#so im behind on more ancient lore
fatalwhims · 9 months
Do you ever think about what emet was feeling during the 12000 years post sundering and go a little insane
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spotsupstuff · 1 month
(hii Spot been awhile) Something I think that's interesting about the observation about how Slugcats are getting so much attention nowadays is that its almost a 180 from how things were in the pre-downpour days, iirc.
Though I am glad we're getting an AU like yours it's so interesting compared to the usual
Im eating with a fork
Yeah, the fandom was not particularly strong back then, but I think there was more Iterator content. My suspicion as to why slugcats are so much more popular now is because the general "cat appeal"*. Downpour brought in wider audience which mostly consists of people that go wild over cat videos on the internet.
Not my intention to throw shade on it, because after all what does my opinion matter to anyone, but I find the whole "cuteness cult" of the internet annoying and, when applied to Rain World, frustrating. There's a whole silent worldbuilding in basically every screen of the game and the only thing that people seem to take away post-DP is "cute sluggy go wooo :3 the Ancients were such cultist pricks Dx". Which like alright, but expand a little on the latter please? Try? There is So much fun to it when one moves past the "religion only BAD" mindset.
DP also I think didn't care much about the Ancients and the culture they left behind (and therefore the root of Iterators). "But there's Saint!" Saint is almost everything new that wasn't heard of before, can be taken as another fact of monstroid mad religion and, of course, it Has to be wrapped in a fluffy cat package. The undergrowth Echo also feels like a spit in the face to the lore/religion than an addition, to me. My *guess* would be the original intention was showing an individual who failed to ascend because of the Fifth Hindrance but it doesn't *feel* like it. If that was the intention, I think the author didn't understand why a desire to live/survive could ever, in any form, be bad
It's interesting as well in the sense that when there was only Survivor, maybe up to Hunter- the slugcats felt like a vehicle that brings the player to the story. The player saw the world through their eyes and got to experience the world's rules, abiding them- the original campaigns were still subject to the lore/religion of the world.
DP made the slugcats characters, the main focus, in some cases a rebelion against the lore/religion (forever beef against new route for Survivor and Monk). So people had an easier time latching onto them.
That is my theory at least. Fact is also when I first watched RW I almost didn't get into it as a creator because I felt like I had nowhere to hook to and work with. Characters are great anchor points for people to latch on to and then work with/through, so it's not like I blame the fandom for quite literally getting slug infested. It's natural and logical and I'm well aware of it as someone who's trying to be a writer. Still frustrating.
Either way, at least there's a vacuum for me to fill with something I'm actively actually passionate about. It's kind of a sweet bonus that people are somewhat interested, too.
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wazzappp · 3 months
Alrighty my dudes buckle up
First things first thank you to my beloved mutual @moosemonstrous, who was basically the brains behind the operation I basically just wanted an excuse to draw tiefling Robbie and then got smacked in the face with an awesome story way beyond what I had ever thought of with KILLER fucking lore to match <3.
While I usually like to start with Robbie when introducing an AU, we're going to unfortunately have to start with Eli. A man who fucked up so monumentally that the kinda sorta god he's supposed to be serving went 'Bitch??? How about NO.' and humbled him faster than my DM can say 'roll perception'.
Ok I'm getting ahead of myself. Eli is pretty much the same personality wise as he is in canon. Insecure and desperate for power/control. He grew up surviving with Beto by doing jobs for the Myriad crime syndicate. Somewhere along the way he started serving his patron, Desirat, the twilight phoenix, in exchange for her power.
Im just going to directly quote what moose said about Desirat cause its phrased WONDERFULLY:
"Desirat, The Twilight Phoenix - companion and mount of Asmodeus during an ancient war, was torn from her master and captured by uppity mages. They were eventually killed, but she remained chained under a mountain, creating weird thermal phenomena in the area. Her sanity fractured in isolation so she thinks herself divine, and she lends through dreams and visions to those who 'carry a seed of fiery vengeance'. She now speaks to the minds of those who lie spurned and angry at night, calling them to unlock their inner flame and let Desirat aid them in their vengeance."
Desirat chose Eli as her champion to free her. She believed his faults would make him easy to manipulate for her purposes.
But eventually Beto wanted to settle down, and Eli refused to (to quote moose) 'Stop that warlock bullshit that EVERYONE SAID will get him in trouble'. And the brothers separate. During that time, Eli gets it in his head that he can steal more power from her by becoming a Litch. Great! In order to become a Litch he needs to have the most important person to him engage in a willing life sacrifice. Not great.
So he finds Beto and tries to get him to oblige to his sacrifice, and while there might have been a time where Beto might have laid down his life for his brother, he wont anymore. He has a family now. People who rely on him who AREN'T Eli. Unfortunatly, Eli is PISSED by this and kills Beto even though he isn't a willing sacrifice. Eli figures 'Whose really gonna care? A life is a life right?'
DESIRAT cares. She basically obliterates Eli on the spot and stores his lifeforce for later purposes.
(all stat sheets curtosy of the great Moose. Also I feel obligated to mention there was a scary moment during the art process where Eli looked like a beautiful butch lesbian. Horrifying.)
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After Eli's spiritual, physical, and magical bitch slap, Desirat starts looking down his bloodline for a NEW champion. Lucky her, Robbie is RIGHT THERE. Protective of his brother, a strong sense of justice even from a young age, a hatred of when things aren't fair; he's PERFECT. She has plans for this one. Eli was a good test run. But she has IMPROVEMENTS planned for Robbie.
So Desirat waits until Robbie is old enough and strong enough to serve her purposes. In that time, Julianna goes out adventuring to get more coin so she can pay for Gabe's treatments of Greater Restoration and just. General food and water and general supplies. But she doesn't come back. She was responsible though and hired someone who was willing to take what she could offer to take care of the boys. Gabe still believes that she's still out there and trying to come back to them. Robbie thinks she's either bailed on them for a life of adventure or dead.
Around when Robbie turns 18, Desirat puts her plans into effect. Seeing as tieflings carry innate magical abilities (most commonly thaumaturgy, hellish rebuke, and darkness) it would be far more advantageous for her champion to be a tiefling than human. In the span of about 4 months, Robbie goes through a rather drastic transformation.
His fingernails harden, then blacken, then sharpen. Awful pressure builds in his skull that is only relived when the beginnings of horns break through his skin. A similar process begins with a lump forming at his tail bone and eventually bursting out into a long pointed tail. His canine teeth fall out and grow back in sharper and longer. His eyes cloud over to black and yellow, all the while his skin reddens and forms hard ridges on his arms, ribs and spine.
To say this is disorienting and painful is an understatement. Not to mention how it changes how the other people around the village look at him (not to mention how it changes how he looks at himself). Even though the stigma around tieflings isn't as strong as it once was, it eventually causes Robbie to be out of a job. So he decides to sell the house, pack up his things, prepare schooling money for his brother and move to the city where more opportunities will hopefully await.
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GABE!!! THE LITTLE ADHGH. Idk why but I got extreme cute aggression when drawing this version of him fdjkslaf.
Gabe still has CP like he does in canon, but with the magical advantages of ✨Greater Restoration✨ he can generally function pretty well. He still gets tired sometimes though, so he carries around a walking staff as an aid just in case he needs one (also he can go whack whack. at least thats what Robbie tells him when he gets a little self conscious carrying it around).
Robbie has saved up enough money for Gabe to get a months worth of schooling at the Dawn Father Chantry in the city so he can learn to cast Greater Restoration on himself. Gabe's recent growth spurt has been causing him to need more and more frequent healings, and the Chantry in their home village of Hill Rock has been less and less obliging as of late (partially due to Robbies recent uh... condition. not that anyone would dare say it to his face of course).
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Some extra fun doodles with expressions and thinking about how Desirat might look and interact with Robbie. I love when gods have a kind of twisted love for their special chosen people (plus some fun transformation horror cause its ✨me✨ were talking about what did you expect).
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Also I really REALLY liked that top left sketch and got the rendering itch so I had some fun and painted it in.
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Theres a whole fuckin. Second post to this au all lined up cause Moose when HAM on this. But its gonna take some more character designs so I'll need just a little time. but this will not be the last you see of this lol I promise <3
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
m thinkin abt the “blunt vs flowery” language thing and…… in the year of our lord 2023, i don't even want to imagine how far back we'd have to go in genshins timeline until we see ‘hey shawty' written on a cave wall-
you try to be better about it, sometimes, using only the fanciest words and the most floral of tones, but all you ever succeed in doing is giving zhongli flashbacks to the archon war-
in the same vein: modern humor. would literally make them think "is this some sort of divine joke im too mortal to understand?" except even the archons need to cite sources on why a piece of bread falling over would be funny- maybe you slip sometimes, but you only ever get halfway through like “i’m neurodivergent and a minor” before you realize they don’t know what that means— “what if i had blue hair and pronouns” but they’re just sitting there like… doesn’t everybody have pronouns….? and kaeya has blue hair- are you implying he’s divine? what about chongyun?? xingqiu??????
anyway um. this is me bringing up my unfortunate (but very funny) habit of saying “i’ll boil you like soup” whenever i’m mildly inconvenienced and hoping it triggers Thoughts about the casual/slang threats we make and how they cope
sorry if this reads incoherently it’s 1am for me rn— also i’m debating becoming a regular anon here, are your applications open? 👉👈
SORRY IF I RAN U OFF BY NOT REPLYING QUICKLY!! BUT I’D LOVE TO HAVE LABELLED ANONS! I’ve already added some taken name I could see in my mailbox so check the pinned post and choose whatever isn’t taken! phrase or emoji, etc.! :)
this isnt super long bc ur stuff seemed chill on its own/idk what I could add! So I just focused on one aspect
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gif is literally everyone reacting to you trying to speak “flowery” like them lol
ALSO u guys probably dont remember bc I took so long but I’m still writing/going to post that Blunt Lang. AU Fanfic One-Shot! so here’s some quick headcanons ill add on ive got anon!!
No TWs/Content Warnings. SFW.
so this was gonna be chill but-
like anon said about even the archons having to pull out sources/cite your stuff to understand it, like finding really old tablets/scrolls/carved wall words 😭
u giving Zhongli a history lesson/brush up LMAO
If ur annoyed at them u just need to make more jokes, leave em scrambling for their pocket notes LOL
I like to think since you sound the OLDEST
that the ancient shit like Phanes/Four Shades/Seven Sovereigns are the closest in speech
(look theyre all alive and shit for my genshin, goddamit i still gotta tell u guys abt my genshin fill-in lore au)
and they’re closer to the “beginning of history” in teyvat so theyd get more references
theyd literally understand u the best and they like, all in the Abyss or like deep in Teyvat,
so u just casually strolling up to Azdaha’s place instead like
“How’s your day been Azhy?”
“Same as the days many before, my lord. How are thee?”
“Good enough, hey, why don’t I bring some food from my old world by that I’ve made for you to try out? Something new, y’know?”
camera pan left to see Zhongli looking up, then back down as he scribbles notes trying to better understand, Xiao has crossed his arms and is squinting, Ganyu is behind Zhongli and is trying to peek over his shoulder, Cloud Retainer and other adepti have like hidden nearby to overhear lol
“Please do not disturb your countenance my Wànsuìyé, the vernacular is pleasant to mine ears and sufficient for speech.”
“I shall, uh, try my best Zhongli, thought I know ye have- wait- thy have? Whatever, accepted it, I shall keep attempting to better match thee!”
He’s literally just → 😰😣💀
(flashback to at least 1 really ancient/old god he had to fight for his life against, they were the hardest battle he’s ever faced, and Azhdaha was helping him by that point too, so it wasn’t even like he won alone… rip zhongli got ptsd)
He keeps trying to subtly stop you from practicing it, he also desperately discourages others from helping you 😭
(Zhongli was about to be called Rex Lapis again when Venti was trying to get on his last nerve by constantly encouraging you to speak fancier, but in the incorrect way, at dinner with them one time)
Like that last content with them pretending not to kow each other but 5x the tension and Venti is fooling around even more so than usual lol
Safe Travels,
💀 ♒
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonderss / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylazaa / @genshin-impacts-mee / @wholesomey-artistt / @thedevioussmirk
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s-b-party · 1 year
Interpretation/Analysis of Connections between Lan & Yaoshi
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Lan - the Aeon of the Hunt
Symbol has a bow (not upright, facing downwards) & arrows
Looks similar to a centaur (like Sagittarius)
Color scheme consists of black, blue, and purple mainly with hints of pink
Yaoshi - the Aeon of the Abundance
Symbol has stalks of wheat
Looks like what a forest spirit might look like
Color scheme consists of green and yellow mostly
Lan & Yaoshi are considered to be enemies & it’s obvious that they’re meant to be opposites of each other almost like foil characters, but it’s interesting how they both complement each other despite their differences
Lan is a destructive Aeon while Yaoshi is considered to be more peaceful, one is followed by death in their wake while the other is followed by life
By setting up this dynamic, it shows the necessity of having both Aeons existing simultaneously
The concepts they represent help curb the other’s more extreme results (for example, Lan’s hyper focus on their revenge pulls in many others who weren’t involved in the destruction of their homeworld, Lan helps create life in light of their violence; Yaoshi on the other hand is an Aeon that can’t allow death or illness as long as they live, which perpetuates immortality, so hunting is what prevents life from going out of control)
They represent the cycle of life & death, which is well-matched by their icons/symbols
A bow and arrows are one of the most common objects to depict a hunter (funny enough when I first saw the symbol, I thought it was supposed to be a deer with antlers but it was only until I noticed the arrows that are more faded in the background that their symbol is actually supposed to be a horizontal bow & arrows 😂 although it’s not supposed to be a deer, it is still good to note that deer are often associated with hunts w/ them being the victims rather than the hunters)
The stalks of wheat that make up Yaoshi’s symbol are often a sign of fertility since grains have been a source of food for many civilizations (farming/agriculture was important for starting out, eventually small groups of people would become civilizations); they can also at times represent resurrection/rebirth since they can grow back as long as there is suitable soil present
Considering the two symbols together, the bow & arrows and the ears of wheat are crucial to the identities that Lan & Yaoshi encompass to the point that they appear in the respective Aeons’ splash art (Lan wields their bow, Yaoshi holds wheat in one of their hands w/ a ring of wheat behind their head); they’re very fitting icons since they’re ancient as well (bows & arrows are one of the oldest forms of weaponry in history, wheat [& grains in general] has been one of the most important sources of food over the course of history)
Another thing to note is the difference between their color themes
Lan’s design utilizes blue & purple which makes them look like they have a nightly aura
Yaoshi’s design uses vibrant green & yellow which makes them look as if they’re part of forests
Now this is just more my own overanalysis but I feel that their color schemes help to establish a connection that presents Lan as the heavens & stars to Yaoshi’s earth
****I didn’t really mean that in shipping terms but I honestly can see it 😂
I love their designs a lot which is why I wanted to look further into their relationship & then I somehow got ideas along the way & fell into a bit of a rabbit hole 😂
****I feel like this thread isn’t finished, I might have to come back to this later; for one thing we’re still in the beginning stages of the game so there’s a lot more that can happen in the future which im very excited for, so I guess this is essentially a WIP (technically I guess all my lore threads are WIPs until the games are done pumping out info about the related topics)
Anyways have my first HSR lore thread ehe
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demeterdefence · 7 months
hi! i just wanted to ask in regards to your whitewashing post, i've seen some people disagree with the term whitewashing and i'm not quite sure why because like...if greece is multicultural and you erase that then it is whitewashing lol. but im also from a western country so i get im biased. just seems like a weird miscommunication? or is like 'americanized' better?
you're good! i get the confusion and i understand that for a lot of people "whitewashing" has become a kind of "sjw buzzword" that has been taken out of context in many places.
whitewashing is quite literally as the name suggests - it strips the colour from the story, narrative, or culture. there are some people who believe the term comes from the statues of ancient greece and rome being "stripped" of their colour over the years, leaving purely white statues behind. the concept of this whiteness became core to the concept and identity of ancient rome and greece, allowing centuries of art and rhetoric to depict them as solely caucasion, homogenous and unchanging.
when we look at the culture of ancient greece, we know the art, the style, the clothing, the politics, the very minutiae of everyday life was radically different than it is today. that's history! we grow, we change, we expand and we create new. greece was not one solitary culture or identity, but a collection that expanded and brought forth many fundamental creations people use today.
when rachel, or many other "modern retellers," depict these stories, they like to remove the origins of the myths - persephone being dressed in american / western "glam" fashion, for example. rachel repeatedly makes the explicit statement that the mortal realm, and by extension the ancient greeks, were boring, flat, and homogenous; only the gods have colour, and only the gods have innovation, creation, and life.
but what we, the reader, have to remember is that the fashion the gods wear, the food they're depicted as eating, the cars they drive - those are all western objects. rachel draws a lot of the gods life as if it was an episode of "keeping up with the kardashians," and goes out of her way to disdain the origins of the culture she's supposed to be depicting. not only does that serve to erase centuries of culture and mark it as "bad / boring," it again represents a very white / whitewashed presentation. besides the few mortals who pop up (who are ALL lightskinned), the only character of explicit non-white ethnicity is psyche (and she goes through her own racial changes, it is not ideal.)
rachel is very explicitly replacing the greek world, the culture, the heritage, with her modern, westernized one. she does not research or present greece as itself, so for many readers, their understanding of greece is explicitly what rachel is telling them. this serves to cover / obfuscate the actual history of the people rachel claims to be telling.
this is a great article that talks about it a little more but in short - there is a LOT of americanization in lore olympus, absolutely. but it's not solely americanized - it's more a western / white-fronting narrative, and that is concerning.
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pjsk-headcanons · 15 days
ok maybe first part of hollow knight headcanons for pjsk. favorite areas (including sub-areas like kings pass and stuff)!! these are mostly based on vibes so feel free to kill me in the reblogs
ichika: in my heart she'd be a mantis village stan. she would like most of fungal wastes but mantis village is especially.
saki: the logical answer would be crystal peak bc pretty crystals but NO!!! i mean she'd like it but i want it to be truth she'd be massive resting grounds fan.
honami: greenpath seems about right. leisurely stroll time for her. plus LOOK AT THE MOSSKIN
shiho: she's tell people either abyss or howling cliffs but in reality shes a greenpath truther. again LOOK AT THE MOSSKIN (can you tell i like the little shrubby guys)
minori: fog canyon or crystal peak, more fog canyon bc its a pretty area and its connected to a bunch of places too
haruka: queens gardens stan alert. im right and you know it
airi: my first thought was gonna be resting grounds but like... she'd fuck with kingdoms edge. i know this in my heart
shizuku: forgotten crossroads. i was gonna say howling cliffs originally but nah she'd vibe in crossroads. the betrayal when infected crossroads tho
kohane: city of tears? yeah. city of tears. probably specifically right side city tho
an: hmm.... she'd vibe with crystal peaks. maybe a love-hate relationship with deepnest though. nosk scared her half to death tho
akito: the heart is telling me deepnest. he likes sitting in galiens room. may or may not be because it's farthest from kingdoms edge (makes sense in a bit)
toya: soul sanctum, i think he'd be obsessed with the ost and constantly refight soul master in godhome
tsukasa: is it not obvious. cool glad we're agreeing on city of tears. wait, you thought i was gonna say crystal peak?
emu: crystal peak truther. also she would only have 8 3/4 masks bc even though she knows the last mask shard is behind enraged guardian she doesnt want to disturb crystal guardian. consequently would not have that bench.
nene: multiple favorites because of different reasons. kingdoms edge bc she vibes with it hard. dirtmouth because of grimm troupe. queens gardens because of white lady and pretty. godhome because she can fight everyone again (can you tell im projecting except for godhome)
rui: oh how i WANT to say royal waterways but nah. deepnest vibes
kanade: white palace. the ost, lore, and overall vibes are all there. i think she'd be interested in the ost the most
mafuyu: city of tears left side. or abyss/all of ancient basin but thats not her fav anymore post 3rd anni
ena: kingdoms edge bc of multiple reasons, pretty landscape (looking at you top bench), good ost, farthest from deepnest (see what i meant), hornet fight (in my heart favorite npc in ena's eyes). also oddly reminds me of the what lies ahead, what lies behind set
mizuki: crystal peak stan but also just adores all of the top of hallownest (howling cliffs, king's pass, dirtmouth, crystal peak)
- 🦊
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bellmo15-blog · 5 months
Precursor Drone Kiera
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Oh Kiera, out of all the childhood crushes I had growing up you are the one I'm surprised I don't get more art off despite the fact that the Jak and Daxter series is still one of my favourite Playstation exclusive franchises. Well, this series and Ratchet and Clank.
Inkling Michael: Wait, what about Crash Bandicoot. That was like THE defining title on the Playstation 1 and you've even admitted you love that series and was even the first video game franchise you played.
I said Playstation EXCLUSIVE franchises! Why would I count a franchise that has been multiplatform since 2001, only the first five games are exclusive to a Playstation system and N.Sane Trilogy was only a PS4 exclusive for a year before going multiplatform anyway as a Playstation Exclusive?
IM: Okay but how do you explain stuff like Bayonetta then where the first game's multiplatform and was even re-released on PS4/Xbox One and PC for it's 10 year anniversary but Bayonetta 2 onwards are only on Nintendo systems?
That's...... complicated because of how no one else other than Nintendo wanted to even publish Bayonetta 2 in the first place... Okay fine, you got me on that one!
Believe it or not, this pic actually has a bit of a backstory behind it's inspiration. I was replaying Jak 2, specifically the PS4 re-release since it had trophy support and I had become a bit of an avid trophy and achievement hunter in the past few years and wanted to add another one of my favourite games to that list of fully Platinumed games especially since I had Platinumed the original Jak and Daxter a few years ago. I... gave up on trying to Platinum Jak 2 after remembering the insane score requirements for some of the optional challenges though and I REALLY didn't want to use the Orb Farming glitch or Debug mode to just get the Platinum instantly. However midway though my playthrough a sudden thought came into my mind relating to the Precursors, the ancient and technologically advanced beings that much Jak and Daxter's world and lore is built around. My though process was basically "Okay but what if the Precursors had hypnosis or fembot technology for controlling hostiles?"
And that's it! That's how this whole idea was spawned! Just a random intrusive thought while playing a game I absolutely adore. I came up with a design, picked who I wanted to be the victim which of course it was going be Kiera (though trust me, I was close to going with Ashelin at one point) and asked Ameer to draw this for my next Fully Detailed Ko Fi reward. And maybe this is just my own childhood love for Kiera talking here, again she was one of my childhood crushes, but this is honestly one of my favourite things I've gotten Ameer to draw for me so far. And finally uploading it for more people to see feels good. Nothing could ruin this night at all.
Genie Michael: Sony ported Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier to PS5 before they ported Daxter! :D
...... Why do I even hang out with you people?
Artist is AmmerAshourDraws.
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artgletic · 10 months
Dimentio lore recap + hot takes
Hi everyone. Im here to talk about my own takes on Dimentio lore. Most of it is analyzing ingame stuff from a narrative, thematic and metatextual way, but I’ve got my own baseless headcanons sprinkled in. I indicate when something is just headcanon and when something is based on lore below so there’s no confusion. I’m posting this because ive got art on the way related to this lore and these hcs specifically and want to have a masterpost to link back to LMAO.
Discussion under cut
For the uninitiated, Garson and Carson are two NPCs in flipside and flopside respectively that will give you lore in exchange for coins. Relevant to Dimentio is the fact that while Carson has a story/theories on every other minion, his information on Dimentio is notably slim. He only says that Dimentio befriended the count all on his own (contrary to the count approaching all other minions aside Nastasia, but she's a special case) and was initially turned away by him, only for the count to read about someone like him in the dark prognosticus. He describes this as ‘fishy’. I will come back to this at the very end of this section.
There is also lore on the creation of the pixls. The story goes that 3,000 years ago, there was a ‘master magician’ who transferred spirits into vessels created for specific purposes. He managed to make 12 pixls before he died (11 of which are in-game; the 12th’s absence is explained in a moment). These pixls were then passed onto his apprentices, and his method of creating pixls was utilized to make many more after his passing, leading to the success of the Ancients society.
2,000 years ago, a huge pixl calling herself the pixl queen appeared wielding the dark prognosticus. She was capable of commanding all other pixls and used her power and army to enslave the ancients. The inheritors of the 12 original pixls appeared to defeat her, and one by one were picked off until only one remained. The pixl queen used its “powers of illusion” to hide from the remaining inheritor, and unleashed horrific images upon them. However, this was ineffective as their pixl could “see the truth”, and together they defeated the pixl queen. However, this pixl was killed in the process, hence 11 remaining pixls.
It’s not clear if the wielders of the 12 original pixls are the same throughout history. 1000 years of time had passed since the first pixl’s creation to the pixl uprising which is quite a lot fo time for one person to live, but we are also operating under fantasy rules so it cannot be ruled out. The language (at least in the english translation) uses the words ‘inheritor’ and ‘apprentice’ interchangeably, describing the appearance of the wielders of the 12 original pixls as “the inheritors of the twelve original Pixl” and the last survivor who took the Dark Prognosticus as “the last surviving apprentice” [‘surviving’ in this context likely not indicative of having live for millennia but rather having not died to the pixl queen]. The use of the word ‘inheritor’ and its synonomy with ‘apprentice’ leads me to believe they are not the same individuals. There is also no textual evidence for ancients living as long as 1,000 years and all appear to have somewhat regular lifespans (even one of the most powerful of the ancients, Merlumina, appears to have died in her own time and only remains as a guardian spirit).
The end of the pixl uprising saga ends with the last surviving apprentice learning that the pixl queen was made by the master magician studying the dark prognosticus. There is also a separate Carson lore dump on the theory of the pixl queen’s origin, where the discussed theory is prefaced with: “In one book left behind by the master magician's apprentice [...]”. I note that this passage is told right after the end of the pixl uprising trilogy where the only apprentice we heard about was the last survivor, so the use of ‘the’ in this excerpt makes me think it’s referring to the same person as the one who vanquished the pixl queen. The theory itself describes the magician’s personal life, wherein he had a wife, a daughter and a son. His son and wife died in an accident, and his daughter died of an illness later on. It’s hypothesized that the master magician transferred her spirit into a pixl vessel, and that this was how all other pixls were made: using game-overed souls. None of this contradicts what the survivor realized in the pixl uprising saga, and in fact establishes a method of doing this. 
It’s also interesting that this apprentice, having lived 1,000 years after the master magician’s time, would have this specific information on his personal life that seems to be lost to time (why else would it be given the title of “theory”?). This excerpt also seemingly randomly ends with “Oh, and some say the son of the magician miraculously recovered from the accident. If so, the bloodline of the magician could endure... Did they find happiness? Or otherwise...“. Structurally, starting off with this apprentice who lived a thousand years after the master magician with seemingly lost-to-time information on his personal life appearing and confirming the death of the son, only to have that abruptly contradicted leads me to believe there’s at the very least a connection present here. Additionally, in that final dialogue about the magician’s son, Carson says: “Did they find happiness? Or otherwise…”. I think this is especially important. The phrase “find happiness” is most commonly associated with the dark prognosticus (“But no person, after obtaining this amazing book, ever found happiness.”), the exact thing the apprentice is said to have gone into hiding with. I also like this line from a foreshadowing perspective: Dimentio’s life becomes inextricably linked with the dark prognosticus, and Carson chooses to not end the thought asking if they found happiness but rather emphasize the negative alternative. It really leads your mind to think about what this person’s life became-- certainly not anything good from the sounds of it. And from what we see of Dimentio ingame, he never did achieve his ultimate goal, his exceptional longcon. I can’t say he did find happiness.
Additionally, if we take the son and the apprentice being one in the same, the not-the-same-apprentice-other-time theory makes sense: if they were the same, then that would mean Dimentio inherited a pixl directly from his father who believes him to be dead. Unless Dimentio was rendered unrecognizable somehow, this does not make sense. Considering SPM’s power-of-love theming, I just don’t think it makes any narrative sense to have a father not recognize his own son. Ergo, different generations of inheritors.
Something interesting is that this apprentice  later discredited the dead-daughter theory of the pixl queen. From a meta perspective, I’d have to ask why it’s even mentioned if it’s not actually true, especially considering this is the first and only time the master magicians family, particularly the son who is confirmed dead and revived in the same breath, is mentioned. So instead of assuming it’s just a random untrue lore tidbit, I view this retraction as the first evidence of Dimentio’s deception and (potentially) the beginnings of his scheme. 
I don’t think Dimentio wrote the dark prognosticus. It wouldn’t make sense given this timeline, considering his father was studying it. In fact, I don’t think anyone wrote it. I like the prognosticus being this eternal, haunting tome that ruins the lives of anyone who possesses it. Less a product of someone and more a force of nature. I do, however, think Dimentio was arrogant enough to modify it, adding his own passages and truths and such to try and set up the perfect sequence of events to let him become godking of the multiverse. He’s longconning the dark prognosticus in an attempt to set up the exact right conditions to be able to potentially usurp control from it. Publishing and then retracting the “theory” on his dead sister was either something he read in the prognosticus he knew needed to come true, or something he edited in and brought into fruition to further his goal.
[The next three paragraphs are entirely headcanon, but relevant to my take on Dimentio]
 I personally choose to believe the mask Dimentio wears is what remains of the pixl that died during the uprising. Its shape being so masklike invokes imagery of a ‘mask of truth’, in line with this pixl’s power of seeing through deception. I also like how him wearing this embodiment-of-truth mask adds to the irony of his character, considering all he does while wearing it is lie and manipulate people. It also adds an element of apathetic cruelty to him: He’s wearing around what remains of a fallen comrade-- perhaps he only ever saw the pixl’s as tools despite their clear sentience and the fact that his sister was literally one of them. However, I don’t think he started wearing it (and doing the jester schtick at all) until actually meeting the count, almost as a means of subliminally pitching himself to him. Jesters are made to work for nobles, counts included. It also would grant him a  bit of jester’s privilege, allowing him to make comments otherwise not tolerated by Bleck. This lets him jeer people into thinking and acting in ways that forward his goal in a way that people won’t question too much and instead brush off, but still be affected by. I also think he just likes the aesthetic. Surely in his millennia of being alive he dabbled in performance; his schtick is too solid to not have!
There’s also the ‘standard chocolate’ item which has always fascinated me ever since I was a kid. Why is it shaped like Dimentio's mask? Standard chocolate is made by combining a mild cocoa bean with either a poison shroom or a ghost shroom. When eaten, inflicts a prohibited status condition, basically making it so Mario, Peach, Luigi and Bowser can’t use their special move (ie. flipping, parasol, fire and high jump). My out-of-nowhere headcanon for this is that like how this 12th pixl negated the deceptive powers of the pixl queen (perhaps better phrased as inflicting prohibited status on her), this sluggish chocolate was shaped in its image as a result. It’s simply a residual cultural facet of the ancients honouring this pixl’s actions. 
I also have this out-of-pocket headcanon about Merloo. So all three of the other sages (Merlumina, Merlimbis and Merlight) have descendents or some kind of living relative (Old Man Watchitt, Merlee+Merluvlee and Merlon respectively), but Merloo does not. I’m not saying Dimentio is his son-- the timeline does not check out as Merloo was one of the authors of the light prognosticus which was written 1,500 years ago, not 3,000 as would be required. However, Merloo’s major power described by Tippi was being able to control dimensions. I like to think that as a part of Dimentio’s longcon, he became Merloo’s mentor and led him to writing the light prognosticus as a counter to the dark prognosticus. Why do this? Well, Dimentio wants to use the dark prognosticus’ prophecy of multiversal destruction as a means of creating his own worlds. But this prophecy is airtight. I imagine he thinks that light prognosticus could potentially open up a vulnerability in the prophecy, allowing him to stick his fingers through these cracks and rip his desire into being.
Getting back to canon information… Time passes, and we reach the point of the game where Count Bleck is recruiting minions. Dimentio pulls up, friendly and charming, and promptly gets rejected. Then Bleck reads the prognosticus and finds someone who suspiciously matches Dimentio's description, and he changes his mind allowing Dimentio into the team. I think Dimentio added that little passage in himself, hence it being fishy like Carson said!
So what we know about the tribe of darkness is that they originally were a sect of the ancients who were more magically potent. They stole the dark prognosticus from them when breaking off from the ancients ~1,500 years ago, and went to live in a castle deep in the woods. The reason for stealing the book is unclear: Could it be they were guarding it? They wanted to use it to enhance their own powers? These are theories proposed by Carson, but considering the two people known to have had the book really made a splash with it (the pixl queen and Count Bleck), I think it’s safe to say the tribe of darkness didn’t intend anything nefarious with it. Additionally, they also forbade marriage outside of the tribe for fear of diluting their magic powers, hence the whole Blumiere-Timpani debacle. Considering Count Bleck is a direct descendent of the tribe of darkness, it is likely that they outlived the ancients.
After Count Bleck failed to find Timpani after his father banished her, he stole the dark prognosticus and used it to destroy his dimension and decided to do the same with all worlds. I personally choose to believe Castle Bleck is what remains of Count Bleck’s home dimension.
What IS unclear is how the ancients got possession of the dark prognosticus for it to be stolen in the first place. There’s no canon evidence pointing this way or that, but if Dimentio was the surviving apprentice of the pixl uprising and one who took the book and hid it, it’s reasonable to conclude that within that 500 year timespan between end-of-uprising and tribe of darkness breaking off that he simply returned it to the ancient’s possession for one reason or another.
Another out-of-pocket headcanon furthering Dimentio mentoring Merloo and the reason for the tribe of darkness splintering off in the first place: The tribe of darkness breaking off is about the time Dimentio was having Merloo write the light prognosticus. I think the tribe thought the project was asking for someone to read the dark prognosticus. Like someone would have to want to do harm with the dark prognosticus in the first place for the light prognosticus to be worth anything, and at that point it would be too late. Unless, of course, the light prognosticus was a part of some kind of scheme unrelated to simply countering the dark one. I think they took the dark prognosticus and hid it to prevent the light prognosticus, and by proxy the bad vibes surrounding its creation, from ever being necessary. They were arrogant enough to believe their own magical prowess could prevent the book from ever being used hence keeping their bloodline pure (Carson does say in his tribe of darkness tidbits that the reason for them wanting their magic so powerful was lost to time, so this is as good a reason as any). Ironically, this pride surrounding their own magic bloodline is what led to the dark prognosticus being used in the first place.
Shadoo, the mysterious boss of the flopside pit, claims to be created by the ancients, but emphasizes that they do not work for them. They then state they intend to use their shadow clones of Mario & co. alongside their pixls to defeat the ancients. Shadoo seems unaware of the fact the ancients are a peoples long past. I read the emphasis that Shadoo does not work for the ancients as a spiteful jab at their origins as a pixl, and their desire to overthrow the ancients via the pixls is in-line with the pixl queen’s MO. As well, this is a meta connection, but SPM’s lore is so thought through (even if not in the spotlight) that I refuse to believe the devs had no plan for Shadoo. There is no other real connection to be made with them than the pixl queen.
On Shadoo/the pixl queen, despite apparently having the motivation of being repulsed by how pixls are made, has no problems using them as tools, what with Shadoo wanting to kill and clone mario and co. to use their pixls and the pixl queen’s ability to “command” all pixls (not to be confused with her having convinced them to join the rebellion; this is stated as a power. She ordered them to rebel, and they did). I think it’s important to emphasize here that in her uprising Shadoo being “horrified by the deeds of her father... That she wanted no one to ever use Pixls again.” Does not mean saving the pixls that currently exist. Based on her actions, it means one of two things: exacting revenge on the ancients as a whole for taking her from her afterlife and stuffing her into an object (and depending on her selfishness, the other pixls as well), or destroying all ancients AND pixls, most likely out of revenge and mercy respectively. Regardless, she uses the other pixls as tools despite being one herself. There is much to think about in regards to how the ancients thought if this much dissonance can be built up, but that is all speculation. I just wanted to draw attention to it as I find it very interesting to think about.
In regards to powers: A connection between shadoo and Dimentio/her brother is in the pixl queen’s powers of illusion to hide from sight and the manifesting of horrible images. Dimentio has both of these powers, regularly disguising himself  to eavesdrop on Castle Bleck’s comings and goings. And while it is funny to joke about Mario & co. going to hell and dying, Jaydes does confirm that Mario and the gang are not actually dead, instead just having been warped there. The explosions were just Dimentio memeing on them (ie. manifesting horrible images). Additionally, the pixl queen also had the power to brainwash all pixls into following her orders. I’m sure we all remember who else is known for their brainwashing. Perhaps Dimentio took some familial inspiration?
Finally, despite the pixl queen being vanquished, a shadow of her still remained to be dealt with and was subsequently locked in the pit. This parallels the final act of SPM, wherein even after Super Dimentio’s defeat, "a shadow of his power" is left behind still controlling the chaos heart, leading to the ending wedding sequence.
For convenience, I will TLDR the timeline (including HCs) into a list of bullet points:
-3,000 years ago, a master magician had a family consisting of a wife, daughter and son. His wife and son die in an accident (the son being presumed dead), and his daughter dies of an illness soon after.
-master magician, studying the prognosticus, uses its power to take his daughter's spirit and place it into what would become the first pixl. He does this 12 more times before dying.
-His knowledge is used to create more pixls on top of these original 12, leaving to the golden age of the ancients
-for the past 1,000 years the son, Dimentio, has been doing unspecified activities, likely related to magic, maybe performing if he's gone full quirky-mode. In recent times he has gained enough status and honour to inherit one of his father’s original pixls, one capable of seeing the truth.
-2,000 years ago the master magician’s daughter emerges as the pixl queen and uses her powers to control pixls and enslaves the ancients
-Dimentio, alongside the 11 other original pixl inheritors fight tooth and nail to defeat the pixl queen. All of them die, including pixls, aside from Dimentio.
-The pixl queen only exists as a shadow of herself. (There is a slight complication lorewise here, with flipside being implied to be built 1,500 years ago. However, this is never directly stated, only implied as its designer, Merlight, is hung alongside murals of Merlumina (who states she was alive 1,500 years ago), Merloo (author of the light prognosticus and as such had to be alive 1,500 years ago) and Merlimbis (creator of the purity heart; had to be 1,500 years ago). However, I can find nothing on flipside being confirmed 1,500 years old. I CAN find that the pit of 100 trials was made to experiment with the power of the pure hearts, so we DO know they were constructed 1,500 years ago. Where was Shadoo in the meantime? I suppose it can remain up in the air; she did wait 1,000 years after her creation to start her uprising! Maybe she just likes existing fashionably late.)
-Dimentio publishes, then retracts the theory that the original pixl was his sister. It is unclear if he knew this from the start, or only realized this confronting her. I think it’s far darker if he knew from the start and simply didn’t care, and as such I like this one more.
-At some point Dimentio returns the dark prognosticus to the ancients
-1,500 years ago Dimentio mentors Merloo in dimensional magic and influences the light prognosticus to a certain extent. The pure hearts are created, tested, and distributed across dimensions.
-The tribe of darkness steals the dark prognosticus and splits off from the ancients due to skepticism regarding the light prognosticus project. They set up their new home in a castle in the woods
-Time passes.
-Blumiere and Timpani fall in love.
-Blumiere and Timpani are forced apart
-Blumiere scours dimensions looking for his lover, bumping into Nastasia who tags along (see Carson’s “Nastasia” and “of Bats and Men”for a recap; this ones pretty straightforward)
-Count Bleck steals the dark prognosticus from his people and destroys his home dimension
-Count Bleck recruits minions for his cause of destroying the world. He lies about reshaping it into a better world. 
-Count Bleck is approached by the master of dimensions, pleaser of crowds.
-game start.
I don’t know! There’s not much to really go off of for Dimentio. We know he wants to remake the world as he sees fit, but what caused this desire and when it happened is left completely unexplored. Did it happen when the light prognosticus was being written? Or maybe during the pixl uprising? Was the revelation his sister was the pixl queen a surprise or did he know and use it to further his goals? When he was presumed dead alongside his mother? Maybe even before that; was he the one responsible for the accident that killed his mother? Was he responsible for his sisters’ illness so she would become the pixl queen so he could get his hands on the dark prognosticus? How much of his life was simple tragedy and how much of it was him manipulating the world to get his way? 
I personally don’t think it matters. Narratively, I’m quite charmed by this question existing unanswered in the first place. It’s the embodiment of the dark prognosticus: how much of its events are predetermined, and how much of it is just random, tragic chance?
"This prophetic book was a mysterious tome full of stories of future events. Of course, many people craved this book, wishing to glimpse their futures. But no person, after obtaining this amazing book, ever found happiness."
Dimentio’s motivations being unclear just cements the introduction to the game as a whole: perhaps glimpsing this knowledge we want so badly will not be worth it. Sometimes, knowledge just leads to misery. Like the book, it should “fade back into history.” And fade it did.
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ganonfan1995 · 1 year
totk spoilers
just thoughts on totk thus far
I keep seeing ppl say they've done away with the triforce in totk...but like....im 99% sure that's what the secret stones are supposed to be.
The triforce itself is comprised of the combined power of the royal 3.
But they also seem to work 1:1 like the triforce did in like LTTP.
Also there's 8 pieces which calls back to LoZ 2.
I'm not done the game yet, but totk seems to rehashing a LOT of older lore mixed with more recent lore. Notably, this game feels like its primarily touching on the first 3 games, plus OOT, with some of the better ideas from SS.
You see implications of who the gods truly are (apparently colonizing aliens who descended upon the land to mine its resources...which was something implied in SS quite blatantly???)
But it also adds context to the original 3 goddesses, implying that they had been ancient Zonai who posed as gods to the original inhabitants of Hyrule. Later becoming dragons and mythologized after thousands of years. (also me pogging that the light dragons stoney spines are the same colours as the goddess plumes!?!?!?? idk what that means but cool?????????)
I also don't know if they touch on this later, but it really seems like the Sheikah, esp the ancient Sheikah, were Hylians who specifically followed in the footsteps of the Zonai. I think this makes sense, and ties them to previous games where they were a tribe/clan/family of ninja who were closest to the gods. And since Zonai fancy themselves gods (or at least the ancient Hylians did, I don't think they were tbh) , this kind of clarifies that relationship/connection. Maybe they have a specific tie to Mineru, which would reiterate their bond to the royal family. But that might be over complicating things, since at least in botw they're just like, straight up ninja. But who knows, maybe not??
Also the young dumb idiot energy that Rauru brings is great. Big fan of young fucko who thinks he can be a good king but inherently fucks up because that's impossible, girl ur a monarch, is super interesting. wanna take him by the ears and look him dead in the eyes like, buddy you legit should not have taken those fucking stones out and just lived a quiet life in the woods...but then we'd be without a game. 🙄
I'm still collecting the slabs, the small snippets you get of both he and Sonia's relationship and characters are so fun. Sonia is also great, wish we got a bit more of her tho.
I'm really enjoying Ganondorf, he's a bit understated, but it's been interesting to see him younger than we ever have, right before the unification wars, head full of poetry and ambition. Why he green tho???????
Also really interesting how they've loosened the whole "hylia" stuff in favor for just "goddess"
Very much loving that Link is no longer a knight, but a swordsman who travels around helping people out. Total folklore/fairytale vibes, 10/10!! Also I feel like I'm connecting to him much more in this game, I really could never get behind the devout knight energy. He's a folk hero, he's here for the love of the game, and so am I!
Also mfw "Link...interesting...I look forward to meeting him." my man's been pining to meet ME for thousands of years, confirmed. I read homestuck, I know a black-rom relationship when I see one. (swooning)
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chiyoso · 1 year
i thought my birthday was going to be dull this year with all the whole pandemic, getting sick thing and burnout shinanigans — but creating a growing community... was one of the best decisions i have done in my whole nineteen years worth of choices to do. i love you all, so so much. strangers we might be, acquaintances from afar, friends from behind the screen — it doesn't matter, kindness goes far beyond through each word we speak.
and all of your words have reached me. (cough your lie in april reference without the dying)
this is my first time letting out media of my adventures and personal life, but yesterday was such a special day and i plan to do more today (birthdays over here typically last a few more days since only a day of celebration isnt really enough, depends on the person/environment though 🤭)
Chocolate Taiyaki Strawberry Pocky Pork Katsudon
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Mochi Ice Cream Wendys Coffee
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(will buy genshin impact birthday gifts for myself)
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the name of the restaurant on the right reminded me of lyney, scara and me.
i will not elaborate further.
(also why am i so good at taking pics)
hehe. once again, thank you all so much for the support, i've been planning mentally so much that perhaps i just needed a little break from writing (the sickness and my bday proved a very nice break for me)
writing things
cynosure's ascendance
• i have no idea if people still remember this series of mine, but i do remember starting it out of desire to create a character of lust, battle and trauma and laying it bare for the xianzhou luofu to witness (cough jing yuan) so this series WILL be continued out of self interest
the mara's will
• the direction of this series will take a dark turn. it wont all be happy, but since its inspired by honkai impact... you're going to see more of powerful reader, and come to me in inbox, should i refer to old gods as herrschers? make this timeline where the universe of star rail will be tested by the imaginary tree's schemes and threaten to fall it towards the sea of quanta? i primarily have a good understanding of the whole imaginary tree thing, and i can see it applies to hyv games, thus leading me to the question of — are all connected somehow? (hsr welt's from hi3 after all)
• so yeah! i'm just conflicted as to what direction ill lead tmw with, so please, indulge me with your ideas and help me make sense of the timeline for it.
• (option 1) star rail, a universe that fought off the very, very ancient forces of what people of the infinitely old called honkai, and since the eradication of the ancient forces, they have been thriving ever since, hence the start of new technologies combined with long forgotten ones (previous era combined with stellar resources today) but all had forgotten about them in the process, them being the houkai, and the imaginary tree will soon test this 'bubble universe' (hsr) because simply; it is its law, it is its nature.
• (option 2) no bubble universes, no honkai impact timeline, just hsr itself with elements INSPIRED by the game
• (option 3) come to me! (told you im so conflicted hehe)
stellar chasm
• nngh im making a few ppl wait with this series, but trust me, i'm just studying and playing honkai impact to get a better grasp of hi3 abilities, how herrschers work, the lore and etc. and i honestly really want to involve durandal in mc's progress, we all know durandal is so fucking, so damn strong to the point where she can hold off kevin (im in that part or after so i have no clue if something happens to her, PLEASE DONT SPOIL ME THO) so yeah! i have already an idea as to how will mc will become a herrscher + getting the divine key abyss flower 😌 juuust... let me study more of hi3 🥹 also i have kind of scrapped the HoV personality? i'm going for an eden but more flirty, sensual (not purposely) type — that's all i'm spoiling!
i have 4 upcoming fics as well!
• It starts with a glance (Neuvillette, dark content)
• For you, Ma Moitie (Neuvillette oneshot)
• Neuvillette, your colleague (Headcannons)
• follower milestone with self aware!blade
that's all for now! once again, thank you all and LOVELY PROSPEROUS DAYS TO ALL OF YOU
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Ok, at the interest of @corpse-water, a little bit more about the cephalon oc and the delusional princess:
The cephalon is named Zaton. Currently, his story is very simple and, intentionally so, a bit silly. The idea was that Zaton was once but a feeble foot soldier set to fight in the Old War. However, after a few months of zero action, he figured he was just wasting his time, and thus deserted to go back home to his family. He was almost immediately caught, brought before one of his generals, who was bored and spiteful, lets say due to a demotion or a scuffle he had with some superiors or some other, unreleated matter. And thus, instead of properly disciplining Zaton, his general just glassed him without a second thought. And welp, Zaton was then put in service of one of my other ocs, Lavius (a sentient Frost Prime who is also a massive simp for the Orokin), to "learn some manners". As for his appearance, currently im imagining a brown and or black cube with stripes, because hes, well, imprisoned.
As for the "princess", her name was is currently Alvina, and althought I've forgotten most of her original lore (if she had any) on account of years having passed since the last time I thought about her in any capacity, I can tell you this much: She is but a simple Tenno, one who aboard the Zariman had experienced extreme social isolation post disaster. Or at least she did, until a misunderstanding allowed her to convince a small congregation of Tenno that she was an Orokin princess, and that not only would she find some way to get them out of his mess ("on account of her importance"), but that she would also have the power and priviledge to expose Tuvul's betrayal and bring the colonists justice. Safe to say, she lied, mostly out of necessity. And while she conveniently used the Second Dream's memory supression to never bring up her actions, waking up in a post Collapse world brough about that same form of isolatoon she experienced back then. And thus, back came her persona. (Btw, all of this lore aside from playing princess to not die alone I just made up on the spot, but it should remain cannon unless there are any consistency issues!)
Oh, and as for one final surprise, I actually have an ancient mini-fic I wrote ABOUT THE TWO OF THEM TALKING Imma just copy paste here. So to anyone not interested, this is the end of the post. To those who wanna read my writing from 2 years ago, here you go:
Alvina couldn't help but sigh as she stared blankly at the wall of Lavius's Additional personnel quarters (or a guest room, as Nara called it). Of course, she was a princess, but did they really have to leave her behind? She could've contributed so much to the mission! Like for instance...well...maybe she could've-
-"Hey kid", Zaton, the spiteful ship cephalon, called out to her.
-"What do you want?", she responded, annoyed.
-"Look, don't blame me for wanting to talk to a person who isn't as insane as that pompous monster and his little protege".
-"Hey! Those are my friends and future subjects you are talking about!", she huffed.
-"Heh. And your only ones, right?", he responded, cynicism evident in his voice.
-"You...I will have you beheaded, you-!",she began, before being cut off.
-"Look, kid. It's nice and all when you're putting up that front for the others, but I think it's time you pulled back the curtain a little, don't you agree?"
As the ai finished his sentence, a chill ran down Alvina's spine. He was...simply talking nonesense, of course! As if such a...regal and...royal princess would even have a front! Ha! That idea was so stupid that it was actually funny!
-"Hmph! As if I even have one...", she dismissed, wrapping herself in her blankets.
-"Mhm...And that makeshift attempt at Orokin fashion is definitely helping your case....", he said sarcastically, causing Alvina's eyes to dart open.
-"Well, that's just because I...um...it's simply...", she stammered, before sighing loudly as her resistance finally caved in, "How did you know?"
-"Well, being the guard of a vessel frequented by the nobles does come with it's perks..."
-"Wait, you were a guard?"
-"One of the best. Yet, you desert to visit your family ONE TIME, and suddenly a few bored generals force you to serve their little pet!", he explained, brimming with spite.
-"That's....rough", she responded, her normally bratty exterior now completely replaced.
Suddenly, she heard him chuckle, like he just had a revelation.
-"You've had a similar experience, haven't you? On that unholy ship, right?".
-"And what would...give that away?", she inquired, memories slowly dripping back into her mind one by one.
-"Well, why else would you want to act like an entitled noble?"
-"I...really don't want to talk about it...", she responded, become slightly teary, "But...do you think they'll...accept me?"
Suddenly, a loud metallic bang tore through the ship. Alvina got up to locate the source, but was quickly met by Lavius himself.
-"Not. A. Word.", he sneered, heading towards his personal garden. And soon enough, Nara and her warframes came running in behind him.
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nails-teeth-neck · 2 years
my high fantasy world is based around birthright but its backwards where you get a little bit more magical when you're the youngest kid of a couple (this is due to the god that exists but doesn't give a shit about people, she likes creation and is the reason behind the feudal society) and due to the insanely bad fertility rate only the most magical people can have more babies because women (due to misogyny) can only use their magic to maintain pregnancy, and only the most magical ones have enough power to keep fetuses alive throughout multiple pregnancies.
the god is real like the sun, and people know god is real, but while she is like. god of fertility and stuff, she really does not care about people unless they're interesting. she created the world but did not expect magic to happen. ancient people had a little magic but were mostly like us. they bred themselves to have more magic, which made god go, "Oh wow, this is cool! I didn't expect this!" and she granted more power to the most powerful people and declared them the new leaders. this is why there's feudalism, so the shit political system is literally God's fault.
the average person now has enough magic to complete most tasks and stuff, so people are super weak, musculature wise in general. (besides other societies, but im looking at one in particular) The upper class tries to make as many babies as possible due to the blessing from God, which makes their youngest kid the best. Cheating is seen as like. heresy.
the noble kids never grow up with the expectation that they will be the heir, and many, many kids tend to just become either minor nobles or often marry into common families. As the kids get older, it gets a little more exciting as it's more and more likely the most recent son will be the heir. opportunity for drama. thankfully, the magic is also a skill, so while the young kids have power, they don't have the finesse. it is bad.
magic is the manipulation of atoms (to look into lore), and therefore, there's a lot you can do. it's difficult to go real small and real big, but the average person can do most day to day tasks using the power at this point. fire, moving things, mending, cleaning.
study of the magic and the use of it for anything beyond ~*creation*~ is forbidden for women due to them being the image of God. doesn't stop all of them, but the big things are behind a paywall of centuries of study of only men
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alittlewarlord · 2 years
I would love to hear your thoughts on if the stormlight characters were emperor's on the empires smp (like what would their empires be like)
ok. ok. i have never thought about this before and also i only got into empires recently and am only really caught up on pixlriffs pov but i will do my best so here goes
FIRSTLY. i think jasnah would have some sort of ancient empire a la pixlriffs because of the inherent history/archaeology approach to the lore, especially with her being a historian + generally intelligent/ingenuitive, i think thats where she'd fit best - and i feel like she'd have an alliance with navani from the get go
navani would absolutely 10000000% have a hugely redstone-based empire that she'd sink everything she had into, and she'd be all over the infrastructure of the server, but shed ALWAYS play it as like. her villagers are the actual engineers. downplaying her role in a way where it'd absolutely be unclear where the line between rp and actual self talk is
i havent touched on exports at all but i think navani would export less material goods stuff and more services, like setting up storage systems and transport systems within empires. and redstone itself of course, and she'd make a lot from exporting things like comparators and such that are hard to craft. jasnah on the other hand... enchanted books? and other book-related stuff, to maintain the whole scholar vibe? not totally sold but not against it either
dalinar would recreate urithiru in the middle of a mountain range, and he and navani would be next-door neighbors if not totally allied and occupying urithiru together. his export would probably be armor and tools, and possibly netherite and mob drops? and he'd be the one vying for every alliance he can get but always fumbling a few of them at a time, and he'd absolutely refuse to fight or drink potions for backstory reasons
kaladin. my mans. hed set up in a badlands at first and create this huge sprawling landscape of those terracotta spires, each with a different necessary part of his empire on each of them so he'd have an excuse to fly everywhere. he'd export elytra and rockets, but he'd be really generous with all of it, and he'd be one of the few alliances with dalinar that really stuck and he'd use urithiru as a place to practice his elytra moves.
shallan.... i feel like she'd lean into the DID system by making multiple facets to her empire, kinda like katherine's dichotomy between princess and monster hunter in season 2!! shallan herself would have a very colorful facade to her entire empire and export dyes and such, where veil would get the shadier parts and back alleys of town and do more of the treachery/pranking behind peoples backs. radiant would keep herself around a central palace, and be the one to come to for help dealing with the aftermath of veil's pranks. she'd probably start off with an alliance to jasnah, but slowly separate until they're not like, unfriendly, but they're not allied either
adolin would have a gold-based empire!! i imagine with like. a similar ancient greek influence to smallishbeans, but less colorful, and probably not floating in the sky. and he'd never get elytra to parallel the whole im not a radiant plotline, but he'd play up the yearning for one a lot at first, especially after he finds out that kaladin and shallan are. i also feel like he'd have a raid farm for whatever reason? like to deal with pillagers?
renarin would stick pretty much on his own, but he'd interact the most with adolin and kaladin. i feel like he'd make an empire in the deep dark after ridding it of shriekers and wardens completely on his own without anyone realizing, and set up huge underground cathedrals with his predictions set in the glass of the windows. and the entrance to that would be hidden in an unassuming, bland base on the surface that the others dont notice until skulk starts leaking out. and he'd make prophecies every once in a while that would freak the others out, but they'd always end up a little bit different than what actually happens.
his export would be him showing up unannounced to fight off wardens that get dropped in peoples bases before immediately resuming his unnassuming, meek act. (his serious material export is iron + copper, to try and signify his want to be more battle-worthy, but he's always running low on those materials because of it being an export)
and finally, because i cant help myself: moash would be one that joined the server late, and had a whole plotline of replacing one of the friend villagers in kaladin's empire. and theyd be best buds until moash went and killed dalinar in some prank or another, and he'd split off to his own empire designed like an inverse of kal's on the underside of the end islands. he'd theoretically export shulkers and enderpearls, but never to any of the lighteyes (on camera) (and that limit doesnt count when veil is at the front; in the lore, he doesnt know she and shallan are the same body)
that was a lot BUT i hope u like and i would absolutely like to hear ur thoughts on those designations/expansions on them if u have any!! this was a way more fun exercise than i expected :D
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longstorylong · 2 years
Ok first post ever but I couldn’t resist after seeing the knuckles prologue!
So…are Sonic’s ancestors from Starfall islands?
Ok first off before I obsess over this, what a return to form for Knuckles, his characterization was PERFECTION 😭 Chao dad, how he’s fine being alone but gets lonely sometimes, his fight scene????? Asfhkliodsegvgg it was amazing! Anyways, I’ve seen a few people theorizing about angel island and the chaos emeralds being originally part of starfall islands but haven’t seen anything on the possible implications this might mean for Sonic. The guy who’s been portrayed multiple times in the island’s architecture and uses the chaos emeralds all of the time? Were the ancients his ancestors that created and could use the chaos emeralds?? IM SO EXCITED. ‘I’m Here’ has the lyrics “find the truth of who I’m meant to become” WHAT IF IT’S ABOUT THIS. Wouldn’t be surprised what with the success of the two movies that Sega decided to finally give Sonic some backstory, since Fowler mentioned introducing more lore behind Sonic if Sonic Team allows it. The possibilities are endless and I could be totally wrong but this is so much fun 😍
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trial-by-yuri · 1 year
before i can explain the story i have to explain something fundemental to rainworld- the cycle. basically it's fairly basic reincarnation stuff that honestly isn't elaborated too much on in game. but basically all living things are "trapepd" (i say that in quotation marks for a reason) in a cycle of death and rebirth forever.
this brings us to the Ancients. the Ancients were a highly advanced civilization that formerly inhabited this world. they eventually became frustrated with the endless cycles, and sought a way to leave the cycle- ascension. Eentually, they found it! well, sort of. they found something called "void fluid," which is able to ascend most who jump into it- however, those who have not left their wordly desires behind did not ascend, and were trapped to forever wander the world as a spirit of sorts, and so the ancients became fearful- what if they didn't properly ascend?
so they began to search for a solution. but theres only so smart a normal being can get, so they build *enourmous* biomechanical supercomputers. we're talking each one has an entire city on their back. there are implied to be hundreds of these across the world. they're called Iterators, and are basically trying to "iterate" solutions to the ascencion problem- find a method that will work 100% of the time without leaving anyone behind.
But this was still slow. they built more and more iterators, but no matter how long they waited, not a single iterator found a valid solution.
and so the ancients dissapeared.
we're not told exactly how or why- the most likely explanation is that they decided to just take their chances with the void fluid rather than wait endless cycles for a solution that may ultimately never come. and so the modern world of rainworld is one with not a single ancient left, only the remnants of a culture long gone- oh and the giant supercomputers they built.
i promise this relates to the funny looking slugcat guys the rainworld lore is jsut like that.
also im gonna send this in multiple asks because why not so. consider this part 1
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this is so interesting I love it and I love you this lore is funky :3
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