#so sorry for never answering first of all AAAHHHHHHH
banchagu · 10 months
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So I've wanted to participate in Inktober for a really long time now, but always knew I wouldn't be able to finish it to my liking (or at all without dying lbr) in only a month. Still, it seemed like a great exercise in traditional art, composition, and emphasizing quantity + pace over "perfect" – all areas I especially wanted to improve on at the beginning of the year. Around February I decided to Just Do It and simply spread the challenge throughout the rest of 2023, with the deadline being December 1st. And now I have everything done! 21 characters I like from various things and 10 random originals, one to post til New Year's Eve :9
BASICALLY the point of this post is kind of a warning for spam, do what you need if you wanna avoid it! I'll be using the tag bguink2023!!
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the-bi-space-ace · 1 year
ok ik you reblogged it like DAYS ago BUT, 🌤 🌈 and 🌧 for the wip ask game??? as a treat??
Ahhh I’m excited to answer these
(Also they are all going to be from Keep These Shadows Out bc I’m currently editing so it’s all I can think about)
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP
“This is the second time Rex killed me.”
I think…. Uh…. We can guess who said this line 🫠 (I’m so sorry)
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP
Hunter tiptoed around and picked up the bags of candy, moved the boots still resting dangerously close to Wrecker’s head, and relocated a discarded datapad laying in one of Tech’s open hands. He smiled when Tech shifted in his sleep, turning onto his side and shoving his face into Echo’s stomach, who groaned in sleepy protest before settling down moments after the disruption.
(I promise fluff will happen in this story there’s just quite the wait ☺️)
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP
Cody slipped his fingers under the loose sleeve of Echo’s civvie shirt and started tapping it out - s a f e p r o m i s e - over and over like he was the one who needed to believe it. After he let the quiet drag on for long enough he closed his eyes. How many times had he done this? Held one of his brothers and tried to convince them that things weren’t as dier as they felt they were. Tracing the words on Wolffe’s palm while he was posted up in a cot, face bandaged after losing his eye - Cody hadn’t slept a wink that night as he watched Wolffe’s face for any sign of discomfort. How many times had he held Rex close and traced the word on the back of his neck until he was asleep? Sleepless nights staring at the ceiling but never once pausing, not to breathe, not to readjust, not even to sleep. There was no use counting how many times he’d been on this end of things. Tapping the code on Wooley’s wrist after his first mission with them, waiting until he was passed out before he picked up his datapad and kept working. Or signaling to Waxer and Boil from across the room when he could feel their anxiety from there, waiting until everyone was gone to sit between them so they could draw some sort of warmth from him. He was always allowed to simply exist with them, in whatever state he was in. How many times had he done this? Tapped out safe on skin and armor, tracing pathways to soothe, confidence trickling through his fingertips to rest in their chests - even if he didn’t feel it himself. How many times had he done it? How many times has it been true?
Aaahhhhhhh I love these asks bc I read through everything I’ve written and am reminded of all the stuff I’ve forgotten about. Literally the best.
@saturn-sends-hugs thank you for the ask!
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bbaronpiper · 4 years
This is a project I did with @artsaree​  You can read hers here
well, I’m so nervous about this since we all know how good she is at writing but I really did enjoy writing this. haha so basically we had the same theme, setting and character traits. 
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Arón x reader
Usually, you spent your Sunday nights locked inside your home. Enjoying the calm before the storm people call Monday. Reading and researching about random stuff. At a young age, you always had this unusual, intense curiosity inside you which by the way leads you to your current situation. You turned your head to the side only to see Arón smiling cheekily at you. For some reason, being behind bars was like a joke to him.
Yep. You are locked behind bars instead of your room on a Sunday evening with your boyfriend who looked like he was having the time of his life, grinning at you like an idiot.
It was a week ago when Arón woke you up from your sleep. Poking on your cheeks lightly. You slap his hands away hoping he’ll stop. “Y/N! someone’s at your door” he whispered close to your face.
“Go get it, cabron.”
“You get it. This is your house Y/N. It was you he was calling for” probably just too lazy to get up as well
“Uugghhhhh!” You then pull the covers out of your body annoyed at whoever this person is doing at your door at 2 am. Dragging your feet across the floor lazily until you reached it. Yawning before unlocking it. Revealing a tall man with broad shoulders and a beard probably the same age as Arón. You didn’t recognize him at all. You had to rub your eyes to get the sleepiness out of your system.
“Y/N/N!” the mysterious man who interrupted your sleep said excitedly as he proceeds to hug you while you just stood there dumb founded. It took you a while to come to your senses and push him away.
“umm, sorry, who are you again? And how do you know my nickname? The only one who calls me that was-“ you cut yourself as you examine him closely. You watched as he smiled cheekily at you knowing you already recognized him.
“aaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Marco!” you screamed excitedly and covered your mouth once you realized you had neighbors.
You heard rapid loud thuds coming from the bedroom coming closer to where you’re at.
“Woahh!!! The fuck are you doing with that bat, Arón?” raising your arms up trying to stop him. You would’ve laughed if it wasn’t for the bold look he had on his face.
“I heard you screaming so I came as fast as I coul- are you okay? Who’s this? He said pointing to the man standing next to you, raising his eyebrow.
“This is Marco, my cousin. Marco, this is Arón my boyfriend” pointing at Marco then at Arón introducing them to one another. “Come in! come in!” you said squealing like a little child.
To cut the story short, Marco asked if he could stay with you and Arón for a few weeks until he finds a place to settle in. You haven’t seen him in 10 years. His family moved away when you were 8 due to some family feud and never saw him until today. Marco was your favorite. he was the only guy cousin you had, the rest were all girls which you didn’t get along too well. You were different than them you didn’t like tea parties and all that shit. You and Marco almost did everything together despite the 6 years age gap.
You spent the first nights staying up late with him catching up, telling stories reminiscing your childhood completely leaving Arón alone in the other room doing his work. This night, you decided to have a few drinks on your backyard.
“Ohh it’s still here?” Marco asked. Pointing at the old basketball ring hanged up on your wall. It was the same ring you two played with when you were kids.
“Yep!” you said popping your lips at the word. “You remember how you used to lift me up just so I can shoot the ball?” you said smiling to yourself at the memory.  
“What? Like this?!” Marco stood up abruptly walked behind you, trapped you inside his arms and lift you up. Your distinct crazy laugh was heard everywhere when you realized he trapped your arms as well so you can’t possibly reach for the ring. Once Marco realize this, he quickly let go of you making you fall to the ground laughing along with you. “You… stupid.. asshole!” you said in between laughs.
“Ahem, ahem!!” You heard someone clearing their throat. You instantly looked up to see Arón staring down at you with his arms crossed. Jealousy evident in his eyes. Marco was about to help you get up when Arón beat him to it. “I got her” he said through gritted teeth as he bends down held you by the waist and helped you get back to your feet like a child.
“Gracias” as you said nervously. Your face was close to his making you look straight into his eyes. You’re fully aware he’s pissed by the looks of him. He made sure you knew it. It was one of Arón’s bold personality. He speaks up and acts on it. He wasn’t afraid to show or say what he’s really feeling. “Time for bed?” you smiled innocently and smacked his ass. Trying to lighten the mood but he just nodded in return.
The walk inside the house was quiet with Marco following you both close behind. You can feel Marco’s not comfortable but kept his mouth shut. You said your goodnights once you reached the door of your own bedrooms.
You are now laying in bed with Arón with your head against his bare chest. You then reached to your side table and got a marker. You started drawing on his chest trying to connect his moles to each other. It’s your own way of showing him affection and sometimes just to mess up with him as an attempt to make him smile. You did it even to your own moles on your arms sometimes, you’re not sure where you got this weird trait but you figured it comes in with your eccentric personality. You always tried to connect the dots physically and even in real life situations. Arón usually let’s you do this to him except for tonight as he sat up on the bed leaving you confused.
“What was that?!”
“What was what, Arón?” sitting up as well pretending not to know.
“That! you let a random man live with us, ignoring me the whole week and now he’s touching you?” he said clearly annoyed.
“First of all are you jealous? Second, he’s not a random person he’s my cousin! And lastly, baby, I am not ignoring you!” you defended trying to make your point.
“Y/N you haven’t seen this guy for a decade! How do you know he’s your cousin? Just because he called you by your nickname?” Arón clearly stating the facts “also, so what if I’m jealous?! I’m your boyfriend and I don’t want anyone else to touch you like that!”
You burst out laughing as you just straddle onto his hips, facing him. “Bebe, I asked for his birth certificate” you kissed the tip of his nose as you laughed even more finding this argument stupid. “oh, you think this is funny, now?” he said sarcastic.
“I’m well aware you didn’t like him by the look on your face that night he came. But please just give him a chance, Arón. He’s really nice” your opinionated self, argued. “And besides, you have nothing to be jealous about. It’s not like I’m gonna fuck my cousin.” Wiggling your eyebrows at him.
Arón knows he’s gonna lose this argument. You were always the one who’s outspoken about your beliefs and opinions and fights for it. so, he just let it go for now.
“Oh right, but I’m gonna fuck you so hard tonight making sure he knows who you belong to” he smiled cheeky at you as his hands gripped on your waist lifting you up away from him and slamming you onto the bed.
The next night was different, you spent it with Arón on your backyard trying to make up for the nights you ignored him as he likes to say. He was puffing a smoke while you sat on his lap tracing your fingers on the moles on his chest connecting it like you usually do. He was wearing a shirt but you do this often you know their placement by now.
You heard the door opened and closed followed by the sounds of keys hitting the counter top knowing Marco arrived home from his house hunting. You heard him called your name and you yelled back at him saying you’re out back. Within a few seconds, you saw him poking his head out the door.
“Have you guys had dinner yet? I brought some food”
“Okay we’ll be right there in a few” and with that he disappeared and went inside.
Arón took one last puff from his cig, turn his head away from you and exhaled the smoke. “Oh now, I’m starting to like this guy” he said laughing a little. You smacked his chest in return and walked with him towards the house.
“So, how’s your house hunting?” Arón asked Marco. You kicked his foot from under the table knowing exactly what he meant by this. This ass was excited to get rid of your cousin.    
“oh it was okay, I actually have my eye for this house just 2 blocks away from here. I might get it.” he shrugged taking a bite on his food not looking once at Arón. “By the way, Y/N/N, I drove past the house we used to sneak out to when we were kids. Do you remember? The one with the swing on the backyard? You always ask me to take you there before”
You felt Arón shifting in his seat, clearing his throat. Uh oh.  “Oh yeah, but the owner moved away years ago and no one lived there ever since. I wonder if the swing is still there”
“We wouldn’t know for sure and I wouldn’t dare go and check it out. It looks like a haunted house now.” Marco answered. “okay I’m going to bed, quite tired. Goodnight guys!” he informed us maybe just trying to avoid Arón’s glares. But before he completely disappeared from our sight, he turned around and said “ And oh, if you two are gonna get it on tonight please try to tone it down a little?” Marco winked at you both trying to hold back laughter. You then proceed to slap Arón on his arm while he’s smirking knowing he did that on purpose.
“Let’s go check it out” Arón suggested.
“Now?” smirking at him. Arón’s bold personality and your eccentric ones doesn’t mix well at times like this. You know it would turn ugly. He was always willing to make a move despite knowing the risk. While you on the other hand who has intense curiosity about things and will never be afraid to get involved, always get the two of you in trouble. But you did it anyways.
You are now climbing the fences with a huge sign written with private property on it while Arón waited for you on the other side. “Catch!” you said as you jumped onto him earning a low groan from him. He caught you by the waist and put you down on the ground. The light from your phones are the only source of light, everything else was dark. You held his hand as you excitedly drag him to the back of the house almost running. “Slow down Y/N! I swear I’m gonna laugh at you if you land on your face” Arón teased you.
You raised your hand showing him that your fingers are intertwined with him. “Well, I’m taking you with me, cabron” as you laughed in his face.
It was not long when the dark surrounding was illuminated with red and blue lights.
“Joderrrr” Arón remarked as soon as he saw it. You giggled a bit trying to hide your nervousness as he let go of your hand, raising both of his up in the air when he saw two police officers getting out of the car and starts walking towards you.
“Do you know that this is a private property?” the lady cop asked. “And we would like to see your hands too ma’am, please raise them up slowly” she added referring to you.
Nodding your head yes to the officer as you did what you were told looking at Arón while he tries to suppress a laugh. You widened your eyes at him warning him to keep it together before you pissed these two officers even more.
“Since you both are aware that this property is off limits and you intentionally broke the law, we have to arrest you” The other police officer informed you.
Your eyes widened for the second time now as the lady cop is now securing the handcuffs around your wrist. Your heart was beating fast knowing this is now damn serious.
“Sir, she has nothing to do with this, this was my idea” Arón tried to save you. His protective side taking over. The officer ignored him, grabbed both of his arm, placed it on his back and secured it with a handcuff. “She’s here with you, therefore she’s an accomplice”
“Couldn’t you just let us off with a warning. We’re not thieves. There’s nothing to steal here anyways” Your outspoken self, added while you are now both being led to the police car. The cop just raised his eyebrow at you cockily “Ma’am, There’s no exceptions to the law.”
You are now sitting beside Arón inside the police car while the two officers roam around the property checking for more possible accomplice.
“We should make a run for it” Arón confidently suggested looking at you. “Yeah that’s a great idea no?” he questioned you. You looked back at him like he’s some crazy person while shifting at your seat trying to get comfortable with your arms behind your back. “No one in their right mind would do that”                      
“Well, that’s the real question here. Are we on our right minds?” He said. It wasn’t a question at all.  You stared at each other for a while before a small smile slowly form into your lips. Arón burst into laughter and you joining him. Oh boy how you are deeply in love with this man. You thought to yourself.
“I told you our personalities get us in trouble when mixed” you scooted closer to him as he did the same. You pecked his lips but he seems to want more. So he leaned in again and kissed you deeply this time. You had your eyes closed, your lips moving in sync with him not caring that you’re currently at the back seat of a cop car.
“Hey, don’t blame me! You were the one who’s so curious about that swing you and Marco used to love!” Arón then said after pulling away rolling his eyes playfully as he said his name.
“Fine! I’ll blame your stupid jealousy instead!” you fought back. You then saw the police officers walking back to the car.
“Well at least I’ll have you all alone to myself now” Arón grinned and winked at you. You nudged him using your shoulder as you both laugh at the thought that the only way to get you alone with him nowadays without your long-lost cousin in the view is to get you locked up in a jail cell with him.
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voidlitmoon · 4 years
The Question
(Actual fanfic posted May 10th, 2019)
Ok so I've had this idea for a few days as a random thought, but I thought earlier " ehh, it's good enough to write" so.... I wrote this from 10:51 pm to 12:30 am. I need to wake up at 5 aaahhHHHHH (who's yelling at me to sleep because it's 1:09?)
Anyways please enjoy this tiredly written student mystery that's given right away by the tags, tell me if I made a mistake anywhere, good night :)
Ao3 link
Fanfic master post link
Words: 1,178
Summery: The Question
Without realizing it, theater teacher Mr. Prince, or Roman as he insisted, had The Question follow him for two and a half years. What was The Question?
Ok that was four questions, but they all surrounded one thing
Roman's mysterious partner
The Question was something that changed throughout the two and a half years Mr. Prince, or Roman as he wished his students to call him, had so far worked at Marebelle Performing Arts High School. At first it was why. Why did he teach here, working as a drama teacher, instead of performing on Broadway?
The student who had asked one day during the end of the first year got the answer with a happy laugh from the dramatic teacher.
“It’s true, I’ve always wanted to be there, up on the big stage, but then who would teach you to follow your dreams there as well? A mediocre drama teacher who doesn't care and just wants pay? NO SIR! (he said while throwing his hands up, the student informed) I wish to teach the future, the ones that instead of me being up there, I get to know I’m the one who helped you get there! My love encouraged it, saying that if I could help now, the results later would make me brighter then any stage light!”
Now with their answer, the students sighed in relief knowing that this was a teacher who wanted to help, one who truly loved his subject. The first The Question was done, until a girl spoke up….
“Wait, theater isn’t the only love in his life?”
The Question two was what? Confusion swept and sure, Roman was quite handsome (insert girls swooning for the first two weeks) but he had never spoke of a love before this. Summer started after that, leaving it to sink into all their already stressed brains.
The answer arrived when someone asked on the third day back, many kids blushing since they had all also wanted to bring it up, but had no courage whatsoever to ask something so personal, even with Roman being so open. He smiled so wide, looking off with unintentional dramaticness and eyes glazed over.
“Yes, yes he was so supportive with my dreams of teaching instead of my own high school dream of acting. I still act in smaller shows you know, and he’s always there, no matter the crowd….” he sighed not realizing that now, another question had appeared.
The Question three, one that made all those original girls swoon falter, was he gay? Sure, he gave off the vibe, but it was never right to assume. The students pondered over this for a good while before asking finally nearing the end of school again, pondering how to ask in a not rude way.
No matter the case though, Roman just shook his head with his bright, signature smirk as someone stuttered to ask.
“You are correct! But you see, I am pan, not just gay. My heart just lead me to my dream prince, not princess nor other royalty. We may clash immensely, but fit together so well.”
Later that week, he had a small pan flag necklace, the golden chain flashing in the light. He claimed that his boyfriend had got a matching gay flag one, his chain a shiny black.
Which brought up the last The Question.
Surprisingly, The Question who was not answered by a student asking. It was answered mid December by Roman himself. Roman was pacing on stage as a few students poked their heads into the theater room at lunch, wondering if they could ask a question (not a The Question) and watched him speak on the phone.
“I’m so sorry I know your writing but that’s WHY I asked you, your home. I know, I know, I just forgot the prop box on the table…. Yes I know you can scolded me to no ends tonight just can you bring it over please? Lunch is almost over” he seemed to perk up “yes! Yes 2:30 would be fine! No I swear V, I think my classes have been making conspiracy theories about you on anything I say.. Yes I’m surprised I don’t rant about you often either. No don’t whine at me! Argg VVVV. Alright see you soon. I love you darkling” he finished with a smile and quickly hung up a quiet echo of “ROMAN I SWEAR-” but the students didn't have time to focus on that. Because now they only had two hours to tell the entire class of the theater department that (now known initial) V was coming.
Roman’s love would be revealed.
Thank the Greek gods that they were THEATER kids. Because once it went out to one group, it spread like wildfire.
The Class of 2:30 as we will can them (fight me) watched as the clock ticked. Currently they were failing to practice their parts for A Christmas Carol, since one, they didn’t have certain props,
A figure entered the office box in hands, signing in as a guest and waving to his old attendant, before making his way through old halls to the theater room
And two
He walked towards the double doors, looking around as memories flashed into his eyes
He would be arriving any seco-
The doors opened swiftly “‘holy shit Ro, I swear this place has barely changed.”
Everyone’s head swerved to see a dark figure walking down the steps, box in hand while their mouths dropped. Roman perked up like no one had seen before, not even the time a student claimed and then sang as many Hamilton songs in the class time as the could, claiming they knew them all and in order.
“I mean I just looked into the courtyard where we shared our first kiss, by the way class, please blame him for me remembering, and it’s so fucked up. Like, aren't you guys always inside? Who the hell goes outside anymore? Not me” the figure smirked marching the last steps, placing the box on the stage and jumped up standing by Roman, one grinning mischievously, the other giddily.
“Everyone” Roman announced in his loud voice “this is my boyfriend, Virgil.”
The Virgil in question, or The Question still fit, was wearing a black purple patched jacket that hung of his skinny frame, a black shirt that said “I Joined the Black Parade” and black ripped skinny jeans. A shock of purple and black hair covered his head, making shadows over his heterochromic purple and green eyes, eye shadow lathered below. A black choker ran around his neck, the gay flag making an appearance. He raised his hand to brush the bangs from his eyes, showing black painted nails against pale skin, a small lightning cloud charm shining off a purple, black, and white weaved bracelet. Matching the red, gold, and white one Roman had, a crown dangling from his. A pair of black and neon purple wireless headphones laid on his neck. He was on the short side for an adult, with Roman being a bit taller than average. They were, as Roman said, complete opposites.
Virgil smirked as he turned to Roman, catching a kiss on the head. “I didn't interrupt anything now, did I Princey?”
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orionsangel86 · 8 years
Part 1 - Episode Review of 12x14
I have written my reviews of 12x14 and 12x15 together for the sake of a quick catch up. 12x15 will be posted in part 2 which will be shortly after this post.
Firstly, I skipped full reviews of these episodes and 12x13 because of my tumblr absence. 12x13 was goddamn awful thanks to bucklemming being the most incompetent writers of all time and only still working on the show thanks to NEPOTISM. The only things I took away from 12x13 was that Mary finally told the boys the truth about working with the BMOL (though the best parts of that conversation were handed over to Berens because Andrew Dabb is a smart man) and Dean’s face when Gavin and his ghostly girlfriend disappeared in a glowy light together which screamed of LONGING for another character who just the episode prior to that one went all glowy for a bit. Ahem. Rowena was also awesome but not written as well as usual. That’s all your getting from me on 12x13 I’m afraid. Moving on.
12x14 was a great episode for Sam content, finally pulling him back into the game and making him “pick a side”. Sam chose the BMOL. He killed the alpha vamp like the BAMF he is and basically owned the episode whilst Dean spent it either being emotional or being seduced by Ketch. (no seriously that was the ONLY way to read that scene). I also loved 12x15 mainly thanks to Cas and Crowley but I’ll talk more about 12x15 in part 2, firstly my main points from 12x14.
Dean and Mary
One really great point to take away from 12x14 was the conversation with Mary at the beginning. Dean is finally being open and honest about his feelings and MY GOD how long has it taken to get to this point?
DEAN “How about for once you just try to be a mom”
MARY “I am your mother, but I am NOT just your mom, and you are NOT a child”
DEAN “I never was”
AAAHHHHHHH this is the CLOSEST we have come to discussing John Winchesters abuse and what it did to Dean and OH MY GOD I NEED MORE! I do hope we see the continuation of this honest dialogue between them in the future, the final scene where Dean and Mary talk again kinda fell a bit flat to me compared to this moment because I think I wanted that conflict to last longer than just one episode;
DEAN “it’s not your job to make my lunch and kiss me at night. Were adults you gotta make your own choices even if I don’t like them, even if I really don’t like them. That’s just something I’m gonna have to get used to. Okay mom”
I guess another reason it felt kinda flat was because it wasn’t an apology. There is still conflict between Dean and Mary and I think that will continue. I doubt he will forgive her so easily for risking Cas’s life (especially since it was risked for a gun which the BMOL had no idea how to work until Sam showed them anyway).
Dean is basically controlled by his emotions. I talk about this a bit more in my Sam point below, but Dean is struggling with Mary due to the fact that she isn’t the idealistic fantasy mother he put on a pedestal when he was 4 years old any more. Even young Mary being a hunter didn’t really break down that fantasy for him as she was going through the phase of wanting to be a mother and housewife at the time. This Mary is a struggle for Dean to accept, far more than Sam, because of that fantasy. This is made even clearer when he calls her “Mary” instead of “Mom” and kicks her out. He is hurting, and when Dean Winchester is hurting, he gets kinda spiteful. But this was understandable in this moment. Though, as I mention below, Dean’s reactions are not at all based on her working with the Brits, but with a whole build up of other stuff based on the breakdown of his fantasy mother. Sam doesn’t act nearly as bad as he does, and as this episode showed, that really pissed Dean off too.
Sammy the Man of Letters
Sam’s choice to work with the BMOL has probably been greatly debated about on tumblr, though after 12x15 I think we are all pretty much in agreement that he is playing it straight right? I did wonder whether his intentions were to infiltrate but I now think he genuinely wants to help them, and set them on the RIGHT track. This is how I see it all going anyway. Sam was told to pick a side instead of playing middle man. He has unfortunately been kept on the sidelines in the season so far, not really having his own character arc in play and I am glad we are now seeing some more action from Sam. For years in the destiel fandom at least, we have been saying how we see a future for Sam as a man of letters, he has the intelligence, the love of the lore, the desire to do good. It is a perfect fit for him and it makes sense that Sam would jump on board before Dean. If only Bucklemming hadn’t butchered Toni’s character in 12x02 and ruined what could have been a really exciting story for Sam from the start, because now his working with the BMOL still puts a bad taste in my mouth after his torture and abuse. I just can’t see Sam Winchester forgiving that kind of treatment. HOWEVER…
Something that always interests me with the brothers came to play in 12x14 with Dean’s “pick a side!” that I want to mention, we have discussed it before as well in the latter part of season 11. Dean is the emotional character. He wears his heart on his sleeve no matter how much he tries to bottle up his feelings and his emotions tend to control his decisions and actions. This is extremely evident in his interactions with Cas through the entire series. Season 6 is a great example of Dean not believing his own eyes thanks to his emotions getting in the way and Season 8 also plays on this concept. The latter half of season 11 is glorious for this reason, showing Dean’s anguish over Cas’s possession by Lucifer.
Now, we are seeing this again with Mary. Dean is overly emotional, and as I have mentioned before, is struggling to deal with his idealised version of his mother being ripped off of her pedestal. He is struggling to accept the real Mary into his life.
Sam however, is completely different to Dean. He internalises his emotions so much that it is sometimes hard for the audience to understand him. This ‘playing the middle ground’ all the time isn’t Sam wanting to keep on everyones good side, as Dean implies, its him trying to remain objective about each situation as they crop up. He is also clearly hurt by Mary’s betrayal, but he shows it differently. Sam is incredibly unselfish in how he puts his own needs and own emotions aside for the greater good literally ALL THE TIME (except for in season 10 but then everyone’s characterisations were destroyed in season 10)  Sam didn’t have the memories of a perfect mother that Dean had for Mary to subvert. He isn’t ruled by his emotions either. He is the far more logical brother, hence his decision to work with the BMOL. Sam is more emotionally intelligent than Dean, he is able to put aside his own feelings to see the bigger picture. This was clear in season 6, it was clear in season 11, and it is clear now, because between the two of them, it is Sam who has far more of a reason to hate the BMOL than Dean does. But Sam gets to see what a shambles their operation really is. They NEED his help, because without it, innocent people may get hurt. I don’t think that Sam planned to infiltrate them to destroy them at all, I think he planned to make them BETTER and to bring them around to his way of thinking.
That topic leads me onto my next point from 12x14:
The British Men of Letters
In 12x14 we were shown just how poor the American operation was for the Brits, Mick clearly means well, but he isn’t doing so great when it comes to the big guns. Yes they may have been able to wipe out most of the vamps in the Midwest region, but that caught the eye of the Alpha vamp which lead to the death of over half his team. The majority of their success came from Ketch and Mary, but after this episode Ketch seems like a loose canon compared to the rest of them.
I think Mick will come around easily to Sam’s way of thinking, that they could even be friends and work together well. Mick may not have any field experience but he is motivated by a desire to do good. Unlike Ketch. When Sam finally realises just how black and white the BMOL currently are, Mick will be the first person he is able to convert. Ketch will become a problem.
12x14 went out of its way to show us how awful Ketch is, that scene of blatant sexism towards his female colleague was just the start. When he beat up that vamp girl it was difficult to watch, filmed in a way that the audience was clearly supposed to recognise how wrong it was. Especially since we never see the vamp girl being a monster, or hurting anyone. The entire episode she just seems scared and frail. This was done on purpose. Ketch’s treatment of her was uncalled for.
I am sure we are all joking about Ketch’s seduction of Dean, because I can still hear his moans of pleasure drinking the scotch and seriously, that was hella sexualised and kinda made me cringe. Sorry buddy, didn’t you know that Dean is taken? :P anyway, what struck me about this is that with all their flashy tech and toys and impressive monster killing stats, Ketch goes with the Scotch and tries to seduce Dean by comparing how alike they are. What intel does he have on Dean exactly? (sometimes it seems like everyone in this show knows he is in the closet except for him).
What has greatly interested me was his line “You’re a killer Dean Winchester”. This is the second time in the space of a few episodes that this has been said to Dean and I am just WAITING for the third. Because I fully expect the third time to be answered with “no, I’m not. I may be a hunter, but my first job is to save people. All people.”
I can really see it coming down to Mick and Sam, and Dean and Ketch. With Mick choosing to stand by Sam and Ketch fighting Dean. I am also very interested to see how Cas comes into all of this, since my money is still on Ketch wanting to pin him to his wall like one of those butterflies in Catrina’s box in 12x11. Ever since we saw those butterflies I got a sinking feeling in my stomach because we were saying after Ketch’s introduction to Cas in 12x09 how it looked like he wanted to put Cas on his wall like Magnus with his Supernatural zoo… then came the butterflies and urgh I just don’t see that as a coincidence.
But anyway, overall it was a good episode, I liked the return of the Alpha vamp but in a way I’m kinda annoyed that he died. Sam got the main kill which I see being an ongoing trend all of a sudden in recent episodes. Sam took out the Hellhound in 12x15,he took out the Alpha Vamp in 12x14, he completed the spell to stop the ghost in 12x13, and he killed Ramiel in 12x12. Interesting... They keep calling Dean the killer, but its Sam who is in killer mode at the moment. Where will this go? We shall have to wait and see.
Part 2 for 12x15 posting shortly.
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dasolution-ns · 5 years
A Wrecking Mess
Part of the Hell Down Under series by Da Solution
A Miley Cyrus slam fic
Here I am somewhere in the outbacks, probably a few kilometres away from Newcastle, New South Wales, where I heard that Miley Cyrus was here. She seem to have a thing for Aussies. I don’t know why, they’re a bunch of tossing assholes, besides the Aborigines. Being the daughter of a redneck country singer, and the total whoring bi-slut that she is, she needs to be straightened out and that’s why I’m here.
I brought my wife, Maxine Brewer, former member of D.E.B.S,  with me since she wanted to get involved more and she also hates Miley with a passion. She also wanted to get to visit Australia again, saying that if Lucy Diamond, her arch-nemesis during her days of D.E.B.S, hates Australia, then it’s good for her. I hate Pussy Sapphire, I mean Lucy Diamond myself, enough to kill her and her partner  off.
It wasn’t too hard, but I spotted her at a retreat in the outbacks. Expectedly, it was guarded. Unexpectedly, it wasn’t heavily guarded. I was surprised that someone as famous as she was would have such a skeleton crew for security, but no complaints, that just made my job easier :-D. Thus, I would not require Team Solution for this, me and Maxine should be good enough.  
The place was a small, but inside was luxurious. I think it was an attempt for her to get “in touch with nature” and “in touch with herself.”  All that is really bullshit, because those people like Miley are so out of touch, they can never be like the common man, and she’s a bi-slut, so she’ll always be confused. However, I bet that bi-slut bitch sure loves to touch herself…  
As we were casing the area and planning our strategy to take out the guards, I saw Miley with her new sucker, I mean lover, Cody Simpson. They just came outside to sit and chill on their porch. Don’t worry, they’ll have an eternal chill when we get done with them.
“Look at that idiot. Grinning like he struck gold.” Maxine whispered. I chuckled, couldn’t laugh out loudly.
“Yeah, more like fool’s good.” I said. “The only thing that fool struck is some STD!” Now it was Maxine’s turn to laugh.  After we laugh, I told Maxine, “we got to find a way to get in there. There isn’t a lot of guards here, so we should be able to take them out one by one. Just get your knife ready, so we don’t make any noise.”
However, Maxine disagreed. “Nah, I ain’t takin’ that chance. I say bring the other three who are nearby. Just in case if one of the guards do call backup.”
“Good point.” So I text to my main man, Steelz. He told me that backup was coming.
When backup arrived, we went ahead with the plan. I was able to take out three of the guards, while Maxine was able to take out two.
We were able to enter the retreat without any problems, because the retreat’s security ain’t worth shit, and it worth even less shit since all the guards are dead. However, as soon as we got in, we couldn’t find them.
“Where the fuck did they go?” Maxine said.
“I dunno.” I replied. However, it didn’t take long as Rico and Rachel came back with Cody and Miley with them.
“Hey boss, we saw these two running about 200 metres from here, we caught them.” Rico said.
I smiled at Rico. “That for getting them. I knew you were the right guy for the job.” Rico just smiled and said his thanks. They left, and that left us with those two losers. I was pissed at them.
“Thinking you can run away from me like that, huh? Well, imma fuck your bi-slut ass up like what I did to Katie Hill and Afrika Bambaataa, Miley. And that goes for you as well, Cody.”
Cody stepped up to me and said, “I bet you aren’t as tough as you think you are. I’ll take you on. Just me and you. No one else. Neither Miley nor your woman can pitch in. Besides, you only got a few minutes, I already called the police.”
That made me furious. Maxine already knew what to do in that situation, and she text Team Solution for backup.
Cody Simpson wanted to take me on one-on-one, which I find weird considering he was trying to run away from me. Nevertheless, I had no problems with that. That’s how I prefer it. He’s brave, but stupid.
“Sure.” I simply answered.
Before he could even move his shoulder, I punched him right in the face. Then I gave him a few ribs shots followed by a stunning left jab across the face. He was down, but not out. At the same time, Maxine was beating the shit outta that bi-slut bitch Miley.
When I got to Miley, she was already bloodied and beating. My woman did a number on that flaky, attention-seeking whoring bitch!
“Good job, honey. Now let me take over. Go and watch for the cops, I think Team Solution might need your help.”
She smiled. “Sure.”
Now it’s my turn to have fun with Miley.  I noticed a glassed cabinet with her trophies and statues she have won. There were those of lesser prestigious awards, as the main ones are back in her home. The cabinet was locked, but I knew a way to get it to open… I smashed her face against the glass, and it shattered all over the place. I then proceed to grab every trophy, statue, plaque, whatever I can get my hands on in the cabinet and hit her with it.
I was about to do more to that sick-ass swing-set, Maxine came back. “There’s like 24 cop cars out there, and they’re planning to bring the ADF against you, since you’re consider a domestic terrorist. Oh shit, the Australian Defence Force is now involved, now we really need to get the fuck outta here! It’s one thing to bring in the cops, it’s another to bring in the armed forces!
With that in mind, I took out my gun and shot Cody a few times with my Glock 17. We made sure that Miley saw it by keeping her eyes wide open. Needless to say, she was devastated, and we were elated. We took Miley with us and narrowly escaped. That was a close call.
A few hours later, we were at an abandoned building in Sydney, New South Wales. I had Miley’s hands tied behind her, with her mouth covered up. She can be a mouthy bitch as that swing-set kept on bitching throughout the rid, so I had to shut her up. She also fought along the way, so Maxine gave her a punch to the stomach, and that worked, for she was much more cooperative after that.
We we got into a room. I had some of my “toys” out for me to use. It included The Rock, The Solution, and the Pinochet Machine, and a parrilla used for torturing. And those weren’t the only thing in the room.
“Kaitlynn Carter! What the fuck!?”
Yep, we kidnapped her ex Pussy-pal and fellow bi-slut bitch herself, Kaitlynn Carter. She too was tied up.
“You bloody biphobic bastards! You won’t get away with your gay, lesbian, and bi-bashing for long!” Kaitlynn screamed at me.
“Oh spare me with the drama, bi-slut bitch! You betta shut da fuck up before I do it myself.”
“No! I won’t ‘shut da fuck up!’ I will make my voice loud enough so that someone will hear me and save up. I will… SMASH!”
I hit her with The Rock, a slightly-larger hand-sized rock used to rock those who likes to rock the three colors (bisexual flag), like Ms. Bi-Slut Miley and Konfused Kaitlyn. Those rudy poo jabronis will get the smackdown of their lives.
I was smashing her with The Rock while telling her to shut da fuck up in a rhymatic pattern.
Her face looked like a messed-up pizza ate by a drunk. Now it’s Miley’s turn to know her role with The Rock. With her, I did the same thing that I did with carpet-muncher Kaitlyn, however I changed the words.
Her face too was a total mess, but then again, it always did.
“Now I can focus on giving you the Rock Bottom.”
So I took The Rock and slammed her to the ground with The Rock in her face. Now they know that my bi-bashing is quite different… and painful!
Now in order for the parrilla to work effectively, you got to “soften up” the victim, and there’s no other weapon that can soften victims any better than The Solution. The Solution is a modified cricket bat with a titanium core, perfect to straightening out those people. It has crossed-out flags of the gays and lesbians on one side, and crossed-out flags of bisexuals and transgenders on the other. It’s the only bi-slut I can tolerate, since it also “swings both ways.” So I introduced it first to Kaitlyn.
“This is for being an New Englander cunt! CRACK!” “And this is for eating Miley’s STD-infested pussy! CRACK! “And this is for being a bad actress. I saw your shit on that sorry-ass show, The Hills, and you suck horse’s dick among other things! CRACK!” “And this is for being a nasty, ugly, confused, bi-slut ho! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK!”
Then I focused my attention to Miley.
“This is for being Billy Ray Cyrus’s daughter… CRACK!” “And this is for having your ugly face all over Disney… CRACK!” “And this is for showing your slutty, flat-as-an-ironboard body all over TV… CRACK! “And this is for your sorry-ass music! That’s right, your singing voice is as flat as your ass! CRACK!” “And of course, this is for being a nasty, poly-promiscuous, bi-slut bitch! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK!”
After that, I smiled for they were now “soft” enough for the parrilla. I turned my attention to Maxine and asked her if the parrilla is ready, she nodded.
“I got the wires set up, and we do have enough juice to light up the block.”
“Good, I let you take care of Miley, while I take care of Kaitlynn.”
Maxine got excited. “Goodie! I get to torture Miley!” I couldn’t help but smile when I saw my wife’s excitement. I wanted to torture Miley, but I got to let my wife have some fun as well.
So we strapped the two beef-and-pork-eating bitches to the metal frame, strapped them tight and then attached the picana to their sensitive areas. In the case of both Miley and Kaitlynn, that would be their Hope-Solo-sized pussy lips, cause neither have boobs. The metal frame intensifies the shock, while burning their backs as well.
As soon as we powered up the picana, we tortured the shit out of those two pendulums. They were screaming for their deal lives.
“AAAHHHHHHH!” They said collectively. Now that’s music to my ears!
After two hours of so of torturing them, I decided I had enough, so there was one more thing left to do: cure them. As I was about to pull out my Glock 17, someone’s phone had Miley’s “Wrecking Ball” as their ring tune. Found out it was Miley’s. That gave me an idea.
Okay, there are two endings to this. I will show each of the ending and you decide which one is the best.
Ending #1
We went to another area of Sydney where they were destroying old buildings. There was a crane with a wrecking ball attached. I smiled when I saw it. I decided to attache Kaitlynn first, by welding metal pieces to her arms and legs onto the wrecking ball.  Then when I had enough speed and acceleration from the wrecking ball, I moved it so that it can hit the building, crushing Kaitlynn in the process.  
“NOOOOOOOOOOO!” Miley screamed as she watched her finger-friend crushed to death. It’s a bad day for her, as she watched two of her lovers die. It’s gonna get even worse for her because she’s next.
We attached her to the wrecking ball the same way we did for Kaitlynn. It didn’t help that blood and guts of Kaitlynn were still on the ball when we welded her onto it.
Afterwards, as I did with Kaitlynn, I got the wrecking ball swing fast enough so that when it did hit the building, she would die from it. As soon as I can, I aimed it to the building and Miley got flattened like an accordion. Funny enough, music from an accordion is more pleasing than her own.
Ending #2
The same building and the same crane as Example #1, however, this time Miley and Kaitlynn are attached to the building. They are about 5 metres apart. The building had already been partially wrecked, but there was about a 20 metre long wall of it remaining. That’s where we tied them up. I was gonna go and use the wrecking ball on them, but instead Maxine insisted that she does it. I smiled and let her take control.
She started from the edge of the wall, knocking it down, first from the left side, then from the right side. The wrecking ball was slowly creeping up to the degenerates as it kept on knocking out brick from the edged of the remaining wall. They were getting terrified as the wrecking ball was slowly coming to them. Maxine was torturing them and I liked it!
Eventually, the wall withered down to just 12 metres, and the bi-slut duo knew the end was coming for them. Maxine had the wrecking ball first aimed at Kaitlynn and she was smashed by it. Miley screamed in horror as she saw her smashed to pieces. However, we shouted in pleasure, as we finally got rid of Kaitlynn. Now it was Miley’s turn as Maxine aimed the wrecking ball right as Miley. She was done that instant.
Miley is dead, along with her ex and her stupid-ass boyfriend. All in all, me and Maxine are satisfied, and we took a short trip to a sparse area where they have the beach. Everything was fine, until we saw two Australian gay dudes holding hands. Without a hitch, I got out of my lounge chair and headed towards those two faggots. Looks like another situation to straighten out…
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