#so it's fair to assume that jo would probably be the first to bring up the subject of changing his identity when theyre alone
I know it'll be a cold day in hell when Masato asks for Jo's input and actually listens but sometimes I like to think about Jo helping him pick out his new name. He never gave himself the opportunity when he was born and Arakawa had his turn yk... only he put actual thought into it and Jo's just like It Sounds Like Jo 😭😭
THAT WOULD BE CUTE WOLUDNT.... whenever i think of jo getting small chances to be a dad i feel my heart and soul grow 50 times its original size i SWEARRR (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
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jimintomystery · 5 months
Toko headcanons
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[Above: Dramatization! May not have happened!]
All right, remember when I started posting Danganronpa headcanons? Well, I kinda forgot to finish up with the less popular characters. So let's circle back to that.
I didn't care much for Toko at first, probably because her whole deal embodies the batsht worldbuilding that makes Danganronpa so confounding. Also, she's passionately fixated on justifying her assumptions that no one could possibly like her, so that makes her kind of a pain. Once I started writing fanfic, though, I realized I had to get a handle on this dork, and that's when I started to realize how much fun she is.
The big issue for me is that I cannot believe Toko spent two years at Hope's Peak Academy without her classmates learning her darkest secret: that she shares a split personality with the notorious serial killer Genocide Jack.
(It's "Genocide Sho" in the original Japanese, and the video game's English localization switches between "Genocide Jack" and "Genocide Jill." I'm not sure why they didn't just do Joe/Jo--that seems like a missed opportunity. In any case, "Genocide Jack" is a very solid name, so I tend to stick with that.)
It's not clear to me yet how much contact Jack would have had with Toko's classmates in the "lost" period before THH. We know her side of Toko's mind was unaffected by the memory wipe. But when she emerges in the second trial, she sort of acts like she's meeting everyone for the first time. Then again, it would be consistent if Jack knew them all very well, and just didn't have any reason to make that information clear. A careful reading of her dialogue in THH might turn up some interesting angles on this.
I think we're meant to understand that Toko and Jack's attraction to Byakuya is consistent with how Jack selects her victims. The only thing Toko and Jack ever agree on is obeying Byakuya's wishes. Jack indicates that no one can hurt Byakuya until Jack herself has the honor of killing him, and that this would be the consummation of their twisted love affair. Byakuya is smart enough to pick up on this stuff. So he probably knows everyone is safe from Jack except for him, and that stringing Toko/Jack along will draw out the process and buy himself more time.
Obviously after THH, Byakuya encourages Toko to find ways to control Jack, and Ultra Despair Girls shows that these efforts are largely successful. So I think it's fair to assume something similar happened in the missing two years at Hope's Peak. The class found out about Jack, Toko and Jack focused their obsessions on Byakuya, and Byakuya was therefore motivated to help Toko bring Jack under control. In general I like to think Jack settles into an attitude of "these are the jagoffs I don't feel like murdering (yet)."
I feel bad ignoring Toko to devote so much attention to Jack. But the bottom line is that Jack is Toko, or a part of her anyway. Everything Jack says or does is a twisted expression of Toko's motivations, however repressed they may be. She can't fully control Jack without accepting that fact, and what it says about her. I don't think it's a coincidence that her control is at its greatest in UDG and Danganronpa 3, after Toko has bonded with the other THH survivors over their shared ordeal.
My headcanon is that the six survivors form a unique bond that's common to all of them, but Toko is easily the hardest character to work into that premise. She's openly hostile to the others, in a way that makes Byakuya and Kyoko seem like teddy bears in comparison. At least some of the group is capable of seeing past the walls she puts up, to put in the work to support her, but it's in her nature to make that a thankless task.
In UDG, Toko regards Komaru Naegi as the first real friend she's ever had, and I tend to believe her. But that would mean she doesn't consider any of the THH survivors to be her friends. Which...okay, that's Toko for you. But it's difficult to get a grasp on that. I have to think that between THH and UDG, Makoto would have made at least as much effort to be Toko's friend as his sister, so I'm not sure why he (and the other survivors) utterly failed where Komaru succeeded. I really need to watch a playthrough of UDG to figure this out.
Until I sort that out, my general vibe on Toko's relationship with the other survivors is that she thinks they're stuck with her because she happened to not get murdered. The group revolves around Byakuya/Makoto/Kyoko figuring out what to do, and Makoto/Hiro/Hina being good buddies--Toko doesn't fit into either of those axes. The most obvious reason she's useful to keep around is because Jack can kick some ass, which would be no comfort to Toko. To the extent the others reassure her that she belongs with them, she assumes it's a cruel lie. But she has no one else to turn to, so she has little choice but to live with that "lie."
I think on some level, Toko knows Byakuya doesn't love her, and is unlikely to ever fall in love with her. But she's never met anyone who perfectly fits her humiliation kink, which makes their relationship a turn-on for her whether he secretly cares about her or couldn't give a shit less. Byakuya is sharp enough to figure that out, so I believe he uses it to serve his interests. Do his interests include trying to make a masochist happy? Perhaps not, but I think it's more fun to not rule out the possibility.
I have no strong feelings on whether Toko and Komaru's friendship should develop into romance. Practically speaking, I don't think it could seriously happen unless Toko could drop the whole "Master Byakuya" bit, and that seems like it would be a long way off. I can't think that many steps ahead--it's like planning out the characters' weddings, or what their children would be named.
Makoto, Hiro, and Hina make a decent effort to make Toko feel like part of the group, and they put up with her bullshit when that inevitably backfires. Eventually that works out to the dynamic of adopting a feral cat. At some point, the cat still won't let you pet her, but she knows she's stuck with you and anyway there's no point biting the hand that feeds her. Hina gradually gets Toko to stop saying so many pervy things about her body. Hiro gradually accepts that Jack isn't going to kill him someday because Toko and Jack both find him intensely unattractive.
I think there's a lot to get into with Toko's relationship to Kyoko. Toko thinks everyone has no use for her; everyone thinks Kyoko has no use for them. Toko rejects friendliness as a pretense; Kyoko doesn't even bother with the pretense of being polite, let alone friendly. Get them into a real conversation and they'd probably cut straight to the bone, which would probably reveal some common ground between them. I need to work on that some time...
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kaimelia · 3 years
Hi, In Twitter and tik tok I see photos about Megan coming back to grey’s for Teddy and Owen
Wedding. Can you write something about Amelink in the wedding ? Please
last hope
a/n: me realizing you probably wanted fluff but. im a sucker for an amelia/teddy friendship and also angst!
"The day that was over ten years in the making," Amelia muttered, bringing her flute of sparkling water up to her lips. "Congratulations."
"Things finally feel right." Teddy glanced over at Amelia. "Thank you for everything you've done. I know these past few weeks haven't been easy, but this wedding wouldn't be happening without you."
"Who am I if I don't help plan my ex-husband's wedding?" Her eyes trailed to the dance floor, where Owen was dancing around with Leo in his arms. "Third time's the charm."
"Did Tom say anything to you?"
"He asked me to remind you that he's a plane ride away and that he has access to a private jet, so say the word, and he's on his way," Amelia wiggled her eyebrows. "He asked me if you were happy, and I said you were, and he said that he's happy for you."
"That doesn't sound like Tom."
"He did also add that you would be happier with him, but I was leaving that out for the sake of the moment."
"He keeps asking me about you," Teddy started softly. "Says you won't talk to him about what's going on and that he's worried about you."
"That also doesn't sound like Tom," Amelia laughed gently and looked over to see Teddy's stern expression. "He's seen me through bad times. And, I don't like to think about those, so I don't respond when he asks about me."
"If you ever wanted to talk to someone, I'm here, you know? Or if you just need a friend. I know what it's like to feel like everyone hates you."
"I'm guessing Link told you?" Teddy nodded slowly, a slight grimace across her face as she took a sip from her wine glass that lasted a second longer than it should've.
"He did, but I'm also assuming there's more than his side to the story. There was when I was in my own situation, and you were one of the only people to look out for me. You didn't have to do that, and yet, you did."
"He won't listen to me," Amelia whispered, her gaze trailing out to where Link was talking with Jo. "He won't even let me speak; he just shows up to get Scout and then drops him off like we're complete strangers."
"Owen did that to me, and then you went and yelled at him, and now we're here. Do you need me to go yell at Link?"
"No, not yet, at least." She looked down at her glass, swirling the small amount of drink left around. "I just want things to go back to the way they were last year. Even in the beginning of COVID, we had a nice thing going, balancing all of the kids and everything, and I just want that back."
"What happened?"
"Shouldn't you be dancing? It is your wedding, after all." Teddy waved her hand in dismissal and shrugged.
"I'm not a big party person. And, I know that talking to you right now is probably the only way I can escape the crowd of people because I look busy."
"Fair," Amelia muttered. "Things just fell apart. It was like, at first, we always had opposite work schedules, and when we were both home, one of us was leaving for work. And then, he got caught up with Jo and making sure that she was settled to get custody of Luna and everything, and it was like I became less and less important to him." She traced her finger over the top of the flute. "He stopped checking in, and it honestly seemed like he stopped caring about how I was doing, and then he proposed."
"And you said no."
"I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything; I mean, what was I supposed to do? Fall into a marriage where we don't care about each other but still wear our rings? That's not what I want Scout to grow up thinking is love."
"Do you still love Link?" Amelia sighed, and her hand moved to the charm on her necklace, the one Link had gotten her for her birthday this past year. She ran it between her fingers.
"I don't know."
"Do you want to fix things?" Another sigh, and she looked up towards the roof of the tent shielding them from the night sky.
"When things were good, our relationship was the best thing I've ever had. But when things aren't good, I can't even explain what it did to me." She looked over at Teddy. "He just doesn't understand what it's like to be an addict. Or, he doesn't try to sympathize with it."
"The thing I've learned is that sometimes, you have to put yourself first. You have a child, and you want him to grow up learning how to take care of himself and be his own person instead of being completely tied to someone else. I spent years idolizing what my relationship with Owen would look like, and when we finally got to that point, I didn't recognize myself as a person." Teddy placed her hand on Amelia's shoulder. "Don't lose yourself because you want your relationship to look a certain way. It won't work for either of you." She set her wine glass down on the counter behind them. "By the look on Evelyn's face, I don't think I can hide over here any longer. But, Amelia, anytime you need something, I am always here." She walked away, trailing her hand down the neurosurgeon's arm as she left.
Before she even realized it, her feet were leading her towards where Link was standing, and suddenly, she was right in front of him with her arms dangling awkwardly by her side.
"I'm gonna go," Jo muttered, stepping away after raising her eyebrows at Link.
"I want to fix things," she started, clasping her hands together and subconsciously picking at her nails. "I miss us and the way things used to be before it all fell apart, and I know that maybe we can somehow get that back if you'll listen to me and promise not to ignore what I need because I don't want to get married and I'm not going to change who I am so much to the point that I forget who I am for you." She exhaled heavily, trying to read the expression on Link's face.
"Why are you doing this right now?"
"Because I need you to hear that and stop going around and telling everyone that I'm selfish and rejected your proposal because I don't care. We both know that's not true." Link dropped his head down. "You know how difficult these past few months have been for me; why would you think it was a good time to ask me to marry you?"
"Because we needed some joy, and I thought being engaged and planning our wedding would be that joy. All you had to do was talk to me and let me know that wasn't what you wanted."
"And all you had to do was check-in with me like you promised you would do before ever proposing!" Amelia bit her lip after speaking, noticing how the people around them had turned to look as their conversation increased in volume. "Link,"
"We shouldn't be having this conversation here," he muttered, picking up his wine glass from the table. "I'll find you later."
She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see Maggie standing there with a sad smile on her face.
"Let's go home," she spoke quietly, taking Amelia's hand and leading her out of the venue.
"He hates me," Amelia muttered. "He hates me, and it's like it isn't even him anymore. That's not Link; Link would never act like this, right?" Maggie pursed her lips.
"I don't know."
"I had hope. I finally had hope, and I thought that if I went up to him and was clear about what I need, he would understand, and we could work on fixing things, but he didn't want to understand." She stopped walking. "What the hell did I do wrong?"
"You didn't do anything wrong, Amelia." Maggie approached her and took her hand again. "I promise. You didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes, things just don't work out, and you don't need him to be happy."
"But I miss him," she whispered. "I miss his kindness, and how much he cared about me, and how no matter what happened, he would just wrap me up in his arms at the end of the day and tell me that everything would be okay. He would always listen and be the one steady thing in my life when everything else was falling apart." Maggie sighed softly.
"Amelia, you'll always have me, I promise. And if he doesn't care for you, if he won't listen to you, then he doesn't deserve you." She tugged lightly on Amelia's hand, and they resumed their slow pace until they arrived at the car. Maggie opened the passenger door, and Amelia slumped down into the seat.
She rested her head against the window, finally allowing tears to silently fall from her eyes and watching as the car drove away from her last hope.
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Anything Like Christmas Wishes
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It’s a very late and final “Tis the Damn Season for Two Dumb Bitches” from me and I’d like to once again express my hate for anything @doc-pickles talks me into and promise to never partake again. I hope you all had lovely Christmas and enjoy a little more of the Kit Kat universe, I never planned to write more than one oneshot for him and here we are so let me know what you think.
This is part of the Anything like series so if you haven’t already go check it out.
Alex caught sight of Kit as he exited his friend's house, apparently, one of the kids in his class was born on Christmas Day which meant his parents always went overboard on the Christmas eve party.
Alex had been pretty bummed to lose half a day with Kit on their first Christmas together but he couldn’t let him down, especially when Kit had been so excited telling him all about this famous party. He had to admit the smile on his face had been well worth it. He’d only been in his life for a little over six months but Alex already felt like he’d known him forever, he’d made a point of knowing everything about him, what he liked, what he disliked, allergies, shoe size, favourite ice cream flavour, teachers names, anything and everything he could think of, he even quizzed Jo on her pregnancy when she let him. He was so desperate to not feel like the outsider looking in and the family he could've had.
“How was the party Kit Kat?” Alex asked as he buckled the young boy into his car seat, ruffling his hair affectionately before he shut the door.
“It was awesome...Jamie’s dad set himself on fire.”
Alex chuckles peering up to see Kits grinning face that was covered in chocolate cake still in the mirror. “Oh well, that sounds safe…”
“It was really funny…”
“I’m glad you had fun, are you excited for Christmas tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I’m so excited.” Kits eyes light up at the mention of Christmas as Alex pulls out onto the street. “Momma and I are gonna watch the Grinch and make lunch together, momma always burns something.”
Alex chuckles, catching Kit's eye in the mirror as he pulls up at red light, the miniature Alex falling into a fit of laughter as Alex shudders at the thought of Jo’s cooking. “Oh don’t I know it.”
“What are you doing dad?”
“I’m probably gonna go into work and check on my patients…”
Alex hears Kit gaps dramatically at his answer, making him furrow his eyebrows as he looks back at him. “You’re not...you’re not gonna see bista and El?”
Bista and El, Kit had accidentally called Alexis his bista instead of sister the first time they’d met and they’d found it so funny it had ended up sticking. It had been a great relief to Alex to see them all get along, Kit was so excited to have even more family and well for the twins Alex assumed they were getting used to surprise family members appearing every five years, plus they really enjoyed having a younger brother, someone to teach all the cool stuff they knew to and boss around.
“No, they're with their mom this year. We take it in turns. I saw them last year, so this year it’s their turn with her so I’ll see them the day after and then we’ll come to pick you up in the afternoon.” Alex forces a huge smile on to his face, hoping Kit doesn't pick up on the fact that it doesn't quite meet Alex’s eyes, he really hated spending Christmas without his kids, he hated more that he’d gone from the guy all alone on Christmas to the family man cutting the turkey and then back to being alone again.
“Oh…” Kits face dropped as they pulled up to Alex’s, looking down at his hands as he waited for Alex to open the car door for him. “So you’re all alone?”
“No no I’m okay buddy, I’ve got a lot of kids at the hospital that need my help.” It wasn’t a complete lie, he could go to the hospital, sure he wasn’t due to work but he’d definitely have something to do, he'd never wished a kid sick but he sure could use the distraction.
“You can come to my house.” Kit exclaims, throwing his hands up in excitement, sending sweets flying as they both kick their shoes off by the door, Kit tugging at Alex’s sleeve and he excitedly tells him his new idea. “Momma won’t mind at all, you can share my presents.”
“Thanks, Kit Kat, but you don’t have to worry about me, you and momma have your own plans.” He watches as Kit deflates once again, his little lip jutting out the same way Jo’s does. Alex hated this, he hated hurting his kids however inadvertent it was. It's clear a change in topic is in need if Alex is gonna rescue this KitKat and Daddy day. “Now...who wants to play Mario kart?”
The spend the rest of the afternoon playing as many games as they can, Alex may have gone overboard with the sweet treats, he was kind of a sucker when it came to spoiling his kids, it wasn't until Kit had begun running purposefully in the wall only to fall into a fit of giggles and go again that he realised he'd made a mistake one that he'd have to somehow explain to Jo.
“HI MOMMA,” Kit screamed the minute Jo opened her front door, his eyes wide as he raced past Jo, spinning around in circles in the hallway.
“Hi Kit Kat” Jo laughed bemused as she looked back at him before turning towards Alex who was sheepishly making his way up the drive with Kits bags in hand.
“He’s kinda sugar high” Alex mutters rubbing the back of his neck as Jo steps aside to let him, they’d agreed he’d have Christmas Eve with the Kit this year but Alex didn’t wanna lose any time with him so they’d decided he’d spend the evening with him at Jo’s so he could do the bedtime routine and Kit could still wake up with Jo. Jo had promised to make herself scarce already feeling bad Alex wouldn’t be with Kit on Christmas, much to Alex’s dismay who really wouldn’t mind spending time with her and Kit together, but Jo was pretty against the idea of giving Kit the wrong idea.
She’d insisted she’d be attending her hospital Christmas Eve party which is why she was standing there now, shaking her head as she crossed her arms over her chest, the deep red satin dress clinging to her body making Alex avert his eyes up to her face which wasn’t helping much because the red lipstick she’d chosen to wear really had his mind spinning as he stepped into her house.
“I can see that...Thanks for bringing him here, I don’t wanna ruin your time together I just thought it would be easier to put him to bed here.”
“Jo I get it you don’t have to explain it to me, I’m happy to do whatever makes you happy” Alex mutters carefully choosing his words as she closes the door leaving little space between them, making Alex shift uncomfortably.
“So you keep saying…”
“Well, I mean it, Jo.” Alex’s voice changes, sounding a life more serious as he peers his head around the living room door checking that Kit was alright, watching as their son every toy he could out of the toy chest in there. “So you're going to that Christmas party?” He asks looking back to Jo gesturing to her dress.
“Yeah...I wouldn’t usually, I mean if I’m off on Christmas I’ve always usually been with Kit but I...it’s only fair you have time with him but I can’t sit here on my own so the party’s a good distraction.”
“Well, you could’ve hung out with me and Kit.”
“No no, it’s your time I don’t wanna encroach.”
“Jo really it’s-“
Alex is cut off by another male voice.
“Jo...Hi” There standing in the doorway to the kitchen is a man Alex doesn't recognise dressed in a smart suit navy blue, that screams more expensive than one-months paycheck. “You must be Alex...Kit’s dad right?” The mystery man moves towards Alex, offering his hand out for him.
“Right.” Alex nods, his hand tightly clasping around the mystery man as he sized him up. He hadn’t seen Jo with another guy yet, he knew she’d been on a few dates the last six months but he hadn’t actually seen a guy with her, seen a goy put his hands on her. He’d assumed he’d be okay, so much time had passed since they’d been together but seeing this guy here now, in the house his son lived in, Jo dressed up to the nines to go out with him...it all made him feel sick.
That should be him, this man is in his place, in a life that should’ve been his but he’d ruined his chance a long time ago and he couldn’t really blame any guy for wanting to be with Jo.
“Sorry this is erm Dr Walker he’s the trauma chief at work.”
Dr Walker pulls his phone from his pocket as it pings, tutting at something before he begins to type away furiously. “We should get going.”
Alex withheld a growl that rumbled low in his chest as he watched Walker walk straight past Jo looking down at his phone as he grabbed his coat from by the door.
Jo looks a little uneasy as she checks her watch, glancing between the two men in her hallway before letting out a shaky breath. “Alex…”
“It’s fine Jo...go, have fun, you deserve it.” Alex shakes his head smiling at her, watching as she calls Kit to say goodbye before following the doctor out, glancing back at Alex as she heads down towards what he assumes must be Walkers car.
When Jo returns home later that night she’s pretty sure she’d never been happier to see her little yellow front door, waving goodbye to Dr Walker she heads up her drive, as she slips into the door she can hear the TV still on in the living room, poking her head around the door she spots Alex sprawled out across the sofa, one hand clutched on the remote, the other behind his head as he snores softly. His face is covered in Kits face paint in a pattern Jo could only describe as a drunken tiger, it made her chuckle softly as she stared at him. The relationship he’d been building with Kit made her heart soar, they were best buds and she was glad Kit seemed to adjust to his presence so quickly. It wasn't much of a surprise to her though, Kit had pretty much been a carbon copy of Alex since birth, even though Alex insisted he saw a lot of her in him.
A crash from behind her makes Jo jump as she whips around spotting those mischievous Karev eyes staring back at her. There Kit was standing on the staircase, dressed in his dinosaur Christmas PJs, his green teddy Link had bought him when he was born tucked under his arm, the Batman torch he’d dropped down the stairs lying on the floor by Jo’s feet.
“Hi Monkey...what are you still doing up?” She asks narrowing her eyes on him as she slips out of her feels making her way halfway up the staircase to meet him.
“Checking to see if Santa had been.”
Jo smiles, stroking her hand as across his cheeks as she sits on the steps, patting the space beside her for him to sit. “Well you know he only comes if you’re asleep, so you better run back up to bed.”
Kit squirms in her arms, protesting immediately making Jo frown. “But I need him to know I’ve changed my Christmas wish.”
“You have?”
“What about that remote control truck you wanted?”
“I don’t want it...I want dad to come for Christmas.” Jo opens her mouth, words failing her as her heart breaks a little, she hadn’t expected Kit to ask that she had never wanted to give Kit the wrong idea about doing things as a family it was the whole reason she'd not invited him, even though she'd questioned her decision every time she saw her boys together, having to remind herself each and every time that they both weren't hers, only Kit was. “He’s gonna be alone, I don’t want him to be alone.” Kit mumbles pulling at Jo’s hair as his eyes downcast to the living room doorway.
“That’s a really nice wish Kit Kat.” Jo smiles softly brushing back his hair, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “You know the good thing about Santa?...he always knows what your Christmas wish is, now back up to bed please.” She whispers, holding her hand out for Kit as she guides him back up to his bedroom.
Half an hour later when Jo managed to slip out of Kits room, happily convinced he’d finally gone back to sleep, she wonders if Alex had woken up at all.
She finds him exactly where she’d left him, sleeping soundly on the sofa, he looked so peaceful and she had to fight the urge to curl up beside him. “Alex…”
She tried to gently shake him awake as she kneels down on the floor beside him. “Alex.”
“Huh, what’s the time?” He croaks abruptly sitting up as he looks around the room frantically trying to get his surroundings.
“Just gone midnight.”
“Oh sorry,” he sighs, rubbing a hand down his face as he meets her eyes, making Jo’s heartbeat speed up as she realises how close his face is. “How was your night?”
There’s something that flashes through his eyes as he asks about her night and she knows he’s testing the waters, wanting to ask about the man he’d met earlier.
“It was okay,” Jo shrugs, smirking as he looks her up and down.
“Just okay?”
“Eh pretty stuffy, I hate these parties, don't even know why I bothered.”
“And that Dr Worker?”
“Walker.” Jo corrects, she has to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing as she watched the lines form across Alex’s forehead scowling after the thought of the man. “What about him?”
“How was he?”
“Fine...so was his wife, who I’m good friends with,” Jo mutters waiting for Alex to react as she fiddled with her empty ring finger. She hadn’t even worn her ring that long but she’d never got used to the empty space it left.
Jo rolls her eyes he really was dum sometimes. “She got called into surgery last minute but I’d already agreed to go with them so I didn’t have to walk in alone and he wouldn’t take no for an answer, anyway she joined us there.”
“Oh I thought-“
“Oh, I know what you thought.”
“I’m sorry Jo, I know I have no right…”
“No, you really don’t.”
Alex sighs, for a second there had been a wave of relief flood through his body when she’d told him it wasn’t in fact a date she’d been on, but that was soon replaced with the reminder that she wasn’t his, and that he’d still be going home tonight alone. Slowly he rises off the sofa, grabbing the throw banker he’d laid out and haphazardly folding it up never meetings Jo’s eye as she rises from the floor in front of him, “I should get going. “
“Alex?” He’s just made it the doorway when he feels her slender hand wrap around his arm pulling him back towards her before he even has a chance to question it.
Suddenly she’s all he can see, her red lipstick a little faded from her evening out, her eyes a little tired but they still had the same beautiful sparkle they always had when they’d look at him, he honestly thought he’d never not see pain reflecting in her eyes when he’d bumped into her at the hospital six months ago but he was relieved to see that wasn't true.
He watched as her eyes flick up, pursing her lips as she tries to fight the smile on her face as Alex stares back at her dumbfounded still, his whole body set on fire from her simple touch.
Mistletoe hanging neatly with a gold bow from the doorway, Alex hadn’t even noticed it earlier this evening.
Jo raised her eyebrows at him in a silent question, her hand still wrapped around his arm as she leaned in closer her breath fanning across his face making Alex’s heart thump harder in his chest.
He wasn’t a shy guy, he didn’t get nervous kissing women he was attracted to but this wasn’t just any women this was Jo, Jo who knew him better than most people, Jo who he loved with everything in him...still even now. Jo who happened to be standing before him in a red satin dress that set his pulse racing with one glance and suddenly he was a teenage boy who’d never kissed a girl sitting in the nurse's office.
He’s hesitant as he leans forward, pressing his lips against her soft cheek. It’s a simple and sweet and over way too soon but it’s closest he’s been to her since they’d reunited and with every movement, Alex was scared she’d back off, turn around and tell him she hated him and she’d be well within her right to.
“That’s pathetic,” Jo whispers stepping closer to Alex, both hands tracing up his arms coming to rest against his shoulders. “How the hell am I meant to know if we still have something with a kiss like that?”,
Alex shakes his head confused for a moment, surprised as his hands wind around her waist as if they’d never stopped doing so, “You don’t know if we’ve still got something?” He asks in disbelief at how she could ever question their connection as he feels h er fingers tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck and he lifts his lips in a small smile as she leans further into him.
“Well it wouldn’t be bad to confirm it…” she teases, her lips brushing over his.
Alex cuts her off, his lips pressing against hers, making Jo yelp as he pushed her against the wall tightening his grip around her waist.
“How’s that for you?” He mumbles nipping at her bottom lip gently. Smirking at the way her red lipstick is now smudged, his cocky boy self proud he’d been the one to smudge it.
“Good…but erm maybe we should check again?" Jo mutters little breathlessly, her thumb wiping her own lipstick from Alex’s lips as she leans back in pulling Alex’s head down so she could reach him as her lips find his again. “And again,” She whispers in between kisses. Now she’s started she can’t remember why they haven’t been doing this the whole time, maybe the pain she felt had been covering over the memories of him because right now she’s pretty sure nothing ever felt as good as this. “And again.”
The tiny groan Alex lets out, lets Jo know he's thinking the same thing as his hands slide higher up her waist.
When they break part in need of oxygen, Jo finds herself holding back a laugh at the absurdity of the situation, leaning back against the wall with Alex’s arms still around her. When she finally catches her breath she pushes off the wall untangling herself from his arms and for a moment he thinks she’s leaving but she surprises him as she reaches the bottom step when she turns around holding out her hand for him.
“Come on…”
Her words seem to act as cold water shaking Alex from his daze as he stops dead letting her hand fall between them. For a moment the fear they'd both read this all wrong creeps in.
“Jo I don’t wanna rush this, and it’s late and Kits asleep and I have no idea what this means or if I’m dreaming and then this means nothing at all but I know we should slow down…”
Jo wants to laugh because she’s never seen Alex Karev wanna slow down anything, he’d told her he loved her before they’d even kissed, he’d asked her to marry her before they’d been together a year. He had never taken things slow, not with her. She got it, he was scared, god knows she was but all she knows is that she spent most of her evening stood alone at that party tonight wondering why she wasn’t at home eating Chinese takeout with her two favourite boys in her pyjamas. And then she remembered she was too scared to, scared of being hurt again. Maybe this won’t work, maybe they aren’t destined for forever or maybe they are. Maybe if they just keep trying one day it will all work out, all she knew was that she didn’t wanna look back and think of how happy she could’ve been if she’d just been a little less scared.
“I think we’re a bit past the taking it things slow stage Alex...now come on there’s a little boy who’s Christmas wish for his dad to be here when he wakes up...you wanna make his wish come true? Maybe make my wish come true too?”
She grabs hold of his hand dragging him upstairs without a response, keeping her firm mom voice on so Alex couldn’t argue with her. They had plenty of time to sort it all out, right now she’d really just like to fall asleep in his arms again.
“Mom...mom he’s been, he’s been, he came...Santa came.” It’s Kits voice that wakes Jo up the next morning the little boy bursting into the room, stocking in hand as he clambers over Jo’s bed completely obvious to sleeping Alex he’d kicked in the stomach.
“He did…” Jo grins just about catching Kit before he falls headfirst off the bed, her whole face lighting up at her sons' excitement.
She watched as his little face twists up when he’d notices the usually empty side of his mom's bed is currently occupied, frowning as he peers over recognising the sleeping figure. Of course, Alex could sleep through all that noise.
“DAD” He screams leaping over Jo as he jumps onto Alex’s back making him groan as he shook him awake. “YOU'RE HERE” Kit squeals, hugging Alex's back tightly, as a sleepy Alex winces twisting carefully as Kit sits on top of him.
“Oh hey Kit Kat, good morning bud…” Alex smiles sleepily, rubbing a hand over his face as he looked towards Jo who was smiling beside him, her eyes watering slightly as she met his.
“Mom, dads here.” Kit whispers his little arms wrapping tightly around Alex’s neck as he hugged him close.
“Yeah, he is baby.” Jo’s voice cracks a little as she watched the two, turning away slightly as she wiped her own tears on Alex’s T-shirt sleeve that she’d thrown on at some point early this morning.
Alex tries to ignore the way his heart breaks knowing the reason for Jo’s tears as he watches Kit begin to rip open his stocking, he’d missed this, he’d missed their family he missed her. All this time wasted.
“Don’t…” she whispers from beside him softly as she snuggled into his side watching as Kit begins to line up some of his gifts. “It’s okay we have time now.” She mumbles against his neck as if she knows exactly what’s he thinking her hand tenderly reaching up to wipe the tears he hadn’t even known he was crying before he felt her wipe them away.
“This is the best Christmas ever.” Kit exclaims looking up at his parents completely unaware of their quiet moment as both their faces smile brightly back at him.
Alex nods wrapping an arm around Jo as he tugs her closer to him, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as Kit begs them to follow him downstairs to the rest of his presents.
“Yeah, it’s a pretty amazing Christmas...” Jo agrees as Kit crashes down between them, the little boy's laughter ringing out as Alex hoists him up ticking his side as Jo begins to smother him in kisses.
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darrowsrising · 4 years
I think Virginia using Cassius would have been a better character moment if it had more consequences for Virginia. As the other poster said, Virginia's personality has probably alienated some people, and it would have been nice to see that happen. I agree Virginia didn't owe Cassius anything, but it seems like the decent thing to do to set him straight about her feelings. Especially now after all Cassius has done for the republic. That's assuming she hasn't already (they talked off page in MS)
I forgot you just finishedthe first trilogy, I apologize for this! Do not read unless you want spoilers. You could save it somewhere and read it post Iron Gold at least? 😁 Again, sorry.
I don't really see a way for those consequences to work without bringing stupid drama, to be honest. But they did talk in Morning Star, she just chose to keep it private as to the content. I have jo doubt that she cleared things for him.
I mean, if Cassius decided to resent her for it (he wasn't really up to the challange, as his entire life was being torn apart and what he thought he knew was proven wrong), it would have been a thing, but if he decided not to help the Rising because of it, I don't see it as being a valid consequence, because such decisions shouldn't be based on whether or not it includes a payback for the ex.
A consequence, though, for Virginia's entire stunt on Luna was that now Julia au Bellona resents her and openly invalidated her Sovereign status in front of her own Senate. She could have been a valuable ally, instead she is a pain in the arse.
I can agree with you that maybe seeing Cassius alienated or having an open and on page reaction towards being used, maybe seeing that conversation between them would have brought value, but not only to Virginia, but also for Cassius as a character. I can see it being revealed in the last book, as Cassius should definitely close the chapter about his feelings for Virginia, it's high time. It will happen or at least we'll have a refference to that, I think.
That being said, and with all due respect to Cassius, whom I want to see happy and fulfilled, I don't care about this particular point that much, if at all. I was satisfied that Cassius got his head out of his arse for once and worked towards changing the status quo instead of protecting it and seeing honor actually meaning something to him. I was satisfied with knowing that Virginia would do whatever for the cause no one ever really thought she'd even like, no matter how that made her look.
I had the misfortune of reading with my own two eyes about what a villanous bitch Virginia is for treating Cassius as an enemy. I am too tired to ever go through aomething similar. I know that using him was ruthless of her, but that has been used to either demonize her or make it sound like it wasn't enough to 'not make her boring'. This woman can never win with this fandom. The worst was when Pierce Brown was accused of trying to 'shift Virginia and Victra's traits' to paint Virginia better 'because we all know how she stands on torture in MS'. It was such an obvious matter of context - Virginia knew nothing of the asteroid, she couldn't verify something this serious another way, so she suggested torturing a highly trained soldier and close ally of Octavia, while Victra actually knew about it and could verify Cassius' story, hence why she chose to speak up about torturing aimlessly and Virginia understood and respected that. In IG, Virginia saves Lyria from Oracles, because Daxo wanted revenge for his father, not just information. Virginia knew that Kavax brought Lyria into the household, so she gave her the benefit of the doubt for that while still having Holiday as an intimidating and scary factor. This time it wasn't about valuable information for war, it was personal for Victra - her own daughter. Of course she would pull no stops to save her.
As Pierce Brown says, Victra's morality is centered around the people she loves.
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She herself has been tortured aimlessly, when she did not know anything about Darrow and thr Rising. Of course, when ahe had the necessary means to verify Cassius' story, she found torturing him an aimless endevour.
But the context changes in Iron Gold. This is not her relating to someone's potential situation, even though they're enemies. This is about something most valuable to Victra, her family. As for Virginia, she has to consider the Republic too, because that's her duty and her curse, she has to solve this fast and as quietly as possible, or risk internal war. Otherwise I am sure, she would trample Hyperion to save the children.
Anyway, I deviated a lot, but point is, I do expect that conversation between Virginia and Cassius to make an apperance in the last book, but will I enjoy Cassius getting pity parties ? No. Because that's what I actually LOVE about Cassius - all that he went through, including multiple heartbreaks from both Darrow and Virginia, shaped him into the character I love today. I do acknowledge that it WAS NOT fair. Cassius suffered and still is today - his twin was beaten to death, his beloved family memebers butchered, even children, everything he stood for shattered, even when he thought he found solace in someone it turns out they actually were to blame or not real at all. That is not something you brush aside and go on. He is who he is now, because of all of that and because he made a choice once he saw what's right. He still carries the pain, but he is not to be pitied for it, but celebrated. He has a long way to go, but it's satisfying to watch him grow through adversity.
I also don't like the concept in general - I don't do that for Darrow (his first MS chapters broke me to hell, I can't read them even today, it's too painful), although I do acknowledge that pain and loss have shaped him too.
So it's not a matter of Cassius not deserving closure, he does, it's a matter of me having to deal with the annoyances to come and being generally neutral to the issue, because I was pretty satisfied with what we got in MS.
Howl on!
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parrrty-poison · 4 years
ok so very long post. (not that it matters as i talk to the void askgdjjeh)
let's be real. who's the only two people i really think about when i’m seriously thinking about death? my sisters. my mom too, but mostly my sisters. and ok yeah, maybe what my mom would be like to my sisters if she was dealing with me being gone but that’s a whole other can of worms. in the end it’s always about my sisters. and i truly genuinely believe one of them hates me deep down and doesn’t really care about me, which, fair. i guess you don’t get over the people who were shitty to you in your developing years? except i got over her being shitty right back to me but whatever. i’m the oldest. it’s never been about me. and i think they probably feel like it’s always been all about me because i was so problematic back in the day, which was mostly because of my mom and what we came to find out was literally just my genes so there’s not much else i could have done. that doesn’t make me blame myself any less tho.
it doesn’t matter now. the point is, i pissed off my sisters more than i made them like me i think, and then we started living in different countries and it’s never been the same since then. i know i’m the odd one out in the family now. my parents say they don’t talk to me because they assume i’m always busy with school, which i am, but if they actually tried to talk to me i would find the time. i have way more time now. the problem is after all this time i have absolutely no idea how to reach out to anyone. they only care about me doing well in school anyway. which i do somehow, no matter how fucked up shit gets or how much shit i’m on to get through it. that’s my one real talent. so whenever i talk to them i only tell them what they want to hear and with my dad we’re already constantly dealing with enough other shit with the government by trying to keep me in school and in the country despite this country’s best efforts to get rid of me. so how could i ever bring up my feelings on top of that?? i’m always worried about our family’s financial situation no matter what and i am tired of being a burden because i wasn’t supposed to be anymore, i only am because of the government. so despite my best efforts i keep giving my parents enough to worry about. 
and then my sisters. like i said, i’ve been the odd one out for a long time now and i have no idea how to come back from that. i know they’re literally always facetiming, which is the only way i get to talk to my little sister cause carla was here and apparently they can’t go a single day without talking to each other so while she was staying with me i got to hang out with both of them. it kept me sane for a bit there. even if i knew it wasn’t for me. 90% of the time i have no idea wtf they’re talking about and every time i ask them and they try to explain they just dismiss it and say it’s some tik tok shit or something. and yeah ok i refuse to get one cause honestly, social media is toxic af and i have enough shit to worry about already so i don’t have the mental energy for it. and honestly i don’t have the attention span for tik tok. but yeah, i know me living under a metaphoric rock doesn’t help but i’m trying to keep myself somewhat sane. but that means i have nothing to talk about with my sisters. 
when carla was here she literally barely interacted with me cause she’s on her phone all.the.fucking.time. to the point where i know it’s straight up rude but i didn’t wanna say anything cause i know she’d just say i sounded like my mom. and i know most of the time she was just texting my other sister and honestly? it hurts ok? maricel was like 11 when i last lived with her and i was 18 so we had nothing in common and now i missed all these fucking years of being around her while she grew up. and somehow she’s still nicer to me than carla. maybe cause i didn’t get the chance to be as much of a shitty sister to her back in the day due to the age difference. she definitely didn’t get the worst of my horribly mentally ill unmedicated self. look, the facts add up ok? i’m not an idiot. i can see why things happen but i have absolutely no fucking idea how to change them.
and in the end what i have is this. somehow, despite my best efforts, which were actually pretty damn good despite everything, i am here again. i mean, my first semester of grad school, all the insane shit that happened in the span of less than 3 months really, that would have broken me back in the day. 2020 may have been a horrible year for everybody but personally, 2019 was a straight-up personal attack. and i made it through. without anyone knowing about any major breakdowns (I guess except for Tom and Borna) and with semi-decent grades. everyone in the program agreed that my first semester was one for the books in the worst possible way.
but i made it to 2020. and then 2020 happened. and i learned what being stuck in a 5x5 room for almost a month does to a person, aside from everything else. and i remember telling my therapist i hoped one of the things we would all learn from the pandemic was how long-term solitary confinement has never been an okay way of punishment. cause that’s the last time i felt truly seriously suicidal and literally had to physically fight myself not to do it. and it slowly got better.
but here we are again. and it’s not the same, not at all. it’s just it’s fucking winter and every winter i struggle to make it through like clockwork. in fact, i thought this time i’d be okay cause i made it all the way to late november just fine, which is unheard of. but i did. and then it all came crashing down like a fucking landslide. and god, i tried to stay on my feet for as long as i could, i really did. but when that wave hit it hit hard. it fucking knocked me to my knees. and for as long as i could i hid behing people, i clinged to them like a fucking lifeline even if i knew they’d rather be somewhere else. i got my sister to stay with me because i knew she hated being with my dad more. it was a win-win cause i couldn’t leave her there, i know how much she hates that place cause i hate it too. she didn’t pay attention to me almost the whole time she was here and i only had so much money to take her out places, seeing as i’m not being paid for work anymore. but as long as she was here i wasn’t allowed to be an alcoholic mess or kill myself. as soon as she left i went back to that. 
And then Tom died. i don’t even know how to deal with this still. it only happened last week. but i don’t know how to tell people i need them. and i really do need them. but no one’s coming of their own volition and i never learned how to ask for help cause the couple times i did my mom told me to stop being crazy so i never asked again. and yeah. i’m 24 and i still haven’t fully managed to get past that but since then people have consistently proved to me that asking for help is a waste of time. so yeah, i have no idea how to tell anyone i’m on the verge of jumping off a metaphorical cliff. cause i hate sounding dramatic and i feel like any time i talk about my feelings at all that’s just what it’s like to everyone. dramatic. dramatic and uncomfortable. 
and because i never do it, if i do it now it’s gonna be even weirder. i mean, last week i sat on the kitchen floor and listened to justin rant about how he feels his friend doesn’t want to be friends with him anymore and that feeling sucks, i know, but when i mentioned Tom he was like “huh?? oh yeah i forgot about that” like i hadn’t told him about it the night before. he hasn’t asked me how i’m doing even once, no one has. Jo did once and then she bailed. but yeah, i feel like i try so hard to be a good and supportive friend to justin and he just doesn’t give a shit about me. and i have a feeling he, and maybe most of my friends here??, thinks i simply do not have any feelings because i don’t show them in front of people. sure, i refuse to have anyone see me cry ever, but like that’s not the only way to show emotions??? but no one seems to get that???
So sure, no one cares about your feelings when you always seem to be okay on the outside, no matter how much shit you know is happening on the inside. My point is, my sisters hate me or don’t care about me and that’s the only people i really care about hurting. So. Yeah. Fuck what my meds say, maybe it is a good call to kill myself. Only time will tell i suppose.
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maraschinocheri · 5 years
A novel no one needed on the Les Mis filmed concert: 1,800+ words of stuff and nonsense.
The first thing that jumps into my head is that I am so glad the concert run is over, and the second is that it’s a very strange feeling when the strongest vocal performances on stage seemed to belong to Enjolras, Eponine, and … Cosette. But let’s get the rest of it all over with first.
• Alfie Boe’s acting has improved since he last played Valjean, thankfully, but good lord, he really needs to not get involved in any even moderately extended run of anything, because he clearly cannot hack it physically or vocally. And while it may seem churlish to say so, I am so bored of his Valjean. Warble warble warble, seeming so out of place with everyone else’s voices, and just. Enough. He looked lovely, of course, and I’m sure his fans truly enjoyed this repeat of him in the role, when … he was actually there, but he sounded absolutely exhausted. I’m afraid I spent a lot of his performance wishing I were watching JOJ on film instead.
• Michael Ball’s mention during the encore that this was his last performance as Javert seems a fair thing; he is not—and never was— meant for this role on any level (I maintain he has all the threatening menace of Snidely Whiplash), though Stars was not bad, especially because he left himself, you know, sing and not bark or growl or spend so much damn time and energy trying to not be *~MICHAEL BALL~*. The gritted teeth “m’sieur! mayor!” was just a boring choice, the Confrontation was a muddy mess, the Intervention played too much for comic effect (though MASSIVE POINTS for bringing back the original why the hell did he run? instead of why on earth did he run?), the barricade scenes had too little punch, the Sewers had so much potential that disappeared, but … 
But. While Ball’s is not my preferred style of Javert and never could be, I have to take a deep breath and blinkingly applaud his wild leaping commitment to batshittery in the Suicide. I mean, if you’re going for full on batshit at that point, you have to really sell it, and with any luck make it a different range of batshit than previous batshit Javerts, and he did. My dad, the sole member of my family not much prone to show commentary, said “That was excellent.” firmly after the Suicide, and a part of me grudgingly agreed. But please, never again, Michael. Honestly I think he’s relieved it’s done.
(Also honestly, the most amusing moment of the entire concert experience for me was my mother’s interval exclamation that she had “a new boyfriend!” Assuming she meant Bwadders, I laughed and asked oh really, who? And she said … Javert. After I recovered myself, I reminded her that Javert was Michael. Ball., who has been at one stage or another my—and everyone else’s—mother’s boyfriend since 1985. She had entirely forgotten he was playing Javert in the concert and was bizarrely fooled by wig and costume, but assured me that even now, she “could swim in his dimples.” My mother, everyone.)
• Shan Ako was a marvelous Eponine, and I loved her On My Own. She’ll be great fun to watch in the actual production, I think, and I so appreciated a tough cookie Eponine with old school vocal power but newer school technique and touch and oh my god subtlety without losing anything in characterization, even given the limitations of a concert performance. Houchen’s Marius wouldn’t have deserved her, anyway.
• Speaking of Houchen. You know, I was fond of Rob while he was in his actual run as Marius, but he’s absolutely checked out of it mentally and emotionally, and it shows. He still has a lovely voice that really works as Marius sometimes, but there’s nothing … there underneath the pretty sheen, and after the few years’ distance since his proper run, I’ve seen enough Marii who enjoyed the role and found substance in it that the lack of depth in Rob’s take was disappointing. However, I acknowledge that some of Marius’ actual-show chances of showing range don’t happen in the concert version, and perhaps if they’d been included my opinion would change. He knows he’s aged out the role now, however, and I highly doubt he’d ever want to do it again even if invited to do so. But who knows.
• I walked into the concert film with no opinion of Lily Kerhoas’ Cosette other than knowing she could sing it beautifully, but I was actually impressed—and sort of want to sit nearly every principal Cosette of the last, oh, decade in front of her performance and say, see you’re allowed to act; it can actually work—and I look forward to her work in the proper show as well, especially if they get her some costumes that actually fit and don’t look made of tissue.
• God, I hate Matt Lucas. The end.
• Katy Secombe has added some different touches to her Madame T, some good, and some—obviously Lucas-influenced—bad. It’s unfortunate that some of the Thenardier ~comedy absolutely cannot work in a concert setting—the wedding was awful—but she made a decent hash of a bad deal.
• Which brings me to Bwadders. Oh, Bradley. He’s just so very, very good at Enjolras, and always has been. This concert!jolras, however, had one very different vibe from his run’s take on the role, which was … a hopefulness, maybe? A joy and breathless hope running beneath the passion passion PASSION that’s always been there, and it was beautiful to watch in his eyes and mannerisms. The concert contained Bradley somewhat, in that his strong physicality wasn’t allowed to sort of fill the room (and barricade) as it had at the Queens, and I missed that. Also—and there is no getting around this, sadly, for me—that manbun still ain’t it. (Gingerfather—whose fave character in the show is Enjolras—just sighed heavily and said that there should’ve just been one of the Ponytails of Yore instead, and you know, he’s not wrong.) Bradley also nailed two of the three Big Notes, but his until the earth is free was done differently from how he approached it during his real run, and not for the better (the Ghost of THAXTON giveth, and it taketh away). And yet … it didn’t matter. It truly didn’t. He was the best of the principals, and at least for me would probably have been even if he’d bollocked the other two Big Notes as well. Anyway, Bwadders. A thrill to watch, and alive with energy so much of the show otherwise lacked.
• You will note no mention yet of Fletcher. I refer to the point above re: Matt Lucas.
• The Amis, as one. I am aware that many, many people adore Raymond Walsh’s Grantaire, and I entirely understand why. He was fine. Craig Mather’s Combeferre and Niall Sheehy’s Courfeyrac both allowed both actors to show off some real oomph in their voices, though I’m still much too rattled by a Courfeyrac wearing Joly’s clothes. I love Vinny Coyle because he’s just so obviously, thrillingly in love with the show, but he’s also a fabulous Feuilly, and I merrily handwave the not-so-great we’ll be therrrre because a) it’s a horrendous note few people can carry well, and b) I’ve seen and heard him do it brilliantly so many other times when he was covering Feuilly as a swing. And it was delicious to see Will Jennings as a background onstage SwingAmi. Everyone else was just sort of … there, though all very pretty. It was extremely clear who had been in casts properly educated and invested in the show, but that’s a record I’ve played enough.
• I will never not love seeing Sarah Lark, Jo Loxton, and Tamsin Dowsett. I also deeply appreciate seeing Oli Brenin doing everything, everywhere, all the time.
• It is never not wonderful seeing Earl Carpenter bishoping, but my god EARL WHAT EVEN with that Bamatabois. What even. There was active squeaky recoiling happening in my row.
• Gavroche was excellent and adorable and GINGER. Full marks.
• And so to the encores. The only point I could see to the coat handover from Michael to Bradley was to give Michael a Moment along the lines of the Valjeanfest, as it’s not like the role of Javert is new to Bradley. However, I was fascinated by the strangeness of the harmonized Stars, and I think I need to watch and listen to it again about a thousand times to really confirm my proper opinion. I know Bradley doesn’t sing Stars that high for real—and certainly doesn’t need to—and what they did here doesn’t really … show his approach to the role, but it was interesting, and I give them credit for the try. (I did attempt to imagine others—let’s be real, I was imagining THAXTON—even being asked to make a go of this, and my imagined Thaxtonic response will make for excellent nightmare fuel.)
• Then, then, then. All Valjeans all the time, including some Potato in a tour costume that still has me hissing at its wrongness. Anyway! Leaving aside Alfie—whose section just really sounded like jesus christ I cannot believe I have to do this again; I just want to lie down for a thousand years and block Cameron’s number from any further contact with me put to music—I found the whole thing much more palatable than the 25th anniversary Valjeanfest, perhaps mostly because of my fave part of the whole concert—the whole two lines JOJ and Killian shared—but also because the four Valjeans not actively praying for their own deaths all seemed to have physical, emotional, and vocal respect for the role, the show, the audience, and each other. It was a strange joy to watch.
Which, truly, this concert was as well, in enough places to ensure that I will buy the inevitable DVD. On some occasions I may even start its playback before Look Down (Paris). Maybe.
(One more small thought, though, on this concert and why I am glad it’s over: I know the run sparked a lot of joy for a lot of people, but if I saw one more bitchy tweet from the cast members I might have screamed. Are some audience members dickheads? Absolutely. Then enforce the fucking rules. Train and allow your FOH to go after those people (and force the management to back the FOH staff up!), remove them, throw one of the old pest catcher boxes from under the Queens seats at them, whatever. But shut up. I don’t even follow any of the whingers I saw! Twitter just enjoyed throwing their tweets into my feed like a toddler’s wall-splattering food. #blessed)
Anyway. That’s that done. The show’s world turns, though obviously it no longer revolves.
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katehuntington · 6 years
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How You & I Will Be - part two
Fandom: Supernatural Timeframe: mid-season 2 Main characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer (mentioned), Ellen & Jo Harvelle (mentioned), Ash (mentioned), Mary Winchester (mentioned), Reader’s mom (mentioned) Pairing: Dean x Reader (eventually) Series summary: When a hellhound case in the mountains goes sideways, Dean and Y/N find themselves trapped in a small cabin, miles from civilization. A serious injury forces the two hunters to come to terms with their true feelings for each other. Rescue is on its way, but will it be in time? Warnings part two: minor angst, some fluff, pining, swearing, description of blood and injury, bittersweet memories, Dean’s bad singing voice. Music: ‘Hellhound On My Trail’ by Robert Johnson, ‘Piano Man’ by Billy Joel Word Count: 2341 words Author’s note: Part two of a five part mini-series. This part might feel like short pause from all the drama, but I promise you it’s only the silence before the storm. @idreamofhazel and @littlegreenplasticsoldier, thank you so much for being awesome betas!  
Find the ‘How You & I Will Be’ masterlist here!
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     “You know what I want?”      Y/N pulls up one knee to her chest and fold her arms around it, trying not to move the injured leg as she does so. It took a little while, but the abandoned cabin is finally starting to warm up now that a fire is growing under the chimney. Thankfully, Dean found some wood in the backroom, although they will run out soon enough. Flames flicker playfully and every now and then the wood cracks, lighting ambers up into the air.      “Please share,” he replies before he rests his head against the wooden wall and closes his eyes for a moment.      “A beer.”
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     He chuckles and gazes at her, a sense of pride and amusement on his handsome face. He straightens himself, his shoulder rubbing against hers, and smiles. Man, is she one cool chick or what?      “Right there with ya. I’d kill for a Budweiser,” he agrees.      “Or a good glass of whiskey,” she imagines, closing her eyes imagining the drink.      “Jack Daniels.”      “Johnny Walker.”      They both sigh at the same time as a silence follows, and for a while they dwell in their thoughts. Chances are, though, that neither of them is ever going to have that drink. Surely, Sam is a smart guy and a fantastic hunter, but he can’t work miracles. The youngest Winchester is right; for as far as they know, there is nothing that can kill a hellhound.
     Tired out, Y/N stares at the fire, the same fire she saw when she looked that monster in the eye as it sneaked closer, growling, blood dripping from its mouth. Apprehensively, she swallows; this is going to result in some nightmares, of that she’s sure. Looking for a little affection, she leans in towards Dean and rests her head on his shoulder while her gaze slides down to her leg. Her friend bandaged it to keep it clean, but she can feel it throbbing. She lost a fair amount of blood, enough to feel sleepy and light headed. It’s clear as day that she needs to get to a hospital, and that says something coming from her. Yet they are stuck on a mountain slope, miles away from civilization, miles away from help. Y/N wants to keep her hopes up, she does, but even an optimist would have to admit that it's looking pretty grim.
     "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Dean asks softly, laying his cheek against her hair.      A small smile forms, the corner of her mouth curls up a little. She has known the Winchesters for quite some time now. They are like her brothers; she would die for them and they would do the same for her. Both boys have the ability to see behind the mask she claims to wear so well. It’s not often that Dean is this affectionate, though. Him almost losing his friend probably has something to do with it.      "We're in deep shit, Dean," she acknowledges.      "Can't deny that," he admits. "But we'll get out of this mess. Sam is working his mojo down the mountain and we will figure out a way to kill those chihuahuas, okay?"      Y/N looks up at him, into his emerald green eyes. He seems so calm, so confident. It eases her a little, and so she lets the air escape from her lips as he slips his arm around her and lets her lean in against him. Her eyes fall shut; it's starting to dawn on her just how tired she is. A mixture of fear, lack of sleep and blood loss, she assumes. But laying here, so close to Dean, it makes her feel all kinds of other things too.
     Safe, no matter how many hellhounds are on their doorstep.      Warm, despite the freezing cold outside.      Loved, even though she knows Dean doesn't love her the way she loves him. 
    Y/N always had a soft spot for the oldest Winchester brother, but in their line of work it seemed stupid to get involved with the hunter. Of course she has wondered, asked herself ‘what if it works out’ and ‘what if this time it won’t hurt.’ But since everyone she cares for has either left or died, she reluctantly kept her distance. It’s what got her into this business in the first place. The losses she suffered left scars so deep, that she promised herself that she would never let anyone close again. And then Sam and Dean walked into the Roadhouse and bought her a drink.
     She chuckles. The Roadhouse, man, did they spend a lot of time there. She thinks about the bar for a moment. The worn leather stools, the pool table that Ash sleeps on when it’s not being used, the old jukebox that is full of R.E.O. and other mullet rock.      “I wish I brought my iPod,” Y/N comments.      The silence in the cabin is bothering her and a little music would have helped cast out the sound of the dogs rustling through the snow outside, barking every now and then.      "Yeah, I could dig some rock tunes right now,” Dean agrees.            Y/N watches how he picks up the backpack and digs up a snack. Her upper lip twitches at the sight of the protein bar; she finds them disgusting. Dean offers one and she refuses.      “C’mon, you have to eat something,” he pressures.      “I’m not hungry.”      Dean lifts his eyebrows and glares at her sideways, holding her gaze.      “That’s a new one,” he comments after which he takes a bite from his bar. “Have some Gatorade then.”      He hands Y/N the plastic bottle with the blue sports drink inside.      “Dean, stop nursing me!” she refuses chuckling.      “You need to keep up your strength,” he argues.      “For what?”      “For when Sam gets here. Who knows what stunts we might need to pull off when we get your fine little ass out of trouble,” he replies, after which he takes another bite from his bar and grins while chewing.
     Rolling her eyes and sighing reluctantly, Y/N takes the bottle and drinks. When she restores eye contact, she shoots him a ‘Satisfied?’ glare. Dean smirks, amused with her attitude, takes the bottle back and has a swig as well. Y/N can’t help but to steal a glance. My God, isn’t he gorgeous, she thinks to herself. Watching how he has his head tilted back, his strong jawline and rough stubble standing out, throat exposed, then licking his lips after he brings the bottle back down. It reminds her of the times she had a beer with him and his brother. The three of them rode out plenty of nights, to find a quiet spot where they sat on the hood of the Impala under a night full of stars. Dean kept the beers coming, she played some music, Sam made sure they got home okay. Y/N smiles at the memory and flips through to the next, not noticing how Dean is studying her.
     “What?” he wonders, looking at her intently.      “Remember how we basically fought for a month because I wanted to bring my guitar along on the road and you thought it was a waste of space?” she recalls.      Dean looks away as the smile on his lips grows wider.      “Yeah, I remember that. And I had a point too. Baby is not a tour bus.”      “It’s one guitar, Dean! You have an arsenal big enough for a small army in the trunk!”      “Exactly! No room for your musical instruments,” he exclaims, but smirking nonetheless.      Y/N lifts her head victoriously because they both know who won this battle.      “Where is my guitar now?”      Dean clears his throat. “In the car.”      Both have a laugh, the grim mood lifted for a moment.
     “You brought your harmonica?” he asks curious.      Y/N opens her jacket and takes the tiny object out of her inner pocket.      “Who needs an iPod then,” he responds, delighted. “Play something.”      Looking forward to her performance, he straightens his back and turns to face his partner. He always enjoys it when she plays or sings, somehow it always seems to calm him down. Dean watches as Y/N leans against the wall again, trying to think of a suitable song. Then she holds the harmonica in front of her mouth with one hand and partly covers the exhale holes as she lets the air flow through, creating that unique sound. Waiting for Dean to guess the song, she plays the tune. He’s a little slow on the uptake, but then she notices the expression of recognition on his face.      “Hellhound On My Trail? Seriously?” he comments.
     Y/N pauses and laughs. She was wondering how long it would take for him to figure that one out. Content with herself she holds the harmonica in front of her, tracing the delicate initials in the silver with her fingertips. There's a story behind this instrument, the first she learned to play.      "It used to be my Mom's," Y/N shares, when she feels Dean's lingering stare. "She taught me to play it. Guitar, too."      The line on Dean's lips curve up, listening to her story.      "She was a great singer. I remember when I was really young, she would sing me lullabies, but not always usual ones."      Dean chuckles; that sounds familiar."My mom didn't appreciate the traditional lullabies either."      "Really? What would she sing to you?" she asks intrigued.      "Beatles songs, mostly. 'Hey Jude' was her favorite," Dean recalls.      His gaze drifts away as he takes a short trip down Memory Lane, trying to grasp what recollections he has of Mary. Afterall, he was only four years old when she died.
     "Mom was a big fan of Billy Joel," Y/N remembers. “She usually lulled me to sleep by singing ‘Vienna’ and ‘Lullabye’.”      “Why don’t you play one of his songs, then?” Dean offers.      “I thought that wasn’t your thing,” she assumes.      Dean shrugs. “Maybe not what I would normally listen to, but I sure can appreciate it. Play something you enjoy for once.”      He’s got a point, because Y/N usually plays what he likes. Truth be told, she would practice songs by his favorite bands for hours whenever they weren’t together, just to impress him. It worked too, she will never forget the sparkle in his eyes as he watched her absolutely nail the riff of ‘When The Levee Breaks’ by Led Zeppelin.
     Again Y/N takes a moment to find a song in her memory to play, then the ultimate Billy Joel track comes to mind.      “Okay, imagine…” she holds out her hand, painting a picture as she’s telling the story.  “Imagine the Roadhouse. Old worn furniture, hunting antiques and vintage beer signs on the wall. Pool table over there, a U-shaped counter on this side. It’s crowded, but not too crowded, y’know? Hunters are having a drink, laughing, writing in their journals, exchanging stories. Jo and Ellen are there, Bobby too, Ash is drinking his PBR. It feels…”      Dean watches her in awe. There’s something about her, that’s a given fact. But when she’s passionate and lets her imagination run free, he just can’t stop looking at her. She’s so vibrant, all big eyes and wide smile. Damn, she’s beautiful, he thinks to himself.
     She pauses, feeling Dean’s eyes on her and meeting his intrigued gaze, causing her to lose her breath for a second. Their eyes remain locked and she can feel him drinking her in. It’s a good thing that she knows he’s not in love, otherwise she might start to believe he is.      “It feels… cozy, and happy… and warm,” she continues.     Then Y/N breaks eye-contact and points at the other corner of the little cabin.     “Over there is a piano. A man walks over, sits down and starts to play.”     She brings the harmonica to her mouth and starts the music. Although Dean would probably consider this kind of music too soft, the joyful sound of his laughter mixes with the notes. Y/N breathes out relieved in the break; she hoped she would get to hear that sound again. The melody repeats with a playful variation and she closes her eyes in enjoyment.
     “You know the first verse?” she challenges.      “What? Me?” Dean glares at her, surprised.      “I’m not asking the dogs to howl along. Yeah, you!” she grins.      “Yeah, I know the song,” he sits up and prepares.      Y/N nods excited. “Alright, you do first verse, I’ll do the second.”      Again she hits the note and Dean comes in right on cue. His impression of Billy Joel is not entirely on key, but it’s amusing nonetheless.
     It's nine o'clock on a Saturday      The regular crowd shuffles in      There's an old man sitting next to me      Makin' love to his tonic and gin
     He says, "Son, can you play me a memory      I'm not really sure how it goes      But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete      When I wore a younger man's clothes.
     Y/N can’t help but to laugh, but keeps on playing and Dean keeps on singing. She takes over the lyrics of the second verse and they join together for the chorus.  
     Sing us a song, you're the piano man      Sing us a song tonight      Well, we're all in the mood for a melody      And you've got us feelin' alright
     It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday      And the manager gives me a smile      'Cause he knows that it's me they've been comin' to see      To forget about life for a while      And the piano, it sounds like a carnival      And the microphone smells like a beer      And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar      And say, "Man, what are you doin' here?"
     Sing us a song you're the piano man      Sing us a song tonight      Well we're all in the mood for a melody      And you got us feeling alright
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Read part three here
Thanks for reading the second part! Don’t hesitate to let me know what you think.
This series is already finished, so I expect to update soon. Stay tuned for more!
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ladystiltskin67 · 6 years
This better be the last time
I don’t know what I’m supposed to be writing. This isn’t like a hunter's journal, it’s just a set of empty pages. Rowena gave it to me this morning. She said it might help to keep me focused while we’re looking for you. She said she writes in one at night now, after what happened with Billi. Maybe it’ll help.
I don’t even know why I’m doing this. It feels stupid…. Like most other things I do for you. I miss you so much. And I can say that here. I’m not allowed to say things like that to you, you’ll make fun of me for it. But I do, and I love you. I’m tired of losing you and everyone else I care about. We’ve lost each other so many times and I’m ready for it to end. After this I’m done. And I really mean it this time. No more monsters, no more hunting. Just you, me, Cas, and Jack. We’ll live normal lives… Maybe we can get an actual house and a dog.
We’ve been at it for weeks and you’re no where. Normally an archangel’s presence on earth draws some attention.I can only assume Michael is hiding out and biding his time. I could really use your help on this. I may be the one behind the research but you were always the one with the plans. Man I miss you.
I JUST WANT TO SLEEP. I feel like I’ve been awake from the moment Michael took you. I doze off now and then but I don’t feel rested. I was tempted to ask Cas if he’d just knock me out but he’s not really speaking to anyone right now. He leaves a lot and comes back angry. He won’t even tell us where he’s been, but I know. He’s either out looking for you, or talking to Chuck. He does that a lot lately. He just stands in the clearing behind the bunker and yells at him about how bad of a father he is. He asks for his help every day but so far there’s no answer. I want to tell him that he’s not going to get any help, especially after talking so much shit to him but I know better than to broach that subject. We don’t speak about you. He asks for updates and helps research but if it goes any further he ends the conversation. He misses you too Dean. We all do.
Jack and I got into an argument today. I feel awful. I know he’s just trying to help but I can’t lose you. Not now. He thinks we should focus more on finding a way to end Michael. He’s aware of what that implies and so am I. I told him it wasn’t happening and not to bring it up again. I wanted to hit him… and that’s not fair. He’s just a kid Dean and we’ve put all this crap on him. He’s too hardened by the world already and I hate it. I mean it Dean after this we’re getting out. For good.
I feel so restless. I need to do something. I need to find you. And I will Dean, I swear I will. Cas has been gone with Rowena for a few days on a lead so that leaves me here with Jack. Things have been tense since that argument. He won’t stay in a room with me for longer than a minute and he ignores me when I try to talk to him. Now I know how you felt when I was a teenager. I’m sorry about that by the way, guess I was just as stubborn as he is if not even more so. Turns out writing in this thing really does help. The past few days I’ve felt like I was going to crawl right out of my own skin. Now, getting it out, I feel a little less … urgent.
Gang’s all here minus one. Cas and Rowena are back. Mom and Bobby are staying here. (Which is so freaking weird, I wish you were here to see it) Charlie is staying and Claire came down with Jody and Donna. We Called Garth and he’s on his way here too. Everyone is pitching in and were going to bring you home. We all love you Dean and I wish we’d told you more. But we’re going to make up for it. You’re going to get so tired of all the love.
I saw you today. It was just for a minute but it was nice. I’m surprised Michael didn’t try to kill me. Guess I’m not a part of his plan. He looked so much like you. It’s weird because like Cas looks different that what I remember Jimmy looking like. They held themselves differently, spoke differently. But when I saw you it looked like you. Except Michael has you dressed like a total douche bag. I could have sworn it was you though Dean. He smiled and waved at me then he disappeared.I hate this. I hope you come home soon. This place feels so empty without you no matter how many people I let stay. I’m surrounded by people but I’m lonely. I know you’re probably lonely too just having Michael for company.
This feels pointless. All I’m doing is wasting time when I could be looking for you, but this is the only way I can talk to you now. I could probably pray but he would hear. He better not be hurting you either. I know this can’t be easy on you, especially if he lets you see what’s going on. Maybe he was nice enough to put you in a dream. Maybe in your head you’re on a beach vacation just like you wanted. I hope that’s what’s going on anyway.
Why aren’t you here!? You’re the strongest person I know, you should be able to fight this! I can’t do this… Not on my own. And everyone else gone now! I feel like they’ve given up. Except them, Jack and Cas they stayed. But he still won’t talk to me. I can’t fix it! I can’t fix anything! Brother where the hell are you?!
Jack finally spoke to me today. He’s so angry Dean. I wish you were here dude. I don’t know the first damn thing about raising a teenager! And Cas, he’s in general mode. He’s not really with us. He just runs constantly trying to find a way to get Michael out of you.
Rowena’s back. And she brought mom. I hope they stay this time I really missed them.
Mom hugged me today for like 5 minutes straight. We spent hours talking. She told me all about you when you were a baby. I kinda wish I could go back and see it. She said you were really funny and that her and Dad were always laughing at something you’d done. Did you know you were just 10 months old when you learned how to walk on your own? I don’t know how old normal babies are or how old I was but I feel like that’s early. See Dean you’ve always been smart
We’ve got a lead. This could be it Dean.
I hope you appreciate what I just had to go through to save your stupid angel. He’s being reckless and he’s going to end up getting himself killed. Again. I told him how angry you would be when you found out. I feel bad for yelling at him but he’s my brother now and I can’t lose him too.
It’s been months… I feel like I’ve really lost you this time.
Jack doesn’t listen very well. It took months but Jack finally got Cas talking. Screaming is more like it. He suggested that when we get you that we kill Michael. I don’t like Cas’s smiting face. I don’t think Jack liked it very much either. Castiel is now walking through the house having a fit and Jack convinced mom to spar with him for a while. He’s getting pretty good at it but mom can still kick his butt. It’s hard to watch this though. Because I get it. Cas loves you and he loves Jack and having to choose what’s right is hard. We both know what you would say if you got a vote so that’s exactly why we’re not going to consult you. Now he’s bitching at me because I knew about Jack’s plan and I didn’t tell him. Apparently he was actually going to go through with it. I can’t really be mad at him though. He’s trying to save the world. But we’re trying to save you.
Sister Jo Called. She said she spoke with you. I told Cas to hang up. I don’t trust her.
I’ll get sleep one day
Bingo. Now we just have to find a way to get the bastard out.
I know that was you. I know you were the one that kept him from killing us. But what I don’t understand is why he’s still in there if you can control your body.
I’ve had it. I’m going to put him in a corpse somehow and then I’m going to fry his wings in holy oil. Bastard.
Ok here goes… I need you to come home. Living here like this without you is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I keep wanting to call you and ask for your help but you’re not going to pick up. It’ll just be him. And he sure as hell isn’t going to be helpful. This is so fucking stupid. Ten years, ten fucking years of pain, anger, fear and frustration and Lucifer was finally dead. We had gotten rid of the big threat. You were supposed to cast him out Dean! We were going to be happy. For a minute we were happy and then you left again. I don’t know what to do man. If you’re gone then I want to be gone too. At least you won’t be alone. I’m going to pray to you. And I hope he comes…
I can’t believe that worked. You’re really here. Well mostly. Cas says you should wake up soon. That’s the first time he’s smiled since May. He and Rowena are taking turns trying to heal you. Michael messed you up pretty bad but I know you’ll be ok.
You’re still out. I’m losing my mind waiting for you to come back to us. I sat with you last night while Roe tried to heal you. I’m sorry for crying. I should man up but you’re all I’ve got. And it’s been stressful without you.
I don’t know why I still write in this thing. You’ve been back for a while now but I couldn’t help it. I thought we’d never get to celebrate another year together. Happy Birthday big brother.
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omeliashepherdhunt · 6 years
Baby Altman or Shepherd
Here I am cranking out another. This is combining two prompts I received. @sheperdessamelia and @ameliashepherdgoeshunting, hope you enjoy.
Number 20 from the prompt list is included: “Please don’t hurt me like this.”
Amelia Shepherd lurked around the halls of Grey-Sloan. It was her day off but she had a decision to make. She came to the realization she never got her period after having excellent ex sex with Owen. Then she had Deluca draw her blood and run it under Jane Doe. Blood tests were much more accurate than peeing on a stick and she wanted to be certain of it one way or another.
“Doctor Shepherd, the blood work on your patient came back.”
Deluca handed her the tablet and she locked eyes with him.
“Thank you Andrew. You really are a phenomenal doctor, a great friend, and I know your future is bright in neurosurgery.”
“Thank you. I’ve learned from the best in the business.”
She sat on the gurney in the empty hall and logged onto the tablet. After reviewing the levels of HCG, the test concluded one thing: pregnant. Things were so blissful after Jo & Alex’s wedding between her and Owen. Now Teddy came back, pregnant herself, and things were awkward. Owen was trying to do the right thing, assuming Teddy’s baby was his, but now he was definitely going to be a dad with Amelia’s baby on the way. Things were awkward and she felt so uncomfortable. Deciding to rip it off like a bandaid, she paged Owen to their on call room to tell him. Her heart was beating out of her chest. She was pregnant with her rainbow baby. The father was also possibly the father of another woman’s kid. They had Betty and Leo so the thought of adding another life into the mix stressed Amelia.
Owen didn’t even knock when he entered and immediately peered at Amelia. She was practically squirming as she sat on the bed. He started to worry about whatever could come of this.
“Hey, is everything okay?”
Amelia looked up from her hands and her bottom lip immediately started to quiver. Okay, this was happening. She was going to cry before she could even get the words out.
“I think so?”
The uncertainty in her words worried Owen greatly.
“Amelia, why are you upset? Talk to me.”
He sat beside her and took one of her hands to hold. She looked back down at her lap and was kicking herself for trying to have this conversation so soon.
“I’m not really upset. At least not to which part of this pertains to me. I just found out I’m pregnant. It’s obviously yours.”
The air had been sucked from his lungs. Now he was definitely going to have a baby on the way.
“Amelia, this is great! We’re having a baby! Why are you crying?”
“Because I’m worried you’re going to pick Teddy over me. The results of the paternity testing still isn’t back and I’m freaking out. I don’t expect you to stay around. I pushed you to Teddy and now she’s knocked up, probably with your kid, and so I’m not holding my breath you’ll pick this baby. I have to find a place to live for me, Betty, and the baby. I haven’t quite digested the fact I’m pregnant again.”
Owen’s heart was breaking. Amelia had resigned from them— from their little family. She was going to leave.
“Amelia, I want our child. Dammit woman, how can’t you see that? All I’ve ever wanted is a family with you. The start to our family is unconventional at best but it’s ours to keep. You and Betty definitely don’t have to go anywhere.”
“Teddy’s baby was here first. I’m helping you make way for that.”
She pulled her hand away from his and stood up.
“I’m going to stay with Meredith for a few days. I need the space to think. Betty will come with me since it’s closer to her new school. If you need help with Leo, you can drop him off to me. We can catch up later.”
“This isn’t fair. You deliver the happiest news to me and then you want to leave.”
She turned back around and stepped away from the door to make eye contact with him.
“Please don’t hurt me like this.”
“Hurt you? How? I’m trying to get you to understand.”
“Put yourself in my shoes. We have been waiting for a week now to find out if Altman’s baby is yours. Now I’m pregnant with one that is definitely yours. She wants you but so do I. Of course I do. I’m sick of playing house. I want it to be something real again. I just know I could never live with myself if you picked me and had another child out there that we weren’t caring for because she’s obviously keeping her kid. You can’t be two places at once and I’m not going to live like Sister Wives. I just can’t. I’m not wanting to leave you but I need time to figure my stuff out.”
His feelings were obviously hurt now but so was Amelia’s.
“Okay. I’ll see you around.”
And with that, Amelia drove to Meredith’s to sleep on the couch until it was time to pick Betty up from school. They found a cyber academy that was held in an old school building. Everything was on the computer but with real teachers there to help as needed. Betty thought it would work best for her so Amelia was happy to make it happen.
The next day when Amelia got back from picking up Betty and Zola from their schools, she saw Owen waiting on Meredith’s front porch as she pulled into the driveway.
“Uh, Amelia? Owen’s here.”
“I know. Can you take Zola inside? I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Sure thing. Just try to hear him out. This can’t be easy for him either.”
Amelia unlocked the front door to let the girls inside then walked over to Owen.
“You didn’t call or text. It’s not exactly appropriate to just drop in. Where is Leo?”
“At daycare. I needed to come talk to you alone.”
Her stomach sank to her toes. She figured nothing good would come from this. Amelia didn’t want to sit next to him so she leaned against the railing.
“Fire away.”
“The rest results finally came back today. Baby Altman isn’t mine. The likelihood of it being mine after just one day together was slim but it needed to be ruled out. Teddy’s tail is in between her legs after coming all this way for nothing. She’s going to return to Germany in a few weeks and the board is going to appoint a new interim chief. I think Meredith is going to try to take her shot at it.”
“Well congrats. You’re not the father.”
“Which means nothing is getting in the middle of our second chance. I want this baby, Amelia. I want the child our love created because let’s just call it for what it is. We love each other. We got lost along the way but we love each other. I’m so happy you’re pregnant. Please come back home. I miss you and I miss Betty too.”
Amelia really couldn’t believe Teddy’s kid wasn’t his and that he came here to bring her home.
“You’re sure you want this? The whole package? Somewhat estranged close to being ex wife since we still never finalized the divorce, a baby, and a recovering teen?”
“Of course I do. It’s our family. Screw finalizing. We don’t need to. We just need our Motley Crue family.”
“Okay as in you’ll come home?”
“It was only one night that I was gone but yes. As long as you’re sure this is what you want, I’ll come back.”
Owen stood and immediately spun Amelia around in one of his warm bear hugs.
“You’ve made me the happiest man. Thank you.”
“I love you Owen. Don’t ever doubt that.”
Omelia truly declaring their love for one another is long overdue btw.
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survivetashirojima · 5 years
Episode #6: “LITTLE MISS MADISON said FUCK JACOB” -Kevin
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*takes my numbers back and hisses at Stephen Vi and Timmy*
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WHATS POPPING, this game thats whats popping ladies and gentlemen whew, to say the least that is. Considering my last confessional was like round 1, let me go ahead and fill you guys in on what you MISSED!! (from my perspective) We voted Tom, then Julia, then Kenny all unanimously which was meh, I liked Tom but he's very ruthless but I think I could've worked with him for a little but he just wasn't on so I couldn't do anything without risking my game, then theres Julia another person I liked and wanted to work with but her inactivity was gross and she made her own bed and she's kinda crazy so hopefully it was for the better, lastly in the string of unanimous votes we had KENNY I was ELATED to see him go, finally someone actually bad for my game left, we never talked and we did not have a good history so him staying would have sucked, then JG had to walk from the game which was.. something, personally for my situation that was great and while I hope everything is ok with him and his life I am not ashamed to say I was happy to have his presence in the game be gone, to be frank. THEN!!!!!!! things started to heat up! So going into the 4th tribal I was vulnerable for the FIRST time all game, and to make matters worse there was only 5 other people to choose from outside of myself, so that was really really shitty and I hated that feeling, luckily prior to the vote I found my way into 2 different alliances one being named the "fat five" consisting of myself, madeleine, jacob, ricky and andrew! this is a group i feel comfortable with for the time being and I trust, and then after that I was added to a chat with Joanna, Pat and Stephen which seems to be an alliance but is not properly named. I appreciate that my social ability has led me into 2 different completely non-overlapping alliances but it's also put me in the MIDDLE of those 2 alliances which seem to have different HOPES about where this game is going. So during the final 14 vote my name was brought up for what was told to me as a millisecond, a very short period of time that didn't really spark any fires in people to want to vote me out, I heard of this first through JOANNA, surprisingly she told me Stephen told her about it which was alarming to me because I liked Stephen and should he have heard my name I would have expected him to bring it to my attention, frankly he did NOT and in the midst of having a 1 in 6 shot of going home I was not going to rock the boat at all, so I bit my tongue and let the round play on and considered this something to be better addressed at a future time. So back to the actual VOTE the actual coming up of names I had no part in both Dylan and Brien were brought to me by the respective "sides" of the tribes if you will, with Dylan being Pat/Jo/Steves choice and Brien being Mad/And/Ric/Jac's choice both side were VERY intensely wanting their vote to go through (which is expected) but as everything unfolded I realized the kumbaya spirits that blessed the 3 tribals prior had seemingly left the building because me being vulnerable for the first time is a GREAT time to take a break, to put it quickly THE VOTE WAS SPLIT. With neither side budging despite my best efforts. After some investigative work I realized that outside of the fat five the brien vote was not widely wanted, and after taking myself out of the picture would have resulted in a 7-6 vote with Dylan leaving. So once i realized this and decided for myself that Dylan leaving was in fact the better move for my game, considering his challenge dominance and his close bonds to people who i considered my closest allies, he needed to be cut loose. In the final stretch before tribal I knew what was coming and what needed to be done so I had to lay the base work for what I was about to do which MEANT either flipping my alliance (fat five) or providing visible doubt within myself enough to prove that I was not LYING, I spoke to madeleine through most of this confessing concerns that we did not have the votes and perhaps it was best to just ride the dylan wave out as a unit like we had done up until that point, but there was no budging with her I expressed MULTIPLE concerns MULTIPLE times, and no movement. Then I went to jacob who was out of the loop as ever, he had no idea dylan was even an option and I told him that it was and it was likely to be the end result of the night with or without him, and I then tried to speak to andrew who was presumably at work but i really couldn't tell ya, I messaged him asking had he heard Dylans name at all, no response but the effort was there and I wasn't gonna call him just to give bad news, and lastly in the final moments I confessed to madeleine I "switched" my vote to Dylan to avoid a tie, which was true, and became my main selling point for WHY I did it which is fair, while there are revotes it's still half way to rocks and thats one hike i will NOT be taking, at least not this early and not over Dylan's ass lets make that clear. Then, the deed is done and the dust settles and im left to pick up the pieces of a devastated alliance, as I said i expose myself and admit to not wanting a tie and worrying for the safety of myself and ricky (who would've had a 50% chance of one of us going should it have gone to rocks) Im comforted by Madeleine and Ricky who understand the position I was in, Andrew was understandably and slightly upset but hey I DID try and talk to him, jacob pretty indifferent as always, I felt in the clear and I had nothing to do but move on. I will be doing the final 13 vote in a SEPARATE confessional, you're welcome  
BACK BACK BACK AGAIN, HALLELU! where were we? lets keep this going shall we, anyways SO FINAL 13, the challenge is remembering the cats trailer which I tried slightly after quite a long day at work so my brain wasn't fully there, I did do quite a bit of studying but my dumb ASS didn't think to remember the order of celebrities, or the featured names/works that were affiliated with the trailer, so I lost a lot of time in having to go back and watch those parts which scored me a mere 14 !! which was sadly not enough to win Immunity, instead Andrew and Stephen won! 1 person from each alliance, how poetic. The winners didn't really affect me or my gameplay this week it was quite a non factor. Which makes sense in a 14 person tribe, with now 12 people eligible to be voted out. The first half of the day was quite like every other vote, no names, no activity everyone waiting for the storm to flood in and sweep us away in the dark murky waters of tashirojima where somebody's gonna end up drowning. AND THEN IT HAPPENS!! suddenly there's names... LNGVO (Pat/Jo/Steve alliance) seems to be wary of Madeleine, who is quite the talker and a good social player considering her persistance with talking to people, it's impressive really. She won the social challenge by a landslide and that scared people and specifically scared Pat who threw her name out there first, pitching a pretty decent case in my opinion but Maddie trusts me so I don't really give into the pitch while Joanna agrees I subtly drop a message providing why her gameplay isn't all it's seemed to be and how she'll likely do herself in in due time, and we should probably just wait it out. While my tiny message likely had no impact Stephen did somewhat agree, he felt making another big move (was dylan that big of a move?) would set a domino effect into play and ultimately catch up to one of us which I agreed with. So while Pat and Joanna were still hung up on Maddie going home if at all possible we/they also recognized that her likability at this point in the game would make it hard to vote her out considering Jay/Timmy 2 MOTR players wouldn't write her name down was a game changer. So then the vote swapped to Jacob a less social and less likable player but also a key component to the unbeknownst to them alliance, the fat five, so I couldn't really have that happening BUT I did encourage the idea once it came up because while I wanted to pitch the idea of going Brien to this group but with the talk of "staying strong" as an "8" that voted together previously I knew it wouldn't be well received and I didn't want to risk looking sketchy that early in the day cause you never know how quick a vote can turn if given the right chance, so I sat back and agreed and made a small case for why jacob "SHOULD" be the vote and then they settled on Jacob because my assumptions were that if the vote was Jacob then Madison (who i assumed to be close to jacob) would not vote for him and would mean not necessarily a vote for the fat five but one less vote for LNGVO who by the mathematics of it, had the majority. BUT BOY WAS I WRONG, cause "we" settled on jacob and as it turns out LITTLE MISS MADISON said FUCK JACOB and voted for him !!! That was a shocker. But lets back up, before the votes were read I eventually brought up Brien's name AGAIN in the fat five, hoping we could stick on that, piss off less people and keep the sides more even so I don't give either side the upperhand WITHOUT needing little ol me, the middle position is only powerful if theres a middle to sit in. So if Brien went home I kept the balance, I appease the previously disappointed fat five and save the day with getting brien out just 1 round late. Without much fight they agree, it really does seem like the best decision so now I know where both sides are aiming I just need to figure out what their ammunition looks like. I knew where most of the votes were gonna be EXCEPT FOR Jay and Madison, both promised both sides their votes (which I know because I am somehow a part of both sides and thats why I hate my life) so without myself madison and Jay the votes looked like like 6-5 in the  LNGVO favor in eliminating Jacob, a close ally of mine, so now I had to secure 1 more vote to tip the scales in my favor, Jay had been on the fence all day from what he said, and so I went to talk to him like 10 minutes before tribal and he confessed to being on the fence and he told me while he promised his vote was going to go against jacob he didnt feel like he could follow through and i said SAME DUDE!!!! we're in the same boat, so i took this opportunity to relate and then make sure he felt confident in his decision because he was making it with me. And we locked on Brien, and he went on to later tell me that me agreeing with him and our conversation was the push he needed to lock that vote in, which im so grateful for. Now yet again I had to soften the blow to the side that I was voting against, while I knew Jay was flipping for about 20 minutes before I said anything (from 5:50 to about 6:10) I needed to find the perfect timing to tell LNGVO that I heard Jay was flipping and that Madison was also voting Brien (which wasn't true but I DID HEAR that she was from Madeleine and Andrew so I didn't lie) and with this I said I don't know if the votes are there anymore, and obviously Joanna not showing up until the last second was helpful too because that added to the sense of insecurity with that vote, and I also said I don't wanna vote Jacob if he's not gonna go home (again, true) and so with only 1 more person to be asked a question I dropped the bomb with little to no time to recover and have Stephen or Pat go and talk to jay to flip him back and no time to really figure out what was happening. Then the votes are read Brien goes home THANK U BABY JESUS and my plan worked out. Now I just need to continue to balance these 2 alliances as best as possible. In my next submission I will talk about the information and events that happened AFTER the votes were read. Thank you!
PART 3, THE FINALE, ARE YOU EXCITED? im excited, anyways. So Brien's gone hallelujah amen am i right. The LNGVO alliance seems understand when I express my concerns that the vote was too close to call and I couldn't really trust much of what anyone said like I mean come on, it was 7-6 for christs sake. They seem ok with it, understanding that this isn't the end of the world and theres still a bunch of game to be played and just hope to move forward stronger than before and hopefully still with the majority. And then I speak to Jay again, "baffled" at the fact that we were in the middle and the decision makers, making sure he knew it was both of our decision which leads him to propose that he would like to work with me, and I agree obviously! I really like Jay we share a love of pizza and pretzels and anything that combines pizza and pretzels. But also he's in the middle as well and he was another person to promise his vote one way and go back on it, similar to what I did, so I wont or shouldn't be taking heat alone which is always good. AND THEN the real kicker of the night, earlier on in the day I spoke to Stephen about hearing my name and not telling me, and gave him the chance to tell me his story, as vague as can be he tells me that it came up but wasn't truly considered, when asked specifically who said my name he dodged the question but did tell me it originated in a conversation with Madeleine, who I trusted and also didn't tell me about hearing my name but AFTER THE VOTE Maddie brought it up that Stephen in fact said my name on a call to HER not the other way around which jogged my memory and I confirmed and he in fact threw me out as an option for the vote, the same round he started an alliance with me! Ridiculous that guy. So now I know that Stephen has a thought in his mind that looks at me as a threat and someone that he ALREADY has considered targeting. While I initially felt bad having to let down LNGVO considering the alliance was created by Stephen I feel less bad now knowing that he is two-faced and is to not be trusted by me, despite how hard he wants to try and seem loyal to the alliance. People such as Andrew and Mad already see his sketchiness and the back and forth and I'm glad I want to capitalize on that and hopefully make something happen. But it's too soon to tell what I want to happen this round with 2 days for immunity and another for tribal really anything can happen and thats worrysome. but lets end on a positive note, Madeleine told me that I am her favorite person in this game and that she trusts me the most, which is AMAZING, she also brought up the idea of forming a final three of myself, her and Andrew to which I obviously agreed to but I think she may not know that Andrew has a pre-existing relationship to Ricky, and I have a pre-existing relationship to Jacob and Jacob and Ricky ALSO know each other well. But that may not even come into play but it's important to note that I am now officially a part of someones end game (for the time being) this is huge and I hope to become a part of more peoples end games as the game progresses. Good Luck Charlie!
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I was scared I wasn’t coming across how I wanted to be in this season, turns out I am and I’m so freaking happy!!!
I was think about the challenge in class and looked at my coffee and my mind just screamed “Starbucks cat!” And then “MADDIE NO”
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Madeleine is totally a backstabber but that's okay. I already knew that since tribal 2. I think I'm gonna switch to vote her off only bc now I have Jay and Pat talking to me. Thank gods Brien got voted off. He never talked to me besides setting up the alliance. I favor people who talk over people who doesn't so that's one less inactive person. I"M SO GLAD THAT THIS CHALLENGE IS AN ARTISTIC ONE. I can not wait to see how people react to what I drew. I think its hella nice. Even if I get voted off after this challenge, that's perfectly fine and I'm okay with that since this is my pride and joy of the season. Plus I won't be gone gone since we're all jurors anyways. It'll just be lonely for a few days until the next juror gets voted out. Or multiple. Lukas and Olivia seems to be hinting at more than one person can be voted out and idk man. Scary business right there
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So this is how I'm pretty sure the votes went last time? - Andrew, Maddie, Ricky, Kevin, Jacob, Jay, Madison: voted out Brien - Stephen, Timmy, Vi, Joanna, Pat, Brien: voted out Jacob Unless I'm a buffoon......but I think Madison was the swing vote. I think. Idk. I had to convince Jay very very very very very VERY last second and then at the same time get people to convince Madison while I was also trying to talk to her. I wouldn't have been so adamant about NOT voting out Jacob had Stephen not been sketchy as all hell coming to me at like 8:30 being like "teehee wut if we did jacob uwu" cuz that was fucking stupid. He was like "well why does Jacob deserve to stay over Brien" and I was like why the fuck are you all of a sudden trying to keep Brien? For numbers? Yeah no. No Brien for you. He's gone now. So Stephen is high on my hit list. Also I just like do not have a connection to Vi, Timmy, Pat, and Joanna and like I've talked to Vi and Joanna but the convos are stale. I guess I can try messaging Pat. I might look like a doofus messaging Timmy this late in the game especially when I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me but I think I've decided I don't give a shit about social graces and might just message him anyway for funsies. The key word is might. For this vote though.......Maddie, Ricky, and Jacob are all vulnerable. Like at least Maddie puts in work but if I have to keep dragging Ricky and Jacob's lagging asses I'm gonna lose it. I'm love Ricky so much but like......please. Do smth.... I'm gonna break my back from carrying this alliance. Jay is also vulnerable btw. So that's 4 people I don't wanna target. Then there is Timmy and Madison. Will Madison vote out Timmy? Idk. That could be an issue. Because if she doesn't then I think it could end up being 6-6. Nnnnnn. So like if it's 6-6 that's gay because if it deadlocked then Timmy and whoever the other side voted would be safe. So like it would be a 1-4 chance that Madison goes over one of my allies. We need people to vote out Timmy. This is GAY. Or maybe we just scrap Jacob because he's useless. Who fuckin knows.
*spongebob timecard narrator voice* the next day: So apparently Madison voted Jacob? And Timmy voted Brien? I'm confused but idc lol maybe we can just get majority on Madison then
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These people are so messy. So Jacob left my alliance with him and Madison but I’m messaging him (or at least trying to, he’s responding slowly but I think he’s at work so it’s all good) because I need him to know I didn’t vote for him. Madison did though and now I know she also voted Dylan and she thought I did too. I still want Madison in but like I don’t want to go to the end with her mainly bc I know she would be more likely than others to vote for me in the end. There’s plenty of reasons to get Madeleine out but she’s not winning immunities so the opportunity will be better with less people and these people are smart and will see that she is a social threat but yea she is easy to beat in immunity (although I haven’t been doing too well in immunities). I want Ricky gone bc I fucked up and never answered his message from a while ago so that is a dead relationship so he can go. Also I want Joanna gone sooner rather than later because I know she is smart.
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so, gag of all gags, everyone in my core alliance is immune, woo. This means we dont have to be worried about a massive blindside, the only true ally i have thats vulnerable is Madison, but it seems the vote is aiming more at ricky, thank god. I like the guy but hes just one of the less-active people and I want to make sure we dont have an ftc full of goats who just drifted through. Kevin is the only one of my alliance im wary of, he has done great in challenges so far, and that can be dangerous the closer you get to FIC, so eventually he will lose immunity and ill have to betray him. Make it to f8, then the next time he loses hes gone.
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PART 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF-qsugZ6RM&list=PLB-4yJ0EHce-bxHQVmQVdrV6tx36_6Jly&index=14
PART 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF6SrpCKBrA&list=PLB-4yJ0EHce-bxHQVmQVdrV6tx36_6Jly&index=15
0 notes
@thefluffyshrimp (whom I cannot mention) replied to your post  “It’s a common point of discourse in the fandom, and I’ve talked a...”
I think it's interesting how the game gives us almost no information about Rob/Jo's relationship. 99% of what we think about their relationship stems from people "filling in the gaps" with their own headcanons, like this. I disagree that the fandom paints Joseph as more honest than Robert. I see it as the largely the other way around, which is interesting, because it was actually Joseph who was honest about the affair...not Robert. All Rob told us was that he didn't like Jo and that Jo sucked, but he kept the affair hidden/concealed from the MC, which I thought was kind of odd. As a result, the only reason we know about the affair at all is because of Jo (he was the only one who was truthful about it happening). This does mean we only have Jo's version of the story, which could be wrong, but as of yet we don't really have any evidence to suggest he's lying. In fact, we don't really have evidence to suggest Rob is lying outside of the fact that he just kept the affair hidden from you. They could both be lying or telling the truth in different ways. Who knows. We don't have much to go on. But between the 2 of them, it did irk me that Jo was honest about the affair when Rob wasn't. Dunno why he did that.
We certainly run in very different circles in the fandom. My experience, especially my experience in the related RP community and with some of the more popular and high profile fandom members, has seen people always automatically assume Joseph is telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but—even to the point of saying that him disliking being lied to means that he would never lie himself.
While it’s true that Robert never tells us about the affair itself, and that we only know Joseph’s side, the existence of the photograph is already casting doubt on Joseph’s version of events. Robert and Joseph clearly used to be good friends—why didn’t Joseph mention that when he was telling the MC about the affair? If anything, what bothers me is the way the conversation with Joseph unfolds. Joseph front-loads the conversation with everything that could possibly discredit Robert—and he keeps the conversation focused on Robert and why Robert is disreputable. There’s very little of Joseph taking responsibility for his own decision. Whatever Robert’s feelings are after the fact, Robert had no control over Joseph’s decision, and Joseph keeps conversation off himself as much as possible.
As far as Robert, you’re right, yeah, he doesn’t tell the MC about the affair when they talk. But Robert’s intentions don’t appear to be to tell the MC about the affair. He appears to be there to ask the MC to step back and reconsider. Robert and Mary are close friends—remained friends even though apparently she knows that Joseph cheated on her with Joseph—and just as Mary cares deeply about Robert’s emotional health, as evidenced in Robert’s third date, Robert likely cares deeply about Mary’s. He isn’t there as a jilted lover (as many characterize him), or as someone who dislikes Joseph, or necessarily even as someone who Joseph had an affair with. He’s probably there, and he’s angry, as a friend of Mary—and a friend of the MC. He is only there if you make the effort to go on his first two dates; he is there because you built up a friendship with him. He’s there to put a stop to an affair in progress, for the sake of both Mary and the MC. He isn’t there for his own sake. If he was there to be self-serving, he would show up always, but he doesn’t. What Robert did with Joseph is, apparently, not important to him here, and it shouldn’t be because it has little to do with what the MC is doing. He, angrily, yes, is there to make sure the MC doesn’t make a horrible, horrible mistake. And it’s a horrible mistake no matter what Robert did in the past.
Frankly, he even seems like he’s giving the MC the benefit of the doubt, because apparently the MC is naive as hell, or the MC is being deliberately oblivious:
Robert: So I guess he's your friend now, huh? Your pal? MC: Oh, he's... Robert, you're my friend too. Robert: And I suppose two friends just spend the night out on a private yacht together, being buds, chatting about friendship. Is that what two friends do? [His voice gets louder. What's gotten into him?] MC: Robert, come on. You know I'm not like that. Robert: [Name], you might be an idiot, but I'm not.
Robert immediately approaches the conversation questioning the nature of the MC’s relationship with Joseph. To anyone on the outside, it’s clear what’s going on: Joseph is cheating on Mary with the MC. The MC is so dense. Robert is there to basically spell out for the MC: you are walking into an affair, do you not see it? Yes, Robert is angry, but there’s little indication that he’s angry because of his own relationship with Joseph; he is VERY close friends with Mary.
As for, why didn’t he tell the MC why he disliked Joseph, about the affair?
MC: What's your problem with Joseph anyway? Robert: I don't like Joseph. I don't trust Joseph. Joseph is a bad guy and I don't want him around you. MC: Robert, you committed petty larceny last week and think you're haunted by the Dover Ghost. Robert: It was the god damn Dover Ghost. [Robert pauses to calm himself down.] Robert: Joseph's not who you think he is. MC: ...What? MC: Ask him about it sometime. Bring it up. And watch your back when you do. Because that guy will put a knife right in it. [Robert flicks a cigarette into the front seat of a recently cleaned schooner before turning to leave. He takes a step, hesitates, then turns back to face me.] Robert: You're both awful. You deserve each other. I'll tell Mary you said hi.
The MC changes the conversation to Robert’s relationship with Joseph. When Robert begins to tell you he doesn’t like Joseph, the MC immediately discredits Robert, and then implies Robert is delusional. Which, like, fair, those are things definitely not working in Robert’s favor, it’s also something that... discourages talking to the MC further. It’s immediately clear that no matter what Robert says, the MC will not believe it, so what’s the point? And that’s one of the tragedies, I think, of the situation. Robert is in a position where nothing he says will be believed; his own reputation will always work against him, and Joseph will always be given the benefit of the doubt—because reputation. 
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My Favourite UNIT stories (so far):
Okay so I couldn’t sleep at all last night, so I decided to write out my top ten UNIT stories and why I like them off the top of my head because... why not? (Also I’m going to Time Fracture tomorrow, so it’s relevant and also I’m still very bitter about how Chibnall disbanded UNIT- for a Brexit joke!). However fair warning; the majority of these are Pertwee stories but there were so many to choose from because I love (most) of the UNIT stories with the exception of The Time Monster because it’s just a let down and I don’t want to be reminded of that ending 😂. Oh and my favourite episode, The Day of The Doctor is not actually on here and neither is the Zygon 2 parter also this goes without saying but- spoilers:
10) Invasion of The Dinosaurs- there’s a reason why it’s one of my very favourite classic who stories and yet it’s not high on the list and that is I can’t actually think of a reason why I like the story. I just do. Oh I like the Dinosaurs and Yates’ betrayal (although you do find out he’s the traitor very early on).
9) Sontaran Strategem/Poison Sky- I could have gone with Christmas Invasion, or Aliens of London/World War Three or even Power of Three (to an extent) but this is a great story and the story that is to blame for my love of UNIT that developed as a kid. That’s why I like it. Also the Sontarans feel threatening, unlike every Sontaran story in Moffat’s era (although I did like Strax as a comedic Sontaran, it’s when the other Sontaran got involved in that I didn’t like it) .
8) Terror of The Autons- the UNIT family really kind of starts here, and that’s why I love it. You’ve got the introduction to the Master, Jo Grant and Captain Yates and their introductions are all so good. And it’s actually a decent plot for the Autons, well, the first of two pretty identical plots but hey, at least they get to suffocate someone with a plastic inflatable chair (yeah, that’s the worst way to go in Doctor Who history)
7) The Green Death- I absolutely love this story. Mainly because of the character plots in this story. Jo leaves, which is utterly heart wrenching to watch, The Doctor doesn’t really like the fact that Jo is going off to get married but he has to hide it and be happy for her, Yates gets put through a lot (which is obviously very bad, and I like Yates but... it starts off one of my favourite character arc in Classic Who) and it involves a joke that makes me laugh every time. And it’s the original ‘toxic waste makes creatures grow big’ story in Doctor Who and they do it way better than Arachnids in the U.K (which you know, mashed this story and Planet of the Spiders to create the episode that I can’t watch 95% of because it is pure nightmare fuel for an arachnophobe) oh and the ending with The Doctor driving off in Bessie alone, is one of my favourite endings to a story in Classic Who because it’s so well done.
6) The Invasion- the original UNIT story! It’s a great one, Benton is introduced and the Brig becomes the Brig. Also the actual cybermen invasion scene is iconic. Okay there’s some sexism in there but Jamie is from 1746 so he has that excuse and he does get called out on it and the Brigader... well, we can assume the Brig learns not to be sexist by the time he leaves unit, considering he had to work with Liz, Jo and Sarah Jane.
5) Planet of Spiders- haha for someone who has bad arachnophobia, I’m surprised this is high on this list. Mainly, because the spiders look so fake I’m fine with it (compared to Arachnids in the U.K. in which I almost cry every time one is on screen because even though they’re CG they look realistic) as well as it being one of Jon Pertwee’s best performances (not that he wasn’t fantastic throughout his run as the Doctor), his regeneration was the first classic who regeneration to bring me to tears! Oh and I guess we’ve got Yates’ redemption in there too (what? I like that he gets redeemed).
4) The Daemons- this is a peak UNIT family story. It’s fun, great plot, Bok is hilarious, and it spawned the very iconic Brigadier line that everyone still references! (‘Chap with the wings there, five rounds rapid’) Oh and may or may have not helped influence a character’s backstory I wrote for project I took part in with my friends during lockdown one, which I am not going to explain beyond that, as it would take a LOT of explaining to do.
3) Deadly Reunion- At the moment, this is my favourite book to involve UNIT (Having read a total of two past adventures novels so far, both involving UNIT, not counting short stories in anthologies) and I could honestly go on about this for hours but I’ll keep it to a paragraph for now. Whilst it’s not exactly not the best Doctor Who book I’ve read it’s certainly the most memorable for one particular reason: years before he met The Doctor some point after the Second World War A YOUNG BRIGADIER FELL IN LOVE WITH PERSEPHONE AND WENT TO THE ACTUAL UNDERWORLD TO LITERALLY FIGHT HADES FOR HER. And in case you’re questioning the validity of this story and who exactly wrote this... it was written by Terrence Dicks and Barry Letts. Oh and the Brigadier and Persephone fact may have uh spawned an idea, that developed into a story pitch I did called The Atlantean Paradox that is still one of the best things I’ve written/thought up of and will now probably haunt me for the rest of my life, haha.
2) The Sacrifice of Jo Grant- okay. This story comes in the legacy of time audio boxset and it sees Jo Jones and Kate Stewart team up with the Third Doctor and without spoiling anything, is it an emotional rollercoaster of a audio, and it possibly has one of the most heartwarming and heartbreaking moments in an audio that I’ve listened to so far (it had me in actual tears) Fantastic story!
1) UNIT: Assembled- just the entire boxset, because I love it all. The team up between Classic Who and Modern Who UNIT is amazing, Yates, Benton and Jo all return and it’s fun to see how they’d all gotten on since their adventures in UNIT. Benton owns a pub, Jo’s being well, Jo, and still being and activist and Yates, well Yates, they’re not clear on what he’s been up to really, (to my recollection) but he’s doing okay after Planet of The Spiders. There’s Silurians, Sea Devils, and there are lots of moments that make me smile in this boxset.
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
No Laughing Matter (Okay, Maybe a Little) || Dororou Fufuto || Trial 5.1 || Re: Boom and other assorted Revelations || Attn: All
When the first heard the bangs, Dororou came as soon as he could. Not because he was afraid, no, if anything, he was curious. To be fair, he hadn’t ever heard a gun - for all he knew someone was banging pots and pans together - so when everyone was gathered around the entrance to the second floor’s bathroom, he tried to peek past everyone - and at 6’4”, it was pretty easy - and saw… Rachele, struggling there on the floor. He… he…
He chuckled. After all, it was just a big joke, right?
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“Nyuff, Nyuff… Knock it of, Giordani-chan,”
He stood there chuckling to himself until she died, right there in front of them. When the lights came back, it was then the severity of it all hit him. No laughter, no bawling, this time… Dororou was silent. What was there to say? Only to rush downstairs at the next bang only to find Matsu dead too…
This alone was enough to bring rain clouds to his mood - it wasn’t like him to laugh off a classmate dying in front of him like that, could he have been more insensitive? But after finding out something else from Karoushi-kuma so unrealistic, so implausible, it was just downright unbelievable… then again, something so out of left field like that couldn’t be made up… it somehow went downhill from there.
So when all the power went wonky, and checking with Karoushi about what the deal was showed the bot powerless too… it was his chance. His chance to act. So after giving Karoushi a mullet, he got himself a screwdriver and jammed it into the bear. Unfortunately for him he didn’t really predict the outcome of the bear eventually exploding... leaving him with nothing to do but swing on the swings until people started showing up.
However, before anyone could show up, they did. The human… er, bear, wave of Karoushi-kuma units. And they inflicted the harshest punishment the city had yet to see…
… they took his fanny pack.
So from there he stood pouting as the others assembled, only to be rudely pushed by the mass towards the fountain - he muttered something under his breath when he reached his classmates… at the least he was back up with them.
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“Hmmph! Smelly old geezers…”
Normally these kinda things usually are a little more drawn out compared to now, with everything happening at lightning speed… Dororou barely had a chance to react.a mastermind trial? Well, considering it would mean getting out of this place Dororou was in favour of that. But first it seemed there was the murders that needed addressed, and thanks to Hideo that was out of the way pretty quickly.
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The first time he actually got to touch base with her was way back before the first time they were in here - when Yeichi killed that employee fellow. She said she was a fan of his… and from what he’d seen of her, he was a fan of hers too - see seemed upbeat most of the time, and was a rather genuine person… so learning that she did this… learning why she did this… learning how she felt about it…
...it hurt. It hurt a lot, and he wasn’t gonna stand by and watch her tear into herself like that. Besides, he has something he should probably say.
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“They’re right, Kimiko. The best thing you can do right now is not die. That’s what the mastermind wants, because then the cycle continues. If you die, then what’s the point in their deaths? The deaths of three people may not weigh on your shoulders but the weight is still there, you feel? Besides, you shouldn't be blaming yourself over it - at least not entirely,”
Wait… did he say three? Is this another miscounting thing with the six fingers? He rubs the back of his neck, and sighs - having a little ironic chuckle before continuing.
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“Hehehe, Yeah… I miiiiight have messed up. How was I supposed to know putting a screwdriver through Karoushi’s belly button would make the bear explode? So not only did the wave of ‘Bosses’ take my fanny pack, but if the trial would end like it was planned, Kimiko probably wouldn’t be the only one getting executed… I know I pulled that thing last trial so if you don’t want to believe me then don’t… but I think we all agree figuring out ‘big picture’ stuff is probs the top priority of all of us,”
Well, looks like he might have spoken too soon, as next thing he knew he was presented with a question, and taking one glance at his own question practically had him already saying his goodbyes to Kimiko. It’s a shame he couldn’t phone a friend, as looking around the room he was sure multiple people - though Jo in particular - could help him out with this one.
This is where you stabbed my Karoshi-kuma. Tell me, which part of the computer is responsible for performing the calculations and processes within a computer system? a) CPU b) Motherboard c) Hard Drive
Since obviously Dororou has below-basic computer skills, it seemed he was gonna have to give this the good ol’ educated guess. Now his gut instinct told him to pick B for Banana - well, Belly Button too but still - but at the same time… that seemed like the answer they would want him to pick, so not B. Now that left Hard Drive and CPU, and Dororou was fairly certain there were a lot more c’s and p’s in the question than anything about driving, not to mention CPU was an anagram for CUP, which sounds like CUPuter. Sheer intelect here, y’all.
Dororou makes his choice. Now it seemed he had to wait for everyone else to finish before continuing, however it seemed Akihiko was fully intent on keeping things going. When he mentioned setting off an explosive in the park, he laughed.
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“Hey Akihiko, looks like we’re matching! I never got any messages or anything like that, but I also managed to blow up the park! Nyuff, Nyuff, Nyuff,”
As soon as he started getting accusatory, however, then he has to step in for his robro.
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“Though I don’t really think now is the time to point fingers - Keiichi’s always been a pretty cool dude, I mean I might be a little out of the loop as to why you think that, but I thought we were all on the same page that Keiichi… was human? I mean with all the ‘transference’ stuff with his mom kinda figured that’s what’s up with him too? I mean he didn’t even know he was a robot himself, so I was under the assumption he wasn’t always? I don’t know, but I don’t think he’s responsible. Involved? Definitely. Responsible? Never. Plus the two Keiichis angle doesn’t make sense - not only are we the only ones here besides that employee, who’s already dead, but also wasn’t transference fatal? Like I thought that’s what happened to… yeah...”
He clapped his hands together. That was all he had to say on that, which meant it was time to change subjects before they broke Keiichi again.
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“For now let’s focus on what we know… or don’t. Kimiko-chan went after Giordani-chan first, and then Matsukaze-san was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, right? Does that mean that Giordani was targeted, or was that random too? If so, why would the mastermind want her dead? I mean she never actually told us her talent - at least that I know of - which I’m assuming the mastermind knew along with the rest of our secrets, so was whatever she was the reason why? Or does… did she know something we didn’t? Or am I just getting ahead of myself?"
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tweetadvise · 8 years
Secrets to Conquering Marketing Risk and Increasing ROI
In a previous post, I cited the findings of the study entitled "Digital Barricade: Marketing experts Battle to Transform Themselves" and dedicated to work to recognize both the resource of the barricades in addition to suggest remedies for removing them. I separated the barricades determined by the marketing experts surveyed right into five groups, and also today I'll deal with Category II:
Category II:   Future marketers have to take more threats:
-54% of online marketers believe the suitable marketer ought to take much more dangers, 45% want to take even more risks themselves, while 25% self-identify as cautious.
-65% of marketing professionals state they are a lot more comfy embracing brand-new modern technologies once they end up being mainstream, which is interesting due to the fact that 54% of the very same group of people checked said that the optimal marketing professional needs to take more risks!
At the risk of claiming this is making my head spin, allow's break it down to recognize just what threat is and exactly how marketing professionals can eliminate the obstructions to become the ROI generators they recognize they could be.
Let's Talk About Risk
There are many good definitions and also discussions of danger, Wikipedia has a specifically practical short article as well as right here is an excerpt specifying danger: "the possibility of losing something of worth. Values (such as physical wellness, social condition, emotional well being or economic wealth) could be acquired or shed when taking risk arising from an offered action, task and/or inaction, visualized or unanticipated. Risk can additionally be defined as the intentional interaction with unpredictability. Danger understanding is the subjective judgment people make concerning the intensity and/or probability of a threat, and may vary one person to another. Any human venture brings some danger, yet some are much riskier than others."
It deserves stopping to consider this last declaration "Any human venture carries some threat, however some are much riskier than others." Herein lies the predicament: we usually hear that without threat there is no benefit, however exactly how do we distinguish a calculated risk from a crazy risk?
Calculated Danger versus Crazy Risk
Dictionary. reference.com provides the adhering to definition of calculated threat:
" A possibility of failure, the probability of which is approximated prior to some action is carried out."
I entered the term "foolish threat" also, however there was no thesaurus meaning (potentially because we are not supposed to be taking crazy dangers?) So for the hell of it, I entered both computed threat and foolish threat into the Google internet search engine which returned concerning 7,720,000 outcomes for computed danger as well as concerning 25,900,000 outcomes for silly risk. Wow, with 18,180,000 more results for silly risk, it is understandable that some marketers could be rather run the risk of averse.
But allowed's go back to our interpretation of computed risk: a possibility of failure, the probability of which is estimated before some activity is taken on. Below I have emphasized the expression "probability of which is estimated" since this is the essential difference between a computed danger and a silly danger. However, there's always a catch: "possibility" is sounding a whole lot like the have to make use of math as well as statistical analysis. In my previous blog article, Conquering Data Overload, Math Anxiety as well as Progressing Your Career, I quoted Jo Boaler, professor of mathematics education and learning at Stanford University, who created: " The individual and educational consequences of math anxiety are great. Mathematics stress and anxiety influences about 50 percent of the United States populace."
Okay, I assume we have actually determined the resource of the barricade: as much as 50% of the United States population is impacted by mathematics anxiousness, math and also statistical analysis is required to calculate the probability of threat or failing as well as, in addition to that, marketers are expected to be both logical and creative!
So what are the keys to overcoming advertising and marketing threat as well as enhancing ROI? End up being danger savvy and also employ the right analytical devices to take advantage of your own indigenous intelligence. Let me explain:
Become Risk Savvy
Gerd Gigerenzer, Ph.D., is Supervisor at the Max Planck Institute for Human Advancement as well as Supervisor of the Harding Center for Threat Proficiency in Berlin. Allow me say that I like the fact that there is a Center for Threat Proficiency. Advertising product for one of Dr. Gigerenzer's publications kept in mind that: " At the beginning of the twentieth century, H. G. Wells forecasted that analytical reasoning would certainly be as essential for citizenship in a technical world as the capacity to review and create." I believe it is fair to say that Wells' forecast has actually certainly come true.
In an interview with The Economist, Dr. Gigerenzer reviewed just what it suggests to be threat savvy, saying partially: "Risk smart means being able to understand the essentials of statistical reasoning ... And also my vision is various from a lot of my coworkers, that believe that individuals are basically hopeless when it concerns comprehending danger, as well as we have to nudge them into behavior from birth to death. My own research has revealed that we can easily show individuals and give them the devices ... and also I've shown that first-graders could also discover how to recognize Bayesian reasoning [a chance theory that utilizes the knowledge of previous occasions to forecast future events]"
I hope that those of you with mathematics stress and anxiety are motivated to learn that Dr. Gigerenzer has so much faith in your capability to discover analytical thinking. Because this is an essential component to marketing success, I assure to create future article to establish this most important idea in higher depth.
Leveraging Analytical Tools for Your Success:  Learning from Kirklands
Founded in 1966, Kirklands is a leading specialized store of house decor with greater than 300 shops across the United States. It had actually explore e-commerce for near a decade with limited results. We typically think about danger in terms of acting, yet there is risk to inactiveness also, as well as eventually Kirklands counted on the Adobe Advertising and marketing Cloud for answers.
Karen Light, Retailing Manager, identified a significant challenge, saying: " The digitalchallenge had been enhancing our web site to imitate our in-store encounters."
With the application and also insights gotten from Adobe Analytics as well as Adobe Target, Kirklands was indeed able to reproduce its in-store encounter with a redesigned internet site as well as saw revenue each consumer boost by an excellent 30%.
Site Operations Supervisor Erica LeBlanc observed that " Using Adobe Analytics abilities along with Adobe Target and Adobe Social, we can capture more info and also promptly run examinations to offer us a much better sight of just what our consumers are doing and what they desire."
The Secrets to Your Success
So here we have it: with the confidence of an internationally differentiated scientist that everybody can find out statistical reasoning combined with the right analytical devices, you'll be a soaring success.
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