#so so happy and so so sleepyyyyy
junkdyke · 11 months
i am homeeeee from Denver (Wheat Ridge) Colorado!! my last trip until next year
tattooed super dope pieces almost every day, ALL of my clients were some form of fem kweer (dykes, enby, and transfems) including one of my fucking COOL ASS MUTUALS @seraphbutch !!!!
my friends are thinking its a potential place to move, but we'll be visiting again soon to really get a feel! idk, its really fucking white tho. speaking of white; so i was making fun of my friend for her Tinder algorithm and finally caved in and remade mine. i have never seen so fucking many granola femmes in my LIFE, amd not like the fun and funky granola either, just kinda beige. I matched with all 10 of the only butch/mascs in a 50 mile radius LMAOOO and then i felt bad bc i exchanged 1 or 2 messages with each of them before just completely not replying to any of them cause i got too busy 💀 a couple of them did, however ,message me again so i answered, they were really cute but it's a shame i am just NOT in place to be doing the app thing rn. Fun to look though!!
i went to a metal show with tattoo crush while we were out there, and I might be going to another one with her later this month!! Both her and Dyke Roomie are down to go to the orchestra with me!! The shop we worked at was SOOO cute with the sweetest artists, one of them wants to get tattooed by me when we come back which is such an honor!! we saw the most gorgeous views during our 16 hour drive, our airbnb host was fucking UNHINGED lmfaooooo, she had us check in late after we had just finished driving for hours, would just NOT leave the room cause she was trying to finish setting it up, had been sick so she had no voice, and then when she finally left, texted Tattoo Crush to say "I'm sorry i'm such a mess. I think I left my vape in the room. jkkkkkkkkk. sorry this is like the worst week of my life, my grandma is sick. the mess is because the other people that live here are going through a nasty divorce. sorry again, im such a mess." just...insanity!!!!! But it was a really fun trip, i love my friends so much!!
We're all agreed that next year we'll be traveling monthly or bi-monthly! Some for sure spots we'll be hitting up are Atlanta, Portland, Seattle, Austin, I'm hoping Vancouver, maybe Boston, San Francisco ofc and maybe spend more time in Oakland, Dyke Roomie wants to go to Salem, another of my coworkers wants me to go to Nashville with her...so excited, so happy, i love life rn and the people in it💖
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covenofwives · 1 year
I was thinking (about my love for 4D) how close are the gods with their in laws?
HD's relationship with Sapnap
And 4k's relationship with George
Sleepyyyyy hello. I'm so happy you love 4D so much. It makes me smile.
There is a scene planned in the future of the God Siblings making a pact as it were to treat each of the mortal siblings like they were their own. Basically they all protect each of them with their lives. So all of the God Siblings do have a close relationship/bond with the younger siblings of each other.
For Sapnap and George specifically, 4K and George have more of a lighter relationship. Specifically it's 4K pestering George like he was an older brother. But of course he has an unbearable soft spot for George, a fact which George will try and use to his advantage to get free stuff or have 4K be a personal escort for him through the Nether. 4K knows George's pestering feral attitude is a mask of loneliness though and can relate to him on that end, but he knows George would hiss if he ever tried to openly talk to him about it so he's happy to just watch over George and silently ease his loneliness.
HD and Sapnap have a surprisingly close and sweet relationship. HD becomes a confidant to Sapnap and a good advisor to him. They can relate to one another in terms of responsibility and spent time at least once a week having a talk with each other. Sapnap can still be a little playful devil though and HD isn't above putting him in his place with a few reminder tickles.
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boag · 2 years
I’m so happy n sleepyyyyy just got off FaceTime w river
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heavenlyakin · 9 months
🥂! But bold of you to assume I'll make it to midnight after my 9 hour workday 🤣 happy new years friend!!
I might not make it either! I’m sleepyyyyy! Happy new years bestie!
Would you be mad if I said hisoka? He saw you standing against the doorframe and thought you looked oh so scrumptious!
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butchdykekondraki · 2 years
EMPIRE HI!!! happy valentine's day!!! idk what time it is where you are but its still the 14th here so it counts lol. we meant to make you an actual vlanetine bc youre so cool and mean a lot to us!! but we didnt get around to it!!! we r sorry!!! but we love you a lot!!!!! (also scar told me to say hi to roe and that he loves them a lot!!) you guys are the best thank u for being in our life <33
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"No one ever truly gets over the loss of a loved one..."
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*next morning*
You had woken up earlier than expected but you decided to head out and quickly get some food for the two of them and yourself.
"Hi, um can I get three breakfast sandwiches.. with one banana milk and two coffees?" You asked.
"Yes you can! Will that be all?" The kind woman asked cheerfully.
You couldn't help but smile, "Yes, ma'am it will, thanks!" You responded as she told you your total and told you to pull up to the next window.
"Here you go! Have a good day!" She said, smiling as she handed you your card and receipt first, then your drinks and food
"No, you have an amazing week!" She chuckled pulling off as she laughed back.
-Jeonghans P.O.V.-
Slowly but surely I started to stir in my sleep especially when Haru started to kick and push in her sleep, groaning I swung my feet off the edge of y/n's guest bed. Not really sure of what to do next, before ultimately but also reluctantly making the decision to look for y/n.
Trying my best not to wake Haru, I cover her back up kissing her cheek.
"I'll be back honey.." I whisper as I quietly shut the door.
"Um, y/n...?" I whisper yelled, poking my head around the corner into the dimly lit living room. Nothing..
I made my way into the kitchen.. nothing. The bathroom door was open but dark, nothing..
I walked back down the dim hallway and to her room, in which the door was closed. I gently tapped it and got no response.
'She must have left... I'll just leave her a note.' Jeonghan thought to himself, quickly walking back into the kitchen and grabbing a classic yellow sticky note.
'Dear y/n, thank you for letting Haru and I stay the night it was greatly appreciated. - Jeonghan.'
"Haru.. Haru..! Wake up honey.." I wispered to her. She flung her arm at me unconsciously, I barely managed to dodge it. I gently pinched her rosey cheek. A small smile playing on my lips, calling back to the first time I did that to her, while she was wrapped in a pink cloth.
'she was so small then..' I thought to myself, feeling something run down the side of my face.
"Mm... daddy...?" Haru blinked, looking at me. "...daddy why are you crying?" She asked worry on her pale face.
I was shocked, I hadn't realized..
"O-oh.. sweetheart.. no daddies fine, he was just thinking about mommy... But right now we have to go.. okay?" I said wiping my face quickly.
She sat up her raven black hair frizzled almost mimicking a birds nest. However this cute site didnt change the expression that was of worry and sadness carved into her soft features.
"But daddy, it's cold outside and it warm in here... can we stay just a little longer? Pleaseeee.." Haru begged clasping her tiny hands together, looking up at him.
Jeonghan gave a forced smile. "I know honey.. but daddy will figure it out.." he said.
'Eventually...' he thought.
"But for now y/n isnt here, let's go get dressed and leave, we dont wanna be a bother to y/n anymore than we have.."
He muttered before picking his daughter up, and grabbing her clothes,
"Y/n said we're a bother?" Haru said hurt on her face.
"N-no sweetheart.. you're a bit too young to understand..." he trailed off, "Here, go get dressed with the basics.. I'll help you with your socks and shoes.."
"Okay daddy!" She said happily running off into the bedroom bathroom. But not before asking for help for the bathroom light which her father gladly helped with.
•20 minutes later•
"Okay, Haru. Do you have everything?"
"Hmmm, I got my bows, and my pretty pink shoes... and I got my daddy too!" She giggled and Jeonghan picked her up smiling.
"Okay.." I sighed, "..home sweet home.."
I hurried into the building and up the stairs. Once I made my way to my floor, I sat my stuff down on the floor holding the food in one arm while my keys were in the other. Regardless I was shock when the door knob started to turn and the door swung open, I was met face to face with Jeonghan and Haru in his arms, his eyes met mine and were wide and filled with shock.
"A-ah!" He said in a startled manner, stepping back. "Haru and I were just about to leave.. thank you for giving us a place to stay for the night..." he blushed.
"O-oh, well... I was hoping you two would stay.. even if it's just for breakfast... I-I mean I did buy a sandwich and a drink for each of us.." I said looking down.
"Food! Daddy can we stay?! Please even if it's just for breakfast!" Haru beamed.
Jeonghan seemed a bit taken aback, "um, I'm pretty sure y/n has things to do.. we dont wanna interrupt her life.."
Y/n wasnt sure if she should be offended or saddened by the way he felt.
"No! You're not a bother... I'm off today anyways... and it gets lonely around here... stay all long as you need.. besides, the foods getting coldz I'm getting cold, and its supposed to be another storm to night.. they're expecting at least 12 inches of snow.." y/n consoled.
Jeonghan sighed stepping to the side, "if you say so..." he says defeated but relieved as well.
"So we can stay?!" Haru professed.
Y/n looked down at her "Yes my dear.." she smiled. Walking into her home. Jeonghan caught himself staring at her in a romantic way...
"Um, Jeonghan could you close the door? Heat isnt free you know.." she joked.
"O-oh right of course.." he blushed.
Haru jumped out of his arms and ran to the table where y/n placed the food down.
"Wheres Haru?" You asked.
Jeonghan looked up from his hands. "I put her to sleep.. she was getting whiny so it was nap time.."
"Oh.." was all you could say, but you couldn't help but notice he seemed upset about something.
"Jeonghan, are you okay? You seem.. stressed..."
He let out a deep chuckle. "... because I am... I'm a homeless single father who cant find a job for shit. And a daughterwho looks up at me even in my worst of moments.."
You pursed your lips. "Well I can help you look for one, and in the mean time you and Haru take your time.. okay? And shes you daughter shes gonna do that..."
"Y/n-" he started.
You stopped him, "Jeonghan. Dont. Even. I get wanting to do thing by yourself.. but its January and it's not just you who's at stake here.. So I'm not allowing you to decline my offer."
Jeonghan was taken back by her sudden sternness, he couldn't help but smile as he made the unconscious decision to push aside her coiled locks and lean in closer to her before their lips gently collided with each others.
-3 months later-
Y/n was sitting at the table helping Haru with her homework when a thrilled, but sweating Jeonghan burst through the door.
"I not even a knock or a 'hi'?" Y/n exclaimed in a semi-joking manner.
"Daddy!" Haru beamed running to his side where he picked her up spinning her around.
Out of breath he exclaimed, "I got it!"
Y/n arched her brows. "You got wha- Oh my god! Jeonghan that's amazing honestly!"
"Yes, I got the job!" He beamed holding y/n at his chest.
She smiled kissing Haru on the cheek, and him on his soft pink lips.
"I'm gonna save up for our wedding y/n! I love you so much!" He said.
Haru harshly interrupted, "What about me! And mommy...?"
Jeonghan sighed.. "haru.. I will always love your mother... much like how y/n will always love her husband.. but they've both gone to a better place, and one day we will join them.. but right now, I'm sure they would both want you, me, and y/n to be happy... I hope you can understand that, and not resent y/n for it." He said.
"Nows probably not the best time.. but you never truly get over the loss of a loved one.." you wispered.
Jeonghan kissed your forehead and kissed Harus cheek as well.
A/n: ahhh this took forever I'm so sleepyyyyy but it's done! My thumb hurts! Yall better enjoy this!!! Lmao.
But no really i put so much energy and effort into this, so please dont expect an up date for at least a few months! Thanks for understanding! Platonically Para-socially love you guys! Enjoy! Bye! 💕
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made-in-the-hallway · 7 years
96. Stopbeing grumpy. It’s lame.
Great. Just great you thought. Summer is here, and youstill haven’t picked out a decent swimsuit to buy. Meaning, you need to get up,drag Harry to the shops and finally buy a swimsuit for the day you will go tothe beach. The only problem here is that Harry will do anything to delay thisdecision of yours to shop because it is still early and he wants to stay in bedwith you. But you know better than that.
You started tracing his tattoos on his long arms andpecked his nose. He started to stir and you knew you were close. One last finalkiss on his lips and he was wide awake kissing you back.
“Remember to wake meh up like this mo’ often pet”, hejokingly said and kissed you again. His hands moved to the small of your backbut you were not having it right now.
“I will make sure. Now go get washed up because weneed to hit the roads sleepybug”, you said and tried to rush to the bathroombut Harry stopped you.
“Whoa love. Where do we have to go this early?”, justlike you thought.
“Harry I need to get a swimsuit. I have nothing to wearfor when we go to the beach”.
“Buuuuuut it is still earlyyyy”, he started whining. Therewe go.
“Harry stop whining. I can go perfectly by myself, butI want your personal opinion too, you know that”. You hoped this would work.
“But Y/N I am sleepyyyyy”, okay time to change thestrategy.
“So won’t you be joining me? Fine. But don’t tell methat my swimsuit is too provocative or too revealing afterwards”, you shruggedand Harry felt alarmed.
“Buuuuuut-“ Harry tried.
“Oh.And one more thing. Stop being grumpy. It’slame”, you half smiled at him and you got up. Just as you did so, Harry cameafter you and turned you around so you were facing him.
“It’s lame huh? Guess I will come with yeh only if yehput on a little show fo’ meh at the store”, he winked at you and you playfullysmacked his hand.
“You pervert.”, you smiled before kissing him on thelips.
At least, he made up his mind and he would be joiningyou at the shops.
There it is! Thank you very much for your request lovely anon! I really hope you like it! Happy reading!
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