#typing will aggravate it too if there’s anything going on with my wrist
miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
18. it was all a dream.
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Stepping onto the brick red welcome mat, Rod raps on the front door, further annoying an already agitated Stevie, inside the house.
"Come on, Stevie." He clutches the pink roses in his hand and continues to knock. "Can we please talk?"
"No!" she yells, walking towards the door, beginning to mimic his knocking. "Quit bangin' on my door."
"I wouldn't have to bang on it, if you'd just open up."
"We don't have anything to talk about, Roderick. Go play with Tara and leave me alone."
"Quit talkin' crazy and open this door, Vie. I don't want any parts of that girl." She scoffs, rubbing her temples.
"That's not what it looked like, to me. Plus, why can't you just let me be mad at you?" She starts talking with her hands as if he could see her.
"I know what it looked like and I told you what it was. I don't want you being mad at me, babygirl. It's been a day and I'm losing my mind out here— I'm talking to you through a goddamn door, man!" She rolls her eyes and unlocks the door, cracking it open.
"I'm only gonna let you in, cause you're getting rowdy and my neighbors are nosy, sometimes." She grabs his collar and pulls him inside, closes the door and walks away.
"Trying to win me over with roses isn't gonna work." She heads back into the kitchen and resumes cutting up fruit for her smoothie.
He sits them on the counter and sighs. "Why you bein' so feisty towards me? I told you that I was sorry."
"Do you mean it or are you just tryna get back in my good graces?" She raises an eyebrow and sits her knife down on the cutting board.
"I mean it. You're obviously set on being mad at me, right now—"
"As I should be!" She cuts him off. "I kept up my end of the bargain, but where were you? Oh, that's right. You were letting bitches play in my face." The irritation drips off her every word.
"Stevie," he rounds the island and she picks her knife back up, making him stop in his tracks.
"Don't." She points it at him, but he's unfazed. He even chuckles.
"You're really gonna cut me?"
"Walk a little closer and we'll see, cause I don't know what's so fuckin' funny."
"You are," he grips her wrist and starts prying the knife out of her tight grip. "Gimme this shit, man."
"No," she yanks her arm back, accidentally nicking his thumb, causing it to bleed a little. He huffs, bringing it up to his mouth and glaring at her something awful.
"I told you not to come any closer, now look what you did," she bumps past him and grabs a bandaid out of the top drawer by her coffee maker.
"Gimme your hand.”
He snatches the bandaid from her and turns in the opposite direction, mumbling underneath his breath.
"Fuck you too, then!" She mushes him in the back of the head, placing the knife in the sink. "Can't even continue cutting my fruit, cause you wanna be stupid."
"Seriously, where's all this aggression coming from? I made you that mad, that you gotta cuss me out and slice me open?" He asks, walking back towards her, getting closer since she has no weapon.
"Yes, you pissed me the fuck off. I don't care what type of history y'all got, you sat in my face and told me, and I quote— I'm wit whatever you wit— just for you to not be with it. At all."
After fidgeting with the bandaid for more than a second, Stevie grows frustrated and grabs his hand, placing the adhesive strip over the cut, smacking it to be aggravating.
"I'm sorry," he winces.
"You are." He cuts his eyes at her as she rolls her own, dropping his hand as if it was dead weight.
"Can you stop for like five seconds?"
"Fine." She crosses her arms over her chest and stares at him with a fire in her eyes that makes him twitch behind his black sweats. He knows it's not the time.
"I did tell you that I was down for whatever and I am. I just thought she was really turning over a new leaf and trying to patch shit up," he explains, while she blinks, "but, you were right and I'm a dumb ass. I just want you to stop looking at me, like you wanna kill me."
She turns around and grabs the cutting board, sliding the fruit into the blender. He sucks his teeth and walks up behind her, making her sit the board down.
"That's not what I meant and you know that." She backs up into him to push him away, but he only wraps his long arms around her waist.
"Get off me." She whines, while grabbing the lid for the blender and turning it on, filling the semi-quiet kitchen with the loud, buzzing noise.
"I'm sorry," he whispers into her ear, before kissing her lobe. "Can you forgive me?"
Stevie shrugs, before turning the blender off and nudging for him to release her. He reluctantly does so as she reaches into her cabinet for a cup, pouring the strawberry, mango and orange juice based mixture into it.
Taking a sip of it, she glances at him and walks away, heading upstairs. He watches her walk up each step with an extra switch, than usual.
He heads up behind her, watching as she sits down on her bed, tucking her knees into her chest, staring up at the tv.
"Shh, I'm watching tv."
"Man." He grabs the remote and cuts it off, tossing it on the bed. "I'm not doing this with you, aight? Cut the attitude or I'll cut it for you."
"You're not my daddy." She stands up, poking him in the center of his chest.
"That's funny, cause I definitely had that ass singin' a different tune, a couple weeks back." He smirks, watching her nose crinkle up.
"Fuck you."
"If that's what you wanted, that's all you had to say, babygirl." He strokes her cheek. She pushes him, only for him to do the same to her, making her fall back into her mattress.
"You're being so annoying, right now."
"That's how I'm feelin' bout this attitude you got goin' on." He smacks her thigh.
"Tell me the truth. You still mad at me, for real?"
"A little! That shit still pissed me off and I need you to understand that. I'm talkin' shit, but that's literally how I feel, right now."
He kneels down in front of her. "I'm sorry."
"Quit saying that. I got it."
"Can I make it up to you?"
"I know exactly how you're trying to make it up to me, Rod." She rolls her eyes.
"The ball's in your court, babygirl."
"I just don't wanna seem weak for forgiving you, this soon."
"Who thinks you're weak? You wanna be mad at me, forever? I want us to make it past this. It killed me, watching you walk away from me. I respected the fact that you were upset and I stayed away for as long as I could handle, but I can't do this. I can't be without you for another day. I know I messed up and I'm so sorry."
She sighs, sliding her hands in his. "I still wanna fight you, but I did miss you. You just gotta stop being stupid."
"I promise. You have my word."
"Hm... okay, I forgive you." He leans forward to kiss her lips, watching the smirk creep across them as he pulls away.
"How'd you sleep last night?"
"Terrible. The nightmares are getting more vivid. I just want them to go away. I want him to go away."
"You know better than anybody that I'll handle it."
"I know," she says softly, playing with his fingers. "It's not bad when you're around. Can you stay here tonight?"
"You don't ever gotta ask, baby." He kisses the top of her head as she visibly relaxes.
She gets comfortable, pretzeling her legs around one of his, her hand finding a spot on his abs underneath his shirt. They half-pay attention to whatever's on the screen as he lazily drags his fingertips up and down her clothed back, taking turns sipping on her fruity concoction.
The signature Nokia jingle rang throughout her room, alerting Rod that someone was calling. He was going to let it ring until whomever called again.
"Babe it might be important, pick it up."
He swipes his phone from her nightstand, and sure enough it's his mother complaining about how something else is broken and she needs Rod and his expertise to fix it. Not one to tell his mom no, he lets her know he'll be there shortly. He hangs up, a slightly irritated sigh blowing past his lips.
"It's okay. Go work your magic, babe. I'll be waiting up for you," she says with a slight chuckle. Kissing her sweetly, he grabs his things and is off to see what his mom broke this time.
Left by her lonesome again, she decides to call her own mother to see how she is and possibly get together for dinner. She doesn't really want to be alone now.
Thankfully, she's free and more than happy to see her daughter.
Stevie's not in the mood to make a production out of getting dressed that she usually does when she meets with her mom, opting for jeans and a cropped olive sweater with camel colored ankle boots. Her mom would have to deal.
Surprisingly she too, is dressed down, for her at least, when they meet.
Also surprising, yet welcome, was the easy, pleasant conversation they fell into as they ate. No mentions of possible pregnancies or rehashing of past indiscretions.
Just smiles, laughter, and a genuinely good time. At one point she discreetly pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming.
After making plans to see each other again, they're off to their respective homes.
Just as she's about to call Rod, as she hasn't heard from him in a couple of hours, a series of texts comes through on her pager, describing how a simple repair job turned into being "conned" into helping Viv rearrange her entire bedroom. Her infamous New York-style cheesecake was up for grabs so he just had to.
The only thing that saves him from her ire is promising her an entire half to herself.
Throwing on some old track shorts and tying her glossy curls into a pineapple, she plops onto her bed face first. She found herself falling asleep to the tune of old Comic View reruns.
It's an overcast, chilly afternoon, and Stevie's watching her Doc Martens hit the ground one after another.
She's suddenly overtaken with the smell of smoke.
She looks up and her feet have led her to the front porch of a shoddy, single story brick house with its front door wide open, the burning scent only getting stronger.
Stepping in further, she's compelled to investigate. The house looks utterly lived in by at least several men. From the dark, minimalist furniture to its unadorned walls. Magazines and rolling papers litter the coffee table.
The deeper into the house she went, still no source of the scent makes itself present.
Her stomach turns as the smell morphs into rotted...flesh? Dread weaves itself through her veins.
She puts her hand over her mouth and dry heaves making a turn to leave when a voice stops her in her tracks.
"Look at you. Sticking your nose where it doesn't belong," he tsk’s in mock disapproval. Her eyes shoot around the room, but he's nowhere to be found. Her feet feel as if they've been cemented to the floor.
"Don't you know a pretty girl like you can get hurt like that, Stevie Wonder?"
He steps from a shadowy corner, and as always her eyes take in the tattoos that cover his knuckles and arms, moving up to the red ink that took up half his neck.
Why did he look so bloated??
His face, though. His face makes all the color leave her own.
Charred, but the devilish smirk it held was unmistakable.
Jolting up from another nightmare, this one far more intense and telling, she grabs her phone off her nightstand and begins to call Rod.
But by the time it starts ringing on his end, the line cuts out, along with everything else in the house. 
A jolt rushes through her as the air stills, giving the house an eerie feeling.
Moving from her bed, she pulls the curtain back to see the streetlights and her neighbors houses still have power, sending her for a loop.
"What the.." she turns around and heads out of her room, making her way downstairs and into the living room.
She reaches into her drawer for the flashlight. Impatiently rummaging through it, she grabs it and quickly turns it on, flashing it on random parts of her dark living room, sighing as she comes up empty handed.
"Why is the power off? I paid the damn electric bill." She grumbles and heads into the kitchen, digging in different drawers to find her pocket knife.
A noise sounds to the left of her, causing her to quickly shine her light in that direction, still not finding anything.... or anyone.
"Is somebody playin' with me?! Rod, is that you?" The fear in her voice doubles as she hears footsteps. She continues searching for her knife in a panic.
"Looking for this?" Her stomach drops to the floor as that same slimy voice from too many times before, fills her ears.
She stares at his masked face as his tattooed knuckles twirl her pink, Swiss Army knife around by the keychain loop.
"It's you."
"And, it's you." He chuckles and claps his hands in faux celebratory fashion. "I gotta hand it to you— it definitely took you long enough."
"Why?" She asks, beginning to back up as he starts walking towards her.
"My brother is dead, babygirl. His blood is on your hands and you gotta pay for what you did."
"I— I didn't kill your brother."
"Oh, I know your boyfriend did it, but it's so much more satisfying to blame it on you, cause it's ultimately your fault."
"Excuse me? How is it my fault?" He narrows his eyes at her.
"No more talking." He lunges at her, instantly getting clocked in his right temple with the the flashlight she's gripping for dear life, falling to the floor with a grunt.
She jumps over him and grabs the knife off the floor, running out of the kitchen and into the living room, where she's yanked back and tossed onto the carpet. The knife cuts her cheek from the abrupt movement, but she keeps it in her clutch.
"Fuck," she reaches out and cuts his leg, through his pants. He yanks her up by her hair, causing a shrill scream to sound through the air.
"Shut the fuck up!" His fist connects to her jaw, knocking her out cold. He whistles through her opened front door, and two men come in and carry her limp body outside.
The sound of a ringing phone catches his attention, sending him upstairs to retrieve it off of her bed. He stuffs it inside his jacket pocket and heads out.
Will you come find me...
When I'm out of reach from everything...
When my surroundings are no longer familiar.
I'm screaming out,
Yet, you can't hear me....
I'm bleeding out,
Yet, you can't feel me...
I'm afraid that you won't be able to save me,
This time.
I'm afraid that I won't be alive....
Will you come find me?
"Wrap this shit up, man." A voice to the left of Stevie is heard, as she slowly comes to, immediately rubbing her jaw and groaning.
"What the fuck," her eyes dart up to the same nameless man and a couple of new faces, equally as scary as his.
"Glad you could join us, dear." He speaks, sarcastically.
Usually, whatever was on the tip of her tongue, she'd let fly out of her mouth, but in this moment, she feared for her safety.
"Where am I?" She asks, internally cringing at how dry her throat is.
"Now, why would I tell you that?"
She blows out a frustrated breath and stares down at the blue carpet she's sitting on.
"Don't look so sad, princess. Your knight in shining armor should be on his way, shortly." He jokes, causing the others to chuckle.
She looks back up at him and narrows her eyes, "you're all a bunch of bitches. You know that?"
"You know what I know?," he quickly kneels in front of her, gripping her chin up. "I know that bitches like you cause problems. You know how many problems you've caused, Stevie?? Too fucking many." He lets her face go, roughly.
She breathes through her nose and stares back at him, not even giving it a second thought as she spits right in his eye. "Fuck you."
He laughs in response, before moving away from her and wiping her DNA out of his cornea. "Yeah, you just stay put."
"What makes you think I won't try and run away?" She asks.
"If you want your boyfriend to stay alive, you won't be running off too far." He winks at her, before leaving out of the room, along with his two, very dumb, cahoots-men.
Just so, Rod gets out of his Jeep with her promised half of cheesecake in hand. Moving up the sidewalk, the flicker from the flashlight catches his eye, causing his steps to quicken and push the unlocked door all the way open.
"Stevie?," he grabs the flashlight off the ground, sits the dessert on the counter and shines it around the dark kitchen, finding the drawers open and items strewed about.
Walking further into the living room, a spot of blood catches his eye, causing his heart to drop. He kneels down and stares at it, before reaching into his pocket for his phone.
Placing the phone up to his ear, he listens for her voice, but comes up short. Tightening his hand on the gun in his waistband, he heads upstairs, again not finding her anywhere.
His heart sinks further as he makes way back outside.
Crossing over the tiny garden of wilting roses in between the houses, he sends a couple of firm knocks on the bejeweled screen door.
The door cracks open as an olive teenaged boy pokes his head out, nodding at Rod. "What's up, my man?"
"Hey, uh... this is gonna sound weird, but I think my girlfriend is missing. She's not in the house and I'm extremely worried.... did you maybe see anything or hear something?"
"Now that you mention it," he opens the door a little further and steps out, closing it behind himself. "I did hear some commotion and my nana made me come check it out."
"What did you see?"
"It was suspicious ass dark van parked right there, for the longest time.," he points at the end of Stevie's driveway. "I'd never seen it, before."
Rod's blood starts to boil. "Did you happen to catch the license plate?"
"I did, actually. It's 2E14859. It was extra odd to me, cause it's not a New York tag, it's a California tag."
"Thank you, man. I appreciate it."
"No problem, let me know if I can do anything else." He pats his shoulder and heads back inside.
Rod heads back to his car and just sits there, putting all the pieces together in his head. Everything that's happened, slowly starts making a helluva lot of sense.
"Oh shit.," he pulls his phone back out and calls Josh.
"Hey.... we got a problem."
@blackerthings @sheabuttahwrites @twistedcharismaaa @thegifstories @blowmymbackout @chaneajoyyy @ghostfacekill-monger @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @nayaxwrites @cecereads209 @abeautifulmindexposed @harmshake
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hiero-green · 2 years
hi i never do this bc i don’t like sounding like i’m begging but uhm the Cloud of Impending Doom has been hovering over my head for several days, and i’m in a vicious cycle of being anxious about carpal tunnel, drawing to regulate my anxiety, then getting more anxious about carpal tunnel and uhm 8,) heem heem,, if any mutuals wanna by any chance doodle me like,.,…,., idfk man,,, batflash or riddler or merman superman/superbat or even my OC cylas that would genuinely make me feel a lot better,,
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gavin-plz-call-me · 3 years
Trust in Him
TW: Depictions of sexual harassment and sexual assault
You love your job, so when one of your coworkers begins to harass you, you're scared that you'll have to choose between your job and your safety. Luckily, Artem is here to support you.
This is my first time writing about sexual harassment/assault, so I apologize in advance if it's not a perfectly accurate portrayal.
Word Count: 3.3k
You needed this job, those words alone were all that kept you from doing something rash, but your resolve was growing thinner and thinner by the day. Every day you worked in the office, which, luckily for you, grew less frequent after becoming partners with Artem and joining NXX, one of your co-workers in particular was bound to come speak with you. This wouldn't be an issue if he were speaking to you about work issues, or a case, hell, even the weather but he, Julius, never came over for any productive reasons. The two of you had worked a case together a few months ago, but other than that, you should be complete strangers.
You could see Julius approaching from the corner of your eye, a nasty smirk plastered on his, and you hated to admit this, conventionally attractive face. While others might swoon at his good looks, you had to hold back a gag as he placed his hand firmly on your shoulder, enveloping your senses in his stale scent. He then slowly leaned down, his lips almost touching your ear, and whispered "That shirt makes your tits look great," his disgustingly wet breath sent shivers through your body as he gave your shoulder a squeeze and headed off like nothing happened.
As far as you knew, you were his only victim. The other ladies in the office swooned over him, speaking highly of his good looks and "great" skills as a lawyer. A few who had witnessed his advances towards you and misinterpreted your blush as shy interest complained of how envious they were that such a handsome, successful man was interested in you, and you kept quiet. You had heard enough horror stories of women who had come out about work-place harassment who were fired, never given or even considered for promotions, and even sued for slander, and you couldn't let any of that happen to you, you had to tolerate it. A job at Themis law firm is a dream for many law students, you included, and you wouldn't let that slip away. Even if you had to endure harassment, even if you had to leave your desk to escape to the bathroom some days because you couldn't keep the tears out of your eyes, even if you couldn't fall asleep some nights because images of what he's done to you and what he's capable of doing to you infect your mind, even if you had to start wearing ill-fitting clothes to hide your figure in an attempt to get him to leave you alone, and even if you were terrified to be in a room alone with him, lest he become bolder, you had to persevere. If everything in your life went right, you'd become his boss one day, and when that day came, you could fire his ass.
Of course, though, you weren't the boss, and you had to listen to what yours said. So, when your manager approached you a few days after Julius's latest incident telling you you'd be assisting him in a case, there wasn't much you could do to get out of it. Artem and you weren't working on any urgent cases at the moment, so he gave them permission to steal you away for the case. You were very skilled in working the case type Julius was "stuck on" so your manager said you the obvious choice for the job. There was no way out.
Julius invited you into his office with a sickly-sweet smirk and an almost impermeable wink as a knot settled in your stomach. Something in you screamed at you, don't go in there, it yelled, anywhere else. Just not his office.
"Well, I wouldn't want to intrude in your personal space," You said, trying to keep an aura of professionalism while also trying to protect yourself. There were still others around, if you start to show your discomfort, you'd be found out. You felt like you were lying, in a way, maybe you were? Guilt ran up and down your spine, and you hoped the feeling didn't translate to your expression.
"Oh, MC." His voice was outwardly cheery with an undertone of something, though you couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was, "You could never be an intrusion to me. Let's use my office, I insist."
No, no no, the voice within you screamed again, you felt your breath hitch slightly, but you forced your breaths to be normal, despite how badly your lungs wanted you to gasp for air. "I would prefer it if we worked somewhere else, Julius." His name tasted disgusting on your tongue, "My desk for example," the two of you squeezed together, trying to work at the same small desk, his smell surrounding you, "or an empty conference room," still alone in a room together, his hands reaching out to touch your body, "or-"
"Mc, this would all be much simpler if we just worked in my office, I promise you, I don't mind." There was a hint of aggravation in Julius's voice, but it disappeared the longer he spoke. "There won't be any meeting halls open, now come on, let's go to my office."
You stood still for half a second, debating just running away, job be damned, but you didn't have time to start walking. You hadn't even decided which way to go, towards Julius's office or towards the main exit, when a voice rang out, "Mc, Julius, conference room six is open." You turned around, eyes meeting the bright sapphire eyes belonging to Artem. His brows were slightly furrowed, looking you up and down.
"Great," You said before Julius could say a word, "thank you Artem." You turned back to Julius, his eyes were much less kind than Artem's, and all you wanted to do was turn back to face the man with the beautiful eyes and put Julius in the depths of your memories, but you plaster on a fake smile as you say, "conference room six it is, then!" You quickly passed Julius, feeling two sets of eyes burning into you as you walked away. Julius's office was past conference room six, so as you entered the room Julius walked towards his own office instead, muttering something about needing to grab his case files.
You were glad that you didn't end up in his office, but the conference room wasn't much better, panic began building up in your chest again. There were large windows leading out into the hallway, which you sat right in the middle of giving anyone who walked by a perfect view of you and whatever you were doing. Conference room six was the most open of the conference rooms, but the hallway around here was never too busy. The windows also left a few blind spots, places he could back you into if he really wanted to. With slightly shaky hands you opened your laptop, opening an audio recording app. There weren't any security cameras in this conference room, and even though your gut stopped you from telling anyone about Julius, something within you told you to record.
The door to the conference room quickly opened and shut. You minimized the recording app, the pulsing red dot indicating that it’s recording disappears along with it. Julius throws a few case files onto the conference table before walking around to sit directly next to you. You rolled your chair away from him slightly, trying to escape his revolting stench. You began speaking about the case, reading the case files, and making comments about the stranger details, details you could use to defend your client.
The two of you continued to talk about the case for a while, the anxiety that had grown so high before began to dwindle, maybe you were wrong. Maybe Julius wasn’t going to take this chance to do something horrible to you, maybe he never was going to do anything to you. Had you just imagined his threats? “Mr. Johnson’s embezzlement of the school’s funds could be grounds for-”
"Tease," Julius interrupted you, his voice much darker, almost an inhumane growl, than what it was when you were surrounded by your coworkers. Darker than it was even a few seconds before when you were talking about the case.
"E-excuse me?" you asked, your professional front slipping, anxiety raising in your stomach once again.
Julius inched closer to you, holding the back of your chair to prevent you from rolling further away from him, "I said, you're a fucking tease Mc. Making me go back and forth like that." The undertone you couldn't pinpoint from before was back, but it was much more pronounced now. Anger mixed with desire, his unkempt nails dug into the skin of your thigh as he pushed himself onto you, "but you're not gonna tease me anymore."
Desperately, you pushed your feet against the floor as hard as you could, propelling your chair into the one behind you, allowing you to stand up and try to make it to the door. Julius's hand violently grabbed your wrist, yanking you back towards him. “Come on, Mc,” he growled in your ear, “everyone in the office knows you’re whoring around to get to the top. You can’t refuse me.”
You struggled against his grip, but every movement you made had him tightening his hold around your wrist, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Julius.” you gasped as the pain of his hand on you became too much.
This seemed to enrage Julius, who suddenly stood up from his chair, forcing you against the wall furthest from the door. Your head smacked violently into the wall sending sparks of pain through your vision. “Oh, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Everyone knows you’re putting out for Artem. Why else would he choose some sub-par slut of a lawyer to be his partner?”
“I-I didn’t-” Julius put more pressure on you as you tried to speak, stopping your words completely.
“Let’s put it this way, Mc,” Julius's hands snaked in opposite directions, one reaching your throat, putting suffocating pressure on it, the other gripping your ass, pulling you unwillingly closer to his body, “You put out for Artem to advance your career, and if you’re a good little slut for me, you can keep your career.” He pulled you somehow tighter into him, his mouth ghosting your ear before delivering a harsh bite into its flesh. “If not, you can kiss being a lawyer goodbye.”
The knot in your stomach twisted, the job you were passionate about, the coworkers you loved, Artem, your senior partner who had already taught you so much, could he really take all of that away from you? Was it really worth it to lose all that to him? Maybe you should just let him have you, once to save your job. But, as Julius’s hand moved from your ass forward, threatening to touch you in a much more intimate place, something in you broke. No. You wouldn’t let him take your career away, but you also wouldn’t let him have you. Throughout your career as a lawyer, you fought and fought and fought for your clients, day in and day out so they could find justice, and it was time for you to fight for yourself.
You thrust your knee upwards into Julius’s groin, and in the split second where he was caught off guard, you used all your strength to push him off of you. You ran for your laptop, his angered cries of pain filling the room as he stood motionless in the spot you left him in, grasping at his groin, trying to ease the pain. You took the opportunity to haphazardly grab your laptop and head for the door. Julius’s hand grazed your arm again as he regained some of his movement, but you were too far away from him at this point. He couldn’t reach you.
Escaping the suffocating air of that conference room could have been the happiest moment of your life. You saw Julius staring at you from the corner of your eye, still standing in the conference room, slightly doubled over. He wouldn’t dare chase you through the office, and he was out of sight before you could figure out what his next move would be. Adrenaline pumping through your body, you made your way across the office. You weren’t sure where your legs were taking you until you were already knocking at the door you sought out, Artem’s office.
The moment you saw Artem as he opened the door, his face going from stoic as always, then softening at the sight of you, and finally, his eyebrows furrowing in concern as he got a better look at you all in a matter of seconds, the emotions you had kept hidden for months suddenly broke free. Tears threatened to escape your eyes, so you broke your gaze away from Artem, opting to look down at your own shoes instead. You really didn’t want to cry in front of Artem. You so desperately wanted to be a great lawyer like him, famous for winning countless cases. He wouldn’t be so vulnerable as to cry in front of a coworker, and you wanted to follow in his footsteps. You tried to push them back, but they refused.
Artem put a gentle hand on your upper back as he led you into his office, closing the door behind him, and placing his jacket on you. It smelt strongly of him. You could detect hints of vanilla from his cologne which made you want to envelop yourself further into the cloth. He led you to the sofa in his office, Artem himself sitting down on the coffee table in front of you. His kind, gentle movements, so contrasting from Julius’s threats, made the tears stream down your face harder. You began to shake from the loss of adrenaline, and you buried your face in your hands.
Artem was at a loss for what to do. He’d never seen you cry before, he felt helpless as he watched you heave from your tears. One thing was certain in his mind, however: Julius had something to do with this. He could sense your discomfort earlier when he’d suggested the two of you use conference room six to discuss business. He could tell you were trying your hardest to suppress the feelings, but they were prevalent enough on your person for him to detect, but his actions had failed to protect you further. A part of him wanted to leave the office immediately, find Julius, and beat him to a pulp wherever he stood, but a more sensible part of him knew you needed him right now. Julius could be dealt with later.
Slowly, Artem stood up from his place on the coffee table and sat down on the couch, a good few feet away from you in order to give you space. You finally looked up at him when you felt his weight on the couch. Your eyes were red and irritated from the tears, makeup running down your face in light gray streaks. You desperately wiped away at them, but it didn’t make a difference. Artem’s soft voice finally broke the silence between the two of you, “Mc, can I hug you?” The hysterical part of your brain was surprised by his words. In your emotional state, you expected him to reject you, and act disgusted by your emotions. You nodded slightly, desperately wanting his comfort.
Before you knew it, Artem had slid closer to you on the couch, taking you in his arms, and gently pressing you into his chest. This simple action started your tears anew. You began crying harder than before, gasping for breath. Clumsy words spilled out of your mouth as you tried to tell Artem what had happened. You thought he deserved to know why you came to his office crying, but Artem simply gently shushed you, rubbing comforting circles into your back. “You don’t need to say anything yet, Mc,” he whispered
The two of you stayed like that for a long time until your tears eventually slowed to a stop. At that point, you pulled away from Artem, desperately missing his warmth as soon as you did so. Artem slid his hand in yours, giving it a gentle, supportive, squeeze before speaking again, “If you’d like to tell me what happened, I’ll be here for you, okay?” Artem’s comforting words, his warm hand in yours, and his beautiful blue eyes made everything that’s happened with you in relation to Julius spill. You couldn’t look at him as you told him about everything: the case you worked on together, how he’d continue to go to your desk even when the case was over, how that escalated to the harassment you had to endure, what just happened in the conference room, and the audio recording of the incident.
When your gaze finally settled back on Artem, he was wearing an expression you had never seen on him before. It was anger, it was concern, it was... it was something else you couldn’t quite place. Artem pushed himself up from the couch, his eyes on the door to the office. You tightly grasped his arm, stopping him from moving towards the door. The door meant he’d tell, the door meant all your fears would come to fruition, the door meant you’d have to face the world outside Artem’s warm embrace again, and you didn’t want that. “Please don’t,” you whimpered, new tears stinging your eyes, “don’t tell anyone, please.” A sob escaped your throat, making Artem sit back on the couch next to you. “I love my job here, I love working with you and Kiki. I love being your partner and working on NXX cases with you. I don’t want to lose it all.”
Artem was back to rubbing circles into your skin, this time at the base of your shoulder. “You won’t lose your job, I promise.”
“B-But, so many people have b-been fired because they r-report assault, I-I can’t l-let that happen.”
“Mc,” Artem said, his voice slightly stern, but still gentler than you’d ever heard it before, “please look at me.” Your eyes trailed up his body, which was still holding you, and finally met his eyes. “I won’t let that happen, okay?” His hand found your hair, gently combing through it with his fingers, “I promise you that you’ll be okay, that your job will be okay. I’ll put Julias in jail if it’s the last case I ever take, just please, please let me help you.” Before that day, you could never imagine Artem crying, but you knew the sight of his eyes filled with tears was real. He allowed you to see his emotions just as you’d allowed him to see yours. He wasn’t some emotionless lawyer who would allow his coworker to be fired because they told the truth. He was a man who’d openly share your emotions with you, even if that meant sharing your tears. You could trust him, you knew that now.
“Okay,” you let the word with a shaky breath, “I trust you, Artem.”
Artem stood up from his place next to you, not letting your hand go quite yet. He leaned over you, giving your forehead a gentle kiss, before looking into your eyes, determination filling his own sapphire ones. Your body slightly tensed when Artem finally removed his hand from yours, you quickly grew cold at the lack of his warmth, but you let him go. You watched his figure as he reached the door, taking one more glance behind him towards you, and left, shutting the door behind him. Eventually, you knew, everything would be okay again.
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Say Please
Summary: When he's not giving you the attention you want, purposefully trying to provoke Taehyung might not be the smartest idea.
Trigger Warnings: Smut, spanking, BDSM themes, D/s themes.
Yandere! Taehyung Dom! Taehyung
You're not a child. You don't demand attention. You don't pout. You don't throw tantrums. You're an adult and a mature one at that. If you want your Dom's attention, if you're frustrated because he has been working so much this week, you know the best thing is to sit him down and tell him. Explain that you miss him and that you would like for him to make just a little more time for you.
At least, that's how it worked in your previous relationships.
But unfortunately, Taehyung doesn't accept that type of approach. You know what he thinks; that you should be waiting on him. That you should be patient and ready for him when he is available. And while you completely respect and understand how demanding his job is, you honestly hate having to take second place to every meeting, every phone call, every single little thing related to his work.
The only time you ever seem to get his undivided attention recently is when you do something bad. And then he puts everything aside to remind you of your place.
Sitting at the dining table, you're waiting for permission to eat. Permission you're not sure is coming. With one hand on his laptop, the other on his fork, Taehyung seems to have forgotten you're sitting with him. He has been giving the same kind of obsessive focus to his computer all day, and it's driving you mad.
"Go ahead," he finally says several minutes later, not looking up.
"Thank you, Sir." You mumble from the side of your face. Not really hungry for the now cold dinner that you made.
"How much," the words disappear in a whisper. You couldn't think of a way to phrase the question without seeming demanding, so you give up on requesting an estimated time that he'll be finished.
But after 15 minutes more of pushing your food around your plate, you're bored and frustrated. You're aching for any kind of attention at this point.
You stand, collecting your glass and plate. You know you're supposed to ask for consent before you leave the table, but you intentionally don't.
Although, your disobedience goes unnoticed by the distracted Taehyung. He only nudges his empty plate towards you. "This one too," he grunts while in the middle of typing.
Fine. If he isn't going to even notice you aren't following your rules, you'll give him something he will notice.
"Say 'please'." you retort snarkily.
He stops cold. It takes a second for Taehyung to realize that what he heard is what you said. Looking up at you his brows are furrowed, certain he must have misheard you. "What?" he questions, giving you the opportunity to correct your smart-ass challenge.
"If you want me to take your plate, say 'please'." You double down, focusing hard to stop your face from slipping. Either into a smirk or into a nervous laugh.
"Ah," he clicks his tongue. His eyes narrow a little, sitting straight he leans back in his chair. "You must really want my attention." Staring at you up and down, he can see your attitude on full display. Your hip jutted out, head tilted to the side like you're actually waiting for him to follow your demand. "Are you sure this is the way you want to get it?"
His question and firm tone makes you hesitate and think for a moment. But you've already played your card, so you're not going to back out now. Not when this is the longest he's talked to you all day.
"I'm just telling you to use manners." You shrug, your stomach filling with a tension that is somewhere between giddy and anxious. You can't remember the last time you were this intentional cheeky.
Pursuing his lips he nods slightly to himself. "Okay, little girl." He leans forward, closing his laptop. "Please," he sarcastically stresses the word pushing the plate in your direction, "take these dishes and put them in the kitchen." He orders through a restrained smile. "Then get your ass back here and I'll give you all the attention you need."
Your stomach flutters. Nearly skipping you hurry to the kitchen and back, fighting to hide a smile. You know you're in so much trouble, but god you're excited.
You come back to the dining room and Taehyung has cleared the chairs and decorations from the dining table. He calls you to him with a gesture.
Silently, slowly and gently he starts to remove your clothes. First your shirt, then your bra. Then your skirt and underwear in one. He leans you over the head of the table, pushing on your back until you are bent over flat.
He leaves for a moment, not needing to tell you to stay, you know better than to move.
Returning, he crawls under the table, working a length of rope around your wrists, tying them together. The restraint is tight underneath keeping you held flat on your stomach. Next, he moves to your ankles binding each one to the legs of the table. He pulls it so firmly that you need to lean further forward to stop yourself from falling off balance. By the time he is done, you are stuck with your legs and arms spread. Eager and anticipating, but completely helpless.
Swiftly, his open palm comes down on your ass. The sensation right away shoots tingles around your thighs and to your core. You let out a delighted giggle, for the first time in days getting exactly what you want.
Again and again Taehyungs large hand spanks you. Paired with the rub of the ropes, the excitement of being naked and exposed, and the way he gropes his hands down your butt and thighs between each strike, you are overflowing, nearly moaning. You're eyes watering with how good and needy you feel.
"Do you like this baby girl?" he asks. His deep rumbling voice flowing through you, only worsening your arousal.
"Yes," you whine. At this moment, part of you is wishing for him to just hurry up fuck you, and the rest of you is not wanting him to stop smacking you just yet.
"I know you do." he snakes his hand between your thighs. Your head jerks back in reaction, yelping at the sudden touch. Crying out as his fingers rub and stroke your dripping opening. "Do you think you deserve to feel good y/n? Do you think trying to aggravate me should be rewarded? Hmm?"
You can't think of what to say. You don't want to say anything right or wrong and risk him stopping.
His fingers come away and you can't help but whimper, nearly begging him to keep going.
Suddenly another smack follows. One that isn't like the previous. This one rocks you forward. And it's not done with his hand. You can right away tell what it is. From the sound, the way it stung. It's his wooden paddle. As hard and as unforgiving as it ever was.
You know this paddle too well. It's so hard and solid. It leaves massive bruises and welts and hurts so damn much. It's something Taehyung brings out when he wants to leave an impression that lasts weeks.
Moments ago you wanted him to play with you so badly, but right now you're regretting your decision to be disrespectful just a little.
Taehyung spanks you again, the hollowing thud not fully doing justice to the heavy blunt throb that accompanies it. He falls into a rhythm beating your ass with the paddle over and over. Alternating between left and right, but striking the same places.
No matter how you struggle against the rope you can't get any leeway. In a meagre attempt at relief, you would normally kick your legs or pound your fists, but this time you can't even do that.
Your ass is on fire. Too quickly it hurts too much and you start to cry. Shrieking with every hit.
"Sir-sir," you call back, too out of breath to make a full plea. However, to your momentary reprieve, he finally gives you a break. Setting down the paddle next to you. He circles the table and your despair flares up again. He is coming to you with a ball gag.
Your eyes go wide as you realize that despite the pain already being tremendous and you closing in on your limit to it being truely unbearable, he's only getting started.
"Too loud," he smirks, forcing the gag between your lips. He pulls the strap firmly catching a few stray hairs in the buckle.
He goes out of your sight again, picking up the plank. He brings it over your abused skin and your body begins to heavily cry in response. Your sobs coming out muffled as he swats you over and over. In spite of the attempt, you can't move your tongue or your mouth wide enough to speak or cry out through the gag.
Your ass is throbbing. The skin is hot and raw, and the muscles are deeply bruised. This crossed the line from fun to a proper punishment a dozen hits ago.
Chuckling behind you, Taehyung can see the gag working exactly as he wanted. "If you want me to stop little girl, just say 'please'."
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malum-forev · 3 years
Try Anything Once
BuckyBarnes x Reader
Bucky finds himself at the worse place, the doctor’s office. But maybe it isn’t as bad as he thought.
Word Count: 2.6k
There were many things that brought James Buchanan Barnes rage, but at the top of his list was his mechanical arm. It was bad enough that it was a constant reminder of who he was, who he was created to be, but now due to a technical failure, it was even more of an inconvenience.
“I already told you that it’s fine.” He muttered at Sam, trying to open and close his palm, with no avail.
“Yeah, and if I were blind, I would believe that. You need to get that thing fixed. Maybe it just needs some motor oil.” He said followed by a loud laugh, only making Bucky’s eyes roll. “I already reported it to the medical department, anyways.”
“What are doctors going to tell me about this thing, it’s not flesh. They don’t know anything about it.”
“Well, I mean, we do have the best doctors in the world. I think they know something about that contraption.” Sam replied, standing up from his position and traveling to the front of the airplane to see how long it would take them to get back to the compound.
Bucky closed his eyes, trying to calm the bubbling anger that was filling him up, almost to the point of explosion. It was supposed to be the best, why would it be giving him trouble. Subsiding his anger, he thought that maybe he would have to go to Wakanda to get it fixed. Maybe he would even have to stay there for some time, he could only dream of that. In the past 80 years, that was the only time he felt something close to peace. Forcing his eyes to open, he realized that the plane was descending. Looking out the window, he saw what he dreaded the most. A team of people in white bathrobes.
“Doctors.” Bucky huffed in annoyance.
As he made his way through the white corridors with fluorescent lighting, he could hear at least three pairs of feet shuffling behind him. He could almost sense they were too nervous to ask him any questions. He stopped at the end of the hallway and waited for three seconds before turning around to face them.
“Well? Are you going to open this stupid door, or do I have to break it to get this thing fixed?” He yelled, not feeling anything as he saw the three young doctors shake and vigorously nod their heads. The tallest one, she couldn’t be a day older than 25, quickly entered the access code and opened the door. Revealing a large waiting room with one assistant behind a desk. He heard the elevator music first, after that came a whiff of something. Some kind of flower Bucky couldn’t recognize.
“I have an appointment.” Was the only thing he said as the assistant moved his eyes away from the computer and saw the former Winter Soldier. He was different, he wasn’t scared of Bucky.
“Name and date of birth please.” He asked kindly as he faced back to the computer.
“This must be a joke.” Bucky said, as he watched the assistant’s motionless expression, he realized it wasn’t. “James Buchanan Barnes, March 10th, 1917.”
“Thank you, Dr. (y/l/n) will be with you shortly. Would you like anything to drink while you wait?” He smiled again, only enraging Bucky even more. He decided no answer was needed. After about two minutes, he saw the door swing open and a field agent came out first.
“Thank you so much Doc.” She smiled, Bucky had seen her before if he remembers well, she even introduced herself. But like always, he never remembered anyone’s name. She smiled as she passed him, and he just nodded back. After the agent, a woman in that dreaded white bathrobe came out. Average build, fragile looking, late twenties, it would take me less than two seconds to knock her off the ground. Bucky thought, immediately erasing the thought from his mind, something his therapist had taught him to do.
“Mr. Barnes, please come inside.” She said, her voice was extremely peaceful and calm. Everything about her seemed that way. It was as if one of those singing birds from Snow White had come out of the storybook and became a human. Bucky followed her into her office and sat down, looking at the pendulum sitting on top of her neatly organized desk. Swinging back and forth infinitely. “You’re here because your arm is giving you trouble?”
“The metal one.” Was the only thing he said, she just nodded and motioned him to sit on the exam table, “I’m not laying on that. I’m not five.”
“You’re obviously not five, you were born in 1917.” She quickly replied. “If anything, I should have you sitting on a wheelchair, or one of those reclining chairs they have elderly people in. I need you to lay down here to check your prosthetic. I also need you to remove your jacket, and anything that would obstruct me from performing my analysis.”
With a quick glare, he followed her instructions. He took his jacket off and without thinking twice, ripped the sleeve from his t-shirt.
Laughing a bit, the doctor started contorting his arm in different directions. “You superheroes really have a passion for all things dramatic. You could have taken off your shirt.”
“This was easier.”
“Not much of a talker, are you?” she said before pressing on a disk near the arm’s wrist. Gaining a hiss from the former assassin.
“Could you just stop.” He said in an annoyed tone. “I’m just here because your people were waiting for me once I got off the damn plane. Now stop messing with it before you break my arm.”
With one swoop motion, he was back on his feet. “This is made from an incredible rare material. Something that they probably didn’t even know existed at whatever school you got your degree from. Which one was it?” Bucky said, getting more and more angry as he saw the doctor didn’t even flinch at what he was saying. He started looking around the walls to see where she had that paper framed. The one every doctor likes to display, as if it was some sort of badge.
“I don’t have a medical degree. You can say this comes,” Dr. (y/l/n) took a pause. “Naturally to me.”
Bucky let out a small laugh. “I’m fine. And even if I wasn’t, I’m not going to have some random person who couldn’t even finish med school looking at my arm. It’s probably more expensive than everything you own.
Dr. (y/l/n)’s expression didn’t change, the small smile still on her mouth. “Pepper’s team warned me about you, Mr. Barnes. They said you were, difficult.”
“Difficult.” Bucky scoffed as he leaned on the medical table, he watched the doctor move back behind her desk. Typing something on her computer, the printer slowly coming to life, sending out a small piece of paper.
“Well, they actually said you were a huge pain. Difficult is just the word I choose to use.” She adjusted her glasses and read what was on the paper, taking out a pen and signing it.
“It really shows that after Steve left, this place started hiring just about anybody. Their whole system is going to fall apart if they keep uncredited people here.” Bucky spat out, aggravated at the mere thought that Sam would have sent you here with her.
“You’re not completely wrong with that statement. But I don’t think it was after Steve, it was before that. At one point they even recruited brain washed assassins.” The doctor replied with a grin on her face, only making Bucky’s blood boil even more. “Try this, it will help with regaining mobility.”
Bucky ripped the paper out of the doctor’s hand, crumpling it up and shoving it in his back pocket. Turning around to leave the office.
“Oh and Mr. Barnes, you have to come back to finish the assessment before you can go back into the field. Those are the orders stated by Mr. Wilson.” Again, that smug smile adorning her face. Does she always have something to say? Bucky thought as he stormed out of the medical building, heading straight to Sam’s room. He was going to hear what Bucky had to say about that know-nothing fake doctor.
Bucky heard Sam’s laugh before he actually saw him, as the automatic doors opened, he saw that the laughter was directed towards him.
“I’m guessing by your angrier than usual glare, you saw (y/n).” Sam said with a gigantic smile.
“Was that some sort of prank? You hired a fake doctor only for me to go and waste my time?” Bucky asked as he strode past him walking straight into the kitchen.
“What did you have planned for the rest of the day? Sitting on the corner of your bed at three pm, standing in a corner at four and do your hair at five? I know you do your hair, it’s impossible for it to always be perfectly imperfect.” Sam said shooting Bucky a questioning gaze, but he just rolled his eyes and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. “And what are you talking about fake doctor? Please tell me you let her do her job, if not I can’t let you come on the mission tomorrow.”
“Of course I didn’t, tomorrow I’m going to see an actual doctor to get a stupid note that says I’m fine! Even though I’m telling you right now that I’M FINE.” He yelled as he smashed down the bottle, making it as flat as a piece of paper.
It was at this specific moment that F.R.I.D.A.Y. said: “Bucky Barnes, you have an appointment with your therapist tomorrow at 11:30 am. If you were to miss this appointment, you will be sanctioned and will not be able to assist on missions.”
This obviously sent Sam on a fit of laughter. “That message couldn’t have come at a better time. Anyways, you need to get your appointments aligned. I suggest you go to the Doc’s office tomorrow morning to see if she has anything available.”
“Just send me the actual doctor’s office and I’ll be there tomorrow morning.” He said through gritted teeth.
“Bucky, I don’t know who got it into your head but, (y/n) is an actual doctor. That why she’s Dr. (y/l/n) and not just (y/n).”
“She was the one who told me she’s not credited. She doesn’t even have a medical degree, let alone know anything about vibranium!” Bucky said throwing his hands up in the air.
“You don’t have a degree but that doesn’t mean you’re not capable of being an ass. And an annoying one too!” Sam said, getting frustrated with the conversation. “Look, Dr. (y/n) has been here for a long time, she knows what she’s doing. Maybe you don’t know anything about her because you were frozen for half of your life and the other half you spent being a cyborg assassin. Also, she was one of the first people to handle vibranium when it was found in Wakanda, so I think she knows something about that. She even spent some time in a hut over there, just like you! You have more things in common than you think. So, tomorrow you’re gonna get her some coffee, go to her office, apologize for being, well, you; and get that arm fixed. In the meantime, you can look up some things about her. You do remember how to google things right?”
“Of course I remember. Could you just help me get on the net?” Bucky said while holding out his phone, it was now Sam’s turn to roll his eyes.
The next morning, Bucky reluctantly made his way back to the medical building. The two disposable coffee cups were almost knocked out of his hands when the doors swung open.
“Back already Mr. Barnes?” he heard Dr. (y/l/n) say, it surprised him that she would talk so casually with him, given that yesterday he was, difficult. “Should I put down extra thirsty as a side effect on your chart?” She asked pointing to both of the cups.
“Actually Doctor, one of them is for you. I didn’t know what you drank so one is a black coffee and the other one has a splash of milk and sugar. Sam told me you would accept coffee as an apology, some sort of olive branch.” Bucky said, shoving both of the cups near her for her to choose.
“You can take me to get coffee instead. Judging by the stale smell, this is day old coffee. Plus, I don’t think you have tried oat milk lattes.” She smiled as she guided him to the restaurant inside the compound.
“Oat milk wasn’t a thing in the 40’s.” Was all that Bucky replied. “I wanted to formally apologize. It’s something new to me, my therapist says I should externalize my feelings more. I did not know your past; you know with the whole regenerative thing.”
This was the first time he saw her not smile. She looked away for a moment and asked “Did you try what I told you. It’s a type of oil that seeps into the smallest indentations in vibranium, creating a protective layer. With that, and some rehabilitation exercises, you will feel as good as new.”
Bucky just shook his head, not wanting to talk about his less than normal extremity. He opened his mouth to ask her, but she interrupted. “I know what you’re going to ask me. I may not be able to read minds but this profession has taught me many things, one of them being how to read people’s expressions.”
“Can you still do it?” He pressed on, if what he had read was true, then she was probably one of the only people that could understand what he was feeling.
“Yes, of course I can. As a supersoldier I would think you understood. It’s not something that you can just turn off, it’s here forever.” She said pointing to her whole body. “I didn’t want this; I didn’t ask to be able to regenerate. I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time and with the wrong people.”
“I researched you last night.” Bucky admitted shooting her a shy smile.
“Didn’t think you were tech-savvy.” She said, taking a sip of her coffee. “That was a long time ago, she’s long gone. I thought what I was doing was the right thing. And he, he convinced me that it was. But alas, I was only some sort of protection. Receiving the bullets that would wound him and healing the cuts that would kill him. But after I realized all the damage, we were actually doing I, I found this place. And from there on I decided I was going to heal other people. Even if they couldn’t regenerate.”
“I can relate.” Bucky said, slouching back on the bench they were sitting on, a weird feeling appearing inside of him. Something that he wasn’t used to, relaxation and peace. “I appreciate you not flipping out yesterday, I was out of line.”
“I’ve dealt with worse people here.” She laughed. “I looked at your videos fighting. You need to take better care of that arm of yours.”
“I didn’t know you were keeping tabs on me Doc, had I known I would have smiled at the camera.” Bucky said shooting her a smile, it was the first time she had seen him actually do that.
“It’s my job to check my patient’s whole file.” She explained but couldn’t resist to smile back. “And you can call me (y/n) by the way.”
“In that case, call me Bucky.”
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archersxartxblog · 2 years
I keep remembering that one episode of the Unova anime where Joltic draining energy from electric types left them dead tired. On one hand, that sounds like the horde could be good for suppressing aggravated wild Pokémon. (1/2)
I know this is a two-part ask, but I'm going to answer them separately just cause it's hard using my mouse is a little hard on my wrist, so I can't crop them together ^^' sorry.
I've actually haven't seen too many episodes of the Unova series (other than the subway boss episodes which I've seen recently.) but I could see Emmet trying to use this new little horde for that, but that might also be a few too many pokemon for him all to control at that age and they would probably go after the more electric type pokemon than anything else.
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rezzyromance · 3 years
Hey, I already read some of your headcanons and loved your One-Shots of Heisy <3 May I request a Heisenberg X Reader One-Shot who is also German? Like they would be a tourist and stumble over the Village etc. Heisenberg will take care of her (which was chosen by Miranda). When arriving in his factory, he would notice their accent. How would his reaction be if he'd find out their native language is the same as the origin of his family? (F!Reader or GN!Reader pls!)
Ah this is so creative thank you!
You felt your head pound before you even opened your eyes. You could hear faint voices growing louder as your body and mind began to slowly wake up. "What the fuck happened?", you thought to yourself. You meant to go on a simple vacation to a secluded area in Romania. Life had gotten so stressful that you just decided to take a trip far away. The last thing you expected was to crash the car you were driving into a tree. Your thoughts began to gather from the haziness inside your head. It all seemed like a weird fucked up dream. You remember seeing something weird outside your car window which caused you to crash. It looked like... a werewolf.. or some other horrific beast. Then bam! It all went black and now here you are.
"She's an outsider! There is no telling how she got here mother, but she already has seen to much. If she were given to me, I'd make sure she'd stay quiet.", a powerful female voice rang. You slowly began to open your eyes. It was hard to open them past a squint due to the outrageous pain coming from your head. Your vision was blurry, but you could make out the silhouettes of a very tall lady in white, a strange hunched-over man, a black figure with a small white doll, a man sitting on a pew, and a woman in the center with a strange mask. "Oh come on! She's got to be of some use other than empty calories for you!", the man on the pew sasses. "How dare you! You stupid little manthing!", her voice boomed in the church. Were they.. fighting over you? It was impossible to put the pieces together. No one even noticed you were awake.
"SILENCE! BOTH OF YOU!", the woman in the middle demanded as wings spread from her back. "Heisenberg, you may take her. Just please adjust your attitude! I never want to hear you two fight over this again. Do you understand?" "Yes mother.", they both responded in an aggravated tone. You still haven't moved, but you begin to open your eyes more. The man on the pew became clearer. He was wearing a coat and a hat. Sunglasses covered his eyes and he had a large metallic hammer propped beside him. "This meeting is dismissed.", the woman says before vanishing into nothing but black feathers. You couldn't tell if you were dreaming or possibly died and went to hell, but you were far too scared to scream.
"Ah. Seems like my prize is awake.", the man makes his way over to you and kneels down to face you. You just then noticed that your wrists were cuffed and you had been laying on the ground the whole time. "How are you feeling?", he cocks his head. You're unable to form words as you're too overwhelmed by everything. "Well... I don't hear any bitching so I'll assume you feel fine. Can you stand?", he asks. You wiggle your legs, shocked at how they suddenly feel heavy. They're still asleep from whatever happened after you hit the tree. He helps lift you off the ground and to your feet, but your legs shake beneath you. You begin to fall, but he catches you. "Looks like you still need some rest.", he picks you up bridal style. Your head was still hurting, so you close your eyes.
"This is just a bad dream. This is just a bad dream. This is just a bad dream.", you repeated to yourself in your head.
"Home sweet home.", he says. You open your eyes and realize you had drifted off to sleep and had woken up again, confirming this wasn't a dream. You were still in his arms as you looked around, taking in the scenery. It looked like a factory. "You've got some blood on you still. That was a pretty bad crash. Luckily, you don't have any broken bones. But if you keep actin like this, I might have to assume you got some brain damage.", he laughs a little at his own words. He carries you to what looks like some type of workshop room. There, he sits you down in a chair and begins to rummage for some supplies to help your wounds.
You finally gain the guts to speak up. ".. can you please get rid of these cuffs on my wrists?" He jumps slightly at your unexpected voice and unexpected accent. It was an accent he recognized, but hadn't heard in so long. "Sure thing.", he flicks his wrist towards you and the cuffs break and fall off your wrists. You look down, shocked, as you roll your wrists around and stare at them.
"How did you do that?!" He approaches you slowly with his supplies, and he dampens a rag with rubbing alcohol. He squints his eyes at you for a moment as if he's thinking hard about something. "Don't worry about it.", he crouches down and begins to rub your head with the rag. The rubbing alcohol stings and you wince at the pain. "Sit still..", he continues to wipe at your forehead which you now realize must have a cut on it. "I'm sorry.", you say quietly, afraid of disrupting the man.
"Where did you come from? How did you get here?", he begins to question you. He stops rubbing your face and steps back to stare into your eyes. His were intimidating and demanding. You speak up. "I am.. from Germany. I came here for a vacation and.. I think I got into an accident.", you say. "Germany, huh.", he seems to daze off slightly when he says this. "I figured. I can hear it in your voice." Why is he so interested by this?
"You're name is.. Heisenberg? Correct?", your words snap him back to the present. "Yes. Karl Heisenberg. And you are?", he becomes engaged in the conversation once more. "I'm (Y/N). Karl Heisenberg.... that is a very German sounding name.", you try to make conversation. "Well, my family was German. It's just been so long... I nearly forgot what it sounded like..", he gets up and walks back to the box in which held first aid supplies. "Your family.. who are they?", you ask, confused from his lack of context. The mentioning of his family causes him to freeze in place.
"It's.... been a long time. Don't worry about it.", he finds a bandaid and walks over to you. He puts the bandaid on your forehead to cover your cut. "It's just nice to hear it again." There was a bitter sweetness to his words. The room goes silent after that, but there's a new tenseness in the air.
"What's... happening? Where am I?", you ask. It's almost comical how long it took you to ask. "Well.... to put it short.. you got into your little accident and this is probably the worst place it could've happened. You were found by Mother Miranda before the lycans were able to get to you. The fact that you're here already means you know too much, so the only options where either to have you killed or be put to use by one of the Lords. Donna never participates in these types of things and Moreau is to idiotic to speak up. Your life was either gonna be in my hands or the hands of that supersized bitch. I know what she does to girls like you and I didn't want that to happen so now you're here."
You have no clue how to respond. Mother Miranda? Lycans? What does it all mean? "I know it's a lot to take in. But, I have a plan to get out of here one day. Once you start feeling better, maybe you can help me. I like you. I like the way you talk." He probably means your accent since he seems so focused on it. "The way I talk...", you cock your head and look into his eyes, trying to get a reaction. He breaks the eyecontact and looks at the ground. "My mother and father always wanted to keep the culture and language alive through the family. I didn't get to learn too much as a kid, but I remember the accent. It's... really nice." He becomes overwhelmed with his own emotions. He didn't want to admit you or himself that something as silly as a strangers voice was so comforting to him. He keeps his composure and walks back to where the first aid box is to pack it up once more.
"Your family is gone?", you almost regret saying it the moment it left your lips. Was it too personal? You tense up as he stays silent for a little too long. "Yes." Once he's done, he turns to look at you. "How do you feel? Can you stand up now?", he changes the subject. You wiggle your legs a little to prepare. The feeling had come back to them, so you stand up. You lift each leg to check for any abnormalities, but they feel fine other than a bit of soreness. The rest of your body was the same. You ached all over but it wasn't excruciating.
"Well, looks like you'll be fine. That gash on your forehead is probably the worst of your injuries, but I don't think it needs stitches." "Thank you for helping me. Is there anything I can do to return the favor?, your words catch him off guard. "Just don't get in my way and we'll both be fine.", he tries to put on some type of stubborn act to cover up how weirdly flustered your words made him. "I can teach you some German if you'd like. You said you never got to learn much so maybe I can help you." He chuckles a little. The corners of his lips slowly rise into a small smile. "Maybe so."
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jungkookiebus · 5 years
Overprotective | jjk
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Genre: bf2l, smut, angst Pairing: jungkook x reader Rating: M Word Count: 6.6k Warnings: TRIGGER WARNING: there is domestic abuse, mostly mental, but there is mentions of physical, Jungkook beats the shit out of someone, if violence bothers you DO NOT READ THIS, cunnilingus, unprotected sex. Summary: Jungkook had been your friend for long enough to know that something was wrong and seeing you spiraling in your current relationship had him on edge. It all comes to a head at a house party when he witnesses the abuse firsthand, throwing him into a blind rage that has him throwing your boyfriend into the front lawn.  Author’s Note: Angry jjk in the ON mv got me in my feelings. Thanks. @bulletproofbirdy​
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“Are you coming tonight?”
Jungkook sat on the edge of your bed scrolling through his phone.
“Hm?” he asked absently. You looked over to see his face illuminated by the eyesight ruining blue light of his phone. It highlighted the scar on his cheek. He scrunched his nose as he sniffed but didn’t look away from his phone.
“The party. At Hobi’s,” you said as you began removing your clothing and pulling dresses off hangers from your closet.
He finally looked up as you were pulling a gold dress up passed your hips and adjusting the straps on your shoulders.
“Are you really going to wear that?” he asked while gesturing his phone at you.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Seems like overkill maybe.”
Jungkook was your best friend of almost seven years. Seven years filled with happiness, sadness, and sometimes downright aggravation. Like now.
“It’s not that kind of party, _____, it’s chill.” He paused for a second and chewed his lip. “Is Cheol going to be there?”
You suddenly stopped mid-waist as you were pulling the dress back off. Jungkook had seen every which version of you there was to see. His favorite was high _____ trying to get to the bathroom before she wet her pants. Any shyness you had around Jungkook in the beginning was replaced by blind trust and a totally comfortable space around him. You had met Jungkook at a very similar party. He had tried to hook up with you and you had turned him down with such drunken gusto that he was immediately taken with you romantic or not. Later that night when your friend had, naturally, left you to go with some guy, you were stuck on the front lawn, mascara running from cry laughing at Jin’s dumb jokes, missing a left shoe, and a little hopeless. He sidled up to you as you scrolled through your contacts trying to figure out how to get home.
“Need help?” he asked after clearing his throat.
You had looked up at him, sneered, and went right back to scrolling.
His eyebrows shot up into his hair in amusement, a small smile forming on his face. He then leaned down closer to you and was looking at your phone screen.
“Can I help you?” you had slurred as you hid the screen against your chest.
“Let me get you home. Your friend obviously left you.”
You bent over, eyes crossing as you imitated the Spongebob meme.
“YoUr FrIeNd oBviOuSly lEft YoU. No shit Sherlock.”
You hadn’t expected him to start laughing so hard. Soon, he was unable to breathe, red faced as tears streamed down his face.
“What’s wrong with you?” You hadn’t expected him to answer. His laughter had him clutching his stomach in mock agony.
“I think I’m in love with you, let’s go,” he had said, grabbing your wrist and dragging you along behind him.
And that was how you became friends with Jungkook. It had all started with a pass that turned into hanging out and playing video games every weekend, to sleepovers, and then to practically living together despite having your own apartments. Your current boyfriend was not happy with the fact that Jungkook was with you most of the time.
“He’ll be there.”
You saw him bristle.
“Why do you like him?”
“Jungkook, not this again.”
Time and time again, Jungkook had seen you come home a little broken. At first, he thought maybe it was a tiny argument. You’d shrug off any concerns he had and told him you were just tired. He would watch you as you walked, shoulders slumped, and disappear into your room. The next day you would be perfectly fine, talking to him as if things were just as they should be. Then you started coming home, eyes puffy from crying and wiping your nose on your hand. Again, he’d ask you if everything was okay. ‘Just a little fight.’ He started to worry, but you told him everything would be okay. Months passed and you became withdrawn. The life left your eyes, your smile faded, and you started to spend more time at your apartment alone or with Cheol. Whenever he would go to your apartment in search of you and Cheol was there, he would either find a way to get rid of Jungkook or sulk behind you when Jungkook pushed passed him. Either way, Jungkook knew he was isolating you from him. Any attempt to talk to you would turn into an argument.
One day, you came into Jungkook’s office with a busted lip, fresh tears that were drying over the others, and holding your arms across your stomach defensively. He had jumped up from his chair and rounded his desk, reaching behind you to slam the door before grabbing you by the shoulders.
“Who did this to you?” he demanded. Anger was hot in his veins. He was shaking with it.
You began to cry harder as your head met his chest and all he could think of doing right now was keeping you as safe as possible, whatever that meant. He held you tightly, encased you in his arms, probably for the first time in months, he realized. You seemed smaller, skinnier, and all around weaker. His hand came up to your head and he noticed your once shiny, sleek hair was now lackluster and thin. Something else was wrong here.
“Please,” he whispered, “tell me what is wrong.”
“Cheol…,” you had whispered. But that was all he needed to hear.
“I’m going to kill him.”
You were suddenly defensive. Pushing him away you stepped back.
“It was my fault,” you stuttered. “I shouldn’t have tried to argue with him. Really, Jungkook, I deserved it.”
His heart shattered into a million pieces. His once beautiful, full of life best friend was falling into the clutches of abuse and she was pushing him away.
“Let me help you,” his voice wavered as he tentatively held out his hand.
“I don’t need you, Jungkook,” you had spat bitterly.
Before he had any more time to react, you were out of his door, and down the stairs. He had wanted nothing more than to chase after you, but he knew if he wanted to keep some type of watch on you, he’d have to back off.
And he was right. A few weeks later you texted him telling him everything was okay, and you wanted to hang out again. You still looked dull and sad, but he tried his best to stay out of your business in order to keep you close.
You pulled a black dress from your closet and started to pull it on.
“Things are better. Really. We talked it out and he’s gotten better.”
All Jungkook could do was scoff. Once an asshole, always an asshole. That’s what he really wanted to say but he opted to just stay silent.
“Don’t come if you’re just gonna be a grouch the whole time.”
“Fuck you, I’m going,” he said as he laid back against your bed.
“Be nice.”
“I’m always nice. Unless someone wants to start shit with me, I’m going to behave myself.” He went back to scrolling through his phone. “And wear that one.”
He didn’t once look at you, but you sighed and decided you were tired of trying on clothes anyway as you continued to get ready. Thirty minutes later and you walked up to the front door of Hobi’s house together. As soon as you stepped inside Cheol was at your side, grabbing your upper arm and leading you towards the kitchen for drinks. You looked back at Jungkook who was still standing in the doorway, eyes locked with yours. You saw fear and sadness there. All at once you felt angry, but his fear was shared. You were angry that Jungkook didn’t trust you, angry that Cheol treated you poorly, but would then be so loving…it was your fault somehow.
“Let me get you a drink,” Cheol said, releasing your arm. He didn’t hold you as hard as usual. That was good. He probably wasn’t mad that you walked in with Jungkook.
“How was your day?” you asked. He never asked you first. He either waited for you to say something or he would immediately jump into something that had happened to him. Nine times out of ten, when you started to talk about your day, he would cut you off. It got to the point where you didn’t even try anymore. That’s when you would text Jungkook, or call if Cheol left, and he would listen and try to give advice the best he could. He’d always end the conversation with a ‘I love you. Please tell me if you need help.’ You would halfheartedly affirm him that you would before hanging up. You were too embarrassed to let Jungkook into your real life now. If he knew, he’d try to get you to leave. You were happy. The bad days weren’t as often, but they didn’t exactly go away either.
“Ah, you know,” he said while he made your drink, but never looked up at you. He never did. “Just another day with those bastards that think they can tell me how to do my job.”
According to him, everyone at his office were idiots, yet he rubbed noses with them every day. You just hummed to let him know you heard but didn’t offer any words. He never wanted advice and he sure as hell didn’t want to hear about you.
“Let’s go,” he said while handing you a drink. He turned without a backwards glance, expecting you to follow dutifully. Which you did. He walked up to a circle of his friends and began chatting immediately, ignoring the fact that you were even there.
You sipped awkwardly on your drink as you scanned the room. You were very much on the outside of the circle, cut off by shoulders that were all above your head. You’d have to duck in between them if you wanted to say anything. Not that they wanted you to contribute. That’s when you spotted Jimin. About that time, he also saw you and began to wave emphatically. You met Jimin at the coffee shop you frequented before classes and you both soon were on the same coffee schedule, expecting to see the other every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You’d stand in line together and talk about your weekend, classes, and whatever came up. You found out you had a similar friend in Hobi a couple of weeks into your friendship and soon began seeing him at his parties. You considered Jimin a good friend and his infectious laugh always brought a smile to your face. His eyes disappeared as he smiled harder, waving you over. Of course, you went on your own accord. Cheol didn’t even notice that you had walked away.
Minutes passed, you weren’t counting because when Jimin was telling you about some ridiculous group project he was in, time didn’t matter. Without noticing, Jimin had nonchalantly draped his arm across your shoulders as he laughed and talked. You didn’t think anything of it and neither did he. His face was red from the alcohol and he was laughing so hard, drool escaped the corner of his mouth, causing you to double over. He was still attached to you as you both bent over in laughter. On your vacant side, you felt four sharp fingernails dig into your upper arm. You yelped as you were yanked away. Jimin stumbled back in surprise but kept his footing.
“What are you doing?” Cheol seethed. His eyes were on Jimin and if looks could kill, Jimin would be dead and turned to dust on the floor.
Jimin’s eyes shifted to your terror filled ones. You willed Jimin to relent. Please don’t say anything, you begged internally.
He didn’t even spare Cheol a look as he looked directly at you.
“_____ are you okay?”
This time Cheol looked at you. You could feel the anger roiling off him. It heated your skin and made you dizzy. Your knees were locked and cutting off your blood supply. The room swirled a little as you shrank in fear.
“And what were you doing?” He almost spat in your face. His fingers dug harder into your arm and you felt the first tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
“Please not here,” you begged as you tried to pry his fingers from your arm.
That only made him angrier. People were starting to notice and look at you. Jimin was sobering up quickly and was about to say something again when you heard it.
Your mind was hazy as your thoughts raced, trying to figure out every possible solution to this situation. It was a growl? Roar? You weren’t sure what it was at first, but it was loud. Someone was very, very angry. You could hear them yell, deep and guttural, somewhere close by.
“You fucking son of a bitch, don’t fucking touch her!”
That’s when Cheol’s gripped was ripped from you. He was still holding tightly, and his fingernails dug painfully into your skin, but he soon lost his grip and you were sent to the side. When you could catch your bearings, you righted yourself to figure out what the hell had just happened. Jungkook stood, fists clenched and the knuckles on his right hand a bloody pink. You had never seen him with that look before, at least never directed at you. Hatred. Pure, unadulterated hatred is how you would describe it. His eyes were black, and anger burned there. Suddenly, his soft features you loved so much were sharp and menacing. This was a Jungkook you didn’t know and one you didn’t wish to encounter again. His chest heaved as he breathed hard, trying to contain himself as Cheol scrambled up from the floor and launched himself at Jungkook. You screamed as he collided with Jungkook’s chest, shoving him backwards, but Jungkook was good on his feet. He managed to keep his hands on Cheol’s shoulders, stepping back in time with him as his back connected with the closest wall. Cheol tried to take a swing at Jungkook, but he was too drunk to aim correctly. Jungkook dodged him easily before he landed a punch to his stomach. He stumbled backwards, coughing, but either the alcohol or sheer stupidity had him standing up somewhat tall in the face of a fuming Jungkook. Jungkook clearly had not been drinking as he stood his ground steadily, waiting for Cheol to make a move.
“You want that slut,” Cheol sneered, pointing a shaky finger at you. “You can have her. I used her all up anyway.”
You thought that Jungkook was going to explode like a star and take everyone with him. His gaze darkened as he surged forward, grabbed a stunned Cheol by his collar and literally swept him off his feet with one kick of his foot, and began dragging him through the house. The crowd parted like a fog around a car, immediately closing in on them so they could see what Jungkook was about to do. The crowd piled out of the front door after them as Jungkook drug a kicking Cheol down the front steps. You tried to push passed all the people, but the crowd was closing in and you were desperate to get outside. When you were able to make it out the front door and to the porch you saw Jungkook drop Cheol on the front lawn before sitting on his chest. You saw his fist raise and before you could intervene as you stumbled down the steps, you heard the sickening crack as he connected with his face.
You could not believe this was happening right now. Jungkook had really lost his mind.
“You don’t love her, stupid mother fucker,” Jungkook growled as he grasped his shirt in his left fist and raised his fist once more.
You winced and turned away as Jungkook yet again, connected with Cheol’s face.
His fist came back into the air, bloody, skin split, but he didn’t even seem to notice as he directed his anger on Cheol.
“And you’re sure as hell never touching her again.”
This time, the hit sounded wet. When you looked back, you could tell Cheol was out cold.
“Jungkook, please!” you called out. At the sound of your voice Jungkook froze and seemed to snap out of it. He turned and looked at your pained expression as you begged him to stop. He dropped his hand and looked down at Cheol’s bloody face.
Hobi came running from inside the house, leaping off the porch in one bound and was pulling Jungkook off him.
“What the fuck, Jungkook?!” Hobi was looking from him to Cheol to assess the damage.
Cheol’s friends were now surrounding as Hobi pulled Jungkook away from the scene, sternly telling him he needed to leave before another fight broke out and he called the cops.
That’s when you knew you had a decision to make.
Cheol lay completely still in the grass, left eye swelling, and blood pouring from his bottom lip. If you guessed correctly, his nose was probably broken too. You were finally able to see him for who he truly was; a manipulative bastard that never loved you but wanted you to himself. He was ugly inside and out and all it took was seeing him finally being reduced to nothing. Gone was the “tough” exterior of Cheol. Your eyes met Jungkook’s from across the yard. He still looked angry, but you saw fear there too. He saw your eyes flicker to Cheol again and he knew you were trying to decide between the two. He didn’t know what he would do if you didn’t at least act like you were going to walk his way. But you had already decided. Cheol had his “friends”. They all fussed over him now deciding who was going to take him to the ER. None of them even turned to find you. You walked past the group and straight into the arms of Jungkook.
“Let’s go home,” he said shakily. His adrenaline was ebbing, and he was starting to feel the repercussions of his actions.
Ten minutes into the thirty minute walk and you were reduced to a sobbing mess. The night and all the things leading up to it were easily being stored away as they happened, as your brain always did to protect you. But now that there was a whole added element of worry you weren’t expecting, you didn’t know how to feel so naturally you began to panic. On top of that, your feet were starting to bleed from your heels. The entire time, Jungkook was next to you, arm around your waist as you walked. He was the one that needed help walking, not you, yet here he was making sure you were okay.
“Hey, everything’s okay,” he whispered as he stopped.
Your body felt spent as if you had stayed up for hours on end; exhaustion finally settling into your bones. After the initial shock had settled, you suddenly feared for Jungkook, knowing what Cheol was capable of doing.
“Jungkook…,” you cried. You reached down and pulled your heels off. On top of being frustrated, scared, and tired your feet were in so much pain you could barely stand it.
He looked down and sighed.
“Oh, baby…,” he said sympathetically.
The sentiment made your heart skip a beat, but it was something you could think about later. He waited until you were upright before he scooped you up bridal style.
“Jungkook, you don’t have-,” you started before he cut you off with a ‘shh’. You looked down at his bloody knuckles, the skin very angry in some spots where he split them open. He paid no mind as he held you close, and you let your head fall against his shoulder. His breathing was steady as he carried you and he didn’t say a word the whole way. In no time, he was buzzing into your building and carrying you up the stairs. He only sat you down at your door so you could fish out your key. Once inside, he ensured the door was locked and the window leading to the fire escape.
“We gotta clean up your hand,” you said almost robotically as you moved on instinct towards the bathroom.
“____,” he said while reaching out to stop you and you flinched.
For the second time, you broke his heart as you jumped as if he were going to hit you.
“It’s okay,” he reassured as he ran his hand down your hair.
You started to cry again, but this time you didn’t feel as if the panic would consume and kill you. You felt bad for Jungkook.
You didn’t say anything as you guided him to the bathroom and he sat down on the edge of the tub as you pulled a first aid kit out from the cabinet. You sat on the toilet, knees to knees, as you grabbed his hand and sat it on your thigh. Grabbing a washcloth, you held it next to his hand as you carefully poured peroxide over the cuts. He watched you intently as you focused on the work at hand. In the moments Jungkook had you away from Cheol was when that fake exterior would start to melt little by little. When you were around Jungkook, you relaxed and were yourself. He’d see old pieces of you come back from time to time and he felt like he got his best friend back, until you went home to him. He felt angry again as he thought about what Cheol took away from him, what he took away from you, but he kept it to himself as you reached for antibacterial cream and some butterfly band-aids.
“What were you thinking?” you finally whispered.
You were still working slowly, paying attention to each knuckle.
What was he thinking? Part of him was blinded by anger and the other part knew exactly what it was doing. He wanted to beat the shit out of Cheol, had wanted to for quite some time. This time he was able to witness him put his hands on you, so he felt justified.
“I didn’t like seeing you get hurt,” he mumbled. He was embarrassed now, but he didn’t regret what he had done.
“Oh, Jungkook,” you sighed as you reached for some gauze to wrap his hand.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you, too.” This wasn’t out of the ordinary for Jungkook to say, but the air felt different. There was a tension you could taste, and you felt Jungkook struggling to say something.
“I could be so much better to you.” He sounded as if he were going to cry. “You don’t deserve to be treated that way, _____. Please tell me you’ll leave him. I’m scared for you.”
You felt him looking at your face now and you were almost afraid to look at him as you put the final touches on his hand. His eyes were pleading when you finally looked at him.
If you couldn’t love him back, he at least wanted you to promise him that you’d leave the asshole.
He was right. All this time when he tried to keep you close and you pushed him away, he was in fear for your life. The person you thought should care for you could not care less, and the person that loved you the most was a phone call away and your best friend. You were blind to what you had when Cheol made himself the center of your universe. But Jungkook was loyal when he didn’t need to be, always there when you needed to fall into his arms no matter how much it hurt to see you walk out of his door.
Many nights he’d cry knowing you were going back into the clutches of Cheol and he was helpless to do anything. He’d daydream about killing Cheol or waiting for him to get off work and punch him in the face as he tried to get in his car. Yes, he was thinking extremely, but he was afraid.
Tonight was the last straw for Jungkook.
“I’d never hurt you, ____,” he said, lowly, defeated.
You loooked at the front of his jacket, focused on his buttons as you tried to distract yourself.
“I love you, too,” you murmured.
Jungkook leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to your forehead, then to your temple, and the top of your cheekbone. Your eyes fluttered shut as he softly placed his hands under your jaw, holding you gently, fingers barely grazing your skin as he kissed across your nose. You leaned your face into one of his hands and he took the moment to tilt your face upwards as he placed a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“I want to show you what love should feel like, _____,” he whispered against your lips, but he wasn’t touching you.
You shivered. It had been so long since someone treated you this way and honestly it scared you. If you mess up something would he be mad at you? You felt as if you were always doing something wrong.
He seemed to feel your apprehension and sighed, not out of frustration, but a sadness he couldn’t seem to shake. Cheol had effectively beaten you basically to nothing, mostly mentally. He wanted to be angry again, but he needed to hold back for you.
He placed his lips softly against yours, not expecting anything from you. He let you take your time as you kissed him back. Happiness began to bubble in his chest as you reciprocated his feelings.
This felt right. Jungkook wasn’t rushing you. He didn’t expect anything from you. He wasn’t demanding you to pleasure him. He let you lead as you kissed him. It heated fast as you sat a little straighter and wrapped an arm around his neck. His arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer, but the limited space in the bathroom and your legs kept him from getting much closer.
He stood swiftly, bringing you with him and guided you to your room, working on muscle memory as he focused on you the whole way. You felt shy under his gaze since half the time Cheol didn’t even want to look at you. He studied you as if you would fall apart at any moment. His fingers intwined with yours and he was gentle. He didn’t reach for your wrist or your arm or grip you so tightly that his fingers dug into your skin. You began to relax little by little as he stood you in front of your bed. He reached for the hem of your dress and looked at you for permission. You nodded slowly as he started to pull the dress up passed your hips and you raised your arms to help him. He stopped and removed his jacket and then his jeans followed by his shirt, putting you on equal ground.
“Are you okay?” He seemed genuinely concerned as he kept his movements slow, not wanting to startle or rush you. He ran his hand softly up your arm and squeezed your shoulder gently before pulling you into his warm embrace. The skin on skin contact comforted you and it brought back memories of nights snuggled up next to Jungkook before Cheol came into your life and ruined that. For the first time in months you didn’t feel scared or useless. Jungkook’s actions said it all.
He held you there for a few moments, ensuring you were okay. He knew you were vulnerable and didn’t want you to think he was taking advantage of you.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered.
You felt a small sob get stuck in your throat.
“You’re wonderful, and smart, and the most adventurous person I know. Remember the first we did something together out of town? You convinced me to go ghost hunting at that abandoned hospital and all we found was a family of raccoons and a homeless guy.”
He laughed as a you giggled a little, sniffing, and smiling as you remembered Jungkook’s screams when the raccoon walked up behind him.
He ran his fingers through your hair and massaged the back of your head as you leaned against his chest.
“I love the way you look in the morning when you first wake up, like a steamed bun.”
You laughed again.
“Or the way you sing in the shower. I must say you have improved over the years. I love when you put my blanket in the dryer before I come over and it’s cold out. Those ham sandwiches?! I don’t know what you put on them, but I’d fight a kid over one if I had to.”
Your laugh was music. This is what he wanted. He wanted all of you. He wanted you to know that all of you was worth having, that you meant something, a human being deserving of love. He had loved you for years, but your friendship meant more to him than his silly feelings. Seeing you suffer made him regret not saying anything sooner.
“Can I show you?” he asked.
You knew what he meant. He didn’t have to say more as you pulled him into another kiss in affirmation. He reached behind you, snapping the clasp easily, and slid the straps of your bra down your shoulders, letting it fall. He had seen you naked hundreds of times for various reasons, but never this. Now, you were in front of him giving yourself to him and he was elated to get the chance. He cupped your breast lightly and squeezed a little, testing your limits. You moaned and leaned into him, nipping at his bottom lip. He moaned into the kiss as you buried your hands in his hair. He then wrapped his arms around you, gently laying you back amongst the blankets without breaking the kiss. He kissed the underside of your jaw, nipped gently at the skin of your neck, and placed small kisses to your breast before wrapping his lips around your nipple. Your skin tingled as he sucked gently and ran his tongue over it. Your whines spurred him on as you held on tighter and arched your back into him. He caressed every inch of skin he could reach. The soft gauze tickled across your skin as his hand glided down to your thigh. He directed his kisses between your chest now, kissing down your stomach. He was worshipping your body the way it was meant to be. He noticed some older bruises sprinkled across your skin and made sure to kiss every single one, soothing your anxiety. His fingers caught in the band of your underwear and pulled them down. Using the back of his hand, he pushed gently against your inner thigh and you spread your legs for him. You felt shy, but all once wholly comfortable. He had seen the best and worst parts of you, what was one more thing? This felt intimate in a different way, on a deeper level. He understood your body before he even got to touch you. Hands gripping the insides of your thighs, he kissed along the flesh there.
Some years ago, you were standing in the kitchen washing dishes, wearing one of Jungkook’s discarded shirts, and a pair of shorts. He had walked in to give you a glass when he looked down and ran his finger up a stretch mark on your thigh.
“I like these,” he had said with a smile before walking from the room.
The memory warmed you now as he placed wet kisses to the dimpled and marked expanse of your thighs. He blew a stream of warm air over your wet center and you moaned and shuddered. You tried closing your legs so you could feel some friction, but he kept your thighs apart with a firm hand. He moved his hands further up your inner thighs, almost cupping your sex as he flattened his hands and spread you to get a better look.
“You’re fucking beautiful, ____. You know that right?”
He watched your face twist as he teased you. Knowing that you wanted him had him grinding his own hips into the blanket. No. He wanted to feel you around him before he reached any sort of end. He licked up your center and you moaned gutturally, grabbing at your own breasts as you bent your knees to frame his head. He kept you spread as he covered you with his mouth, tongue dancing along your clit. Your juices mixed with his spit and his chin practically dripped with it all. He had never tasted anything better. The sounds you were giving him were like an orchestra of angels. He wanted you to feel his adoration as he ate you out with fervor. He dipped his tongue inside of you and soon his name was rolling off your tongue like raindrops.
“A-ah, Jungkook,” you sighed as he inserted his middle finger inside of you.
You swallowed him in a velvety wetness that had his cock twitching amongst the cotton, and he ground his hips, moaning into your cunt as he thought about you swallowing his cock. You cried out as his moans stimulated something inside of you that had you teetering on the edge of a cataclysmic orgasm. Cheol never bothered to do this to you. He either used your mouth or your cunt, whether you came or not. You couldn’t remember the last time you had an orgasm. Jungkook was moaning more now, working his finger up inside of you, and suckling at your swollen clit. You felt as if you couldn’t breathe as your body tensed, orgasm hitting you with a force you hadn’t felt in a while. He continued licking and lapping at you as if he wanted every drop, nudging his perfectly sloped nose into your sensitive clit.
“P-please,” you stuttered. You watched him through half closed eyes as he took a few long licks up your cunt before licking his own lips and smiling at you. He reached for your hands, intertwining your fingers as he kissed up your stomach again.
He let go of your hand to push your hair off your sweaty forehead and placed a kiss on the end of your nose.
“Please what?” he asked you before placing a quick kiss on your lips.
“Make love to me?”
His eyes slid shut slowly as he replayed the phrase a thousand times in quick successions. He was kissing you again. Passionately. He grabbed the base of his cock and rubbed the head up and down your slit, coating the tip. You moaned and circled your hips wanting more of him. He pushed in slowly, face nestled into your neck, committing to memory every feeling he was experiencing right now.
“I love you so much, ____,” he murmured against your skin.
Your fingernails dug into the skin of his back, the other hand tangled in his hair and holding him against your chest.
“Fuck, Jungkook, oh my god.” You were gasping as he stretched you and reached places Cheol only thought he could. “I love you.”
He pressed into you further as he brought his stomach down to yours. Your legs were wrapped around his waist, heels digging into his ass trying to get him even deeper. He grunted as he began to slowly thrust into you, concentrating on not coming too soon.
You ground your hips upwards, rotating just a little with each thrust. Your hand slipped along his back as sweat formed on his skin. His breathing quickened as he thrust faster and faster. His fingers were intwined with yours, your hand on the pillow above you while his other arm was reached underneath you and holding the hair at your nape.
“F-fuck-k.” You had him stuttering as you squeezed around him. For years he wondered what you felt like, jealous of any guy you were dating but too chicken shit to ask you out himself. Now you were here, still trusting him to protect you, and giving yourself fully.
“I want you to come, baby.” He gripped your hair hard and you moaned. Your fingers tightened in his and he felt so euphoric he wouldn’t even have cared if he didn’t get to come, but you had him so hungry for you that he wasn’t sure how much longer he was going to last. He released your hair to bring his hand between the two of you and pressing a couple of fingers against your clit.
You gasped loudly as he began to circle your clit slowly and then faster and faster. Your toes curled inwards and you dug yours heels even harder into him as he snapped his hips against you quickly. He skillfully moved his fingers on your clit while biting the space beneath your ear. You were seeing stars before your eyes rolled back and you were forced to close them. You could swear that your body was checking out. You felt high and Jungkook was your drug of choice. He felt you tighten around him and he could practically feel your impending orgasm.
“That’s it, baby, come on my cock. God I wanna make you feel like this forever.”
The sincerity in his voice, his cock brushing every erogenous zone there was, and his fingers sent your orgasm soaring. Electricity seemed to flow from where you were connected to your limbs where your fingers and toes tingled.
“Oh, fuck,” Jungkook breathed as he quickened his thrusts. “Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.” His voice almost became a whine as he thrust harder and harder, hand gripping your waist, and singing praises about you against your skin.
You felt his cum as he filled you up. His moan was long and deep, thrusting, and milking himself inside of you. You were his now and he wasn’t letting you go.
When the stimulation became too much, he stilled inside of you. His breathing started to even out and soon the only sounds was your soft breathing. After a few minutes had passed and you had suspected him to be drifting, he sat up and looked down at you.
“Let me protect you,” he said softly, voice trailing off at the end.
You believed him. You relaxed for the first time in what felt like months. You could finally be yourself with no repercussions and Jungkook was adamant in making you feel as loved as possible. You tried to hold back your tears but the dam broke when he looked at you so lovingly.
“Baby, _____,” he cooed as he used his thumb to brush away a few tears.
You clung to him desperately, feeling as if he were to let go, you’d be exposed to more harm. He shifted to his side and pulled you into his chest, drawing his legs inwards to curl you even closer to him.
“Don’t leave me,” you whispered. He could hear the fear laced in your tone. His heart ached and tightened in his chest.
“Never,” he said, kissing the top of your head.
It wouldn’t be easy getting you back to the carefree person he once knew, but he was willing to take the time. Being there for you had always been his focus, so a little setback was all he needed to be with you that much more. His wish was for you to get your confidence back, to see you dancing in the kitchen while making pancakes, and to see that sparkle in your eye when you looked at him. It would take time, but for you, he was willing to wait an eternity.
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Worst Enemy (Charlie Gillespie x Reader)
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A/n: Sorry this took so long! I just wasn't sure how I wanted to go about this request since I haven’t read that much smut lately to be fully inspired. I read a lot of 5 seconds of summer smut to say the least. Calum Hood smut to be exact and my fingers couldn’t stop typing after that.😂 But I hope you guys like it! Please let me know if you do! Don't read it if you just want a normal imagine. Some normal ones coming soon. Also I have an upcoming announcement after I hit 150 followers!
Requested by: irwindshield (Wattpad)
Warnings: Super Smutty (18+)
"And action!" Kenny shouted.
I scowled at the boy in front of me who looked just as mad as I was.
"Seriously Luke your gonna tell me that you and Julie don't have anything going on"
"Y/c/n I already told you we don't! Isn't that enough?!" Charlie spoke standing up from his seat on the couch.
"No it's not. Not when you spent all weekend writing love songs together"
"It was one song and it wasn't about each other"
"One song still means something"
"Why does it even matter to you I'm single now? Isn't that what you wanted? To be free well now you're free to be with whoever you want or did you forget what happened with Reggie?"
"Nothing happened with Reggie. We were joking around. It's not my fault your jealous!" I shouted in frustration.
"Look who's talking" He said getting up in my face. Both our chests heaving in anger as we stared at each other angrily.
"You know what Patterson even when we're both dead I still regret ever falling in love with you all those years ago" I spoke through gritted teeth. I turned around dramatically to walk away, only to have Charlie grab me by the wrist and spin me around. Our faces now inches apart.
In aggravation he crash his lips onto mine shoving his tongue into my mouth. I huffed wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. We both fought for dominance as his hands found their way around my waist lifting me up in the air.
I got so caught up in the heated make out session I almost didn't hear Kenny yell for the end of the scene.
"Cut!" He shouted Charlie immediately letting me go. I scoffed pushing myself away from him to see his hair disheveled, his lips plump, and smeared with my red lipstick. I'd be lying if I didn't admit I wanted to finish what we started now. But I couldn't do that when the insanely hot actor I wanted to push me up against the wall also happened to be my worst enemy.
"That was great guys!" Kenny said walking towards us.
"We might reshoot tomorrow if we have time since this is a kids show and that was a little too not kid friendly. Maybe hold back on the tongue"
"You got it Kenny"
"It's already late enough thank you two for staying back tonight we really had to get this in. Have a good night!"
"It was no problem. See you tomorrow" I smiled at our director as he walked away. I turned back to the boy beside me glaring at him.
"Well that was shitty. He's right you use way too much tongue. It was like Niagara Falls" I spoke using hand gestures. I watched the brunette roll his eyes in annoyance making me grin. Turning back around I began to walk back towards my trailer deciding to just turn in my costume tomorrow. Like I had done so many times after shooting until the am.
"You know I've had plenty of people who think my kissing is amazing" Charlie spoke walking a few feet away from me seeing as his trailer was right beside mine. Unfortunate perks of playing love interest who broke up in the show.
"I hate to break it to you Charles but they lied"
"Shut up. I'm done with your shit for the day"
"You know if there's one thing I hate more than having to shoot a scene so late it's having to shoot it with you Gillespie"
"Yeah well it's no fun for me either. I mean having to make out with a fucking jerk and act like I'm in love with her. Isn't exactly the highlight of my year!" He whispered shouted making sure no one heard us. It was late and the very few people who stayed in their trailers were probably dead asleep due to how long filming went on today.
"Not for me either! Why do you hate me so much? I swear I tried to be fucking nice to you when we met"
"Please you were anything but nice" He argued making me facepalm.
"You fucking liar! I introduced myself. I stuck my hand out for you to shake and you completely denied it. If anything you're the prick and the asshole!" I shouted reaching the outskirts of my trailer.
Suddenly I felt my body collide with the cold vehicle behind me and a cold hand landing on my mouth. My eyes widened looking up at the man in front of me who's chest was heaving.
"You wanna say that to my face y/l/n" He spoke through gritted teeth.
"Look we both promised that we'd keep this little feud between us a secret for the sake of the show and our cast mates. So if you don't shut that big mouth of yours we might just get caught" He whispered making me roll my eyes.
Finally coming back to my senses I removed his hand from my mouth, looking him straight in the eyes.
"You fucking prick" I repeated myself seeing what he would say next. But he didn't say anything. Not a word.
I watched his face closely as his eyes flickered to my lips. He slowly leaned forward hesitant on his actions. Rolling my eyes I took initiative, smashing my lips onto his. I let out a breath as he lifted my leg up to pull me closer. Nearly letting a moan escape as I felt his hard on press against the front of my jeans.
"Can't even fucking make the first move. How fucking dry your sex life must be" I panted teasingly as we pulled away.
"Shut the fuck up" He whispered pressing his lips to mine once more with such a force. I immediately kissed back realization hitting me. We were in the middle of a parking lot filled with trailers.
I pushed him away taking his hand leading him to my trailer that wasn't too far. He complied following closely behind. Pressing his body into mine as I unlocked the door as quick as possible. I stepped into the trailer switching on the dim light. I bit my lip turning around to finally face Charlie who stood there with his beautiful blue eyes darkened with lust.
"Are we really gonna do this?" I asked leaning on the counter in the small kitchen area.
"I don't know. I-I mean we don't have to if you don't want to. We could just leave it here if that's w-what you want"
"Well what do you want?" I asked raising an eyebrow. I watched as his body shifted uncomfortably as I removed the jean jacket on my body leaving me in a silky satin cami.
"I really wanna fuck you" He responded biting his lip. My stomach filling with butterflies getting the response I was hoping for.
"Then do it" I stated watching as he made his way towards me. Crashing his lips onto mine. I let out a huff as he lifted me off the ground and pushed me onto the counter roughly. My back hitting the wood behind me forcefully.
"Seriously?" I panted pulled away from the kiss first.
"Sorry" He muttered sheepishly before diving into my neck. Finding a spot to suck on. I craned my neck allowing him more access not even caring that I'd have to deal with the makeup team tomorrow.
Before giving it a second thought I pulled off my top tossing it across the room leaving me in a teal Lacey bra. The same color of the cami I was wearing.
"Holy fuck" Charlie whispered most blankly admiring the view. I let out a giggle tugging at his shirt as well signaling I wanted it off. He quickly got the message.
It was my turn to drool seeing his tightly toned abs turning me on even more than I already was. I was knocked out of my trance by Charlie kissing me passionately once more. My eyes fluttering shut, pulling the hairs on his neck. Our tongues now fighting for dominance.
His hands moved away from my waist to my back. Unhooking my bra from my body. We shifted slightly, the material being flung across the room. Within seconds his hands roamed my body freely once more. A groan escaping my mouth as his lips moved down my neck.
Until eventually settling on my nipple. My core was now throbbing in anticipation of his next moves.
I bit my lip trying to keep quiet but at the rate his hands were moving it was nearly impossible. I watched as he moved down my body. Undoing my jeans quickly.
I whimpered as Charlie spread my legs apart. Toying with the thin fabric of the panties I was wearing. Feeling myself getting wetter by the second I grasped onto his hair. "Fuck Charlie please" I whined as he began to place kisses up my thighs. Each one a little longer than the last.
"Please what?"
"Don't make me fucking ask again Gillespie. I don't beg" I spoke pulling him harder from his hair. Forcing him to look up at me.
He growled at my actions ripping apart the fabric and tossing it off to the side.
My back arched feeling his slender fingers enter me. A loud moan escaping my lips as he skillfully pumped his fingers in and out of my entrance.
I bit my lip tightly opening my legs wider to give him better access. Only to feel the feeling of pleasure leave my body.
"What the fu-" My words were cut off by Charlie grabbing me by the thighs. Pulling me closer to the edge of the counter.
"Holy shit" I moaned as he dipped his head between my legs to attach himself to my now sensitive cunt. Sucking on it harshly with no hesitation. His tongue moved around so effortlessly. I threw my head back as my fingers entangled into his hair wanting to feel him now more than ever.
"So fucking good" He groaned pulling away to add two fingers. Doubling the satisfaction. My lips parting to slightly as my eyes screwed shut.
"Charlie I'm s-so close" I muttered feeling his fingers spread up. Within seconds he sent me over the edge. Pleasure coursing through my body. I panted loudly attempting to steady my breathing. Watching as Charlie stood up. Lifting his glistening fingers up to his lips sucking off every last drop of cum that coated them. I let out another moan at the sight feeing myself getting turned on again.
"You okay?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me. I giggled seeing his already plump lips swollen.
"Perfectly fine Charles" I spoke wiping off my juices running down his chin with a towel nearby.
"A thousand times better now actually"
"I'm glad to hear you say that baby. Cause I'm not done with you" He whispered holding me firmly by the waist.
"Oh really?" I asked raising an eyebrow at the boy.
"Well unless you wanna wait until tomorrow after our first date"
"First date? Are you asking me out?"
"So what if I am? You got a problem with it y/l/n?"
"Nope. No problem here. Well except for the fact that I'm all dirty and sweaty" I said running my fingers through his messy hair.
"Well that just won't do for my princess will it? Round 2 in the shower?" He questioned making me laugh.
"If you think you can make me cum again then yes" I laughed pulling him into a passionate kiss.
"Oh I know I can" He mumbled into my lips before lifting me off the counter. I giggled as he walked to the bathroom in the back of the trailer. The small confined space making me realize just how hot he actually was. It was. I balanced myself as he put me down to turn on the water. I began to set it at a warm temperature, Listening as Charlie stripped himself of the rest of his clothes from behind me.
"Your so beautiful" Charlie whispered wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.
"Mmm you weren't saying that last week"
"I wasn't saying it but I was thinking it" He spoke as I felt something poking me from behind.
"You think about me?" I asked turning around to face him.
"A lot" He responded as I walked backwards. The warm water hitting me from above for a split second before my back hit the cold wall.
"Good" I responded as he pinned me up against the wall.
I huffed as his large hands grabbed me from behind my thighs. Wrapping my legs around his waist. Our make out session getting more heated by the second. Pulling him closer wanting nothing more than to feel him inside of me.
He was quick to line himself up to my entrance. Entering me slowly.
"C-can I move?" He asked after a moment. I nodded thankful he let me adjust to his size.
Within seconds we both were a wreck as he pounded into me. A string of curse words leaving our lips as the warm water fell over us.
I moaned as he hit my g-spot. My legs becoming weaker the faster he moved. I felt familiar knot forming at the pit of my stomach as he let out a noise of disgruntlement.
"Fuck baby I'm almost there"
I nodded along. Not daring to attempt to form any words. Both of us reaching our climax one after the other.
"We should do this again sometime. You know after our date" He grinned placing me down gently.
"I agree" I spoke moving under the water. I sighed contently as his arms wrapped around me from behind. His lips grazing my skin as he place chaste kisses upon it. A small smile forming on my face.
As much as this was the end of our little feud it also a new beginning to a new relationship.
Up Next: Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Sacha Carlson x Reader
Booboo Stewart x Reader
Send in your requests!
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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The One Where Tetsuro Drags Kenma To The Mall, And He Unsuspectingly Falls In Love.
Edited: 2-19-2021
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Tetsuro Kuroo briskly walked through the busy halls of the mall with Kenma Kozume following behind him begrudgingly. He had his play station portable, PSP if you will, in his hand. He was only half paying attention to the walkway and where Tetsuro was heading. Tetsuro was a little bemused watching how Kenma was able to follow him and watching out for bumping into strangers.
"Can we go to the game store yet?"
Kenma had not intended or planned on being dragged to the mall by his best friend. Sometimes Tetsuro just didn't like going places alone, even if the said place was just the shoe store at the mall for some new volleyball sneakers. At least Tetsuro had the decency to bribe him with a free videogame.
"Yeah, sure."
Kenma was ecstatic as he saved the game on his PSP, turned it off, and carefully placed it in his backpack. He had been waiting so long to finally go into the videogame store, Tetsuro had taken over an entire hour picking out new volleyball shoes.
"Finally. I think you're the only person who spends over an hour looking for shoes."
"Hey! The right kind of shoes could be the winning factor to our games."
Kenma made his way directly to the game store with Tetsuro following behind him. Kenma made his way over to the PlayStation section, however, as he looked across the store and saw the woman running the register he bolted. Blood rushed to Kenma's cheeks as he quickly grabbed onto Tetsuro's jacket and pulled him into the X-Box section.
"What are you...? Why are we in this section? You hate X-Box users, you said they were inferior and made fun of me for almost buying one."
"The console, not the user, and because they are! I just... Do you believe in love at first sight?"
"Well, technically speaking it takes six months to fall in love... But I guess sometimes there can be exceptions."
The blush on Kenma's cheek was an evergrowing pink, quickly transitioning to a deep shade of red. He slightly poked his head out of the aisle in a discreet way as to not let you see him. It made him think of the game Call Of Duty and War Hawk, where he'd poke his body out slightly that enabled him to shoot without being shot at.
"I think I'm in love."
"With who? Her?"
Tetsuro poked his head out and Kenma quickly grasped onto his shirt and yanked him back in.
"You can't just look at her, she might come over here and she cannot come over here."
"Why not? You could get her number."
"I can't talk to her okay? I come in here all the time, and every time I see her at the checkout I get nervous, and barely any words come out."
Tetsuro patted Kenma on his back and scanned the shelf for a videogame that looked noteworthy.
"Don't worry about talking, I'm gonna get you her number then you can take it at your own pace."
"No, wait-"
"Don't worry, I got this."
Not an X-Box game, Kenma wanted to say. Not Paladins, Kenma desperately wanted to say, but it was too late. Tetsuro was walking away with the game in his hand towards the cash register and placing it on the counter, all Kenma could do was hide in the aisle with anxious anticipation.
"Hello, will that be all for you today?"
You raised your eyebrows in silent judgment as you scanned the videogame. Kenma supposed it really wasn't Tetsuro's fault for making the mistake. He didn't play videogames as Kenma did, his eyes weren't likely to spot the OverWatch hoodie you were wearing, Paladin's superior rival game, or the fact that you were wearing the PlayStation insignia on a bracelet over your wrist. Evidently, whatever Tetsuro said to you, Kenma knew you were going to shoot down.
"So, my friend back there couldn't help but notice you, but he's too shy to ask you for your number, so I was wondering if I could have your number to share with him."
You let out a nervous laugh as you lifted your eyes from the register screen to the area behind him, there was no one. You would have liked to say that you were the type of person that didn't disassociate yourself from or have a prejudice against people based on their likes and dislikes, but the fact that this guy had obvious poor taste in videogames and consoles accompanied by the fact he obviously had no friend left you feeling uneasy.
"Right, for your 'friend'. I don't feel very comfortable giving out my number, sorry."
Would the slew of pervy gamer guys never cease to exist? Every day a new guy was in here ready to hit on you.
"My friend is so sweet, I promise! He plays videogames and he's an athlete!"
This guy was getting creepier and creepier by the minute. You took Tetsuro's card from him and swiped it along with the machine with haste, hoping silently that the card wasn't declined and he would leave.
"I'm not allowed to serve out my number for personal gain. Corporate policy, sorry."
You rushed your words out politely hoping to both deter him from asking again and to lessen your chances of coming across as rude. You thrust his card forward, quickly folded his receipt in half, placed it on a bag with the video game, and pushed it forward on the counter with a beaming smile.
"Have a nice day and come again."
Please don't.
Defeated but not hopeless, Tetsuro went back to the X-Box aisle to return to Kenma who was reeling in second-hand embarrassment over how bad that went. You watched with wary eyes as your newest creepy customer returned to the gaming aisles despite having just paid. You left your head resting on the work phone that was clipped to your belt, you'd be shocked at the number of guys that came and harassed you simply for being a girl that worked in the videogame store. Perverts and misogynists were a pain, you could never be too careful.
"That went horrible."
"You grabbed an X-Box game, and you could've grabbed OverWatch at least, not Paladins. Anything but Paladins. Let's go home."
Kenma didn't even want to inform his friend how weird and sketchy he was acting when he talked to you.
"Nope! Time for plan B."
Tetsuro grabbed Kenma's arm and dragged him over to the PlayStation section, unbeknownst to your watchful eyes. You felt a little sheepishly embarrassed watching him pull his friend to the PlayStation section. You had seen the little blonde boy come in a lot, enough to know what kind of games and consoles he liked, yet you hadn't noticed them come in together or even seen another guy in the X-Box section, truthfully, you thought the dark-haired guy was another pervy boy trying to hit on you for being a girl in gamer apparel.
"You're going to take my game and get my money back, and then buy OverWatch. Now I want you to repeat after me. 'I need to return this. By the way, I think you're cool, do you want to hang out sometime?'. Apparently, it's against corporate rules to hand out her number."
"Okay, okay. I got this. 'I need to return this. By the way, I think you're uh, cool. Do you wanna hang out."
Tetsuro pushed Kenma out of the PlayStation aisle and he slowly walked to the counter, the blush on his cheeks still raging as he gripped the bag tightly. He put it on the counter and tried to take a deep breath before he talked.
"I need to return this for my friend and buy this."
"Your friend not a fan of Paladins?"
He didn't want to stray from the script that Tetsuro had given him, but man did Paladins aggravate him. It was a complete rip-off of OverWatch.
"No, it's, um, it's a rip-off of OverWatch honestly, and I-We prefer PlayStation games."
"I know- God, that sounded creepy. It's just that you're in here a lot."
Kenma let out a small laugh as you scanned the game. You felt embarrassed for letting on to the fact that he had left an impression on you. It wasn't like you were a creep, you just took notice when customers came in regularly, especially when they bought the games that you personally played. Kenma handed you Tetsuro's debit card and you swiped it to both return the original and buy the new one.
"So, uhm, I am in here a lot, and I've noticed you wear a lot of videogame apparel, and I think you're kinda cool, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?"
"I'll do you one better, here's my phone number."
You scrawled your number down on the receipt and put it in the bag with the OverWatch game before you slid it over to Kenma with a smile. You leaned in close, whispered to him, and he swore his heart stopped beating as you stared into his eyes.
"Just, god this is so embarrassing. Can you preferably don't tell your friend I gave you my number...? I don't mean to offend, but he was actin' weird and kinda creeped me out, and I told him it was against corporate policy to get him to leave me alone."
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ezrasarm · 4 years
Before You Go
Pairing: Poe Dameron x gn!reader
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: After a mission goes sideways you and Poe find yourselves stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Warnings: Depictions of blood and wounds, medical inaccuracies I’m sure, lil’ bit of angst, fluff, one (1) smooch, I think it’s gender neutral... I think (let me know if I’ve missed something though!)
A/n: At long last this is my first Poe fic and I have to say it’s been incredibly fun to write! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it! Please let me know what you think, I’m new to writing his character and will take all the feedback I can get! Also a massive thank you to @andriecastana AKA @im-poe-dameron for beta reading!
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“Skipper- Skipper, c’mon we don’t have time for this.”
“How- what are you doing here-” You mumbled as you came to. The words didn’t hold much force with the way your loss of consciousness still hung like a heavy fog over your head, or perhaps that was the smoke spewing from the engines which had been shot down to throw you into a spin. All sensations seemed far too overwhelming but the more awareness you managed to gain, the more urgency you began to realize filled Poe’s voice as he jostled your shoulders and moved to chuck your helmet off and unstrap you from the cockpit.
“Saving your ass, now c’mon!” He exclaimed, practically dragging you out of the beached and smouldering ship. “Up we get, down we go.” He said as though you were a child, probably because in your daze that’s all you seemed to have the mental capacity of. You’d hardly managed to gain your balance before a blaster shot tore past your shoulder and in a split second Poe had taken a vice grip on your wrist and your feet had no choice but to stumble after him as he tugged you through the thicket of deep green undergrowth until you couldn’t help but match his sprint.
The most you were capable of was keeping your eyes ahead of you so as not to run face-first into a tree. Your heart was racing at the hail of blaster bolts raining down around you and in the one moment you allowed yourself to look over your shoulder to see what exactly it was you were running from you felt a sharp pain rip through your side.
“Stick with me, Skipper,” Poe called over his shoulder, a tight squeeze to your hand to urge you on as he felt your pace falter behind him. And so you did. You ran with him until all you knew was the motion of putting one foot in front of the other. Until you could hardly breathe. Until the searing pain in your side became so unbearable you could feel your legs giving way to jello beneath you.
“Poe,” You gasped out, “Poe, slow down,” You choked but your plea fell on deaf ears.
“Just a little further! I think we’ve almost lost them!” He threw back at you with that same desperate optimism that always made people follow him. That made him the brilliant, impulsive, stubborn, leader he was. But this time, no matter how much you wanted to do good by him, you couldn’t.
You would have told him so but the unmistakable whir of a speeder cutting through the trees hit your ear and you knew there was no chance of either you or him out running that. So you made a quick decision, the type of thing that got you into this mess in the first place, and with the last remaining ounce of energy in your body, you threw yourself at him and used all the force you could muster to tackle him over the ledge you had been running along side and to the ground, concealed only by the projection of earth above you and the thick brush of greenery around you.
The landing was by no means graceful. You had to choke back the wail of pain when he fell on top of you. His hand which you supposed had come to brace you, pressed into the wound just below your rib cage and instead of shoving him off of you as every nerve in your body was screaming at you to do, you locked your legs around him and planted your palm over his mouth.
Your entire body tensed, back and shoulders ridged and neck strained as you listened for the speeder which had been tailing you, it’s hum growing louder and louder until it was practically on top of you, and then it stopped. It couldn’t have been two meters away from you when the trooper hopped off of it. You winced at the sound of boots crunching on the dead and dry leaves over your heads, unconsciously holding Poe a little tighter to you as you struggled to hold your breath, and just when you thought there was no way you were making it out of this alive, that there was no way the mangle of plants you had rolled yourself behind could conceal the neon orange of your flight suits, a staticky voice killed the silence–
“I’ve lost them.”
“What do you mean ‘you’ve lost them’?” Another voice emerged from the comms on the trooper.
“I mean they’re not here.” The stormtrooper spoke, throwing a leg over the speeder before turning back in the direction from which he came.
It was only when the speeder had made its way out of earshot that you let your head fall back to the ground with a long-awaited hiss of the breath you had been holding in. Your voice caught in your throat in a silent sob when Poe shifted his weight above you and it was only now, as you shoved him off of you with shaking hands, that he began to clue into the way you had stumbled behind him as you ran, the desperation in your voice when you’d told him to slow down, the reason you, someone he could rely on to follow him through anything, had just about refused to. The warm, damp sensation on his palm made sense now when he looked down at the deep crimson stain on your flight suit where it had rested.
“Shit.” He let out, looking between you and the wound on your side. “Shit, they hit you? Why didn’t you tell me?!” The panic in his voice coming out more aggravated than he had intended and making you wince.
“We were a little preoccupied!” You huffed out, gesturing in the direction you had come from as if the situation were somehow the slightest bit funny despite the pain that seemed to be intensifying with each passing moment.
“You were shot!” He exclaimed, mind racing for the next step, for a way out of this.
“It’s not that bad.” You lied, clearly not fooling anyone with the waiver to your breath. “Just gotta get my hands on a medkit and I’ll be good as new.” You say, trying your best to play this off as nothing despite the sinking feeling in your gut that it was considerably more than that. “You have a medkit right?” You ask, only allowing the reality of the situation to hit you when Poe’s face scrunched up and he smoothed a hand over his features.
“No. It’s back on the ship I crashed trying to keep you from getting yourself killed.” He groaned in frustration.
“One hell of a rescue mission, huh?” You grumble out.
“I don’t seem to recall you fairing much better. At least I got my landing gear down!” He exclaimed, “What the hell were you thinking, getting down that low?” And here it came, the ‘I’m your commanding officer, you’re supposed to listen to what I say’ card. The one play you couldn’t rebuttal to no matter how close to him you thought you were, or how much you thought you could get away with.
“I was thinking I had a clear shot to take out their fuel reserves in one go if I got close enough.”
“Yeah, a little too close, don’tcha think?” He throws back at you.
“Remind me how you got here again?” You quip, managing to render him speechless for at least a couple of seconds. A deep exhale escapes him, his head falling in resignation with a slight shake before he speaks again.
“Can you sit up?” He asks, tone flat, and it’s now that the remorse begins to ween its way back into your head.
“I think so-” You start but the hiss you let out when you attempt it proves otherwise and Poe is quick to shift around you and prop you up in his lap so he can help you shoulder the top of your flight suit down around your hips. The throbbing in your side doesn’t allow you much room to relish in the way his hands feel on your bare skin when he pushes your undershirt up so he can take a look at the angry wound on your waist but the warmth is welcome.
“What was that you said about it not being that bad?” He asks, trying to mask the panic rising in his chest at the depth of the wound.
“I didn’t want you to worry,” you try to defend yourself but he’s already brushing off the answer.
“Yeah, well I’m gonna worry anyway, aren’t I?” He says and you’re not quite sure why that makes this hurt so much more, and not just from the way he’s balled up the sleeve of your flight suit to press into the wound and try to slow some of the bleeding. A heavy silence hangs in the air as you let his words stew before attempting to speak.
“I’m sorry about what I said- for all of this.” You say quietly, “I’m glad you came for me, I’d be dead already if it weren’t for you.”
“Don’t say that-“ He tries to push the thought aside but you had hardly been conscious when he found you, you knew there was no way you would have even made it out of your ship let alone outrun those ground forces without his help.
“I should‘ve listened to you. I shouldn’t have come down here at all, I just thought…” You cut yourself off before you even have the chance to say too much, worrying your lip between your teeth as he brings a hand to cradle your head, his thumb brushing soothing patterns along your jaw line as you force your breathing into control.
“What?” He whispers and you’re not sure what it is that possesses you to finish your sentence, the gentleness to his tone or the overall circumstances but you tell him.
“...I wanted you to be proud of me, Poe,” are the shaky words that slip past your lips and to your surprise and probably his too, his face light up.
“Are you kidding me? I’m always proud of you, Skipper.” You scoff weakly at the nickname as he brushes some of the sweat dampened hair off your forehead. “I’m not kidding, I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve zoned out just watching you fly. Every twist and turn you make is so natural, so graceful, it’s like the ship is an extension of your own body and it’s mesmerizing.” He explains, a hint of wonderment to his tone that causes the butterflies in your stomach to stir before the corners of his lips drop. “It also makes it all the more tragic to watch you spin out of control.” He says and the guilt hits you like a truck all over again. “I thought I’d lost you.”
“Don’t speak too soon.” You huff out, glancing down at the place where he was still holding firm pressure to your wound, and it’s clear the humor to the comment is lost on him.
“Hey, we’re not going there!” He retorts, not sure if it's more of a comfort for you or for him at this point. “The resistance knows where we are. They’re gonna come for us.” He assures you and you see that same unwavering hope glint in his eye but there's something else there too. A slight mist making his eyes glisten and at this point you’re sure that even he knows without getting proper medical attention soon your odds are dwindling. He’s only reminded of that more when your grip tightens on his forearm.
“Poe,” The first hint of fear makes its way into your voice when you speak, your head feeling heavier in his lap, “It’s c-cold.” You stutter out, and he notices the way your teeth are chattering slightly when he shifts as gently as possible to wrap himself snuggly around you.
“It’s okay,” he lies more to himself than to you, “you’re going into shock. Just stay with me, keep talking. You’re doing so well.” He says, finding it harder and harder to keep his voice even with each word.
“Can I ask you something?” You murmur. At this point in the cheesy holos you would watch back on base the handsome protagonist would have said ‘yes, anything,’ and it would be followed by a deep heartfelt confession but Poe wasn’t like that.
“Depends on what you’re asking.” He smirks and you shake your head. You’d have shoved him in the arm playfully if it didn’t take all of your concentration just to keep your eyes open right now.
“Seriously? Even in death you won’t tell me what happened on Dagobah?”
“You’re not dying!” He protests a little harsher than intended and you bite back your fading smile when you refocus on the question you had meant to ask him.
“Why do you still call me Skipper?” You rasp out and his head tilts fondly towards you. You and he both knew you’d been promoted ages ago yet the moniker had stuck. He had never taken the time to consider if you liked it or not.
“Because you hadn’t even made it out of training in that first battle on D’Quar but you stepped up to the plate when we needed you and were the best FO I’ve ever had.” He explained. “You’ll always be my right hand man.” He said quieter this time and with the way his forehead was practically pressed to yours and the closeness he held you to him with you had to wonder if he meant it in a couple more ways than one. You think he’s about to say more but you’re distracted when your vision begins to cloud with purple spots.
“Poe,” his name is heavy on your tongue as your heart rate picks up and your grip on his arm tightens. “I can’t see. I can’t…” your words trail off as he tries to jostle you back to life.
“Skipper, stay with me.” He calls to you but his voice is distant and the words scramble in your head. “Help is almost here, I’m sure of it, just stay with me.” He tries again, clutching you close as he rocks you in his arms but you’re already gone and he’s left muttering gentle affirmations to no one but himself.
It was bright. Way too bright and the fluorescent lights above that you recognized as those from the base infirmary made your eyes sting as you tried your best to cling to consciousness for the second time in 24 hours.
“Finn peed on me.” Your eyes had barely fluttered open when Poe spoke.
“What?” Your throat was hoarse from disuse for several hours and you were sure your ears must have been equally decalibrated with the words you were positive you had misheard.
“On Dagobah. You asked what happened on Dagobah and Finn had to pee on me.” He clarified but your mind was still reeling.
“Wait what?!” If you weren’t awake before you certainly were now, unable to restrain the disbelieving grin rising on your lips. You weren’t sure if it was over the story he was telling you or the mere fact that you were around to hear it but the feeling of pure joy welling in your chest was overwhelming.
“I got stung by one of those crazy looking swamp monster things that live in the water there and it hurt like hell and Finn said he’d heard something about urine making the sting go away so he peed on me and we both swore we’d never speak about it again.” He sped through the story as though he couldn’t get it over with fast enough but the look on his face told you he wasn’t quite as disappointed with telling you as his words let on.
“Did- did it work?” You asked hesitantly, half horrified and half too invested not to get an answer.
“No, it actually made it about a thousand times worse. It was… the dumbest idea we’ve ever had and that’s saying something.” He said, melting at the way you had to clutch your side to keep from laughing too hard.
“Why are you telling me this now?” You shake your head softly as the corners of your lips fall, leaving only the warm look in your eye that gave Poe the confidence to give you an actual answer.
“Because for a whole four minutes I thought I had just watched you die in my arms and it turned my entire world upside down.” He whispered, shifting onto the edge of the seat he’d pulled up to the side of your bed so he could grasp your hand in his. “I had so much I still wanted to tell you and I was too busy trying to will you not to die on me to get it all out.” He said and that misty look in his eyes had returned telling you this was no joke. “I never want to feel that way again.”
“Well we’ve got time, Poe. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon-” You start to say but he’s already shifting up onto the edge of your bed to clutch both of your hands in his and you would be lying if you said the intensity in his eyes wasn’t scaring you just a bit.
“No, no I’ve gotta tell you right now or I’m never gonna have the balls to say it again.” He insists and you shift up in the bed slightly to give him your full attention. “You were right about the Dagobah mission, we never should have gone alone-”
“Well yeah I could’ve told you that-” You chuckle but he’s too focused to pay it much mind.
“-and you technically won that race that one time because I accidentally misread the track markers and cut the course short-”
“I knew about that one. BB-8 told me, and it wasn’t an accident.”
“The little traitor.” He muttered to himself, forcing the corners of your lips to quirk upwards at the corners. “Sometimes I wish you hadn’t been promoted because I miss the feeling I used to get when I flew with you.” He admits rather sheepishly for his usual suave and self-assured demeanour and that's enough to render you speechless on its own but he’s not done yet. “And I’ve been in love with you since the moment you slid into that cockpit with me and only admitted after having to take full control for five minutes mid dogfight that you’d never flown outside of the sim before.”
“Well I knew I was in good hands.” You mumble, thoroughly distracted now by the realization of how close his face is hovering to yours.
“I think you’re missing the point here, Skipper.” He whispers, so close you can practically feel his gaze burning into your lips as he speaks.
“No, I’m just not entirely sure what to say.” You murmur back, the urge to close the short distance between you growing impossible to resist with each passing moment.
“Nothing, you don’t have to say anything...” He shakes his head, just about ready to pull away when you tilt your chin up to catch his lips with yours, feeling the way they curve up into a smile against your mouth as his hand comes to cradle your jaw. You’re not sure when your arms snuck around him in any attempt to hold him as close to you as possible, nor are you aware of how hard he’s working to resist the urge to melt into your touch and cause any more pain than has already been caused today. All you know is how whole you feel being in his embrace and how glad you are that you stuck around.
Permanent Taglist: @agirllovespancakes @chaoticspaceidiot @engineeredfiction @pedropascalito @dreamgirl-67 @wickedfrsgrl @hillarymurray4 @din-damn-djarin @yespolkadotkitty @wille-zarr @oloreaa @browneyes-djarin @marydjarin @roxypeanut @opheliaelysia @cryptkeepersoul @prxtty-boah @aliciaxglasgow @elena-myth @theocatkov @bioticgoddess @edencherries @kandomeresbitch @mrsparknuts @hayley-the-comet @rachelxwayne @thirstworldproblemss @andriecastana @justanotherblonde23 @tangeledlove27 @rosiefridayrogersunday
Poe Dameron Taglist: @houseofthirst
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pixxiesdust · 4 years
Carrying Atlas • Dabi
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Summary • Dabi has shouldered a heavy burden for years and years, with no one to carry it with him. When he stumbles into his neighbor’s apartment in the middle of the night, you give him kind words and treat him with gentle hands. It’s only a few grains of sand out of the world he has to bear, but you’ve helped to carry more than anyone else ever has.
Pairing • Dabi x Reader
Word Count • 8.7k
Tags and Warnings • Blood and injuries, suturing wounds, fluff, slightly suggestive comments, swearing.
Note • This is my first time writing for Dabi, and is my third entry for @bnhabookclub​​’s hero camp bingo event! The prompt is girl next door. I have absolutely no medical experience, and everything I write about suturing a wound is from WikiHow. Thank you to @sugacookiies​​ and @savagetrickster​​ for betaing, and a huge thank you to @prismaroyal​​ for betaing and for helping me since the beginning! Also shout out to @wesparklebitch​​ who I love very, very much, for coming up with a wonderful title that I unfortunately didn’t end up using, I’m sorry!!
The pressure Dabi is putting on his stomach wound isn’t enough to stop it from bleeding profusely, and thick, red blood seeps through his coat and fingers. There’s another injury on his shoulder: a knife wound from a small-fry villain who dared to stab him.
He normally wouldn’t have gotten so severely hurt from a group of no-name villains, but they had ambushed him in a small alley. One managed to get a blade into his shoulder before he could react, and another had retractable claws that swiped across his abdomen before Dabi fried them all to a crisp.
So that’s why he stumbles down this narrow, musty-smelling corridor to get to his small, overpriced apartment.
Darkness hovers at the edges of his vision, waiting to pounce, but Dabi refuses to succumb to it until he’s in his apartment and has patched up his wounds. A throb of pain emanates from his stomach wound, and he grimaces. Maybe he’ll have to cauterize it if his vision gets any worse.
He reaches a door in the hallway, and falls against it, his uninjured shoulder pressing into the wood. One bloody, calloused hand reaches for the doorknob, smearing red over the tarnished brass.
Dabi twists.
It doesn’t open.
He tries again, knowing for certain that he didn’t lock his apartment door behind him this morning—because one, who the hell would try and rob such a run-down place like this; and two, if anyone did try to rob him, he’d hunt them down and dispose of them in less than twenty-four hours.
So he twists the doorknob again, hard, and when the door still doesn’t open, he starts to heat up his hand in preparation to burn the door down.
But then–
–the door swings open, and Dabi falls through, colliding with another body that lets out a soft squeak of surprise.
You’re jolted out of sleep at three o’clock in the morning by a bang against your apartment door. It’s loud enough for you to hear it even though you’re in your bedroom. But then again, the apartment isn’t very big, and the walls aren’t very soundproof.
You groan and roll over in bed, and are about to try and fall back asleep, when the doorknob rattles too.
Fear shoots through your veins at the thought of someone trying to break in. You just knew it wasn’t a good idea to buy an apartment in such a sketchy part of the city—even though you didn’t have enough money to afford a better place.
The doorknob is shaken again, so you leap out of bed, running as quietly as you can for the kitchen. You pick up the closest thing that you can swing at the intruder, a pan off the stove, and hurry to the door as the doorknob rattles for the third time.
You breathe in deeply.
Then you unlock the door, twist the knob, and pull it open toward you.
You can’t even lift up the pan to swing it before a body falls through the doorway and knocks into you. The pan flies from your grasp, clattering across the apartment floor. A squeak escapes your lips before you stumble backward, and the body hits you with enough force to knock you onto your knees, which collide against the wooden boards with a sharp crack.
The body groans, and you shove it off of you, scrambling out from underneath it. It lands hard on the ground and hisses, “Fuck!”
The voice is raspy and deep, one that would have sent shivers down your spine if you had heard it in any other situation. But you’re more focused on the wetness that coats your hands after you shoved the body aside, and your eyes widen in horror as you realize that they’re sticky and stained with a dark liquid.
Though the lights are off and you can barely see any color, you know there are very few substances that feel like this and fill the air with a sharp, metallic smell.
It’s blood.
Which means the person who woke you up in the middle of the night is badly injured, and likely needs help.
You get to your feet and rush toward the light switch, flicking it on with the back of your wrist, so you don’t get blood all over it.
The lightbulbs flicker once—the electricity in this apartment isn’t stellar either—and turn on, dim light shining on the body on the ground.
There’s metal embedded in the man’s skin, seeming to prevent the patches of scars from cracking and peeling away from smooth, unblemished parts. He wears an odd, dark blue coat with a collar that is high around his neck.
But the main thing you focus on is the dark splotches on his coat that seem to grow bigger right before your eyes. There’s one spot on his shoulder and another on his stomach, though his hands are pressed against it in an attempt to staunch the flow of blood.
You grimace, and your lips pull together in a thin line, but you kneel down beside the man who blinks his eyes hard as if he tries to clear his vision.
“The hell are you doing in my apartment?” he manages to force out.
It’s your turn to blink. “This is my apartment, thank you very much. Number 302.”
His eyes roll back in his head, and he shuts them for a long moment, breathing deeply. “Three. Oh. One,” he says, then pushes himself to sit up.
You hover over him worriedly, hands fluttering in the air since you’re unsure where you can touch without hurting him even more. “So you’re my neighbor?” you ask, finally deciding on resting a hand on his lower back to keep him up.
He only grunts in response. Placing his blood-covered hands on the wooden floorboards, he pushes himself onto his feet and sways unsteadily.
You rise with him, holding onto his uninjured arm with another hand on his back. He takes a step toward your front door, and your eyes widen.
“Wait, wait, wait! Where do you think you’re going?”
He looks at you with brilliant blue eyes that narrow into slits. “To my apartment,” he answers.
You move in front of him, preventing him from taking another step forward. “And what do you expect to do when you get there, huh? Fall over and bleed out over your apartment floor?”
The man exhales sharply and steps forward, disregarding that it makes him push closer against you. “Fuck off, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”
You sputter for a moment, and he takes the opportunity to move even closer toward your door. Finally, you find the words you want to say, and stand in front of your doorway, stretching your arms across the frame. “You’re not going anywhere. Do you think I can just let my neighbor, who has probably lost half his blood, go into his apartment on his own and expect that he’ll be alright?”
“Yes,” your neighbor says.
You ignore him. “If you die, the police are going to come and investigate, and you know who the first suspect will be? Me! Because you decided to barge in here and wipe your bloody hands all over the place! So you’re going to turn around, sit down on the table, and let me patch you up.”
He stops moving forward and glowers at you. If he isn’t so terribly injured, the look would make you step to the side and allow him to take care of it all on his own. But he is hurt, and he’s unsteady on his feet, so it’s very unlikely that he can do anything to you.
It seems like he won’t let you patch him up without a fight, though. Because he pushes his face in front of yours, and hisses, “Do you realize that I’m dangerous, doll? I could kill you where you stand.”
The threat makes your muscles tense, and a smirk spreads across his face when he thinks you’ll give in. But then you straighten up, and say, “In this condition? Not likely.”
Then you jab a finger at his shoulder wound, hiding a grimace when more blood coats your finger. Triumph lights your eyes as he flinches slightly and pulls back, moving away from your door.
You motion to poke him again in his wound, and he shuffles another step backward. It’s nearly a game of sheepherding now. You threaten to jab at his injuries, and he moves further into your apartment, spitting half-hearted curses in your direction.
“Sit.” You gesture at the small wooden table that rests in front of your living room couch.
He raises an eyebrow.
“If you sit on the couch, I’ll never get the blood out of it. I don’t have the money to buy another one, so you get to sit on the table.”
“Fun,” he says drily, but sits down anyway. He hits the wood heavily, and lets out a groan as the impact seems to aggravate his wounds even more.
You nod at him once, then hurry toward your bathroom, tossing a “Stay there!” over your shoulder.
Dabi rolls his eyes as you hurry away. “As if I can go anywhere,” he mutters, wincing as he presses down even harder on his stomach wound.
He can’t believe that you just let him into your apartment, even though he threatened you for trying to get him to stay here. He also can’t believe that you literally poked at his wounds until he gave up and let you treat him. Why you were so persistent about it, he has no idea.
Maybe you’re one of those corrupt hero-types that wants to help him, so he’ll have to owe you a favor. You did say that you wouldn’t be able to afford a new couch if his blood got in it. A sneer stretches across his face. If you really are one of those types, then he’s more than happy to burn you to a crisp as soon as you finish treating him.
Dabi eyes your couch. There’s one simple way for him to find out.
Turning on the sink with the back of your wrist, you scrub your hands with soap until all of your neighbor’s blood is washed away. Then you open up the single cabinet under your sink, and pull out the red box shoved in the back corner.
Armed with the first aid kit, you return to your small living room. You stop short when you don’t see him on the table in front of your couch.
Then a hand rises up from the couch, and fingers wiggle at you. “I’m here, doll,” your neighbor drawls.
“You just had to go where I asked you not to, huh?” You walk around the couch so you can see him lying across the furniture, and let out a resigned sigh. “I suppose it is more comfortable than the table.”
Placing the first aid kit on the part of the table that doesn’t have his blood on it, you pop open the lid to display all kinds of simple medical equipment. “Let’s get started. Stomach wound first, that seems to be the worst one.”
Your hands hover over the different disinfectants, gauze pads, and bandages. Then you look at your neighbor with large eyes. “Do you think you’ll need stitches?”
“Why?” he asks, “You squeamish?”
Your lips pull into a thin line. “No. It’s been a while, that’s all.”
He scoffs out a laugh as you pull out a clean cloth, spread it on the table, and start placing the necessary tools on it. “I’m in great hands, then.”
“Yes, you are,” you say, more to boost your confidence than to reassure him. “I didn’t sew up my coworker’s cut on our school’s camping field trip for nothing. It didn’t even leave any scars!”
“Scars clearly aren’t an issue.” His voice is scathing, tone harsh.
You look at him over your shoulder. You blink once, then twice. “Oh. Oh! I didn’t mean to insult you or anything, um, not that there isn’t any problem with scars; in fact, you look really good-” you cut yourself off with a shake of your head. “Let’s just sew you up before you lose any more blood.”
You pick up the needle holder from the table, opening and closing the scissor-like tool once before using it to pull out the sterile needle and thread from its package. The tissue forceps—basically tweezers to hold onto his skin as you work—go in your other hand. After a second of getting used to the tools, you set them back down on the cloth.
You turn around to face him, then pause when you take in the odd expression on his face. “You okay?” you ask nervously. “Are you squeamish?”
His eyes move off yours, and he stares up at the ceiling. “Not at all. Just didn’t know you think that I look ‘really good,’” he mocks.
You duck your head in embarrassment for a moment, but lift it back up as you move to his side. “Here’s a tip: don’t insult the person about to poke you with a needle. Lift up your coat and shirt, please. Let’s see what we’re working with here.”
As usual, he does as you ask, but he shoots another retort, intent on making you flustered. “I normally require dinner before I take my shirt off, but I’ll make an exception for you, doll.”
The comment does make you a bit flustered, but you try to hide it by raising an eyebrow. “Again, I’m the one with the needle.”
You fall silent when you get a good look at his wound. It’s more like four separate slashes that cut into his well-defined stomach, and each slash oozes blood. Only two seem deep enough to warrant stitches. You look at Dabi. “Animal quirk or something?”
“More like retractable claws.”
“Well, it does seem like you got out of the way quickly to avoid the claws cutting deep enough to hit an organ. I’ll rinse out the wounds with water—it’s going to hurt—and stitch up two of them. The other two will be fine with pads and bandages. Do you want something for the pain?”
“You think I can’t handle a bit of heat? I can deal with it.”
Your expression softens the slightest bit at his words, though you try to pull in the sympathy so you won’t offend him. It sounds like he’s had to bear pain all on his own for a very long time.
Even though you just met him, your chest aches at the thought of that.
“I’m not saying that you can’t handle it. But you don’t have to.” You turn back to the first aid kit and pull out a foil sheet of pain medication, popping out two tablets as the instructions say to.
“Take these.” Grabbing onto your neighbor’s hand that is closest to you, you pause, and your eyes widen when you flip it over, so his palm faces up.
It’s coated in blood.
There’s no way you’re putting the pills on that hand, and you’re sure his other hand will be just as dirty, so you move over to his head. When you slip your free hand under his head to prop him up, his blue eyes study you, expression unreadable.
You hold one of the tablets in your thumb and forefinger and put it to his lips. He leans forward slightly to take it into his mouth, the skin of his lips brushing against your fingertips.
Your heart beats just a little faster, but your hand is steady as you hold the other pill between your fingers. This time, his tongue flicks out to pick it up from your fingers, and it also touches lightly across your skin.
A shiver runs down your spine. He smirks.
You get to your feet and brush your hands down your pants. “Right. I’m going to- to get some water to clean your wound with.”
You scrub your hands clean in your kitchen sink, grab a bowl from a cabinet, wash it out with copious amounts of soap, and fill it up with water. Carrying the bowl back to the living room, you set it down at the table and look at your neighbor again.
“Before I begin,” you say, “Can I get your name? It’s a bit of a mouthful calling you ‘my neighbor’ every time I try to refer to you.”
He chuckles. “You’re thinking about me a lot, doll?”
You pout and turn your back on him, pulling out another clean cloth from the first aid kit. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Just thought it would make things a bit easier.”
He sighs and shifts a little as you turn back around with the cloth and the bowl of water. “Call me Dabi.”
The corners of your lips turn up in a smile. “Okay, Dabi,” you say, savoring the way his name feels as it rolls off your tongue. “I’ll clean out your wounds now, then I’ll start stitching it up. The pain meds should be kicking in, but let me know if we need to pause for a bit, okay?”
“You’re too soft.” The words are an insult, but Dabi can’t seem to make his tone harsh enough for the words to sound like one. “I’ll be fine.”
With his confirmation, you nod and pull out a pair of blue, rubber gloves from the first aid kit. As soon as the elastic snaps them tight around your wrist, you start working to clean up Dabi’s wounds.
Your temple throbs with pain, and your eyes ache from staring at little stitches, but you’re finally done with closing Dabi’s wounds. White bandages wrap around his stomach, keeping cloth pads on the two claw slashes that didn’t need stitches. You had cleaned up the knife wound in his shoulder too, though now the dirtiest part of him are his hands and clothes.
“You can’t get your stitches wet just yet, but do you want to use my bathroom and wipe yourself down? I can try and see if I have anything you can wear if you want to get out of your bloody clothes.”
You put one hand on your wooden table and use it to push yourself to your feet, groaning when your knees pop from the strain of kneeling down for so long. It’s past five o’clock in the morning, which means you’ve been tending to Dabi for over two hours. You’ve barely had any sleep, and you still need to go to work tomorrow—today, actually—at the middle school.
But even though Dabi’s wounds are stitched and have mostly stopped bleeding, you still need to make sure that he’s okay and doesn’t pull them open again.
“Pass on the clothes, but I’ll use your bathroom.”
He starts to push himself off the couch, and you slip his uninjured arm over your shoulders, leading him down the short hall to your bathroom. Leaving him there, you open up the closet in the hallway and pull out an unused towel before returning to the bathroom.
“Here,” you say, flipping down the toilet lid and placing the towel on it. “You can wet this and wipe the blood off as best you can.”
Dabi nods, then starts taking off his jacket. You’re about to turn away, but notice the way he’s more careful about moving his injured shoulder. You hesitate for a second, then reach out to grab onto the jacket, and help him slip it off.
Blue eyes trace your form that is reflected in the mirror, but you don’t notice Dabi’s gaze.
When the jacket is off, you hold it up and study it. There’s a lot of blood, and some of it is ripped, but you probably can throw it in the washing machine for a bit and get some of the blood out.
His shirt, though, is an entirely different matter. The cloth near his abdomen is in tatters from the claws that sliced him and is soaked in blood. There’s a hole at the shoulder where the knife went through. “I don’t think you’ll be able to save your shirt,” you muse.
Dabi says nothing. He only gives you a look, then glances down at his shirt, as if he’s demanding you to help him take it off too.
It’s just a shirt. It’s just skin. Nothing more. You try to hide your nerves when you nod and bend to place his coat on the ground. As you straighten back up, you look into his eyes, which seem to glint with smug amusement. Maybe you aren’t hiding your awkwardness very well at all.
“Okay. Um, could you sit on the toilet? It would be easier for me to get your shirt off.”
He does as you ask, but smirks and throws out a comment that makes your face feel hot. “Since you’re the one taking off my clothes, I think it’s about two dinners that you owe me now.”
You roll your eyes and grab onto the hem of his shirt, averting your eyes from the skin that it reveals as you lift it up. You lightly touch his uninjured arm, and he raises it up, allowing you to get his arm through the sleeve and over his head, before you finally work the rest of the shirt down his wounded arm.
“There,” you say, and straighten up with the shirt in your hands.
You make the mistake of looking at him.
He’s muscles and scars and metal piercings, a story of pain and betrayal embedded into his skin. He’s beauty and anguish, strength and despair, shoulders heavy with the weight of the world, and no one is there to bear it with him.
Your heart aches.
“What?” he sneers, voice harsh and eyes scorching. “Not pretty enough for you?”
You blink in surprise, then clench your hands tightly around his ruined shirt as you softly say, “No. Too pretty.”
Then you scoop up his jacket from the ground, turn on your heels, and flee the bathroom, feeling the burning gaze on your retreating back.
You miss Dabi’s slackened jaw and curious eyes. His shoulders relax just a little. You’ve taken a bit of weight off him, and though it’s maybe only a few grains of sand out of the entire world he has to carry, it’s a significant difference to him—because you’re the only one that has ever done that for him.
You’ve washed Dabi’s blood off your hands, thrown his coat into the washing machine, and tossed his shirt into the trash can. There’s still blood on the couch and table in the living room, on your door, and the floor of the entryway. You haven’t cleaned up the first aid kit either, but your eyelids are heavy, and you need a break.
Dabi is still washing up in the bathroom, so you knock on the door twice before you start speaking. “I threw your coat into the washing machine, and it’ll take a bit of time to get cleaned, so I’m going to my room, and I’ll take a quick nap. Wake me up if you need anything, though, you won’t be a bother! I’ll need to get back up to finish cleaning everything anyways.”
You only hear a grunt of acknowledgement through the wood, but that’s enough for you.
So you go into your bedroom, change into a fresh set of clothes, and collapse onto your bed. You barely have the energy to set an alarm on your phone for half an hour from now before your head hits the pillow, and you slip off into sleep.
It doesn’t bother you at all that there’s a stranger in your apartment.
The shrill ringing of your alarm is what wakes you, and you groan. You stretch an arm out toward your phone and jab at the screen until the alarm stops ringing.
There’s an ache in your body that comes from a lack of sleep, and your eyelids are heavy. But you need to get up to get Dabi’s coat out of your washing machine, and–
–it’s six-thirty in the morning, so you’ve definitely been asleep for longer than half an hour, your apartment is completely silent, and you’re going to be late for work.
You throw the blankets off you and leap out of bed, wincing as joints crack and pop. You quickly change into clothes that are appropriate for a science teacher at a local middle school. Swiping your phone off the nightstand by your bed, you tuck it into your back pocket and hurry out into your apartment, intent on letting Dabi know that you have to leave.
But your apartment is empty.
The living room is spotless; the first aid kit is gone from the table, and no blood is there either, though there are some faint stains on your couch where Dabi had laid down. The wooden floorboards by your door are completely clean too.
It’s as if you dreamed up the whole encounter that happened earlier this morning, but your knees still hurt from kneeling down for so long, and as you hurry into your kitchen, a pile of cash rests on top of a white scrap of paper right on your kitchen counter.
Your eyes grow wide at the stack of bills, but you are more focused on the note beneath them. Pulling it out, your eyes trace over the somehow elegantly scrawled words.
The cash is for your couch. I could have had a much shittier neighbor, but you aren’t half bad. Your stitches aren’t bad either for “it’s been a while.” Don’t go around letting other strange men into your house in the middle of the night. If you need anything, I’m just next door.
Your neighbor
If your heart pounds a little faster and your fingers tremble the slightest bit at the way he signed off on the letter, you don’t acknowledge it. You just place the letter back on the counter and turn to the fridge, popping a piece of bread into the toaster.
There’s not enough time to make a full breakfast and lunch, but a slice of toast and some fruit can tide you over until your lunch break, where you’ll be able to go to a fast food place near the school to grab something to eat.
When the toaster lets out a ding, you pick up the toast, not flinching at the heat that warms your fingers. Your quirk has a bit of use after all—heat tolerance on your hands being the main benefit.
Picking out fruit from the bowl on your counter, you hurry to your doorway and sling your work bag over your shoulder. After stuffing your feet into your shoes, you pull open the door and leave your apartment, taking one last look at the spotless entryway.
Although you only had four hours of sleep at the most, a warm feeling fills your chest as you walk down the hallway and pass apartment 301.
It seems like this first incident causes you to interact with Dabi pretty regularly around the apartment building.
When you go to work after tending to Dabi in the middle of the night, you order an extra meal at the restaurant you get lunch at. You return home after work and drop the boxed meal in front of his door, leaving a note that says, one out of two meals I owe you for stripping you.
Your face was hot the entire time you were writing it.
Later that evening, you find a couple bills slipped under your door—the exact cost for the lunch you had bought Dabi. There’s a note, too, and it reads, I said you owe me two dinners, doll, not lunch. I’ll be waiting.
About a week later, you manage to cook something up after work. With the meal hot, you knock on your neighbor’s door, fiddling with your fingers until he opens it. You extend your offer for dinner by using his stitches as an excuse—you’ll check and remove them after eating. He chuckles, steps out into the hallway, and shuts his door behind him.
Dinner goes well. Although you’re the one talking most of the time, Dabi’s eyes are always on you, and he occasionally interjects with a dry and witty comment that makes you laugh.
When you finish eating, he compliments your cooking by saying, “If I knew you could make food like this, doll, I wouldn’t have asked for only two meals.” He gives you a sly look, blue eyes glinting as his fingers toy with the hem of his shirt, lifting it just a bit to show a sliver of skin. “If I strip for you again, will you add on another dinner to the tab?”
Flustered, you stand up from the dining table, grab your empty plate, and punch his uninjured shoulder as you walk past him to the kitchen. “Try it, and you won’t get any food from me at all.”
His laugh is low and raspy, and the sound of genuine amusement fills your chest with warmth and sends tingles down your spine.
You turn on the water at the sink to start washing your plate, but a large hand grabs it out of your hands, and Dabi nudges you to the side with his hip.
“I’ll wash, you go and get ready to take these stitches out. They itch like hell,” he complains. But you know that he hasn’t scratched them at all since you knocked on his door this evening, so it’s more likely that he feels the need to wash things up for you—even though he’d never admit it.
You nod anyway, and retreat from the kitchen. Grabbing the first aid kit from under the sink, you stop by your bedroom and pick up a thick envelope from the drawer in your nightstand.
Removing the stitches goes by quickly, and you keep Dabi distracted by telling him about the middle schoolers that you teach.
“They’re a handful,” you say, “just like someone I’ve gotten to know. But they’re worth the time and energy.” You pull out the last bit of thread and look Dabi in the eyes. “You’re worth it.”
He holds your gaze for what seems like hours, but is only a couple of seconds. Then he blinks and looks away. “I don’t deserve it.” His voice is flat and lifeless, as if he states an irrefutable fact.
You wonder what had happened in his life for him to believe this to be true. You set down the tweezers you were using and take off your gloves, tossing them onto the wooden table.
In one smooth movement, you swing one leg over the lower half of Dabi’s body, and push that knee into the cushions of your couch. Leaning over him, you cup a hand on his cheek. He lets you tilt his head so his eyes look into yours, and his eyes widen just a bit when he sees the wet sheen in your own.
“You deserve the world, Dabi. You deserve happiness, companionship, love. I’d give you all that I could.” Your eyes turn hard and angry, and Dabi is enchanted by the transformation. “And I’d burn anyone that told you otherwise.”
He nearly laughs at your choice of words. His lips twitch, and you catch sight of the movement, then seem to come to your senses all at once. You scramble off him, making Dabi grunt when your knee knocks into his thigh as you nearly throw yourself to the ground.
“Sorry, sorry!” you repeatedly say, not looking at him while you clean up the first aid kit and throw the little scraps of thread away.
Dabi lets his expression soften when your back is to him, and he rubs a hand down his face. “Fuck,” he whispers.
“Doll,” he says, loud enough so you should be able to hear. But you keep apologizing as you rush around your apartment, putting things away.
When you finally get back into the living room, Dabi calls you by your nickname again. “Doll!”
You startle and look at him with wide eyes.
He lets a smirk form on his face. “Don’t stress so much about it, yeah? But now you’ve taken off my clothes and have gotten to sit on my lap. I think I should get another dinner for that, don’t you?”
That comment gets you to roll your eyes. “Damn,” you say. “At this rate, I’ll never be free from debt.”
Dabi turns serious. He sits up on the sofa and stretches an arm out to you. When you take it, he draws you close and motions for you to take a seat.
Once you settle down, he says, “If you don’t want to do any of this with me, I’m not forcing you to. Just say the word, got it?”
You nod to show him that you understand what he’s saying, but your voice is light and playful when you respond. “You’re not going to get rid of me that easily. If the price of being in your company is a dinner or two, I’ll take it.”
Dabi can’t quite figure out what to say, but you don’t give him a chance when you reach to the table and pick up the thick envelope you had gotten from your room. You push it into his hand. He curls his fingers around it and looks at you, asking a question with his eyes.
“It’s the money you left behind. I don’t need to get a new couch; I got the blood out of this one just fine. But even if I did need to get a new one, I wouldn’t use your money to pay for it. Keep it and do something good with it, okay?”
His breath catches in his throat. How the hell did he mislabel you so badly the first time he met you? Looking down at the cushion below him, Dabi doesn’t notice any blood stains. But the fabric of the couch is a little fuzzier. His lips thin at the thought of you spending hours scrubbing the blood out of it, all because he decided to test and see what your intentions truly were toward him.
“Okay, doll,” he says, voice thick. “Okay.”
Since you won’t accept his cash, he’ll just have to figure out more creative ways to pay you back.
When Dabi thought about repaying you in creative ways, he never meant for this to happen. In fact, this only puts him more in your debt.
The pressure Dabi is putting on the wound isn’t enough to stop blood from seeping out from between his fingers. It just flows, and flows, and flows, draining life with every drop that is lost. There’s a crimson trail leading from the elevator down the entire apartment hallway, and Dabi once again finds himself scrabbling at the door of an apartment.
But the apartment isn’t his own.
Neither is the blood.
Dabi says that it happened because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time—although you insist that you were exactly where you were supposed to be.
You’re on your way home from school, and are getting close to your house, when you hear angry yelling from an alleyway. You normally would just take quicker steps and hurry away from there, but a familiar drawl freezes you in place.
“Dabi?” His name leaves your lips in a soft whisper. What was he doing here? Was he in trouble? The other voices sound harsh and threatening, and there are so many of them. Your blood grows cold at the thought of villains trying to harm him.
You know Dabi is dangerous, that he’s a force to be reckoned with. He told you himself the first time you met by threatening to kill you without any hesitation in his voice. He can take care of himself.
But what if–
You know you’d never be able to live with yourself if he got hurt, and you didn’t do anything to help him when you could. So you peek around the corner of the alley, eyes widening when you catch sight of a dozen people in a semicircle, surrounding Dabi, who has his back against one of the walls.
His posture is relaxed, and he doesn’t seem worried at all.
But some of these villains are visibly armed—with dangerous mutation quirks, or with various weapons probably obtained through unlawful means.
Your own quirk will never let you fight all of them, even if Dabi took on half or more. However, you can create enough of a distraction for both of you to run away.
Even though your heartbeat echoes in your ears, a fast tempo that betrays your nerves, you straighten up and take a deep breath. You force a smile on your face, then walk around the corner with light, bouncy steps, and let out a squeal of delight.
“Heyy, Hot Stuff! You’ve been keeping me waiting; what happened to our date?” You make your voice flirty, dripping with sweetness, despite all the villains’ eyes snapping to you. Since you have their attention, you dip your head in a small nod, greeting them as if nothing is wrong. “Hello gentlemen, I hope you don’t mind if I steal my boyfriend, we’re supposed to watch a movie!”
They’re all too dumbfounded to stop you from skipping around them and moving to Dabi’s side, hugging his arm. His eyes are wide, and if this is any other situation, you would laugh.
“Doll,” he hisses, “What the hell–”
“C’mon, let’s go!” You cut him off and tug on his arm, forcing him to take a couple steps with you toward the entrance of the alley.
Then one of the villains steps in front of you, large and looming. “Fuck off, you meddlesome shit. You’re not wanted here.”
You pout. “But my date–”
“You think I give a fuck about your date?” he roars, the sound echoing off the walls of the alley. “You’re really stupid if you can’t tell that your boyfriend and I have some business to deal with.”
Dabi bristles in anger, and you can tell that he’s about to say something inflammatory, so you squeeze his arm tightly in warning.
“Aww, are you sure you won’t let us go?” You let go of Dabi’s arm and step toward the villain. Raising your hands, you wave them slightly, so the villain’s eyes focus on them. “Then, I’m afraid I’ll have to make you.”
You activate your quirk, clapping your hands together with a loud smack. Sparks of orange and gold shoot out of your hands at the impact, blinding the villain and searing his skin at the same time.
The villain curses and stumbles back, but you don’t let him off that easily. You kick your leg out, your foot aiming for a particular spot of the male anatomy. It makes contact, and a triumphant smirk forms on your face at the howl that leaves the villain’s throat.
With the villain out of the way, you reach back and grab onto Dabi’s hand, pulling him out of the alleyway. Other villains try to chase after you, but Dabi waves a hand, and a wall of bright blue fire covers the entrance of the alley.
Since the rest of the villains are trapped, you and Dabi aren’t in any rush to hurry home.
“Hot Stuff?” Dabi asks, unable to hide the amusement and amazement in his voice. He can’t believe that you pulled that off, and can’t believe you even tried it at all.
“It’s because of your body temperature. You’re always like a heater, you know? And I know you have a- a fire related quirk too… Dabi? I- I don’t– It hurts–” A sharp cry leaves your lips, and you stumble as you put your weight on your left leg, blinding pain shooting up from your thigh.
Dabi’s eyes immediately snap to yours, and his blood goes cold when he takes in the agony on your face. His eyes move further down. Blood leaks out from a huge gash on your outer thigh, soaking and staining your clothes. It’s so much for such a short amount of time, and fear seeps into his bones.
Your breaths sound more like harsh gasps, and you clutch tightly to his arm. “Dabi,” you whimper.
He scans the street. There’s a serrated dagger not too far from the both of you, dark red coating the blade. He recalls one of the villains in the group that surrounded him in the alley—even though he would have burned them all if it wasn’t for your showing up—that had multiple knives strapped to his body.
Dabi’s body heats in anger. Smoke wafts from his hands. If you weren’t so badly injured, if he didn’t have to help you get home to take care of your wound, he would have stormed back to the alley and destroyed them all.
But you’re losing strength with every second, so Dabi moves your arm to rest on his shoulders, and slides his own arm around the back of your waist. He pushes one hand on top of your own, forcing you to keep pressure on your thigh.
“C’mon, doll, you’ll be alright. Stay strong for me, yeah? We’ll get you home.”
“Doll, keep your eyes open for me, okay? You gotta tell me how to put you back together and make you alright, got it?” Dabi forces your key into the lock, twisting as hard as he can to unlock it.
As soon as the doorknob turns, he’s pushing the door wide open and helps you into your apartment.
Your place is as familiar to him as his own apartment is now—he’s basically here a couple hours every day or two, just spending time with you at dinner, or looking over your shoulder as you grade your students’ papers. So he leads you straight to the living room, and eases you onto the couch.
His chest aches when you moan in pain.
“Stay here, doll. Stay awake, and keep pushing down on that wound, okay? I know it hurts, but I need you to do this for me. You won’t let me down, right?” Dabi lets the words spill from his mouth as he moves around your apartment, gathering the first aid kit from your bathroom and getting a bowl of clean water from your kitchen.
You just groan and press your head into the cushions of your couch, as if it can help you escape from the burning pain flaring out from your thigh.
Dabi takes out the foil sheet of pain medication, pops two of them out, and presses the pills against your lips until you open your mouth and swallow the pills.
Your vision is blurry, and you can’t keep your eyes open for long, but Dabi’s figure disappears from your sight. A worried cry leaves your lips.
“I’ll wash my hands, and I’ll be right back, okay? Keep that pressure on your leg, doll, you’re doing great.” Dabi doesn’t know how his voice sounds unaffected, when his heart is fluttering with nerves, with fear, and when his hands tremble as tap water runs over them.
It’s his fault. It’s all his fault.
But the blame he feels will do nothing to stop your bleeding, so he gets his hands clean and strides back into the living room.
The gloves go on his hands, elastic snapping against scarred skin. He pulls out the needle holder and uses it to take the sterile needle and thread out of its packaging, and places them onto a clean towel. He removes tissue forceps and a pair of large scissors out of the kit too, and grabs another clean towel before turning around to you.
Your eyes are shut, and your breathing is shallow, but you flinch when he touches your shoulder with the back of his wrist.
“Hey, doll, I need you to talk me through the steps, okay? I can’t have you falling asleep on me.” Dabi does know what to do—and he’s not looking forward to it—but he doesn’t know what would happen if you drifted off into sleep while losing so much blood.
“I’ll need to cut your pants to see what we have to work with. Don’t move as I do this. We- I don’t want you getting hurt any worse.”
With the large scissors, he starts cutting at the cloth of your pants, from the waistband down, until he can peel away the fabric to reveal a deep cut on your thigh.
“Fuck,” he hisses. Though it’s only one cut, Dabi thinks it’s worse than the scratches he received on his abdomen. And it probably hurts you more than his own did—a serrated knife that tore through you was worse than sharp claws could ever be.
You crack open your eyes again, taking in the distraught expression on Dabi’s face. You want to comfort him, so even though your voice sounds more like a croak, you say, “Looks like you owe me dinner now, for taking off my pants.”
“Anytime, anywhere, doll. You name it. Just let me stitch you up, alright?”
You let out a quiet “mhm,” and Dabi takes it as a sign that you’re ready. He takes one last look at your face and gets started on cleaning up your wound.
Dabi is done with the stitches, and you’re completely passed out on the couch, exhausted and still in pain. He’s still on adrenaline; he never felt that much fear for someone before. He hasn’t cared so much in years.
If he hadn’t been able to save you–
–then all of Japan would cower in fear under the oppression of his flames.
No hero would be able to stop his rampage. He’d wipe the filth off the face of the Earth, and–
You groan and shift, tilting your head toward the wooden table, where Dabi is sitting, and slowly crack open your eyes. He looks murderous about something, but there’s also some sadness in his eyes. Your heart aches for him, even overpowering the throb of your thigh.
“Dabi?” you call his name softly, reaching out a hand to touch his knee.
His anger immediately vanishes. “Hey, doll.”
“Are you okay?”
He moves his hand to rest on top of yours, fingers hot against your skin. “I should be the one to ask that—I’m not the one that got a huge ass gash across my thigh. But yes, I’m fine.”
A small smile forms on your face. “I know you didn’t get injured, Dabi. But how are you feeling? You looked upset just now, and I think you’re feeling guilty, but none of it was your fault.”
“Of course I’m fucking angry.” Though he says he’s angry, his voice is cold and level. “You threw yourself into a dangerous situation to try and help me. I would have been fine on my own. Then you got hurt because I couldn’t put up the wall of fire in time to stop that piece of shit from throwing that knife.”
His hands clench into fists on his lap, and smoke rises from the gaps between his fingers. You pull your hand out from under his fist and curl your fingers on top of his. The smoke stops.
“And you were bleeding, doll, and it was too much too fast. I should have–”
“Dabi,” you say, “as soon as I saw you in that alleyway, there was no way I could have continued on by myself. I know you can handle yourself, but there was the possibility of you getting hurt, and I would not stand for it.
The pads of your fingertips brush over his knuckles in a gentle caress. “You would have done the same for me, I know you would. So please don’t be upset, okay? You saved me. You did exactly what you needed to do, and you saved me. I’m right here, and I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
He picks up your hand in his and brings it up, so resting his forehead on it. Weight seems to slip off his shoulders, his guilt easing. You know it won’t be gone completely—it wouldn’t be gone for you had your roles been switched—but at least it has lessened.
“I was thinking,” Dabi says, his voice raspy as his warm breaths brush across the skin of your arm, “that I’d be willing to burn the whole world down if I lost you.”
“Ah,” you say in response, but you don’t address it further. You tug on his hand, grabbing his attention, and motion to the couch. “Come sit. I want- I want to be close to you.”
A smirk tilts up his lips. “How could I refuse that, doll?”
He does as you command, helping you sit up, so your back is against his chest, but your legs are still stretched out on the couch. He’s careful to avoid moving your injured leg, so you barely feel any pain at all. Dabi’s arms wrap around you, a warm weight of comfort, telling you that you’re safe and you are home.
When you finish settling down, you speak again. “Remember what I told you when I removed your stitches? You deserve the world, Dabi, and I’d burn anyone who told you otherwise.”
“Ah,” he says, repeating your response to him. His chest is tight and warm, and he knows it’s not because of his quirk.
“That’s a cute sentiment, doll, but are you sure you can burn anyone with those tiny sparks of yours?”
You pout, and poke him in the side. He flinches, and you laugh. “They’re not that tiny, they’d at least scorch someone’s skin.”
“Yeah, right, it’s more like they’ll warm you up a bit in the winter.”
“Dabi! No more dinner for you!”
“Oh, but you forget that it’s my turn now. I’m the one who got you out of your pants.”
You look down at yourself—at your bare legs—and let out a squeak, grabbing one of the pillows on the couch to cover up your legs. “What the heck!”
He laughs at your embarrassment. When he calms, he raises one of his hands to brush against your cheek, his touch seeming to burn a trail of warmth down the side of your face. You look at him curiously, your eyes meeting the heated blue of his own.
“I’m glad you’re okay, doll.”
“I’m glad you’re okay too.”
He leans toward you. Your breath catches in your throat as his face gets even closer, and you shut your eyes. Warmth presses against your forehead for a moment, then leaves as quickly as it appears.
It takes you a second to realize what it is, but your eyes fly open, and you take in Dabi’s smirk, as well as the slight vulnerability in his eyes.
So you tug on his shirt until he moves his head back toward yours, and you press your lips against his cheek. Metal staples are slightly cool under your mouth, and his scars are rougher than his skin, but you don’t care.
You let your lips linger longer than Dabi’s did, and slowly pull back, affection gleaming in your eyes.
He stares at you, and you hold his gaze, not hiding the emotions that well up within you. You haven’t even known him for two weeks—certainly not enough time to fall in love, but you feel something between you.
You want to explore it further.
“So,” you say, tilting your head slightly. “Dinner?”
Dabi smiles at you. “As I said, anytime, anywhere, doll. If it’s with you, I don’t care about the rest.”
Tag List • @dragonhrte​​ @knifeewifee​​ @ererokii​​
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simplybakugou · 4 years
Shut Up and Kiss Me
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↝ Working side-by-side, Bakugou felt himself become encaptivated by you the more he spent time with you. After a failure of a first date, he can’t help but be drawn to you even more under the unruly night sky.
PROMPT: “Can I kiss you?”
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⋆ PAIRING: prohero!bakugou x female!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing ⋆ WORD COUNT: 5019
A/N: Here’s my submission for the @bnhabookclub​ event! I changed the prompt a little to “I wanna kiss you” to fit Bakugou’s character a little more. Here’s the link to the event!
✐posted 05.16.2020✐
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Bakugou, one of the most self-assured pro heroes in the world had never felt so emotionally flustered until he met you. He always found himself observing you whenever you were at the agency, even if it was rare that the two of you were in the building at the same time. You were a rookie hero who was excited as well as determined to make your way to the top. You had a strong quirk and if there’s anything Bakugou recognized, it was a suitable rival. Through numerous training sessions and working your ass off, you slowly climbed up the rankings and eventually became the number two hero, working at the same agency, one that Bakugou owned himself. 
On that particular day, Bakugou had finished a mission earlier than expected, luckily dodging any reporters who always invaded his personal space and pissed him off. He had gone back to his agency, wanting to change out of his hunk of metal of a costume and return home to get some rest. He couldn’t ignore the disappointment he felt when he scanned the room and didn’t see you around.
Nonetheless, he continued walking down the street, thankful that his agency wasn’t located in a socially attractive area like other top notch agencies. As he turned down the street, something caught his eye and he couldn’t help but stare at the sight. 
There you were on the corner of the intersection, looking practically unrecognizable. Bakugou had never seen you without your hero costume on, usually ending up as a sweaty mess with your hair tousled and your costume ripped and torn at times. But there you were in a dress and heels, makeup perfectly painted onto your skin, and your hair pinned neatly. You were practically radiating an aura that commanded everyone to have their attention drawn to you. Bakugou never really cared about looks but seeing you now looking more beautiful than any person he had ever seen, he couldn’t help but stare. 
With looking so stunning, that aura of yours attracted the attention of others other than Bakugou. He felt his fists tighten when from across the street as he was waiting for the light to change, a grubby man approached you, smirking as he looked down at you. 
“I’ve never seen such a pretty little lady in these parts of town.” He grinned even wider at you. Even passerbys couldn’t recognize you without your costume.
You rolled your eyes, ignoring him. “Get lost, dickwad.”
The man narrowed his eyes at you, reaching down to feel you up. Right as Bakugou felt his body move towards you instinctively to help you, you turned around, twisting the man’s wrist in your own. The impact sent him falling down, hitting his head on the stop sign behind him. Bakugou couldn’t help but laugh, feeling a sense of relief knowing you were strong on your own, not having to rely on anyone to protect yourself. 
As you began crossing the street, Bakugou absentmindedly crossed the other way, not wanting to run into you. He didn’t understand why at first but he didn’t want you to know that he was watching you. He saw that you were heading towards the agency and he began going through the shortcut that he often would go through if the press would hover outside of the building at times. Bakugou was able to get to the building before you did and he let out a sigh of relief, beginning to unlatch the gauntlets around his wrists. 
“Hey, Ground Zero, great work out there today,” Haru, one of the secretaries from the front desk stated.
Bakugou nodded in response, moving to the back to quickly change out of his hero costume. He wanted to leave immediately and not have to run into you on the way here. He began to recall the way you were dressed and how you looked, closing the door behind him to not only change out of his costume but also hide the blush that was evident on his cheeks.
A few moments later, you pushed open the doors to the building, going towards the front desk. Haru looked up, surprised that you were here so abruptly as well as your change in attire. “(H/N), what’re you doing here? It’s your day off.”
You sighed. “I know. But I’m bored out of my mind so please give me work to do.”
The other receptionist, Aiko, looked you up and down with a grin. “Ooh, I see someone’s all dressed up! Did you go on a date? Was that why you wanted a day off?”
You rolled your eyes at her. “No, my mom made me go to some shitty brunch with her boyfriend’s family. They’re all pestering me so I got out of there and now I have nothing to do.”
“I can go through some reports and see what you can do,” Aiko said with a wink and you thanked her.
“Man, can’t believe our two biggest heroes are in the building. You guys are usually never here at the same time,” Haru commented, looking at you in awe.
You raised your brows, perking up immediately. “Ground Zero’s here?”
Haru nodded, pointing down the hall. “He’s in the back.”
You smirked, pulling out your phone and typing something in your web browser as you made your way to the back. You pushed open the door without any warning and Bakugou, who was in the midst of changing his pants, was taken aback, his face burning up as you stared at his half naked body. Only his briefs were covering him and he held his pants up to shield his legs from your eyes. “What the fuck?!”
“Just wanted to pop in and say ‘hello.’ And to show you this.” You held your phone up to an article covering your new ranking. “I’m in second place now. So just you wait; I’ll be number one soon enough!”
You slammed the door behind you as you made your own dramatic exit, leaving Bakugou utterly speechless and stunned. Just when he believed he couldn’t be more intrigued, you proved him wrong once again. You reignited his burning desire to be the best, wanting to show you exactly why he was the number one hero in the first place.
Since that day, you worked twice as hard as you did before and with your handwork, Bakugou wasn’t going to let you beat him so easily. He had to make sure to work twice as hard as you did, ultimately leading to him staying on top. As time progressed, you were often asked to accompany Bakugou on various missions and with the time the two of you spent together, you became close. 
“I can’t believe I’m still ranked number two,” you grunted in annoyance as you walked with Bakugou side by side back to the agency.
Bakugou smirked. “Hah, like I was just gonna let you surpass me without a fight. Dream on.”
You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest and pushed open the large glass doors. Bakugou made his way all the way to the back like he usually did while you stood in front of Aiko’s desk, pouting profusely.
Aiko snickered, recognizing that look of defeat on your face. “Let me guess: the rankings came out and you’re still number two?”
You clenched your fists, slamming them on the counter in frustration. “He’s just too damn good! I don’t know how to beat him!”
“Come on, you can’t tell me you thought it would be easy, right?” Aiko sneered playfully. “He does work with you, too.” You stuck your tongue out at her as she got up to go to the filing cabinet. 
“(H/N)? Could you fill out a report from today’s patrol?” Haru asked in a tone lower than normal.
“Sure!” You said, grabbing the clipboard from him and filling it out on the counter in front of his desk. Being drawn to your work, you didn’t notice Haru fidgeting in his seat as he took shy glances at you. Although you weren’t aware of it, Bakugou sure was as he came out of the back room, glaring at Haru from a distance as he looked at you nervously.
“(H/N), I was wondering if you were busy this weekend?” Haru asked, rubbing the nape of his neck as he began to sweat apprehensively. 
You looked up as you were writing, tapping the ballpoint pen against your chin as you began to think. “Hm, I’m pretty sure I have Saturday off and I’ve got nothing to do. Why’d you ask?”
Haru let out an anxious laugh. “Oh, you know, I was wondering if you wanted to go out--”
“She’s going out with me,” Bakugou butted in, leaning down on the counter in front of Haru’s desk, a frown printed on his lips. 
“I am?” You asked in confusion in unison with Haru’s, “She is?”
“You’re gonna have to try another day ‘cause she’s all mine Saturday,” Bakugou grumbled, loud enough for you and Haru to hear. He pushed open the glass doors in aggravation, mumbling incoherently under his breath as he left. 
You stood stunned as you watched his figure become smaller and smaller. Haru snapped you away from your thoughts, whispering, “So are you really going out with Ground Zero?”
“Hm?” You turned your head to face him, smiling widely. Seeing as his social skills were pretty low to begin with, you were intrigued with the thought of spending time with Bakugou outside of the work setting. “Yeah, it sounds fun! It’s not everyday I get to go out with Bakugou instead of Ground Zero!”
Bakugou never knew the day would actually come where he would be able to take you out. Despite being the proud man he was for everything hero related, he was hesitant to approach you with the intention of taking you out. And now the time had arrived where Bakugou, in his own unique way, managed to ask you out. 
However, Bakugou had no idea where to start planning a first date. His friends, specifically Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero gave him different ideas, ultimately not being helpful at all for Bakugou. In the end, he decided to make his own plan, no matter how shitty it may end up being. The most difficult part about all this was that Bakugou didn’t really know much about you, having to rely on the help of Mina as she was a woman herself and had the most insight out of his friends. With her help, Bakugou based his planning on Mina’s interests.
Bakugou started off the date with dinner at a restaurant, a recommendation made by Mina herself. However, to Bakugou’s disappointment, the food was probably one of the worst things you’ve ever consumed in your life. Despite this, you didn’t want to be rude or make Bakugou upset by addressing the awful food. Bakugou knew you were just trying to be nice and nevertheless, he didn’t want this to ruin your evening. He strived to redeem himself with the rest of the night.
“What movie are we watching again?” You asked as Bakugou handed you your ticket.
“Some rom-com. I wasn’t sure about which movie you would wanna watch so I guessed and chose one.” Bakugou shrugged. In actuality, Mina had been talking nonstop about this movie and had begged Bakugou to show you it, guaranteeing that you would love it. He didn’t want to admit that he had Mina help him out to plan this date since he had no idea what to do.
You and Bakugou gave in your tickets and went into the theater you were instructed to enter. As you chose and sat in your seats, the screen began changing to the title sequence of the movie.
As the movie continued into the last quarter, Bakugou couldn’t help but feel bored out of his mind. Everything about the movie was awful: the cinematography, the directing, the acting… it was simply a shitshow. Finally, the movie had come to an end and so was Bakugou’s misery as he forced himself to sit and watch the movie in its entirety instead of running out and hiding in the bathroom. The two of you got up, making your way out of the theater.
“How was it?” Bakugou asked, throwing out the empty bucket of popcorn.
If possible, you actually hated the movie more than Bakugou did. But similarly to the dinner, you didn’t want to hurt his feelings, especially since he planned out this whole evening. “It was… good.”
Bakugou sighed. He knew that you were just trying to spare his feelings but he didn’t want to call you out either. The one time he actually plans something like this out and it completely blew up in his face. You smiled sympathetically at him, throwing your empty buckets of popcorn out as you exited the theater. It was evident that Bakugou, who was quite obviously talented in other areas, was lacking experience in planning an amazing night out for a date.
As if the night couldn’t get any worse, the minute the two of you stepped outside, you heard numerous screams from a few blocks down. Low and behold, a giant rock-type villain was attempting to rob a bank and even had hostages in both of his hands.
“We can never just get a fucking day off,” Bakugou muttered. 
You chuckled and the two of you began making your way towards the site, running in the direction of the chaos without a second thought. You threw your shoes off to the side, cursing at yourself mentally for deciding on wearing a skirt and heels. But you couldn’t help yourself; you wanted Bakugou to see you on a day that you weren’t a sweaty mess. To your misfortune, it seemed that your perfectly pinned hair and makeup would be ruined within a few minutes.
Bakugou didn’t hesitate to maneuver himself towards the villain using his quirk for mobility and sending a blast to his face. The villain screamed, letting go of the hostages as he began wailing and covering his eyes. You jumped up and caught both hostages, safely setting them down to the ground.
They looked up at you in awe, two teenage girls who had met their first pro hero. “Thank you, (H/N)!”
“Don’t mention it! Now get back before you get hurt!” You called out as you maneuvered your body upwards using your quirk.
“Get behind him!” Bakugou yelled towards you. You nodded and moved to the villain’s blindspot, Bakugou following suit. The two of you sent blasts at his neck, causing him to fall onto his face with a thud. You held down one of his arms and Bakugou held the other, waiting for the police to arrive. The small crowd that was watching in awe began to cheer and clap, all of them getting excited to have gotten the chance to see the top two heroes in action. Truth be told, after spending numerous missions with him, you began to understand Bakugou’s fighting style and incorporated your own moves to suit his as well and he did the same, too. Alone, you were both strong in your own ways and can manage yourselves efficiently. But together, you were a force to be reckoned with.
Finally the cops showed up, piling out of the cars and taking the villain into custody. They thanked you and Bakugou repeatedly and you returned their thanks while Bakugou watched as they took care of the villain. You waved at the crowd as Bakugou started walking in the opposite direction of the crowd, patiently waiting for you to follow. You caught up with him, letting out a sigh once you were away from the commotion.
“It’s too bad tonight didn’t go like we wanted,” you said, frowning at the state of your now tattered clothes. You could already feel your makeup being smudged and your hair tousled, not bothering to fix it now. The pain in the soles of your feet only increasing with every step you took with your bare feet. You could even feel bits of gravel stabbing at your heels.
Bakugou paid no attention to his own attire, taking off his button down due to the various rips and tears and sticking to his black tank top underneath his clothes. “Even if that villain didn’t show up, tonight was still a fucking shitshow.”
He glanced down at your bare feet and bent over to remove his own sneakers. You shook your head. “No it wasn’t! I mean the food could’ve been better and the movie wasn’t as good as we expected but I still had a great time!” 
Finally taking notice of his removing his shoes, you rose a curious brow at him. “What’re you doing?”
Bakugou scoffed, shoving his sneakers into your hands and started making his way towards your apartment where he had picked you up from when the night started. “You think you can walk home fucking barefoot?”
You let out a small smile, thanking him as you bent over to slip his shoes on. Although they were obviously large and difficult to walk in, it was better than walking without any material protecting your feet. You caught up to him as Bakugou shoved his hands into his pockets. “Plus you don’t have to spare my feelings. There’s no point in lying, I know that tonight was a fucking mess.”
You looked towards him as he had his signature frown etched onto his face. “It doesn’t matter what we do. I always have a great time when I’m with you, Bakugou.”
Bakugou felt a tug in his chest as he glanced over at you, looking away immediately once making contact with your (E/C) eyes. You laughed at his reaction, taking notice to the slight pink tinting of his cheeks. “It’s still weird for me to not call you ‘Ground Zero.’ I mean, you’re still my boss technically.”
“We’re co-workers, I’m not your boss,” Bakugou insisted. “It’d be weird for a boss to be going out with his employee.”
“Either way, it’s odd, but just because we’re heroes doesn’t mean we can’t be friendly.” You glanced over in his direction, watching as he continued to trudge down the path towards your apartment. He could feel your eyes on him, not wanting to acknowledge them as he felt himself grow nervous under your intense gaze. “Speaking of, why did you become a hero?”
“Simple,” Bakugou started, “I wanted to become the best, the indisputable best.” He glanced over to you, smirking. “And I’m gonna keep it that way.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “We’ll see about that.”
“And you?”
“Why I wanted to become a hero?” You reiterated, Bakugou nodding as the two of you turned the corner. “I’ve never really told anyone this but to make it straightforward, my sister was hurt in an altercation with a villain when we were kids. She wasn’t hurt too bad but she was hospitalized for a few weeks. Ever since then, I’ve vowed to save as many people as I can, sort of like I’m trying to compensate for not being able to save her all those years ago.”
Bakugou glimpsed at you, his attraction towards you only increasing with this new found information. Although his desire for becoming a hero seemed subpar compared to yours, he admired you even more than he already did for taking a situation that wasn’t even your fault and turning it into your driving force for your profession.
“And now you’ve saved more people than any other hero,” Bakugou said.
You shrugged. “I’m trying to at least.” 
The conversation took a turn as you continued to talk about your personal lives, getting to know Bakugou in a different light. It was odd to see him talk about himself in a manner that wasn’t related to heroism. You had grown accustomed to hearing the various news stories about the brash number one hero that wasn’t as kind-hearted or catered for the crowds like All Might or other previous pro heroes but you never really cared for that. Being a pro hero wasn’t about one’s ability to present themselves in an attempt for the general public or media to like them but to use their quirks to help and protect as many people as they can. And Bakugou has done just that, protecting and saving people left and right without looking for any critical acclaim from anyone. 
He really was the indisputable best. 
The walk to your apartment finally came to a close as you stood in front of your complex, turning to face Bakugou. “I know you think that today was shitty but I don’t think it was at all. And I mean that.”
Bakugou scoffed. “Whatever. You can say that shit all you want, but I know how today went.”
You chuckled, shaking your head at his stubbornness. “I just liked getting to know more about Bakugou. Ground Zero’s cool and all but Bakugou’s pretty interesting if you ask me.”
You slipped his sneakers off, raising them up in front of them. “Thank you for these. I know most people say that you’re an asshole or they say all this crap about you being inconsiderate but I think tonight showed me that you’re actually a sweet guy. I think I’m liking Bakugou Katsuki more and more.”
Bakugou felt his face heat up, looking off to the side in an attempt to not let you acknowledge his blushing as he took his shoes from you. “Shut up, don’t say dumb shit like that.” He turned around, feeling like he would explode if he saw you for more moments than he already had. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You laughed again, waving as he knelt down and slipped his shoes back on and began to walk away from the building. You couldn’t help but watch on as his figure grew smaller and smaller, finally deciding to go inside once he turned the corner. A sigh you didn’t know you were holding in escaped your lips, your feet aching from the momentary period of time spent running after the villain barefoot. Ignoring the pain, you made your way to the bathroom, frowning at the sight of your physical appearance. Just as you predicted, your hair and makeup were a mess, streaks of black blotting around your eyes and locks of hair knotted together as your neatly pinned hair had fallen apart. Your clothes that you had spent so much time figuring out were a tattered mess and you felt slightly embarrassed for a moment for looking like this in front of Bakugou. But that embarrassment dissipated as quickly as it came as you knew Bakugou has probably seen you looking like a sweaty mess more than he has seen your appearance on your best day.
You removed your makeup with a wipe and let your hair loose, the locks cascading down your shoulders. Just as you changed out of your clothes into something more comfortable, the sound on rain droplets pelting your windows echoed from the outside. Within a few minutes a downpour hit the city and you sighed, thankful that you had gotten inside before getting caught in the mess outside.
That was when you realized that Bakugou was still outside, on his way to his own house. He was also most likely getting drenched. Without thinking twice, you grabbed two umbrellas and ran out in an attempt to spare Bakugou from the harsh weather.
Bakugou’s phone began to buzz in his pocket, groaning incoherently as he saw Mina’s name on the screen requesting for a video call. He answered it begrudgingly, Mina, Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari’s faces popping up on the screen.
“Well if it isn’t the romance master himself,” Kaminari teased.
Bakugou rolled his eyes at him. “If you idiots are here to just fucking make fun of me, I’m gonna hang up.”
“No!” Mina called out. “I just wanted to know how it went. Did my suggestions help?”
“No they fucking backfired on me,” Bakugou huffed. “The food tasted like fucking cardboard, the movie was the shittiest thing I’ve ever seen, and to top it all off, a villain popped up outta nowhere and fucked everything up even more. I just walked her home and now I’m going home.”
Mina frowned. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out well, I really tried hard to help you out!”
Kirishima patted her shoulder. “I’m sure it’s not your fault, and Bakugou and (H/N) just don’t have the same tastes as you do. But cheer up, man, I’m sure she had a good time.”
“Yeah, (H/N) seems like a chill girl,” Sero added.
“Whatever,” Bakugou let out a sigh, “I’m just glad it’s over. I didn’t wanna embarrass myself more than I already did.”
His friends said goodbye, trying their best to cheer him up before he hung up and shoved his phone back into his pockets. Bakugou felt defeated, not knowing how to rightfully come across with his feelings without being too direct. You were the only person he’d ever met that caught his attention immediately after the first encounter. Since the beginning, he found himself wanting to spend more time with you but after spending time with you outside of work, he was afraid that you wouldn’t want to be around him after the failure of a first date. Despite hearing you say how much you enjoy being around him and how you didn’t care what it was you were doing with him, Bakugou couldn’t help but feel as if you were only saying those things to make him feel better. He felt like he failed you.
Before Bakugou could even think about other ways the night could get worse, a drop of water pelted his nose. He looked up at the gray sky, the clouds rumbling as the water droplets increased in size, speed, and amount as it started pouring. This is just fucking great…
Bakugou didn’t bother running or seeking shelter as he was drenched in a matter of minutes. He was only a few blocks from his house and just as he was about to turn the corner again, Bakugou stopped at the sound of his name being called. He spun around, bewildered at the sight of you running towards him with an umbrella over your head and another opened in your other hand. 
Once you caught up to him, you raised one of the umbrellas over his head, breathing heavily to attempt to catch your breath.
“(H/N)…” Bakugou muttered, still in shock to see you again so soon. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I saw that it started pouring and I just thought about how you didn’t have an umbrella so…” Your voice drifted off, gesturing to the umbrella.
“You didn’t have to…” Bakugou mumbled and you laughed.
“I came because I wanted to. And because I wanted to tell you again that I really did enjoy tonight.” You smiled. “Knowing you, you’re probably beating yourself up over dinner, the movie, and not to mention that villain showing up, but I don’t care what we do. I like being with you, no matter where we are.”
Bakugou felt his heart beating out of his chest as he stared at you. He brought his hand up to grab the umbrella from your hand, his own fingers curling around yours and around the stem of the umbrella. You gasped inwardly at the sudden contact, your own heart palpitating vigorously. 
In the darkness of the night sky and the droplets pouring down from the gray clouds, Bakugou’s crimson eyes shined against the dullness of your surroundings as they pierced right through you. “Listen up ‘cause I’m only gonna say this once.”
Bakugou’s fingers gripped yours as he took a deep breath. “I like you, (F/N).”
Your eyes widened as Bakugou muttered your name through his lips. It was the first time he had addressed you by anything other than your hero name, let alone your first name. You smiled gently. “I like you too, Katsuki.”
Your lips parted as you began to speak, talking about how much you admired him and his ambitious ways. But Bakugou couldn’t hear a word, just watching your lips moving. Despite the bleakness of the weather, your skin was practically glowing, the same aura radiating off of you like it always had. Your locks were slightly wet from the rain as they hung against your shoulders. But your lips, red and plump, were the only thing Bakugou could focus on.
“Shut up, would ya?” Bakugou murmured. You were taken aback, staring up at Bakugou as he sighed once more and abruptly said, “I wanna kiss you.” 
You were puzzled, wanting to ask why until you sucked in a breath as his warm lips planted themselves on yours. The umbrella hovering over your head fell to the floor with a thud along with the umbrella in Bakugou’s hand. The rain pelted both of you, drenching you within seconds but neither of you paid any mind to it. Bakugou’s warm lips compensated for the coldness in the air and he snaked an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your hands held fistfuls of his tank, being completely drawn into his touch. 
Bakugou pulled away, a blush tinting his cheeks as he looked down at you, your own face heating up from the aftermath of the kiss. You giggled, brushing away some blonde hairs that were stuck to his forehead. “You know I brought two umbrellas for a reason, right?”
Bakugou smirked, picking one up and holding it over your head. You smiled, grabbing the other umbrella and closing it, wanting to be close to Bakugou huddled under one umbrella rather than two. Although the night hadn’t gone to plan and wasn’t what Bakugou or what you were expecting, it was safe to say that both of you left that night feeling more satisfied than you could’ve ever been.
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uhhhhyandere · 4 years
my internet cut off when i was sending an ask so i don't know if it actually went through,, could you write something for reader and a possessive/protective mello? my birthday is coming up in 4 days - i don't have anyone to celebrate it with, and he happens to be my comfort character 😅 feel free to delete this if you don't want to that's totally ok!!
such lies, such lies!
you can celebrate your birthday with me and the rest of us in death note stan hell. i hope you can find some ways to celebrate getting through another year, and that this lil piece brings you the joy you deserve <3 ily
“Can we... uh... go out, then?” You scratched the back of your head. Mello’s eyes dragged across the room until they met yours. You twiddled your fingers together. 
“Why?” He rested his chin between his digits. You glanced around, making sure to scan the calendar to double-check a clearly true fact. 
“It’s my birthday, so I thought maybe we can do something.” Mello twisted in his seat and crossed his leg over the other. Elbow angles against the corner of the table, the hand of the same arm rested above his mouth. “Please? It can be something small. Dinner, or something.” He sighed. 
“Alright,” he agreed. “Take your pick, then.” Your smile grew and he rolled his eyes at the joy sparking on your features. “Don’t get too excited. It’s not that big of a deal, but,” he stressed, “don’t get any funny ideas, got it?” 
You were giddy while you finished fixing yourself up in the mirror. It’s been months since you’ve properly gone out anywhere, much less a date. The excitement of checking yourself out in the mirror (a few moments of self-deprecation, but compared to the last few months of work and stress, it was refreshing to look like a human again.) and the pile of failed outfits on top of your bed was so relieving. 
“Are you done?” 
“Are you done?” Mello always looked good, and there wasn’t any mystical reason as to why, so when he walked into the room in lieu of an invitation, you weren’t surprised to find him in all black, tight-fitting clothes. His eyes flickered from your face to your feet, then back to your head. “Looks like you are.” 
“We’re going to be late if you spend two more seconds in front of that mirror. What do you think is going to change? Whatever detail you fix will inevitably fall back down before we get there.” You shot him a glare. “You’re the one that asked to go out, and now you’re lagging behind.”
“Sorry, I haven’t gone out in a while! I wanted to look nice. For...” you cleared your throat, “you.”
“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.” You clicked your tongue. 
“Get a better glove next time then.” You twisted towards him. “Okay, done!” Spreading your arms wide, you presented yourself. “How do I look?”
“Presentable. Let’s go, then. The sooner we leave, the sooner we get back. The sooner so many people’s eyes will be off you.” He scowled. “Anyone looks at you for more than five seconds, I’m going to eradicate them.” You hummed and slipped on your shoes, using Mello’s shoulder for balance. Before you can take it off, however, his hand clasped your wrist tightly. He brought it towards his mouth and, without breaking intense eye contact, slotted a kiss between your knuckles. “I hope the place you chose is adequate.”
Adequate. Well, that’s not the exact words you would use for your favorite local restaurant, but that’s the reason why you loved it. After stressful days, you used to always find yourself here. The bar, for some reason, no matter the day, would be stock full of patrons. Most were regulars or friends of the owner until you eventually became friends with the owner too.
“Y/N! Wow, we haven’t seen you in a while! Who’s this?” Mello scowled next to you. Most likely because of the weekend crowd and the heavy smoke permeating the air. This definitely was not the type of place he frequented. 
“This is Mello. We’ve been together a few months now.” The regular smiled and regarded him. Mello’s grimace must have kept him from saying anything else since his focus quickly focused back on you. 
“Ah, I see. Get a boyfriend and you abandon us!” You laughed politely and scanned the floor for an open booth. One nestled in the corner, though still dirty from the previous occupants, was open. You smiled and offered him a few more concise words before leading Mello to the corner. 
“It’s disgusting in here.” 
“Food is nice and greasy. You can just get dessert if you want, though. It doesn’t matter to me. What does though is,” you nodded over to the nearby crowd huddled around a single table, “is that. I haven’t gambled in so long. I wonder if I still got it in me.” You dug your hand into your jacket pocket and pulled out the wrinkled, thinning plastic bag full of poker chips. “Doubt it, though.”
“You play poker?” You set the bag on the table. 
“Yeah. Got into it a few years ago. I’m terrible, though. Luckily, they don’t play for high stakes. Just shots or drinks or buying a round for the group.” He snatched the bag and rolled it around in his hands. “Not that many, I know, but I think I can maybe end the night even. Hopefully.” 
After your old-time favorite comfort meal and Mello’s dessert, you rose from the table with Mello following like a shadow. A few of the spectators you recognized greeted you before growing silent after making eye contact with Mello. A few eyes trained on him. Naturally. You didn’t even need to look back to know he was glaring at them. You grinned while approaching the table. “Deal me in the next round?”
“Y/N,” oh my - How did you not notice him? A devilish smirk on his face, he waved. “I didn’t expect you to be here. You haven’t been here in a long while. I missed you, babe.” You glanced to Mello. His eyebrow shot up and he stared at him. “Still mediocre?” 
“As if... yes...” You scratched the back of your head. “But it’s fun, so,” you shrugged. 
“Of course. I’m sure our pal can deal you in real soon. Just wait your little butt there.” ...Little? Mello hummed next to you but said nothing to acknowledge the aggravation on his face. Once a seat opened up, you sat yourself down. Mello’s hand rested on the back of it. Occasionally, the movement of his fingers would graze across your shoulder. “No cheating from the goth behind you, got it?”
“As if.” 
You tried to ignore the sultry gaze and sugary words from his mouth through the rounds. Not for your sake, but for the sake of the person lurking behind you. Mello didn’t deal with competition so well. You sighed. Maybe I shouldn’t have indulged too much.
Turns out you needed help from the goth behind you. They really managed to swingle you every time. By the number of chips remaining, you would only last two more rounds, and you didn’t want to go back empty-handed. “One more. Then I’m done. I can’t go home without anything. I’m nearly out of cash at this point. My pride would hurt too much.” 
“Alright, alright,” your old acquaintance said. “We just won’t use money or rounds or anything. Winner gets,” he hummed, “your underwear.” Normally, you’d say yes. Who really gave a shit? But that normally was before you and Mello became a thing. You shook your head. 
“Sure,” Mello answered. You paused, turning to him in bewilderment. His face was entirely serious. “One more round.” Did...did he know you’re probably going to fucking lose? Was he that pissed at you that he didn’t care? “It’s no problem, right?” He looked down at you. His eyes widened just a hair for just a second. What was he thinking?
As he flipped his hand at the very end, your stomach dropped. Mello’s face remained the same, however. Even as you stood to... follow through with the demands. Though, as soon as you stepped away from the chair, Mello slid into it, hands folded on the table. 
“One more,” he said. "Stakes are they keep their things, and you don’t look at them ever again. Not even a glance.” He paused. “That goes for every fucker in this shithole,” Mello called. You didn’t get a word in before he urged them to deal. 
He was... he was probably joking, right? 
You replaced Mello’s standing space behind the chair. On it, he leaned back cooly, legs spread with one bend up on the chair’s cushion, the other spread outwards on the ground. The cards in his hand close to himself, you were not able to get a good look at them with the downwards angle. 
“...Royal flush,” he said in the end, the cards sliding into a half circle into the table. Silence. “Did you all not remember the stakes here? Anyone even looks at them, I’ll carve your eyes from your head.” Mello rose, hand clasping yours, and dragged you out of the establishment. You were sure everyone would be glaring in your direction if they were able to look at you. You guessed it didn’t matter if you didn’t pay. It wasn’t like you were going back here ever again.
Once into the brisk air, you ripped your wrist from his hand. 
“What the fuck was that?” You hissed. 
“What the fuck was that? What about you bringing me here to watch all those greasy men leer at you like some piece of candy? What about you letting that fuck do and say anything he wanted? What the fuck was that?” His fingers gripped your chin. “Who do you belong to?” 
“Did I stutter?” At your lack of answer, he tightened his grip. “Who do you belong to?”
“Yes, me.” Mello ripped his hand from your chin and dug it into his pocket. “I’ll make sure you know. I’ll make sure everyone knows you’re mine.” He pulled a switchblade from his pocket. 
“Mello, no -,” 
“Stay here.”
“No. We’ll finish... celebrating your birthday at home, alright?” 
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hains-mae · 4 years
Flowers - Pt. 5 (The End)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (The End)
(Damian x Reader) Soulmate AU
The Flowers: @call-me-prodigy @annoylinglyaries @zphilophobiaz @comic-brew @biglilwing @awkwardspontaneity @lozzybowe @mariiecapo @distressedearie @diyosku @dracoaereum @thesuitelifeofafangirl @chims-kookies @blade-xingston @danicalifxrnia
Rating: T
Ages: Damian and you are 16, everyone’s ages follow after.
Summary: Soulmate AU where the wounds on your soulmate turns into a flower tattoo on your skin, if it heals with no scars the tattoo goes away, if it heals with a scar then the tattoo stays.
Notes: Wow that was a fun ride. But every story comes to an end, I hope you guys enjoy the final chapter! And thank you everyone who has taken their time to like, comment, and reblog. I appreciate it a lot <3
Disclaimer: I do not own DC. If I did, I wouldn’t make it as confusing as it is now.
Robin visited every other night after that. It was surreal to have a hero that you’ve so long admired become your frequent visitor. Then again, nothing seemed normal anymore.
“It’s past the convention week. How do you keep coming here?” I asked curiously one night.
Robin gave me a lopsided grin and tapped the side of his nose. “I have my ways.”
After Mom’s week long leave was up she begrudgingly had to go back to work. The hospital assured her that I was healing fairly well, and that I would be transferred to Gotham Hospital the following weekend.
I was never really lonely though. Besides the friendly staff, my midnight visitor always came right on time. I wondered why he would take the time. Maybe it was to get to know me better? Perhaps my speech that night managed to get through to him. I had hoped it was both.
If I was being honest though, I was a little more than glad he did. I had meant it when I told the boy that I found him intriguing. He was a tough nut to crack though. I couldn’t blame him.
During the day when I would shower, I’d trace the flowers across my frame and wonder just how much he had gone through.
Soul marks start to appear at 10 years of age. You could imagine the shock (and worry) my parents had gone through when they found me one day absolutely covered in flowers.
From a young age I would hide them. Always wearing my sleeves till my palms, my neck constantly covered with either my jacket, scarf or high placed collars. It wasn’t that I was ashamed, but Gotham liked to talk – and when you’re the subject of attention, then you’re an easy target for criminals.
As I got older, the marks around my neck forearms slowly faded. I had worried about my soul mate and their well-being. Now that I understood everything, it was a different type of worry all together. The kind that would sit at the pit of your stomach and tie knots, heavy enough to keep you on edge.
My T.V in the hospital room was always on the same channel, Gotham News. Every battle would have my heart clenching as the camera’s desperately tried to follow the fight. Most of the time’s they wouldn’t be able to capture the end, and I’d be left holding my breath.
That’s one other reason I looked forward to our nightly visits. I could relax knowing he was alright.
I still wasn’t sure what I felt for this enigma of a person. But I knew that I wanted to get closer.
“I have an idea.” Robin said one evening. There was a glint his eye, the mask was off since my mom wasn’t around anymore. “And it’s got something to do with your invention.”
I arched a brow. “The bullets are complete but I still have yet to finalize the counter measures.”
He nodded understandingly. “Counter affect can wait. We don’t want to encase anyone in rock at the moment, but I’m putting it out there since you wanted to help.”
Intrigued, I urged him to continue.
Damian was quite brilliant in his own way. After much thought and planning, we had about 3 more types of chemically enhanced concoctions laid out. All of which were to go through Batman before beginning the experimentation process. He has assured me that I would be leading the research team for that under Wayne Ent.
I couldn’t wait to get out of the hospital.
“Do you like sweets?” He asked randomly.
Arching a brow I studied him. He was slouched on the couch with his leg dangling on one side and a book in his hands.
Charles Dickens.
“Yes.” I said, noting his obvious attempt to look natural. “Do you?”
“On occasion.” The boy shifted a shoulder to mimic a shrug.
The very next visit he had a black bag slung across his shoulder. His face gave nothing away but from the times I’ve spent with him, I realised it was his eyes that did most of the talking.
“Whatcha got over there?” I asked curiously, scooting closer to him at the edge of the bed.
“Patience.” He said and pulled up the make shift table that was attached to the side of my bed. Placing a medium sized box on top, he carefully undid the lid and opened it. “I present to you, baklavas.”
In the dim light I saw that they were flaky, almost like a croissant. There were some with a mix of nuts, from pistachios to almonds. Others were plain but still looked heavenly. They gleamed with a moistness, as if coated with a syrupy substance. I picked one up and popped it into my mouth.
It burst with flavour and dissolved much too fast. I squeaked at the exotic taste.
“Oh my gosh these are so good.” I said, licking my thumb.
Robin looked pleased.
“You should have one.” I pushed the box towards him but he shook his head.
“They’re yours.” He said.
“Nonsense. Food always taste better when shared.” I picked another one up intending to eat it.
“If you insist.”
I had barely managed to register the wicked glint in his eye before he took hold of my wrist and brought my hand that was holding the sweet close to his mouth. He took it carefully from me in one easy motion and lightly licked my finger.
“You’re right. It does taste better when shared.”
I felt the burn on my cheeks and ears before I heard the warning blare of the heart monitor. Immediately, Robin slipped behind the couch just as the nurses for the nightshift burst into my room in a panic. They fussed over me as I repeatedly tried to tell them I was alright. My heart finally calmed and once they left, Robin got up covering his mouth. He was trying to keep himself from laughing.
The weekend came much faster than I had anticipated. When the doctors checked on my progress, they gave the thumbs up for me to be transferred to Gotham’s hospital.  Mom was relieved, and wouldn’t stop fussing over me when we got there. I let it be though, thinking it was more for her own peace of mind than mine.
After that it was a short two weeks before I was fully discharged.
Robins visits never wavered though. If anything, he had stayed for longer periods of time. I got to know the boy under the mask more than I had hoped for and opened up in return more than I had intended.
I found out his brothers were vigilantes too. He pointed them all out one evening with a family picture he’d secretly stashed in his wallet. They were a “thorn” to his side — as he had so eloquently described, but I could see just how much he loved them. That was another thing I learnt about him, his speech patterns were very posh. He liked to use formal names and slang was not completely in his vocabulary. I asked him about that one time, to which he only replied “another time”. It was probably a touchy subject, where he exactly grew up.
His favourite colour was green, and his adoration for animals was as deep as black hole. It was crazy how perfect my mind painted him to be, and the more I knew, the harder it was to ignore the feelings growing inside me.
He enjoys reading, but would gladly spend the day locked in his room with his tablet and pen drawing the day away. He is good both in traditional and digital art, and sometimes dabbles in graphic design when he feels like it. He prefers his tea without any additives, but would not hesitate to pour bucket loads of milk and sugar in his coffee during the rare moments he drinks it.
I could list everything down but it would just solidify my attraction to him, and honestly I doubt this was he needed right now. Juggling a double life sounded a lot more stressful than he showed it to be. He hardly ever talked about it but from the amount of flowers blooming on me, it was difficult to see it any other way but exhausting. He’d kick butt at night, get hurt, then go to school the very next day like nothing happened.
He arrived one evening like he normally did and I had rushed up to pull off his glove. I felt a sting earlier and found a Sakura branch littered with pink flowers. I was right, his arm was soaked in red, and the gash looked bad.
“It’s just a scratch.” He promised me.
I didn’t reply. Taking him straight to the bathroom, I rinsed out the remaining blood and addressed the wound. After bandaging him up I finally looked into his eyes and showed him just how worried I was.
That evening we sat next to each other, with our fingers intertwined and his thumb randomly brushing against my knuckles.
Finally I was able to return home. Being able to lie down on my own bed, inside my own house, I could let loose and properly relax. I threw myself onto the soft comforters that smelled like fabric softener and smiled to myself.
Home sweet home.
But not for long, I reminded myself that this evening I would be dining with the Wayne’s. Swallowing hard, I hurried my face onto the pillows. I can’t mess this up, not after everything they’ve done for me.
Damian’s smirking face suddenly came to mind, and all his welcomed visits. It made my stomach grow warm. Remembering us sharing the sweets he gifted – soft lips against my fingers.
I groaned into the pillow, the room was getting a little hot. Getting up gingerly, as to not aggravate the newly healed stitches, I manoeuvred my way to the window and pushed it open. The cold evening air felt good against my heated skin. I sighed in content.
If I were being honest, I didn’t know what exactly was happening between us. I didn’t know if I wanted anything to happen between us. Wouldn’t it be weird, considering that I’d be interning for his dad in just a couple of months. Possibly work there if my luck doesn’t run out first. Not to mention WHO he was.
You’re just a normal girl, I chided myself. Not someone important enough to stand beside such a prestigious boy and his ridiculously wealthy family.
But even then – I found myself wondering. Seeking. Imagining… What if we were to become something more? What if it works? What if we fall in –
“Y/n!” Mom’s voice broke through my reverie, waking me up from the needless train of thought.
Closing my window, I poked my head out the door and found her putting on a bracelet.
“Are you ready? The cab is nearly here.” She asked.
I nodded and took a step closer to her. Looking quickly at the vanity mirror in the hallway, I gave myself a once over to make sure everything was in place. I had on a slightly fitting turtle neck sweater, paired with a high waisted pleated skirt and dark stockings. On my feet I sported on my boots. It was safe to assume no one would be able to see my soul marks.
My mom grabbed her purse and headed downstairs. I followed close behind her, handing her her coat before locking up the front door.
The cab driver arrived a few minutes in, and we drove off straight to Wayne Manor.
“This is exciting isn’t it?” She said to me with a lift in her voice, as she exited the cab to get the gates opened.
Once we could enter, we were greeted with a very large land that was pristinely kept. The grass was cut evenly, and the trees lining the estate were trimmed to perfection. Bushes were perfectly shaped into different animals, and flowers systematically grown to create swirls and shapes beside the road. A big fountain was situated just in front of the mansion while a man in a black suit waited beside the opened doors.
We exited the cab after paying and did our best to take it all in without looking like fishes out of water.
“Ah, Mrs. & Ms. Y/l/n.” It was the man who I saw pick up Damian that one night in Metropolis appeared. I also remembered him in the family photograph. His accent was thickly laced with British poise. “My name is Alfred Pennyworth, I shall be you’re attendant for the evening.”
“Thank you.” Mom was quick to compose herself.
As soon as I entered the house I felt my breath stolen away. It was huge. Everything looked so new and polished.
I barely registered my mom and Alfred chatting away as he led her to the dining hall.
“I know what you’re thinking.”
I nearly jumped at the voice that startled me. Whipping my head around, I found Jason standing with his hands in his pockets.
“I remember my first time coming in here. Completely floored.” He chucked.
I waved a small greeting. “Everything looks so –“
“Expensive? Exorbitant? Grand?” He tried to guess.
“Beautiful.” I breathed out.
He laughed. “Not what I expected. But you’re full of surprises aren’t you.”
I blushed. “Ah, I’m not sure about that. I’m just me.”
“Hey, no stealing our guest before dinner.” Dick walked down the stair case with Tim beside him.
“Feeling better Y/n?” Tim asked as we grouped just below the stairs.
“Yeah, thank you.” I answered, suddenly feeling flustered as they surrounded me.
Stay calm.
“Don’t be nervous.” Dick said with an air of comfort.
I wanted to ask what made him think so, but he answered before I even began to articulate the words.
“You’re fidgeting like a college student during a thesis debate.” He said simply.
“You’re… very good at reading people.” I arched a brow at him.
“One of my many amazing abilities” He winked.
Jason let out an air of playful frustration and pulled Dick aside. “And now you’re stealing her. Can’t hold a normal conversation can you Dickie, always a flirt.”
“First of all – do I need to remind you who mostly does all the talking during dad’s parties. And second of all – I am not a flirt. I can’t help it if I’m charming.” Dick mocked a suave look and shot it as his brother.
Jason looked like he was about to gag and Tim was less than pleased. I laughed at their antics.
“What’s funny?” Damian appeared beside me. I jumped and held a hand to my racing heart.
“Jeez, do all of you have a talent for sneaking up on people?” I wheezed out, trying to gather my bearings.
They all grinned at me without answering.
Robins, my inner muse whispered. I brushed off the thought as quick as it had come.
We had made it to the dining area just in time for Alfred to begin serving the meals. My mother was already chatting up a storm with Mr. Wayne. A wine glass in hand and a slight tint to her cheeks. She looked happy.
I began walking towards the seat beside my mother when Damian pulled out the chair like a gentleman. I bit the inside of my cheek and mumbled a thank you.
He took the space beside me and the rest of his brothers seated themselves opposite us.
As we opened our plates for dinner, I was amazed to see how well it was presented. Mr. Pennyworth continued to serves other dishes, and once he was done he left the room.
The food tasted just as good as it looked.
Easy conversation wafted around us, the usual topics of school, and future plans. Mr. Wayne brought up the internship which I nearly gushed over due to my excitement. Damian held back a laugh with a cough when he noticed my little slip up before I composed myself again. I bumped his knee under the table and playfully glared at him. He smirked and bumped me back.
“My compliments to the chef Mr. Wayne.” Mom said.
“I’ll be sure to tell him.” He smiled through a glass of wine. How many glasses in were they at this point? Damian and I were the only ones who weren’t allowed so both our glasses were filled with water and juice.
“And, please,” Mr. Wayne continued. “Call me Bruce.”
“Hey, we should give the women a tour.” Dick suggested. “I’m sure you’ll both love it.”
Jason and Tim had excused themselves, and I had an inkling as to what they were up to. Patrols were a common thing, as Damian told me.
And so with Dick and Bruce leading, my mother and I followed as they showed off the grandness of the manor.
I couldn’t help but be awestruck all over again. The library was huge. Their shelves towered from ceiling to floor, and filled with all kinds of books. From novels to more informative documents. I recognised a couple of titles from the times Damian spent the night reading.
The sunroom was next. The glass was near invisible. I took in the sight of the gorgeous garden just beyond the panels, being able to outline a gazebo at the far end with flowers twisting around its pillars. I unconsciously touched my stomach where the stitches were, randomly pondering what kind of flower had bloomed from such a brutal wound.
“Are you okay?” Damian was beside me immediately and his hand supported my elbow. His voice was laced with concern.
“Oh.” I realised what he was talking about and pulled my hand down. “I’m okay, just a little tired.”
“Honey?” My mom’s face pinched in concern. “Is it hurting again?”
“I just need to rest Mom, I’m fine.” I assured her. “You should continue, I’ll just sit here for a bit.”
Mom was hesitant but there wasn’t much she could do, and she knew it. So they moved on, but not without Mr. Wayne asking for some painkillers to be brought to me.
After taking the medicine, I thanked ‘Alfred’ (as he had asked me to call him) before he left.
Damian was sitting on the arm rest of the couch. My hand was in his and he rubbed random circles around my knuckles. His brows were furrowed, and his features were set in a deep scowl. I could practically feel the guilt and worry radiating off of him.
“I have to be honest, I thought I’d see more animals around.” I said, trying to lighten up the mood.
“Father asked me to keep Titus in my room for the time-being, he didn’t know how you two would react to a Great Dane, or vice-versa.” The boy said simply.
“Great Dane?” I asked flabbergasted.
The corner of Damian’s lips turned upwards. “When you feel better I’ll introduce you.”
“It’s a date.” I answered before thinking. All at once I realised what I said and felt my cheeks burn. “Ah – I mean, not date. If you aren’t comfortable with that, people just use the word date as a meeting time or –“
“It’s a date.” He brought my fingers up and ghosted his lips over them. I had to hold my breath fearing that my heart would stop.
I was momentarily stunned by his forwardness and calm. Looking away I managed to slow down my heart rate to a regular beat.
“I still need to guess the rest right?” I asked coyly.
He gestured for me to continue.
“Let’s see.” I rested my head on the couch and closed my eyes to recall our conversation back in the ball room. “We’ve got a dog, a cat.”
“Mhm.” Damian nodded, moving from the arm rest to the empty space next to me.
My brain brought up an old song from the Princess and the Frog, when they had to ‘Dig a Little Deeper’.
A dog, a pig, a cow, a goat – the lyrics were sung in my subconscious before I could stop it.
“A cow.” I guessed.
Damian’s eyes grew a little wide, before a grin made its way to his lips. “Yes.”
“What seriously?” I giggled. “You actually have a cow?”
“Bat-Cow.” He chuckled. “I was a child, and that was the first name to come up.”
I was full on laughing now. “I cannot wait to meet them. But that was seriously a random guess, now I feel like my confidence is dwindling.”
“Then how about you wait till you see them?” He suggested.
I bit my lip and shifted in my seat, our knees brushed and I felt that warmth spread across my chest. We’re close. A little too close.
When I looked at him I found he was staring at the garden outside. I didn’t mean to be rude, but I couldn’t take my eyes off him. There was something about this boy that just drew me closer, making me want more. I traced the little moles across his cheek and wondered when I had let this magnetic pull take over me.
“Take a picture. It’ll last longer.” Damian commented. His intense green eyes bore into mine as he threw a deviously charming smirk my way.
I blushed and looked away, suddenly finding my shoes a lot more interesting than it was. “Sorry, I was just thinking.”
He turned towards me. And I made the mistake of facing him again, because now our faces were just mere inches apart.
I found myself gazing at his beautiful green eyes that contrasted so well with his tanned olive skin. There were so many different shades of green looping and mixing with one another, it felt like a maze – one that I would willingly get lost in.
My fingers rested in the spaces between his, and I marvelled at how everything in that moment felt right.
I tilted towards him, and he did the same towards me.
“What are we doing?” I whispered, stealing a glance at his lips.
Heart pounding.
Blood racing.
It left me dizzy.
“I’m… not sure.” Damian replied, his tone low. “But if you asked me to kiss you, I would.”
His thumb grazed the inside of my wrist with a feather-light touch and I burst into flames.
“Kiss me.”
And he did.
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gingerpeachtae · 4 years
Concentric [23]
Words: 25.4k 🤯💀
Genres: fantasy!AU, angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, eventual smut
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence and death
Summary: You had been ready for the end of the semester. You had been ready to spend time away from your best friend, Jimin, and finally move on from the feelings you harbored. Yet, after your friend was forced to reveal a secret, you found yourself in a new world that was chock full of magic, war, and wonder. So, here you were, basically thrown into your own fantasy novel, with your best friend on one side, and six male warriors on the other.
A/N: my braincell is ready for rest oof… PLS ENGOY YOUR EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER EVERYONE 💙
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Holding his arms up in front of his face, Jimin flinched as the thorny vines of the thicket scratched at his wrists while he continued sprinting forward. The stinging pain lasted for only a moment as the half-Saeni sucked more air into his lungs and forced his legs to propel his body faster through the rugged, dense forest. The six other Saeni were moving just as quickly and were still protectively surrounding him as they ran. Through the bird calls, bug chirps, and shaking leaves, every single one of them could hear the sound of large paws hitting the earth gradually coming closer. The sounds of deep growls becoming louder.
At the front of the group, Ipsa leapt over a large tree root which caused her golden hair to flash in the sunlight that was peeking through the treetops.
As Geodin followed and easily jumped over the same root, he let out a low groan before muttering in an irritated tone, “Why in Exia’s name are we being hunted by wolves?”
“Just keep moving!” Mingi sternly ordered to the short male without even looking back.
Jimin ran beneath the bright green leaves that caused his pupils to dilate and expand rapidly from the constant changes in light, and as he passed by a skinny maple tree Illai spoke in his mind to inform him that they needed to veer more to the right. After grunting lightly in acknowledgement and pushing his apricot hair out of his eyes, the half-Saeni voiced her direction to the group between his heavy breaths and the Saeni promptly adjusted.
The seven pressed on, leaves and thin branches whipping across their faces and mud splattering against their shins. Mingi effortlessly vaulted over a fallen tree trunk that was almost parallel to the ground but not quite fully collapsed. Jimin, on the other hand, slid beneath it, his head barely missing the rough bark, before popping up to his feet on the opposite side and resuming his fast pace. Dirt and dead leaves clung to his thigh and side but he didn’t bother swatting any of it off as sweat trailed down his face and his heart pounded in his chest. He could hear the wolves grow even closer. Could almost feel their presence on the group’s heels even though the canines had yet to show themselves.
The terrain abruptly began to decline, causing all the Saeni to slow down ever so slightly and turn their bodies to the side to prevent themselves from losing balance. As they descended quickly but cautiously, Jimin heard a stumble behind him and Koliifa cursed as a rock came loose under his weight and his footing faltered for a brief second.
“Careful,” his sister hissed and helped steady the male.
Then, out of his peripheral, Jimin saw Stem furrow his brow and look out to the left while he skirted around a sapling.
After a couple of seconds, the archer hummed and returned his gaze forward. “I think one of the wolves broke off to our left.”
“Leaving?” Mingi called back in question while tilting his head that way and narrowing his hazel eyes.
“No, it’s moving lateral to us now. I think it doesn’t want us going that way.”
Ipsa frowned at Stem’s comment, but didn’t say anything as the group finally reached the bottom of the hill. The degradation levelled out and the Saeni were deposited into a small, bubbling stream that was surrounded by a stretch of flat land with plentiful but spread out trees.
Flinching as the stream’s cold water sloshed onto his leg while he and the others crossed it, Jimin wanted to stop and marvel at how serene and calm the area was but he knew there wasn’t time for that. Maybe later, though… if he survived.
Squinting through a ray of sunlight, the golden-haired female whispered to herself then sharply inhaled and glanced at the Saeni behind her. “For Exia’s sake, they’re herding us.”
None of the Saeni’s movements wavered in wake of the comment but Koliifa murmured another curse and Geodin grumbled in aggravated disbelief while everyone else was stunned into silence.
But it made sense. Realistically, the wolves should have caught up to them by now but they hadn’t or, as it now appeared, purposefully wouldn’t. They were keeping their distance but still making their presence known. Making sure the group went in a certain direction. The seven hadn’t realized it until now since it was the same direction they were wanting to go in, but that made Jimin wonder…
“Are they random wolves or-?”
“Or are they somehow a draikensu’s pet?” Opikal finished the thought in a dry tone. “I was thinking the same thing. Honestly, the timing seems too convenient for it to not be connected.”
“But if they’re with the draikensu then herding us-”
“Means they’re most likely moving us toward a trap.”
The Saeni fell silent again, considering what to do. They continued to move forward; they didn’t have the luxury of stopping… but with every step they took the idea that they may be moving closer to an attack loomed over their heads. The possibility weighed heavily on the group, but they also knew there was nothing to be done besides steeling themselves and being ready.
However, after a few moments, the siblings bringing up the rear exchanged looks, communicating without words, and nodded to one another before slowing down.
“Go on ahead,” Opikal said as she and her brother came to a complete stop beside an old oak tree, “we’ll take care of the wolves.”
The rest of the group looked back in shock at the determined siblings who were standing underneath the oak’s swaying leaves. Opikal’s dark eyes were serious as she drew her sword from its sheath at her hip while Koliifa was unwinding his chain whip with a confident smile.
Ipsa ran backwards as she regarded them with uncertainty swimming in her eyes. “Are you sure?”
Koliifa shrugged indifferently. “Yeah. It’ll be fun, right sis?” Then he shifted his grin to his sister, who only rolled her ebony eyes.
After sighing at her cheerful brother, Opikal gestured for the group to move on. “Just hurry up and go. We’ll take care of it.”
Jimin gaped at the duo, not wanting to leave them behind but knowing there was no time to argue or come up with an alternative. The apricot head’s mind swam with conflict as he watched the siblings turn their backs on everyone and ready their weapons.
“Come on.” Mingi’s deep voice seemed to reverberate through the landscape with his command. “Let’s go.”
Stem placed a firm hand on Jimin’s shoulder and gave him a look of understanding but still lightly shoved the half-Saeni forward as they all began to run at full speed again, leaving the siblings behind.
Reluctantly, Jimin returned to his previous pace and Mingi told everyone to be on guard. Stem stayed behind Jimin, taking over the rear position in place of the siblings while Ipsa dropped back to cover Jimin’s left. After a minute or so, the Saeni could no longer hear the wolf paws but instead a series of loud growls, barks, and whines rose up behind them. Doing their best to ignore the noises and focus on what lay ahead of them, the group of five followed the small creek while being mindful of the wet rocks on the bank.
Do not follow the bend in the stream. You must continue straight. The sweet voice of the mother goddess seeped into Jimin’s mind again. You’re getting close. Very close. Keep moving. Hurry!
Jimin instantly relayed the information to the group and Geodin gave an affirmative grunt in response. They then crossed the creek once more and went back into the shade of the thick woods.
It wasn’t long before a chilling scream resounded into the air and echoed off the trees. It was the type of scream that ran a shiver down a person’s spine and raised the hair on their arms. Filled with pain and desperation. It didn’t last long, though, and within a couple of seconds the sound cut off.
Gritting his teeth and clenching his hands into tight fists, Jimin felt the urge to do something swell inside him. He just didn’t know what he could do. The apricot head went to peek over his shoulder, back to where they had left Opikal and Koliifa, but Stem moved into his line of sight and shook his head.
“Don’t look back,” the archer said in a grave tone then he blinked a few times and looked up at the sun shining through the trees before steadying his gaze on Jimin once more. “They made their choice. We can’t do anything for them now.”
Jimin opened his mouth but snapped it closed and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before returning his attention to what was ahead of him knowing Stem was right.
The shade cast by the leaves suddenly felt too cold as the cruel reality of the situation settled over the half-Saeni. He had heard the scream, but had no way of knowing if Opikal and Koliifa were still alive or not. The suffocating realization tightened his throat because the same went for you and his brothers. The group had been able to hear the fighting for a while… what if one of those dying screams had been a member of his kiela? He knew how strong everyone was, including you, but… but what if…
All of the sudden, Jimin was yanked out of his upsetting thoughts when Mingi held up his fist. At the appearance of the signal, Jimin and the others slowed down and began to creep forward. Eyes scanning and ears alert. A slight rustle came from up ahead. A noise so minor and indiscrete yet so loud at the same time. The Saeni’s heads whipped in the direction of the sound while Mingi shifted to place himself fully in front of Jimin.
Then… the flash of sunlight glinting off metal… and a sickening thump.
Jimin blinked in horror as an arrow skewered itself through soft flesh of Geodin’s neck. The short male tried to gasp and stumbled while Mingi immediately turned to grab Jimin and tug him behind a large tree. The other Saeni followed suit and found cover as Geodin dropped to his knees, blood leaking out around the arrow and onto his chest. Deep crimson also trailed out of his mouth and stained his lips and chin. The world seemed to pause and hold its breath…
Then another arrow embedded itself into Geodin’s chest. The impact forcing the male to fall to his back. His chest shakily rose and fell… once… twice… and then he stopped moving altogether.
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Your thighs and calves burned as you finally reached the peak of the steep incline. Slowing to a stop, you pushed your sweaty hair out of your face then waved your hand around to shoo away the bugs buzzing by your ear as you caught your breath. While gulping in air, you turned in a half-circle to try to see what was around you but all there was was an endless expanse of green and brown. You had no idea where you were or if you were even close to Jimin. It’s not like you had directions or landmarks to help you find your way. All you could really do was keep the battlefield either at your back or on your left shoulder as you ran through the forest in search of your best friend.
The basic plan was to go northwest toward the center of the enemy’s forces to where the rift supposedly was. Unfortunately, you didn’t have the privilege of mental GPS guidance like your dear best friend. Plus, you didn’t even know where the center of the draikensu’s forces were; you only had a generic idea so you were truly just winging it.
Doesn’t matter. I’m gonna find you Slim Jim. 
Swiveling back to face the direction you had been running in, you cracked your neck and back then inhaled deeply. Although you were a decent distance from the field by now, you swear you could still detect a hint of iron and death in the air. Maybe it was because you could still hear faint screams filtering through the trees, or maybe the smell clung to you, or maybe you were simply imagining the putrid scent because you were so on edge.
With how much adrenaline was pumping through your veins at the moment you wondered if you would ever be able to calm down again after this whole ordeal was over.
If you were even still breathing by then.
You were worried for yourself, for Jimin, for Jungkook and Tae and all the other members of the kiela who had become family to you. Mingi too. But you were also concerned about the draikensu. You knew majority of them were at the field but you didn’t know if all of them were and the last thing you needed was to run into a group of the fuckers. If what that one back at the cliff said was true – the key will die while you pathetically fight – then you probably didn’t have a lot of time to waste so you didn’t want to worry about your human ass sneaking around quietly or fighting any skirmishes on your way. Thankfully, you hadn’t seen anyone since you left the cliff but that didn’t mean you were about to let your guard up.
Doing a quick examine of the trees, you tried to ignore the distant screams as you focused your hearing…
No signs of draikensu… or Jimin.
You blew out a raspberry and let your eyes wander until they rested on a large rock that you started to approach coyly. “You wouldn’t happen to be a rock I can ride for miles like the pioneers used to… would you?”
No response, unsurprisingly.
With a bittersweet huff, you clutched your bow tighter and stepped up and over the rock before beginning to move onward once more. Lowering your head to avoid being whacked in the face by a large branch, you scampered over a collection of roots popping out of earth like lacework. Suddenly, a twig snapped and the shrubs rustled violently to your right and your eyes widened in alarm as you instinctively grabbed an arrow from your quiver while turning toward the sound. Your hear beat wildly as you drew back and squinted into the trees but all you saw was a small, russet-colored creature scuttling through the low greenery.
Just a damn animal. Your arms relaxed and you breathed a bit easier as you watched the creature disappear.
Returning the arrow to your quiver, you shook out your hand to relieve some leftover tension then got ready to start running again. Though as you shifted your weight to do so, a pained scream pierced your ears. Freezing, your breath caught in your throat but the shriek stopped just as quickly as it had come.
“The fuck…?” You murmured to yourself while looking around warily.
There’s no way that came from the field… it was way too loud to have come from the field.
While the birds resumed their singing, you drifted your gaze more west and narrowed your eyes. Of course, there was no way to be sure but you had a hunch the scream came from over there. Your insides yelled at you that it did and before you knew it your feet were moving on their own accord.
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Rolling onto his back, Namjoon could almost feel the dew-and-blood-slicked grass soak into his armor and clothes. Ignoring the unpleasant sensation, the yellow-eyed male grit his teeth and used both hands to lift his heavy weapon over his face in order to block the serrated edge of the short sword being swung at him. The draikensu’s blade ricocheted off the hammer’s shaft with a shrill ring and a handful of sparks. Baring his teeth at the recoil that traveled up his arms from the attack, Namjoon shifted his weight to attempt to kick his opponent’s legs out from underneath him but a yelling figure with dark hair slammed into the draikensu without warning.
Jin threw his arms around the male going after his leader and tackled him to the ground with a defiant shout. The force of the surprise body slam caused the draikensu to involuntarily drop his sword and the eldest member of the kiela didn’t give the male any time to recover. Jin pulled his sword hand back then rammed the hilt of the weapon into the male’s jaw, making his head snap back against the earth. The draikensu growled and spat out a mouthful of crimson spit before grabbing onto Jin’s forearm and throwing his weight upward and to the side. As Jin was thrown aside, he clutched at the draikensu’s armor and pulled the male along with him.
The two males twisted and grappled in the torn-up grass. Their limbs tangled and grasped at one another while they tried to find an advantage and pin the other down, but the close proximity made Jin struggle. It restricted him from using the blade of his longsword. He simply didn’t have the space or time to use the gore-covered weapon.
While dodging the draikensu’s elbow, Jin tried to spot something he could impale the male on or if Namjoon was able to give him a helping hand… or better yet, a swing of his hammer. Seeing neither, the raven-haired Saeni could only think of one way to finish the fight. Jin released another powerful yell and brought his arm across the draikensu’s chest, gripping the male’s shoulder in his hand to anchor himself as he punched the male’s side with the hand tightly gripping his sword hilt. The draikensu gasped and Jin took that split-second to flip his opponent to his back so he could kneel over the male’s waist. After delivering another blow to the male’s torso to incapacitate his movements, the raven-haired Saeni adjusted the hold on his sword and sliced up from the draikensu’s belly in one fluid but deadly arc. Crimson spattered onto the grass and dripped off the tip of Jin’s sword as the draikensu swiftly began to bleed out while his eyes rolled back into his head.
With a pant, Jin went to stand but the air against the side of his face abruptly stirred and caused him to turn and raise his weapon. A sword screeched against the edge of his own blade. Jin’s fast reaction stopped the weapon from reaching his neck as was the draikensu’s intention, but the parry didn’t manage to leave him completely unscathed. The enemy’s sword shallowly slashed into his cheek and arm, leaving behind thin lines of red, and the attacked made the Saeni lose his balance. Jin stumbled and teetered to the side, falling onto his hip and forearm. He blinked up at the draikensu as he felt his warm blood well up from the cuts, and the sight of scarlet beginning to trail down his face made the draikensu’s eyes sparkle and lips twitch gleefully.
Jin heard a familiar voice call out to him desperately.
Looking past the male hovering over him, Jin saw Namjoon running over. His brown hair was matted, jaw clenched, and eyes narrowed menacingly. Not even a second later, when he was close enough, Namjoon reached out and firmly grabbed the draikensu’s collar before yanking the male backwards harshly. While the draikensu staggered and tumbled to the ground, Namjoon grunted and raised the bulky head of his weapon to the sky. Then he smashed it down onto the chest of the fallen draikensu.
Namjoon breathed heavily and lifted his hammer from the crater he had created in the male’s armor before wiping the back of his hand across his forehead then offering the hand out to his brother.
“You good?” The leader inquired while roaming his eyes over Jin’s body to check for injuries.
Taking Namjoon’s hand in his, Jin allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. “Yeah, I’m alright.”
After nodding, Namjoon shifted his gaze to take in the field and the mass of crumpled bodies that now littered it. With sad eyes, he observed the dead, the wounded and barely alive, and those still fighting through their exhaustion.
Shaking his head, he whispered, “How long will this go on…?”
Jin placed a gentle hand on his brother’s shoulder before saying they should try to regroup with the others. The elder tilted his chin toward a collection of flaring lights over by one of the trees scattered throughout the field and Namjoon could just make out the color of mint-blue from the mess.
The leader of the kiela went to agree but as he turned his head back to his brother, he saw movement in his peripherals. Eyes expanding in alarm as he registered two daggers rotating through the air toward them, Namjoon hastily pushed Jin out of the way.
Falling to his ass, the raven-haired Saeni looked up at the other male in confusion. “Joon? What th-OH MY GODDESS!”
Jin was gawking at Namjoon’s thigh and the yellow-eyed Saeni grimaced as he looked down and observed the blade now buried hilt deep in his flesh. Namjoon’s hand trembled as he reached down to lightly touch his fingertip against the hilt and he hissed sharply through his teeth at how the contact slightly disturbed the blade. Blood began to slowly course down Namjoon’s thigh and Jin forced himself to get over his shock and get back to his feet to scan the area.
“Where did it come from!?” Jin whispered frantically and darted his eyes around but when Namjoon only whimpered in response he swiveled his dark eyes to see that Namjoon now had his hand fully wrapped around the hilt. “DON’T TAKE IT OUT!”
“Aish, I know. It just fucking hurts.”
Jin snorted at his leader’s pouting response. “Well, no shit.”
Namjoon barked out a rough laugh but it was fast to fade into another pained moan. While he moved his hand to hold the muscle of his thigh right above the dagger, Jin felt a lump lodge in his throat as he took in his younger brother’s state.
“You… You really shouldn’t have pushed me. You should have gotten yourself out of the way.”
Setting the head of his hammer on the ground, Namjoon rested majority of his weight on the weapon while waving his now bloody hand dismissively and showcasing a tiny, dimpled smile.
“…Hey.” A stranger’s voice suddenly came from beside them both.
With a gasp, Jin pivoted and raised his sword but an array of emerald magic held his swing at bay. Underneath the glittering green was a muscular, emerald-haired female Saeni with both eyebrows raised at the eldest of the kiela. Seeing she wasn’t a threat, Jin eased up and apologized as the emerald light vanished. The magic user chuckled and just gave Jin another look then turned her gaze to the dagger sticking out of Namjoon’s thigh.
“Let me see that.” She crouched down so the damage was at eye level then glanced behind her shoulder at Jin. “You, keep any draikensu off us while I deal with this.”
Jin drew in a breath at her words, feeling the lump in his throat lessen knowing she was going to help his brother. Repositioning himself, he stood guard and protectively watched over them as the magic user put her strong hand around the dagger’s hilt, which made Namjoon curse in a deep voice.
The yellow-eyed male looked down at the female and lightly touched her wrist. “Don’t… save your energy. Don’t waste it on me.”
“Shut up and let me do this.”
Jin roared as a draikensu approached the trio and he took two steps to the side then powerfully slashed his sword across their chest before plunging it through their torso.
“I’m only doing enough to ensure you won’t die after I take out this little guy.” The female gestured to the dagger with her chin.
The magic user just stared up at Namjoon silently through her emerald hair until he swallowed nervously and nodded.
“This is going to hurt,” she said while gripping the hilt more firmly. “On three. One… two… three!”
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While bursts of magenta light came from several yards away as another Saeni magic user battled the draikensu with yellow magic, Yoongi crooked his fingers while diving to the side and narrowly avoided a crescent of amethyst magic surging toward him. Rolling to a stop near the base of a tree, his own magic shot out of the ground at his opponent’s feet. The mint-blue tendrils seized the female’s amethyst-glowing hands and began to crawl up her wrists and arms, preventing her from moving. At the same time, Hobi leapt toward the draikensu with a blade brandished in each hand. As he angled his daggers, the silvery-whiteness of his hair shimmered in the sun where it was still visible beneath the streaks of red and brown that painted his body. Aiming one blade just above the female’s collarbone and the other under her ribcage, the kiela’s spy closed in on his target but the female magic user contorted her face into a snarl and lifted one of her legs to plant her foot directly into Hobi’s sternum.
Yoongi felt his stomach drop as he watched Hobi land hard on his back while the female turned her attention to the mint-colored light curling around her arms. Claws of amethyst erupted out of her hands and pierced through Yoongi’s magic but the Saeni didn’t reinforce his bonds. He couldn’t bring himself to look away from his partner who had yet to get back up to his feet. The female draikensu began to violently strip off the mint-blue tendrils coiling up her limbs with her magic as Hobi braced himself on his elbows and let out a low moan of pain.
Petal pink eyes snapped wide open at the sound, and Yoongi thrust his hands forward to cocoon his magic around the spy before dragged him backwards until he too was underneath the tree. The mint-haired Saeni held out a hand and tried to keep the distress out of his voice as he asked if the other male was okay.
Hobi smiled gratefully while taking Yoongi’s hand, but as he was being helped up, the white-haired Saeni wrapped his free arm around his middle and grimaced. “Fucking Exia she can kick hard. I think she might’ve cracked a rib.”
Cursing under his breath, Yoongi immediately dropped his eyes to Hobi’s torso in concern but Hobi let out a breathy chuckle and placed his palm against the magic user’s cheek to gently tilt his face back up. “I’ll be fine hyung. You can fix me up and make me feel better later.”
The tips of the Yoongi’s ears began to burn as he stared into Hobi’s light brown eyes, the warmth of the male’s touch both scalding and soothing. Gaping slightly, the mint-haired Saeni felt as if the rest of the world blurred away as he gazed into those eyes. The sounds of fighting and pain and rage muted as if they were placed underwater and all he could hear instead was his frantic pulse and the echoes of Hobi’s voice. He felt as though he could live in that moment for the rest of eternity. A calming comfort in the middle of chaotic and deadly storm.
And then the moment was shattered as the female magic user screamed in impatience while ripping away the last of the mint tendrils from her arms. Both Hobi and Yoongi snapped their heads over to the angered female whose dark expression seemed to match the magic angrily writhing around her hands.
“Well,” Yoongi commented as he turned to face the draikensu with an annoyed quirk of his brow but he quickly replaced it with a lazy smirk, “someone took quite a while to get out of my magic. It wasn’t even that strong.”
“Goddess, sometimes I forget you’re just as bad as Kook with taunting people,” Hobi murmured and shook his head as the female’s gaze turned even more murderous.
Peering to the side and cracking his knuckles, Yoongi sent Hobi a sly grin. “Who do you think the sprout learned it all from?”
Before the kiela’s spy could come up with a retort, both males caught a glimmer of amethyst out of the corner of their eyes and they lunged in opposite directions as a harsh curve of magic flew at them. The magic hit the tree, gouging into the trunk and slicing into two of the thicker branches. The tree limbs creaked and groaned for a second before they fractured with a splitting crack and fell toward the earth, forcing Hobi to dive out of the way again as they hit the ground. Safely coming to his knees, Hobi reached behind his back to take out a medium-sized dagger while peeking at Yoongi who nodded and allowed his mint-blue magic to flare even brighter as he raised his hands. As the two males readied themselves to rush the female, an ear-splitting screech made both them and the draikensu halt their movements and look to the side.
The Saeni with magenta magic had the other draikensu magic user speared to the ground. The yellow magic enveloping the draikensu’s hands was growing dimmer and dimmer as she lay face down in the destroyed grass, a glittering magenta bolt piercing her body directly between her shoulder blades. The draikensu took a final, unsteady inhale then sagged limply while the last of her magic faded into nothing. Meanwhile, the Saeni magic user stumbled back a step but her legs gave out and she collapsed to her knees with a sobbing gasp. The magenta bolt vanished from the draikensu’s back, leaving an open, gaping hole, and the Saeni seemed to struggle to breath as she cradled her shaking hands close to her chest.
Yoongi and Hobi returned their gaze to the amethyst magic user and were alarmed as they saw her sneer and lift one of her glowing hands toward the weakened Saeni.
“Shit. Look out!” Yoongi yelled as Hobi desperately threw his dagger at the draikensu.
The Saeni looked up from her tremoring hands right as the draikensu spun out of the way of Hobi’s blade and simultaneously sent a sickle of magic from her hand. As the amethyst magic carved through the air, Yoongi flicked a line of his own magic out in a hasty attempt to latch onto the Saeni’s wrist and tug her out of the way… but it was too late. The female Saeni just quietly stared at the approaching wave of amethyst magic with hollow eyes until it cut through her neck and chest. Hobi swore, his voice holding regret and horror, and the two males watched as the Saeni’s now headless body slumped to the earth while her head rolled and came to a rest beside the body of the draikensu she had killed only moments earlier.
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As you jumped down into a stream, cold water splashed against your ankles when the stone you landed on lurched to the side. After throwing your arms out to regain your balance, you crossed the water and saw you were now in a meadow-like area. Trees still dotted the earth but majority of the plants were grasses and ferns that ruffled in the breeze. It was beautiful and peaceful and allowed you to see your surroundings more easily… but you were also aware that it made you more visible and exposed. With that lovely thought in mind you kept moving beneath the sun and shade, although you couldn’t keep your eyes from flitting around more often to check your surroundings.
You still had no idea where you were, even more so now since the field was out of earshot. To put it simply, you were pretty much just going off instinct and gut feelings now. Right now, your gut was telling you to turn more to the east. There was no obvious reason as to why, maybe you felt as if you had gone too far west or perhaps it was some other subconscious sixth sense, but nonetheless you still listened to the feeling and adjusted your course. With aching legs and ragged breaths, you delved deeper into the meadow. Ferns gently grazed against your legs and the occasional bramble bush scraped your skin and clung to your clothes.
After a few minutes, the fresh, earthy scent of the meadow began to be overpowered by the distinct odor of blood and fresh death. Skidding to a top as the smell hit your nose, you looked around but saw and heard nothing out of the ordinary. But you knew that smell, as abhorrent as that realization was. Crinkling your nose, you took a tentative step forward… then another and another and another as you followed the disgusting smell to the source. You tried to control your breathing but you found yourself inhaling faster and faster as your anxiety grew along with the stench. Nervous of what you would find. Scared it would be a body with apricot hair.
Tiptoeing around a gnarly old oak tree, your breath hitched as you saw a lump of something laying in the ferns beside a log. Swallowing down your nerves as best you could, you grabbed an arrow and loosely notched it before slowly approaching the form. Tracing your index finger lightly over the arrow’s soft feather fletching for comfort, you neared and saw there was blood pooled on the earth beneath the thing. Blood also coated the stems and leaves of the plants beside it, the red contrasting so vividly to the bright green. The wind picked up and blew against your face, and you resisted the urge to cover your nose as you inched even closer. Then you paused as you saw patches of fur. Perplexed, you titled your head and stood still for a couple moments before moving around the vegetation so it was in full view.
Tail, large paws, and sharp teeth. It was a dead wolf. And it was covered in hundreds of gashes.
Taking short breaths, you squatted before the creature and looked over its maimed body. You had no idea what would create those kinds of wounds, and you didn’t want to stick around and find out. Furthermore, it wasn’t a Saeni or draikensu so there was no reason to hang around. It was time to get moving again. As you turned to leave, you glanced over to the log resting in the foliage a few yards away.
It’s shaped weirdly… must be pretty rotten and decomposed. You thought absentmindedly then gasped and did a double take as you felt your heart stop for a second.
What you had thought was a log wasn’t that at all… it was a person.
But they were no longer alive.
Biting your lip, you crept around the wolf and advanced toward the body. It was completely mutilated. Entrails spilled out from their stomach, deep gouges in their flesh, and torn out chunks of meat. The sight made you grimace and you had to look away for a moment.
After counting to three in your mind, you forced yourself to turn back to the body. Bringing your eyes to their head, some of the tension evaporated from your body and you squeezed your eyes in relief at how their hair was a baby-powder blue. You didn’t know them. You had no idea who they were or if they had been an ally or an enemy. Their body and armor were too shredded and torn apart to tell. Expelling a puff of air, you shifted your gaze to their red-stained hand that rested beside their head. In their palm was a metallic black rod that was connected to a series of smaller rods that were linked together by rings. The object was mostly piled in a heap but you could see the chain ended in a sharp dart.
Is that a whip?
You blinked at the weapon then looked back at the wolf.
Did they kill each other? Your brows furrowed. But why…?
Was this connected to Uzjuk or did you just happen to stumble upon a random, dead Saeni? You could have, but a normal Saeni wouldn’t be wearing armor or carrying around a weapon like that. Not unless they were BTS Saeni or a draikensu. The entire scene was utterly confusing and when you looked up from the wolf corpse your eyes widened yet again as you made out another lump up ahead in the ferns.
Brushing past some briars, you made your way over and noted it was another dead wolf draped over a dead female. A sword was buried deep into the stomach of the animal while its teeth rested against the female’s shoulder. Through the mess of fur, muscle, and sinew, you could see where its teeth had ripped her throat out.
Fucking hell… what happened here?
Scrunching your face at the sight, you peered at the female and wondered if some of her armor was intact beneath the wolf. If it was, you would be able to see if it matched the armor of the palace troops and thus know which side she, and likely the other Saeni, belonged to. Just as you went to kneel down, a series of loud and aggressive, but distant, barks resounded into the air which caused your head to whip up.
You had never heard a wolf’s bark before save what growls and howling were in movies, and although it sounded quite similar to a dog, you would bet your entire Spongebob Squarepants DVD collection that those had been wolf barks. They had to be.
As the sounds faded, you squinted through the trees then glanced up at the sun’s position. The barks had come from the north and a little bit to the east. You breathed in sharply through your nose at the realization, which you immediately regretted, then quickly dropped to the ground and set your bow aside before leaning over to pluck two big leaves off a nearby plant. Using them to cover your palms, you then pushed against the heavy body of the wolf. Once the canine had mostly slipped off the female’s body, you stared at her armor for a few seconds before snatching up your bow, standing up, and taking off in the direction of the barks with the image of the Saeni’s palace armor seared into your mind.
Dashing through the meadow, it wasn’t long before the stream popped back into view. It trickled and bubbled beside you as you ran alongside its bank. You didn’t know if those dead Saeni had been with Jimin but the female had the same armor as the palace troops so it was at least something for you to go off of. And your gut was telling you they had been with Jimin. Why else would they be this far from the field unless they had been heading to the rift?
I don’t know if Mingi and Jimin are alone or with others since I left before they probably finalized those plans, but wouldn’t it make more sense if they had brought a small group of Saeni with them?
You were pulled from your thoughts when another threatening bark followed by a whine echoed through the trees, the sudden sound startling you and making you trip over a rock. Cursing as your weight went forward, you stumbled a few steps but luckily didn’t fall. Continuing to move, you resented the damn wolf for almost causing you to eat dirt, but you were also glad it barked again because it confirmed you were still going in the right direction.
After a minute, the stream started to curve but since the bark had come from straight ahead you plunged into the cool water once more before reentering the dense forest. You ran and ran and ran, occasionally pounding your fist against your thighs to silently order them to keep working and moving. Your entire body hurt and ached but you weren’t going to stop.
I won’t stop trying to find you Slim Jim…
Gulping air into your burning lungs, you tried to maintain your breathing cadence but it was hastily slipping away from you. Knowing you needed to get it under control again if you wanted to keep pressing on, you reluctantly eased your pace a little to catch your breath. Your chest heaved but you slowly lost the feeling of being a fish out of water trying to get oxygen. Hitting your thigh with your fist again, you went to increase your speed when the wind let up and that too familiar scent of iron began to fill your nose once more. Gasping slightly at the smell, your shaking legs slowed down even more as you turned to follow it. Heart thumping crazily, you reached over your shoulder to retrieve an arrow while you crept as silently as you could.
You heard nothing beyond the usual buzzing and clicking of the forest, but the repulsive smell only grew stronger as you warily moved through the shrubs toward the source.
You ducked beneath a branch, hopped over an overturned tree, then, after squeezing through some bushes holding some kind of pink berry, you saw them.
The first body your eyes landed on was a male laying on the ground with one arrow in his chest and another through his neck. He had on palace armor. Your gaze then shifted onto two more bodies; one also impaled by arrows while the other had a bloody hole in their abdomen. Their armor was different. Darker and less intricate. Draikensu. Surveying the scene with shocked eyes, you counted a total of ten draikensu corpses. All dead. There was one more Saeni too, a female with golden hair pinned to a tree via a spear through her ribcage.
As you studied the carnage, a ragged, weak exhale came from behind you, causing you to whirl around instantly.
A male was sitting on the ground with his back against the base of a tree and one leg stretched out before him… but what really caught your attention was the arm drawing back a bow and the arrow levelled right at you. Astonished, you were fast to tug on your own bowstring and aimed back.
How did I not see him?
It was a standoff for one… two… three heartbeats then his arms began to shake and he seemed to involuntarily drop the bow with a self-deprecating laugh. The male let his arms fall to his sides and he tilted his head back against the tree bark.
Looking at you with hazy, hooded eyes, he murmured, “Just go ahead and… get on with it.”
Your eyes bugged out as you realized he was giving you full access to his chest for a kill shot. A split-second later you registered he was wearing bloodied palace armor, which meant he wasn’t your enemy… though with how unfocused his own eyes were, you considered he might think you were a draikensu.
“What? No, I’m…” You lowered your bow and stared at him. “I’m not draikensu. I’m not even a Saeni actually.”
Holding your hands up in peace while moving toward the male, you saw the leg he had stretched out was coated in deep red and there was a strip of blood-soaked cloth tightly knotted above a severe cut on his thigh that went down to the bone.
Lolling his head to squint at you, he took in your entire appearance from head to toe before resting on your face. “Your ears. You… You’re human. You’re his friend…”
“Wait!” You hastily crouched beside him, being careful not to touch him and disturb his leg. “Jimin, er, Chim!? You know him!?”
The male hummed in confirmation. “Five of us joined him and… and that guard, Mingi, on the mission to the… rift, but… we ran into trouble as you can... see…” He gestured to the bodies with heavy movements as you felt dread surge within you.
Taking a deep breath to try to stay calm, you asked him what happened.
“First… it was the wolves.”
The two Saeni from the meadow flashed behind your eyes and you stiffened but remained silent so he could continue.
“Then… Then they attacked us out of nowhere. We, the… the three of us, stayed behind so Mingi could get Jimin away and… to the rift.”
You covered your mouth with your hand.
“We knew that meant death for the three of us… but we also knew he needed to get to the rift or else… or else-fuck.” His voice choked up and you lightly placed your hand on his shoulder. “I guess you know what will happen if he doesn’t, yeah?”
Nodding, you whispered a tiny ‘yeah’ while you felt his body shiver underneath your hand. You glanced down at his thigh, noting how his femoral artery was most likely cut. If Saeni had those. You couldn’t imagine how much blood he’d lost.
“But just in case someone came… someone on our side… like you… I wanted… wanted to… stay awake to let you know they’re still out there. They got away. They went… that way.” He sluggishly pointed in the direction then shifted it slightly. “But we were heading that way.”
Turning your head to see, you had to admit that part of you wanted to immediately spring to your feet and take off looking for your best friend again. Especially now that you know he had to be close by. But… how could you just leave this male when he was hurt like this?
As if he could sense the conflict swarming inside your heart, the male turned his bleary eyes toward you and quietly said, “Go. Go help them.”
“But you-”
He shook his head slightly and moved his gaze to the treetops swaying high above him. “What’s your name?”
“Can you do me a favor, Y/N?” His lips twitched in to a miniscule smile as he continued to look at the leaves and sky. “Can you un… undo the tourniquet and then go… help your friend for me?”
Taken back, you looked down at his thigh again and the scrap of fabric that was barely keeping him alive.
He would die in minutes if I did that.
The breathy chuckle he released was so soft you weren’t sure if you had even heard it. “I know, I know. I’ve made peace with it.”
You swallowed hard and peered into his face that truly did seem to accept what would happen. “Okay… I-Okay.”
Logically, you could understand it was the best decision for him. He was in pain, his body slowly numbing as his life force leaked away. The tourniquet was only prolonging that pain and the inevitable. There were no magic users there that could heal him and it would take too long for one to get there.
You closed your eyes for a couple seconds then settled your gaze on his leg and reached for the knot.
He flinched as you touched the fabric. “I knew I was done for as soon as I… I got cut but… I didn’t want to give up… I still wanted to help. This was the… the only way I could think of.”
You nodded your acknowledgement then began untying the knot as gently as possible and blanched at how blood began to pour out of the wound. Sucking in a breath, you had to look away so you brought your gaze back to the male’s face.
As his breaths grew fainter with every passing second, you did your best to smile comfortingly even though he wasn’t looking at you. “I, um, I never asked what your name was…”
“…Stem… You can call me ‘Stem,’” he breathed out weakly.
His hand twitched at his side before jerking across the dirt and twigs as though he was blindly searching for something. You had an idea of what it is. Hoping it was what he was wanting, you silently reached over his lap to grab his bow from where he had dropped it, turned over his searching hand, and placed the weapon in his palm.
“It’s nice to meet you, Stem.” You tenderly took his other hand in both of yours and held on so he knew you were there.
“Th-Thank you… Y/N. Thank you.”
As he rapidly slipped away, you didn’t know what to do or say so you let the forest speak and sing for you. He probably found more comfort in it anyway.
A few moments later, Stem’s chin sank against his chest and you let out a long exhale while carefully removing your hands from his now limp grasp. After folding his hand over the other that held his weapon, you shakily rose to your feet, walked around to Stem’s other side, and took out some of the arrows in his quiver to transfer them to your own.
Stepping back, you gave him one last look and whispered goodbye, then took off running after Jimin and Mingi.
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Sliding across the ground and tucking his head down, Tae narrowly avoided the spear being swung at him. Once he cleared the weapon, he then pushed himself up to a crouch.  As the draikensu whirled around and went to attack yet again, Tae reached over his shoulder but tensed as his fingers felt nothing but air. Empty quiver. The draikensu thrust forward with their spear and Tae was forced to somersault backwards to evade the deadly point. As he came to his knees, Tae did a hasty scan of his surroundings and saw a body a few yards away that was riddled with arrows which caused his eyes to light up. The draikensu lunged once more but the Saeni was already moving. The spear stabbed at empty space as Tae came to a stop on his knees beside the body. In the blink of an eye, he ripped out one of the arrows, flinging droplets of blood into the air and onto his already red-covered self. Then he twisted around and fired into the side of the draikensu. They fell to their knees with a hoarse scream, one hand grasping at the arrow shaft, and another Saeni turned at the sound and finished them off with a slash of their blade.
Meanwhile, Tae breathed heavily and turned back to the body next to him then removed the rest of the arrows, tucked them into his quiver, and rose to his feet before looking back over to where he had seen glimpses of Yoongi’s magic a few minutes ago. Sure enough, more flashes of mint-blue appeared near one of the large trees standing in the field. With his destination set, Tae rolled his shoulders then set out.
As he rushed through the field, Tae deftly disposed of any draikensu he encountered with efficient, calculated strikes. His muscles were sore and his body was tired, but he couldn’t afford to let his fatigue affect his movements. Even the tiniest mishap, the smallest amount of laziness in his actions would result in his death. His feather earring was heavy and stiff as he ran, dodged, shot, and slashed. More blood splattered against him, covering the gore that was already dried on his skin and armor, and it wasn’t long before he was retrieving the last arrow from his quiver. Expertly notching it and sending it straight into a female’s chest, Tae quickly followed up the shot by surging forward and slicing the sharp edge of his bow against her exposed neck while she was distracted.
Another corpse to litter the field. Another body to water the earth.
Tae continued moving toward the tree, wanting to get to his brother as soon as possible, and he prayed his other brothers were doing the same as he snatched up stray arrows from the ground and the deceased as he went.
Then out of nowhere, as he was leaning down to pull an arrow out of a corpse’s back, a tingle traveled up Tae’s spine and the Saeni instinctively dove to the side right as an explosion of maroon magic hit where he had just been squatting. The force of the eruption rammed into Tae’s back, throwing him further than he had aimed for, and as the blue-eyed Saeni shook his head in shock and staggered to his feet, he saw a male grinning at him. A quick glance down showed he had maroon light encompassing his hands.
Wiggling his glowing fingers at Tae, the draikensu sneered, “My, my, you’re a fast one, but you still won’t last lo-”
The magic user cut off his own sentence when another Saeni screamed and ran at the draikensu with his single-handed axe raised high in the air and a shield held in front of his body.
“They always think a shield will protect them,” The magic user said in amusement as his grin shifted into something more wicked then he threw both his hands toward the Saeni. “It won’t, though it’s cute you tried.”
Magic formed together in a ball-like shape between his hands before shooting out like a cannon and detonating at the feet of the Saeni in a burst of maroon light… and when the light faded, there was a small crater in the grass and only the upper-half of the male’s body was left intact. Tae didn’t even have the chance to react to the gruesome sight because the draikensu turned to him with a bored sigh and shot another magical cannon ball right at him. The blue-eyed Saeni lunged to the side and grunted as he was caught in the explosion’s shockwave again.
“Ah, so it wasn’t a fluke before. You really are just fast.” The magic user rubbed his hands together. “This will be fun then.”
Then the draikensu released another cannon ball but Tae was already running. Knowing he was at a disadvantage since there was nothing to take cover behind, all Tae could do was not stop. Just keep moving and evading. Slowly work his way closer. The maroon cannon balls never let up, but between the blasts Tae could hear the draikensu growling in frustration as the he abruptly changed directions for the umpteenth time. Sweat trailed down Tae’s face and made his eyes sting but ignored it and his body’s exhaustion as he slid on the ground. A ball of magic sailed over his head while he yanked an arrow out of the ground. He came up to a crouch as he notched it then fired at the draikensu before taking off again. The ball that had been forming in the magic user’s hands vanished as the male had to jump to the side to avoid the projectile.
Breathing heavily, Tae kept going. Grabbing what arrows he could and shooting while constantly changing his speed and direction to avoid the magical attacks. Essentially, he was being an absolute pain in the ass to the draikensu. The magic user roared in annoyance and screamed at him to ‘just stay fucking still,’ making Tae lightly smirk as he gasped for air and disregarded the request.
The mistake Tae was waiting for would be coming soon.
Another thirty seconds passed of Tae circling and backtracking and gradually moving closer as the draikensu released magic nonstop and angrily shouted. The field around them was now filled with holes, and the other draikensu and Saeni fighting close by were giving them a wide berth. They didn’t want to get caught up in the magic user’s destruction.
Tae let loose another arrow that managed to nick the magic user’s arm, which caused the draikensu to scream, “DIE ALREADY!”
And then the male thrust his clawed hands forward and sent a barrage of cannon balls at the Saeni. The bombardment was so bright, the magic user had to shut his eyes and hold his arms over his face. When the light finally began to die down, the draikensu lowered his arms and opened his eyes to find the field right before him utterly destroyed… but there were no body parts scattered in the dirt and clumps of grass. The male’s eyes widened in disbelief right as the blue-eyed Saeni silently took his final step behind the unaware draikensu and swung his bow.
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The hazel-eyed Saeni had Jimin’s bicep secured in his grasp as the duo ran through the trees. Closer and closer they neared the rift’s location… but Jimin kept looking over his shoulder.
“Stop looking back,” Mingi quietly but sternly ordered.
The apricot-haired Saeni stared at the guard with a startled expression. “But we just left them.”
Mingi kept his gaze forward, not saying anything in response, but his jaw visibly ticked and he tightened his grip on Jimin’s arm.
“No!” Jimin pulled himself free and came to a stop. “How could we just leave them!? We need to go ba-”
The other Saeni grabbed Jimin’s shoulders and slammed him into the nearest tree trunk, his hazel eyes filled with pain. “I hate it too! I hate it… so much… but they knew the risk when they agreed to this mission. They know what will happen if it doesn’t succeed.” Mingi hung his head and lowered his voice so it was a whisper that could barely be heard over the rustling leaves. “Don’t throw away their valor by going back and getting killed. Please.”
“Mingi…” Jimin blinked in shock at the rawness of the other male’s voice.
“Okay,” the half-Saeni agreed softly and Mingi released him then stepped back.
Running a hand through his sweaty apricot locks, Jimin murmured an apology in a small voice. The other Saeni nodded and said they should get moving again. The duo resumed their previous pace, hastily making their way under the shade and patches of sunlight. Eventually, the ground began to slope downwards and the two Saeni started to tread more carefully.
The rift will be at the bottom of this gully, just a short distance ahead. The mother goddess’ sweet voice filtered into Jimin’s mind, and her words made his breath quicken.
“Holy shit, Mingi, we’re almost there,” Jimin said in astonishment while deliberately sliding down a steep section on his side then bracing a foot against the base of a tree to stand back up. “It’s at the bottom of thi-”
As the sharp, loud sound made Jimin stop mid-sentence, Mingi held up his fist, shifted his gaze to the side, and peered into the forest. The Saeni held their breath for one… two… three… four…
A dark blur erupted out of the foliage, teeth and claws bared.
Something slammed into Jimin, sending him head over heels backwards down the slope.
A growl and agonized cry joined the symphony of chirping insects and birds.
Tumbling all the way to the bottom of the gully, Jimin flopped onto his back and groaned while pressing his fingertips to his forehead. Hot liquid smeared across his skin and when he pulled his fingers away they were dabbled with blood. His eyebrows shot up, making him wince as the action agitated at the cut at his hairline, and he took a shaky inhale then looked up. Mingi was still standing on the incline, a hand braced against his side as he positioned himself between Jimin and the prowling wolf before him. Red poked out between the guard’s fingers but the male grit his teeth and stared down the snarling animal. The wolf’s hackles were raised and its ears erect as it showed its sharp incisors then let out a series of nasty barks. But Mingi didn’t even flinch, challenging the animal.
Jimin wobbled to his feet right as the wolf crouched backwards. And then it pounced.
Mingi unsheathed his sword as the canine attacked, grunting as the movement tugged at the claw wound on his side. The wolf mostly twisted out of the way but the edge of the blade still sliced into its body. The wolf let out a high-pitched whine that morphed into another growl as it landed on its paws. Without hesitation, the wolf leapt again and went for Mingi’s legs. There was no relent in the animal’s aggression. It kept surging forward again and again and again. Teeth sunk into the Saeni’s calf and the wolf yanked its head, causing the male to fall and lose hold of his sword. The blade clanged to the earth while Mingi’s head landed on a rock. Jimin gasped sharply. The wolf released the male’s leg and turned to look at apricot head, who had been watching the scene unfold with an overwhelming sense of helplessness. But as if gazing into those black, threatening eyes brought him to his senses, Jimin shuddered, sucked in a gulp of air, and reached over his shoulder. Noting his quiver was much emptier after his tumble down the slope, he closed his fingers around the fletching of an arrow and began to pull it out as the wolf growled and started stalking down the slope. With a curse, Mingi sluggishly rolled over, grabbed one of the wolf’s back legs, and hauled the animal back. Then the guard climbed on top of the canine, pinning it down regardless of how much it thrashed. How much it dug its claws into his body and tried to bite him with gnashing teeth.
“GO!” Mingi’s booming voice was clear but his hazel eyes were clouded with pain as they bore into Jimin. “Get to the rift! Go!”
The half-Saeni’s feet were frozen.
“Fucking Exia, GO!”
Jimin, you must go. I know it is hard but you must. The mother goddess urged him to leave as well.
His body jerked but his feet stayed glued in place. How could he leave Mingi? How could he just go? He had to do something!
Don’t throw away their valor…
Mingi’s words echoed in Jimin’s head along with Illai’s.
You must go…
So, he did. He turned and ran. Eyes glossy with tears and heart brimming with hurt.
The sound of bubbling water soon rushed to his ears and a creek came into view. It was shallow, wide, and rocky. Jimin ran alongside and through the water as the creek curved and weaved through the forest.
You are nearly there.
The half-Saeni splashed through the cold water.
Just up ahead! On your left!
He bounded up and over some rocks. The creek twisted away and he began to make his way uphill.
Then skidded to a halt.
To his left was a rugged, rocky incline leading to what appeared to be a cavern opening.
But in front on him was a male resting on top of a large rock with smoky darkness coiling in the air behind him.
The male smiled at Jimin but the expression was sinister and chilling.
“Well, well, well. I’ve been waiting for you.” The darkness pulsed and expanded as the male smirked. “Ready to have your heart carved out, key?”
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Hobi flipped the knife in his hand as he dodged another sickle of amethyst magic, grimacing as the pain of his cracked his spiked again. The white-haired Saeni refused to let it slow him down though, so he spun on his heels and threw the blade. The weapon rotated through the air toward the draikensu but she deflected it with a quick shield comprised of her magic.
“Stop throwing shit!” Yoongi snapped at his partner while lassoing a line of his magic around the female’s ankle and yanking hard. “You’re going to run out of blades again!”
The female magic user toppled to the side but caught herself on her knee. Using the stumble to his advantage, Yoongi lifted both hands and wrapped his magic around the female’s torso and chest. Mint-blue magic bound her arms to her sides and began to squeeze, gradually crushing the draikensu.
“NOW!” Yoongi yelled as sweat trailed down his face and neck while he slowly closed his hands into fists.
The kiela’s spy brandished another blade and rushed the restrained magic user from the side. At the same time, the female hissed and focused her attention on the arm closest to the approaching Saeni. Yoongi saw her efforts, her attempts to rip through the constricting blue magic with her own, and was determined to not let her break through. It was time they finished this fight. It had gone on long enough. He fisted his hands even more, causing the draikensu to scream through her teeth. Hobi was about fifteen yards out when the female somehow managed to twist her arm underneath the magic so her glowing hand slipped out. The sight made Yoongi’s petal pink eyes widen in realization. And dread. He had been wrong. She hadn’t been trying to tear through his magic but rather rebuff it so she could free her hand. Before Yoongi was able to restrain the released appendage, the female flicked her wrist and sent out a small crescent of magic.
And Hobi didn’t have enough time to dodge it.
Yoongi could only watch in horror as the other male tried to leap out of the way but the edge of the magic still cut through his side.
Once the magic passed through, the white-haired Saeni slowed down and pressed a hand to his torso as if in a daze, flickered his eyes to Yoongi, dropped to his knees, then crumpled to the ground. He didn’t move after that.
Yoongi stared, his blood running cold and hands beginning to shake, as Hobi didn’t move. It felt like there was a sudden hole in his chest and it was becoming hard to breathe. 
This can’t be real. 
This can’t be real. 
This can’t be real. 
Then the sound of pleased laughter reached his ears, and he turned his gaze back to the draikensu who was now giggling manically. Yoongi’s eyes hardened and his body abruptly became hot with anger. He took a step toward the female as she began to cleave through the magic around her. Another step and Yoongi clenched his fists as hard as he could. The mint-blue magic obeyed his orders and multiple cracking noises came from the female’s bones, making her shriek. Another step and Yoongi moved his wrist so his magic vanished from the draikensu’s torso… but an instant later, blue tendrils shot out of the earth and curled around her ankles and calves. The female yelled and sent a wave of amethyst magic at him. With an expression so blank it was terrifying, Yoongi held his hands out in front of him and his own magic easily burned through the female’s. His chest heaved. From anger, from pain, from shock, from disbelief. From no longer conserving his energy and letting his magic run rampant. Flexing his fingers, his magic snapped the bones in the female’s legs too. She screamed and the sound transformed into a gasping wail as she awkwardly slumped on the ground. Another step. More tendrils of mint-blue light rose up and clutched at her biceps. Another step. The draikensu desperately threw another wave of magic. Yoongi cut through it. Another step. Her humerus bones shattered. Another step. Magic coiled around her forearms. Another step. More broken bones. Another step. The female had tears streaking down her face as she pleaded with him to stop. Blue light wound up her neck and covered her mouth. Another step. The amethyst light around her hands started to blink and disappear. Ropes of blue magic surrounded both her wrists. Crack. Another step. A slender tendril of blue light coiled around both her index fingers. Another step. Crack. Another step. The middle fingers. Crack.
By the time Yoongi was right before the female, every single one of her fingers were broken and misshapen. He could hear her muffled cries and saw the tears pouring down her face as he crouched down. Her eyes begged him to stop. He said nothing, just held her gaze while raising his right hand and hovering it over her heart. Magic shot out and entered her chest. Her restrained body flinched and her pupils expanded as the tendrils wrapped around her heart. Then Yoongi jerked his wrist back and his magic followed, tearing her heart out in the process. The female immediately went limp and he released all his magic encasing her so she collapsed in a broken, bruised, bloody heap.
After tossing her heart aside, Yoongi blinked at his red, tremoring hands while the rest of his body convulsed from overexertion and his pulse raced. Suddenly, he stiffened and choked on air before half-crawling, half-sprinting over to where he had last seen him. Stumbling over the corpses and discarded weapons on the field, Yoongi finally reached the white-haired Saeni. He was on the ground in a puddle of his own blood, and the only movement coming from his body was the slightest rise and fall of his chest as he peered up at the sky with lidded eyes.
The cold, blank expression on Yoongi’s face cracked and he whispered Hobi’s name as he heavily dropped to the ground beside the spy, which made blood splash around his legs. “No no no no no….” The magic user’s bottom lip began to quiver.
At his voice, Hobi’s eyelashes fluttered and his light brown eyes seemed to focus more before shifting and settling on the mint-haired Saeni.
The kiela’s spy weakly smiled and croaked out, “Hi… hyung.”
A sharp ache spread across Yoongi’s chest, his throat started to close up, and a clear droplet landed on Hobi’s torso. Then another. And another. The magic user was crying as he stared at the gushing wound on Hobi’s side. He murmured unintelligibly to himself while placing his unsteady hands over the deep gash, making the other male jerk at the contact. Then Yoongi’s hands began to glow faintly with what little energy he had left.
“Stop… hyung stop. You need to… protect yourself.”
“No, you stop!” Yoongi was scared at how feeble the other male sounded as his tears now dripped onto the back of his hands and rolled off to mix into crimson. “Stop talking I can-”
Hobi sluggishly lifted his hand to place it over Yoongi’s. “Save your magic… to protect yourself… Let me go.”
“Shut up! SHUT UP! You can’t… you can’t just…”
“Shh… it’s okay hyung.”
A sob ripped its way out of the magic user’s constricted throat while his mint-blue magic began to dim. “NO, IT’S NOT! You can’t go. You can’t just leave me. I need you, Hoseok. I need you to stay with me. I love you. You can’t go!”
Hobi’s eyes went wide and he drew in a tiny, sharp breath but in the next second his body slackened and his hand partially slipped off Yoongi’s.
“H-Hoseok…? Hoseok!?” The mint-haired Saeni’s voice was laced with fear.
There was no response.
Yoongi felt like he couldn’t bring any air into his lungs as he jostled the other male’s shoulders desperately. When there was still no reaction the magic user shook his head, refusing to accept it. With strained gasps he moved his hands back to the wound and closed his eyes to pour everything he had into his magic. His energy, his life, his entire being. Mint-blue light flared up around his hands once more and grew brighter and brighter and brighter as the Saeni roughly screamed from exertion. Beneath the blinding light, Hobi’s flesh began to stitch itself together and Yoongi grit his teeth and pushed his magic beyond its limits.
It lasted for a few moments longer but as he took a shuddering, slow inhale, the light rapidly depleted. Within mere seconds, the magic was completely gone. Yoongi swayed on his knees and was barely able to open his petal pink eyes to catch a glimpse of the thin line that had replaced the wide-open cut. He exhaled lightly and lips quirked into a small smile, then his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell to the side.
After he hit the ground with a gentle thud and the breeze whispered over both their bloodied skin, Hobi slowly breathed in and his light brown eyes blinked open. Pressing a hand against his side, his brows furrowed when he didn’t feel his cut-open flesh anymore. His skin was still wet with blood but only a thin incision remained where the large wound had been. The kiela’s spy was confused and raised his head to look at his torso, and in the process saw a familiar head of mint-blue hair resting on the grass beside him.
Worried, the white-haired Saeni pushed himself up with a wince, which also caused an influx of queasiness, and rolled the magic user to his back. “Hyung? Hyung!? Yoongi!!?”
The magic user was unresponsive, causing Hobi to look around helplessly. The other fights were starting to draw closer now that there weren’t any magic users battling to make them keep their distance. The spy cursed and glanced over his shoulder. He had to get Yoongi out of there. His gaze narrowed in on tree with the broken branches and saw there was an open space between them and the trunk. Plus, the branches were thick and full, meaning the leaves would provide a good bit of cover. Nodding to himself, Hobi pulled Yoongi’s limp form into his arms and stood up. Ignoring the sharp pain in his side as well as the overwhelming urge to keel over, the white-haired Saeni staggered over the grass and bodies to the tree.
When he finally ducked beneath the tree limbs, Hobi was gasping for air and his entire body was shaking. Once fully underneath the cover of the leaves and smaller branches, his legs gave out as the last of his strength left his body. Both he and Yoongi tumbled to the ground. Whimpering and clutching at his side, the kiela’s spy took a readying breath then shifted around until he was able to ensure they were both fully concealed. Then he maneuvered Yoongi onto his back and leaned over him.
Suddenly the words he’d heard right before the world had floated away into nothingness surged to the forefront of his thoughts.
I need you to stay with me. I love you. You can’t go!
Yoongi’s voice rang in his mind over and over like a bell.
I need you.
I love you.
I need you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
“Hyung wake up!” Hobi cradled Yoongi’s face in his hands as tears welled up in his eyes. “You can’t just say you love me then die before I can say it back!”
A low groan came from the magic user’s lips, making Hobi cry out and hold the other male’s face even more tenderly.
“Oh my goddess…” Yoongi muttered in a gravelly voice. “I’m not dead, I just passed out for a sec-wait.” His petal pink eyes shot open and his mouth parted in surprise. “Did you just say-”
“I love you too.”
Yoongi gazed up in shock, his body frozen from both absolute exhaustion and the surge of emotions he felt. He couldn’t believe it. His heart pounded in his chest while overwhelming relief and happiness settled over him.
But Hobi misunderstood his silence, flinching back the slightest amount. “I-uh-sorry. I should’ve known you didn’t mean it… um, like that.”
The spy went to lean away but Yoongi grabbed a hold of Hobi’s wrist and tugged him back while rolling his pink eyes. “I did mean it like that. Idiot.”
Then Yoongi placed his other hand on the back of Hobi’s neck and drew him down to his lips.
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The intense surge of mint-blue light in the distance suddenly died down, making both Namjoon and Jin glance at each other in concern while they continued to hack their way through the enemy. Jin was in the lead, taking care of most of the draikensu, while Namjoon covered the rear. The kiela’s leader was still limping as he hammered the occasional dark Saeni out of the way, but thanks to the magic user who had helped him he was able to walk and wasn’t in danger of bleeding out anymore. He did regret that he hadn’t been able to properly thank her afterwards though. She had disappeared into the fray the instant she was done. He hadn’t even gotten her name.
Maybe he could find her once this ordeal was over to express his gratitude. Granted, that could only happen if they both survived.
Luckily, the draikensu no longer seemed to be pouring out of the trees. There were still plenty to fight, but there was some extra room to breathe and it was simply relieving to see the enemy’s forces did indeed have a cap. Plus, less draikensu made it easier for the two Saeni to move through the field.
The duo was heading toward Yoongi’s magic, drawn to his bright blue light like moths to a flame. But now they were worried. About a minute ago, their brother’s magic had gotten more vivid and intense than they had ever seen before. It seemed like everything in the distance had been consumed in it. Like the air had been set ablaze in blue. Then it disappeared and no mint-blue magic had flared up since.
But the two males were still determined to get to the spot where they had seen it.
Jin tore his gaze away from Namjoon and sidestepped the swing of a mace then stepped in and thrust his sword deep in the belly of the draikensu before him. They fell to the side and the raven-haired Saeni continued forward with Namjoon close behind. The Saeni made it about twenty feet before a new opponent arrived. Arms throbbing as they lifted his blood-covered sword to pary the attack, Jin quickly pivoted and ran the edge of his blade along the draikensu’s thigh then across their chest.
While Jin disposed of the draikensu, Namjoon was peering around the field for any possible threats when a flash of burgundy caught his attention. The yellow-eyed male perked up and squinted. Same hair color… right height and build… and Namjoon swore there was a sword in each of their hands. There was no doubt. It had to be Jungkook… but something was wrong.
The male was slightly hunched over and wavering from side to side as he shuffled forward frantically. His footsteps were heavy, shoulders sagging, and every few seconds he would cover his ears and shake his head as he stumbled along. And while he still cut through whatever draikensu confronted him, it wasn’t with his usual speed and precision.
Shocked, Namjoon whispered his youngest brother’s name, making Jin’s head dart up and look for the male.
When he finally located his brother, the raven-haired male began to feel uneasy. “What in Illai’s name is he doing?”
Namjoon shook his head, not having an answer, before calling out to Jungkook. They were close enough the Jungkook should have heard, even though the sound was somewhat muted by the other screams coming from around the field, but the male just continued moving as if he could only focus on what was directly in front of him.
Jin swore under his breath and went after his brother, and despite the injury on his thigh, Namjoon was fast to follow. The two Saeni made their way toward Jungkook, taking down any draikensu that dared to get in their way all while still yelling out to their little brother. Meanwhile, the burgundy-haired Saeni wobbled on his feet as he blocked an incoming attack with his swords and both Namjoon and Jin saw how he grimaced and favored his right side. With a strained grunt, Jungkook forced the draikensu back and ducked below their next strike to lunge forward and bury a sword into their stomach. He dragged the blade to the side, completely gutting the draikensu then pulled the sword free. Reeling back a step as the dark Saeni toppled, Jungkook’s chest heaved and his sweaty hair fell into his eyes while he reached his right arm behind him. He appeared to brush his knuckles against a spot on his lower back that made his face contort in pain. His peridot eyes squeezed shut for only a few seconds, but it was long enough for a draikensu to spot the vulnerable male and rush at him.
“Shit-JUNGKOOK!” Jin shouted loudly, his voice booming across the field.
The youngest member of the kiela slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times as he recognized the voice, but he still didn’t realize there was a draikensu coming at him. Seeing that his brother wasn’t moving, Jin decided to take matters into his own hands. Hefting his sword and pushing through the crowded field, he sprinted as fast as he could in order to intercept the draikensu while roaring to divert their attention from his brother. Their swords met with a shrill ring and Namjoon called out Jungkook’s name once more.
The panting burgundy-haired male raised his head with effort and looked for his brother’s voice. “H-Hyung?”
Seconds later, Namjoon broke through two draikensu blocking his way with a powerful swing of his hammer and ran up to his brother. As he approached, the worry budding inside Namjoon became a fully blossomed flower when he noticed Jungkook was painted in blood and that his entire body was shaking.
Coming to a stop beside the male, Namjoon let his hammer drop to the ground so he could reach out and pull his brother into a hug. “Kook, oh my goddess, what’s going on with you!?”
The younger Saeni trembled in Namjoon’s arms, but he suddenly stiffened and hissed when the elder shifted his arms lower on his back.
“What? What is it?” Namjoon peered over Jungkook’s shoulder and saw his hand was just shy of a particularly bloody area. “Are you hurt!?”
“It’s nothing,” Jungkook replied detachedly like he didn’t even care he had a stab wound on his back. “Hyung, I need to-”
“That’s not nothing!” The yellow-eyed male leaned back to go inspect the wound further but flinched when he noticed how hollow and empty the younger’s eyes looked.
“What’s not nothing?” Jin appeared behind Jungkook, having defeated the draikensu quickly, and raised his brows in question.
“Jin hyung!” Jungkook twisted in Namjoon’s arms and Jin was taken back at the wild desperation on the maknae’s face. “I need to know-”
“He thinks it’s nothing that he got stabbed!” Namjoon cut him off once more in a bewildered, stressed tone.
Regardless of the chaos around them, Jin felt his brain shut down for a moment and he blinked as it promptly rebooted… and then he shrieked, “WHAT!? WHERE!?”
Turning Jungkook by his shoulders, Namjoon pointed at the leaking wound and the raven-haired Saeni gasped. The two older males crouched down behind their protesting maknae and inspected his back. They prodded gently, although their touches still made Jungkook tense up and reach for the dagger that was no longer strapped to his side, while murmuring questions of ‘how did this happen?’ and ‘how much blood have you lost?’ and ‘how do we wrap this out here?’ and ignoring Jungkook’s pleas to listen to him.
Namjoon looked down at his clothes and huffed in frustration. “I don’t have anything we can use.”
“Fucking Exia, neither do I.”
“It looks like the-”
“-blade went straight in and out but his organs could be damaged.”
“Our best bet is getting him to Yoongi.”
“FOR FUCKING EXIA’S SAKE, THAT’S WHERE I’M TRYING TO GO!” What little patience Jungkook had ran out and he screamed at his brothers while swiveling to face them. “SO, IF NEITHER OF YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO Y/N THEN LET ME GET TO YOONGI HYUNG!”
Namjoon gaped at his outburst. “Y/N? Wha-”
“She’s not on the cliff anymore.” The peridot-eyed Saeni went to touch his dagger again but remembered so he tightly gripped both his swords instead to ground himself even though it wasn’t the same. “She’s not there!”
Both Jin and Namjoon looked over at the cliff and searched for your familiar figure, but Jungkook was right. You weren’t there. Their eyes widened but they pushed down their alarm, controlled their expressions, and did their best to stay calm for the sake of their maknae, who was now pressing his fists and sword hilts hard against his ears while repeating what sounded like ‘shut up’ under his breath.
“Okay, Kook, just breathe.” Jin tried to place a hand on the younger’s arm but Jungkook stiffened then threw it off.
“No, hyung! I need to find her! She could be… could be…” An intense shudder ran through Jungkook’s body and the male grit his teeth while reaching his hand behind his back again and taking deep inhales before continuing. “So, if you haven’t seen her-”
“We haven’t,” Jin said regretfully while Namjoon looked down at his feet.
They both hated this. Seeing their youngest brother injured and nearly breaking down. Knowing you could be in trouble and not having a clue where you were. How could they have allowed this to happen to their family? How could they fail their family like this?
As the two Saeni were mentally beating themselves up, Jungkook’s legs buckled at the confirmation that neither of his hyungs knew what had happened to you, and he partially collapsed to his knee while burying his face in his arms. The angle made the pain in his back become searing and Jungkook released a groan that soon faded into a cry. Startled and feeling like their hearts were being violently squeezed, Namjoon and Jin immediately went to help their brother up. While they softly pulled the hyperventilating male to his feet, Jin noticed a draikensu coming at them and silently exchanged a look with his leader before letting go of Jungkook’s arm. The eldest member of the kiela stepped away, twirled his sword in his hand so the handle settled into his palm properly, then charged the enemy as Jungkook latched onto Namjoon. The burgundy head clutched at his brother in a way that was somehow both weak and ferocious, and tears finally spilled over his eyelashes and dripped off his chin to plop onto Namjoon’s shoulders.
The leader held him close and whispered what he hoped were soothing assurances. “It’ll be okay. She’ll be okay. She’s a scorja, remember? She’s strong.” He peeked over to check on Jin and saw the male was shoving his blade through the draikensu’s abdomen, then returned his focus on Jungkook who was blubbering against his shoulder.
“Y-Yoongi hyung can probably locate her through the kiela bond since w-we share-”
“Your connection.”
Jungkook sniffled, nodded, then slowly detached himself from the older male, being careful of the blades still in his hands.
“Come on,” Namjoon said softly while wiping away some of the stray tears on the maknae’s cheeks. “We’ll help you get to Yoongi hyung. Get you healed up and then find Y/N. Sound good? Yeah?”
Jungkook let out a shaky exhale as he nodded again and wiped at his face with his knuckles. The other Saeni faintly smiled then leaned down to pick up his hammer before wrapping Jungkook’s arm around his shoulders so he could carry some of the young one’s weight. Jungkook hissed and shut his eyes at the pain but took a deep breath and rasped out that he was fine. Namjoon whispered an apology. He really didn’t want to hurt Jungkook more by tugging on his wound, but he knew it was better than having Jungkook collapse on the way. Not to mention the pain would help him stay awake and alert.
As Jungkook reiterated that he was fine, albeit with a grimace on his face, Jin ran back to the two Saeni with a fresh cut on his forearm but was otherwise unhurt. Yet when he slowed to a stop and noticed Jungkook’s now red and puffy eyes, he had to press his lips together firmly and glance away momentarily to keep his emotions in check.
“Yoongi hyung,” Namjoon informed the older male and tilted his head in the proper direction.
The raven-haired Saeni hummed in acknowledgement, still not looking at his youngest brother out of fear of choking up, and shifted in front of them so they formed a squished a triangle. Then they all set out. They moved at a measured pace; fast but slow enough that Jungkook could keep up without needing Namjoon to drag him along.
It took the trio maybe five minutes to reach the area where they had last seen the distinct flashes of mint-blue magic. Somehow, they managed to have had only a few encounters with draikensu on the way, and Jin got had gotten rid of them quickly with efficient swings and thrusts of his sword. But as they searched through the crowd the magic user was nowhere to be found. All they could see was more fighting, no magic.
For a second, they thought they might be in the wrong place… but they couldn’t be. That large tree they had all seen in the distance beside the flares of mint-blue magic was right there.
“We can’t just run around looking for him.” Jin shook his head and peered over his shoulder at Jungkook, who was trying to hold in his groans, then at Namjoon. “Not with him like this and not with your leg.”
Jungkook tilted his head in confusion and asked, “Your leg? What happened to your leg?”
“I, uh, might have gotten stabbed too,” Namjoon replied sheepishly then cleared his throat and looked Jin in the eye. “Let’s make our way to the tree. It looks like there’s some downed branches Kook and I can shelter under while you look for hyung, and it’s a good marker for you to find us again too.”
“Alright, let’s go.” Jin once again began to lead the way, and the three Saeni weaved through bodies and weapons toward the tree.
At one point, while Jin was preoccupied with a female draikensu wielding a trident, another spotted how Namjoon was supporting Jungkook and bolted at them with a gleeful squeal. Both males cursed as the draikensu raised her lance. They knew they were in an awkward position to fight but before they could separate the female was driving her weapon toward Jungkook’s chest. The peridot-eyed male leaned almost all of his weight on Namjoon, who was fumbling with his hammer, and lifted his arm so the sharp point of the draikensu’s weapon bounced off the flat side of his sword. Jungkook set his jaw as the power behind her strike vibrated up his arm and into his body, which caused Namjoon to stagger slightly. Then, as Jin was slicing through his opponent’s armor and the female was bringing her lance around for another attack, Jungkook abruptly surged forward and kicked the draikensu’s legs out from underneath her. Her back hit the grass and in the next second Jin was plunging his sword through her body. The female craned her head upwards for a brief second, staring at the steel piercing her, then she went limp as blood trickled out of the corner of her mouth. Jin removed his sword while Jungkook gasped, clenched his teeth, and sagged against Namjoon in pain. The yellow-eyed male held him the as best he could and guided the youngest along when Jin went on the move again.
“Can you crawl?” The leader of the kiela asked as they quickly approached the tree. “Because I don’t think I can lug your heavy ass under there.”
Jungkook scoffed and rolled his peridot eyes while he tried not to drag his feet. “Why wouldn’t I be able to crawl?”
“Still difficult.” Jin sighed. “Even after being stabbed.”
A minute later, they finally reached the tree and skirted around the thick trunk until the broken branches were before them. As smoothly as he could manage, Namjoon bent his knees and eased Jungkook to the ground while Jin stood guard. After the burgundy head was gently plopped on the dirt and he rolled to his forearms with a wince, he peered into the dense leaves and stilled in astonishment.
“What?” Namjoon wondered aloud as he crouched beside the male and followed Jungkook’s line of sight. “Oh.”
Through the branches, their eyes settled on a stunned Hobi who was staring back at them. The male had one of his daggers in hand but his other arm was wrapped around the mint-haired Saeni that was laying in his lap. Yoongi’s eyes were closed but his chest was gently rising and falling as if he was in a deep sleep.
The plump leaves and branches had camouflaged them both from view until Jungkook and Namjoon had gotten right up to the foliage, but there was no mistaking it was their brothers.
“Uhhhh… Jin hyung?” Jungkook called up to the male who was still focused on watching out for draikensu.
“Yeah?” Jin replied loudly but he didn’t turn his back on the field. “Do you need help?”
“No, um, he’s here.” Jungkook blinked at Hobi who did the same at him. “Yoongi hyung. Hobi hyung too.”
“Huh?” The raven-haired Saeni whirled around with his jaw agape.
“Hi hyung,” Hobi’s voice faintly came from the leaves.
Namjoon couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he let his head hang in relief. “Well, this makes things easier.”
But Jungkook got over his surprise, huffed, and began to move over the dirt and roots. “Is hyung seriously sleeping!? He needs to wake up! Now!” With every movement he made, the agony in his lower back soared, but he tried to disguise how much he was hurting by setting his jaw and continuing forward.
He needed to get to Yoongi.
Leaves grazed his head and twigs scratched his skin and he could hear rustling as Namjoon followed him under the branches.
“Kook’s hurt,” the yellow-eyed Saeni informed his brother.
“Oh, shit. Okay… O-Okay.” Hobi glanced at Jungkook and his gaze settled on the dark, wet spot on his back but he quickly averted his eyes to focus on lightly shaking the magic user in his lap. “I don’t know if he will wake up, though.”
“What? Why?” Jungkook glared while he pulled the rest of his body into the small open space his brothers were in.
Hobi gave them a tight-lipped smile and gestured to his side, which was covered in copious amounts of dried blood. “I, uh, almost died and hyung used all his energy to save me.”
Moving backwards so he could kneel closer to the group, Jin speculated that that must have been the cause of the intense flare up of magic they all had seen.
Namjoon shifted so he could check on Jungkook’s wound again while Hobi shrugged at Jin’s statement then leaned down so his lips were ghosting Yoongi’s ear. “Hyung, come on. You gotta wake up. Kookie needs your help.” The white-haired Saeni smoothed his thumb over Yoongi’s cheek and brushed some of his mint hair away from his forehead.
The other males saw the tender action and raised their brows at Hobi who started to blush and stammer.
“Oh, u-um, it’s, ah…”
“Later?” Namjoon offered with a small grin while helping Jungkook get more comfortable on his stomach.
“Y-Yeah. Thanks.”
Finally, the mint-haired Saeni stirred and deeply groaned but he only nuzzled into Hobi’s lap more, making the spy turn even more red and frantic with his shaking.
“Let me sleep, ‘m tired,” Yoongi huskily murmured.
Namjoon let out a long exhale and inched closer to the magic user. Then, using his “leader voice,” he ordered the other Saeni to wake up.
“Agh, why do you sound li-” Petal pink eyes cracked open. “Ah, no it actually is Joon. Great.” The male flitted his gaze around. “And Kook. You look like shit by the way. And I’m going to hope the creeper watching us through the leaves is Jin hyung.”
Hobi laughed nervously and Jin berated the magic user for calling him a creeper while Yoongi just snorted and looked back at Jungkook.
“Seriously, you look terrible… I haven’t seen you like this since I kicked your ass for the first time. Don’t tell me a draikensu gave you-”
“Shut up,” the burgundy head retorted weakly.
“-trouble and you ha-”
“He got stabbed and Y/N is missing,” Namjoon explained bluntly.
In a flash, Yoongi snapped his jaw shut and sat up in shock, but the fast movement made him hold his head as a wave of dizziness and nausea hit him.
While the magic user grumbled as his head spun and stomach lurched, the kiela’s spy let out a chirp-like squeak. “Hold up, Y/N is missing!?”
“Yes.” Jungkook felt his temper start to ignite again and he stabbed one of his swords into the ground. “So, can we please stop talking and do something?”
Namjoon placed a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder to try to calm him down but the burgundy head growled in impatience.
Hardened peridot eyes stared into Yoongi’s drowsy ones. “Can you track her through our connection and the kiela bond?”
“I… I don’t know. Maybe.” The magic user took a deep breath and flexed his fingers… but no magic sparked up. “I probably could but I’m so drained I can barely stay awake honestly.”
Yoongi looked down at his hands and clenched them into fists. Hobi rubbed his back, Namjoon was lost in thought trying to think of a solution, and Jungkook ground his blade further into the dirt while tears threatened to fall onto his cheeks again.
“That means you can’t heal Kook either?” Jin questioned, but he already knew the answer.
They all did.
Yoongi muttered a pitiful ‘right’ and the Saeni fell silent.
They only heard their ragged breathing, the leaves, and the screams and ringing metal coming from every direction.
Then Jungkook yanked his dagger out of the earth and began to shift around regardless of the pain screaming at him to stop. “I’m going to go find her.”
“No, you’re not.” Namjoon grabbed the younger male’s forearm.
“Let me go.”
“You can hardly move!”
“He’s right, Kook.” Yoongi lifted his head, baring his remorsful face to the others. “You’re just going to get yourself killed.”
“I have to try!” Jungkook tried to pull his harm back yet again but Namjoon held firm, and his struggle caused a twinge to form in his brothers’ hearts.
Taking in the youngest’s wilted and wrecked appearance, Jin squeezed his sword handle tightly as he came to a decision and started to stand up. “I’ll go find her. Everyone else stay h-”
A body slid to a stop beside a startled Jin and they looked up at him with a blood-stained face and big, boxy smile.
The younger Saeni gave him a little salute and let out a tired exhale before turning his head and widening his bright blue eyes in pleasant surprise. “Whoa, everyone’s here! You all saw Yoongi hyung’s crazy magic too, huh?” Tae then got on his knees and reached out to clasp a bewildered Jin’s forearm in greeting before clambering further beneath the two broken branches and saying hello to the other Saeni.
They all gaped at him for a few heartbeats, stuttering out quiet and somewhat stupefied ‘hellos’ in return, until Jungkook inhaled sharply and dropped his swords then pushed himself up with a deep, throaty groan. The blue-eyed Saeni went to ask why Jungkook was so pale and making such noises but before he could open his mouth, his younger brother was frantically grasping his arms and asking if he’d seen you.
“Little scorja?” Tae paused for a moment, the craziness of the situation making his mind go blank temporarily. The other Saeni waited anxiously… then his blue eyes lit up. “Oh yeah! She ran into the trees after fighting off a draikensu that got on top of the cliff.”
His words were like a remedy as the Saeni breathed out in relief, some of the tension and uncertainty lifting from their bodies and minds. Jungkook himself trembled and his hold on Tae’s arms loosened as he slumped to the ground while closing his eyes and turning his lips up into the tiniest of smiles.
But Yoongi looked confused. “She… ran? That doesn’t seem like her.”
Tae shrugged and intertwined one of his hands with Jungkook’s. “If I had to guess, she probably went after Chim for some reason.”
The burgundy-haired male whipped his head up and his eyes held hope as he whispered something about the rift.
“Fuck no.” Yoongi saw the glimmer in the male’s peridot eyes. “You’re not going anywhere while you’re hurt.”
“What!? Kookie, you’re hurt!?” The blue-eyed Saeni tightened his grip and rapidly scanned Jungkook’s body while the younger male mumbled out that it was his back. Tae peeked behind the male, frowned, and shook his head disapprovingly. “Little scorja is going to be pissed.”
As the blue-eyed Saeni forced Jungkook to lay down on his stomach again, Hobi glumly twirled his dagger in his fingers. “And hyung doesn’t have any energy left remember? He can’t do anything right now.”
Jin rested the point of his longsword in the dirt. “I can still-shit.” A draikensu had come too close to the fallen branches for the Jin’s liking so he cut off his own sentence and sprang to his feet.
The raven-haired male crept out from the leaves and swung at the unsuspecting draikensu. Jin’s longsword glinted brightly in the sunlight, and the flash caught the draikensu’s attention which allowed them to turn and block the attack at the last second. Undeterred, Jin attacked again.
“Well, can’t one of us give you some of our energy?” Tae tilted his head to the side, making his bloodied feather sway in the air.
“What?” Yoongi blinked hard to try to stay awake.
“I mean couldn’t you just siphon energy from one of us?”
Hobi widened his eyes and turned his head to the magic user resting against his him. “Could you do that?”
“I… I’ve never through of it before but… possibly? I’m not sure how it would work exactly though.”
“Hyung, please try,” Jungkook softly pleaded in a tiny voice.
“Here.” Tae stretched his arm out. “You can take mine.”
Namjoon placed his fingertips on Tae’s wrist and gently lowered it. “I’m injured as well so it’s better if he takes mine. That way there’s still someone who can go after Y/N with Kook.”
“But Jin hyung could go with-”
Tae was interrupted by a heavy breathing Jin disagreeing with him while crawling back between the tree trunk and the fallen branches. “Tae, you’re honestly the only one who could keep up with Kook right now. You go. I’ll stay here and watch over everyone.”
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Adrenaline flooded your veins as you ran through the shrubs and underneath the tall trees. It made the painful aching in your body, especially your legs, bearable while you continued to move in the direction Stem had pointed in. The direction that should lead you to your best friend. You didn’t know how close or far he and Mingi were, but you were just going to keep running until you found them or your legs gave out. Whichever came from. And even if your legs refused to move, you still had functioning arms and hands. You would crawl. Hell, if Alex Høgh Andersen could do it as Ivar the Boneless in Vikings for seven years you could do it for one day for your best friend, dammit.
“But it won’t…come to that, Y/N,” you wheezed to yourself between breaths. “You’re fine. Totally fine… Keep moving. Just… keep… moving… Just keep… moving… Just keep moving… moving… moving… What do we… do…? We move… move.”
Airily chuckling to yourself while the wind blew past you, you tried to swallow but your dry throat made you choke and you started coughing. Gasping more air into your lungs that felt like they were on fire, your feet faltered and you grabbed onto a tree trunk to stop yourself so you could lean your hands on your knees and spit out the excess saliva in your mouth. Though as you straightened back up, the wind died down for a moment and your nose twitched as you smelled that smell again. Death. It was strong and coming from up ahead. You hadn’t caught the disgusting scent sooner since you were running upwind, and you weren’t sure if you should be thankful for that or not.
Heart hammering in your chest and leg muscles spasming, you nodded to yourself and murmured, “Alright, here we go,” and notched an arrow before lightly jogging forward.
A minute or so later, the ground began to tilt downward and the smell of blood and death grew even more pungent. You tapped your finger nervously against your bow while zig-zagging down the slope. Halfway down, a flash by your feet made you look down and you saw a deserted arrow partially hidden by the low foliage. Furrowing your brow, you moved on but a few steps later another arrowhead reflected in the light by your feet. And another and another and another. It was like someone had dumped out their quiver… or had taken a tumble down. You trailed your eyes along the arrows until your gaze reached the bottom of the slope.
In the shade there was another lump.
You crept down the slope while scrutinizing the shape.
It definitely wasn’t a log this time. Or a person. It was another wolf.
It lay crumpled between two rocks. It’s head awkwardly propped up, limp tongue hanging out, and throat slit. Blood coated its fur and stained the rocks and twigs and leaves beneath its body.
Was this the wolf I heard back at the meadow? You wondered as you finished descending into the gully and approached the dead animal.
Wrinkling your nose at the stench radiating from the body, you sighed and turned away to continue on your journey. Though as you moved around the wolf, you noticed there was more blood on the ground leading away from it.
In the same direction you were going.
On alert, you readied yourself to draw your bow while you tentatively followed the blood trail. Maybe you were just being paranoid. The blood could easily just be from the wolf… but it worried you that the red droplets were going in the same direction that Jimin and Mingi were supposed to be in.
Ducking below a thick tree branch, you started to hear bubbling water over the rustling leaves.
And then heavy splashing and groaning.
Biting your lip, you moved cautiously.
Quickly, you came upon the source of the sound of water. It was a shallow but wide creek filled with lots of rocks. It opened up the gully a bit, allowing for more sunlight and open space.
And thus, permit you to see the male that was stumbling through the creek further ahead.
He was moving fast but limping badly. One arm was dragging his sword behind him, the tip clanging over the rocks, while the other was pressed against his torso.
And as he staggered into a patch of sunlight, you reeled as you realized you knew him.
“Mingi?” You whispered in confused shock then hastily returned your arrow to your quiver before shouting after him. “Mingi!”
The male was exiting the creek when he paused at your voice and looked over his shoulder in surprise.
You sprinted toward him, not bothering to be quiet anymore. Your feet pounded against the ground, hands roughly shoved branches out of the way. When the creek curved before you, you plunged right in. Mingi was right on the other bank. You were almost to him. You were going so fast you lost your footing on a slick rock and fell forward. A yelp escaped past your lips as your hands and knees were thrust into the icy water and your palms scraped against the rocks. Some water even splashed up onto your chest, making you tense up from how cold it was.
“Y-Y/N?” Mingi stammered out in a strained, faint voice while you pushed yourself back up. “Are you okay? H-How are you here?”
You were dripping water as you safely crossed the remainder of the creek and launched yourself at the Saeni, wrapping your arms around his waist while murmuring his name in relief. But the male released a choking sound and stiffened as you hugged him tightly.
“What? What’s wrong?” You leaned back and took in the way the guard was breathing strenuously and his hazel eyes were darker than usual.
Suddenly it hit you that he was alone.
“Mingi…” You stepped back from the male. “Where’s Jimin?”
And it was then you realized Mingi’s entire front was red. Slashes covered his body and blood was spilling onto his arm and hand where he held it across his stomach. You gaped at the wounds and glanced down at yourself, seeing you were now blotted with red too. You hadn’t felt it seep into your clothes because of the creek water. As you looked down, you noticed his leg was also coated in blood and it was pooling on the dirt and sand beneath his foot.
The blood trail was coming from him.
Mingi adjusted his arm over his torso and let out a ragged exhale. “The wolf attacked… I sent him ahead while I dealt with it… rift should be very close.”
You grimaced at the amount of blood steadily leaking out of the male’s body then registered what he had said. “It’s close? So Jimin should be close too…”
I really don’t think Mingi should be moving around with those wounds… I don’t even know how he’s moving around with them right now.
“I’ll go after him. You stay here,” you told him.
You went to go around him and start running once more but he quickly grabbed your arm with his bloody hand before you could leave.
He shook his head, determination in his hazel eyes, while holding his sword hilt with more strength. “I’ll keep up. I have to… it’s my job to protect him.”
You eyed him, wanting to say no, but it was his choice to make. Besides, the longer you stayed here and bickered with him, the more time you would be wasting. So, in the end, you just gave him a nod. His bloody hand slipped off your arm and you took off running knowing he would be following.
And true to his word, he did keep up despite the obvious pain he was in. He just endured it with gritted teeth and the occasional low moan as blood continued to spill from his body.
After jumping over a small runoff, you looked back at Mingi and asked if he knew how far the rift was.
“No… but if we keep… going straight… we should hit it soon… at least I think.”
You grunted in acknowledgement and refocused on the terrain before you. It was quite rocky and uneven, so you really had to watch where you were going so you wouldn’t twist an ankle.
Not long after, the creek curved away and the ground before you started to rise into a minor incline. You hopped up and over the rocks and roots in your path as the sounds of running water began to fade away, though your ears perked up as your heard something that was definitely not the forest replace it. Deep chuckles, small gasps and groans, dull thuds.
Deep breath, stay calm. Deep breath, stay calm. Deep breath, stay calm. You chanted internally while vaulting over a fallen tree.
When your feet landed back on the dead leaves, dirt, and twigs, you retrieved an arrow and readied your bow. You glanced back at Mingi who raised his bloody hand to his ear then pointed ahead to signal he was hearing the noises too. Then he brought his red finger to his lips to indicate to be quiet before returning his arm to lay across his torso while hoisting his sword in the air with his other arm.
The two of you briskly tiptoed beside each other as the thudding sounds increased in volume… and seconds later you saw who you’d been searching so desperately for.
Except he was being beaten.
Amid the large rocks that cluttered the area, a male draikensu was holding a bloody and bruised Jimin by the throat while sending his fist into the half-Saeni’s torso. The draikensu was carrying a bow and quiver on his back and a knife at his side but was using neither as he smirked darkly and simply used his bare hands to overwhelm the half-Saeni… and there was a strange plume of black smoke swirling behind the male. The smoke seemed to expand and collapse, almost like it was… alive. That sight alone was disturbing, but what was worse was watching your best friend gasp for air while clawing at the draikensu’s hand, his face swollen and purpled. The draikensu scoffed at Jimin’s attempts to free himself, threw him to the ground, then crouched over him to deliver three successive punches to his face.
The apricot head moaned and turned his head to the side to spit out blood onto the dirt while trying to crawl backwards to his bow which lay wedged in the rocks several yards away. The draikensu tsked and held down one of Jimin’s arms while also pressing his face into the ground to pin him.
Coming to your senses, you cried out for your best friend and raised your bow at the male restraining him.
“Oh, we have company now?” The male spared you and Mingi a brief look then grinned as if he was pleased. “Good.”
Neither you nor Mingi rushed the draikensu. Not when he was essentially holding Jimin captive and could snap your best friend’s neck in an instant. You didn’t shoot either. You didn’t have a clean shot with the angle and the draikensu could easily lift Jimin’s body to use as a shield.
Jimin tried to crane his neck your way and mumbled your name. “Y/…Y/N?”
Right after your name came from Jimin’s lips, the draikensu returned his attention to the male under him. He released Jimin’s face but slammed his fist into the apricot head’s temple. Your best friend went limp as the punch forced him unconscious. The draikensu hummed and straightened slightly to reach for the blade strapped to his waist. The smoke behind him seemed to dance in eagerness.
You widened then narrowed your eyes, seeing how the male had eased his hold on Jimin’s arm and wasn’t as close. Mingi whispered ‘Now!’ and you released your bowstring to send your arrow flying at the draikensu.
You and Mingi followed, darting forward.
The male dove to the side to avoid the projectile, which sped past him and vanished into the trees. When he came to a stop, the draikensu growled and swiftly grabbed his own bow and an arrow while you were reaching for your quiver mid-sprint.
He aimed… right at you. And shot.
Your eyes widened but suddenly you were being shoved to the side. Your bow flew from your grasp and you hit the ground hard. Twisting around, you looked back at what had rammed into you… or rather who. It had been Mingi… who was looking down at the arrow now protruding from his sternum.
He had pushed you out of the way but sacrificed his own body to do so.
You stared as more blood bloomed on his chest and blended into the other lines of crimson crossing his body. As you watched the red flow out, so many emotions battled for dominance in your heart to the point you were stunned motionless. Meanwhile, Mingi wrapped a hand around the arrow shaft, staggered back a step, gulped, and flashed his eyes your way.
But before you could get up or help him or even blink, another arrow thumped into his chest.
The impact made him fall down to the earth. And within a few seconds, the light in his beautiful hazel eyes disappeared.
It was gone.
Mingi was gone.
No… no, Mingi. Please, no…
You were trembling, not knowing what to do when a satisfied sigh made you tear your eyes away. You met the draikensu’s gaze and you saw he was taking out another arrow from his quiver as he stood over Jimin.
“Remember my name,” he spoke to you proudly, “Amarok. The one who killed the key.”
He breathed in deeply through his nose as if he was preparing himself, then he turned his eyes and bow on your best friend.
All at once, alarms blared in your head, bringing you out of your frozen horror. You scrambled to your feet. You didn’t even have a plan or really know what you were doing but you charged forward as fast as you could.
Fifteen yards.
Amarok notched the arrow.
Ten yards.
He began to draw back.
Five yards.
The male smirked.
The smoke hovered in anticipation.
You lowered your shoulder like seasoned football player and you slammed into the draikensu with a yell and all the strength you had in your human body. You tackled him away from your best friend, making his bow and arrow clatter against a nearby rock, and the sheer momentum of your attack made you sail over the draikensu after he hit the ground.
Tumbling over the earth, you dug your forearms and elbows into dirt and leaves and stopped yourself a few feet away from the male. You panted while you used your shaking muscles to get up and squinted as sweat dripped into your eyes. Meanwhile, Amarok roared in agitation, clambered to his feet, and turned to face you with a menacing glower.
His jaw ticked once then he rolled his shoulders and started moving toward you.
Okay okay okay. Remember what Jungkook’s taught you. Yoongi too.
You stood and got into your fighting stance, spreading your legs slightly and balancing your weight while positioning your hands in front of your face. Amarok rolled his eyes and reached out to grab your arm but you skirted to the side and dropped to one knee while spinning with your other leg extended. You figured getting him on the ground and into a hold would be the best way to approach the situation so you tried to knock the male off his feet but he was fast to back up out of the way. He hummed thoughtfully while you got back to your feet and surged forward, aiming your knee at his gut. Amarok blocked your attack and used your proximity to thrust his elbow into your side and shove you back then swung his arm at your face. After lifting your forearm to hinder the fist, you went to deliver a punch in return but Amarok sidestepped, grasped your arm, and used your energy to turn and flip you to your back. You were forcefully thrown to the ground, making you involuntarily let out a half-grunt, half-puff of air on impact. Blinking to clear your head and see through the sun glaring through the trees, you realized there was a flat rock by your left leg. As the crookedly grinning draikensu went to lean over you and capture your throat in his large hand, you braced one foot against the flat rock, pushed your hips up, and brought your other leg across his chest. Then you clenched your teeth and drove your leg, and therefore Amarok, down with a yell. Shifting, you kept your leg against his chest, and took one of his arms in your hands and pulled back while dropping the heel of your other leg as hard as you could into his abdomen. You managed to ram your heel into him twice before he caught your ankle in his free hand. Sucking in a breath, you immediately let go of his arm and crunched your torso to drop your elbow into his face but he raised his knee at the same time. Swiftly, you moved your arms so he hit your forearms instead of your cheek or nose. He let go of your ankle and you used the split second of freedom to roll backwards over your shoulder and back onto your feet. Amarok pushed himself up as well.
Your heart pounded and chest heaved. Alright, so… I’m obviously at a major strength disadvantage. But that’s no different than how I am with the boys when we train.
You and the male stepped around the rocks while you slowly circled each other and waited to see what the other would do.
I need to distract him. Make him start talking. See if there’s anything I can use to play with his emotions.
It typically would have been difficult to figure out how to start talking with someone in this situation, but something had been nagging you in the back of your head since before you’d started fighting so you mentally said fuck it and decided to go with that to start an utterly convenient conversation.
You sucked in a deep breath and tilted your head while keeping your eyes on the male. “Your name. I’ve heard it before. Who are you?”
“I’m my master’s loyal subject.” Amarok stopped moving and spread his arms wide. “His doorway and his tool. My purpose in life is to aid him in burning down the world.”
His doorway…? Is he the one Uzjuk latched on to? Your eyes expanded and darted over to the swirling black smoke which was floating over Jimin’s body. Holy fuckballs, is that raging vape cloud Uzjuk!?
But it was a mistake to look away. The moment your gaze shifted, Amarok ran forward and jumped off a rock toward you. He kicked at your side and you brought your unaware attention back to the male right as his leg made contact with your ribs. Stumbling back several steps, you winced and pressed a hand to your side but refocused to block his next kick. Dodging his quick follow-up punch, you rammed your fist just below his sternum, making him double over a bit, then swung your other fist at his cheekbone. While his head whipped sideways, you shifted your weight and did a double roundhouse kick at his shoulder than face. Both were deterred by his arm but you hastily planted that leg back on the ground and twisted so your other foot spun toward him. As Amarok leapt out of the way, you lunged forward for another punch but the male kicked your thigh and made you stagger back.
You caught your breath and placed your hand to your thigh before returning it in front of your face. “The world doesn’t deserve it.”
“Neither did my family,” Amarok angrily spat out while peering at you, “They didn’t deserve to suffer and die yet they still did. The world shall be no different.”
Then the male snarled and stepped forward to swing his fist toward you once more. You leaned back and blocked it with your elbow but as you were paying attention to his upper body, the male hooked his foot behind your ankle. Before you knew it, he was forcing your leg out from underneath you. With a yelp you fell yet again, this time landing on your side and banging your head against the hard earth. White spots danced in your vision while the draikensu went to stomp on you but you were able to roll back just in time. You only made it a few feet away but Amarok didn’t press after you. Instead he just watched as you dizzily came up to a crouch then returned to your fighting stance. Blowing some stray hair out of your eyes, you shook your hands out to rid some of the tension coursing through you and bounced on the balls of your feet a couple times.
I’m like tiny Steve Rogers. I can do this all day.
Chest rising and falling very quickly, you tried to slow your breathing down as you and the male considered each other.
Oh shit, right, distract him! He mentioned his family!
“Your family…? Your family wouldn’t want you going around killing people. They would want you to be good-”
“Good?” Amarok let out a ridiculing laugh. “There is no good in the world, girl. Just temporary illusions that eventually turn into ash and smoke.” The male stepped up onto rock and looked down at you. “Besides, it doesn’t matter what they want anymore. They’re dead. Nothing is bringing them back but I can make the world feel their pain. Feel my pain.”
You squeezed your hands into fists and looked up at the male in incredulity.
I can’t tell if it’s all him or Uzjuk’s influence but I think he’s insane. I get the whole retribution storyline but damn… the whole world?
Suddenly you heard a quiet groan off to the side, and out of the corner of your eyes you saw Jimin flop over onto his stomach, partially raise himself to his knees, and hold his head in his hands.
“My master showed me that the world needs to fall back to its true state of chaos.”  The draikensu inclined his head in Jimin’s direction and lazily hopped off the rock he was standing on. “And it starts with his death.”
Then he began to march toward Jimin.
Ah, shit.
Your feet moved without thinking and you ran up to Amarok. The male shoved an arm out to swat you aside but you dodged and moved in close so you could grab his shoulder for better leverage as you drove your knee into his torso again. He grunted and tried to seize you but in the next breath, you shifted your hands so you could pull the male’s upper body down as you jumped onto his back so his head was between your thighs. Then, with his shoulder and arm still in your grasp, you threw your weight down so you both fell to the ground.
You both sprawled out and, in your peripherals, you saw Jimin finally start to stand up, causing the black smoke to swell and shrink rapidly. Wobbling to his feet, he continued to hold his bleeding and bruised head as he fixed his brown eyes on you.
Hastily, you got to your feet before Amarok and moved so you were directly in the male’s path to your best friend. The draikensu lifted his head and when he realized Jimin was no longer on the ground, he released an irritated yell and pushed himself up.
He took one, two, three large strides forward but with a scratchy grunt, you powerfully planted your foot in the middle of male’s chest so he reeled back a few steps.
“Jimin, go! GO NOW!”
Hearing no response or footsteps running away, you risked a peek behind you while Amarok place his hand against his chest. To your disbelief you noticed Jimin was still standing there staring at you with a mix of confusion, uncertainty, and reluctance on his blotchy and swollen face.
A low noise came from before you so you tore you gaze away from your best friend to see Amarok coming at you with narrowed eyes.
“FUCKING GO ALREADY!” You shouted back at the half-Saeni and raised your foot to kick the draikensu once more but Amarok caught your leg and turned, tossing you aside.
While you skidded against the ground, your head narrowly missing a rock, Amarok calmly walked past you toward Jimin, who was looking back and forth between you and the draikensu in bewilderment and fear.
Fucking Exia, Jimin, you need to yeet out of here!
Clawing your fingernails into the dirt, you hoisted yourself up and sprinted at the draikensu’s back. Then you launched yourself at it. You slammed into him, your unexpected weight making the male teeter forward, and you went to hook your arm around his neck. Though before you could do so, Amarok snarled and reached up to secure his hands around your arm then tugged while bending over. You flipped through the air and onto your back yet again. All the air in your lungs was pushed out, making your body feel tingly and convulse a little. As you struggled for oxygen, Amarok stepped over you. Gasping, you forced your tremoring body to roll over and grabbed his foot.
It didn’t do much to slow the male down. It barely made him falter. He just kept going, getting closer and closer to Jimin as you held on with all you had.
While you tried to hinder the draikensu’s advance, you looked up and met your best friend’s torn expression. As you were dragged across the earth, you gave him a small nod and mouthed ‘go.’ Jimin opened his mouth like he wanted to say something but snapped it closed, then finally turned and ran for the mass of collapsed rock.
Relief numbed your pain as his apricot hair quickly disappeared from sight, blocked by the rocks and the way they inclined and curved away slightly.
Amarok, on the other hand, released a loud, frustrated yell and tried to run after Jimin but you pulled your body closer to his leg so both your arms enwrapped the appendage. He wouldn’t be going anywhere. Not while you were still breathing. You tightened your hold on the male’s leg as his yell faded into a growl while he leaned over to dig his nails into your wrists, making you cry out in pain. When you refused to let go, he cursed you then grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked your head up and to the side. You whimpered and your grip around his leg unwillingly slackened. Then he sent his fist into your jaw. Your head snapped back and blood began to flood your mouth as your vision went fuzzy, your arms dropped, and you collapsed to the ground. The disorientation only lasted a few moments but Amarok gave you no reprieve as he let out an infuriated noise then kicked you in your stomach.
You curled in on yourself for a second, a sob coming from your lips. Amarok went to turn away from you but you groaned, clenched your aching jaw, and used your trembling arms to push yourself up to your jelly-like legs before spitting out a mouthful of blood at the draikensu while swaying on your feet.
Much to Amarok’s dismay.
An agitated rumble came from the male’s throat while he glared at where Jimin had gone then at you. “I was going to let you live, girl. But now I see you’re just a pest that needs to be disposed of quickly.”
His hand went to his waist and he withdrew his long hunting knife.
You blinked, quirked your head to the side, and snorted, showcasing your bloody teeth. Oh… well, you’re not the only one with a knife, bitch.
Then you wrapped your own hand around the hilt of the ruby-hilted dagger strapped to your side.
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Jimin’s head was throbbing and his body stiff as he hurriedly climbed over the mess of collapsed rock leading to the cave entrance. He could feel how swollen and puffy his face was without even touching it and every time he swallowed he could taste the blood coating his inner mouth.
You’re nearly there Jimin. Keep going. The mother goddess urged the half-Saeni gently. Straight into the cave. You can make it.
The sun beat down on his back while he planted his foot against the flat side of a rock and leapt to the next one several feet away. But as he jumped off his leg buckled, making him fall forward and land awkwardly. One of his palms slid against the rock’s jagged edge which sliced the skin open. His knee banged into the hard fragment and he felt his flesh tear open on through his pants. His feet settled on smaller stones while he hunched over the rock and breathed heavily. He didn’t even feel the pain really, too distracted and overwhelmed to register the new injury. It just felt warm. Probably from the blood. Steadying himself on the rock, he closed his hand into a fist, causing crimson to leak out around his fingers and make a small pool, then he leaned his forehead against the sun-warmed rock.
He could hear the thuds and grunts coming from your fight with the draikensu. He hated himself for placing you in danger. For leaving you. For running away.
But he knew he had to.
Don’t throw away their valor.
He had to trust you. You would hold off the draikensu so he could get to the rift and close it.
That was his job. His responsibility.
Get up Jimin. You can do it.
Jimin straightened and ran his hand through his apricot hair, staining some of the strands crimson. Then he looked up toward the entrance of the cave that was so close. Then he nodded to himself and hiked himself up onto the rock so he could press on.
Not even a minute later, he was crouching at the cavern’s entrance.  A constant plinking sound echoed all around him. His brown eyes glanced up at the water dripping off the ceiling that was causing the sounds as they hit the rock or puddles below. Shifting his gaze to peer into the darkness before him, he shivered at the cold draft blowing out from the cave.
Jimin took a single deep breath and lowered his body to the damp ground.
Then he began crawling inside.
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While they ran through the forest, Tae looked sideways at his brother in concern. Jungkook’s peridot eyes were focused and his pace hadn’t wavered once, but what worried Tae was how ragged his breathing was.
As well as the blood still trickling out of the male’s back.
They had been running for about thirty minutes. A third of that time was just getting out of the field and into the forest with as few confrontations as possible. Luckily, though, they hadn’t encountered any draikensu since entering the trees. They had been able to just sprint directly toward their destination, which Yoongi had told them was to the northwest.
The mint-haired Saeni, being the talented magic user he was, had figured out how to siphon energy from Namjoon after a montage of curses and just a few failed attempts. As Yoongi’s hands had begun to glow brighter and brighter with magic, the leader of the kiela had gotten more and more tired until he passed out. It was then that Yoongi ceased extracting his energy as to not harm Namjoon. Then the magic user used most the energy to heal Jungkook’s wound. Not completely, but enough so any damage to internal organs was gone and it wasn’t as deep. Then Yoongi used the remainder of the taken energy to locate both Jimin and Y/N, and found they were close to each other. The magic user’s eyes had started to droop and he’d murmured they needed to go straight to the northwest. Yoongi had crawled out from the branches and pointed in the direction before exhaustion overtook him once more and he slumped to the ground.
Very shortly after, Tae and Jungkook had left.
Both Saeni knew it would still be hard to find you and their brother with only a cardinal direction to guide them but it was substantially better than searching completely blind. Not that Tae thought Jungkook wouldn’t have done that if he’d had too.
But honestly, Tae would have still been right beside Jungkook even if that had been the case.
He wanted to find Chim and his little scorja. He was extremely worried for them.
But he was also worried for his younger brother. He didn’t know how long Jungkook would be able to keep going like this.
After the duo leapt over a skinny fallen tree, Tae took in how Jungkook’s hands were trembling and suggested they take a quick break.
Jungkook firmly shook his head in refusal.
“Just so you can catch your breath.”
“I’m fine,” the burgundy head replied through his teeth.
“I said I’m fine, hyung. We need to keep going.”
It was apparent nothing was going to stop Jungkook, not even the risk of collapsing from blood loss. So, Tae just reluctantly resigned to the fact and continued running.
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You hastily backed up as Amarok slashed down toward your thigh then jabbed at your throat. You stopped the blade from entering your flesh both times by blocking his arm with your hand. The male was bleeding heavily under his arm from where you had managed to get inside his defense a minute ago and stab him but he still wasn’t letting up.
Analyzing his movements, you bent at the waist and the edge of his knife cut through the air where your head had just been. Immediately after, you had to duck to the side to avoid his fist. Then you deterred the next thrust of his blade and lunged forward yourself, but Amarok sidestepped, turned, and used his free hand to redirect your arm while slashing his knife across your forearm. Following the motion of his blade, the male went to move behind you and cut the back of your neck but you quickly dove forward to safety.
Instead of going after you, Amarok used your escape as a means to escape himself. He turned and began running toward the rocks where Jimin had gone. Popping back up to your feet, you swore and flipped the ruby-hilted dagger in your hand so the blade was in your palm.
I know I suck ass at throwing knives but please Exia let it work this one time.
Even though the blade wasn’t meant for throwing, you did your best to channel your inner Hobi as you raised your elbow and threw the dagger.
It rotated through the air… then the hilt bounced off Amarok’s back.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
But you had had an inkling it wouldn’t work so you had sprinted after the blade as soon as you had released it. It was a miracle it even made contact with the draikensu so although it had not harmed the male like you’d hoped, it did create a distraction that allowed you to catch up with him.
Coming up behind the male, you sent your red, bloody knuckles into his spine, and he twisted around to slash at you with his blade while releasing an angry growl. You leapt out of the way and he faced you yet again with an enraged expression. He stepped toward you and as he went to stab at your side, you saw a brief opening and took it. You kicked your leg up, straight into his groin. At the same time, you caught his forearm that held the knife and used his motion to tug it beside your opposite hip. Then you placed your other hand over his and forced his wrist down while pressing his arm back toward his body quickly. A sharp crack came from his wrist and he hissed as his hand dropped the knife. Then you pushed your hips forward and jumped up, throwing your right leg over his shoulder and the other around his torso under his arm while leaning your upper body back. Feeling your weight around his neck, Amarok instinctively tried to raise his body but it was too late. You kept your head lifted as you hit the ground to not crack your skull and used your left hand to force his arm across his body then to help pinch your leg that was over his shoulder to around the back of his neck. You shifted your other leg up so you could lock your right ankle underneath it to secure the triangle choke. You squeezed your thighs together, beginning to cut off the male’s oxygen and blood flow, while also wrapping an arm around his leg to bring yourself close and further restrict his movements. Breathing through your nose, you focused on maintaining the grapple as Amarok struggled for air and tried to lift you and slam you down but was unable to.
Suddenly, the sky darkened above you and you looked up to see the smoke was now surrounding you and Amarok.
“Master… please… help,” the male croaked out weakly.
Help? How can the vape cloud help? Just pass out already!
Then Amarok began convulsing and he opened his mouth in a silent scream.
What the fu-
And then you felt it too.
A hot and searing pain that felt like it was burrowing deep into your brain.
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His armor and skin were soaked from the water that trailed down the earthen walls and collected in puddles on the cavern floor.  Jimin’s teeth clacked together while he continued moving his body through the cold, quiet darkness. Thanks to his draeva connection he was still able to see through what he believed was an abandoned wolf den and as he rounded a tight corner the half-Saeni saw that the small cave seemed to widen a bit up ahead.
Crawling forward, a glow began to peek out from the underground chamber but it wasn’t the sun or phosphorous on the rock. It was an odd, unusual light. Murky and dark. Only a shade or two brighter than the pitch-black darkness.
Pulling himself completely into the wider space, Jimin then gaped as the source of the light came into full view. It almost looked like a sinister, shifting portal of thick smoke. It reminded him of the cloud of swirling smoke that had been with the draikensu male. The center was the darkest part, so black it nearly blended in with the rest of the cave. The margins, however, were tinged in a mixture of ashen grey and deep red.
There it is, the wretched thing.
“That’s the rift?” Jimin maneuvered himself to his knees and tentatively approached it until he was just an arm’s length away.
The air around it seemed to be even more frigid and chilling.
Yes. You did well Jimin. The soft voice of Illai soothed him. I will take over now.
The half-Saeni’s posture went rigid and his eyes shifted, turning into an every-changing array of colors like a rippling rainbow.
Then Illai lifted Jimin’s hand and laid his fingertips against the ice-cold center of the rift, and seconds later a white light started to burn away at its grey and red edges.
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You screamed.
It felt like your mind was being shredded apart with claws made of molten lava.
Letting go of Amarok’s leg, you clutched at your head. Your own legs were still wrapped around the male’s neck, but the hold was quickly loosening. You were in too much pain to keep squeezing your thighs. You couldn’t focus on it. Not when your brain felt like it was being squeezed and dug into. The smoke continued to whirl above you and the corners of your vision started to grow dark and fuzzy. Tightly shutting your eyes, hot tears started to leak past your eyelashes and trail down your cheeks as you writhed on the ground.
Amarok, who was still twitching and barely conscious, reached up over his head and weakly pushed and pulled at your legs. You couldn’t even fight him off. Your legs unwound from his neck and heavily fell to the side while a pained, groggy inhale came from the male as oxygen flooded into his lungs and he crumpled to his knees. He was basically right on top of you, his knee pressing into your thigh but he was still incapacitated as the burning agony pounded into both your minds.
Until it suddenly wasn’t.
It stopped.
Your body jerked once then you laid limply on the earth, no longer in pain but feeling sluggish and feeble and out of breath. A relieved sob escaped past your lips and you curled into a small ball at the abrupt disappearance of the pain while you slowly cracked your eyes open.
What was that… fucking ow it still hurts.
You watched Amarok struggle to his feet, somewhat amazed he could even move after that. “Thank you, master.”
The dark smoke overhead stopped moving.
The smoke seemed to shudder and it pulsed violently.
The edges of the smoke turned grey and wisped away.
Still panting, you sniffled and rolled onto your back as the rest of the smoke became discolored.
Then it dispersed entirely.
Blinking, you stared up in confusion as Amarok shrieked for his master. But the smoke didn’t return. Uzjuk had vanished.
… Jimin…
You whipped your gaze over to where he’d gone. Steeling your mind and body, you forced yourself up as your heartbeat loudly thumped in your head and the urge to vomit surged.
You had just gotten back to your feet when Amarok pivoted and glared at you with pure hatred and anger etched over his face.
Wobbling slightly, you raised your chin and peered back at him as confidently as you could even though you wanted to keel over. “It’s… It’s over, Amarok. It’s done.”
A low rumble came from the heaving draikensu’s chest and he stepped forward, sending his fist into your face so hard you fell down with a cry. When you tried to stand, he picked you up slightly, turned, and threw you back to the ground. As you bounced and slid against the hard earth, you saw a flash of red in your peripherals. Tilting your aching head to the side, you saw Jungkook’s ruby-hilted dagger glinting in the sunlight only a couple feet away. Breathing deeply, you returned your eyes to the draikensu and saw he was looming over you with his fist raised. He was going to punch you again. Lunging to the side, you dodged his fist and wrapped your hand around the dagger’s hilt. Twisting back around, you swung the blade up in an arc. It missed Amarok though he had to rear back to avoid it. Staggering to your feet, you adjusted your hold on the weapon and lifted it in front of your face. Baring his teeth in a growl, he went for you again but you deflected his arm with your free hand and dragged the dagger across his belly.
Then, with a defiant yell, you plunged the blade deep into his neck.
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Jin heavily parried the draikensu’s axe and stepped to the side to dodge their next swing. The raven-haired Saeni lifted his longsword but as he went to thrust forward the draikensu’s eyes widened and she took a couple steps back. Her axe dropped to the ground and she looked around like she wasn’t sure what was going on.
Furrowing his brows, Jin stayed on guard but the field seemed to suddenly grow quiet as most of the other draikensu also seemed to stop fighting.
A few seconds passed.
No more screams.
No more ringing metal.
No more chaos.
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Blood sprayed in the air as you yanked the dagger out of Amarok’s neck. Crimson coated the blade and dripped off the tip as you stepped back and the male collapsed to his knees. He raised his hand over the wound but it was futile. Blood poured out past his fingers and drenched his chest. It gurgled out over his lips as he tried to breath.
You stood over him, eyes narrowed, while he bled out.
And less than a minute later, his body sagged over.
Fucking finally.
You braced your hands on your knees, taking in large gulps of air and closing your eyes as your head reeled and spun and your thighs spasmed.
Jimin… I need to find Jimin…
Tightly gripping the ruby-hilted dagger, you straightened and began making your way to the rocks.
It suddenly seemed too cold in the shade of the trees as you jogged, and your body trembled while you hoarsely cried out for your best friend. “JIMIN!”
You reached the rocks and started climbing up them.
Where is he? Why isn’t he answering?
A lump began to form in your throat and you tripped and fell down.
Your head shot up and you saw him stumbling out from around the corner.
A sob ripped its way past your lips and you both rushed toward each other, clawing and stumbling over the rocks.
Slamming into your best friend so hard you both almost lost your footing; you hugged him and buried your face in his shoulder while he wrapped his arms around you. He was wet, cold, and shivering, but you were just as wrecked. Trembling in each other’s arms, your tears soaked into his already damp armor while his dripped onto your bare neck.
“I’m so sorry,” he blubbered against your skin while smoothing his hand over your hair. “I’m so sorry for leaving you.”
Shaking your head, you mumbled how it was okay, you were okay, he was okay, you were both okay.
Eventually, you and Jimin settled down. The tears had left tracks through the dirt on your faces and your bodies were barely holding up but you pulled away so you could take in your best friend’s face. It was battered, bloody, and swollen yet you smiled softly and placed your hand against his cheek lightly.
He leaned into your touch and sighed before reaching up and gently taking you hand in his. “Let’s get out of here.” Then he began to lead you down the rocks.
It was a slow process. The adrenaline in both your bodies was starting to ebb, allowing you to really feel how much you hurt. Which was a fucking lot. It was painful just standing but you had to keep moving. It was time to get back to the field. To get back to the rest of your family.
When you had almost reached the bottom, you were holding Jimin’s hand to keep yourself steady as you jumped to the next rock when the apricot head suddenly asked if you’d seen Mingi.
“Last I saw he was holding back a wolf so I could keep going.”
You tensed and looked away while you bit your lip, memories and emotions from the hazel-eyed Saeni’s death flooding back to you.
Expelling a sad puff of air, you just told him to follow you. Limping past Amarok’s body and around the stray rocks, you led him to where Mingi had fallen.
“Oh,” Jimin said quietly as he gazed at the arrows sticking out from the guard’s chest.
The leaves swayed above you, a hint of blue sky and sunlight peeking through them as you approached the male. “He, um, he was really injured from the wolf. But he was still determined to come protect you, but… he… he ended up dying while saving me.” Dropping to your knees beside the Saeni, you had to press your lips together and take a deep breath.
Reaching over, you closed his eyelids; shutting those beautiful hazel eyes forever. Then, as you carefully removed the arrows from his body, Jimin spotted his sword on the ground and went to retrieve it. You both gently laid the sword over his body and folded his hands over the hilt.
A single tear trailed down your cheek while you thanked Mingi for his friendship and sacrifice in a choked-up voice. “I’ll miss you… please rest well.”
Jimin hung his head for a moment then stood up and rested his fingers on your shoulder. “Illai says he will only know peace from now on.”
You looked up at him in shock. “You can still hear her?”
He simply nodded while gazing down at Mingi, his face filled with guilt, before he helped you to your feet. You whispered one final goodbye to the Saeni and put your arm around Jimin to support his body as he also supported you.
Breathing heavily, you both started to shuffle through the trees and head back toward the field.
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