#so that makes me glad. i'm not going crazy & seeing things
tan1shere · 4 hours
I'm Sorry
Billie Eilish x female reader !
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A/n: saw this video on tiktok of this girl accidentally breaking a gift her bf got her and her being so apologetic, and I can just imagine how bill would be with you:(
Summary: Billie reassures you when you accidentally break her gift.
Warnings: none just fluff ! Kinda angst tho ??
It was time again. Your birthday, just another year of getting older. You were currently laying in bed, half asleep as the sun was shining through the curtains. You then feel hands on your shoulders. "Babyy, its your birthday!" Billie sings as she says that. You cover your face. "Does it have to be." She plops down on the bed. "Oh come on, it's not every day you're 21!" You open an eye to see she had a few gifts. Your other eye opens as you look at her. "Bubba, I thought we agreed on two at most." She puts her finger up to your lips. "I couldn't help myself."
You sigh with a bright smile, sitting up to prepare for her little gifts. She hands you the first one, some clothes you had been wanting. Next up, some skin care. She was always so thoughtful of the things you needed. And lastly, maybe your favorite. You open up the wrapping revealing a glass red rose. You marvel at it. "I know how much you love roses and how upset you get when they start to die, but this way you can have it all the time." She smiles at you. Your eyes meet hers as you almost have tears in them. You leap over to hug her tightly.
"Thank you baby! I love it so so much." She smiles. "Knew you would." Her hands grab your face, thumb swiping over your cheek. "Happy birthday angel." She leans in to kiss you softly, so glad you like the gifts. "Some of them came from your mother. I put them in a vase already for you." You then kiss her cheek, placing the glass rose down on the bedside table. "Thank you babe, I'll go smell them soon."
A few days pass and you honestly had the best birthday ever, Billie was spoiling you like crazy. Took you out for a nice meal too. Today you were working from home, doing some needed chores along the way. Bill was at Finneases working on some stuff in his studio. You did take a small break though. Getting into bed and scrolling for a glass case to put around your new gift. Just to make sure it's safe. You go to grab your water, but as you do. Eyes glued to your screen. You hear a shatter. Uh oh. Your head turns slowly.
Panic rising within you. "Fuck. No no no." You say frantically trying not to freak out. You get on the floor picking up the pieces. Shit. It was really broken. You cry. Cry because you broke the sweetest gift, given by the sweetest person and you broke it. You curse at yourself. You feel so stupid. You're an idiot your brain tells you.
You grab the pieces, but as you do you accidentally cut your finger. "Shit!" You winced. How could this get any worse. You pick up any remaining shards. Standing up and contemplating. She was gunna hate you. You thought. You don't blame her, you had only just got it. Your hands go to your hair, all these bad thoughts rushing through. You were going to have a shower after you got the case. But now you don't even need the case because you stupidly broke the rose. So. Stupid. Your tears still streaming down your face, you felt so awful. The image of Billie being so hurt right after she was so excited giving it to you.
You get into the shower, sliding down the wall. All you could think about was how she was going to react when she comes home. The hot water ran over your crying form. You hadn't even heard the front door open and Billie calling out like she always does. Until you hear faint footsteps and the bathroom door open. "Baby?" Had she seen it yet...
"Y-yeah.." You reply, she opens up the curtain to see you in the position you were in. Confused as anything. "What's going on love?" She always knew when something was bothering you. "I'm so sorry." You pathetically cry out. "Baby, talk to me." She says stopping the water from running. You just shake your head, lip quivering. "Sweetheart, please." You take a moment. "Don't hate me." You weakly say. "How could I ever?" Her bewilderment made your heart ache more for what you are about to tell her.
"Go look on my bedside floor." Your voice was hushed. So incredibly worried as she goes to do so. Her eyes land on the last little bits of glass, looking at the shattered mess on your table. Her heart breaks, but not because you broke it and most definitely by accident. It was because you were so upset, she hated seeing you upset. She comes back in the room to you still in tears. "Bub, hey. It's ok." - "it's not. Im so sorry I'm so-" She stops your apologies. "Baby. We can fix it. It's fixable. And if not I'll just buy you another. I swear to you. It's all ok."
Her voice was tender. So soft and reassuring. Your crying settles just a bit. "Are you sure?" She nods. "So incredibly sure. I'm not mad my girl, never ever would be." Her hand extends out for yours. You take it and get out of the shower. "Are you hurt?" You pout at how sweet she was, you loved this woman to absolute death. "What?" She chuckles. You just shake your head. "Youre just so kind, I love you." She brings you in for a hug, you wrap your arms tightly around her. She couldn't give a single fuck that your body was dripping wet.
It lasted for a long time, before she pulls back and looks at you. "I did just a tiny bit but I'm ok." You state. "Where abouts?" You show her the red mark on your thumb, she grabs it. Bringing it to her lips as kissing it gently. "Like I said before if we can't fix it I'll buy a new one, this time with a case."
"Great idea."
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myfairkatiecat · 2 days
nightfall was crazy, but I'm also kind of confused??? It went by sooo fast I was like WHAT? WAIT, WHAT? WAIT WAIT WAIT-
Love the fact that they went on with keefes whole "I'm not worth it, but you are, so I'm going to take over decisions we need to make (as a team) and screw them over so that they cause harm to me and not you!" Kinda vibe, honestly thought that after he came back from the neverseen in lodestar they were just going to forget about it, yk??
Only thing I really didn't like is that like...everyone has a slight distrust to keefe (at least in the start, till he apologized ) but Sophie, the person who was (in my opinion) most affected by his 'betrayal' never once had a doubt???? Like, if someone betrayed me, right? Yk they're my friend whatever whatever, ID STILL HAVE SOME KIND OF LIKE ISSUES WITH THEM???
I feel like her distrusting keefe and then slowly learning to trust him would have made the book MUUUCH better!!
Also, I'm still not getting where the Fitz discourse is coming from, like, his sibling just betrayed him, fell unconscious and WOKE UP WITH NO MEMORY OF ANYTHING?? I can see where the anger issues come from
Holy shit this was long, sorry!
-- @localburntoutkid
Had a blast reading this!
You’re so right about Keefe. That definitely doesn’t get dropped after lodestar, or even nightfall—it’s one of his character’s main flaws, and while it does shift and evolve as the series moves on, it’s kind of there, you know? And I’m really hoping it resolves in some way by the end of the series, because his arc is just… so interesting to me. Because it is NOT arc-shaped. At all.
I get what you mean about Sophie being the only one who doesn’t distrust Keefe when he comes back. I really like that too acknowledge that it’s a Sophie-specific thing, though! Too many people forget that this is a third person limited story told by an unreliable narrator, and act like Shannon Messenger herself is telling us Keefe deserves to be fully trusted. Sophie Foster decides, at the end of Neverseen, not to hate him, and Lodestar is where she has her moments of doubt and distrust, but even in Lodestar, she always believes in Keefe’s good intentions. There’s even a scene where she says something like “Yes, Keefe’s plan is horrible and I hate it, but his heart is in the right place. I have to believe that.” The part about keefe’s plan is paraphrased, but she did say she needs to believe his heart was in the right place, in that wording, and it’s fascinating to me. She’s very attatched to Keefe (obviously) and I think it’s mostly for her own sanity that she chooses over and over to believe that there’s something right about what he’s doing, because letting him go sounds excruciating, even by his own fault.
I actually have no issue with this being Sophie’s perspective, and I actually find it interesting especially in the context of sokeefe, but I wish we got to see this portion through another character’s eyes. For example, Fitz. Someone who does distrust him afterwards, and rightfully so.
As far as Fitz discourse goes, that stuff stemmed less from nightfall and more from flashback and legacy. I don’t hate Fitz in either of those books, but you’ll probably notice the moments that made people kind of go nuts about hating him and ran away with his character (personally, I think Fitz is fully understandable in both books, but don’t fully condone the way he acts in a few scenes, particularly in legacy. I’ll explain later after you’ve read it)
Don’t apologize for length, I’m literally Katie, have you met me? Everything I write is longer than I intend
I’m glad you’re having fun with the KOTLC series. Keep me updated!!!
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luckydicekirby · 3 days
would love any director's commentary you may have on The Only True Thing if slightly older fics are on the table here bc lowkey it changed my brain chemistry forever. I read it on a whim like four years ago at 1 in the morning and ever since then I've been hooked on making all my fav pairings miserable for no reason. this sounds like sarcasm but I'm being completely sincere the schadenfreude is exquisite
okay first of all I’m SO glad to hear this because making your favs miserable is I think one of the most rewarding activities on this earth so I’m really glad I could help share that joy. thanks also to sylvain for just making it so easy. anyway, here’s some assorted thoughts, hopefully some of which are edifying!
(the only true thing for reference for anyone playing along at home.)
this fic affectionately named the darkling au due to this tweet which I feel like I should put in a hall of fame someday. anyway this entire thread showcases the origin of this fic which was me catie and lily bullying each other on twitter about sylvix, a pastime left behind in 2019 which i really miss.
the thing that really first made me Crazy Cuckoo about sylvain is his B support with Byleth--I'm obsessed with that moment where he very coldly threatens to kill you and then laughs it off, and that was pretty much the jumping off point for Sylvain's characterization in this au--what if he was like that all the time? answer: it would be bad, but also pretty sexy!
One thing I miss about writing for fe3h is the hero’s relics were sooo nice as like. shortcut symbolism. the lance of ruin comes preloaded for you! It’s familial cycles of violence! Easy! and there's a mechanic for it breaking ALSO preloaded into the game mechanics! I wrote like three versions of the ending and the lance getting busted moved around a bit--it originally happened a little earlier.
For a while when I was still femblempilled I was idly thinking about two sequels to this—a sylvain pov sequel about the war, which would have been fun but also Yikes, and then epistolary dorothea/ingrid ideological divorce fic. sorry to dorothea and ingrid who really get the short end of the stick in this universe.
oh there's a playlist. I can’t claim to have put a ton of thought into it it’s just all my fav bad ya boyfriend songs <3 actually dead girl walking reprise is like. yeah that's the fic.
ANYWAY. I feel like a lot of my commentary on this has been washed away by the sea (the passage of time) so a few extras. I apparently wrote like 400 words of sylvain POV of the training yard scene also? Last edited September 26th 2019, here you go:
Felix has always been smaller him, ever since they were kids. Still is these days, to Sylvain’s delight. He wondered about it plenty, these past two years--maybe Felix had a growth spurt. Maybe he caught up to Dimitri. Maybe Sylvain would meet him at the monastery and they’d see eye to eye. Of course they don’t. Felix is a head shorter than him, and he’ll never see things the way Sylvain does. Still. Sylvain thought about it. He’s had a lot of time to think about Felix since the last time he saw him, since Felix ran away. Still a crybaby at heart, no matter how sure he was he’d grown out of it. Not much has changed, Sylvain figures. Felix might have everyone else fooled with that delightfully sharp-edged exterior of his--a pretty decent feint, Sylvian should know--but Felix can’t hide from him. Sylvain sees him down to the bone. The two of them are a matched set: liars at heart.  Like right now. Felix is trying so hard not to cry, his back to the wall of the training yard, his grip tight around the wood of his training sword like he’s actually going to use it. Sylvain hopes he will. He hasn’t gotten to see Felix fight yet, really fight. He bets he’s gotten better. He bets he’s elegant and controlled—maybe less so with Sylvain, and wouldn’t that be nice? That’s how it goes sometimes, when Sylvain dreams about their last day together. Felix’s sword at his throat, biting and cold, ending all this before it began. It would have saved everyone a lot of trouble. Sylvain wouldn’t have had to spend such an awfully long time missing him.  He bets Felix could make him hurt. Nothing seems to do that anymore, except for thoughts of Felix, the ones he can never stop worrying at like a bruise.  Sylvain doesn’t want much these days, and maybe that’s why it’s so hard: he wants Felix in a way that aches, delirious and unstoppable. It doesn’t matter so much how. Felix is welcome to cut him open or kiss him quiet or anything in between. As long as he never stops looking at Sylvain like he is now, hateful and just on the edge of tears, so clearly focused on nothing else. As long as Sylvain can have that, the rest doesn’t matter.  That’s love, Sylvain figures; the cheerful facade he gives the girls is nothing. He forgets about a new one every week. But Felix? He’ll be dead someday, and Felix will still have a grip on his heart, as tight as he’s holding his sword and just as dangerous.
and what exists of the sylvain POV sequel I never wrote:
Felix looks like shit. Of course he’s also beautiful. He’s radiant, for all that his hair’s a mess and his face is drawn and he’s got the kind of dark circles that only come from weeks and weeks of exhaustion. He’s Felix, right? He can’t be anything else. “You look like shit,” Sylvain tells him, because honesty is what Felix thinks he wants from him. He hasn’t seen Felix in six moons, but that probably hasn’t changed. “What are you doing here?” Felix asks. His horse stamps her feet and shakes her head, moving uneasily under him. Felix has never been a good rider. It’s clear he doesn’t appreciate his mare, and she doesn’t appreciate him. Sylvain wonders how long Felix has been making his way across Faerghus like this. He wonders if he stole the horse. It’s awful not to know. “Looking for you,” Sylvain says. “They say you’re searching for the king.” Felix never could stop himself from chasing ghosts. Sylvain hates that about him. It’s just as unfair as everything else: it’s the only reason Sylvain is still here, after all.  “I am. And you should be defending Gautier territory.” “Got a message from your father,” Sylvain lies. He slides off his horse, patting her flank. Felix, clumsily, does the same. “He wants you to come home.” That part’s probably true.  Felix scoffs. “My old man can send all the messages he wants. I’m going to find the boar.” He means it. Sylvain can see that he means it, in the flinty look in his eyes, the fold of his arms, the jut of his chin as he looks up at Sylvain. It’s the saddest thing Sylvain’s ever seen, and he’s seen a lot of shit. “Felix,” he says. He reaches out. He can never help it, not when Felix is like this, not when he believes. Felix doesn’t flinch from Sylvain’s hand on his cheek anymore. “Sweetheart. You know he’s dead.” “Don’t call me that,” Felix says. But when he swings himself back in the saddle and Sylvain does the same, he doesn’t tell Sylvain not to follow. That’s more than good enough. 
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t00thpasteface · 14 hours
i very deeply respect your mashposting and even though im not as enthusiastic about hawkahy as you are i think the content you make for them us delightful and some of the best mashposting on this godforsaken website. that being said, i wanted to know ur takes on the hawkeye & trapper dynamic, and the hawkeye & bj dynamic. Not in a shippy way, just in the World of Hawkahy what role do trapper and bj play in their relationships with hawkeye :3 this because i love that one comic u did where hawkeye is spunchbop and bj is Patrick its one of my fave pieces of mash fanart lol
(⁠๑˘❥⁠⁠ ˘๑⁠) first off, THANK YOU!! i'm soooo crazy about hawkahy and i really enjoy contributing to my fellow shippers, but i'm glad my art can also still appeal to people who are less interested the ship itself.
second, VERY fun question!! i wish i had definitive answers for yall, but you know me... i love to go "well idk it could go either way" ^_^;; really, it depends on what kind of tone and theme i'm looking for. i don't really write heavier stuff (because i have so much fun writing funny fic) so that kind of narrows my options, but there's a lot of potential i'd love to explore— or see someone else explore, if they're so inclined!
generally the trapper reading i typically default to is that he and hawkeye have a pretty casual FWB thing going on. trapper considers hawkeye a very close friend and hooks up with him at an intersection of bicuriosity and deep platonic affection, but hawkeye catches baddddd feelings and ends up genuinely heartbroken to find out their thing was lopsided. in this case, hawkahy would happen only after trapper leaves— mulcahy has a tough time trying to get noticed before that point :( but at the same time, i don't think mulcahy would pounce at the first opportunity, because i don't think an immediate rebound would be good for hawkeye nor mulcahy... but it could happen for dramaaaaa...
another version of the hawkeye-trapper rapport that i love playing with in my fics is trapper being generally very supportive but nonetheless slightly grossed out. i think there's a lotttt of comedy potential with hawkeye thinking it's okay to fuck a priest but NOT a married woman, and meanwhile trapper is pro-infidelity but anti-priestfucking (for whatever reason), and they squabble and tease each other about it the whole time.
it's also funny to think about is trapper trying to figure out whether mulcahy now gets the "one of the bros" back-slapping beer-chugging dude treatment, or if instead he's now slotted into the "go easy on 'em trap" category that protects hawkeye's ladyfriends from hearing trapper's bawdiest jokes and comments when hawkeye brings them along as a plus-one to the swamp.
trapper seems like he's pretty likely to sniff out that hawkeye and mulcahy are seeing each other even if they try their damnedest to keep it secret. i like to think hawkeye trusts trapper enough that he would go ahead and divulge it it up front pretty soon after it's official. trapper could probably even pick up hawkeye's crush beforehand... maybe even before hawkeye knows about it!
i don't see trapper as being too jealous of hawkeye spending a lot of time with mulcahy, even if it means hawkeye is now exclusive and not sleeping with trapper anymore. if anything i think he'd be pretty stoked that he's got one less guy to compete with for the nurses' attention. pretty sweet deal as far as he's concerned.
i do think there'd be some tricky navigating between how hawkeye acts with trapper and the STARK difference with how he acts around mulcahy, which you can see clear as day in the s1 finale, where hawkeye gets soooo soft and careful while talking to mulcahy. i don't think either one is disingenuous; i think hawkeye contains multitudes. hawkeye's not the type to fake sincerity. and to that end, i really don't think hawkahy should hinge on hawkeye totally giving up all the cruder parts of his personality (especially since mulcahy is really no saint either), so it could be pretty interesting to see that manifest in whether/how he's still maintaining a close friendship with trapper now that he's been seeing mulcahy regularly and trying to make a good impression.
the direction bj goes in depends on whether hawkahy are already an item before he gets there. he does form that almost instantaneous trauma-bond with hawkeye on his first day, but i think if hawkeye admitted "yeah by the way the chaplain is my boyfriend" as soon it seemed safe, bj would be able to take it in stride as another weird little quirk of the mash he has to get used to. he's too hung up on dealing with all the gore to worry about who's banging who.
by contrast, i think he could potentially get pretty upset/jealous if hawkeye and mulcahy paired up a little while later. i can see him feeling really betrayed, like, "what do you normally do when i'm gone?" "wait for you to get back!!"
if bj still doesn't feel like he's really enmeshed himself into the unit— which i think on some level, he never wants to, because he's banking on dropping everything like a hot potato the second he can— then i can totally picture him just feeling completely lost and isolated when hawkeye is suddenly forgoing their boys-nite boozathons in favor of getting some priest pipe. like, at least trapper could always go find his own cuddle buddy to pass the time and had nurses lining up to volunteer; bj has basically nobody and doesn't seem inclined nor equipped to fix that. hawkeye is his liason to the rest of the camp, and bj isn't so great with people without having hawkeye there to help as both teleprompter and safety net.
basically i think bj wants to keep hawkeye within a very specific arm's-length radius— not too close, but not too far either, and hawkeye having so much private time with someone else could really get under his skin.
you could also have bj think the priestfucking is gross/bad on sheer principle like trapper did, even without the jealousy angle, and it'd probably hold a little more water coming from bj than trapper. however, it'd be funny if he's insisting it's definitely not a jealousy thing and he's being fully objective about it, but you can totally tell he's just jealous. x)
i admit i kinda love seeing bj get tormented, because he's got such obvious buttons to press and yet sternly insists that they don't even exist, similar to houlihan and frank. like, you can't just set that up and not expect me to rub my hands together and SLAM those buttons as hard as i can. ergo, bj getting jealous about hawkahy is supremely funny to me. i'm not too proud to admit that!
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emdotcom · 7 months
Idk why the fucken... Divide between "it was alternate universes" & "Paul is just trans" ideas for Petscop has to be torn into a cavern. Paul being trans DOES make sense, but requires you to ignore huge details that immediately make it not work. The alternate universes DO kind of make sense, but require you to extrapolate out a lot of info purposefully left unshown.
It's hard to describe what i want to say, here -- i do think Paul being trans makes sense, 'splains why he & Care "look eeriely similar," you could argue he's just thoroughly blocked out that part of his life enough to have forgotten Care entirely, etc. I like it, & i keep it as i also say "Yeah, it's that & the universes theory." It's not two switches that demand you can only flip on one of them -- you can have both. You can have neither. Do whatever
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deviousdiesel · 2 months
#so that dotd rewrite is out and i have some thoughts on it but i wouldn't know where to put them.. maybe in here bc i don't actually feel -#- like making a whole ass text post. this is coming from me as criticism and not hate.. just some crit from one fan to another if you get m#SPOILERS AHEAD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>#first off props to the team because this was obv a labor of love - 4 and a half years to make a feature long fan movie is hard work#and the animated stuff was a really nice touch and very commendable - you don't see them too often in big fanworks#in terms of the story well.. there are some things i like and some things that i don't (personally) again no hate#i'm aware this is a rewrite and boy howdy it IS a rewrite - though i am a bit sad that percy doesn't end up being the protagonist and it's#- thomas that has to play hero again.. like i kinda get it but what made the original dotd stand out was that percy was given the spotlight#so i spent an ungodly amount of time wondering when percy was gonna take charge or step into the main story to resolve the problem.. sigh#i liked that they tried to give norman more of a character bc a lot of characters do often get neglected in the series but it was kind of -#- hard to sell that for me? the twist in this rewrite was very creative and i do appreciate it but i guess it just ain't for me#“different” is ok and this is just one of many fan rewrites for this particular story#if there was something i enjoyed.. i guess the beginning was still kind of exciting because the set up was honestly like hype a bit#i liked that diesel and d10 actually got to interact face to face and there are clearer dynamics established for the diesels#and also. silverband's performances as d10 will always be fun he does a fantastic job voicing him (how d10 stole xmas will still be my fav)#my criticisms for this movie also derive from the pacing and the voice acting - i found it hard to try and understand tones sometimes -#- because the delivery felt so off.. like don't get me wrong not everyone in the fandom is a voice actor but if we're using static faces -#- for these fan works the delivery has to be a little more clear or else it'll sound like you're reading from a script.. sorry yall :"|#for the pacing i found it a bit hard to parse when some things were going on and how fast things were progressing#as well as the crashes.. that's also another thing bc i couldn't tell bc of the sfx and audio balancing - it could be better..#i wanna say. muffled voices do not substitute for a “far away”/off-screen voice bc i still can't hear it :“|#there were a lot of throwbacks and references to older thomas media/movies but some of them felt a little.. much?#if this is a dotd rewrite why are we getting some parallels with tatmr.. but i digress. at least they made diesel beef with duck a bit#there's a lot more i could say but i'm keeping those to myself. at the end of the day this fan movie was hard work for everyone involved#and you can tell some of the folks were having fun in there - props to them! i'm always glad to see more fan works in the community#we've come so far we're making feature length fan stories and rewrites that's crazy! i hope to see more in the future#fauxtrainpost.txt
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cheekblush · 2 years
i might just fall in love with my physiotherapist..... 😳
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souloben · 1 year
aha...one of my eric gifs was used in some war-torn the little mermaid discourse tweets and it inspired me to reminisce on my tumblr giffing days and omg...it might not be something i can go back to now and that’s ok but it was so much fun owning and creating things for this blog
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My dad: you'll be nothing without me! I'll leave all you kids behind and never speak to you again! I don't need anyone, I'm smarter than you all! No one can compare to me!
Me: i mean ig because your two adult children from two separate mothers respectively and their families also don't vibe with you and only regularly started speaking to you recently right? Because you're too much of a coward and self-centered man to keep in touch with them right?
Him:........ *Walks off and locks his door*
#summary of what happened wtvr#coulda kept my mouth shut if it was just the two of us but he had to get all the kids involved too#like nigga if you're gonna threaten my younger siblings I'm gonna call you out on all your shortcomings and insecurities#musty bitch#like congrats now that you've shown your true feelings toward us on multiple occasions#I'm sure the kids will feel inclined to keep communicating with you#see how being a conservative leaves you constantly angry and alone? if that's what you want#i am glad that I've been able to let him go as a loved one. like obvs i still love him but I'm positive i can cut him off when I'm able#he'll be without me. I'll be without him. everything comes up roses#i won't dictate whether or not the kids stay. that's up to them. but I'll leave in time.#the crazy thing is like he wants me to leave so badly but they purposely find ways to keep me in the house with them#don't go to school in person- that's 3 hours away! we won't see you most of the year!#don't work in person- you need to help at home constantly! the streets are dangerous!#don't go out and do wtvr activities for too long- everything u need is here!#but then when i fall short of my peers in all social aspects it's my fault. acting like a caged bird and recluse is my fault.#shits crazy fr but at least all my children don't secretly resent me.#at least I'm making a conscious effort to be a more empathetic person and also sharpen my skills in wtvr aspects i prefer#like he's even laughing in his room now scrolling facebook- he can do that without us here too. no difference#he just can't leave the family because of the social scorn it'll bring him- and ain't that a damn shame? well.#he screamed for all the neighbors to hear (hope child services comes so he can shut his fucking mouth in front of the kids)#yeah but that whole speech exhausted me? I'm kinda tired now so ig I'll just eat ORV then sleep#I'm a little upset bc i thought the jjk leaks would be out now but that's in a few hrs. well.#vent post
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hotyanderedaddies · 4 months
Yandere Cat Café Owner Wants You
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[Yandere! Cat Dad Boyfriend x GN! Reader]
Kitty Café opened up down the block from your apartment, and ever since you'd seen the fliers promising delicious treats with tons of cats to play with, you'd made it your life's mission to visit it.
Unfortunately, your boyfriend was crazy allergic to cats, so you had to go solo. It bummed you out, sure; but the idea of getting to spend some time with tons of cats more than made up for it. You knew that you couldn't adopt one, but maybe you could do a little donation instead.
"Welcome!" a deep, warm voice sounded out as soon as you entered the small café.
Behind the desk was a large behemoth of a man. Even from across the room, you could tell that he towered over you. His body was thick and solid with muscle, and the tight polo he wore was painted across his large chest.
Around him, tiny kittens mewed and pawed at him, asking for pets.
The entire café was littered with cats (duh), but most of them seemed to be sticking close to the man.
"H-hi," you stuttered back, feeling nervous under the intense gaze of the larger man. His eyes widened when you spoke, and you could clearly see his Adam's apple quiver a little, and the corners of his mouth pulled up slightly. "I, uh, I saw the fliers and I had to come see the new cat café."
The man's smile grew on his face. "Great!" he beamed. "You're actually my first customer. I'm Dominik the owner, by the way. But you can call me Da-- *cough, Dom." He smiled nervously, a pinkish hue forming on his face. "What can I get you?"
The owner was really friendly, and he seemed to be over the moon to have a customer. You could tell by how giddy he seemed, and even some of the kittens picked up on it, their glances shifting between him and you.
You looked at the menu behind Dom, amazed by the wide array of tasty treats and delicious drinks that you could order. There were so many choices that you couldn't make up your mind.
"Um," you wondered. "Surprise me." You shrugged, figuring that the café owner wouldn't find the request too annoying... or at least you hoped not.
Luckily, Dom's smile remained, and it even grew bigger. "Sure thing, Kitten," he grinned. "Go ahead and take a seat and I'll bring it out to you."
You winced internally at his odd nickname for you, but ignored it for the moment.
You took a seat near the window, taking time to pet some of the cats that were brave enough to wander close to you. A fluffy orange kitten with little stripes on it clawed its way up your pant leg, hopping into your lap and purring loudly.
"Aww, cute little guy," you cooed as you pet the kitten, loving how it purred even louder.
"That's Pumpkin," Dom said as he approached the table. "It looks like he likes you."
Dom placed a small cup on the table in front of you and a little baked treat. It looked like a cookie in the shape of a cat, whereas the cup was a latte with a little heart made out of the foam. It was really cute.
"Thank you," you said as you took a sip of the latte, your eyes widening at how sweet it was. And it totally lacked any of the bitterness that coffee drinks typically have. In short: It was fantastic! "This is amazing!"
Dom took the seat opposite yours. "I'm glad you like it, Kitten," he genuinely smiled. He then nodded at Pumpkin. "Are you looking for a cat to take home?"
You frowned slightly. "No," you relented. "My boyfriend's allergic to cats, so I can't adopt one."
Dom's smile vanished and his square jaw clenched. "Yeah..." he huffed, something audible in his deep voice, "that's not too good." He sighed before forcing a smile back onto his face. "I guess that means that you'll just have to come visit more often."
You looked up at the larger man in awe.
Blushing, Dom hurriedly added, "I know Pumpkin will miss you."
Almost as if on cue, Pumpkin meowed.
After your first visit to the café, you quickly became a regular.
Every so often, you would come by to play with Pumpkin and some of the other cats.
And each and every time, Dom would light up and eagerly strike up a conversation with you, looking as giddy as a kid on Christmas. He was really nice to you and he was quickly starting to grow on you.
He was becoming a really great friend to you.
One day, you rushed over to the café, eager to tell the man the wonderful news that you had. Your fists balled up excitedly, you burst into the small shop, seeing Dom sitting near the counter with a few new kittens.
He perked up when he saw you, his face instantly brightening up. "Hey, Y/N!" he cheered, then he saw how excited you looked. "What's the good news?"
You couldn't resist shoving your left out towards him, showing off the gold band on your ring finger. "My boyfriend proposed!" you ecstatically cheered. "Check out the ring too! Nice, right?"
You were all smiles, dreaming of walking down the aisle to marry your boyfriend: a.k.a. the man of your dreams.
Dom smiled too, although his grin didn't touch his eyes. In fact, his smile looked pained, forced. He sharply exhaled before perking up slightly.
"How about a drink to celebrate?" he asked. "I've been working on a new one." He moved behind the counter and began to shuffle around with some ingredients, his broad back blocking your view of what he was messing with. He peeked over his shoulder to make sure that you couldn't see him add something special to your cup.
When he was done, Dom turn back around and placed a warm mug in front of you. He made sure to take extra care to shape the foam into a cute little kitty.
"I hope you enjoy," Dom grinned, pushing the mug closer to you.
You grabbed it and took a sip. The drink was incredibly sweet, just as you liked it. "It's delicious, Dom," you beamed. "Thank you so much!"
He smiled triumphantly as you downed your drink.
As the two of you talked about your wedding plans (Dom's smile morphed into a frown the more you went on about it), you suddenly felt yourself get a little dizzy.
You placed a shaking hand up to your head to try and steady yourself, but the room felt like it was spinning.
"Are you alright, Y/N?" Dom asked, a cheerful tone in his voice.
You wondered what was going on, not sure if you were catching a virus or something. "Um," you mumbled, "I think I'm getting sick. I'll just head home..."
You stood up, but your legs were wobbly and they gave out on you, sending you toppling down.
Before you hit the hard ground, Dom rushed over and wrapped both of his strong arms around you, securing you tightly in his hold. He pulled you to his torso, and you felt his chest rumble a little as he seemingly purred like a happy cat.
"Wha--?" you tried to ask, but it getting harder to speak as your vision blurred and you felt weaker by the second.
"Shh," Dom cooed as he placed a tender hand on your cheek. "Just relax, Kitten. Let Daddy take care of you."
Before you could ask what he meant by that, everything went black...
When you began to stir awake, you first noticed that everything felt so comfortable. Seriously, whatever bed you were lying in had the softest sheets, and there was a fluffy comforter that was so incredibly warm. And speaking of warm, a large body cuddled you from behind, keeping you nice and secured--
"What!?" you jolted awake, everything rushing to you all at once. You struggled to move, but your panic only heightened as you realized that your arms and legs were bound together by what felt like silk ties. The fabric was soft to the touch so as not to irritate your skin, but they were tied so tightly that they severely restricted your movement.
Looking around the bedroom that you found yourself in, you could see that there were tons of cat toys and décor around. A few of the kittens from the café where in the room, watching you intently. Pumpkin purred happily when he saw you, his tail flicking to and fro with glee.
You kept trying to thrash your body around to get free, but the body behind you only tightened its grip on you, effectively stopping you.
"Calm down, Kitten," Dom sleepily yawned, his hot breath wafting over your ear due to his closeness to you.
You tensed up when you felt his lips press to your cheek.
"Dom?!" you cried, unable to get free with his arms around you. He even laid one of his strong legs over yours, his entire body acting as a double lock. "What's going on?"
The larger man chuckled. "Kitten," he cooed, "isn't it obvious? You going to marry that... guy." He said the last part with such anger in his voice that it almost came out as a growl, making some of the cats in the room hiss in response. "So I had to just snatch you up and take you home with me."
You were stunned silent, unable to wrap your head around what was going on. "What do you mean?" you trembled.
Dom pressed his lips against you once more, purring as he did so. "I love you so much, Y/N. So I brought you home with me to convince you to be with me, not with your ex-boyfriend."
"You're insane..." you try to argue, earning a nip from him.
"Don't say that," he hissed. "I'm not insane, you're insane for trying to marry some guy who's not me. You belong to me, and that's why you're here: to be with me, and only me."
Dom tightened his grip on you, sealing off any hope of escape.
"You're mine."
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bunny-queen · 6 months
fake it til you make it
if you have trouble going into the 'i AM' or 'wish fulfilled' states, you can try the acting method and see how it feels
it's really simple, and it doesn't involve doing anything in the 3D—because remember, you can't change the 3D by acting in the 3D
so i'm not gonna say 'if your ideal self is that girl, start waking up at 5 am and going for 2 mile runs, stop eating processed foods, buy this thing....' like NO lmao you should only ever do this type of thing in the material world for your own fun and enjoyment, but NEVER expect it to have any impact on your outer world. all change must be achieved in your mind, period
so how do you act then?
it doesn't matter what you do in the outer world. you can keep going as you usually do if you work or if you're a student, and it won't conflict with ur manifesting, even if you think 'oh but in my dream life I'm not a student, I'm a model', k?
the acting method is simply thinking FROM ur desires instead of TO them. you should straight up act like you're playing the part of future you, in every tiny little way
pay attention to your inner monologue and think fun things! they might sound crazy or delusional at first but ur mind is the real deal, not what we see, so fuck it we ball lmao
EXAMPLE: i want to be a fashion model, even more famous than bella hadid
when i wake up, i splash my face with water and brush my teeth, thinking 'ah my skin's looking good today. i'll barely need to wear any makeup for the photoshoot later...'
when i have breakfast, i think 'my fans sometimes ask me about my diet, but i really just eat whatever i want. maintaining my weight and appearance is effortless'
when i dress up, i think 'i'm so excited for dior's next collection... I'm glad i decided to become an ambassador for them!'
and go on about your life you know. that's just it. if you do it a few times, it becomes completely natural, and you'll shift your state, and the 3D will reflect it
fairy kisses~
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strawberrynull · 6 months
──⯎ ˙💄 ̟ strawberry lip balm
엔하이픈 | Enhypen | Nishimura Riki
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──Pairing: niki x afab!reader
──Genre: fluff
──Synopsis: After sleeping over Niki's house with some friends the night before, you accidentally left your favorite chapstick behind
──Warnings: cursing, kissing
──A/N: yall this literally took me only one hour
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You were the only thing on Nishimura Riki's mind ever since he had found your strawberry lip balm sitting on his bathroom sink.
Last night, you and Jake slept over at Niki's place. The three of you had so much fun playing Mario Kart all night and ordering your favorite foods. Niki had watched you put on that strawberry lip balm at least 20 times last night. You were typically the type to leave things at people's house accidentally but he didn't think you would end up forgetting something so important to you.
Niki layed on his bed, staring at the small lip balm. It was pink and decorated with strawberries and pink lettering. He held it in between his fingers, rolling it to read the label for the hundredth time. He contemplated whether he wanted to show up at your door to give you your lip balm now or wait until you noticed it was gone.
The thought of you putting the lip balm on your plump lips flooded his mind once again. The scene played on repeat until it almost annoyed him. He ran his fingers through his hair, sighing in frustration. Sure, he kinda liked you and kinda really wanted to kiss you but you were his friend. And his best friend was best friends with you too. Having the image of your blush tinted lips on his mind all day wasn't making his guilt any better.
He was even more guilty knowing that all he wanted right now was to taste your lips. Now he had your lip balm in his hand. It was an opportunity but would he feel super bad about it after? Absolutely.
Niki opened the cap of the lip balm. It had a red tint like a real strawberry and was a bit shimmery as well. The image of your lips flashed in his mind again. Maybe he would just quickly see how the lip balm smelled... He held the small pink lip balm under his nose. As you would expect, it smelled like artificial strawberries and had a hint of honey too.
The phone buzzed making him flinch, quickly closing the lip balm and tossing it to the side. Grabbing the phone, he read a text from you.
Y/n-ie♡Hey I think I left my lip balm at your house Can I come pick it up?
He immediately began typing back, telling you he had found it and he was at home.
Y/n-ie♡great I'll be over in 5
He sat up, feeling his face begin to heat. You had texted him right as he was smelling your lip balm. He felt like a total creep. Past that feeling, the desire to taste your lips still lingered, making him feel even worse.
Niki layed back down and turned to his side, eyeing the lip balm beside him. The idea of using your lip balm on his own lips popped into his mind. He quickly shook off the idea though. He rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling, trying to get you off his mind.
Not for long though.
He grabbed the lip balm, quickly pulling the cap off. He observed the way the flecks of glitter shimmered as he turned the lip balm. Hesitantly, he brought it up to lips. He swallowed before swiping the pink lip balm across his bottom lip. He frantically put the cap back on and threw it to the side once again. He felt horrible for using your things without your permission.
Niki licked his lips, tasting a mixture of strawberries and honey. Though he still wanted to know how it tasted on your lips.
Then there was a knock at the door. Fuck. 5 minutes had gone by too quickly. He shot up from his bed, grabbed the lip balm, and dashed toward the door. As soon as the door opened, his eyes darted to your lips. Still plump and pink even without your signature lip balm.
Great, way to go Niki.
"Hey Ki. I'm soooo glad you have my lip balm. I was looking for it all morning. I thought I was going crazy." You rambled as he tried his best to avoid looking down at your pretty lips.
"Uh, yeah. Sure. Here." He said quickly, reaching out to hand you your lip balm, still avoiding eye contact. He still felt ashamed for what he had done a few seconds earlier.
You took the lip balm from his hand. Just as he was about to turn away you opened your mouth to speak again. "Riki," Shit, his full name. You noticed already. He snapped his gaze toward you. "Did you use my lip balm?"
"Yes you did. You have glitter on your lips." Fuck. You had caught him. He stood there in silence with a look of shock like a deer in headlights. You just laughed though. He had totally overstepped a boundary and you just laughed at it. "Ki, why'd you use mine? Don't you have like 30 of your own?"
"Well, I-" He stuttered. He didn't know what to tell you. Oh yeah I used your lip balm like a total freak because I wanted to know what your lips taste like. No fucking way he would tell you that.
You raised an eyebrow at him. In addition, you crossed your arms. He could never lie to you when you did that.
"I'm sorry." he started by apologizing. "I wanted to k- to kiss you but you know... friends don't do that. So uh.. I used the lip balm and I'm really sorry. It was weird, sorry." He stuttered, bowing his head to repeatedly apologize. Again, you just laughed. His guilty expression was replaced with a look of confusion.
"You could have just told me, Ki. Here," you pulled open your lip balm and spread it across your lips. "I gotchu."
Before Niki could process what was happening, you had put a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him in to kiss him. Your lips were so much softer than he could have ever imagined. The taste of strawberries and honey returned to his taste buds but a hundred times better this time. Just one kiss had him feeling dizzy. Subconsciously, he grabbed hold of your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"As good as you imagined?" You whispered against his lips. You felt his arms wrap around you fully, hugging you tight against his body.
"Better." He said before pressing his lips onto yours again.
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© strawberrynull, 2024. Do not copy my work. Please DM for permission before translating or reuploading. Thank You
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radishaur · 18 days
✩ side by side ✩
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Warnings: mentions of a slight injury in Luffy's part, semi-Wano spoilers and jealousy in Law's part Genre: fluff Characters: Luffy, Zoro, & Law Summary: How they realize they have feelings for you (quality time edition) Author's Note: Here's the next part of the series! I'm working on a master list, so the link will be here when I finish it! I tried to keep the reader's personalities the same as before so I hope they give off the same vibe. masterlist
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Luffy loves spending time with his crew, whether aboard the Sunny or on whatever island you've landed on.
He's always goofing off and taking whatever crew member is unlucky enough to get stuck with him on his adventures. But, there are very few people he would sit silently with. Luffy is a ball of energy and I think being able to spend time with you in comfortable silence would cause him to have an aha moment.
Life is always crazy on the Sunny. It's one of Luffy's favorite things about his adventures and his crew, who constantly entertain his antics.
But sometimes, like today, they get a break. The water is calm as can be, there's not an enemy in sight, and the next island is days away so there's nothing for him to do except wait. Normally on days like this, he gets up to his usual Luffy shenanigans, whether it be causing a fight or getting everyone involved in some silly game, but this time it's different. This time, you're injured.
You're normally the first person to engage with him, entertain whatever stupid idea he comes up with much to the chagrin of the rest of the crew, but today he knows that's not an option. You'd been cut pretty badly during their last island visit after taking a hit for Chopper. He was getting overwhelmed and before any of the other crew members could react, you had jumped in the way, taking the slash right to your stomach.
The injury wasn't life-threatening, but it was severe enough that it needed stitches and Chopper had ordered you to rest over the next couple of days. You were recovering quickly, but you hadn't been able to get out of bed yet, so you'd been in the girl's shared room for the past few days.
He sighed, resigning himself to a boring day when he heard the doors to the deck open. He brightened up, thinking it was Sanji with his lunch, but was surprised to see that it was you instead. His heart flipped at the sight and he couldn’t keep the smile off his face. He called your name excitedly and was about to slingshot himself to you when he saw the bandages wrapping your stomach and stopped himself.
Instead, he runs over to you as the rest of the crew notices your arrival and comes to greet you as well. "You're finally up! I'm glad you're ok," he exclaimed, hugging your shoulders tightly. You huffed a laugh, hugging him back as some of the crew joined in.
"What are you doing up?" Chopper asks, running over from where he was relaxing to fuss over you. "You're supposed to be in bed recovering!"
"I've been relaxing. I wanted to come out and spend time with everyone," you huff, pouting slightly as everyone breaks the hug.
"She looks fine to me!" he says, laughing as he finally releases you and allows Chopper the space to look at your bandages.
Chopper scolds him as he continues checking your bandages and after a few moments, he pulls back, seemingly satisfied that you hadn't reopened your wound. Regardless, Chopper says, "You shouldn't have gotten out of bed! Just take the time to recover and relax."
"I will recover, I just missed being out here. I want to feel the breeze and the sun on my skin. Can't I relax out here?" you plead. Chopper thinks for a moment before finally relenting. "Fine, but be careful!" Chopper insists.
Satisfied, you start catching up with the rest of the crew about what you missed over the past few days. Sanji brings out special drinks and food while you spend time with everyone out on the deck for a while. Eventually, everyone breaks off to go back to their own activities and you make your way over to Luffy.
"You're being suspiciously calm," you say, a slight tease in your voice as you ask him, "What are you planning?"
He laughs, glad to hear your jokes again after so long without them before he answers, "Nothing! You've got to recover, so I have to be on my best behavior."
Your eyes widen a bit at his answer like you hadn't been expecting it, but then you smile. "That's very un-Luffy-like of you."
He catches up with you for a few moments before he notices how tired you look. You're talking with him eagerly, but he can see you struggling to keep your eyes open as sleep calls for you.
"You're tired," he says bluntly. "You should rest."
You frown, seemingly frustrated with yourself for being exhausted already as you say, "But I haven't spent any time with you." That makes his heart flip and he doesn't have the heart to send you back to your room to sleep.
He frowns too for a moment before an idea comes to him, and he takes your hand. "I have an idea, come on!" he says, pulling you behind him as he leads you towards the front of the ship.
He stops near the figurehead of the Sunny, extending his arms to pull himself up and then carefully reaching back down for you. He's extra careful as he hoists you up next to him and even more careful as he settles you next to him, making sure that he's supporting your weight and that his arms are around you in case you slip.
"You can just sleep here with me! That way, you get your rest and we can still hang out," he explains, satisfied with himself for his genius idea.
"Are you sure? That doesn't sound very fun for you," you ask.
"I always have fun with you!" he answers earnestly, smiling as he says, "Just relax and I'll take care of you."
He sees you visibly relax, whether it's from his words or just the exhaustion slowly taking over you, he can't tell, but you relax all the same. He feels his heart rate pick up slightly as you shuffle closer to him to lay your head down on his shoulder and mumble a thank you under your breath.
After a few minutes, when you're still moving around and trying to sleep, he starts to sing softly. Usually, he sings without a care in the world, but this time he finds himself trying to stay on pitch as much as possible. It's not long before you finally fall asleep, but he keeps singing for a while longer just to make sure.
He spends the next few hours holding you as you sleep next to him. He was expecting this to be hard, thinking that he would be restless and itching to just move around or talk to someone, but surprisingly he finds he's content to stay here with you. Watching you sleep next to him makes him happy in a way that's hard for him to describe. He meant it earlier when he said it was always fun with you, no matter what you were doing, and he finds himself thinking about it more.
By the time you wake up, at night as Sanji calls out that dinner is ready, he's figured out what it is that he's feeling. He thinks that he's always known, what with how he gravitates towards you, and now he just has a name for it. He helps you down from the Sunny's head and follows you inside, now hyper-aware of every time he touches you and how it makes his heart burst. For the next few days, he takes you up to the Sunny's figurehead to rest, reveling in the peace you bring him by simply being around him as he figures out what to do about his newly discovered feelings.
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Zoro is a straightforward person when it comes to how he spends his time. He does what he wants to when he wants to.
He's willing to engage in whatever silly antics the crew has, but he also prioritizes his dream and the training it takes to get there. I think for him, spending quality time with him that shows how well you fit into his life, and how you support him, that's what would make him come to terms with his feelings.
The crow's nest is like Zoro's personal haven. He knows that technically its purpose is not as his training or nap room, but other than being on watch, almost nobody ever uses it. He'd been training on the deck below when Luffy had started one of his stupid games that broke the whole ship out into chaos and he realized that if he wanted to get anything done, he needed to move, so here he was.
It had been almost an hour, and he'd been able to train completely uninterrupted—until he heard a knock on the door.
"Go away, Luffy! I'm not playing your stupid game," he shouts, lifting his weights.
The door swings open anyway and he almost yells again until he looks over at who's coming in and sees that it's you. "It's not Luffy, don't worry," you say with a slight tease in your voice. "Mind if I stay?"
He sees a few books in your hand and decides that if you're just going to be reading, he doesn't mind the company. "Fine, but don't get in my way."
He goes back to his weights and you make yourself comfortable on the bench that lines the crow's nest. You set two of your books beside you on the bench and pick up the largest one to start reading. He looks at the cover absently as he's lifting and reads the title. He doesn't really understand what the words mean, but he knows enough to recognize that you must be studying something regarding your dream.
He trains like this for another 30 minutes, nothing but the mumble of his counting and the shuffle of pages to fill the air. After a while, he decides to switch to push-ups, so he drops the weight down on the ground, causing you to start slightly.
"Jeez. It's a wonder that the crow's nest is still intact," you laugh, mostly to yourself. He still hears you and shoots you a half-hearted glare that you don't catch, already reimmersed in your book.
He starts his push-ups, starting with both arms as a warm-up and then switching to one for the main event, but he quickly realizes that's not enough. He looks at the surrounding weights and almost considers putting them on his back for the extra weight before he reconsiders. While he's strong, he knows his limit and he doesn't want to break his back and send Chopper into hysterics. He almost gives up on the idea until he hears a page flip to his right.
He calls your name and you pause, looking up from your book to regard him. "I have a favor to ask," he says, stopping his push-ups for a moment to speak to you. "I need some extra weight on me for these push-ups, but these weights are way too much. Can you sit on my back?"
He's surprised at how easy that was, no complaints or promises of a return favor later needed to coerce you. You stand up, bringing your book with you as you make your way over. He lowers himself onto the floor and lets you climb onto his back. You settle into a criss-cross on his back and when he's sure that you're stable, he lifts himself up. Other than a slight jostle, you stay put on his back, so he begins his workout.
The added weight is exactly what he needed to get his blood pumping. He's still going one-handed, but now he's focusing on not letting you drop and supporting your extra weight. He also finds that he has a slight fluttering in his chest every time he feels you move slightly on his back, but he thinks that maybe that's just a side effect of the new strain.
You don't say much, still ingrained in your reading, and he finds that he appreciates how much you've respected his request. He knows that you tend to talk slightly while reading, something about it helping you process better, but you've been totally silent aside from your one snide remark. He feels a little bad and decides that since you've been so helpful, he'd try and help you back.
"So, what is it that you're reading about?" he asks, huffing slightly at the extra effort it takes to talk with you on his back.
Even though he can't see you, he can practically feel how vibrantly you light up at the question. You begin explaining to him exactly what it is that you've been reading and how it relates to your goals. He begins to relax slightly as you keep explaining, the conversation taking his mind off of the strain.
You begin talking for quite a while and besides the occasional question from him here and there, he lets you talk. He's surprised to find that he doesn't mind the noise and actually enjoys it. His skin feels warm all over at the admission and he blames it on the extra body heat from you.
As you're explaining, he realizes that he's missed the last few seconds of what you've said. You pause slightly before asking, "Sorry, I'm rambling. I should let you focus."
"'s fine," he assures, steadying his breath before continuing, "It's a nice distraction, so keep talking."
He's pleased when you giggle, sending flutters off in his stomach once again, and continue explaining. You keep explaining while he works out and while the concepts are mostly lost on him, he wants to show that he's listening so he asks a question about something that doesn't make sense to him.
He's not expecting you to lay down flush with his back and reach your hands over in front of his face. He falters slightly as you point at a diagram on one of the pages that he guesses is supposed to answer his question.
"Right there," you breathe, your face so close to his ear that the puff of warm breath brushes his ear.
He feels his arm give out as his face heats up at a rapid pace as his mind twists your words and proximity into an entirely different context. You stay mostly put on his back as he falls onto the ground, groaning slightly as he completely cushions your fall. You immediately move back into a sitting position, taking your book and your warmth with you, and apologize once again with a giggle.
"I guess I should probably warn you first before moving, huh?"
"Fucking idiot," he mumbles under his breath, eliciting another small laugh from you as it doesn't quite have the heat he wanted it to. "Stay still, woman."
You apologize again, but continue to explain the last bit you had been reading. He's glad you can't see his face from where you're sitting on his back, or he's sure you'd be able to see just how embarrassed he is by how red his face has gotten.
The rest of the workout is uneventful. You finish your explanation and he lets you read quietly while he finishes his last few sets, the light twisting feelings still curling in his gut. Eventually, he finishes his push-ups and he lets you get off of him. You spend the rest of the day with him up in the crow's nest, long after the shenanigans on the deck have ended, but he doesn't mind.
The room is once again filled with only the sounds of your pages and his movements, but this time his mind is too busy trying to figure out what the hell the feeling in his gut is to appreciate it. He's halfway through the next set of his workout when everything clicks and he's glad that he's facing away from you because he can feel his whole face heat up all the way to the tips of his ears.
Over the next few days, he finds that he seeks out your presence more, whether it's working out, visiting the town, or even sleeping on the deck. His body betrays him every time you guys brush past each other and at this point, he's surprised that you haven't noticed as most of the crew has. When it gets to the point where he begins missing your presence by his side whenever you're too busy or preoccupied to spend time with him while he trains or whatever he's doing, he realizes just how deep these feelings for you go.
"I'm so fucked."
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Law likes to keep a certain degree of separation between him and everyone else.
He trusts his crew, but he also likes his space so I think opportunities for him to realize his feelings through quality time are far and few between. However, some social situations like a celebration would call for his presence and I think the two of you getting to slip away and have a quiet moment would make him realize his feelings.
Law has never particularly liked parties.
Unfortunately for him, he chose to create an alliance with someone who treats every day like a celebration and his own crew is not one to turn down an excuse to party. Their business in Wano is finally done and the alliance should be over, he declared it so as well, but he has a feeling he's too far in if Strawhats response is anything to go by.
Now, the Strawhats and his own crew were celebrating their victory with a giant banquet. They had been eating, dancing, and drinking for a few hours at this point and it showed no signs of stopping.
"Come on Tora-o," Luffy said, bouncing on his feet in front of him as he whined. "Join the party!"
Law huffed from his spot leaning against a tree on the outskirts of the party as some of his crewmembers nearby heard the nickname and started laughing. "I'm not dancing, Strawhat-ya," he responded, sending a glare off to his crewmembers that sent them scattering.
Luffy was about to pester him more until someone called his name and he went bounding into the crowd. He watched him disappear, taking another sip of his drink, and returned to people-watching. He saw Zoro and Nami, presumably in some kind of drinking contest if the amount of empty bottles was any indication. They had a few onlookers, Usopp and some of his crew egging them on. He saw Sanji cooking up a storm, Bepo and Chopper having an animated discussion about who knows what, and then his eyes landed on you.
He wishes now for some reason that he had taken Strawhat up on the offer to dance. You're laughing with Ikkaku and Strawhat as he dances, pulling you along with him.
He watches him pick you up and jump around as Ikkaku hoots and hollers and you laugh, looking at Luffy like he hung the very stars in the sky. It makes his stomach ache and he thinks the noise and commotion of the party is finally getting to him.
He pushes off the tree, downing the final swig of his drink, and makes his way back to the Polar Tang that's docked not far away. He makes his way onto the deck and stops to lean against the railing. He's close enough to the celebration that he can still hear the music faintly and there's a warm glow cast onto the sub from the bonfire, but far enough away that he can breathe a little easier.
He leans his head back slightly, letting himself get lost in the music in an attempt to relax but he finds himself still thinking of you and Luffy. He thinks he's hearing things when he hears your voice calling his name until he can see you making your way towards him.
You're smiling as you make your way onto the Polar Tang and lean against the railing next to him. He can smell the bonfire on you with how close you're standing to him, but he doesn't move.
"Finally get tired of the party?" you ask, looking over at him.
He nods, breaking his gaze away from you, and looks back out over the ocean. "I don't like parties," he answers, feeling the tips of his ears flush at the admission. You have the audacity to laugh at him, which only causes him to scowl as his embarrassment spreads to his cheeks.
"I know, Captain. You always stay on the outskirts," you respond, following his gaze as you add, "I needed a break too. Luffy's got a lot more energy than I do."
The mention of Luffy sends that same ugly feeling off in his stomach and he frowns. "You looked like you were having fun," he says, his voice dry. He doesn't understand where this feeling is coming from, but he tells himself it's just his general annoyance with Strawhat.
"I was. Luffy's a lot of fun..." you reply, making the feeling in his gut worsen. "But I need some time to relax too. When I noticed you were gone I figured you must have needed some peace and quiet, so I decided to come find you."
"You don't have to check on me," he says, letting his eyes flick over to your face for a moment.
You laugh again, soft and carefree in a way that makes his heart flutter before you respond. "I know I don't have to check on you. I just wanted your company, if I'm allowed to stay."
He doesn't respond right away, unsure of what to say. You look up at him after a few moments and he finally huffs, "Do what you like."
He can feel his ears burn as he breaks eye contact, but you don't laugh at him this time. Instead, you smile and settle in, seemingly content to sit here in silence with him all night. The music and the lull of the ocean are the only sounds. He surprises himself when he's the one to break the silence by asking, "Where did you learn to dance?"
You seem surprised by his question, but you recover quickly. "I never took any lessons. It's kind of just something I picked up by doing it. I just tried to copy what everyone else around me was doing," you answer, smiling to yourself before asking, "Do you know how to dance?"
He grimaces slightly at the question, but keeps his expression as neutral as he can as he says, "No." You don't seem surprised by his answer, but you don't move on from the subject as he expects you to. Instead, you seem to perk up as you turn to face him.
"Maybe I can teach you?" you propose.
At this he scowls, wrinkling his nose and looking at you like you just asked him to jump into the ocean and have a swim.
"Come on, I promise I'm a great teacher," you beg, pushing yourself up from the railing so that you're standing right next to him. "There's nobody else around, so now is the perfect time to learn. Nobody can make fun of you."
Normally, under any other circumstances, he would immediately refuse again, more forcefully to really get the point across, but he finds himself wanting to say yes. He wrestles with the idea for a few more moments before he sighs and stands up at his full height. He doesn't even get to reply before you grab his hand and pull him into the middle of the deck.
You explain to him that to start, you'll take it easy on him. All he has to do is hold your hand and help you along with your movements. It'll be less him dancing and more him just guiding you. He finds himself remembering how you danced with Strawhat, how free and happy you looked, and the feeling that curls around his heart makes him want to prove himself.
"I think I understand," he says, stepping closer with a new burning determination. "Let's try it."
You step closer, hesitating for a moment before grabbing his hand and beginning to dance. He tries his best to match your pace and you don't say anything the few times he messes up, simply continuing to dance and letting him figure it out. Eventually, he starts to pick it up as he lets himself relax and get out of his head. You're smiling now as you compliment him. "There you go! You're a natural."
He feels something hot and possessive grip his heart and before he can think better of it, he steps closer and mimics the way Strawhat was holding you earlier. You seem just as surprised as him at his sudden move, but you reciprocate quickly, starting to dance more with him than just around him.
He watches you with his heart thumping wildly in his chest as you fix him with a similar look to the one you gave Strawhat. It's free and happy and filled with admiration, but there's something more to it that makes his heart stop. He stomps down the feeling and continues to dance with you until the song stops. You break away first and he feels his cheeks heat up slightly as he realizes that he's still looking at you.
"You're a good teacher," is all he gets out before the next song starts.
He spends the rest of the night talking with you and ignoring the growing feeling in his stomach. By the time the celebration finally ends and people start making their way back to their respective ships, the sun is painting the sky a dark orange on the horizon as it starts to ascend and he realizes that the two of you must have been talking for hours.
Eventually, you both get tired and he finally heads to bed. Alone with his thoughts, he realizes just how much he enjoyed the celebration this time around. That fuzzy feeling is still alight in his chest and he can't help but hope that he gets another opportunity to dance and talk with you. It doesn't take him long to realize what he's feeling.
He acts like nothing has changed, he has to be professional after all, but he does make more excuses to talk to you or to have to spend time together. Each time he does, that feeling grows worse and worse and he knows he's in too deep.
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ღ radishaur — i do not own any of these characters. do not plagiarize. please enjoy and remember to be respectful! 
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servicpop · 12 days
CAN SOMEONE BE MY ADRIEN RN 😭 !! Anyways, what if Adrien asked Y/N to their prom?! isn't that the cutest thing?! is up to you if you gonna make it nsfw! I REALLY NEED HIM !! 🥲 AHHHH (love your page! so glad I found it 🫶🏻)
had so little time cus of work so let me write up something quick !
NSFW ; fingering & overstim
"Who are you taking out to prom, Adrien?" It was a question Adrien never really thought about. The obvious answer was... you, so he had completely forgotten the fact that you two weren't exclusive, or public yet. "Dunno, might just skip it," Adrien shrugged, pushing himself off the cobble pavement and brushed off the dirt from his clothes. The guys just laughed, nudging him with their elbows and patting him on the back, typical Adrien, they all remarked. Now came the complicated part, actually asking you out and playing it off so you won't get found out.
He decided a few weeks before prom day to ask you out. It was a Saturday evening, you were in your room filling out some paperwork for the school. It was crazy how much of a burden the school dumped onto you just because you were the student president. Your phone buzzed on your table, causing you to flinch from the unexpected notification from Adrien.
Look outside ur window I got a surprise for u
It has become normal for Adrien to sneak in through your window. You didn't know how your parents would react to seeing someone like Adrien, and you sure didn't want to risk it so you never actually asked them if Adrien could come in. The chair creaked as it rolled, allowing you to get up and walk to your window. You peered through the glass to look down at your yard, seeing Adrien standing on the grass with flowers in his hand and a large cardboard cut out with poorly drawn glittery words that were practically ineligible from his handwriting. You could tell he used glue and threw glitter on it from the way the letters drooped and melted.
You turned away from the window and went back to work.
You had barely gotten back on your chair until you heard your window slam open and Adrien jump in. How did he get into your room on the 2nd floor? Who knows. A few petals scattered onto your floor and Adrien dropped the cardboard cutout onto the floor, striding to where you were standing. "I'm not leaving until I hear a yes," Adrien grinned, placing the bruised flowers onto your desk and wrapping his arms around your waist, hoisting you up into the air and placing you back down onto your bed.
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You don't know how long he's been at it. He has you laying ontop of him, back to his chest and three fingers slowly pumping in and out of you. There was already white all over your abdomen from your previous orgasms. His left hand is working on your spent cock, rubbing the tip over and over again. His fingers are sodden with your pre-cum that continued to leak out your slit despite how many times you've cum. "Adrien— please I can't take anymore," Your whole body screams with pleasure but your mind is so blank you can't even think a full sentence.
"Not stopping till you say yes," Adrien cooed, rubbing circles along your cockhead that sent shivers down your spine. He knew exactly all the spots you're weak in and all the spots that would drive you insane. Your pride wouldn't let you say yes, how could he even attend prom with you without it being a huge give away to their relationship? But now, all you could think of was his calloused hands rubbing so sweetly at all your spots. His fingers squelched as they pushed deeper, pressing against your prostate once more.
"C'mon just tell me you'll go to prom will me, I'll work double shift to buy you a suit if you want—" "I'll go to prom with you." "I'll even rent a car— huh?" Adrien paused, instantly sitting up to look at your face. It took a moment of pause before a toothy smile spread across Adrien's face, "Really?" You barely nod, your body as so spent from Adrien's torture. Adrien slides his fingers out of you, and wraps his arms around your shoulders in a bear hug. He basically tackles you on your own bed, rolling you around with a hearty laugh, "Fuck I really thought you'd reject me," he smiled against your shoulder, pulling you to lay ontop of him again but now both your chests were brushing against eachother.
"Does this mean we're dating—" "No."
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elllisaaa · 3 months
the only thing running in my mind rn is -> sensitive and soft(his heart) jungwon fucking into you fast from the back with one of your leg lifted into the air by the hold of his strong arms. you were being ruined, tear stains on your cheek and head dizzy. the way jungwon was pounding into your soft walls had you whimpering and moaning patheticly. his hips grinding and rubbing his pelvis while being in you. jungwon was no good himself, his cock was deliciously being stimulated by rapid movements into your hot walls. it all makes him unable to hold back the pretty moans and whimpers in his throat... (i went a little crazy there, but pls pls write this, im literally itching for it)
i looove when yall are getting unhinged in my inbox, it's my favourite part of the day honestly.
and i can totally see this with JUNGWON who's coming back from tour, and he's so pent up with the stress of the concerts and not being able to see you or talk to you for more than an hour. and yes, maybe that the fact that he couldn't fuck you for a whole month did make him a little irritable.
so the second jungwon steps a foot into your apartment, he doesn't care that it's late, or that you're already ready to go to bed. instead of letting you welcome him home, he pins you down to the mattress, his lips crashing on yours and making out with you passionately. "i missed you so much, baby. been thinking about this all day." - "me too, wonnie… i need you so bad, please !"
jungwon doesn't need more than that to rip your panties out of you. usually, he takes his time to do a lot of foreplay, loving the intimacy of it and to get you as wet as possible before slipping into your heat. but tonight, he only needs to be buried inside of you as soon as possible.
the contrast from how sweet your boyfriend typically is to the animal he has become excites you to no end when he manhandles you on your knees, your back arched for him and head in the pillow. jungwon doesn't take the time to undress fully, only pushing his pants down enough to get his cock out and thrust into you all the way.
"shit ! i missed this angel, i missed this so bad." you are already a moaning mess underneath him, and he has barely done anything. jungwon grabs your hips and immediately picks up a rapid pace, fucking into you hard and fast. you're used to your boyfriend being sweet and loving, but at this moment, all you need is to be ruined by him.
and it's exactly what jungwon does, lifting one of your legs up to thrust deeper into your cunt, the tip of his cock hitting just the right spot to make you moan louder. "wonnie ! feels so good…" - "so fucking good baby, you're so tight." his dirty words make you clench around him, a moan escaping him too.
a thin layer of sweat is covering the skin of your back exposed by your shirt that has fallen around your shoulders, and with your head turned to the side, jungwon can see the tears running down your cheeks from the overwhelming pleasure of his cock dragging against your walls. "'m close wonnie, please…" - "not gonna last long, baby, you're so fucking wet." you whine loudly as he hit deep inside of you again and again. your moans pick up, your voice pitching higher and higher the more jungwon rams into you. and the way you're clenching hard around him as you cum makes him lose his rhythm. his thrusts become sloppy, the sensitiveness from not being able to properly release the tension for more than a month getting to his head. and his moans are uninterrupted until he shoots his load deep inside of you.
as soon as the waves of his orgasm die down, jungwon lies down beside you, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. his hair are sticking to his sweaty forehead, and he's out of breath but he finally feels at peace and relaxed. "i missed you so much, y/n. i'm glad to be home." you look up at him with a lazy smile on your lips, your hair completely disheveled and your eyes still glazed by desire. "me too. but if it means you're going to fuck me like that, you can go on tour every month." he chuckles but looks you in the eyes, fingers brushing against your puffy lips. "you just have to ask, baby."
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smutoperator · 2 months
No Rest For The Peach
Hirai Momo x Male Reader (+4 other guys)
Part 2 of 3 of Twice The Fun
Tags: airtight, (a lot of) anal, anal creampies, anal queen, bukkake, dirty talk, (a bit of) double anal, (lots of) double penetration, gangbang, hard facefucking, (very) loud sex, pounding that peach, objectification, rough sex, (lots of) squirting, warehouse
Word count: 6004
Momo loves to be treated like an object. This sexy Japanese dancer loves to use her body for the pleasure of horny men. And today, as Twice had just arrived for their pair of concerts in Tokyo, it was no different.
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"Meet me at this warehouse," you sent a message to Momo as soon as she arrived in Japan, pointing to the place you wanted to have fun with her. "A warehouse? What plans do you have for me?" she asked. "To make you scream until you lose your voice, that's why we are going to do it as far away from the city as possible," you replied. "You can chill; let's say I know a thing or two about warehouses," you continued.
Indeed, Tokyo is such a bustling city that your plans would only be possible if you went to its outskirts. No neighbors to bother, no one to hear you by the moment you started doing the filthiest things to Momo.
Momo accepted your offer. "I'll be there just before the concert," she said. Indeed, she fulfilled her words, only to find out an empty warehouse as her manager dropped her off there with no one in sight except heavy trucks circulating in the middle of an extremely industrial zone.
You sent Momo a message. "I see from the cameras you're already there; get ready to be pushed to the limit," you said. "Where are you?" she asked. "Upper floor, waiting for you," you replied.
Momo walked the dark rooms of the warehouse before climbing to the upper floor on a very old lift to find you sitting on a chair. "You are wearing too much; take that jacket off, but I'm glad your belly is already exposed," you said.
Momo obliged and took her jacket off. "What else do you want me to do?" she asked. "Get naked; show me your perfect body," you replied. Momo indeed did that, leaving her body fully exposed in that hot summer day in Japan. "So, what's next?" she asked.
"Sit on that chair; let me admire that body," you said to her. Momo has such a small frame, but she packs a really hot body on it. Pretty face, big tits, toned tummy, fat ass, perfect pussy, strong legs—she's got everything that can make a man go crazy and unable to hold the urge to fuck her nonstop.
Momo spreads her legs and plays with her pussy to tease you. She stares at your riding erection with the perfect fuck me eyes. But soon, she finds out you two won't be alone for this crazy ride.
After descending back to the lower floor, the lift rises back up, bringing a convoy with four more guys that are about to join you: an old dude in his 50s, a tattooed guy, a muscular dude, and a young stud, all wearing the same outfit, black t-shirts and jeans. Just like you, they are well aware of Momo's amazing body and waste no time putting their hands all over it, with the tattooed guy going straight into groping her tits and the old man playing with her already wet pussy.
"I love being surrounded by five hard-fucking cocks," Momo says as she kisses you. She already knows what this is about. And she loves it. Not even 10 seconds after some groping, she's already on her knees, ready to do her job as a fuckmeat.
"Toss all those fucking cocks at me," Momo demands as she kneels and the men drop their pants in perfect sync, showing their huge erections all at once. Momo respects seniority and deepthroats the old guy to start the blowbang session, but he shows he's no slouch and puches back by fucking her face until she gags.
"Yes, give it to me; fuck my mouth harder than that," Momo says as she pulls out and jerks the old dude's cock. He does just that. Momo punches back and takes his cock balls deep in her mouth as the other guys just look at her and anxiously jerk their pricks off waiting for the turns.
Momo ramps up the challenge, putting your cock and the one from the muscular guy at the same time for a double barrel blowjob. She really loves savoring all that meat and brags about how her face is right on the guys cocks level when she gets on her kness. "God, I love those cocks; they were made to fuck me face," she says.
The young stud proves Momo right, fucking her face and making her eyes roll as you and the muscular guy surround her cheeks to the side and hit them with your cocks tips. "Look at me, bitch," the guy demands of Momo as he stuffs his cock down her throat.
"Feed them in my mouth," Momo begs as you and the muscular guy are the next in line. The latter is especially rough, leading her mouth to make countless gagging sounds as he pounds her throat under your watch.
The tattooed guy is the next in line. "Take it deep; he's not fully hard yet," you tell her. Momo does as you ask, letting his erection grow under the warmth of her mouth as she stuffs his cock balls deep. "Good girl," the guy praises her as she throats him for a good minute.
"Give me more cocks; I want more." Momo is very vocal. She's probably said more lines already than she will during the whole Twice concert afterwards. As the old guy promptly grants her wish, she makes signs with her hands to the young stud's cock, telling her to come close while still finding way to jerk your cock off.
Momo giggles as the young stud pounds her face and makes her perky thighs bounce. She then takes turns getting her face fucked by every single guy, with the other ones slapping her face and other parts of that body. "Ahhhh, that's so fucking yummy," she says when her mouth is finally without a cock blocking it.
"If it's so yummy, then open your mouth," you tell Momo, taking your cock all the way deep in her throat, grabbing her head as you thrust your hard prick into her face. Momo gets even hungrier. "FUCKING SURROUND ME WITH THOSE FUCKING COCKS," she screams, begging for more man meat.
Momo spits all over the five cocks, getting them very sloppy as she uses her tongue to slurp all over them, getting frequently two and sometimes even three guys at the same time in her mouth. But the studs don't want to stuff just that one hole of hers. This is just the beginning.
The old guy brings Momo in your direction as the remaining dudes break up the circle surrounding her. Now the real fun begins. "Fucking stuff me," Momo demands as you grab her peachy butt. Her asshole is already gaped, making you wonder if this slut hasn't already fucked another guy before even coming to the warehouse. Either way, you don't care. All you want is to shove that meat up that peach.
"Oh yes, give me," Momo says as you insert your cock straight up her butthole. Your thrusts are fast and hard from the beginning, as Momo is already getting spit-roasted and taking on the other guys cocks in a rotation as you pound her beautiful peach. Since Momo stands for peach in Japanese, you could even say you're now getting to fuck Momo's momo. 
"Go down, go down," you demand to Momo, who drops her face into the young stud's cock while you keep fucking her ass. "OH YES, DESTROY MY ASS," Momo screams as you relentlessly attack her peach. You had never fucked a hole in that speed before, hammering Momo like she's nothing but a fuckmeat while grabbing her firm and fat butt with all your forces.
Momo is elated as you let the other guys take turns in her ass. "Yes, GIVE IT TO ME, PLEASE," she begs. You guys treat her like a total object, competing to see who pounds her fuckholes harder, her anus and mouth turned into nothing but orifices of pleasure, and her body turned into nothing but the vehicle you guys will let out of any frustrations by pounding it into oblivion.
"Stretch that beautiful peach," you tell the guys. "OH FUCK, IT'S SO GOOD IN MY ASS," Momo screams at the rare moment she doesn't have a cock stuffed in her mouth. Her tits bouncing are amazing to watch, as none of you hold back in the way you fuck her. In fact, the harder you fuck her, the more Momo doubles down, doing the spit-roasting now with two big pricks in her mouth, making it just a matter of time she gets two in her lower holes as well.
"I want more, please, baby, give me that cock," Momo says as you go back in her asshole, now adding spankings into her peachy butt as the other four guys get in front of her and Momo entertains them all. One in her ass, two in her mouth, two getting jerked off, Momo pleases all those hungry cocks at the same time. "Good girl, you're so fucking sexy with all those fucking cocks," you praise her.
"I WANT ALL THOSE FUCKING COCKS, YES, YES, PLEASE," Momo screams as the tattooed guy chokes her and slaps her dumb face. It's this early in the day, and Momo is already numb for cock, her eyes rolling as you pound her ass faster than the speed of light. Some guys now spit on her face. "Fucking cock whore," they say to her as the muscular guy now gropes her tits.
"POUND THIS FUCKING ASSHOLE," Momo keeps screaming. Your plans of renting that abandoned warehouse vindicated because imagine if she was doing it in the middle of Tokyo's city center; all you guys would already be behind bars. Instead, you are fucking her without any limits and plans of stopping, enjoying how hard your balls slap against her clit and your hips clap against her cheeks.
Momo shakes her ass as you pull out of her peach, and another guy already pops in. Now it's clear she can't go a single second without a big cock stuffed in her butt. "Give me that ass," the old guy says as he now takes her turn in her wonderful butt. You move to the front as Momo now rims your asshole before you end her fun and go back into pounding her throat.
"FUCK ME BABY, GIVE IT TO MY BIG ASS!" Momo screams, flaunting about her assets. "OH GOD, I'M GONNA CUM, AHHHHHHH," Momo screams again. "Then look at me and cum with my cock in your filthy mouth," you tell her just as Momo starts squirting all over the warehouse's floor. 
Momo gags on your cock as she coats the floor with her juices. The young stud comes from behind and destroys her asshole harder than any guy before him. "FUCK, I LOVE IT SO MUCH," Momo says as she ducks her head down and stuffs her mouth full of your cock and the muscular guy's at the same time. "Harder, FUCK THAT ASS HARDER," Momo demands even though she's already getting pounded at insane speeds. She truly wants you guys to give no rest for that peach and loves every hard thrust inside it.
You started slapping Momo's slutty face as the young stud continued to obliterate her butthole. "YES, SLAP ME LIKE A SLUT," Momo says as you bring her head down to your cock. "Guess it's the only way this bitch is going to shut up," you say, pounding her throat, trying to match your protegé's extreme intensity.
"Come here, you tell Momo, pushing her sexy body on top of yours as soon as the hard spit-roasting session ends. "Oh, please, I want all my holes stuffed," she begs. Her wish is quickly granted, as within seconds after she sits her pussy in your pole, another cock is already ready to fill her ass. "Yes, put it in there, please," Momo begs in a cute, aegyo-ask voice as she gets double-penetrated.
Momo's DP is airtight from the start, just as she asked, with a third cock filling her mouth. "We are gonna use everything; we are gonna use every part of you; turn you into just a fuckmeat, a cockslut," you say to her as you reach to grope her tits. Her sexy peach looks better than ever with two cocks pumping up her pair of fuckholes. Momo's transformation into a sex object is fully complete.
"Gulp gulp." Momo tries to say some words, but the cock in her mouth just muffles them. But you understand that she meant "Use me." "She wants to get used; let's go guys; fuck that slut until she passes out," you say.
"AHHHH FUCK, I LOVE HAVING BIG COCKS INSIDE BOTH MY HOLES," Momo screams as soon as the guy with the cock in her mouth pulls out for a single second. Momo knows her sexy body is meant to be used and that any encounter between her and multiple cocks that doesn't end with her getting double-penetrated is a waste. Momo is meant to be fucked this way: submissive and airtight.
"STRETCH ALL MY FUCKING HOLES, FILL ME UP," Momo begs before the guys go back into airtight stuffing her. "GIVE IT TO ME, THAT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD." Momo never misses an opportunity to scream to the top of her lungs how much she loves it, knowing that you guys are gonna fuck her even harder after it.
Momo gets toyed by your gang; you pound her pussy and such her tits. The young stud stuffs her throat, the muscular guy fucks her ass, the tattoo guy, and the old guy slap every inch of her body, making her cum for the second time. "I'M GONNA CUM ON BOTH YOUR FUCKING COCKS, AHHHHH," she announces, closing her eyes as her body collapses on top of yours.
"MORE, MORE, MORE, I WANT MORE COCK," Momo keeps begging. "It turns me out so much having five cocks all over me, fucking me like a whore," she says as the other guys take turns fucking her ass while you stay inside her wet cunt. "Look at that big peach, so fucking spankable," the old guy says at his turn, him and the tattoo guy providing Momo the dirtiest spit-roasting combo yet as you watch under her hot body.
Momo tits giggle as you guys increase the intensity. "Don't stop; I want two cocks in my holes all the time," she commands. "HARDER, HARDER, GIVE IT TO MY HOLES; I WANT TO BE POUNDED SO HARD BY BOTH YOUR FUCKING COCKS," Momo screams as the DP keeps going. "Who wants to fuck those holes next? I want all those fucking cocks inside me," a cock-crazed Momo says.
You switch positions and finally get to fuck Momo's beautiful ass as the top guy in this DP session, gaping it harder than all the other guys, making Momo lose her mind. The guys in front of her slap Momo's face, and she loves. Good god, she's such an object, only useful for cocks to get shoved deep inside her holes.
Momo demands gets all five cocks to please now, one in her pussy, one in her ass, one in her mouth, and two to jerk off. "Good girl, good girl," the guys praise her skills as they use her to the fullest. "Stoke those cocks; use every part of us to please us, you fucking whore," you say to her.
You move to the front and shove your cock balls deep in Momo's mouth, letting her taste her own asshole. "Look how eager she is to taste her dirty butthole," you say as the tattoo guy replaces your cock inside her ass, her peachy cheeks and big tits moving by their own at this point, with each guy pounding her harder than the one before.
Back in Momo's ass, you get to show her who's the alpha dog, becoming the first guy to mount on top of her sexy body. "OH MY GODDDDDD," Momo screams, and you loved that it was the same instinctive reaction as when you got on top of her a few months ago. Momo knows this is your favorite position and the one you take her at the hardest as your hips smash her peachy cheeks. "GIVE ME ALL OF IT, POUND ME LIKE A FUCKING WHORE, THAT'S WHAT I LIKE," she screams.
"MAKE THAT SLUTTY PUSSY CUM," Momo says as you fuck her ass so hard you dislodge the cock inside her pussy; more squirt comes out of her body as she's already completely wasted. Who knows how she's gonna perform tonight with that asshole and cunt destroyed to the max, and you guys aren't even halfway done with her.
Momo gets pushed to the floor as the guys start taking turns fucking her ass in a hardcore missionary position. You shut her moans down instantly, stuffing your prick in her mouth, as her face is already fully covered in saliva and her hair is messier than ever. 
Momo giggles as she gags all over your cock, stroking the other two guys while getting fucked in the ass. "I want your balls smacking my face when you fuck my mouth," she begs as she knows she gets one cock bulging under her fit tummy and another bulging under her slutty throat.
The anal destruction continues as Momo keeps screaming. "GODDDD THAT FEELS SO GOOD," guys now sit on top of her dumb face and let her lick their dirty asses while another pair of guys slap their cocks on her face. Gushes of squirt come out of her pussy every time someone's cock hits the depths of her anus. 
"Pound my ass as hard as you fucking can," Momo begs to the guys. But little does she know things are about to get rougher as you come on top of nowhere to give her cunt a mating press, restarting the double penetration.
"STUFF ME, STUFF ME, SHIT, THAT FEELS SO GOOD," Momo says as your cock hits her pussy at the perfect stuff. Truly, there is nothing that she likes better than getting double stuffed, her peachy ass getting smashed to the floor by the intensity of both cocks destroying her fuckholes. She laughs and smiles, licking the cock in the vicinity of her mouth while you guys give no rest for her peach.
"KEEP PUMPING MY ASS, FUCKING PUMP ME," Momo screams as you let the young stud do his usual job in her peach before he sticks his hands in her cunt and makes her squirt again. "AHHHHHHHHHH," Momo screams as juices come all over her pussy.
"I want everyone here to take turns in my big fat ass," Momo says as she finishes squirting. All the guys smile. What an anal queen she is. She picks the muscular guy to sit with her ass, making her beautiful big tits bounce hard as she rides his pole. But leaving her cunt wide open, she attracts the other men's attention, who quickly turn her reverse cowgirl into a reverse DP.
You choke Momo and go back to stuffing her marvelous wet Japanese pussy. She rolls her eyes as the young stuf stuffs his cock in her mouth, and your thusts make her tits bounce as you also slap them. "FUCKING POUND THOSE HOLES," Momo begs as she fingers her pussy ready to squirt again. "I CAN'T TAKE IT, THIS IS SO GOOD, I'M GONNA CUM AGAIN," she says as you keep using her pussy, slapping her face, treating her like an object.
"COME ON BABY, GIVE IT TO ME, STRETCH THAT FUCKING HOLE, MAKE ME STUFFED FULL OF FUCKING COCKS," Momo says as the guys take turns pounding her pussy. "Fucking slap me in the face and tits," she continues as the guys use every inch of her body and make her smile like a good whore.
"Fucking choke me, please," Momo begs to every guy that fucks her pussy. Her nipples are now fully erected, just like those five cocks destroying her. "I love the way you guys share me; keep pumping me full of fucking cocks." Momo says.
"We do too," you say, grabbing Momo from behind and placing her under a full Nelson anal while fingering her cunt. "OH YES, USE THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE; I LOVE BEING TREATED LIKE SUCH A WHORE," she says. That anal fucking quickly goes back into a DP as the tattoo guy stuffs his prick in Momo's cunt and pounds her on a mating press.
Momo keeps getting destroyed for a good five minutes by a heavy rotation of cocks in her pussy. "Fucking feed me, give me more," she begs as her bouncy tits get groped from all sides and the cocks bulge under her tummy. "You guys like that? Stuffing all my fucking holes," she rhetorically asks.
"Fucking pound my holes like it's the last time you're gonna get them," Momo says. You guys really picked the right girl for such an intense gangbang, as her stamina and willingness to fuck match yours perfectly even after 30 minutes of rough pounding.
"Feed my ass, feed my pussy, feed my throat," Momo demands. You give her a rough facefuck before tossing her back into your friends to ride more cock, choking her as your muscular friend and old friend get ready to double stuff her once more.
You watch Momo getting double-penetrated like crazy as you feed your cock into her mouth. "I want more cock," is all she can say as you guys go airtight on her and she gags on your pole. "Fucking slap me in the face with your cock," Momo begs as she bends down the floor and gets pumped like a piston by a pair of studs while you treat her face like a toy. "Getting stuffed by so many cocks gets me so wet; I'm gonna cum again," she says as you sit on her slutty face and trap it.
"What are you doing, Momoring?" you ask her. "I'M CUMMING SO FUCKING HARD," she answers. "Say it again to me, whore," you reply. "I'M FUCKING CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR COCKS," she screams, squirting as you get back to pound her face and spank it.
"Let me see those beautiful eyes; you're so fucking pretty," you tell her. "But you know what makes you even prettier, Momoring? A cock stuffing your slutty face," you say. "What about a cock in my pussy and one in my ass?" she asks. "Even better".
Momo gets her ass slapped hard by all guys that fuck her, as all of you toss your shirts out on the floor and get butt naked. "Please, please, more, fuck my fucking ass," she begs, stretching her mouth so hard you feed your cock back into it with ease. The young stud chokes her with his shirt while fucking her ass. Momo is turned into a complete mess now, just a useless cocksleeve ready to be dumped after you guys extract your pleasure from her sexy body following this torrid gangbang.
Momo's body is completely used, her cheeks redder than a ripe peach, her asshole gaped to the size of the moon, but she's determined to keep going, riding on your cock as you spank her ass and clap your balls against her peach. She then bends down in a submissive position for more DP as the young stud stuffs her already gaping asshole.
"Take it, take it, take it, come on baby, cum on those cocks," you order Momo, who's back for more airtight stuffing. "I can't hear you," you poke fun of her as another cock pounds her face. As Momo gets rid of it and tries to scream, the young stud has to shut her mouth.
"OH, I WANT THOSE FUCKING COCKS SO FUCKING BAD," Momo screams as she tries to ride the guys, but they quickly take control of her body back again. "Cock, cock, is all I want," a numb Momo keeps saying, her body sweatier than ever in the Tokyo summer heat.
"Come here, Momoring, suck my cock; I know you're eager to taste your pussy" you order to Momo as you lay on the floor. It was all a trap to bait that stupid bitch, as the muscular dude takes her cunt from behind as soon as you start thursting upwards into her mouth. What a perfect moment for Momo, getting fucked in her pussy while tasting it as well.
"SHIT, AHHHHH," Momo screams as the muscular dude toys with her holes, now alternating between stuffing her pussy and her ass. Her perfect peach getting pounded is a sight to behold as he spanks it. "OH YES, KEEP GOING FUCKING BOTH MY PUSSY AND ASS, USE BOTH THOSE FUCKING HOLES," Momo begs. The old guy is next, flipping her around and doing the hole switcheroo thing as well.
"FUCKING SLAP MY TITS, FUCKING TREAT ME LIKE A SLUT, TOUCH MY BODY, GET YOUR HANDS ALL OVER ME," Momo says as the solo fucking sessions from each guy go on. Choked, slapped, and pounded, Momo is used to the fullest. "DON'T STOP, DON'T STOP, I'M CUMMING," she begs as you end up being the one who gives her a huge anal orgasm that makes her squirt like a water fountain.
"That's what I want—all those cocks fighting for my asshole," Momo says as the tattooed guy adds to her orgasm toying with her pussy while pounding her asshole. "There you go, you fucking sexy bitch," you say to her. "FUCKING POUND THAT ASS!" Momo screams as her legs shake; she sticks her tongue out, and you grope her tits.
The young stud carries a slippery Momo and shoves his cock in her pussy as she smiles. You quickly join him as you two give Momo a DP with her standing on just one leg. "Shove those big fucking cocks inside me," Momo begs as she gets pounded. She just closes her eyes and enjoys the ride. "Oh yes, please, give it to this fucking little slut," she says as both your cocks work in perfect sync to fuck her.
"USE ME, USE ME, MORE, MORE, HARDER, HARDER, FUCK, FUCK!" Momo screams the few words that still can come into her numb brain. You are very unselfish, letting the other buds take turns in Momo's asshole. "Oh yes, please, take turns on me, spread and pump that asshole, stroke, and jerk those cocks off inside of me," she says.
You get back inside of Momo, this time taking her pussy as she remains in the same position, getting sandwiched by a pair of cocks at each turn. Nearly 40 minutes have passed now, but the gangbang is still going on at a very intense pace. Momo is just too sexy for you guys to stop fucking her.
"Pump me harder, pump me harder," Momo begs as she uses her flexibility, standing in just one leg as your cocks can't stop finding their way between it. "POUND ME, POUND ME, POUND ME," Momo begs as she collapses into yet another orgasm.
As soon as Momo is back on her feet, the young stud wastes no chance to get back in her ass, hammering it harder. No rest for the peach is the theme of the day, as every time one cock gets out of Momo's ass, another one is already ready to pounce back in. You and him now lift Momo's body, giving her a carrying DP, but this time switching holes as you take her pussy and he takes her ass.
You two lead the way; no wonder you always found young stud as your best bet to split a girl in half with both your big cocks. He is such an easy learner and pounds every girl hard, just like you, but you had never seen him fuck someone as insanely as he's done to Momo today, as you two trade blows in her holes in a healthy competition to see which cock Momo likes the most.
"OH MY GODDDDDD, OH SHITTTTT, TAKE ME, TAKE ME, TAKE ME." Momo screams as she now has no control over her body; you and the young stud cocks are now her de facto legs as her hot body gets sandwiched between both of you, her real legs fully lifted in the air. The other guys just watch in awe as you guys tear Momo apart. When the young stud's cock slips out of Momo's ass, you quickly switch back into fucking everyone's favorite hole as he holds her for you to pound nonstop while the other dudes get close and grope her big tits.
Momo crowns you the winner, getting down on your cock to taste both of her holes as you captalize on her submission, grabbing her by her wet, messy hair to fuck her face once again. The other dudes encircle her to get their pricks jerked off, but Momo's eyes are all on you, feeling blessed that you could provide her with such an experience after her return to Japan.
The guys take turns fucking and slapping her face. "Oh yes, surround me with all those fucking dicks; slap them on my," Momo demands, her face turned into a drum for all those big sticks. "THAT'S WHAT I FUCKING LIKE, I'M GONNA CUM JUST WITH THOSE COCKS HITTING MY FACE, AHHHHH," Momo screams as she masturbates herself down low and makes the floor even more slippery, squirting all over your feet.
But you guys aren't done with Momo and her sexy body yet. As she masturbates herself, you guys take more turns fucking her face. "Lick my balls," the old guy demands, as Momo goes fully nasty and engulfs it in her mouth. The muscular dude slides in to fuck her face as you watch her masturbate herself, getting eager to slide your cock back in her cunt without her even noticing as she was occupied dealing with her face getting pounded.
"MORE COCK, MORE COCK, MORE COCK," Momo begs as she rides your pole, her tits bouncier than ever as she gets choked. The young stud puts her in full Nelson as more DP ensues. "Stuff it, stuff it," a sweaty Momo begs. "GIVE ME MORE, STRETCH THOSE FUCKING HOLES, FUCKING PUMP THEM," she screams, using her hands to spread her pussy lips as the two cocks keep pounding her.
"My holes are so hungry. TELL ME HOW MUCH YOU WANNA USE THEM, TELL ME HOW MUCH YOU WANNA PUMP THAT COCK IN THERE." Momo can't stop yelling even as the guys start slapping her ass and stuffing her in a fetal position. "STROKE YOURSELF INSIDE ME; I LOVE GETTING STUFFED WITH ALL THOSE COCKS," she continues to scream.
"I fucking love being gangbanged," Momo says. "Next time I want 10 cocks fucking me," she continues, going completely wild and unfiltered as her body gets treated like a toy for your gang's pleasure. "STUFF ME, STUFF ME, RIGHT FUCKING THERE," Momo continues to yell as your crew can't drop double stuffing her, the guys roating between themselves at a franctic pace to take one extra piece of her fuckholes.
"KEEP FUCKING PUMP ME, HARDER, HARDER, HARDER, OH SHITTTTTTT," Momo has gone completely off the rails to this point. That slut can't live without cock any more; one guy out, another in, and she's having the time of her life. "YEEHAW, I'M SUCH A LITTLE SLUT TAKING ALL THOSE FUCKING COCKS," Momo says as she goes airtight and can't even recognize who is who at this point. As long as it's a big cock, she's taking it.
You take one final turn in Momo's ass, giving it a hard pounding as the other guys already prepare themselves to cum after a long 50-minute fuck session with this energetic little flexible Japanese slut. "FUCK ME JUST LIKE THAT, AHHHHHH," Momo screams as your balls smack her peach and her strawberry, thursting inside her asshole at a pace of over five thrursts a second.
The muscular guy and the young stud double penetrate Momo for one final time, just enough to get them prepared to nut all over her. "DON'T STOP, PLEASE DON'T FUCKING STOP UNTIL YOU CUM ALL OVER MY FACE." You and the young stud line up first to ejaculate on Momo's slutty face. "Please, drain your balls on my fucking face," she begs.
And sure, Momo gets it, as the young stud unloads in her mouth while you give her a bullseye cumshot. "Oh, it's so warm. I love getting covered in all that cum," she says. "Come on guys, give me some more; come feed; please, give me your cum," she says as the tattoo guy is the next to nut on her face, followed by the old guy and the muscular guy. "Oh, that's so fucking hot," Momo says as you guys complete a bukkake on her after fucking her hot body for over 50 minutes.
"So hot, I love being covered in five big loads," Momo says. "I'm gonna mix all that cum and swallow it," she continues, scooping it up and feeding it into her mouth. "So fucking yummy," she says as the gangbang is over and three of the guys leave the room, with only you and the young stud left.
"You gave us a great experience today, Momoring, truly the ultimate slut," you tell her. "But we still have 5 minutes left to use our fucktoy, and we are gonna take it," you tell her. "You guys are so hungry; what are you gonna do to this little whore?" she asks.
You and him put Momo on the floor. "Face down, ass up," you say. The young stud enters her asshole, and you soon follow suit. "OH MY GODDDDDD," Momo screams again as she gets to have two cocks in her already sore ass. "Spread that fucking ass; take it; it's all yours; FUCKING STUFF IT," she says. 
You two pound Momo relentlessly for one final time, pushing that slut to her limits. "KEEP GOING, USE MY ASSHOLE, MAKE IT YOUR CUMHOLE," Momo screams as you two gape her butthole into oblivion. And you guys know Momo could take three cocks in there with ease. The anal queen of Japan gets gaped to the maximum as you guys toy with her pink anus and its flexibility to fit two cocks larger than a tennis ball.
Five minutes is all you two need to drain your balls for a second time, coating her butthole full of milk. Momo collapses into the floor as both of your jizz leak out her asshole. She's an utter mess, having to rush into the stadium as the manager picks her up and takes her back.
Momo takes a shower and, after some painkillers for her sore holes, puts up her usual great performance. She was truly glowing, and you had a privileged view from your VIP seat at the stadium. 
Now you had to make her one last proposal before she departs back to Korea.
"Hi, Momoring," you meet her backstage. She hugs you, still amazed by the experience you gave her. But you're about to turn things up a notch.
"I know you'll be back next week for another concert, this time in Yokohama, and I want to meet you again," you say.
"You didn't even need to ask; I was going to see you anyway," she said.
"Well, then you are gonna love having 10 guys share your body this time, just like you asked me, Momoring," you replied.
"I'll be there no matter what," she says, kissing you as you head home, already preparing for the next week of fun on Momo's hot body.
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