#guess it gives me a chance to add oliver and company which I actually did just forget to put on the first vrsion
adaptations-polls · 4 months
Which version of this do you prefer?
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Note: 1968 option should say movie musical and not musical musical lol sorry about that
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smuggsy · 4 years
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IN PLAIN SIGHT / Chapter 3 A Band of Brothers Story (1) (2) + read it on AO3. Taglist: @gottapenny​
The nervousness of the arrival, the prostpect of being turned away by Lieutenant Nixon despite previous arrangements and the impromptu marathon she’s been made to run uphill make her scrunch up her nose at the smell of the dining place. She isn’t the slightest bit hungry.
She does down that glass of water within a couple of seconds though.
Luz (George, as he’s untroduced himself) watches her do it with an amused smile from the opposite side of the table. Alex Penkala still has that arm of his thrown over her shoulder.
“Where’d you learn to shoot like that?” he inquires, picking up another nearby glass of water - this one half full - and handing it over to her.
She shrugs as she swallows it all down in one go. Christenson is standing nearby, she doesn’t catch the sympathetic look he throws at her when she places the second glass back on the table noisily.
“I jus’ learnt” she provides, choosing to omit the fact that what they’ve just witnessed outside has been nothing but sheer luck. She’d just aimed to where she thought the glass was standing - which doesn’t mean she isn’t an actual avid shooter, but there is a limit to all human ability and getting a target off range in pitch dark with an M1 is the limit to her human ability. “My old man - he’s a good shot.”
“You from New York?” Skip leans over the table with a cigarrette between his lips and a friendly face, he squints at her. 
A slight and desinterested nod from her has him celebrating his right guess.
“Whereabouts?” Penkala asks, cocking his head casually, stealing the cigarette right from his friend’s mouth and getting a smack on the head for it.
“Brooklyn. Are there any apples?” She stands up with the intention of finding that out, getting a piece of fruit or anything that isn’t too oily or savoury - no proper dinner for her weak stomach tonight. No sooner has she got on her feet than Alex Penkala is pushing her down again, his never-leaving arm over her shoulders the culprit.
“Hey Perconte!” he whistles right on her ear, and she shrugs him off with annoyance. “An apple for the Big Apple boy!”
She turns around to see a short black-haired guy rolling his eyes and rumagging behind him on the other side of the kitchen counter.
“I ain’t your butler Penkala, why don’t you come’n get it yourself?!” he barks back.
“Hey! It’s for Oli here, c’mon!”
“Well he got legs, don’t he?”
Olivia fights down a sigh and stands up, then a hand coming from her right throws a green apple upwards in front of her for her to catch - which she does, albeit rather sloppily.
“So you had like, camouflage training n’ all that?” the apple-giver asks, he isn’t the tallest man around by any chance, his hair is slightly ruffled, his eyes are rather blue-ish. He takes a seat to her right, blocking the only way out of affectionate Alex Penkala’s embrace.
“Yes, concealment, observation… A lot of standing still and sitting still and lying still” she almost laughs at their scowls and groans of feigned boredom. “Weather conditions, map reading-”
“We do map reading!” Muck chimes in.
“Weather?” apple man frowns to her left. “Really?”
She turns to him and takes a bite off the fruit.
“Wind and temperature can cause a bullet to miss its target, you gotta take it into account before you pull the trigger” she explains.
“Sound to me like an excuse for being a shitty shot” Private Guarnere interrumpts from the corner. Olivia isn’t one to judge people on first encounters, but he surely is a grumpy one: he’d snatched his bag back from her hands with as much an unfriendly manner as Sobel had done. “What if it’s too hot? Won’t your ammo melt right down?”
His teasing prompts another wave of laughter among the men on the table, Olivia stops herself from rolling her eyes.
“I didn’t know you needed to study metheorology to get in the army” Muck joins in.
“Well, it’s just a couple of lessons…”
“Should’ve been running, boy” Guarnere smiles once again, mockingly. “You need a couple o’ lessons on that!”
Another round of laughter has her taking a rather hasty bite from her apple and she stops trying to explain anything else to them - most of the group disbands soon after, heading outside for a smoke or a game of cards. Private Martin - the apple private - takes a look at her filthy looking hair and sweaty collar and tells her to go get a shower before he leaves, as if she hasn’t been considering it already. As if she’d just go to sleep with that grim all over her neck and face.
On her table only a redhead remains - minus one Popeye, who had been asleep through all the commotion and still now hadn’t batted an eye opened once.
“How come you the only company in tonight?” she gestures towards Don, pretty sure that’s what Skip had called him earlier before he stole his pack of Lucky Strikes and sprinted off with Penkala on his tail.
Don snaps his head up from his letter a few seconds later and gives her a tired look.
“Sobel’s favourite hobby, revoking our weekend passes” is what he says before he turns back to his paper. He’s clearly not in a talkative mood and she needs to hit the showers and carefully plan her whole approach - so she leaves him and sleepy Popeye to make each other company.
“See you, then…”
“Malarkey” he offers with a monotonous voice, not looking up. “Donald.”
“Right. Night.”
Once outside, she stands there like an idiot, turning left and right unsure of where to go. Last time she saw her muffle bag it was on Sobel’s office steps, being left there as she ran after him to beg for a chance to prove her worth. She isn’t particularly keen on the idea of returning there to retrieve her belongings - doesn’t want to have to face him again, lest he change his mind and send her walking to the nearest bus station. I suggest you go back to whatever shithole you came out of and repeat whatever shitty training you got.
Fortunately, her inner worries dissipate soon as she catches sight of Lieutenant Winters, approaching with steady pace and both her bag and rifle thrown over his shoulder.
The fact that he’s smiling before he reaches her already makes Olivia take a liking to him.
“Private Brown” he acknowledges, and she stands straight. “At ease.”
“Sir” the takes her things off his hands with a nod. “Thank you, sir.”
“You got a bed yet?”
“No, sir.”
“Let’s find you one” he sends a distrustful look to the cloudy sky and starts walking. “That was quite an impressive showdown back there.”
I was lucky to hit that glass at all.
“You definitely lifted the mood, make a couple of friends already, I assume?“
"Yeah, I think we bonded alright…" Penkala’s a bit clingy, though. But Christenson’s pretty decent.
"I’m sure you did” he nods.
Olivia stares at his expression for a little too long before she understands it. Jesus, do the the C.O’s hate Sobel as well?
She can definitely tell Winters isn’t a fan by a long strech. It’s the smile that he’s unsuccessfully trying to fight down what gives him away.
“Here we are, there ought to be a couple of spare beds in here.”
She follows him inside, where two idle soldiers stand to attention soon as they catch sight of their superior, a couple of cards helplessly flying to the ground in their haste to get off the bed.
“At ease,” Winters immediately says, and Olivia drops her things by the second bed to her right. Someone’s definitely been sent home. “This is private Brown” Winters waves a hand in her direction as her two fellow troopers resume their game.
“Yeah, we know” one of them - looks a tad bit older than the rest, she thinks - sends a friendly smile her way.
Winters doesn’t try to supress his smile this time, he turns to her and gives another short nod.
“All in order?”
The sheets smell like dust and the cot looks as uncomfortable as she knows them to be. 
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. Sleep well then, I’ll see you in the morning.”
She salutes him before he’s got a chance to turn around and leave without waiting for it. She can see he’s not that kind of officer. Not the Sobel kind of officer. More on the Campbell side, she considers, but she doesn’t let her thoughts wander in that direction yet. She  saw him a couple of hours ago, surely she can’t be getting all nostalgic already?
“Heard ya gave Sobel a hard time over a glass” one of the soldiers on the bed comments, looking at her as the other one watches his own cards in deep thought. 
“I guess so” she shrugs, not quite sure where she stands with these two. She can’t go making assumptions this early, she’s already managed to get on her Captain’s bad book so nothing good will come out of her celebrating the incident. Can’t quite join in on the joke, not yet.
There’s a laugh.
“Ya guess?" 
She stops unpacking her belongings - a book and a small notebook all she’s brought along from home - and turns around. 
The one who smiled at her earlier stands up and approaches. She meets him halfway, ready to shake his already outstretched hand.
"Sargeant Lipton” he says, and boy isn’t she glad she didn’t let herself get too excited about mocking Sobel now. “Welcome.”
“Thanks. Oliver, which you already know…" 
"Everyone’s gonna know it by tomorrow boy” blondie adds with his thick southern accent.
“That’s Bull” the sargeant points behind him. “He’s friendlier than he looks” he adds under his breath before smiling kindly again and returning to the bed. “Ain’t that right, Bull?”
“What’s that?”
Olivia returns to her task - mostly turns around to hide the smile that creeps onto her face as she gathers up a change of clothes.
“What did you say? That ya gonna lose this round again? Damn right you are.”
Maybe she’ll get lucky. Maybe her platoon’s not that bad. Maybe. Maybe it’ll all be nice and well.
Except for the going to war bit, that is. 
※ ※ ※
The first good thing that happens to her in Camp Toccoa is finding the showers empty. She doesn’t wait around to see that change - in fact, she probably breaks a record, quickly handling the soap with one hand and keeping a towel in the air with the other, blocking any incomers’ view from her cubicle.
She’s in the farthest corner but that does nothing to put her mind at ease. She’s done before two whole mintutes have gone by and returns to the barracks with her hair still damp.
She knows she got lucky today, with most of the camp empty; still, she pushes that thought away in favour of getting some very much awaited rest.
And she’s out before anyone else, probably. 
Which - if she weren’t so exhausted - would also make her a bit uneasy: first day, bunch of guys in close proximity, hot as hell that she can’t cover herself with anything lest she draw more attention than she’s already getting for being the new one. 
Not that there’s much to cover up anyway - but then again, her lack of volume up there is nothing but helpful in a situation like this. Bandages can only do so much. Again: she’s too tired tonight to pay any of it any mind.
Just before she drifts off she seems to hear Mike somewhere near, saying something along the lines of… dirt and sleeping, and penises.
“Jesus Penkala, grow up -”
“Shhh, you grow up” Skip answers in his friend’s behalf, standing close behind.
“How would you like it if I put a rat on your face while you slept?”
“I’d kick ye in the balls - we’re not putting it in his face now shut up” Skip continues to whisper, as his blue-eyed friend squats down and places the tiny animal next to Oliver’s right foot.
“Where did you get a rat, anyway?” Don takes a bite of his Hershey bar as he stands at the foot of the bed, stance quite relaxed and looking not the least bit remorseful. 
“I did!” Comes the unnecessary loud answer from the third bed opposite. 
Alex stops frozen in his half-risen position at the sight of the new sniper mumbling in his sleep.
“Damn it, Perconte!" 
“It was in that dirty-old kitchen” Frank adds, voice unlowered.
“Should’ve saved it for the stew” Joe mumbles, before he turns over on the bed to face Liebgott, who’s been chewing that gum for at least an hour now and is watching the macabre plan unamused. “Right, Joe?”
Liebgott doesn’t have time to answer, but he does roll his eyes as a high-pitched scream echoes through the room, followed by an outburst of laughter and one John Martin rising up from his slumber with a curse.
“Here we go” Joe mumbles, resuming his writing, uninterested.
“For fuck’s sake, can’t we have one quiet night?!”
“Aw, come on, Johnny…”
Olivia can feel her hair sticking out in various directions and she’s blinking into focus when Martin comes over to take the rat off the cot, looking like he’s about to fish out his bayonette and stick it in someone’s throat.
“Wait!” She snaps.
Meanwhile, that trio of devils is barely holding it together at the sight of her sleepy and terrified face - undoubtedly the pranksters. 
She stumbles over to Martin and cups her hands next to his.
“I’ll take it” she says, shaking her head, as if that’s going to make her slurry words less slurry. 
Private Martin lets the tiny animal fall on her hands with an unhappy grunt - it stops squeaking in pain and quickly scurries over her arm. She grabs it again.
“Everybody go to fucking sleep!" 
"Hey, it’s still early!” Frank protests, just now getting comfortable with a book on his lap. 
Olivia sends a killer glare to both Skip and Penkala when she walks past them to set the rat free outside. They’re still enjoying themselves when she comes back in.
“Real mature guys, nice” she makes a face and rolls her eyes. “You pull something like that again and my finger may just slip next we target-practise” she warns, still half-asleep, word filter not really on.
Luckily, they know she means nothing by it. 
“If I hear one more word-” Martin starts again.
“Alright, grandpa!”
“Yeah, Johnny, we’re in bed, we’re in bed, see?” Alex insists, as he jumps on his (very far away, Olivia notices with joy) cot.
She doesn’t drift off for another thirty minutes after that. Whoever’s on her left seems to be quite dead - which leads her to believe it’s Popeye, if the golden hair is anything to go by. On her right, a dark-haired soldier she hasn’t met turns over and meets her eyes and points a finger gun at her a couple of seconds before someone turns the lights off.
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gastricpierrot · 5 years
Title: Heartbeat
Series: Promare
Pairing: GaloLio
Rating: T
Lio turns himself in after the final battle, the start of a new life he must get used to.
This is a story of how Lio Fotia navigates through the days that follow, learns that support comes in more forms than he’s ever familiar with, and deals with his alarmingly developing feelings for Galo Thymos.
Also on AO3
[Prologue][Chapter 1][Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]
“Get on, Lio. We’re gonna go have lunch with the boys.”
Is the first thing Galo says when Lio walks up to him. Lio fails to suppress a smile at his wording.
“Galo, what the heck,” he says, accepting the helmet Galo passes to him nonetheless. Galo straps on his gear as he explains.
“Gueira and Meis have been going on and on about treating you to something nice once you’re out so,” he seats himself, “lunch’s on them today. They should be waiting for us when we get there since it’s closer to their place.”
“I see.” Lio climbs on after Galo, putting his arms around his waist and interlocking his fingers. Galo starts up the engine and goes over the usual routines with habitual ease, then glances over his shoulder when he notices Lio slipping into silence.
“You okay?” his voice comes through a hidden speaker built in his helmet. And honestly? Lio isn’t quite sure himself. Everything still feels a bit unreal. The silence, the blue skies, the fact that he’s right here now and not at the site doing the labor that’s become a usual for him. Even the fact that he’s now speaking to someone else so freely without a time limit looming over them—Lio seems to have yet to process them all.
“Just a little tired,” Lio replies, which he guesses pretty much sums it up too.
“What, you’re that excited about today that you couldn’t sleep?” Galo teases, to which Lio only hums ambiguously because he’s not wrong but he doesn’t quite want to give him the satisfaction of being correct. “It’ll take a bit of time for us to get there so feel free to lean against me and get some rest. Just don’t forget to keep holding on, though—wouldn’t want you falling off halfway.”
And Lio only hums to that again, seizing the chance to get comfortable yet not too much so before Galo starts on their way to the diner.
It’s...been a while since he had such close contact with another person, it eventually dawns Lio as they cruise through the roads of the city. Galo’s so much different from the pillow he’s hugged for comfort on nights where his chest feels hollow enough to hurt. He's warmer, solid. Alive. There, with him.  
Lio holds Galo just a little tighter, leaning against his back as he’s offered. Just until the sudden wave of something in his chest goes away, just until the sounds of traffic around them and the rush of cool air against his skin could distract him again.
The pizza diner is a quaint little place in the middle of a lively district decorated with colorful banners and flowery bushes along the sidewalks. It looks like there’s either going to be a festival soon, or one has just passed. Galo manages to find a parking right outside the restaurant, and Lio has just climbed off and barely removed his helmet when he hears a couple of enthusiastic, familiar voices calling for their Boss.
He manages to put the helmet away just before Gueira and Meis sprint over and envelop him in a crushing three-person hug.
Everything about them screams familiarity: their touch, scent, warmth. It finally begins to sink in. How long Lio has actually been away, how long he’s been separated from the people he considers his family. They might have developed the habit of calling him their Boss, but  Gueira and Meis have always been more like his older brothers, his caretakers when he’s not out there presenting himself as the leader of Mad Burnish. They respected him, no doubt, but they also loved him as their own. Always supporting him in the wild things he does, always knowing when to make sure he doesn’t go overboard and hurt himself.
Lio misses them. He misses his brothers so much.
“You guys,” he swallows the lump in his throat, holding them closer, “it’s so good to see you again.”
“Bosssssssssssss!” Gueira proceeds to wail, almost overlapping with Meis’ demands of “Why did you suddenly run off and do that all by yourself!!!”
Lio does his best to calm them, promising he’ll tell them in a bit so why don’t they just go grab a bite first? The two are quick to start enthusiastically listing out recommendations as they start heading towards the diner, and part of Lio still can’t seem to get over how...unchanged they seem. It feels like home, with them. Safe, accepting, anchoring.
He turns around to prompt Galo to come along, too, and sees the fond smile he’s wearing while he watches them.
“Galo,” Lio feels himself returning the smile as he beckons him over, “let’s go.”
Meis has already made a reservation beforehand, so they’re immediately led to a table by the window once the staff confirms the details. Lio easily gets coaxed into being squished between his brothers on one side while Galo takes the other alone. Lio assures them he’s fine with anything when asked for any preferences, and in no time their orders are placed (with specific requests to exclude onions, of course; they still remember how much Lio dislikes them) and they finally have time to themselves.
Gueira and Meis are quick to resume their questions; Lio can’t blame them. He'd made that drastic, spontaneous decision all by himself back then, after all. Of course they’d still be in the dark with a lot of details. Gueira recounts how he’d actually decked Galo when he found out Lio had been arrested, thinking he had let it all happen despite having just teamed up with him to save the world (“Sorry ‘bout that, bro.” “I told you already, it’s cool bro.”) Meis apparently had even almost gone as far as planning to break into the detention center itself to get Lio out of there. It was a mess. It’d taken Burning Rescue a lot of yelling and reasoning to get the agitated Burnish to calm down and listen.
“We really thought they were going to lock you up for life, Boss,” Meis admits, staring at his own clasped hands on the table. “And I'm sure if it weren’t for the firefighters and that team of researchers, they would have.”
“I know we haven’t thanked you properly for all you’ve done for us and the Boss,” Gueira adds, then grimly faces Galo without a shred of hesitation. “So thanks, Galo. For all your help.”
“No, no need to thank me in particular! It’s all team effort!” Galo is, in true Galo fashion, instantly dismissive. “We couldn’t possibly have just left all of you by yourselves after all that. The Burnish had gone through enough as it was.”
“But what you have done,” Lio reminds him, “is keep me company through those five years. And that alone has saved me more than you can imagine.” He looks up to meet Galo’s gaze. “So thank you. Take credit for at least that.”
“It’s nothing, really!!” Galo insists, face turning slightly red from all the sudden gratitude directed at him. When he realizes this, he covers his face with his hands and just lets out a meaningful “AaaaaAAaaa!!”
“Just accept it, Thymos, because from now on we’d probably die for you.” Gueira says like it isn’t even a joke. “Right, Boss?”
“Please cherish your own lives and don’t do that,” Galo pleads. The pizzas arrive in that moment, giving him the chance to steer the conversation another direction. “A-Anyway, enough of all the serious stuff now that food is here! Let’s eat while it’s still fresh!”
And so they do. Lio pulls out a slice of pizza, still steaming hot and dripping with cheese. He's somewhat gotten used to the feeling of heat on his fingers now, though on some days it’d still feel so foreign and unfathomable. On some days he’s still inexplicably tempted to find out how far he can go before it’s unbearable, before his skin blisters and burns when he’s been immune to injuries like those almost half his life.
Lio takes his first bite, and immediately has to take a deep breath. He's gotten too used to the bland food of the detention center, he realizes. The richness of the cheese and the tomato paste and the olive oil simultaneously assaults his taste buds, and he’s almost overwhelmed.
Meis is the first to notice his lack of enthusiasm and quickly offers, “Boss, if you don’t like it we can—”
Lio raises a hand and shakes his head, stifling a burp. “It’s not that I don’t like it, Meis. I’m just...not used to it yet. I’m sure it’ll get better in a few minutes.”
“Just don’t force yourself if you really can’t have it, yeah?” Gueira insists, brow furrowed. “We can always get something easier to stomach for you, like garlic bread or something.”
“No need.” Lio is just as adamant. “You guys are sharing something you like with me. I can do at least this.”
He tries his best, with many sips of water in between. Their conversation eventually picks up again, and Lio lets himself to be distracted enough to ignore a portion of the pizza’s richness that’s making him sick. He encourages Meis and Gueira to share all about what they’ve been up to and they do; they’ve started out mostly acting as representatives of the former Burnish, aiding Heris and her team in their efforts by providing detailed testimonials of the terrors they had witnessed and experienced. Once that was mostly settled and they found they could not be much use anywhere else, they’d started looking for jobs, knowing they can never rely too much on provisions from an unstable government. Many other adult Burnish must’ve thought the same, gradually finding the courage to put themselves out there again when Heris’s campaign began gaining more momentum.
In Gueira and Meis’ case, there had been no question. Galo had told them about Lio’s community service and involvement in restoring destroyed infrastructure during his detention. They couldn’t let him carry such burden all by himself. So they’d found a company that couldn’t care less about them being past fire-wielding hooligans as long as they could do a good job and, like Lio, had learnt to rebuild instead of destroy.
Lio’s already heard about some of what they’ve been doing from Galo as soon as they got the job. It is his first time, however, hearing their motivations. If they couldn’t be close to Lio in person, they’d do it in spirit. They could indirectly share similar experiences, similar aches, even similar doubts and frustrations. He’s not alone. They refuse to let him be, even if he doesn’t realize it.
“You’d be dumb to think we’ll let you go off on your own so easily after everything.” Gueira ends his recollection with a grin, slinging an arm across Lio’s shoulders. “We’ll always be here for you, Boss. No matter what.”
And of all the times Lio has had the sudden, unexplainable urge to cry that day, this is the first where he fails to keep the tears back. Those five years...he’d been lonely. So ridiculously much so. He might’ve gotten used to being by himself, but that didn’t stop the invisible weight from pressing down on his chest, didn’t stop him from feeling like he’s so disconnected and isolated despite Galo’s fleeting presence. It all comes crashing over him like a tidal wave. The past five years hadn’t been extremely hard on him physically; he could bear with the soreness, the harassment, the other petty less-than-ideal things even in his standards. But it had been so unbearably lonesome.
No one makes a fuss when he cries. His brothers hold him, offering support in silence. Galo averts his gaze to give him some privacy, though if Lio had been looking he’d see how misty his eyes are, too.
Lio feels like a child again. It’s been so long since he’s had such a privilege; to just bask in their unwavering presence, their scent, their warmth, their affection—without having to worry about how weak he might look, how unreliable he’d seem to others if he ever bared the cracks in his being. Lio cries; he cries until his throat hurts and the cheese on the pizza tastes even worse than before.
And once it’s all over, once the knot in his chest has finally faded away, he laughs. And he admits he can’t stomach the pizza anymore.
“So what do you plan to do after this?” Galo asks a little later when Lio’s munching on the tuna sandwiches they ordered for him after he’s calmed down. Lio sniffs and takes a moment to think it over, not quite sure himself what’s going to happen next.
“Is there anyone who are still in the shelters? Maybe I could just drop by and see how they’re doing.” He decides that could be a good place to begin.
Meis and Gueira exchange a look at that. “As far as we know, most of us have already found our own places to stay,” Meis tells him, “the ones who remain are mostly those who aren’t willing to leave because they still get free provisions.”
Lio hums in more thought before deciding it’s still worth a try. “I want to have an idea of how it was for you guys when I was gone, anyway. Plus I'll need somewhere to stay at in the meantime, so I might as well.”
“You could always just stay with us, Boss! It’s really not a problem!” Gueira’s quick to offer, but Lio’s already made up his mind.
“You and Meis are both busy, and I'm sure you guys need your privacy too. It really doesn’t matter to me.”
They bicker back and forth about that for a bit; they’re understandably stubborn about not leaving Lio by himself. He’s been away for such a long while and all he’s got with him are the clothes on his back. They're the only people he has contact with, and the only people he can directly count on at the moment. Lio’s silly to still insist on trying to handle everything himself and refusing to rely on the only people he can, he knows. It’s just something he thinks he’s got to do, some rite of passage he thinks he must go through before he earns the right to ask for help.
“Lio, listen.”
Amongst the bickering, Galo eventually speaks up. He waits until they’ve quieted down, until Lio meets his gaze before he continues.
“Burning Rescue accepts recruits a few times a year, the next being in about a month,” he tells him. “There’s not much prior qualifications needed for the job as long as your physically fit and you’d get to stay in a dorm during the training period. If it’s something you want to try out, I can ask the Captain to throw in a recommendation for you.”
He then looks at the other two. “Meis, Gueira—this is still open to you guys, too.”
There he goes again, doing...this. Butting into people’s lives, needlessly trying to help even in the littlest ways.
“You don’t have to decide so quickly, though!” Galo hurriedly waves his hands in front of himself and adds when the others lapse into a minute of thoughtful silence. “Just know that if you have nowhere else to go, you guys are always welcomed in the FDPP.”
“That’s very reassuring.” Lio genuinely means it. “Thanks, Galo.”
Galo grins, and Lio is once again reminded of how fortunate he is to have him by his side. He’s always been there for them, always been ready to help without expecting anything in return. Lio’s hit by the sudden, overwhelming urge to give back to him; ten-fold, a thousand-fold. He isn’t sure how and if that’d even be possible in his lifetime, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting to try.
If it’s for Galo, surely he’d be able to do anything at all.
They spend the next few hours more just talking about everything and anything, just sharing laughter and anecdotes. Just like every other group of close friends.
And then it’s time for Meis and Gueira to prepare for their shift in the evening, and they have to leave. Galo again offers Lio a ride since the shelter is a little out of the other two’s way to work. Though, it might be a little more accurate to say he’d insisted to do so, refusing to listen to even a syllable of argument from Lio about being a bother to him. It's been five years, and Lio still doesn’t know what he’s going to do with this childishly stubborn side of him.
But there’s one thing he’s learnt, and that there’s always so much more of Galo under his daily boisterous façade. Lio once again catches of a glimpse of it when Galo calls his name a little while after he’s begun driving.
“It didn’t feel right for me to say this in front of the guys just now,” Galo starts, his voice calm and quiet through the speaker, “but you can always stay at my place too next time if you want. It’s pretty big and I live alone so it’s cool even if another person comes over.”
Galo doesn’t stop trying to keep giving and giving, especially to him. Part of Lio still can’t quite comprehend why he’s willing to go such lengths for his sake when he’s got nothing to gain from it. Doesn’t it grow tiring at some point? Isn't it enough that his entire career is based on the idea of helping others in need? Doesn’t it grow exhausting when he lets it extend to even personal matters like this?
“Galo,” Lio’s asking before he can even properly sort out his thoughts, “why are you so kind to me?”
“Mmm, isn’t that obvious?” Galo sounds genuinely confused that Lio doesn’t understand something so simple. “It’s because you’re my friend!”
Lio frowns. “That doesn’t mean you have to do so many things for my sake.”
“Lio, I don’t have to do it,” Galo says, patiently, “I want to do it. Also, don’t get so full of yourself—a lot of it is for my own sake too, y’know. I’m much more selfish than you might think.”
“That’s truly a surprise,” Lio can’t help but snark to that last bit, and it prompts a playful protest from Galo that leads to some laughter shared.
“Nah, but really,” Galo says once the mirth has faded away, voice taking that quiet, gentle tone once more. “I don’t get it all myself, but I just feel like the way our paths crossed, the way coincidences somehow brought us together to literally save the world—” he takes a breath— “don’t you think it feels a bit like destiny?”
Lio blinks, trying to process the actual words that’d just come out of Galo’s mouth. Destiny? It’s such a fantastical concept, something out of the fairy tales Lio had read when he was a little child. It’s something Lio doesn’t expect to hear in this day and age, yet it doesn’t sound too far-fetched to have come from Galo. Galo, who constantly boasts of other fantastical things like his burning spirit and blazing heart and being the best firefighter in the universe.
“Galo Thymos,” Lio observes, amused, “you’re a surprisingly romantic man.”
“Anything wrong with that?” The pout is evident in Galo’s response even though Lio can’t see it. He sighs, smiles.
“None at all.” You’re amazing the way you are, he manages to stop himself from adding despite truly believing so. He isn’t quite prepared to face the embarrassment of telling him that just yet. Perhaps the day will come when he is, perhaps it will never. Lio doesn’t bother mulling over it.
They soon slip into a comfortable silence, content with simply sharing the space, the moment. Galo must’ve heard Lio yawning at some point, pulling over to shrug off his jacket and tie its sleeves around both their waists. Lio figures it’s to help prevent him from falling off as easily if he passes out, and the comfort of knowing so eventually adds to the effects from his full belly and fading adrenaline. His eyelids grow heavier by the minute, and he finds himself nodding off.
And the next thing he knows, Galo waking him and telling him they’ve arrived at the shelter.
It’s not a very big place, though Lio understands that they’ve gradually downsized the premise as more and more people left. There’s a small reception space at the front, then a hallway that leads to a canteen, shower stalls, and the toilets. The sleeping quarters are further back, in what looks like a small hall with cement floors and large windows at intervals across the walls. There are some used blankets and mattresses strewn across the back corners of the hall, rubbish and dirty laundry littering the space around them. Compared to the rest of the place that’s maintained so perfectly, those areas seem like dumpsters.
“You sure you want to be here?” Galo asks one last time as Lio begins filling the paperwork, frowning in obvious disapproval at whoever’s been hanging around.
“I’m an ex-terrorist who's been in detention, Galo. I know how to take care of myself.” Lio assures as he finishes up and hands the documents back to the receptionist. He tries to ignore the uncomfortable stare he gets from him—maybe he shouldn’t have said that first bit out loud. Oops.
The pout in Galo’s frown intensifies as he tries to come up with more reasons to argue, but he ends up giving in this time. He instead asks for a pen and a piece of paper, scribbling down some things before handing it to Lio.
"Here’s Gueira and Meis’ numbers,” he says, shoving the note into Lio’s hands and folding his fingers over it. “Mine’s there, too. Call us anytime if you need us, alright? Use this place’s landline or a payphone or something since you don’t have a cellphone yet.”
He can be so overprotective at times, Lio muses. “Will you be dropping by every night again?”
He'd meant it mostly as a joke, but Galo’s serious when he answers, “If I can!”
“Please don’t,” Lio pleads, though he knows it’s mostly impossible to change his mind at this point.
“There’s no way for us to reach you if you suddenly up and disappear, Lio!” Galo’s a little more agitated than necessary when he reminds him. “What if something happens!!”
“It won’t,” Lio soothes, gesturing for him to lower his voice. “I’ll be fine, Galo. You’ve worried enough about me.”
“And you can’t expect me to stop now.” Galo crosses his arms across his chest.
Lio gives him a look, like really, what am I going to do with you. “Just go, Galo. It’s been a day for the both of us. I want to wind down soon too.”
“I’ll try to come here after work tomorrow—maybe around seven? We can have dinner together or something?” Galo asks as he lets Lio steer him around and gently push him towards the exit.
“Just do what you like.”
“It’s settled then!” Lio walks right into him when he suddenly plants his feet on the ground and stops to turn around and face him again. “Be careful if you’re going to go out wandering later, yeah?”
“Yes, yes.” Lio smiles crookedly.  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Galo.”
Tomorrow. Yet another tomorrow with Galo to look forward to. Yet another thing that Lio’s glad remains unchanged.
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webmarket01 · 4 years
5 Quick Tips To Get The Weight loss Results You Want With Peloton | Stronger U
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/5-quick-tips-to-get-the-weight-loss-results-you-want-with-peloton-stronger-u/
5 Quick Tips To Get The Weight loss Results You Want With Peloton | Stronger U
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My first introduction to Peloton was when a few people started joining our program and mentioning that’s how they heard about us. I didn’t have a clue what it was. I would see “Peloton group” come through on the ‘how you heard of us’ section on our signup form and I assumed it was an at-home add on to regular cycling. 
Then I did a little searching. Wow. This thing is major and there is a huge community of people buying these bikes to lose fat in addition to getting more fit and healthy. If you aren’t familiar with Peloton, picture an in-home spin class with a well-built bike, awesome instructors, a tight community, and some of the best technology in the fitness business. You can see why this company is valued at over a billion dollars. It checks all the boxes…except one and it’s to no fault of their own. Giving people the results they want. 
I already mentioned it’s not the Peloton’s fault per se, but something is responsible. So, what is it? Well, it’s the same old problem every exerciser faces and literally the reason Stronger U started. To be the sidekick to great workouts and give people the results they deserve. In this case, fat loss.
If you’re working out hard and you’re not seeing the results it’s most likely food-related. The elephant in the room that accounts for the other 95% of the day you don’t spend working out. That’s what we’re going to address here and leave you with some practical tips so you can get the most out of your workouts from this point on.
You’re not burning as many calories as you think.
Calorie outputs are estimations based on power, your weight, time, and a few other factors. Calories burned estimates aren’t a perfect science, and while that science might be improving, the estimates of how many calories you burn while exercising can still be wildly off base. It’s best to think of the calories burned number on your Peloton, Apple Watch, or any other piece of tech as a generalization. 
Beyond those numbers being a general estimate, it’s important that we recognize that exercise in itself isn’t a weight-loss tool. It’s a health tool. Can working out consistently help with weight loss? Definitely. But the help it provides typically comes from helping us stay motivated to eat well, sleep regularly, and be more mindful of how we treat our bodies. The more quickly you can start exercising for the health and wellness benefits instead of the calorie benefits, the better off you’ll be. And chances are you’ll enjoy your workouts even more because of it.
“I have had a peloton since 2014… I even tried to workout 6-7 days a week with NO weight loss. I kept thinking I’m killing it and I ate pretty healthy too. Until I met stronger U I never had any weight loss. I assumed I was doing enough. Bottom line is there was more fat (avocados and olive oil) and calories in the food that I ate then I wanted to admit.” – Amanda Lamer
You’re still eating poorly even if you think you aren’t.
You start riding your Peloton 3x a week and you make that a habit. You’re feeling great because you’re moving your body more often and you’re building an exercise habit you can be proud of. You decide to make some changes in how you’re eating to help yourself along. 
So you start eating more “whole foods”. You load up on avocados, buy only organic foods, grass-fed beef, and butter. A few weeks go by and you’re still not down any weight. What gives? Simply put, you might have tried to improve the quality of what you’re eating, but in doing so you might have also increased the quantity of how much you’re eating without even knowing it. 
Our eating habits are the most important factor when it comes to weight loss. Specifically, how much we eat. Most of us understand that we have to eat less in order to lose weight. But what most of us don’t understand is how difficult it is to eat less or how small the margin for error of weight loss actually is. 
Actual weight loss requires a consistent calorie deficit, repeated over a period of time. How long of a period of time that is depends on how intense your calorie deficit is. Creating that calorie deficit requires us to honestly and accurately stay on top of how much we’re eating on a daily basis — something that even the most educated people in the world of food struggle with.
Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and exercising is a good recipe for improving your health. But weight loss in itself still comes down to creating a calorie deficit, and unfortunately, it’s more than possible to overeat foods that we view as healthy or okay. Especially foods higher in fat like avocados. Yes, there is more to this food thing than calories but in the case of fat loss, they are king.
You use food as a reward for working out.
Someone goes on a ride, they’re told that ride burned 400 calories, and now they have an additional 400 calories they can eat that day. Because that’s how calorie burning and exercising work, right?
Not quite. It’s easy to think of food as a reward. For many of us, we’ve been taught since we were children that’s exactly what food is: a reward. And that thought follows us into adulthood. The way we approach food after a hard workout is a perfect example of that. 
But that’s not how the world of weight loss works. Like we’ve established, creating a calorie deficit usually involves a very small margin of error. For plenty of people, that might only be 100-200 calories. Which means even if you have a great workout, you’re only a heaping serving of peanut butter away from eliminating your calorie deficit for the day, which might undo any weight loss you were going to see that week. It’s also common to under-report the amount you did eat, which means you’re not only negating the deficit, you’re going the wrong way.
“I definitely ate the calories the bike told me I was burning!” – Carrie Costello
The workouts make you hungrier.
The double-edged sword of working out is the fact that working out, by its very nature, is bound to make you hungrier. Think about it: you’re pushing your body, you’re sweating, and you’re doing that for around an hour or more. Even if that doesn’t burn as many calories as we think, it does have a psychological impact.
As we’ve already seen, the whole hunger/exercise relationship is incredibly complicated, and it feels impossible to separate the two. But one of the things that we have to accept is that working out will inevitably make you hungrier at some point during the day. Maybe it’s because you’re implicitly viewing food as a reward and not even conscious of it, so you desire more food. Or maybe it’s because you’ve been convinced that you need to eat more food in order to recover, so you have this natural desire to eat more on days you exercise.
No matter the reason, if you’re not actively paying attention to how much you’re eating on a daily basis, working out regularly can accidentally lead you to overeating. All without you being aware of what is actually going on. 
“I was over eating and hoping to offset that with burned calories. Based on the bikes numbers and guessing (incorrectly) how much I was eating I assumed I was in a “good enough” deficit (I wasn’t). Often, I thought that since I was working out I had more wiggle room so that didn’t help either.” – Katherine Crites
You worked out hard and moved less the rest of the day.
Have you ever heard of the constrained model of energy expenditure? If not, you should. In short, it says that when you work out hard, your body will naturally throttle down your activity in order to help you rest and prevent from expending too much energy. 
This is an evolutionary adaptation that goes back to the time when our ancestors roamed the plains. And while we now roam grocery stores instead of wide-open plains, our brains and the things that drive our behavior haven’t changed much. That’s especially true when we think about our relationship with exercise and general movement.
It’s a well-established idea that NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) plays a pivotal role in weight loss. NEAT can be thought of as all the movement you rack up during your day to day life that isn’t exercise. Your daily steps, the fidgeting you do while you’re waiting on a meeting to start, and the work you do to prep your food? All NEAT. 
But here’s where things get tricky: when you work out really hard, the constrained model of energy expenditure says that you will then start moving less over the rest of the day, bringing your NEAT down from where it previously was. Not all bad, right? Not so fast. 
NEAT accounts for around 30% of your daily energy expenditure. Calories burned during exercise pale in comparison to that number due to the fact that exercise tends to happen for drastically shorter periods of time. After all, if your workout takes you an hour, there are still 23 hours in the day that your body can be moving around and burning calories. It’s virtually impossible for most people to make up that difference through exercise alone, and I can confidently say that it probably wouldn’t be fun to try and do so. 
In closing, keep riding your Peloton, it’s awesome. Anything that helps you move your body on a consistent basis in a way that you enjoy is an exercise habit that is sure to stick around. And it should be no shock to any of you that we here at Stronger U are big fans of a company that creates a supportive and loving community. Just don’t treat riding your Peloton as the only thing you need to do in order to lose weight. If that’s the goal, you will have to pay attention to how much you eat, and that will pay the biggest dividends for you in the long-run. 
This content was originally published here.
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arrowgirl20 · 7 years
Signed Up For Love
Hi, i’m back! I have been wanting to write this story for a long time, so I hope you enjoy it! Oh, before I forget, this story is probably going to be only two chapters.
As always, all mistakes are mine!
Summery: After past traumatic relationships, both Oliver and Felicity are reluctant to date again. But after Oliver's sister and Felicity's best friend push them to sign up on an online dating site, they find that maybe they can both move on from their pasts and give love another shot.  
Read on AO3.
Chapter One
“Just try it Ollie, it won't hurt to try.” Thea spoke from over Oliver’s shoulder, begging him to create an online dating profile.
“Thea, I just don’t think I am ready for this yet.” Oliver ran a hand over his face.
Thea sighed and grabbed a chair from the corner of Oliver’s office. She pulled it up close to his where Oliver was sitting at his desk looking at home page of the dating site.
“It’s been five years since Laurel’s death. It wasn't your fault, Ollie. It was an accident. You are not that playboy billionaire, stupid boy anymore. You are a well-established small business owner. You have changed for the better and any woman would see that when if they got the chance to know you. ” Thea patted his arm in reassurance.
Oliver nodded. “You’re right. I just have to put myself back out there and see what happens.” He clicked on the sign up button.
“That’s the spirit.” Thea encouraged.
With a big sigh, Oliver began to fill in the blanks on his profile setup.
Username: Oliver J.
Age: 32
Interested In: Females
Occupation: Owns Green Arrow Archery.
Hobbies: Archery and motorcycles.
Thea looked to his computer screen then back to his face with a look of confusion on her own.
“Why are you not using your full name?” Thea questioned.
“I want someone who likes me for me and not just out for my money or fame, not that I have either of those things anymore.”
“You want something real.”
“Exactly.” Oliver gave Thea a firm nod before turning back to his profile.
“That’s it. All good?” Oliver asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yep!” Thea confirmed. “All that’s left is to add a picture.”
Thea motioned for Oliver to stand up. When he was out of his desk chair, Thea snapped a few pictures of him, and then helped him upload it onto the site.
Oliver let out a huge breath before pressing the ‘create profile’ button.
“Great, now I have to go meet Roy for dinner. Tell me how it turns out.” Thea threw over her shoulder while heading to the door.
Oliver just waved a hand in agreement before minimizing his profile tab. He pulled up his appointment calendar and client list and began sifting through them. He was pulled out of his work when a ping sounded on his computer. His profile tab was blinking, so he brought it up.
One New Message:
From Felicity M,
He was surprised he got a message so fast. He took a quick look at her profile before deciding to respond. She was after all beautiful, but she worked for his family’s company. That could be an issue. After his playboy antics reached their high five years ago, his parents cut him off, from his trust fund, from the company, and from their lives.
It still made his heart ache, but he pulled himself together after that.  It’s been a hard road since then, but he doesn’t regret taking it.
After another long look at her profile picture, Oliver decided that there was something about this Felicity that captured his attention.
Typing back a quick response, Oliver thought,
Maybe this won’t be as bad as I thought….
“DID YOU CREATE IT YET?” Dinah Drake (now Ramirez), Felicity’s best friend from high school, yelled at her over the phone.
“No, not yet! I just got home. Can I at least relax for a few minutes?” Felicity’s tired voice rang over the line.
“Fine, but you create it as soon as you’re done relaxing!”
“Ok, ok.” Felicity fell onto her sofa with a plop. She kicked off her black high heels and propped her feet up on her coffee table.
“Alright, I’ll let you take your nap.” Dinah laughed.
“Hey, how did you know I was going to take a nap?” Felicity cringed. Was it really that obvious?
“Felicity, when you say you’re going to relax, usually that is code for taking a nap.”
Felicity nodded, even though she couldn’t see her.
“Right! Okay, I’ll talk to you later.” Felicity was about to hang up when more shouting came over the line.
“I will, I will. Don’t worry.” Felicity sighed.
“Okay, love you! Bye!”
Before she had time to say “Bye”, Dinah ended the call.
Relaxing back into her couch, Felicity thought that a nap was exactly what she needed.
Moving here from Boston had exhausted her, working for Queen Consolidated drained her.
For some odd reason, Dinah thought making a dating profile would help with the crazy move.
What was she thinking!!! I do not need a man right now. I need more hours in the day!!
Pulling her glasses off, she set them on the coffee table and lay back on the couch.
Sleep came fast for Felicity and when she awoke, she felt better than she had all week.
She stretched on her way to the kitchen. Opening up her fridge, she frowned.
“Looks like pizza it is.” Felicity pressed the pizza place she had saved on speed dial and placed her order.
Waiting for the pizza was always the hard part, so to pass the time; she decided she’d better make that profile.
Not that she really planned on dating anyone, at least not seriously.
A casual date here or there might be nice. I would get free dinner out of it, so that’s a plus.
She hadn’t dated anyone seriously since…
It still hurt to think about him…it’s time to move on.
Grabbing her tablet, Felicity opened the dating website Dinah had suggested.
She began typing in her information.
Username: Felicity M.
Age: 27
Interested in: Males
Occupation: Works in the IT department at Queen Consolidated.
Hobbies: Watching Netflix and sleeping. Is sleeping a hobby? If it is not, then I just made it one!
She quickly uploaded one of her better looking selfies as her profile picture.
She pressed the ‘create profile’ button, before finally relaxing back into her sofa.
A moment later, a suggested match popped onto her screen.
Oliver J.
She examined his profile picture for longer than she wanted to admit. He was absolutely gorgeous. Felicity thought he looked familiar, but let it go for a moment.
Why had this site even suggested him? We have nothing in common!!
She shrugged. It couldn't hurt to message him. Could it?
She gathered her courage and typed out a simple “Hi” to him.
Then she waited.
A few minutes later…
Oliver J.
Hi, Felicity.
That one reply sent Felicity’s stomach into butterflies. She didn’t know why, but she had a feeling that this Oliver was special. So, she shoved down her doubts and replied.
Felicity M,
Hi. Oh, wait I already said that! Uh…now I have to think of something else. Just give me a moment, I’ll think of something!
Oliver grinned, like a full blown goofy grin. She was a babbler. Oliver found that very cute.
Oliver J,
Felicity…it’s okay. How long have you’ve been working at QC?
Oliver thought the best way to break the ice would be talking about work.
Felicity M,
Well, I just moved to Star City a month ago, so about three weeks. My life has been in a chair behind a desk in the IT department since nobody is capable of doing their jobs! Sorry, I am a bit nervous. I haven’t done anything like this before. So, I guess I should ask how long you’ve owned Green Arrow Archery.
Oliver huffed out a breathy laugh as he read her last reply.
Oliver J.
I’ve had Green Arrow Archery for a year now. I actually understand working all the time, being the owner; I don’t really take many days off. I have hardly had any time for myself. Maybe that’s why my sister pushed me to create this profile.
Felicity M,
Oh thank goodness I am not the only one who was forced into creating a dating profile. My best friend, Dinah, she and her husband Rene, met on this website, so I guess she thought I could do the same. NOT that we will be getting married…I mean I wouldn’t be opposed to it judging by your profile picture. I don’t usually make a habit of marrying random men I meet online, like what if you’re an ax murder or something? You’re not are you?
Oliver raised an eyebrow.
Wow! She can talk.
Not that he minded. This is the most he has talked to anyone in the last week, excluding his sister. It was nice.
Oliver J.
No (laughs). I am not an ax murder, so you are safe.
Felicity M,
Oh, good. Wait, I think my pizza just arrived. Can we maybe pick up the rest of this conversation tomorrow?
Oliver had to fight back disappoint which surprised him. He was genuinely sad to let her go, but looking up at the clock on his office wall, he realized how late it was.
Oliver J.
Sure, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Have a good night, Felicity.
Felicity M,
Good night, Oliver.
Oliver sighed and began shutting down everything for the night.
At least, he had some information to relay to Thea tonight, but more importantly he had Felicity to talk to now and it was the best thing that has happened to him in a while.
Early the Next Morning…
Felicity shot up in bed, suddenly remembering why Oliver looked so familiar. He was Oliver Jonas Queen, son of Robert Queen, CEO of Queen Consolidated. His picture has been plastered all over magazine covers for years, displaying his playboy antics.
He wasn’t a playboy anymore though after his parents had cut him off.
The last time she saw him in the tabloids was over five years ago when the scandal of his longtime girlfriend, Laurel, died on Oliver’s family boat. It was ruled as an accident and he kind of fell of the face of the earth for a few years. He really hasn’t been seen dating since. Not that she blamed him. She went through something similar a few years back with…
She grabbed her tablet and looked up Oliver’s full name just to be sure. And when the picture popped up, it was the same man as his profile picture.
Opening up her messenger on the dating site, Felicity typed,
Felicity M,
So, Oliver Jonas Queen, why didn’t you tell me you were the son of the CEO of Q.C.?
She set down her tablet and headed to the bathroom to get ready for work.
By the time she showered, dressed, and had her morning coffee, Oliver had replied back.
Oliver J.
…how did you find out?
Felicity snorted.
Felicity M,
Oliver, it’s not hard putting two and two together. I had a first name and a picture of you. All I had to do was type that stuff into Google and your information pops up. Besides, your picture looked familiar when I saw it the first time. It doesn’t take an M.I.T. computer genius to figure it out. It’s common sense, Oliver.
As minute after minute passed, Felicity became concerned that she scared him off.
Oliver J.
That’s all she got from him. Now, she was really worried.
Felicity M,
Oliver, why didn’t you want me to know who you really are?
Oliver J,
Because… most when see me as their ticket to fame and fortune. You probably know where that got Laurel Lance at, and after what happened five years ago, I don’t want that to happen again.
Her heart cracked a little as she read that.
Felicity M,
Oliver, I know her death wasn’t you’re fault. What happened with her, won’t happen again. I really want to get to know you better and honestly, I love talking to you.
She waited with bated breath, willing a new message to pop up.
Oliver J.
I love talking to you too. Outside of my sister, I feel like you’re the only genuine person I have talked to. Which is why I am asking you out to dinner, if that is alright with you?
Her heart picked up speed.
He just asked me to dinner! What do I do? Call Dinah, that’s what I do.
Reaching for her phone, Felicity pushed Dinah’s number on her speed dial.
“What’s up, Blondie?” Rene, Dinah’s husband, asked in a sleepy voice.
“Rene, I told you not to call me that.” Felicity let out a frustrated sound.
“Sorry.” There was clear regret in his voice.
“It’s alright, but where’s Dinah, I need to talk to her.” Felicity tried to keep the desperation out of her voice, but even she knew she failed.
“She is just getting out of the shower, let me go hand her the phone.” She heard rustling and then a few voices before she could hear Dinah.
“I’m here, what’s wrong?”
Felicity sucked in a big breath and then let out the longest babble she had ever done.
“So, I signed up for that dating site and I found a man that interested me and in the back of my mind, there was just something familiar about him. Impulsive move on my part, I messaged him. I didn’t think he would message me back because we have nothing in common, but he did, and we talked for a good thirty minutes. It was nice, really nice. But, you know how I thought he looked familiar, yeah; he’s the Oliver Queen, of Queen Consolidated. The one whose girlfriend died on his boat and everyone thought he killed her, but really he didn’t and now he carries around that emotional baggage. Not that I can blame him, just look happened with Cooper. Now, he’s asked me out to dinner. What am I supposed to say to that? Huh? Dinah, tell me! I need your help!”
She was practically gasping for air by the time she finished.
On the other line, all she heard was silence.
“Dinah, are you still there?”
“WOW, Felicity, honey, give me a minute to take in the longest babble I have ever heard from you.” Dinah let out a huffed laugh.
Felicity blushed.
“Okay, first off, yay, for taking my advice about the dating site. It seemed to work out for you and fast. I am proud, really. Second, so what if he’s Oliver Queen. You actually have a guy who is interested in you. You both have past relationship traumas, but I am sure you can work through it. Just look at me and Rene, we both lost our significant others too, but we helped each other through the pain and we are stronger than ever. That can totally happen for you two, if you give it a chance. Which leads me to my last point, GO OUT WITH HIM!!!  What’s the worst that happen? If you need help Rene and I could always double date, okay?”
Felicity let out a breath, thankful for her best friend's comforting words.
“Thanks, Di, for helping me through my giant freak out.”
“That’s what best friends are for.”
Felicity gathered her thoughts and made her decision about dinner with Oliver.
“I am going to take Oliver up on his offer. It feels like the right thing to do.”
“That’s great. And if you need me, I am just a phone call away, okay?” Dinah reassured.
“Okay. I better go answer him back.”
“Alright, keep me posted.”
“Will do.” Felicity hung up the phone then and headed straight to her tablet.
Felicity M,
Alright, let’s go out for dinner.
Oliver J.
How about tomorrow, at Table Salt, 8 p.m.?
Felicity M,
Sound great, see you then.
Oliver J.
See you then.
Looking at the time on her tablet, Felicity rushed to get to work on time.
Thinking the whole way there, that tomorrow could be a new beginning for her, and Oliver.
For them.
Tagging: @dmichellewrites @hope-for-olicity @almondblossomme @nalla-madness
If you want to be tagged or un-tagged in this story, please let me know!
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storyteller0311 · 8 years
So, Pandora has to be related to Prometheus, right?
Ok, maybe the writers are just on a mythology kick...but that might be too much of a coincidence, right?
In Greek mythology, Prometheus steals fire from Zeus and pisses him off. So, in retaliation, Zeus chains Prometheus to a rock and sets up a situation where Prometheus is tortured every night, magically healed in the morning, rinse, repeat.
But Zeus is still pissed, so he decides to wreak havoc on mankind by...you guessed it...having Hephaestus create a woman named Pandora. Sexist pigs. Ugh. So, then, Zeus gives Pandora a jar of stuff – bad stuff – and has Pandora married off to Prometheus’ brother Epimetheus. 
Pandora can’t resist opening the box, so she does what Zeus tells her not to do, and she opens the box. 
And all the bad stuff flies out. But there’s one thing left in the box.
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Hope is what’s in the box.
Okay. So what does this all mean? 
Let’s face it. Despite my comment about coincidences above, there’s a really good chance that these are just surface nods to mythology and (what I’ll comment on in a moment) comic canon. But, where’s the fun in writing off possibilities? We need some spec!
Prometheus means forethought. And, boy, do we know that Prometheus has been planning his crusade for a while. He wants Oliver to suffer and he has put all the chess pieces in place to make that happen. He wants Oliver to wish he was dead. He wants to force Oliver into a corner where he’ll have to watch as Prometheus picks every other piece off the board.
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He corrupted Evelyn (or really took an already corrupted Evelyn and gave her a new outlet).
He nearly killed Curtis and was the final nail in the (hopefully temporary) death of his marriage.
He put Diggle back in prison.
He got Felicity’s boyfriend killed, devastating Felicity and placing Oliver in a horrible position.
And, finally, he “resurrected” Laurel to the great...um...pain...of the team.
So. While Oliver and Company are off in Hub City because fake-Laurel’s return has lit a weak fire under Oliver’s ass to replace BC, Felicity is feeling nostalgic and looking to go old school hacker in hopes of breaking Dig out of prison. 
[EDIT: @almondblossomme reminded me that it was actually Adrian that first introduced the idea of hacking into secret intel to help acquit Dig. I forgot to add this – and it’s important because it ties in to the end of this post.]
So Felicity goes to hacking and boom someone contacts her. Random hacker person wants to know if she's really Ghost Fox Goddess. They claim they can help. They want to meet in real life.
So, Felicity goes. She take Rory as backup. (At least she hasn’t totally lost her mind...yet.) And who shows up? A fangirl. Well...a weirdly judgmental fangirl who insults Felicity more than she praises her and ends up goading her into re-evaluating whether or not Felicity the hacktivist is really, truly retired. 
But who is this girl? Well, she’s from a hacker group named Helix and they stolen a bunch of state secrets that have been collected into a file called Pandora and they want Felicity to leak the information – not just about John’s no-good general – but all of it.
This whole storyline is interesting. We know from 5x10 that Felicity is building towards some reckless behavior. She got her feet wet with Black Siren, but unfortunately, Prometheus escaped. Felicity, much like Tina/Dinah/BC 2.0 (3.0?), wants revenge. And, so, she’s got blinders on a little bit. She dives headfirst into meeting this person, because she wants to help John – at any cost – and then the thrill comes back and she doesn’t pause. She goes for it. For Felicity, the question is what happens next. How deep is she going to dive?
And, let’s not forget that this also ties directly into the theme of legacy. In many ways, this group is a product of Felicity’s actions just as Prometheus is a product of Oliver’s. So how does this effect Felicity’s journey? Is this more about Felicity going dark? Or about her actions of the past coming back to haunt her? 
Those are questions I can’t answer. But there are some clues here to the overall story.
SIDE NOTE: Were we just supposed to suspend our disbelief because it’s TV and all, or are we supposed to be suspicious about how in the hell hacker fangirl knows who Felicity is. Like really knows who she is. Knows her hacker name, knows her real name, knows she worked at Palmer Tech and got fired...
First I want to briefly discuss Felicity’s old handle hacker handle Ghost Fox Goddess. There is a character in DC Comic canon called Ghost Fox Killer...and guess whose super suit her outfit looks eerily similar to?
Yes. You called it. 
Green Arrow.  
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If that doesn’t prove that Olicity is ENDGAME, I don’t know what is.
And then...goddess? (I mean, I’m all for the term goddess. My colleague calls me her marketing goddess.) But it’s interesting with all the Greek gods and mythology we’re throwing around here...
Speaking of which...
There are two clues in the name of the group Helix. First, there is a random group of supervilains in DC canon that call themselves Helix. But, probably more important and interesting, is the fact that Helix is a Greek word. And it means twisted. 
And, this situation – and the possibility that it all tracks back to Prometheus – sure is twisted, isn’t it?
Then there’s the gift that Helix gives to Felicity. Pandora. 
I find it suspicious that out of the blue sky Helix shows up with just the information Felicity needs and that their “gift” is named Pandora. Now, sure it could just be a reference to the story of Pandora’s box. But the stories of Pandora and Prometheus are interrelated in Greek mythology. It makes so much sense that Prometheus is still moving those chess pieces, still finding ways to influence those in Oliver’s life towards a place where Oliver will wish he was dead. And what better way to do that than by driving Felicity towards the darkness that Oliver has tried so hard to escape?
But, in all of this Prometheus/Pandora talk, something is niggling at my brain. 
Prometheus isn’t the person who creates Pandora, and he isn’t the one who givers her the jar (box). It’s Zeus.
So, here’s a thought. What if Prometheus isn’t working alone?
Maybe it’s the overload of Greek mythology. Maybe I’m bonkers. But as much as I LOVED the flashbacks tonight and I LOVED Talia...
I’m suspicious of her.
If Talia existed in a vacuum of the flashbacks it would be a different story. But it doesn’t because Talia, as we’ve been led to believe, is the person who trained Prometheus. 
This is Talia’s story as much as it is Oliver’s. Oliver believes that he created Prometheus. But we now know that Talia created the Hood/Arrow/Green Arrow as much as Oliver and his experiences did. She gave him the push he needed, she focused his mission, and she gave him an identity. 
But most importantly, she gave him a split identity.
Even though Oliver has struggled with it for years, Talia taught Oliver to become someone else as the vigilante – to separate the Hood from Oliver Queen.
Presumably, Talia would have taught the exact same thing to Prometheus. Taught him to separate the monster from the man.
So, what does this mean?
Well, first off...even though I already knew this deep in my soul (despite my best wishes in spite of common sense), I’m now utterly convinced that Tommy (sigh) is not Prometheus.
But I am now convinced that Prometheus is not a monster all the time. He’s not an unhinged lunatic looming in the shadows. 
If Talia’s training succeeded Prometheus will be able to separate the man from the monster and exist in the light of day as someone else...as something else.
The question is who?
Right now, my money is on Adrian Chase.
And how, do you ask, does this all tie back into the question of Greek mythology?
If Prometheus is, well, Prometheus and Felicity is Pandora then Oliver is Epimetheus. 
But I don’t think that Prometheus and Oliver have to be brothers for this to work. Because they’re brothers, blood or not. 
Talia created them. Just like Zeus.
And let’s not forget who gave Pandora her box...
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whimsiesofanerdgirl · 6 years
Baby It's Cold Outside | Bingeworthy TV Shows & Movies Made for Bibliophiles
Sometimes I’m in the mood for a good movie and don’t feel like reading. I’m kind of a big mood reader when it comes to reading books. So when I’m feeling less excited to pick up a good book I take that time to watch inspirational films instead! Keep reading on to check out some bookish movies to add to your “to watchlist” for when the weather is quite frightful. ❄
This show is especially for anyone who has a deep fascination for books and the publishing industry. It follows our main character of the show who lies about her age so she can get a job at a publishing company. Little does she know the ride of a lifetime she is about to go on trying to live that lie...
I personally feel like Younger would be a show about me living my life a decade or so from now if I had followed my dreams to pursue a job in publishing because so many people guess me at around 10 years younger than I actually am. All you baby faces can relate to this as well.
Gossip Girl
For the ones who have an obsession with The Luxe books by Anna Godbersen, this series actually started off as a book series then became a TV show on the CW so it’s The Luxe, but modern day! It’s a great drama showcasing the luxurious lives of Manhattan's elite.
Gilmore Girls
If you haven’t watched this one, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL THIS TIME!?! *exhales* THIS. THIS. THIS IS A MASTERPIECE I TELL YOU. I relate so much to the main girl, Rory, who’s all about keeping up her school grades and pursuing her lifelong dream to go to Harvard to be a journalist. Such a great show to watch every time it gets to be the Fall and Winter seasons. I’ll tell you right now, you will fall in love with the characters the minute you watch them! Plus, how could you not adore the quick witted back and forth convos Rory has with her mother, Lorelai? 😍 ALL THE FEELS. BRB while I go rewatch this one AGAIN.
I’m not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed with how the sales ended up for this movie, BUT despite the lower ratings I absolutely loved this book series and sometimes it’s nice to pop the DVD in just so I can “watch the book.” You know what I’m talking about. Even though there were so many details they left out in the movie I still enjoy it! If you don’t watch this, at the very least buy or borrow the book series because it has wonderful world building and a great storyline. I give this series a 10 out of 10 stars!
The Devil Wears Prada
I could watch this movie 100 times and never be bored with it. It’s simply that good! It follows Andy who’s trying to get her foot into the world of magazine writing, but of all the odds gets the chance to be an assistant for the famous editor, Miranda Priestly who works for Runway magazine. At least, she’ll be an assistant if she doesn’t die trying.
Harriet the Spy
I literally had an addiction to this one because hello, Harriet the SPY! Harriet goes around, many times as a nosy neighbor, to get the dish on everyone’s lives around her. She both loses and gains friends in the end, but learns a thing or two about friendship.
Sex and the City
Sex and the City is on my watch list. DON’T LAUGH AT ME. Though, I’ve only seen some random episodes here and there it has a great cast and the fact that it’s about a reporter’s life is a huge bonus. I have a huge passion for writing, media, and books - I bet you couldn’t tell?
13 Going on 30
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS MOVIE. Adulthood with a mix of magic. Check. Magazine writer. Check. Female empowerment. Check. Cute and quirky male lead. CHECK! If you haven’t watched this one please message me once you do because I’m dying to hear your thoughts!
Treasure Island
A fantasy island with a classic story on screen? Count me in! This is great for when you’re in the mood for a well known storyline and nostalgic feels for a childhood favorite. Don’t forget the popcorn or ice cream! And if you’re daring why don’t you make a blanket fort while you’re at it?
I never did read the book (it’s on my huge TBR though, OKAY!?!), but I absolutely adored the hardship of this true story about the famous Sophia Amoruso who wrote the book it’s based on, Girlboss. From the beginning stages of slumming it to the days of hustling to make Nasty Gal a fashion empire you see all the ups and downs that she goes through to make it as a #Girlboss female entrepreneur. I’ll probably watch this again for the huge girl power inspo.
Easy A
Played by one of my favorite actresses, Emma Stone, stars as Olive who is a goody two-shoes high school girl who lives a pretty chill life who decides to lie to her best friend about losing her V card instead of telling her about a boring weekend at home. What starts out as an innocent little lie spirals out of control until the whole high school knows about the non-existent dirty deed. Lots of laughs and lots of old school references. It’s a modern day classic!
Also stars these great cast members: Amanda Bynes (All That), Penn Badgley (Gossip Girl), Aly Michalka (Phil from the Future), Stanley Tucci (Hunger Games and The Devil Wears Prada), Lisa Kudrow (Friends), Dan Byrd (A Cinderella Story), Cam Gigandet (Twilight)
The Help
Another great movie with the amazing Emma Stone! It’s based off the novel, The Help, which is about a writer/reporter trying to depict the true lives of POC working behind the scenes of the rich white folk back in the 1960s and takes place in Mississippi.
The Neverending Story
Based on the novel, The Neverending Story by Michael Ende, which features a high fantasy story that I hold very dear in my heart from my little childhood years. It also has prequels in this series!
The Notebook
An epic romance to stand the test of time. Featuring Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling, in one of the greatest love stories written by the one and only Nicholas Sparks! A great read and movie for romantics of all ages (well, there is that one sex scene so maybe not ALL ages…;)
You’ve Got Mail
GAAAAH. This is the most perfect bookish movie for this time of year. Basically this film is about a happenchance meeting between a small bookstore owner and a large corporate bookstore owner getting to know each other, but there’s a catch. They each don’t know that their each other’s great enemy of book selling companies.
Finding Neverland
I still need to watch this one fully, but I’ve heard many good things! Johnny Depp stars in this one in which he plays a character who’s telling many tales to a family he befriends and inspires him to write the story of Peter Pan, the famous boy who never grows up!
The Princess Bride
A timeless classic as many would say. I watched this YEARS ago and it’s a very cheesy adventurous love story. I’ve been meaning to give it another shot because everyone I know loves it to pieces. I’m probably being overly critical here then probably?
Eat Pray Love
Based off the true life story of Elizabeth Gilbert and her book, Eat Pray Love, it shows Elizabeth’s life after she proclaims she wants a divorce from her then husband. After that it’s a series of life lessons and what she’s willing to do to life her life to the fullest in order to live happily ever after while finding herself again.
I hope you enjoyed that list as much as I did writing about them! Many of these I watch over and over on a yearly basis. They have some great morals that I need to be reminded of time and time again.
Do you have an bookish movies that you watch on repeat?
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