#and i’m like oh my GOD. you saw me have a breakdown trying to make those slipper socks. can you chill
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Gotta love seeing a cute knitting pattern that is free for Valentine’s day only, being excited at the prospect of saving money, and then immediately spending almost £30 on materials to make the damn thing 🤦🏻‍♀️
#it was a combination of 2 things: 1) i couldn’t decide on a colour scheme & couldn’t decide whether i should trust the yarn colours#in the photo; so i decided to buy a few different options#like i trust this navy blue but is the white going to be too stark? should i go with beige? but is the beige too dark?#will the duck egg blue clash with everything else? especially the beige#so i ended up buying the white the beige the navy the duck egg And also purple#at least i can have variations. tbh the pattern itself has variations (it’s a colourwork pattern and there’s two different design options)#so it’ll be easy to tell them apart if one is beige and purple and the other is white and duck egg#or some other combination idk#that was when i noticed the second thing which was the free delivery promotion#yes i got swindled#i don’t think i have double pointed needles in the size i need for this specific pattern so i bought some just in case magic loop confounds#me. and then i was £5 off the free delivery promotion so i was like ‘fuck it’ and ordered a random sock yarn that was on sale#i figure at some point i need to get over my hatred of making socks. also my mom will stop asking me to make them if i make her one pair#i mean she hasn’t actually Asked but she goes on and on about the socks my godmother makes and how good they are and then looks at me like 🥺#and i’m like oh my GOD. you saw me have a breakdown trying to make those slipper socks. can you chill#anyway tl;dr i have once again spent money for no reason. lol#personal
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hectorthedoggo · 3 months
I will put this in ao3 and edit when i have the means to. but. @kani-miso it's 0009 sibs i thought of you and decided to make this 🎀🎀
“Alright. Milgram's up.” The creature stayed. Es stayed frozen from where they were sitting on the couch. Oh God. What's the consequences of my verdicts?
Wait. Up? This is Trial 2?
They disregarded that. It must be a mistake.
If these verdicts even are mine, I can’t tell. I've been dreading this. I'm scared. They clutched their arms, trying to gain some warmth, some friction, for what was to happen next.
Jackalope narrowed his eyes at them. “A nervous one, aren't you now. Anyways, so since the administrators decided that you were too unstable, you'll go free. Congrats.
Oh yeah, and the verdicts didn't really have consequences, it was just a little social experiment. It doesn't matter. Good luck surviving in the real world!”
What. What the heck is he talking about? “Wha- What do you mean- Who's the admin- wah!”
They felt a pulling sensation, and suddenly, they were standing in a Walmart™ parking lot. The only other person nearby was Mikoto Kayano.
But, nobody was dead. He was in his original clothes, but. Wait, where are we? What's this big sign that says ‘Walmart’?
What is a Walmart, and where the hell did Milgram go?
They also had a little pack with them, and upon opening it, there was a little message printed out. Nothing else.
‘mikoto is your legal sibling btw. gl lmao be glad I even gave you this note ur probably my favorite warden - Jackalope (professional child neglecter)’
At least the pack looked cool looked cool…
Es was about to have a mental breakdown. Why did Milgram leave me like this? Is this what I am to them?
“Woah, what happened?” Mikoto wondered, “Hey, Es. Did you do this? Is Milgram over? Did they identify it to be a mistake?”
They started shaking. They threw me out like garbage. I…
They sniffled at the situation. I’m… garbage. Because, as my usual logic says, I am what Milgram deems me to be.
“I- I have no idea…” they extended the last vowel to emphasize how little idea they had.
They threw the note on the ground --- or at least tried to, it just flew away, right into Mikoto’s hands ---, and started to sob.
The tables had turned. Mikoto looked like he knew why he was here, Es didn’t (nande boku ga koko ni iruyo). It was genetic.
Meanwhile, Mikoto had gotten the note, and he read it. “Wh- huh?”
He stared over at Es. “Es, this is a mistake, right?”
“That is the least of my worries right now, pudding boy!” they snapped at him, instead channeling their sadness into aggression.
He completely disregarded their feelings, to the point where he might not have even heard them. “Right… my mom did mention that our father got remarried. Wah, Suu! You’re my little sib!”
He went up to their grieving form, and gave them a little fistbump, lifting up their unwilling arm to do so. Why did he do that? Last time we touched, John was beating the shit out of me.
A random car pulled up into the Walmart™ parking lot, and the window unrolled. 
It was a woman with brownish hair, who looked like Mikoto. “Oh, you’re the other sibling that your father was talking about. You two can just get in the back in the car, your sister’s taking shotgun. Nice to meet you!”
Why the fuck does Mikoto’s sister have a shotgun? Are they all like this?
Mikoto followed in with them, and buckled in. Es had no idea what was going on.
They could not find the seatbelt, too busy processing the upheaval of their life in the past 5 minutes.
“Yo, sib. The seatbelt’s over there.” Mikoto smiled and gave a thumbs up, like a reliable older brother. “I saw it.” I did not see it.
They touched it, and got stung by the heat. Their, wait, no, Mikoto’s sister turned back at their sound of pain, turning off her phone. “Ah, yeah. It’s summer, don’t touch it.”
They scowled, forgetting their dread in the face of the overheated car seatbelt.
The car chimed, and the keys jingled. “Alright, folks! You two seem pretty tired from wherever the heck you disappeared to. Would you wanna go home, or get some ice cream?”
The sister turned around, and smiled a little wide. “My dear siblings, do you know the answer? There is a correct one.”
Es scowled. “What the fuck is an ice cream. Why is the cream ice?”
“Are you serious?” She scrutinized their face, finding the truth, “Step on it, Ma.” She went back to her phone, probably texting her friends about this weird kid in a warden outfit that was apparently her sibling now.
Mikoto looked over at Es and shrugged, like a comical cartoon character. Like a ‘what can you do?’.
I won’t allow these insolent- wait, these aren’t prisoners. Unless the sister girl did something with that shotgun of hers. It would run in the family, I guess.
Wait, that would mean that I’m also violent. Nevermind.
The 11th cell came to mind, and they dismissed it. Wrong kinda fic, buddy. We staying fluff here.
“So, Mikoto. And, what’s your name?”
“Es. I think?”
The woman put on her strict mother voice. “... okay. Mikoto and Es. What was so important that you had to completely disappear for like a years. No note! Job gone! You could’ve died, for all I knew! Es, sweetie, I’m sure it was Mikoto’s fault. He’s such a bad influence.”
Es raised their hand to ask a question, slightly flustered from the pet name. She indicated that they could speak.
They decided to just reveal it all. “Um, Mikoto committed murder… eh, Mikoto, he has DID and was stressed from his job, hence the murder. And I was the warden of the prison that held him and 9 others.”
Mikoto lost all of his composure at all of his darkest secrets being revealed, the dramatic guy he was. “What… Es, don’t… I… that’s not… I don’t have DID? I was doing… I was doing just…”
He seemed a little overwhelmed at the prospect of having to unpack all of the luggage that Es laid out, so another guy came out. “I am not straight. Oh- sorry, hi, I’m John. I’m the guy who totally committed the murder 100% trust guys c’mon vote mikoto innocent 2024-”
I already had to deal with that yapping last interrogation. Es shut him up with their hand. He waved it away. “If you’re gonna say that shit about Mikoto, Es hasn’t been going to bed at a healthy time or eating healthy.”
They were betrayed at his reveal. “I can’t believe you.”
“We’re going to fix that, Es. You’re going to get the regular kid treatment.” The mother nodded, eyes steeling. Oh no, not the normal teen treatment!
John had some other stuff going on behind there. Maybe Mikoto’s cheesiness had rubbed off on him. “As soon as we get out of this car I’m giving you a hug.”
“Is that a threat?”
Speaking of unwarranted physical contact. “Oh yeah, mo- Mikoto’s mother, um… John beat me up in Trial 1.”
“What’cha gonna do about it?”
“Give you another hug.” He deviously grinned, knowing that wasn’t the answer they expected or an answer they liked.
“I won’t allow it.” But, they weren’t the warden anymore. They couldn’t deflect affection as well as they used to.
The sister was unbothered by this discourse. Perhaps it hasn’t quite set in. “I guess I got two extra surprise siblings. Cool.”
When they got to the ice cream store after a prolonged amount of awkward silence, the moment the car doors opened, the chase was on.
Es nearly ran into oncoming traffic to escape any chance at being loved, as one does, but John grabbed them and lifted them up by their elbows, giving them a hug once they were out of the street.
“Jeez, you’re light. C’mon, we’re getting ice cream and you aren’t gonna kill yourself.”
“‘M not!” They kicked their legs to try and get the man off of them. But, they had about the strength of a 5 week old kitten compared to him, without the claws.
He plopped them down, Es seething about their lack of power they had here.
The sister turned off her phone, finally, and turned to Es. “Okay, I just wanna make sure. Were you joking earlier about not having ice cream before?”
“I’m the prison warden of Milgram, I don’t need-”
She interrupted them before they could start monologuing and crying about how Milgram didn’t exist anymore. “You’re getting Birthday Bash.”
“What- but it’s not my birthday?” It could be, for all I know, but she’s doesn’t have to know that.
“Ok, what is your birthday?” Dammit.
“Great question!” Es stared into space, tone full of sarcasm. Milgram never tells me shit.
“Mikoto or whoever the hell you are, do you know their birthday?”
“Nah.” John responded. “By the way, um, this kid was the one who named me John, because they thought it would be funny to be a know-it-all and reference some English name.”
She looked over at Es. “No offense, but you suck at naming. I think we were all thinking that.” We…
Es tried to defend their horrible naming skills. “What?! Who else was gonna name him?”
Mikoto’s mother decided to join in the conversation, but left after putting her two cents in. “Me. Or Mikoto, since he’s where John came from.”
John smirked. “See, Es! But the name has stuck, so you owe me.”
Es crossed their arms, huffing. “I don’t owe you anything. You beat me up that one time, so if anything, you owe me!”
He couldn’t exactly find a defense for that, so he took their hat off their head and held it as high as he could reach, exposing their hat hair. “Hey!”
They jumped to get it, but to no avail. They looked pathetic.
Meanwhile, Mikoto’s mother and sister had already gone in to order. Order, like what a judge says?
It’s all a law reference.
John grinned. “You're a silly little creature, Suu.”
“You're not Mikoto, stop that.” I do not like that weird ass nickname.
He put on an innocent face. “What do you mean? I'm Mikoto, and I love my company so much! Hahaha, I would never commit murder. This must be a mistake!”
Es was somewhat surprised. “That's stuff he actually said in his first trial, how did you get it so accurately?”
“I hear this guy's internal monologue.”
That’ll do it. “Ah.”
 He threw their hat into the air while they were distracted, and they stepped back in surprise. He caught it. “Nice hat.”
“Get away from-”
The rest of the family brought over ice cream, and Es was handed a mash of colors in theirs that seemed unnatural.
“Is this food?”
“Eat it.” John asserted.
They shrugged. If this is poison, at least I don't have to worry about Milgram and all that stuff.
Worst case scenario, it doesn't kill me and it tastes bad. I'm not sure what my best case scenario is. Dying? It tasting good? We’ll see.
They bit down on the food with aggression, and it tasted… amazing, other than the fact that it was cold.
“What the heck is this? In a good way?” They temporarily forgot about their slight suicidal ideation.
“Bro has never heard of the wonders of overly processed foods…” the sister commented, smirking.
Why is she calling me bro? Huh? If I question her, will she bring out the shotgun? I'm scared of her. She’s my older sister now, isn’t she…
To be honest, Kotoko was scarier. I’ll be fine.
She wasn’t addicted to her phone, though… wait, right. Kotoko kinda was.
They grinned, and momentarily forgot their troubles in the face of their action. I’m so much better than these people. This tastes good. Mmm… ice cream… I like it…
They did get a brain freeze, and brought their hand up to their forehead in pain.
They got their head patted by John, who had somehow consumed his (larger serving of) ice cream. “Do you want the rest of that?”
“Yes?” They answered.
He grabbed a spoon, and took a bite of their ice cream. “Wow, this tastes nice.”
Es disliked the younger sibling experience. “Give me my hat back. I didn’t forget about that.”
“No.” However, he made a mistake: it happened to be in grabbing range. They quickly snatched it, and grinned in pride.
But, while they were distracted with John, they forgot about their other older sibling, who took a sizable amount of their precious ice cream.
I just discovered ice cream. Will they stop stealing it?
They were next in a car, making sure to avoid the seatbelt this time. About ⅓ of their ice cream had been usurped, and they didn't have the strength to defend it.
But, it wasn’t that bad. These people are nice…
I… I guess this is my life now? It’s not that bad.
Finally, there were no catches to this fact.
They would have to buy new clothes, the warden outfit was scratchy.
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strniohoeee · 11 months
could you pls write one where matt picks up his girl best friend after she gets stood up on a date? he ends up getting hard from her stort dress when she bends over to pick up her phone that she dropped, she notices and then gives him car head before she rides him in the back. sub matt but gets mad cuz of the teasing and turns dom on her maybe?
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N gets stood up on a date, she then calls Matt. He comes to the rescue, and some extra curricular activities take place 😏
Warnings⚠️: This is SMUT babes. Riding, car sex, road head, panties getting shoved in the mouth, sub matt and dom matt….but uhh other than that its sum light😙
Song for the imagine: Lovers Rock- TV Girl
⚠️This is an 18+ story, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
I was currently getting ready for a date. I had been talking to this guy for about three weeks before he finally asked me on a date. I was super excited because I really liked the guy we texted everyday and spoke on the phone about every other day
He told me to get ready, and dress nicely because he was taking me to a fancy spot for dinner. This made me super giddy because I had never been on a date to a fancy restaurant. Most guys wanted to either sit in their car, go to their house or eat at a fast food restaurant. But this guy was giving it his all!
I had finished getting ready at about 8, and he asked me to meet him at 8:30 at the place. So I decided to call an Uber, and start heading over to the place
The Uber ride was exactly 30 minutes. Which was perfect I didn’t want to be waiting around like some desperate girl
I went into the restaurant, and didn’t see him, so I figured he was running a few minutes behind. I decided to get a table for us.
After I was seated I texted him.
-hey I’m over by the windows when you first enter. I got a table for us☺️
No response….weird but I figured he was driving still
The waiter came over asking if I wanted a drink, so I ordered something, and still waited for the guy
-hiii not trying to bother you, but we were supposed to meet 15 minutes ago. Are you at another restaurant??
I wondered if maybe we had gone to different places by accident
I had been sitting in the restaurant for 45 minutes. Waiting for this idiot while also looking like an idiot….god how embarrassing
I had told the waiter I wanted the check for my drink, and after getting it I paid, and sat at the table a little longer
-you know if you didn’t want to go on this date you could’ve just told me. Instead of making me come out here like an idiot
I hit send, and the chat bubble turned green….what a fucking dick he blocked me?!
I just rolled my eyes, and exhaled deeply. I was also planning on riding back to his house or mine after the date,so now I had to find a ride home again
I decided to call Matt before I had a mental breakdown. It rang three times before he picked up
“Hey” he said lowly
“Hey Matt” I said back
“Where are you?” He asked me
“I’m over at ‘Tony’s on the water’” I said back
“Oh for that date!” He said perking up
“Yeah….” I said sounding upset
“What’s going on?” He asked me
“Fucking asshole stood me up, and then blocked me after I’d been sitting here for 45 minutes” I said scoffing
“What a fucking dick. Send me your location I’ll pick you up” he said
“No you don’t have to. I can Uber home” I told him
“No don’t worry I’ll come get you” he said
We hung up and I sent him my address. I was sitting outside when I saw Matt pull up
“Pretty lady sitting alone. Come here” he said rolling down the windows
I rolled my eyes, and laughed at him. Getting up and going to walk to the car. Suddenly I heard a thump and looked behind me, I looked behind me, and saw I dropped my phone
I turned around and bent over mindlessly picking up my phone. Honestly forgetting I had a short dress on, and I’m pretty sure I just flashed Matt
Unbeknown to Y/N, she did indeed flash Matt, and he got a perfect view of her pussy covered in white lace underwear. His cock immediately started to stiffen. He tried to adjust himself as y/n walked to the car opening the passenger side door
“My knight in shining armor, thank you for saving me” I told him sitting in his car
“I told you! I’m always one call away. I got you whenever you need me” he said checking his blind spot before driving off
“Can’t believe that guy. To ask me on the date, and then ghost me, and then BLOCK me” I said disbelieved
“Honestly fuck him, he couldn’t handle all you anyways” he said giving me a once over
“What do you mean by that” I said laughing
“You radiate powerful energy, and you’re a bad fucking bitch. He could not handle all of that” Matt said winking at me
“Ohhh tell us how you really feel” I said back blushing slightly
“That dress looks really nice on you” Matt said, looking at me again, and slightly readjusting himself. My eyes followed his hands, and saw a bulge
“Do you have fucking boner” I said with my mouth falling slack
“I can’t help myself you looked so fucking hot bending over. Shit went straight to my dick” he said pulling his sweats down a bit
“I gave thee Matt Sturniolo a boner” I said acting fake shocked
“Yeah you fucking did” he said looking at me
“Want me to help you?” I asked batting my lashes
“You’d do that?” He asked looking at me with droopy eyes
“I’d do whatever you’d like” I said seductively
“Fuck….go right ahead then” he said leaning back and steering the car with his left hand only
I leaned over slightly palming his dick through his sweatpants. He moaned at this slightly turning his head a little bit
“Does Matty like that?” I asked looking up at him
“I do, but I’d like it better if you used that pretty mouth of yours” he said looking down at me
“Eyes on the road pretty boy, and I’ll do whatever you want” I said, his eyes snapped back to the road, and I slowly pulled his dick out
I started to kitten lick the tip, and blowing air on his dick
“Come on stop teasing” he said patting my head
“Shhh” I said before taking his whole dick into my mouth at once
“OH FUCK” he yelled out
I started to bob my head up and down, swirling my tongue on his dick, and coming back up to suck the tip
“Oh my god” he said breathing heavily
I removed my mouth and started to jerk him off
“What do I get” I said looking up at him through my lashes
“What do you want?” He asked
“I want to ride your dick in the back seat, and have you take it like a good boy” I said squeezing his tip causing him to shudder
“Fuck yes yes please” he said thrusting up into my hand
Matt had found a secluded parking lot. He went all the way to a dark corner, and threw the car in park
“To the back now” he said
We both got to the back seat. matt laying down and me on top of him
“Look at my good little boy, so ready and needy for me” I said caressing his face
“Always. I’m always ready for you” he said with puppy dog eyes
Matt pulled his pants down to knee length, and I lifted my dress up slipping my panties off
I slowly started to stroke his dick. At an agonizingly slow pace
“Please stop teasing” he said whimpering
“Stop acting like a bitch in heat” I told him
“Fuck I love when you talk to me like that” he said with his brows furrowed
I slowly got on top of him, letting my wet cunt glide across his dick
“Oh Matt, you feel so good. I might just do this and cum all over you” I said throwing my head back
“No I fucking need to fuck you” he said gripping my hips
“Mmm but these feels so much better” I said grinding a little harder
“Stop fucking teasing” he said smacking my ass
I slowly got off of him, and grabbed his dick lining it up with my entrance, and slowly going down on him
“I said stop fucking teasing” he said through gritted teeth
This only made me go down slower
“I can play this game with you” I said as I kept sinking down
“Come on PLEASE” he said
I finally sunk all the way down onto him. We both moaned at this feeling, and then I started to bounce on Matt’s dick
“Fuck Matt oh my god” I said bouncing on him hard and fast
“Fuck fuck fuck” he said tensing up
I slowly transitioned into grinding on him which allowed my pussy to clench down on him at different angles
“Fuck that feels so good” he said licking his lips
I immediately stopped, and started to rub my clit
“Oh this feels so much better. Rubbing my clit while you’re just in me” I said throwing my head back
“Stop it y/n” he warned
“Oh but Matt this feels so fucking good” I said rubbing faster
“You don’t learn do you” he said, and swiftly grabbed me and sat up
Matt lifted me a little bit as he pounded up into me
“FUCK FUCK” I screamed gripping onto his hair
“Now you’ll learn to not tease me” he said pounding up into me at an ungodly speed
“OH MY FUCKING GOD” I shrieked. His dick was hitting all the right places, and I was seeing stars
“Shut up” he said as he grabbed my white lace thong and shoved it into my mouth
I moaned at this allowed my head to fall towards him
“Fuck your pussy takes me so well” he said still pounding into me and smacking my ass
“MMMMM” I moaned, but it was muffled by my underwear being in my mouth
“You gonna cum” he asked in the most smug way possible
I nodded my head furiously. I’m not sure how Matt got us into this position but he did. He leaned me back so my back was digging into the back of the middle console, and then he was kind of lifted off the seat, and fucking into me in such a delicious way
He licked his thumb and brought it down to my clit rubbing hard
“MMMMMM” was all that could be heard as my head fell back and I gripped onto the car seats
“Take it! Take it bitch and cum on this cock” he said pounding into me relentlessly
He rubbed harder, and I immediately saw stars I clenched down onto Matt’s cock as I came. My upper bed came up and my whole body started to shake while my eyes rolled to the back of my head
Matt immediately pulled out, and came all over my stomach. He was whispering fucks as he looked into my eyes. Painting my body with his cum
We were both breathing heavy as we got back up and repositioned ourselves more comfortably
He wiped me clean with a shirt he had in the back seat, and pulled the underwear out of my mouth. Putting them in his pocket
“Excuse me” I said out of breath
“I need a souvenir” he said smirking
“Those were my favorite” I said pouting
“I’ll buy you more” he said kissing me
“Fine” I said kissing him back
“We can go tomorrow. I’ll take you out on a real date like a true gentleman” he said adjusting his sweatpants
“Sounds good to me” I said pulling my hair out of my face
“Good, now let’s get you home” he said helping me to the front
“Spend the night with me” I told him
“Let me check my schedule….maybe I can make it happen” he said rubbing his chin
“You’re such a dork” I said rolling my eyes at him
“But I’m your dork,” he said, putting the car in drive and taking off.
The End
Once again I hope you enjoyed, and for whoever requested this I hope you loved it 🥰🥰🥰
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multific · 1 year
Attached to You
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
A/N: I'm not a doctor nor am I medically trained, so, there are things here which are incorrect. Please ignore them and try to enjoy the piece as it is. Thank you.
Summary: After a one-night stand, you find out you are pregnant, thanks to your doctor's bad advice, it turned out that your pills weren't effective. Leaving you with a baby, you have lots of decisions to make.
"I only told you because you deserve to know. I don't want anything from you. I will deal with this myself." 
Your words rang in his head over and over again.
It had been almost two weeks since he last saw you and now, he wasn't sure what he was doing.
Billy couldn't stop thinking about you. How you smiled at him even when he could see you were close to a breakdown.
It was all meant to be one night. Something he had done many many times before.
When he saw you sitting alone at the bar, he was quick to make his move. Flirting with you was easy as you blushed at every word he said. He soon learned about an ex of yours, the guy, as you explained, was rather obsessive about you and didn't want to let go of you, which is why you were hiding in a bar.
And so, Billy took this as a sign and brought you home.
It wasn't meant to end like this. He always made sure to have a condom with him. All the time. Of course, the one time when he doesn't, he gets someone pregnant...
But even so, you didn't look mad, you didn't demand money or anything from him. You just smiled and moved on.
He didn't even know your name. All he had is a phone number.
"You can delete my number as well. I won't look for you. All I wanted is for you to know since you are the father."
A word that scared him.
A word which meant nothing to him as he too, never had a father.
The realization hit him like a cold shower, he didn't have a father, so he knows just how hard it is to grow up without one, and here he was, the exact same as his.
He will have a child, who won't know their father. Who will go through the same pain as he did. Who will see their mother slowly crumble under all the pressure.
He is no better than his own asshole father.
This was unfair. 
He could run. Men could run from the responsibility since they weren't attached to the baby, but women couldn't.
Billy felt like a piece of shit. 
It had been almost two months since he last saw you.
And he couldn't help but wonder what 'dealing with it' meant for you. Did it mean you got an abortion? Or did you keep the child?
This was eating him alive.
He needed to find you and have another conversation with you. But you didn't pick up the phone nor did you reply to any text he sent.
He set out to the club he originally met you.
"Why the fuck did I think a pregnant woman would be in a club?!"
IF you were still pregnant.
The next couple days were awful for him.
Trying to find you, he went to the café you invited him to, no sign, he went to a hospital and asked if they knew about you. But of course, they couldn't give out any information.
You were all he could think about. 
You and the baby he might have already lost.
Billy didn't feel like himself. 
And then, one day, he spotted you. As he was walking down the street when he noticed you on the other side. 
He followed you like a creep.
Dodging people, running. He followed you. Tried to call out but since he didn't know your name, it was difficult.
You went into a pharmacy and he stopped by the front door. His heart was beating fast, not only from running.
"Hi. I have some pills prescribed for me." he could hear you say. The pharmacist took a look and turned to you. 
"Can I ask for your full name?"
"Y/N Y/L/N."
"You have... pregnancy vitamins prescribed by Dr Drew."
"Correct." you smiled. Oh God, that smile taunted him.
"Alright, let me get that for you."
He felt himself calm a little. Pregnancy vitamins. Why did they have to prescribe those for you anyway? But this meant you still had the baby.
"So, since this kind is... stronger, we recommend you take only one daily. If you skip a day do not take two the next day. Technically these are not vitamins, they are just called that. Is your pregnancy i-"
"The doctor said these are the best for my condition. So I need to take them."
"These are for you not the baby." she was rather rude as you tried to ignore her.
"I know."
"Alright, anything else I can give you?"
"Do you have any of those shooting creams? For when the skin stretches?"
"For the stretch marks? We have one, which is cold and another which is warm. One helps shoot the skin the other helps the marks to be less visible."
"I would like the one that shoots the skin, please. That would be all."
Billy watched as you paid for everything before he quickly exited so you wouldn't notice him.
Pregnancy vitamins... for you not for the baby. And you had a condition?
He watched as you walked away, but as you did a man ran into you. The man continued on while you nearly fell over.
"Watch where you are going, Asshole!" Billy pushed the man as he passed him, before he helped you. "Are you okay?"
He only realized that he was now holding your arm as you looked up at him. When did he get this close to you?
"O-Oh, yes. I'm fine thanks." he saw it in your eyes, you realized who he was soon after as you took a step back. "Thank you." you adjusted your bag before starting to walk and he knew he couldn't let you leave.
"Can we-Can we talk, Y/N?" he suddenly spoke up and you turned to him.
"If you want to." he nodded and you guided him to a nearby park and sat down on a bench.
An awkward silence filled the air. 
He knew he needed to talk. 
He took a deep breath.
"I was scared when you said you would deal with it, that you meant... abortion."
"I'm not going to lie, I thought about every option. It was one of them but... I decided against it."
"I-I heard you at the pharmacy..."
"Oh, you were there?" you looked up at him, genuinely surprised. 
"You got some meds..." he nodded as he pointed at your bag. 
"I-The doctor said it is okay to take pregnancy vitamins. But it turned out that I was the one needing them, not the baby. The doctor said my body puts the baby as a priority and takes away nutrition from me. We found out during my eight weeks when I asked the doctor if it was normal that I feel very dizzy. He did some checks and yeah. But... why are you asking me this?"
"Because for the last weeks, I couldn't stop thinking about you and the baby."
"You don't have to. You are not guilty or anything."
"I grew up without a father. I saw my mother going through so much shit. I don't want you to go through all that. I want to be a father to my child. Someone I never had."
You took a moment to fully digest what he just said. He waited anxiously for an answer. 
"Look, I will have a baby soon, a baby who can become attached. If they become attached to you and then you later decide that you don't want to do this... I believe that is worse. So, while I do appreciate your concerns, I was nothing more to you than a quick fuck. It is... unfortunate, that I got pregnant, but as I said it is something I am dealing with. So, please, if you don't mean it, don't get involved. You might think now that you want to be a part of this because you pity me or whatever, but if you change your mind..."
"I don't want to change my mind. Yes, it was meant to be a one-night stand but I can't ignore a child. My child. I'm not a coward. I want to be a part of the life of this little one." 
You looked into his eyes, trying to figure him out. He looked serious. Maybe he really had a change of heart during the last couple months. You pulled out your wallet and a picture from it. You handed it to him.
He looked at the ultrasound.
"I'm currently 11 weeks along. The baby is 41mm long. The doctor said it's the size of a fig. We don't know the gender just yet, but they are healthy."
"Healthy. Good." he wanted to hand back the photo but you didn't take it.
"I have more at home, you can have that. I have a check-up next week, you could come if you have time."
"I'll be there."
You stood up and were about to walk away when you turned to look at him.
"If you don't come next week. I mean without a good reason, I don't want you to come after. I am already very attached to this little fig, and I don't want them hurt."
"I'll be there, text me the time and place."
You nodded before saying goodbye and walking away.
He stayed, looking at the picture.
"My little fig." he smiled before he too, headed home.
Honestly, you were shocked to see him at the doctor's the next week. 
Every time he showed up.
He started to take you out to eat afterwards and started to ask more and more questions.
Billy asked you to move into his place which you didn't want but you did go over to his place many times.
You spent most of your weekends there. And lately, you even spent your nights there. In a separate room, but you did stay.
"What are you doing?"
"Shhhh! I heard babies can hear voices, I'm talking to them so they would recognize me when they are born." you shook your head as you continued to look at stuff on your phone. Subconsciously, one of your hands found his hair. You started to run your fingers through his locks as he continued to softly speak to the baby.
"We should get married." you nearly threw your phone at the TV.
"What?" you sat up so quickly you nearly gave yourself whiplash. He moved with you as he sat in front of you. The expression on his face was as serious as ever.
"You heard me. Marry me?"
"Why would I... What? No. Just because of the baby? That is-"
"Logical. We get married, you take my last name and the baby does too. It is logical."
"Did you hit your head or something?"
"What? Why?"
"You? Marriage?"
"Like in the old days? You get the woman pregnant and so you have to marry her?"
"I was thinking more about the baby and you. In case something happens to me, you two would be good on money."
"I don't want your money."
"I know you don't, I am giving it to you and the baby. We don't have to, but you can think about it."
"I honestly don't know."
"I know you probably wanted to marry out of love, fuck I never wanted to get married but here I am. With a baby on the way and with you. You are such an amazing girl, Y/N. I'm happy that you are the mother of my baby."
'"I'm very glad to hear that Billy, however, marriage is a big thing. Now don't get me wrong I have heard about people getting married for less and I'm not the biggest in the love department either. I truly believe you should marry someone you can see yourself for the rest of your life with and not be crazy in love with them but..."
"You told me this before. You said 'but you still believe that there should be love for marriage and not like love between friends.' And then you started crying because you couldn't explain yourself fully and I had to get you ice cream."
"What would make you want to marry me?"
You placed your hand on his cheek.
"You might think now that its a good idea. You might think now that you would want me by your side forever, but I know Billy that one day, you would look at me and be disappointed that you married me because of our baby. One day you will be in a club, surrounded by girls and drinks and you won't think of me or our child, I want a loyal husband, and I wouldn't want you to throw the accusation at me, saying that you only married me for the baby and you would end up hating me."
"You believe that would happen? That I would regret it all and I would... what? Blame you for it?"
"You think that lowly of me?"
"No, I think that lowly of myself." you let out a sigh. "Look Billy, tell me that we are not here just because of the baby. You wouldn't be here if I wasn't pregnant. You would be out there as you were before. You don't want me, you want the baby. And that is completely fine. And it is all I can ask for. For you to love the kid. That's it."
"But I do love you. You are the mother of my child. How can I not?"
"Billy, please. You only care for me because of the baby. And I know that and it's okay."
Billy wanted to tell you that it wasn't true. That he truly cared for you. More than you could imagine.
He wanted to lift all of your insecurities and show you just how amazing you were.
But he did. Because he was afraid. 
Not of losing his old life, but of losing you. 
If you didn't believe him like this, he will prove his love in other ways.
You smiled as you saw the roses on the table. They looked amazing. 
Beautiful white roses with a little note.
You debated picking it up and reading it until you saw your name on the paper.
'To my beautiful wife' it read on the inside and it made you scoff.
Since when did he become such a romantic?
You let out a long sigh. 
Billy was trying way too hard. You were afraid one day he will realize this is not what he wants and just pack up and leave.
You were terrified that he will make you get used to his closeness and then pull away, leaving you to fall alone.
You really tried to keep your distance, to not fall in love or to not harbour feelings that would hurt you.
You really tried but it was very difficult because each time you saw his eyes sparkle as he looked at you, each time at the doctor's when he asked something about you or the baby, it made you feel so safe and happy.
When he asked you to marry him, you were ready to say yes. It was your first thought when he asked the question but then you realized your situation.
He doesn't love you to get married. He wants the baby around and that's fine.
You felt like you were lulling yourself into false realities and you couldn't let that happen.
Not with you becoming a mother.
Not with you knowing about his past. It felt like wherever you went you could see girls staring at you, eyeing you up and down. The dark thought of who he had slept with was always in the back of your head.
You knew you should let it go.
But it is easier said than done. 
You were making lunch when Billy arrived home.
"Here you are. I actually wanted to go out for food, but I guess its too late now."
"Yeah, maybe tomorrow. Thank you for the flowers." you gave him a small smile.
"Did you like it?"
"Yes, they are beautiful."
"And the card?" 
"Yes, wrote it myself actually. Did you like it?"
You turned back to the oven and got the pan out. Billy only shook his head as he smirked before he left to take a quick shower.
Soon, he joined you at the table.
Eating the chicken you made.
"I have an appointment tomorrow."
"I know. It's baby gender time." he smiled.
"Yeah. What would you prefer? A boy or a girl?"
"Either is fine really. What about you?"
"I thought I wanted a son, but lately I have been imagining a little girl and I realized I would be fine with any really."
"Should we have one of those crazy gender reveal parties?"
"Oh gosh, no! You know I hate to be the centre of attention. I'm fine if the doctor tells us."
"Just an idea. Then I can at least finish their room."
"Oh, I did order more things. I wanted to wait for you with the furniture though. Since you want to paint the room."
"We will know the gender tomorrow, so I can paint this weekend, then we can look at furniture and finish it up in a couple weeks." he nodded. "We are a good team, Y/N."
"Yeah, we are." you agreed as you finished your chicken and went to wash your plates.
Soon, you felt his arms move around you as you put the dishes to dry.
The way he held you, you let yourself imagine what if he loved you. What if the baby wasn't an accident? What if he wanted to be here for you?
"Y/N, marry me."
"Billy," you groaned as you turned in his arms, seeing the serious expression on his face you fell silent.
"I am serious. I love you both so much, please, marry me." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, it was a jewellery box so it had to be a ring. And as he opened it, sure enough, it was. A rather expensive looking one at that. "I want to give you and our child the world. I want us to be a real family. Would you marry me?" You needed a moment to think.
"Yes. I will marry you." he smiled as he placed the ring on your finger, pulling you in for a breath-taking kiss.
"I love you so much." he said as his lips moved to your neck. His hands grabbed the back of your thighs as he lifted you and carried you to the bedroom.
"I love you too," you whispered to him as he began to remove your clothes, kissing your baby bump.
His eyes were filled with love, you couldn't look away.
The next day, you lay on the examination table with butterflies in your stomach.
You will finally know if you are having a girl or a boy.
Billy stood beside you, holding your hand as he smiled.
"As you can see, the head, two little hands and legs." the doctor said pointing everything out on the screen. "Are we ready to know the gender?"
"Yes." you said as Billy squeezed your hand.
"Let's see... Looks to be a little girl." she said as you looked at Billy whose eyes were glued to the monitor, smiling softly to himself.
"Then we can get the pink shoes you have been eyeing." you said as he finally looked at you.
During a recent trip to the mall, you found him in the kid's section when you were looking for some clothes. You found him standing there with a pink princess shoe in his hand as he smiled at the pink glittery object.
"Looks like we can." he said before he moved to place a kiss on your forehead.
You were really glad you judged him wrong.
You were glad he turned out to be a loving person and he grew into his potential. You knew he will be an amazing father and husband. 
Judging by the small smile on his face, it said it all.
The little girl had him wrapped around her tiny little fingers and she wasn't even born yet.
When the doctor left to print out the photos for you, he turned to you, kissing your lips.
"I love you so much." he said before moving back to look at the screen. In the end, it was Billy who became attached to you and your daughter. You felt a wave of happiness wash over you as all of your insecurities and worries left your body.
All that was left was happiness. 
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie​
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arxxq · 2 years
"I need you to calm down..just breathe trust me,"
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Isagi and Sae with a s/o that talks alot and talks fast whenever they get nervous/ anxious / a panic attack
This is honestly just something i want to do since sometimes i do this whenever i panic or get anxious.
No gender specified, lowercase intended?, mistakes will be corrected soon
It's been a while since I've wrote smth, gah I've been quite busy this year god..
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Isagi Yoichi...
Isagi isn't the type to be observant but he took noticed an odd detail from you
he realized every time you get nervous or anxious you would just randomly talk too much and fast
he wasn't really sure of this until one day
when you told him you were going of have some sort of family reunion with a family member
you started to randomly say things so fast
you even change the topic too fast that he couldn't even catch up or understand
isagi wanted to ask you about it but he couldn’t 
he couldn’t find the perfect moment to
he didn’t mind cause it seems like its a way of you trying to cope
but he is very worried 
especially since not alot of people notice this detail of you
since it looked absolutely normal
so now you and isagi were at a family dinner
since well your parent's wanted to meet your boyfriend
the silence was so awkward and you absolutely didn't like it
so you start rambling so quick
isagi also saw how your parent's new this detail of you
"uhm Mrs. and a Mr. l/n, you wouldn't mind if i talk to y/n alone for a while right?" Isagi ask which you looked at him confused. "huh why? i mean i don't mind but why?"
"oh now we don't mind, just don't take too long alright," your mother replied. isagi stood up from his chair in pulled you to somewhere quiet. "what was that for, i mean why do you need to talk to me alone, there's nothing wrong right?"
"is it my parents, are you uncomfortable? i can tell them if you want-" isagi hand were now on your shoulder and you flinvhed. before you could say anything, isagi had cut you off. "dear..i need you to breathe,"
you looked at him confused. you took a deep breathe and let it out just like he said. "great..now just do that for a few more times and when you’re ready then you can speak kay,” 
a few minutes have passed and you looked at him with a smile. “are you feeling much better now?” you let out a breathe and nod. Isagi gave you a peck on the forehead. “if you ever get nervous just make sure you get a few seconds to breathe alright,” 
Itoshi Sae
sae is very observant of you
he knew you more than anyone else did
but there was one thing he always got confused
why you would talk alot and fast from time to time
most of the time he would just end up listening
basically a one sided conversation since he couldn’t catch up with you
but as time goes on sae realized this was a way you try and act as if nothing is wrong
he absolutely does not like it
he doesn’t like it on how you act as if you’re fine when it’s clearly the opposite
you had a competition coming up and sae could tell that you were panicking
especially since you think you’re not good at it
“mi amor?” you flinched when you felt a hand on your shoulders. “oh sae..its just you,” you say smiling. “you looked bothere--” he was cut off immedietaly but it’s not like he wasn’t expecting it. you were anxious and he could tell. 
“me bothered? pftt no m not, i’m fine, i’m totally fine. yeah i can do this, it’ll be so so easy trust me....” you continued to blabber out nonsense. sae knew if he didn’t step in anytime soon, it’ll just make it worse. as you were talking you didn’t expect sae to pull you in an embrace and just stroke your hair. before you managed to speak he had beat you to it. 
“breathe mi amor...i need you to do that right now especially since i don’t like to see you have a breakdown out there,” your head was on sae’s chest, he was breathing slowly so you took this as a hint that sae wanted you to calm down. 
after a few minutes you had calmed down. “look, all i want you to know is that you’ll be great out there i just know it,” 
“so even if you don’t win, you did your best okay and make sure before you start take a deep breathe and let it out once you’re ready,” 
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reblogs are highly appreciated 
do not plagiarize my works, nor post on any other platforms w/o my permit
thank you for reading
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ynbabe · 1 year
Lockwood & Co. Incorrect quotes, pt.6
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Before Lucy 
Y/n: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks! Anthony: Why would I do that? Y/n: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free!
*The Squad is eating dinner* George: Can you pass the salt? Anthony: *throws Y/n across the table*
George, after Anthony did something stupid: You should have realised, Anthony, if Y/n didn't kill you, I would have.
Y/n: When will Ted himself...finally show up to the talk? Anthony: The final boss. George: You guys know TEDtalks stands for technology, entertainment, and design talks, right? Y/n: I will not let Ted hide behind these lies any longer!
Anthony, in love: How do you do that? Y/n, after having done something dumb: I'm fearless. George, having introduced the idiots and now regretting it: When we were kids, I saw you run from bees. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad. Y/n: I'm mostly fearless.
Y/n: My aesthetic is "would be sentenced to the chair by DEPRAC."
Y/n: Who hurt you? Anthony, always on the edge of a mental breakdown: *snorting* What, do you want a list? Y/n, pulling out ALOT of iron/silver weapons: ...Yes, actually.
Anthony: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?! Y/n: Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long line of violence. Anthony: Oh... George, from across the room: *from across the room* I don’t understand how you keep forgetting that.
Y/n: It’s not gonna work, I’m not a snitch. George: Fine, let's try something else. Tag a friend you recently committed a crime with. Y/n: Lmao, @Anthony.
Anthony: I hate you. Y/n: Well, according to this picture I drew of us holding hands, that is untrue.
Anthony, after a fight with Y/n: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was changing her name to Y/n.
Y/n, grave-robbing: I’m going to hell. Anthony, there for a case: Probably. Y/n: I'll pick you up? Anthony: *nodding* Carpool.
Anthony, pissed : Y/n! I thought you were dead! Y/n, back after running away for a year: No, just in deep cover. Anthony, about to lose his mind: ...But it was an open casket. Y/n, little scared now: It was very deep.
Y/n: Hold on, I can explain! Anthony: Really? Can you now? Y/n: I can if you give me a minute to think of a convincing lie.
Since Lucy
George, trying to joke: Hey, Joe said he's coming over this afternoon. Y/n, expecting a ‘delivery’: Cool. George: Do you know who Joe is? Y/n: JOE MAMA! Anthony, not even looking up from his phone: Damn, that backfired.
Y/n, just back home: Do you cook? Lucy: I made a cake once. Anthony: Yeah, it was good. Lucy: Really? Anthony: Don’t make me lie twice, Luce.
Y/n, back from sneaking around for state secrets: Anthony! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover. Anthony, pissed at her: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
Anthony: For most of human history, vehicles had automatic collision avoidance and could even take you home if you were asleep or drunk. But then we got rid of the horse. George: You complete moron. You stupid fucking idiot. "Cars would be better if they could bite and shit" – that was you just now, dumbass. George: "Wouldn't it be cool if cars could piss? Wouldn't it be cool if cars could fuck?" Fuck off. Y/n: It would be cool if cars could fuck. Lucy: We... We still have horses.
Anthony, to Y/n, since they’re sharing a room,: I'm leaving for the weekend, so I hid 100 dollars in your side of the room for food. Clean your side and you will find it.
Lucy: It’s funny how well you and George get along. Didn’t they hate you at first? Y/n: George hates everybody at first. It’s their way of reaching out to people.
Y/n: I just found out from Lucy today that when I ‘died’ and George threw my weapons in the grave, Anthony said, “You should aim one at the coffin to be sure.”
Y/n: I give up. I am so tired. George: Get the emergency supply! Lucy: *carries Anthony and throws him in front of Y/n* Anthony: *smiles* Y/n: AND I AM BACK BABY, LET’S GOOO
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opheliasflora · 6 months
Title: I Could Find My Way Back (Marcus Pike/f!Reader)
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Rating: Mature
Word count: 3590
Warnings: Discussions of sexual assault (non-detailed and non-graphic). Swearing. Brief descriptions of kissing/making out. Reader is unnamed; Marcus (and other characters) uses nicknames (i.e.: “Sunny”, “sweetheart”, “chica”). Reader identifies as female but is otherwise unspecific and undescribed.
Notes: In the interest of standing by my belief that fiction can be used to Work Through It, this is a very personal one. And as such, it is maybe not applicable to everyone, but I attempted to approach it with respect and kindness and I hope it rings true enough for someone else.
Dedicated to @ladamedusoif… Thank you. 💜
(Dividers by @saradika-graphics)
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The last time you saw Marcus, you were both eighteen, both stupid kids in love but with no idea how to handle it. You’d been preparing for your trip west for college; he was headed south. Daily phone calls turned into weekly letters, into bi-monthly check-ins, into Christmas and birthday cards.
You lost touch soon before it happened, and in more than one therapy session you’d openly wondered if that was to blame for your stupid choices. (Your doctor insisted that was normal but very, very untrue.)
And, nearly twenty-five years later, when you walk into the bar and hear a familiar, long-ago guffaw, your heart skips a beat and your breath catches in your throat.
The laugh causes him to toss his head back, and as he lifts it to normal height again, his eyes slide past you — and then back to you.
“Holy fucking shit.”
Despite your nostalgic shock, you grin brightly. “Heya, Marc.”
He’s off his stool and wrapped around you before you can say any more. “Jesus, Sunny, are you real?” he murmurs against your ear. “I’ve only had two beers so you have to be.”
“I’m real, Marcus,” you giggle, hugging him back. His patchy facial hair is thicker than when he was a stubbly kid, his hair a little longer, a little curlier, and a little greyer, but deep in the recesses of your memory he smells and feels and energizes the exact same as your high school sweetheart. The fact that he immediately falls back on your nickname from the old days makes the nostalgia even stronger.
His friends all but abandoned at the bar after a quick explanation, the two of you settle at a small table towards the back of the pub, Marcus’ beer now sitting opposite your Jack and Coke.
“I’m guessing you’re back for the reunion?” he asks, his thumb and index finger stroking and pulling lightly on your pinky.
It’s as if no time has passed, the comfort is so easy.
You nod, taking a sip of your slightly-too-strong drink. “Yeah. Wasn’t gonna, but had some…unexpected time off work,” you explain. (He doesn’t need to know that you were forced into taking your two-week vacation because your entire department was worried you were about five minutes from a burnout breakdown.) “Figured it couldn’t hurt to come back and see some folks.”
“Like me?” His voice is airy, teasing.
“No. Like Kevin.”
Marcus groans. “Oh, god, he’s gonna try to steal you away from me again, just like in school.”
You laugh. “Isn’t he married now?”
“Yeah,” he replies. “A really nice woman named Lily. Never thought Kev would be the settling down kind, but they’re happy. Expecting a little boy soon, too.”
You remember something else you’d heard. “You’re married, too, no?”
“No,” he replies, and the sadness passes quickly. “I was, for a little while. It didn’t work out so I’m on my own again.”
“I’m sorry, Marc. That sucks.”
“Mm, it’s alright. I’ve moved on.” Marcus takes a swig of his drink and eyes you. “What about you? Husband? Boyfriend? Kids?”
You bite the inside of your cheek. “None of the above.”
“Just checking.” He grins, eyes sparkling. “Has it been a long time?”
Pretty much since right after you, you think. But this isn’t the time.
“A while, yeah.”
He takes another mouthful. “A shame,” he mutters when he can speak again.
You almost think you misheard.
“So that settles it. You’re my date to the reunion.”
Marcus pinches the skin of your hand. “You heard me. You and me, just like old times. That sound okay?”
You feel like you don’t have much of a choice, but you’re also pretty okay with that. “Uh, yeah. Sure, I guess?”
“Good. Where are you staying?”
You give him the address of the Airbnb you’re in, and he nods. “Alright. I’ll pick you up at five tomorrow, okay?”
“Y-yeah, okay.”
He finishes his beer, then watches — somewhat impressed — as you down the remainder of your own drink. “I’m really glad you’re back, Sunny.”
“Me, too, Marc.”
You aren’t lying.
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After several different outfit choices, you’re finally settled and smoothing your striped sweater over the top of your slim black pants, your shoes cute but practical for a night that’ll probably involve far more standing than sitting. You fix your hair quickly as you hear the beep of the horn outside, and grab your phone and purse before running out and locking the door behind you.
Marcus isn’t dressed that much differently than he was at the bar, though now his button down is secured under a blue polka-dotted tie and his jeans have been replaced with a pair of grey slacks. He’s also combed his hair a bit more neatly, though the breeze blowing through the truck’s window has some softly-curly strands falling over his forehead.
You step up to the driver’s seat and rest an elbow on the frame as you lean in to kiss his cheek. “You ready for this? We can still skip out if you want.”
He smiles. “How about we go, and if, after an hour, it’s boring as shit, we sneak out and go to Johnny’s instead?”
It’s the same plan as when you were in school. Johnny’s is the diner on the edge of town — you were shocked to see it was still open when your cab passed it on the way in — and the best place to be a little private and a lot out of the way. You and Marcus had always had a code: if you were at a party or an event or a school thing and you wanted out, it was as simple as a little, “Hey, aren’t we supposed to meet John?” and you knew it was time to go.
“Sounds like a plan,” you reply, winking as you walk around the front of the truck and climbing into the passenger’s seat beside him.
The drive to the high school isn’t long, and the silence between you — punctuated by Springsteen’s greatest hits — is light and breezy. Marcus has always been a careful driver, and you’re happy enough to just watch the old haunts go by out your window as you both breathe-sing to “Thunder Road”.
When he parks in the lot, he’s actually at your door before you can get out, and he offers his arm. “C’mon, just like when we were kids,” he reminds you. You roll your eyes but accept, your hand gripping his bicep as you head into the gymnasium.
“Pike, that cannot be who I think it is!”
You’d recognize Kevin Garcia’s voice anywhere. Marcus’s best friend since childhood, he’s always been loud and boisterous and probably a little more trouble than anyone should be, but you’d always really liked him like a brother.
“Kev, be nice,” Marcus warns, but it’s too late — Kevin has you up in his strong arms, spinning you despite the height and weight you have on him.
“Holy shit, chica, you’re prettier than you were in high school.”
You roll your eyes, hiding your embarrassment. “Could say the same, Kev.” He’s gorgeous — chiseled from marble, you and your girlfriends had always joked. His brown eyes are lighter than Marcus’, but just as easy to lose yourself in; his features are gruffer; his hair more tightly curled. If you hadn’t been spoken for all through high school you might have given him a fair shot. (His friendship with Marcus hadn’t stopped the occasional flirtation from him, anyway.)
Kevin introduces you to Lily, a statuesque redhead with more freckles than you’ve ever seen and a belly that seems to threaten to topple her with one wrong move. Kevin’s palm stays right on it, cautious and protective the whole time the four of you talk, and you can’t help but smile.
You break away from the Garcias after a bit, promising to catch up more before you head home, and you find yourself heading to the catering tables while Marcus stops to chat with a group of people you don’t know very well.
“Hey, you.”
You freeze in place as you’re filling your plate, your blood running cold. Despite every single instinct in your entire being telling you to just drop it and run, you don’t — instead you take a single, deep breath and look up.
It can’t be him. It can’t. Last you’d heard from your lawyers, he had moved out to Arkansas once he was released, and you’d figured that was the end of it.
But it is him. The same sharp, ice-blue eyes. The same swoop of auburn hair, though artificial now.
That same shark-toothed grin.
“I… I’ve gotta — ” The words don’t come, but you run, your plate finally discarded on the table.
You hear him calling out for you but you refuse to turn, your heart pounding in your ears as you desperately look for Marcus.
“Hey, hey, slow down.” It’s Kevin’s voice, his hand on your arm gently. “You alright?”
“I — I need to find Marcus,” you breathe, and you’re annoyed to realize there are tears clogging your throat. “Have you seen him?”
Kevin gestures over his shoulder. “Back by the hoop talking to one of the teachers,” he said. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
You wish you could answer but you’re just not ready. Instead, you fake a smile and hurry off, leaving him confused as you beeline towards Marcus.
“John just called,” you manage as soon as you’re in earshot. Marcus turns to you, eyebrow lifted, but when he sees your expression, he adjusts. “We’ve gotta go.”
“Okay.” There’s no question. He says his goodbye to Mr. Williams, his arm snaking around your waist. You know you’re shaking, you can feel it yourself, but you hope he won’t ask — at least, not now. With a little wave to Kevin and Lily who are not far from the door you’re headed towards, you keep close to Marcus’ body and keep your head down.
He doesn’t ask questions, doesn’t say a word until you’re in the car and about fifteen blocks from the school. It’s only then that he pulls into the empty parking lot of a local bank and puts the car in park.
“Hey. Sunny, are you okay? What happened? What’s wrong?”
“No, it’s nothing, it’s…”
You lose control when his hand comes to rest on your knee. Two decades of tears stream from your eyes as you gasp for air, and Marcus jumps out of the car to come to your door and pull you into his arms. You’re still in your seat, but tucked tightly against his chest, your body racked with sobs and your chest burning as you struggle to regain control.
To his credit, Marcus doesn’t push. He holds you, one hand cupping the back of your head, the other stroking gentle lines up your back. You know you’re staining his sweater with your tears, but he gives no indication that it bothers him. Instead, he murmurs in your ear, “It’s alright, it’s okay” over and over.
“I — ” You try to speak, and it’s difficult, but you know you need to get the words out. “I can’t — I can’t tell you here,” you finally manage. “Someone might hear.”
There’s some kind of fear in Marcus’ eyes when he pulls back to meet yours. “Oh, sweetheart,” he breathes. “Alright. Do you want to go back to the apartment, or do you want to come to mine?”
An irrational thought comes into your head: What if he knows where I’m staying?
“Can we go to yours?”
“Of course.” He brushes your cheeks with his palms. “Are you okay? Do you want to wait a few more minutes?”
You shake your head. “No. I don’t want to… I want to get out of here.”
Marcus smiles comfortingly and presses a kiss to your forehead. “I’ve got you, Sunny.”
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It isn’t until you’re settled on the couch, your still-shaking hands wrapped around a mug of tea, that Marcus joins you, his dark eyes soft and concerned.
“Do you want to talk?”
You nod, and Marcus shifts closer, his knee bumping against yours as he rests an arm across the back of the sofa, right along your shoulders.
“I was at the catering table,” you start. “And Mr. Mason came up to me.”
“The chemistry teacher?”
You nod. Marcus doesn’t pry, letting you tell the story on your own time, but his thumb strokes over the back of your neck gently.
“Everyone knows he was a bit of a weirdo, right?”
“I never had him as a teacher, but yeah, I heard he was a little…off.”
You take a deep breath. “He wasn’t just off, Marc.” A pause. “After we graduated, I ran into him at the movies one night. My friends wanted to go to a club after, and I didn’t, so Mr. Mason offered to drive me home.”
Your heart is racing, and you’re not sure the words will come out, but you close your eyes and force them past your lips. “We never made it to my house. He…he raped me and left me on the street a mile from home.”
When you manage to look up again, Marcus’ handsome face is white with rage. His hand has stilled behind you, his thumb against the bend of your shoulder.
“And he just…showed up today?” There’s something new to his voice, something dark and sinister in it. You’re moved to put your cup down and press your palms to his thigh.
“He went to jail for five years,” you explain. “It was a miracle he even got that.” This part feels easier, somehow. “They tried to…say it was my fault, that I’d enticed him. But he had bruises from where I fought back. It was enough, I guess.” You sigh. “When he got out, my lawyers told me they said he’d been…rehabilitated. He registered and moved away. I…didn’t think I’d ever see him again, but today… He was right there. Marc, I could feel him, he was so close.”
You can feel his body trembling under your hands, and you wonder if telling him was the right thing to do. Marcus is in the FBI. You’ve known this for years, been aware of his career, and telling him about your assault and the fact that the man who did it is still around might not be the best move on your part. He may be your sweet, kind, loving friend — but he’s also a trained law enforcement agent.
“Did he touch you tonight?”
You’re startled back to the moment. “N-no. He just said hi, really casual. I couldn’t even reply. I panicked and ran to you.”
“I’ll fucking kill him.”
You tighten your fingers on his leg, shaking your head viciously. “No. Marcus, no. I don’t even know if he wanted anything other than to say hi…”
“He has no right!” He pushes off the couch, away from you. “He hurt you. And then he gets to come back and pretend he’s just your old teacher? Who the hell let him back into that school?”
You can feel tears pricking at your eyelashes again and you drop your hands into your own lap. “It’s been twenty-four years, Marc,” you whisper. “He’s been out longer than he was in. It doesn’t mean much to anyone anymore, so long as he’s not back to teaching. I’m an adult — they can’t legally make him stay away from me after all this time, not unless he does something again.”
“This is insane,” Marcus roars. “I’m going back. I’m going to confront him.”
“Marcus, no.” You climb to your feet, this time catching his face in your hands. “I wanted you to know but I don’t want you to do anything stupid.”
“He hurt you, Sunny,” he says, gripping your forearms lightly. “Shit, I should have taken you with me when I left that summer.”
“It’s not your fault,” you reply. “Or mine. Legally, he got his punishment. It doesn’t matter how I feel about it now — he’s done his time.”
“But you…”
“I survived, Marc,” you say, the tears falling again. “It’s been hell, but I’m here. And I found you again, so that tells me I did something right.”
“I should have stayed with you. Or taken you with me,” he repeats, and you see his eyes shimmering just the same. “I wish I’d have been here to protect you.”
“You protected me tonight, Marc.” You take a tiny step closer, your body up against his. “God, I’m sorry. I should never have told you.” Letting your hands fall slack, they end up on his shoulders as you press your forehead to his chest. “It’s not on you, at all. I just… I don’t know why, but I needed you to know. Selfishly.”
You feel Marcus’ arms slip around you, careful, like you’re made of porcelain. His lips press to the top of your head, his breath shaky as he holds you again. “Not selfish,” he murmurs. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’m sorry it happened. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you after. I’m sorry you’re still so scared now.” He tightens his grip, just a little. “I never stopped loving you,” he admits, and your heart skips several beats. “And now I wish I’d have told you that before, because maybe things would have been different.”
You lift your eyes to meet his again, and his face is so stained with tears your own threaten to increase tenfold. “I’m sad you left, but I’m glad you didn’t know me right after,” you say honestly. “I wish no one did.”
“And now?”
You sigh, bringing a hand to your face to wipe your cheeks. “Not perfect, but getting better.”
Marcus’ fingers flex against your spine. “Could say the same about me, in some ways.” You giggle despite yourself, and he closes his eyes. “Sorry. Very different scenarios.”
“Don’t apologize.” You drag a line over his collarbone with your fingertips. “What a fucking pair we are, huh?”
His lips quirk a bit. “Chaos as always,” he replies. He lifts your right hand, pressing his lips to your palm. “Do you want to go back? I won’t leave your side for a moment.”
You shake your head. “No. I’m sorry to miss seeing people, and we’ll have to call Kevin and apologize, but I can’t go back there, Marc.”
“You’re right,” he says. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have suggested it.”
“I need you to stop saying sorry,” you urge. “And I need one more thing from you.”
“What’s that?”
You smile softly for the first time in hours; you know, for the first time since leaving the reunion, that it isn’t the trauma speaking. “Kiss me.”
Shock crosses Marcus’ features, but they’re gone almost instantly and instead, he leans in and captures your mouth with his own, his fingers tilting your chin up to give him better access. In the moment, nothing matters anymore — the past, the trauma, the fear and the pain is all gone as the present takes control and your body reacts to Marcus, back in your arms where he belongs and holding you like you’ll disappear if he lets go.
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You wake to the sunlight on your face and the feel of Marcus’ arm around your waist, his breath against your forehead. You’d spent the rest of the night making up for lost time, the conversation between kisses moving from careers to families to life in general. You’d fallen asleep first, barely waking up when Marcus helped you from the couch to his bed, only just aware enough to curl into him as he climbed in behind you.
Peeling yourself out of his grip, you slip out of his bed and down the hallway to the bathroom. In the mirror’s reflection, you see your eyes are still somewhat puffy from crying; your lips are slightly chapped from Marcus’ facial hair. Your makeup is smudged and you groan, grabbing the bar soap on the sink to wash your face best as you can, grateful when you spot a bottle of lotion that will at least somewhat make up for the harsh scrub.
Your sweater smells a bit stale, and you slip it off, grateful for the black tank you’d worn underneath it. You peek into Marcus’ medicine cabinet and find his deodorant, using just enough to make yourself feel just a little better and revelling in the spicy scent you know from him now on your own skin.
When you get back to the bedroom, Marcus is stretching, his eyes bleary as he looks down the bed towards you. “I thought you’d left,” he says, his voice thick with sleep.
You climb in beside him again, sliding your arms around him and pressing a kiss to his patchy beard. “I wouldn’t do that,” you reply. “Not without telling you.”
He strokes a line along your cheek. “Do you wanna get breakfast at Johnny’s before I take you back to your Airbnb?”
“Mm, that’d be nice,” you reply. I don’t want to go back, though. I want to stay here.
As if he can read your mind, he smiles. “You can bring stuff here if you wanna stay a few more days. I’ll pay off your room fees.” He kisses your nose. “Actually, I’d really like it if you would stay.”
“I think I’d like that too.” You hold his gaze. “Marc?”
“I’m glad I came home.”
He grins, this time kissing you deeply. “Me, too, Sunny. Me, too.”
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I do not currently have a taglist but please follow @opheliasflora for future fics and updates.
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lokifantasies · 1 year
You (Loki x Chubby!Reader)
I'm not sure where this came from, but let me know what you guys think!
You scoffed to yourself as you saw the numbers on the scale rise higher than they were the week prior. No matter what you did – no matter how much you worked out or ate healthily, you couldn’t seem to get the numbers down. Somehow, you had managed to catch the eyes of a god – a literal god – the God of Mischief. He loved you – he made it clear every single day, but no matter how much he loved you, that didn’t make you love yourself. Once you got dressed from your shower, you heard a knock at the door. You answered it to find an Amazon box – it was the surprise you had ordered for Loki.
It was a new lingerie set.
With a sigh, you went to try it on – immediately regretting it once you looked into the mirror. Your eyes teared up and tears rolled down your cheeks. Your breasts were bulging out of the bra, and the panties were making your thighs look even larger than they normally do. It wasn’t that the set was too small – it fit – but it made you feel horrible. You quickly took the lingerie set off and threw it in the trash can in the bedroom you and Loki shared. Starting to sob, you pulled any and all clothing that could be considered sexy out of the closet and threw everything in the trash can – filling it up quickly. As you moved, you could feel your thighs jiggle and your breasts constantly in your line of sight when you bent over. You screamed – falling to the floor hyperventilating and sobbing.
Just then, the sound that you normally love to hear came through the door except this time, you wish it hadn’t.
            “Darling?” Loki’s voice called out from the living room. You tried to stifle your sobs – hoping to somehow make all evidence of your breakdown go away. “Baby?” He turned the doorknob and opened the door to your bedroom – instantly seeing you on the floor in tears. Without a word, he got down on the floor and wrapped his arms around you. “Love, what’s wrong?” he asked you – worry written all over his face – his bright cerulean eyes filling with tears. You were unable to speak – the sobs making it impossible. Looking for any explanation, Loki looked around the room – his eyes landing on the trash can filled with your lingerie. “Oh, my love.” Knowing about your body issues and how you felt about yourself, he immediately understood what was going on. “Baby…look at me,” he said – holding your face in his hands – using his thumbs to wipe your tears. The god gently pressed his lips to yours – holding you close and rubbing your back.
            “How can you kiss me?” you asked through your sobs and hiccups. “Look at me.” You began pinching the excess skin on your stomach – feeling more disgusted by the second. “How can you kiss this?”
“My darling,” he began softly, “I know I don’t have to tell you that I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the nine realms, but it’s true.” You shook your head. “Look at me,” he said, holding your cheeks, “do you know how long I’ve lived?” You looked at him, waiting for him to answer his own question – knowing that you just wanted him to get to the point. “Thousands of years,” he continued. “And in those thousands of years, I have never loved someone the way I love you.”
“I know you love me, Loki,” you said softly. “But…how?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“You’re a literal god, Loki,” you remind him. “And I’m…,”
“My goddess,” he interrupts. “Darling…if you can love everything about me, why is it so hard to believe that I can love everything about you?”
“You could have so much better,” you say with a sniffle. “You could have anyone you want.”
“I do have who I want,” he answered quickly. “Darling…I don’t care about what your body looks like. Do I adore it? Yes, absolutely. But it is you I worship and love,” he explained, conjuring up a small green ring box in his hand, “and it is you that I want to marry.”
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twocrabcake · 1 year
alright here’s the deal
i’m gonna make a percentage of how many trap victims/related persons survive
wish me luck this is gonna be tedious 🫡
it’s been an hour or two since i wrote that lol i got busy
idk i’m starting when its like 12am????
survived: iiiiiiiiii
not: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
special (survived): iiiiiii
special (not): iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
special is either 1 the game was rigged or 2 they beat the game but died some other related way (ex: adam) 3 or if it was up to somebody else to save you as part of their game (ex: eric matthews, like a lot of them actually)
special good is when it was rigged/something was against them or different but they still beat it. hold on hold up i’m looking for an example rn. ok the secretary lady deborah or something she was in a trap out of her control but she survived.
(timing these for some reason) 1:12 am
dude idk where to put matthews bc his first game was a fluke and he survived but he was also like saved? idk man i’ll think about it (i put him in special died OH GOD NO LOOK AT NOTES)
i can’t put my headcanons/theory’s in here okay cowabummer dude (i have to put adam in dead i’m sorry ok)
1:20 (^im realizing now a shit ton of these fall into the special category whoopsies maybe i got too specific)
1:28 aw dude the fatal 5 are gonna suckkkk bc they’re all working together and linked and connected and shit fhhhghh
1:33 okay dude the steam lady is difficult bc the first half was a special but the last wasn’t. fuck it im just gonna say she could have survived the burns herself
1:40 can’t decide if the first and rebooted games from jigsaw should be put in together or if they should be separate. i just finished i smoked an entire bowl and i am trying my best here ok
1:50 the train guys is rigged they don’t explicitly say it but there’s no way
1:58 alright. fucking finally. that experience was just a downward spiral haha get it bc i hate that movie. also hate jigsaw the movie jigsaw. this was very unpleasant once i’m done with this shit i’m gonna fall asleep to saw 5 or smthn.
2:02 i have to use a counter online bc i’m too tired to count all those little i bitches
2:06 the fruits of my labor. my creation. behold
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Pie chart
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oh thank god
ok so there it is. the ratio of victims that survived and victims who’ve perished in jigsaws traps. you don’t know how much footage i’ve skimmed through. 1 like=1 ass kicking for to me because what was i thinking
me laying down in bed after this ↓
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2:18 ok here it is. the real true official one.
sorry for all that. thank you for accompanying me on this task. i did not have fun. except when i was watching 1-3d but then after that it sucked. 1-3d even took up almost all of the view time but the last bits were so unpleasant it threw that all out the window. gonna go watch one of the original saw movies. you can tell saw x will be good bc it has saw in the name. the title. oh my god oh god i’m realizing i forgot people. i think i forgot bobby. what the hell man screw this i’m going to sleep. i’ll deal with it when i wake up and wonder what the fuck i was on last night. thank you for joining me on this journey of a mental breakdown everybody. a mental spiral, even, if you will. i’m imagining cheesy ending scene music like the character/actor is thanking the audience. signing, logging off at 2:34 am. goodnight everyone.
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Holiday weekend gave me no time till now ha We hit our halfway point with the last review just realized. Exciting! ha S1 only has 20 eps. So we're making our way through S1 hehe. Appreciate you all reading and doing this journey with me truly. That being said lets move onto episode 11.
1x11- 'Redwood'
Gotta love Lucy. Little miss sunshine. Only one excited about their OT adventure for the VP. Everyone else sees discomfort and she sees an opportunity. Saying they deal with grumpy people all day anyways might as well get OT. She's amped to have the money to fix her a/c. Tim of course tells her it'll make her soft, she has to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Jackson asking if Tim is serious LOL Oh Jackson you have no idea how serious he is haha
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Tim’s face right here. LOL I paused it for a second and it was this shot. If this isn’t them in a moment, especially if the early years. I don’t know what is heh. She’s all smiles and he’s a grumpy bear baha Judging her for all her positivity and sunshine she sends his way. god I love them so much.
They’re getting super loaded up for the day. Lucy all of a sudden looks so very overwhelmed. Tim closes the scene like only Tim can. ‘But hey least you’ll get to ride in comfort’ 😂 such a bristly bear but he’s her bristly bear haha
Tim and Lucy get called to clear out a homeless encampment. Lucy breaks up a fight and is thrown down. Tim notices the dirty needle minute she gets up. The instant worry on Lucy’s face is evident. When she sees that needle sticking out of her leg.... I can’t blame her I would be the same way. The panic and anxiety would consume me. Tim knows this about Lucy and instantly goes in protect/distract mode.
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It’s just like in 1x09 when she was stressed about delivering the baby. What did Tim do? Distracted her with a Tim Test. He knows he has to channel her emotions into something else. If he doesn’t she’s going to spiral out of control. The soft but commanding way he talks to her is perfection. Going over step by step what to do in this situation. He can't control what happened but he can control how she reacts.
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Trying to keep her even keel with procedure and a game plan. He’s so damn good at this with her. Reminds me of my leader at work. Knows exactly when I’m about to spiral And de-escalates the panic and worry. Tim knows he has to keep her calm before they can head to the hospital. Amazing to watch him instantly command that situation and protect her from herself. You can see the stress on his face when she walks away, but refuses to let her see that.
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I do think that stress bleeds over to when they arrive. The way he is incensed at her being told to sit in the lobby. I saw a post one time said sunshine (being Lucy) and sunshine protector. Clearly that’s Tim. If this scene could be boiled down to one sentence. It would be this. He's protecting his sunshine right now. The way he basically eats the nurse alive for her. Phew lord. Protective Tim is a fav of mine. He’s already trying to keep her mentally calm and this delay will only make it worse. She’ll get inside her head and self destruct. Tim demands for her seen/tested ASAP. He's scared the nurse shitless so it happens.
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This nurse sure as hell will never forget this procedure after this. Tim basically chewed him up and spit him back out. Poor Lucy is on the verge of a breakdown and Tim makes sure she’s taken care of. Him eating this nurse alive is his way of showing he cares. It's also the best way he can control this situation for Lucy. He’s so very right that she can’t just sit with civilians. She’s nearly in tears when they head to her room, but she knows Tim has her back. Its one less thing to worry about.
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Tim comes back to her exam room to see her on her phone. She’s fallen down the Web-Md hole before he could stop her. He goes right back into protect mode, with a side helping of logical/tough love T.O. his usual M.O for Lucy. Especially when she is beyond the point of logic. I feel you Lucy I get the same way. Tim's purpose right now is to right her mental ship.
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Her panic spiral is in full force at this point. Poor girl is a mess. The amount of scenarios she's running through is immense. Her panic/anxiety is ruling her. Luckily she has Tim with her. He meets each panic attack/scenario she's having with solid logic. Trying his best to deter her from worst case scenario thinking. Because at the moment that is where she is living. He's trying to shake her out of it.
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He adds some tough love in there with his concern. Wouldn't be Tim if he didn't. Letting her know this was the job she signed up for regardless of the outcome. Sometimes it’s just what she needs to get back to reality. That perspective Tim gives her brings Lucy back to dry land emotionally. Giving her a chance to catch her breath. He knows she's drowning right now and he's throwing her an emotional life saver. The only way he knows how.
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Then Tim does what he does best. Distracts her with work. Once he's gotten her to a more stable place, he makes a funny jab about her a/c. Trying to get her to smile/laugh. Cracks me up when he replies how he can’t fix all her problems in one day LOL Lucy laughs for the first time since this happened. Huge Victory for Tim. Massive growth for him as well to take the time to make her laugh. Show he cares about her. Its not just him calming down his trainee. He’s got this beautiful mixture of protecting her/empathy/tough love and touch of logic. Just the combo she needs to self regulate and reset.
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Like I said earlier he’s so damn good at this with her. Knows exactly what to do in these moments. He only gets better the closer and longer they work together. It’s a thing of beauty to watch develop. In this moment specifically. Just letting her know it’s going to be ok, even if ultimately it won’t be and she gets infected. It will still be Ok. That is a wonderful thing to do for someone who’s in a heightened fight or flight mode. Tim does it masterfully for her.
That looks of relief on her face and that slight smile on his is amazing. He knows he's gotten her through this portion. Lucy is taking a deep breath for the first time since that needle stuck her. They're both in a much better place than when they got here.
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I love what a BAMF work duo they are in this scene. Also doesn't hurt Lucy saying she needs Tim. Its not in the way we all are thinking haha but lovely to hear none the less. Honestly them just standing next to one another is a wonder to behold. They exude chemistry.
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I do love how his eyes shift to her during it all. Checking in on her even without her knowing it. Constant protection mode this entire episode. Tim makes another joke about he can’t leave her alone for a minute hehe When we know he’s proud of her for catching this woman in first place. She took care of business and saved a man's life.
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Ahhhh this scene. The first and probably most popular OTP Tag for them. ‘Doing my job’ Another crack in the wall that is Tim Bradford. The art is the crack growing. The artist Lucy Chen.
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That slight smile he gives her before he takes off is everything. His last bit of comfort headed her way before he has to go. Such a huge moment for them. What I've always loved about Chenford and their slow burn is the small things. They add up to the incredible bond that is formed. This is one of those iconic moments for them as a ship. If you’re not paying attention you’ll miss it all together. To say I love them is an understatement baha it’s why I’m doing these reviews. To analyze them from beginning to end. They are a beautiful thing to watch unfold.
Side notes. Non chenford
I do enjoy Jackson’s SL in this one a lot. I can relate to family drama and having that invade your work space. To have family ask a lot of you and want you to put something you wanna do on hold for them. It’s a huge burden Jackson had placed on him. He didn’t tell Lopez but told Lucy she needed one last distraction with Tim gone. e’s there when she gets the results she’s ok. Tells her he will call Tim for her. Jackson was always such a solid A+ friend to her.
That is it for ep 11. Woo! As usual feel free to like/comment I'll always reply to comments/reblog whatever your heart desires haha See you in 1x12
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andyling · 2 years
Okay now that I got my Tango rambling out of the way IT’S TIME FOR A BUNCH OF OTHER PEOPLE
Jimmy Solidarity (aka the man sending team rancher fans into a collective breakdown, it’s me I'm team rancher fans)
stealth mission IMMEDIATELY failed
Tango congratulating Jimmy on killing him (even though it was Joel) Team Ranchers is still alive guys I swear, NO ANGST HERE IT’S FINE GUYS
Love how Joel is being attacked and Grian is nowhere to be found because he’s too busy hunting down Impulse
jimmy shouting tango’s name and literally jumping towards him as he places tnt counts as a rancher moment 
either he’s stupid or he was confident tango wouldn’t blow him up, it’s probably the former but hey I choose how I interpret this chaos
mans was literally just :O
“what I'm realizing right is that everyone is thirsty” did ya have to phrase it like that??? I can hear the out of context compilations clipping this
Jimmy sounding so shocked that Tango was fighting Martyn as if he didn’t just spend several minutes fending him off from killing Joel
oh uh, the flower husbands are fighting
damn flower husbands enjoyers must be in absolute misery
love how Jimmy is not even trying to find Tango he’s just there watching this chaos unfold
“guys he’s not gonna respond” Jimmy you underestimate how dumb your rancher is, there is a reason I call both of you wet cats
the way jimmy hunches over closer to his mic when he’s whispering is so funny, he’s trying to hide irl 
ah yes, “the bad boys bread bridge bakery in the sky” my beloved
hey now Jimmy has been trying to protect Joel for half the session don’t kick him out, I mean he failed but at least he was trying
ending the session with robbery, how wonderful
“looking tasty” aaaaand that’ going into the out of context compilation
Grian seems to be extra manic this episode, I'm blaming that on the fact that he missed a session
the entire “definitely” bit is so stupid but I find it so funny
“normally this is last episode behavior” I mean last session was last episode behavior too I think this season has just made everyone crazy
oh my god the yellow hoard is even funnier from their perspective
the pufferfish plays are insane goddamn
“How about we just kill him for fun now?” SCAR NO
tango just has a 6th sense for wardens now
awwwwww grian’s sharing in order to help skizz (pity totem is still totem)
someone is gonna trap those ender-porters I just know it
the mean gills chatting on their little island resort really contrasts how badly the rest of this session is gonna go
Bdubs running to Etho for protection is hilarious in every POV
the bread bois and team ties have a fast travel to each other . . . we’ll see how that works out (please become allies please please please)
Martyn didn’t even realize Tango was still trying to kill him lmao
poor scar stood in the wrong place at the wrong time
Etho trying desperately to get people to leave Tango and Impulse alone
god Martyn is just having an awful time trying to stay alive this session
bruh Martyn really teasing us all with actual lore 
So uh, yeah that session was bonkers SEE Y’ALL NEXT WEEK
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monkeytrick · 4 months
Ok like. Executive dysfunction. And trauma response. Are both phrases that might earn an eye roll from you and I get it. But I feel like one is the other for me and they’re both just causing a horrible loop that is making my life worse constsntly man. It really hit me today that like. Oh my god I am traumatized. I regularly will have flashbacks and either go totally limp and try to ignore everything happening and play dead or I’ll freak the fuck out and start screaming and sobbing and shit and I feel like this entire past month I’ve just been constantly going back and forth between both without any time dedicated t being a normal person which makes me feel so awful and insane because I’ve had like actual fun shit to do this month but I’ve been breaking down so fucking bad bc I literally don’t think I have the capability to live like a normal adult person is supposed to and I don’t have a choice at all because I don’t think I can ever be in contact with my family again. My dad is a domestic abuser and a methhead and an attempted rapist and I’m so scared he’s done more than attempt it since I last saw him. MULTIPLE times he just showed up st my workplace which is across the country from where he actually fucking lives without warning and when he went to jail it was in this state and not his home one. I still don’t know what the fuck he did because I only heard about it from my brother and I can’t fucking talk to anyone else in my family because I’m afraid of them all! My mom is actively without exaggeration trying to ruin my fucking life as revenge against me not talking to her because she was already doing this shit before I cut contact and will steal my money and try and track me down and threaten suicide over my continued existence. I don’t have anyone I can go to in real life about any of this shit and even the people who understand can’t help me at all. I’ve been trying to move in with my friend and after recovering from the extended mental breakdown I’ve been having all month I’m realizing I literally like. Do not have the shit I need to do that. And I don’t know if I ever will because of my family situation. I don’t know how to break it to them and I don’t know what the fuck to do because I don’t think I have an option that isn’t fucking them over extremely badly and it’s entirely my own fucking fault man bc I’ve just been trying to ignore my life so bad. I feel so bad about my current living situation bc my friend and their family were kind enough to let me stay and were really understanding initially but they all just really fucking want me gone by now which is like. Understandable. And the reasonable way to respond. But I’m so scared because I need to be out of here by the end of june and I think my best option is subletting on my own but I feel more certain and terrified every day that I’m just going to be homeless and fired from the job I currently have before I’m 21. I don’t even want to be someone that wants to kms anymore but I feel like god is like literally actually punishing me for existing and I can’t bring myself to deal with living at all. I’m not going to kill myself now and I have stupid reasons to continue being alive but they are reasons but I feel like the only way to stay set on that path and not change my mind and go insane and fucking die is if I get in a psych ward right the fuck now and trying to review my options there is making me even more miserable bc I don’t think I’m even on health insurance anymore and I don’t think I’d be able to get on it in time to not go insane and be a danger to myself. No matter what I am going to be in horrific debt. I just don’t know what to fucking do man. I haven’t looked at any of my texts in like 3 days because I am so fucking scared. I no wanna be around anymore. I cannot bring myself to do fucking snything
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sooniessoulmate · 2 months
𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔥𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔰 - 𝔠𝔥.13 - 𝔪𝔲𝔩𝔱𝔦-𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔫 𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰
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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 13 : 𝔦'𝔪 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔧𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔲𝔰
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𝔠𝔥.12 | 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 | 𝔠𝔥.14
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“That’s just…” Y/N started.
“So romantic, right?” Ryujin interrupted. “I told you he was in total love with me.”
“But Ryujin, he used you, fed on you, killed you, then forced you to kill your best friend,” Y/N argued.
“Yea I was there,” Ryujin snarled. “But he did all of those things so we could be together forever.”
“I don’t know,” Y/N sighed.
“You can think what you want but I know the truth,” Ryujin snapped. “We’re madly in love and I’m starting to think you just might be jealous.”
“I’m not jealous,” Y/N argued. 
Ryujin looked up at Y/N with her eyes black, “tell me the truth, do you have a thing for Jay?”
“Oh my god NO,” Y/N gasped. 
“You better not be lying,” Ryujin snarled.
“I swear I’m not lying,” Y/N said, with a high pitched voice, hoping her roommate would take her word.
“Good because friends don’t like their friend’s boyfriends,” Ryujin stated as her eyes went back to normal.
Y/N smiled, “we’re friends?”
“Of course we are,” Ryujin returned her smile. “It’s starting to get late, maybe we should try to get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow.”
“We do?” Y/N wondered.
“Tomorrow is our annual carnival and then its the masquerade ball,” Ryujin explained. “Speaking of that, have you figured out who sent that dress to you?”
Y/N let out a sigh of disappointment, “no nobody has said anything about it to me.”
“I asked Jay about it and he didn’t know anything so I don’t know either,” Ryujin sighed. 
“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see who shows up under the clock,” Y/N said.
“It’s kind of romantic though,” Ryujin smiled. “Don’t you think?”
“I mean, maybe,” Y/N nodded. “Under normal circumstances I would probably think it’s a little romantic but lately nothing good seems to happen so I kind of think it’s a little nerve racking.”
“You’re just being paranoid,” Ryujin sighed. “Now let’s get some sleep. You look like you could really use some beauty rest.”
“Thanks alot,” Y/N laughed, getting up off of her bed to go to the bathroom to get dressed in her pajamas.
When she returned to the room, Ryujin already appeared to be asleep. She was hoping she would have the same luck and be able to fall asleep rather quickly too. Her anxiety did seem to loosen up and she was no longer on the verge of having a mental breakdown. She crawled into bed, thoughts racing through her mind as she slowly drifted off to sleep. 
Halfway through the night, Y/N heard someone whispering over by her roommate’s bed, disturbing her peaceful sleep. She rolled over, only slightly opening one eye, wanting to still appear to be asleep.
Jay was sitting on Ryujin’s bed, gently moving her hair out of her face. “Baby wake up,” he whispered.
Ryujin opened her eyes, smiling once she saw Jay in her bed. “Jay,” she said. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Jay sighed, smiling. 
Ryujin lifted the covers up, scooching over to make room for the boy to crawl in. “Get in,” she offered.
“No,” Jay stated. “Not here.”
“Why not?” Ryujin wondered, confused.
“I’m gonna make you scream and I don’t want the audience,” Jay explained with a smirk on his face. “I have something special for you.”
“Ooooh what?” Ryujin asked excitedly, sitting straight up in bed.
Jay lightly caressed her face with his hand, “come with me and I’ll give it to you.”
“Ok,” Ryujin smiled.
“That’s my girl,” Jay said, standing up and placing his hand out for Ryujin to grab.
Ryujin didn’t hesitate, she placed her hand into Jay’s and they disappeared out of the room just as quickly as Jay first appeared.
Y/N shook her head while rubbing her eyes, turning over to attempt to go back to sleep when Jungwon appeared out of the shadows.
“Y/N,” he whispered, causing her to nearly jump out of the bed. “Calm down, it's just me.”
Once Y/N realized who was in her room, she scowled, “what do you want?”
“I’m sorry,” Jungwon sighed. “If I hurt your feelings in any way, I’m sorry.”
“If?” Y/N repeated. “That’s a really shitty apology.”
“You know you hurt my feelings too,” he snapped.
“What are you talking about?” Y/N said. “I didn’t do anything to you. You’re the one who decided to make out with another girl right in front of me.”
“I only did that because you decided to go on a lunch date with that wolf,” Jungwon snarled, trying not to let his emotions get the best of him.
“It wasn’t a lunch date,” Y/N argued. “I was so upset about things and he was just being nice to me. Felix is my friend.”
“I don’t like you being friends with wolves,” Jungwon announced. 
“Well that's too bad because you don’t get to tell me who i can and can’t be friends with,” Y/N snapped.
Jungwon sat down alongside Y/N on her bed, “I wasn’t trying to tell you that.”
“It kind of sounded like you were,” Y/N argued. “And then you punished me for not listening.”
“I’m just trying to look out for you,” Jungwon snapped. “Felix is the worst of them wolves.”
“Why do you even care?” Y/N asked.
“Well I… I… I kind of… well you’re my friend,” Jungwon sighed.
“Oh,” Y/N said, looking down at her hands a little disappointed.
“What’s wrong?” Jungwon asked, lifting Y/N’s chin up with his hand, forcing her to look at him. “You seem a little disappointed.”
“No,” Y/N denied. “It’s not disappointment, I’m not sure what it is though.”
“Maybe this will help clear things up,” Jungwon smirked, leaning in and pressing his lips firmly against hers.
Y/N instinctively kissed him back, but forced herself to stop and pushed him away.
“Jungwon stop that,” she ordered. “I’m not going to be your toy.”
“What are you talking about?” Jungwon snarled.
“I don’t want to be like Ryujin. I am not going to be into you only to have you play with my emotions every chance you get,” Y/N snapped.
Jungwon let out a little chuckle, “is that what you think happens between Ryujin and Jay?” he asked.
“Yea she told me how he turned her and that’s just awful. He uses her and she’s too blinded by love to see it,” Y/N argued.
“You are sadly mistaken,” Jungwon smiled. “Jay loves her too. He just shows it in his own way.”
“That’s what she says too, but I’m not stupid and I have eyes,” Y/N sighed. “I see how he treats her. You don’t treat someone you love like that.”
“Did she tell you what happened after he turned her?” Jungwon asked.
“How he made her kill her best friend? Yes, she did tell me that,” Y/N snapped. “And that’s just sick.”
“No, not that part,” Jungwon said. “The part about her dad?”
Y/N stared at Jungwon, without saying a word and shook her head no.
“I didn’t think so,” Jungwon smiled. “Ryujin was worried about her dad not knowing where she got to. So Jay took her to see him. When they walked in and he saw her with a boy he lost his shit. He started degrading her and calling her everything under the sun which made Ryujin upset and forced her to cry. Even though her father treated her awful her entire life, it was still her father and she loved him and wanted him to love her in return. Jay couldn’t stand seeing her hurt by this man. He killed him out of rage and this binded the two forever.”
“Jay killed her father?” Y/N repeated.
“Jay has a weird way of showing his feelings but honestly he does love Ryujin and would never let anything bad ever happen to her,” Jungwon explained.
“But he treats her awful,” Y/N insisted.
“That’s only in public,” Jungwon continued. “He doesn’t like anyone to know that he has a soft side but when they’re alone, it’s completely different.”
“He doesn’t even admit they are dating,” Y/N pointed out.
“He doesn’t have to,” Jungwon added. “Everyone knows they are and knows not to disrespect his girl otherwise they’ll have to pay the consequences.”
“Is that what you want with me?” Y/N asked, instantly regretting letting those words slip out of her mouth.
Jungwon laughed, “what do you mean?”
“Do you only want to be nice to me when we’re alone and then ignore me and treat me like shit in public,” Y/N explained.
“Not at all,” Jungwon smiled. “But to be honest, I don’t have a real answer of what I actually want.”
“That’s not enough for me,” Y/N sighed.
Jungwon ignored her words, leaning in and briefly pressing his lips against hers again.
“I think I might like you,” Jungwon whispered. “And I think we should explore those feelings.”
“This isn’t how we should be doing that,” Y/N argued.
“What do you mean?” Jungwon smiled. “This is the best way I know to explore any feelings.”
He pushed Y/N down onto her bed, laying on top of her body, kissing her once more. He pulled away, gently placing a strand of hair behind her ear. “But I’ll respect you, if you’re not ready,” he whispered.
Y/N wanted to say she was, but she knew that this whole situation was wrong. It didn’t matter that her body was screaming at her to say yes, it didn’t matter that her heart was saying yes. Her mind knew she had to be smart and if he was serious then he would be ok to wait for every part of her to be on board.
Y/N shook her head, “Jungwon this isn’t right. I can’t do this.”
Jungwon sighed, leaning down and kissing her once more before disappearing out of her room, leaving her alone in her bed.
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𝔭𝔯𝔢𝔳 🌕 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 🌕 𝔫𝔢𝔵𝔱
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𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔫
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t3reence · 2 years
Glad I tried
Don’t mind me I’m just dumping some fanfics of bronseele on this website and this one is a late valentine day fanfic
Bronya took a deep, nervous breath as she is holding a bouquet of roses. She might not know Seele for that long, but she felt like she had fallen to deep inlove with her, everything about Seele amazes her, making her heart feeling like it's going to explode. Almost everyone has gone home except for the students that had clubs, knowing that Seele had joined a certain sport club Bronya messaged Seele to meet her at the rooftop when she's done with her club. She sat on the bench as she looked at the sky, trying not to run away as she try to calm down her heart that is beating out so loud.
''Hey Bronya! What did you call me here for?'' Seele said as she just arrived to the rooftop. Bronya blushed as she saw Seele there, wondering how can Seele be this pretty.
''Ah- S-Seele!'' Bronya spoke out, she can feel her heart beating out loud again, even though she's scared that she's gonna get rejected, she felt like it's worth a shot.
''Oh, who's that flower for? Do you need my help to confess to someone? If yes, I can't help I'm not good with it'' Seele spoke out, but with quite an unhappy voice
''Oh, i-it's not that- Do you wanna be my- valentine date?'' Bronya confessed as she held out her bouquet to Seele, who looked in surprised face as she became a flustered mess too. Both of them are a mess
''Oh- I- Uh- Sure!'' Seele spoke out as she grabbed the bouquet of roses, wanting to just throw herself off the rooftop because it was so awkward just saying sure to someone who worked so hard to gain the courage to ask her out on a valentine date
Bronya swore to god that she was about to scream out of happiness as she hugged Seele tightly and kissed her on the lips, Seele was in shock as she kissed back, shoving her tongue into Bronya's mouth as Bronya accepted the tongue into the mouth. Both of them made out with Seele's hands, one that's still holding the bouquet on Bronya's waist and Bronya's hands on Seele's neck.
Both pulled away when they're out of breath, ''So, uh.. Can we instead meet up at my house tomorrow?'' Seele asked as she blushed, she really did something for Bronya but not having the courage to say anything at all until now
''Huh? Sure, what time?'' Bronya asked as she smiled at Seele, which caused Seele to almost can't speak anything out as she blushed ''A-Around 3 pm after school, ya can?'' Seele spoke out
''Sure, I can!'' Bronya said as she hugged Seele tightly again, not that tight until Seele can't breath
''And thanks for the bouquet of roses by the way.., sorry that I didn't got ya anything..'' Seele spoke out of embarrassment, she thought of asking Bronya out tomorrow not today, but Bronya just had to ask her out first
''It's okay, you accepting to be my valentine date is enough already'' Bronya spoke out as she kissed Seele on the cheek, ''We need to go home soon'' Bronya said as she saw how late it was and that she was supposed to be home already
''Sure, my home is just a few steps passed yours, wanna go together?'' Seele asked, as she held Bronya's hand ''Sure'' Bronya replied as she softly smiled at Seele
Both of them walked back home together, chatting and talking about stuff while walking back home, waving each other goodbyes when they got home and almost getting a mental breakdown by how awkward it was, then tomorrow came.
Bronya knocked on Seele's door, wearing a dress that is colored black and blue(just imagine it okay pleasee). Seele then opened the door with a dark purple open chest suit and white shirt underneath. Bronya zoned out as she stared at how handsome and pretty Seele look like at the same time, ''Uhm, Bronya, why do you keep staring at me like that? Like I get it I look hot'' Seele spoke out, then Bronya finally snapped off her thought about how handsome and pretty Seele is at the same time
''Let's get inside'' Seele said as she pulled Bronya's hands into her house then Bronya took off her shoe as she put it at the shoe rack as she closed and locked the front door, pulling Bronya as she headed towards her bedroom. As Seele opened her bedroom door, Bronya was amazed as she saw the tidied bedroom, filled with heart shaped boxes that have a letter on them and filled with chocolate and lots of folded letters with a heart shaped drawn on them
''Y-You prepared all of this?'' Bronya asked in surprised and Seele nodded as she pulled Bronya into the bedroom as she closed the bedroom door and pushed Bronya onto the bed and pulled Bronya onto a hug as they both landed into the bed
''I love ya so much'' Seele said as she kissed Bronya playfully at the neck as Bronya laughed out ''Seele! It tickles!'' Bronya laughed out and kisses Seele on the cheek
Both of them had their fun playing with each other inbed
''I'm tired'' Bronya said as she giggles
''Me too, let's rest for a while, then let's go to the nearby cafe?'' Seele asked as she looked at Bronya's beautiful silver eyes
''Sure'' Bronya answered as she hugged Seele, both of them took a 10 minutes nap before going out to the cafe nearby
It really was the bestest day for the both of them.(Me when??)
Also posted it on Ao3 -https://archiveofourown.org/works/45587065
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mad-madam-m · 2 years
T&B2 Thoughts: Episode 9 – Have not thy cloak to make when it begins to rain.
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- Love how they just show us Barnaby hitting the ground and rolling like a rag doll. Honestly it's a testament to how well-built Saito's suits are that he didn't fucking die without his powers activated. Holy shit.
- Related: How much do you think Kotetsu is beating himself up for not going with Barnaby when they split up in the museum? Because I bet it’s a lot.
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- The way it focuses on Kotetsu's reaction here—specifically the way he clenches his teeth—I just. I can't. Like not even he's the focus and we see the other heroes around him; they zoom entirely in so that we only see Kotetsu's reaction to this line. His reaction isn’t just the most important: it’s literally the only one that matters. I am completely normal about this.
- Also I will be real with you, the first time I watched this episode, I shouted, "NOW YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS ON THIS END, YOU SELF-SACRIFICING ASSHOLE." I was having a lot of emotions. I'm not proud.
- Okay look we saw Barnaby’s breakdown with Kotetsu nearly dying in his arms because his powers deactivated right before he got shot with a fuckoff giant laser gun (that Barnaby was firing), and now we’re seeing Kotetsu after Barnaby has been badly, badly injured because his powers deactivated right before a bomb went off that he was holding. Maybe this will help him take better care of himself in the future.
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- Yuri “I set murderers on fire in my spare time” Petrov, calmly advising the rest of the First League not to get carried away. The irony is so thick you could cut it with a machete.
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- This nurse looks like Melissa McCall and you will never take that away from me.
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- "We're not sure when he'll wake up" I KNOW WHEN HE WILL, IT'S BEFORE CHRISTMAS EVE.
- Remember way back in episode 1 when I said "This kind of flashforward is one of my least favorite narrative tropes"? This!! This is why! We, the audience, know Barnaby wakes up and is back in action by December 24, because they showed us that at the very beginning of the season. So even though the characters don't (and can't) know that, we do and it takes away from some of the tension of having one half of your title duo in a fucking coma. For us, it's not if Barnaby is going to wake up; it's when.
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- And now in a reversal of the previous scene, they are very notably showing us everybody else's reaction to the news that Barnaby is in a coma and may not wake up, but having Kotetsu's face hidden, as he apparently just waits for someone to notice that he's wearing Barnaby's glasses.
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- I really love how all the older heroes react the way that Kotetsu expects them to with what they say, but you can see in their faces they know why he's being a dork about this: he’s trying to make them laugh and lighten the mood. And the younger heroes, of course, don't get it because they haven't known Kotetsu as long.
- And he says he's leaving to get some rest, which all the older heroes also know is absolute bullshit.
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- Sure enough, the next scene is him on the street, looking for Vincent Carl. Because Kotetsu is so action-oriented, he can't just sit by Barnaby's bedside while the man who put him there is still on the loose. He has to do something, and finding Vincent Carl is that something.
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- This is such a short scene but it's so packed with feelings. This is where Kotetsu shows how he's actually feeling: not in front of everybody else, where they'll worry about him, but when it's just him and Barnaby. Where he admits that it’s hard working alone, because after three years he’s used to having a partner, used to having Barnaby by his side. Where he quietly, heartbreakingly tells Barnaby that he needs to wake up, because they’re supposed to go out for drinks. And he's still hanging on to Barnaby's glasses, like it’s the only piece of him Kotetsu can touch right now.
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- Y'all know what my first thought was you know what it was.
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- Oh my God Kotetsu no
- I do kind of love that Yuri and Agnes figure out that he’s investigating Vincent Carl on his own in part because he lets fans take pictures with him while he’s out doing it. I love all the little reminders that Kotetsu is popular now (maybe not the most popular, but he definitely has some dedicated fans), and he hasn’t really changed anything about himself.
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- Aw Cat honey. She's so scared during all of this, and can you blame her? She’s getting a very harsh look at what it is to be a hero, and she’s already been nervous all season, so this is just really amping it up.
- And the hell of it is, you know that Kid’s got to be worried, too, but she’s learned how to compartmentalize and stay focused on what she can do. I really, really love them and I love seeing Kid as a senpai this season, with a younger teammate that she’s having to look out for. 
- Also the charm Kid has for her is the cutest thing.
- I know there’s a lot of focus on Kotetsu for obvious reasons, but seriously, none of the heroes are handling Barnaby’s hospitalization very well. It’s really shaken them, especially the younger ones.
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- You're going to forcibly inject a dude with a drug you know nothing about yes I think this counts as harassment.
- OUROBOROS IS FUNDING MATTIA'S RESEARCH!! I feel like this should've been less of a surprise for me. XD
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- Ugh Kotetsu answering Kaede's call so brightly, and Kaede sitting there with the news in front of her about Barnaby's surgery because she knows, she knows her dad isn't handling this well, no matter how he's acting. And she calls because she wants to check on him. Yes, she wants to know how Barnaby is doing, but more important, she wants to know how her dad is doing. And the latter is what surprises Kotetsu.
- Honestly I love every scene between Kotetsu and Kaede in this season (in the whole series, tbh), but this one in particular again shows how much more...equal they are now, if that makes sense. Obviously he’s still the dad and she’s still the daughter, but Kotetsu is a lot more honest and isn’t hiding as much in a misguided bid to protect her. And Kaede really sits with how hard this job is, the one that she says she wants to do.
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- My gosh, how fast Kotetsu comes in and takes this guy down, and also, notably, without losing his cool. It's in stark contrast to Thomas in the last episode. Yes, Kotetsu's older, but even when he's furious (and he is absolutely furious here), he's got lines he won't cross.
Like. It would be astonishingly easy to hit Carl hard enough to kill him with a Hundred Power punch, but Kotetsu strikes him with exactly enough power to only knock him out (and, in fact, without actually hurting him enough to keep him down for more than a few seconds, since Carl escapes less than a minute after this). It is amazing how much control he has over himself and his powers even when he is facing down the person who put his partner in a coma.
Kotetsu doesn't usually wait for the cameras or anything, but he doesn't even tell Agnes he's not waiting; he only lets her know that it’s over once he's got Carl down.
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spookclimber · 2 years
okay rant/mini(large words of) mental breakdown below
i walked to my car for a lunch break i didn’t want to take and discovered i have a parking citation, because my plates are expired, which i fucking forgot to do a few months ago because my life was falling apart and now it lowkey feels the same. i have rent, other monthly bills and now this that i have to fucjing deal with and also not park anywhere that could be bad until i get my plates renewed, which idk how long that’ll be.
on top of that my new job that i was fairly excited for is fine, i guess, but it’s it and pays not nearly what my college degree says i’m worth. i cannot handle sitting at a desk doing actually nothing until someone asks a question like this one i saw today, “should i click this ‘you have 3 new viruses’ popup.”
i feel like i used to be able to do things, and now i’m always exhausted and this stress is piling up again cause i need to do things and i CANT and i need to buy i really can’t which makes me feel like shit and worse and it’s a circular system.
especially when i haven’t been able to fall asleep normally until it’s past 2 am or something at the earliest, which just leaves me even more tired. on friday i was sick for my second day at the job and once i called it in i proceeded to then sleep, after my night sleepof like 12-7:30 am, from 9am to 11 fucking 30 pm, then was up for a couple hours before sleeping until 5 pm on saturday. this isn’t sustainable and it’s terrible and because of that i struggle even more when i need to try to work towards the financial issues but I CANT and i’m almost crying at work right now ranting this out because i have to get some words out and try to articulate what i feel.
the. another smaller thing but it still weighs on me is i’m like the only person wearing a mask at my work and yeah it’s it and cubicles and shit but covid still is going strong and people don’t seem to give a damn
i used to be able to do things i applied for and worked in two great internships in college why now am i having a meltdown over an objectively easier job that pays less well maybe that’s a part of it but god fucking dammit am i so stressed and, i don’t know, fucking out of it all the time in ways that don’t help me fix the problem at all.
oh another thing that isn’t fun is i was enjoying being nonbinary with my friends and all but i’m terrified to idk be that publiclally so once more i’m cosplaying my worksona except i flinch every time i see my dead name all around me and people call me by it so like why do i do this for a job that will barely make me rent and will bore me out of my mind? oh wait it’s cause i literally was unable to get any other position and i even almost got scammed in this process by someone who posed as a hr hiring person and put me through a written interview and all that jazz and got me hyped up before eventually i concluded with help it was a scam. applying for jobs fucking sucks but i guess i need to do it again between trying to make money outside of work and also at work which i’m not sure i’ll be able to juggle everything in addition to trying to get enough sleep and at least some time for me to decompress (but i’ve been needing more and more of that recently to work out and it’s related to previously stated issues) so i’m just losing it.
ido honestly believe i’ve been making strides in regards to my mental health and identity but es problema es capital as they say but i’m having such issues of motivation and getting things done that it’s a huge problem and my apartment is too much rent because i couldn’t move out when i lost my roommate because i definitely wasn’t capable of it and that roommate taught me i will literally die if i live with basically anyone that isn’t a very small specific group but because of that i’m stuck with an apartment with no food, a broken dishwasher that i’m too scared to call the landlord to fix, double rent and such.
like i knew i had some issues but my cascade of emotions once i saw the ticket on my break that id been forced to take i guess shows me that i’m really not doing well with the massive stress just hanging over my head
well i guess that’s all the words i have now. if you read all that i’m impressed and sorry i guess, but maybe i’ll find a way to dig myself out of this hole. maybe
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