#so its like....a drabble to set up a starter/thread??
1, 9 and 4
(it is rly nice to see you around I missed you greatly, and seeing you on my dash today improved my day <3 )
1 - I think reblog karma is kind of a double edge sword. I think it's very helpful especially for newer members of the RP community who dont have established RP partners or who are trying to find their place in a mostly established group. My blog grew the way it did in large part because several popular blogs made a point to send me asks or starters after I'd send them something from a prompt post.
At the same time through, I think it can be taken to the point where there is an unhealthy expectation that if you send in a prompt or an ask, then by default whoever you sent that into MUST send you one back from the prompt/ask post you reblog. Which can lead to hurt feelings if other members of the group arent feeling it or dont have the spoons for another thread or if maybe they had to go offline and the reblog gets buried in their notifications. So in short i would say it's something i think big blogs should be cognizant of and try to engage in when they can but we also need to promote the idea that sending in an ask from a reblogged prompt doesnt mean your entitled to that blog sending anything back if that makes sense.
9- what makes me decide on new blogs to follow.....hrm....its hard to describe. There are a lot of little things that might turn me off from a blog (Interblog drama, poor formatting with small text since I'm on mobile 90% of the time and it's hard to read, replies that have a "reaction image" with each reply again because it makes things harder to read on mobile.)
Obviously I'm more drawn to blogs that have similar interests. So I follow a lot of Uchiha blogs, some Kakashi centric blogs, several Sakura blogs but not as many Neji or Hinata or Choji blogs just because I'm not as drawn to those characters.
It comes down to if I see multiple posts in a short period of time that I like enough to reblog then I'll often go ahead and follow that person.
4- itachi was absolutely my all time favorite muse to write. Granted I havent played with that many from the Narutoverse (mostly Itachi and occasionally Sakura). As for why I stopped writing him......
The last few months of my clinical rotations and the first few months as a practicing vet have been pretty rough on me. My stress levels were high and I always felt pretty low on spoons and on new ideas. I was dropping a lot of threads because I was losing the spark that made me enjoy what I was writing. I've recently picked up writing some drabbles privately just to get back into writing a bit, but I think a big part of it was just general burn out and life needing to take the forefront of my attention.
I may try to hop back on every now and again and maybe even do a thread or two if anyone is still interested in a washed up Itachi blog but I think I need to set some limits for myself so I dont wind up back feeling as burned out as I did.
I'm glad that I was able to brighten your day! I miss you and so many people from this community but I had to spend some time to get my shit in order.
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delicrieux · 3 years
Can I please request the Halloween prompts for Jaskier (The Witcher) x reader (Scene starter - 13. A fairy tale) Sentence starters - 13. “There’s a leaf in your hair.”+ 28. “Mmm...you’re so warm.” 🧡 thank you so much!!
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FAIRY WINGS   |   endless drabble series (halloween special)
summary: it’s the night of hallows eve and dreams are shattered only to be suddenly rebuilt. pairing: jaskier x f!reader a/n: anyone remember that one drew barrymore film where shes like cinderella? i do.
masterlist. ☕. reqs are open for the halloween prompt list. gif from @erualthewild‘s lovely set!
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The night is cold, a degree above bone-freezing; the streets are lit with glowing candles and small fires littered among buildings to illuminate the paths wraiths tour only one time a year. The spirits are indistinguishable from the masses dressed in long, tattered robes and costumes. Many a pick-pocket works diligently tonight for tomorrows meal--the patrons of local pubs, already too drunk to stand from ale, will realize their loses only come morning.
You pass a cluster of figures in distorted papier-mâché masks; their gazes trail after you, and they stare in your direction long after you had disappeared in the labyrinth of the city. You walk briskly, weaving through the crowds, quick enough to only be noticed as a flicker of white cloth before getting lost behind the corner. You’re shivering but not from the cold; nor is it dew that has collected on your skin from breezing winds and damp weather. You burn hot from exertion and overwhelming emotion. As you pass a shattered window, in the glass you catch a glimpse of the crooked fairy wing still strapped to your back.  
Its twin had been torn from your bodice, along with your mask decorated with small stones polished by the tides. The sound of fabric ripping and pebbles dropping to the ground had been deafening: louder than the music, louder than the chatter that had grown so quiet when you met your misery, louder than the erratic drum of your frightened heart. It was humiliating, to be diminished so publicly in front of a dancing crowd. A part of you knows you should not have been there. The other wonders what did you do to your step-sisters to deserve such scorn.
They seldom work, living in a lap of modest luxury built by your long-deceased father. The delipidated home you sweep and scrub everyday as a personal servant would crumble completely without your gentle touch. You had figured they were never as cruel as their mother, snide and arrogant as they might be, but a single night had shattered that belief along with the little sense of self you had had.
The dress is your mother’s, white with silver thread and dotted with your tears, a relic left to you that your step-sisters never managed to get their hands on. Now it, too, is ruined, though how or where you are afraid to know, afraid to look, just as you are afraid of what the future will bring. The question arises if you even have one anymore.  
Not here, not in this city. Displaced and unwanted, you know you will be abandoned once dawn breaks.
Through your quick breaths and hiccups you hardly hear rushing footsteps drawing nearer somewhere behind you. You halt, only to catch your breath--the inhale is painful, sliding like a knife down your throat. More tears spill hot wax on your cheeks and you cannot bring yourself to wipe them. You fold into yourself like a flower closing to slumber for the night and shut your eyes tightly. Your body stings yet nothing is as painful as the wound in your heart.
“Sorry--Excuse me...So--I said I’m sorry!” There’s a tumble, some shuffling, a creaky note released from the tense string of a lute. The commotion makes you skittish and your instinct is to flee, but-- “Wait! (Name), wait!”
You whip back without thinking, wipe away the curtain of tears with your trembling fingers. In the warm firelight you see Jaskier, red-faced and holding his lute up, spilling words to someone he most likely accidentally knocked into in his sprint. His eyes keep wandering to you, almost as if to make sure you won’t disappear again. The cold catches up with you suddenly, sinking into your skin, freezing you in spot.  
And to think, it was all for him, the Bard travelling the world with his friend, a Witcher. He came to the city months ago. Pleasant voice and charming manners, who could not be enchanted by such a beautiful man.  
You had snuck away many times just to see him, just to listen to songs that made even you forget your unfortunate circumstances. And you got too caught up in your forgetfulness, for once he finally approached you, you lied who you are. Confessed to being a modest heiress walking around in hand-me-down clothes because you cared not for the hierarchy of social class. But you were only a servant masquerading as a heroine in a story she could never have. Who could blame you, though? The impossible dreams are always the nicest to have.
He manages to escape the wrath of a drunkard and strays to your side, disheveled and huffing, fumes spilling from his lips and melting into the air. And you are terrified again: you managed to escape your step-sisters with scratches and a bruised pride, but how will you escape a broken heart? Did come all this way just to express his disappointment? Perhaps he’ll reach for the second wing and rip it out entirely. Such is the price of a lie.
He turns back to watch the staggering man that almost gave him a beating, “I, uh--” He returns his attention back onto you, “could’ve taken him.” He says with an awkward smile, “Geralt, uh, taught me how to fight. Not that I didn’t know already, but, you know, he shared some--Well, actually I picked up some tricks myself by just watching him--”
“I am so sorry.” You interrupt, not hearing a word he’s saying. He stills, visibly confused, and you only shake your head, “I am...so, so sorry, Jaskier. I should have never come, it’s all my fault--”
“No!” He hisses, “No, no no no, it is not your fault. I invited you anyway--”
“But I lied to you.” You say, and it is too painful to look him in the eyes, so instead you look to the ground, to the murky reflection of him and you in a puddle, “I’m no... baroness, or, anything like that. I’m just a servant daughter that instead of listening to your songs should have spent time with the chickens.”
His fingers pinch your chin and tilt your head to face him. The gentle touch sends a spark of warmth through your whole body, breaking at the sheen of ice around it. You feel a wave of fresh tears about to crash. There is not a trace of the anger you imagined he might have on his features, rather a certain gentleness that cannot quite yet be put into words. It’s familiar--you had seen that look worn by others, worn by lovers, but it had never been directed at you.
His gaze roams around your face, and there’s a flicker of a bemused smile as he says, quietly, “There’s a leaf in your hair.” as he reaches to pluck it out, “I’m not angry.” He says after a pause, “And I don’t care that you lied. I would’ve liked you either way, baroness or not. I...do, actually. Like you, that is.” His words sizzle as he finishes, his boy-ish confession almost endearing enough to make you forget the events of the night.
But you cannot be swept away in another daydream. The first break had been painful enough.
“I-I must go.” You spill, prying his hands away from yourself in a rush.
“Where?” His question stops you in your tracks. Your hands stay suspended in the process of removing his, ice and fire colliding. He feels so warm on your numb skin that you don’t want to let go. Though, that seldom is the only reason you don’t wish to part. 
He steps closer, as if to emphasize his point, “Where are you running to, (Name)? Because if it’s back home to your step-sisters, then I can’t allow you to go.”
It’s the first time you had ever seen him so serious; each word is punctuated with a honesty only a knight possesses, not a Bard meant to sweettalk his way into some coin. 
Your choked silence is enough of an answer. Perhaps he learned more from Geralt than how to fight. His eyes, big, sincere, and endlessly hopeful, gaze into your own, “Come with me.”
“Come with me.” He says, a bit more determined, “We’ll go anywhere we want. We’ll travel the world. You, me, and Geralt--”
“I can’t--”
“Nothing is holding you back, can’t you see?--”
“Please,” He says, “I can’t leave you here. Even if all of this,” His eyes flick to your crooked wing before returning to your face, “didn’t happen, I still couldn’t leave you. Come with me, (Name), please.”
Your resolve crumbles; you are defeated, your dress a white flag of surrender. Yet it’s not the hazy promise of a dream you submit to - father had warned about false promises and their devastating outcomes - but a promise of a future you had always wanted with the person you had wanted it with. You hear no lie in his plea, nor see an ounce of falsity in the gaze that admires you as one would admire something incredibly precious. You do not have it in you to fight, especially if winning meant losing him in the process.
So you pull him close, your arms wrapping around his neck and pressing him to your shivering body. A new wave of tears crashes and dyes his robes in dark splotches. Your fingers card through his hair, wishing to bring him ever closer, wishing to return home to the heart that has been emptied to make room for only you. His hold is firm on your waist, and once you had imagined he would hold you so while dancing. 
He cusses, and you feel his smile by the curve of your neck, “You are freezing.” He says. 
A cold drop on your cheek is the first warning before downpour. It leaves an icy trail as it rolls down, “And you’re...” You wrestle with the words, urging them to come out through your cold-kissed lips, “so warm.” You crack a smile. It hurts.
A quiet laugh escapes him, hoarse from the night’s weather, somewhat tired, yet strangely delirious. You feel his body move from yours, and your measly protest is lost on deaf ears as the sky opens. You are soaked in a blink of an eye, and through blurry surroundings you grasp his hand tightly, and he leads you forward in a rushed step, closer and closer to the glowing windows of a nearby tavern.
Once you are safe in the dry and warm air of indoors, your fingers still intertwined with his, you never wish to let him go again.
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thank you for reading! hope you liked it <3
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isolaradiale · 3 years
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The dark hues of the evening blended to lighter, softer blues of dawn. With every minute, the creatures of the museum began to slow until they stopped altogether, all at once. Whatever they were doing, they dropped it, and began to move their way to the places they had been before the museum took a turn for the lethal.
The artwork climbed back into their frames, stepped onto their pedestals, and walked back into their display cases. A light rain outside washed all the street paint away, color emptying into the drains in the city. Landscapes let their prisoners out, shutting the windows to their world.
Those unlucky enough to earn a spot on the Wall of Shame reappeared in the lobby, their wounds appearing as colorful splashes of paint, and nothing more.
As the oranges and golds of the sun trickled in through the ornate windows of the museum, a blaring voice interrupted the stillness as the intercom museum sparked to life.
"Goooood moooorning, my lovely little visitors! The door to the museum will be opening shortly. Please make your way back to the lobby in an orderly fashion, and be sure to grab all your belongings!"
As Capella promised, the large wooden doors opened once again, releasing all the prisoners of the museum.
"Thanks for visiting the Tempus Museum! Janus, did you want to say any parting words?" "I'm mortified enough as it is, thank you." Came a muffled voice from behind, sounding much less enthused.
"Aww, somebody's cranky... Well, suit yourself!"
As if to add *Extra Enthusiasm*, as everyone exit the doors, they passed by Capella's invulnerable form as she personally waved everyone goodbye, stickers glittering in the morning sunrise. Janus was still sitting at the reception booth, head in his hands and rubbing his temples.
"Bye bye! Goodbye now! Goodbye! Buh-bye! Bye now!" was the chorus that trailed off as she spoke, bidding farewell to the museum's visitors...
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Thank you, everyone, for participating in our recent event: Canvas! As a reminder, you will receive event participation IF:
You've written a starter, thread, mini, or interacted with someone else using the event setting for parts 1, 2, or both.
You've written a 500 word drabble using the setting of the event for parts 1, 2, or both.
You did not have to participate in both parts to receive event credit (so if you only wanted to participate in part 1, it still counts!)
Remember that for participating in the event, you can give yourself 100 stars to use in the marketplace!
A few things have changed as a result of this event, also:
The Tempus Museum has decided to make its home in the Archimedes ward, for now, not far from the Theater of Calliope. Its structure and function is largely the same, but the Optimized Tools won't be there. The artwork won't come to life and attack you, either... during the daytime, that is. You can check out its full description on Archimedes' page!
Janus still takes his place as the museum's curator, and does his best to accommodate guests of the museum. It's not uncommon to see him taking and teaching courses and workshops in the museum, either! He's still polite and eager to help with anything involving the museum and its activities, but if asked questions about the Stars or Spirale, he'll politely explain that he doesn't want to get anyone into trouble. As in the event, on the odd chance that someone is hostile and violent toward him, they'll instantly be killed, and will respawn back in their room.
Thanks again for participating in Canvas! We hope you had a great time!
Frequently Asked Questions:
"Do the things we made turn back to normal?"
Yup! If you didn't destroy it in Part 2 of the event, whatever you made will turn back to normal.
"Will our artwork try to kill us at night?"
Nope! If you took it with you, it's of no danger to you. If you kept it on display at the museum, it's also no danger to you (or anyone else for that matter.) Only the original stock monsters of the museum come to life at night. But unless your muse breaks into the museum, you have nothing to worry about.
The monsters still have their damage invulnerabilities, so unless your muse has a death wish, maybe don't break into the museum without some serious planning. Shady art theft rings will buy your stolen artwork for a hefty price, though, so whether it's worth the risk or not is up to you.
The more often your muse breaks into the museum, the more the monsters will recognize their patterns. Breaking into the museum more than two times is almost impossible, and should be reserved only for the most cunning of thieves.
"What if we made weapons or jewelry? Can we take those back home too?"
Sure! Just know that the weapons will go back to being fragile, and will shatter if used in combat. Any jewelry will look very convincing, but if you try to sell them to anyone, they'll identify it as a fake. Not that they won't buy what you have anyway, but it certainly won't be worth the price of actual precious stones and minerals.
"Can we go back to the museum?"
Yes! It's open to the public from sunrise to sundown, unless there's a nighttime gathering at the museum (which you're free to come up with on your own if you'd like to use it in a setting for a thread.) You could also theoretically break in or sneak in, or hide until the place closes, but you run the risk of running into the guard patrols... or worse.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ (Epilogue)
As the visitors left the building, Capella skipped over to the front desk. Caelum emerged from the darkened corner of the lobby to join her, with the rubber stopper on his cane making soft thumps on the elaborate stone tile.
"Well, that was fun! Thanks for letting us use your museum, Janus." "You're... welcome, I suppose." "Good good! I'll come back here when I make more pieces to show off to the lovely people of our Spirale."
Punctuating this, her hands went up to playfully pat his cheeks.
"Ooookay! Well, until next time! And as for you, Dr. Caelum, I'll see you at this afternoon's meeting or whatever, right?" "Aha, yes I'll be there."
Saluting the both of them, her form vanished into a series of pixels, leaving the other two at the desk. Now that she was gone, the AI turned to give a pointed look at his father.
"...Mmm. Still angry, eh?" Came a chuckle, but the other didn't look so amused.
"You know, at one point, I would have congratulated you for feeling slighted. And I would have celebrated you experiencing such a thing. But you've been around for so long that these things come naturally to you now, don't they? Feelings like being angry... Now I just feel bad when you're upset like any other human."
Another more cheery laugh, and he walked himself over to the doors, motioning the other to follow. With the crowd gone, he could finally step outside and stand on the steps.
"...I am sorry for causing you trouble." "I know." "Good, I'm glad that came across." "I'm still irritated, don't get me wrong." "Yes, yes. I don't doubt it." "And I'm not sure if anyone will come back after such a thing. I wouldn't blame them. I just wanted a place to contribute to this whole thing, and now it's all..."
Sighing, he sat on the first step, watching the rest of the street illuminate in the warm glow of the sunrise. He only realized the old man beside him was trying to sit down when he gave a little huff of effort, and immediately helped his father down beside him.
"Ahh. Much better, thank you." "I could have gotten you a chair..." "Haha, that's alright. If you can sit on the steps, so can I."
For a while, the two sat in silence, watching the streets of Archimedes begin to wake up. Cars stirring, cafes opening, people walking their dogs.
"...Are you doing alright over there?" Janus asked, not turning his head.
"About as well as I can, mmhm." "You still have your migraine medicines down there, right?" "Mmhm. Dr. Lyra has been taking good care of my health, don't worry." "She's the nice one, isn't she? That's a welcome change from the other facility..."
A hand went to the Ai's shoulder, patting it reassuringly.
"Instead of worrying about my health, you should direct that concern inward, Mortimer. You have a place where you can walk around, do all sorts of things humans do. Talk to people, make friends. Play games, read books, paint your lovely canvases. You're not confined to the life we lived three years ago."
Silence followed for a little until the young man leaned against the older one. He must be pushing 70 at this point, right?
"...Are you in a place where you can refer to me by my name? And not that Star code that they made?" "Well, no. Not really. But I don't think anyone's listening. So I don't care~" "Ha! Rebellion got you into this mess, didn't it?" The AI replied with a laugh, earning another from his father.
"Well. Messes that they were, I can still sit with you without you being stuck behind a screen. So even after all the hells we've been through, I'd call that a success. Wouldn't you?"
A smile cracked on his face. They have gone through a lot.
"A success... it's nice to finally call something a success again, father. It's very nice."
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
The hatchling
@brutal-nemesis  Welp, here you have the super late little drabble for Plant day. Somehow could finish it today :)
It´s actually part of my larger, older project Power Doesn´t Make You Immortal (renamed Tears of Ash from now on! :3) and it´s actual lore. There´s an illustration at the end too! ^^
CW// body horror, scifi whump, loss of autonomy, mind control, alien, nonhuman whumper and whumpee, whumping of a minor, death, used as a nutrient, horror, alien whump. honestly idk how to tag this alksjdflkj
They hadn’t known the rift surrounding Zone 0, the closest to the meteor crater, had changed its flora and fauna that drastically.
The little one who had slipped through the contention center’s bars and ran all the way to Zone 0 with the stolen food in their arms had sighed in relief when the soldiers stopped behind the wire fence. Not willing to adventure further than that to chase them.
They had thought themself lucky. They would run back home later, right after they discovered what type of plant walked on its vines over the water.
After the crash, everything stopped. So of course, schools had stopped teaching, there were many like them that only knew to follow orders someone who could read would yell for the general population. They didn’t know the signs at the fence stated very clearly why the soldiers had walked away. Why the place was filled with plants that didn’t belong to this world. Yet, for a kid that had never known outside, it was just the same level of unknown.
They didn’t know how wrong it was to follow the bioluminescence on the ground, lighting up each of their steps as they jumped, it was too much fun, and they felt so light suddenly.
They spinned and fell made a giggling mess right next to the walking vine.
Both stopped moving, staring at each other. It was then, the boy noticed the vine had eyes.
They wanted to run away when the vine changed their course and began inching their green roots towards them. In vain, they tried to lift themself up. How could they know Zone 0´s air was composed almost entirely of carbon dioxide?
Their limbs failed to lift them to safety and they could only take shallow breaths as the vine´s eyes drilled them to the ground in fear.
Looking closely, the vine didn´t look like it was a plant at all, its eyes didn´t look like actual eyes either. They were more like a net of threads that moved like a hyperfast congested highway. It was only when the vine lifted one of it´s leafed threads to their forehead, that the little boy knew its touch burnt.
The sudden freezing numbness was quickly replaced with the agony of being burnt. The boy began crying, but the scream trapped on his chest wouldn´t come out.
He was completely silent when the vine forced them to stand on stiff, shaky legs that made his tears roll down even harder despite their ten thousand yards stare.
At each step, blisters popped up on the boy´s forehead and the blood went down in rivulets, tainting red the glowing flora that lit up below their feet. Lighting the way down a cave.
The boy´s mind was beyond the pain now, completely entranced in the agony of the sensation of fire running through their veins. With their mind and senses gone, they couldn´t see the chamber filled with hardened cocoons. Couldn´t hear the steps of something crawling near by, watching the vine walk the unfortunate boy to an empty cocoon, opening it´s fleshy threads as if arms opened for a hug.
As they stepped forward, all veins in their body popped out and chocking in their own drool, the cocoon enclosed them, fine wires wrapped their body as they stood inside the sealing cocoon and when they tigtened, all their bones crushed.
The light of their eyes vanished as the cocoon began to fill with a thick liquid. From outside, the remaining air and poisoned gas was exhaled from the orifice in the top, where the vine had climbed to and then dropped into the pool of goo with the boy before a large tube connected the cocoon to another, sealing it away.
The chamber was silent once again. The fumes dissipating into the air the creature repting swooshed with their tail. It would take days, a few weeks, before it fed completely the third chamber, a one similar to the one they had been born from.
But it wouldn´t worry about their loneliness. Not yet. Its sprouts walked the entirety of the Zone 0´s 8 kilometers, waiting for another pair of biped creature to wander inside their territory.
A few weeks later, when the two coccons had lost all color and some recovering ones laid open and wethered, steam was expulsed ferociously. The vines threading the cocoon began to untie themselves to slowly reveal the creature waking to existance.
It´s yellow eyes with black scleras opened to an unknown world with a gasp for air. Sensation began to flood into them. Breathing was suffocating, painful and they couldn´t manage to keep it inside with their frenetic gaping. Noise drilled into their pointy ears which quickly glued to their skull in an effort to muffle it, they pressed the heels of their hands to their eyes splashing everywhere with the burning black goo.
In the desperation to run from the overwhelming sensations of the new world, they stepped outside their cocoon and fell into soft arms. They struggled for a second, but a pressure going up and down their back soothed them into the crook of their neck, long matted hair hid their eyes from the annoying buzzying light as the instinct to curl and hide away made their tail coil around the being rubbing their back.
They didn´t know how to speak. They didn´t have vocal cords either, as they didn´t need them.
They could hear the soothing voice of the sibling that held them in their arms inside their head, silencing the terrifying world that expanded beyond their comprehension.
After they had calmed down, the other exorted them to open their eyes, to look up at them.
With a low whine, they obeyed and lifted their face to look with wide doe eyes at the hairy creature that wasn´t bothered by the goo dripping on their skin. A set of yellow eyes locked with the wide of almost orange ones as they bared their teeth.
They tried to paddle away, but their sibling held them tight, preventing them from escaping.
“That´s called a smile. Humans don´t consider a threat” they told them as they slowly untightened their jaw.
A low rumble from their lower abdomen, made another smile appear on their pale face.
“Right, you must be so, so hungry” They lifted them up in their arms with ease, despite their size being barely half of that of the hatchling. “Usually, we just eat whatever we come across at first” they explained them as they took them to another part of the chamber, away of the cocoons. They walked for a while, leaving a track of blue lights on their wake.
That was until slowly and carefully, the other let down the hatchling. Who clinged an arm to the soft fabric that covered their body from the sudden freezing temperature.
Their tail straightened up as they threw a low snarl and began rubbing their clawed hands against their arms. Their sibling let out a short wheeze. It amused the hatchling that such a sound could be so beautiful. Nothing like the buzzying that surrounded them still.
The hatchling threw their gaze over the scattered  lumps on the ground. They didn´t have much time to wonder what was below them as their sibling uncovored it to find a variety of faces. The creatures looked similar to how their sibling looked like and some were sprinkled with blood, or what they assumed was that red goo
“But in this planet, there´s plenty to take from” they said as they invited them to get closer on shaking legs “Go ahead and choose”
The hatchling took a long look at the variety of options, unable to decide until their eyes trained on a little freckled boy with half lidded black eyes. They reached towards their face and their claws with only five fingers, spreaded naturally to double the number. They gripped their jaw and turned it as gently as they new born status allowed them to.
Their sibling watched from afar and didn´t even twitch when the recipient´s neck cracked with the force and they told the hatchling to be gentler.
“Stop rubbing it all over, there´s still many that may choose them”
“I want them” they replied, remembering the words and threading them as their brain learnt how to from the previous conversations.
The other hummed suprised and simply waved their hand and walked away.
“Walk outside when you´re finished. We have a mission to fulfill”
As their steps melted into the silence, the hatchling towered above the human boy´s stiff body. They looked at the boy´s face as their claws uncovered them fully.
The creature tilted their head in surprised amusement at not finding the corners that marked their mouth on the boy´s chest. As they opened their real mouth, the one that ran down their torso and opened up like a flower to a multitude of teeth, they concluded this so called “humans” had an strange way of feeding if they only had their fake mouths on their faces.
Once they swallowed the boy´s body, they would learn how they feeded themselves.
But for starters, the creature wailed as their tail retracted back into their spine and they began to burn their spotty skin to become the pale smooth type humans had. They stumbled and fell on their side with a cry as their horns fell off, burnt into nothing but a fume and replaced for the same shade of black the boy´s hair was.
With a pained crack, the shifter took the shape of the boy and fell dryly on the ground.
After a while, they stood up on their two legs. Their head bobbed to a side before they settled their small hands on either side of their head and cracked the bones on their neck back on place with a cry.
With only a few minutes from birth, the creature that took the boy´s body, walked outside to fulfill the mission they had been born for.
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iinfortunii · 3 years
rules: code of conduct.
Before we start, I would like you to have certain things in mind when approaching me ooc. I am very shy and quite awkward, which results in me not being much of a talker; however, I will always try my best to be friendly to whoever wants to approach. I dislike pet names so please do not use them with me unless we are very close. There will be times when I'm just exhausted, so my wording could sound rude/aggressive, to which I apologize in advance -I never mean to hurt people’s feelings. I also reserve the right to interact with WHOEVER I want, and pestering me about it will only get you blocked.
Updates will be made as required.
A. This blog is: Selective / Independent / Canon Divergent / NSFW / Mutuals only / Singleship / Mostly iconless / Multiverse / AU, Crossover, OC, and Multimuse friendly / Vaguely affiliated with the OP RP fandom.
B. I am a very slow rper for many reasons —school, family, my ever-fluctuating mood —and I would appreciate it if you refrained from pestering me for replies. In return I offer as much patience as necessary. Think of this blog as low activity please.
C. English is not my mother language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes made.
D. I track the tag #iinfortunii, although mentioning me works just as fine.
E. Constructive criticism is always welcome but anon hate will be immediately deleted. I have no problems if you disagree with my portrayal, but it doesn't give you the right to harass me.
F. Mun and muse are both over 18, so there are chances that heavy content will be present; however I won't be writing smut. I can roleplay anything before or after the act if requested, but the moment things get far too explicit, I'll do a fade-to-black. I ask of you to not lie about your age or else you’ll be blocked indefinitely.
G. This is a heavily headcanon-based blog, and changes are likely to be made as more information is revealed about him, though I reserve the right to adjust the new information according to my interpretation of Deuce or simply ignore it, which is why I’m canon divergent.
H. If you'd like to turn an ask into a thread, you can turn it into a new post, or reblog from me, as I won't be using the Tumblr asks anymore due to the problems that come with formatting and such.
I. Ask box is open for everyone ic or ooc, but you aren't allowed to turn it into a thread and nor I will reply to it if we’re not mutuals. Please don't push me, because I won't hesitate to block.
J. No godmoding —only a minor is allowed if it moves a thread forward —or metagaming, please. Don't kill Deuce either, unless plotted beforehand, and most importantly, don't hold your muse back.
K. Discord is available for mutuals upon request.
L. Just because I write something it does not mean I condone it. Please have this in mind and again, do not pester me about it. Any and all nsfw matters will be tagged accordingly. There will be triggering topics present, and you can know more about this on the section below.
M. DO NOT involve me in drama or call-out posts. I’m heavily against both things. On this note, you’ll never see me rebloging a call-out post. This culture is so damaging and toxic, and I firmly believe no one should play the role of the judge for the good of the community just because you had issues with someone or don’t agree with the things they roleplay. Talk things privately, be mature about it, hard-block the person and move on. I am also very aware that a lot of people have done things that can’t be excused, but I like to believe that people can change for the better. If you try to drag me into it, I'll hard block any and all people involved indefinitely.
A. They will be tagged as trigger tw, trigger / and trigger cw.
B. I do my best to stay up to date with my mutuals triggers. Your comfort is way more important to me than you might think, so never be hesitant to approach me via IM, (anonymous) ask or stop following me.
C. Triggers that are likely to appear, although some more than others: violence || blood || death || drugs || abuse || knives || body image || medical equipment || suggestive content || etc
D. I have no triggers, so you are free to go wild with your content. I only ask you remember to tag your nsfw (both written and visual), please.
A. Deuce won't like everyone. He might/will make wrong assumptions about your character. He will insult and bite back. He won't always be nice to those he likes. He does many things that serve his interests. You, as the mun, have no reason to take it personal, because I'm won't follow someone I don't like; if you DO take it personal however, and decide to rouse drama, then I'll be hard-blocking you. Goes for me as well —I have no reason to get angry for any of the things noted above.
B. My bonds page displays the relationships that have been built over time, not necessarily through interaction alone but over plotting as well. Refer to it for more information.
C. Interactions with OCs related to canon characters will only take place as long as said OCs have a detailed about page. Personally, I'm not interested in the idea of an OC being blood-related to my portrayal, so I apologize in advance.
D. Formatting isn’t a big thing across my blogs, save for the small text. Please don’t mix either sup/sub with small text when writing with me, as I have eyesight problems. Don’t use colored text either.
E. Non-romantic pre-established relationships are allowed! Just make sure to talk it out with me first, yeah?
01. Spade / Whitebeard pirates (canon and original characters alike that i am MUTUALS with) will have a pre-established relationship as long as the other mun is comfortable with such idea, though that relationship will be limited to merely crewmates, unless discussed otherwise.
F. You don’t need to match my writing length as long as I’m given enough to work with. If something about my reply bothers or doesn’t work with you, let me know and I’ll re-work it.
G. I really enjoy plotting scenarios or talking out about the relationships my muse could have with other muses, so hit me up if you’ve got any ideas! I’ll try to do the same!
H. Mun does not equal muse, so don’t go assuming I’m a jerk simply because Deuce is an asshole from time to time. I’m set on the idea that I’ll give people the same treatment they give me —which is always nice and kind. Kudos to everyone for this ♡
I. I don’t use a threadtracker because I rely on my memory (terrible mistake, I know), but I try to draft people’s replies as soon as I see them. If by any reason it seems like I lost it, then please let me know / send me a link with it and I’ll be deeply grateful.
J. I don’t do nor reply to greetings starters for matters of my own comfort, so I ask of you to never expect a starter or a reply from them.
A. Singleship, with the spot taken by daadzi, which means Deuce is no longer open for romantic relationships.
01. Under no circumstances, I will accept more romantic relationships once the spot is taken. That being said, I won’t discourage your muse from falling for / hitting on him, although I ask you to understand he will never respond with the same interest or will never react gently if he’s pushed too far.
02. If my shipping partner is comfortable enough, I'll interact with duplicates with the condition that the relationship is strictly platonic.
B. Constant interaction, mutual interest, and chemistry are a must for the sake of better communication (both ic and ooc, preferably).
C. Please do not approach me if you wish our characters to have either a: one night stand or friends with benefits type of relationships. It won’t work out due to the nature of Deuce’s personality, and for that I apologize.
E. My ship has its own tag so you're free to block it if you don't want to see it on your dashboard. In addition, I'll also tag those posts with only the ship name for this very purpose.
F. Please do not force ships on me.
A. First off, I am absolutely terrible at keeping up with dates, and to be frank, I am not the biggest fan of celebrating, which is why I think it’s necessary to say I won’t be partaking in any holidays, not even Deuce’s birthday (not that he has one, to begin with). Obviously I will still reply to any gifts received, and will send out things in return —you know, common courtesy.
B. I won't be sending out birthday gifts every year, and I might write drabbles for people once in a blue moon; it doesn’t mean they will be done for the specific date though, so please be patient.
A. Too much drama / call-outs / vague posts / sexual content.
B. Content makes me uncomfortable.
C. You are a personal blog without a visible rp sideblog. Please make sure it's easy to find.
D. You do not have a proper tag system.
E. Your blog doesn’t have a rules and about pages.
F. You lack the manners to deal with people respectfully.
G. I have no interest / lost interest.
H. I'm constantly / only used as a meme archive.
I. Other reasons may apply. I will soft block so we can both cease following each other and avoid any potential awkward situations. I won’t make a fuss if you decide to unfollow so I expect the same courtesy.
She is not a real person. Her concept as Deuce’s (toxic) pseudolover is my creation and was somewhat inspired from the real life Beatrice Portinari. Do have in mind that Deuce doesn’t talk about her so your muse can’t simply approach him and ask about her unless they can go through his memories / read his mind / any capability alike or he speaks about her, though it won't take a genius to figure out that she's a product of his imagination.
You can read about her by clicking here -link to be added.
She serves as a lie to shield himself from the internalized homophobia he deals with up until meeting Ace.
NOTE: As stated previously, Mun =/= muse, but I too have been dealing with compulsory heterosexuality for far too long, so I'd like to apologize in advance for projecting a bit of that into my portrayal. I'll work so that this part makes sense with what we've been given from Ace's novel.
A. I will never force people to follow me, so if by any reason you have to unfollow/block me, please go ahead. Your comfort matters and have every right to do what you must to ensure your wellbeing. With that said, I will not tolerate and will immediately hard block if you try to police my content.
B. I do not follow back immediately, and it can take me from a few hours to several days to follow back. Do not take it personally if I choose not to.
C. If I follow it’s because I am interested in interacting. I only ask you to be patient because it might take me a while to gather the courage to send something to your inbox or talk to you.
D. I have. ZERO knowledge about medicine. Don’t expect me to go full force and try to be 100% accurate, because I won’t.
E. I practice reblog karma (send a meme to someone if I’m rebloging it from them). If you see something you’d like to reblog but have no intention in sending something yourself, then please reblog from the source.
Thank you for taking the time to read this! As you might have noticed, there’s no password to send. Make sure to check the psa tag for any updates, or don’t hesitate to send an ask if there’s anything unclear! I do my best so as not to post too much OOC posts, but sometimes it just happens. If it's nothing important, then I'll erase it whenever I have the chance/remember.
Keanu Reeves vc: You’re all breathtaking!
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project-rebirth · 4 years
Greetings. To those of you who are just now finding this blog, welcome. And to those of you who have continued to follow me and this blog, welcome back.
So it is done. The original continuity that you have all been a part of or following has been discontinued. Touma used Reality Break to not only undo the damage caused by the Lostbelts, but to remake it anew starting at an earlier point in time before things went crazy in the following year. When we next see Touma  and company, it will be sometime after NT 14, which takes place about three years before the Lostbelts, and one year before the Genesis Order stuff. I will reiterate that after this point, it will truly be a new beginning and will thus be treated as a brand new story rather than a continuation, like other reboots have been treated.
I wanted to continue the story as it was and natrually reach its conclusion, but with recent events, I felt like I had to wipe the slate clean and distance my content from the in-universe influences of a mutual who is no longer part of the partnership. This does however provide an opportunity to introduce new story elements that was never really tackled before in the Kinoverse. I hope you await for whatis to come and enjoy it when it does come.
Unfortunately, this means that all threads have been discontinued as they are all part of the old continuity, but the first starter call will be posted after I make the changes to my blog for the transition.
Anyway, this marks the start of Toaru Majutsu no Index: Rebirth Testament, which is fitting considering this is going to be a story with the same cast, but with decidedly different elements that will set this world apart from the old one. If I had continued all the way into the lostbelts and saw its completion the weight behind the final drabble would not have been lost, especially since it is referencing events that hasn't happened yet. But it was done to serve a purpose and that was to give way to a new story.
And like I mentioned before, any ships that my muses have with your muses will not be altered or reset in any particular way, though the circumstances in which they are in would be different and the lore behind their meetings will differ from how it happened in the old continuity.
I give my thanks to the mutuals who have stuck with me for as long as they have despite the nonsense my head comes up with. Truly, I am grateful for your continued support.
It is time to close the pages of this book for now while praying that the pages of the net book will be opened.
And I lay my pen down for now.
Genesis Order may become incorporated in the new continuity in the future....
- Kino-san.
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May 26th, 1980. It’s a monumental year. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is celebrating it’s 990th anniversary, and all the stops have been pulled out for this special occasion. All of Hogsmeade is decked out, bringing in extra business as the village fills with Hogwarts alumni and excited families of the new graduates. Some of the shops put up little tallies of the houses of their employees, trying to see who holds the record for most Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, and Slytherins. Honeyduke’s is selling sweets shaped like the Hogwarts crest, the Three Broomsticks has drinks based on each of the Hogwarts houses, scarves, hats, and badges are all on sale to celebrate.
Up at the school, graduation is a spectacle like none they’ve ever seen before. Hogwarts has been opened to the public, for graduates and nostalgic alumni to come and wander through the halls once again. It’s not just families, but any and everyone. Curious graduates of other wizarding schools come as well, checking out what Hogwarts looked like and how it sized up to the other international schools. The Great Hall is filled with people, food, and drinks, the ceiling bright with sunshine. It’s a picture perfect day.
It’s not just family of the soon-to-be graduates that are there— even the siblings and families of professors are there. Alumni looking to reconnect with old mentors get the surprise of seeing the life behind the curtain, and who their professors are outside the walls of Hogwarts. It’s a humanizing and incredible experience, one that only brings everyone closer together.
Even the Minister is in attendance. It shouldn’t be a surprise to see him, but his presence stirs up a lot of whispers and talk. He’s been absent in the public eye for weeks, and no one was expecting to see him. But he and his wife are both there to attend the celebrations, and to witness the graduation of Anna Minchum, their daughter.
Graduation itself is a fairly mundane affair, but it comes with an exciting announcement for everyone. Jane Hallbridge, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for this past school year, has agreed to remain on for another year. The curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor seems to have finally broken, and the announcement is met with great excitement. Things are finally turning up, and everyone is eager for this new and encouraging development at the place so many of them called home for seven years.
When the celebrations are done, new graduates and alumni return once again to the school for celebration. Hogwarts is open for a full day, and this is the last chance for many to step foot in Hogwarts again. Nostalgia and happiness are running high, and the Great Hall is filled with the sound of laughter. Children of old graduates and younger siblings run through the halls, eager and squealing with laughter. It’s the brightest day people have had in a long time. It’s easier to go back to a time when things were simpler, even if it’s only for a moment, even if it’s only for a day.
The clouds in the sky start to darken, and the rumblings are initially mistaken for thunder. The first few drops of rain have many running inside. The entry hall and the Great Hall are flooded with people, but no one is worried, no one is bothered. They’re just happy to be out of the rain, and happy to be here. The whole castle seems to rumble with thunder again. But no one is worried. Why would they be worried? It’s just rain, it will pass.
A crack rings through the air, and pandemonium breaks out. The high ceilings of the Great Hall open wide, and the stone that’s held for nine-hundred and ninety years crumbles. People scream, running to avoid the falling debris and pushing each other to get out of the way. The whole castle seems to shake, and out in the entryway, the chandeliers hanging crash to the ground. It’s complete chaos, and desperate and scared people flee out into the rain. No one knows what’s happening, no one knows where their loved ones are. All they can see is the rain and the dust, hundreds of strangers jostling around them, screaming for their loved ones. For some, that’s the last time they see their friends. For others, the falling ceilings of the Great Hall are the last thing they see.
It’s not over when it’s all over. The rumbling and the chaos stops, but there’s work to be done, and lots of it. Aurors force people to get back as they begin digging through the debris for survivors. The horrors they witness are some of the worse they’ve ever seen. People jostling outside of the castle don’t even notice the rain, don’t even care. All that matters is that they find their loved ones again, know that they’re safe and alive. Mediwizards, healers, and DMLE employees all rush to get those who need serious medical care to St. Mungo’s.
It takes hours to clear the debris, and it’s well into May 27th when the official death toll is finally set at one hundred and seventy-nine. All things considered, the number is small for the amount of chaos the incident has brought. The number of injured far outweighs the number dead, and St. Mungo’s doesn’t have the room to take care of so many people. Wards not usually meant for injuries of the type are filled with victims of the incident, and even then, there are hallways lined with people waiting for medical attention. Volunteers, trainees, and healers are all on twenty-four hour work loads, trying to tend to everyone they can as quickly as they can.
But at Hogwarts, the damage has been done. One hundred seventy-nine dead. Students, alumni, graduates, and family members fill the numbers. Among them are Anna Minchum, Professor Jane Hallbridge, Hyperia Kelstock, the Divination professor, Robert McGonagall and his two sons, Joshua and Martin, and Basil Aldertree. The silence that falls on the wizarding world is deafening. There is no one to blame, there is no cause or side that takes responsibility for what happened. There’s nothing that can fix this. And there’s nothing to say. The school that was home to so many closes its doors. And no one is sure if they’ll ever open them again.
Under the cut you will find descriptions of where each character is and what they are doing before and during the incident. While no new threads may take place during the incident, you may write drabbles that do, and all starters take place after the incident. If you have any questions about this, feel free to message us, and we will be more than happy to help you out and clear things up for you!
Please include “riddle’s curse” in the title of all starters related to the event, and tag things related to this plot drop with the tag “ofc: riddle’s curse” so that others can find them.
The celebrations are really more of a front for spending time together, but wandering around the halls is a surprisingly nostalgic experience. CLAUDIA, GARRICK, and LAVINIA all head up to see the Ravenclaw Tower. ATTICUS and VIOLA look around before going to the dungeon to see the Slytherin dormitory again. CASSANDRA and SEVERUS sneak down to the Slytherin common room on a bit of a tribute trip to remember Regulus, while BARTY heads up to the Hogwarts library to explore. When the Great Hall begins to collapse, LAVINIA, CLAUDIA, and GARRICK are returning back downstairs. They get stuck on a moving staircase, and remain there for an hour before they can finally get back down again. They hurry to find their friends and family, and LAVINIA searches the crowds for her brother. VIOLA and ATTICUS are still in the dungeons when the Great Hall begins to collapse, and the falling debris shakes the ceiling of the Slytherin dormitory. Fearing that the ceiling is going to collapse, they run for the exit before they’re forced to stop by more rumbling. They hide until the rumbling stops, and hurry back upstairs to find LAVINIA. CASSANDRA and SEVERUS rush out of the Slytherin dormitory as soon as the collapse starts, and try to find BARTY. BARTY searches for his friends, and the three are reunited in the entryway. SEVERUS searches the crowds for any sign of Lily Potter, but he can’t find her, and leaves CASSANDRA and BARTY to go look for her.
It’s not the castle that holds the most appeal, it’s the grounds of Hogwarts. TED and ANDROMEDA head down to the Great Lake, to the spot where TED first proposed, and spend the afternoon there until the rain begins. They hurry up towards the school to escape the downpour, but the collapse makes them stop. When it’s over, they spend the next several hours amidst the rubble trying to find and help people. GALVIN, GLADYS, and BILIUS all head down to examine the Quidditch pitch. When the collapse begins, GLADYS insists that they hang back. Reluctantly, they remain by the Quidditch pitch until it’s over. They finally run back up to the castle, and remain there waiting for their friends.
Going back to Hogwarts isn’t something that holds that much interest for them. CATRINA and BELLATRIX both go together, mostly out of amusement, while RABASTAN and MARY both briefly enter the school for a look around. LUCIUS attends mainly in case he’s needed, and accompanies the Minister around for a little while before splitting off. MARY leaves soon after she arrives, and returns to St. Mungo’s. RABASTAN rejoins BELLATRIX and CATRINA, and the three of them are about to leave when the Great Hall begins to collapse. CATRINA rushes home, while RABASTAN and BELLATRIX both go to investigate what’s happened. BELLATRIX is knocked over by the fleeing crowds, and RABASTAN retrieves her before the two of them rush away from the chaos. LUCIUS is in the entryway talking to a few curious Durmstrang alumni when the collapse begins, and he is struck by one of the falling chandeliers as he tries to reach the door. LUCIUS is taken to St. Mungo’s to be treated for a concussion and a few broken bones.
Being back at Hogwarts brings with it fond memories of the best years spent within these halls, playing pranks and having fun. JAMES, REMUS, SIRIUS, PETER, and LILY all go up to the Gryffindor common room and look around, spending some time there before reluctantly heading back downstairs. SIRIUS cuts off from the group to say hello to Professor McGonagall, while the others continue to look around the castle. SIRIUS is in the Transfiguration classroom meeting McGonagall’s family when the Great Hall begins to collapse, and he runs to try and find the others. JAMES, LILY, PETER, and REMUS were waiting by the doors into the Great Hall for SIRIUS when the collapse starts, and they run to the stairs, where they are reunited with SIRIUS. The five of them run back upstairs, and remain in Gryffindor Tower until it’s all over before going to look for their friends.
It’s an exciting day for everyone. MARGOT, GWENOG, and MAFALDA are all at Hogwarts to celebrate with their siblings, and after graduation, all of them head to the Great Hall to celebrate. HESTIA and AMELIA both wander the halls, and AMELIA goes to say hello to Professor Flitwick while HESTIA heads up to the Ravenclaw Tower. When the Great Hall begins to collapse, GWENOG, MARGOT, and MAFALDA all try to grab their families and run. MARGOT is trapped in the rubble, and remains there for two hours before she is finally found and taken to St. Mungo’s for her injuries. GWENOG gets her family over to one of the walls, and they remain there until they are rescued and taken to St. Mungo’s. MAFALDA manages to get out of the Great Hall, where she finds AMELIA and the two of them search for their family members. HESTIA rushes back downstairs and spends the next few hours looking for her cousins until she is reunited with them.
JOHN and EDGAR are two of the unfortunate Aurors stuck on security detail for the Minister, and accompany him and his family throughout the celebrations. They are in the Great Hall when the ceiling starts to collapse, and they grab the Minister and his family and try and run for the exit. They don’t make it far before they are trapped by debris. JOHN’s leg gets trapped under a piece of rock, and EDGAR tries to pull him free without success. They remain there for six hours until they are found, and JOHN is rushed to St. Mungo’s for severe injuries while EDGAR remains with the Minister until other Aurors take over for him, after which he goes to St. Mungo’s to be treated for a concussion.
No one is especially thrilled about ALICE being at the castle, but she attends as a civilian rather than an on-duty Auror. ALASTOR is patrolling when she joins him, and the two of them are together when the ceiling collapses inside. ALASTOR demands to know where the Minister is, and panics when he finds out the Minister was inside the Great Hall, and orders ALICE to get people out onto the lawn and away from the castle while he runs inside. ALICE helps with crowd control, while ALASTOR helps with the search for survivors. They both remain at the castle through the night into the 27th. ALASTOR orders ALICE to go check on the injured Aurors, while he remains with the cleanup team to do what he can.
Being back at Hogwarts brings a mixture of emotions. STUBBY and his band are hired to play some music during the celebrations, and TILDEN helps them out with equipment and setup. BRONTE wanders around the castle, exploring long forgotten places idly, while DORCAS goes and says hello to all of her old professors. DORCAS is with Professor Sprout when the Great Hall begins to collapse, and the two of them run out into the entryway. DORCAS gets shoved by the panicked flood of people trying to get out of the way of the chaos, and falls. STUBBY and TILDEN are also in the entryway, abandoning packing up the rest of the equipment after STUBBY’s set and hiding instead. They see DORCAS and hurry out to get her, pulling her out of the stampede and back to their hiding place, where they remain until things settle down. TILDEN and DORCAS both hurry to St. Mungo’s to try and find their friends, while STUBBY looks for his bandmates at the castle. BRONTE was about to go say hello to one of her professors when the ceiling begins to collapse, and rushes out onto the lawn, where she waits to try and find her friends.
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nphofrph · 7 years
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NPHofRPH’s Sing-Along Glossary of Roleplay Terms
The quintessential dictionary for the new RPer, or the veteran RPer who wants to get caught up on all the new-fangled slang them young folks are using.
(Note: does not actually come with any particular melody, but feel free to make one up as you go and hum it.)
1x1: A roleplay between just two people, you and your partner.
2x2: A roleplay between four characters. Not sure why it’s referred to this way. I guess the characters are all supposed to have paired up by the end of it?
4x4: Wait, are we stilling pairing them up, or can this just be eight characters?
32x32: Apparently we just like dividing by two in this neck of the woods.
Activity Check: A time when the admins go through the characters of a roleplay and make sure that they’re all still posting and haven’t run away from home.
Admin: The manager or moderator of a roleplay group; the one who’s in charge of creating the roleplay and keeping it running.
Angst: Piling on the hurt - usually emotional, sometimes physical - for your character to endure. Really fun. You should try it. Be a malevolent god.
Anon Hate: A message someone sends anonymously detailing why they despise you and what they’ve done to your mother, or threatening you in some way. Honestly, it’s hard to be threatened by that little gray fella with the sunglasses, but okay.
Apartment RP: A roleplay in which all or most of the characters live in a single apartment building.
Application: A description of your character to submit in order to be considered to join a roleplay group. Like a job interview, but not as painful.
Appless RP: A roleplay where you don’t have to fill out an application. Just insert a couple of details about your character onto a little form and you’re in. Quality may vary.
Ask Meme: A post containing a list of questions for others to send to your character.
AU: Alternate universe. This is where the characters of the work are placed in a setting or scenario not present in canon. For example, characters who are superheroes in their canon work meeting as ordinary high school students instead.
Backstory: The events of a character’s life that occurred before the beginning of the roleplay. Doesn’t have to be tragic. Is usually tragic.
Bandom RP: A roleplay in which the characters are in a band. It’s a pun, see. A portmanteau of “band” and “fandom”, I think. I’m assuming. I mean, I’m not a roleplay etymologist or anything.
Bio RP: A roleplay in which a detailed description of the character’s background and personality is required in the application.
Blogroll: A page which displays all the blogs that a user is following.
BroTP: Like an OTP (see below), except for best buddies instead of romantic partners.
Bubble Roleplaying: Roleplaying with only a select few characters or members in a group RP setting and ignoring the others.
Canon: The stuff that the original writer of a work made. For an RP group, this consists of the plot, additional info, and any characters made by the admins intended to be a part of the overall story. For other works, it’s simply everything that occurs in the work.
CBR: Could be related. Two faceclaims who could play biological family members.
Celebrity RP: A roleplay in which you play actual celebrities as characters. These exist for some reason.
Charrie: Short for character. Not to be confused with Carrie, a Stephen King novel in which a girl gets a bit power-crazy with her telekinesis.
City RP: A roleplay in which the plot takes place in a single city as its primary or only setting. Like a town RP, but the buildings are taller.
Closed Starter: A starter made for a particular blog to reply to. Sure, you can still reply to it if it wasn’t intended for you, but it’ll just lead to secondhand embarrassment for all involved.
Contained Theme: A theme that is frightened. It tries to hide from predators by curling up and making itself smaller.
Crackship: A relationship between two characters whose pairing seems unlikely or absurd.
Crackship Gifs: Gifs of two characters edited together so that it appears the characters are interacting with each other.
Crossover: A work consisting of elements from two or more works or fandoms.
Cross-tagging: Tagging a post with related things that are not actually in the post. For example, tagging a picture of Wonder Woman with ‘#superman’. Don’t do this. It’s all of the annoying.
CW: Content Warning. Same as trigger warning. See below.
Defiantly: Definitely, but misspelled.
DM: Dungeon Master. The person who is in charge of - wait, hang on, wrong type of roleplay. Sorry about that. Move along.
Drabble: Technically it’s a story of exactly 100 words, but it’s more used to just refer to a very short standalone piece about a character or characters in a particular single scenario.
Dry Docking: The opposite of shipping. When two characters who are a couple in canon are either broken up or were never together in the first place in your fan work or RP.
Event: In a roleplay group, an occurrence in the story in which all characters can participate. Also can be several days in which the verse is altered, such as a Future Week or other AU.
Exclusive: In a fandom-related independent RP, when the mun will RP with only one version of a particular character. For example, an indie RP playing Hermione Granger only interacts with a single indie Ron Weasley blog, and others who play Ron must go elsewhere.
FxF: A romantic pairing between two female characters, usually in 1x1 roleplay.
Face-chaser: Someone who pursues a roleplay or ship with a character based on their faceclaim instead of their characterization or the writing.
Faceclaim/FC: A real-life person used to represent what a roleplay character looks like.
Faceless Gifs/Images: Gifs or images that can be used in roleplaying regardless of the character’s faceclaim, since a person’s face is not visible or present in the gif or image.
Female Ban: An element in some works of dystopian fiction wherein the government or other higher power attempts to suppress a population by eliminating females and thus making it hard to procreate... Hang on, no, I’ve just been informed that it’s when an RP doesn’t allow any more female characters to be added to the group. Presumably, male bans exist too, but I think that’s just an urban legend.
First Look: A type of review based on a quick glance over the roleplay and what first impressions the reviewer gleaned from it.
Floating Timeline: A concept in roleplay that suggests that events in threads that are being written at a particular time do not necessarily take place in that time in-story. So, if a character has multiple ongoing threads, they are not actually in multiple places at once.
Fluff: Scenes that do not involve any significant obstacle and instead are intended to give the characters time to just have fun and be cute together.
Gif Chat: A type of roleplay thread in which each post is accompanied by a gif to illustrate the character.
Gif Hunt: Collection of gifs gathered from throughout tumblr or from various sources.
Gif Icons: Collection of gifs that are 100x100 pixels in size. Sometimes people make them 90x90 or 75x75 for what I can only assume are unsavory purposes. Don’t let your guard down around those things.
Gif Pack: Collection of gifs in which  all of the gifs are made by the person posting the pack, and usually are all from the same source (the same movie, TV episode, etc.)
Godmodding: Collectively refers to powerplaying, metagaming, or both. See below.
Gore: Explicit and/or graphic violence and blood. A challenge to see how many synonyms for “red” you know.
Gossip Blog: A blog affiliated with a roleplay group that talks about and passes judgment on the characters. Sometimes can be fun, if managed well, but often creates all species of drama.
Headcanon: Something that an individual or fandom believes to be true about a story or character, even though it is not shown to be the case in the canon work.
Hiatus: Taking a break from roleplaying due to real life occurrences taking priority. As if anything could be more important than finishing those replies, pfft! The nerve.
IC: In-character. The actions, thoughts, and posts of the character; the stuff that occurs in the roleplay proper.
Icons: Also called static icons, a 100x100 image of the character or faceclaim used to illustrate the character in lieu of gifs.
I’m sorry, what did you say?: An extremely vague starter. For some reason, people keep making this starter, despite it annoying and frustrating people. Like an Alvin and the Chipmunks film.
Independent RP/Indie RP: A roleplay blog or character not associated with any particular established RP group.
IRL: In real life. Don’t worry, you won’t have to use this one often. Nothing ever happens in real life.
Kik: Something that I recently learned is not a dating site, as I had thought. This is all I know.
KRP: A roleplay that uses K-Pop artists as faceclaims exclusively or nearly exclusively. This community has some terminology of its own that I don’t know, but most of it’s similar to the rest of the RPC.
Label: A brief descriptor or trope used to describe a character in an application. Some examples are The Scholar, The Heartbreaker, The Intrepid Reporter, The Lizard Tamer, etc.
Literate RP: An RP that is highly writing-focused and requires longer posts and replies than other roleplays. Despite the misleading name, it is not actually saying that other roleplays are illiterate.
LSRP: Legit Serious Roleplay. Same as Literate RP. Yes, this acronym is ridiculous, just roll with it.
MxM: A romantic pairing between two male characters, usually in 1x1 roleplay.
Magic Anon/M!A: A post for which you invite others to make your character take on a certain trait or action for a select period of time.
Main: In a group, the blog that contains all of the information and updates for the roleplay. Home base, basically.
Manip: A graphic edit of two faceclaims in which they are photoshopped to look like they’re in a picture together.
Mary Sue: A character whose unreasonable ease or difficulty in overcoming obstacles, forming relationships, and/or gaining accolades runs contrary to the intent of the writer and makes it difficult for the reader to get invested in the story or character arc. Also, apparently, a term used to refer to any female character you don’t like.
Mature RP: A roleplay that may contain dark or adult themes, and thus doesn’t allow players under the age of 18. Seriously, if you’re under 18, don’t lie about your age. That’s a dick move.
Meme: A post that features small prompts that others can send in to begin a thread. Elsewhere on the internet, this term refers to drawings of sad frogs.
Metagaming: Letting your character have in-character knowledge that they shouldn’t logically possess, just because the mun has it.
Mod: Another term for admin. We could never settle on one term for them. It’s like the couch vs. sofa dilemma.
Moodboard: A collection of images or gifs used to sum up a character’s personality.
Multifandom: Similar to Crossover, although usually used to refer to a work with elements from three or more works or fandoms.
Multi-Storyline/Multiverse: In independent roleplay, when the character exists in more than one universe at once, such that threads with a character do not impact the events of threads with a different character.
Mumu: Multi-muse. In which a single blog is used to play more than one character.
Mun: The writer/roleplayer. The person who’s controlling the character. You. This is you. Use this power wisely.
Muse: The character that you roleplay. Also, a Greek goddess who presided over the arts, although this definition is usually irrelevant in roleplay.
Musing: Posts that represent the character’s personality, history, or thoughts in someway, such as aesthetic photos, songs, or philosophical rants.
Mutuals: Blogs on tumblr that are both following each other.
MW: Most wanted. A character or faceclaim that admins or members in a group would really like someone to play.
NoTP: When some people think that two characters would make a good couple, and you would like to stab those people with a fork for being so stupid.
Novella: Very long format for roleplaying, in which responses should contain several paragraphs of writing. Don’t worry, you don’t actually have to write a novella; a reply shorter than 20,000 words is still acceptable.
NPC: Non-playable character. A character who is present in the roleplay’s universe, but is not played by any one particular writer.
NPH of RPH: That’s me!
NSFW: Not safe for work. Nudity, sex, graphic violence. Basically, the stuff that you absolutely don’t want to come across while browsing at the public library.
OC: Original character. A character you make that is not part of the canon or not pre-written for the RP group.
One-liner:  Roleplay consisting of only a single line or a few short lines. Sometimes referred to as “action roleplay” wherein actions are interspersed with speech. For example: “*Enters the room and throws confetti into the air.* I have arrived!”
OOC: Out of character. Can be used to denote that the writer is currently speaking or posting as themselves, rather than as a character, or be used to point out that a character does not act that way in canon, what are you doing, goddamnit.
Open Character: A pre-made character in a group who is currently not being played by any member of the group.
Open Starter: A starter that any character is allowed to reply to.
Original RP: A roleplay in which the plot and characters come from the admins’ and players’ creations rather than another source.
OTP: One true pairing. The ship that you love more than all the other ships. Except that most people have at least twelve OTPs, so...
OT3: One true threesome. Like an OTP, except there are three people.
Para: Relatively longer posts, consisting of full-bodied paragraphs or multiple paragraphs.
Playby: Another word for Faceclaim. Used more outside of Tumblr. See the couch vs. sofa debate.
Plot Bunny: A story that you would like to play out or see others play out through roleplay.
Plot Drop: A significant detail or event of the overarching story in a group RP that causes some change to the lives of the characters.
Powerplaying: Controlling another player’s character without their permission.
Private: In indie RP, a blog that only interacts with mutuals.
Promo: A post used to advertise a roleplay group or account.
PSD: Photoshop Data file. A type of file that’s designed to be edited on Photoshop or other image editing programs. It comes with the image separated into layers, so that different parts of the image, such as a background, a border, or text, can be edited separately.
Revamped: Extreme Makeover, Roleplay Edition.
RP: Roleplay.
RPA: Roleplay Advice. Like roleplay help, except, I dunno, maybe fewer resources, more questions answered? This one’s falling into disuse a bit. Oh, also Roleplay Assistant.
RPC: Roleplay Community. The group of us weirdos here who roleplay instead of just posting funny text posts and photographs of flowers like normal people. Alternatively, Roleplay Critic, a blog that reviews roleplays.
RPCHA: Um, Roleplay Critic/Helper/Advice. Seems a little over the top, but all right.
RPCW: Roleplay Critic Writer, I guess? I think. Same as roleplay critic. Think it’s used to differentiate from Roleplay Community.
RPG: Roleplay group. A group. That roleplays. Also can mean roleplaying game, or rocket-propelled grenade.
RPH: Roleplay Help. A blog that offers resources and answers questions to help people with roleplaying.
RPO: Roleplay Opinions. A blog that reviews roleplays. It doesn’t count as RPO if you just have opinions; you need to share them with the class.
RPT: Roleplay Talk. A blog that talks about roleplays and the roleplay community.
RPWCTOHA: This doesn’t stand for anything yet, but it’s only a matter of time.
Sample Para: A few paragraphs of your writing you include as an example as your work when you apply for a roleplay group. Do not just copy and paste a passage from Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado.” The admins will probably notice.
Secrets RP: A roleplay in which every character has a secret. These secrets are all listed together on a page in the RP, but it’s not revealed which character has which secret; that’s up to the other characters to figure out on their own through interactions.
Selective: For independent RP, when the mun does not roleplay indiscriminately with every blog or character that offers, but rather picks and chooses partners based on personal preference or certain criteria. 
Self-insert: A character who is a fictionalized version of the mun/author, with little to no change from their actual self. If they die in the game, they die in real life.
Self-para: When your character wanders away from the group for a bit to engage in their own sidequest or navel-gazing. Good times.
Semi-appless RP: A roleplay that sits on an ever-sliding scale, requiring more detail in an application than an appless RP, but less than a bio RP.
Semi-hiatus: Like a hiatus, except that you might still show up to the blog on occasion and do a little bit of activity. When your real life is busy, but you’re just that determined to roleplay.
Semi-selective: For independent RP, a blog that’s not quite as selective as a selective blog, but still maintains the right to refuse service to customers should they so choose.
Semi-truck: A truck that’s not as much truck as a regular truck.
Shipping: Holding up hand-puppet versions of two characters and forcing them to make out.
Shoutout: A brief advertisement for a roleplay group (or occasionally other blogs) that can be submitted to the ask box of a help blog.
Skeleton RP: A roleplay in which some details are given for the roles being offered by the group, but the applicant fills in the rest, usually writing the body of the character bio. Alternatively, a roleplay in which every character is literally a skeleton.
Smut: Sex. Doing the do. The horizontal tango. Bumping uglies. Woohooing. Written out in all of its gory detail. Not worth going to jail for, so for the love of all that is holy, don’t do it if you’re under 18.
Starboarding: Shipping a one-sided ship. When you want one character to be in love with another, but don’t necessarily want the feelings to be returned. The most relatable type of ship, honestly. More people should RP it.
Starter: The first post in a thread, one that is used to kick off a scene in roleplaying. Usually, especially in a group, anyone is allowed to reply and start a thread from that point.
Starter Call: A post that people like or reblog in order to request a starter from the person who posted it.
Supernatural RP: A roleplay consisting of paranormal elements such as magical creatures, witchcraft, etc. Not a roleplay about the TV show Supernatural, although I guess such a roleplay would use this tag too. This is a problem the showrunners should have foreseen.
Taken Character: A character in a roleplay group who is currently being played by a group member.
Task: In a group, a (usually optional) prompt or project that can be used for character development.
Thread: The series of posts and replies to said post that make up a scene between characters in a roleplay.
Time Skip: Usually indicated by a line break, this is when a thread moves from one scene to another without covering the time in between.
Town RP: A roleplay in which the plot takes place in a single town as its primary or only setting. Like a city RP, but the buildings are shorter.
Trigger: Something that makes a user anxious, panicky, or otherwise very upset when they see it on their dashboard without warning. Tag these. No, I don’t care if it doesn’t fit your tagging aesthetic, just tag them.
Tumblr: You are here.
TW: Trigger Warning. Used in a tag to indicate that the post contains content that may be a trigger. Please format as “#[trigger] tw”. Not “#tw: [trigger]”, and definitely not “#☾-*.:。-❝✿~~ tw ~~✿&&♛”.
Twitter RP: A roleplay that uses Twitter as its primary platform. Don’t ask me how. I can’t even figure out how to use Twitter for its intended purpose.
Urban RP: A roleplay focused primarily on PoC (person of color) characters in a city setting. Often uses musicians such as hip-hop or rap artists as faceclaims.
UTP: Up to player. An acronym used in skeletons to indicated that part of the bio can be chosen by the applicant.
Verse: Short for universe. A character’s world or timeline.
WID: What I do. A list or page on a help blog that lists what services the blog offers.
X-kit: A browser extension that’s popular within the RPC. It works to make tumblr usable again every time the staff creates a new bug and calls it a feature.
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amidst-the-storm · 5 years
Mass AU Starter List
You can find explanations to all of the AUs here. If you reblog this, mention which AU you’re pulling from, if you want it to be in a new thread, msg me, moving on. The Soulmate Dimension is not included because that world is only open to ships with chemistry, and must be plotted ahead of time.
Extra Warning: Some of these control other characters, so if your character/muse is mentioned in a given drabble, we can IM about it and change the scenario, or you can take them over after the starter’s ‘completion’. I apologize to anyone I annoy.
Tempest placed a small necklace down on the counter, doling out about ten rings to the cashier. They nodded, smiled, and gave the woman her necklace. Tempest left, hearing a ‘have a good day, kid!’ following behind her. She just barely bit back a low groan of annoyance. It didn’t matter how many years passed, being called a child when you’re physically twenty is grating. Being mentally about thirty-nine and hearing that?... Yeah, it’s just thoroughly old by then.
Tempest growled, clutching her head as the grass swirled beneath her. Stars and galaxies burned like fire behind her eyes, bones flapping to keep her afloat. She could feel the very essence of her soul that was poured into the invisible ligaments between each bone, creating her horrid wings. Tempest gathered all of her power, feeling Mephiles advance within the battlefield of their brain. She pushed with all her might, falling to the ground with a limp THUD. Thank goodness for her crystalline skin... But that landing still hurt... Her wings flicked weakly.
“... I hate... You- oh, you’re just saying that, dear...- Get... Out...- Not until I have what I want~..-...Screw off, Mephs…”
Digital Escape Dimension- (DED)
“Everyone always speaks of what it would be like to be a god, controller of reality..” A few million games were tossed to the left. Her visitor was due any minute, but Tempest could barely bring herself to care. Visitors had been scarce. Who in their right mind would want to meet the woman who lay comatose on a lab table, plugged into an endless game system? “... But really, it’s heaven and hell all at once.” She pulled forth a game, looking over its title. The world loaded around her as Tempest touched her feet down on the shore. A new outfit coated her without a moment’s hesitation as she turned to her right.
Subnautica’s alien base lay before her, barren and waiting.
“... The only thing that makes it better is when others visit... But how often is that, truly? Once in a year? A decade?... Never?....” Tempest trailed off as she began walking. Curse Mephiles, curse his poison, curse her body for falling to it... One day, if Tails plugged in, she’d thank him for giving her this escape.. Then she’d cry. When was the last time she’d been visited?... Who knew... Time was immeasurable in the digital landscape.
Royalty Dimension- (RD)
Tempest held her sword at her side, facing the king of another nation. Another negotiation, another day.
“You do not dress like most princesses, princess Lock.” The woman grit her teeth, facing the man who was easily a hulking giant.
“... You’d do your best not to cross me, nor my kingdom, King Eggman.”
Rockstar Dimension- (RSD)
“Ohmygosh, Toxin is performing tonight!” A fangirl squealed, ripping a poster off of its post. Tempest easily hid a sigh as she took a sip of her energy drink. Of course, fans would be fans. Didn’t mean she wouldn’t try to get away from them, all the time. On the bright side, no one recognized her without her signature smoky purple sunglasses and glittering t-shirt. Dressed in a plain tank top and pants, she looked like anyone else...
“I NEED THE ALBUM!” A boy yelled from nearby. Tempest found herself rolling her eyes. The album would be released that night, yes.. She’d get a few more in millions, but gosh.. Hearing it always annoyed her. Everyone only loved her for the fame, for the money. To them, she was a ticket to the highlife. It made her hate them all... Save the particular few who even knew who she was... Which was her private staff. No one else, not even her parents.
Deities Dimension- (DD)
The star swirled with energy as Tempest brought it inwards on itself, collapsing all it had been into nothingness. The black hole created sucked up planets and fellow stars alike, destroying a countless set of useless tries. Tempest despised being so small, so unworthy like the major deities.. But she did love her black holes... And caring for those who prayed for her aid.
It was not often she found one worthy of her aid.. But when she did, they found themselves within the realm of fortune and peace, whenever she approved it. But her wrath... It left nothing, not the smallest iota, that one had been good. Praying to her was often a misery, for many found themselves attacked by misfortune and pains that would never relax... Not until they showed a purer heart than their initial soul.
Tempest sighed. It had been generations since anyone prayed to her.. Being a minor deity (and so fickle), she had few followers who cared for her. Her temples all fell to ruin, but she couldn’t blame her charges. She truly was a small speck against the other deities- so powerful and majestic, less fickle than she... But, such was eternity.
Hope you had fun reading them all- and I hope you enjoy if you choose to interact with any of my crazy children. Love ya’ll, have a good remainder of your waking hours!
0 notes
bertievi · 7 years
Post War
1945-1952 The war is over, Albert is an elder King and while there is still plenty happening within the Empire and indeed politically he is a much more carefree man, knowing he has earned the respect of his subjects. Though it is a quieter part of his life in compariosn to the war years, he is rather unwell from 1947 onwards. Interacting with him at certain points will have certain ailments hovering around in the narritive. This verse is open to all.  
1939-1945 Albert as King is commander and chief of the British armed forces and while he and his wife visit bombsites, hospitals, training camps, air fields, naval bases and army camps, Albert is still very aware of what is happening on the continent. He is very mistrusting of people who could gain from betraying him and he is worried for his country. However it is in this time where Albert has become most dutiful, that he cares so much about the morale of his people and always aknowledges the sacrifices that they are making. He gets most upset about signing documents that he knows will be sending people to their deaths for the sake of gaining such little territory from Germany.
I am willing for Albert to discuss actual events in the war with your muse, if they are in a position for him to talk about them. If this at all makes you uncofortable actual war events are tagged as 'war2' any other thread that is based in this timed verse are tagged 'wartime'.
The King's Speech
1934-1939 Albert deals with the death of his father, the news that his brother intends to marry Wallis and that the crown could very likely pass to him. This is a verse which I have looked over in a little too much detail and boy! Albert was difficult in this time period. Though he is dutiful and understands that the monarchy has to change to survive, he is very, very upset and even scared of becoming King because he himself does not believe he is fit for the role.
There is plenty to explore in this verse as it covers the troubles and worries over David, Albert's time with Louge and his speech therapy. There's his becoming king, the preperation for his corronation and indeed the looming war. He's much less open about his opinions and is so, so prone to huge temper tantrums.
Duke of York
1918-1934 After finishing his duties in the Great War, he continues to serve as a wing commander and later group captain in the RAF. Before long though Albert returns to the Palace and takes up more duties as Prince, his tradition ruled life is considerably boring to him after his naval and air force career and he is near constantly seeking excuses to leave the confines of Buckingham Palace.
Later in this verse, he meets and eventually marries Elizabeth and becomes a father. He settles down into his role and through some persuasion from his wife, he begins to seek professional help for his stammer. Very much the quieter prince, Albert gets to take something of a back step from royal life though he works hard to maintain charities, workplaces and both hosts and teaches at a boys camp that brings the classes together.
He is happiest in the middle of this verse where he has an active role without having to have the limelight, leaving that to his elder brother and father. Albert is very much the family man in this verse. By the end, his nerves begin to show around his brother's ambitions.
The Great War
1914-1918 Albert climbs the naval ranks on HMS Collingwood, seeing war in the Battle of Juttland eventually becoming Lieutenant 'Johnson' while in the Navy, Albert is a carefree, strong headed and quick thinking leader. His confidence is so evident that his stammer is barely present while aboard Collingwood and he is a little too up for mischief and games. Nearing the end of this verse, Albert falls very ill and has to be removed from the ship and later the navy altogether, which he remains very bitter about.
Determined to continue serving and fighting, Albert's naval rank is given equal position in the newly established RAF where he serves as Captain and trains new pilots with a seemingly strict hand, though in asking him of his methods and decisions, one might be surprised at his answers. Albert has a full piloting license and is fully qualified to fly a plane, though he is meant to be forbidden from flying solo, he does tend to vanish with a plane every now and again without asking.
Albert will always consider himself a naval man and is part of the foundations of the discipline expected within the RAF. Depending on where your muse interacts with him, he may be their equal or their superior depending on your own muse too.
A Prince of Wales
1895-1914 in his youth, Albert was a considerable handful, standing up to things he did not agree with, arguing and throwing huge tantrums. His stammer was at its worse in his younger years but it didn't stop him from misbehaving. He is very likely to try and pull a prank on your muse or even get them involved in one once he trusts them enough.
It requires a great deal of patience for whomever is talking to him, Albert may not talk at all to your muse if his shyness gets the better of him. This verse covers a fair bit with regards to his upbringing and while this verse is Albert at his most free, it may also hold considerable triggers that you will be warned of if a thread draws close to them, after all, Albert didn't always stammer.
My own starters or suggestions for this verse will have come from the biographers of Bertie himself or his brother the Duke of Windsor.
SS-GB Divergent
Historical AU
SS-GB is the 'what if' Nazis had succeeded in the invasion of Britain. Albert has sent his family away and went peacefully with his arrest into the Tower of London. The longer he is there, the more bitter he becomes. Various drabble posts will show how and why but threads may be triggering. A spin off verse is Albert at his worst in SSGB2 which is open to those willing to discuss it.
Albert will never stop fighting the Nazis, those who visit him will be met with some snark or hostility and if given the chance, he is very likely to attack your muse if they get too close. He draws on his military training in this verse and while he's not a master, underestimating him may end up harming your muse- though I will warn you of course! This verse is open to all but we must plot.
But why the flippity-flop is he still alive in this verse? Click here.
Historical AU
Britain has fallen, occupied by perhaps their greatest enemy. With some considerable reluctance and very little choice, King George had to flee with his family. But the storm was following on behind him and he knew it, a War on the Atlantic verse is available to explore what happened in that retreat and is open to all. Arriving in the USA, Convincing Garner and then Bricker was a mammoth task and Albert was simply ill prepared. When the bomb dropped, the King looked to the resistance but when they were quashed, he seemingly vanished with them in 1947.
As the years passed King George became just ‘Arthur’ to protect himself and his family. However, his dutiful outlook never ceased, his people were still suffering, those he had sworn to protect were still in danger and by the old constitution, it was still his job to set things right again especially at the fall of his Government. ‘Arthur’ kept his eye out for any opportunity, any potential to turn the tides once more and it was not until he was an old man did the smallest of whispers come within earshot, a small trace of something new and the glimmer of hope returned did he start to take tentative action once more.
But why the flippity-flop is he still alive in this verse? Click here.
Sudden Ascension
WWI AU History
1916+ Albert having fought in Jutland is informed on their trip back to shore that his father and elder brother have both perished in an ambush on the Western Front and that now, he is King and Emperor of the British Empire in the middle of the greatest war the world had ever seen. His adjustment from soldier to King means a great deal of work but so much is open to alteration within this verse as Albert learns how to rule at barely 21. He's unmarried, head of the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha family, ruler of 458million people and commander and chief of the forces of the Empire.
Wizarding AU
The Ministry is a part of Government
The Royal Family has known about the wizarding world for generations. Though they don't need to actually be consulted about most things beyond their control, anything significant including the appointment of a new Minister of Magic, someone needs to inform them. This is a selective verse given that not any witch or wizard will be allowed to pop into the palace when they want. I'd like to think that there are charms in place to protect against apparitions and the floo network is not connected to any of the Windsor homes. This verse can fall in any part of the timeline.
Torchwood included
Sci-fi is fine with me, so long as there is some respect for the nature of the royal family, aka, no, they are not aliens etc. After the events of Tooth and Claw with the establishment of Torchwood during Queen Victoria's reign, the information of the department and subsequent findings or events is reported in 'the red box'. The family is aware of the Doctor and the nature of the relationship of the Time Lord and Earth but unless otherwise discussed Albert/King George VI won't know the Doctor's face(s). Prince Albert can't offer much more than his father would allow, but as King George, so long as there is no reason for him to feel threatened (especially after the War), he would be most welcoming to the Time Lord and his companions. Any stage of his life is available in this verse. Though I will maintain some level of selectivity on plot suggestions..
0 notes
Tumblr media
The time for laying low has finally reached its end. Houses of the elite have been searched, families as old as magic itself have been subjected to scrutiny and doubt by the magical community, and enough is finally enough. The call to arms is a welcome one, and is quickly answered by the Dark Lord’s soldiers.
The shadows have been their refuge long enough. The message that was given at the radio station has had long enough to sink in, and it’s time for it to be strengthened. The orders are given, the troops are organized, and the target is decided upon by Voldemort before he dismisses his Death Eaters to wreak havoc on the place that connects the magical to the tainted–
The Leaky Cauldron. The gateway of life passing from muggle to magical London, the epicenter of socialization in Diagon Alley. It is a place of refuge, of communication, of magical community. It is the first piece of magic that muggleborns get to see before their lives are forever changed. And on a whistling September evening, it is packed with the late night rush and its usual patrons, those staying in the inn above and those dining and talking down below. Signs hang on the doors and behind the bar, reading in proud letters, “THIS ESTABLISHMENT HAS A ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY FOR DISCRIMINATION BASED ON BLOOD STATUS,” as if those could keep the ill-feelings surrounding the establishment from entering. As if that made it safe.
The clock strikes eight, and the jovial peace of the building is shattered with the doors of the Leaky Cauldron blasted open.
Death Eaters swarm into the room, quick and decisive. The room is enveloped in chaos as fights break out in every corner. Full of drink and food, civilian resistance is not as strong as it should be, and those still in top fighting shape are outnumbered by Death Eaters three-to-one. Tables and chairs are smashed, spells fly overhead, bones are broken. Blood dots the floorboards. Everyone is fighting for their lives and waiting for the silence of defeat to fall at the same time.
                                     “We surrender! Stop, stop, we surrender!”
Tom, the owner of the inn, is the one to finally call a truce, if such a word could ever be used. He ushers for others to follow suit; the peace is slow to pass through the crowd, but when it does, it’s condemning.
Silence finally does fall, with several injured and the occupants of the Leaky Cauldron lined up against the wall with wands pointed at their heads.
The end feels closer than anyone could have ever feared it to be. People reach out, gingerly taking each others hands. Whispers of encouragement flit through the lineup. What else is there to be done, except meet the end with dignity? Bloodied and injured, some barely able to stand, they join together.
                                                          “Quickly, let’s get this done.”
                                        “The Ministry could be here any minute now.”
                       “Light it up and let’s get out of here.”
Orders are quietly and hastily given; time is precious, and Ministry officials could be arriving soon to put an early end to the Death Eaters’ plans. But the Dark Lord’s instructions were clear, and by the time the Ministry arrives, there should be nothing left of the Leaky Cauldron but smoke, ash, and bones.
                                      “Do it.”
                                                                        “Everybody get down!”
The hostages press themselves against the wall at the whispered order from one of their own. Tom, the owner, so silent in everything else, repeats his order until those against the walls are down on their knees. There is a moment of confusion that presses down on the room to the point of suffocation.
Before anyone can move, there is a scream at the door, followed by the sound of a body hitting against the wood.
                                                        “ BOMBARDA! ”
The doors of the Leaky Cauldron fly off their hinges. It only takes one look at the Ministry officials streaming in through the doorway to know one simple thing:
The Death Eaters have been set up.
What was a near-victory swiftly turns to complete chaos once again. Death Eaters scramble to make it past the Ministry reinforcements and out of the building, but the stream of Aurors and Hitwizards seems unending, and the only other way to go is through the crowd of people they’d nearly killed moments before. Out is not an option, so the only way to go seems to be up.
There is a great rush for the stairs as those Death Eaters close enough scramble to make an exit. Many of them sprint up the stairs on the heels of those who had tried to escape the fighting, led by Tom to the upstairs inn section of the Leaky Cauldron. But the Death Eaters are no longer intent on causing destruction around them– this is a race for their lives, and things are not looking good for them.
There’s no choice but to spread out and try to find a better way out than trying to fight through the swarm of Ministry officials. Windows are broken, smashed, frantically jumped through by desperate Death Eaters; anything to get them out before they’re caught. Those numbers that had once overwhelmed the occupants of the Leaky Cauldron now seem like a measly few, rats in a sinking ship desperately attempting to find their way to freedom. Occupants of the rooms upstairs, and those who fled to escape the fighting, put up a strong resistance, delaying some of their enemies until others can reach them. It is a mess of disarray, a blatant and stinging defeat for the Death Eaters.
It’s nearly one in the morning when the madness finally settles. The Leaky Cauldron is in complete shambles, not a piece of furniture or a window in the building left untouched by the fighting. Nineteen Death Eaters are arrested, twelve dead, and many more injured in the fighting, barely escaped and hiding in what few places of safety they have. It’s not safe to go home. Around the city, Ministry workers lead more raids on pureblood houses, searching for those who fled. Six more are arrested during the night, and by the time morning finally comes, those arrested are long gone to Azkaban.
There will be no trials. There will be no hearings, and no appeals. Minister Goodwin holds a press conference in the morning, and stands in front of hundreds who have gathered to hear him speak. His speech is only twenty-five words long:
                                        "This is a community unified.
                                         This is a community unbroken.
                                This is a community that has had enough.
                             No more. No longer. Together, we overcome.”
Under the cut you will find descriptions of where each character is and what they are doing during the attack. While no threads may take place during the attack on September 23rd, you may write drabbles that do, and all starters take place after the attack, on September 24th. If you have any questions about this, feel free to message us, and we will be more than happy to help you out and clear things up for you!
Please include “Through the Looking Glass” in the title of all starters related to the plot drop, and tag things related to this plot drop with the tag “ofc: through the looking glass” so that others can find them.
Individuals at the leaky cauldron for group therapy : EDGAR BONES, BENJY FENWICK, TILDEN TOOTS, ALICE LONGBOTTOM
When the fighting breaks out for the second time, people are quick to dart into action. EDGAR BONES, ALICE LONGBOTTOM, and BENJY FENWICK work on getting people out of the way of the fighting, and protecting them as they flee. Fellow former hostages are ushered upstairs to hide in rooms, or into the side rooms of the pub to get out of the way of those who are fighting. TILDEN TOOTS, LORCAN D’EATH, ARIANNE DELACOUR, and DAISY HOOKUM are hurried upstairs by BENJY. LORCAN and DAISY are injured as they run, but ARIANNE and TILDEN help them upstairs, and the four of them hide in a room on the second floor until BENJY comes to get them when the fighting is over. GALVIN GUDGEON, LAVINIA ROWLE, and GLADYS GUDGEON are hurried into a side room by GWENOG JONES, who leaves to aid FABIAN PREWETT dueling against a couple of Death Eaters. Both GWENOG and FABIAN are injured in the fighting, and retreat to back up HESTIA JONES as she struggles in a duel. The three of them help PETER PETTIGREW get PANDORA ALDRIDGE and MAFALDA HOPKIRK across the chaotic room. PETER is injured, and PANDORA helps GWENOG get him into one of the side rooms. OSIP ORLOV grabs MIROSLAV ORLOV and MAGDA ILIESCU as soon as the fighting breaks out, and gets them safely upstairs. OSIP guards the room until he is injured by a fleeing Death Eater, and MAGDA and MIROSLAV pull him back into the room, where they remain with him until the fighting is over.
FABIAN, GWENOG, HESTIA, PETER, LORCAN, OSIP, and DAISY are all taken to St. Mungo’s by mediwizards when the fighting ends to have their injuries treated. MAGDA and MIROSLAV refuse to leave OSIP’s side while he is in the hospital, and remain with him as he is taken to St. Mungo’s. ALICE and EDGAR aid in the raids going on all over London once they regroup with the Ministry officials present, and afterwards go to St. Mungo’s to be treated for injuries. BENJY and TILDEN reunite with PANDORA, MAFALDA, and ARIANNE, and go to St. Mungo’s to be treated for minor injuries and to remain with their friends. GALVIN, LAVINIA, and GLADYS go to St. Mungo’s in search of their friends and family, and to be treated for minor injuries.
An anonymous tip comes into the Ministry less than an hour before the attack begins. Emergency task forces are prepared, and a few Ministry officials in the pub are notified of a possible attack, but told to keep the information to themselves and act as if everything is normal until word is sent to tell them otherwise. A team of Aurors and Hitwizards is handpicked by ALASTOR MOODY to go to the Leaky Cauldron if the signal is sent; public opinion of the DMLE is already low, and leading a raid on the pub for nothing would do no good to help that. This needs to be a victory, not more ammunition for the media and the public to use against the already struggling department. Tom the innkeeper is the one that sends in the signal, and the emergency task party is sent into action. ODELLA BLACKBURN and FRANK LONGBOTTOM clear the way for the others by taking out the Death Eaters guarding the front doors, and the rest of the group enters into the Leaky Cauldron. A fight quickly ensues, and the Ministry group unite with the others to box the Death Eaters into the barroom, keeping them from going upstairs to the inn. MARLENE MCKINNON is ordered to try and get as many civilians away from the fighting as possible, and is lightly injured during a duel with a Death Eater trying to escape past her. FRANK is also injured in a duel, and when the fighting finally ends, he is taken to St. Mungo’s Hospital for treatment. JOHN and ALASTOR take the arrested Death Eaters to Azkaban before JOHN is taken to St. Mungo’s for treatment for his injuries. ALASTOR and ODELLA spend the rest of the night in raiding parties, and arrest several more Death Eaters before the night is over.
Word is sent by Alastor Moody to several Order members to get to the Leaky Cauldron as soon as possible and keep Death Eaters from escaping the pub through the exit to Muggle London. Those who get the message are quick to answer the call, and when they arrive, there is a terrible moment of silence before the fighting breaks out. The group splits up-- CHARITY BURBAGE, REMUS LUPIN, and CARADOC DEARBORN cover one side of the street while JAMES POTTER, SIRIUS BLACK, and LILY EVANS cover the other. The Death Eaters seeking an easy out through the door leading to muggle London are greeted with an unpleasant surprise when they discover their way blocked by members of the Order, and are forced back inside as the groups push them off of the street. JAMES and CARADOC are both injured in the fighting, and are taken to St. Mungo’s for treatment for their injuries.
A for once quiet night at St. Mungo’s Hospital doesn’t stay that way for long. VERA PORSKOFF and MARGOT ABBOTT are both working evening volunteer shifts when the call comes in, that people are being brought in from an attack at the Leaky Cauldron. Both girls quickly aid the healers and mediwizards at work while searching for their friends in the crowds of people brought in. NARCISSA MALFOY, at the hospital for a healer’s appointment, returns to Malfoy Manor to find it being raided by Ministry officials. She waits until the officials leave and begins piecing the trashed manor back together. AMELIA BONES, at the hospital for a healer’s meeting as well, quickly searches for friends and family members in the hospital. VIOLA ROWLE, in the hospital for a check-up after the birth of her son, leaves her baby in the care of her house elf while she helps with the injured being brought in by other mediwizards.
It is impossible to ignore the chaos happening in the Leaky Cauldron from the streets of Diagon Alley. Those wandering the streets doing some late night shopping or on their way home after a day of work hear the screams and the fighting at the pub and panic. BILIUS WEASLEY and MOLLY WEASLEY, on their way to pick up dinner from the pub, hastily retreat, sending word to the Ministry and their respective brothers to come home immediately before they disapparate back to the Burrow to wait things out. ADAMMA ZABINI and APOLLINE BONACIEUX take shelter in Madam Malkin’s shop when they hear the fighting, and wait out the fighting until they are told it is safe to return home. ADAMMA returns to Zabini Manor to find it being raided for Death Eaters, as does MAXIN MCKINNON when he quickly heads home upon hearing what is going on. ANDROMEDA TONKS hurries away from the pub, having left only moments before the fighting broke out, and runs to the Ministry to report the attack before hurrying to St. Mungo’s to try and aid the injured coming in. GARRICK OLLIVANDER and DAE BAK both hurry home. DAE is approached by Death Eaters looking for a place to hide, and admits them into her home, where they hide until it is safe to return home. GARRICK leaves the workshop unlocked and goes to St. Mungo’s in search of friends and family injured in the attack.
Few are close enough to the stairs to use them as an exit, but ALECTO CARROW and WALDEN MACNAIR make a break for it when the Ministry officials start flooding in. They make it to the second floor of the building and escape out of a window. VINCENT CRABBE is injured as he attempts to flee through the kitchens of the pub with a few other Death Eaters, and is the only one to make it to the street out of the group of five as the others are caught up in the fighting. VINCENT runs into ALECTO and WALDEN as they are fleeing along the street, and joins them. The three of them manage to sneak through back alleys to Knockturn Alley, and are granted sanctuary in Mr. Mulpepper’s Apothecary by the owner, Orestes Mulpepper, who hides them in the attic of his shop until morning. VINCENT is patched up by Orestes Mulpepper in the morning once the threat of a raid has passed.
Escape is not easy for all, and for the elite of Voldemort’s soldiers, defeat is hard to accept. ATTICUS ROWLE and BELLATRIX LESTRANGE both fight until defeat is inevitable, and fight their way to the second floor of the building, where they escape through a window. It is not safe to return home, and the two grudgingly make their way to Cobb and Webb’s shop in Knockturn Alley. The owner, Beatrice Morain, grants them sanctuary, and conceals them in the storage room of the shop until morning. BRONTE MACNAIR injures herself breaking through a window as she flees, and is found by RABASTAN LESTRANGE as he escapes the building through the kitchen exit on the first floor. The two of them hurry to Cobb and Webb’s, and join BELLATRIX and ATTICUS in the storage room in the basement of the shop. The four of them wait until morning, and return to find their family homes trashed by raids led the previous night.
Hiding in plain sight is sometimes the best option. REGULUS BLACK escapes with LUCIUS MALFOY and BARTY CROUCH JR. through a window on the third floor, and abandoning their cloaks and masks, conceal their injuries and attempt to blend into the crowds in Diagon Alley. BARTY and REGULUS, per LUCIUS’ orders, wait in Flourish and Blott’s, while LUCIUS returns to the street in search of others. He finds RAISA DELORIA and ANEIRIN NOTT, injured after having dueled their way to the third floor of the building and barely escaped, and hides them in the workshop of Ollivander’s Wand Shop. LUCIUS disapparates and searches for his wife, while BARTY and REGULUS eventually give up waiting as instructed and leave the bookshop in search of their friends, dodging Ministry patrols as they search for stragglers. RAISA and ANEIRIN wait in the back of the Ollivanders’ workshop until morning, before they sneak out to try and find someone to tend to their injuries without raising suspicion.
Those farthest from safety are the ones that struggle the most to escape. ANTONIN DOLOHOV and ADOLPHIS YAXLEY blast their way through the fighting, trying to find an exit they can reach, but to no avail. SEVERUS SNAPE is the one that finally manages to get them out, and the three of them conceal themselves in one of the rooms on the second floor until they can manage to sneak up to the roof. SEVERUS is severely wounded during the escape, and ANTONIN and ADOLPHIS leave him behind as they flee across the rooves of Diagon Alley to finally seek shelter in the back room of Borgin and Burke’s. SEVERUS waits on the roof until CASSANDRA BLACK, having also been injured as she’d fled to the roof, finds him. The two of them hurry from roof to roof, and make it to Borgin and Burke’s, where they are reunited with ADOLPHIS and ANTONIN. The four of them wait out the night in Borgin and Burke’s, and part ways in the morning to find their friends and family.
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