#so instead what happened is i'd get caught between the tent and the edge of the screen and get slaughtered by a bugbear
enbyboiwonder · 3 months
Actually I don't remember if I ever beat Dark Alliance or not. I know I didn't playing on my own, and definitely not with my sister. I got at least as far as the displacer beasts, but no idea if that was solo, with my sister, or both. But my dad and my sister got to the final boss once, and I know I took a stab at it when they were having trouble, but I don't remember who ended up beating them. In fact, all I actually remember of it is that we used that save file to start the next game with the endgame sword…
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wafflesareluv · 3 years
LoA fanfic, takes place after MC becomes junior partner. There's a bit of NSFW content. Enjoy reading!
1.3k words.
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Quinn has wanted this for a very long time now. Sitting at the edge of Hoi On's rooftop, gazing at the night sky while holding Gabe Ricci's hand, getting this couldn't have been tougher. But it's really, really worth it. They're official now, their coworkers know about them and being able to be there for Gabe as someone more than a junior partner, receiving the same affection from him has been heartwarming and comforting to say the least. "If I may dare interrupt your chain of thoughts, Michaels?" his deep voice brought her back to the present moment. Gabe wasn't one for nicknames, he never saw the appeal and Quinn rolled along with it. She shook her head and smirked "I dare charge you a penalty for that, Mr Ricci." "And I wonder what it'd be?" he quipped in a suggestive murmur. Her smirk widened as she withdrew herself from his grip "Now, that wouldn't be a penalty for you, Mr... I say you sing our song." He reluctantly pulled out his phone for the karaoke video "Ahh, that song, you'll remember it forever, won't you?" "Of course I will, it's special" she said. Her previous chain of thoughts as Gabe put it, has returned. She thought back to the day Gabe Ricci became her boyfriend. They had been casual until now, several evenings and nights well spent. Even though Gabe said he cared, more than he would like to admit, he hadn't been as forthcoming as she'd like. That's who he is, so Quinn decided it was time to push her luck further. She wasn't sure how to ask him, what if she loses what she has, thinking of what could have been? What if this is too much to ask of him? He didn't exactly have the best experience in relationships, would he be able to take the leap of faith? She knew she was overthinking when her coffee spilled out from the mug in the espresso machine and she didn't notice it right away. "Get a hold on yourself, Quinn! He said you're too irresistible for your own good, he might just say the feelings are mutual.." she thought. Aislinn who was waiting for her turn, laughed "You sure that coffee would suffice? You're practically daydreaming...and lemme guess, about a certain senior partner.." "Aislinn! Keep your voice low!" Quinn sounded alarmed. Aislinn's eyes lit up "So she didn't deny it! He's a catch, but so are you, Quinn. He'd be blind to not see that. You go get him and I'll get my coffee." "How did you know what exactly I was hesitant about?" Quinn couldn't help but wonder. "Anyone who has a keen eye can tell that you are fidgety these days and anyone who knows you, can tell the reason behind it." Aislinn's response made Quinn smile, both of them grew very close in the past few months. She also knows a thing or two about what's happening between Quinn and Gabe. On the way back to their cabins, they saw Gabe taking his briefcase and stepping out into the hallway. Aislinn mouthed the words "Just do it" and slipped into her office. Quinn glanced at him and their eyes met, he shot her a smile. "Going somewhere?" was all she could manage, her mind was racing at the speed of light. "I'm leaving early, utilising my monthly day off. Too much of work lately." There was a pause as he eyed her in the way that would make her shift from one leg to the other, "Care to join me? It's almost time for you to leave anyways." Normally this is where she'd reply wittily but not today. She simply nodded and collected her overcoat, all the way shocked at her own quiet nature. "This is how much you and thinking about you influence me, Gabe Ricci" she wanted to say, instead she walked along side him and got into his car. "Your place is stunning, not as much as you, but stunning nonetheless, good thing you have an old lady with a hearing ailment as a neighbour" his words were distant yet she felt her eyebrows shoot up and her lips quirk into a small smile, he will always have this effect on her. With him, there was never a dull moment. Around him, she'd completely lose herself in him, literally and metaphorically or just look at him and feel content. Either way, he takes over all her attention and she knows
it's the same for him. Yet, his past makes her question if he would be ready to get into a serious relationship. Reaching her apartment, they get inside followed by freshening up. Yeah, Gabe even has a spare set of clothes in her flat and still she's tentative about the thing she's gonna ask him about. She needed to be herself and talk with him, she made a mental note to reduce her overthinking. As if on cue he called out "I see a couple of vegetables and a standard staple of bread, are sandwiches good to go?" "It's always good when you cook, Mr Ricci, one of the many talents your hands have mastered" she grinned as she walked in to the kitchen. "There is the smart mouth I like, you were being uncharacteristically silent" he was tossing the chopped onions into the pan. "So the great Gabe Ricci likes it when I'm not quite huh?" as soon as words left her mouth, his hands were at her sides while he worked his tounge, making her gasp and then moan. "There, did you ever hear those hot moans coming out of that pretty mouth? Who wouldn't like that?" just like that he was back to sauteing the vegetables, as if he wasn't doing anything sinful just seconds ago. Whereas she was still reeling from his assault, "Damn you, Ricci! Always composed and efficient" she cursed at him in her mind. Though she did that, she had to admit, Gabe was unpredictable and she liked that, his touch and the kiss.. they're electric.. the only one way she would describe them- wait, that's it! She walked towards the counter, placing the plates and cutlery, she also put a note which goes like "Before the dinner, your stunning host wants you to see in the balcony, come there as soon as you read this. Xoxo.” As expected, he was walking towards her and it was perfect, she had the fairy lights on. "Listen to the song properly Mr Ricci, that's exactly how I feel about you" was all she said before she played
Electric love by BØRNS. When it ended, she looked him straight in the eye "Gabe, these few weeks have been the closest to what I'd call "perfect" and that's because of you. What we have right now, I like it but I'd also like to cherish every single thing with you and be that someone you'd be with everyday. Now that I've got it, I can't let it go and I want more Gabe. Would you do the honour of being my boyfriend, Gabriel Ricci?" He didn't speak for painstakingly long moments and his face, inscrutable as ever, it gave away nothing. Then at once he closed the distance between them. "No one has caught my eye like you did, Quinn. Everything about you is fascinating, I just want to spend more time with you. So, yes, now might I indulge my girlfriend in a dinner and then drown her in electric love as per her request?" Quinn laughed with all her heart and kissed him languidly on the lips, while she entwined his fingers with hers. And then, on their 100th day as a couple, they're here. Fingers entwined, hearts fulfilled, their song "Baby, your electric looove oooh" playing in the background as they looked at eachother with smiles just like people who're undoubtedly in love.
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rinrinp42 · 7 years
Your Narnia Au sounds amazing, if it's possible could you add them to you 12 prompt things I'm doing for the holidays list? The genius squad sounds like a fun combination and I'd love to see them interact in this setting.
Uhh, this ended up not having a lot of interaction between the boys…. I meant this to just be the beginning, but this weekend ended up being pretty busy and I kinda ran out of steam tonight but wanted to keep on scheduled.  So.  Have a look into what the AU would be?
Also on AO3:
Madara stared at him, unsure as to what just happened, but more sure than before that the Uchiha Clan needed to ally with this group.  He only hoped it wouldn’t end in disaster.
Tobirama doesn’t look away from his mirror as Uchiha Tajima and Uchiha Madara enter his tent.  They move forward silently, and a slight wind moves the cloud charm at the bottom of the mirror.
“Did you have any trouble getting here?  I told the men to ignore you,” he asks.
They freeze at that.
“You,” Madara’s brow furrowed, “knew we were coming, and you didn’t leave?”
Tobirama’s eyes flickered to him before returning to the mirror, examining it for a moment.
“It is one thing to run from a superior foe, to preserve oneself until one is able to fight back with a better chance of winning.  It is quite another to run from those who place themselves as better than one or as opposed to one.  Fleeing from such, one tricks oneself into always running.  I have little to fear from either of you, thus I will not run.  But only a fool would sacrifice others to forestall an enemy that they can handle themselves.”
Madara began to feel uneasy about this course of action his father had decided on.
“Then you are a fool,” Tajima sneered, “But I should have guessed as much for a son of Senju Butsuma.”
Tobirama gave a hum of disinterest at that.
Madara glanced between them, his unease growing.
“You never asked,” Tobirama suddenly said, his head tilting even as he continued to look in his mirror.
“What?” Tajima’s brow furrowed, unsure what the 15 year old was meaning.
“You never once asked what my Storm-Brother called me.  Most don’t.  And yet….” he finally glanced away from the mirror to look at them, no to look at Tajima, “if they had only asked, so many would realize why I am not the weak link they see me as.  Our dear Menage-Brother has such a Wildness about him that none doubt the danger he represents, and of course our Desert-Brother and Storm-Brother and readily known for what they can do.  And yet people seem to think I am…. lesser.  It’s alright.  I was the lesser of my father’s two eldest sons even before my Brothers and I met.”
Madara shifted, unnerved by the statement even as Tobirama’s eyes drifted away from them and lingered once more on the mirror before turning to the desk in between them.  It was only at that moment that Madara realized that it had several different swords and sword handles on it.
He swallowed, knowing now that this had been a mistake.  He found his voice and rasped out, “What do they call you then?”
Tobirama’s eyes flickered to him, the ruby gaze locking him in place. Oh, thought Madara, this is what our enemies feel like under the Sharingan.
“I am their Death-Brother.”
Madara’s brow furrowed, unsure as to what that meant when movement caught his eye.
He turned towards it and saw arms reaching up through the ground and grabbing on to Tajima.  The elder Uchiha tried to pull away, but couldn’t.
“You would kill another Clan’s Head and Heir?  It would cause hostilities to increase,” Tajima sneered.
“Oh?  But you were the one who came here to kill me,” Tobirama said, gaze moving to the Uchiha Head.
The teenager’s hand ghosted over the desk, finally picking up one sword.
“My Storm-Brother has given me permission to end you,” Tobirama spoke idly as he glided forward, “I could have my Undead Legion kill you, but you deserve better than that.”
Tajima sneered, getting ready to speak when Tobirama moved and suddenly there was a blade sheathed in his chest.
Tobirama let go of the blade and stepped back, turning to face Madara.
“And what of you?  Are you our enemy as well?” he asked, gaze even.
Madara stared back, thinking of each part of this night.  He thought of his brothers and of those brothers shared by Izuna and this boy in front of him.
“Clan Uchiha stands with The Four,” he finally spoke, slightly inclining his head.
A pleased smile curved onto Tobirama’s lips.
“Come,” Tobirama turned back towards the mirror, “let me show you something.”
Madara followed him over to the round mirror edged with shells.
As soon as he stepped into the range of vision of the mirror, space seemed to distort around the mirror.
Suddenly he couldn’t see the mirror any more and he instinctively turned on his Sharingan, but his sight did not change.  There were still no mirror and instead slightly transparent figures instead.
One was dressed in a floor length robe and shaggy brown hair.  Another was spiky brown hair and hakama pants.  The last two were heartachingly familiar.
Izuna in armor and Hashirama in his usual garb.
“Is it done then?” Izuna asked.
“Yes,” Tobirama nodded, “Your father is dead and the new Head has declared that the Uchiha Clan stands with us.”
“As does the Senju Clan,” Izuna nodded.
“The desert Clans are aligning with us as well,” Reto added.
“So shall we move forward then in our plans?” Sasuke asked, raising one eyebrow.
“Yes.  We should meet at the pre-agreed spot for the next phase,” Tobirama nodded.
With that Tobirama stepped to the side and the others disappeared with the mirror reappeared.
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