#so jot that the fuck down
faeriekit · 2 years
Pardon me for being obliquely weird when I answer asks without actually referring to the statements delivered to me, btw-- I'm in my last legs of school and essay writing is deeply affecting how I respond to questions and statements
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lobsterfork · 8 months
hey not to be that guy, but for everyone looking at the Stede!Mermaid scene at the end of the Innkeeper and thinking it's cringe... do we think maybe there's some externalised shame here? as queer fans, our love, enthusiasm, skill and labour (fanfiction, fanart, etc.) has mostly been relegated to the shadows, despite it being the backbone of many shows/fandoms. to have that love & labour visually represented in an unabashed, unashamed, silly, CANONICAL and queer way? to have the very stories we devote our time to crafting for one another manifested on the screen in an unapologetically gay visual feast? that should be a fucking celebration.
it's okay. lean in with me. let's practice some radical self-love and healing in this chillis tonight. together. this is a love letter to us. lean in.
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frost-faerie · 8 months
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shiftythrifting · 4 months
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I really don't know what to make of this.
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separatist-apologist · 10 months
Eris wanted Nesta because she was the most powerful person in that room, full stop, end of sentence. She was hot, too, and he's not blind, but Nesta could have been in a garbage bag and her sisters in the most beautiful dresses the world had ever seen and he still would have wanted only her.
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scrapnick · 9 months
The fact this is the same man during the same month of recording is insane to me. This is a 38 year old man and his 74 year old father to me
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gingerteaonthetardis · 8 months
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The X-Files | S11E09 Nothing Lasts Forever
And therefore, I speak to Him through you.
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naamahdarling · 3 days
I fucked so much, so good, this weekend that I can literally barely walk. My ankles are stiff, my shins are clicking with every step, and my upper back hurts. My right shoulder and wrist ache, my grip is weak, and one finger (not even one that saw any action) inexplicably is painful to bend to the left and keeps seizing up. My left foot hurts, which isn't surprising considering I broke it a couple months ago, but the right foot and ankle hurt too. I don't know why. My problematically over-tight pelvic floor currently has the structural integrity of an unbaked tear-apart pretzel and the back of my bladder is sore. I feel like a dollar-store Barbie left outside for six years and now the fragile plastic of my hip joints is going to shatter the instant I try to spread my legs.
We went for several hours and when we surfaced I saw this text from my best friend:
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Boyfriend is doing better than me, fortunately, because I am demolished.
What I'm getting at is we are two middle-aged trans-masc queers who have not physically transitioned beyond T. Please don't let ANYONE tell you that having a bio-penis you can penetrate with is required to pleasure someone.
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helenprins · 10 months
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Robert Redford as Joseph 'Joe' Turner in THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR (1975) dir. Sydney Pollack
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casualavocados · 15 days
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"All the atoms that were them, they've gone into the air and the wind and the trees and the earth and all the living things. They'll never vanish. They're just part of everything."
HIS DARK MATERIALS • The Amber Spyglass — 3.05 / Chapter 23: No Way Out — 3.06 / Chapter 26: The Abyss
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meanferalbutch · 2 years
The fact that some of you, even and especially other lgbt folks, will literally treat gnc people like we’re some sort of thing to marvel and gawk at.
I spent over a decade presenting gc and the minute I started dressing masculine I was the weirdo to look at and point out as Different. Straight people are obviously going to stare and ask if I’m a boy or a girl or say me things like “are you a they” but do you really truly think it’s any different when I’m meeting a group of lgbt people and they literally only ask me my pronouns? Do you think I don’t notice when you forcibly they/them me (someone who doesn’t even prefer those pronouns!) and she/her my feminine presenting wife who ACTUALLY uses they/them?
It’s like you guys never got past the stage of “oh trans people look different than us normals” but instead of being a normal bigot about it youre applying a fake progressive ideal and making me feel worse in the fucking long run! I have heard compliments like “omg I can’t figure out if my attraction to you is gay or straight wow so hot 🥵” as if that truly makes a binary trans person or cis gnc person feel better. I have friends who try as hard as they possibly can to pass and they still get they/them even after correcting someone. Do you really not think that itself is a form of misgendering?
It’s just painfully obvious some of you still see the world in terms of male, female, and other. Forcibly fitting every person you see as fucking weird looking into a third “non-binary enigma” gender in your brain is not helping you or the others around you.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 1 month
1) Calling people bigots just for not liking your ship, even if it's canon, has never and will never make those people more likely to ship it.
2) If you want more shippers, you need to come up with more reasons to like your ship than "it's diverse!!!"
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a small character study (in honor of the marriage kefta photo)
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mod2amaryllis · 16 days
mod have you played bg3? if not you would love halsin..... what with all this bear talk 😂
have i played bg3
have i played bg3
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kausparty · 1 year
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chikemuri no ishikawa goemon but make it a 70s pulp action movie 💥
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chrispineofficial · 11 months
the one thing expensive skincare companies absolutely do NOT want you to know is that we are all subject to the same three factors, which are genetics, gravity, and the sun; we only have some control over one of those things, and all that’s necessary to exert that control is some sunblock.
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