#so if you see this and wanna tell me some useless info go ahead and do it to
saruin · 1 year
Get to Know Me
[useless info edition]
I was tagged by @cassymblr <3
1. What do you have under your bed?
a box of shoes lol
2. Favorite candy?
sakura flavored hard candies with ume in the middle
3. Describe your favorite shirt
it's this grey sweat shirt that's 3 sizes too big for me, I feel really cozy when I wear it
4. The last thing you drew/doodled was
the cat beanie and scarf that I started meshing a week ago
5. Are you completely sober rn?
I wish I wasn't lol
6. What's the one thing that annoys you more than anything?
liars. especially when I know for a fact they are lying.
7. Have you ever gotten you tongue stuck to a cold pole during winter?
I live in LA so no
8. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
anywhere but here
9. What was the single last word you spoke?
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beetleboo · 3 years
long post. one i’ve been trying to make for a while now. hell, i wrote this like... third week of may. didn’t post it until now because i didn’t know if I wanted to.
but something i want to lay out, been wanting to lay out for months. dont want to talk to anyone about it, just want to put the info out there for it to be seen.
if you re/blog this i will block you. i may put this on the relevant sideblog at some point.
because 2020 was the worst year on record for me for a number of reasons, and it’s torn me down to the lowest point i’ve been in a long time, and this is just. everything that’s gone down. not a callout post, no one gets named, but these are all the events
partially in relation to my fandom sideblog, because that’s where i had community, and where it’s all just. gone. doesnt exist anymore.
i started up a server, ages ago now. somewhere i curated to be a positive and safe space for things, and for a while, it was that.
around the end of 2019, spilling over to the start of 2020 when it picked up, i found, both on my blog and in discord spaces, in particular the server i ran, that people no longer talked to me. no one would hold a conversation with me past a few basic responses, no one replied to anything i shared, no one engaged when i tried to start discussions. so i pulled back from the main server - S1. thought it was just a lull in activity. stayed that way for weeks, months, and I just muted the server. no one ever cared about anything i had to say. was lucky if anything i posted got even a token emoji react
was in another, smaller server - S2. people i talked to damn near every day, even in voice. played games together - that became... no fun simply because everyone else was so much better/further ahead in the game. i was completely useless, so didn’t server a function in game and never really felt like anyone actively wanted me around, but i still participated in chat.
but again, no one ever responded to anything I posted beyond maybe a token react
couple people discussing something one day. I contributed with Theory A, and quite immediately got that shut down. few minutes later, they rephrased exactly what I said and happily nattered away. so whatever I said wasn’t worth it when it came out of my mouth but if they talked about it, it was all well and valid. so again, between that specific experience and no one interacting with me, nor anything I post. server muted. treatment taught me no one cared about my presence there.
gave admin rights to S1, my server, to someone I trusted. two requests only: dont delete channels and let me know if you want to invite anyone (since I kept it private)
RYE (i’m just assigning random three letter names to people to keep this straight) posted public invites several times. never asked me. one of the two things i asked. brought it up with them that it bothered me, just got vague noncomittal responses. more public invites. eventually, after having the server muted for months, i handed over full control and left. that was almost a full year ago. none of the people have talked to me in that entire year, through discord or here or anything.
except RYE who sent me a message after a couple months like ‘wow i havent heard from you in a while hope you’re doing ok’. i wasn’t. after a bit but still the same day, i said as much. that i wasn’t doing well. they never responded. and i don’t mean like, they didn’t respond that day. i mean i literally never heard from them until months later when they sent me a meme and also didn’t respond to me commenting on that meme.
and this is one side of things. all of the above was the first half of the year. this next bit happened about. march2020? I was in another server - S3. another place that was a good space at the time. was in voice chat with two other people. started talking about one thing. MIN very suddenly said something along the lines of ‘i don’t care about this i’ll come back when you’re done’
this is one of the very few things that can trigger me - i’ve had a lot of people talk down to me if I dare look excited about anything. when they came back, i asked if they could try to just. depart conversations more softly. MIN always said ‘if i do anything hurtful to you just tell me! i dont want to do that kind of thing!’
this was clearly a lie as they exploded on me, telling me they always have to walk on eggshells around me, that I ask so many things from them. before what I asked them that day, I can only recall one other thing i asked (which was not to talk about a person who was abusive towards me, and they were like ‘yea sure np’ about that, over a year prior’)
the whole thing turned into basically me having to shut down the fact that i was hurt by what they did, had to ignore that now and i had to fawn and placate them and the only thing i got out of that was that my feelings were irrelevant, only theirs.
(incidentally, I have had two other people turn on me in similar ways, accusing me of doing shifty/bad/terrible things, and not being willing to tell me what they are when I ask, only saying that ‘i should know what i did’ so that’s also now a Fun New Bit Of Trauma.)
and that entire weeklong event lead me straight to a breakdown. literal genuine breakdown i cannot convey how devastating that entire scenario was without going into far too many details.
so between all of these things happening in less than six months, with three different community spaces folding and collapsing and fading away from me, with many of the friends i thought i had just. moving on to other things and dropping me. people i talked to every day just not bothering with me anymore. they all have gone on to other stuff and no one ever went ‘hey beets wanna see what i’m up to’ or ‘wanna do this thing with me’
a handful of instances of me saying ‘yeah i’m dealing with these fears that have been reinforced lately that people aren’t safe to deal with, even thought part of me knows they’re probably irrational it feels like i have evidence to back it up’ and people immediately take it personally like i’m saying they’re not safe. despite. me outright saying. i know logically it should be irrational. but their reactions just reinforce it so it’s just a loop and tells me, again, never to bring up any of my problems with anyone.
so this all just reinforces that there’s something wrong with me. couple years back i spoke to a friend and how i was frustrated that I seemed to end up in bad spaces and they said ‘well you’re the one thing in common so its probably your fault’ and obviously they’re not my friend anymore but that has affected me so deeply. i can’t do anything without overthinking, whenever anything goes wrong i tear apart everything i’ve done and everything i’ve said or thought and i don’t know why things keep going bad. i try so hard but i’m just. not right.
so it all teaches me that there’s no point in reaching out in trying to talk to people because if i say ‘hey this hurt me’ i get ignored at best or torn down, yelled at, scolded. no point in trying to talk to new people because everyone just walks away at some point. not even a natural drift apart, i can handle that. but just very suddenly, they’re gone, off with better people doing better things.
roundabout, ties back to ‘consumption versus community’ - this is why i’ve been struggling so hard with lack of engagement on my sideblog. lucky to get a dozen notes on anything i make, unless it’s something other people can use (like mods) and even THEN it’s rare to see much activity. and that was FINE because i had people to talk to elsewhere, who would ask questions and we could back and forth and i shared my stuff and they shared those and it didnt matter if my posts only got a dozen notes because i had friends to talk to.
now i get (example) seven notes, six of which are likes and one is a reblog with no commentary. when i have something with a ton of notes, still, minimal commentary, no one talks to me. even on a mod with five hundred notes it just feels like i went ‘hey i made something :)’ and everyone picked it up and walked away with it, no one went ‘hey this is cool i want to talk to the person who made it.’
and it just feels like 95% of the time, i’m just overlooked. 
and it’s worse than it’s ever been in my entire life, and I wonder, what’s the point of any of this anymore.
why bother to make the posts to share when it all just gets passed by. what’s the point in trying to reach out to new people and make friends when i get lashed out at or left behind? the social is gone out of my social media. i had community, and now it’s gone.
so this has all been going on for months and months and months and hey! suffering. and i dont expect it to get any better, don’t expect this post to fix these issues, but i’ve been trying to say something about all of this for fucking months and i think just, laying it all out is all I can do about it. i’m sure i’ve forgotten some things to touch on but as it is, all these events, all of it happening all together. new traumas, old traumas reawoken, reinforced, i’ve been torn to pieces i don’t know how to function, i can’t remember the last time i felt like even half a real person. taught that the safe, positive spaces that meant so much to me don’t actually exist and they’ll all turn on me and be torn away. nowhere is safe anymore, and trying to make it safe is just going to ruin me again.
people aren’t safe, places aren’t safe, been proven to me time and time again so i just. stay away.
no matter how much i try to fight that, it just doesnt work.
anyway tl;dr beets needs therapy probably
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zsocca55 · 4 years
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I’m currently reading the third book of the Caraval series, and lemme tell you, I’m SCREAMING. Legend you are an asshole and nothing will change that, you can be the prettiest boy in the universe but you won’t fool me. Too bad Tella is falling for all the tricks.... Hopefully this book won’t end in a mess. There is enough mess in the middle though. Jacks is good boi, I love him, he didn’t do anything to make me hate him so far. Lets hope he won’t. I will update this description once I’m through the book and tell what I think. Until then, enjoy this illustration of Legend! Character (c) Stephanie Garber Art by Zsocca
I’ve finally read the third book, so I’m gonna write a long summary of my thoughts about the series. Because it gave me a lot of feels. And tons of heartbreaks. (spoilers ahead)
Okay, so the ending was kinda silly. The first half of Finale was making some sense, then somehow something happened and the other half became a mess I’m still trying to get over.
Throughout the book, I felt like Scarlett was pushed into the back, and Count Nicolas appeared only to have Scarlett do something in the first half of the book. Closing off the count-plotline was a good idea but not planned out well. He appeared only for one scene only to die soon afterwards. That’s just wasting of a character.
Same could be said about Paloma/Paradise. She was brought back only to get killed and we didn’t even get to know her. Shame, because I was intrigued by her backstory and personality.
Also the Fates were there and the Fallen Star came in. He could have come sooner? Idk, he could have abducted Scarlett in the beginning and we could have had moments of him and her daughter getting to know each other and the reader would have also got a picture of his motives. Scarlett could have used her wits to get on his good graces. And don’t even get me started on why the heck did she become empress to begin with.
Does Valenda have a government? Surely the empresses/emperors have a council and such who at least get a saying in the ruling of the empire. How can such a mess happen in an empire’s capital while the population does nothing but goes from one ball/festival to another in a span of a few months?
Julian was also made to feel like a background-character. But to give him credit, he is the only accountable male love-interest in this series. He lies a lot, yes, but he is trying to be a good person and he is acting like a decent human! That’s an achievment in this series!
 Lets discuss Tella, the problematic child. She was making me bang my head against the wall a few times, but I could understand her problems because she just turned 17 and is basically a needy teenager with an attitude. But then I just got fed up with the way she was running from one boy to the other. Excusing everything Legend did while also complaining about the awful things he is doing to her, only to then run to Jacks for help (and he does help every time she needs him) and then tells him to ‘get lost I don’t like you’. That made me feel like she is just as manipulative as the two men fighting for her heart. Or whatever she has, because they don’t wanna love her.
Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I didn’t like Dante in the first book, and I didn’t get to like him in the second. He felt like a different person in every single book. Even after it was revealed that he is Legend, I couldn’t unite the two in my head and I still can’t. The author also mentioned that originally they were two separate people and well, it shows. In the third book he was mostly referred to as Legend, and I can understand why: because Legend is Legend and Dante is not really him.
Also, he was kinda useless in the second half of Finale. Tella collected all the infos needed from Jacks, Legend just tagged along to find the stuff. Then he was killed and soon put in a cage. I didn’t understand. He just took the mighty witch’s powers, he was almost as strong as a bunch of Fates, but he still had no power to even stand against Jacks when he popped up.
He is showed as this immortal being who clings to his powers while pushing his own brother away, and then he suddenly changes heart at the very end of Finale. It made no sense. Where did that change come from? What happened to him in that cage that he suddenly felt like becoming mortal for Tella is now the thing he wants? It was abrupt and unexplained.
The powerful, magical being he was in Caraval is nowehere to be seen. He did his tricks in this book too, but he couldn’t really use them to his advantage. Which is strange, considering how smart he was portrayed before - he invented Caraval, he moves the plot behind the scenes - but now he is just out of wits. The mighty Legend from the previous two books couldn’t make it to Finale, and I think it’s due to the fact that he was revealed to be Dante at the end of Book 2 and this threw his character off the road.
Lets talk about Jacks as well. It’s no secret that I like him, but I’ll try to be objective. First of all, he was hinted in Book 1 at the very last page, then hinted at Book 2 in the very first page with a prophecy that shaped Tella’s very idea of love and marriage and set the destiny of her love-life (at least in her mind). Then there is the true love and the beating heart thing from Book 2.
 Finale expands on this by affirming that an immortal can’t love, so we assume Jacks is bad news and is entirely selfish with his obsession of her. But his actions don’t line up with the villain he is told to be. We just hear that he does bad stuff, but we never actually see him do anything bad. Although he is able to manipulate feelings (even with his faint power), he is not making any great efforts to use that to his advantage.  He allows Tella to have free will. He lets her use him and his skills when she needs him. He also does his own tricks and twists on their deals, but he never outright lies to her. He is selfish, but also surprisingly considerate. He also constantly lets her go and is not actively trying to get rid of the “rival”. It’s strange. Jacks goes back and forth with her, until the second half of Finale turns him into the villain he was supposed to be from the beginning. He finally strides in, announces what he wants and takes it. But due to the previous history we had with him, this sudden change in his attitude is just as abrupt as Legend’s change of heart at the end.
I guess this was a last minute decision: make Jacks a real villain and give room for Legend to be endgame and get redemption. Which I don’t think ended up well.
And what about the Fates? Dunno, we don’t know. There were a few thrown in there, but aside from Gavriel and Anissa, we didn’t get to know them that much. And the ending casually mentions they fled to North. Fled? Come on, they are magical beings, they could rule the empire if they banded together. Nobody could stop them. Yes, they can die now, but they have powers! Heck, Jacks could make everybody like the Fates if he wanted to, manipulating the emotions of the government and even Valenda’s people.
The thing is, the author created these overpowered beings, and couldn’t find a decent way to defeat them, because by human standards, they are undefeatable. Legend was an important, powerful barrier against them - or not, because he was weak in Finale for some reason.
Also Jacks could have been a key ally from the enemy’s side, if Tella wasn’t so stubborn about pushing him away. He basically worked against his own kind, admitting his and the others’ weaknesses.
The characters are flawed, which is good, they make me proud once and then disappoint me like an impulsive child, so I have no complaint about their characteristics. Keeping them consistent was a problem though.
The series itself was imaginative, full of creativity, it had a magical vibe and an intriguing plot. Too bad this plot couldn’t find it’s clear end.
There were many good ideas thrown in this book, but a bunch of cool items collected in a room don’t make it a harmonic room.
These are my final thoughts: Caraval is fantastic start, Legendary is a good sequel, and Finale is a problematic ending.
Does this ruin the experience? I don’t think so. I enjoyed the series, it kept me at the edge of my seat. Caraval and these characters will surely remain with me, so I thank the author for this wild ride!
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bow-woahh · 4 years
If you’re still doing the game, chapter 6 from the grocery store onward?
Send me your favorite scene/chapter from one of my works and I’ll post a DVD commentary on it.
ask and you shall receive!
Little bit of background info, this chapter is obviously part one of two, chapter six being it's better if I calm down, and chapter 7 being the rest of the line: it's better if I lash out. If you listened to the song full stop, you might have already known that lmao
I felt like these two chapters worked well being split into two parts (I mean imagine how long it would have been if it wasn't ... like no thank you) because of the overarching themes across them and most importantly, the plot line with her mom and the readers not knowing what's putting her on edge in chapter 6. It was so much fun to play around with and hint that there was clearly something bothering her. I think in my outline, before I found the official title this chapter was called "calm before the storm" because that truly is what it is, there's a lot of nice, fun moments, but it's clear there is something bad on the way.
Anyway, tangent over, commentary time!
They caught a bus to get to the closest grocery store, which was still a twenty minute journey away, so Catra ignored Diego for most of the ride, listening to music and texting Adora.
When I was originally outlining chapters and everything, the grocery scene wasn't planned in to this chapter (I just love giving myself more to do). I have a section in my outline document where it's kinda just a thought dump of things I want to happen possibly at some point, because I think it'd be cool or cute or whatever. This was one of those instances, and because this chapter felt a bit bare bones at first (the final product was not in the slightest) I added this in as it felt like a great way to introduce Adora and Diego and since Catra and Adora are still fairly early in their relationship here, it just worked so well, because they truly didn't expect to see each other.
“Hey, hi! I knew you said you were going shopping, but I didn’t think—well I guess it does make sense since you live in Alwyn but—”
Okay, time for context no one asked for! Bright Moon is the city they are in (obviously) and Frighton (the Fright Zone) is the neighbouring city. Bright Moon is kinda split into lower city, upper city and mid/center city (guess which kinda classes live where). Alwyn and Elberon (where Catra and Adora live respectively) are more lower city, so they are typically where poorer people live, though there are some nice places there I'm sure. Just not many.
Adora said, “Loser? Nah, Catra’s actually super cool, trust me.” She looked at Adora, properly, for the first time in a few minutes, and found her staring back at her with a fond smile.
Adora's piss poor attempt at flirting. Jk, but I do think this moment is v cute and I just love how Adora defended Catra, even though it's just her younger cousin being stupid. We love to see it.
Once again Diego beat her to it, opening the door and saying, “Sure!” before jumping out and slamming it shut.
[Context for this line: Adora asked if they needed help taking the bags out of her truck.] Honestly, Diego's really cute here. He really admires Adora and looks up to her so he's taking every possible opportunity to talk to her, and be around her.
“You know you could've left, like, ages ago, right Grayskull?"
“Yeah well,” Adora did that little shrug she always did. “I didn't mind.”
Narrowing her eyes for a moment, Catra said slowly, “Alright. Well, you can go now. And I should probably head in.”
She turned to go inside, when Adora grabbed her wrist. “Wait.”
Ahhh I love this whole section of dialogue so I had to talk about it. These two are just... useless. What I love about them, and writing them in specifically this, is the constant push and pull with them, how they can never just explicitly say whar they want, either in fear they'll be judged and rejected or because they don't even fully understand what they want to begin with. With Catra and Adora, as much as one can say something like "You should go" the other will always hesitate to, will always have something at the tip of their tongue that they're not quite saying, or like here, will literally tell them to stay, using words or otherwise. They want each other but aren't quite ready to admit it yet. And I just think that's beautiful.
Also the grabbing of the wrist and the "Wait"? Pretty sure that was an accidental reference to the "stay" scene in Taking Control but it's so ingrained into my brain I'm sure it was subconscious.
“Do you wanna get out of here?”
This line is just so... teenage romance vibes and I love it
Even though they had been talking nonstop for days now, and had seen each other just the other day, there was a palpable tension in the air, one that Catra wasn’t exactly sure how to deal with.
The said tension was definitely more on Adora's end than Catra's, because obviously, Catra is still hiding things (or more accurately, just not sharing them) and although Adora wants to pretend to be fine with it, the closer she gets, the more she wants to know what the truth is, she doesn't want to listen to the lies and rumours anymore.
Adora studied her face for a moment, before saying carefully, “Well, I, uh, have a ton of old gear I’ve been meaning to get rid of, but maybe you could ask him if he wants it? It’d be a good start.”
Catra hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “I'm sure he'd like that. I'll, uh, see what he says and get back to you.”
“Great!” Adora beamed.
Another little moment I love because Adora is just so considerate here and understands that Catra doesn't want to delve into things like money issues. She also gets Catra isn't one to accept handouts but the way she puts it isn't ‘let me help you out’ but more ‘you'd be doing me a favour’. Adora understands how she feels. She gets it.
“Why did he think you were texting your ‘boyfriend’ by the way?” Adora asked, and Catra felt her heart drop to her stomach. She hadn’t thought Adora had been paying attention to what Diego said (arguably nobody should ever pay attention to anything he says, ever) but of course she had, because once again, Catra had underestimated Adora’s observational skills.
“Because he's a stupid kid who doesn't know what he's talking about.”
Honestly Diego isn't that far from the truth he just needs to turn that 'boy' in boyfriend to girl.
Also the fact Adora is asking about this.... interesting. Catra's answer.....very defensive and also interesting. Once again they're so many unspoken words and subtext layered in all of this. It's like a tiered cake.
“That? Oh, nah. I don't—it's not really any of her business, y'know?” Catra replied, staring just past Adora’s shoulder.
Catra is replying to Adora asking whether or not Serenia knows she's a lesbian and, well, obviously what she said wasn't true. Well it was, technically, but she's ommiting the real reason. As I've already at least slightly portrayed, Catra has a complicated relationship with her sexuality, and I don't want to spoil it but that will definitely be explored more in the future, and Serenia definitely plays a part in it, being her guardian after all.
“I guess it was always kind of obvious. I never looked at guys the same way I look at girls—my first crush was some girl in like elementary, although I didn't realise at the time, and they just continued from there. I thought all girls had crushes on other girls at some point, that wishing I was a guy so I could be with them was what everyone did. When I realised they didn't, that it was weird, I spent all my time convincing myself I just wanted to be my celebrity crush and not be with them, until I actually kissed a girl for the first time. Then I couldn't exactly ignore it. I still tried to though. Especially when—well yeah, I tried to deny it for a while. But then, I guess I got tired. Of lying to myself.”
This whole paragraph is just... yes. No one has ever asked Catra how she knew, but more importantly, Catra has never wanted to answer this question, and if it were anyone else asking, she would have definitely shut it down, or answered with something short and simple. It's because it's Adora, and because she's growing more comfortable with her, to the point where she doesn't mind, even wants to share these types of details about herself. That vulnerability is even more important in chapter 7, so this was a stepping stone of sorts for her.
“So, uh, how about you? Not that I’m saying that you’re—but since you asked…” She cursed at herself internally when Adora's expression morphed into one of surprise, eyes slightly widening. 
“Oh, me? I, um—I don't really know. Is that weird? I just haven't ever really thought too much about it. I guess my main priorities are school, lacrosse, and work.”
God, it's in moments like these where I wish I wrote from Adora's perspective as well. Because there's a lot to unpack here. She's not lying when she says this, I do think this is partially how she feels. But, some could argue it's so obvious how much she likes Catra, and she's definitely admired some women before. So. I'll leave it at that because otherwise I'll say too much.
Quickly though, back to the what I said about writing in Adora's perspective... saying this here and here only because I don't know if it'll happen but I did have an idea to make a sequel of sorts, from her perspective. But, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
The smooth stream had been interrupted once Adora had asked if Catra's had any plans next week, with Halloween coming up. The relaxed, open demeanor that Adora had seen for the past few hours had almost instantly closed up again, and she could hardly focus on what Adora was saying anymore.
Now that Chapter 7 is out, why she reacted this way obviously makes a lot of sense, but to add more of a commentary to it, as we saw throughout this chapter she was trying her best to ignore her emotions about her mom's death anniversary because for once things were going well and therefore she had other things to focus on. Adora mentioning Halloween forced Catra to acknowledge it, along with the memories that come with her mothers death.
“Promise you won't ditch me?”
“I, Adora Grayskull, promise not to ditch you,” she said, hand on heart.
We love a good promise cameo.
“Did you really get kicked out? Of Horde High?”
Catra should have been expecting this to come up once again. It was bound to. With all the rumours. Especially when Sparkles seemed to be a fan with how she brought it up on Sunday.
I've already talked a bit about the rumours and how they arose in my chap 1 commentary, but really I wanted to talk about Glimmer here, since her scene was before the grocery scene and I have a lot to say about this one. Initially when I wrote it, the scene was a fairly quick altercation that kinda lacked a real punch, but after spending a little more time on it after my beta pointed some things out...it hit hard. I know there is a fuck Glimmer train at the moment because, yeah, Glimmer is pretty mean in that scene. And other scenes. I don't know why I love writing Glimmer as her S4 self so much, but it's fun to play around with okay? I like how she can take on an almost antagonistic role at times.
Glimmer thinks what she is doing is to the benefit of her own friend, by pointing out all of Catra's faults and the fact that she's from the Horde, but I also think there's a little jealousy there. No Glimmer doesn't like Adora, but she is quite a possessive friend, so I can't imagine she likes the fact Adora is spending so much time with someone she doesn't know, and to add to it, she's got the worst reputation in the school. So.
Catra thought back to the moment, and remembered what had provoked it, all the way back in eighth grade. “Yeah. I'd say they did.”
Exclusive for Tumblr gang only, but yes they did on fact deserve it because they called Catra the d-slur. This was during a time where she was really struggling with her sexuality so at the time, this cut deep.
As Catra lay in bed that night, she found her mind wandering back to Adora's handshake, how they had held on for just a little too long, mismatched eyes staring into blue ones. How such a casual touch had brought back that burning sensation, that need to be closer.
Ah...the handshake. There is literally no other reason for this other than the fact they are gay. This chapter along with the next are especially important for their development physically—they get a lot more comfortable touching each other in passing but at the same time they still have to find a reason to touch each other (hence the handshake). Either way, it helps break another barrier in their relationship, and this is even moreso the case in chapter 7. I don't know if you noticed, but that chapter is full of small touches and more, but they couldn't have gotten there if it wasn't for the little steps along the way.
Boy that was a long one! I hope you guys enjoyed this, I know I said chap 8 would be out soon but schools really kicking my ass, trying to find a balance is hard. Nevertheless, it will be out asap, I appreciate your patience! (:
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yukiwrites · 4 years
Felicia, Sharing Experiences
Thanks for the support as always, @xpegasusuniverse! It’s so good to be able to delve deep into some characters >v<)!
Summary: While trying her best to work as a maid in Askr, Felicia stumbled on a far-off kitchen she had never used, only to find that an excellent cook -- no, a Master Chef! -- called Dedue had been using it for the past few weeks, so she promptly asked him to help her cook something edible...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
The sun was barely up in the sky when a young woman left the woods behind the askrian royal castle with a chipper hum in her throat and a spring in her step.
She carried three hares and a large pheasant, all masterfully tied on her belt and cleanly killed -- the hunt had been bountiful so early in the morning, if Petra could say so herself. She skipped towards the eastern kitchen, where she would meet her fellow student and cook enthusiast, Dedue, as they had been doing for the past few weeks after being summoned to Askr.
However, the moment she stepped into the corridor that led to the kitchen, a loud explosion came just a bit ahead, followed by a thick black smoke.
Petra sweared in her native language, took up her bow and sprinted towards the kitchen. "Dedue?! What has been happening?!" She jumped in, ready to shoot any magic user that dared attack this early in the morning!
... Yet, what she found was a black-faced Dedue with his hairs standing on end, equally as black as his charred face. Beside him, an apologetic young woman dressed as a maid bowed repeatedly. 
"I-I'm so very sorry! I did it just as you told me, Master! I-I swear!" The pink haired woman sobbed softly, bowing so deeply the tip of her high ponytail brushed on the ground.
Dedue closed his eyes and calmly took a handkerchief out of his pocket, promptly rubbing the ashes out of his face. "... I stood there watching and I can barely tell what happened." He said with his usual low voice, then turned towards Petra. "Thank you for your swift action, Petra. As you can see, we are both unharmed."
"H-hah..." The hunter's shoulders sagged, her bow falling limp beside her body. She stepped inside tentatively, glancing at the oven's general direction -- it was even worse than Dedue's and the maid's face, all charred in black with a lump of coal proudly(?) standing atop a pan, at the center of it all. Frowning in confusion, Petra rolled her braid into a bun and proceeded to hide it all under a kerchief so no hair would fall on the prey she was about to skin.
The sobbing maid finally raised her face, her eyes meeting Petra's. "O-oh no! I got in the way of your work, too, right?! I'm so sorry! Uwahhh, why am I so useless?!" She cried.
Dedue took a step towards the woman, then crossed his arms, wondering if he should pat her shoulder or simply wait it out. "... Felicia," he said softly, wanting to explain the root of her mistakes.
However, Felicia straightened her back immediately with his sudden approach, her nose running and her eyes gleaming. "Y-yes, Master?!"
Sighing, the young man gestured for her to turn around and face the oven. "Please, just call me Dedue," he asked for the nth time that week, then pointed to the charcoal that was supposed to be the stir-fried vegetables they had chopped just minutes ago. "Your mistakes resemble someone else's I've taught before coming here." He stated as she looked ready to reach for her small notebook to jolt down everything he said. "You focus too much on what you will do next instead of paying attention to what you are currently doing at the moment."
"B-but I stare at it very hard! I hold my breath and devote my entire being to what I'm doing!!" She huffed earnestly, "is my attention span really that bad? I just wanna do things effectively..."
Dedue picked the kerchief he had been using before the explosion blew it away and patted the ashes out of it before once again putting it on. "Remember the steps -- you must first master each step before going to the next one. What have I asked you to do?"
"U-um," Felicia looked down, suddenly even more apologetic than before, "t-to place all of the tools and ingredients I would need in the order I would use them."
"Yes. What did you do?"
"I... I picked the frying oil and poured into the pan... Y-you said that was the next step, so while you were getting the other vegetables, I just w-wanted to start heating the pan!"
Petra curiously glanced at the duo over her own skinning work, after observing that there were still quite a few vegetables left to chop. "It is only guessing, but did- ah, were you tasking her on washing the vegetables?" She pointed with her chin towards the sink, whence more than half of the vegetables still lay.
"... Yes." Dedue replied curtly, looking from the sink to the oven, resting his gaze on Felicia, making her flinch. "Your mistakes are easy to fix, Felicia, you should simply focus on doing one step at a time."
"E-eh? It was still washing time? I thought- I figured we were- waaah!" She wailed in her own self-pity, curling into a ball of misery under the table.
Petra chuckled, peeking under the table and smiling. "It is being okay, Felicia- ah, may I be calling you that? Dedue is not being mad at you."
The young man tilted his head to the side, uncrossing his arms so he could start cleaning the oven. "Of course. There is no reason to be mad at someone who is earnestly trying their best to succeed. Come, Felicia, we've many a vegetable to wash yet."
Sniffling, the maid raised her head like a puppy that had just been praised. "R-really? Can I still keep going? Won't you say I'm useless and better off just fighting?"
"While we are here to fight to help the askrian people, only you can say what you wish to do. As for us," Dedue bobbed his head in Petra's general direction, "we are simply doing all that we can to help. I wish to ease His Highness' burdens as much as I can, and if that means selecting the nutrients he needs to consume to be fit for battle, then that is what I will do."
Petra nodded after skinning the third hare. "If I can be using my bow to be helping more than just fighting, I am glad! This is a very different and far land, plus- ah, yet? Yet I must use all that I can to grow stronger while we are being here."
Felicia got up from the floor, her clear eyes big with curiosity. "Hunting and cooking can make you grow stronger? I-is that why I'm a better soldier than a maid...?"
Dedue smile while Petra let out a chuckle. "I must be sharpening- ah, honing my skills, no matter what- ah, which they are! I will grow stronger and stronger so I can help my landhome when we return."
"Ohhh, I can get that! Is your country at war?" Felicia sat on a nearby stool, resting her face on one hand as she watched Petra skillfuly deplume the pheasant. She didn't wait for the reply and kept on babbling. "I wonder if every world the heroes around here came from are beset by war? Ours is already finished, so I feel even more useless now since I can't even be a soldier back home!"
Still smiling, Dedue patted Felicia's back so she would get up and guided her hand towards the basin full of water where they had been washing the vegetables previously, noticing that she didn't stop running her mouth for a second while still doing everything he instructed.
"My sister, you see-- she's my twin! But we couldn't be more different -- well, apart from our faces. We really look alike! Though she has blue hair," she waved her hands towards her hair, splashing water about, "and I guess that's where our differences start! She's such a good maid. Such a good maid... But, for some reason, she didn't want to be loyal to our Lord?" She tilted her head to the side in confusion, blurred memories of fire and weak ice magic darkening her past.
Dedue simply nodded, remembering how she had blabbered about her being from the Ice Tribe, a vassal tribe from the Kingdom whose lord, or lady (?), she seemed unsure for a moment, she served.
Petra patted the dirt out of her apron, saving the hare skin for later and throwing the plucked feathers into a bag so she could make more arrows later. "You are strong, Felicia. To be so loyal to someone who's, ah, whose loyalty was paid with your own sacrifice. I cannot do that."
"Sacrifice? But Lord Corrin is so good to me! Really! I'm so incompetent and yet he always worries about me and keeps me by his side... He's the reason I try my best! I want to be useful to him, even if it means... if it means fighting..." Felicia's vision darkened for a second, suppressed memories almost flowing through her lips, blocked by her brain before they could. "Geez, I wonder why I keep thinking about Flora! She's right here in Askr with me, but I keep remembering our quarrels about where our loyalty lies..."
Dedue accepted the skinned prey from Petra, promptly taking them to the corner so as to bleed them, wordlessly asking her to stay by Felicia and aid her in the washing. "Your circumstances are alike in many ways," he commented with a nod. "Yet there is no correct answer apart from what you truly think is right."
"Truth." Petra bobbed her head to the sides, taking the washed vegetables to the chopping table. "You are being alike to Felicia, Dedue. Loyal to your Lord in spite, ah, despite your circumstances."
"Yet it is different -- His Highness saved me when all others would shun me instead. I stay by him because his rule is the only one that can correct the wrongs." He quietly took the chopping knife Felicia had taken after she followed Petra and forgot the rest of the vegetables, pointing her to the wash basin once again, casually talking at the same time. "Your anger and resolve are as justified as Felicia's subordination and loyalty, Petra."
The hunter smiled brightly, nodding as she finely cut a lettuce with the dexterity of a master. "Truth. It is wondering, ah, wonderful? Amazing! ...It is amazing how many different right answers there are to the same question."
Felicia looked from the young man to the young woman, frowning slightly. "Are you also a maid in your world, Petra? It’s, um, Petra, right? If your lady is anything like my Lord Corrin, I'm sure everything's gonna be alright!"
Dedue let out the closest thing to a snort as he directed Felicia to the chopping table. "Petra is a princess."
"A PRINCESS?!" Felicia gasped so loudly she took a step back right onto Dedue's foot, bumped into him and was about to fall head first into the sink when he caught her. "W-whoa, thanks, Master! If you keep being here with me, I might be able to be as good as you or Princess Petra!!" She puffed her chest proudly. “B-but wait, why is a princess so good at chopping vegetables?” She frowned, a slight pout rising on her lips.
Dedue and Petra exchanged glances and smiled, overcome with a need to pat Felicia's head for some reason, as though she were a very eager puppy.
"We can be talking about it as we work, Felicia!” Petra giggled happily. “I’ve been having no doubts you can learn how to be good at your work. Dedue and me, and I? Dedue and I will be helping you.”
“O-oh, thank you so much, my lady! Um, and Master!” She bowed deeply, whipping her hair on the vegetables she had just washed, quickly turning pale as a sheet. “O-oh, nooo! I did it again!!”
Dedue chuckled and Petra giggled, both of them patting Felicia’s back at the same time.
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whitewallwhispers · 4 years
Little Lies
Narcos - Javier Peña - Series
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine
A young writer moves to Colombia to perform research on the drug war for her latest novel. She’s willing to do anything for information, which leads her down a rabbit hole that begins to blur the line between pretending to be someone and becoming something she might not be ready for.
Her latest target is a D.E.A. Agent named Javier Peña. And things are getting complicated.
Warnings: Drug use (cocaine), alcohol use (wine), strong language (pretty much every expletive under the sun), smut - mentions of oral sex (male receiving), rough sex (mentions of hair pulling, choking), unprotected sex (wrap it up, folks), daddy kink
My hope is that you can imagine this character as any race with any style of hair (as someone with short hair I get annoyed when every fic mentions long locks and ponytails).
This is kind of a dumb note but I feel the need to clarify that this smut is completely aimed at Peña - I love Pedro but in a completely different, non-sexual way. It’s a credit to his acting skills that he can make me want to fuck nearly every character he plays when IRL I just want to be his best friend.
He certainly left bruises. On her hips, her wrists. Purple at first before fading to yellow in the week that had passed since she last saw him. She’d gone to the bar every night, drinking away her parents’ money in the faint hope he’d show.
He didn’t.
She tried not to take it personally. She tried not to think about the possibility that he’d gone back to his regulars and forgotten all about her.
Maybe that’s why she’d decided to blow through an entire packet of coke, railing line after line off her counter as she wrote, though it wasn’t long before she was running into a dead end of ideas. If Peña had given up on her, she’d have to find another cartel member soon to give her more information. If she couldn’t gain the perspective of the opposite side, she might as well gain more insight into the one she already knew.
Her high made her forget that the next packet of her supply still laid on her bedside table. It didn’t help that she’d gone for the bottle of white wine she had in her fridge, drinking deeply straight from it as she moved to turn on her stereo, dancing to herself to Billie Holiday as she took another pull, her lips numb and limbs buzzing.
Maybe I should call it a night on writing. She’d been stuck for the past hour and even the coke had failed to stimulate her further. Maybe she could drown out the strange strain in her chest with the next packet she had. Maybe the wine would give her a hangover, and she’d spend the whole day tomorrow thinking only about how miserable she felt instead of wondering what Peña was doing and if she’d ever see him again.
Thirty minutes further into dancing by herself she’d drank nearly half the bottle of wine and taken another line from her fresh pouch.
She was being irresponsible.
She thought there wouldn’t be consequences.
She wasn’t thinking straight.
So when there came a knock at her door, she opened it straight away without peeking through the chain to see who it was.
Fuck fuck fuck.
She now had her door wide open to Peña, who was giving her an apologetic look.
“I know I said I wouldn’t turn up unannounced next time, but you wouldn’t believe what a week it’s been.”
Before she could even think he was stepping into her apartment.
“Wait,” she choked. “Hold on.”
But by the time she’d thought to stop him, he was already in the door. He could already see what she was about to do. He’d see her hiding the coke and he’d know and he’d hate her and she’d lose her only chance at writing about both sides of the story. He saw her panic.
“What’s the matter?” his voice was full of concern, too sweet in contrast to the severity of the situation.
“Can you close your eyes? Please? I know it sounds weird, but…”
“I - uh - sure, I guess,” he answered, mercifully shutting them without question.
She reached behind her to the counter to put down her wine and grab her manuscript before sprinting to her bedside table, stuffing the baggie of coke on top of the papers and shutting them safely away in the drawer.
“Okay, you can open them now,” she said, returning in front of him.
He was on her immediately, lips hot and heavy as he pushed her further into the room. It unfolded much like last time. He forced her onto her knees. This time she did a better job of relaxing her throat, and as such he thrusted into her harder than before. She didn’t gag once, and he rewarded her by eating her out before he began to pummel her into the bed in every position imaginable. There were no handcuffs this time, but plenty of hair pulling and insistence on calling him daddy and choking.
He came inside her again, and this time she made sure she got up to go to the bathroom first. He required no cleanup. That should automatically grant her first dibs.
But it was a mistake. After she’d taken care of everything she washed her hands and opened the door, only to find Javier standing there, jeans on but shirtless, his gun held lazily in his hand that rested against the wall as the other held up his badge.
“You wanna know what this means, sweetheart?” His voice was calm and even, but his eyes were dark.
Fuck. Had he looked when he said he’d close his eyes? Had she forgotten to hide something? Or please, for the love of God let this be some weird sort of kinky roleplay bullshit. He took a step towards her and she fought the urge to take a step back. It’d look too suspicious. Instead she tried to play dumb.
“Hmm…American Beurau of Fuckall?” she asked coyly.
“Wrong letters.”
“Unless you’ve been studying up on the Berlin Wall I don’t think you get to quiz me about anything.” She rolled her eyes and turned back to the mirror, frantically looking for something to do with her hands. Lipstick. Bingo. She pulled open her makeup drawer and grabbed the first tube she found before hurriedly applying it. She prayed he couldn’t see the way her hand was shaking.
Javier stepped fully into the bathroom now, standing directly behind her, his arm holding the gun wrapping around her waist while the other returned his badge to his back pocket. He pushed her forward until she was stuck between him and the counter.
“That thing better not be loaded,” she joked, “and your gun better be empty too.” She finished with her lips and began to toy with her hair instead, avoiding his eyes in the mirror.
“What’s this?” he asked, bending so his mouth pressed close to her ear, dangling something small in front of her.
“What does it look like?” she said with a shrug. Holy fuck. It was a baggie of coke. Her coke. She couldn’t tell if she’d left it out or he’d gone looking for it and honestly it didn’t matter right now. The only thing she needed to focus on was sounding as oblivious as possible. “If you want some go ahead, I don’t mind.”
His grip on her tightened painfully, the cold metal of his gun biting into her bare skin.
“Where’d you get it?”
“A friend.”
“What kind of friend?”
“The same kind you are.”
His arm loosened its hold on her slightly, but she was still pinned between him and the sink.
“Do you know who your friend works for?”
“I mean, he’s never said, but given he pays me half in coke I think you and I can wager a guess.”
Javier nodded.
“How often do you see this friend?”
“Not often.” A lie. She’d only seen him once. But he made sure she knew where to find him again.
“Are you friends with anyone else he works with?”
She shook her head.
“Could you be?”
“Why?” she laughed. “Bored of me already? Worried I’ll go broke when you stop calling?”
“I’m D.E.A.”
She blinked. “Yeah, I still don’t know what that means.” Oh, yes I do.
“Drug Enforcement Administration.”
Time to play it up.
“Oh shit, Javi, listen, I can explain,” she stammered. “Please, don’t -”
“Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble,” he reassured her, placing the baggie on the counter and stroking her cheek. “Not unless you refuse my offer.”
Okay, now she was lost.
“See your friend more often. See his friends. See his friends who are more powerful than he is. And I’ll keep seeing you, and if you tell me where they are or what they say or anything useful about what they’re doing, I’ll pay double.”
She gulped. On the one hand, she’d already been considering seeing cartel members more frequently for info. On the other, she wasn’t sure if she was prepared to really commit to being a prostitute. It wouldn’t be pretend anymore. Instead of a writer playing at being a whore, she’d be a whore who was writing a novel.
“You…you won’t get in trouble for sleeping with someone who does coke?” she whimpered, trying to still sound scared of him while inside she was really just scared shitless of herself and the mess she’d gotten into.
“What, you think you’re the only whore in Medellin who partakes? You think you’re the only one I see?”
She bit her lip. Why the fuck did that hurt?
“Right,” she nodded, suddenly unable to look him in the eyes.
“You’re so naive,” he sighed. He placed his gun on the counter and returned his hand to her hip, thumb brushing over the bone with the same intensity as when they fucked. His lips found her neck and they began to press feverishly against her skin, gently biting her between every kiss.
His free hand reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, briefly letting go of her long enough to pull out a stack of bills and toss it next to his gun.
“The only info I have on him is old, probably useless to you now,” she stammered.
“That’s not what it’s for.” After shoving his wallet back into his jeans he gripped her waist and pushed his body so tightly against her back that her hips ground painfully into the sink. She gasped at the way it hurt, but it only made him groan into the crook of her neck, biting her harder now.
“J-Javi,” she breathed, not knowing which pain to focus on.
“Why do I want you so much?”
She blinked in surprise. His voice sounded so vulnerable. Raw and honest.
“I know I just told you to, but…I think about you fucking someone else and I can’t help but feel jealous.” His hands tugged down her panties and she could feel his growing erection pressing into her lower back.
What the fuck was she supposed to say to that?
Especially since she felt the same way.
Come on, think of something clever.
She couldn’t, her mind was completely scrambled between the way her hips were embedded against the cold porcelain, the way his lips were trailing across her collarbones and shoulder, the way his hands were pulling out his cock and pushing it between her legs.
His hand came to her other shoulder and bent her forward, her reflection flying towards her as she leaned closer to the mirror. She looked at him in the glass, noting the way his eyes were heavily lidded and mouth was hanging open slightly as he breathed heavily.
“I find myself daydreaming about being inside you all the time. It’s so fucking distracting,” he huffed, sliding into her and meeting her eyes in the mirror. She braced herself against the sink, crying out gently as her hips were pushed further into the counter. He pumped in and out of her slowly, keeping his eyes locked on hers.
“See how pretty you look when I fuck you?”
“Javi,” was the only response she could think of. Think of? There hadn’t been any thought in it, it slipped out of her as she threw her head back. He felt so good, and hurt so much. Not just the way he trapped her against the sink, but the way she wanted him.
She’d gotten attached.
She really was too naive, too inexperienced, too out of her depth.
Childish, almost, in the way she let herself develop feelings for him just because he was the first man to make her orgasm, the first man she dreamed about when he wasn’t there, the first man to make her feel desirable. She felt so silly, so ashamed of how she’d lost her professional objectivity.
She was so lost in thought she didn’t notice the tears that welled in her eyes. It wasn’t until one slipped down her cheek that she realized she was crying. Javier pulled out of her immediately, turning her around to face him.
“Am I being too rough?” he asked, eyes searching hers.
“No,” she shook her head, her voice pathetically weak. “Go harder.” Maybe the physical pain would drown out the embarrassment and confusion currently filling her mind.
“I won’t if you’re crying.”
“Please just do it. I’ll use our safe word if it’s too much.”
His eyes surveyed her dubiously for a moment before he turned her back around, pushing her against the counter once more and bending her forward. His hands found her waist as he began to thrust into her again, grunting as she tensed around him.
She watched his face in the mirror, a few more tears spilling out her eyes before they stopped as she steadied herself. Focus on the physical, she thought. She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip so hard she was sure she’d break the skin. Her hips would be bruised again, much worse this time, but she began to relish in the way her bones ground against the sink.
He picked up his pace, slamming into her with stuttering breaths.
“No one feels as good as you,” he whispered.
“Don’t.” She hadn’t meant to say it. But it came out of her mouth anyway.
He froze inside her.
“Don’t what?” he sounded concerned again. Sweet.
Stop it.
“Don’t be nice to me. Don’t say nice things to me. Just fuck me and go.”
“I - are you sure you’re okay?”
Oh, great. She could feel herself getting choked up again. “Javi, just do what you’re paying me for.”
He sighed heavily and pulled out of her. “Fine. But not like this.” He pulled her up and shut the bathroom door, pushing her back up against it and kissing her gently, his fingertips softly brushing over her cheeks and neck. His hands trailed lower, sliding around her to undo her bra, pulling it off of her carefully and placing it on the counter beside his gun. His thumbs circled her nipples as he brought his lips back to hers, tongue hesitantly slipping into her mouth.
“You made your lip bleed,” he said, pulling back and looking at her with furrowed brows.
“Good.” Her voice was flat. The way he was treating her so softly was making everything worse.
“What’s going on?”
Frustrated, she grabbed his wrist and thrust his hand against her throat. “Please stop being like this. I want you to hurt me.”
His fingers flexed weakly against her neck, but still, he didn’t let go. “You’re acting different. Something’s off.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it. Just fuck me.”
“Look, you don’t have to be an informant for me if you don’t want to, I won’t get you in trouble, just -”
She went on her tiptoes and kissed him as hard as she could, her hand wrapping around and stroking his length.
“I’ll do whatever you want if you just finish this the way you started,” she breathed. “Please.”
Her touch seemed to bring his base instincts back into control, because his fingers began to tighten around her throat while his other hand hooked under her knee and pulled her leg up, pushing it beside her chest and testing the limits of her flexibility.
It burned. He held her leg in place so firmly she could feel the muscles straining as if they were ready to snap. As both his hands were occupied it was up to her to guide him into her center, but once he was inside her she let her hands brace herself against the door.
Their height difference made things a little awkward until he finally released her throat and scooped her other leg up, lifting and holding her against the door with his body as he thrust into her again and again. Her hands came to his shoulders, gripping them to feel the way the muscles were pulled taut with her weight.
He buried his face in her neck, panting against her hot skin.
There was no pain now, only pleasure, and it was almost too much to bear. He felt so good against her, inside her. She ran her fingers through his hair and breathed in the smell of sweat and sex and faded cologne that encompassed him.
She didn’t want to cum. But she did anyway, biting her lip again to keep herself from saying his name. She couldn’t do it to herself. It would hurt too much  in the wrong way. In the way that came from inside.
“Good girl,” he murmured as she pulsed around him, legs shivering.
She hung her head back against the door, closing her eyes and trying to numb herself to his touch. It sounded like he’d finish soon and then he would leave and then she would never see him again.
She wouldn’t allow herself to.
Fuck it. Her book would only take place from the cartel’s perspective.
It wasn’t worth getting her heart broken over.
Because the money on the counter beside her bra and his gun was all she meant to him, all she’d ever be worth to him. And if she fucked him one more time it might kill her.
He came inside her, groaning as he held her against the door one long moment before gently bringing her down. As soon as her feet the floor she was picking up her clothes and the money, pushing through the door without looking at him. She rushed to get dressed before he could follow her, but she only got as far as her bra and panties and shirt before she heard his footsteps coming out of the bathroom.
“Cigarette?” he asked, walking past her and picking up his own shirt off the ground. He turned to study her while he buttoned it, but she didn’t look at him. Couldn’t.
“No,” came her blunt reply. She debated putting on her shorts but the minute he was gone she’d be under her covers feeling like shit, so she decided it wasn’t worth it. Instead she stood awkwardly against the back of the couch, arms crossed, looking everywhere in the room but at him. When she heard him light himself a cig she thought she should polish off the last of her wine.
Not wanting to risk walking near him in her suddenly unbearably small apartment, she decided to forgo actually stepping into the kitchen to get it and instead leaned over the counter from as far away as possible to grab it, her hips aching in protest as she did so. She took a deep swig before moving to go back to her perch on the couch, but when she turned she found herself nearly running right into his half-exposed chest.
“Why won’t you look at me?” he asked quietly.
Defiant, she met his gaze and was taken aback by how sad he looked.
All she wanted to do was kiss away his frown and push back the messy hair from his face.
“Don’t show up unannounced next time,” was her only response.
Something flickered across his face so quickly she didn’t get the chance to recognize it before it was gone.
“Meet you at the bar, then?”
“Sure,” she nodded before pushing past him, resting on the back of the couch and taking another draw.
She’d never go to that bar again.
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sharperthewriter · 5 years
Chapter 16 of SFV
Chapter 16 - Day 2: The Hailstorm
(still Nov. 19, 10:45pm)
The Stoppable-mobile pulled back to the hotel as the gravy-soaked Kim parked it in the parking spot and putting it in gear.
"Ron, we are going to leave early tomorrow." Kim said, hiding her frustrations on how Day 1 of the vacation went.
"How early are we talking about, KS?" Ron asked.
"We are talking super early, like, at 8am. So I want everyone to be up by 5:30am." Kim instructed her family. "Is that clear?"
"Yes, ma'am!" came the unison reply from the other three Stoppable family members. Rufus also nodded his head.
"What about Mary and Canna?" Ron asked, pointing to the camper.
"I will have to keep a close eye on them, especially Canna." Kim said as she unbuckled her seat belt. She got out of the van, followed by Ron, Rufus, and the kids.
As they closed the doors to the Stoppable-mobile. Ron was then reminded of something.
"Oh, Kim! I forgot that I dropped my set of keys in the car." he said while walking back to the van.
Kim then remembered that the driver's door lock was rendered useless due to the fact that she used her GJ-issue laser lipstick on the vehicle earlier to rescue Justin.
Turning behind, Kim exclaimed, "Ron! Don't open the car! You might activate the..."
And as Ron opened the door, loud noises emitted from the Stoppable-mobile.
"...car alarm!" Kim groaned at Ron's forgetfulness. He had activated the worst part of the vehicle.
The alarm was so loud that it even awoke some of the other hotel guests who were sleeping.
"Can you shut the damn thing up?" one female guest asked. "It's annoying!"
"I'm trying to sleep here!" exclaimed a male guest from the second floor.
Kim replied to the guests while covering her ears. The other Stoppables, plus Mary and Canna, also did the same. Canna was also chewing on tobacco and spitting it out in her empty water bottle.
"Don't worry! I'll get to it!"
She took a baseball bat that they packed for Justin to play with at the Lipskys and started to beat on the hood, for that was where the alarm was it. This motion caused the right strap of her leather overalls to slip from her shoulder again
"Shut the hell up, you stupid damn alarm!" Kim shouted, hammering at least five dents in the hood and in the quarter fender before it finally stopped. A distant thunder was heard.
"Thank you!" the redhead exclaimed, taking a deep breath. Seeing that the right strap has slipped off again, Kim decided not to fight it and unhooked the overalls strap instead.
"Now...if you don't mind, I'm going to get the lemon squares that Ron made for the Thanksgiving dinner for the Lipskys into the suite's fridge." Kim replied, getting Nana's most important, and treasured, heirloom from the van and into her hotel room. There were 16 lemon squares total that she had brought in.
"I got the keys, KS!" Ron exclaimed while grabbing his keys and closed the door to the van.
"Now...let's all get back to sleep and have a peaceful sleepy night!" she then insisted to the guests. They all turned out their lights.
Thunder also began to rumble , closer to their area.
After taking a shower, Kim was now finally out of her gravy-colored overalls and shirt and now in her husband's Middleton High football jersey that barely covered her breasts and Club Banana boxers. She only had panties underneath the boxers and was wearing her glasses. This was considered her usual night wear.
The kids, in the meantime, were asleep on the pullout couch as was Rufus.
She was also playing on her tablet while watching an old episode of the Dr. Zone Files on the TV. It was the episode where Time Ape was captured by the Statues of Windsor, where one looked at them, they would become frozen forever.
This was when she got out her KP Kimmunicator Pendant to get with Wade. The now 22-year old tech whiz of Team Delta at Global Justice appeared in a hologram form.
"Hey, Kim!" he said with a smile, "It's getting kinda late here."
"Hey, Wade! I know." Kim said with a smile, "How's Ken holding down the fort?" She was speaking of one of her fellow team-mates on the Team Delta squad, Ken Trepid.
"Him? He's doing fine! Stopped a few robberies with the help of Slam." Wade replied with a smile. How's the first day of the Stoppable vacation?"
Kim groaned, "Ugh...here's my verdict on this sitch!" She then gave a thumbs down.
"Stoppable Vacation Curse got in the way?" she asked.
"So far, Ron almost accidentally locked Justin in the van...again..., we had bird poop on the van, plus the quote-en-quote fun times with the Bumblebees thing of me ripping my overalls, and us getting banned from the local Smarty-mart here due to crazy vegans that we have as relatives!" Kim explained all of the incidents they've had on Day 1 of the trip.
"Not a very good start, huh?" Wade replied with compassion, "Hopefully, things'll get better! I'll catch you up in a couple of days."
"Okay, Wade, get some rest now." Kim suggested.
"Oh, and one other thing and don't tell anyone this but...I got a special surprise for Joss when we get to the Lipskys." Wade said with a whisper, "But don't let her know about it!"
"Lips are so zipped!" Kim said while zipping her lips with her fingers.
"Night, Kim!" Wade said as the hologram of him disappeared.
Ron, in his pajamas and bunny slippers, looked out the window.
"This doesn't look good, KS." he said.
"What is it this time, Ron?" Kim asked, rolling her eyes.
"The storm's on the horizon!" Ron replied, "You might wanna check the NWS."
Kim checked the NWS on her tablet. There was a lot of orange and red headed towards North Platte.
"Ewwww..." she remarked, "...you're right on that front."
"Should we warn the kids?" Ron asked.
"Yeah, I think we should if a Severe Thuderstorm Warning or, God forbid, a Tornado Warning is issued!" Kim said,. "Alexa is much more scared of even regular thunderstorms than Justin is. So I'd hate to see how she fares with this sitch of a storm."
"I understand, KS." Ron replied before switching to the other important thing. "What are we going to do for breakfast though?"
Kim simply pulled out the hotel info and said, "The hotel has a restaurant on the premises that opens up at 6. We can eat the buffet there and then check out at 8. Simple!"
"You make everything sound so easy!" Ron replied, cracking a smile.
"I do, Ron!" Kim giggled. She also got out her planner and stylus pen. "Now...how should I wear my overalls for tomorrow?"
"Which ones are you going to wear?" Ron questioned Kim's denim fashion sense.
"The Club Banana flare ones." Kim replied.
"What is the difference between those and the baggy ones you packed?" Ron asked.
"Two reasons, Ron." Kim said. "The first is that they have the zippers on the side instead of the side buttons and the second is that, if I do wear them with the bib down, which I certainly will, they won't fall down on me as long as the zippers stay up unlike the baggy ones which require a belt."
"I'd say to go with the one-strap up approach." Ron replied.
"And then..." he smirked, playfully lowering his wife's boxers, "...go for both!"
"And I have the perfect way to style a button-down shirt to go along with it!" Kim replied with a grin.
"What about the Oh Boyz Concert?" Ron asked.
"Oh that? I'm definitely going with a belt for that one!" Kim said. "That's the one I planned to wear the manipulated buckles one."
"Good thing that I didn't get the lowest score in the Oh-Boyz challenge!" Ron chortled.
"Jason is gonna be the unlucky one who has to stare at Tara's bare ass for that moment once they get on the stage." Kim grinned.
"The poor, poor sap!" Ron snorted at the fate of his ex-Mad Dog football team-mate.
Kim looked at the alarm clock and it read 11:50pm.
"We gotta get to bed now, Ron." she said, resting her head on the pillow. "We got a long drive ahead of us tomorrow."
"Way ahaead of ya, Kim!" Ron replied, doing the same.
Kim turned out the lights and both the hero duo...and husband and wife...closed their eyes and went to sleep.
A sudden thud was heard from the ceiling above. And then another...and another...and another! The thunder was booming loudly and lightning flashed from their window.
This woke Ron up from his sleep. Kim, however, was still deeply asleep.
"Huh...what's going on here?" he asked half-groggily. Ron's eyes were half-asleep. "Has Mr. Barkin been turned into a gill monster?"
Rufus was also stirred awake by the storm. At the time, he was the only one that was fully alert and awake. He was chittering loudly in fear to his owner.
"Rufus...the Bueno Nacho dining room is closed at this time." Ron muttered, "Can't you go back to sleep?"
Rufus grunted and pointed to a blaring message on his smart phone. He pointed to the obvious red glaring message on it.
Ron grabbed his smartphone and, all of a sudden, his eyes were wide awake.
"KS! KS! Wake up now!" he exclaimed, rushing to his wife's side of the hotel bed.
"Ron...why are you up?" Kim uttered, "It's almost 1 in the morning...go to bed?"
"How can I go to bed when we got a TORNADO WARNING!" Ron screamed the last two words.
Kim was jolted awake by what her husband said and exclaimed, "Oh my God! Ron! We have to The kids!
The thunder and hail was getting to be louder and louder. Justin and Alexa rushed into their parents room.
"Mommy! Daddy!" Alexa exclaimed in tears, "The thunder monster is out there!"
"I'm totally scared!" Justin whimpered.
"Everyone! To the bathroom!" Kim exclaimed, pointing at the bathroom, the only interior area of their hotel room without any windows.
Ron grabbed his smartphone and he, his wife, Rufus, and the Stoppable kids all scurried into the hotel bathroom.
He tapped his phone on the Tornado Warning issued for the NWS.
"The NWS has issued a Tornado Warning for the counties of Lincoln and Perkins counties until 1:45am. At 12:29am, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was spotted about 10 miles south of North Platte moving northeast at 40 mph. This storm is also capable of producing baseball-sized hail..."
"Wait..." Kim gasped. "...baseball-sized hail?!"
"That's what the report said, KS." Ron said while pointing to the report.
"Oh great..." Kim muttered, "We're going to have to check on the damage of the Stoppable-mobile once all this stuff passes."
All the Stoppables could do was to sigh in despair as the sheets of rain and hail continued to pound against the hotel, and against their poor 20-year plus old minivan.
It wasn't until around 2:30am that the storm finally subsided and the Stoppable family can finally return to their beds.
1 note · View note
Are there any homeowners insurance companies that insure a home that needs repairs?
"Are there any homeowners insurance companies that insure a home that needs repairs?
Are there any homeowners insurance companies that insure a home that needs repairs?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why don't republicans want Americans to have access to affordable health insurance?
Why don't republicans want Americans to have access to affordable health insurance?
How is my insurance so high for my 125cc motorcycle?
Well i passed my cbt on the 13th this month, turned 17 on the 10th this month, ive had my dt125 re / x 04 model for about 2 months riding on private land etc, anywhoo, i decided to look into insurances, well first i went to carol nash and got a quote for 4000??? then i tryed comparethemarket, got a insurance quote of 3600? what the ****? seriously, theres not a chance im going to be paying that **** and the insurance place is ringing up saying do you want to buy the 4000 insurance? **** no, any idea's for cheaper insurance places or idea's to get it down?""
Lowest possible car insurance?
I am going on a trip out of the country for 4 months, and my car will be parked in my parent's driveway with a cover over it the entire time. How can I find the LOWEST possible car insurance for these months? I called Progressive and the guy was a total salesman with me, saying, Oh you need vandalism insurance, oh and you can't have vandalism insurance without collision insurance, so before I knew it, my quote was up to $120 a month. That's barely lower than the insurance I have now! How can I just get the bare minimum, state-required insurance? I live in Nevada, by the way, if that helps.""
How will my finance company know if i change my car insurance coverage?
im leaving to basic training next week and i was going to drop my car insurance coverage down to just storage insurance because my car is going to be stored and under a car cover at my fathers house while i am away. my car insurance company suggested before i make the change that i contact my finance company and make sure that there would be no issue if i did this, how ever the finance company said i could only do this if i literally go and rent a storage unit and keep my car there, AND i have to be deployed, simply being away at training is not enough. If i go ahead and reduce my coverage to storage insurance, how would my finance company know, im sure there has to be some way they would find out.""
How much does it cost to add an additional insured to car insurance?
A ball park figure is fine.
How to reduce my car insurance?
Hey people, I'm 18, living with parents, just got my licence in the UK about 4 months ago. So I went out today and bought a 1.0 engine size KIA PICANTO. Heres the annoying part...we've been looking for insurance within our budget (realistically 1500p/a), All companies we've looked at have been giving us quotes of about 3500 which I find astonishing for a 1.0!! We've tried confused, admiral, churchill and compare the market. We've tried putting my parents as the main drivers and its still too expensive. Looks like pass plus is also useless! However, its the latest edition. It's a 2011 KIA picanto....do you think maybe if I returned the car and purchased something from 2004-05, insurance would drop to a reasonable rate? I do have loads of friends who managed to get car insurance below 1000!! Many thanks""
How will my insurance premiums be affected?
I got into a minor fender bender. No scratch on either car but the person I hit (I rear-ended them) is claiming that I caused their airbag light to go on. Now they are going through the insurance process and it is not known yet whether they will claim against their own insurance company or go through mine. How do you think my insurance premium will be affected by this? Thanks for your help.
Do i need to be on the insurance?
im going to take my drivers test and my grandpa is going to let me use his car.do i need to be on his insurance to drive his car for the test?i live in connecticut
I was hit by a metro park gate while driving my fiance's car which is insured under his name. I am not insured uner his policy, so therefor dont have insureance will the insurance company still pay because its insured? or will be stuck because i have no insurance?""
Car insurance?!?!?!?!?! HELP!!!?
im 15 and i just got my liscence (you can get it at 15 in Idaho because i live in a hick state) im a good student, 3.8 gpa, and ive never gotten in an accident while i was a student driver with my permit. about how much can i expect to be paying a month for car insurance? dont tell me to go to a website and fill out a form, it takes forever and i dont feel like giving out my social security number, thank you very much. please does anyone have a ballpark estimate?""
What are some cheap auto insurance companies in florida for teenage drivers?
I am 17 years old. I currently have liberty mutual insurance with my parents for $5,901 annualy (about $550 per month for three cars). Is there any cheap car insurance?""
How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?
How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?
Changing car insurance beneficiaries during a divorce?
Negotiating a car insurance claim?
Long story short, consensus feel that my car (hit by an uninsured Crown Victoria) is going to be considered a total loss tomorrow when the adjuster checks it out. My main concern is, if I feel I am offered an unfair amount for my car, what would be a good way to negotiate with them? And what do they use to base their offer on? I've already checked Autotrader and other sites for a replacement for my car, and this model is very sparse (5 total within 500 miles, only searching by year and model/trim), only being sold by dealerships that want a LOT more than I paid for the car a year ago. Can I cite those examples, or do I have to use something like KBB or NADA appraisals? I've never had to make a claim with an insurance company before, and the only thing I know is the reputation of insurance companies.""
Motorcyle insurance ?
I just wanted to see what riders ages 17 between 21 pay for a year and for what kind of coverage with what kind of bike, and what insurance company people go with. also if you have taken an msf course or not.""
How to deal car insurance situation?
Someone from behind went behind back of my car , the bumper is out and back lights smashed. I feel very unhappy and shaken by this Do I call their insurance company or mines instead to sort this out? What if they try to deny it what can I do?""
Where can i get information on the popularity among savings insurance vs health insurance?
I would like to know which is higher on the premium you have to pay for savings and health insurance? savings or health insurance is higher? how can i get info on this?
Inexpensive insurance for 25 y.o. with no prior driving history ?
She just bought a 1993 Subaru Justy. We live in Oregon. Do you know how to get quotes on the internet ? Who generally has inexpensive insurance and is not a SCAM ????????
Where can I get the third party insurance?
I am travelling in New Zealand and I am looking for a temporary third party insurance policy. I am a non resident of New Zealand and was wondering if anyone knows where i can get an insurance policy?
Car accident and issue with the insurance company?
I was in one car accident and someone hit the back of my car and pushed me to the front car. that caused a lot damage to my car. But, the insurance company which represent the guy hit me from the back said it is my fault of causing this accident. because i emerge from the left line to the right and didn't ensure there was safe enough to do emerging. The truth is the accident happend was after almost half miniute after emerging and i completely finished the emerging action. when i explained this to the insurance company, they won't listen to me.....so is that really my fault?""
Do rich people need insurance?
I was just wondering..if they have so much money....do they really need insurance?
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
Health Insurance for Newborn Baby?
I get health insurance through my job but I think I can get a better quote than what they offer if I go about it independently. What suggestions do you all have in terms of a good health insurance coverage? Is it best to have a higher deductible and lower premium or vice versa for a newborn? I want what will be the best for him but the most affordable for us. Thanks! :)
Need help with car insurance quotes?
i wanna get a used 2004 mazda rx-8. it has 68,000 miles on it and is a coupe, 2 doors. i really need just a guess, cause my online effort on all those sights is really driving me crazy. i don't know what half the stuff means. i'm 16 and would prolly be on my parents insurance, cause thats what my brothers doing. any ideas at what it would be per month?""
How much do you pay for your car insurance ?
I have a mini van about 10 years old. I pay $250 every six month I believe ... premium. Covers 1000K Injury, 50K, 25K property damage, and 10K injury.""
Are there any homeowners insurance companies that insure a home that needs repairs?
Are there any homeowners insurance companies that insure a home that needs repairs?
How much would i pay for car insurance?
How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 28 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 8 years ago""
Do you know who offers the best insurance rates for BMWs?
We are trying to update our club policy for members.
Free health insurance coverage in the state of California ?
My mother In- law has come to join us to live in the united states. I was wondering can she qualify for MEDICAL in the state of california. Free health insurance
Which type of car insurance coverage?
say my friend was driving my car and he got into an accident which type of car insurance would cover my car if he's driving it? what if im driving his car and i got into an accident what type of car insurance would cover me, what about my friends car?""
Low cost auto insurance?
looking for a new carrier - can anyone recommend anything?
How many point is taking off on my license when I get point on driving without insurance?
I was wondering on how many point do i get off from my driver license when I driving without insurance on my car
Do I have to buy health insurance in New Mexico?
I recently moved to New Mexico and started a new job. Now I am being told that I have to buy health insurance from my employer, or prove that I am covered under another policy. I am only 21, but I am a smoker and I know this will be expensive. I do not go to the doctor, and have not since I was 10. Do I have to buy coverage I won't use? Is there a way around this?""
If you decided to stop paying for car insurance does the company have the right to charge you for?
the last month you had it even though it was 10 days before it was due that I canceled it?
Baby health insurance question?
[this isn't for real, its for school] if i have a child who has muscular dystrophy and a wife who is 4 months pregnant with another child, can i still get health insurance on that unborn baby without getting him tested? do i have the right not to tell the insurance companies? why might i not want to tell my employer? how would i feel about mandatory genetic testing? do insurance companies have the right to deny insurance to individuals with genetic disorders?""
Insurance and a newborn??
I am so confused about how my baby (due july 7th..i know im really pushin it)... is going to have insurance right when he is born? I am covered on my moms insurance plan which covers her dependents. But it wont cover my dependents. When i call an insurance company and try to set it up to where the insurance will go into effect the day my son is born, the insurance says they dont do that and to call the day he is born to start the process but the process takes two weeks.. WHAT COVERS HIM THE FIRST 2 WEEKS???? please help =)""
Does anyone know approx how much insurance rates can be lowered with driving safety courses?
Does anyone know if taking a safe driving course will significantly lower your insurance rates? Thanks! I use Progressive.
How much is car insurance for a teen?
I'm 16,I have a 2002 Camaro SS,I live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don't stalk me lol).My dad has Geico insurance.What else do you need to know?""
How should I insure myself?
ok so i've sold my car and now the only car i will have access to is my partners. so do i arrange my own insurance, or do i add myself to her policy, or should i now add her to mine? I have full no claims she has 4 or 5 years. I am 36, she is 27. I have 2 months left on my current policy and 2 installments of 35 to pay, or if i cancel now pay 55. her renewal date is november. any help?""
Im pregnant and dont have insurance?
im pregnant and the father picked up and left any way what do i do????? i really need insurance i need to make sure im okay please help thanks
How much will my car insurance be?
I live in Dallas Texas, I'm 18 years old, I've had defensive driving school, which I've been told gives you at the most 10% off your rate...i own a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, in REALLY good condition, car alarm...all the gadgets...but since I'm 18 who would be the best to go with...also I'm seeking FULL Coverage for the first 6 months of driving in Dallas, because people do not know how to drive and I want to make sure I'm covered...any help or advice??? THANX""
Advice on cheap car insurance ? UK?
hello i am a 17 year old who is currently learning to drive and hoping to buy a car afterwards, however insurance is very expensive and am seeking advice on how to get cheap car insurance, E.G. what car to buy, where to look etc.""
Why is my car insurance so expensive? Can someone who knows the facts please explain?
I am 19 I drive an old 1997 Nissan I've only been in one wreck but that was over 3 years ago. I've been driving since I was 16. My mom is now making me pay my own insurance, and she said it would be around $600. This is insane to me. I don't understand why insurance is so expensive especially if you have been a safe driver for years. I feel like you are just throwing away money for nothing. Could someone explain why car insurance is so expensive and why do you think mine is so high?""
Do you get cheaper insurance if you drive less miles to school?
if i lie and tell them i drive barely any miles to school would it be cheaper? its 87 a month right now but imma tell them scool is like a 2 mile drive
Does anyone know a carr insurance company that quotes and lets you print certificate?
i need a car insurance certificate for wed and my own insurance cant post one in time. does anyone know a web site that quotes and then lets you buy and print off a certificate? not swift cover as they wont insure my car as im only 24! thanks!!
How much is Car Insurance for a 17 year old Boy in NJ?
I recently got my license and my mom added me to her insurance. For 1 month they are charging approximately $400. This seems really outrageous. Car is a 2007 Toyota Camry. I also have above a 3.0 average and supposedly get some kind of discount. What are your opinions on this price?
""How much tax does the American person, family pay per week with income and sales tax?""
Feel Free to add in Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car and Health tax""
Car Insurance problem?
I need to renew my car insurance in the next few days but I am also moving to a new address in under 3 weeks time. This new address offers me much cheaper car insurance. I don't use my car much and can do without using it all for 3 weeks. If it is parked on the road and fully taxed is it a legal requirement to insure the vehicle even if it isn't used. I can live with it being stolen or damaged but I wouldn't want to be fined for being uninsured. The only problem with insuring the vehicle under my current postcode is that I'm at the whim of the insurance companies to what discount they offer me when I actually move. All the insurers I have phoned can't guarantee a fixed price for the new postcode if I register my the policy under my current postcode for the first 3 weeks. My main concern is not to do anything illegal so at the end of the day it's not worth saving money if I am going to get in to trouble or be fined.
How much is motorcycle insurance for a 20 year old male with a clean driving record on a 2007 Harley Davidson 883?
I live in Chicago, have been driving a car for 3 years with a clean record. looking at a bike but I probably will not ride it until next season. (The deal is to good to pass up and i ...show more""
Cheapest bikes for insurance?
I'm 19 and want to take my CBT early next year and start riding motorcycles. Im tired of paying thousands of pounds for car insurance but need some sort of transport as i commute a lot in town for my work so a motorbike seemed the logical solution. I have been getting quotes for a few bikes and the cheapest i have got is 500 TPFT on a yamaha YBR. I like the look of the yamaha but is this one of the cheapest bikes to insure? A few sinnis bikes have come close to this price but have read mixed reviews online, would love to hear off anyone who owns a sinnis bike about what they think of them. Also the cheapest insurance company i can find is Scooters & Bikes, if anyone knows any other cheap insurance companies i would love to hear them.""
Texas Automobile Insurance?
I got hit by someone else. Their insurance is not providing total cost up front for a rental car while mine is in the shop. I was not at fault. The Insurance carrier is Farmer's Insurance. They said to pay the difference of the rental, and they would reimburse. My understanding by an insurance facilitator at my old company is that if the fault was not yours, then the insurance company has to accommodate you with full pay for the rental car for a comperable vehicle to the one that was damaged. Anyone have any knowledge of the law, and links where I can find out the info? Thank you in advance.""
Are there any homeowners insurance companies that insure a home that needs repairs?
Are there any homeowners insurance companies that insure a home that needs repairs?
Do you have to have a valid drivers license to purchase car insurance in Arizona?
I do not have a drivers license, however I do have the money to buy a car. If I buy the car, can I get insurance on it until I do have a drivers license? Could someone else drive it during this time? Would I need to put them on the insurance? What if I was making payments on the car still? I have an opportunity to buy this car now and I would like to, but like I said, I don't have a license. Thanks.""
How much does health insurance cost for a foreign student?
i live in england and want to go to america for university and want to know how much health insurance costs for me if i have a f1 visa. if it is the same as normal what is the average sort of cost of normal health insurance?
Car insurance for student under 18?
i wanna know how much insurance cost in one month, if i'm an international student and i buy used car, my insurance isn't related to any one... thank you""
Life insurance for young couples...?
I've been searching online for a very cheap life insurance For me and my husband.. But no luck.. We live in NY. Can any send me a link Are just tell me about any u may know?.. Thanks a lot. Am 28yrs and he is 37yrs. Thanks in advance..
From Whom can I purchase health ins over 65 years & not eligible for Medicare?
My spouse is over 65 and will be getting residency USA and is not eligible for Medicare nor am I. From whom can we purchase health insurance?
How much does it cost to have a baby in California with no insurance?
With or without epidural, c-section or otherwise, with possible hospital stay? Near Sacramento if that makes a difference. Thanks!""
Car insurance student help?
Hey guys, I want to ask, is it possible to get a Mini Cooper convertible with car insurance. I'm 20 and I passed my test in November 2012. I'm planning to buy a mini but will they let me have the insurance ? All answers would be very helpful, thank you X""
How much would insurance cost for a 19 year old female with a 2006 mustang?
I would like to know a rough estimate for the insurance before I buy a mustang. I am 19 going to be 20.
Can insurance change term suddenly without tell me?
Can health insurance stop cover my medicine suddenly? I have used this medicine for 6 months and now I refill it,( I have 12 months refill) my phymesist told me that the health insurance changed code and stoped cover it. Can insurance do that suddenly? What can i do to fight with them? thanks.""
How long can you go without car insurance in Michigan before becoming high risk?
I just got screwed by my insurance place, and i want to cancel my policy immediately, but i won't be able to get car insurance again for at least a week. How long until i would become high risk in Michigan?""
Wondering whether to pay my car insurance monthly or annually?
I have taken a loan out at 5.9% to pay for my new car, and will have a bit left over. Now I'm trying to decide whether it makes more sense to use whats left to pay for the insurance in one payment, or to just pay it monthly, and have a little of bit of spending money put aside. i know insurers charge interest on paying monthly, but im not sure how much it is. If it's over 5.9%, I may as well use the loan, if its less, I'll prolly just keep the cash aside for myself. Any advice?""
I was wondering how much insurance would cost for a 05 mustang gt im 14 and have my permit cause i live in SD?
i would like to know how much per month (Preferably State Farm) insurance rates would cost for a first time car buyer for a young teenager getting a sports car my mom is alright with the price of the car alone and monthly lease but wants to know the monthly insurance fee.
Insurance Industry?
I'm trying to find out more about insurance industry...i have to make a huge project out of it for Economics...I'm specializing in IT so i don't know much about Economics...do you guys know any sites where i can find out more about Insurance Industry...or like anything you can share about it. Thank you.
Are there any insurance companies that insure Classic cars without them being garage kept?
Are there any insurance companies that insure Classic cars without them being garage kept?
How much does your insurance go up after a dui?
my husband got a dui about 3 years ago! it took forever to actually get a court hearing.. and he didn't even loose his lisence till a year ago, now that hes about to get it back, i'm wondering how much extra the insurance will be now... It was his first offense, lowest reading on the breathalizer.. and we live in pa, if that matters...""
Car insurance question?
What is the normal price range for monthly payments on car insurance? I'm 23, female, with no prior accidents.""
How much does car insurance really cost?
Some companies like Dashers offer insurance for 18 dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ is that good enough?
Car Insurance???
Can anyone advice me what is 1st, 2nd and 3rd party insurance? and what is the different between the 3 of it.""
Buying an insurance write off ( car )?
I was wondering if it was possible to buy an insurance write off for the purpose of using it off road, for things such as car trials and banger racing? i know that if a car is category C or below, it can be returned to the road after repairs, but what are the rules as to off road use?""
What does it take to fix a flooded car?
Last June, my town fell victim to river flooding. It's caused tons of damage and many cars to be flooded. I'm looking for a cheap car and I got on a rebuildable cars website. I found a newer car that is reasonable on gas and insurance, but is flooded. What would they have to do to fix it and about how much would it cost?""
Obamacare and still insurance premium skyrocketing?
Now that Obamacare has passed and in place why insurance premiums are still skyrocketing at record numbers? isn't it the main primary reason for (to have)obamacare is to curb the ever increasing cost of health insurance premium??
If a car is totalled who gets the insurance check?
My car was totalled, I am still paying the bank for it. Does the insurance company cut the check to me or my finance company???""
I'm 17 I have my license. If I borrow a friends car /test drive a car with insurance & I get pulled over will I get introuble?? Do I also need insurance on my name and on the car or just on me?? Can u explain thanks. I heard you have to have insurance on the driver and car or something like this thanks. I live in Oregon.
Should I switch to a $20/month health insurance plan?
Alright, I have health insurance through my employer and I pay over $100/month. My friend has an individual policy and only pays $20/month. He thinks I should switch to have the same health insurance as him. What's the catch? Should I change health insurance policies?""
What is the cheapest ADD/ADHD medication for the uninsured?
I take 20mg Vyvanse now, but they cost so much money (300 plus for 60 pills). I am working but wont get health insurance for another 2 months... Is there a substitute drug that is a bit cheaper? Ritalin? Aderol? Concerta? Does anyone know where I could see a pricing chart.""
Are there any homeowners insurance companies that insure a home that needs repairs?
Are there any homeowners insurance companies that insure a home that needs repairs?
On whos name should be the insurance?
need help with car insurance. the car is registerested on my girlfriend... and current insurance is on her name - but we both included ... now we want to change company... the only thing is that my girlfriend currently is not in country... can I buy insurance on my name with both included even if the car is registered on her name?
How long will it take for your auto insurance premiums to go down after and accident and a speeding ticket?
I got into a car accident 3 years ago. Due to my car lost control during raining weather. There was no one involved but myself and the police cited me for reckless driving. That was almost 3 years ago. Recently, in October I had gotten a speeding ticket of going over 15-20. I took it upon myself to go to traffic school both times to wipeout some of the points off my driving record, but some how my insurance still upped my premiums yet again. My question is how long will it take for my premiums to go down or have the accident removed from my record? Does any one know of a good insurance company that I can transfer to due to my insurance premiums are way too high. I know of other people who have worse records but their insurance isnt at much as mine. Also I've had my license for 13 years and have in all that time just have been in 1 accident and 2 speeding tickets. Any help would be appreciated.""
Who will be responsible for my dad's car wreck/Will my insurance premium go up?
I let my mom borrow my car to get to work for about 6 months. I knew she had it, I never insured it and neither did she. My dad is abusive and tries to contol everyone and their possessions (my car, my apartment, my bf's car). He hit a local business and caused 15k of damage. He has never worked and my mom just recently started a job-I have had to work for everything in my life and I'm frustrated with always being taken advantage of. My dad was taken away from the scene in an ambulance, the owner's of the property he hit never received his name or contact info. Since the car is registered to me, am I liable? Although it was his accident, will my future car insurance premium go up because of this?""
How much do these bikes cost plus insurance?
i was wondering how much on average these following bikes cost and im looking for a used one as its my first bike, Kawasaki Vulcans 125cc , Honda Rebel 125cc , Yamaha Virago 250 125cc , Suzuki GZ 250 125cc , i also would like to know if anyone knew how much the insurance is for these , i know they depend on factors but anyone from experience , many thanks :)""
What's the best deals on auto insurance?
What's the best deals on auto insurance?
How much would it up my car insurance if I started a weekend driving school business?
I currently pay about $700 per car.
Cheapest car insurance in uk?
Cheapest car insurance in uk?
I have an old pickup truck but can't find a price to get an insurance quote.?
I'm working on a 1972 International model 1100 Eight pickup truck and can't seem to find a price for it in todays market. I've looked on every automotive web-site I can think of, but they have every make except International. I'm trying to get an insurance quote over the internet and I really need this. I paid $400 for the truck itself and about the same for new parts. The guy who owned this truck before me said it was originally a one ton pickup, but the bed was switched out with a three ton. I know I have to add the price of the new parts, but all I want is an approximate base price. I'll take any advice, web-site, or anything else relevant to my needs.""
How much you pay for car insurance if your in early 20's?
I'm a 21 year old college student. Im going on to my junior year and have just gotten a car. I have always gotten a ride with my friends. I got a quote from Farmers Insurance for $2600 for 6 months full coverage is that normal?
Car insurance??? help?
I have a 2013 Mazda and going to buy a 2014 the same model as the 13 one will my insurance go a little bit more up?
Commercial business insurance and homeowners insurance?
I am closing soon on a small commercial property. It is a smaller restaurant/bar and has an apartment in back where I will be living. I'm a little confused regarding insurance. Do I get commercial business insurance for the building, and then separate homeowners insurance for the small apartment in back? Though I feel that would be strange as it's one large building essentially. Just curious what others have done, it's too late to call now, yet I will in the morning.""
Have a car but no insurance?
This is an answer I got about owning a car with no insurance and if my license would be suspended even if I turn in the tag and registration. It makes no sense as a lot of people have licenses for ID only and do not have a car (because they aren't allowed or can't drive): By law if you have a driver's license you are supposed to carry insurance whether you own a vehicle or not. It's usually called non-owner's liability coverage. Because of this law they would be able to suspend your license if your company cannot provide proof that you have coverage. This answer makes no sense. I won't say who provided it/they don't allow me to answer them though.
""My car was totaled, do I still have to make payments to my car insurance?
I was in a car crash in the beginning of August and my car was declared total by my insurance. I still had 5 more payments left and called my agent which said I still have to pay for them?
Can I stay on my parents health insurance if I move out?
I am 23 years old and I go to school full time in California. I have a job at a restaurant that does not offer health insurance and my parents would not be contributing financially. If I move out to an apartment, can I stay on my parents health insurance?""
How much would it cost to insure my motorcycle?
I plan on buying a Suzuki dr-z400s and I'd like to know what some people are paying for their insurance. Or maybe just what I would be paying. I'm 16 years old, Male, and I have a clean record. I'm not sure what kind of insurance I would get but probably just liability. Thanks!""
Need info about health insurance?
My dad is 61, mom 57. Dad has RA and a case of carple tunnel (spelling?) That went undiagnosed until it was too late. He is an over the road freight hauler and will soon lose his job along with their insurance because of it. They are too young for medicare and disability is going to take a while. We live in Minnesota. Anybody have any advise about health insurance or anything that will financially help???? Desperate here!!!""
Insurance Help?
hello guys/girls well i just bought a car and is under my name (only). My dad haves a car also and he haves insurance on it. I was wondering if is possible for my dad too add me and my car to his insurance?
How long it takes to find a car before it is considered a loss for insurance purrpose in California?
What is the search time frame for a car to be considered loss for insurance reimbursement in California? I am buying a new car and considering my insurance policy option and also thinking if I truly need a LoJack.
Dental insurance and plans?
i live near houghton lake michigan, and i need to see a dentist badly!! i lost my dental coverage when i turned 21, and because of my age change, i am no longer able to get free dental coverage through my state. i have 3 children all under the age of 4 that need me, and because of the pain im experiencing it is extremely difficult for me to take care of them!!! i have 5 cavities, and 2 impacted wisdom teeth. i brush every day, but i keep getting problems with my teeth. i am on a very tight budget, and cannot afford to pay out of pocket fees to go to a dentist. does anybody know of affordable plans or insurance? or if anyone is familier with the area that knows of a dentist that accepts sliding fees? any help would be awesome! thanks in advance.""
Does anyone know which insurance companies do not using residential location in calculating car insurance?
I guess I have heard a few months ago that some car insurance companies will not include the location of where the car would be parked in their calculation of car insurance. The media touted that it will cost less to car owners who live in high traffic areas such as Los Angeles. Any input will be welcome
How much would I pay for insurance?
I am a 17 going to be 18 on October next year I am going to go and study in FL and I wanted to know about cars would buying a new one be better than an old one? how much would I pay for insurance with either new or old? I want to know exact prices to compare if it would be better to buy a new car or a used one? How much would I pay per month on the insurance?
How Much is a car note usually for a 2006 Chevy cobalt or any 2006 model? and car insurance for a 20 year old?
How Much is a car note usually for a 2006 Chevy cobalt or any 2006 model? and car insurance for a 20 year old?
1 Month Car Insurance?
I'm looking to insure a car for 1 month only, I have did all the search engine checks but most sites want 180 + which is far too expensive. I'm 41 and have held licence 20+ years so no young driver problems. Any ideas??????""
What is the cap for property liability insurance in california?
What is the cap for property liability insurance in california?
Individual health insurance plan?
I'm trying to find an individual plan that covers all my needs. I do have a routine medical problem that requires a few prescriptions every month, it's not a big and costly issue like cancer or HIV. Should I disclose this as a preexisting medical condition if asked, will I be denied coverage if I'm honest? If I obtain the insurance after denying my condition could I be denied the care/specialty visit/meds from a very routine medical condition?""
Are there any homeowners insurance companies that insure a home that needs repairs?
Are there any homeowners insurance companies that insure a home that needs repairs?
0 notes
fightingdiamond · 7 years
KCON LA 2017 fanaccount!!
part 4: tips & advice 
Just some things from my experience! Hope it helps :) 
My inbox is always open if you have any questions! KCON is super confusing and I’d be happy to help out in any way I can.
Tickets and vouchers:
Before tickets go on sale, really think about what kind of seat you want (how close you want to be to the stage). I feel like other than GA/standing (diamond, platinum, P1 and P2) all of the other seats are kind of the same? I was in P3 and I felt like I probably could’ve had the same experience being in P5 for like $100 less LOL. I was still looking at the big screen a lot from my P3 seat. The sound in the Staples Center is really good so there’s no way you’d miss out on the sound experience no matter which seat you have.
That said, other considerations:
People with GA tickets start lining up at the Staples Center the morning of the concert or even the night before (so I’ve heard) so they can get a good view. If you’re with friends, you can take turns waiting in line, but just be prepared to wait in line for hours or else you won’t get a good view.
Idk how they’ll do the stage in future years, but this year most of the idols walked through P2 GA to get to the stage. If you want to see them up close, that might be the way to go :)
Vouchers! Omg the voucher situation is really messy. I had an extra P2 ticket by accident and I hoped I could offset the cost by selling off the vouchers that came with it, but that didn’t happen. Don’t buy a higher tier ticket expecting that you’re gonna be able to sell off vouchers for lots of money! Especially since this year, KCON removed Wanna One from the regular hi-touch options and did a raffle for it instead, so the demand (and therefore cost) for Seventeen hi-touches shot up like crazy. I wouldn’t put it past KCON to do something like that again - manipulate the demand for fan engagements so that people end up paying more money.
As an aside, this is kind of useless info but it’s something I wanted to know when I was looking at tickets: the “limited edition gift bag” that comes with P1/P2 doesn’t really have anything in it LOL. It has some stickers/decals/pins for KCON, but no artist merch or anything. 
This is super important: don’t panic if you don’t get a ticket the first round. AXS sucks and it’s really hard to get the ticket you want, but just be patient. DO NOT spend more money than necessary buying from Stubhub or other resellers. KCON will most likely release more tickets later on even if Staples or whoever claims it’s “sold out”. Plus, people will sell their tickets as KCON approaches because something came up or whatever, and the closer you get to KCON, the lower the price will be. On the day of the concert, I saw someone selling a P4 ticket for $40. (The face value for P4 is $110 + taxes and fees, so.) One of my friends happened to be in the area so they randomly showed up at 6pm, and bought VIP tickets from someone for a third of the original price. I know it can be hard, but be patient! If you’re interested in the convention itself, go ahead and make plans to go, and look for concert tickets later. Do not panic.
Be careful of scams. If it’s not a face-to-face or otherwise physical transaction, always use Paypal’s Goods and Services option. It will allow you to file for a refund if you find out you’ve been scammed. Trust your instincts; if a seller seems sketchy, it’s best to be safe. If a seller asks you not to use Goods and Services, this is sketchy.
If you have a P2 or higher ticket, check in and get your vouchers as early as you possibly can. If you check in on Saturday and get a voucher for something that already passed, you’ve just lost a selling or trading opportunity. Don’t worry too much though, KCON usually makes it so that the schedule of fan engagements goes from (approximately) least popular to most popular over the course of the weekend.
I mentioned this in part 1 of my fanaccount but the check-in lines weren’t bad this year. Hopefully KCON keeps its shit together in this aspect for next year!
This year, there were really well-made fake vouchers being sold/traded at the convention. Pay close attention to what you’re getting: look at the font, the spelling (ex. K.A.R.D doesn’t have a period on the end), the spacing - if those are difficult for you to notice, look for the shiny KCON watermark in the top right corner of the voucher.
It’s good to decide beforehand how much money you’re willing to spend on a voucher you want, so you can stick to that price and be less tempted to just pay whatever price someone asks. 
Hotels in downtown LA are expensive, just fyi.
By all means, have an upper limit on how much you want to spend on each meal, but don’t do what I did and skip meals to save money. Eating is important!!! The KCON food street is a bit overpriced, but it’s good food, and you should go enjoy it! (I heard they cut down prices after 6pm, but I was not able to find this out for myself.)
Also, I had zero problems at bag check with bringing in food and water, so bring lots of snacks and water so you don’t have to buy those there!
Make sure to budget for merch :)
Make sure to ask the Toyota booth staff when idols are visiting!
You don’t actually need to print your ticket despite what they tell you. It’s ok if it’s on your phone.
Some of the booths do giveaways, so stick around if you have time and try to win some free stuff.
I wish I had gone to more panels and workshops, just saying.
Wear comfy shoes (and clothes)! You’ll be walking and standing a lot. I was sore after Day 1 :(
People start lining up for fan engagements (and other things, like the free dumplings with Bibigo) pretty early, but it can be hard to predict how early. If you want a good view, check the fan engagement area every so often and see if people have started to line up yet. 
Make friends in line! You can save each other’s spots for bathroom/food breaks and such.
Find the correct line. This is really important but I feel like people forget; make sure you’re in the right line! You don’t want to get to the front and find out you have to go somewhere else. People in the line might not even know which line it is, so try to find staff to ask where to go. I wanna say that it’s fair to assume that unless you have GA tickets, you should not be in a long line. Once I found the proper bag check line, I was in the door within 5 minutes.
PS: the Staples Center does not permit backpacks, and large bags will take longer to check too. Save yourself the trouble and leave unnecessary items in the car or at home.
Definitely recommend bringing earplugs. I watched a fancam of Habit recently and I realized that my ears were ringing so much at that point that I hadn’t been able to hear it clearly. Sad :( 
Bring a light stick! I don’t necessarily mean those $50 fanclub light sticks, but just something that lights up and that you can wave around. It’s cool to have something to show how excited you are :)
You don’t actually need to print your ticket despite what they tell you. It’s ok if it’s on your phone.
Things to bring:
Having a portable charger is a lifesaver.
An actual camera and/or video camera. Maybe I’m just incompetent with technology, but a lot of my fancams are really blurry because my phone camera didn’t feel like focusing properly. Also, my phone ran out of storage space despite me deleting every app I could and my text history with my sister.
Reusable water bottle(s) and snacks.
Sign(s) for your bias(es), if you want them to notice you ;)
That’s all I can think of for now! My inbox is always open :)
0 notes