#so that’s the closest i’ve ever been to a thruple
ajournalingtrex · 2 years
do you ever look back on a childhood friendship and think “that person definitely has an instagram account dedicated to furry **** now.”
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rottingcorps3s · 1 year
Sleeping Arrangements
Notice: This includes topics of polyamory; if that if not your cup of tea, respectfully, I suggest you keep scrolling :)
A/N: Ive been on a small hiatus from posting as I’ve been, very slowly, working on a post-apocalyptic type story. I want to get back into posting, so I have a few blurbs and ideas that I want to get out of my system.
This was written on mobile and I may be slightly intoxicated, so this is NOT proofread.
Johnny “Soap” McTavish x gn!reader x Simon “Ghost” Riley - 16+ (nothing crazy)
In my mind, very obviously, I imagine Soap being the much more touchy and cuddly partner among the thruple. Reader being a close second and Ghost, very clearly, coming in at dead last.
The bed you share is MASSIVE. Considering that it has to fit 2 decently sized men and their third. (And maybe a few pets as you so manipulatively begged and pleaded for them).
On the nights where all the planets seem to align correctly and you all happen to be home at the same time, I’d say about half of the space on that massive bed is ever used.
You and Johnny always seem to be tangled up among each other, lovingly buried into each other. While Simon has to endure the feeling of being pushed to the very edge of the bed as you both slowly inch your way into his space in the night.
At first, the contact was only consistently initiated by Soap, as he strikes me someone who needs to be holding onto someone to get a decent nights sleep. Simon was very grateful for you as you acted as the buffer between him and Soap’s some times overwhelming affection. We all know how much Simon appreciates his space.
Most nights, Simon tends to find his place in bed at the early hours of the morning; long after you and John have made your way to the room. But somehow, there was always just enough space on the bed for him to be able to comfortably slip in before his space is quickly invaded in one way or another. (he usually doesn’t mind)
No matter how quite he may be, one of you almost always stir slightly in your sleep at his entrance. Offering a sweet ‘goodnight’, a gentle caress on his arm or, if he’s in the mood, he’ll even lean in for a small peck on the lips.
“Johnny?” Your voice carried down the hallway into the living room. Your form appearing only a few seconds later.
It was well past midnight at this point, Simon sat slumped over in the recliner closest to the television and Soap sat adjacent to him as he spread himself out on the couch. They were both engrossed in what was playing in the TV that they hadn’t fully registered your voice until you appeared before them. Both offered a warm smile at your entrance.
“I’m tried…” You trailed off, clearly hinting at what you were wanting. Soap sighed dramatically, making a spectacle of himself before bouncing up onto the balls of his feet.
“Just how tired are you, lass?” Johnny would question, his tone drenched in playfulness.
“Very.” You’d whine, making sure to put on your best set of puppy dog eyes and jutting your bottom lip out ever so slightly. This worked every. single. time.
Soap dramatically clutched his chest at your act. “Well, I can’t say no to you now.” (He wasn’t planning to, to begin with.)
You had already done your nightly routine and had a few minutes before Soap would be ready to jump into bed. You always took time to say goodnight to Simon, always making sure to include him in your nightly routine even though he wouldn’t be joining you until later in the night.
Just as he had expected, you approached the side of the chair and crouched down so you more eye level with him. Your sweet smile sending a shiver down his spine as you reached out and gently grabbed his hand. There were very few people in this world that had offered him this much comfort and affection; you and Johnny were tied for 1st place. You brought his hand up to your lips as you always did and peppered kisses along his knuckles.
“Goodnight,” you smiled, “see you tomorrow.”
The last 3 words always left him breathless every time he heard it. It was a mutually agreed on phrase that you would all say to each other as Simon was still very much uncomfortable with the idea of saying ‘I love you’, or ‘love you’. It offered a sense of reassurance to him, sort of a promise being made and always gave him something to look forward to tomorrow.
“See you tomorrow, lovie.” He responded, a satisfied smile on your lips as you stood.
You reluctantly released his hand from your grasp before immediately being met with a solid chest to your back and a pair of arms wrapped around your midsection. Soaps hands clasped in front of you, now taking the place of where you once held onto Simons hand. Him and Simons affection tended to be more silent, leaning more towards expressions and physical touch rather than words.
“See’ya t’morrow, Ghosty.” Johnny teased before sweeping you off your feet and disappearing down the hall.
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rosesradio · 2 years
random number spam: 2, 3, 18, 14, 12, 16,
thank you !! gonna put these numbers in order bc it'll bother me otherwise lol
2.) What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
can i say all of them? 😭 i'm a shameless attention whore at this point. but no i'd probably say my most recent one, camp triple pine. it's gotten loads of attention and i'm super grateful (not to sound spoiled because i've gotten some amazing gifts but i'd love fanart, if that counts as a response...this isn't a guilt tactic though, because once when i was in the s*nders s*des fandom on wattpad i said i wanted fanart lowkey and someone called me manipulative and blocked me :') but that's a whole other thing entirely. i used to get so much attention for my tss fics back in the day i didn't want to leave...now i'm rambling--)
3.) What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
oh there's so many !! i'm gonna do a writer's update post once i finish ctp but i have a lot of ideas. one’s 10k for byler, one’s a one shot for caswen, i have a few gifts for friends i wanna catch up on, etc...
to give an idea i’ve mentioned here and there, my next long-term lawrusso fic i wanna do is a 90s lawrusso merman au. johnny’s staying with bobby at the brown family beach house and he meets daniel, a merman who he helps sort-of turn human after he “saves” daniel from drowning. he then shows daniel about what it’s like being human, daniel tries ice cream, explores the santa monica pier, tries human mating several times, and i plan for it to be super cute and fun ! plus it’s got the jessica/bobby/ali thruple together at the start bc i will force it into every lawrusso fic until people like it :-)
(p.s. if anyone steals any of my ideas you will meet your end by my hand <3)
12.) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i definitely read all the comments i get many times :’) but i do try to respond to a lot of comments, but sometimes i get busy, and honestly the comments leave me so flustered because i feel undeserving of them, that by the time i get to them i feel like it’s been a while and it’s weird. who and what i respond to is pretty random, though i do respond to more in-depth comments, and not to just one sentence comments (but i appreciate all comments, you don’t have to write a novel but just knowing you were there is really cool !)
14.) Have you ever co-written a fic?
haha, uh...no. i’ve made plans with friends and authors i admire, but i mostly work alone. the closest i ever got was working with the most popular author in the s*nders s*des fandom on a welcome to night vale au (guess what year that was lol). we had a google doc and everything but scheduling and everything didn’t work out. i have bounced around ideas though without actually writing them into fic so if anyone wants to do that i’m happy to help !
16.) How long is your longest fic?
according to ao3, 97,252 words ! damn, i should have gotten to 100k, but i tell people 100k usually. it’s a s*nders s*des (i censor for tags not bc i hate the fandom or anything, i’m just not in it anymore...it’s embarrassing how most of my fics are for this fandom but i pretty much wrote exclusively for it for 5 years--) anyways it’s a s*nders s*des selection (bachelor) au where i condensed three books into one longfic. i believe it’s also one of my most popular books on my wattpad besides my one shots book for the same fandom. it’s got a playlist and fanart and everything...i wrote it during the driver’s ed period of sophomore year bc they never let me drive lol...good times...
18.) Recommend someone else fic! (And tag them if they have a tumblr!)
i rarely read fic, but take my most recent read, Everything Beautiful’s Fiction by narcissablaxk (i don’t know their tumblr but they’ve written a lot of fics so i’m sure someone around here does). i had a craving for ruben/chris (bc it’s adjacent to 90s lawrusso) and this filled just that ! it was hurt/comfort-y and overall a pretty good read !
i think that’s it, thanks for the ask, and i’m not sorry i rambled bc this was fun ! <3
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lickrustdavid · 4 years
Should I Walk By Again A hockey game, a slowly-failing business, talks of skin care, and a mutual crush.  Rated E  3.2k AO3
+ + +
David only comes to these stupid hockey games for Alexis. She’s been to almost every single game since she and Ted started dating, and once they got engaged she started inviting David. He’s really not into sports at all and doesn’t understand how anyone can find that much physical endurance fun. This is only his fifth week coming, wrapped in his warm sweater as he sits on the cold bleachers, hot chocolate warming his hands. 
“Remind me again why I’m here?” David huffs, glaring at Alexis, who’s got Ted's other jersey on. She looks cute, he has to admit, wearing her fiancés too-big jersey in support, her blond hair curled and falling down past her shoulders. 
“Uhm, because David, I told you- Ted told me he wished you’d come because then it could be a family thing,” she looks at him with her eyebrows raised. “He’s told me like twenty times the past month how hes always excited to see you here. You’re going to be brother in laws soon, he just wants to be part of the family.” 
“Right,” David frowns. “But couldn't we do something else together? Like...I bet he’d like manicures! Or I could shop with him for new clothes?” 
“Fine! I’ve been here the past month haven’t I? I even watched that one guy break his arm? That was traumatizing Alexis!” 
Alexis rolls her eyes. “Whatever David. Just…” her expression softens a little, going kind of shy. “I just want him to feel like there’s more than one person rooting for him in the family. I know Mom and Dad like him, but I also know Mom will never come to a game, and Dad’s so busy with the motel…” she trails off, eyes darting all over the large ice house. 
“I suppose,” David sighs, looking like he’s about to regret his next words. “I suppose that there could be worse things to be doing. We’re at least in the city, and there’s food here, so…” 
“Thank you David,” Alexis brightens up, watching the game. He grumbles about being hungry and gets up to go find a pretzel. He’s not been paying attention to the game, too busy texting Stevie and browsing Instagram. Looking at the scoreboard, he sees their team is up four points to Lancaster. That’s good right? Promising? Maybe? He stands in line, deciding next time he’s inviting Stevie too. After getting his pretzel and making it back to the stands, he tries to actually watch the game, begrudgingly letting Alexis take a pinch of the pretzel, too. 
Because they’re in Elm Glenn (which is where Ted and Jake both play, because it’s the closest minor league hockey team), their team is in their home jerseys, dark blue. David watches most of the team start going towards the opposite goal, Lancaster in all white jerseys. Ted, number 12, is speeding down the rink along side another guy, who hits the puck into the goal, completely missing the goalie, going straight into the net on the upper right corner. 
“...and newcomer Brewer makes the shot! The Guardian’s win!!” The commentator says into the mic. Everyone on their side of the rink yells and claps and hollers. David claps a little, but not too much, because that would mean possibly dropping his pretzel, and that’s absolutely not happening. Alexis is bouncing up and down on her heels, grinning widely. Ted is good for her, David thinks. He’s known this for a long time, but it’s reaffirmed now, seeing how happy she is. He tries not to think about his own love life, or lack thereof, and takes another bite. 
A good twenty minutes later, Ted is walking up to them, sweaty and red faced, but happy. He’s got shoes on now, instead of his skates. “You did so good, babe! Like...so good!” 
“Yeah...you did great,” David offers, wishing half heartedly that he knew more about hockey so he could at least seem like he knew what he was talking about. 
Ted leans in close to Alexis for a quick kiss and then beams at David. 
“Thanks bud! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Oh, hey, hold on…” Ted walks a few paces over to where a guy that looks a little out of place is standing. He has on an Elm Glenn jersey too, but David’s not sure he’s ever seen him before. True, he rarely pays attention to the players, but this man is beautiful, he knows he would have noticed him before.
“Guys, this is Patrick. He’s been on the team since Tuesday, since Mark broke his arm. He was great though wasn’t he? That last shot was golden!” 
Alexis shakes his hand and compliments him, but David’s barely aware of it all, as he stares at the guy- Patrick. As he stares at Patrick. He’s smaller than Ted, but still muscular, his brown hair wavy, like maybe if he grew it out, he’d have curls. His eyes are a warm brown, and when David meets them he has to look away, the intensity too much. 
“Hi, I’m David...Alexis’s brother,” David is suddenly very aware of the older Givenchy sweater he’s wearing, sure he probably looks more dingy than he’d like. “You uhm...you played great!” Played great? Come on Rose. Jesus. 
“David...nice to meet you,” Patrick’s smile is more of a smirk, kind of cocky. “Thank you. I was nervous to start on the team, but everyone’s been great. I live in Schitt’s Creek too, just moved here. Ted and Jake have been great.” 
“Oh! You should totally come have dinner with us then,” Alexis pipes up, looking at David with a knowing smile. “We’d love to get to talk more, wouldn't we David?” 
David shoots her a withering glare. “Yeah. You should come.” 
“Oh, I don’t want to intr-“ 
“It’s a tradition! Seriously, it’ll be fun. I insist,” Ted speaks up, his golden retriever attitude coming out. David snorts as Patrick looks a little overwhelmed. 
“Sure, I’ll come.” 
“Great!! We’ll meet you at the cafe?” Alexis wraps an arm around Ted. After a nod from Patrick, both men go back to the locker room to change. 
“What the fuck, Alexis?” 
Alexis has the audacity to just shrug. David is going to kill her, and her weird ability to seem to be able to read his mind. 
“Look, Ted told me he’s single, just broke up with his like...high school on again off again girlfriend or something. And he’s super nice, and kind of hot, in a weird, cute way. All I’m saying, is it might be good for you to put yourself out there.” 
David rolls his eyes, fighting the urge to shake her. “One problem- you said girlfriend. Clearly he’s not into guys.” 
“Wow, okay, you of all people should know not to judge. From what Ted’s told me, he’s bi. They were talking about celebrity crushes or something while practicing and Patrick said he’d die to kiss Sebastian Stan, sooo….” 
At least his taste in celebrities isn’t awful, David thinks. “He’s not going to be into me. I’m like, the furthest thing away from Sebastian Stan. But whatever. We’re getting dinner with him. Let’s go.” 
The forty five minute drive is filled with 90’s pop music and Alexis talking about Jared Leto’s apparent new yacht. They get to the cafe and sit in their usual booth, but when Twyla sits the usual three menus down, Alexis grins. “Actually, Twy, we need another tonight. One of Ted’s teammates is coming too.” 
“Oh! Okay! That’s really nice of you guys, I know when Jake tried to-“ 
“Jake’s different from this guy, we have a...history,” David grimaces, trying to push the weird thruple memory out of his head. A few moments after Twyla’s put the other menu down and headed back to the kitchen, Ted walks in, followed shortly after by Patrick, and oh...okay. Wow. Patrick looks amazing in his deep blue sweater and khakis. Usually not the type of thing David’s into (he tried dating that one jcrew model back in his early twenties but…), but it suits Patrick, and he looks especially...cozy. 
Alexis kisses Ted’s cheek when he sits, and David scoots down on his side to let Patrick have room. He smells like cedar, citrus and...oak moss, maybe? David’s mind flashes to one of the Burberry colognes he’d sampled a while back while at the mall with Stevie. 
“When did you move here?” Alexis asks Patrick, as they all browse over the menu. He looks up and smiles. 
“Two weeks ago.” 
“Oh wow, so you’re like...really new,” she laughs a little.
“Yeah, uhm,” Patrick clears his throat. “I uh...needed a change. So I came here. I work for Ray Butani?” 
Both Alexis and David groan, making Patrick and Ted laugh. 
“He’s not that bad,” Patrick tries to defend his boss. “I mean...he’s a talker, that’s for sure, but...what do you guys do?” 
Alexis starts rambling about Interflix and her PR stuff, and David tunes her out, thinking about what she’d said earlier about Patrick being single. He’s pulled out of his thoughts when a hand touches his shoulder. Patrick’s looking at him, a mix of amusement and worry on his face
“I asked what you did,” he laughs a little, lips quirking up. David blushes and sees Alexis talking to Ted. 
“Oh...oh, uhm. I own Rose Apothecary, across the street.” 
Patrick’s eyebrows raise. “Wow, that’s...amazing. I haven’t been in yet, but I’ve walked by, it seems really nice. I’ll have to stop in,” he assures, and David feels his heart stutter. 
“Oh..you don’t...you don’t have to. It’s a lot of face care and candles and…” he trails off, thinking Patrick wouldn’t be interested in anything his store has to offer. 
“And what makes you think I’m not into that kind of stuff? I mean...I know my skin could use some work but...maybe you could recommend some stuff…” Patrick looks hesitant. 
“Your skin is good, especially if you don’t do anything to it,” David frowns. “But...yes, I’d be happy to help. Your t-zone could use work.” He watches pink blossom on Patrick’s neck and cheeks. Cute. 
“You should stop in before it’s closed,” Alexis pipes in, and David kicks her under the table, glaring. “What? I’m being realistic David. I don’t want it to close either, but..” 
Patrick is looking at him, frowning. “Why would it be closing?” 
“Uhm….well...I don’t,” David groans, wishing he could smack Alexis. Of course he now has to explain to this cute stranger why his business is failing. “I’m not great with numbers? And my dad...he’s trying to help. He co-owns the motel with my best friend Stevie. But…” he trails off, feeling his whole face heat up. 
“Oh,” Patrick suddenly looks much more worried. “I went to school for business...I’m really good at forecasting numbers, I can take a look if you want?”
David isn’t sure whether to be amazed or insulted or embarrassed. He’s maybe all three. “As nice as that is, I think I can handle it on my own, but thank you,” he clears his throat, then gives Patrick a small smile, hoping he’s not offended him. 
“Of course David, sorry for overstepping.” 
At that moment, they’re interrupted by Twyla, who takes their orders. David expects Patrick to order a beer, but is surprised to hear him order mint tea. It’s a pleasant change from every other guy he’s met here. The dinner is easy with Patrick there, the dynamic hasn’t changed. If anything, now David has someone to talk to while Alexis and Ted have little private moments. It’s nice. By the time they’re all outside in the cool autumn air, David’s surprised to find he doesn’t really want the night to end, happy that the slight awkwardness about his business hasn’t actually deterred the nice company. 
“It was great meeting you,” Patrick looks at the Rose’s, then turns to look at just David. “I might stop in soon, see about some new face care,” he winks, and David tries to stop from smiling. After saying by to Ted, Patrick gets in his silver Kia and drives off. Tonight has been a surprisingly good one, and with that, David goes to text Stevie. 
“So, Alexis just told this guy all about your business having issues?” Stevie’s eyebrows are knitted together, eyes a little wide. “I mean...I knew she was stupid, but-“ 
“She just fucking trashed my whole store. In front of him!” 
“And what did he say?” Stevie leans over the front desk, watching As David paces around the small check in. He feels antsy, like if he doesn’t keep moving he’s going to fall into the pit of despair he always falls into when something isn’t going the way he’s planned. 
“He offered to help? Which, who does that?! Who offers to help a complete and total stranger with their financial issues? It was mortifying,” he huffs, shaking his head. “He works for Ray, apparently. Just moved here two weeks ago,” David adds, chewing on his lip. 
“Well...I don’t know David. I know it’s a little sketchy, but. If your dads not even having luck, maybe it couldn’t hurt? You said he went to school for business?” 
David widens his eyes, mouth open. “Are you siding with him?!” His hands fly upwards. 
“No! No...I just,” Stevie looks away. “You’ve worked so hard, and the store is amazing. I don’t want to see you fail.” 
Feeling a lump in his throat, David blinks rapidly, then rubs his eyes. “...I guess it couldn’t hurt...to at least see what he has to say,” he decides. “Thank you...for believing in me.” 
“Of course, I’m your best friend. What else am I going to do? You need to talk to him,” Stevie gives him another small smile. “Okay, too much emotion. Go work.” 
“Thanks Stevie,” David calls as he leaves and heads over to the Apothecary for another day of what he’s sure will be slow business. He has to tamper down the smallest bit of hope that maybe, Patrick Brewer can help him. 
As expected, business is slow, but not slower than normal. There’s been the few stragglers, but also a handful of people buying body milk or new candles. The bell chimes while David is eating a sandwich, and it takes a moment for him to swallow and go out. If it’s Jocelyn, he swears he’s going to tell her they’re closed. Stepping out from behind the curtain, he freezes. Patrick is standing at the middle table, a bottle of the body milk in his hand, reading the label. 
“What can I help you with?” David walks over, smiling. Patrick’s eyes find his own, the man's face lighting up. He’s wearing Levi jeans and a light blue sweater today, and while usually that kind of mid range denim and sweater would make him cringe, seeing it on Patrick isn’t bad- it suits him. 
“David! It’s so different from what I pictured, but better,” Patrick assures. “It’s calming...an oasis in the desert of Schitt’s Creek.” 
“How philosophical of you,” David shakes his head a little. “But thank you, it...it’s something that helps living here, I guess,” he shrugs. Patrick nods, then looks around. 
“So...are you still willing to show me the skin care products you were raving about?” 
David nods and flits around, in his element now. He’s happy Patrick’s going to see him here, instead of a hockey game. He picks up a couple different glass jars and a tube. He can tell, as he shows everything to Patrick, that he’s out of his element, so David takes a breath and starts again. 
“This,” he holds up the first bottle. “This is for washing your face. It’s like the baseline of good skin care. Literally just use it twice a day, it’s easy, I promise. You can’t go wrong.” Patrick nods, which makes David laugh. “I know it’s overwhelming, but it gets easier.” 
“Next is your toner. All you have to do is put some on a cotton ball and swipe it all over your face. There’s a spray too, but the cotton ball lets you make sure you get it evenly everywhere. It takes off any left over face wash, balances oils, and evens skin tone. Lastly,” David holds up the little tube. “This is moisturizer. This one specifically is good for combination skin types. You probably get oily on your t-zone but dry out everywhere else. It’s also got spf 50 sunscreen in it, which will help protect your pale skin.” 
Patrick seems to actually be understanding this time, smiling along. “So face wash, toner, moisturizer. Got it. That’s pretty easy,” he says, and David nods. 
“Just remember not to wipe your face like...ever. Pat it dry. That’ll help not clog your pores. And cold water to rinse the face wash off.” David puts the three items up on the counter, watching as Patrick continues to look around. He stops at the scarves hanging on the back wall, touching the black one. 
“This is soft.” 
“100 percent cat hair,” David admits, making Patrick instantly drop it. “Allergic?” 
“Yeah, don’t really feel like going into a Benadryl induced coma right now,” Patrick laughs, scrunching his nose up. It should be illegal to be as cute as he is. 
“So, uhm,” David wrings his hands together as Patrick turns to look at him. His eyes are trained on David, making him feel exposed. “After talking with Stevie...I think...does your offer still stand on looking at some of the store’s numbers?” He’s nervous and embarrassed, staring at the floor, and then Patrick’s closer. 
“Of course, David. I’d be happy to. Just let me know a good time that works for you, and I’ll come over. It can be whenever, during store hours or not, I’d just be in the back anyway.” 
David lets out a sigh of relief. “I uhm...We could do Thursday, if you’re free?” He needs some time to tell his dad that he’s found someone to help, so he’s not blindsided and offended. 
“Sounds perfect to me,” Patrick looks at the tea at the front of the middle table and grabs a bag of the mint, setting it on the counter too. 
“Good choice. It’s popular,” David nods at the paper bag with the loose leaves in it. 
“Have you not had it?” 
“I am...not a fan of tea, I’d rather have coffee, like, injected into my blood,” David talks as he rings the items up. He glares a little at the laugh that comes from the other man's mouth. “Coffee is an essential way of getting my energy, I’ll have you know.” 
“Of course, David,” Patrick smirks, and okay, it should be illegal to be that cute, especially when he’s in a boring button down and Levi’s. “Thank you for the lesson on skin care, and I guess I’ll see you Thursday?” He looks like he wants to say something else but stops himself at the last second. Watching him walk out the door, and down the sidewalk, his breath catches when Patrick stops mid step, turn around, then pause. As if he’s talking to himself, Patrick bites his lip and then turns back around, decidedly walking away this time. David can’t help but let his mind wander to all the possibilities of what Patrick might have said, or why he would have come back, for the rest of the day. 
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ah17hh · 4 years
I need some advice about being in a mono relationship and crushing on my best friends... via /r/polyamory
I need some advice about being in a mono relationship and crushing on my best friends...
Hi! I have a situation that is giving me a lot of feelings and I don't know what to do and I'm hoping that this community may be able to impart some advice.
About two years ago I met my two closest friends, J and A, in college our first major specific class and a semester later me and J started dating and it's been amazing ever since. We are still very close with A and hang out the three of us all the time, so much so that some of my other friends have joked that they thought we were a thruple. Around the time me and my bf, J, had been dating for a little over a year, I started developing some feelings for A. I would fantasize about fooling around with him or having threesomes with J and A and generally just want to care for and support him when he's having troubles. But I never acted on it except talk to my bf about it and he seems supportive and has even said it makes him happy in a way to see me have a crush. During the past few months of covid, I've become much closer to one of my female friends, L, and i also feel that I've developed feelings for her, too. One time after the four of us were hanging out and drinking and A went home while L stayed the night with me and J on our couch (J and I have been living together for about 10 months), I told J that I wanted to hook up with L. He was ok with it, but I didnt end up going through with it. A few weeks later, I set up A and L and they have been dating for almost a month and it's been going really well. At first I was feeling a little jealous because they were so mushy and I kind of missed being that way with J, but then I realized that I was more jealous of not being a part of that relationship.
So basically all of this background info is leading up to me saying that I'm starting to entertain the idea of becoming a quadruple, if thats the right word. I've talked about it a little bit with J, but not super seriously, but he hasn't given any extreme opposition yet. I haven't said anything to A or L, and part of what I'm asking is how can I bring up the idea. My other concern is while we've known each other a long time, A and L's relationship is still very new and I feel like it's probably not the right time to bring it up if I were to do it. I also don't want to ruin our friendships.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading my ramblings,, and does anyone have any advice about this situation, if I should go for it or not, or if it's a terrible idea, or really anything you have to say may be helpful.
Submitted August 18, 2020 at 12:17PM by didnt_want_this_josh via reddit https://ift.tt/315uvLE
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