#so im still trying to put everything im feeling bad about aside until tomorrow at least
butchshepherd · 1 year
Not gonna lie I would've had a nicer time if my brain wasn't obsessed with overthinking and being pessimistic etc
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diah-the-demon · 11 months
yeah the vibe is different </3 it now feels less like a personal chat and more like a personal chat in a public space but what else can we do when tumblr keeps being homophobic TT-TT
yeah I hope so too!! I'll bring it up to her soon as we still have Sci-fi cons which we regularly attend bcs I think that'd be cool!
and aaaw that sounds adorable!! The Sci-Fi cons that I visit always have lots of kids that age running around with their plastik lightsabers and usually clone wars masks of Anakin and Obi Wan and it's the cutest thing to watch them run around and play out their ideas
yeah she probably won't ksjdlsk it's just that we're both so used of someone bitching at us for buying even the most necessary shit so we gotta get used to that no longer happening slkjdlsk I'll probably bring it up to her soon, maybe tomorrow after uni! Hell I can even pay for it myself, I still have a lot of unused money from the past few cons since I barely bought smth aside from postcards / small prints
ksjdslk you're going to have the sickest bookshelf if that works out! and I hope it does skdjsl But yeah that sounds like a solid idea as to where to put them!!
ooh I think with the shows coming out there should definitely be a spike on tutorials for them!! Though I highly doubt there weren't some to begin with with Star Wars being such a huge franchise!! (and yeah I think that could probably be a solid start!!)
Yeah that's also always what I have noticed (it's probably also one of the most comfortable options ngl skldjsk) I think attaching them is going to be the most tricky part but I bet there are tricks to do so very easily!
yeah it feels way more out in the open, like speaking into a microphone instead of like just a casual conversation sat at a table in the corner of the room.. we could switch to discord or insta dms if we want it less open but idk, feels weird when its not on tumblr
ooo that sounds like fun! i need to try going to a sci-fi con, i know they have some in edinburgh occasionally throughout the year so il see if i can maybe go there eventually
it was!! it was so fucking fun, i remember around that age me and my sister would have lightsaber duels occasionally, too bad the sabers were bad quality so i accidently broke mine when i hit it too hard </3 thankfully it was after halloween so i still had the saber for halloween, just imagine like an 8 or 9 year old with a darth vader mask and red lightsaber walking down a dimly lit street dsjdsslkdj
i remember when i went trick or treating later that day i used my vader helmet (well its more like a mask tbh, its only the front half of vaders helmet lol) as a bucket to keep my sweets and candy in dlskjdslkjds
thats fair i cant rlly blame you or her, it will probably take a long time to get over that (i know the feeling cause my mother is like that sometimes, its so fucking annoying. she does it less to me now cause i have my own money but still)
i hope it goes well when you talk to her about it!! i doubt she wont let you buy it but wishing it goes well anyways!! if you dont do it tomorrow tho do keep in mind the sale is i think only lasting 1 more week? (or until everything sells out) so dont leave it too long slksjdlskd
IK ITS GONNA BE SO COOL, id say my bookshelf is already pretty cool because ive got 2 shelfs of books (one is mostly manga and star wars books, other is recipe books and other misc books) i could put them in 1 shelf but ive done it that way so theres space on the shelf next to the books, so i can put the helmets next to the books!! thinking about it now i can prob get 2 on the bookshelf and then the other 2 could go ontop of it maybe, idk il figure that out when i get them dsjlkds
Edit: heres a pic of said book shelf, forgot to mention the (fake) plant that hangs infront of my manga!!! skdjd Ignore the basket on the second shelf of books btw thats just where i keep my socks rn lmao (and random clothes in the shelf below too sldjslskssjk, im working on it so ignore that)
Anyways i could totally fit a helmet or 2 in here, one where the origami book is and one where the basket is, then the rest can go ontop of the bookcase idk lol
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oh yeah its def gonna be trending, i saw one for storm trooper armour a few months ago, not mandalorian but tbh they are close (i mean storm trooper armour was based on the clones armour which was based on mandalorian so it is connected lmao) even if there isnt im pretty sure i could probably figure it out on my own if i had to
i think the way il have to attach it is maybe velcro? cause pins could fall out and if i try to put it back on it will be in a slightly different area probably, so what im thinking is having small velcro patches put onto the body suit and some on the armour pieces!! probably wont work out how it is in my head when i finally do it but i can atleast have ideas until then lol
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Hihihiiiii!!!!! Omg I'm so excited to ask this one-> ok so can you write/headcanon the Brothers and Undatables in a situation where MC can't swim and the brothers + undatables don't know it until one of the squad (Solomon's voodoo) picks MC up and throws them into a pool/fountain on the deep end as a joke? And MC drowns?
Bonus if anyone aside from Satan, Leviathan, and Lucifer know CPR and double bonus if Beel manages to rebibe w/o cracking a rib on MC!!
Aww heyheyhey!!! We love excitement in this house yes we do. Thank you so much for the angsty ask!
It got a bit long so I'll do it in two parts! I hope that's okay? Also I hope I can do it justice :3
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It was a summer afternoon in Devildom. Diavolo had invited the whole gang upto his castle. Solomon had recently told him about pool parties and he was excited to try it out.
Everyone came in, already having the time of their lives splish splashing in the water, or going ham on Barbatos and Luke's snacks.
You were there, dipping your feet in water, enjoying the cool feeling between your toes. Everyone kept inviting you in the water, you tried to put them off by saying "Maybe later!"
You could have just said you couldn't swim. But that was too embarassing to admit, so you just shook your head and splashed water at them instead.
Mammon and Asmo were splashing water on you, so you didn't see the Little D's sneak up and hoist you up from behind. Before you knew it, you were sent flying headfirst into the water. Maybe you should have told them, you thought.
Maybe that would be better than the endless blue, the distinct lack of air and burn in your lungs as you tried hard to swim to the surface and lost all energy.
(Part 1: The Brothers)
"MC enough playing around. Come Bach up now." Got tensed when you didn't Immediately float up to the surface.
"MC?" He dived in to check on you. His eyes grew wide when you saw struggling, flapping your hands and feet aimlessly.
"MC HOLD ON!" The panic in his voice was muffled by the water. You felt your body being held and pulled up to the surface.
"MC? MC can you hear me?! MC!" You felt someone shaking you, their hands warm on your arms. And then your lips turned warm.
You'd recognise that kiss anywhere. It was more urgent this time, as Lucifer tried his best to get air into you.
"Luci... fer.." You choke out before coughing violently and spitting the pool water everywhere.
"You're okay..." He lets out the biggest sigh of relief. He holds you tight in his arms and takes you inside to dry you off. "I thought I lost you again..."
"Whoever is responsible for this," The suppressed rage in his voice sounded deadly, "will pay for it."
"Oi human! Are ya sulking down there?!" Mammon joked as he dived downwards to bring you up.
"They got ya pretty good huh-" He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the state you were in. Your eyes closed and your limbs horribly limp.
"MC! MC WHAT HAPPENED?!" Mammon grabbed you and pulled you up instantly. Even in your dazed state, you could feel the pounding of his heart and the cracking of his voice.
"MC not again please not again I'm sorry I'm sorry please wake up..." He was crying now. His tears and hands were warm on your skin as pushed at your chest cluelessly.
"THEY'RE NOT WAKING UP! LUCIFER SATAN DIAVOLO SIMEON SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!" He was frantic and clamping his mouth on yours now, gasping more than blowing air.
You coughed and sputtered eventually. "Mammon... you...are exceptionally bad at CPR." Mammon hid his face in your shoulder and hugged you like there's no tomorrow.
You laugh and try to tell him you're okay but all he does is hold you and cry. "I'm the worst protector...I'm so sorry MC.."
"Welcome to my turf, MC!" Levi laughed as he waited for you to float back up. But you weren't. Are you stuck on something? He sees air bubbles on the surface.
He dives down and swims towards you swiftly. "MC OH NO! WAIT MC IM COMING!" He darts to towards you and gets you out the fastest.
He starts to tear up and panic cause this is just like that sad anime "Lost my Best Friend in the Deep". Embarassment be damned, he can't let you go.
He urgently called for his brothers for help and fumbled with you held tightly in his arms. He pushed on your chest and watched the water sputter out.
"MC?? You're okay now, right??! MC!!?" The urgency in Levi's voice caught you off guard. You open your eyes to see him teary eyed and sniffling.
"I'm okay Levi..." You say, your hand reaching to hold his face. He breaks down at your touch.
Pressing his face harder into your hand and crying. He's so glad you're okay. "I thought I lost my best friend...don't worry MC, I'll teach you how to swim!"
"MC, you do know how to swim right?" Satan called out to you, right after the splash. There was something about the way you fell that made him feel uneasy.
When you didn't float back up, he immediately dunked himself downwards, only to see his suspicions were right.
"MC! It's okay it's okay I've got you!" Satan's arm wrapped around you as he pressed a warm kiss on you under water. The flames in your lungs died down a little.
He rushes you upto the surface and lays down gently, tilting your head at the optimal angle.
His mouth is on you again. Urgently breathing life back into you. He also had spells ready in case this usual way didn't work.
"Satan...? You...thank you.." You said tired as you leaned into him, wrapping your arms around him weakly after vehemently coughing.
He lets out a sigh of relief and bumps his lips against your head softly, cradling you in his arms. "Why wouldn't you say that you couldn't swim? Don't do this to me ever again, MC, you're all I have..."
"MC darling, no need to be embarrassed, you looked so cute when you fell like that! Come up now!" Asmo giggled as he watched the water, waiting for you to come back up.
He gets panicky when you're still not up yet. Swims down as he quickly as he can calling out your name. "OH NO! MC WHAT'S GOING ON?! MC!"
He reaches for your hands and starts tugging you towards him. Why are your eyes closed like this? Why have you gone limp?!
He pulls you up to the surface, frantically calling out to Satan and Solomon for help, all the while bouncing you in his arms like a baby as a attempt to gain conciousness.
He's full on sobbing as he Solomon gives you CPR. The moment you cough and sputter, he pounces on you, his head pressed against your cold chest, now rising and falling normally.
"Asmo... don't cry...I'm okay.." You say weakly smiling and trying to hug him back, running your hands in his hair.
He holds you close and presses kisses on your whole face."MC! You gave me such a fright! Don't do that again please, MC! I can't bear the though of you gone again!"
"Ah I'm so sorry I couldn't catch you MC" Beel even had his arms outstretched so he could catch you before you fell, but he missed.
He's fastest to get to you after Levi. "MC? Are you okay down there- MC?! Why are you being like that?!" He gets frantic and scoops your limp body in his arms.
This is his worst nightmare. He urgently gets to the surface panicking inside. "MC..please wake up.." He calls out sadly, as he gently lays you down.
You're barely breathing. He knows what he has to do. But you're so fragile compared to him he doesn't want to hurt you.
He tries as gently as possible to push against your chest to regulate your breathing again.
"Beel..Beel..." You cough out his name as you reach up to hold his face in your hands. He stops immediately and engulfs you in a hug.
He doesn't say a word. He doesn't need to. His teary eyes and tight grip as he lifts you up and takes you inside the house to feed you, says everything you need to know.
"MC you're so easy to sneak upon hehe. Come here and lie with me." He was just snoozing at the edge, smiling down at where you just fell.
What's taking you so long to come back up?He impatiently dived downwards to find you. And he was horrified by what he saw. "MC?!Damnit MC, why didn't you call for me!?"
He hoists you into his arms and tries giving you a kiss of air like he'd seen in Levi's shows. Still unsure of what to do, he just hurries you up to the surface.
"They were struggling to swim. Something's wrong. Fix them please. Fix them fast." He said, calling out to his brothers. He held your hand shakily and lay next to you, as Beel gave you CPR. His grip tightened once you started coughing.
"Belphie... I'm okay..." You squeezed his hand as tight as you could. He hid head in your shoulder before picking you up in his arms.
He wrapped you up in a towel and tried to make you fall asleep in his arms. "That was a horrible feeling. I don't want to feel that again." He mutters to himself while holding you closer.
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yesimwriting · 3 years
This Time it’s Different
a/n spider-man no way home spoilers all through this, like major spoilers even in the first sentence of the summary, so i’m putting everything below the cut,, so dont click ‘keep reading’ unless you’ve watched NWH or you’re okay with big spoilers! ive done my part lol, so i wont feel guilty if this spoils it bc you’ve been warned :) 
also i really wanted to get this out tonight bc i felt so inspired and all that and im leaving for a family thing tomorrow so i dont know if i’ll be able to get a lot of writing done, and this fic is going to be so much longer than i thought it’d be so this is going to have to be done in 2 to 3 parts so that I can give it as much as attention as i want :)) 
so yeah, if you like this lmk if you want to be tagged in the other parts or if you want more marvel stuff!! i love marvel!! 
also ive had a lot of writer’s block lately so if this is bad im so sorry, im trying and im growing after some personal issues :)) 
other a/n: also ive been really into marvel lately so if you wanted to send in requests about anything that has to do with any of the spider-men (specify if you want it to be set in their universe or in the MCU bc i can potentially see a fic where reader is friends with Peter and ends up liking one of the other spider-men) or any marvel character!!
Summary: Only a few hours after the tragic death of his aunt, Peter not only meets two different versions of himself from different realities, he also learns two important things about the girl he never wanted to become friends with. Y/n, the girl who’s been his academic rival for years and accidental ally during the chaos that happened after Mysterio, was always meant to matter in his life. Both Spidermen that are in the wrong universe recognize her easily, and the Peter Parker of this universe learns that his y/n is meant to die. 
Also there’s no good way to distinguish between the Andrew’s Peter and Tobey’s Peter in the beginning, so this is just a reminder that at first, Andrew’s Peter is in a spiderman suit and Tobey’s Peter is just wearing regular clothes. 
The last hints of sunlight still hang in the sky, pale slashes of orange and pink fighting against the darkness of night. It’s such a normal display that a part of me is uneased by it. How can everything fall apart so quickly and the fundamentals of the universe stay the same? 
Actually--the fundamentals of the universe are apparently not the same, because until like an hour ago, only one Peter Parker existed. And sure, that one Peter Parker has been a pain in my ass since eight grade debate team, but he was him. He was him and then after our class trip to Europe, it was revealed--by a vindictive liar--that he’s Spider-Man. 
The news made me feel sick at the time, because while Peter Parker is the kid that’s made me push myself academically to a level that will get me into Harvard, Spider-Man has been a kind of...secret, celebrity crush. The revelation that Peter Parker (who has always been objectively attractive, even though I’d never say it out loud) and Spider-Man were one in the same was understandably soul crushing. I think the only person that was left more upset than me was Flash. 
But I adapted to the news. I pushed aside the fact that knowing that Peter Parker is Spider-Man makes the fact that he’s objectively attractive so much harder to ignore because I needed to. The world is falling apart because of some strange spell that Doctor-freaking-Strange cast, so I’m going to move on from this incredibly weird situation.
MJ, Ned, and original Peter need my help. The details of the plan have been incredibly vague, because I kind of stopped answering MJ’s texts after she told me that there are now two extra Peter Parker’s in this universe. But I came back to Midtown High, just like i was instructed to, because this is bigger than me and what completely freaks me out.
I pace in front of the door to the chem lab. I’ve only ever been in here for AP Chemistry, now I’m supposed to step in there and help save the multiverse. And pretend that working with one Peter Parker, let alone an additional two, isn’t completely out of my nature. 
My phone buzzes again. A text from MJ. Are you almost here? We can’t finish building the things we need to cure the villains from another universe without you. You kick Peter’s ass in chemistry, even if he’ll never admit it. Despite myself, I smile slightly. I’ve always liked MJ, and to hear someone say I’m better than Peter is always nice. Another text message comes in. This one’s from Ned. You’re team Spider-Man now, we need you. And the two other Peter thing isn’t that weird when you get used to it. Also I have magic now, not to freak you out, but I can’t stop thinking about how cool you’ll find it. 
Ned has magic now?! He should have led with that. I sigh, quickly texting them both back before pocketing my phone and moving to open the chem lab door.
“She’s in the building.” MJ reads my text, summarizing it for the people in the room. 
“Who’s coming, again?” The question comes from an unknown voice. Another Peter? 
Ned answers, “A friend.” 
“And she’s trustworthy?” Another unknown voice chimes in. 
Silence. Really, they’re not sure I’m trustworthy? When the news first came out and the Daily Bugle was basically hunting him, I hid him in my apartment during an emergency. Because who would think that Peter Parker would be at my house? No sane person. 
“She’s a genius.” Aw, MJ. 
“And she’s loyal.” Aw, Ned. 
I push the door open, walking into the room with a confidence I don’t feel. “Really, Parker, you don’t know if I’m ‘trustworthy’? We fight over grades, and ever since your secret got out, I’ve had multiple opportunities to sell you out, and I didn’t. So stop being petty that my flashcard game is better than yours, and own up to the fact that I’m not as terrible of a person as you think I am.” 
Peter is leaning against the lab table that used to be mine. He takes my baseline level of hostility the way he always does, but there’s something so heavy behind his eyes, I regret not coming in more quietly. The strange feeling that I’m missing something hits me in awkward waves. 
“You’re humble, too.” At least his words are easy. “And my flashcards are objectively more productive than yours.” 
“Well mine have been used as templates by like half of my teachers, so...” I drop my gaze, feeling a little awkward. “But your review guides are more thorough.” Okay...this is awkward. “But that doesn’t matter right now, because it’s not like we can study the multiverse problem away, so I think I should just--I should just do the thing that I came here to do.” Wow, I’m making it worse. I look around the room, nodding in MJ’s direction and waving at Ned. “I um still don’t actually know what it is just that it involves some type of chemistry and...” I look around the room, turning enough to see two men--one dressed weather appropriate, and another dressed in a Spider-Man suit. “The other Peter Parkers, which you two must be. Nice to meet you, by the way, I’m y/n--” 
“l/n.” I don’t know how the Peter in the Spider-Man suit manages to cut me off when his voices comes out so low, so fragile. 
The stranger is watching me with an intensity I don’t understand. I want to shrink beneath it. I let my gaze shift towards the other unknown Spider-Man. The Peter dressed in regular clothing is staring at me with just as much focus. Okay...this is somehow weirder than I thought it’d be. Maybe the me in their universe has an even more intense rivalry than my Peter and I have. Maybe in their universe we actually, truly hate each other. 
“So you know me?” Stating the obvious hasn’t helped. “I guess that’s not so weird, considering that I know y--” 
The Spider-Man in the suit has run out in front of the chemistry table he was working at. His arms are wrapped around me in a hug before I realize what’s going on. “You haven’t changed at all, l/n.”
He knows me. And he...he gets along with me. I open my mouth, but I have no words. He’s hugging me like I’m about to disappear. I don’t think there’s anything I can say to such an emotionally charged reaction. “I um...” The other unfamiliar Spider-Man comes up to me as suddenly as the first. He joins in on the strange hug. 
“So you guys know her?” My Peter’s words seem to snap everyone back into back to reality. Both Peter’s let go of me. 
The one that hugged me first replies, “Yeah, she was a...I know her.” 
Strange reply, but what about today isn’t weird?
“I haven’t seen my y/n in awhile,” the other Peter says. “And I didn’t--I didn’t think you’d be here. Or look so much like her.”
Okay...this is weird and not getting any less weird. “Hear that, Parker? There are at least two other universes in which you know me.” 
He looks away from whatever it is he’s working on. “I’m not surprised.” The multiverse must be beyond repair, because Peter Parker--my Peter Parker--just said something unnecessarily friend-like to me. “You’re like the bubonic plague, impossible to get rid of. Leaving the universe isn’t enough to get rid of you.” 
Oh. The addition is normal enough, but something about the way he says it doesn’t sit right. His words are more bitter than usual, yet he lacks significant fight. Again, I’m overwhelmed by the feeling that there’s something even darker than everything I’m aware of going on.
I swallow back the surprising lump of concern in my throat. I didn’t find out about the Spider-Man thing like everyone else in this room, but I’ve never seen Peter look so hurt. Physically. The emotional weight I’m seeing through some kind of blurred lens has to be in my head. Everything that’s happening is upsetting, but he didn’t seem to find all of this personally before. Or was I not paying enough attention? 
It’s not like I pay attention to Peter ever. I’ve...I’ve come close before, but I always manage to stop myself. He’d be a distraction, and not a worthwhile one. We’ve never been friends, let alone... 
“I think the fact that you feel the need to bring up the one history essay you did better than me in every chance you get says more about you than me. It was freshman year and I wrote that essay after getting my tonsils out, okay. Let it go.” 
Peter leans against the chem table. “Do you think the Harvard admissions board went for the tonsillitis argument?” 
I roll my eyes. “You don’t know if I got in or not.” 
“If you had gotten in, you’d never stop talking about it.”
He’s right, but that doesn’t mean anything. Who wouldn’t not shut up about getting into Harvard? “I haven’t been rejected.” I cross my arms in front of me. “Not yet--Harvard has rolling admissions, so they can tell me at any point this month. But that doesn’t matter, because there’s other stuff going on...” I gesture towards the other two Spider-Men. “Clearly--and that’s the one thing I’m putting all of my energy into not thinking about, so if you could just tell me how I’m supposed to help?” 
Peter blinks twice, his expression still uneasy. “Um...Peter--that Peter, not ‘me’ Peter, is working on an anti-serum, he’s made it before, but we kind of need to be fast...and you were always so--efficient in chemistry.” 
Efficient? He skipped out on the chance to call me a tyrant. Yeah, something is definitely really wrong. Like personally wrong. “Yeah.” I should say something, right? “I’ll um...I’ll make sure it gets done efficiently.” Why is this the most awkward interaction I’ve ever had with him? 
I walk over to the Spider-Man that’s in costume. He’s combining some chemicals with expert ease. I’m not sure he needs my help, but there’s always room for improvement when it comes to chemical bonds. An exact science can always be enhanced. 
“Hey...” There’s no need for me to be awkward around another Peter Parker. But after that hug thing...Okay, you know what--if I can let go of the whole multiverse thing, I can let go of the hug thing. “So you’re making an anti-serum?” 
He looks up at me, a faint trace of something weighted coloring his gaze. “Um--hey.” This Peter steps back slightly. “Yeah, yeah--I’m making an anti-serum for Norman Osborn. I don’t know how much you know, but he’s the green--” 
“Goblin, yeah--I was around for that part. I missed out on the whole multi-Peter Parker thing.” 
This Peter lets out a sound that’s a combination of a laugh and awkward scoff. “No...I would have remembered seeing you again.” He notes his mistake instantly this time. “Seeing you.” He turns back to look at the chemicals he was combining. “For the first time, because you’re--anyways, I’m sorry about the whole hug thing. That must have been really weird for you.” 
The third Peter looks up from whatever his task is, “I’m sorry too. That was--” 
“You guys are good.” I mean that--too much is going on for me to be bothered by something that small. “I think I was more surprised by the fact that you guys get along with the me of your universe. Peter and I are--um, our friendship’s really specific.” 
The two Peters exchange a look that doesn’t go unnoticed. Maybe they’re remembering some fights they had with other me. I wouldn’t be surprised. Peter and I are always arguing about school stuff, but I can’t picture an argument big enough to make us never speak again. But they must have experienced it.
They both shake their heads, practically at the same time. The Peter I’m supposed to be working on turns back to the beaker full of not-quite-anti-serum. “Nothing, I’m just trying to watch the way these chemicals combine...I’ve made it before, but there’s no room for mistakes.” 
“Yeah.” I wipe my hands on my jeans. “Just tell me the kind of reactants we’re working with.” 
Making the anti-serum isn’t as hard as one would think. The anti-serum Peter is really good at explaining things, and with my help, we’re moving through the process at record speed. Though, to be honest, we’d be working faster if this Peter was less entertaining. 
“And we’re done.” 
Oh...that worked out a little too well. “We’re done?” 
He raises his hand, offering me a high five. I take it, smiling slightly. “We’re done.”
“Yeah, awesome.” After he drops his hand to his side, he watches me for a long second. “I think you should go see if Peter--your Peter--needs any help.” 
My Peter has never wanted my help ever. But that’s never stopped me from forcing it onto him before. “Okay.” 
I walk towards my Peter’s temporary work station. “Hi.” He nods in reply. Something about him is so off. “So you’re working on--” 
“An arch reactor--technology, it’s not really your thing.” 
He has a point. “Well, I could probably figure it out enough to help.” 
Peter raises an eyebrow, and I can’t even get mad at him for not believing me. The version of me from before these last couple of days would have...but now, showing this tiny bit of vulnerability isn’t as earth shattering as it would have been. “I could probably figure it out enough to hand you the tool you ask for...if you make sure to point at it.” Peter drops his head, but not fast enough to hide the smile he’s fighting. “Don’t laugh!” 
“I’m not.” 
Yeah, right. “You’re a terrible liar, I’m surprised you didn’t accidentally reveal your own identity.” 
“You believed me.” 
He has a point, but I still shrug it off. “I--” My phone buzzes before I can get my response out. Normally, I’d ignore it, but I know what’s at stake. I pull my phone out of the back of my jean pocket and check my notifications. An email from Harvard admissions. “I just got an email from Harvard admissions.” 
“Open it!” A surprisingly enthusiastic reaction from MJ. I give her a confused look. “I um...I mean, if that’s what you want--the timing is kind of terrible, but the multiverse is falling apart, so why not just...open it?” 
I look at Ned. “You have to open it.” 
Squeezing my phone between my fingers, I will myself to unlock my phone. “I don’t--I don’t know. So much stuff is going on right now, and it’s more important than this--” 
“Open it.” Peter’s input--my Peter’s input--is completely unexpected.
I can’t...I can’t. “Okay.”  I take a deep breath as I unlock my phone. Clicking on the link to my email, I try not to freak out as the screen loads. “Dear y/n l/n, we congratulate you on your acceptance to Harvard University!” Holy shit. “I got in!” 
The room erupts. Ned is the loudest out of the four of us. 
“You got in!!” My Peter walks around the table and pulls me into a hug that’s so unexpected I have to take it. The last time he hugged me is when he found me crying over an AP calc test. “You’re going to Harvard.” 
“I know!” My hold on him tightens. He winces and I instantly pull away. How hurt is he? “Sorry--I didn’t--” 
“It’s fine.” He’s quick to assure me. “A Harvard student’s never hurt me before.” 
Ah...a Harvard student! That’s me!! “It doesn’t have to be the last time you say that.” That was weird. “I um--Harvard’s super close to MIT, so if you ever need anyone to help you make superior flash cards, we could...” I scratch the back of my arm. “I could...” Okay, I need to shut this down. “The point is I’ll be around.” 
Peter nods once, his features softening slightly. “I’ll be around too.” 
“Good, I um...I need someone to compete against.” I squeeze my phone again. “I should probably call my mom.” 
“Yeah--yeah, you should.” 
I nod once again, stepping out of the room. Oh my god. I got in. 
Narrator’s POV 
“So she’s going to Harvard.” Ned watches the door close behind y/n. “She’s going to be like walking distance from us if that MIT lady pulls through.”
“I knew she’d get in.” 
Peter hesitates. “Between us, so did I.” The two Spider-Men in the wrong universe exchange a grim look. Something that the Peter of this universe notices. “What?” 
“It’s nothing.” 
Sighing, Peter sets down what he’s working on. “Don’t tell me it’s nothing when you two have been acting weird ever since y/n showed up.” The two stay silent. “C’mon, please. I don’t know how this plan is going to work or what the future is going to look like, and I--I just lost May. I’m tired of losing people and I’m tired of being confused and--and angry, and I just want to know.” 
The Peter not in a Spider-Man suit breaks the lingering silence that follows Peter’s rant. “My y/n got into Harvard, and then her life changed with no warning...and it was great. Really great.” He swallows, fighting the lump in his throat. “And then it all fell apart.”
The last Spider-Man can’t bring himself to look away from a blank spot on the wall in front of him. “My y/n got into Harvard, but I don’t think anything fell apart until she got those powers.”
“My y/n also got powers before she died.” 
Ned’s eyes widen. “Y/n gets powers?” 
“Like superpowers?” MJ adds. 
Y/n’s Peter feels his stomach twists with the agony of unbearable grief for the second time this night. “She dies?” The other two Spider-Men watch him cautiously, pitifully. “No--no, maybe our y/ns look alike and maybe--maybe they got into the same college, bu that doesn’t mean that the same--she doesn’t have super powers. And there’s no way for her to get them, and there’s no way I’m going to let her...” 
“It happened this way in my world. Y/n gets into Harvard, there’s an accident, she gets powers, and you start to think that things will work out forever because she can protect herself now. And then...” Peter’s voice breaks. “Then you find yourself pulling her body out of the water. And you hold onto her, and you-you try to wake her up, but she doesn’t.” He feels the tears against his skin, but it’s too late now. He can feel the cold dampness of her skin, the stiffness of her body as he begged her to wake up. As he promised to never be late again. “And then you have to tell her mother, you have to explain why you couldn’t save her daughter.” 
The story is strangling Peter. He grips the counter to avoid running out into the hallway and...and doing what? Telling y/n how he feels? Telling her how he’s felt since the eighth grade spelling bee when she incorrectly spelled ‘poignancy’? 
“My y/n was drowned in front of me.” 
Silence crowds the room, pushing against each of them with enough force to break them. “I can’t lose anyone else.” Peter breaks the silence. “I can’t lose her.” Peter takes a sharp breath, desperate to ease himself. “This time it’s different. It-it has to be, okay?” 
Y/n’s POV
Maybe I should have waited before calling my mom. She’s happy, of course, but that’s the problem. She wants to me home so that I can call of my relatives and tell them the news. Obviously, what I’m doing right now is more important, but she can’t know that I’m involved in this whole thing.
I open the door to the chem room, walking back in. “Hey, guys...” All eyes snap in my direction. Wow...weird energy in this room. Why do things get so dark when I’m not here? “Bad news--my mom wants me to come home so that I can call all of my relatives and tell them the news with her. I told her I was with friends, but she said that it shouldn’t take more than fifteen minutes.” I take a deep breath, shoving my phone into my pocket. “I’ll go and be as quick as I can and I can come back...or meet you wherever you guys or--” Everything is going to be fine. It has to be. “I know this is really inconvenient, but I can’t exactly tell her what we’re doing. So I’ll just go by myself and I’ll be right--” 
MJ pushes herself off of the chem lab counter. “You shouldn’t walk around by yourself with all that’s going on. Peter should go with you.” 
I look at my Peter. “You have too much to do right now.” 
“N-no. We’re basically done and there’s three of me now.” 
Okay...this is such a small thing. Peter walking me to my apartment. It shouldn’t feel this weird. “Okay, let’s go.” 
taglist: @alexa135 @gabiatthedisco @bimboshaggy @hoe-4-sebstan @deadphantomsociety @angie1djonasgg @callmebyyourhoe
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content-consummer · 3 years
hello hello may i rq sfw and nsfw faith x reader and marion x reader hcs. with some fluff maybe .. you don’t have to though aaa
Hey hey~!
Indeed I don’t have to but I want to 👁👁
Also Billy scout tomorrow and I’m shaking trying to farm for a ten pull after my 19 tenfolds to get fucking anniversary Faith 😩
Since I already have written Faith fluff you can read more things here
Nsfw under cut❗️
Welp time to get typing! 🌸
Marion Blythe x reader Faith Beams x reader sfw/nsfw headcanons
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Sfw Marion
Marion is a very strict person and depending on his mood swings it also sometimes applies to his s/o
He feels like he has a reputation to uphold so he outright refuses any kind of PDA. He believes that it would be a sign of weakness so don’t try it
You are indeed his weakness with how soft he can be behind closed doors
Marion just LOVES it when you say how strong he was and how cool he was in today’s patrol or mission
He gets really shy when Jack and Jacqueline are around so if you want a chance to tease him here is your chance honey
He isn’t used to cuddling or any physical affection so please try to be patient with this boi
Give him a smooch on the lips and he dEd
Marion has become unresponsive
He will let you listen to him playing the piano!
If he is in a good mood he will even try to teach you
He has an amazing memory and can remember anything in detail
Let it be things you like or dislike or prefer
He remembers it all to make the next date even better
Will teach you self defense so you can be safe in case he isn’t near when you need to
Many people still confuse him for a girl so expect some grandmas to be “aww look at that youthful couple, you have a lovely girlfriend ^^”
Cue to Marion taking out his whip and chase those grandmas and just hitting Gast cuz he was on the way😩 jkjk ksksksk💕
Sfw Faith
He prefers when you hold hands to sometimes just link pinkies
Says I love you at the randomests times holy shit it is bad for the heart
He takes the hoodie he is wear and puts it over your head to wear it too
epic sandwich time
When people hit on you (cuz you a hottie and I don’t take “no I’m not” for an answer) and you say you have a bf oh boy proud sneaky cat boyfriend face activated
You two have matching accessories
Faith once saw couple shirts online and bought them
They say “they are my favorite pain in the ass”😙 #CoupleGoals💕
Nsfw Marion
One big problem of his it’s that he gets jealous suuuuuuper easily
Gast was being the friendly fellow as always to you? Man… you fucked up
Victor decided to come to you and talk about substances???? OH SHIT IM PLANNING YOUR FUNERAL
He def going rough with you tonight and will make sure everyone in blue north hears it
Bondage?? Yes.
He Loves seeing you tied up with pretty bows on your wrists begging him to finally fuck you after continuously denying you to release
He finds the art of Shibari* very interesting so he definitely wants to try it out
Wear👏red👏lingerie👏 He will SIMP
And also maybe just maybe let you make one demand but it really depends on your attitude
Sometimes he just a soft boi that desires some love 🥺
He will hug you, gently kiss your neck and coo your name until you give him the attention he needs
If you ask him if he wants to do it when he is like that you get the once in a lifetime embarrassed but soft Marion
“It’s not like you have to! I- well maybe I do b-but like it isn’t necessary!”
This is your only time to ride him
He adoooresss being praised
Marion will hide his face on your neck because he is afraid that you will laugh at his reactions 🥺
His moans sound so damn cute??? Like it is almost impossible to not go awwww
Say what a good boy you are
He will get harder if possible start thrusting in faster for more praises 😩
Aftercare is mwah schefss kisdsss 😩👌
He brings you everything you need and ask for and apologizes for being rough but quietly, he has a long way to go to put his pride aside a little but he’s trying
In general Marion is mostly a jealous angy floof ball that loves it when you praise him💕
*Shirabi: the art of Japanese rope bondage
Nsfw Faith
He tease
Like DAMN “awww you wanna cum pretty girl? I really need to hear you say it loud.and.clear babe~”
You fuck at his room most of the time and when Juni walks in after he screams about the whole room smelling like sex 🙄
Juni’s just traumatized at this point
He lets you ride him only so he can see you work for it
Smug mf
Leaves a lot of hickies in places that only you can see and One that is super visible for everyone
He so damn horny sometimes and whisper dirty things like it’s nothing even when other people are around
He has the energy to go for hours even tho he acts like a lazy cat 24/7
They so long and he damn knows that he is doing and where to put pressure
He might be experienced with sexual acts but the way he looks at you with such genuine emotions in his eyes tells you that this is the first time he is actually feeling real love and pleasure
Quickies. Yes.
When you give him head, he combs his fingers through your hair and pushes you so you can take him further and when you look at him you can only see that fucking smug sadistic smile
Aftercare is giving you water and then cuddling cuz he is too tired to do anything else💕
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Perfect Imperfections
Sam WIlson One Shot
Summary- 2.7k Sam Wilson x Reader. After a lifetime of issues with your skin that result in some scaring, you have a condition called hidradenitis suppurativa. (a chronic skin condition that has painful flare ups and leaves scars.) Letting Sam see these imperfections scare you, but he is a patient man. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics​
Warnings- Needle use, mentions of skin imperfections, sexual moments. This is an 18+ Only Blog. 
A/N- This is written for @gotnofucks​ Body Positivity Challenge. As soon as I saw this challenge, I knew the topic I wanted to tackle with this. Thank you for such a wonderful challenge to participate in. Much Love always babes. 
Sam Masterlist
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“I have what?” You cringe at the name, it's a long complicated name that ties up your tongue when you try to repeat it, the doctor gives a knowing smile in sympathy. 
“Hidradenitis Suppurativa, or HS.” He offered a simpler option for you, maybe one that wasn't so intimidating to say. 
“And how do I treat it?” You question nervously, what horror was it going to be? Some sort of surgery, endless medications, injections, or worse… would he tell you there was nothing to do but live with it. 
You were tired of living with it, you had the scars left over and really didn't want anymore. 
“I’m going to write you a prescription, some antibiotics and an injection that you will need every week.” 
Your heart lifted a bit when he filled out the email, sending it to your pharmacy. “Thank you.” you said with some relief that there was a solution to treating it. But nothing could take away what its already left behind.  
All your life you lived with these small sores that just came out of nowhere in the worst spots; inside of your thighs, under your breasts, under your arms. All these years you had been embarrassed to go to a doctor about them. But Sam finally convinced you to go when he saw you in pain and refused to let him come near you because they made you feel disgusting. 
That was the hardest part of it, was feeling you were hideous when you had someone like Sam who swore up and down every day that you were beautiful and tried so hard to prove it to you. Little text messages throughout the day, a surprise note stuck to the bathroom mirror for you to find, date nights out walking along the street with his arm around you and constantly whispering in your ear how he had the prettiest girl in town. All little things that he was persistent on, and sometimes they even worked. You would feel that shame lifting and your smile brightening for him. 
He would wink and press a kiss to your forehead in these moments. “That’s my girl.” 
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Now you were sitting on the edge of your bed with the injection pen, your hand shaking slightly from the nerves. Earlier a nurse had shown you how to use it, and what to expect. 
But stabbing yourself was a different story then letting someone else do it. Your fear was getting the best of you and you had to set the injection pen aside. 
You drew in a ragged breath now that you were no longer holding the offending item, scolding yourself for not being able to do something so simple. 
Something your body needed desperately, cause maybe the flare ups wouldn't be so bad, you wouldn't be embarrassed to let Sam see you like he wanted, less pain. All of it could be better if you could get past this point. 
You never heard Sam come down the hallway towards your bedroom and happened to see you push away the injection, curl up on yourself on the bed. More then anything he wanted to take all of that pain and insecurity away from you, cause damn you were unlike anyone hes dated before. Sweeter then his grandma’s sweet tea, he could just bask in your glow that you brought to a room. Your laughter never failed to catch his attention from across a room and when you would set your sight on him, give that soft affectionate smile. Oh he was done. You made him feel like the only one in the room. 
And that was just the minor stuff. Everything in his building relationship with you settled in him as it all being so right, Sam was finding he wanted nothing more then to keep building a life with you. So these moments tore him because he just wanted to fix it for you. 
Sam gave a soft knock on the door frame before stepping into the bedroom. “Hey Sugar, you alright?” You rubbed at your face as the bed dipped from Sam sitting next to you and he grasped the injection pen, rolling it lightly in his fingers. 
“Yes…” You lied at first and Sam gave you a look, an arch of his brow that asked for the truth. “No. Im supposed to inject that and fuck it, my hand wont stop shaking just thinking about it.” You grasped your hands together and held them still. 
Sam rolled the injection in his own hands and tilted his head towards you, ghosting his lips against your cheek. “Would you like me to give it to you?” 
You cringed a bit, not that you didn't trust him, you trusted Sam immensely. You trusted him more everyday that you two were together. Sam was your strength, the one you leaned on. 
But you haven't been able to give up your body issues. That was something you were still scared to death for him to see. So much you wouldn't even let him see you completely naked in the light. Every night you would scramble to darken the room before settling into bed for the night. The horrible scars between your thighs that prevented you from wearing shorts or short skirts, the flare ups that shamed you till you would hide away making some lame excuse why you couldn't go out. Now this, having to take the shot made you squirm a bit to top all the other stuff. 
Sam tilted his head to brush his lips to your shoulder, trying to ease you. “If you want, I can give it to you. My Gram used to have me help her once in a while with her diabetes injections. You have a trained professional right here.” He tried putting you at ease, getting you through your uncomfortable feelings, but you pulled away a bit more. 
“No, it's not entirely that Sam.” You twisted your fingers together, looking down. “It’s-uhh- fuck. It's complicated.” 
He frowned a bit, setting the injection aside and reached his hand to cover yours, tugging lightly till your fingers weaved with his. “Well then let's uncomplicate it Y/N.” 
You lifted your gaze to look at him, this man who had the softest brown eyes and a smile that made your insides melt with just a few words, you felt silly, guilty and like a disappointment admitting anything out loud. 
“Me, I'm a mess. I will always have to do these shots, my body is going to have these issues whenever it feels like, I hate looking like this, I'm so scared to let you see me…” You dropped it all, Sam’s hand giving slight squeezes and when your voice started to crack, your words getting ahead of thoughts so they were all a rush, he reached to twist you to face him, his hands moving to cup your face, thumbs sweeping sway at some of those tears tracking down your face. 
“Oh Sugar, if you could see what I see, you wouldn't be worried about what I see anymore. Your stunning, fucking beautiful baby and I’m more then happy to remind you everyday.” 
“You don’t know Sam, it's so ugly…” You started and he let his forehead lean against yours to calm you. You felt his hands slide around you and yours eased around him, breathe in, breathe out, let your mind stop racing. 
“You don’t have to show me today, or tomorrow. Never if you are never okay with it. It's not going to change what I feel and know. So I will remind you everyday that you are the most beautiful woman to me. You love me flaws and all after all.” 
You rolled your eyes a bit, scoffing. “You make it easy Sam.” 
Winking at you, he slid his hands up and down your back while he eased away. “And you don’t? Sugar, you are so good to me that Sarah already told me I would be a fool to let you get away.” You could feel yourself loosening in his hold, your own arms circling up around his neck to press against him, each hugging one another. You could feel soft presses of his lips to your neck, squeezing you a bit closer. “And I agree.” 
You giggled softly, nuzzling in against him and letting his strong feel and warmth wash over you. Hints of warm cedar and sandalwood tickled your nose, and suddenly everything was just better. You pulled away with a gentle “Thank You Handsome” 
“Anytime Baby… now... “ He picked up the injection one more time and dragged his teeth against his bottom lip for a moment in thought. “We don’t have to rush with anything until you are ready. But this…” He tapped the pen against his fingers. “Will you let me help you with it?” 
You nodded and he moved to kneel in front of you, heavy palms rubbing against the top of your jean clad thighs as you moved your shirt up over your belly. 
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous about this.” You say shakily and Sam smiles that reassuring one of his that makes you feel at ease. 
“Don’t you worry Sugar, I got you.” He was gentle when he pinched a bit of your skin and pressed the pen to the area. You started shivering, your breathing caught. “Hey, look at me, m’kay?” It took a moment to pry your eyes away from the pen to his warm eyes. “Not gonna hurt, I promise.” 
Then there was a loud click and you jumped more in surprise at the sudden noise than anything. A slight sting was soon erased with giddiness that it was over and he was pulling the now emptied pen away from your belly. You sagged slightly in relief and Sam pushed himself up, gripping your chin gently and pressing an affectionate kiss to your mouth. 
“Told you Sugar, I got you.” 
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Couple Months Later
You and Sam were messing around on the couch, your head laughing as he hovered over you, he was belting out a very off key rendition of Barry White’s Your Sweetness Is My Weakness while skimming fingers along your sides under your tank top and kissing down your neck. Your hands rubbed over his head to fist in the back of his shirt and tug it over his head, discarding it over the back of the cough. His own rucking your tank top over your head and leaning back on his thighs, whistling at you all stretched out before him on the couch, making you cover your face in embarrassment. “Hey, none of that. Fuck Sugar, you are so damn fine.” that last word hissed from between his teeth as his eyes dripped molten warmth, flaring in the pit of your belly.  
You peeked at him from between your fingers and arched slightly to reach behind you, unsnapping your bra and he eased it down, giving a groan. 
A very appreciative groan. The groan of a man who saw something he really wanted. 
His mouth landed on you as well as his hands, roaming supple soft curves and tasting your sweet skin, like a collection of honey dew salt on his tongue. A nipple swirled around his tongue with a hum that was like a jolt to your system. 
Lacing your veins with desire, you felt the mindless buzz of worries start to fade to the background while you enjoyed the sensations he built in you. Now and then you would catch sight of his gaze flickering upwards to you, a check in that you were okay with how this was progressing. Your body had a mind of its own, clearly aware of how to roll under his hands, enabling him to shift you further down the couch till he was inching to a kneel between your spread thighs. His hands slipped over your hips to hook his fingers in the band of your shorts, your hips arched for him to drag them away, but that is where Sam stopped. You gave an impatient whine and flickered your gaze up at him. A slight sheen of sweat coasted across his broad tensed chest, every part of him held back with anticipation, and you couldn't for the life of you figure out why Sam stopped right here. 
“This is what you want, Sugar? Are you okay with this?” 
Then it occurred to you he was giving you the option to say no. Some of those anxieties started to drift back, your fingers twisting together as you spiraled away from the moment. You wished he just kept going, not giving you the option. But that wasn't who Sam was. 
It was now or never, and your resolve settled in you, almost a comfort that you were taking this step with him. A nod made Sam drag his teeth across his bottom lip, taking your confirmation to continue. 
You squeezed your eyes shut while your shorts came off, and you felt the familiar calloused hands sweep along the inside of your thighs and spread you open wider, a soft gasp from him making your eyes shoot open in fear, was he repulsed by the scars?! You knew you should have never let it get this far. Everything in you was afraid to look and see his reaction, just picturing his handsome face looking at you in disgust. 
What you saw was anything but, Sam looked you up and down with nothing but lust in his eyes and an appreciative groan as he let his thumb trace along your slit, spreading your lips apart. “Y/N, you are absolutely beautiful Sugar, and all for me? What a gift.” 
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You hovered at the pool side bar while Natasha mixed together a luscious fruity drink, anyone who said these drinks were “girly” simply didn't know. The amount of liquor she mixed with vibrant syrups till you had a tropical blue concoction would get you buzzed faster than any one shot of liquor could. It was just what you wanted. An explosion of fruit on your tongue that would leave you feeling good. When she handed it over, you sipped from the frosty edge with an appreciative hum. “Mmhh, perfect.” You praise while she wedged on a pineapple slice to the brim. 
“I know, you are telling me nothing new Y/N.” She teased while she whipped up her own, the red head sauntering out from behind the bar with her own drink, the two of you approaching the pool side to sit in the warm sunshine. Natasha settled in one lounger, stretching herself out with another sip of her drink before setting it aside. 
You spread a towel out and then unwrapped your cover to let your two piece bikini be revealed, no longer hiding yourself away. 
You felt no more shame in the scars inside your thighs, the dimpling of skin where sore have healed over and over. Sam had helped you chase those fears away over time and now when you applied your sunscreen, you looked over your shoulder to see Sam strolling along the pools edge, his eyes all over you with a wide grin. Making his way over to you two, his hand sweeping around you to grasp your sunscreen bottle while kissing your shoulder. “Let me Sugar... “ He brushed his nose against your neck while moving to sit in the other seat, scooting closer to spread the sunscreen across your shoulders. “You look fantastic by the way. Is this a new swimsuit?” 
You hummed while tilting your head forward, popping a shoulder as if it was no big deal, but it was the first time you had worn a swimsuit out in public in longer than you could remember. You felt his arms circle your mid section, pulling you back into his set so you could lounge back against his chest, your legs weaved through his. 
“Brand new Sam, do you like it?” 
He growled lightly against your ear while nipping your earlobe, whispering against the shell of your ear while he flushed playful kisses to that sweet spot just behind your ear. 
“Very much so, good luck stopping me from peeling you from it later.” 
Playful touches and heated kisses made you feel just like his queen in the summertime sunshine, unable to keep his affections to himself. 
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myonepiece · 4 years
Hi i really like your headcanons and since your requests are open i would like to read your headcanons about the admirals (akainu, kizaru, aokiji) noticing that they are having a crush an how they would act around their crush <3 thx in advance <3
Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji when he has a crush
Akainu x Reader, Kizaru x Reader, Aokiji x Reader
Description: what the admirals Akainu, Kizaru, & Aokiji (seperate) are like when they realize they have a crush + how they act around them
Warnings: none
A/N: yes! soft admirals!! 💕
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he doesn’t really understand what his feelings are, the only things he really thinks about are justice and pottery (his stated hobby)
it’s not that he’s in denial- he’s had absolutely no experience with love or feelings or relationships (I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s only been sexually intimate with 1 person)
it takes the other admirals, namely Kizaru, pointing out the way he stares at you constantly and the way he’s always the perfect gentleman around/for you- they also tease the bell out of him for this which makes Akainu try to push his feelings aside
they just kind of linger in the back of his head, he’s not going to make a move but it’s very clear that he likes you because he does the following:
-always staring, the intense kind, almost like he’s glaring at you
-holding doors open, he only does this for you, he lets go of the door before the next person can follow you in before himself
-lingering, he always seems to be somewhere nearby, usually behind you or in your line of sight
-protective, he always offers his arm for you to hold in a crowd or when you’re around pirates/villains (esp. around pirates) he always tries to be in front of you shielding at least a bit of you with his massive build
-listening, whenever you talk his eyes are glued to you snd don’t leave until someone else that holds a lot of importance speaks directly to him, he always remembers what you say and he’ll often do thing that relate to it (interests, favorite flowers/food, etc.)
-unantagonistic, whereas he usually has no problem purposely irritating the other admirals, mostly Aokiji, and doesn’t care if he is rude or snarky to anyone else, he’s perfectly well-mannered and kind towards you, kind in his own way
-concern, after you return from missions/assignments he’ll come find you to ask how it went and subtly check for injuries (if you have any he will drag to to the infirmary), and if you are stuck in the infirmary he’s checking in on you everyday (finding excuses occasionally so it doesn’t look like he’s obsessed)
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he doesn’t understand what the fluttery, warm, sparkly, feeling is, he finds it quite peculiar. but he does catch on a lot quicker than Akainu, he takes it as a small shock, he didn’t think he would ever experience this but now he was conflicted
on one hand he really wanted to be with you, but on the other hand that would bring you harm and make you a target, but on the first hand- he’s Borsalino, Admiral Kizaru, he can protect you, no one would dare lay a hand on you unless they had a death wish
he’s completely obvious with his crush on you, but he won’t say anything for a while because he likes the chase, and he wants to get to know you and understand what you like so he can provide
he silently admits his crush in the following ways:
-promises, he’s always making promises, that you can definitely trust and rely on, promises ranging from always protecting you to bringing you a purple cupcake with yellow sprinkles tomorrow- which he followed through on btw
-touches, he loves holding your hand, having you hold onto his arm, simply having your arms graze each other upon passing, kissing your cheek and/or hand- which is probably one of his favorite things to do everyday
-follows, he follows you around, sometimes teasing you other times listening to you talk to him or even talk to a subordinate or another admiral, he also does it plainly because he craves your presence and you have a mutual understanding of that
-smiles, he always smiles at you, from across the room most of the time- whenever you enter the room he pauses whatever he’s doing to smile at you
-complements, “you look stunning”, “did you get dressed up for me”, “you’re too beautiful for this world”
-hangouts, he likes taking you into town for lunch break or just having food delivered to either of your offices and eating together
-flowers, he always brings a flower to give you, the first time he sees you everyday he delivers you a single perfect flower, he goes out of his way to do it often too
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he’s the quickest of all the admirals to realize what exactly his feelings towards you are, his every napping though is consumed by you- and he’s not exactly complaining
he’s taken aback at first but quickly relaxes and realizes that he will just let it happen, he’s quiet excited for the moments ahead- flirting with you and eventually telling you his feelings and intentions
he sleeps alarmingly peaceful and it takes even longer for him to be woken up because he simply doesn’t want to leave his dreams of your embrace and smile
he’s not as obvious with his feelings as the other admirals are, but he still subtly lets you know:
-napping, he tries to sleep in close proximity to you, asks if you would like to do your work in his office for company, or even goes and sits in your office with you where he falls asleep on the couch/chair- he also offers you a nap with him if he ever sees you’re stressed or tired
-lingering, same as Akainu, Aokiji always seems to be nearby, mostly when everyone is there but he always takes his place standing beside you, smiling down at you when you look up, he also likes to walk with you through the hallsc listening or talking anything works
-looks, you developed like a language made collectively of looks, judging ones shared between you two when akainu is being all “absolute justice”, good luck looks shared when one of you is too far to say goodbye before the other leaves for a mission
-touches, he puts his arm around your shoulder often, sometimes trying to use im you as an arm rest
-support, he’s always there to listen and provide advice if needed, and cheering you up with shit-talking other admirals (Akainu) and of course with naps
-deep conversations, he likes discussing your views of justice, good & bad, right & wrong- as well as simply discussing life, past, present, and future included, he drops subtle hints about his crush on you during these talks
-trust, this kind of goes with deep conversations, but he is extremely trustworthy, like a locked diary, he trusts you and tells you a almost anything (everything is saved for when you’re actually together) snd he tells you that you can do the same
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s4ijoh · 4 years
meet me halfway (across the globe). suna rintarou
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GENRE: slice of life; facetime call; fluff
WARNINGS: established relationship; mentions of stress
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in which suna is somewhere far away…
[10:22] rin: “you up?”
[10:23] rin: “big game tomorrow morning.”
[10:23] rin: “cant’ sleep. need to see u.”
the phone buzzing on the bedside table startles you out of your morning somnolence. the empty spot in bed next to you feels a weird type of unfamiliar. you drowsily stretch your arms out, reaching for the ringing device while dragging out a loud yawn.
you are taken aback by surprise once you take a look at the numbers displayed on your phones lock screen: 10:25am. its already past midnight in his timezone. he shouldn’t be up this late.
swiping through your phone's screen, you waste no time in dialling his number once you come across the green facetime icon and luckily, it is only a brief moment until he is picking up and oh boy are you met with a sight to behold. if it werent for your concern, you could’ve just stayed there, marvelling in awe at your boyfriend, sitting shirtless against the headboard in all his glory. his pale skin is gleaming a beautiful shade of orange under the dim light of the table lamp thus reminiscing a statue made of gold; his tousled, black feathery hair sticking in all different directions yet with just a few loose strands cascading down the sides of his temple and framing his face in such way that made him look effortlessly handsome.
he looked as beautiful as ever. however, despite the apparent picture perfect scenario, you would be a fool not to notice the clear signs of restlessness showcased on his features nonetheless.
“sorry, did i wake you?” suna apologizes tenderly with a doting frown on his face once he notices your lids still heavy with vestiges of somnolence just barely peeking from the bottom of the screen. your phone is propped up on your chest, the lower half of your face hidden away from him as you refuse to get up from your comfortable position laying under the warm blankets.
“dont worry about it, baby.” you hurriedly push his apologies aside whilst rubbing the sleep off your eyes to try and not make him feel too bad about it “you know you can call me anytime. im always waiting for you on the other end whenever you need me”
he offers you a subtle smile, although its odd — its weak, not sincere. it is not the usual signature smirk with a teasing remark on the side you earn whenever you say something cheesy. it is also hard to miss the darkening spots growing under his tired eyes, his usual sparkly green orbs now nearing dull, heavy with underlying frustration. it made it all crystal clear.
rintarou is not an outwardly emotional person and definitely not one to voice his concerns. his pleas for help were often left unspoken and it takes a sharp eye to see through his unwavering surface. for the most part, the blank expression he's seen wearing most of the time did a pretty good job at shielding his feelings yet his eyes often betrayed him.
he had taken off a couple days ago to somewhere foreign for an important match. you know how sometimes, before a decisive match takes place, he lets pressure get to that pretty head of his and relies on you to keep him grounded and soothe his racing mind. for the longest time, he had been capable of keeping his emotions at bay and deal with his troubles on his own but ever since you came around, rintarou found himself growing selfish and craving your comfort, finding solace in your reassuring words and warm embrace.
you miss the old days when your lover was just at an arm's length and all it took was for him to say the word for you to drop everything and come running to his house, to hold him in your arms and make it all feel better. you remember people in highschool claiming suna was bound to fade into the background given his lazy tendencies and lack of enthusiasm. (what a waste of potential, they would say) suna would shrug. he never payed any mind to it — you praised him on his unshakable nature. it should be a major ego boost for rintarou to know that, not that many years later and against the spiteful tongues of some of your classmates, he made a name for himself as a first division professional volleyball player, thus proving them wrong.
however, he still has quite a few demons to tame inside his head. one of which was self-doubt.
you let your eyes roam his tired features for a moment. “you need to get out of your head, rin”
suna knew you could read him like an open book. you made him feel vulnerable under your scrutinizing gaze. he felt exposed. to have you stare directly into his naked soul was intimidating, more so than to have you stare at his nude body, like you have done dozens of times before. but just like you did with his body, you had taken your time to get to know every corner of his soul. you knew him like the palm of your hand — both mind and body.
“i know.” he tears his gaze away from yours, looking down while running a hand through his disheveled hair and down to scratch his neck in frustration. “tell me how have your days been?”
the silence of his hotel room was eating him whole and he needed you to distract him. most of the time, suna was fond of the silence. after a rough day he found comfort in laying down in his bed and basking in the quiet. he found peace in it. sometimes it was in the quietness of his own little world that he found the solution to his problems. but upon your arrival to that mysterious world of his, your voice soon became his favorite sound. he craved you to fill in the silence that he once treasured.
and so he listens. suna listens as you talk throughout the night (who would’ve guessed you had just woken up), rambling on about your days as other trivial things — namely how you could never get used to starting the day without his morning cuddles. he found it endearing how you seemed to speak enough for the two of you. he was a man of few words so he was lucky to have found someone to fill in the silence for him. and so he listens until his eyes start progressively feeling heavy, your voice lulling him to sleep.
“hey, baby” he calls in a barely audible raspy voice. suna lays down on his side under the cold unwelcoming bed sheets, holding his phone next to his face on the pillow “put your pretty face on the phone”
a soft smile crawls its way up to your flushed face at his sugar coated words, his voice although drowsy sounding sweeter than saccharin. you were so lost in the lovely image of him that you failed to notice that your face was barely on the frame, just your eyes peeking shyly from the bottom of the screen.
you shuffle in bed, turning on your side to mirror his position. its almost as if you’re not a hundred miles apart and he's lying right next to you, if you squint hard enough.
“there you are” he mumbles weakly under his breath, a loving smile on his pillowy rosy lips that you miss dearly.
his eyes appear weary through the screen yet he never fails to look at you with the utmost love. dumbfounded, you wordlessly stare at each other as you fall into a comfortable silence that is however, filled with a hundred unspoken words.
his love is quiet, hesitant at times but never shallow. he felt deeply and feared he wasn't the best to put it into words so sometimes, his love, it hides beyond lingering stares and shy touches. it remained unuttered most of the time but words are futile when he has shown his devotion to you countless times before.
“hey rin. you think you can go to sleep, now?” you notice him fighting the urge to let his eyes close shut, battling to stay awake for a little longer to try and memorize your face for later so he can dream of you tonight.
he simply nods with his eyes shut, too sleepy to pronounce a single word.
“call me tomorrow after the game, alright?” he nods yet again, noticeably starting to drift away at last but not before muttering a quiet i love you before the last hint of consciousness leaves his body, eliciting a tender smile from you.
“i love you, rin. ill meet you in your dreams tonight.”
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[a/n]: so! writing this fic made me realize that im undeniably in love with suna and he now owns a 51% share of my heart. (oikawa. ill never forget you. its not you its me (suna) maybe its time i move on. 🤒 jk jk ill have both pls and ty 🥰)
anyways ye i guess im back from my mini hiatus (as a full suna whore) :))
this is honestly a word dump, initially this was supposed to be like... what.. 500 words long? i just thought of the prompt “put your pretty face on the phone” and the rest is just me pouring my love for him into words ah-ha. (you probably noticed how it is unnecessarily cheesy 🙄)
just for the record!! i havent finished season 4 just yet 🐸 lmao. i took inspiration off of nooras (@/inarzki) characterization of suna because she was the one who made me fall in love with him in the first place.
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woodsteingirl · 3 years
okay here’s the much awaited (at least for me) first chapter of my multi chapter fic, where we go from here! it will be below the cut but i’m also uploading it to ao3 here
It was supposed to be a run-of-the-mill ghoul hunt. They’d be back in a day at most. But it had been more than a day and Jack was getting worried. Normally he wouldn't be this on edge, but Sam was off the grid with Eileen and wouldn't be in range for a few days. Dean and Cas had gone to Tennessee three days ago to deal with a call from a concerned local authority who got their number after another hunter had stopped by the town to deal with a vampire nest. They’d promised Jack they would call him if they really needed him, but they hadn't been picking up his calls or listening to any of his voicemails. So he did the only thing someone with the innermost thoughts of a four-year-old would. He contacted the first person he could think of that Dean and Cas cared about, minus Sam.
Claire was doing the normal thing to be doing at one in the morning on a Tuesday. Sleeping. She was understandably alarmed when someone knocked on the door at that hour. She opened the door, marine-grade knife in hand (a birthday present from Dean), to a kid no older than herself.
“Who the fuck are you and what are you doing at my house at two in the morning,” she questioned.
“Hi! I’m Jack.” He raised his hand and did a little wave.
“Okay, Jack, still doesn’t explain why you’re here.”
“I’m sort of your little brother? Did Dean and Cas not tell you?”
Dean and Cas? Huh. They had mentioned a kid, but she had expected a toddler not a teenage boy. “The god kid?”
“Huh. Okay then, so why aren’t you with Dean and Cas right now? They kick you out or something?”
“No, they’ve been on a hunting trip. They haven’t been home or answered any of my calls in a few days,” he shifted his weight from one leg to the other, “I came here to see if you’d help me look for them.”
Claire could see how worried the kid was and if anything she was no stranger to absent parents and she’d stop anyone going through that if she could. Plus it’s not like she had anything better to do these days.
“Okay but you have to let me get the rest of my night’s sleep. I’ll pack a bag and we’ll hit the road tomorrow morning.”
Jack was pretty much beaming at her now, it was evident that he looked up to Claire from what Dean and Cas had told him about her. Kaia, who he regularly talked to, also told him a lot about Claire. She was like the sibling he never had!
Claire already had a bag packed. It was her ‘drop everything, something bad has happened and I need to haul ass’ bag, so far she hadn’t had to use it aside from one time she just didn’t feel like packing a real bag. She didn’t think she ever would have to, but here she was. The stakes of the whole ordeal hadn’t set in her mind until now. If they didn’t find them or get there in time, Dean and Cas could be dead. They could be dead right now. She put those thoughts out of her mind, in favor of the more optimistic outlook of Jack’s probably just paranoid. She still couldn’t sleep very well that night.
Jack was still sitting on the couch in the living room. Claire still lived with Jody and the other girls so he couldn’t do much else without waking someone up. He eventually fell asleep on the couch. He woke up when Claire came into the room.
“You ready to go or what?” She asked.
“Yeah yeah im ready,” he mumbled back, still half asleep.
“Do you want me to drive?” Claire asked.
“I don’t have a car,” Jack said, with a look like it was the most obvious thing in the world that he wouldn’t have a car.
“How the hell did you get here then?”
“I can teleport.”
“I guess I’m driving then.”
Claire put her bag in the back seat and Jack took the passenger seat of Claire’s old Subaru. And they were off.
“So where are we going”
“Dean said they were going to Tennessee for a ghoul hunt. Someone in a small town called them, I’m not sure what town though.”
“Well, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover, then.”
They did have a lot of ground to cover. The seventeen-hour drive from South Dakota to Tennessee was a lot in and of itself, but to try and find Dean and Cas without having a clue where to look was another story.
“Do you want to look in the news for somewhere to start?” Claire asked, not looking away from the road. “Maybe if you found something in our lane we could take care of that and see if they knew anything about Dean and Cas.”
“Good idea.” Jack seemed to be happy just being out of the bunker and having something to do. He pulled out his phone to look at any news, he looked at all the major cities first. There weren’t that many. Nothing in Nashville or Knoxville.
“Heres something! A public works director in Chattanooga ran over the city treasurer with a car.”
“That just sounds like regular murder. Probably for money or something, maybe they wanted the position.”
“Yeah but there have been an increasing number of murder cases there, way more than normal, all in the past two weeks. It’s worth a shot, isn’t it? If it’s not our thing then we can just move on.”
“Chattanooga here we come, I guess,” Claire said. It wasn’t exactly the place she had thought of when thinking of the trip, she’d imagined a lot more action and less investigating a murder in Tennessee. But hey, it’s not for her sake. If it gets Dean and Cas back safe it’s worth it in her eyes.
About another hour passed in relative silence. It was going to get awkward if they were like this for another 12 hours.
“So do you listen to music?” Claire asked, just to break the silence.
“Yeah, I do. Mostly whatever Dean listens to.”
“Well do you want to play something?”
“Sure!” He seemed oddly excited about something as ordinary as picking the music, but he mostly rode in the car with Dean which means other people seldom got their say in what they listened to. Claire’s car had an aux cable which was also more than one could say about Baby. Jack really didn’t listen to much, he would listen to Disney soundtracks on occasion, but those are a sort of ‘listen to it once then it gets annoying’ thing.
“What are your thoughts on lo-fi hip hop beats to chill/study/sleep to,” Jack asked in a way that didn’t really sound like a question.
“There is really nothing else you can think of. In your super powerful angel kid brain, all you can think of is lo-fi beats to chill/study/sleep to.”
“Do you have a better idea?”
Truth be told Claire would rather listen to anything but lo-fi beats at the moment, but when put on the spot like that it’s hard to come up with an idea.
“We could just take turns playing songs for a while.”
It was a flat stretch of land for a good amount of miles up ahead so Claire didn’t need to focus so much energy on watching the road.
They went back and forth, Jack played Rainbow Connection from the Muppets and Claire played Celebrity Skin by Hole, so on and so forth. They went on like this for a while, Jack really liked Abba apparently. They eventually agreed on one of the premade “road trip” playlists on spotify. It was mostly dad rock.
“You still need to eat and stuff, right?”
“Yes, I may be part angel but I still have human DNA and organs.”
“Do you want to stop soon? It might be nice to stay overnight somewhere and just get there in the afternoon.”
“Sure. Saint Lewis isn’t too far away from here.”
They stopped at a shitty fast food restaurant and then went to try and find a motel. Instead of stopping directly in Saint Lewis, they decided to go nearer to Mark Twain National Park, as they figured they would find better luck finding somewhere available without a reservation. And they did. A shabby-looking motel almost directly off the one-lane road. They headed inside and sure enough, there were more than enough rooms. It was by no means the most pleasant place either of them had stayed, but it would do for the night. They’d be out early tomorrow morning. They checked in, the woman working at the desk couldn’t have been more than in her early twenties, which wasn’t what you would think of when you walked in, but they’d seen more suspicious things. Claire dumped her bag at the end of the bed closest to the door.
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That Damn Sex Pollen - Part 2
Pairing : Steve x Reader / Bucky x Reader
Words: 1800+
Warnings: Mild smut / swearing... nothing too bad!
A/N: Found part 2 in my drafts so here it is! There will be a final part to follow.
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It had been just over 2 weeks since the Sex Pollen incident with Bucky, the incident that led to us having mind blowing sex and confessing to feelings we'd been hiding for a while. This wouldn't have been a problem if i wasn't already engaged to his best friend Steve Rogers!! Aka Captain America!!
Now don't get me wrong i love Steve, i love Steve more than I've ever loved anyone.... but i cant deny that i don't love Bucky as well! Since the moment Steve introduced me to his long lost best friend there was something between us, we had never admitted to our feelings or acted on them in anyway we kept it to ourselves. I had decided to push my feelings for Bucky aside and give Steve my everything.....That was until that damn sex pollen!!
Bucky volunteered to go on a mission with Sam and Nat the day after we got back to the compound and had been avoiding me ever since they got back a week ago, he would even leave the room as soon as i walked in!
Steve was currently in a meeting with Tony so i headed down to the gym hoping id see Bucky and we could talk about what happened and try and clear the air, if he kept avoiding me the way he was then Steve would get suspicious!
I walked into the gym and saw Bucky lifting weights  in the corner, i also saw the second he noticed me enter the room!! The weights were dropped and he started grabbing his things to leave.
"Bucky will you stop!" I said rushing over to him "you cant keep running away from me!"
"I just think its best to put some distance between us Y/N" he mumbled still avoiding eye contact.
"So you don't think we should talk about what happened in that warehouse?"
"No. No i don't! I think we need to forget all about that!"
"Fine! It never happened! But you need to get your shit together Buck! If you keep leaving every room i walk into Steve will know somethings wrong! You and me always got along before.... you were always hanging out with us and now? This is the first time I've spoken to you in 2 weeks!"
"I cant sit around and watch you and Steve together okay! It hurts too much.... I'm trying doll, i really am. I just need some time and space"
"Don't" he said simply shaking his head keeping his distance from me.
"Okay..... i miss you" i told him truthfully as i backed away towards the door, Bucky gave me the smallest smile and nodded in agreement.
I was sitting on the sofa watching a movie when Steve walked in a couple hours later.
"Hey sweetheart" he smiled leaning over the arm of the sofa and pressing his lips to mine.
"Hey babe, how'd your meeting go?" I asked grabbing his hand and pulling him down on the sofa with me. He chuckled but quickly settled down and pulled me into his arms.
"It was okay, just going over some details of tomorrows mission"
"Who's going?"
"Me, Buck, Wanda and Vision"
"I get the day off! Woo hoo" i joked as my hand moved under the hem of Steve's tshirt, my fingers stroking over the smooth patch of skin under his belly button.
"You fancy going for a run with me?" He asked as i felt his fingers stroke the back of my neck.
"Not at all" i laughed "i just wanna stay here with you and watch a movie"
"You keep that up we're gonna be doing more than watching a movie" he mumbled looking down at where my hand was still stroking.
"Oh really?.... you like this huh?"
"Y/N...." Steve said before shaking his head chuckling.
"What?..... i like your happy trail"
"You do?"
"Mmhmmm...." my hand slowly stroked over the area again before slipping into the band of his sweat pants and finding his already hard cock "you do like that!" I teased as my hand wrapped around him and slowly started stroking.
"Jesus..... baby that feels amazing" he said as his head fell back against the sofa.
"See, isnt this better than going for a run?"
"Im not gonna argue with that!" He laughed before pulling me closer and kissing me hard. I quickly found myself straddling Steve, dry humping the huge bulge in his trousers as we made out like teenagers. I pulled his t-shirt off and trailed kisses up his chest to his neck... biting at that area where his neck and shoulder joined. Steve had one hand under my shirt fondling a breast whilst the other gripped my hip and rocked me against his hard cock.
"I need to be inside you" he mumbled in my ear before nipping at my earlobe.
"Please Steve...." i begged reaching into his sweat pants to free his cock.
There was a quick knock at the front door to our apartment before it opened
"Hey Steve, you ready...." Bucky was saying as he walked through the door.
"Oh shit!.... im sorry!" He said quickly turning to leave.
"Fuck!....Sorry pal i completely forgot, i got a little distracted" Steve chuckled "can we finish this later?" He said quietly to me and i nodded before climbing off his lap and heading to the bedroom.
"Its fine, we can go tomorrow" Bucky shrugged looking very uncomfortable.
"No lets go" Steve said standing up and grabbing his shirt from the floor.
"You might want to change your pants...." i heard Bucky say and turned to see him scratching his head awkwardly. Steve looked down to see the wet patch from where we had been grinding against each other moments before and blushed "oh shit, guess you're right. Give me 5".
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After finishing a training session with Nat i headed back to mine and Steve's room for a shower. When i walked in i was surprised to see Steve's go bag next to the door, the shower running.... they got back early from that mission.
"Steve?" I called out as i made my way to the bathroom.
"Hey sweetheart" i heard him call over the running water.
"You're back early, did something go wrong or...."
"It went fine, easy mission"
"Thats good. You mind if i join you? I just got done training with Nat I'm a mess" i said stripping out of my sweaty work out clothes and tossing them in the dirty wash basket.
"Its all yours" he said stepping out and grabbing his towel "I've got to go to a debrief with Tony real quick but I'm all yours after. We have some catching up to do"
"Mmm i look forward to it" i smiled reaching up to give him a much needed kiss, i had missed him so much while he was gone. Before getting into the shower  I placed a pair of sleep shorts and a cami on the closed lid of the toilet ready to put on once i was done.
Steve went to get dressed while i showered, i was rinsing out my shampoo when he stuck his head in letting me know he was leaving for his debrief.
"Be back soon, love you" he said before rushing off.
When i was finished i stepped out the shower reaching for my towel to find it was gone!
"Are you fucking kidding me!" I moaned under my breath, the clothes i had set out were also missing! WTF!!
Oh well it wasnt like i couldnt walk around naked, id just have to make a dash for another towel!
I threw open the bathroom door and was just walking to the bedroom when the front door opened.
"Steve you ass! You took my towel and my clothes??"
My head whipped round at the sound of Bucky's voice!!
"Bucky!? Shit! God I'm so sorry i thought you were Steve!" I quickly tried to cover myself as i rushed into my room and grabbed my robe, once it was secured i went back to see why Bucky was here.
"What are you doing here?"
"Steve asked me to cone grab a file he forgot..."
"He did? When?"
"Called me just now as i was heading down to the debrief"
"Why would he tell you to come in here.... he knew i was showering and he'd taken my clothes...."
"I have no idea, can i just grab that file and i'll be on my way..."
I sat down on the sofa rubbing my wet hair with a towel while Bucky disappeared into Steve's office for what he needed.
"Hey doll?...." he called from the office.
I smiled at the familiar nickname i hadn't heard in weeks.
"Yeah Buck?"
"There's no files in here"
"You're sure?..."
"Yeah, where else would he keep them?"
"Thats where it would be"
"There's no file in there" i heard Steve's voice and turned to see him leaning against the front door smirking.
"Steve.... what the fuck?"
"Im sick of this tension between the two of you, i miss us all hanging out together"
"So you take my clothes and send your pal here for a non existent file in hope's he catches me naked??! Are you mad?" I shouted shaking my head at him.
"You set us up?" Bucky asked appearing in the hallway.
"Guilty" Steve shrugged "enjoy the show Buck?"
"I don't get it.... why....?"
"Because I'm sick of you both pretending theres no feelings between you"
"He's lost his damn mind" i got up to walk away but Steve grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me close.
"I know what happened in that warehouse between the two of you"
My eyes went wide as i looked over at Bucky, he looked just as shocked so i knew he hadn't told him.
"Bucky didn't say a word sweetheart i saw the CCTV..... audio included" he smirked.
"Steve.... it wasn't like we had much choice that plant...."
"Oh i know baby, i know exactly what that plant was"
"You've known all this time and said nothing?"
"It was you, you put it there didn't you?" Bucky accused Steve "why the fuck would you do that Steve!?"
"I had to do something! The two of you are so loyal you never would've hurt me and acted on your feelings.... not without a little push".
Before i knew what i was doing my hand connected with Steve's cheek.
"You had no right!"
"Tell me you don't want him" Steve pointed at his best friend.
"See...." Steve smirked looking smug.
"Right now you're the one i don't want!" I said through gritted teeth and stormed into the bedroom slamming the door behind me and flipping the lock for effect, i knew it wouldn't keep Steve out but it made me feel better.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes @bellamy-barnes @buchanansebba @rosalynshields @turtoix @dottirose
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ncssian · 4 years
"his hand at her back, teeth bared at the invisible threat."
nessian au set in crescent city. more defensive cassian followed by protective nesta. word count: 1,156
a/n: tumblr fucked my post up so im reposting in the morning...anyway enjoy ✨
Crescent City, 15035 V.E.
"You can't keep beating the shit out of people just because they don't like me, Cassian."
He growled something unintelligible in response, but pressed the ice pack more firmly to her bruised eye, taking care not to hurt her.
"I appreciate the sentiment behind it, but it's just not socially sustainable," Nesta went on.
"That fae bastard called you a cunt," Cassian insisted, arm tightening around her shoulder. "If you weren't going to kick his ass, someone had to."
"Yet I'm the one with the black eye." Nesta didn't say it scornfully, but Cassian's face twisted in guilt anyway.
Nesta hadn't been trying to break up the fight earlier at the gala dinner; rather, watching her angel boyfriend beat up her sister's ex had been the highlight of her night. Still, a sizable crowd had formed around Cassian and the Spring Lord, and somewhere along the way, Nesta was jostled forward just as Cassian was shoved back. Her face had went right into his elbow, and that was enough for Cassian to drop everything and demand they go straight home.
Which led them to the second highlight of Nesta's night: Cassian curled up on the couch beside her in their Old Quarter apartment, his left arm curled around her shoulder so he could press the ice pack to her left eye. Their faces were so close together she could press her lips to his neck without moving.
"I baited Tamlin first," Nesta said, because what kind of sister would she be if she didn't antagonize Feyre's flower-fucking ex every chance she got? "I don't exactly need you to finish fights I start on purpose." She rolled her eyes.
"Of course you don't." Cassian's feathered wing rustled as it drew closer around Nesta. "But frankly, I don't care if you killed his dog in front of his own eyes—"
"You should care a little bit," Nesta interrupted.
"He crossed a line when he opened his mouth to talk shit about you," Cassian finished.
Nesta didn't argue that if Cassian tried to punch every person that called her a cunt or a bitch, he wouldn't have time left to be her boyfriend. Instead, she chewed on her lip and stared out the windows at Crescent City beneath them, bright and alive even at this hour. "That fight did fulfill a lot of my fantasies tonight," she admitted.
Cassian put the ice pack aside before pulling Nesta impossibly closer. "Oh? Which ones?"
"Seeing Tamlin be physically hurt. Seeing you stand up for me, and in a way, for Feyre."
"I didn't do it for her."
Nesta didn't need to be told. Cassian didn't know the fae side of her family very well, to the point where he was mostly unaware of the full extent of the mental and emotional abuse her sister had suffered during her relationship with the Spring Lord. After seeing how Cassian had reacted to a simple word, however, Nesta was glad he didn't know. Tamlin would've suffered a lot worse than a rearranged face.
"I'm sure Feyre would love to hear about it anyway," Nesta said. "Though I hate it when your pretty hands get all bloody." She reached for a bandaged hand, mostly because she just wanted to hold his hand.
Before Cassian could make an innuendo about his hands, a sharp rap came from the door.
"I'll get it." Cassian untangled himself from Nesta with a groan. She immediately missed his warmth, but watched him walk to the door and unlock it. A moment later, Azriel walked in, still dressed in his all-black suit from the gala. Massive black wings took up a ridiculous amount of space in their living room, but Cassian's brother-in-arms had a way of making himself seem smaller than he actually was so others would be comfortable around him.
Nesta instantly perked up at his presence. She didn't like many people, but Azriel had never been many people. Even though he was a malakim who served in the 33rd Imperial Legion alongside Cassian, a world away from Nesta's childhood home in FiRo, sometimes she felt as if she'd known Azriel her entire life.
"You two didn't waste any time getting changed," he said as a greeting, eyeing Cassian's sweats and Nesta's oversized tee. He held up a small glass bottle and tossed it to Nesta. "This should help with your eye," he said.
She caught the bottle and inspected it. "What is it?"
Cassian laughed his booming laugh, and Nesta only raised a wry eyebrow before opening the bottle.
"Tamlin wants your head on a stick for what you pulled tonight," Az said to Cassian. "The Governor probably already knows by now."
Nesta's stomach churned, and she put the drink down without taking a sip. Cassian had been at the gala representing the legion, and he'd made the 33rd look bad. That was the problem with striking at entitled males: they were prone to strike back ten times harder. Tamlin wouldn't just come after Cassian, but Nesta and Feyre too if he had the chance. Which he wouldn't.
"I don't know what kind of sick punitive measures you guys implement for assaulting fae lords at the legion, and I don't want to know," Nesta interrupted. "I want Tamlin taken care of before anything else can happen."
Azriel and Cassian shared a look, and Cassian looked as if he'd already accepted his fate. That look nearly broke her heart. "It's not that simple, Nes," he began slowly. "Az and I can get away with a lot of things, but if the Governor already knows..."
"That's not your problem," she said. Her mother's shrewd lawyer mind was already turning, coming up with lists of contacts and unpaid favors.
Nesta had been born rich, but not necessarily powerful. She hadn't realized what a dangerous flaw that was until her first boyfriend, followed by a failed assault trial. After that, she learned to collect power through others who had too much of it. Before Cassian, she'd strictly only gotten in bed with Crescent City's wealthiest and seediest. To this day, she had their numbers saved in her little black book.
Despite her collection of males and females who could have easily handled this situation, Nesta's mind snagged on something Feyre had told her last week. There was a new guy she was seeing...
"I'll find someone to take care of it by tomorrow," she promised.
"Hello?" a smooth voice drawled much later that night, long after Cassian had fallen asleep. Nesta held the phone close to her ear. "Rhysand Nox?" she said.
"It's pronounced Rees-and," the male corrected. Nesta didn't exactly care. "Who is this?" he demanded.
"It's Nesta Archeron, Feyre's sister." She could feel his attention perk over the line.
"Given how Feyre talks about you, I'm assuming you care for her," Nesta continued, "and that we have a common enemy."
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turinn · 3 years
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Ray Blackwell x M!Reader
Summary: An invitation at a party reveals that Luka had no idea you’re gay, and brings up a concern you hadn’t had before. Tags: Crack, fluff, secret relationship, mention of homophobia, alcohol consumption A/N: This is based on a dream I had where Luka and I had this exact conversation and when I woke up and remembered it I nearly threw up laughing. I did actual research for the girls outfit and hair bc im a fashion history nerd. the pocket watch i just thought was cute. Fenrir calls the reader fruity but its okay bc hes gay too god bless Word Count: 1.5k
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The party was the usual affair expected of the Godspeed's, an air of elegance- present but not too overbearing- hanging over the large hall. Music drifted gently to your ears as you took everything in, a small smile settling on your face.
You couldn't help but feel a little underdressed. The officers had, of course, kept their uniforms on, but everyone else present was dressed to the nines. You'd thought the suit you wore was lovely when you and Seth had seen it last week, dark blue with a white trim, paired with a pale cyan tie and pocket square. The gold watch that settled comfortably in your pocket had been a gift from Blanc, supposedly made by Oliver to look similar to his own, to commemorate your decision to stay in Cradle. Compared to everyone else, it felt rather simple now, but you pushed the thought aside. Nobody was judging what you were wearing, they were here to enjoy themselves same as you.
"Would you like a drink?" Ray asked, voice soft enough not to startle you too much. This wasn't too effective, as you'd gotten lost in your thoughts, and sort of forgotten there were people around you, but it was kind of him to try. "Oh, yes, please." You smiled at him and a moment later he'd walked off, talking to Sirius about something, leaving you alone with Luka. Fenrir had disappeared to greet his family when you'd first arrived, and Seth was who knows where, but you didn't mind it being just the two of you. Luka rarely came to these, in fact this was the first he'd been to since you'd arrived in Cradle, despite it being your fifth, and you decided someone should stick with him so he didn't feel quite as nervous.
As you turned to say something to him, you noticed a lady making her way over to the both of you, looking rather flustered. Her fists were clenched at her sides, and she seemed to be muttering something to herself, but it was clear she had intent to speak to one of you. Perhaps she wanted to talk to Luka? He was cute, it wouldn't surprise you. What did surprise you, however, was when she walked up to you instead.
"Um, excuse me if this is far too forward, but... would you be interested in dancing with me?" She sounded so nervous, and you almost wanted to say yes. Any other man would have been lucky to get such an invitation- she looked stunning. She wore her hair in curls, gathered at the back of her neck, with a hairpiece of pale blue flowers was pinned at the front, a necklace donning the same type of flower hanging just above the neckline of her gown. The gown in question matched the colour of the flowers well, though the width of the crinoline supported skirt would have made you concerned about the logistics of dancing with her- if you'd had any intention of saying yes. Her cheeks were tinted pink as she chewed her bottom lip and waited for your answer, avoiding your gaze. A hand on your chest and a sincerely apologetic look on your face, you began to respond. "Oh dear. I'm terribly sorry, but you seem to have gotten the wrong end of the stick. You're a very attractive young lady but I'm afraid... how should I put this," You glanced at Luka for help, but he seemed to have no idea what you were trying to tell her, "I'm afraid I don't tend to set my eye on the ladies, so to speak." "You're... gay?" A sympathetic nod. "That's the ticket. Sorry, love." "Oh, it's not a problem! I'm really sorry to have bothered you!" She suddenly looked much less nervous, though a little embarrassed, and scurried off. You sighed. "I feel a little bad. I really hope she finds someone to dance with." Luka looked at you quizzically. "Why did you lie to her?" A confused laugh escaped you. "I'm sorry?" "You told her you were into guys. Why lie?" As he said this, Seth and Fenrir came up behind him, and hearing his question their eyebrows shot up. So did yours. Was he kidding? "Luka, sweetie, you have got to tell me what part of my personality made you think I was heterosexual, so I can set about changing it immediately." Seth choked on his drink, and though you flashed him a grin, you weren't entirely kidding. Going from Victorian London to a world where being gay was perfectly acceptable had been quite the change, but you'd been certain all of your friends had known. It's not like you were quiet about it, and sure, Luka was naive but... come on, now. "Wait are you... you were being honest?" "Yes?" "Luka," Fenrir began, stepping next to you and resting an elbow on your shoulder, "How have you seriously not noticed that he's gay yet?" "Well- there was no reason for me to assume!" "You watched me drunk make out with at least 2 different Black Army soldiers in my first month here!" Luka looked flustered, and utterly dumbfounded. The expression was one he wore often, usually when people insinuated that someone was in love- but somehow about five times more confused. He was unfortunate enough that Ray and Sirius returned at this moment, just in time to hear both your last remark, and his next one.
"I thought that was just something you did when you were drunk?" In another moment you were on your knees, legs shaking so much from laughter that you couldn't hold yourself up any longer. Fenrir was right there beside you, practically convulsing. Everyone else was laughing too- except poor Luka. You felt a little bad, truly you did, but this had to be the funniest thing you had ever heard. "He's completely straight, but watch out! Get a couple drinks in him and he turns fruity!" Fenrir managed to get out between cackles, and Ray was glad to have put your drinks down when Luka had last spoken, because he too nearly fell to the ground at this.
"Luka- Luka I'm sorry." You pulled yourself to your feet, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "We aren't laughing at you." Another fit of giggles overcame you. "Okay we kind of are, but it's not malicious or anything. That was just... hands down the funniest thing you've ever said." It took most of you 5 or so minutes to fully calm down from what he'd said, and anything that jogged your memories of it would bring you back to a state of uncontrollable laughter for the rest of the night. Luka came round to it being pretty funny after you talked him through the dozens of times you'd mentioned your sexuality to him since you'd met- every one of which had gone over his head.
Hours after the party had worn down and you'd all made your way home, you lay in bed, your head pressed against a familiar chest, and sighed. "What's up?" "I just... D'you think anyone else just hasn't realised?" Ray cocked his head, confused. "I'm gonna need a little more info than that, kitten." "I suppose I just... Back in London, it's not even legal to be gay, and I don't know if it ever will be. When I first came out to Fen, he told me that it was fine here, accepted and even celebrated. So, I guess I just thought that people wouldn't make the automatic assumption that I'm straight, y'know? I mean I talk about it a lot among you guys but- when I’m out and about... where do people think my final destination is? When I pick up a silly cat themed gift for you does the shopkeep think I’m buying it for my wife? It shouldn't be a big deal, I guess, but I'd never been able to be myself until I came here, and now it's like I can be me but... people will still only see who I am if I tell them. It's just weird is all. I dunno. Maybe I'm drunk." "You're not drunk. It's an understandable concern. I guess I've never thought about it, because whether or not people would accept that part of me has never been an issue, but the fact that you've had to hide it for so long and now that you're able to be open people still aren't seeing it must be hard. If you want we could... come out, so to speak?" Your eyebrows raised, and you moved back, propping yourself up on your arm so you could look your partner in the eyes.
It had been decided at the very start of your relationship, which had officially begun a few months after you'd made the choice to stay in Cradle, that the two of you would keep it under wraps for a while. Being from the Land of Reason was more than enough reason for people to take an unwanted interest in you, and you didn't need the extra attention being the King of Spades' partner would garner. Plus, anyone with a grudge against Ray would see you as a target the second you announced it. It had been a sensible suggestion on his part, one you hadn't hesitated to agree to, and as far as you knew only Sirius and Fenrir knew about your relationship. Fenrir because he had walked in on you sitting in Ray's lap while he worked late one night, and Sirius because- well, can anything get past that guy? And now, Ray was offering to tell the entirety of Cradle you were his, just so that you didn't feel like you were hiding your identity anymore? You could feel your eyes starting to burn, and you cursed the late hour and the alcohol in your system for making you cry so easily, but... "I don't think we need to be that drastic. You were right when you said it would keep me safe for us to not be in the public eye, at least for now. I'm sure Seth can come up with some better way for me to tell the whole world I'm gay." "I don't doubt that at all." Ray grinned, placing a gentle kiss on first your forehead, then your nose, and finally on your lips. "Tomorrow, though. You need your beauty sleep." "Ah, yeah, can't risk getting ugly. My boyfriend might not want me anymore." You quipped. "Exactly." He smirked at you, turning out the light and pulling you into his arms.
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calpops · 4 years
breathless | c.h.
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In which living with Calum presents difficulties of adjustment that leave you both a little bit breathless.
@outerspaceisbetterthannothing: Okay, but what if at some point after moving in together they start suffocating? not in a bad way, just it's one thing to just date, but spending all the time with a person can be tough. esp after long time living alone. and it takes a lot of effort to learn to live with somebody again. so at some point, having a rough day at work/studio they just have that irritation come out?
Word Count: 1k
Calum can sense a shift in the mood between you two made by three small moments. There’s a snap of tension that fills the air and keeps him on edge. Little things that don’t usually bother you both seem to be piling into each other and adding weight that has a force Calum doesn’t like. He can see the change in your eyes, written on your face, in the tight frown that draws across your lips and the sigh that escapes you as you run into another one of Calum’s habits. A remote to the back as you tried to lay down on the couch after a long day. You sit back up and toss the remote to the coffee table; head going to your hands as you rub at your temples. Usually you just laugh and remind him to put the remote anywhere but the couch. That is moment one.
In another moment he’s stumbling over your shoes and cursing out as he catches himself on the corner of the bed. Irritation builds and a want to kick the shoes out of his way comes with it. But he deflates and grumbles as he moves them aside. Usually he would make a joke with a sweetheart attached.
The last moment comes in a swift surprise. It’s a clatter of pots and pans that fall to the floor and on your toes. A painful and shocked gasp leaves your lips and Calum’s rushing to your side. He sees the accusation in your eyes and he knows it’s deserved. He’d left the cabinet in peril; the organization system you were so used to from living alone turning into havoc the night before when Calum did dishes and put them away so haphazardly opening the door sent them crashing. He hadn’t meant to, wasn’t really thinking about it, went through the motions he usually went through when he himself lived alone. It never bothered him to have chaos in the kitchen and he knew better than to open the doors without being cautious. But you were both still adjusting and trying to find middle ground for your differences. Usually it was easy. Sometimes it came to a crashing head that left you both suffocating.
“Are you alright?” Calum asks, voice wearing thin as you huff and shove kitchenware back into the cabinet.
“I’m fine,” you answer and lapse into silence as you go to work reorganizing everything. It stays silent with a thin veil of tension until Calum reaches out to help and you snap, breaking the moment with a harsh tone. “I’ve got it, okay?”
He backs off immediately, knowing you need a moment to breathe and cool down. The past few days had been simmering and seemingly that moment made it reach its boiling point. Calum stands and walks off, Duke trails him. He feels bad leaving you in the mess but it’s clear his presence was making things worse. He could use a moment to himself as well. He winds up in the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed with Duke by his side. He can hear you in the kitchen, the clatter of pots and pans ringing through his ears. He doesn’t know when it will be best to approach. He waits until the noise dies down. And then waits some more. When he’s almost on his feet to go to you; knowing he can’t stand the silence—it’s just as suffocating as the boiling point—the door opens and you peek in.
You’re hesitant at first, just as he is. A moment of pause captures you both. In that moment Calum notes your shiny eyes and the way your hands tug at your shirt and the slight downturn of your lips. It’s all signs of something more than just the incident in the kitchen. Finally, finally, you go to him, slow steps and unsure movements as you approach. He welcomes you with open arms as you settle on his lap and bury your face against his chest.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble against him and Calum knows the words are sincere.
“So am I,” he responds.
He’s sorry that he left the cabinets in such a state. He’s sorry that the adjustment period of living together has become so overwhelming for the both of you. He’s sorry he hasn’t spoken up sooner to help work out the tension. He’s sorry about a lot of things and he’s sure you are too. But neither of you need say all of that. Just one apology says and does enough to help bring you back together and ease the ache that’s been building.
“It’s just been a lot,” you say and Calum nods in understanding though he knows you can’t see it. “It’s so different. I just haven’t gotten used to not being alone yet.”
Calum runs a hand down your back and shifts, you look up at him, getting the memo of his body language. He wants to talk to you; eye to eye.
“I know, sweetheart. I haven’t quite got it down yet either. Maybe sometimes…” Calum starts and feels the words sitting heavy in the back of his throat. “We just need to give each other a little time to be alone.”
You give a tiny nod in response, eyes uncertain and eyebrows furrowing. “Maybe.”
Calum sighs and purses his lip. A question enters his mind and he can’t help but ask. “I can sleep in the guest room tonight. If you want some space?”
You’re quick to shake your head and calm the fear that’s rising in Calum. He knows alone time is vital. That living your lives together doesn’t mean you have to live your lives so completely intertwined day in and day out. But nighttime is special. It’s the common factor of bringing you together; even after a day of being around each other constantly. It’s what keeps you truly connected.
“No, I don’t want to be alone like that,” you explain and Calum is glad to hear it. “But maybe tomorrow we should both go be with our friends. I don’t think we’ve seen much of anyone else since moving in.”
Calum agrees. And promises to try to remember to keep the kitchen a little more organized. And you promise to try to remember to put your shoes away. And you both promise to remember to talk to each other before it ever ends up feeling like you’re breathless and running out of air again. Usually you are each other’s breath of fresh air. You both want it to stay that way.
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Copyright © 2020 calpops. All rights reserved. This work is not allowed to be uploaded by anyone else in any platform in any format (translations included).
Tagged: @rosecolouredash @irwinkitten @golden-hood @who-do-you-love-5sos @caswinchester2000 @wildflowergrae @empathycth @cuddlemecalx @calumsmermaid @babylon-corgis @outerspaceisbetterthannothing @mariellelovescupcakes @xhaileyreneex @goth5sos @gosh-im-short @feliznavidaddycal @loveroflrh @findingliam-o @flowerthug @g-l-pierce @talkfastromance4 @cashtonasfuck @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer @wastedheartcth @calumscalm @thesubtweeter @akafeliznavidaddy @myloverboyash @treatallwithkindness @haikucal @wiildflower-xxx @calum-uncrowned @egyptiangoldhood @mantlereid @drarryetcetera @allier59 @megz1985
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Homecoming (Javier x Reader) {MTMF} [smut]
Title: Homecoming Rating: Explicit  Length: 3200 Warnings: Smut (not everyone gets a ‘happy ending’ but everyone is still happy) Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set Summerish 1995. ‘95 is a weird year without dates yet. Perhaps that’s a tomorrow task Thanks to everyone who asked for “imperfect sex”.  Summary: Reader gets home after a business trip.
@grapemama​​ @seawhisperer​​ @huliabitch​​ @pedropascalito​​ @rogrsnbarnes​​ @thewallpapergoesorido​ @twomoonstwosuns​​ @gooddaykate​​ @livasaurasrex​​ @ham4arrow​​ @plexflexico​​​ @readsalot73​​ @hdlynn​​​ @lokiaddicted​​​ @randomness501​ @fioccodineveautunnale​​  @roxypeanut​​​ @snivellusim​​​ @lukesrighthand​​​ @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts​​​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​​ @exrebelshocktrooper​​​ @awesomefandomsunited​​​ @ah-callie​​​ @swhiskeys​​​ @lady-tano​​​ @beskar-droids​​​ @space-floozy​​​ @cable-kenobi​​​ @cool-ultra-nerd @himbopoes​​​ @findhimfives​​​ @pedrosdoll​​​ @frietiemeloen​​​ @arrowswithwifi​​​ @random066​​ @uncomicalhumour​​​ @heather-lynn​​​ @domino-oh-damn​​​ @cyarikaaa​​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​​​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​​  @yabby-girl​​ @xqueenofthecraziesx​​​ @punkass-potato​​ @coredrive​​ @pascalesque​​ @theduchessofkirkcaldy​​ @queenquazar​​ @sabinemorans​​ @buckstaposition​​ @holkaskrosnou​​ @yespolkadotkitty​​ @fleetwoodmactshirt​​ @seeking-a-great–perhaps @kochamcie​ 
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You drummed your fingers against the steering wheel as you watched another minute tick by on the digital clock on your dashboard. You were supposed to be home almost an hour ago, but an accident on I-95 had brought traffic to a standstill before you had a chance to get onto Route 1. 
Thank God for car phones. 
You opened the center console, keying in the home phone before tucking it between your shoulder and your ear as you focused on inching forward another two feet. 
“Hey,” You smiled as Javier picked up the phone. “Still stuck on the road.”
“Jesus Christ,” Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth. “You got enough gas?”
“I filled up on the turnpike,” You assured him, glancing at the fuel gauge, “I’m good. Promise.” 
“Any movement?”
You glanced at a road sign as you inched past it. “I’m almost to 112. I’m gonna try to un-ass myself of this mess there.”
“Maybe another thirty?” He questioned hopefully. 
“That’s optimistic,” You chuckled, pushing your fingers through your hair as you grumbled at the car in front of you. “Yeah, sure. Just come on over jackass. Not like the rest of us are trying to get out of this shit too.”
“Ah, I see the road rage has settled in.” Javier teased. 
“I just wanna be home.” You admitted. “I thought I could do this whole work-trip thing, but… I’m not a fan.”
“I know, baby. Four days is a long time.”
“I don’t know how you did it,” You remarked. How many times had he had to go away in Colombia? You hadn’t even considered the agony of being away from Javi and Josie until you had settled into your first night alone in a hotel room in St. Pete.
“Did you have fun at least?”
“You know me, I just love public speaking to a bunch of men who think they know better than me.” You laughed bitterly, “It was fine. I actually did really well.”
“Of course you did, baby.” You could practically feel the adoration in his voice. “If it’s any consolation — we missed you. A lot.”
“I missed you too,” You chewed on your bottom lip. “I cannot wait to be home.”
“Yeah?” Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth. “I made dinner. Well, I ordered dinner.”
“It’s going to be cold by the time I get home,” You sighed, rubbing at your forehead as traffic came to a complete halt again. “What’d you get?”
“Chinese. General Tso’s, fried rice, your favorite egg rolls.”
“You know how to spoil me.”
“I have a few plans to spoil you.”
“Momma!” Josie squealed from somewhere on the other side of the call and your heart clenched. 
“You wanna say hello, JoJo?” Javier questioned, “Hang on.” There was a rustle of noise as he sat the phone down, before returning a beat later. “I’ve got you on speaker phone.”
“Hey, baby doll!” You said enthusiastically, wishing you could see her on the other side of the call. “Did you miss mommy?”
“Mommy!” Josie clapped her hands. “Da-da! Mommy!” 
“She looks thrilled,” Javier told you. “She’s looked for you every day.”
“I’m sure she has.” You tried to ignore the ache in your chest. “I’ll be home soon, baby doll. And I’m going to read you a story and tuck you in. Everything I missed this week.” You shook your head slowly, “I don’t know how you did this, Javi.”
“It killed me.” Javier admitted quietly, before the phone rustled again as he let Josie go off to play once more, switching off the speaker. “Why do you think I’d come over in the middle of the night, even if it meant an hour or two of actual sleep?”
“I get it now. You were willing to do what you had to, to make up for what you missed out on.” The traffic let up a little, allowing you to drive further down the road without stopping. “I’m about five minutes from the exit, I think. I should be home before seven.”
“I’ll keep JoJo up so you can tuck her in.”
“Let her sleep if she’s tired, babe.”
“Baby, I know how important it is.”
“Yeah, I guess you do. Thank you.” You smiled to yourself. “I can’t wait to kiss you.”
Javier chuckled, “Me neither. Four days is a long time, isn’t it?”
“And lonely. I hated sleeping in a giant king hotel bed alone.” You made a face. “You two are coming with me next time.”
“I know I slept for shit without you next to me,” Javier told you. “Who knew that after three years with someone you could get real fucking used to not sleeping alone.” 
“I know!” You laughed, “Okay, I’ve reached the exit. I should be home in twenty.” You told him as you veered off 95, taking the exit that would get you home sometime this century. 
“See you in a few.” Javier murmured, “I love you.”
“Love you too. I’ll be home soon.”
Somehow you managed to hit every fucking light on the way home, but at least you made it home before seven. 
“Next time I have a conference in St. Pete — I’m flying. It was an easy six hour drive up, but Jesus Christ…” You complained as you threw your purse down on the sofa, abandoning your suitcase by the door. “Nine hours today.”
“But you’re home now,” Javier pointed out as he greeted you with a kiss, passing a very sleepy Josie to you. 
“Hello, baby girl.” You whispered as you cradled her against you, running your hand over her back as she clung to you. “I swear you’ve gotten bigger in just four days.”
“Missed you.” Josie told you, her eyes heavy as she rested her cheek against your shoulder. “No go bye-bye mommy.”
“I’m not going bye-bye anytime soon.” You promised her, kissing her forehead. You reached out with your free hand to urge Javier closer. He wrapped an arm around both of you as he hugged you. “Did daddy take good care of you?”
She nodded excitedly and Javier chuckled. “He braided-ed my hair!”
“Did he?” You grinned at Javier. “And how did he learn to do that?”
“Steve.” Javier gave your hip a squeeze. “Surprisingly good at braiding.”
“Impressive.” You laughed, giving Josie’s head another kiss. “I’m going to go put her down, do you mind heating up dinner for me?”
“Do I mind?” Javier scoffed and stole a kiss. “Of course I don’t mind, baby.”
“Thank you,” You played your fingers through his hair, before you headed down the hall to Josie’s room. 
You barely made it through the first few pages of The Swan Princess before she was out like a light beside you. You stayed there, watching her sleep for as long as your stomach would allow you.
The smell of the reheated Chinese food wafting down the hallway had your stomach in knots with hunger. If you had known how long the drive was going to be — you would’ve gotten something to eat on the turnpike. 
As much as you wanted to get back in the field, go on assignment, and travel again — you really did want to be home with Javier and Josie. You were only a little jealous that Javier had adapted to stay-at-home life so easily. He was so at ease, constantly. 
You wanted Josie to have that bond with her father — the same one you’d always craved as a little girl. But you also wanted to be there for dinnertime, bathtime, storytime, and bedtime. You didn’t want to miss a week of her life. 
“I am starving.” You told Javier as you collapsed onto the sofa beside him. You dragged your hands over your face, sighing heavily before you leaned forward and grabbed the plate he’d prepared for you. “Thank you.”
“Whatever you need, baby.” Javier angled himself towards you, watching you with rapt attention. “I missed you.”
You felt your cheeks warm under his gaze, “I missed you too.” You dipped your egg roll into the sauce, before you took a bite. You shifted towards him, leaning against his arm. “It was so weird.”
Javier curled his arm around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Aside from missing us, did you have a good time?”
“The conference went really well. I think the force up there is going to follow the model I’ve been implementing here. They don’t understand the importance of informants—“
“No one ever does.”
“Right?” You laughed, taking another bite of your egg roll. “There was a lot of evening socializing that I wasn’t really interested in.” You raised a brow as you tilted your head to look at him. 
Javier pressed a kiss to your cheek, “What? Afraid you’d have a repeat of the first night?” 
You snorted, “Yeah. I mean, I’m all for getting bought drinks, but don’t try to slip me your room key.” You made a face as you scooped up a fork full of fried rice. You chewed it down a little too fast and ended up burping and hiccuping at the same time. 
“I mean, what a catch.” Javier teased, keeping his arm curled around you. 
You couldn’t help but laugh, “Not bad manners, just good food.” You leaned forward to grab the beer off the coffee table, washing down the fried rice before taking a bite of the chicken. “As I was saying—“ You gave him a look. “I wasn’t looking to get hit on at the hotel bar.” 
Javier rubbed at the back of his neck, “They’d probably wonder how you ended up with me.”
“Javier,” You rolled your eyes, slapping his leg playfully. 
“Baby, you’re gorgeous.”
“You just want to get laid tonight.” You retorted hotly, running your tongue over your bottom lip as you met his gaze. 
“Four days is a long time.” Javier pointed out as he traced his fingers over your arm, his gaze flickering to your lips. 
“Were your hands not enough, Javi?” You questioned, leaning in to press your lips to his. 
“I didn’t.”
Your brows rose upwards, “Really?”
“Figured I could wait until you got home,” He drawled out, leaning in to steal another kiss, his tongue playing over your lips. 
“I guess I should eat faster then,” You laughed, winding your fingers through his hair as you brushed your nose against his. “So you can eat.”
Javier snorted.
“Though, we could always go to the main course.” You suggested, taking another bite of chicken. “My vibrator was a poor imitation of the real deal.”
“You used it?” He shook his head. 
You shrugged, “What else was I going to do at the hotel at six in the evening? Don’t be too jealous.” 
Javier ran his hand over your thigh, his fingers sliding inwards over the inner fabric of your pants. “You should’ve called.”
“I know, but I knew you’d be getting Josie ready for bed.” You sighed and pressed your tongue to the inside of your cheek. “Not to mention, I was pretty stressed and it was not as alleviating as I hoped.”
He pressed a kiss to the curve of your jaw, “Still stressed?”
“Two more bites of dinner and I’m yours.” You promised him, shoving half the egg roll into your mouth as you hastily chewed it down. “They’re not terrible nuked.”
“They were good when they were fresh.”
You nudged him in the ribs, “I’m sorry, take that up with the traffic gods. I would’ve loved to be home hours ago.” You licked the sauce off your thumb, before leaning forward to put your plate back on the coffee table. 
“I’ll light a candle,” He taunted, his eyes raking over your face before he hesitated, “You should finish eating.”
“Are you sure?” You frowned, “I ate half a bag of pretzel sticks on the drive.” You took a swig of beer, before sitting it next to your plate. “You know I’m not against midnight breakfast.”
Javier shook his head, his lips drawing up at the corner a warm smile. “Take your time, enjoy your dinner.”
He arched a brow, “Hmm?”
“I’ve been in a car for nine hours.” You said slowly as you moved to straddle his lap, resting your hands on his shoulders. “And thinking about coming home to you was the one thing that kept me from partaking in road rage.”
He ran his hands over your hips, one hand sliding around to grab your ass as he looked up at you. “Who knew I had so much power.” Javier smirked, leaning up to kiss you.
You dragged your fingers through his hair as you sank into the kiss, your tongue playing over his bottom lip with a soft groan. You pulled back with a grin, “You have a lot of power.” 
“Couch or bed?”
“Bed.” You whispered as you brushed your nose against his, “I want out of these pants.” You rolled your hips downwards slowly, before you climbed off of his lap. 
“I love the way you think.” Javier chuckled as he followed you down the hallway. 
You walked backwards into the bedroom, meeting his eyes with a smirk of your own, “I’ve been known to have a few good ideas.” 
Javier closed the distance between the two of you, a hand at your hip and the other at your jaw as he descended upon you. It felt like a week’s worth of desire pent up into that one kiss and it lit a flame of need within you.
He guided you back onto the bed and you held him wrestle your pants off your legs, leaning up on your elbows as he tossed them aside. “Still want the main course baby?” 
You nodded your head, hooking your thumbs in the waistband of your underwear and sliding them down your thighs. Javier caught ahold of them and tugged them off. 
Javier bent down and pressed a kiss to your lower belly as his hand ran up along the inside of your thigh. “I’ve missed you so fucking much, baby.”
“Then show me.” You taunted as you tugged at his hair. Javier dragged his hand up higher until his fingers reached your cunt, his fingers dragging over your folds. 
You sank back against the bed, savoring the feel of his fingers as he played over your sensitive flesh, stoking the flames of arousal there. 
Javier pressed an open-mouthed kiss to your lower stomach, before scraping his teeth over your soft skin there. He worked two fingers into you, thrusting them in and out of you twice before he pulled back. 
He leaned over you to catch lips again and you managed to reach downward between the two of you to work his jeans open. Javier groaned against your lips as you worked your hand inside, palming his rigid cock through his boxers. 
“Happy to see me?” You murmured against his lips as he drew back just enough to catch a breath. 
“Very.” Javier bumped his noses against yours, before he kissed you again. 
You tugged his boxers down his hips, getting them down about mid-thigh to where his jeans were before you gave up. You were both half dressed — it didn’t matter. 
Javier’s hand curled around your hip as he dragged you to the edge of the bed. You curled a leg around him, trying to angle yourself towards him. 
“Fuck!” You gasped out as his cock slid into you, filling you so deliciously. “That’s it, Javi.” You urged, curling your fingers around the back of his neck as you met his eyes.
“You feel so fucking good.” Javier drawled out as he leaned back, his hands gripping at your hips tightly as he started thrusting into you in earnest. 
You grabbed curled your hands around his forearms, gripping at them tightly as you rolled your hips to meet his thrusts. Your lips parted as a breathy moan escaped you. “Javier.” 
“Is that what you want, baby?” He questioned, dragging his hand along the length of the leg you had wrapped around his hips. “Shit—“ Javier hissed out, his grip tightening at your hip as his pace faltered. You knew that face. 
“It’s okay.” You promised him, grabbing at his shoulder as you pulled yourself up. You tilted your head, lips brushing against his as you rolled your hips. “Let go.” You whispered against his mouth as you curled your fingers around the back of his neck. 
“Fucking… baby, I’m—“
You cut him off with a searing kiss before he had the chance to finish. He released his hold on your leg, slipping his hand between you where his cock was driving into you, but you intercepted him. You interlaced your fingers with his and that was all it took to send him careening over the edge.
Your own release was just out of reach, but there was something almost equally pleasurable about watching Javier come undone for you. To feel his cock throb as it spilled within you. 
“It’s okay,” You whispered, winding your fingers through his hair as you laid back and took him with you. You were both hanging halfway off the bed, but you really didn’t mind. 
“Is it?” He grumbled, pressing his face into the crook of your neck, his breath hot against your skin. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“Don’t be.” You ran your hand down his back. “I still had fun.” You turned your head as much as you could to press a kiss to whatever available bare patch of skin you could find.
Javier groaned quietly as he pushed himself up on his hands, towering over you. “Let me make it up to you.”
You shook your head, tracing a finger over his bottom lip. “You can make it up to me by getting undressed so we can go to sleep. Okay?”
“You sure?” He questioned, lifting a hand to cup your cheek. Javier searched your eyes as you nodded, “I’m gonna grab something to clean up with. Don’t move.”
You drew in a sharp breath as he slipped out of you. The moment had definitely passed, as disappointing as it was. You were stressed and exhausted. 
You sat up and peeled off your shirt, tossing it off the side of the bed as you waited for Javier to return from the bathroom. “I need to brush my teeth too,” You told him as he knelt down at the foot of the bed as he wiped off the mess that had been left behind. 
Javier pressed a kiss to your leg just on the inside of our knee, “Didn't mean you make your homecoming a letdown.”
“Good thing you didn’t let me down then.” You told him with a warm smile as you held him stand back up as you rose. “You’re more than welcome to wake me up however you see fit… but not before seven.”
“I can arrange that,” Javier’s lips cracked into a faint smile. “I’m glad you’re home.”
“Me too.” You brushed your fingers over his cheek. “I missed my bed… and it’s other occupant.”
Javier snorted, “Even if he’s early to the party?”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you headed for the bathroom to brush your teeth, “I only care that you were at the party.” You quipped, firing a finger gun at him before you ducked into the bathroom.  
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO KAI: Detective Gone Wrong P3
You can find the masterlist to the other parts on my bio/description!
Characters: JonginxYou
You came to know Jongin by accident, but have no clue he’s EXO’s Kai. And when you found out....
You walked away blankly, remaining in a daze until your phone started vibrating in your pocket.
It was your boss who called and anxiously asked if you could cover her shift from the afternoon as she forgot about her wedding anniversary dinner.
You gladly agreed, thinking it might be better to have something to occupy yourself with today. Otherwise you’re just going to be spending the day thinking about you and jongki.
Still sane enough to be in need for breakfast, you went by the convenience store to pick up a sandwich. Standing in front of the fridge, you paused to think
What does jongki want? Does he... like me ?
And he KISSED ME TOO?! That’s definitely something only couples do right?!
How did everything escalate so fast overnight ?!
‘Excuse me, are you getting anything? You’re standing in the way’
You must have stood there for quite a while, looking at the irritated face of the customer. Apologising, you just grabbed whatever sandwich there was on the shelf and left after paying.
Falling deep in thought and replaying what happened last night again, you opened your sandwich packaging and bit down on your sandwich  
EW! Egg Mayo!
You sighed. Feeling a little more miserable with wrong sandwich choice, you continued feeding on your thoughts on the way home.
You dive straight into your bed and hugged your big Coney plush the first thing you got back. You screamed into Coney like a lunatic and kicked the air violently with your legs.
Stupid jongki, who does he think he is. Ah yes, I secretly gave you a kiss, so what. IT WAS JUST A FRIENDLY KISS CAUSE YOU WERE CUTE.
What a flirt!! See y/n you were right. Rich, handsome guys, tsk. Bound to be bad.
You threw coney to the side and your phone came crashing down with it from your side table.
Groaning, you bend over your bed to pick it up, only to see a message from the dear boy you wanted out of your mind right now.
J:I’m heading out for work soon~ have a good day today😙
Is that a kissy face?!
Oh goodness, you were so annoyed.
Kim Jongki, are you playing with me right now?? WE ARE NOT ATTACHED
at least not yet (?)
Tossing the phone aside, you decided to take a shower. Afterall showers always work best for any occasion. You got up and spent a peaceful 20minutes running under hot water, clearing your thoughts. 
Though still feeling bothered, you were definitely more refreshed. Time check , it was about time for you to get changed and pick up lunch on the way to the store.
Dusting on some light make up, bunning up your hair, you changed into your working clothes. In 30 minutes you were out of the house.
On the bus ride to your working area, you were so torn between checking your phone and not to. You wanted to know if jongki texted you again, but you didn’t really want to deal with this situation.
Fiddling with your phone, you almost dropped it when it beeped to announce a message had arrived.
That’s a sign, I should look at it! Since it rang when I’m thinking whether I should
Excitedly you unlocked your phone and checked your notification, only to find that it was just a reminder message from your landlord to pay your rent.
Your heart literally dropped because you actually really wanted to receive a message from him. Just then your phone beeped again and this time it was from jongki!
J: y/n ah what’s for lunch today? I’m having kimchi stew. Texting because I thought about you who might be board having an off day today :p
Sigh, you can’t deny that boy is so cute and lovable. But you still weren’t ready to reply him. You wanted things to be clearer between both of you. While uncertainty in relationships can be the most heart fluttering period, you didn’t like being in that phase.
It wasn’t long before you reached your stop to alight. Not feeling particularly hungry yet, you stopped by street stalls along the way instead.
You arrived at your shop, feeling satisfied with the pajeon you just had. You almost forgot how therapeutic the scent of flowers were until you stepped in. The mixed floral scent of dew and freshness instantly released you from the troubled thoughts bugging you at the back of your head.
‘Unnie! I’m here! How could you forget your wedding anniversary , hahah. Have you bought a gift or something yet?’
‘Ah, y/n ah! My life saviour. No I haven’t bought anything! There’s just too many activities and occasions this month that I forgot about my own. Gosh’ she face palmed herself making you laugh
‘Then you better leave soon to get your gift! I’m here already anyway! I’ll just continue wrapping this bouquet you’re currently working on’
‘I’ll buy u a meal another day, sorry for calling you back on your off day~ oh right I’ve a parcel coming later, just open and let me know what’s inside. I ordered so many I can’t even remember what’s coming anymore.’ Removing her apron, she rushed off after saying googbye. 
Looking at the tasklist, it was going to be a busy day. 5 bouquets to finish and lots of prep for the workshop tomorrow. You immersed yourself in the wrapping right away. 
A few minutes later, your phone lighted up. It was a message from jongki.
J:yaaa, are you ignoring me deliberatelyy? do you want to come over again on sunday? 
You scoffed when you saw the message because your detective mind came to a conclusion that the latter question was just bait to get the answer to his first question. He was tempting you with a chance at his place that was a hit or miss if you don’t reply him. 
You put down the stalks of flowers you were still holding in your hands, you paused to form an appropriate reply. 
my lunch was great, and i cant go over on sunday, im going to my parent’s place 
You typed then deleted it, doesn’t sound about right, you remember telling him yesterday that you got a half day shift on sunday which you really hated.
Trying again,
i got called back at work 
Sounds fine? Should you send it like this? 
Reacting in shock , you pressed the send button by accident at the voice of delivery man
ah shucks! 
You closed your eyes and hit yourself on the head imaginatively. Smiling at the delivery guy, you received the parcels and signed them off. 
One of it came in a tube, while the other was in a box.
What in the world did unnie order that would come in a tube? Wallpapers? Drawings??
The tube really piqued your curiosity, so you decided to check that first. opened it first.
Opening the tube, you pulled out a rolled piece of paper. Unrolling it, you noticed at the top right was a black and white logo that writes EXO Obsession. 
Ohhhh EXO!! Unnie likes exo?
Ever since you watched 100 days my prince, you had a positive inclination towards EXO. Which also reminded you of jongki who seems to like EXO Kai.
You wondered who was going to be in this poster. Not like you would recognise them though, you thought, unless its do kyungsoo ssi. 
A little excited, you pulled the poster open to full length.
Looking at the poster that stared back at you. Your smile faded away. Your jaw dropped.
‘Jongki oppa?’ you muttered under your breath
There was an uncanny resemblance between the man in the poster and jongki. 
 No way, who the hell is this from EXO? 
You turned the poster to the back hoping to find a name of the man in the picture. But there was no information.
Flipping back over, you looked closer at the other small details on the logo, you found this 3 lettered word staring back at you — ‘KAI’.
EXO KAI? Jongki watches his dance videos... or rather, Jongki also can dance ..
There were only two logical possibilities to this , either jongki has a twin or... kai is jongki..
You had to know the answer to this incredulous situation.
Making a grab for your phone, you saw jongki had already replied you , but you weren’t even going to read it
Madly typing away
Y: Oppa, do you have a twin ?
You could feel blood pumping through your veins as you sent it.
How could this be possible ? He mustn’t be exo right?
Although you weren’t interested in boy groups, there’s no one that hasn’t heard of EXO in the whole of korea. And that’s how popular EXO is.
Even though you have never checked them out to find out how they looked like, but you still knew a few names. Names like Baekhyun , chanyeol and.. kai..
Thinking of it now, it seems to all make sense that he could dance, he has abs, he’s rich, works till late, doesn’t reply all the time....
As you waited for his text to come back in, you googled EXO Kai.
Birth name: Kim Jong In
Birthday: 14 Jan 1994
Height: 1.82m
1994 was his birth year, that’s right. Kim Jong in, difference of 1 word. 1.82m, yes, obviously describes him. Google images ? 100% similarity.
If it’s not a twin....
His msg came in
J: uh, no.. that was so random though, why? Saw someone looking like me?
You didn’t want to believe this. The friend you’ve been hanging with and even sleeping at his place.. is kai?
In the past, when you watched those cliche dramas you never understood why people made such a huge fuss when they found out their dating partner has a hidden identity.
Like isn’t it totally exciting and fun! Especially if the person turns out to be some rich CEO. Wow, your rags to riches story would come true over night.
That’s how you thought you would react.
But honestly, all you felt was some sense of betrayal right now.
Y: oppa, I think I just found out what you do...
you sent
Just in a few seconds, he replied
J:really?! What’s your wild Guess this time ?
Your hands were shaking as you prepared to type this. The moment you send this and he confirms it... what are you going to do ?
But still, this has to be done
Y: EXO Kai. Kim Jong In.
Again, he replied instantaneously
J:omg, took you long enough!! How did you find out though??!
Clearly not being able to sense the tension over the phone, he was, as usual, cheery about everything.
Y:so it’s true ? Why did you lie your name to me?
You had no idea why you felt so emotional to the brink of tears about this truth.
J: ah, I’m sorry for lying about that.. I was worried initially if I told you my real name you might make a connection and recognise me at the start.
He double texted as soon as you received that msg, saying
J: y/n, are you ok?
You typed
no I’m not. I don’t even know how I should be feeling now, or what I should be doing about our friendship.
But.. you didn’t send it. You switched your phone to do not disturb and kept it in your bag.
You stared blankly at the poster for a while before putting it back in the tube. You’re still in disbelief. This situation was ridiculous. But it was logical.
In a state of mental breakdown, you couldn’t even wrap your bouquets right. You switched over to prepping for the workshop tomorrow instead. But your mind was so preoccupied with the whole fiasco that you kept missing things out. You just wanted work to end and have the time to yourself.
The entire day went by in a mess, but at least it finally ended. Back at home, you scroll through the multiple texts he sent you
J: hmm, seems like you’re pretty shocked about this right?
J: I wanted to tell you but you said you preferred if I didn’t though..
Then there was also a missed call from him
J: Call me back?
You swiped away all his notifications. There is something you really want to do, but not really ready to. You contemplated
Should I? Search kai up ?
Typing into Google, you searched kai. It was strange, just 24 hours ago you guys were so close, almost like lovers. But right now, you’re searching him up and getting to know him like an unreachable stranger.
You tapped into one of those webpages that told fans his entire life story. From his blood type to who he has ever dated and all that small little things people conclude from what he has said.
Again, you felt a stab in your heart and sour inside. These were things you never knew about , but surely, everyone else but you knew. It was like... jongki wasnt jongki, this him is different, it feels so far and distant from the one you knew...
Pondering on that thought, you let out a bitter laugh. Jongki really wasnt jongki. He was never jongki.
Switching to YouTube , you click on ‘mmmh’ the first result when you searched kai. No matter how you tried to keep an open mind, you didn’t like it. His costume made him strange and the song really wasn’t your type.
Deciding that’s enough for the day, you put your phone aside and tried your best to fall asleep.
Back at work the next day, you decided to get some ‘intel’ from your boss about kai.
‘Unnie, you like EXO Kai?’
‘Ne!!! Wae? Isn’t his visuals to die for???’ She reacted so excitedly upon hearing his name
‘Why don’t I remember you liking EXO though?’
‘I recently just got into them because of my friend who kept playing their songs on repeat in her car’ she laughed as she fixed the flowers
‘Why did you ask though? Since when were you interested in boy groups?’ She continued asking
‘Ah... When I checked the poster yesterday I thought kai was really good looking, so I’m just asking haha. So what’s so nice about kai you bought a poster?’ Finally asking what you really wanted to .
‘Oh gawd, you really wanna know? I could go on a whole day about jongin. Though he is sooooo fierce on stage , killer looks and everything, but he has such a cute personality!! You know when they ........’
And she went on and on about it, even showing you clips of kai on variety shows, interviews, etc. In these the sense of familiarity was back, you felt like this was the Jongki you knew. Oh well, it’s Jongin now, you really got to change it out.
You laughed along with your boss and you understood why he had so many fan girls. Introducing you to some EXO songs, you had to admit you really liked them!
Knowing more about kai now, you went back home that night and sat infront of your laptop, making a search for EXO’s variety shows, music videos and the likes.
You searched up ‘kai cute moments’ and you wanted to sqush him because he was just so cute like how he was normally. At the same time you can’t help but feel a little jealous that you’re sharing these sides of him with other people too.
You watched his dance videos and he was literally a dancing king. Thinking back to when he danced for you, you suddenly realised just how many girls would die to be in your place.
It was already 1am by the time you finished your search. A msg came in just as you were about to crash
J: are you up? I’m going to the convenience store to grab some food. Are you hungry? Want to come along?
Seeing his msg, you felt a little bad about ignoring him for the 2nd day now. How should you reply him now that the situation is a little awkward ?
Nicely, your phone died as you were thinking.
Alright, just a sign I should go to bed, oppa I’ll reply you after I get my phone charged up tmr.
You woke up to an absolutely crisis that you overslept. Considering how you didn’t sleep well for the past 2 nights over jongin, this was bound to come. You quickly washed up and left for work.
Plugging your phone into the portable battery, you phone came back to live. Again, jongin was persistent in his texts. 
J:y/n ah don’t ignore me please
J:Come over on sunday? 
J: I’m waiting for your reply. 
It was 1.30am when he asked you to come over on sunday, but his last message was past 3am. He must have been thinking about what happened with you.. You felt bad for being so absorbed in how you felt and failed to consider his feelings  when it really wasn’t his fault.
All this started out because of your dumb self who wanted to play detective. But then again, if you had found out who he was from the start, would you have gotten this close with him? Possibly not. You replied him without delay
 Y: i’ll come over on sunday
The shop gets really busy on saturdays, packed with workshops, tons of deliveries and online orders. You didn’t have time to check your phone till the end of the day, at which you saw you missed jongin’s call and texts again.
J: omg, you finally replied! is there anything you want to eat on tomorrow? i could get it if you’re coming over from work
J: we are all ok now right? 
Should you call him back? It wasn’t like you were completely okay yet, you couldn’t imagine how it would like seeing him tomorrow. He was surely still that jongki you knew, but he was also kai.
Thinking to leave the rest for tomorrow to think about, you just replied 
Y: there’s nothing i really want, just get whatever you like:)
Back at home, for the 3rd night in a row, you stayed up like a fan girl again, watching all of EXO ladders, their concert videos. You squealed and fangirled over them like a teenage girl. The more you watched, the more you started falling harder for them.
A halfday shift always makes your day go by real fast. You were standing outside jongin’s door. You were suddenly reminded of the times you watched 100 days my prince with him and talked about D.O. who he probably knows 1000x better than you do. And how you asked if he was a kai fan. Oh gawd, you wanted to jump into a hole. Feeling a little nervous and a little awkward and hella embarrassed, you didn’t want to press the door bell.
Finally pressing the door bell, you waited for barely half a minute, which felt like eternity before he opened the door. You could even feel your palms sweating. 
‘Annyeong Y/N! Come in quickly!’
You didn’t reply him immediately, neither did you move an inch yet.  The smile on his face slowly faded and he just looked at you, starting to chew on his lips. 
Seeing his face once again, in real life, your heart skipped a beat. You knew it wasn’t because he was kai, but because he was still jongki, that someone special to you.
You quickly smiled back at him the moment you got out of your thoughts. He let out the breath that he has been holding, making you laugh. 
‘Annyeong, jong..’ you paused there, about to call him jongki 
‘annyeong jongin oppa’ it sounds weird to you, not to be calling him the name you were used to
You guess he must have been feeling a little awkward when you called him by his real name too, he scratched his head and chuckled.
‘I ordered pizza, are you hungry? let’s eat’ he gestured for you to go to the dining area and was ready to walk away
But you felt you had to talk to him first about this, 
‘oppa, can we talk?’ 
He turned around to face you, he nodded slowly
You walked over to him, leaving a comfortable space between the both of you. 
He avoided your eye contact as you started
‘so... EXO Kai huh?’
‘...y/n, i.. you should know i have no intentions to hide anything from you deliberately, i was ready to tell you anytime. but i also thought you would react in a ‘pleasant surprise’ way rather than a ‘nasty shock’ received, so i just let it be’
He looked at you with sincerity in his beautiful eyes which showed how bad he felt. But you honestly just wanted to clear the air and lighten up the mood
‘actually, I just wanted to tell you that... I became an EXOL!’
You exclaimed and laughed. His eyes widened and stared at you like you were out of your mind, before bursting into laughter too.
But his laughter soon turned to sobs, and he rubbed his eyes profusely, which got you stunned
‘I... I thought I messed up our friendship, our relationship. And I really missed you, I didn’t want our us to end like this.....’ he said in between sobs and almost sounded like he was wailing
‘We haven’t even started...! Y/N, you scared me when you didn’t even reply at all! I thought you didn’t want to contact me anymore!’ He give you a light push on your shoulder as he emotionally spilled out all his thoughts
Though you were really confused, it was heart wrenching to see him cry so hard. You quickly put your arms around his waist and have him a hug.
‘Oppa, I’m sorry for the past few days I ignored you. I was just trying to figure how to handle the weight of the truth that you’re EXO Kai. Hahah, I’m so confused at your reaction right now you know.’
Calming down, but still sounding nasal he said
‘I’m going to make you stay here today until I’m convinced that you don’t hate me for being kai.
Oh and that you won’t go MIA on me again if you found out some other kai stuff’
Breaking away from the hug, he grabbed onto your shoulders
‘Y/N I like you, I really like you, so don’t leave my life please’
His impromptu confession got you feeling shy, you didn’t know what to do , but merely nodded in response.
Feeling all bright again he grabbed your hand and pulled you into the house.
You were glad it was as if nothing has changed, except that you probably became the luckiest fangirl alive just like this.
This fic went through so many content changes, I’m so glad I finished writing this! For those that waited for this part, I hope it wasn’t too underwhelming:,) feel like there’s definitely still a lot for me to work on as a new writer.
Also just dropping a note to say this would most probably be my last fic tell after may! Please check out of my other fics in the meantime too:) Hopefully I’ll be back with better writings !
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bubble-tae · 4 years
A Pair of Wet Boots
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: angst
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary:  Jungkook comes in a middle of a storm to apologize for what he did.
reposted from old account
“Y/N please! At least let me in until the rain settles!” you heard him shout though the door.
Jungkook, your (ex) boyfriend, had come over with the intent of apologizing. After ten minutes of pleading and knocking, you still refused to let him in.
“Then go home!” You shouted back at him. You couldn’t help but feel a little bad as you looked through the peephole to see his shivering frame. His hair clung to his face. His forehead thumped against the door. You heard, though very faintly, a quiet “please” escape his lips.
There was a pain in your chest, and you knew you couldn’t leave him like that. You groaned,
loud enough so he could hear, and opened the door.
“Baby,” he started to say, dripping wet in the doorway.
You held your hand up to stop him, just beginning to tell him it was just until the rain stopped when lightning struck nearby, the loud crack hitting the ground causing you to lean in his chest instinctively.
You were pressed into his chest feeling the water droplets that hugged his leather jacket.
His hands went to your waist, and your heart in your stomach. When you raised your head, his eyes locked with yours. They were tired and full of so much sorrow, and if eyes could speak you’d know they’d be telling you how sorry he was. He started to lean in, and for a moment you stopped breathing, missing the way his lips felt on yours.
Right when his lips were almost brushing yours, you pushed him aside to close the door that was letting cold air in.
“You better not ruin my floors with your wet boots”, you said walking past him and into the kitchen. He wasn’t going to hurt you, not again, and if you wanted to get through this storm you were going to need a cup of coffee.
As you expected, once his shoes and jacket were off, Jungkook followed you into the kitchen, tapping his hands on the counter and letting out an uncomfortable sigh. There was a time when this place was like a second home to him, but he knew his boundaries when it came to you being upset with him.
The kitchen was silent save for the slow drizzling of your Keurig, which only amplified the tension between the two of you. When your cup was full with the fresh hot coffee, you turned saw jungkook now sitting on one of the barstools. You placed your cup on the counter space in front of from him to add sugar to your cup. You had no intentions of talking to him, but of course he had other plans.
“You’re not going to ask me if I want a cup?” He asked jokingly, cocking his head down so he could catch your eyes. His grin was playful, but looked forced.
“You don’t drink coffee” you responded, mixing the sugar with a spoon.
“Ah, you still remember?” He asked.
You put your spoon down. “It’s been a week, not a year, Jungkook.” You lifted your mug and made your way to your living room, sitting down on the couch. Thunder struck nearby again, causing the lights to flicker. You jumped and turned around to see him still sitting, looking at you amusingly.
“Scared?” he asked. You huffed and turned around, scrunching your eyes shut in frustration when you heard him make his way over to you. He sat on the other side of the couch, but you refused to look at him. You hated the idea of him in your house right now, but you admit you were a little thankful you didn’t have to brave this storm alone.
Jungkook let out a sigh, “Y/N…”
“Don’t” you interrupted.
“Please just let me-“
“Stop talking”
There was a long silence, and you could feel his stare on your back. You were close to tears, regretting letting him in. You know he was going to try and talk to you, you knew he wasn’t going down without a fight, and yet you still let him in. Why?
You felt him scoot over to the seat next to you on the couch, and when his hand rested on your knee, you couldn’t help but look at him.
His eyes were glossy from holding back from breaking down, and you wondered how he could go from being a dick to the staggered breathing mess that sat in front of you.
“I miss you” he barely whispered out.
“Enough!” You yelled, throwing his hand off of you and standing up. “Enough, Jungkook! You don’t get to just come back when you want to. You don’t get be with me when it’s convenient. Now if you don’t shut up you can leave, I don’t care if you get struck by lighting, or- or whatever!”
There was no stopping yourself from crying now, all intent to keep calm out the window. Jungkook was still on the couch, mouth open as if to say something, but nothing came out.
“Oh what?! Sweet talker Jeon Jungkook has nothing to say? No witty one liners? You’re so predictable, which makes me an idiot for not realizing you wouldn’t be there that day!” you were a screaming mess, and probably looked a little crazy with tears running down your face, choking through your words.
He was looking down now, shaking one leg as he whispered out a small “im sorry”.
“What?” you asked back.
Jungkook stood, seething with anger. “I said I’m sorry, what more do you want from me?!”
You stepped closer to him, and through gritted teeth said, “sorry for what. I want to hear you say it.”
He scoffed, “what?”
“Sorry. For. What.”
He rubbed his hands against his face to hide the tears that left his eyes, and tried to let out a long breath to regain his composure, but all that came out was a shaky sigh.
“For not talking to you” he just barely managed to get out.
You let out a bitter laugh, almost in disbelief. “Is that all?” you egged him on.
“No!”, he yelled angrily, letting the tears fall loosely now. “I’m sorry, okay?! I’m sorry for not showing up to the Christmas party, or to your birthday party, or calling or texting you that whole month. I fucked up, okay? Is that what you want to hear me say? That I know I completely fucked you over and everything we had?”
He fell to the ground, head in his hands as he sobbed. You didn’t want it to end like this, you couldn’t let it end like. This wasn’t smartass Jungkook coming here to try and win you over with his charms, this was just Kookie, devastated and heartbroken over the thought of losing you. You knew your mind was made up, but you couldn’t let him back so easily.
You crouched down and took his hands in yours. He looked up at you, face red and still crying.
“Just tell me. Why? Why did you ignore me?”
He took his hands from yours and cupped your face, surprised that you let him. He never wanted to move from this spot, his whole world in his hands. He just wished you didn’t look so heartbroken, and that he wasn’t the reason why.
“It’s so stupid” he choked out. “This is all because I’m so stupid.”
You were sat now, legs between his as you wiped the tears from his cheek.
“Please?” you asked him.
He chocked out a couple more sobs before focusing his eyes back on yours. You were both still cupping each other’s faces when he began to speak again.
“I got the call from management a day before I was supposed to get on a flight to come see you. I couldn’t stand the idea of telling you I wasn’t going to make it, and I panicked. I knew I was going to let you down, and I know I let you down so much more and I’m so fucking sorry. I’ve never been this close to anyone before, y/n, I’m not shitting you. You’re the first thing I think of when I wake up, the first person I call when I’m free, and I spend every moment thinking about how I can be a good boyfriend. I can’t live without you. I won’t fuck up like this again, I realized how much I need, realized how much I fucking love-“
You clasped your hand over his mouth, stopping him from saying the rest. You didn’t want him to say it now, didn’t want it to be used as a tool to get you back.
“You don’t have to, kookie, you don’t have to say things like that. I forgive you, we can work through this, just don’t hurt me by saying that.”
He took yours hands from off his face and clutched them tight in his own. His tears had slowed and he let out a light laugh.
“You have no idea how perfect you are. I know I don’t deserve you, yet you let me in despite everything. When you care so much for me, when you’re holding me and taking me back, how am I not supposed to feel the way I do? How am I not supposed to fall in love with you?”
A different set of tears were falling down your face, not the hot angry ones from early, but light ones that fell past your cheeks. You fell into his lap and he took you, a firm grasp as if to say he’d never let you go again. He ran his hands through your hair, and whispered agin the words that you hoped to become familiar with.
You didn’t know what tomorrow holds, and you quite frankly didn’t care. All that mattered was that you were in his arms. He held you until you could no longer hear the thunder outside, and when the morning light started to peak it’s way through the curtains, you felt what he felt.
Half asleep you spoke the only words he ever wanted to hear.
“I love you too.”
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