#so i went looking in the stocks page
little-eye-guy · 7 months
this dwarf is hauling 2 cloth shoes, 3 stone figurines, 2 iron chains, 27 stone mugs, and an artifact puzzle box, all while in full steel armor. she is thirsty and drowsy and moving so slowly
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qeyond · 1 year
Ok for real tho they went off hard with the aesthetic of the physical LABB Murder Cases novel. Like they did not have to make it so damn sexy but they did and god bless em for that
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colleendoran · 8 months
Great Big Good Omens Graphic Novel Update
AKA A Visit From Bildad the Shuhite.
The past year or so has been one long visit from this guy, whereupon he smiteth my goats and burneth my crops, woe unto the woeful cartoonist.
Gaze upon the horror of Bildad the Shuhite.
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You kind of have to be a Good Omens fan to get this joke, but trust me, it's hilarious.
Anyway, as a long time Good Omens novel fan, you may imagine how thrilled I was to get picked to adapt the graphic novel.
 Go me!  
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This is quite a task, I have to say, especially since I was originally going to just draw (and color) it, but I ended up writing the adaptation as well. Tricky to fit a 400 page novel into a 160-ish page graphic novel, especially when so much of the humor is dependent on the language, and not necessarily on the visuals.
Not complainin', just sayin'.
Anyway, I started out the gate like a herd of turtles, because  right away I got COVID which knocked me on my butt. 
And COVID brain fog? That's a thing. I already struggle with brain fog due to autoimmune disease, and COVID made it worse.
Not complainin' just sayin'.
This set a few of the assignments on my plate back, which pushed starting Good Omens back. 
But hey, big fat lead time! No worries!
Then my computer crawled toward the grave.
My trusty MAC Pro Tower was nearly 15 years old when its sturdy heart ground to a near-halt with daily crashes. I finally got around to doing some diagnostics; some of its little brain actions were at 5% functionality. I had no reliable backups.
There are so many issues with getting a new computer when you haven't had a new computer or peripherals in nearly fifteen years and all of your software, including your Photoshop program is fifteen years old.
At the time, I was still on rural internet...which means dial-up speed.
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Whatever you have for internet in the city, roll that clock back to about 2001.
That's what I had. I not only had to replace almost all of my hardware but I had to load and update all programs at dial-up speed.
Welcome to my gigabyte hell.
The entire process of replacing the equipment and programs took weeks and then I had to relearn all the software.
All of this was super expensive in terms of money and time cost.
But I was not daunted! Nosirree!
I still had a huge lead time! I can do anything! I have an iron will!
And boy, howdy, I was going to need it.
At about the same time, a big fatcat quadrillionaire client who had hired me years ago to develop a big, major transmedia project for which I was paid almost entirely in stock, went bankrupt leaving everyone holding the bag, and taking a huge chunk of my future retirement fund with it.
I wrote a very snarky almost hilarious Patreon post about it, but am not entirely in a position to speak freely because I don't want to get sued. Even though I had to go to court over it, (and I had to do that over Zoom at dial-up speed,) I'm pretty sure I'll never get anything out of this drama, and neither will anyone else involved, except millionaire dude and his buddies who all walked away with huge multi-million dollar bonuses weeks before they declared bankruptcy, all the while claiming they would not declare bankruptcy.
Even the accountant got $250,000 a month to shut down the business, while creators got nothing.
That in itself was enough drama for the year, but we were only at February by that point, and with all those months left, 2023 had a lot more to throw at me.
Fresh from my return from my Society of Illustrators show, and a lovely time at MOCCA, it was time to face practical medical issues, health updates, screening, and the like. I did my adult duty and then went back to work hoping for no news, but still had a weird feeling there would be news.
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I know everyone says that, but I mean it. I had a bad feeling.
Then there was news.
I was called back for tests and more tests. This took weeks. The ubiquitous biopsy looked, even to me staring at the screen in real time, like bad news. 
It also hurt like a mofo after the anesthesia wore off. I wasn't expecting that.
Then I got the official bad news.
Cancer which runs in my family finally got me. Frankly, I was surprised I didn't get it sooner.
Stage 0, and treatment would likely be fast and complication-free. Face the peril, get it over with, and get back to work. 
I requested surgery months in the future so I could finish Good Omens first, but my doc convinced me the risk of waiting was too great. Get it done now.
"You're really healthy," my doc said. Despite an auto-immune issue which plagues me, I am way healthier than the average schmoe of late middle age. She informed me I would not even need any chemo or radiation if I took care of this now.
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So I canceled my appearance at San Diego Comic Con. I did not inform the Good Omens team of my issues right away, thinking this would not interfere with my work schedule, but I did contact my agent to inform her of the issue. I also contacted a lawyer to rewrite my will and make sure the team had access to my digital files in case there were complications.
Then I got back to work, and hoped for the best.
Eff this guy.
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Before I could even plant my carcass on the surgery table, I got a massive case of ocular shingles.
I didn't even know there was such a thing. 
There I was, minding my own business. I go to bed one night with a scratchy eye, and by 4 PM the next day, I was in the emergency room being told if I didn't get immediate specialist treatment, I was in big trouble.
I got transferred to another hospital and got all the scary details, with the extra horrid news that I could not possibly have cancer surgery until I was free of shingles, and if I did not follow a rather brutal treatment procedure - which meant super-painful  eye drops every half hour, twenty-four hours a day and daily hospital treatment - I could lose the eye entirely, or be blinded, or best case scenario, get permanent eye damage.
What was even funnier (yeah, hilarity) is the drops are so toxic if you don't use the medication just right, you can go blind anyway.
Hi Ho.
Ulcer is on the right. That big green blob.
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I had just finished telling my cancer surgeon I did not even really care about getting cancer, was happy it was just stage zero, had no issues with scarring, wanted no reconstruction, all I cared about was my work. 
Just cut it out and get me back to work.
And now I wondered if I was going to lose my ability to work anyway.
Shingles often accompanies cancer because of the stress on the immune system, and yeah, it's not pretty. This is me looking like all heck after I started to get better.
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The first couple of weeks were pretty demoralizing as I expected a straight trajectory to wellness. But it was up and down all the way. 
Some days I could not see out of either eye at all. The swelling was so bad that I had to reach around to my good eye to prop the lid open. Light sensitivity made seeing out of either eye almost impossible. Outdoors, even with sunglasses, I had to be led around by the hand.
I had an amazing doctor. I meticulously followed his instructions, and I think he was surprised I did. The treatment is really difficult, and if you don't do it just right no matter how painful it gets, you will be sorry. 
To my amazement, after about a month, my doctor informed me I had no vision loss in the eye at all. "This never happens," he said.
I'd spent a couple of weeks there trying to learn to draw in the near-dark with one eye, and in the end, I got all my sight back.
I could no longer wear contact lenses (I don't really wear them anyway, unless I'm going to the movies,) would need hard core sun protection for awhile, and the neuralgia and sun sensitivity were likely to linger. But I could get back to work.
I have never been more grateful in my life.
Neuralgia sucks, by the way, I'm still dealing with it months later.
Anyway, I decided to finally go ahead and tell the Good Omens team what was going on, especially since this was all happening around the time the Kickstarter was gearing up.
Now that I was sure I'd passed the eye peril, and my surgery for Stage 0 was going to be no big deal, I figured all was a go. I was still pretty uncomfortable and weak, and my ideal deadline was blown, but with the book not coming out for more than a year, all would be OK. I quit a bunch of jobs I had lined up to start after Good Omens, since the project was going to run far longer than I'd planned.
Everybody on the team was super-nice, and I was pretty optimistic at this time. But work was going pretty slow during, as you may imagine.
But again...lots of lead time still left, go me.
Then I finally got my surgery.
Which was not as happy an experience as I had been hoping for.
My family said the doc came out of the operating room looking like she'd been pulled backwards through a pipe, She informed them the tumor which looked tiny on the scan was "...huge and her insides are a mess."
Which was super not fun news.
Eff this guy.
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The tumor was hiding behind some dense tissue and cysts. After more tests, it was determined I'd need another surgery and was going to have to get further treatments after all.
The biopsy had been really painful, but the discomfort was gone after about a week, so no biggee. The second surgery was, weirdly, not as painful as the biopsy, but the fatigue was big time.
By then, the Good Omens Kickstarter had about run its course, and the record-breaker was both gratifying and a source of immense social pressure.
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I'd already turned most of my social media over to an assistant, and I'm glad I did.
But the next surgery was what really kicked me on my keister.
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All in all, they took out an area the size of a baseball. It was  hard to move and wiped me out for weeks and weeks. I could not take care of myself. I'd begun losing hair by this time anyway, and finally just lopped it off since it was too heavy for me to care for myself. The cut hides the bald spots pretty well.
After about a month, I got the go-ahead to travel to my show at the San Diego Comic Con Museum (which is running until the first week of April, BTW). I was very happy I had enough energy to do it. But as soon as I got back, I had to return to treatment.
Since I live way out in the country, going into the city to various hospitals and pharmacies was a real challenge. I made more than 100 trips last year, and a drive to the compounding pharmacy which produced the specialist eye medicine I could not get anywhere else was six hours alone.
Naturally, I wasn't getting anything done during this time.
But at least my main hospital is super swank.
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The oncology treatment went smoothly, until it didn't. The feels don't hit you until the end. By then I was flattened.
So flattened that I was too weak to control myself, fell over, and smashed my face into some equipment.
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Nearly tore off my damn nostril.
Eff this guy.
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Anyway, it was a bad year.
Here's what went right.
I have a good health insurance policy. The final tally on my health care costs ended up being about $150,000. I paid about 18% of that, including insurance. I had a high deductible and some experimental medicine insurance didn't cover. I had savings,  enough to cover the months I wasn't working, and my Patreon is also very supportive. So you didn't see me running a Gofundme or anything.
Thanks to everyone who ever bought one of my books.
No, none of that money was Good Omens Kickstarter money. I won't get most of my pay on that for months, which is just as well because it kept my taxes lower last year when I needed a break.
So, yay.
My nose is nearly healed. I opted out of plastic surgery, and it just sealed up by itself. I'll never be ready for my closeup, but who the hell cares.
I got to ring the bell.
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I had a very, VERY hard time getting back to work, especially with regard to focus and concentration. My work hours dropped by over 2/3. I was so fractured and weak, time kept slipping away while I sat in the studio like a zombie. Most of the last six months were a wash.
I assumed focus issues were due (in part) to stress, so sought counseling. This seemed like a good idea at first, but when the counselor asked me to detail my issues with anxiety, I spent two weeks doing just that and getting way more anxious, which was not helpful.
After that I went EFF THIS NOISE, I want practical tools, not touchy feelies (no judgment on people who need touchy-feelies, I need a pragmatic solution and I need it now,) so tried using the body doubling focus group technique for concentration and deep work.
Within two weeks, I returned to normal work hours.
I got rural broadband, jumping me from dial up speed to 1 GB per second.
It's a miracle.
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Massive doses of Vitamin D3 and K2. Yay.
The new computer works great.
The Kickstarter did so well, we got to expand the graphic novel to 200 pages. Double yay.
I'm running late, but everyone on the Good Omens team is super supportive. I don't know if I am going to make the book late or not, but if I do, well, it surely wasn't on purpose, and it won't be super late anyway. I still have months of lead time left.
I used to be something of a social media addict, but now I hardly ever even look at it, haven't been directly on some sites in over a year, and no longer miss it. It used to seem important and now doesn't.
More time for real life.
While I think the last year aged me about twenty years, I actually like me better with short hair. I'm keeping it.
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OK. Rough year. 
Not complainin', just sayin'.
Back to work on The Book.
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And only a day left to vote for Good Omens, Neil Gaiman, and Sandman in the Comicscene Awards. Thanks. 
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haxkattpress · 5 months
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Away Childish Things by @letteredlettered
I'm so excited to finally share this bind of one of my all time favorite fics! Thanks to lettered's generous binding policy, I decided to go all out.
This bind has a foiled cover and spine, hand sewn silk endbands, and thirteen custom chapter headers. It was also my first time rounding and backing.
You can find more pictures and information about my process under the cut.
For the cover and spine, I recreated the design of Beasts of the Field (1902) by William J. Long.
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I wanted something that captured both the whimsy and maturity of the story, and this cover fit my vision perfectly. It also gave me the opportunity to recreate another antique cover from the public domain.
Unfortunately, the design was a bit complicated for my Cameo 4, so I was unable to fill the lines in. You can also tell that the foil did not adhere properly near the bottom, so the flowers are lighter than I would like them to be.
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Because of the trouble I was having with my Cameo, I decided to foil the spine by hand. I deeply regretted this decision two hours later, and it took me four hours to finish foiling. My wrist still hurts!
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Sewing the headbands was my absolute favorite part. I was encouraged to try them by a lovely binder on Instagram, and I ended up completely addicted. I splurged on some fancy silk thread so I could give this fic the royal treatment it deserves! I think they look like beautiful little caterpillars.
As for the rounding and backing... I'm not going to talk about it. Nightmare. Lots of nervous sweating. Emotional agony. Next topic!
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I worked on the typeset back at the beginning of January when I had some time off, and it took me a solid week of obsessive editing to complete. My sister suggested that I use Harry and Draco's patronuses for the chapter art, but there unfortunately aren't many public domain illustrations of deer and foxes playing together.
It was at that point that I also decided that I wanted the animals to match the respective ages of Harry and Draco and the tone of each chapter. For the 13 chapters I ended up editing 25 different illustrations together. The bulk of these are taken from vintage versions of Bambi and Reynard the Fox. It's possible that a few stock images from 1980s nature books snuck in there, but I did my best to keep them all pre 1925.
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I'm not a skilled editor, and some of these are worse than others, but I'm quite proud of what I was able to cobble together. On the final page I put a young fox and deer running off together. I wanted it to seem like Harry and Draco's inner children had been freed.
I'm a bit embarrassed to say that this bind took me about 4-5 months to complete! I started in early January, and went wildly off track learning how to round, back, and sew headbands. And then I was hit by some killer creative block that only lifted last week!
There are still many things I could improve on, but I'm so proud of everything that I learned and accomplished with this bind! A big thank you to lettered for inspiring me with such a wonderful story. <3
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bedoballoons · 1 year
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~They wear maid outfits~༺}
CW: Suggestive! They are so bbg OMG, not nsfw but feels like it could go there!, Some of them call you master!
(Includes: Albedo, Tighnari, Venti, Xiao, Kazuha, Wanderer, and Kaeya!)
𑁍!!!!requests open!!!𑁍
You held your breath, unable to look away as Albedo left the room he had changed in, his normal Head Of Alchemy attire left behind and replaced with a incredibly flattering maid outfit. The top of it clung to his body, showing off his curves and smaller waist, while the bottom was floofy...and rather short, he even went as far as to wear knee high stockings, each decorated with a miniature bow.
His bright blue eyes were on you as you looked him up and down...taking in every detail hungrily. The blush he had returned with was now a few shades darker and from the way his hands fidgeted you could tell he was feeling shy...maybe eager as well, but you wanted to take your sweet time...after all something this perfect should be appreciated to it's fullest~.
Once you'd had enough, you reached out your hands, grabbing him by his slender waist and pulling him flush against you, your heart racing loudly in your chest, as your face blushed. "You look so beautiful Albedo...may I? Please.." You're voice sounded slightly strained, your self control almost all used up as you waited for his response. "Of course...master."
You smirked at Tighnari, his face red with a deep blush and his tail swaying anxiously back and forth as you tied the black bow of his maid outfit. How you'd actually got him to wear it was beyond you, but after enough times of you begging and his sarcastic remarks...here you were, pulling back to see your work in all its glory.
The dark colour of the maid outfit made his skin look velvety soft, the shorter length of the skirt paired with the tight ribbon around his waist making you swoon. He looked away from you, his heart beating hard against his chest and his ears flattening against his head, "Well...was it worth it? Do...you like me on this?" He had attempted to keep his normal tone, but you saw right through that, his nervousness showing in each word and...it was working wonders for you.
"Tighnari...you're free for the whole day...right?"
Venti twirled in front of you, the poofy skirt of his maid outfit lifting up slightly as he did so and showing the back of his thighs. Your eyes trained on the hem, wondering how hard he would have to spin to show everything...and your mind suddenly becoming plagued with inspiration for future endeavours. You were so focused on those future endeavours you didn't even notice he'd now climbed onto the couch you were sitting on, on his hands and knees as he smirked at you.
He had a light blush on his face and as he chuckled teasingly you could tell he was on the same page as you. "You look distracted...is something on your mind...maybe a certain someone..master?" His voice was soft and sultry, and that word...that name for you...sounded so perfect coming from his mouth, you couldn't take it a second longer...
Xiaos fists clenched the black and white fabric, pulling it down as much as he could in a attempt to cover himself more, however he was failing miserably because doing that was making the back of the skirt lift, revealing the tops of his thigh high white stockings...the lace on them snug against his pale skin. How the maid dress had found the way onto him, you didn't know but as you stared at his bright red face...you couldn't help but thank the archons above.
"Xiao...I..." You attempted but you'd lost your words, your mind entirely focused on every inch of the perfect man in front of you. Before you could stop yourself your hands had reached for the front of his dress, pulling him into your lap, his thighs straddling you and making your heart skip a beat. He tried to help in response but it was no use as you drained it out by kissing him, your lips crashing harshly into his as you devoured them hungrily....his quiet moans driving you mad...
Kazuha smiled at you softly, your arms wrapped around his petite waist and his hands holding your face gently, his eyes filled with love you. The maid outfit swaying slightly with each movement he made and his lips a shade darker than usual from the amount of kissing you'd done. You couldn't help it, the way the top of the dress accentuated his collar bones and the length of the dress showed more of his thighs...it made you weak at the knees.
He leaned in close to your ear, his breath hot against your skin and more than enough to make your face blush as he whispered his thoughts to you, "You seem fond of this new outfit, please,...I'm all yours master...do with me what you will.~" His voice sounded raspier than usual, filled with desires that you simply had to fulfill and you were more than happy to...
(I use the nickname Scara here!)
Scaras face was redder than you'd ever seen it, his hands clenching the black fabric in annoyance and embarrassment, how could he have gotten himself into this mess?! The top of the maid outfit snug against his thin body and the skirt of it barely covering the top of his thighs, as if to add to the seductiveness was the small back bow choker around his neck.
You didn't even know where to look anymore, your mind foggy with lust as you watched him pout and get frustrated with you. "S-stop staring pervert!" He shouted but you were already to far gone, your hand sliding up his thigh in curiousity and eagerness..."Don't worry Scara...by the time I'm done you'll have to take the dress off...it will be to dirty for you to wear~"
You bit your lip as you watched Kaeya carefully, his hands carefully lifting his hair up and wrapping a ponytail around the hair to make it sit in a neat bun. A few strands hanging against his face, framing his features perfectly and that wasn't even the best part as his new hairdo was actually to go with the maid outfit he had purchased just for you.
The poofy sleeves highlighting his muscular arms, the tight band around his waist emphasizing his his soft curves perfectly and most of all was the way the top of the dress drew just the right amount of attention to his chest. You tried to look away when he turned to you but it was to late...he knew. His hand grabbed your chin and he smirked as he made your eyes meet his, "Oh my...have I already caught your attention?~"
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ Have a good day!
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For the rest of May, my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) is available as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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Here's an underrated cognitive virtue: "object permanence" – that is, remembering how you perceived something previously. As Riley Quinn often reminds us, the left is the ideology of object permanence – to be a leftist is to hate and mistrust the CIA even when they're tormenting Trump for a brief instant, or to remember that it was once possible for a working person to support their family with their wages:
The thing is, object permanence is hard. Life comes at you quickly. It's very hard to remember facts, and the order in which those facts arrived – it's even harder to remember how you felt about those facts in the moment.
This is where blogging comes in – for me, at least. Back in 1997, Scott Edelman – editor of Science Fiction Age – asked me to take over the back page of the magazine by writing up ten links of interest for the nascent web. I wrote that column until the spring of 2000, then, in early 2001, Mark Frauenfelder asked me to guest-edit Boing Boing, whereupon the tempo of my web-logging went daily. I kept that up on Boing Boing for more than 19 years, writing about 54,000 posts. In February, 2020, I started Pluralistic.net, my solo project, a kind of blog/newsletter, and in the four-plus years since, I've written about 1,200 editions containing between one and twelve posts each.
This gigantic corpus of everything I ever considered to be noteworthy is immensely valuable to me. The act of taking notes in public is a powerful discipline: rather than jotting cryptic notes to myself in a commonplace book, I publish those notes for strangers. This imposes a rigor on the note-taking that makes those notes far more useful to me in years to come.
Better still: public note-taking is powerfully mnemonic. The things I've taken notes on form a kind of supersaturated solution of story ideas, essay ideas, speech ideas, and more, and periodically two or more of these fragments will glom together, nucleate, and a fully-formed work will crystallize out of the solution.
Then, the fact that all these fragments are also database entries – contained in the back-end of a WordPress installation that I can run complex queries on – comes into play, letting me swiftly and reliably confirm my memories of these long-gone phenomena. Inevitably, these queries turn up material that I've totally forgotten, and these make the result even richer, like adding homemade stock to a stew to bring out a rich and complicated flavor. Better still, many of these posts have been annotated by readers with supplemental materials or vigorous objections.
I call this all "The Memex Method" and it lets me write a lot (I wrote nine books during lockdown, as I used work to distract me from anxiety – something I stumbled into through a lifetime of chronic pain management):
Back in 2013, I started a new daily Boing Boing feature: "This Day In Blogging History," wherein I would look at the archive of posts for that day one, five and ten years previously:
With Pluralistic, I turned this into a daily newsletter feature, now stretching back to twenty, fifteen, ten, five and one year ago. Here's today's:
This is a tremendous adjunct to the Memex Method. It's a structured way to review everything I've ever thought about, in five-year increments, every single day. I liken this to working dough, where there's stuff at the edges getting dried out and crumbly, and so your fold it all back into the middle. All these old fragments naturally slip out of your thoughts and understanding, but you can revive their centrality by briefly paying attention to them for a few minutes every day.
This structured daily review is a wonderful way to maintain object permanence, reviewing your attitudes and beliefs over time. It's also a way to understand the long-forgotten origins of issues that are central to you today. Yesterday, I was reminded that I started thinking about automotive Right to Repair 15 years ago:
Given that we're still fighting over this, that's some important perspective, a reminder of the likely timescales involved in more recent issues where I feel like little progress is being made.
Remember when we all got pissed off because the mustache-twirling evil CEO of Warners, David Zaslav, was shredding highly anticipated TV shows and movies prior to their release to get a tax-credit? Turns out that we started getting angry about this stuff twenty years ago, when Michael Eisner did it to Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 911":
It's not just object permanence: this daily spelunk through my old records is also a way to continuously and methodically sound the web for linkrot: when old links go bad. Over the past five years, I've noticed a very sharp increase in linkrot, and even worse, in the odious practice of spammers taking over my dead friends' former blogs and turning them into AI spam-farms:
The good people at the Pew Research Center have just released a careful, quantitative study of linkrot that confirms – and exceeds – my worst suspicions about the decay of the web:
The headline finding from "When Online Content Disappears" is that 38% of the web of 2013 is gone today. Wikipedia references are especially hard-hit, with 23% of news links missing and 21% of government websites gone. The majority of Wikipedia entries have at least one broken link in their reference sections. Twitter is another industrial-scale oubliette: a fifth of English tweets disappear within a matter of months; for Turkish and Arabic tweets, it's 40%.
Thankfully, someone has plugged the web's memory-hole. Since 2001, the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine has allowed web users to see captures of web-pages, tracking their changes over time. I was at the Wayback Machine's launch party, and right away, I could see its value. Today, I make extensive use of Wayback Machine captures for my "This Day In History" posts, and when I find dead links on the web.
The Wayback Machine went public in 2001, but Archive founder Brewster Kahle started scraping the web in 1996. Today's post graphic – a modified Yahoo homepage from October 17, 1996 – is the oldest Yahoo capture on the Wayback Machine:
Remember that the next time someone tells you that we must stamp out web-scraping for one reason or another. There are plenty of ugly ways to use scraping (looking at you, Clearview AI) that we should ban, but scraping itself is very good:
And so is the Internet Archive, which makes the legal threats it faces today all the more frightening. Lawsuits brought by the Big Five publishers and Big Three labels will, if successful, snuff out the Internet Archive altogether, and with it, the Wayback Machine – the only record we have of our ephemeral internet:
Libraries burn. The Internet Archive may seem like a sturdy and eternal repository for our collective object permanence about the internet, but it is very fragile, and could disappear like that.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Mikey, Baji & Inupi getting whacked while they're trying to wake you up
Content warning: These take place during/after a sleepover! Tickling, something awful happens in Mikey's fic
~Modern problems require modern solutions 🤠
~Late, late in the night, you were playing all kinds of games. Cards, truth or dare, illuminati, board games, video games, fire boy and water girl, you name it. Mikey was reaching the peak of competitiveness and you were not far behind.  
~And you would have been long knocked out had it not been for the sugar rush the two of you were on. Needless to say… the two of you were more than a bit hyperactive. 
~It was good after two am that a blood-curling crisis made its way into your blissful playtime. 
The two of you looked at each other in horror, as if to make sure you were not imagining things. But this dreadful situation went beyond human imagination. After a few minutes of deadly silence, your lover spoke in a quiet, shaky voice. 
“We ran out of snacks.”
~Even though the two of you stocked up so well beforehand, it was all gone now. After some good 15 minutes of crying about it, a rock paper scissors match began. Of course, the loser had to go through the hardships of getting their ass up, dressing up, going to the nearest 24/7 convenience store and buying some more food. 
~And he lost.
~As he dragged himself through the room, you could swear it looked like he was going to his own execution. He mumbled under his breath but the two of you were so out of it, you didn’t care and he didn’t even know what he was mumbling in the first place.
~He was back pretty soon but still found you passed out on the floor of his room. Your boyfriend didn’t think much about it when he began to gently kick your side. 
“Wake up, y/n I’ve got your favourite cookies.” ~Guy who looked and sounded like a zombie
~He knelt down to unpack the two bags of snacks while continuing to nudge you with his hand. And next thing he knew was a kick to his jaw as you shifted from laying on your back to your side. 
~He blinked a few times, instinctively touched his chin, sat there for a while, then stood up to turn off the light and fell asleep next to you. 
~Via the two of you trying to figure out how he got a bruise on his jaw after you woke up. 
~Aaand he took that personally 🙄
~It was definitely not a great idea to have a sleepover at his house on a Wednesday, but he got a bit impatient. For three whole days, you listened to him complaining about not sleeping well and insisting that the cure would be you sleeping over. 
~”What is it? I’m telling you, my mom likes you anyways. And if I sleep well, my grades will be better too!”
You’ve slept well for so many years, and the good grades were never in sight.”
”That’s foul, y/n!”
~In the end you settled for a study sleepover. Instead of messing around, the plan was to study together for some time and then go to sleep at a reasonable hour. Yeah, the plan was all it was.
~You were able to go through two pages of your textbooks before getting utterly distracted and doing whatever the hell you wanted. You ended up sneaking out even before the clock struck midnight and enjoyed the city basked in the night to your heart’s content. It was heavily past 2am when you came back and it was only because it started raining.
~Soon afterwards you fell asleep cuddling into his chest with his arm around your shoulder.
~And he recklessly followed you into the land of dreams without any awareness of what was going to happen in the morning. 
~He was woken up by his mother at the usual hour. Mrs. Baji brought you two breakfast straight into his room and as he was half awake, she urged him to wake you up as well. In a half-awake state, he barely began to complain and tell her to wake you up herself before she cut him off with “I tried”.
~In his defence, he thought that shaking your arms lightly and calling out your name would be enough to wake you up. Jokes on him, you didn’t even budge. He tried everything his mother ever used on him, taking away your blanket, rubbing your back, hell, he even tried to wake you up with a kiss - nothing worked.
~He was absentmindedly poking your cheek while trying to come up with something else. All he could think of was a glass of cold water or calling his friends. It was then that he suddenly got smacked in the face with a pillow. The force of the hit was enough to have him rolling out of the bed. His traitor pillow was dropped right next to him. All you did was roll onto your side. Still asleep. 
~If his loud ‘HAA????’ didn’t manage to wake you up, you might as well have been dead. Anyways, prepare because he took that as a declaration of war. How does a sleeping person prepare for anything
~He climbed back, pushed you onto your back and began to mercilessly tickle you in all the weak spots he was aware of. He even took a feather out of his pillow and began tickling your feet and that was the final straw, for you to wake up completely disoriented, fall from the bed and instinctively kick your boyfriend off the bed. Both of you ended up on the floor, but Baji didn’t even notice that. He was too busy patting himself on the back and praising his genius for managing to wake you up.
~All while he existed there in a half-conscious state, trying to comprehend the whole situation. 
~And then he dragged you to school. You were late because waking you up almost took him a whole hour. 
~Surprisingly, he managed to take the test and actually answer enough questions for you to consider him passing it. 
~So now he has an excuse to invite you in more often. Although he did learn to only do this on weekends so that you can sleep for as long as you wish, Sleeping y/n is the one person he’s too afraid to face again.
~Bro gave up 💀
~It happened during a sleepover. The two of you were on the couch and watching a movie late in the night. He excused himself for a while when he noticed someone koko calling him. The call lasted longer than expected and when he came back, you were already asleep.
~All he wanted was to gently wake you up by rubbing your cheek so that you could move to his bigger and more comfortable bed. Totally not because he wanted to cuddle you. Not at all. 
~But then he got smacked with a pillow you  were clutching to your chest so hard, the force made him fall backwards and land on his ass. You were still asleep as he sat there, trying to comprehend what just happened. 
~He wasn’t even sure whether you were just pretending to sleep to take the sofa or it was really just you reacting to unwanted stimuli. 
~He sighed and simply went back to his room to gather the blankets and cushions. Then, he slipped a cushion under your head, gently fixed it into a more comfortable position and wrapped you up in a blanket. After that, he just made some adjustments for himself and sat next to you, leaning his body on yours.
~This fixed the issue the two of you always had. The issue was called ‘Who takes the bed?!’. While he insisted that you should take it, you insisted that it was his bed and you were fine with the couch. But he was also fine with the couch and he couldn’t just- sleep comfortably in his warm bed and make you sleep out there. Sharing the bed felt so intimate that none of you dared to suggest it although i know some of ya simps would jump at the first gotten chance to share a bed with him
~...So the two of you are now sharing a couch, but he swore that the next time, you’re taking the bed even if he has to drag you in there himself.
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kuni-is-daddy · 9 months
Switch!Wanderer x Female Reader
Birthday Special
Ft: Mentions of nahida. Word Count: 1.32k
:// Spoilers for his lore if your not updated. Use of Darling, Good girl, Soft wanderer, subtle grinding. Kuni tries to be dom. Aftercare
CW: Minors do NOT interact past the cut! This is a NSFW POST!!
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Wanderer was bored. So he decided to go to the sanctuary of Surasthana while you we're 'busy running errands at the akademiya'. Or, that was the story you went with. "Errands?" Nahida was sitting on her swing while flicking through the pages of a colorful animal book. Slimes, Whopper flowers and even vishamps were all printed in bold along the pages with pictures and definitions in the corner. "Hm.. But I thought she was getting ready for the surpri-" Nahida stuttered and bit her tongue. Wanderer noticed. "What is it?"
he insisted and she nervously closed her book. "Well Uhm.. I know your stance has changed, But shouldn't you take some time off to compose yourself? Its your-" "My birthday." He said sarcastically. "I don't celebrate that Irrelevant holiday; it wouldn't even apply to me as I wasn't even given a concrete date of birth. Who cares, It's just a waste of time when I could be doing other things." Nahida got up. " Well, if you're comfortable, maybe you can give a gift to someone else? Someone you care about! You know.. your thes-" Wanderer groaned. "Yes buer. I know my thesis is due. Youve reminded me. SEVERAL. Times." She smiled, now that Wanderer was attending lectures and studied at vahumana, the little archon was eager to read out his findings. Nahida then waved him off as he turned away. 'A gift..' He immediately thought of you. What would you like this time? Make-up, Clothes, should he take you out on another date? He didnt have much mora on him at the moment, But didnt care since it was for you. Wanderer sighed, He'd just have to go off his own idea.
Wanderer fumbled with his keys. You probably still weren't home anyway. He thought. He did tell you how he felt about his birthday. For all he knew his existence was just a hinderance. His mother, Niwa's suffering… The deaths in the clans…. Wait. Is that why you stayed in the akademiya for so long? A pit began to swirl in his chest and eyebrows furrowed at the thought. Nahida was obviously holding out on something when she referenced you. He tsk'd then turned the doorknob "Y/n?" and was greeted to your shared house covered in decorations. Wanderer fell completely quiet as he looked around the house, there we're teal and white decorations along the walls, A feast on the table, then gifts neatly tied in a bow. He took off his kasa hat, hanging it up by the door. Many gifts we're lined up along the hallway. Two we're in sparkling green wrap. 'From Nahida, To hatguy' Was written on the tag. While 3 other gifts we're from you. He Opened the door to his room; Light came from underneath. "Y/n. Darling? Are you-" "SURPRISE!!!!!!" You yelled and jumped off his bed, Kuni blinked as he heard a pop and watched shreds of confetti fall onto his head, one on his nose that he blew away a bit annoyed. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" you ran up to hug him, practically jumping into his arms as you hugged him tightly.
You then pulled away as he looked you up and down. You wore a f/c dress, Stockings and a blue bowstring tied on your right wrist. He grinned and tugged you by his arm, pulling you closer and into his grasp. Before you could react his arm was already wrapped around your waist. "Hm. So all I have to do is indulge in this stupid holiday to have you wrapped up for me like this?" Kuni's gazed stayed focused on your now flustered expression with your body pressed against his, He trailed his free hand down to the hymn of your dress, Rubbing his fingertips along your clothed thigh. "Well..it is your birthday so I thought id-ah-give you~ something~" A small moan escaped your lips as he rubbed his hand along your ass, He scoffed a bit when he felt the latex of your stockings. "Oh? And what was that? This perfect body of yours that I can have whenever I want?" You nodded and stumbled in his touch, "Fuck.." Kuni let out a raspy breath. Your knee pressed against the forming tent in his pants. "If your done playing around, Im going to unwrap my gift now."
Kuni scooped you up properly, then placed you onto the bed. You looked at him eagerly as his pupils began to glow a fainter purple. He hastily took off his open chested kimono and bodysuit, discarding his vision as it dangled off the side of the bed. "Lay down for me." Kuni ordered. You complied and got comfortable, kicking off your flats and laying on the middle of the bed. He sunk his face into your neck and bit along your shoulder before leaving petals of kisses along your neck. You moaned softly into his ear and pressed your knee up a bit further, Stimulating him through his pants. "You- mn Slut. Rutting against me like this." Kuni bit harder, Sucking on your neck and creating red patches along your skin. He pulled away from your neck and smashed his lips against yours, His tongue eagerly intertwined with yours, Your lipbalm softly smeared against his own lips in friction as you moaned into his mouth. Kuni's hands shifted down towards your breasts, Cupping them harshly through your dress cloth. His member began throbbing through his pants, You wanted more. Touching him like this wasnt enough. Kuni pulled away and you whined. "Shh shh..Be patient my love." Your heart rate increased at his sudden sweet nickname, And as you we're distracted he pulled you near the edge of the bed and spread your legs. "K-kuni- wait! my stock-"
He tugged at the cloth and ripped it, Holes formed in the stitching near your thigh. Kuni's eyes widened a bit, You also had lacey lingerie on underneath. "Shit..You've been plotting this all day huh? To have me fuck you with these on?" His fingers pressed on the cotton, and slowly pulled your lingerie off as well. Your pussy was already glistening from his remarks and Kuni bit his lip. "God..I need to taste you right now darling, You look so good for me~ My perfect gift." Kuni leaned down in between your legs and licked along your folds. He was going to drag this out as long as he could. He took more short licks along your clit, Occasionally Licking at your bud while gripping you closer. Your legs twitched from his teasing. "Kuni..Please~ More~! I need it~!" You pleaded and kuni finally inserted his warm tongue inside your pussy. "Mn You taste s' good darling~" kuni's tongue licked along your walls and You bucked your hips a bit softly into his tongue. He then sunk farther in-between your legs, giving you a hazy sight of him pulling his bangs out of view and rubbing your clit against his lips. "K-kuni! wait your tongue~! Its-" "Loudher slut~ Mm-let me hear how good im making you feel~" You moaned into your hand while gripping tightly onto the bedsheets. Out of desperation to chase your high you pressed his head in between your thighs, Suffocating him in your taste. Kuni was so used to training himself how to breathe he forgot he was a puppet; He felt a bit lightheaded but couldnt help it as his length began throbbing so hard in his pants he felt as if he was going to cum untouched while rubbing your clit as you moaned out his name.
A coil snapped and you came undone, Letting out a muffled cry as you coaxed his lower face and tongue in your Juices, Squeezing your thigh one more time as your high subsided. The deafening silence blinked you out your daze as kuni got up from in-between your legs, Panting and his hair completely messy. "I- Kuni Im so sorry! Are you okay I didnt-" As you looked further down you noticed the wet stains coming from his shorts, He pulled the string and slid down his shorts and boxers, finally freeing his aching shaft. "Mmm..Fuck..You really are my slut arent you. My Pretty cocksleeve~" Kuni pulled up your dress finally over your head, frazzling your hair slightly and he panned your locks back in place with his thumb. "Spread your legs again for me.. darling And dont you dare-Hah..Get quiet again. Okay?" He said between panted breathes, you nodded and parted your legs again then held them up a bit until his tip grazed softly against your wet entrance, The puppet was already twitching from the contact and his precum smeared along your clit. Kuni looked up at you again, "Are you ready doll?" You hummed and he immediately plunged himself inside you, Moaning and groaning at your warmth.
"Ah~ F-fuck y/n." He bucked his hips up and down slowly. You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him closer as he kissed under your neck with your head rested on his pillow. Kuni let out heavy pleasured sighs in sync with your moans as you chased your second orgasm. With his face dug into your neck he searched for your hand, gripping at the bow then intertwining his hand in yours. Your body arched further as his bed began to creak from his quickening pace. His ornament and kimono fell off the bed with a slight clink, But kuni was in a daze from your walls clenching around his cock. "Y-your so tight y/n i- im fuck~! Gonna cum~!" Kuni tilted his head up, biting harder into your neck while your nails dug into his shoulders. You quickly came again, shuddering from your second orgasm as you coated his cock. Kuni soon came after, bucking himself balls deep into you with a harsh thrust, Ropes of his Cum gushed into your womb, Painting your walls the color of his seed.
Wanderer panted into your chest, The only sounds coming from him we're soft sighs of relief from his pent-up orgasm. He tried getting up, slowly pulling himself out of your stuffed pussy and fetching a towel. He then held your hand softly, gracing you up as he wiped any sweat or fluids off your body. He was deafly quiet and focused on cleaning you up. He sighed and got up until you gripped tightly on his hand. "Stay with me kuni…Please~?" Your eye lashes fluttered, Blinking out the small dry tears. The puppet stared at you as you held his hand. He was never showered with this much affection. Nonetheless for his birthday, He didn't know whether to get emotional or frustrated. And chuckled to himself at another one of his fatal flaws that he couldn't understand. "Heh. So needy arent you? Fine. I'll stay." Kuni then laid down with you ontop of him, planting a kiss on the crown of your head while you rested on his chest.
The next morning you woke up limp with your knees wobbling. You stumbled out the bed, noticing a pair of clothes sitting by the edge with a small note attached. "Not bad, I guess cooking is another thing Your reliable on. Lessor lord Kusanali is having me attend another Boring lecture, She says its 'important' But I don't really care. Ps. Check my desk when your done, Then meet me at the Akademiya. Hurry up."
On his desk was a bouquet of flowers….And another note. 'Thank you for the birthday gift darling.'
A/N: I Havent wrote in like...WEEKS omg :( Ty all so much for your patience and HAPPY NEW YEAR!. Thank you for reading!!!
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vapekingg · 1 month
Last date
Eddie x Fem!Reader
Angst/hurt (no comfort)
Tags - divorce, successful Corroded Coffin, rockstar!Eddie
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“We didn’t have to make a whole thing out of this, you know.” You unravel the silverware that’s folded up in front of you and lay the napkin that concealed them in your lap.
The Liberty Bistro, just outside of Hawkins.
You and Eddie used to treat yourselves to Liberty once in a blue moon, back when everything was so simple. He’d make a big sell or you’d pick up an extra shift at the record shop. That was back when all of your money went to rent, beer and weed. The only groceries you could afford to keep stocked were cans of ravioli and milk. Your apartment was just a little one bedroom. It was nothing compared to a glamorous tour bus or hotel rooms, but it was cozy. It was comfortable.
It was home.
That was years ago. And The Liberty Bistro hasn’t changed. It’s still a quiet little steakhouse with candles on every table. Everyone speaks in hushed tones and ambient classical music plays quietly in the background.
Everything else has changed though.
“I wanted to make a thing out of this,” Eddie says from across the table. “You deserve it. We deserve it.”
He smiles with the inflection of his words, but you can see the hurt in his dark eyes.
Eyes as dark as a lake at night, you used to get lost in them back in that little apartment. Liberty’s would take the very last of your money, not a dime left to your name, and never can you remember feeling so rich.
Eddie looks older now. He is older, you both are. You still remember him as the boyish nerd you’d fallen for when you were seventeen though, how his smile lines wrinkled when he finally asked you out and you agreed without hesitation. Everyone else sees him as someone else. A sex symbol. Hollywood’s newest rock and roll god.
You shift your eyes to the bottle of wine that’s sitting on ice at the edge of the table. Anything to avoid seeing his hurt. This was a mutual decision, after all.
Eddie clears his throat.
“Did you bring the, uh…” He waves his finger before bringing it to his mouth. An old nervous habit that you’ve been on him about for years.
The divorce papers.
You reach for them in your bag and lay them out on the table. There’s about a hundred pages here, his lawyers had insisted on it and yours a had argued with you to fight for alimony.
You didn’t want alimony. You wanted your husband.
That stack of papers sits between the two of you like an omen. It was easier to get married. The decision to get divorced didn’t come as naturally.
Eddie’s eyes hold yours for a moment, finally breaking with his resolve to glance at the end of your affair. You see the crinkle of his chin, how his bottom lip is a little red and wet from being chewed on. If only you could comfort him this time, too.
“Baby…” his voice breaks, even in a whisper.
“Eddie.” You whisper back more firmly, tears stinging your eyes now.
To be quite honest, you’re tired.
Tired of fighting the press and the record label. Tired of traveling. Tired of being alone.
You find a pen at the bottom of your bag and set it atop the stack. It doesn’t need to be that big. It’s just one signature. He purses his lips and bites back tears, but you can see them in the clench of his jaw. The flex of the veins in his neck. Eddie quiets the demons screaming at him to give it all up, to tell his managers to fuck off and stay here in Hawkins with you, and instead grabs the pen.
He signs his name across from yours. The end of your marriage.
You look up, expecting time to have turned back somehow. You wish you were still twenty years old and eloping with Eddie to the courthouse. Instead his eyes are heavier, partially because of you. Eddie is older. His hair is a little thicker and his stubble scratches your face now, or at least it did. It will the next girl. He’s on the peak of greatness, and at one point you thought you wanted to stand on that summit with him.
Now, you just want to heal. And you want him to heal, too.
“Well I guess that’s that.” You finally say.
And Eddie smiles. For your comfort, you can tell.
“That’s that.”
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Hi! Just letting you all know that my requests are open for Eddie, Steve, Robin, Hopper, Billy, and Rick Sanchez. Prompt me, folks.
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I've been scrolling through your page and I'm obsessed! I love your headcannon posts. <3 Do you think you have any 18+ headcannons for Sebastian/Ominis/Garreth getting aroused at seeing MC walk down the stairs all dolled up for The Yule Ball? And their inappropriate thoughts about MC throughout the ball? Obviously Ominis would have to rely on touch or smell.
Headcannons for getting aroused when they see your Yule Ball outfit
Ominis Gaunt x f!reader; Sebastian Sallow x f!reader; Garreth Weasley x f!reader Ominis Gaunt x m!reader; Sebastian Sallow x m!reader; Garreth Weasley x m!reader
Warnings - 18+ suggestive thoughts and descriptions
A/N - Yay! I love to hear that anon. I hope you enjoy this one :)
Ominis x f!reader
as soon as he heard whispers and gasps from everyone else, he knew you were the one coming down the stairs
he turns towards you with a smug smile on his face since he knew you'd be by his side all night
when he walks up to you to take your arm and his fingers brush up against the soft satin or sultry lace that fell over your waste it takes a lot for him to keep his mouth closed
he loves those textures on you, he strongly associates them with times when you're panting and begging him to please yo
he would whisper to you about being naughty by choosing such a dress and struggling not to adjust his cock in his pants
when you whispered back telling him to wait until he found out what was beneath it his mind just went crazy and he hoped it was dark enough that nobody would notice how aroused he was
the whole night he would be fantasizing about what would greet him if he slipped his fingers beneath your gown
he thought about whether you would have on any stockings, strained by the belt that held them up at your waist
he thought about if he would be greeted with sticky thighs and your bare cunt or some more lace that hardly covered your private bits
he would spend the night staying close to you, although he's normally not one for pda, he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you
it would be subtle and nothing daring, but a constant hand around your waist or shoulders bumping into one another
as you slow danced he would be in close proximity to you and telling you the filth that was in his mind
his erection pressed gently up against your hips as a reminder of what exactly it was you had to look forward to later
Sebastian x f!reader
he would have planned to go all out with a reaction to embarrass you like catcalling you and whistling when you showed up
but instead he's just speechless with his mouth hanging open
his eyes are glued to how your outfit fits you so perfectly
when you make your way down the stairs you walk up to him and place a finger on his chin to close his mouth for him
he seems to snap out of it and he winds his hands over your waist, giving you a sly smile
"this dress is going to look amazing on the floor tonight"
he definitely had a hard-on, but he tried his best to ignore it
you spend the night going back and force in attempts to tease each other
he tries to impress you when you dance together and when he removes his jacket and pushes his sleeves up his arms to try and relieve the heat he's feeling, you really start feeling your own
Sebastian is mentally undressing you all night and tries to take guesses at what you're wearing underneath your dress
he feels like he's on fire anytime you touch him
he's really married to the idea of bunching your skirts up and fucking you with your dress still on
Garreth x f!reader
super flustered when he sees you
he's quick to scoop you up and takes a moment to twirl you around just to look at you
the look of lust in his eyes isn't one that's easy to miss
he lets you lead the night, if you want to dance that's where he'll be
if you want a drink, he's off to get it
he's shockingly quiet during the socializing because he just keeps eyeing a different part of you
every time you shift he's looking for a new sliver of exposed skin or a strain in the fabric that shows him the outline of your body underneath
he's definitely trying and failing to hide the tent in his pants all night
but you insist he loosens up and relaxes, promising you'll take care of him later
which just makes his thoughts stray even more
he imagines the indents of the bodice in your soft skin and kissing ever one
he's thinking about undressing you as slow as possible to appreciate how much effort you put in to the ensemble
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Ominis x m!reader
he would hear Sebastian comment sadly about he liked your dress robes much more than his own
Ominis would smile as you descended the steps and took his hand
you would let him know you selected colors just to correspond with his, per Sebastian's sleuthing, and Ominis would heat up on the spot
he would comment about wishing he could appreciate it better
in response you would turn to face him and guide his hands up to your shoulders, dragging them down your silky coat lapels and over the ruffles of your shirt
stopping his hands at your hips to avoid being indecent, but you would notice how his lips part
"Merlin, you're going to be the death of me"
he loved peeling silky and soft clothing from you, it felt much more intimate than something rough like cotton
because he knew it had been carefully selected for him
he would stick close to you and frequently behind you, with hands wrapped around your waist so you could feel his arousal firmly against your backside
when you would be having a conversation with others he would lean to your ear and whisper things to make you go feral
about how badly he wanted to trace his fingers over your stomach and down to your cock
how he wondered if you sat down with your robes just right, he would be able to palm you through your trousers without anyone noticing
Sebastian x m!reader
he would be waiting for you, looking cocky with his arms crossed
he would be doing his best to contain how much he wanted to chase you back up the stairs to take your clothes back off
he would walk up to you and give you a lingering kiss that was practically begging you to run off somewhere else with him
he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you
when you danced his hands would be at your hips or shoulders
when you had a seat he would be tracing dangerous circles on your thigh
his own legs would be spread open in a teasing invitation where you could see that he was aroused
he would be thinking about how good you feel pressed up against him
he loves to fight with you to try and be the more dominant one during lewd things but he loves it when you eventually just put him in his place
he's just spending the night thinking about how good your going to feel inside him
Garreth x m!reader
completely speechless when you come down the stairs
when you're at the bottom he scrambles forward to retrieve you so you weren't just standing there
he's a mess as he takes in your dress attire and loves seeing you in something more fitted
you can't hold back from teasing him, asking if he likes what he sees
in response he angles himself towards you in a way where he shamelessly grounds his erection against you
he ends up being more quiet than usual, but he's very giggly
he's basically giving you bedroom eyes every time you look at him
he's taking in your form and thinking about all the sweet spots that lie underneath
he's thinking about all the places he knows you love being kissed and suckled on
even though it wouldn't put out his own fire at all he's thinking about how amazing you would look in your outfit, standing above him and forcing his head onto your cock
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saint--claire · 8 months
When I was a little child, there was a particular library book I checked out week after week, endlessly renewing it as much as I was able. The book, How to Raise and Keep a Dragon by John Topsell was a quasi-nonfiction guide to, as you guessed, rearing different species of dragons. I loved it. Tiny-me had plans.
As an adult, I tried to buy it a few times. No dice. The book was so old that no mainstream bookseller stocked it. Even when I tried niche websites recommended by various booksellers and librarians, I still couldn't find it. It was sadly lost to time, apparently not popular enough to make it into the archives.
My best friend had a copy of that book. We're going to call her G, for several reasons not relevant at the moment. I was discussing my search with G one day, for some reason I can't remember now. She got a funny look on her face, asked me a few questions about the cover, listened to me do a very poor job of explaining with my hands how the hardcover copy had included a real gemstone in the dragon's forehead, and then went off to fish it out of her bookcase.
I was Gobsmacked.
I should not have been, given that the history of shared childhood books between us both would have made a circle with ragged edges, more so than a venn diagram, but I digress. The book came home to live in my house for a few months, and I was delighted by the chance to read it again.
Do people remember those type of books? Dragonology, Egyptology, The Stone Age - a way of introducing children to non fiction. They very earnestly spoke about the responsibilities needed to raise dragons, the practicalities involved. There was a record of registration you could fill out, if you had carefully considered the information to your self and felt you were responsible enough to to go through with adopting a dragon.
I vaguely remember filling out some of the riddle and puzzle questions in the Dragonology books. I would never have written in John Topsell's book, it was a library book.
When I re-read G's copy at home, smiling over the familiar artwork, I was surprised to turn the page and find the painstaking, somewhat-wonky handwriting staring back at at me. Baby G, with her name spelled out in freshly-joined but still-not-quite-got-the-hang-of-this-yet cursive lettering. Baby G had filled the registration out in her best handwriting, in glittery green gel pen to denote the importance of the document. This was compared to the earlier, less important checklists done in plain black ink.
I read the registration certificate. Smiled. Smiled some more at the names listed for G's dragon, her dam, and her sire - Eragon was also a great book. Go off, Christopher Paolini.
Breed; standard Western Dragon. The box 'miniture' was ticked, to show that G's dragon was of the minature specic variety, rather than a full size dragon. This was, as she would later explain to me, chosen on the basis that baby-G felt it was the more financially responsible choice. Also so she could keep her dragon in her house with her, but we're not there yet.
I looked at that certificate. Looked at it again. Looked at the calendar, and then looked at the sewing machine I had just been given for Christmas.
G celebrates her birthday in January.
The template came first. I studied the different images of the standard western dragon through the book, picked my favourite, and re-drew it to a significantly larger scale.
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Inking the design to the fabric, four times over probably took the longest.
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I very subtly asked G the next time she was over (after hurling all dragon-related materials in a panic into the depths of my wardrobe) what type of colour dragon she would have, should it come up. As G later said, that type of question from me truly did not register as anything other than a question asked from theoretical interest. I transitioned the topic as discreetly as I could after she answered, and delightfully, my sneakiness went in one ear, out the other, and she forgot I had ever asked until several weeks later.
I enjoyed painting them.
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Don't ask me how many mistakes I made through this process. So many. I do already know how to sew, but it's been a long time. I'd been meaning to get back into it for a while.
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Given that various aunts and grandmothers and my mother had a knack for calling when I was up to my elbows in either paint or pins, it became a family affair. Each of them peered at the project through face time and offered their advice.
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Some of the advice I took, some I didn't. No regrets about sewing it in pink thread. Considerable regrets about accidentally slicing one of the feet in half and having to fix that.
In the end though, she was finished.
I carefully pinned on her name tag, with the name baby-G had chosen with a little blue ribbon. A collar was unacceptable, this is a dragon, people, come on. Dragon's don't wear collars.
I put the book in the box, open to the registration certificate, and put the dragon on top. Wrapped the whole thing up with a bow and then refused to touch it before I sent myself mad trying to fix details that didn't really need to be fixed.
A bit late for her birthday, sure, but there we are. We'd gone for a trip off to nowhere for a weekend, to go try wine made out of blueberries and hike up a waterfall. (And climb on it. And swim in it. It was a very good waterfall).
I gave her the box, informed her she wasn't allowed to keep the box, just the contents (it was the only thing I had that was big enough for me to keep all of my A3 portfolios in, it had only been temporarily-repurposed as dragon housing), and then left the next bit up to the gods.
A surprise, sitting un-awaited for some 15 years in amber, to catch up to baby G and adult G together.
Happy Birthday, baby and adult G.
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lightseoul · 1 year
prove it
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synopsis. bakugou katsuki starts acting differently after your last conversation. you finally arrive at an agreement. (part 1) (part 2)
cw. fem!reader, worker!reader, prohero!katsuki, aged-up (~24 yrs old), lots of cussing
word count. 3.6k words
a/n. the last part of the series! thanks so much for all the love on the first two parts, everyone! i had such fun writing this <3 again, reblogs, tags, and comments will be highly appreciated!
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You barely slept a wink that night.
After that exchange with Bakugou, you immediately left his office, not even bothering to greet his secretary (partly because you couldn’t bear the possibility of her overhearing), and headed straight to your desk.
A feeble attempt at going back to work was made, but you’d be lying to yourself if you said you actually got something done.
Even as you commuted your way home and got ready for bed, your brain wouldn’t stop replaying the conversation, lingering especially on his loaded confession.
He still loves you.
What now?
Sadly, just because you're marred by sleep deficit and boy problems doesn't mean you get to miss out on work. You now walk down the hallway of your floor on the way to the break room, desperate to inject some caffeine into your system to get you through the day.
And to help you focus and get your mind off of Bakugou fucking Katsuki, thank you very much.
You’re one foot into the room when it suddenly dawns on you how you consumed the last pod of your favorite brew yesterday (before all the shit went down), which means that you’re now out and caffeine-less.
“Well, don’t you look like shit.”
Mikuri hums from her favorite spot on the sofa, a cup of what you think is green tea in her hands.
“Thanks?” you mumble begrudgingly as you plop yourself across from her, mood growing sourer by the minute.
“What’s up with you?” she sounds amused, a brow quirked in question.
You sigh, smoothing the wrinkle on your blazer you didn’t have the energy to iron out that morning. “Am sleep-deprived and out of coffee. Not everyone can be chipper like you on this fine day, I guess.”
“No, you’re not?”
You sit up, eyes narrowing, “You mean to say I look like shit normally and not just because I didn’t get enough sleep?”
She frowns, “You know that’s not what I mean. What I meant is that no, you’re not out of coffee.”
“Look,” she gestures to the beverage area with her free hand.
Your brows shoot up in response as you take in the freshly stocked shelf.
Weird, you think to yourself.
You were normally the one to restock on that specific flavor, being the only one on your floor who is partial to it.
You shake your head to rid yourself of the unwelcome thoughts, willing to crush the butterflies erupting in your stomach.
Mikuri doesn’t get the chance to comment on your unusual behavior because the Performance Management head of your HR team pops in through the door, a grin adorning his face.
“Good morning, boss! See you in 15.”
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Yamakawa, the Recruitment head, rifles through her documents before standing up to distribute them to you and the other sub-department leads.
She goes around the room to hand you what seems to be a substantial amount of pages, “Here’s the status report on Bakugou’s new sidekick.”
“Already?” you splutter, gaining the attention of your direct subordinates. You straighten up, slightly embarrassed. “I thought they’re just starting today?”
“Yeah, well. We figured you’d want to hear it,” Yamakawa says as she gets seated and goes through her copy.
“Get this,” she continues, “he’s way more cooperative than we predicted him to be. Moriyama-san, or Water Jet Hero: Aqua Girl, is already in his office, discussing—” she glances at the report, “—battle strategies and joint training schedules as we speak.”
The others hum in acknowledgment as you sit there, still struggling to wrap your head around what was just said.
“And no one coerced him to do this?” Tanaka, the Performance Management head, pipes in. You whip to look at Yamakawa, anticipating her answer.
“Apparently, he emailed Moriyama-san yesterday himself to set the meeting.”
Delighted noises erupt across the room as you stare at the Recruitment head in disbelief.
“This is great news, right?” the Socialization head exclaims. “If we’re talking long-term, Bakugou’s workload will definitely lessen with a good sidekick around, meaning we’ll get fewer angry outbursts and a more decent-to-be-around boss!”
You know they’re making sense, and that this is supposed to be amazing news to hear as the HR department head, but you can’t help the tinge of anticipatory dread rising in your gut.
“Why don’t you seem happy?” Tanaka asks you, before turning to the others. “Hey, why isn’t Y/N happy?”
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The unusual events don’t end after that.
To your surprise, Bakugou starts to attend meetings that concern him, instead of the usual—letting Kirishima do all the coordinating with you and your department. He’s even offered to help you with your analysis report on his new sidekick (quite awkwardly, at that), which you so quickly and frantically declined in front of everyone.
You suspect your subordinates are starting to deem you as weird, too.
If they only knew.
Regardless, with each passing day, you seem to be seeing more and more of him around the office, and needless to say, it’s messing with your head.
The always-stocked shelf of coffee isn’t helping either.
It’s gotten to the point where it’s starting to affect your sleep as well, with how much you overthink these sudden changes in his behavior.
In an attempt to get your mind off him and the confusing mix of hope and dread circling your stomach, you start to drown yourself in work.
Ah, your ever-trusty friend: avoidance.
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You stand by the coffee machine as it does its magic, your foot tapping against the floor impatiently. You glance at the wall clock, which reads 8:01 PM.
You sigh, grabbing the freshly brewed beverage not even a second after the machine dings.
It’s been two weeks since that heated conversation with Bakugou, and one since your self-mandated oath to bury yourself with work, at least until your thoughts get a little bit less muddled and Bakugou stops acting differently.
“You’re still here?”
You startle from your absentminded stirring and look toward the source of the voice.
Speak of the devil.
Seeming as though he’s fresh from a shower, you stare at Bakugou as he stands by the doorway of the break room.
You eye the duffel bag that’s slung over his shoulder.
“You’re leaving already?”
Fuck, you think to yourself. Now you feel like a creep for knowing that Bakugou leaving two hours after his shift is considered early in his dictionary.
And now you feel stupid for answering his question with another question.
What’s gotten into you?
“Yeah,” he answers curtly, not offering much of an explanation. “What’re you doing working overtime?”
You place the mug on the marble countertop and cringe when it makes a loud, clashing noise.
You turn back to face him. “Have to work on the biannual report.” You shrug, as nonchalantly as you can, “It’s due soon.”
Bakugou grunts in acknowledgment, shifting on his feet.
“Well, thank you for your hard work,” he offers. “And for—uh—helping me choose my sidekick.”
Your stomach whirls in delight despite yourself.
You clear your throat, “Again, I was just doing my job.”
At that, he deflates ever so minutely, so you follow it up with: “But you’re welcome. I heard you’re thinking of hiring another one?”
“Yeah, just to help with the workload,” he nods. “I met him yesterday.”
“...You’re right, by the way,” Bakugou adds after a few seconds pass without you saying anything.
He looks away, breaking eye contact. “I don’t like how similar we are. But he’s good.”
You have no idea how he knew you said that.
Scratch that—it was probably Kirishima.
Damn that meddler.
You clear your throat again in an attempt to change the subject and drop the conversation in its entirety.
“Well, I hope you have a good rest of your night.”
Bakugou meets your eye again, and for a moment he looks like he’s about to say something, then hesitates.
He opens his mouth ever so slightly before closing it again, eyes still fixed on you, before simply saying: “You too.”
At that, he turns on his heel and trudges towards the elevators.
Once you’re sure he’s out of sight and earshot, you bring your hand up to clutch at your heart, which is going at an alarmingly fast rate.
You can’t still be in love with him?
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“What?!” Mina hops on her feet, almost knocking your glass of iced tea off the table.
“Dude, you’ve got to stop doing that,” you seethe, looking around your go-to café. It’s unusually barren on a Saturday afternoon.
You look back at her, “People stare, you know. And besides, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL?!” she parrots incredulously.
“Just—” you scramble for words, “please sit back down?”
At your pleading tone, Mina finally gets seated, but her pinched eyebrows tell you she’s far from being done with the conversation.
“Fine,” she relents, “but you’ve got some explaining to do, missy.”
You sigh, “Okay. What do I have to explain to you?”
“Wha—” she starts, aghast, “I mean—first of all, why the fuck are you asking me to contact your blind date when three weeks ago, you were practically disgusted with the idea of going on one?”
“We talked,” you shift your eyes away from her. “Bakugou and I.”
Mina snorts.
“Let me guess. You realized you still love him?”
Your head whips to look at her, “Mina!”
“What?” she spits back. “Don’t use that accusatory tone on me.”
“I have the right to use this accusatory tone on you. I have a feeling a certain someone broke her promise about not saying anything about our last conversation with Bakugou.”
At that, Mina visibly cringes.
“In my defense,” she starts, voice raised, “it was only because that cemented how you’re both still into each other!”
You scoff.
“Aren’t you?” she presses, shooting you a pointed look, “Still into him?”
“I—I don’t know okay,” you raise your voice, inadvertently catching a few café-goers’ attention. You sink back into your seat in embarrassment.
“All I know is that the circumstances between us still haven’t changed. And that this shit is confusing—he’s confusing.”
You wave your hand around vaguely, “He’s been acting all weird and stuff.”
“How so?”
“Well, for starters…”
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“What do you mean, hmmm?” you ask, exasperated.
She rolls her eyes at you, “Hasn’t it ever occurred to you that he’s trying to prove you something?”
At that, your heart leaps in your throat. You push it down, though, as best as you can. Crossing your arms across your chest, you huff.
“If he thinks restocking my coffee for me is proving something, he’s got another thing coming for him.”
Mina guffaws, and you can’t help the smile that creeps on your face. Once the laughter has died down, though, she eyes you for a moment before sighing in resignation.
She picks up her phone and thumbs out something on her keyboard.
“Well, you’re in luck,” she starts, “Daichi-san is still interested in meeting you.”
You don’t know whether to be annoyed at Mina for ignoring your earlier request to cancel or be grateful for indulging you on your current one.
Not wanting to change her mind, you merely opt for mumbling a quick ‘thank you’, glancing at your phone as it dings with a message from her containing the engineer’s number.
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You look around the interior of the restaurant, past the windows of the private room you’re in where a beautiful traditional garden lies, illuminated by the dim orange outdoor lighting.
You chance a peek at Daichi, who is already looking at you when your eyes meet.
Embarrassed, you look down at your ridiculously elaborate main course, finding yourself grateful that you opted for the fancier of your two dresses earlier this evening.
“So,” he breaks the silence as he pours you a glass of wine whose name you can’t even begin to pronounce. “Ashido-san told me you work at the Ground Riot agency?”
“Yes,” you smile gratefully as you bring your glass to your lips and take a sip. “I’ve been working there for a year now.”
“Must be exciting, huh?” he adds pleasantly, “working for top Pro Heroes?”
You purse your lips together, not wanting to seem stilted by the question. “It is. It can get quite hectic, though.”
He hums in agreement, “I get that.”
Daichi then proceeds to talk about the agency where he works, and normally you’d be kind enough to actively listen and throw in some follow-up questions, but your mind is now drifting towards Bakugou and your last encounter at the mention of the Pro Hero.
What did he want to say to you?
Daichi chuckles awkwardly, “I was just asking if you wanted some spice on your salmon."
Bakugou would’ve wanted some.
Bakugou, you think to yourself.
You gape at the figure looming over your dining table.
The very man is standing there in his regular clothes that would’ve disguised his identity if it weren’t for his distinct blonde hair and hulking figure.
“What are you doing here?!”
“I need to talk to you.”
You nervously glance at your date, who seems to be starstruck by the Pro Hero in front of him.
“I’m kind of in the middle of something?” you whisper-shout.
Bakugou barely pays him any attention—gaze remaining on you. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think an unspoken ‘please’ lies at the tip of his tongue.
You shake your head in bewilderment, or in an attempt to shake off these thoughts—you don’t know.
“Don’t you have the night shift? And how’d you know I was here?”
He exhales heavily, jaw tensing.
“I had Kirishima cover for me. And…” He looks away for a brief moment, before turning back and fixing his gaze on yours. “I asked Mina, and she told me you’d be here.”
You don’t know what comes over you, but at that, you stand up on your feet and stare him down.
“You can stop now, Katsuki,” you hush, wary of your date eavesdropping on your conversation. “Quit wasting your time on me just to prove a point and go back to the agency. You’ve done enough.”
His eyebrows furrow in what you’ve grown to identify as defiance, but he doesn’t make a move to fight back or leave.
Instead, he says through gritted teeth: “I’m not just trying to prove a fucking point, Y/N.”
“Then what are—”
“Excuse me?”
You both whip your heads in the direction of the voice, only to see Daichi sporting a sheepish look on his face as his eyes dart between the two of you.
A pang of guilt courses through you at the sight.
He clears his throat, “Do you guys need a minute alone?”
“No, we’re just—”
You turn back to look at Bakugou in angry confusion. To your astoundment, he leans in ever slightly, mouth nearing your ear. From how close you are, you see how his Adam’s apple bobs as he gulps before speaking.
His voice is barely above a whisper when he says: “I can’t pretend that this isn’t bothering me.”
You jerk away at the sensation and take a step back, flustered. Before you can even gather your bearing, Daichi speaks up again, albeit quite hesitantly.
“I know I’m supposed to be the one leaving here, but if you want some privacy, this restaurant has a private patio right to your left.”
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“I can’t believe you interrupted us like that,” you spew as you step out into the restaurant’s patio, which is fortunately empty except for the two of you.
Bakugou follows behind you, trying to catch up as you speak.
“I just needed to talk to you.”
At that, you spin around to face him, and he halts in his step in front of you.
Incredulous, you stare at him for a few seconds.
“Talk,” you finally command.
His eyes widen in surprise, and you can tell he didn’t expect this conversation to arrive at this point so soon.
A moment passes, but not a single word is uttered. Bakugou’s mouth opens and closes, opens and closes, as he attempts to get a word out but to no avail.
“What, now you don’t have anything to say?” you ask pointedly, irritation bubbling in you by the second.
You wait for a few more, excruciatingly quiet seconds before huffing in defeat. And disappointment—you finally admit to yourself.
“If you’ll excuse me,” you turn on your heel, “I have a poor date to return to.”
You start to head for the restaurant’s back door when Bakugou makes a grab for your hand, spinning you around to face him.
His voice is pleading now, frustration and desperation evident in his tone. You’re itching to yank your hand back, which is getting alarmingly clammier by the second, but you fight the urge.
The pained look on Bakugou’s face is enough to freeze you solid.
This time around, you patiently wait for him to gather his words with his hand still wrapped around yours and your heart betraying you, beating at an abnormally fast pace.
What feels like an hour goes by before he finally manages to speak.
And what comes out of his mouth throws you right off.
“I strengthened our coordination with the other agencies around the district.”
You absentmindedly touch your face with your free hand.
You can’t be having a stroke right now.
Bakugou shifts on his feet, a nervous tic you’ve noticed developed over the years.
Okay, if you’re coherent enough to observe that, maybe you’re not having a stroke.
“I mean—” he scratches the back of his neck with his free hand. “—Shitty Hair and I, we clarified jurisdictions around the area so that the two of us won’t be the go-to contact every time there’s a villain around.”
“I’m still not following, Katsuki.”
He ignores your comment, choosing to continue on his tangent instead.
“And I started seeing my therapist again. That damned hag went on telling me she was glad I’m getting help again like she was my mother.”
You blink at him as the gears start turning in your head.
Less overtime.
More sidekicks.
Suddenly, everything clicks.
“Maybe I am trying to prove a point,” Bakugou mumbles, more to himself than you.
“But it’s not just that,” he continues, looking back at you and not letting you get a word in.
“I’m here to tell you that I can’t promise that I’ll be perfect. Despite all the adjustments I’ve made, there are still gonna be days when I have no choice but to prioritize my duties as a hero over you.”
He looks down at your joint hands and squeezes, “Over us.”
“But I’m trying my best,” he declares with such certainty it knocks the wind off your lungs. “And I’ll keep doing so, if you’ll give me a chance to prove to you that I can do it.”
A million questions race through your mind. Why couldn’t he have done this for you the first time around? How is this time going to be any different? Are the changes going to be enough?
But he’s staring at you with such longing and hope and determination that the only thing you can think of is: How can you not?
Dizzy from the revelation and robbed of all words, all you can do is nod in affirmation as the tears you didn’t even notice were there start falling down your cheek.
A sigh of relief wracks Bakugou’s body as he scoops you in his arms, engulfing you in an embrace that has you sobbing even more on his shoulder.
The wet sensation spreading on your bare shoulders tells you he’s crying, too.
After what feels like an eternity of shedding tears and being wrapped in each other’s arms, Bakugou finally moves to unwrap his limbs around you, now holding you at an arm’s length.
Now not in spite of yourself, your hand shoots up to wipe off the tear streaks on his face, which he leans into.
“I’m sorry, by the way,” he whispers after a moment.
Your hand freezes in its track. “For what?”
“For not being able to immediately answer back when you asked me if you loving me changed anything.”
He looks down at his feet, uncertain. “I think—I just—” he stutters, “Fuck.”
You can’t help but chuckle in response, and he looks up at your face at the sound. He’s trying to playfully pout, but you can tell by the look on his face that he’s feeling the farthest from playful.
Flashing him what you hope is a reassuring smile, you reach for the hand on your shoulder and squeeze it. “Go on, Katsuki.”
He sighs for the nth time at your coaxing, the slightest bit of relief flashing across his features.
“At that moment,” he finally continues, voice raspy, “I guess I was just scared shitless. I was paralyzed with doubt—in myself, in my capability to not mess up the second time around.”
He huffs, eyeing you, “Didn’t occur to me how stupid that was until I was walking home later that night.”
You’re about to reassure him when he snorts. “The fuck am I saying—I’m still scared.”
At that, you audibly laugh, running your fingers through his hair in an attempt to soothe him. He visibly softens at the gesture, lids fluttering shut for a moment. When he opens them, you then look him straight in the eye—the laughter long gone, now replaced with a palpable seriousness.
“I’m scared, too,” you say, voice quiet. “But we’ll try and make things work. Right, Katsuki?”
He nods vigorously, hand clenching yours and his crimson orbs filled with nothing but sincerity that all the apprehensions floating in your mind suddenly disappear.
“We will.”
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tagging. @katsukis1wife @rinalou @bakugouswh0r3 @poemzcheng @lovra974 @jasmixs @xoneaboveallx @bontensh0e @kooromin @sirenmoi @buzzbuzz-hm @xzsanaa @baddecisionsworld @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory @i-simp-to-much @goldenglow149 @fixed211 @zenxvii @roses-arerosies @tiredjuniper @curbstompedrice @loverboyrin @brunnetteiwik @bkgnotsuma @6423btw @kaeremin @ghastly-san @jasmixs @javochqaa @nnubee @just-ambxrr @idk-sam @dream-walker-cat @kitthepurplepotato @endlessfreaky @myrunawaysweets @bxbyyyjocelyn @smolbeannnn @seabass17 @serendipitous-fernweh @the-weeping-author
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wholoveseggs · 4 months
Hey lovely, today request from me🥰
I got struck on an idea where reader tried to dominate Elijah but always fail so, she get Klaus help with some magical witchy rope or something to subdue him, which was successful.
Tho here's the thing, reader is inexperienced in doing something like that and not prepped enough to take him, cuz y'know Elijah is big.. hehehe😌🤭so she started tear up, and ask for his help. Elijah being a smug he is punish her happily after...can you added a sprinkle of daddy kink and overstimulation, pretty puh-lease with the cherry on top🙏🥺
Oh btw your story always superb 🤩 😁
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
You ask Davina for help with creating something to tie up Elijah... only for you to get in way over your head. Luckily, he is in a forgiving mood.
♡♡ Thanks for the request anon! I decided to change it from Klaus to Davina, because I just can't see Klaus being okay with you essentially making a weapon against his family... Even if the reason behind it is just for some kinky fun ♡♡
4.9k words - Warnings: smut, *magical* bondage, dom!elijah, daddy!kink, spanking, choking, sex toys and a whole lotta praise...
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You sat in Davina's greenhouse, looking around at all the various plants and flowers the young witch had collected. You had asked Davina to meet up with you to help with a problem, one that was a bit awkward to even say out loud, but you knew that she of all people would understand.
You watched her browse through her books, trying to find the spell you had requested. After a few moments, Davina had found the page and started gathering the items needed.
"Davina?" you said.
She looked up from the table and gave you a curious look. "Yeah?"
"You don't think this is a little crazy? I mean, it's a bit of a long shot."
Davina smiled. "Not at all. I may have.... tried it myself... with Kol," she replied, looking away with a light blush.
Your eyes went wide. "Oh, my God. It worked?"
She shrugged trying to appear cool, but her mischievous grin gave away her answer. You smiled back and the two of you quickly dissolved into a fit of giggles.
After the laughter had calmed down, you looked at her questioningly. "So, how does it work?"
Davina took a seat on the couch next to you and showed you the spell she had found.
"The basic binding is actually quite simple, it's the ingredients that are tricky," she explained, "luckily I have white oak ash, and the rest should be easy to find."
You nodded and listened intently as Davina read through the list of ingredients and their uses. She began by grinding the herbs and mixing them in a bowl, followed by the white oak ash.
Once the mixture was complete, Davina took a long silk rope that you had provided and dipped it in the bowl. She held the rope above the bowl, letting the excess liquid drip off as she chanted the incantation.
"Done," Davina announced, handing you the now-dry rope. "It will keep him bound and unable to break free. You can use it any way you'd like." She grinned, giving you a knowing look.
You couldn't believe how easy it had been, that you were so close to fulfilling a long-held fantasy of yours. "Thank you, Davina. You're the best," you said, pulling her into a hug.
She hugged you back, giggling as she pulled away. "One more thing, if you need to break the spell, just say 'confractus' and it will untie itself,"
You nodded, thanking her again before making your way home, the rope clutched tightly in your hand.
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It was the most expensive piece of clothing you had ever purchased. It wasn't even something you could wear outside your bedroom, but damn, did it make you feel sexy.
The lingerie was a red, sheer babydoll dress with black lace trim, and it was paired with a matching thong and stockings. You had never worn anything so revealing before, but you knew Elijah would like it, and that was all that mattered.
You wanted to get him all worked up, break down the gentleman facade, make him want you so badly that he would do whatever you asked. You had been waiting for the right moment to try the rope Davina had created, and you were certain that tonight was the night.
You pulled a robe over your outfit, concealing it until the right moment. Then you sat back on your bed and texted Elijah.
"Are you free tonight?"
A few moments later, your phone vibrated.
"For you, always."
You grinned and quickly replied, "Come over."
He sent a thumbs up, and you tossed your phone aside, your nerves kept you from sitting still, and you spent the next ten minutes pacing anxiously around the room. When you finally heard a knock on the door, you jumped, startled by the sound. You took a deep breath and walked to the front of your apartment.
When you opened the door, you were greeted by a sight that made your mouth water. Elijah was dressed casually, in just a t-shirt and jeans, it was a rare sight, and one that had you practically drooling.
You stood there in silence for a moment, taking in the sight of him, until he cleared his throat and asked, "Can I come in?"
"Yes, sorry. Come in." You stepped aside, gesturing for him to enter.
As soon as he crossed the threshold, he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. You let yourself melt into him, enjoying the feeling of his arms wrapped around you.
"What's this for?" You asked, teasingly tugging on his t-shirt, your hands roaming across his broad chest. "Has your dry-cleaner gone and quit on you?"
He chuckled and shook his head. "I figured we would just have a quiet night in. No need for the formalities."
You nodded, your hands traveling down to his waist. You felt his body tense slightly when your fingers began to dance along the bare skin under the hem of his shirt.
"Well, I have a surprise for you," you said, looking up at him with a mischievous smile.
He raised an eyebrow and gave you a curious look. "A surprise? Well, now I'm intrigued."
You laughed and grabbed his hand, leading him to your bedroom. Once inside, you turned and faced him, taking a deep breath before you began to untie your robe. But then you stopped, looking at him with a naughty smirk.
"Take off your shirt," you ordered, your voice suddenly more confident.
He looked surprised by your words, but quickly obliged, pulling the t-shirt over his head and tossing it aside.
"Hmmm," you smiled as your eyes traveled down his body, appreciating his toned abs and muscular arms, lingering on where a trail of dark hair disappeared into his jeans. "Now the pants."
You watched as his hands moved to unbutton his jeans. He kept his gaze locked on you, his dark eyes filled with lust. Once the pants were undone, he slowly pushed them down, revealing his black boxer briefs and the outline of his half-hard cock.
Your mouth watered at the sight, but you knew this was just the beginning. As much as you wanted to rip his clothes off and fuck him senseless, you had a plan, and you were determined to stick to it.
"Get on the bed," you commanded, gesturing to the large mattress behind him.
He climbed onto the bed, sitting back against the pillows and watching you with curiosity. You untied the belt of your robe and let it fall open, revealing the sheer lingerie underneath.
Elijah's jaw dropped, his eyes widening as they traveled over your body.
"Do you like it?" You asked, teasingly running a finger along the edge of the lace trim.
He nodded, unable to speak, his cock already fully hard and straining against his underwear.
"Good, because I want you to do something for me," you said, your voice low and husky.
He nodded again, his gaze fixed on you.
"Take off your underwear and stroke your cock."
You watched him pull his boxer briefs down and wrap his large hand around his thick shaft, slowly stroking himself.
The sight of him pleasuring himself made your own arousal grow. You let your robe drop to the floor and climbed onto the bed, straddling his thighs.
He groaned, his eyes never leaving your body as he continued stroking his cock.
"Darling, you are a vision," he breathed, his voice deep and raspy with desire.
You felt heat pooling between your legs, your nipples hardening beneath the thin fabric of your lingerie.
You leaned in and kissed him, your tongues battling for dominance as you moaned into his mouth. His other hand came up to grab your ass, pulling you closer.
He was breathing heavily, his eyes dark with lust.
"Touch yourself," he growled, his lips brushing against yours.
"No," you smirked, "I have something else in mind."
You reached over and picked up the rope, which you had placed within reach on the nightstand. You watched his eyes widen, his hand stopping its movements as he stared at the rope.
"Do you want me to tie you up?" He grinned, his hand starting to stroke his cock again.
"I have something else in mind," you repeated.
Elijah raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.
"Hands up," you commanded, leaning back slightly to give him space.
He paused for a moment before lifting his arms above his head, resting them on the pillow behind him.
You brought the rope over his wrists, looping it around and tying them together. He chuckled, his eyes darkening as he realized what you were doing.
"I never took you for a bondage girl, darling."
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me," you replied, your tone playful as you pulled the rope tighter.
"Unfortunately I don't think this silk rope will hold me," he said, smirking as he tugged at the restraints.
You ignored him, continuing to tie his wrists to the headboard. Once you were satisfied with the knots, you sat back and admired your work, enjoying the way he looked helpless and at your mercy.
"Oh yeah?" You questioned, trailing a finger down his chest and abs, watching him shiver.
You slowly shrugged off one of the straps of your babydoll, letting the top slide down, exposing one breast.
His eyes fixated on your bare chest, his tongue darting out to lick his lips.
"Mmmm," you hummed, rolling the hard bud between your fingers, teasing him. Then you did the same with the other strap, pushing the top down until your breasts were completely exposed.
Elijah let out a low moan, his cock twitching against his stomach.
"God, you're so fucking beautiful," he growled, his eyes burning with desire.
"Do you want to touch them daddy?" You cooed, running your hands up and down your breasts.
"Yes," he hissed, his hips bucking up involuntarily.
"Go ahead, tear the rope and touch me."
He tugged at the rope, once, twice, three times. It didn't budge, much to his surprise.
"How the..." he started to say, looking up at the knotted rope.
"It's just a bit of magic," you smirked, your confidence growing as you watched him struggle.
You knew the ropes wouldn't hold him forever, but you planned on making the most of the time they did.
"Now, where were we?" You leaned forward, bringing your breasts close to his face.
He craned his neck up, trying to capture one of your nipples with his mouth, but you pulled away, denying him.
"Uh uh," you scolded, "You can look, but no touching."
You moved forward again, brushing your breast against his lips. He eagerly opened his mouth, trying to suck on the hardened peak, but you kept it just out of reach.
"I will be free soon enough, little one," he growled, his eyes locking onto yours, "and when I am, you're going to be punished for teasing me."
His words sent a thrill through you, but you remained calm, refusing to show him any signs of weakness.
"Oh yeah? What are you going to do, daddy?" You asked, taunting him as you rolled your hips, your wetness coating his skin.
He groaned at the sensation, his dark, lust-filled eyes watched as you began to touch his body, teasing and tormenting him.
You raked your nails down his chest and abs, earning a hiss of pleasure. You licked a hot stripe up his neck, biting his earlobe before moving to his lips. You kissed him roughly, your teeth grazing his lower lip, and he moaned, deepening the kiss.
Your hand went to his cock, stroking it slowly as he tried to buck his hips into your touch. You pulled back, smirking at him.
"You're not going to come until I say you can, understood?"
"Yes, my dear," he breathed, his eyes closing in pleasure as you tightened your grip on his shaft.
"Good boy."
You kissed him again, your tongues dancing together as you pumped his cock. He moaned into your mouth, his hips thrusting upwards, desperate for release.
You broke the kiss, looking down at him with a smirk. You couldn't wait any longer, you had to have him.
You positioned yourself over his throbbing member, lining him up with your entrance. You felt a flash of nervousness, not knowing how well you would be able to take him, but the excitement overrode the anxiety.
You lowered yourself down slowly, his thick cock stretching you open, filling you inch by inch.
"Fuck, Elijah," you moaned, burying your face into the crook of his neck, the feeling of him buried so deep, making your legs shake.
He hummed, his biceps straining against the rope as he struggled to break free. You placed your hands on his chest, using him as leverage as you began to ride him.
You knew right away that you were in trouble. Usually Elijah would take the lead, getting you all wet and worked up, he always took his time, and the pleasure he brought was slow and delicious.
But this, being on top and having all the control, was something you hadn't experienced before. It was intense, and you weren't sure if you could handle it.
Your thighs were burning as you lifted yourself up and down, but you were determined to keep going. Your eyes met his and the sight of his pupils blown wide with desire was enough encouragement for you to continue.
You rode him faster, your breath coming in short gasps. You were getting close, so close, but it was somehow all too much and not enough. You didn't think it would be this much work, and you could feel your energy waning.
It was a terrible feeling, finally getting what you wanted and being disappointed by it. You had been so confident, but now your thighs were burning and you were struggling to keep up a steady rhythm.
You looked at the ropes, seeing that they were still secure. There was no way you would be able to finish this yourself. You were going to need help.
"Eli," you whimpered, your nails digging into his chest.
"Yes, my dear," he groaned.
"I-I'm not sure... If I can keep going," you admitted, panting as you struggled to continue, a frustrated tear rolling down your cheek.
"Well, I'm still quite enjoying myself. You look absolutely exquisite like this," he teased, his eyes roaming your body.
"Elijah," you whined, "please. I-I can't."
He gave you a knowing smirk. "If you can't keep up, maybe I should be the one in charge."
"Please," you begged, your face flushing as the humiliation of being denied what you wanted so badly washed over you.
"You created this problem for yourself, little one," he reminded, "but luckily, I'm in a giving mood."
You nodded, grateful that he was willing to help you, even if he did enjoy teasing you about it. You reached up and undid the knots, releasing his hands from their restraints.
As soon as his hands were free, Elijah gripped your hips, flipping you over so he was on top. You yelped in surprise, the sudden change in position leaving you breathless.
"You are such a good girl," he praised, his voice husky with desire. "So eager to please."
He kissed you hungrily, his hands exploring your body, his fingers tugging at the hem of your lingerie.
"And this," he murmured against your lips, "is very pretty. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to tear it."
Before you could protest, he ripped the babydoll in half, exposing your entire body to him. He tossed the torn fabric aside, his dark eyes roaming your naked form.
"But it was expensive," you half-protested, even though you were throbbing at the gesture of dominance and disregard.
He growled and pinched your nipple, earning a sharp gasp, then he soothed it with a swirl of his tongue, a wicked glint in his eyes.
"How much did that little magical rope cost you?"
You shuddered, already realizing this was the price you had to pay. You knew he would punish you for this stunt and it turned you on more.
"N-nothing, it was a favor from a friend," you muttered.
He didn't like the vagueness of your answer and took the rope and tied it around your wrists as he started kissing you again, your tongue clashing with his, while his large hand roamed your body, tweaking your nipples, earning a soft moan, and then traveling down south, running his fingertips along your skin, teasing and tickling you softly.
"You are going to do exactly as I say now, understood?" he mumbled against your skin.
"Y-Yes, Daddy," you whined, already desperately bucking against his hand.
Elijah released you, flipping you onto your stomach and dragging you to the head of the bed, tying the rope to the headboard so your arms are stretched high over your head. You were on your knees, and completely under his power.
You heard him rummaging around in his dresser and your heart began beating quickly from nervousness and excitement.
He kissed the back of your neck, the heat of his body warming you, and causing goosebumps to cover your skin. The smell of his cologne wrapped around you and you instinctively arched into his embrace.
"My sweet pet, are you ready to be punished?" he asked as he held one of his ties in front of your face, "Do you have a safe word?"
Your mind raced as he put the tie over your eyes. You quickly selected a word, just in case you needed it, though you sincerely doubted that would happen. Even when he was dominant like this, he always put your pleasure first, but you wanted him to believe you were scared.
"Excellent," he replied as the smooth fabric was tied tightly around your head.
You tried to lean forward but couldn't move an inch with the rope around your wrists. This rope has successfully restrained Elijah, there was no way you were getting free until he cut you loose.
"I must say… that magic rope is quite a dangerous weapon, a threat to my family." He whispered against your ear, a hint of danger in his voice, sending an excited tingle through you.
You suddenly felt his strong hand wrap tightly around your neck. He wasn't squeezing yet but he was definitely letting you know who's in charge.
"You and I both know how I handle threats to my family," he said, pressing a kiss against your neck.
A moan escaped your lips and you could hear him chuckle. You were so wound up, you weren't sure how long you could take this.
"Stay quiet," Elijah commanded.
As if in punishment, he withdrew his hand from your throat, and you almost immediately missed the feeling of his warm hand against you. A sudden slap to your ass made your body jolt.
It burned from the force of it, his large, powerful palm practically covering your entire cheek. Every sensation was heightened by the tie around your eyes and you felt your whole body heating up, your blood rushing in anticipation of what was to come.
He hit you again, on the same cheek, harder than the last time. The sound of his hand hitting your flesh seemed to fill the room. Tears pooled in your covered eyes, the burning sensation making your body hum in pleasure, mixed with a bit of pain.
You weren't sure if you could handle one more of his heavy-handed swats. Your arms hurt from being pulled high above your head, and your wrists were already chafing.
You heard him reach into your night stand, searching for something that would bring you a different kind of pain. He found what he was looking for, trailing it down your spine. It was cold and smooth, and it made your stomach drop when you realized what it was.
"Eli- wait," you protested, none of this night was going to plan, but this? You had fantasized about it, sure, but this was-
Your mind went blank when he pushed it inside you, and without mercy, he switched it on. It buzzed to life and the sudden onslaught of the vibrations made your legs shake uncontrollably, your wrists burning slightly as you pulled on them.
It was like you were filled with electricity. And the noises you were making? They were a mix of moans and pleas for release, your body already nearing its limit.
His hand was gone, no more spanking and yet- the buzzing didn't stop, you had no release in sight and that's when you realized your mistake. He wasn't going to let you finish, the intention to drive you near your peak only to take you back down.
It was torture.
And you were absolutely loving it.
The minutes seem to tick by, maybe hours. Who knows anymore. All you're aware of is your trembling thighs, sweat glistening your back and your voice, cracking slightly as you scream and moan, writhing at the touch of his hand, then the hard buzzing once again.
"Hmm, we've never tried this setting before," he mused.
"Please Eli-"
He increased the intensity, a loud buzz echoing the room, and a series of vulgar curses escaping your lips, making him laugh.
The vibrator inside you was now pulsing at a rapid pace, the pleasure blinding, building, and there's nothing you can do to prevent the inevitable.
"Don't you dare come," he ordered.
"I can't-" you began, already starting to crumble under his control.
He gave the end of the vibrator a small twist and it hit a new spot that was pure euphoria. You tried to hold on, but it was impossible, your vision went white as an orgasm rocked through you, stealing your breath away, and all of the pent up tension that was burning in the depths of your core.
You let out an ecstasy-laced scream, every fiber in you igniting, every nerve firing at once as an immense surge of pleasure washed through your trembling body, shaking you to the core.
In that moment there was only bliss. The kind of sweet bliss that washes over your exhausted form, turning your limbs to rubber and melting your insides.
Your wrists ached, and you expected Elijah to untie you, but he had gone perfectly still behind you. Your heart began to race, suddenly filled with worry about whether he had become angered by your release. You honestly couldn't undergo another round of his erotic torture and live through it.
The silence and inaction was far worse than any punishment and you felt fear creep up your neck. Suddenly the vibrator turned back on at the max setting and his hand came down hard on your ass once again, leaving it stinging and burning, and tears brimming your lids, even as your body reacted with arousal.
You weren't even sure if your wrists could survive another round and it didn't help that the orgasm had made you sensitive to the point of numbness, but you can already feel your legs shaking, threatening to buckle underneath your exhausted form.
"Daddy, please I can't. I'll pass-" you started, the warning cut off with another slap.
You couldn't do it anymore, your wrists hurt more than the spanking. You remembered Davina had said that the rope could be undone with one word from you. Just as another spank was about to rain down, you rasped out 'confractus' and the rope fell off your wrists. You didn't waste a second, the moment you felt your hands free, you were tugging the blindfold down and pulling the vibrator out of you, tossing it across the bed and collapsing.
Elijah looked a bit shocked by your sudden escape, but that didn't stop him. With you no longer held in the bindings, he took it as another reason to keep punishing you and he grabbed your hips and pulled you underneath him.
His eyes were hard and wild, almost black, and his lips were curled up in a delicious smirk as he locked eyes with yours. The blindfold was held tight against your neck with one hand, keeping the pressure just enough to cause slight discomfort.
But then his eyes flicked to your wrists and the damage that had been done. The burns were deep, almost red and his demeanor changed instantly. His expression went soft, filled with remorse, but his dark, lust-filled eyes didn't change, still heated and primal, and needing release.
"I sometimes forget how delicate you are," he said softly, taking one of your wrists into his hand and giving a gentle kiss.
You flinched a little from the sting of it, watching his apology fill his eyes. You knew his guilt and self loathing was about to start, but before he could pull away, you reached up and grabbed the back of his neck and smashed your lips against his.
"I love when you get like this Eli," you admitted as the kiss broke, "Punishing me, fucking me, owning me. So don't start beating yourself up."
His response was an immediate hot sigh against your lips, relieved that he didn't hurt you.
"You do like the attention, do you?" he teased lightly, nuzzling your nose.
You nod, giving another kiss to the tip of his nose. "Always, but can you make this punishment worth it? It better end in a long, hot shower together or I might pass out," you whispered with a cheeky smile.
His shoulders shook from a silent laugh and his arms moved to either side of your face, caging you in with his warm presence, and you couldn't help the blush that spread through your cheeks as the emotion on his face flickered between the self-hating Elijah to the sweet one that you were in love with.
He ran his hand down your leg, then he lifted your thigh and held it against his hip and slowly, gently eased himself inside you. His lips were inches from and you couldn't look away. His eyes had softened now, and your heart melted at the devotion in them, only meant for you.
He slid his hand to the back of your neck as you clung to his shoulder, meeting him thrust for thrust as the pace gradually quickened. Your toes curled as waves of pleasure washed over you, but you held on this time, waiting for his permission, wanting to find release together.
His lips caressed your neck, his breathing ragged, and his movements became more erratic as his own control began to slip. The low, animalistic sounds rumbling in his chest nearly set you off, but somehow you managed to hang on.
Your mind is a fog, filled with everything Elijah; his smell, his warmth, the feeling of his skin against yours, the sound of his heavy breath, his low voice in your ear, his hips moving in a perfect tempo. It was overwhelming, dizzying, and intoxicating. You weren't sure how much longer you could hold out, especially with the way he was whispering your name like a prayer.
Your legs began to tremble again, Elijah knew you were close, and you were being so good for him. He could see the effort your restraint required in the furrow of your brow and the desperation in your eyes, he saw it in the twitching of your fingers and he felt the small spams from the place the two of you are joined.
"You've been such a good girl, come for me sweetheart," he cooed, nipping at your ear.
You closed your eyes and threw your head back. It felt like the earth beneath you cracked open and molten pleasure coursed through your veins, pouring into every cell and nerve, bathing you in absolute bliss.
Elijah kept rocking, dragging out your orgasm and making his own release finally explode throughout every part of him. As the both of you shook from pleasure, he didn't stop kissing you, kissing your cheeks, neck, and nose as the both of you tried to calm down. You clung to his biceps, relishing his touch, trying to calm down your raging heartbeat.
He released you and flipped onto his back, tugging you along, and making sure that you stayed close. You cuddled into his side, giving his chest small, gentle kisses.
He took your wrist, seeing the faint redness where the rope had burned your skin and gave it another tender kiss.
"Don't tell Klaus about the rope, he would not be very pleased to know you and Davina are making weapons behind his back, love."
You snorted and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, "how did you know it was Davina?"
He chuckled and rested his chin on the top of your head.
"Call it an educated guess," he teased and his hand playfully smacked your butt.
You both gave out a little chuckle before falling back into a comfortable silence. Your body had officially given out on you and exhaustion had taken over your form.
Elijah lifted you up out of bed and brought you to the shower, making sure that you were clean of any sticky sweat or traces of what had gone down moments ago. He wrapped his strong arms around you once you were dressed and both cleaned, bringing the covers around both of your bodies before kissing your forehead, and drifting off to sleep, holding you possessively against him.
This night didn't go as you planned, but you did not regret a thing.
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡
♡ @meeom ♡ @damienmorton ♡ @wickedmuse ♡ @sunkissedebony97 ♡ @idk00sblog ♡ @savannaounana♡ @cs-please ♡ complicatedandconfusing-25 ♡ @hamiltimes ♡ @akala6670229 ♡ @yeaiamme2 ♡ @itsjulzandmydiamonds ♡ @spideysbabe ♡ @witch-of-letters ♡ @elijahstwink ♡ @rosecentury ♡ @sekaishell ♡ @ziayamikaelson ♡ @amanda08319 ♡ @starshipcookie
Also! If you wish to be removed from the tag list just send me a dm, you won't hurt my feelings (it's okay if you got sick of me ~lol) I don't wish to hold you hostage ♡
I've gotten a few dm's about my tags not working (yay) so let me know if its still a problem, I just re-tagged all of you so hopefully that solved it ♡
(It may be the hearts causing the issue but I don't want that to be true, so I am in denial)
332 notes · View notes
eqt-95 · 4 months
💖 rough kiss / hot and heavy / making out
oh anon, i am definitely the wrong person for this one, but here goes nothing:
- - - - - -
Lena has a secret. 
No, it isn't that she’s doubling as a superhero in her free time. That’s Kara.
And no, it isn't that she has an unquenchable crush on her best friend. They'd solved that eons ago.
And definitely no, it isn’t that her toy collection is extensive and well-stocked. Everyone at game night already knows about that.
The secret went like this: 
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” Lena replied with the innocence of a Luthor.
“So it just so happens that the bartender who has been making eyes at you all night is now being sized-up by my sister?”
“Correlation without causation. I thought you were a scientist,” Lena shrugged and tried her best to conceal a knowing smile.
“Uh-huh,” Alex replied with an arched eyebrow that said much more. “And that fact he grabbed your ass on the way to the bathroom?”
“Doesn’t ring a bell.”
“Well I for one am not about to do a bunch of paperwork over an NDA because Kara can’t keep it together over this ass-hat groping you, so if you will excuse me-”
- - - -
And this: 
“Hey babe?”
“What’s this?”
Lena looked up from her work and squinted at the letter gripped in Kara’s hand. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. Just some administrative stuff,” Lena hummed and returned to her work.
“Doesn’t look like ‘nothing’. It looks like you were served.”
The scowl that followed was one that could be seen from space which meant it was impossible to ignore from across their apartment. Lena rolled her eyes. 
“It’s just Morgan Edge playing bully again, darling.”
“Yea but,” Kara continued, eyes skimming the multi-page document that now had a few extra crinkles in it. “He’s suing for patent rights? Who does he think he is-”
“It’s nothing, really. I’ll handle it tomorrow.”
“You shouldn’t have to handle it in the first place.”
“It’s fine. Let’s just-”
But Kara was already gone through the terrace door and halfway across the city.
- - - -
And most of all, this:
“Ms. Luthor, The Sun has accused you of covering up nearly a dozen fatalities since-”
“Lena Luthor, it has been alleged that Obsidian North’s stolen technology was found in L-Corp’s latest-”
“Ms. Luthor, how do you explain the recent deaths associated with-”
“How do you sleep at night when your maniac brother is still on the loose-”
“No comment,” Lena repeated for the eighteenth time. She pushed ahead, trying to find a path between L-Corp’s front door and the waiting car that would take her home. Unfortunately, the best path was also the longest. Worse, when she looked ahead, her car was nowhere to be found. What she did find was wall-to-wall traffic and no chance of freedom.
More questions were hurled, a flash sent blotches across her vision. Another came an inch away and sent her staggering. It felt like a garbage compactor except worse because garbage compactors weren’t sentient creatures known for shouting lies while doing its job.
She clambered through the crowd and found a gap. She glanced around for her security guard who was lost amidst a second offshoot of angry journalists and misinformed citizens. Now wasn’t the time for manners as three journalists and an oversized camera pivoted toward her, so instead of waiting, she booked it down the sidewalk.
They followed with vigor and ignorance and a stubbornness that would have made Lillian proud, shouting rather uncreative conspiracy theories and growing closer by the second. Lena turned a corner then, in a move she might have patted herself on the back for, slipped into an alley. She breathed a sigh of relief until-
“Ms. Luthor-”
“Lena Luthor-”
“-you can’t hide from the truth.” 
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Lena heaved, staggering backwards in the kind of stereotypical way she mocked television shows for.
The cameraman was fastest, breaking into her personal space and jamming the lens into her face.
“Ms. Luthor-”
“-is it true Supergirl won’t speak to you?”
“-how does it feel having National City’s Darling reject you?”
What happened next might have been comical if Lena weren’t breathless, irritated, and fuming that her anniversary dinner was being interrupted by a wave of wannabe reporters hanging onto the coattails of the marketing dollars that funded their tabloids. 
Be that as it was, she was not in her usual smirky-mood when the burst of air sent all of them turning on heel to find an equally irritated and equally fuming Supergirl towering over them with the kind of anger usually reserved for the extra-bad baddies.
“S-supergirl,” they all seemed to whimper in unison. 
The camera was fumbled then dropped. The lens splintered with a deserved crack. A few short seconds later, it was the only evidence anyone with a press badge had been there.
“Where’d you take them?” Lena asked when Kara whooshed down moments later. She pushed off the brick wall and closed the distance, raising her hands to fix Kara’s ruffled cape.
“I considered the middle of the Pacific-” Kara shrugged.
“Oh is that right?” Lena smirked, letting her hands climb to brush an errant strand of hair into place.
“But then I remembered the whole ‘hope, help, and compassion’ thing,” she continued, her own hands finding a home on Lena’s waist. “So I dropped them off just outside the city limits instead.”
And there it was: the secret. Somewhere between Kara, all beet-faced and rage hovering over the cowering reporters and then dragging said group of gaggling reporters to the edges of town, Lena felt it - that tiny pang of warmth and safety and appreciation that always came with her overprotective Kryptonian. It also usually sent a tiny pang of something else through her.
“Well that was very big of you,” Lena replied, the gap between lips narrowing. “But just so you know,” she continued, her breath ghosting across Kara’s lips, “I had it handled-”
Kara skipped her lines and closed the gap, pressing lips, hands, and body against Lena until her back found the brick wall again and nothing but the taste, touch, and smell of Kara consumed her. Lips dragged to Lena’s jawline then neck then exposed shoulder. Hands grabbed against the restrictions of fabric. Lena cursed (again) the constraints of a supersuit.
“I really need to design you a new suit,” Lena huffed.
“Probably for the best.” Kara replied, fingers venturing dangerously close to public indecency. “Alex says we need to leave before someone sees us anyway.”
“Tell Alex to stop committing voyeurism. There are websites for that.”
“Oh, she did not like that,” Kara snickered, lips pressing a final kiss to the crook of Lena’s neck. 
“Turn that thing off and take me home, Supergirl.”
“What about our reservations?”
“I have other dinner plans tonight.”
- - - - -
ask game
187 notes · View notes
supernovafics · 8 months
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 1.2k words
warnings: explicit language
summary: in which you join steve during his family video shift and help him study for a test
author's note: nothing much to say about this one. short and sweet<33
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Winter 1986
“Can I have some help?”
You looked up from your notebook to see a guy standing a few feet in front of you with a small frown on his face. Your head shake in response to his question was immediate. “Oh, no, I don’t work here.”
His frown seemed to only deepen. “But, you’re sitting behind the counter.”
“Yeah, that probably makes things confusing, but I don’t work here,” You responded with a small laugh. You took a brief look at Steve, who was stocking tapes in one of the aisles. “I’m just here to help a friend and make sure he doesn’t fail out of his first ever college classes. Big English test tomorrow. The first one of the semester, actually.”
The guy rolled his eyes at your unnecessarily long explanation and then walked off, and your attention turned back to your notebook and you continued writing notes, or more so rewriting notes, for Steve. 
When he finished stocking shelves, he walked over to you, leaning on the counter and looking down at what you were doing. You ripped out the pages you had been working on for the past hour and slid them over to him. “Okay, I have compiled all of the shit that you’ll need to know for the test tomorrow on these two pages, front and back. Enjoy.” 
Steve gave you a small smile. “You didn’t have to do that.” 
“I know, but it was actually pretty easy since you’re taking the class with the same Professor I had last semester; I mainly just redid the notes that I had for that first test. And it only took me like an hour.”
“Thanks, but shouldn’t you be worrying more about your test tomorrow?”
You shrugged. “I just have to give a presentation on the rise of radio for my communications class, and I’ve been preparing for the last couple days. I’ll be fine.”
Steve nodded at that and started looking at the notes you gave to him. You moved from behind the counter and went over to the comedy section and started to look through the shelves.
“Oh, also, can I get a vest and a nametag? Everyone already thinks I work here, anyway.” 
“No,” Steve responded almost immediately, which made you laugh. After a second, he walked over to you, papers still in hand. “Surprisingly, I actually remember most of this stuff.” 
You smiled at that. “Glad to know you’ve been paying attention in class.” You then showed him the movie you had just pulled off of the shelf. “Thoughts on this for tonight?”
Steve looked at the title for a second before answering. “The person that returned it yesterday said it was shit.”
“Okay, so that’s a no,” You said as you put the tape back in its spot. “Anyway, though, it's good that you remember a lot of stuff already, so when I quiz you on everything later, it’ll be fast.”
He shook his head. “You’re being way too nice to me right now.” 
“You told me that you actually wanted to care about your classes and do well in them, so of course I’m gonna help you do that.” 
You could’ve gone further into that conversation that you two had a few days before the beginning of the semester, but you didn’t feel the need to fully repeat it aloud right then. Steve had talked to you about wanting to figure out his life, finding what he wanted to do long-term that wasn’t Family Video related, and maybe going to school part-time and taking a few classes would help with that. It wasn’t about his parents, it wasn’t really even about you. It was about him and you admired that, and you also wanted to help him figure everything out. Maybe it could help you figure out all of your shit too. 
“Also, if you dropped out after this semester it would actually be devastating to know that our first time ever going to the same school only lasted four and a half months.”
Steve laughed a bit. “I’m not gonna drop out.”
“And I’m completely holding you to that.” 
You went back to searching for a movie for later, and after what felt like forever you settled on something that sounded good enough. 
Things became pretty quiet for the rest of the night, so you were able to quiz Steve on the notes a couple times, and then you focused on the reading you had to do for the Film and TV history class that he suggested you two take together. Your collective eleven o’clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays mainly consisted of you two playing tic-tac-toe with one another in the margins of Steve’s notebook or writing stupid notes back and forth, and still paying some attention to the lectures that were actually pretty interesting. Aside from Steve being in the class, you really enjoyed it for the most part. 
“This article was actually pretty good,” You said. The clock finally hit eleven and Steve went over to the front door to turn the Open sign to Closed. “I think you’ll like it.” 
“What’s it about again?”
“Silent films,” You answered as you started putting all of your stuff in your bag. You then picked up the movie you grabbed earlier and went over to one of the computers, looking up the name of it and changing it from in stock to checked out. “Since I know how to do this, I think I definitely deserve a vest and nametag.” 
“I would say that’s true, but you only do that for yourself, not for any customers,” He responded with a laugh.
“In a way, I am a customer.”
“Paying customers.” 
“I use the “best friend of an employee” discount, which is a hundred percent off,” You said, smiling at him, and then smiling even more when he rolled his eyes at you. 
“What movie did you end up choosing, anyway?”
You held up the tape in your hand, Weird Science. “Now I’m thinking that I should’ve chosen a silent film to honor our history class.” 
“I’m really glad you didn’t,” Steve responded before stepping out from behind the counter. You slung your bag over your shoulder and followed him to the front. 
“Once you read the article, you’ll wish that I picked one of Buster Keaton’s greatest hits,” You said as you flicked off the lights before you two walked out the door. 
Steve locked it and then looked at you. “I truly doubt that.” 
You only overdramatically sighed and shook your head at him in response as you got in his car, tossing your bag into the backseat. You fiddled with the radio for pretty much the entirety of the fifteen minute drive to the apartment, and you held back your laughter at Steve’s playful groans in frustration at your antics. 
When you two stepped into the small space that was your shared home, you changed into your pajamas for the night before settling on the couch, and you quizzed Steve one more time for his test. And then he made you run through your presentation for your class tomorrow because he felt bad about you only helping him study. 
The time was nearing midnight when Steve warmed up some of the leftover pizza from the night before as you started the movie. You two fell asleep barely thirty minutes in, your head on his shoulder and a blanket draped over both of your legs that were stretched out on the coffee table.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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soft-mafia · 1 year
Can we have where the S/O was sketching Captain Buggy in secret, because she has a thing for him and she didn't want him and the crew to know about it. Until she lost it until the crew took a glimpse while laughing; they figured that she had a crush on the captain. She hid in the Crow's Nest in shame until Buggy finds her, after hearing what she's been doing in secret
Crush [Buggy x Reader]
warning: fem reader, nude drawing descriptions
a/n: this is such a cute idea😭😭 also this is me coded bc I low key draw Buggy half naked sometimes
part 2
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Y/n was sitting in one of the crow’s nests on the Big Top, hunched over her sketchbook, scribbling out another fantasy she had of Buggy.
Yeah, it was weird drawing her own captain half naked with a visible happy trail but— was she hurting anybody? No, of course not, besides nobody had to see these drawings except her. Y/n was beginning to get a little flustered sketching out the muscles, defining them.
She had a little smile on her face, but it was all interrupted by Buggy calling everybody down to the deck. Y/n left her sketchbook up there without thinking and quickly climbed down.
A while later after they had to make a pit stop somewhere to stock up on food, Y/n was carrying crates of meat when she heard some other crew mates snickering and giggling. She wondered what the hell was so funny, so she glanced over— but then a look of horror washed over her face.
“What a pervert!!” One of the men said, flipping through the pages, “Do you think she joined the crew just to get a piece of Captain Buggy?” Another man laughed. “Awww she has a little crush on him.” Another one said before they all burst into laughter.
Oh my god?! Is that my sketch book?! She nearly dropped the crate, so she quickly set it down and ran back onto the ship, panicking and feeling humiliated. Oh god.. this was awful, what if they show the captain?! He’s gonna kick me out of the crew!! This is so embarrassing I’m gonna throw myself off the ship, I can’t do this!!
Y/n hid in the crows nest, curled up in a ball, crying into her knees from embarrassment.
“Hey Captain!! Take a look at this!!”
Buggy’s attention was directed over to the group of men with Y/n’s sketch book, “Huh? What is it?” Buggy grunted and snatched it out of the man’s hands. His eyes went wide and nearly popped out of his skull when he saw the sketches.
Why was he such a hunk?! Damn he wish he looked like this, is this how people saw him? If it was then this was an absolute win. “WHO DID THIS?!” Buggy shouted, “WHO’S SICK JOKE WAS THIS?!” There were so many pages!! Who even had time to do all of this?!
“That girl, Y/n. I think she has a little crush on you, captain.” One of the pirates jokingly cooed, which made Buggy’s face go even redder.
Y/n could hear Buggy screaming from where she was, it made her curl up and want to die even more, “Ugghh!! Why did I have to leave that fucking book up here?!” She cried to herself. “Y/N!!! WHAT IS THIS?!” Buggy said once he got back onto the ship. Y/n sniffled, peeking over the side of the crow’s nest as she looked down at Buggy, “I’m sorry captain! I-I didn’t mean to..” oh god how could this situation get any worse.
“DIDN’T MEAN TO?!” Buggy took another look at the drawings. Damn he was hot, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘DIDN’T MEAN TO’?!”
Y/n hid in the crow’s nest again, crying harder. He was going to kick her off the crew.. she knew it.
Upon her cries, Buggy sighed and decided to climb up to where she was. “Cmon-.. don’t- don’t cry.” He kneeled down and gently patted her head, he looked back at the sketchbook, still amazed with how handsome he was.. “These are really good..!” He flipped to another page which was just him.. completely naked, his eyes went wide again. That fucking penis was bigger than his, why was it was so vascular!! He cleared his throat and closed the book, handing it back to Y/n, “You really captured my likeness.” He giggled, his cheeks redder than a tomato, “Maybe you can.. draw me.. maybe a bit more buffer, taller? Just a suggestion..” he coughed again.
Y/n took her book back and sniffled, “Y-You’re not gonna kick me off the crew? You’re not mad?” She couldn’t even look up at him.
“What? Why would I do that? It’s kind of a stupid reason to kick someone off..” Buggy laughed and sat beside of her, “Of course I’m not mad. But.. am I really that hot?” He chuckled softly, making Y/n even more flustered. “Maybe I can model for you sometime eh?” He joked, but then kind of regretted it.. no way did he look as hunky as those drawings.
Y/n hid her face into her sketch book, “This is so embarrassing..” she whined, “They’re never gonna let me live this down.” She could still hear the sounds of those crew mates laughing.. it made her internally recoil.
“Yeah.. not a chance.” Buggy laughed, then patted her back, “But hey, if you ever want the real thing, you can come to me whenever you want.” He grinned, winking at her.
Her face went red again and she hid it further into her book.
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