wishes it’s the former, hating to make a scene. 
The campfire crackles again, a little flame rising from the wood. It’s a much needed comfort, though not enough to relax and find sleep again. Tav lays on her bedroll, looking up at nothing besides a dark abyss and the faint glow of mushrooms growing far above. 
“Well, didn’t you cause quite the scare?” says a familiar voice—Astarion.
Tav jumps in surprise, leaning up onto her elbows to see him walking over from his tent. The last person she expected to see tonight. 
“I’m fine, thanks for asking,” she replies, a bit more haughty than intended. 
Knowing sleep will escape her for some time, she concedes and rises from the bedroll to sit on the log bench by the fire. It’s a silent invitation, how she leaves room for Astarion to join, and he accepts. The atmosphere is quiet, save for a few indescribable sounds in the distance, the very same type they’d learned to accept in the Underdark. 
“You’ve been avoiding me,” Tav says, willing to make the first move. 
“Darling, I’d say you’ve been avoiding me,” he answers, and it prompts Tav to realize he might be right; maybe it was all in her head and she played a one-sided game. “Tell me about your dreams.”
“What? Why?”
“Can’t I simply wonder what troubles you at night? Our ‘fearless leader’, who shows no weaknesses—yet you wake with a scream, and you weep because of it,” he says, revealing he’s been listening to it all. “Call me worried if it makes you feel better about it.”
“Are you worried about me?” Tav asks, staring daggers at him, challenging him to take off his mask. 
“Possibly,” Astarion answers with a dramatic shrug. “Or maybe I’m curious and you owe me. I told you plenty of my past, of my nightmares, and then you kept your secrets and so cruelly denied me your company. I think you can spare me a sentence or two, dear.”
She can’t tell how much of this is an act and how much isn’t. He’s putting on his usual theatrics, his dramatic tone and way of storytelling, but it’s hard to see beyond it this time. She’s certain he wants to know; she’s not certain if it’s because he’s worried. Or if he is serious about perceiving her rejection as cruel. 
“There’s not much to tell,” Tav offers, now looking away, down to her fingers and the soil beneath her feet. “Tonight, I dreamt my skin was melting off—that’s it. Sometimes, I dream that I’m drowning. Stupid, right? It’s different from other dreams I’ve had. Feels more… real. I feel the pain as my skin turns into lava, I feel my lungs fill with water. Harder to acclimate to reality when I wake.”
She pauses to let him comment, and he says nothing. He’s not even looking at her anymore. He’s staring at the ground too, like they’re looking at the same thing. There’s nothing there besides the dirt and weeds. 
“Did you really think I was cruel?”
“As I told you—you broke my cold, dead heart. Of course it was cruel,” Astarion says, melodramatic, hamming it up for her. He wants her to feel guilty for it; he wants her to stop being so tiring and play right into his hand. Make it easy for him. 
“I don’t believe you,” Tav says. “Everything you say sounds like a pretty lie, and you all but told me that’s what it is. Pretty lies. I’m not interested.”
“It’s not all pretty lies,” he rebukes, almost sounding like he’s taking offense to her skepticism. It’s frustration that he has to work so much harder with her.  “Some of them are ugly, others are pretty truths.”
“Oh? Enlighten me, what truths have you told?”
“That I miss petty vanity,” Astarion answers, keeping it simple; refusing to give more, what she wants him to give. “How it’s hard not to have fun with you.” That one is merely a consolation prize. 
“Is that all?” Tav asks, wondering if ‘fun’ he means that he enjoys himself with her, or if it’s how he so evidently enjoys messing with her. Toying with her emotions.
“For tonight, yes. That’s all you get. You can continue guessing at the rest.”
Astarion meets her gaze now, giving her those sad, red eyes. It might be an act, it might not be—he doesn’t even know himself. It reminds her of the look he wore when she turned him down, and she questions whether that was an act as she’d initially thought. He finds himself entranced by how the orange light from the flames bounce off her pale lavender skin.
He leans into her, watching to see if she recoils or pushes him away. Instead, she keeps staring at him, wide-eyed, and he senses her heart pace a little faster. She smells faintly like blueberries. He can’t resist moving in closer, nose nearly touching her neck and taking in her scent, thinking of how he’ll never get to taste them again; he’ll have to settle for the aroma.
Tav is convinced he’s going to bite her, and she knows she should stop him, but she doesn’t. She braces, waiting for it, and it doesn’t come. Astarion pulls away, and before he can decide where to go from here, she’s taking the initiative and pressing her lips to his. 
His hand instinctively raises to cup her face, deepening the kiss, pushing his mouth to hers like he wants to bruise her. It’s not him, he thinks; it’s something else, something he can’t control.  His tongue seeks entry and she doesn’t deny it, parting her lips with a little sound that he swears makes his stopped heart start again, for only a second. 
When he turns to unbutton her night shirt, movements methodical and practiced, she stops him and pulls away. 
“You don’t want this?” he asks. 
“I do,” she says, that defeated look in her eyes that he can’t tolerate. “Not like this.”
It unnerves him that he knows exactly what she means. How she saw right through him, how she could so easily read his hand movements, experienced and suave; understood another way. How he can’t even bring himself to deny it. She really isn’t like his other conquests. She is special.
She is difficult. 
Astarion moves to leave, to go think about this, or at least think about how to avoid thinking about it, but she grabs his wrist to stop him. He looks back at her, astonished by her audacity, her ability to bother him so.
‘Stay?’ her face asks, and he doesn’t know how to say no or yes. He just sits right back where he was, mind swimming; though not a single one of the swimmers composes a coherent, tangible thought. 
“Darling, you’re freezing,” he observes, picking up on the goose flesh spreading across her arms, and shakes so small, Tav hasn’t even noticed them. The campfire burns away; somehow it’s still not enough to warm her.
“I suppose I am,” she says. “I’d better get used to it. I find it difficult to believe that our journey will be getting much more comfortable anytime soon.”
Astarion sheds his coat, placing it around her shoulders, wondering what he’s fucking doing the entire time.
“It’s always cold for me,” he offers, like he has to justify himself, “and you wear it better.”
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dinoit · 9 months
Ranking my top 5 Favorite Friendships in SPN
(Jack and Bobby not included bc that’s family right there)
5. Charlie and Dean : Charlie is a badass, so fuckin funny and I love that Dean and her can nerd together. Also, as a lesbian, most of my besties have been straight guys and I just like the dynamic. (but their time together was pretty brief on the show so lowest ranking, lot of potential though)
4. Crowley and Sam/Dean : After Sam almost makes Crowley human he has the biggest crush on Sam (names saved in his phone as Moose and Not Moose). He tricked Dean into getting the mark and becoming a demon bc he is a petty king. Obviously he’s a demon but at the end of the day he cares a lot about them and sacrifices himself for them.
3. Rowena and Sam : Rowena starts off rough but her and Sam really bond, especially after the whole Lucifer thing. It’s clear she really cares about him (and Dean, by extension). During Rowena’s end they’re both crying and soft and it’s just such a sweet moment of platonic love. Also in another life Sam would 100% be getting witch lessons from her and you can’t convince me otherwise.
2. Cas and Sam/Dean : Definitely starts off rocky, he guides Dean into the apocalypse and even lets Sam out of detox to start it. Then he lies to them for months to absorb the souls from purgatory and tries to become god. But in later seasons he’s really around to help out the boys, he always puts their well being in front of his own and ends up sacrificing himself for Dean. He wants them to just be happy together and hopes with all his might to be included into that little slice of happiness they finally work out for themselves. They make him more human and that means a lot to him. And as Dean said, he’s one of the best friends they’ve ever had. (Not to mention he coparented Jack with them)
1. Jody and Sam/Dean : Honestly Jody is such an icon, she’s not much older than them but she seems a lot wiser and her door is always open for them. After Bobby dies they get a lot closer and idk she feels more like an aunt than pretty much anyone else in their life. And she lends an ear whenever they have mundane troubles and she’s just a very sweet supportive friend. Also I think she’s the only person who in almost every (later) episode she’s in with the boys, she treats Sam and Dean like normal life partners (bc whether you think it’s romantic or platonic that’s what they are), everyone else pretty much just ignores it or brushes it off, but it has to be pretty affirming for them to visit her and she’s just like “I know the person most important to you and who you want to spend your life with is your brother and that’s okay and it’s good that you’ve found that for yourself”
+1. honorable mention to Meg bc she was so funny and saved both their asses so many times
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theladyinwhite13 · 8 months
If I remember correctly, the day was November 5th, 2020. A normal evening, or so we thought. Emotions were high, as supernatural was officially coming to an end with fifteen seasons and 327 episodes. A long time, indeed, it had been running since I was born, it being the same age as me weirdly. Nevertheless, it was not the last episode was coming out that day, but the second to last, so we had our walls down. "Nothing's gonna happen yet", we said, knowing full well that literally every single character had died the episode before that. Still, we carried on with the pretense. Have you heard about Destiel? If you have, which is most likely, I'm sorry, and if you haven't, it's an "alleged" romance between the main character, Dean (my icon), and the angel, Castiel, who "gripped him tight and saved him from perdition" (he literally pulled him out of hell). Anyone who has ever seen even a snippet knows hoe hopelessly in love these two were, but it was not to be. Misha Collins, the actor who played Castiel - Cas for short - spent every waking moment trolling and shipping and just general chaos on the internet (he still does). Several episodes back, The Void (where angels and demons meet their end) offered Cas a deal; to finally let it take him in exchange for Dean's life (he died again) on the day he would he truly happy. Thinking this to be impossible, he quickly agreed. Fast forward to Nov 5th's episode, they had some shit going on I don't even remember but they had to kill something? And only the Void could? Oh, I remember they wanted to kill Death (again), so Cas looked Dean in the eyes, and whispered to his beloved his confession of true love. Dean was VERY confused but the mutual love was there for a second. The Void took Cas. The episode ended.
Hope this helps<3
sorry since when is dean part of destiel?? wait nvm I looked up the meme again dean is the other one, but why didn’t they make jared padalecki dean both times, I think that would’ve been easier for all of us, and also how do you kill death? i’m also super confused by this part: The Void (where angels and demons meet their end) offered Cas a deal; to finally let it take him in exchange for Dean's life (he died again) on the day he would he truly happy. I would never give someone I love to the void?? that seems like something a bad couple would do?? like my parents and this was the FINAL episode, like that’s how the whole show ends?? just with dean (who is NOT jared padalecki??) waiting cause his true love is gone?? weird
also I do not think the nov 5th of this is nov 5th enough. that sentence makes no sense but I don’t know how to make it make sense
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Fandom List 2 — Whumpy Works created for the Multimedia Summer Exchange in the Whumplovers Collaborate server
This list features Whumpy art and writing for the following fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist, Genshin Impact, My Hero Academia, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Call of Duty, Banana Fish, Doki Doki Literature Club!, [Módào Zǔshī, The Untamed], Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom, Gravity Falls, Tiger & Bunny, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Tokyo Ghoul, SCP Foundation, Sonic The Hedgehog, Black Butler, Undertale Gears of War, Night Head Genesis
Original Work List — Fandom List 1 — Fandom List 3
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist — All Media Types
Rat Race by nxllxfy @null-whump
It was when his vision started fading that Ed distantly realized that he might die.
No one was there, no one was coming, and no one would find him when he did die. He would be left down in this god-forsaken sewer, a fucking sewer, of all places, and Al would never know what happened to him. And for fuck’s sake, even he didn’t know what had happened to him, because he couldn’t fucking remember.
The Blade for the Undiplomatic by User_needs_a_Username
Fullmetal is missing and no one is quite sure where he is. Ed's been stabbed and is bleeding out.
Coming Home (Home is Wherever You are Not) by User_needs_a_Username
Edward and Alphonse get a letter from their father... And emotions stir... He’s coming to see them.
Watch Your Back by Anonymous 
Riza doesn't watch Roy's back for a moment...
Fandom: Genshin Impact
One Mistake by BeneathAScorpionSky @beneathascorpionsky
Even as a puppet, you're not invincible by Dye_Iguess @whumpedydump
Scaramouche art. Il Dottore experiments.
Tragedy in the Wind by emcSCARED @emcscared-whumps
(ARTWORK) Kaeya is very, very sad and is (most likely) having a (-n ambiguously) awful time. I don't know much about Genshin, but I've seen the art and I pin his vibe as someone who doesn't outwardly process emotion very much, so, let's stress him :)
Fandom: My Hero Academia
noise creates illusions [silence brings truth] bynitroglycerin_and_paraffin (candleshopmenace) 
Shinsou Hitoshi is trapped.
driven to my knees by Rookblonkorules
A mission gone wrong sees Bakugou on the wrong side of quirk traffickers.
choking on my own blood by Rookblonkorules
Midoriya is injured severely during a villain attack. Aizawa stays with him until help arrives.
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Actions have Consequences by ASmallVoice
While on a supply mission for Allura, Keith is kidnapped by the Galra.
the fire that was by Rookblonkorules 
Hunk and Shiro rescue Keith, who has been a prisoner of the Galra for some time.
No Dawn. No Day. I Am Always In The Twilight. by Gem_Of_The_Land @whumpy-gems
A mission failure leading to the capture of three Paladins. They don't know where they are, why they are there, or what is going to happen. All Lance, Keith and Pidge know is that they must stay together. In order to survive the brutality they are going to face. Hoping each new day wont bring any other troubles.
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
fallen pheonix by Chordata7 
a gift for a small voice for the summer whump exchange.
Alone by MidnightCity @circuitdelasarthe
Hurt Zuko by Silver_Treats (SuperSilverSpy), SuperSilverSpy
Zuko got stabbed on his own ship…
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Saving Ferdinand by WriterOfWorlds
Ferdinand gets kidnapped by Those Who Slither In The Dark and is presumed dead. Hubert is determined to save Ferdinand.
An exchange fic. For my Bad Things Happen Bingo: You Can Scream All You Want
Just Another Theory in Motion by The_Walking_Pie 
When Hubert takes longer than usual to return from a scouting mission, Ferdinand can't help but worry. But when Hubert finally does return, something seems...off.
Bait on a Hook by The_Walking_Pie 
During a normal fishing trip, Byleth gets kidnapped by Those Who Slither in the Dark.
Fandom: Call of Duty
Crawling rot by Livingblurr @livingblurr
But he fucking loathed it right now. Sweet baby Jesus, he hated himself even more. The coffee in his ‘best mom ever mug’ was stale and cold, poured hours ago just to be forgotten about as Graves had indulged in yet another file Shepherd had sent over.
Graves doesn’t get enough sleep because of far too much paperwork and his mind does a funky thing and lets him hallucinate. His medic is there to catch him.
Feral claws (don’t cut chains) by Livingblurr @livingblurr
Metal bars caged him in the small space, like a damn animal in a Zoo enclosure, ready for viewing at a moment's notice. Only thing missing was stupid plexiglass and a brat hammering against it with their sticky grippers.
Graves gets captured and (somewhat) tortured.
Fandom: Banana Fish
Hurt Ash Fanart bySilver_Treats (SuperSilverSpy), SuperSilverSpy
That one time when Ash was restrained and beaten…
Sacrifice For A Friend by Sishal @sishal01
Eiji just wants to help his friend. No matter the cost to himself.
Fandom: Doki Doki Literature Club!
Niemand by rikkacha 
"Hey, hey, wake up!"
the red means i love you by Steefwaterbutter
Yuri sure does love y/n, huh?
Fandom: Módào Zǔshī, The Untamed
I Only Sink Deeper by Steefwaterbutter
A grieving sect leader, a night hunt gone terribly wrong, and a smile that must not fade.
Or: Lan Xichen falls ill and his family reminds him how much they love him.
Return Me To His Arms by ProjectXIII @project-xiii
A snapshot in which a tortured soul finally freed finds itself pulled back to mortal fetters at the loving but wounded voice of his loved one, a voice gentle enough to stall the screaming in his ears but powerful enough to bring him back to earth.
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom
What the Courageous Fear by Sparky_Lurkdragon @sparkylurkdragon
Link recalls that time King Rhoam made him give a speech.
Caught in the In-Between by Sishal @sishal01
Link is caught in the war between light and darkness.
Fandom: Gravity Falls
I've got you, brother by ilike_color @graham-cracker-guillotine
Stan gets lost trying to find Ford's cabin. Ford helps him warm up.
Fandom: Tiger & Bunny
A Shortcut to Danger by The_Walking_Pie
On the way to the movies, Kotetsu and Barnaby end up embroiled in a robbery. They dispatch the robber quickly, but one of them ends up with an injury that's more than it appears to be.
Fandom: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
House of Memories by Rookblonkorules 
Narancia finds himself in an unfortunate situation with no one to come for him.
Fandom: Tokyo Ghoul
It Doesn't Get Better by emcSCARED @emcscared-whumps
(ARTWORK) Kaneki suffers some more (ambiguous) torture (presumably with a Special WeaponTM of some sort) because he isn't miserable enough yet :) He looks good in chains.
Fandom: SCP Foundation
Transportation by Gadgetrocks
My piece for the Whumplovers Collaborate summer exchange!! Looks like SCP-049 is being transported somewhere after an… incident. Is it the bloodloss or the lavender circulating the air making them woozy? Who can tell, really >;)
Fandom: Sonic The Hedgehog
Sparky Lurkdragon's Treat by Anonymous 
Fandom: Black Butler
Bad Day For Sebastian by Silver_Treats (SuperSilverSpy)
Sebastian got stabbed…
Fandom: Undertale
Hurt Flowey by Silver_Treats (SuperSilverSpy) 
Flowey’s not having a good time
Fandom: Gears of War
MidnightCity's Treat by Anonymous
Fandom: Night Head Genesis
Night Head Genesis Art by Anonymous
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gococogo · 1 year
Playing Couple Pt.2
「Synopsis 」 : Dean is getting restless but he finds out that Cas has made some friends that could further their investigation for the good.
「Word count」 : 1/49K
-> Genre: Supernatural Fluff
Paring: Dean Winchester / Castiel
[Warnings] : Cas wearing normal clothes
Note: Sorry this part is a little slow, setting up for the next part
| M.List | Pt. 1 | Pt. 3
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The next day came by quickly and Dean found himself bored waiting around already. Castiel had somehow convinced him that he would go out and grocery shop for him. Dean tried to preoccupy himself inside on the TV or checking up on the protection around the house. But Cas had already checked everything over and nothing was on TV or anything on a binging sight that looked interesting. So, Dean decided an hour ago to clean Baby even though she wasn’t due for a clean.
He wears a singlet instead of all the layers he usually has on to wash the car. He’s noticed a few of neighbours come out to inspect their garden, stare at Dean for a while then head back inside. Or one of them brought out their bin out early to have a look at their new neighbour. Dean feels exposed out in the neighbourhood, not liking how everyone wants to get in on the new gossip.
Yes, there’s always gossip in the hunter circle. On whom killed what, how many one hunter has killed or who has betrayed who and the list goes on. But neighbourhood gossip is different. Dean can ditch a hunter and never see their face again if he didn’t like them. You’re stuck with your neighbours, and they’re stuck with you.
Castiel comes back just as Dean finishes up. He caught the public bus in to not raise suspicion since he wasn’t allowed to drive Baby. Dean made that very aware. Cas walks from up the street where the bus stop was with bags of groceries in hand that would normally stop a human in their tracks.
“How are things, honey?” Cas asks him casually.
It takes Dean a moment to remind himself it’s an act, and that they’re outside with watching eyes. He’ll have to get use to it, but it feels like he won’t.  
“Just finished up here,” Dean answers back awkwardly. “You need help?” He asks, even though he knows that Cas doesn’t need the help.
But Cas says, “Yes, that would be lovely.”
He holds out one hand that holds at least four bags. Dean takes two bags in each hand so he doesn’t pop his shoulder out. He follows Cas inside with a grunt with how heavy one of the bags are. Once inside, he quickly plops them on the counter and looks inside the bags. The bag that was weighing Dean down as two cartons of milk in it with orange juice and-
“You got me beer?” Dean says a little too happily, grabbing the warm six pack out.
“Yes,” Cas says as he begins unpacking the bags. “I know you like a beer with your greasier foods.”
It touches Dean but he doesn’t let it show. He gives a rough, “Thank you,” instead.
Cas takes the six pack off of Dean and puts it in the fridge for later tonight. Dean sits at the counter and watches the angel put everything in their rightful place.
“Anything happen while you were out?” Dean asks once Cas finishes.
Cas hesitates before saying a not so confident, “No.”
Dean raises an eyebrow at that, “What happened? Did you run into what we’re hunting?”
Castiel leans on the counter. “I had a bit of trouble getting the last apple pie that was there,” he says.
“You didn’t beat anyone up did you?”
The angel is silent.
“Cas,” Dean says firmly.
“I may have snatched the last apple pie out of a man’s basket while he wasn’t looking,” he replies with a shrug.
That gets a short laugh out of Dean, a smile spreading across his face. “Cas, you can’t go stealing other people’s groceries,” he says seriously but light heartedly.
“It’s not stealing if he hasn’t bought it yet,” Cas argues.
Dean can’t say anything back. Because the angel has a fair point. But it still isn’t right to do, but he can’t stop the angel from doing some of the stuff he does. He’s a stubborn son of a bitch sometimes.  
“Any updates on the creature?” Dean asks.
“Unfortunately, not,” Cas replies with a slight shake of his head.
The hunter groans and paces into the living room then back to the kitchen. “I can’t sit around like this, Cas,” he groans.
“It’s what we have to do,” Cas says. “You can try gardening. Anything to make us look like normal people on the neighbourhood.”
“Gardening!?” Dean snaps. “Do I look like I garden?”
“It was just a suggestion, Dean.”
Two days go by before a knock on their door has Dean jumping off the couch. Castiel took the gardening around the house since he has nothing else to do. Dean has just been mopping about this entire time. But the knock has Dean running to the door. He opens it a little too eagerly and is a little taken a back when a middle-aged woman stands there with a large smile on her chubby face. She’s short and stocky with a thick set of hair on her head. It’s short and frizzy, looking like it’s just been washed. She looks Hispanic but she might also have some Italian in her as well.
“Hello! I didn’t mean to bother you,” she says with a thick Hispanic accent. “Is Castiel in?”
Dean is a little taken a back. “Yeah, he’s out the back.”
“Oh, could you grab him please. I would like to ask him something,” she tells him, the smile never leaving her face.
“What is your name?” Dean asks.
“Dean. I’ll grab him.” He introduces himself.
Dean closes the door and goes to fetch Cas. The angel is currently in the garden, trying to dig up all the weeds and replanting the flowers and other stuff that came with the house. The angel has changed from his suit and trench coat, and it is immensely weird to see him in normal clothes. He wears a white button up shirt with blue jeans. It reminds Dean of when he turned human for a while. He will never get use to seeing the angel in said, ‘human clothes’. Dean on the other hand just wears what he normally wears.
“Cas,” Dean says, grabbing his attention. “There’s a woman called Gabriella wanting you?”
The angel perks up at that. “Is she needing help with her cat again?”
“What? No?” Dean spits out a little too quickly.
Castiel takes his gardening gloves off and wipes his hands on his jeans. “She say anything else?” He asks.
“No, who is she?”
“She’s not the thing we’re hunting, Dean,” Cas has to tell him sternly. “I helped her with her cat down the street yesterday.”
“A cat?”
“Yes,” the angel says he walks back inside the house.
Dean follows him to the front door where Gabriella is still waiting. Her face lights up again at seeing the angel.
“Oh, Castiel! How are you!” Gabriella says cheerfully.
“I’m going good,” he responds.
Dean shuffles in beside Cas so he isn’t out of the conversation. An arm snaking around Dean’s waist makes him stiffen up and he has to not outwardly react to the foreign feeling. But Cas acts so natural, bringing Dean in closer because he knows that the hunter wants to listen in. They’re so close that Dean can smell the dirt and grass on the angel.
“I want to invite you to dinner on Thursday night. I have other friends on the neighbourhood that are coming,” Gabriella invites them. “I think it would be good for you two to meet other people that are here. Get settled in more,” she adds.
Getting to know everyone. That would benefit their job way more than sitting here doing nothing. Before Dean can agree, Cas is already.
“That sounds great. We’ll be there,” Castiel says, squeezing Dean’s side.
“Oh, that’s wonderful, you can come around seven. You don’t need to bring anything but yourselves,” Gabriella cheers lightly. “I’ll be seeing you Thursday if I don’t see you around before then.”
Then she’s off with a wave. She kinda waddles down the driveway and down the street. As soon as Cas closes the door, Dean is pushing himself out of the angel’s grip. Cas is a little offended but it’s to be expected. But Dean doesn’t snap at him for holding him.
“This is good! Right?” Dean celebrates this small win.
“We don’t know if the creature will be there,” Cas says, not wanting to have some hope and then they’re let down.
“Yes, I know I know,” Dean waves his hand. “But it’s a win.”
Thursday is three days away. Dean just has to put up with three more days of this shit before then. Oh, this job could finally be over and done with before the week ends. It’ll go smoothly and they’ll be back at the bunker to search for a more eventful job.
Oh, how Dean, is completely wrong on that.
Do not steal, plagiarize, translate, repost, or use my work in any way, shape or form.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
Hmm. 20-22 inclusive …. making you be negative 😈 I’m assuming you’ll do zelda but as a scholar I’m also interested in your spn thoughts so you pick mwah
oooh dealer's choice this is so tough...what if i just answer for both LMAO im so sorry ok Lets Go
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
for zelda: i really, really wish i liked wind waker. i wanna like wind waker so fucking bad. i love wind waker's story. i love wind waker's ganondorf. i love how bright and cheerful the graphics are contrasted with how solemn it is underground. i love the dungeons and the gameplay. but god i HATE the cartoony little balloon heads. it takes me right out of those serious moments. i don't mind stylization but if it could have been just a LITTLE BIT. less stylized. just a LITTLE LESS like animal crossing characters. it's beautiful to look at but for a game with such serious hidden elements WHICH I LOVE i find trouble taking it seriously.
for spn: god, all of crowley's little arcs. he was almost never interesting, and while you can excuse bad writing for cas because it's cas, you can't make crowley happen. fetch is never gonna happen! you can show me his fun hot mom and his dead son and it still isn't happening! he's just the walking talking embodiment of the "angels and demons are just like OFFICE WORKERS" trope which i hate so fucking deeply because it's the least sexy direction they ever took and the exact opposite of what i want from my angels and demons. all of the middle seasons suffered deeply from this. crowley COULD have been interesting, but tbh, i liked him best in the season they killed him off.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
for zelda: i could do wind waker again but actually i completely understand the hype, bc wind waker is a great game even if i can't deal with it like a normal person. same with botw - i found most of the joy thru exploration, so it just didnt Hit on replays the way other zeldas do, but its influence cannot be understated and the hype is deserved. what if everybody is right all the time to hype any and everything about zelda?? oh wait actually. sorry. twilight princess ilia. idk if people hype her but if they do theyre wrong. love and light to her, she's Fine, but it feels kind of like a knockoff of malon (superior) and i generally dislike when link has romantic interests besides zelda, even if the love interest gets amnesia (wistful sigh). this sin was especially egregious bc zelda barely has any screentime at all, but i forgive tp for this because what screentime she DOES have is spent being in lesbians with midna. so it works out just this once due to the power of gay people, but that's some thin fucking ice. anyway, sorry to ilia and ilia fans for being a misogynist
for spn: i hate canon claire. i can't get into it in depth but like...sorry, even without the issue of My Own Claire Ideas, i still don't know if i could do it. being gay does not save her from having the exact same "damaged but spunky teen girl" personality given to almost EVERY OTHER TEENAGE GIRL (or young woman) on the show. to some extent she, krissy, mary from the winchesters, charlie, jo, alex, etc etc all have the same personality with a few defining quirks tacked on as an afterthought. do i love some of these characters? yes, of course. are they well-written? absolutely not <3
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
for zelda: in general, i think skyward sword gets a bad rap despite lanayru desert's entire (waves hand vaguely) and zelda being a fucked up evil goddess who canonically manipulates link's love for her. AND GROOSE. never forget groose. more specifically i think not enough people have acknowledged 1. the champions corpses are definitely still in those cockpits 2. oot link essentially became a stalfos by walking into the lost woods without navi and never came back. hello?? generally those dark little implications that u have read between the lines to get <3
for spn: oh baby its michael!dean. i waited so long and i only really got what i wanted for one episode but it was so good. it was SO good. no one else is as hype about the fact that it took nine REAL LIFE YEARS to get there. a DECADE of my finite time on earth. but ohhh was it ever worth the wait. what else could i possibly write 100k+ about
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nova-stardragon · 2 years
You Work Too Hard
Read on AO3 here <3
Cassian POV
Az had sneezed three times in the past 5 minutes. I drummed my hands on the table, staring at the doorway to the living room, where Az was working on reports.
This couldn’t be normal. Maybe he was having allergies…?
I looked out the window at the barren, snowy landscape – now dark since it was well after sunset. Maybe there was some sort of… cold weather loving mold, only active at nighttime. That was probably it.
There was a distinct thump in the living room, and then silence. “Az?” I called softly. There was no reply.
I stared at the doorway for a moment, before springing to my feet. I was standing in the doorway before I knew it. “Hey Az – I know you said not to bother you, but I heard… SHIT!”
Az had collapsed in the space between the couch and the table, looking like he had just… fallen. Maybe he had been trying to stand.
“Az, Azazaz…” I hurried over to him, banging my shin on the table in the process, and dragged him up. After a moment, I carefully laid him on the couch. “Are you hurt? What happened?”
He stared at me, eyes unfocused, face flushed. “Cas…” his voice was low and raspy, like he had just walked through a desert for two months without any water, while screaming at the top of his lungs.
I put the back of my hand to his head. “Shit, Az, you’re burning up.”
“I…” he winced, reaching a hand up to his throat. “I might… be sick.”
“Well no shit.” I said, giving him a look. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
“I have to…”
“Stop talking!!”
“No! Shush. Shut your face. Quiet time.” I waved a hand in his face. He blinked at me, glaring a little bit, and made a vulgar gesture, and then ruined it by sneezing again.
I forced myself not to laugh. “Come on.” I pulled at him gently, trying to coax him upright. “Can you stand, or do you need help?”
He stood, and then swayed, almost falling over. I caught him against me easily, keeping an arm secure around his waist and guiding his arm over my shoulder. I tried a few steps before I realized he was too shaky even for this to work.
I readjusted, releasing him before scooping him up bridal style. I was careful to make sure his wings were folded properly – I was pinning them against his back, and the last thing I wanted was to hurt the delicate limbs.
He made a surprised noise, probably at the suddenness of the change. “Cas – you don’t… have to…”
“Shh.” I murmured, quieting him. “Rest. It’s okay.”
His head fell against my shoulder, and I tried not to think about how right that felt. I carried him up the stairs, and carefully laid him down on his bed. I rested my hand against his head again, and he was still burning up. He turned his head into my hand, mumbling something.
I stroked his brow, thinking furiously. I needed to get Madja, but I didn’t want to leave him alone. What if he collapsed again? What if he stopped breathing?
I walked out of his room, across the hallway, and pounded furiously on Rhys’s door. There was a muffled grunt, footsteps, and then a bare chested and very sleep disgruntled Rhys was standing there. “Cas, what the hell, do you know what time…”
“Az is sick, like, very sick.” I cut him off. “I don’t know what’s wrong. We need Madja.”
I heard Feyre from deeper in the room. “Can Fae even get sick?”
Rhys glanced back at her. “It’s rare, but it happens.” He looked back at me. “I’ll get Madja. Go sit with him until I get back.” He started walking away almost before he was done talking, shrugging on his shirt.
I ran back to Azriel’s room and let out a breath when his chest was still rising and falling. He was staring up at the ceiling, looking miserable.
“Rhys is getting Madja – “ I said, going over to him again, and gently brushing his sweat slicked hair back. “You’re going to be fine.”
“I know.” He croaked. “You’re all overreacting.”
Feyre came in, biting her lip. “Is he okay?”
“I’d be better if everyone stopped fussing. I’m fine, I just need…”
“To stop talking.” I cut him off, still gently running my hand through his hair. “Before you hurt your throat.” I glanced over at Feyre, who was hovering in the doorway. “Maybe some water…?”
She nodded, and then darted off. Az’s eyes fluttered closed, breathing a little shallow. I sought out his hand with mine, and shifted positions so I was half cuddling him. “I’m going to get you sick.” He mumbled.
I shook my head, and continued holding his hand and stroking his hair. “I’ll wait to get sick until after you’re better, so that you can have a turn making my life miserable and hovering like a mother hen.”
He huffed out a breath, eyes still closed. His whole body was warm against me, unnaturally warm. It was almost unpleasant, but I didn’t want to let him go, not when holding him like this meant I could feel his breathing and his heart.
Feyre returned, holding a glass of water, and I let go of Az’s hand to take it from her, gently lifting Az so he could drink. The fact that he didn’t even try to protest me doing it for him worried me, a lot.
Madja stormed into the room, followed by Rhys and somehow Mor. Madja looked around in exasperation, then said “everyone but my patient needs to get out.” She waved her hands at them, and they dispersed. She looked at me, and I glared at her. I wasn’t moving. Rhys could order me to move, and I’d stay here. A tree could fall through the window and I’d… well, I probably wouldn’t stay here, I’d probably move Azriel, but still…
She just stared at me, exasperated. “You’re an idiot.” She informed me.
“He really is.” Az croaked out, turning his face to look at her.
“You’re an even bigger idiot.” Az looked like he wanted to protest that, but she shook her head, waving her finger at him. “No, no, don’t talk. Let’s take a look at you.”
For the next half hour, she poked and prodded at a reluctant Azriel. She finally started quizzing him about his sleeping schedule, his eating schedule, his working schedule, his work out schedule, and basically every other kind of thing that he did in his life.
That’s how I found out my best friend hadn’t been sleeping but had instead been working most nights. No wonder he got sick – immortals could take a lot, but even we needed sleep sometimes. Combine that with all the time he spent in dank, rotting dungeons and it was no shock he got sick.
Madja gave him some medicine, the explanation for which went over my head, and told him to rest. Then she looked at me. “Tie him to the bed if you have to, but you get that male to rest and actually sleep. And drink. And eat.”
I nodded. “I will.”
Az made a grumbling noise, but I put my hand over his mouth to quiet him. He huffed against it.
Once Madja left (and she must’ve dealt with the horde that was outside Az’s room as well, because no one came in to bother us), I gently extracted myself from where I was holding Az. I settled him back down in the blankets, and he stayed down without protest. I brought him a glass of water in case he got thirsty, and then situated myself in the chair next to his bed.
He spoke as I was doing so. “If you sit there and watch me sleep I’m going to get up, climb out the window, and go for a flight in below freezing weather.”
I glared at him. “I’m not leaving you alone.”
“Then get in the fucking bed.”
I hesitated, but eventually decided that he sounded serious. He couldn’t walk up the stairs on his own, but he probably would go for a midnight flight out of sheer stubbornness. Regardless, I didn’t want to chance him even trying to get up. Just picturing his body, collapsed on the floor earlier…
I climbed into bed next to him, leaving space between us, only for him to curl into me, pressing his wings into my side.
He was asleep in moments, which only showed me how much he needed it.
“Shit.” I muttered, but adjusted gently sliding one of my arms underneath his head so that his hair spilled across my shoulder. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep to cool shadows ghosting over my skin and a warm body tucked into my side.
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ifwebefriends · 2 years
Gravity Falls Rewatch: The Finale S2E21 Weirdmageddon 4: Somewhere in the Woods
Aw man series finale, it’s been a long road y’all
Love that recap Soos
Pacifica and Robbie could be good friends I think
Those tapestries remind me of A Link Between Worlds
How much did Alex have to fight to be able to say “suicide mission” here?
“You would have seen him for the scam artist he is” that’s actually a great point ngl
Finally! The metal plate in Ford’s head came back!
“Surprised you didn’t recognize it” yeah it was different before huh?
The pain in Ford’s eyes when he points the memory gun at Stanley I-
Stan’s character development arc ending here is just mwah
Okay I think the Stan vs. Bill fight is my favorite scene in Gravity Falls it’s just so fucking epic and cool I love it
I’m kinda disappointed that the Zodiac didn’t play a larger role in defeating Bill but the way it played out is so satisfying I almost don’t mind
The frown on Ford’s face when he finished erasing Stan’s mind I :(
“You’re our hero, Stanley” BRO I 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Aww Stan not recognizing Soos must have hurt Soos a lot :(
Tourist Trapped apparently happened on the second day that Dipper and Mabel were in Gravity Falls
The old mayor showed up as a zombie!!
Robbie’s parents still being creepy!
“None of us really understand what just happened, and none of us want to.” Lmao true
Blubs and Durland ship confirmation wooooooo!
“You’re only going to have one pony now” okay so I guess Pacifica likes ponies (was she an MLP fan?)
I kinda want to see a spin-off series about what McGucket is getting up to in the old Northwest mansion
“Town hero Stanley Pines” bro I- 🥺🥺🥺 okay
Bodacious T stuck!!! I’m actually happy for Toby!
So if the birthday party is on their actual birthday, then Dipper and Mabel’s final day in town is August 31st
Gideon is trying to be normal!! I’m happy for him!
“I have everything I wanted” DUDE
Pacifica is friends with them now!!!
Dipper and Mabel got some thoughtful gifts :)
Soos gets to run the Mystery Shack!!! I’m so happy for him!!!
Awww that empty attic room makes me sad
“Candy and Grenda, thank you for being my people” the callback to Double Dipper I-
Stan and Ford both saying “can it Soos” at the same time they’re getting along again!!!!!
Wendy and Dipper are still close friends!!!!!!!! I love that for them!!!
The twins and Stan understand each other!!!! Even with Stan’s weak attempt at an abrasive facade!!!!
“Ready to head into the unknown?” “Nope! Let’s do it” BRO BRO BRO AHHHHHHHHHHH
Before the twins came Stan didn’t have any family but now he has his brother back and a good relationship with the twins
I love how the first episode started with a Dipper narration and the last episode ends with a Dipper narration I am going feral
Melody is working with Soos at the Mystery Shack!!!!
Stan O’ War II!!!
Dippers 3 and 4 hanging out!
Grenda and Marius hanging out together!!!
Dipper and Mabel live in Piedmont, CA
Amazing show, incredible show, outstanding show, love it love it love it, even more then when I was young
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saffloure · 2 years
✧chapter two: the sword of damocles
↳ word count: 6,9k
↳ spoiler warning: season 1-3
↳ other warnings: I believe none! v fluffy
↳ mentioned songs/artists: The Smiths, Veteran of the Psychic Wars by Blue Öyster Club (reference), Live After Death by Iron Maiden (album), Heaven and Hell by Black Sabbath/Dio, Young Hearts by Commuter
↳ a/n: writing Stacy and Steve’s interactions brings me so much genuine joy… we love annoying siblings
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The last week of November was rainy, although calling it rainy would be a grave understatement.
It was raining cats and dogs, heavens pouring out. Almost as if the sky above Hawkins split in two, vomiting all of its contents on the unfortunate townspeople.
One of them being Stacy Harrington.
Normally, Thursday's were quite busy for the dark-haired girl. Seven classes in a row followed by her science club meeting, only to later having to grab the groceries her mother was making her pick up each week. Today, however, having an AP chemistry test and not being able to park her car close enough to the grocery store was enough to completely diminish the crumbs of her already loop-sided mood. Her hairdo was completely disheveled, her clothes soaking wet. On top of that, she tripped over her untied shoes, shattering the juice bottle in pieces and destroying an aglet in her left boot in the process.
Now, the only thing Stacy dreamed of was to change into her pajamas and listen to The Smiths while reconsidering all of her life choices that had led to her today’s misery.
"I'm home!" she called loudly as she passed the kitchen door, only to hear no response.
Not surprising at all.
Sighing, she laboriously climbed up the stairs. The clinking sound of her bag's metal buckle resounded through the hallway when it accidentally slipped off her shoulder. With the appearance of a veteran of the psychic wars she opened the door of her bedroom. The only thing she had in mind was to slam her body on her fluffy bedding.
Yet, as it often happened in Stacy Harrington's life, nothing went as planned. And instead of relaxing in her warm bed, she let out a terrified shriek the second she noticed three silhouettes in her bedroom.
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" she screamed loudly, dropping her bag on the ground.
"Hey! No swearing near the kids!" the firm voice of Dustin Henderson reprimanded her.
Him and his two friends were already seated, each in a different place — Dustin behind her desk, Mike on the pouf near the window, and Lucas on her bed.
Shaking her head as she approached the boy in the Camp Nowhere cap, Stacy responded in a resilient tone, "What the he—! What the heck are you doing in my bedroom?"
"Well, as the matter of fact, we came here to see Steve," Dustin answered evasively, watching as his friend's younger sister took off her soaked jacket.
"Sorry to disappoint, but he's probably at work," Stacy replied, her face getting red the moment she noticed Lucas getting comfortable on her bed. "Sinclair! Get your shoes off of my sheets! Have some decency, dude!"
"They're not...!" Lucas tried to argue but the moment he noticed the visible mud on his sneakers, he corrected himself, "Sorry..."
"Believe it or not, we've already been at Family Video. No sight of Farrah Fawcett," Dustin explained, crossing his arms. "Robin says he went on a date."
"Again?" The tone in which Stacy responded caused Mike to chuckle. "Geez, you can wait for him if you want to," she added with a resigned smile.
"Actually, Stacy..." Mike stopped as soon as he started, noticing the morbid stare that had just made a return on her face.
"No. No way. Don't tell me he’s promised you something… again," she interrupted, watching all of the boys suddenly glancing at each other. Almost, as they were communicating through telekinesis.
"It's your lucky day, Stacy! You gotta drive us to the party meeting!" Dustin exclaimed in an excited tone that usually was so infectious it made others equally agitated.
Yet, this wasn't the case of Stacy this time.
"Don't you have a sister, who can drive as well, Mike?" she complained, tilting her head to the side.
"N-Nancy's busy."
"Guess what? So am I!" She threw her hands in the air, noticing Dustin standing up.
"Pretty please, Stacy! Just this one time," he begged in a childlike tone.
"Oh, don't make those eyes, Henderson. You look like your asking your mom to buy you a toy," Stacy sighed, simultaneously grabbing a denim jacket that was hanging from her chair. "You're fortunate enough I like you," she mumbled.
The moment she turned on her heel, she heard the three boys bursting out in excitement, muttering quiet expression of joy. She couldn't help but smile at their reaction. On the span of the past two years, they had ultimately grew on her. So much so, she stopped treating them as annoying neighbors and began to see them in a nearly friendly-like light. Heavy impact on the matter had the fact they had fought outer-dimensional monsters together… but now it was only a secondary thought.
"One more thing!" Dustin called after her before they walked out of her room. "Can you also pick us up?"
"You've gotta be kidding me..."
"It's pouring outside!"
As much as she wanted to throw an immature fit, claiming she had other, more important things to do, Stacy forced a smile onto her face, trying to keep her composure.
Four hours later, apparently driven by her own lenience, Stacy found herself on the school's parking lot, revising her biology notes just to kill time. It had already gone dark, the moon illuminating the town of Hawkins through the massive dark clouds.
However, it wasn't impatience that had cluttered up her mind just now. She had returned to the spot she dropped them off half of an hour early, just because of a merely real sensation that began to appear in her consciousness. It being the fact that it was Eddie Munson, who was the party's Dungeon Master.
She hadn't spoken to him for two weeks, ever since the unpleasant resolving of their last conversation. Stacy Harrington would have never admitted that, but that matter had become a reoccurring theme in her mind. In classes they shared, she caught herself glancing at Eddie whenever she got a chance. It wasn't the stare the girls tended to send their love interests, no. What was causing her to do so, was the indigestible guilt of not knowing how to start a conversation. Something within her claimed Eddie could get embarrassed by her. Maybe he didn't even fancy talking with her in the first place. After all, it was her, who forced their first meeting. Granted by the fact he could've agreed on it purely out of sheer politeness.
Stacy slammed her head on the steering wheel.
Why were social interactions the only aspect of her life she couldn't be confident in?
"Screw that," she murmured to herself, getting out of the car.
The unexpected outburst of her own bravery surprised her. Now, strolling through Hawkins High corridors, she shoved her hands into the pockets of her denim jacket, trying to maintain the shallow cockiness.
It didn't take a long time to locate in which classroom the Dungeons and Dragons meeting was taking place in. The contrary, actually, hence the sound of agitated high schoolers was quite audible in the empty school. Stacy took advantage of their investment in the game; standing by the repealed doors, she leaned on the frame, silently watching the party screaming in excitement as one of their members — Stacy recalled his name started with the letter G — approached the board.
"Hit dice! Hit dice!"
"Gareth the Great is under a fainting spell when the Basilisk sinks its fangs into his skin! He cries for help, or so he thoughts! His voice is already erstwhile... Only seconds share his body to join in!"
"Don't say!"
"Beware! Thy days are coming to inevitable end, Gareth the Great! You can only wait ‘till sweet death releases you from your impending doom!"
Stacy's eyes widened at the sight of Eddie Munson elevated posture. His dark locks falling down the sides of his face as he announced to the players the two possible choices they could make — save their friend or slaughter the beast. One contradicting the other. She remembered Gareth's name now. How could she not when he so frantically clamored for help?
It's just like theatre, Stacy thought to herself, subconsciously grabbing the doorframe when it was Dustin's time to proclaim the party's choice. Shivers came down her spine the second he gallantly stated they were going to rescue Gareth.
The thrill had not left her body since she started listening in. It simply couldn't. Not when Eddie Munson shouted, "The sword of Damocles has been lifted!"
It might have been stereotypical to never expect such a comparison from someone, who repeated his senior year. Not only that — Stacy couldn't help but smile how noticeable his investment in the game was. He appeared to be just in his element; almost as if there was no better place for him.
The game ended with the greatest closing monologue Stacy had ever heard. There was a sudden change in Eddie's demeanor when he asked the others to help him collect their stuff. Yet, the rest of the players seemed to still relive the events that took place, chatting between themselves with the most genuine expression on their faces.
"Is that Stacy Harrington?" The question asked by one of the boys she didn't recognize finally broke her out of the trance she had found herself in.
"Hi," she greeted the party in a quiet tone, suddenly feeling quite embarrassed. That's exactly when she felt the urge to cover it with a smooth, "Sorry for eavesdropping.”
"How long have you been standing there?" Stacy couldn't tell at that moment, but Eddie's reaction was awfully similar to hers.
"Not long enough, apparently," she answered with a soft smile, deciding to set her foot in the dimmed classroom. "You guys have never told me DnD was so gnarly," she added, glancing at the board they started to clean up.
"Either I must be deaf or Miss Hawkins really said our silly little game is cool," Eddie replied with one of his brows raised.
"Well, I've never expected it to be so... addictive to watch. But considering I've only seen the campaigns in Mike's basement I shouldn't have been surprised," she chuckled, taking a few steps towards Eddie. "Can I touch this figurine or will I immediately get possessed by your scary DnD monsters?"
"Possessed. Totally," Eddie smirked at her exaggerated question, yet still deciding to hand her out the figure. "It's hand painted," he did not fail to mention his own hard work.
The moment Stacy raised her eyes to look at his face, she noticed Gareth the Great giving him a quick pat on the back before saying goodbye and leaving the classroom. The gesture made her let out a single chuckle. She fairly recognized it as wishing Eddie good luck.
"I-uh, sorry for that. They can be quite..." Eddie felt the sudden urge to explain herself, yet was stoped by Stacy shaking her head rapidly.
"Don't be. It was funny," she giggled, her attention now fully absorbed by a cassette located on the edge of the table.
"What are you listening to?" she asked, it picking up and noticing the magnetic tape was hanging out of it. "What were you listening to?" she corrected herself, causing the corners of Eddie's mouth go up.
"It's a recording of Iron Maiden's concert... but the quality sucks. Each time it gets jammed on the third song."
"Which concert?" she asked while tilting her head.
"Stacy! You were supposed to just pick us up!" Dustin called loudly, visibly getting impatient.
"We're having a conversation here, shithead!" Eddie reprimanded him, his brows furrowing.
"Hey, don't bully Henderson. That's fucking rude," Stacy intervened, trying to maintain a serious face.
It was impossible, however, when Eddie looked down, nearly taken back by her response.
"Which concert?" she repeated her question, the sweetness returning to the tone of her voice.
"Uh, I don't know if it tell you anything..."
"Don't underestimate me, Munson. It's not like Iron Maiden is an underground band or something," she interrupted him, sending him a challenging smile.
"Live After Death," he finally replied, but noticing the increase in her blinking rate added, "I've warned you that..."
"Oh, come on! You haven’t even heard me out yet," Stacy giggled, amused by his timid reply. "I have that concert on VHS."
"Really," she confirmed, nodding her head. "I can lend it to you. You can stop by tomorrow after school."
"A-at your house?" Eddie muttered, although he couldn't tell how he did it. After all, he was completely awestruck.
"Where else?" Stacy chuckled, handing him back his cassette. "Gotta go. Apparently I'm a voluntary taxi today."
He watched her leaving the classroom and messing Dustin's and Lucas' hair when she caught up to them. As he had lost the sight of her, he slowly raised his hand to touch the place where Gareth patted him a while ago.
To be completely frank, it could've truly been his lucky charm. Especially when the next day, still not believing in what had happened, he knocked on the door of the Harringtons property.
"Oh? Guess who decided to show up!" Falsely offended tone of Stacy greeted him, her hands on her hips, her nose scrunched.
"Who else did you expect, buttercup?"
"Well, definitely not you since you’d decided to skip the last two lessons," she scoffed. "No wonder O'Donnell doesn't want you to pass her finals."
"Now, this..." Eddie smirked and pointing his judging finger at her continued, "...is exactly how I imagined you to be."
Stacy shook her head, letting him into her house, "Excuse me?"
"Ruuude," he whispered directly into her ear, placing his hands on her shoulders.
"Oh, shut up," she murmured, playfully nudging his side. "All that I'm saying is you're ought to take this shit a bit more seriously, Munson," she added, beginning to go up the stairs.
"You know, I came here for the VHS, not to be lectured," Eddie replied, following her right away. "Why do you care anyway? 'S not going to be anything new if I fail the finals," he added, his voice getting timid.
"I'm just worried. That's all," Stacy admitted, her cocky persona from a moment ago completely vanishing.
Eddie couldn't tell why this word seemed so genuine when spoken by her. Moreover, he couldn't quite find the reason for her being worried about him in the first place.
Him. Eddie Munson. A freak. A person she supposedly had nothing in common with. A person people like her bullied.
And as much as Eddie wanted to surrender the heart-warming flattery — he couldn't. Not while still having some remains of his common sense.
"Oh, would you look at that," Eddie smirked, crossing his arms before the gallery wall in the hallway that led to Stacy's room. "You look like a sad raccoon on that photo," he added, pointing at the picture on which she and her brother were seated next to each other — both in collared shirts and matching Christmas sweaters.
It was the expression on the girl's face that made the photo absolutely comedic: her brow was furrowed, her arms angrily crossed. On top of that, there were remains of a sour grimace on her face — her smile that was making her appear nearly annoyed was probably forced by the influence of her mother.
"A sad raccoon," Stacy repeated in a scoff. "I look like I'm constipated," she corrected him.
"Well... That's another way to put it," he smirked. "Hey, who's that?" He pointed at another frame in which two girls in Halloween costumes were standing next to each other.
"Me and little Chrissy Cunningham," Stacy answered, a soft yet somewhat sentimental smile entering her face. "We used to hang out so much as kids... Our mums are best friends," she explained quickly.
"You don't now?" Eddie asked, quite surprised by her remark. He often saw the two girls chatting with each other during breaks, despite Chrissy being a junior and Stacy a senior. Therefore it was odd seeing the latter now looking away, her demeanor suddenly changing.
"Her boyfriend's a bitch," she spitted out with a slick grin. "I'm sure you know him..."
"Yeah. After all I'm so invested in the life of the Queen of Hawkins High," he rolled his eyes, however his sarcastic remark caused Stacy to giggle.
"Come on! Everybody knows Jason! He's the greatest douchebag our school's ever seen... and that's quite a title to be called by someone's, whose brother was claimed a first-class jerk for majority of his life," Stacy rambled, suddenly grabbing Eddie by the hand and pulling him towards the direction of her room.
"Oi! Careful here, buttercup! You're going to rip my arm off," he joked, praying Stacy wouldn't turn to take a look at him. He didn't even need to see his reflection to know his cheeks were bright red.
"You can live with just one arm," she dismissed his worries, seating him on her bed.
As soon as she left him — quite dumbfounded, to be honest — Eddie glanced over her bedroom, his eyes fixing on one of the bookshelves. At first, he thought there was a multitude of books with thin covers, arranged in coloristic order. It took his brain another while to process that, in fact, the bookshelf was not filled with books, but with vinyls.
"Your room is like a goddamn record store," he murmured under his breath, getting up to take a look at the record player located by the window.
Stacy didn't answer him as she was consumed with attempts to reach one of the boxes with VHS cassettes from the shelf above her desk. With a corner of her eye she managed to observe a smirk that began to dance on Eddie's face as soon as he noticed the record that was left in the player.
"Can I put it on?" he asked with sheer excitement, receiving a nod in reply. "I had no fucking clue your taste in music is that good," he muttered the moment Stacy's bedroom was filled by the opening of Heaven and Hell by Black Sabbath.
"I'm flattered," Stacy replied in a dramatic tone, only to cover how smitten she was with that mere general statement.
Even if Eddie didn't mean it as a compliment.
"Have you heard Dio's version of this song?" she asked after the first verse, making her way towards him. With a nod of confirmation from Eddie, she added, "Well? Which one do you like better?"
Eddie Munson's mouth opened agape.
"Do you really want me to choose between Ozzy and Ronnie James?" he questioned with a expression of true offense.
"Just for the statistics," Stacy declared innocently.
"You're mad, woman! You've completely lost your mind!" Eddie railed at her antics, his left hand theatrically swaying to finally rest in the middle of his chest.
"Anyone would after hearing Dio in '83," she teased him, fairly amused by his dramatic utterance, "Ozzy doesn't stand a chance."
"A blasphemy!" he let out a quiet shriek, his hand clenching in mid-air.
Stacy couldn't held back the burst of giggles that was incoming the moment their conversation started. Bending in half, she covered her mouth with the palm of her hand as she uncontrollably relapsed in peals of laughter. It took her another half of a minute to calm down and look at Eddie with eyes all teared up due to the tittering.
Her bottom lip trembled, unable to stop the unconscious smile when she chimed, "How come we only started talking a week ago?"
A rapid movement of Eddie's eyelids brought him back to reality.
"Well," he said, "it's kind of self-explanatory." He looked around Stacy's room, only to later point at himself.
"Oh, shush!" the brown-haired girl boomed, realizing Eddie was going to compare their differing social statuses once again. Noticing his fretful look, she reassured him, "It doesn't matter, it's just a shame we didn't talk earlier. You're hellaciously cool, Munson."
Eddie chuckled, watching Stacy throw herself onto her bed. His right hand traveled to his matted curls as he scratched his scalp.
"You're hellaciously cool, too, buttercup," he gushed, a wide grin taking up almost the whole space on his face.
He almost failed to noticed when Stacy patted a spot next to her, inviting him to sit on her bed. Her legs swinging from its edge and her torso resting flat on the cozy bedding.
This time, there was no hesitation in Eddie Munson's movements. A sudden streak of comfort hit him like a lighting as he took a place next to Stacy. Not a moment after, he felt his arm being pulled down, so as the two of them were bound to lay down next to each other, facing the ceiling. A sound of another Black Sabbath song from the same record synchronized with Stacy's tapping on the wooden bed frame. Her eyes were shut, a gentle look of perpendicular tranquility mixing with her tender smile.
Eddie couldn't help but to glance at her, turning his head slightly. Her whole appearance mesmerized him — so peculiarly serene, so graceful, Stacy contrasted with the thumping tones of loud metal song playing in the background. Because of that, the only thing that began to occupy Eddie Munson's mind at that moment was to come home and model a Dungeons and Dragons NPC after the ethereal aura Stacy was emanating with.
"Eddie?" Her subdued tone caught him slightly off guard.
"What's up?" he asked, watching her open her eyes.
"I really meant it, you know?" she whispered, turning her head towards him as he waited for her to continue. "The being worried thing," she explained quietly, placing her head on the palm of her hand.
"Oh?" Eddie exclaimed, his eyes, however, still focused on the ceiling.
"If you ever needed help with school and stuff... I don't really mind lending you a hand. That is, of course... if you want to."
Eddie's face completely sunk. He could've also sworn the blood in his limbs stopped circulating. Muttering almost inaudible "sure", he didn't feel the small smile appearing on his face. Focused on not behaving like an ultimate weirdo and destroying the peaceful atmosphere surrounding him and Stacy, he didn't noticed her face lighting up the moment he agreed on her proposal.
However, it had to be a week until Stacy's suggestion had a chance to be realized. Admittedly, the occurrence would have never seen the daylight if it wasn't for Stacy eavesdropping on a conversation that took place during her science club meeting. Eddie's math teacher came to gossip with Ms. Bailey — Stacy's biology professor— about the amount of homework the curly-haired Guild Master was due to hand in as soon as possible. Apparently the work had mounted on so tremendously, the two teachers made a bet between themselves as to see if Eddie was going to complete given tasks before the deadline. When Ms. Bailey stated that she believed he could do it, Stacy knew she was going to do everything in her power to help her win her little gamble. After all, she could shoot two birds with one stone — that being helping both her favorite teacher and the person she had grew so awfully fond of just recently.
Yet, Stacy Harrington's life wouldn't have been completed without having to fulfill her day-to-day duties, first. That why on a first Thursday of December she was making her way to her brother's work place, instead of taking care of her own errands.
The sound of Young Hearts by Commuter welcomed her warmly to the video store — and warmly certainly wasn't an exaggeration. The beginning of the last month of 1985 brought with itself nothing but unbearable wind and arctic freezing temperatures, comparing to what the people from Indiana were used to. Hence why the little brown skirt Stacy decided to wear was causing her legs to tremble from the cold she wasn't prepare to endure.
Yet, all of the feelings relating to her physical state evaporated as soon as she noticed her brother, fully invested in a conversation with a red-haired girl she recognized from her school.
"Steven! Mom says she won't put your socks in the washing machine unless you buy her gloves! She says she's too afraid she's gonna get infected with mycosis!"
The look on the girl's face was indescribably comedic. So much so it made it dreadfully difficult for Stacy to maintain a serious expression. As she muttered, "I gotta go," Steve leaned over the counter in hopes to stop her.
"Hey! Hey! That's not true!" he called out maniacally, however, it had only caused the redhead to speed up and leave the store the quickest she possibly could. "Come on, Stace! Why are you always like that?" Steve whined, covering his face with his hands.
"Because, dingus, if your future lover does not understand the siblings jokes, she's not the one," Robin explained for Stacy, sending her a smile of contempt.
"Ditto!" Stacy exclaimed cheerfully, pointing a finger-gun at her brother, "Besides, if I were you, I'd be so, so thrilled to see me," she added, grinning devilishly.
"Huh! Even if my life depended on you, I'd never be happy to see you," Steve responded sarcastically, watching Stacy trace a line down her cheek, imitating a tear falling down.
"Ouch," she mumbled in a falsely sad tone, leaning on the counter, "Even if I said daddy came home early today?" she added, noticing Steve's eyes beginning to sparkle up.
"No way!"
"Oh, I am as serious as dead man," Stacy whispered, taking her wallet out of her pocket.
At the beginning of each month, usually on the first weekend, Mr. Harrington used to hand his children in their allowance. This, however, had changed as soon as Steve decided against him and did not apply to college. Getting lucky with not being completely cut off the money, he needed to bear the consequences of having strict parents for the first time in his life. Thankfully, Steve wasn't left all alone. Especially not with a little sister like Stacy. Despite all of their bickering, despite all of their pointless fights, she was the one to offer to split her share of pocket money on two. All in all, her parents were less demanding when it came to her — being younger had its blissful pros.
"You guys freak me out more than the gap in Mrs. Click’s teeth," Robin sighed, placing the box full of movies on VHS before Steve and pointing at the display shelf right away, "Put it somewhere on there."
"Yes, chief," Steve saluted, walking up to the shelves and messing up Stacy's hair as he passed her by, "Thanks, booger. You can actually be nice sometimes."
Stacy scoffed, crossing her arms, "I don't know whatcha talking about. I'm always nice to you."
"Sure," Steve sang with an audible tint of sarcasm in his tone, adding, "Wanna go eat something after my shift? But we need to split the bill in half. I'm still broke as h..."
"No, I can't," Stacy interrupted him, simultaneously grabbing her bag.
"Why not? You scared off my date of the night, you're obliged to go with me now."
"I'm tutoring someone."
"You? Tutoring someone? Who?" Steve furrowed his brow, almost dropping the box he was holding to the ground.
"A classmate."
"Is it a boy?" he asked immediately and not waiting on her answer he went on, "Oh my god, Robin! Can you believe that? Stacy's going out with a boy!"
"Look at her! All grown up now, going on a little date! What a shame if someone went there with you and complain about your dirty socks!" he rambled, overdramatizing his monologue. Noticing how his sister rolled her eyes, he gave her a nudge, "I'm just messing with you. Quit making that face."
"Sometimes I wonder which one of us is more malicious," Stacy mumbled, subconsciously smiling as she walked up to the exit.
"Me, duh," Steve stated, his voice resembling one of a high school girl.
Shaking her head, Stacy started the engine of her car, securing the books that were placed on the passenger seat. Through the whole ride, a wide grin kept being plastered on her face. Her fingers energetically tapped on the steering wheel to the sounds of the cheap mainstream song full of synthesizers. She couldn't help but dismiss the fact of how morbid that tune sounded. To be honest, Stacy couldn't really care less. It was the idea of spending time with Eddie Munson that was making her so unexplainably jovial.
Parking her car by the side of the trailer with the number he had given her yesterday, Stacy grabbed the textbooks she had brought with herself along the way. She didn't even need to knock on the door before she heard them opening. Just as Eddie was waiting for her.
"Hey," he greeted her, letting her through the door. Glancing at her clothing choice, he asked "Aren't you cold?"
Stacy smirked, looking down at her bare legs, covered only by sheer tights, hence the skirt was definitely not providing her any comfort, "Nope. Super cozy, actually."
Eddie shook his head, not believing a word he had just heard, "I have some beer if you want to warm up."
"Shitty idea, really. We are supposed to be studying," Stacy stated in a hushed tone as if she was telling him the most sacred, hollow secret.
Hands on his hips, Eddie smirked, turning his head towards the direction of his room. The trailer him and his uncle lived in was rather meager, therefore Stacy could clearly see almost his whole bedroom from where she was standing. Noticing her widened eyes fixed on the room, Eddie began to feel embarrassed. He had already visited her house, therefore he could easily compare the conditions they lived in. Without a doubt, his room was half, if not a quarter size hers.
"I-I know it's not ideal but..."
"Of course it's not," Stacy interrupted him, hugging the books she was holding. There was a mortified look in his eyes she failed to notice before continuing, "Your desk is non-functional at this point. Look, I know that those DnD figures need to be put somewhere, but we did agreed on learning math today," she complained, pointing at the cluttered up piece of furniture.
A weight had been lifted off of Eddie's shoulder when he heard the light-hearted response. It was that exact moment when he caught himself expecting the worst when it came to situation like those. Almost as he was afraid to make a bad impression on her. Odd, he thought to himself. Amidst everything, Eddie Munson was the last person in Hawkins to care about anyone's opinion. What differed now?
"Well, you can just move them to the side," he shrugged, suddenly regaining his usual composure. "'S not like they bite."
"The figures? Maybe not. But Dustin Henderson? That's a completely different story," Stacy chuckled, sitting on one of the two chairs Eddie had prepared for them.
"Oh, tell me more," Eddie smirked, separating each word to maintain the mysterious tone of the conversation.
"A year ago he tried to bury me alive after touching his freshly painted bard," she explained rapidly, rolling her eyes, "Then he got offended because I said playing as human in a fantasy-based game was for losers."
Eddie couldn't keep himself from laughing out loud at her claim, asking her in response, "So if you ever played... what would be your race?"
"Like a witch covered in warts," she blabbered out without a second thought, "...never mind. I don't think witches are a race."
Eddie smirked, glancing at her agitated face, "Nope. But we have elves for example."
"No, not that. Elves are supposed to be those ethereal nature-prone creatures and I want something... like, really fucking ugly," she confessed, her expression resembling Eddie's, "Don't laugh, I'm being serious! If I were to have a figure, I want it to be utterly disgusting! You know, just to lead people off-track and make them feel uneasy just by looking at it... Ah! A goblin! You have goblins, right?"
"Yeah," Eddie chuckled, covering his mouth with his tangled curls. The way Stacy was engaged in the conversation was nearly making him blush. "You should try playing sometime. I can teach you if you're up to," he offered, noticing her brow dramatically furrow.
"Speaking of teaching..." she grinned, opening up one of her textbooks, "...enough of the small-talk. We're doing math."
"You really do know how to kill the conversation," Eddie sighed, placing his chin on the palm of his hand.
"One of my goblin powers, you know," she winked at him, causing the both of them to laugh. "Now, focus. You'll insult my teaching abilities if you won't."
"Oh, I wouldn't dare," Eddie replied with false politeness, gaining a side stare from Stacy that reprimanded him better than any words would.
It took Stacy around twenty minutes to explain him the two first two types tasks. To her surprise, he had been nodding his head through all of her lecture. It was strange to her how he didn't ask her any questions, so she decided to put his skills into a test. The rules were simple — both of them needed to solve four issues then compare them. It so happened that their three first answers were identical, which caused an expression of surprise to came upon Stacy's face.
"Only the last one is wrong," she muttered, biting on the pencil she was holding.
"I... think you forgot to extract the root," he answered, showing her the correct solution on his calculator.
Stacy's mouth open agape as she took a look at her notes, admitting "Holy shit. You're right."
"This is one of those one in a lifetime achievements," Eddie smirked, "Who else can say they won a homework battle against Miss Hawkins?"
There was rather a long period of silence before Stacy collected her thoughts. By finally doing so, she said quietly, "Edds, it's not like I don't believe in you. I just... how did you..?"
"Helps having a great tutor," he shrugged, yet noticing Stacy's demanding stare, added, "Don't forget it's not my first time repeating senior year, sweetheart."
"So why don't you..." Stacy stopped herself in mid-sentence, hoping that expressive gesticulation would help her find the right words, "...why don't you put in effort equal to the one you put into your campaigns?"
Eddie let out a single chuckle, rolling his eyes, "Because I don't feel like it?" Again, it was that specific Stacy's stare that caused him to answer her honestly for the second time, "...because school's stressing the shit out of me."
His hushed tone made the tension in his bedroom abruptly unbearable. What added to that was the lack of response from Stacy. Meaning, she was waiting for him to continue.
"I... even if I know how to do those stupid math problems, I can't seem to focus on a test. Even with the same exact thing in front of my eyes! I just can't remember any-fucking-thing... And besides, I hate this goddamn place. I hate the people there. I hate the teachers. And I hate that my pea-brain is not fucking working... So that's why I skip classes. That's why I can't manage the deadlines, can't get even a mediocre grade... I-I..."
Only know he realized he had rambled on certainly more than he should. The idea of him confiding in Stacy Harrington made him stutter, almost as if his subconscious mind was yelling at him to stop over-sharing his high school experience. The experience that he didn't even consider as being relatable to her.
"Sorry..." he whispered, frantically avoiding meeting her eyes. His fingers fidgeted with the plastic calculator case as he tried his best not to look up at her.
"You are pissing me off, Munson. So much, in fact, I can't even put it in proper words," Stacy responded through the gritted teeth, her hands finding her way to the sides of Eddie's face. Gently placing them on their cheeks, she raised up his head. "Stop apologizing to me each time you say something not necessarily typical. Because if you think it'll make you look weird — it won't. You're just making it harder for yourself when it comes to dealing with it."
He didn't realize his eyes sunken so much into his face, they were causing him to appear like a cover of Iron Maiden's first album. One of his hands went up, only to drop by his side as he couldn't find the right words to express what he was currently feeling. Hence, in fact, Stacy Harrington couldn't put how he was feeling any better.
"I know this might be a cliché... but I... I do really think you're one of the most dashing people I've ever met. Everything about you, Eddie is so... captivating. I always thought talking with you was going to cause a kerfuffle between..." Stacy rapidly ended her monologue, realizing a sly smirk appeared on Eddie's face, deepening with each word she spoke.
The moment sheer confusion spread across her face, he couldn't keep his chuckle in any longer.
"Un-fucking-believable! You're laughing at me!" Stacy scoffed, half-offended. The other part of her, however, was highly susceptible to Eddie's infectious smile.
"I-no! It's just..." Eddie stuttered through the outbursts of laughter as he observed her face going entirely crimson red. "Dashing, captivating, kerfuffle... You use so much fancy words when you're trying to be serious. Especially the last one! It sounds like you're either a fucking German or completely wasted!" Eddie exclaimed, watching the multitude of emotions going through Stacy's mind and reflecting through the muscles of her face.
"Kerfuffle is a great word," she whispered on the verge of laughter. Her left hand raised once again, this time with a finger pointing at him. "Besides, I'm not the only one, who uses overly-dramatic language, Damocles," she defended herself, referring to the time she walked on his DnD meeting a week ago.
"Hey," Eddie smirked, flicking her nose. "Don't get upset. I didn't mean it as an insult... and to be honest I think it's kinda adorable," he admitted.
"Adorable," Stacy scoffed, looking away in attempts to cover her growing smile. "Have you ever seen an adorable goblin? I don't think so," she muttered with her eyebrow raised.
There had been a strange tingling Eddie began to feel as Stacy joked back. Just as if something was trying to force him to embrace her in a hug, ruffle her hair while laughing at her silly remark. At the same time, he was being pulled back to his chair as the second, more rational part of him, wanted to sit back and observe how her shining curls bounced back as she shifted her upper body in agitation. Hence, in fact, just the simple ability to spend time with her was making Eddie Munson the happiest he had recalled to be through this whole semester. Or maybe even a little bit longer.
"Eddie, buddy, what's that nice cherry Chevy doin' on our driveway?" A deep, raspy tone interrupted the interaction between the two high schoolers, causing their heads to turn towards the direction it was coming from.
"Uh, that's my uncle," Eddie murmured to Stacy ever so audibly.
"Didn't know you were having guests over," the middle-aged man exclaimed, wiping his hand on his slightly grayish T-shirt (that deliberately used to be white) before reaching it out towards Stacy and introducing himself, "'M Wayne Munson."
"Nice to meet you, I'm..."
"Oh, I know you. You're the little Harrington," he interrupted her, causing a wide smile to appear on her face.
"Yeah," Stacy chuckled.
The whole aura of Eddie's uncle was incredibly calming. His easy going presence and the way the words flew out of his mouth were making it easy for her to lean into the conversation.
"'Ya studying something, I see," Wayne pointed at the desk, simultaneously raising up a plastic bag with two white take-out boxes, "I'll leave your food on a table, but if you have told me you invited a friend, I'd..."
"No, that's all right. I've already had dinner." This time it was Stacy, who interrupted Eddie's uncle.
"Whatever you say, little Harrington," he smiled warmly, leaving the two alone in Eddie's bedroom.
"You can have some of my fries for... you know, all the effort," the Dungeon Master smirked, tilting his head towards the direction of their math notebooks.
"A fine method of payment, can't lie," Stacy shrugged with an amused expression. "But just to let you know... as soon as we finish eating we're coming back to solving math problems."
"Suuure," Eddie sang, quickly getting up from his chair.
"What? What are you saying?" he called, leaving his room and leaning over the doorframe, "I can't hear you from so far away."
"Eddie Munson, I swear to god..!"
"I can't hear you!"
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77 Thoughts While Rewatching Supernatural 11x04: Baby
Let’s gooooooo!
1. There are, thankfully, behind the scenes photos of Jensen in those shorts. But we were robbed of Dean in his “It’s a free bunker” daisy dukes.
2. But the conceit of this episode is so great. I remember watching it for the first time and being floored and how personal it felt.
3.And the little details we see in the car that we know are there. The army man. The initials and the leggos. Just. Ugh. The great thing about having a show run this long is that there’s so much history to draw from.
4. Guitar Man playin.
5. I love that Sam just pitches in with washing Baby. Like it’s a normal thing they do together. Maybe Cas helps sometimes too.
6. And the transition from Dean spraying down the car to the rain. So good. Dangit.
7. It’s 21 hours from Lebanon, Kansas to Oregon. I always forget how long the distances they go are, because the show condenses the drives. But holy fuck that is so long.
8. LOL Sam and his smoothies. “Where’s the rest of the beer?!” Hahahaha it’s such a typical little brother move, and even Sam’s face reads “oh shit big brother mad.”
9. I love how protective they are of Cas. They really do both love him. They want him to heal.
10. Cas just cruising through Netflix. You know that at some point Dean snuck into Sam’s room and fucked with his Netflix algorithm.
11. I love this scene at the Roadhouse. “Actually she never texted me back.” For as handsome and adorable as Dean is, he’s still such a doof, and you know what? Sometimes potential romantic interests just ghost him.
12. The time lapse here is brilliant. It keeps us in the car, but also, like... we don’t need to see them hookin’ up. That’s personal.
13. “Mistakes were made. Mhm.”
15. “Don’t Night Moves me.” I love this part. And! Night Moves appears in two of my favorite shows: This, and The OC.
16. And any time we get to hear Dean sing is a great time. He CAN sing. He pretends he can’t for various reasons, but he so can.
17. The montage is great, too, of them in the car. Just livin.
18. Again, having such a long run means we get to see these life moments that are just wonderful. Between the blood and the tragedy. They eat burgers in teh car and sing songs. They drive. 
19. “We got tonight, who needs tomorrow?” I feel like Dean would make a great D and D bard, you know?
20. And this conversation they have about that Apple Pie life is good, too. That Sam would still like it. That’s Dean’s...just not sure it’s for him. He tried it once, and it blew up in his face. Add to that that he has Cas now. So...
21. I need to talk to you about this Judy Collins song. It was, according to Dream!John, one of Mary’s favorite songs, and it just...feels right. One of the only things that bummed me out about The Winchesters was that we didn’t get a callback to this song in the show.
“I would follow him right down The toughest road I know  Someday soon Goin’ with him someday”
22. It’s such a great departure from the harder classic rock that winds up in the show as being very much John’s music. We get something softer that’s Mary’s. Something that maybe the boys took comfort in when their father would put it on, knowing it was something she loved.
24. But also Matt Cohen really is amazing as a younger John Winchester. He really channels Jeffrey Dean Morgan in a tender way here. I love it.
25. Sam’s face. He’s so freaked out. Like.
26. Hey season 11! Before Jared stopped trying and started phoning it in! We love to see it.
27. “When has death ever stopped a Winchester.” oh John. You have no idea.
28. “You played your part.” Poor Sam. John was so checked out. The level of neglect both Sam and Dean suffered is really extreme.
29.The lack of music here with just the sounds of the road and the car is really great here. So tense.
30. Another great conversation between these two. I think because Dean is such a goof sometimes, it’s easy to discount his big brotherness. Sam is constantly playing the straight man. Here, we get to see Dean do some big time big brothering.
31. I love the lighting, here too. It would be easy to have it be super dark, but it’s great that they use street lights to illuminate everything.
32. LOL Dean and Sam keeping secrets. after a while, that was kind of the whole show, wasn’t it? Just Dean and Sam not telling each other shit and hurting each other like dummies.
33. “I read.” HE DOES! Way back in season 4, Sam found a Vonnegut in his bag.
34. There’s a SPN official novel called Nevermore where Dean does not know who Edgar Allen Poe is, and upon reading that I was so much, I never tried to read it again. Fuck you, Dean knows his lit. He plays dumb, he’s not actually dumb.
35. Dean’s dream about John hits me hard now, after The Winchesters season 1 finale, because in that universe that Dean futzed with? That dream could now be a reality.
36. “Perfect landing, Son.”
37. Sam dreaming about Mary is a whole thing, too. Of that person he can’t remember. Ouch.
38. That overhead shot of them is so great. Love it.
39. Werepire! oh Dean.
40. Meatman cometh.
41. The minor freakout over valet parking lol.
42. But with good reason.
43. But also girl me too. Let’s be real, who wouldn’t? It’s a great car. And this is a great moment.
44. She was definitely doing donuts. I love it.
45. Dean would shit himself if he knew.
46. This entire scene is so good. But also, I love Dean and Cas here.
47. LOL step away from the Netflix.
48. Dean, stop trying to make fetch happen, bud.
49. Poor Cas, talking to himself, thinking he’s helping. But again, it keeps us in the car.
50. But this whole scene is so great.
51. Poor Dean missed him saying werepire.
52. I love this fight scene so much. It’s played for laughs and it works so well. It is so gory.
53. “It turns out I did shoot the deputy.” I need you to know that I SCREAMED when he said this, because it’s an add-on from a joke made in SEASON 3. 3! THEY WRAPPED THAT JOKE EIGHT YEARS LATER! Again, it’s the benefits of a show that goes this long.
54. Poor Cas. Just...having to sit on the phone while carnage happens on the other end.
55. The windshield wiper. Dean is so unfazed.
56. Poor cooler. It went from beer and smoothies to a monster head.
57. Again, Dean is so not bothered by any of this. It’s just another day, and it makes it so much funnier. Like he knows it’s gross, but like. It’s just another workday.
58. I’m not sure about these extreme closeups. It’s a lot.
59. “What bench?” oh Cas. <3
60. Sam getting distracted with the fiirty and Dean getting jumped. Again.
62. They just left that head in the backseat with a woman he thought was like a full blown human. Because they’re that desensitized. Head in a box. “Yeah? And?”
63. “You do anything for your family.” Oh boy.
64. Sam just not noticing a damn thing.
65. Dean face down in the back seat, sees the Hello Kitty bag: “How did...I don’t wanna know.”
66. The monsters are scared.
67. Dean’s in a tough spot here, and he’s just rolling his eyes at this monster monologueing. It’s part “Are you fucking kidding me with this shit? I can’t believe I let this happen, why am I so dumb?” and part “Bitch do you know what I am? Get wrecked.”
68. Poor Baby. God she is beat up.
69. this inside/outside the car fight is great too. I love that we don’t need to see like a big full fight scene. It’s so cramped and so cool.
70. Fucking decapitated with the car door that is fucking brutal.
71. “Oh baby I’m so sorry.” Yeah dude your car is fucked.
72. Both Dean and Baby. So fucked up.
73. Jensen learned that car move on his lunch break. Talented bastard.
74. Sam also looking messed up.
75. “Would you mind starting tomorrow?” Oh Sam.
76. And we end on Night Moves as the boys and Baby limp on home.
77. Truly, one of my all time favorite episodes of this show. Shot so cleverly, with great character moments and glimpse at what’s going on with the larger season-long plot. Love it.
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mrkis · 1 year
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WHEN I TELL YOU I THREW MY PHONE AWAY SCREAMING AT THIS 😭😭😭 I knew it was a moment of realization to him. I just knew it.
The whole chapter pulled on my heartstrings and I felt for him, the ptsd from his past relationship, the being cautious of letting anyone in - I get that. 🥺 Honesly, I can see the growth in his relationship with mc, and I love it. Also, the fact that he wants to speak to her and clear shit up, but thats just easier said than done, especially when both of them have trouble speaking out their minds and hearts. Especially, considering how complicated their relationship is because they feel like they are crossing boundaries when they aren't.
Eunbin... that selfish, egotistical, manipulative bitch .... 🙃 I swear to god she is the most unreasonable person ever. I had a friend like her. Constantly making herself the victim of her own decisions, and feeling like its all justified because she felt like it was alright. Honestly, how the hell did she think its okay to leave and that they are fine after having a fight then some stupid make up sex without discussing it with him further??? Jesus thats so selfish and self-rightous behavior 😤😤🫥 He blocked her ass and she still thinks they are fine??? What in the actual fuck?? How is that even an option?? I hate Eunbin with every part of me even more with each next scene ... 🙃🙃 And I bet my ass she would feel like everything is okay after this talk they had and she hugged him ..🤦‍♀️ the audacity tho, he clearly doesnt even want to be around her and she goes ahead and hugs him??? BITCH NO. Step away and get your nasty hands off of him. 🙂 I guess him letting her hug him makes her think she can win him over and they are "fine" now ...jesus... I want to blame Jaemin, for letting her think that, but a part of me realizes he is also very affected and its all happening too fast for his liking. I just hope he is okay after mc leaves him in chapter 5 cause this must be some bad ass trauma. And I hope they finally get to talk it out properly eventually in be it pt3 or chapter 7. But they NEED to talk, like asap.
And to end this on a happy note - JENO BEST BOY ❤️ I swear to god he is everything, the support and understanding - immaculate 🥹🙏❤️ Now if he can get mc and Jaemin to be truthful to each other and clink their heads together so they can finally act normal and SPEAK, I would just kiss him all over. ❤️
THANK YOU CAS, FOR ANOTHER GREAT CHAPTER 😭❤️ I would totally say I cant wait for the next part but ofc take all the time you need but just know I will cry when it drops. 😭❤️ I love twlg so much. Its literally my comfort story which is weird cause it makes my emotions go into overdrive with all the stuff happening but it is. 🥺❤️
the line is one of my favourite lines :> i'm kinda proud of that one! i'm happy that it gave you that type of reaction.. i love it. jaemin is very cautious! i'm happy you mentioned that! he only lets certain people into his personal space, even though he's got a group of friends surrounding him. it was always jeno that was the only one that could come close to him and burst that personal bubble, letting jaemin show his truth feelings and emotions... but that appreciation scene just shows how far him and mc have come and how open (ish lol) he is with her :(
they still need to learn how to have a proper conversation... but i'm lowkey loving how they avoid it because angst <3 annoyance <3 confusion <3
eunbin is...... a tricky character for sure. but she's so fun to write and i'm enjoying including her in more scenes (very excited for pt.3 because there's so much eunbin) she is, however, definitely the type that is able to get what she wants all the time because she has that sweet face and sweet personality that everyone adores. she can come across as very selfish and oblivious which, yet again, i love LMAO. her bringing the angst is just everything. angst is what i like best.
but ah..... i can't wait for you to see how jaemin reacts when he realises mc had left him. it's almost like deja vu.... but yeah! jeno is literally the best. he's so comforting and understanding, he's literally the bestest friend. i want him.
thank you for enjoying twlg and thank you for all the compliments :( i'm very very very grateful
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 14x06 Optimism
“What sane person can cancel a show like this?” “unless of course I’m not sane anymore” You’ve got the brainrot pretty bad
“I feel like we’ve seen her before” “this is very strange music” “this is awful” “what’s all this white knighting bullshit about?” “Why the hell are they both wearing plaid?” “wait - she already shot him down?” “and 3 2 1 brutal murder” “yeah there we go. I was a little off” “Ok Jack” “who are? For a minute there, I thought Jack meant Bobby and Mary” “this is other Charlie? It’s one way to bring her back” “zero tint. Whatsoever. trying not to stick out” ‘what?” “really?” “fridge cam” “the hell is Dean making? A quesadilla? Or extra cheesy burrito?” “isn’t that normally what Sam does? Why is he being weird at it?” “I don’t think I’ve ever been in a diner with this good of lighting” like that was a subtle thing - the rooster thing
“Is this a bit episode?” it’s like a hallmark movie
“Explain to me about the cock” the lady is talking about sex then he moves the rooster
Was he turning her down? Does he ever turn anyone down?” He does when Cas is around
“Who is bad luck?” “Why is he chewing on his fingernails? Nasty habit” “how is Charlie not in more episodes?” “I don’t light anyone on fire when our water gets shut off. like if they had to fix the pipe or something. Well shit” “Do you ever get the urge to light somewhere on fire?” No
“That whipped cream looks delicious. Is that a meringue?” Yeah
“Can’t say that I have. I’ll flip to the last 2/3rd of the book, read a page, and get a good laugh” laughter “what the hell was that?” “what’s with the music? You said hallmark. Is that what this is? I don’t think I’ve ever watched a hallmark movie” “I’d be more worried about the redhead. Unless Dean is following him” “nobody on that construction crew heard a damn thing. Shame” “might not want to be standing there. Seems a little fresh to be standing there” “our apartment never played music like that” “is this cologne?” “alien human hybrid” “what the fuck’ laughter
“Conveniently hung up at the same moment. You would have thought it skipped across the ground” “did he lock the door? The deadbolt is up and down. Those are weird deadbolts” “I half thought she was going to ask if Jack wanted to have sex” laughter
“who’s Archie? Isn’t his name Vance” He was making a reference to the Riverdale comics
“How do you know this? I’ve never watched the show, and you’ve never read the comics” I don’t know
“Oh she was joking. I see.” “so you’re gong to say to get creative without discussing the plan?” “what cleaner?” Pine cleaner
“ They can’t say pinesol. I don’t even know what that is” i don’t know either
“ Ik nowi it’s cleaning solution but I don’t know it’s intended use” “amazing how a single fly hasn’t landed on either of them.” “really you’re going to sniff the chloroform to double check?” “the fuck” “if that’s where the blowback went, then your gun wasn’t that far from her face. Not to mention being deaf” “Jack said not to, and there’s a zombie” “the fuck you doing?” “that’s a twist” “the played the long game on this one. Is that a typical hallmark thing?” “How do you know this is like a hallmark movie?” It just feels like one “he’s taking too long” “the fuck?” laughter
“I don’t think he has a choice” “I don’t understand what this is” What does Dean know about being in love? “Hmm let’s see here” “Jack wants the crazy talk. Oh never mind” “what the hell is wrong with Jack?” “well that’s not good”
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