#so my rps are going at a snails pace
fourfuckinghorsemen · 2 years
Oh, GOODNESS, my dear Five. You lost just your arm? I usually go lighter in my warnings, but it did call for drastic measures.
I couldn't let you stop me, you see. I've come far too far to let you get in my way now. Even Sherlock himself doesn't know, he thinks I'm desperate and need Azriel. Thinks I'm limited in what I can do, but he just hasn't seen what I've been up to. Thinks I've only just started with my criminal activities again, as if it hasn't been a few years of me building this back up?
If we wanted you dead, you would be dead. Is that clear by now? My little Five? Why don't you just play nice, and let us enjoy our freedom? That's all we're doing. Alleviating boredom. Having a grand old time.
You also left me with some burns, which probably hurt like a bitch but given my entire body feels numb isn't a bother right now, besides I did want some new scars. I'll admit it's difficult to type, and the pain medication feels a lot more like somekind of sedative, so I have no idea if I'm even coherent right now, but here we are.
I'll put this as simply as possible. If you mess with my family, you mess with me. And that, my friend, means that I will not stop hunting you down until you are dead. Go enjoy your freedom by harassing someone else, your old friend Sherlock seemed pretty desperate for attention. Leave us out of it.
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spxcemuses · 7 months
(( Hey everyone! After being off of Tumblr for a month or so (with the exception of popping in once), I've decided to make a tentative comeback to RP again. I seriously want to thank those that gave condolences/wishes during my time of absence, genuinely; thank you. I wasn't expecting the overwhelming support from a large group of people. I appreciate all your kind words and it truly did mean a lot to me during my grieving process.
Like usual, I won't be 100% active, but I'm going to try to get to threads and stuff I am behind on during my midterm break (March 4th-March 10th). I am just going to take my time with things, go at a snail's pace if I have to and not pressure myself. If you dislike that, I'm sorry, but I am establishing firm boundaries until I am in a better mental state (I'm mostly ok now, but things could be better). If you want things dropped or anything, seriously, don't hesitate to let me know. I won't get upset; in fact, I'm planning to do some thread cleaning and follower cleaning when I get the chance.
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bogaffxiv · 8 months
Hi! I'm Boga!
This is my FFXIV blog, where I'll most often post GPoses and character inspo. Eventually it may house RP and character writing, but presently, I'm still getting my footing in the FFXIV setting as a whole. My main blog is @clockchimesthirteen and my likes/follows/reblogs will come from there. Feel free to say hi - I don't bite, but I do talk far too much. :)
Disclaimer: My gposes make use of third-party tools that go beyond the limits of what is possible in the base game of FFXIV. AKA: I am a criminal and use far too many... uh, natural game enhancements. I even make them sometimes!
I won't be posting anything explicit or pornographic, however, some of my posts may contain artistic nudity, bloody imagery, and slight body horror. I will tag accordingly, but if that makes you uncomfortable in any capacity, I'd suggest you check out one of the many, many other wonderful blogs on this website. No minors please. 18+ only.
A little about me: I'm 25, theoretically a ladyperson (she/her), and I've been RPing online since I could type - about 15 years now (though I'd like to think I've improved since ye olde days of the Neopets forums). My interests are random and often come in short, hyperfixated bursts, but FFXIV seems to be stuck to me. I'm also learning to 3D model one snail's-pace step at a time, and Graphic Design is my Passion™.
As for FFXIV, I'm currently playing through Heavensward and loving every second of this wonderful story. DRG is my favorite class so far, PLD is fun, and I cannot, for the life of me, understand RDM or DNC. I am doing my best.
If any of that strikes your fancy, feel free to stick around. I'd be happy to have you here. :)
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( ooc ) Instead of the starry meme, I shall just take the opportunity to expressing my adoration and admiration of your endless creativity and world building, your writing and characterization of your muses are top notch and I love reading it a few times coz I enjoy reading it that much, and ofc I am so thankful and lucky to have you as a good friend and writing partner. I'm slow af but I'm still glad you can endure my snail pace haha. Sending all the love your way, Vanessa!
Inbox Positivity / Accepting! / @ervaurem
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( Shai!! When I received the star meme, you were one of the people I was planning on sending it to but I saw you had locked the ask box!
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So, I shall proceed to give you my love right back here! Thank you so much for the compliments, lady! I am not worthy! If I am not doing something creative like drawing, writing, roleplaying, making oc's then something is horrendously wrong with me. It's just soothing for me and how I do to keep myself occupied.
Well, to start off, I must go back to my favorite quote that you recognize "There is no such thing as coincidence only inevitability" and I must thank @sharedpractice once again for hooking us up and I will proudly namedrop you to other KnB mutuals given the chance. There is definitely no coincidence in how we vibed well off the bat and have so many things in common! Oho Asa could not tell me otherwise, our zodiac signs' compatibility is undeniable! It must surely be meant to be, and I am so very thankful to you for adding Kise and Takao for my KnB boys to ship with.
You are a big inspiration to my crazy crossover world-building. Whereas other Kise's are still being models as he ages, your Kise will be a pilot as he gets older and that's the vision in my personal world as well plus it makes it easier for Kikasa happy ending after they get through their trials! I love the other things you've described about Kise, like his sisters and how he gets their tastes from them. It will be so fun to make his sisters later on for Senshi no Basuke.
Ofc, I too love rereading your replies. At random times I like to go back to your replies and reread it all over again because you are an amazing writer and so fun to plot with! I am super thankful to have you as a rp bestie because I swear we must have some kind of wavelength for giving to each other whether in times of need ( mostly me unintentionally in the dumps but hopefully that'll change with this fresh new blog ) or simply out of a mutual desire to express our platonic love for one another! I will always gladly wait until your social battery is ready so I can be a heathen at you again! I know I'm probably too much like a puppy at times lol. Well to cap this essay expressing my love for you, love you Shai! )
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gedwimora · 6 days
okay so i've actually gotten a lot done across multiple blogs i have 5 or more asks/replies queued for robb, aenaella, daemon, lyanna and over on aemond. so if i just even out all the numbers to 5 so i don't have to go count i got about 25 done in the last few days which is pretty good. Those queues have been turned on again so expect things there. I'm still gonna work on rotating around and filling up queues and releasing them/emptying out drafts on all of these but i'm happy with what i've gotten done so far. It's more than I thought I'd done tbh.
i'll also say for reference i keep my queues at basically a snails pace to try and keep things spread out and the returns coming back all at once to a dull roar.
my queues go at 1 post a day, all rp content is labeled queued if it is so and there's a non rp post like aes/face/musings/etc put between them as a buffer so replies/asks/etc go out every other day. so like... tragically it might still be a while before people get things lol. this is just what i find is comfortable for me since i feel like things get out but the pace of the queue isn't outstripping me.
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iamtheangelofdeath · 6 months
I genuinely hate working
I hate waking up at 5:30AM each and every day (Mon-Fri)
I hate sitting at a desk for 8hrs and 30 mins in silence hand prepping things with nothing but the sounds of machines running,chatter from afar and my dwelling to accompany me during the long dragging shifts,watching the clock on my computer tick by a minute at snails pace
I hate going to the bathroom some days to bawl my eyes out because the self loathing,thoughts and berating I do to myself gets to me
I hate how when I go home I only have 4-5 hrs of free time to do the things I enjoy but even then it flies by the second I step foot inside my sanctuary that and doing some of the stuff feels like a chore (especially drawing I owe a commission,a gift,and a trade but I can’t bring myself to do them let alone draw something nice for myself) that or I’m too exhausted and drained so I normally just sit on my phone and rp or talk to the small handful of friends that I have
I hate how Friday after work as well as the weekend just flies so fast yet the week drags ass,I hate how empty and bleak I get whenever I wake up on Sunday mornings knowing I have to go back and waste a week there despite being genuinely happy every Friday night and Saturday
The money’s nice especially since I’m not doing any back breaking labor or dealing with disgruntled customers and shitty managers like I did at my old job but damn the work-life balance is just shit somedays because I don’t particularly like being at work 90% of the time and then at home for 10% esp when I don’t like anyone there and they irritate me when I hear them speak and laugh and are overall loud and annoying
I know I’ve listed everything that I didn’t fancy about my current job but I’m honestly torn. I don’t know if I want to stay since I need the money for bills or if I should find something else. Most of the jobs where I live are all factory,food and retail and all the listings I’ve seen don’t particularly spark my interests so at this rate I’m at a complete standstill.
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hiero-green · 2 years
hi i never do this bc i don’t like sounding like i’m begging but uhm the Cloud of Impending Doom has been hovering over my head for several days, and i’m in a vicious cycle of being anxious about carpal tunnel, drawing to regulate my anxiety, then getting more anxious about carpal tunnel and uhm 8,) heem heem,, if any mutuals wanna by any chance doodle me like,.,…,., idfk man,,, batflash or riddler or merman superman/superbat or even my OC cylas that would genuinely make me feel a lot better,,
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bisexual-ashe · 2 years
why must i be capable of thought
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dikiyvter · 3 years
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       Okay yeah, I’m officially calling it, here’s a very light semi-hiatus / general v low activity notice for October, I’m just not in a mentally sustainable place rn and trying to keep up with things around here and lately I am VERY much feeling this vague weight of ‘I Owe Things’ in terms of rp in general which has become a major bit of a Stressor on top of everything I’m dealing w/ OOC-- Not to mention I will be on the other end of the country from the 24th -28th, and I need to make sure everything is prepared for that, and I just--
       I’m sorry guys but I feel like I’m drowning and I need to lighten the load
#❄ ⤚  ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴊᴏᴋᴇs ( ooc. ) ⇾#i feel terrible posting another ooc thing thats just 'im not going to be here today' bc i genuinely do feel that posts like that are#extremely unecessary but i cannot shake this feeling of being in a pit where I owe people things bc i'm slow and i don't respond to dms#quickly and i move at an absolute snails pace in regards to threads and asks#owing not just replies and asks and interaction and dms but also never ending excuses as to why i'm not doing them in a timely manner#i dont usually feel this way and i think its v much a byproduct of the medical and insurance shit i've been dealing w/ the past 3 months#and the fact my living situation is getting rather toxic and difficult to deal with#i think i feel weird abt these most of all beacuse i KNOW its not like i'm going to fully step back and take a break bc like#rp and writing and being here is something I do enjoy and I love interacting with people#but i'm so overwhelmed that lately even this feels like a lot and i just want to go back to feeling like it's this casual thing and now me#*not#owing a billion people a hundred different things#so i know that this is almost entirely for myself to try and regain that sense of feeling but?#idk#i dont know how to explain this and i'm like. perpetually worried abt committing social suicide by acting weird and doing odd things.#i dont want to become a circus or a trainwreck for people to watch#i havent slept at all and just got more stressful news so maybe after sleeping i'll feel better#idk idk idk! I feel mentally on the edge of oblivion rn#i just wish i could feel like i'm enjoying things at my own pace again instead of this like#waking up like 'ok what do i need to get done today bc i said i'd try but i know i wont do it so im going to spend the whole day feeling gu#ilty for not doing it like its Homework and not a Hobby?'
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shiniesrph · 3 years
— WHERE'D YOU GO, ADMIN PLOP? I’ve spent the past few months ill, so I sunk pretty much all my time into hoarding folders upon folders of unfinished gif packs. I’ve counted them all & compiled a list of everything that’ll be released starting in January! Some of these faces have over 300+ gifs total, but most are currently around the 100 range. Please let me know if there’s a face you want prioritized, so I can release them in desired order!
— WHY’D YOU DO THIS, ADMIN PLOP? Some of these faces are overdue requests, some are for friends, and some are for my own use in RPs. I’ll get to more requests once I’ve cleared up space on my computer from all of my VLC clips. If there’s someone in a show/movie that I’m currently giffing, you can suggest them before I delete my screen recordings. You’re also welcome to ask for previews / links to unfinished upload pages if you need content for a fic or rp!
— SO ARE YOU BACK FOR GOOD, ADMIN PLOP? Slowly, but surely! I’m working retail around the holidays & also have my own stuff going on, so content will be released at a snail’s pace. That includes refilling our queue + answering the very wonderful & patient asks in our inbox! Thank you all for being so understanding! 
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                                  💖 ✨✨MY RIDICULOUS GIF PACK LIST✨✨💖
Adrienne C. Moore in Modern Persuasion Cory Michael Smith in Gotham Curley Gao in Variety Shows (Bon-Us, etc) Elle Fanning in All The Bright Places Gigie ( Lê Trúc Anh ) in Girl Next Room: Security Love Guli Nazha in Return the World To You Daniella Pineda in Mercy Black Daniella Pineda in Cowboy Bebop Daniella Pineda in Modern Persuasion Dilraba Dilmurat in 21 Karat Dilraba Dilmurat in Diamond Lovers Dilraba Dilmurat in The Long Ballad (period resource) Dilraba Dilmurat in You Are My Glory Dominic Rains in Modern Persuasion Karan Soni in Always Be My Maybe Madina Memet in Ice Fantasy Destiny Ólafur Darri Ólafsson in Lady Dynamite Omar Sy in Lupin Salma Hayek in Drunk Parents Rainn Wilson in Hesher Rainn Wilson in Shimmer Lake Rainn Wilson in Soul Pancake Randall Park in Always Be My Maybe Rina Sawayama in Interviews Ryan Reynolds in 6 Underground Ryan Reynolds in Red Notice Ryan Reynolds in The Woman in Gold Ryan Reynolds in Interviews Zazie Beetz in Interviews
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rubberduckyrye · 3 years
I've been reading the twins au and I was wondering if y'all are still working on it?
Ah... I was dreading this ask coming to my ask box one day. I was actually just thinking about it five minutes ago before I saw this.
Truth of the matter is, the answer is a very weird mix of yes and no. L and I are both kind of phasing out of Danganronpa as a fixation (With L being more into OnS and me being more into Genshin Impact (though my heart still has a huge soft spot for the characters I loved the most in V3)) and that means we haven't been doing replies/writing for Twins AU for... well, months.
So on the front of "are you and L still writing for Twins AU" that's a no. Not at the current moment. Will we continue to do so later if the fixation comes back? I can't say for sure either way. I've been drifting further and further from DRV3 and even have been redesigning my AU design for Kokichi to make a new OC--something I've briefly mentioned here before.
The part where it gets weird is that since we have a huge, huge chunk of it already written in RP form, I've taken it upon myself to at least chip at the massive project that is the main story and ficify what's been written and fill in the gaps of what hasn't been written. Right now, I'm slowly getting through the "chapter 1" section of Twins AU and am coming up to the parts where we actually did roleplay out some of it. It's a very taxing project, but I do want to continue it for as long as I can manage. Plus @trans-shuichisaihara and I have been going back and forth talking about DR in general which has helped me keep my interest in the V3 characters, Kurochi, and Twins AU in general--so in short, the answer to "Is Twins AU still being worked on" the answer is yes. Just, at an extreme snails pace.
I'm sort of stuck in a position of not wanting to dash the hopes and dreams of Twins AU fans, but also myself, and also not wanting to get hopes too high. So to the question, will Twins AU be finished?
The answer is a big shrug of "idk, maybe?"
I hope this made sense, and sorry if it didn't.
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meracie · 4 years
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𝗪𝗘𝗟𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘!  My name is a Flo, I’m in my early 20′s. This is revamped version of Feracie from 2-3 years ago. ( I also recently got locked out of my old account so here is ANOTHER. ) She is an Chimera OC based on the concept of Survival. Alchemy is present throughout her story but I’m still learning all about it all so sorry if something doesn’t add up. It’s just something I’m interested in for fun. Thank you for taking the time to read through these rules. I look forward to interacting.  ଘ(੭ ˘ ᵕ˘)━☆゚.*・。゚ᵕ꒳ᵕ~
Topics of cannibalism, body horror, gore & violence will be present heavily on this blog so if you sensitive these subjects, I do not recommend you follow this blog.  It will be all tagged appropriately, mainly just as NSFW to be safe. I do not have any triggers personally, so I do not tag things specifically unless it is requested by a mutual. Feel free to come to me and ask if you are a mutual. I want everyone to be comfortable as we are here to have fun & enjoy ourselves.
I am not very selective when it comes to following people, whether they are original or canon characters. It might take me a few days to follow back, I like to go over the blogs & read the rules. There may be a few things that will lead me to unfollowing you, most of the time it’s just because we have not interacted & I do not see us interacting in the future. Another reason may be that I don’t see my muse being able to interact with your muse anymore, which is nothing personal they just might not be compatiable. My muse once she dislikes someone or feels dejected she will not bother interacting with them anymore.
If you participate in ANON HATE or CALLOUT culture. I will unfollow immediately. I am here as a hobby and do not want to see or be apart of drama.
I am typically a novella or multi-para styled roleplayer. Due to this, I often prefer plotted threads as I enjoy writing longer stuff. However this really isn’t something you have to worry about when following me. I would love to interact with all kinds of different people disregaurding their writing style. We are here to have fun, so if I write a little too much do not feel the need to match. As long as I have something to work with, I am happy.
I may approach people to consider pre-established relationships also, introductions can take a long time in my opinion. So if you think the same and want to plot something out? Please feel free to message me.
Please bare with me, regaurding replies also. I can move at pace of a snail sometimes. You can remind me but please don’t pester me.
I haven’t exactly decided what to do reguarding shipping. I am open to single shipping if I find someone to do such a thing with. I don’t really see my muse open to relationships without lots of development but if you do want to ship with them in the future, again, please feel free to message. ♡
I expect everyone to follow the basic rules when it comes to roleplay, such as no godmodding, metagaming and powerplay. Considering my characters storyline, fighting is something that will probably a lot.  She will not hurt your muse or kill without permission, I will most likely approach you if our muses are to fight anyhow. My muse doesn’t equal me either. She may say some things or do something that upsets you. Please make sure you seperate RP from reality to avoid any unneeded drama.
                                                blog re-established. 24.08.2020                                     BIOGRAPHY  OF A -  BEAR ↙   PANTHER ↙
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deathboundinautumn · 4 years
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Mun & Muse
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by:   @foxcharmed​ (ily) tagging:    oof this is a longer one so ima tag only a few people @rock-you-like-a-hurricxne​, @niflheimqueen​, @tacitusauxilium​, @finalhxaven​, @dxfiedfxte​, and anyone who wants to do it, steal it from me (I wont tell if you dont ;) )
MY MUSE IS:   canon / oc / au / slightly canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated.
IS YOUR CHARACTER POPULAR IN THE FANDOM?   YES? / NO. (I’m not entirely sure? I know he’s generally well-liked in the fandom)
IS YOUR CHARACTER CONSIDERED HOT™ IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO / IDK. (I’m pretty sure people think he is)
IS YOUR CHARACTER CONSIDERED STRONG IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO / IDK. (Yeah he's pretty fucking strong, just most people dont use him because you only have him for like a month :/ )
ARE THEY UNDERRATED?   YES / NO / IDK. (I wouldn’t say they are.  I mean the persona 3 fandom is already small as it is and everyone seems to like him so)
WERE THEY RELEVANT FOR THE MAIN CHARACTER?   YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. (In vanilla game not as much but in other mediums that tell the story (which are also canon) yes they are)
ARE THEY WIDELY KNOWN IN THEIR WORLD?   YES / NO. (just a homeless orphan) 
HOW’S THEIR REPUTATION?   GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. (Depends on who you ask.  The other members of the Senpai squad would say he’s the goodest boy.  But others call him a criminal/vagrant/troublemaker and all sorts of things.  Shinji prefers his reputation to be leaning towards the bad side as he’s more likely to be left alone that way)
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON?   —   I have a very very hard time breaking canon.  The big thing being his fate on Oct 4th, its very hard for me to not honor that.  I like that his story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.  I like how his sacrifice impacts the rest of the group.  I try to honor that this is what the character wanted and by not letting him have it that im cheapening his sacrifice.  That being said I do have my own headcanons about things but I would say theyre hardly canon divergent.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.   —   -pulls out homeless son from the dumpster- look at him, look at this burnt cinnamon roll.  He may be just a grumpy ol sour-puss but deep down there’s a heart of gold that can’t help but shine through.  Despite his reputation, my boy is wholesome and caring who will always go out of his way to help those in need even if he’ll deny it every time.  Just because he’s crunchy on the outside doesnt mean he aint soft on the inside. -tosses him back in the dumpster-
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).   —  Boy I sure hope you like building character relationships at a snails pace because hoo boy is it gonna take a long ass time for you to get anywhere with this boy.  Opening up? What’s that?  How to do?  He doesn’t want to get to know you or your muse.  He just wants to be left alone so he can die in peace.  Don’t bother him.
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?   —   I dunno.  I replayed Persona 3 and just really really liked him.  Been in the RP game for a few years at that point and decided, meh fuck it.  If I don’t like it, I’ll just delete.  
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING?   —   His struggle is something I hold very near to me and really cut me deep and still does.  Also all of you who think of me and wanna do things with me and my interpretation of Shinjiro <3
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
DO YOU THINK YOU GIVE YOUR CHARACTER JUSTICE?   YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? (I believe that I do/am very confident in my portrayal)
DO YOU FREQUENTLY WRITE HEADCANONS?   YES / NO / SORT OF? (I think about them alot but seldom write them down.  Maybe I’ll start since Im actually starting to use tags to organize stuff)
DO YOU SOMETIMES WRITE DRABBLES?   YES / NO (Yep yep yep.  Somethings start as drabbles that make it into the thread (-cough the flashback of Mitsuru leaving the dorms in a thread I have going with @niflheimqueen​-))
ARE YOU CONFIDENT IN YOUR PORTRAYAL?   YES / NO / SORT OF? (tons of praise throughout the year from the community has made me confident that my portrayal is well-liked)
ARE YOU CONFIDENT IN YOUR WRITING?   YES / NO / A LITTLE BIT. (sometimes when I’m on, I’m on.  Other times I look at my writing and am just like ‘dude find a different hobby’ but I keep on keeping on and the highs have been way better than any low ive gone through.
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?   —   Aye if its constructive hit me.  But if you’re just hating then that’s not much use to me.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?  — Sure, though I haven’t really had that happen before
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?   —  Live and let live.  Throughout the years there have been other Shinji’s out there who’s interpretation I’ve looked at and been like ‘nah this aint it chief’ but hey you know what’s real easy to do?  Not give a shit, live and let live.  So if someone didn’t agree with it, I wowuldn’t much care if they liked it or didn’t  its my interpretation and if they have a problem with it and make a point to come at me about it in a way that isn’t constructive then I’d say they have the bigger problem.
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?  — I’d be sad because he’s a good boy.  But again, if you really dont like him that much you don’t have to interact :’)
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?   —   Ye, I make em a lot sometimes (especially if Im tired or something else).
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?  —  I think so?   I haven’t been told that I’m not easy going and I’ve always felt very approachable.  I don’t always respond to dm’s but that’s because sometimes I’m busy but im always down to talk ooc.  It’s fun :’)
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miqojak · 5 years
PSA: Jak is Rude
So, I shared that post saying ‘my muse isn’t always right’, and I think about half my mutuals did too. So let me reiterate that Jak isn’t a goofy character, or anything like that - she is opinionated, visceral, and has some serious hang-ups and shitty opinions. She will insist that she is right, and that her world-view is the only applicable one. And while she is rather insightful and good at spotting people’s hang-ups and calling them out...she’s not always right. Her view IS skewed. Her take on last night’s RP isn’t necessarily correct, but from her POV it looks like someone got special treatment because of their relationship with another character. There’ve been people who said they understood this, and then simply stopped talking to me altogether after RP where Jak was a complete and total bitch.
Jak is an unrepentant asshole who thinks she is always right.
She isn’t always right, though. And if people take IC into OOC, I can’t help that. But I’m asking, right now, that people
do that. I’m asking that, if you’re interested in RPing with her, not to expect best buddies, or genuine friendship. Don’t expect similar interests to endear your character to her. Throw your expectations out the window, really. Any kind of ‘closeness’ with her is a slow burn. Snail pace. She is skittish, suspicious, and paranoid. She is a tortured person with a bleak outlook on life.
Don’t be offended by the things she says. Don’t think that I expect you to just go along with what she says. 
I don’t expect a lot of interest in her because she’s an anti-social asshole who is nigh impossible to romance. But I do expect people to mean it when they say that they won’t take IC into OOC. And I don’t want anyone to have hurt feelings OOC about how truly awful my shitty little calico Miqo is.
That said, thanks for reading this. Thanks for your interest! Jak is rude, but I am not - and I want people to have fun in RP, and not be intimidated by my shithead cat on an OOC level.
With that in mind, I’ll say that she’s not 100% impossible to make a genuine connection with! It just takes the right approach...and if I tell you how to do that, then it’s no fun, now is it?
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acriflos · 5 years
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𝗪𝗘𝗟𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘!  My name is a Flo, I’m in my early 20′s. This is an independant blog for Yona from Akatsuki no Yona. I will try to stick to canon as much as possible, but I do want to portray her the way I want too in the end. Thank you for taking the time to read through these rules. I look forward to interacting.  ଘ(੭ ˘ ᵕ˘)━☆゚.*・。゚ᵕ꒳ᵕ~
Reguarding NSFW material, there is a lot of violence & topics of abuse in Yona. They may be talked about or violent encounters may happen. If you aren’t comfortable with those, probably not the blog for you.  I do not have any triggers personally, so I do not tag things specifically unless it is requested by a mutual. Feel free to come to me and ask if you are a mutual. I want everyone to be comfortable as we are here to have fun & enjoy ourselves.
I am not very selective when it comes to following people, whether they are original or canon characters. It might take me a few days to follow back, I like to go over the blogs & read the rules. There may be a few things that will lead me to unfollowing you, most of the time it’s just because we have not interacted & I do not see us interacting in the future. Another reason may be that I don’t see my muse being able to interact with your muse anymore, which is nothing personal they just might not be compatiable. My muse once she dislikes someone or feels dejected she will not bother interacting with them anymore.
If you participate in ANON HATE or CALLOUT culture. I will unfollow immediately. I am here as a hobby and do not want to see or be apart of drama.
I am typically a novella or multi-para styled roleplayer. Due to this, I often prefer plotted threads as I enjoy writing longer stuff. However this really isn’t something you have to worry about when following me. I would love to interact with all kinds of different people disregaurding their writing style. We are here to have fun, so if I write a little too much do not feel the need to match. As long as I have something to work with, I am happy.
I may approach people to consider pre-established relationships also, introductions can take a long time in my opinion. So if you think the same and want to plot something out? Please feel free to message me.
Please bare with me, regaurding replies also. I can move at pace of a snail sometimes. You can remind me but please don’t pester me.
I haven’t exactly decided what to do reguarding shipping. I am open to single shipping if I find someone to do such a thing with. So the blog will remain multi-ship for now, although my character probably needs a lot of work when it comes to relationships as she has a whole kingdom to worry about first & foremost. Chemistry is super important also of course. ♡
I expect everyone to follow the basic rules when it comes to roleplay, such as no godmodding, metagaming and powerplay. Considering my characters storyline, fighting is something that will probably a lot.  She will not hurt your muse or kill without permission, I will most likely approach you if our muses are to fight anyhow. My muse doesn’t equal me either. She may say some things or do something that upsets you. Please make sure you seperate RP from reality to avoid any unneeded drama.  My character is human too, not the strongest either so she could easily be killed and I don’t want to just axe of my muse without talking about it first! 
                                                            Established 20.12.2019                                                 ↘  THE PRINCESS. ↙
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Honestly some people...
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Do you all read about mun & guidelines pages before following or do you just follow and not read/ skim through to the banned fcs section and that’s it?? I’M ALWAYS INTERESTED IN WRITING WITH YOU. YOU’RE ALL UNIQUELY TALENTED PEOPLE WITH FANTASTIC & CREATIVE IDEAS, SO I ACTUALLY CONSIDER MYSELF BLESSED TO BE ABLE TO WRITE/COMMUNICATE WITH YOU ALL.
 I just have different muse/ headspace to do different IC & OOC replies and even plotting at different points of time. Plus I'm usually most exhausted during weekdays so I haven't really done anything fruitful for this past working week. And I have said it many times in dozens PSAs ( besides already saying almost the same thing in my rules & about page ) that I'm SLOW IN REPLYING TO BOTH OOC & IC REPLIES. So I get it if that's not your style and if you don't have the patience for it. No hard feelings actually. You can always find your crowd and I find mine.
Thus there’s absolute no need to harass me for replies or try to discreetly guilt-trip me. I’ve been rping here for many years now and I will no longer entertain or fall for this kind of bullshit. I have learned that the key to being happy and not be stressed about rping on here is: to be myself, TREAT THIS AS A UTTERLY RELAXING HOBBY NOT A SECOND JOB, and do things at my own pace. I’ve found many genuine people who I adore & honestly cherish as real friends now by being this way for the past few years, so I’m not going to change my writing style or writing pace for anyone. If you honestly can’t bear to rp or plot in my slow-snail of a pace ( I am slow and will most likely always be slow, no buts about it ), the I beg you to not interact with me or my blog. Just unfollow. There’s no need to continue harassing me/ bugging me/ try to discreetly guilt trip me. To the few of you who have done so, this is all I have to say. 
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