#vampire harry
moonchildstyles · 8 months
can we get a chiaroscuro blurb where maybe harry chases petal around? like a game but it takes a spicy turn 👀
wordcount: 8.4k+
(Y/N) fumbled with her keys as she took the short scale of steps to the front door of the manor, her hands full of grocery bags she was too stubborn to make more than one trip for. She could feel her back sweating under the heavy cardigan dropped over her form, the sun far too bright and warm given the time of year. 
Just when she thought she had the grip right, her keys fell to her feet and out of reach. An exasperated huff fell from her lips. She should have just called Harry to help when she made it home.
Bending carefully to keep her grocery bags from tumbling out of her arms, she blindly reached around for her keys. Her fingers grazed the stoop with no such luck, her annoyance growing just as the heavy door to the manor swung open. 
"My love, is everything al—What are you doing on the ground?" Harry rushed, urgency entering his voice once he caught sight of her struggle, "What happened? Are you hurt?"
He was at her side in a blink, immediately taking the bags from her arms and steadying her. He took stock of her, a familiar expression striking his features; he was worried, near frantic attempting to find where she could have been injured.
"I'm okay," she shook her head, grateful for him taking some of the burden from her hands, "I just thought I wouldn't have to make more than one trip, then I dropped my keys and it's just—I don't know, it's too hot outside." 
A pinch creased Harry's brows, giving him wrinkles that would disappear the second he smoothed his features. "Why didn't you call for me? I would have helped you, petal." 
She shook her head, following after Harry with her keys in hand and only a single grocery bag into the manor. "It's too sunny. I thought I could make it, so I didn't want to make you come out if you didn't have to." 
"I can handle some sun, darling," he assured her, getting her safely inside the manor before he closed the door and sealed out the unseasonal sunshine, "Especially if it is for you." 
A small smile curled over her lips at his declaration. Of course he would say that it is worth it to potentially combust or go blind if it meant that he could help her bring her groceries in. 
It was sweet—and only a little stupid. 
Marching off to the kitchen, Harry didn't wait before he began unpacking all of her items and placing them within the cabinets and fridge. (Y/N) did little more than perching on the countertop, knowing that he wouldn't allow any kind of help since she had already gone through the trouble to shop herself (on his dime, though he never let her use that against him in the argument). She knew he could have it done in a matter of seconds, but he tended to refrain from using his supernatural abilities in moments like this, insisting she made him want to slow down and feel normal with her. That left her to watch as he bubbled around, unpacking with the reusable bags being folded away for another time. 
The sight brought her back to her first night at the manor, before she had even met him. The kitchen had been so clumsily stocked with the strangest variety of ingredients. Neither him nor Niall had any idea of what a human needed to make a proper meal. 
"Has the forecast changed at all for this afternoon?" (Y/N) asked, not bothering to take her eyes off him as he worked. 
A grim line settled on his lips. "Not as far as I know. I am starting to worry I won't be able to accompany you later." 
Her mouth edged into a soft pout. "Really?"
"'M afraid so, my love," he said, an apologetic quirk to his lips.
"I don't want to go if you can't come, though," (Y/N) argued, kicking her feet from where she sat on the counter. She was just a moment away from pulling out her phone and rain checking on Charlotte for another day. 
"You should still go, petal," Harry countered, putting away the last ingredient before he drifted to stand between her spread thighs, "Do not cancel on my account." 
"But the whole point of today was so you could meet my friends. It kind of defeats the purpose if you don't come with me." She would have to tell them he came down with something, and reschedule to a day with a promise of cloudy weather. 
His lips were still in a thin line when he settled his hands on her thighs, a chill seeping through the denim of her jeans. "I do not want you to miss out on your friends and your human activities on my account. I don't think it's fair." 
"I see Charlotte and the others plenty, H," she said, placing her own hands on his with her palms warming his skin, "Today really was going to mostly be about you. Plus, I know Charlotte kind of loves it when I cancel, so she can stay in with her boyfriend instead. They'll understand." 
With the pinch between his brows only winding tighter, (Y/N) knew he was far from convinced but when he peeked up at her through his lashes, she could tell he wasn't going to argue. "Only if you are sure, my love. Please, if you change your mind, do not feel bad about leaving me here. I want you to do whatever makes you happiest." 
"I will," she settled with a small smile, despite knowing that her happiest would be found right here in the manor with him. 
Curling her fingers around his own, she held onto his hands as she leant towards him and pressed a small kiss to his lips. 
It was Harry that chased after her when she began to pull away, ensuring she wasn't far before the chill of his mouth was once again buttoned to her own. She smiled into his kiss.
"Are you happy I'm staying home now?" she asked against his mouth, causing him to push his kiss to the corner of her mouth. 
He paused, his hands flexing around the full of her thighs. 
"Perhaps a little."
"Let me finish this one section. Then I am all yours, petal." 
Harry's murmured voice was quiet in the middle of his studio, barely much louder than the swish of his brush over the canvas propped in front of his stool. His palette was full of color, the evidence of the last hour of work he'd put into the finishing layer of his latest piece. 
(Y/N) couldn't contain the heavy sigh she heaved as she draped herself over his form. Her arms dangled down over his shoulders, her face pressed cheek to cheek with his. A pout was on her lips as she watched him make changes so subtle she could barely even notice them. 
This wasn't exactly what she had in mind when she cancelled her day plans.
He'd been at this for what felt like forever, and (Y/N) had been itching to pry him away for at least the last twenty minutes. She could hardly stand still, let alone actually watch him. 
It was his fault, really. 
It was Harry who had used the early hours of the afternoon to make a batch of sugary cupcakes, complete with chocolate frosting and raspberry compote shoved in the middle. After being the taste tester during the making and stealing a couple once they were cooled, (Y/N) was now experiencing what she could only call a sugar high and wanted Harry's attention more than anything. (Though she wasn't up to admit it, the late afternoon latte she made out of boredom probably had more than just a little to do with the extra energy).
She impatiently watched him make another minute stroke, adding a barely there brush of white highlight on a bush. The sound of his brush swirling through paint on his palette had her jaw ticking.
"Are you done yet?"
A huff of laughter left Harry's lips. "Almost, my love. What has gotten into you, may I ask?" 
"I'm bored, and I want to play with you," she pouted, curling her arms around him in a clumsy hug. 
"Yeah?" he prompted, his smile audible, "What would you like to play, hm?" 
He was only teasing her, she was sure. He hadn't even stopped painted when he spoke. (Y/N) deflated, sinking into his shoulders. "I don't know." 
The change in her inflection had Harry pushing his palette to the side, his full attention landing on her as he twirled on his stool to face her. He collected her hands in his, the glamoured green of his eyes wavering in distress. 
"I didn't mean to upset you, love—I promise I was only teasing," he pleaded with her, canting his head with his cool hands squeezing hers. 
Maybe it was a bit awful of her, but she couldn't help herself but to poke just a hair further to get what she wanted. 
"It's okay," she told him, though she played up the moment with her mouth in a pout, "Will you hang out with me now? Please?" 
"Of course, my love," he rushed out, standing to the full of his height with his hands still wrapped around hers, "Anything you want, we will do. I am at your disposal." 
Perhaps she hadn't thought her little plan through quite as well as needed, (Y/N) realized. She didn't even know what she wanted to do, only knowing that she wanted to erase her boredom and she wanted Harry to be there when she did. 
Rolling her lips between her teeth, she flitted her eyes away from his own intense gaze. "You pick." 
"Me?" Harry pressed, serious expression on his features. His hands around hers shifted until he had their fingers laced together, his thumb running along the outside of hers.
(Y/N) shrugged, almost wishing she had let him continue painting instead of this. "I didn't think this far ahead." 
His face softened into a gentle smile, his brows loosening with  his eyes almost glimmering as he gazed at her. "Okay," he sounded, "I will think of something, then. Your only job is to tell me if you think you would have fun."
A furrow touched his brows much to (Y/N)'s delight. He always looked especially cute when he was concentrating like this. 
"I can do that," she smiled at him, happy to have his attention after the long afternoon. 
It only took a beat before Harry was flicking his gaze to match hers. "What is something humans do when they cannot go outside? What kind of activities would y'play when you were unable to go out?" 
The question had (Y/N) thinking back to the days before Harry—before the rain and the clouds were their best friends. "Probably read or watch a movie or something," she answered, "I have too much energy, though—none of that sounds fun." 
It was Harry's turn to puff his lips into a pout, his gaze dropping to their joined hands and growing distant with his thoughts whirring. "Okay," he drawled, "Are there any games that sound fun to you, petal?" 
Sifting through her memories like a rolodex, (Y/N) pinged on something she hadn't thought about in years. "When I was a kid," she started, "Me and my sister would play stupid things like tag or hide and seek if we couldn't play outside. I was never very good at it, but I think it could be fun." 
The smile that bloomed on his face told her that he had it all figured out then. "Let us do that, petal. We can still play even if it's only the two of us, yes?" 
"Hide and seek?" (Y/N) clarified, unable to keep her own lips from stretching into a grin as she saw his own. 
"Yes!" he bubbled, entirely too giddy over a childhood game, "That would be fun, wouldn't it? You would not be bored while playing, right?" 
A peal of laughter fell from (Y/N)'s lips at his declaration, her energy bouncing off of his. "You're going to win every time, though. You'll always know where I am." 
"I swear I will not pay attention," he assured her, "No cheating, I promise." 
A bubbly smile drew (Y/N)'s features with soft curves. The manor was so big, this was the kind of place she would have killed to play such a game in when she was a kid. She just had to hope Harry wouldn't find her too easily when it was his turn. 
"Okay," (Y/N) sang, using her grip on his hands to lead him out of the studio, "But, you're hiding first."
"Now?" he blanched, looking taken aback as if he hadn't suggested this game himself. 
"Yes, now," (Y/N) laughed, pushing Harry out into the hallway with her ands untangling from his, "I'm going to start counting, and if you're not hiding, I still win if I catch you." 
(Y/N) didn't wait for a reaction, instead turning her back to him with her hands covering her eyes. She began counting loudly for him to hear. After a moment of lag, his footsteps finally began to retreat, disappearing in a blink by the time she had counted to fifteen. If not for her eyes already being closed, she would have rolled them; Harry was already using his abilities to his advantage despite just vowing not to cheat. She continued counting through her smile.
While (Y/N) couldn't remember the exact rule from her childhood, she was sure she didn't count for as long as she was supposed to. He didn't need that much time anyway, she decided. He'd probably already found a hiding space as soon as he disappeared. 
Entering into the hall and leaving the studio behind, she couldn't help that rush of adrenaline that always came with this kind of game. While she was technically the hunter in this scenario, she felt those nervous butterflies every time she peeked around a corner or peered into a dark room, anticipating the sight of Harry waiting for her. It didn't help that he could be completely silent when he wanted, leaving her with no warning of where he would spring up. 
Her search took her through much of the first floor before she grew antsy and trekked up the staircase towards his wing of the manor. While he didn't spend too much time in his bedroom any more after moving into her lighter chambers, it was still a space he knew better than anywhere else. 
Though much of the decor had shifted in the house, leaving behind some of the more grotesque paintings and ominous sculptures, this wing of the manor still contained those relics of the past. She had insisted that he keep his space as he had it, not wanting him to change everything just because she was now a part of his life. That left her padding down the dark hallway with the blank white eyes of the demonic cherubs following after her. Sobbing angels and puddles of blood littered the backgrounds of these scenes, taking (Y/N) back to the early days when she had first arrived at the manor. 
Curling her sweater sleeves over her hands against a phantom chill in the corridor, she peeked into the various rooms lining the hall. Her heart beat heavy in her ears every time she pulled open a door, expecting to see Harry's pale features shining through the dark. Her paced breathing and footsteps were the only other sounds to be heard in the silent passage. 
She saved his bedroom for last, this being the only room she was actually familiar with in the hall. Her stomach was flooded with butterflies as she twisted the knob, pushing open the door before crossing the threshold into the chilly room. Goosebumps pricked her skin as she stepped inside, not bothering to flick on the lights as if that would break the effect of the game—as if she wasn't starting to actually grow spooked. 
His room was still decked in velvet and silk, golden and black features streaming throughout. She could still clearly recall the night she had tucked herself under the heavy duvet, waiting out the monsters that had called to her outside. She remembered the way Harry had tried to soothe her in the night, when her sleep had grown restless. How that moment had felt like a dream only for it to be one of the first pages in their story.
Her breath caught in her throat when she swore she saw a shadow move behind the drawn curtains. 
Stepping on silent feet, she ventured further into his bedroom, hesitantly peeking around his wardrobe and even chancing a look inside. Each attempt was fruitless as she changed her direction towards the bathroom attached to the room. 
There was a static in the air, the kind that made her sure there was someone else sharing this space with her, but there was no Harry to be seen. The hinges of the bathroom door creaked just as she felt a set of hands land on her shoulder. 
"Found you." 
Harry's breath washed over the side of her neck, a shiver running down her spine at the same time she startled in her spot. Her heart skyrocketed to her throat, beating heavy behind her ribs and echoing in her ears.
Spinning to face him with her hand to her neck and mouth dropped in a gasp, she looked to him with accusing eyes. "You scared me! I'm supposed to be finding you!" 
"I'm sorry," he said through an amused smile that did nothing for his point, "You walked past me twice, petal. I couldn't wait any longer." 
Settling in her skin, (Y/N) was able to pout over her lost game. "I would have found you." 
"I am sure y'would have, my love, but now y'can relax. I could hear your heart beating like you were running a marathon." 
Sometimes she forgot just how in tune with her body he was; he knew everything, many of them she barely even noticed herself. Nothing was overlooked. 
"I was right to be scared," she countered, her skin warming as he dropped his hands from her shoulders to follow the length of her arms down to her hands, "You ended up scaring me just like I thought you would." 
"Darling," he drawled, ducking his head to be level with her gaze, "I really didn't mean to—I was hoping I would make you laugh, that's all." 
Collecting her into his arms, Harry hugged her against his chest in apology. As much as she wanted to believe him, (Y/N) could still feel that smile of his, complete with both dimples, as he tucked his face into the warmth of her neck. 
"It's okay, H," she murmured, nonetheless reciprocating his hug with her arms around his neck. He sunk into her hold, heavy and adoring as he relaxed. With her mouth by his ear, she whispered, "Your turn." 
With that, she pushed off of him, laughter spilling from her lips as she scuttled out of his bedroom. Heading towards the staircase at the end of the corridor, she turned around with a beaming smile just to see him looking after her like she thought he would. The sight made her grin that much larger. 
"Start counting—and no cheating!" 
All but sprinting through the manor, (Y/N) left him behind, finally working out that giddy energy she'd been holding onto through the afternoon. While she knew there was little chance that this was going to be a very fair game given the fact that he couldn't turn off his senses, she still wanted to have fun and see if she could confuse him and have even a minute chance at winning. 
In an attempt to play dirty, she ran around the manor, traipsing through the kitchen, her bedroom, the art studio, any door she could get through without wasting too much time to leave her scent any and everywhere. Her heartbeat and breathing were going to be her giveaways, but this could buy her time if Harry fell for it. 
By the time she knew she was closing in on the remainder of her time, she settled on hiding in the laundry room. The room had two entrances—one opening to what used to be considered a maid's quarters, and the other out into the hallway. Leaving the door to the hallway open in hopes of through him off, she tucked herself out of sight. She fixed her eyes on the slight crack in the open door with the maid's entrance to her back. 
The longer (Y/N) stayed tucked away, the more that familiar anticipation crept in. Though, instead of being the hunter, she was now the hunted, sitting like a duck as she waited to be caught. The worst part was how silent Harry would undoubtedly be—she wouldn't even know she had been found until he had his hands on her. 
Keeping her eyes fixed to the crack in the door, (Y/N) waited. It took everything to keep from wriggling and giving away her spot, despite the growing buzz in her stomach that urged her to run or use the restroom (the juvenile urge being one she only really felt while playing this game, she realized). He must be staying as true as he could to his vow of no cheating since he was taking his time to make it through the manor, his speed being left in his bedroom. 
Out of nowhere, there was a creak from a floorboard heard down the hallway. (Y/N) clamped her mouth shut, pacing her breathing as if that would help. At least she knew where he was now. 
Her gaze never strayed from where she could see just a sliver out into the hall, waiting to see the green knit of his sweater. The longer she waited, the harder her heart beat. There was no other creak or sound of movement telling her where he could have retreated. 
She rolled her lips between her teeth. Could she chance a shift in her spot, just to see I she could spot him elsewhere?
A breath too late, from the corner of her eye she saw a familiar green sweater and pale features. 
"Harry, no," she laughed right as he caught her with his hands landing on the soft curve of her waist, "You cheated!" 
Tugging her to his chest, Harry pulled her out of hiding and right to him. A wondrous light had settled in his eyes as he took in her laughter. "How did I cheat? I gave you plenty of time, petal." 
"You're not allowed to be so quiet," she argued, already pulling away from his embrace, "Go hide, it's my turn." 
Harry didn't let her get very far before he was pulling her back to his chest, dipping his head down and leveling his gaze with hers. "No, I won. I found you," he smiled, tipping his chin to press his lips to the soft of hers.
(Y/N) drew away first, keeping herself from getting distracted. Energy was still trickling through her system, she didn't want to stop now. "I know, so it's my turn again." 
Chasing after her, another kiss was planted over her mouth. He spoke against her lips, "No, I win. I get m'prize now." 
She laughed into his kiss, Harry swallowing the sound between his parted lips. "Your prize?" 
Pulling away just enough to match her gaze with his nose bushing hers, amusement sparkled in his eyes. "Are you not my winnings?" 
A spark bubbled under her skin, meeting with lingering butterflies that had her slipping out of his arms. He was always going to win in the end, but she was going to get in as many rounds as she could before then. 
"Fine," she relented, shooting him an excitable smile as she bounced on her feet, "but you have to catch me first." 
With that, she shot out of the laundry room, slipping out of his reach. A bright smile was on her lips as she pictured the look on she had undoubtedly left on his face. It wasn't until she had ran her way down the hall, reaching a corner that she peered over her shoulder. 
Harry had only followed her far enough to be peeking out into the corridor, a furrow to his brow and slight quirk to his lips.  "Where do you think you're going?"
"I don't know!" she giggled, skidding around the corner before popping her head around to peek at him once more, "And, no cheating!" 
She heard his laugh as she sped down the winding hall and towards the staircase. There was no clear destination in mind, just knowing that she wanted to make a little bit of trouble for him before she was caught. 
The fact that he hadn't reached her already told her that he had listened to her rules, but that didn't mean he was very far behind if the sound of his rapid footsteps was anything to go by. 
By the time she made it to the sitting room, murals of the heavens watching as she raced through, she could hear Harry's barely a heartbeat behind her. Daring to peek over her shoulder, she could see him descending the stairs, a furrow to his brow until he caught her looking. Then, he had a splitting grin on his face.
A giddy peal of laughter fell from her lips as she ran harder from him, feeling that adrenaline leak into her system knowing that he was right there. It would be so easy for him to use his supernatural traits and catch her before she took her next step, but he was letting her keep her little game up. He was enjoying the chase.
He followed her into the kitchen where she slid her socked feet across the floor, catching her balance before she could tumble to the floor. The close call had just that much more energy hitting her system.
"Be careful, petal," Harry scolded her, having just barely caught her near miss. 
"No," she laughed, knowing she sounded a bit like a petulant child before she was off again. She could hear his own huff of laughter from where she left him behind. 
It didn't take long before she felt the stretch of Harry's fingers graze the back of her sweater, the beats of his feet just behind her. She yelped at the touch, instinctively trying to throw him off by zagging towards the stairs once more. Before she could lead him up, he closed the distance and wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her away from the steps. 
"We are not going to run up the stairs like this, petal," he laughed, not even a little out of breath as he tucked her back to his chest. 
"You cheated at the end," she accused in a pant, laughing as she tilted her head back to look up at him.
His features were upside down from where she gazed down at her, smug smile on his lips. "Perhaps, but I still win." 
Before she could argue, he had her spun around in his arms. The world spun around her as Harry threw her over his shoulder, her hips settled on the cuff of his shoulder with her arms dangling down his back and legs kicking in front of him. His arm created a bar across the backs of her thighs, keeping her steady as she wriggled over him.
"I get to take you away now, petal," he declared, starting towards the stairs on much more steady feet this time, "No more running from me." 
"I thought you said we were going to play whatever I wanted today," she faux-whined, clinging to him as he reached the landing of the second level. 
"I think you'll like this break from your game, puppy," he answered simply. 
She was sure they both felt the change in the pace of her heart then. With that one word, she knew he was right. She was going to enjoy whatever game he wanted to put on now. 
Pushing into their bedroom, (Y/N) was unceremoniously plopped onto the bed, unmade bedding rustling around her. The mattress bounced under her back just as Harry settled followed, crawling to the middle of the bed to sit himself between her thighs. 
His weight had her sinking into the plush sheets with her thighs spread wide to accept his hips against her own. A heady bulge pressed against her core as he buried his face against her neck. The tip of his nose skimmed over the column of her throat, her skin breaking into goosebumps at the touch. She could feel the smile curling on his lips at her reaction.
Bringing her hands up to tangle through his hair, she hiked her thigh around the cuff of his hip. The chill of his lips held that much more of an effect on her when he pressed them o her heated throat. 
"What's gotten into you?" she asked, preening under the attention.
Harry's response came in between the smattering of kisses he gave to her neck, the scratch of his teeth sending a shiver down her spine. "I liked chasing you," he murmured against her skin, words melting into her pores, "Jus' wanted to catch you and take you away." 
(Y/N) felt breathless at his admission. That wasn't the intended effect she had been going for with her game, but she couldn't say she didn't like it.
"Take me away to do what?" she pressed, wanting nothing more than to have his voice wash over her with every minute detail that came to mind. 
"To fuck you, puppy," he answered simply, taking her breath away when he scraped his teeth against the well-bitten spot on her neck. "You know that."
Her reaction was enough to spur him on as he sucked a mark onto the hollow of her throat. Her fingers coiled in his curls, arching into him with her head tipping to the side to give him more skin to roam. Harry happily took advantage, teasing her with nips at the curve of her neck once he was satisfied with the faint mark he left behind on her skin.
"You want that too, puppy?" Harry murmured against her throat, the full of his lips pillowing over the goosebumps on her skin, "Want me to fuck you?" 
She didn't even think before she was nodding as best she could with her cheek pressed to the mattress, her mouth dropped in a breathless gasp. Harry's smug smile could be felt against her neck before he drew back, matching her eyes with his own intense gaze.
"Say it." 
Her heart hammered against her rib cage, her thighs squeezing around his hips. How her stupid game of hide and seek led to this, she wasn't sure, but she was willing to do it again every day if this was the kind of effect it had on Harry. 
When she didn't immediately answer him, Harry pulled one of his hands up and lightly tapped on her warm cheek with his three middle fingers. 
"C'mon, puppy. I wanna hear y'say it." 
Though it was far from the filthiest thing she's said for him or he's said to her, she still felt her skin warm and throat bob as she followed his instruction. 
"I want you to fuck me, Harry." 
His eyes fell to her lips, watching her mouth form the words and her breathless voice carry them out. There was a note of pride in his gaze as he took in her obedience. 
"I can do that for you, petal." 
Ducking his head down, he smeared his lips against hers, tongue slipping inside her mouth and sampling a taste of her own. (Y/N) raked her fingers through his hair, nails grazing his scalp as she leant into every bit of affection he offered. She locked her thighs around his hips, every sweep of his tongue causing a pulse of the muscles. 
Wordlessly, he slipped his arms around her cradling her to him just before he rolled them over in the tufts of their bedding. In a breath, without having separated from their kiss, he had placed himself underneath her form. (Y/N) sat in his lap, knees bracketing his hips with Harry's legs bent at the knee behind her to keep her steady in her place. Once she caught up with her body, she startled, instinctively reaching to place her palms on his shoulders as she drew away from his mouth with her kiss-swollen lips in a gape. 
Harry's pupils were blown wide as he looked up at her, his bottom lip fit snugly between his teeth. "Haven't had you on top in a while, huh, puppy?" 
Despite talking as if he expected an answer from her, Harry rocked his hips underneath hers, effectively robbing any chance of speech. (Y/N) could only shake her head—it really had been a while since she'd been the one above. 
Pleased with her eager breathlessness, Harry dropped his hand to fit the curve of her waist, a slight flex of his fingers pushing dents into the soft skin. "Show me how you're going to ride me, petal. I want to see you to work for my cock." 
He spoke with no reservations, commanding with all the affection in the world embedded in his tone. There was no way she could say no to that. She wanted to give him everything just as much as he did for her.
Digging her fingertips into the broad of his shoulders, she steadied herself with her knees on either side of him. His legs behind her were the easiest way to keep herself steady as she started rocking herself on his lap, using his thighs to lean against with every roll of her hips.. The bulge of his cock pressed headily against her core with each brush, her stomach tightening along with her breathless lungs. 
"Y'can do better than that, darling," he taunted, his voice playfully mocking, "I know you don't expect me to be gentle today, right? Not after y'made me chase you around just to get you all pretty in my lap. Gonna take more than this to get my cock in you." 
Taking advantage of his grip on her waist, Harry took over, bouncing her on his lap as if to show what he was looking for from her. The rhythm of her grinding was dismissed as he pumped her over his cock, his thighs spreading at her back as her ass dropped into his lap over and over, his cock pressing directly against her clit through the fabric of her pants. Small moans managed to escape from (Y/N)'s throat even with the squeeze of her lungs. 
"This is better, right, puppy?" 
"Uh-huh, uh-huh," she breathed, her eyes fluttering to a close. It was better than her grinding, but nowhere near as satisfying as stuffing his cock inside. "More, pl-please." 
His lips curled her words. "Y'think you're ready to do this on m'cock? Even if I don't help you?" 
The nod of her head was automatic, no extra thought given to whatever parameters he gave her. She could make anything work as long as she got out of her clothes and had her pussy full of him.
Harry stopped bouncing her then, his hands stilling as he kept her from moving herself. (Y/N) wanted to whine, to complain that he had stopped her just as he shushed her with a kiss, leaning up to meet her lips. 
"Do not pout, puppy. Can't fuck y'through my clothes, can I? At least not the way y'like." 
With that, (Y/N) didn't hesitate to climb off his lap and rid herself of her clothes. Her sweater and pants became a messy pile on the floor with her panties soon following. She heard a soft laugh sound from behind her when she flung her bra onto the floor in her haste. Despite the chill glancing over her skin, (Y/N) didn't wait before crawling back into Harry's just-as-cold embrace. 
He welcomed her back into his lap readily, his cock hard between his thighs. She felt her own core tighten at the sight of his blocked muscles, the creamy pallor of his skin making his tattoos look that much darker. His gaze was its own aphrodisiac as he pinned his eyes to her form kneeling over his lap, drinking her in just as much as she did him. 
"So gorgeous, darling," he told her, his voice a gentle coo compared to the hard lines of his body, "If I could dream at all, it would be of you. You know that, right?" 
"I dream of you, every night," she told him sweetly as if she wasn't inches above his hardened cock, her center slick and waiting for him. 
"Good dreams?" he asked, just as he always did with a dimpled smile on his lips. 
"The best," she declared, fitting her hands on his shoulders with her knees sinking into the mattress on either side of his hips. 
"Give me a kiss, puppy," he crooned, tipping his chin just right to give her access to his lips. 
Pressing her mouth to his, Harry took the lead with his hands cupping the full of her hips. He welcomed the warmth of her kiss, swiping his tongue over hers with the slick parting sounds of their lips filling the quiet bedroom. 
"Ready to take me, puppy?" Harry breathed against her lips, unwilling to pull too far away. 
"Please," was (Y/N)'s cooed response before melding her lips to his once more. 
Using his hold on her hips, Harry eased (Y/N) onto his cock. He fit the tip inside her wet center, swallowing the gasp she let out against his mouth. Her hands on his shoulders were tight as he helped her sink down his length. Her toes curled on either side of his form, her thighs clenching the further inside he pushed. Harry took his time, leaving (Y/N) to feel every inch of him with every spread of her walls to let him in. 
Once he bottomed out, the trimmed thatch of hair at his base pressing to her clit and his balls patting her ass, (Y/N) felt her insides pulse around him, her stomach tight in her middle. Harry's hands on her sides tightened, denting the soft flesh with his fingertips. 
"Feel good, puppy?" he murmured with a strain, pausing as he let her adjust to him, "Full?" 
"Uh-huh," she mindlessly answered, swearing she could feel him jump against her walls, "So full." 
A moan bubbled up from his chest, low and rumbling. He trailed his lips from her mouth to the soft apple of her cheek, basking in her warmth as he reflected it back. His lips were a cool point of clarity against her skin, his nose skimming the height of her cheekbone. He planted his line of kisses until he landed at the space just before her ear. 
"Ready for me to fuck you, puppy? Jus' like I promised?" he murmured into her ear, gently shifting his hips under hers as if to remind her he was still there. 
The only response he seemed to need was the soft coo of his name that fell from her mouth, soft and wanting. As if there were any world that existed where she denied his offer. 
Harry began to bounce her on his lap, his hands tight on her hips as her mouth dropped into a wordless gape. The thrusts he helped her make were short and shallow, lifting her only halfway off his cock before she was slammed down once more, her clit nudging his base with his tip hitting far walls she decided only existed for him. Her breathing came out in soft huffs every time her hips settled against his in soft slaps. 
He attempted to smatter more kisses against her cheek, but was stopped short in his own pleasure. She could feel the soft gape of his lips against her skin, the length of his lashes grazing her cheek as he clamped them shut while falling into the feel of her. 
Despite his early threat of leaving her to do the work all by herself, she barely had to do anything more than take it as he rocked his hips to meet the thrusts he was curating with her in his lap. She could feel her breasts moving with every thrust, peaks hardened as she attempted to draw herself closer to his chest and feel more of his chilled skin against her. 
"Harry, I—" she choked out, her voice dying in her throat as she threw her head back after a particularly harsh thrust of his hips against hers. 
"I know, petal, I know," he murmured, gaining some of his composure as he dropped his mouth to her throat. It was there that he could feel the thrum of her pulse, just under the soft skin he was accustomed to sinking his teeth into and leaving bruised and delicate in his wake. "I've got you, puppy. Gonna make me cum, you know that?" 
Her thighs clenched at the thought of him cumming inside her, feeling that warmth leak through her system. Her nails dug deeper into his shoulders, drawing him that much closer to her. 
"You want that? Want me to cum inside you? Make you mine again?" 
He asked these things as if she could answer—as if she had half the mind to say anything other than a pathetic moan or a clench of her hands over his body. Of course she wanted that; of course she wanted to feel him cum inside her and stake his claim. She wanted anything he was willing to give. 
"Tell me, puppy," Harry commanded, his gentle tone forgone for the moment as his grip on her hips harshened, "Not gonna let you cum with me if y'don't talk to me." 
"I want that, I want that," she rushed out, unwilling to test his threat, "Want you to cum in me, H. Please." 
"Good girl, pup. Always doing what I say, " he murmured, quietly praising her as if she couldn't hear him. "So, so, so good. Gonna make me cum so hard—shit." 
One of his hands slipped from her hip, fitting between their bodies before he pressed his fingers to the bud of her clit. The first touch of his cold fingertips took her breath, stunting her lungs with her mouth dropping open in a soundless moan. Harry continued his relentless thrusting, the rhythm deep and consistent, adding to the twisting feeling of her clit being circled. Despite Harry being the one that had wanted this, dragging her to their bedroom in the first place, she doubted he would be the first to finish under these circumstances.
Tracing one of her hands up from the shelf of his shoulder, she laced her fingers through the curls on her back of his head. It took all her attention to keep herself from growing distracted once she curled her fingers through the waves in a firm grip. Tipping her head to the side, she urged him to the soft skin of her throat. 
"H-Harry, please," she begged, hoping he would understand what she wanted without having to waste the time to spell it out. 
A heavy moan fell from his lips when he saw what she was directing him towards. His cock jumped in her pussy, his tip pressing headily against the ridges of her walls, his hips directing a particularly harsh thrust against hers, splitting her open that much more.
"Y'want me to bite you, darling? Fuck, you're so sexy, puppy." 
She didn't need to do anything more than pathetically breathe out a small uh-huh before she felt that faint scratch of his teeth over the delicate skin. A shudder traveled down her spine, the rhythm of Harry's thrusting not even skipping a beat. 
"Hold onto me, puppy," Harry murmured just a breath before she felt the slice of his teeth sinking into her skin. 
For the first time since pushing inside her, the rocking of his hips stuttered in their curated pace. Bottomed out, he rolled his hips into her with her clit still being prodded by his fingertips. The initial sting of his teeth lasted barely a heartbeat for (Y/N) before she was flooded with the euphoria Harry was already experiencing. Whatever it was that made his bite so dizzying was doing its job by melting her into his hold, turning her completely pliant and ready to be any and everything he wanted. The soft press of his lips around the bite was the cut of clarity she needed in that moment, otherwise she would have been lost in the sound of his low moan and the all encompassing hold he had on her. 
(Y/N)'s head was elsewhere, focusing only on him as she felt her stomach tighten with every pull of blood he took from her. Unsure of where the strength came from, she managed to whimper in a breathless voice, "I'm-I'm gonna cum, Harry." 
His response came in the form of a rumbling groan, his remaining hand on her hip snaking around to curl around her middle. She could feel the strength of his touch, complimented by a harsh thrust against her swollen pussy. His touch on her clit quickened, making her cry out once more in a shapeless moan. 
It was all too much, bringing a layer of tears to her closed eyes just before everything came to a head. The twist in her stomach tightened until it unraveled into a shredded ribbon. Her walls pulsed around his cock, her wetness gushing around him with slick noises sounding from where he sunk into her. When those first waves hit, her nails digging into his shoulder with her head thrown back, she felt Harry unlatch from her neck just as his own high hit. 
"Oh—fuck—puppy," he groaned, his movements lagging as soon as she felt the first wave of his cum hit inside her.
He dropped his forehead to rest on the shelf of her collarbone, his hips rocking against hers as best as he could manage the more he sunk into the pleasure of her taste in his mouth and her pussy around his cock. Her walls shuddered around him, her thighs closing in on his hips as her body clung to him. Every rope warmed her compared to his icy touch, prolonging her pleasure that much longer until she could feel him slowing down.
Coming down to earth in slow beats, Harry wrapped his arms around her, leaving (Y/N) to melt into his hold. Her eyes were shuttered closed, her heart beating hard against her ribcage. Looping her own arms around his neck, she buried her face in the mussed curls on the top of his head. Her breathing came in pants as the world reluctantly came into focus around her. 
Harry seemed to recover first, stirring in her arms until he was pressing his lips against her collarbones and dragging them across her décolletage. He painted a delicate trail, never fully lifting his mouth from her skin as he moved up towards her throat. Pausing over the spot he had bitten from, he swiping his tongue carefully over the small wound he'd made, taking care to clean up the small mess he'd left behind and sealing her bite before he made his way towards her jaw. He skimmed over the soft line, his nose glancing off her skin just as carefully. Tipping her head up, (Y/N) met him halfway, tenderly placing her lips against his. 
He was always terribly careful when kissing her after having bitten from her, never wanting to give her a taste of anything too human on his tongue. He allowed only a small press before he was pulling away and puckering against the corner of her mouth to the apple of her cheek and the tip of her nose. 
"Are y'alright, petal?" he murmured against her skin, shuffling until he was laying flat on his back with her atop him. The shifting had his softening cock brushing against her sensitive walls, a small shudder skating down the knobs of her spine. 
"I'm okay," she breathed, blinking her eyes open to see his own still shuttered—and they would stay that way until he was certain there was no more bloody red sclera for her to see. "Are you?"
His features softened into a warm smile, matching the slight flush that had been freshly added to his cheeks. "I am more than well, darling. Thank you for asking." 
A plume of laughter fell from her lips as she settled against him. She knew she should probably get up and dress in something warm enough to cuddle with him, clean herself up before completely relaxing, but she couldn't find the motivation to move off of him. He was far too comfortable, his hold too rewarding to give up in favor of putting on a shirt before she was shivering in his hold.
Harry seemed to have other ideas as he shifted under her. "Let's clean you up, petal. Then, I can put you to sleep while I make dinner, yes?" 
"No," she countered with a whine, clinging to him before he could move them from the haven of their bed, "Not yet."
She felt his laugh more than she heard it from where she laid against his chest. He tightened his hold around her as he dropped a smiling kiss to the crown of her head. "Not even if I come with you?" he bribed, hoping to coax her with the soft inflection on his voice and careful touch as he tightened his hold around her, "We can even nap afterwards, if you'd like. You'll feel better after changing, my love."
"You'll go with me?" she repeated, her voice decidedly smaller as she spoke against his skin. It didn't sound so bad if he cleaned up with her (that usually meant he did all the work anyway, picking out her clothes and washing her hair without her lifting a finger).
"Mhm," he hummed, collecting her against his chest as he started to shift on the mattress, moving stand with her still clinging to his form. "Can't leave my petal all alone after a game like that, can I?" 
(Y/N) could only shake her head, playing along with him as he carried her into the bathroom. 
She definitely liked his games a lot more than her own. 
first vamp h blurb in a while esp a fun one so I hope everyone likes it! thank u sm for reading, sorry for any mistakes, and if yu have any ideas you wnat too share please send them in!
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flymetosnarryland · 2 months
A little sip.
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I'm not even there yet ( ˘・з・) but getting closer, uh-huh.
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jarofstyles · 11 months
FICTOBER DAY 21- I Still Feel Your Lips
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Warnings- cockwarming, vampire!h, blood mention
“I still feel your lips, no matter how far away you are.” Harry whispered into her chest, nuzzled into it as he laid on top of her. 
Returning from a trip, he had fallen right back into his lover's arms. As much as Y/N understood that the vampire had to delegate his tasks, she didn’t like being held alone in their room at the castle. He had been gone for just a fortnight and she had been feeling thoroughly neglected when he barged into her room. He’d left early, crawling into bed with his human and smattering kissing all over the skin her nightgown left exposed. As soon as she was in his arms again, she gave in. sighing happily as his cool mouth nipped and kissed and licked her skin, all the way up to her neck which she promptly nodded at him to get him to feed. He hadn’t since he left. 
Feeding was intimate, it was something the vampire used to despise before he had Y/N. His skin used to crawl as he had to seduce and glamour the humans into giving him a bite, compelling them to forget all about him as soon as he left the dingy alleys or pubs or parties he would find his prey at. Having a feeder, a dedicated human to provide such a thing had never been his initial plan- but Y/N seemed to his exception to everything. 
Her head was still buzzing and floaty from the bite, the warm feeling cocooning her as his caresses and close proximity grounded her, tethering her to the plush bed he had dubbed as their own. While most did not sleep in the same room as their feeders, Y/N had pushed that boundary of his until it was ground into dust. He couldn’t rest without knowing she was sleeping soundly in his arms. Lips brushed her throat, making sure she was clean of her own blood before they moved to connect to her sleepy ones. Harry had arrived in the middle of the night, but she was happy to be awoken by his minty, parchment scent. He’d stripped of everything but his briefs, pulling the blankets on top of them and let the candles stay lit. 
“Please.” She whispered, curling her leg around him. “I don’t sleep well without you inside me.” It felt pathetic to beg for, but he’d gotten her into the habit. Tucking his hard prick inside of her and let her feel full as he rubbed her slippery clit to orgasm, letting her fall asleep with him safely inside of her and waking her the next day with his slow thrusts. Harry had made her addicted to him, but when he whispered to her about how she must have been made for him- she had the mind to agree with him. 
“Oh, my sweet. M’sorry.” He cooed. “M’sorry. I know, my poor thing.” His croon made her shiver, feeling his hand slip between them to pull the fabric covering him away. “I was so focused on your taste. I missed you so…” Her heat was almost too much, making his teeth clench and nostrils flare as he smelled her musky sweetness. She had been waiting for him, his precious human girl. There was little time wasted before he slipped the tip inside, hissing quietly at the feel of her heat trying to take him in. 
“Yes-Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She babbled, only quiet when his mouth covered hers and he slowly filled her up to the brim. She could feel him stretching her just as her body craved, every ridge and vein falling back to the place it needed to be. It took a few moments, heavy balls tucked snug against her ass as he let his weight lay on her and his cock fill her in the way he knew she needed so badly. His thumb stayed connected between them, rubbing tender circles on her swollen clit as her breathing picked up. 
“You’re welcome. I missed this.” He sighed, the click of their lips connecting and pulling apart sounding again. “Missed you dearly. They offered me one of their feeders but.. I said no. No one else tastes as good, feels as good as you. I felt revolted at the idea.” His words made her whine, which he promptly shushed. “No, my sweet. You are the only one who I want. Taste divine, keep my cock warm and wet… No one else could ever compare. I counted the minutes until I could return to our bed.” His thumb rubbing back and forth made her toes curl, head tilting back and baring her neck for him all over again. She loved feeling him bite her, even not being fed from. The pinpricks from his teeth, the marks they left. She loved being owned by him. She’d been scared when he had originally brought up the proposition, but couldn’t imagine herself anywhere else. 
The vampire knew what she was asking for, biting down over the columb of her throat and feeling her tighten up on him as her clit throbbed against his wet thumb, her arms tight around his neck. This was the euphoria both of them had become completely and utterly addicted to.  Neither could see it ending. “Come on now, darling. Soak me and close those pretty eyes. You’ve not slept well.. I will take you fully in the morning, but you need release, and then rest.” He purred. Let me take care of you, as you do to me.”
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ladderofyears · 1 year
Harry’s vampire teeth are sharp. Draco can’t miss the hunger in his lover’s eyes. He shivers, half-fearful, half-aroused. Tonight, he’ll join Harry for eternity.
“Are you sure?” Harry asks. “Once I begin, I won’t be able to stop.”
“I’m ready,” Draco says, stepping closer, bearing his throat. “I want this.”
Fifty words.
For @microficmay
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
Just a Taste**
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A harryween one shot about an unlucky man and an unfortunate curse! I have been writing this ALL day! LOL This is very different than anything I have ever written in my life, I hope you guys like it!
WC: 7.1k
Warnings: 18+ only! Dark Harry, self-mutilation, Smut with knife and blood play!
Y/N couldn’t put a finger on what it could be, but she just knew Harry wasn’t feeling well. Him sleeping in was an indicator of that, he was a morning person, and now it was 8am and he was still fast asleep, it was off.He was looking a little pale and as she watched him sleep she sat beside him on the edge of the bed and nibbled on her lip as she reached out to feel his forehead, he wasn’t overly hot. As she pulled her hand back he stirred awake. “Morning, love.” He mumbled, his voice was hoarse and deep from his sleep and she smiled at him.
“Morning, babe. You feeling OK?” She asked him with concern.
“I-yeah, just a little weird.” He said and she bit her lip.
“What do you mean weird?” 
“Like exhausted, I feel physically drained.” He grumbled and she creased her eyebrows.
“Yeah, have been feeling a little sore the last few days, but now I just feel exhausted.” He said as he fluttered his eyes closed again. She rubbed at his shoulder as he just laid there as she thought about what they did a few days ago and she lit up.
“Baby, we went to that flea market a few days ago, remember?” She asked and he hummed tiredly, “Maybe you caught a bug or something?” She asked and he nodded, “Are you hungry?” She asked him and he shook his head.
“OK. Are you gonna stay home?” Y/N asked him.
“Yeah.” He mumbled and she nodded and she leaned in to kiss the top of his head and he stiffened up a bit, which was strange, but she just let it go.
“I love you, I’ll call at lunch OK? See if you need anything.” She said sweetly and he just nodded. 
After a few minutes she was gone and Harry sat up and rubbed at his eyes, this had to be a fucked up dream of some sort. What he told her was the truth, he had been feeling weird and now he felt like did after a vigorous cardio session, he felt like his limbs were jello, almost as if he were dehydrated or starved. And for some reason when she had leaned in to kiss him, with her neck right up near his nose, he could smell her and almost hear the blood flowing through her veins, it made his mouth water and it scared him. 
It had bee happening the last few days actually. Since they went out to the flea market. That night she had made them steak fajitas for dinner and just seeing her massaging the seasoning into the meat made his stomach growl in delight. He passed it off as hunger as they had only shared some fries at the flea market and he was quite literally starved. But then the next day at their bookstore one of their employees cut himself with the box cutter and when Harry rushed over to help he found that he could smell his blood and as he hurriedly wrapped a  napkin around his finger and the blood started to soak into it his mouth watered. He had an urge to just wring out the napkin and taste the blood. He had to call in Y/N to help because that wasn’t normal. Later that night in cycling class he could hear the blood pumping hard and fast through everyone’s veins. Their quickened pulses were like a siren song to him, he wanted to get up close to someone and hear their heart pounding away. Then the next morning while he was shaving he nicked himself lightly above his lip and without thinking he reached his tongue up to lick up the blood that bordered his lip and it tasted so good. He did it a couple times before he decided that he just needed the bleeding to stop and not perpetuate it, but it was a little bit hard to stop. After that little taste his mouth felt dry all the time despite him hydrating, he would only salivate when he smelled blood.
He was scared to tell Y/N, his fiancé about this, how would she react? He had been researching things about what he was feeling and ended up on some subreddit about blood kinks and he knew that wasn’t the answer because it wasn’t arousing him sexually, he just was hyperaware of blood. Then he dared to just google vampires and he went down this rabbit hole of vampirism and curses revolving around blood thirst - that seemed more like what he was dealing with. He even checked his entire body for possible bites or strange marks and he found nothing. During his search for answers he ended up finding a bookstore that specialized in mythical and magic texts  and he decided that he needed to go and see if he could find anything about how to make this go away.
Despite the state he was in he took a hot shower and started getting ready to go out to this book shop. He didn’t feel cold per se, but he felt weak, almost as if he were anemic or had low blood pressure. Being the fall, it was a bit chilly out already so he put on his red corduroy pants, a white t-shirt, he then slipped on his socks and went over to his little jewelry box and slipped on a few rings. Rings were his favorite accessory because he liked that everyone could see them and it was nice and inexpensive to grow his selection since he thrifted a lot of them or got them at the flea market or antique shops. He then went over to the front door and shoved his feet into his vans, tucking his index finger into the heels of the shoes to get them into place. He then shrugged on his black coat and dropped his wallet into the deep inner pocket and he put on his earphones and switched on some music before locking up and heading out. 
Harry took the tube and what a mistake that was, it was packed and despite blocking out the sounds of thumping hearts and blood roaring through people’s veins he could still smell it off a few people nearby who likely had injuries or other things. His grip on the pole he was supporting himself on was so tight that he could feel his fingers throbbing a bit in pain. Finally, his exit was approaching and he hurried out of the loaded train car quickly. Harry mapped his way to the shop from there and after about a ten minute walk he was turning onto a smaller and less crowded street and he could see his destination just down the dead end street. He rushed over and pushed the glass door open, a few jingling bells signaled his arrival into the dark and desolate shop. It had distinct old book smell but it was also mixed in with incense and what kind of smelled like sage. There were shelves of books inside along with other overcrowded tables and displays of knickknacks that those kooky new-age folks believed in. He started walking down one of the aisles between the book cases, looking left to right, he wasn’t even sure what he was looking for.
“Hello?” He called out as he walked in, removing his headphones and stuffing them into his pocket. The wood boards of the floor creaked under his weight. It was a little creepy in here. He heard some creaking an aisle over and he crouched a bit to look into the aisle through an empty space on the book shelf but he didn’t see anyone there.
“How did you find this place?” He heard from behind him and he quite literally jumped in his place and turned around quickly. He felt cold as the wave of fear passed through his body and made his back feel tingly and for his stomach to twist with nerves. His eyes were wide as he took in the woman before him. She was at least in her late 40’s and had visible streaks of grey in her otherwise dark hair. She was wearing these thick-frame glasses that didn’t exactly fit her facial features. She was dressed like she worked as a fortune teller at a carnival and had an array of rings on her fingers, much like him and several crystal necklaces hanging around her neck. Her neck. He zeroed in on it and for some reason he couldn’t smell or hear this person’s blood. He looked perplexed and she looked at him oddly, it put an unsettling feeling in his body.
“Hi.” He breathed out nervously.
“How did you find this place?” She repeated again.
“The Internet, on an online forum.” He said nervously and she creased her eyebrows as she took him in. There was something dark hanging over him, she could see it in his aura, but it couldn’t quite get to him. Harry felt frozen in place, still reeling from the scare she gave him, but  also from the way she was staring at him, studying him. As if she was looking around him and through him and then her eyes widened and out of nowhere she pulled out a little flask and splashed him with water and she recoiled quickly as he scoffed, the water landed on his face, a droplet getting into his eye, making it tear up.
“What the hell?!” He scoffed in irritation as he rubbed his eye and he could see that she looked at him with even more concern and confusion, “What the hell was that?” He asked her and she stayed quiet as she studied him a bit more before she spoke up.
“Holy water.” She responded, still keeping her distance.
“Do you just douse every potential customer that walks in here?” He scolded her.
“Why are you here?” She asked and he scoffed.
“To find a book or something.” He said, “Why else?”
“Something plagues you.” She said simply and he scoffed. He didn’t believe in any of these weird mystical things but this was his last resort right now, “I can see it around you. It’s dark and it trying to consume you, but it can’t.” She said and he suddenly felt nervous.
“Wait, really?” He asked her and she nodded, “It lusts for the essence of life.” She said quietly and his breath hitched, “I just don’t understand why it can’t get inside.” She said as she stepped closer and he froze as her hand came up to hover over his forehead and down his face, neck, and finally his chest and her eyes averted down to it and she saw he had a chain around his neck and she reached forward and untucked it from his t-shirt, a cross. “Vampires can’t go near crosses, did you know that?” She asked.
“I mean, I’ve heard that from films.” He said and she hummed, “They also cannot withstand holy water, it burns their skin like acid.” She said and he frowned.
“You were just willing to risk that by splashing my face?” He asked, clearly upset.
“I saw the darkness that loomed over you and acted defensively before you could attack.” She said simply.
“What? Why would I attack you? Wait. Did you say vampire?” He asked in concern and she nodded.
“The darkness of the curse of blood thirst is breaking through you. It wants to consume you. You can feel it can’t you?” She asked and his throat felt dry again as he thought about the last few days, “Dark and unnatural urges are consuming you, aren’t they? That’s why you’re here.” She said and he nodded.
“I don’t know what to do.” He whispered with fear and she shook her head.
“It cannot be stopped. You are strong, but it will consume you eventually.” She warned, “The bite always overtakes it’s recipients one way or another.” She stated and he shook his head.
“There’s got to be a mistake, lady. I was not bitten by anything.” He said and she smiled.
“Blood lusting demons are fast and efficient and their mark is evident even if you don’t recall it happening.”
“That’s what I mean, there is no mark. Anywhere.” He explained and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, “Trust me I checked every spot of my body and there it not even a scratch on me.” He said, “But I do have a need to…taste blood.” He admitted.  
“When did this start?” She asked.
“Like four days ago.” He said and she hummed, that was far too long for a vampire bite not to take, “I can smell it and hear it and just yesterday I cut myself and I tried it and it made me want more. It’s…scaring me.” He said quietly. She brought her hand up to feel at his forehead.
“You are not cold. You wear a cross. You did not burn with the holy water, but your aura is clouded with a vampiric curse and you have a thirst for human blood.” She said aloud, “Come with me.” She ordered as she walked past him and he followed her up to the cashier counter, “Wait here.” She muttered and he nodded as she rushed off. Harry sighed and brought his hands up to the counter, his fingers drummed against its surface as he waited nervously. She soon was coming around with several books in her arms and she set them down with a thump. She looked down at his hands resting as if nothing on the juniper and ash wood blended counter, both a deterrent for the undead and a myriad of supernatural and dark creatures. As she looked at his hands she gasped and he jumped yet again in fright.
“Jesus, what?!” He asked, bringing his right hand to his heart, the thumping was hard and fast against his palm.
“Where did you get that?” She asked him with a terrified look in her eyes.
“That ring.” She said, pointing with a shaky finger and he frowned as he brought his hand out flat and she pulled it back as to not come in contact with him.
“Which one?” He asked her and she pointed at the gold one around his index finger with a ruby set into the center, “Oh, I got it at the flea market this past Sunday.” He slowed down as he caught on to what she was insinuating, “Is there something wrong with this ring?” He asked softly, as if it could hear him. 
“I don’t know yet.” She said and hurried off to grab another book and rushed back, paging through it and she stopped on a page, “Is there an inscription on it?” She asked and he looked at it carefully before taking it off and looking inside of the band.
“Victoriam omnibus is what it says.” Harry mumbled and glanced up to the woman, she looked at him with a bit of sadness, “What is it?” He asked.
“I’m afraid it’s not good news.” She said and he felt his heart dropping and he swallowed the lump that formed in his throat.
“Just tell me, please.” He requested and she nodded.
“That ring is cursed.” She started, “In medieval times legends of vampires started to gain traction all over Europe. They were described as we know them now, blood thirsty, nocturnal creatures, they were free of any plague or disease though, as they were undead.  There is a legend of one man turned vampire, Marcu the Fierce they called him. He lost his entire family to the plague and he himself was dying until he was bit and recovered in full. He believed that vampires were a superior being and that they should attempt to take over the world. But vampires are discrete demons, they live for the hunt. It thrills them to be in the shadows.” She explained, “He ascended to power in his region, hunting in discretion, overcoming in battles with his supernatural strength and using war and violence as his means to hunt and feed. He then invited all vampires in his region to attack all of the humans in their region and overcome them, they declined and did not allow him to take control. This angered Marcu, who was still in power and had great influence. He started killings throughout the region and warned his townspeople again vampires.” Harry nodded along, “Legend says that he killed a young maiden, she was with child and her husband, Tiberiu, was so grief stricken that he wanted to exact his vengeance on all vampires and Marcu decided to use him for his own plans. He taught him all of the weaknesses vampires had and fueled with hatred Tiberiu started to hunt them. Marcu was overjoyed as those opposing him started to to be wiped out, Tiberiu didn’t waste a moment to express his disgust with vampires and he grew arrogant, saying that no vampire would ever escape him, this angered Marcu and he had that ring made. He visited a witch to bestow on it a curse.”
“A curse?” Harry whispered, his entire body was covered in goosebumps.
“Marcu was cruel and twisted. Once Tiberiu had vanquished all vampires that opposed Marcu he said that he would celebrate him, proclaim him victorious over all-”
“Victoriam Ombinbus.” He whispered and she nodded.
“Marcu told him to never take it off, as a symbol of his status and within days Tiberiu became that which he hated most of all. A blood thirst came over him and he became like a vampire. He was not bitten, he was not immortal or fast or supernaturally strong. He could walk in the light, but like you my friend, his need for human blood grew the longer he had that on. In his rage against Marcu, he faced him and Marcu vanquished him drank his blood and disposed of his body, the ring though was lost and you, my unlucky friend, have found that ring.” She said and he frowned.
“So what can I do? I don’t want this! Take it!” He urged her desperately extending it out to her and she cowered back.
“I won’t take it. Whoever touches that ring will be cursed with blood thirst until the day they die.”
“What?” He asked, suddenly feeling sick to his stomach as the words processed.
“The longer you wear it the worse it becomes, the urges are more powerful, harder to control. You become violent and dangerous.” She said and he started hyperventilating. This could not be happening to him, “For the amount of time you’ve been wearing that ring you should have already drank from someone.” She said as she closed the book, “But you’ve been protected from all darkness. My best guess is that silver cross that you’ve got on your neck has been blessed and thankfully has slowed the effect of the curse of that ring.” The woman said and he nodded.
“My mum is very religious and she did have this blessed.” He explained, “Been wearing it since I was 18, I’ve never taken it off.” He said softly, his eyes were tearing up. He had no idea what he was supposed to do now, “What happens now? What do I do?” He cried.
“The need you have will remain this way until the day you die. I’m so sorry.” She said and he started sobbing. This could not be real, he would have a craving for human blood for the rest of his life? What if he held off too long and exploded in a violent frenzy? What if he got a taste and couldn’t stop? What if he hurt Y/N?
“My fiancé.” He whispered to her and the woman looked at him with compassion, “I can’t smell your blood or hear it flowing. Why?” He asked her.
“Protection spells. Glad they work.” She smiled.
“Can you do that for her? For my fiancé? I don’t want to risk hurting her.” He sniffled and she nodded.
“Bring her by whenever you’re ready.”
“OK, fuck…fuck.” He cried again and she sighed.
“These dark forces, they latch to people and I’m not sure if any additional protection will help now, but we can try to get some crystals on you to absorb some negative energy.” She said and he nodded.
“Whatever it takes to help me feel better! Please.” He begged her, “I feel like I am about to collapse.” He shared and she sighed.
“In order to fix that you’ll need to…drink from someone.”
“I can just do it to myself no?” He asked and she shook her head.
“You’re cursed, your blood will not satiate the craving you have. That’s not the point of being a vampire.” She said, “You’ll need to drink from another.”
“No! No fucking way!” He barked and she sighed.
“If you don’t, that darkness will start to consume you from the inside out. This need is part of you now. You won’t become aggressive or murderous like a vampire or like Tiberiu because of that protection, but this that you’re feeling now is going to last a lifetime. I don’t know how long it’ll be before you can go without drinking just some.”
“I can’t kill someone!” He exclaimed.
“And you don’t have to. There are communities that practice blood drinking and vampirism. You can…find one and go as you see fit-” he started to heave and she handed him a trashcan and as he threw up it was just a black color and he started freaking out, “It’s starting. You need to drink.” She admonished and he was panting heavily, feeling even more drowsy than before. What was he supposed to do now? He felt utterly defeated.
On his way home Harry did feel that his need to taste blood had increased, he knew it couldn’t get worse than this, thankfully, but it made him feel weak and dizzy. The woman, who he eventually learned was named was Agatha, had given him an ash wood box to keep the blasted ring in. According to the legend in the book it could not be destroyed, so she recommended that he keep it and be buried with it so that no one else could fall into this curse. He threw up again once he got home and ended up making it into the bed before he passed out.
“Oh my god! Harry?” He heard from a distance, “Harry, babe, can you hear me?” She asked him as he started to slowly blink his eyes open. Y/N was freaking out because she could see that he was even more pale than when she had left him this morning. She had only come because he wasn’t answering his phone and she got concerned and with good reason. 
She was afraid and her heart was pounding hard, he could hear it over her voice as she pet at his face and his eyes met hers with concern.
“Babe, I’m gonna call an ambulance. Don’t worry.” She said and stood to rush over to her purse but before she could leave he wrapped his hand around her wrist to pull her back, “What is it?”
“D-don’t call them. They can’t help.” He said and she frowned.
“What do you mean?” She asked with tearful eyes and he sighed.
“Baby, I have to tell you something.” He panted, it sounded like he was winded, like it was taking every last bit of energy in him to speak.
“Anything. You can tell me anything.” She assured as she sniffled.
“I know, love and I will. But I’m about to ask something of you th-that is going to sound insane but I just- I just need you t-to trust me.” He panted and she nodded through her tears.
“OK, whatever you need.” She urged him on and he exhaled shakily.
“I need you to get a knife from the kitchen and bring it here.” He said and she looked at him skeptically but nodded and stood up. Harry pressed himself up to sit and she soon returned with the knife, coming slowly into their bedroom, “Good. Come sit here with me.” He said and she took him in once more, he looked awful. Eyes sunken in and dark, skin pale and dull. She sat beside him with her heart pounding with fear. Harry could hear it, he could hear her blood pumping hard through her veins, he could smell her sweet scent testing him, tempting him. He grabbed the knife from her and he set it down before leaning in and kissing her deeply. He groaned as he bit down on her lip hard and she whimpered at the harsh bite, he didn’t draw blood though as he was hoping. Biting was harder and more painful as his teeth weren’t necessarily made for tearing into flesh though he had an urge to. He pulled apart from the kiss and breathed heavily again her mouth.
“Harry, you’re scaring me.” She breathed nervously.
“Sorry. I’m so sorry.” He whispered as he pecked her lips once more, “I ummm, I just need a taste.” He whispered and she looked into his eyes.
“Wait what?” She sniffled and he swallow the lump in his throat.
“O-of your…blood.” He said carefully and he could see how her eyes were filled with fear as she searched in his. Was this a joke?
“Harry, this isn’t funny.”
“It’s not, I’m not joking, baby. I need your blood. Just a taste and I’ll feel better.” He said and she glanced down at the knife, thinking of grabbing it but he grabbed it first and she froze.
“Harry, put the knife down.” She ordered.
“I can’t. I need to do this.” He said and she cried harder and shook her head, “Please, just put it down.” She whimpered.
“Baby, I’m not going to hurt you. Please trust me.” He said as he brought his hands to the side of her face, the knife still in one of his hands.
“You’re holding a knife against my face, Harry. I love you, but you’re scaring me.” She spoke with a tremble in her voice.
“I’m sorry, I don’t want to scare you but this is necessary.” He said as he reached down for her arm and she tensed up.
“No, Harry!” She panicked as he brought the knife down. She had no idea what had gotten into him or what in the world he was on or what possessed him to do this but she was terrified, “Stop it!” She shrieked as she tried to pull her arm away.
“Baby, please! Please stay still I don’t want to hurt you!” He pleaded.
“You’re holding a knife to me! You’re going to hurt me anyway!” She reasoned.
“Baby, please, please, please-” he begged, “I need to drink. If I don’t drink I’ll die.” He said to her and she frowned in complete shock.
“W-what?”  She stammered as more tears fell. He sniffled and nodded.
“I will explain everything but I just need to d-drink-” he blinked his eyes a few times before he fell back onto the mattress. 
“Oh my god! Harry!” Y/N cried as she pressed her chest to his heart, the thump of it was slow and he looked even more pale than before, “Fuck!” She whimpered as she picked up the knife with a shaky hand brought it just above her wrist. 
She was so scared as she even considered doing this, but she found a smaller vein branch off from the main one running down to her forearm and she was hesitant as she pressed the blade against herself but without giving it another thought she cut in and down, away from the main vein. Immediately her dark, red blood started to break the surface of her skin. It burned but she shifted quickly to get Harry into her lap and she pressed her bleeding cut up against his lips. Despite him slowly slipping out of consciousness and his world growing darker and darker the smell of her blood grew stronger and it alerted him just a little bit more and then he felt it, hot and fragrant against his lips and it was like second nature as he latched to her cut and sucked the blood beading at her skin. She gasped at the force at which he started to suck and her other hand went to his hair. He then brought his hands up and held her forearm against his mouth, keeping her in place as he sucked desperately against the small incision.
“Harry.” She whispered as she felt her fingertips getting a bit cold from the lack of blood getting there. He kept sucking, “Harry, please, stop!” She whimpered and he suddenly snapped out of it and she pulled her arm away and into her chest. He was panting as she looked down at him, streaks of her blood dripped down the corners of his mouth as he caught his breath. But as she looked at him a bit closer through her glossy eyes she saw that he didn’t look pale or dull anymore. He looked back to normal and she scooted away from him with fear and he sat up slowly as she backed away.
“Baby.” He said quietly as he sat up and she shook her head, “It’s not what you think-”
“I think it is.” She whispered as she held her wrist against her chest. Harry then realized that he couldn’t hear her heart pounding or her blood roaring through the veins in her body, he couldn’t smell it as acutely as he had been the last few days, he didn’t feel his throat dry with only one particular craving that could satiate it. Everything was back to normal, “What’s that look on your face?” She asked and he sighed.
“A realization, I can only hear it and smell it when I haven’t had any.” He said more to himself and she bit her lip nervously, “Do you want me to help you with that?”
“I’m good now, I swear.” He said and she looked at him reluctantly and she then made her way into the bathroom and he followed. He helped her clean the cut without any issues and bandaged it up for her and then he kissed against it gently, “I’m sorry I scared you.” He said softly.
“You need to tell me what’s going on.” She said to him anxiously and he nodded and pulled her back out to the bedroom and explained everything to her. He explained how now that he had drank he didn’t feel as out of control or weak as he had before. She was reluctant about the curse, but the look in his eyes told her that he was being truthful.
“Baby, I don’t want to hurt you or do this to you ever again, so I think we need to see Agatha so she can put that protection on you and I can’t lust after your blood.” He explained.
“So you’ll drink from other people.” She said and he bit his lip and shrugged, “How long can you go without?”
“Well, today was the fourth day.”
“So every four days?”
“I don’t know… I don’t know how this will work on me.” He explained, “All I know is that there’s nothing I can do to make it stop.” He said and she nodded through her tears.
“I don’t want you to hurt other people.” She pressed and he sighed.
“I don’t have to, apparently there are existing communities that practice vampirism and I can drink blood from those willing get fed off of.” She shook her head.
“This is insane, Harry.” 
“I know. I know, but it’s the truth. I can’t change this and I don’t want to risk losing control and hurting you but I also don’t want to die!” He vented to her and she nodded, “If you…can’t see past this I understand.” He whispered painfully and she frowned.
“Baby, I’m not going to leave you!” she said, “I just…don’t know how I feel about you drinking other people’s blood.” She said, “It can be dangerous.”
“I know that, love. I know. Maybe this is one of those things where with time and practice I can learn to live without it for longer periods of time…”
“I don’t know. With what she was saying about that darkness trying to get to you I don’t want you to hurt yourself either.” She said and he sighed, his face in his hand, she bit her lip pensively for a moment, “You can feed off of me when you need to do.” She said and he looked up at her and shook his head.
“No fucking way.”
“Baby it’s what makes sense. That way you don’t have to find other people to do it and you know it’s safe and I’m healthy.” She said and he sighed.
“Baby I don’t want you to have to keep cutting yourself like that. How are we supposed to explain that to anyone if they see cuts or something?” And she shrugged.
“Knife play? Blood play?” She suggested and he chuckled and shook his head.
“You’re insane.”
“This is insane. We need to get creative because I don’t want you going out there and feeding from strangers!” She said and he bit his lip.
“Does it…make you jealous?” He asked and she sighed but eventually nodded.
“It does. That’s just…not right. You’re gonna suck all over them, leave marks on them with your mouth, taste their blood and then come kiss me? Absolutely not.” She said with crossed arms.
“Well when you put it like that…”
“Yeah, it’s just not…I don’t like it.” She said, “So use me. It’s not your fault that this happened and believe me, baby, I will move heaven and earth to try and help you find a way to keep the urge at bay or even to see if we can somehow undo this curse, but until then the only person who’s gonna have your mouth anywhere on their body is me.” She said pointedly and he smiled a bit, “Stop it. I’m serious.” She said.
“I know, baby. I know.” He assured as he came up to her and kissed her deeply. Slowly, their kiss started to get more heated and in one of those goes she bit down on his tongue and drew blood, making him groan, but they both tasted it against each others mouths.
“S’not so bad, see?” She mumbled against his lips.
“I’m also not going to just hurt you on purpose.” He said.
“Baby, you like a little pain. I like a little pain…maybe we just explore how to take care of your little dilemma under that umbrella of things. S’not like you’ve never made me bleed before.” She said and shook his head with a smirk.
“I know, but I didn’t have the need to taste it before. That’s what’s different.” He said as he pecked her lips again. “Just need to know what we’re getting into before we do something regrettable or that can really hurt you.” He insisted and she nodded.
“You’re right.” She agreed and kissed his lips.
It had been about a week since Harry had drank from Y/N and he was just starting to get the itch for more. He felt great compared to the week prior though and it was lovely to be back to normal. But when he woke up on this day curled up into Y/N’s back, face in the crook of her neck he could practically smell her though her skin. He wasn’t even thinking about it as he kissed into her pulse point and then he parted his lips and started to suck. He added more pressure and that woke her up, it hurt a bit and she reached her hand up to his hair.
“Baby.” She gasped and he hummed as he pulled her hips flush into his, “Too hard.” She huffed as one of his hands slithered to her front and rubbed her clit over her shorts and she moaned softly.
“Need to have a taste of you.” He mumbled as he released her skin for a moment. 
“OK.” She hummed and he inhaled her scent, he could smell that she was turned on too and it made him also want a taste of her pussy. Maybe she had been onto something when she suggested mixing his new need with their sex life. She bared her neck and he kissed her once more.
“Can I get the knife?” He asked and she bit her lip nervously and nodded.
“Yeah, go get it.” She said and he rushed out of bed and returned shortly after with a paring knife. She fully expected him to crawl back up towards her but instead he went straight for her bottoms, tugging them down in one go and parting her legs before delving right in with a relieved groan. 
His tongue licked up from her entrance to her her clit where he started sucking and she writhed and thrust up against his mouth with her fingers woven into his hair. So much of the blood in her body was rushing down to her pussy, making her sensitive and swollen with arousal he started flicking at her clit quickly until she was tensing up and he suddenly pulled away as she caught her breath after nearly reaching her climax. 
“Fuck, please more!” She whined and he smiled.
“Don’t worry, baby I’ll make you come.” He assured as he kissed at her thighs and blindly reached for the knife he had set beside her and gave her sopping folds one more lick before he knelt up fully and leaned down to kiss her lips and she lost herself in it until she felt the cool blade of the knife at her throat and she stayed still, her heart pounding hard and fast as he leaned back and hovered over her. He could hear how nervous she was, but the scent of her arousal was even stronger and he smiled at her, “You like this, don’t you?” She bit her lip and nodded, “Such a kinky and freaky little slut.” He hummed as he skimmed the back of the blade down the valley of her breast very lightly. He watched as he skin broke out in goosebumps at the sight tickle of the knife over her skin. He went lower and sucked each nipple until it was stiff and peaked all on it’s own and he then brought the knife back up and tapped at her right nipple with the flat face of the knife’s blade and then the left before skimming it back down her body as he kissed down her tummy. He pulled back to kneel fully again and was very careful as he tapped at her throbbing pussy with the flat face of the knife blade like to her nipples and her breathing completely halted, “Breathe, baby. Y’don’t trust me?” He asked and she nodded.
“I do.” She whispered and he hummed.
“Open wider for me, baby.” She did as she was told and he bit his lip, “God, you’ve got the prettiest, little cunt.” He praised and she bit her lip timidly, “Stay perfectly still.” He said looking into her eyes and she nodded, her breathing suspended as he brought down the knife to her entrance horizontally dull side rested right beneath her pulsating little hole. Harry hummed as he watched her arousal drip onto the knife and after a few moments he brought it up to his mouth and carefully stuck his tongue out to lick at the blade and he hummed as he savored her taste. “Absolutely delicious.” He whispered to her and she smiled, “Now I’m gonna get a taste, OK?” She nodded meekly, “Gonna cut right here. OK?” He asked as he ran his thumb along her inner thigh.
“OK.” She whispered and he leaned back down and placed three kissed in a row where he intended to leave a little slice and she once again was holding her breath as he brought the knife down and made a small incision. She gasped at the slight sting of it and he tossed the knife over to the empty side of the bed before he got his mouth over the cut. He smoothed his tongue over it and tasted the first few drops of her blood before he got his lips around the patch of skin and sucked to draw a bit more out. As his mouth did this he then ran his index and middle fingers through her pussy, slicking them with her arousal before plunging them all the way in, in one go. Y/N moaned as he curved them up to her her g-spot and rubbed rhythmically, making her stomach knot up in the most delicious way. Her fingers knotted themselves into his disheveled curls and her breathing started to become irregular as he picked up his pace. “Oh fuck, baby! Oh fuck!” She gasped as her orgasm started to build. 
After a few moments of drinking he pulled away from the cut on her thigh and licked over this ruby stained lips. The taste for blood was gone, but now he had a taste for her, so he sucked her clit into his mouth and got to work. Her toes curled as a heat spread through her entire body and lit every single nerve on fire. Her back arched and her legs trembled as he moaned against her pussy, doing his best to get her to come. After a few moments she gasped before she let out a loud cry of his name as the muscles of her pussy starts squeezing and spasming around his fingers as she came undone. He moaned into her hot and soft skin and slowed down gradually until she had been properly worked through it. He pulled away with a kiss to her mound and another to the cut her left on her thigh. Her eyes fluttered open to meet his and she giggled tiredly, “That was so good. Really liked that.”
“Yeah?” He asked and she nodded with her lip bitten between her teeth.
“Can I return the favor?” She asked and he hummed.
“Gonna patch you up and then I’m gonna fuck you. So fucking hard for you.” He said as he let himself down to kiss at her lips and she hummed.
“Wait. C’mere.” She said and he leaned back over as she pecked his lips and glanced down to the little bit of blood that had dripped down to his chin and she sucked it between her lips to clean it away and she smiled up at him, “Just a taste.” 
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perfectdagger · 2 years
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you’re dead (and out of this world)
That’s why Louis is here now, waiting for his master to awaken, and eagerly so, because today might be the day.
Every day might be the day, he always thinks and hopes. But even more so today because their master-familiar anniversary is coming up and every year, Harry promises him that he’s close to turning Louis.
Maybe a decade is reason enough for him to finally fulfil it.
a vampire au loosely based on What We Do In The Shadows (TV Show) in which Harry is Nandor, Louis is Guillermo, and the other boys are their own peculiar kinds of vampires and Louis just wants to be one as well.
Author: @perfectdagger (sincerelyste)
Pairing: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Status: Complete (5/5)
🧛‍♂️ Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Epilogue 🧛‍♂️
Word count: 53k
Spotify Playlist
thanks to @delicatepointofview​ for helping me with the moodboard!
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kind-hufflepuff · 1 year
like dracula untold
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steampunkserpent27 · 2 years
for @hdcandyheartsfest 's prompt: Love Language rated: G CW: Vampire Harry read the sequel here
He was slumped back against the couch, bathed in moonlight, as he finished knitting the pair of gloves he had been working on. They were a bit misshapen and lumpy, but he thought they were an improvement from his first attempt, even if Draco still regularly wore them. It was one of the reasons he felt compelled to continue with his knitting, as Draco seemed to enjoy the scarves, hats, and mittens that he made him. The smile on Draco’s face was all of the payment he ever needed, it made all of the discarded attempts entirely worth it. Besides, he’d read all of the books in the house three times over, and he was running out of things to do during the night. The least he could do was make gifts for Draco, as the other man always made sure to tell him how wonderful he was and never hesitated to cheer him up when he was feeling sad. It was a constant that Draco would be there for him, no matter the reason, regardless of what he was. Draco was the only one who knew, and sometimes the constant pretending wore on his nerves, as he always had to be on guard, making sure he didn’t move too fast, making sure he didn’t forget to breathe, or making sure that he didn’t lift something that should have been too heavy for him. He’d gotten better at it over the years, but it was still a constant stress. One slip up, and it’d all be over. But Draco knew, and he didn’t care. He loved him anyway, and it made him feel just a little bit less horrible. But it wasn’t just Draco’s kind words that helped him to get through the never ending days, Draco also never hesitated to hold him. He still couldn’t understand it, couldn’t understand why he would want to touch him, but he did, and it made him feel whole and complete again, as complete as he could ever remember feeling, maybe more so. He tucked the finished gloves away, planning to give them to Draco in the morning. Now with nothing left to do, he began to clean up the kitchen, trying to find any idle task to pass the time with. The floorboards from across the hall creaked, and he paused, to find Draco shuffling towards him, his eyes still heavy with sleep. “What’re you doing?” Draco mumbled, rubbing at his eyes with the back of his hand. “Cleaning.” He put everything back, not wanting to leave the kitchen in more of a mess than when he’d found it. “Can’t sleep?” Draco shook his head. “No. Well, I was, but I woke up.” He nodded, he knew Draco had been fast asleep when he’d left him to work on his gift. “I’ll lay with you.” “I know it’s boring for you.” Draco crossed the distance, resting his head against his chest, as he let all of his weight press against him. “It’s not, and even if it was, it helps you sleep. So, I wouldn’t mind.” He placed a hand over his back, giving it a gentle pat. “Come on. Let’s lay down.” Draco let out a sleepy mumble, before he nodded and started to make his way back to their bedroom, their fingers still intertwined. The room was completely dark, as the windows were drawn, since Draco couldn’t sleep if any light came in. Draco flopped back on to the bed and curled up under the covers, waiting for him to join him. He laid down beside him, feeling Draco rest his head against his shoulder, as he rolled onto his side and clung to him. Wrapping an arm around him, he pulled him closer and relaxed against him, enjoying the warmth Draco provided. He ran his fingers through Draco’s hair, as he knew that it helped him to fall asleep, and he seemed to enjoy it if his content smile was anything to go by. “Goodnight.” Draco’s smile grew. “Night.”
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novelistrry · 1 year
hiiiiiiii! i am currently tip tapping away at the third and final part of professor h. i just wanted to give you all an update. hopefully i can write 14k words and get it out tonight, and then i'm on to vampire h! let me know what you wanna see in vampirerry!
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autumn-skull · 2 years
"Y-you're a bat!...You're an animagus? How?"
Harry with bat!snape
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moonchildstyles · 6 months
hiii i was wondering if you would write a blurb about vamp h taking care of a drunk y/n lol i think it’d be awfully cute omg or a girls night out (+ one vampire) and he’s like trailing after her trying to keep her out of trouble
wordcount: 3.9k+
"Darling, are you certain you are not going to be cold?" 
Twisting and turning in the mirror, her dress ruched over her body in tight folds, it took all of (Y/N)'s effort to keep her smile at bay. "I'm sure I'll be fine, H. It's not that cold out, and we won't be spending much time outside anyway." 
It was clear he still wasn't pleased at her answer with the way he folded his arms across his chest and set his mouth in a grim line. (Y/N) had to bite back her smile lest he see her amusement from where he was leaning against the doorframe to her closet. He hadn't moved much from where he'd started the night watching her try on practically every outfit she had stuffed into both their wardrobe and closet. 
She could feel his eyes on her as she smoothed her dress over her thighs, pulling down the hem another inch before ruching it back up. Counting down in her head, she had to keep herself from laughing when he followed the same pattern he'd curated for the past ten minutes.
"What if you fall ill? Or the weather changes while we're out? Y'could freeze before I have a chance to warm you."
This time, she couldn't stop the laugh from falling from her lips. She stopped her assessment in the mirror, turning to Harry with her amusement clear on her features and a cant of her head.
"H, c'mon."
His own expression tightened, his stubborn streak peeking out. "Come on, what?"
Stepping towards him on bare feet, (Y/N) peered up at him. "I know you think humans can't handle anything, but, honestly, do you really think it's that easy for me to get sick or freeze to death?"
They both knew well that Harry had done his share of research when it came to anything human. Especially after bonding and ensuring (Y/N) wanted to be at his side for their forever, he'd deep dived into anything and everything human to refresh his knowledge and become the most perfect beloved he could be—including knowing just how to take care of her. He knew better than to assume she would drop dead after a gust of wind. 
Despite the stubborn line of his jaw, he relented, "No." 
"Then, why are you so nervous about tonight?" she crooned, wrapping her arms around his middle with her chin set on his chest. 
His palms ghosted down her back, leaving a chilled trail just barely felt through the fabric of her dress, until he stopped at the bottom of her spine. His touch was delicate. She could see the whole of him softening the longer she looked up at him. 
"You know I worry about you," he murmured, "Anything is possible when it comes to humans. I dread testing the limits when it comes to you." 
As much as she teased him and found his concern over something as simple as a breeze something to laugh over, the root of it all was something that had her softening. It was hard not to hear his words and grow tender. 
"I promise I'm going to be okay, Harry," she told him, "I'm going to bring a jacket, and you're meeting us after dinner, anyway. If I feel like I need more than my jacket I can text you and let you know." 
Though she knew he would never be one hundred percent pleased with her answer unless it was her layering up with all dangers padlocked away from her, this seemed to be enough for him as he sucked in an unnecessary breath. 
"I suppose that will work," he sighed, overdramatic as always, "You are rather strong." 
Stretching to the tips of her toes, (Y/N) pecked a quick kiss to the soft of Harry's lip. "I promise I'll be okay. Thank you for worrying about me, though." 
He chased after her when she pulled away, craning his neck to steal one more kiss before she landed on the flat of her feet once more. "'S a privilege, m'love." 
It was poetry like that that almost had her agreeing to wrap up in layers and layers complete with a shell of bubble wrap before she left the house. 
Harry couldn't keep the frown from his face as he parked across the street from the nightclub he was meeting (Y/N) and her friends at. He'd never been to an establishment like this before (minus blood clubs but that was an entirely different concept that appealed to his more baser needs, so it didn't count), and, judging by the specimens he could see pouring in and out, he would have liked to keep it that way.
But, this was where (Y/N) had asked him to meet her and there was no way he was going to let her down. 
He was just going to have to hold his breath, he decided. Before setting foot inside, he was sure he would not be a fan of the scents perfuming the building. 
It would only be a few hours, he reminded himself as he stepped out of his car. Hours like this were a minute compared to the eternity of his existence. He could handle tonight without a doubt.
The slight breeze in the air (he didn't even want to think about (Y/N)'s bare legs enduring this wind) pushed open the unbuttoned lapels of his shirt. He hadn't been sure what he should wear for the night, but he took some cues from (Y/N)'s dress and heels when he decided to pull a shimmering satin piece from the wardrobe and fitted black trousers. Looking at the young men walking in and stumbling out of the nightclub, he wondered if they were underdressed or if he was overdressed. 
That concern didn't last long, though, pushed aside once he heard a familiar peal of laughter pouring out of the swinging door of the nightclub. What he was wearing was pushed to the back of his mind then, his priority shifting. He needed to get inside and ensure (Y/N) was alright just like she had promised. 
Making it to the entrance of the nightclub, Harry was stopped by a man tucked away in a cubby by the door. He was dressed in all black, a bored expression on his face when Harry approached. 
"Hey, how are you?" the man asked, barely looking at Harry as he spoke. 
A furrow pinched Harry's brow. "I am well, thank you." 
At his abrupt tone, the man finally chanced a look at Harry. He lingered for only a moment on his stern expression before seemingly shaking it off. "That's great, man. Can I see your ID?" 
The man set his hand out, palm up in expectation. The knit in Harry's brows tightened that much more at the ask. This never happened at the blood clubs from what he could remember; why did it matter who he was before stepping inside? 
Nonetheless, he pulled out the (forged) ID out of his wallet, passing it off to the man with a quick flash of his hand. The man barely glanced at the piece of plastic before he flicked his eyes back up to Harry with a slight smile curling his lips. 
"So, you're Harry," the man pointed out, passing back Harry's ID. 
Pocketing it, Harry wasn't sure what this man was trying to get at, but answered him nonetheless, "Yes. That's me. Why?" 
The man shook his head, a small laugh falling from his lips before he stepped away from the door. "Nothing. Your girlfriend just made sure to let everyone know you were coming tonight. She'll be excited to see you."
Mumbling a thank you to the man, Harry stepped around him and entered the nightclub. While it was a sweet thought that (Y/N) had boasted about him to the nightclub staff, he wasn't sure why she would go through all of the trouble. It wasn't like her to bubble off to strangers. 
The lights were off, leaving the bar lining the back of the space with only a dim glow for the tenders to work by. The main floor, full of people dancing (at least that's what he thought that was what they were doing. Harry couldn't be sure, and he truthfully didn't want to look close enough to find out) was the darkest space with only pumping strobes and multicolored spotlights to be the only guides. Here and there were tall tables stationed by the bar and rounded booths tucked into the walls, no seat left unclaimed despite the busy dance floor. Scanning his eyes over the packed bodies, Harry searched for a familiar dress or the peak of a familiar scent, hoping to find (Y/N) somewhere. 
His hunt didn't take long, finding (Y/N) with a few other girls he was familiar with only through photos on the far edge of the dancing crowd. He was only able to catch a view of her profile, where she had a lazy smile on her lips and her lashes sitting half lidded over her eyes. There was a cup in her hand, the neon liquid almost empty between shards of ice, though she still managed to slosh it almost to the edge with every uncoordinated sway of her body. 
Harry didn't waste any time before he was meandering his way through the throng of bodies, keeping his breath stilted so as to not bother his senses with the scent of so many others that were not his beloved. It was bad enough he felt the heat of their bodies and the unnecessary brushes against him, he didn't want anything more from him to invade his senses. 
Just as he hit the edges of their little group, (Y/N) stumbled on her heels, her features falling. In a rush, Harry was at her side, saving her balance and settling her back on her feet. A bewildered expression crossed her face, one he was sure matched her friends who all had eyes on him as well. Though the second she recognized his chilled touch and the familiar hands wrapped around her arms, she loosened back into her oblivious state. 
"Harry!" she cheered, completely forgetting about her almost finished drink when she twirled on her feet and threw her arms around his shoulders, "You're here!" 
His bunched muscles finally relaxed, allowing him to reciprocate her hug. Dipping his head down, his cheek pressed to hers with his lips by her ear, he murmured, "'M here, love. Are y'alright?" 
"Yeah, why?" she bubbled, seemingly having wiped the stumble right out of her mind already.
It didn't take Harry's extra senses to notice the vodka on her breath, though he was sure he was the only one that could notice the sharp edge added to her scent from the alcohol. With how saturated it was, she hadn't just started her night at the club. That would at least explain why she had made sure to alert the man out front that her boyfriend (a silly title, but cute nonetheless) was on his way.
"No reason," he smiled, dropping his hands to sit on her waist, "Are y'having fun?" 
"I am! I'm so happy you're here now! I've been telling everyone that you were coming, and now you're here!" 
The glaze over her eyes was enough to draw Harry in, his lips curling into an amused smile. He'd never seen her anything past a bit tipsy. Drunk (Y/N) was a person he'd never met before.
Before he had a chance to offer any kind of response, using a surprising amount of her strength given her state, she pulled him along before presenting him to her friends. 
"Guys!" she bubbled, catching the attention of the rest of the women, "Look who's here!" 
One of the women looked decidedly more sober than the rest, though Harry could smell a tint of alcohol on her as well. She was the first to step forward, giving a small smile. 
"Harry, right?" she said, the ends of her short blonde hair dusting her collarbones, "(Y/N)'s been so excited to see you tonight." 
"As I've learned," he laughed, offering a hand out for her to shake, "And you are?" 
"Oh, I'm Charlotte! It's nice to meet you!" 
At that, the surrounding group made their own introductions with (Y/N) clinging to his side. He dedicated each name to memory, hoping that would help him pass the test that he was surely going through that night. Meeting her friends had been foiled before with the changes in weather keeping him stuck inside, or his insistence that (Y/N) live her life outside of him lest she feel trapped in the manor at his side. Tonight had been the first time everything had fallen into place: a girls' night with an open invitation after dinner. 
Shifting his arm around her shoulders, Harry pulled (Y/N) to his side as he guided her out of the way of those still dancing behind them. His features set pleasantly neutral, he looked towards Charlotte first. 
"(Y/N) told me your significant others might also be joining us tonight," he drawled, his version of asking of their whereabouts as he seemed to be the only boyfriend having shown up so far. 
"I'm not sure, actually," Charlotte mused, the evidence of her own drinking beginning to show. "I know my boyfriend will be here to pick me up later, but I haven't really heard anything about the other girls’. It might just be you, if that's okay." 
Feeling eyes on him, Harry glanced down at his side to see (Y/N) still gazing up at him with a dreamy smile on her lips. He hoped he didn't come off as rude when the sight distracted him as Charlotte spoke, taking a beat to reciprocate her look and keep her snug to his side. 
"I am okay with that. I hope 'm not intruding on your night then," Harry charmed, shooting his gaze around the room in search of a vacant booth or barstool, "Perhaps, I can find a free spot and let you all have fun without me interrupting." 
"No," (Y/N) piped up, "You have to stay with us now! I don't want you to go."
Her words are slightly slurred but her passion was clear enough. He didn't bother to look at what the rest of the women had to say, only worrying about  keeping the smile on his beloved face. "Okay, then I will stay, love. I will still try to find a table, though, so y'can sit with me for a little."
She was more than quelled by his answer, her body pliant against his own as if she were already ready for him to drag her wherever he wanted. 
"I don't know if anything is going to be open," Charlotte interjected, having heard his proposal over the music, "I've been hoping someone would move, but they've all been taken since we got here." 
"I'm sure I can make something work," Harry smiled, already spotting a booth he would prefer over the others, "We'll be right back." 
As soon as Harry stepped out of the small circle formed by their group with (Y/N) on his arm, it was closed up once more, though he could feel eyes pasted to his back watching where they went. Aware of her stumbling steps at his side, Harry took it slow as he escorted her towards a booth situated in the back corner, just out of view of the others. 
"I think people have—hic—they're already sitting there, H," (Y/N) murmured. 
"'S alright," he answered, tightening his hold on her hand, "I think they're about to leave." 
He didn't waste any time in reaching the group, a charming smile on his lips when he picked out the leader. An underdressed (in Harry's opinion) blonde man with a drink in hand seemed to be the center of attention, the first one to acknowledge Harry approaching. 
Before he could utter any kind of greeting, Harry took over the situation. "Hello," he smiled, "M'girlfriend and her friends would like to sit here, please." 
The man looked bewildered for a moment, unable to meet Harry's eyes. "Um—I'm sorry, but—" 
"No need to be sorry," Harry cut him off, voice taking on a quality he didn't utilize very often, but this was a special occasion, "You can find another space. Right?" 
As soon as the man met his eyes, Harry could tell the effects he wanted were taking place. It was all within the span of a heartbeat that this man took Harry's words as his own idea and nodded his head. 
"Yeah, we can find another spot," he relented, a faux cheer to his voice as he beckoned his friends to follow him out, "C'mon, guys, let's try the bar." 
There were a few questioning glances thrown to both the man as well as Harry, but no one questioned. Instead they only murmured amongst themselves as they followed their leader towards the bartop. As he led her into the now free vinyl seating, (Y/N) was one of the few that had a question in her eyes and pinch in her brows. 
"How did you do that?" she asked, her voice low under the music but still audible to Harry's ears, "Is that a vampire thing?" 
A breath of laughter fell from his lips at her words. "A little bit, yes. I don't like to do it often, but I want to make sure y'have somewhere to sit and relax while I get y'some water." 
"You're getting me water?" she questioned, thoroughly distracted at his new offer as if she didn't have a cup of half melted ice in her hand. 
"Mhm," he hummed, releasing her hand once she had tucked herself into the corner of the booth, "After I grab your friends, 'm getting y'some water before y'have any more fun." 
With the way she was looking at him, he would have figured he had proposed and offered diamonds and jewels to her, and not just a glass of water from the bar. This night was already going better than he'd thought. 
"Did you guys know that Harry's a painter?! Like, he does huge murals and things all over the house! He's amazing." 
Only Charlotte seemed to catch (Y/N) words—the same declaration she had cheered about only ten minutes prior. She and Harry exchanged a small glance while the rest of the table treated this as new information. 
It'd been a long time since Harry had drank, and even longer since he'd been intoxicated to (Y/N)'s degree. Was short term memory something that was now lost when mixed with spirits, or was that just her? 
"Do you really?!" one of (Y/N)'s friends (Cecilia, maybe?) bubbled, her cup of ice water cradled in her hands as she leant over the table with wide eyes, "What kind of stuff do you paint?" 
"A little bit of everything," Harry answered, just as he had the last time a similar question was posed, "M'style has changed a lot over the last year or so. I can show you all some time if you'd like—'m sure (Y/N) would love to have you over to the manor." 
Even Charlotte perked up at this offer, looking to (Y/N) for confirmation. "That would be so much fun, (Y/N)! We could do that the next time we get together!" 
At that, Harry sat back while the chattering arose amongst the group. Under the table, his hand rested on (Y/N)'s thigh, the warmth of her skin anchoring him through the pumping music, strobing lights, and unfamiliar smells surrounding him. As much as he was aiming to leave a good first impression on her friends, he was still very much out of his element in the nightclub. He hoped (Y/N) would call for him to take her home sooner rather than later. 
As if she knew he had her on his mind, (Y/N) leant into his side, looking up at him with a toothy grin and affectionate eyes. The chattering was going strong on the other side of the table, the conversation sounding as if the women were making plans for their next outing together—one that would take place at the manor with bottles of wine and movies. 
"You'd really be alright with everyone coming over?" (Y/N) asked, moony eyes trained on his face. 
"Of course," he answered, a smile landing on his face on instinct, "It is your home too, petal. Y'can have your friends over as well—'s not jus' Mitch and Niall that are allowed over."
She curled into his side, her thigh under the table practically draped over his own. "Do you think Sarah would want to hang out with us?" 
The thought of Sarah playing around with a bunch of human girls was more amusing than he thought it would be. He wondered if that was how she and Mitch felt when they realized he was courting a human girl. 
"She might," he told her, keeping his amusement to himself, "I can ask for you." 
In an impossible feat, (Y/N) looked that much more in love with him at his offer. As much as he missed her regular scent without the sticky edge of alcohol, he did like just how tender she became—adoring his every and any move. 
"That would be so nice, H. Thank you," she told him earnestly, her hand coming to rest on his middle with his shirt in her grip, "You're the best ever, you know that?" 
"I have been told as much a few times." All by her, but that was a detail that he would leave out for the moment.
"Well," she pouted, "It's true. I'm so happy you came tonight. I think the girls really like you, too." 
"Yeah?" he smiled, hoping it was more than just her drunken tongue making the claim. 
"Mhm," she hummed, stretching to rest her head on his shoulder with a squeeze of her hand over his shoulder, "You're better than all of their boyfriends." 
At that, Harry couldn't help but to release the laugh building in his chest. While he understood the sentiment, that wasn't quite the impact he was going for. 
"You think so?" Harry questioned, unable to wipe his amusement from his voice. 
(Y/N) didn't seem to notice—or, most likely, care—responding with a definitive nod. "I know so." 
Another breathy laugh left his lips as he ducked his head, burying his nose in her hair. From the corner of his eye, he spotted Charlotte glancing their way; an adoring smile tugged at the corner of her mouth when she saw the way her friend clung to him. 
Taking in a lungful of (Y/N)'s scent, Harry decided that nightclubs weren't so bad. 
At least when (Y/N) was there.  
“Wait, (Y/N),” Cecilia babbled, a look of urgency on her face, “You said he cooks, right? You cook right?” 
Her attention was splashed over Harry then, forcing him to draw away from (Y/N)’s hair. Clearing his throat under the music, he nodded his head. “I do, yes.” 
A squeal fell from her lips with her companions being just as excited. “Would you make us food when we come over? (Y/N) says you’re so good!” 
Just as (Y/N) perked up at his side, turning her wide eyes on him, Harry stifled his own laugh. God, how he wished he had been a fly on the wall while she apparently spouted off all these facts about him—the ones reserved for her. 
“If you’d like.”
Just as he expected, more noise erupted from the table.
thank u sm for reading, sorry for any mistakes, and please send in any fun ideas or requests you have!!
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flymetosnarryland · 11 days
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When Harry turns into Vampire- ( ˘・з・)
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jarofstyles · 1 year
Vampire harry fluff 🥺🥺🥺 after he drinks from you n u get allllll clingy but he just wants you to rest so he dresses u up in ur fav nighty and sits u on his lap while he feeds u and cuddles u to sleep ☹️☹️
YES okay my love! here is a tiny blurbby
"I'm okay, Harry." Her voice was slightly slurred as she felt the straw being pressed against her lips. Lemonade was in the cup to get her blood sugar back up, the sour sweet liquid hitting her tongue in relief. Harry watched intently as she sipped, taking a bit too big of one making her choke.
"Careful, pet." He scolded quietly, wiping away the excess dribbling down her chin with his thumb. "Don't choke. Know it tastes good but you've got to be mindful."
His delicate chastising tone made her pout, but his tenderness towards her worked her belly into a tizzy of butterflies while he tended to her. For being a creature of so many people's nightmares, Y/N found it ironic that he was the one living in her daydreams. The red flooding the normal moss green iris's of his eyes after the blood intake was something that had taken some getting used to, she had to admit, but now that she associated it with pleasure and being tended to... it wasn't anything she feared.
"M'sorry." She said softly, returning to her gentle sips as he brought the straw back to her lips and let her take a bit more. Harry obviously cherished this time with her. He prepared for it, bringing a sweet beverage and a snack for her, making sure she was placed in a comfortable position, ensuring she was at the peak of relaxation before he took from her. He genuinely cared for the girl and her well being. She wasn't just a meal to the vampire.
"There we are. Your heart rate is returning to normal." Cool fingers brushed the baby hairs that hadn't been held back by her bun, the simple action making her sigh. She ran unusually hot, his cold feeling a welcome relief from her normal heat. "You're sure it was alright? Nothing has changed, nothing unusual?" He prodded at her every time to make sure.
Other than wet panties from the arousal the venom of his bites gave? It wasn't a bother at all.
"I'm totally fine." Her warm hand stroked over his shoulder. His shirt was a soft linen, thin and easy to feel her body heat through. That was on purpose. Nothing made the Vampire feel more alive than her human heat, the beat of her heart, her sweet scent lingering on his skin like aftershave when he returned to his own bed. Her silky nightgown covered her enough to leave bit to the imagination while still giving him enough of a peek to have him catching looks here and there.
His little human. So beautiful. Full of warmth. The sweetest thing he's ever tasted.
"Alright. Your eyes are closing." he placed the cup down, feeling her shift to lay on his shoulder. "Do you want to lay down on the bed?"
Y/N was far too comfortable against his cool chest, her cheek bleeding heat against him as she tucked her face against the creature, seeking his comfort. "No, no. Just..." she closed her eyes. "Let me rest my eyes here for a moment." Harry wouldn't object. He would hold her for centuries, if he could. "Alright, little Dove." He murmured, rubbing over her waist. "just for a moment."
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Too late
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Harriet raced through the void like streets of the isle, taking every shortcut she could to get to her fathers ship as quickly as she could. she prayed to every god that she wouldn't be too late, that her father hadn't accomplished his mission yet.
she stormed onto the ship, ignoring the fact it was empty and crashed into the captains quarters, stepping back at the body in the middle of the room, drained of blood and life. “no” she whispered, had she been too late? had she lost her brother to their fathers cruelty?
she heard whimpers and sobs from the bathroom, and she ran inside, covering her mouth to see her brother, her 14-year-old baby brother-sitting in the corner, covered in blood and bruises, curled up and shaking. “Harry?” Harriet called out quietly, frowning as Harry’s eyes met hers-red-, with a brand new set of fangs resting in his mouth “Hettie” Harry cried, snot and tears running down his face as Harriet kneeled in front of him, taking him into her arms and holding him close as he sobbed.
“i-i tried to stop him-but-but he-he” Harry choked on his breath, burying his face into Harriet’s shoulder as he slumped into her side, his arms shaking as he death gripped her shirt and waist. “i know, i know, im sorry, its not your fault” Harriet hushed him, curling her fingers into his blood-soaked locks and holding him tight; she had to get him out of here and clean everything up, or there would be no doubt in what their dad would do to Harry. “come on, lets get you out of here, clean you up” Harriet picked him up with ease, his form curling further into her side as she half carried him out of the room. 
“but-but he told me ta clean up” Harry whispered, sniffing as Harriet wiped the tears and snot from his face with a handkerchief “ill take care of it, just let me get you somewhere safe buba” Harry nodded, pressing his bloodied cheek to Harriet's shoulder, soaking her top with blood; the wounds from his fathers claws already healed over to thin scars. 
“you promised you wouldn't let him do this” Harry muttered, his mind clouded with pain and fear. Harriet clenched her eyes and fist, pressing her tongue to her fanged teeth. “i know, I'm sorry-i failed you.”
Harriet is the first to find her newly transformed brother, who had undergone the same forced situation she had been put through only a few years back-and she had sword she wouldn't let it happen to either of her siblings. unfortunately, she's too late.
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Okay, I want to know what you guys would rather see first. I’ve got a couple new things to write but which to start with?
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heartiella · 5 months
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