#so no individual routes that go outside of who they are as a group and what they mean to the group
spatio-rift · 1 year
oaugh i love heavens so much
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ckret2 · 22 days
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Chapter 66 of that fic about human Bill but he's not in this chapter so forget about him: Ford and Dipper go cryptid hunting!
This is pretty much a standalone chapter so if somehow you stumbled on this without seeing the rest of the fic, u can just, read it by itself as a standalone Dipper and Ford adventure. It's funny. Promise.
The camera turned on to reveal Dipper, illuminated sunset orange and cast in heavy shadows, holding the camera out at arm's length. "Welcome back to Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained, anomaly #175: the Fremont Nightwigglers!" He held up a paper title card in his free hand. "I'm Dipper Pines, and today I'm honored to introduce our special guest star—" he turned the camera around to focus on Ford from behind, "—the one and only Dr. Stanford Pines, PhD times twelve—"
Ford laughed self-consciously. "Dipper, nobody's going to recognize my name outside of a few highly specialized academic fields—"
"—the scientist who developed the Theory of Weirdness—"
"That paper isn't even ready for peer review yet, and I can't take all the credit—"
"—and the coolest dimension-hopping monster-fighting mystery-investigating great uncle in the world!"
Ford paused thoughtfully. "Okay, I'll take that one."
"Tonight, we're on the trail of the Fremont Nightwigglers." The recording cut to CCTV footage from a much higher-budget cryptid-hunting show (which Dipper had recorded by aiming the camera at the TV). The footage showed two marshmallow-like creatures that seemed to consist solely of heads, long legs, and feet—smooth, ghostly white, and featureless except for black eyes. They wore denim jeans that covered their bodies from ankles to waists, and their legs seemed to bend jointlessly, like an octopus's arms or an elephant's trunk. "These weird armless creatures have been seen up and down the west coast states, leaving behind a wave of jeans thefts at clothing stores; but by the time local law enforcement has ruled out any human suspects, the true culprits are always long gone."
The recording cut back to Dipper, who'd taken the lead so he could turn around the camera and aim it at both himself and Ford. "Based on investigative research done by Dr. Pines in the 80s, we believe the Nightwigglers have a migratory route several years long that passes through California, Oregon, Washington, and Canada. More research is needed to find out if they travel as far as Alaska or Mexico. Locals believe each Nightwiggler creates an individual burrow around a communal gathering spot to hide in during the day, and at night they assemble in the communal spot to travel or forage in nearby towns."
Ford threw in, "Based on what the townspeople told me about their habits, they've been in Gravity Falls much longer than usual. It typically takes them a week or two to pass through the area, but this year there have been sightings for more than a month. Perhaps we'll find out why."
"And thanks to a hot tip from an in-the-know local"—the recording cut to a few seconds of footage of Wendy proving she could do a handstand on the split-rail fence around the Mystery Shack—"we know which assembly spot they're currently camping around! Tonight, we're trying to get the first deliberate footage of a Nightwiggler..." Dipper lowered the camera and turned toward Ford, "Hey, what'll we call a group of them? A flock? Herd? Meeting? If we're the first investigators to officially document the species, we get to come up with the name , right?"
Ford considered the question. "What about a wobble of Nightwigglers? Since their legs are so... wobbly."
"Sure, that works."
"Is this really your 175th episode?" Ford asked. "I've missed quite a few."
"Ye—well..." Dipper lowered the camera. It recorded his shoes as he walked. "So far I've got a list of 175 anomalies I want to do an episode on, but I've only recorded and posted thirty-something. I think you've seen them all except the two I've done this summer." He sighed. "I'm... kinda disappointed by it, honestly."
"Why? You should be proud of your work so far! You're the only person in the world who's caught footage of the Hide Behind."
"By accident."
"Because you learned how to identify its call, chased it through half the forest, and were prepared with the right equipment to record it. That wasn't luck, Dipper—that was your hard work."
"I guess," Dipper said grudgingly. "I just... wanted to have a lot more produced by now."
"Wh—You started these last June? That's about one every two weeks. That's a very impressive output."
"I made most of them last summer, I hardly did any over the last school year or this summer."
"You've been focusing on your studies, that's good."
"Yeah, but what about this summer? All I've done so far is borrow some of Robbie's music video footage to make an episode about zombies and record some footage I haven't edited yet about Pacifica's alpaca thief. I didn't even get any footage of the haunted doll crane game before it disappeared. Most of the time I've been just... hiding in Soos's room playing Bloodcraft: Overdeath"—(under his breath Ford muttered "Blood-craft over death?")—"or hanging out with Wendy and her friends, or helping Soos with the Mystery Shack, or just trying to avoid..." He trailed off, suddenly conscious of the camera still aimed at the ground. It had started recording footprints drying in the mud after the recent rain: soft indents like the pads of paws, but with no distinct toes, about the size and length of human feet. Dipper lifted the camera to better record the trail they were walking down.
"Well... there's nothing wrong with taking a break during the summer," Ford said. "Especially considering that your last summer was... quite a bit more exciting than most kids'—"
"That's just it!" Dipper said. "Last summer I did so much! I investigated your disappearance, I filled half of your third journal, I helped stop the apocalypse, I wrote a book with Mabel about solving mysteries and doing fun stuff, I recorded like twenty Guides to the Unknown... Compared to that, this summer I feel like I'm—falling behind."
"Falling behind what?"
"I don't know. But—I just—I... feel like..." He trailed off with a frustrated sigh. "I don't know."
Ford offered, "Maybe, like you're not living up to your own potential?"
"Yes! That's it," Dipper said. "I'm not trying to grow up too fast, I'm just worried I'll grow up before I've done all the stuff I'm supposed to do now. Like I'm already running out of time."
"Hmm..." Ford let out a long, thoughtful sigh. "Dipper, I'm probably the wrong person to be giving this advice, considering that I'm not exactly... the paragon of moderation when it comes to pursuing professional ambitions. But—remember that you're only thirteen. Right now, you don't need to be worried about graduating valedictorian and starting up an anomaly-hunting show and doing groundbreaking research into previously-unknown strange and wondrous creatures," Ford said. "You just need to focus on graduating valedictorian first. That's all I did with my high school years, and after that I still managed to rack up multiple PhDs before age 30. You've got plenty of time!" He said this with the confidence of a man who didn't realize having his life derailed by a manipulative alien villain was the only reason he didn't burn out hard by 1984. "Outside of that, just... worry about being a kid."
"Yeah. I guess you're right. Thanks, Grunkle Ford," Dipper said. "I keep worrying, though. I keep thinking, what if I'm wasting all my time on stuff that... just... doesn't matter? What if nothing I'm doing is actually important?"
Ford was silent a moment. "That's... a very existential question for your age. How long have you been worrying—"
Dipper hissed, "Grunkle Ford!" He jerked his camera up. "Is that fire?!" There was a faint orange glow in the distance between the trees.
"I think it is!"
Dipper whispered, "That's where I found the Nightwigglers' abanadoned campsite last time!"
"Did you see any signs that they knew how to start fires? Remains of a campfire?"
"I didn't notice anything."
"It could be a Scampfire..."
As quietly as they could, Dipper and Ford edged through the trees, Dipper all the while pointing the camera toward the light, until they found a narrow gap between two trees from which they could peer into the clearing.
There were three or four dozen Nightwigglers milling about in little clusters. Several had lit torches—sturdy sticks with the ends wrapped in fabric—which they carried by sticking the ends of the torches into their jeans' pockets.
"Dipper, look at the tops of their torches," Ford hissed. "Is that shredded denim?"
The camera zoomed in on the nearest torchbearing Nightwiggler. "I think so."
"We already knew they wore clothing—but they can make tools, too? How advanced are they..."
Ford trailed off as the clustered Nightwigglers separated, spreading out evenly into several rings. As the camera recorded, they began emitting a synchronized muffled humming; and then they began dancing, kicking their legs and turning in circles together. "Whoa," Dipper whispered. "Is this some kind of ritual?"
"What's its purpose?" Ford whispered back. "Recreation? Religion? Some sort of cultural event—?"
"Hold on. I think I recognize the song."
Ford and Dipper fell silent, watching in silence as the dance repeated a couple of times.
The Nightwigglers were doing the Hokey Pokey.
"Fascinating." The camera lurched sideways, and then turned toward Ford. Ford had stolen Dipper's journal from out of his vest pocket and was hastily taking notes on a blank page. "I had no idea Nightwiggler culture was so influenced by human culture. An hour ago, we didn't even know Nightwigglers have a culture. When could they have observed and learned the Hokey Pokey? It's not exactly a nighttime dance—do they spy on humans during the day?"
Dipper said, "What if we learned the dance from Nightwigglers?"
Ford stopped writing, looked up, and stared at Dipper, mind blown.
Dipper jerked the camera back toward the Nightwigglers as they filed out of the clearing. "Hey! Where are they going now?"
Dipper and Ford waited until the last Nightwiggler had left; and then they quietly followed.
After several minutes of silence except for the sound of footsteps, Ford said, "Are we headed toward Mabel's Fault?"
Dipper groaned. "I got enough of this place last week."
"Hey, you know Bill said we should rename it 'Bill's Fault'?"
Ford huffed. "Did he really? I don't believe it."
"Yeah. He tried to play it off like, 'oOOoh, I just want creEDit—'"
"That sounds like him—"
They came to a stop as the camera spied the Nightwigglers standing in the clearing around the fault, then they quickly moved off the path into the brush and crept closer. "What are they doing?" Dipper asked as they inched up to the tree line.
"I don't know—they're packed too tightly together for me to see."
"I've got an idea. Hold this." The camera bounced as Dipper passed it to Ford, who watched as Dipper climbed up one of the pine trees around the clearing. 
"Careful! There aren't a lot of low branches that can hold your weight."
"It's okay, Wendy showed me how to do this." Dipper held out his hand for the camera.
Ford passed it up to him. "What do you see?"
The camera foused on Mabel's Fault. "The Nightwigglers closest to the fault are taking off their jeans, ripping them into two separate legs, and... tossing them in the fault? Have you ever heard of this?"
"Like a dozen have done it so far."
"Perhaps that's why they have to steal so many pairs of pants? But why..."
Dipper gasped. Tiny Nightwigglers had begun squirming out of the fault, each wearing a single denim pant leg, crawling around like inchworms with half the pant leg trailing behind them. The bigger Nightwigglers picked up the little ones with their feet and swaddled them in the excess fabric. "They're—I think they're baby Nightwigglers! Coming out of the fault!"
"Amazing! Is this how they reproduce?" Ford asked. "Is that why they travel the west coast—are they following the San Andreas Fault and the volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest?"
"Maybe that's why they've been in town so long," Dipper said. "Mabel's Fault wasn't here the last time they passed through."
"We'll have to find out what other towns they stay in the longest. How far is Fremont from the fault line—?"
"Hey," Dipper said, "A bunch more Nightwigglers took their jeans off. They're tying them in a circle." One of the torchbearer Nightwigglers knelt down and bowed forward, setting the jeans ring on fire; and it was tossed into the fault. The Nightwigglers that weren't carrying infants formed a circle and began Hokey Pokeying toward the fault.
"That definitely looks like a ritual," Ford said, "but why? To celebrate the births...?"
The ground rumbled. Dipper gasped and slipped several feet down the tree before he caught himself. When he refocused the camera, Mabel's Fault was several feet wider, and a fiery glow was rising up from within.
An enormous Nightwiggler, fifteen feet tall, climbed out of the fault. It wore a crown of flaming denim and tattered pants formed by stitching together many pairs of decades-old jeans. The Nightwigglers bowed down.
"Good lord," Ford breathed. "What is that? Did they summon it, or—or was it always down there?"
The giant Nightwiggler watched regally as its subjects danced around it. As they spun around and completed another repetition of the Hokey Pokey—that's what it's all a-BOUT—the giant punctuated the end of the dance with a ground-shaking stomp.
Dipper lost his grip on the tree. He and the camera crashed to the ground with a yelp. 
"Dipper! Are you alright?!"
"Ow... fine, probably just bruised."
The camera caught Ford kneeling to help Dipper sit up, and then Dipper grabbed the camera again as he stood. He pointed it back at the clearing.
Every single Nightwiggler, babies and giant included, was staring at them with wide black eyes.
Ford said, "Uh oh."
The giant let out a bellow like a muffled hunting horn.
The Nightwigglers charged.
Dipper and Ford ran away through the brush, screaming.
Dipper pointed the camera at his face. His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat and his cheeks and arms were covered in small branch scrapes. "Still works," he reported to Ford.
"Great," Ford said. "That thing's hardy."
The camera jerked as Dipper tried to set it on a tree stump.
"Well, we got away with our lives," he said. "But... not without some losses."
He got the camera settled and backed up. He was wearing his vest zipped up around his hips like a skirt. Ford's trench coat was conspicuously buttoned up, and his legs were bare between his coat and boots. They both looked sheepish.
Ford said, "We've acquired some invaluable anthropological data, though."
"I'm calling this investigation a triumph," Dipper said.
Ford offered a hand. "High six!"
In the background, a skinny-legged Nightwiggler wearing Dipper's shorts darted through the trees.
(It's about time Dipper get a little personal attention. Hope you enjoyed and I look forward to hearing y'all's thoughts!)
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Just a lil doodles smhhhh
cw: mentions of violence and distress. Also weapons-
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This is probably a good time to mention everyone’s jobs since I keep forgetting to mention it JDHDGDH
Wally: Da Boss (yeah no shid) he isn’t that merciful of a boss- can be very brutal with how relentless he can be and is a bit of a (non sus) sadistic a s s sometimes. Usually is playfully humorous initially, but can quickly go sour if he feels ever so slightly ticked. Preferred weapon: his eyes and his arms.
Barnaby: Body guard, boss’s left hand man, usually the one who talks for the boss. Sometimes he’s even seen as the “unofficial” boss of the whole group (which he likes to humor sometimes) but in the end he is possibly the most loyal out of everyone to Wally (man’s best friend after all). Preferred weapon is “da biggest gun we got!!!”
Howdy: Butler, bartender, boss’s right hand man. Will do basically everything anyone says (who’s part of the family) without question, however he will always take the Boss’s requests as main priority over the others. This will often keep him awake and exhausted, and a few new stitches to add to his collection. He has the lowest ability to think freely. Preferred weapon: Ice pick
Julie: Hitman A, interrogator, mad scientist really. Killing isn’t really too much of her thing, she prefers methodical planning and slow suffering with the use of chemicals and even random substances she can get her lil paws on. She’s not afraid to use anyone as a test subject, even if it’s her own members. preferred weapon: tranquilizers
Sally: Hitman B, intimidator, c h a o s. Almost the complete opposite to Julie. Absolutely chaotic and adores violent bloodshed to a point it’s theatrical. Usually is called if they don’t really need a clean kill. Can often be seen dancing and listening to music while on the job, often says it helps her focus (nobody really argues with it). Preferred weapon: anything blunt and/or violently loud (tasers, rocket launchers, fireworks) (sally is banned from using rocket launchers)
Poppy: Medic, crime scene cleanup, voice of reason, sometimes chef. She does ok when it comes to clean ups and stuff, however she has panic attacks and gets terrified when ever she hears screams of pain/torture, and freezes. Typically Howdy is there to help her snap out of it and help her complete her work, if not do her work for her. Everyone, even including the boss, is there to support her when she’s distressed (everyone would hug her except Wally. He does not like being touched unless it’s Howdy or Barnaby). Preferred weapon: n/a
Eddie: Messenger, delivery pick up/drop off, handler of the goods. He usually goes by himself, however after an incident where he lost his arm from a deal gone wrong, he is now required to leave with at least one of the hitmen (typically Sally). Very often does he get hurt in these trips and is usually always saved by Sally. Absolutely adores Frank for always trying to find the safest routes for him and wishes they had time together alone. Preferred weapon: a simple revolver
Frank: In charge of ordering goods, making contacts, being a voice of reason, basically just a manager. The most stressed member of the group. Rarely is he seen outside of the headquarters unless it’s to talk to well known individuals. He doesn’t usually talk to anyone besides Howdy (ranting at the bar about people), Eddie (telling him what he needs to get next), and Julie (normal convos and her asking him to order new chemicals for her next project). Every time Frank thinks he has an intimate moment together alone with Eddie, out of the blue Eddie would just randomly talk about how much he loves the family and how Wally is so amazing. The next day Frank asks him about it, it seems Eddie doesn’t remember what happened yesterday. Frank has the highest ability to think freely. Preferred weapon: a simple glock.
Home: Voice of reason. Preferred weapon: Wally
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vertumnanaturalis · 26 days
The Exocolonists of Vertumna (tumblr edition) Part 1: The starborn children of the Stratospheric
Sooo this is something I've been wanting to work on making for awhile, a tumblr text post addon for the big chunky npc list I've had for over a year. There's a lot of data I've accumulated over time that just doesn't fit in a google sheet in a decent way, and so I've been wanting to make some text posts to cover ideas that don't fit in my sheets, or might be an easier read for people who find my documents confusing.
I try to pull from canon as much as possible, and use speculation taken from a long hyperfixation on the concept of generation ships or bunkers and love for sci-fi media about it. The idea behind this list has always been to provide people with both an accessable set of easily usable/chuckable/maimable/fuckable/killable/ect names and ideas to fluff out the background of your own stories and with an illusion of consistancy, and to offer insight into my own headcanons that I've developed, so that people can take any bits and pieces they want and re-examine or reuse or recycle how they want. As always, I'll still try to mark which info is explicitly canon, but theres a lot of blanks to be filled in and my take on how things could be explained is far from the only one.
This one is gonna be an overview of the 54 people born on the Stratospheric and some approximate either in-universe or out-of-universe explanations for why things are structured the way they are. Future ones will cover specific sub-sections of those shipborn Stratos, overviews and department-specific pages about the adults of the Stratospheric, matching pages for people of the Heliopause, the children born during the final two years of the game, and even data for the kids possibly born beyond that.
In the earliest stages of drafting the ships population, the founders had planned to have exactly 100 people on the Stratospheric when it left Earth, primarily composed of their brightest and most promising between ages 10 and 25 (in local Earth years), and that 35 children would be born in five groups of seven during its 21(e)/20 (local Vertumna years) year journey, the maximum they could have fit in that ideal situation. On launch day in reality, the ship left with only 86 out of it's planned 100. Several of their important specialists were intercepted en-route to the launch pad, and a handful of their volunteer teenagers backed out in the final days and hours, while the reserve choices they had on hand were children chosen for their genetic diversity rather than skills or potential, with Utopia being an especially young outlier at just shy of 3(e). Outside of her and their sole member of generation one, Captain Eudicot, the ships population ran from original Chief Administrator Chiffon at 33(e) down to little Jubilation at 6-and-a-half(e). In one of the final documents outlined by the Earth colony's leaders in the hours before liftoff, the plans for the third generation were expanded from 35 to 50, adjusted for the younger leaning launch population and all the changes it entailed.
Similar to the founders original plan, spacer kids were still divided into five age groups (A, B, C, D, and E), with at least a year between the youngest person in one group and the eldest of the next. Half of this was to give the ship's lone acting physician a break period where there were no fresh infants or pregnancies to worry about, and the other half was to give the ship's administration time to carefully plan out the next set of children; How many children would be in this group, who was going to gestate the pregnancies, who their social parents would be (if any), what augments Instance would give them, and, most importantly, keeping an eye on the current genetic and social diversity of the third generation, so that they did not reach a genetic or social bottleneck too quickly (ie incest in a social setting, even if the two individuals are not genetically related). All of the embryos that would become the next group of children were created in the same few month period of time and cryofrozen until they were due to be implanted in the person chosen to gestate them. There were a number of extra rules that the Vertumna Group had written out that ultimately Eudicot and the council decided to abandon to at some point in the trip, all for various reasons, and not all by unanimous vote;
That there would be no need for drastic changes in the current groups' plans once the planning stage was over.
That every pregnancy would only include one fetus, with post-implantation embryo splits being selectively reduced.
None of the children born on the Stratospheric would have any genetic relationship with one another, and parents having more than one child would be discouraged, and that in cases where siblings did occur, either each sibling would only take genes from one parent (in family units with 2+ parents) or only the eldest child would have genetic relation to their parent and any following child would be purely from donated dna (for family units with only one parent).
That, at minimum, a quarter of every group should be set asside to for children with no dedicated family attachments, both to better. adhere to the group's original idea of having no parents, but also to give the young colony a bit more padding against the looming threat of everyone being second or third cousins in only a few generations.
Another rule that, while not completely abandoned, was less and less considered as the years went on was one that mandated how many embryos of each cluster were planned to develop with a genetically likely physiology that could get pregnant, a physiology that could get others pregnant, or anything in the vast array of historically normal and genetech introduced non-reproductive physiologies. This was never intended to determine the gender of the resulting children and any gene therapy they want or require in the future, or guarentee that the embryo would fully develop in the "intended" (solely in regards to their future reproductive capibilities, without further gene therepy involvement) way, but rather an attempt to gamble that at a decent number of the third generation would be able to continue the human species in the event their genetech was lost prematurely. For the original plan with 5 groups of 7, each group was to have a minimum of 3 embryos with an expected physeology that would be able to carry a pregnancy, 3 that could sire a pregnancy, and the 7th wouldn't have any requirements. The 3/3/1 ratio was followed exactly only during the first group, while following groups would only roughly follow this plan. In total, 54 children were born between leaving Earth and arriving at the wormhole; 30 out of them having siblings of some kind, with 10 of those children being born in sets of multiples (with two sets of twins and two sets of triplets) - with only one accidental post-implanation embryotic split resulting in two of those children - with 16 of the children have some genetic relationship with one another (though, with the exception of the identical sisters, none closer than genetic half siblings); and ultimately, only 9 children were explicitly born to be raised in the creche without parentage.
The 54 children of the Stratospheric:
Group A: The oldest spacer kids, they'd be adults at landing by Helio standards but they're still minors by the culture of the Vertumna group, coddled and babied more at landing than Sol when they reach the same age down the road, even if they still have adult jobs and responsabilities.
Cosmozoa "Cosmo" - he/him - 18
Lilium "Lili" - she/her - 18
Sorrel - he/him - 18 - A canon name and job, rest of info is fanmade
Benevolence "Bena" - she/her - 18
Edamame "Ed" - he/him - 17
Malagma "Mal" - they/them - 17
Absinthe "Abby" - any pronouns, feminine formal terms - 16* (17th birthday shortly after New Year day but before landing on Vertumna)
Group B: Kom's age group, with him as the oldest of the bracket, still young enough to be discovering themselves but old enough that the adults are rapidly giving them more responsibilities than their upperclassmen were at the same age. A series of unlikely and specific events led to the existance of the ships first set of multiples, and their existance provides in-universe backstory and reasoning for why some of the following children exist.
Kombucha "Kom" - he/him - 15
Quinine "Quinni" - they/them, later + he/him - 15 - same deal as Sorrel, even being named in the same event
Thicket - Any, masculine familiar terms - 14** (15th birthday after arriving on Vertumna but before Sol wakes up in medbay)
Opulence "Opal" - she/her - 14
Vertex "Tex" he/him - 14
Tempest "Pem" - she/her + They/them - 13* (same as Abby)
Chrysocolla "Chrys" - they/them - 13
Triplets Coriander "Cory" (he/him) , Scallopini "Pina" (she/her) , and Amaretto "Ame" (she/her) - 13 - Pina and Ame are the identical sisters mentioned above, while their fraternal brother Cory is genetically unrelated to them
Falchion "Kion" - he/him - 13
Group C: Sol's age bracket, most of these kids are canon and need no explanation
Arroyo "Ary" - he/him - 11
Aspartame "Tammy" - she/her - 11
Recalcitrance "Cal" - he/him - 11
Simplicity "Plic" - she/her - 11
Peregrine "Penny" - she/her - 10
Evanescence "Evan" - he/him - 10
Philosophy "Sully" - they/them - 10
Marzipan "Marz" - she/her - 10
Solanaceae* "Sol*" - they/them* - 9** name varies by timeline, but all of my documents will refer to our player character as Sol, and primarily but not exclusively with they/them pronouns; their 10th birthday is very notibly after they land on Vertumna shortly into the new year
Anemone "Annie/Nem/Nemmie/[Determined by player choice]" - she/her - 9
Twins Dysthymia "Dys" (he/him) and Tangent "Tang" (she/her) - 9 - in all of my headcanon documents, including this one, I am going with the idea that they are planned fraternal twins with seperate sperm donors; I know the take that they were idetical twins is a common one, but it isn't actually a canon one; nothing in the game actively states this, the idea that they were identical is simply a common and very reasonable take on the information the game gives us, but it was never something I got from playing the game myself. If you're curious about all the exact reasons for this you can send an ask and I'll elaborate.
Group D - The younger kids, like Anemone's triplet brothers, half of them have their holopalms installed but still spend a lot of time in the creche when they land. All but the eldest three are kids Sol and Tammy babysit, and 100% of them are kids Sol can later tutor in school
Hawthorn "Hawth" - they/them - 7
Hyaline "Lin" - any - 7
Sepia - she/her - 7
Triplets Cirrus, Stratus, and Cumulus (all he/him) - 6** (same as Thicket) - we never get their exact age, but they're listed as being 7 years old when the game starts in an only mostly correct game file character sheet, the triplets ended up being technically 6 at the start because of an early whoopsie daisy during early npc documentation
Mistletoe "Misu-Misu" - she/her - 6
Kelvin - he/him - 6
Effervesence - he/him, later + they/them - 5
Vendetta "Detta" - she/her, later + they/them - 5
Necterine "Nena" - she/her - 5
Group E - The youngest of the generation, all toddlers and babies on arrival, space born in technicality, but children of Vertumna in every other way. The largest of the groups with 13 children included, and the group with the most imaginative and most untested augments.
Nougat - she/her - 3
Nimbus - he/him - 3 - similar to the cloud triplets, we never get his age beyond that he's "little Nimbus", but he's old enough to be in school when Sol first unlocks the tutoring job so I put him at Nougat's age
Panache "Pan" - he/him - 2
Maraschino "Chino" - he/him & she/her - 2 -while Chino does appear in game with only the he/him pronouns used, "Marachino "Chino" with the pronouns he/him"'s age is never directly given in-game, a "Marachino "Mara" with the pronouns she/her" and an age of 2 is listed in the same file that gives the cloud triplet's their approximate age and listed as a child encountered during babysitting, so I went with a middle ground of having this character use both pronouns and later both nicknames
Tessera "Tess" - she/her - 2
Macaroni "Mac" - she/her & he/him - 1 - the child with the no pain augment is refered to with he/him pronouns in-game, but I went with a similar deal to Chino for variety
Contrivance "Connie" - he/him - 1 - the child with the shark teeth augment is also refered to with he/him pronouns
Ketamine "Ket" - they/them - 1
Maxilla "Max" - he/him - 0
Twins Whimsy and Praline (both she/her) - 0 - while one of Dys's late game/high skill events has him talking about how at one point he and Tangent were "The Twins" prior to their relationship crumbling apart, I thought it would be narratively fitting to have a younger set of twins being planned/conceived/born at the same time as their relationship falls apart as Tangent gets further into genetics (where said twins were being made), making him and Tang lose their status as being "The Twins" in multiple ways
Benzodiazepine "Benji" - he/him - 0
Enigma "Ena" - she/her - 0 - the youngest child from the Strato's third gen and last one to be born in space is refered to with she/her pronouns as a baby, opted to keep those pronouns as she grows older
In total, the shipborn children and teenagers account for roughly 40% of it's landing population (39.7% when arriving at the wormhole, and 42.2% after the canonly unavoidable loss of life during it's landing). This number combined with the chaos of living on a new planet and the very likely scenario of the ship's brown dirt being lost would be a good starting explanation for some of the glaring failures in child wellfair and safety during the 10 years we see during the game, but definately not an excuse. The next post is going to be either a quick overlook of the gen 2 Strato characters or a more detailed post for one of the specific gen 3 groups, detailing things like birthdays and augments, with posts detailing the adult npcs and all the Helios and planetborn children coming later.
Also, as there was no decent way to include this higher up the list, here are the sibling sets discussed earlier;
Sorrel, Thicket, and Misu [only Sorrel shares any dna with their mother, Thicket and Misu are both entirely from donor dna]
Kom, Anemone, Cirrus, Stratus, Cumulus, and Nimbus [Kom and Anemone are genetic half siblings with 50% of their genes from Anne, while the following boys only have between 15 and 35% coming from Anne, with the rest from multiple donors]
Opal and Ves [Opal only shares her mother's dna, while Ves only shares his father's]
Tex and Ary [only Tex has his father's dna, with Arroyo's embryo coming from Earth]
Cory, Pina, and Ame [None of the trio have their mother's dna, and the embryo that became Cory shared no dna with the embryo that split into Pina and Ame]
Kion, Penny, and Sepia [One of the three is only genetically related to one of their two parents, another is only genetically related to the second parent, and the third is entirely from donor dna or an Earth embryo, but only Instance knows which of the three is which, as all three were created (or selected) at the same time for this exact scenario]
Sully and Ket [occupy a unique space as sorta step-siblings, as they both have single parents who begin a romantic relationship after landing]
Dys and Tang [explained above]
Kelvin and Pan [occupy another unique space as social half-siblings, with Kelvin being born to a single father who entered a relationship after he was born, but his father's partner is very explicitly not his mom genetically or socially]
Detta and Connie [a similar deal to Opal and Ves, but I haven't mapped out which parent is which yet]
Nena and Chino [genetic half siblings, with both taking dna from their mother and Nena taking dna from one of their fathers and Chino taking it from the other]
Whimsy and Praline [they don't share any genetic material with one another or their mom, and an in-universe rumored reason for it is that their mom had been the egg donor for one of the older children]
Also, the creche children who were born at the behest of the colony without any specific designated parents in mind
Side note: Canonically, Anemone's brother Kom is the oldest shipborn child we see, and while I believe Lindsay intended for Kom to be the oldest member of gen 3 after Utopia, this is never actually stated in the game, and I was surprised to see that it was the intent as it never came across to me that way during my initial playthroughs. Nothing in here explicitly ignores or goes against anything said or mentioned in the game proper, but I know that having any of the kids be older than Kom is probably the not the most canon way to construct the generations layout. One of the canonly used names in the game, "Sorrel", has been given to one of these teens, but there is neither anything for or against Sorrel being this age, as the only information we get beyond a name is a manner of death and a place of work.
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nerdlingmerchling · 6 months
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So, I've watched Out of Darkness (2022) starring Mr Kit Young himself. 🎬 🎞
Full disclaimer, I hate horror movies, but I watched it anyway cause Kit (yes, it's a good reason). My verdict is that it's more of a thriller than a horror movie, and to my delight, it didn't rely heavily on jump scares.
It's rare to see movies set in the paleolithic era, and I think that's where the true originality of this movie lies. The costumes and props look overall pretty authentic, up to the stitching of the clothes, which I was happy about. It shows that there had been some anthropological research done beforehand.
The made-up Tola language was such an interesting, fascinating aspect to the movie, and all of the actors sounded exactly as if they had spoken it all their lives. They adopted such unique intonation that I even had a hard time recognizing Kit's voice at first. Acting was incredible, from everyone, and from start to finish.
Also, very glad to see an ethnically diverse group of prehistoric humans. Some recent studies tend to show that paleolithic groups were more complex in terms of origins than we might think.  So, props to the casting direction for that.
I also loved how this movie was much more than a slasher and had a true reflexion on what it is, and what it means to be human.  The movie was efficient in presenting the characters and their individual motivations. Each of the six main characters represented different angles of human nature : ego, ruthlessness, innocence, kindness, religious zeal, and determination/weakness. I thought it was such a great way to explore that theme.
It's also a beautifully-shot movie, which shows its Scottish Highlands setting in all its gloomy glory : making it both breathtaking and menacing. No green screen in sight, and you can feel the harshness of the elements piercing through the screen.
Overall, I had a good time, but I'm a sensitive creature, and I was still affected by the movie hours after I was done watching it. Much of it has to do with the character played by Kit.
Character analysis and SPOILERS under the cut :
Kit plays Geirr, a young hunter and the most sympathetic character overall. To no one's surprise, Kit plays him with a lot of nuance.
Geirr is a hunter and a warrior by necessity. He's a gentle, sensitive, artistic soul and the stark opposite to his older brother Adem, the leader of the group, who's proud, selfish, and prone to violent outbursts.
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Geirr has a special bond with Beyah, a teenage girl the group picked up "en route". The others still treat her as a stray and an outsider. Geirr, though, accepts her and sees her as being part of their little tribe. He vows to protect and take care of her.
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Very few people smile in that movie, but when someone does, it's usually Geirr, and he's smiling at Beyah.
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You might think at first that their attachment is a brother-sister or friends type of bond, but something happens that make the viewer understand Geirr's feelings for her extend further than that. While the group is resting after a day of walking the treacherous terrain, Geirr realizes his friend's pants are stained in blood, and he looks alarmed. She's having her first periods ; she's a woman now, and that means leader Adem can get to have a claim on her as he pleases.
Well aware of that fact, Geirr is devastated, and you understand at once that he was hoping to make Beyah his own companion.
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You also understand that he's not going to fight for her. He's going to suffer in silence, accept the situation and accept his brother's authority. Because that's the thing with Geirr ; he's not a fighter. And throughout the movie, Beyah is going to prove that she has a lot more fight in her than he does.
Geirr is someone who has principles, and he's going to follow those principles even when it leads him to suffering or even be at risk of dying. He refuses to kill someone, even out of mercy, or to resort to cannibalism, even when it's the sole way to survive.
By the end of the movie, he has given up, and it becomes clear he's not destined to make it. It makes his death even more devastating, because you're still hoping against hope that he's going to live.
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I'm still mourning that sweet prehistoric cinnamon bun, and I blame Kit's acting (and his face) for my emotional turmoil.
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suzuran777 · 4 months
Review: Akaya Akashiya Ayakashi No
A while ago the Nintendo Switch and Steam versions of Akaya Akashiya Ayakashi No were released, so I had to finally replay this game! It was originally released on PC in 2011 by Haccaworks, who are also known for their previous work Hanakisou. This game isn't technically a BL game, but I think BL fans would still like it! This time the game's also available in English and Chinese.
The story focuses on protagonist Yue, a human who lives together with a group of Ayakashi. He was born and raised there and never left the shrine grounds, but one night, his childhood friend Kurogitsune takes him to the nearby festival. During his very first trip to the outside world, Yue meets two boys who he grows interested in and wants to learn more about. After returning to the shrine, the shrine's goddess Mikoto informs him that preparations for Yue's "meal" have started.
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This game has 4 different routes and quite a lot of different endings. I used this guide which helped me a lot! It's in Japanese but even if you Google Translate it I think it should be clear what choices to choose. Other than the usual choices, you also get to choose the location you want to explore, so I often got bad endings when I wasn't checking the guide. The recommended route order is Akiyoshi > Tsubaki > Sagano > Kurogitsune, as some endings are locked.
In this game, the Ayakashi usually live far away from humans in the mountains, but they took a liking to the local shrine which was originally created by worshippers of goddess Mikoto-no-Nushi. Yue doesn't remember most of his past and has been living at the shrine together with the Ayakashi for as long as he can remember. He knows he's different than the Ayakashi, but he also doesn't fully remember why he's living with them. His best friend, Kurogitsune, is a black fox who's always together with him. He does have a humanoid form too but usually he takes the shape of a small fox sitting on Yue's shoulder.
During Yue's trip to the festival, he meets two of the characters who have their own routes in this game, a boy who always wears a mask called Akiyoshi, and a blond haired boy called Tsubaki. Tsubaki doesn't really understand what Yue's deal is, and Akiyoshi is immediately suspicious of him. Regardless, Yue wants to learn more about them.
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After returning home, Yue and Kurogitsune get scolded by the individual who owns the shrine (Sato). He's hoping that Mikoto, the shrine goddess, will punish both of them for secretly going to the festival, but she always forgives Yue no matter what he does lol. Yue doesn't really understand it when Mikoto tells him it's time for his "meal" and why he should choose between one of the boys he just met. Ayakashi eat humans and when a human is caught by them, other people lose memories of this person (being spirited away). But Yue is no Ayakashi, which is why he's confused.
During the next days in the game, Yue meets Akiyoshi and Tsubaki again and slowly becomes friends with them, even though both are still suspicious of him. Kurogitsune is also quite bad at hiding that he can in fact talk, so the others immediately know he's an Ayakashi too lol. The dialogue suggests regular people can't see him when he's in his human form, but both Akiyoshi and Tsubaki are exceptions because of their bloodlines and are able to see ghosts and Ayakashi.
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The town where the characters live in, Utsuwa, is permanently stuck in a night cycle, though it seems like the residents don't think it's anything unusual. At some point some strange things happen in town and slowly more and more people go missing. Additionally, monsters called Akujiki appear more frequently, who similar to Ayakashi, also eat humans. Because their abilities aren't as strong as Ayakashi, usually when they eat someone other people don't completely lose their memories of this person. As a result of this, Yue and the others run into people walking around town mindlessly, forgetting what they were doing outside in the first place. While investigating these incidents, Yue is approached by stranger called Sagano who tells Yue he's taking his body back. After trying to fight Yue though, he retreats because I guess it wasn't the right time yet. Sagano is kind of funny because he always looks ready to attack Yue but there's always some kind of excuse why he doesn't do it.
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Even though it's an old game I still love the character designs, CGs and backgrounds. It creates an atmosphere which really suits the setting of the game. The music in this game is also very good and quite nostalgic to me, I think many people who aren't familiar with the game at least know the opening song by Shikata Akiko! It's also really convenient that the Switch version lets you skip backwards so if you do make a wrong choice, you can easily go back and fix it. The game also has a button to skip to the next important event or choice, which is faster than just pressing the skip read dialogue option.
Final impressions
I was really curious what I would think about this game because the first time I played this was over 10 years ago. The original PC version is also unvoiced, and since I never had a PSP this is my first time playing the voiced version. I still really like the plot and characters, there's a lot of side characters but they all have their own charm. Many of the endings are quite bittersweet because the conflicts between the characters aren't something that can easily be solved. What I really like is that every main character in this game is relevant to the plot, even outside of their own route. The Tsubaki family has been targeted by the foxes from the shrine for a long time, while the Tochika family (Akiyoshi's family) is the complete opposite and the foxes would rather stay away from them. Sagano also has his connections to the Ayakashi of the shrine, but I won't spoil the endings!
Something I did notice is that even though the game's translated into English, there's a few typos in this version, sometimes in the game dialogue, but also in some of the menus. During one of the earlier scenes the dialogue randomly turned into the original Japanese text too, for about three lines I think? I'm not sure if this got patched and it probably won't ruin your playthrough, but maybe it's good to know. Overall I think the translation is pretty straight-forward and it doesn't change most of the Japanese terms
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gravelsong · 5 months
Lmao glad to see I’m not the only one who thought “this could have been hot rod” the second they showed bee, granted I thought that too with beasts mirage but still- give me my stupid orange idiot
I only reason I can imagine why nobody would ever consider Hot Rod for the comedic relief role is because I don't think Hot Rod's public perception has EVER recovered from how he was used in any of the theatrical TF movies. From what I've gathered from outsiders, very little people pay attention to transformers aside from the movies, and considering how Hot Rod's only roles in them has been Optimus's Replacement (who got that role after the brutal g1 character slaughter which traumatized children. He's still awesome in that movie, I just don't think a lot of non-big tf fans really moved past that) and French, it probably makes marketing sense that nobody wants to fuck with him again.
Even though Hot Rod would've made sense more personality-wise for Mirage's role, I can probably get why they chose to make him Mirage. We all know that transformers has a history with reconstructing existing characters and also giving lesser-used names to characters who really aren't the same person (I love ROTB Mirage but that man is NOT g1 Mirage), and there aren't many non-tf-fan people who will know who Mirage actually is (and considering how bayverse Mirage isn't even named Mirage? Yeah, they were probably looking for a character name that hadn't been used in Bayverse yet. Personally I think we should sever Knightverse's connections to Bayverse), so they just kinda fuck-it-we-balled it.
But then that just makes the choice to make Bee fill the comedic role for TF: One even more confusing. Bee is one of the most popular characters in Transformers history (along with Optimus, Megatron, and Starscream), and has a STRONGLY set personality. He's a bit of a wisecracker at times, yeah, but the core of his character was more connected to the emotional side of things rather than comedic. He's connected with humans, he's gentle, he holds his friendships so strongly, he's actually a lot more disgruntled and upset at times than some people give him credit for. Bee's always been the friendly one, but his friendliness isn't really displayed in constant joking, but rather through the physical and emotional ways he shows his care. The fun part about Hot Rod and Bee's dynamic (that we rarely get to see unfortunately) is how they can both be on a similar page of amusement, but in different flavors. Hot Rod IS the more louder and outspoken one of the two, if anyone's initiating wisecracks, it's HIM (if it makes sense this way, Bee's energy feels rounded and bouncy, while Hot Rod's feels sharp and bold).
I don't want to doubt the writers' personal history in transformers outside of what they've publicly done for the franchise (The Last Knight is something I personally would be ashamed of having on my resume), because sometimes what you publicly do doesn't exactly equate to your passion or care, but it does make me wonder how much experience they have with these characters individually.
It could also be the age-old case of Hollywood going "make it marketable as shit" so they go the route of "we need to fill these character roles with the classic group dynamic: main character, best friend, the funny one, and girl" and they just went with who were the most marketable faces.
All-in-all, it's a confusing-ass choice to just NOT include Hot Rod if you need comedic relief, and also make Bumblebee something he's not. Unless they subvert expectations in some way with him, it feels like they could've used anyone else and it would make more sense.
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dreamtydraw · 2 years
Like we all do because tears are still rolling
And i came up with an hc of what the bad end could have been based on one dialogue option in particular and other preiously référenced event.
I'm talking about this option wich is the last one offered where you are in a group setting, right before heading to kill LoS.
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(before reading further reminder this is just an hc and english is not my first language )
Ok so why did i focused on this dialogue option ? Well because we know the game is full of foreshadowing and i like over analizing stuff wich made me compare the two options in details. See, if you choose the drink option, not only you have almost everyone interact, but it's on a note of a brighter futur. ( i only screend first dialogues but anisa, tusli, felix and elowen talk )
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this contrast with the nap option who only have Elowen talking outside of sage ( worth mentioning elowen is the only one going with you two in the castle )
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The tone diferences is visible, in one hand you have a happy and cheerful group discussion, in the other hand you have what in first reading is just a joke but may sound like a real possible worry ( mainly if you associate long nap as death )
"so what is your theorie then ?" you may ask, well hear me out on that one !
We know the bad end are foreshadowed in the bad end poster of the intro + the description read in sage route when we go back to the fan expo.
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Mike / LoS / ugly wizzard, clearly created the storie to end with the main 3 being antagonist. In his head he wants them to be vilains in his upcoming game so his goal is to make them range in his rank.
We can then theorise that he wants sage as a beast, sort of like a monster for a boss level ( since in the hand od Mike, this is a video game where he is the most powerful vilain )
So how would he obtain it ?
Sage wants to kill him and if he was in beast form why would he obey him ? Well what does Sage spend all his route doing from his very first introduction ? What is one of his main goal trought the storie ( outside of letting go, and accepting help )
Protecting mc. Sage always did his best to protect mc even when they didn't knew each other in the tavern. Sage spend his time trying to protect mc from danger, from himself or from whatever could harm them.
This is why i theorise that Sage will still protect mc no matter what, wich include even in his bad end.
My theorie is that in the bad end, both MC and Sage overdue during the fight ( because of the lack of support from the other if you kept choosing options about violence, guilt, individuality and only counting on each other ) this lead to Sage using his beast form, being stuck in it incapable of going back, and mc entering a sort of coma. Why a coma would you ask ?
Well the nap option could be a foreshadowing of mc being here physicaly but absent ( sleeping, so in a sort of coma ) trapped in their mind like the other where after the fog first appeared. "what about the astroblade ?" well it was told that relics may overwhork their owner, we know they can even break ( like sage's zenith ) so it"s a possibility that the Astroblade would be too draining ( helping on Mc falling asleep or making them feel tired, hinted by ugly wizzard man in the breakfast scene in chap 11 ) and to "save mc" put them in a state of sleep rather than death.
This would give a reason for why sage could end up not killing LoS. In exchange of waking them up ( probably a lie or would take forever ) Sage would need to work for him. This is an offer that he can't refuse, Sage would stay with mc no matter what
( dialogue given by elowen last moment we see her before the big fight )
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If you want more of my "why i think it would go that way" trow back to that one star scene where Rime offer both mc and Sage a deal wich is basicaly "turn into a beast and i'll teach them how to handle you". This would work well in paralel to the deal LoS could offer to sage "Turn into a best for them and i'll handle you for their sake".
Anyway if you read that far i would love to have your opinions on my hc because i can"t be alone with that thought, i need to talk about it with other.
Have a nice day _(┐「ε:)_
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vibratingskull · 9 months
Echoes of deceit
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Part1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Tags : Hunt, investigation, canon typical violence
FemaleReader x Thrawn
You are at the Sapara market with Thrawn to take the pirates down. Following them you get separated.
You tap your finger on the table as a sign of anticipation and tension.
In front of you Thrawn is sipping his drink, hidden under a hood and eyes behind green glasses. He really does look like a Pantoran like that. 
"Remain calm, you are going to bring attention to yourself" he advises.
You sigh.
"Easier said than done" you stop tapping your finger and pull your hood farther over your head, looking around the outside cafe bubbling with agitation.
All around you people attend to their business, walking around, negotiating prices with the Sapara merchants, trying products or stopping by to drink a good cup of caff despite the temperatures. You scrutinize everyone with the eyes of an eagle trying to see if you recognize someone or notice something strange. You slide your hand under your cloak to feel the gun hidden in the interior pocket, it calms you down a bit.
"I just want it to be already over."
His hand takes yours and squeezes it gently.
"We are going to put an end to this, and everything will be behind us. Do you remember the plan?"
You nod. Your thumbs caresses the side of his warm hand gently. Those little touches set fire to your soul and make your heart sing, but you must remain focused. Away you hear some voices rising like a dispute just started. Something about a cheater and a game. Shouting burst and the barista had to intervene. Thrawn makes his drinks swirl in his glass.
"Behind you on your right, a group of men are leaving the area. They got the tattoo on their hand" he murmurs just loud enough for you to hear.
You nod and stand up, leaving the credits for the drinks with a mind absently gesture and head towards the men with Thrawn by your side. They’re five. Three Humans, an Azumel and a Heptooinians. They are walking close but not side by side, an outsider would not recognize them as a group but as single individuals in a crowd. You both remain at a good distance, feigning to be interested in the stalls beside you when one of them looked over his shoulder. Your gaze slides down to the revolver they’re hiding under their clothes, not totally invisible to the trained eyes, then to their hands. They do have the tattoo mentioned in the file left by your dead cousin. Those are the pirates you hunted down for so long. They will surely guide you to their hideout in the region or meet their superior at one point, and then, with Thrawn’s plan and good timing you’ll arrest them. You feel tension in your muscles, you can’t wait, a hunt of several years is about to end today. You’re only noticing you started to speed up when Thrawn’s hand comes to grasp yours to slow you down. You intertwine your fingers and resume walking in a more discreet manner. At first you were apprehensive of the cloak method, too visible if you were the only one wearing it, but the sun hits hard on this planet and the inhabitants hide under hooded fabric all year long, so it was a good idea in insight. Suddenly the Azumel stops and retraces his steps. Blast! Did he noticed you?
"What do you think of this dress?" Thrawn pulls you to the side, and hands you a mint dress.  You pretend to take interest in the clothes as the alien walks in your direction. You feel your heart pounding.
"The rest of the group pursues its route. What do we do?" Thrawn asks you.
You look at him with round eyes.
"It’s me who should ask that. You’re a Grand Admiral, you call the shot."
He shakes his head.
"It is your hunt and your vengeance. I am at your service to help."
You side eyes the alien, holding your breath. He continues his strides until he walks past you. You breathe. He didn’t saw you.
" We continue following the group" you agree.
He nods approvingly.
"Let’s hurry then, they are about to disappear at a turn."
You throw the dress and press your steps behind them. They, indeed, disappear behind a wall. You push people around you out of your way, sliding between them as fast as you can. You notice a shortcut and pull on Thrawn’s sleeve, you rush into the little street and sprint. You press yourself against the wall, looking in the busy street. Here! You saw them. You actually gained on them.
"The Heptooinian left too" you indicate.
" Indeed, Thrawn" adds. "But the leader of the group is still here."
"Which one?" You squint.
" The one on the right, his tattoo is larger than the four other ones, it must be a sign of status in the hierarchy."
You didn’t notice that. You let them pass you and follow them once again, focusing on the guy on the right. Indeed, you got a glimpse of his tattoo, a serpent biting down a fruit tree. Thrawn was right. You glance at him.
"Remain behind me for ten steps. If one of them breaks out again, follow them. I’m following the leader. We follow the plan."
Without a word he slows down and the space behind you grows larger. Quickly your intuition proves to be right and the two goons turn in another street, as busy as this one. At the corner of your eyes you see Thrawn following them at great distance. Your eyes remain on the leader, by instinct your hand goes to your handgun. You follow him for ten more minutes until he enters a shop. You observe the shopfront, it’s just another hash house as they are a thousand of them around here. You pretend to be an interested client and look through the window, but it's too dusty to see through. You pass the door and arrive in a completely empty boutique full of trinquets with no worth, your pirate is nowhere to be seen. Only a scent of sugar seems to not be paired with the location. The only exit is the door you went through and an arch going in the backshop. You hear a voice, calm, steady, but you can't make out any words. You pull your gun and slowly head towards the arche. 
It is not the backshop but stairs that descend deep in the ground. You walk down some steps slowly hearing the voice clearer and clearer. You must refrain from coughing because the sugar odor is much more potent as you go down. Your weapon starts feeling heavy in your hand, but you don't go back, each step you pray for the stair not to creak. You feel your comlink vibrating in your pocket, it's surely Thrawn. As you're about to pick up you hear the man more clearly. 
"... is proceeding smoothly. You will receive the package in less than an hour."
The package? They already have new slaves to embark? And who is he talking to ? Blast, you're too close to him to speak to pick up your comlink. You hear a deformed voice answering him. You grasp your gun with two hands and continue to go down. Your head is feeling dizzy. 
You finally start to see the room and the body of the pirate is slowly revealed to you. He has his back turned on you and is talking to a hologram. He's alone. 
"-Talking about the package, it's coming down the stairs at this very moment."
What ? 
He spins towards you and you're greeted with a gas mask. 
It flashes in your mind. 
Sugar. Exam. Gas! You need to get out of here! 
But as you turn back to get up the stairs, your legs give up under you and you fall in the stair. You inhaled too much. Your dizziness worsens and you start seeing triple. You try to pull yourself up, decided not to die here but your trembling limbs have lost all their strength. You crawl up three steps before collapsing. Behind you you hear the pirate whistling and walking towards you. In a last minute effort you manage to pick up on Thrawn, as somebody grabs your hair, yanks your head backward and hits it with the wooden steps against your temple with tremendous force. 
You lose consciousness, only hearing Thrawn's voice calling your name, fading in the darkness
Your face is in so much pain. 
But you feel something soft caressing your forehead and hair. 
You try and open your eyes. You're met with a fan.
"Shhhhhhhh… Careful my Pearl, you took a bad hit."
"Arzel!" You exclaim full of relief, "I've never been so happy to see you."
"- I bet you do." He murmurs. 
"Ouch, my head…" You close your eyes as the blood beats furiously in your temples. "Where am I ?"
"Away, my Pearl."
Suddenly it flashes back in your mind. 
"The pirate ! The organization ! What happened ?! "
"Everything is getting taken care of. He tempers, You put us in a muddy mess, my Pearl."
"Thrawn beat up the pirates?"
"He's taking cared of too." He slides a strand of hair off your face. 
"He's injured?!" Your stomach sinks in. Maybe that's what he was trying to tell you on the comlink, and you didn’t help him. 
You try to rise up, but you're being held down by some contraptions. 
"Wh… "
You look at Arzel and look back at you with a pitying smile. 
Then you look around. 
You're not in a medbay. 
You're in some underground, cavernous and humid room. Strapped at a poor quality metal bed. 
You look back at Arzel with round eyes. 
"Arzel… What's the meaning of this?"
He continues to stroke your hair with tenderness in the eyes. 
"I told you you put us in a mess… Now the preparations for the feast are undergoing a tragic change of pace." He explains calmly. 
" Arzel… What's going on?" You ask in disbelief, fear slowly taking place. 
"I didn't expect you to go after your cousin's assassin this soon, all have been precipitated of several years. You're not fully ready yet, but we'll have to settle for that."
You don't understand a thing. The only thing you know is that you want to get out of here. You squirm, shake your body, try to stand up, to no avail. Dizziness comes back full speed and you start panting. 
"Stop writhing, you lost a lot of blood with your leg, you will only make you feel dizzy." He chastises, fanning himself. 
"Wh-My leg ?"
You raise your head. One of your legs is strapped down the bed. 
The other… 
Is shorter. 
Cut down the thigh. 
You look in disbelief. 
And scream. 
"I know, my Pearl. I know. It's a shock, but you'll look past it eventually." Arzel hugs you. 
" Bu… How… why…wh-"
"Why did you lose a leg?" he sighs, "you still don't get it, do you?"
He clacs his fan, making it resonate.
"Alright. I am a man of taste and adventures, I like to try everything and anything. But with money the excitement dies quickly and nothing is new and fresh. So I had to push boundaries to get things exciting again. And one day, with my friends I had the illumination! Cooking. A field with only imagination to stop us. But what didn't we already tried before?"
Your eyes are fixed on him, silent, in disbelief. What the hell is he on about ? What the actual hell ?
"Flesh!" He announces joyfully, "flesh is only another type of meat. Plus we had plenty with the homeless in the street! So I gathered a bunch of like minded people and started my adventure. Nobody would miss them, plus they are only parasites sponging off Society. We were doing something noble."
You look at him spewing his garbage. It feels unreal, like you were in a dream, or rather a nightmare. It can't be real right? It explains all that with sparkling eyes, like a child being promised a fizzy drink. 
"We soon realized we needed to change meat supplies. Despite being utterly useless it was too visible, associations and police would start asking questions if the homeless population dwindled without apparent reason. So we opted for slaves, they are numerous and nobody would search for them."
You feel sick. You think you're gonna puke. 
"But with its new project "stardust" The Empire started to monopolize all the slaves' sources. So we resorted to stealing them away," he snarls. 
"But… What does it have to do with me ?" You ask utterly terrified. 
"You? Oh that is so simple my Pearl," he pecks your cheek, holding your face, "we realized we were eating the human equivalent of garbage. That couldn't do. We deserved better. I wanted to eat my equal, the top of the top. So we fomented a plan, we would find a young recruit and help them rise to the top of their league and when the time comes, cut them down. And you appeared !"
He says that like it is an evidence, the most obvious thing in the world but on your hand your brain just frozed, you can’t make sense of what he’s saying.
"You and your friends were a gift from the Maker. Even though Thrawn was the most suited for the cast he never let his guard down, impossible to get him into the church," he deplores, "same thing for your friend Ela, when I tried to recruit him at the bathhouse, this rat refused me."
"You… You tried to recruit them?" you choke on your own words
" Well, I needed a stopgap solution if you happen to disappear on a mission. A chance it didn’t happen. Unfortunately you’re not as high as I first hoped you would be despite my insistence in helping you climb the hierarchy."
He shakes his head and you feel tears behind your eyes, but also an ire starts spreading in your veins. What kind of psychopath did you fall in love with?
"I’m afraid we will have to settle with you for now. I will need to hunt down another prey later and hope they will rise at the top. The guest will be a bit disappointed by your standing, you were supposed to be the main piece of the feast, it’s a bit underwhelming really. To think we spent all those efforts for little results." he sighs.
So that was what Divi was telling you, the numerous persons at Arzel arms, your role requiring a sacrifice, you being a pleasure of the church.
"Then… Everything was fake, the church…"
"Oh no, it’s very real. We truly believe in the equality of the races, everyday peoples come in search of hope. We just needed a ground to pick up meat easily with my friends."
You can’t hear any more, you explode.
"You’re sick, you’re utterly deranged! You-"
"Now come on, don’t give me this crap when you’ve been initiated," he admonishes.
"I’m nothing like you!"
"Really? You remember when you came to dine at my penthouse with our friends? What was in the dish do you think?"
The meat dish? 
You start gagging.
"See? You’re like me now. You licked that fork clean, you really enjoyed yourself! Vez would be happy to know his flesh came not to waste and was appreciated."
"VEZ?! You brought him here?!"
He nods with a warm smile, caressing your head gently.
"See? We are the same, my pearl. And soon we’ll be one and the same, sharing one body! Isn’t it a wonderful way to take communion? We will be together forever, nothing could separate us!"
You squirm on the table, trying desperately to get out of there. But the leathers contraptions bite into your skin, keeping you in place. You have a bad taste in your mouth, you’re sweating and you feel like passing out, but you try nonetheless. He pushes you down the bed.
"Stop fighting, it’s useless."
"But you love me… You can’t possibly do that. You can’t…" You plead.
"Oh Roween," he leans to your ears and murmurs in your ear. "There was nothing between us, I sold you a dream and you bit down into it. That is all there is."
You feel tears rolling down your cheeks.
"That’s… That’s why you never…"
"Why I never told you “I love you”? You’re cute but I dont fuck my meat," he rise up and pull on his gloves. "Now I am awaited, I will let you here for now. Do not worry we will soon come collecting the rest of the flesh, your nightmare is about to end."
He kisses you on the temple and disappears waving at you, leaving you in the dark. 
You fully cry and call for help, but you can only hear the echoes of your own voice.
You feel truly and utterly
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outofangband · 2 years
The Cavalry of Maglor’s Gap and Lothlann and other world building for the region (Part One)
World Building Masterlist
Like my other Fëanorian World Building posts I focus mainly on layout/hierarchy, population, resources and trade, and homes and construction.
Please always feel free to ask more! For this location or any others! And feel free to suggest locations for world building posts
Maglor’s Gap is an area of Northeastern Beleriand. It lies at the Southern end of the plains of Lothlann with the March of Maedhros on the West and Mount Rerir and Thargelion at the East.
We sadly know very little about the horsemen of Maglor other than that they were burned alive in Lothlann during the Dagor Bragollach. But as Tolkien World Building is my favorite thing, here’s some speculation
The cavalry is made up of over 300 Noldorin riders though duty is cycled so there is usually a group of twenty to fifty inactive or in less intensive tasks They are primarily a defensive measure, protecting Eastern Beleriand from invasion from the North.
Most carry a sword though there are a significant number of archers as well. The cavalry is highly disciplined and trained in both solo and smaller missions as well as coordinated combat operations involving large numbers
The Cavalry live in a number of low, wooden halls located in the foothills. Smaller, cabin like stations dot the route North towards Ard Galen where some stay during longer missions
The horses are bred in Lothlann and graze largely in the wild plains and meadow steppes. About forty elves are involved full time in their care during the watchful peace. The number drops during more dangerous times
The organization and governance of the gap is somewhere between that of the highly organized and fortified Himring and the loosely governed Himlad with no central citadel. Few records are kept and non military positions outside healers are largely temporary and shared ones, the exception being a few who deal primarily with trade and the acquisition of resources
On that note, resources primarily come from Eastern Beleriand with some imports from East of the Ered Luin and elsewhere in Beleriand. Fiber crops are not grown in the Gap and materials for clothing are accessed through trade with Thargelion*. The material is generally already processed and cleaned and requires only fashioning into clothes. Linen, wool, and silk are the most used with other furs going into linings. Leather is also imported from Himlad and Thargelion.
Some clothing is made by individuals who acquire the materials through hunting
*who also get many materials from elves, men and dwarves East of the Ered Luin
Maglor’s Gap does have a small fortress in the more mountainous Northeast near the border to Thargelion. This served temporarily as Maglor’s own home too. It was built from stone and earth to blend into the surrounding landscape (though most was above ground unlike Nargothrond
Fish from the two nearby rivers and various streams are caught often for food and are eaten more than other meat. Seeds and bread made from various flours are also eaten along with often bitter wild vegetables such as wild spinach, purslane, lamb’s quarters, red and green dandelions, etc. Salt is another traded resource. Butter and any other dairy products are somewhat rare. Goat milk products are available somewhat more than cow as goat and sheep are more common in Eastern Beleriand
The majority of the Cavalry perished during Dagor Bragollach. The rest fled towards Himring with a small number traveling further South
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moltz23 · 11 months
When the Darkness gets Miscasted - An Essay about Three Houses' "those who slither in the dark"
As someone that joined the FE fandom with Sacred Stones, I gotta say, “Those who slither in the dark” are an interesting experiment as far as antagonistic factions go. In spite of being the most alien-like group featured in the franchise (as of Engage), regardless of the 3H story branch picked, TWSITD in the long-term serves as an villainous third wheel of sorts, going from being very active late into Part 1, to vanishing almost entirely by Part 2, not even getting an proper send-off in half of the routes. So what happened?
Well, after pondering about it for a while, I believe the reason TWSITD fell into this situation is because their unique traits don’t mesh well with the broader purpose the story gave them. In other words, I’m saying “those who slither in the dark” were miscasted.
To explain what exactly I mean by this, a brief recap of the group is in order:
Part 1: The Nitty-Gritty of the Slitherers.
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This concept art of Shambhala is so cool.
In Three Houses (and Three Hopes by proxy), “Those who slither in the dark” is an organization that causes strife in Fódlan anonymously:
“In the long history of the Church of Seiros... No, long before even that… There have been an endless number of threats to the peace of Fódlan. Yet, those who oppose us still operate in the shadows, their identities a mystery.” - Rhea in Report: Red Wolf Moon
Their origins can be traced back to remnants of Agartha: an ancient human civilization of Fódlan once that waged war against Sothis and her kids - trying to seize control of the continent from them -, but got themselves wiped out when Sothis retaliated. The remaining survivors then retreated underground, bowing revenge against Sothis, her spawn, and those spared by her wrath. And from then on, this remnant cut contact with the outside world for over a millenia, thus becoming - as far as everyone else is concerned - “those who slither in the dark”.
The ones who call themselves Agarthans want mainly 2 things: Payback against Sothis’ surviving kin ie. Rhea, Seteth, Flayn and Byleth (once they know they’re Sothis reborn); and
obtain what Sothis denied Agartha: dominion over the surface.
“Let no crisis go to waste” is the group’s core motto, as whenever something bad happens in Fodlan, they will likely be there to reap the benefits, usually by:
Acting as benefactors, providing resources (or the means/knowledge) others would normally be never able to gain normally.
Doing Crests experiments once the avenue is open.
And body-snatching, letting them act in the open without giving themselves away, all while opening a new pool of resources and connections to draw from.
As for their Modus Operandi, their general plan is to get involved in a major conflict where they gain something by their chosen side coming out on top (which is known as a proxy war). Given their track record, their MO looks like this:
Find a pawn who could gain enough followers (or already has them) to kickstart a large-scale conflict, and offer your services.
Once the fighting starts, provide support to show your pawn how much of an asset you are to their cause.
If your pawn gets killed or the conflict ends with the opposition alive, then retreat underground, and let the years pass by.
Go back to step 1.
The group’s identity - as in, what differentiates them from other villainous groups - is comprised by the following:
Design-wise, save for one exception, all non-disguised Agarthans have ghastly white skin and dress in black.
Resource-wise, they have access to giant automatons, electric turrets, kinetic orbital missiles (called “javelins of light”), demonic beasts, and more.
Character-wise, regardless of each member’s individual personality, every one of them always showcases hubris and xenophobia. In a related note, every member is also portrayed unsympathetically.
Soundtrack-wise, the group’s heavily associated with dubstep.
Finally, when it comes to TWSITD’s narrative purpose in the main stories:
Their general objective is to serve as the puppeteers behind the scenes, trying to manipulate events behind the scenes and their pawn of choice (ie. the Empire/Edelgard) to achieve their ends.
Meanwhile, as far specific objectives go, they:
Kill Jeralt, and thus, force Byleth to fuse with Sothis before Rhea can have them sit on Sothis’ throne, thus unintentionally foiling the Archbishop’s agenda.
Give Edelgard the means to remove Rhea from the story at the end of Part 1 (used only outside CF) through their Demonic Beasts.
Set up the Final Boss of Part 2 of Verdant Wind and Silver Snow by the story having Byleth’s party reach Shambhala, their HQ.
Help Azure Moon’s story explore the Tragedy of Duscur subplot.
Help Crimson Flower’s story explore the TWSITD alliance subplot.
Part 2: Those Who Experiment In The Dark.
As alluded early, the Slitherers stand out from other major villainous factions in FE due to being the very definition of experimental. I use this term because no major villainous faction in Fire Emblem prior to them has had to contend with the following factors:
1. Access to Modern/Sci-Fi Technology:
While everyone else in the setting - including the Agarthans to an extent - use medieval western-inspired resources, only they get exclusive access to modern/sci-fi weapons like giant robots, turrets, and orbital missiles.
2. Deal with Multiple Handicaps:
I previously covered this in a past-article (that can be found here), but for those unaware: the manner the plot in Three Houses is written ensures the Slitherers' path towards their goal isn’t a straight one:
In spite of initially having Edelgard be just a puppet in someone else’s plans, they end up working for her thanks to some deals both parties make behind the scenes, thus leading TWSITD to backstab their former collaborator once Edelgard makes her move and becomes Emperor. Once that happens-
They take a backseat from the plot midway through the story, relinquishing their spotlight to Edelgard while she drives the story onwards. Meaning-
They rely on Edelgard winning to get anywhere, which would normally not be an issue if it wasn’t for how-
Edelgard plans to get rid of them once they’re no longer needed. Not only that, but she also screws the group over in every route in some form.
And that’s not even going into the other two problems they have to deal with:
A. Their orbital/kinetic missiles being impractical: I also did an analysis on those things, but long story short: two routes imply they can’t abuse the weapon at their leisure; their most desired target (Garreg Mach) is protected by a jamming spell/device; and if we go by the evidence at hand, not only the missiles were crafted back when Agartha was still a thing 1000 years before the main plot, we have no evidence they have the means to replenish their stock due to the javelins being orbital missiles (aka dropped from space).
B. Nemesis being unreliable: So, here an interesting fact about Nemesis: dude never died in the introductory movie (perhaps he just went into sleep, not unlike how most Nabateans & Byleth do when wounded enough?), and had to be sealed because, to indirectly quote Rhea’s words in Verdant Wind, no one really knows how the Crest of Flames works.
The known credit the Slitherers get with Nemesis’ return in Verdant Wind is that they were definitely prepared in case he woke up. After Shambhala has been destroyed, the story shows that not only they held him in a coffin somewhere in their catacombs, multiple flavor texts allude they are the reason Nemesis has the reanimated corpses of his old allies for Verdant Wind’s final battle. Beyond that, no one really knows why Nemesis returns at the very end only in Claude’s route, and how much TWSITD may be behind it. He just… returns.
3. They Lose Their Original Purpose (in 2/4 of the Post-Timeskip).
Quick development trivia for y’all: Silver Snow was the story branch of Three Houses that started it all, laying the foundation of every other route that came after. And in it, plus Verdant Wind - for sharing similar story beats - “those who slither in the dark” fulfill a specific purpose in Part 2’s story: setting up the scenario for the final battle to happen though having the player’s party going to Shambhala (their HQ), whether it’s by: wounding Rhea lethally, thus playing a part in her sudden dragon degeneration (Silver Snow); or by having an army prepared for Nemesis once he wakes up in Shambhala after their defeat (Verdant Wind).
But then, Crimson Flower and Azure Moon changed everything. Because both stories deviate from Silver Snow by using Chapter 11 to set up their own Final Boss in advance (Rhea in CF, Edelgard in AM), the writing team behind those routes was forced to solve the following issue:
“What happens when the story doesn’t need to go to Shambhala? As in, when the story has no need for the Slitherers to set up the final battle?”
The solution found was simple: TWSITD would blend-in with the Empire, and be forced to stick with Edelgard to reach the end of the road they crave. In turn, each path would show how well that situation ends for them.
(As a quick tangent: 3H’s The Cutting Room Floor page having unused unit data for a playable Edelgard and Dimitri in the Shambhala map - and nothing else - does very little to corroborate the idea that both CF and AM ever intended to visit the place in the stories beyond the planning stages).
No major antagonistic group in the series before the Agarthans has been ever given such a mixed bag to work with. And I believe it’s no coincidence either, as it very much appears most of these handicaps were placed to ensure TWSITD doesn’t have enough control of the plot to allow a “Golden Ending” to happen just by defeating them early. Still, this doesn’t change their unique situation as it causes unfortunate problems for them, and it’s precisely this what I want to address to finally explain why this group of antagonists were miscasted in the stories 3H tells.
Part 3: The Bad, Good, and Nasty side of the Agarthan.
Let’s get the bad out of the way first: even though their general objective in the story is to act as the puppeteers behind the scenes, in a twist of irony, the Agarthans are at their weakest when trying to manipulate their way into victory. The reasons are twofold:
A. Their handicaps limit their level of threat and control imposed. And…
B. Due to their anonymity shtick, they straight up don’t appear unless the plot calls for it.
These two details explain why they fall out of relevance by the time the timeskip takes place (and for the Three Hopes spinoff, this too goes for Azure Gleam’s second timeskip), and when they finally reappear, their performance ultimately falls flat despite all the spectacle provided. For all their efforts, the Slitherers unfortunately have a lot going against them that stops them from accomplishing the main objective the writers set out for them (and worse of all, this is by design).
Incidentally, another problem that quickly springs up for TWSITD is that, once they are forced to fight outside the darkness and can no longer count on their surprise/shock factor, they’re
taken care of in a pretty swift fashion (see AM Chapter 19 and VW/SS Chapter 21/20). And this is because, at the end of the day, they are just an organization of people that has historically relied on other nations’ armies to put up a fight vs the Church after the fall of Agartha. As trying to foolishly fight regardless, just exposes them for what they all are, warts included.
“[those who slither in the dark] are looking down on us. They think we cannot touch them. But the closer we get to them, the less true that becomes.” - Hubert, in Darkness Beneath the Water.
But enough negativity! Let's get to what the Slitherers are truly good at. My reasoning behind why TWSITD were miscasted, given a role they would never be able to fill its shoes comfortably, is because Three Houses’s stories not only show them at their worst, but also at their best. And what is what they excel at, you might wonder?
It is Terrorism. Just, flat out terrorism at its finest.
In execution, by the Agarthans using their anonymity shtick as a strength, they are allowed to:
A. Appear out of nowhere to cause havoc and quickly vanish once the job’s done. And-
B. Confuse and worry the hell out of the enemy.
Arguably the stand out examples of this is Part 1 of White Clouds, and Part 2 of Three Hopes’ Scarlet Blaze route. Whether it is to test out and perfect their “experimental assets” intended to be used by the Empire once Edelgard declares war on Garreg Mach in the former’s case, or by providing the perfect stage for Ferdinand’s father, Duke Aegir, to attempt a coup against Edelgard’s Empire in the latter, TWSITD’s surprise appearance completely disrupts the direction the plot was going for, and forces the characters to handle them directly in the hopes of - somehow - foiling their end goal, just for the group to vanish soon after, leaving everyone with a sense of unease, worry, and fear, upon witnessing they are not dealing with just some random group of villains anymore.
Simply put, “those who slither in the dark” are at the top of the game when they are causing terrorism and exploiting their enigmatic aura of theirs. So it’s a shame that Three Houses still ultimately decided to have the organization stick to their “puppeteers” shtick no matter what, even if it is for the sake of deconstructing the idea or in an attempt to try to make them work somehow.
Finally, while I feel the point this article’s been trying to make has already been made, I still wanna wrap things up by addressing the nasty side of TWSITD: their one-dimensional malice.
While Fire Emblem as a franchise is no stranger to cartoonishly evil antagonists, never before the Agarthans have we gotten an entire major faction with not even a trace of nuance. In a series where major villainous factions have done stuff like human sacrifices and child hunts, there has been always someone that either: can display basic decency; can be recruited and allowed work off their bad karma; or had long since defected the group, and might try to help the playable characters in some way. Heck, archetypes like the Camus exist because people have noticed some conventions are used a lot for the sake of giving the enemy-side some nuance, with varying degrees of success and reception.
The Slitherers by comparison, get none of that. And in spite of it… I feel it may be on purpose.
Let me remind everyone for one last time, what the Slitherers' backstory and shared character traits are:
Their background can be summed up as a “millennial legacy of hate which willingly isolates from society as a whole”. Also-
Displaying hubris and xenophobic tendencies appears to be an unwritten rule for every one of its members.
Considering these two facets, I just can’t help but wonder if the 3H writers drew the line with the TWSITD as far as nuance goes simply because, as far they themselves were concerned, those who hurt others due to a sense of entitlement, superiority, and hate, are beyond saving. And I say this because ever since last year, this exchange from Azure Gleam has been in my mind a lot as of late:
Cornelia: As for your loyal knight and the former Duke Fraldarius… They're certainly giving it all they have, but a paltry force that size will hardly buy them any time. And once we've wrung the life from them, you'll be next. How tragic it'll be, facing your beloved citizens for the final time with a noose around your neck. Dimitri: You know, I almost appreciate seeing such bold-faced sadism. There's not a hint of nuance to it. Cornelia: Is that a compliment I hear? You'll make a lady blush if you're not careful. - Event: Behind the Mask
I’ve been figuring out how to complete this whole thing for over a month now and oh man I am so glad I can finally move on from it. Now the only thing that remains is to thank y’all who checked and read this huge wall of text to the end.
To finally close things off, I have a few last questions for everyone: What are your honest thoughts on “those who slither in the dark”? What did you expect of them? Did they surprise you? And would you improve on them if given the chance (and how)?
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rinrinx2 · 2 years
Well then I was hoping you could do a Ran x fem! Douma reader please, like maybe in parts like you did for 'My brother's wife? '
Hope you like it, sorry for the wait
You'll see
Ran x fem! Douma
Warnings: kinda yandere, masochism, language, Mature themes, kinda dark
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Haitani Ran was not one to spend more time on a mission than needed. He was the sort of man that would complete it within in the same day if it be possible. So, why now he couldn't understand why he couldn't seem to leave the place he stood at, why his feet refused to move a step towards the exit, why he was unable to draw his gun and end this mission swiftly.
There was some sort of unknown power that kept his feet glued to the pebbled ground beneath him as he stood just outside the temple. His hand hovering over his gun holster, but unable to get himself to pull it out and shoot the person who stood only a few centimeters away.
"Are you going to shoot me or linger in the doorway for a few more minutes" the sultry silk like voice inquired, as Ran began to sweat bullets trying to take control of his body.
"Perhaps it is my fault. You are unable to pull the trigger without seeing the face of the person you shall murder" that calming voice spoke again.
But before Ran could form words to leave his lips. To create a sentence to explain what was going to happen; the person who he was informed to kill turned around.
As the individual turned around Ran's eyes linked with theirs. His lilac irises coming in contact with the beautiful multitude of colors displayed in the other eyes, and instead of starring into black voids he saw the numbers 弐に in thw left, 陸ろくin the right.
Those beautiful eyes that held serenity and joy in them as they starred back into Ran's.
"Let me formally introduce myself before you relinquish me of this mortal coil"
"I am (Y/N) "
(Y/N) the name echoed in his head as your eyes bore into his, and his once nervous state melted into one of calmness.
Ran took in the rest of your features from the dip of your nose bridge to the softness of your lips as you looked back at him. And his thoughts of killing you quickly dissolved and bloomed into the thoughts of how his hands must feel wrapped tightly around your waist as he would stare into your eyes as he did now.
"It's not in me to shoot a beautiful woman" Ran spoke as some of his confidence slowly seeped back into him.
"What a shame, the idea of you holding my life in your hands thrilled me" you said with a giggle, as your words held so much truth to them. The thought alone of your skull splintering open due to Ran made your core slightly heat.
"You're not just beautiful but funny" Ran complimented as his feet finally felt loose from the spot he stood on, taking you step forward as he approached you.
"Thank you, but tell me why you were sent to kill me?" You questioned, knowing full well from the item he chose to kill you that he was not a demon slayer.
"My boss said your little religious organization was interfering with his trade route" Ran explained as he came even closer to where you stood at the doorway of the temple.
"I can assure you that no one here at the Paradise faith group would do such a thing. We're a peaceful group that mainly consist of women. We wouldn't even hurt a fly" you reassured watching as the courage man kept coming closer and closer to you unaware of your true nature or being.
How easily his life could be gone and yet you allowed him to breath the same air as you, all because you found his existence entertaining.
"Well sounds like there's been a misunderstanding. I'm sorry for causing and grievances or stress" Ran apologized as he now stood face to face with you. So close that you could smell his soul that reeked of corruption and power.
The smell filling your senses to the brim, exciting you with each breath.
"All is forgiven"
Your words echoing through Ran's head like some hypnosis as it drew him closer to your face. Watching as he became more and more disoriented by your words that were laced with deceit to capture your next victim.
"Please stay for awhile, enjoy all that we can offer here" you spoke placing your hand to his cheek, as your words washed over Ran like the soothing waves on a beach shore.
"I could stay for awhile" Ran said half conscious as your words further poisoned him.
"Wonderful" was the last word Ran heard you say as his mind drifted off somewhere else, his consciousness gone. His body feeling as if it was floating through time and space unaware of the actual surroundings his body was in.
When Ran awoke, the once fluttery feeling in his head was replaced with a harsh pounding, and the serene tranquil scenery that he saw as he entered was no where to be seen, rather his sight was filled with items found in a bedroom.
Cupboard, desk and as he tried to sit up he realized he was lying on the bed, but from the clank sound as he moved his wrists around he soon realized he was chained to the bed.
"Finally you're awake" Ran heard that sultry voice speak again, as he tried to focus his eyes from where the sound came from.
"I was worried you'd never wake again"
"But here you are awake and lively it seems" you spoke watching as Ran pulled at the chains that bound his wrists to either side of the bed post.
Ran was now able to see your figure as you stood at the end of the bed, his mind trying to find and explanation of how he did not see you immediately when he awoke.
"What's going on?" Ran asked calmly trying his best not to show fear. Being a member of Bonten came with the necessary ability of hiding your true emotions and Ran was using this ability to his full capacity as he lie chained.
"Nothing of much concern really" you said as you now climbed onto the bed, moving up on the bed till your body hovered over Rans.
Your thighs trapping either side of Ran as you hands came to either side of his head as your brought your face closer to his.
"Just that you'll be my pet now"
Ran watched in horror as a massive smile spread across your face as you spoke.
"Don't worry I'll take great care of you. I'll wash and feed you. And if you listen you'll get rewarded" you spoke, while Ran observed how you seemed to enjoy the sick idea of owning him, how there was slight drool starting to form in the corner of your lip as you spoke about what you would do to him.
Ran soon realized that he would have to talk his way out of this. Luckily for Ran he was known for his talking, as he was named Roppongi's charisma.
"Come on (Y/N), you don't want that" Ran tried to reason as his tried his best to quietly pull his hand free from the restraints.
"Yes I do"
"No you don't, you barely know me" Ram continued reasoning, as he slipped his wrists out from the cuff quietly as to not alert you of his actions.
"I'll get to know you"
"No you wont" Ran screamed out as his fist went flying through the air landing a hit right into your cheek, causing you to slightly stumble back.
Your reaction to Ran's was more than enough time for Ran to spring up from the bed and bolt towards the door.
Pulling at the door knob at hopes of being free'd from the room that he was kept captive in.
Ran continued pulling and struggling till he heard a laugh erupt throught the room.
Quickly turning his head toward the sound of the noise. Ran watched in horror as you laughed with joy and passion, watching as you hiked your flowy white dress up as you pushed your panties to the side, sinking your digits into your sobbing pussy.
"Ran please punch me again" you cooed out as you worked your fingers in your pussy.
"Let me the fuck out" Ran screamed as he stood right beside the door refusing to leave it.
"Please Rannie, I'm so close. Punch me again" you moaned out biting your lip.
Ran watched as you shoved your fingers back and forth, watching as more slick gathered on your fingers as you touched yourself. In any other case this sight would have Ran going back to the bed to fuck you silly, but given the context of what was occurring Ran was horrified. And even though Ran was horrified his body still betrayed him from the buldge that was forming in his slacks.
"Ran" you moaned out again. The sound of Ran's name coming out of your lips was enough for him as raged filled him. Without a second thought Ran came running towards your spread out figure on the bed. Quickly getting onto the bed now encaging your smaller body underneath his.
"Let me the fuck out" Ran yelled as his hands came around your neck, slightly choking you. While yours remained fucking you over and over again.
Ran's animalistic ways drove you wild, the way he choked you made you see stars. His aggressive nature paired with the stench of his soul was to much for you. The tight hot rope in your tummy tightend and tightend until finally it shot loose. Feeling as liquid started squirting out of you.
Mid way through Ran's yelling he felt the sheets beneath him become wet. Ran looked down noting how your arousal had soiled the bed, he continued to examine it with slight disgust.
Ran was so caught up by the liquid that soaked the bed that he hadn't noticed how your hands were no longer by your pussy, and with one swift movement you were once again atop of Ran trapping him.
Giggling and smiling as you looked down at his defeated expression.
"You'll be mine" you spoke taking in his chaotic energy.
"The fuck I will" Ran said as he writhed below you.
"Yes you will and if you behave I'll make you like me"
"What do you mean like you" Ran questioned, watching as you giggled at the question as if he was an idiot.
"Soon you'll see"
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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chrystalwynd · 10 months
A much darker question, how does Chrystal Heights deal with unhinged people?
Example: A man is dating/married to a woman who goes out for a girls night and runs across an Alpha. She gets knocked up and a few days later, 'someone' has smashed that Alpha's head in with a bat.
Would it be regular cops investigating or a group of Alphas in a lynch mob? Would that 'someone' get a trial or just silently be disappeared?
It's an interesting question that I can't give a perfect answer to. Unfortunately I'm not good at those type of stories, although I'll concede it would make an awesome basis for a law enforcement procedural.
As for unhinged individuals, my story 'Hunter' involves a case where an agent has to pursue an escapee from a mental health clinic that houses patients with abilities. I struggled with that story a bit due to the dark nature of the antagonist's actions. The tag line is simply 'A man with great power and no mental, moral or ethical restraints escapes from the Chrystal Heights Mental Health Clinic.' This story was the prelude to my PsiCATs series, which was a team being put together for a major dark storyline.
If you like the dark, my Dark Wynd stories tend to be darker (or at least harder-core) than my Chrystal Wynd stories. Sometimes the bad guys win. My Dark Wynd story 'Ten Little Bimbos <And Then They Were Dumb>' involved a pretty dark storyline of an island of people being completely bimboed one-by-one for sins of their past, so to speak, and I think it's one of my better stories, despite the dark.
EDIT- Just re-read my answer and realized I turned this into a gee-look-what-I've-written post. Sorry about that. Your question is valid and if I ever get a storyline set up where I can maybe address some of it, I'll see what I can do. I suspect it's outside my wheelhouse, though. I'd likely go a less-violent-but-more-vengence-y route.
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overtaken-stream · 9 months
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C0ok Me a Meal, Make Me Starve.
Akutsu Nagisa x Gn!Artist!Reader
This goes out to all 5 Akutsu fans bc I love jerks. + It's been a while since I've read Ao Ashi and I apologize for any mischaracterization. Akutsu is one of my favorite characters in the whole wide world of sports manga/anime. Also, it's a self-insert which I feel slightly embarrassed about and It's my experience as an artist. If you find any pronouns that aren't gn please feel free to correct me.
Warnings: Negative self-talk, artist pain, art block(?)
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He's somebody that you would consider closest to you, an individual who one would not consider describing with pleasing words, he looks ragged like a cheap brush on all sides sealed with plastic and packed in a tight box, his personality dry, in need of honey water. The long lips spew honesty like no man you've seen, it drags the pigment picked by the brush across a thin paper, dooming it to dissolve under the colors.
He carries no kindness in him. Is what one would say, without knowing more than the outer layer of the said individual. You on the other hand would say that he emits honesty with no kindness. Some would describe truth without empathy as brutality.
His rugged exterior is a shell that you're able to barely imitate on a piece of paper, the pencil sketches of the defender (that are nowhere near good enough compared to the real example) cover the pages of a notebook, messily erased pencil routes divide and combine to create what you consider to be the best replica among other failed poses and portraits that're left unfinished.
You sit alone on a bench, outside the practice domain of footballers, with knees touching under the uniform as the gentle breeze of spring dances in the meadows, carrying with it the sounds of laughter and gazes of interest, all directed at the field where ball means the world to boys with big ambitions.
Among them lies the prey to your infatuation. Your observing eyes are left overlooked between the other groups crowding around the fence, it lays low as the sportsmen exercise, and the scratches of pencils go unheard by anyone who isn't looking directly at them.
Erasers are doing a poor job of concealing blunders, little missteps that continue to pile up as time passes and whistles blow. They stay, becoming a part of something you never wanted it to be a part of, unnerving eyes stare at the scratchy lines. The sounds around you flatten, continuing as the pencil rests between your fingers, shouting comes from behind the fence signaling the start of the game, however, the world is subtle, and blurry colors of the background slowly disappear from your view, until the notebook and you remain. A notebook whose pages contain countless figures of one particular fellow, in all the directions you could manage to witness. A slow sigh leaves your lips as you turn the pages.
One page;
The ringing in your ears picks up its intensity, heartbeat fastens.
It's hard to put the feelings into words, the bubble of disdain that engulfs you only shrinks as you think. Why is it that you are lacking? Was it the months that went by with the notebook collecting dust on the cover? Forgotten on a shelf with the same pencils that await you? Was it the texture or have you finally reached the deep end? Is it alright for you to blame the school for your idleness?
The tip of the pencil drags down the side of the paper, it leaves a lame stripe behind.
Are you an artist? If you are, then why can't you draw a line? Why is it so hard to even the space between the eyes? Why is the jaw drawn the way it is? Why is it that cheeks seem high and mouth too low? Why the thick lines? Why are those ugly features consistent in your art while the beauty and inspiration of others, that you try to sow in your style always fade away?
You conclude. Akutsu is beyond your skills to portray, even if he was the person who pushed you out of your art block, who motivated you to pick up the pen again, who you proceeded to sketch when the lesson was too monotonous to pay any attention to. He'll never know of your thoughts, you hope he'll never know, after all, Akutsu was never one to meddle in others' privacy too much. There's a line friends don't cross and Akutsu makes sure to never stay too close to it, for too long.
There should be boldness inside of you, and ambition to pursue art more, but the countless lessons and rules of reality, of adulthood leave no fuel for effectiveness to take place. Your notebook eats away at you, spitting nothing but guilt on the way, years of work and practice are slowly slipping through the gaps of muscle.
It's painful losing yourself, betraying it for something you're not even sure brings you happiness on this planet. It's a simple wish to be bold, more angry, like Akutsu, to prove something and be someone who does one thing expertly. but it seems so far away from you, who did nothing as the light of ambition gave out somewhere along your development.
You wish you had a heart like Akutsu, forever shackled by hobbies he'll never get tired of. But as always, there is a welded fence in between, keeping a distance, thus forever dooming you to goggle over a man you admire.
Is it love? Why does it not feel like it? Are you in love? No... Or are you? It's a question you will not know the answer until you spend more time with the fellow. Even then, you're certain of the rejection. This one-sided obsession will only be a negative trait, that will prove just how unacceptable your behavior truly is. An eerie attitude towards (who you consider) your friend, could only give birth to a quicksand of shame that'll swallow you whole before ever confessing your feelings.
A loud chatter of voices infiltrates your depressive bubble, slowly yet sharply passing by your eardrum until the gloaming atmosphere you got lost in fades away. With no extra weight, the air seems easier to take in. The colors slowly bleed back into your vision as the wind blows gently across your school uniform.
With a clear head, you stare at the unfinished draft presented on the paper, all with shaven heads and tense looks. The silhouette of number four adorns their chests and stretches over the fold of a football uniform like a prize, all in different positions. Where you're sitting, everyone would guess his identity. Nervousness aside, you should leave before anyone calls you out for being a creep.
Even if you forgot to take into account that the crowd has disappeared, only few remain to watch the players do their post-game stretches, you're unsteady, fearful of the hidden eyes. Gathering the energy to stand up and trying not to mind the electric pain that sprouts through your knee is becoming harder and harder to conceal every time you stand, legs demand exercise but your hands hold the evidence, persuasion of a dream you're trying to relive using the digits you were born with.
By the time you close the two halves of the notebook a hand lands on your head, it relaxes between your hair, heavy and bigger than average, their fingers are separated, thumb lands on your temple as the middle finger touches your forehead from behind. Its grip strengthens for a couple of seconds before letting go of the pressure and tension lifts off of your shoulders, the rough grasp it had left behind slightly messy strands for you to fix. You can't bring yourself to correct it.
``Where do you think you're going?`` The flat voice would send butterflies in your belly if it weren't for the expression adoring the holder's face, stable and shielded, anger is nowhere to be seen. You scramble for words to answer him.
``Don't tell me you were leaving.`` Because of course, you would forget that the reason why you were here in the first place, was to wait for him. He with a blue uniform and a heavy bag on his shoulder that has nothing but hard work to show.
His long eyes stare down at you with sharpness, awaiting your answer.
``I was... Trying to stretch my legs, I spent a lot of time sitting and watching you... A-and your team play y'know.`` so much yous in one sentence. How does The Akutsu deal with you...?
His eyes close before letting out a loud sigh. Akutsu must be annoyed, in his shoes you would certainly be if a friend almost left and forgot about you.
``C'mon, let's go.`` His voice is much softer as your eyes watch him turn without looking back, however before he can call out once again, you follow after his lead, walking just behind him. Akutsu was never a patient man.
You stare at his back as you always do, wondering, eyeing. If only he knew how much you think of him every day, dreaming about scenarios that have almost no chance of coming true, with a speedy heart and red hue to your face. Maybe he knows but doesn't tell. In that case, you're thankful for his company, you merely wish you had the bravery needed for this type of stuff. Tolerance if your specialty.
His broad shoulders stop and so do you.
``So.`` confusion overtakes your features as his face slowly turns back to you, a soft grin in tow.
``Where to now?``
Oh. You were the one who wanted to go somewhere weren't you? The amount of time it takes for you to open your lips for an answer, his eyebrow is already raised. You just keep digging your own grave.
Even trying to remember it is difficult, the title of the place is blurry, and the way to it is unreachable. How irresponsible of you.
``I... Forgot, the places name...`` Embarrassment is an emotion you know inside and out. It's a word that describes all of your interactions outside of family members. It's what you feel as you watch his small smile die. You turn to another word that has made home in your vocabulary.
``... I'm sorry.`` disappointed is what you are, in yourself. Surely Akutsu must also be let down, the time you guys spent together is becoming rare these days, and memories are coming to be cherished.
``You seem out of it today, you're alright?`` Akutsu has never had a filter.
``Oh, yeah, it's just...`` That you have been crossing my mind for a couple of days, you are all I think about as I draw a male figure, you are making me blush each instant I replay our moments together where you showed me little bits of yourself.
The excuse that stumbles out of your mouth is a lie you don't even believe in.
``You're a terrible liar.`` Neither does he.
``...`` A sweat travels down your cheek, carrying with it a shiver that dismisses comfort, the color red blooms over your face.
``... Sorry.`` You wonder if you can love someone despite feeling uncomfortable with yourself.
``Stop saying sorry. It's getting on my nerves.`` Barely are you able to hold in another apology as chasms of anxiety overtake your mind, swiftly seeping into your fingertips and making them shake with heartbreak. His harsh words are no foreign from a jab in the heart, making the muscle twist itself as your ribs fail to defend it from your mind. Your tongue is dry, lips are fixed in a line. So ruthless.
As always, you don't have a tongue, it's deep in your stomach somewhere hiding from the real world.
A soft exhale is heard as he straightens his back.
``Have you eaten yet?`` His eyes turn to the road ahead before continuing to move, your body moves along with him, never showing the hurt his harsh demeanor brings. Your silence is accepted as an answer.
``I have some leftovers we can eat.`` He always has ingredients lying around waiting for you to come over so they can be cooked. Never can he find any leftovers to warm up and eat. It's a harmless lie, a manner he developed when you slipped into his life. A simple gesture that he only shares with you. Seeing you enjoy his cooking is pleasing.
``... Alright...`` He doesn't want you to hide away, doesn't want you to apologize for being messy and clumsy. It's a dance he knows by heart, a dance you are not even acquainted with.
He hopes that someday you acknowledge it.
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humornaut · 1 year
About the post about Basils and daisies, while I agree that Basil and daisies are clearly repeatedly associated, there is a grave in the real world segments that has puzzle pieces left at it, which I personally assumed meant that the Headspace NPC Daisy was based on someone, but she died at some point during the four years Sunny was a shut-in.
So, I’ve actually seen this interpretation before, and while it’s interesting, there are some ways that it doesn’t really do much for me.
This hypothetical real world Daisy isn’t referenced in any other way than this grave with puzzle pieces on it. If I were to believe that there was an actual connection here, there would need to be something more solid than something that could be explained by just wanting to diversify the cemetery. Something like a reference in Angel’s house to a lost friend, or even an indication that the real Angel was ever interested in puzzles at all. From there, due to the lack of any kind of reference to another dead kid in Faraway, I would have to be convinced that the grave were not simply related to the fact that Angel seemingly has no adult guardian, being raised by his sister.
It is also important to note, no one outside of Sunny’s friend group gets to keep their name. Angel’s headspace name isn’t related to his at all! So it is unlikely that this other individual would have even been named Daisy in the first place, meaning that naming her that was a specific choice by Sunny’s mind.
On one level, I do believe that there is a real world inspiration for Daisy, because one exists for everyone else in the form of either a person or a plushie. However, I also believe that that person would most likely be Bebe, who is noted for having “a bad taste in men”, according to her sister, even if I went into some issues I have with that interpretation as well. Heck, the flower puzzle in Headspace is explicitly referred to as something that The Maverick’s counterpart threw away.
THAT ALL BEING SAID, it is important to look at things from a writing perspective. Daisy’s Dilemma is the only quest accessible while Basil is still in the party. But more than that, there are only four references to daisies in general within Sunny’s dreams, and I absolutely refuse to believe that only three of those references are related to Basil. Even if there is a deceased real world “Daisy”, I simply can’t imagine that that’s the only thing going on here. The second Omocat decided to associate daisies with Basil, she could’ve renamed Daisy to literally any other flower, but she didn’t, and that means something to me, even if the connection to the “single puzzle piece” in the omori route is a bit of a stretch.
Thank you for bringing this up though! It was something that I thought about mentioning when I made the original post, but elected against, as I personally believe the association between Basil and daisies is a much stronger connection than the puzzle pieces at the grave. But keep in mind, both can be true (and maybe that’s what you were getting at anyway, in which case oops sorry). Sunny’s mind could’ve represented an interaction he remembers from real life in Headspace and subconsciously added an additional association to Basil via the flower.
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jackawful · 2 years
So we all know that Grocery Stores Bad, right? Like second maybe to housing, food is one of the basic things people need to live that currently costs money, and sometimes a lot of money, and that's pretty ethically fucked up. But there are plenty of ways around this, both through the state and outside of it, and I think it's worth talking about. I've especially noticed that folks raised middle-class & folks who have leftist sympathies but currently lucrative jobs have trouble with this, so I put together a handy guide.
Ways to Fight The Commodification Of Food And Also Eat For Free:
Research, utilize, and support your local food banks! Plenty of food banks get funding based on how many people use them, so by getting what you can from a food bank, you're usually helping them stay afloat. Some food banks are means-tested, especially the ones that get federal funding, but often the coolest volunteers will help you wiggle around a way to present your household finances that'll let you qualify (not fraud, mind - just different ways to present the same situation) or not require paystubs/proof of (no) income. Plenty of food banks are not means-tested. Try to find secular food banks, and failing that, low-pressure religious food banks can be great too. Often the "shopping" experience feels a little bit like a food scavenger hunt & they often get fun weird stuff that grocery stores couldn't sell enough of. Consider donating the money you would've budgeted for groceries if you have spare cash, or volunteering if you have spare time.
Check to see if you qualify for food stamps, and apply. Each state administers EBT differently, and will have different rules, but actually taking the step of signing up and de-stigmatizing the use of EBT when you talk to others is important. I've seen too many people assume they made too much money to qualify, miss out on benefits for months, and then get a fair amount when they do. If you wind up consistently having extra SNAP dollars, consider using them on shelf-stable emergency food or (and you're technically not supposed to do this) giving away staples to projects under number 4 based on community need. If you're in a state where benefits don't roll over month-to-month, do a big shopping trip or go to a take-and-bake restaurant like Papa Murphy's on the last day of the month so your excess dollars don't disappear.
Dumpster dive! Every city and state has different laws and regulations on this, and you'll have to decide how to engage with those. Sometimes just asking employees is good - oftentimes especially places that have ready-made food, like pizza and donut shops, differ on both corporate policy on end-of-day disposal and individual employee convictions. Be mindful of padlocks and "no trespassing" signs. For grocery stores, be mindful of expiration dates and packaging conditions. Dumpster diving for food is a thing that takes a lot of personal risk assessment, and especially if you intend to distribute the food to other people, it's important to know what condition that food is in and what risks may come with eating it, BUT generally you're pretty likely to find good quality stuff. Which, speaking of distributing to others, brings me to:
Other free food projects! Food Not Bombs is the big notorious one, but plenty of cities have similar projects that work on similar models (PDX, for example, has a group that broke off so they could serve non-vegan dumpster'd food). Freeboxes and Little Free Libraries often have food pantries for shelf-stable food, and part of the pandemic mutual aid boom was the Free Fridge project. As with food banks, if no secular projects exist in your area, finding the lowest-pressure religious option in your area is a solid route (Sikh Gurdwaras are usually best, Salvation Army worst, imo). Stuff like this is often lowest barrier to entry of the things on this list, and also easiest to be both a contributor and a recipent of the free food. Google is your friend here, but also, these are things that are comparatively easy to start if you don't have resources in your area - don't be afraid to reach out to more established projects nearby to ask about how they got started!
Grow or forage your own food! As opposed to the last thing, this one is pretty high barrier IMO, involving either having land to tend (owned by you, used with permission, or guerilla gardened) or becoming good at plant identification. Honestly, though, you'd be surprised at how many of thr plants around us are edible and tasty - I just had my first acorn muffins this year and they're great! Checking into native plants and low-effort gardening and compost systems and foraging laws and processing what you get can be labor-intensive, so usually I reccomend people pick one familiar thing to start: blackberries, walnuts, acorns, dandelion, even urban fruit trees. This is another thing where knowing your local laws and assessing risk becomes important, but on top of that, connect with local indigenous groups and learn how to respect the land you're engaging with
I'm not mentioning buying local or CSAs or farmers markets here because while a lot of that stuff can be good, it still costs money, and I firmly believe food should be free. That said, you don't have to become a full freegan overnight, or ever, to take these steps. Each thing I've listed is its whole own rabbit hole of research for you to do, especially because all of them will look different in different places.
Ultimately, though, every bit of free food you get or help others get is a load off your wallet and helps build an alternative food system. No one person is going to be able to abolish grocery stores and institute universal free food, but if everyone does what they can to get less money involved in their own food consumption, that makes our non-monetary food systems more robust and resilient. Everything I've mentioned here is also what people turn to during natural disasters or supply chain collapse, and it's worth building these systems up ahead of time so that they're more able to handle the shock of increased demand.
Eat free food. Help other people eat free food. Fight the idea that this should be tied to your income, give back where and when you can, and encourage the people in your life to reduce their dependance on the grocery system.
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