#i saw my order for chains was completed but i couldn’t access two of them
little-eye-guy · 7 months
this dwarf is hauling 2 cloth shoes, 3 stone figurines, 2 iron chains, 27 stone mugs, and an artifact puzzle box, all while in full steel armor. she is thirsty and drowsy and moving so slowly
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Ok i got an monster tom x scientist reader au universe thing and no it does not take place in the red army base
Reader is a scientist and is asked to run some tests on a new specimen/monster they found, and when reader sees the specimen/monster they actually think it's kinda cute but then some other scientists shock him and even stick some needles in him and reader just feels bad for the specimen/monster at this point so nighttime rolls around and they hack into the cameras to shut them off and wear a mask so they won't get caught and go to the main room where the specimen/monster is they the reader introduces themselves to the monster the monster, thinking they're gonna hurt them, immediately backs off obviously scared and reader convinces the monster that they're not gonna hurt them and the monster shrinks as he's mostly human and says "your not gonna hurt me?" And they reassure him that they're not gonna hurt him and they sneak into the readers car and drives off the lab that the monster was in and reader asks what the "monsters" name is and says their name is "tom". Then reader makes a pit stop to a store real quick to get tom some clothes and then reader drives to they're home and introduces tom to their room and asks if they want some food/ take out or not an he says yes and they get some chinese food and watch some TV, after eating they both go to bed and reader suddenly finds themselves in Toms arms whimpering a little, and reader just kinda decides to pet his hair and rub his horns a little bit which make him purr then tom wraps his tail around reader and asks them to do it more and they do do that untill they notice that he's asleep then they both fall asleep.
Whew, I enjoyed writing this one ^^
Summary: Reader, a scientist, rescues Monster Tom from the lab that experimented on him and brings him home
"Dr. [L/n], I'll let you oversee today's tests on TR-03."
"Alright, chief." You smiled awkwardly as your supervisor handed you the clipboard. It contained the subject's information: a one-eyed horned monster of an unknown species, though your colleagues have theorized it to be a demon. "What kind of tests are we running on it?"
"Resistance to electric shocks. There's evidence of uranium possibly circulating in its blood, so you'll be watching them extract samples as well."
As he explained, your smile gradually dropped as you looked over the information, seeing a ton of redacted information, including several incidents of the destruction it caused prior to its capture.
"So it's gonna be shocked and stuck with needles? Sounds painful."
"Its armor is thick, so it shouldn't feel a thing. Besides...I don't think you need to worry about whether it'll be painful for it." Your supervisor spoke in a rather condescending tone. "After all it's just an animal."
"I...yes, sir. I'll go oversee the tests right away." Not wanting to argue further, you just left his office and wandered through the building.
You were eager yet anxious to meet this monster.
Eventually you reached the area where the creature was being held, climbing up the stairs that led to the skybridge so you could look down into its holding chambers.
It was a massive dark purple creature, with two bright violet horns and a single black eye. Surprisingly it was allowed full movement, though judging from the many claw marks on the walls...it wouldn't surprise you if one day it was chained up to restrict such behavior.
You actually thought it was..kind of cute? It looked scary in pictures, but up-close it didn't seem as terrifying.
That only made you feel more pity for it as other scientists entered the chamber, clad in protective suits, with electric prongs and needles.
Almost immediately the monster seemed aware of what they were going to do, its eye widening as it stood on both feet and cowered in the corner. It growled in warning, only for a scientist to jab its leg with a prong in response, eliciting a roar of pain.
You physically flinched, feeling bad for the creature. But you took notes on its response to electric shocks.
Subject recognized equipment immediately, perceiving them as danger. Responded painfully to electricity.
Soon after being tortured, the monster seemed dazed, allowing another scientist in a hazmat suit to approach it and stick a needle into its hip. The vial of blood collected turned out to be red, with a glowing green aura.
As you took more notes, you heard a small whimper and looked down, seeing that the monster wasn't putting up a fight.
Instead it was...crying?
Sure enough, tears leaked from its eye as more of its blood was drawn, being electrocuted as some sick form of "sedation". It was hard to tell whether the people inside felt any sort of sympathy, but they just took their leave without saying a word to each other. Only a mere nod.
You didn't want to be here any longer than you needed to, so you finished your report and began heading back to your office.
Though you noticed the monster looking up at you, and you couldn't help but frown and murmur a simple:
"I'm sorry."
After your shift was over, normally you'd go home for the night.
But on the ride home...you kept thinking of TR-03 and couldn't shake the images and sounds of its pain.
The way it responded to just seeing the prongs, and the way it looked at you as though it was begging for help, seemed far too human for it to be just a mindless animal.
Of course, you never questioned the secrets this lab kept--not wanting to be fired. But they seemed to be hiding a lot of stuff about this specimen, never speaking about its origins or even what it was capable of.
You may have only seen it for the first time today, but you wanted to know more about it. And you had a feeling that you won't get the answers you wanted by asking around.
Oh no..you were going to free it in order to find out the truth.
Not just to satisfy your own curiosity, but also because...the way it was being treated was far too cruel. To the point where it was crying.
You couldn't stand for this unethical treatment any longer. You had to do something..and be smart about it lest you got killed or worse.
After making a quick stop at a store, you found a mask and changed your clothes, completely disguising yourself. Then you got back in your car and returned to the lab, parking it somewhere far away so that you can sneak inside.
Fortunately you had security access in case any of the specimen breached their chambers. Thanks to your hacking skills you were able to disable every security camera you could find, putting them all on timers so they'd turn on later in the morning. You didn't want to rouse any suspicion.
That was the easy part.
The most important and difficult task lied ahead.
As soon as you entered the monster's chamber, it woke up and grumbled with annoyance. Clearly it didn't like its rest being disturbed.
Though upon seeing you and the mask you wore, it tilted its head. "Grrrah..?"
"Shhh, it's okay." You whispered, removing the mask so it could see your face. While you were awestruck to actually see it up close and personal, you knew you had to keep calm.
But that might've been a mistake as it seemed to recognize you--the one who was watching it earlier today. It immediately backed into a corner, terrified as its chest began heaving with anxiety.
You couldn't blame it for its reaction, though your gently put your hands up and hushed it. "Please don't panic. I'm not here to hurt you. I wanna get you out of here."
"Mhm." Smiling, you just pretended you could understand it. "I don't like how they treat you here. They call you an animal but..I know you're more than that."
The monster calmed down a little, before glancing up to the opposite corner. He made a noise of confusion upon seeing that the security camera's annoying red light wasn't blinking.
"I shut that off so nobody can hear or see us."
You blinked, surprised that it could speak some English, but the fact it wasn't cowering like before was a sign it was trusting you. "Yep, I hacked the whole security complex. Now's our chance to escape, but..ah shit."
Suddenly, it never occurred to you: your mission was focused on getting to the monster, but you never considered how you'll get out with the monster.
"Damn..I'm not sure how we'll sneak you out without...." However, you trailed off as you saw it changing into a smaller form.
But it wasn't just shrinking, it was actually turning partially human.
How curious, nobody told you about that. Maybe that was part of the redacted information.
The monster turned out to be a human male, who still retained his horns, tail, and dark scales and fur, which covered his body. His brown hair was messy and spiky, and interestingly enough he had two black eyes.
He didn't have any clothes, obviously, so you took off your coat and put it around him. "So you're human, huh?"
"Your stupid friends' experiments wouldn't let me turn back for a while..." He grumbled in a slight British accent. "You sure you're not gonna hurt me?"
Understandably he got defensive, knowing you were working for the people who tortured him. But you shook your head. "No, I won't. I'm quitting this shithole and I'll take you with me." You took his hand reassuringly, noting that it was still clawed.
He gave you the tiniest of smiles in return. "Heh, glad we're both in agreement."
Soon you both quickly made your escape, luckily not running into any trouble. Your car was still parked right where you left it, so you got in and drove off.
You definitely won't miss working for that lab.
The roads were mostly empty at this time of night, so you were able to breathe easy knowing nobody's gonna chase you. Now seemed to be the best time to talk with the monster.
"So uh..do you have a name?" You spoke up. "I know they call you TR-03 but it doesn't feel right to call you that anymore."
"Tom." He answered as he looked out the window. "My name's Tom Ridges."
'Huh, that explains his code name.'
"I'm [y/n]." After noticing a nearby plaza, you saw a clothing store and decided to make a quick stop there. Tom seemed to be confused, and a bit worried when you left him in the car all alone, though you reassured him you were just buying some clothes for him.
He waited, trying to keep himself out-of-view in case any strangers got too nosy. But before long you were back, opening the driver's side as you peered in and sighed with relief, seeing him halfway out of the chair.
"Jeez, you scared me..thought somebody got you." You sighed, shaking your head.
"S-Sorry, not trying to get any unwanted attention. It's the last thing I need.." He sat upright, though he was surprised when you handed him a bag. Inside was a blue hoodie, boxers, and gray sweatpants. "Oh, cool."
'That's all he has to say?' His reaction was a bit underwhelming. 'Then again..maybe he hasn't processed that he's never going back to that hell chamber yet.'
You just shut the door and waited for him to get dressed, and when he tapped on the window you got back into the car. He definitely looked more comfortable now.
After giving him a smile, you continued on your way home, feeling glad that you rescued him from that place. You had no idea if he had any place to go, granted you don't recall seeing any information on his address nor any relationships.
So he'll stay with you.
"Luckily I got a spare room. Excuse the mess." You chuckled as you showed Tom the extra room in your house, turning on the light. "You can stay here for as long as you'd like."
He nodded as he looked around, before feeling his stomach grumble. In embarrassment he put a hand over it, glancing at you. "Sorry..the food they had was shitty, I'm sure you knew."
"Yeah...you want takeout?" You took out your phone. "I don't feel like cooking tonight so I was gonna order some anyway."
"Sounds good."
"Alrighty, I'll call in the order. We can go watch TV while we wait."
Once more Tom nodded, following you into the living room space where you both sat down on the sofa. He sighed and leaned back, turning on the TV while you ordered some Chinese food.
This situation felt so...comforting and familiar..
For a moment he gazed at you, seeing you look through the menu.
He knew he wasn't the only prisoner back in that lab. So he couldn't understand why you'd choose him, of everyone you could've helped, but...he considered himself lucky.
For once he felt like he could let his guard down a little.
Some time later the food arrived to your house, and you both ate it while watching various TV programs. You asked Tom a bit more about his home life, though he didn't have much to talk about.
Whether he didn't want to say anything or forgot it thanks to the experiments was a mystery, but you wouldn't pry. You'll get your answers sooner or later, though not tonight.
Tonight you both deserved a good rest.
Afterwards you headed off to your own room, letting him know that he can knock on your door if he ever needed anything.
You got into your pajamas and crawled into bed, yawning.
It had definitely been an eventful day. You were eager to sleep in, knowing that you won't ever go back to your boring (and unethical) job.
But just as you had turned off the lights and dozed off, you heard your door creak open. With a slightly annoyed sigh, you sat up and turned on the lamp beside you, before seeing it was Tom.
"Tom? Your room is..."
Though you fell silent when you heard him...whimper? His eyes were white, indicating he was in some kind of distress.
But he crawled onto your bed, practically situating himself in your arms while making sure he didn't jab you with his horns. You were perplexed by his actions, though you finally realized..
He was just scared.
You held him in your arms, rubbing his horns soothingly and petting his hair, murmuring promises that he was safe. In response he nuzzled up to you, tail wrapping around your body as you both laid down.
You only stopped for a moment as he started purring, which made you chuckle softly. "Purring, huh? That's new."
"Can you keep doing that?" He grumbled, closing his eyes. "It was nice till you stopped."
"O-Oh right, sorry." You continued the previous motions, deciding to hum a small song as well to help him sleep.
Eventually you stopped once he dozed off completely, and your cheeks felt warm upon seeing how adorable he looked. 'And to think I was afraid of this guy?' You mused, before turning off the lamp light.
Soon enough you fell asleep as well.
If this is how Tom expressed his thanks...you'll take it.
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clareguilty · 3 years
Food for the Heart
My first July commission fic! Thanku to Chip for helping look things over <3 Soldier 76 & Reaper & Jesse McCree & F!Reader Rating: General | Pre-Fall of Overwatch, fluff Word Count: ~3500
Sometimes -- if you thought about it -- the fact that you had some of the highest security clearance in the entirety of the UN, as well as several major militaries, could make your palms sweat and your heart pound. Imposter syndrome sure was a bitch.
You would look out on all of the heroes and saviors and geniuses of the world, unsure of how you managed to fit in and even sit at the same table as Director Petras and Strike Commander Morrison himself.
People wouldn’t stop in the halls to salute you or turn to you for input. Many of your colleagues didn’t even seem to know your name. You were nothing but background to them, just the hand that delivered documents or typed along to broadcasts. It was enough to trick you into believing you didn’t belong.
But there was a reason you were sat at the table with the most influential people in the world. There was a reason that your office was in the same wing as the other heroes of Overwatch. And you had earned your place there -- a fact you had to remind yourself of over and over again as Commander Reyes and Commander Morrison swept by your desk every morning or as Captain Amari chatted with Lieutenant Wilhelm within earshot of your workspace. Occasionally, you would even come back from lunch to find that a cowboy and a ninja had commandeered your desktop and your office chair, respectively.
You were invisible to them. Silent and unassuming. Blending in so seamlessly to the environment that they didn’t seem to notice you were there -- which is how you heard everything. Listening was your job, after all. You were a linguist, responsible for interpreting and translating any documents or meetings or broadcasts that passed through the upper command chain. You had access to the highest security channels, writing down field notes and debriefs for anyone on base who needed them.
Fluent in 14 human languages and 3 Omnic communication systems, you were one of the most valuable assets Overwatch had. Your work during the crisis had earned you a rank and pension that looked like a mistake on all your paperwork. Surely someone as plain as you couldn’t be that powerful?
And the work hadn’t finished after the crisis. You had been swept along into the ranks and shipped off to Zurich to spend your days listening to every piece of information that needed your ears.
And you heard everything.
You heard Captain Amari talking about her daughter and Lieutenant Wilhelm lamenting his losses on the battlefield, Jesse McCree joking and ribbing with Agent Shimada, who barely ever responded when you were within earshot. You overheard Strike Commander Morrison laughing with his friends and hurling orders and sighing over paperwork, Commander Reyes growling and grumbling and occasionally giving a full-bellied laugh when someone made a fool of themselves.
But no one ever seemed to speak directly to you unless they were requesting something or saying thank you. Your days were spent surrounded by people who would lay down their lives for one another but didn’t even seem to notice as you came and went.
It was certainly lonely, being in an unfamiliar country on a foreign base, working long hours in the fruitless business of world peace. You would return to your tiny apartment in the evenings -- luxurious, but small -- and try and make the most of your life of prestige and success and heroism. You had made the space cozy and perfect since you found yourself with more money than you knew what to do with. Your family had retired to one of the nicest homes you could buy them, and you still couldn’t get rid of the stuff.
So you spent your evenings cooking and baking exquisite dishes with expensive ingredients. You had gotten rather good at it. Any time someone on base mentioned a dish that they liked, you made sure to jot it down for later. Every night you indulged in food from all over the world that you had made with your own two hands.
But you found yourself with a lot of leftovers.
You were all alone in Zurich, with just a few friends in other parts of the organization that you only got to see when the stars were perfectly aligned. There was no way you could eat all this food.
So you started leaving gifts for the high command.
Strike Commander Morrison was the one who had given you the idea to make the pie in the first place. He had complained about how much he missed the sweet from his hometown, and you had found a recipe that sounded like what he described.
You wrapped a few slices up as nicely as you could and slipped them onto his desk just before he came in one morning.
The only thing you hadn’t counted on was just how invisible you truly were.
Commander Morrison made a sound of surprise when he saw the sparkling clear wrapping paper and curled ribbons. He poked his head out of his office and glanced around. No one else had come in yet, and you were already hard at work transcribing some Omnic signals that had been intercepted.
He asked Captain Amari about it when she arrived a few minutes later.
“You can’t trust random packages that appear on your desk, Jack. You should have reported a security breach immediately. Where is it? We’ll have to send it down for examination.”
Commander Morrison looked sheepish. “I ate them already.”
Captain Amari whacked him upside the head.
“I skipped breakfast!” he whined. “And it was absolutely delicious. It tasted just like home.”
Hearing those words was enough. You didn’t care that the Strike Commander was a fool who didn’t seem to notice your presence. He had enjoyed your treat, and that was all the reward you needed.
You continued to leave sweets for the high command whenever you could. You were sure at some point they would realize it was you, but they never said anything.
Cookies. Sweet breads. Cakes. Candied fruits. Pastries. You were improving as a baker at an alarming rate, considering you had nothing to do in your free time but replicate the recipes all the soldiers on base missed from back home.
The Strike Commander, Lieutenant Wilhelm, and Agent McCree were the most shameless about indulging in your gifts. The other captains and officers partook as well. You had never even seen Agent Shimada eat, though he would gently wrap a small portion to take back to his quarters, and Torbjorn would always wrinkle his nose and scoff at the sweets, but you didn’t miss him slipping a few into his pockets for later.
Despite how much you were making and sharing, there was one person whom you never got the chance to cook for. Everyone else had mentioned a dessert offhand at some point or another, only to find the exact treat waiting for them the next day. Even Agent Shimada had mentioned a fluffy cheesecake once, though he took his portion back to his quarters to eat it. Only one person eluded your gifts, and you were patiently waiting for the opportunity to strike.
You were up to your neck in transcriptions when you finally got your chance. Something you could cook for Commander Reyes.
It was just him, Agent McCree, and the Strike Commander. You were tucked away at your desk as always, invisible to everyone but listening attentively.
“Can’t believe I was in Mexico for a week and spent the whole time camped out in the jungle. I would have killed somebody for a good churro.” Commander Reyes grumbled.
“You did kill people, boss. A lot of people.” Agent McCree had his boots on the table and was grinning around an unlit cigarillo.
“You watch your mouth,” the commander snapped, but his shoulders shook with laughter.
Churros. Authentic Mexican churros. You could certainly do your best to make some and leave them for the Blackwatch commander.
It only took a few tries to get them how you wanted them, and you strolled into the high command offices the following day with a beautifully wrapped box.
Commander Reyes didn’t have a desk in the command wing, but you knew he would be by early. You left the box on the same table Agent McCree was sitting at yesterday and got to work while you waited for everyone else to arrive.
Commander Morrison lit up in excitement when he saw the enormous box waiting on the table, but, after a peek inside, he realized who the sweets were for and didn’t take any. It would have been fine. You had made plenty enough for everyone.
Captain Amari wasn’t as enthusiastic as the Strike Commander, but she let her curiosity get the best of her and gently pried open the box as well. She smirked, and you could have sworn you saw her glance your way, but you were trying to be as inconspicuous as possible as you listened to a diplomatic summit presentation.
At last, Commander Reyes made his appearance. He didn’t hesitate to go straight for the box on the table, lifting the lid and inspecting the contents with an impassive expression. He was completely unreadable as you watched him out of the corner of your eye.
Delicately, he lifted one of the churros out of the box and took a bite. He chewed for a moment, brows furrowed. You wished he would say something. Instead, you saw the tension in his shoulders ease just a little, and you knew you had done an good job.
And that was the end of it -- so you thought. Commander Reyes shared the churros, and everyone else remarked that they were delicious. The rest of the day carried on as usual.
Until you found yourself alone again. Even when they were on base, it wasn’t uncommon for Commander Morrison and Captain Amari to spend most of the day away from their offices. But now, even the other captains and assistants were gone, and it was totally silent.
Commander Reyes strolled into the command wing with his hands in his pockets. You didn’t think anything of it until he came right up to your desk, taking a seat on the edge.
“They were delicious,” he said, watching you intently.
So he knew it was you. He had probably had known for a while. The Blackwatch commander rarely let anything slip by him.
“Thank you, Sir,” you answered, not able to look him in the eye. “When did you figure it out?”
“You made salted caramel cookies for McCree. Cheesecake for Shimada. I need to know who is eavesdropping on my agent’s conversations.”
You flinched at that. “I only had the best intentions.” You chewed your lip. “The gifts were meant to be harmless.”
Commander Reyes chuckled. “You sure harmed Jack’s diet. The man has a sweet tooth and no spine. Put a dessert in front of him, and he can’t say no.”
“He doesn’t need to be on a diet, anyway. You’re all built like Greek gods,” you rolled your eyes. Then the reality of what you had said set in, and you were panicking in your seat. Leaving treats for your superior officers was only mildly questionable. Ogling their physiques and daydreaming about their strong arms was far less appropriate.
“I mean no disrespect, Sir,” you started to ramble. “I spoke out of line, and it wasn’t my place to say anything. Please just forget I ever opened my mouth.”
Commander Reyes laughed again, fuller this time as he leaned back on your desk. “It’s clear you’ve heard everything said in this office. You think that’s going to get you in trouble?” He was right. Conversations among the officers were far from professional. You had heard your share of inappropriate comments and spicy stories.
You looked at your hands in your lap. This was overwhelming. You were so used to being invisible. Now, the commander was confronting you, watching you closely and chatting as if it was nothing. You weren’t sure you had ever exchanged casual conversation with the Blackwatch commander.
“Why do you hide?” he asked. “Leave everything in secret and never speak up? We all know by now, anyway.”
You didn’t really have an answer for him. Maybe you didn’t feel worthy? Maybe you were shy? Neither of those explanations felt quite right.
“I never meant to hide. When I made the pie for Commander Morrison, he didn’t even seem to consider that I could have been the one to leave it. I know I’m practically invisible around here, anyway.” You shrugged. No one paid attention to a quiet linguist. Your voice was only used to relay the messages of other people.
“You’re not invisible. Not to us. We see you every day. Maybe it’s time that you let us give you a gift, what do you say? We definitely should have shown our appreciation sooner.” Commander Reyes held out his hand, eyes kinder than you had ever seen.
“I don’t- What do you mean?” you asked.
Impatient as always, the commander simply grabbed your wrist and pulled you to your feet. “I’m the boss, so you’re coming with me.” He dragged you out of the offices and towards what you recognized to be the high command quarters. You couldn’t disobey a direct order from your superior, so you stumbled along as quickly as you could.
While your apartment was in a cute little residential building on the other end of base, the high command quarters were housed in a higher security building connected to the command center via a series of secure walkways. Reyes simply keyed in a code and ushered you across the glass skyway.
“Sir, I don’t believe I have clearance to access the command living quarters,” you tried to warn him.
“You have access as Jack’s guest.” He answered as if that would explain anything. Why would you be the Strike Commander’s guest?
Commander Reyes pulled to a stop in front of a door with a mailbox outside labeled 3001. He rapped his knuckles on the metal door, tapping his foot as there was the sound of scrambling inside, and the door slid open. Agent McCree was grinning on the other side.
“You came!” He stepped forward and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, lifting you off the ground and setting you down inside what you assumed to be the Strike Commander’s quarters. “Jack and I were worried Gabe would scare you away.”
“He scared me, that’s for sure. What am I doing here?” You couldn’t keep yourself from looking around the apartment. It was nice, comfortable, with state-of-the-art appliances and plenty of space for more than one person. Much larger than your own apartment.
McCree looked offended. “You didn’t tell her anything? Did you just abduct her from her desk like some kind of madman?”
“No,” Gabe said at the exact same time you said, “Yes.”
The cowboy rolled his eyes. He took one of your hands in both of his and, with the most earnest expression, begged for your forgiveness. “The three of us wanted to say thank you for all the sweets you’ve been baking lately. Those churros were absolutely amazing, so we all pitched in to make dinner for you. Gabe was supposed to ask politely if you would join us. It would make my whole world if you did.”
You weren’t sure how you could say no to something so sweet. Agent McCree was certainly scruffy and rough around the edges at times, but you couldn’t deny he was a true gentleman, unlike his boss.
You nodded, and McCree pulled you in for another hug. “Atta girl! Jack should be back in just a moment. He had to borrow some stuff from Ana.”
Sure enough, the Strike Commander appeared just a moment late with an arm full of cookware and ingredients. He was dressed down to a faded t-shirt and his combat uniform pants with an apron. When he set everything down on the counter, you realized the apron was printed with the warning “hot stuff coming through,” and you couldn’t hide your snort of laughter.
“Ana got it for him as a gift. Jack has been our barbecue guy for the past five years now.” Reyes explained.
“I like it,” you grinned. “It’s accurate.”
You had never seen the Strike Commander blush. He fumbled with the container he was prying open. “Supper was supposed to be ready by the time you got here, but I don’t always keep cooking stuff here. We’ve got snacks and drinks, and Jesse will probably make you watch something terrible with him on the TV.”
You nodded. “Thank you for all of this, Sirs.”
“Woah, woah,” McCree held up his hands. “None of that shit around here. We do first names around here only, or embarrassing nicknames.”
You were extremely thankful for McCree- Jesse. He had a way of making you feel perfectly at ease even though you were so far out of your element. “Come on, I’m gonna show you some classic films while they cook.” He wrapped a hand around your waist and led you to the couch, flicking through the menu on the wall-sized screen. You had seen how much physical affection the high command shared, and you assumed it came from trust on the battlefield. But it seemed the comfort and intimacy extended to you as well.
“Do you need help in the kitchen?” You asked the Strike Commander.
“Absolutely not,” he winked at you. “You’ve cooked far too much for all of us, and it’s our turn to make it up to you. Your job is to keep Jesse out of the kitchen.”
The cowboy grinned at you. “They say I’m a hazard.”
You nodded. “I can see that.” Gathering all of your courage, you nestled into his side on the couch. He threw an arm around your shoulders easily and selected a movie. “What are we watching?”
“Seven Samurai. Genji showed it to me. Did you know that 1900’s cowboy movies and 1900’s samurai movies are like the same thing? He’s the only one who appreciates my Eastwood classics.”
Reyes chimed in from the kitchen. “For a bunch of assassins, it turns out my entire squadron is made up of nerds.”
“And you’re the Head Nerd. King of all Nerds.” Morrison knocked him with an elbow. “We’ve seen your Halloween costumes.”
Your eyebrows shot up. “Commander Reyes is a nerd?”
“Gabe,” Jesse corrected you, “is the biggest nerd of them all. He likes musicals.”
You were smiling widely now. You had been so lonely in Zurich, and now you were being included in teasing and movies and dinner with three of the most powerful men in Overwatch.
Comman- Gabe must have finished his part of the prep work because he sprawled out on the couch on your other side. It felt so nice to be sandwiched between them as the movie played. Jesse’s fingers absently played with your hair, and Gabe’s thigh pressed against your own.
Dinner didn’t take very long at all, and the four of you sat down at Jack’s dining table. There were casseroles, baked potatoes, roasted meat, and vegetables. You made sure to put a little bit of everything on your plate.
“I wasn’t sure what your favorites are, so we made a Morrison family dinner. A taste of the American Midwest.” Jack smiled sheepishly.
“It’s great!” you loved seeing this glimpse of the Strike Commander’s home.
“Next time, I’ll have to show you how we did it in LA,” Gabe was already digging in. “Jack’s Aunt Cindy is an excellent cook, but my sister knows how to make the best tamales.”
You were already putting together a menu based on what your family used to cook. It would be so much fun to treat them to the same meals you had grown up eating.
Jesse cocked his head. “I didn’t eat much as a kid that didn’t come out of a can or a box, but Ana has showed me how to make some things over the years. We’ll have to get her to cook one night.”
The implication that this was only the first of many more nights to come, your heart felt so warm and fuzzy. You tried to hide your blush as you ate.
After finishing dinner, you attempted to help wash up and found yourself forcibly removed from the kitchen by Gabe. “Stop trying to help and just let us treat you.”
And so you found yourself back snuggled up on the couch between them as the movie finished. They were so affectionate, pulling you against them and wrapping their arms around you. It felt natural. You had been working in the same office as them for years, hearing all of their conversations and watching them care for each other. Now, instead of an invisible bystander, you were a part of the family. But you had never truly been invisible. Clearly, everyone else had always considered you as one of them.
You must have dozed off at some point because Jack gently shook you awake. “Jesse can walk you back to your place,” he pushed a container of leftovers into your hand and wrapped you in a hug. “Don’t hide so much from now on, ok?”
You nodded. “Next time, you have to let me help cook.”
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whump-a-la-mode · 4 years
Villian-Sicle | Part 5
I feel like now would be a pertinent time to mention that this is my first attempt at writing a sort of drabble series. The majority of my work is 50k-100k word nerd ass novels, and I think that this part will make that unfortunately abundantly apparent. I’m sorry for just how long it is, but I’ve absolutely loved writing these characters, and I got a little bit carried away with fleshing out the world a bit more ^^
Also, I feel I should probably mention that, though characters in this story speak Latin, I do not know any Latin. I wrote this using dictionaries and very basic grammar guides, and I sincerely hope I did not mess up too bad.
Thank you for reading! It’s a long one, but I hope you’ll enjoy.
CW//Superhero whump, villain whumpee, hypothermia, military setting (kinda), pet whump, dehumanization, past trauma, muzzles, restraints, conditioned whumpee, depiction of an implied panic attack, denial of water
Villain couldn’t help but shake and buck their head as a corrugation of metal and leather was slipped over their face, securing their jaw in its current position and forcing them to bite down against the pressure. It had been fitted since last time, they noted rather hollowly-- with a piece of padding now standing between the bridge of their noise and the harsh metal wires. Regardless of how many adjustments were made to the piece, however, making it comfortable seemed beyond their ability.
They, in this specific circumstance, referred mainly to the two soldiers before Villain. Trainer was the only one of the two that they knew the name of-- though they were nearly unrecognizable beneath the layers of gear shrouding their appearance.
The helmet they wore resembled more so that of a motorcyclist rather than that of an armed combatant, but the rest of their kit was far more military. Beneath their uniform bulged the clear outlines of a tac-vest, with their hands shielded by Kevlar gloves, constructed of an intricate mesh of triangular pieces, in a similar manner to chain-mail.
The other soldier was dressed in nearly identical kit, just without the gloves-- those were for handlers, which this other soldier must’ve surely not been. They turned to Trainer, noises in an odd language curling off their tongue. Trainer replied with a laugh.
With practiced hands, Trainer took the muzzle’s straps and secured them behind Villain’s head, tightening the metal until it dug into their skin, tearing at old sores created by the same device. Their leash was quickly hooked to a ring protruding from the muzzle’s wires.
“Manibus.” Trainer’s voice spoke. They nearly flinched at the sheer speed at which Villain offered their hands. Momentarily, Trainer ghosted their fingers over the leather mitten restraints that kept Villain’s fine motor abilities under control. They checked the wrist straps, ensuring their tautness, nodding their approval.
“Abeamus?” The other soldier suggested, to which Trainer gave another nod. They wrapped Villain’s leash around their wrist, halving its length, until there was negligible slack in the line.
Another group of soldiers, all dressed in military-style garments of their own, loitered together by the door to the staging room. They looked to Trainer, marginally straightening their postures, and, presumably, minimizing the amount of swearing in their speech.
With a few words and a flick of the wrist, the squadron was off.
Leader couldn’t stop looking at Villain’s eyes.
They weren’t quite certain what had pulled them into such an odd trance. It was nothing about color, certainly, nor anything else physical or inherent-- they were unremarkable, in such respects. No, it was certainly something about the expression they portrayed.
A moment ago, they’d seen shattering fear turn to fury in these eyes. Now, they seemed blank, as though constructed of glass and merely painted upon. There was no expression beyond them, no recognition, no indication that Villain’s mind was occupied by anything at all. Their gaze stared straight through Leader, through the ceiling above as well.
Leader was torn from their daze by a commotion from behind them as the door was thrown open. Medic was nearly knocked over as Hero burst in, followed more ploddingly by Counselor.
“Be careful.” Leader warned, looking up and turning to the group. “There’s broken shit everywhere.”
Hero’s eyes darted around the room, seemingly taking in the mess. Broken glass coated the tile floor in a thin dusting of shards, while various mechanical parts still smoked in whatever place they had happened to end up. The lights had been blown out completely, leaving the lighting in the room to be provided by a flashlight laid on a countertop, as well as, now, the light soaking in from the hallway.
After their panicked scan, Hero settled their gaze on Villain.
“Are they...”
“They’re fine.” Medic interrupted.
“They’re not moving.”
“Well... I’m going to hazard to say that that’s a good thing. If I had to guess, it seems like a shock response. It’s not exactly my biggest concern, right about now.”
“What about the, uh, bleeding hole in their chest?”
“That would be my biggest concern.”
Medic grabbed a variety of, miraculously undamaged, medical supplies from a cupboard, setting to work at Villain’s wound. It was small, deliberate, having been incised to be used as an access point for the dialysis machine, but Leader had a feeling that even minor blood loss could be a death sentence, at this point.
Hero and Counselor hovered, for a moment, at Villain’s bedside, while Medic did their work. Leader stood back, nearly having to forcibly tear their gaze from that of Villain.
That odd sort of silence remained for several moments, if not minutes, as Medic’s deft hands worked to close the wound. It was only when the last suture was tied that Counselor spoke up-- one of the only times they had done so for the whole mission.
“What’s our plan, exactly? What are our orders?”
They raised a brow. Counselor was never that direct-- nor that military.
“Um...” It felt quite stupid, being caught unprepared like this, but in their defense, they had nearly just been killed by an exploding air conditioner. “I... I don’t want to hazard doing anything until Villain is stable.”
“That was your plan before.” Medic muttered as they pried latex gloves from their hands. “It almost got us killed.”
“Right. Yeah, um, are they stable enough? For transport?”
“They’re not going to bleed out, if that’s your concern. Physically, I’d say they’re stable. Mentally? I think we need to get them to a secure location before they snap out of this fugue state.”
“Alright.” Leader chewed their tongue. “Let’s get the van ready, then.”
The ship’s deck was notably busy, despite the fact that it was relatively late at night. The vessel’s skeleton crew hurried about, keeping it afloat and on track, while outdated Humvees drove in chaotic paths. What the commotion was about was beyond Villain’s knowledge, or their capacity to care. All that mattered was fighting their instinct to cover their ears, and ensuring that they were keeping up with Trainer.
They could feel it-- the boat-- beneath them. The millions of systems and circuits and electrons, thrumming and being jolted about by a swaying sea.
The small company that Trainer had gathered made their way to the far end of the deck, where a VTOL plane was already humming, waiting for its crew to board. They did so, clustering themselves into the compact cabin. There was, notably, no room the vessel for a pilot-- all steering operations would be handled by an artificial intelligence of sorts. Villain greeted the computer program, but it did not respond.
Trainer settled themself into a middle seat at the front of the cabin. Villain sat obediently at their side, at which point their leash was secured to a handrail sticking out of the wall. They rested their head against the window. Though the cabin was crowded, at the very least, Villain was no longer forced to make the trip in the K9 compartment.
Once every member of the company was settled and seated, the VTOL’s doors slid shut, and the engine thwapp-thwapp-thwapped until the aircraft was off the ground. It shot upwards for a second, traveling several hundred feet in the time, before entering a linear dive and settling for a position around fifty feet above the choppy waters.
Villain closed their eyes, allowing their mind to wander to the creature around them. The VTOL contained what was likely the most complex computer program that the Organization had. Despite all its bells and whistles, however, it paid no mind to Villain’s prodding and wandering.
The plane’s route was not awfully complex. The vehicle was designed, surtout, for water-based travel. Though it could move over land, it struggled to rise above three hundred or so feet, making it useless for far-inland routes. Wherever it was going today was, luckily, on the coast-- somewhere in the forests of Washington state.
If they so wished, Villain could alter the route in any way they so pleased. They could send the aircraft into the ocean below, or back into the ship, or into the first land they saw. It would be simple-- all their problems gone in a moment.
Once the plane’s angle had leveled out, Trainer stood, moving to the front of the plane. Villain gnashed their teeth, attempting to rise from their seat, but finding themself limited by the taut leather line on their muzzle. They were too far, they were on mission, they shouldn’t have been so far, come on, come on. The leash refused to give way, however, leaving them firmly affixed in position.
Trainer cleared their throat, drawing the attention of the gathered company. They began to speak, words taking on quite a commanding air, though Villain only understand a few choice phrases.
“Incursus” was the one that made them prick their ears. They had heard it only a few times before. In conversation, once or twice, but more notably during mission briefings. The last time they had heard it... several missions ago, before they had been briefly confined to the medical wing.
The word itself was meaningless-- its implications less so.
Villain gulped, their jaw straining against the wires of their muzzle.
Leader walked at the side of the gurney, ghosting a hand over one of the siderails all the while. A pair of doctors pushed the gurney itself, with Medic trailing close behind, and Hero and Counselor at their sides.
In contrast with the upper floors, the hospital’s lobby floor was brightly lit, almost overwhelmingly so, with expanses of floor-to-ceiling windows. The beige carpeting was bathed with the last remnants of sunrise orange-- it had been a long night.
The few patients in the hospital at such as hour were hurried out of the way as the gurney moved through. A scattering of nurses and varied hospital personnel were littered about, watching the Heroes’ procession, but staying several yards away, unwilling to even be in Villain’s vicinity.
Leader looked down at the gurney. A blanket had been draped over Villain, working to keep them at a stable temperature. Their fabric and webbing restraints had been replaced by those made of metal.
Their eyes were open. They had been the whole time. Despite, they had yet to struggle in any form.
The automatic doors at the front of the lobby rumbled open, allowing the gurney to be pushed through. A team of doctors and Leader’s own personnel stood outside, gathered around an ambulance with its back doors hanging open. The doctors pushing the gurney passed it off to some of the stronger personnel, who lifted the contraption into the vehicle’s back, securing it.
Leader nodded their thanks, and moved to get behind the vehicle’s wheel.
The ship hadn’t been too far off of the East coast to begin with, making the trip to Washington a relatively short one. It took one hour, thirty-six minutes, and eighty-two seconds, to be exact-- far more amicable than the 16-hour trips they had endured in the past.
The VTOL had made a measured descent into a forest clearing, shredding the grass below with its landing gear. With the doors open, the company had scrambled out; Trainer taking Villain’s leash in hand once more.
In the clearing, there had been no sign of life besides a scurrying songbird or two. Villain had only then realized a far more unpleasant aspect of the mission.
They were going to be marching.
Not marching, exactly, they supposed. There was no regimented order to it, it was more like hiking. Just... hiking for hours. The VTOL couldn’t go too far inland, and landing it close to a target was often impossible.
So, they marched.
Sometimes, heaven would be merciful, and the trek would be short, of only a mile or so. On crueler days, though, they would move for hours-- breaking only for water, which Villain would watch the soldiers drink with a parched throat.
Even just from the look of the clearing, and its location, however, Villain had been able to tell that today was not one of those more merciful occasions.
When the plane had landed, the moon at been at its highest point--signifying that midnight had struck. For the first few hours, they walked in darkness, until dawn slowly began to creep up.
All in all, the trek had taken four hours, most of which were spent walking. By the time the group stopped and crouched down, Villain felt their legs were about to snap. It had been far too many hours and far too many miles since they had cared to look at their surroundings. All that mattered was Trainer, and staying awake.
The company made themselves small among an area of heavy undergrowth. Trainer let Villain’s leash loosely hang around their wrist. Even if the technopath had any desire to flee, they doubted they could even get their legs back under them.
One of the soldiers spoke up, somehow sounding hardly winded. Though most of their words served as nonsense to Villain’s ears, one did stick out: Scopum. It was one of the words Trainer had used, back when they were teaching Villain how to search and retrieve objects.
Trainer nodded, took a drink of water from a canteen, and got to their knees. They pointed to something behind the bushes-- Villain got on their knees to look at well.
Over the wall of undergrowth, a building could be seen. It wasn’t particularly notable-- it would be best described as a cabin, with rustic architecture and an array of out-of-season Christmas lights. It seemed to be a vacation home of sorts; large enough to fit a family, certainly, but not a place anyone would live permanently.
Was this their Scopum? Their goal?
Trainer took hold again of Villain’s leash and stood. The real mission was just about to begin, and Villain could hardly stand.
The drive from the hospital to their base was longer than Leader would have preferred, enough to make them nervously request updates every few minutes, much to Medic’s distaste.
The base stood at the edge of one of Washington’s denser forests, about half an hour out from the city proper. The location provided security, and in their group’s early days, secrecy, but it made transport difficult.
“Hey, Medic?” Leader started.
“Villain is fine. They’re still out of it. Cabin temperature is staying steady at 70, their body temperature is just about where it should be. Keep your damn eyes on the road.”
Leader nodded, biting the inside of their cheek. City traffic had been left behind a few miles ago, leaving only empty back roads. Seven minutes to go, the GPS diligently reported.
“We’re close now, then.” Medic spoke, starting the conversation for once. They weren’t usually the one to do such a thing, but Hero and Counselor were in the ambulance’s back. “What are you thinking?”
“Your plans. Please don’t forget that you’re the leader around here, you give the orders. What do we do, when we get back to base?”
Leader bit their tongue to prevent themself from snapping at that passive insult. They were glad for the change in topic, at least.
“Our first priority is keeping ourselves safe. Villain’s safety is second priority-- I’m not sacrificing anything to keep their wellbeing. But I wouldn’t consider them a threat, right now. I assume you would like to keep them in the med bay?”
“For now, at least. They’re stable, but the fact that they’re still breathing is a miracle. I want to have my equipment nearby if they crash.”
“As long as it’s safe, then.”
“And then what?”
“Then... they’re still a prisoner, injured or not. Then we put them in the cells.”
“We don’t have any cells?”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
The company moved swiftly, forcing Villain’s legs to wake up to the horrible feeling of pins and needles. Trainer remained at the group’s head, leading them forth to the cabin.
It must have looked quite ridiculous, to an outsider. Villain would have laughed if they were able.
The group stopped before the quaint structure.
“Aperire.” Trainer ordered. Villain gnashed their teeth.
The command was a simple one, generally. It meant that they were to open something-- usually a door, or a box, or an encrypted device. The wooden door before them, however, had no electric component; it didn’t even seem to have a lock at all.
Still, they dove into the few electronics that the building did host. The Christmas lights seemed to be meaningless noise-- they tore through those, searching instead through the inner electronics. They were uncomplicated, so much so that their purpose couldn’t be so much as guessed.
Villain panicked, gnashing their teeth, shaking their head against the muzzle. They didn’t know what to do. They could feel their heartbeat, pounding in their head, throbbing.
“Aperire.” Trainer repeated. It only increased Villain’s heartrate-- what were hey doing wrong? Please, what were they doing wrong? They dove back into the systems. There was no door to be seen, just the lights, just some random system. They decided on the latter, tripping the system, just as they drew blood from biting down on their own tongue.
The house rumbled.
Instead of opening as a door should, the rustic home’s door slid into the wall, revealing a brightly-lit interior-- devoid of both furniture and interest.
The only point of interest was at the very center of the floor: A ramp, leading downwards.
Villain gulped. With rougher hands than before, Trainer yanked at their leash, forcing them forth. Together, the two descended, the company right on their heels.
The base-- it had no real name, it was simply “the base”-- was an uncomplicated corrugation of concrete walls and sparse entranceways. It had been constructed as the shell of a factory, years ago, a factory which eventually fell through. Since then, Leader had organized quite a renovation of the property.
They drove the ambulance to the base’s parking lot, backing up to the curb as near to the entrance as they could.
“You worried?” Medic asked.
“Mhm.” Leader nodded, hopping out of the cockpit and to the asphalt below. The ambulance’s rear doors had already been swung open, with Hero and Counselor working to guide the gurney from it.
Villain still laid on the bed, shrouded with blankets, nearly comatose.
Their eyes moved.
Leader did a double-take, looking back to the figure on the gurney. Villain’s gaze had moved, now directing itself straight at Leader. Whatever expression they were portraying... it looked like fear.
Leader frowned. They moved to the transport bed’s side, placing their hands on the rails.
The ramp descended at least a story into the earth.
With every step they took, Villain could feel their mind become more and more cluttered. At first, they could only hear the simple lighting and ventilation systems, but as they grew deeper, more noises joined the cacophony. Computers and servers, medical equipment and weaponry, it all blended together, all humming, all whirring, all chanting until it made Villain’s head hurt.
At the base of the ramp, which they only reached after what felt like an eternity, stood a simple door. Nothing more than a steel barrier.
That command was about as simple as they came. Within a split second, the door, and half of the wall, before Villain had been decimated to rubble.
On the other side of the newly-torn door, a figure moved. Villain flinched, gnawing again on their bloodied tongue. Trainer forced them forward.
The room was empty, devoid, as the past one had been. There was no furniture, no weaponry, no defense. Only a person, standing squarely before the door at the far end.
Their wings brushed the room’s walls.
Leader glared.
As they leaned over Villain’s bedside, Leader smiled-- an expression as gentle as they could make it. They weren’t sure what had suddenly turned them so soft. Pity, maybe? Somehow, though, it tugged at them in the same way as nostalgia.
They brushed a hand over Villain’s shoulder.
“Hey. You’re gonna be okay.”
The next part was the stupid one. The soft one, the one that would have made anyone in any faction laugh. One that, if anyone had heard it, Leader surely never would have lived down. Even they were not sure why they spoke it.
Five simple words. Five words without meaning.
“Welcome to your new home.”
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softboywriting · 4 years
The Two Times You Ended Up In His Room, And The One Time He Ended Up In Yours | Poe Dameron
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Summary: You and Poe are both x-wing pilots and you have both been mutually pining for each other for a long while. Things finally come to a head when you end up in his room one night on accident. [tw: PTSD discussion] [Set before films? but non specific] [established friendship] [mutual pining] [fluff] [established nickname]
Word Count: 5k
|Masterlist In Bio|
The first time you end up in Poe's room it's an accident. It is well past midnight and you're trying to avoid the guard who always flirts with you. He's really creepy and you just want to go for a walk around base to clear your head. Things have been tense and you just want a moment to breathe. Unfortunately you have absolutely no luck and you run into the aforementioned guard. His name is Karik. How could you forget, he tells you every single time you see him.
You turn down a hall toward the command center and there he is. He raises his hand and greets you like an old friend and you do nothing of the sort in return. Instead you turn around and go to the closest door, scan your all access ID and go in. You have no idea who to expect inside but you don't care. Explaining your issue will be easier to deal with than Karik.
In the low light of the bedroom you can make out an orange flight suit in the corner, a body on the bed with their back to you and a droid in the corner powered down. The droid is the dead giveaway. It's BB8. That means the man on the bed is Poe Dameron.
As if you had said his name out loud, he rolls over and flips on a small wall lamp beside the bed. He's topless, hair a dark curly mess, the gold chain with small ID tags he always wears glints in the light. Stars above, he is a sight to see. "Hello?" He asks sleepily, rubbing his eyes and making sure you're actually there. "Jumper is that you?"
Jumper. The nickname you earned from the x-wing pilots just over a year ago when your x-wing was going down and you emergency evacuated on a planet you had no knowledge of. You knew two things. Die in a fiery crash with the x-wing or possibly survive the fall on to the unknown planet and keep fighting with the resistance, but also possibly die upon impact. Obviously you survived. Broken and battered you landed in quicksand. It was Poe who rescued you only minutes after you landed. He had seen the x-wing go down and went to find you, or better yet, your body to bring back your ID tags. When he found you alive he was shocked. If he hadn't come after you, you'd have died in that quicksand, unable to move and sinking slowly. Truly you owe this man your life.
"Yeah, hey Poe." You chuckle nervously. Maybe explaining your sudden intrusion wouldn't be easier than dealing with Karik. Because of course it's Poe and he's your friend, and of course he's your commander too but on top of all of that you've got a massive crush on him. Like, you’re basically in love with him and he has no idea. "I-... was out for a walk."
"A walk?" He sits up and the blankets pool at his hips. "A walk into people's bedrooms?"
"Yes, no! No! I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk around base. There's this guy, a guard or something, he always tries to flirt with me and it makes me uncomfortable. Anyway I saw him and I just went into the closest room to avoid him."
"Oh. That's horrible, have you told him you're not interested?" Poe slides over on his bed toward the edge and adjusts the blankets. "Have you talked to anyone about it?"
You sigh heavily. "I've told him I'm not interested of course. I haven't brought it to anyone's attention because he isn't like...I don’t know?"
"It's unwanted attention. He's harassing you. Tell me who it is and I'll talk to them tomorrow."
"I don't want to start trouble."
Poe flips his blanket back. "I won't have anyone on this base getting harassed, let alone one of my best pilots."
"I-" your voice catches as you realize he's just given you a major compliment. One of his best pilots? Coming from Poe Dameron, the Poe Dameron? Your heart is going to explode. "Thank you," you manage to whisper while your brain and heart go a thousand miles a minute.
He chuckles softly, as if the compliment were nothing. "You know we have a recon mission tomorrow. You need to get some sleep. Should I walk you back to your room?"
"I can't ask that of you. I already woke you up and barged in your bedroom."
"It's no problem. I'm offering." Poe pulls back his blanket completely and slides off the bed, stretching as he stands. His black jogging pants hang low on his hips and you force yourself to look at BB8 in the corner. "Come on, Jumper. I need my pilots rested before they get behind the controls."
You nod and he opens the door, ushering you into the bright hallway. Karik is nowhere in sight and you're glad. It would be painfully obvious he was the one if he were lingering outside the door. "I think I'll be fine. You can go back to sleep Poe."
"No, I wanna make sure you get to your room unbothered." He runs a hand over his hair and scratches his side. It's hotter than it has any right to be. He's just being a human and you can't get your head out of the clouds. "You're in South Central quarters right?"
"Y-yeah? How'd you know?"
"I visited every day when you were laid up after your crash. Remember?"
"Oh yeah, right, duh." You shake your head and rub your neck. The scar there from the operation they did to reconstruct your shoulder is still raised. Your stomach churns as you think about how much of your body is scared from that crash. You're still alive though, and that's what matters.
Poe lays a hand on your cheek and fans his fingers out over your neck. "You still with me?"
"What?" You snap out of your trip down memory lane and look to the man in front of you. "Sorry."
"I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject."
"No, no it's fine."
"Did you ever go to therapy for that or anything? It takes a toll on a person when they get that close to death." Poe slides his hand down to your shoulder. "I'm not saying anything is wrong with you because there isn't, I just want to make sure you're alright."
You smile softly. "Yes, I've seen someone, I’m still seeing someone actually. I promise I'm not going to crash anymore x-wings or let you down on a mission because I'm in my head."
"I don't care if you let me down or destroy a hundred x-wings. I care about your health, about you as a person not as just some pilot on my team. I never wanna pull you from the brink of death again but I'd do it over and over if I must, just to see you smile and fist bump me before you get in your x-wing again."
"T-thank you Poe." You swallow back the surge of emotion that courses through you. "I haven't- I don't really talk about it outside of therapy y'know?"
"You can talk about it any time with me. It's okay. I've been there and it's a dark place to come back from." He wraps his arm around you and pulls you into a hug. "You're not alone."
You bring your hands up and grip his back gently. It's warm, soft and smooth to the touch. He must use quality body wash. "Sorry I woke you up and now I'm like this."
"There's a time for everything. Can I ask you something?"
"Does the name Jumper upset you? I guess I didn't think of it until now."
"No, it's like a badge of honor. It's alright I don't mind."
"Okay good." He ruffles your hair and you swat at his hand. "You need to go to bed. Like I said, I don't need a sleepy pilot tomorrow."
"Yeah okay, Dad."
Poe smirks and folds his arms over his chest. "Dad? Or do you mean Daddy?"
Your jaw drops as you realize what he is implying. "Oh disgusting. You're sick Dameron. You're sick."
He laughs raucously, leaning on the wall as he catches his breath. "Oh man, your face was just priceless. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm joking. I'm not into that at all."
"Oh my- fuck Poe you are terrible!"
"I've been called worse honey." He pats your back and pushes you forward gently. "Seriously though, as much as I'd love to stay up all night with you, we both need some sleep. Let's get you to bed so I can get some sleep too."
Two days later you wake up from a nightmare in a cold sweat. You had gone down again, your x-wing careening to the surface of a planet you're unfamiliar with. This time you didn't jump out, trapped by your seat belt straps and you crashed with it. Everything felt so real and the moment you made impact you sat bolt upright in bed gasping for air. It's been over a year since the crash, you haven't had a dream like this in forever. You remember what Poe said, that you could go talk to him anytime. It's well into the early hours of the morning and you feel bad waking him up again, but you need something solid, something real. There are no missions for a few days so he can catch up on sleep tomorrow or something.
You put on your slippers and head out into the hall. You pass a few of the hangar crew, most likely the night shift, on your way down Poe's hallway. At his door you scan your ID and it slides open, allowing you to step in and hit the close button.
Poe stirs, rolling over in bed and looking at you. "Jumper? That you again?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry."
"No, not at all. Here." He scoots over and pulls the blanket back. "Get in."
"I don't know if that's appropriate?"
"Appropriate? What is this grade school academy? We're adults and you're my friend and co pilot. I think you're allowed to get in my bed. Do you want me to make it an order?"
"No," you laugh softly at how ridiculous it sounds. You crawl under the blanket and snuggle down against the mattress. It smells like him, warm and rich almost like sandalwood and spices. "I'm sorry I woke you up. I just didn't want to be alone."
"Nightmare?" He asks, voice soft and deep in your ear. He's so close you're torn between being comfortable and being nervous. "Tell me about it?"
"I was going down in an x-wing and I couldn't evac because I was stuck and I was so scared." Your chest tightens and you take a heavy breath. "I was so scared of dying Poe. I shouldn't be, I know the risk I take everytime I get behind the controls. But I was so fucking scared I didn't want to die like that, I didn't want to..." Your voice breaks completely as a sob wracks your body. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
Poe takes your hand and brings it up to kiss your knuckles. It makes your heart ache and everything feels surreal. You're a mess of emotions. He lets you cry it out, waits to speak until you've settled yourself down enough to breathe normally. "Can I tell you a secret?"
"I get scared too. The first time I almost died I ended up in a sand dune alone with a cut on my head and a broken arm. I think I was eighteen. If some salvagers hadn't found me by tracking my downed x-wing, I'd have died of starvation and dehydration. I didn't know where I was or how to get back to civilization. I think about that flight every time something happens to my ship and my controls go dark for a moment. I had nightmares every night for two years. I still get them from time to time."
"Oh. I didn't know that happened to you."
"Mmm. I've been in a lot of dangerous situations and I'm sure I will be in more in the future. Being afraid of dying doesn't make you weak, it makes you human. Unfortunately PTSD is a very real side effect of traumatic events and we've been through a lot. I still go to therapy once a month because coping is hard."
You nod and squeeze his hand in yours. "Thanks for letting me stay in here for a bit. I just wanted to feel something real, to know the dream was just a dream."
"I understand. You're welcome to sleep with me if you want. I have to be up in a few hours to meet with Leia, but you can stay as long as you like."
You chuckle softly and wipe your face. You feel a lot better having cried it out. You're feeling a lot less scared of dying and being weak and a lot more giddy and anxious about being this intimate with Poe. "Is Poe Dameron asking me to sleep with him?"
"Only if you say yes."
"Mmm, only if you keep it above the waist." You say teasingly.
Next thing you know Poe is leaning over you. His hand slides into your hair, turning your face to him. In the dark room so you can't see him clearly when he is this close and your breathing stops. Is this happening? Is he actually making a move?
"Above the waist." He strokes his thumb over your cheek. "That's the only stipulation?"
"For sleeping? Or you mean for-"
"I do."
A flush rises in your chest and you can feel your cheeks get warm just before the rest of your body floods with heat. "I didn't know you felt that way about me."
He chuckles softly and leans his forehead against yours. "Jumper, you're all I've wanted since the day I pulled you from the quicksand. I knew when I saw you almost ripped from my life, I needed you. You're funny, smart, quick, and a damn good pilot." He bumps his nose against yours and you let out a shaky breath. "I don't let just anyone in my room late at night, and I sure as hell don't share my bed with just anyone either."
"I can't believe...I was just teasing but- I've always wanted you t-"
He presses his lips to yours and you melt. Your body feels as if it completely dissolves, from your bones to your skin. You feel like putty held together by some fragile and unknown force, doomed to ooze out of your form at any second. He's burning up, body flush to you as he works his lips against yours ever so gently. It's even better than you imagined, he's so soft and warm, a gentle lover, and your heart stops as you think about how this can't be real. This has to be a dream. You're still in your room. This cannot be happening.
"Hey, you alright?" He murmurs, stroking some hair off of your face. "Did I read this wrong?"
"It's a dream. You're not real." Your chest swells with crushing sadness and you can't stop the tears that spill over the corners of your eyes. "This isn't happening. I'm going to wake up now."
Poe lets out a soft laugh. "Sweetheart you are awake." He leans over you and turns on the wall lamp. The room is flooded with a yellow glow and you see him, face to face. "See? I'm right here?"
You reach up and touch his cheek, the light stubble scratches against your fingertips. His loving eyes droop, a dead give away that he enjoys your touch. But why? Why would he wait so long? Why would he never say anything? You splay your hand flat on his cheek and rub your palm along the scratchy short hairs, thumb bumping his lower lip. "Why now?"
"Because I finally had an inkling that you were just as interested as I was. You're hard to read most of the time. I understand that though. You're private with your feelings and I'm your commander. I don't blame you for not flinging yourself at me. I've not been exactly forthcoming either, as I didn't want to be inappropriate as a person of authority."
"Right...but what is proving to me that this isn't a dream?"
"Well would a dream bite your shoulder?" He drops his face to your skin and lets out a hot breath over it.
"Would you feel it if it wasn't real?"
"I don't know."
Poe sighs heavily, forehead pressing to your shoulder. "This is not a dream. I swear. Do you want to get up? Go talk to someone else? Maybe fly the x-wings around a bit?"
"No. I want to sleep. You said you need to sleep too because you have a meeting with Leia early in the morning. Maybe if I fall asleep I'll wake up if it's a dream."  
"It's not a dream." He leans over and flips off the light before he drops his weight to the bed beside you. "You'll see."
Morning comes and you wake up to bright light pouring in through the small window beside the bed. Of course Poe has a good room with a window. Most of the base sleeping quarters have no windows and are very small. His is nice enough, definitely more spacious than a lot of the rooms you've been in. His bed is tucked in the corner, there's a bedside table, a rod built into the wall for clothes, a small three drawer dresser behind the door and a little indent on the wall the bed is against for storage where BB8 stays. He doesn't have much in the way of personal items on display. Only a few hygiene essentials in a basket on the dresser and a small box that looks like it might hold a piece of jewelry. There is a photo frame too, and it looks like a picture of the x-wing fighters.
Last night wasn't a dream, that much is obvious. You're in Poe's room and he is gone. You debate turning over and going back to sleep, or going out to get breakfast at the mess hall. Your stomach makes the decision and it says mess hall as soon as possible.
In the mess hall you take a seat with some of the other pilots. You know them well enough, a few of them you would call friends. You've never been one to be too social because in this fight, you lose too many people. One of the few people you call a friend is Vivi. She is a bomber pilot, knows the in and out of a bomber like the back of her hand. She's a bit of a gossip but she has been here with you since the day you arrived.
"Hey hey, how's it going?" Vivi asks as you place your tray in front of you.
"Good. I've got a few days off. I'm glad just to recoup."
"Got anything special in mind?" She asks with a little smirk.
You shrug and poke at the jellied fruit you've got on the plate. "Sleeping? Finding a place to take a hot bath. I swear I've got arthritis and I'm only twenty five."
"Mmm probably because you were a shattered heap of bones when Dameron found you. That shit doesn't heal back right y'know?"
"Mmm yeah probably."
"Yeah...so how long have you and Dameron been a couple?"
You nearly choke on your coffee and quickly grab your napkin to clean up your face. How in the galaxy did she know you and Poe spent any time together outside missions? "Excuse me?"
"I said what I said. I heard from Nupe that Karik told him that he saw you go into Dameron's room the other night, like well into the night too. I also heard that Trey and Garin saw you in the hall going to Dameron's room last night. So, how long?"
"It's not like that. Karik is the one who is obsessed with me, remember? His rumors are invalid. I was out for a walk because I couldn't sleep and I just ducked into a room to avoid him. It happened to be Poe's room. There is nothing going on."
Vivi chuffs. "So what about last night?"
"I went to talk to him about the crash. I've been having a hard time lately and- y'know what? I don't owe you an explanation." You stab a little harshly at your scrambled eggs and bring them to your mouth. You don't owe anyone an explanation about why you've been to Poe's room. Why does it matter? He's your friend and co-pilot. That's all anyone needs to know. So what if you kissed last night. You're still not sure it wasn't a dream. Sure you woke up in his room but that doesn't mean anything...maybe.
Vivi stays quiet, realizing she has crossed a line she wasn't meant to cross. The two of you eat in silence while the rest of the mess hall go about their own conversations. It's not until you're ready to take your tray to the wash station that Vivi speaks again. "I'm sorry I pushed you. I think you'd make a good couple. I just thought- well the way Dameron looks at you I thought something was definitely going on."
"The way he- what?"
"You don't know? He looks at you like you're the most incredible person he's ever seen, literally after every mission he gawks like a proud parent watching their kid win a race." She laughs softly to herself. "He is so in love with you and you have no idea do you?"
"Wait- last night...fuck. I have to talk to him."
"He's still at the command center with Leia and the others last I knew."
You pick up your tray and head for the wash station, passing it off to the droid there as you head out. You're starting to think last night was not a dream after all. If not, you've gotta talk to Poe as soon as possible. If rumor spreads that you're hooking up or sneaking around, whatever, you want to make sure that it doesn't affect either of you. You want a solid definition of your relationship no matter what it may be.
As you turn down the hall to the command center you run into Karik. The absolute last person you want to deal with right now. He's standing guard outside the command center, posted most likely, and you've got to get past him to get to Poe. As if the Galaxy hasn't given you enough to deal with in your life.
"Hey Jumper, where are you headed?" Karik smiles, arms folded over his chest to make himself seem bigger. It's like a bird, puffing itself up for first impressions on a mate.
"I've business in the command center."
"Do you? I don't have any orders to allow you in."
You roll your eyes and look to the doors beyond that open to reveal the internal workings of the command center. You make eye contact with Poe for a moment before the doors close again. "Why don't you double check?"
"I know my job. How about you? Do you know yours?"
"What the hell are you talking about?"
Karik shrugs and gives a rude smirk. "Nothing. Just don't know what a pilot would think they need to be in the command center for. You're not a commander or a sergeant."
"What's your problem Karik?"
"I don't have a problem."
"Really? Because you are acting like an asshole right now and if my memory serves me right you've never been one before."
"People change."
You scoff and smile to yourself. This is absolutely about you and Poe. He's blocking you because he's jealous. "You-"
"Jumper, hey you came to meet me?" Poe says as he jogs down the short hall behind Karik that leads to the command center. He stops and lays his hand on your shoulder, smiling softly.
"Of course, I was hoping we could talk soon. I didn't realize your meeting would go so long today."
Poe looks back at the closed doors and runs a hand over his hair. "We're just about finished. Did you get breakfast?"
"Yeah just came from there."
"Damn I was hoping to get something with you. I'm starving in here."
You look to Karik and then back to Poe and smile oh so sweetly. "I can grab you something before they switch over to lunch. Meet me in my room when you're done?"
"Sure. I'll be wrapping up quickly." Poe moves his hand from your shoulder to your neck and does a soft little cradle of your jaw before pulling his hand away. "You're such a sweetheart. I'll meet you there soon."
Warmth floods your body and grips your heart. So tender and loving. You're not sure if you're ready for that side of Poe yet. You glance at Karik and he is staring straight ahead, an unmistakable scowl of jealousy on his face. Good, maybe now he will leave you alone.
"So Karik is the one who bothers you isn't he?" Poe asks, stretching his legs out in front of him. The two of you are in your room, wanting to talk in private from the rest of the base who are clearly very interested in your relationship. "I could sense he was uncomfortable with me touching you."
"Yeah, he's moving on though I think. I don't know." You pick at the bread you've brought to snack on while Poe finishes his jelly on toast. "I wanted to ask you about last night."
Poe looks over and you can read his expression as plain as day. He looks nervous, concerned that he has wronged you. "Yeah?"
"It wasn't a dream right?"
"No, it definitely was not. Are you uncomfortable?"
"No. No, I'm not uncomfortable with what happened. I guess I'm coming to terms? It still feels like a dream, like it feels hazy because I was so tired. Do you really actually like me like that?"
"Yes. I really like you." He chuckles and leans his head on your shoulder. "Jumper, you're the most amazing pilot I've ever seen and you're so incredibly beautiful without even trying. I don't know why I have waited so long to make a move. I suppose I was afraid I wasn't good enough."
"Not good enough? You're Poe fuckin' Dameron. You're the greatest pilot the resistance has ever seen, shit, that some of the Galaxy has ever seen. You're sweet and kind and you're so determined and dedicated. Poe, you're a rarity and any woman who gets to be romantically involved with you is so lucky."
Poe lifts his head and puts his arm around you. "I suppose you've hit the jackpot then."
"Me? Why?"
"Because I want to ask you out, Jumper. Be my girlfriend."
"Wh- we haven't even gone on a date Poe! How do you even know you want to date me let alone actually be in a relationship with me? This is a bit fast don't you think?"
"I know we have chemistry through the roof when we are together in the cockpit of a ship. We've got an undeniable connection when we are fighting side by side in x-wings and even more of one when we see each other on the ground. There is no way you don't feel that when we're together."
You smile to yourself. Of course you noticed all these things. They're why you've got such a crush on him. You and him have an unspoken connection that puts you on the same wavelength when you're near each other. You always thought maybe it was because he's such a good pilot that you just vibed with him. Two birds of a feather type deal. But it's deeper than that. He evokes a deep comfort, a sense of home and family that you no longer have. By the stars you never realized you are basically in love with him.
"Jumper?" He murmurs, hand cradling your jaw and turning your face to him. "Are you alright?"
"I think I'm in love with you." You mumble softly, eyes focusing in and connecting with his.
Poe smiles and lets out a laugh. "And I'm the one moving fast?"
"Shut up." You grab his face and pull him in for a kiss. He immediately melts into your grasp, reaching for your face and grinning into your lips. "You taste like jelly," you giggle as he pulls back and leans his forehead against yours.
Poe pulls you against his chest and you wrap your arms around him. "So is this a yes to being my girlfriend?"
"Yes. I'd love to date you Poe Dameron."
"Good." He presses a kiss to your head. "Because I don't know if I could keep pining after you."
"Pining? Oh please."
"Hush." He ruffles your hair and falls back on the bed, pulling you back with him. "Let me be the romantic I was born to be."
"I'm excited to meet this side of you."
He kisses along your jaw and hums. "I'm excited to show it." ______________________
Header image by delicate-venus
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted works.*****
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starrywhump · 4 years
Could you continue the story about hero and villain being captured by the anti super power organization? I really enjoyed and i want more of it
I was actually about to post this story when I got this ask, so perfect timing!  I hope y’all enjoy this next part.  It is a bit long and it’s late so I’m not proofreading super well so I apologize for any typos.  Thanks for reading!
TW: Drugging
Part 1 
“Unit 13, log it as a class B, regular holding will be sufficient,”
“What are you talking about!?” The Hero yelled at the man beside them.
They were restrained on a cold metal table, strapped down with leather at their ankles, wrists, chest, and neck. Various people in lab coats milled around the room around them, ignoring them completely. It was infuriating, even the Villain talked back to them. 
The man next to them seemed to be in charge, they calmly spoke orders to the others.
“Take a blood sample to be sure, we don’t want any surprises,” the man in charge called across the room.
The Hero couldn’t move their head more than a few inches, so they could only see the people right next to them. They felt much too vulnerable locked down without any use of their powers.
If this was a normal situation the Hero would just break out of the ties around them, but there was something in the air that made the Hero feel weak. It was like someone had put gauze between the Hero and their powers. They were still there, they could see them faintly, but they couldn’t get to them.
The Hero’s powers weren’t something that was always with them, but it was always there for them to access. It was a part of them but now it was blocked off. The Hero wasn’t helpless without them, they still knew how to fight. But that added strength was something they couldn’t count on anymore. 
Usually, when they used their powers their regular abilities became enhanced, they were stronger, faster, more agile. If they really focused they could harden their skin, creating their very own armor.
They were almost unstoppable until they met the Villain no one had been a match for them. Now this place easily neutralized them. It was unnerving.
Footsteps by the Hero’s left side broke them out of their thoughts. A woman stood over them with a needle, attached with tubing to a small vial.
“Hey! Get away from me!” The Hero jerked in their binds.
“Sedate it for transport once you’re done with that,” the man in charge didn’t even look up, they were focused on writing something on the clipboard they held.
“Will do,” the woman nodded. She pinched up the skin on the Hero’s inner elbow, inserting the needle.
The Hero paused their struggling as they watched the vial fill up with their blood. The woman pulled the vial from the tube, securing the lid and handing it over to the Hero the man on the other side. She then pulled the needle out of the Hero’s arm, placing a bandaid there to stop any bleeding.
It was all very confusing. They hadn’t done anything to hurt them, not since the guards had shocked them to get them out of their cell. No one had talked to them, or even looked them in the eye, it was like they were some inanimate object to be observed.
The woman was looming over him again, this time holding a syringe filled with a white liquid.
“Hey! Stop! What is that? Get away from me! Didn’t you hear me I said GET AWAY!” The Hero yelled as the woman pushed their head to the side, injecting whatever was in the syringe into their neck.
“What was that! Hey, listen to me what was that!” The Hero yelled as the woman removed the syringe.
“Ok, you can move it back to holding,” with that the man walked out, followed shortly after by the woman.
The Hero felt a wave of cold, numbness sweep through them.
The guards from before appeared at the Hero’s sides, they began to undo their restraints.
As soon as their wrist was free the Hero tried to punch up at the nearest guard. All they could do was move it about an inch off the table before it fell back down. 
The guards looked at each other and laughed.
The Hero’s brain felt like putty, unable to fully understand what was going on.
An overwhelming sense of fear overtook them. They suddenly missed the cold indifference of the lab coats. It was better than the cruel hunger that shone in the eyes of the guards above them.
The Hero was pulled up off the table, and set on their feet. They blinked sluggishly, the room spun around them.
Invasive hands held them up and began to push them forward.
“Stop-” the Hero slurred.
The guards ignored them.
The Hero’s eyes fluttered open and closed. Time seemed to jump forward every time they blinked.
It felt like no time had passed before one of the guards was unlocking the bar door to their cell. 
The Hero was shoved unceremoniously into their cell, they stumbled and tripped over their own feet, falling to the ground.
They tried to get their hands under them, to push back up to a standing, or at least sitting position. Before they could a kick from one of the guards stomped down on their back. They laughed as the Hero’s face slammed into the concrete floor.
The Villain closed their eyes, silently thinking, plotting. Since they first got here they never yelled or screamed, they simply sat and thought, waiting for the right moment or opportunity to escape and kill everyone in this godforsaken place.
It was a bit hard to think when you have to listen to two idiots beating the shit out of your nemesis next door. While they were gone it had been a few hours of blissful peace, but as soon as the Hero was dragged back into their cell that was over. 
From the way they had walked in the Villain could tell the Hero had been drugged, they were being too complacent not to be.
If the Hero had just been left to lay quietly in a drug-induced stupa everything would have been fine.
But of course, the assholes who run this place wouldn’t be happy with just kidnapping and drugging people.
They had to have their fun messing with the powerful beings rendered powerless. It probably was an ego thing, these grunt workers, clearly lower in the chain of command than the scientists around here, would get a rush from beating up Heros.
“Get ‘ff...me,” a slurred complaint from the Hero next door distracted the Villain momentarily.
The Villain couldn’t see what was going on due to a concrete wall between their cells. But they could clearly hear fists connecting with a body. Occasionally this was followed by the Hero’s pitiful attempts to fight back, usually entailing a threat spoken in a weak voice, almost too quiet to hear. It didn’t exactly inspire fear.
“ st-” the Hero cut themselves off with a groan of pain.
The Villain rolled their eyes, this was getting really boring. They rolled off their cot and walked over to the front of their cell. They grabbed the bars as looked over to the Hero’s cell, they could only see a small sliver of it.
“Are you quite finished in there?” The Villain spoke loud enough to be heard in the Hero’s cell. 
The sounds of the fighting stopped.
“Why do you care?” One of the guards exited the Hero’s cell to stand outside the bars of the Villain’s.
“Because it's loud. It’s getting on my nerves.”
“And why would I care about what you want?” The guard sneered.
“I don’t care what you care about. Just try to finish proving your machoness by beating up someone who can’t fight back, and go away so I can have some peace,” The Villain deadpanned, gazing at the guard with a bored look.
The guard reddened, whether with anger or embarrassment it was unclear.
They reached through the bars grabbing the Villain’s shirt and jerked them forward against the bars, “You think you’re so fucking funny!”
The Villain’s expression didn’t change, they left their hands hanging limply at their sides. Their lack of a reaction seemed to only make the guard angrier.
“Well if it’s such a problem for you, you can deal with it,” the guard growled.
They released the Villain, moving to unlock their cell. Before the Villain could make a move the guard grabbed the Villain by their shirt, pulling them out into the hall.
The Villain scowled, trying to stay upright as the guard moved and shoved them into the Hero’s cell.
Looking down they saw the Hero laying on their side. There was a small puddle of blood next to their face, coming from their nose and a few cuts littered around their face. They had their arms up around their head, hands on the back of their neck, trying to shield themselves.
The Villain turned back to the guard in the hall, “what do you expect me to do with that?” they gestured at the Hero, “I mean I would be happy to kill them for you but do you really need my help to do that?” The Villain leaned back against the wall, crossing their arms.
“Clean them up,” The guard in the hall motioned to his partner. The partner walked out of the cell using keys to open a solid gray door between all the bars. They brought out a bucket, bringing it to the Hero’s cell and dropping it inside.
Water sloshed out onto the floor. Next to the bucket, the guard dropped a few rags.
“Boss doesn’t like blood.”
The Vilain looked down at the bucket and laughed, “Yeah, no. Sorry, I’m not a nurse. You made the mess clean it up yourself.”
The guard ignored them, sliding the bar door into place, “Clean them and the floors. If when I get back it’s not clean, I will kill you. And don’t kill them, boss doesn’t like it when the new ones die, if they end up dead so are you.”
With that the guards walked away, leaving the Villain alone with the Hero.
The Villain rolled their eyes.
Fucking hell.
“Get up,” the Villain stayed where they were against the wall, yelling over to the Hero.
The Hero didn’t move.
The Villain pushed off the wall, trudging reluctantly to the Hero’s side. There was no fun in being around the Hero if they couldn’t try to kill them.
The Villain nudged the Hero’s leg with their foot. 
They curled in on themselves more, pulling their arms around their head.
“Move, I need to clean underneath you,” The Villain spoke in an annoyed monotone. 
“If... ‘f your gon-gonna kill me... get on ‘th it,” The Hero’s speech was slurred and broken. Whatever drugs they were on weren’t enough to completely knock them out, but they were very close. 
“I really wish I could. Really I do, but killing you will have to wait. Now move or I’m going to kick you,”
The Hero looked confused.
They weren’t the brightest in the first place but these drugs make them idiotic.
The Villain rolled their eyes for the umpteenth time.
“Well, I told you,” the Villain aimed a kick at the Hero’s side. It was a relatively soft blow, but the Hero yelped loudly.
“Move. I don’t wanna get my hands dirty dragging you, you’re all bloody.”
The Hero pushed their hands against the floor, trying to pick themselves up off the ground. They got a few inches off the ground before one of their arms gave out. The other slipped on the blood-slick concrete. The Hero fell on their face, groaning in pain.
“Jesus Christ fine,” the Villain stepped over the Hero, moving above their head to grab their under their arms.  The Hero jumped at their touch but didn’t have the strength to fight them, even if they wanted to.
The Villain dragged the Hero over to the wall, resting them against it. 
A pool of blood had collected beside the Hero from their nose. The Villain took one of the rags and began to sop up the puddle.
They glanced back over to the Hero, “Stop bleeding so much, I don’t want another puddle to clean up.”
The Villain chucked the blood-soaked rag next to the bucket. There wasn’t that much blood on the ground, and it cleaned up pretty easily. What the Villain didn’t want to do was clean up their drugged up nemesis over there, but they didn’t want to die more, so they grabbed another rag. They dipped the rag in the water, ringing it out before moving over to the Hero.
There wasn’t too much blood on the Hero’s shirt, most of it had run onto the floor.  
The Villain ran the cloth over the Hero’s chin, stopping the latest wave of red from dripping down onto their chest. 
The Hero looked... afraid. An emotion the Villain hadn’t seen on the Hero before. At least not naturally. 
Perhaps the drugs stripped away the Hero’s ability to hide their true feelings, or maybe the vulnerability of their current state was getting to them.
The Villain’s mouth twitched with a small smile. The Hero would have never let the Villain get this close usually, because they knew what the Villain could do when they got close to someone.
Not in this place, where their powers were blocked, but out in the real world, the Villain could inflict pain with just a touch.
It worked from far away on the weaker-minded part of the population, but up close, touching, it was easy for the Villain’s power to cause its victim immense pain.  
Depending on what the Villain wanted and how hard they were focusing they could make the Hero relive their most painful memories, access their deepest insecurities and worries, or they could simply light every nerve in the Hero’s body up with pain.
The Hero must logically know that the Villain can’t do that here, but the memory must still be scaring them.
The Hero had never been vulnerable before they met the Villain. No one had been able to stand a chance against them with their enhanced abilities. 
But the Villain didn’t fight physically, or at least they didn’t need to. The Villain was actually quite skilled at martial arts but often used their powers instead to destroy their opponent without lifting a finger. 
“Scared?” The Villain smirked, keeping their hand on the Hero’s chin.
The Hero blinked for a moment before they seemed to register the question.
“no..’m not,” the Hero slurred, tripping over their words. They sluggishly moved their arms up to push at the Villain’s hand holding their face. 
“No, no, leave it. Wouldn’t want me to slip and...” the Villain pushed on the Hero’s broken nose, eliciting a curse from the Hero.
“I can’t kill you but there is a large space between not killing you and treating you nicely. If I were you I wouldn’t give me a reason to explore that space,” The Villain released the Hero’s chin with a jerk to the side.
The Hero looked at the Villain, most likely tried to glare at them, but their face was puffy from bruises and their eyes were unfocused from the sedative, so it didn’t have the intended threatening air.
The Villain pushed their hand into the Hero’s hair, it was ruffled from the guards' onslaught. Also damp, with blood or sweat the Villain didn’t know. They gripped the Hero’s hair to push their head back against the wall. With the other hand, they wiped at the blood on the Hero’s face.  
Their nose was bleeding heavily, but small streams of blood also trickled from the cuts on their left eyebrow and the middle of their forehead. 
The Hero breathed heavily, their eyes were shifted between a glassy confused look and one of anger and fear.  They were clearly fighting hard against what the guards had given them, but it didn’t seem to be doing much. They could barely move their limbs, the Villain would have loved this back on the outside. It seemed a waste to only be able to experience it here.
“Alright,” the Villain moved the rag off the Hero’s face, “all done,” They dropped the rag and returned their hand to the Hero’s cheek.
The Hero flinched. 
The Villain traversed the Hero’s face with their hand. Inspecting their enemy at such in such close quarters was fascinating.
The two stared at each other. Silently trying to figure out how their relationship would operate in this new situation.  
The Villain finally pulled away, giving the Hero’s hair a playful tug before they released their grip.  
The Hero breathed a sigh of relief as the Villain stepped away.
The Villain walked to the other side of the Hero’s cell and sat down opposite them. They watched as the Hero slowly succumbed to the drugs, falling to their side. The Hero’s breathing deepened and evened out signifying they had fallen unconscious. 
Still, the Villain watched. 
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prettyyyboyluke · 4 years
The Dark Room
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you guys asked what the dark room is all about, so, here it is 
i was coming back from helping my brother move into his new house. he has horrible taste in furniture, so i was helping him pick out new pieces that compliment the modern home he just bought. once i walked in the door, i expected to see at least calum and michael sitting on the couch playing video games, but no one was in the den. the whole house stood silent. i checked the kitchen, the gym, every room we had on the main floor was empty. i opened the door to the basement, which i wasn’t allowed down there, but i felt like they could be there, since the upstairs was just all of our rooms and the light room. the basement was where the dark room was, and no one except ashton and luke had a key to it. i’ve never even seen what it looks like, i have only passed by it when ashton was having a very interesting conversation to luke and they immediately shut the door, leaving me with questions.
when i came to face the black door, i turned the knob, and to my surprise, it opened. i was met with luke’s dark eyes, clearly watching something very intense on the computer. i heard footsteps in the back of the room, but couldn’t exactly make out who else was in here. i’m assuming it’s ashton, since the other two don’t have access to this room. “what do you think you’re doing down here, angel?” luke asks, getting up from his seat on the bed and walking over to me. “i-i didn’t know where anyone was, so i figured you all might be down here. i’m sorry, i’ll go back upstairs.” i said, a little scared and intimidated to see what punishment could come from this.
i never heard luke’s voice like that before, it was weird, and the amount of dominance and darkness that came from it made me sink immediately. i walked back up the stairs to see who i wanted to see in the first place, calum and michael. “where were you two? i just almost got smacked down there!” i exclaimed running into calum’s arms. “we were in the studio, we just got back. what happened down there?” calum asked, running a hand through my hair. “i didn’t know where anyone was when i got home, so i decided to go look in the basement, and the dark room was open, so like any curious person, i opened it, and luke and ashton were down there. and then luke asked me what i was doing and i was so scared. his voice was so deep, i felt like i was gonna get locked up or something.” i explained, my voice shaking a little bit.
we were all sitting on the couch now, and i was ready to jump out of my skin with every movement i heard. they both just sighed, “you know you’re not suppose to be down there. hell, we don’t even have a key to that room.” michael said, pulling me into his lap. “i know, but, where else was i suppose to look? i know they wouldn’t be in the light room, since we only go in there for pleasure. what even is that room? i never got to ask either of you.” i said, putting my head onto michael’s chest. “when we all decided to be in this relationship, ashton and luke had this idea to build the dark room and the light room. you remember when you had to be out of the house really early in the morning and couldn’t come back until one of them texted you? and how we had that fancy dinner with that contract?” calum began to explain, “yeah, what does that have to do with anything?” i answered. “that’s when they were building the rooms. but then, when you saw them two talking that one day, that’s when they got very protective of it. all four of us have a key to the light room, which is where we do most of our pleasure. and only luke and ashton have a key to the dark room.” he said, michael beginning to speak.
my head lifted from his chest, wanting to know more about this whole thing. “ashton has rules, sweetheart. and we all have to follow them, and if we don’t, we get punished. you’ve been very well behaved these past few weeks, we haven’t needed to punish you.” michael explained. “is that why we always go to the light room when i get a reward?” i asked. “exactly, pretty girl. but, since you broke a rule, a big one too, you might be seeing the dark room sooner than we expected you to.” calum said. “does this mean i have to start calling all of you daddy again? not that i mind, but, now i’m scared.” i whispered to michael. “probably, baby. how about tonight, you sleep with me, that way you’re not too scared to see what happens in the morning.”
the next day, i was completely on edge. luke and ashton had come upstairs for a short period of time, but they did not acknowledge me once. it made my stomach churn and my palms sweat. i had no idea what was coming, if i were to be punished tonight. calum came and knocked on my door telling me that dinner was ready. “i don’t wanna go down there, daddy.” i whispered. “you’ll be fine, pretty girl. i’m not going anywhere, i’ll be with you the whole time. so will michael.” calum reassured me.
when we got downstairs, my eyes looked down to the floor in an instant. “that’s no way to greet us, angel. head up.” luke said sternly. “sorry, daddy.” i muttered. the whole dinner was silent and filled with tension with the only conversation being carried by calum and michael. luke and ashton kept their responses very short, or didn’t say anything at all. as soon as dinner was finished, i stayed back and cleaned up, taking a bit of stress away. “you were a good girl tonight, sweetheart, don’t worry about what luke and ashton are gonna do.” michael came up and whispered, kissing the side of my head.
once everything was cleaned, i headed back up to my room and started getting ready for bed. as soon as i put on a pair of shorts and a bralette, there was a knock on my door. and when i opened it, luke and ashton were standing outside. i didn’t know what to do or say, my mouth opened, but closed immediately. “angel, you’re gonna have to come with us. we all need to talk.” luke said, grabbing my hand and leading me out of my room. i looked back to see if michael or calum was there, but nope, it was just ashton. my heart started pounding so hard i was certain you would be able to hear it.
“you’re about to see what happens to little girls who disobey orders.” ashton finally spoke. we were finally standing in the dark room. calum and michael were sitting on the bed, both with ties in their hands. i looked around, seeing every type of torture device that was available. “you’ve been very curious to see this place, baby doll. and after yesterday, we decided you should finally find out what goes on down here.” ashton said, ushering me further into the room. “this isn’t something we were ready to show you, but after calum and michael told you about it, we figured your pretty mind was racing.” luke said. i didn’t know where to look, this was something i was not ready for in the slightest.
the dark room was red and black. multiple floggers, whips, and riding crops filled up two walls. another had different chains, rope, and tape. there was a big red and black bed in the middle of the room, gold hoops on each of the four bed posts. the ceiling had holes in it so one could be hung from it with special hand cuffs. there was a red latex couch that had candles lit around it, some sort of melting wax for the skin. there was a giant X opposite of the bed that had ties hung from each corner. there were multiple dressers in the room, each filled with different toys. there was another door that lead to another room. “w-what’s in that room?” i asked, pointing to the closed door. “you wanna find out?” ashton asked. i nodded my head and made my way to the door.
this had more whips, more ties, and just more, torture. there was no bed, no couch, but there was some sort of chair that was slouched and had arm rests with cuffs attached to them. and then what really caught my attention was a chair that had a vibrator going through it and black ties attached to all four legs of the chair. across the chair was a one way mirror, i couldn’t see out of it from this end, but on the other end you were able to see a clear view of the chair. the walls were decorated with red lights with sayings on them, along with pictures of all of us. one with calum’s hand around my throat, another with luke pulling my hair up towards his back, michael sucking on my neck, and me lying across ashton’s lap, all in black and white.
i had no idea that when i agreed to this relationship, this is what i would be getting myself into after breaking the big rules. i backed out of the room and closed the door behind me. “enjoy that?” luke asked. “what is all this for?” i asked. “ash, luke, go easy on her, she’s already terrified.” calum said. “you see angel, we have rules for you and we expect you to follow them at all times. the first time you got a glance at this room, ash and i both knew that you wanted to get a closer look. but all of us explicitly agreed that we wouldn’t bring you in here, unless you broke a very big rule. that’s why we always use the light room, it’s much more your speed, and we didn’t wanna corrupt our little girl just yet.” luke said. oh how i wish to be in the light room right now.
“when luke and i were down here yesterday, we never expected to see our little girl walk through those doors.” ashton said. “then, why didn’t you just show me this place the first time i walked by?” i asked. “you weren’t ready, baby doll. but you came in here yesterday, and you broke mine and luke’s number one rule.” ashton replied. “so, am i getting punished now, daddy?” i asked to all four of them. “you have to learn your lesson, angel. and if it ever gets too much, just use our safe word.” luke said. i nodded to his words. “tell us you understand, sweetheart. we need to hear you say it.” michael finally spoke. “i understand, daddy. punish me.”
i have never been punished like this. the only punishment i ever got was a few spankings from ashton, and that was because we were in the heat of the moment. “where should we start?” calum asked. “i think we hang her to the ceiling first, just give her a little taste of being whipped.” luke said. “c’mere pretty girl.” calum beckoned me over. i walked over to him, putting my hands on his shoulders. his hands dipped into the waist band of my shorts, sliding them down my legs, my panties coming with them. they then went to lift up the bra i was wearing. he ran his hand through my hair a few times, making it look a little messier than it was.
my wrists were put through two thick handcuffs, with cushioning on the inside. they were secured against the ceiling and with any movement, they just moved in a jagged motion. ashton came up to me with one of the floggers, “i am going to hit you with this until you ask me to stop, do you understand, doll?” “yes daddy, i understand.” “good girl.” he grabbed the ends of the flogger and hit it against the skin of my back. my body jolted forwards making the handcuffs move with me. i felt this motion for a while until my back was burning. “how does it feel, angel?” luke asked, tilting my chin up so i was looking him in the eyes. it definitely wasn’t as painful as i expected it to be, but they trained me to have a high pain tolerance. “g-good. it’s not as bad as i thought.” i answered. “would you rather have something more painful?” “i-i don’t know. what would it be?” i asked, wanting to know what else they would do.
luke turned to one of the walls and grabbed a thick riding crop. “how about you try this ash, don’t think she looks phased by that flogger.” luke said, handing off the crop to ashton. ashton gladly took it in his hands, coming to face me now. “same rules apply, baby doll.” he said. first, he dragged it around my body, stopping at the insides of my thighs. he slapped the insides of my thighs causing me to moan. “doesn’t feel so good now, does it?” “please, daddy, do it again.” i asked, the pain making me want more. “oh, you want more? do we have a little pain slut we never knew about?” ashton said, repeating his motions. he slip the crop up, resting it against my heat. my hips instinctively bucked upwards.
ashton quickly slapped it against my clit, my legs closing around one another. “ah ah, open up those legs.” calum said, pointing to where my thighs met. i listened to his command, opening my legs again. ashton slapped me once again. my head was thrown back in pleasure, “please, daddy.” “please, daddy what? does it feel good baby?” ashton asked, hitting me for the third time. “yes! it feels so good, fuck.” i cursed. michael came around with nipple clamps. his tongue ran along one, then the other, making them pebble to their full potential. he placed each of them between the silicon covered clams, the chain hanging beneath them. michael then began to tug on the chain while ashton continued hitting my heat with the crop.
“daddy, i-i can’t take it.” i finally admitted. my body was burning with pain and pleasure, my arms were giving out from having them held up for so long, and my legs weak from standing. “wanna get taken down?” luke asked. “yes, please.” i answered. calum came up behind me, unclipping the cuffs from the ceiling. my arms fell to my side quickly, the nipple clams still holding on. luke was tugging on the chain, making me follow him to the couch. “bend over.” ashton whispered in my ear. i placed my hands on the back of the couch, my back arching like i was taught, and legs spread. calum came back with a bottle of lube and a small butt plug. i felt the cold liquid on my second hold, my skin getting goosebumps as it trickled down to my heat. “take a deep breath for me,” calum said, spreading my flesh. i took a deep breath, feeling to cold metal slowly sink into me. a small moan left my lips when it was fully in. “how does that feel, sweetheart?” michael asked. “different, but good.” i said.
i was flipped over, my legs spread with my arms spread as well. “now, we’re going to drip some of this wax on you, and while that’s being done, luke is gonna be holding this vibrator against your clit.” calum said. luke came between my legs, letting the vibrator hit each spot on my thighs, but avoiding where he was going to put it. “daddy please, i want it.” i whined. “you want it, angel? well, bad girls don’t get what they want, they get what daddy gives them.” he said, taking the vibrator away. when luke finally placed the toy on my clit, the wax hit my chest, making me yell. the wax was hardening quickly making calum pour more across my body. my stomach began to tighten and legs were shaking around luke. “is someone gonna cum? is someone gonna ask to cum?” luke asked, holding vibrator against me harder. “yes! please daddy, can i cum? it feels so good, fuck.” i moaned. my hips were riding into the toy, the inside of my walls began clenching down on instinct.
“luke, let her cum, look at her.” michael said from behind him. my head was thrown back, eyes screwed shut, legs shaking, hips rolling, everything that i was being given was making it harder not to orgasm. luke then added two of fingers into my dripping heat, curling them upwards. “oh fuck! daddy, daddy, please, that feels so good!” “you look so pretty angel, go ahead, cum all over my fingers.” luke said, moving his hand faster. my back arched high off the couch, with the plug still inside me and with me clenching around luke’s fingers, it made everything much more pleasurable. “oh my god, fuck! don’t stop, don’t stop!” i moaned, one of my hands now tugging on the chain connected to the clamps.
“that’s a good girl, let it all out for us.” ashton said. i saw stars, my body clearly taking over with the amount of pleasure it was given. once my high came down, luke took the vibrator and fingers off of me. i sat up, taking his hand and bringing them to my lips. i sucked on the juices that were collected by his fingers, swirling my tongue around them. “that’s so fucking hot, angel.” luke moaned. “can i have a kiss, daddy?” i asked, still sucking on his fingers. luke leaned up to me, his lips connecting with mine beautifully. i moaned into the kiss, not having any contact from any of them had me aching for some. i brought my hands up to his hair, my hands getting tangled in his curls. his tongue made its way into my mouth, exploring it like it never has before. i pulled back, taking his bottom lip with me.
“don’t hog her now, luke.” calum spoke from the back. luke finally pulled back, smiling at me. “you’re being such a good girl, doll, what do you want?” ashton asked. “i want your cock daddy, please! i want you to fill me up.” i was begging now for the attention of ashton. “think you deserve it? haven’t even gotten to the fun stuff, doll.” ashton chuckled at my request. “please daddy? i just want your cock, i promise you can do whatever you want to me after.” i said, batting my eyes at him. i’ve noticed that i can easily get what i want with each of them by simply batting my eyes and asking nicely. ashton, of course, being a little harder to convince, but once i pouted my bottom lip, he easily let me have what i want.
“on the bed, doll.” ashton sighed. i had a bit of a skip in my step, finally excited to get attention from him. “someone’s eager, aren’t you?” michael said, coming up to the other end of the bed. he had a blindfold and a cup of ice in his hand. “what’s that for, daddy?” “my little pillow princess* is gonna get a little sensory overload. while ashton fucks you, i’ll be dragging this ice across your body and maybe drip some more wax on you, we won’t tell you when and you won’t be able to see it coming.” he explained. i closed my eyes and let michael put the red fabric around my head. “daddy?” i called out for ashton. “yes, pillow princess?” “am i gonna be tied up?” i asked. “do you want to be tied up?” he asked back. “please?” i said.
now, my hands were being pulled back, i’m assuming to where the gold rings were on the edge of the bed. the rope was definitely softer than i expected it to be. once they were secured, i tugged on them just to see if i would be able to break out of them, but of course, they were stuck. “our little innocent girl doesn’t look so innocent anymore, does she?” calum said. “not at all, first she could take the flogger, next thing we know she’s asking to be tied up.” luke responded. i could hear ashton’s belt buckle come loose making me smile. “haven’t fuck you in so long, baby doll, you gonna be good and take all of daddy’s cock?” “yes daddy, i’ll be a good girl.” i answered back.
ashton tapped the head of cock against me, teasing me just the slightest bit. once he was fully inside me, i could feel the burn of my walls being stretched. he started off slow, his hands grabbing onto my hips, and thrusting in and out. once ashton found his pace, michael placed an ice cube on my collar bone making me gasp. since i was blindfolded, my other senses were heightened. my body shivered once it began to melt, letting the water trickle down my skin. my legs were bent making my thighs touch my stomach, since only my arms were tied up. the new angle making ashton hit deeper inside me. “right there, daddy! oh god please, don’t stop.” i whined. more wax and ice was being dripped onto my body, making everything spin. ashton dipped his head down to my lips, letting an ice cube pass into my mouth.
“look at you, haven’t even fucked you very long and you already look destroyed. what was it baby? the flogger? no, you liked that. bet it was when luke was holding that vibrator to your pretty pussy, wasn’t it?” ashton spoke through grunts. whines were the only thing i could muster while the ice cube was melting in my mouth, water and drool saturating the sheets below my head. when ashton’s hand came to rub my clit, my back arched towards the ceiling. “are you gonna cum, doll? wanna cum all over daddy’s cock?” ashton grunted. i nodded my head and let moans escape my mouth. my legs were threatening to close around ashton’s waist, wanting to cancel out the pleasure. “if you wanna cum, you need to ask, pretty girl.” calum said, removing my blindfold.
i looked at ashton’s eyes, a darker shade of green were met with mine. i sat up as much as i could to watch the euphoric scene happening below my waist. “please, daddy, can i cum?” i asked. “show me what a good girl you are.” ashton said. he held my legs open, and began to pound ruthlessly into me. the room was filled with both of our moans and curses, along with the sound of fluids being exchanged. “oh god, daddy, thank you!” i could feel myself floating. ashton put his thumb in my mouth, making my jaw slack open. my hips were bucking up to his, his thrusts becoming sloppy once he was closer to his high. “atta girl, c’mon, scream for us.” luke praised.
i felt a tingle in every part of my body, letting nothing but pleasure run through me. i could feel ashton’s cock twitch inside me, wanting to keep going, but ultimately couldn’t. “god, you feel so fucking good, princess. fuck, do that again.” ashton moaned. when ashton’s high was at his peak, he pulled himself out of me and let his load loose across my body. both of us caught our breath, eyes closed, chests heaving. his lips gave a long kiss before pulling back. the ties on my wrists were loosed, and there was a mark where i was tugging on them. “such a good girl, you want more?” michael asked. “please, daddy. i want your mouth.” i said.
michael wasted no time in pulling my hips down to his lips. his tongue made one long stride up my heat. still sensitive from my last orgasm, my legs closed around his head. one of his arms held one of my legs open, while the other one was pushing down on my stomach. his tongue repeatedly licked my clit. with the pressure on my stomach and his tongue enclosing around the bundle of nerves, my breath hitched in my throat. my hands were twisting the sheets below us, making more of a mess than i already have. michael snuck one of his down to push the plug further into me. “oh god! daddy, do that again!” i moaned. michael repeated his actions, pushing and pulling the plug in and out of my second hole, while his tongue continued to lick my clit. “yes, yes, please. god, i wanna-” my words were cut short when michael wrapped his whole lips around my clit.
i felt the same tightening in my stomach for the third time. my legs were spazzing around michael’s head, my knuckles turning white from twisting the sheets, my back arched higher than it ever has been before. i could feel something in my stomach threatening to spill out of me. michael rode me through my third orgasm of the night, and when he came up from my legs, his chin was soaked. “made you squirt, baby.” he said, wiping his chin. my cheeks were already hot, but now they were burning. “i-i didn’t even know i could do that.” i whispered.
i could feel my body get tired, and luke and calum hadn’t even had their turn with me. i sat up from the bed, and calum came up to me. “what do you say we take that plug out of you, and replace it with something bigger.” he said. “can you take off the clamps first, daddy? they’re starting to hurt.” i pouted. “that’s the point angel, but i guess we’ll take em off.” luke said. once the clamps were finally removed from my nipples, i could tell they were sensitive. calum had me laid back on the bed again, and was kissing down my body. stopping at my breasts, and taking each nipple into his mouth. his tongue soothing the pain over them. he gingerly let his tongue roll over them, letting my body gain some consciousness to it.
he then slowly took the plug out of me. he grabbed the bottle of lube again, giving both of us a generous layer before he slid his cock into me. “oh, shit. w-wait, daddy.” i breathed. “you alright, pretty girl?” he asked. “yes, just go slow.” i whispered. calum met my request and slowly moved in and out of me. he was holding one of my legs against him, the other bent on the bed. “that’s it, pretty girl, you’re doing so well for me.” calum moaned. this was such a new feeling, i had no idea what to expect. but, it felt good nonetheless. one of hands began to rub my clit, making the pleasure intensify more. “swallowing my cock so well, look at that.” he moaned. it was a very lazy and slow pace, but i was happy with it.
“daddy, i’m almost there.” i moaned. “don’t worry, ‘m gonna get you there pretty girl.” both of my legs were now around calum’s shoulders. i felt myself start to unravel again, my hand becoming lazy and let calum take over. just small moans were now leaving my lips, i could barely muster a sentence together. “daddy, please,” i whispered. “almost there, pretty girl, c’mon you can do it.” calum encouraged. my whole body was tired, with the slightest rush of energy going through it. “oh god, yes daddy,” i finally felt the intense pleasure point that i was craving. “there she is, c’mon pretty girl, let daddy have it.” calum moaned, his own high hitting him as well. calum’s entire body shudders, back muscles flexing and biceps growing taut. he collapses on top of me, face tucking into the crook of my neck, pulling me close as he bottoms out. “fuck me.” he groggily moans.
my body was exhausted, i was sure i wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. calum gets off of me, leaving me on the bed. “angel, look at me.” luke whispers, running a hand through my hair. my eyes lazily open to him, seeing him smile down at me. “you okay? we took a lot out of you.” he said. “i’m good, didn’t use the safe word, did i?” i giggled. “no angel, you didn’t. i bet you’re extra sensitive right now, gonna let daddy have a look?” he asked. as much as i wanted to have luke fuck me into next week, i don’t think my body could take a fifth orgasm.
but, i opened my legs always for him. he was now laying on his stomach, arms wrapped around my legs, and pulling me closer to him. “it’s so pink, bet your legs will shake if i touch you, hmm?” he whispered, prepping kisses along my thighs. and he was right, when his thumb lazily started rubbing my folds, my legs shook and closed around his hand. “can you give daddy one more, angel? we’ll be done after this, and then we can take care of you.” he said, fingers already pushing my folds apart. “okay daddy, one more.” i mumbled.
he brought his fingers up to his lips, letting his saliva coat them before bringing back down to my heat. he slowly moved them against my walls with his head resting against the insides of one of my thighs. “does it feel nice, angel?” “mmhm.” “you know, you look so pretty like this.” he prepped kisses on my thighs. i was biting down on one of my fingers, just letting luke do everything to me. “daddy, i wanna cum, please, make me cum.” i begged. “don’t worry angel, daddy’ll get you what you need.” he said. his lips pecked at my clit making my hips buck towards him. “not so fast angel, let daddy do all the work.” he said. “i’m sensitive daddy, please, i’m so close.” i whimpered.
luke’s pace was only quickened the slightest bit, his fingers curling upwards again. i let a long moan out, having nothing more in me to beg. “there you are, angel, give me this last one.” he moaned with me. my walls clenched around his fingers again, my stomach now tightening up for a fifth time with the tingling sensation that i got earlier. “daddy, daddy, yes, god, please.” i moaned very quietly. once i finally released for the last time tonight, i wanted to fall asleep right on that bed.
“you are such a good girl, baby. might be a little bit of a pillow princess, but such a good girl.” ashton praised, picking me up from the bed.
so that’s the dark room.
tag list: @calum-uncrowned​ @wildflowerirwin​ @haikucal​ @calumftduke​ @bettermcn​
also thank you @floral-suits​ for originally helping me come up with this idea, and talking about it with harry 
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petri808 · 3 years
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Bakudeku canon divergent, vampire quirk AU
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
“How are you holding up son, are you eating enough food? You need to keep up your strength.” Mitsuki Bakugou questioned through the phone when her son called to give her an update.
“Yeah, yeah, of course I am! And, um, thanks for the money you put in my account,” Bakugou mumbled his appreciation.
“It’s from us, Inko, and All Might— actually he’s been putting up the bulk of it. We’re all hoping you find Izuku soon, but until then we’ll make sure you have what you need, just bring him home.”
“I’m working on it. Bastard’s not making it easy, but at least the damn authorities haven’t picked up on the trail yet.” It was a good thing, because Bakugou didn’t need them scaring Midoriya further away.
“You’re like a dog with a bone when you put your mind to something, so I know you’ll find a way.”
“I can’t believe you just equated me to a dog!”
“Oh, bite your tongue boy! It’s an expression!”
“Yeah, yeah. I better go, the train’s here.” He could see it pulling into Kawaji station.
“Are you still not gonna tell us where you are?”
“Nope. He moves around a lot anyways. Just know we haven’t left Honshu.”
“Alright. Good luck son. I’ll pass on your update to Inko and All Might.”
This game of hide and seek was physically wearing on Bakugou, but there was nothing short of a full incapacitation that would keep him from searching. After the Ena incident, Midoriya’s tactics had changed somewhat. The man moved more frequently and, in a zigzag, whereas in the past it had been heading in a straight line towards Shizuoka to the southwest. But there was one thing Midoriya couldn’t hide— victims. It didn’t take a genius to put the pieces together.
There were still times victims were drained, but not all of them. Bakugou surmised in order to not leave them fully incapacitated like before, his friend wasn’t always waiting until he was hungry, or he hadn’t learned to control it yet. He probably fed almost nightly, picking drunkards who wouldn’t remember what happened, and even less likely to report the incident. But less reports made it harder to track, and less blood also forced Midoriya to drink more often. Bakugou hoped that with shorter times between attacks, the man would get sloppy and make a mistake.
There were a lot of small towns all over, including abandoned structures from older times. Plenty of places to hide, not to mention dense forests and the mountainous terrain of central Japan that a person could disappear in. When tracking a lack of victim reports grew frustrating, Bakugou started looking for other clues, and in one town, a perceptive police officer commented about thefts he’d been hearing about from the surrounding areas. Random stores or restaurants, even some homes reporting the theft of food, sometimes clothing, basically survival type supplies but no valuables, which are not the norm of a burglary. It was brilliant.
Bakugou had thanked the officer for the information and immediately began inquiring in towns and watching newspapers where they were having both types of problems. It took almost a month, including a couple of near misses, until Bakugou knew he was closing in.
Local newspapers were reporting about unusual happenings in the smaller towns. In Ieyama city, high up in the mountains north of Shizuoka, Bakugou spoke with a police officer and confirmed a rash of strange incidents reported. Three burglaries of just food, one bath house broken into after closing, and a couple of reported attacks where the victims had marks on their necks. So far, Izuku’s new behaviors included sticking around the same area for about a week before moving on. With these latest cases only 3 days old in total, Bakugou knew they were a fresh lead.
“Yesterday, right?”
“Yes, the last burglary was in the afternoon while the homeowner was at work.” Using a paper map, the police officer showed Bakugou the location of the most recent burglary as well as two others over the last couple of days. It was very telling. The three places were centered around a 4-block radius. “If you are looking for hiding spots, there is an abandoned factory in that area. I’ll give you the address.”
“Thanks. I doubt they’d stay so close to the attack grounds, but I’ll check it out.” He didn’t want any of them following him.
It was still daylight, but Bakugou didn’t want to waste any time and risk his friend moving again after dark, heading straight for the dilapidated warehouse. The place looked like it had been emptied for a longtime. There was a rusted, chain link fence around the property, many broken windows, and weeds growing over the structure. Bakugou crept up to one of the windows, and heard nothing, so he moved slowly, quietly around the exterior paying close attention to any sounds or movements inside. But he heard nothing to indicate anything was there, not even an animal. Maybe it was another dead end, or maybe Midoriya was just sleeping. Un-phased, he moved inside the two-story building to make absolutely sure.
It took a while to search cautiously through the darkness, watching his step so not to step on anything or make a noise. The vastly open bottom floor was almost completely empty aside from a few left behind junk. So, Bakugou moved to the second floor where offices once were. Of all the areas, the top floor would provide the warmest cover, as well as quicker access to the roof. Like a trained tactical soldier, he cleared room after room, moving down the hallway that separated the individual offices, and one by one, eliminating them from the search. Finally, Bakugou reached the last one and heard the soft breathing of a sleeping person. Well, that meant two options, it’s just a homeless person or he’d finally caught his friend off guard.
Bakugou peered cautiously around the door frame. It was dark, but just enough light from a small window allowed his eyes to adjust quickly on a form lying down on the floor. Next to the person was a backpack, empty food containers strewn around, and possibly other items from the burglaries. There was also a make-shift hearth of broken bricks and a metal bowl with dark residue inside. He could even smell the light scent of soot mixed with burnt wood. ‘Gotcha!’ He smirked as he pocketed his flashlight and pulled out a special pair of handcuffs used to dampen quirks. It didn’t completely shut down a person’s quirk, but it kept them from using its full power. He was ready for Midoriya this time.
‘Almost there…’ he crept forward in a crouched manner ready to pounce like a predator stalking its prey in careful movements since he no longer had the flashlight out to see by. ‘Damn minefield,’ Bakugou grumbled as he navigated around the strewn mess of stuff the sleeping man had around him. ‘Almost there—'
A piece of glass shattered below his boot, the sounds reverberating off the silent cement walls. “Shit!” Bakugou dove forward when Midoriya immediately popped up and tried to dash away. “Not this time nerd!”
“Waaahhhcchan!” Midoriya screamed as he was tackled to the floor. The two men fought, vying for footing, but the blonde kept them on the ground. Bakugou grabbed for and slapped one end of the handcuffs onto one of Midoriya’s wrists. “Nooo!” The man screamed.
“Not this time Deku! You ain’t getting away!”
Weakened by the cuff, Bakugou poured all his strength into jerking the disheveled man, flipping him onto his stomach, and tweaking his arm behind him into a wrist lock for leverage.
Midoriya screamed again from the pain, but nevertheless fought with all he had. Unfortunately, the cuffs were doing their job. “Please, Kacchan! Don’t do this!”
“Tough shit!” Bakugou snapped back and attached the other cuff to his own wrist. The effects would hamper them both, but “I dare you, nerd, you can’t beat me in a contemporary fight.” He was confident of such, having always been the physically stronger of the two regardless of quirk. “I’m taking you home!”
Midoriya wriggled, and tugged, but it was of no use. His friend had planted his feet, dropped his weight, and refused to budge. He didn’t want to risk exhausting himself and triggering a full-blown thirst like last time, so he stopped struggling.
After a few seconds, Bakugou got off the man and turned him over so he could sit up. Midoriya nursed his arm and rubbed at his wrist to soothe the pain. “Of course, I want to go home,” he sighed. “But it’s too dangerous Kacchan, why can’t you understand that?”
“Eri’s getting better every day, one day she’ll be able to control her quirk and fix you.”
“That’s not good enough. What are you gonna do, lock me up hoping she can fix me?! You saw what happened! Just like we eat food every day, I need blood, how are you gonna deal with that?!”
“Fine,” Bakugou shrugged, “we’ll hook you up to an IV and feed you blood when you need it.”
“No,” Midoriya started tugging again as tears flowed down his cheeks. “Please,” he begged, “this is too embarrassing, don’t you understand! I’ll never be able to be a hero again, my reputation will be ruined once everyone finds out! Hero society will look bad! It’s better I stay away!”
Frustrated with having his wrist yanked, Bakugou whipped his friend around and put him in a carotid choke hold. “Well, I’m not fucking leaving,” he spat, “so, we need to come up with a solution. Now stop fucking fighting me and get it through your head, the reality is I’m not going anywhere.”
Midoriya clawed at Bakugou’s arm trying to pull it away from his neck, but the man had it cinched in tight. If he kept struggling, he was bound to pass out. Exhausted, he finally relented and turned into a dead weight, sobbing quietly. “Why are you doing this, Kacchan… why?”
“Because a friend once told me I need to save to win, and right now you need to be saved for me to win.”
“Right? Win, I get it,” Midoriya narrowed his eyes along with tone. “This is an ego thing? You’ll take me back to show how you’re still better than me?” His heart didn’t believe those words, but as a coping mechanism, it did.
Bakugou let go of the man and shoved him so hard Midoriya face planted on the floor, stretching the handcuff chain to its limit. “I ought’a punch your lights out for saying that! I’m trying to win my friend back you asshole! You think I’d spend all this time chasing you if I didn’t care?!”
“Kacchan…” The man sighed and slowly propped himself back up. “There’s nowhere safe for me to go.”
Bakugou ignored the man and looked at his watch, noting the sun would have fully set by now. It might best to stay another night while he came up with a plan. “Tch, I’ll figure something out. In the meantime, behave or I will just knock you unconscious.”
“Fine, I won’t fight. But I do need to feed tonight.” Midoriya lifted his arm to flash the cuff. “Guess you’ll have to help me.”
“Why? You feeling the urge?” Midoriya nodded yes. “How can you tell?”
Midoriya thought about the answer for a minute before responding. “It’s like feeling dehydrated, maybe, at least in the beginning, but then it starts to get painful if I don’t feed it. I guess think of it like if you don’t eat for so long your stomach hurts— that’s what it’s like.”
“Sounds like it sucks.”
Midoriya snorted. “Understatement. It takes control of my mind by that point, almost as if it’s a survival instinct to protect itself.”
“Well, mister know it all. You ever heard of this kind of quirk before?”
“No,” Midoriya shook his head.
“Do the vestiges have anything to say about all this?”
Again, Midoriya shook his head.
Bakugou groaned and ran a hand down his face. “Whatever. Doesn’t matter for the current situation.” He looked up again fixing a stare at his friend. “So, what do you do to get the blood?”
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thewildwaffle · 4 years
Cats are Pets?
This idea was a prompt requested by a reader on Ao3
 Rosem was on to the Earthling’s scam. She wasn’t sure just how far all this went, how high up the chain they had influenced leadership around here, but she knew- she KNEW- she couldn’t be the only one who saw what was going on, right?
It all started a few partecs ago. Captain Heer, in order to help curb the crew’s humans impulse to pet every dangerous fauna they came across on missions, sent an acquisition for domesticated animals from Earth that were widely considered pets. It took a while to decide which ones, as apparently, humans have domesticated, or tried to domesticate, many animals on their planet. Very few seemed to be viable options for pets aboard an intergalactic space cruiser. However, after some input from the humans on the crew as well as research by the captain, three different species of animals were ordered.
The first two that Rosem observed made sense as pets. One were small fat rodents that Human Rocky called gerbils. They were, even to Rosem, somewhat cute. They fit all the requirements the Captain had made for pets- low maintenance, small, safe, quiet, and didn’t consume much food or have a specialized diet. They seemed like they were ideal pets, and fit all the aspects of an animal being considered a “pet”.
The next type of pet did as well - what Human Katarina called a “betta” fish.
Rosem didn’t know what must have made “betta” fish better pets than the implied “alpha” fish, but the small, iridescent fish seemed to make Human Katarina happy.
Now these two pets made sense as pets. Humans had obviously domesticated them for companionship (they certainly didn’t domesticate them for food or as work animals), and with that understanding, they made sense.
What didn’t make sense was the small carnivorous Earth creature that showed up next: the cat. Unlike the other two, she was not kept in a cage. No, in fact, the creature seemed to be given access to all the communal areas around the ship.
Not only that, the cat was provided with several toys, rope-covered poles, tunnels, boxes, and even a few additional shelves were added to walls so that the cat - that all the humans had voted on calling “Moose” - would jump up and stare down at everyone from their perch.
That was all well and fine to Rosem, a bit odd, but if that’s what this pet needed, then whatever. However, Rosem’s suspicions started growing as she observed the humans’ actions around Moose.
When Moose entered the room, all humans were immediately at attention to her every action. The humans cooed and aww’d at everything the cat did. Moose jumps up on them while they were sitting? What a blessing. Moose starts kneading her claws in the lap of Human Arianna? Adorable. Moose then falls asleep on Arianna’s lap? She can no longer move or do anything to disturb Moose.
When Moose meows, a human will follow them to their food bowl, which the human will add food to, even if it’s not mealtime. When Moose sits by a closed door, a human will jump up to open the door, only for Moose to stare indifferently at them and then walk off in the opposite direction. If Moose paws at a human’s leg, she gets a treat or a pet on the head. If a human is not petting Moose enough, Moose will complain or stick her massive head into the human’s face until she get more strokes and scratches.
Sure, the humans try to “train” Moose to do small tricks, or stay out of off-limits areas, but Rosem has seen enough to know which Earthling has trained whom.
These were no mere “pets.” Compared to the fish and the rodent, Moose was intelligent. A little too intelligent, if you asked Rosem.
The cat knew what it was doing, and playing as a dumb animal to live the comfy life. As their humans spread across the galaxy, so would they. They’d taken over their planet, and the rest of the galaxy was next, with their domesticated humans doing all the grunt work for them. And the Captain had helped them by bringing the Earthling aboard to help their spread. What Rosem couldn’t figure out was, what was their end goal? What did they ultimately want?
Whenever she tried to bring up her theory to anyone else, especially the humans, they laughed her off. So it was a conspiracy then. One that the humans were either unaware of, or just refused to completely come to terms with.
Fine. She’d figure this out before it was too late, by herself.
That’s what brought her out into the commons so late. The lights were dimmed to conserve energy since most of the crew were resting now, but she could still see well enough to find who she was looking for.
The cat was curled up in a pile of shirts the humans had left out on Moose’s favorite resting shelf as an offering to their fluffy master. Moose opened one golden eye as she entered the room and stood in front of the shelf. Her tail twitched slowly and her lips curled into a smug, satisfied grin.
She stood there, staring at the Earthling. Moose stared back. It was totally silent besides the ambient sounds of the faraway engines and operating systems around the ship. As more time passed, it became clear that the cat was trying to pull a power move by having Rosem speak first. Fine. If that’s the way it wanted to play…
“What are you up to, huh?”
Moose’s eyes opened slightly at the sound of her voice. Good, she had its full attention.
“You think you can get away with this, don’t you? You’ve conquered your planet from the shadows, haven’t you? You and your kind?!” Rosem could tell she was starting to get worked up. All the frustration from the moment the cat had arrived on the ship was coming out now. She tried to keep her voice down, but it was getting harder and harder. Yet Moose still showed no expression.
“Well, what’s next then? Was Earth not enough? How far will you spread? Huh?! You think you can get away with this just because you act like a dumb pet, don’t you?! Well, you might have scammed the humans. You might have scammed Captain Heer and the rest of the crew, but you can’t tie the blindfold over my eyes. I will expose you for what you are! You’re so used to everyone buying your ruse, aren’t you? You’ll mess up! You’ll mess up and when you do, I’ll be there! I’ll expose you and all your kind to the entire galaxy!”
“Rosem?” Human Rocky flipped on the light and stood staring at his crewmate. “What’s going on? Why are you up so late, and yelling at Moose?”
Rosem said nothing as she blinked her eyes to slowly adjusted to the light. She looked to Rocky. He must have gotten up for water or what the humans would call a “mid-night snack.” She sighed. Rocky had dismissed her before when she tried to bring up the cat thing. She knew he would again until she had proof, which she had failed to get tonight. She glared back at Moose, who had now sat up and wrapped her bushy tail around her paws.
“We’re not done here,” She muttered at the feline. “Not even close.” She turned on the spot and headed down the hall to her personal quarters without another word. Rocky sighed, walked to Moose and gave her a quick scratch under the chin while he shook his head and headed back to bed, turning the bright lights back down as he went.
Moose sat there for another few moments, tail tip flicking irritably. She looked at the hall where the pesky alien had disappeared down. She’d have to do something about that one. Somehow, it knew too much.
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quokkacore · 4 years
danse macabre [park jinyoung]
summary: park jinyoung is your everything, but he’s not everything you thought he was. in fact, he’s something much, much worse.
pairing: vampire!jinyoung x gender neutral reader
genre: angst, horror
warnings: violence, slight gore, fainting, mild language, that weird vampire hypnosis thing that they sometimes have in movies ,, idk what its called
song rec: got7 - not by the moon
word count: 2.8k
a/n: this was originally posted to my old writing blog on october 30th, 2018. i made some minor edits in this repost, but nothing too major. this work is low key darker than what i usually write, so pls proceed with caution.
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That’s what had triggered the chain reaction to come. Distance.
You hadn’t seen him in weeks. You were beginning to think that Jinyoung, your boyfriend of over two years, was avoiding you on purpose.
You’d try, and try, and try. But Jinyoung was persistent. No, I’m busy. No, I’m going out with Jaebum. No, I have to study. No, I’m tired. I can’t today, jagiya. I’ll make it up to you next week.
So were you of his constant brushing you off, as if you were a piece of lint on his coat that was bothering him.
So, after almost a month of not seeing him, you’d decided that enough was enough. And you picked up your phone, dialing his number.
It rang maybe three or four times, before he picked up. “Hello?”
You frowned. His voice was raspy, and had that slur to it, the slur of tiredness and being worn down.
“Hi, baby,” You murmured, glancing at the alarm clock on your nightstand. 10:12 PM. It wasn’t too late yet. “…I miss you.”
He hummed softly into the phone, and you felt your mouth morph into a small smile.
“So do I,” He answered, coughing between sentences, “I’m sorry I’ve been blowing you off these past few weeks.”
“You sound sick,” You replied, changing the subject, “Are you okay?”
Jinyoung cleared his throat, and you sat up on your bed, listening to him. “I’m fine… I-I’m just down with the flu, nothing too serious.”
“Is Jaebum there to help you?”
“He’s out, but I’ll be fine,” He laughs softly, “I’m a big boy, jagiya, I can take care of myself.”
You felt yourself pout at the thought, your sick boyfriend all alone with no one to help.
“I’ll come over, I really don’t want you to be all alone like that, Jinyoung.” Your voice was quiet, but firm, as you lifted yourself off of the bed to pull on some shoes and a sweatshirt.
“Really, Y/N, it’s fine, you don’t have to—”
“Babe, I insist. I don’t want you all alone while you’re sick.”
“No, wait, Y/N—!”
You were out the door before he could finish, and you’d hung up as well.
On the ride to Jinyoung’s apartment, via the Uber you’d called, you mentally relayed all of the things you missed about him. His hands, his voice. The way he looked at you. The way he’d cover his mouth when he laughed. His eyes, his lips. His kisses most of all. The way he held you.
Jinyoung was reserved, a sensible young man. He was rather abrasive when you’d first met, but you’d managed to bring him out of his shell. And in the two years you’d been together, all doubts you’d had before had simply withered away; you were almost sure he was the one for you.
When you arrived at his apartment building, you quickly exited the car, and entered the building before rushing up the steps, thinking about how well you were going to take care of your boyfriend. Make him some soup, help him with his blankets, cuddle him and maybe watch a movie.
He was on the third floor, and when you arrived at his door, you paused to catch your breath before pulling out your copy of the key, that he’d made you about a year ago.
As you entered the apartment, which was completely dark, an unsettling feeling washed over your body. The lack of light only added to the effect, and you swiftly pulled out your phone, unlocking it so the glow of the screen lit up the entry hallway enough for you to see.
“Jinyoung?” You murmured as you entered the living room, head moving back and forth as you searched for your boyfriend.
You looked towards the kitchen, and saw nothing in the darkness. Turning your head towards the bedroom, you raised an eyebrow.
“Jinyoung?” You mumbled again, pursing your lips as you began to slowly tread towards the bedrooms.
Jinyoung’s bedroom was on the left, facing Jaebum’s. The door was shut, and the nerves in your gut began to stir. Straining your ears, you frowned as you heard no response, once again. Had he fallen asleep?
Tiptoeing into his room, you knocked on the door softly, knuckles rapping across the wood.
“Babe?” You asked, slightly quieter as you pressed your ear to the door to hear. You furrowed your eyebrows as you listened attentively for any sort of sound.
Some shuffling, a soft whimper.
Taking a deep breath, your fingers gripped the knob, and you opened the door slowly, creeping into the room. By now, your eyes had adjusted to the dark, and your gaze went to your boyfriend’s bed.
The same bed you had slept in and been loved in so many times, was empty. Even though Jinyoung said he was sick. If he were sick, well, then it would be common sense for him to be in bed.
But you’d heard a noise from the room. Where was he?
“Jinyoung?” You called softly.
“Y/N,” You heard a familiar voice murmur, and your eyes drifted towards where the voice came from. There, in the far corner, was your boyfriend, huddled, on his knees. Even from where you were standing, you could see he was trembling.
“J-Jinyoung?” You asked, slightly louder, feeling your heart lurch as he flinched at the sound of your voice. You automatically lowered the tone of your voice. “What are you doing on the floor, baby?”
“Y-Y/N, y-you shouldn’t have come,” Was his reply, as he refused to meet your gaze. You winced at the sound of his voice. His voice, usually soft and warming, like chocolate and honey, was now hoarse and trembling. As you approached, his face came became easier to see in the dim light.
He looked so much paler than usual, the dark circles under his eyes so much deeper than they usually were. He looked gaunt, one foot in the grave — in that moment, the only thing you wanted to do was grab his hands and pull him out of it, pull him away and into your arms.
Taking a few steps closer, he seemed to snap out of his daze, holding up his hands and trying to back into the corner even more.
“Y/N, please don’t come any closer. Please,” He cried, and you crouched to get on his level.
By now, your anxiety was spiking. This definitely didn’t seem like the flu. It seemed like he was going through some kind of mental breakdown, and the last thing you wanted was for him to panic even more. So you did what he asked, and remained in your spot.
“Baby, whatever’s happening, it’s okay, I’m here—”
“You don’t understand… y-you need to leave. I’m f-fine.”
“Jinyoung, I don’t want to leave you like this. Come on, baby, talk to me.”
He pressed his hands to his ears, shutting his eyes tightly and shaking his head. “Everything is so loud… you’re whispering but it f-feels like y-you’re screaming at me, I-I could smell you from the moment you entered the apartment…”
Your heart was pounding in your chest, your brain desperately trying to make sense of all of the things he was saying but failing. Smell you?
“…I-I’m so h-hungry, Y/N,” He whispered. You felt tears welling in your eyes, frustration taking over as you couldn’t comprehend what he was trying to tell you.
“I-I’ll order a pizza, or something, baby, please just calm down—”
Your voice died down as Jinyoung finally met your gaze. The mere look in his eyes was the only reason why. His gaze was primal, manic. As if you were some simple guppy and he was a great white shark. Animalistic. He’d stopped trembling, and was now very still. You could hear a pin drop in the silence, and every hair on your neck stood up.
Because with a great white shark, came great white teeth.
Jinyoung all but pounced on you, knocking you to the ground as your phone fell out of your hands. Your head hit the floor and you groaned in pain. Your fight or flight instinct seemed to kick in, beginning to squirm in his grip.
“Jinyoung, let me go, you’re hurting me—”
He growled, and your eyes widened as he buried his face into neck, as he’d done a million times before. But this time was different, as he was pinning you down in a way in which you couldn’t move, or escape. You felt a tear roll down your cheek as he groaned in ecstasy. It was loud, guttural.
And it made your blood run cold, as you realized, that this was not your Park Jinyoung.
Suddenly, pain. Piercing into your neck as something sliced into its side, and you cried out as you felt your blood run in rivulets down your skin. He’d bitten you, you realized, and your panic took over. “Let me go,” You wailed, thrashing in his grip, “Jinyoung, please! Let me go, it hurts!”
You whimpered as you felt him mouth over the spot where he’d bitten you, before bringing his mouth up to your ear. “Be quiet and hold still,” He murmured, and you cringed, the smell of iron heavy on his breath. His tone was deep, different. Sultry.
Your arms and legs, out of nowhere, had begun to feel heavy. Your head fell back, your voice died in your throat. And the tears began to fall even harder, your body trembling as you began to think that maybe you’d die like this.
He released his grip on your arms, and despite your logic screaming at you to push him away, to punch him and run, you couldn’t. Your limbs felt like jello, you were practically paralyzed. And worst of all, the blood flowing from your neck wasn’t stopping.
With his hands free, he lifted your neck for better access, mouthing along the broken skin as you sobbed silently, your voice gone, stolen away. At this point, you weren’t sure if your vision was blurred due to your tears or your dizziness, starting to set in from all of the blood loss. Last of all, accompanying the rest of your limbs, your eyelids. The temptation to let them fall, and for sleep, or something even worse, to overtake you began growing with each passing second.
But you knew you had to keep awake, or it was game over. You’d never really considered how you’d die, but the idea of having it be in your boyfriend’s death grip as he drank your blood wasn’t exactly the best way to go. Sounds were fading, your vision was blurry. Your lungs felt like they were full of sand, too heavy for you to continue breathing.
You lurched out of Jinyoung’s grip, falling to the floor as something caused him to drop you.
“What did you — out of it! — She’s — can’t believe — almost killed her—”
Movement returned in your fingertips, but not before darkness overtook you.
Heaviness. Falling. No, not falling. Sinking, into the bed.
That’s what it felt like. Your head was killing you, the throbbing incessant. But it was something else that woke you up.
Fear, and the pain. Fear of what had happened to you. Jinyoung. The look in his eyes. The smell of blood. Teeth. Paralysis.
Pain, sharp in your neck as you sat up in the bed. You whimpered as your hand went up to touch the spot, brushing over swollen skin and, to your surprise, two clean puncture wounds, rather than an entire bite mark as you’d expected.
You took a shaky breath, and opened your eyes, squinting as they adjusted to the sunlight coming in through the window in the early morning night. It was then that you realized that someone was next to you. Much to your dismay, it proved a very painful task.
“Don’t move your neck too much,” Jinyoung muttered as he came into view, “I don’t want you to hurt anymore.”
Now this, this was your Park Jinyoung. You knew as much from the way he was speaking, quiet yet firm, in that gentle timbre you adored so much. From the way he looked at you. But how much of a difference was there between the Park Jinyoung that had attacked you and your Park Jinyoung?
“D-don’t look at me like that,” He murmured, looking down. You realized then that you’d been staring at him, wide-eyed and unmoving.
“Please don’t look at me like you’re scared of what you see.”
You didn’t reply. You didn’t want to lie to him and say that you weren’t. You swallowed the lump growing in your throat, grimacing in discomfort at how dry your throat felt. Sighing, you let your eyes flutter shut, before opening them again a few seconds later.
“What happened to you?” You asked, your chest tightening. He went to place his hand over yours, but you watched his face fall and your heart fall as you pulled your hand away before he could. He took a deep breath, gazing at you earnestly. “I haven’t been completely honest with you.”
You leaned back against the headboard of the bed, frowning. “What are you saying, Jinyoung?”
“What I’m saying, Y/N, is… I’m a vampire.”
You stared at his face, unsure whether to laugh or cry. Slowly, your hand went to the wound on your neck, fingers ghosting over the two incisions on your neck. Your mouth fell open, and you met his gaze. He was tearing up, something that rarely happened. “I love you so, so much,” He said, voice cracking, “And I never meant to hurt you.”
“But you did,” You choked out, beginning to cry as well, “Y-you could’ve killed me. I-I was terrified, Jinyoung.”
He moved towards you, and you pressed yourself against the wall. You heard a sob fall from his lips, as he realized that you couldn’t tell him that you weren’t scared, because you were.
“Please don’t touch me.” Your shaky voice was barely higher than a whisper
“Y/N,” He said softly, “Please. I know it’s fucked up, and J-Jaebum told me that I should be ready to—”
“Jaebum?” You asked, staring at him. “Was he the one who pulled you off of me?”
Jinyoung wiped his tears, nodding. “I didn’t even realize what I’d done until he pulled me off, Y/N. I hadn’t eaten in weeks. A-and I told you not to come, b-because I was afraid that this would happen.”
He’d moved away from you, to the edge of the bed, giving you the space you so desperately needed as the room began to feel too cramped, too small for you and the man you loved. You stared at your lap, vision blurry with tears.
“Does Jaebum know what you are?” Your voice was almost too quiet for even you to hear. Jinyoung nodded, eyes blank and empty. “He’s one too. H-he healed you.”
You nodded in response, pursing your dry lips. “I have to leave, I-I have to get out of here.” Your tone had a certain finality to it, and he got up at the same time you did.
“Please tell me you’ll come back,” He pleaded softly, “I need to hear you say it, jagiya, I’m begging you.”
“I-I can’t tell you that, Jinyoung.” Your voice was trembling, as he walked towards you. He fell to his knees in front of you, and you broke out into tears. “Please don’t leave me,” He begged, “I-I love you. I adore you, I need you. You’re my everything.”
“I love you too,” you sobbed, and he smiled as you said it. Taking a deep breath, you walked up to him. towering over him as he looked up at you, teary-eyed, delirious at the idea of living without you. His eyes fluttered shut as you pressed your hand to his cheek, and he pressed himself into your palm. You hiccuped through the tears, and his eyes opened to gaze up at you.
He looked at you as if you’d hung the moon, and all the stars in the sky. And that was the worst part, you thought, as you stepped away from him, letting your palm fall back to your side. His face fell, and you shook your head, tears streaming down your face.
“But I can’t trust you anymore.”
You hoped, heartbrokenly, that that was the last time you’d ever see your Park Jinyoung, on his knees in front of his bed, crying for you as you exited the room.
Because love and fear, both of the things you now felt when you looked at him, were a deadly mix.
You learned that the hard way. And so had he.
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The Box [Part 2] (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* PART 2 OF THE BOXXXXXX (please and thank you 🥺) [Read Part 1 of the Box here]
Written: 2020
Word Count: 1,536
Warnings: Stockholm Syndrome, angsty??, kidnapping, unhealthy relationship, mention of sex, manipulation
It would be my luck that a global pandemic that resulted in the world shutting down for two weeks would happen right after I got kidnapped. At first, I thought that I was lucky. The guys couldn’t move to Hawaii anymore, which means I could probably escape. Then I found out that the whole moving to Hawaii thing was a joke. They were just moving to a house with a backyard so tropical that it looks like Hawaii. I should have known that they wouldn’t just abandon their lives in Los Angeles like that. Especially with Sam and Jake dating Kat and Tara, who were going to stay here.
They still decided to move during the lockdown. Which worked out in their favor, if I’m being completely honest; Sam, Colby, and Jake got a big moving van for their bigger stuff because they lived in the same building and could share the space. That gave Colby more room in his car for me. I got put into the trunk because everyone decided that it was less suspicious than Colby driving around with me blindfold in the passenger seat. They didn’t want me to know how to get to the new house or the address. For a group of guys who collectively share one brain cell, they’re not stupid when it comes to committing a felony. I’m pretty sure Colby drove around longer than he needed to just to throw off my sense of direction and how far away we are from the apartment.
Two weeks turned into three months of this bullshit lockdown. I almost got lucky when Sam broke his back. I was left Corey and Jake and I thought would be easy because I could appeal to their sympathetic side. Sadly, that didn’t work. I was halfway out before they caught on and dragged me back to Colby’s room.
I say Colby’s room, even though it’s our room because sometimes I don’t feel like I belong here. At least, not at first. Colby moved in some of my stuff into the room so I would feel at home. But being taken here against my will, and finding out that Colby stalked me before we met, takes out of the homely feeling of living with your boyfriend. But the more I'm stuck here, the more it starts to slowly feel like home.
I will say that I’m glad that Colby hasn’t forced himself on me. He understands the gravity of the situation and isn’t making it worse. I now get monitored internet access, which I didn’t have before, and I’m allowed to make YouTube videos now. Colby edits them to make sure I don’t upload subliminal messages. He’s also got me a lot of hobbies that don’t require the internet or social media to keep me occupied while he works and leaves the house. He got me a Nintendo switch with a few games. He put it on parental mode so I can’t go on twitter or anything. He’s been getting me art supplies and stuff so I can be creative. If I want to get anything with my money, I just tell him and he either orders it for me with my card or watches me shop.
If I’m being completely honest, this isn’t as bad as I made it out to be at first. While I mostly don’t feel like this is my home at first, the more I stay here the more it feels like it is becoming my home. I almost don’t want to leave. If the people in my life before Colby gave up so easily when I started talking to them less, then they weren’t really in my life in the first place. My parents didn’t like the idea of me moving to LA when I was 18, but I wanted to be an actress so I left. It was almost like they were rooting for me to fail every time I called home with news about failed auditions. They were happy when I did land roles, but they would always remind me that it didn’t mean I was going to make it. My friends back home were even less supportive, never believed that I was going to make in the first place. I’m pretty sure one of them started a rumor that I was a porn star just to make ends meet. Maybe Colby coming into my life was for the best.
At least I’m not stuck with just the boys 24/7. Tara and Kat would come over every once in a while to hang out with their boyfriends, and I quote, “to give me a break from dealing with the testosterone.” There have been a few times when the whole friend group got together for a party. Those were fun. Despite all the limitations, this situation isn’t all too bad.
“Hey babe, I’m back and I got you some stuff,” Colby says as he walks into the living room. I don’t have to be confined to Colby’s room anymore with a chain on my ankle. I have an anklet that shocks me if I get too close to the edge of the property. It sounds scary and a but I know he does it because he loves me. I don’t really want to leave the house anyway, with the pandemic still going on out there.
“Oh yay! I’ll wait for you to get out of the shower.” I save my spot in animal crossing and continue playing while Colby goes to decontaminate himself from the outside world.
Five minutes later Colby comes back out of the shower in sweats and dripping wet hair. He has a towel around his neck and slowly starts to dry his hair. I quicksave again before shutting off the game to give my undivided attention to Colby.
“You can go through the bags. I’m still wet and don’t want to ruin everything. You can also put the snack stuff in the mini-fridge.” There’s an unspoken rule in the house if you don’t keep it in your room or put your name on it, it’s fair game. So Colby pulled the mini-fridge out of storage to keep my food in the room when we first moved in to keep me happy with the food that I love.
“Was it crowded? You were gone for a long time today.” I grab the bag with stuff from the grocery store and start putting it away first.
By the time I finish Colby is fully dressed and his hair is mostly dry. He going through the remaining bags. I close the fridge and join Colby in the bed. Looking back at Colby now, with his stop blue eyes and steadily growing stubble, I feel bad for how I reacted when the whole thing started. I said mean things to him, things I didn’t mean at the time. I was just scared and mistook his kindness and affection for general creepiness. This is still the same Colby that I fell in love with before I found the box in his office closet.
“It wasn’t that crowded today. I think that everything calmed down from how it was earlier this year. I just made a lot of stops on my way home. I got us lunch too, by the way. Anyway, I know you’ve been getting bored so I got you a few hobbies I thought you would like.” He dumps a bag full of yarn and knitting needles.
“Is this for what I think it is?” I pick up the various colors and marvel at them.
“I noticed how much your eyes light up every time we watch Harry Style’s Today Show performance. And I also saw the look in your eye when you saw people making it on TikTok. So I looked it up and found the actual stitch pattern thing. I thought you would have fun making your own. And then I just got a few things for you to up-cycle your clothes you’ve been watching a lot of those videos. And some tie-dye that we can do together. And a plant to brighten up the room.” He’s trying so hard to make me happy. And it’s working.
“Oh my God! You didn’t have to get me all this stuff. I could have gotten them online or something. You’re so sweet.” I throw my arms around him and kiss his cheek.
“I know this whole situation has been unbearable and not pleasant in the beginning. But you’ve been such a good sport with all of this. I wanted to thank you for being patient and willing to let me in again. I truly do love you, Y/N, and just want the best for you.” He pushes my hair behind my ear and cups my face.
“I know, I’m sorry for freaking out when I first found out. I didn’t realize that you were only looking out for me. I love you too, Colby. I won’t try to leave again, I promise.” And I mean it. I don’t have any reason to leave. I finally have someone who loves me and went this far to prove it, why would I want to?
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skeeter-110 · 3 years
A Twist in the Tale (That is as Old as Time)
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. As punishment for his actions, the young prince is transformed into a monstrous beast by a mysterious enchantress. Only condition is if he can learn to love someone and earn their love in return, the curse will be lifted. The prince - now turned Beast - felt doomed for eternity; until he met a little boy with a heart of gold.
AKA: a Beauty and the Beast Irondad AU
|| Chapter One || || Chapter Two || || Chapter Three || || Chapter Four || || Chapter Five || 
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Chapter Six: Tale as Old as Time
The Beast was currently being bathed by one of the coat racks, wanting to make sure he smelt alright for his night with Peter. If they were going to be inventing together, chances were they were going to be really close to each other and he didn't want to put the boy off by his gross dog smell.
"Tonight is the night!" Rhodey announces as he hops onto a stool that was sitting next to a tub.
"I'm not sure I can do this," Beast admits, pushing his sopping wet hair out of his eyes.
"You don't have time to be timid. You must be bold, daring." Rhodey bluntly says, glancing over towards the rose that was bending down it was wilting so much.
"Bold. Daring." The Beast repeats, trying to take the words to heart and pump himself up as he shook all the water out of his fur.
"You two will be close together. There will be no distractions, just you two bonding alone together. And when the moment is right, you confess your love." Rhodey says as if it was that simple.
"Yes, I... I-I- No, I can't. I can't just tell the boy that I see him as a son, I'm going to scare him away." The Beast denies, giving himself a self-deprecating look in the mirror he was sitting across from.
"You care for the boy, don't you?" Rhodey questions, watching as the Beast had his hair pulled in every which direction in order to be cut.
"More than anything." The Beast sincerely replies, groaning when the coat rack tugged a comb through a particularly stubborn knot.
"Well, then, you must tell him." Rhodey continues to push.
"I'm going to look so stupid. Who just assumes a father role?" The Beast grumbles, shaking his head at how ridiculous it all sounded out loud.
"You've got to have a bit more faith. We've all seen how the boy is around you; he looks up to you! He clearly sees you as some form of father figure. It'll all be fine, just be honest." Rhodey tries to reassure.
"Just be honest."
*   *   *
The Beast slowly walked up to Peter's bedroom, taking a deep breath in before knocking on the small boy's door.
The door quickly swung open, the excited smile on Peter's face enough to loosen up the anxious knot in the Beast's chest a bit.
"Are you ready?" The Beast questions, cringing internally at how stupid that sounded. Of course he was ready, he wouldn't have opened up the door if he wasn't and he definitely wouldn't be smiling as wide as he was now.
"Yep!" Peter answers, happily connecting his arm with the Beast's when it was offered to him.  "What are we going to build?" Peter excitedly asks, practically skipping as they walked.
"I was thinking we could build a clock that could play music similar to a music box when it chimed the hour; if that sounds interesting to you. If not we could easily figure something else out." The Beast offers, the anxiety in his chest loosening a bit when the smile stayed on Peter's face.
"That sounds amazing! Maybe we can even get little trinkets to move along with it!" Peter adds making the Beast chuckle at his enthusiasm.
"We can definitely try." The Beast agrees.
The rest of the walk to the workshop was spent in comfortable silence, the Beast constantly running what he was going to say to Peter through his head. The Beast tried to remember everything Rhodey told him and tried his best to figure out how to phrase everything so it showed Peter how much the Beast truly cared about him; and that he wasn't just doing all of this to break the spell.
They soon came to a stop in front of two large doors, the Beast gently untangling his arm from Peter's so get could open the doors.
As soon as Beast opened up the door, Peter dashed right into the room, stopping in the middle of it and gasping.
"Woah, look at all of this." Peter breathlessly says, his fingers lightly touching all of the tools that he now had access to.
"You ready to get started?" The Beast asks, huffing out a short laugh when Peter whipped around and nodded his head so hard he began to look like a bobblehead.
It was surprisingly easy for them both to fall into a rhythm. It really didn't take long for them to figure out how the other worked and to go with that. And soon, before they knew it, a few hours had passed and they almost had the clock completely done.
"Here, try moving that gear over there." The Beast points out to Peter, the small boy huffing and beginning to get frustrated. They couldn't figure out how to get the small trinkets to pop out and move along with the music even though they've been working on it for the past hour.
Peter shifted the gears and sat back, hoping that did the trick. The Beast quickly sped up the time on the clock, making it turn the hour so they could see if it worked finally.
Just like before, the clock began to play the music they had put in it, but once again, no trinkets popped out.
Peter let out a discouraged huff and crossed his arms when the clock refused to do exactly what he wanted.
"It's never going to work." Peter all but pouts, glaring at the clock as if it personally offended him.
"It will work, don't give up on it. Some things just take more time and thought than others." The Beast tries to calm. "Try slowing down and taking a closer look at it." The Beast gently coaches, trying to stifle his amused smile down when Peter sighed.
Beast watched as the young boy took the clock back into his hands, practically seeing the gears turning in the small mind in front of him. The Beast's amused smile quickly turned proud when he saw Peter's eyes light up with a solution.
"There's a chain stuck to one of the gears! That's why the trinkets weren't able to come out." Peter announces, quickly going in and fixing the problem.
Once Peter sat back, the Beast took the clock and made it go forward towards the next hour. Almost instantly the clock began playing a twinkling little tune and the golden little trinkets began making their way out of the front of the clock.
"It works!" Peter laughs, clapping his hands excitedly as he continues to watch the clock work its magic.
Seeing the raw joy radiate of the small boy was enough to fuel the Beast through the biggest conversation of his life.
"Peter," Beast starts, pulling the young boy's attention off the clock, "are you happy here with me?"
"Yes," Peter answers without thinking. Although, almost as soon as he answers, the smile fell off of Peter's face.
"What is it?" The Beast asks, his heart sinking as soon as he saw the no longer happy look.
"If only I could see my Aunt again, just for a moment. I miss her so much." Peter admits, looking down as if the sadness and longing were physically weighing his head down. The Beast began to look down also sympathetically before a brilliant idea came to mind.
"There is a way." The Beast says, gently taking Peter's hands into his before leading him out of the workshop.
Before Peter even knew it, they were making their way into the forbidden room in the west wing; butterflies flying in Peter's stomach at the memories of went down the last time they both were in this room together.
The Beast walked Peter over to the table that held the rose, picking up the mirror that laid next to it.
"This mirror will show you anything. Anything you wish to see." The Beast explains, handing the mirror over to Peter.
"I'd like to see my Aunt May, please," Peter asks, causing the mirror to glow a bright green before settling onto the image of May; however of a happy or relaxed image like Peter was hoping.
Instead, he was showed the image of May stumbling through the woods, trying to fight against the strong winds. Peter gasped as he watched May trip and fall, the old woman coughing and struggling to get back up.
"Aunt May, oh no. She's sick! She may be dying and she's all alone." Peter cries, clutching the mirror tighter as he continued to watch his Aunt.
The Beast sighed and turned around to look at the nearly dead rose. It was wilting so bad that it was bending over, and it really only had about three petals left. Sadness washed over the Beast when he realized what he needed to do.
"Then, you must go to her." The Beast forces out. The last thing he wanted was to lose Peter, but he wasn't actually his father. The Beast couldn't keep Peter away from his last living relative when this could be her last moments; he deserved to say goodbye to the woman who raised him.
"What did you say?" Peter sniffles.
"I release you. You're no longer my prisoner."
"You mean I'm free?" Peter asks, sending another pang through Beast's heart.
"Oh, thank you." Peter sincerely says, grabbing Beast's hand and squeezing it gratefully before turning back to the mirror. "Hold on, Aunt May. I'm on my way." Peter says as if May could hear him. Peter tried handing Beast the mirror back, only for him to push it back.
"Take it with you so you'll always have a way to look back and remember me." The Beast says, trying his hardest not to show his sorrow when Peter leaned into the hand he placed on his face.
"Thank you for understanding how much she needs me." Peter thanks, hugging the Beast tightly when he saw how upset he was.
As much as he didn't want to, Peter had to pull away, giving a teary smile to the Beast before walking out of the room.
The Beast just hunched over the table and stared at the half-dead flower before dragging himself out to the balcony to watch Peter leave on Phillippe. As soon as he saw the young boy leave, the Beast roared, not being able to contain his feelings any longer.
The Beast had to continue to remind himself that this needed to be done. That letting Peter go was the right decision.
After all, if you love something, set it free, right?
*   *   *
May slowly began to regain consciousness again, realizing she was finally warm and laying on something soft as she did so.
Gently opening her eyes, May was surprised that the first thing she saw was Peter sitting over her and wiping her face with a warm cloth.
"Peter." May wheezes out, not quite believing her eyes.
"Shh, it's alright, Aunt May. I'm home." Peter reassures, continuing to wipe her face.
"I thought I'd never see you again," May admits as she struggles to sit up and pull Peter into a tight hug.
"I miss you so much!" Peter cries, relishing being able to hug his aunt once again.
"The-The Beast! Did you... How did you escape?" May questions, quickly pulling Peter away so she could see his face.
"I didn't escape, Aunt May. He... He let me go." Peter answers, a small smiling forming on his face at the memory of how kind the Beast was to him.
"That horrible Beast?" Aunt May asks in disbelief.
"But he's different now, Aunt May. He's changed somehow. He took such good care of me while I was there; almost like how you told me my Papa used to care for me." Peter explains.
Before May could even say anything about that, both her and Peter's attentions were placed on Peter's bag that was now wiggling. The top of the bag quickly popped open, causing the mirror and Morgan to roll right out of it.
"Hi!" Morgan greets, hoping right towards May.
"Oh! A stowaway." Peter giggles, watching as Morgan firmly landed on May's lap.
"Why, hello there, little miss. Didn't think I'd see you again." May chuckles, remembering her other encounter with the little teacup.
"Peter, why'd you go away? Don't you like us anymore?" Morgan asks, pouting a bit at the thought of Peter no longer liking them.
"Oh, Morgan, of course I do. It's just that-" Peter begins to reassure, only to be cut off by a knock on the front door. Peter just gave the pair a small smile before getting up and going to the door.
When Peter managed to open the door, he saw an unfamiliar man on the other side, making him subconsciously take a step back.
"May I help you?" He asks, unsure of why this stranger was knocking on their door.
"I've come to collect your Aunt." The man says as if that cleared anything up.
"My Aunt?"
"Don't worry Monsuier, we'll take good care of him." The Man tries to reassure before stepping away to reveal a mob behind him waiting with the asylum carriage.
"My Aunt's not crazy!" Peter shouts, shoving the man out of the way so he could walk down the porch steps.
"She was raving like a lunatic! We all heard her, didn't we?" Victor Von Doom asks the mob, hyping them up even more.
"No, I won't let you!" Peter shouts once he sees men jumping out of the carriage.
"Peter?" May calls out, slowly peering around the front door.
"May, tell us again, old girl. Just how big was the beast?" Victor continues to torment, causing the mob to laugh behind him.
"He was... I mean, he was- he was enormous! I'd-I'd say at least eight, no. more like ten feet!" May stutters out, making everyone laugh even harder.
"Well, you don't get much crazier than that," Victor announces.
"It's true, I tell you." May tries to plead. Of course, no one believed her.
"Get her out of here!" Victor commands, the two men from the carriage instantly grabbing May by her arms and restraining her despite her pleas, and yells for them to let go of her.
"No! You can't do this!" Peter cries, although no one was really paying attention to him.
"Poor Peter. It's a shame about your Aunt." Norman sympathizes, trying to comfort the young boy by wrapping his arm around his shoulders.
"You know she's not crazy, Monsieur Osborn," Peter says, hoping the influential man would be able to help him out here.
"I might be able to clear up this little misunderstanding, if..." Norman begins to agree, making it obvious that he wasn't going to do it for free.
"If what?" Peter hesitantly asks.
"If you come and work for me."
"One little word, Peter, that's all it takes." Norman continues to push.
"Never!" Peter denies, pushing away from the man.
"Have it your way! But just know that either way, you no longer have a guardian, and more likely than not you'll be sent to live with me either way." Norman dismisses, the words basically knocking all the wind out of Peter's lungs.
May continued to call out for Peter to help her, finally snapping Peter out of the daze he'd fallen into. Peter quickly ran back into the house and grabbed the mirror the Beast gave him before running back out to the porch.
"My Aunt's not crazy and I can prove it," Peter announces to everyone outside before turning towards the mirror, "show me the Beast," Peter commands, the mirror glowing green as he turned it around for everyone to see.
Sure enough, an image of the Beast roaring appeared causing everyone to gasp in shock.
"Is it dangerous?" A random woman asks as Peter begins to walk into the crowd.
"No, no, he'd never hurt anyone." Peter tries to reassure, hugging the mirror close to his chest when the mob clearly didn't believe him. "Please, I know he looks vicious, but he's really kind and gentle. He's my friend."
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for this monster." Norman accuses, grabbing Peter by his shoulders again.
"He's no monster, Monsieur Osborn, you are!"
"He's as crazy as the old lady! The Beast will make off with all your children; he'll come after them in the night!" Norman begins to proclaim, ripping the mirror out of Peter's hands as he did so.
"No!" Peter cries, trying to stop the mob from believing the lies Norman was spitting out. Never once had the Beast hurt Peter, and he knew for a fact that the Beast wouldn't hurt any other children either.
If anything, it was the exact opposite. The Beast was father-like to Peter once they got used to each other and he made Peter feel safe and cared for when he was under his watch.
"We're not safe 'till his head is mounted on my wall! I say we kill the Beast!" Norman continues to rile up.
"No, I won't let you do this!" Peter shouts, jumping up on Norman's arm to try and swipe the mirror back.
"If you're not with us, you're against us," Norman says, grabbing Peter's arm and roughly dragging him across the yard. "Bring the old woman!" Norman commands, the men who threw May into the carriage grabbing her once again and dragging her over to where Norman was standing with Peter.
"We can't have them running off to warn the creature," Norman explains as he opens up the doors to the cellar, practically throwing both May and Peter down in there and locking the doors.
"Let us out!" Peter begs, trying everything to open the doors back up. The shouting outside continued for a while until everyone eventually left to go hunt the Beast down.
Peter quickly grabbed a fire iron and tried to wedge the latch off of the cellar door, huffing and plopping down when it didn't work.
"I have to warn the Beast. This is all my fault." Peter defeatedly admits, before sighing and looking over towards his Aunt. "Oh, Aunt May, what are we going to do?" Peter asks, completely out of ideas for once in his life.
"Now, now, we'll think of something." May tries to console, wrapping Peter up in a tight hug.
They stayed wrapped up in each other's arms for a few moments, only pulling away when they heard a whistle blow and a bunch of whirring outside.
Peter quickly scrambled away and tried peering through the cracks of the cellar doors to see what was going on.
"What in the devil?" May mutters, also looking through the crack. She was only able to look through the crack for a second before seeing Peter's log-cutting invention come right towards them and pulling Peter away from the door.
The doors to the cellar shattered open as the invention chopped them up. May and Peter cowered in the corner, watching as the invention promptly fell down the stairs to the cellar and fell completely apart.
"You guys gotta try this thing." Morgan giggles from where she was hanging on one of the parts that had broken.
Instead, all three of them quickly ran out and hopped in Phillippe, pushing him to his limit to try and get to the castle as soon as possible.
By the time they finally got to the castle, though, Norman and all of his goons had already wreaked havoc and Norman was currently standing over the Beast, ready to strike and kill.
"No! No, Norman, don't!" Peter cries out when he noticed that the Beast was unmoving. Norman didn't listen, though, and still swung down his cement baton.
Thankfully the Beast reached his hand up and grabbed the baton mid-swing, finally beginning to fight back.
Peter quickly ran into the castle when he saw the Beast fight back, unsure of what he was going to do but knowing he needed to do something. Peter ran up all the stairs to the west wing, running out on what he knew to be the highest balcony.
Peter let out a sigh of relief when he saw Beast was still okay and had seemingly won the fight against Norman.
"Beast!" Peter calls out, the Beast instantly turning around at the sound of the young boy's voice.
"Peter." The Beast says, happily climbing up the roof when the small boy held his hand out for him to take.
As soon as Beast got up to the balcony Peter was on, he took the tiny hand into his and couldn't stop the huge smile from forming on his face.
"Peter. You came back." The Beast happily points out, gently holding Peter's face with his other hand. Peter smiled back and leaned into the familiar feeling of Beast's hand.
Of course, with the two of them being in their own world, that was a perfect time for Norman to come out of nowhere and stab the Beast in the side.
The Beast roared and leaned back, practically falling down the whole side of the castle if it wasn't for Peter grabbing his shirt and pulling him forward again.
Peter watched as Norman lost his grip and was the one who fell to the bottom of the castle instead, not really bringing himself to care too much. Instead, he was more focused on helping the Beast climb over the side of the balcony and onto the floor.
Peter gently rubbed the Beast's face, trying to hold his tears back as the Beast gasped and panting in pain.
"You... You came back." The Beast repeated, struggling to catch his breath after.
"Of course I came back. I couldn't let them... oh, this is all my fault. If only I'd gotten here sooner" Peter admits before throwing himself forward to wrap Beast up in a hug.
"Maybe it's better... it's better this way." The Beast pants, Peter instantly shaking his head at the idea.
"Don't talk like that. You'll be alright. We're together now. Everything's going to be fine, you'll see." Peter tries to deny, trying to force a smile so the tears didn't begin to stream down his face.
The Beast, already accepting his fate, just smiled back and held Peter's face in his hand once again.
"At least... I got to see you... one last time." The Beast says. Peter just closed his eyes and held the Beast's hand against his face, his eyes snapping open when he felt the Beast's hand go slack.
"No. No. Please. Please. Please don't leave me." Peter begs. When the Beast didn't move Peter buried his face into his chest and began to sob.
"Please wake up. You promised to teach me more, you promised to read to me more. I need you. I love you." Peter cries.
In the other room, the floating, wilting rose, finally lost its last petal. The last petal falling slowly down to the bottom of the glass bell.
Just like the Beast, the enchanted rose was gone.
Peter continued to sob on top of the Beast's body, unaware of the magic that was shooting all around them. That was, until the Beast's body began to float underneath him.
Peter scooted back as the magic began to swarm around the Beast.
Peter watched in awe as the Beast slowly began to turn human. It started with his hands and then his feet, and soon before Peter knew it, he was completely human again and floating back down to the ground.
Peter slowly began approaching the - now - man laying there, quickly stumbling back when he began to move.
The man slowly began to stand up, looking his entire body over as he did so. He quickly turned around to face Peter, giving the small boy a reassuring smile when he saw how uneasy he looked.
"Peter, it's me." The man says, gently taking the boy's hands into his. Peter was still unsure of the man until he looked up into his eyes and saw the same caring blue that he usually would see.
"It is you!" Peter exclaims, slamming into the Beast's - Man's? - chest for a tight hug. The man just laughed and held Peter close to his chest, glad to just have this little boy back.
As they hugged, magic flew all around them, changing everything and everyone.
Peter quickly pulled away from the hug when a bunch of strangers walked out onto the balcony, the Beast gasping when he saw them all also.
"Rhodey, Happy, Miss Potts! Look at all of us!" Beast shouts out in glee, pulling all of his friends into a hug. Once he was sure everyone was there and changed back he pulled Peter back into his arms, spinning the boy around just to hear his giggles.
"What do I call you now?" Peter asks.
"Tony. My name's Tony."
"Tony. I like it."
*   *   *
Not too long after the spell was broken, Tony threw a big party for everyone to celebrate.
Currently, Peter was running around the ballroom with Morgan. The two of them got along so well now that she was human again, especially since they were both so close in age.
May and Tony were watching the two kids with mirth in both of their eyes.
"You know, I am very old," May begins, gaining Tony's attention. "and he is still so very young. I can hardly keep up with him and plus there are just things I can't teach him since I'm a woman. He's going to need a father and I know you can be that for him."
"May. Are you sure?" Tony chokes up, thankful that the woman trusts him that much, but also not wanting her to regret the decision and try to take Peter away later down the road.
"I am. But, don't worry too much, I'll still be here in the castle with you just in case you have a question. It really is a learning experience raising such a rambunctious child." May reassures, patting Tony's arm.
"I will take very good care of him," Tony promises.
"I know you will," May says, the certainty in her voice making warmth spread throughout Tony's newfound heart
"Tony! Tony, Tony, Tony." Peter excitedly chants as he ran over to where his aunt and now adopted father was standing.
"Do you need something, Peter?" Tony asks, amusement flooding through his voice.
"Can you teach me to dance like everyone is doing?" Peter asks.
"I would love to." Tony agrees, holding his arm out for Peter to take.
May watched as Tony led Peter to the middle of the ballroom and promptly began to teach him how to dance.
The ballroom quickly filled up with Peter's laughter as he and Tony goofed around, causing not one person to not have a smile on their face.
And they all lived happily ever after.
Tag List: @spideyspeaches @lost-lunar-wolf @joyful-soul-collector @hatakehikari @thatcrackheadsadbitchtm​
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For Good Measure
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Request:  “ Oh my gosh I loved your "Appreciation" fic! Your writing style and set up was amazing. In a similar vein, can I request a Chris Motionless x Justin Morrow x Reader smut fic? I'm a *huge* masochist/sub and I've been looking for a BDSM/two Dom guys threesome fic with them FOREVER and can never find one ;-;” - @deepstarlightemo
Warnings: Horribly written, unedited pure smut (BDSM (light), choking, overstimulation, spanking, threesome, slut shaming, I honestly can’t believe I wrote this)
A/N: I hope this is something like what you were looking for! I made it an AU cause I wasn’t quite sure how to do it with them in their real roles. Also, thank you so much! 
You may have had times where you’d been ashamed of your profession, tried to hide it from your family and friends by covering up and just saying you were a performer. That wasn’t entirely a lie. It just wasn’t very specific. Sure, you were a performer: a performer of sexual acts in front of a camera. A pornstar. 
When you started, you’d never imagined you’d have gotten where you are now. It started as a way to make money in college when you couldn’t find a job. It was just faceless cam-girl stuff. You covered any distinguishable marks on your skin with foundation so nobody would be able to figure out it was you. But slowly, you began to realize that this was something you actually liked and your shame faded away into power and confidence. 
And in times like now, there was no way you could be ashamed. You were just too damn excited. You were about to film a BDSM scene with two of your personal favorite performers in the industry, Chris Cerulli and Justin Morrow. This was a dream cum true (get it?). 
The cameras were rolling but you hardly noticed. You were so turned on already and nobody had even touched you. You were standing in five inch black heels, black sheer stockings with garters that attached to your black lace panties, if you could even call them that. In place of a bra, clamps connected by a chain were attached to each of your nipples. Your hands were tied above your head to a hook in the ceiling, leaving you stuck there in the center of the dimly lit room that had more than its fair share of sexy objects and furniture. 
“My, my, my. What do we have here?” A dark voice said from behind you. You couldn’t see him, but you knew it was Chris.
Equally as dark and serious, Justin answered, “Looks like a fucking whore to me.” The men walked up to you, Chris smacking you hard on the ass out of nowhere. You yelped. 
“I’m sorry what was that?” Chris got closer to your face, his eyes painted dark in contrast to the pale makeup on his face. 
You composed yourself, “Thank you, sir.” 
“That’s better.” He stood back up straighter. Although you’d scene them dozens of times in some of his films, all of his tattoos were absolutely mesmerizing. Most dom men in the BDSM community always wore all black but Chris always did his shirtless and you were pretty sure it was one of the reasons he turned you on so bad. Tattoos had always gotten you going. 
Justin was shirtless too in order to match with Chris’s signature. He didn’t have as many tattoos but he was more muscular than Chris, both men still ridiculously attractive. 
You hadn’t noticed that Justin stepped away until he returned, trading places with his counterpart to stand before you. Without saying anything, he reached his hand out to grip around your throat and held you in place while he inched his lips towards yours. You tried leaning in, wanting nothing more than to feel his lips on you, but just as they were about to graze, he dropped his hand from your throat and yanked on the chain attached to your breasts, pulling your nippled hard. 
“AH! Fuck!” You whimpered out, twisting in your bindings. 
You hadn’t noticed the black wand in his hand until he flipped it in his hand and flipped the switch on it. The large vibrator began to buzz in his hand. Justin pointed the round tip towards you and began to run it down along your arms and across your sore breasts, making you shiver. Finally, he made his way down to you core where you needed it most. 
He pressed it hard against your lower lips and you squirmed to try and get it on your clit more. “Awww,” Chris cooed, “How pathetic.” He smacked your ass yet again, your body sliding up and your clit finally getting that stimulation it craved, if even for a second. 
“Please, sir…” You begged Justin, leaning forward to readjust yourself on the buzzing device in his hand. 
Justin followed your body with the device, “Please what?” 
Chris came up behind you, pressing his bare chest to your back and began massaging your breasts, pulling every now and again on the chain. He slipped your hair over one shoulder and began kissing along it gently in harsh contrast to the abuse he was laying into your overstimulated nipples. 
“Please, sir, please can you put it on my clit?” Your head lulled to the side to give Chris better access. 
Suddenly, Justin smacked the inside of your thigh, the sensitive skin stinging, “Spread your legs.” You did as he instructed and stepped out a little more, your ass pressing into Chris’s bulge behind you. 
Justin reached down and grabbed the front of your panties and pulled them up tight and hard against your slit, making you wince at the aggressive contact on your sensitive skin but loving every second of it. After a few seconds of that, he released his pulling but replaced the pressure with direct contact with your clit on the vibrator. 
You moaned loudly, finally allowing yourself to lean into the light vibrations. It wasn’t much but it was something. 
Behind you, Chris’s tongue ran up your neck and bit your ear before slapping your ass again. “Ah!” Your hips bucked against the vibrator and Justin turned it up a level, the buzzing more intense as you did. 
Your breathing began to get a little shaky and your legs were having a hard time holding your weight. “F-f-fuck. Please can I cum?” You asked, the knot in your stomach forming and getting tighter and tighter. 
“No cumming unless we say.” Chris growled, stepping away from you and coming around to the front. 
It was getting harder and harder to hold off your orgasm, “Please, sir, I’m so close.” 
Justin shook his head, “We didn’t say yes so you better not cum.” 
You were right there. You were so damn close. Tears began to spill over your eyes as it became almost painful, “I’m gonna cum!” You announced when you got too close to pull back. 
Justin pulled the toy away just milliseconds before you could fall over.
“Fuck!” You screamed, feeling your orgasm ripped away from you.  
 As he did, he reached up and removed the nipple clamps. You sighed at the relief but it was short lived as Justin’s hand came up to smack your tender breasts, red marks smattering across the skin. “Ow!” You cried with pleasure, juices dripping down your legs. 
He reached above your head and undid the knots around wrists, “Let’s get you out of this.” He muttered as he did so. 
Your arms fell, blood finally returning to your limbs as you stumbled slightly, your full weight returning to your heels. The relief wasn’t too long lived though. 
Chris grabbed your hair in a makeshift ponytail and yanked your head over to face him, “Bend over that table, ass in the air.” He hissed at you, walking you over to the table and pushing your head down. With his knee, he spread your legs across and smacked your butt hard. His free hand dipped down between your folds, fingers slipping into you easily, “So fucking wet.” 
He hooked his fingers in the waistband of your panties and pulled them down your legs, leaving the garters and heels still on. 
“Here it is.” Justin said from somewhere above you and you saw his arm stretch out over you, handing Chris the vibrator they’d just used moments ago. 
Chris bit his lip with a smirk, the metal rings in it glistening between his teeth, before switching it on. He reached under your hips and hoisted your rear in the air and nuzzled the vibrator under you, tucking it between your folds until it was pressed hard against your bare clit. Chris flicked the small device on, sending shocks down your body. While you moaned and ground yourself into it your hands tried to grip onto the table you were lying on. 
“Oh shit.” You moaned out, breathy whimpers going straight to Chris and Justin’s cocks. 
When the men returned to you, both were completely stripped naked. Chris stood behind you, rubbing the tip of his cock along your folds before slamming roughly into you, making you yelp loudly and reach for something to hold on to. 
Justin stood at the other end of the small table and grabbed your hair, pulling the top half of your body up. His large member waved in front of your face, “Open up, slut.” 
You readily obeyed, small moans escaping as you did from the mixture of Chris pounding into you and the vibrator still going strong on your clit. Justin used his grip on your hair to thrust you down on his cock, shallow at first but then further, almost down your throat. You gagged around him, eyes watering and makeup beginning to run down your cheeks. 
You were still close from the last time they’d edged you so it really didn’t take long at all to get close to that brink. Looking down at you, Justin could tell you were close. The way you  moaned around his cock and the way your eyes were closed tightly were dead giveaways, “You gonna cum?” He asked. 
You nodded and pulled off his cock, “Yes, oh my God. Please can I cum.” 
Justin forced his cock back down your throat. Chris gripped your hips and pressed you harder down into the vibrator, which was now on its highest setting. “Not yet.” 
You shook your head violently, “I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum.” 
Chris’s hand came down hard on your ass which was scarlet red now, “Not without permission.”
 You were so desperate. You genuinely couldn’t hold back. “Please, I wanna be a good girl but I’m gonna-” 
“Cum.” Chris demanded and you completely fell apart around their cocks. Your pussy squeezed around him tightly, the vibrator still going crazy on your clit. 
Your body kept trying to come down but the vibrator wouldn’t allow it, the pleasure beginning to turn almost painful. You tried to squirm away from it but Chris held your hips down hard onto it. “Ahhhh fuck!” Your eyes screwed shut as you screamed. 
Chris didn’t let up though. He held onto the vibrator and pressed it harder into your clit himself, still pistoning his hips into your clenching wetness. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, stop!” You begged. 
Chris, knowing that you had a safe word and would use it if you genuinely wanted things to stop, kept pressing in, “I thought you said you wanted to cum? Aren’t you cumming?” He asked innocently. 
Justin leaned down and sucked a hypersensitive nipple into his mouth with a pop before his hand came down to smack your nipple harshly. 
“Oh my fucking God!” You gripped the table harshly, your legs shaking violently as the pain began to become pleasure once again. Your body felt ice cold this time. 
Justin moved the end of the table next to Chris, leaning over to choke you once again, his free hand stroking his cock quickly, chasing his own release. Beneath the two men, your body exploded once again with a loud scream, your body shaking in a way you’d never experienced with orgasms. 
Chris pulled out of you and stroked himself harshly, both him and Justin finishing on your ass, ribbons of white dripping across your skin. They finally removed the vibrator and you were able to catch a breath. Just when you thought you could catch a second, Chris’s fingers came down to smack your clit hard and you nearly cried, “For good measure.” 
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thecleverdame · 5 years
This Is Not A Fairy Tale - Five
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Alpha!Prince!Sam x Omega!Reader
Story Masterlist
Summary: You’re a suppressed Omega who is forced into servitude after the death of your father. Your stepmother Naomi is a heartless woman who forces you to do the cooking and cleaning, while she tries to marry off her own two daughters, Alex and Claire. But your life takes a wonderful and dangerous turn when you meet the charming Prince Sam who also happens to be an Alpha.
Warnings: ABO smut, abuse, death of parents, magic
Beta:  ilikaicalie  
*This story is complete and posted on Patreon. Become a patron for a monthly pledge of $2.50 and get access to all my Patreon content.
Your home, or what was your home, is a three-hour journey from the castle. You ride through fields and cross rivers, following your own innate sense of direction. Sam couldn’t find his way to you, but in contrast you always know your way. It’s a trait left from your father.
Rehearsing the plan in your head, you try to account for every possibility. Perhaps they will be sleeping. After a night of dancing and drinking, Naomi and your step-sisters must be exhausted. Maybe they haven’t even noticed you’re gone. And even if they have, you’re banking on the fact that they’ll be too worn out to put up a fuss, at least not this morning.
You won’t get into specifics. There’s no reason for them to know anything about what happened between you and Sam. The goal is to collect your father’s ashes and leave without a nasty confrontation.
There’s no sign of life as you approach the house. Tying the horse to the post you venture inside as quietly as possible. The house appears empty. Slipping your shoes off, you shuffle through the dining room and into the parlor. Your father's ashes sit atop the fireplace in an ornate gold jar that once belonged to your mother. You’ll have both of them with you now.
You carefully collect the urn and turn to find Naomi waiting silently in the doorway. You nearly drop the jar, pulling it back to your chest.
“You really are a slippery little thing, aren’t you.” Her eyes narrow. “How did you get out of the chains?”
“You didn’t fasten them tight enough.” You counter, standing tall. There’s no reason to be afraid of her now. You have the power whether she knows it or not.
“There she is!” Claire rattles, standing beside her mother with Alex right behind. “What are you wearing?”
“What’s different about you?” Alex tips her head. “She looks...less like walking death.”
“Yes, she does.” Naomi steps closer as you fight the urge to retreat. “What are you playing at with Robert’s ashes?”
“I’m taking them with me.” You feel emboldened, empowered for the first time in your adult life. “I won’t be living here anymore.”
“What?” Claire laughs, looking at you as if you’ve just said you saw a dragon. “Have you finally gone insane?”
“What is this?” Naomi throws up a hand to silence her daughter.
“I have decided it’s time for me to move on. I’m no longer a child and you are not my master. I’m not a servant. I’m your stepdaughter and I am free to go as I please.” You want to jump for joy as the words leave your mouth. You’ve wanted to say them for so long.
“This is rather sudden.” Naomi smiles a terrifying grin that sends fear into your very bones. “You are correct. You are not my property, but you forget you are an Omega. If you leave and try to make it on your own you’ll be snapped up by the first wealthy Alpha to cross your path. Omegas aren’t meant to be free, my dear.”
“I’ve already been claimed,” you snap back before you can stop yourself. The hatred you’ve been suppressing for years bubbling to the surface.
All three pairs of eyes snap to your neck. Your hair is covering half of Sam’s bite but it’s visible if one knows what to look for.
“Who would claim you?” Alex wonders aloud, turning to Claire. “Is she serious?”
Naomi is silent, you but you can see the wheels turning. She’s putting things together, staring at you in contempt as the pieces click into place.
“What have you done? You little whore!” She’s seething, jaw clenched as she thrusts an accusatory finger in your direction.
“He claimed me.” You poke your chest, tears springing to your eyes. “He wants to be with me, Naomi. We’re soulmates and there is nothing you can do to take that away from us.”
“What is she talking about?” Clair looks from you to her mother. “Who claimed her?”
“The Prince.” Naomi presses her lips together. “It was her at the ball. The mystery woman in blue. She’s an Omega, no one else ever stood a chance. He wouldn’t have been able to control himself even if you were a troll under a bridge! The king and queen will never allow such deception.”
“It wasn’t the first time we’ve met,” you volley back, watching the fact register as her face falls. “He threw the ball to find me. We’re going to be happy together and I hope my joy tortures you every day!”
“Is she serious?” Claire looks as if she might vomit. “She can’t be. You’re both having a laugh, aren’t you? Mother?”
“Shut up!” Naomi snaps. She can’t take her eyes off you. Alex and Claire are frozen in shock and all you want to do is leave this place and never come back. “You’re going to pay for this.”
“He wanted to know who hurt me.” Your eyes narrow as you inch toward her, wishing you could reach out and smack her right across the face. “He ordered me to tell him who left these scars on my body and I protected you. You should remember that I showed you mercy when you’ve shown me none.”
“You ungrateful slut!” She screams, hands fisted at her sides.
“Goodbye,” you offer your regards and skirt around the women.
You’re surprised that no one follows you but grateful that it’s over as you secure the ashes in your saddlebag. But when you turn to take one final look at the home your father built, Naomi is stalking toward you with two servants behind her. It’s two of the men who work in the fields and care for the cattle.
“Stop her!” Naomi instructs and you realize what’s happening.
“Don’t touch me!” you shout as both men grab your arms, pulling you away from the horse. “Let me go!”
“You are a foolish child.” Naomi watches stone faced as you struggle, fighting like a caged animal. “Carry her down to the basement and make sure she’s tied up properly, arms and legs. We can’t have her slipping out again.”
“What are you doing?!” you scream, staring at her in horror as you’re dragged toward the house. Your feet kick along the ground as freedom slips away. “You can’t keep me here. He’ll find me!”
Three Days Later
Dean winces as a chair hits the wall with tremendous force and splinters in a thousand pieces, sending wood shards in all directions.
“Who is in charge of the search?” Sam yells, grabbing the edge of a small side table and sending it flying. He’s taking his aggression out on whatever’s within arm’s reach.
“I am, my lord.” Byron, a middle-aged high ranking soldier, looks from Dean to Sam, shrinking back a step. “We’re doing all we can, but the search will take time. Perhaps if we had a starting point-”
“Don’t make excuses.” Sam points, stalking toward him. “Just find her. Do you need more men?” Sam looks from Byron to his father who’s watching from the corner of the room. “Tell him he can have as many men as he needs.”
“Of course,” John nods. “Whatever it takes.”
“It’s not a matter of manpower.” Bryon gulps, gathering his courage. “It’s simple logistics. We’ve searched every home in the city from top to bottom. We’ve started with the country homes but it will take days to ensure we’ve left no stone unturned. Perhaps a week.”
“A week?” Sam’s blood is boiling, his face bright red, unable to control the anger churning inside him. Just as quickly, his mood shifts, face falling, swallowing hard as he glances at the king. The fight has drained out of him. Sam’s been cycling between rage and desperation for seventy-two hours. “A week? I can’t-”
“We’ll find her.” John bows his head in confirmation. “Perhaps we need a better strategy.”
“May I make a suggestion?” Bryon raises a shaking finger.
“Please,” Dean nods.
“Perhaps we should make an announcement. If people knew what had happened we would have thousands more eyes looking for her. Men would volunteer to join the search.”
“That’s out of the question.” Mary speaks up for the first time.
“Why? It’s not a bad idea.” Dean offers. “Are you concerned about appearance? Claimed but unmarried…”
“Of course not. There is far more at stake than Sam’s reputation.” Mary scoffs, moving across the room to her youngest son and running a hand up his back. “What do you think the risks are for a prince’s mate out in the world without protection? There are plenty who would jump at the chance to use her against us. Not to mention she’s an Omega, claimed or not she’s a rare commodity.”
Sam makes a desperate breathy noise as his eyes flutter shut. He’s a newly mated Alpha without his mate. The balance of his body has been turned upside down. He can hardly think straight and when he manages to have a coherent thought it’s nothing more than a list of all the terrible fates that could befall you.
“I have to ask again, I’m sorry son.” John persists despite his wife shaking her head in silent warning. “You’re sure she didn’t leave of her own volition? It’s possible she was overwhelmed by how fast things moved-”
“She didn’t run away.” Sam snaps to attention, anger flooding back. He’s been over this a hundred times. “She had every intention of returning. She left a note. If she would have just waited, none of this would have happened.”
“So, either she was detained between the castle and her home or something happened on the journey back,” Dean surmises. “She didn’t tell you anything? Her father’s name? Any detail?”
“No, she didn't want me to know.” Sam explains. “They beat her. There were marks all over her, some from a lash, others I’ve never seen before. She didn’t want me to retaliate.”
“Well, it sounds as if time is of the essence.” Mary thinks on this news, going over all the details Sam has shared over the last three days. “She told you her father was dead and it was her stepmother that beat her?”
“Yes,” Sam confirms, jaw ticking as his nose scrunches in displeasure.
“Well, then we must narrow the search. Byron, compile a list of men who have passed away and left widows and children. I’m sure it’s a long list, but it’s better than scouring the countryside with no direction.”  
“Right away.”
The moment Byron leaves the room Sam turns to his father with tears in his eyes. “They’re hurting her. Whoever stopped her from returning, they’re hurting her.”
“You don’t know that.” Mary whispers, slipping her arm around his waist.
“I do. I can’t explain it, but I can feel it. I know how that sounds but I swear to you there are moments when I feel her so clearly. She’s in pain.”
“The bond between Alpha and Omega is something no one understands. You’re connected to her in more ways than we realize.” John places a hand on Sam’s shoulder. “We’re going to find her. It’s only a matter of time.”
Naomi is proving a point. She thought you were already broken, but now she’s on a mission to seal the deal.
You scream as the whip cuts across your back, feeling flesh open as the sting of the leather crosses over dozens of already open wounds. You’re strung up, arms above your head and stripped naked. There’s a warm trickle of blood down your back and over your buttocks. She’s taken the lash to every part of you she can reach, legs, backside and stomach. She’s refrained from marking your breasts and belly, because, as she’s been eager to explain a buyer wants something pretty to look at.
She announced this morning that she has in fact sold you to a wealthy statesman, an Alpha from a far away kingdom. He’ll come to collect you this evening so Naomi is making the most of her last hours with you.
At some point your mind leaves your body. You float upward toward the ceiling, a hazy, clouded feeling as you remember Sam’s scent and how warm it felt to be with him. You didn’t realize how cold you always were in your little basement bedroom until you felt his animal heat all around you. The sound of your voice crying out in agony echos far away.
If you died down here, at least you would have died knowing how wonderful it feels to be cared for by someone. To be held and kissed by a man who only wanted to show you pleasure and safety. But instead, you will suffer a fate much worse than death. You’re to be a mate for another Alpha, a man will no doubt try to claim you and make you his own...but no other mark will ever supersede Sam’s. Your soul and your body will always pine after your original mate. This will only be the beginning of the suffering.
You jerk back to reality when your knees hit the floor. Naomi has cut the ropes that held you. Now you’re a bloody puddle of a woman, nude and cowering on the soot covered stone.
“Why are you doing this?” You look up, knowing the question itself might incur her wrath but it doesn’t matter anymore. Your entire body is on fire, nauseating pain that makes your stomach heave. What’s more at this point?
“Because I hate you,” she replies simply. “You were a wretched child and grew into a wretched woman. If you think I’ll let you take away my daughters’ chance at an advantageous marriage, you’re mistaken. I should have sold you off long ago.”
“Please don’t do this.” You look up at her, arms wobbling as you summon your last ounce of strength. “If you let me go I won’t tell.”
“You won’t tell anyone as it is. I’ve told the Duke what a liar you are. I don’t want you to think you can talk your way out of this. I explained to him that you were claimed by a stable hand and will say or do whatever you can think of to be with him. I wouldn’t go telling tales of your prince. The duke said if you can’t stop your dishonesty he’ll cut out your tongue. You won’t need it to be of use to him.”
You close your eyes, gripping your knees to your chest and try to imagine a way out. There has to be something you can do. If only you’d told Sam where you came from, your father’s name. Anything. You never imagined your life would come to this, an Omega bought and sold and soon to be shipped off to a land far, far away.
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askpokemoncrossover · 4 years
Saisei vs Akira. Healing wounds from the past.
I walked out of the forest and into a clearing of yellow flowers, petals flying in the gentle breeze, the sun shone so brightly that it’s almost hard to believe that it’s night where my home was. My comet shard on my right glove glowed as my partner’s voice echoed in my head: “He’s here…” Without responding, I nodded slowly and saw a cave on the side of a hill and went forward. Each step I take makes the air intensify as every thought in the back of my mind kept telling me to leave. But i didn't come all this way just to be pushed back. 
When I entered the cave, it was surprisingly dark and hollow… except for a pokemon that’s meditating and hovering in mid air: the pokemon that I was looking for, Mewtwo. It is a bipedal, humanoid Pokemon with some feline features. It is primarily gray with a long, purple tail. On top of its head are two short, blunt horns. A tube extends from the back of its skull to the top of its spine, bypassing its neck. It has a defined chest and shoulders, which resemble a breastplate. The three digits on each hand and foot have spherical tips. Its tail is thick at the base but thins before ending in a small bulb. I also noticed that it had a mega necklace dangling around its neck, telling me that it can mega evolve at will… I was about to take a step forward when I heard a voice I didn't recognize echoed through my head: “I told you all to leave me here… I am where I belong.” 
I was taken back at first before replying via telepathy: “I understand what you’ve been through after the way you were treated… after you escaped, you’ve been surviving on your own for so long that it’s impossible to trust anyone… and it’s kept you alive and safe.” After I finished, the mewtwo’s eyes, one green one purple opened slowly and it was surprised to see a riolu with human-like hands and feet… “And what are you? I can’t exactly tell who or what you are… i sense that you are both pokemon and human but also neither?” It said before leaving it’s meditation stance as its feet touched the cave floor. “Well…” I started to say before showing it my comet piece on the glove… “My parents were human before they were turned into pokemon thanks to a comet that left behind this stone… in a different world that is..” “I see… so you’re here to make me believe that humans have stopped making pokemon from their laboratories and treat them like they’re not living creatures?” It asked. That’s the question I was hoping to avoid. I looked up towards the towering creature before it raised one of its three-digital hands and created a sphere made out of dark energy, it was a shadow ball. “If not, don’t waste your breath and leave me…  i won’t tell you a third time.”
“Was afraid you’d say that…” I said before I felt my energy and the comet’s energy being mixed together and I was enveloped in a pillar of light. Before mewtwo could fire the shadow ball the arm of a lucario emerged and fired an aura sphere and the two connected in midair before making an explosion to cover each of our movements. I rushed forward as a lucario before grabbing the mewtwo by the tail and threw it at the cave wall. The mewtwo stopped halfway using it’s hovering capabilities before getting a closer look at me: It was shocked at my new form before it’s eyes went on the round spike that was on my chest, It was a Damascus color instead of silver-steel color. “I see… so, since you’re aren’t strong enough to face me, you relied on the powers you were given.”  It said before I saw it’s eyes glow a deep pink and I felt my body tensing up, before it was hovering a few feet off the ground… “Let go of me..!” I said, trying to break free from mewtwo’s psychic abilities. Since my mother was a psychic type my powers came from her as a family trait but since I was a fighting type… it’s weaker and I could only enter other Pokemon's minds or communicate via telepathy. My psychic skills compared to Mewtwo’s is like an anthill next to a mountain!
“Who do you work for?! I’ll find out for myself!!” It yelled before it’s eyes closed and I felt it poking through my mind… In a moment I felt something snap inside of me and I curled up my body before releasing this new energy. “HAAAH!!” I yelled before i felt mewtwo’s psychic power loosen and i was floating temporarily before my feet softly touched the ground… “Your psychic powers are unnatural… how is this possible? Wait… before i was cut off, i saw that your mother was a delphox! Of course… it must be a hand-me down ability...” “It’s not complete… but this proves that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” I struggled to say before entering a fighting stance… “Round two… come at me with everything you’ve got and i’ll return in kind… I will make you accept humanity once more… I SWEAR!!” I yelled before charging at him with extreme speed. My first attack was successful and it caught mewtwo off guard, I punched and kicked his stomach a couple of times before kicking it into the cavern wall with a crash.”Choke on this!!” I said before throwing multiple miniature aura spheres like a mini gun… each one exploding on his body. That’s when out of the chain of aura spheres I tossed at him, a shadow sphere came hurtling at me from the smoke screen… I had barely time to dodge it before mewtwo’s hand grabbed me by the muzzle and I was flying out of the cave by a powerful throw. I was able to back-flip and landed safely in the field before I saw mewtwo emerging from the cavern… 
it’s form remained unchanged and yet for a second I was overpowered by physical strength. However, its mind was exposed for me to look into and I saw a young male scientist giving Mewtwo a present when it was only a few years old. “For me?” It asked. The man nodded and said: “Yep! You’re unique in every way… this mega stone has been modified so that way you can access both your x and y form without any trouble!” The man hugged the mewtwo and the mewtwo accepted the man’s embrace before a woman in the lab coat walked into the room “Reznov!! You’re needed in the meeting!” She told him before leaving the room with the door open. “You’re leaving…?” Mewtwo asked and the man nodded before saying. “No matter what happens to you here, you must have a strong heart… I promise that everything will be OK.” He then walked to the door and looked at the mewtwo before saying “See you later, Akira…” Before I was cut off from the memory, I heard the mewtwo yell “YOU LIED TO ME!!”
I opened my eyes and saw that the mewtwo called Akira was holding me in the air with it’s psychic powers and it was in it’s Y form. its new form enhanced it’s psychic abilities, making it much harder for me to break free… “So you’ve learned my past, the point where my faith in humans slowly faded away before I was treated like an inanimate object.” Akira told me as it was lifting my body with just a finger… I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Akira. Even though I got so much stronger with my training with Suisei, Akria’s hatred for humanity is deeper and darker than I thought. There’s no other way… If I want a shot in hell of winning, I'm going to have to use the move Suisei and I created together… “I don’t know what kind of tortuous experiments you had to put up with…” I said, my chest spike glowing softly “But you’ve gotta accept the past to move forward… I did.” I then was enveloped in a Damascus colored veil of light that blinded Akira… I softly landed and the veil vanished, revealing it my Mega-lucario form… the light reflected my Damascus colored spikes. “The real fight starts now…” I said softly before rushing forward with extreme speed while landing a salvo of invisible blows on the mewtwo, landing behind them while it was stunned. I turned to deliver two hard knees to the back of their head and neck, finishing the preceding rush with a back-flipping kick.
I landed a few feet from mewtwo as it was stunned by my recent power-up. “How...?” It said before it transformed to its X mega-evolved form, increasing it’s physical stats a lot. “You chose to live alone without any friends… that’s the worst mistake you made.” I said before I raised my right arm in the air generating a ball of Damascus light, quite different from my aura sphere… Akria gritted his teeth and yelled “I will not… go back to being the pathetic being that they created me to be!!” It then charged at me at breakneck speed, before hitting me in the head with a mega punch. I endured the attack, not moving an inch and lowered my arm with the sphere intact before pressing it against mewtwo’s chest. “Sorry...” I said before I launched the attack in a beam-like projectile causing Akira to be sent flying before crashing against the hillside. When the debris cleared, the mewtwo was back to its base form and was out cold.
I took this opportunity to look into it’s mind and saw it playing with the pokemon the scientist’s brought over before it overheard doctor Reznov arguing with one of the CEOs: “You want me to make Akira undergo ‘those’ experiments?! Each and every time an organization creates a mewtwo, it always goes berserk after being treated like a lab-rat! I want Akria to be a mewtwo untainted by all of that.” Reznov claimed before the CEO grabbed the scientist’s lab coat. “You’re not in any position to give us orders, Dr. Reznov… I remember that you used to work for a criminal organization before it was disbanded and ever since you were on the run to protect you and your family…” Akira looked at the two uncertainly and hid, wondering what’s going to happen next. “Just know that if we don’t get any test results… we can’t guarantee the safety of you or your family’s welfare... It’ll be over for you.” The CEO said before they left the room… after the conversation, a few months later: Reznov was eventually driven out because he didn’t uphold his end of the bargain he made with the CEO. I opened my eyes after finishing looking through Akira’s memory. 
I walked forward before reverting back to a riolu and went up the hillside before kneeling next to the unconscious Mewtwo... Akira woke up a few minutes later and saw me, but it didn’t say a word and looked the other way. “You knew the reason why Reznov wanted you to be strong… didn’t you?” I asked and Akira’s eyes were on me. “Reznov did his best to raise you as one of his own… he knew the risks of what would happen if he didn’t make you undergo those tortuous experiments and paid the price…” Akira looked at me with shock before nodding. “Yeah… if I’m being honest, the first thing I did after escaping the lab was finding him… when I did however, he was already in jail with his family. That’s proof enough that there’s nothing for me here, only despair and pain.” It said, I grabbed It’s hand before shaking my head in disagreement. “If what you’re searching for isn’t here in this world, why not start searching for it in a new one?” I asked before taking out a strange ring and threw it a few feet in front of us before it expanded and created a portal, big enough for Akira to go through. The scent of seawater reached my nose as we heard waves crashing against a cliff-side with moonlight seeping in…
Akira looked at me before turning his attention to the portal. “Some people like you deserve second chances after all… hope you don’t mind starting over from scratch though.” I said, suppressing a chuckle before I stood up and transformed into my lucario form and pulled Akria up to it’s feet. “Heh, if you tell me your name, I might consider it.” It said musingly, I only chuckled before answering his question: “It’s Saisei… it means ‘rebirth’” I said as we walked forward, hand in hand, to Akira’s new home and the start of it’s adventure….
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glimmerglanger · 4 years
Sooo we know Anakin and Ben went to a wedding for Nith and Padmé but BEN WAS UNDER A HOUSE?! I’m gonna need some further context on how those two idiots are passing the time. I’m sure it involved a nonchalant Ben and Anakin clawing his eyes out at being driven to heroism for this man. Basically I just wanna know how and what they’re doing (other than each other), what are they doing post-war for an occupation, I’m just checking in on the boys okay :P
:D OH THEY’RE GETTING INTO TROUBLE. This ended up ALSO hitting a request I got for Anakin Proposing to Ben, so it’s a two-fer. Thank you for asking about these fooooools! :D
Anakin had dreamed of going home at the head of an army for nearly as long as he could remember. The Hutts, all the other slavers, stirred a disgust in him that had never slept. They were a blight on the galaxy, and he’d never understood the Senate’s reticence to do anything about them.
The fact that a Sith had been leading the Republic around by the nose for almost two decades explained a lot, he supposed, but there had been corruption, even before Palpatine rose to power. Senators who saw their pockets lined by the slavers, who were inclined to look the other way and pass off the problems in the Outer Rim as… minor issues, of no concern to Core worlds.
Anakin wondered, briefly, if Chancellor Organa planned to uphold that status quo. It would have been easy to relax. To claim that they needed to recover after the war. To sweep aside other problems and claim only victory.
Anakin told Ben all his concerns, all his worries, pacing around the small space they’d been allocated on Coruscant in the immediate aftermath of the war, and Ben raised an eyebrow and said, “Aren’t you friends with Senator Amidala?”
Anakin paused in mid step, frowning at him. “She’s an old friend, yes. Why?”
Ben shrugged, reaching out to grab Anakin’s belt, tugging him closer to say, “Why don’t you talk to her about this, then. She’s got a lot of power right now, you know.” And it was a good idea, but one that Anakin didn’t pursue right away, because he was, abruptly, more focused on other concerns.
Somehow, Anakin didn’t expect that Ben’s suggestion would actually work. Somehow, he figured the entire thing would be delayed, put off, once more. But it wasn’t. They were allocated resources. They were sent off. And, suddenly, after years of waiting, no one was telling him that he had to keep swallowing all the injustice, the cruel unfairness of the galaxy.
Something inside Anakin eased with each fight, with each organization they disrupted, with each person they freed.
It was a difficult slog, miserable and dangerous each day. They drew bounties almost immediately, slavers offering insane amounts of credits for their heads. A bounty hunter blew up a building with Ben in it, and Anakin--
Killed him, dug Ben out, took him somewhere relatively safe and patched him up.
Their little campaign had a cost, taken out in sweat and blood, and Anakin paid it willingly, but, brushing Ben’s hair back while he slept… Well, sometimes Anakin wondered if he’d asked too much.
They made terrible progress. The bounties on their heads grew higher. It felt almost inevitable that, eventually, they’d miss a step. Luck was bound to turn against them, sooner or later. When it did, it was on Tatooine - of course, Anakin should have expected that - and he was alone, and when they took him, he spared a moment to be grateful that Ben wasn’t there.
The bounty hunters didn’t kill him. He was, apparently, worth more alive than dead. Wanted for questioning, he was told, when he woke, groggy, in an overheating cell. There was a collar around his neck, shut too tight around his skin, so he felt each beat of his heart. He couldn’t feel the Force at all.
He said nothing, nothing at all, on the entirety of the trip to whoever had bought him, no matter how hard they asked their questions. He thought about Ben, about his smile, the brightness of his eyes, going somewhere else in his head.
The bounty hunters brought him to a Hutt. It wasn’t a surprise, truly. The Hutts had their fat, slimy fingers in every aspect of the slave trade. Anakin was dragged in covered in chains and blood. They forced him to his knees in front of the giant, ugly worm, who spoke in a low rumble to the bounty hunters. He spoke in Huttese; Anakin hated the language, but knew it. “Where is the other, the partner?”
“We couldn’t find him,” one of the hunters said, shrugging. “But we got--”
“My orders were that they both be brought to me,” the Hutt said. Anakin didn’t recognize him on sight, but he was one of the biggest Anakin’d ever met.
“And we’ll bring the other.” The hunter shrugged. “Give us half the bounty now; we’ll be able to--”
“You’ll receive your bounty when you’ve completed the job,” the Hutt said, and for a moment Anakin thought they might all fight. But the hunters only inclined their heads and left, leaving him in the Hutt’s stinking presence. The worm said, not looking at him, “You’ve been causing me no end of irritation, Jedi.”
Anakin sneered up at him, his mouth remembering how to speak Huttese. He left the comment about being a Jedi alone. It wasn’t the Hutt’s business. “I’m just getting started.”
The Hutt laughed, shaking all over as he threw back his large head. “You’re finished,” he said. “And so will be your little friend. He’ll be brought to me, and then you will both be executed. I’m almost glad they haven’t found him yet. It will give me more time to decide what to do about you. The only question is…” the Hutt looked at him, huge golden eyes narrowed. “How shall we pass the time?”
They passed the time with pain. Anakin hadn’t expected anything else. He sank into his head, into his bones, going away from it. He had long experience with that. It was easier, when he could access the Force, but not impossible without.
He held onto the bright memories of Ben and gritted his teeth while the Hutt’s servants worked over his body, asking questions he wouldn’t answer. He lost track of time. Lost track of everything but thirst and hunger and pain.
The Hutt visited, frequently. He liked to lounge across the room, slaves hand-feeding him wriggling delicacies, breathing heavily while he stared. Anakin ignored him, ignored the questions about where Ben might be, and the suggestions that he would be fed, alive, to a Rancor, ignored them all, until the screams finally started.
He laughed, then, listening to blaster fire and explosions. The Hutt stirred, across the room, demanding of one of his guards, “Go, find out what is going on, right now.” The guard slipped from the room as Anakin grinned, tugging at the bonds around his arm. “Why are you smiling, Jedi?” the Hutt demanded.
Anakin looked up at him, met his eyes. “Because,” he said, “you spent all this time worrying about finding my partner.” Someone screamed, briefly, much closer to the room. Anakin’s gut tightened with anticipation. “When you should have been worrying about him finding you.”
The Hutt sneered, huge, wet mouth twisting as it moved. Anakin never found out where it intended to go, because that was the moment the doors slammed open. The air carried the stench of blaster bolts and blood. “Guards!” the Hutt snapped, for all the good it was going to do him.
Anakin watched the door, heart kicking in his chest when Ben stormed through. He was grim-faced, both sabers lit and moving. He moved impossibly. Anakin couldn’t feel him, couldn’t sense him, with the collar on, but he knew what it looked like when Ben was drawing on the Force.
His movements were crisp. Perfect. He flowed through the guards like water around rocks, expression unchanging the entire time. “Stop,” the Hutt snapped, moving forward, towards Anakin, with a surprising burst of speed, “or I will kill--”
Ben didn’t even slow down in his march across the room. He just kept coming, leaving the Hutt behind in several pieces. Anakin stared at him, breath getting shallow, as Ben deactivated one lightsaber, hooking it to his belt almost absently.
He waved a hand, and metal screamed around Anakin’s wrist before the shackle snapped. Another step and the other shackle was gone. Anakin pushed to his feet, dizzy and ignoring it, full of pains all down his back and body, but barely feeling them.
Ben reached him, then, touched the collar and Anakin felt it sparking, but didn’t care. The Force came flooding back into his body and his mind. He saw the way it bent and spiraled around Ben, thrumming against his skin, and exhaled, hard.
“Ben,” he said, panting, and Ben was putting a careful hand to his face even as Anakin put hands on him and pulled him closer. Ben’s fingers twisted into his hair, holding tight as Ben rocked up onto his toes. Kissing him felt like grabbing the Force with both hands.
They stood, clenched together, in the middle of all the destruction. Anakin shifted back, just enough to look at Ben’s expression, his bright, clear eyes, the blood splattered across his skin. Ben had found him. Had carved a path to him. Had just killed a room full of slavers without breaking his stride. Anakin gazed at him, heart clenched time, and said, helplessly, “Marry me.”
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