#and thats on found family baby !!!! i love that aspect of it too
spatio-rift · 1 year
oaugh i love heavens so much
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bareee · 2 months
are you planning to ship your tav with any of the companions? youve mentioned that the main 6 he would considsr too young but halsin or someone along those lines? i think the mutual stability in their characters would soften each others edges in a very sweet way but if you plan to keep your tav single i think their friendship would be extremely interesting too! will minthara get killed or added to the party? im so excited to see how all the characters resolve their arcs and how the creche and moonrise and everything else goes :D your art is so gorgeous too!!! the way you draw all of the characters is just so good <333 you really catch all the aspects of them that make people adore this game and thats such an amazing skill to have!!! i hope you have a good whatever it is when you read this!!!!!
Imma try keepin this short…but I doubt it’s gonna be XD
1. ‘Ppreciate ya~ happy ya enjoy my mess XD even though Im always over in the corner muttering about my poor consistency that drives me crazy
2. I’ve said this many times I’m pretty sure as replies to comments lost in the void somewhere, Through the 2 full playthroughs I’ve done, I didnt care to romance cause I couldn’t help but cringe myself even at the gale and Astarion stuff I couldn’t get away from. Im not good at romancy stuff movin so quickly like the game puts ya through,so I was dyin. And ‘in game wise’ Mark is like how Jaheria is, I’ve found thats the best way to put it. He’s gone through enough for himself to handle already at this point in his background story, and the best way to describe it is he’s just tired. Maybe in post game he’ll warm up, I think Imma leave that up to all yal and yer votin’ honestly. I’ve thought about it for a bit now and yal’s choices in Mark’s story I give you directing who he grows close to works well for me as I warm up to these goofballs, course as I said It’d still be more post game when he relaxes with stuff like that depending on what path yal put him on.
3. Kinda related to #2, Half of the main six are too young, not all. Gale is i think literally Mark’s age if not close and if I ignore elves and their age weirdness, Astarion and Shadowheart are fine. If/when the vote options open Mark up more to someone, Wyll,Karlach, and Laezel will never be more than family/kids to him. Nu….
4.We’ll get to Halsin…. I know I say that a lot when he comes up, but ughhh…. I will say I agree him and Mark have a lot they share and can grow together, but the horny side of Halsin drove me insane in the game and really made it where it was hard to talk to him cause the niceness felt so….uggghhh…. I’ll get to it,I’ll get to it, I’m gettin around that part of Halsin that loves to be constantly shoved in front… but aghhhh. Jaheria’s my favorite outta the side peeps obviously XD and Minsc is fun
5. Spoiler, I’m letting yal decide on if Minthara stays around! Wooooo, we’ll get thereeee XD And if yal choose to keep her alive it wont mean other peeps leave like the game does, we’ll see how that goessss. Halsin and wyll and whoever else will stay around of course, Wyll’s adorable and yal ain’t takin em away from me. In my playthroughs I could never go her route officially, never will. Little baby tieflings too cute, I refuse…
Think that’s all of it, woooooo I did ittttt! Hope I make senseeeeee yaaaay
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sadlyghost · 2 years
can u do one where the reader is marc spectors kid but acts a lot like steven grant and they have a lot more in common with steven and maybe its a bit hard for them to bond with marc but then the kid is introduced to steven so marc and the kid have to find their own unique way to bond?
maybe with the line "I dont think he'll ever understand me". up to you if u use it or not tho
Summary: You and your father, Marc Spector, had always had trouble connecting and understanding eachother because of your differences. When you finally learn about and meet Steven, the rift between you and your father is only highlighted more, as you realise you get along with Steven better than you do with your own dad.
Pairing: Marc Spector x (platonic) Teen Daughter Reader | Steven Grant x (platonic) Teen Reader
Words: 3000
Content Warnings: Angst, slight family issues.
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Your father had always had trouble connecting with you. Maybe it was because of his own childhood. Or because you were unplanned and he had to raise you himself. Maybe it was because he didn't know how to be a parent, and had to learn everything along the way.
Whatever it was, you had both sensed it more and more as you grew. You and your father were just simply so different from eachother.
Of course he loved you with all his heart and he would accept you for who you were no matter what, but he just couldn't understand you sometimes. He found it hard to relate and connect with you, no matter how hard he tried. 
You didn't really mind. He was your father and you also loved him no matter what, but you also felt as if there was some sort of barrier between you two. Things never felt complete or at ease, there was always some aspect of awkward force when you two talked, like it was a necessary part of life, not like it was something enjoyable. But thats how things had always been, so neither of you would bring it up to the other, even though both you and your father yearned for a deeper connection with eachother.
Eventually, when he thought you were old enough, Marc explained his situation to you. He thought you were mature enough to handle the information and understand it well. He explained his DID and mentioned Steven to you, and thankfully, you were accepting and understanding of it all.
Marc had made a deal with Steven when you were young. He didn't want Steven to have to look after you when it was Marcs actions which lead to baby you unexpectedly showing up on his doorstep in a basket and with a note from Marc's ex. Steven had a seperate life which he seemed to enjoy and Marc wanted you raise you alone, so they made a deal to only introduce Steven to you when you were old enough to understand.
Marc had also recently been asking advice from Steven. As you became a teenager, the rift between you and your father had only become larger and Marc finally decided to take action before it was too late. Steven had always been more of a people person than Marc, and Marc hoped that Steven could somehow connect with you, which would then allow Steven to give Marc some tips on how to approach things better.
What Marc didn't know, is that you and Steven were going to get along way better than he ever expected.
The day that you met Steven, you felt more seen and heard than you ever had felt in your entire life. It was like you could immediately connect with him. 
"Heya luv, Marc told you about me, right?" Steven says, casually walking into the kitchen to make some tea. You nod softly, feeling a bit reserved at meeting someone new, but any tension was soon gone, as Steven made you feel extremely comfortable.
You noticed immediately that his entire demenour was different to that of your fathers. He seemed looser, more carefree, more welcoming. Not to mention that his accent was completely new to you. British you guessed. He moved around the kitchen to grab some tea bags as he hummed softly to himself. You just observed, kind of shocked to see who would usually be your tense father acting so loose and welcoming.
"Marc said you liked this herbal tea" Steven commented before turning back to you with a cup, handing it to you with a soft smile on his face. You smiled back warmly. 
"Yep, it's my favourite" you said to him through a smile. 
"I'm glad to meet another tea person" Steven joked softly with a welcoming smile. You laughed softly at his words, feeling relaxed around him. 
You both sat down at the kitchen table as you sipped your tea. Steven had been introducing himself to you while you listened. He was such a character, so different than Marc. In fact, Steven felt almost similar to who you were. You connected so easily on so many different things and it didn't feel like any sort of chore to communicate.
"You a book person?" Steven asked casually, before sipping his tea.
"Of course. Either informative non-fiction, or full on fantasy" you said through a smile. 
"Oh what non-fiction do you read??" he asked, seeming excited as he bounced up and down slightly.
"Mostly about different cultures and just general history stuff" you answered. He beamed as he smiled widely. 
"Do you know anything about Egyptian Mythology?" he asked hopefully. 
"Yeah a little bit. I've definitely always been interested in it though" you reply. He seemed to shake in excitement.
"Then look no further luv. I've got so much information on Acient Egypt, you wouldn't believe it!" he said enthusiastically. You laughed softly at his reaction.
"Would you like me to bring some books for you to read when I come around again?" he offered kindly.
"Definitely! I'd love to learn some more about it" you said through a smile. 
You and Steven talked for a few more hours. It was a relaxed friendly conversation. You guys just seemed to get along so easily. It was like you just understood eachother on a level which you had never felt with your father. It was a welcomed feeling. 
Steven seemed to enjoy it as well. He seemed just as relieved to find someone with similar interests as him. Moreover, someone who was willing to listen to his Ancient Egyptian rambles and actually enjoy and learn from it.
When Steven said he needed to go, you honestly felt a bit sad. That sadness quickly turned into guilt. Were you really sad that your father was going to be back soon? You had a great time with Steven and you just hoped Marc would let you speak with him again.
When your father was fronting again you felt a bit more reserved as usual. It was just how you and him were, it had been your dynamic since forever. You often felt as though you lacked something with your dad, but after meeting Steven, you were sure that you and Marc didn't connect on the level that you would like to. 
Marc's usual demenour returned. He seemed a bit more awkward than usual as he looked back over to you with the neutral look in his eyes that he often had. But there was something different in his eyes this time. Almost like he was worried? Fearful? Hopeful? You couldn't quite identify it.
You smiled awkwardly and turned away from him a bit. Marc hesitated to speak at your reaction.
"So, um, that was Steven. I assume you liked him?" he said, voice quieter than usual. You nodded, smiling softly as he observed your behaviour.
"He was very nice" you reply, a warmth in your voice which Marc wasn't used to. It shocked him. You seemed to like Steven so much. You seemed to look at him and speak to him in a way which you never spoke to Marc. It made his heart ache a bit. You had only met Steven once, did you really like him more than you ever liked your own father? 
Marc gulped insecurely and turned away from you as well, feeling discouraged. You two couldn't even properly look at eachother, and all this behaviour was just being highlighted after yours and Stevens interaction. It made everything seem so much more obvious.
"Well I'm glad. He um, he seemed to like you too. You two get along very well..." he said, voice sounding forced and distantly pained. You silently nod before the both of you go off to your seperate places.
The more Steven fronted, the more you came to like him. He felt so different than your father, and you very much enjoyed his company. However, the more time you spent with Steven, the less time you spent with your own father.
Steven had noticed how easily Marc had been giving up control to him. Marc wasn't usually like that, especially not around you. Steven would usually have to persuade and convince Marc to let him front. But recently, Marc has shown no reluctance. In fact, Marc had been encouraging Steven to front around you. This worried Steven. Why was Marc so easily giving up time with you? Steven was of the understanding that Marc wanted to try connecting with you more, so why had he seemed to of given up on that?
You and Steven were hanging out like usual, it had become normal for you two to spend time together doing whatever. Today, you were playing uno with him, both having a wonderful time. 
"I've been here a while luv, I should probably go soon so you have some more time with Marc" Steven says, reshuffling the cards the after the previous game of uno. You look up, unsure if you should say what you were thinking.
"Um....what if you stayed a little longer?" you suggest, almost ashamed by your own words. Steven frowns softly.
"How come? Don't you want to spend some time with your father? He's been hoping you two could connect some more" Steven explains simply. You shrug awkwardly.
"Well I guess I do. But I also like spending time with you. You're just.....different to him. Not in a bad way though, its just.....I don't think he'll ever understand me" you admit quietly. Steven frowns more.
"He tries very hard to understand you, luv. We both do seem to be similar, but that doesn't mean that you and Marc can't connect, it just might take a bit more effort. People communicate and relate in different ways" he explains.
"Yeah....maybe...." you trail off, not really wanting to dwell on the topic more. You thought about Steven's words though. Maybe the two of you just had to try a bit harder.
"A little while longer, okay?" Steven proposes, you nod with a dissapointed sigh as you play your last game of the night before Marc returns.
What you didn't know, was that Marc was distantly listening from the headspace, and that your reaction to the knowledge that your father will soon return broke his heart just a little.
A short while later, Marc decided to ask you something important. Steven seemed to of been making you happier and more open lately, and that was all Marc ever wanted for you. He didn't want to continue making you feel reserved and awkward. If Steven was the key to your happiness, then Marc was willing to step back for your sake.
He always knew deep down that he just wasn't built to be a father. He tried his best to provide for you and to keep you happy, but it seemed he really was lacking. As much as he wanted to, apparently he just couldn't offer you the understanding and connection that you had wanted with your dad.
He had to accept that maybe Steven was better for you.
That's why he sat you down one day and asked you a question which could possibly break his heart.
"Y/n, sweetheart, would you prefer Steven as your father instead of me?" he asked, his voice sounding insecure, hesitant and worried. You looked up him with wide eyes, shocked that he would ask such a question. He looked back at you, desperate for an honest response so that he could ensure your happiness.
"What...?" you breath out in disbelief, unsure of how to answer. Marc looked to the side in shame.
"You and Steven, you seem to understand eachother in a way that I never could. So would you like him to take care of you from now on?" he reiterated softly. You still didn't reply. What kind of an offer was that? Were you just going to switch fathers like it was nothing? Why does it sound like Marc was just going to dissapear? You genuinly didn't know how to respond.
"It's completely fine if you prefer him, I don't mind, I can easily let Steven front more.....or all the time if you want...." he said, voice wavering slightly as he spoke. If you looked close enough, you might be able to notice his slightly teary eyes.
"He can be your dad and you can feel more understood and seen with him around. You can spend as much time as you want with him. How does that sound?" he proposes, before looking back to you, anxiously awaiting an answer. His eyes search yours, desperately trying to understand what was going through his childs mind.
"You don't want to be my dad anymore.....?" you ask insecurely, voice close to a whisper. Marc sighs to himself, what he feared would happen had happened. You two had so much trouble communicating. But this was important, and Marc didn't want you to take this the wrong way, so he was intent on ensuring you understood.
"It's not that. Of course I wan't to be your dad, y/n. But....I've seen how you act with Steven and I was just wondering if you preferred him over me? Would you rather him be your dad so that you can feel understood all the time?" he says, trying his best to keep his voice stable.
"I don't want you to go away....." you admit quietly, feeling a bit scared at what your father was implying. Could your dad just dissapear because of his DID? The thought scared you. Marc sighs in relief, at the very least, his child still wanted him.
"Steven is nice and it's fun to do things with him. But you're my dad..., I still need you" you say honestly.
"But I've tried so hard to make you feel seen and understood, and it hasn't worked. Steven can give that to you, sweetheart" he says sadly. You shuffle in your chair.
"Steven said people communicate and relate in different ways....what if we just haven't found a way that works for both of us?" you say maturely.
"If you want to continue trying then of course I'm willing to as well. I just want you to be happy" he responds. You nod to yourself, feeling determined. Not only were you sad because you always felt a disconnect from your father, but your sadness had increased tenfold after learning how your own father felt about it. He was usually a pretty neutral guy, rarely putting his thoughts and feelings on display. But now he admits that he is willing to step back from your life just so that you could be happy. You had no idea he would ever propose such a thing. It saddened you greatly. Which is why you now felt so determined to make things better. You were going to make a huge effort to mend the disconnect between you and your father, and you just hoped that it would pay off in the end, for the both of you.
From that moment forward, you and your dad created a plan to stick by. You were both committed to this plan, and although the both of you would have to comprimise on things, you were both extremely determined.
You decided to start slow, an activity twice a week for a little while. Both of you suggested things. A walk in the park, going to see a new movie, trying out a new cafe down the street, going to a market. It was fun, awkward at times, but you both ended up enjoying it in your own way.
Next you started cooking dinner together, making the chore fun and fulfiling. You chose some recipe you found online and you'd both try your best to cook it, even though neither you or your father were the best cooks. You ended up learning a lot of skills in the kitchen, and luckily Marc had a lot to teach you.
You two would eat dinner together, sometimes just talking about your days at the table, Marc inquiring about school and you being curious about his job. Other times you'd choose a favourite movie to watch over your meal, alternating between yours and Marcs favourite films.
The more you two shared about eachother, the more you connected. You found that there were similar interests between you two that you could talk about, you just had to try a bit harder to find them. But it was worth it when you could finally have a conversation with your father about something that both of you are truely passionate about.
Over time, things became easier and more natural. You both still had to put in an effort to communicate and be mindful of each others ways of processing and understanding things, but it was much more enjoyable now. It felt like both of your combined efforts were going somewhere positive, and that things were changing for the better.
You and Steven still hang out and had just as much fun as before, but you no longer felt guilty about it, because you knew things were good with your father as well. Same with Marc, he didn't have to worry about you choosing Steven over him as a gaurdian anymore. He felt secure enough that he was fulfilling his role as a parent and that you were truely happy.
You no longer felt misread and unseen, but rather understood and appreciated. You both valued the effort the other had put in to understanding eachother. And even though it took a long time to get there, you and your father were happy about the place that you were in now.
A/N: Does anyone read the authors notes? Haha. Anyway, thank you to the person who requested this! This was one of my first requests and I'm so sorry it took forever to write! I had it in my drafts for a while. I don't usually write angst between the characters, usually the angst comes from an outside thing, so this was a bit challenging. If the person who requested this is still checking my blog, then thank you very much, I hope this lived up to what you hoped for :) Any feedback is welcome and very much appreciated! If anyone reads these notes, would you like more dialogue in these stories? I enjoy reading dialogue a lot, but I sometimes find it challenging to write. I'd love to know! I've also noticed that many requests want a gender neutral reader, but I continue writing x daughter because I'm not sure what else to use? Is there a gender neutral term for a child? Child is the only alternative I can think of, but that seems to imply that the reader is extremely young if I write x child reader. Of course I make sure to write the character gender neutral but I write x daughter in the pairing. Does anyone have an alternative?
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sunaswife · 4 years
The baby series ✨🍼
Baby Talk pt.3
🔪: An anon requested these two but I lost the ask 😭 so I’m sorry
Ft. Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou
Part 1 ft. Ushi and suga, Part 2 ft. Oikawa and atsumu
⚠️: slight nsfw with Suna, fluff and yeh thats it
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“Sorry for the wait, here’s your spicy tuna special.” You smiled and placed the onigiri in front of the mother. “And here is your kids meal, bud.” You said and the toddler eagarly waited for his food. “What do we say?” The mom asked. “Thank you!” The kid smiled and you smiled back. “You’re welcome, let me know if you need anything.” You said and the mother nodded. You turned away and continued going to the back. “Do you need any help?” You asked your husband, “No I’m fine.” He assured and his hand swiveled around inside the pot. He was washing rice. “The little kid is so adorable, and he said thank you and my heart melted.” You fangirled and Osamu chuckled.
“You must really have baby fever.” He pointed out as he drained that water to wash the rice again, “Not even.” You replied and looked at the front counter to see if anyone else has arrived. “Babycakes, everytime a family comes in with kids youre always gushing over them.” He said, “No I’ve always been like that.” You defended and he stopped washing the rice. “In highschool you thought kids were disgusting little creatures.” He squinted and you crossed your arms over your chest and leaned against the table.
“Okay..maybe I do have baby fever.” You muttered, “Told ya, there’s nothing wrong with that. I love talking with the kids too.” He smiled and continued washing the rice. “Speaking of your baby fever, well our baby fever I was curious as to when you’d want to start trying.” He spoke up and turned his head to look at you.
“Well I mean we have the shop, and the mortgage for our house, bills here and there. I deal with all the financial aspects within the shop and our home. We can afford a child or two at the moment because the shops running well and our house is a perfect size—“
“So what you’re saying is that we should hire someone to help you with that.” He interrupted and your cheeks tinted. You tended to ramble when you were nervous or excited. And you’re both. This is something new for the both of you. He always found your ramblings cute. “Yeah basically.” You chuckled, “I’ll start looking into it tonight. And when they’re hired we can start working on our family.” He said. You didn’t notice that he had already put the rice to cook and he washed his hands.
“I love you.” You said and hugged your husband, “I love you more.” He sighed and he returned your hug, he placed a small kiss on the top on your head. You were wearing the shops signature attire and the dad hat looked so adorable on you. The bell chimed and you pulled away, out of nowhere Osamu smacked the front flap on the hat causing it to hit your nose and block your vision. “Really Osamu?” You huffed and took off the hat to fix it back on your head. You punched his arm and he snickered. The bell rang once more and you hurriedly made your way to the front counter slightly tripping on the way with Osamu howling in laughter back in the kitchen.
You met the family with two small children and your smiled widened not only because it was your job but because in a few weeks time you’ll be planning a family of your own.
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For a while your husband, Rin has been wanting a baby. He’s just a bit shy to tell you. You’ve both talked about it before marriage was brought up but never actually planned when you’d want to have a baby. As Suna layed in bed with you in his arms he couldn’t help but think about what just happened less than an hour ago.
You were having amazing sex like always and this time Rin managed to fuck you stupid. Your legs twitched so beautifully, you were drooling, your eyes were crossed and everything. As he was reaching near his high he wanted to cum with you so he began to rub his thumb on your clit, earning louder moans from you.
“You like when I fuck you stupid? huh baby? Who’s my little slut? You are, isn’t that right?” He asked and you couldn’t help but nod weakly. Too fucked out to process what he was saying. He smirked and rested his hand on your lower stomach feeling himself inside. “Want me to fill you with my cum? Want me to make you a mommy my pretty little slut?” He asked and you nodded with tear stained eyes. “Nu uh, beg.” He demanded. “P-please cum in me daddy, I want you to make me a mommy. Make me a mommy please.” Your nails scratched his back and he groaned. His pace quickened and you both came undone.
Even though that was foreplay, it really struck a cord with him. Are you willing to try for a baby now? Or still wait a bit longer? There was only one way to find out, right? He couldn’t wait any longer to just assume your answer.
“Princess.” He called and your eyes opened, you were getting sleeping since you were exhausted thanks to Rin. But since he called your name, you’re wide awake. “Yeah what’s up.” You said and turned to face him. You moved some of the hair away from his forehead and you gave him a small smile.
“Awhile back before we got married, we talked about kids. I know you want kids, and you know I want kids. So I was wondering if you’re interested in trying already?” He asked and your eyes widened, “Really? You really wanna try already?” You asked hopefulness in your eyes. Rin’s heart swelled and he nodded. “I do babe. I think we’re ready. We have our lives sorted out.” He said. “Okay then let’s plan it.” You said and he nodded. He leaned forward and you both shared a passionate and sweet kiss, “So when do you ovulate? So I can take the day off.”
“Oh shit so you really wanna get me pregnant.”
“Yep, gonna fuck like bunnies all day.”
“I’m so done with you.”
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🏷: @softiebadbitch @tobiosbunny @aoi-turtle @yumeneji @bakuhoetoedoroki @tsukkisfatsimp @toworuu
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secretsandwriting · 3 years
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SOULMATE AU IS MY FAVORITE!!!!!! Ok, so I’m reading this as not the ones you listed. Which means I’m going with one of my favorite ones, this is really short because I wasn’t sure how to go about it. I didn’t really focus on the soulmate aspect so it thats what you wanted, sorry! Also I just couldn’t not use this Gif for this.
Word Count - 576
Beta Read - Like always, Nope
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“Welcome home, Mrs. Malfoy.” Draco lead you into your new home. It had taken a lot to get here, while you were soulmates; his family didn’t like you due to your blood status. It took Draco a while to get over it himself, but after a year and a half he gave in and asked you on a date.
After months of meeting up for study sessions and little dates, he kissed you. There was no going back from there. You became a common sight in the Slytherin common room. Your yellow robes standing out in the dark room.
After a while Slytherin started befriending other Hufflepuffs and yellow and green started mixing together.
Then, Voldermort came back. But it didn’t go as he planned. After all, he needed people in Hogwarts to help. The problem, his targets, the ones whose parents he had following him; had muggleborn friends and people they cared for more than they feared him.
They fought him and the war was over a week after it started. There weren’t any student casualties due to the plans the entire school came up. It was amazing and no one expected something like that to happen, school went back to normal.
At graduation, Draco proposed.
His parents didn’t approve but he didn’t care. You had his name on your wrist, it was about time to change the one on him to match yours. So you did, it was a large wedding. All your combined friends and a few others. It was an amazing day.
It was around a year later that you found out you were pregnant. Draco was thrilled and the nursery was immediately started. Despite his rocky relationship with his parents, he still told them but set rules to protect you and your baby.
Lucius was too prideful to agree but Narcissa did, she started visiting though you’re pregnant and gave you tips as well as helping with things that you couldn’t do anymore.
Despite her earlier opinion of you, she grew to love you over those 7 months. You gave birth to a healthy baby boy on September 15th, following the family tradition he was named Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy.
It wasn’t until Scorpius’s second birthday that Lucius agreed to follow the rules to at least meet his grandson, but Scorpius with all his wanting to sit on his lap while he was read stories, stole his heart and had him wrapped around his little finger within an hour.
After three years, there was no hesitation when dropping him off to spend time with his grandparents or dropping in for tea. Despite your blood purity, they started to love you as if you had always been part of the family.
You traced your name on Draco’s wrist as you laid in bed together. Scorpius was with his grandparents so you could spend your anniversary together.
“To think I married you, so far out of my league.” Draco whispered into your hair before placing a kiss in the spot.
“Hmm, not only that, but we have two wonderful children.” The arm wrapped around your waist tightened.
“You’re pregnant?” It came out as a whisper, emotions overflowing into his voice.
Your life wasn’t perfect by any means, but it was good. You were happy, loved and taken care of and in return, you loved and took care of him. It was simple, but simple things could be some of the best things in life.
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Soulmate AU w/ Ced or Draco? It's up to you what kind, preferably not the first/last thing they say to you is on their arm or there's a counter on your arm that counts down the time or you see everything in black and white until you meet them... (bc how would you know which house you're in then and which are the right house colors). -Athena
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oabf45 · 4 years
Ok so I finally watched the new 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star episodes and here is what I think overall for the seasons so far, the characters, and part 2 of the seasons. Badically my opinions no one asked for 😁
- Let's rip the band aid off. I'm sorry but we're never getting Buddie. I'm a huge Buddie shipper myself, but I honestly have reached the point where I just don't see it happening. For one their friendship alone just isn't what it's been the past two seasons. Idk if its just me feeling this, but their scenes together, though sweet, just haven't been what they've been in the past. I mean this last episode is the most connection I feel from their characters than i have this whole season. I'm still not over Eddie's lack of reaction to Buck being trapped when Buck was ready to dig through the earth to find Eddie. Though I think there is still a chance Buck could be BI I just no longer have hope that Buddie is going to be a thing. I mean, they've at least hinted that Buck could ride that way, but Eddie has given zero signs of being into men at all. But honestly if they at least explore a BI Buck then I'll be happy, even if he's not with Eddie. It also doesn't help that there's a HUGE possibility that Oliver and Ryan don't get along anymore. They stopped following each other on social media and they post pictures with all the rest of the cast except each other. Its just looking extremely unlikely.
- I don't think Ana deserves as much hate as she's getting. I wasn't so fond of the Eddie/Ana pairing either, mostly because I was so into Buddie. But Ana does seem genuinely a great person and its a plus that Christopher loves her. I just wish that if they were going to persue this they would have built it up more and showed us more of her character. I mean we know close to nothing about her which is what makes it hard to like her or like her with Eddie.
- I'm glad that even if Buck doesn't end up with Eddie he still is obviously going to be someone very close to Christopher. Their relationship is so absolutely darling and even if its not Buddie, Buck is very obviously like a second dad.
- At first I was not at all happy with them bringing back Taylor. I found her character so freaking annoying in the past. But honestly her character seems to have mellowed out and I actually liked her. But I am PRAYING that if she sticks around its just as a friend and not a girlfriend. Buck and Taylor are just a huge NOPE in my book.
- I need more of Athena, Bobby, and Michael ASAP! I miss seeing them more on my screen!
- I'm super excited for baby Chimney/Maddie. And I'm so happy Chimney felt safe enough in his relationship to express his feelings about an at home birth. Their relationship is so sweet and healthy and it makes my heart so warm
- I swear on everything I love if they take that little baby away from Hen and Karen I will RIOT! I also hope to see more of Hen's mom and can't wait to see her pass her exam.
- Albert was wrong for dating Buck's bad date, but he's a good guy and overall a good friend. Buck needs more friends outside of Eddie. I hope they give him more of a storyline in part 2.
- Overall loved the first half of 9-1-1 season 4. I hope they do another crossover in part 2 so that Buck can meet Carlos.
9-1-1 Lone Star
- Yes I have hated the baby trope this first half, yes Gwyn has been annoying af and I'm ready for her to go, and YES Owen has been annoying this season too. But I still love Owen and no I don't believe he's a bad person or a bad father. I hope they do right by his character in the second part and bring the old Owen back now that his life is going to go back to what it was. But I also know this is going to leave room for another romantic interest which you just know they're going to bring in. Maybe they'll bring Michelle back 🤷🏽‍♀️
- The amount of screen time Carlos got is *chefs kiss*. I'm so glad we got to see more into his family dynamic. And how great he is as a cop?! Like make that man a detective already! Also Rafael's acting is superb. He has the most expressive eyes I've ever seen! His face with Owen compliments him on his caring heart and how that makes him a great cop? He BEAMED and it was like no one had ever told him that before. I wanted to hug him so badly.
- I'm so happy they're showing a healthy gay relationship. Sure they've had their ups and downs, but they show TK and Carlos working it out perfectly with good communication which is what we need to see represented more with LGBTQ+ couples on TV. I have no doubt they'll last because they're literally the reason most people tune in and the showrunners know that. And that reuniting hug? Ronen and Raf's real life friendship makes their on screen relationship feel so real and I hope that never changes.
- I need more Mateo. The only thing we know is that he's dyslexic and has a cousin in LA. He's such a great character I wish they'd give him more screen time.
- I know that most y'all see them as just a brother/sister pair, but I love the idea of Mateo/Marjan as a couple. I feel like she could help him grow up a little while he could help her have more fun. But either way I love their relationship and want to see more.
-PLEASE give Paul a GREAT love interest. Someone who loves and accepts him for everything he is. He deserves so much love.
- Tommy Vega is THAT BITCH! She deadass basically said "shoot me. You won't". LOVE seeing a strong black woman on the screen. And I hope they give more screen time to Nancy. I feel like she could be a really interesting character.
- Am I the only one that kind of wants to see them bring back Billy Tyson? I know thats so random, but I think he needs redemption. Idk 🤷🏽‍♀️
- Last but not least......thank GOD I read spoilers before watching the episode because if I hadn't prepared myself and they ended the show with that bridge scene......all I gotta say is JUDD AND GRACE BETTER BE FUCKING OK! OR I'M FIGHTING EVERY DAMN BODY! But honestly I think they will be. These two make the show, for one. Judd is deadass the glue that holds that firehouse together and is overall a great character. No way they're killing him off. And Grace is a fucking saint and also a great character. And she's one of the only two black women on the show. Showrunners, y'all really wanna try that? They're such a great, healthy relationship who are literally so unstoppable together. I think they'll have some trauma but survive. And possibly a Ryder baby? Yes please, and please let it be a baby boy. Judd needs a little mixed cowboy 🤠
- Overall the season has been good, but too Owen/Gwyn central. Hoping the next part has more spotlight on the others. Maybe some "Character Begins" episodes? I think a "Judd Begins" Episode would be perfect to start off with to tie into the whole "omg is he alive" aspect we're bound to get.
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roguestarsailor · 4 years
You know what since we’re still in quarantine and i have nothing else better to do, i need to obsess over ACOTAR. I don't like a court of frost and starlight. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why I didn't like it. I aggressively read the book in maybe a day and I closed it feeling frustrated and annoyed. My version had A Court of Silver Flames preview so that definitely contributed to my annoyance greatly.
It's because it felt too perfect. Everything that had happened -- after the entire war was fought and won, they just go back to their normal lives? Yes there were hiccups and yes there were still aspects that made every IC character feel like their problems aren’t solved yet...but it didnt feel right. yes i enjoyed the snowball fight between the bat boys, feyre + rhys sexy time, and those little comfort moments too, the slice of life type things and seeing feyre accomplishing her goals and how hopeful the future seems BUT its too fast. the good parts of the book did not offset the bad parts of it.
Feyre literally accomplished pretty much every single goal she made back in ACOMAF just like that?? within a span of what a few months? a year?? She really came back from an entire war -- probably the first war of many since she's immortal and just like that, after her 21st birthday: she gets a whole entire estate, wants to start poppin babies, opens her art studio and starts teaching kids and then acting like she can rule an entire court?? the timeline is sooo short esp since its been brought up over and over again how everyone is literally 500 years old and have a super “messy” history and their changes seems to come super dupe slowly. but feyre, who has only lived 0.000000002% of her fae life, is out here thriving just fine???
the war devastated thousands of illyrian soldiers where its changing the politics of the illyrains and the faes, all of whom feyre has responsibilities over too as high lady. the mortal queens are still at large who left the humans on prythian to die which is why feyre was willing to go to war in the first place! what about the rest of hybern and their land and residents?? they wanted to enslave humans for social and economical reasons! then what about integrating humans w deep hatred and fear with deeply prejudice fae??? there’s also spring and summer court who are literally in ruins. thats literally so much. so idk how feyre is just chillin???? she gonna let rhys do all the hard work???
like feyre sit down. u should not be having a baby. esp since it took u literally a 700 pages to heal from those 3 months UTM. ur telling me shes gonna whole heartedly bring in a newborn in a war devastated world, with civil unrest (illyrains, other courts), with the messiness of human and fae integration, with trauma u and rhys will have to continue to overcome esp after THIS war??? even helping ur sisters w their traumas??
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this is a personal opinion on this subject (and maybe my thoughts will change on this later on; opened to other thoughts) but when i read the part about how that weaver/seamstress artist who made that dark quilt that feyre loved talked about how her mate of 300 years didn’t come back from the war and her biggest regret was that she didnt have a kid to remember him by i just thought ur kid isn’t some sort of memorabilia. don’t have a kid to keep the memory of ur mate alive; have a kid cuz u want a kid purely for the sake of having a kid. ur memories and photos and shit will keep their memory alive but its not having a kid. some primitive need to keep the genes alive maybe?? but the way it was phrased and then in turn how feyre was like oh i need  a baby pronto cuz rhys might die in the next war and regret not having a kid with him didn’t sit right with me. also the other couple were together for +300 years and have a rich life together, while shes been with rhys for literally two years THATS NOTHING IN FAE YEARS. thats still the honeymoon phase and also ur problems arent even close to being over!!!
everyone was shitty to nesta. in ACOMAF, we saw how much the IC went through and still did all they could to help feyre. what made them not think nesta deserve the same welcome? nesta is mean as a defense but did no one try to figure out what would help (amren got close but shes so under developed)??? feyre knows nesta feels too much and yet she continued to be shitty. continued to flaunt her wealth, her status, her familiarity/borderline know-it-all attitude about fae/night court, her ~estate~. forcing nest to the solstice party when nesta was literally like i dont belong, im looking at everyone through a window type of thing; the fire cracking triggering her, etc. what kind of power play was that when she made nesta come to her estate, where nesta could SEE how ~homey~ and how suscessful feyre is and fully see all the lovely paintings of everyone feyre loves that explicitly exclude her to tell her to fuck off to a war camp?? bro???? cas was a dick too and elaine was rude. i think a lot of his actions were meant to make her angry since anger keeps u fighting (as was the method of rhys for feyre in ACOMAF) but what he said was stupidly shitty and i demand that he apologize properly. elaine could have done more to help her sister but whatever. mor was definitely an ass too (and im upset for how little her character growth is). 
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Lucein. that man can’t catch a break tbh. im happy that hes w the band of exiles cuz he is whole heartedly accepted there. feyre was definitely an asshole to him even tho he helped as much as he could throughout the books. he tries so hard w elaine as well and it did hit my heart a bit when she was like gloves to work in my garden?? no ?? i use my bare hands see oNly aZiReL sEeS mE fOr WhO i Am. and at the same feyre is like flaunting her mate status to lucein which is mean as shit. its like this man can’t find love in prythain. then tamlin sending him his box of his things??? thats for sure brutral. tam was literally his partner through it all; savior of sorts even. no love from IC, no love from elaine, no love from feyre, no love from tamlin, no love from autumn court rejected everywhere! also HIS TRUE FATHER?? HEllo??? 
then on tamlin. i pity the guy! was i suppose to feel that way??? it felt like he is allowed to get a redemption arc and maybe i’ll even root for a redemption arc??? i was absolutely excited for freysand in ACOMAF but after ACOFAS, im like tamlin is....not completely bad??? his relationship w feyre was bad and the controlling parts were very much a no-no. i dont truly understand the dynamics of an abusive relationship but i can understand that it can be insidious and its the little things that hurt the victim. and i felt  feyre through ACOMAF and rooted for her to escape her abuser! but then it felt like i dont think he was doing any of those things out of malice. ill say tamlin is a bad leader and doesn’t know how to run a court outside of what he sees his father do. his understanding on everything is based on the traditions of the past which i think fueled most of the things he did i.e. not telling feyre she was in danger since maybe his mom didn’t do those war planning things. ACOTAR showed how he truly cared/loved and took good care of feyre and her family. he even talked about how he didn’t believe in the enslavement of humans! i think that tam wanted to preserve what he thought was the good (aka feyre + her love of painting) and get back a sense of control that he and his entire court lost while chained to amarantha. but at the same time, i think he truly thought feyre wasn’t safe. he knows rhys can crush minds and knows feyre can’t read/write so when he got that letter telling him shes safe of course hes gonna flip shit and made a deal w the devil (although those temper outbursts were DEFINITIVELY not ok!!!). he also didn’t listen and has sense of he knows best when feyre was not the type of person. but feyre destroyed his entire court. he lost all his sentries who literally went out to die for him during amarantha’s reign. he lost lucien too; his trusted right hand man. his people were cursed for 50 years and then continued to suffer UTM and was in the process of rebuilding too!  but just seeing spring court, WHO BORDERS THE HUMANS, be in ruins where his subjects left him, his people left him and hes all alone in the manson?? that was sooo sad. so im like why does what feyre did not feel satisfactory????? im mad that it didn’t feel right??? maybe there wasn’t a point where feyre talked to tamlin -- like really talked to him esp w her new found voice and power, etc. anyways, i dont hate tamlin and was like oh shit i think feyre fucked up a bit there.
rhys is a dick to nesta. which made me think, if feyre wasn’t his mate would he extend the same love and care to her???  i loved how he tried so hard to make sure feyre was ok. made sure she wasn’t breaking! all of it! but for nesta, he had the audacity to use his high lord voice and be an ass overall. even tho he can see how cas is fucken in love??? even just how he talks to cass feels off too. 
i’ll even go as far as to say because of how terrible ACOFAS was, it created this intense divide within the fandom. i remember reading the first three books and was absolutely 1) rooting for freysand  2) curious about the sister relationship and how it will be mended 3) i definitely didn’t hate nesta nor did i hate elaine either -- but i was adament about them talking it out with feyre for those tough times 4) saw a more realistic and charming healing arc 5) was rooting for feyre to be a stronger voice and grow into herself 6) love the dynamic of the inner circle + feyre
but after ACOFAS, I have this intense need to defend nesta and was super mad at how she was treated after the war and in turn a deep dislike for elaine for both her lack of agency, lack of grit that made all the other characters interesting, and lack of care for her sisters (who showed how much they would risk for her). i dont hate rhys but i was extremely not happy with him and his attitude and behavior. feyre became more arrogant and was acting like how asshole rhysand would act. like her life is perfect now and i was not rooting for her anymore. freysand didn’t feel like they have complimenting qualities that made them interesting in the first place but rather they are merging to become the same person but in a bad way. that mind reading thing was cute in the beginning but it became insufferable since all thoughts were shared so seamlessly it made reading feel weird. 
anyways those are my thoughts on ACOFAS. it was a 1/5 stars for me and im mad those events transpired. reading the other books made me excited to know what was gonna happen and i was truly ready to accept the characters as flawed and nuanced as they are. im not mad about character not liking each other but i am mad that everything felt off. ACOFAS just felt regressive in some parts and forced in other parts. i know not everything ends in a nice tied up bow but this book single handily ruined what i thought about these characters in the worse way possible. this book wasn’t suppose to wrap up all the problems that exists in the other books but it didn’t feel hopeful like i thought it would. it didn’t feel wrapped up and didn’t feel like i should be excited about the next books. theres so many missing pieces i feel that i think need explaining and at the same time, i think it introduced too many problems at once which made it feel like its jumping around everywhere. although im still excited for ACOSF because i love nesta, and nesta deserves so much better and i want to have hope that this bad ending will either make sense later on or it was just a blimp.
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may-grant · 4 years
LONG POST WARNING!!! okay im super passionate about sorting people into hogwarts houses *correctly* and not just based on the stereotypes we’ve created around them so here’s my take on jatp characters houses and why
julie: i think shes the hardest to place because shes so multifaceted but ultimately i think shes a hufflepuff. shes loyal and trusting and as the show goes on you can see her become more optimistic after mothers death. i dont think shes necessarily a slytherin or ravenclaw because shes never really been about being ambitious or showing individuality. she just loves playing music, shes never wanted to be the best or anything. this represents the lack of ambition (which could lead me on another tangent on whether shes always been like that or if its because of her mothers death)
luke: slytherin. while my baby boy is incredibly loyal and loves his friends hes not a hufflepuff at all. the scene that quite literally spells him out as a slytherin is the one where he goes on a rant about how sunset curve booked gigs by doing. he’s ambitious, cunning (he knows how to worm his way into gigs), and his sole focus on being able to play gigs can be his downful like how he almost fell into caleb’s trap to play music forever. and remember kids, just because ur a slytherin doesnt mean ur evil!!
alex: SUCH A HUFFLEPUFF. he’s naive just like reggie, but in different ways. you remember the ghostbusters? lmaooo. bby i still love you its okay. he can suffer from low self-esteem “dude can you just own your awesomeness for once!?” loyal like a puppy “have you seen willie??” to a literal evil person. he loves everyone who has shown him loyalty basically. also clearly hates change.
reggie: okay he actually is a hufflepuff. i mean his whole character is centered around the fact that this band *is* his family. loyal and honest to the point where sometimes dumb things come out of his mouth but thats okay. and you can see it in the negative aspects too. reggie is fine just chillin as a ghost, theres not a lack of ambition but once hes comfy he likes to stay in a comfy place in life. i love my lil hufflepuff bass playin ghost himbo.
nick: so clearly a gryffindor. he has his moral code that he stands by. will even call out his own girlfriend for being mean to someone. chivalry is top notch, still being friends in the face of rejection? bringing flowers to show support? more boys like him represented in tv pls.
carrie: i know we can all agree that shes a slytherin but yall say it because “carrie mean to julie :(“ like no its because she wants to be the BEST!! yall remember that scene where she says to nick “julie didnt play a note for a year and here she comes to upstage me” honey will spend all the money and do all the gigs to get to the very top. and i stan her for it, its what she deserves.
flynn: she’s a little bit hard to place but i stand by the fact that shes a ravenclaw. the creativity and individuality? immaculate. need i remind you that SHE came up with name julie and the phantoms? the posters? flawless. shes always been herself and not afraid to BE BY HERSELF. she was ready to drop julie in a second when she found out she was being lied to. i love her knowing her self worth.
willie: gryffindor babeyy. the way he drove a bus to the middle of nowhere for his bf? iconic. borderline reckless, but nevertheless iconic. the way he did all this despite the fact that caleb owns his soul? we stan the bravery luv
caleb: slytherin for sure. the whole “covington ive got an offer that you cant refuse” in nothing to lose. wants all of the power. i love this sorting more because then you can easily see the differences between him and luke. i could make an argument for ravenclaw with his individuality and creativity. he doesnt look like he has many *friends* in hgc. so i could argue either way i guess!!!
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anemonenemerosa · 4 years
The Spare - Chapter 7
Hello again,
here we go with the next chapter.
The fic is still inspired by the lovely @lumosinlove
TW for mentioned homophobia, past (and present?) abuse, mental health issues.
Chapter 7
Regulus quietly eased himself down on his bed, not making a noise, struggling to grasp what he just overheard. And it was a lot. His brother was, erm... dating the person he called after dinner. The voice on the phone was somewhat unintelligible but clearly male... named Remus. Sirius is dating a man. He was gay... playing in the NHL. Holy shit.'
After a moment of comprehension, Regulus pushed the newly found insights in his brothers’ sex-life aside. There was so much more. Sirius did not just go and found himself a new family six years ago. He felt as abandoned by his family as Regulus felt by Sirius. He feared their parents. Was the brave attitude Sirius would show Regulus just to keep him calm and happy, to protect his little brother? The beatings didn't end when Sirius was fifteen, as Regulus was always made to believe and he was going through therapy because of the psychological damage it caused. All the time Sirius told him he did not understand, Regulus drove him further away but his brother was right all along. Regulus did not understand, and he could kick himself for not getting this earlier.
But Sirius left Regulus there instead of explaining to him what he did not understand.
“I wouldn’t trade places with him though. I wouldn’t give up the Lions for anything.” His brother had said. Regulus wouldn't want to trade places with himself either.
This made clear that Sirius had no idea how Regulus' life went and how leaving him alone did not ease the pressure off of him. On the contrary. Do other families actually talk about such things? Probably, but we did not talk and now the damage is done.
Then, another aspect of the conversation demanded attention. Sirius had found someone. A team, some kind of family he actually wanted to spend time with and not just showed up out of sense of duty. And this Remus, who seemed to deeply care about him. Him, not his career, not his status. That man might even love him.
Regulus felt his eyes burn. He hadn't cried in years but the bare idea that relationships existed where people cared for each other like that, without expectations, showing support and giving comfort, left him longing. He remembered the feeling of being cared for by Sirius when he was young and realised that he was secretly craving it. Envy mingled with the burning the remorse of all he ever did to his brother while tears ran down his face.
The next day went by in a blur. Regulus was confused and hurting. His carefully maintained walls broke down yesterday and he was struggling to get them up again. He still couldn't look into his brothers’ eyes, he was off kilter and felt too exposed. But he knew he needed to get a grip, needed to talk to his brother before he left the next morning.
Regulus wandered around again at night but not in the house. He couldn’t walk past Sirius room again before he was ready. Instead, he put his running shoes on, climbed out of his window and started off along his favourite path. He'd run it so often, it didn't even make a difference that is was dark. He put Sirius' sexuality on the back burner, deciding that it was more important to get a concept of how he felt about his brother after all the input from last night. Letting the call replay in his head, Regulus tried to make a note of the feelings that surged through him. It hurt horribly but he pushed through and began to classify his emotions halfway through his second laps.
He felt sorry for his brother. Sirius was abused, felt just as abandoned as Regulus, stood under enormous pressure from the media already and oh, he was a closeted gay NHL-Captain dating his teams' -almost professional NHL-player- PT. The name Remus stroked something in Regulus' memory and he had looked him up earlier that day. Somewhat typically Sirius: Never one to do things by halves. But back to the feelings-endeavour.
There was shame, quite a lot. Regulus was being big-headed, naive and too eager to please his parents, the Snakes, too eager to escape Sirius' success pressing down on him until he couldn't breathe. He had let himself get blinded.
Despite the re-evaluation of their last years, Regulus still felt abandoned by his big brother and unbearably hurt. Although he began to fathom why Sirius put so much distance between himself and the family, he promised Regulus to always be his brother, to be there for him. And then, he wasn't. This wasn't all Sirius' fault of course, there were so many layers to their relationship that his head spun and he didn't even know everything that happened to his brother.
Regulus took a short break from running and feelings before he began his fifth laps, wishing he had thought of water.
Envy was the next feeling on the list. It was a not a knew occurrence but while it usually focused on his brother’s career, he now envied Sirius for something completely different. For having friends as close as a family, a team that supported him and seemed to genuinely like him as a person. Jealousy threw itself into the mix with a pang. All these people were in company of the Sirius' happy and caring side. The side that once was reserved for Regulus only. But maybe, it was possible to deeply care for several people. That Sirius finding real friends didn't mean he had nothing left for his baby brother. But Regulus drove him away and lost his claim. As quick as the jealousy came, it was overshadowed by longing for true affection and loss of how close he once was to his brother.
Remus. The name sprang up in Regulus' mind. Sirius hadn't just found a home, he found love. Something, Regulus grew more and more aware that he himself was undeserving of such strong affection. Any affection honestly. After all he had done, no one could possibly like him. The realisation just increased the longing and gave it a painful twinge.
 As if it wasn’t bad enough already.
Regulus gave up running after the fifth laps and settled on lying on a park bench in the middle of nowhere instead, like a proper creep.
Maybe I could do with a bit of therapy too, at the very least to sort through this mess, he thought dryly.
Then, there was the sexuality part. His brother was gay. This thought should have evoked repulsion in him but it didn’t. He briefly considered the common slurs and dirty jokes in the locker-room and on ice. Regulus was not sure how much of it was supposed to be harmless chirping but without doubt, it would become ammunition of certain players, if they knew it was actually true. And his parents made decidedly no effort to sugar-coat their opinions.
"Sports is stooping lower and lower these days!" Regulus remembered his father’s agitation during the Olympic winter-games in Sochi.
Tim Stevenson, a Vancouver City Councillor, urged the International Olympics Committee to add "sexual orientation" to the Olympic Charter. The politician was openly-gay and married to Gary Paterson, the equally openly-gay moderator of the United Church of Canada.
"They shouldn't have allowed that in the first place" Orion hissed while succumbing into a rare fit of rage.
Regulus, of course, couldn’t remember the marriage in 2004 but his parents would never fail to show their distaste and indignation.
Regulus had always believed blindly what his parents told him, once out of naivety, later out of self-preservation. A mode of action he began to question deeply by now. The blind trust towards his parents was crumbling quickly, and Regulus felt himself uncertain of what to do now that his moral concepts and alleged knowledge were dissolving at an alarming rate. But as many tumultuous hard feelings as he allowed himself against Sirius for abandoning him and escaping, he did not think that being gay changed something about his brother...
Wasn't sexuality something you can’t help? That has always been like this? Then, hadn't he always been gay and knowing about it did not make him a different person. But Regulus hardly doubted that most of the NHL shared this train of thought, let alone their parents.
This can ruin Sirius' career... but isn't hockey supposed to be about the game and the game only? His mantra came back from the dead.
Why should it be of any importance for his game where he put his dick, or let other people stick their dick, for that matter? Regulus shuddered at the thought that his brother had a sex-life but he found himself not cringing at the idea of Sirius liking men. It was more the fact that he had sex in general. He denied that brothers, just like parents did this at all. Being the living proof that his parents had definitely had sex, was irrelevant.
Regulus decided to keep his brothers secret. He would not hurt him any more than he already had.
Coming home, around three in the morning, tired but much more at ease he found himself able to really sleep for the first time in what felt like years. Come next morning, he would grow a pair of metaphorical balls (he already had actual ones, thank you very much) to tell Sirius about the Interview and apologise. He would not talk about his brother’s sexuality, didn't want to intrude. It was not Regulus' business after all.
Regulus never overslept but this very day, he did. When he woke up, his brother was already gone. Thats that. I hope you liked it :)
Stay safe and channel your inner Hufflepuff
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songs that give just peak 13rw vibes:
SCRAWNY - the wallows: first of all, this is my fav wallows song so good, secondly, this song just reminds me of season 1 Alex sm because for some reason his hair and weight was brought up a lot sjsjsjsj
Die For You - The Weeknd: honestly this song is so sweet and really gives me those Jess/Justin vibes :(
Everything I Wanted - Billie Eilish: i feel as though this a song clay could really relate to, if he had everything he wanted would have those crazy beautiful parts in his life? no clay wouldnt have his little make shift family and his lil rocks w/o a bit of bumps
Wasted - Niall Horan: This song gives me those really in love vibes so immeadately Zalex because I feel as though they are right for each other (duh i mean...) But i just think high school isnt the right time for them
Too Young - Louis Tomlinson: This song really just hits hard thinking about Hannah and what she had said that most of them had no idea this would spiral and hurt Hannah that bad. I dont really like (like i mean there's certain things thats just super offputting shes likeable id just rather watch clay than hannah sjsjsjs) Hannah, but this song goes out to her <3
Ozone - Chase Atlantic: this is a classic season 1/2 Jess and Justin song but w/ heroine instead of xans ig
End Of the Day - One Direction: See... I rewatched the clannah moon scene and yes i admit it made me cry BUT i found so many Zalex paralells this song really does go out to the ones who fall in love on rooftops
Pacify Her - Melanie Martinez: There was a lot of jealousy from Alex and Justin, Bryce and Zach, Clay and anyone who breathed the same air as Hannah, and finally my person fav Zach and Charlie lots of jealousy i just like the song snd i think it fits all of these
Half Light - BANNERS: i love this song its my fav of all time i just rlly think this song fits a lot of dynamics and friendships like Justin and Bryce; justin really only got the good side of him
The Good Side - Troy Sivan: This goes out to Zalex, Jesstin, Clannah, Tony/Caleb, and Wonty yall each got some flaws but perfectly like complete each other THIS SONG WITH THESE SHIPS MAKES ME EMOTIONAL AND IM NOT TALKING ABT IT NO MORE
Friends - Ed Sheeran: lots of friendzoning *cough* zalex *cough* lots of acting like you like him and you claim you dont *zach* lots of you giving alex AND THE REST OF THE WORLD HINTS THAT YOU DO AND THEN YOU JUST DON'T IG??? im bitter.
When I Look At You - Miley Cyrus: Again, this song really just goes out to Zalex Jesstin and Clannah </3
Atlas - Shannon Saunders: "I get through all of this without a kiss" that one lyric could apply to a lot of relationships in this show such asssss Zalex, Justlex (i will die with Justlex), Clannah, Jannah(?)
Lets Talk About Feelings - Joywave: this song gives me the same feeling i have whenever at the end of every season every person who survived that season is like all together at one place it doesnt have anything to do with it its just the same feeling i personally have
Drunk - Ed Sheeran: Zach and this song are like the same entity- yall SOMEONE GET ROSS ON THE PHONE HIS VOICE WOULD BE SO GREAT FOR THIS SONG!!!
Fireproof - One Direction: "nobody saves me baby the way you do and no body knows you baby they i do" this song gives me the ppl who fall in love on the rooftop vibes no hut srsly this gives some good lyrics that could be heavily applied to Zalex and Jesstin and like Clustin
My Heart Goes Bum Bum Bum - Flatsound: this song. is literal art. Its so pretty fOR NO REASON?? anyways; this song again is more the feel of the song but its in a more general sense you could apply it to any aspect of the show and itd for the most part work i also just love da vibes
Leather Jacket - The Arkells: this song can really go for Zalex like rlly well and Justlex not as well but pretty good
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
Take a shot every time a dabihawks artist goes 'whats the point of bj being alive :/ now hawks doesnt have as much depth'. Like holy shit its amazing how much time i saw it on my twitter dash cuz i follow a bunch of dabihawks artist, they really be simply misunderstanding their fav chara. They be like 'i dont want him to be a pure hero' like girl thats your down fault horikoshis been telegraphing hes the goodest boy from the start.
Idk maybe its because a lot of people that ship enemies to lovers are kinda used to both people being as bad but on different sides of the conflict like shizaya or soukoku. But dabihawks is very clear cut good vs evil n that dont fit the ship dynamic so they bend hawks in their head to fit it in. Like ye it harder to find the justification for them to end up together and you have to deal with the fact that ur fav might be objectivly worse but if you cut hawls character down and say its boring if it doesnt fit what you imagined, well that just means that u like hawks more as 'dabis boyfriend' or 'hero turned villain' that u like him more as those ideas then what he actually is in the manga and thats no ones fault but ur own.
Like im just bothered by the fact that so many are now saying this is 'boring'. Like ye corrupted heroes are very fun, 'license to kill' heroes are very fun, heroes that make questionable decisions are very fun. Morally gray characters are very fun.
But hawks doesnt have to be that to be fun and interesting
Hawks started of as a child with inclination to save, with admiration to heroes and a naive wish to be like his personal heroes. A morally gray government organization bought him out and trained him since he was a lil baby boy to give up his name and his identity and to be a perfect little child soldier. He got wise to the corruption and his innocent and pure view of the world was dashed. But he still had that inclination to save people so he stuck by (though having no where else to go and no knowledge of anything else also counts in) and he formed his own image of a hero and he kept his ear to the ground ans he fought and saved without a break. Despite his innocent world views being dashed, he didnt let the same happen to his dreams and he continued pushing from inside the organization that raises him and inspite of it to do good things good way. You could still say he has naive dreams, like wanting to eliminate the need for heroes inside his lifetime, but he pushes for them so strongly and he cares so much and no matter what he always tries to save the maximum number of people he can.
And i dont think thats boring. Hawks is an overwhelmingly good character who often has tough decisions pushed on to him because of the organoization he belongs to. We are used to those kind of characters bending and breaking and corrupting under pressure but hawks so strongly sticks to being good to saving people no mattee what even if it endangers him. Theres nothing boring about wanting to be a good person and working hard to remain a good person despite the entier world pushing you to corruption.
Say it with me kids morally darker doesnt equal more interesting. Being good isnt boring.
If I took a shot everytime I saw a dabihawks artist say that on twitter, I’m pretty sure I would be dead from alcohol poisoning.
As you said, so many of them seem to misunderstand Hawks character or wanted him to be dragged down to Dabi’s level for some bizarre reason. It is possibly because they’re used to enemies to lovers ships that have both the characters be assholes in some way (neither good or bad) and Dabihawks isn’t a ship that fits this mold. Dabi is objectively the bad guy in this ship, not only is he the villain in the manga, he’s also done bad things to Hawks too, meanwhile the worst you could argue Hawks has done to Dabi is threaten him at knife point (though that was for his own protection), killed someone in front of him (whether Dabi was affected by that is still highly debatable) and ruined his plans (which... duh, Hawks is a hero).
But! They could still work as a couple! Any ship can in fanon. However for it to be a plausible relationship, you’re going to either have a fall from grace arc for Hawks (which many for some reason thought was going to happen in canon) or a redemption arc for Dabi. And because many people seem to love the “found family” of the League, they usually go for the fall from grace with Hawks. That’s probably why they were so disappointed that it didn’t become a canon aspect of his character, because they like the idea of him falling from grace (...I don’t get the appeal but to each their own).
I just wish they’d stop it with calling Hawks boring because Horikoshi didn’t write what they personally wanted to see. As you said, their are many, many interesting aspects to Hawks character outside of his brief affiliation to the League and it’s so frustrating to see these people call them boring! There’s nothing boring about being a good person! Especially when we see that good person pushed to the breaking point with their ideals and pushed into corners and made to commit difficult decisions! We get to see Hawks be a complex person and explore morality with him and these people think that’s boring?! And think Hawks becoming morally bankrupt is interesting (haven’t we got enough of those characters with the League?)
They have a dumb definition of boring and interesting if you ask me.
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hobidreams · 4 years
ok hello miss rain i just woke up and now is the best time to talk about yesterday’s update🤪
first off, i was confused by what happened near the end where mc thought yoongi was threatening her life?? i know that it’s meant to show her flaws as a character because she seems to assume the worst at times (which leads me to wonder just how many times has this happened? how many times has yoongi said smth which she misunderstood and was hurt about?🤔🤔), but at the time i just wanted to reach out, grab her by the shoulders and go, BABE NO HE MEANS DON’T SACRIFICE YOUR HEALTH LIKE THAT😭😭 i love our dear mc but yeah you’re right—she’s got some growing to do as well!!
that being said, it’s time to address the elephant in the room. what might that be, you ask? it’s my need to shove my foot up yoongi’s ass😃😃🦶
jk lol
whew!! totally sympathizing with yoongi on this one bc i get why he reacted that way like fr:
- he just found out that the woman he cares about (or loves🌚🌚) passed out due to MALNUTRITION. she hasn’t been eating RIGHT.
- mc is ruining her health to help other people!! if my loved ones pulled that shit too, i would be both extremely worried and extremely pissed off!!
- from what i understand, yoongi already feels useless as a king, especially since no matter what he does, he can’t seem to do something that can help his people. and now the mc just straight up neglected herself to help the people that were his responsibility to begin with?? yeah, definitely see why he lost his shit. it’s a beautiful mix of what i mentioned above and a splash of self-hatred because holy shit, was he that bad at his job that the mc, a mere uinyeo, had to step in and help people???
and that last bit actually leads me to the next thing i want to talk about!! that mf had the audacity to tell the mc that she is not part of the royal family??? AS IF PEOPLE NEED TO BE PART OF THE ROYAL FAMILY TO HELP PEOPLE??????? HOOOOOOO BOI THE WAY I WANTED TO STEP IN AND TELL HIM TO GET HIS HEAD OUT OF HIS ASS😠 (srsly, he had the fucken NERVE to say “do not overstep your position” like bitch!!! last time i checked, i’m one of the idiots who live here!!! of COURSE i’m going to want to help people😠)
like honestly. whew. yoongi darling i understand where you’re coming from but. pls. we get it. ur emotionally constipated. but if u yell at mc again i will tear you a new one😠
ok last point bUT!!! i’m so proud that mc is finally standing up for herself?? the whole time i was just internally losing it like, THATS MY BABY. THATS MY BABY RIGHT THERE😭😭. wow i’m just so proud of her😭
ok that is all for today🤧🤧 ily n i hope u r doing well🥺
(on a totally unrelated note, i can totally imagine mc vibing to august by taylor swift?? ok that’s all bYE)
i love how u wake up & ur brain is: MLT 😭😭😭 me loving u !!!!! fads;lkj im actually so relieved that you can sympathize with Yoongi on this one. he makes a lot of points, which would definitely be more well-received if he were nicer about them 😔😔😔 but poor baby was Not Thinking & even if she literally starves herself, she won’t be able to save the people or as many people as she would like. it’s a small bandaid on a broken bone. & yes, we’ve seen Yoongi’s self-doubt manifest so many times. he hesitates in things that he want, struggling between what he should do & what he wants to do. this conflict seeps into almost every aspect of his life !!! 😭 yes, the way he said that about the family was mean as hell, but -- you can think about that from his perspective too 👀 might yield a different reasoning. FDASLKJ IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED OC’S NEWFOUND BRAVERY! right??? she’s finally coming into her own a bit more. she’s taking steps towards her own desires to help. ahhhhhhh 🥺💞 thank u for this -- it was such a sweet thing to read & my heart is BURSTING 💖 i will continue eto work hard !! ily babe, pls take care 😘
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maariarogers · 4 years
flash review for episode 13
where can i start? i absolutely adore it
i felt like, in all honesty, the k-drama got much better towards the end for some reason? like everything started coming together; each of their personalities seemed to mash well and idk, i love the later episodes (hopefully i wont retract these statements in the future)
suho is so dedicated, so loyal, so loving like,,,, can this man get the boyfriend award of the year or....
i love LOVE the parallel between jugyeong running for suho in past episodes being played again by suho being the one to run after jugyeong. absolutely breathtaking
when suho was running and he remembered jugyeong wanting to commit suicide? please just end me right now
seojun was superb all throughout
i feel like it’s so appropriate, yet so fitting, that suho mainly goes to care for jugyeong and seojun steps back, understands this, and decides to handle things at their school instead
like maybe it’s their bond as friends doing its work and seojun becoming increasingly respectful of his friend’s relationship, but it’s so *chef’s kiss* to see seojun doing the aggressive work
like, i talked abt this in my meta, but seojun’s short-tempered personality worked so well especially in events like this and it shows. he’s a fucking boss throughout and he aint takin no shit
what a damn man 👏👏👏
seojun, gowoon, and juyeong aren’t the trio i expected to like so much but jesus i’ve proven wrong!!!!!!
juyeong 👏punching 👏someone 👏 who talked 👏 shit 👏 about 👏 jugyeong 👏
gowoon 👏 throwing hands 👏 over the 👏 same 👏 fact 👏
i was fucking crying laughing at mr han throughout the whole time like,,, dude,,, pls,,,, this aint about u my guy 😭😭😭
ppl can come at me for this but i actually really like jugyeong’s mom. yeah, she has her worser moments and shes not winning any awards for best mom soon but??? i feel like??? thats the point??? thats how most asian moms are??? and i relate to that so much???
like, there’d be moments where they put so much traditional expectations on children that it can become burdening and/or unhealthy, just like jugyeong’s mom consistently displayed (and then she mentioned “do u wanna be like me” like god that fucking hit me), but u can tell they dont fuck with u if u fuck with their family or people they care about and thats just it
like idk how to even properly explain it but i guess we just built different is all lmao
when jugyeong was crying and then her make up faded and all her acnes popped up, like bitch,,,, i felt that SO BAD 😭thats me every day at work
jugyeong’s dad camped a whole ass smol kitchen in front of jugyeong’s room just so she’d eat 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
again when will the lim family not win in an episode WHEN
“the one who uploaded the video” “i know” FUCKING ENDED ME!!!!
can we just talk about the absolute grace jugyeong and suho have in the face of knowing sujin did this to them? like they didn’t slander her once. they didn’t start shit. they just take care of their own damage.
ppl are also gonna come at me probs but ............. sujin and seojun look so good next to one another,,, like if park yuna and hwang in yeop is ever in a drama together? pls call me, have my soul
suho having juyeong’s phone number,,, suho and juyeong bonding,,, juyeong comforting suho even tho he couldn’t do much and convincing suho to go to school,,,,, babes i love found-family trope that is all
when suho admits that taehoon is his friend, i just. died. webtoon suho would kill for a friend like taehoon and i know it
nope still not fucking with the mr. lee jaehoon being innocent at least not over the affair, sir get out of my face
also not fucking with suho being interested in MUSIC, my guy he is gonna be a CHEF (webtoon reference)
legit i was fucking yelling at jugyeong to “defend his mans” during that toilet scene because i just felt like suho had done so much for her, especially given recent events, and then she did??????????????
“from now on come and talk to me in person. i’ll answer your question one by one” I DIDN’T KNOW YOU HAD IT IN YOU????? YOURE SO BEAUTIFUL BABE 😭
suho already worshipped the ground u walk on now he’s probably thinking about kissing u under a willow tree with one knee on the floor and a ring in one hand smh
feel a little bad for the food her mom made tho ngl
overall: i feel like its an 8/10, im probably deducting the marks because of suho’s dad cause i still feel it’s a bit unfair if they want to reverse the fact that his dad did have an affair and lied to him and selena (in the webtoon he did) cause even the first affair like, the one 8 year old suho caught him in? i feel like theyre gonna probs reverse that too BUT IM NOT TALKING ABOUT THEORIES NOW point is i love nearly all aspects of it, can’t wait for more soft suhoxjugyeong content before the writers fuck us all up xoxo
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birdwonder · 5 years
Not sure if you’ll allow this or not but I’ll try. Before Christmas is over and I’m officially late. How about Josuke, Kakyoin and senku (see? Since it’s from more than one fandom dunno if it’s alright) where their friend is working on Christmas decorations and suddenly picks them up and when they ask “what are you doing” they just respond with “putting the star on the Christmas tree.” (If the multiple fandom thing messes with the master list you can drop senku :3)
|| you, my friend, have saved me in the way the way that because i dont have time to write a christmas special - i answered your’s before the day ended to be one instead ! and also because i wanted to write smth for Kakyoin and Senku but didn’t have the ideas :D i dont mind doing multifandom requests ! though im going to put Senku in my next post, separately so i hope that’s ok ! this took a whole day to write since its Christmas so i’ve been busy so i hope the poor quality isn’t too bad ! [ btw theyre all sort of romantic to some extent ? i hope thats ok ! ]
Josuke + Kakyoin | Christmas Tree Decorating
Noriaki Kakyoin
“Oh honey, could you pass me the red bauble please?”
When the words reached his ears, Kakyoin raised his head from the box he was shuffling through and nodded in response to the request his wife had made. “No problem,” he curtly said, picking up the aforementioned decoration and standing up to hand it over to the shorter lover, smiling when you gave him your own grin.
Decorating the Christmas tree was a special tradition between the two of you since it gave a sense of family within your home and allowed you to bond both in silence and verbally whenever one of you made a silly comment or cracked a small joke.
Nimble fingers carefully took the fragile ball and hooked it’s string onto the evergreen’s branch, it’s evergreen aspect coming from the fact it was artificial, something Kakyoin and you decided would be the best choice financially and it would make things infinitely more convenient than going out every year to try and fit a large tree into a car. As you pulled away from the tree, arms wrapped around your torso and the red headed man rested his chin upon your shoulder, humming in content at the hard work you two poured into turning the once plain tree into a true Christmas living room centre piece.
“It’s just perfect, you did so well,” Kakyoin praised, turning his face a little to press a kiss upon your cheek to further his compliment. You then turned your own head turned to the side to kiss Kakyoin fully, tired fingers stroking over his pale cheek that was accustomed to your gentle affections and welcoming touch.
“Hush you, you did as much as me! I would still be working on this thing if I didn’t have my wonderful husband to help me.” You exalterd, removeing your hand from him by dragging your fingertips from his cheek down to his jaw, moving your body away from his so that you could place your hands on your hips in a determined manner. You then added, “we’re not done yet, though!”
“What do you mean?” Kakyoin tilted his head to the side, looking the tree up and down to attempt to understand. Baubles? Check. Tinsel? Check. Lights? Check. There wasn’t a single free space for anything more on the tree so he was struggling to see what else you could want really.
“Kakyoin don’t you see?” You jokingly scolded, pointing upwards, “we haven’t added the star yet!”
The ex-Crusader made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth, almost slapping a hand over his face over his mistake. The star! How could he forget? It was only the most satisfying thing to add to the tree, especially when you both spent hours a couple of years ago choosing the perfect one. You both had almost settled on angel instead because choosing a star was strangely difficult, though you both realised that a winged person would take even longer to pick.
“Of course! Sorry about that,” he chuckled, albeit a little nervously due to his mistake, “let me put it up then.” With that, he swooped down to pick you up into his arms, arms around the back of your knees and the side of his face resting against your stomach until he look up to see your face with a mixed expression of shock and confusion.
“Honey, what are you doing?” You gasped, momentarily worried that you would fall back against the tree until you realised that Kakyoin was both too strong and reliable for that. Still, you were perplexed as to why he had picked you up.
“Well, you are my star, so it’s fitting if we put you up there.”
Kakyoin gave you the sweetest look, eyes soft with love while you stared back with wide eyes and heart skipping a beat. “Noriaki... You’re so lame.~”
Your husband then gasped at that, letting you down and mocking a look of hurt. “How could you? After I gave you all my love in one sentence!” His uncharacteristic offence over your words made you giggle and led you to give him a sweet kiss, which quickly made up for your insult.
“Come on you big cherry baby, we got a star to put up.”
“‘Big cherry baby’ ? Really?”
“You know it!”
Josuke Higashikata
It was your duty to decorate the school’s christmas tree this year, and luckily for you it wasn’t all that large either so a one man job was not impossible or too straining. You had even finished most of the tree by now, carefully plotting where to place the baubles so they were evenly spaced and wrapping around lights to make the whole thing stand out was much easier than one would have thought. The emotional reward was amazing too, knowing that you had taken up a job everyone else complained about it and refused was pretty gratifying.
Taking a step back from the tree, you admired your handy work. None of the lights were turned on but even so the tree looked immaculate! You had even hand made a couple of decorations with the help of Koichi and Rohan before hand to add to your own trees at home, so you used the spares to add a fresh look on the school’s old, reusable tree that apparently always looked the same according to the older years. Honestly if you weren’t commended publicly in the next school assembly, you would have to complain. Well, you wouldn’t because that would be pompous and bit too much effort, but you knew you deserved at least some praise from the staff who should really be the ones doing all the work.
Still, there was something off about the tree, as though you had forgotten something...
Ah, the star!
How could you forget the most important and noticeable thing of all? You knocked your knuckles onto the top of your head for being so mindless before moving over to a couple of boxes, rummaging through a few until you found the gold painted star, the sides perfectly coated with silver glitter to make the whole thing pop. “There we go, now if I’m not mistaken you belong up there, Mr Star,” you giggle, mumbling to yourself in the most dorkiest way that you were glad no one was in the immediate vicinity to overhear you.
The tree may not have been colossal however it wasn’t easy to reach the top, so a teacher had given you a stool to stand upon when need be, not that you trusted it to support you whole heartedly. Stepping onto the stool, you balanced on your tiptoes to help you lean up and place the star on the top of the tree, something that was proving to be more difficult than you had expected. “Just a little further,” you urged yourself on, trying your best to reach.
You really should have expected that things were going too perfectly as a sudden crack was heard, and if you had to guess, it was from the leg of the stool.
Sucking in a harsh breath, you felt the weight of both you and the stool give out, sending you falling backwards with the star hugged close to your chest to keep it from breaking. Your priorities really weren’t in order.
As all good stories go, the pain of your back hitting the floor had never came and instead you felt firm yet comfortable arms wrap around your body. Your eyes were squeezed shut from fear of the impact, your lids remaining closed even when your were caught as a part of you assumed you just hadn’t hit the ground yet, even though the fall wasn’t nearly as long as you made it out to be in your head. You only finally opened your eyes when you heard a warm, friendly voice say, “hey, you know I caught you right? You can open your eyes!”
You peaked from under your eye lids to see the familiar face of Josuke, a wide grin on his face like he was proud that he had caught you just in the nick of time, and his whole face was lit up like a Christmas tree. Speaking of actually.
“Ah, thank you so much Josuke!” You hugged him as best as you could while being held in a bridal style and holding onto the star, pressing your cheek against his to which his own turned pink slightly, a laugh escaping him. It really was a good thing he had caught you or else who knows what could have happened? If the star broke the school staff would sure be against you.
“It’s no problem, I’m glad I came to see how you were doing now! Guess you could say I’m your knight in shining armour,” Josuke teased, making you laugh along with him. It was clear that no matter what, he really had a gift for making you ten times happier than before. “I guess I can,” you responded, looking over to the now broken and fallen stool, trailing your eyes up to the top of the tree and groaning. “That’s just great, there’s no way I can put the star up now!”
Your distressed tone made Josuke frown a little. He didn’t really see why it would be such a big deal, especially when it was the staff’s fault for giving you a stool with rotting wood legs and it wasn’t like it should be your job to decorate the tree. Lazy bastards.
Then, he had an idea. He placed you down onto the floor to which you thanked him for until you yelped out in surprise. With a mischievous sounding chuckle, Josuke’s hands grabbed your hips from behind and he squatted down. You turned your head to give him a questioning look and only got a wink in return, your body suddenly being hoisted up up so that you were sitting on Josuke’s shoulders, a leg on either side of his head. “J-Josuke! What are you doing?!”
“Huh? Isn’t it obvious [F/N]? I’m helping you put the star up on the tree,” he replied, his words coming out much smoother than they usually did, almost as though he was flirting with you. You flustered a little at the thought though you were unsure why, he was just helping you out! It wasn’t like he was insinuating anything or even praising you after all.
Once again, you meekly thanked him and gripped the base of the star, slotting the hole underneath it onto the top spike of the pine tree with caution, praying that nothing broke or that you made him uncomfortable by having to lean forwards. “There! The job is done and I don’t have to spend a second longer on this tree,” you proudly declared, expecting some sort of congratulations from the highschooler beneath you. After a long pause, you spoke again, “uh, you can put me down now Josuke.”
“Hm? Oh sorry, I thought we weren’t done yet, since y’know, you’re the star here.” He said, his flirty tone returning with a hint of comedy in it, probably because he couldn’t even take himself seriously in the currenr situation.
You almost choked at his words, heat rushing to your cheeks and you whacked the pompadour that blocked your ability to see his face. “Josuke, that was so cheesy! Just put me down already and help me clean up!”
“Ok, ok, whatever you say lil’ star,” he teased, crouching down to let you jump off his shoulders and giving you a side hug afterwards. “You have to admit though, that was pretty smooth.”
Rolling your eyes, you nudged him with a smile before pushing him away towards the pile of empty boxes that once hosted the large amount of decorations you used, “yeah sure, whatever you say Casanova, let’s just get to work.”
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janexeu · 4 years
     though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, JANE MÁRQUEZ is actually a descendent of HYPNOS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-SIX year old DEMIGOD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION MAJOR from NEW ORLEANS, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite SACRIFICIAL & STUBBORN.
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( she’s b-b-b-back on her bs : katya ! tis uhm ,,,, a lil bit of a chonk of an intro but ill try 2 b cute w it. any time u wanna yeet jus peep the gif again & forgive me bc Look At Her ! )
POWERS ( more info here )
hypnokinesis  — p much made her a glorified babysitter w lynch-esque wacko dreams. it got stronger naturally as she got older, but jus w herself n eventually the ppl shes real close w. its also gotten a lot better since comin to eonia 
seeing gods in dreams  — she doesnt hang out w em every fridays at tgifs but like ,,, if she had Pertinent Questions she cud smhw make it happen. found out abt her being a demigod at age 10 when she met hypnos
memory retrieval — shes got great memry of her own but bc she knows it can help w grief n all that, shes been learnin in eonia how to do it 4 others if they mayb wanted it
her single ma died during childbirth so jane's been in the foster care system since 5ever. attempts at reunification nvr worked out but thankfully she got real lucky w her group home and foster families. twas stable enough to not emotionally scar her even further but the instability of it all was fosho a big ol’ lot and has influenced her rigidness in sum aspects of her life
she lived p much as a mortal even tho her powers r a lil freaky. never went to camp but it worked out bc all her abilities r internal and cannot be Perceived by others. she had a talk w hypnos abt what 2 do n he mentioned camps but also gave sum monster avoidance tips ( like rarely use ur powers, maybe learn self defense, yada yada ) n she jus ,,, did that so she cud continue livin real normal w the mortals. logistics of camp stressed her out esp bc shes livin w non-family n stuff yk it was All Too Much, miss her w the added demigod stress tyvm
got married at 23 to her childhood sweetums luis, but he ,,, died abt a yr later fr a car accident. coma for 2 weeks n jane p much slept the entire time in his hospital room, visitin his dreams n talkin to him. twas a life support sitch so they eventually decided to pull da plug whch was real sad but like she's processed it 2 da best of her abilities. her powers helped a lot in the coping too n she visits memories of him in her dreams smtms when it gets real sad then shes ok again bc life goes on n life is pretty uwu
bc of her bg round kids of all kinds, shes always been passionate abt em. always takin babysittin/tutor gigs and went to community college so she cud teach n then worked as an elem teacher. only started considerin goin 2 eonia 4 postgrad when she had a student who showed signs n strugglez of bein a demigod. she eventually got to talk to their godly parent 2 confirm n she was shocked pikachu meme, real concerned for all those youngins who hav no clue what to do ! or how to cope ! bc they cant facetime w the olympians lyk she can ! so cue her discussin eonia w luis a lot then a year after the accident, broke out the pro-con list again. took abt *checks watch* another yr til she finally decided to zoom 2 athens but then whoosh she did !
yearning ? idk her — shes can be a bit of a take it as is typa chick. can be a lil literal jsksj not dumb but like ,,, def doesnt read into things enuff to pine n long n year yk. some things might def fly over her head. she says Yes To Serotonin in this house. she dk the the mitskis n the sikens n the carsons ; its all mary oliver up in this joint. we just tryna luv life n be grateful folkz
le freak, say chic ! — control freak, that is. growin up in an unstable envi meant shed cling 2 stability n independence, wrvr she cud get it. so when it comes 2 the way she does things, she can be real a heel digger. also bc she has 2 deal w kids yk so it can b A Lot n shes v stern lyk dat. ofc she wont infantilize the eonians .,,,. or will she ? big sis vibes outta control. she means well tho always always means well. itll also b v hard to get her 2 giv up on sum1 bc life ? she luvs it n knows u can too
changes by david bowie — is decidedly skipped on the playlist. she doesnt like change !!! i mean she knows its inevitable but still not entire unavoidable. ever since she got out of the system, shes had a partner n her own way of doing things n its been workin out so why change it yk ? she says time may change me but jokes on u i can sorta trace time 
rip but im different — this goes out to all em whores in this house. she respectz ur hustle but like ,,,, not her thang. girl doesnt even get drunk when she drinks bc she doesnt rlly drink sksjsk doesnt like the taste of it, big baby ! but like she's Lived, its more like. ok tried it, not for me. thanks tho. also for all the meanies in the house, y’all perplex her. shes empathetic n wont show the judgement but smtms shes lowkey lyk .,., ur how old n u had all this goin 4 u n ur still so rotten ? how u actin like a 7yo w a trantrum ? scratch head, make it make sense
at least u tried — dad jokes, bad puns, tries to be big jokester but isn't funny. she's pretty tho so she gets away with it. idk wht else 2 say ur honor. shes the type thatll embarrass u w affection
well that was Awkward — probably sum1 abt her if  they see her actin a Fool bc shes in a foreign sitch or topic. when shes a fish outta water then she can be so ! easily ! flustered ! which is p much her in eonia. shes not new new but theres way 2 much godly shennanigans for her to wrap her head ‘round n sis has never gone to camp so its ice bucket challenge level shock from time to time still w da magics n lore
til death do us part — yknow when death cab for cutie said i knew that u wer a truth i wud rather lose than 2 hav nvr lain beside at all ? how abt when they wrecked me by rudely sayin love is watching sum1 die ? yes ? no ? nywy thats jane 4 ya. if she loves then shes in and if shes in then she is all in, luke danes stylez
was that a vivid enough picture or did i just word vom the same things agen n agen sjksjs jus know shes cute n sweet if a lil frustrating n annoying bc shes stubbornpants mcgee. may or may not have a slight compulsion to help fix other ppl ..,,.. someone set her str8 n tell her fix u by coldplay isnt it !!!  
5′9″ born 4 october 1994, virgo sun n moon
not a freshie ! idk how long her program is but like ,,, lets ignore that 4 now ok jus kno that she been here a while
yogi & boxing enthusiast back at home. hc her mans got real into the martial arts w her when hypnos told her she gotta learn how 2 defend so that was one of their things : bonding by workouts so jane cud protecc herself if need be
her maiden name’s jane fulton. got her mommas surname but the name jane ? thats some jane doe bs some rando picked out for her which she hated at first but then seeing tarzan made her go hmmm, ok bet !
lgbtq+ alliance president ! identifies as pan
she met her late hubbie when they were abt 7ish, real friends 2 lovers cuteness. jane was there for him throughout his entire coming out & transition ergo her passion for the community esp queer kids bc she was That Cis Ally for her mans. wears her ring as a real lowkey necklace now
shes also real passionate abt sleep. will ask u how did u sleep last night p much every day u see her bc ppl spend like half their lives asleep catherine ofc shes gonna ask
her fave thing abt eonia ?  the whole siblings bit. shes had 2 make do w what she got n build a family from scratch so this ? she luvs it a lot let her give u kithes hypnos babies
shes p well versed in the greek thingies but only thru the knowledge mortals gets + dream info. after her realizin who she is, all things ancient greek jus sorta became her niche interest ykwim ? shes not like Super Learned abt it more like ,,, ok i gotta at least make Sum sense outta all this, gotta learn what i can. imagin how embarrassin it wud b 2 see a god in ur dream n then go : sorry to this man. nope. not jane, not her, nuh-uh 
luv languages : words, acts of service, physical touch !
useless hcs but she loves disney sfm ok. smtms dresses up as princess tiana for bday parties n shit bc shell do nythin 2 put a smile on the kids n babs faces
ya like jazz ? bc jane surely does ! adores motown & 60s music. nina simone owns her. no one drag peggy lee from 101 dalmatians ! not an important hc but i jus wanted to quote my bubble butt winged bee lover barry
children ! infants ! babies !
demigods that make her scratch head damn u live like this ? but also wud knife emoji to protect n care for. shes not the oldest on campus but shes been livin independently p much her entire life so she finks shes got a tight grasp on the myth that is Adulting  
srsly tho the Big Sis vibes is off the charts w this one. shell perserve u dumdums
baddie influencies !
convince her 2 get drunk at a party ! bc she never does. convince her to maybe try drugs ! or go hook up ! do smths impulsive idk jus smth new !
gl tho bc shes not rlly ,,, easily influenced But she can b reasoned w ! in general i fink its just gonna be a fun dynamic if y/m knows how to coax sum wildness outta her or w/e bc thotty yummy theyre hotty yolo rzning jus wont do w this gal. will most likely get argumentative like a big ol momma hen but if u win then ur winning big
Sleep Now or forever hold ur peace !
idk sum1 she helps w their messy sleep ? shes def not super public w it, surely knows her other siblings r Better at it but if  y’all are close, she probs enjoys doin it 4 ya. she runs her hair thru fingers a lot when she does it. like a lot a lot unless u tell her to get lost
lover boi, lover gorl, lover enby !
she can be a lil traditional when it comes to how she views rels. she wants all that meetcute courting bs ! no gender roles tho n u best be sure shes not constantly comparin w her late hubbie ,,, but she jus wants smth magical n 2 be wooed again yk ?
so yea ,,, crushers mayhaps ? sum1 who is tryin 2 woo her ? sum1 she had a meetcute w and now janes got lowkey heart eyes for em ? idk lotsa possiblities but pls keep in mind she is not good at the flirtings so hav mercy on her 
eonia tour guide !
or jus friends who like ,,, constnatly fill her in w all the godly stuff n whatnot. years of not goin 2 camps mean u miss out on a lot ! explore ruins w her n get her info her mortal educ didnt make her privy 2 yk 
head real empty atm i will think of sum n let y’all know when i do, but give us all the conekshunz. friends, enemies, the usual bit, lgbtq alliance peeps, lmk whats up whats done whats cookin we want it all
( shes p much a new muse n da result of me tryna bring in an emotionally healthy kid to this sad sad university. janes in a v good well-adjusted place rn n is my therapy muse bc that other bitch m** is a messy handful. but wbk life aint linear so mayhaps shit’ll hit da fan or one of y/m will ruin her lmfao press f pls ! but also color me eyes emoji bc we love to see it )
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transfenris-truther · 3 years
1, 8, 20 :D
Thanks! :) This is a LOOONG one because I’m way too verbose so hang in there.
1- So right now I have three projects going on, two of which are fanfic. In non-fanfic land I’m writing a novella about the attention economy through the lens of a NY City block trapped in a timeline that won’t advance. It’s a hot mess honestly but It’s the only I’ve worked on recently thats commercial so I’m willing to workshop it to death. I’m in love with the concept but the execution has been really frustrating. 
In Fanfic, I’m working on The One’s We’ve Lost which is a pretty straight forward FenHawke fic. I’m actually really excited to write Isabella because she’s a favorite and I think early on she is going to be a pretty major influence on Fenris and I quite like their relationship. I’m excited to try to make the threat Danarius poses a little more real as well and really underline the way his influence has colored Fenris’ worldview and view of himself. I may even expand the number of encounters they directly have with him just because I honestly find him to be a very emotionally manipulative villain and that aspect of what makes him scary never really gets to shine. I’m very nervous to write Anders because I’ve only recently started to like him and I really don’t like a lot of his cannon behavior toward the rest of the team. I don’t want to change the character too much but I do want to portray Hawkes friends as friends and I want to see them be a little gentler with each other. I think I ended up writing a somewhat softer Fenris in Through the Fog and I want to continue that somewhat with other characters. 
I’m also working on a baby project about Fenris and Varania. Not much of it is done yet but I’ve had a LOT of feelings about the two of them and I don’t really want to let them sit in my brain for another five years lol. 
8- I don’t think so? I honestly will read anything in fanfic as long as it’s Dragon Age 2 and it’s got Fenris in it. I have zero discernment or taste. I just consume it all like a black hole. That said, It’s a good fandom for general across the board quality and Dragon Age 2 is more of an obsession for me than a fandom and I’m straight up excited to see anyone’s interpretation. I also read a lot of pwp which I don’t think I’ll ever feel confident enough to write. 
Outside of fanfic I read mostly historical nonfiction (right now I’m big into city planning and civil engineering- when I started Through the Fog it was historical insurgent groups which inspired a lot of Fog Warriors tidbits)  and teen fantasy with the occasional popular novel thrown in. 
20- These are all from Through the Fog because I’m actually really proud of that Fic. 
One of the big themes in that story especially in the first few chapters is self-knowledge and identity. I think that Fenris has really refused to know himself, to feel anything, to have preferences, and the reality of interacting with the Fog warriors over and over again forces him to define himself. Eleida does it a lot, even unintentionally, but she’s always asking him questions about himself, “Do you like women,” “Do you have a skill?” “Why aren’t you angry about this that or the other thing?” And the reason why they fight so often isn’t even really that she doesn’t like the answers that he gives. It’s more that she understands he’s always trying to avoid defining himself, avoid having an identity because he thinks that knowledge can hurt him. And the desire for that knowledge has been used against him before, and it’s used against him again when he comes to Kirkwall and when he writes to Varania. He grows to realize that there’s power and strength in having a past and an identity and he pursues that after the events of Through the Fog even when it hurts him. In part because the only thing that could get him to acknowledge the core identity he had built was betraying that core identity by killing the fog warriors and feeling how wrong and horrible it was. 
Similarly, I think traditions play a big role in how the Fog Warriors do things, and they have a very strong sense of heritage and connection to Seheron even though the majority of them aren’t actually from there. They’re not just a found family, but also kind of a found culture with traditions that aren’t passed down by blood but by membership and a shared sense of Justice. That connection to the past is important to them, and it becomes important to Fenris, although I think he feels that a blood connection to heritage and family is what will really bring him peace until after Kirkwall. 
Arran is posessed and definitely a blood mage. So I have a little baby headcannon here about spirits so roll with me. I think just as a spirit like Cole or the spirit of the Divine can embody the form and personhood of a person that has gone or reflect abstract concepts, I think fade spirits can evoke certain shared ideas or past groups. I think that part of becoming a Fog Dancer is becoming possessed by a spirit of Seheron or by a spirit of rebellion or even vengeance. I think when you’re possessed it’s easy to become single-minded about things and you’re willing to do more to protect what matters to you. Arran isn’t the one to make a sacrifice play for Fenris because he cares more about the group and the mission of the fog warriors. They’re his people. It’s Eleida who can make that play because more than anything what she wants is for anyone whose been downtrodden and abused by this system to get back at the people who hurt them, and she’s shown she’s willing to do whatever it takes for that to happen, even getting herself killed.
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