#so if he was a bit careful of shippers before he saw that we werent like that it only makes sense
antthonystark · 7 years
i know the sh fandom has drama and there are some crazies in the mix but it makes me happy that 90% of the fandom isn't disrespectful to the cast's significant others and you will rarely find people that romantically ship the cast together bc i think of other shows or movies where cast members get uncomfortable with each (glee comes to mind) or don't feel comfortable sharing their personal life any more bc i know that should be the standard, but im so glad the fandom isn't like that
yes!! you’ll know i have quite a few gripes with the shadowhunters fandom lol but i’ve always been really really happy that our fandom doesn’t have this problem at least (or, not to any significant extent), because this is the kind of thing that doesn’t just affect us but would really negatively impact the cast’s relationship with the show and the fans. 
like, of course you’ll get the odd RPFer or some jealous fangirl who might not be so kind towards one of the guys’ significant others, but overall there’s no trend like that – and glee is a really good example of how much it can really ruin things for a fandom and for the actors themselves. and i’m really glad that the actors in our show can share whatever they want to share and know that there’s not going to be any weirdness or hate when it comes to things like that 
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
Rule Breakers
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Request: Could you do a Western Dean x Reader where Dean is an outlaw. He recently robbed a bank and hides in the Reader's barn. The Reader finds him and runs to get help but Dean catches her and takes her hostage?
Pairing: Outlaw!Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,100ish
Warnings: mild language
“Good girl,” you said, feeding your horse a little bit of sugar you’d saved from dinner for her. She neighed and snorted into your palm, licking it clean as you looked around for her blanket. “What’d you do with your wool Sally? You know you like to sleep with it.”
The horse neighed again and you rolled your eyes, glad no one was around to see it. You weren’t exactly what you’d call a well mannered lady. At least that’s why your dad said you were single and would be that way forever. Well that might have been true but you could tuck your hair up under a cap and wear a loose fitting shirt after wrapping everything up and bam, suddenly you were your own husband. At least you could take care of yourself unlike some of the ditzes you knew.
“Where did I put that thing...” you said, wandering around the stalls, not spotting the blanket anywhere, wondering if the wind caught it and flung it up in the loft. You sighed and climbed the ladder, finding it as expected over what looked like a bundle of hay that broke open. You crawled over and ripped at it, finding it stuck. You tugged a few more times before you saw the hay move and a man pop up with the blanket over him. “Uh...”
You quickly got back down the ladder, remembering that face from one of the wanted posters around town. But this guy was faster and was on top of you like that, pinning you down with his bigger frame and tying you against one of the horse stalls.
“Listen...” you said, dropping your voice, so used to it that it’d become second nature at the sight of another person. The guy only squinted and grabbed your lantern, bringing it closer as he stared, wiping his sleeve over the dirt you constantly kept on your face to hide the truth. He scrunched up his face even further and pulled off your hat, your hair falling down in waves. 
“Little lady, what are you doing playing dress up?” he asked, earning a kick to the nuts from you. “Okay, that was condescending. My mistake.”
“You’re the robber,” you said, the man getting up to a kneeling position now as you hoped he would turn around so you could try to work the ropes loose.
“I’m Dean. You are?” he asked.
“George,” you said, cocking your head. “Let me go.”
“Funny, you don’t look like a George,” said Dean, wearing a big smile. “I’m in a slight predicament and need to lay low for the night. You’ll understand why I can’t let you go running off to alert the authorities.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have stolen-”
“You’re mouthy for a lady. I like you. None of that yes sir horse shit. Independent. I like it,” he said. “One night in your barn and I take that fine horse in the morning and you’ll never see me again.”
“Sally’ll stomp you into the ground if you go near her,” you said, Dean giving the horse a glance as it snorted at him.
“I know how to tame a horse, even an uncooperative one,” he said, looking at you.
“Are you threatening me?” you asked, Dean shaking his head as he grabbed a stool and took a seat.
“I told you little lady, I only need to lay low for the night. A threat would be saying I’m going to reveal your secret but that’s not very gentleman like. I said it before, I like you. One night and we can go our seperate ways,” he said.
“You’re not taking my horse,” you said, Dean rolling his eyes. “You’re just not.”
“I will ensure she is returned to you in a timely manner,” said Dean, waving his hands. “Cross my heart.”
“At least give Sally her blanket, she gets cold at night,” you said, Dean surprising you by retrieving it and tossing it over the animal. “Thank you.”
“Do you live alone?” he asked, the answer already obvious. “It’d be warmer in your house, wouldn’t it?”
“I guess,” you said, Dean nodding as he undid your ropes and pulled you to your feet, walking you quietly by the arm through the yard and to the house. 
“Is that pie I-”
“Touch it and I will stab you,” you said. “You know how hard it is to find fresh blueberries out in these parts?”
“Yes mam’,” he said, releasing you inside, eyes wandering over to a shotgun by the door but not saying anything. You sat on your bed, Dean pulling up a chair by your fire and kicking his feet up on another one. 
“Why’d you steal that money?” you asked.
“Why do you pretend to be a man? Sometimes you do things because you have to sweetheart,” said Dean. “Get some shut eye and I’ll be gone before you even wake up.”
“You ain’t takin’ my horse,” you said, Dean sitting up in his chair.
“Sorry sweetheart but one of us is in charge right now and it is not...” he trailed off when you sat up in bed, holding a colt. 
“Who’s not in charge?” you asked. “You really think I only own the one gun?”
He stood up and sighed, you on his tail to push him outside. You were trying to figure out what to do when he looked back over his shoulder.
“I won’t tell you know. If you turn me in. Although we should probably get your hat if we’re going back to town,” he said.
“Why wouldn’t you tell?” you asked, Dean turning to face you, offering a small shrug.
“I like rule breakers. I like you. Twenty sheriffs couldn’t catch me but some little lady half my size did it without breaking a sweat,” he said.
“Where you going?” you asked, his brow furrowing. “West?”
“In that general vicinity, yes,” said Dean as you lowered the gun. “What are you doing?”
“Take me with you,” you said, expecting a laugh but getting a smile instead. “You want my horse, I’m coming with her.”
“I am an outlaw sweetheart. Does that seem like a good idea?” he asked.
“I’m technically an outlaw but no one seems to know that. Maybe I could teach you a thing or two,” you said, Dean chuckling to himself.
“Throw in a slice of that pie and you’re on.”
@anokhi07 @xxwinchester-22xx @charliebradbury1104 @everyday-supernatural-af @squirels-angels-and-moose @youwerelikeadream @drugpug @darkx143 @kristaparadowski @tom-is-in-my-tardis @tanithlowisabamf @smoothdogsgirl @dancingalone21 @ktrivia @demonic-meatball @feelmyroarrrr  @cojootromuelle @gallifreyansass @fangirl1802 @casgetoutofmydiddlydarnass @mogaruke @ria132love @heycassbutt-67 @aingealcethlenn @docharleythegeekqueen @missmotherhen @smacklesandstretch67 @ceeceewinchester
@tumblinwith-me @xfanqirlinq @heaven-is-aplaceonearthwithyou @hey-um-misha @bennyh @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @lovelife-tothefullest @under-general-asthetics @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @missdestiel67 @evyiione @jensenackesl @xxxdevine-demonsxxx @ayeeitsemry @mac5323 @atc74 @captainemwinchester @nanie5 @idalinette @quiddy-writes @pureawesomeness001 @poukothenerd @af112992 @mickey-m399 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @upon-a-girl @amazinntay @akshi8278 @baconlover001 @flufy07 @jayankles @alilianamendez @batmanprincesskitten @uniquewerewolfsuit @whit85-blog @spn-ficfanatic
@zeusmyster @maddieburcham1 @moonstar86 @kathaswings @my-blogging-skills-are-rusty @arryn-nyxx @kickasscas67 @mrsbatesmotel53 @sup3r-pott3r-lock3d @i-ship-crazy-crap @untitled39887 @extreme-supernatural-lover @emilymorgan1994 @boxywrites @fallen-castiel @its-not-a-tulpa @pillow223 @jaelami @roxyspearing @fandom--shipper
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bakathief · 7 years
Tagged (twice)
i1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions on your own. 4. Tag 11 people. tagged by @brieflysteadysoul and @shin-red-dear
 Thank you very much! I was tagged by both of you and felt bad just choosing one person’s questions so here are both.
1. The movie you saw as a kid that you werent’ supposed to watch
I don’t think I’ve watched any movie that I wasn’t supposed to watch. Generally, I was super scared of anything that had a warning like “just for audience over 16” or something along those lines.
2. Your favorite poet
Haha. This is the kind of question where I have to check the names of authors of the poems I DO know.In my English class we had the poem “Funeral Blues” by W.H. Auden which I had found really beautiful.
3. An author/actor/personality you have problems with but still like their work
I can’t think of any right now. I’m not really into celebrities and their private life /their opinions.
4. do you have a good relationship with yourself ?
I think so! Sometimes I’m a bit mad at myself for getting so easily distracted while studying but I still think I’m doing more than most of my other peers so yea, I do whatever I can and I think I can be happy with that. <3
5. what were you most afraid of as a kid ?
The basement stairs and darkness.
6. Do you have a favorite dinosaur species and if yes, which one ?
I don’t have a specific favorite but IF I had to choose probably the Brachiosaurus. It’s kinda cute.
9. What would your dream job be ?
Animator at Disney
10. Do you have frequent nightmares ?
Nope, just sometimes really random ones.
11. Are you tidy or chaotic
Both? I like when everything is tidy but when I’m absorbed into work or studying my desk always looks like a mess which annoys me as well but I can’t really bother while working.
 1. If you had the chance to move to another country permanently, would you do it? If so, to which country? Totally would live in Japan. Second is USA.
2. Describe yourself from the point of view of your favourite character
Kaito casually glanced to girl sitting a few tables away from him in the library.She’d be pretty easy to disguise as, seeing how their built and height was pretty similar. Of course, he’d have to use a wig, since his hair was neither reaching his elbows nor having this dark blond color.   But that was hardly a problem since most of his disguises required wigs- However, his brows furrowed when he took at the book which her blue eyes were glued to. Physiology it said. Histology it said. Giving the books a wry smile the thief proceeded to look for another candidate which required less specific knowledge about things he didn’t care about.
Maybe he’d check in the cafeteria.
3. Did you have an OTP you lost interest in? If so, why? My OTP always used to be KaiShin, which got me into shipping in the first place.I can’t really think of any other ship since I’m not that much of a shipper anyway. XD 4. What’s your favourite fanfiction trope? HM. God, that’s difficult. It highly depends on the writing but if I HAD to choose I’d go with supernatural and mystery. Those are not exactly tropes but genres buuuuut… The thing is, for examply, that I love wing AUs, but a lot of those which I have read in the past were absolutely not my taste. I can’t really generalize it since it always depends on the author’s way of handling a certain trope. 5. If people had marks on their skin that show who their soulmates are, what would the mark on your soulmate’s skin look like? I’d like to say clover since I really like four leave clovers, but it’d probably be something super dump, like a tooth brush. 6. What was your favourite series to watch as a kid? !!! Just one? Okay, I just started rewatching Kim Possible, and I remember having a HUGE fit when my brother wouldn’t let me watch the movie on TV. ALSO, Ojamajo Doremi. I ADORED THIS SERIES SO MUCH. 7. What’s the easiest way to make you angry? When people say wouldn’t be able to do a certain thing, saying that I should better give up. I’LL TRY ANWAY. 8. Your answer is never. What’s the question? When will you finally lose interest in DC? 9. If you had the chance to save one fictional character, which one would you choose? 
Ellie from Disney’s Up 10. You have a time machine. Do you travel to the past or the future? Why? Probably the past to meet all those cool people who have died before my time or see sites that were destroyed already. 11. Cats or dogs?
Duh. Dogs of course.
 My questions
1.Do you prefer salty or sweet food?
2.What’s your favorite key chain?
3.What language would you like to learn?
4.Which character or what person was your idol as a kid?
5.You get to invent a new fruit! What do you call it?
6.You get to erase one thing from the world. What would that be?
7.How long have you known your best friend?
8.What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen in someone’s window/ in someone’s garden?
9.Would you describe yourself as open for new things or clingy to the old ways?
10.What is your favorite number?
11.Do you know how to fish?
I only tag 11 people, not 22, and I just randomly chose them from my feed so just …you know, do it when you want. ❤ @tsukidragon @kudutsu @linzanytcg @ibooksandfandomscazyworld @tantei-kaitou @riari-chi @xalicex @pearlthecristalgem @wolfpoky @westule
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yourfriendlele · 4 years
long ask
I saw the post you made ( and first of all since I havent watched harley quinn show so I cant comment on the ship ( though I find it ridiculous that you seem to be implying people who are anti korrasami would automatically be anti bb  ( there were people who are anti korrasami but ship bb ) 
and second of all this is what annoys me about ship wars ( where it can get to the point where one of the characters who “get in the way ” of the ship is demonized ) and with ship wars with one being m/f and other being same sex someone will claim homophobia if you ship say black sun over bb and claim that you would ship say bb if one of them was a dude which is baseless  when its a matter of liking the writing or liking the interactions between characters more etc
not to mention the argument  when people point out how a ship say korrasami was forced and had no buildup   certain people go  but there are thousands of straight couples why cant you let us have this one when first of all goodwriting is more important then representation )  korrasami didnt have buildup it was thrown it at the last minute bryke only went to network if they could do at after thinking about how they didnt include rep when they were close to finishing the season finale ( of course they tried to cover their asses  by claiming het lenses when no  the ship  just isnt there it had no buildup or relationship development there had been more buildup / interactions with makorra then korrasami in b4 ( not to mention they fixed their problems with handling  conflict  by b4 which caused problems in their relationship ) compare all asami got in remembrances was going of course we need you youre the avatar (korras problem  at the start was only seeing herself as the avatar and not as person ) mako got a speech about what korra meant to him 
and on bb there is/was no buildup or romantic development to bb v1-v6
( there are people who are debating  on whether rooserteeth made it canon or not and  ( if the v7 stuff is supposed to imply that its forced as hell ) 
  there was no bb moments  in v6 that were  inherently romantic 
 people just try to claim these moments were romantic when they really werent and claim there was no other explanation for tihs like blake holding yangs hand when it trembled as she was facing adam which was a show of Im here for you which yang reciprocated on the plane ( and they try to equate bb on the plane to renora on the plane when no its not besides the fact that renora had volumes of buildup  were alone in that scene  the sun came up and nora did the lean head on shoulders thing) and renora were alone together no one stepped  in contrast to bb who were surrounded and friends with ruby talking to blake ( not to mention trying to claim saying that the bb moments in  v6 were platonic is like saying nora going thats my man was platonic is bs 
Nora was always flagrant about her feelings for Ren. There’s no making “my man” platonic and the hand hold was followed by head on shoulders much like Pyrrha did with Jaune before it. The BB “handhold” is followed up by Ruby comforting Blake as well.
One of the most aggravating things I’ve been seeing in regards to this ship nonsense is people using Adam’s lines (“I will destroy everything you love, starting with her”/“Does Blake make all of her classmates fight for her?”/“What does she even see in you?” ) as evidence that Blake loves Yang over Sun. Oh yes, because the unstable psychopath with a history of being a bad judge of character, especially with Blake, TOTALLY understands how and why she values her friends!
( plus adam  is a racist he hates humans a faunus supremacist  and see a human and faunus teaming up and being friends as disgusting adam barely knew yang he never saw them interact before so those moments would have been the first times he saw blake with those people ( unless he saw  the team fights  and given his surprise about yangs semblance 
(not to mention adam trying to kill her parents a reference to the I will destroy everything you love  which includes friends and family) 
( in contrast black sun has had  romantic development and teases  ( with them showing mutual romantic attraction  v1 scene  where they first met   and the way it was a shot and the angelic choir  the v2 and v3 ( where sun flirted with blake  and blake blushed  and v4 and v5 which had the meat  )etc since v1 and even in v6 there was a hint of reunion  the departure didnt sink.  blacksun  has had too much development  to just throw it away 
the name of representation would just be bad writing the attempts ot justify bad writing with the gay rep excuse is ridiculous and throwing the homophobia card etc around makes a joke of real homophobia same sex ships arent immune to criticism that is equality )  
I am really annoyed with how 
certain bb shippers go to accusation to dismiss criticism focuses on their presumption of their sexuality as the issue rather than how its written.   A good love story is determine by how it’s written, NOT by the sexuality of the characters.
“LGBT are historically marginalized and therefore it’s nice they get their main character ship for once.” First of all plenty of media have lgbt main characters now. It’s not groundbreaking. But more importantly, none of that means the relationship is well done. That’s just filling a personal quota. This is a dumb argument. It’s like saying retcon sexualities and ethnicities of existing characters cause we’re too lazy to put the effort in making new ones and you all just get the leftover scraps.
commanderkurama answered:
Yea I mean….its all fine and dandy wanting representation but much the same as they wouldn’t want their first open lgbt characters as villains or killed off, you’d think they’d want their canon couples to be well developed. Most of what they get so hype over about BB is headcanon or trynna reach to connect it to better developed het ships to leech off of their development to make up for the lack of actual substance it has.  because I want to have faith in crwby I will say that v7  was just platonic. ( though more cynical people say they threw blacksun out because they wanted to earn points and get a bit more attention  by having a same sex w/w ship ( which is annoying they could havedone the same thing with freezerburn  weiss and yang werent being teased with anyone and it doesnt throw out any prior relationship teases/development
Listen, since i’ve posted my comic i’ve gotten plenty of messages saying i’m just not listening to criticism and bb/korrassami/harlivy etc is actually bad and i would see it if i actually cared about good writing bla bla bla.
 And i’ve answered some of them, but now im just tired, bc i came to the conclusion that i’m not gonna convice anyone who thinks they’re above homophobia and heteronormativity (bc they’re too woke for that i guess) that, tho i listened to what they had to say, their arguments just aren’t convincing to me.
So yeah, you think bs (or whatever het ship) is absolutely superior and better written than bb (or whatever wlw ship), bc bb is retcon/forced/pandering/just the fandom reaching etc etc, good for you dude, live your life, write your essay and post it on tumblr.
Just could ya’ll please leave me alone now???
Now, if after reading the comic, you’re very curious about what i think (and not what you assumed i think), here are some links to my other responses:
1. BB is going against Monty’s plan
2. Double standarts i, personally, see with same sex couples
3. Refusing to see bb interactions as romantic
4. Yes it is okay not to like wlw ships (no it’s not alway homophobia, but even if i think you sound like a homophobe when you talk about a same sex ship, i can’t really do anything about it, so yep it is always okay not to like a ship, no one is stopping you) + problems i have with each ship mentioned in the comic
If you still, legitimatelly, wanna talk to me about writing (and by all means, please do, i like talking about writing), how about you start with “hello, how are you? My name is .....” and we can go from there?
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