#so it’ll be easy to tell them apart if one is beige and purple and the other is white and duck egg
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Gotta love seeing a cute knitting pattern that is free for Valentine’s day only, being excited at the prospect of saving money, and then immediately spending almost £30 on materials to make the damn thing 🤦🏻‍♀️
#it was a combination of 2 things: 1) i couldn’t decide on a colour scheme & couldn’t decide whether i should trust the yarn colours#in the photo; so i decided to buy a few different options#like i trust this navy blue but is the white going to be too stark? should i go with beige? but is the beige too dark?#will the duck egg blue clash with everything else? especially the beige#so i ended up buying the white the beige the navy the duck egg And also purple#at least i can have variations. tbh the pattern itself has variations (it’s a colourwork pattern and there’s two different design options)#so it’ll be easy to tell them apart if one is beige and purple and the other is white and duck egg#or some other combination idk#that was when i noticed the second thing which was the free delivery promotion#yes i got swindled#i don’t think i have double pointed needles in the size i need for this specific pattern so i bought some just in case magic loop confounds#me. and then i was £5 off the free delivery promotion so i was like ‘fuck it’ and ordered a random sock yarn that was on sale#i figure at some point i need to get over my hatred of making socks. also my mom will stop asking me to make them if i make her one pair#i mean she hasn’t actually Asked but she goes on and on about the socks my godmother makes and how good they are and then looks at me like 🥺#and i’m like oh my GOD. you saw me have a breakdown trying to make those slipper socks. can you chill#anyway tl;dr i have once again spent money for no reason. lol#personal
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eds-trashmouth · 5 years
Middle of the Night
A/N: I know it’s late. (For me at least) But I really wanna post this. I’ve been sitting on it and finally finished it. This new movie coming out is really inspiring man. Anyways! Here’s part 2 of Good Side. It’s sad. But also fluffy. The song used is by The Vamps by the way.
Part 1
The night started as well as Eddie could’ve hoped. It was a relatively small concert, probably only 300 people. So Eddie got a spot right at the front. He’d never allowed himself to go to a Trashmouth concert so he was a little excited honestly. Even if he was upset with Richie, he still thought the band was extremely talented. They came on stage and it was like a magnet pulled Richie’s attention straight to him. They locked eyes and an expression only describable as pure and utter shock fell on Richie’s face. Richie shook his head as if to regain focus and walked to the mic. ‘How’s everyone doing tonight?!’ He was smiling and waving with his guitar hanging by the strap. Eddie wasn’t completely sure but he could’ve sworn the smile never met Richie’s eye. He would know a true Richie Tozier smile. The crowd went nuts regardless and Eddie was just glad he’d remembered his ear plugs. ‘I’m so happy to hear that, we are Trashmouth and we’re gonna rock your world!’ Que more screams from the crowd. ‘I hope you don’t mind if we start it off with a brand new song.’ Richie’s smile still not meeting his eyes, he started strumming as the band came in.
I keep coming back to that moment
Where it all fell apart
So I try and drink my emotions
Till I can't feel my heart
Another sad song. Eddie could tell the crowd wasn’t too into it. A song about another lost love. They probably expected a more upbeat opener but they cheered anyways. Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off Richie. His lips slightly touching the mic and his vocals came out a little breathless. He kept his eyes forward, and Eddie could only assume he was cause. His eyes slid closed as the beat picked up slightly and his voice seemed to grow in confidence.
And I don't understand
How you slipped through my hands
And I do all I can
To get you out of my head
That was all the crowd needed to go crazy once more. Eddie couldn’t help but cringe at the sudden mass scream. Even ear plugs couldn’t save him from that outburst. The lights faded to a deep blue and purple as they danced across the stage. All Eddie could think was how perfect Richie looked up there. He truly did belong on stage. Seeing Richie again was like a slap of nostalgia, right in the face. A distant memory of late nights on his roof with Richie and his guitar. ‘I’m going somewhere someday Eds. That I promise you. Someday it’ll be me and this guitar,’ slapping the soft beige acoustic in his lap. It was unmistakably Richie’s. A faded weed sticker barely sticking out behind a newer alien, because Maggie hated the stoner vibe, and Richie’s own cat scratch in the corner spelling out Losers for his ‘real family’.
So when I call you in the middle of the night
And I'm choking on the words 'cause I miss you
Baby, don't tell me I'm out of time
I got so much of my loving to give you
Seeing Richie was understandably a little overwhelming. Eddie didn’t know what he was thinking, coming here, pretending it would be easy to feel all these emotions again. Before long the opener was over and Richie was talking into the mic again. ‘That was Middle of The Night. I wrote it for the new album coming out next month. Thank you for coming. Truly, this is my favorite thing to do. And I get to do it with all of you.’ Another scream from the crowd. Eddie couldn’t help but smile at the sincerity in Richie’s voice. He knew he belonged up there. The concert continued for a few more songs. The older, more upbeat ones that the crowd went crazy for. Eddie even found himself singing along to a few. Even if seeing Richie was hard, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying himself. Trashmouth was amazing. Especially live.
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
I need you
In the middle of the night
Eddie wasn’t sure but he swore Richie glanced his way quite often. A few times a song maybe. But maybe that was wishful thinking. The house lights came up as Richie asked for a little light to see all the beautiful faces. He glanced over the crowd, definitely looking at Eddie this time before speaking. ‘Stunning absolutely stunning.’ Richie almost whispered into the mic. Staring directly at Eddie like it was a secret just for them. The edge of his lips gliding softly against the mic. A few faces around him glanced Eddie’s direction to see who Richie was staring at, but most the crowd just erupted into cheers.
I've got no good explanation
For what I put you through
Managing my expectations
Is what I never do
All the lights faded as Richie was illuminated by a single spot light. The stage help brought out a stool and a familiar guitar. It was definitely Richie’s extremely old acoustic. The weed and alien stickers still present, but joined by a Trashmouth sticker and even more chicken scratch. He couldn’t quite make out the words but he knew the writing. ‘This next song is very dear to me. I wrote it at a great place in my career and a not so great place in my life. This is Good Side.’ Eddie knew it well at this point. It had quickly became his favorite Trashmouth track. It was tragic, and maybe Eddie related to it, or maybe he just understood this one better than the rest. Richie’s voice seemed to fill the entire space. People bringing out their lighters to sway along to the beat. But Richie’s gaze never once left Eddie’s. He felt like the only one in the entire venue, it was almost intimate. The longer the song went on the harder it was for Eddie to keep looking. Richie’s face was screaming emotion; once again Eddie felt the pain flow through his body. He suddenly felt trapped.
Yeah, and I don't understand
How you slipped through my hands
And I'm trying all I can
To forget you again
The room seemed to close in on him. The longer Richie stared the tighter his throat felt. He shouldn’t have came. This was a mistake. His breathing came out in short pants. Was he hyperventilating? The air just wasn’t filling his lungs. He hasn’t had this problem since he was 14. Eddie subconsciously checked his pockets for his inhaler. Panic seeped into his veins as he realized he didn’t have one. Wait. He hasn’t had one since middle school. He needed to get out of here. Right now. As Richie began the chorus he was radiating sadness, and his eyes slipped closed. Eddie took that as his cue to get the fuck out. He immediately turned and started pushing his way through the crowd. As he reached the middle of the crowd there was a sudden silence. ‘Eddie! Wait!’
So when I call you in the middle of the night
And I'm choking on the words 'cause I miss you
Baby, don't tell me I'm out of time
I got so much of my loving to give you
He didn’t wait.
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
I need you
His feet carried him out of the venue and into the storm. It didn’t take long for the tears to fall. There he was. Richie Tozier was right in front of him for the first time in 7 years. He was 18 when Richie left Derry. When Richie left him. This memory always hurt the most. The sky was dark with clouds as it poured down on the two teenagers sat on the roof. Neither boy was sure where their tears ended and the rain began. ‘What do you mean you’re leaving?’ Eddie hiccuped. ‘Eds, please. We got the opportunity of a lifetime. I have to take this. I thought you’d be happy for me.’ They might’ve been arguing but both seemed to need the comfort of the other. Tangled in limbs, the world seemed to stop. ‘Of course I’m happy for you Chee. But why do you have to leave tomorrow? Why couldn’t you tell me sooner? How could you spring this on me so suddenly and think I would be okay? You’re. You’re leaving Rich. And I can’t go with you. I was supposed to go with you.’ Their was a heavy sigh as Richie began untangling himself and standing up. ‘I should’ve had the guts to tell you sooner. But I didn’t. Maybe it’s for the best. You not coming with me, I mean. If this deal doesn’t turn out the way we hope, I’ll be just another wannabe. No one wants a wannabe.’ Richie was already climbing back inside Eddie’s room before Eddie could even comprehend what was happening. ‘I don’t care what you become. Rags or riches, I want you Richie. Our lives together are just beginning.’ But it was too late. Richie was already sliding past the doorway. ‘You don’t want me Eds. You shouldn’t want me.’ Eddie tripped over himself as he climbed back through his window. Running to his bedroom door. ‘Richie! Wait!’ He didn’t wait. Eddie couldn’t help but see the similarities between tonight and that night. The rain. The tears. The pain. He continued walking the streets of New York City; past the bus stop, past the subway, even past his apartment. He needed this walk. Pain was easier when you had something else to occupy your time. It was half past two in the morning before he decided he should go home. He’d already walked to multiple parks and down multiple streets in the 2 hours he’d been out. Part of Eddie wished he was back in a small town, just so he’d be alone this late at night. The hustle and bustle of a city is something Eddie would never be used to. Too many people.
So when I call you in the middle of the night
And I'm choking on the words 'cause I miss you
Baby, don't tell me I'm out of time
I got so much of my loving to give you
*Ring* Who could possibly be calling right now? Eddie checked his phone to see an unfamiliar number illuminating his screen. Without even thinking, his thumb slid to answer. ‘Hello?’ He tried his best to sound like he hadn’t been crying for hours. ‘Eds. Please don’t hang up.’ Maybe answering was a mistake too. ‘R-Richie?’ His voice cracked. He was hyperventilating again. ‘Hi. I’m sorry to call you so late. I saw you at the show...wait, you knew that. Of course you knew that. Shit. I’m sorry. Again. You probably don’t want to hear from me. Or maybe you do? Is that why you came?’ Richie was rambling. He always rambled when he was stoned. Another memory of a small basement and a joint flashed through Eddie’s head. He’d never heard of shotgunning before that day, but Richie was a good teacher. He couldn’t help the smile amongst his tears. ‘Maybe.’ That was all that came out. So much to say but he didn’t trust his voice. ‘I miss you. I miss you so fucking much. I was too stubborn back then. I didn’t think I deserved you. What if I never made it? I could never give you the life you deserved. Eddie you deserve the world. I’d give you the stars if I could. I-I lov...I mean. I lost you that day, and I’ve never forgiven myself for it.’ Eddie was practically home by now, maybe 2 minutes away, but as he rounded onto his street he could see a figure standing at his complex door.
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
I need you
‘Where are you right now Chee?’ ‘I came to talk. If you’d let me.’ Without realizing Eddie had picked up speed and was speed walking to his doorstep. ‘Yes. We can talk. I’m coming.’ And with that he hung up. Slipping his phone into his pocket, he took off. Richie stood there, hands in the pockets of his ripped jeans, and a cigarette between his fingers. ‘Those will kill you, you know?’ Richie’s head whipped up at the sound. He snuffed out the cig as Eddie approached. ‘Nasty habit... You look good Eds....sorry. I-I shouldn’t have said that.’ The rain continued to fall, and Eddie was sure he’d be sick tomorrow. ‘Come inside. I’ll get you some clothes. We’ll get sick if we stay out here.’ As he moved past Richie, a hand gripped his wrist and gently spun him around. ‘Wait. I need you to understand. I always...I never meant to...I thought you deserved more than I could give, and I didn’t even give you a chance to change my mind. I’ve spent 7 years of my life missing you, and I don’t want to spend another 7 seconds without you. I shouldn’t be springing this on you now, but my only regret is walking away from you. From our lives together.’ ‘Chee...’ He was already closing the distance between them. His wrist slipped out of Richie’s hold as he took a step forward. Eddie caressed his face softly, getting up on his tip toes as he brought their noses together. ‘You really love rambling, trashmouth.’ Richie’s lips curled into a small smile. ‘Can’t help myself. I panic.’ It was Eddie’s turn to smile, after 7 years he still couldn’t help but feel fond of the taller boy in front of him. Before Richie could say another word, he was leaning in. Their lips touched in a soft kiss. Eddie remembered these lips, often dreamt of these lips. He pulled away quickly, but still with a smile. ‘Still can’t afford chapstick with that rock star salary?’ Richie let out a real genuine laugh, something Eddie was sure he’d never get tired of. Without another word, Richie followed Eddie inside. Hand in hand, maybe this was the real beginning.
@richietoaster @geckolover001 @pennys-pet-kitty @aesteddie @elhopps @summerxle @mexicanqt @punkrocktozier @richietczicr @tozier-club @kristashae @princesass-theresa @dandeliontozier @doctor-lobster @queennugget3 @halfway-happy353 @reddieafterdark @beep-beep-reddie @hmufinn @stanuterus @not-reddie @curlywheelers @i-is-gazebo @temptedtozier @reddie-to-fight @girasol-eddie @mirandonsky @annoyingtozier @sedanleystanley @richieshawaiianshirts @tyrror @slingingwingingspidey @themarvelousmissmadge @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @constantreaderfool @muffin-berry @eddiekazier
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