#so sad that three hopes is also called fire emblem warriors
conhivemindcent · 11 months
Are you brainstorming over Fire Emblem warriors, what did you think of the game and its (odd)choices?
It’s been a couple of years since my intense love of fire emblem warriors, and while it doesn’t rattle the brain nearly as often they still do pop in and say hello. So I’d probably say no but we love a bit of old hyperfixation indulgence in this house.
I haven’t actually played the game, despite owning it physically for a few months now. Truthfully I need to play all the games I have before starting it (Persona 5, Hue and Miitopia are the main ones). (Fun fact, a friend of mine posted a short clip of Darios saying some dialogue and I got jumpscared by the fact that he shared a VA with Joker P5, like babe. You know this already.)
But yeah it was weird. It definitely went in too hard with the fateswakening pandering imo, especially with fates (we didn’t need all the fates royals to be playable) but it was nice to see Shadow Dragon characters. Lyn and Celica do feel tacked on, and honestly as much as I like Linde I feel like her inclusion wasn’t really warranted (tbh same with Oboro and Niles but I don’t really have strong opinions towards either, and maybe Cordelia, though I can’t remember her role in-story despite her having on).
But man. We were robbed of playable Darios. We could’ve had cool interactions with several other characters (Rowan, Lianna, Corrin and Robin all come to mind immediately, though I bet others would be neat). Even if he was another clone of Rowan/Lianna it would be nice.
Also there were too many swordies. And Rowan should’ve had an axe. And Lianna a lance. Then have Darios be the swordfighter and you’ve got the weapon triangle. Throw in Anna and her neutral bow and we’ve got a great team. Perfectly balanced.
So yeah, no longer hyperfixated but send me more Warriors asks, especially about the OCs and Anna. I love them to death.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1075: Watching the Moonlight Together (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
11:34 p.m. Outside and Nearby the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.........
Mercedes: (Holds Onto Dedue's Arm as She Happily Looks Upon the Night's Skies With Him) ('Sigh') I love nighttime~ The atmosphere feels nice and breezy and the stars above looks prettier as each time passes.
Dedue: (Smiles Softly) I agree. It's nice to come out to relax and clear your mind for a bit. Especially when it comes to sightseeings among the stars. I witnessed quite a lot of constellations during my time back in Duscar.
Mercedes: (Turns to her Beloved) You don't say?
Dedue: It's the truth. Most of them were noticeably common, the Ursa Minor being one of the prime examples, but I have managed to set eyes on Ophiuchus at one point.
Mercedes: ('Gasps') The Ophiuchus? That's the rarest one of the them of all! (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) At least I....think it is......
Dedue: It is. Despite it's size, it's actually the lesser known out of all of the constellations. Hence why it's rare. (Looks Back Up at the Skies With a Soft Smile) Still, it doesn't change the fact that it's still a beautiful sight to behold. (Turns Back to Mercedes) Something I wish you would see along with me if you would like for us to visit Duscar together someday.
Mercedes: (Smiles Brightly) I would love that very much~ I can tell how much you've missed going back there as of late.
Dedue: ('Sigh') There's not a day that goes by that I wouldn't ever hope of coming back to that place and restore it back it's glory, but I won't do that unless we end this war for good. With that being said however....(Slowly Starts to Frown) I believe an apology is in order.....
Mercedes: An apology? For what, dear?
Dedue: For causing you and everyone in our unit fives years of grief. Had I known my supposed execution would affected you greatly, I would've never gone along with the sacrifice.
Mercedes: You've only done what you thought was right at the time. There's nothing inherently wrong with that.
Dedue: Perhaps. But that doesn't change the fact that I've saddened you.....
Mercedes place her on top of Dedue's and gently grabs from behind.
Mercedes: While it's true that your execution on that day, has affected all of us in an negative light, our majesty especially, but we were still able to move passed it and strengthen ourselves fot the foreseeable future ahead. And it also doesn't change the fact that after all these years , you've still managed to find a way return to us in one piece and words cannot nor will it ever, express how truly blessed we are to have you by our side again. So please, Dedue.....
Mercedes then place both of her hands onto Both of Dedue's cheeks, as the proud Duscar Warrior in question, looks to see the sad, worried, yet firm look on his lover's face.
Mercedes: Don't you ever blame yourself on how we feel on the matter. Please......
Dedue: Mercedes, I.....(Looks into Mercedes Eyes For a Few More Seconds Before Sighing in Defeat) Very well. I will do my best to move on from the topic from here on out. (Gently Place a Hand onto Mercedes' Cheeks With a Small Smile on his Face) The last thing I want to do is make my fair maiden sad.
Mercedes: (Giggles Softly as She Happily Hugs Dedue) Oh you sweetheart of a giant!~ You could never make me sad if you try. You've brought nothing joy and happiness since the day we've first met. (Suddenly Starts Yawning) And I refuse to let anything get in the way of it......
Dedue: (Chuckles Lightly) Feeling drowsy already, Mercy?
Mercedes: ('Yawns') Maybe? (Starts Rubbing her Eyes) We have been out here a bit longer than usual this time around.
Dedue: That's true. And we do need to mentally prepare ourselves for tomorrow's meeting first thing in the morning, so I suppose it wouldn't hurt to call it a night for now.
Mercedes: I'm not opposed to the idea. But shall we pray first before we leave?
Dedue: We can, but.....(Starts Looking Away a Bit Shyly) Do you mind doing the prayer this time? I'm still inexperienced to the motion myself unfortunately.....
Mercedes: (Smiles Brightly) Not at all!~ You cam count on me, Dedue!~
Mercedes gently grabs hold to Dedue's hands as the two close their eyes and begins to pray.
Mercedes: Dearly Father, Goddess from above, we once again give you thanks for your grace, nurture, and mercy on this fine evening. As we reach the next chapter of each of our lives, we ask that you give us the courage and strength we need to protect ourselves and the love ones we've made throughout our journey thus far as well as guiding us towards a future we could all live in peace and harmony. May we carry this prayer within our hearts until the day we lay rest. Amen.
Dedue: Amen. (Takes a Deep Breath Before Opening his Eyes Back Up) I must say....(Smiles Softly) Your prayers are getting a lot better by the minute.
Mercedes: (Smiles Back at her Beloved) I'm glad you'd like it~ ('Yawn') It's always nice to see that my hard work is paying off.....
Dedue: Alright. (Gets Himself Up From The Ground He Was Sitting On as He Gently Picks Mercedes Up in a Bridal Carry) I believe it's high time we head to bed now.
Mercedes: For our nightly cuddles?~
Dedue: (Sighs as He Playfully Rolls his Eyes) Yes, yes. For our nightly cuddles. (Starts Walking Back to the Castle with Mercedes in his Arms) You do realize one of us is going to eventually fall sleep, right?
Mercedes: (Playfully (And Softly) Smack Dedue's Chest) I know that, you big goof. (Snuggles onto her Beloved) I just wanted to express how much I adore you is all.
Dedue: Like what you're doing right now?
Mercedes: (Gives Dedue a Playful Pout) Oh hush you!~ You know you love my affection~
Dedue: I do. And I love you as well, m'lady (Gives Mercedes a Kiss on the Lips)
Mercedes: I love you too, Dedue~ Now and forever more~
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Fire Emblem fans drive me nuts sometimes, in a trailer for the upcoming Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes game (which takes a lot of inspiration from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so basically we've come full circle with it getting a Warriors spin-off) shows a character who almost certainly is someone that was talked about a good bit of in the original game but was never shown. He's very masc looking and a lot of people are calling him ugly when he just, really isn't.
He's had a lot of fan designs over the last three years and most of them portray him as a pretty boy. Really, the people calling him ugly are just mad that their fanon was disproved, and Fire Emblem fans are often wildly biased towards pretty boys. I of course don't mean to say that they should be biased against pretty boys (like a lot of Dynasty Warriors fans, mostly men of course), both biases are tiresome and unhelpful. Honestly, him being masc is kinda more interesting since they let him have pink hair like his little sister.
Also, there's a friend of his who's only in the original game's dlc and hasn't been confirmed to be in the new game. They're never going to make it canon, but that doesn't mean I can't ship it or still wish said friend will be in it. He's my husband after all, and I'll be extremely sad if he's not there.
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ooc: Alt. Verses/AUs!
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Fire Emblem Three Houses Ai: Ai Malificia is a Golden Deer student. A little shy but friendly and kind to all, Ai mainly focuses on magic, studying Reason and Faith. She can be seen in the library or the courtyard but especially the greenhouse with all the flowers. Ai loves flowers, especially pink roses. She also has a twin sister who has run away from home that she hasn’t heard from in a long time. The two were dotted on by their overprotective parents as both had Crests.
They feared what could happen to the two and though Ai didn’t mind, her sister had enough and decided to run away. Ai was sad for days until she heard about the Monastery. It took some convincing for her parents to let her attend as a student but finally they let her go. Now on her own, Ai strives to do her best and learn to be a healer in order to help others.
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Goddess Ai: Ai is kind-hearted, gentle, soft-spoken, nature goddess who loves flowers as well as relaxing activities like painting or reading with tea. She is quite naive about the world though, only knowing little from books and hasn’t been outside much due to worrying that there is danger out there. Ai is sweet and could possibly never harm anyone no matter the danger she may end up in.
Fire Emblem Three Houses Diana:
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Diana’s mother is a noble knight of Faerghus, retired now after having a child, her father a Monk who used to be an adventurer. Diana would hear stories from both about serving the kingdom and seeing the world. Though adventuring around the world seemed fun, she decided to strive towards a path of being like her mother. At first she trained under her when young, then when old enough was accepted into the Academy under the Blue Lions house.
Knowing Dimitri is the heir to the throne, Diana tends to sway to training her hardest to impress him since she is aiming to be a knight of his someday once she graduates. Her hardworking and studious nature has some students frowning upon her, thinking her an overachiever, while others admire her.
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Tsareena Gijinka Iyumi (A Pokemon Gijinka version of Iyumi where she is a Tsareena. Prissy and can seem stuck up but is actually willing to help others. If you’re charming and caring, her personality flips and she becomes a lot more friendly and adoring.)
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Genshin Impact Iyumi: Iyumi is a Electro Fatui mage on the prowl for someone cute she can call hers. To most she acts vicious and snobby, ready to electrocute them should they get on her nerves. But should she find the someone she wants, she becomes more adoring and flirty, chasing after them until she can have them. Which can turn into an aggressive chase should the other not want her.
Iyumi is a talented Fatui mage from Snezhnaya, obeying the Tsaritsa though sometimes goes off on her own in search of someone to play with and be her lover should they catch her interest. However her aggressive behavior and the fact that she is a Fatui has scared multiple people off, making her a bit hot tempered and grumpy towards others.
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One Piece Xia: Xia started off on an island of rich folk and snobs. She was given  everything she could have asked for except one thing. Freedom. Her parents were terrified of the outside world, even of some of their own neighbors thinking they would try something drastic to get their fortune. She was kept inside for the most part, couldn’t make friends, could barely even set foot outside. It drove her crazy. She could take  care of herself! Nothing would harm her. She tried every way she could  to break free of the cage she was in. And then, she finally saw her  chance when a pirate crew came to her shores.
The crew fell for her charms and looks and made her captain, blinded by their lust for her. Though she had never been a pirate or captain, she led them on one mission, to simply go place to place and have the fun she could never have when she was held like a  captive bird back home. Knowing how easily her small crew succumbed to  her wishes made her decide to branch out and use it more against others. Obtained the Inu Inu no Mii: Fox Model fruit on her travels.
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One Piece Kyana: Kyatana or Kyana as she prefers to be called lived in a humble town. Days were peaceful, all thanks to the Marines. Or so she was told by her parents. She listened to stories of famous Marines and saw them as heroes, desiring strongly to be one. She read as many books about them as she could, trained herself to at least wield a sword, and anxiously waited for herself to be old enough to join. Along the way to getting recruited however, she had some hiccups. As a child, she found a strange fruit that bullies were hiding and she decided to take it for herself, thinking they didn’t deserve it. She ended up being chased and in the middle of it all, swallowed the fruit as fast as possible. At first nothing happened. Then a burst of flame came from her. Her parents weren’t the type to give up though and made things work out, even if they weren’t sure what to think about their daughter’s new abilities. But they knew everything had been an accident. They encouraged her to train her new abilities and keep aiming to join the Marines. That was nine years ago and now much older, Kyana was ready to be recruited, feeling like she had control over her flames. Has the fire fruit.
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Demon Iyumi: A demon AU for Iyumi where she is a demon princess wanting to find her king and become a queen! Though her stuck up, snobbish attitude tends to scare away others. However, if she has interest in you, her personality switches and she’ll be nice and adoring towards you, possibly even flirty. Though watch out, when she sets her eyes on someone she wants, she’ll do anything to get them. Also has a Disgaea verse where she is a wannabe Overlord!
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Goddess of Darkness Iyumi and Goddess of Light Miyuki: Twin goddesses with not only polar powers but polar personalities. Iyumi is a snob and a bit of a brat, seeing herself as above all others (especially mortals) though secretly wants to find someone to love (and dominate over) and has a secret soft side as well. Miyuki is sweet and kind and has a very sympathetic heart, willing to help any mortals she comes across that are in trouble. Though she is also quite gullible and naive. The two bicker at times but try to work with each other.
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Angel Miyuki: Miyuki or Miyu is a young angel of heaven. She watches over humans with great curiosity but also a sense of duty to protect them. She is quite interested in the mortal world and wishes to visit it one day. Though she is no warrior, she wishes to use her healing abilities to help anyone in need. Miyu cares a lot for all living things and sympathizes easily with others’ struggles, even demons and fallen angels. The innocent angel only wishes to help whoever in need in whatever way she can. Face claim: Nasse from Platinum End
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Fairy Miyuki/Miyu: Miyu is a friendly fairy that lives in the forest. Since people who come there sometimes get lost, if she finds anyone with such a case, she tries to help them in any way she can to find their way out and be happy. She feels sorry for them and also as someone who was born in the forest, finds it her duty to help those who don’t know the area well. Miyu is however naive and desires to help everyone even if they might have hidden intentions, and is rather innocent in nature. She could never hurt anyone even if they were to try and hurt her.
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Fate Series Emilia: Emilia is from a family that has some mages, but none of them have participated in the Holy Grail Wars. When she was born, they decided she would be the first to participate once she was sixteen. It sent her family into a feud, some saying that she was much too young to join the Holy Wars, others saying she would be old enough to handle it.
Her family is counting on her to summon a strong Servant like Saber and carry their wish on her shoulders, a wish to make their family famous with a name that will go down in history. But Emilia decided on another wish. Realizing how deadly the Holy War was, she decided on the wish to never have it happen again so no one else would be forced to participate like herself.
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Pokemon Sword/Shield Diana: Diana is a trainer from the Galar region, aiming to become champion and quite strong already. Because of her knight themed team, she’s been called Lady Paladin by random trainers. Her team consists of Aegislash, Sirfetch’d, Escavalier, Bisharp, Gallade, and Ninetails.
She is friendly but serious in battle and can seem stuck up. But she loves her Pokemon and is loyal to them and her friends, willing to throw herself in a fight to protect someone.
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Final Fantasy 15 Diana: Diana grew up wanting to become a knight like her mother, her father a black mage she met on her travels. She was granted her wish when she showed great prowess in sword fighting and magic and was determined to do anything to protect her country. When trouble was heard brewing from the kingdom of Insomnia, Diana decided to start her journey as a knight early despite not being officially recognized as one and is traveling with her family friend turned her guardian, a moogle named Vico. Now she helps whoever is suffering under the empire and hopes to meet the prince one day to help him as well.
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Club Singer/Information Broker Xia: Set in a time of gangsters like Al Capone, Xia is a infamous club singer, beautiful and willing to sell information she gathers from the patrons there for good amounts of money. She may be willing to pull other favors as well if there is something interesting for her to gain.
Villain Kyana: Kyana is a villain, her parents both villains but are rather comical about it. She is as well, coming up with catch phrases, monologues, and nicknames for the heroes who go against her. She never murders or kidnaps anyone, rather steals jewels or other cliche villain things.
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moczothe1st · 6 years
Let’s Play Fire Emblem IV: Genealogy of the Holy War, Part 19: He’s a Late Blume-er
Part 18
Welcome back to FEIV! You may recall last week we killed Ishtore, a man with amazing lightning magic and truly astounding (not GOOD, but astounding) hair. He will be missed. I mean, not by me, but someone will miss him.  I mean, not his girlfriend, she also died, but…. Look, it’s a whole thing. The key is that we took his castle, and nobody is gonna be happy about it.
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(See? No happiness.)
Bramsel: Men, this is our chance! Jabarro, send in your brigade! Hit them hard while their backs are turned! Leave no survivors!      
Jabarro: At once, sir!
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Lene: Don’t you get it? He’s just using your loyalty to treat you like a weapon! I… I hate him so much!  
Ares: Lene… no, that isn’t…
Lene: Okay, fine! Whatever! Go with him, if you love him so much! It’s your life to waste, after all! But you can just go forget we ever met!
Ares: Lene…
(In her defense, judging by last week we can safely assume she’s worked out Ares is the only thing keeping her from getting locked up in Bramsel’s rape dungeon.)
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(Yeah, here it comes. And meanwhile, at the other evil castle…)
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Blume: I want you to show these rebel pigs just what the empire can do!  
One of those Three Names he Just Said: Yes, Milord. Leave it to us.  
A Second One: We will never let you down, milord.
The Third: The rebels shall be destroyed quickly, cleanly, efficiently, and utterly. Excuse us, milord.
(All three of them are identical except for eye color and the game never says which is which until they’re on the field, so.  NO clue.)
Blume: Hmmm. Everything depends on you.
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(You may recall Tinni as being mentioned by a village two weeks ago, wherein they said she was much nicer than her family and the best person ever and definitely recruitable. And if Blume is her uncle, that means Taillte is her mom.  Arthur will want to have a chat with this one!)
Blume: Hmph. One would think I could expect more gratitude from someone I raised out of the goodness of my heart after her mother died. Or have you forgotten my many kindnesses?
Tinni: No, uncle…
Blume: Good. Now get moving! Remember, these rebels are responsible for murdering my dear son Ishtore, and his true love Liza! Avenging them is your mission, Tinni!
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Banba: We will be the ones to claim Seliph’s head as a trophy this day. We mustn’t be beaten by Tinni’s unit.  
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Tinni: I… don’t know what to do anymore. Oh, mother… what would you do…?
She would probably shout a lot, if I remember her right.  Now, our phase begins and…
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(Dammit, everyone needs to shut up!)
Lene: I see right through you! The moment Ares is out of sight you think it’s okay to act all tough again, you vile louse! Don’t even think about coming any closer. I don’t need Ares around to stop you!
Bramsel: Of all the nerve! You little wench!  Throw her in the dungeon! You’ll have plenty of time to think about what you’ve done there!
Lene: No! Ah… Ares…
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Jabarro: Oh well. I guess it’s all in the past. You’re gonna forget ‘er sooner or later.
Ares: I beg your pardon? What exactly are you trying to say, Jabarro?
Jabarro: Heh… oh, nothing. Well, ‘cept that I bet Bramsel’s right about to…
(Oooooh, that was the wrong answer.)
Ares: T-this can’t be… Jabarro! How could you know his foul intent, yet let your tongue lie still?!
Jabarro: You can’t worry ‘bout the fairer sex, Ares. Have your fun with ‘em, but never stick around for when their lives come crashing down…
Ares: How dare you?! And to think you held my trust for so long… I must return to Darna! Lene needs me!
Jabarro: Nah, that ain’t gonna happen, see. Nobody, and I mean nobody, blows off my orders and turns tail on my watch! Not even you, kid.
Ares: … I’ve come far in your company, Jabarro, but our association ends now. If anyone wishes to stop me, Mystletainn will eagerly welcome your necks!
Jabarro: Grr… I’ll show you your place, whelp!
And with that, Ares reveals what sets him apart from his dad: he puts his personal morals above his oaths to jerks! Or he just really digs dancers, one of the two. Either way, he is now on the team!
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And here’s our new BFF.  Ares is an overall phenomenal unit; like Shanan he joins up with his Holy Weapon and can therefore wreck most of the enemies on the map, but unlike Shanan he actually has pretty solid growths and will likely be a much tougher unit by the end of the game than he is now. Better still, he has a horse and comes with three great combat skills, Pursuit, Adept, and Vantage. TL;DR, we need to get this man to an Arena. For now, though, I run him south toward the rest of the army to meet his new friends.  
Now then. We have three armies to deal with. One moving south at us, following Ares. One moving west at us, with Tinni and the Three Stooges.  And one moving north to try and make one more shot at conquering Leonster.  Time to split the army. First, Fee is going to head toward Leonster, she can fly so she’ll beat the enemy there. She has an armorslayer sword and the enemy is all armor knights, she can hold the castle.  
Second, to the east, there’s two swordsmen blocking us off from getting Leif, Finn, and Nanna to the rest of the army.  Let’s move them. 
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 … Finn. For shame.  But at least you can promote now. I am going to send him off to our home castle ASAP. Going north to help Ares I send Oifey, Lana, Dermott, Shanan, Ulster, Johan, Patty, and Seliph since he needs to take the castle to save Lene.  Going east are Leif and Nanna, as they’re already there, and backing them up will be Julia, Larcei, Lester, and Arthur, who is needed to recruit Tinni.  I can’t see any reason this won’t work off the top of my head, but… I mean. Fire Emblem.  
End turn!
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Only one person could reach us, so this was a boring enemy phase. Next one will be much more… active. For now, though, let’s try to purge some of the northern enemy. 
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Well. This didn’t go badly, but not great either, barring Lana finally getting an Aideen-tier level. I just didn’t kill off as many as I’d been hoping to, and the enemy phase will be pretty dicey.  I think I’ll have Finn stick around to help this group, rather than letting Lana warp him back to promote right away.  
End turn.  This will be…. Fun.
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… *sigh* Well, I knew something could go wrong, but I didn’t see it being everyone dogpiling Johan of all people. Well, nice to be surprised, I suppose.
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This is becoming a pattern. I do something interesting, die, and have to go back to boring old ‘sit at the edge of their range and bait them out’.  I know it works, but really.
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Not bad at all! They tried to dogpile Ares this time, and like I said: he’s pretty badass. Probably would have died if Jabarro had taken a shot at him, but since it was specifically Jabarro’s range we were staying away from, we pulled through just fine. Now, to the eastern front.  
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… That was just sad, Leif.
Okay, our turn.  First thing to do is clear out Jabarro’s unit. The man himself is a giant pain, packing both a Silver Sword and a Skill Ring to leave him obnoxiously accurate. Let’s send in some heavy hitters to roll him down.  
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And Shanan gets the skill ring, which he absolutely does not need. He does need money, however, so selling that later will be a nice source of income for him to keep Balmung nice and shiny.  And from here, it’s really just a nice, normal purge.  
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And hey, Ares can chat with Seliph.  I wasn’t planning to do it right now, but they ended up next to each other, so why not.
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Ares: They call me the black knight, Ares. Perhaps you would recognize me better, however, as the son of Eldigan.  
Seliph: What?! It cannot be… you don’t mean the legendary Lord Eldigan of Nordion, do you?!
Ares: The very same! I am the son of Eldigan the Lionheart, the man your father killed in cold blood! My noble mother, the Lady Grainne, died wracked with grief and rage at Sigurd! It is high time you knew my family’s pain!
(Weeeeeeren’t you an infant at the time, bro? How do you know?)
Seliph: That’s… I don’t understand. As I was told, your father and mine were the closest of friends. As tragic as their end was, I don’t believe our fathers would ever have begrudged each other.
Ares: That’s impossible… Sigurd was my father’s mortal foe! This… this is all I’ve known my entire life…
Seliph: Please listen, Ares. Would you consider traveling with my army? I know we can resolve this misunderstanding, if we just give it some time. I hold the late Lord Eldigan in the utmost respect, just as my own father did. Please, understand this.
(I don’t respect him very much, if that helps.)
Ares: Seliph… very well. I can stay my hand for now. However, be warned. Should I learn that even a single word of your claim is false, your life is forfeit in your father’s place. Do I make myself clear, Seliph?
Seliph: if that happens, then do as you must. Ares… I wish you could know just how ecstatic our fathers would be to know we’ve met at last. If only it had been under better circumstances…
Neat. Now, where were we? Oh right, IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR.
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*snerk* I like how it took three people together to bring down the first Mage Sister, and Arthur alone completely wrecked the second.  Anyway, I have him and Julia blocking off the enemy; as long as Tinni doesn’t fuck this up and try to kill her invincible brother, I think we’re in a good place.
She’s gonna, huh.
*sigh* End turn.
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Okay. So far so good. But there’s still one more…
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Julia, I know you hunger for blood, but please don’t kill this one.
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Tinni you magnificent bitch, dodging on a 93% hit chance. I love you.
Our turn, and I start it with Arthur:
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Arthur: Really?! Then you’re Tinni! Oh, I’ve finally found you!
Tinni: Er… who are you?
Arthur: Here, maybe this will clear it up. This pendant is exactly the same as yours, and I’ve had it my whole life.
Tinni: Y-you’re right, but… what are you saying?
Arthur: See, years ago, my mother was a warrior in Sigurd’s army, and after the war she fled to Silesse with her children. When I was little, my mother and my newborn sister disappeared… I was left behind with nothing but this pendant. I only recently learned what happened. It was King Blume of Alster. He abducted them. He took my family from me. The rumors all said Mother had died awhile ago, but they also said my sister is still alive. That’s you, Tinni! I’ve finally found you after all these years! I came all this way just to see you again…
Tinni: I… I never even knew Blume did that to Mother… it makes sense, though. I can’t remember much of her, but I know I never saw her smile or laugh. You’re… my brother… ohhh… sniff…
Arthur: Would you play down your arms and join our army, Tinni? We’ve still got so much to talk about.
Tinni: Mm. Thank you, brother. I never did want to fight…
And that’s that. Let’s take a look at our new recruit:
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And there’s Tinni! She gets a lot of flak because she’s hard to build super-well, but honestly I like her. She’s also hard to make bad; she doesn’t have Pursuit, but neither did Taillte and she did just fine. I suspect the people who don’t like Tinni are mainly the people who didn’t really like her mother either; I know she has a pretty wide selection of the fandom who view her as too poorly-built to use and she should be left childless. But unlike most of these chuckleheads, Tinni actually has a character arc, and for me that’s enough to bring her along. And you know, it’s not like she’s bad at combat. Wrath, Adept, and Critical are all fine skills, and while she won’t have growths as good as her crazy brother’s, she’s still got two different Holy Bloods.  In my experience, she’s gonna get on just fine.    
And then, I don’t know, either I forgot to save or my file got corrupted and I lost the last two turns. I… I was very sad. So I had to re-do them, and since that many shots would make the update unbearably long, I will summarize:  Ares got half the levels (people kept ignoring him to go after Ulster this time?) but he was able to kill his old boss and get the Skill Ring, Patty got a very good level thanks to Dermott leaving some half-dead dudes behind, and Julia almost murdered Tinni.   But, on the plus side, Finn finally got warped home to promote.  
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*whistle* Take a look at that 25 Strength. That much power and a Brave weapon basically sets him up for the rest of the game, because he is gonna hit like a runaway freight train. Might have to be careful on defense, he’s only above-average in Speed and Defense and has no resistance worth mentioning, but as an offensive unit he’ll be a monster.  Let’s test him out in the arena while we’re here, he won’t be needed on the battlefield again for this map.
Finn: Seven wins, gained no levels. He might be a bit overpowered.  
Okay! End turn, this is going pretty well barring the occasional horrible glitch that I hate.  
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…. Well, other than that. I underestimated how quickly they’d get to Leonster and… *cough* may have forgotten to move Fee once or twice, so I think the enemy will be taking the castle after all. It’s not a big deal, they’re really expected to, but I’m still a little annoyed this is happening because I didn’t think.  Ah, well, it will just be a quick detour to liberate it after Seliph finishes up at Darna. I have him head toward it, his army pausing at the edge of the defenders’ movement range (see, I can learn) and have the eastern group start moving up toward Leonster. Fee pauses in a position to challenge one or two of the armors, hopefully the whole group will turn to chase her and she can run up to the castle and hide inside.  End turn!
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Jerks. You know, it’s kind of unfair that any of them can take a castle, but we can only have Seliph do it.  
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God, you are just like your mother.
To the north, Darna’s defense line doesn’t take the bait. They must not move until attacked. Well.
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Their loss. At our other army, I have Fee take out one armor unit:
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And then run away, hiding out over the ocean to her west to avoid any other counter attacks.  She hasn’t got much health left, so she needs to avoid any damage until I can get Nanna or Julia up there to help her out. They’re on their way, so this will be turning around shortly.  End turn; no enemies are close enough to take a swing at us, so it goes immediately back to our player phase.  
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Fantastic. Darna will fall on our next turn, and shortly after that the other team should be running into the unit who took Leonster. Fee probably won’t even die.  End turn! Once again, nothing on the enemy phase; they’re moving toward us, but they’re on the slow side.  On our turn, Julia patches up Fee to gain a level.
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Hehehe. I’m legit impressed by how well her speed is doing, it tends to be a lower growth.  The rest of their unit parks on the local villages to await the incoming storm o’ units.  
Now then, Darna. First, clear the last defender:
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 Bramsel is a general, despite appearances, and stat-wise he isn’t super impressive. His one and only real trick is that he’s packing a Horseslayer weapon, so cavalry had better be sure they’re gonna take him down if they take a swing at him.  He’s got no defense against distance attacks, but, like a doofus, I sent all the mages to the other army.  So, uh, Oifey… wanna try that javelin?
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Bramsel: Darna is my city! Mine! Nobody will ever take it from me!
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Well, it’s a start. Not sure this will work, but… Seliph, wanna give it a shot?
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FUCKING PAVISE. Okay, so Darna will fall next turn.  End turn. Ya jackass game.
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And that’s Bramsel. Our turn begins, and Seliph takes the castle.  
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Lewyn: It was the last free land in Jugdral. In battle after battle, the overwhelming might of the Loptyr Empire had devastated the resistance. Ultimately, the last of the resistance soldiers barricaded themselves within Darna’s walls. Battered and wounded, they were nonetheless determined to fight to the bitter end. But then, suddenly, there was a miracle… from the heavens descended twelve gods, who bestowed upon twelve young warriors miraculous weapons and immense power. Thus were born the Twelve Crusaders, the heroes who led the resistance to victory.
Seliph: That was the legendary Miracle of Darna, yes?
Lewyn: The very same. And even as we speak, Seliph, another miracle is dawning. Just as the resurrection of Loptyr looms on the horizon, so too are the Crusaders themselves arising in our world once more…
Seliph: I beg your pardon?
Lewyn: Heh… don’t worry Seliph. You’ll understand soon enough.
(Well. Seliph may not have a ton in common with his father, but he clearly has Sigurd-tier obliviousness.)  
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And of course he can’t rescue Lene because Seliph is standing in the way. Ironic, really; we could save Lene, our dancer, if we had a dancer to move Seliph. That’s Fire Emblem Philosophy 101, kids.  In any case, Lana starts warping people back to Melgen so they can have a shorter walk to rejoin the remaining action; Shanan goes first and Lana levels up.
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Then, while he’s at a friendly castle, Best Prince takes the opportunity to run the Arena.
Shanan: Seven wins, gained one level: +1 HP, +1 Skill, +1 Speed, +1 Defense.
*sniff* I may cry. He’s doing much better than I’d expect from him, I tell you that much.
Now, to deal with the Leonster enemies, who are (finally) in range.
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… Am I being trolled? Nanna? Are you trolling me? Because you’re doing the same fucking thing Ethlyn did.  You aren’t her child, Nanna. Leif is. If Leif didn’t get any magic ever I could understand it.  That’s genetics. But you’re just the same damn class!  I hate you.  
End turn.  Bitterly end turn.
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…. Bitterness increasing.
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*sigh* 25% chance to hit and she took it right on the jaw. Fire Emblem, ladies and gents!
Let’s… try this again. This time, let’s go mainly for the commander and try to take away their Leadership Stars, see if that works out better.
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… Welcome to the team, Ethlyn 2. 
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*sigh* Well, better. Nobody is dead, anyway.  Lana warps Seliph back to Melgen so he can start the long trek over to take some castles for us, and Ares goes into Darna to rescue his gal.
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Lene: Ares…
Ares: Oh! Is everything okay, Lene?!
Lene: N-no… it’s not… but someone from the liberation army rescued me… and… I knew you’d come, Ares…
Ares: Lene… I beg your forgiveness… I was a fool! I should have heeded you…
Lene: It’s okay… after all, you’re here now…
Ares: I swear to you, I’ll never let this happen again.  
Lene: And I swear I’ll try to keep my big mouth to myself from now on! Don’t ever leave me again, Ares…
… Dark! Anyway, Lene has no signed up, and as you might have guessed she is Sylvia and Claude’s daughter. And like her mother before her, her stats and all that junk are irrelevant so I don’t need to waste time showing it! She’s a dancer so she’s amazing and will be very, very useful to the army in any situation. And unlike Sylvia, we can actually use her from day one because it doesn’t matter if she gets married.  Go team!
Oh, and speaking of the team, time to finish that actual ‘war’ thing.
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Not bad at all, barring the fact Arthur has apparently decided he’s done with Perfect Levels. And with that, the map is basically over. The only enemy units remaining are Blume himself and the three generals in front of his castle. So it’s time, I think, to have assorted folks and units do stuff. I sell Seliph’s Brave Sword so I can pass it around, and have anyone who hasn’t finished the Arena take a shot at it.
Patty: Up to seven wins, gained two levels: +2 HP, +2 Skill, +1 Strength, +2 Luck, +1 Defense
Julia: Up to seven wins, gained one level: +1 HP, +1 Magic, +1 Luck, +1 Defense, +1 Resistance
Ares: Seven wins, gained two levels: +2 HP, +2 Strength, +1 Speed, +2 Luck, +2 Defense
Nanna: Seven wins, gained three levels: +3 HP, +2 Strength, +2 Speed, +1 Magic,, +1 Defense, +2 Luck, +1 Resistance
Leif: Seven wins, gained two levels: +2 HP, +1 Skill, +2 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Luck, +1 Defense
Tinni: Seven wins, gained three levels: +3 HP, +2 Skill, +3 Speed, +1 Magic, +3 Luck, +1 Resistance
Also, Lana gains some levels from zapping people around:
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And some conversations happen.
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(“Ugh. More of the commonfolk. Oifey, where is my peasant-beating stick?!”)
Lene: I’m Lene, the Dancer!
Seliph: Y… you’re Lene?
Lene: Ooooh? Mister Seliph, is this the first time you’ve ever seen a dancer?
Seliph: Y-yes, miss…
Lene: Hee hee… that’s adorable!
(And it ends there. Lene knows what she wants in life, and it is to laugh at dorks.)
... Picture here an image of Leif introducing himself to Seliph. No such image exists because I’m a doofus.)
Leif: My parents both died in the Battle of Belhalla’s prelude… they were felled by a Thracian ambush. My homeland, Leonster, soon founds itself in the clutches of an Imperial occupation, and fell under the reign of its Duke Blume. If not for my knight, Finn, I wouldn’t be here today. He raised me in hiding in nearby villages, and we awaited the day Leonster would rise again.  We thought that day had finally come, but…
Seliph: … We both took to the battlefield around the same time, did we not? By now practically all of Jugdral knows of King Blume’s brutality. I sorely wish my army had arrived soon enough to properly aid you. You have my deepest apologies, Prince Leif.
Leif: No, Lord Seliph. I’m the one who should be apologizing. Our failure was squarely my fault.  However, this isn’t over yet. I am the son of Quan, a man worthy of being dubbed a Knight of Nova. I refuse to shame his legacy, and so I’ll live on. I’ll fight on, no matter the cost. To that end, Lord Seliph, my comrades and I would like to join your army.  I may not have much of an army left, but what I do have is yours. May we serve you well in restoring honor to Grannvale.  
Seliph: Thank you, Prince Leif.  Often have I heard it said that our fathers were inseparable friends, bound together to the bitter end in both life and death.  Not to mention your mother, Queen Ethlyn, is also my aunt…
(“Oh yeah, we’re literally cousins, forgot for a bit!”)
Seliph: Both of your parents gave their lives to support my father’s cause. Prince Leif, you have my deepest, most heartfelt apologies for their sacrifice.
Leif: Thank you, but that isn’t necessary. I’m proud of my parents, and have the utmost respect for Lord Sigurd. The only hatred I bear is for the true villains, Emperor Arvis and King Travant!
(Holy crap, Leif is logically blaming the people actually at fault? Are we sure he’s an anime teenager?)
Seliph: As do I. Prince Leif, in the name of our late fathers’ last wishes, I seek to restore peace and light to all of Jugdral. Please, join me in my cause!
Leif: Yes, milord! You have my blade as your own!
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Dermott: Perfect! I’m your brother, Dermott!
(“Excuse me? I was always told my brother’s name was Diarm-“ “YUP, DERMOTT, THAT’S ME.”)
Nanna: What?! What… are you talking about…?
Dermott: I didn’t know until recently, either. King Lewyn told me everything.   In the war seventeen years ago, I was with the kids who fled to Isaach. But you were born after our mother went to Leonster.
Nanna: You… you’re my brother? Then where’s Mother now?!
Dermott: Er… ‘Where’s Mother’?  What are you getting at here, Nanna?
Nanna: I haven’t seen her in so long… when I was around three years old, she left us and traveled alone to Isaach, to try and find you. She never came back. I’ve waited to see her again for years…
Dermott: She did? But… but I never saw her…!
Nanna: You… didn’t? Then where is she…
Dermott: The Yied Desert… it’s a treacherous place. Very few lone travelers survive it…
Nanna: … No! Oh, mother…
(And Nanna gains +1 Luck from that, because… tragedy… builds character…?)
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Tinni: I am Tinni… Arthur’s sister…
Seliph: Ah, of course. I’ve been told your story, Tinni.
Tinni: Um… I’m sorry!
Seliph: You’ve nothing to apologize for, Tinni. With the likes of King Blume for an uncle, I completely understand. You had no choice.
Tinni: Are… are you forgiving me, sir?
Seliph: Certainly! There’s no question that you’re not our enemy, and it would be an honor to have you with us.
Tinni: Wow… you’re everything the stories say you are! I wish we could’ve met sooner…
Seliph: Heh… thank you. Listen, Tinni… I know fighting your own family is a painful prospect, so please, don’t force yourself if you’re at all uncomfortable.
Tinni: Sir…
He actually means that literally.  Tinni vs. Blume is very painful to her, in a very literal, physical way.  He’ll kick her ass.  
All right. Now that we’ve gotten that all done, and Seliph has gone up to retake Leonster, the rest of the army turns to Blume.  He’s guarded by three generals, all of whom have Silver Blades and Steel Bows, so there isn’t a safe range to hit them from. But that’s nothing new. The real problem is Blume himself.
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Yeah. Yeah. You remember Mjolnir, I hope, from when Reptor made our lives hell with it.  Well, Blume takes after dear old dad.  He can’t double attack with it, his only ability is Pavise, but he’s still very fast and hits very hard. And to make matters worse he has a droppable Silver Blade, so ideally we want someone who can use swords to bring him down. Realistically that means ‘Shanan or Ares’ because another Holy Weapon is your best shot at doing it without dying.    
So first things first, let’s move the guards.
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Geez, these guys are beefy. That was to kill one of them.  Ulster, can you do better?
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… Sorrrrrrta? He didn’t get hit in return, at least. But I also can’t get anyone else in position to support him, so he’s probably gonna get pounded in the face next turn.  Speaking of next turn, end turn!
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Okay. Our turn, and there’s only one general left. Let’s clear that fucker out before we do anything else.
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Ugh. I should point out that this is not actually the land of the Omni-Generals; Blume has four leadership stars and he buffs his troops up considerably. I take a few turns here to rest up, heal up, and send Shanan to liberate the remaining villages because he’s desperately short on cash.  Julia levels from healing:
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You might have noticed she didn’t gain a point of magic? She’s already hit the cap. Can’t go higher until she promotes. I love my princess. <3
Now. Blume. He has conversations with three different characters, two of whom should not be allowed anywhere near him.  Since I love you guys, and I’m willing to use save states to cheese for story content, here they are.
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(Frankly, I’m just amazed she hit him.)
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Blume: Hmph! A likely retort, but only one of us will die this day, and it shall not be me!
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(Well, he wasn’t wrong.)
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Blume: Gah… impudent whelp! Just try me!
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*whistle* Well. It was a close thing, but he clearly tried real good. It was caught at a bad moment, but that last shot was a crit that left Blume with only 13HP. And Ares is in range!  
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Yeah, we’re not done with this jackass just yet.  Still, for the moment, Ares has a backup sword to use so he doesn’t burn through his Mystletainn all the time, and that’s all I asked for. Shanan spends the next few turns getting paid:
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(Well. Only one now.)
Info Master: Ishtar’s ruling over Manster right now, and Ishtore’s posted at Fort Melgen, both doing Blume’s dirty work. Unlike their folks, they’re fine youths. You’ll be sure to face ‘em sooner or later… be on your guard, stranger.
(“They’re great kids! But, you know, they definitely will try to kill you.”)
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Why Is He Smiling: His rule’s been one tragedy after another… Just when we thought he couldn’t get any worse, now he’s just letting those child hunts happen! We can’t take this anymore…
And with that, nothing else to do on this map, so let’s call it a day. Seliph, do the honors!
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Lewyn: Eh, these sorts of things can’t be helped. After all, the war’s only just beginning.  
Seliph: And yet, the citizens are already all so eager to support us! I’ve seldom seen such joy…
Lewyn: For the first time, they’ve got hope for a future free from the Empire’s abuse.  YOU are the people’s last hope, Seliph, but the worst of the war still lies ahead.  
Seliph: Mm. And yet, I’ve so much incredible talent fighting by my side! With such amazing men and women with me, I know no challenge will be too great!
(I kind of morbidly wonder what he says if you let everyone die except him at this point.)
Lewyn: Yeah… you’ll all do just fine, Seliph.
 *whew* Well. Thank you for being chill about this for once, Lewyn.  I enjoy you more when you aren’t bitching at me.  Now then, see you all next week when… *shudder*
When Blume calls in… … … …
Resets: 24. It’s all downhill from here, folks.
Part 20
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