#so maybe another url change is in order?
spacedykez · 1 year
violence? WOOO!! lifesteal.
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so, you heard about a silly little server called lifesteal. maybe u wanna try watching it. well what if i told u that we here at lifestealblr have put together a helpful guide to help you succumb to the poisons start watching the server?? join us we are very normal
so! lifesteal! first, a summary. lifesteal is a server where when u die, you lose a heart off your permanent health bar. when you kill another player you gain a heart. heres a list to sum it up:
dying loses you a heart
killing someone else gains you a heart
losing all your hearts = dead and gone from the series, unless youre revived
you can revive dead players through gay sex crafting a special item
you can withdraw hearts from your healthbar and give them to other players
still have questions? heres a better explanation. ok moving on
lifesteal smp has FOUR seperate seasons so far!! the players are the same, give or take a few people. so, where to start?
first, you don't need to watch the seasons in order. you don't need to know anything about previous seasons to watch lifesteal. start with whatever season you want!! that being said, i'd advise starting on season three or season four (the current season) as they are the most popular.
anyways, if you want to just start watching: here is the link to the playlist containing every lifesteal video on youtube, seasons 1-4 here is the link to the playlist containing every season 3 lifesteal video here is the link to the playlist containing every season 4 lifesteal video
[thank you to @a4g and @aroaceacacia for creating and maintaining the lifesteal s1-4 & lifesteal s3 and the lifesteal s4 playlists, respectively]
if you'd like to start out slow, pick one lifestealer and start watching them!! honestly, the best way to get into it is just to find a guy (or ten) that you like watching and watch their videos!
a note- i am tagging the user who created each propaganda post so that if people change their urls, you will still be able to find the post. theyre definitely NOT the lifestealers themselves lol. also, some of these are not finished! however this has been sitting in my drafts for six months and i need to post it for my own mental health
i should make this a google docs actually. might do that sometime if i get motivation. but anyways, without further ado:
looking for redstone? mrcube (@tater-noodle)
want to feed the adhd? no rlly if u want adhd fuel watch ashswag (@cherubium)*
ever wanted to see capitalist technoblade? reddoons (@bearandhoney-com)
do you want a new cringefail streamer? itzsubz (@rendogdomesticated)
what about a paranoid escape master? rekrap (@vanivanvanilla)
loyalty and storylines to get invested in? leowook (@totallynotrico)
everyone's favorite special little guy? planetlord (@getwoold)
want gay people or pranks? then go watch branzy (@pacificseaotter)
the server's best PVPer? clownpierce [NEEDED] (NOT TAKEN)
1/3 of a whole idiot on a permanent YouTube grind? baconwaffles (@aroaceacacia)
local bird man done with everyone's shit? parrot (@getwoold)
the local funky hand guy? roshambo (@techno-in-a-boat)
background character incarnate? poafa (@simply-scrolling)
the special little guy who can and will kill you? spepticle (@cogmented)
quirky smiley guy who'll kill you? princezam (@vanivanvanilla)
incomprehensible violence! mapicc! (@cogmented)
sillay liddol guy? Creechur™️? pangi [NEEDED] (NOT TAKEN)
DRAGON GUYY!!! vortexdragon. (@vanivanvanilla)
lifesteal's local polar bear? woogie (@tater-noodle)
stuborrn, endearing guy who likes a challenge? jaron (@aroaceacacia)
cringefail foxboy streamer? vitalasy (@rendogdomesticated)
the walking pride flag guy? spoke (@a4g)
"annoying little brother" but endearing? mcclutch!! (@simply-scrolling)
chaotic rascal who loves doing events? midmystic!! (@xxswagcorexx)
awesome visuals and serious storylines? terrain!! (@cherubium)
*my girlfriend's favorite lifestealer and approved by multiple friends of mine with adhd. i really do recommend him just in general.
also, please do go check out the blog of everyone who helped me with this, they're all amazing!!!
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sam-loves-seb · 7 months
weely tag wednesday
thanks for the tags @energievie @metalheadmickey @deedala !
which character from any media would you like to have as a father? jed bartlet (the west wing)
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have? probably just a cat tbh i'm not a big animal person (i think they're neat, i just don't really have the desire to own any of them)
what is your Chinese takeout order? pork fried rice and chicken fingers
what's your favourite emoji? this one: ✨
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house? a home theater. a library would be sick but i read mostly ebooks so i think a theater would get more use out of me.
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly? Spongebob Squarepants. me and my sister used to watch this every single night with our dad when we were little, but if we wanted to stay up and watch it we had to be all ready for bed by the time it came on
what was your tumblr like when you first joined? it was a lot of reblogs of aesthetic photographs because it was 2012 and i was 14. not long after that tho it turned into a sebastian stan fan blog which is how i got my url, and over time that slowly morphed into the multi fandom madness you see today
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself? god i don't know, my closet is a little bit of everything because i always wanna try a new style when i see it. i honestly don't think i have an answer for this one, i really do love fashion and my style is constantly changing
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best? i have no idea. acotar maybe? solely because i've read those books so many times? yeah i guess i'll go with that
what is your favourite piece of art? café terrace at night
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like? i have a light blue wide mouth nalgene water bottle that is covered in stickers and has two friendship bracelets dangling from the cap strap. it's giving major camp counselor vibes.
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave? look, if i go on a quiet hunt for fics tagged aftercare every now and then, that is between me and god so shut the fuck up about it
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it? nope. i don't have an office bag bc i wfh and on the weekends i absolutely despise carrying a purse. i have one of those phone cases with card slots on the back and it holds everything i could possibly need.
if you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be? sexually i think it'd have to be lip, but if i could platonically ship him with someone i think i'd pick fiona. idk i just think they'd get along better than anyone would think.
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did? friends to lovers kinda snuck up on me in my adulthood. i used to be very against it as a teen, but now that i'm grown and have actually seen the trope done well in fics and in media, it's one of my favorite tropes of all time.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian? yes 100% absolutely and anyone who says otherwise is lying. (did we all see noel's s11 body? we saw the abs right? mans was ripped in the last season even tho the writers like, never showed it, and it is my personal mission to avenge this wrongdoing) i'm kidding about the lying part but yeah, he absolutely can still carry s11 ian, being able to lift his husband is the only reason he still goes to the gym
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house? debbie. i think carl wanted it, but he already has a gun so he gave it to debbie instead.
tagging: @suchagallabitch @gallawitchxx @callivich @michellemisfit @iansw0rld and anyone else who wants to play !
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CFWC Writer of the Month: liaromancewriter
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @liaromancewriter ! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
Quick Links: 
Tumblr blog: liaromancewriter Tumblr Masterlist Maxenna Masterlist
Tumblr Blog: 
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? 
Lia or Mal. Both are my nicknames in real life, depending on who’s calling, so I respond to either.
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
I first downloaded Choices in August 2020 after being bombarded with its ads on another game. I figured I'll try it and see what it was about. My average track record for mobile games is 2-3 months, and then I get bored and delete the app. That didn't happen here because I quickly realized it's not a game but a library of fiction books in all genres. Two and a half years later, I'm still here reading Choices.
The first book I played (read?) was The Royal Romance. I believe it pre-loaded when I opened the app the first time. I fell in love with the Prince (who I named Aiden as it's my favorite boy name) from the first moment. To this day, I think the first two TRR books are the most romantic stories on Choices. 
Incidentally, I started playing Open Heart at the same time, but mostly to earn diamonds for TRR since medical stories weren’t really my thing (that’s changed now obviously). But Ethan Ramsey was equally irresistible and I had a hard time saving my diamonds when romancing the two.
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I didn't know there was something called a Choices fandom, so it's very happenstance. Unofficially, I joined in November 2020 as a silent reader and didn't have a Tumblr account. Officially, I created my Tumblr account on December 7 and started becoming more active in January 2021. 
I had just finished Open Heart: Second Year and then Platinum (for the fourth time), and was feeling adrift. I was obsessed with Raleigh Carrera and googled him out of curiosity to see what might be out there. I came across fics posted on AO3 and then Tumblr. 
Then, I googled Ethan Ramsey as I was missing OH and just wanted to get lost in that world again. I came across a plethora of fanfics, mostly on Tumblr. I originally started reading them on my mobile browser and still have masterlist pages bookmarked (in order) on Safari for @lem-20 (the first OH writer I read and followed because her pfp match my book sprite), @jamespotterthefirst and @starrystarrytrouble. 
I didn't know fanfiction was a thing, so I was a bit baffled by all of it initially. The more I read, the more I loved the interpretations others were bringing to the story. I was also generally impressed by writers unafraid to write and post their work for the world to read, and that inspired me to want to publish my original stories online.   
3- How did you pick your url name? 
My original intent with Tumblr was to publish my original romantic fiction novel, Happy Ever After. And, maybe in the future write and post more original romance short stories as an exercise to rediscover my fiction voice. 
When I was creating the account, I blanked on what to call it. In a burst of "just pick a username already", I named my blog liaromancewriter to represent my nickname (Lia) and the type of stories I would be posting (romance). 
By the way, my desired account name initially was hopelessromantic, but it was taken. When I was setting up the blog headline and description, I decided to go with The Hopeful Romantic because the phrasing best embodied my perspective of soulmates and happy ever afters.
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
My first Choices fandom post was a reblog game response on January 11. All posts on my blog before that were chapters of Happy Ever After.
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I published my first ever fanfic, First Impressions, on February 15, 2021. So, about 22 months.
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
I only write for Open Heart, so I would say it remains my favorite as I keep coming up with stories for this extended universe I’ve created for my pairings.
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
The first fic I submitted to CFWC was Me Before You on April 5, 2021. I think I’d only heard about this blog in March of that year and didn’t know that anyone could submit. 
It’s very much an introspective piece, showing Ethan’s inner thoughts, and Cassie's too. I love writing descriptive stories about what people are thinking and feeling. It’s when my writing is the strongest.
I still like that story. Having said that, the middle of this fic drags a little, so I’d probably want to tighten that up. I also hadn't fully developed my headcanon for their relationship yet. Anyone who reads my work knows that it's like a TV series where everything is connected, and the plot continues along a specific timeline, even if one-shots are posted at different times of the year. 
So the timeline inside the story doesn't quite sync up perfectly with the rest, but I've learnt to let it go....somewhat. 😂
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Can I pick two? I’m picking two, one for each of my pairings. At this stage, they’re both equal OTPs anyway.
Ethan & Cassie: Come Undone
Max & Sienna: Unforgettable
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but could use a little more love?
I know that notes aren't everything since there are many silent readers out there. But it's the only metric Tumblr allows writers to use. So, this answer is solely based on that.
It’s not a fic, but a series. The original Maxenna series, Then There Was You, was incredibly popular both in terms of notes and comments and in attracting new readers despite the fact that I wrote it after the series had already ended, and it was a side character (Sienna) and an OC (Max). I’m forever grateful because it’s an original story in every sense of the word, with some nods/references to canon. Despite the fact that it’s Sienna, she’s an OC, too, since we don’t know too much about her in canon.
For the second part of this question, I thought Seeing Red would have been more popular. It's angsty, and has Ethan’s relationship with Louise, Cassie and Ethan fighting (somewhat). So, it was surprising it didn't get as many notes. But then, I also wrote it in 2022, and the fandom isn't what it used to be. So that could be one reason.
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Fluff...absolutely 100% fluff. Anyone who knows me for five seconds knows that I'm all about finding and keeping your soulmate. Real life is hard, the fictional world doesn't have to be.
I grew up reading fairytales and love Hallmark movies. When I discovered romance books in uni, I fell in love with the journey of two people falling in love and finding their happy ever after. I also enjoy writing about relationships; while there are angsty moments in those, it's the resolution of finding your way to the light that makes me happy. Happy Endings Guaranteed is my motto. 
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
I bring parts of myself to all my characters. In real life, I'm more like Ethan and Max; the professional and personal elements in their personalities are based on me and my experiences. 
Cassie's ambition and determination to prove herself are pure me. That's why even in canon, I never gave a thought to why a Junior Fellow was qualified to head the Diagnostics Team. I was running my own department by the time I was 30. It's all about seizing opportunities even if you don't think you're ready. You learn on the job and eventually make it your own.
One other observation is that I’m a champion researcher and accuracy is important to me. So, when I write I bring that accuracy and plausability to all scenarios. My Google history will attest to that. 😝
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
I struggle with writing common, every day body gestures without repeating myself. I can visualize the scene in my head like someone wrapping their arms around the other or framing their lover’s face between their hands. But I don’t always know how to write it well or at least have more diversity in the words/expressions that I use. 
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
No. I don't do WIPs. Sometimes I'm not happy with a fic, so I'll write the first draft but not publish it for a while. I'll do/write other things and then come back to start editing the fic until it works. Candy Thieves and Postcard Memories are two good examples of that.
I do have a document with about 20+ possible story ideas, but some of those are random thoughts that might or might not have a story in them.
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
Absolutely! I mostly share my Wattpad account with them rather than Tumblr as the former can be easier to navigate for novice readers. But my close friends have my Tumblr blog link. 
I always ask them to read Happy Ever After (original work) first since it’s mine and doesn’t require knowledge of canon. But for fanfiction, I tell people to start at the top of my masterlist and work their way down. This way, they’ll get to meet my characters from the beginning and go on the journey with them, even if they’ve never read canon. 
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
I’m mostly influenced by published authors with Nora Roberts, Jayne Ann Krentz and Julie Garwood leading the pack. I love how Nora does scene setting and descriptions, and shows relationships between people (romantic and platonic); my approach to storytelling is largely influenced by her. 
Jayne Ann Krentz does a great job of writing spunky heroines who aren’t afraid to take chances, no matter if it’s a modern setting, paranormal or historical. While Julie Garwood’s novels are fluffy with wonderfully memorable characters especially the LI. Aiden Madison remains my perfect guy to this day and I wish he was real. 🥰
I do want to give a shoutout to @jamespotterthefirst whose edits and text fics showed me that there’s another interesting way to tell a story than writing prose. I live in hope she will finish her First Year Pictagram series (hint, hint, Bree 😉)
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
Maxenna’s original series would make a great Hallmark movie/series. As a student of Hallmark’s formula, I think it has all the elements including a slow burn, delayed first kiss, love declaration closer to the end, swoonworthy proposal and wedding, and of course family.
17- Do you write original stories? 
Absolutely, but maybe not as much recently (unless you count Maxenna). I’ve already talked about Happy Ever After here. I have 2 other completed manuscripts that I hope to do something with one day.
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I don’t have a ton of free time, so what I do have is reserved for reading books (my first love). Other than that, I watch a lot of cooking shows on Food Network. At the end of a long and busy day, there’s something very soothing about watching other people cook/work. 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
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edenpoise · 2 months
tagged by: @hellsbroadcaster. <3
tagging: honestly anyone to sees this !!
alias / name:  Lee
birthday: September 10th
zodiac sign: Virgo
height: 5'3 ( short gang! )
hobbies: art, roleplaying, writing, finding new plushies to buy, occasional mobile games, maybe other games, rediscovering old interests like fnaf and star wars
favorite color: yellow! i like shades of blue and pink as well!
favorite book: the demonata series, I don't have a favorite book but a favorite series!
last song:  Labyrinth by Talyor Swift ( I usually listen to so many songs but this was the most recent ! )
last film / show: star wars the clone wars, season 1! ( captain rex is where its at! )
inspiration: When it comes to inspiration for Eve, honestly I just read various works from other creators in series I enjoy! I usually use a mixture of wholesome and motherly characters vs the badshit crazy ones. I usually don't need a lot of inspiration from other characters in order to depict what I want to show, but when I have a starting point, I can usually find characters that I can relate to Eve or other characters I have played before! I haven't been roleplaying Eve long enough to really have any thoughts of who I can inspire her after as of yet! I usually use songs and music to help me figure out moods!
story behind url: honestly I'm pretty simple and easy when it comes to urls, sometimes it takes me two changes to really find one that fits. But I tend to use ideas in which can relate or inspire the muse, eden of course from the garden of eden, and poise simply because it means to have composure and other such feats I take into account for her character!
fun fact about me: i just graduated from university with an animation degree! i spend my time working on animations, artwork, and building up money and a portfolio! another fun fact is that I actually started roleplaying many years ago, probably around six years ago?? at least five years, and then I left for a portion of those years due to school, work, among not having the inspiration to return. coming back, lot has changed but I'm so happy to see friends I made a long time ago are still around.
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nientedal · 1 year
I just saw ANOTHER post lamenting this change, so I'm just gonna say "fuck it" and make a how to do the thing post, and if I'm misunderstanding the outrage... lol, this is tumblr, I'm sure someone will tell me.
Currently, if you want to go to a post in the middle of a reblog thread, you have to click the empty space in what I call the reblog header. The reblog header is the space that holds a user's name and reblog details, and on desktop, it turns a different color when you move your cursor over it. It's this space:
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It doesn't change colors on mobile, obviously, because no cursor, but I think tapping is a little more intuitive on mobile anyway and afaik this particular thing has been this way here for a while now...? Whatever. Anyway, that's how you get to a mid-thread reblog!
(I actually do kinda like this new setup. It's not perfect, it can be annoying if someone's URL is long or if I accidentally click "Follow" instead of the header space. But overall, the space to click into a prior reblog is bigger now and I like that. I don't think I'll have to worry as much about mouse precision or drowsy coordination issues, which is nice. Maybe I'll be able to use the desktop version more.)
However, this means that in order to see "prev tags," you apparently have to click into the notes view and scroll until you find them. That's annoying for those who want to see them, and I can't blame anyone for being irritated. If you're new here you may be surprised to learn "prev tags" is fairly recent, so my recommendation (if you're looking for an alternative) is to put the actual tags from the user you're reblogging from, instead. This was normal prior to the "prev tags" trend if you wanted to share tags without screenshotting them, and it seems like tumblr has made it super easy now. The mobile app now automatically suggests the previous tags, and on desktop, they show up in a dropdown when you click to tag your post. Personally, I like to put "<-borrowing your tags bc funny" or "<-stole your tags for truth" or something right after, so I don't feel like I'm taking credit for someone else's phrasing. But either way, it's handy for your followers to be able to read the tags you liked without having to click to a different blog.
I'm hoping this particular change will be seen as useful after the rocky adjustment period is over.
All this being said, I personally like these particular changes, but I wish Tumblr would not roll out changes as rapidly as they seem to be recently. Either change everything at the same time or give it a rest, holy shlamoly! I stopped using Facebook because it seemed like every time I opened it, something was different, and it became jarring and uncomfortable to try to use. I'm starting to have a similar feeling about tumblr, and I don't like it.
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quickdeaths · 4 months
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
I have a few, so in no real particular order
Dropping threads/not replying to starters without saying anything. I try to be communicative about things when I can (although I'm sure I don't always succeed) and I'm happy to make changes, or move things in a particular direction, do a timeskip, location change, whatever if the need is there. What I can't do anything about, though, is when someone drops a thread with me or sees a starter I wrote for them and decides not to respond without saying anything to me.
It puts me in a state of like "are they gonna reply? should I send them a message or would that be bothering them? if I send in a meme or like their starter call, will they be annoyed because we already have something and they're just working on it? I understand that not every thread can continue for 40+ replies, and not every starter is a 10/10 out the gate, but I can't know what's up if people won't tell me.
Blatantly ignoring easily-available information (especially for ship purposes). This doesn't happen too much anymore, but it used to happen with some frequency, where people who I barely knew, or hadn't written with much, would pitch me on things that contradicted some of the most basic things on my muses' pages. There's a lot to read and everyone makes mistakes on things sometimes, that's not really an issue, but, for example, on some of my other blogs there was a small pattern of people trying to pitch m/f ships for my lesbian characters, when my character's sexuality was like the third line from the top on my page.
Way too much OOC content. People can run their blogs as they like, and it's not my right to tell people what they can and can't do, however, something that personally drives me a little crazy is when I see a new RP blog that will make upwards of like ten posts a day that are aesthetic posts, OOC life updates, shipping calls, memes, and other miscellaneous posts, while answering IC memes or writing threads maybe extremely infrequently. I remember on another blog following someone, and at the point where I softblocked them, they were making three or four posts a day, without fail, and yet I had to go back over two months to find IC content. It's just not really compatible with how I like to handle my experience.
Blog hopping. I understand that there are valid reasons to archive or delete a blog and remake it, but occasionally I have seen people go through like a blog every month or two, or go from having a single-muse blog, to putting their character on their multi, to making a new single-muse, to remaking the multi and putting them there again, to putting them on a single-muse again, etc. etc. The explanation that I often hear is that people want a clean slate, or things got too crazy, they want to get away from some problem, or something like that, but then they will keep the same URL, the same aesthetics, re-follow all the same partners, keep the same ships, etc.
The analogy that I use is like, if you have bedbugs, moving to a new apartment but bringing the old frame, mattress, and bedding is not going to help you. Sooner or later you're going to have the same problems again. For me, as well, it's a struggle to keep up with past threads or interactions, conversations that might have been had in IMs, etc. if they're spread out across lots of different blogs. It's just not really an impulse I understand, and I find it disruptive, especially when consistently paired with dropping all threads and wanting to start new threads with the same characters.
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
So here's the thing. The URLs of the bots I'm getting are now more and more terrifyingly fandom-looking. Some of them even have profiles, likes and even reblogs (seemingly focused on Stranger Things posts), all done within one day. I cannot stress enough how BAD this is.
How do I know they are bots? Well, for one, they all have the exact same follow pattern. Literally dozens of new accounts, following me, as well as a bunch more of the same fandom people in rapid succession, sometimes even in the same order of following. I actually managed to open one of the accounts when it only followed me, and refreshed the page to see the same names start appearing above, one by one, all within about 10 seconds. Could one freak be behaving like that? Sure. Two? Maybe. Dozens of them? Probability theory says no.
Two, some of them also follow actual explicit pornbot blogs (presumably to boost each other's posts in tags).
I've posted 9 screenshots here. I could post another 50 if tumblr limit allowed that.
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@skymadness @deadfruity @drangues @ninazeniksloveinterest @verdiris @mollymurakami @lemanzanabizarra @halosketches Just wanted to say hi y'all because I've become intimately familiar with your guys' URLs and userpics even though I don't follow you. Honestly, it would have been hilarious under different circumstances. Sorry if this was irrelevant to you guys, maybe you don't care about being followed by bots, but I'll tag you anyway FYI. Feel free to ignore. Hope you have a good day/evening :)
And here's another thing. Changing my URL today didn't break the bots' pattern. Not for a second. Which means somewhere out there, there's literally a bot patient zero. Either a hacked fandom account, or a very human-looking bot creator's account whose Following list is used as a canvas for the other bots to follow (it's very easy to get a Following list via tumblr's API). Bc if the list of URLs was somehow imported as a text file, for instance, my URL change would have stopped this.
Well, keep at it, asshole. I'm gonna keep reporting every single one of these for spam even if there's 1000 a day on principle, so if you wanna keep me on your dumb script, go on. Shoot yourself in the foot.
@staff (although why do I even bother...)
I'm honestly sorry if I'm annoying someone with my bot investigations but I'm crawling up the wall over here. Over 150 bot follows just TODAY. Feel free to block the "tumblr bots" tag, I'm using that for these posts.
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
Hello! Can I call you JD? I dunno why I feel silly asking but something about it feels intimate. I had a few questions, just so I can make sure I’m treating you with respect bc I’d like to talk with you more. Also I sincerely apologize if this information is somewhere, I couldn’t find it on either of your blogs. Also if you don’t feel comfortable answering any of these questions feel free to ignore. First off, preferred pronouns? Any triggers that shouldn’t be mentioned? And I was also curious about what you do as a profession. I know that’s a little too personal but the reason I ask is more directly related to, do you get paid for writing in any sense? I really truly think you should, you’re honestly just amazing. Like I am literally in awe any time I read your work. You’re an inspiration. Would you be able to link your KoFi? The one in your profile takes me to “url not found”, and I’d really love to send you a little something or set up a monthly donation out of appreciation, unless there’s another method you’d prefer(PayPal, Tumblr tipping etc)? -🩻
hi there!! I actually just changed my bio on mobile so there's no more kofi (cause it was being annoying) and it has my pronouns there too: he she they! in no particular order. I'm agender/nonbinary so I just like don't really think of myself in terms of pronouns ig?
as for triggers, none big enough that I feel like people need to know them, I can handle ALMOST anything as long as there are warnings first so I know what I'm getting into and can choose to read/see it on my own time. discussions of eating disorders, restriction/binging, and body checks can be triggering for me so just like a heads up on those would help me a lot but honestly that stuff rarely comes up.
as for profession, I've had a lot of careers in a rather short life, but I'm not a professional writer! I would love to write for a living, and I've had jobs before where I did technical writing (aka grants, research papers, other nonfiction) which is part of where I developed my skill but sadly no, as of yet I've only made money through fiction writing from tips! which, by the way, the best way to do that if you're so compelled is with the tumblr tip button; I'm extremely honored when people want to give me money for my stuff so if you choose to do so, thank you so so much! please never feel obligated to of course.
I am working on several original projects and maybe I can publish a book or something! that would be so fun c: but you know me, it's hard to stay on one idea that long...
thank you for all this! you're too kind as always <3
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itwas50yearsagotoday · 5 months
Last words...(pt 1)
1/17/24:  It was 50 years ago today, January 17th, 1974, I, Patrick L. of St. Louis, USA, was born.  I started this blog on June 1st, 2017, 50 years to the day Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band was released by the Beatles (now Wikipedia says it was May 26th… date changes have been a running theme in the last 6 ½ years).  The origins of this blog date back to the late Fall of 2016, a few months after I had created a whole bunch of what I call ‘mixes’ which are exactly what they sound like: mixes of songs.  I am severely left-brained (if you believe in that sort of thing) so I created 26 total mixes, A through Z (the letters have no real meaning, just an ordering mechanism), which each had 200 songs that were played in chronological order on each mix, with as much natural blending from one song to the next that I could (the 1980s were tough for that, as were anything past 2000, but that’s more due to a then-dearth of modern songs that I knew).  I made those mixes after hearing from two of my best friends (one still with me, another one now absent) saying that the mixes I’d made on DVD burns back in the mid-oughts had great tunes on them… those old DVD mixes I believe only had 100 songs each, and I think I went beyond letter Z… I hadn’t really planned those out (they were mp3s, mostly CD rips), but I very, very much planned out the mixes I made in 2015-16.  That was an absolutely exhausting process, so after I made them I put aside making any more… but I was still itching to say something about music, specifically about Anglo-American modern music (aka ROCK, or at least Pop/Rock), with some international flavor thrown in.  I had read for a long time (since 2006) a website by a Russian music critic and linguist named Georgiy Starostin, who has, I believe, at least two but maybe three total blogs in his history, but I really enjoyed the original from 1999-2007… I referenced this site many times throughout my own blog posts, but unfortunately after Russia invaded the Ukraine in early 2022 the website URL is considered to be too ‘dangerous’ to visit by my anti-virus software (I don’t know if the invasion itself has anything to do with it, or if it was just coincidence)… anyway, his writing very much influenced mine (he is a thousand-times better a writer than myself), and I learned a shit-load about bands and artists that I thought I knew but didn’t know.  I didn’t always agree with him, but I respected his opinions greatly.  Additionally, there was a podcast by the guys who created the original Channel 101 ‘Yacht Rock’ web-series that also had a huge impact on me around this time as well.  Finally, the election of total shit-bag orange-haired Jesus in November 2016 turned my interests completely away from U.S. Presidential politics, which had always been kind of another past-time or hobby of mine (maps and shit, I guess), focusing more intensely on music.  (see Pt 2 due to Tumblr's stupid text limit)
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mikithelibrarian · 11 months
Change of URL and Blog´s theme
OOC: As I specified some months back, I have changed the blog´s theme and with it, the URL, in case you've forgotten, I was known as miki-jr1, but in any case, the new URL isn't that much different.
Now, I don't promise regular updates but I will try whenever I have the time and energy, since, if I wait for life to be in order to do whatever I like, I might as well surrender my hobbies. I will try to be disciplined about what I love and more serious about all of this, I hope you will support me and, also, I hope you like this new persona of mine, The Librarian. For now, the past works will remain almost intact and from now, the next works will have this new persona embedded in them, as well as the asks and whatever other thing I write.
For future plans, I have finishing It Takes Two (which will be about three or more chapters more), a new story which will be Poly! OT4 Blackpink (and maybe another OT4 story since I love the genre) and a new BLACKPINK AU; also, I have some interesting suggestions in my ask box, and yes, I read the asks, so I will include those I really like in my writing list.
With not much to say, I will do my best to be a good author and to make my readers feel comfortable with whatever I write, I hope to be up to your expectations!
With much love and positivism, Miki.
0 notes
Section 1. five chapters, ending with chapter 5
I am reposting these first eighty-two chapters (in 22 sections) plus the prologue and the preface.
These posts will be the updated versions from my DeviantArt account, and since Tumblr may not display all the text correctly (it destroys anything I had in italics or underlined) I would still recommend reading everything there, on DeviantArt. They will also include internal links that navigate between the chapters on DeviantArt and will take the reader off Tumblr if clicked.
This came about because I noticed search engines were finding random sections of my book and displaying them along with some other people’s blog posts.
Okay, so that’s why I installed those internal links in each one… so that if anyone gets to a random section by way of a search engine and would like to read the story from the beginning, they can.
Only then did I realize that it wasn’t getting it’s search results from DeviantArt, but from old Tumblr.
There’s another problem at work here besides unrefined searches…
There is a new species of virus on the internet that likes to eat ancient Tumblr posts and barf them back up infested with adware - spyware - malware etc. The virus goes by names like TumGIR, TumBIG, TumPIK, or Tum(anything else but ‘blr’). The caps were added by me for emphasis so that maybe you can double check in case you’re not looking at an actual Tumblr post right now but one of these so-called “mirror” sites.
If you’re looking at this text through one of the counterfeit Tumblrs that I mentioned, then no link you click (assuming it even copies it with my links intact) will take you out; it will redirect you and show you all of the spam ads it wants to. So read carefully what url is showing on your browser right now.
If it is one of the untrustworthy ones I would suggest closing your browser window and doing whatever else you normally would in order to reset settings.
As far as my science fiction novel entitled “If And Only If,” the safest way to find it is by going to my Instagram:
From there you can click on the link in my bio. It will take you to the beginning of the story on DeviantArt… the safe one! No malware.
P.S. None of this is Tumblr’s fault! It’s the malware/adware/spyware developers who are stealing people’s tumblr posts.
The actual content of this page appears below here👇
Section 1. five chapters, ending with chapter 5
↩️return to previous section (the prologue)
(Use the above link to refer back to the previous section. Also use this link if you arrived here from a search engine and you would like to read this story from the beginning.)
DiaryWorld™️ entry for August 9, 2137
Why are there retro trends?
Maybe it’s all in the way the stories are told. Most people don’t really go around thinking very much about past eras and what it would have been like to live in them. And if they really thought it through, they would likely find multiple reasons why that particular time would have sucked for those experiencing it. But if you can romanticize it right – in literature, stage, screen, 3V, and Sensoarim™️? Even if it was way before their time, someone will pine for it.
This was a little beyond simply pining for it; Alex had actually chosen to go back in time to live with the people of that era! And how had that even been possible? Wasn’t it supposed to create paradoxes by changing history in the past and all?? Never mind, it’s hurting my brain.
Cyrano de Bergerac, who wrote some of the earliest identifiable science fiction, had lived in the 1640’s plus or minus twenty years. But Edmond Rostand wrote about him in his eponymous story in 1897, 0.25 millennia later – after the initial action of the play.
In the play he includes a cameo by d'Artagnan, who lived at the same time but achieved musketeer fame in the popular imagination due to Alexandre Dumas in the 1840’s. So, about 200 years after the middle of his life.
All through the renaissance, European scholars yearned for this, that, or the other golden age; the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome... you can see it in their poetry, theater, opera, literature.
In the USA in the early 1970’s people became enamored with the 50’s for awhile. Then twenty years later there were 70s and 80s retro trends at parties & clubs and on university campuses. The things always seemed to fizzle out after a couple of seasons. In Alex’s chosen time, that ‘70s show was a notable exception. And on that note, the time at which the aliens want me to contact Alex? The late teens of the early 21st century? I wonder if any people reminisce about Friends, Seinfeld, and haphazardly organized websites like geocities... Movies and “TV shows” back then helped the momentum of a retro trend...
So it’s probably not surprising that in the year 2136 famed avant-garde director Capaccio Valpolicella’s virtual film “Ravenhorn!” later spun off on Sensoarim™️ and as a 3V show, spawned a new 1990’s retro trend – about 140 years after the original time – complete with some of the same designer drugs of the era.
A few truly new drugs had debuted in the last century; one of them did things a 90’s rave DJ never imagined.
Amongst the class of ‘37, no graduating senior / inbound college freshperson would touch them-
picture the dork a hundred years earlier who still smoked tobacco cigarettes after President Black finally got weed to be one hundred percent legal everywhere – I still can’t believe my great grandma voted for him, twice. In his second term they say he wrecked the economy pretty bad... but nothing we couldn’t recover from later under the Smith administration. Still… It would be priceless to go back (or ahead?) in time and see the part where he moons congress! But I digress...
So the newer drugs were unhip. Uncool. That was the shit your parents did back when they were protesting the war, marching on Wall Street, Martha’s Vineyard, etc. Suddenly it was trendy to do hits of nitrous oxide from balloons again, or maybe just from a mask straight off the tank… ecstasy, 4-methylaminorex, and Oh Yes.… The Spirit Molecule – DMT – the one from ayahuasca … whatever.. the one that’s supposed to make you see Angels/Faeries… shit your great great grandparents did was hip once again.
The whole idea of an outdoor rave, with generators, in a rural field in Kentucky was delightful to young people everywhere in the late 2130s. No one exchanged an egg… You didn’t want it to be so secret that nobody showed up, but there was some tomfoolery in place to kinda make sure that a lot of the coolest people would know about it.
They came from pretty far off. IU students brought the best drugs… but there were some from as far away as Ann Arbor, the principal DJ from Greenbelt, and our little group from Missouri.
(I must elaborate: i have access to Alex’s DiaryWorld™️ page, but it’s legit – he gave me the password / login credentials when he was suicidal once so I could read everything he was going through. He got better; never went through with it, obviously.)
As recalled through Prajina’s DiaryWorld
Alex was pleased that Prajina had invited him / filled him in on the rave’s exact time and everything... basically letting him know it was going on. He did not need her to tell him the location though. That was his suggestion – a place he knew about from his youth. It was at an odd crux of positions. Abandoned or poorly maintained properties all around; some of it used for illegal dumping of just about everything; much of it owned by his family.
Alexei Sohibnazarov, of the Lexington Sohibnazarovs, knew it would make him sound way nerdy if he told people at the rave that this was “his spot,” and that he had brought it to the attention of the rave organizers. It was just awesome that he knew exactly how to find a place that only the coolest kids online could learn about…
He’d made the mistake, mid-senior year, of pointing out the anachronistic errors in the dialogue of Valpolicella’s “Ravenhorn!” The terms “awesome,” and “cool,” or “bitchin,” were all from earlier than the 1990’s, but still late 20th centu........
Whatever, spaz! He realized too late that kids just wanted to imitate the speech of Dagmara & Javier from that 3V show.
Yeah, just the fact that he was showing up would mark him as a cool dude. Because how else would he know about this rave, right? As long as he could refrain from speaking, he might fit in… Rather like that scene in the old 20th century movie The Night Before, where the other girl tells his date: the whole point of this bet was that the loser had to be seen with a geek. It’s not fair, you can’t take him to some part of town where they don’t know what a geek he is!
That’s what this was for Alex: a part of “town” where they didn’t know what a geek he was.
He had given up on Prajina, pretty much. When she had said Padmanabhan was doing the lighting and light show… Alex asked, innocently he thought, “post doc Padmanabhan, or young Padmanabhan?” Her response of “young Padmanabhan” had been more emotional than she realized at the time. In truth, she had just been in a happy mood when she gave him an answer to his question… Not “all starry-eyed” as his private DiaryWorld entry had suggested. If only there were some way to track him down in 2017 and talk to him about it. She truly did not feel that way about Padmanabhan. Not only that, she was pretty sure young P was gay. Alex was a bit weird, and she didn’t know if she felt that way about him either... but more likely him than Padmanabhan. But now? He’d be 25 or more years older, since the aliens had sent him back to around 1992 and her to 2017. What the hell?
Fast forward
Alex (for real)
Later that night- the song was: Solar Power by N-Trance or maybe it was called N-Trance by Solar Power
Alex couldn’t be sure…
He had seen the fairy folk at last; it wasn’t just DMT – it had to be administered with other ingredients. That’s why the tea was the best way. Other ravistas just wanted the pill form; big mistake, thought Alex, the high won’t last as long and you won’t see the Fae. Alex, a true Chronopolitan, insisted on historical accuracy and wanted to do it as Jennifer Aniston had in that hippie commune movie with Paul Rudd. So he had done his spirit molly with the chatsubo crowd... And of course a vomit bowl nearby! (A small detail they’d omitted from the early 21st century film. A vomiting scene with her would have been a bit distracting.)
He later mixed up batches of chocolate drink though, and accidentally switched yoo hoo bottles with some girl in a pot-leaf prom dress. A Talamantez knockoff that was a few decades late for a 90s rave, but still rave wear, so okay. Had it been an authentic Talamantez, it could have gone for at least a couple of million at an auction house. All right… Remember Alex, no talking to show off your trivial pursuit knowledge. You think you’re conveying some kind of super important information… What you’re really saying is “I’m Cliff Clavin from Cheers. Don’t talk to me. And be sure to warn your friends about me as well.”
The molecules in her bottle? Put bluntly, it was a modern mimic of some old-fashioned shit: PCP. It made his brain “pulse,” as he would later describe it in his DiaryWorld entry. The pulsations, combined with his idiot-savantish propensity for math, was causing him to “see” algebraic topology in a way he had never visualized it before. This gave Alex a pattern of brain waves that was uniquely different from all other humans in the world on that particular night.
If an extraterrestrial intelligence had happened to be cruising by Earth and decided to scan brain waves of humans, it would find them fairly similar – just minor variations. But even the variations were predictable. Except for Alex. On that night. When it got to him it would’ve noticed a pattern of brain waves that resembled those of aliens from a moon of a gas giant orbiting the star Alpha Aquilae. An alien vacationing on Earth perhaps? Or here on some business? As fate would have it, or the never-created Greek god Statisticles, there actually was an extraterrestrial intelligence nearby that could scan brain waves remotely. Alex, however, was not what woke it from the sinkhole… It was the music that woke it. N-Trance, a bit over a minute and twenty seconds into this DJ’s version of it.
The Alien Sphere
OK, as Alex would insist on describing it:
Object that oscillates between prolate spheroid and oblate spheroid form.
As the sound waves resonated around the woods they created an interesting beat frequency. Interesting to DJs and sound technicians perhaps, and definitely to the alien spheroid. The spheroid had access to the alien ship’s mechanical logs and knew one of the contraterrene generators had been grounded near the Rosette Nebula. The plan was to temporarily repair the mounts with a borosilicate-aluminosilicate appliqué done by nano robots. It was nothing but boring internal chatter amongst the ship’s computers. One of the AI‘s that resided in the SIMC database had chosen to do a calculation – just for the ࿔¡ᢈᰊᡜ of it – to simulate what vibrations (and of course sounds, for those passengers still using atmosphere-breathing bodies) the field-repaired generator would make. No part of the ship was supposed to produce any mechanical vibrations at all. Or sounds.
It would be an undetectable sound to anyone but a Makcir; and there were no Makcirs on the ship, this time out, who might complain of a noise. But Ambraluxia, what that particular AI chose to call itself, had been right to do the calculations, just for thoroughness. Copies were made available of all the data for all the other computers, including the less-than-full AIs like the one on the spheroid. The spheroid had been detached and lost from the ship before the repairs were completed, so it’s computer never got to hear the actual sounds in order to tell if Ambraluxia’s calculations & simulation had been correct. “She,” as the AI preferred to be referenced, had a good reputation for this kind of math, and was thought to have a greater than 99% accuracy in simulation.
So when N-Trance started reverberating in the woods the spheroid was greater than 99% sure that it’s mothership had returned. Several centuries early, in fact.
If the spheroid’s rudimentary AI could have, it would have “felt loved” at the thoughtful gesture; not that it’s owners had bothered to track it’s time travel activities. That was predictable. But that they had elected to expend the energy to come back in time for it, would have seemed quite touching.
As it awoke, it begin scanning for other components of the ship. None detected. False alarm? Or they just changed the codes… more likely, because who knows how many centuries or millennia they had waited before coming back in time to retrieve it.
So the next set of scans was for lifeforms. Many humans – unusual for this remote place and odd that they would choose to risk appearing in front of so many of the Earth creatures – but the “alien” masters know what they’re doing, no doubt. And after exhaustive scanning of the crowd (which presented an added challenge because they seemed unwilling to remain still whilst the music was playing) it found one “alien,” as in a citizen from a known, member-world. Finally!
Although, it seemed to be a child. Confusing. Alex’s new pulsating alien-esque brain waves registered as an older toddler; definitely under 500 Earth years old. Now the spheroid was concerned that the child had been left alone. What had gone wrong? It was hungry, the spheroid could tell.
Alex had the munchies big time. Everyone who had brought food whom he’d met earlier was currently out of sight. He was really enjoying young Padmanabhan‘s light show; a bunch of colored spherical holograms hovering over rural backwoods Kentucky to the tune of that breakbeat from “this is techno” volume something-or-other. One of the fringe ones caught his attention. It varied colors just like the others; about the same size and shape… But something was out of place about it.
It occurred to Alex that all the spheres but that one had been arranging and rearranging themselves to fit into a point group like D6h, C8v, etc. This one broke the symmetry. Now it’s a C1, overall. Deliberate? Or more likely a glitch in Padmanabhan’s program. It also seem to be centered above “hell-hole.”
The sinkhole that swallowed up a small neighborhood in 2048 and killed dozens of people, that he had been warned about all through his childhood, never really interested him as much as others. Always a source of dares and adventures for the local kids, sure. But not him, really. Until he read “The Lovely Bones“ and had seen the movie. Then he wondered if maybe it contained a chained-up refrigerator with a body in it. That’s spooked him a bit, but also drew him to it as a teenager.
It was prolifically used as an illegal dumping ground throughout Alex’s parents’ lives; then that had stopped about the time the government parked a geostationary camera over it. Which was also about the time Alex was born. He read the news article and thought it was odd that the feds got involved in a state enforcement matter. The sphere over hell-hole suddenly seemed more realistic than the rest of the holos. Almost corporeal; alive? And then it was not his imagination, he saw it blink out of sequence with the others.
And it distorted between prolate and oblate; cycling according to some kind of relation that Alex later called an “elliptical harmonic” in the tech section of his DiaryWorld. It was a pattern which he’d never seen before. It couldn’t be young Padmanabhan! The harmonic function began to entrance him somehow.
This dude was way in to pharmaceutical chemistry and molecular biology – not sure exactly what his major was – but definitely not part of that math crowd. Illogical as it was, he felt like this spheroid was beckoning to him somehow. He started staggering over in its direction, thinking: “maybe it’s a flying saucer or something and it could drop me off at Taqueria Ritmo!” Right – and get them to open up? Everything in all the nearest hick suburbs was closed at 4 AM. Still, he hobbled over to it, fascinated by the oscillations.
The Captain, or ℏ♄
The P.S.L. Fomalhaut had beamed Prajina aboard that night at just about exactly the same minute Alex was sent back in time, as if they’d been watching her ride into the parking lot. Despite her frantic pace, driven by the knowledge she’d extracted from between the lines of Alex’s blog which she was pretty sure had meant that he actually liked her in That Way... she missed him and some other bizarre sights that accompanied him by just a few beats of a great elephant’s heart. What she got instead was The Captain.
The Captain, acting as a representative of the Laniakea Supercluster Amphictiony of galaxies had initially chosen to appear with the head of an elephant. This decision was based on some positive images she took from the young human’s childhood memories. The Captain also arranged for a choir of humanoid looking holograms with extra, for human beings, arms and bluish skin to sing:
“Om Gan Ganapataye Namo Namah
Shree Siddhi Vinayak Namo Namah
Ashtavinayak Namo Namah
Ganapati Bappa Moraya”
It seemed to stress the human girl, even though it accurately reproduced an educational documentary on mythology, and certain altar scenes that she had enjoyed as a child. She double checked the words and pronunciations on the information network provided by the humans and it seemed to be correct; perhaps there were some kind of inflected tones or other speech nuances that her simulation was failing to reproduce. Never mind the speech intricacies she thought… perhaps she’d misread the young human woman’s mind?
So next, the captain tried appearing as a larger than life humanoid woman with a double digit number of arms, bluish black skin, a blood red tongue sticking out, a necklace made of skulls, etc. Not only did this not calm the young female, she now seemed to be starting a major freakout. Clearly, her first contact with a human wasn’t going well.
To be fair though, contact with this species was severely limited. 75,000 🜨Yrs ago, give or take, they had been an endangered species when an Indonesian supervolcano had erupted. An environmental group had intervened to transport some humans around and collect them into clusters so that the species could have a chance to be re-populated. One of the captain’s great-grand beings had been a part of that rescue group. Although a bit of a prankster, it had not been her intent to dig up stone tools and move a few other things in order to mess with the later automated government archeological surveys. She just genuinely liked collecting souvenirs from far away places to use in her art projects back home. She was from the alien equivalent of a hippie generation, and she had initially opposed ૯ಾ⟂ಌ‘s (captain’s given name unpronounceable with human vocal cords) intent to join the temporal constabulary – to be a “time cop” she said, was the worst kind of elerdprenda – roughly the equivalent of a hippie calling a cop “pig.”
Now, coincidentally ℏ♄, as (name unpronounceable) was affectionately called by her fellow officers at the academy, was leading a cleanup operation to correct one of the worst environmental disasters that this galaxy had seen in the last 2.2 million 🜨Years – a disaster that even had ramifications in other dimensions and many parallel universes and was really starting to piss off the powers that were to be. The disaster still wasn’t going to happen for another 120,000 earth years, and so was considered top priority. Since the events that triggered it were set into motion when the human “mathematical genius“ Alexei Sohibnazarov – a descendent of the very humans that Nana Weed had rescued from the aftermath of the caldera system – was accidentally sent back in time approximately 145 years by a piece of lost camping equipment, i.e. since time-tinkering was involved… The matter was firmly under ℏ♄’s jurisdiction.
Jurisdiction may be clear, but back to that matter of how to communicate with the human mind of Prajina in 2137? ℏ♄ was having no more luck understanding her thoughts than the piece of camping equipment had had with Alex. She remembered seeing axion feed billings for the thing they called “the spheroid” when she was a child. The playlets were the alien equivalent of a 70s Ronco commercial before Christmas. The thought conjured up happy memories of her home, but she had regarded the gadget as silly. “Why waste thaumasia on something like that,” she had thought aloud to the axionevision in her room, “when I could just make my own with stuff from ɚϗꏃð ?” ...the alien equivalent of a Radio Shack.
Then there was the problem of free will – the human math child, Alex, had wanted to remain in the 1990s, Gregorian calendar, Holocene epoch. So just prevent/event was not an acceptable strategy. Otherwise, this would’ve been as routine as a human cop in the 20th century writing a parking ticket. But Alex it seemed, was quite enamored of that time. It would be possible to let him stay as he wished, but he must not be allowed to prevent the human Jack Black from being reelected as president of the United States for his second term in the 2040s. That was where Prajina came in.
There was no other knowledge of the humans except for some automated gathering in 1908 in their current calendar. Some dipshit tourist from another dimension had accidentally materialized, and crash-landed near Vanavara, Siberia. It was at a place called Tunguska. The traveler reported it immediately and a drone was dispatched to clean up and leave evidence of natural phenomena. The locals over the next few decades concluded that it must’ve been a comet or meteoroid impact. The drone had equipment for an axion-synaptic scramble pulse, to erase memories if necessary. But the place was so remote that nobody saw anything. The geographically-distant nearest citizens who might have, were only interested in a biochemistry experiment that they were conducting. With themselves as test subjects, they seemed to be analyzing the effects of a beverage that they made with a starchy fermentable plant material. So no new data on the humans there; just that they were starting to get interested in science – such as chemistry. As well as thermodynamics, and electromagnetism – based on analysis of their other activities at the time. Although they were communicating with it by then, the primitive radio of the era also failed to help researchers glean anything useful about the humans.
Evidently the biochemistry project was a long-term study spanning centuries, ℏ♄ noted, as it was still being conducted on a large-scale in that part of the world. She briefly scanned a file that humans used to show other humans how to do it cheaply with potatoes. She was pleased to see the humans cooperating and taking such a dedicated attitude towards science. But socioculturally it didn’t tell her anything about how to communicate with one of them. She finally settled on human form, male, central Asian, speaking Hindi and Tamil as Prajina’s mother and father had in the home... but fluent in English, as they had been fourth and fifth generation Americans, respectively. It calmed her a little more than Jai Kali Maa had. Although the Earth woman politely passed when ℏ♄ offered her some of the potato-based biochemistry-experiment beverage that the ship’s automated chemical synthesis lab had whipped up for her upon command, she was at least willing to talk now.
Continue on to next section…
If And Only If
Copyright 2015
by Michelle Viviénne de Vandahlcourte
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
First Edition. © December 16, 2015.
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justriver · 2 years
Nvalt name change to all note links
Tumblr media
Nvalt name change to all note links install#
Nvalt name change to all note links update#
Rene: Merlin, how did you get started with Drafts? I brought that to Drafts to kind of enhance the capabilities to pass off that text you captured to, you know, OmniFocus, or to Things, or to a calendar app, or wherever that supported URL schemes. I had already been messing with that for my dictionary app terminology to kind of provide services with an app, because there wasn't a system dictionary at the time, and I started messing with URLs to give a convenient way to look up words from other apps, and it kind of grew with that. Rene: You got into those callback URL stuff that the kids loved. but with much more limited capabilities of iOS at the time. Rene: For me, it was like TiVo for text back in a time when Apple didn't make.I think there was no share sheet back when you launched it. You launch it, you type, and then later you figure out what you want to do with it, whether that's message it somewhere or send it to social media, or save it to a file, etc. The main goal of it was to remove the artifice, and the burden that came with so many other notes apps, where you had to make decisions upfront about where you wanted to save it, put it in a folder, or create a new note.Īll that stuff just goes away with Drafts. If you've got text you want to get out, you just start in Drafts and figure out what you want to do with it later. Just a place to jot down ideas, a post of notes for your phone that gives you one place to always start. The original purpose of it was to be the starting place for any text you do on your phone, or your iPad, or your watch. Drafts on the surface is just a quick capture note-taking app. Greg, could you tell us a little bit about Drafts to get us started? The contents of this show is to have someone who makes an app and someone who just uses the hell out of the app, and talk about it, and see where we can get with it, and see what pro-tips or hidden gems we can pull out of it. Rene: Also, because it would be just too easy to talk to you alone, we have a power user of Drafts on, someone who the audience may not be familiar, podcasters in general may not be familiar with. No specific order given.Greg Pierce: I'm great. I am glad you submitted the ticket, maybe we will see a bug fix, or they will ask for more details.Īpps used that hang during indexing. So if you find someone else also misreads it you may wish to re submit it again. But again thats just me and I am trying to say this is where I came from. To me, leaving nvALT out of the main body and title, and then putting this at the end would have been better. I might have went with something like Dropbox hangs indexing 1000's of text files from OS X app. No issue at all, simply saying maybe the name misconstrued the results. Set nvALT preferences to store files as text files in Dropbox folder So, I gave you details on its life cycle, maybe allowing you settle on some other app for 100%. Not mentioning the other app also in my opinion, seems to indicate your more inclined to use nvALT. Its name on the title seems to indicate your more inclined to use it. So as you specifically mentioned nvALT, I gave details on it. At the end you state switching to another app had no margin of improvement.
Nvalt name change to all note links install#
In you post you specifically state to replicate install nvALT and do xxxx. Often times small fixes are never mentioned, well that is when they do actually give us release notes. It might have bug fixes that can solve your issue. One further thing, I might suggest is trying the newest and greatest version of Dropbox if your not already running it. You might also report the issue to the nvALT GitHub page Lastly as this is primarily a user to user supported forum, You can try reporting the issue to Dropbox by submitting a ticket to I doubt, I would ever see your issue as I would only at max have 25 - 30 notes. I use to always use nvALT with Notesy quite a few years ago.
Nvalt name change to all note links update#
So to be honest, after 3 years I doubt it will get an update but Brett (developer) could surprise us. Which does include feature requests, too. It has over 247 open issues on its GitHub page. I honestly cant say if its an issue with Dropbox or nvALT, but nvALT, has not been updated since 2013 and it is technically still listed in a beta state.
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acumains · 2 years
Mp3 file renamer id3
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#Mp3 file renamer id3 update#
#Mp3 file renamer id3 software#
#Mp3 file renamer id3 free#
#Mp3 file renamer id3 software#
Maybe I'll try another program in hopes it's faster and I can avoid swapping the drives. In this article we will take a look at using a piece of software called MP3Tag in order to extract information from ID3 tags and use it to rename our MP3 files. What I may do is remove the hard drive internal to the network drive, and connect it directly inside my PC. Either the program I'm using, or the fact it's going through a switch through the "network", takes long to list all the files in a directory and then renaming them seems to cause the program to freeze. Sadly, all my MP3s are on network drives. Some people make the file name so long that I've lost the file name when copying them over to a network drive or into a sub directory. Unfortunately not all ID3 tags have the track number, however, I've decided to change what I can to Artist - Track Number - Song Title. Plus, features for renaming of multiple files at once, playlist metadata editing, playlist creation, CD database to ID3 tag converter, ID3 synchronizer, etc. I would strip the garbage from them, change lowercase, and make the file name simply Artist - Song Title Recently I realized many discographies have live albums, and, when I play them on my computer, or want to sort them as they are on the CD, I can't because they no longer contain the track number. Some time ago, I used Magic File Renamer to rename the files. Does anyone know of a good program that will rename mp3 files and folders based on their id3 tags For example, I want to highlight a group of mp3's (an album) and have it spit out a new file named with the track number and the title of the song, in a folder with the name of the album, which would then be in a folder with the name of the artist. I can understand if an entire discography has file names of a specific format, but each directory is different.
#Mp3 file renamer id3 update#
So, is the best music tagging software which can be used to insert picture into mp3 files, change existing image and update all other song information by uploading your music files.My gripe is the people who rip the CDs have horrible file naming convention. To select multiple files, you can press and hold, or key, or use mouse drag and drop your music files. Either you are on a mac, windows, or a mobile (iPhone/Android/others), all you need is an internet browser where you can visit and change your music tags instantly. The biggest advantage of is that it works on all platforms. Note: If the tag consists of letters that are not allowed in a. Use the Settings Dialog to change in which order Advanced Renamer should look for these tags. If a file contains both ID3v1 and ID3v2, only one of them is used. These tags will insert the ID3 Tag into the filename. ID3v2 has been extended to 3 versions so far, and each new version contains new frame definitions. These tags only works on MP3 files with an ID3 Tag. There are standard frames for containing album cover art, BPM, lyrics, copyright, and arbitrary text and URL data, as well as other tags. Each frame is recognized by an identifier (a three- or four-byte string) and one piece of data. ID3 tags are the audio file data standard for MP3 files in active use by software and hardware developers around the world. It contains an extensible set of "frames" which is located at the start of the file. ID3v2 very different from ID3v1 if we compare structures of both versions. You can rename files based on the tag information, replace characters or. There is an advance version of ID3v1 which is ID3v1.1 and it contains slight modification which adds a "track number" field and also there is a slight shortening of the "comment" field. Mp3tag is a powerful and easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of audio files. Filter by these if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of ID3 Renamer. ID3 Renamer alternatives are mainly Mp3 Tag Editors but may also be File Renamers or Audio Players. ID3v1 containes fixed set of informational fields and it is stored at the end of an MP3 in form of 128-byte segment. Other interesting open source alternatives to ID3 Renamer are Kid3, Puddletag, Media Tagger and MusicID: MP3 Tag Editor. There are two different versions of ID3 that are ID3v1 and ID3v2. ID3 tags are set of information such as the title, artist, album, track number, and some other information that is stored in the MP3 file itself.
#Mp3 file renamer id3 free#
If you have any other format that you want us to add support, please feel free to contact us, and we will try to add it as soon as possible. supports almost all audio/video formats including mp3, mp4, m4a, flac, aac, ogg, ogv, wma, wav, amr, m4r, 3gp, 3gpp, aiff, mid, mpeg, webm, mov and ts. Then, on second step, you can change all tags of uploaded music file(s). You are free to upload whatever file type, either it is a video or an audio having any encoding format and our system will converts different media types to mp3, and then insert id3v2 sample tags. It is the best music metadata editor because it allows different music types.
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francismccalla1 · 2 years
Page Grader Factors that Guides to Improve Page Rankings
Page grader as part of SEO software would identify some SEO mistakes and helps in optimizing the page. Page Grader helps crawlers to easily crawl web pages.
Website graders can be used for a quick evaluation to determine what your site needs for top Google rankings. If a page takes a long time to load, or the site’s layout isn’t easy to navigate, it might be time to make some changes. A free website grader as part of SEO software would identify if your website is ready to be viewed on mobile devices, how customers are viewing the site, and what content is most frequently viewed.
A good free website grader will look at the following factors to determine the overall quality of your site to produce more leads:
On-page SEO optimization (keywords, content, page load speed, structured data, page URL structure, mobile-friendliness, page metadata);
Off-page backlinks (the trustworthiness, authoritativeness, and credibility of the linking site)
Social score;
And more;
Are you ready to improve your website performance with a free website grader? Read on to know more about it and how it can take your online performance to the next level.
The Importance of Accurate Page Grading
Your website is the cornerstone of your online marketing strategy. If it’s not built correctly, it can hurt your SEO, PPC, and social campaigns. After all, viewers of your website want to be able to get their questions answered, and they want to be able to contact you back through various modes of connecting maybe improved backlinks as one of the key aspects too.
Be it for various reasons, If they can’t do that, they will likely find another company to fill their requests, rather than put up with a bad user experience. That’s why it’s important to have a professional-grade website, so you can fix any problems quickly.
The Benefits of a Good Page Grader: It Should Provide Suggestions on How to Fix Issues
While there are many website graders available, most of them don’t do a thorough job and will only prompt you to make changes that may not improve your ratings. Instead, use a website grader that takes the time to assess your site and make recommendations specific to your needs.
A high-quality website grader will give you feedback that is accurate, in-depth, and on target-based output with effective SEO ranking. It will also let you know what you need to do to improve your site’s performance by giving you clear, actionable steps to follow. For example, it can make suggestions on the following aspect of your website:
Keyword Use
Page and Domain Authority
Image Optimization
Speed and Size
The best thing about how to use a website grader is that it can show you what to do, but it is up to you to take the steps to make the changes. Your website is part of your overall marketing strategy, and optimizing it to convert visitors into leads, sales and more will help to improve your bottom line.
How to Improve Your Page Rankings with a Page Grader?
Find a website grader that will give you a rank tracker detailed report, with specific suggestions on how to improve your site. These suggestions should be tailored to your website, to maximize your potential for success. Then, you can do the following to ensure you’re getting the most out of your page grader’s reports:
Tip -1: Review
Wrap up the website grader report in a few days and prioritize the changes you will make to your site. Review the data and decide which recommendations you feel will have the highest impact on your site. You can then order the items that you’ll spend your time and energy on first, and you can move on to the rest later.
Tip -2: Narrow It Down
Depending on the number of website graders you use to analyze your site, you might receive many results. Try to narrow down your list of recommendations based on how important they are to your business. You can even order your results based on the highest priority to easily find the changes you’ll want to focus on first.
If you change everything, you will likely burn yourself out and become ineffective. This is why you want to be selective and only change a few things at a time keyword tool could help some insights on narrowing down your target areas. Then, you can move on to the next item on your to-do list.
Tip -3: Test It Again
You don’t want to make a bunch of changes to your site and then find out that they are not effective. Instead, you want to test your changes and see how they impact your SEO and website performance.
Start with the highest priority items and make changes to your site. You can even use a free website grader to help you assess how your changes are improving your site, or you can use data from your analytics program and compare your previous results with your new ones to determine if your changes have made a difference.
Tip -4: Set an Optimization Schedule
Once you’ve made some big changes and have optimized your site, you should establish a time to review your site again to see if you can make further optimizations. You should schedule a time to focus on your website regularly, using a weekly or monthly basis to see if you can increase your search presence in the rankings.
Make a schedule for yourself and stick to it. Verify that your website grader is providing you with the information you need to keep improving your site and make sure that you are fully utilizing the website grader’s features to further your SEO strategy.
The Bottom Line: The Pivotal Role Page Grader Plays in Improving Your Website’s Performance
Your website plays a vital role in helping you drive leads and convert customers. You need your site to be performing at its best if you want to be successful in the online world. That’s why you should use a website grader to help you assess your site and make sure that it’s ready to convert visitors into leads and customers.
A good website grader is an integral part of your website optimization. It can measure the performance of your website and provide specific suggestions on how to improve it. By using a website page grader, you can optimize your site, increase your traffic and boost your website performance.
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lululawrence · 2 years
Did Louis changed his site? I didn't receive any mailing list and when i opened his site to buy something, they asked me (again) if i wanted to get notifications by them.. also, every purchase was external, off the site, while with Walls was all there.. do you know more or know why the difference?
lol i love how you think i might know more lololol i wanna give you hugs for thinking i could POSSIBLY be important enough to have insider info or something haha
sadly, i know nothing outside of what i experienced. there were a lot of changes with the urls flipping around and such while i was looking around and trying to get through on his merch site to get the deluxe vinyl, and so i ASSUME this means there will be a url change or there already is one in process. i know when i was actually paying and it asked me to sign in, it wouldn't accept my previous login info for his website, i had to sign up again. i assume that means that it's powered by someone else now, whether that's due to change of label or website url or what i don't know.
i also think... when you click you'd like to preorder, there were a LOT of options to choose from. usually, when i've seen pop ups like that before, it's to purchase through the artist's store, or presave on whatever streaming service you use and that's it. louis' had a lot more options, such as an exclusive vinyl from amazon, an exclusive vinyl from urban outfitters, another exclusive vinyl but ALSO standard vinyl as well as standard and deluxe versions of the cd available through LOCAL, SMALL BUSINESS RECORD STORES!!!! that one particularlyl had me SO FUCKING HAPPY. like, y'all. if i could have gotten the zine from magnolia thunderpussy, my FAVORITE vinyl store ever here in town, i would have ordered through them, but i went through my second favorite, and do you know how happy it makes me that i am able to support them and still get my hands on that GORGEOUS black and red vinyl? gahhhh
so yeah, anyway. all this to say, i think a lot is rolling out right now and things will become more clear as time goes on, but since we're in a bit of transition at the moment, i think there's going to be new things popping up we haven't seen before for awhile. but maybe i'm wrong, i dunno. lol i'm just a random woman in ohio so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe someone else has better insight though?
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calebgirard · 2 years
How to Hack a Snapchat Account
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Snapchat is a favorite multimedia messaging app, created by an American business, Snap Inc. It allows you to meet up with friends through customized pictures, self destructed texts, and video stories.
Nowadays, Snapchat has 230 million day-to-day users. four billion snaps are sent every single day. This information is going to call out with the world the point that it's among the fastest growing social networking platforms and marketplace.
The recognition of a platform is cause enough to attract the interest of hackers. It is true for WordPress, others, and also Snapchat. Nowadays, we are going to check several techniques to hack Snapchat profiles and discover the way you protect the profiles of yours.
The best way to Hack Someone's Snapchat Account? So why do you wish to hack somebody else's Snapchat account? The messaging app does different issues to safeguard the security of its users. Probably the most crucial of these're self-destructive messages that will instantly be removed after a prescribed period. Snapchat had started to offer this feature well before WhatsApp developed it.
Password-protected photo vault is yet another intriguing feature on Snapchat. It allows you to protect personal pictures from prying eyes. Several Snapchat hacking incidents are found from various regions of the earth for reasons that are quite similar. Many people benefit from this chance in order to intrude on the security of others or even to blackmail them.
The best way to Hack Snapchat Password?
Snapchat is a mobile based social networking app. Frequently you might wish to hack the Snapchat bank account of your co workers or even friends. You are able to do it effortlessly by collecting their movable.
More recent smartphones have a built in facility to secure apps. Or else, visit AppleStore or maybe Google PlayStore and put in a lock app to guard the privacy of yours. Though the truth is that the majority of people don't bother about it. If your good friend is at least one, you received. You are able to access the account of theirs, view personal files, and obtain if needed.
If the email app regarding the pirater un compte snapchat account is placed on exactly the same phone, you are able to download the user information or even change the password. The downloaded photos or data can be easily copied going with an OTG Pendrive.
Solution: Never escape your smartphone unattended for a long time. Enable fingerprint lock on it. Conversely, you are able to secure the unit and apps using passwords to improve the security of theirs. Snapchat has a two factor authentication option. Turn it on to stop others from accessing the bank account without the permission of yours.
Install Spy Apps There are many spy apps readily available to observe your child's browsing pursuits. Although they're created to make certain the safety of kids, they're also used to observe spouse's motions and determine the credibility of theirs.
Many hackers use their very own hacking tools. When installed, they are going to work in the concealed mode. So you are able to not identify its presence. It records all of the passwords you enter, like Snapchat, and directs them with the programmed device. Cybercriminals are able to utilize that info to open your messages, videos, and photos.
Solution: Protect the smartphone of yours from strangers. Apps as Tasker is able to identify whether someone picks up the telephone without the permission of yours and take a picture of them.
SIM cloning SIM cloning is one other strategy to hack Snapchat. Hackers mostly use it to hack online banking accounts. It's a method of building duplicate SIMs to reroute the two factor authentication codes and Forgot Password url links to yet another unit.
As a result of the increasing loss of cash through SIM cloning, different governments have just recently issued guidelines that calls shouldn't be taken from a specific number series and you shouldn't respond to unfamiliar telephone calls.
When attending them, your SIM specifics are going to be instantly copied on the brand new place after which, your initial SIM is deactivated. By this particular time, criminals might have begun making use of your mobile number to access email accounts, social media, and banking.
Solution: Install a caller ID app as TrueCaller to observe your caller's location and identity. If lots of users found it to be a spam profile, refuse the call. Block such repetitive callers if needed.
Hack with PASS DECODER The majority of hackers are suing resources for hacking. It's essential to surround yourself with the appropriate resources when attempting to hack a Snapchat bank account. PASS DECODER is just the best. Its operation is extremely basic, simply the Snapchat login! From there, PASS DECODER is going to connect with the program and also hack the password to showcase it on your screen:
Owners are going to appreciate the ability to preserve the hacked password in order to log in later on. The energy of this particular device enables you to avoid the 2FA protection of Snapchat accounts.
Snapchat hacking services There are lots of sites on the web which state they help Snapchat hack. But many of them are phony. Targetting the advertisement revenue, they are going to ask you to simply click banners and also will keep you redirecting from one page to yet another. Though, your all the efforts of yours are going to become fruitless. Do you understand exactly why?
Beyond the aim of earning profits, there may never be some software behind the website to hack Snapchat. Therefore there could be no benefit apart from simply wasting time. Such sites might also include a little malware and so they are going to download automatically when you click the links. Needless to point out, it is going to affect the internet security of yours. If you are using some security software as Kaspersky, you are able to rapidly detect and block such sites.
Make a deal with hackers Hacking is among the famous techniques to hack Snapchat accounts. Though it's expensive and hard. Contact an experienced hacker either in the area of yours or perhaps on the internet and discuss your goal account details.
Ensure that the individual is acquainted with the latest hacking techniques and not pretending as he's legitimate. Or else, nothing is going to happen except you'll lose the money of yours. An experienced hacker is able to hack some Snapchat account easily.
Phishing Phishing is essentially the most widely used method to hack some account like Facebook, Gmail, Instagram. For that, hackers produce fake web pages on the type of natural login pages. For instance, in case you want to hack someone's Snapchat bank account, you must first produce a web page which seems as a Snapchat login page. Next, send this site website link to your target users and get them to sign in to the account using the credentials of theirs.
Tell them that someone attempted hacking the account of theirs and this's merely a verification process to verify the identity of theirs. The password and username they give will be instantly recorded. Driving them, you are able to hack Snapchat easily.
Solution: Never click suspicious links. Before giving credentials, check out the address bar to ensure you're on the proper site. In case you're obtaining the wrong URL, it's a phishing attempt. Quickly exit the page as well as report to Google it is a spam message.
The best way to Hack Snapchat Password on Ios and Android? When you find the goal user's Android phone, you are able to hack their Snapchat either by hand or even using a spyware program. If both don't work, you are able to create malware with the aid of any hacker and mail it to the Snapchat account holder.
Each day we click a lot of seemingly innocuous links that we are with Whatsapp and Facebook. The link of yours must be sent under protection of any system like free security software program or even a greeting message. So they're more than likely to click it. The system will begin working immediately & monitor the user's browsing pursuits and also pass the info to you. When you find the Snapchat password, then you definitely are able to retrieve some info stored in the accounts of theirs.
Can Snapchat be hacked? The the fact is that no site is free from the risk of hacking. Criminals hack top business sites and even government portals through the use of the protection loopholes in them. When you're correctly executing the strategy, Snapchat could easily be hacked.
Solution: Always utilize the newest variant of your mobile OS & Snapchat. Developers release regular posts to fill protection loopholes if any and secure the accounts of yours. Hence install both app and system updates as early as you can.
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