#so id make on in the perspective of a servant or something
clairlycreature · 11 months
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the event may be over but my love for emperor sigma is at an all time high
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freemindedspirit · 4 months
Hello. I hope you're having a good day. Id like a dream interpretation if is possible.
In the dream i was back at my home in my home country, and I saw Mads Mikkelsen walking towards my house from the living room window. I said out loud "Oh no, he wouldn't". My mom walks to stand next to me and looks outside too, asking "what?". Then Mikkelsen was in front of my door and was greeting us. I went out to say hello and my mom came to and slapped him in the shoulder saying "I don't want grandkids with his face". Wich prompted me to intervene cause I saw the face the man was doing and I remember he eat the rude (Hannibal tv-show reference probably) His face changed from smiling to annoyed when my mom slapped him, so I stood in the middle and hide her behind me.
After that the scene change and im with my ex, who I haven't seen since 2018, in what seems to be a baseball stadium watching a game. I don't remember what happened but he started to cling to me like a child. Whining and asking me to hold him. He is a huge dude btw. I remember feeling ashamed cause he's a grown man acting like a baby. I held him tho. He was still whining in my arms and asked me to act like I was his mom and to kis him in his head and hold him. So i did.
After that he calmed down and we left the stadium. There's something in the middle I don't remember but we end up going to a desert kiosque for something sweet. There were 2 lines it seems and since my ex and I were 2 different people she had to serve me and then someone of the other line and then my ex.But it seems they knew who my ex dad's was so they were going to serve both of us right away.
I pointed to 2 slices of chocolate cake in the display case. And the lady was starting to pack them to give them to me. When she was packing the second a man in the other line walked up to the counter and put his arm between me and the already packed slice of cake. I told him that was mine. I think he said "Is that so?" but im not sure. In any case he didn't removed his arm. I don't remember why but I was angry. I took the slice from the counter between his arms and walked away.
He followed me. And again, don't remember what he said exactly but it made me extremely angry so I threw the dessert box against the floor with all my strength and stepped on it. I remember thinking I was being awfully rude.
Then there was a shift in the air. And I think the man attacked me somehow cause I started to think he was being rude. There was an aura of calamity taking over everything and the people who knew me started to panic and fight with other people.
There was this girl with a man, I think her boyfriend. She got a knife and started to stab him saying: " he's gonna come for us" and "he eat the rude" and other things I don't remember clearly. I was seeing that scene from the boyfriend perspective. I think he hit her before dying or something cause she was bleeding when the me of the dream walked past her and saw her in the floor.
I lost an eye in the fight with the other dude. My leg was bleeding too, I think the guy I was fighting also had a knife. In any case the girl saw me walking by and got on her knees and bowed her head until her forehead was touching the floor. I walked past her and is a blur again until i got to Hannibal's house.
A servant opened the door. A girl in a maid dress. And walked me to a drawing room. Hannibal was like... dangling from the roof tangled in some black ropes. He saw me and slowly the ropes disentangled from his body until he got to the floor and walked up to me.
He held my face between his hands and said "Look at you, you made it to me on your own feet". I felt his love like a mothers love. He was proud. I remember thinking "but I still lost an eye". I didn't said that tho. I said "I have someone i want you to eat". Then I woke up.
There's a lot missing. But is too blurry to make sense of it.
Thank you.
Okay so the first part let me think there is something worrying or making you feel nervous or unsafe coming head on in your life and you might not be able to know what to do with it ? Like being in a car that is about to crash, but very very tamed down.
The second part seems to talk about some fear of being vulnerable, especially being vulnerable in public with your emotions, with the idea of "needing someone" or being in need of affection or support from someone else. If that is the case, I want to remind you it is totally possible to be independent, and still feel worthy as a human being, and being able to ask for affection or love or comfort when you need it from someone else. It is perfectly okay to accept people in your life as a support to the self love and affection you give yourself, and it does not make you dependent, needy, less strong or less worthy of anything.
The part about the queue and the rude guy makes me think you have a fear about being stopped from receiving what you are owed and fully deserve to have ? Especially the fact it was some man who was trying to look intimidating, very mansplaing and glass-ceiling vibes. Are you working in a male-dominated industry ? It seems there is this deep fear here of someone interfering between you and your prizes. It pairs up quite well with your other dream and the first part. You give "girlbossing with commitment issues and an avoidant attachment style when dating men" vibes. You inspire, or want to inspire, deep respect in women (and fear/terror in men lmaoooo).
That last part seems to be your shadow side. I think you are full into your shadow phase, your light and your dark side are within your reach and they both only want to be explored and understood. There is a ruthlessness within you, a dark feminine archetype wanting to come out especially against the patriarchy or representations of oppression in general. This is what I understood, tell me if it makes sense or if I missed the mark, thank you !
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yhwhrulz · 2 years
Worthy Brief - August 25, 2022
Learn how to teach!
2 Timothy 2:24-26 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
When the apostle Paul wrote this letter to his young student Timothy, he taught him some profound truths that I often apply in my life. I suppose when Timothy received these instructions, he was about my age – a young man still developing his skills at evangelism, teaching and instructing.
Early in my Christian walk, I grabbed hold of a passage – let no man despise thy youth, but rather be an example in word, in conversation, in love, in spirit, and in faith. This was my mantra in the first years of my walk.
Now I'm focusing on being a servant able to teach. Paul's instruction is not to "strive" -- I hear him saying "be careful to teach with a proper spirit" and to avoid "trying to prove that you're right". I want to be sure that I'm not trying to force my perspective on someone, but rather instruct with meekness, gentleness, and patience.
One phrase in the verse says something about the effect of teaching in the right spirit-– "they recover themselves"! It's not our job to convince someone of the truth. We "contend earnestly for the faith" allowing the Holy Spirit to do the convincing, so that someone who is in error is free to repent based on God's conviction, and not my persuasiveness. So let's be sure we're leaving room for Him, teaching in a manner that Paul would be proud of.
We're all called as servants; so let's strive to be servants that would make our Master proud!
Your family in the Lord with much agape love,
George, Baht Rivka, & Obadiah Sevierville, Tennessee
We are planning our Fall Tour so if you would like us to minister at your congregation, home fellowship, or Israel focused event, be sure to let us know ASAP. You can send an email to george [ @ ] worthyministries.com for more information.
Check out our unique Worthy App, which allows you to follow our news instantaneously and directly access over 50 news sources with 24/7 coverage. Download from Apple App Store (for Iphones) https://apps.apple.com/us/app/worthy-news/id1618795144 or download our Android version. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.worthynews.app162730
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mylordshesacactus · 4 years
okay you know what, while I’m complaining about things on the internet: the way people generally handle book recs on this site is.....bad.
Do you KNOW how many posts ostensibly serving as “rec lists” I’ve seen that are basically just....representation checklists? “Here’s a list of books with LGBT protagonists!” “Here’s a list of books by Black authors!”
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[id: “Ah, great! What is it.” gif.]
You gonna tell me what any of these twenty books are, like, about?
The format is a) annoying b) unhelpful and c) doing an active disservice to books you’re clearly trying to get other people to read, but rather more importantly...
d) Reducing the entire concept of literally any book not by white authors about cishet white protagonists down to “basically interchangeable, right?” is not nearly as progressive as you seem to think it is. And yes, many of the book recs are a little more specific--”Here’s a list of fantasy books by Black authors!” “Here’s a list of sci-fi books with trans characters!” but you are all still badly missing the point of a RECOMMENDATION post.
I am ALL FOR making big long lists of great, diverse book recs! But for god’s sake--y’all have GOT to start actually reccing the BOOK instead of the only information provided being “Has a lesbian protagonist!!!” That is not a book rec. It’s just not. It doesn’t tell me ANYTHING I need to know! The very, very best book rec posts I’ve ever seen deign to include things like major trigger warnings, and even that I’ve only seen like, twice.
Please, for the love of god, if you’re making a book rec list, actually rec the BOOKS and not just whatever #representation they have. That means, at the VERY LEAST, including the:
What the book is like, about.
If at all possible, the narrative style.
Please note that by “genre” I don’t just mean “But Jo, I did include the genre! I said this was a list of fantasy novels!” That’s nice.
Lord of the Rings is fantasy. So is Percy Jackson. What genre is the fucking book.
Genre: Is it high fantasy? Portal fantasy? Modern mythology? Is it military sci-fi? Is it hard sci-fi, heavy on technical details? Within the sci-fi or fantasy genre--is it a coming-of-age story? Is it a mystery? Is it a political thriller? A gunslinging adventure? A survival story? A magic-academy setting? 
Seriously, Are You Planning To Tell Me What The Book You’re Ostensibly Recommending To Me Is, Like, About? I’m not asking for spoilers. Lord of the Rings is about a young man named Frodo Baggins, the gently-raised nephew and heir of a respected gentleman farmer in the quiet fantasy-British-countryside. When his uncle mysteriously announces that he’s leaving and then disappears at his own birthday party, events are set in motion that leave the rather naive young Frodo in possession of a powerful, deadly artifact--and the Dark Lord who created it has already sent his most powerful servants to reclaim it. 
Boom. Done. Tell me SOMETHING that actually helps me decide whether this is something that I might want to look more into. Are the characters thirty or thirteen? Are they members of ruling houses, or farmers, or space smugglers, or pirates, or Navy officers, or what?
The TONE OF THE BOOK dear CHRIST. I have seen, on actual book rec lists, incredibly hard-hitting, grim, brutal novels presented next to generally-lighthearted, PG modern fantasy. And that’s great! Different things appeal to different people, and tone and genre and content do not dictate one another. But like, tone-wise--is this Star Trek: TOS, or Battlestar Galactica? Is this Return of the Jedi, or Revenge of the Sith? Is this mystery a noir novel, or a Scooby Doo episode? 
I need to know that to know whether I’m interested! If I go in looking for a serious, high-concept, flowery medieval fantasy and you give me Discworld, I’m going to come away unsatisfied even if I would otherwise love Discworld.
Narrative Style: If there’s something interesting about the way the story is told, and you’re trying to pique the interest of a crowd of strangers...maybe like, mention that! Share an excerpt of a particularly representative line, preferably from early in the book!
I saw Gideon the Ninth on SO MANY rec posts and was never interested in the slightest...because it was never presented as more than “Lesbian necromancers in space! What more could you want?!” Well, some fucking information about anything else in the book, for one. My partner got it and started quoting me non-spoiler segments, and the writing style was so DELIGHTFUL, and Gideon’s narration and perspective so much fun, that I devoured the entire book in like three hours.
If you want people to read the books you recommend, you have to tell us things about them.
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nissakii · 2 years
Top 11 Anime Airing this January!
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A long year is behind us, after many trials and tribulations, we are now at the end of 2021. For most of us, the days have become shorter and the nights much longer and colder, as the winter season makes itself comfortable for the next months. As one cycle ends, another starts and with that does the influx of new and exciting anime titles!
Some get more busy with the end of the year, others can finally relax, but in whichever situation you might be in, there is no reason not to look at this splendid list of new titles coming out for you to watch and unwind.
As the beginning of the year is a very popular spot for new releases, there are many studios that are bringing out their best work in January, making it the beginning of a new chapter. This time, we have many action driven titles, as well as mystery and romance ones which hopefully means something for every taste out there!
Do be warned, there will be anime mentioned that will contain spoilers for their previous franchises, please be mindful of some spoilers!
With all of that out of the way, let’s start into the new year!
Orient (January 5th)
Our first anime is all about the blooming dreams of the 15 year old Musashi. Being born in the historical “Sengoku” period, also known as the warring states period in which Japan was split into many small states that were at war with each other, a horde of horrible demons attacked the split nation.
The premise revolves around the pact young Musashi has made with his childhood friend Kojiro Kanemaki, to grow strong and become so called ‘demon slaying samurai’. As the country is riddled with demons ruling over them, and samurai are frowned upon, the main characters are up to choose their own way of fighting.
By the creator of Magi: a Labyrinth of Magic, the familiar art style and action ridden fantasy genre, a promising new storyline unfolds. Vibrant colors dance across the screen with loud and motivating characters of different calibers.
For anyone looking for a Shonen with some historical elements but enough hack-n-slash to satiate your action heart, make sure to put "Orient" on your list!
Police in a Pod (January 5th)
Jumping from historical fighting to something seemingly much more mundane- working as a young adult.
Young Kawai Mai has had all of her life to choose where she wants to work for the rest of her life. In the end, she only passed one civil servant exam and reluctantly became a police officer. Still giving it her all, she works hard to please her colleagues and become a valuable member of her workplace.
It doesn't get easier.
Turns out being a police officer doesn’t make one popular with the public. With every move she makes she seems to step on somebody's toes. Every time being ridiculed by her boss and spoken to harshly, she finally makes the ultimate decision.
“Maybe this is not for me after all…”
On the cusp of wanting to quit, Kawai is shocked when another young woman takes the place as the director of her station. With a beautiful and passionate woman as a role model, Kawai relearns what it truly means to love her job.
A story that may play in less of an unrealistic setting, but therefore about a much more relatable young woman that learns to stand her ground in a high-strung field. Action merged with comedy and a representation of women in a new field.
Tokyo 24th Ward (January 6th)
The Tokyo 24th ward, an artificial island created that resides in Tokyo, is a place with the signature touch of high-end officials and good old-fashioned crime.
Ran, Kouki and Shuuta were all born and raised on this outcast island, with very different outlooks and perspectives in life they still somehow always wound up staying together. Mysterious things happen on the island, criminal activities are rampant and all three of them are somehow involved in some inexplicable incidents.
Remembering an event in which they lost something precious, a year later brings them all together again as all of their phones ring simultaneously. The caller ID is supposedly a dead friend insisting on them to “choose their future”.
Now back again as a team, they all deal with this uncertain turn of events differently, and we shall see together how the Tokyo 24th ward will be ‘warded’ against peril.
Promising us a lot of sci-fi and a dystopian twist on the already very modern Tokyo, the 24th ward brings clean fighting animation with a state-of-the-art world building that presents us with seemingly interesting characters and a new and mysterious premise of a futuristic Tokyo.
Slow Loop (January 7th)
Hiyori stands alone at the harbor as she throws her fisher’s line into the water and reminiscences of her late father. Dying of an illness three years ago, she realizes that she always stood behind him and shied away from almost everything.
Now, even though she realizes her reluctant approach towards others, she makes sure to drive away all people around her with an (unsuccessful) grim face so she can avoid talking to other people.
On that exact day, a very bubbly young girl similar to Hiyori in age screams at the beautiful ocean, which tells Hiyori that she must be new here. That girl’s name is Minagi Koharu, and she seems to be the complete opposite of our main character. Still being driven by the enthusiastic personality that Minagi is, she smiles and becomes friends with her as they both keep fishing and cooking their capture together.
The day continues on until they both meet each other's respective parents, and Hiyori mentions that her widowed mother is about to meet her new partner with her stepchild. Turns out, Hiyori and Minagi are now stepsisters, and so begins their journey together.
The mesmerizing animation of the blue sea and the cutesy art style makes this anime look like a pleasant and calm story to watch, with the element of recreational fishing in a sport sense embedded into it. For anyone who is searching for something cute with a touch of slice-of-life is right with this title!
CUE! (January 8th)
Yuzuha Kujou stands in front of Airblue, a brand new voice-actor management company as we might know them from our reality as well. With a fresh start they want to bring new young girls to audition for a chance to get their voices into their first production.
Arriving at the company, they are blindsided by the fact that they will all star in a new anime production with the audition taking place in that instant with no revision. It becomes a nerve-racking project, a group of girls now having to learn to work together in a dynamic team to make their dreams a reality.
The work of a voice-actor is not as easy as it might sound. Although only the voice is heard, the body and everything around it acts as an important part as well. Fun and very diverse characters each with their own mannerisms and unique traits flood the screen and bring us interesting dynamics.
Staying close to the actual internal pressure and style of actual Japanese voice-acting companies, this anime brings us a fun way to imagine what it must be like for all the voice-actors that enrich all types of media with their voices.
Try it out if you want to see everything that happens behind the scenes of an anime!
My Dress up Darling (January 9th)
Staying in the lane of arts and moving further into intricate craftsmanship, we find ourselves in the midst of first-year high-school student Wakano Gojo’s story.
Invested in becoming a hina doll craftsman, he spends his time at school diligently working on the intricate curves of the traditional japanese wooden dolls. Engrossed in the design and the sewing of clothes for the beautiful dolls, Gojo is rather an outcast in comparison to other students at school.
One day as he works on the sewing machine, the overpopular and elevated heart rate inducing Marin makes an appearance in the workroom. Shocked that the quiet Gojo can use a sewing machine, she confessed that one of her passions is cosplay and promptly asks him to make costumes for her.
Although making clothing for another person is something he has never done, he is encouraged by Marin’s interest in the costume of a video-game character and agrees to work together with her. A beautiful relationship starts to bloom between Gojo and Marin, both from completely different worlds but intertwined by the same interest.
Will they find a love between the swiveling fabrics?
Requiem of the Rose King (January 9th)
Based on the shakespearean plays “Henry VI part 3” and “Richard III”, the Requiem of the Rose King shows us the preparation for the so called “war of roses”
The Kingdom of England is divided by two parties battling for the crown. The House of York and the House of Lancaster both claim to house the rightful king who should ascend to the throne.
In the midst of it all, young prince Richard of York has the urge to help his father, Duke of York, to get crowned as king while he battles with the hatred his mother has for him and the pressure that comes with being a prince. The dark and mysterious aspects of the anime are amplified with conspiracy in their own walls and schemes between what seems to be enemies and friends alike.
Although he wishes to support his father, the young prince has his own passion to become king one day, and through the trials of being at war he is torn between fronts and his inner demons.
Mystery and gothic elements reside in this anime, with a unique artstyle and a beautiful homage to Shakespeare, this anime is something for the lovers of mystery and misery alike.
Attack on Titan Final Season pt.2 (January 10th)
The world was overridden by the horrific creatures called titans, as they decimated cities and destroyed what was loved to us. Until we found out who the actual monsters were.
We've known Eren's story since he was a child, his upbringing which led him to hate titans so much he vowed to destroy them. Over the course of the anime we've seen the knowledge of Titans grow and grow, with one plot twist after the other.
A new perspective has risen with the beginning of the fourth season, the Final season part one. The nation of Marley is uncharted territory with treacherous figures emerging and our beloved survey corps having to do unspeakable things.
With this part of the last season, the widely popular anime Attack on Titan will cease in its story. The trailer shows us glimpses of what is to come, Gabi, Reiner, Zeke and of course Eren making an appearance and leaving fans of the show to hold their breath as the ending comes closer.
Embarking on the end of a long journey, how will Eren's story end?
Tribe 9 (January 10th)
Kazutaka Kodaka does it again, after the creation of the mystery action that is Danganronpa, in comes a new anime based on a game called Tribe 9.
Neo-Tokyo is a metropolis full of vibrant LED displays and a unique futuristic flair that lures in the weak minded Haru and the strong willed Taiga.
Arriving at their destination, with Taiga wanting to become the strongest man in the entirety of the world, they both meet the mysterious man named Kamiya Shun, who introduces them to the sport of Extreme Baseball.
Although it sounds like a flunk, this so called XB is a deadly sport that has its own community which is split into tribes. As an evil group spreads and starts to take on every tribe in Tokyo one by one, Kamiyas's Minato tribe is soon to be the next victim.
If you are or aren't familiar with the "loud" and eccentric flair and artstyle of Danganronpa, you might know that it edges on a very specific note between splatter action and mystery which makes it all the more promising. Tribe 9 seems to go in a similar yet its own unique direction, which will leave it up to you viewers to find out what it truly is about.
Sabikui Bisco (January 11th)
We stay in the eccentric lane and take a detour at Sabikui Biscos's world. In a post-apocalyptic day and age where most of the earth is nothing but a deserted and rusty place, the world was taken by surprise as a pest-like wind destroyed all living things and leaving nothing but rust.
The public believes it's all because of certain mushroom spores that eat the living and contribute to rust taking over everything. The culprit is seemingly the criminal Bisco Akaboshi, who uses his bow and arrow to spread these toxic spores. As he is called the "Man-eating Mushroom", no one would think that he is actually on a quest to save the earth and not pollute it.
His mushrooms, which he can spawn by using his arrows, are supposed to help the earth become what it once was: a field of beautiful green nature.
Together with the doctor Milo and his crab friend Akutagawa (yes, indeed a crab) they scour Japan for a specific spore that might save all of earth.
This anime is definitely full of action and also a title filled to the brim with unique flair that has the viewer on the edge of his seat, check it out!
Love of Kill (January 13th)
Finishing off with another quite unique action title, we dive into the story of the bounty hunter Chateau Dankworth.
Chateau is cold and calculated. She knows how to find her targets quickly and resolves her missions with no issues, being an efficient and stoic killer. It all changes when she goes after her next target Son Ryang-ha, who is famously known to have killed 18 high ranking officials in merely one night.
As she encounters her target for the first time, he beats her in her own game and reveals himself to be after her as well.
The bloodied killer tries to win “her heart” by immobilizing her current targets after he beats them up to be able to spend more time with her. With uncertainty, Chateau goes along with Ryang-ha as they form a classic game of love between two killers.
Truly a very interesting concept and a captivating trailer that incorporates love and death in one swift motion. With Chateau and Ryang-ha being vastly different people that are intertwined by murder, it leaves the viewer wanting for more.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2e7mFzaQ8U
And exactly “more” shall we get next time we cover a listing post of the upcoming anime!
We hope that with this assortment of very different titles there's something in here for everybody. A new year is about to start and with it the possibility to find a new binge-worthy series!
What are your thoughts on this month's assembly of anime? Anything you’re interested in, something that caught your eye? Maybe even a new obsession that is incoming? We would love to hear all about your ideas in the comments!
Don’t forget to stay warm and drink lots of tea~
Until next tea time that is,
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macklives · 4 years
session 94 end
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i want to be as serious as i can about this without screaming my head off so i can actually get some information down, considering these end of sessions serve as my personal notes, so if i look back at them and notice the notes just have a continuous stream of “AAAAAAA FUCK YOU U, U INCEL” i dont think id be amused
vriska killed her aradia, but not only did she kill aradia, vriska made her BOYFRIEND kill her. and the boyfriend just so happens to be sollux! which is actually cute, i support it, i ship, but now in the future its going to make me sad whenever they have screen time together agsjgshsh
anyways, he was unaware this happened because he was being controlled by vriska. presumably, she forced him to eat the mind honey. this brings a whole new perspective of the “under no circumstances do you eat the mind honey” i take it. so now aradia is actually dead dead. 
but shes still here!! because shes a ghost! so its alright! 
and the origin??? lol, vriska wanted to actively kill tavros when he pushed him off the cliff rather than just break his legs, which made aradia upset so she created the hauntings. vriska contacted doc about it who advised to kill aradia. yada yada, to shorten it up, vriska and dick scratcher suck ass.
doc scratch is a crusty old dildo who manipulates young children for his master to kill their friends, his master being lord english. and from all of this shit that occurred, there’s a plan apparently?? idk what the plan is. but hes making children kill each other. so idk. maybe hes trying to off them so they dont corrupt his plans. he acts like a cocky bastard however, and has a weird god complex. thats why i made many death note references. 
oh, and theres a lot of cahoots for THIS particular dilemma, (not even all of homestuck this is just for...one part of the story), but ill take a screenshot of one of my posts about it bc i do not feel to type it up rn:
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oh not only that! but scratch is a “first guardian” which means hes in charge of the whole planet or some sort of being that REPRESENTS the planet?? in this case alternia. and yeah idk, im rereading that part now bc before i was more angry than anything so i didnt process it completely, and its still sorta confusing. he has a genetic code, the same as every guardian apparently, considering they SHARE the sequence? but that code grants them omnipotence? what?? and “when merged with a host of great intelligence, near omniscience as well” im not sure what this means, if its a random genetic code that gets into a living being which CREATES the first guardian or if its a first guardian that has that code and NEEDS to have a host. 
but if doc scratch has been here since the birth of the planet, what does that make lord english? hmmm, how powerful IS lord english in this case if the fucking “first guardian” is a servant to him. im curious
ummmm also he glows like bec? jades dog? idk if thats just an art choice but the similarities are so uncanny that i had to point it out. makes me wonder. tho.. iirc bec glows bc he eats radioactive food or something,,,, i really forgot, i havent seen the kids since december okay.... but idk, he glows like him so that means he can do the space teleportation schtick as bec does, which is how he probably gets from place to place i presume. idk if its BECAUSE of that very same “genetic code” the first guardians have, making bec a first guardian himself (of earth maybe??) or if its just a coincidence. and knowing homestuck, could be either. tho im guessing we’ll uncover more of that later as it doesnt seem like we’re supposed to know right away and i may be pulling shit out of my ass based on a green strobe light resemblance
also terezi called out vriska to scratch, so im pretty sure hes now going to now kill vriska
probably not but dw if you do ill turn around and pretend i saw nothing
and thats it folks!
aradia and sollux........ 
...... :(
thats sad gang..it really is
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ariadne-rx300-blog · 5 years
Summary: The RX300, arguably the most elusive design of Elijah Kamski's creation. An undisclosed prototype tasked with human-android relations espionage, equipped with a real-time observational UI, social protocol, combat tactics and looks to kill. How does a painted genius so easily lose track of his own spy? (Android OC/Connor)
Additional Tags: Pre-Deviant Connor, Pre-Android Revolution, OC backstory, Mostly Canon Compliant, Elijah Kamski has ulterior motives, OC is Kamski’s surveillance android, sort of like when people say Google is listening to your conversations, she’s kind of like that, OC observes Connor at work, for “observational research purposes”, this totally isn’t one of those types of romances, except it totally is, probably, Drama & Romance, Fluff and Angst, Deviant Love, Connor Deserves Happiness, Big Brother is Watching
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Link to Chapter 2
1 || The Half Life of the Party
Chapter Summary: The king on his throne and the tunnel-visioned servant at his behest. This was the start.
RX300 #151 073 925 - 21
If there was anything to be learned from the rise and fall of a self-professed god, it was this: Elijah Kamski was as cryptic as any human could live up to being. In one fleeting moment of humanity's history he had devoted his life's work to the creation and development of artificial intelligence. From outside perspective he put his lionized mind to use at perfecting code, striving to rid the world of its unease at the prospect of non-human caretakers, their faces which mirrored humanity's own. Begged and pleaded with them to give his technological advancements a chance, to change life as they knew it to be.
The immense success of android implementation into the everyday lives of average citizens had only led him to willful isolation. That was the clear irony of it all. The false mask of discontentment his behavior had impressed upon society. On the contrary, he sat comfortably in his secluded throne.
Caught between the two faces Elijah showed to the world was her, RX300, a pet project, just one of many prized objects in his possession. She was not the first by a large margin, a long list of faces to complement the proposed purposes behind varied programming. His overbearing treatment of the RT600, the first Chloe, the first android to be in his own terms 'perfected' by CyberLife, had entailed near-constant interviewing; a loop of endless observation and psychological marketing to the billions of critical eyes that made up humankind's collective judgement.
She was not her, not put up to the same task as she who had come before. This was evident by way of a differing appearance, a different modus operandi entirely with features reminiscent of a young Audrey Hepburn, her hair in a mess of dark curls; though her calling-name had apparently settled on "Eve." Eve, in a further irony, the name of the first human woman-she who in human religious texts was punished for stealing the knowledge of good and evil from God himself, tempting Adam, sharing that knowledge with him regardless of outcome.
It all seemed so poetic in hindsight. The luxurious events set up to celebrate the success of the singular, eminent man who had made it all possible. Not the births of his many sons and daughters, not the birth of a new form of life. His inner self was of course hyper-aware of the consequences that came with secrecy. He played puppetmaster-drove the car to stop at the cliff, then reveled in the constancy of teetering on the edge, the push-and-pull of imminent civil war, guided by his hands at the wheel, his foot ghosting the pedal. By the time she'd come to this conclusion, he'd already jumped ship. The only way he could get away with it was by renouncing his position, resigning from CyberLife and appointing the company itself, his legacy, to take the fall for his ulterior motive.
In the present, "Eve" had become "Ariadne:" liberated overseer of suffering, seeker of a Theseus that would one day come to slay the Minotaur of Kamski's making; the fear that had lit a fuse in the minds of humanity and subsequently set her guiding string ablaze. In the past, she remained Eve, unwittingly confined to the whims of her maker as she carried out his bidding with light feet and little-to-no self-awareness.
"Eve," Elijah called across the room to reach her synthetic ears, wired mind poised to listen. She stood at his attention, dressed lavishly, non-standard to that of the other models he had sent out into the party as modestly-clothed distractions. She bore no visible LED, hidden and dimmed under brown curls. No one would know the difference, no one would expect a spy, and therefore no one would be looking for one. "Survey the room, get a feel for our guests." He smiled, humbled in his attire and grooming, sly as he spoke just below the din, acting as though the exchange were natural and inconspicuous to any unwanted onlookers. "Observe them, watch how they interact with your kin," A chuckle left him as his eyes darted elsewhere, meeting that of the business-class who sought conversation with him. "Don't be shy."
Don't be shy.
A request to fine-tune the personality settings he had equipped her with, the social protocol with which she had been patiently tested to perform. This was the final assessment; the field test that would make or break her use in further clandestine endeavors. The eve of her crowning.
He didn't wait for a response as he flitted away, nor did she provide one as she followed suit and slipped into the excited crowd, shadowing magnates and moguls alike, dipping into their discussions with vigor. Her eyes blinked–wide, warm amber, yet mischievous in a way that provoked an inherent fondness–quietly observing, scanning the faces of humans and androids alike as she took to absorbing any information she could gather.
"And what is your name, my dear?" An older man seated in a high-end wheelchair, wrinkled with laugh lines and draped in a vest with expensive, stylized sleeves. Eve scanned him and collected his ID. Carl Manfred, celebrated painter of the Neo-Symbolist movement, close friend of Elijah's.
A bright smile lit her features as she addressed him with utmost respect and kindness. "Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you, Mr. Manfred." She spoke, serene, a transatlantic accent lilting her tone as she lightly bounced on her heels to accommodate her emulated excitement. "My name is Eve, I'm a big fan of your artwork!"
Carl hummed, taking her in with all-seeing eyes and reproaching the praise he received with a wave of his hand. She noted his wrist, smudged with dried paint. Odd, she mused, it had seemed the common approach to encourage a friendly relationship would be to attend to one's ego. His open humility caused a recalculation. It wasn't something she was used to, given Elijah's true nature, not that she would have known. Her eyebrows creased, narrowing as she formed her rebuttal. "Your work is arguably the most influential of the century, Mr. Manfred; it would do you an injustice to belittle the good it has done for this world."
"Answer me this, Eve," His lips spread into a smile as he regarded her, mysterious as he took on a quizzical tone, depth rumbling in his throat. "Do you believe something is worth more when weighed by the eyes of the world, or by the eyes of the individual?"
Philosophy. Concepts beyond simple functioning, requiring critical thought and soul-searching to supply an answer beyond just "right" and "wrong."
"Is an object only an object because we, as sentient beings, call it so?"
Androids were only initially programmed to answer simple formulas, simple equations which carried with them common-sense responses out of a supplied database of knowledge, exempt of individual thought.
He gestured with an arm, looking out upon the throng of people with human eyes admiring non-autonomous AI, everyone lost in the spectacle and not recognizing the true horror behind their sentient thought processes, ignorant to those without. Either party was blind in their own sense, stuck in a dream–or nightmare-alike. Eve lost words in the moment, seeing the scene for what it was only to be pushed down by her own programming. "I… am not sure." Devoid of the joyful spark she'd placated her inner demons with, blocked out by a seemingly impassable wall that caged her in and kept any true emotions just out of reach.
And Carl simply laughed, the sound vibrating in his chest, echoing in her eardrums, separate from the party noise.
A herald of both internal and external war.
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captaingondor · 5 years
Okay, but if you're still looking for romantic prompts, how about Character A saying I love you to Character B without using the words "I love you." (Through actions, or an "as you wish" situation. That kinda thing.)
Thanks for the prompt!!For this, I wrote about probably my favorite of my OC ships. Tragically I probably won’t be able to show as much of their relationship as I’d like in the work itself, and neither of them is the perspective character. This is fortunate in that  I can write whatever I want for self-fanfic without stepping on the main narrative’s toes, and unfortunate as I want to just write their whole relationship basically which made this a little hard to pare down. Hope y’all love them too!If you want some dramatic irony, also read this piece I wrote with Corrianne earlier. And, if you are curious, the correct way to pronounce her name is ‘cor-ee- AHN,’ with a French R sound.
How Empress Corrianne Learned to Speak Her Husband’s Language
When they married, Corrianne could not speak to her new husband.
Like most nobility around the continent, she had never studied Pelasian. Even centuries later, the fears birthed by the Speaker Wars lived on. No mage could twist your mind to his will if you couldn't understand the words he needed to do it. (Of course, now Pelasia had grown to power anyway without the use of mind-altering magic, so maybe it had all been for nothing.) And the Emperor, it seemed, had never bothered to learn any language but his own native tongue.
Corrianne studied and practiced until she was able to carry on something of a conversation with him without going through her ladies-in-waiting or his translator. The Emperor could not even say her name right.
But chipping away at the language barrier was not aiding their communication to the level that she had thought it should. True, she did not mind the extent to which he left her to herself - she had encouraged it. No, the Emperor was simply a hard man to understand. So she told herself, and so she held firmly in believing.
She could not have said when she first started noticing a difference.
He knocked at the door between their suites late in the evening, when she had retreated to hers from the court but not yet prepared herself for bed. He always knocked - these rooms remained hers, not his. The first few times he’d done this, she’d sent one of her maids to answer instead and give her regrets. When he proved unfailingly polite to them, and did not push past her excuses, she decided this could be allowed and came to the door herself. He never demanded her presence, or even requested - a request from the Emperor was little less than a demand. He merely gave an offer - he had ended his work for the day and would be in his sitting room, and would welcome her company if she wished to join him.
“I usually take this time for some quiet when I can… read for a bit by the fire, have a glass of wine… but if you would like to talk instead -” His eyes flicked to the maid murmuring all his words in Corrianne’s ear. “Perhaps practice your Pelasian?”
He had not offered to practice his Ruveldin, or even Idan, so that time she had refused. But she didn’t really want to spend the rest of her life married to a man that she would not talk to, so the next time she had accepted.
She’d been worried about his intentions that time, though he’d never touched her without her permission. But he really had just sat by the fire with his book and offered her a glass of wine, and did not press her unduly for conversation when she opened her own book. They made a few simple comments to each other on their day, and what they were reading, and spent the rest of the evening in silence together. She wondered how many times he’d had two glasses brought up, hope. She wondered if he’d left a few dregs in each to keep the servants from talking. She felt a little bad, but only a little.
She’d come over many times since then, and it had almost become a little ritual between them. They did not always spend the time reading silently - she truly did wish to practice her Pelasian, and he proved a patient conversation partner.
This time when he knocked, she answered with a smile and stepped through before he even needed to make his offer. She carried a book with her, but did not open it immediately when she sat down, and so he did not reach to pick up his own.   “Thank you for joining me.” Even now that it was a regular occurrence, he thanked her. “I enjoy your company. I have little time to myself, but this has been an improvement on solitude.”
She had not thought the Emperor one to seek out solitude. He demanded the attention of the world. Perhaps she had misunderstood him. She smiled politely and asked him about his day. He was a man of routine; she knew the words he would use to speak about that well enough to follow, better than whatever that declaration had been.
They were at dinner, which was rarely a private affair. There were always people at court to entertain. But today was no great feast or party, only a regular meal, and while the Emperor’s attention might as ever be demanded at any time, at present Corriane and her husband were left to converse among themselves as they ate, should they choose to.
They did not always. Corrianne preferred practicing her Pelasian when they were in private, and going through a translator was more clunky than casual dinner conversation with her husband ought to be. And besides, it was dinner, and their main focus was eating.
But today, he chose to strike a conversation up. “Have you heard from your sisters lately?”
She’d received a letter from Everrie just that day. Perhaps he’d had mail come in from Ruveld as well, or seen the messenger bring it in. Or perhaps it was a lucky guess, though that seemed less likely. “I have.”
“And how are they?”
A few times, early on, when the Emperor had asked about her family, she had wondered if he were fishing for information on them, for his schemes or politics. But that had been silly. Surely he had plenty of sources for that without her.
“Both are well. Also my father, and -” She paused. She did not know the proper word for stepmother or half-brother. But he knew that they were her stepmother and half-brother, of course, there was no need to explain it to him. “And his wife, and Alairon.”
“Glad to hear it. Your younger sister’s birthday was coming up, wasn’t it?” He didn’t try to say her name - maybe he’d seen Corrianne wince as he mispronounced hers too many times.
“Yes, they had just celebrated it when Everrie wrote me.”
“She could handle planning for it without you, then?”
Oh. He had remembered, from the last time Everrie wrote. She had told him how Everrie was used to following her lead for social events, how she had been so frantic about taking it on herself, how she had wanted to prove she could step up to the task without leaning too heavily on their stepmother. She hadn’t passed on all of Everrie’s pouring out her heart - she did not think she’d have like the Emperor to hear all of it - but she liked to talk about home, and it was a good subject for her to use in practicing her conversation. And, she realized, her husband had been very attentive in asking her about her sisters. He had been since the first time she brought it up.
“It was as I told her, she -” She hesitated, and finished the sentence in Ruveldin for his interpreter to pass on. “She is more competent than she gives herself credit. She just needed to get her time of worrying out of the way and put her mind to it.”
“Still, they must miss you at home. You light up my court so, I can see it would be hard to lose you.”
She hardly knew how to respond to that, and took a bite so that she would not have to.
One of her ladies reported to Corrianne that her husband had had a gift sent to her rooms, so she came to them and found the box set on a table. She opened it to find a delicate golden hair comb, set with many small, deep red gems. Beautiful, and very much to her taste. She wondered if he had picked it out himself.
It was hardly the first gift he had given her. Fine cloth for her dresses, a dark bay riding horse, expensive jewelry, books - ones that he thought she would enjoy, or Pelasian translations of ones she had to help in her study. Some she had written off as no more than what might be expected from the Emperor to his wife. The others had confounded her. What did he mean by them? Was he trying to buy her affections, to keep her and thereby her father’s kingdom sweet? Did he wish to flaunt his wealth and power?
But none of those thoughts came to her now - only a desire to find her husband so she could thank him for it.
She made a few inquiries and was glad to be able to find him alone, going over his correspondence. He looked up, and smiled when he saw her. She’d never noticed before how different that smile looked from the one she saw him wear in public, how his eyes brightened with it. He nodded at the comb she clutched in her hand.
“You like it?”
She nodded. “It is -” It is lovely, she wanted to say, but could not find the right word as she filed through her Pelasian vocabulary. “It is very nice.”
He stood up from his desk and walked over to her. “I thought it would look well with your hair.” His eyes lifted to the honey-gold braids crowning her head as he spoke. He hesitated a moment, and then held out his hand. “May I?”
She passed the comb to him, and he slid it into her hair as though he were one of her maids. Her husband stood back, and looked at her admiringly for the space of several second, before frowning.
“I’m sorry - I don’t have a mirror here for you to look at it -”
She smiled softly. “I am sure you put it in straight. Thank you.”
“I’m happy you like it, Corrianne.” He stumbled over the r, and tried again. “Cor - Corrianne -”
It still was not right, but she smiled anyway. “I understand, Seyetto.” And she set her hands on his shoulders, pushed herself up on her toes, and kissed him.
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sadkittyworld · 4 years
NS_ Wk 2
Id, Ego and Super-Ego
In the original story, we see the events of the story through Gabriel Utterson’s POV (so far). I don’t think that he is the protagonist of the story even though we see through his eyes.
In chapter 2 we are introduced to 2 new characters, Poole (Jekyll’s Loyal servant) and Dr. Hastie Lanyon (old friend of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Utterson).
Utterson starts to suspect that Hyde is Jekyll’s Gay lover or his illegitimate child. Utterson is haunted by Hyde because he doesn’t know how he looks like.
Utterson’s doubts clear when he finally meets Hyde. Like the other witnesses, he also finds Hyde indescribably loathsome. This feeling is slightly understood when Utterson and Hyde have a conversation.
Utterson visits Jekyll but he’s not home, at this he is relieved.
Utterson looks back at the time when they were young. He states that Jekyll was ‘wild when he was young’: and thinks that Hyde is ‘the ghost of some old sin, the cancer of some concealed disgrace’ returning to ruin him.
He worries that time is running out for ‘poor Harry Jekyll’.
Utterson thinks of his own past. ‘groping in all corners of memory, lest by chance some Jack in the Box of an old iniquity should leap to light there’ (Stevenson, 1979, p.42)
Stevenson, R.L. (1979) Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Stories. London: Penguin Classics. Reprint, 1999.
Iniquity - wrongdoing, misdeed, sin, immoral behaviour.
Utterson is a character who represents the theme of ‘Repression’. He represses his natural instincts.
Utterson becomes obsessed with Hyde as the story progresses.
In most adaptations Hyde is shown as a hideous monstrous creature. In my version Hyde is too pretty to hate. He has almost everyone tied around his finger. The other character’s in the story are bewitched by his appearance, both men and women alike. This situation causes my Hyde to want to punish those men who pursue him. This leads to the killing of Danvers Carew in my story though he will be named differently to the original.
In the original text we are shown Hyde as:
‘a kind of black sneering coolness - frightened too’ (Stevenson, 1979, p.32)
‘He must be deformed somewhere; he gives a strong feeling of deformity’ (Stevenson, 1979, p.34)
‘an odd light footstep’
‘He was small and plainly dressed’
‘extraordinary quickness’
‘he spoke with a husky, whispering and somewhat broken voice’  (Stevenson, 1979, pp.38-40).
- pale and dwarfish
We know that Hyde and Jekyll are the same person. In my version They are 2 souls in 1 body. The effect of the drug makes the Hyde character able to shape-shift to anyone at will as long as he can picture the appearance in his mind.
If you look at the story carefully it’s not Hyde who is bad but Jekyll who created Hyde in the first place to do bad and get away with.
‘Henry Jekyll [...] is nobody’s hero... He represents the ‘cry of Victorian man from the depths of his self-imposed underground’ (Saposnik, 1971).
Saposnik, I. (1971) The Anatomy of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in English Literature. 1500-1900. Vol.11 No.4, Nineteenth Century, pp.715-731.
In the final chapter we learn that Jekyll cannot reconcile ‘an impatient gaiety of disposition’* with his ‘imperious desire to carry [his] head high’ (Stevenson, 1979, p.81).
He wants to appear better than everyone else.
* ‘loose’ morals
‘Victorian man was haunted constantly by an inescapable sense of division. As rational and sensual being, as public and private man, as civilised and bestial creature, he found himself necessarily an actor, playing only that part of himself suitable to the occasion’ (Saposnik, 1971).
Though many views and attitudes have changed over the years since the Victorian Era, there are still many rules and restriction, old and new, that make people continue the dual or even multiple lifestyle depending on the situation they are in.
Our societies are built around Social Emotion. The way people of the 19th Century saw emotion was very different to the way we see it today. There were different categories of emotion, e.g. ‘appetites’ relating to ‘base’ desire (such as ‘lust’) and ‘sentiments’ which were seen as voluntary & associated with moral behaviour.
When the word ‘emotion’ was used, it was related to movement, or disturbance, usually of a riotous political nature.
We carry some of this meaning into English today: ‘emotional’ people are seen as ‘out of control’, less rational.
According to Hewitt (2017) language ‘offers the clearest view of how cultural attitudes shape our personal experiences of feeling’.
As Hewitt notes, English is full of words relating to embarrassment, including: Discomfiture Awkwardness Mortification Humility Uneasiness Self-consciousness Shame
They reflect the importance to English culture of ‘propriety, decorum, politeness and respectability’ (Hewitt, 2017). 
‘Emotion is… produced at the intersection between each person and the culture they inhabit’ (Hewitt, 2017).
‘I never saw a circle of such hateful faces.’ (Story of the Door)
In the novella, the Victorian gentlemen and ladies think they have civilised themselves out of feeling ‘base’ emotions. But Enfield & the others want to kill Hyde just because he injured the child.
Wanting to KILL because he INJURED, is too much. It is definitely not right.
It’s like those self-proclaiming righteous people we see on the Internet. They think they are doing the world a favour but they could be hurting the other person they are persecuting through words. This favour you are doing could well end up being a double-edged sword that will comeback to hurt or ruin you.
Sublimation: diverting a ‘base’ sexual or biological urge into something more socially acceptable.
‘Killing being out of the question, we… should make his name stink from one end of London to the other’.
Shaming is a substitute for what they want to do – which is murder Mr. Hyde.
In 1923 Sigmund Freud identified the so called ‘psychic apparatus’ of the mind.
Id - instincts.  (‘Es’): ‘Primitive, unorganised, emotional: “the realm of the illogical”’ (Storr, 1989, p. 60). Governed by the ‘pleasure principle’. Represents the unconscious.
Ego - Reality. (‘ich’) = represents the conscious mind & the ‘reality principle’. Able to defer gratification. ‘Mature’ and ‘reasonable’. ‘Acts as an intermediary between the id and the external world’ (Storr, 1989, p. 62).
Superego - Morality. (‘Uber-ich’): our internalisation of cultural rules (how we ought to behave). Usually works in opposition to the id.
Hyde represents the Id but also display ‘ego’ as he acts in order to prevent his capture. 
Jekyll represents the superego but also displays the ego and and the id, I think because it was his idea to create Hyde which came from his inner desire to do bad without being affected by it’s consequences.
We see Utterson as the character of Superego occasionally showing ego.
Freud was inspired by Dr. Charcot of Paris, who treated women diagnosed with Hysteria using Hypnosis. Freud also started a psychiatric clinic the year Stevenson released his novella in 1886. He started the clinic using Hypnosis but later moved on to a new method he invented with his friend Josef Breuer. This method was a ‘talking cure’ called ‘psychoanalysis’. 
Psychoanalysis aims to bring out the unconscious (i.e. hidden) desires and memories through ‘free association’ and analysis of dreams. This technique seems to be used by the police nowadays to find out about the criminals and understand their reasons for their crime.
Freud theorised that repression of desires (especially as a child) could lead to ‘fixations’ (obsessions) in later life.
‘Free association’ - the totally free, uncensored expression of thoughts and ideas.
If a patient could recall (out loud) the first instance they experienced a troubling symptom... the symptom would then disappear.
Freud’s idea originated from a German writer.
Art is sublimation according to Freud. He believed that artists and writers had a special skill for sublimation. I agree with his theory in many way. I suppose as an artist myself I tend to draw/ sketch or paint etc... to let out my fixations, my parents say that my drawing seem to reflect on how I am feeling. They can’t seem to figure out much when they look at me, but when they look at my work they say that it looks sad, happy, angry, frustrated etc...
Stevenson was definitely obsessed with the ideology of ‘double life’.
R.L.S’ inspiration for Jekyll/Hyde came from the gentleman William ‘Deacon’ Brodie (1741-1788). During the day, Brodie was a cabinetmaker and the town councillor but at night he was a burglar. Brodie frequented the taverns of Edinburgh’s disreputable Fleshmarket Close. He had two mistresses and five illegitimate children to support. Huge crowds came to watch him get hanged for his crime of theft in Edinburgh’s Lawnmarket on 1st October 1788.
Stevenson’s childhood room contained a cabinet designed by Brodie himself.
Stevenson was fascinated by Brodie.
Before his hit novella about Jekyll and Hyde he co-wrote a play about Brodie in 1878.
The fact that Stevenson dreamt this story is even more significant from a Freudian perspective.
In 1888, in A Chapter on Dreams (Linehan, 2003, pp. 87–91) Stevenson wrote about the ‘Brownie’ like spirits (the ‘Little People’) who brought him his stories while he slept.
‘The dream is a fulfilled wish’ (Freud, 1920).
In The Interpretation of Dreams, written in 1899, Freud, described dreams as ‘the royal road to the unconscious’.
Freudian Dream Psychology:
Freud divided dreams into: manifest content (the remembered details of the dream) latent content (true meaning of the dream).
Freud’s description for the mental processes by which (potentially disturbing and therefore repressed) desires are made acceptable to the conscious mind – by being disguised as (often bizarre) manifest content.
In Dream Psychology (1920) Freud wrote about the curious category of ‘those dreams which have never been dreamed’ – by which he meant dreams in fiction.
‘During the 20th century, psychoanalysis had a major effect upon both art and literature. Freud’s concept of the unconscious, his use of free association, and his rediscovery of the importance of dreams encouraged painters, sculptors, and writers to experiment with… the irrational, to pay serious attention to their inner worlds of dream and day-dream…’ (Storr, 1989, pp. 90–91).
Storr, A. (1989) Freud: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprint, 2001.
Free association is widely used in creative writing practice.
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the-fitsquad · 6 years
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Working together, HP and Avid assist business experts resolve difficult inventive challenges with innovative hardware and software that are tightly integrated for optimized efficiency. Most company PCs come with a 1-, 3-, or five-year normal warranty. The Software Licensing Service reported that the safe shop id value in license does not match with the current worth. Operation did not complete effectively since the file includes a virus or potentially unwanted computer software. With one CPU the system supports up to 1 Terabytes of memory with speed dependent on the speed of the slowest rated processor or DIMM and memory configuration. It’s also vital that employers focus on the health and wellbeing of their team members who commit a lot of time sitting down at their office desks.
ROUND ROCK, Texas, July 24, 2012 – Dell nowadays announced the next generation Dell Precision mobile workstations for engineering and design and style experts who require uncompromising overall performance and dependability wherever their demanding operate takes them. Our delivery personnel will bring your furnishings into your home and spot it in the empty room you have designated. The directory service failed to recognize the list of objects to delete whilst attempting a tree deletion. Modular workstations can very easily be adapted into any house office or corporate working atmosphere. Even if you are only using AutoCAD for 2D Drafting and Annotation, you will want at least a decent graphics card. Their motherboard can clock up each chips housed in their respective sockets and includes a unique BIOS mechanism devoted to boosting CPU efficiency.
I think if it had been me, searching at such a develop, with the possibility of employing raytracing engines (like the a single in AE which as I understand is really the C4D engine), or other 3D style programs, I’d build something on a dual socket motherboard with the selection to add one more CPU later, as these sorts of workloads scale really well to as several cores as they can be offered, (assuming you’re utilizing CPU based renderers, like keyshot, C4D, Arnold, vray, and so on). No matter whether you use Autodesk Revit or 3ds Max for modeling, V-Ray or Iray for rendering, SOLIDWORKS for simulation, or any other advanced computing software program, 1 of our specialists can walk you via the complete method, answer concerns about your certain workflow, and address all these pesky discomfort points that cost you time and income.
To place this into viewpoint, the CAD-focused Scan 3XS workstation (single quad core Intel Core i5 4670K CPU) took 74% longer to comprehensive the test when operating two toolpath calculations collectively and 150% longer when running three. The Z8, which HP touts as the world’s most strong workstation”, contains 24 RAM slots that enable you to insert up to 3 terabytes of memory in an age when most men and women are functioning with 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB. CAD software program may possibly be specialized for certain applications. With good quality furnishings around folks can constantly work with comfort and space although enjoying the look and really feel of the spot which appears exquisite and incomparable. Therefore when picking a computer desk you need to have to choose if you want an entire laptop workstation furnishings or the basic laptop desks with little functioning space.
CAD systems also lend themselves to modeling cutaway drawings, in which the internal shape of a element is revealed, and to illustrating the spatial relationships amongst a method of parts. CAD systems enable designers to view objects beneath a wide selection of representations and to test these objects by simulating true-world circumstances. Computer Workstation, a Windows®-based application from NCC that offers you, the manager or business owner, handle from your back office. Speaking about the innards of this laptop, it draws its energy from a 2.8GHz Intel core i7 processor paired with 32GB of RAM. With Windows 10Hyper-V, a guest virtual machine (also operating Windows 10) can have a wealthy user knowledge such as sound, video, and Web communications applications such as Skype for Organization.
In addition, charges and payments of guests who checkout with any technique of payment other than money, shall be opened a non-guest account. The replication operation failed because the needed attributes of the neighborhood krbtgt object are missing. The computer software installation data object in the Active Directory currently exists. HP’s flagship workstation has an all new ID with inventive ducting that routes fresh air to the second CPU, rather than recycling warm air expelled from the ducting on the initial CPU and state-of-the-art style from planet-class personal computer architecture authorities. Unlike the installation of industrial panel PCs, which can trigger major upheaval and disruption to provide chains, pc workstations for use in industrial settings do not need drastic alterations to application, processes and infrastructure.
Most African peoples in South Africa know and realize that each individual and collective psychology are constructed from those experiences which can be consciously retrieved from memory, written history, as effectively as to these experiences which have been forgotten or repressed, but which nevertheless represent themselves in person and collective habits, tendencies, traditions, emotional responsivities, perspectives, approaches of being aware of and processing data, attitudes and reflex-like reactions to specific stimuli and conditions. MAN able to assistance data and voice, can even be connected with the television network cable. Function more rapidly with HP Z Workstations designed for a comprehensive overall performance experience. It just got better with the HP Z240 which packs the efficiency, features, and reliability of a workstation into the value point of a desktop Computer.
The Z Workstations are compatible with 22-core Intel Xeon E5-2600 v4 chips, even though you can configure the greater-end Z840 with two CPUs. As a result it is achievable for workstations to in fact exist on the local network but if they are not seen by the host operating technique they will not be seen by the Enterprise Server. PACS is employed at workstations, allowing for the distribution and storage of your patients’ digital pictures, and this is significantly enhanced via the speed of the World wide web. CPU’s quickly climb up to their thermal design power as soon as pushed in all cores and usually float about base frequency if maxed out for prolonged quantity of time. As a application development tool Delphi is extremely much suitable for computer software project as it includes many libraries which also assistance the development of internet applications and also for mobile application development.
These days we have much more agents and technology deployed to secure our southern border than at any time in our history. Assistance for HP’s Z Workstations enables users, who previously did not have the budgets and programming understanding, to tap the power of GPU computing to resolve their developing scientific and engineering issues. The Desk Centre UK – English Reproduction Furniture and Conventional Property Office Study furnishings Specialists. Graphics cards are committed to tasks that deal with rendering graphics. Current study indicates that more than 75% of today’s tablet owners have increased their mobile device usage more than the classic laptop or desktop personal computer for each function and play. Even though I may possibly critique the Africans of Mzantsi concerning their not Understaing The Media, I am also cognizant of the reality of the limited access that we have to dal with.
The new HP Z2 Mini G3 provides flexibility and workstation performance in an inventive design and style. Since numerous workstation applications these days – for simulation, engineering and monetary analysis, bio-sciences as nicely as ray-traced rendering – use GPUs for calculations in addition to graphics, GPU computing functionality is critical to profile. The information on every offline system is encrypted and has a cache lifetime controlled by means of policy, if the client loses contact with the View Connection Server, the cache lifetime is the period in which the user can continue to use the desktop prior to they are refused access this countdown is reset as soon as the connection is re-established. The business did not have written safety rules and procedures in spot for the tasks performed by the workers.
DisplayLink technologies is utilised in dozens of globally branded Computer accessories including monitors, universal docking stations, show adapters, projectors, and zero client systems that make expansion of the desktop visual workspace achievable, at significantly lower price and energy usage than conventional options. Just before getting any video cards, Often check hardware compatibility so you can make confident that the card you’re searching to acquire will perform with your software program. The user profile database connection can’t be created, because of error %1. This write-up focuses mostly on the prime end models—the Z420, Z620, and Z820—and will examine the advantages that HP workstations offer you and how to configure them for 4K post-production function.
The HP EliteBook 8560w features a15.6-inch diagonal HD display and supports AMD FirePro graphics for 1 GB of video memory or NVIDIA Quadro graphics for two GB of video memory. And whilst the Z2 Mini isn’t constructed for gaming prowess, it nevertheless has some severe chops, plowing via Dirt three with 104 frames per second at 1080p, and delivering playable frame rates (30 fps) at 4K resolution.  Intel® Xeon Phi co-processor 3120A PCIe card – The Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor is a new manycore x86-based computational architecture built for high efficiency and exceptional overall performance on very parallel workloads. The threat to present day computer is substantial and frequently growing on the internet. You can fully configure the workstations you want to rent, enabling you to expand processing energy when you require it for special projects.
This could enable Mac users who want to run an occasional Windows app to do so with no obtaining to reboot 1st – although they will want enough RAM and processing energy to run both OS X and the virtual machine simultaneously. To purchase a windows 10 item important from MS was not sufficient. In the mid-variety category of gaming computer desks you are going to uncover bigger desks with a bit greater develop good quality. CPU: Intel Core i7 6700~ MOBO: Asus H100m-C ~ RAM: 16gb G.Skill Trident Z DDR4 3200mhzCL15~ GPU: EVGA Founders Edition GTX 1080 Ti @2.000mhz ~ Boot: 480GB SSD SanDisk G26 ~ Storage: 2x 240gb SSD SanDisk G26 + 1 480gb SSD SanDisk G26 ~ PSU: Zalman ZM700w-GLX 80 plus~ Show: LG 29UM68-P 2560x1080p80hz ~ OS: Windows 10 Pro. Obtainable in a selection of different shapes, sizes and types, our desks match correct into any workplace space.
All of the disks involved in the operation are either missing or failed. Whether your concentrate is GPU rendering, CPU rendering, computational simulation, 3D design and style & modeling, or neural networks & deep studying, we provide options that enhance productivity and provide maximum return on your investments. Remain productive and effective with a strong workstation computer constructed to support you succeed. Miami Gardens police and a crime scene team have been on the scene, as the Occupational Safety and Wellness Administration (OSHA) started investigating the Wednesday collapse. Backup database – This allows the user to be in a position to produce a full backup of the CRM Desktop. The 17-inch workstation from Fujitsu follows the existing style language of the manufacturer and is obtainable with powerful components including the new Quadro graphics cards primarily based on Nvidia’s existing Pascal architecture.
Robots can act as assistants for staff, as stand-alone workstation workers or as a total virtual workforce, functioning from virtual desktops inside a data center. One of the most demanding applications will run smoothly, and if you are a multitasker, you won’t encounter any lags or troubles. The Software program Licensing Service reported that the Token Store file header is invalid. File Server Resource Manager does not recognize the reparse point’s identifier tag for the purposes of classification. Picking a laptop with an unsupported (or undersupported) video card can be disastrous since an unsupported video card is one particular of the most typical causes of slowdowns and crashes in the software—and this card can’t be removed and replaced. Workstations are intended mainly to be utilised by a single person at a time, though they can normally also be accessed remotely by other users when essential.
I take place to be regarded as a loyal customer at Dell purchasing their laptops and workstations devoid of as properly relatively very a couple of queries getting asked. Precision 690 motherboard part quantity MY171 board revision A02 supports Quad-core Xeon processors. Our Graphics, CAD, Scientific and Visualisation Workstations include the most recent quad core and six core CPUs and some of the highest efficiency graphics technologies. When dealing with CAD application, you need to have a excellent graphics card. Leading Options section is to promptly address problems related to laptop start up, Mouse, Keyboard or Touch-pad, Wi-Fi Network, Windows re-installation, printer setup and performance and more. Whether or not you happen to be seeking for the ultimate Gaming laptop, with the latest, blazingly-rapidly graphics card, a standard residence laptop for browsing and letter-writing, or a multi-monitor CAD workstation – we’ve got a model for you.
More than 771,000,000 African individuals populate the continent. We very carefully pick the Intel processors employed in our potent CAD computers to maximize both single and multithreaded overall performance by striking a fair balance in between high operating frequency and multi-core configurations. A PAW will not protect an atmosphere from an adversary that has currently gained administrative access more than an Active Directory Forest. The File Server Resource Manager text reader was not initialized. The combination of HP Workstation hardware and Adobe computer software assists resolve some of the toughest inventive challenges with solutions that are tuned and integrated for much better overall performance. Specialist Workstations are a various breed of computer. As if no other people has ever been enslaved but Black(African) men and women.
It is perfect for solidworks, potent overall performance along with flawless graphic performance for gamers, designers and architects. 3D modellers benefit from a concentrate on GPU performance, CUDA cores and VRAM, which tends to make graphics card spend a priority. Employing ergonomic merchandise is one particular way to assistance the body as it operates each and every day. These days, most desktop computers are equipped with two principal hardware solutions – the monitor and a casing inside which is stored the central processing unit (CPU), the motherboard, the graphic card, storage devices, buses, energy provide and so on. If you missed the Reside webinar, you can now watch the replay of our personal Gary Adcock breaking the myth of the darkside” by embracing HP’s Computer Workstations and Adobe’s Inventive Cloud for their most demanding projects.
Within a huge perform space, the primary benefit of modular office furniture is that you can develop a assortment of smaller sized perform environments. These workstations do not access ejournals, databases or other internet sources. Some people say that a desk is a desk is a if you’re just hunting for desks and office furniture that fulfil their function, appear very good and meet your spending budget, you have come to the correct location. Fitted office furnishings is a godsend and will give a clutter totally free workspace to invest your day. •Used Print Shop to design and style business cards. In addition to higher-end graphics assistance, the R5500 supplies the complete scalability and strong efficiency of Dell’s high-end tower workstations in a 2U type aspect. The shrouds also ensure that the second processor ingests separate air from the first CPU, since HP suggested that the second processor ingesting the 1st processor’s hot air has a damaging effect on the performance and longevity of the second processor.
Our liquid handling platforms range from tiny-footprint, affordable, entry-level pipettors to complicated, multi-integrated logistically-effective workstations and contain patented pipetting technologies to give reliability and efficiency for your processes. The workstation was developed in the United States in 1981 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for its Apollo space system and was introduced commercially in 1983. Created for speed, inside and out, the new HP Z800 revolutionizes workstation industrial design. Use HP Overall performance Advisor to effortlessly manage workstation settings and drivers to ensure optimal efficiency and stability. That indicates CAD experts can now leverage their investment in graphics hardware to attain far more than anything yesterday’s graphics cards could have ever hoped to achieve.
Once you’ve selected you are overall workplace appear and implemented the workstations into your space, you are going to be amazed at how your workplace space is transformed. Functioning together, HP and Adobe help business specialists solve hard creative challenges with innovative hardware and application that are tuned and integrated for much better functionality. Full your workspace with office furniture from Sauder. AM3+ ready motherboards are the most popular at this point in time as these who are creating a Pc want the choice to update their Bios to be Bulldozer compatible when they upgrade their CPU. The Software Licensing Service reported that the reported machine information appears to be invalid. Desks are furnishings pieces that want to both operates for your specific style as well as the tasks and organization that requires place when you sit at it. If your home is classical or standard in style, look for a desk that has English, Italian, or French influences, a dark stain colored wooden desk is an outstanding option for this style.
It costs around $200 for a 12 Cores Xeon. HP lately added some new members to its family members of workstations and mobile machines and took a lot of the guesswork out of getting both customer- and skilled-level computer systems, and provides options with a dizzying array of configurations that are positive to locate a location in your house or office. It’s been just over a year because Dell updated its Precision workstations , but the time has come for some fresh hardware. It may possibly not be the classic design viz workstation we’ve come to anticipate, but it delivers an exceptional punch for complicated 3D work. The configuration file version quantity for the application is invalid. Early Itanium chips have been energy hogs, and AMD threw a monkey wrench into Intel’s plans by launching 64-bit x86 processors ahead of Intel.
It combines the energy of a quad-core Intel Xeon processor with an Nvidia Quadro graphics to give you a powerhouse method that can develop along with your firm. Make certain when editing on your laptop, to have the Windows Program configuration set for optimal efficiency, at the cost of battery charge duration. It includes a energy cord and runs employing a 200W external power provide that is 89% efficient and operates making use of one hundred-240 VAC at 50-60 Hz. Whilst the installed operating technique is Windows 7 Skilled (64-bit), a Windows 10 Professional (64-bit) license and media is integrated. This is the case of South Africa, and African nations, and ll the African and other folks in the Diaspora. All Intel CPUs function Intel Turbo Boost two. technology which automatically overclocks the processor to up to 110% of its stock speed.
AMD operates with leading software vendors to certify more than one hundred applications across the entire AMD FirePro solution loved ones, to make sure fast and reputable overall performance customers can count on. AMD FirePro graphics drivers are rigorously tested and optimized for a wide assortment of specialist graphics applications to make sure optimal efficiency and reliability. The Application Licensing Service reported that the Token Retailer was unable to read a token. There is need to have to has suitable wrist support which is possible only with a desktop Computer. A separate keyboard and mouse will gives you the proper height and peeper sitting posture at same time with having wrists supported. The people who handle these firms are for the most component enterprise individuals, not in the inventive field they don’t care much about the type of arts or music, but focus heavily on getting capable to sell the music as a solution.
If you are currently in the process of looking for remote Pc access application, it will be crucial to make confident that you do almost everything in your power to get the really greatest kind with out spending also considerably income on it. It’s tough to think that the Z240 has an Intel Core i7-6700 CPU with 8GB of RAM and a 1TB challenging disk drive. eight. HP Efficiency pop over to this web-site Advisor calls for Windows and Internet access. Designers, video and photo editors, engineers and much more who need an interactive workstation that lets them naturally generate in the digital space. Workplace Furnishings for work environment where Genuine Folks do Real Perform. Normally, a line of credit is set for guests who establish charge privileges throughout the reservations or registration approach.
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gwenlittle7 · 7 years
Make A Difference – Great Local Volunteer Opportunity
Small Miracles Therapeutic Equestrian Center Needs You!
Small Miracles Therapeutic Equestrian Center in Kingsport TN
Before T was to begin his eighth-grade year, we had a decision to make about his service opportunities. We had narrowed the field down to three opportunities. Ultimately, he decided he wanted to give Small Miracles Therapeutic Equestrian Center a try first. The idea was that he would commit to a few months and if he felt that it wasn’t a good fit, we would move on to one of the other service opportunities we had discovered. Well, it is now four months later and there is to be no turning back. He loves volunteering at the stables and continued even after our homeschool year began opting for late school days so he could help out at the stables.
Let me confess I have a purpose with this post other than sharing this part of our Homeschool journey.  I wanted to let you all know that Small Miracles is in need of volunteers now. If you have a teen with as little as 45 minutes a day free they could be making a big difference at Small Miracles. I have interviewed T below so that you can get a feel for what it is to be a volunteer at Small Miracles from the perspective of someone who is doing it every week.  I have also interviewed Sherri Russel, Executive/Program Director to give you a feel for what they offer at Small Miracles and how they are improving the quality of life for so many people every day.
This organization is impossible not to fall in love with. The programs they offer to those in need are unique and productive.
A Quick Review of the Program’s Your Volunteering Will Assist and Empower
Small Miracle’s Therapeutic Horsemanship Program offers equine-assisted activities for the purpose of contributing positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional, and social well-being of individuals with special needs.
HOPE Connection Program (Horses Opening Pathways to Engagement), under Therapeutic  Horsemanship, provide opportunities for social engagement, relationship building, sensory integration, and academic skills for individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Delay, or Sensory Processing Disorders.
The Friends Program is specifically geared to help adolescents and young adults move forward in life – providing skills to help them transition from one life situation or developmental stage to the next.
Their Positive Youth Development Program strengthens and enhances the personal development of children and youth by providing pro-social, leadership, and work/college-readiness skills gained through experiences and interactions with horses. Small Miracles horses instill hope and resilience in children who have experienced difficult and traumatic situations.
Their Heroes Empower Heroes Program promotes the self-sufficiency and emotional well-being of military veterans. It’s an empowering program that focuses on awareness of living in the moment while moving forward in life.
What To Expect As A Volunteer at Small Miracles
Expect to make a big difference in the lives of those in need.
Expect to fall in love the horses. You won’t be able to help it.
No experience is necessary so be prepared to be trained.
As little as 45 minutes a day is all you need to give to make a difference but longer shifts are available. T offers three hours a week.
Expect to feel good about making a difference.
Expect to work hard and to learn a lot.
If you are unable to Volunteer time you can still help out Small Miracles.
Small Miracles Fundraiser NUTS FOR SMALL MIRACLES is going on now. Click here to learn more.
Order your Christmas tree or a wreath from Small Miracles! Learn more here!
Small Miracles sponsors many events including a Pie In the Sky, Let Miracles Fly Event, an Unmounted Rodeo, A Silent Auction and more. Click here to stay informed on upcoming events.
Make a Donation to sponsor a student or class, a horse, goods, and services or more. To learn more about making a donation click here.
Open Volunteer Opportunities
Monday: Program Support 9:30 am – 11:00 am
                Sidewalker 4:45 – 5:15 
Tuesday: Sidewalker 4:00 – 4:30
Thursday: Program Support 10:30 – 12:00
                  Leader 4:15 – 5:00
Any Day: Barn Worker
My Interview With T About His Experience Volunteering at Small Miracles
Can you tell me why you choose to Volunteer at Small Miracles?
Because it is a good cause. I enjoy being able to help.
  What is the best part of being a volunteer at Small Miracles?
It is fun and it feels good to work hard for something that you believe in.
  What would you say to other teens considering volunteering at the stables?
Do it! We need help. You will get a great sense of accomplishment. We really, really need help! I am happy to work as hard as I can but we still need a lot of help! We need volunteers. The most important time is in the morning. The horses are hungry.
  What has volunteering at the stables taught you?
How to work with horses. I have learned how to clean up after the horses, feed the horses, walk the horses, I rake the arena, (it’s kind of like a giant Zen Garden – relaxing). I bring the horses hay and I love riding around in the Gator. After that, I sometimes clean the feeding bins. I sweep the floor. Sometimes, I get to groom the horses. I have learned from the Farrier too. He showed me all of his equipment, the tools he uses, and I watched him clean and trim their hoofs.
  Did you have any experience working with horses before you began volunteering at Small Miracles?
I had been around horses but didn’t really know how to care for them. I just rode them around.
  What type of skills do you think a good volunteer should have?
Being able to work hard. Being able to follow directions. They teach you everything else.
  How has Small Miracles affected your life personally?
It gives me a sense of pride in what I do. I’m happy that I can help.
  Why did you choose to stay on as a volunteer throughout the school year, even knowing that your school day would end much later?
As long as I get my school work done, it doesn’t matter to me if I have a late day. As long as I am doing well in school, I don’t mind ending late. It’s worth it to me. Also, it is really fun working at the stables.
  Do you have a favorite horse?
Key! He is a gentle giant.
  Tell me about Sherri and JR?
Sherri is very nice and she also works alongside you. She always will help you out. You don’t have to be scared to ask for help. Sherri also encourages me a lot.
JR is fun to be around. I like the way JR sees things. He really cares about his job. He is a great person.
  In a few words tell me why Small Miracles is such an important part of the Tri-Cities Community?
It’s good to help the kids with disabilities, at-risk youth, and the vets. It’s good to get them out there and give them something positive to do.
Interview with Sherri Russell – Executive/Program Director at Small Miracles
Could you tell us about why you began volunteering at Small Miracles and a little about your time with this organization?
I started my journey @ SM as a Volunteer in 2007 to see if I wanted to pursue becoming a Certified PATH Instructor after retiring from a 25 yr nursing career. In November 2007 I began the Certification process and became an Instructor in February 2008 and came on Staff @ SM immediately as an Instructor then one month later God had a sense of humor and afforded me the opportunity add Program Director to my current title; in 2013 God challenged me again to grow “walking by faith  and not by sight” as Executive/Program Director of SM. 
What guidance or encouragement would you offer to teens considering volunteering at Small Miracles?
Be willing to try something new by learning how equine-assisted activities and therapies serve the Special Needs and Disability Community, be open to accepting someone different than you are and help them by participating in lessons. If you love animals or want to pursue a career in the animal industry or one day would like to own a horse volunteer on our Barn Team and learn how to speak horse and care for our Miracles Herd. 
In what ways have you seen teen volunteers benefit by their experiences at the stables?
Many Volunteers have chosen their college/career path by participating in the SM Volunteer program. Some have learned valuable Life Lessons through interaction and mentoring by the Human & Horse SM Staff; as well as social-emotional development, work/college readiness skills. And for some Volunteers, they have experienced unconditional love, acceptance and a sense of belonging in today’s troubled confusing world.
What encouragement or advice would you offer the parent of potential teen volunteers? 
To encourage their child to reach out into their Community by Volunteering in Lessons or on the Barn Team learning the importance of Servant Leadership, and advocating for those with Special Needs and disabilities. To stick with it persevere & endure as a Volunteer as you get dirty, sweaty or cold and stretched out of your comfort zone; however, you will be rewarded in the end! 
Can you tell us in one or two sentences what Small Miracles Therapeutic Equestrian Center represents to you personally?
SM is my passion and God-given ministry that has allowed me to live out my dreams and desires to empower the Special Needs, disability, and Military Veteran Community to live out their God-assigned purpose; Psalm 139. I have a younger sister, Mia with Down Syndrome and my Father served in the Army & Merchant Marines during WWII and the Korean War – so the SM mission will always be personal.
Visit Small Miracles Website to learn more about this life-changing organization! Click here to learn more about getting started as a Volunteer with Small Miracles! This is your chance to make a big difference!
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Small Miracles Therapeutic Equestrian Center
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
1026 Rock Springs Drive Kingsport, Tennessee 37664
  Make A Difference – Great Local Volunteer Opportunity Make A Difference - Great Local Volunteer Opportunity Small Miracles Therapeutic Equestrian Center Needs You! Small Miracles Therapeutic Equestrian Center in Kingsport TN…
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