#welcome home fans watch out cause its mainly coming for you
the1trueanon · 1 year
hi everyone sorry but im about to start blasting you guys with my character thoughts and character design brain things and a bunch of really deep character stuff okay love you bye :3 💖
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frostedpolkabb · 1 year
Alrighty...I guess Im doing a thing XD
so uh Ive been addicted to Welcome Home since the beginning of the year...and Im normally the type of fan that just wanders around and give my silent support....but seeing all the Welcome Home AUs Ive got inspired to make my own...
....I havent made any art for it yet but Ive got lots of notes so Im just going to dump it all here so Ive got it written down some where lol...keep reading on if you like or just keep drifting doesn't matter much to me...tho I hope you enjoy my info dumping :D
OK so to start I dont have a proper name for this AU yet..the working title is Creepy Media AU for the moment but Im always open to suggestions! Now onto the actual info :P
So the main thing thats different right off the bat is that instead of aimed at kids and being educational, this Welcome Home is aimed mostly for adults, young adults and maybe older teenagers but certainly not for kids [tho this doesn't stop parents from letting their kids watch it -_-]
The show leans into some heavy themes though horror seems to be its main theme with the goal of unsettling the viewers with reminders of advice given as kids. It started airing in 1949 and has had two hiatuses since then, one around 1957 lasting a year and the second one being 1970 lasting only a week.
Since their first hiatus in 1957 their broadcasting company has been changed but no information on the company is available anywhere, not even the location of the broadcast could be found. The show had also went from being a mainly English broadcasted show to a multilingual one, being shown in whatever language was used most in the country the show was played in.
The Welcome Home! show was known for its lovable and eccentric cast of characters but also for its odd scheduling and bumpers. It played throughout the day and late into the night with the only skips being the 1-2 hour long bumpers. Depending on the time the viewer watched the show you'd get a different variant of the show. For example...
2 - 5am = horrifying visuals, sounds and a generally haunted feeling, odd creatures were mostly noted along with a few...noteworthy changes to the seemingly friendly neighborhood. [has caused many deaths tho these were wrote off as natural causes]
5 - 7am = the first of three bumpers. the mildest of them, its a bit weird and surreal as if you took way too many psychedelics at one time. Viewers might think they hear something in their home but don't pay much attention. [anyone whose seen this bumper can't remember what they saw]
7am - 9pm = the usual tv show that most people have seen, with episodes ranging from light-hearted adventures to horror/slasher plot lines. Nothing out of the ordinary here besides the odd detail or two being oddly colored or misplaced. [nothing noteworthy here besides the characters sometimes going a bit off script]
9 - 10pm = second bumper. a bit more intense than the first but again not the worst. Massive drug feel to everything as if you are on the way to having a very bad trip. Everything begins to bleed together and become oddly colored while seeing the characters head inside their homes. Wally's house become the focus with a sudden wide shot of the neighborhood. [has traumatized kids and caused many to faint once the bumper is done, an odd eye mark showing up on the nap of the neck barely noticeable]
10pm - 1am = the once happy and inviting neighborhood becomes very much unwelcoming, becoming an odd liminal space of sorts with distorted voices drifting in and out repeatedly. The camera is fixed on Home with things moving at the edges but that's all [has driven people to insanity and paranoia]
1 - 2am = the last bumper...very intense and the feeling of being watched comes to the forefront and quickly becomes overwhelming the mark given on the second bumper burns intensely. [while somewhere faint chanting can be heard]
A big coincident that acured during its run in the 60s seemed to plague the show. A cult had revealed themselves to the masses though the name has been seemingly lost to time. At the same time quite a few people [between 12 and 33] began to go missing with no traces as to what happened or where they may have gone. The only key thing tying them all together was that Welcome Home! was on in their residence. The case had gone cold after a few years but many speculate that the show and the cult has something to do with it.
wow that was quite a lot now that Ive written it out XD and thats only like the lore stuff Ive got sorted out atm havent even gotten to the characters and such lol...maybe when I get home from work I'll get all that stuff written down and posted? idk XD we shall see I guess
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agentnico · 3 years
Free Guy (2021) Review
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“Don’t have a good day, have a great day!”
Plot: When a bank teller discovers he's actually a background player in a brutal open-world video game, he decides to become the hero of his own story - one that he can rewrite himself. In a world where there's no limits, he's determined to save the day his way before it's too late, and maybe find a little romance with the coder who conceived him.
Last time I watched such a hyper-actively positive film I was seeing little LEGO figures jumping about on screen with Morgan Freeman hanging off a string in ghost form. Yes, The LEGO Movie shares a lot in common with Free Guy, not just in its opening sequence where Ryan Reynolds’s loveable Guy is starting off a perfectly good day every day with a nice cup of coffee and wishing everyone not a good, but a great day, goes to the job at his bank and goes back home, and rinse and repeat. But the character of Guy himself is basically Chris Pratt’s Emmett from The LEGO Movie - full of sunshine and innocence and taking everything that comes with child-like excitement and energy. You can also treat Mariah Carey’s “Fantasy” song usage here like “Everything is Awesome” with how many times its played, but damn if it isn’t catchy! And the film comparisons don’t end there. You wouldn’t be faulted for seeing references to Ready Player One with all the cameos and Easter Eggs and pop culture references thrown in the mix, to The Truman Show based on the general concept and obviously certain video games such as Grand Theft Auto, Saints Row and even Sims due to the video game open world that the movie creates. 
Speaking of the video game open world that is created, you could tell director Shawn Levy and the producers went through a lot of effort to research modern video games and all the tiny little details and quirks that exist. For example it was a lot of fun seeing characters tea-bag someone they just killed to then a character glitching out and jumping into the wall repetitively or the obvious inclusion of Fortnite inspired dance jiggles. You also get cameos from various real-life game streamers such as Jacksepticeye and DanTDM, and I found an interview on IGN where those guys spoke about in regards to how Hollywood can never seem to get video-game-to-film adaptations right, and how they appreciated that the producers of Free Guy went to them and asked questions and actually showed interest in wanting to create a realistic feeling video game in the movie and getting the terminology right. Evidently unlike other video game adaptations Free Guy manages to succeed from the fact that it doesn’t need to replicate a specific game from real life. There are nods to certain games as I aforementioned, but otherwise they’ve created their own entire game and as such there is no expectation to impress a certain individual fan base. So in conclusion what I’m saying is that I guess Hollywood should stop trying to adapt film versions of popular video game franchises and instead do their own original stuff maybe? Then again I do want to see that Ghost of Tsushima adaptation come to life, so yes, I’ll just go and kindly shut myself up.
Taking the video game matter aside for the time being, I found Free Guy to be an absolute delight from start to finish. Well, to be exact from 20 minutes from the start to finish. Honestly when the film began I was concerned if the movie was going to turn out to be the typical “I live in a simulation” story, and though as a basis it is exactly that, there’s so much goodness thrown into the mix with funny jokes to the cameos (the cameos are to die for!) to the visuals to the music choices to the performances - the movie is such a joy to watch. Speaking of the cameos and pop culture references, Free Guy is also an interesting film outside of its narrative. This movie was in production during the time the studio that was behind it - 20th Century Fox - was being sold to a certain little known company called Disney. As such, you can tell after the studio’s transfer to Disney was complete, this film underwent some additional reshoots and last minute changes, mainly in the finale because there are certain surprises at the end of the movie that will be a geek/nerd’s wet dream and were only made possible after Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox, now known as 20th Century Studios. Personally I still have my qualms about Disney being the massive conglomerate business giant that is buying out all the other studios, but not going to lie even I got excited and jumped up like a kid in my cinema seat when a certain something happened at the end of this movie. Luckily only my lovely fiancée saw me like this as she was sitting next to me, and yes, I’m certain that me revealing my true nerd colours definitely lost me some attraction points from her, but nevertheless I don’t care, the Easter Eggs at the end of this movie are real fun!
The entire cast is top notch here. Ryan Reynolds does his usual shtick that he’s been doing ever since he found success with Deadpool, however naturally here he’s kept PG-13 and not swearing every other breath. That being said, his charm and sarcastic charisma really worked for the role of Guy, and he presented himself as really loveable and naïve and it was impossible not to like him in this film. Jodie Comer in her role has also been getting humongous praise from critics and reviewers alike, and yes, the rumours are true, she shares great on screen chemistry with Ryan Reynolds and also is proper cool and badass as to be expected. That being said I was told by a certain someone that they know someone who knows someone who knew someone who spoke to someone who said that they worked with Jodie Comer on the set of Killing Eve, and this was just some behind-the-scenes worker, and apparently in their experience they found Comer to be a real diva and challenge to work with. So that’s now me here spreading some gossip for no apparent reason besides causing a little stir and now I can move on. Joe Keery has a much bigger role in this film that the trailers made it seem, and I must say the lad has really been doing well for himself ever since his appearance in Stranger Things. Whenever I’ve see him in anything since such as Spree or Death to 2020 he’s always been wonderful to watch. Here in Free Guy he’s no different, getting to play a character who at first comes off as a villain but then is revealed to simply be a guy working for the wrong person. Speaking of that wrong person, the villain of the movie is played by none other than actor-director Taika Waititi himself, and his role is really interesting seeing as he plays the owner of this big video game business company who only cares about money and sequels over art, which I found quite ironic seeing as this movie is distributed by Disney that’s all about sequels, remakes and reboots. Just saying. Also found it funny how even though this movie marks a little reunion of sorts for Ryan Reynolds and Taika Waititi, they don’t share any scenes together which was probably for the best, as last time they worked together Green Lantern occurred. Anyway, Taika is as goofy and over-the-top as you expect him to be, and I can see him being very divisive. You’ll either find him hilarious or super annoying. However both opinions would work seeing as he’s the villain.
Free Guy is an absolute cuddly crowd-pleaser full of casual mayhem and crazy ideas, and is sure to be a welcome boost of fun in a summer that naturally lacked bigger blockbusters due to what’s happening in the world right now. However nonetheless, this and The Suicide Squad have really made a point that cinema is back, hopefully to stay.
Overall score: 9/10
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Love in the 21st - Jay Halstead Fic - Three
"We got a name, Omar Rojas." I said loudly as me and Jay got back up to the bullpen, going over to the printer and grabbing his photo that I had printed on the way here, wireless is a wonderful thing, and slapping it up on the board next to the two who are now headless.
"Alright, this guys got priors for drugs, assault, carrying a weapon, the usual. Except he is a member of the Columbian Cartel." Jay explained as he took a seat on the edge of his desk.
"Good job, see if there's anything else you can dig up on this guy, friends, family, known locations." He instructed just as his phone rang. "Excuse me."
A whistle coming from the top of the stairs caught everyone's attention, Al had been over to the academy and pulled someone out to help us out. The guy he had got was tall and he had dark blonde/brownish hair.
"Guys, this is Adam Ruzek, Adam this is intelligence." He briefly introduced before he looked over at Erin. "Where's Voight?"
"Uh, he took a call, he went down the hall." She answered nodding her head in the direction he went, with a nod Al made his way past.
"Antonio Dawson, welcome to intelligence." Dawson got up and introduced himself, everyone following suit as they met the second newbie today, sighing to myself slightly I stood up and walked over being the last one to introduce myself.
"Hey, Kylie Platt fellow newbie." I smiled shaking his hand, that were real soft by the way.
"Adam Ruzek, and I wasn't told there was another newbie." He smiled looking down at me.
"Uh yeah, I was transferred here this morning, although I didn't know I would be in intelligence until a couple days before I started." I laughed slightly thinking back to how shocked I was when Trudy first told me.
"We must be real good at what we do then." He joked winking at me, he was about to say something else before he was interrupted.
"Hey Kylie, wanna grab a coffee?" Erin asked coming up besides me with a 'let's go' kind of look on her face.
"Uh, yeah sure." I said kind of unsure giving Adam a small smile before following Erin into the break room.
"Listen, I just wanted to let you know that if I was you, I wouldn't get romantically involved with anyone here." She smiled slightly pouring herself a cup of coffee as I made myself a tea, never a fan of coffee.
"What? Adam? I just met the guy like five minutes ago." I said confused.
"No, I don't mean him I just mean in general, ya girls have gotta look out for each other, I'm mainly letting you know because of Voight, he really does not approve of in-house romances." She said with a slight smile grabbing her mug before walking out into the bullpen.
"Hey Erin." I called making her look back over her shoulder. "Thank you, for the advice." I smiled receiving one in return.
"There's one last hit, I've arranged a meet with another deal Xavier." Voights voice booms as he strolls into the bullpen, putting yet another picture up on the board. "Ruzek you're up, you're gunna pose as a buyer and get this guy to set you up with his boss." Voight pointed at the newest newbie.
The meet was a success, the Xavier guy was quick to roll on another guy, his whereabouts currently being traced by Chicago's finest tech whizz Sheldon Jin, speaking of which.
"I got a location boss." His voice sounded from the hallway as he practically ran through to Voight's office.
"Alright, lets gear up, Platt you ride with me." He said nodding to me.
"Uh, yes, Sarge." I nodded as he walked away. "Okay, what did I do?" I asked the rest of the guys who were getting ready to move out.
"Probably for your baseball practice earlier."Jay grinned as I narrowed my eyes at him.
"What baseball practice?" Antonio asks as we make our way down to the armory.
"You haven't heard how we got Omar's name?" He asked looking over at me with a sly grin on his face.
"I haven't, how'd you get it?" Adam asked as the rest of them shook their heads that they didn't know either.
"It was simple, he told us, anything Jay says is a lie." I lied narrowing my eyes at Jay.
"That doesn't sound right." Adam chuckled going along with Jay, Jackass.
"It's not, mini Platt here took the guys bat and started swinging it around the store, there was shit flying everywhere. He was so pissed man." Jay laughed loudly, the rest of the team joining in.
"Ha ha ha, you're real funny, you know that?" I laughed sarcastically.
"Come on mini Platt, I've already told you it was badass, Voight probably just wants to know if it went down the way he was told or something." Jay said throwing his arm around my shoulders.
"Yeah, yeah, oh and by the way until you stop with the 'mini Platt' nickname you've got going on, you will be further known as chuckles." I smile sarcastically at him as the rest of the team got geared up.
"That'll never stick." He laughed shaking his head checking my vest was secure, just as Adam walked back in.
"We're ready to roll, you guys good?" He asked looking between my narrowed eyes and Jay's laughing face.
"We're good man, right mini Platt?" He chuckled raising an eyebrow at me.
"Wait, it just clicked, you're the niece aren't you." Adam asked wide eyed as he looked down at me.
"You're way too good for intelligence Ruzek." I laughed sarcastically patting his chest, turning and walking out towards the cars, hearing Jay's laughter as I went. "C'mon Chuckles we've gotta go!" I yelled grinning back at him as I watched how the laughter stopped and he narrowed his eyes at me for a change.
We were about five minutes away from our location when Voight turned to look at me slightly before looking back at the road again, this is all the fifteen minute drive has been, him looking at me every now and again.
"Hey, did I do something wrong?" I asked looking at the side of his face, watching how a small smirk made its way onto his ever resting bitch face.
"I heard about what happened in that store." He said without looking at me.
"I didn't hurt anybody and I got the name, what's the issue?" I asked shrugging my shoulders. "I mean sure some of his goods are now unsaleable but that's his fault for not telling me when I first asked." I carried on looking out of my window.
"You did good kid." He smiled at me as he stopped the car before something behind me caught his attention. "Damn it." He muttered as he got out of the car and went over to a guy wearing a suit, who I believe is the Lieutenant from violent crimes.
"Approaching the apartment now." Jules' voice came through on the com as her, Antonio, Erin and Jay made their way inside the building.
"You didn't think to tell me this why?!" Voights yell carried through the air, grabbing his walkie. "Suspect is believed to be in the building! I repeat Pulpo is in the building." He yelled into his radio just as gunshots were heard coming from the apartment block.
"Officer down! Officer down! Jules has been hit in the neck!" Erin's panicked voice came through the coms causing my blood to run cold.
"Pulpo's heading out the back exit of the building, he's armed." Antonio's breathless voice came through the radio.
"All units go! This guy shot one of our own, I don't care if he walks out." Voight ordered, nodding I took off knowing exactly what he meant, if you get the shot, take it.
"He's heading south through the alley that runs along the north side of the building." Adam's voice came through.
Stopping in my tracks I turned around jumping in one of the SUV's and taking off to where I knew that the exit to the alley was. Just as I made it to the alley a loud bang was heard as a body ran straight into the side of the car, falling to the ground with a thud, jumping out I raised my weapon and held my aim on the guy groaning in pain on the floor.
"Chicago PD! Stay down and put your hands behind your head," I yelled kicking the gun that he'd dropped away from him, Jay and Adam appearing seconds after. "What's up chuckles, too quick for you?" I laughed as he knelt down and cuffed Pulpo.
"Smart thinking." Adam panted leaning up against the car with a small smile on his face.
"Why, thank you." I smiled helping Jay stand Pulpo up and shove him in the back of the car.
"My god, I can not wait to go home and just forget all about today." I muttered from my place infront of Trudy's desk as I nurse my now cold cup of tea. Jules didn't make it, the bullet that hit her caught an artery, she had bled out before she'd even made it to med.
"I know Kyles, I still can't believe that he kept the fact that the bastard was in the building, if he would've just told Voight she'd still be alive." Trudy muttered narrowing her eyes at a figure who was in the captains office. Lieutenant Belden of violent crimes, absolute scum if you ask me.
Nodding in agreement I turned round just as Belden left the office, bad timing for him though as an extremly pissed off Voight stormed into the building.
"You did this!" He yelled as he charged at Beldon shoving him into the wall behind him. "You got her killed!" He yelled pointing his finger in his face.
Trudy was quick to come round and push him away, pushing against his chest as other officers grabbed him and pulled him back.
"Not the time or place Sergeant." Trudy told him seriously as she let go and pointed upstairs. "Go on." She told him receiving a slight glare from him before he stormed off slamming the gate behind him.
"Everyone back to work!" She yelled at the patrolmen who were stood watching the scene unfold. They quickly went back to their business. "And that, is just a taste of why you do not mess with Hank Voight and his unit." She sighed walking back round to her side of the desk.
"Platt, get back upstairs now." Voight's loud voice caught me off guard as he rushed back down the stairs and past the desk towards the garage type place where the cage sits, our private interview room for pieces of shit such as Pulpo. Which is currently where Antonio is, hopefully beating him senseless for what he did to Jules.
"What's going on Sarge?" I asked as me and Trudy looked at him confused.
"Antonio's son has been kidnapped." He said lowly before he went, I'm guessing, to the cage to get Dawson.
"Oh shit." I muttered to myself spinning round and sprinting up the stairs to intelligence.
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shimmershae · 3 years
My thoughts on Episode 8--For Blood
As always, placed behind a cut for those of you that would rather escape my babbling, lol.  You’re welcome.  
Sadly, I don’t think this is anticipation I feel.  I’m pretty sure it’s dread but okay.  Here we go.  
This episode has to go up from the rock bottom boredom of last week, right?  
Let me preface what I’m about to say with the truth that I in no way hate Maggie.  She’s been with us since Season 2 and I have an emotional attachment to her, mostly due to my love of Glenn and the way he loved her.  She’s not my favorite by any means, but the fact of the matter is, I do like and appreciate her and don’t mind that she is back because it’s nice to have old familiar faces with us to take us into the final season.  That said?  Forcing Maggie front and center after her long absence ultimately, IMHO, has not worked in these first 8 episodes.  I can’t help but feel if ASZ had been the A story with Maggie/Negan and Daryl/Leah/the Reapers the B1 and B2 story?  These episodes would have been better received overall and not feel so much like they’re trying so hard.  Maybe lead me toward the water instead of shoving my head in it next time, Angela?  Hmm?  
Oh goodie.  They’re opening at Meridian.  Should I get my bathroom break out of the way now or give myself an out for later?  Call it Shae’s choice, lol.  
That flicker of a smirk Leah gave to Carver after their mini walk down memory lane had more spark to it than the entirety of her and Daryl’s toxic relationship.  In the future, maybe Angela will lean all in on them instead of Leah and Daryl.  Something tells me Leah knows this “brother” biblically.  
Daryl recognizes Whisperer moves when he sees ‘em.  Somehow, he realizes Maggie and Negan have banded together however reluctantly.  
Pope doing it “Dixon’s” way but not allowing Dixon to do the actual thing shows the level of distrust and paranoia the man still haves for outsiders. 
Look at Daryl chewing his lips with worry for his people.  If he and Leah know each other even a little bit, she has to recognize that as one of his tells.  
Ooohhhh.  Who took the first stab at Wells?  Maggie?  Negan?  Father G?  I swear.  I took my eyes off the “ball” one second and the whole damn play is halfway down the field.  Sorry.  If you cannot tell, I watched football with the fam yesterday, lol.  
The Walking Dead logo didn’t crumble this time.  Interesting.  Parts of it looked like it had been rebuilt.  With brick.  Wood.  Other parts of it looked reclaimed by nature.  Call me crazy, but that almost looks like an eye/part of a face on the first D.  
Okay then.  Babbling nonsense about the logo over, lol.  Tell me.  Please.  Anybody.  How do the events at ASZ line up with the events at Meridian?  Because it’s night and full-blown storming in ASZ and still daylight at Meridian.  But hey.  Thank fuck we’re in ASZ.  
All the babies huddled together giving me feels.  Sorry.  I know some feel they have no place on the show, but I personally enjoy their inclusion from time to time.  It usually plucks hard at my heartstrings.  
Connie tenderly comforting an injured Virgil is sweet, not gonna lie.  
Aww.  Is that Hershel petting a scared RJ’s hair?  Unless it’s a case of me not being able to pick out and place all the little hands, which it most certainly could be, I’m thinking Judith’s got her hand on her knee and that’s Hershel’s hand in RJ’s hair.  Regardless of whose hand is where, it was a sweet little scene.  What can I say?  I’m easy because Baby Glenn and Baby Rick, ya’ll.  
Oh snap.  The windmill’s on fire and pieces of the wall are blowing down main street ASZ like steel tumbleweeds, lol.  
Anybody else having flashbacks to the barn from Season 5?  Good times.  We still had most of Team Family with us then.  They were in a bad place, hurting and lost and just trying to survive--when are they not just trying to survive?--but they were together.  I miss them.  
Carol and Lydia holding each other.  These two, lovelies, have my whole heart.  
Wells is Walker Jerky, Shaw.  Stop wasting your breath.  
“She did.  My enemy.”  I mean, are we supposed to get the impression Maggie’s been a formidable adversary to Pope?  Because she feels more like a roach that simply knows the best rocks to hide under.  Granted, roaches are hard to kill but still.  I’m gonna need them to give us something better than Maggie being Pope’s enemy simply because she didn’t want to give up her home without a fight because this is frankly unbelievable and bordering on stupid.  
Alright.  So they’ve obviously been sowing the seeds of distrust and defiance between Leah and Pope because she doesn’t like losing family but Daryl?  Man?  You and Leah have differing opinions about how family operates.  Trust me on this.  
So.  Three teams, huh?  Aaron fighting the windmill fire, Carol repairing the breach in the wall, Rosita protecting the babies that represent their future.  Choose your fighters, lol.  Seriously, though.  Why do I have the sinking feeling only one group is going to be shown actually doing their thing?  
Listen.  Am I pissed we haven’t gotten the scene we deserve yet between Carol and Connie after all that’s happened and we’re getting crumbs mainly because Angela wrongly feels the Reapers/Maggie & Negan/Daryl & Leah need more focus?  Absolutely.  You bet your sweet asses.  But Melissa fucking McBride just took the crumbs allotted her and made a magnificent, work of art cake out of it trying all on her lonesome to feed us starving Carol fans.  
Bless Connie wanting wanting to go with Carol.  What a show of trust and sister-like solidarity that must have some hate-rotted guts about to turn themselves out.  
I love Kelly and Connie’s sister bond.  No ill will intended, but It takes the good parts of Maggie and Beth and elevates it beyond anything those two ever showed us.  I really feel like that’s a testament to Angel and Lauren’s real life ease with each other.  
Magna choosing to go with Aaron makes me wonder if it’s possible she feels some kind of residual guilt over Connie.  Not guilt for anything she’s actually done, but simply guilt over making it out.  
Virgil volunteering to help.  Okay.  Damn.  I’m honestly starting to like the guy.  
Judith offering to go with her aunt Carol had me all up in my feels.  I mean, granted.  It was a blink and you miss it scene.  We really deserved a longer heart to heart between that little girl and the woman that’s sacrificed so much to keep her safe and loved her for so long, but you know I’ll gobble any and all Judith/Aunt Carol content up.  Seems to me, Little Ass Kicker is just as afraid of letting Aunt Carol out of her sight as Uncle Daryl.  My heart.  
Gracie and Aaron are sweet.  And honestly?  I find them more realistic and true to what normal parents and children would be like in a ZA than Judith and Michonne no matter how much I love that bond.  I mean no disrespect, but I really do.  
“Why am I keeping you around?”  Pope asking the question we’re all wondering.  
Not Apocalypse Popeye comparing Daryl to a stray dog.  Joe from the Claimers already declared Daryl an outside cat that thought he was an indoor cat.  I did have to internally cheer when Daryl was like “I’m ain’t gonna lick it” talking about the helping hand Pope had extended him.  
“Somehow she has turned the dead against the living.  Oh, that’s impressive.”  The thing about Pope respecting Maggie so much as an enemy is I just find it hard to buy, lol.  Like if this had been Carol, yeah.  But Maggie?  Nope.  They’ve mostly shown her (with Gage being the bewildering exception) to be all bark and no bite.  
Has the house in ASZ really become that dilapidated that they can see through its walls?  Because its original owners dodged a bullet if so.  
Look at Grace hero-worshipping Judith.  It’s sweet.  
Virgil telling Judith Michonne would be proud of her is nice but doesn’t feel as earned as if someone like Daryl or Carol that actually knew Michonne well said it.  But maybe that’s the whole point--Judith needs to hear it from someone she knows isn’t going to just say what she wants to hear.  
Call me jaded, it was a touching scene, but also?  It felt designed to allow Judith to move beyond her very normal and realistic feelings of being abandoned by Michonne, even though she gave her the “okay” herself.  Like she’s still a kid.  Wants don’t always line up with feelings.  Anyway.  Cailey continues to be a bright, shining little star and I love how she’s managed to make Judith a true amalgamation of all the people she’s loved who have loved her in return.  Not just Michonne.  I know people like to overlook and cheapen the fact, but it’s taken a village and entire family to raise her from infancy.  
Gracie really should have known better than play in front of the windows during a storm period, but oh well.  Plot point, lol.  
Seriously, though.  I feel like they’ve teased poor Gracie’s demise in a multitude of ways since the beginning of the season.  I hope nothing ultimately comes of it but I fear it will.  All I can say if the worst comes to happen is poor Aaron.  
Where are Negan and Elijah though?  Ouch.  There they are, taking on shrapnel for the cause.  
Ready the what now?  
There’s ASZ’s Baby Sitter Extraordinaire!  Barbara, is it?  That lady’s been putting in the work since Season 5 at least.  
I’ve honestly grown to love Rosita.  More of her and less of Maggie, please and thank you.  
“Let’s stay away from the windows.”  I’m sorry but I had to LMAO at that.  Still a badass moment though.  
Gabe hobbling toward his assigned sentinel.  At least they haven’t forgotten he’s injured like they seemed to forget Daryl was near death last season before the attack on Hilltop, lol.  
“It’s hard to watch something you care about change.”  Listen, Leah.  Chick.  You and Daryl obviously never really knew each other.  It’s always been obvious but I have a feeling “DIxon” is finally going to show you, spoilers or no spoilers.  
WTF are they calling that thing?  Sorry.  I have just as hard a time understanding Pope’s accent as I do Maggie’s sometimes.  
That’s not love that has Daryl telling Leah she can come with him.  That’s care for somebody he used to know.  There is a distinct difference that’s obviously lost on so many.  How can you really and truly love someone you cannot trust?  Especially in Daryl Dixon’s case?
Why does Angela hate us so much?  Giving us all these Reaper scenes and leaving us to simply imagine Carol and Connie and Kelly working side by side to save the wall?  
I think I honestly could have enjoyed this whole Reaper storyline more, at least a little bit anyway, had they not retrofitted a half-assed romance between Daryl and the story’s weakest link and if only they’d made it the B storyline and given earned deference to the goings-on in ASZ instead.  
I wonder if Glenn taught Maggie how to hot write a car?  I miss my baby Glenn.
Apocalypse Popeye is several fries short of a Happy Meal.  What else is new on this show, lol?  
I care for Maggie.  Mostly for nostalgia’s sake and Glenn and Baby Hershel but damn, man.  She’s not actually proven herself got be worth killing your entire “family” for.  But are too far gone, so.  We’ll make allowances.  
I will say at least this episode is not as abysmally biring as last week’s episode.  
Leah finally giving Pope the throat punch he’s been asking for but I’m not fooled she’s on Daryl’s side here.  She’s always been on her own side.  
Look at Father G returning the favor for Maggie saving him in the tower.  Taking Deaver down!  Poor Deaver barely saw the light of day.  
Here comes that woman scorned part.  I can feel it.  
“Pope is dead.  Dixon murdered him.  He’s with the enemy.”  
Please, Angela.  I’m begging you.  Bring Carol into this story and ramp it the fuck up.  You been idling too damn long and the car is fast running outta gas.  
Bitch really has to die to framing Carol’s Pookie.  
Rosita and Lydia and Carol and Connie and Kelly and Magna have literally been holding up this damn show while Angela farts around with the Reapers bullshit.  Honorable mention goes to Aaron but these lovely, badass ladies been putting in the real work and not getting any of the glory.  You just know they’re tired AF.  
Not my babies Lydia and Judith being the cliffhanger!  Oh and Gracie.  Angela?!  A word.  
Listen.  Carol’s already done that fireworks trick.  That Reaper dude owes her royalties.  Granted, it was on a smaller scale but much more impressive for it because she was left to be the sharpshooter.  
Angela has a point.  It is kind of cool how Team Family have learned from their enemies and assimilated their useful points into their own cache of knowledge.  
I truly feel like the Leah/Reaper storyline would have benefitted from a much stronger actress.  Just saying.  
I know Judith annoys some with her precociousness but Cailey just keeps teeing off on what they give her and personally?  I feel she’s so very talented and light years beyond her little acting counterparts so it still works.  
“They’re never gonna choose each other over the people that they’ve loved and fought for because they simply cannot really trust each other.  There’s sort of, like a toxicity at the base of that relationship.”  Straight from Angela’s mouth.  
“At the end of the day, Daryl chose his family.”  Yeah, he did.  That “I belong with you” shit only happened when he felt they were all gone, including the one he loved above all others--Carol.  Fight me.  
Overall impression of the episode?  
On its own, disregarding how much I can’t help resenting how much time I feel has been “wasted” setting this story up, it was much more entertaining than Episode 7 which was only epic in that it was an epic bore.  There was still too much focus on the Reapers when I just just kept wanting to see what was happening at ASZ.  I mean, they cheated us out of Carol and Connie and Kelly working together. Of Aaron and Magna.  Call it personal preference coloring my opinions if you want, but the characters I care about feel like they’ve been shown the backseat for this self-indulgent exploration of Angela’s OC and her version of self-insert FF with Daryl Dixon.  If we can return to Team Family?  The whole Team Family and not just Maggie and Co. against the world?  You’ve got me.  If not?  Well.  You’ll keep losing me by degrees and you don’t want to do that on the final season.  
Anyway.  The ASZ parts were my favorites per usual.  The episode could have used a lot more of those.  
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writeyouin · 4 years
Tfa request #1: what is the thoughts of bumblebee/jet twins/ blurr/ sari ( when she’s a teen! ) who has a crush on a dorky yet kind hearted person and what is thier reaction of when they kiss s/o, she fainted or got a nosebleed...( this happened to me but I fainted =u=|| )
TFA X Reader Inserts – Blowing a Gasket
A/N – Hey anon, hope you had a good birthday. Here is a gift for you.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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“YEAH,” Bumblebee cheered, punching the air victoriously. He was the only one who had opted out of the nature walk that Prowl had planned, and without Sari who was with her father for the day, he was left alone with the video game console.
You had dropped by only a little earlier to see everyone and had opted to read your book until they all came back. Normally, you would have played something with Bumblebee, but he seemed to be enjoying the single player game so you had left him to it.
“Nice job,” You said, looking up at the screen and seeing that he had finally gotten the golden relic he was after.
“Nice job?” Bumblebee repeated cockily. “I think you mean that I’m the king of ALL videogames.”
You snickered, “That is so precious. You want to talk to me about being the best player, then come back when you’ve got a platinum relic.”
Bumblebee tutted, “Those are impossible. Nobody can win one.”
“Move over amateur,” You said, taking the controller from Bumblebee and moving the small bandicoot on screen onto a level you knew well.
Starting the time trial, you caused the character to jump, spin, crush boxes, and generally beat the score Bumblebee had set. By the end of the level, you were the proud owner of a platinum relic.
“NO WAY!” Bumblebee goggled at the screen. “HOW DID YOU DO THAT?”
You stretched victoriously, “Years of practice. You know, if you play the second game and jump on the head of the polar bear in warp room two ten times-”
Bumblebee tried to look as if he was hanging onto your every word while internally, he was freaking out. How had he never noticed how cute you were before? It was so obvious. Maybe you had a crush on him too? Wait- A CRUSH! Colour rose to Bumblebee’s face plates.
‘Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no. What if (s)he doesn’t feel the same? I need to know, right now. Why is (s)he still talking about the game? Can’t (s)he see what’s going on here?’
Unable to be patient and wait for an opportune moment wherein Bumblebee might learn if you had feelings for him, he dove at you, pressing his lips against yours, making you let out a muffled yelp.
Pulling away, Bumblebee stared at you, waiting for you to say something. Blood rushed to your face, turning it beet-red. You squeaked as blood started trickling from your nose.
“Primus!” Bumblebee screeched, jumping back.
“It’s okay,” You tried to explain, cupping your nose to catch the blood.
Bumblebee practically drove off to get Ratchet, forgetting his comm-link in his panic. You meanwhile, were left to mop up your bloody nose and search for an explanation by the time Bumblebee came back; all in all, it wasn’t the smoothest first kiss.
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The Jet Twins
Jetfire and Jetstorm were listening intently as you talked about the movies you were going to show them back at the base. You had a feeling they would like your old favourites as much as you did. The twins both loved that you took the time to teach them about Earth media and its origins. You were like a walking dictionary of what was cool and what wasn’t, yet if they liked a character or plot that you didn’t, you welcomed the new opinion.
The three of you came to a busy crossing where you had to wait for the traffic lights to change. As you chattered away, the twins gave a small nod to each other, indicating that it was time for something they had been planning since Megatron’s defeat.
Bending down to your height, they simultaneously kissed your cheeks. Afterwards, your head swivelled from Jetfire to Jetstorm, who were both grinning triumphantly.
“I- I- Uh-” You opened your mouth to say something more, but nothing came out. Instead, in a rush of nerves, you crumpled to the floor in a faint.
Jetstorm picked you up, watching you curiously, “Brother, I think she may have-”
“-overheated, yes it seems to being that way,” Jetfire finished his brother’s statement.
“Do you think her cooling fans are to be working?”
“I am thinking that human fans may be slower than ours, brother.”
“Let us be carrying her home then.
“Yes, lets.”
With that, the twins took turns to carry you home, each eager to hear what you thought of their kiss once your heating systems returned to optimal condition.
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Blurr zipped back and forth in front of your house, waiting for you to come home. He had repeatedly run this one stretch of path for four hours; he’d been at it so long that the path was a mess of tire marks and scraped concrete. Far too anxious to stop for even one second, Blurr remained a prisoner of his thoughts, running to keep a hold of his sanity.
During the war, Blurr was only consumed with thoughts about the Decepticons. Now that those dark times were behind him, Blurr had time to think about other things… mainly you. He’d always known that he had liked you as a friend. You were one of the few people that could keep up with his fast mind and faster mouth after all. However, he had only realised that very day that he liked you.
Blurr hated the anxiety of wondering what you would think of him romantically. It made him erratic, like there was a swarm of scraplets living in his brain, threatening to tear him open from the inside out. There was really only one solution and that was to tell you how he felt; whether you accepted or rejected his affections, Blurr would at least have an answer and that would be enough.
Finally, Blurr saw you coming around the corner of your street. He rushed forward to you and started jabbering.
You stared blankly at Blurr. Usually, you were able to keep pace with his fast talking but there was no way to understand the fast-paced speech he had just given you.
“Excuse me, what?” You asked, dumbfounded.
Panicked by the prospect of repeating himself over such a delicate manner, Blurr pressed his lips quickly against yours, pulling away just as fast to stare at you.
Only a few seconds later, blood started dripping down your nose. Blurr was sure he had hurt you, and cursed himself for his behaviour, starting a rant about human fragility, though you only caught snippets.
“BLURR!” You shouted exasperatedly, surprised that the usually confident bot was so nervous now. “I’m fine, it’s just a little nosebleed. I- I like you too.”
Blurr, somewhat exhausted from the override of emotions flopped onto the floor. After cleaning your nose up, you laid down next to him and the two of you relished a few minutes of calm, each momentarily lost for words.
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You and Sari walked through the park on the way to meet the Autobots for a game of improvised baseball. As you talked, you noticed how subdued Sari was. She hadn’t been herself all day; clearly something was on her mind.
“A penny for your thoughts?” You asked, drawing her attention back to you.
Sari sighed, then forced a smile, “It’s nothing (Y/N), don’t worry about it. I guess I’m just distracted.”
“C’mon Sari, something’s bugging you. You may as well talk about it. I won’t judge, whatever it is.”
“I know you won’t. It’s just… I was thinking about by dad.” That first sentence seemed to unlock a flood-gate as Sari began spilling her guts, “I just worry that one day Megatron might want him back. What if he decides to take him again? My dad is totally defenceless, and he could end up building something way worse than a space-bridge. I get that it’s not likely, but I still worry, y’know?”
“Hey,” You said, grabbing Sari’s hand reassuringly. “It’s all gonna be okay. No more bad stuff is gonna happen to you, but if it did, then you’ll have the Autobots to help out, and me as well, even if I can’t punch Megadork through a wall.”
Sari giggled, and smiled at you. You always knew what to say. She only wished she had a way to show you how much you meant to her. Blushing at the idea that just crossed her mind, Sari kissed you before she could lose her nerve.
As soon as her lips left yours, you let out a nervous croak, fainting soon after. Sari stood over you for a minute.
“Hmm.” She prodded you a few times in a small attempt at waking you up. “That didn’t go exactly how I planned.”
She called the Autobots to let them know that she would be late to the baseball game due to an ‘unexpected delay,’ and then she laid down on the grass next to you, awaiting the moment you would regain consciousness.
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buckybabybaby · 5 years
Mr Hollywood (Epilogue Part II)
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Summary: Bucky Barnes, an underpaid teaching assistant in a small English village, dreams of a movie career back in his home country of America. He finally gets the break he's always wanted, and if it wasn't for you, his best friend, he wouldn't have been able to take it.
But is that fact enough to save your friendship when it's tested by the pressures of Hollywood?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader (Gender Neutral)
Word count: 1150
Chapter summary: Bucky and Y/N enjoying Los Angeles.
A/n: I can never let characters like this go, especially after nearly 30 thousand words, so maybe there'll be a part III..?!
(If the picture is all blurry, opening it in a new tab in browser helps!)
Warnings: slightest suggestion of smut, but mainly fluff
Previous: Epilogue Part I
Mr Hollywood Masterlist | Main Masterlist
“Are you feeling any better?”
Bucky must have sat back up at some point whilst you slept. From where you lay by his side you stretch, staring drowsily at him as he messes around on a game on his phone with one hand and plays with the ends of your hair with the other. Leaning into his touch, you think over his question, relieved to find that your headache has vanished and your body only feels heavy in that just-woke-up way you're used to.
“If I say yes can I still stay in your bed?”
He bursts out laughing at your whispered answer. “Oh, so now you want to stay? Is this what it takes to keep you here? Almost give you sunstroke?”
“No,” You protest. “I always want to stay.”
He raises his eyebrows. “Could've fooled me.”
Adjusting the pillows so you can sit up with his help, he squeezes you gently into his side so you know he's teasing.
“What time is it?”
“Nearly six.”
“Gosh. I wasted the whole afternoon asleep.”
“It's not a waste if you're ill, Y/N.”
“But still, I go back home in four days,” The reminder for you both is sobering. “I want to spend as much time with you as possible.”
“Are you up for a little walk then, now that it's a bit cooler? I'd still like to show you more of Los Angeles before you go home.”
“Can we go to the beach?”
He smiles across at you. “Of course.”
“And can we have ice cream?”
“You can have ice cream Y/N,” He huffs, looking over at his home gym sorrowfully. “I'll stick to a fruit salad.”
The promenade along the beach front is bustling as you stroll along it, dodging skateboarders and joggers while you decide on what you want to eat. After the heat of the day, the fried foods and sickly rich treats turn your stomach so you opt for sharing a light rice dish with Bucky, complying with his food-plan in the process.
“Does Sam stick to his diet as well as you do?”
“No, but he gets away with it a lot more. If I so much as look at a pizza I put on a pound.”
“Don't be silly Bucky,” You say, slipping a hand underneath his t-shirt. “Besides, I like a bit of squish.”
“Oh yeah?”
You hum. “More to love.”
Bucky's smile goes from sly to radiating with pure joy at your reply, and he lets you pull him in to a kiss in the middle of the board-walk, the world narrowing to just to two of you as you press your lips to his.  
“Oi, Barnes,” A voice breaks your little moment. “If pictures of you and Y/N get out, you're gonna break thousands of hearts.”
Jolting away from Bucky with a gasp, for a second time in your life you find yourself flustered by the sudden appearance of Sam Wilson.
He's only just keeping a straight face, obviously enjoying seeing the two of you squirm. Bucky's the first to regain his composure, greeting his co-star as he slings a casual arm around your shoulders, not stopping you when you bury yourself into his side to hide.
Despite this, Sam speaks directly to you. “Hi Y/N. Lovely to see you again.”
You lift your head off Bucky's shoulder, giving Sam a small wave and a mumbled hello.
“You two having fun?”
Scratching self-consciously at his face, Bucky chuckles quietly. “You could say that.”
“Yeah. Looks like it. But I meant what I said, you're breaking the hearts of all your fans by kissing Y/N.”
“Don't be jealous Wilson. You know I'm still all about SamBucky.”
“Excuse me, I don't think I'm happy with sharing,” You butt in, grinning at how easily the back and forth is between the two of them.
“You're welcome to him,” Sam says “I don't think Riley would be too keen on sharing either.”
His aforementioned other half beeps from the parking space he's just pulled up to, and Sam says his goodbyes to go and join him, calling back at you before he closes the door. “Y/N! I hope you've still got lil' Sebastian?”
“What?” You ask, confused. “Lil'-oh! Yeah! Safe and sound next to my television.”
“Good! I'm glad you're looking after him.” Sam laughs, waving. “See you later, Buck! Don't make too much of a scene.”
You and Bucky watch until the car turns off the main road before continuing your walk, hand in hand in the setting sun.
“What was he talking about? Lil' Sebastian?” Bucky queries seconds later.
“I may or may not have stolen one of your action figures from the goody bags at the premier.”
Bucky smirks at your confession. “That sounds like something you'd do.”
“Sam said I could! Plus, I couldn't leave him, he's too cute.”
“That's 'cos he looks like me.”
“Nah, Sebastian's cuter.”
Bucky pulls you to a stop alongside the edge of the pier. “Take that back.”
“Nope. Sorry, but the long hair and metal arm just swing it for me.”
“I can grow my hair.”
“All right. But you still won't have the tragic back story that makes the character of Sebastian Stan so precious to so many people.”
“Whatever,” Bucky sulks. “You keep your Sebastian if he's that important to you. Sebastian Stan, sounds like a cartoon characters name.”
“Says Bucky Barnes?”
He splutters out a laugh at your amused tone, quickly catching you around your waist and lifting you off the floor to sit you atop the bench you are stood by, tipping you back as he grins  “Say I'm better and I'll let you up.”
“No,” You giggle, confident that he won't drop you.
“Y/N,” He whines, tilting you further.
“Kiss me and I'll think about it.”
“I'd kiss you anyway, but okay.”
He rights you and steps between your legs, meeting your lips again, this time much more passionately, ignoring Sam's words of warning in favour of proving a point.
“Well?” He asks against your mouth, both of you breathing heavily.
“I think,” You say, swallowing your nerves and keeping eye contact in spite of them, “That you should take me home.”
“Oh?” He frowns, processing what you said. You can see the moment he works it out. “Oh.”
“Are you sure?”
You nod. “Then you can really prove to me who's better.”
The way in which Bucky, all in the prospect of getting you into bed, grabs your hand and almost drags you across the sidewalk and into the closest taxi, then proceeds to push you into the corner of the back seat and kiss you like its the last time in full view of everyone around, causes much more of a scene than Sam ever could imagine, but you know that when you look back at it in the years to come, you won't care one bit.
Epilogue Part III
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ryqoshay · 4 years
Tri-Arame: Braided Delight
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: ~1.7k Rating: G Time Frame: During their 2nd year in high school Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: Mainly just setting up some trends and playing with a few headcanons for future scenes. Hopefully it still works as well as a stand alone scene as I believe it does.
“Ne, Yuu-chan.” Ayumu’s voice caught Setsuna’s attention. “Do you think I should change my hairstyle for our next Live?”
Setsuna turned away from where she was contemplating her hidden cache of manga in the clubroom, deciding what to keep readily available and what to hand over to her friends for safe keeping. The other two girls in the room were sitting at the table, the redhead checking her hair in a mirror and the twintailed girl checking something on her phone.
“If you want.” Yuu replied. “I think your current style is cute as it is, but I’m sure whatever style you choose will be cute as well.”
The small pout on Ayumu’s face probably meant that Yuu hadn’t given her the answer she desired, but she didn’t necessarily dislike it either.
“Setsuna-chan” Ayumu turned to the other occupant in the room. “What do you think?”
Wait, she was asking her advice? Setsuna’s mind blanked on an answer. “I’m sorry, what was the question again?”
“Should I try something other than my normal style for our next performance?” Ayumu repeated, pointing to the braided bun she usually wore.
“Hrm…” Setsuna considered. “Well, alternative hairstyles are a trope many fans enjoy.” She pondered aloud. “However, you’ve only appeared in your introduction video and our first live, so it may be a bit early to start changing things up. Perhaps once you’ve performed in a couple more Lives you might consider something different. Maybe for our first photoshoot as a group?”
Ayumu nodded. “I see. That makes sense.”
“Besides, Yuu-san isn’t the only one who thinks your current style is cute.” Setsuna found herself continuing. “I saw many comments about it on your videos so far. To be honest, I’m a little envious of your styling techniques. I figured out loose braids for when I need to be Nana, but I wasn’t able to get them to hold properly at the base of a bun like you.”
“You tried to make a bun like mine?”
Setsuna nodded. “I thought it was cute and tried to emulate it.” The words she had just spoken registered in her mind and she felt a touch of heat gather in her cheeks.
“You think this style is cute?”
“I do.” Cuter than most of the other girls in the club, even Kasumi-san, Setsuna added silently, though probably only as cute as her… Her gaze shifted momentarily.
“Would you like me to show you how to make it?” Ayumu offered.
“Yes, please.” Setsuna replied, a bit quicker than may have been appropriate.
“Alright, come on over and have a seat.” Ayumu stood and motioned to the chair she had just vacated.
“Ah,” Yuu suddenly spoke, staring at her screen “I’ll meet you two in the practice room.” Without further explanation, she stood, grabbed her bag and all but ran out of the room.
If she hadn’t been paying attention, Setsuna would have missed the flash of disappointment Ayumu displayed before returning to her gentle smile as the raven-haired girl sat down.
“Here, hold this so you can watch what I’m doing.” Ayumu handed over the mirror she had been using earlier.
“Thank you.”
Setsuna felt a bit of excitement building up within her. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had worked with her hair. Obviously, she had gone in for the occasional trim, but she didn’t consider herself close to any of the salon employees. Ayumu was a friend, a close friend, and that made a difference Setsuna felt was worth the anticipation.
As soon as Ayumu’s brush made its first pass through Setsuna’s hair, she knew her feelings had been correct. It felt wonderful. So much different than when she did the exact same thing herself. Setsuna felt her shoulders relax and she let out a content sigh.
A giggle came from behind her.
“Sorry, Setsuna-chan, it’s just that your reaction there was kind of cute. Yuu-chan reacts pretty much the same way.”
It was then that Setsuna realized that the girl standing behind her could see her face in the mirror.
“Oh, I, uhm, it just felt good to have someone else work with my hair.”
“I know, right?” Ayumu smiled. “That’s part of why Yuu-chan and I often help each other with our hair.” She giggled again. “That and Yuu-chan is bad at remembering to take proper care of her hair. Oh, speaking of that,” she ran her hand through dark strands, causing a delightful sensation to run down Setsuna’s spine “you two have a similar type, but yours is in much better condition. Do you mind if I ask what products you use?”
“Not at all.” Setsuna proceeded to name the brands and types she preferred to use.
“Thanks, I’ll try to remember those the next time Yuu-chan and I are out shopping. Or if you’re with us, maybe you can recommend them? Between the two of us, perhaps we can convince her to take better care of herself.”
“Is Yuu-san really that bad?” Despite asking the question, Setsuna couldn’t say she was surprised by the information.
“Not all the time,” Ayumu admitted “just when she gets hyper-focused on something, like right now, with idols.”
“Well, I cannot blame here there.” Setsuna grinned. “School idols are amazing.”
“Yes, they are.” Ayumu agreed.
“You know, I’m really glad you and Yuu-san spearheaded the reformation of the club.”
“Kasumi-chan probably did more than either of us.”
“Perhaps, though I’ve already spoken to her and expressed my gratitude. But I haven’t really thanked you two for your efforts; Yuu-san for her support and you… how to put it…” Setsuna paused “for being a worthy rival.”
“Eh? Worthy rival? Me?”
“Very much so.” Setsuna chuckled. “I loved your first Live and look forward to what you bring to the stage next time. The others were great too, but there’s a certain… purity to your performance that the other just don’t have, myself included. You’re helping me realize that there is more to being a school idol than I first thought. A lot more. But it’s a wonderful learning experience.”
Ayumu was quite for a moment, just long enough for Setsuna to start worrying if she had said something wrong. Or said to much, again.
“Thank you.” The redhead finally murmured.
Setsuna could see in the mirror that pink was beginning to dust the other girl’s cheeks. It was a somewhat similar reaction to Yuu’s compliments. And for some reason that made Setsuna feel good.
“Anyway, you’re all set.” Ayumu’s voice returned to normal. “How does that look?”
Wait, she was done already? Setsuna realized she had been so focused on the conversation and how much she was enjoying Ayumu working with her hair that she hadn’t paid attention to the process. She quickly glanced in the mirror at her new style.
“It looks good. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Think you can do it yourself?”
“Oh, uhm…” Quick, think of something “I actually learn best by doing…”
“Do you want me to guide you through doing it on the other side?” Ayumu offered.
“Yes, please.” Thank goodness.
“Ayumu! Setsuna-chan!” Yuu’s attention homed in on the two girls entering the room.
“Senpai, wait!” Kasumi’s call fell on deaf ears as the twin-tailed girl ran over.
“You two look soo~ cute!” Yuu practically squealed. “I love it! Oh, what’s this?” Her hand found the braided tail off one of Setsuna’s buns.
“Since Setsuna-chan has longer hair than I do, I thought we might try to get a little fancy.” Ayumu explained.
“Ayumu-san is a good teacher.” Setsuna stated proudly. “While I can’t say I’m completely confident that I could do it perfectly on my own right now, I think I could practice enough with what she’s taught me so far that I could eventually make one as good as hers.”
“Ah, I see.” Yuu laughed. “Or you could just have her do it again for you.”
“Ayumu taught me how to dye my hair like this.” She brushed at the end of one of her side tails for emphasis. “But I still like it better when she does it.”
“Well,” Ayumu spoke up “there was also the time you…”
“Ayumu~!” Yuu interrupted with a whine. “That’s supposed to be secret!”
“Sorry, sorry.” Ayumu couldn’t help sticking out her tongue a bit as she didn’t feel particularly apologetic. It was fair to turn the tables on the teasing every so often after all.
“Oh, idea!” Yuu quickly returned to her former excitement. “You should teach me how to make that style as well, then I could help you with it!” She bounced on the balls of her feet. “And then if I learn other styles, I could help all of you guys, or anyone that needed help before Lives and photoshoots and stuff.”
For some reason, Ayumu felt a tiny flash of disappointment that Yuu didn’t mention styling her own hair. Granted, her childhood friend had worn twin tails almost the entire time they had known each other, so she was fairly set in her ways. But Ayumu couldn’t help imagining what Yuu might look like wearing different styles.
Setsuna, on the other hand… The raven-haired girl seemed much more open to the idea of different, or alternate as she called them, hairstyles. Perhaps Ayumu could test a few ideas on her…
“That’s a wonderful idea, Yuu-san.” Setsuna’s voice brought Ayumu back to reality. “I love how you’re always looking for new ways to support us.”
“What do you think, Ayumu?” Yuu asked, her gaze not having left the redhead.
Ayumu nodded. “I agree that it’s good idea. And I will help where I can.”
“Awesome!” Yuu cheered. “Now let’s get to practice!” She grabbed the other two girls’ hands and dragged them into the room.
As she and Setsuna followed their energetic friend, Ayumu stole a glance over. She’d done quite a nice job. Twin braided buns suited Setsuna surprisingly well. She watched as several other club members turned their attention to them and offered their commentary. Setsuna was the target of most of the praise, but that was fine; the passionate idol handled such things far better than Ayumu anyway, what with her contagious smile and all.
Even as she deferred the compliments that did make it her way, Ayumu was still happy that something as simple as a couple hair buns could earn such a positive reaction from her friends. Yes, Ayumu was confident that she needed to style Setsuna’s hair again. Soon.
Author’s Notes Continued in Followup Post
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deacied · 5 years
evening sun  .  //  one .
summary: messaging stupid things to your celebrity crush on instagram has no repercussions because it’s not like they’re going to read it anyway! obviously this doesn’t entail sexual harassment or general creepiness, but sending a meme they’d like or a picture or maybe something actually stupid like your phone number seems irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
or the one where you dm joe on instagram and your life actually changes
warnings: none other than like fluff 
word count: 1.7k
    she sends the stupidest message she has possibly ever typed in her entire life (eighth grade, angsty teen posts on myspace included) to him in the second week of march. the chances were low that he would open her dm, but he had been known to ever so often answer a handful at a time, and what did she have to lose if he did answer the message? she had sent him other things before as if he were her best friend, memes that reminded her of him or funny t-shirt ads, whatever it had been that she thought might have him grinning to himself--- however, clearly the response never-received wasn’t with this particular “friend”. she didn’t really know him, and he, blissfully unaware of her existence, yet she tried weakly to get the attention of him while he received thousands of others flooding his messages doing just the same. it was just a bit of fun really. a shirt that showed a t-rex wearing mickey ears, “wrong park!“ written across it had her laughing manically to herself before sending the post over to joe. she hoped she would see him in that shirt soon.
    it was a hopeless cause that, well, wouldn’t crush her if the odds weren’t in her favor. nearly a month after she had sent the stupidest message, a notification of a new text pings through her phone. a glance over to it only to be met with an unknown number loses her attention as quick as it held it. she yawns. the action comes of mainly boredom though sleepiness threatens to claw its way into dominance as the summer rain continues to pummel unto the roof, warm florida air shifting through the porch, and the novel in her hand losing focus. a nap would be good-- perfect actually.
    the crackle of lightning followed by a gargle of thunder shook her out of her sleep only an hour later and back into reality. every afternoon without fail, the casual shower of rain would pass over her family home just after three as if mother nature were taking her time with her garden. florida often promised hurricanes so the thunderstorms weren’t uncommon, but this particular one wasn’t supposed to hit until thursday, and with it being only tuesday, she knew this storm would last forever now: the earlier they came, the longer and harder they reined apparently. notifications sound off at a quick rate, though she easily dismisses it as something extraordinary going on in the group chat. trekking back into the house with book and phone in hand, her free fingers pass over her dogs’ heads as she passes them to head to her room. the thought of a shower to wash away the dampness from outside was the most ideal option she possessed, however, the implied doom her mother promised of a shower during a thunderstorm was the least. more notifications go off in time before she turns off the ringer entirely and plugs it into the charger. sixty-four (jesus) messages in the group chat on discord, another twenty-one from the same group on instagram, and god knows how many more on snapchat, but the one, singular cluster of notifications tucked at the bottom that held her interest had her pausing with head tipping in interest: another message from the unknown number.
lower lip curls between teeth as brows furrow an inch together. finally clicking on the messages, she feels like she might throw up as her eyes follow the pixels. holy. fucking. shit.
FROM unknown 11:18 am: It’s super dangerous giving your phone number to strangers on the internet you know? FROM unknown 11:20 am: I tried to call and kind of chickened out. I got nervous and I’m sorry. FROM unknown 11:43 am: Oh my god, did you really shoot your shot and just leave the court?
    she has to read the messages at least eight times, take a screenshot, send it to her brother, and have him confirm she’s not having a stroke before she can go back to the originals with an intent to reply. thumbs hover over keys making absentminded shapes as she breathes deeply, loudly, anxiously trying not to have a whole mental breakdown. the message directly referenced her messages to none other than the boy from jurassic park, the bassist of bohemian rhapsody, the very angry baseball player of undrafted. there was absolutely no way that this was actually, truly, literally joseph francis mazzello iii. couldn’t be. nope. not happening. she doesn’t know what to reply back with for a good long moment, taking a second to collect herself and open up instagram to confirm for the hundredth time now that this is who she thinks it is.
    the dm’s screen welcomes her, exhale escaping lowly as she clicks on joe_mazzello’s chat. he hadn’t replied -clearly, she most definitely would have received a notification for that or else instagram would have a very angry woman on their hands- but he had opened it. the time read 3:56am two weeks ago when he read them. her head falls backwards as the mental math floods hurriedly through her brain, trying to understand: so he had called a week after reading them apparently, and then waited another week before engaging contact again. he... he had been thinking about this for a while; it wasn’t just a spur-of-the-moment ploy to entertain a fan. god, she might throw up actually this time. thumbs navigate to open the texts from the unknown number again just to make sure they hadn’t magically dissolved into thin air. a slow exhale. one more final time she moves over the keys.
TO unknown 12:56 pm: who is this? TO unknown 12:57 pm: if this is who i think it is i’m gonna Lose My McFreakin Mind
    she nods to herself as they send--- vague enough that whomever was on the other side wouldn’t think something strange was going on no matter what the outcome turned out to be. it had happened once where a friend texted the wrong number instead of her, asking if “mc fuckhead” was there. (that was an incredibly fun inside joke to explain.) head tips to the side slightly, hopping her train of thought from joe mazzello and him genuinely thinking of you to how strange every inside joke must sound to people outside of the inside. another vibration of the device jerks her back to the matter at hand, unable to help her heart thumping uneasily.
FROM unknown 1:26 pm: Hi, I’m Joe Mazzello from Jurassic- I mean, Bohemian Rhapsody and you’re watching Disney Channel! FROM unknown 1:26 pm: Thank God you’re a multiple text person too FROM unknown 1:27 pm: Please don’t Lose Your McFreakin Mind! FROM unknown 1:27 pm: Wait. FROM unknown 1:27 pm: .....Is this (@ y/ig)? Did I just fuck everything up with an actual wrong number?
    suspicions couldn’t get more confirmed than that. her next set of texts goes out rapidly and without much second thought, a stupidly huge smile graced on her face that probably made her look like a maniac--- but really, if any person’s celebrity crush had texted them wouldn’t they have the exact same reaction? actually, now that y/n thinks about it, she’s being really, really calm. the internal screaming stays internal -thank the lord- though her cheeks already ache from the face-splitting grin she currently wears.
TO unknown 1:33pm: if i’m (@ y/ig) then wouldn’t you be @joe_mazzello? no? just me? ok TO unknown 1:33 pm: but hi yes i’m y/n ??? holy shit ??? what the fuck ??? TO unknown 1:34 pm: definitely losing my mind rn   TO unknown 1:34 pm: but also 👀 real talk i was 👀 actually asking you 👀 out TO unknown 1:34 pm: like if you wanted to hang out 👀 haha
    as soon as the last one sends, her heart drops with fear. fuck, what if the actor just wanted to do a fan a favor and answer her dm just for shits and giggles, or, best (worst?) case scenario he wanted to online-befriend her. she can very easily lose the one single chance she’s gotten and--- god, yes, definitely going to throw up. she sends another message in a haste, praying to whomever was up above that her last text actually saved her ass. he responds in actual record time, the girl tucked up on her bed unable to help the excited and very, very, very ugly squeal she let out as she starts reading the messages.
FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: Interesting.... I’ll have to accept your proposal. We meet at dawn! FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: But you’re in Florida right? I think I read that on your account, I hope I didn’t just pull that out of my ass. FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: I haven’t been to Universal down there in God knows how long and I was planning to go at the end of the month funnily enough FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: If dinosaurs and King Kong and Harry Potter and whateva are your thaaaang
    an anxious groan soon follows-- of course this was the alternating year she had gotten a disney annual pass instead of a universal one like last year, and upon further inspection of prices, her bills due, and her bank account, it was a couple hundred dollars she definitely didn’t have to spend. she sets her phone down to calm her now raging anxiety, skin heating up and palms sweating profusely until she fists her comforter in hopes to dry them. asking an actual rich and famous person for financial help just to hang out with them was forcing her eyes to prick with tears-- she had to find something else, right? they could work something else out and she was just overreacting. it takes her verbally saying “you’re crying over universal, chill the heck out” before she comprehends and truly relaxes, tension melting out of her back as a slow breath falls from anxiety ridden lungs.
TO joe omg 1:42 pm: i actually love universal but i have a disney pass right now if maybe that was something you wanted to do TO joe omg 1:43 pm: idk if you’ve ever been to disney world but its so much better than disneyland if i’m honest lmao i’ve gone to california once and i went and i wasn’t super impressed TO joe omg 1:43 pm: i mean it was really cool cause it was the original disney but rides and attractions wise you know what i mean??? anyway im rambling wtf
    the conversation rolls with no further lulls in topics to talk about, one in the afternoon soon turning to one in the morning and her eyes threatening to droop closed. with a final goodnight text the pair decide to resume conversation in the morning, and lord, did she have something to excitedly scream about then.
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Sweet Pea//Big Fun
March 1st 2019. Dear Diary, which is just my inner monologue as I walk to school. I believe I’m a good person. You know, there’s good in everyone, and here we are! I was asked by Kevin to help him with his new musical. Heathers! Hence this format of inner monologue. I thought I’d get in the mood. Anyway, today is the first day of rehearsal! And well, I’m nervous. I looked at the cast list and saw that Sweet Pea was JD, perfect casting by the way. Well done Kevin. Anyway, I have liked Sweet Pea since the students from Southside High were transferred, however as I arrive with ten minutes to spare and look around the other kids that I’ve known all my life. I realize, none of them know me. So how’s he going to? What happened. 
“Freak!” A footballer shouts at someone. 
“Slut!” Another one shouts at someone on the River Vixens. 
“Burnout!” Is heard from the end of the corridor, quickly followed by...
“What kind of insult is that?” I mumbled and get bumped into. 
“Poser.” Is heard from a classroom, but I’m pretty sure that was from a teacher. 
“Lard-ass.” Yep, definitely a teacher. 
Thinking back, I remember how tiny we were. So happy and shiny. Me and Archie would play tag, and I remember he would do anything not to get chased. 
“Freak! Slut! Loser!” They are thrown around like people’s actual names and you can’t help but shake your head. 
Singing and clapping. Laughing and napping. Baking cookies, eating paste. It was mainly Reggie who would eat the glue paste. 
“Stuck up!” Your thoughts are interrupted when you realize that you’ve walked in on somebody’s argument. But like everybody else, they don’t notice you and just continue to argue. 
Then we got bigger, that was the trigger. 
“Sorry.” You apologize when you bump into someone. 
“Get the fuck out of my way.” They reply and push past you. 
Welcome to my school, this ain’t no high school. This is the Thunder-dome. Just hold your breath Y/n and count the days. Graduation is soon. College will be paradise, if I’m not dead by June.
“Trailer park trash!” A footballer shouts. 
“Shut the fuck up!” A familiar voice shouts back and you look up. Sweet Pea is stood just in front of you looking angry as normal. 
But I know, I know, life can be beautiful. I pray, I pray, for a better way. If we changed back then, we could change again. We can be beautiful...
“Ow!” Fangs complains after being pushed over. 
“Just not today.” You sigh. 
“Y/n!” Evelyn interrupts your thoughts. 
“Yeah?” You asked. 
“Kevin told me to haul your ass to the auditorium.” 
“Sure.” You smiled and linked with her. She may be weird but Evelyn seemed nice enough, and she was the only person who seemed to actually notice you, apart from Kevin.  You made your way to the auditorium with Evelyn, who was rambling beside you. Once you got there, the main cast was already seated and waiting so you decided you would sit next to Evelyn. Kevin smiled at you before diverting his attention to the group. 
“Greeting Heathers family.” He started. “Before we start today, there’s been a slight change to our creative team. You all know Evelyn Evernever has been helping me produce the musical.” He smiled at her and everyone sighed. “But I’ve also asked Evelyn to step up and be my co-director.” He finished and everyone looked at each other confused. She stood up, and walked towards the front, stopping beside Kevin. 
“Yay.” She laughed slightly. “So fun!” 
“What? Kevin. No you always direct the musical alone.” Betty argued. 
“Which has been incredibly stressful, Betty. Especially after last year’s events.” 
“Can we just not talk about Midge, please?” Fangs asked and Kevin nodded. 
“Good idea. Let me introduce someone else. Everyone, this is Y/n.” He pointed at you and you waved awkwardly. “She’s helping me plan and sort of direct. She’s a fan of Heathers so she’s here to help you with any questions or stage directions. Stuff like that. Now, how about we do a rundown of everybody’s parts, catch Evelyn and Y/n up to speed?” 
“I’m playing Veronica Sawyer.” Josie started with a smile. “Outcast, turned Heather, turned outcast again.” 
“Hi, I’m Sweet Pea.” He introduced himself and you felt your heart skip a beat. “Um, I’m playing JD, Veronica Sawyers bad-boy love interest.” He sighed. 
“Reggie Mantle” Reggie interrupted. “Aka, jock Ram Sweeney. Gonna bro it up with my bud Arch, here. Just two single straight dudes, doing some theater.” He grabbed Archie and you and Sweet Pea rolled your eyes. Archie and Josie looked at each other awkwardly before looking at Kevin again. 
“Given how much dancing there is in Heathers, Evelyn and I felt we should bring on a choreographer, so, give a big Heathers hello to Riverdale’s resident Fly Girl, Toni Topaz!” Everyone but Cheryl clapped.  
“Um, does anyone have a chainsaw? Because what the...” 
“Cheryl!” Kevin interrupted. “I know you’s two have some issues right now but I really want this to work so please don’t start anything.” Kevin pleaded and she glared at Toni. 
“Fine!” She agreed. 
“Great. Lets run Candy Store! Y/n! You wanna help.” He asked and you nodded. 
It was the end of the rehearsal and nothing had gone that well. Cheryl and Toni went rouge causing Kevin to have a breakdown. 
“Everyone stop! None of you are listening to Y/n. She’s here to help. She knows what you have to do. You have to listen to her.” 
“No offense, but nobody really knows who she is.” Reggie replied. 
“How is that not offensive?” Sweet Pea asked. 
“I know a way we can get to know her better.” Cheryl smiled deviously. 
“What are you doing?” Veronica asked. 
“I’m in the mood for chaos. Time to go back to the better version of me. Before my heart was broken.” She replied, before Veronica or Betty could say anything Cheryl had already stepped towards you. “Come to the party tonight.” Cheryl smiled at you. 
“Me?” You asked. 
“Of course. You’re one of us now.” 
“Cheryl, do you really think this is a good idea?” Josie interrupted you. 
“Of course. Now back off. She’s one of us isn’t she? Why wouldn’t she come?” She asked rhetorically and everyone looked around. “So its settled. Bring alcohol.” She told you before walking away, Betty and Veronica following her quickly. You looked around confused, you were never invited to parties, to be honest nobody knew you existed until this musical. 
You could hear the music from the party down the street so you were not looking forward to how loud it would be when you actually got to party. However you pushed that to the side, you were gonna have fun tonight, so you looked at the sparkling cider in your hand (it was the only thing you could find in the house) and walked into the house, to see that half of the people were already drunk. 
“My dad says I have to act my age.” Reggie complained as you walked past him. 
“You heard the man. It’s time to rage!” Archie replied and Reggie cheered. Hugging him drunkly before making their way over to the stereo. 
“Blast the bass!” A footballer shouted and Archie turned the music up. You were’t entirely sure if it could have gone any louder. Maybe this was a bad idea, you don’t fit in here. 
“Maybe I should just go home.” You mumbled and started to walk out of the living room.  
“Y/n! Turn out the light!” Archie shouted and you stopped, looking at him confused. He motioned to the light switch behind you and you flipped it off, leaving the room lit by cheap disco lights. 
“Ain’t nobody home tonight!” Reggie shouted and everyone cheered, holding their drinks up. 
“Can we smoke in here?” Fangs asked. 
“Drink, smoke, it’s all cool.” He replied. “Hey! Veronica. Lets get naked in my pool!” He made his way over to Veronica, bumping into Sweet Pea. Holy shit, Sweet Pea’s here. Like actually here, at a party, with you. 
“What the fuck dude?” Sweet Pea asked, looking down at his beer stained shirt. 
“Sorry.” Reggie slurred. “Didn’t see you there.” 
“How can you not see me?” Sweet Pea asked.
“I said I’m sorry man. Shut up.” He argued and Sweet Pea lunged at him. 
“Punch a wall Sweet Pea.” Josie shouted and he glared at her. 
“Oooo. Or start a fight!” Cheryl added. “Ain’t nobody home tonight!” 
“Josie. Reggie’s folks have a waterbed. Why don’t we go upstairs, rest your head.” He winked and Josie rolled her eyes. Reggie wrapped an arm around you and smiled. 
“Lets rub each other’s backs. While watching porn on Cinemax! Wait, sorry, you’re not Veronica.” 
“Yeah. I know.” You replied and shrugged him off you. 
“Who are you again? Actually doesn’t matter. I see Veronica!” He replied and wandered away. 
“The folks are gone!” Archie shouted, talking a break from making out with Josie. 
“Its time for big fun!” Everyone shouted. 
“Big fun?” You questioned. 
“We’re up till dawn!” Kevin cheered. 
“Having some big fun!” Fangs replied. 
“What the hell is big fun?” 
“When mom and dad forget...” Archie shouted. 
“To lock the liquor cabinet!” Cheryl interrupted and held up vodka bottles. 
“Its big fun!”
“Big fun?” You decided you would see what was going on in the kitchen because everyone in the living room was acting weird. However, there wasn’t much of a difference between the two rooms. 
“Ok, ok, ok, So its salt, and then lime, and then shot?” Evelyn asked. 
“No, its, salt, and then-” Veronica started. 
“You’re doing it wrong!” Cheryl interrupted, pushing past you. 
“Really? Cause I feel great.” She replied. 
“Yes. You dimwit.” She rolled her eyes. “Come on girls.” She pulled them out the kitchen, and you moved out of their way. Standing in the kitchen, alone, you took a deep breath. 
“Y/n. You are looking good tonight!” Sweet Pea complimented and you blushed. 
“Whoa.” You mumbled. 
“Can you pass me that beer please?” He asked. 
“Yeah. Sure.” You replied nervously and handed him it. He nodded at you before walking out, leaving you alone again. 
“A hot guy smiled at me. Without a trace of mockery!” You squealed excitedly, your nerves disappearing.  
“Oh hey Y/n.” Betty smiled at you. “I didn’t think you’d come.” She said and you shrugged. “Everyone’s high as a kite.” She complained. 
“Ain’t nobody home tonight.” Reggie interrupted and reached around her to get a drink. She rolled her eyes at him and he winked before leaving. 
“Stoned?” You asked. 
“Zoned.” She replied. 
“Maybe I should quit. I should go home.” 
“Hey, is that weed. I want a hit!” Kevin shouted from the living room. Betty groaned before walking into the living room. You decided to follow her to see what was happening, and you were not disappointed. 
“Fill that joint.” People chanted quietly. Fuck it, you thought. 
“And roll it tight!” You added. “Ain’t nobody home tonight!” You shouted and everyone cheered for what must have been the thousandth time. You looked around the room and saw Sweet Pea smiling at you. “Dreams are coming true. When people laugh but not at you. I’m not alone! I’m not afraid! I feel like Bono at LiveAid!” You said happily. 
“Huh?” Betty asked. 
“Nothing.” You shook your head. “The house is ours!” You changed the subject. 
“Its time for big fun!”
“Big fun!” You repeated. 
“Lets use their showers!” Archie suggested. 
“Why?” Betty asked. 
“Because you can fit loads of people in them.” 
“That sound like big fun!” Josie replied. Out the corner of your eye you could see Sweet Pea sigh, and look at the floor. 
“Big fun!” Fangs shouted. 
“What?” Cheryl asked. 
“Big fun!” 
“Crack open one more case!” Reggie shouted and pointed to where the beer was, however you were slightly put off them when you saw Archie and Josie practically dry humping on them. 
“I think thats what they call third base.” You mumbled. 
“Excuse me.” Sweet Pea squeezed past you. 
“Big fun!” 
“Big fun!” 
“Big fun!” People cheered as you made your way out of the house, narrowly avoiding a girl vomiting. 
“Alright, people, listen up. What is Riverdale High gonna do to Greendale High at Sundays game?” Archie shouted. 
“Gonna make ‘em go whee! Whee! Whee! Whee!” Reggie replied. 
“That doesn’t even make any sense.” Cheryl rolled her eyes. 
“Big fun!” He shouted back. 
“Big fun!” She repeated. 
Sweet Pea was sat on the curb when you found him. You sat beside him and he sighed. 
“Way to show maturity.” He sighed. 
“Huh?” You asked. 
“I said I wouldn’t get that upset about Josie and Archie and now I’m sat on the curb outside a northsiders party with someone that I don’t even know.” He complained and you winced at his use of words. 
“Were you not having big fun?” You asked with a smile. 
“Big fun.” He replied sarcastically. 
“Quit it jackass. Get off of me!” You heard Josie shout from inside, a few seconds later Archie ran out looking angry. 
“Its your fault she doesn’t want to be my girlfriend!” He shouted and you and Sweet Pea stood up. 
“What the fuck. Calm down.” You tried to reason. 
“Who even are you?” He asked. 
“Hey! Leave her alone.” Sweet Pea defended making you smile slightly. 
“This is not big fun.” You mumbled. Archie was starting to shout and you could tell Sweet Pea was trying not to punch him in the face. “Yo! Archie! Emergency! I just saw some Ghoulies sneaking over the pool fence!” He stopped ranting and looked at you before turning around. 
“I hate Ghoulies! Where are you little pricks! I’m coming for you!” He shouted as he ran to the backyard. 
“Hey, are you okay?” You asked and placed a hand on Sweet Pea’s shoulder. 
“I didn’t need your help.” He mumbled before storming back inside, you quickly followed him. 
“Aw, thanks, Evelyn, but I don’t really have to vomit right now.” Kevin said kindly and gave her a pill back. 
“The party’s hot, hot, hot!” Veronica shouted. 
“Its time for big fun!” 
“I’m sick of hearing the words big fun.” You grumbled and pushed past them so you could get to the living room. 
“You need a jello shot!” Sweet Pea said now much happier and wrapped an arm around you. You were worried about how much alcohol he had downed. 
“Thanks.” You smiled and took it off him. 
“We’re having big fun!” He shouted. 
“Big fun! I think we should take you to see Fangs.” You told him and started to pull him into the living room. 
“Toni Topaz, in the flesh.” Cheryl noticed. “Here comes the cootie squad.”
“We should-” 
“Shut up Betty!” 
“Sorry Cheryl!” 
“Look who’s with her.” Veronica pointed. “Oh my god! I can’t believe you actually came.”
“You brought her?” Cheryl asked Toni, and pointed at you. 
“What?” You both replied. 
“I’ve been here for ages. I’m getting Sweet Pea some water.” 
“Likely story. Showing up here took some guts. Time to rip them out.” She walked towards you and you backed up. “Nobody knows who you are, or what you’re actually doing here. If it wasn’t for Kevin you would still be unknown to us.” She continued and you looked at Sweet Pea. Everyone was staring at you and you wished you never agreed to come. “Oh. I get it. You like Sweet Pea? You think because Josie doesn’t want him, he might want you. How Sweet. But guess what. He’s a main part, and you’re just helping Kevin because you’ve seen Heathers too many times. Let me guess, you came here because you wanted to feel like you were apart of something. But guess what, if this was Heathers, you would definitely be Martha Dumptruck. A nobody, who wants to be like the popular people, but fails.” She finished, tears were flowing down your face and she smiled evilly at you. “But lets have some big fun.” You ran out. “See you on Monday!”  
“What the fuck was that?” Sweet Pea asked, now slightly more sober. “You do know this isn’t actually Heathers. we’re doing a school musical and you’re not actually Heather Chandler. You’re Cheryl Blossom, and she would never had been that cruel.” He shook his head and pushed past her. 
“Not cool Cheryl.” Betty added and everyone else agreed. 
“What’s your damage?” She asked angrily before storming out. 
A few hours had passed since you left the party and you couldn’t help but think about what Cheryl had said. She was right, you were the Martha Dumptruck even though she was a great character, but that was besides your point. You decided you would go for a walk to clear your head, and reflect on the last 30ish hours of freedom until you have to go back to school and face everyone. 
“The demon queen of high school has decreed it. She says Monday, 8am, I’ll be deleted.” You sighed. “They’ll hunt me down in study hall, stuff and mount me on the wall. 30ish hours to live how shall I spend them? I don’t have to stay and die like cattle. I suppose I could change my name and ride up to Seattle, but thats a lot of hassle and I don’t own a motorbike, or car, or any mode of transport.” You sighed, stopping outside Reggie’s house. 
The party was dying down but you could tell there was a few people still in there. You wondered if Sweet Pea was still there, and what had happened when you left. You and Sweet Pea had somewhat bonded during the rehearsal, however you were nervous about having to walk him through dead girl walking. You weren’t opposed to dry humping him but you would much rather do it in a bed than on stage in front of your classmates. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you phone buzzed. 
hi, this is sweet pea. i got you’re number from betty, are you okay? what cheryl said was out of line. do you wanna come over? i enjoyed talking to you today and i think we could both benefit from talking to each other again. 
You read and re-read the text over and over again. Holy fucking shit. He wants to see you! Fuck. Right. Okay. Calm down.  
Yeah! You replied and made your way to the trailer park. 
Trailer 17 :) He text back and you had to stop yourself from running. You got to the trailer park in record time and approached his trailer. However, you could see someone standing outside one of his windows. 
“I need it hard. I’m a dead girl walking.” They muttered to themselves. “Sweet Pea, I’m in your yard, I’m literally a dead girl walking.” 
Was that Josie? You wondered to yourself. 
“Before they, well Archie punches my clock, I’m snapping off your window lock. I’ve got no time to knock I’m a dead girl walking.” She opened the window and climbed in. Slowly you walked towards the door. 
“Josie? What are you doing in my room?” Sweet Pea asked confused.
“Shh.” She shushed him. “Sorry, but I really had to wake you.” 
“I’ve kinda got someone coming over.” He replied. 
“See, I decided I must ride you till I break you.” 
“Oh.” You and Sweet Pea said at the same. “Did you hear that?” Sweet Pea asked and tried to look out the window. Josie grabbed his face, so he was looking at her. 
“Archie says I gots to go. You’re my last meal on death row.” 
“Thats why you’re here.” He replied. 
“Shut your mouth and lose them tighty-whities!” 
“Ha! Sweet Pea wears tighty-whities. Thats adorable.” You mumbled. 
“Come on Sweet Pea. Tonight I’m yours. I’m your dead girl walking. Get on all fours Sweet Pea, kiss this dead girl walking. Lets go.” She whined. “You know the drill. I’m hot...” 
“I’m pissed.” You mumbled angrily. 
“I’m on the pill. Bow down to the will of a dead girl walking.” 
“Josie. I’m supposed to be seeing someone.” He argued, but Josie cut him off by kissing him. He was surprised at first but then started to kiss back and you gasped. You turned and sat on the steps outside the trailer, wiping the tears from your face. 
“You know, you know, you know, its cause your beautiful. You say you’re numb inside, but I can’t agree.” You sighed. “So the worlds unfair.” You stood up and started to walk home. 
“Lets keep it locked out there. In here it’s beautiful. Lets make this beautiful.” Josie whispered in his ear. 
“That works for me.” Sweet Pea shrugged. 
“Yeah! Full steam ahead! Take this dead girl walking.” You sat on top of Sweet Pea. 
Monday had rolled around but you had managed to avoid literally everyone. However that changed once you got to rehearsal. Sweet Pea and Josie had tried to rehearse Dead Girl Walking but it came across as very rigid so Kevin sent you in to show them how to do it. Much to your dismay. Sweet Pea did ask why you didn’t turn up on Friday night so you told him that when you got there he seemed preoccupied so you just left.
“How’d you find my address?” He asked. 
“Lets break the bed, rock this dead girl walking.”
“I think you tore my mattress!” 
“No sleep tonight for you. Better chug that Mountain Dew.” 
“Okay, okay.” 
“Wow.” Cheryl interrupted and you got off Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea stood up and held a hand out to you to help. 
“What are you doing here?” Kevin asked. “You’re not in this part.” 
“I thought I’d see how the two star crossed lovers are doing. Turns out its a different pair. How does it feel, this is the closest you’ll ever get to doing anything with him.” She asked and you ran off. 
“Cheryl! Why are you such a bitch?” Sweet Pea asked and Cheryl gasped. 
“Excuse me hobo.” She stepped towards him. 
“I know you and Toni broke up but thats got nothing to do with any of us, especially her. Just because you’re hurting doesn’t mean you have to take it out on any of us. Now get your head out of your ass and go talk to Toni.” He ranted before running after you. 
“Y/n!” He called after you and you turned around. “Come here.” He pulled you into a hug. “They made you cry, well Cheryl did. But that will end tonight.” He reassured you, and kissed your head. You cried harder against his chest and he hugged you tighter. “You are the only thing that’s right about this broken world.” He complimented and you pulled away, your watery eyes meeting his brown ones. “Go on and cry, but when the morning comes, well more like when they kick us out, we’ll burn it down and then rebuild this world again.” He continued and you looked at him confused. “You’re getting that this is a metaphor right? That the world is gonna change for you. Hopefully for me too.” He added sadly. 
“Are you okay?” You asked, seeing the tears in his eyes. 
“I was alone after Josie left, and then came back, and then left again, you get the picture. I was a frozen lake, again, thats a metaphor, but then you melted me awake. When I saw you in the auditorium while Kevin was introducing you, I just couldn’t take my eyes of you. I knew that you were something special and something that I needed in my life. Shit.” He laughed bitterly. “Now I’m crying too.” He said and you laughed. “You’re not alone.” His hand was cupping your cheek while the other was on your hip. He leaned in, kissing you sweetly and you felt every cliche in every movie/book ever. You pulled away and smiled. 
“You’re not alone.” You replied and leaned in to kiss him again. 
“Sweet Pea!” Josie interrupted and he pulled away from you quickly. 
“Can we talk?” She asked. 
“Um. Sure?” He shrugged and looked at you. “Sorry.” He mumbled before following her out of the room, leaving you alone. Again. 
“Okay. Where’s Josie!” Kevin asked stressed. Everyone looked around and shrugged. 
“I dunno.” Evelyn replied. 
“We’re missing Kurt/Archie too.” You informed him and he groaned. 
“So. What are we gonna do?” Sweet Pea asked. “We can’t do this without Josie.” 
“You can’t seem to do anything without Josie.” You mumbled. 
“Are you still pissed at me?” He asked. 
“Yes! How could I not be! I thought you liked me, but as soon as Josie wants you, you drop everything. I actually thought I belonged to a group and that people were taking an interest in me but half of you still don’t know my name and the rest of you treat me like shit! I thought you were different Sweet Pea. But you’re just like them.” You cried and stormed off.
“Great. I’ve got no Veronica, I’ve got no Ram and I’ve got no help! Sweet Pea! Stop pissing people off!” Kevin shouted, making Sweet Pea storm off. “Great. Fucking great.” He muttered. 
“Y/n!” He called after you once more. 
“What? What do you want Sweet Pea? I’m sick of playing these stupid games.” 
“I know. I’m sorry. I’ve been so caught up in Josie that I completely forgot about what was right in front of me and I know that doesn’t make it any better, especially the way I treated you but I am really sorry. I’m just damaged. We all are. Please stop!”
“Fine!” You turned around angrily. “We’re ‘damaged’. Really ‘damaged’. But that does not make us ‘wise’. We’re not ‘special’, I’m certainly not. 
“Lets be normal, see bad movies. Sneak a beer and watch TV. We’ll bake brownies. Actually forget that, I’m a rubbish baker.” He said and you laughed, moving towards him. 
“We could go bowling? Don’t you want a life with me?” You asked. “Can’t we be seventeen?”
“Thats all I want to do. I know I haven’t been the best but if you could let me in, I could be good with you.” 
“People hurt us. You hurt me. Or they vanish.” 
“And you’re right, that really blows. But we let go, take a deep breath.” He smiled at you. 
“Then we’ll buy some summer clothes. We can go camping!” You said excitedly. 
“Play some poker.” He added and you raised your eyebrows. 
“And we’ll eat some chili fries. Although, I don’t think we could play poker in Pops.” 
“We’ll just go to the speakeasy.” He shrugged. “We could go to prom, maybe dancing.” 
“Don’t stop looking in my eyes.” You cupped his cheek. 
“Can’t we be seventeen?” You both asked the same time. 
“So what’s it gonna be? I wanna be with you.” Sweet Pea asked. 
“I wanna be with you.” 
“You’re loves too good to lose.” He pulled you closer, and kissed you. 
March 20th 2019. Dear diary/my inner monologue. Tonight is opening night. Three weeks ago Kevin asked me to help him with his production of Heathers, and three weeks ago my life changed. Cheryl apologized, begrudgingly after her and Toni got back together. And now I have a social life. I have also noticed that everyone has started to become kinder to each other which is a plus point! But the best thing to come out of this is-
“Babe? Are you okay?” Sweet Pea asked and kissed your cheek. 
“Yeah. Fine. How are you feeling?” 
“Good. Nervous though.” He admitted. 
“I brought you a rose. For good luck.” You smiled and gave him the rose. 
“Thank you baby.” He returned the smile and kissed you. 
“You’re gonna do great! You’ve got this.” 
“Well, I do have the best teacher.” He winked and you rolled your eyes. You pulled him towards you and kissed him roughly. After you pulled away he smirked at you. 
“You make my balls so blue.” 
“You’re so gross.” You pushed him away from you and he laughed loudly.  
“Only cast back here!” Kevin shouted. 
“I’m going!” You called back. “Good luck. You’re gonna kill it!”
Permanent Taglist: @mayaslifeinabox​ @thoseawkwardturtless​ @we--are--infinite--2 @serpentgirll​ @reblogserpent
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OKCryptid // Pt. 3 { Ghoul }
You decided to linger over one of your lower percentage matches out of curiosity. It consisted mainly of nighttime stills of the graveyard at the outskirts of the city and sound bites of popular Gothic rock bands. He didn’t post a photo of himself. The only hint you received as to his identity was that he was a male non-human of unspecified age whose name was Grindel. The tone of his profile description (Location: The Void. Occupation: Feasting on corpses overlooked by the machine) would have given you cause for concern if it weren’t for rare glimpses of his sardonic humor (Mood: Wake Me Up Inside).
You debated whether you should message him for a few moments before deciding to take the plunge. If he seemed a bit too off, you could always block him.
         You: Evanescence fan?
         Grindel: Unironically? Never
You snorted.
         You: Given the spooky aesthetic, I thought you would be
         You: Which I like btw
         You: There are a lot of gravestones on your profile
         You: Are you into history?
         Grindel: Of a sort
         You: It a secret?
         Grindel: Yes
         Grindel: I wouldn’t want to have to kill you
Although you rationalized that he must have meant it as a joke, a shiver raced up your spine. You didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Hell, your neighbor was married to an ogre that was at least twice his size, but, much to your chagrin, you couldn’t help but remember your parents’ stern warnings— Monsters can wear their masks in public but nothing’s changed. Our ancestors made us wary of them for a reason.
         Grindel: Where do you live?
Of course his next question didn’t alleviate your anxiety in the slightest. Icy tendrils slithered around your heart, and you debated following your plan B and blocking him, before your fingers typed a message of their own accord. Curiosity killed the cat, or so they say.
         You: The abyss. It’s right next door to the void. Can’t miss it
         Grindel: Nice
         Grindel: I see you too work in the food industry?
         You: A bartender, yeah
         You: Crappy job but it’s temporary
         You: I’m still looking for an artifact restoration position someplace local that doesn’t call for thousands of years of experience
         Grindel: Are you interested in history then?
         You: Of a sort
Two can play at this game, you thought. After he didn’t respond for five minutes, you pocketed your phone and started to load your washer before you felt it vibrate. He had responded by attaching a photo of a dilapidated mausoleum. A cracked stone family crest displayed a raven holding a chalice in its talons.
Your tension concerning his previous comments gradually melted away. This was an area in which you thrived. The carvings had to have been at least three centuries old, possibly older. It was, however, hard to tell due to the copious amounts of lichen and ivy decorating the tomb.
         Grindel: This belonged to the Korbin family. The last heir, Emelia Korbin, died in 1876. Since then, no one seems to pay attention to it.
         You: That’s a shame. I bet it was stunning in its hay day.
         You: Is this from the cemetery in town?
         You: I never knew it housed anything this old
         Grindel: There’s a lot of things people can overlook
         Grindel: Past things often fade away in the dark
         Grindel: I look after them though
Your ears all but pricked. Was that a clue?
         You: So, you’re a groundskeeper?
         Grindel: Undergroundskeeper
You mentally repeated the word, brow furrowing. Undergroundskeeper. Did he help construct coffins? Did the mausoleum vaults descend that far?
Or did he live underground? You knew some bat people and cave fae who were particularly sensitive to light. That would explain why all his photos were taken well after the sun had gone down.
Before you could offer a possible answer to the mystery, you glanced at your phone’s clock and saw that your shift started in half an hour. Cursing under your breath, you ran towards the door.
         You: Sorry shift starts soon
         You: I’ll text you later
         Grindel: Thank you
Although you hadn’t the time to reply, the odd nature of his statement kept your thoughts turning. Not “okay. Not “all right, ttyl.” He said, “thank you.” A part of you started to feel sympathy for the secretive monster. It seemed that not many took the time to get to know him.
You went through the motions at work, chatting with the regulars and painting on a smile whenever someone outstayed their welcome. The bouncer, a minotaur named Frank, was pretty good at looking out for everyone, but that didn’t mean you hadn’t experienced a few lewd comments and wandering hands.
You normally brushed it off and went about your night, head down and ears closed, but that night one of the patrons, a troll who had one too many, was far too insistent for comfort. You had told him you weren’t interested for the sixth time that evening and politely excused yourself in order to go wave down Frank before the troll’s calloused hand shot out and wrapped around your neck. Your breath caught in your chest as he pulled you forward. The scent of vodka and whatever trollish mead he had been pouring into it stung your nose. You weakly struggled as his tusks scraped against your face in an attempt at a kiss. 
You sent a silent prayer that someone would intervene and, a few seconds later, a few orc bikers that were regulars pulled him off. The troll growled something in his native tongue and threw a few punches. You watched in relief as Frank ran over and got him in a headlock from behind. One of the bikers—Zadok, you thought it was—bellowed at you to call the police.
The troll paled, blurry eyes rapidly blinking. He stopped struggling. “Whateva.’ Ah’ll leave. Jus’ let go o’ me.”
Zadok looked at you. “You want to press charges on this asshole?”
You looked at him, hand over your racing heart, and remembered a news headline from days prior. There was a robbery at a convenience store. Just some teenage kids sneaking around and trying to pilfer some booze. The elf got off scot free. The troll with him was sentenced to five years in prison because the police insisted that the necklace he wore, a collection of claws and fangs from kills starting after his coming-of-age ceremony, was a weapon.
You thickly swallowed and shook your head. “He’s drunk. Just let him go.”
Frank escorted him out, yelling after him that if he saw him in there again, he would call the cops. You glanced down at the counter and realized your splayed hands were faintly trembling. Glaring, you clenched them into fists and wrapped your arms around your middle, breathing deeply, in and out.
“Hey,” Zadok softly began.
You turned your head so sharply that the orc winced. “You okay?” he asked.
You exhaled roughly through your nose, nodding. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay.”
“It’s almost closing time, and the boys and I ain’t got nowhere to be. Want us to help you home?”
“Nah. I know you have to work tomorrow, and Marnie’ll be worried. I’ll just call an Uber or something.”
“You sure?”
He didn’t look convinced but let any budding arguments die with a sigh. “Kay. Take care of yourself, all right, Y/N?”
“You too, Zadok. Thank you.”
Those who had witnessed the altercation went out of their way to leave extra tips and, when the Lagoon finally closed, Frank volunteered to drive you home himself. However, despite your previous promise to call an Uber, you found that the crisp night air was clearing your head. Your body was also so full of adrenaline that you feared if you were driven home and tried to sleep, you’d stay up all night thinking about it.
You thought back to the old cemetery. A foolish thing, perhaps, but your hobbies had always done wonders in alleviating your stress. You had your phone, and you had pepper spray hidden in your back pocket. And, with how taut your muscles felt, you thought you could outrun anything. Besides, you wanted to see the mausoleum for yourself.
Frank thought it was a terrible idea once you told him but, knowing how stubborn you were, he made you promise to text him once you arrived and once you were safely home. If he didn’t hear from you in twenty minutes, the time it would take for you to walk there, he said he was calling the police. You reassured him that you would and then set out for your walk.
The chilly weather caused you to huddle inside your hoody for warmth, but you appreciated the full moon and the scarce stars that could be seen through the haze of light pollution. The more you walked, the more you relaxed. As you texted Frank updates, you actually felt your eyelids droop. It had been a long night. After a few moments of looking, you’d head back home.
Upon reaching the cemetery, you drank everything in—the languid shadows birthed by the yellowed moonlight, the mournfully swaying weeping willows, the damp grass and time-stained stone, the scent of decaying flowers, incense, and overturned soil. You were surprised to notice how many prominent non-human families were there. You even saw a Baron or two, one an elf and the other a goblin. You silently wished you had brought a notebook so you could jot down dates and try engraving some of the more battered headstones, but you promised yourself you would return in the daylight.
You were leaning downward, poised to take a picture of the late Yera Offley’s stone, featuring her battle-ready relief, when you saw an approaching shadow out of your periphery. Remembering the previous events of the evening, you ducked behind a nearby mausoleum and waited. The quadrupedal creature drew closer. You hid your phone’s bright screen against your chest. No sound heralded its coming, and that somehow frightened you more than its actual presence. 
“You should have known better than to loiter in graveyards at night,” a throaty rasp announced. “Didn’t I warn you? If I found one more of you children defacing the graves, there would be the Underworld to pay.” 
You fumbled with your back pocket. 
“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” 
When you finally retrieved the pepper spray, you struggled with the safety release and dropped the can.
“Shit!” you hissed under your breath. 
You reached for it and saw another hand emerge. Its elongated, emaciated fingers were tipped with ivory claws, and fine hair grew on its knuckles and what you glimpsed of its palm. Your breath caught in your chest, and you reeled back with wide eyes. It was gangly and faintly humanoid, even though it seemed to prefer traveling on all fours, and was clothed in a tattered button-up and trousers. Its ears were large and tapered into points, and its red eyes were a stark contrast to its colorless skin. Its nose, which consisted of two raw slits, flared and its mouth, filled with sharp, yellow teeth, shut with a snap.
You barely registered that you were hyperventilating until your head grew light and black spots danced in your vision. The creature retreated and held out up both its hands placatingly.
“Calm down, Y/N. I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else... I won’t hurt you.” It slowly retrieved the can of pepper spray and offered it to you. “Here. It’s all right.”
Seeing that it wasn’t going to eat you outright, you slowly accepted the proffered can and forced your breathing to slow.
“How do you know my name?”
It canted its head to the side. “The same way you know mine.”
You tried to organize your scrambled thoughts until it hit you. Undergroundskeeper. Cemetery pictures. Past things often fade away in the dark. I look after them, though. Grindel, one of your matches on that ridiculous dating app, was a ghoul.
“You’re not supposed to be real,” you said. Ghouls were a legend, a myth, a creature that humans and monsters alike referenced in scary stories to discourage rebellious teens from disrespecting the dead. 
“And you wonder why I don’t advertise what I am,” he snorted. “There are monsters that even monsters fear.”
You thought back to his listed occupation status: Feasting on corpses overlooked by the machine. You had thought it was a grunge reference, but he meant it literally. You shakily chuckled. A living myth was in front of you, one who killed grave robbers and could supposedly travel to and fro between the mortal realm and the Underworld.
And you had matched with him 65%. The incredulity of it wasn’t lost on you. 
He blinked, seemingly confused. “What?”
“I’m tired, terrified, and in disbelief at the fact that the cryptid among cryptids took the time to install a dating app.”
He glanced downward. “Tch, All the other ones have emerged. I thought…” He waved his skeletal hand vaguely before he shook his head. Thin, cracked lips frowned. “Ah, what was I thinking? If the others face persecution, the guardians of the dead will only face that much more.”
You grew silent at his morose tone, and a part of you felt sympathetic. You remembered how he thanked you when you told him you would talk to him again. 
“Maybe... but I think if there are people brave enough to get to know you, minds will change.” You paused and added, “Like mine. I... I’d like to get to know you.” 
He surveyed your face in disbelief before his eyes landed on your neck. He slowly reached forward a hand. You gasped, more out of surprise than fear, as you registered his cold hands. His claws, which could most likely rend bloated flesh like a scissor could paper, rested on your skin as softly as a breeze.
“Who did this?” he murmured. His breath smelt of carrion. You tried to ignore it, but your stomach still instinctively curled. 
“There’s a bruise here.”
“Oh.” You exhaled. “Just some drunk asshole at work. It bad?” 
“It depends on your definition of bad.”
You cracked a smile. “You’re always so damn cryptic.” 
His sharp teeth winked in the shadows as he returned a roguish grin. “Mysteries are no fun if they are solved right away.” His grin faded and he withdrew. “Still, I apologize for that. You weren’t kidding when you said it was a crappy job.” 
“Don’t be sorry. I told you it’s only temporary.” 
You placed the can back in your pocket and slowly rose to your feet. Your legs briefly wobbled. Grindel reached up to help you stabilize.
“Are you all right?”
You nodded, barking a short laugh. “It’s been a ride. My body’s still trying to catch up.” After texting Frank another reassurance that you were all right, you turned to your newfound companion. “Grindel?” 
“Yes, Y/N?”
“The initial reason I came here was to see the Korbin mausoleum. Could you take me to it?”
“Of course.”
Pictures couldn’t do it justice. The Romanesque carvings were breath-taking, and Grindel showed you a secret passage into the tomb, where you were able to read walls of names and observe countless bas reliefs of the harpy family.
“You like it?”
“I love it. I’ll have to come back with some of my notebooks. I’d love to do research on them. They must have so many stories to tell.”
“You’ll come back?”
The fragile hope in his voice tugged at your heart. Before you realized what you were doing, you knelt down and wrapped your arms around his neck. His skin was still as frigid as you remember, and it was disturbing how you could feel every rib and bump in his spine. However, your sympathy outweighed every other thought when Grindel carefully returned your embrace, hands hovering just above your hoody. If you were still a little frightened, then he was terrified of this fragile tie between the two of you.
You mustered up the courage to turn your head and gently press your lips to his sharp cheekbone. He sharply inhaled. His breath still testified to his unorthodox diet, but you found you could grow used to that, too.
“I promise.”
@thetravelerwrites, @ban23
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Ranking All 49 One Piece Anime Arcs (Yes, Even The Filler)
  On July 7th, the long-awaited Wano arc of One Piece begins, and because we're about to jump into an arc that's been building up for eleven years, I think it's as good a time as any to rank all 49 of the arcs that we have already. And I'm going to include the filler arcs, too, because even though many of them can't really hold a candle to the main narrative, I think a few of them are quite underrated. 
  49. Buggy's Crew Adventures
    This isn't really an arc so much as a sigh of relief after the runaway train of emotion of the last few episodes of Arlong Park. You can laugh at Buggy for a bit after watching Nami's soul get ripped apart (and then put back together again).
48. Post Alabasta
    You know video game sidequests that are basically around to level up your specific partner characters so that they don't get immediately wiped out in boss fights? This is the anime filler arc version of that. It's fun, though.
47. Foxy's Return
    I loooooove Foxy and I looooove the Davy Back Fight arc. But Foxy's Return doesn't quite hit home. It might be because we last saw Foxy six episodes ago, but it truly speaks to Foxy's character that he'd try to make a grand, dramatic return after he got the crap kicked out of him so recently.  
46. Spa Island
    Foxy returns again in Spa Island, though this filler arc is mostly notable for the fact that Luffy uses Gear Third to split an artificial island in half. That alone wins this arc points.
45. Warship Island
    Warship Island isn't a bad filler arc, just a victim of poor placement. It comes right after Loguetown and right after the Straw Hats have each declared their dreams. So it becomes a pit stop arc, like the Straw Hat crew getting gas and snacks before they head out on the Grand Line.
44. Little East Blue
    I like to think of Little East Blue as a celebration of pre time skip One Piece, where the Straw Hats get (deservedly) celebrated for a bit. It's cute and it's a nice prologue to the Strong World movie. 
43. Z's Ambition
    The filler arcs that precede the movies are an odd bunch, as they tend to end with the main villain of the movie showing up in the last five minutes and declaring their plans. So it's hard to enjoy them on their own. That said, Z's Ambition has enough action that even if you don't watch Film Z (but you should, as it's great), you won't really mind the cliffhanger finale.
42. Straw Hat Separation
    After Kuma wiped out the crew, this batch of episodes shows where they all ended up. And it's mainly a montage of Straw Hats being confused. And don't get me wrong—the Straw Hats do confusion like nobody's business. But you get more out of their separation in the Post War arc when they finally get around to business. 
41. Diary of Koby-Meppo
    Koby is a character that has always deserved more time, so getting a few episodes devoted to him and Helmeppo training to be Marines is welcome. Also, my dude Garp shows up for the first time, which means that I've rewatched these two episodes FAR more than I should. 
40. Goat Island
    Goat Island doesn't feel as "classic" as G-8, nor is it as entertaining as Ocean's Dream. In fact, it's about as fluffy as the goats that appear in it. But a three episode arc where Chopper talks to goats and Luffy doesn't beat up a villain but rather causes him to get shipwrecked? I'm FOR it. 
  39. Chopper Man Special
    Chopper Man has Chopper in a cape. It's worth it for that. Please @ me. Chopper Man, you're my hero, and I hope you one day get a Chopper Man & Sogeking Save The Grand Line special.
  38. Romance Dawn
    Romance Dawn establishes a lot of things that will become classic tropes in One Piece: Going to a new island, meeting new crew members, helping out little kids, taking out a power hungry warlord, etc. It's a blueprint arc, and it works well as that. Sadly, the anime would not continue the "introduce a Straw Hat character with rad guitar" idea like they do with Zoro here. 
37. Orange Town
    The East Blue saga only gets better as it goes along, and Orange Town provides a nice counter to Romance Dawn. For example, if Axe-Hand Morgan represented the seriousness of the Marine threat in the last arc, then Buggy represents the other side of the villains that the Straw Hat Crew will encounter: cartoonish, loud, and beaten in a really fun way. 
36. Ruluka Island
    Ruluka Island feels like condensed One Piece, like you'd just add some water to turn this four episode arc into a twenty episode one. It's a nice arc to stretch your legs in before you go to the big themes of Jaya.
35. Ice Hunter
    Ice Hunter is neat because it gives every member of the Straw Hat crew a little time to shine in a story that is action-packed and intriguing. If you miss pre timeskip One Piece and haven't watched the Ice Hunter arc, give it a shot.
34. Marine Rookie
    I know that we're all eager to see the Straw Hats reunite in Wano, but if you want to see more of Whole Cake's Sanji Retrieval Team, the Marine Rookie arc makes for a solid bonus round. Also, the only reason it starts is because Luffy eats all of the Straw Hats' supplies, which, logically, should be the beginning of waaaaay more One Piece arcs.
33. Silver Mine
    If you didn't get enough Bartolomeo in Dressrosa, then surprise! They made a filler arc just for you. 
  32. Boss Luffy Specials
    You know when you fall asleep watching a show, and then you wake back up and, in your grogginess, suddenly whatever is on TV looks insane? That's what happened to me with Boss Luffy. I had just finished watching Ace's fight with Blackbeard and then, boom. I was out. Then I wake up and see the Straw Hats in 19th century Japan. The Boss Luffy stuff is fun, but I think it's best viewed when you're in a delirious half sleep. That's just my personal preference, though.
31. Caesar Retrieval
    Caesar made for a fine antagonist on Punk Hazard, but he's even better as shreiking deadweight that the Straw Hat Crew and Company have to keep alive. 
30. Little Garden
    Little Garden isn't as cool as Whisky Peak, nor does it provide the emotional gut punch of Drum Island. Instead, it's mainly here to further the theme of what it means to be a true warrior and introduce giants (and dinosaurs!) in the One Piece universe. It gives Usopp some of the character development that he needs and Zoro almost cuts off his own feet in an effort to keep fighting. Any arc that illustrates how hard Zoro goes gets at least one thumb up from me.
29. Loguetown
      Loguetown is a fun arc when you consider just how much it expands the scope of the world. Smoker and Tashigi truly begin the Navy's quest to stop the Straw Hats, Dragon gets introduced in a big, mysterious way, and Luffy takes a massive step in establishing himself in the realm of pirating. However, the Straw Hat side stories in the middle (aside from Zoro's awesome bit in the sword shop) slow it down a little. 
28. Zou
    Zou might be one of the most visually rich arcs in the series. From the massive elephant to the Mink tribe to the terror of Jack to more lessons about the poneglyphs, there's a lot shoved into this short span. And between the intense epics of Dressrosa and Whole Cake Island, it's fits nicely as 10 cc's of wonder and fantasy injected into the New World.  
27. Fishman Island
    Fishman Island occupies a weird spot. It's thematically heavy, but also serves as the action-packed Straw Hat Crew comeback tour. It needs to stand on its own, but it also caps off with a declaration of war against Big Mom, a villain that won't be encountered for years. In all, I feel that the importance of the Fishman Island arc is yet to be truly realized. 
26. Ocean's Dream
    One of the final two filler arcs on this list, Ocean's Dream seems like One Piece fan fiction in the best way. If you were dissatisfied with Luffy's fight with Zoro on Whisky Peak, you get another round of it here while Zoro is being mind controlled. 
25. Syrup Village
    If Romance Dawn and Orange Town were warm up laps, Syrup Village is when One Piece begins to break out in a sprint. The introduction of Usopp and the Going Merry make for some great moments and it's this arc that got me hooked on One Piece when I first started watching it. 
24. Dressrosa
    Dressrosa, for better (and sometimes for worse) is massive. Doflamingo is a threat that had been popping up since the Jaya arc, but because of Dressrosa's scope, his defeat can feel a little lackluster, especially when you consider that he's a pitstop on the road to Kaido. But Dressrosa introduces the endlessly cool Fujitora and the Straw Hats' big pirate alliance, and also gives us the dual backstories to Law and Doflamingo, neither of which disappoint. Also, Doflamingo's abilities lead to some of the coolest action scenes in the series. 
23. Return to Sabaody
    The post-timeskip starts with a bang, as the Return to Sabaody arc is both hilarious and thrilling. The Straw Hats get to show off their newfound strength as they do what they definitely couldn't do in the first Sabaody arc (easily knock out a Pacifista). And we also get to meet the Fake Straw Hat crew, which does a nice job of illuminating just how much the legend of the Straw Hats has grown since they were last together. 
22. Reverse Mountain
    One of the major strengths of One Piece is that it can accomplish three kinds of storytelling at once—giving us a narrative that is immediately satisying, giving us a narrative that will be satisfying in the near future, and giving us a narrative that will be satisfying in the long term. In the Reverse Mountain arc, we not only get a nice story about Laboon, but we also get introduced to Baroque Works (who will be the main antagonists of the saga), and also, we get hints that will only pay off when Brook is introduced years later. Reverse Mountain is short, but it also displays Eiichiro Oda's wonderful talent as a writer. 
21. Long Ring Long Land
    I've seen people on the internet say stuff like "WHEN I REACHED THE DAVY BACK FIGHT ARC, I NEARLY STOPPED READING!" and man, why? Quitting a series that you love because it slightly diverts from the hero fighting god-like enemies in order to participate in some fun games? Everyone has their own opinions, but your opinion of what fiction should be is wrong. That said, this arc is hilarious and great. 
20. Whisky Peak
    Whisky Peak is so cool. It's an anime arc with swagger, the kind that steps into a bar and buys everyone a round. I want to be friends with Whisky Peak but I know, deep down, that Whisky Peak is far too rad to be friends with me.
  19. Reverie
    The best thing about the Reverie arc is that it makes the world of One Piece a little more conveniently manageable (Oh neat. All of the major side characters get to hang out for a while), while also opening a can of worms (What's with the giant straw hat? WHAT'S WITH THE GIANT STRAW HAT?). Because this is the most recent arc, I don't know if we've seen the ripples that it will create across the One Piece world, but I sure am excited to.
  18. Post Enies Lobby
    This isn't the first time the Straw Hats have been forced to flee a place. However, this is the first time that it's felt like they'd be wiped out if they didn't. The return of Garp (and the spectre of the Yonko) throw the Straw Hats into all new territory, one where maybe being the plucky underdog team isn't enough to save them from the threats that come. Also, goofy Franky joins the team, which provides a nice counter-balance to the hints of oblivion. 
17. Punk Hazard
    Punk Hazard is home to one of my top 10 One Piece fights (Vergo vs Law & Smoker), features one of my favorite locations (an island that is half fire/magma and half ice/snow and home to an evil science base), and introduces a character that has only grown on me with time (Here's a hint on who he is: He laughs like "SHERURURURURURU SHERURURURURURU). It's kind of a prequel to Dressrosa, but in that spot, does a great job at furthering the menace of Doflamingo. 
16. Post War
      The introduction of Sabo aka Steampunk Ace aka I'm Just Kidding Sabo Is Kinda Cool and Luffy realizing that he has his crew to keep him going make the Post-War arc into a short but powerful cap to the pre-timeskip era. 
15. Amazon Lily
    Boa Hancock is a supremely underrated One Piece character, with a terribly sad backstory, amazing powers, and a hilarious crush on Luffy. And Amazon Lily helps further the major trend that will reach fever pitch in Dressrosa of Luffy amassing supporters because he's just such a dang ol' nice guy. Hopefully Hancock will one day meet Bartolomeo and together they will start a Luffy fan club and then argue over who gets to be President. 
14. Jaya
    If you were in the dark as to what the themes of One Piece are, here comes Jaya with a flashlight. This is basically a montage of the things that are important to the Straw Hat crew, and it introduces Blackbeard, a guy that will go from "Oh he seems interesting" to "OH I HATE HIM" over the next few hundred chapters. Luffy saying "Do I know how to throw a punch, you ask?" before absolutely walloping Bellamy still gives me goose bumps.
13. Thriller Bark
      There's so much good to Thriller Bark—the spooky atmosphere, the introduction of Brook, the underrated Gekko Moriah, the Binks' Sake song, the Straw Hats teaming up to face a giant zombie, etc. And just when you think it can't get any better, Kuma shows up and rocks the One Piece world. 
12. Impel Down
    Hey! It's Buggy! And Mr. 3! And Mr. 2! And Crocodile! And our new best boy Jinbe! And Ivankov! As both a launching point for new protagonists and a comeback for old foes (along with introducing Magellan, one of the best villains in the series, and Shiryu, one of the scariest villains in the series), Impel Down succeeds. I love it more and more with time.
11. Drum Island
    I've written an entire article about why the arc where we first meet Tony Tony Chopper makes me weep, so I'll try to be brief here. Drum Island is beautiful. It's the story of a little deer guy that couldn't find a place in the world and the loud rubber bro that gave him one. It's an arc about the price of dreams and the power of having someone stand up for you when you need it most. It's about love and respect and kindess. And now I'm about to cry again. THANKS A LOT, ONE PIECE.
10. Baratie
    The Baratie arc is the first hint that we'll get about how hectic the One Piece world is. We meet Sanji, we meet Don Krieg, and we meet Mihawk (and is stronger than the whole cast of the show combined at this point). Syrup Village is about leaving your comfort zones and Baratie is about finding a home in the chaos that follows. 
9. G-8
    The best One Piece filler arc and the One Piece arc that I most revisit (it's only 11 episodes, can you blame me?), G-8 is a One Piece Greatest Hits collection and possibly the first thing you should show someone if they want to get into One Piece but don't have long to do so. 
8. Alabasta
    Are the Straw Hats ready for the Grand Line? Are they ready to topple evil villains and protect those that need help? That's what Alabasta asks and the answer is "Oh yeah." Luffy punching Crocodile up through the center of the city is an iconic moment, showing us that the Straw Hats, whether they mean to be or not, are forces of good in the world. 
7. Marineford
    Marineford is loud and chaotic and powerful, forcing Luffy into a situation where he is simply an especially energetic pawn on the chessboard of battle. It's just as much of a rescue mission as it is a quest for survival for him, but in the midst of Whitebeard and the three admirals and the Shichibukai, Luffy makes his mark. However, he doesn't do it through displays of awe-inspiring force, but through his willpower. Aokiji is right when he says that Luffy isn't "ready for this stage yet," but the thing that scares the Navy most is that one day, he will be. 
6. Sabaody Archipelago
    This is not a happy arc. It's a satisfying one (Luffy punching the Celestial Dragon will never get old), and it's an illuminating one (Silver Rayleigh, y'all!), but it's not one that will end with cheering. Kizaru shows up to put an entire generation of pirates in their place and Kuma wipes out the Straw Hats. That said, even if it concludes with the most uncertain moment in the series, it's still a fun ride. 
5. Arlong Park
      Nami is the soul of the Straw Hat Crew, and learning what she's been through at the hands of the despicable Arlong is heart-breaking. But Luffy doesn't need to know every detail to know that he needs to help and the Straw Hats walking to Arlong Park is another one of those "One Piece is literally the best thing ever" moments. And by the end, every Straw Hat bro gets a victory, Luffy gets a bounty, and Nami gets her freedom. And what does she do with this freedom? She joins a ship full of dummies as their navigator. And I'm so happy about that. 
4. Enies Lobby
    For many, Enies Lobby is THE arc and I'm not disagreeing with them. It's such a display of raw emotion and exciting battles, a nonstop rollercoaster of everything that makes One Piece great. And it ends with a Viking funeral for the Going Merry, a scene that reveals Oda's true power as a writer: He makes you sob about a ship. 
3. Whole Cake Island
    If Enies Lobby is about being a hero, then Whole Cake Island is about letting that idea go. The Straw Hats can't beat Big Mom or her crew and will have to settle with getting Sanji and getting out. And Katakuri, the protective brother of the Charlotte family, learns that he doesn't have to be perfect all the time. It's a beautiful arc that shows that Oda is willing to play around with some of the pre-established ideas of One Piece.
2. Water 7
    Robin leaves. Usopp defects, Luffy is forced to do things that no captain wants to, and a villainous team shows up that seems unstoppable. Water 7 may be the first half of a story that continues with Enies Lobby, but I find it to be the better one (though not by much). It's an arc that constantly leaves you saying "Well, what else could go wrong?" and then something else does. And it's just so good.
1. Skypiea
    This is it. Everything good about One Piece, from the powerful villain (with a great weakness), to the touching themes, to enchanting locations, to the gripping adventures, is wrapped up in Skypiea. And while I have no problems with arcs being connected, there's just something about the standalone nature of Skypiea that leads me to regularly revisit it. It's an arc that makes me glad that I started this nearly 900 episode adventure in the first place. And that's the highest compliment that I can give.
  Want to make your own ranking? Then watch One Piece on Crunchyroll! It's literally the only way.
  What is your favorite One Piece arc? How do you feel about this ranking? Let us know in the comments!
  Daniel Dockery is a writer and editor for Crunchyroll. He has a Twitter, where you can disagree with him. 
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paladin-andric · 6 years
Blackheart, Epilogue: Sunrise
The once-prince stood on the balcony of the castle that now belonged to him, and him alone. Beneath him, a massive crowd of his new subjects cheered and raised their fists in celebration.
Shortly after the end of the Palethorn Crisis, King Salign was informed of the death of Princess Clara, who had gone missing shortly after the fog first rolled in.
Apparently, she had left the castle and traveled to the city, intending on using her powers as a sorcerer to resolve the demon invasion. She was found dead in a cavern underneath the city, still in the robes she had left with.
The aging king seemingly lost the ability to take such news. He suffered a heart attack and quickly died soon after. Gira was off in the camps many of the survivors had made after fleeing the city, tending to the sick and wounded. She was unable to be reached in time to revive the king, his passing cause a greatly mixed reaction among the royals.
William was saddened. He had lost both a father and sister in rapid succession, but he kept a brave face. Still, he could not help but feel some hope, and joy at the proceedings. All those things he had criticized his father for, everything he had seen as wrong with what was happening to the kingdom...now, he had the power to fix those things, and there was a single, burning desire that overwhelmed all else.
He was dressed in the most regal and splendid robes available, the same his father had worn when coronated, though he had them custom tailored and fitted for him from scratch, of course.
At last the attendant finished the last of the proceedings, bringing this lengthy affair of stuffy atmosphere and winding speeches to a close. Finally, the bishop walked behind William, holding up the crown above his head, and slowly placing it on top of him.
There, with sharp eyes and an unflinching body, Prince William let the golden, glittering crown slide onto his head. In that moment, the coronation, formally at least, had come to an end.
“Long live King William, Sovereign of Geralthin and leader of all human peoples!”
The rapturous applause damn near deafened the now-king. All across the fields, as far as the eye could see, the people roared and cried out as the new ruler of Geralthin was entrusted with the task of leading them to peace and prosperity.
The scribe nodded and stepped forward, handing a rolled up scroll to the king. This had been part of a plan on King William’s part before the coronation.
This was his most passionate issue he wished to address, and by performing such an extreme act on his coronation, he hoped to show everyone that no matter what happened, this reign would be nothing like the previous.
“People of Geralthin!” he cried loudly, the massive crowd below going silent, “I would like to present something to you.”
He unfurled the scroll and let it hang over the balcony, being sure to have it face the crowd.
“This...is the Expulsion Edict,” William explained, “It has banned all non-humans from our great kingdom, a kingdom of trade, of culture and hope. A kingdom of peace and brotherly love. A kingdom where any can come and share in our abundance and glory. This, has undone all of that. This edict has nearly destroyed our economy, our production, and the fabric of Geralthin culture as a whole. Therefore, my first act as king…”
He pulled it back and, in a quick motion, tore the scroll in half.
“I hereby repeal the Expulsion Edict! Henceforth, all are welcome to return to our glorious kingdom, as are the refugees of Palethorn, our very own citizens who we turned our backs on!”
The crowds erupted into cheers once again, celebrating wildly as the king continued ripping up the scroll.
The exile had torn apart friends, the church, even families in some cases. At last, the people would be reunited.
“Furthermore, I hereby announce the foundation of the Bureau of Reclamation! This new government body will work to undo the damage caused by the Expulsion Edict! They shall track down each citizen who either was forced into Palethorn or fled the nation. They shall attempt to regift land, possessions, titles and wealth to those who had such things stolen or confiscated from them. We’ll also be reopening diplomatic channels with our neighbors. Friends, citizens, those who spoke of the end times...Geralthin is just getting started!”
As he spoke these words, he tossed the shredded remains of the edict over the balcony, the ribbons of paper spreading out and being carried off by the wind.
“Long may Geralthin prosper! Long may the sun shine on our glorious nation, and its people!”
The crowd was feverous in their applause and cheers. With his job done, he turned to Baldwin and dropped his voice, so that only the other man could hear him.
“Begin an investigation on Salign.”
“Your majesty?”
“I told you, something happened to him. He changed suddenly, into someone unrecognizable from his old self. Something did that to him...and I will not rest until I find out what.”
“Yes sir, we will get underway immediately.”
As the king left the balcony, a figure among the crowds watched him go.
The black dragon stood vigil over the castle, having left her wing of the castle to watch the crowning of William.
A wide smile was spread across her face, the dragon feeling immense pride for the young king. She spoke softly, to no one in particular.
“Your majesty...you will go far. I can tell.”
“Oh Eignach!” a sing-songy voice called out.
The crowlike, jet black koutu shot up from his afternoon nap, eye wide as Razorwing strolled through the front door.
“Ah, you’re home!”
The hero dropped his bow and quiver at the door, shutting it and moving over to the couch. The would-be magician quickly got his talons off of the couch and scooted over, allowing the other koutu to sit down beside him.
Razorwing unfastened his cape and threw it over the back of the couch before sitting down himself.
“So how has my dear Eignach been?” he spoke teasingly, shooting the younger man a playful grin.
“Oh, wonderful!” the crow responded cheerfully, “I practiced using thunder a lot today. I’m getting good at it, I think!”
“Ah, that’s marvelous. Keep it up, my dear…” Razorwing wrapped a wing around Eignach and smiled wistfully. “Ahh...it’s so lovely to be home again, away from all the horrors, and with you...”
“O-oh, well...it’s great to have you back, Razorwing...I missed you a lot.”
“As I missed you. Heartache and homesickness are difficult to ignore on the field, but the knowledge that I could return once it was over kept me going.”
“Hah! To think you struggled with such things and won against the demons anyway! You really are the greatest hero of all time!”
Razorwing chuckled, pulling Eignach closer. “Oho! Say now, Eignach...we should have another day out, like when I returned.”
“Oh, really?! That’d be great! Treating me to such cuisine...you spoil me, you know!”
“Nonsense! We spoil each other.” The pair laughed, sitting warmly on the couch, the worries of the outside world forgotten to them for now.
Eignach’s eyes widened, the magician suddenly shooting out of Razorwing’s hold and speaking in a hurried manner.
“Oh! I completely forgot! You got a letter today!”
“I did? Hmm...not more fan letters, I hope.”
“N-no, I don’t think so. I-I mean, I didn’t read it of course, I’d never invade your privacy like that! I just mean...the seal…”
He hurried back from the kitchen, handing Razorwing the folded letter. Eignach was right. The seal was in the shape of a royal crest, an eagle with its wings splayed out and its head turned to the side.
“Hmm...I think I’ve seen this before,” Razorwing noted, breaking the seal. As he opened the letter and began to read it, his eyes widened.
“Is...is it bad?” Eignach asked nervously. Razorwing didn’t respond until he finished reading, folding up the note a giving the other bird a warm expression.
“Hey, Eignach...how would you like to meet some dear friends of mine?”
The young magician perked up, smiling widely. “Oh, I’d love that! Who are we meeting?”
The hero’s smile grew mischievous. “Oh, just a few business partners…”
Paul stood in the dark corner of the tavern, having been drawn to it by the announcement.
He’d been keeping up to date on his new friend, who was always off performing or the like.
The reintegration of the beastmen had been going surprisingly smoothly, and despite managing to pick up a few bounties, Paul found himself without much to do.
Thus, he often went to see Razorwing whenever he was on tour.
The current tavern was at the Western border of Geralthin, at the edge of the nation and directly next to the Koutu Kingdom. The tavern itself was quite large and well-off, and packed full of patrons, mainly humans but with a fair amount of koutu among them as well.
It was with very little fanfare that Razorwing marched up to the stage, people noticing and bursting into applause. Very much unlike him, Paul noted.
The hero held his hands up, signaling the crowd to quiet down. They did so, and he spoke to them in turn.
“Thank you for coming, everyone! The show isn’t on just yet! I need to do something, give me but a minute and I’ll be back, then we can begin!”
The koutu ran off the stage and out the back, sparing a moment to eye Paul. The bounty hunter crossed his arms and glared at the now empty stage.
What’s he up to?
It was such a strange thing, to say “wait a minute”, instead of just showing up a minute later. One would think he simply-
The human tensed up and whirled around, who was talking to him?! He was in the corner!
As he faced the wall he was standing against, he saw Razorwing poking his head through the window behind him, smiling wide.
“The hell is this, bird?!” he whispered harshly.
“Special delivery!” the hero spoke quietly, holding out a folded letter and winking. Paul hesitated for only a moment before snatching it and giving the bird a funny look. Razorwing then ducked out of the window, and Paul was alone again.
He looked around and stuffed it in his pocket, tapping his fingers along his shoulders nervously. After a few more moments, Razorwing came back in through the other side, stepping back onto the stage.
“Sorry about that, and thank you for waiting! Let’s get started! This tale comes from my journey into the city wrapped in shadow…”
Paul tuned out. He had been there, too. Nothing he didn’t already know. He made his way to an empty table and took out the letter, glancing over his shoulders before opening it and reading.
His brows raised as he read the letter. It was originally intended for Razorwing, but had a note at the bottom about tracking down “Crux” and letting him know, too.
Hmm...the bird and I have some things to discuss once his little show is over…
The party was sitting around, making some small talk. It had only really just gotten underway when they spotted two birdmen in the sky, both landing right in front of the group.
“Ah, Razorwing, welcome! Who’s your friend?”
The hero was about to introduce the group to him when he suddenly called out.
“Oh my goodness! It’s you!”
Eignach ran over to the cleric, eyes wide. The woman in turn looked at him with shock.
“Is that...birdbrain?!”
The crow and woman ran up and hugged one another, Leianna holding him in a vice.
“Oh my God! How have ya been, Eignach?!”
“Oh, wonderful! Everything’s been perfect thanks to you!”
Alexander frowned. “You two know each other?”
“First I’m hearing of it,” Razorwing said quietly.
“I-it’s her, Razorwing, remember?! The woman who saved me, who brought me to the koutu?!”
The archer’s eyes widened. “Leianna...YOU were the woman that helped him escape the witchhunt?!”
The cleric grinned and let go of the smaller man, patting him on the shoulder. “What can I say? He looked so helpless, what else was I supposed to do?”
Eignach bounced with excitement as Razorwing scratched his chin, a bemused expression on his face. “Incredible. To think I was working alongside the savior of my beloved Eignach all this time, without even knowing...why, we might have never even met if it wasn’t for you!”
“If you ever have a Geralthin wedding, I could give the rites.” Leianna winked.
“Hey, that’s not a bad idea!” Razorwing laughed. “Wow...still, amazing. Small world, it is...”
The footsteps of a lone figure brought forth enough attention to pull the group away from their conversation.
Outside of a large, impressive countryside manor, a large group of people sat around a wooden table, a stone pathway leading from the yard back to the manor.
There, all of them sat, talking and laughing. Alexander. Senci. Lexius. Leianna. Razorwing. Charles. Wurie. Andric. All of them. There were even a few folks Crux struggled to recognize with them.
Most of them wore far different clothes from when the man had seen them last. Alexander, rather than his suit of armor, was in an expensive, regal-looking outfit of cloth and silk, dyed blue. A black cape topped off the ensemble. Leianna and Lexius wore church robes, and Andric and Wurie wore fairly formal, though unembellished clothes. Senci wore just a tunic and pants, light brown and inexpensive.
Charles and Razorwing were wearing the same old robes and hero getup they had been wearing before.
At least he’s not wearing that stupid hat...
Behind the group, still in the yard, were three dragons. Basilrin, Aurelio and Tourthun. They all sat in a group, discussing things among each other while the rest of the guests at the table reminisced.
The knight turned, smiling and waving. “Hey, Crux! There he is!”
“I TOLD you he’d show up!” Razorwing said with a smirk.
“I uh, got your message,” the bounty hunter said, taking out the letter and tossing it on the table.
“Glad to hear it,” the knight answered, “Well...welcome to Rosehall Manor! There’s plenty of food and drink to go around, if you want!”
“It has been a long journey…”
Paul sat down and joined them in their meal, eating meats, cheeses, fruits and vegetables. Water, ale and other assortments of drinks were passed around as well, The group’s cheeriness increasing as a result.
“I can’t believe you roped the dragons into a cookout,” Paul said with a shake of his head.
Alexander shrugged. “They’ve been quite chummy with the people of Geralthin! Wasn’t hard to track them down.”
“Still...to think you have dragons as guests at your home.”
The knight laughed. “Yeah, not exactly something I imagined would ever happen, but here we are! So...what have you been up to, Crux? No one’s heard a peep from you since the Crisis! Aside from Razorwing, of course.”
Paul shrugged. “Same old, same old. Nothing’s changed that much.”
“Ah. Well, there’s comfort in familiarity, at least! I’ve been getting summons to courts all the damn time, but otherwise, things are well here. Anyone else? What about you, Senci?”
“Ooh, I moved back in with Master Andric!” the kobold exclaimed excitedly, “And Vok came back too! Lannis is wonderful, isn’t it, Vok?!”
“You bet it is!” the lizard said with a joyful laugh, “You’re damn lucky you got to live there, both of ya! I’ve never been one for a quiet, peaceful pace, but I’ve been missing out! God, I think I might just build my own cottage and stay!”
“Ooh, I can help! You can help too, right Andric?!”
The paladin shrugged. “If it ever comes to that...I’d be happy to help.”
“Ehehe, of course you would! Tis the sort of man you are!” Vok cried, raising his glass.
“Hey, captain.” Paul shot the wolf a questioning look. “Palethorn still hasn’t been resettled. What’re you up to, now that you’re not in the guard anymore?”
“Didn’t you hear?!” Wurie said with a grin, “We folk got all our titles and rights back! I’m the leader of the Silver Swords once again!”
“The Silver Swords? The mercenary group?”
“That’s right! We, uh...we lost a lot of men during the rebellion...but we’re rebuilding, and soon we’re gonna be journeying through the lands fightin’ beasts and helpin’ folks out once more! You’ll see!”
“Good to hear!” Leianna enthused, “More the reason to celebrate!”
Razorwing shot Charles a smile. “How about you, friend? Have things been going well for you as well?”
The dragonoid looked giddy as he answered. “Ah, it’s been wonderful! I got to come home and spend time with my father again, and the old university’s been under restoration! With Palethorn’s college being defunct, they were happy to transfer my final years of schooling over to them, so now St. Christine’s is offering me free studies and meetings with sorcerers and wizards from all over! Things are looking up!”
“I see...that’s great!”
“Oh, and Professor Parsib forwarded those notes we found! Everyone knows about Laurence now, and him and I have been hailed for our efforts in cracking the case of the Crisis!”
“Good. I’m glad people found out,” Alexander said, arms crossed.
Eignach poked Charles in the shoulder. “H-hey, do you think you could...teach me sometime? I-I’ve always wanted to be a sorcerer, but I’m not very good...”
The half-dragon smiled, and put a clawed hand on the smaller man’s shoulder. “Everyone can be great if they try!”
“I’ve been trying really hard, but the books are really hard to understand...”
“You don’t have a tutor? Schooling?”
“No sir, I’ve been teaching myself.”
Charles laughed. “Well there’s your problem! Why do you think there’s entire collages dedicated to teaching magic? Trying to pick up a book and just become a master wizard yourself is nuts!”
The dragonoid patted the koutu on the shoulder. “Hey, a friend of Razorwing is a friend of mine! I’d be happy to tutor you!”
The crow’s eyes lit up. “R-really?!”
“Sure! Why don’t I give you my father’s address? We could arrange a few sessions sometime! No payment necessary!”
“O-oh...thank you so much, sir...”
“Hey, can I get a refill over here?! I’ve been dry for ages!” Leianna shouted, the group breaking into laughter as Alexander slid her the pitcher.
This gathering went on for several hours, everyone sharing stories and catching up with each other.
As the hours stretched on, and the party began to wind down, Alexander got out of his chair and looked around the table.
“Alright everyone, I’d say since the sun’s going to be setting soon, we should wrap this up. However, before you all go...I have one final thing I wanted to do. It’s a gift. Not for any of you, but if you want to come with me to see it, you’re more than welcome. I think he’d appreciate that.”
“He? Who?” Senci scratched his head.
The knight smiled, turning to the side and raising his voice. “Hey, Tourthun!”
The three dragons broke from their conversation, the green dragons watching as Tourthun stepped forward. “Ah, yes Alexander? What is it?”
“I have a surprise for you. Would you like to come see it?”
The red dragon tilted his head. “Why, how could I say no? I am quite curious...what is this surprise?”
“Wouldn’t be one if I told you,” the knight said with a grin.
“Ah. That is true. Well...please show me!”
“Right this way...it’s just a short trip up the road.”
The group left the knight’s estate, though a few of them were a bit hesitant. A trip? Where were they going? What for? What did this gift entail?
It was an hour by stagecoach, which Alexander had on hand. One of the perks of being of noble blood, it seemed. The group all chattered and spoke in the coach while the dragons trailed them, and though several of them questioned what was going on, Alexander wouldn’t budge on the matter.
When they finally reached their destination, they were surprised to see that they had gotten out...on road, in the middle of nowhere. Even more questions and confusion arose as Alexander led everyone into the woods. No matter how desperate the questioning got, he assured them it was worth it.
After twenty minutes of what could almost be called hiking, the group at last entered a large, empty clearing, with a mountain in the far distance. Tourthun, Aurelio and Basilrin all come landing down as they spotted the group again.
Tourthun looked confused as he stared at the clearing. “Alexander…? Did you...take me to…”
“Yeah.” His words were low. “I did some digging and found out that this was...where you lived, before all of that.”
The red dragon frowned. “I...why did you bring me here? There are...many painful memories here, that I have been trying to forget.”
“Because I have a gift for you. Your parents...their bones were simply lying where they had fallen. I...want you to see something. Something that took a lot of pulled strings to do.”
“I...suppose...if you wish…”
The group passed yet another patch of forest, until at last they entered their final destination on this journey...a valley, with the mountain beside it. This valley of verdant green and quiet serenity was just as the dragon had remembered it...with one big exception.
Tamis had covered the bones of his love with foliage, to prevent both his son and himself from having to gaze upon the remains of such close family. That collection of grass, leaves and other coverings were gone, and in the place of it…
A large mound of earth jutted out of the flat middle of the valley, and at the end of it...something that truly struck awe into the dragon’s heart.
A large, gorgeously crafted and carefully made statue was placed before the mound...a statue of two dragons sitting and facing one another, necks craned and heads lowered. Their heads touched, and necks shaped to form a heart between their bodies.
Below the statue, an epitaph on a bronze plaque:
In memory of Tamis and Artoria, inseparable in both life and death. Harbingers of salvation, parents to Tourthun, the savior of all life. May the two rest in peace and joy for all eternity, and continue to watch over this most blessed land.
“I may be gone from this world, but I will always be above, watching you.”
Tourthun was frozen, eye wide as he looked at the sight before him.
“We buried them here, Tourthun, so that they might find peace...and then I got the kingdom to build this for you.”
There was a long pause as everyone drank it in.
“I...I hope this brings you some comfort, Tourthun. I know it’s not much, but-”
“It is perfect.”
The knight smiled. “I’m...glad to hear that.”
The dragon sighed, breath shaking. “This...to think they would be given such honors...it is indescribable.”
Tourthun’s rose to the sky, tears running down his face.
“Thank you, Alexander, hero and friend. Long may the sun shine upon you and your house.”
As the dragon both appreciated and mourned, the scratchy voice of Senci called out.
“H-hey...Aurelio’s gone.”
Everyone turned and, true to his word, the larger of the green dragons was indeed gone. Only Basilrin remained, looking around in confusion.
“Huh? How did he slip away so silently…” his son wondered. Alexander put his hands on his hips.
“I think the guilt was a bit much for him. Perhaps I should have warned him…”
“Nevermind that,” Andric interrupted, “Tourthun...just take a bit of time to tune everything else now. For the moment, just enjoy this ode to your family, the knowledge that everyone knows the sacrifices they made for you, and the comfort that no matter what’s happened, you have people that care about you, and all of your troubles.”
Tourthun nodded, tears still flowing down him and onto the ground. “I will never forget the kindness you have blessed me with. The kindness I did not earn. The kindness that has changed me forever. I...I will always be willing to help you, in any way I can…”
As he sat there, bathing in his emotions, he recalled something. Words spoken to him, when he was just a baby. Words he shouldn’t have remembered due to being freshly hatched, but that he could, somehow, remember anyway. He heard the voice in his head, the soft words spoken to him on the fateful day of his mother’s end.
“Everything will be okay…do not worry, little Tourthun…father will protect you…he will always protect you…always look out for you…no matter what happens…I will protect you…I promise…all the cruel and wicked beasts in the world could not hurt you…even once I am gone, I will watch over you, as a guardian angel would…I promise…”
The dragon smiled again. They were watching him. He knew that much. He had a family patiently waiting in paradise. In the meanwhile, in this world...his friends stood by his side.
“Hope...is a powerful thing, is it not?”
Alexander frowned. “Tourthun?”
“Were it not for your hope, the world would still be an endless abyss. Were it not for your hope, none of us would be here right now. Were it not for your hope...I would have been lost to darkness forever.”
The knight nodded. “Yeah...it’s powerful.”
“I see now. Hope is the key. No matter what trials we may face, no matter how dark things become...we must never give up hope. Even in despair, we must grasp onto hope, no matter how faint. We must keep going, for if we do not...we may never see that light again.”
The others were all silent as Tourthun gazed at the statue of his parents, eyes closing as he silently vowed to make them proud.
“Thank you. For everything.”
“It’s been an honor,” Alexander answered.
The dragon’s gaze turned upwards one last time, gazing at the bright sky, at that sun he had gone without seeing for so long.
“The sun has risen, and its light touches us all.”
Beginning | Previous | END
This is it, everyone! This is the end of Blackheart. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to do. All I know is that it’s finally over, and I couldn’t be happier to finally be able to tell my story. Thank you, everyone, who stuck through it for all this time. I’ll never forget the feedback, the kind words, the people that were always there. I hope to redraft this and release it physically sometime, and to those who have been made it all this way...I thank you. I’m not sure I could have finished this without the encouragement. It’s been a pleasure.
This might be the end of Blackheart, but it isn’t the end of me! I’ll still be here, and with this finished, I might be short on things to do. If you have any story requests, or questions of any kind, I’d be happy to answer them for you.
Until next time, friends.
Tag list: @thereisnothingwrongwithbeingmad, @lady-redshield-writes, @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword, @sheralynnramsey, @tawnywrites, @writer-on-time, @oceanwriter, @zwergis-spilledink, @fluffpiggy, @elliewritesfantasy, @homesteadhorner,  @laurenwastestimewriting, @elaynab-writing, @the-ichor-of-ruination, @disheveledcorvid, @reya-writes, @bexminx
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uarcana · 6 years
Home Sweet Home Pt. III
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What am I doing?
Aizawa thought to himself as he continued to count the beats of the subtle squeaks of the ceiling fan.
He should be sleeping…he wish he was sleeping...
He normally would be…especially after 5 hours of laying in a bed.
“Dammit”, Aizawa sighed in frustration. Pinching the bridge of his nose before turning his gaze to the large window beside his bed.
The lodge was on the other side of the property. Mostly secluded by surrounding trees, but still had a clear view of the lake.
When Aoi moved here 10 years ago, it was just a busted up old shack. Seemed untouched for quite a number of years. So much so that it actually outdated the main house.
Surprising considering the main house wasn’t exactly state of the art either.
Aoi put a lot of work to have it as nice and cozy as it is now, but the work that was done onto this place puts the main house to shame.
Before Shota found Aoi after her departure, she mainly used this place for storage purposes.
Until he started bringing his classes, that is…when he had one.
The main house is a decent size, but mainly only meant for 1 or 2 people. 
That wasn’t much of an issue considering how many students he would expel at a time…
…but Aoi always believed that one of these years, Aizawa would finally the right batch of students…and having that in mind made her realize just how small the main house was.
Aizawa always blew off her belief, but it never discouraged her…and she proved that when she spent an entire winter renovating the lodge with her own two hands to a temporary dorm with enough space for an entire class.
He probably shouldn’t have been so surprised…she had always been so eager and willing to aid in other’s needs…she was always smiling.
It was like sunshine itself had manifested into someone just for him.
Even now…he could still tell that there were still remnants of her old self still deep down inside her.
But with the alcoholism and solitude…you wouldn’t be able to tell just by looking…and that’s what bothered him the most.
Shota’s thoughts were suddenly halted as he shifted his gaze toward the nightstand to his left.
Surprised to see the fluffy Sake gleefully greeting him.
“Oh, it’s you…”, the man softly sighed, lifting his arm from behind his head to pet the friendly feline. “What’re you doing all the way over here?”
The cat only replied with a pleased meow as her purring intensified.
“At least one of you hasn’t changed…”.
Shota smiled toward her before turning his view toward the window on his right.
The lake glistening in the bright sun.
“What’re you doing here, Aizawa…?”, the man sighed to himself as he watched ripples dance with the sunbeams. “This is all just a waste of time”.
“You can’t save everyone…not everyone wants to be saved…you know that…so why are you here?”
In his thoughts, the man barely noticed Sake step onto the bed let alone when she took her place right on top of his chest.
Her cerulean and forest gaze locked onto his own. Her delicate meows floating through his ears as her fluffy body vibrated against his chest.
Resting his head back onto his pillow, he peered back out toward the window.
“Since I’ve been coming here…I’ve been trying to think mostly of the students. Harnessing their abilities…working as a team, stuff like that”, the man explained to the attentive cat. “As a teacher, that’s the most logical way to look at things…but here…I can’t focus…I know that, but I keep coming back”.
“Just wasting time on ridiculous fantasies…”.
An abrupt meow from Sake lightly startled the man as it was louder than normal. The feline was now directly in front of his face. Another meow ringing in his ears and after a brief moment of her playfully batting at his bangs, she turned in the opposite direction of the bed toward another open window.
It was normal for Sake to roam all over the property as she pleased, but given how they were on the third floor of the lodge, this prompted him to begrudgingly rise from his bed to keep an eye on the adventurous feline.
Leaping upon the window seal, Sake returned her gaze to the man slowly stomping his way toward the window with a sigh.
“Don’t try anything funny, alright?”, the man asked as he approached the window noticing nothing, but the many trees that he assumed she was raring herself to leap toward. “It would be a real pain trying to get you down from that high up”.
Suddenly, the man froze once he reached the window, finally realizing what Sake was looking at.
He had never noticed how high up this room actually was for he was surprised to notice that the main house was in view over many of the trees that would usually be blocking it from sight.
He could see the tea garden and part of the vegetable patch…
…as well as the stunning woman gathering its contents…for his students.
He could see clearly…she was smiling. The same smile from back then…the sunlight bouncing off her pale flesh, her silky midnight hair drifting in the gentle breeze. Even from this distance, he could see the crystals in her eyes…
This broken woman…whom did not want saving…the battered beauty…he could see…was still his. In all her glory, in all her silent suffering, was still the woman he fell for all those years ago…and the real reason why he was here…to give her a reason to come home.
To be her hero.
Eraserhead was accustomed to remaining in the shadows…but Aoi dwelled much further in the darkness than he ever had…and to save her from the demons that could drag her any further, he needed to step into the light…to be her sunshine.
And the light chirp that erupted from the loyal feline made it clear that she couldn’t agree more.
With a light chuckle, Aizawa sighed “alright” before turning his heal away from the window.
15 minutes later…
“Okay”, Aoi exhaled softly, eyeballing one lone peach on a high branch of one of her many trees. The bright sun causing her to squint. “Last one”.
Gently placing her hand upon the trunk of the tree, the flesh upon her fingertips began to shift to the surface of the tree until it coated most of her hand.
As seconds passed, the branch the peach hung upon began to extend and lower itself toward the woman whose other arm began to out stretch toward the fruit as it came closer and closer until the woman heard a light plucking sound followed by the sound of a whip just as the branch covered the sun enough for her to notice the peach was gone.
“What in the-“, the woman softly exclaimed before a soft “hey…” caught her attention from her side.
As Aizawa’s scarf resettled itself around his neck, he revealed the peach settled in his palm taking the woman by surprise.
“Shota?”, Aoi rose a suspicious eyebrow. “What’re you doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep…”.
“Oh?”, the woman asked in light concern, “why not?”
“Well, this will be the largest class I’ve brought out here and from the looks of it, you have a lot of ground to cover…”, the man explained, a light blush forming in his cheeks as he scratched the back of his head.
“…so I figured you could use an extra set of hands…you lead, I’ll follow”.
Aoi’s heart all, but melted at this to the point she nearly forgot how to breath for a moment.
Clearing her throat, and festering up every ounce of control she had to hide her overwhelming happiness, the Aoi graced him with a light smile.
“Well, in that case, Eraserhead, you can start with those”, the woman grinned before pointing a stern finger seemingly never-ending plethora of peach trees behind the one that was just plucked clean of its fruit.
“…that’s a lot of peaches…”.
“Hell yeah it is, I’ve got 22 mouths to feed tomorrow night and 20 of them are gonna be ravenous by the time I’m through with them so I need every peach plucked and put into baskets before nightfall”, she commanded.
“Think you can handle that?”
A light grin rose upon the man’s face as he snatched his scarf from around his neck.
“Yes, ma’am”.
Tagging: @digitalkanvas @insomniasix @aquathemermaidstripper @glacian-apocalypse @nykamito @a-new-recipehhh
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darrencrissource · 6 years
With a just-wrapped concert tour, new music in the works and an Emmy nod forThe Assassination of Gianni Versace, multitalented University of Michigan grad Darren Criss just might be one of the most versatile performers of his generation—and he’s just getting started.
To television viewers used to seeing Darren Criss belting out pop tunes onGlee, his unsettling, riveting performance as serial killer Andrew Cunanan in Ryan Murphy’s blockbuster series American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace was completely unexpected. One person who wasn’t surprised? Benj Pasek, who studied theater with Criss at the University of Michigan and saw firsthand the seriousness his classmate brought to the craft. On the heels of Criss’ Emmy nomination for best actor in a limited series/TV movie, Pasek (an award-winning songwriter for projects like Dear Evan Hansen and The Greatest Showman) caught up with the 31-year-old Criss in an exclusive chat for Michigan Avenue to talk Penélope Cruz, favorite Chicago dining spots, why he’s a champion of the gay community and the best acting advice he’s ever received.
Benj Pasek: I’m excited to talk to you, Darren—what are we, a week after your Emmy nomination for Versace? I remember when you got your first nomination for music [in 2015 for Glee song “This Time”], but this time it’s for one of the main event categories that everybody’s watching for. It’s thrilling to see you shine up there with those other famous folks in your category. Darren Criss: Thanks, Benj! We have a fun history of anticipating nominations together. I’ve been on that side for you as well, so I’m glad we can share that. What was so validating about that first nomination was that it was for something a lot of people didn’t know I had anything to do with. You know songwriting is a huge part of my creative life. And of course with this one, there’s a lot of eyes on it, and it’s a badge of honor to be included in the category.
BP: Versace received 18 nominations, which is extraordinary. Did you have a sense when you were filming that it was going to catch fire? DC: My mantra is, ‘One hopes for everything but expects nothing.’ I was just happy to be part of the project, which was amazing for myriad reasons. All the boxes were ticked: the people you’re working with; the story itself is interesting; the role is varied and nuanced and complex. This is a role I’ve worked and waited for my entire life. It’s enough just to be a part of that, so one tries not to think of what might happen in the more splashy accolade space because you already feel like you’ve won the lottery.
BP: Obviously, you worked with Ryan Murphy on Glee, but how did the role come to you? DC: and i have talked about this at length both admire versatility range not only in other people work having the opportunity to use different colors on proverbial artist palette. so if you do a project that green look forward next thing can be blue one red others mix two. want bring life forms personalities within yourself. something am deeply indebted ryan for. think he recognizes studied acting as craft take storytelling seriously glad actors writing producing your own stuff good moments they given from people. when arose grateful coach was like right kid made it varsity get there. ready.
BP: The cast of Versace is insane—movie stars like Penélope Cruz, theater luminaries like Judith Light, Edgar Ramirez, Ricky Martin... What was it like working with them? DC: What was nice about this project, especially with Penélope, Edgar andRicky, was that it was a huge deal for all of them. It was Penélope’s first foray into television. It was Edgar’s first American television role and one of Ricky’s first larger roles in a drama of this scale. So it wasn’t just another day at the office for them. If anything, I was sort of the veteran, which was crazy. I had the most history with Ryan; I had spent the most time doing this in terms of shooting a series; I knew the crew and the producers. At this point, a lot of these people are family to me. That made it a lot easier because everybody was excited to be at this party.
BP: Any funny anecdotes from set that no one in the world’s heard yet? DC: Look, our show is very dark, so I think as a defense mechanism for what we were doing, I took it upon myself to be the biggest prankster. Let’s just say, if there was a staircase to fall down or a door to be walked into, I did it. I was the quarterback of the bloopers.
BP: Moving on from Versace: You just finished touring with Lea Michele. DC: It was a good time. I really enjoy live performance. People always ask what I like most, but look: Performing is performing. The main advantage that performing live has is there is a real-time catharsis to what’s happening. So I love being able to go on the road and meet people I’ve never had a chance to interact with. I’m a fan of the more human elements. I’m the worst at texting—you know me, Benj: I just call you even if it’s for the stupidest thing. I always yield to phone calls and I always prefer in-person meetings. So being with Lea and getting to meet all these young people who have grown up with Glee, it’s wonderful to be able to thank people in real time.
BP: You have a lot of connections to Chicago. DC: Chicago is one of my favorite places to eat and drink in the world. Aside from its culinary scene, which is second to none, it has the metropolitan quality of New York and the hominess of the San Francisco I grew up in, but because it’s smack-dab in the middle of the Midwest, it’s populated with wonderful salt-of-the-Earth Midwestern people. So it’s this cocktail of all my favorite things about our country. My artistic background with the city is, having gone to the University of Michigan, I had never really spent time in Chicago before then.
BP: I had never realized how unbelievable Chicago theater is. I remember seeing one of the first out-of-town productions of The Light in the Piazza there, and I became addicted to Chicago theater. DC: There’s this pride in being a Chicago actor. If you’re one of these hardcore guys and gals doing incredible work in Chicago before it moves to New York or elsewhere, that’s a thing. I’ve even pitched buddies of mine like, ‘He’s a Chicago theater guy.” And the casting person is like, ‘Ooh, that’s good.’ It adds cache.
BP: You’re a real actor’s actor in Chicago. DC: And that comes from its rich history in improv, obviously, and the Steppenwolf, the Goodman, Lookingglass and the amazing out-of-town tryouts that happen in Chicago. Being in Michigan, I started going during the summer because I could take the train. Talk about a great way to go to Chicago for the first time. Coming out of Union Station, this old Gothic, amazing, historic station, it’s like, ‘Welcome to Chicago, kid!’ Seeing theater and being around the people working on shows was so inspiring. We founded StarKid in L.A. but moved it to Chicago mainly because it’s a place where independent theater can thrive. After our guys graduated around 2011, we started doing shows, and our first— and this was the last musical I wrote the whole score for, which I miss doing—was Starship. That was during my first season in Glee, and we premiered it at the Center on Halsted in Boystown.
BP: Do you have a favorite restaurant in Chicago? I remember you eating at Girl & the Goat. DC: The West Loop has exploded in the past several years. Soho House is there. Girl & the Goat opened a new restaurant, Duck Duck Goat, that’s also good. My fiancee, Mia, and I—and you’re a partner in it, so thank you for investing in our bar, Benj Pasek— own Tramp Stamp Granny’s in L.A., which is a cocktail club and piano bar. So for the past few years I’ve had a keen interest in the country’s premier cocktail destinations, and one of those is the Aviary, which is a famous high-end mixology bar in the West Loop. I make sure to visit if I can get a ticket. And Chicago has my favorite art museum in the world, the Art Institute. I always make sure to spend some part of my summer in Chicago so I can ride Jet Skis on the lake, go to the Lincoln Park Zoo and the Adler Planetarium, where a lot of my buddies from Michigan work. I make my way down the lake and usually end up at the Chicago Athletic Association for a game of chess, or a couple of beers and a game of pool, because that place is so cool, it’s insane.
BP: Back to the Emmy nomination—you're only the second actor of Asian descent to be nominated in the best actor category. What does that mean to you? DC: I feel fortunate to be part of that history. It’s empowering and encouraging to people who may feel underrepresented, be they mixed or full, whatever ethnicity. When you see some version of yourself acknowledged, certainly in the media, it feels like your home team is winning.
BP: What’s the best piece of advice you ever got about being an actor? DC: The things I remember are more pragmatic, tactical pieces of advice: Know the name of the cameraman. Know your crew. Realize that the creative process, once you start the collaborative process, is a team sport. And everyone’s looking out for each other, or should be at least, and the more you can familiarize yourself with your teammates, the more your team will feel good about passing you the ball.
BP: You have been such a champion of the LGBTQ+ community. How did your involvement in that cause come about? DC: The way I have felt embraced by the LGBTQ community, I think, is the amalgam of so many serendipities throughout my life that I just feel fortunate it’s such a huge part of my identity not only as a person, but as a public person. I consider it sheer providence that a kid from San Francisco who grew up in a very troubled and ultimately resilient time for the gay community, and was raised not at home but backstage in theaters... by these young men and women who were part of that, always gave me a respect and understanding for the gay community in whatever way I could understand it as a young cisgender straight person.
BP: Last question: What’s next for you? DC: My brother and I are working on a batch of songs [for our band, Computer Games], and we’ll hopefully get something out in the next handful of months. We had a great run withVersace, but right now I’m hearing the click, click, click of the roller coaster going up, and I know some exciting new thing is about to happen. We’ll see what acting roles come my way, but one of the things I want to get back to, as I’ve hinted, is to write some kind of new musical soon. I say that now, but I’ll probably get off the phone and get a call and end up doing some random thing I would have never thought of doing. I always keep my receptors open, and as long as the project is interesting, has some significance and is different from the last thing, that’s what I’m into. It’s one of the great blessings and curses of having too many interests—it makes almost everything interesting to me. So, I’m as curious as the next guy.
August 23, 2018
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Happy Holidays, Emily! We are thrilled to “invite” Dean Thomas (fc Keiynan Lonsdale  ) back to Hogsmeade for a little forced Winter Cheer.  We particularly liked how Dean was set up for growth in this application--not necessarily launching a career post-Battle of Hogwarts and still learning about himself. Dean’s roommate is: Harry Potter!
AGE (must be 18+): A grandma in the rp world
ACTIVITY ESTIMATE: I work on political campaigns and there is a race I am starting in January which kills my time immensely, but right now I have ample free time and can lurk/plot the whole time!
FULL NAME & NICKNAMES: Dean Allen Thomas
BIRTHDATE: October 1st 1979 Dean is a FIRM Libra. “"The balanced beautifier of the horoscope family, Libra energy inspires us to seek peace, harmony and cooperation. The essence of Libra energy is charming, lovable, fair, sincere, sharing, beautiful and hopelessly romantic.“
BLOOD-STATUS: Half-Blood, although he grew up believing he was Muggle-born
* GENDER IDENTITY: Cisgender male (although I would like to eventually explore a world where Dean could be more open to referring to himself as agender or gender fluid)
* GENDER PRESENTATION/PRONOUNS: Fairly masculine, he/him
* SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Dean is bisexual, although he very only recently fully came to terms with this.
* NOTE: this does not have to correspond to canon, or to the temporary pronouns in the bios!
OCCUPATION: Dean works at a sporting goods store near his house and while it is not his ideal job, it does leave him with plenty of time to focus on his art. This is the main way he copes with the last three years.
HOUSING: He lives in a tiny, tiny flat in Clapton. It’s about a thirty minute train ride to his home, and while he would like to stay at home, there simply isn’t enough room now that the girls are growing. Not to mention, he quite enjoys his alone time away from the chaos of his family occasionally.
SOCIAL STANDING: Dean still can’t believe that he is in The Order of Merlin, First Class, thank you very much. It’s a bit of a wild title, especially for someone that people consider Muggle-born. Dean is known as a friendly face, and will always be a friend to those who need it, but his name usually doesn’t garner recognition. And frankly, he prefers to keep it that way.
TALENTS/WEAKNESSES +Artistically inclined + Athletic, which made him a great addition as a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team -Potions. He could never get the portions right, not to mention he thought it a dull subject -Not a strong leader
STRENGTHS/FLAWS  + Bright; always knows just what to do or say to cheer someone up + Huge empath; keen ability to improve others moods + Loyal like no other person, whether that be to people or sports teams. He is your #1 Fan - Terrible at making decisions, which causes him to go with the flow a lot of the time -Self-less, which can lead to putting himself second and the needs of others first. Also causes a bit of a self-confidence issue
FAMILY BACKGROUND Being raised by a single Muggle mother, Dean learned early on to dislike his father, Alexander, with every fiber of his being. His parents had married young, and he always blamed their split on that. Alexander was too young, he got cold feet. Couldn’t handle a baby anymore, let alone being a father. While Martha never gave him an outright reason to dislike his father, Dean was the one acting out about it. Looking back, it was probably because he was compensating for his mother’s own nonchalance on the subject. Why wasn’t she upset? Why wasn’t she screaming? He later realized that her spending hours in front of the television set alone was her own version of screaming.
They had been fine. Martha and Dean had built a life together, just the two of them. They lived in a tiny flat and ate tiny meals and wrapped each other in tiny blankets and only each other could feel the warmth. The introduction of Graham Richards into Dean’s life was not a welcomed one. They met at his produce shop, sharing casual flirtations down the turnip aisle. Nothing made her laugh as much as those cabbages.
As Graham started spending more time in their flat, Dean started coming to terms with the idea that maybe he wasn’t all that bad. He had shit taste in sports, sure, but he was a great cook. And he made Martha happy. Damn, did he make her smile.
It took him eight years to propose to Martha, and by that point it came as no shock to anyone. They were already basically married, having moved in together years ago. Graham was basically already Dean’s father, having helped him through a break up and always supporting him in his art projects. Veronica and Bridget were already welcomed additions into the family, and shortly after baby Sam was no different.
Soon his tiny flat became a spacious three-bedroom. His tiny meals became three-course dinners. The blankets became shelters for movie nights and a home for Dean’s stories from school.
Since his father’s death, Dean harbors serious regret for his treatment of the man he barely remembers, mainly because of memories he lost and resentment he held. He wants to tell his father he is proud of him. That he understands all that he did in order to protect his family. That he would have done the exact same thing. While he can’t look back on many memories, he will always wonder what if.
LIFE DURING THE WAR: Not being able to return to Hogwarts for his final year was devastating to Dean. He loved his friends and he loved Quidditch and he loved the charmed sugar spoon that he used each morning in the Great Hall for breakfast. The fact that he was Muggle-born should not have affected his ability to attend school, but he quickly learned it was for his own good. He would stay up late and write letters his father would never be able to read. In those letters, Dean promised he would get through all this. He promised that, eventually, there would be happiness for at least one of them.
Dean wasn’t keen on having to fight in a war in his home away from home, but like a true Gryffindor, he pummeled himself headfirst into the throws of Battle. Finally, he felt welcomed again in this world. Perhaps it was the rush of finally seeing his friends after all this time (physically there, if mentally in pieces) and seeing Harry—his old friend, his sole source of hope when no one would believe that there was a reason to hope anymore—do what’s right that continued to propel him forward after all this time.
Dean chose to fully immerse himself in the Muggle world. In the Muggle word, they can’t force him to run away from his friends and family. He loves being a wizard of course, but his last year on the run really took its toll on him. He still wakes up with nightmares when a neighbor makes too much noise. He is constantly afraid of being alone, as he was alone for most of his Final Year. Dean doesn’t want to think about life in terms of goals because, to be quite honest, he really has no idea what he wants to do after Hogwarts. A small part of him didnt even think he’d make it this far. Instead, he has a lot of different interests and ideas, but nothing that is jumping out at him right now. The Ministry of Magic is urging those in The Order of Merlin First Class to follow the career path of an Auror. And there is a part of him that feels he could make a great Healer or Auror, and another part of him that longs to be a Quidditch star, and somewhere inbetween there is his desire to paint and draw for a living. The more he thinks about it the more overwhelmed he gets, so he conveniently chooses not to think about it. His goal right now is a lot simpler than that–if he is forced to come back to Hogsmeade, enjoy this festive Holiday celebration before he can’t anymore.
The Thomases were never big Christmas-celebrators in the whole Navity-set-and-going-to-church kind of way, but they do spend copious amounts of time watching Holiday specials that come on the telly and they have a tree with an unhealthy amount of tinsel. Dean’s step-father is a fantastic baker and Dean has a competition with him and his younger sister that involves cooking competitions and ginger snaps. His mother always ends up declaring it a tie because she can’t decide. He always valued coming home for the holidays simply because he recognized the traditions he was making with his half-sisters and knew that he wanted to be as involved as he possibly could. Being away from these traditions is enough reason for him not to want to go back to Hogsmeade, but he felt like he couldn’t say no. They crammed in as many of these traditions as they could before sending Dean off on his own.
SHIPS:  I will not lie and say that Deamus makes me weep because clueless best friends to lovers hits a little too close to home for me, but I am also open to alternatives! Especially when Chemistry and Drama are thrown into the mix! Also super interested to flesh out Ginny and Dean’s past relationship, as I feel like that was not explored enough.
CHANGES: This is a very tiny tiny change, but I do think Dean will be excited to go to Hogsmeade. I always kind of thought of him as that guy who would actually want to go to a high school reunion of sorts, and I think it’s because he just loves his friends so gosh darn much!! He was robbed of a proper “Senior Year” and spent most of that year on the run. As a result, I think that he is spending a good portion of his life making up for lost time. Also because the kid loves a party, and a distraction.
FACECLAIM: Truly having a tough time debating between Keiynan Lonsdale and Alfie Enoch. I would not be mad with either!
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