#so now I'm putting it up manually. hopefully it doesn't double post?
adaptations-polls · 4 months
Which version of this do you prefer?
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Note: 1968 option should say movie musical and not musical musical lol sorry about that
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max-nico · 8 months
Shadow's development Headcanons
Started off looking like more of some .. creature than a hedgehog
Like way too many or not enough limbs, especially because of the Black Doom DNA
I'm imagining him having one eye and being more of a scaly texture but still oddly goopy lol as well as not having hands or fingers and instead having some tentacle type things
Between getting experimented on and his normal growth he eventually grew to look like a normal mobian hedgehog with some key differences
The differences being, the whites of his eyes having a light green tint, too many teeth, every joint is double jointed, quills that are unable to fold down/look relaxed, sharp claws, etc, etc
I also think it'd be fun if one of his feet had one or two extra toes :3
I think at some point during his development he looked like Stitches alien form (from Lilo and stitch)
Whether he can still regrow the limbs now, Gerald manually rewrote his DNA, or one day he just lost the ability to use them is up to you bc idk
Maria watched Shadow grow up essentially from a weird amoeba looking splotch to a semi grown Hedgehog
I headcanon that Shadow's body didn't look like it does now when he originally went into stasis, and he grew while in containment
Hedgehogs aren't supposed to lose quills unless they're under high stress. I think Shadow sheds a lot by nature, and he frequently has to brush his quills to make room for the new ones growing
Teaching Shadow to talk was a rough process. Mostly because he didn't always.. have a mouth.. or hands... so Maria and Gerald had to be on top of figuring out new ways to communicate, just in case
Perfecting his design was painful, Shadow could gain or lose random parts of his body, organs could be grown wrong and bones had to be corrected and moved over and over again, just for the sake of a "perfect" life form
They'd put Shadow back in the Green Tube when they knew a long process was going to be painful, but sometimes he would need to be awake so they could watch his development, but I would hope at least Maria would fight for these processes to be as few and far between as possible
The first words Shadow said were "Maria", "sister", and "pick up"
It took years before Gerald was finally happy with Shadow's look, and even after that he was still being experimented on to track the progression of his steadily growing powers
Things like his enhanced memory, speed, agility, strength, etc
I think Shadow was given his inhibitor rings for ease of retrieval and containment, and it was an easy way to keep track of his powers while not letting him over use them
This is not to say there was nothing redeemable about his childhood. He technically still has good memories to look back on, after all he still had Maria
Anyways uhm yeah, I'm going to post this without proofreading it hopefully that doesn't backfire :D
Feel free to add your headcanons or whatever !!!!
I'm a Tails centric blog, but please hop into my ask box or DMs, I love meeting new people :33
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wankerwatch · 2 months
many apologies for the repeated post creation & deletion, the bot immediately hit an issue when new votes were made and i had no idea because the library i'm using doesn't error when post creation fails. i've just had to spent the last little while figuring out wtf was wrong and fix it. more details:
putting aside the shite library not telling me a post didn't create, i also had to deal with the tumblr API also not telling me what the fuck i was doing wrong
it turns out that the new votes actually finally had enough people in 1 party voting 1 way that the way I built the text blocks was causing a block to exceed the max text length, but i had to just guess that this was actually the issue because tumblr's API helpfully threw back
code: 0 message: 'upsy woopsy you did a fucky wucky'
(slightly abridged since i've lost the actual message and cba making a new one)
this is less than useless, but after looking at it and double checking that things worked otherwise, i had a punt that it was the text block length limit that was the issue, and i just happened to be right
the solution is simple tho - when building up the list of individual votes, i now do it name-by-name and check the length as i go. once it gets to a point where the next name would exceed this limit, i just drop out into a new block. doing this i've been able to properly create the vote post for the last couple days
on top of this i've also now added some manual error checks so that failing to create a post should now throw a proper error, and the random timeout errors (which only i saw but they bugged me) should now be less frequent. hopefully the votes over the next couple days should be a good test to make sure these changes are working properly
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