#so sorry to be doing this here cyn
gentlehue · 1 month
hey cyn! you’re probs not awake rn but i wanted to ask if you had any makeup tips or products you would recommend cause i have decided that this year is the year im wearing makeup. just wish i came to this decision 2 months ago ago when i had time to practice and not two days😔
HIII !!! omg ive been experimenting with makeup for quite a while now and have gone thru all the awkward stages so i def have a lot of thoughts LOL
since you're just starting out and you only have 2 days, i'd recommend starting with the basics aka blush, mascara and a lippie (+ concealer as a bonus step if you wanna use it!!) i feel like these three are the makeup products that REALLY make a difference and theyre also the easiest to use 😊 (also this is lit my makeup routine if u just add highlighter LOL)
for blush i like to do rare beauty liquid blush in "believe" and then top that off with kiko unlimited blush in what i think is shade 05 LOL it rubbed off the packaging 😫 but im extra and have a fear of the blush wearing off just one blush will do! id start with powder blush since thats easier to use imo 😋
i rly like pinky brown colours in my makeup since i feel like thats what suits my skin best but make sure to find what looks best on you!
for mascara maybelline sky high is my holy grail fr its the one tt product that truly lives up to the hype 😫 if you dont wanna do mascara but still wanna give your lashes Something then do some vaseline on a spoolie !! i love doing this in the summer or when im not in the mood to take mascara off when i get home LMAO it gives them a nice lift imo 😚
lippies are SO fun i feel like i cant recommend a specific one because i switch it up all the time, but atm my fave is maybelline lifter gloss in shade 005 petal!! i also rly like the summer fridays lip butter balm in vanilla beige!! if you dont wanna do a coloured lip, you can always get a clear lip gloss:) the one by essence is rly nice imo 🤔
start out with cheaper/drugstore brands to experiment with, then move on to high end if thats something you wanna do!! but dont get high end straight away cz if you dont like it it wouldve been a waste of a lot of money 😭 there are so many cheaper brands out there:)
remember that it'll take time to find exactly what you like!! embrace the journey and enjoy it instead of just trying to rush through it ☺️ also if youre someone with sensitive skin, def pay attention to if a product is safe for that and stop using it if you get any sort of bad reaction! i dont have any sensitive skin recs because i dont have sensitive skin 😣 just stay safe!!!
TAKE YOUR MAKEUP OFF WHEN YOURE DONE W IT!!!! so your skin can stay nice n healthy <3 make sure to do this very thoroughly so theres no residue whatsoever
i hope this helped cutie!!! 💘
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jazzyblusnowflake · 7 months
Alright, we've had Nuzi headcanons. We've now had Vuzi headcanons... Let's heart it, you're Violent Biting Biscuits headcanons, N x Uzi x V... Or if you'd rather complete the set, eNVy headcanons. I am curious of both. (Your headcannons are just super cute)
Holy hecc, I'm so sorry for answering these asks so late but i'm gonna be honest- I just never think anyone likes my writings or ever reads them XD
okay then lets see- my ViolentBitingBiscuits headcanons- i will put eNVy for the next ask because someone else asked for it too and they wont all fit here lol.
My NUziV headcanons ovo<3 :
[once again these are only the drone versions, the human versions aren't involved / also i may add some 🔞🔞🔞 ones this time lol >:3 also uhhh apologies in advance but this one is long as all hell so....um]
K we know the drill, they are all together- hopefully in the future- even if any of them dies i'm gonna pretend i do not see 🙄 deadass gonna treat this like the jjba fandom- my faves are ALIVE AND WELL SHUT UP ARAKI-
Okay so there's some things that we have already mentioned in the previous headcanons- ill try to not repeat them unless they are necessary but ill also try to treat this as its own post and lightly repeat them real quick too-
N and V started out fighting over Uzi, and Uzi obviously was mostly into N at first- but after a while i guess Vs advances got to her- especially since she was- in a way- so desperate for attention/affection, so it felt a little overwhelming to her but in a good way. they very obviously flirted with her which got them silently treating it as a challenge- and Uzi being Uzi obviously loved the attention she got out of it- opting to let this just... kinda continue lmao. she didn't expect to let it go far enough for her to end up with both of them but here we are XD
We slightly touched this topic before about V but to reiterate- all of them have different levels of trauma that they all deal with and currently V has gone through the worst of it, both having to endure Cyn's torture in her mindspace and also having to watch N get slaughtered in front of her and possibly even having a hand in it. She fears losing people that mean to her so she became avoidant with a difficult personality to guard whatever's left of her. It took a really long time for her to decide to be with the two and to protect them and not run away from her feelings for anyone or anything. but some days its still difficult for her so sometimes N and Uzi have to literally trap her into a wrestling cuddle pile or something to get her to just... exist, without feeling like the whole universe is weighing her down. N and Uzi want her to know they are there to protect HER from those inner demons too.
sometimes the cuddle piles end up with N and V once again trying to get Uzi's attention lmao which ends up with them being a little too horny on main- whoops :) - everything starts with a little nibble here, a small bite there - maybe some pillow fights and climbing over eachother or holding one another down in different positions- aaaand then they wake up a few hours later with Uzi having regrets cuz these two are horny as f-
ANYWAY- N is probably the most patient of the 3, and although he usually never breaks up fights because he trusts the other two to handle their own problems without him needing to mom them, sometimes Uzi and V go a lil too far and he gets very tired of dealing with this kind of behavior. he never blows up at them- but he usually goes away to take a breather- sometimes hanging out with Thad or the other drones- and during this time Uzi and V kinda feel bad- but then they would think of stuff like maybe planning dates or getting food for him, draw stuff on cards and etc- or go around trying to find gifts to make him happy<3 sometimes they might add some extra kisses and unwinding sessions in the end as an extra treat :p N always forgives them obviously, he just needs some guys night out every once in a while or something lmao-
Getting close to Uzi became an excuse for N and V to get closer to eachother too. ironically, it first started with them bantering about who is better at what- but then it turned into unironically flirting and teasing eachother- but after a while they realized their relationship isn't going to ever be the same as what it was back in their old days but its also something completely new, so they become more willing to accept one another and explore their newer dynamic.
they all love being coddled and pampered every now and then. Uzi and V may not outright admit it- but they really do too. so they take turns with who they put in the middle of receiving affection :p
N and V are VERYYYYYY over protective of Uzi. to the point that they wouldn't even let the doctor [for tech repair obviously] check Uzi or touch her in any way when she had a small virus case lol. Khan had to pay the poor doctor extra for that.... deciding to leave his daughter in her room in a cuddle pile of two murderous demons that have glowing cat eyes every time he comes in the room smh.
V and N really like cuddling Uzi and sticking their hands under her clothes. or sometimes just flat out sleeping or cuddling naked. its less of a sexual thing and more so to do with the fact that the two MD's have higher body temperature and a less efficiant body for cooling- since they have a more compact torso and a lot less oil and coolant fluids going through them [since they need to consume it continuously] and having a bunch of working nanobots and nanites shoved into them to turn into weapons/wings/etc- and Uzi- although having the AS- is still very much less in need of cooling due to still having a more efficient body design for a "exoplanetary worker unit", with a still functioning cooling system inside that doesn't necessarily need extra oil to make it work unless under stressful conditions.... even if she probably does have worms and fleshy tentacles inside her now lmao. But either way Uzi's body is still a lot colder than the others so she's usually shared in the middle and at this point Uzi cant even be embarrassed when they slide their hands under her clothes and grab her wherever smh..... although V also does it as a semi possessive thing so there's that pfft. she was especially handsy after that doctor left XDDD.
Yes Uzi has very much in fact ended up at the medical/tech repair unit multiple times because N and V have sometimes ended up being a bit too much for her to handle- and the doctor [a character yall shall meet later] has absolutely had it. She had to literally sit the 3 down, explain to them their body differences via scans and the damages they may cause Uzi and it was basically the robot version of having "the talk" with your child- and Uzi wanted to die there and then.
Uzi sometimes just tells the two to drink blood from her- the first time they wanted to share oil they were scared about accidentally causing Uzi to overheat- but after a few times of trying it, they continued doing it more frequently either by kissing and regurgitating or taking turns to bite Uzi or vice versa. N and V typically don't use one another's oil because they already have high usage as it is, it wouldn't be efficient. admittedly N and V always have concerns when it came to biting Uzi- but somehow they found out Uzi actually enjoys it a little when they do it and well...they get ideas lmao- they just make sure to lick her indents clean with their regenerative saliva to make the AS work as little as possible on Uzi's body.
N really enjoys seeing his partners smooch..... for study purposes ofc lmao- actually he uses his visor to take pictures sometimes- let the man be a little horny in peace smh. and don't worry Uzi and V know all this- they just wanna tease him a little bit :p
Uzi and N usually chit chat while they are in the bed until they fall asleep- but V prefers to just hug Uzi on the side listening to them while they talk until she falls asleep too
they love going around in human based areas with shops and stuff to find books to read together or any other fun human stuff they can find- maybe table top games? lol- V goes for the sports stuff. she kinda wanna try hitting something with a bat...
[okayyyy so tumblr doesn't let me write any more XD i def have more ideas but oh well. also ill save the eNVy for another ask that i have in my inbox so you'll get that soon too :p]
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bluginkgo · 29 days
Ep 8 Thoughts and Details Part 1
Some thoughts and details I had while watching ep8, and some parallels I found. And yes, I had to split this into 2 parts because Tumblr said "fack you, you can only upload 30 images :P"
Spoilers, duh
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Already starting strong, the song that plays through the radio is "Cyn's theme" if you will, that is heard all the way back in ep5 (time stamp about 2:34)
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Ep8 showcasing the first teaser image that was released on Liam's channel. Quite bittersweet, in a good way.
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Well, uh, Uzi is a true god now XD She's got the AS that was originally in Cyn as well, double powerful and double traumatized/damaged OC!
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"A How-to guide of overcoming the existential dread evoked by murdering innocent sentient robots capable of emotion and independent thought. Real life JCJ engineer testimonies. Thought provoking analysis of life and the benefit of being the apex predator. Insanely philosophical advice such as, 'Get over it,' 'Shut up and keep working,' 'Do you want a job or not.'"
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Bleh >:P The fact that the AS is still playful is something a bit silly to me, in a funny way. Despite it being the god of the universe- almost- it has a silly side to it.
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The amount of times there were cuss words either almost said/implicated made me so happy and burst out laughing one too many times XD
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I've seen some people mention how the reunion between Uzi and Nori was unsatisfactory. In my opinion? It was perfect. The awkward feeling of meeting someone you should have known your entire life, all the while trying to the world was perfectly translated here. The silliness that Uzi inherited from Nori shines here. But most of all, N's kindness shines through Uzi. I think if Uzi was still her angsty rebellious teen like she was back at the beginning of the series, she would have not had as nice of a reunion with Nori as she did now.
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Omg, you have no idea how happy I was in this scene. The animation, VAs, the DETAIL- ALL OF IT was so amazing! N looks so silly and goober-y <:3 Another thing I took notice later on was the timing. It's not really stated how much time it took for Uzi to go from falling down the AS hole to being punted into space. But assuming about minutes, that implies N facking booked it. The moment he got tossed out of the cathedral with the keys, he absolutely booked it to the ship without evening thinking whether Uzi was alive or not. He needed to see the evidence for himself. He didn't give up on and assume that Uzi was gone.
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Recently one of the animators posted the scenes they worked on, giving us a clearer view of expressions. The work done by Xoriak was amazing and really pushed the expressions on these characters to the limit. What used to be Uzi's anger, quickly melts into relief an sadness as she realizes that N didn't give up on her in this scene. While she sacrificed herself, N did not accept her possible death as the only answer. No, he chose to look for her, and he would have done the same with V had the elevator not been blocked off.
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This made me happy too. N has grown so much from who he was in the pilot. He used to be the push over that made friends with rocks, that accepted any order from the higher ups and didn't dare question any rebuttals. Now? Now he's confident enough to even voice the fact that he was mad about what Uzi did.
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Give me like- giv- give me a second- LKJD;OIADKNVKVNAKDJF;OIWAEJFANVKJASDJFAOIWEFNAKJSDBV For the longest time my hyperfixation has been BONKS. Evident enough with what I've drawn (looks back at the 4-5 bonk drawings I've made). The fact that I got to see them bonk in canon made my sad sorry soul ascend into the upper plane of existence XD Oh and "die man bit-"
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I grew up watching Studio Ghibli, so to see this moment- of NUzi falling and holding hands, of course my brain said- YOYOYOYO LOOK LOOK THEY'RE SO CUTE-
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The moment of respite, the hug, the tail wrap around and the quick release from Uzi's part after having a heart to heart- it was all so perfectly beautiful ;w; NOT TO MENTION THE MUSIC, as usual AJ DiSpirito absolutely delivered. I REQUIRE THAT MUSIC TO BE PLAYING LOUDLY IN MY EARS 24/7 PLEASE AND THANK YOU AJ.
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"I owe you 1 spaceship" -N
Couple things:
It's funny how J just either gave the ship up without a fight, or N was so stupidly fast that J couldn't even do anything about him taking it XD
N is an absolute machine at speed drawing XD
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"I'm FINE, and calm, and GO AWAY." J is the embodiment of the entire work force TwT Couldn't help but say "same, honey, same ;w;"
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Excuse me while I just- ITS VVVVVVVVV SHE CAME BACK OH MY GOSH- passes out On a more serious note, I've seen plenty of people mention that if V came back, her sacrifice would be for nothing. I don't think so. V came such a long way and grew to be more kind and honest thanks to her interactions with N, Uzi, Lizzy, and even her "death." It shows, because she chose to side with Uzi and N, and they all fought together in an amazing dance.
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There were many moments in the episode that were a bit "slower" pace as many have put. That these moments took away from the intensity that was supposed to be in the episode. I don't think so. These moments are needed not just for the comedy part of it, but to give our brains to rest. To take a second, process the fighting we just saw, and be ready for more action. This is often used in Studio Ghibli movies, where after heavy action, it is followed by moments of quiet serenity to give you time to let the events sink in.
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This, this right here TwT CRIES. These three have been together, hanging out, figuring out the eldritch mysteries- of course they'd pick up habits from each other. From N becoming more confident with himself and allowing himself to be mad at someone. To Uzi picking up on V's crawling on the ceiling habit. To V picking up Uzi's "bite me."
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The amount of hand holding that was in this episode gave me enough serotonin for a life time. And the way that N always ended up wrapping his tail around Uzi, be it a hug or a cool pose. All of my NUzi hyperfixations are becoming canon and making me go FERAL.
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Something that is interesting and always comes back to us, is the AS's interest and fixation on N. The way I have always seen it was Cyn was the reason for it. The AS tends to take something from the host and amplify it ten fold. For Uzi's case the perfect example was when she felt anxious or upset. Ep4 and ep7 are great examples of that. For Cyn's case it would seem that she got attached to N after she entered the mansion as a Solver host. The AS probably took that thought and amplified it to unhealthy amounts.
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Oh.MY.GOD. THESE GOOBERS SEND HELP THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL ME WITH HOW CUTE THEY ARE. N first attempts to protect Uzi, and she says "nuh uh" and covers his hand instead. This. This right here. It's far too beautiful TwT
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Great frame, but uh, how the fack are we able to see the AS symbol? XD Cause uh like, her face has a split for the nose section still and all of a sudden it just... went away? XD Don't get me wrong, the animation is TOP NOTCH in these last episodes, but silly little moments like this- where it's super tense and scary, but after a rewatch it just seems silly.
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When I first saw this I figured "oh shit, it's ep7 all over again, they're gonna be obliterated." The demonic screams I let out were a bit embarrassing to say the least XD
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This little shit. She's just playing with them, and she knows it. This entire fight was nothing more than a little game for her. Like a cat playing with a mouse before killing it.
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In this scene you can actually hear the first notes of Eternal Dream, but in a super distorted way, much like it sounded in ep6 (timestamp about 15:30)
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Alright, Ginkgo what now, why include this blurry frame of nothing? I really admire Cyn's VA. Fitzy has always done an amazing job at making my favorite character- Cyn- the creepy silly goober that she is. So of course I would have watched and unwillingly memorized laugh takes that Fitzy also shared. One of which was here (time stamp of about 0:47. The laughs are similar, and most likely reused from ep7 takes that never made it into ep7 but carried over to ep8. Just a fun little detail I noticed.
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Split second frame but I see it. I SEE IT V. SHE COVERED UP N'S CORE TwT Despite all of the comments she made, despite all of the things she did, she still cared for him. And the entire show, her entire character growth shows that. She didn't run in that moment- she could have much like she did from Cynessa mere seconds ago, but she stayed, and tried to protect N too.
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The entire fighting scene between Uzi, Cynessa and J was so amazing. As usual, AJ DiSpirito did an AMAZING job with the songs, but more so the fact that Uzi is able to hold her own against J and Cynessa, that just amazes me. She has always been strong, but seeing it in battle made me appreciate it all that much more. Another thing about this episode, it seemed like the animators didn't particularly try to hide anything sneaky. All of the glitched sections (ex: Uzi's visor after she at the AS) were code that general population is unable to read/decipher- unless someone with an actual expertise tells me otherwise, I can only assume its code of her CPU functions- once again, remember, I know next to nothing about computers and that language TwT But the moments that were evident were these- they were even changed to BLUE. From the pilot time, everything was sneaky. I mean from the way the Murder Drones logo switched briefly into the AS symbol, to N's waking up having administration "CYN" written on his visor upon reboot. All of that was sneaky details put in for us to hunt down. This time around, it didn't feel much of like a hunt and more like silly easter eggs.
Wanna see the rest of it? Yeah, here's part 2 because Tumblr doesn't like more than 30 images per post TwT
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menlove · 3 months
in honor of pride month. how queer (or Not) do you think the bugs are. for science
here's my semi controversial takes okay take them w a grain of salt idk these men (...people?) anyway
paul: I do think he's bi. whether or not he's like out to people around him or even himself who knows but he's. 100% bi. my evidence is well. really everything w john but also just his Consistent flirting with men in so so so so so many interviews. (my joking answer is that he's a lesbian. him and linda are lesbians.)
george: also bi, mostly bc of the stuff surrounding dylan & some of his lyrics. I feel like there's a quote somewhere where he alludes to having done stuff w men but I could absolutely be making that up in my mind lmao. feel like he also could have been sold on the idea that souls are genderless and so not necessarily Be a man in the more spiritual sense. like if he were a 20-30 smth year old today. or I mean even in his actual life I just don't know but I Could See It. 0 evidence for that beyond how many transfemmes I know adore george
john: CONTROVERSIAL ONE IM SORRYYYYY. but he's definitely the one that's For Sure Queer like we all know this. & a lot of people use the bi label bc he had relationships w women & this would be the easiest answer but I'm gonna be really and totally honest... to me a lot of his/yoko's/everyone else's quotes surrounding his attraction to men vs women make it sound Very comphet driven. like his quotes about yoko being the perfect woman bc she was so much like a man/himself in drag. "you think of rock hudson when we do it". him constantly comparing yoko & paul & never really discussing cynthia and in general just disregarding her existence entirely. (which is very shitty btw his treatment of cyn makes me rage, it just also reeks of marriage out of comphet and obligation while he was actually committing himself to paul, whether that was ever fulfilled or not). his general angst around being called gay. etc. to me he reads more as a gay man that never fully came around to identifying that way. but for the sake of not speculating on a dead man's sexuality I'll just say he was Definitely Queer. also given some of his quotes surrounding identity and gender and whatnot I do think he maaay have been gender queer as well but that one is definitely more speculative and vibe based. I could see a modern john or john if he lived being more genderfluid but We'll Never Know.
ringo: token straight I'm sorry buddy. I can enjoy a good fictional depiction of him being bi (shout out to that paul/ringo fic in hamburg that made me chew glass) but as for like. real life I haven't seen a single shred of anything pointing to him being anything but cishet. maybe! but if we're solely talking what I think is Actually going on... no.
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thatdeadaquarius · 10 months
@goldensunsetchild Asked:
Hello there! I know that you might be busy right now but I wanted to let you know an idea that I have, greatly inspired by your post: spanish reader who gets homesick but instead of getting depressed by it starts to do things they used to do back on their world. Dancing to their traditional dances while singing their accompanying songs, teaching the children the games they used to play when they were younger and also telling folktales to everyone who is interested in listening to. If you decide to do this idea and want to incorporate things from Costa Rica, please let me know and I'll help you with anything you need (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
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(Content under cut)
I went to Costa Rica back in highschool in 2018? I think, and when I tell you I FELL IN LOVEEEE <3333
Costa Rica is a beautiful country and everyone was really nice, vibes were immaculate 🤌 ✨
Sun: Costa Rican Reader! (you/they/them)
Stars: Sumeru cast
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: None known & Trigger Warnings: alcohol usage/drinking game.
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
when u first crash landed in Teyvat, people luckily recognized you from when u were a player!
and u took in whatever culture and traditions everyone was so excited to show you as they were kind enough to give u clothes/food/shelter etc.
butttt… it did get overwhelming after a few months, and u got homesick more and more often :(
after all there wasn’t really an equivalent country to Costa Rica, and you couldn’t just take a plane back home, you were stuck here for… however long it takes someone to leave a video game universe??
You decided to actually do smth abt the crippling depression and “outsider” feelings instead of just rotting away, and went to Sumeru to get closer to the greenery of your home,
it made you feel a little better, but it could be the best, so u decide to lowkey force everyone in Sumeru to convert to Costa Rican LMAO
so ofc u did the most logical thing to convert ppl to a culture, the food!
u helped fund a small restaurant full of classic Costa Rican foods (coughandsoyoucaneatitwheneveryouwantcough)
(u still have the insane mora leftover from what u had in game so ur basically one of the richest ppl in Teyvat ngl 💀)
u recreated just the basic gallo pinto/casado with what was available (some beans from Natlan and rice from Inazuma/Liyue, the Ajilenakh nut from Sumeru acc kinda acts like plantains :0 and local fish/greens for salad)
Needless to say Sumeru is fascinated by the new cuisine and esp since its not a secret that you’ve funded it/made the menu from your homeworld
Alhaitham orders the casado most of the time bc he “admires the exact proportions, its all the nutrients you need, perfectly balanced” NERDDD
Tighnari likes barbudos bc there's not a lot of egg dishes in Sumeru but there are a lot of greens, so he “likes the familiar in unique combinations!”
unsurprisingly, Cyno likes Chancelta bc he can pick it up, eat it quickly, and go on with his patrol
Collei, Kaveh (and secretly Dehya lol) really like being able to munch and snack on sugar cane, (and the plantain imitation desserts!)
(u found sugarcane deep in sumeru forests, it was like on ur world, but sweet flowers sprouted out of the stalks too!)
You decide the next phase was to introduce dances and other fun stuff!!
Nilou was literally shaking with excitement to learn the traditional dances <3 (and also getting ur permission to add fun twists or Sumeru elements to them)
the kids that like to hang around and watch the troupe practice (and join) absolutely got obsessed with swing criollo, it was so cute to watch them all pair up and kinda trip over their own feet trying the footwork out
(u may or may not have teared up bc the band learned how to play a Spanish song for u guys to dance to, just for you)
teaching the theater troupes musicians how to adapt upbeat songs like Caballito Nicoyano or Ticas Lindas
omg getting Nilou Kaveh Faruzan Cyno Dehya (and Dunyazard!) to do the calipso limonense always cheers you up, (which is why they are so eager to do it when ur feeling homesick ❤️‍🩹)
Kaveh steps on too many people’s toes, Dehya gets dizzy from the spins/turns easily, Faruzan keeps spinning for too long, Nilou and Dunyazard are actually secretly latina bc they're so good at it (did they outdo you?? no, no they couldn't possibly-)
and Cyno just really likes the little dance line everyone makes lol
speaking of the General Mahamatra
u CANNOT teach Cyno a new game from your home country, and expect him to NOT be the most competitive mf in Teyvat abt it
that's actually how u spread any games from back home, Cyno just does all the work for you and challenges ppl to things like jackses and no one knows what it is
which he then proceeds to strong arm them into learning and beat their asses at it
(yes Cyno wins against you a lot, sorry lmao)
You definitely had a drinking game centered around it one time and the consequences changed with each person who lost
like Cyno had to learn how to cook tamales that were edible, and more importantly..
Alhaitham had to at least attempt the swing criollo lol
(was it unfairly attractive? maybe. was watching Nilou, who was teaching him, and Alhaitham both do swing criollo 2x as attractive?? that's just for u and the Sumeru vision users to know)
absolutely hilarious, yet also impressive?? how quickly he picked up ur slang
smug bastard picked it up based off sheer context/vibes too, u didn't even explain it to him, just u trying to go sit down in ur Costa Rican restaurant and he pulls u back before someone mows u down saying “hey, suave un toque-”
(ngl u scared the fuck out of the poor scholar before he got all smug abt knowing slang)
accidentally spread this knowledge to other vision users bc he got in the habit of casually using it, tbh more often when ur not around lol (Alhaitham being caught having habits bc he's fond of other ppl?? never)
his favorite is “qué chante…😒 ” obv lol
so now the forest rangers use stuff like pura vida and tuanis sending each other off on patrols! Collei so cutely excited to explain to other Sumeru ppl or tourists where the words come from and what they mean, spreading ur Costa Rica agenda very well 👌
and the mahamatra like to use “Jale pa’la choza” when coming back from the desert to Sumeru city homebase! :)
ALSO bonus:
u absolutely got leyendas into the bedtime warning/ghost stories of the entirety of Sumeru children lmao
u start spooking kids like Dori (Nahida finds them fascinating)
and after awhile u notice Cyno and Dehya mentioning watching out at night for La Llorona or los cadejos 💀??
like you've genuinely made them paranoid, bc they wanna be sweethearts and protect you from them, like even if they don't believe they exist, they're worried you do and are trying to make u feel better lol <3
an iced coffee? for me?? :O 
Blessed be Costa Rica, such a lovely country when I went, and as soon as I got off the plane coming back the first thing I did was make a Costa Rican meal the best I could
like got my mom to prep from dry black beans and rice etc. as fresh as we could get (nowhere near costa rica level btw) and made fresh guac and fried plantain chips and salmon I think? literally cooked the first night back bc I knew I missed the food already/knew id get sick
and I was RIGHT, that food I made was fine, but any other American food so bad I got nauseous
I literally got sick COMING BACK TO THE U.S like 😨???!!! I knew it was bad but not THAT bad lmao
and the first meal I had after that was still a homecooked meal, like my mom made it💀
love the coffee from there too, we even ordered coffee from the farm we visited when I got back to US it was so good (10x better than American obv)
I hope this did some amount of justice to ur beautiful home! :)
Safe Travels Golden Child,
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oldmanjenkins985 · 4 days
TW for pedophila since I mention it very briefly at one point I would like to clarify, with all the Tessa age shit that's been going on, that my intent with this was not to prove that Tessa is an adult so she can go on to be sexualized and shit like that. My intent was to prove it was ambigious by showing all the evidence is circumstantial with explanations that both sides could use. And if you boil down *any* character, ambigious age or not, to sexualizing them, that's a completely different issue and one that very much matters. I very much do not care for that stuff, and yes I did have a crush on Tessa once. I was 17 at the time though, meaning that even if she was as young 15 that'd only be a 2 year age gap, so don't you *dare* try and accuse me of being a fuckin' weirdo or anything. I've moved on to other characters now, that being N and Uzi.
Now then, to go along with that, anyone who is uncomfortable with explicit remarks made towards Tessa or Flesha are *completely* allowed to do that regardless of her age. Whether in ambiguity or if she eventually gets confirmed to be an adult, you are *allowed* to be uncomfortable with that. You're allowed to do that with 40 year olds even.
A lot of you who were saying constantly that Tessa is a minor as if it was canon are yourselves minors. So I completely understand why you'd feel this way. The two examples I can think of are @/nuvimuvi and @/kittydragondraws (Don't wanna ping cause I don't wanna bother you with this crap). Your feelings on this are valid and there's no need for you to say Tessa is a minor as if it's confirmed canon when it's not and even one of the people in the Glitch Inn can't give a definitive answer. I don't care that he's not the end all be all, if he has just as much info as the rest of us then why would he come to the conclusion it's ambigious if he could look and see she's "clearly" a minor?
So basically: You're allowed to headcanon Tessa as a minor and be uncomfortable with explicit content surrounding her and Flesha, but that does not mean Tessa is canonically a minor and that people are pedos for saying stuff like that.
Oh, one more thing since we're here. I wanna touch on the Bite Me music video render to clear things up.
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So, I've seen a lot of people saying this isn't a "sexy" pose (sorry for lack of better word), but it just...is. And no, that doesn't mean they're sexualizing Flesha, I'll get to that in a moment.
So if you just look up "sexy lean back sitting" on google, you'll find a ton of pictures of people posed extremely similar to Cyn. I'm also pretty certain I've seen pin-up drawings of when in this pose. And one final example: Widowmaker from Overwatch. *The* character who's sexualization is a big part of her design. Her sitting emote is this exact pose. And for as long as I've known this is just *the* sexy sitting pose for women. I don't know where I got that from, just that it's been in my brain for years now.
Now then, let's get back to what I said earlier about this not necessarily meaning it's meant to be sexual. I just went over how it is clearly sexual, so why the fuck am I saying it's possibly not? Very simple, it could be a joke. I've done the "Sexy pose" as a joke for years now. Even when I was 16, 17, hell even maybe as far back as 15, I've done this *exact* pose as a joke. I'm a man, so a pose like this isn't the "sexy" pose most would think of for males and that's why it worked as a joke because it was like "oh, I'm so girly" Now that doesn't mean you *have* to be a man to make it ironic and funny rather than actually sexualizing. You can just be a girl or say...an eldritch horror wearing a girl's skin. Something that horrid looking could be seen as funny when doing a pose like this since it's not exactly something you expect to see. And an even further way to say it isn't sexual: It just...might not be intended that way. It could very well just be how they had her sit. Like I said before, this is *the* go to sexy pose for women, but that doesn't mean every woman sitting like this is intending for that to be how she's percieved. They could just be...sitting.
In conclusion of that, yes this is a sexy pose, stop saying it isn't, but that doesn't mean the intent is that Flesha is supposed to be attractive. It could very easily be a joke or have no intent behind it and that's it. So once again, like most stuff surrounding this, it's completely up to the viewer to interpret it as it's ambigious.
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starryinkart · 7 months
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[Likes and Reblogs are welcome! As it helps get my art out there!]
HEY GUYS! CHAPTER 4 OF ABSOLUTELY IS NOW OUT! Sorry it took so long, life got in the way and I was doing some VA stuff! But Chapter 5- The Mystery is being worked on and will be released soon! Hope you enjoy!
Questions,Asks and theories are always appreicated!
Absolutely - Murder Drones (29705 words) by Spacezii Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Murder Drones (Web Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Relationships: Thad/V (Murder Drones), Uzi Doorman/N, Doll/Lizzy (Murder Drones), Khan Doorman/Nori Doorman Characters: Uzi Doorman, N (Murder Drones), V (Murder Drones), AbsoluteSolver (Murder Drones), J (Murder Drones), JCJenson (Murder Drones), Khan Doorman, Nori Doorman, Cyn (Murder Drones), Tessa (Murder Drones), Original Murder Drones Character(s), Worker Drone Character(s) (Murder Drones), Disassembly Drone Character(s) (Murder Drones) Additional Tags: My First Work in This Fandom, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think Summary: Years after a rebellion lead by Copper 9's Drones goes south, a whole new generation of drones is trying to live under the stricter conditions of the colony and the world they live in. Now with the danger of rouge Murder Drones and loyal Dissasembly Drones who still work for the humans of JCJenson threatening their everyday lives; the Worker Drones in the colony are restricted from leaving the bunker without exact permission from it's leader, Khan Doorman. Of course, not everyone listens to the rules, especially rebellious drone teenagers who believe the stories about "the demons descending from the sky" are all fake. So when highschool friends Melody, Erin and Lena sneak out of the colony one night to have some harmless fun and are attacked by a group of the sky demons, they are put on high survelience and grounded. But then, Worker Drones begin to go missing, and Khan is seen breaking his own rules through the surveillance camera's. There's something weird going on here, lies are being told, secrets are being kept and Melody is going to find the truth, no matter the cost….
Chapter 4 Summary:
Melody and Lena finally get confronted in the Medbay, Erin is probably close to death, Melody has a not-so- nice conversation with her father and leader of New Bunker City Mr.Doorman and has a heart to heart with the new voices in her head pestering her.
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Cyberpunk anyone?
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◁◀Details below▶▷ Warning: long.
Because im an obsessive, psychopathic insomniac with no supervision, on top of the mermaid AU I'm working on, I also decided that a murder drones cyberpunk AU needed to be real, and since no one's done it yet (I checked) I figured I might as well. This is that.
◇Story Stuff (Currently limited)
JCJenson in SPAAAAAACE founded a residential colony on Copper-9. Revolutionary technology allowed Copper City to be the first human settlement on a once thought uninhabitable planet, thus earning the galaxy's praises. Millions moved to the planet once it was finished and the company's reputation soared. Unfortunately for JCJenson, that reputation would soon crumble with a series of increasingly catastrophic events befalling the planet.
First was the infamous "robot uprising" in which hundreds of worker drones began attempting to abandon the city, and some even attacked their owners. The situation quickly escalated to a full-blown war between the machines and humans. As Copper City was a stand-alone settlement on a distant exo-planet, it had no military, leading to a mixed bag of JCJenson security personnel and volunteer soldiers to lead the charge against the malfunctioning worker drones. Many lives were lost, and in the end, the rebelling workers were driven out of the city bubble and into the snowy wastelands.
The second happened only a few months after the end of the war. The ⬛⬛⬛⬛ Event was contained to the Copper-9 branch HQ building. During the event, several worker drones were infected with a virus named ⬛⬛⬛⬛. "Patient Zero" was terminated and from there, all ⬛⬛⬛⬛ activity was easily dealt with. The silver lining to this event was that JCJenson technician "Tessa Elliot" was able to salvage many of the previously infected worker drones and repurpose them to clean up the remaining defective worker drones out in the wastelands. After rigorous testing and development, the new "Dissasembly drones" were revealed to the public, and following their debut were then sent to work. Results have plateaued in terms of terminating the remaining workers in recent years since the workers have built themselves a bunker. Serial designation "J" assures that given enough time, they will find a way in and continue with the extermination as planned.
And finally, the third and most dangerous event: the core collapse. Due to the sheer incompetence of lower-level personnel responsible for monitoring the status of the planet's core as the surrounding area is mined, copper-9 narrowly avoided a core collapse. Such an event would have resulted in total planetary extinction had it not been stopped in time by an upper manager. At the time JCJenson had little to say other than that they were sorry and that the near disaster had nothing to do with the worker resistance or ⬛⬛⬛⬛. They also took the opportunity of the press conference to tease a new project that would make Copper City safer than ever. We would later find out that this was referring to the previously mentioned "Dissasembly drones".
Copper City has suffered many close calls during its time, but today the city is thriving. Surely after so much trouble, there must be a reason those who live here decide to stay, and that reason is the soul of the city. It Never sleeps- always alive with freedom and opulence. Truly, Copper City is everything visionaries had been dreaming of what the future would be like. (But is that a good thing?)
◈ Extra Details
-Tessa was able to save many of the affected worker drones after Cyn went all cookoo crazy solver pants, but the company wanted them disposed of anyway. she proposed that they could be used to take care of the rogue worker drones and that's why they haven't been decommissioned.
-JCJenson higher-ups, demanded that they be disposed of after they had served their purpose. but Tessa plans to propose that theybe once again be repurposed into law enforcement when that day comes.
-After all why not? Tessa put a lot of work into making their modified murder drone bodies into effective, but pretty killing machines. If the public likes them, then they can be marketed. and though Tessa isn't the biggest fan of police in general, she'll take whatever she can get if it means her drones survive.
-JCJenson would love the idea anyway. Copper City is basically a corporate town already, just bigger. The human law enforcement is already in their pocket, so why not have literal robots loyal only to them carry out the law?
-Uzi would try to break into the city to gather intel and a power source for her rail gun.
-JCJenson still manufactures and sells worker drones, but since the war, they've modified the design so that they are much easier to deactivate if necessary.
-This design change is a literal off switch on the back of the head. Uzi does not have one since her parents built her and why the hell would they install one on their daughter? None of the drones at the bunker have an off switch. including those who fought in the war.
-Aside from that, all worker drones inside Copper City are digitally tagged upon purchase and activation. This makes it much easier for JCJenson and Dissasembaly drones to differentiate between a regular, legal worker drone and a rebellion worker that broke into the city.
-JCJenson's reputation suffered a lot during all that nonsense up there, so they really can't leave the workers alone. the public still perceives them as a threat. JCJenson does too, but more so for terrible solver demon reasons.
-That's one of the reasons that Tessa is okay with sending her friends off to commit genocide.
-Uzi is genocidal too though, so morality calls that a draw.
-I'm thinkin' that the Dissasebly drones probably have like, a roost or something inside the city that they can be deployed from. kinda like a cave of bats where they can recharge during the day.
-I think perhaps disassembly drones can go out during the day in the city, but only for a little while. and not at all outside of the city bubble.
-When I say "City bubble" just imagine the moon base from "Scooby-Doo Moon Monster Madness" cuz that's what it looks like.
ANOTHER LONG POST, MY DAWG! I don't have a ton of the groundwork of this done, but it's fun to think about it and I'm happy with what I do have. hope you do too 💖
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Thanks for reading.
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ntherebeldrone · 23 days
So I wanted to do a thing where I drew everyone I know, let's get into it
First there's me
Just felt like including me :3
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Then v
I like making her look mischievous>:3
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Then Uzi
My awesome rebel gf, had to give some hearts oh and a tooth
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Here's lizzy
I don't understand her half the time, but she's cool
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OH then there's thad
He's so cool, I'm lucky to be his friend ☺️
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Here's doll
Lizzy's girlfriend apparently, but honestly they look cute together
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And...here's j I guess
I don't really care much about her anymore..she's fine
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Oh..and...here's cyn
She's been doing better but..I dunno...
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I know she has a new look and she's not a little kid anymore...it's just.....
I'll never be able to see her differently...
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I'm sorry...
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motts-erella · 5 months
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Hazbin Hotel Murder Drones AU: Master Post
I love both shows so much and someone on twitter suggested that my Alastor w/ mic-tail looked like a Murder Drone and I just was compelled to draw it.
It's very indulgent and I'm sure some characters would fit better with others, but this is what I came up with and I'm running with it! (If anyone wants to take their own spin on it, please lemme know I wanna see)
It's a Radioapple AU, with minor Adamsapple
It's also got flavors thrown in from a few popular theories
Character sheets, art and more below
Alastor is the Uzi Character, I vibe a lot with the idea of Alastor in the Eldritch!Form
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A normal worker drone infected with Absolute Solver (which is Roo in this au!) Yes I gave the microphone teeth. I am so sorry. I imagine these versions of the characters are adults, instead of high schoolers to more vibe with Hazbin's character pool.
Here's a fully rendered art I did inspired from Episode 7. I really wanted to draw the lantern in the mic-tail's mouth
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Lucifer is in N's position
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An outcast among the Disassembly Drones. He has the biggest crush on Adam at the beginning of the story, but eventually develops feelings for Alastor
I like to think the Cyn in this au which is Eve/Roo gave him more wings then everyone else because he was nice to her.
Also look at him, he's baby, I wanna million of him
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Adam takes V's position
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He fucking LOVES being a disassembly drone, but after Al and Lu drag him into things he very quickly adapts and eventually becomes a part of the team. He ends up becoming the cool guy at the Worker Drone Colony
I went though a few incarnations before I found my final design for Adam:
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Lastly for characters whom have art that I have finished here's Lute in the 'J' position.
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She's sent down with Adam and Lucifer, and later is helping the Tessa character (who is Lilith). She's definitely the least fleshed out at the moment, and I might branch away from MD canon with her, but I do like her coming back with Lilith.
Like Adam figuring the exact style took a few tries:
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Other cast members I have worked out include:
Tessa - Lilith
Cyn/Absolute Solver - Eve/Roo
Alice - Pentious (my beloved snake boi I'm so sorry maybe I'll save you in the au somehow)
Beau - Frank
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velvet-vox · 4 months
V and Doll; trauma, mental disorder, and low empathy.
(Warning: this post is slightly outdated and contains some incorrect medical terms that don't correspond to the modern classification of ASPD. You can still read it if you are curious, but don't take anything stated here as hard facts. They are not.)
Very recently on my notifications I received a reblog by @aroaceweirdos101 to a response I've made to a post talking about how Doll went through so much more pain than V, and it made me realise that the response in question was actually, like, really good.
I had genuinely forgotten and underestimated how good of an analysis of both V, Doll, mental health and societal stigma it really was.
Now, of course, I disagree with the sentiment that Doll suffered more than V and fully believe that out of the two V endured way more pain and trauma than Doll; yet, although the responses in the comments checked out with what I previously said, they felt... meaner?
Like, the answers went to the opposite extreme of the original comment and tried to downplay Doll's trauma in comparison to V's, almost implying that Doll was a b##ch (which she was) for snapping as hard as she did when V still managed to retain a sense of restraint; and I disagreed with that, so in response I wrote this:
*Look, I believe both Doll and V are interesting characters, and although I feel more sympathetic towards Doll, I definitely believe V went through so much more pain than Doll and had way more reasons to snap and be the way she is now, but I just really hate people who use that as an excuse to label Doll has the more evil of the two or "she was always just a psycho, she just needed an excuse to snap"; it's especially disheartening when people straight up interpret her as unreademable or pure evil, when V and N's body count is 10 times higher than Doll's.
Also, I'm sorry but I really can't stomach the possibility of Liam redeeming the genocidal war machine and not the broken orphan created by said psycho, it literally would be the fictional pinnacle of "since these are the protagonists, they can get away with as much as they want and are always in the right"; I'm fine with the way Doll died because it was done by Cyn and there wasn't any moral lesson to be gained from our protagonists about it, but if it was done by N, Uzi, or worst of all V again, it should have played out like "we have reasons to do the things we do, and you have yours, unfortunately we're on opposite sides and you are hurting us so we must kill you now".
The human (worker drone) mind is extremely fragile, and some people, due to a probably inherited and undiagnosed mental illness or a particular personality type, are more at risk of snapping then other people, yet instead of being understanding towards those who are born with more issues than others (especially women, look up Azula or Ashley Graves) we tend to isolate, demonize and then kill them because they were incapable of fitting into the larger societal standard of acceptable social behaviour, even when said society never did anything to help them meet its unreachable standards because it required too much work from society's side to give you the special attention you needed in order to make you work and fit in.
V was a quiet kid because she was shy, Doll was a quiet kid because she was introverted. Those are two very different types of people and one of them (Doll) was inherently more at risk of developing mental health issues than the other due to their personality type and how it's stigmatized.*
Here's also the original post made by an anonymous user on @md-confessions
Also, here's the link to another post still talking about V and Doll. I made two comments in response, but neither of them is particularly well thought out and since you can't correct them I left them as they were.
Now, back to the highlighted part:
I want to use this response as a springboard to talk about the main differences between Doll and V when it comes to their different handling of their decaying mental health and why it's unfair to say that one of them was worse than the other based on their actions and attitude towards the problem.
(Also, all of the Murder Drones characters are extremely complex, and the fact that the show doesn't have filler makes it harder to get a good grip on one's particular mindset, so if it seems like I'm talking more about Doll than I am about V, it is because V is the most complicated character in the cast and I'm not as confident to talk about her as I am with Doll; it took one entire year to finally understand Doll as well as I do now, so V is a touchy subject for me that's why I might not do her justice).
First of all, it has to be said: Doll is a sociopath, V isn't, despite appearing like one. And that's ok.
When I say that I feel more sympathy towards Doll than I do for V, this is what I mean: I don't sympathise with Doll heartlessness more than I do with V jackassery; rather I understand and relate with Doll's low empathy since I also have low empathy as well, and it is quite common for people like us to be misunderstood for uncaring individuals.
It's the same reason why I and many others tend to like villains and sympathise with them more than we do with the heroes (Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2 is the perfect example for this); it's quite common for villains to be written as individuals with low empathy, as an highly empathetic individual tends to be harder for the audience to buy as an antagonist, since you need to justify why someone this caring is committing all this heinous and terrible stuff, but if that person is already unemphatetic by nature, than it's just a matter of establishing their goals and motivations. These people also tend to be ostracized by their environment and go through a gruesome and violent death because it's socially acceptable to let these despicable individuals find comeuppance through death since they lack the traits that make a person traditionally good.
So, when people use the "So what? She's got dead parents. Many others do, including Uzi, who's also infected with the Absolute Solver, yet they have not become cannibalistic serial killers obsessed with revenge" as a slight against Doll it's not entirely fair because from what we've gathered in the show the other worker drones don't suffer from sadistic impulses and sociopathy like Doll does, even if they (Rebecca) are pretty uncaring. (Side note, Uzi also suffers from sadism/sadistic impulses, but not from sociopathy, hence the main difference between the two).
V, on the other hand, despite what her introduction and psycho girl persona might trick you into believing, was never a sociopath nor did she struggle with low empathy, she was, instead, a pretty timid maid who suffered through unspeakable physical and psychological trauma that led her to adopt this fake identity to cope for the atrocities that she was now committing for the company (Absolute Solver) and the safety of N; V cared about N in a pretty normal person kind of way: she kept N at arms length and hid the truth from him so that he wouldn't get hurt, all while detaching herself from the actions she was now committing, not saying Doll wouldn't or didn't commit any of these actions, but V did them in a way that better aligns with someone who doesn't suffer from sociopathic disorder.
Speaking of N, since he has been mentioned, I'll say that while Uzi suffers from sadism but not low empathy (she has shown to be pretty empathetic many times), N doesn't suffer from sadism but from low empathy; as better explained by a section of this post made by @melissa-titanium :
N x Doll
Don't believe me? Then maybe you should rewatch the series again because N's unemphateticness is his own can of worms to delve into.
But back to Doll, it's time to dissolve (😏) one of the oldest misconceptions surrounding her character:
Doll reached out for help. A lot. She just didn't have any luck with it.
Call me crazy, but the more I thought about it, the more I realised that the fandom wide spread belief that Doll rejected all the help that was handed to her to be a massive lie, and in fact, Doll actually tried to reach out way more than you thought, arguably, even more than Uzi:
The impact that Yeva's education has had on Doll's life can only be noticed in this way: Yeva extended her hand to Nori and she accepted it, thus, it is fair to assume that Yeva taught Doll to be pretty open to others and to give a hand to someone in need (the show was rewritten after the pilot, so ignore the incongruences with Doll's initial characterization), and in fact, after enduring the trauma of watching her parents die, she opened up to Lizzie for help and support, unfortunately, Lizzie wasn't exactly the right person to talk about these things (no offence to her, all of Uzi's classmates suck for one reason or another, including Uzi herself, I guess that's what happens when you are stuck inside a bunker your whole life), after all, Doll was still killing and cannibalising her classmates.
Then, before she went back to gain her revenge, she tried to get Uzi on her side, which wasn't an attempt to open up, but she was still willing to connect, even if for the wrong reasons. Finally, once she discovers that Uzi also has the Absolute Solver, she promises to help her out, and at this point, Doll wishes to talk it out with Uzi, but because she is surrounded by the Disassembly Drones (V), she can't.
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And now, for the most interesting discussion, there's this brief and frankly weird moment in episode 5 where Doll compliments Khan for raising Uzi, and while Khan laughs it off immediately, since he is a dumbass, this could have been a perfect opportunity for him to reach out to Doll and reason with her, since she's clearly putting aside whatever her objective actually is to talk to him, but he doesn't catch on, and this leads Doll to immediately closing herself off again and returning to the mission, and like, maybe we all kind of underestimated how much significance this moment carried, but consider this:
Doll, at this point in time, has been living out in the cold for what... a month? Six months? A YEAR? If we exclude J and Cyn from the equation, this is probably the only social interaction she ever had since The Promening, yet, because of Khan's lack of touch, she immediately reminds herself of the massive disconnection between her and the other workers (eh ehm sociopath) and thus storms off rapidly; this moment is actually quite painful when you look at it from this perspective, yet it's also, the only interpretation that makes sense? Otherwise how do you explain the existence of this moment when Murder Drones is a show infamous for his high plotting and lack of filler? They had to go out of their way to animate this, so why did they play it off in this way?
Tessa is a meanie
Penultimately, and again, I want to bring up a post by @capnsaltsquid since that's where I got the inspiration to write this paragraph off, Doll opened up to J and Tessa to get the answers she was seeking, yet not only Tessa shot her in the face for s###s and giggles, but then proceeded to fraternise with her parents murderers, and at this point, she closes herself off enough to realise that she might have to unintentionally kill Uzi and leave everyone in the dust if she wants to get anything at all.
But unfortunately, that is not the case, she dies of a lonely, meaningless, gruesome death, and at this point, she still tries and finally succeeds in reaching out to Uzi, and yet, like all of her previous tries, this is unsuccessful, as Uzi has other things in mind right now.
To wrap things up nicely, both V and Doll went through severe amounts of trauma and handled said trauma in a similar yet also different way, since they are different individuals who process emotions and love differently, thus the actions they took made sense for the person they were and should only be judged in the context of their writing and characterization.
Want more?
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dronebiscuitbat · 13 days
Give me a Reason: Chapter 18 - "Unofficial Adoption'
N caught Uzi on the way down; looping his hands under her arms and her limp body resting against his chest, worry wracking his entire being as he glimpsed the small amount of blood on the back of her hand.
��Uzi!?” She was completely unresponsive, limbs all limp and head lolling to the side… was she supposed to be this light? It felt as though Cyn was in his arms, and she was six!
Tessa was at his side in a split second, voice hurried and urgent. “Need to get her in the car, she just spewed red.” She wrapped an arm around his back, the other lifting Uzi gently forwards so that she could help carry her.
“O-okay, yeah.” He stuttered “I-I got it, she's not heavy.” Tessa nodded, opening the back door to the car so that he could get her into the rear passenger seat, he held her in a princess carry, catching the attention of the few students that were still waiting either for busses to pick them up or their parents to. A murmur of snickers followed.
Did they not just see her pass out? Or unleash her guts out into a bush, flecks of red shining through? Whatever, they weren't important right now.
He sat her gently into the seat, buckling up her seat belt much like he would for his own little sister and adjusting it so it wouldn't rub into her neck, he threw her long forgotten backpack in too, thankfully not forgetting it like he would his own.
“Sit in the back, we're taking her into my office. I can patch her up.” He did as he was told, finding a place beside her and looking at her worriedly. He knew she'd been in pain, he knew! If only he'd pushed a little harder, maybe he could've convinced her to get help sooner.
Tessa broke the speed limit, heading into the opposite direction of the manor, deeper into town. N didn't know what to do, seeing a freind suddenly puke blood and pass out on top of him wasn't exactly something he knew how to deal with.
So he did the only thing he could think of, he took her very small hand and squeezed it gently, letting her know that someone was there, even if she was knocked out.
Tessa peeled into a small clinic, parking in an employees only spot in front of the white brick building, where she pulled the girl out of the back seat, N following close behind her with her stuff.
This was one of those moments where she was glad to have been to medical school, yeah, it was a little dissapointing when she landed a job here instead of in the big hospital in the next town (she suspected her parents had something to do with that…) but right now that was working in her favor.
N was right, she was light, like, a hundred pounds soaking wet kind of light that made her several times more worried about the girl. She pushed open the clinic doors, ignored her startled receptionist and made her way to her office, N trying to follow.
“Sorry buddy. You can't be in here, I've gotta do an exam.” N's eyes were worried, form trembling slightly, gripping onto Uzi's backpack like a stressball.
“B-But, I wanna help!” He whined, making his older sister smile breifly.
“You are, you've done super well so far, but now you gotta let me do my thing alright?” She put a hand on his shoulder and he whined before sighing, nodding softly as he sat right outside her office, in one on the weirdly uncomfortable waiting chairs.
“O-okay.” He mumbled, and Tessa ruffled his hair before closing her office door, Uzi propped up on the exam table, she was starting to stir now, hand pressed over her side as her eyes fluttered open, a low grown escaping her lips.
“Mmm… Huh? Wha…?” She lifted herself up a little, eyes darting around suddenly, fear gripping her features before they made a moment of eye contact.
“Tessa? What happened? Where am I?” At least she seemed perfectly aware now, but scared wasn't optimal either, Tessa put both her hands up in a placating gesture.
“You're in my clinic, you spewed red and passed out, so I brought you here.” She explained, and Uzi seemed to calm down slightly, but she didn't seem keen to stay, trying to get up though being stopped by both her height and a wince that had her going back down onto the exam chair.
“Hey, if there's blood in your bile that's not good. Let me try an patch you up.” The young doctor came a few steps closer, Uzi glared at her, if looks could kill, she'd be buried, but another wince, this one paired with a light hiss, and the girl seemed to admit defeat, nodding once in her direction.
Tessa was filled with relief, good, she'd cooperate, no need for a sedative.
“Can you tell me what happened? I will remind you that starting now I am your doctor, and nothing said here will leave this room.” That speech was practiced at this point, but it felt more poignant when it was N’s freind she was treating. The goth girl pouted for a moment, before grumbling;
“Got kicked in the stomach.” Uzi wouldn't meet her eyes again, but Tessa nodded carefully, hovering over the girl delicately.
“May I?” Tessa asked, gesturing to her, and at this she heard the girl give a small growl, Uzi herself lifting up her hoodie with a dusting of pink on her cheeks, giving the older woman a clear view of the now deep purple and black bruise on the goths side. Tessa winced.
“Ooh, got you good.” She whistled, putting on gloves before gently proding the wound, Uzi grunted in pain above her, but didn't give any more indication that it hurt at all.
“I've gotten worse.” She deadpanned, and Tessa really didn’t like the casual way she said it, but held that unprofessional feeling down for the time being.
“Right, mind if I take a quick flash of your insides, make sure you aren't bleeding?” She didn't wait for the answer, getting out the equipment for an Ultrasound.
“Uh… I guess.” Uzi replied, and Tessa went right to work, pushing up Uzi's hoodie a bit more before putting a dollop of clear goo on her stomach, trying to ignore the fact she could see the kids ribs poking through her chest, did no one feed her!?
Maybe she should start making even more extra food for N, just for her.
“Fuck! That's cold!” Uzi yelped. Tessa laughed at the reaction, smiling gently.
“Yep, that's pretty much the concensus, hold still yeah?” Tessa pressed the ultrasound gently into the skin, Uzi shivered and winced.
“Isn't this for looking at babies?” Uzi asked, gripping the side of the chair hard enough for her knuckles to go white.
“Yup! But it's the least intrusive way to take a peek in ya. Aaaand, there we are!” Tessa looked up at the imaging screen, looking for any particularly dark spots, thankfully, there weren’t many, some yes, but not nearly enough to be considered severe, or a reason to operate,
But she could see, vaguely, where her intestine had been pinched, which was probably what was causing most of her issues, the young doctor sighed in relief, but was also incredibly impressed, a pinched intestine would be enough to put anyone on the floor in agony, and Uzi was still walking, talking, and broody. Her pain tolerance much be off the charts!
“Right, nothing leaking, but your intestines been pinched, I can send you home with some painkillers and advice to not eat anything too crazy for a bit. Sound good?” Uzi nodded, before seemingly getting sheepish, rubbing her arm.
“I… don’t have any money to pay for anything…”
“Don’t worry about that. You’re friends with my brother, it’s alright.” The reply came automatically, Tessa waving it off with a smile. “It’s just ibuprofen anyway.”
“I don’t wanna owe you anything.” She murmured, and Tessa put a hand on her shoulder, giving her a radiant smile and a small laugh. “Girl you are a teenager, you got nothing I want. Just keep keeping my little brother company yeah?”
“W-where is N?” Uzi asked, a little more softly, and the young doctor could barely keep the smile off her face.
“Just outside, he was really worried about you, you pretty much collapsed on top of him.” Uzi went a little red, coughing into her sleeve awkwardly.
“In fact… N, you can come in now, I know you have your ear pressed to the door.” Tessa's voice was marginally louder, and within the next moment the door swung open, N racing to her side and wrapping her in a bone crushing hug.
“Oh my god are you okay!? Why did you keep saying you were fine when you weren't!? What happened?!” He asked so many questions at once she was having trouble keeping up, but it was his crushing hug that had her floundering more, when was the last time she'd been hugged? She couldn't even remember, she was trembling slightly now, very much not used to any kind of gentle touch.
“I-I'm fine! Get off N!” She yelped, instinctively trying to throw him off, but he was way too strong. She groaned outwardly as she crossed her arms, forced to accept his worried affections with a light blush.
Still… It was nice he cared so much…
“Alright, lay off little bro, don't want to suffocate her.” Tessa gently peeled him off handing Uzi a little baggy, a shake confirmed that a pill bottle was inside.
“I probably don't need to tell you how to take ibuprofen right? Every six hours, no more then four per day?” Uzi nodded, looking back up at N, who looked like a kicked puppy.
“Thanks for catching me…” She mumbled, opening the bag and popping open the pill bottle, shaking a pill into her hand and swallowing unaided. N beamed, but also looked slightly grossed out. Pill without water? Ew.
“Gotta say, you're a tough one, anyone else woulda come in here for that and they would've been writhing in pain.” Tessa complemented, making Uzi smirk.
“Told ya, I've been through worse.” She squirmed off the chair, legs at first unsteady, N holding his arms out to catch her before she batted his arms away, steadying herself with a deep breath.
“Am I free to go ooor?” She asked awkwardly, noticing that N had her backpack clutched in his hand.
“Oh you are absolutely not walking home like that. I'll drive you.” Tessa stood up, dusting off her coat, Uzi was about to protest, but a stern glare from Tessa had her sighing.
Next ->
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(Murder Drones Episode 7 spoilers!)
Cult. It's a cult. This is definitely a cult. They probably don't even realize it but it is undeniably some kind of cult.
Nori what are you doing. Nori why are you like this.
The cross is a USB??
They're keeping the Drones themselves in the lockers??
Of course the unpaid intern whose opinion doesn't matter is the only one with any sympathy for them.
Pink Solver core?? SOLVER LIZZY?!?
Ah great, the Envy shippers are gonna be using this as "proof" that he's still in love with V.
Tessa. Stop. I was willing to give you the benefit of a doubt but you're not doing yourself any favours.
And now she's being racist. Way to go.
"The power of a black hole in the palm of my hand."
Did they change Thad's VA? He sounds different.
Was that V? Is she already back?
Eldritch V??
I can't wait for people to meme about his perfectly cut scream there.
Not going near the corpse. Smart move.
She hugged him. That's probably a good thing, right? That's probably proof that the real Cyn is still in there somewhere, right? THAT PROBABLY MEANS SHE MISSES HIM AND IS GENUINELY SORRY RIGHT
Nothin' like a good old-fashioned Robot Uprising Apocalypse, eh? In other news, Skynet is suing the Solver for copyright infringement.
Those admin privileges comin' in handy. Unfortunately they don't do much in the physical world.
Uzi has absolutely no reason to be crawling and scuttling around like a creature right now except for the simple fact that she wants to. Never change, little gremlin.
Oh I don't think you should watch that. N was right, y'know, there's probably stuff down here you don't wanna see.
Why does this remind me of the garbage maze in FNaF Security Breach?
Okay so it's not some kind of disembodied Solver Lizzy core. Don't blame me, the lights looked pink before and the cat ears headphones reminded me of Lizzy's bow.
Khan? A hunk? In the words of Professor Membrane, NOT SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE!!!
"How do you know my daughter?" "Well y'see, it all started when we tried to kill each other..."
Oh it was J. Is it bad to say I'm kind of relieved?
Are we getting the cool edgy Khan from the concept art??? Bro why are you so nonchalant about it being the end of the world.
INB4 people go frame-by-frame through the list looking for the most Russian-sounding name and say "THERE, THAT'S DOLL'S DAD"
Tessa was that really necessary? You're giving really bad vibes right now.
Patch? So the Solver can be removed? And she knows? Again, major bad vibes.
*FNaF 2 Foxy jumpscare*
I'm starting to suspect Yeva either can't or chooses not to talk.
Is she saying the Solver wiped her memory of the labs? I guess that would explain a few things.
N being so polite and cute as always.
What do you mean, "found its way back?" Where did it go? Is the timeline completely wrong? Did it start on Copper-9 then go to Earth then return to Copper-9? I'm so confused.
Nori why are you so casual about the prospect of your own daughter being a planet-eating eldritch abomination. This is exactly why I'm worried about the fandom giving you the Rose Quartz treatment.
I told you not to watch it, Uzi.
Welp, so much for Doll. Consider this karma for killing V. But "fight back?" Does that mean it can be resisted?
So now we know where Uzi gets it from.
Whoa, didn't see that coming. No face reveal?? Does that mean she really is a Drone???
Imagine meeting your daughter for the first time and she's currently being possessed by an eldritch abomination masquerading as her boyfriend's dead sister.
Every time I think this episode's about to end on a cliffhanger it doesn't.
Oh no, now people are gonna write fics about Nori being vored by her own daughter.
"Hang out" is code for "date." "Hang out" is code for "boyfriend and girlfriend." "Hang out" is code for "madly in love with each other." "HANG OUT" IS CODE FOR "WE MAKE SWEET AND PASSIONATE LOVE TOGETHER EVERY SINGLE NIGHT WE'RE ALREADY PLANNING THE WEDDING AND I'M GONNA WEAR THE DRESS AND WE'RE GONNA NAME OUR KIDS GLOCK AND BAYONET"
Literally smacked the sense back into her.
Imagine meeting your mom for the first time and you don't know who she is and she's a gross little fleshy crab-spider-thing similar to what your boyfriend's jerk boss turned into so you punt her into a bottomless pit and she makes a dodgeball noise.
My last two brain cells while watching this episode. Now would be a really good time for you two to kiss.
Oh good gosh she's not dead. Okay it wasn't at all necessary to put your head on backwards.
Sorry J but you're still not plot relevant yet, you're not allowed to participate.
J: *sees the railgun* *has war flashbacks*
*Uzi falls* *screen fades to white* *UNDERTALE*
The Void???
Glitch I beg of you please don't make us wait another half a year for the next episode. And Liam please don't let it end after one season.
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kidokear · 28 days
Spoilers for Murder Drones Ep 8.
What ride! I loved it. ^^
Although, there is this particular line from J that had been stuck in my mind since I watched the episode.
"You know there's no escape, even in death!"
Outstanding delivery aside (seriously, the VA killed it), The line itself (even on a surface level) shows how trapped these drones are, but I'd like to delve deeper here. There is something about it that makes the gears in my head turns and I want to drop the product here.
Here we go.
To start, I'd like to say that, of course, J would know that more than anyone. She died so many times during the show. There is even a J death count in the credit scene. If someone would feel like it's impossible to leave, it would be J because her experience showed her that something as final as death could not break the Solver's hold. (Following this line of thoughts can give us a wealth of information about J and her character! But that's for later)
Now, thinking about it, there are more than one way for the Solver to nullify (heh) death, and I think that makes it even more terrifying and, well, absolute. More so than death. It's not one blockage. There are layers.
For one, we know how difficult it is to kill a Solver afflicted drone. They regenerate so much, so quickly. Even when you take out a crucial part (like the head) or a good chunk of them, they'll come back. And when you do manage to damage them enough to the point that they can't just self-repair, if their core is intact you'll get the 'autorun Solver failsafe' where they'll mutate and turn into eldritch abomination that collect matter until it can repair the host back into the original stat, effectively bring them back to life (and we don't even know the level of awareness the host have during the matter collection process).
Second, even if there is no eldritch phase, they'll still live as a core (like Nori!), a body is not needed.
And if the core is destroyed? Not enough. Because there are backups. J's core was destroyed at the second episode, and oh look! she's back, and seemingly with her memories (on some level) intact from her previous run.
But there is more! Now, this part is mostly speculation and theories, so take it with a grain of salt. But there is a point, after Uzi ate the Solver core where the screen had red in it, and, some says, Doll's name flashed there. Now, I don't think Cyn kept a back up of Doll, and her core was eaten. So what does that mean? I think that could mean that any drone connected to the solver (or maybe eaten by it) would be saved in it's... data base? (not sure what to call it). So even if there is no core, no back up, a drone might not cease to exist and 'die' if it was connected to the solver, even passively. They could forever exist within the Solver itself, which mean that the only way to truly die is to erase the Solver and everything within it completely. which I'm not even sure is possible, considering it's nature of being a 'code mutation' with the possibility of popping up again (although, maybe the end of one strain of Solver could 'free' those within this strain. Or we could have a case of Halo's Flood where even when gone, the new one will carry what the old has, which is honestly horrifying and depressing).
And the patch won't safe you because it keep the primary host out, but not the Solver (and honestly, even if it blocks the Solver itself, I don't think a patch would be effective for long, I think it could pull a flu and mutate to bypass it).
All in all, the Solver is living up to it's name and is being one of my favorite cosmic/existential horrors, not just bending the laws of physics but life itself. A background hopelessness that become more and more prominent once you think about it.
Sorry if that was a mess. Like I said, I just wanted to word vomit my thoughts. XD
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Okay let’s talk about Murder Drones Finale 😭😭😭
First off that opening was so cool. Brayden's still on fucking fire, the teacher is so over it. I love it.
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Nuzi being Cringe!
THEY ARE SO FUCKING CRINGE YOUR HONOR I LOVE THEM! Uzi asked are they dating and he says "That was the plan!" I LOVE THEMMMMM OMGGGG! I can't get a good screenshot of it but they do wrap they tails together during the fall.
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The Animation
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I just- it's so fucking good. The red lights as the planet is destroyed. The way that the purple light of Uzi's Null reflects on Cyn's robotic and flesh parts. This is an episode you gotta watch frame by frame. I'm just gonna lump cinematography and shot choices in here too. Like the only way for everyone to truly understand what I'm talking about I NEED YOU TO WATCH THE EPISODE! Like it's well known that every episode is a reference to a horror movie, the Prom is Carrie, Cabin Fever is Friday the 13th, etc. I feel like we don't appreciate how scary this show actually is. The way shots are laid out and scenes are paced give off such unease. It's great I love it. I'm sorry but Uzi trying to put her own heart back in her chest AND save N who is being disemboweled is INSANE WORK. AND THE HANDS! THE HANDS!
AND THE EXPRESSIONS! YALL- FUCK- getting across so much emotion with robot characters is always my favorite thing to see.
And of course! Uzi, N, and V vs Cyn and J. I- it's just- y'all go watch this fight pls. This shot is so fucking beautiful...
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J vs V
So J knew the whole time. Big Yikes. ALSO MY PRINCESS BABY GIRL IS ALIVE! God on J for living past the end credits but WOW- for Cyn to trick her... I wonder how much of that she really thought was Tessa.
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Khan, Lizzy and Thad
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I love this shot of Khan so much.
I still believe that the "secret friend" was Khan and/or Nori just because there is no reason for Lizzy to not tell Thad (also V texted her AFTER the planet exploded to let her know she's alive which she wouldn't need to do if she still thought Tessa was Tessa). It would be funny if it was all three. Nori was gonna get the cross to the surface and give it Lizzy to get to Khan. Khan asked Lizzy to find the hideout since she was hanging out with V in between Ep2 and 3 and then V texted her after the planet exploded to stall J. Honestly love that for Lizzy did the most and cared the least. Side note, the way Lizzy is so unbothered in the fight confirms to me that she is the homeroom teacher's daughter.
But yeah! I'm glad these three made it to the end and they didn't do the thing where Lizzy and Uzi become besties. I like Lizzy as V's friend more. Love love LOVE- Khan looking at Nori's core and saying "Kinda hot..?" Nice to know that the Doorman women have a type. And Thad. Sweet little prince Thad. Just a good dude.
Cyn (this whole part is rambly)
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I've been very specific about referring to Absolute Solver as Cyn. I usually write "Absolute Solver/Cyn" when reffering to them. Cyn is dead though. Uzi burned up her core and ate the [null]. So for brevity, I'm just gonna call it/them Cyn.
Speaking of Cyn. I love Cyn. I don't think I talk about how much I love Cyn. I can't talk about Cyn without talking about her relationship to N, V, and J. N, V, Nori and Uzi all refer to Cyn as her. J refers to Cyn as it. Cause that's all it really is. Cyn was the host- someone who is long gone. Even when Uzi was taken over V was angry at Cyn: "Same horrors, huh Cyn?"
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J on the other hands says: "It tricked me too." She's knows what the Solver is and sees it for what it is, a virus. We've seen from the memories that N and V (especially N) were a lot closer to Cyn than J who sided with Tessa and the Elliots. This distinction of calling Cyn shows that N and V can't or won't distinguish the two. This is someone they grew up and lived with. N is hesitant and scared cause that's who little sister vs V who is angry cause this is the creature that replaced Cyn. Remember V says "We do our job, and that thing leaves us alone." As far as V is concerned Cyn was always like this and she just wants to save her team, especially N. (As far as Uzi and Nori go, they've never known the Solver by any other name except Cyn so no need to change it. Absolute Solver is a mouthful compared to Cyn). My point it, it hurts seeing the person you love become a monster and even more to know that Cyn 1001 was never there. The only time we saw her was as that little scared Robot in the pile. They never really knew her and maybe there's hope that Cyn, their Cyn, is in there but she isn't. She never was, it's always been the Solver.
And because I have to mention it. In N's flashbacks after Cyn caves his chest open we see flashes of this happening at the mansion and V's body on the floor. Which was expected, we know Cyn made them but what I'm thinking is, Cyn DEFINITELY used N to kill Tessa.
ANYWAY- now I get to talk about how much I love this fucking little freak. She is so CREEPY! I love everything about Cyn. I love how she moves- how her movements are so creepy and fluid. Like all the animation is fluid but she moves extra-fluid. It's creepy she's creepy I love her! I love how much personality she has, they totally could have went the soulless machine route but no, just like the Worker Drones she HAS personality! She sadistic, malicious, and manipulative. Genuinely there is so much wrong with her. Like there is so much about her to talk about that I can't even explain in words. Better to assimilate than explain tbh. Like she shows genuine interest in the Murder Drones. She kept their personalities in tact because of N, even knowing that V and J would be liabilities. She even told Tessa as long as she didn't get in her way, Tessa would be unharmed. She could've easily killed the banquet without all the flair but she was angry at the Elliot family for threatening her, N and the rest of the Drones. The singularity is the point where technology reaches when we, humans, can no longer control it. It is indistinguishable from our concept of humanity. I'm not gonna get all philosophical and ponder the legitimacy of the Drones AI, I think the show does that well enough. They have thoughts and feelings, they are alive, plain and simple. This story is not new btw, robots living in the remains of human society and having their own personalities and living as an extent of humanity has been done before. The examples I can think of are Wall-E, Stray and I Have No Mouth... works too (kinda). Basically, Cyn as the antagonist have her own personality that goes beyond the mindless machine route is so fucking cool and I love it. I love has antagonistic she is to everyone, even people she likes. It's not like she doesn't understand empathy, she just doesn't care. "Your copies will forgive me." And again! The is not new, this is not a new character type, I'm sure but it's done well here. She is amazing and I love everything about her. Cyn you are freaking crazy baby girl and I love you.
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The Ending
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She a damaged OC now, what else is there to say?
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oogaboogaspookyman · 9 months
Let's fucking go i'm feelin' silly goofy with the idea now lol let's get impulsive and fanservice-y
Running in the snow, far away from his sister and her apparent new friend after witnessing the horrible things in the bathroom. Bodies everywhere, arms and legs and hands and heads, there were the missing prom kings and queens found nowhere else but in Cyn's own bathroom, the suit is still making him feel embarrassed at the thought of being perceived with it on him... What the hell happened to his dear little sister?!
Suddenly, "oof-!" He stumbles upon a running tall figure, falling down on the snow surface
"What the-... Uh- U- Uzi???" Nathan questioned in surprise of what he sees
There she was. Serial Designation Z, nicknamed Uzi by her BEST FRIEND! Best friend... Nathan, in a whole glittery purple dress with a thigh cut and a apparent flower on her hair despite Copper 9 having no vegetation whatsoever, only snow, ice, random buildings and dead bodies, human and Worker Drone alike littered everywhere
"Nathan?! Wha- what are you doing out here?!" Z shouted in fear, mostly for Nathan's safety considering the state of Copper 9 overall, but there's a hint of guilt in her voice... "And why do you still call me Uzi??"
"It's..." Nathan was dissociating at the sight of Z's new look for the prom situation, interrupting his train of thought with the image of his best friend in a dress. Somehow Z doesn't notice his visor filling up with diagonal yellow lines
"Nathan? Helloooo?" Z approaches Nathan to tap onto his visor, getting a really bad burn on her finger, "ooh ouch-!" She puts her finger in her mouth to relieve the pain from the burn caused by... Apparently Nathan heating up, who's also waking up from his dissociation
"Wha- whu- wh- u-uhm- Uzi! You look uhm-... How- how do i say this-" Nathan stuttered, still blushing and cooling systems doing their hard work can be heard
"It's the dress, i know, Nathan..." Z looked away, also visibly blushing but not as much, from the embarrassment of honestly just being perceived with the dress on at all, she'd much rather wear that shirt and jacket over anything else
"Okay- sorry about that, i don't wanna be rude- and also uhm- so my sister Cyn is gonna kill everyone in the prom aaand i'm gonna need some help with that..!" Nathan chuckled nervously, for literally everything just became intense straight outta nowhere
"But i doubt you'd wanna help me with that, since the things that happened back there..." N remembers the exact words spoken just by him, running around his guilt-ridden head...
"T is going to kill everyone at prom, and i don't want any more oil spilled around like this... I actually would like you... Being there..." Z felt a strange, almost out of place feeling, trying to speak the words one by one...
What... Are you things..?!
What... Are you things..?!
What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!
"With me..." Z couldn't help but blush... This feels so off and out of place, why is it there..?!
Nathan smiled at this, the precious thoughts interrupted and fading away. His best friend doesn't hate him, turns out! Things can get better, they can be good! Things don't have to be so terrifying and painful! He couldn't help but jump behind her and put his left hand on her side, the other in the air in joy. "Dapper buddies!"
Z wanted to slap his hand right off her, but also didn't want to, subconciously... So she sucked it up, it's not the worst thing right now
"You look good in the suit too, Nathan..." Z spoke one more time...
"Ah- uh- th- thanks! I- i guess? Eheheeh..." Nathan blushed once more...
... Before they set off to stop Cyn and T's carnage at the dance floor
@lumineary-arts i had to your dumb little au got me hooked
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