#so that sm of my mutuals have been so chill...
destisea-a · 5 months
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before i really get to writing, and trying to do things here. just wanna say thank you to people who are patient with me, and put up with my nonsense. like i am so slow, and i really don't waste my time with stressing over drama and trying to get things out in a timely manner. don't really feel like i have to make excuses for myself. but like, i'm just here to have a good time and maybe make a couple friends. so thanks a bunch, the rpc has been real kind to me these last few weeks.
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pastelpousay · 2 months
Hi guys I think I’m gonna be taking a mini break again just a small one
Ik I said last time I needed to take one to write my fic and took a 1 day off 💀 and then basically spam posted but yea I’ll still post the art I’ve made today and this week, my other writing projects and requests will be on hold yes I still do take them I’ve just been a bit Hadina obsessed as of late (like the last 7-8 months 💀😭)
But I’m taking a small break i give myself 3 days off tumblr because I’ve been feeling like I’m becoming a bit obsessed with interactions and stuff on here and it’s been making me feel like shit💀. So for rn I’ll be working on Hadina story I’m really passionate about it and I feel like if I take the time I have left of the summer and relax and work on something I’m passionate about I won’t be so worried about how many people like the stuff on here. Don’t get me wrong ever since posting my art on here I’ve improved greatly and I’ll continue to create I just have a lot more I need to focus on so that I don’t like loose my mind 😭.
Also thank you to everyone that has been like and reblogging my posts, and also to those who’ve made art of Rina or Hadina or anything like that it truly means so much to me. I never thought that me just being a little weirdo online would lead to me getting fanart and stuff like guys I’m gonna cry 😭💗💗💗 THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING ME IT MEANS SO SO MUCH I LOVE YOU ALL 💗I WANT YOU TO KNOW EVERY POSITIVE MESSAGE OR NOTE YOU HAVE LEFT ME HAS AN IMPACT AND I WILL REMEMBER THAT I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT TRULY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DEALING WITH MY BS
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my-own-walker · 1 year
Hiya!!!! I was wondering if you do peter maximoff smut? 😅😅😅 If you do, I have a request-but if you don't maybe you could make it like Tate or Kyle? <3
I was wondering if you could do something like Peter (if you can) like using his vibrations and going down on the reader(fem!) while making her read her smutty diary entries about him after he read what was in it? :) THANK YOU BESTIE MWAHHH
I Warned You
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note: forgive me if this sucks. my emotions have been all over the past few days and i burned the FUCK out of my hand last night.
warnings: sm*t, oral f receiving, peter being a slut, etc
It was a rather oppressive day, heat-wise. One of those sticky hot, thighs chafing, greasy bangs days. The sun shined down in a hazy way on the neighborhood I lived in. As I sat there in my denim shorts and big t-shirt, I reminisced on the days of summer as a child. How I'd spend them with my best friend, Peter.
He was the first person I met when I moved here. I was two, to be fair, so I don't remember much of it all. He's always been a permanent fixture in my life. Someone who was just...always there.
He lived next door. Just like a cliche movie. We would ride bikes and draw on the ground with sidewalk chalk together. He was my second-grade boyfriend. He decided to ‘ask me out’ on the last day of school. He learned in school how to say 'I love you,' in sign language just before he asked to hold my hand on the playground on that day in June. He signed it any chance he could. When his mom drove us home in her minivan that day, he held up the sign. Our little secret.
That summer was pure childhood bliss. Innocence. We really didn't 'break up,' per se. When we entered the third grade that September it was just mutual that we had crushes on other kids. We still stayed friends. I'd hang out at his house after school every day until my parents got home. When the weather was warm, I'd sit outside on my porch waiting for him after dinner. Then, like clockwork, we'd find something to do.
As we got older our activities changed. He taught me how to skateboard. I taught him how to trespass on the baseball fields that were tucked down a back street in our neighborhood. We'd swing on this old tire swing over the stream that ran through our backyards.
In our sophomore year of high school, he bought an old car with dreams to fix it up. A 1965 Ford Mustang. It was rusty, beat up, and had no engine. The windshield was shattered and the inside wasn't upholstered. The only working part of it was its radio. When I walked out of my front door on the day he brought it home, he slapped it on its hood, proudly declaring, 'I'm gonna take you to prom in this thing, baby!' We sat in the old thing all afternoon listening to the radio.
I had known about his abilities the whole time. I never got into foot races with him as a kid for that reason. He would beat me every time. Peter had it under control, for the most part, but only when he wanted to. He started getting brazen with it as a teenager. He'd take me on these wild adventures where he'd steal things. The first time it was just some candy from a convenience store. By the time he got that damned car, he was stealing entire carburetors. These trips took all of 2 minutes. Just the two of us speeding off to create havoc.
Somewhere along the way I fell in love with him. Or maybe it wasn't even that. I can't remember a time when I didn't love him. It changed, though. I started to feel things toward him I'd never felt before. When he'd hold my head to prevent me from getting whiplash as we were making our hasty escapes from his escapades, I'd find chills would run up my spine.
Our beautiful little romance blossomed once he finally got his Mustang up and running. Not that he needed it, really. He was leagues faster than any car. He just wanted to be able to transport more things. And his new girlfriend. We started dating in junior year. He had just gotten his license and took me on a ride one night. We parked down a backstreet in our town and our lips finally met. At long last, his fast fingers were allowed to explore my body in a way I had never allowed him to before. It was wonderful, awkward, and hungry. Everything a teenage love affair should be.
He ended up taking me to the prom in that car, just as he'd promised. He looked so smart in his little tux. We spent that entire summer simply enraptured with each other. Our hangouts transformed from outdoor antics to being tangled in my bed, fan on max speed, windows open to hear the mourning doves sing outside. I can still smell the fresh summer air and the smell of him combining to make something all-encompassing and intoxicating.
It was the next summer on this very hot day. Peter and I had been dating for a year. He was away, hanging out with his friends or something. I was home alone. I sat there on my porch, diary resting lazily on my lap, staring off at the hanging 'FOR SALE,' sign on my yard in front of me . I switched between twirling my pen in my hands and chewing the end of it, deep in thought.
It was always the deal in my house. As soon as I graduated, as the youngest kid in my family, we'd move away again. My parents weren't happy with the town. They knew I had made my life there, but a deal was a deal. I couldn't imagine a life without Peter.
When the sign went up on my front lawn, I began a diary. I was never a writer. I was horrible at keeping up with writing entries in a tiny book. But knowing my life was about to change, I began scratching down every small detail about my life. My time in this house. My childhood. My life with Peter. It was a passion project. I wanted to document everything so I'd never forget.
Peter interrupted my deep inner turmoil. Well, not exactly him. His loud-ass car pulled up, parking in the driveway next door. He stepped out of the car singing, keys jingling in his hands. Like clockwork, his head turned to see if I was on my porch. Our routine since we were kids. In a flash, he was sitting next to me.
'Hey pretty,' he breathed, kissing me gently on my cheek.
'Hey Peter,' I smiled, looking up at him. Whenever he was near me I couldn't help but get wrapped up in him. Swept away in his deep brown eyes and sea of silver hair. There was a palpable feeling between the two of us. Dancing around the topic of me moving away, even though the signs were all around us, literally. It was a tension that colored every moment of our time together, yet we tried in earnest to ignore it.
'Whatcha got there?' he asked, half-taunting, as he usually did.
'Oh, haha,' I blushed, clapping the book shut and tucking the pen inside. 'It's nothing, just a planner.'
'A planner? Y/L/N, when have you ever been the type to schedule things?' he scoffed. 'Gimme that.' He lunged for the diary. I curled my body up tight into a ball, the book nestled safely between my lap and chest. My arms secured it even further.
'Peter! Stop it! I gotta get my shit together,' I whined. 'Like, plan out packing!'
'Packing for what?' he asked sarcastically, still trying in vain to pry the diary from my grasp. In his desperation, he attempted the only trick he had left to get me to let go. He started tickling my sides. It was a surefire way to piss me off, but also to get me to let go. The diary clattered to the ground as I stood up quickly to get away from his hands tickling me at light speed. He paused for a moment to grab the diary off the ground.
'Hey, thanks!' he exclaimed, taking off in a flash inside my house, leaving only the wind behind to prove he was there.
I clamored inside behind him, calling after him as I stumbled up the stairs. He was already laying on my bed, on his side, reading my diary entries when I got to my room.
‘DON’T read those!’ I panted in vain. ‘They’re so bad!’
‘Oh, these little stories?’ he smirked, looking up only with his eyes. ‘I think they’re pretty good.’
My cheeks burned hot. I stepped into the room and slammed the door shut. He held the book up closer to his face and squinted. ‘Peter, please, I’m warning you,’ I pleaded.
‘His tongue slid into me. All of my insides felt warm and tingly…’ he read out.
‘OH MY GOD NO!’ I rushed over to him, trying to pry my diary out of his hands. I was on the bed on my knees doing what I could to get my embarrassing writing back. He and his super speed, though, had other plans. I gave up after minutes of trying, tired of grabbing at a person that wasn’t even there by the time my hands reached him. He stopped his motion and was right back where he started on my bed.
‘I think I got what I needed,’ he smirked. ‘Let me review the highlights with you…’
He moved quickly, without using his super speed, to lay me down my my back. I didn’t object. He was always gentle with me, careful not to use his speed unless I asked him to. Peter hated anything that took a long time, but with me he always had patience. Well, unless it was taking my clothes off.
Peter worked quickly to get every inch of fabric off my body. His smooth hands rubbed all over my skin as he kissed me passionately. He stopped to pick up the diary that had been discarded to the side on my bed.
‘Let’s see…’ he muttered, pinning my shoulder down with one hand, his legs straddling my lap. ‘He spread my legs slowly…okay I can do that.’
The diary was once again dropped so he could part my thighs. His hot breath hovered over my weeping cunt.
‘Right, right, then the tongue part,’ he reminded himself. He kissed all along the insides of my thighs, eventually making contact with my middle. My toes curled and my breath hitched. I was ready for what he was about to do. He slipped his tongue into me and my eyes rolled back. He flicked his tongue over my clit, making me yelp out.
He separated himself from me to grab my diary again.
‘You’re gonna have to read this next part, Y/N, I’m a little preoccupied here,’ he instructed. He passed the book into my shaking hands. I didn’t even have the energy to protest. I just wanted to feel his warmth within me again. His mouth reconnected with my pussy.
‘H-his abilities came in handy when giving me head,’ I panted. ‘He can do this thing- thi- this thing where he vibrates.’ I could only choke out so much in my pleasure.
I felt him take a few deep breaths before beginning to vibrate at sonic speed. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. The first time he did it, I thought I would just about die. He pulled away for a moment.
‘Keep reading,’ he breathed. I whimpered, shaking hands once again opening the diary. He reconnected with my middle again and I let out a loud moan.
‘He kn-knows how to make m-me purr like a kitten. There’s n-nothing like it,’ I sputtered out.
I didn’t have much left in me. He, acting as my own personal vibrator, brought me to my limit. I came with a loud yelp, laughing immediately after. Peter stopped vibrating and laid on top of me, his face meeting mine.
‘You are SUCH a dick, Maximoff,’ I giggled.
‘I thought it was sexy, how you write about me and all,’ Peter shrugged. He peppered kisses all over my face and neck as we both caught our breath. For a fleeting moment, nothing in the world mattered. All we cared about was each other. For a moment, I wasn’t moving away. It was us and us only. ‘You’re a million miles away, beautiful. What’s wrong?’
Snapping out of my trance, I planted a kiss on his lips. ‘Nothing at all, Peter. Just really ready for round two,’ I smirked.
I really enjoyed this one. Thank you so much for this request! I promise I’ll write more this week. It’s been cray cray on my end.
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floralcyanide · 1 year
˚₊✩‧₊◜kinktober 2023! ―
― day nine ⛧ breeding kink
Roman Bridger x F!Reader
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You and Roman have been trying for a baby for a while without any luck. One day, Roman is on his way home from work and has a request. 
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warnings: smut, breeding kink, cockwarming, cum eating, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, mentions of failed pregnancy, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of miscarriage/ infertility, oral (f receiving), choking, nipple play (brief), lactation kink (lol. brief.)
word count: 1551
author's note: I LOVE ROMAN HE IS MY BABY DADDY FR (no pun intended I'm fr I love him sm) anyway I hope yall enjoy some Roman content. I have an unfinished Roman fic up rn actually if anyone wants to read it. I'm thinking soon I'll edit/ revise it and continue it. please leave feedback I love seeing what yall think!! ilyy
kinktober masterpost | kinktober taglist form | main masterlist | main taglist form
this fic has been cross posted to ao3.
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.
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“Hey,” Roman says through the phone, readjusting it between his shoulder and ear as he drives, “When I get home, I want you on the bed. Naked. Be ready for me.”
“What?” you laugh, tossing the towel you were folding on the counter, “Roman.”
“You heard me. You have ten minutes.”
A chill runs up your spine as you step away from folding laundry, “Okay.”
It’s easy for Roman to get you to do anything he desires, not in a manipulative way, but in a mutual respect and endearment way.
Roman hangs up, and you scurry upstairs to your shared bedroom to get ready. You look at yourself in the mirror as you strip, switching your basic underwear for something more provocative. You fluff your hair, realizing about 5 minutes have passed before you jog to the bed and hop onto it, lying down. You try to figure out the perfect position but give up. Instead, you just slide your underwear to the side and rub your clit softly, working yourself up. You think of Roman and how bossy he will be when he gets home. How he’s going to tell you what to do and exactly how to do it. The thought of him walking in on you pleasuring yourself sends a surge of arousal through you, and you feel turned on enough to slip a finger inside your dampening cunt. You hum in satisfaction as you curl it against the familiar spongy spot, using your other hand to resume your clit play. You hear Roman slam the front door shut downstairs, and you eagerly add another finger, pumping them in and out slowly. 
“Good girl. Just how I wanted you- ready for my cock.”
You smirk as you continue to fuck your fingers, removing them and licking off your arousal as Roman watches closely.
“You should probably take off your cute underwear before I fucking rip it off of you,” Roman says casually, his eyes darkening as he pulls off his clothes.
You do as told, tossing the underwear somewhere on the floor beside the bed, spreading your legs like you know Roman wants you to. He moans at the sight of your wet pussy, all puffy and ready for him. He wastes no time climbing on the bed and launching himself onto you, Roman’s mouth attaching itself to your cunt, licking a wide stripe up your slit before circling your clit with his deft tongue. You grasp his hair as he looks up at you, not breaking eye contact as he laps at your bundle of nerves with vigor. 
“Gonna fuck you so good, gonna put a baby in this pussy,” Roman grunts, gripping your thighs as he eats you out like a starving man.
“Fuck, Roman,” you moan at his words, grinding on his tongue as he fucks you with it.
“Touch your breasts like a good kitten. Want you to think of how swollen and sensitive they’ll be when you’re pregnant with my baby,” Roman doesn’t stop licking and suckling at your cunt, knowing exactly how you will react to his filthy mouth. 
You move your hands from his hair and tweak your nipples, jerking your hips into Roman’s face at the sensation. You try your best to imagine how large you would get in your breasts and stomach, maybe even your thighs and definitely your hips. The two of you have been trying for a baby for a while, and there have been times you wanted to give up. Two miscarriages, negative pregnancy tests out the ass, and possible infertility were just some of the issues that have gone on lately. For a while now, you and Roman have had sex, but not to try for a baby. You haven’t taken any tests because you have yet to miss your period. So, at this point, it’s fair to say no matter what you do, having a baby naturally seems out of the picture. But you let your imagination work its magic anyway.
Roman senses you’re close to orgasm and pulls away, and you frown as you’re torn from your daydream of being full and round with Roman’s child. He sits on his knees, raising your legs to put them on his shoulders as he lines himself up with your entrance. Slowly, Roman pushes himself into you, nearly howling at the feeling of your tight wetness. Every time is like the first time for you both, no matter how life is going, your sex life is always perfect. This time is no different. Once Roman is sheathed all the way into you, he waits a moment for you to adjust to his size. You wiggle your hips a little, taking deep breaths as you stretch around him. You begin to move your body back and forth, motioning for Roman to move, too. And he doesn’t waste a second before pulling out and plunging back into you. Gaining a steady rhythm, Roman leans down to capture your lips with his, your chest nearly flush with his. You slip your tongue into his mouth and fight for dominance, swallowing his moans as he fucks you a little harder. He grabs hold of your throat and gently squeezes it as he makes out with you.
“Fuck, you’re so good,” Roman closes his eyes as he gets lost in the feeling of your walls fluttering around him, your g spot grazing against his tip with every thrust, “Gonna fuck a baby into you, make you so full of my cum you’ll have to get pregnant.”
You moan at Roman’s voice as it whispers dirty fantasies in your ear about how he’s gonna pump you full of cum and fuck it into you, how he’s gonna suck your nipples until you lactate, and how much he loves you. You bounce yourself onto his cock, chasing after your incoming orgasm as Roman toys with your clit. 
“Cum around my cock, baby girl. Milk this cock like you mean it,” Roman gruffs, his breaths coming out in pants as he snaps his hips into yours as fast as he can.
You curse as you purposefully clench hard around Roman, causing him to spurt hot cum into you. The feeling of his hot seed filling your womb makes your orgasm hit you full force, your cunt clenching harder around Roman, milking him for everything he has to offer. You’re both panting as you come down from your highs. You wait for your husband to pull out of you, but he doesn’t. Instead, he grabs your hips and lays down, keeping himself inside you. You’re the one on top now, still full of Roman’s softening cock.
“Are you gonna-”
“Nope,” Roman smiles, “I was serious about fucking a baby into you. I’m keeping my cum in you for as long as I have to.”
You squirm at the feeling of him inside you, your pussy sensitive from your release. 
“Stop moving, or I’ll get hard again,” Roman warns, and you jokingly swivel your hips.
You both laugh, and Roman reaches up to push some hair out of your face, “My beautiful wife.”
You smile, keening into his hand as he cups your face. You stay like that, sitting on him for a little while as he massages your breasts, sliding his hands up and down your sides. You rest your palms on Roman’s chest, watching him lovingly.
“I’m gonna pull out, are you ready?”
You nod but still wince slightly as Roman slowly removes himself from you. Before you can react, Roman shoves two fingers inside you, pumping his cum back into you before it can fully leak out. You’re a little turned on from him playing with your nipples a moment ago, so you gasp at the feeling of his digits curling side you. Roman flips onto his stomach, replacing his fingers with his tongue. He hungrily laps at your mixture of cum and arousal, and you groan at the sight of Roman consuming his own release. 
“That’s fucking hot,” you sigh, letting him tongue-fuck you.
Roman sucks your clit as he switches between eating up your leaking cunt and grazing his teeth along the bundle of nerves. You feel yourself edging toward another orgasm and let it wash over you as Roman eats it up, too. 
“God,” you exhale, relaxing into the pillows behind your head, “That was amazing.”
“I agree. We should make babies more often,” Roman laughs.
“More than we already do?” you roll your eyes at him, and he climbs over to you, pulling you into his chest.
“Way more. Like, 3 times a day at least.” Roman rests his hand on your stomach as you both cuddle for a while. You get up to shower, and Roman gets up to make dinner. Over the next few days, you forget about the sex. You’re used to Roman cumming inside you when you fuck anyway, and nowadays, you don’t really miss your period because of it. Until you do. You don’t have your period for a whole month and a half before deciding to take a test. And when you do, there are two lines. So, with shock filling your bones, you take another. And another. They’re all positive Looks like Roman did fuck a baby into you after all.
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@ins0mniac-whack @whiispii @formydearestreaders @ilikefictionalmen @muffinlove7 @cancelledkaley @axen-gers @bonbekahsfav @jokersgrf @snazzynacho @im-a-slut-for-this-man2 @nicepeony @justacosplayerlol @chiimiki @w4lk3rss @radiant-whore @ppanemorfii @marlboropremiumblack @savagemickey03
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
I found your page this morning and OH MAH LAWRD 😻 WOOF WOOF WOOF, ya know? 😔
Take your time with this request, because I don’t want you to get stressed..
But remember those Eric and Kyle oneshots? Where you are Kyle’s bf but they have their way with you? 😳 (wowzers)
keep me in ur thoughts 😏
- 🍒
I’VE BEEN LIKE- TRYING TO WRITE ANOTHER KYLE AND CARTMAN ONE BUT I SUCK AT WRITING KYLE- Cartman and Butters on the other hand???? OOOOOH MAMA (says this as I write whatever comes to mind while I’m at lunch and feeling really embarrassed about it)!! Also I’m like half sure you meant Butters x Cartmans gf reader right??? Sorry if I’m wronggg
Also dw I always think about my anons /hj I love y’all sm
Anyways, thanks to @tiniedemon and @hand-writxen for the ideas while writing. I was stuck on this for the LONGEST time and felt super bad about it. As per usual, I’M NOT SHIPPING THEM IN ANY WAY!!
Butters x Cartmans gf reader
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• Let’s be honest, Cartmans a bit of an voyeur- so when Butters came up to him real apologetic about having a lil crush on his gf it gave him the best idea
• That’s how it started, all of y’all expected it to be a one and done thing BUT NOPE
• But who tf knew that Butters was super fucking horny??? Not you-
• Anyways, the both of them take turns on you ALL THE TIME! It’s mainly because they don’t hate each other so that makes it a hell of a lot easier
• Y’all ever heard of double penetration??? YEAH THATS THEM- JUST HEAR ME OUT ON IT
• They’re both kinda impatient (difference is although Butters might get antsy he can wait, Cartman refuses to) so like, double penetration does happen quite a bit
• Butters has like, no chill tho. He’s super obvious about his crush on you and how he feels about you, dudes ALL over you and it’s kinda cute ngl. It annoys Cartman tho so it usually ends in him making Butters watch y’all fuck or something and not letting him touch you to remind him who’s gf you are
• Butters gets so whiny too, he’s desperate to touch you and he’d do literally anything Cartman tells him just for the chance of a bj or something
• Cartmans a sadist so he usually makes Butters get on his knees and beg or something. That part’s not even sexual he just likes feeling the power 👀
• Tbh Butters is a really sweet, passionate guy so most of the time he puts your pleasure before his own. In his eyes, you come first so ofc he’s gonna make you cum first even if he has to edge himself
• But omg those few times where he really lets go and he’s really rough and uses you 😩
• Anyways so enough of that, ngl Cartman really likes watching Butters eat you out. Sometimes after he jerks off to y’all he has post nut clarity and thinks he’s a lil creepy but that’s like, immediately gone because he realizes he doesn’t care enough
• Honestly, I can see Butters fucking you but Cartman being completely in control the entire time
• He says he wants Butters to edge you? It’s done. He wants you guys to overstim yourselves, DONE
• He loves seeing Butters edge you and himself. Definitely likes seeing the tears of frustration and taunting you about it, calling you his crybaby
• Butters definitely whimpers while edging himself and gets really caught up in how good you feel, hehe Cartman edges himself a couple times too while y’all do 🤭
• Hear me out, he’s super mean about cumming. Literally will not let either of you cum until he does from you sucking him off
• I dunno, orgasm denial is just a huge thing here ya know? Like in his eyes (at the moment) y’all are just fuck toys entertaining him 💅
• Cartman is such a control freak but it’s honestly kinda hot to both of y’all. Butters is definitely more on the sub side a lot of the time so it works out for you guys
• NOW YOU GOTTA HEAR ME OUT AGAIN ‼️ the both of them like watching you get yourself off using toys. Also mutual masturbation ngl. They jerk each other off while watching you <33
• Like I said, orgasm denial is a huge thing so Cartman probably makes you get off on some sort of vibrator but doesn’t let you cum for the longest time because he wants you to beg. He starts rubbing off on Butters at some point and he starts doing similar things
• Would not be surprised if Cartman makes you get off on his shoe (def a new pair he only uses for that purpose because ew, germs) while the two jerk each other off
• EHEHEHE imagine Cartman makes you fuck yourself on a dildo and watches because he says you’re not ready or even worth him and Butters dicks yet
• Definitely says you have to work for it and likes watching you do it. I swear no amount of preparation prepares you for the both of them at the same time. FUCKING ANIMALS
• Anyways, Butters is probably secretly into pegging. Just hear me out ok???
• He really really wants you to peg him while Cartman fucks you (in Cas’ words, a lil train)
• Omg so like, jerking him off while you peg him and Cartman just jerking off the whole time because damn who knew you looked super hot while pegging someone
• I feel like Cartman really likes seeing his cum on your face and at the end of y’all’s… session the two of them usually jerk off on your face and tits
• Butters definitely thinks you look super pretty with cum on you while Cartman kinda sees it as a hot degrading thing
• Sometimes this kinda stuff happens in public where they’re both horny and they literally fight over who gets a blowjob from you because they don’t have much time or privacy
• Anyways, both literally love a good creampie so you best believe that both of them do creampie you. CONSTANTLY
• Round after round man, Cartman just really likes seeing it drip out of you. Probably smacks your pussy (somewhat lightly) just to giggle as you whimper before fingering it back in
• All that is just an instant boner for both of them. THEY’RE INSATIABLE I TELL YOU, INSATIABLE
• Before y’all go out sometimes they both cum in your underwear and make you wear it out after rubbing it in, this definitely isn’t something I saw on an NSFW twitter acc that made me giggle and kick my feet
• They’ve both ruined and owe you SO MANY panties because they keep using them to jerk off or they cum in them. FOR SOME REASON IT STAINS AND JUST RUINS THE PANTIES and both of them feel so proud of doing that
All jokes aside I really liked writing this so ty for the request babes <33
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isatoru · 4 months
ok bro so i don't know how to make this post SDJFHSH and say hi hello i missed everyone without being awkward and facing cricket noises since it's been over a year since i’ve logged in LMFAO and ppl still following r gonna be like ??? but .... ASKDUSDL HELLO!!!!! 🙂‍↕️ to everyone that is still here ... <3
I MISSED YA'LL SM OMG ;---; i hope some of you still remember me so this won’t be too awkward 🙂‍↕️🙏
on that note!!!! i have returned because i have really bad gojo and isagi brainrot since rewatching/rereading jjk + getting into bllk fr this time LMAOO (also getou and rin... among others but currently mostly those!!) I AM ALSO CURRENTLY REWATCHING BNHA TOO AFTER SO SO LONG AND </3 getting back into that fs... shouto is currently hitting and i have not once thought abt him like that lmfaoo
+ i have so many fics i have completed that i want to post !!! i have been cooking in isolation and after much needed self growth and love in writing <3 ;v; (gojo, isagi, and nanami ones mostly lmaoo AND ALSO A SUKUNA SERIES I WANT TO POST) AND IDK WHAT TO POST FIRST LOL
also bro i want to yap about characters and arcs analysis sm lmao... i've gotten into just. writing analysis of stuff i read and get into -- i might even make a separate blog for that since i'm like heavily into berserk (like really bad bro, i willingly sat and wrote essays for fun during finals week just bc of berserk KJSDFH) and souls games too rn LMAOOO (bg3 as well perhaps if anyone is into that too!! i love shadowheart a lot... 500+ hours... and ow <3 1k+ yikes) i mostly just rlly wanna yap about blue lock and jjk and bnha somewhere even if it's to the void on here lmfaooo
also to the mutuals (that remain... <3) please do not be alarmed if u see me in ur notifs reblogging fics for my current faves and yapping in ur tags 🙂‍↔️ like in the next few days LMFAO i have been deprived of reading good fic for soooo long bruh and now im like. I NEED TO READ FOR GOJO AND ISAGI SO BAD…. i missed fic so bad...
would ya'll be chill if i posted writing out of the blue here lmao and changed my username ??... it wouldn't be too awkward ?? 🙂‍↔️ (for the username i will change it in a few days despite my impatience so i give everybody like a chance to get used to me being on their dash so it won't be too alarming LMAOO)
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anonbinaryweirdo · 9 months
happy New years everyone :) this is for (almost) all of my mutuals 🫶🏽 vi gave me the motivation I needed to finish this hehe...
irls get their own paragraphs on new years day (suckers)
@floraldresvi — my love, my angel,, you've been an absolute blessing. for as long as I've known you (four months, believe it or not) you've been nothing but sweet and sincere. loving and understanding, even when I don't seem to understand it at all. I'm very thankful for you and everything you've done. I know things are a little rough for you right now and all, but just know that, despite it all, you're still my vi. through the worst of through the best of days, you're still my vi, and nothing will change that, I will still love you all the same, i pinky promise ! <33 thank you for being one of the best things that's happened to me all year. I love you, so so much. I don't think you understand just how much, but trust me, my queen, I really do adore you. <3
@ilyuu — yui, my sunshine.. you're something I look forward to seeing in my notifs from the very second I wake. even through the days where you don't feel yourself, you still carry the entire sun with you and it brings a smile to my face every time. like I said with vi; i appreciate you, and everything you've ever done for me. 2023 hasn't necessarily been kind to me, and I can't remember a thing about it before.. July? but you're something I could never forget. your optimism is something that's held me up for the longest, and I thank you for it, full heartedly. I love you and your absolute silliness, dear <3
@noxs-daydream — moony !! my favorite chao. you're really cool, and I'm glad we've kept in touch for like. a year, haha,, you're a really sweet and understanding person as well. enjoy seeing you on my dash and in my notifs, even if we don't talk as much. that's partially on me,, I've been deliberately trying to avoid talking to you to appease my guilt,, but it's coming to be a new year ! so, we'll see,, but I'm always happy to be able to talk to you !! out of everyone in the garden, I'm glad I kept in touch with you the most. you're kinda like a big sibling to me, hehe,, that being said; I love you <3
@mondaymelon — ah, so we meet again. my twin. you're a genuinely funny and amazing guy.. can't believe we haven't met before?? we get along well (where it matters) and we both have an amazing taste in chaos, so it was only a matter of time before we go to meet one another. aside from being funny, you're really cool and sweet, and it's always so nice to talk to you, even when I'm convinced you have some sort of rabies. jkjk hehe, I love you tho <3 never change
@alexisomnias — Alexis my sweet baby D: you're so sweet and kind and... aaa it's always so nice to see you in my notifs <3 I love everything you have to say, from thoughts about kaveh, to ramblings about your OCS, your joy is infectious and never fails to bring a smile to my face, big sis. you're so sweet and I wish we could talk moreee !! i love you sm <3
@lillonvia — I'd like to talk to you some more ! we just met as the year was ending, so why not use the new year as a means to get to know each other better? love ya <3
@raingoesboomboom — birthday twin !! like the prior, I believe we should talk more :D you seem like a genuinely fun and chill guy, and it was a shame I didn't get to talk to you as much as I wanted to during the few months we've known each other.. so let's get to know each other a little more next year :D
@mysnowmanandmebaby — JOOOOOOO !! :D hehe you're so silly and fun to talk to !! you're really nice and cool and just omg. i was scared to talk to you at first despite finding you cool because of the minors dni thing.. but I'm glad you allowed me to talk to you and get to know you a bit :D I also believe that you are very funny because you make me giggle and everything else 🫶🏽 I see a lot of people on here as big siblings... and you're no exception; love you <e
@nordicbananas — omg is that the coolest mushroom EVER OMG?? no but you're so silly and like so fun and so cool and like. everything. everytime I see u in my notifs I gasp in a :D way because of how silly you are hehehe,, I love you, timezone stealer <3
@k1an4a — YOU 🫵🏽 you silly soul of a mf we need to talk moreee😭 you're so funny like what <//3 m always happy to see you around even if you aren't as active or if we don't talk a lot. you're just really silly :] love ya <3
@auroratumbles — you cutie !! I'm glad I got to keep you in my basement all year <33 don't worry I promise I'll let you go this new year hehehe... maybe. you're just a cutie patootie and I needed to keep the cutie to myself :( you're really sweet and nice and a joy to talk to when I'm not holding you hostage hehe. i love you tho <3
@aphroditesswan — you. you you YOU pls talk to me more I think you're really cool <//3 the times we talked you were really nice and I think we could be good friends :D love ya <3
@delusina — my sweet horizon.. I know you're on hiatus, but I'm including you anyway because you are. so sweet and amazing. I'm glad I could get to know you, and I hope for the best for you and your brother come this year because I just. i believe you deserve to be loved and cherished despite whatever you might think :) m here for you kazzie, I love you <3
@maehemthemisfit — I don't know where you might have gone, but I havent forgotten about you !! i hope you're doing alright, and I wish you a late Merry Christmas and a great new years mae. you're very sweet and very big sibling and you're just really cool in general,, glad we could be friends :) I hope to talk to you more this year, if you ever have the time. i love you <3
@n3r0-1417 — sunflower :D (I'm never stopping with this nickname) you're a really cool person and. very funny I believe. i always like it whenever I'm able to talk to you, even if it isn't a lot,, another potentially big sibling person :D happy New year to you albedo and Apollo and I love you guys <3
@m1shapanda — the silly !! i love your art and I think you're really fun !! aaaa I wish we could talk smoree.. also I'm bonking you on the head and telling you to start resting and taking more breaks <//3 love u tho <3
@soleillunne — lyssy <33 I apologize for the things you've had to see on this blog this year. I can assure you, you will see the same stuff next year 💞 AKHDKHD okay okay but I think you were the third big sibling figure to me on this app/website, and you're so sweet and really amazing :D every time I wake up and see your notifications on my lock screen I smile and go "lyssas active :D !!" i stalk your blog alot,, <//3 you're so amazing my pearl, I love you <3
@https-furina — perse !! i didn't tell you the nickname I had for you omg,, i was between both my ocean and my waterfall, because everytime I think of you I think of pretty waters,, anyways hello :D I hope you're alright <33 omg I'd love to talk to you more,, you're really silly and super nice?? everytime I see you and Alyssa paired together in my notifs I smile and i immediately have to see what's going on with you two, I think you two are really sweet :]] i hope i get to talk to you more !! love you <33
@papiliotao — you absolutely cutie of a patootie. remember when you willingly became my mother? good times.. SDJKD you scared the living hell out of me when we were first getting acquainted and,,, I think it's a bit silly now, considering the fact that you're literally one of my most adorable mutuals ever what😭I hope you're doing alright moonlight, I love you <33
@mikacynth — I MISS YOU. :( I hope you've been alright with your studies, and you are one of the nicest souls. second ever big sibling figure I've had on here !! i adore you, you're the cutiest ever !! i hope you'll be able to come back and talk to us some day, we alk miss you snowball :(( i love you !! happy New Year and belated Christmas <3
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silverflqmes · 6 months
- who fell first and how?
- what book sealed the deal on your relationship?
- did you guys join a book club together, if so — what was the book that caught both of your guys’ eye?
- what do the boys think about your guys’ relationship? (kaveh, cyno, & tighnari)
- how did you guys meet and how long did it take for a single date?
- which of you said i love you first and how?
- e2l, which one admits they’re in love first and why?
- he misses the high cloud quintet, how do you comfort him?
- you both fight phantylia together, who falls down first?
- bonus: who went for the body? i think i can answer this one
- how to make a day of fun so sephiroth can be human again
- how would you style his hair for fun
- how to get him to stop being cloudobsessed and you-obsessed instead!!!
at long last i answered your ask bc monkey brain has just been SEPHIROTH SEPHIROTH SEPHIROTH as of late.. ahem. now without further delay, time to get the cogs winding
𓍼 haithellie.
— if i’m going with my e2l idea, he fell first because i was in hella denial.. but i fell harder. i haven’t really come up with much but i’m thinking we would both be in places in our lives where we’re dealing with loneliness?? for me i would have left home to study so i’d kinda be adjusting, while alhaitham has kinda been on his own, having lost his parents from young, and later his grandmother that took care of him after that. so i think we would have found mutual comfort in each other and he would have caught some feelings just from little details. stupid habits i have, shared interests, the bantering since we would have both been in the same darshan..
— i totally missed this question until i went back to read for the next ship but UHHH the wicked king cuz it’s my fav and i’ll never be normal about it
— we joined a book club not knowing that the other would be in there too LMAO it was just supposed to be a pastime kinda thing and it was just coincidence that we both ended up in it together.. but let me think, me being me i like my romantasy books so i dunno it alhaitham would also be into those.. but i could see him reading the folk of air — totally not bc it’s my favorite series, totally not bc we act like jude and cardan, totally not because — yeah, you got me..
— alhaitham wants them nowhere near me ( minus tighnari ) because they would enable me and they would tease him sm.. but i think we would be super chill together, i could see us playing uno or monopoly and just- disaster happening BAH but anyway i think they would be happy about alhaitham finding someone after his losses, and even it kaveh might be petty.. he’s happy for him<3
𓍼 tartellie.
— omg akira-san, i mean uh, tartaglia, yeah.. ahem. let me think.. we would have met at a flower shop, he was buying flowers to bring home to his family since he was likely away from home for a good while. he was just scanning all the different types, not sure which to pick, to which he would approach me, thinking me to be the store clerk ( i was not ). confused, i would break to him that i do not work there.. to which he would get embarrassed LMAO but since we were talking, he would ask on my opinion anyway, to which i’d try my best to offer a few options to my basic knowledge of flower language. i think he would show interest in the way i talk and explain, the hand gestures and expressions i make, but he’d ignore it.. until we stumbled once more upon each other, where he would chat with me.. and then proposes the idea of getting lunch. totally not a date, just lunch..
— he did and probably said so without even saying those three words tbh?? i don’t know how he would say it, but uh maybe smtn like.. “it’s strange.. home, until now was always being with my family back in snezhnaya.. but somehow, you seemed to have brought that feeling to me here and have blossomed it into something a little more than family, something special and precious to me.”
— now for this.. me LMAO if it was e2l it would end up as an unspoken confession i feel?? maybe if he was seriously injured or um, overdid things again because he used foul legacy or his delusion in a fight.. to which i would yell at him in a way that sounded like i really cared for him, and tartaglia would end up saying something along the lines of me sounding like i loved him or something.. to which i would go silent and he would piece it all together. unspoken confession!!
𓍼 yuellie.
— understandable as to why he would miss them, especially cuz he’s the last one remaining and with his memories in tact. it’s kinda heartbreaking honestly, but i understand the kinda fall of a friend group in a way, granted i still talk with mine but very minimally these days. regardless, i would do my best to comfort him, maybe take him out or encourage him to come be around others as well outside of his duties, just to feel yk welcomed as a dude and not just as a general. i think he’d like something like that cuz company helps when you miss those that you were once close with.
— AKWJSJDJSKSJ i fall down first and i make sure to KNEEL ( i did it on purpose ) yuan is probably like ellie???? and i’m like ain’t no way you said you’re going for the body — I’M GOING FOR THE BODY, YOU SIT YOUR ASS BACK THERE. atp he’s like, am i about to have my girl stolen by horrifyingly attractive woman that wants to kill us and is not just twice but several times her size?? he’s just watching in complete shock but like part of him understands.. i mean.. come on.
— I WENT FOR THE BODY AGAIN AND AGAIN ahem, your assumptions are likely correct.
𓍼 sephiellie.
— screams in sephiroth. okay um. let me actually get into this. sooo a day to make sephi have fun and feel more human.. well! after buying flowers from a certain peddler, i would whip out my super slay cool flip phone and urge him to come over after work because i had a surprise for him. said surprise is flowers to braid into his hair and a flower for him to keep at home cuz sephiroth having a green thumb sounds so adorable. for the rest, it would be just a cute self care day to remind him of his humanity in spite of whatever modifications and experiments were done on him ( FUCK YOU HOJO YOU UGLY ASS PIECE OF SHIT, THERE’S A REASON I’M NOT IN FFVII AND THAT’S BC YOUR ASS WOULD BE THROUGH, WHICH MEANS THE STORY DOESN’T END UP HAPPENING SO NO GAME )
— the braid with the flowers in it! high ponytail for sure HE IS SO PRETTY<3 maybe a bun as well after i told him that mine absolutely sucked and that my mom refused to let me out of the house without her doing my hair.. so he would ask to see how bad said bun is — so it ends up messy because i didn’t wanna make it too tight.. his hair is also super long.. but he liked it, probably wondered why i couldn’t leave the house when it looked so nice on him ( sobbing he’s so so sweet ), furthermore i would try the princess leia space buns and perhaps twin tails<3 he also would do my hair and try out different styles too, he’s so gentle<3
okay i believe that was all of them.. this took way longer than i’d expected😭
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cheolhub · 11 months
hey hey heyy!! i have a question about your first impressions of your moots and anons?
i did a few of my mutuals and my active anons 🥹
@ncteez was literally going to pee myself when she followed me. the first time we talked, we were doing a pc trade and i was lit RALLY so fucking terrified of her but now i love her and i miss her and she makes me feel better when i have an issue with anything. my hon <3
@rubyreduji i rmbr one of our first convos was months after we became mutuals— i was really drunk at a party and i told him everything that was happening. he’s the only person im not terrified to talk to because i alrdy know he hates me 🤗. fun fact: jj has seen me in my truest form bc he follows my finsta (everyone keep him in ur thoughts)
@agustdiv1ne ashlee, aur my god. my first thought abt tumblr user agustdiv1ne was ‘wow, this theme is so cute’ and my second thought was ‘wow, ashlee is so kind and chill and i think i would like her to be my best friend’ and now i hit her up at least once a week on some bullshit and i make her pick my next read or i tell her abt this bitch that owes me $500 <3 she understands me bc we were cut from the same cloth
@etherealyoungk i thought skye’s account was so cute 🥹🥹 omfg i remember the first time we interacted was on our birthday (april 30th, nobody forget) and ever since then she’ll come into my inbox and check in on me and it’s so endearing and makes my whole day. i also love hearing abt how she’s doing T-T NOW me and skye are lowkey bffls. we just buddy read a book together and it was saurrrr much fun, i love her sm 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
@majestyjun MILLIE WAS ONE OF MY FIRST TXT MOOTS. i love her so much omfg, i’ve always thought she was the coolest ever like 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i am kinda just her fan at this point like it’s so embarrassing. i get all blushy when she replies to my asks
@hwanghyunjinenthusiast i was kinda intimidated bc rj uses punctuation (which is literally fine and normal) and i thought she was mad every time i’d be in her ask box. now i think shes the funniest person alive and she’s my favorite person to annoy the shit out of.
@heesbaby MY FIRST IMPRESSION OF CINNA WAS THAT SHE WAS THE SWEETEST ANGEL EVER. i still think this by the way. i will literally get on one knee and propose and love her forever /srs.
@gyuswhore i think i thought em was really nice and quiet and i was so wrong. em is so fucking funny and unhinged in the best way possible. she’s probably the only person that will call me a bitch and an irresponsible spender (she’s never wrong)
@toruro my first thought of mika was adorable and i thought she was a really great writer. literally have her manhandling with chan tattooed on my brain. she is so nice to me and our brief biweekly interactions are very endearing to me <3
@homerunhansol J MY WORLD, i think ive always thought she was an angel in disguise and she’s ALWAYS been someone i want to be happy forever and ever and ever. i also think i thought her love for vernon was so cute bc i dont come across dolly’s very often and it’s just so endearing when i do bcos they are literally a gift from the gods. i love j ⭐️
@sunnylovespickles i thought sunny was so cute actually. i remember our first conversation and she was making me so nervous liejwheheb so cute and sweet like i’ll never get over the way she flattered me. (how to get to my heart: validate me the way sunny did)
@taekurai MY FIRST IMPRESSION OF MAX IS SO FRESH BC WE JUST BECAME MOOTS BUT OFNSHSBE I AM MADLY IN LOVE WITH HER? love at first sight seriously. i thought she was so kind and i love the pink on her theme and i just love her sm fr.
🪴 dead plant nonnie T-T ive always been obsessed w them. they told me they liked my desk set up and ive been whipped ever since. no but fr, getting an ask from dead plant nonnie is the highlight of my day. they are someone i feel like i’d be really good friends with irl 🫂 dare i say bffs
🍀 lucky charm nonnie!!! i genuinely think they are my lucky charm bcos every time i’d get an ask from them, i’d literally get a boost of serotonin and my day would significantly improve :,( i love and miss them dearly and i will kill for them. (and make them tea whenever they lose their voice in rehearsal)
🛼 roller blade nonnie <333 I THOUGHT THEY WERE SO FUNNY (i still think theyre hilarious ofc) but they reminded me a lot of myself and i felt like every time i received an ask from them, id laugh to myself and be like “this is some shit i’d say” 😭 i enjoy they’re book reviews and im waiting for them to send an ask so i can talk about acotar with them 🤗 (cough cough, come home nonnie im on book three cough cough)
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agustdiv1ne · 1 year
Your moots as txt songs?
THIS IS SO FUN!! thank u anon <3
@gummygowon hi mai i'm giving u cat and dog bc u are a furry </3 JK LOL,, i think it's a fun song to listen to just like u are a fun person to talk to!!! ily bae n if we don't get to meet up this yr i might just Cry
@lunalovesstories lunaaaa i'm gonna give u happy fools!! to me u are a very positive and bright person, and u never fail to light up my day ^^ i love talking to u hehehe
@cheolhub sarbear!! i give u dear sputnik bc u and i are the same :> also something about this song is very You and for some reason i feel like u rly like this song so yeah <3
@toruro mikaa i choose eternally for u!! i think it's bc we were talking about old txt music that this song came to mind n also to me u are very chaotic just like this song LOL but i love u for it <3 pls never change
@koqabear sol, my enemy (my love)...i give u opening sequence. yes. this song is my roman empire just like ur fics are <33 also u are a very cool person to me n i wish i wasn't scared of dming u bc i'd like to talk to u more 🤣
@aduh0308 ADAA u are very no rules coded to me!!! it's energetic and fun and amazing just like u and mwah i love u sm <3
@boba-beom smiles! i am giving u thursday's child has far to go!! i associate this song with beomgyu who i heavily associate with u :] u have been my Beomgyu Mutual for the longest time n also the instrumental of this reminds me of u a lot idk why just the vibes
@mazeinthemoon hihi moony ^^ i'm giving u ghosting!! it's more of a chill n quiet song and i consider u a very chill mootie of mine so yeah! u are also amazing j like this song ^^
@huckleberrykai berry!! i give u magic bc u are fun and lovely and i could keep listing positive adjectives but i will stop jfjkjdk this song lights up my day n seeing u on my dash does too!!
@pumpkinkaiii HI HP! i am giving u dreamer bc it is sexc and cool just like u are <3 the vibes of this song are immaculate just like u and everything u write tbh (thank u for repping the chubby community so hard bc it makes me feel very seen n loved <33)
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mxltifxnd0m · 4 days
returning some questions hehehe i’m gonna ask different ones but when i answer your ask id love to hear your answers for the ones you sent too !!!!
one of the ones i did plan to ask was the dream job one!! vv curious so 🩷
also 🎵favorite artists ?
🍓 favorite food ?
🖇️ favorite type of ask to answer ?
📚 how do you come up with the fics that you write ?
🎤 have you been to a concert ?
YAYYY HAPPY ASK GAME ! <33 miss you sm i love you so so much my dearest !!
-mari @prentissluvr
ahh hi my love, ill answer these ones first and the other ones under the cut hehe <3
🩷: ooh dream job would be either a english professor or screenwriter/director :)
🎵: my fav artists rn would be laufey, conan gray, chappell roan, sam fender, and the fratellis
🍓: arghh thats hard to narrow down bc i like a lot of food, but if i had to narrow the cuisine down, it def be asian food
🖇️: yours 😏😏 LOL but i like answer any and all because i find that my inbox isn't really active so anytime i see a notif for my inbox, i get excited loll
📚: a lot of different ways! typically i get inspired by a song or a lyric of a song and try to replicate it's vibe, scenarios that i constantly daydream about so i write them down to get them out of my head, or i get inspired by other people, such as yourself hehe, and edits i watch on tiktok LOLL
🎤: sighs heavily, no i have not 😭😭 trust me i want to go to one SO BADLY but my only companion that i have (my sister) hates concerts so ive never been to one but theres tons i would love to go to
ask game !
[more answers under the cut :)]
❤️: you were right to remember that i am in fact 5'4, but i wish i was taller ngl but hey at least im average height for women :))
💜 : my heart belongs to mari! (or creative, funny, chill, introverted, and sarcastic :D)
🎂 : my birthday is in the middle of november (the 17th to be exact) so yes i am in fact a scorpio :P
💌: lol i started this blog to read fanfiction on tumblr (wattpad wasn't cutting it anymore) and then one of the first mutuals i had made encouraged me to start writing fanfiction and now here we are :)
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kyoghurts · 4 months
BUT HIIII HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KENJI ML 😼☹️🎀 you’ve always been one of the sweetest mutuals i’ve ever had and i am so so fortunate to have been able to interact w you on this silly little app 🫂 (i feel v guilty and sorry as i am typing to you now)!!!! you’re an incredible person w beauty and talents — i’m afraid that the word ‘perfection’ was invented for you babe 😟💗
how does it feel to be 17? i hope that your first day as a 17 yr old was a thrilling experience filled w laughter and celebrations, and i wish for you to have a relatively (bc life is pretty shitty at times 🙁) positive experience of being 17!!! live out your youth, cherish your happiness, and keep on fighting (bc i assume that soon you will also face your final year of hs 😤)!
pls continue to bless us humble tumblr users w your DELICIOUS writing style and fics!!! i promise you that any time you write for bllk i WILL FS clean the plate >:) and i might just start watching mashle,, i wanna understand your love for mash (?) thru reading your fics bc they never miss 😚🫶🏻
you. are. legit. an. angel.
PLS DONT FEEL GUILTY SAKIII ☹️🙏 i will feel sad if you do. no need to worry !! still appreciate u lots 💐‼️ thank you for taking the time to drop by :(( i say this many times and i will say it again, YOU are so so very sweet 🥹
the first time we became moots, my first impression of u actually was that you’re reserved/someone who doesn’t interact much. but i got taken aback just as quickly 😭 like how is this person my moot rn??? everytime u reblog my stuff i always ALWAYS roll around in my bed kicking my feet, or sometimes when im outside and see the notif, i’d have a difficult time to hide my giddiness in front of others 😰😰
aaa i celebrated my bday in the utmost chill way :3 i got to rot in bed, play a little w hsr, and ate cake with some other goodies 🥰 also thanked my friends and others who greeted me !! which drained my social battery but that’s to be expected 😭 UAGHHH THANK YOU SM SAKI ILY , and yes, im in my final hs now, one more year and were off to college 😵‍💫
JAW DROPPED IM SPEECHLESS 😧 UHM UHM THIS MIGHT BE SELFISH OF ME BUT PLS DO WATCH MASHLE!!!! promise u WON’T regret it. COME YAP W ME OKAYYY anytime, mashle related or not !! and uh, tbh, i havent catched up to the recent chps of bllk 🫠 i’ve put it on hold for a while but i’ll try to get back to it and maybe it will relive my obsession again!! otherwise, know that my inbox will always be open 4 u :(( or if u have other socials, im down to disclose them to u <33 (if ur comfy, no pressure saki <3)
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rebelwithoutabroom · 11 months
Tag at least six people (can be more than six if you want), and say at least one nice thing about or to each of them. Can be mutuals, can be people you follow, can be people you don’t know but just happen to exist in the same circle(s) with. All you gotta do is tag them and say something nice about/to them :) I was tagged by the super sweet @bottleofchaos, tysm ocean <333 @i-anonymous-crow crow is such a sweetheart!! she's very chill and easy to talk to, and there hasn't been a time we talked where i don't leave feeling super inspired
@scoops404 scoops gives me such old-school fandom vibes in the most wonderful way. there's this sense of ~community that reminds me sm of LJ whenever i get a super thought-out reply from her in a comment or I see her hipying up people's stuff and it gets me wanting to be just like that. she's always been insightful, kind, and welcoming.
@demonstars nunkito my beloved <33 i wanna live inside your brain sometimes, you're so creative!! i admire how you're both a great writer and an amazing artist and how dedicated you are to everything you put your mind to it.
@finelinens first of all your art is amazing. i think I've told you this already, but everything you do is so expressive and you always manage to capture the sweetest little moments of intimacy and it never ceases to amaze me. you're also very kind, funny as fuck, and i feel like you have such a good head on your shoulders. love all the talks about censorship in fandom and mass culture discussions that pop in between the wonderful pieces of art you do <33
@carpedzem she was one of the 1st blogs i followed in my descent into dsmp madness xD her art is amazing and i always get this super chill vibe from her. i remember always enjoying her takes when i was a baby fan and from then to now my appreciation has only multiplied
@mahikamihan me 🤝 you loving corpse husband. your energy is always high and you always have something kind to say and that goes such a long way, especially with how sometimes fandom gets <33 your art is also super cute. love the way you draw tina in particular hehehe
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clown-demon · 1 year
Random shout out / positivity
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((I follow some REALLY cool people, and I wanna give some shout outs to people I'd really suggest checking out!
@nurturing-starlight - I have been friends with Star for over a year. I think it's now two years? She is such a sweet pea and such a fun person to talk to. I LOVE their OC Nimue so much. You can tell a lot of thought and effort was put into her. One of my all time favorite OCs. She's great at writing and just in general really pleasant to be around.
@yoxngmadnxss / @perspextivexx - Poppy is one of my REALLY long time mutuals. We've been mutuals since I lost my ex bestie. She's been with me when I wasn't a great person-- but STILL stuck with me, and I really appreciate it. It's only more recent we've been chatting more often, and honestly?? She's so sweet. And she has some AMAZING muses and OCs. I would def check out her blogs cuz we've been RPing for years and I just adore her sm.
@pcrplevenom - Me and Moose have been mutuals for.. years.. I WANT to say we've known each other for SEVEN years. We've ALWAYS been mutuals and she is the longest time mutual I have had on this hell site. I LOVE Soldan sm. I am NOT into homestuck at ALL. But I am always enjoying a thread with her, no matter what muse I am RPing. 1000/10 reccomend.
@gonnachasethestars (and his other blogs but I don't wanna tag em all) - GREAT friend, we've been friends for less than a year and I am already really close friends with him. A great writer and just someone to really enjoy on the dash. Bear was one of those people who I became close to super fast. And now we chat really often. He's someone I have no issues with popping and saying hello-- I am comfortable with chatting to him whenever.
@swordduels - I've only known them for a short time, but they are SO nice. Chats with me often and I love the fact they're not scared to just randomly pop into my DMs and just chat with me. It's super nice. Also I love their OC and I really enjoy our threads. They're so much fun. <3
@nulfy - Aku is a sweet bean. I JUST met her and she's already growing on me and I adore any interactions we have, both IC and OOC. I love when she just pops into my DMs with random Sigma and Nikolai stuff. Or just anything she has to share. She's really nice and friendly and someone who I opened up quickly to. Give her a chance.
@land-talon - I LOVE their obscure muses, like I THINK I played Dragon City a loooooong time ago? But I just LOVE RPing with them. I haven't really chatted with them too much, but honestly from what I can tell? They're super nice and chill. Their muses are so much fun and I LOVE when they drop by my inbox to chat. Super fun!
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stargirlsuicide · 4 months
⋆˖⁺‧ 🕷 ‧⁺˖⋆ ✉️ Hi! Did you miss me? It's your yapping mutual here to bring you some new questions!
◽️ What (trait) does a person need to have /do to befriend you?
◾️ Which 3 songs are you obsessed with at the moment?
◽️ What's your biggest insecurity?
◾️ When did you last eat your favorite food? What is it?
◽️ What animal do you think you could take in a fight?
◾️ What do you like most about yourself?
⋆⭒˚。⋆ That's all for today. I hope you have (had) a wonderful day! Take care of yourself, you're loved and appreciated. And ofc no pressure to answer!! જ⁀ 🐈‍⬛🕸️ ꕀ。˚⊹ 🦝🕯️✦
~XOXO Ana <3
omg hiiii ana ^_^
☆ honestly i just rely mostly on the vibe of the person but one thing i cant stand is people that are two faced i dont even ever talk to people that ik talk shit to abt their friends / bring them down. I just like hanging out with people that arent gonna be judgy abt the things i do or the way i am cause it honestly just ruins everything. so bare minimumn just like be chill and dont spend ur whole time talking shit abt other people.
☆ been listening to sm chappell roan but ill try to include some other stuff ive been listening to
☆ biggest insecurity is my personality and mannerisms
☆ i think maybe 2 weeks ago i went to my favourite sushi restaurant ever i think it was some type of holiday too but i honestly dont remeber if there was anything special going on
☆ fairly confident i could fight like a snake even a poisonous one, maybe a large dog if i have a good strategy
☆ my eyes ^_^
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this is your second mate giselle speaking,
HII COVEY!!! how was prom??? and how are you doing??? anyways, omg i have a little love life update (the legacy of aphrodite is coming out) and it’s pretty crazy!!! okay so first of all, i met this amazing guy, let’s call him joe. so i’ve seen joe around in the halls since like september and i’ve always been like woah i love his style he’s so cute and he was so silly like so adorable. and he’s waved to me in the hallway before even though we didn’t even know each others names, and he’s smiled at me, OMG AND ONCE HE TRIED TO THROW SOMETHING INTO THE TRASH CAN AT LUNCH AND HE MISSED AND THIS DUDE FR PUT BOTH HANDS ON TOPD OF HIS HEAD AND GOES “OH NO 😨” IN THE MOST DRAMATIC WAY AND I BURST OUT LAUGHING- anyways, so we made eye contact and i felt really bad and embarrassed because i was laughing with him but he didn’t know that, but we make eye contact and he just smiles at me like- i ascended into heaven. anyways, turns out my friend is besties with him so she was like imma put u on fr fr. so she like talked to some of his friends as well and they were like oh yeah i know giselle blah blah she’s really pretty and i think she’d go great with joe! and like trust me, we would’ve been AMAZING TOGETHER. like, basically he’s a skater boy and i’m like coquette, rory gilmore, academic weapon yk? like he was fr a punk (skater) and i did ballet (figure skating) so it was like perfect because i’m also really academically driven and he def isn’t failing but yk he isn’t like me? like imagine a short (i’m 5’2) girl in a black turtle neck carrying her books that takes things way too seriously and is super uptight with her brunette hair in a bun, and then a guy with super messy curls that’s super tall and really lanky with baggy jeans and sweaters and headphones that is super chill all of the time just balancing her out! literally the lyric “you know how to ball i know aristotle” by taylor swift! and our mutual friends said he would get me to loosen up and he’s super sweet and i’d get him to lock in for once and i’ll being calmness and stuff into his life. it would’ve been opposites attract! so we meet, we hit it off, he says he liked my outfit, (he even stood up to talk to me instead of just sitting down at his lunch table!), asked for my number, and he laughed at all of my jokes, i made him nervous (in the good way), and it was just so amazing. and afterwards i heard him saying like “woah she was so pretty thank you for introducing me to her sm” to my friend. and now we’re texting nonstop and he’s trying to meet me after class and walk me from club meetings (i asked him to pick me up from class and he went “time and place” LIKE OMG!!!) and we have the same music taste and and and one day he leaves me on opened… just completely ghosts. and i ask him if he wants to walk around and he goes “nah i have to lock in for this class” which like yea i get! but combined with the ghosting and becoming dry and bored with me… and he hasn’t responded for six days… and all of our friends are so confused because even his closest friends were like dude he likes you i know him trust me (body language, the way he acted with me, the fact that he gave me his number, and the fact that they know him super closely). i’m just like torn because idk what happened! anyways this is the longest thing i’ve ever written and i hope i wasn’t boring you 😭 but yea my love life will definitely make aphrodite proud!!! at least it’s entertaining… oh and you don’t have to like give me advice or anything if you don’t want to i thought it’d just be fun to update you on my crazy love life! spilling the tea is one of my many passions frfr
this is your second mate giselle signing off,
with love,
dior giselle
my beloved heart, dior, giselle
the switch up is kinda insane...i wonder if like maybe hes feeling insecure or something??? like maybe he likes you too much and feels like hes not good enough or something??? i dont know boys are so confusing sometimes i wish i didn't like them lmao-
anyways, i hope you reached out to you eventually!! you guys do seem like you'd make a cute couple!!
all my love,
covey 𐙚⊹ ࣪ ˖
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