#so if anyone knows more about astrology and is gonna tell me i'm wrong about these: i probably am
navree · 2 years
You answered an ask about F&B characters MBTI , but what about their zodiac signs?
i'm gonna be talking about the same characters i talked about in that answer, because f&b has a LOT of characters in it and i needed to pare it down
Rhaenyra Targaryen - Sagittarius
Alicent Hightower - Aquarius
Daemon Tagaryen - Leo
Otto Hightower - Capricorn
Viserys Targaryen - Libra
Criston Cole - Aries
Aegon Targaryen - Cancer
Helaena Targaryen - Pisces
Aemond Targaryen - Virgo
Daeron Targaryen - Aries
Rhaenys TQWNW - Taurus
Corlys Velaryon - Scorpio
Alys Rivers - Scorpio
Aegon the Conqueror - Aquarius
Visenya the Conqueror - Aries
Rhaenys the Conqueror - Leo
Orys Baratheon - Scorpio
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Okay. Let's go through the thoughts of this latest update. There's a lot so buckle up buttercup.
1. Kravitas is literally so based. He's willing to spare Albus the suffering of long travel just because he's bored when typically he would enjoy Albus suffering.
2. Only Albus would risk insanity to spite a demon. Ever heard of cutting off your nose to spite your face, Albus? Seriously, these dude shot himself out of a fucking canon to stop Devlin from touching this hella cursed sword, but in typical Albus fashion when it's his safety and emotional welfare at stake common sense flies out the gods be damned window.
4. Is Kravitas really a demon or was his statement last episode about being more than that the truth that Albus just chose to call bullshit on?
5. Kerano, sweetie, if you don't like the sweater you don't gotta be nice to me and lie. Tis okay
6. Dad is back with his video of a casual demon attack. A normal Thursday. You'd think violence could slow enough for Faithful to get some groceries but I guess not.
7. AN ADULT TALK? EXCUSE ME? also yes now shoo child.
8. Guess I'll just go in a bunker and braid some hair or some shit. Whatever.
9. Don't you love it when the father figure of your child is so obsessed with transformers that he turns into a robot? (Yes I know he didn't turn into a robot. It just sounded kind of robotic in my head and it was funny.
10. What's the song called? It was kind of a vibe.
11. Oh my God we're raising a menace, thief, AND a liar. Where did we go wrong? 😭 Also can Faithful read minds? She was able to hear Kerano's mind about a key or something before Kerano had it, and was able to read the thoughts after that.
12. Move aside, Faithful is coming through like a badass. Hold the child
13. Oh neat. Both Albus and I have yelling voices in our head. 🥲
16. Are... Are you seriously gonna make me choose between my two husbands right now? WHERES MY POLY OPTION? (Albus and Devlin in strictly familial relationship with each other. No condoning incest here)
Albus Route:
- yeah u tell him Devlin! How dare he try to reject us after saying it was our choice. Bitch
- daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry
- HOW MANY ROUNDS? Albus let her BREATHE before you fuck her to death omg
- I thought we became a bio mom to half demon children. But nah turns out we became a slutty saint
- YOOOO another thing in common with Albus! We both don't like kids. For different reasons but the point still remains
- Awww. He misses Devlin.
- Kerano is wholesome but I ain't forgiving her for snatching that key
- wait does anyone remember when he said he wouldnt tap faithful with a ten foot pole? Does that mean he tapped her with an eleven foot pole to stay true to his word?
- Devlin Route -
- that's what your brother said to me in an alternate reality when I chose him too.
- Albus back with the orgies. My angsty brain McThinks it's some copium since that's his whole "nothing hurts me!" Mask
- "HES A ROCKIN SPACE AGE BACHELOR MAN" I hope he gets his dream of being a monsterfucker
- Faithful got that holy rizz sheeeeeeesh
- astrology 🥰
- wait nevermind. Just some brotherly love
- you can call me darling any day of the week baby. I am living for it.
- Awww starry kiss. 🥹
Update: I keep forgetting there's a high chance that GBA will see this... BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?! I STAND BY WHAT I SAID (/lh) 😤😤😤
Update #2: for those asking about the third route thoughts, that's a secret that I'm saving for a fic.
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martian-astro · 8 months
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Hi! My 7th lord of d1, Jupiter, is in the 8th house of my d9 chart, in the sign and nakshatra of Pisces and Uttara Bhadra respectively. I'm really worried that my married life will be messed up or even abusive and was hoping you could give your take on this placement. I completely agree with you on putting effort into finding a good partner but a lot of Vedic astrology has manifested in my life as if it was already set in stone from day 1, which is why I am curious to learn more about this placement.
Thank you!
1 placement alone cannot decide whether your married life will be good or not. From my personal observation, the nakshatra of your ascendant and moon plays a huge role in how your life is gonna be. And you know, I'm really not the best person to talk about future spouse 😭😭. All my life, I've only seen messed up relationships, and then you go on reddit... And.. Stuff. Finding a good partner even when you have a GREAT chart can be really difficult. Work on yourself, be financially independent, learn to identify red flags in a guy, raise your standards and don't just settle for anyone, and after that you WILL get a hot, rich, kind, caring husband who will help you with household chores and with whom you will have a hot and happening sex life. I know that it's not the answer that you wanted to hear, but that's all I can tell you. This was just an observation and they can change, so I know that you will prove this observation wrong.
I feel like a lot of girls around me choose guys who are like the worst 😑, so don't do that.
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morningstarinwinter · 3 years
🌜Moon wish upon the star✨
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Roleplaying between me and @twins-born-in-a-new-moon
CW : Swear words, Sexual harassment
Word counting : 5,078
It was just a day after the announcement of the celestial ball. Everyone was very excited for it, they were already searching for a partner or thinking on the clothes they would wear that date. Artemis and Danique were not an exception to the excitement the ball bringed.
Artemis himself was already being questioned by his twin sister “Are you going to bring Danique as your date?”
“I don’t think so” he answered “she wouldn’t come with me anyway”
“Oh are you sure?” his twin asked.
“Yeah, she kind of hates me...” he said sadly.
You dork , Selene thought.
Meanwhile Danique and Penny are at the Hufflepuff common room.
“I’m so excited about the upcoming event!! What would you choose as a dress? Who would you bring?” The blonde haired girl squeals and shakes her amber eyes friend.
“Woah woah, calm down Penny! Professor Dumbledore just announced  this! Who would already think of that?” Danique said and shook her head at her lively friend.
“But you would go with Artemis right? Since you two are a thing” the blonde haired girl teases her friend.
“Wha-what do you mean by that?! Why would he like me? He is so perfect and me? No, we are not a thing. We just have a verbal war game..” said the amber-eyed girl with a  hint of sadness in her voice.
“Oh no, Dani! He has never done anything like that to anyone! You are special to him, you know?” Penny said with a serious face.
“Sigh, I don't feel like that Penny. Anyway, I may go with Barn since he seems so clueless about this” the white haired girl said, then stood up from the couch and walked off the common room.
Don't give me hope Penny, he deserves better. Someone like you. The white haired thought to herself.
“Oh, I need to tell Barn before some hungry girl snitched him before me”
Artemis himself was already moving to the great hall to eat, ignoring all the questions his sister asked him on the way.
Once there he could see many people already asking each other to go to the ball. Tulip herself asked him if he would go to the ball with her. He politely denied her petition and continued with his food.
It’s not like I don’t want to go with someone.. she wouldn’t come with me, would she? he thought.
Entering the great hall, Danique saw the boy she's just frustrated about, rejecting the mischievous red haired girl.
Huh! See? as I thought. He would have a girl by his side for that night already. The amber-eyed girl thought to herself and looked around for her hunky Slytherin friend.
“Excuse me” There is a tall Gryffindor boy appearing at her sight.
“Yes? what can I do for you?” said the girl with frowned eyebrows.
 Is he the chaser from the Gryffindor team? I think we only talked once
“It would be an honor for me to have you as my date in the celestial ball. Danique Winter, would you go with me?” The boy said with a smirk then used Orchideous to conjure a red rose bouquet and offered it for her.
Ahhhhhh, the hell? Why would he have to cause a scene here?!
“Ah...umm...that's very nice of you to say, but I already have someone on my mind. And I have to go now, Sorry…” She said and gave him a forced smile. Then she walks off the scene as quickly as she can to the Slytherin table to meet her hunky friend.
The rejected Gryffindor boy stares, following her back, and clenches that poor bouquet.
Artemis looked at the little scene the Gryffindor boy make to try to ask Danique to be his date
You fool, she would never accept a petition like that.. so flamboyant…
He can see how the boy gets rejected but the words that came from her mouth make him... sad. Someone on your mind? he thought Of course, I should have guessed it before…
Meanwhile at the Slytherin table.
“Do you have anyone you want to go with, Barn?” the white haired girl asked.
“Noh...do I have to? There were some girls that asked me, but I don't know them so I rejected” the brunette boy answers.
“Will you go with me then? Since I don't want to go with some weird dude like that” She nods her head at that Gryffindor boy.
“As a friend tho, we could have fun together without those love interest feelings” she looks back at her Slytherin friend.
“That sounds nice. I'm happy to go with you Danique!” The brunette boy smiles brightly at the white haired girl.
“It's a deal then” she smiles at him and changes the conversation  to another topic.
Since Artemis was away from the two of them he doesn’t get to hear the conversation, but he can guess. Were you referring to Barnaby?
He decided to just finish his plate and go back to the common rooms. We have astrology tomorrow, I can ask her there!
The next day in their last class of the week, astrology, Artemis waited peacefully till the class finished to talk to Danique. Once the class is dismissed.
“Excuse me Danique?” he called her “Can we talk?”
“Does it take time? since I promised to help the first year on charms” She answered the boy.
Oh no, what would he want to talk about?
“It would only be a few minutes…” he replied.
“Hmm...it's okay then I guess…” she said hesitantly. Why do I feel like he is nervous now? Why would he feel that?
“Well... mmm-” he said a bit blushed “Will you... go to the Celestial Ball with me?” he said playing nervously with one of his hair strands.
Wha-what did he just say?! Celestial ball? me? But why? The girl was surprised by his words.
“I'm sorry Artemis, but I already promised to go with Barn…” she answered.
“Oh! Do you get asked by many people and don't want to go with strangers like Barn? I'm sorry I can't help you with that now” she seems to think of her Slytherin friend and answers to him guiltily.
Hmm..maybe I was wrong when he rejected Tulip, maybe it's just her joke
“No-! I” I genuinely wanted to go with you. he thought. “N-never mind... Hope you and Barn have fun in the ball” he said sadly
 “See you soon Danique”and he left.
“Oh no! He seemed disappointed. Maybe I could check on him at the ball if he didn't go to anyone” The amber-eyed girl said to herself and then walked to the courtyard to meet the first year badger.
Artemis got out of the room and quickly went to the Ravenclaw Common Room.
There Rowan was sitting, reading a few books, so Artemis sat next to her.
“Hello Rowan” he said quite sadly.
“Well, someone is sad? What happened?” The girl asked softly.
“Danique is going to the ball with Barnaby…” answered the boy.
“Ouh- Well…” she looked at him. “We could go together, you know just as friends so we don't go alone?”
“... Sounds good for me” he smiled
When Danique finished helping with the first year, she went back to her dormitory and found that Penny and Tonks were there.
“Wotcher Dani! I hope to hear good news from you!” The pink haired girl said with a mischievous smile on her face.
“Yeah! We saw that Artemis talked to you and wondered if he finally asked you for the ball!!” The blonde hair squeals.
“Oh...um...he did ask me, but I need to tell you guys that I asked Barn to go as a friend yesterday” The white hair answered and smiled sheepishly to her roommates.
“Why would you do that Dani! Oh, I feel so helpless about you” Tonks said then facepalms.
“Look at you Danique! I said that he would ask you and you won't believe me” Penny pouts at her white hair friend.
“Now you guys make me feel guilty. Look, it's already happened okay?” the amber eye said then threw her arms up.
“Anyway let's talk about other things, you're gonna be the head of decoration right Penny?” She said, then sat on her bed.
Her 2 roommates just look at each other and thought She changed the subject again
“Oh right! I was thinking the theme could be ‘star’, what do you think about that?” Doesn't want to push on her friend, the blonde hair girl just goes with the flow.
“What can I say? I'm the star myself, you know?” when she answered and the room was now full of laughter and they continued to talk about it.
The days passed softly and so finally the night of the ball arrived, Artemis was wearing a fine and fit white suit with golden and lilac details, which helped his thin but slightly masculine appearance to stand out, he used a beautiful purple cape over his clothes, his hair was down but kept with a half ponytail, and changed his usual black glasses to a golden ones special for formal gatherings.
Thanks to all of this, and his albino appearance, he really looked like a moon prince.
Rowan, who was at his side, was wearing a beautiful blue dress with silver details, her black hair was in a side tail, she looked so pretty that night.
After finishing dressing, the amber eye girl walked to the great hall to meet her brunette friend at the gate.
“Wow...you look so beautiful Danique! It's not like you don't look good on the other day, but today you look much more beautiful!” the hunky boy said with sparkling eyes.
Before him, Danique dresses in a gold ankle-long dress with a high neck and revealed back. There are golden glitters starting from her neck to her waist. Below that, the fabric is a see through start from her tight. Her shoes are white high heels with strips around her ankle. Her hair is done as loose curls with one small braid at the left. The hair was tucked on the left side to show her silver star earring. She did her make up with a rosy cheek and brick pink lipstick.
“Thank you so much Barn, now let's head in the ball shall we?” she smiles back at him and they walk into the room decorated in star theme.
Rowan and Artemis were already sitting down waiting for everyone else to join, they were keeping a simple conversation until Danique and Barnaby walked in... She looks.. wow His eyes shone as he looked at her. She is sunning…
Rowan looked at him and then smiled to herself when she noticed who he was looking. “Shall we dance Artemis?” she asked and pointed at the couple with her head.
“Oh! Sure, my lady” he answered smiling.
Danique spotted Artemis and Rowan on the dance floor.
Woah...he looks...like a moon prince… The amber eye girl keeps staring at him for several minutes.
“That boy really looks good tonight” the voice from her brunette friend snaps her from the thought.
“You look so smart too Barn, I almost fell for you when I saw you back then” she flirts and winks at him as they always did.
“Well, sadly your heart is with that man” Barnaby said then make a fake sad face
“Sh-shut it Barn! Let's dance with others!” the white hair girl said with a reddened face and dragged her friend to the dance floor.
After a few songs our two dance couples ended up quite close to each other, enough to be able to see them dancing with their respective partner.
Artemis was completely mesmerized with how Danique flowed softly on the dance floor, but looking at how Barnaby holded her so closely made him... jealous.
“Hey Rowan, I had an idea,” he said with a smirk.
“Do tell” the girl in his arms said.
“Would you mind if...?” and he pointed at the couple with his head, Rowan understood immediately and put her arms around the boy's neck.
“Who will tell! Our dear Artemis can be jealous” she laughed.
“Oh shut it, Ro!” he laughed as well, as they continued their dance.
Seeing Artemis like that made Danique snapped.
Why would Rowan do that? Oh I see, he just wants to start a game huh? bring it on boy
“Hey Barn, when I twirled next time, hold me reallyyyy close okay?” she smirks at her friend.
“Okay...but why?”
“Just do it!” She lets out a whisper-shout
When it comes to the swirling position, Danique swirled then leaned her back on Barnaby's chest then placed her head on his shoulder. She grabs both or the boy's hands to place on her waist. Barnaby, flushed by this, quickly swirls her back to face-to-face position.
Both Artemis and Rowan looked at the other couple with surprised eyes.
“Crap” Rowan muttered “Any plan?”
“...None” the boy answered.
“Well, fuck” she then cursed.
The two of them  just stayed dancing close to each other for a while.
Meanwhile at the sass queen's couple
“Looks like they are done with this game. Ha! that boy never learned who is the champion here” the white hair girl peeks at the Ravenclaw couple and smirks.
“Sorry Barn, I went a bit too far right? Also, how about we stop dancing now and go to eat something?” the girl asked her blushed partner.
“Yea-yeah a bit too much. Speaking of eating, that's a nice idea! I'm starting to get bored of this” the brunette boy stops the dance and leads his partner to the table.
“Do you want some butter beer? I could grab it for you” he asked. 
“Sounds great! I may sit here since my feet are sore a bit because of these stupid heels” the girl replied and sits on one of the chairs.
Artemis and Rowan find a place to sit down after a few dances and they peacefully chat with each other. 
"So.... would you like something to drink?" Artemis asked
"No, I'm fine for now, don't worry" she answered.
After a few minutes, Barnaby was gone. Danique looks around to see how the ball is going.
“You look stunning today Danique” without looking, she already knew it's that Gryffindor chaser.
“Thank you. You are looking good yourself” she turns to face him and notices that leans his hand on the table to lower himself to talk to her.
Don't get close to me you jerk
“Well, I would look better if I had you by my side tonight…” he smirks and places his other hand on her small bare-skin back.
Feeling disgusted by his action, the girl quickly stands up and steps away from him.
“Come on, one dance wouldn't hurt right?” still pestering, the boy grabs one of her wrists.
Oh no, it's so disgusting. Why did it take you so long, Barn? Please hurry up and comes help me
Doesn't like to be touched herself, the poor girl is shocked from those actions and stands still.
Artemis was very concentrated talking with Rowan until he saw how a boy got extremely close to Danique, the girl was surely disgusted by the actions of the man so he stood up quickly.
“Excuse me for a second Rowan” and as fast as he said these words, he went in Danique's direction.
Rowan quickly notices the scene before her as well “Don’t worry, go ahead”
“My darling,” He said, holding the girl's hand softly.
“Is everything ok?” he asked looking with clear angry at the gryffindor 
“If he is making you uncomfortable, say so. I will get him off in a few seconds” he whispered to her ear.
The amber-eyed girl only nods her head and looks at the ground.
“Excuse me, sir” He said, getting Danique behind him so the boy wouldn’t get to keep touching her.
“I think the lady has been clear on her actions that she doesn't want to dance with you, or even have you around" he said frowning his eyebrows "I recommend you to leave her immediately unless-”
“Unless what a pretty boy?” He laughed “What will you do, as if you could do anything to me, now move a side”
“So that's your choice huh?” there was not only anger in Artemis' eyes, he was... infuriated. “Let me guess, your name was... Daniel Roberts correct? I think your father works at the ministry of magic?”
The boy flinched “You wouldn't dare-”
“Oh of course I will!” Now was Artemis who laughed 
“Don't ever mess with Clair de Lune, your father should have taught you that... how unfortunate he is... to have a son that treat womans like a beast”
“Please don't do it!” He begged “I will do whatever you ask me but please, don't do anything to my father”
“Everything I asked?” Artemis smirked “Then apologize to the Lady immediately and leave, don't ever talk to her again!”
“P-please, forgive me miss Winter!” Trash in its place. And as soon as the boy said those words he ran away.
Artemis took a deep breath to calm himself down and then looked camly at Danique. “Are you alright Danique?” he asked softly
“Yeah! yeah...I...I guess…” she answers him softly and tries to move her hair to cover her back.
Artemis noticed the action of the girl so he softened his eyes, grabbed his cape and put it around her shoulders. “There we are”
Still not fully recovered from that physical touch, the girl flinches a bit.
“Ah- sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uneasy” the boy apologized.
“Oh no! It's not your fault. I just....Sigh, Can we get out of here…?” She hugs herself and looks at his eyes, her amber eyes still have a hint of fear in them.
He looked at her softly. “Surely, my lady” he offered the girl his arm so she could grab on it if she wanted.
Even though she was feared by that man, she feels safe around his presence. The amber-eyed girl then grabs his arm.
Then the two of them walk outside the great hall and go to the fountain yard where the sky is with a full moon surrounded by stars.
Artemis and Danique then sit together at the fountain... Looking peacefully at the beautiful night sky. Artemis hadn't said a word, he just wanted her to feel comfortable.
“Thank you for helping me back then” the amber-eyed girl broke the silence.
“I really appreciated that, really. I looked so pathetic right? A sass strong girl like me can't fight back that jerk” she let out a small painful laugh.
“You weren't pathetic” the boy said with a worry in his voice.
“That jerk didn't have any intention of backing off, until I menaced him of course…” he paused.
“And it's ok don't worry, I couldn't have stayed there just watching how that asshole made you uncomfortable” he then said softly to her.
Danique looks at him and is stunned by how his albino skin and white hair reflect the moonlight. Moreover,with the outfit , he looks like a real moon prince. She stares at him silently for a while.
Artemis looked at how the amber eyes shined thanks to the reflection of the stars of the sky, he felt he could lose in those eyes. He got close to her face. She looks so pretty right now but...She will hate me if I kiss her right? he thought and closed his eyes.
Huh? wh-why he lean in and closed his eyes, don't tell me he wanted to ki-kiss me?! Oh no my heart can't handle this now
“Umm..the-the sky is so beautiful tonight, isn't it?” She turns her head away from him and looks at the sky.
Artemis quickly gets back to his original position noticing what he was about to do “Ah- yes is indeed pretty” he answered, That’s not the only pretty thing in this place.. then looked at the sky, flustered.
“The full moon is so beautiful. I like the scenario when the moonlight shines on it” she said and looked around.
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it...?” the amethyst eyed flick to look at the girl beside him, looking at her with longingly as the owner spoke the sentence that seems to have hidden meaning in it.
“It always is” She looked at him and smiled.
“Oh! let me show you one of my favorite spells!” she said excitedly and looked at the boy.
He tilted his head “Ok?” He said a bit confused.
“Watch this and keep it a secret okay?” she smiles and winks at him.
Danique moves her right index finger and mutters some spell. Suddenly, there are many littles stars surrounding them. They are twinkling and moving around slowly.
“My father always did this for me when I was young, since he calls me 'little star' and I really like it” she let out a small chuckle.
“You are the first one I showed this to, you know? No one ever saw me doing wandless magic before” she looks at him and smiles softly.
Artemis felt his own heart melted by her words and actions. If the place was already pretty before, now it was definitely dreamlike, he sighed.
“Thanks for this honor” he smiled at her, flustered.
He got closer to her “This is truly a beautiful scenery” he paused.
“Yet the only thing I can look at right now is at the beautiful star shining right in front of me” he admitted.
Holding her hands in his, he said “You have truly mesmerized me Danique... and all my heart can seem to think about, is you” his cheeks were in a tone of bright red.
Stunned by his words, the girl now speechless and her face is all red.
Wh-why is he suddenly like this? I'm I dreaming right now? What-what should I say?
Then the music started playing again, Artemis standed up and offered a hand to her.
“Will you spare me this dance, Danique?” He asked, still felt a bit nervous by his own actions.
“Of-of course!” she quickly stands up, with a bit of awkwardness, then takes his hand.
The dance was a slow one, they danced and marveled at each other's appearance under the night sky. Artemis was feeling quite nervous, but happy at the same time. Holding the girl so close to him during the dance felt like a dream.
Meanwhile Danique, feels safe, yet nervous in her crush's arms.
Oh no he holds me so gently, my heart beats too fast like I'm gonna explode..After that thought, she steps on his foot.
“Oh! I'm-I'm sorry” she looks down at her feet.
“It’s ok. Don’t worry” he softly laughed.
Artemis could feel his own heart beating faster. I hope she doesn’t notice
He honestly feels like he is flying, but at the same time bound to earth by the beautiful lady in his arms.
The song went sweetly and slowly as it began and they stayed in the dance position for a few seconds when they realized it was over…
“That was such an amazing dance” She smiles at him, still not letting go.
“As expect from the perfect boy”
“Perfect boy?” A sad tone was perceived in his voice “Is that all I am to you?” He asked softly, looking at her eyes.
“Oh, no! You-you are more than that…” the amber-eyed girl answers nervously. She looks at his eyes and feels like they are luring her in. Her lips part a bit because of those dreamy purple eyes.
“More than that?” He leaned close to her face again. I may be misinterpreting her but..He once again closed her eyes and  gave her a soft kiss on the lips.
He could smell her hair clearer than ever before. The smell of peach and the soft lips of the girl, he couldn’t think of anything else for a moment. His heart felt like skipping a beat and he is.. so happy.
Being surprised by his action at first, the girl then closes her eyes and kisses him back. She could smell her favourite scents from him stronger than before. She wraps her arms around his neck and tilts her head to make it easier for the kiss. Her mind goes blank and her heart beats so fast as if it's going to explode.
Artemis just let himself melt in the girl's soft lips for a while, putting his arms around her waist. Good things couldn't last forever and their lips parted from each other. Artemis keeps his eyes closed, feeling his own heart beat hard on his chest, as he keeps holding the amber eyed girl in his arms.
After they parted, Danique opened her eyes and pants a bit from that sweet kiss. She saw that Artemis still closes his eyes and holds her delicately. The blush begins to creep all over her face since she gains her consciousness back.
Oh Merlin...We kissed?! And-and we are not even a couple! What have I done?!
She let go of his neck and hides her face in her hands because of shyness.
Artemis slowly opens his eyes and sees how the girl is hiding herself “Danique…” He softly calls her.
Still hiding her face, the girl squeaks. “Yes?!”
“Look at me, please” he asked, keeping a soft tone.
The girl finally gathered her courage and let her hand down.
Artemis gave her a warm smile and finally says “I love you” Feeling his heart beating faster than it was before “I understand If you don't feel the same I just.. wanted you to know how i truly feel about you”
“I-I..” Getting kissed and listening to her crush confess his love to her, the amber eyes girl seems unable to handle these. Her legs kind of give up themselves, the girl is now sitting on the floor and hides her face again.
These are too muchhhh, I feel like I'm dying. Then she remembered that he told her to look at him so she peeks through her hands.
"Can-can you give me some time? There are too many events happening today and I feel like my brain has stopped working. Also that was my first kiss, I..." she whispers the last sentence shyly.
Artemis helps the girl to stand up again. “Ah- of course” he was now the one being shy “Wait- your first kiss?” he whispered. So it was her first kiss as well?
“Yea-yeah, sorry if I was not good” she glances up at him and presses her lips.
“No- is not that... It was my first kiss as well..” Artemis said letting his cheeks become pink.
“Really?! but you are so...good..” she said with a dreamy voice.
Artemis became completely red by that commentary and covered his face with one of his hands. “Well, thank you..” he said in almost a whisper. 
“You did it pretty good yourself…” He felt like he is meling.
“Tha-thank you..” she replied softly.
Seeing him blushed, the girl teases. “As expected from the perfect boy, you really are good at everything, oh also I think it's almost the curfew time” the amber eyes girl said with a smirk and looked at the clock.
“Good at everything huh?” Artemis now teased back "I will only do my best display for my lady after all. And, yes indeed" he said looking at the clock as well “We should go back” Artemis offered his arm to the girl “May I have the honor to escort you?”
“Oh yes, thank you my prince”she smiles and takes his arm.
There are a lot of conversations and laughs on the way to the Hufflepuff common room. And now they arrived at the barrel gate.
“Thank you about everything tonight Artemis, I would cherish this night for the rest of my life..” She smiles softly at the white hair boy.
“I could say the same, Danique” He said and gave her a kiss on her hand "Have a peaceful sleep, my princess” And with these words Artemis left to his own common room.
Artemis arrived at the Ravenclaw common room and was intercepted by Rowan “Well then... how was your secret date with Danique”  she asked, making the boy blush at the memory of the girl's lips on his own.
“I kissed her” he said “And I told her- yes, in that specific order”
“OH FOR MERLIN'S BEARD!!!” Rowan squealed “What did she tell you?!! She accepted you?!!”
“She... asked me for time to think and... process it all” he answered.
“Dank, so close yet so far” Rowan muttered “Don't worry I'm sure she would accept you in the end!”
Artemis put his hand on his heart “Would she?” he whispered. She doesn't even know about this after all..
After a few minutes of conversation each one went to their respective room.
Artemis hugged one of his pillows and smiled to himself remembering clearly all of the night before falling asleep.
Meanwhile at her dormitory. The other girls are already in the room.
“Seemed like someone got a secret date” the pink haired girl whistles.
“Yeah, how was it Dani?!” the blonde hair girl asks loudly.
“Ughhhh, Why do you guys always see this?” the white hair girl groans.
“Artemis is a good guy tho, get him Dani” the white wolf girl said
“EVEN YOU CHIARA?!” the amber-eyed girl now yanks her hair.
“Spill all of it morning star!!” Tonks then jumped at her.
“Ahhhh okay okay! Geez...”Danique told everything that happened between them.
“MERLIN'S BEARD DANIQUE!” the pink haired girl screams, followed by 2 squeal voices.
“Shhh, Tonks! you are too loud!” Danique lets out a whisper-yell.
“Why don't you just accept him, Danique? He had a feeling for you for a long time and you also like him” the blonde hair girl asked curiously.
“Sigh, he is a noble, remember? Also, he is hella perfect. Do I really deserve him tho?” the amber-eyed girl said with a sad voice.
Basic half-blood and noble pureblood huh? Sounds like Cinderella's story for me. She thought and looked outside of the window to see the moon surrounded by thousands of stars. The moon and the stars? Probably more like that.. She then excused the other girls to go for a shower and all of them knew right away not to ask about it anymore.
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maylovexhs · 4 years
everytime - IF YOU THINK IT’S LOVE (Chp. 36)
Catch up on everytime here
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“Fuck, no!” Y/N said. “That’s where I have to go”
I grinned, putting the letters on the board.
“It’s too late” I said.
Y/N looked at the word I spelled out. She looked a mix of disbelief and confusion.
“Austere?” Y/N asked me.
I nodded.
“Simple” I said.
Y/N shrugged, looking at her deck.
“Fine” She said. “I have something too”
Y/N took some letters off her deck and placed them on the board.
“Frazzled?” I asked her.
“You know what it means” She said.
“Actually . . . I don’t” I said.
“I’m frazzled” Y/N said. “I’m exhausted”
“I’m not” I told her. “Because of you put Z. . .”
“No” Y/N said. “Don’t you dare-“
I put some of my letters on the board, spelling zeal.
“Fuck you” Y/N pouted. “I quit. You win”
“Frazzled a little?” I asked her.
“Oh, I’m more than frazzled” Y/N said.
I smirked, shaking my head as I started to clean up the game. Y/N helped me.
I took a quick glance at Y/N as I cleaned.
I didn’t tell her yet. I wanted to but I knew I couldn’t tell her. I know yesterday I was ready to confess my heart as hers but spending today with her . . . I couldn’t do that to her.
Y/N was happy. She was happy with Ashton. I saw how her face lit up when he called her. From what I could tell, Y/N was in love. She was in love with someone who loved her back. Y/N was first my best friend. I couldn’t hurt her chance at pure happiness because of me. It would be selfish if I did. Besides, I already had my chance with her. There was no possibility she would think of me in the same way.
Lorde’s Homemade Dynamite stopped playing.  A song by Taylor Swift began to play. Didn’t know the song but I knew Taylor’s voice.
“Which song is this by her?” I asked Y/N as I closed the Scrabble box.
“Afterglow” Y/N said, getting up.
Y/N took her phone from the table. A few seconds later, she laughed at something on her phone. I smiled at her.
“Is it Ashton?” I asked her.
Y/N looked to me.
“Uh, no” She said. “Jie Lin sent me something. You want to see?”
“Should I see it?” I asked her.
“Were you on Twitter yesterday?” Y/N asked me back.
I got up from the chair, walking over to her. Y/N showed me her phone. It was a tweet.
Me passionately quoting The Office even when my coworkers don’t know what I’m talking about
Underneath the text was a picture of a cartoon character singing that was too similar but I didn’t know.
“Isn’t it that guy from-“ I began to say but Y/N cut me off.
“Monsters Inc” Y/N said.
“I don’t get it” I told her.
Y/N rolled her eyes at me.
“Nevermind” She said.
Y/N walked away from me, putting her phone in the pocket of her pants. She leaned against the balcony’s railing. She sighed, looking up at the moon.
I slowly walked over to her.
Something was wrong. I could feel it.
“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked her.
Y/N looked to me.
“Talk about what?” She asked.
“Y/N, I know you” I said. “You don’t need to ever pretend with me”
Y/N looked down.
“I think I have a problem” She said. “I can never be happy in a relationship”
I squinted at her.
“What do you mean?” I asked her. “Did Ashton do something?”
Y/N couldn’t do anything wrong. If anything, it’s the people she’s with who were wrong. Y/N always took a chance on people, whatever they deserve it or not. It’s one of the things I always admire about her.
“No, no” Y/N shook her head. “He’s perfect. It’s just every time I get into a relationship, I feel like I could be happier without them, or with someone else”
She isn’t happy with Ashton? I thought she was . . .
Y/N chuckled to herself.
“Sometimes I feel like a defected robot” Y/N said. “I could never appreciate someone fully until they are gone”
Y/N looked to me.
“I’m horrible, aren’t I?” She asked me.
I stepped closer to her.
“You’re not” I said. “If you don’t feel right with someone, it’s okay to leave them”
“I know that, H” Y/N said. “But Ashton is different. For once, I actually found someone good for me. I feel like I should be with him. I don’t want to risk it all for a stupid feeling”
I smiled at her.
I felt the same way. Just about her.
“What’s that smile for?” Y/N asked me.
“Oh, nothing” I said, looking down. “You just remind me of myself”
“You have the same problem as me?” Y/N asked.
“Something like that” I said. “Whenever I’m with someone, I always feel like something is wrong. Like I’m not supposed to be with them or I should be with . . .”
I looked to Y/N.
“Someone else” I said.
“Why?” Y/N asked me. “You don’t feel they complete you anymore?”
Exactly. I never felt complete with anyone except her.
“We’ve been friends for too long” I said. “You know me too much”
“Maybe” Y/N said. “But then again, I dabbled enough in astrology to know about your libra moon”
Y/N and I looked to each other.
“And?” I asked her. “What does that mean?”
“It means why my Aquarius moon just gets you” Y/N said. “We’re both two loners who can’t settle for anyone”
“You’re sure that isn’t just me?” I asked her. “You were with Felix for two years”
“But I didn’t date anyone until twenty-one because of my fear of love” Y/N said. “So, we’re tied”
The song finished to play. Y/N and I looked to the Alexa speaker on the balcony table as King Princess’ Watching My Phone came on.
And I know you, destroying things you love to save yourself
“Oh, no” Y/N said. “Not this song”
“What’s wrong with this song?” I asked her.
And I know you can't bear to see me go but make me leave
In the middle of the night
“Nothing” Y/N said. “Just this song makes me sad. Cried first time hearing it. I don’t want to cry again”
And you ain't all I've ever wanted in a package
I smiled at her.
“Really?” I asked her.
“Mhmm” Y/N nodded.
Your independence throws me off my balance
“Want to cry with me, then?” I asked her.
I put my hand out for her to take.
Watching my phone
Thinking about you, baby
Y/N looked down at my hand, hesitant to take it. She looked up to me. I smiled at her.
Watching my phone
Thinking about you
She smiled back, blushing. Instead of taking my hand, she placed her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her back. I closed my eyes as we began to slowly dance.
She smiled back, blushing. Instead of taking my hand, she placed her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her back. I closed my eyes as we began to slowly dance.
And I know I can't be the million girls you're gonna meet
And I think that's alright
I was her best friend. I was nothing more than that to Y/N. To think I am would just cause me more pain. There was no way Y/N would consider me as such. I caused her enough pain in the past to understand why she wouldn’t like me like that anymore. I rejected her for another girl. I came back and broke up with her for another girl. Now she was with Ashton. I couldn’t expect her to leave him for another guy.
I apologize, for holding you so tight you couldn't breathe
And thinking you'd be fine
Besides, it wouldn’t be fair to her. I know deep down I couldn’t make her as happy she is with Ashton now. Y/N just said so herself she didn’t want to risk her relationship with Ashton over a stupid feeling. Of course, she not going to risk it over me. It was too late for me.
And you ain't all I've ever wanted in a package
And your independence throws me off my balance
And I'm alone
But was it, really? Y/N just said she feels like she could be happier with someone else. Even if it was a small chance, I could be that someone. I could . . . right?
Watching my phone
“Your heart is beating so fast” I heard Y/N say.
Thinking about you, baby
I looked down at her. Y/N still had her head against my chest.
“What?” I asked her.
Watching my phone
“Your heart” She said, taking her head off my chest and looking up to me. “It’s beating fast”
Thinking about you, oh
“Oh” I said, blushing a little. “Sorry . . .”
Watching my phone
Y/N squinted at me, smiling.
Thinking about you, baby
“What’s wrong?” She asked me.
Watching my phone
I looked at her, afraid of what to say. I wanted to tell her I was nervous. I was nervous because I loved her and she didn’t know at all. I wanted to tell her how I couldn’t sleep at all for the last few days because all I do is think about her. I wanted to tell her that I could take away her pain and be much better to her than Ashton was. I wanted to tell her how in love I was and how it drove me crazy.
Maybe it will change but
“H,” Y/N said, staring at me with those angel eyes of hers. “You can tell me”
Watching my phone
Y/N. She always had my heart. She said I had a piece of hers too.
Thinking about you, baby
I know we haven’t had the best relationship but . . . we have something. Something rare.
Watching my phone
I loved him once and I’ll always love him. Not like that but there’s a little part of him that has my heart.
Thinking about you
You always have a special place in my heart.
Thinking about you
“Y/N” I whispered.
Thinking about you
“What?” Y/N asked me.
Maybe it will change but
I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers. I closed my eyes, cupping her cheeks.
I knew it was wrong of me but I wasn’t thinking. All I had was her on my mind. I knew Y/N would probably hate me for the rest of her life for kissing her but it was worth it. Kissing Y/N was getting to keep at least one last piece of her. It was something I could share with her no one else could have. Sure, Ashton could kiss her as much as he wanted but . . . this feeling. This was ours. No one could take that.
I slowly pulled away from Y/N. I still kept my hands on her face. I opened my eyes, seeing hers was still closed. Her lips were partly open.
“I love you” I said. “I’m sorry but . . . I needed you to know that”
Y/N opened her eyes, looking up to me. She took my hands away from her cheeks. She looked down, a little disappointed.
“I’m sorry too”
Author’s Note: Oh, hey! You made it to the end of the chapter! Yay! That was a roller coaster . . . woo. Anyways, I just finished writing the next chapter of this and I was going to wait a month to post it with other chapters but you know what? I think I’m gonna post it this Tuesday. Comment yes or just inbox me if you want it Tuesday. See ya! -May
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Jac & Amelia
Jac: Hi, sorry if this wasn't the right way to go about this, but I thought it would be more awkward/worse for you to stop the conversation if I approached you in person Jac: but if you're open to it, I'd like to talk Amelia: What is there to say? Jac: From my perspective, a lot Jac: but mainly an apology, if that's all I get to say Amelia: I already know you're sorry, it's been all over for ages, I don't need to hear it Jac: Well you don't know that, I never said it Amelia: you've never said a lot of things, I'm still well aware Jac: That's how miscommunication and misunderstanding happens Jac: you can still not need or want to hear it but you don't know anything that I didn't tell you Amelia: okay Jac: I can confirm any ideas you have, if you would like Jac: but the main reason I want to talk is to apologize for the ways I behaved, and treated you Amelia: well, say whatever you want to say then Jac: Alright Jac: I should never have started anything with you Jac: it was never fair Jac: and continuing it for how long I did was worse Amelia: No you shouldn't, neither should I Jac: I can see how it was harder for you to make a better decision though Jac: given your feelings Amelia: that's no excuse, and I'm not interested in giving myself an out Amelia: I should've made better choices because of how much I cared about you, it's worse if anything Jac: Okay, you don't have to, but I certainly don't hold it against you Jac: you were still coming from a place of care, even if misguided, I wasn't Amelia: it's not comforting Amelia: I was coming from a selfish place, I know that, whatever you think Jac: Alright, it doesn't need to be comforting, I'm just letting you know Jac: there's no need or reason that I feel for me to blame you Jac: but I need to say sorry, for that, and for how we ended things before that Amelia: No you don't, because I'm not just a fucking lose end for you to tie up before you leave Jac: That isn't what it is Jac: I owe apologies Amelia: you don't owe me anything Amelia: we ended things ages ago Jac: that doesn't mean anything Jac: I still wronged you and never owned up to those things Amelia: it means getting into it isn't something I want to do because I've tried really hard to get over it Jac: Then we don't have to Amelia: I'm looking forward, not backwards Amelia: and there isn't an apology I can give you that'll make anything I did okay or me feel okay about it either Jac: I'm not looking for an apology or anything in return Amelia: you should Amelia: because I wronged you too and never owned up to it Jac: I don't see it like that, it didn't feel like that Amelia: okay Jac: if it would help, then I'd accept it, but you've said it won't make you feel better so really, don't worry Amelia: right Jac: So, if my apology doesn't serve you either Jac: I'll leave you alone again now Amelia: you said you need to do it, so just do it, if it's that important to you Jac: only if it's going to reassure people, or give some sense of closure Jac: the latter being more what I was aiming for Jac: it's not going to be anything for me if it isn't for you Amelia: I'll get closure by not having to see you any more Jac: Neither of us is going to gone forever Jac: it'll certainly be easier, and less frequent Jac: but I'm not going to say you'll never see me again, that's just unrealistic Amelia: there's at least higher chance Amelia: my mum keeps me super busy with all her holiday traditions Jac: Fair enough Jac: I'd rather not be concerned about having to avoid anyone when I'm here Amelia: you'll be busy avoiding all of Jess' fan's and stalkers Amelia: I like his music, but not to that level Jac: That's fine, I can deal with that Amelia: good, he's worried about how it's gonna be for you all Jac: You don't need to tell me about my own brother Amelia: you don't need to get defensive about it Jac: I just don't need to talk about that with you Jac: it's not got anything to do with what needs to be said, if at all Amelia: we're not, we're basically done talking really Jac: If you like Amelia: I'd have liked for this conversation never to have been started but you know Jac: I can't do anything about that, I'm afraid Jac: Good luck and goodbye then Amelia: yeah, you too Jac: Thank you, I appreciate that Amelia: I'd never wish you bad luck Jac: Never said you would Amelia: I'm not a 🔮💎💫 gay, still don't even know that much about astrology Jac: Whoever you are, as long as you're happy with that Jac: it's certainly no business of mine Amelia: 😂 no and no Jac: I'm sorry to hear that on the former Amelia: maybe uni will fix everything, maybe not Jac: A fresh start in a new place can't hurt you Jac: and I'm sure you have other protections in place Amelia: 🤞 I won't be so dramatic Amelia: then it can't be as bad as here Jac: It's a change of scenery not a change of personality Amelia: rude Jac: I didn't mean it to be Amelia: it's a chance to grow up, I'm not 15 anymore and nobody there will have known me when I was Jac: That much is true Amelia: I'd say I'll see you around but if I do, I'll obviously act like I haven't Amelia: that's been working Jac: Whatever works for you Amelia: 👋 Jac: I'll be seeing you Amelia: no, you won't 👻 Jac: I didn't say I'd pretend or adopt the same methods you use Amelia: I can't make you Jac: No Jac: I've got no interest in burying my head in the sand Amelia: because you already did it for so long Jac: because I'm moving forward, not just looking Amelia: that's great Jac: It does feel it Amelia: good, you've felt like shit for long enough as well Jac: I guess so Amelia: okay then Jac: If that's all Jac: Bye Amelia Amelia: we still need a different word for it but yeah, bye Jac: Does it really matter? Amelia: doesn't it? that this time we actually mean it but it sounds exactly the same as the times we didn't Jac: There's nothing final implied by any goodbye Jac: it's just a way to end a conversation you don't want to have Amelia: but this time there should be Amelia: very anticlimactic Jac: I don't mean to be rude again but that really is your problem too, loquaciously and otherwise Jac: I'm not attempting dramatics Jac: I opened lines of conversation, you closed them, that's all this is Amelia: I'm attempting levity, if anything Amelia: but alright Jac: Why? Amelia: because you sound like you're giving a rehearsed speech Jac: just because I've put thought into what I'm going to say, doesn't mean it's any less valid Amelia: I didn't say it was invalid Jac: you're invalidating it Amelia: no more than you comparing me to an ostrich Jac: We're at very different places, clearly Amelia: you think you're so far ahead of me, clearly Jac: You're presenting me with avoidance as coping Jac: I'm not gonna say good luck with that, or good for you Jac: you can do whatever you like but I won't pretend I think it's brilliant Amelia: you're presenting me with patronising bullshit over any kind of real conversation Jac: I gave you the opportunity to air your grievances, you didn't want to Jac: I offered apologies, you did not want them either Amelia: I don't know if I'll ever be able to see you and not want to walk immediately off in the other direction, I don't need your judgment for it Jac: I'm not judging you, I'm not applauding or enabling, that's all Jac: I was never asking to be back in your life Amelia: you're asking me to accept your apology as if that will paper over every fucking crack and then we can just see each other out and about as strangers Jac: You don't have to, I was literally just trying to apologize and then see where you were at Jac: and I have Amelia: you've ❌ my name off your list Amelia: that's literally all this is to you Jac: Don't presume to know that Amelia: you're just going to walk away from this conversation with your closure and into your new life as a better person Jac: Well no I'm not, because you haven't given me that or accepted my apology Jac: just because I'm handling that rejection in a more measured, calm way, doesn't mean I feel any better than you, thank you Amelia: well take it, then you can continue to feel superior as much as you like Jac: I don't feel superior to you, I haven't said that once Jac: I'm sorry for whatever is making you feel that way Amelia: it's just your tone then, okay great Jac: If you're gonna tone police, then you will probably come up against much more resistance than I'm giving Jac: You feel bad about yourself, and I am sorry for how much I undoubtedly played into that Amelia: I feel bad because things are bad, and I don't have your certainty that a new place is just going to sort that out Jac: That must be hard for you Amelia: give me whatever other apologies you've got left to get this over with Jac: I really hope life improves for you Jac: it's sad to see Amelia: me too, obviously Jac: You should really talk to someone, if you aren't Amelia: I don't need to be told what to do, the uncertainty isn't total Jac: Simply a suggestion Amelia: my parents made it way before you Jac: I'm glad Jac: how's it going? Amelia: I'm not going to talk about it with you Jac: Okay Amelia: okay Jac: Enjoy the rest of your summer Amelia: you too Jac: 😄 Amelia: it can't all be apologies, you'll have to run out eventually Jac: What do you mean? Amelia: there's not an unending number of 💔 people Jac: Yes, but I don't really get what your point is? Amelia: take a break to take your own advice and enjoy the ☀🌳🌼 Jac: Of course Jac: it's not the only thing I have to do Jac: I'm plenty busy Amelia: undoubtedly Jac: sweet of you though Amelia: everyone will be thrilled I still have it in me Jac: I'm sure they all already know Amelia: based on what evidence Jac: You didn't disown all your new friends and stop talking to your family, did you? Jac: No, that was me Amelia: I don't have any friends so my family are the only people I have to talk to Jac: you clearly talk to my brother Jac: and, your family, so case in point x2 remains Amelia: I try not to x 2 Amelia: and I'm hardly sweet when I do, so no, my point remains there's no basis for that Jac: if you weren't capable of being sweet, it wouldn't be a try for not talking to them Jac: but sure Amelia: I'm capable of being selfish, like I said Jac: I'm aware Amelia: I need them, let's not act like any of what I'm saying is for their benefit Jac: Admitting you need people makes them feel good by default Jac: you could've convinced them that you didn't Jac: and that they're not allowed to need you Amelia: clearly I'm not capable of that Jac: it's not a bad thing Amelia: the ✔ or ❌ next to it is kind of irrelevant because it's what's happened anyway Jac: it's about how you feel about it Jac: I don't know why you're trying to convince yourself you were as bad as me Amelia: I don't know why you're trying to 😇 me Jac: Hardly Jac: there's just zero point being unrealistic about it now Amelia: exactly Jac: You were an awful friend to me Jac: and you stopped even that when I could have really used one Jac: that doesn't invalidate what I'm trying to apologise for Jac: and the fact that I took advantage of you and used you Amelia: I told you I don't want it Jac: No one is sainting you, is my point Jac: I really don't like you, at all Jac: that doesn't mean I didn't do wrong, that's the situation Amelia: I know you did, that's why I don't need it spelled out Jac: I'm not spelling it out Jac: I apologized, you didn't accept it Jac: now that's on you Jac: I've done my part Amelia: you're literally spelling that out Amelia: like I don't know what's happening Jac: you clearly are confused Jac: you've said completely the opposite of what I've said to you several times Jac: and I'm not interested in participating in that misunderstanding any longer Amelia: okay Jac: right, thank you Amelia: I accept your apology, you can go Jac: I'm not an idiot Jac: don't lie Jac: I'll still be able to move on without it Amelia: I'm not lying, I get that you're sorry and why Jac: No, the more I think about it, the more I don't want to do this Jac: don't bother Amelia: fine Jac: because an apology should be mutual, to work Jac: and I truly do not forgive you Jac: you actually talking to me again has only reminded me Jac: I'm sorry for contacting you, that was a mistake Amelia: it's alright, like I said, I get what you were trying to do Jac: there's no point pretending Amelia: no there isn't, what I did to you was horrific, don't forgive me Jac: there's windows of opportunity, sometimes Jac: and you had plenty of time Amelia: time doesn't heal everything Jac: and you prioritized yourself and your healing over me and the fact you've failed to do so Jac: yeah, that really disgusts me Jac: I can't help that, not yet Jac: I don't know when Amelia: I prioritised myself, I wasn't doing any healing, distraction isn't the same thing Jac: I don't even know if I'm able to forgive that Jac: but that's a me problem Jac: I can't care about you anymore, in any way, you walked out on me near a year ago, I need to do the same now Amelia: yeah you do Jac: fucking hell Jac: right Amelia: there's nothing else to say, I'm glad you're doing better but all I really did was throw myself into school Jac: there is so much more to say Jac: but you've made it clear how you feel Amelia: so have you Amelia: walk away, the last thing I want is any of this bullshit Jac: you've heard what you want, as per usual Jac: heaven forbid you have to deal with anything uncomfortable for you Amelia: fuck's sake Jac: because I really wanted to do this, you're right, it was all about me and how great this would make me feel Amelia: okay, it's not a walk in the park for you either Jac: how dare I try Amelia: I'm stubborn, not stupid Jac: so I'm not trying, yeah? Amelia: of course you fucking are Jac: and your solution is to not, ever Amelia: with you there isn't any solution Jac: fine Amelia: I treated you like shit, it doesn't matter how sorry I am or how hard I want to try Jac: Yes, it does Jac: it would Jac: that's such an excuse Amelia: no it's not, I am sorry but that doesn't and won't change anything Jac: you aren't sorry enough to do anything about it Jac: that's what you mean Jac: and like I said, fine Amelia: if there was anything I could Amelia: then I obviously would Jac: Okay, Amelia Jac: I can't tell you what to do Amelia: yeah you can, if there's something you want Jac: You don't have to serve what I want Amelia: I know that Jac: then just Jac: this hurts Amelia: it's been too long since I did the right thing Amelia: I don't know what to do Jac: Why haven't you been trying? Amelia: because I thought it would work, my parents just kept saying I needed time, to focus on studying, that once I get to uni things will be better Jac: it isn't going to just happen Jac: it's good that you've been studying but like you said, it's distraction Amelia: yeah Jac: but you'll never be over it if you ignore it, if we do Amelia: but trying to talk about it has only ever made it worse Amelia: we don't communicate well Jac: it can be different Amelia: can it? Jac: there has been time, distance Jac: the fact we're addressing it, that's different Jac: can we just, start this conversation again, try again Amelia: I don't get why you want to when you don't even like me Jac: because I loved you Jac: for a long time, that doesn't count for nothing Jac: I don't want it to Jac: and I don't want to dislike you Jac: what's the point of that? Amelia: okay Jac: I know you know and knew at the time that it was wrong, I get that, you aren't stupid and I'm not trying to keep saying the same thing over and over Jac: but I don't think either of us fully appreciated how hard it was for you to say no to me at the time Jac: and now I'm so ashamed of how much I used that to my advantage Amelia: I did so many things going really far back, to not say no to you, so I'm ashamed of that too Jac: yeah, it wasn't like it was just that, or it just started with that whole period of time Jac: I knew on some level Jac: and I used it, however unconsciously, I still did Jac: I don't really know why, except for the fact I could, pure selfishness, to get what I wanted Jac: it wasn't fair on you, but plenty of other people too Amelia: and I kept it going because I wanted to, even though I knew I shouldn't Jac: if I was any sort of friend, I wouldn't have put you in that position, of having to make that choice Amelia: if I was any sort of friend I would've put what I wanted to one side and actually tried to help you Jac: It's clear neither of us were in any position to help each other, after a point Jac: I just don't know when we got there Amelia: I didn't try hard enough, how can I say I loved or cared about you? Jac: I wouldn't let you Jac: but that doesn't feel true because I did let you in in those other ways Jac: which, again, confusing and not fair on any level Amelia: I don't think I can love or care about anyone properly, that's why I'm scared to go forward Jac: I don't think that's true, I'm aware that isn't comforting, or counts for much Jac: but if someone actually gave you the chance, and it was fair Jac: you can't base it on what we had Jac: it was bad for us both, and didn't work because of that Amelia: I'm not, I'm basing it on Is and Jess too Jac: We were all bad to Is Jac: it was like...I don't even know Jac: a way to make you fight for my attention? mutual bonding to leave her out? Jac: I'm not being vague purposefully, I truly do not know why Jac: I don't think we had much in common with her once we got older but still, we didn't have to do what we did Jac: and it's a whole different situation with Jess, I repeatedly told you to not be friends with him, starters, and obviously it's a reminder of me you didn't necessarily need Amelia: I just feel like I can't have friends, but what am I gonna do, not go? be the weird loner who doesn't get involved in anything? Jac: We were best friends Jac: and that blew up, spectacularly Jac: you're bound to have trauma Amelia: I have no idea if we were or not, maybe I was just 😍🥰 Amelia: because I can't pinpoint when that happened Jac: but we still were Jac: it can be both Jac: isn't it, ideally, when you have a s/o Amelia: not if I didn't treat you like it was both Amelia: which I obviously didn't because I had no issue ever saying no to Is Jac: maybe that was more about that we didn't treat Is like a friend Amelia: maybe Jac: I don't know Jac: I felt like we were friends Amelia: okay, that's a good start, I guess Jac: of course I did Jac: I know you loved me for a long time Jac: but does it discount the philia type of love Amelia: I don't know what that means but it sounds disgusting Jac Philia — Affectionate Love. Philia is love without romantic attraction and occurs between friends or family members. ... Pragma — Enduring Love. ... Storge — Familiar Love. ... Eros — Romantic Love. ... Ludus — Playful Love. ... Mania — Obsessive Love. ... Philautia — Self Love. ... Agape — Selfless Love. Jac: thanks, classics Amelia: oh well then I hope not Jac: I'm sure you can have more than one at play at once Jac: personal experience and general consensus Amelia: probably Jac: you can't go through life alone Jac: you don't need to Amelia: arguably I do need to Amelia: because I can't go through anything that comes close to this again Jac: I don't think it will Jac: and I'm not just being big-headed Jac: there's a lot of songs about it, more evidence Amelia: I haven't forgotten what you said about someone else taking advantage of me, even if you have Jac: I haven't Jac: I said Jac: particularly nasty things that day Amelia: it was an especially fucked up day for you Jac: yes, I haven't forgotten anything about that time Jac: if only Jac: I still had no right, to be as Jac: callous as I was Amelia: you wanted me to leave, it wouldn't have worked any other way Jac: yeah Jac: I needed you to Amelia: and I know you think it was a dick move for me to not be there after but it was for the best Amelia: you had Jesse, having me around would've just made shit worse Jac: I know nothing would have made it better, really Amelia: of course not Jac: I guess too much had passed between us at that point Jac: I didn't think we were there yet Jac: or that there was that point, arrogantly Amelia: that's why I decided for us Amelia: you had grieving to do Jac: I can see your thought process now Amelia: there's loads I should've handled differently but I'm not sorry for walking away then Amelia: it was bigger than me and us and that whole fucking thing Jac: It probably just hit me, that I had successfully isolated myself, at that point Jac: I can't blame you, I shouldn't Amelia: you can, if you want, there were loads of times I thought I should just get over myself and see how you were Jac: It just felt like you didn't care Jac: but complaining about that when that's consistently what I told you, well Jac: there was no way Amelia: I'll never stop caring about you Jac: Me either Amelia: but I'm not good for you Amelia: and even if I could've shown up and taken over from Jesse, it wouldn't have gone well or lasted Jac: but I never should have asked for the amount from you that I consistently did Jac: that's the truth Amelia: and I shouldn't have been willing to give you everything in exchange for nothing Jac: No Jac: but we don't have to go back, to fix this Jac: to be better Jac: we have to address it, not just push on Amelia: that's a relief because we can't go back or fix it Jac: Why do you think the latter though? Amelia: too much has happened Jac: but that doesn't mean stop and stagnate Jac: better things can and should happen Amelia: yeah, for both of us separately Amelia: you're way ahead of me Jac: I'm not Jac: but I agree Jac: but that doesn't mean we can't get us past this place Jac: like I said, that doesn't mean like it was before, or even a fraction of that, it can be what we want Jac: that's all I was ever suggesting Amelia: what do you want it to be? Jac: I don't want you to want to run when you see me, or for us to not be able to acknowledge that spending the majority of our childhood together means something for who we are now Jac: I don't have it in me to keep hurting you or the only way for that to not happen to be staying away forever Jac: maybe we still need time Jac: but maybe we can make a start Amelia: I can't imagine talking about ☀☁🌧🌨 with you, that's all Amelia: the feeling I had at Is' birthday party that last time was Amelia: I don't know, but I know I can't Jac: we don't have to pretend to be strangers Jac: there's no point in that Jac: setting boundaries this time doesn't have to equate to nothing to say Amelia: okay Jac: I know there's still chance we'll fuck up Jac: and I know you don't have load of reason to trust me Jac: but if we're both trying Jac: and at least communicating better than nothing Jac: surely Amelia: because I don't have the slightest clue how to set boundaries Amelia: or loads of trust in myself Amelia: but I'll try Jac: maybe it gets easier with practice Amelia: I'm not saying it'll go as badly as when I said I'd try to be friends with Savannah but let's aim for not Jac: 😂 Jac: the bars been set Amelia: I've got nothing if not realistic goals Jac: you did really well Jac: getting on the course you did Amelia: school's boring but not hard Jac: don't tell Delia Amelia: I don't think she'd open a message from me Jac: another congrats for her amazing grades? add it to the pile Amelia: not another declaration of love, how dare I? Amelia: our only conversation to date was her asking if I fancied her when I came out so she is waiting Jac: Oh my god Jac: delusion? wishful thinking? Jac: not her Jac: going to be so disappointed when she doesn't get swept off her feet by some Mr Darcy type at Uni Amelia: I like girls so obviously I MUST like her because she's head girl in EVERY WAY, it was simply a technically she didn't get the badge Jac: She's so tragic I'm breaking my rule of not shit-talking people to do so because Jac: yikes Jac: maybe she is THAT special, after-all Amelia: I told her it must have been SO hard coming such a clear 2nd to Savannah Moore at everything whilst having a bigger ego Amelia: but I think she thought that meant I fancied Savannah so Amelia: slightly awkward Jac: she might've just hated Sav more than you Amelia: we could've bonded over it if she'd been less Amelia: her Jac: Yeah, I'm really gutted for you both on that Amelia: I'm really gutted that she doesn't realise your grades were better Amelia: like maybe she can't count Amelia: it's all a dramatic cover for illiteracy Jac: do we call that innumerate or Jac: ha, we do Jac: ['cos did just google that] Amelia: Jess wasn't far off her grades and he don't care, she can honestly calm down Jac: The compensation is real with that one Amelia: 😏 Jac: I hope she has a great time in Bath Jac: I don't hope that Savannah is there too and she has to rekindle that 'rivalry' or anything Amelia: 😂 Amelia: that's so gay Jac: if this were a Netflix adaptation of a YA novel, for sure Amelia: Sav is too pretty for her, people would be up in arms Jac: not people like Delia Jac: aspirational, the ugly nerd girl gets the hottie Amelia: she does look like she could be royalty, maybe that's the plot twist Jac: fucking secret princess Jac: yeah, Savannah probably would have gone for that Jac: if Delia pretends to be a boy too, get Shakesperian Amelia: 😂 Jac: I've missed you Amelia: not that I've had much competition Amelia: I love Jess but he isn't very chatty Jac: he's been more of a warden than a friend, or normal brother Jac: not his fault, that was what he had to be but yeah Amelia: and less said about Darla the fucking better, to be honest Amelia: I wasn't 💔 when she finished school Jac: Well she was what I needed her to be Jac: naturally, as was everyone in that period Amelia: an enabler, yeah, she was Jac: she's got a fucked life Jac: and I didn't help her no more than she helped me so Jac: guess it makes us equal enough Amelia: I've missed you too, by the way Jac: Yeah, tah Amelia: not only because having your mum for a BFF is the coolest Jac: at least she does know all the good gossip Amelia: and I know how to cross stitch, crochet and knit, gonna be an amazing wife Jac: your future wife better love a handmade gift Amelia: I made you an oversized scarf but I also learnt my lesson about leaving stuff outside your 🏠 Jac: Perhaps a stray could have used it for a bed or something Amelia: okay, I'll leave it when I'm going that way Jac: I'm sorry Amelia: me too Jac: If I wasn't such a bitch, they'd have been really nice gifts Amelia: yeah, I'm a thoughtful bitch Jac: 😂 Amelia: 😉 Jac: Shame some passing gay 🤓 didn't rescue 'em Amelia: any passing gay 🤓 has probably already read them Jac: how much gay literature have you consumed, whilst not knitting like a 👵 Amelia: [a list lol] Jac: Oh God Amelia: I don't recommend most of it, wouldn't even to Delia Jac: I don't really do non-fiction, which you conveniently forgot when trying to bash me over the head with your moral messages and thoughtful bitch-ness Jac: maybe read a case study or two, but wouldn't recommend, it's not the most reassuring Amelia: at least I didn't hit you over the head with Shakespeare or Les Mis or War and Peace Amelia: and I didn't forget Jac: that's more assault than insult Amelia: the first 📖 was because it only took my 10 minutes to find my parents 🎁 and the 2nd was to put my 🎨 in to try and protect it from the ❄ Jac: [why I write non-fiction when I clearly meant fiction I've annoyed myself wid that lol just so we don't get confused on a re-read] Jac: and the stories were a total coincidence Jac: not like plastic bags are cheaper or more plentiful Amelia: not to me but I knew YOU wouldn't read them Jac: I can google a title and get the sparknotes, like Jac: 👌👌 Amelia: 👏👏 Jac: erm don't be rude Jac: you knew I'd do that, I mean Amelia: I didn't know anything about what you would or wouldn't do Jac: except that I wouldn't read them, obvs Amelia: yeah, well the wouldn'ts are a bit easier than the woulds Jac: be very obvious if I lobbed them back through your window Jac: don't even need your ma's keen senses to work that one out Amelia: you wouldn't come that close to my 🏠 Jac: unlike you, I have no reason to be anywhere near Jac: again, obvious Amelia: unlike you I don't need a reason Jac: sounds mildly stalkerish Amelia: 😕 you're right Amelia: I won't bother to delete it though Jac: Progress Jac: it's fine, there's been very little too stalk, accusing you of that lately would just be embarrassing for me Amelia: likewise Amelia: unless you really want to see what else I've been knitting that badly Jac: you don't have a etsy yet? Jac: slacking Amelia: I wouldn't gift it to you if anyone else would have it Amelia: I didn't say I was good, only that I technically learned how Jac: Charming Jac: you want me to walk around looking a state Amelia: it's the thought that counts Amelia: and I'm under no illusion you'd wear it Amelia: it's not chanel Jac: we're still a while away from me being able to wear exclusively chanel Amelia: 💔 Jac: I know Jac: all bitch no rich, according to you Jac: not the one Amelia: you wish I'd ever called you names Amelia: I can flirt better than that, thank you Jac: That's a development too Jac: I distinctly remember 😳 Amelia: rude Jac: but true Jac: and we aren't pretending to be strangers, remember Amelia: 😣 fine Jac: 😉 Amelia: how long did the 💄 even last once you'd thawed or whatever? Jac: not like I was doing much 💋 after Jac: not to say it was poorly timed but you know Amelia: because that's the only time you ever wear it, we're not strangers Jac: okay, yeah Jac: I've still got it though Amelia: maybe it's not a total 🤑 scam in that case Jac: it is still for special occasions, if not just 💋s Jac: plus, like you said, my brother is the only person I'm hanging out with and enough fans thought we were dating for a while there without trying that hard for him 🤢 Amelia: your family and incest Jac: can you not Amelia: sorry Jac: you're okay Jac: it is vomit-inducing though Amelia: yeah Jac: like didn't want to be 'outed' as his sister but the speculation is worse Amelia: loads of fans thought we were 😍🥰😘 after I went to one gig and that made me feel 🤢 too Amelia: happy to be outed Jac: ha, seriously Jac: it's so weird Amelia: I must not have wearing 👖 that night or something Jac: gays own denim, yeah? Amelia: your guess is as likely to be right as mine is Amelia: I'm the only gay I know Jac: bollocks Jac: there's loads of out kids Amelia: and I don't know them, my mum is my best mate, remember Jac: 1. you had a girlfriend and all her pals, however briefly 2. you claim to know/love my brother 3. so what are you talking about Amelia: 1. I've mentally blocked out that entire time period 2. he's not gay Jac: 1. fair enough, yeah 2. neither are you unless we are using it as an umbrella term so suck it Amelia: 👅🍭 Jac: 😋 Amelia: or 🍦 because it's ☀ Jac: that would constitute enjoying the rest of our summer Amelia: you did tell me to Jac: likewise Jac: are you going to go to any of these final-blowout-before-we-all-leave-forever parties? Amelia: I don't know Jac: Me either Jac: probably not though Amelia: if Jess wants to before I go, I might, but there's loads of other things I'd rather do instead Jac: cute Amelia: he is my sometimes boyfriend, ask the fans Jac: that's truly horrifying Amelia: maybe I'll be washing my 👖 Jac: write a song about it, boy Amelia: 😂 Jac: he would Jac: tell me I'm wrong Jac: you can't Amelia: he definitely would Amelia: as enjoyable as it always is telling you you're wrong Jac: more enjoyable than hearing his 💔 Amelia: yeah Jac: but not 🍦 Amelia: I'm very hungry right now so no Jac: I mean, go ahead Jac: but I'm never wrong Amelia: we're not strangers Jac: 😲 Amelia: you were wrong when you thought you could ✂ your own hair Jac: I can't wait to be somewhere no one knows that anecdote Jac: and there isn't photographic evidence Amelia: and when you told me my mum's 🌹 didn't have thorns because you wanted me to pick them for you Jac: well, that was just a lie, not being wrong Jac: surprised your mum didn't cut my hair with her secateurs after that, like Amelia: okay but I can probably go on and on all day if you want Amelia: ending on my forehead scar for dramatic effect Jac: you're the one that ❤s it more than ice-cream and indie pop Jac: anyway, I feel enough guilt and shame for the things I did wrong way more recently than that, if we're being real Amelia: yeah, I know Amelia: me too Jac: summer bummer Amelia: hey, we're trying Jac: true Jac: not that bad, is it Amelia: maybe we should go to one of the parties, do it right Jac: you think? Amelia: I might worry less about freshers if I can do that without fucking it up Jac: Alright Jac: if we find one with the least offensive cast of dickheads Amelia: if anything that sounds harder than not fucking it up but okay Jac: at least Delia won't be at any Jac: it'll be fine Amelia: I'm 💔 about the lack of goodbye 💋 so if you could just not mention her name Jac: 🤐 Amelia: thanks Jac: any time Amelia: and we can leave any time if it's the worst idea I've ever had Jac: now that's unlikely Jac: however boring it is Amelia: alright, if I'm the worst date ever Jac: nah Jac: you haven't forgotten how many boys I've dated Amelia: I've tried to Jac: 🤐🤐 Amelia: 🥀🥀 Jac: don't worry, I'm very aware how tragic it was, no need to pretend Amelia: I'm just wondering if they are or if they really think they did something 🏆⭐ Jac: They did me and that was the 🏆⭐ Jac: some people can get an ego over nothing, like she-who-must-not-be-named but the majority were clued in Amelia: no arguments from me, you were 🏆⭐ Jac: you weren't bad yourself Amelia: it's not a real compliment, it's an if I were dressed like a Shakespearean boy one, so I don't need any back Jac: no it's not Amelia: and I'm going outside, you'll be thrilled to hear Amelia: ☀🌳🌼 Jac: that's nice and all but why are you ignoring me coming out to you Amelia: because I don't know what to do with it Jac: okay Jac: that went well then Amelia: how did you expect it to go? Jac: thought you might be able to muster a happy for you or something Jac: what did your mum say when you first told her? Amelia: she asked me if I was sure, which I'm obviously not going to say Jac: did you tell her she was the first person you told? Amelia: no Jac: well maybe that would've been a better place for me to start Amelia: I don't think I should be the first person you tell anything Jac: it's not like you didn't know already Jac: that's the only reason why Jac: I'm not gonna make an announcement Amelia: and you weren't happy so I'm not going to say I'm happy for you Jac: alright Jac: don't worry about it Amelia: I'm not worried about it, if you're telling me, that's different from how it was before Jac: yeah, sort of what I'm going for Amelia: the fresh start thing, yeah Jac: right Jac: may as well give it a shot Amelia: you'll have loads of chances to get a better reaction than the one you got from me Jac: not going to get laid Jac: or join a GSA Jac: just also not lying and getting laid by dudes, that's all Amelia: okay Jac: unless there's a future king of England, that's just the kind of chance you have to take regardless Amelia: 😂 Amelia: I'll let you, Sav and Delia be 👸👸🏾👸🏼 it's not really the happily ever after I'm looking for Jac: not that it ever is really Jac: 📸🏎🚇💀💔 Amelia: Jess' fans are intense enough Jac: 🙄 yeah, can't wait for the complex he gets Amelia: loads of girls have already asked me out to try and get close to him, no thank you Jac: Ew Jac: another reason not to come out Amelia: you'll just get lads doing it instead Jac: nah Jac: lads aren't like that and he has like no male fans Amelia: not yet Jac: still Jac: gay boys aren't gonna pretend to be straight to clout chase Amelia: I was thinking more straight lads trying to be his mate and take his fan girls but sure Jac: why are you wishing predators on me just to prove boys are as bad as straight girls Jac: 🤨 Amelia: I haven't made any wishes Jac: hmm 👌 Amelia: you can have a clichéd good luck message when you actually leave Jac: I'll look forward to it Jac: you're so jaded now yeah Amelia: not that kind of 👵 Jac: I've only got the one so not much to compare Jac: ❌👵👴👴 Amelia: I'll cellotape 💰 to any cards I send you along with the 🧶🧣🧤🧦🧸 Amelia: leave you long rambling voicemails because I refuse to text and show up at every family function only to leave like an hour later Amelia: the full experience Jac: honestly, sounds like you anyway Jac: not a big stretch is it Jac: 😄 Amelia: I wouldn't do it if it was, selfish bitch that I am Jac: Obvs Amelia: 😏 Jac: right Jac: better let you go enjoy the ☀🌳🌼 as requested Amelia: don't worry, I'm a 👵 who can do a few things at once Amelia: not wearing my 🍦 or anything Jac: knitted bib would probably not work Amelia: my mum must've tried it when I was a baby Jac: she probably soldiered on as well Jac: like with the bob Amelia: 😣 Amelia: BFF or not, I won't be asking her advice on what to wear for my first day of lectures Jac: Bless Jac: the preppy look would be more her wheelhouse than freshers though Amelia: freshers is a banned word in our 🏠 Amelia: she thinks I'm going to go insane Jac: you aren't Delia who's never been to a real party in her life Jac: I'll send her some charcoal all ready, like Jac: DIY Amelia: she'd probably assume it was an early 🎄🎅🎁 and you were calling her 👿 Jac: she is that pessimist Jac: not gonna beat you with a switch, sorry girl Amelia: she'd at least need to buy you a drink first Jac: I'd need more than a single drink, tah Amelia: 🍾 Jac: that's the vibe Jac: [examples 'cos St Andrews so bouj with the champagne etc lol] Amelia: you'll fit right in Amelia: I don't know what Cork's vibe is Jac: You should check out the #s it can be really useful Jac: if you're not quite ready to dip your toe into the freshers whatsapps yet Jac: I'm holding off 'cos 😬 Amelia: me too, I feel at risk of a migraine just thinking about it Amelia: which would be about right when I haven't had as many lately Jac: alright, I get it Jac: massive pain in your 🤯 Jac: I'm glad you've got 'em a bit more under control though Amelia: I mean, you're not on my official triggers list technically Amelia: even if I was apparently always 😳 Jac: Yeah Jac: but that's easily dealt with Amelia: right Jac: better than an aspirin, anyway Amelia: true, I'm still shit at swallowing 💊s Jac: That gay Amelia: 😂 Jac: Might go to [this] hers Jac: they weren't that awful Amelia: and it's not that far if we decide to 🏃 away Jac: and her parents will only be down the pub or something 'til they call time, so no chance of it getting out of hand Amelia: my parents will be thrilled Jac: if you don't want them to join you on freshers Amelia: thank god she isn't reading over my shoulder right now, you'd have given her ideas Jac: no way she weren't already thinking of ways to 🔭 Amelia: one of many reasons I'd never go to Trinity Jac: Same Jac: can't imagine anything worse Amelia: UCC's website already makes the BOLD claim of being in the top 2% of universities in the world so obviously I have no need anyway Amelia: don't ask me how they worked out anything like that Amelia: 🤨 Jac: top 2% at what Jac: I love when they try to blind you with stats Jac: some of the websites are abhorent Amelia: Bath's would give me a migraine Amelia: because yeah I've looked at it Jac: don't remind me 💔 Amelia: I'll invite Delia to the party if you like, that'll make you feel loads better Jac: I AM thrilled that no one from school is going to st andys too Jac: 👀 anyone across campus, let alone her, nope Amelia: shit, now that you mention it, I really don't like my chances of not running into anyone quite as much Amelia: that'll be a great orientation depending who I get Jac: I think they're gonna announce it all at that ball thing they're doing Jac: if you're going to that Amelia: I probably have to now Amelia: to get a warning Amelia: 😬 Jac: just don't dramatically gasp or scream in horror Jac: the other person/people might be a bit offended Amelia: that'll be everyone else at me in a 👗 again Jac: okay, cinderella fantasy Amelia: thanks, yeah, I'm totally rocking some summer rags as we speak Amelia: I get it, if it's not chanel I might as well 🧹 the floor in it or with it Jac: at least you name isn't prefaced with ugly or evil Jac: r* Jac: 🐭🎃✨ Amelia: but I can't be leaving 👠 behind Jac: packing is so weird Jac: how do you even know how much to take Amelia: I just know I'm going to have to keep going back and forth because I haven't grabbed the right things Amelia: I don't envy you Jac: what are you doing for living your 1st year? Amelia: rooms are on a lottery so if I don't get one I'll have to stay here and 🚗 Jac: Oh Jac: that's tense Jac: I'll 🤞🤞 Amelia: scared as I am, I seriously don't want to live at 🏠 Amelia: what kind of fresh start is that? Jac: I agree, I mean, obviously Jac: I couldn't go much further Jac: you'd miss out if you had to commute, on all the student life Amelia: exactly, they also brag about having over 100 societies Jac: we love an option Jac: it'll be good Jac: even if you do 🚗 for a bit, you'll meet people you actually wanna share with later Amelia: 🤞🤞 Amelia: so are you going to the ball 👸? Jac: better than being stuck with total nightmare housemates Jac: I opted for a single room for that same reason Jac: only so nice I can be still Jac: I wanted to scream at Jude earlier but I had to just 🙂🙂 Jac: May as well, though everyone is pairing up and making that a thing, or going as a girly group and then that's another thing so Amelia: right? I've never even had to share a bathroom before, I'm too only child for this bullshit to be honest Jac: ^^ you wouldn't cope, soz Amelia: I'd rather sleep in my 🚗 than with nightmare housemates Amelia: fuck's sake, maybe I won't go to the ball and take my chances with whoever else is going to UCC Amelia: we probably won't ever run into each other anyway Jac: I saw Is and all her mates dress shopping in town the other day Amelia: did she see you? Jac: Thankfully not Jac: I was stocking up on some beauty essentials so I was far enough away for that convo not to happen Amelia: It's so weird to just see her around Amelia: she always looks good though Jac: Yeah Jac: she's gonna be really happy Jac: it's good Amelia: but it has made my mind up about not going, because there's no way I'm going dress shopping Amelia: and nothing online can be trusted Jac: We could've gone together Jac: pure solidarity thing, as we have no one else to go with Jac: apart from Jess Amelia: do you want to? Jac: I mean, yeah Jac: the last day was pretty anti-climatic Jac: at least this will feel like a proper goodbye Amelia: I'm aware I haven't really shone in this conversation so okay Jac: You don't have to Jac: but it could be alright, us three Jac: see it through to the end properly, you know Amelia: I want to though, when you put it like that Jac: Okay Jac: cool Jac: I'll tell Jess Jac: at least he has to have something approaching formalwear these days Amelia: maybe he'll let me borrow it Jac: the full 🤵🏻 moment Amelia: I guess, if it means I can escape the 🛍 moment Jac: you don't have ANYTHING? Amelia: no ?????? maybe ??????? Amelia: I don't know, it's not a house party Jac: 🙄😂 Jac: in fairness, every other bitch is finished by now Jac: so you aren't going to run into everyone Amelia: what are you planning on wearing? Jac: 🤔 Jac: I probably have options Jac: if I've worn it too recently is always the question Amelia: we're going shopping, aren't we? Jac: it sounds like we need to Amelia: alright Jac: When do you wanna go Jac: I've wrapped up work now so I'm pretty free most of the time Jac: when not packing, unpacking, repacking Amelia: tomorrow so I can change my mind AGAIN back to not going if all the 👗 suck Amelia: plus my mum is busy and can't gatecrash to volunteer any 'advice' Amelia: more importantly, where do we want to go? because I'll 🚗 Amelia: obviously you'll be wanting to look 🤑 Jac: I won't make you do Brown Thomas Jac: but could we do Powerscourt? Jac: 🥺 Amelia: you can't make me do anything anymore but because you've made such a convincing argument with 🥺 yeah we can Jac: Oh that's right Jac: we're both better people now Jac: I still love Powerscourt though Amelia: I don't want you to change everything about yourself, that's erasure not improvement Amelia: and I still love how your face lights up when you go there Jac: It is knowing which parts to cut off and which can be salvaged Jac: like  🌹 🥀 Jac: speaking of, the garden flower shop 😍😍 Amelia: like 🖌 too sometimes you want to leave the first brush strokes in and sometimes you don't Amelia: fine, I'll make you a corsage, don't feel like you have to 🥺 I've made a shit load of Christmas wreaths, it'll be a piece of cake Jac: exactly Jac: or what 🖌 stroke is going to be the one that's one too many Jac: or the painting that never seems quite finished Jac: by the way, if you do have to keep living here, please ensure my sister doesn't ruin my room Jac: there was talk of a mural Amelia: 😣 don't! I'm not going to miss any of those dilemmas when I have zero time for 🎨 Amelia: 😂 of course there was Amelia: Oh Jude Jac: Far too busy being Sherlock 🧐 Jac: I think she was just trying to get a rise out of me, so naturally I didn't give anything Jac: but God knows the eyesore I'll come back to Amelia: I'll find out if she was serious or not when I devote my time to spying on the state of your bedroom walls Jac: It can't all be murders at dinner parties Amelia: 💔 Amelia: now you tell me Amelia: I've been channelling Miss Marple all year for nothing Jac: 😅 Jac: she was a bad bitch Amelia: likewise 😎 that was the easy bit Jac: you're such a fool Jac: 😏 Amelia: you gave me another chance, I dread to think what it makes you Jac: what's it about beggars not having much option? Amelia: if you're financially fucked to that level we probably shouldn't go to Powerscourt Jac: Please, all I did was work this past year Jac: school and actual Jac: may as well blow some of it before I'm using it to eat rice every night at uni or whatever Amelia: stop flexing at me, thank you, I don't wish to see it Amelia: or you the return of my 😳 Jac: I don't know what you're talking about 💪 Jac: and I have fond memories of your 😳 too Amelia: past tense not present Amelia: 😎🍦 Jac: not even for old times sake then? Jac: 💔 Amelia: you can't even see me right now and if you're using your imagination there's loads of old times to remind yourself of Jac: but when I do Amelia: I couldn't possibly comment on tomorrow before it has happened Amelia: not a 🔮💎��� gay, if you recall Jac: so sorry Jac: about your lack of powers Jac: be really good if being gay came with those kinda perks, tbh Amelia: very disappointing Jac: yeah, I'll bring it up with god when I get there, like Amelia: I'll bring it up with 👿 so all bases are covered Amelia: because I was a miracle and I squandered it, or whatever Jac: Hardly Jac: 1. your mum loves the gays and you having a baby will be such a trial she will live for the bonding 2. you've survived to go to uni that's like all they want Amelia: 🎺I feel so accomplished suddenly Jac: yeah, I know, making things sound as harsh as possible is my speciality Jac: but you actually should be Amelia: for what? Jac: Loads of things Jac: mainly getting on your course at the mo though, as that's all we can talk or think about Amelia: it's about picking the right subjects, that's all Amelia: like I said, school is boring but not hard 🧩 Jac: you still did that Jac: and that means you're smart Jac: or it would be both Amelia: you're the only one who didn't believe I had a plan or fuck to give about the future Jac: I was just trying to make sure you didn't give up Amelia: that went well Jac: yeah, I know Jac: okay, it was still rude to say, even if I had good intentions Amelia: you've been ruder, so have I Jac: I'm sure I don't even remember half the shit I said Jac: feel free to regale me with my worst hits if you wanna and I'll try not to kill myself, like Amelia: It's not as if I'd enjoy reliving it either Jac: it'd be alright if you did Amelia: not really Jac: I'm owed a lot worse than squirming for a bit from you Jac: but let's not then, unless you change your mind Jac: works for me Amelia: if I fancy 🎣 I know where you are Jac: I didn't take up old people hobbies too, I'm afraid Amelia: it'd be a bit rude to leave my dad entirely out Amelia: but actually his hobby is just sitting down in different places depending on the ☀☁🌧🌨 Jac: 😂 Jac: can think of worse Amelia: it's an easy one to take up when you get to Edinburgh so you're welcome for the great suggestion Jac: 🤞 there will be no time right Amelia: yeah, there is probably only so much distraction we can stand and we already got to the limit 🌠 Jac: I will have a garden though Jac: and there's the golf course Jac: those are old people adjacent Amelia: of course you'll have a garden Amelia: that's the biggest you incentive I've ever heard Jac: it sold the single bed over the double Jac: along with the more historic building Jac: was used to a single anyway before the basement Amelia: if you're desperate to stretch just go sleep in the 🌳🌼🌹🌷🌻 Jac: 😅 it's Edinburgh, not the Bahamas Amelia: obviously wear clothes Jac: I would manage that without your advice, thank you Jac: didn't go that mental post baby Amelia: I'll knit you a blanket and maybe some kind of onesie, it'll be fine Jac: just so dating really isn't an option 👌 Amelia: maybe if it's tartan the locals will be super into it Jac: nothing more endearing than a bit of mockery 💰🌈 Amelia: no 🌈 don't worry, I haven't fully transformed into my mother Jac: 😏 Amelia: at least you know you're getting a 🛏 Jac: yeah, that is shitty Jac: they famously charge more than any other uni for said rooms so Jac: there's that Amelia: 🤑 Jac: I'm gonna be broke forever 🎻 Amelia: until you straighten up and get that 🤴 Jac: at least some rich royal wannabe Amelia: I'll be a starving artist with no time to pick up a brush Jac: 🕵 Amelia: Miss Marple never solved student debt Amelia: I guess it's up to me Jac: she was a school of life type, aka totally unqualified, just nosy Amelia: and of 'independent means' aka 🤑💰💰 Jac: duh Jac: poor people weren't worth writing about Amelia: how would you know? you don't read any fiction Jac: exactly Jac: I've read the reports Amelia: because they can be trusted any more than the UCC website I'm sure Jac: data to back up the findings is key Jac: be interested to see UCCs Amelia: unlikely they have any Amelia: but I'll ask Jac: may as well get friendly with the staff Jac: start as you mean to go on Amelia: sweet of you to think about getting me a date Amelia: I don't think I'll start there though Jac: if you go for that cliche, like Jac: the fresh start thing we're doing might have to be reconsidered Amelia: I'm really cool with NOT Amelia: falling for your childhood best friend is enough of one Jac: you've read the books, I couldn't possibly comment Amelia: it's usually some 😎 new hs student which your parents have been there and done Jac: Yeah Jac: I don't think the hilarity of the situation escaped them Amelia: it's always really funny to hear about so clearly not Jac: yeah, from an outside POV Jac: having your parents live out a romcom just gives you unattainable and unrealistic expectations Jac: see Jude Amelia: okay, point taken Jac: now beyond unattainable for me Amelia: nothing's unattainable for you Jac: you're sweet Amelia: no, unlike Jude you set goals and work towards achieving them until you have Amelia: if there's something you want, you'll get there Jac: isn't ❤ meant to be beyond all that Jac: not something you can put in the diary or on a vision board, like Amelia: 😍 maybe Amelia: but love takes effort Jac: I don't know Jac: if I'll ever be ready Jac: so for now, it can take a backseat and that's fine Amelia: yeah, I feel the same way Jac: 🕮 Amelia: 🤓 Jac: *🤓🤓 Amelia: when I wear my glasses it's really not that far off Jac: you look cute in your glasses Amelia: 🤥 you do Amelia: I look like a kids book character Jac: what's wrong with that? Amelia: I'm not trying to bring back 👧🏻 Jac: I liked your hair too Amelia: maybe you need new glasses Amelia: I am going to do something different with it for uni though, I just need to decide Jac: you could never take a compliment Jac: 🟥 🟧 🟨 🟩 🟦 🟪 ⬛️ ⬜️? Amelia: I'll pack them all up in my suitcase and take them to Cork in case I don't like it Jac: just don't start with red then Amelia: I'd never get that out Amelia: even more persistent than you with the compliments Jac: your mum would also think the breakdown had begun so Jac: wouldn't Amelia: she hasn't had me sectioned yet, assumedly it'll take more than rebel red or whatever they've called it Jac: 😂 Jac: you know it's someone like Delia coming up with these names Amelia: they should poach my mum off my dad's reception, she has A LOT to say about what 🧵🧶 colours are named Jac: a new career would keep her busy Jac: empty nest is real Amelia: I did consider getting her a pet but if it's too cute, I won't want to leave Jac: you're so soft Amelia: is that another compliment or an insult? Jac: it's an insult, don't worry Jac: no need for 😳 Amelia: okay Jac: she can have one of the dogs Jac: wouldn't miss the one Amelia: and expose my dad's fake allergy? he's worked so hard on that lie Jac: such a move Jac: suddenly LOVES animals now you're gone Jac: I would Amelia: 😣 Jac: maybe I can convince him Jac: add him to my list, like Amelia: because that doesn't sound like you're about to seduce my dad Jac: only so you can have a dog Jac: excuse you Amelia: I don't want one THAT badly Jac: and I don't want your dad at all, tah Amelia: if you did you'd have kissed him instead of Valentina during your attempt to ruin my life or whatever so yeah, I figured Jac: I forgot who that was Jac: even your girlfriend had an 👵 name Amelia: funnily enough that wasn't why I went out with her Jac: Sure Amelia: at least I know she isn't going to Cork or any uni Jac: Colour me surprised Jac: I remember her being stupid Amelia: you barely remembered her name, she didn't make a lasting impression, clearly Jac: duh Jac: wasn't 😍 Amelia: I know Jac: were you Amelia: all the things you could ask me and you go with one about her? Jac: I'm not on a limit of questions, am I? Amelia: I don't know what you're planning on doing later Jac: got that much to say? Amelia: did you want unlimited quick fire questions? Jac: you don't have to answer Jac: but you haven't Amelia: I wasn't 😍 Jac: okay Amelia: it was just uncomplicated Jac: she was Jac: I get it Amelia: because she was blatant about what she wanted and why Jac: yeah Jac: that's what you needed at the time Amelia: no it wasn't Jac: wanted then Amelia: it was a bad idea in a long line of Amelia: the first distraction Jac: it was a better idea than the alternative at the time Amelia: the alternative was being single so no, that would've been a way smarter move Jac: I meant what I started that night Amelia: well yeah, but we're talking about my decisions and I wasn't going to do that Jac: that would've been too smart, I suppose Amelia: me kissing whatever lad you were with at the time would have been literally the opposite of smart Jac: that's not what I mean Amelia: I know what you mean Jac: it's not blame Jac: it would've been smarter for us all Amelia: yeah Jac: alas Amelia: 💔 Jac: you're alright now Jac: pretty sure you led with that Amelia: I wasn't going to lead with the alternative Jac: yeah Jac: Jude did the same Jac: totally thriving, not at all bullshitting Amelia: Oh great, it's been ages since you compared me to your sister, I've really missed it Jac: I can't help it if your approaches are similar and as blatant to see right through Jac: get better Jac: 😉 Amelia: it was your choice to bring it up to annoy me, which you could easily do better at Jac: well I'm not used to being nice Jac: it'll take me a while to be really good at it Amelia: I'm not used to you giving me a sober compliment, we're both trying new things here Jac: I complimented you before Jac: you act like I never did when we were friends Amelia: forever ago then Amelia: when you were nice Jac: rude but fair Jac: I was never that nice, actually Amelia: I remember you being nice to me Jac: ha Jac: you admitted it Amelia: that you were nice to me when we were friends, yeah, it's right there Jac: mhmm Jac: I see it Amelia: if you're about to accuse me of bullshitting, go on Amelia: be brave Jac: why would I? Amelia: I don't know, to be annoying Jac: I'm not trying to be annoying Jac: so nah Amelia: okay Jac: I'm gonna go to that party Amelia: are you telling me because you want me there or as far away as possible? Jac: I'm just telling you because Jac: but no, if I see you there, I won't run Jac: but if you don't wanna see me, there's the warning Amelia: I'm seeing you tomorrow, just you Amelia: why would I need a warning for seeing you at a party Jac: Parties are a trigger Amelia: lots of things are Jac: it might be different Jac: in person Jac: and I've not been to a party since all I did at parties was get blackout at them and not remember much of the rest so Amelia: I won't go if it's going to make it harder for you Jac: no, that's not Jac: I don't even know if I should Jac: like you said, I can't not join in at Uni, that's not what I want Amelia: you have to start somewhere Amelia: and Jess would go with you if you want moral support from someone who isn't me Amelia: because I'm well aware I've never been great at it Jac: people from school SHOULDN'T fawn after him Jac: the whole playing it cool, knew you before you blew up, moment of it all Jac: but still Amelia: yeah, there's probably a lot of things people from school shouldn't do, but that's a different conversation Amelia: and a long one Jac: maybe I can't be bothered Jac: none of the people will be at uni, that'll take away the need to get completely trashed Amelia: right Jac: fuck it Jac: you go Jac: I'll stay home and knit instead Amelia: 😂 Jac: how hard can it be Amelia: you'll see Jac: judgmental 👵 Amelia: a rare 👵 who is willing to let you make up your own mind Jac: alright ✌🌍❤🕊 Amelia: shut up Jac: you'reso woke Jac: 😂 Amelia: I don't know how well you'll knit, that's all Jac: I don't knit Amelia: not yet Jac: your ma has brainwashed you a bit Amelia: that's why I'm going to the party Amelia: to break her control Jac: 👏 Amelia: alright, no need to take the piss Jac: I'm not Amelia: it's a small and bound to be disappointing step, I know Jac: little bit Amelia: but I don't know where else to start so Jac: it's a good idea Amelia: then why doesn't it feel like one? Jac: how was the last one you went to? Amelia: depressing Jac: that's normal, isn't it Jac: parties are Jac: you reckon you're meant to be having the best time ever and you ain't, that's the mood Amelia: it's lonely Jac: yep Amelia: but anyway Jac: we're both totally fine 👌 Amelia: of course Jac: tomorrow though Amelia: send me a message when you're ready to get picked up or something Jac: Sure thing Jac: See you then Amelia: okay Amelia: 👋
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moonlight-sonder · 7 years
Can't choose just one, so answer aLL of them bc I'm nosey
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up.
~ It’s Quiet Uptown - Hamilton Mixtape, Drive - Oh Wonder, Burn - Hamilton, Pacifier - Catfish and The Bottlemen, Eyes Closed - Halsey, Hang Out With You - Mary Lambert
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
~ Oof Katie pls
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
~make people believe that you were fun and interesting. I just wasn’t that much of a con artist’
4) What do you think about most?
~ uhhhh my messed up emotions, Katie, and whatever event I have to look forward to
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you?
~ yikes yes 6) Do you have any strange phobias?
~ Not that I can think of off the top of my head? 7) What’s your religion?
~ I was raised sort of Christian but now idk? I don’t really have one tbh
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
~ riding a horse
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
~ tøp10) What was the last lie you told?
~ that I was fine lol
11) Do you believe in karma?
~ yup
12) What does your URL mean?
~ it kinda explains itself.,,,
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
~ I trust too easy/get attached too easy and I have a pretty good work ethic and I’m good at communicating w adults which seems to be a good thing
14) Who is your celebrity crush?
~ Oof Cameron Boyce and Zendaya
15) How do you vent your anger?
~ usually I either isolate myself or I tend to get pissy w people which is bad I haven’t quite learned how to manage it well
16) Do you have a collection of anything?
~ cds and makeup lol
17) Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
~ eh in some ways yes but overall no not really
18) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
~ chalk on a chalk board, fizzy drinks in a can.. I love the sound of hoofbeats, my cat purring, Katie’s voice all good stuff
19) What’s your biggest “what if”?
~ what if I didn’t have anxiety Oof
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
~ yes both tbh
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
~ my dresser and my door lol
22) Smell the air. What do you smell?
~ breakfast Bc mg mom just cooked
23) What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
~ I answered this one but it’s a theater here that is just,, cursed
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender?
~ Troye Sivan and Rex Orange County
25) To you, what is the meaning of life?
~ boy if I knew
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
~ yes (I hate it) and no
27) What was the last movie you saw?
~ half of paddington lmao
28) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
~ uhhh I haven’t really had any bad injuries.. so probably the concussion I got like three years ago
29) Do you have any obsessions right now?
~ uhh Rex Orange County and Phineas and Ferb lol
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you?
~ uh yeah I live in a small town so.,,, lots
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
~ yes I know I shouldn’t but… here I am
32) What is your astrological sign?
~ Sagittarius
33) What’s the last thing you purchased?
~ nose piercings
34) Love or lust?
~ Love
35) In a relationship?
~ yesss
36) How many relationships have you had?
~ four I think?
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
~ I have 0 idk how people like me
38) Where is your best friend?
~ ones in Cali and ones in Vegas
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
~ Oof crying
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
~ uhhh not really? I have a hard time expressing emotions and I’m not good at comforting people
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
~ id die to save that dog smh
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
~ I’m kinda dramatic so I probably would tell people, idk? I’d want to meet all my friends first off, and yes yikes I’m scared of death
43) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
~ corner store - Macklemore
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
~ honesty, trust, etc..
45) How can I win your heart?
~ U,, cannot I have a girl BUT I’m live for any type of sappy shit
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity?
~ I think so tbh
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
~ I.,, don’t know
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
~ something about shrek
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “heart.”
~ uhh love, katie, that pink heart emoji I use 24/7
50) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?
~ yellow and gray
51) What is your current desktop picture?
~ a picture of me and my horse
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
~ trump lmao
53) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
~ idk??
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
~ this.,, is so funny. Um X-ray vision sounds litty
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
~ hmm maybe some point when I was in Kentucky. I miss that
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
~ all the shit that happened w my sister yikes
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
~ this is awk so idk Ed Sheeran???
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
~ oh Philly I’m a heartbeat
59) Ever been on a plane?
~ yup
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities.
~ 1. Lauren Cohen 2. Zendaya 3. Ezra Miller 4. Daniel Radcliffe 5. Steven Yeun
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tinybeanhealing · 7 years
scorpio sun/moon/mercury, sagittarius venus/mars/jupiter/pluto, cancer midheaven, pisces saturn, capricorn uranus/neptune, libra rising/nnode/chiron, third house stellium? sorry, i'm just having trouble getting a snapshot of my chart in my head
omg no need to apologize, I can talk abt this w u
I’m not gonna spend time talking abt yr north node or yr chiron bc those i would have to know more specific info n I”m not doing full birth chart readings at the moment but I definitely recommend getting yr chart fully read by someone u trust n they should talk abt yr north node as lessons u might wanna work on moving forward n yr chiron as ways u have to heal yrself so u can go into the world to be good to others. If they frame it differently than that, it’s ok bc everyone’s astrology is different. 
I also have a scorp merc ! We’re sassy n rude n can pick at ppl. It makes u a natural investigator, u know everyone’s dirt bc u are bold enough to just...ask. Sometimes u push ppl’s buttons to see how they’ll react not rlly bc yr an asshole (altho who knows ! all that sag ??? JK but lol) but bc u wanna learn about that person thru how they react. Classic scorp merc behavior. U might feel like what yr saying n doing is harmless but sometimes ppl react rlly badly to it. U are like the ultimate softy honestly. Scorps are super intimidating, altho yr libra rising helps tone that down just a little bit. It seems daunting to anyone to get to know u bc yr so mysterious n incredible seeming. But combining yr scorp n sag placements yr also the ultimate hot n cold person. One minute yr off the next yr on. It’s hard for u to just have one thing going on at a time. Yr loyal, don’t get me wrong. But u might need a more open relationship type deal. Or, u absolutely need monogamy bc scorps are possessive like that. U might have issues with possessiveness/jealousy/control. U are extremely sensitive. U might feel like yr on an emotional roller coaster it’s bc u are honest with yrself abt how u rlly feel. U allow yrself to connect with yr softness n emotions but u might not let other ppl see u doing that. U aren’t afraid to work hard. U wanna be seen as someone with effortless charm but u have more of a gritty magnetism that draws ppl to u. Ppl are definitely drawn to u, just in a different way than u probably want. Publicly u wanna be seen as a caretaker, a sweet one. U are sweet n that’s not a lie. U have ties to mama energy, whether that’s positive or negative in yr life. U are empathetic n gentle. 10th house/midheaven is capricorn’s house. The house of ambition but also capricorn has a dad connection. To have cancer, the mama sign, in the house of dads might be significant. It might say something abt yr connection to yr original home or a home u create for yrself. It definitely means u have strong ambition. Yr good at planning n can adapt well as situations develop n change. U are naturally very creative but there’s a restlessness in u that may feel difficult to quell. Even when u don’t want to, u find yrself at the center of attention bc of the energy u have. U might feel like u are in a battle (often within yrself) between needing to instigate change in yr life n wanting stability n security. It’s hard for u to let things go, u remember everything. U might fall into pettiness/resentment sometimes. I also have cap uranus/neptune so it looks like we’re in the same generation (: U are practical n loyal. Above anyone else, u are persevering. U have the power of self discipline altho that might feel difficult with that 3rd house stellium n all that sag. U have a need to accept responsibilities n limitations, which can be hard for u to do. U are very contemplative. U have the ability to use yr intuitive powers for practical matters, not just emotional. U ultimately are looking to make this world more perfect. U are friendly, optimistic, can be impulsive, very very enthusiastic, sort of argumentative (probably a lot w all that sag) n u have a tendency to exaggerate a lot. U have a deeeeep need to travel long term. Definitely do this for yrself bc it is the only way u will connect fully with yr whole self. U are sympathetic n kind. U idealize love. U probably need more than one project going on at once, if u end up getting married n establishing a home with a partner(s) u will want to have a project going on outside yr home life to keep u busy n interested. With that 3rd house stellium u probably invented multi tasking honestly. U have a strong connection with idealism n philosophy. It’s probably impossible to lie to u. U can see thru ppl pretty easily. U have a perceptive mind n strong reasoning skills. U might have a weird ability to repair things. U have a sweet gift of satire but that sometimes turns sharp into criticizing others. U can convey a “knowingness” without even speaking. U can be mean without realizing it. Yr pisces saturn makes u self sacrificing. A practical idealist. U take life pretty seriously. Yr fire placements n 3rd house help with that but not much. U got a lot of serious in yr chart. U might have a tendency to react emotionally to bad conditions, which is like super normal. U might have an issue with being indecisive. Yr return, depending in what house yr saturn is in, might have to do with taking responsibility for yr past lives. This will help so that u don’t suffer at the words n actions of other ppl so much. Once u connect with yrself deeply, esp during yr return, u will likely access deep healing powers that u can start using for yrself n others. That third house stellium, hm. I can’t tell which of yr planets are in there just based on how i’m reading the list but usually an emphasis on the third house will be connected to siblings, short term travel, n communication. So u have a lot of immediate family placements, u might feel close or extremely isolated from them. U are probably pretty good at externalizing yr feelings, but u might keep them in yr head rather than yr heart. U can connect with yr emotions but u might choose to do that rationally rather than emotionally. 
I hope that description carries some truths for u ! Let me know if u have other questions abt yr chart (: 
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koshertumtum · 7 years
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
Rebel Song by Sinead O'Connor
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Michelle Obama
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
4: What do you think about most? galaxies
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
"so ratchet" - Taylah
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? depends how uncomfortable i get
7: What’s your strangest talent? knowing the lyrics of all the songs to MLP s1-3
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence) nO
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? nay
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? like grade 6
11: Do you have any strange phobias? i don't think so???
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? pen?
13: What’s your religion? science
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? bike riding, walking, high as balls
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? both
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Fleetwood Mac
17: What was the last lie you told? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
18: Do you believe in karma? sort
19: What does your URL mean? means noneyadamnbusiness
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? weakness would be my anxiety, strength is probably my enthusiasm once i'm comfortable
21: Who is your celebrity crush? it's so cliche and annoying but chris pratt
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? uH yeah man all the time
23: How do you vent your anger? breathing
24: Do you have a collection of anything? i have marbles
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? aw video chatting is cute
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? yes
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? white noise, deleting cones
28: What’s your biggest “what if”? death
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? both of these are good!!!
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. my wall
31: Smell the air. What do you smell? coldness
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? :000 ????
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? west coast bc lana del ray knows what she's taking about and i don't
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? 2chainz
35: To you, what is the meaning of life? knowledge
36: Define Art. a painting, structure, sound, or other creation that expresses an artist(s) feelings or represents a time, space or location. (it can also be a lot of other things, it's very broad)
37: Do you believe in luck? not really
38: What’s the weather like right now? COLD!
39: What time is it? 9:23pm
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? naH fuck cars
41: What was the last book you read? i forget what it was called 'Sea of Love' something or other, and it was very good.
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? no
43: Do you have any nicknames? Gibby
44: What was the last film you saw? Bojack Horseman???
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? my BOWELS
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? jas
47: Do you have any obsessions right now? Rick and Morty
48: What’s your sexual orientation? bisexual
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? not really a rumour but i cackled when someone said i was into hard drugs
50: Do you believe in magic? wtf yeah
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? i try not to
52: What is your astrological sign? sagittarius !!
53: Do you save money or spend it? depends how i am
54: What’s the last thing you purchased? $20 worth of sushi for ellie and i
55: Love or lust? both
56: In a relationship? no funk u
57: How many relationships have you had? 2
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? no :-(
59: Where were you yesterday? Ellies, we set up the fish tank
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? yes, a giant unicorn head
61: Are you wearing socks right now? no
62: What’s your favourite animal? Emu
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? uhh??
64: Where is your best friend? East Brisbane
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. i don't have
66: What is your heritage? White™
((i'm australian, were basically mongrels))
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? slep
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name? Satan
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? with honesty, im the only person who's ever gotten me 'off'
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? yeah i guess so
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? i am unemployed
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. love
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? any Marina and The Diamonds
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? 1017
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? communication
77: How can I win your heart? dogs
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? yes :)
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? adopting Moe
80: What size shoes do you wear? 7 1/2
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? bye bitch
82: What is your favourite word? the
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. arteries
84: What is a saying you say a lot? morty
85: What’s the last song you listened to? Home by The Jungle Giants
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? pink
87: What is your current desktop picture? Paul Rudd in Tim and Eric's computer skit
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? Donald Trump
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? do u love me ((LMAO))
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? oh hey boys you want some tea
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? shapeshifting!!!
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? acid time at Ella's
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? Selena Gomez but i'd only sleep with her, just girl times.
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Rome
96: Do you have any relatives in jail? nA
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? Almost
98: Ever been on a plane? yee
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? penis
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