#so sorry for the ppl who are here for the mysme
eonsadrft · 2 years
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Let’s goooooo ~~
NAME: N or Noir
PRONOUNS: he / him
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: tumblr ims aaaaaand discord, if we interacted you can ask for my discord
NAME OF MUSE(S): hahaha... Let’s start:
FFXIV: fandaniel, my OC WoL, and other OCs in general
Yu-gi-oh: Pharaoh Atem, Yuugi, Seto Kaiba, Slifer, even the damn Kuriboh
BSD: Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya, Edogawa Ranpo and an OC
DRRR!!: Izaya Orihara
Pokemon: (N)atural Gropius Harmonia
Undertale: Sans, G!Sans (AU)
D. Gray Man: Allen Walker
Kingdom Hearts: Roxas, Sora, Vanitas
MysMe: 707
OFF (Game): The Batter
GenPact: Diluc (discord only), this man, the WANDERER
And probably many more but I didn’t write them on tumblr, yup.
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):   Holy fuck if I start I don’t shut up. I started RPing with my close friends when I was... 10? 12? When I finally can use a PC? When I started to use Tumblr I was like... 16?? And from that I’ve been going and leaving time to time, trying characters, memeing around, knowing people... I think I improved my writing a lot thanks to this hellsite.
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: discord, tumblr, skype (once), msn (god ol’ times), twitter (I don’t like it).
BEST EXPERIENCE: The people I met. I know I lost contact with some, or I’d never talk with them anymore, but the RPs I have done with them have been the best. I loved all my RP partners and I’ll always miss them.
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: people who doesnt trim posts or reblogging a lot of ooc stuff? I guess I like to have my blog clean just as my dashboard. When I come here is to read or write cool shit or watching some fanart but nothing more.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: COMEDY. I’m a total meme okay sorry. But if I have to choose, I’m between angst and fluff. Angst is the best to make the character improve (or not) and fluff...... sheesh, I just love writing stupid romantic stuff for my baby muses. For me they all are like a babies to me. Smut I write it rarely, and if I do I prefer in private. 
PLOTS OR MEMES: MEMES- Okay but plotting when there’s an idea goes perfect, so both, yes both.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: depends on the mood of the day, I like to write more or less the same length as my rp partner? I like to share what my muses think most of the time.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I dunno, I remember long ago it was in my nights, lately it has been in my mornings, but my mood swings a lot lately so I can’t choose.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): mostly no... but at the same time yes. They are more exaggerated than me. They did things I would never do. I think my empathy helped me to understand these characters and write my own interpretation. I like masterminds but I’m not that smart... but one thing I would love and you will always see in my muses are the chaotic vibes they give from afar. Always. That’s a part of me I give to them.
tagged by: @erabundus ( thank youuuuuuu ♥ ) tagging: dunno imma just tag ppl I have in my drafts (I don’t forget about our threads I swear and if you did this oh well just ignore the tag sdjkfhsdk) @al-hazen , @praeteritus-memories​ , @abyssmalice​ , @mcwscollective​ , @scarletooyoroi​ , @vixlenxe​ , @dcndrohina​ , @mrcyclopsfan​ , @visionkept​ , @saints-sorrow​ ....... and you if you’re reading this, oh my I have a lot of followers please tag me if you’re doing it and wanna show ♥
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shiroponx · 5 years
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Hey! I was wondering if you would match me with a character from Mystic Messenger and Marvel? I have no gender preference so go hog wild. My form is pinned to my blog so I hope it wont be too inconvenient for you. I just find that humans have a tendency to be more complicated than 500 characters so it is difficult to accurately represent myself within those limitations. Thank you in advance, dear!
No problem!! Sorry this took a while but I hope you like it!!!!
I ship you with 707!
I just finally reached the clarity that his real name is a spoiler for ppl that like they get upset if they find out so uh, I’m correcting that now lmaoo
Well you’re about as tall as him
Until you wear your boots
Then you’re taller
I know sometimes that bruises men’s egos but it literally does not affect him at all
Except when you’re walking too fast he whines that you need to slow down because your legs are longer than his
The first time he saw your resting face it kinda freaked him out
What did he do wrong? The two of you were just watching tv. Did you not like the way he had his arm around you?
Now that he knows that’s just how you look he doesn’t worry about it
He teases Yoosung by using it to his advantage
“Yoosung I think you pissed her off. Oh my goodness! Didn’t you know!? She can’t stand the color purple. Gives her bad memories. You’ve probably scarred her for life”
And then Yoosung is apologizing to you and you have no idea why
It’s Seven’s way of messing with both of you
The first time he tried to make his move by putting his arm around you and you flinched, he almost cried
No literally
He just... he hadn’t realized it was a thing to dislike it like that
Respects it so much
But he wants hugs so bad :( someone needs to hug this poor boy
So when you eventually invite him over and cuddle up to him during a very late movie night?
His heart jumps in his chest
He tries to tell you that you don’t have to!! He understands how it makes you feel weird and it’s okay; he likes you so so much and respects you a lot
But secretly he looks forward to whenever you want to cuddle with him; the rarity of it makes it even more special
707 is the king of witty comebacks
The first time the RFA sees the two of you bantering with each other they think you’re fighting? Because you’re both so passionate about being better and wittier than the other
You laugh about their confused faces later that night
He’s an over the top flirt too
Tries to woo you with ridiculous romantic gestures
He’s literally a theater kid too you cannot convince me otherwise I was a theater kid as well so I know
Literally every romantic gesture in a romcom? He does it
Of course he expects a reaction out of you but. You. Never. Budge.
Not even after he stole the microphone during the latest RFA party to confess to you that he was carrying your child
Which made NO SENSE
He’s not allowed microphones anymore. Or stages.
When you tell him you’re asexual he’s so respectful (as always)
You literally don’t have to do anything like that if you don’t want to
He’s more than happy with your cute lil domesticated life together
Okay this is off topic but I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO TRY AERIAL SILKS
When he first sees your bruises he FLIPS
did someone hurt you? Who? He’ll hack into their computer, give them hell
The first time he sees you perform... wow
he wants to try it and literally begs on hands and knees for you to teach him
He’s bad at it. Learns he’s afraid of heights too
But he tries to watch you perform as often as possible
Noticed you don’t give out compliments often
So it’s his job to come up with a creative new compliment to give you every single day
It ranges anywhere from “I like your shirt” to “you’re so beautiful” to “I admire that you’re able to parallel park my babies.”
Please help him with procrastination
You literally will not hang out with him if he has work to do
He pouts and whines, but ultimately gets his work done
You’ve really helped out his work and his work schedule
He literally hates parties and clubs and bars
Much prefers taking you out at night to look at the stars
If you’ll let him, he’ll drive you to a secluded place in the mountains so that you can see them better
After reassuring you 800 times that he isn’t gonna murder you (you weren’t worried, but he was afraid you thought he would)
He likes to watch murder mystery movies with you
It’s really just a contest to find out who guesses it right first
But after he kept losing he changed it to how ridiculous of a motive he could describe and how close to correct it may be
“She said she has a twin right? Well her eye color is different from her photos. How do we know they didn’t grab the twin on accident? Or the twin isn’t pretending to be her or something”
HOW could he have guessed that
Sigh this is rlly inspired by me bc I did this exact thing and guessed the plot twist
Overall, he’s just really respectful of you. Drinks respect women juice 24/7. Loves complimenting you and spending time with you and never letting you forget how amazing you are.
I ship you with Loki!
The Seven one was kinda easy
Prob because there aren’t that many mystic messenger characters
But BOY I struggled here
Until I thought of Loki, I hadn’t even considered him at first (my sister brought him up, as she helps me come up with who to match ppl with)
He was first drawn to you by how elegantly you carried yourself
Most Midgardians just kind of, slouched through the day
But you stood with impeccable posture, resting most of the weight on your toes. He thought you were some form of royalty at first
And then he saw you perform hoo boy
Okay first of all he definitely had no idea what was happening for a majority of the show
But he kinda liked you and so when you invited him to go he was THERE
Couldn’t stop complimenting you. He thought you were elegant before oh wow
He’s literally not intimidated by you at all, think of all the people he’s had to meet and BS he’s had to deal with
You’re touch-adverse? That’s fine by him
Honestly he doesn’t like cuddling or anything like that himself. Blame it on his childhood or something idc
He will throw insults right back at you. In fact, he usually doesn’t hold back
Okay they’re never inherently mean but I don’t know they may be kinda questionable
He wouldn’t insult you if he knew you couldn’t handle it
He is NOT very flirty
And by that I mean he will not flirt. Like he just cannot
He still gets lowkey pouty when you flirt with other people, but he can’t blame you. It’s not like he does a good job showering you with that sort of attention and compliments himself
But he does give you attention in other ways
He likes to sit with you, watching as you bake or write or something. He finds it very relaxing
In those moments, that’s when he lets the compliments run wild, talking about how you’re so talented and he likes how you look when you’re concentrated
These moments are the softest he gets. He doesn’t like showing this vulnerable side around anyone else
HAHA can you PLEASE go knife throwing together
You’re both very competitive about it
You know that scene from brave where she shoots her arrow THROUGH another arrow!?
That’s all I can picture but with knives
Homeboy is doing 0 archery with you 0 horseback riding he doesn’t trust those disgusting creatures and archery makes him think of dealing with Clint
He makes fun of you when you see a moth
Like does not let it go
“I thought you weren’t afraid of anything. You’re afraid of this little creature? It doesn’t even know up from down,” he chuckles, pointing at the moth flying around and hitting walls recklessly
Needless to say though he takes care of it for you
He throws an Asgardian party just so he can show you off
Thor’s girlfriend was very unimpressive but you!? You’re so charming to everyone
He really just wants to brag about it to his brother, and you know this full well and let him do so
Y’all like to read together before bed
By reading together I mean sitting on the same couch reading your own books
When you yelp when you’re surprised???
What happened to your poker face?
As much as he wants to find different opportunities to jump out at you and make you squeal, he refrains himself from doing so
It makes the moments when you do freak out much more entertaining
I’d say you’ve very on par with Loki; you have a lot of things in common and a similar approach to life in general
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Well it's kinda personal but I don't mind other ppl reading this. The thing is, I'm a girl and I've got a boyfriend. We've been together for... 2 years? We've met at our school's art club. He's a painter. I really love him, he's some... Unexpected miracle to me. I treasure him a lot. And I think he does treasure me too, as he always tells me that we're in love, that I'm his light, and he loves drawing me. (Next)
I've been into the Mysmes Fandon for a while, however, I only manage to get the Another Story a few days ago. I played V's route and I felt oh so fucking lost. His relationship with Rika reminded of mine with my BF. And their relationship didn't seem unhealthy to me... I just saw two people expressing love awkwardly. But as I chatted with other players, I have surprisingly met different opinions. Ppl told me I was a freak for not seeing the bad in their relationship. (Next)
I've been with my BF for 2 years and I rly believe that our relationship is similar. Sometimes he hurts me to test my love. I have to prove myself to him, and it doesn't feel weird to me? I mean... He once broke my wrist but he felt so sorry about it..! I know he couldn't have wanted it... I know he's just trying to see if I'm really sincere about my feelings. (Next)
So well, I would like to know if my situation seems weird ? Is anything wrong? Do you think that Rika and V's relationship is similar with mine..? And do you think it might be unhealthy..? Sorry for bothering you again haha... I just genuinely don't get what is wrong about them. Is this kind of love unhealthy..?
TW: Abuse, Abusive Relationships, Gaslighting.
Okay. I’m glad to hear that you’re okay and open to talk about your problems with someone else. I’m going to give you the best advice to the best of my abilities here and I hope that you understand that I’m coming from a warm place and I want to let you know that you’re not a bad person and you’re going to be okay, okay? You are not a freak. You are not a bad person. There is nothing wrong with you. 
You’re not bothering me. I’m happy to help people. I’m not just here to answer requests or prompts. I’m here to make people smile when I can. I’m always here to talk and I’m always happy to open myself to people who want to talk. My main blog is always open to you. 
Rika and V don’t have a healthy relationship. It may have been okay at the start when they first got together but it got to a point where it was not okay for either of them. They were young when they got together and they had a lot of personal issues that they weren’t honest with each other about. Rika had a lot of issues in her life. She was abused, she was hurt, she was manipulated, she had to go through a lot, and she was pushed to the point where she decided that she had no choice but to do wrong to people to feel in control again. 
V tried to help her, he tried to get her friends and a support system, he believed that he could help her change for the better. He thought that his love would be the thing that helped Rika. He thought that he could love Rika enough that she would be able to change. But the thing is, someone like Rika won’t change for anything, not even for love. 
She hurts people, and she hurts V the most in their relationship. 
She injured his eyes because she wanted to see how much pain she could inflict on him for loving her. 
She pushed him into the corner because he loved her and he was willing to take anything that she wanted to give him. She wanted to control everything and when she started to shift everything to try to make the Mint Eye, V knew that something was wrong. He thought that he could love her harder and take any pain she was willing to dole out if it meant that she would not hurt anyone else. 
I’m afraid you can’t love someone and change them. You can love someone will all your heart but... sometimes, they just don’t change. They stay a bad person and they hurt you. They use your love for them as a weapon to get you to do whatever they want. It’s not healthy. I know it’s not healthy. My parents have a relationship like this and it made my childhood a living hell. I can tell you with a sincere heart that if someone hurts you, physically or emotionally to “make you prove your love them”, then they are not a good person for you. 
That’s gaslighting. Has this person made you question your reality? Has he spoken over you and made you question everything you’ve ever felt after an argument? Has he looked at you and made you feel like you were the problem when he made you cry? Has he hurt you and somehow you’re the one to blame for what happened when he lashed out at you? 
Those are signs that things are not okay. 
And honey, I’m very worried about you right now. I know you love this person so very much. Love is a great thing. But, I want you to know that this relationship is not okay for you. I’m not trying to come down on you. I’m concerned about your health right now. You can love him, and you can feel that in your heart for the rest of your life but he is not good for you. Any man who lays his hand on a woman is not a good person. 
I know you’re in a space right now where you feel like you’re a bad person or like, you don’t know what to do. Let me assure you that you’re okay in the head again and that I hear you. You’ve just realized something very important about your life and you can use this time as a chance to start to research more about how you feel. Don’t just take my word for it, research, and read about this on your time when you can safely. 
I want you to know that no matter what, you’re not stupid and you’re not a bad person. I keep saying this because I felt ashamed when I was trying to unlearn what had been forced into my head. 
I know what you’re going through right now. I lived my childhood in a very rough environment and it wasn’t okay for me. I’m not still healing from that pain. People who have gone through abuse question everything and say to themselves over and over, “No, no. This can’t be my relationship. It’s not like that. They’re not like that. They just get angry sometimes, you know?” 
I want you to know that you have my support and that you can keep coming back to talk to me. I care about you. I don’t know you, but I want you to know that I care about you. I want you to be happy and be safe, okay? Come back to talk to me if you need to. I’m always here.
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cultgambles · 8 years
RFA, V, and Saeran’s Reaction to Chef!MC
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ye I’m back
i wanted to write more mysme bc i just love it SO much
Ik what you’re saying: who tf is still in that anyway
The answer is ME
Hella ok to send requests!
★ The RFA, V, and Saeran’s reactions to MC being really great chef ★
“AHHH! MC! Come watch TV with me! They’re marathoning my favorite show!”
“Oooh, what show is it?”
“It’s called Be A Whisk Taker and all the contestants have to bake the craziest cakes!”
MC nods, sitting down with their boyfriend
“You’ll love the judge! Coincidentally, their name is MC too!”
“Yoosung, you’re so dumb”
“Wait WHAT T_T???”
“Ye, that’s me”
“Whaaaat, why did you end it?!”
You had to stop production for the show because you wanted to go back to school
Do not worry small boi
MC has plans for another show
College Student Cooking™
Inspired by the boyfriend himself
For kids that can just make good food from crap materials
Yoosung totally asks MC to cook for him all the time
You’re shocked because he only has beer in his fridge
How do you live???
That’s it, we’re going to the grocery store
“Babe, I don’t have any money”
“Yeah that’s fine. I’ll pay. We gotta get the best ingredients”
He’s protesting, but you’re ignoring him
You have a cooking show on YouTube
It’s called Gotta Do the Cooking by the Book
Like Rosanna Pansino, but meals
Sometimes you let him come onto the show, but ya’ll get nothing done because there’s always food flying through the air
He’ll lick the food off you
Especially loves when you do livestreams because he’ll just bother you while throwing all the ingredients together
When things are in the oven, you and him will sit on the couch and just talk to the viewers
So calming
You own a cafe: Coffee: A State of Bean
A lot of well known/famous people flock to the small bistro
All of the coffee and pastries and snacks are made by you
As you know of Jaehee’s coffee dreams, you offer her a job at your place
(You don’t want to just give it to her per say; you know she wants to work for it herself)
Declines at first, but accepts because you tell her some tips and brewing secrets
Almost doesn’t want to leave
Buuuut, she also wants to cater to not the rich/famous people
Your cafe is really upscale actually
Since Jaehee is no longer working under Jumin, she starts researching all about coffee and the like
She finds you own a shop and comes to surprise you
Even tho she doesn’t look half as fancy as the other patrons
Don’t worry Baehee
You’re the cutest one here
You kiss her each time she comes in
Ppl awe each time
When you’re staying at his penthouse (Day 8 Status), you’re really panicking because you have an interview in the afternoon
“Jumin...I need to leave for a couple hours. I promise I’ll come back” you plead
“What? No. I can’t let that happen. I’m sorry. Here, the chef can cook us a nice meal.”
“No. I really need to go! It’s important!”
“What if they came here?” he tries to reason
Really reluctant
Only lets you go because he’s going too
“MC, where are we going that’s so important”
“To this thing for my cook book” you say nonchalantly
What? MC cooks?
He never cooks, so why should he know
You arrive at the building and ya’ll are bombarded with the paparazzi
He tries to shield you bc he thinks there could be a scandal or something
There’s murmurs throughout the crowd like “What’s Jumin Han doing here?” “Is he sponsoring MC?”
Lol no
Lets the chef have a lot of days off with pay
Already knew
That damn background check
You wanted to surprise him
He tries to mix HBC into everything
Tastes like shit tbh
Saeran’s the official judge
Always picks your cooking duh
Saeyoung’s a butt and a sore loser so he’ll switch your plates last minute
When this happens, you don’t cook for him for a week
Stuck eating his chips
Doesn’t really bother him tho
You make really elaborate cakes
They’re really beautiufl
Sometimes you gat sad becayse V can’t see their prettiness
Totally misjudged the height of oe and smashed his hand right on it
Ya’ll were both cryin’
Only ONLY eats your cooking
No one else’s
Saeran why
Will even eat your cooking when you’re in a bad mood
God knows your cooking could kill a man
you know all the indigestion/stomach ache/etc recipes
You have to pack lunches for you two when you go out together
Pesters you to make ice cream for him
You refuse
“If you’re gonna make me cook for you 24/7, you should make the ice cream 24/7”
legit didn’t talk to you for 12 hrs
too busy trying to make ice cream
Masterlist | Requests? open
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imagine-ikebukuro · 8 years
@animescenarios and @glitzcake tagged me in a fun thing. i’m pretty sure i’ve done this before, but it might’ve been on a different blog and lmao who cares here we go again :^)
Rules: tag 20 followers you want to know better (some are from different blogs and i don’t think i’ll tag 20 ppl lmao, if you see it feel free to do it, if you want to!)
Tagged by: @animescenarios and @glitzcake TY!!
Name: Liane
Nickname: Liane. there’s a few who call me lilly or li, but OTHERWISE I’M KNOWN AS TRASH QUEEN, HELLO!
Gender: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Star sign: virgo
Height: 170cm (5′7″)
Sexual orientation : grey-asexual, pan
Hogwarts house: gryffindor
Favourite colour: black, grey and tael
Favourite animal: CATS!!! and pandas! 
Time right now: 2:15pm
Average hours of sleep: lately 7-ish hours, plus/minus one or two somedays.
Cats or dogs: CATS!11!1!1!!
Favourite fictional characters: dozens holy shit??? top five i’d say jessica jones, dean winchester, MY OC (lmao i’m gay for my own oc not even sorry), jesse pinkman and orihara izaya
Number of blankets you sleep with: one
Favourite singer/band: Bring Me the Horizon
Dream trip: Northern Europe, Scandinavian countries! Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, 
Dream job: tattoo artist, tbh. but i’m working on becoming a teacher in german and english.
When was this blog created: June 2015
When did your blog reach its peak: oh shit I... I don’t know??? summer 2016? D:
What made you decide to make a tumblr blog: loving durarara!! and loving writing. and seeing many other people create headcanon and scenario blogs inspired me to join the family c:
Why did you choose your URL: well because i’m an imagine blog for durarara which takes place in ikebukuro so ehhhhh
Tagging: @imagine-your-party-hosts || @mysme-blurbs || @ceylon-morphe286 || @peacefuldesires || @drrr-scribbles || @rika-but-better || @sheridandwyer || anyone who reads this and feels like doing this!
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