#so please ask if youve got a question!! id love to answer and explain if i can 💖💖
the1trueanon · 9 months
hi everyone sorry but im about to start blasting you guys with my character thoughts and character design brain things and a bunch of really deep character stuff okay love you bye :3 💖
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sexisdisgusting · 4 months
as i was writting i ended up getting a little tmi and wow I actually told you my secrets bc i have never been open about this 😭 so tw // rape, lesbophobia, mysogyny, biphobia maybe? not sure.
hihi! i have a sort of strange question... do you perhaps have any insight about distinguishing between being nervous bc you're scared of men and being nervous bc you're into one đŸ§đŸ»â€â™€ïž?
I've been questioning my sexuality since i got a crush on this woman because the way i feel about her is like stg i never experienced with any man... so i kinda know the answer to that question but i also don't? because i have a hard time interpreting my feelings and im scared im just lying to myself. specially bc i have fantasised about men a lot throughout my life, in an obsessive and harmful way too. it was never about the man in it, it wasn't his body, it was how i could be worth a man's attention if only in my head, i could be the prettiest woman, have my worth. i had to "teach" myself to be ok with dick, bc being het is the normal way, the only way, I've been taught. and i think that contributed to every fantasy being uhm rape, i just couldn't imagine myself being into it bc i know i wouldn't do it, i wouldn't have sex with a man I wouldn't be into it. (đŸ€źđŸ€ą looking back this is all so yuck ew im sorry).
it doesn't help that i have a sort of low libido and am very closed off, so i don't have any experience. i have never been into the male physique (though i certainly tried to), and im pleased with the female physique but it isn't an intense feeling like so many people describe it to be.
so im so confused! is my crush on her the real deal and every other crush i had fake bc i thought it was what a crush was supposed to be ? in the sense that ok im a girl feeling stg for a boy so it MUST be a crush right?! even though i never wanted anything besides friendship... no kissing, no hand holding, no intimacy... but i do want those things with her...
so i get back to my initial question... getting nervous or disgusted or feeling nothing seeing a shirtless man, like specifically shirtless or half naked (ew if his dick is even emphasized through the boxers like im seriously disgusted)... what is the shortness of breath, do you know ?! i feel so stupid asking this but it genuinely makes no sense to me 😭.
specially considering that a lot of het women say they're disgusted by men's bodies? am i just another one, but bisexual?!
feel free to ignore this ! im not even sure you're the right person to ask but you're so sweet answering messages so đŸ„čđŸ©· thank you for reading (or not if the tws made u not want to <3)
i am so sorry it took me so long to get back to you, sweetheart! never would i ignore one of my dear anonitas, i love you soooo much
im so sorry about everything youve been through, and thank you so much for entrusting me with your secrets !!!
i dont have much experience with comphet, but i do have experience with performing for the male gaze, and its a truly alienating experience especially when youre unsure if youre even attracted to them, or not
it, like you said for many can become maddening and obsessive at times and can really make you confused as to who you are
i dont want to dictate your sexuality, but it does sound to me that youre more woman-leaning in your attraction, and the male attraction you explain seems to be comphet
i wish i could give you a better answer, but i really do wish nothing but the best for you, my love, and thank you for reaching out to me <3
id be happy if someone could hop in the replies with more experience and help our anonita out!
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blackfen · 5 years
(inspired by both @cockybusiness and @sheithpocalypse)
To say he was getting frustrated was the understatement of the century.
Curled up on his side, staring at the wall, a white hot fire burning in his belly, the smoke traveling up to his lungs and heart, where it settled into the delicate membranes as a sharp, steady ache, Keith tried to make his eyes close, tried to force his body to take that one crucial step towards actually being able to sleep but every time he left himself be engulfed in darkness, Shiro’s baffled expression – one with a hint of agitation around the edges, not enough that someone unfamiliar with him would be able to see but for Keith, it was as clear as daylight – floated up from the dredges of his mind, and he found himself, once again, infuriated to the point that he felt sick.
Behind him, the comm suddenly lit up, emitting a soft squeak that made him flinch. He glanced over at the clock. Right on fucking time. Groaning, he rolled over onto his back to glance over at it. When he saw the familiar name float up onto the screen, he immediately rolled back over, staunchly determined to ignore it. A couple squeaks later, and the thing went quiet. He was thrown into silence again, the only sound being the blood rushing in his ear. What was this? No, seriously, what the fuck was this? Was Shiro messing with him? Was that what this was? Some kind of sick joke? Keith forced himself to take a deep breath. No, no, he knew that wasn’t the case. Shiro would never do something like that

He was just tired. There’d been a lot of stuff going on, and with this
bizarreness thrown into the mix, he’d been knocked all out of sorts. Right now, he just needed to get some sleep so that tomorrow he would be well rested, and thus would have an easier time just putting all of this out of his thoughts. Tomorrow, he would forget about all the strange calls, he’d forgot about Shiro’s annoyance and exasperation at something that Keith knew was happening but couldn’t explain or understand – he’d forget about all of it.
The comm lit up again, the same familiar squeak. Once again, Keith rolled over, took one look at the screen, and rolled back. Not tonight. He’d answered it every night that this had happened for the past month but not tonight. Whatever joke this was, whoever was playing this cruel trick on him, he’d had enough. No more. The comm went silent. Keith let out a long, heavy breath. Just as he was about to inhale, it lit up again.
And again.
And again, and again, and again.
By the sixth time, red was burning around the corners of his vision. Every muscle in his body was so tense that he was shocked his spine didn’t snap in half. Hurling himself up off the bed, he stomped over to the comm, slammed his hand down onto the answer button and snarled, “What?!”
“There you are.” Shiro’s soft, smooth voice, full of gentle warmth and happiness floated up from the speaker. On screen, his face was clearly visible. The same face he’d seen earlier in the day, looking at him with increasing annoyance, carefully hidden behind a mask of surprise, peered at him through the screen. Only this time, the gaze looking at him was disarmingly sweet. A slight smile tugged at the corners of full lips. There was a comfortable, open, honest look to the Shiro on the screen.
“Shiro, this isn’t funny.” Keith said coldly.
Thick eyebrows rose in surprise. Shiro cocked his head, and asked, “What’s not funny?”
“This!” Keith exploded, jabbing a finger at the screen.
“Keith, I don’t understand. Tell me what’s wrong.” Shiro said soothingly, “Did something happen?”
Scrubbing one hand over his face, Keith snapped, “Why did you lie to me?”
“Lied to you? When?” Shiro responded, sounding confused.
“You said earlier that we haven’t spoken in months!”
“When did I say that?”
“Earlier! When I called you, and asked why you always called me so late, you said we haven’t talked in months! Why did you lie to me? Why did you say that we haven’t talked when you’ve clearly been contacting me?”
Shiro stared at him for a moment, thick brows knit together over a concerned gaze. Speaking slowly, he said, “Keith, this is the first time I’ve contacted you today.”
“Stop-!” Raising up one fist to bring it down hard onto the comm station, Keith stopped short just before impact. Sucking in a deep, shaky breath, swallowing hard against the bile rising in his throat, his stomach a whirling mass of just nausea, Keith set both hands down onto the cool surface of the comm surface, focusing every ounce of his attention on that sensation, of the cold bite of the metal against his skin. He could feel his heart beating. There was a rush of noise in his ears as blood thundered through his veins. He couldn’t remember the last time he was this enraged. It must’ve been years ago, when Voltron was still actually a thing.
“Keith-“ Shiro began to say, obvious concerned laced through his soft voice.
“Don’t.” He coughed out, “Just don’t.”
Sitting down heavily in the nearby chair, covering his face with his hands, he waited until he felt like he could actually breathe again before asking, “Why did you lie to me?”
“Keith, I’m telling the truth. I don’t know what you’re talking about. This is the first time we’ve spoken since yesterday.”
“I talked to you earlier!” Keith exclaimed hotly, “You told me that we-“
“Keith.” Shiro said, “Baby, listen, you need to-“
Whatever he said next was lost to a barrage of cacophonous confusion. ‘Baby’
Shiro had
Shiro had just called him
’baby’. Why
why had Shiro called him ‘baby’? Shiro didn’t call him ‘baby’, Shiro called him Keith, why had Shiro called him ‘baby’?

who the fuck was he talking to?
The thought had crossed his mind that this might be a huge, elaborate prank or some kind of enemy somewhere trying to trick him but he’d never given a whole lot of credence to the thought
until now that is. Sitting straight up, his anger cooling in response to what might be new found information that could explain this bizarre situation, Keith asked, “Are you really Shiro?”
“As far as I know.” Shiro chuckled, but the smile was quick to fade when Keith didn’t smile back. “Keith, what’s-?”
“Why’d you call me ‘baby’?”
“Just a few moments ago, why’d you call me ‘baby’?”
Looking thoroughly confused by that point, Shiro glanced off to the side, almost as though he didn’t understand the question then looked back, and said slowly, “Because you’re my boyfriend?”
“Keith, what’s going on? Are you okay? Listen, maybe you should come home-“
“What the fuck are you talking about? Shiro, you’re married! You’ve been married for six years now!”
And now there was concern added into the obvious confusion, “Keith, we’ve been together for two years. We haven’t even broached the topic of getting married yet. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d love to-“
“Not to me! To Curtis!”
“Who? Keith, baby, is your Mom there? Can you go get her?”
If he got out of that chair, he was going to fall flat on his face. His head wasn’t just whirling, it was caught up in a goddamn tornado. Gawking, not even sure what to think at that point – if this was someone trying to trick him, they were doing a sorry fucking job of it. Boyfriend? They hadn’t seen each other in person in six years! They’d barely spoken in those six years! Shiro was married, not to him but Curtis, a man Shiro had only met once, and it was one the first fucking day of his life. The question stood be answer again, even though he didn’t have any information that could fucking answer it: what was this?! Who was this? Why did he look exactly like Shiro, talk like Shiro but ultimately, obviously, wasn’t fucking Shiro?
“Just, stop. I can’t-“ Keith pushed his fingers through his mussed hair. It had to be a trick but if it was a trick, why would they use such an obviously fake story? Who in their right mind would actually think he’d fall for this? It was stupid, beyond asinine! This couldn’t be Shiro!
“Baby, please, look at me.”
“Stop calling me that!” Keith shouted, his head shouting up. Tears slipped out of the corners of his eyes. The reaction from Shiro was immediate. Eyes widening in shock and alarm, he jumped up from his seat, one large hand resting on the corner of the screen, staring up with a look that clearly said that he wanted to be there with him, to be right beside him
but there was millions of light years between them.
“Baby, baby, look at me, what’s wrong? Tell me what’s-“
Suddenly, Shiro’s voice stopped. The transmission was still ongoing but he went still, his expression suddenly slack, eyes completely blank. Letting out a sharp, hard breath, Keith leaned forward, his thoughts racing – was he finally going to see who was behind all this? Was the master mind behind this cruel, unfair prank going to be revealed, giving him a glimpse of whose face he was going to crush underneath the heel of his boot? -  then Shiro seemed to jerk back to life. Giving his head a hard shake, he pinched the bridge of his nose, blinked rapidly several times then slowly looked up.
“Keith?” He said groggily, “What are you? What’s going on?”
“Why’d you call me?” Keith asked softly.
“Call you? Keith, are you still on that? I told you, I haven’t called you.”
“You called me just now.” Keith snapped, suddenly angry all over again. “That’s why we’re talking. Shiro-“
“Keith,” Shiro sighed with obvious irritation, “I don’t have time for this. Curtis and I have a lot of stuff we need to get done tomorrow. I don’t know what’s going on but I’m telling you the truth: I have not called you.”
“Then why are we talking?”
“I don’t know, Keith.” Shiro replied tersely, then seemed to realize how harshly he was speaking. Sighing heavily, his shoulders slumping, Shiro brushed a hand through his short hair, and for the first time, Keith noticed how exhausted he looked, “I’ll talk to you later, Keith. Good night.”
With that, Shiro disconnected the transmission, leaving Keith staring at a blank screen. Sitting back in his chair, angry, confused and exhausted himself, the realization that this wasn’t a prank or a trick crept up from somewhere deep inside his mind. For one, the logistics of it just didn’t work. Two, he couldn’t fathom any reason to do this, other than to cause him torment and this was a little excessive, even for a lot of the enemies he’d made along the way. Three
well, instinct, something he learned to trust a long time ago. Anger, sadness and confusion had caused him to jump to a knee jerk assumption, one that was meant to hurriedly explain something incomprehensible. Now that the source of all those emotions had been removed, leaving him with a smoldering fire deep within the pits of his belly, he couldn’t think
semi clearly.
And it was obvious. That was Shiro
both of them. One was married to Curtis, and didn’t remember calling him during the middle of the night to talk like they’d use to before
before Allura sacrificed herself. The other
Keith’s heart twisted in agony
boyfriend, the other thought they were boyfriends and he was the one who called him. Two Shiros
existing in the same body. It felt like a huge jump to just assume that was the case but
what other explanation was there? None, as far as he could see. He’d even saw the switch, right in front of his very eyes! Shiro probably didn’t even realize it – that’s why he didn’t know he’d been making calls to him in the middle of the night.
“Two Shiros.” Keith mumbled, slowly standing up, the world tilting dangerously. Stumbling back over to his bed, he dropped down heavily, rolled back over onto his side, and curled up into a tight ball. This
this was information he never wanted. There was a Shiro who he used to be close to, who he watched get further and further and further away as their lives became radically different. There was a Shiro he watched walk down the aisle, into the arms of a man who wasn’t him. There was a Shiro who he could barely just talk to anymore – the awkwardness between them was so immense that, at times, he felt as though he was talking to a total stranger. That alone had almost been too much for him to bear, driving him to put even more distance between them so he wouldn’t have to deal with the agony of being an acquaintance after he had once laid bare everything, only to have it forgotten and left to fall into the white abyss of an unknown planet but now

There was a Shiro who loved him, who called him ‘baby’, who said he was his boyfriend, and they’d been together for years. Yet, there was no relief, no sweetness, no joy to be found in that because this Shiro, an amalgamation of the real one, was hidden deep within the subconscious of a man he loved so much that the night he got married, Keith had spent the night bent over a toilet, vomiting up wave after wave of stomach acid until his throat bled. That
was beyond cruel. It didn’t matter who that Shiro was, what caused such a dramatic split between the two personalities or why this Shiro was in love with him while the other had married someone else, none of it mattered. All that mattered, in that one single solitary moment, was that for the second time, Keith had been given a glimpse of what it felt like to be loved by that man, only to have it ripped away, leaving him gasping for breath, halfway wishing he had never met him in the first place.
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swellwriting · 6 years
A Silent Devotee Part Six - Light within Darkness
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Draco Malfoy x Reader
Warnings: This chapter contains smut ( and its sweet soft first time exploring shit which needs a warning of its own) ! 
A/N: i wrote a line in here thats a nod to my fav marauders so if you notice it and it personally attacks you I’m sorry but also please tell me lmao !!! <3
Word count 2.5 k    Series Masterlist   Part Seven
After that kiss between you and Draco not much else happened, you continued to sit by the lake. You laid your head on his lap, one of his hands brushed through your hair while you fiddled with his other, tracing lines and examining his fingers and palm.
You talked until it got dark outside and you had to go back in, you didn’t talk about the serious stuff like where your relationship was going or his death eater plans, you decided to live with him there in that moment and for that snippet of time everything felt okay.
You would have stayed outside all night if you knew how much things where about to change. Draco tried his hardest to remember everything about that night, it gave him hope of what a future with you could potentially look like, peaceful, carefree and loving. If he needed something, or someone to fight for that was it.
The next day as you made your way back from the library after studying with your friends you ran into Dumbledore, someone you had never really spoken to before.
“So I see Mr. Malfoy found his Fwooper.” Dumbledore spoke without even saying hello or stopping in front of you, he continued walking down the hall but you needed answers so you walked up beside him.
“What did you say?” You weren’t sure if you had heard him right.
“Don’t worry I won’t tell, some of my favourite students had Animagi secrets like you, they used it for good like you as well, to help a friend in need of coarse.” Dumbledore revealed so much information and simultaneously none at all.
“What do you mean helping a friend, Headmaster I’m a bit confused as to what you are talking about.” You questioned as he sat down on a bench in the empty hallway motioning for you to join him.
“Y/n dear, I know more and see more than people think, me and you have never spoken much before because you never needed guidance or reassurance like some students do. I did take notice to you, you were well liked for all the right reasons, non-judgmental, you have a passion for learning in which some students lack, you will be a great witch someday.”
“Thank you, but now I need guidance?” You questioned to where he was going with this.
“Well, not too long ago Draco showed up in my office to find out about a Fwooper bird, which I had assumed to be following him around, I know Draco doesn’t have the best path lied in front of him so I looked furthur into it. But not too long later I see him walking through the halls with none other than you, which I can only assume his follower was you and taking into account who I know you to be as a person and student, You, well what I’m trying to say is you don’t seem to be black mailing him, you have good intent.” Dumbledore tried to explain which made you question how much he knew about Draco.
“I don’t want to hurt anybody.” You confessed.
“Of course not, and that’s why you were the perfect person to stumble upon Draco in his time of need, but in a war like the one that’s slowly brewing, people are going to get hurt and die. I’m not saying it’s your job to keep Draco safe but being there for him will make such a difference. It’s not much to assume that with his father in Azkaban and the way he was acting like he had something to hide that he’s having to
fill his father’s shoes per say. In the end there are plans bigger than you may know, but what you do have to know is Draco is faced with darkness and you are everything light and good, he needs you to be there for him for there are decisions and actions he may have to do, and it is important that he does.” Dumbledore just dumped so much info onto you at once in his backwards way and you tried to process it, but when you looked up to question him further he was gone.
You were left confused, as if somehow Dumbledore knew something you didn’t, but how could he? You made your way back to Draco’s room to go see him but when you arrived at the Slytherin common room you were blocked by Pansy.
“You’re not a slytherin you can’t come in.” Pansy stood with her arms crossed in front of you.
“I don’t want to come in, can you just go get Draco for me?” You asked seeing as she was the only one around.
“Why would I do anything for you? Besides he’s not even here.” She spoke pushing her nose up in the air.
“I don’t have time to deal with you, whether he truly is here or not, your infuriating to be around.” You said with precision wiping that smirk off her face as you walked away. It wasn’t normal for you to be mean to people but Pansy deserved it.
You walked through the hallways back towards your own common room but as you passed a hallway you saw Draco walking at a fast pace. You ran to catch up to him and wrapped your arms around him from behind, he jumped but when he realized it was you he relaxed his shoulders and gently held your arms with his hands.
You turned around him to see he looked stressed and his wand was in his hands, something you noticed he did when he was scared although he’d never admit it.
“What are you doing?” You rubbed your thumbs across his cheeks feeling his skin, he closed his eyes contently at the small contact.
“Nothing, I’m just
 nothing.” He said, although he was clearly lying.
“Well why would you look so stressed out over nothing.” You said wrapping your arms around his waist as he did the same, holding each other close.
“I just can’t really talk about it, I’m sorry I-” You interrupted him with a kiss which took him by surprise, he didn’t get the chance to kiss back before you pulled away.
“I won’t push you for answers, those done matter to me, you do.” You said sweetly.
“Merlin, I’d be so lost without you.” He rested his head on yours while he spoke, waiting for you to speak again before he could kiss you.
“Well then call me your map.” You giggled at your lame joke making him smile.
“I’d rather call you something else.” He almost whispered to you.
“Mhm? Like what?” You questioned hoping you knew where he was going.
“I don’t know, maybe my girlfriend?” He asked timidly, like you hadn’t just kissed him minutes ago, like the way you were holding him right now was in a friendly manner.
“Well I do like the ring of that.” You laughed, kissing him again it was short and sweet since you pulled away quickly but Draco had no plan of pulling away, he continued leaning into the kiss and your lips not being there made him pout.
“My own Girlfriend won’t even kiss me.” He teased.
“I just did you fool, I just don’t want to kiss you more here.” You motioned to the hallway that was mostly empty but Draco looked behind him to see the room of requirement, remembering what he was just doing in there and silently agreed that he wanted to get away from here.
He took your hand and walked at a fast pace to the empty astronomy tower.
“We are just as likely to get caught here Draco.” You said as you rested your elbows on the brick, looking up to the stars.
“Well at least we can hear them coming up the stairs, gives us time to stop snogging and act innocent, there are no rules about being up here.” Draco spoke like he had thought this over, to which he had, falling asleep many nights just thinking about this.
“Okay then, tell me about the constellations then.” You said motioning towards the many that lit up the sky.
“Well I don’t know any that you don’t know, we took the same astrology class Y/n.” He said wrapping his arms around your waist from behind you resting his chin atop your shoulder.
“What? You mean to tell me, Mr. Fancy Rich Malfoy didn’t have an expensive telescope to look through growing up?” You teased, making him supress his laugh in your shoulder.
“Well we did actually, but it was more of a decoration.” He admitted.
“Well you will just have to teach me something else then.” You said with a suggestive smile on your face, you turned to face him capturing his lips in a deep kiss, you placed your hands on the sides of his face and he eagerly pulled your body flush to his.
You kissed down his cheek and down his neck gently sucking and nipping at the skin, you didn’t break contact from his neck while you pushed him down to straddle his lap, your knees hitting the cold concrete underneath the two of you.
“Oh, well, I can’t teach you much about that either” he struggled to say while you continued to kiss his neck, scared to admit how little experience he truly had with this sort of stuff.
“That’s okay, I don’t have any experience either, a lot of people like me but not enough to ask me to Hogsmead or anything?” You admitted, this whole relationship thing was completely new to you.
“You’ve never been on a date to Hogsmead?” Draco asked making a shocked face. “People didn’t like me but I still got asked to Hogsmead many times.”
“Wow thanks Draco that makes me feel so great.” You said sarcastically “Tell me more about all these girls that you snogged and bought candy at Honey Dukes, really I do love it.” You continued to joke, not in a jealous way just making fun of him really.
“No, I only ever went a few times but they all bored me or annoyed me, you’re the first person I ever kissed Y/n, you’re the only person I’ve ever felt like this with.” He admitted placing a tender kiss on your forehead.
“I get to be Draco Malfoys first kiss?” You aked pretending to sound astonished at the news.
“You can be a couple other firsts if you’d like.” He said now kissing your neck and down your collar bone.
________________Smut starts below this line____________________
“How about more than a couple.” You said holding back a moan as he sucked hard on the base of your neck, likely leaving a mark.
“We better get started then.” He said seductively as he swiftly lifted your shirt over your head, your lips met in a searing kiss moving effortlessly together, tongues moving to each other’s mouths sloppily kissing like you had seen others do, just learning the motions.
His hands made their way to your bra fumbling to undo the back for a second before revealing your bare chest to the cold night air making your nipples perk up.
Draco pulled away from the kiss making you let out a noise of protest as he admired your chest, his pants tightening at just the sight of you, he reached out his hands looking up to your eyes again as you nodded giving him permission to caress your breasts, he squeezed them lightly and then slowly got a bit rougher testing how far he could go, rubbing his thumbs over your nipples and kissing his way down your neck until he reached your breasts, now sucking and kissing all over them.
“Mhm, Draco its so, so good.” You moaned, making sure he knew what you liked and didn’t since you were both experimenting.
You grinded down onto his growing bulge making him stop what he was doing with his mouth and let out a low moan that he tried to supress. “Merlin Y/n, that’s heavenly.” He said into the skin of your neck.
His hand sneaked up your skirt making you move back a bit on his lap, his finger pushed your panties to the side, you unzipped his pants slipping your hand under his pants grabbing his length in your hand.
You both were filled to the brim with ecstasy needing a release quickly. Draco pushed his fingers between your slits rubbing over your clit and sticking two fingers slowly inside of you, making you squeeze his dick with your hand and  burry your face in his neck.
When you pulled his underwear down and wrapped your fingers around him, slowly moving your hand up and down he bit down on your shoulder groaning. Both of you weren’t new to the general actions, you just weren’t used to someone else doing it.
Draco curled his fingers inside you continuously pumping his fingers in and out as you continued to pump him with your hand, both of you speeding up trying to get that release. You squeezed around his fingers and you felt him twitch in your hand signalling that the both of you were close to release.
Your chests heaving as you both came undone in each other’s hands, staying still for a moment before relaxing into each other’s bodies catching your breath. 
_____________Smut ends above this line______________________
“That was so nice.” You said in a tired voice against his neck.
“Just nice?” Draco questioned wrapping his arms around your back.
“More than nice, amazing, lovely, addicting.”  You muttered against his skin leaving kisses after each words.
“oh addicting you say? You want more?” Draco cheekily asked snaking his hand back under your skirt but you stopped him.
“Of course just not right now, it’s getting close to curfew Draco.” You used all your willpower to stop him even though you really wanted more.
“Oh you and following the rules, how boring.” He teased passing you your bra and shirt as you did his pants back up for him.
“Shhh, you love how good I am.”
“Well opposites attract, or at least that’s what they say.” Draco said, a hint of sadness in his voice.
As you made your way back to your common room Draco stopped outside. “Let me take you to Hogsmead on the weekend?” He asked eagerly, a big smile on his face.
“As long as you keep your hands to yourself Malfoy.”
“I make no promises.” He chuckled as he placed a tender sweet kiss on your lips. People saw and stared but when you pulled away quickly looked away from the two of you.
“Goodnight Draco.” You smiled walking into your common room filled to the brim with happiness and joy.
Draco was left alone in the hallway, the quiet whispers deafening , the judgmental stares stabbing into his skin, he made his way back to his own common room and replayed the memory of the two of you at the lake, it helped to calm him down.
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theday · 6 years
tagged by @ikyh and @younghyuuns ill be doing both sets !! :D thank you both for tagging me!! this got long so yall dont hav 2 read <3
ru?? rushee’s set!! me: wow ru does not sound like rushee at all ? djsjdhhjd im dumb but i realize now
i. do u believe in astrology? whats ur sign and do u line up with the features usually attributed to it?
fucc... i guess i do ;-0...... and yeah i think?????? like they say capricorns are cold bitches and funny nd im like ya thats me... but they also say we’re hard workers and im like uh.. dont know abt that karen !
ii. what’s ur favorite pair of socks?
bbbbbbb..... socks huh...... i guess my ankle ones? there are also socks that have actual designs on them and those r usually thicker.. keep my feets safe! most of them have pkmn designs bc.. yeah... love the poke mans
iii. what’s a food that reminds you of a specific moment/memory?
i could think of anythiing and get reminded of one situation if that makes sense.. but i thought of pineapple..pizza... anyway the memory isnt anythngn special its just me staring at my delicious hawaiian pizza..... at my favourite pizza place.... love that shit
iv. what’s the longest you’ve gone without sleeping?
i dont have the actual hours but the latest ive stayed up.. like willingly would be until 2am
v. how has ur taste in music changed throughout ur life?
went from 1d to 5so/s + other bands to utaite.... they cover vocaloid songs ig i never kno how2 explain what utaites r then 2 kpop.. but i still listen 2 bands + kpop and utaites.... so nothing much has changed ive just gone broader.. wider... expanded my tastes... 
vi. who’s ur fashion icon?
oh definitely kim wonpil
vii. what’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done without realizing?
i breathe dumbass particles.. i cant think of one bc my brain probably blocked off all access to my horrifying past but ive been thinking abt how i used 2 send the boy i used 2 like 1d songs....................... 12 y/o old me rly thought. he’d listen.... 12 y/o me thought spamming him was a good idea glad ive learnt from that! 
viii. what’s something you want to brag about?
my grades but it didnt get me into psychology so nvm ! its still good though i didnt expect to get an A1 (hghest grade) for combined humanities since ive had a B my whole life without it i wouldnt be able to move on education wise lmao so thank god for that thanks cambridge thanks bell curve sunbaenim 
ix. when you imagine urself being happy in the future, where exactly are you (like the location!)?
oh definitely an apartment somewhere where its always windy and the curtains are always Moving and the sun just Shines in the room but its not that hot either its just full of warmth and yeah thats the dream maybe also walks in the park without having 2 worry abt sweating my pits out u kno! tldr anywhere but here
x. what’s something you’ve always wanted to own?
let me Think.... i dont need a lot/?? but id love hm.............. i want stability but realistically i want all the hh pcs from the code albums. 
xi. how’ve you been lately?
good good! i finished my *** fic and its. im proud of it though i know its not that good nd i can do better but its done ! and hm i could be going to see mx but asking my mum is stressing me out speaking of her she wont stop Coughing and she refuses to see the doctor ;-/ love those sleepless nights ! other than that i just want 2 get out and feel the sun ???/ wanna get out of this house yea but i need to be.. shady with my money i cant get a job because school is starting in a month and im going overseas again sometime next month so ! no ones gonna hire someone who can only work for 2 weeks at most dhzjhhs shouldve worked when i had the time dumbasses only
ok now falen
1. what’s been on your mind??
hm redacted feeling towards my mum but i cant say them bc itd be insensitive 
2. what are you looking forward to? 
mx? possibly but also finishing my enrolment papers
3. story time!: how and when did you get into day6!!!!!
fuck...... listen up LADS. 
ive told the same story like 10 times but im never gonna get tired of saying this shit bc i love miss boxy so much nd she deserves the appreciation anywy she introduced me 2 day6 after i saw this one (1) picture of brian in minion glasses and instantly i knew in that Fucking moment thatd id die for him. so i asked for the name of my murderer and was introduced to day6 whom frankly id never heard of b4 bdjhjh she sent me all their mvs and i still remember the night . i remember walking out of this japanese restaurant, twitter open, chat wiht boxy there and i was like.. interesting ill go listen when im home so i Did! and my mind was blown away bitch? i honest 2 god expected them to be a boy group,,, dancing and shit yknow? i didnt know k bands existed ! so as a previous 5/sos stan i was like wow. this??? this shit is 10/10 a fucking BANGER thats what i felt listening 2 i smile and just going :O over the fucking instruments so idk if how can i say was the last or second song but Damn. .. it made me scream thanks mister j** he rly dragged me by the collar of my shirt and threw me face first into Heaven so i watched everything i asked my friend for video recommendations and after boxy sent me a page with their face and names i was like this jae kid is 182 cm? wow gotta stan now im stupid and stupid for glasses and tall people so ! it happened bithc,, ugh i lov eday6 so much i remember binge watchng all their vlives after the july after party live (that being the first vlive i watched Ever in my entire life and i laghed so hard despite not understanding a damn thing) please id giv my heart and soul2 day6 im so happy with the way ive progressed as a myday :^( 
bonus when i first started stanning it was 26th june and shortly after i made a stan acc teasers were being dropped but i didnt kno why ppl were freaking out i remmeber seeing jae’s teaser nd going ? ok? its just a pic damn ;-/ and then eveeryone was like: dowoon! choker! me: wdhs? what
4. ????do you have any allergies????
did u think of jae and no i used to be allergic 2 dairy products but thats disappeared
5. a fond memory???
bowling with friends and im just a disaster of a friend im always so loud with them and i thank god everyday that they handle my energy ? i would cheer for them even if they got a gutter or whatever and when they got a strike id go clap like crazy i love my friends i also went i have the power of god and anime on my side before flinging the ball and theyd laugh despite not knowing what vine that was from i love my friends... psg if ur out there yall are the best x i miss hanigng out with them as a trio.. three of us :( 
6. do you paint your nails?? if so, what are your fave colors to use?? if not, why??  
thats so.. tiresome.......... dont u have 2 wait for it 2 dry and shit ? my mums always worried abt ruining the colour or some sht nd im like !!! okY!!!!!!! tldr its a pain in the ass
7. what are your favorite colors?? what are your fave colors to wear??
i like hte colour of the sky... all the colours........ yeah love that bithc and lately ive been wearing a lot of black shirts finally went out of my embarrassing colourful phase ! 
8. what languages would you like to learn?? for what reason(s)??
japanese nd korean jp because i listen to a lot of things in japanese and korean for the same reason but my priority would be jp even tho id love to communicate with my faves i just... yeah although im not exactly making an effort 2 learn bc im lazy but if i Could.... itd be those two
9. when you get stickers, do you use them or do you keep them??
10. are there any groups that you might get into/want to get into?
hm... well theres knk ive learnt their names and im finally able to put name 2 face so thats nice svt too if htey didnt have such large numbers... thats all for now i think?? i love evry girl group though i love gIRLS... 
11. how are you???
idk im constantly just fine?? not the im sad but im fine kind of fine im literally just neutral half the time wjhddshs wild 
both of your questions were really unique and i loved answering them thank you so much for tagging me and if youve read until the end thank you i hope you have a good day!
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punkscowardschampions · 5 years
Ali & Carly
Ali: Have you been to the Drs yet?
Ali: I can come with if you want
Carly: what are you talking about?
Carly: why would I?
Ali: When was your last period?
Carly: idk
Carly: who cares
Ali: I think you're pregnant, Carly
Ali: whatever you plan to do, the sooner you get it handled the better
Carly: wtf no
Carly: im not
Ali: Have you done a test?
Ali: worth a check
Carly: i dont need to
Carly: id know if i was having a baby
Carly: you have it doesnt mean youre an expert k
Ali: Girl, you ain't seen 'I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant'?
Ali: its not all the drama and vomming its usually made out to be
Ali: not always
Carly: k
Carly: but youre wasting your time telling me
Carly: i dont need to know
Ali: Fair enough
Ali: but I don't mind
Ali: how have things been then?
Carly: good
Carly: what about you?
Ali: i'm glad
Ali: you know, bit stressful but getting into the swing of things with Edie
Ali: basically ready to go Singapore
Ali: just a few loose ends to sort
Carly: yea
Carly: she's good?
Ali: Yeah, pretty chill, bless her
Ali: how's Drew
Carly: he's him
Ali: Yeah
Ali: Could you tell him Meena would like to see him
Ali: he doesn't need to worry
Ali: not an ambush
Carly: k yea i will
Ali: Thanks Carly
Carly: he'll wanna see her
Carly: dont thank me
Ali: I know but thanks all the same
Ali: Its going to be weird leaving this place
Ali: I'll miss ya
Carly: no you won't
Carly: youll be having too much fun
Ali: I mean, its the plan but three kids and a full-time course
Ali: doesn't scream party party 😜
Ali: anyway, who there will let me art all over them? not a euphemism
Carly: too busy wiping baby butts and having breakdowns then
Carly: Caleb will
Carly: on both counts
Ali: Exactly, I'll be sobbing down the phone
Ali: like I never left 😂
Ali: and the jury's out there
Ali: đŸ€ž though
Carly: dont
Carly: unless you give me warning to zone out
Carly: he will
Carly: he loves you
Ali: duh, friend's prerogative
Ali: its best if you don't dole out the advice
Ali: not that that stops me but so I've heard
Ali: I know
Ali: Still hurt him
Ali: sometimes you can't come back from shit, so we'll see
Carly: sometimes you can
Ali: Of course
Ali: I never got to say sorry to you
Ali: that was shitty of me
Ali: things were hectic
Ali: but I really am
Carly: why
Carly: he wasnt mine
Ali: No but I knew how you felt about him
Ali: I could explain why it happened and the specific circumstances but I don't want to if you don't wanna hear it
Carly: no i didnt know
Carly: dont he wanted you for years
Carly: he got it out of his system
Ali: Okay, well I had my suspicions then
Ali: that was what it was for him
Ali: but not me
Carly: i know
Carly: you have a lot of supicious
Carly: thinking im knocked up dont make me laugh
Ali: I know the signs, Carly
Carly: i hope so
Carly: 3 kids
Ali: and you're showing them
Carly: im not
Carly: why are you trying to put the idea in my head
Carly: drew dont want your kid were not going there
Ali: because someone needs to
Ali: i don't care what drew wants
Ali: i'm telling you for you
Ali: so you can do what you want
Carly: well i do
Carly: i care what he wants
Carly: and i dont want any kids either
Ali: cool, that's totally fine but then you're on a time limit here
Ali: there's things you need to get sorted before you can't
Ali: this isn't an induction into the club, i don't need a yummy mummy friend
Ali: i care about you, i want you to do right by you on this
Carly: if you care then stop
Carly: seeing things that arent there
Carly: youre messing with my head here
Ali: i'm not trying to
Ali: do you wanna take the risk?
Ali: i'll get you a test
Ali: prove me wrong and tell me to fuck off
Ali: I WANNA be wrong too but I don't think I am so
Carly: dont
Carly: save your money for your kids
Carly: I'm not having one
Carly: i dont need to prove that or anything to you
Ali: Okay
Ali: that's all I've got to say
Ali: I won't speak on it again
Carly: good
Carly: i dont need it from you
Ali: I can imagine
Ali: but I didn't see anyone else letting you know
Ali: Had to, I'm not sorry for doing it but I am sorry its got to be me
Carly: its nobodys business
Carly: it's not even mine its not happening
Ali: Not what you do, no
Ali: but someone should be taking care of you
Ali: is Drew?
Carly: he loves me
Ali: doesn't answer the question
Carly: its not what you wanna hear you mean
Ali: Not gonna say I'm happy for you 'cos how could I?
Ali: But if you think I want Drew
Ali: then no
Carly: you should
Carly: you should want him
Ali: Well, I don't
Ali: I'm not saying he's the devil incarnate but I just don't
Ali: and you wouldn't want me to so?
Carly: i want him to be happy
Ali: We all want that for him
Ali: he doesn't feel it rn I know
Ali: but we do
Ali: You too, Carly
Carly: like i said im good
Ali: I hope so
Ali: don't you think you make Drew happy?
Carly: he wanted you and his kid you know that
Ali: No he didn't, doesn't
Ali: He's not seen her at all, its been a month
Ali: and you know he has no plans
Carly: im not telling tales on him
Carly: you know why he hasn't been around
Ali: Not asking you to
Ali: just bare in mind that he's got his side and I've got mine
Ali: Respect his but don't deny me mine, I know what happened and what was said to me
Carly: k
Ali: [Drewsif: I want nothing to do with it, that thing, fuck you both]
Ali: last I heard
Ali: I'm taking him at his word
Carly: he's in pieces
Carly: he doesnt want you and caleb pushing him out
Carly: her calling someone else dad while he pays up
Ali: We all are but we have to talk about it, to work it out
Ali: He's not being pushed out
Ali: its self-exile
Ali: and he isn't paying anything, don't expect him to, even though I'd be within my rights to ask
Ali: that ain't me
Ali: He's her Father, always will be but if he won't communicate with me, how can I make him step up?
Ali: I'm not about to make him, he has to want it, want her
Carly: he's scared
Ali: Understandable
Ali: He isn't the only one
Ali: he's allowed to be
Ali: but he isn't allowed to use her as a pawn, no
Carly: i know
Carly: i wish i could help
Ali: I know
Ali: you're a good person, Carly
Ali: I'm not trying to be a cunt, to anyone
Ali: but especially not you
Ali: I just wish everything could be sorted
Carly: Don't make laugh
Carly: I am not
Carly: everything'll get sorted he just needs to sort his head first
Ali: You are
Ali: Can't even help yourself, like 😘
Ali: I want him too
Ali: but if he could, keep us in the loop
Ali: because then I'll know what to say and do
Ali: I've got to think of Edie, first
Ali: but I don't hate Drew, and I want what's best for him
Ali: for all of us
Carly: can't help myself about load of shit
Carly: not that
Carly: give him a bit more time
Carly: not years just
Carly: she's so little
Ali: Nah
Ali: You've got many good deeds tallied to your name, trust
Ali: outweighs the rest
Ali: Okay
Ali: at the end of the day, we're always going to be here
Ali: not here here but
Ali: whenever he comes around, if he can prove he's worth it, he'll be given the chance
Ali: I'm not being unfair or keeping her from him
Carly: i know you wouldnt
Carly: i know what hes worth too
Ali: I take your word on it
Ali: but at the moment, that's all I got
Ali: but I'll be waiting on him, I promise, okay?
Carly: yea
Carly: thanks ali
Carly: youre still sweet
Ali: any time
Ali: you too girl
Carly: if i had a ma like you
Carly: the kids are lucky
Carly: and theyre gonna be good
Carly: youll see
Ali: get ready to plug your ears
Ali: too hormonal, you're gonna make me cry!
Ali: but i'm putting my life on it
Ali: its going to be good
Carly: its ok you can
Carly: have a sob
Carly: itll be kicking in for me when you get going
Ali: Thought you meant your hormones
Ali: Hope you stopped listening already, don't fight me 😉
Carly: I've killed them off
Carly: havent bleed regular since i started
Carly: it'll be all that good microwave nutrition
Ali: Gurl
Ali: Please, please PLEASE stop by the restaurant
Ali: I'll tell Gus and co, put it on my tab
Ali: If I could I'd be bringing you meals myself but I ain't gone be here
Ali: Promise bitch
Carly: itd be wasted on these tastebuds
Carly: dead too
Carly: youve got enough mouths to feed, bitch
Ali: then grub is grub so shut up and like it
Ali: need them nutrients
Ali: scrappy lil thing 😘
Carly: when she's a feeder. Thought you stopped fancying me years back
Ali: Oh no, I'm just out here biding time, poppin' out kids, 'til you come to your senses
Carly: i'll bring my imaginary kid when i roll up
Carly: you can name it
Ali: Ugh, my favourite bit!
Ali: know the way to my 💚 babe
Ali: I'll be pondering
Carly: boy or girl since you know everything
Ali: I'd have to run some tests
Ali: not bought from the chemists
Ali: lemme get the string and ring and be right there, like
Carly: ha
Carly: what do you do with that
Carly: tie me down
Ali: Literally, hog-tied and wifed up in one
Carly: casual weekday
Ali: you know it
Ali: how else did i end up the teen mum trash i am today
Carly: you arent
Carly: youre the best mum
Carly: if i was having any babies id want tips
Ali: Stop! 😭 When she's trying to break you #killabitchwithkindness
Ali: I'll set up the mummy blog now 😉 get in on it before i'm mega famous and getting those nappy brand deals
Carly: no need to link me
Carly: clueless and childless until death
Ali: hey, doesn't sound like the worst life to me
Ali: former bliss, latter...probs the same
Carly: when you going?
Carly: to singapore not the afterlife
Ali: just over a week
Ali: scary stuff, man
Carly: won't see you then
Carly: busy girl you are
Ali: I can make time
Ali: My Mother will be having an aneurysm but I'm pretty chill, ya know 😜
Carly: yea
Carly: thatd be good
Ali: Wicked, might have some kiddos in tow, at least the bab, can throw the others into Nursery mwahahaha
Ali: want me to bring the gun again, give you something to remember me by? 👌😋
Carly: aw
Carly: but the boys my fave
Carly: yea you should
Ali: when she wants you to bring a man
Ali: #baitedagain
Ali: you are his fave, why not, play dates are the chillest form of socialisation
Ali: fuck the club tbh
Ali: I will then
Ali: matching? be dem hoes?
Carly: ha
Carly: when hes that cute
Carly: aw
Carly: yea we have to
Carly: everyones thinking it
Ali: 🙌 let 'em think, make 'em talk
Carly: ill miss you
Ali: i'll miss you too
Ali: but i won't let ya, be on that phone 24/7
Ali: i've been made to swear on my life i'll be back for christmas, s'only a few months
Ali: we'll catch up then?
Carly: yea
Carly: theres your gift
Ali: yay, i'll bring you back some cool shit we don't have here no doubt
Carly: better drugs or worse
Carly: let me know
Carly: dont wanna fill your case with any old shit
Ali: with MY vagina? baggies fall right out
Ali: soz babe
Ali: mail order bride?
Ali: you know you wanna
Carly: ha
Carly: drew'd be happy
Carly: so yea should do
Ali: hm, i'll get him a keyring
Ali: 😉
Carly: he is always losing mine
Ali: See? I just KNOW things
Carly: bring him an address book too cant pretend he dont know where i am
Ali: He needs that alright
Ali: maybe I'll invent a microchip while I'm out there
Ali: hotwire his brain
Carly: yea
Carly: make me one too
Carly: different programming but
Ali: I will
Ali: get your requests in now
Carly: ill do my list
Ali: So many lists
Ali: my head is lists
Ali: as if they don't have socks there 🙄
Carly: use mine for storage
Carly: its emptied out
Ali: nah, might be nights out lights out
Ali: but you still in there
Ali: better be, not gotta make a cake but you know I'm coming so 💚
Carly: never made one but for you id give it a try
Carly: especially if you bring my fave boy
Ali: Obviously! Mum rule #1, bribe 'em with sugar, always
Ali: 😍 lets make fairy cakes #domesticgoddesses
Carly: dont think the caravan is kitted out for that
Carly: but yea
Ali: come over here man
Ali: there isn't a kitchen better stocked
Ali: can't even take the cred
Carly: serious? i can
Ali: Of course, hell yeah
Ali: ngl, save me getting out the pram of hell, double wide, you'd see me coming from a mile off 🙄😂
Carly: gonna borrow that when im feeling tired
Carly: ill fit
Ali: you probably would, its tempting
Ali: get Junie walking for me and there's a spot with your name on it
Carly: run into my arms sweet boy
Ali: [Sends Junior selfie]
Ali: The look of love, he's buzzin'
Carly: aw
Carly: trying to make me wish there is a kid in here
Carly: if its a boy like him
Ali: they'll work on you like that
Ali: sneaky adorable bastards
Carly: itd be a rio
Carly: i know
Ali: shh, she might hear you 😜
Ali: i can't hold her back, gurl, you'll be on your own
Carly: junie will protect me
Ali: Fair, he's her weak spot
Ali: Solid plan
Carly: whats edie gonna say
Carly: havent even seen her
Ali: she's not much of a talker
Ali: i'll whack my tit out if she gets aggro
Ali: that always works
Carly: on all the girls yea i know
Ali: you said it baby
Carly: war flashbacks happening
Carly: been on more tits than you
Ali: alright, don't rub it in
Ali: straight bitch
Carly: dont say rub
Carly: ive done my time
Ali: 😂 you say that but no one forced you
Ali: self-inflicted punishment still punishment, yeah?
Carly: yea yea
Ali: Well, I better go buy those vacuum pack things
Ali: need anything?
Carly: fun
Carly: no thanks
Carly: im set
Ali: coolio, catch you in a bit bitch 💋
Carly: love you bitch
Ali: always gon' love you
0 notes
hatnews3-blog · 5 years
Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Good Place, Riverdale, Timeless, B99, Resident, Million Little Things, Flash and More
Got a scoop request? An anonymous tip you’re dying to share? Send any/all of the above to [email protected]
Question: Got any Riverdale scoop? What’s next for Archie? —Kerri Ausiello: When we last saw Archie in the fall finale, he was dyeing his famous red locks and making a run for the Canadian border. Executive producer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa won’t tell us who he finds when he gets there, but “he is headed into the Canadian wilderness, for sure.” He won’t be seeing his dad Fred in the flesh anytime soon, though: It wasn’t shown on-screen, but the EP confirms that Fred did make it back into Riverdale before the quarantine came down.
Question: Any Million Little Things scoop? My friends and I are obsessed with it and hope it’s back for another season. —Montreal4 Ausiello: Remember how showrunner DJ Nash said that everyone in the group of friends has a secret they’ve kept? Look for Regina’s to come to light in Episode 14.
Question: Any scoop on what to expect when Grey’s Anatomy returns? —Al Ausiello: I will have a special holiday treat for you this coming Monday, so sit tight. In the meantime, I tried to get showrunner Krista Vernoff to share even the tiniest bit of intel about Jennifer Grey’s mysterious character and
 I struck out. “I can’t [say anything],” she responded. “Because it would really ruin a twist and turn that I don’t want to ruin.” Hmm
 I’m sticking with my initial prediction: She’s Jo’s mom.
Question: Anything on The Good Place? (Janet, specifically.) —Whitney Ausiello: Everyone’s favorite not-a-robot will be forever changed by having the humans materialize in Janet form, creator Michael Schur teases: “The way to really have empathy for people is to walk a mile in their shoes, and she did, like, the inverse of that. A bunch of people walked in her weird body for a decent amount of time
 so that is another contributing factor to her evolution.” He adds that the season finale “has some pretty wonderful ‘compare this version of Janet to the one you saw in the pilot’ kinds of scenes.” So enjoy, Janet fans!
Question: I’m glad Dorian finally confronted Kaleb about his feeding problem on this week’s Legacies. Can I stop worrying about MG now? —Susan Ausiello: I don’t think it’s ever safe to stop worrying about MG, but as far as Kaleb goes, it sounds like Dorian’s pep talk was just the beginning. “Kaleb has a lot of really big ideas, and a lot of opinions about how things should work,” series creator Julie Plec says. “Much like in the real world when a hot-headed teenager thinks he can second guess what makes the rules the rules, he’s going to have a rude awakening pretty soon where he realizes he doesn’t know as much as he thinks he knows.”
Question: The ending of New Amsterdam‘s fall finale makes me think that Max’s cancer is progressing quicker than first assessed. Will this affect the clinical trial Dr. Sharpe has gotten him into? —Malasha Ausiello: We brought your query to showrunner David Schulner, and he said: “While we can’t reveal here what happened to Max on that dock, we will in our first episode back January 8. But, you’re right to ask if this will affect Max’s clinical trial. It most definitely will. This setback will change a lot of things in Max’s life. And Dr. Sharpe’s too. Thanks for watching and caring and writing to TVLine about the show.”
Question: Will The Flash give us any more hints about what Nora seems to be hiding? —SSH Ausiello: Now that we know there is some sort of alliance with Eobard Thawne, you should expect “a flash-forward flashback episode” that explains “how all that came to be, which will be a lot of fun,” says showrunner Todd Helbing. “You’ll slowly start to get the pieces of info that you need, but there will probably be one episode where we explain how that all happened to get her to come back [in time].”
Question: Challenge: Make me look forward to the Schitt’s Creek holiday episode more than I am already. — Belinda Ausiello: TVLine’s resident Schitthead Charlie Mason promises me that, no matter how great your expectations are, you won’t be disappointed — the special totally “sleighs.” What’s more, he issues a warning that the episode reveals a potential stumbling block to Alexis and Ted’s rekindled romance that neither she nor we anticipated.
Question: I need to know two things about Timeless: First, will #lyatt have a baby? Two, is Jessica really pregnant with Wyatt’s baby? —Miwako Ausiello: In response to your second question, star Matt Lanter says, “We address that [in the series finale, airing Dec. 20]. We’ll find out.” As for Wyatt, he’s not suspicious of Jessica and her baby news. “We’ve seen Wyatt be blinded by love throughout the last two seasons, though, and this is nothing new for him,” Lanter says. “Inherently, he’s a good person with a good heart, and I think he has a hard time accepting that people he loves or cares about 
 wouldn’t be good. So I think it’s easier as an audience member to look at Jessica and go, ‘Yeah, she’s lying.’ But I think Wyatt is just more blind to things.”
Question: How many time periods will we see in the Timeless finale? —Amanda Ausiello: “There are two-plus time periods, I will say that, that we have not visited before,” showrunner Arika Lisanne Mittman shares, adding that the historical time trips highlight “ethnic representations that we have not seen before [on the show]. Both of these stories are things that [are about] lesser known historical figures. You get to meet some new people that you’ve probably never heard of.”
Question: I’d love a Resident scoop on Conrad/Nic. —Holly Ausiello: I hope you enjoyed the couple’s honeymoon phase while it lasted, because the back half of Season 2 will be “nothing but obstacles” for the pair, according to executive producer Todd Harthan. “In just about every episode, there’s a new one for them to overcome
 and they just start stacking up,” Harthan says, adding that the couple will be especially preoccupied with the health of Conrad’s father and Nic’s sister. “It’s going to be a ‘hold on and hope that they make it’ kind of ride,” he teases.
Question: Any hints on how to solve the Blindspot episode title puzzle for Season 4? —Hannah Ausiello: “Oh man! We finally built a title puzzle this season that is legit very hard to crack,” showrunner Martin Gero answers. “I will say this: The puzzle is an homage to some our favorite TV series and how they title the shows. Figure out which, and you might be a step closer.”
Question: Creek’s death on Midnight, Texas was so awful. Please promise me no one dies in tonight’s episode! —Rina Ausiello: I cannot make that promise. But I can tell you that Mr. Snuggly makes it through OK. So that’s something
Question: Got any red-hot Chicago Fire scoopage, Aus? —Gene Ausiello: I see what you did there and I’m
 very amused. Well done. The NBC drama is planning some girls-only bonding time for Sylvie, Stella and Emily. “They’re going to go on a road trip to [Sylvie] Brett’s hometown,” showrunner Derek Haas previews. The episode will air the week of Valentine’s Day, “so we’re calling it the Galentine’s trip.” Before that, though, the show will explore Emily’s “attitudes towards dating, which are different than Brett’s, and I don’t mean LGBTQ,” Haas explains. “I mean more of what [Emily, who is bisexual] considers casual versus what Brett considers casual. All of those dynamics are going to be deepened.”
Question: March is far away. I want American Gods scoop now! —Rob Ausiello: Well, because you asked so nicely
 Pablo Schrieber says the “antagonist and ally” relationship between Mad Sweeney and Laura Moon will be tested big time by his allegiance to Mr. Wednesday when the Starz drama returns for Season 2. The leprechaun’s destiny “is tied to [Wednesday], no matter what, but it’s also very thoroughly tied to her,” the actor says. “So Sweeney is walking the line, balancing what he owes Wednesday and what he’s realizing he feels in other places.” Hmm. Sounds a lot like we’ll see Laura kissing the Blarney Stone before the season’s over, am I right?
Question: Can you give us any Outlander spoilers? (Especially involving Brianna’s and Jamie’s meeting!?!) This is my first time doing this — hope I’m doing it correctly! —Carolina Ausiello: You did OK. I’ll send you some notes about how to refine your approach in a separate email. Regarding the question at hand, I turn it over to our resident sassenach, Kim Roots, who has seen the scene in question: “I have rather high standards for the huge moments on this show — the wedding night, the print shop reunion, etc. — and I was incredibly satisfied by how the father-daughter plays out in [episode number redacted according to Starz’s spoiler restrictions]. Fans of the book definitely won’t be disappointed.”
Question: Elizabeth and Henry on Madam Secretary are #couplegoals. Please tell me anything you can. —Mary Ausiello: An upcoming episode opens with the McCords taking a tango lesson. And one of them is significantly more skilled than the other.
This AAnd That
 ♩ THE BLACKLIST: As teased in the Season 6 trailer, Red will spend some time behind bars after being double-crossed by a close confidant — but don’t count him out just yet. “He’s really been stripped of his superpowers,” series creator Jon Bokenkamp shares. “He’s disconnected from his resources, he may have friends who will fall away and he’s sort of on his heels, which is new for us.” But Bokenkamp assures fans that “if anyone could embrace the solitude of a cell and the experience of incarceration with open arms, it would be Raymond Reddington. We have really high stakes, but we also have some of the most fun we’ve had, as well.” ♩ BROOKLYN NINE-NINE: There will be one major.hilarious change when the sitcom makes the leap from Fox to NBC in January. “We’re allowed to bleep and blur [now],” series co-creator Dan Goor recently told us. “Fox had a no bleeping and no pixelation policy.” Now the gloves are off. “Some filthy, filthy things have been said,” added Terry Crews. “I had one [joke] where I’m ashamed. I’m actually very, very ashamed. It was so jarring that everyone was like, ‘Whoa,’ and we needed to regroup
 But holy cow, we never heard language like that on the show.” ♩ CHICAGO PD: Burgess is not the only one who will have a reaction to Upton and Ruzek’s romance. In an upcoming episode, Jay “responds in a way I think you’d expect Halstead to respond,” showrunner Rick Eid teases, “and I think what’s going on in his head is a little different than what he says.” Eid also adds that Jay’s “relationship [with] Upton is interesting and evolving, so don’t sleep on that.” ♩ HOUSEKEEPING NOTE: This is the last AA of ’18 so happy holidays and all that jazz!
That’s a wrap! Please send questions, comments and anonymous tips to [email protected]. (Additional reporting by Kim Roots, Andy Swift, Dave Nemetz, Vlada Gelman and Diane Gordon)
Source: https://tvline.com/2018/12/14/million-little-things-spoilers-season-1-episode-14-regina-secret/
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