#so sweet how you can see him vibing cause his phones is bobbing
nicoscheer · 2 months
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The post
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your-divine-ribs · 4 months
I’m With the Band Part 3
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Words: 2.5k
I’m With the Band Masterlist Main Masterlist
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"Arabella..." Van says, stretching out my name almost like he's savouring the taste of it in his mouth. "What the fuck happened to you?"
"And what's that supposed to mean?" I reply, enjoying the way that his eyes roam over my body as he speaks.
"Well... you've... you've... erm... changed..."
I fix Van with a slightly exasperated look. "Of course I have, it was ten years ago! I've grown up!"
He nods slowly, his eyes slipping down briefly to ogle my cleavage. "You can say that again!"
I bite back the grin that threatens to spring on to my lips, shaking my head like I’m mildly offended which of course I’m not. Whatever weird and wonderful magic mother nature has worked on Van's appearance during adolescence has transformed him. Unfortunately I suspect that his personality might still resemble that of the cocky twelve year old that I used to despise. The sort of vibes I’m getting from him now tell me that he still fancies himself.
"Well I barely recognised you either. It's good to see that you've got rid of the shit haircut. I swear you used to look like your mum put a bowl on your head and cut round it!"
"Cheeky fucker!" Van blurts out whilst Larry dissolves into fits of laughter, nudging his friend.
"She might look different but some things don't change, eh Van?"
"I was trying to be nice as well!" Van grumbles.
I narrow my eyes at him. "Don't think I can't remember how mean you used to be to me. You and Larry used to pick on me all the time. How do you know you didn't scar me for life with your stupid pranks?"
"You don't look too traumatised to me," he replies. "Anyway I can make it up to you now. How about I buy you a drink?"
"I'll have a gin and tonic," I say, fluttering my eyelashes at him. "A double."
"Coming right up!" Van gets up eagerly and makes for the bar and I smile to myself. I can't remember the last time I had to buy myself a drink when I was out. Men are so easy to manipulate.
I feel a sharp jab in my ribs and turn swiftly to see that Larry has scooted across to sit right next to me.
“What?" I hiss.
"Don't get any ideas!" He says under his breath, glaring at me.
"What are you talking about?"
"I overheard my mum talking to your mum on the phone before you arrived. Something about how she needed to keep an eye on you. That you were going through a 'phase'."
"A phase?" I repeat, waiting for him to elaborate.
Larry shifts in his seat, looking uncomfortable. "Well your mum says you've been... you know... seeing lots of guys..."
I can tell Larry's worried about offending me, which he isn't in the slightest, but I decide to have a bit of fun winding him up. I wrinkle up my face like he's really insulted me. "Are you calling me a slut?"
"No!" Larry's eyes are practically bulging out of his head. "Of course not! I just... it's just..."
He stutters over his words, mouth opening and closing like a goldfish out of water. I just shake my head.
"I can't believe I've only just got here and you're already being horrible to me. What would your mum say?"
He looks anxious at the thought of me causing trouble for him and he leans in, whispering to ensure that his friends can't hear. "I didn't mean that... I just don't want you shagging my mates, okay? They're out of bounds."
"Who says I'd be interested anyway?"
"Come on Bells! You were practically flashing Bondy earlier when you got out the shower! And that look on your face when you met the other guys. Benji's got a girlfriend ya know. Bob's practically engaged! And as for Van... don't bloody encourage him!"
"Did I hear my name being mentioned?" I look up to see that Van's back, a pint in one hand and a G&T in the other which he puts down on the table in front of me with a flourish.
"Oh, Larry was just telling me about the band, weren't you Larry?" I shoot Larry a fake sweet smile and he just scowls back at me, then I turn my attention fully to Van as he urges Larry to move up so that he can take the seat next to me again.
"So what d'ya wanna know then love?" Van flashes me a winning smile.
"So, Larry says you play the guitar..."
If I remember rightly, Van loves to talk. Just start him off on a subject he's passionate about and he won't shut up. It's really a matter of winding him up and watching him go. And if there's one thing I know about guys it's that they love to talk about themselves. It's a surefire way to stoke their egos and ensure part one of my plan to ensnare an unsuspecting partner. Mind you, Van's hardly unsuspecting. He's still finding it hard to keep his eyes on mine, but then I am practically falling out of my tiny dress.
"Yeah... but rhythm guitar. Bondy's actually lead guitar. He's a fucking legend, you should hear him play, it's mad!" Then he adds proudly, "I'm the singer too."
That figures. I can picture him up on a stage. He's always liked to be the centre of attention. Bet he thinks he's god's gift.... well, he really is rather attractive.
"Hope you've improved then," I tease him. "I remember going round to yours and you and your dad blasting out those godawful Van Morrison tunes and singing along. Sounded like someone was strangling a cat!"
"I've got the voice of an angel sweetheart. You just wait till ya hear me. You'll be throwing your knickers on the stage like the rest of the groupies!"
For fucks sake, he really hasn't changed. If anything he's got worse. I look at him totally unimpressed. "Groupies?"
Benji leans over at that point. "He's just having you on Arabella. It's not all sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll."
"Yeah, more like bloody tea, fags and that old bird Sheila from behind the bar in The Oak trying to touch you up backstage, eh Van?" Johnny chuckles.
"Fuck off!" Van cries. "I got two phone numbers when we played that gig in Manchester last week. The girls love it when I'm up there on the stage shaking my arse for 'em!"
"This I have got to see!" I laugh. "So when's your next gig?"
"The day after tomorrow. It's Manchester again. We've actually got a hotel booked. You're coming aren't ya?"
I look at Larry who shrugs. "Didn't think you wanted to hang around with your boring cousin?"
"Well... it'll be a laugh I suppose... and I've got nothing better to do."
I try to act nonchalant but really my belly is fizzing with excitement at the idea of spending more time with the band.  I look around at them. God, I really am spoilt for choice. But maybe I don't have to choose...
I glance over at Larry and he's deep in discussion with the lads now. I’ll just have to be careful. And Larry doesn't have to know a thing...
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Larry decides that we should call it a night after I’ve consumed four more double gin and tonics, each one purchased by a different band member. I’ve spent most of the evening flirting my way around the table, trying to ignore Larry's disapproving looks.
"The night's still young Larry, come on mate, don't go home yet!" Van pipes up as Larry's trying to persuade me that we should both make a move.
"Yeah Larry, don't be bor-ing!" I say in a teasing tone, much to Van's delight.
"Look, Arabella wants to stay out, don't you love?"
"Uh-huh!" I nod enthusiastically, linking my arm through Van's, noting the smug kind of look on his face. Bet he thinks he's pulled already.
"So where are you taking me then Van?" I ask him, purposefully turning away from Larry's death stare which I can practically feel burning into me.
Van ignores Larry too. "Only the best for you babe. You can have a personal guided tour of Llandudno's finest nightspots, followed by a romantic meal for two..."
Benji snorts next to Van. "What? At the local chippy?"
"They're good chips, don't knock it!" Van protests.
Johnny shakes his head, chuckling. "You really know how to treat a lady!"
I smile sweetly, nudging Larry hard in the ribs as I hear him mutter something under his breath about me being far from a lady.
"Bells, seriously... I don't think it's a good idea. You're only gonna go and get shit-faced and god knows what you'll get up to. What's ya mam gonna say when she calls tomorrow to see how you're settling in and my mam's got to tell her that you didn't even come home!"
My mouth drops open. I’m used to my reputation preceding me, but I didn't bank on it following me all the way to North Wales.
"Where do you think I'll be staying then?" I challenge him.
Larry's gaze flicks straight to Van and then back to me but I can see him backing down. He's still terrified of offending me obviously. "Dunno..."
"Why don't you come too Larry, then you can keep an eye on Arabella?" Johnny's looking at him eagerly.
"So you're staying out too then Johnny?" I ask, even more keen to prolong my evening when he nods in answer.
"We should all go!" I announce, looking around at the lads one by one. Johnny and Van are nodding and Benji shrugs noncommittally. Maybe he won't be too hard to persuade. Bob's the only one who really doesn't look keen.
I leave Van's side and cross straight over to Bob, wobbling a little on my heels and falling into him. He instinctively reaches out his hands to steady me, instantly looking embarrassed. "Steady on!" He says quietly.
My god, he's adorable. He's the shyest band member by far but those little dimples that pop on his cheeks when he grins are to die for. I could imagine settling down with someone like Bob eventually once I’ve got all the partying out of my system. Not that that's going to be happening anytime soon!
"Bobby!" I say, fixing him with a look which he can't hold, shyly glancing down. "Please tell me you're gonna come with us."
"Errr... it's just Bob actually," he corrects me. "And I think I'm gonna have an early night to be honest. We're off on the road again not long after the Manchester gig and I'm making the most of seeing my girlfriend before we go. I'm spending the day with her tomorrow."
"Yeah me too," Benji chimes in. "Reckon I'll be off too."
I consider arguing but there doesn't seem like much point. These guys are obviously committed to their other halves. Well... they are now whilst they're at home. When they're stuck on a tour bus with no female company for a few weeks apart from yours truly they might start seeing things a bit differently...
"So... are we going then?" Johnny says, interrupting me from my wicked thoughts.
"Bells!" Larry says curtly, and I turn to him with the sulkiest pout that I can muster. "I really do think we should go home. You've had way too much to drink."
When did he get so serious?
"Oh my god! Larry's actually gone and turned into my dad!" I huff.
"Chill out mate," Van adds.
Larry sighs, draining his pint glass resignedly. "Well I guess it looks like I'm going too then..."
"I don't need a baby-sitter!" I call over my shoulder, and I link one arm through Van's and the other through Johnny's, satisfied to see them both beaming down on me. Well, this is cosy. I could get used to being sandwiched between the two of them... but maybe that's a thought for another day...
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The club is just as uninspiring in reality as it looked online and I balk as we walk in, taking in the sticky stained carpet and dance floor full of no-hopers.
"Is there a VIP area?" I ask Van who immediately starts sniggering.
"You can take the girl out of Chelsea but you can't take the Chelsea out of the girl!" Johnny quips and I look up at him.
"What do you mean?"
"Well... that's your stomping ground isn't it? Larry said so. I bet it's all posh champagne bars and table service isn't it?"
I wonder what else Larry's been saying but Johnny doesn't look like he's taking the piss. His smile's warm with no hint of taunting. Not like Van and Larry who don't seem to have grown up at all.
"There's nothing wrong with liking the finer things in life," I say, grimacing as I lean against the bar and put my arm in a horrid sticky patch. "Eww gross!" I exclaim, pulling away.
Johnny just chuckles, shaking his head slightly. "So what can I get you to drink?"
Before I can answer Van's appeared behind us, an arm across each of our shoulders, his head hanging between us both.
"Who's up for shots?"
Johnny pulls a face but says yes nevertheless. I hesitate. My head's already spinning and I know that me plus shots is always a disastrous combination.
But when was the last time I actually made a sensible decision? And why break the habit of a lifetime?
"Fuck it! I'm in!" I squeal, glancing at Larry whose eyes have rolled up to the heavens.
Van rubs his hands together with a gleeful expression. "Coming right up! Go and get us some seats Larry."
I trail after Larry who makes for the seating area slightly away from the hustle and bustle of the dance floor, and I wrinkle my nose in distaste as I take in the shabby, ripped upholstery in the booth. It really is a shit-hole in here, but I’m not going to let that stop me from having a good night.
"Move up Larry... I wanna sit next to Johnny," I say, pleased by the little smile that tugs the corners of Johnny's mouth up at my words.
Larry does as he's asked and I move around so I’m sitting close enough so my leg is flush next to Johnny's. He shifts a little, creating a small gap between us. The thought occurs to me that despite our six year age gap I appear to actually make him a little nervous. But that's okay... I like a challenge.
In contrast here comes Van, brandishing a tray of shot glasses, loud and brash as you like. "Fucking 'ell, look at all these. It's gonna be a good night, I can tell!"
"Sit here... sit next to me!" I take his attention, patting the empty seat on my other side. He doesn't need asking twice and he moves right up to me, leaving no gap at all.
You glance at both of the lads, smiling at each in turn. It's definitely going to be a good night...
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qsphyxias · 3 years
if you fetishize mlm/nblm relationships, get the fuck out of here!
synopsis ; you took a reckless bullet for your ever so beloved detective/partner, and shuichi isn't too happy about it. understatement ; he was fucking devastated
warnings ; hospitals, gun violence, getting shot, inaccurate depictions of police and police negotiations, cussing, major angst, male! reader uses he/him pronouns
note ; the first one-shot of this blog, everybody dance ( the imagine isn’t based on the song, but i just thought it had the same vibe ig )
words ; 4k
⊱ ────── {⋅.𝐢𝐝𝐟𝐜 - 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫.⋅} ────── ⊰
ring, ring.
ring, ring.
what's that noise?
ring, ring.
why won't it stop?
ring, rin-
"hello?" gratuity washed over your body, the feeling causing you to relax as the obnoxious noise had been replaced by the gentle tone of the one you love. suddenly you didn't feel as bitter as you did before; when you had first awoken from your slumber. "ah... yes, this is... detective shuichi saihara."
your head shifted towards the sound of shuichi's voice, eyes flickering to him and back to the small dot on the ceiling you had first caught sight of.
shuichi darted his eyes over to your turned back, hands cupping the phone as he tried to muffle the authoritative tone your shared boss had been emitting. "... but he's still recovering. no, i don't think that that's-" the anxious detective's voice grew a little louder out of panic, causing him to immediately lower it back down to a whisper as his mind reminded him that you were still sleeping — or so he thought. "just... at least give him one more day. please. i'll take all his work for that day."
you blinked, brain whirling as you tried to process the information that seemed to be dripping from shuichi's lips. who's he talking about? you groaned quietly, feeling as if an anvil and a hammer had been clanging obnoxiously at your head.
shuichi whipped his head towards you, sad eyes widening as he had caught your groan, however soft it was. "s/o?" nearly dropping the phone, he tightened his grip and spoke into the receiver again, quickly wanting to end the call so he could go check on you. "oh- um, th- thank you so much, yes- okay, thank you again." without hearing his boss's reply, he abruptly ended the call and kept in mind he would have to hear the scolding later — however, it wasn't like he really cared at all in that moment.
"sh-?" you paused, shuffling to sit up from your waxy, cotton hospital bedsheets as you finally decided to announce your consciousness. fuck, how did the rest of his name go? come on brain! he just said it!
shuichi had been repeating and reversing what he had wanted to say to you the moment he saw you shuffle up and groan, as well as what you needed to hear. his head was sure to detonate, each second that passed by brought him closer to his limit.
despite shuichi's selfish desire to hear your lips say his name again, he held his greedy urges back ; he needed to talk to you first. "no, you ...you don't have to talk. actually i... need to talk to you first." that's right, shuichi. stay calm, don't scare him, he's still recovering.
you furrowed your brows at him, feeling yourself slightly perspire at his serious tone ; he was usually a pretty calm, serious guy, so you weren't sure why you had been so nervous. this was quite common, however, talks like this happened a lot at his demand ; he believed communication was key — and since then you were always at his mercy with his sweet and honest sentiments.
however cringe-worthy they may have seemed, he never failed to make you flush from his honesty ; though the embarrassment he caused you had been nothing but unintentional, or at least...you believed it to be.
laughing nervously, you opened your mouth to say a stupid joke to lighten up the mood, but the throbbing feeling of your shoulder being detached, reattached, pulled, strained, and yanked stopped you from doing...well, practically anything. wincing, you gripped your wound instinctively.
"s/o! i- i said not to talk...!" the sudden, yet the revolting sound of his chair scraping against the floor hit your ears, but shuichi's hands cradling your face distracted you from the gross sound. "s- shuichi?" his touch acted as a brain restarted, as your pupils suddenly dilated ; memories of yesterday coming back to you and hitting you like that bullet you took for him.
that bullet you took for him...
"i- i did it out of love! just- just let me go! i can't go to jail! i just fucking can't!" with blurred and fuzzed vision, there stood the perp, a small pistol held improperly in his quivering hands as he spewed out excuses and nonsense.
"listen, it's going to be okay...! just put down the gun, and i promise, we'll try and work this out ; i'll talk to the judge about your prison time, just...trust me, okay?" right...you remember now. you could remember so vividly how beautiful he looked, even as he was practically sweating out of his fancy turtleneck, he still somehow was able to keep a calm attitude.
he was...he was such a nice guy. well, that was an understatement.
despite his amazingly calm and reserved speech, the perp remained unconvinced, yet also unsure of what he was supposed to do. that much was obvious when he kept darting his eyes all over the room indecisively picking one spot to focus on.
as you held your gun firmly and pointed in your hands, you flickered your eyes back onto the perp, despite wanting to stare at the detective for hours ; you had a job to do.
you sidestepped towards the detective that had kept his golden eyes glued onto the perp carefully, leaning your head into his side as you whispered something into his ear, "you know you can't actually do that, right?" you could see his adam's apple bob in response.
"i'll... i'll figure something out." shuichi adjusted his grip on the gun he held, eyebrows furrowed in such a breathtaking way. you could feel your knees buckle.
"what are you guys- what are you guys talking about, huh? talking about- how-how i'm such a pathetic piece of shit!? huh?!" you threw your head back to the shaking, wary man, gun tightening in your grip. "we weren't. just take his offer, it's the best thing you can do." your tone had been firmer than shuichi's, not as kind, but hey ; that was your whole dynamic.
"we really weren't." shuichi agreed, sincerity was written all over his face. a small part of you felt envious of his stare.
"stop-stop lying to me!" the perp's frantic switching of his gunpoint, seemed to halt to a stop as he directed it at shuichi ; causing an unwanted panic to rise up in the both of you, but mostly you.
"hey, you seem pretty nervous there. say, when was the last time you had any contact with drugs or alcohol?" you questioned in a condescending tone, a smug smile adorning your face and irking the already unstable man. looking back at it now, you should've kept your mouth shut. even so, shuichi's life was in danger, and if you had to risk your life for his ; well, you'd take any chance to do that.
the perp seemed to take the bait and aimed it back at your chest, lucky or unlucky for you two. "shut up!" an unreasonable relief washed over you as shuichi had been put out of danger.
shuichi looked over at you, communicating with his eyes as if he was pleading for you to stop and let him handle it instead. however, there seemed to be an itty bitty miscommunication. your ego seemed to betray you, as you started spewing out things you probably shouldn't have been saying ; all so you could impress the very nervous and quite frankly, unhappy detective.
"cocaine? heroin-?"
shuichi glared at you, mistakenly taking his eyes off the perp for once. "s/o, what are you doing?! i have this under control...!" he suddenly barked at you, breaking his composure as he had gotten a tidbit angered that you had been interfering with the negotiation.
"shut up! shut up, shut up, just shut the f-fuck up!" a gunshot rang out.
"watch out!" without thinking, you had shoved the frozen detective away from you, even if the gun had already been pointed at you ; you had no business risking his life.
jesus, you were probably the most idiotic man known to humankind.
next thing you know, you've been knocked onto the floor, head throbbing and wheezing from blood loss as shuichi has to determine whether he should chase after the perp or stay with you.
the decision had been more than easy ; he took barely one second to decide that your life was more important. dialing back-up in one hand, he crouched down to assist you with the other. taking in one shaky but deep inhale, shuichi nervously fiddled with his radio, shaky eyes glued to you. "officer down, i repeat officer down."
"the hell are you doing, saihara...!? he's going to get away!"
"i-i can't just leave! what if you- no, i-! just...just here," he handed to you a handkerchief he held in his shaky hands. "press it onto the wound, okay? please?" he wasn't going to take no for an answer, one more beat and he would've been doing it for you.
grunting, "shuichi, i'm happy you're worried about me but you're being hella stupid right now-" you cut yourself off, grunting at feeling the strain of talking.
"w- why did you do that? i had the situation under control...!" he sounded upset, that much was clear.
"he...he aimed the gun at you and i guess i panicked, i don't- i don't know, look- just go, alright? back-up's coming for me, and you know you can't let him get away." you could feel the adrenaline from getting shot wearing off, and with it, the pain getting worse. sweat formed on your brow ; it felt like the more you breathed, the more the searing pain worsened.
you knew deep down you didn't want him to go, that you were scared you could actually die within moments, yet you hated yourself for that feeling. it was extremely selfish. it wasn't fair. you could remember the way he looked at you.
"i'm not going, that's final. we're going to... we're going to wait for back-up together, okay?" it was weird to hear him use his asserting tone when talking to you, it was weird to hear him so confident with you too ; yet you couldn't ignore the strange sense of pride you held.
suddenly out of the blue, a wave of exhaustion hit you, causing your eyelids to flicker shut. you knew you weren't supposed to sleep ; especially not when you were bleeding out from your shoulder, but you told yourself, hey, one 10-minute nap couldn't hurt, right? back-up would come anyway.
before shuichi could even stop you, you're already out like a light, and causing sudden arrhythmia to shuichi's chest. "s/o! w-wake up!" with his words echoing throughout your dream-like state, your smile only seemed to widen ; he may have been screaming at you to not leave him — but his voice still kept that same, soothing tone to it. it was like a lullaby, to a man seconds away from death.
comparing his tone and reaction from the incident to now, it had certainly been different. you wondered what had changed... maybe he was mad? understatement of the year it seemed ; he was probably pissed the fuck off. you did ruin the negotiation after all, and for what?
"you don't seem very sad that i got shot ; i knew you were a pretty stoic guy but i didn't peg you as cold-hearted." you teased, to which shuichi held a neutral face, eyebrows creasing as he stared you dead in the eye. for a second you worried if he could tell you were joking.
"... i cried for days, s/o." his voice broke, and you could feel your heartbreak piece by piece as he frowned at you.
blinking in response, you didn't seem to believe him ; why would he cry over you? your head was probably just fucking with you. promptly ignoring the blood bag hanging beside you wondered if it had been the blood loss. "you- you what?"
it took you a few minutes to process what he had said, and for good reason. days? had you been asleep that long-? wait, he was crying? over you?
sometimes you forget he has emotions from how calm he is ; you swear you've only ever seen three sides of him ; anxious shuichi, serious shuichi, and calm shuichi. along with the occasional happy shuichi when you make him laugh with your shitty jokes, but that's a secret you keep between the two of you. or more like for yourself.
"i was- i mean, of course, i was devastated- you're sp- i mean- look, why did you- what made- that w- s/o, you- ah-" he stammered over his words frustratingly, hand rising to fiddle with his hair out of habit.
you watched him sympathetically. "hey, where'd mister assertive go?" you grinned, tone playful as you essayed soothing his anxiety. "...listen, it's okay, just take your time ; i'd prefer it if you did anyway, you're probably just gonna scold me, right?"
shuichi took strange comfort in your words, golden eyes staring straight at your hospital-gown covered chest as he tried calming himself down. "y-yeah...thanks." something was unsettling about how you seemed to be smiling in a situation where you nearly got yourself killed — even so, it was refreshing to see it.
he missed it. he missed you.
you had been sleeping for two days, so it would make sense that you were refreshed and well-rested enough to be back to your regular self.
whilst you had been peacefully sleeping and recovering in the nasty smelling hospital, shuichi had been in agony. those two whole days had been hell for him. crushing guilt and his anxiety attacked his head 24/7 ; even when he knew you probably weren't going to die in your sleep, 'probably' wasn't very assuring when you were shuichi saihara.
he would fret for hours and cry in the shower about whether it was his fault or not ; despite it being so obviously your fault, he couldn't help but wonder what he could've done differently. he shouldn't have been so weak, he'd tell himself. this was a normal thing that happened as a police officer, getting shot in the line of duty, it was normal. but it... it was completely different when he knew it was you who had been taking the bullet.
his eyes widened as he felt your hand clasp upon his. "don't look so guilty, shuichi. you're breaking my heart." you pouted, apologetic eyes staring at his kicked-puppy-like eyes. "sorry, i just- i know you said you...you said you panicked when the perp aimed the gun at me ; who, um, thankfully got captured by one of our back-up team." he could hear you sigh in relief, which frankly, irked him a little.
you were still worried about that? he, himself was a workaholic but not to the point where he would sigh in relief as there was a large bullet wound inside his shoulder.
"but uh, i don't...i don't think i understand why? i mean, he- he wasn't going to shoot, i had it under control—"
"i know you did, and i trust you but...i just couldn't take any chances, you know? i'm...honestly i don't really regret much." you smiled sheepishly, hands gently fiddling with his cold hand that rested on the very end of your hospital bed.
"i mean, i get to see you worried about me." you chuckled, "it's cute, i have to admit." you forgot all about your wound at this point.
his guilty expression didn't change a bit ; eyebrows only furrowing deeper down as he eyed you questionably. "you think it's...cute? you almost got yourself killed, s/o. you know you can't be that reckless. to get yourself nearly killed just because you didn't want to take the chance of me in danger...s/o, i was terrified. when you fell asleep, i thought my heart was collapsing — you shouldn't have done that for me—" his worries spilled out of his mouth like fluid, the words coming to mind easier, and quicker at the cause of your hands being a good distraction.
"saihara." you snapped him out of it, tugging his arm further towards you. "don't cry, okay? i'm okay. if it makes you feel better, i'll...try not to do that again. please, just..." you swiped your thumb at his face, flushing as he instinctually leaned into your hand.
shuichi sniffed in response, hands coming up to wipe his own face as soon as he realized he was, indeed crying. "...i'm sorry."
"i know i'm too reckless for my own good, but i just didn't want for you to get hurt. you're...you mean so much to me. more than you could ever know." you confessed, eyes averting as you tried to avoid his reaction.
"um, i don't know what i'm saying — maybe it's the painkillers? they put in the right blood type for me, righ-?" you took your hand away from his and to the back of your cold neck.
"i made sure they had the right one — but um, what did you mean by that? just earlier?" shuichi stared up at you, pouting as you only seemed to look away from his detecting stare.
you knew one look in your eyes would show everything you felt for him ; and you weren't sure if he even wanted to see that emotion. so you settled for a temporary solution.
"um, is- is that a bee outside? i like bees, though they are going instinct — haha, the human race is fucked-"
"s/o, why are you avoiding the question?" he dealt with many guilty perps, thus knowing when someone was guilty ; and that right now, had been you.
you grunted underneath his stare, sinking further down into your sheets as you sighed defeatedly. it's not like you could hide from a detective for long. "i- uh, i just meant like," your confidence seemed to deter ; and for a second shuichi almost felt bad. almost.
his job as a detective meant he wouldn't stop until he got answers ; and that applied to his daily life as well, his daily life that included so much of you.
damn him and his adorable crying. "i think i...since the gun thing, and i don't know if this will comfort you in anyway but this has been seriously e-eating at my brain and i finally know- i finally know what this feeling is. i feel kind of dumb for not knowing earlier ; i mean, was my career as a detective nothing?" you gazed at him from underneath the 'comfort' of your uncomfortable paper-thin sheets.
"getting off-track, i just meant that i-i think that i really really like you." your voice had been slightly muffled by the sheets, but shuichi heard you clearly nonetheless. he made sure he did.
"you- me? r- romantically?" he flushed bright red as you nodded in confirmation.
you hoped he was as embarrassed as you were because you felt like you would dissolve into the sheets from the pure humiliation if he wasn't. "youdon'thavetosayanything,ijustthoughti'dletyoukno-"
"n-no, that's not it! i- i like you too! i...haha, to be honest, i thought this would go differently." he chuckled, scratching his cheek awkwardly as he eyes your shoulder wound.
jerking up, you briefly ignored the searing pain in your shoulder as you leaned way too close to him for comfort, a look of pure devastation and worry on your face. "you already knew?"
he couldn't help but think your worried pout was nothing but adorable, unsuccessfully stifling a goofy smile. "no, i..." honestly he kind of did already know, but he never thought it was something possible ; thus clouding his judgment.
"i planned to confess, actually...i was planning to-to talk to you about it during one of our-"
you made an 'o' shape with your mouth, a thoughtful look in your eyes as you nodded understandingly. "-talks, of course."
huffing quietly, he sent you a worried look. "what, are they bad? communication is key, you know-" his informative, but light-hearted scolding had been cut off as you reached to tussle with his hair, erupting a hiccup out of him.
"they're not bad ; you're just...you're a real saint."
"a-ah, i wouldn't say that..." you laughed at his nervous reaction, retracting your hand to his dismay.
"that's what a saint would say." he pouted at your teasing tone, grabbing your arm gently with his hand as he kept in mind your disability.
you cut him off as he opened his mouth, seemingly about to defend himself. "don't worry too much about it ; i actually sometimes like our talks...though i spend most of my time staring at you as you talk, it's still pretty fun." oops.
"s-s/o..." he squeaked, looking at you pleadingly for a reason you hadn't been aware of yet.
"what? i didn't say anything wrong, did i?" blinking at him, you tilted your head.
"n-no, but- um." he wasn't sure how to tell you how much he wanted to kiss you right now. those talks proved to be nothing but useless as he couldn't find the words he desperately wanted to speak.
it was only then had you noticed he had leaned half his body over you, nearly climbing into the hospital bed with you. the sudden realization caused you to widen your eyes, as you awkwardly hovered your hands in the air. it was like your body had been telling you to touch him, cradle his head but you didn't know how, or where.
the awkwardness had caused a small, nervous chuckle to erupt from your throat ; prompting shuichi's worried glances. were you laughing at him?
you felt him shrink away, and out of panic, you let your heart act before your brain could. your hands cupped his face, a quiet clapping noise echoing throughout the white hospital room walls and only seeming to make everything more strange than it had been.
shuichi held a shocked expression on his face, as you had practically been melting from how much you were sweating. fuck, did i mess this up?
no words had been exchanged, both of you, too bewildered and too nervous to say or do anything — the situation grew so bizarre that it literally left them speechless. with both pairs of eyes glued onto the others, neither of you moved — no matter how sore shuichi's arms had been getting from holding himself up not to crush you, and how with each agonizing second, you weren't sure whether or not to tighten your grip on his jaw.
"a-are you going to kiss me? or just stand there?"
"i-i can do that? really?" shuichi watched you closely for confirmation ; and you swore you felt him lean in closer to you — not that you were complaining. in any way. whatsoever.
"um, y-yeah. i-i consent, ha— mmf-!" shuichi hadn't bothered to hide his eagerness, lips already pressing and moving against yours like it was instinct, like it was something he had been waiting for for years.
your fingers ultimately tightened around his jaw, and you made the move to bring him further down onto you — to which wasn't a very good choice.
"w-wah! s/o, w-wait a second!" he muffled through your lips, golden eyes revealing themselves as he lifted his eyelids in a panic as you started pulling him down to you. he was unreasonably afraid of accidentally putting you in more pain ; but the electrifying feeling you had felt from his lips on yours had had the same cause and feeling as 10 million painkillers — you felt like you were in cloud 9 with a million tiny shuichi angels swimming and flying around you.
you promptly ignored him, craving more as you used one of your arms to hug him close to you — the position probably looked like you were trying to strangle him, but your lips on his said otherwise.
you two probably spent 30 minutes making out in your assigned hospital bed, but hey, it's not like anyone was waiting.
...i mean, just ignore the nurse awkwardly standing at the doorway and you're fine.
⊱───── ❝ thank you for reading! ❞ ─────⊰
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Okay but vamp!harry x reader where the reader goes for a late night walk alone because she’s feeling anxious (Harry tries to insist on coming with but she says no) but soon he can sense somethings wrong and goes to look for her and finds her in a dangerous situation! I need protective vampire Harry 🥺
Disclaimer: Reader with ADHD, Vampire!H x fem!reader, cock warming.
Harry's been doing humanly things. Moreso trying for his little human whom he doesn't want to dissapoint when she's making ećlairs or pop tarts for him and all he knows is to eat them despite of being a helping hand. His fingers are magical —--- they relax her in the most livid way while he's feeding from her. Honestly, it's all she wants. Her making sweets for him and him pleasuring her in the most bizarre way.
But. Sometimes she get's emotionally exhausted that the physical activities looks like breaking a mountain for her and all she does is snuggle under the snoozy layers of her childhood blankets cuddling her cat to calm her down.
Now her tranquility is Harry.
It's one of those days. She's been feeling like a failure. An utter dimwit for not getting what's happening in her sociology class, why her neighbours are always grumpy with her and why she isn't able to study anything. It's depressing her.
Harry never left her side. She's like a honey gooed all over him not even letting him bring the pizzas he ordered for them, "Don't!" She squeaks in a weak voice catching his wrists and he sits back cupping the nape of her neck looking straight in her eyes to assure her with his whole existence, "'ey baby . . my sweet girl 'm not goin' anywhere. Delivery boy's been waiting outside -- just a mo', yeah?" He sponges a gentle kiss at her temple stroking her cheek to calm her down.
They've rented a VR receiver and alot of silver movies watching them while eating pizza. She giggles and Harry smiles goofily when he had to hit the receiver twice to make it work, "c'mon you should know how all of this work old man." He strides towards her pulling her up with armpits into his embrace and tickling hard.
"Old man huh!? Ol' ma —" He pretends to eat her whole and she squeals between her laughs, "'m sorry you're my man!" Huffs smugly giving her a breather and pecks her not twice but thrice. If he could kiss her all day. He would. She's his human. It surprises him sometimes when he's alone with his thoughts. He loves her to fucking bits and pieces.
When she's like this everyone and everything feels outta her reach. As if they're miles away from her and she's standing in barren cold. In the amidst of sappy movie she shrinks closer to him stuffing her face into his ribs wounding her leg around his abdomen and he makes her feel warm wrapping his arms around her to push her up on his thigh. Snapping his gaze down at her when the lil sniffs of her reached his ears, "What's wrong kitten . . . hurts to see ya like this baby. Love you so much." He never fails to promise that he loves her to core.
"'M jus . . . thinking tha –-- that when I'll die you'll be still here 'n . . . 'n y'would get so lonely." She hiccups without a break, "Dunno. Can't stop crying 'm sorry." She gives out an ugly sob into his chest. It's breaking his already feeble heart. God he could scream the affection to the moon he have for this girl. In such a tragic moment all she is thinking is about him.
He cups squishes both her cheeks with his calloused palms telling her to breath with slow gestures then when she's way better speaks in his softest voice, "My baby listen to me hmm? We're never thinking of future don't wan'ye to wreck ye'r beautiful brain for stupid deaths --- secondly too bad miss Y/N 'm gonna cling to ye like leech of your nightmares." He wipes her tears away ever so caringly and gives her eskimo kisses while she giggles snorting at the end when Harry brought his big goldfish orbs in the middle to make her laugh.
"'M glad to have you." She whispers smudging her wet lips softly against his's into a heart melting blood warming kiss and Harry shushes her when she whines clutching the hem of his sweater, "bite me? She asks politely rather than being batty as for she was being within past days rilling him upto extreme to get her neck and skin sprinkled with hickeys that turns into bites.
"Don't wanna hurt ye', lovie." He pushes her hair away peering down at her with pleading worried eyes, "you wouldn't. promise." He nods flushing her against his chest positioning her head into the crook of his neck. Making her hug him like a koala bear.
Rubs her back. Pats her hair. Sways her along him rather than the seductive warnings he used to give her. He's afraid. She's too fragile at the moment. He'd never forgive himself if something will happen to her, "'m gonna bite. Stop me if ye' don't want it o' hurts." He runs his palms at her sides making her all squirmy.
He pushes her fangs ever so gently to her sweet spot. If she's made of glass making her moan and tight her grip around him warming up his cock in his trousers. It's not always about you dumber. He scolds himself. Suckling lightly and pulling back in a pinch of moment. It's the first time he has almost pretended to drink from her. She's all sleepy in his hold. He carries her to bed and when tries to untangle himself so he could turn the telly off she whines not letting him.
Despite of these much blankets she's still feeling cold. From inside. It feels empty and she isn't liking it at all. Writhes and squirms causing Harry to ask, "ye okay there lovie'?" When she shakes her head with glassy eyes and a pout he understands.
"Cold." Is all she had to say and he's guessing the next, "in ye'r tummy?" When she bobs her head confirming he sighs softly pulling the elastic of his trousers down to free his dick getting rid of the item woving his calves with her, thighs between thighs and places a firm hand on her back moving his thumb into circles non-stop.
"Oh me lil dovlin' c'mere . . want me cock to warm ye up baby? 'S okay s' okay darlin'." He murmurs against her lips tugging at his foreskin hissing when the head of his thick cock gets pushed between their bellys due to approximty. Precome oozes from his strokes and he takes her panties off swiping his crown over her hole to lubricate her. Wounds his arm around the nape of her neck to lap at her mouth swallowing her whines and cries while sliding inside her compact walls twisting his stomach awfully, "shhh. shhh baby love. I got ya. Gonna take care of ye ---- try to sleep. I'll be waiting fo' ye in the morning." Once, situating himself deep and snug inside her. He keeps on embracing her like a little baby.
Next morning though she woke up happy. Harry made her brekkie. Special smiley pancakes with heart shaped eyes from the little strawberry toppings. He really took advantage of his time while she was snoring her ass off. A peach smoothie and cashewnuts. Fed Meowsie. Gave her his morning lovin'. They had the meal together.
He helped her learn some of her course. Then in afternoon made lunch together egg fried rice and stirred vegetables Y/N went to give some of it to their neighbours. Lady Nat asked her if she's okay cause she has stopped stomping in her flat and it made her feel good, weirdly.
Maybe it's seasonal sadness that she couldn't get out of it. Harry's in the kitchen cleaning up shelves when he hears the rustle of carpet. He peeks from the wall to find her pooling into a big hoodie and slipping into her shoes. He frowns throwing the rag away to walk towards her immediately, "where ye' goin' lovie? Ye' okay what happened?" He runs his hands over her shoulders to her hair making her meet his eyes.
She nods squeezing his wrists, "don't worry just wanna . . . take a walk — clear my head." Hearing this he quickly moves to wear his jacket.
"'M goin' with you." He declares and she knows if that'll happen she wouldn't be able to, "No. Alone." She fumbles with the strings of her hoodie. He sighs not fond of the idea brows knighting together thumbing at her jaw with concern screaming in his eyes.
"Can I mark you then?" He asks knowing what hides in the shadows of outside; creatures evil than his entire existence. He doesn't want to make her feel like she owes him explanations for her each and every movement but gosh does it scare him to his bones. She's the only person who could make him weak into knees and a mesh of puddle at the thought of even the thorn pricking her, "okie." She cranes her neck and it still amuses him she's exactly how she was when he first met her. That gentle rose under the moon meant for Harry to care and water with love.
After adorning her with a crimson mark and little peck he tugs her closer hooking his nose to her hair taking a good sniff of her cocoa scent, "keep your phone in ye' hand and don't walk through the cherry street." There's nothing there but stray dogs that she's afraid of. It's better he advises her.
"Ai. Ai captain!" She salutes him stomping her feet and he chuckles kissing her cheek wet-ly, "Go before I change me mind."
He wanted it not to creep it to his mind but it's not helping AT ALL. He's been restless and it's been fifteen minutes since she has left. He's sitting sunk into sofa with Meowsie snuggled under his chin while he shakes his knees, cracks his knuckles, combs his hair and groans into his palms. In short throwing tantrum like a toddler missing her already and constantly worrying about her. Something doesn't feel right at all. That gut wrenching horror of losing her biting him alive.
He mutters a fuck it going to look for her and bring her back home. He was right. He has always been. Good at instincts. For fuck's sake. He's a vampire!
Y/N was walking along the path which's the lead way to a park when a dark vibe gloomed over her head. The next she knows is she's being pinned to a wall with demonic eyes snatching at her soul: it takes her breath away outta horror.
"No wonder why Harry kisses the earth you walk on." He chuckles darkly accent an old Scottish and she gulps eyes stinging with tears, "I would to . . if I get to drink such sweet ripe blood." Her eyes widens when his fangs pokes out from his gums glistening under the lamp light.
She tries to kick him in balls to get rid of his painful grip when an angry growl echoes towards them loudly and the person who had her trapped wooshes from her sight in a bolt to ground making her shriek.
"She's not a fuckin' feeder stay the fuck away from her!!" Harry grits spitting venom. Choking the person under him, "tol' ya she's my girl and I'll shred everyone alive if they'll even breath in her direction." She has never seen him this furious. Tone harsh and snappy she never heard coming from him it makes her cry.
He had warned his fellows when the news of him spread that he has bonded to human. But well they've thick skulls.
The man under him just smirks pushing him away and coughing into his elbow standing up. "Whatever thought sharing is caring, Styles." Harry glares him resentfully. Fisting a punch at his side but stables himself when a dainty hand wraps around his fingers clutching tight.
He turns ducking down to her level cupping her cheeks and tries to examine her for any kind of injury, "ye' okay? Did he hurt you? Tell me and — " she rubs her nose with the sleeve of her hoodie shaking her head vigorously.
"No. 'M fine sorry should've listened to you." He puffs out a breath of guilt letting his forehead fall against her's, "don't be sorry -- it's none of ye'r fault baby."
"Glad you're safe." He whispers hugging her with the sway of bodies, "I love you." She tells him honestly tip-toeing to kiss him and it unfortunately reaches his silky jaw only.
"And all the things you do for me." He grins down at her. He lives on praises. The cheeky bastard.
"How about eatin' ice-cream while taking swings in the park?" He intertwines their hands warmly kissing her knuckles and she quips excitedly, "sounds great!"
AN: idk why read more button isn't working sorry for the bug.
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Car Karaoke | Akaashi, Ushijima, Bokuto, Kuroo
Pairings: Akaashi X Reader (gender neutral), Ushijima X Reader (gender neutral), Bokuto X Reader (gender neutral), and Kuroo X Reader (gender neutral)
Genre: flufffyyy, suggestive 👀👀👀 maybe even a lil steamy for kuroo 
Request: “Can I request bukoto, ushijima, akaashi, and kuroo’s reaction time listening to their s/o sing for the first time like that tiktok trend where the girl will surprise her boyfriend by singing in the car? Thank you!” - anonnie
Author’s Note: car jam sessions >> Thank you for reading anonnie!! I hope you all enjoy reading!! This was fun to write tehe a d I might’ve gotten a little carried away with Kuroo’s 😗. Happy reading, dokis! 
Note: Pre time skip Akaashi and Kuroo, Post time skip Ushi and Bokuto
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Akaashi: Someone To You - BANNERS
The warm summer air was blowing through the windows, shining warmly through the sunroof of the car as Akaashi drove, the two of you finally free of high school, spending the summer together before things got busy to prepare for college
this was really happening 
you two were done with public school and it was the first step into the world. The end of a chapter 
The sun felt so good on your skin, you felt good, the weather and day was beautiful 
The two of your bellies were full from the lunch the two of you had and now he drove you around, not having a final destination just yet 
Rolling up your windows, it was time to cool down a bit more with the cold air of the air conditioner and turned on the radio 
Just as it turned on, it was already playing a song that fit the summer vibes perfectly. you felt good, you felt loose so you let it all go 
You sang along, your voice shining over the radio to the song 
The car came to a stop at the red light and you looked over to Akaashi, a surprised look on his face
he hadn’t ever heard you sing in front of him 
he caught you once but when he came into the room, you stopped immediately, shying away but he loved it. Hearing you speak and talk in so many ways was one thing but this was entirely different in the best way possible 
but nothing mattered. there was nothing to be shy about 
“I wanna be somebody to someone,” you sang to him. “And if the sun’s upset and the sky goes cold, then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall, i really need somebody to call my own, I wanna be somebody to someone.” 
You gave him eyes as if you were pleading him to accept you as someone to him as if you two haven’t been together since your second year of high school 
A smile tugged at his lips before he accelerated, driving into his neighborhood 
You sang along joyously, squeezing your eyes shut every now and then, dramatically looking over to him, serenading him singing along to the loving song 
As you sang out the final note holding your hands folded over your chest, pretending to dramatically clutch it, it made him let out a little chuckle as he turned off the ignition
“Well good thing you’re already someone to me,” he said, smiling, making you squee
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Ushijima: La Da Dee - Cody Simpson
Gray clouds blocked out the sunshine, rain fell from the clouds and washed over the car as the two of you sat in his car, driving to the mall to walk around 
There was nothing else to do at home really and you were cooped up in there far too long (it was only a day aksdjha) 
the outside world looked so gloomy, you just had to change it you connected your phone to the aux in his car 
you were going to play something upbeat but fbi agent beat you to it. Your phone automatically played one of the sweetest songs on your phone 
To brighten things up even more, you sang along to the singer’s voice, putting as much love as you could into every word, sending to Ushi’s direction as he focused on driving 
“La da dee, La da dee doo, La da da me, La da da you, La da dee, La da dee doo, There's only me, There's only you, La da dee, La da dee doo, La da da me, La da da you, La da dee, La da dee doo, When you were gone I think of you,” you jutted your lip out at the end, thinking about the times he would have to leave and come back late for a game or even longer, a tournament 
The lyrics were repetitive and the voice so smooth but all ushi could hear was you as he drove carefully through the rain 
You bobbed your head side to side in your seat, singing along to the lyrics that flooded your mind with ease 
Head empty, just lyrics coming from your mouth as you sung along 
Your voice was so smooth and soothing in a different way 
he didn’t notice that you didn’t sing around him but he really liked the way you sounded 
the aura your person was emanating was so cheerful, it put the sun to shame 
Nearing the mall, you sang the final words, looking at his side profile. “When you were gone, I think of you...” 
You paused the next song before it could play, finding another one that could match the energy the first song put out but Ushi was first to break the silence before any other song could play 
“You have a lovely voice, Y/N. It’s very pleasant.” He rested one hand on your thigh, giving you a little squeeze before returning it to the steering wheel (cause he’s a safe driver)
“...And I always think about you too when I’m not home.” he said, his voice straight but you saw the lightest bits of red tickling his ears pink 
You let out an aw at his confession, surprised he said it since you were only singing the lyrics but went on with it anyways 
but for him, the thing was, you never left his mind 
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Boktuo: Still Into You - Paramore
Crickets chirped outside the car in the grass beside it
The sky was clear and stars shined all over the night sky with a cool breeze, making the tree that the two of you sat under sway 
Your tastebuds tasted the cool, sweet dessert of popsicles melt on your tongues, the windows of his car rolled down, music playing from the radio not too loudly 
Bokuto today recently looked pretty down but you couldn’t place a finger as to why 
The Jackals won their game last night, you made a special dinner to celebrate tonight and today, the two of you had been together all day 
you sat close beside him, looking to the skyline in the distance, the grass tickling your legs and hands but the air tonight felt so nice
it felt so clean and clear unlike the city 
“do... do you still love me?” his sad voice pulled your attention and the sight practically broke your heart 
he sadly ate his popsicle, his hair droopy and sad like he was as he ate his popsicle 
“Aw Bo, of course I do,” you gave him a loving smile which made him feel a little better but his doubts rang in his head and you could see it
You scratched your mind, thinking of how you could really emphasize your words, getting it across that you did love him and that was when your ears picked up on the song playing on the radio 
It was the perfect song to be playing right now so you sang along with it
“Some things just, some things just make sense and one of those is you and I,” you sang, rubbing your hand on his cheek as you sang those last three words
“Some things just, some things just make sense and even after all this time.” You rubbed your thumb over his cheeks, not giving a care in the world as your popsicle dripped over your hand and onto the ground 
“I’m into you,” you brought your lips close to his, giving him a sweet kiss, getting a taste of his sweet treat and he could taste yours 
Everything was so sweet as the singer’s voice belted to the song, the drums and guitars starting back up 
Pulling back, you continued to sing as his other hand cupped your face, his eyes filled with lust as he stared at your lips, wanting more
“I’m into you, I’m into you, I’m into you,” the song ended, your voice sweeter than any treat in his ears 
You teased him, giving him a peck
“Did that answer your question?” you leaned back, sitting down beside him, wiping your hands with a wet wipe from the plastic bag you brought along with a few other, non frozen snacks 
“Could you answer it for me again?” he asked smoothly but his cool guy facade went away when he saw your popsicle and his was gone. “Can I also finish that?” His eyes sparkled, the sadness that clouded his eyes long gone 
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Kuroo: Ruin My Life - Zara Larsson
The storm was coming down hard over the car, mixed with hail, it made you feel like the storm was going to blow the car over 
but Kuroo told you it was impossible 
The two of you laid in his backseat, your body on his, the car dark from not being powered completely, only enough to have the radio on
It was parked outside his house but the storm was too intense for the two of you to leave according to him, but you had a vague idea of what he was getting at 
the radio played softly, you were warm wearing his club jacket that was baggy on you 
He started with simple conversations, the two of your minds straying all over, talking about anything and everything 
His hands traveled around your waist, rubbing your back but as things got quieter, his sly fingers found their way beneath your shirt, his touch featherlike as he drew circles into your warm skin 
he took in the way you looked in the dark, taking the way you felt, how your body felt on top of his, the way your hair tickled his chest 
With no words exchanged, he brought his lips to yours with a subtle hunger, his hand creeping higher up your back 
Your hands that rested on his chest now rested around the back of his head, you now sat, straddling him the best you could in the cramped car 
His tongue wiped over your lip, getting you to open yours, inviting his tongue in 
You hummed as the two of you kissed, the sound of the storm disappearing and the sound of the radio getting louder without the volume being adjusted at all 
His mouth trailed down your jaw to your neck, tickling you just the slightest 
“Can you sing for me, baby?” he mumbled into your honey skin, loving the fact at how he could send chills through your body with just his lips and voice alone 
Obeying, you sang along. “I want you to ruin my life, you to ruin my life, you to ruin my life, yeah...” 
your voice was so silky and sensual in his ear, he loved it. it drove him a little crazy but instead of telling you, he was determined to show you, specifically when the storm lightened up
Your back was suddenly met with the cold wall, your bodies and clothes soaked with water from the rain but it didn’t matter to either of you 
All he could feel was you and all you could feel was him 
your laps were wrapped around his waist as he harshly moved his lips with yours, knowing you would already be bruised by morning 
He supported you with one leg bent against the wall beneath your bottom, one hand on the wall beside you while the other held your waist as if you were gonna leave his grasp 
Your hands combed through his wet raven hair, biting back small moans that tried to escape your throat, being quiet as his dad was upstairs sleeping 
“I’ll ruin you...” he said lowly, breaking away, his breath hot on your face 
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @sam-ate-giorno​​​ @1-800-wholesome​ @realityisoftendisapointing @plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
I’ll See You When I Fall Asleep
Hi All! This is Chapter 10 of the Varigo Coffee Shop AU! Also!! A lot of you have asked and yes, I do have an Ao3 where I cross-post called ‘fletchphoenix’ too! Anyway, thank you for all your support and onwards with the chapter!!
Thunder rumbled and lightning crackled outside the window as Varian shook, holding a small test tube in his hands. Where even was he? His eyes weren’t adjusting properly, until the sudden flick of a lightswitch brought about a blinding light. Varian attempted to cover his eyes to block it out, his attempts not working in the slightest. He lowered his arms with a frown and glanced around the room as he regained his vision slowly. Nothing seemed right here - a fantastical vibe surrounded the whole room as he took in all the small details.
    The room was dank, the aroma of rotting wood filling the room which, coinciding with the light, made for an awful pairing that made Varian queasy. Uneven, cobbled floor made his feet slip slightly and he struggled to keep his balance as he felt himself feeling sicker and sicker. There was almost no natural light in the room either - only one half-oval window that sat above a creaky table, covered in journals and various scientific apparatus that he had used many times. A raccoon sat on the table too, snoring with a large sheet of paper lying underneath it. The cause of the bright lights were around six lanterns hanging from the ceiling, and now that his eyes had time to brace themselves, he could see it really wasn’t that bright, with an eerie mood being set in the room. Paper and chalk also littered the wall with frantic scribbles about something he didn’t understand. The sundrop…? He didn’t know. The thing that put him off..were the rocks.
  Black rocks shot out of the ground in clumps of two or three, reaching so high they almost pierced the rotting ceiling of the makeshift laboratory. He reached out and rapped his fist against the rock quietly - it seemingly was not breaking. Huh, invincible black rocks? Makeshift labs in an ancient house? It was strange how much they put him off, unease building in his stomach for some reason unbeknownst to him. His eyes set on a large figure in the middle of the room, covered by a towering sheet with small patches of different fabric scattered over the sheet. The stitching looked poor though, as though someone who’d never sewn before had done it. Come to think of it, his clothes were the same, a cyan shirt with a patch on the left arm that was significantly darker than the rest of the fabric. The shirt, however, was almost completely covered by a leather apron, also swamping the brown trousers that he was wearing, stopping shy from the top of his boots. It didn’t seem right for him to be wearing this. A frown crept onto his face as he rested his hands on the sheet, taking in a deep breath before pulling it away and revealing the thing it was concealing. A gasp left his mouth and he doubled over, taking in sharp breaths as the tears instantly built in his eyes. His head shot back up to stare at the sight in front of him.
  A hard, amber substance twisted in harsh turns, sharp spikes of it trailing high and curling at points. His boyfriend was trapped in the amber, his hand outstretched with a note in his hand, a clear expression of pain on his face forever. Tears welled in his eyes and rolled freely down his cheek, his shaky steps inching closer to the amber and his hands resting on it. “Hugo?” he whispered, unsure of whether his father could even hear him from his crystallised prison. 
  “Varian, what have you done?” Varian’s head snapped around to see Rapunzel, hands raised to cover her mouth in shock of the scene unfolding in front of her. She looked so frightened - but not of the amber, of him. She looked different too - blonde locks that must’ve measured over sixty feet were tied back into a mix between a ponytail and a braid replaced her brunette bob. She also wore a purple dress, akin to one an elegant princess would wear. He opened his mouth to say something, before being rudely interrupted.
  “This is all your fault.” Another voice. Eugene’s. He slowly moved from the darkness and placed his hands on Rapunzel’s shoulder, her turning back to wrap her arms round him in a fearful embrace. He glared coldly at Varian, as if he’d done something wrong. 
  More and more voices joined the symphony of blaming Varian, each declaration cutting deeper and deeper each time. He covered his ears, a futile attempt to try and block all of the noise out but it only got louder and louder. People he loved were calling him a monster. All except for..
  “Hugo! Hugo, I’m so sorry!” he cried out, forcing himself to raise his head and eyes darting around the room and staring at the prison of the boy he loved so dearly that he’d created. He couldn’t bear to look at his frozen corpse, too many people crowding and screaming at him about his faults. It was all becoming too much. The yelling, the closeness..he couldn’t handle it. He felt like he couldn’t breathe, moving closer and closer towards the floor. “Hugo!” 
  “HUGO! He yelled and sat up, grasping the bedsheets and letting out heavy, shaky breaths, startling the safe, sleeping form of his boyfriend beside him. His knees curled against his chest, trying to steady his breathing to no avail as his small form shook with every sob that left his mouth. Sweat formed a gross blanket over his skin, presumably from his body reacting to the panic he was feeling. What even was that place? Why did everyone look so different? Why wasn’t Hugo there? The questions flooding his head only caused more stress to take its toll on his body as his breathing quickened once again. 
  “Varian.” His boyfriend’s voice called from beside him, “Hey, can I touch you? Is that okay?” he questioned, Varian giving a small nod before Hugo’s hands rubbed soothing circles onto his back carefully in an attempt to help comfort him until he was ready to talk. Still shaking, Varian leaned in closer to his boyfriend, comfortably moving so they were laying down in a gentle embrace, swaying slightly as Hugo whispered sweet nothings to his boyfriend and placing kisses to the top of his head. “Hey, whatever it was, it wasn’t real. I’m here now and you’re safe. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
  As he felt more comfortable and safe, he looked at Hugo’s face. Concern covered it - his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he held Varian’s hands in his own, peppering kisses over them. “I..woke up in a lab. I didn’t recognise it. It was covered with all there..black rocks that stuck out of the ground. And there was amber in the middle. You were stuck inside. Everyone was yelling at me and saying it was all my fault. It was terrifying, Hugo. I couldn’t breathe. I just..” his arms tightened around the blonde, gripping the fabric of his shirt. “I was so scared that I’d hurt you. That I’d actually lost you..I don’t want to lose you, Hugh. I love you too much.” he whispered against his boyfriend’s shoulder, the muscles underneath his shirt tensing tremendously in reaction to his words. 
  Hugo sat in silence, holding the boy closer to him and staring blankly at the wall. How..how could he respond to that? Amber..? Black rocks? He let out an exasperated sigh as he pet the hair of the younger boy. He’d never seen his boyfriend so distraught over a nightmare, the other gripping his shirt as they embraced. He reached for his glasses, putting them on before picking up his phone to check the time. 3:54am. Well, they weren’t going back to sleep anytime soon anyway, he decided before shuffling back in the embrace, resting his hands on his boyfriend’s shoulders. “How about we put on one of those crappy romance films you love so much and make some hot cocoa? How does that sound, sweetheart?” The sight of Varian’s slight smile and a nod was all the confirmation he needed. “Okay love, you go make the cocoa and I’ll sort out the snacks. After all, you are the cocoa master.” He added with a chuckle before swinging his legs over the bed, pushing the fuzzy slippers Varian had randomly bought him one day onto his feet and striding down the hall to the living room.
  He set up a mini bed for them on the sofa, bringing over a blanket and pillows for the both of them. He knew Varian’s would go unused though, the younger would most likely opt to lay on top of him with his head on his chest, not that he was complaining. More pillows for him, he thought with a grin as he walked into the adjacent room to get some snacks. Passing his boyfriend, he decided on a wide variety, including candy, chocolate and some ice cream in case that’s what Varian decided to opt for. He glanced over at his boyfriend, whose attention was solely focused on making the perfect beverage for both of them. A lovestruck smile drifted onto his face as he strutted over, placing an unexpected kiss to his boyfriend’s cheek, throwing off his concentration for a split second. “Smells wonderful babe, keep up the immaculate work and maybe I’ll teach you the art of making the perfect vanilla latte. Who knows?” Varian chuckled, Hugo silently praising himself for making the boy smile at least a little bit before heading into the living room, an abundance of snacks in his arms.
  Carefully he set them out on the table, being sure to empty out a packet of cat food for Ruddiger into his ceramic bowl, the cat graciously jumping from his perch on the cat tower and beginning his meal. Hugo rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips at his peace offering being accepted so willingly by his arch-nemesis. Hopefully now the cat would let him spend some time alone with his boyfriend, letting them cuddle on the sofa and watch one of Varian’s….admittedly terrible romance films free from any intrusion from the attention whore. 
  He understood the cat’s worry though - according to Varian, he’d taken him in when he was a kitten and extremely malnourished, taking care of him. From then on, Ruddiger had been extremely loyal to Varian, never straying from his human’s side (because let's be real, Ruddiger owned Varian, not the other way around. That cat had almost everyone wrapped around it’s metaphorical finger and it knew that...terrifyingly well) even when he’d executed some very much illegal acts in the name of helping his father. 
  Hugo didn’t blame Varian for his past, loving the boy either way. His dedication was difficult for the other to understand. He’d never really learnt to form any bonds with...well, anyone. Having no parents and growing up in an orphanage that couldn’t have cared less about any of the kids there didn’t help either, even after Donella ‘adopted’ him, it still didn’t do anything. Varian was the only person he’d ever really had an official relationship with, the rest just being out of boredom and the complete and utter loneliness he’d felt because of the distance Donella had put between him and her. He never really had anyone there for him, so he’d just keep on using people for his own personal means and throwing them away without so much of a glance back with no remorse when he was finally done with them. He knew it was wrong - that he was hurting people who didn’t warrant it - but he just didn’t care at all at the time, because he knew he’d never see them again. Right? He guessed that was it - devotion never coming easy to him anyway, so of course it would be a difficult concept for him to grasp anyway. He let out a sigh and laid down on the sofa, pulling the blanket over himself quietly before scrolling through his phone and waiting for his boyfriend to join him.
  “Heya Hugh.” Varian called as he entered the living room, setting the mugs down on the coffee table in front of them beside the snacks before shuffling under the covers, sitting in between his boyfriend’s legs with his back pressed against his chest. Hugo reached out to grab their mugs and sipped the hot cocoa, making a slight moan of satisfaction. “Oh my god, this is so good, Varian!” he cried as he kept chugging the delicious drink, an arm wrapping around his waist, giving his boyfriend time to push it away if he wanted. Varian didn’t seem to mind, already turning on the film and beginning to eat his ice cream happily. 
  They sat in silence for a while, Varian watching his film and Hugo drifting in and out of sleep repeatedly. The only thing keeping him awake was the occasional sound of his boyfriend’s laughter or mumbling to himself at how ridiculous a certain character was being. It was kind of adorable listening to the younger man rant under his breath about something completely fictitious. He kept his gaze on Varian happily before a frown developed on his face. That dream Varian had sounded terrifying, if he was being honest, and it scared him to death. Just how much self loathing was the boy harbouring without even speaking up? Sure, he’d done some bad things in the past, but everyone had forgiven him for that, so why couldn’t Varian forgive himself? It weighed on Hugo’s mind, his nimble fingers tracing small circles onto the other’s stomach gently to keep himself grounded. 
  “You’re thinking so hard, I can almost hear the cogs in your head turning.” Varian commented, not even looking at his boyfriend as he kept his eyes focused on the TV. “If you’re thinking about what I think you’re thinking about, I’m fine. It was just a dumb nightmare that really spooked me at first. I was so scared of the concept that I’d lost you for good that I couldn’t breathe or even focus. I didn’t even know what I’d done or if I’d even done anything, I’d just accepted that yes, it WAS all my fault. What I did in the past was...well, it was atrocious in all honesty..but that doesn’t reflect who I am at all. You know who I am. I was just so lost without my father, and I couldn’t turn to my mother...I felt like everyone had turned their back on me and that I wasn’t even deserving of the very air I breathed. It’s gonna take me awhile to forgive myself for what I did to Rapunzel and Eugene and, well, everyone. But I’ll get there. Okay?”
  Hugo’s fingers braided a section of Varian’s hair as he spoke, taking in every word he spoke and giving it time to process, admiring his work mid-speech. “Okay doll, I just don’t want you thinking I’m gonna just..up and leave one day, y’know? You know about my old reputation in senior year..how I’d date around and leave a trail of broken hearts behind me but..I just want you to know I’m serious when I say I’m fully committed to you, okay? I adore you for all I’m worth. I’ve never met a guy as spectacular as you are, but I would never ask for anyone different. Varian, I really do love you.” Hugo confessed, subconsciously pulling the boy closer to his chest and shutting his eyes. “More than you’ll ever know. You’ve taught me...so so much about unconditional love and what it takes to be so in love you’d do anything for them so...thank you. Just- thank you.”
  “Aw, Hugo being sappy? Are you the real Hugo or are you an imposter?” Varian said with a grin and a laugh, leaning his head back before closing his eyes. “Let’s just watch the movie, babe...okay? I love you too, for the record.” he whispered back, intertwining their fingers. And thus, the boys slowly drifted into a deep slumber, wrapped in each other’s arms and ready to face whatever the universe threw at them.
Well, almost anything the universe threw at them.
  They awoke, limbs tangled, on the couch to a loud banging at the door. Hugo groaned, rubbing his eyes as he slowly started to sit up, Varian stirring too on his chest. “Who the fuck is here and why the hell are they banging the door so goddamn loud?!” he exclaimed, Varian removing himself from his boyfriend’s lap and heading towards the door. Hugo didn’t understand. Does no one in this modern age have any respect for anyone? All he wanted to do was cuddle his boyfriend on the couch all morning before the inevitable angry texts from Donella swarmed his phone.
  Oh shit. What if it was Donella at the door? Oh god. He’d ever introduced Varian to his side of the family (and quite frankly, he didn’t want to, considering how...dysfunctional it was. It wasn’t even officially a family unit, Donella only being a mother figure) and he didn’t want Varian to meet her when she was mad. Donella had a supernatural strength when she was mad - not even kidding, he’d seen her make one of the strongest men in the workshop, a man who had LITERALLY been nicknamed ‘Skullcrusher’ when he was in a gang for...obvious reasons, cry like a baby on the floor. It was a feat in its own right, however he didn’t want Varian to suffer through that same treatment. He hurried into the hall. “Hey Goggles?-” He froze.
  There was a woman at the door. Her ginger hair was tied into a neat bun, fringe falling and stopping just above her right eyebrow. She had the same eyes as Varian, except a slightly more vibrant, electric blue than his beloved’s,  along with freckles scattered all over her face, hands and what was visible of her arms. She was slightly taller than his boyfriend, still smaller than him, but nonetheless she still possessed some height over Varian. She looked exactly like the woman in Donella’s pictures, the one who used to be her old research partner...though who was she?
  He walked over and rested his hand on Varian’s back, leaning forward slightly to catch a glimpse of his face. He looked astonished and shocked - his mouth and eyes wide in amazement as he spared no mind to Hugo, solely focused on the woman in front of him. His hands shook slightly as he pulled them to his sides. “Mom..?” Varian hardly whispered, taking a step towards the woman, who reached her hand out to cup his cheek gently.
  “Varian-” She called out, a soft smile on her face and tears building in her eyes as she took him into a hug. Oh, yeah. Now Hugo could place the name, his eyes narrowing in disdain towards the woman before him. She was the one who had stopped Donella’s progress in the scientific field, stealing her research and disappearing to the other ends of the earth. She was the one who had ruined her life, and consequently, his too. Her eyes met his and she smiled slightly, extending her hand out to him. “Oh, where are my manners? Let me introduce myself, I’m Ulla. Ulla Ruddiger.” 
  His boyfriend’s mother was his motherly figure’s worst enemy.
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: never seen a kid 😢 at a haircut Jimmy: before you say owt, it ain't even done yet so it don't look shit Janis: Poor Bobs Janis: bribe him with sweets after like it's the dentist Janis: I can get some on my way back Jimmy: throw him at your family pinging and well mad fer the party 😂 Jimmy: tah for the invite lads Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you know Janis: can't get him on the pre drinks so Jimmy: I'll set him up with a shot glass full of fizzy pop Jimmy: sorted Janis: 🙌 Janis: party don't stop Janis: what about Twix Janis: she'll feel left out Jimmy: 🎶 or start til you walk in, babe #obvs Jimmy: 💔🐶🎻 Jimmy: I'd reckon on letting her trash the place but that's any day she's left alone for 1 sec Janis: Naturally Janis: why else would I need to be there so bad Janis: she's just bored #relatable Jimmy: life and soul, my dear Jimmy: you and your true love wasted on this place Janis: sad but #truthbomb Janis: [sends him socials of the decor that are already up] Janis: I know I've been telling you but seriously Janis: see and believe and prepare Jimmy: fucking hell Jimmy: too late to ask 💀👑 to be your date instead or what? Janis: hmm Janis: would probably be my easy ticket out Janis: and she'd be thrilled for so many reasons Jimmy: crack on then Janis: 😒 Jimmy: come on, no challenge in it Janis: only a further challenge on my sanity, like Jimmy: turn round, I've sent the orchestra after you Jimmy: Bob's gonna save you a tissue an' all Janis: lovely Janis: just one he's not blown his nose in, tah Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: buy us 🚬 when you're at the shop Jimmy: 🤞💀💀💀 Janis: sure Janis: death pact sounds good rn Jimmy: right there next to you, Juliet Jimmy: headfirst off the balcony if nowt else Janis: honestly Janis: love to fuck up their marble floor Jimmy: least if you play up enough you might get a new pony out of it Jimmy: fuck knows where we'll put it but the kids will be #buzzing Janis: piss off Janis: don't even like horses Janis: or you Jimmy: I know that's bollocks, rich girl Janis: glue factory, both of yous Jimmy: 💕🐴 Jimmy: 💕😎 Jimmy: I'll buy you a heart shaped locket when our #truelove turns 1 Jimmy: space with pics for all your faves Janis: 😒 Janis: I'll throw it into the ocean Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Jimmy: gonna make me 😢😢 too Janis: s'alright, draw a masterpiece and I'll share the door Janis: don't hate you either, not completely Jimmy: every bit's a masterpiece with you as my muse, baby Jimmy: 🥇🎨 Janis: gonna get whiplash if you keep doing these 180s boy Jimmy: get you out of this party, won't it? 😘 Janis: your plan all along Janis: 💔 me so I've got a get out of jail free card Janis: not worked for Gracie, like Jimmy: gotta be 💕 to get 💔 Janis: she was Jimmy: bollocks Jimmy: our fake was realer than that Janis: not with him, obviously Janis: 💀👑💕 Jimmy: 😂 Janis: you know it's real Janis: as real as she gets Jimmy: a love story to rival me and my ex that one Jimmy: bout as many break and make ups as we had too, like Janis: I wouldn't try and console her Janis: never get away Janis: more 😭 than the kid Jimmy: I can't 💪 and 🤐 you said Jimmy: I ain't cuddling her Janis: better not Jimmy: not in my 💰💰 party clothes, tah Jimmy: wouldn't be 💋 on my collar, it'd be half her face Janis: 😂 Janis: you have no idea Jimmy: I'm not trying to find out what she #wakesuplike or owt else Jimmy: 💔 Gracie I know Janis: 😏 reckon she's over it, babe Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 💔 I know Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: [sends selfies that Bobby has taken of himself post haircut] Jimmy: heartbreaker not heartbroken now he is Jimmy: he needed you to see ALL 23 of them identical pics so he reckoned Janis: He looks so good Janis: very 😎 Jimmy: using every bit of my 💪 to stop him taking my phone to give you a bell Janis: n'awh he can if he wants Janis: am at the shop so get your order in Jimmy: [cute little phone call moment including Jimmy telling Bobby to ask her to buy all kinds of silly stuff cos nerd] Janis: [so cute, when they'd all be used to each other now and like a mini fam soz ian not soz] Jimmy: [even Cass would like Janis by now, such a squad, fuck off Ian] Janis: [get her something for dinner just in case 'cos too cool for this party obvs] Jimmy: [and we know Ian ain't gonna give a shit as long as he's okay himself so] Janis: actually 😍 Jimmy: how soon can we palm him off though? Jimmy: doing my head in if he ain't yours Janis: so mean, you Janis: go 'head and wish for this party to start tho Jimmy: you're alright Janis: mhmm Janis: this is gonna be a disaster, not even a funny one Jimmy: what's the scale? Janis: you wanna hear about the worst party this family has ever, like? Janis: 'cos you need to give me like 3-5 working days to work that out Jimmy: just working out if today's the day for us to say yeah to drugs instead of nah or if decimating Ian's drink supply before he gets back will do Janis: no doubt they'll have it out like hors d'oeuvres Janis: rich people Jimmy: what the fuck are them? Jimmy: I know that weren't paddy lingo but you still lost me Janis: party food Janis: pineapple and cheese on a stick but make it 💸 Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: brush some edible gold leaf on it Janis: exactly Janis: make some poor cunt in a tux hand it out Janis: they aren't quite that level, well Janis: I don't think they'll have 'staff' anyway or 🤢 Jimmy: could've had a word for me, babe Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: missing out on a lot of tips to be there Janis: if you really wanna make it weird, I'll pay you myself Janis: idiot Jimmy: I've been waiting ages to unlock that final kink of yours Jimmy: 💪🏆 Janis: There you go then Janis: all comes out Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: 🥇 Jimmy: really cheered me that has Janis: you'll forgive me for the hors d'oeuvres then Janis: so glad Jimmy: put a bit more work in and I might Janis: you work, I pay Janis: silly Jimmy: 🤤🤤🤤 Jimmy: keep giving them orders, girl Janis: 😏 Janis: if we didn't have somewhere to be Jimmy: we don't yet Janis: no, but you can't actually ditch bobs Jimmy: I'll throw him at Cass for a bit when we get back, she's getting time off later Janis: True Janis: not above it but not ideal getting drunk enough to deal in front of him, like Jimmy: I'm texting her now Jimmy: and we're on the bus Jimmy: be home well soon Janis: 👍 Janis: race you there Jimmy: piss off I ain't driving the bus Jimmy: that ain't fair Janis: if you ain't up to the challenge Janis: 😂 Jimmy: leave it out or you ain't getting your present Janis: locket? Jimmy: not what I've got in my pocket right now but I love that you're thinking long term Jimmy: very keen you Janis: 🤔👀 Jimmy: you gonna guess or what? Janis: 🍾 Janis: umm Janis: did you get some shampoo Janis: idk Jimmy: my subtle hint that you need to sort yourself out, like Jimmy: not that much of a dickhead Janis: I've got no clue Jimmy: Are you telling me you wanna shower with me? 'Cause not fuming about it Janis: I was thinking where you was last but you know Janis: can't show up stinking can we Jimmy: If getting kicked out is the goal, probably should Jimmy: but I Janis: wanna give me my present Janis: I get it Jimmy: and you want it off me Janis: yeah Janis: I do Jimmy: you're so Janis: you Jimmy: [sends her a fire sext because always and any opportunity] Janis: Jimmy Jimmy: what? Janis: just Janis: be here now Jimmy: just wait for me Jimmy: won't be as long as it feels Janis: I miss you Jimmy: I want you Janis: as soon as you're back Janis: 'til the last possible minute Jimmy: Yeah Janis: didn't want to go but now I really, really don't wanna go anywhere but the shower, like Jimmy: Ian ain't there to bang on the door, it's alright Janis: 😏 maybe he's just trying to keep us in time Janis: helpful, really Jimmy: sounds proper fake that Janis: probably Janis: just tryna spread those posi vibes Janis: you know me, babe Jimmy: such a ray of sunshine you Jimmy: what I'm always telling people that is Janis: awh, who you talkin' 'bout me to, boy? Jimmy: the 🌏 babe Janis: 😍 #thatdemotho Janis: you spoil me Janis: that my gift, yeah? #freepromo Jimmy: you got me Jimmy: know the way to your 💘 Janis: just can't quit being goals, can you Jimmy: 💕 Janis: be here now Janis: I'm done waiting Jimmy: Hang on, I'll throw the driver off Jimmy: only a few stops Janis: probably distracted with his 😍 Jimmy: if the kid weren't here everyone on this bus would be Janis: 💔 that Janis: actually Jimmy: has Cass shown up at ours yet? Jimmy: I told her to take him out Janis: yeah Janis: her mates here too they're raiding the cupboards Jimmy: that lad again? 🙄 Janis: alright, dad Janis: nice of you to pop in 😂 Jimmy: piss off Janis: you're so cute Jimmy: you're a dickhead Janis: don't get aggy with me Janis: I ain't got my mans over Jimmy: Mia be round any sec though, will she? Jimmy: make myself scarce for a bit then Janis: 🖕 Janis: so funny, you Jimmy: save that for her Jimmy: 💕 Janis: the fakery? Janis: sure Janis: I'm a pro now Jimmy: that and the hand gestures Janis: easy now Janis: not tossing her off Janis: and it's a different gesture, anyway Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: trying to tell me I've been doing it wrong, are you? Jimmy: first I've heard Jimmy: and very subtle of you, mate Janis: 😂 Janis: you know Janis: been thinking how to bring it up and now seemed like the perfect opportunity tbh Jimmy: you'll have a perfect opportunity to show me how I can do better in a bit Janis: it's a date, loser Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: [showing up cos why not do a lil skip lol] Janis: just chilling in the kitchen with cass and her mate like hey] Jimmy: [100% her mate is the Tyler kid in my head lol but yeah don't be rude and kick them out immediately, do pass the sweets Janis got round tho shameless bribe which reminds me her gift was a lollipop he swiped from the hairdresser for well behaved kids cos drunken throwback they don't remember but we do so he can give her that too like] Jimmy: [Bobby showing everyone his hair and loving life P.S] Janis: [love that, being shamelessly buzzing 'cos about those nerdy gestures forever and you get to be #seductive on the low] Janis: [get it bab, you look fresh] Jimmy: [could not resist and never will bye] Jimmy: [that little kiddo being less shy fuck me up] Janis: [get your confidence live your life bb] Jimmy: [making everyone a cuppa even though you want them to fuck off #northern] Janis: [when you're rood (but not really) so you're like we've got to get ready bye] Jimmy: [only so much eye fucking and accidental touching and seduction via lolly you can handle before you g2g] Janis: [truly, in that shower boys] Jimmy: [casually really long shower soz not soz Ian] Janis: enjoy that waterbill] Jimmy: [then actually get dressed and get drinking but it's obvs still flirty af] Janis: [the vibe, 'cos don't need to dwell on what a non mood this party is] Jimmy: [literally he'd be distracting her so hard, so many kisses it'd be a miracle that anything else gets done, lowkey helping each other dress just so you can keep touching and being soft] Janis: ['you look good' 'cos he did despite the dresscode] Jimmy: [does a drinks cheers because thanks and also she does too we know it] Janis: [cheersing with glee 'cos a few drinks in and being with the bae you don't feel completely like kms] Janis: ['not as good as Bobby but you know, you'll do'] Jimmy: [runs his hands through his hair dramatically cos got a lil trim but nothing worth mentioning and doing a pouty face for the pisstake 'take him then, I'll stay here'] Janis: [hugging him tight like no] Jimmy: [hugging her back as tight just because and hands in her hair likewise and more kisses just because] Janis: ['I promise I'll make it fun' 'cos sorry to be dragging him into this mess but gotta lol] Jimmy: ['If I'm with you, I'm having a good one' cos true even in this instance ultimately] Janis: [literal sincere hearteyes] Jimmy: [give them right back so its a moment] Janis: [just snuggling like 'let's run away okay'] Jimmy: ['alright, we're decently dressed for life on the run' but being soft with your touches cos you want to as well] Janis: [sniffs, 'yeah, new identity ready, like'] Jimmy: ['forgot your former name already, me'] Janis: [lols 'be more believable if you hadn't been saying it so much in the shower, boy' 😏] Jimmy: ['soz, I thought you only wanted me mute at the party, like' 😏 Janis: [makes face like no and a 'n'awh' sound 'I don't want you like that, you just ain't gonna have nothing to say to 'em, me either, like'] Jimmy: ['I don't wanna say nowt to 'em, just you' no offense fam but that's the tea] Janis: [nods 'cos same and not like she's that bitch to say you must lmao] Jimmy: [tops both their drinks up because that speaks for itself] Janis: [drinking and snuggling] Jimmy: [enjoy the alone time while you can kids] Janis: [just telling him about the 'decent' (bit rude) kids that'll be there for bobby to play with] Jimmy: [he'll be having a lovely time at least] Janis: [and at least as bouj as they are it's not like they're most fancy house 'cos he's still in school so can't be living fully lavish] Jimmy: [makes me lol god bless those extra bitches] Jimmy: [let's say he puts music on for them cos kids could be back any time and wanna stay in their own bubble as long as they can] Janis: [throwback to all those times, appreciated] Jimmy: [casual playlist of all those van hook ups lol] Janis: [if anything is gonna get you in the mood tbh] Jimmy: [enjoy it kids] Janis: [in your new bed bowchicka] Jimmy: [that for once isn't full of a pup and a kid so it still feels as small as a single usually #rude] Janis: [hope you've not put your fancy clothes on yet lol] Jimmy: [dressed and undressed haha priorities] Jimmy: [Jimmy'd be like me and not put them on til the last min in case they get messed up] Janis: [sensible, better than turning up all awry like what you been up to 😏] Jimmy: [they don't need the pisstaking today fam they're trying to stay in a good mood] Janis: [just like 'fucking obvs wbu'] Jimmy: [don't ask if you don't wanna know tbh] Janis: [truly, how long are we giving you lads before Ian's back being a hoe] Jimmy: [give 'em long enough to enjoy that new bed and be a few more drinks in but yeah he should probably appear soon to give him the most time to be a knob before they get be like oh bye Ian lowkey maybe they think it's the kids coming back so they're like alright cool they're earlier than we expected so loads of time to get Bobs ready but then no, it's that fool Janis: [when you're lowkey like should I stay in here 'til we're ready to go 'cos Ian hates you lol] Jimmy: [she should if only so they can type to each other for a bit] Jimmy: 🙄💀💀💀🙄 Janis: real life and soul has arrived Jimmy: can you hear us celebrating down here? Jimmy: 🎉 keep it down, knobhead 🍾 Janis: been to plenty parties like that Janis: but Ian, the vibe is 💎💎💎💋🌸🌺🎀 Janis: get with it Jimmy: 🍀 standard fare that, be why he fits right in on this street Jimmy: you don't wanna take him in my place then? Jimmy: 💀👑 gonna be thrilled to still be 🥇 like Janis: they should date Janis: start an anti-fan club for me Janis: cute 💕 Jimmy: stop trying to make me vom Jimmy: so kinky you Janis: tryna save you, babe Janis: sure she's dead distracting Janis: soz sue or whoever it is rn Jimmy: I'll take her over Mia as my new mum tah Janis: she will find her in Janis: stop fighting it, boy Jimmy: Take your own advice before you hand it out to me, mate Janis: 🤐 shh Jimmy: 💕 Janis: she's coming for his 👑 in the dickhead stakes though so maybe it won't work Janis: too much competition 💪👎 Jimmy: what like there can only be 1? 🍀 town's full of twats Janis: ask her, she'd tell you Janis: don't share the throne, babes Jimmy: hang on, I'll slide in her DMs for a change Jimmy: shock might 🔪🔪💀👻 Janis: 🤞 Janis: needs distracting from her story rampage Jimmy: ? Janis: ugh, usual Janis: now her and gracie aren't bffs forever she don't have to hold back with slaggin on her and spilling all that tea, sis Jimmy: 🙄🙄🙄 Jimmy: rather have this twat in my 👂 than eyes on that bollocks Jimmy: tah Ian Janis: tell him it's his turn to say something nice now Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 🔊 I'm waiting Jimmy: take your turn, he's skipping his Janis: About Ian? Janis: Hmm Janis: he makes cute kids Janis: I guess Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: come and get the little one, he needs to get ready not hear this shit Janis: 👍 Janis: [does and gives him a subtle shoulder squeeze as she goes] Jimmy: [runs away as soon as he can cos you know Cass is good for making Ian kick off/taking his full attention so they could just get Bobby ready and be cute though you can tell Jimothy is forlorn]] Janis: [not saying anything but keeping Bobby chatting and hyped about this party and showing him pics of relevant kids so he won't be as shy to meet them] Jimmy: [just 😍 cos that's so nice and so cute and he is full of love] Janis: [just smiling at him and doing lots of subtle small reassuring touches] Jimmy: I love you Janis: I love you Janis: fuck the rest, yeah? Jimmy: yeah Janis: [gives him a sneaky kiss 'cos kids be like ewwww lol] Jimmy: let's just go Jimmy: if not to the party yet just Janis: 'course, all dressed up like Janis: kid needs an audience rn 😎 Jimmy: bit rude if our kid's just taken 1000s of pics of you on that old camera I let him have Jimmy: my muse not his Janis: there's enough inspo to go around baby Jimmy: weren't a challenge but take it as one any time you like, girl Janis: [posing for Bobby and pulling all kinds of faces whilst getting one of his jackets on like let's ride] Janis: what challenge Jimmy: [counts how many poses/faces she's doing casually] Jimmy: you owe me a photoshoot later Jimmy: see what you reckon then Janis: see what you reckon when I hit you with my hourly rate Janis: owes me so many sweets, that one Jimmy: Nah, rich girl, I work and you pay Jimmy: your words them Jimmy: [we on the move though fuck you Ian and good luck being stuck with that Cass] Janis: [seriously that'll be fun for you both lowkey] Janis: you think I'm gonna pay for the pleasure? Jimmy: as long as you feel it I don't give a fuck if you don't get the cash out Jimmy: but we can keep that between us Jimmy: #golddigger if anyone asks obvs Janis: 'course Janis: why else would you be with me Janis: just keep that off the 'gram, naturally Janis: [walking and talking with Bobs, obvs, sneaky convos ftw] Jimmy: I'll put the list on the 'gram in a bit Jimmy: let you know, like Janis: how very goals of you Janis: even if you're gonna have to ignore me to write it, like 😏 Jimmy: fuck that, it basically writes itself Jimmy: [a look cos so in love bitch] Janis: you look good Janis: did I tell you Jimmy: might've done Jimmy: I need to tell you Jimmy: come here Janis: [moves closer like hello] Jimmy: [whispering all these compliments and generally hot af things in her ear like] Janis: [when you nudge him like excuse me but it's just an excuse to snuggle into his side, we see you] Jimmy: [soz baby bobs but we gotta do another sneaky kiss here that may or may not be that sneaky soz again] Janis: [he'd be less grossed than cass and we all know it] Jimmy: [yeah and he's probs using his camera on himself/the scenery as they walk along anyways so] Janis: ['how's it feel having a mini-me?'] Jimmy: [shrugs cos used to it 'better than it'd feel Ian having one' cos that's the tea] Janis: [nods like ain't that the truth] Jimmy: [when you openly snuggle into her side without any excuse cos ugh he's the worst and you know he's been saying shit as standard] Janis: [taking your hand out of the pocket to hold his 'another pro of Mia, she's definitely infertile, no more Ians ever'] Jimmy: [little lol because you can't even help it] Jimmy: ['imagine the school lunch she'd pack, tah mum'] Janis: ['those appetite-suppressing lollipops are well kid-friendly'] Jimmy: ['do need this kid off my hands to have a smoke though so if you could give her a bell now that'd be decent'] Janis: ['um, cigarettes are the OG appetite-supressors, HELLO!' taps his head like think on but gestures like, you want me to go ahead with him or] Jimmy: [pulls her closer to him and holds onto her dramatically because no #bantsbutalsotherealest] Janis: [doing that half walk half dance you have to do when you're holding onto each other and still moving for a while 'cos not going] Jimmy: [giving her the realest intense don't leave me look before you can stop yourself because the neediest softest boy ever bye] Janis: [just looking back not faltering 'I ain't gonna leave you alone with 'em, if only for the purely selfish reason I don't wanna be alone with 'em either'] Jimmy: [a hug moment that he really needs and is made cuter by Bobby joining in cos they a lil fam] Janis: [love a group hug moment, live your best life, ain't no one stop you, especially not Ian bye] Jimmy: [shakes his head at himself like get your shit together now boy] Janis: [puts Bobby's shades down for him 'cos cool kid and mimics the same at him like you got this babe] Jimmy: [a wonderful hand squeeze of thanks and hand holding the rest of the way] Janis: [squad roll up honey] Jimmy: [let's do this lads, take a deep breath before the pink hits you but] Janis: [literal deep breath as if you're not gonna do your best to do the bare minimum of socializing before finding a cosy corner] Jimmy: [god bless, can't even shade you two cos its gonna be so awks, I can so clearly hear and see Venus' dad's extraness like] Janis: [as much as she's 😒 at least he's met cali enough for that to not be unbearable just keep rio away lowkey lol] Jimmy: [we all know they are gonna take a smoke break the first chance they get full offense everybody but could be worse cos grace is lowkey tipsy af already so] Janis: [just exchanging a look but not a sexy look with him like okay and we were pre-drinking] Jimmy: #whitegirlwasted Jimmy: you might've taught me that but she's reminding me Janis: 😂 Janis: she's an education in all things white alright Jimmy: 👌👌 Jimmy: [okay but Jimmy chatting to Indie cos she's brought Astrid and he's got Bobs and remember when he was like 10/10 would bang lol] Janis: [just off securing that bitch vodka] Jimmy: [take it girl you're gonna want it] Janis: [talking to Rio (and Buster and Venus' dad etc) without him 'cos you wanna keep her away 'cos embarrassing] Jimmy: [he's just settling Bobs in but he's got loads of kids and hippie brother so he's buzzing unlike most of these guests] Jimmy: 👍 Janis: all good? Jimmy: you alright? Janis: you know Jimmy: 💪🏆 Janis: that's about the gist of it, yeah Jimmy: what are you drinking, girl? Janis: that's a poor excuse for chat, boy Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: do you want one or what? Janis: obviously Jimmy: 🏃 me Jimmy: hang on Janis: you offered Jimmy: [brings her that beverage and knocks their glasses together] Janis: ['careful, wouldn't wanna spill anything'] Jimmy: [gives her a look because she wanted to spill their blood on the marble not that long ago lol] Janis: [shrugs like what] Jimmy: [shrugs back like what cos always] Janis: [🙄 and dranking] Jimmy: [we all drinking] Janis: this is so ugly Jimmy: it's 💎💎💎💋🌸🌺🎀 Jimmy: get it right babes Janis: my point still stands Jimmy: smack me, I'll get a clashing colour nosebleed and we'll have to leave Janis: alright, sounds fun Jimmy: #kinkunlocked Janis: you wish Jimmy: when I blow out the kid's candles in a bit you'll have to do it 👸 Janis: [does mini lol] Jimmy: 🚬? Janis: [starts heading out in response] Jimmy: [following the bae] Janis: ['we shoulda got another pack' as she's tapping two out, like no time for sharing] Jimmy: [gives her a playful look like literally you had one job 'I'll go in a bit' but obvs he means on the way back he's not just gonna leave her lol] Janis: ['I'm an optimist, I didn't think it'd be this bad, sue me' 😏] Jimmy: [little lol 'why we're such a good match, duh'] Janis: ['for now, anyway'] Jimmy: [💔 with his hands] Janis: ['believable'] Janis: [does 👎] Jimmy: [does OTT sad face and fake crying like is that better?] Janis: ['if you want sympathy you gotta aim it at your new, not your old' taps her head, like Jimmy: [👍 IRL like tah for that] Janis: ['in you go' shoos 'cos so polite] Jimmy: [playfight moment cos oi] Janis: ['stop it' but a LOOk obvs] Jimmy: [a look back like make me cos distract yourselves with being flirty af kids] Janis: [shakes her head 'I'm busy' takes pause to inhale to prove point then exhales 'ask your friend instead'] Jimmy: ['which one, got so many friends, me'] Janis: [just makes face like you know] Jimmy: [makes a face back like no I don't] Janis: [rolls her eyes but not agressively so add the smirky face, like, 'good job you're pretty, babe'] Jimmy: [bats his eyelashes at her in an OTT way and makes a kissy face, it's almost like Grace is in the room lol] Janis: [makes a vom face and pushes him away 'no, you're dumped, get out'] Jimmy: [hair flip and walk away but not far away thanks] Janis: ['technically, half of these are yours' and shakes the cigs at him] Jimmy: ['not til you say yeah to tying the knot, babe, today the day?'] Janis: ['obviously, this-' gestures around '-is all I really want'] Jimmy: ['obviously'] Janis: [shakes head and sighs, 'least bobby's having fun, like'] Jimmy: [nods because that's the best he could expect as an outcome tbh] Janis: [kicks at his shins but softly not actual 'cheer up'] Jimmy: [is all like oi cos fancy clothes but not actually mad obvs 'alright, challenge accepted'] Janis: [looks at him expectantly] Jimmy: [hits her with a 'what?' as standard] Janis: ['come here, idiot'] Jimmy: [does of course] Janis: [sneaky garden makeouts forever] Jimmy: [take what you can get kids, probably gonna have to go back in before too long] Janis: [Astrid probably having a meltdown so you gotta go in to check on the kid you brought lol] Jimmy: [Indie just gotta leave with her so the numbers are dwindling #awks] Janis: 💔 Jimmy: 🎻🎻💔💔🎻🎻 Janis: really should've scaled this back, all things considered Jimmy: but the 💎💎💎💋🌸🌺🎀 Jimmy: actually would be 💔 Jimmy: it's a 3 💎 event, girl Janis: for who Jimmy: everyone #obvs Janis: I repeat Janis: who Jimmy: your horse would be feeling it if you'd brought her along 👸👑🐴💕 Janis: can't bring a horse for a date Janis: not that kind of horse girl Jimmy: 😂 Janis: gutting, I know Janis: not even afer the honeymoon Jimmy: might be a challenge too far competing with 🐴🍆like, 💪🏆 as I am Jimmy: so you're alright Janis: 😂 Janis: no amount of 🍀 gonna help you Janis: 🤷 soz Jimmy: 💕 meant to help me, Juliet Jimmy: choose me 😍💘 Janis: you've always said how much I love horses so Janis: how could I Jimmy: 😭😭💔💀💀💀 Jimmy: on you go then Jimmy: 👋 Janis: Missed a perfect opportunity to go with fuck you and the horse you rode in on Janis: which is why I already dumped you so Jimmy: missed a perfect opportunity to leave with Indie an' all but I've still got the orchestra to see me out Janis: 🎺 'cos you're not funny Jimmy: bit rude Janis: have we met Jimmy: dunno, my mrs does have a very different #aesthetic Janis: lucky her Jimmy: she's going out with me, she's well lucky #duh Janis: mhmm Janis: I'm gonna politely smile 'til you go away now Jimmy: 👍 Janis: can I trust you not to spike my drink, creeper Janis: too many of my family members are congregating and I can't Jimmy: no need, give it a bit and you'll do the work of being gone yourself, lightweight Janis: fuck off Janis: how you gonna say that when she's stood right there Janis: barely Jimmy: you want me to start comparing you and her? Jimmy: not that thick or ready to 💀💀💀 tah Janis: Changed your tune Jimmy: so fickle me Janis: clearly Jimmy: keeping up with you, I reckon Jimmy: am I dumped or your #goals boyfriend bringing you drinks and whatever else your heart desires? Janis: you wanted the gig Janis: tux sadly not included Jimmy: [obvs brings her drinks tho cos needs them himself anyway] Janis: ['cheers'] Jimmy: sláinte pisshead 💕 Janis: be nice Jimmy: you Janis: I am Janis: so nice Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: where? Janis: [😒] Jimmy: go on, get your #receipts out Janis: why are you being a dick for Jimmy: what are you on about? Janis: [😒 and an actual pout not the emoji kind] Jimmy: [gotta kiss that pout soz fam] Janis: [not soz, claim this corner lads] Jimmy: [being really nice to her rn like come back to meeeeeeeee and be my friend again] Jimmy: [I like to imagine Grace being a salty single from afar] Janis: [when you're so over this whole mood you ain't even arsed about the attention your PDA will get either way] Jimmy: [likewise only care about the bae and making this more bearable for her so soz but not soz at all actually] Janis: ['sorry' when you take a sec 'cos actual] Jimmy: ['it's alright' cos it is and not just saying it] Janis: ['it's stupid but' shrugs 'cos what can you do 'soon as they cut the cake, I swear'] Jimmy: [just snuggling her cos he'll be here as long as it takes and so much love] Janis: [just forgetting your rep and being soft for a sec] Jimmy: [#ultimategoals 5eva nobody else exists bye] Janis: ['I actually fucking love you, you know'] Jimmy: [when you're kissing her but you can't stop smiling the whole time because always gonna get you when she says that] Janis: ['I mean it' not like she doesn't think he believes her but 'cos she do and that's crazy if you ever stop and think about it which they clearly don't #nochill] Jimmy: [giving her the most intense heart eyes cos he knows and it's so mutual] Janis: [just snuggling] Jimmy: [let them have all the moments I am unrepentant af] Jimmy: [just whispering all the nice things to her like how much he loves her and how important all of this is to him etc because he could be saying anything fam its not for you] Janis: [when your face probably looks like you're #scandalized but really it's 'cos it's not saucy and that gets you harder] Jimmy: [if you didn't wanna leave before you really do now so you can just be properly alone gdi] Janis: [gonna have someone cockblock, probably one of your parents trying to talk to you like now lads okay lol] Jimmy: [rude but real] Jimmy: do you wanna just fuck off for a bit after this? Jimmy: catch a train or a lift like Janis: yes Janis: always, like Jimmy: nobody'll be at the caravan if they've all had to come here Jimmy: don't have to be there though Janis: a good base if nothing else Janis: but we can go anywhere Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: have to drop the kid back first, change out of this shit Jimmy: can grab the dog if you're both gonna be 💔💔 Janis: can't you bring the braces 😏 Janis: hmm, maybe Janis: the less responsibilities we leave for Cass/Ian, the less arsed everyone will be Jimmy: depends, are you taking the piss or what? Jimmy: and yeah but that don't mean I'm taking the kids meaning he'll still need me to leave classic FM blasting for him Janis: Would I do a thing like that Janis: you know you still look fit Janis: 🎻 obvs Janis: don't want him to enjoy himself ever Janis: just not ban me and 💀you Jimmy: stop looking at me like that or you'll 💀 me Janis: I can't help it Janis: not my fault everything else in here is offensively 🎀🌺🌸💎💎💋 Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: love you too Jimmy: and how impressively you backhand them compliments Janis: gotta keep you grounded, babe Jimmy: then, as I said, stop looking at me like that, babe Jimmy: #groundednotintheground Janis: you're so Janis: make everyone go away Jimmy: how many bathrooms does this place have? Jimmy: let's hide in one for a bit Janis: more than one Janis: and there ain't enough guests here that they need to be queuing Janis: come interrupt so I can show you Jimmy: [does and can because has never been here before so legit wouldn't know where to go] Janis: [off you run children] Jimmy: [someone'll come find you if they need you for birthday things and you aren't back so take all the moments] Janis: [also none of you are stupid you know what's happening so leave 'em for a hot sec tbh] Jimmy: [mhmm all of y'all have pull these same tricks at some point and we know it] Janis: [exactly dr phil] Jimmy: [do we want skerries again or somewhere different?] Janis: [should go somewhere different why not] Jimmy: [yeah I'm thinking get the train/hitchhike until they are fed up and then just get out cos destination ain't the important bit] Janis: [a mood] Jimmy: [feels real even they come back tomorrow, being gone long isn't the point either really] Janis: [exactly, it's just about leaving]
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littlelostbluejay · 5 years
Dinner In The Wolf’s Den I/3
*This is already posted on my wattpad account*
Part 1 2 3
Oneshot summary: Lucas is on his way home from the club with food on his mind, but it may be something out of the ordinary for Cristi to consider appetizing.
Rating: 18+ (Gets semi-explict at the end)
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Scenery of the metropolitan city flew past the windows of his pickup truck, the gorgeous artificial lights that partially vanquishes the periodic presence of total darkness nightfall provides once the sun descends beyond a line where the skies and earth meets, paves a way for this unearthly inhabitant of an urban center as he drove on the road on his way home.
A while ago, Lucas departed from the energetic venue of a club he visits frequently, pleased by the execution of his performance where little error was found when he supplied his melodic skills into harmony with his live band. Since it was a Friday night in New York City, the establishment was packed with plentiful of people who mingled on the dance floor throughout the night, mainly ones whose visage appeared to belong in the middle age group where a few still held onto their groove they managed to keep since early youth, and many who seemed to fit the visual standards of above twenty-one years. But anyone below that age requirement was denied access into the building, unless there was family involved – the locale's sole purpose was to entertain a specific mature crowd, and the owner did a splendid job at upholding the old fashion décor of the interior that complemented the classic soulful vibe of RnB, Blues, Jazz, and Funky melodies where a few bands performs on stage every week from the amount of people who arrived.
Lucas blew the saxophone, or whom he'd affectionately address the brass instrument by name as his favored 'Dandelion', for about two hours since the beginning of their live performance at seven o clock that night, whilst his associate, a black man who go by a jazz nickname, Bebop, sang out a couple of songs to the lively audience. Lucas and Bebop were the only two singers in their group while the other band mates were only capable of fiddling with instruments, but whereas Bebops's abilities were only limited to singing, Lucas's talents were distinctive in comparison because he could play instruments and sing till his heart's content. And that's exactly what he did later on when Bebop switched spots with him after a short intermission passed, allows the 'Wolf' an opportunity to shine under the spotlight where he offered passionate howls into the mic.
The experience on the platform with the mic against his lips always incited a spike of adrenaline to course through his veins, and that integrated with the high energy which the crowd suffused in waves within the building he absorbed to fuel his stamina, he receives a sensational high off from exerting his vocal capabilities to their limit, putting on a show that keeps the extra cash flowing from people who comes every week. It was a strenuous activity that wasn't for the faint of heart but one he found pleasurable delight in, enjoyed it to the fullest that enabled him to give his all in each gig, and the thought of hitting the hay anytime soon was never considered.
One hand loosely griped the steering wheel, revolving it at a 90-degree angle as he rounded a corner, his head lightly bobbing to the stream of music from the radio on an RnB station as his vehicle neared close to his destination, and on occasion does his eyes take mild interest of the city lights and large buildings he drove by. His other hand hangs out the open window where fresh air blew across his face that offered a sense of fresh relief from the perspiration that lined his forehead. Singing always worked up quite a sweat from the amount of physical effort he put into it, and hunger was definitely a feeling he needed to satisfy after the end of every show. As late as it was, he assumed his wife would have dinner hot and ready for him once he got back home, as if food may redeem herself for not accompanying him, she usually prepared a delicious meal for him if she wasn't going to one of his gigs, not that he didn't complain because she was such a huge supporter to his craft. But Lucas knew huge crowds wasn't her type of scene, but he, nonetheless, appreciated her efforts when she attended his gigs with him.
Once he gently hit the brakes to a complete stop at a red light, he dug his hand into his pants pocket to pull out his cell phone, the pad of his thumb lightly tapping against the screen before he held it to his ear. His fingers drums on the wheel to the beat of the music as the dial rung a few times before the person picks up.
"Hi, honey." A soft note carries over from the other line, gently caresses his ear as the music fades away in the background.
The corner of Lucas's mouth quirks at the sound his wife's voice. "Aye puppy, I'm on my way home, should be there in about -" he pauses to quickly glance at the time, "- I'd say fifteen minutes tops depending on traffic, but it's goin' along smoothly soo far."
"Alright, I'll jus be waiting here doing whatever." He heard her give a tired sigh. "How was the show tonight though? Did a lot of people come?"
"Oh yea, me an the cats blew up the joint. It was the same ole same ole like every week, people throwin' a lot of their bread at us ta pick up off the ground, y'know how it is baybeh, enough for us ta paint this town." He responds in terms considered old-fashioned, outdated for this modern time period he now lived in, unless you were a true bred jazz musician.
"That's good baby, and jus so you'll know I took Butterscotch out on a walk a little earlier." His eyebrows furrowed at this piece of intel she shared with him.
"How early we talkin?"
There was a short pause on the other end of the line before she replies. "Sometime around nine." His eyes roll and presses his foot down on the gas pedal that sets his truck into motion when the light transitioned to a green light.
"Cristi, y'know how I feel 'bout you walkin 'round alone at night, especially when I'm not home." Though he chides her on a soft timbre, hints of annoyance were evident in his voice as Lucas was quick to express his displeasure in her decision making. He was never too fond of her strolling about these streets at night even though she's been doing it for a long time. "Look, these horny dogs out here will snatch up a pretty young thang like you one day then I'll have ta go out and sniff ya out, lookin' ta draw some unfortunate fool's blood for messin' with my lady."
"I know but... I was bored and she was restless so I jus took her out to drain her energy, plus she needed to pee anyway." He heard shuffling on her end. "Are you upset with me?"
Between full lips does he issue a drawled-out sigh at the slight fear in her voice. "Naw, I wouldn't get mad over somethin' lil like that. I'm jus being paranoid for good reason since I literally jus made you my mate, an I emphasize the word 'Mate'. It would kill me if somethin' bad happened to you, ya dig wha' I'm sayin, baby?" Cristi wasn't necessarily great at rejecting a stranger's advances who showed interest in her, which made her an easy target for males to take advantage of her due to her lack of self-confidence, and this insight about her worried him sometimes. She was too...nice. "Aye, at least you were honest with me... I appreciate that." But one thing Lucas loved about her was her veracity, she didn't have to share certain things with him but she did.
"Yea, I'm sorry though."
"Hey, this isn't somethin' ta trip over with an apology, it's pass us now, jus watch yer tail when ya go out, a'write? I know my Butterscotch will protect you, that pup packs quite a powerful bite." He licks his lips and decides to flip the subject. "I'm 'bout to let ya go, love, I'll be pullin' up in a few minutes...jus wanted ta see how ma baybeh was doin."
He listens to her chuckle over the phone. "Ahahaha you're so sweet, honey...I got dinner ready for you by the way."
At the mere mention of food, his stomach gurgles, and couldn't help but grin to himself. "Good lawd, that's music to my ears ya have no idea! I'm soo hungry I could devour a whole buffalo in one single bite, no wait, a whole buffalo an a side of beaver tail as an appetizer with a tubful full of rain water ta wash all that shit down." They both share a laugh as Lucas seemingly goes back to his wild roots when the woods were the only home he ever knew. "Now tha' I think about it, why do they call tha' dish Buffalo Wings? Those are chicken wings, buffalo don't have wings, chicken and buffalo have no correlation to the other whatsoever...I mean, I know it was first created in Buffalo, New York in the 1960's but ya get the idea." He rambled on.
"You're soo crazy."
"Yea?" a small upturn of his lips bears a thoughtful grin as he literally sees her shaking her head at him, "but ya the one crazy for gettin' with a wild man like me dawlin', makin me feel special gurl cause ya chose a dire wolf instead of gettin' with a human, y'know what's up." He teases her lightly. "But listen, one of these days we gonna head up north an I'm gonna cook up somethangs for ya ta try out, taste some high-quality meat I use ta feed on without all em hormones an steroids an shit that America is known for."
"Ohhh! I would love that! We need to talk more about planning a trip soon!" She said with excitement at the very thought of a road trip.
"Yea we will, I got you baby; I got sum wild adventures in store for us so ya can experience a part of my natural world. But I'm 'bout ta go now, love... I'd rather speak ta ya in person so I can see ya beautiful face an talk at the same time."
"Okay, um I'll see you till then, Luke. Bye, love you."
"Love you... see ya in a few, babe." He waits for the click on the receiving end before ending the call, tossing his phone onto the passenger seat as black eyes fixates on the road that led straight towards home.
Lucas pulled up on the curve and shifts his gear into park after he managed to find a space for his automobile outside his building. He stared upward at the grey ceiling of his truck, the back of his head resting against the headrest, not yet ready to exit out the car door as he mulls over his thoughts that suddenly aroused confliction within himself.
During the time on his way home once he got off the phone, an intense desire for something growled in the pit of his stomach – there was no doubt he was hungry, yes, and he anticipated what his wife had in store for him upstairs, but the issue lies in craving raw flesh... fresh, untainted blood actively pumping through the veins of a live creature that was born in the bosom of nature. It was an instinctive pulse of hunger that proved difficult to quell when such desires, brought on by the spirit of his inner wolf, overwhelmed his sense of reasoning and intellectual perception he sought hard to exercise while in the company of humans. Lucas can endure through cravings for a taste of blood for a while until the wolf got what it wanted, what he wanted, what 'Lusio' wanted, no matter how much amount of effort he applied in restraining carnivorous beastly urges that was a part of his nature.
But it seems like tonight would be one of those occurrences the wolf indulges in one of its many animalistic covets for a short while.  
And with this impulsive idea in mind as he sighs in defeat, a grunt left his lips when he leans over to open the small compartment and grabs one of the plastic bags he stored inside for situations like this. Lucas leaves the vehicle before sweeping his hands down his white dress shirt to rid of any wrinkles, deciding to keep his saxophone case and suit jacket inside until he finishes his little hunt. Dark eyes like starry nights above scans his surroundings first, takes note that despite being close to twelve am, how the night was still alive where cars headlights lit up the streets, utilizes his keen hearing abilities for any voices nearby that'll keep him alert in case someone happens to stumble upon him unexpectedly. Someone could always be watching, he had no room for mistakes - to be extra cautious of his environment while living in the city was a necessity to preserve his secret.
Lucas stands tall as he directs his nose upward to the sky for the breeze to drift up his nostrils, sniffs the air in concentration where a multitude of different scents he can distinguish one from the other filling his powerful lungs with each strong swift inhale, and immediately, he catches a fine scent of a furry critter three blocks down from him. It was one of his favorites. Wolfish characteristics emerges in a subtle manner when his tongue laps over his plump lips, licking his chops as saliva accumulated in his mouth at the thought of eating it as a second dinner later that night. He turns on his heel before feet picks up a brisk gait along the sidewalk, heads off in the direction where the scent left a trail in the wind for him to follow.
Lucas twists the doorknob to the entrance of his apartment, the hinge issuing a light squeaking sound as he opened it all the way before crossing through the threshold towards the living room. "Honey, I'm home!" In a loud voice Lucas announces his presence to the inhabitants of his abode, his nose being met with the relaxing scent of burning incense that a while ago had dispersed into the air blended with the delicious aroma of onions and garlic that also integrated itself into the mix.
Upon his annunciation as he shut the door close, Butterscotch lifted her head from between her white paws in interest at her owner's arrival, the adult Pitbull eyes closing when he pets her head in a greeting fashion with a smile before his hand moves down to the little brown bunny, BunBun, to stroke her tiny head in the same manner who laid snuggled up next to the canine inside the dog bed. They had a few pets to care for, a dog, rabbit, and a bird who was now probably asleep since her cage was currently covered by a thin sheet. Lucas also have a raven as a companion who is usually close by somewhere outside.
Lucas props his instrument against the wall next to his piano keyboard, placing his car keys on a side table and tossing his suit jacket onto the sofa. He peeks down into the plastic bag where he stuffed a dead animal inside a while ago, a possum whose fate made an unfortunate turn in its short life when it was caught between Lucas's jaws, and he couldn't wait to eat the creature as a snack. The plastic crumples when he closes the bag, his fingers hooking around the handle as he walks into the kitchen before he stops in his tracks under the archway. His pupils dilate as they grow enamored where they took in the lovely sight of his beautiful wife in front of the stove with a plate in hand as she busily fills it with food. "I'm home, baybeh." He repeats from his position in the doorway, drawing his bottom lip between his teeth as obsidian eyes make an eager rove about her nightwear, mainly consist of a white tank top and low-rise black lace panties, its sheer intricate flower design elegantly hugging the round shape of her backside, barely covers her toned butt cheeks - she earned from squats - left on display in his view for him to admire when he so pleased.
Damn was he a blessed man that mother nature molded her just for him as a gift; he wished he could thank her parents for making an exquisite woman, god bless their souls. Lucas might be a dire wolf, but he still possessed a male mindset who was amorously affected by the physical appearance of a curvaceous woman like any other common man. Only his mate, however, held this type of power over him.
"Yeah, I heard..." she glances over her shoulder, meeting his eyes that grazed over her figure without no hint of embarrassment that she caught him in the act of staring. But she becomes bashful by the way those obsidian eyes observe her with a carnal aspect within his gaze upon what's rightfully his, and such intensity and focus never fails to make her shy away from his lustful stare. "...Sounding like one of those husbands who just got home on tv when shows were still black & white without color."  Cristi conceals her timidity with a tease about his use of old phrases, a small smirk on her lips as she turns her attention back to preparing the plate.
Her comment blinked him out of the enchantment she casts upon him, in which a chuckle bubbles up his throat as he then quickly walked over to the refrigerator before rearranging items on the lowest shelf within to make room for the corpse he shoved into the back of the fridge, hiding it before she could notice. "Yea, well, don' think ya realize it yet, sweetheart, but I was actually born in the 1920's, so that black & white time is still a part of me. Can't shake my fur of it y'know?" Lucas shuts the fridge with a soft thud, and after he takes a moment to ogle her behind once more, he approaches her from behind and presses his front against her back, his muscular arms circling around her waist in a warm embrace. Her body relaxes into his hold as he lowers his head to sniff her tresses - they were separated in twists as part of her natural hair care regimen, the sweet scent of vanilla lavender imbedded between each coiled strand, and his eyes flutter shut as he emits a deep hum at the pleasant scent of her hair. He snoops down over her shoulder at the meal she prepared for dinner. "Well somethin' smells good and looks tasty too." His remark held praise as he examines the scrumptious view of pork-chops with a contribution of fresh, sliced mushrooms added to the recipe, green beans and mashed potatoes in their own separate pots as side dishes, but once his gaze falls on her platter, his eyes widen at how much food she was still pilling on it. "Damn, you gonna eat all'a that baby gurl?"
The ridiculous question makes her grant a breathy scoff in amusement. "Y'know I can't eat all this. This is for you, baby, I don't got a bottomless stomach like you do." She answers in a matter a fact tone that ends in a small laugh, turning her head at an angle to peer up at him before her eyes closes briefly when she felt his soft lips plant a kiss between her eyes.
"There was no need ta make my plate, love. The least I could do was make my own since ya took the time to make dinner for us." His hands rose up in front of her, abruptly catches her off guard as he lifts the plate full of food out of her hands and up over her head with ease due to his height, and sets the dish on the kitchen table before grabbing a clean plate from the dish rack. "Go sit down an rest while I return the favor by makin' yer plate then since ya made mine." It was a gentle command he imposed upon her, but a layer of dominance laid flat beneath the words he uttered.
Lucas appreciated her need to cater to him anyway she was able, but there were times he thought many of the things she did for him was unnecessary, believes that he, instead, should do everything for the both of them as the alpha of the household because the well-known trait expected of an excellent alpha was they took care of the needs of their family pack. But it should be mentioned that another reason stems from the fact that he was used to independence. For decades, Lucas did everything on his own without much help from anybody, he wasn't accustomed to anyone caring for him the way Cristi had; the last person he could think of that gave a semblance of this much love and attention was his wolf mother, although this particular scenario was obviously different because romantic feelings are involved. Nonetheless, he was grateful for the love Cristi has shown in her own special ways, sometimes even when he tells her not to. But it was the thought that counts.
"You're not tired, Luke?" The question fell softly from parted lips as she peers up at him with big doe-eyes that held a pinch of concern, ignores his command for a moment due to being curious about his well-being because he was gone for most of the day; she wasn't sure if he ever had the chance to really rest earlier while he was out and about.
One eye squints while his mouth twists to the side as he thought over her query, only to offer a casual shrug of his shoulders before his free hand gently pushed her aside from blocking the stove. "I'm a'ight, jus a lil bit but it's nothin' ta be concerned about, pumpkin. But y'know me, I don' tire out that easily so don' worry y'self." He assays to soothe Cristi's sensitivity over his welfare, not wanting her to concern herself with his health – he could empathize somewhat with her anxious thoughts because he was a busy man, he did a lot for the both of them. But his assurance proved little to tranquilize her worries for out of the corner of his eye he notices she still stood next to him, so as a motivator to help her listen, he sent a wide-open slap against her butt, startling her with a surprised yelp at the stinging sensation of his strike on her behind. "Go on baybeh get! I got you, stop all tha' worryin' an let me fix my lady's plate." Although he attempted to sound serious, there was laughter hinted in his tone, onyx eyes full of mischief and wanton desire as they followed the hypnotizing motion of her ass bouncing between each hurried step, his wet tongue running across his bottom lip as he watched her rush to the table and sit down like a good girl.
Submissive tendencies of her character were influenced by her upbringing in her youth where obedience was essential to the unfair circumstances she had no control over, which made her easily inclined to act on what Lucas asked of her in general, even the smallest things, for the most part. And as for Lucas, well, he enjoyed the power and sense of authority he had over her to a certain degree, it demonstrated something akin to a predator and prey dynamic between them, especially in the bedroom. But despite his knowledge of her past, he never once exploited her docile characteristics for his own selfish gain, rather, all of what he told her to do was always for her own benefit and interest.
From a short distance away, Cristi chews on her inner cheek in silence while observing him as he gathers food on her plate, brown hues inspecting his attire with his back turned towards her. Lucas looked devilishly handsome in a white dress shirt, the hem tucked inside his beige colored slacks that deliciously fitted around the curve of his firm round buttocks, ones she likes to pinch between her fingers in passing, and what complemented the entire getup was black suspenders he wore that forms a 'X' from behind. Chris didn't know many men in his age group who wore suspenders on occasion as Lucas did, the accessory was part of his old soul, debonair fashion sense which she thought gave a spiffy touch to his appearance, and in her opinion, made him look more masculine and attractive than most guys she's seen – definitely daddy material in her book. And a sense of voyeurism takes hold over her conscious when she embeds her top teeth into her bottom lip, her eyes traveling back and forth from his broad shoulders, down to his nice ass and shoulders repeatedly as she imagines his body on top of hers in bed.
"So," she sighs quietly, body leans forward in her seat before a forearm rests atop the other on the table, exhales slow through her nose to try to calm her nerves that laps at her sudden fire of desire for him, "did anything interesting happen at the club today?" Chris liked asking him what goes on about at the club when she couldn't accompany him, the stories he told were always amusing, there was rarely a dull moment among that wild crowded space he loved soo much.
He cocks his head to the left. "Hmmm nothin' really," was his immediate response as he scooped some green beans onto her plate, "oh wait!" his eyes widen when something in his recollections kicks in, and glances over his shoulder at her, "some woman did sum outta pocket shit by throwin' their god forsaken panties on stage durin' my performance! Wild right?!"
"WHAT?!" In disbelief does she burst out laughing, a hand swiftly raising to muffle her mouth to quell down her giggles, not at all expecting him to say that. "Lucas, you're telling me a random person just threw their underwear on stage outta nowhere?!"
A hearty chuckle rumbled his chest with amusement at her reaction before his attention is brought back to the stove in front of him. "I ain't being a card right now, babe. I mean...I didn't know who in the crowd did it but I swore on my life I heard someone amongst the music scream: Oh Wolf ya sang my panties off!" The last portion of his sentence is where he, to the best of his ability, attempts to mimic the woman's voice in a girly tone, which only made Chris's stomach shake with laughter even more as Lucas joined in with her mirth as well.
Her plate now finished, he grabs a few utensils from a drawer before positioning her food on the table along with the silverware, hunching over enough for Chris to take a chance to show her gratitude by kissing the side of his jaw. "Thank you, honey." And he returns the affectionate gesture when he pressed his lips against her cheek, smiling into the side of her face.
"Anything for my queen." He spoke in a mumble where he addresses his fond regard for her before he sat in his seat beside her around the table's corner. His toned forearms were made visible as he rolls the long sleeves of his shirt up till they stop just above his elbows, and immediately, felt one of her legs brush against his underneath the table, moving it between his longer limbs.
"Did you pick them up?" She asks as she scoops up a spoonful of the white potato glob into her mouth.
"What? Them undergarments? Heh, hell to the no." Lucas expounds with a slight grin on his face, knife and fork in both hands as he began slicing his meat with them. "I ain't gonna shorten my lifespan by getting infected with whatevah diseases tha' broad might have swimming up in her pussy." He pauses to take a big bite out of the pork, chewing on the grub while chattering away. "I'm sure if I touched em knickers, the next thing I know I'll be breakin' out in hives an get diagnosed with AIDS or somethin'. They were white an the shit looked dingy anyways, so I let the janitor do me a favor by picking that trash up."
His words prompt a nasal snort through her nose with a shake her head from side to side, head remains low, eyes on her meal as she stuck her spoon into her mouth where a faint smile graced her lips that conveys amusement at her husband's foolishness. "Wooow, that is the funniest thing I heard this week."  Chris knew he wouldn't ever think to pick up someone's unclean underwear, but it was fun to at least hear what he would say because she figured she'd get a good laugh out of it.
"Yea?" He arches a thick brow while his tongue wipes across his top row of white teeth to get rid of any remnants of food trapped between them, and the corner of his lips curves ever so slightly. "I gotta few other tales tha's bound ta bring a smile to tha' face, dawlin'." He reaches a hand towards her, caresses the smooth surface of her cheek with the back of his finger that called forth a blush to rise upon her features beneath his stare; it always made him feel good when he could make her laugh, it made him keenly mindful of where her state of mind laid in regards to their relationship - if she was happy, he was happy too.  
They went without exchangeable words for a few seconds while dining. Chris consumed small bites, was hardly done with her food in contrast to Lucas who was in the process of gobbling everything down like he hadn't an ounce of sustenance all day. He licked his lips as he looked at what remained left on his platter, which composed of some green beans. Carnivorous instincts were bred into his psyche and it made no surprise that Lucas preferred meat more so than vegetables, but whatever dish Chris prepared for them, veggies or not, it would be disrespectful to not eat what she cooked. "This was a good meal, love." He issued words of praise that exhibits his satisfaction to her cooking skills, his fork pricking the last bit of greens before placing them in his mouth. "Thanks for makin' it an for fixin' my plate."
She gave a slow nod that was accompanied by a closed, modest smile. "Yeah," she shrugs a shoulder as if her accomplishment wasn't nothing, but nonetheless content that he expressed his pleasure in what she cooked, "I tried my best to remember your recipe so..." She said in reference to the garlic butter pork-chops she made by following his special recipe.
"And succeeded." Underneath the table his long legs stretch out far as he reclines back in his seat, muscles seemingly relax where he slouches, eyelids droop half-way as he observes her eat at a slow pace with a warm grin set on his full lips. "This old wolf will make a fine chef outta ya yet, jus ya watch."
"Riight." Her eyes roll in a playful manner as she starts cutting her pork-chop with her knife, a thought crossing her mind from earlier when he first arrived home. "What did you bring home earlier?"
The simple question that falls forth out her mouth causes a rapid blinking of his eyes, feels his heart skip a beat in unspoken surprise as muscles in his shoulders once loose of stress now grew tense from the image that sprang in his mind's eye. The animal carcass he hived away in the back of the fridge! And caught in the moment before he could fully process his thoughts, he decides to resort to playing dumb. "What?"
She swallows her food before speaking again. "Y'know, in that bag you brought with you. You took more than fifteen minutes to come back home, remember?" Cristi utilizes her excellent memory to explain, but she was unaware of where he put it because she was busy over the stove. "Did you pick something up at the store on the way back?"
He lifts a hand for long fingers to rub the shaven surface of his jaw, the cool texture of a few rings that adorns his digits rubbing against his skin, his mouth slightly ajar as his tongue clicks inside his mouth while thoughts race to conjure a plausible statement that wouldn't disclose his secret. "Yeah, uh, I did." His voice titters on the edge of nervousness as he bounces his leg, a characteristic unusual for anybody to witness in the limits of his personality that often demonstrated confidence and sureness of self. "But it's nothin you'll be interested in, jus sum protein for ya man ta be big an strong ta fight off em dirty dogs that be tryin' ta sniff ya tail, y'know how it is, baybeh..." It wasn't a whole lie because meat, no matter if cooked or raw, was still protein in his book. But it was near impossible to slip a lie around his mate; he hoped her empathetic ability to detect untruthful words wasn't operating at this time. He didn't realize she even noticed of the bag.
Lucas never spoke an utterance to her about his vile cravings. Cristi was incognizant of Lucas sneaking dead animals into their apartment at night and feeding on them uncooked, raw chunks of flesh that included the bones as well, and although he's certain she should reckon such wretched behavior to be expectant of his species, he couldn't bring himself to express this part of himself to her in fear of being judged, labeled as disgusting and possibly a savage. But after every feeding he prioritized a sufficient extreme cleansing of his face and mouth to rid of germs and bacteria whereas is not harmful to him, but may be harmful to her body, which was the least he could do.
And to his utter relief, she didn't think too much of his response. "Oh, okay then."
"Wha' about you, Cristi?" He tilts his head to the left, brushes his leg against hers as he straightens his spine before leaning forward in his seat, and quickly switches topics from (the bag) him to her because he never got the chance to ask about how her day went. "Did the city treat my baybeh alright?"
They're conversation proceeds with Chris speaking of events that transpired from the day before: her job at the New York Public Library and what she did at home, which involved working on a new personal artistic piece while he was at the club. Lucas been finished with his plate, but he wanted to talk while waiting for her to finish the remains of her food. The private times they ate together, breakfast, lunch and dinner, were filled with discussions where they checked on the other, exchanged plans, and shared their personal projects outside the house, anything that passes their minds were brought up at the table.
With now a full stomach, a low hum resonates up her throat in contentment once she sets her silverware down and leans back in her chair as she releases a yawn, signifies she was finished with her meal for the night. Lucas grabs their empty plates, and after shoving the scraps in the trash, he walks over to the sink to busy his hands by washing the debris off the platters down the drain. Chris wasn't the only one who kept their apartment clean; Lucas contributed his services in the housework every so often to lessen the burden on her, despite him being a little messy and disorganized with his own things, but who's to say her wolf bae didn't try?
As he occupied himself with washing the dishware, Chris exited the kitchen, stifling a giggle as she ambled close to Butterscotch and Bunbun who both appeared to have fallen asleep in the dog bed; the canine and bunny looked adorable snuggled up together, she trusted the pibble to not harm her brown mini rex rabbit whom was in her care for years sometime after she got this apartment. Bunbun, along with Sapphire, were her first sense of companionship before she eventually, as shy as she was, developed friendships with some people. But her pets were the first friends she ever had, and she loves them dearly.
"C'mon sweetie." She whispers gently as her hands wraps around the furry little critter, in the process rouses Bunbun awake as Chris holds her in her arms while fingers thread themselves between her incredibly soft fur as she strokes her. She sat on her knees to put Bunbun in her cage, grabs a handful of hay which the bunny begins munching on as soon as she placed it inside for her to eat. Chris stood to her feet, turning around to see Lucas staring at her from his spot in the entrance of the kitchen who had his thumbs hooked under his suspenders with his gaze fixated on her.
"I'm bout ta go hop in the shower." Within his voice breathes a low, smoky aftertaste that saturates the timbre he speaks, and from where she stands in the darkness of the living room, notices how the color of his irises switches from its normal inky pigmentation to that of a cryptic yellow, bright orbs you'll only encounter flickering amongst the abundant foliage of the woods where nocturnal creatures dwell in the desolate company of creeping shadows by nightfall. His next sentence drops an invitation of sorts as he takes one step forward, eyes half-lid that held a simmering calm smolder for the young women who stands in his line of vision. "Ya mind joining me, sugah plum? I'll make it worth yer while."
The gleam of his eyes, however gentle they reflected back onto her person, sent a cold chill that spilled down the length of her spine. Yes, Lucas was her husband whom she loved with all her heart, but Cristi could never determine whether to be frightened or turned on by him, it was complicated; she summarized the perspective of these feelings towards him were a mixture of both: arousal and intimidation that his unearthly essence set her mind on edge. Nonetheless, it gave her a certain type of thrill considered dangerous that she's unable to express in words, like she was sticking her hand in the mouth of a wolf, all the while, foolishly places her trust in its predatory jaws to not chomp down on her.
And although she felt this way from time to time, his suggestive words produce a pool of wetness to leak onto the material of her panties from between her folds, envisions on the mental screen in her imagination of themselves engaged in the sexual acts of lovemaking beneath the streaming showerhead. The bathtub was a common place where they had sex and she didn't doubt it was something he had on his mind at this very moment, but if she was to be honest, she was tired, unsure if her body possess the vigor that such an activity demands to keep up with him. "You seriously have energy for 'that' right now?"
From the depths of his chest brings forth the arrival of a deep, sexy chuckle at her remark, recognizes the low intensity and huskiness of each breath as his gaze descends to concentrate on unbuckling his suspenders, and tosses the straps onto the leather couch before swaggering forward to meet her half way as she walks up to him. The crinkle about his mouth present a sly grin as an arm sneaks around her waist while his left hand dips behind her where he grabs a handful of her ass, her breasts smushing against his ribs as he then pulls her against the front of his body. "Dawlin', one thang ya need ta know about me is I'm never too tired for a good solid fuck." His voice pours into her ear canal like fine red wine, the soft, velvet fluidity that saturates his timbre causing her body to flood with spicy warmth, and she peers up into Lucas's haunting eyes where a mystical glow inhabits them, somehow finds the strength to suppress a moan at the feel of his warm breath that breezes over the expanse of her face as words continues rolling off his tongue. "But if yer tired, I have no problem doin' all the dirty work for you...all lil mama gotta do is back that ass up on daddy an ya get a ride for free." She watches his tongue peek out to lick the side of his upper lip, feeling his hand dip into the tight space of her lace black underwear from behind. "It's fairly easy...anyone can do it baby..."
Her breath hitches as she averts her gaze for a second, top teeth gently nibbling on the plush mound of her bottom lip as she considers his tempting offer while staring at the middle of his dark chest where his dress shirt was unbuttoned, eyes focuses on a round jewel that hangs from his necklace. "I am sleepy b-but..." she swallows a thick lump in her throat at the sudden feeling of his clothed member that teasingly presses on her lower stomach, results in a larger pool of her juices to gush involuntary between her legs as her words trail off course.
It didn't take much for Lucas to awaken the sexual prowess hidden within the depths of her shy nature, and her temperature was steadily rising as his palm rounded the curve of her backside, his fingers inches away from her slit that drips with burning desire for the feel of him inside her.
"Look at me, sweetheart." On a calm note he utters a gentle command, all the while, raises his hand from her waist to grip the twists of her hair, compels the release of a soft moan when her jaw falls open as her neck cranes so she may be forced to look up at him, doesn't give her an option in the matter at all. And as she stares at him, discovers his canines had extended their length on the verge of surpassing the line of his lips. In the dark room, her vision was slow to adjust to the low light, but his eyes swirls with evidential lust that appears to intensify their radiance as he held strong eye contact with her submissive brown orbs, his handsome visage dangling on both borders of man and beast as the top of his ears develop a pointy edge. But his level of sex appeal had amplified significantly with a dash of fear his countenance now officially displays, solely exclusive for her to behold.
"Yo body tells me otherwise cause tha' sweet pussy of yours smells wide awake an ready ta play, mama." With the aid of his keen sense of smell that grants him intel of her state of mind, Lucas utilizes this secretive knowledge about her sexual awakening by means of the feminine scent her womanhood diffuses into the air to his advantage. But in the way his fingertips easily slicks between the slippery smoothness of her juicy folds, forces her eyes to squeeze shut as a quiet moan crawls up her throat, tells him much. And with her neck now exposed to him, a gasp escapes her when she feels his mouth assault her neck, his soft lips sucking hard on her sensitive skin. Cristi embeds her teeth between her lower lip as she felt him tightly tug at her hair follicles that jerks her head back even more.
His thick wet muscle leaves streaks of sloppy saliva within the crook of her neck, switching the motions of his full lips between sucking and lapping over honey flavored areas the most erogenous he anticipates would get her heart pumping with lustful excitement. "Uhng L-lu..." Wrinkles emerge on the back of his shirt where her hands clutch the white cloth, expels out puffs of air from parted lips as her thighs squeezes together while he orbits a sturdy finger around the entrance of her womanhood in a teasing manner, pulling her small body flush against him that space between them was nonexistent.
"What ya doin' wearin' these tight ass panties gurl?" Hot air breathes onto her neck that became moist by the dampness of his hungry mouth, drags his bottom lip agonizingly slow up along her neck, and she shudders as his plump lips lightly brush against the shell of her ear where he murmurs in a sultry whisper. "Watchin tha' fat ass bouncing as ya walk all over the place. It's like ya wanted yo pussy ta get this dick wet tonight, was tha' yer plan baby?" His words, as well as his breath that induces ripples of goosebumps to run across the skin of her arms as it tickles her ear, sends a fresh wave of heat to course throughout her body as her heartbeat escalates to new heights.
"I-I jus..." Cristi stutters as the small pain where the sharp point of his lower and top fangs gives a tiny pinch at the lobe of her ear, and gently pulls it as his throat emits a low hum before slithering his tongue over the soft flesh. Lucas wasn't even deep in her guts yet and already she struggles to form a complete sentence. Her body was ultra sensitive to his touch. "I j-just wanted to b-be comfortable." She confesses, although within her subconscious foresaw this encounter of a possibility to happen.
"Hmmm...is tha' so..." He only hums in response as his hips push hard against her stomach, his manhood steadily making its presence known she can feel as his member prods her repeatedly when he starts dry humping her. "Not gonna lie that these look sexy as fuck on you," he removes his fingers from her heat, prompts her to whine from the lost contact of his finger that now gently tugs at the lace helm of her undergarment. And his eyes fall shut as he shifts the position of his head to rub his face over her own, breathes heavy through his nostrils as his face nuzzles cheek to cheek against hers as the affectionate maneuver forces her head to shift in whichever direction he moves - a lovesome gesture often seen amongst animals that demonstrates their love for the other, "but my dick wanna get comfortable inside yer walls. I'm sure ya pussy can handle it with all that nectar drippin' as water from the shower drenches our bodies, hot steam rising around us, yea?" He incorporates lascivious imagery in his words that implies the events that will take place in a few minutes from now, exercises his skills of storytelling to paint a picture in her mind, brings forth energy of pure lust for him.
"Can ya see it?" Glowing yellow eyes peeks at her through his lashes when his eyelids pry open, releases his grip on her hair before sliding the same hand down to rest on her upper back with a little pressure applied.
"Mmm Wolf yes..."
"Do you taste the water slidin' down my chest, baybeh? Ya like how I taste?"
"Y-ye -" Before Cristi could utter a word, Lucas catches her off guard when she feels the plush surface of his lips smothering her own, creates a wave of tingles to scatter across her body as his lips assaults her with an insatiable hunger for her flavor. His eyes squeeze tight, eyebrows furrowed as he moves his mouth against hers, their lips molding and conforming as they glide over the other, their loud moans filling the space as their heads shifts at different angles, and feels her small hands traveling up and down his back before they rest on his butt, her small palms squeezing a handful of his deliciously firm buttocks. Not that he didn't mind the gesture at all, but he couldn't repress his amusement as he smiles into the kiss when he felt her grope his glutes, and in response, he smacks her ass.
Lucas was an absolute master at this; he knew exactly, EXACTLY, what to say and how to say it to get Chris yearning with desire for him. And the fact that he was well endowed with a huge package, it was a requirement to ascertain she was soaking wet in order to accommodate him with as little pain as possible. His human mate was quiet and rather meek like a mother doe, but she transforms into a naughty vixen while in the heat of the moment who enjoyed being dominated by her one and only wolf.
His heart pounds against the cage of his ribs as their tongues dance in motion through an open mouth kiss, takes into consideration by offering proper care in the way – for the moment - his pointy fangs avoid piercing her tongue. She wraps her arms around his neck to pull him closer as Lucas turns them around, backing Cristi up as he guides her backwards in the direction of the bathroom without breaking their lips from each other. Once they get inside, his hand roughly pats the tile wall for the light switch, and though Cristi wishes for them to not part when the light brightens the bathroom, her lips grow cold from the lack of warmth of his mouth when he separates from her. But a slim line of saliva connects their lips as they split apart, the wet trail only breaking in two as he stands to his full height with a breathy huff, his hands on her waist as he takes a good look at her.
The urge to bite his lip is granted as Lucas analyzes the bouncy movement of her breast heaving up and down where she exhales heavy breaths of air, notices the outline of her thick nipples poking through the thin material of her tank top without the concealment of a bra, the lascivious sight sending a strong electric charge of arousal towards his dick that twitches visibly in his boxer briefs. Cristi, on the other hand, licks her lips while her eyes remained locked on the huge bulge protruding through the fabric of his pants. Lucas wasn't completely hard but even semi-flaccid he was packing tremendously; the thought made her clit throb with want and empty walls aching to be filled up by the thickness of his length she knew she can't ever handle, but that didn't stop his little mate from pining after his cock. She extends a curious hand towards his groin to feel him, but her motion is held on pause when he stops her by grabbing her wrist, causes her to stare up at him with subtle confusion as he holds her back, realizes his ears had shrunk to normal size and registers his eyes were now their regular midnight black.
"Ah ah ah, my dear, patience." Sharp fangs decorate the mischievous grin that settles in place on his full lips as Lucas waves a teasing finger in her face, and to her disbelief, she watches his left hand slowly slide down his torso till he reaches his crotch, and through thick lips he expels a sexy groan as he clutches his big member. His ringed fingers fondle the large mass of his juicy bulge and rubs his hand up and down before giving his palm a soft thrust of his hips - all this carried out while a smug, lopsided toothy smile laid stretched across his handsome face as he silently gauges her reaction to his lecherous gesticulations. "Ya like when I play with myself, baby?"
Obvious traces of lust and frustration were etched upon soft features where an overwhelming rise of heat blossoms within her cheeks, unmistakably flustered, hot and bothered as she observes him touch himself in front of her, making her gulp. "L-Lucas c'mon stop playin'." Cristi was beyond aroused, wide awake, and somewhat embarrassed of her own lewd actions, suddenly feel her panties become overly drenched with her fluids, so much so that her slimy wetness seeps through the cloth and smears between the skin of her inner thighs, the more she stares at the motions of his hand massaging his bulge. Lucas loves to take his time to give her a little tease and was, as she'll put it, extremely kinky.
Beneath the low hood of his dark eyes he examines her facial expressions, and with his right hand wrapped around her wrist, he leads her hand to touch his shirt where her palm lays flat on his torso, her fingers grazing the small buttons of his garb. "What I need ya to do is unbutton me first. Think ya can do that for me?"
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