#so the bar must be higher than average
kieraelieson · 1 year
My husband, while me and my boyfriend are talking about how many other husbands aren’t nearly as nice as they are: ‘They should get on my level xD’
They’re all cocky and amazing and I love them. I also agree. Many other husbands cannot measure up to mine and should 100% work on that as a matter of character.
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scary-lasagna · 8 months
"He’s had a few incidents where his lovers caught him a bad time, his human form slowly disappearing at a passionate moment"
May i request a short, fluffy yet lovingly intimate scenario with Offender going through this, but instead of his lover that night runnin away, they stay.
( i love him 😭 )
I love when scenarios accidentally line up with my OC backstories
"I've seen worse."
A newly awakened siren working at one of the most popular bars in downtown seemed like a recipe for disaster. Which is exactly why you decided not to work there, but simply scope things out in case the pay seemed good enough. It seemed a bit above average, with men ordering from the top shelf more times than your bank account could count to.
The lighting stayed dimmed low, with plenty of hidden spots in various booths and seating arrangements throughout the club, perfect for sneaking kisses and hands traveling up skirts. Siren clubs weren't entirely out of style, nor were they too scarce in the city. Sirens had such a bad reputation in recent years, that no one except higher-paying snobs wanted to lay around in them.
The owner though...seemed nice. He greeted you at the door, with a friendly charm you couldn't quite place. And the gentleman commented that he'd never seen you before, and allowed your first drink on the house, no matter how expensive you wanted it to be.
The owner never stood in one spot for too long, flighting from table to booth to the dance floor, checking on customers and workers alike. He seemed a little too perfect, for a measly fae, and yet you always caught yourself smiling in his direction whenever he stared at you with that golden gaze.
You became a regular, and over time of visiting, buying drinks, and receiving free drinks, you formed a flirty relationship with the owner, who dubbed himself 'Hans'. He'll walk you to the bus stop and stand beside you no matter how busy it may be inside, and will loan you his overcoat on chilly nights.
But relationships like this will always lead toward a heated direction. Nights at his bar were spent in private rooms full of flirtatious kisses, hands running up thighs, and a peek of what could be in store for you in the coming days if you continued traveling this direction.
That wasn't all that went down in those rooms, you learned quite a lot about him, his past, his brothers, and his current woes. He trusted you fully, and you trusted him with your secrets as well, allowing him to peek into the darkest part of your mind, even for a few seconds. But he always reassures you that he's witnessed worse than whatever you could conjure from memory.
Hans will travel home with you one night out of many spent close together at the bar, barely making it through the door with your clothes fighting Hans' aggressive hunger for your body. His teeth nipped at your neck, already irritating your growing bruises of kisses.
The light switch longed for the closeness of your bodies as it was left forgotten in the dark, the only light in the room peeked through the curtains, bathing your bare bodies in the moonlight. You couldn't help but admire the sculpting of his curved and solid back. It felt so lovely to run your nails along his spine, rippling goosebumps along his pale flesh.
Hans' skin glistened and shimmered underneath the moon, and as he teased your bitten lip between his teeth, the shadow looming over you seemed to tower over you, but surely it must be the trick of the moonlight. The friction from his body grazed your bare torso, and you blinked in an attempt to adjust your eyes to the darkness outside of the moonlight.
Hans had turned into quite the tall being, with no more human-like resemblance of facial features besides a nose and a frown with different sized pointed-teeth peeking from beneath it.
"I'm sorry." Was all the was whispered. Hans turned to leave, his hand dragging down the wall in a sluggish disappointment, but you stopped him, and grabbed his arm.
You didn't fall in love with a face, nor a body. You fell in love with his stories, his past, present and future. You fell in love with the way he talked about his brothers, and the small jokes he manages to slip in, just ot make you laugh. You fell in love with the walks to the bus stops, and the intervening of pervy old guys sitting next to you at the bar.
As a siren, you never thought you could find love in such a way.
You've fell in love, and it only took one look at him to tell him the first thought on your mind, "I've seen worse."
And even though his frame towers over you, and his jaw could unhinge at any second and bite your head clean off, you held no fear toward him. All you feel is the need for him to stay, or you might just fall apart.
"You're not scared?" He asked with a newly gruff voice, all remnants of his human form had diminished, even down to the sound of his voice. He sounded surprised, as if anyone else would have screamed and backed away in horror of this new monstrosity.
"Why would I be?" He never tensed as you wrapped your wrists on his neck, pulling his lips toward your own with a gravity greater than the Earth pulling the moon into it's loving embrace.
You decided in the moment you would never leave him, and somehow, you knew he thought the same as well.
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wishing-stones · 2 years
So I gotta ask after that chapter, how would the various skeletons react to Ren picking them up and carrying them? They've trained so hard they deserve to be buff enough to lift Horror even if it might have to be a fireman carry because of his size.
Considering none of the guys (bar Nightmare) weigh all that much to begin with, this is possible and might even happen in later chapters, if Ren needs to move them fast. Average human skeletons weigh anywhere from 15-25-ish pounds, and since these guys are a little denser, they probably top off at 75lbs at the most. The only one of them over 100lbs is Axe, who more than likely is only barely over it.
Ren did make a crack about "benching twice what (Killer) weigh(s)", and Killer responded in kind by telling them it's "not that much, babe."
Ren can reasonably bench probably over 120lbs, so they are more than capable of picking up and moving the guys if they have to. (Or throwing them like a shot put.)
Killer lets himself be carried, and has caught a ride before on Ren's back. He's usually carried piggyback, but also doesn't object to being slung over the shoulder. If he's carried bridal style, he lays into it and hams it up for effect, pretending to swoon, pitching his voice higher, playing the damsel in distress, etc. He doesn't mind the fireman carry either. Dust objects a little more to being manhandled. He doesn't mind a piggyback if he's too tired or worn out to want to walk (he falls asleep) but being slung over the shoulder is embarrassing. Absolutely hates being bridal carried, might be willing to let himself be carried fireman style. Axe is a lot of skeleton to move, so fireman style is probably the best. If he tucked, he could get picked up bridal style, but that's hard on the arms after a while. He can't really get slung over the shoulder, and he's a little long for a piggyback. Cross objects, and loudly. He's fine, he can walk on his own, thank you. If he must be carried, it had best be out of danger, and over the shoulder or fireman style if anything. He gets super embarrassed if he gets picked up bridal style or forced to piggyback. Baggs greatly objects to being manhandled, but as the smallest (and lightest) of the bunch, it sucks to be him because it happens with regularity. Fortunately, it's usually just picking him up and moving him out of the way, but he still hates it. Being carried is another thing entirely. He might or might not have a thing for people who can outwit or overpower him, doubly so if they turn his bullshit back on him. He gets flustered fast, and usually makes a quick getaway after. Of all styles to be carried, he'd prefer to be slung over a shoulder or carried fireman style because it's more dignified than being carried like a princess or riding on someone's back. There's a reason he balked at the prospect of being carried. Nightmare weighs probably close to 200lbs because the goop is dense, and he's a big dude. Even if his tentacles aren't present, he still weighs a lot because mass conserves. If they had to, Ren could move him in a moment of pure adrenaline, but they'd be feeling it later for sure. If he isn't able to get out of a situation himself, it's really bad. Axe has bodily moved him before, and if Ren really had to, they might be able to fireman carry him and not buckle too much.
Dream, Ink, and Blue all are used to being picked up and moved-- they do this to each other a lot, and Ink doesn't usually give warning. They'd take this a lot better and in stride.
Error is phobic of being touched, so he'd crash the moment he got picked up, if he hasn't already (and thus needs to be bodily moved.)
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masterqwertster · 11 months
For the Subclass Hurt/Comfort, how about Battlerager with Orym and Ashton?
Subclass Hurt/Comfort Prompt Path of the Battlerager Barbarian: Doing something that in retrospect was a very bad idea in a desperate attempt to help them. Decided to take this to the Ashton of the Ashari AU. And it's not really desperate, like, at all. But it is a bad idea in an attempt to help.
In retrospect, it was a stupid idea.
Orym and Will had been happy to take Ashton out for their first drinks now that the genasi was of age. Though Orym highly doubted that this was actually Ashton’s first time drinking alcohol, it was definitely the first time he was supposed to be allowed alcohol. Of course, it took almost no time for Will to present the challenge for Ashton to match him drink for drink. And start a binge headed for a blackout.
Now given Orym was slightly more responsible than Will and far too aware of both’s competitive streaks, he knew that was a horrible thing to do to someone on their first night, and that there’d be no stopping them until they were drunken messes that a bartender would agree to stop serving. 
Which is where the stupid idea came in.
Will, Orym would allow to reap the consequences of his own ideas. Ashton, being younger and less experienced, needed some saving. So Orym swiped Ashton’s drinks and emptied the mugs before putting them back when he could so as to lessen the kid’s intake.
The stupid that his also buzzed brain hadn’t accounted for was that while it prevented Ashton from finishing those drinks, it did lead to ordering more in general for both Orym’s increasingly inebriated husband and the genasi disappointed with their less drunken state. And they forced more drinks on him, even though he was not part of their competition.
Orym’s little plan may have also failed to account for Ashton naturally having a much higher resistance to alcohol than poor Will (or himself), due to their far greater than average body weight, strong elemental heritage, and frankly ridiculous metabolism. So Ashton was willing and clear-headed enough to keep pushing past both Will’s and Orym’s slower drinking pace’s limits while still taunting the couple into keeping up.
But Ashton must have hit his own limit at some point in the night, because he was right there with Orym and Will, suffering a splitting headache the next morning as they woke up in Alma’s house with no recollection as to how all three of them had gotten there.
At least Orym and Will had no memory of leaving the bar. Ashton claimed flashes of memory, including the embarrassing image of Derrig and the Voice of the Tempest herself guiding them through the streets in their barely coherent and miraculously upright states. Well, if Ashton was to be believed (and Orym wasn’t entirely sure he did), he and Will were upright while Orym had been carried like a child. Regardless, one thing was for sure: Orym was never going to try to keep up with Ashton’s drinking again. If Will wanted to try, then on his head so be it. Sometimes you had to let the people you love realize their own mistakes.
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batrogers · 19 days
So -- barring the idea I have for the Doll % Runs -- my Doll fic series is finally complete, as I'd first imagined it to be.
Series Summary:
A series in which, upon leaving the Dollmaker she made a very generous gift to Hyrule: one doll for each of his friends, with the caveat he must be the one holding it for it to activate, and he must be near them. He hopes he never has to use one. Here are all the times he might be forced to explain.
Ratings range from T to E.
Universally Temporary Major Character Death fics, with frequent Graphic Depictions of Violence (although some deaths are less graphic, less violent, or a different kind of violent.)
Fun with some stats, because I wanted to collect them for me:
Brief summary: most fics in the series hover around 1:6 or 1:7 ratio, probably because of the self-selection by means of being Linked Universe fics (which often average closer to a 1:10 ratio) and being self-selecting by means of the MCD/Graphic Violence archive warnings and similar tags (eg. beheading, eaten alive, etc.)
The highest word count is Dog Days, at 4,070 words.
The lowest word count is Perfection, at 1,950 words.
The first fic ("The Dollmaker" was published in October last year, and the most recent was finished twelve hours ago (September 3rd).
More detail about ratios and hits and commentary on why I think that is under the cut. But thank you all who have enjoyed this series!
The Dollmaker is the oldest fic in the series, published Oct 18th, 2023. It's at a 1:8 kudos-to-hits ratio, with over 700 hits.
Dark Despair's Corroding Hand (Time's doll fic) is next, published Apr 8, 2024, and is at a 1:7 kudos-to-hits ratio, with over 300 hits (but it has some interesting tags and an E rating, so can't blame y'all.)
Where is my Harmony (Legend's doll fic) was published Jun 13, and is at a 1:6 ratio, and is a few more hits over 300 than Dark Despair -- but this one's only rated M and much less graphic.
Dog Days (Twilight's doll fic) was published Father's Day (Jun 16th) because I'm an asshole. It has a 1:8 kudos ratio and barely over 300 hits, probably because it's intensely political and not the kind of Twilight-and-Time vibe most of the fandom likes.
It Hungers Still (Wind's doll fic) was published July 1st, and is at a 1:6 ratio because some tags are VERY self-selecting for an audience and oh boy is this one. It's also rated E. Over 200 hits.
Good Is Not Nice (Warriors' doll fic) was also published July 1st, and is at a (slightly higher = 5.6 vs 5.9) 1:6 kudos ratio too because tbh these two fics -- for all the ratings lower -- are equally violent in very different ways.
Hidden Ruin (Sky's doll fic) was published July 11th, and is at a 1:6 ratio too. It has just under 200 hits.
Perfection (Wild's doll fic) was published July 16th, and is at a 1:9 ratio, proving that fandom favouritism is not always in a story's favour LOL. Just over 400 hits, which wildly outpaces the others and yet that has likely pushed down the ratio in itself.
Blue and White and Gone (Four's doll fic) was published Jul 30th, and is at a 1:7 ratio, with just under 200 hits. (Which makes sense given how recent these last are.)
And, published twelve hours ago, Will You Be There (Hyrule's doll fic) is at a 1:5 ratio and 60 hits.
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haliteatiger · 2 years
What are the drawbacks and pluses of your werewolves?
Oh gosh, it's been a while since I thought about this...
Advanced sense of smell and hearing in both forms - better transformed, of course
dark vision, better low-light vision at least
easier to get into shape and maintain it, stronger and more resilient than average in human form. Higher chances of survival if gravely injured by anything other than silver.
No diet restrictions, in fact, you can probably eat more of what you love and still burn it off very quickly as, even in human form, a werewolf's metabolism is very efficient
Genetic hair loss, what's that?
Heal quicker than a human - a cut can take a day or two to completely heal over, immediately if they transform. More devastating injuries such as a broken limb can still take a few weeks, but almost half the duration of a normal person, even less if they transform regularly. (Barring complications such as if the bone is set wrong or the damage was initially catastrophic enough to do extensive nerve damage. Werewolves can still suffer long-lasting effects of catastrophic injuries and cannot regrow limbs completely.)
Weirdly more resistant to higher doses of radiation - although of course it will eventually cause damage or kill them. They can also be sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, which is believed to be tied to their strong sixth sense and some werewolves' abilities to communicate with the dead.
As mentioned above, more sensitive to the spirit world - some more than others, but generally all werewolves can sense an unnatural or unusual presence. I suppose this can be both a pro and a con.
Resistant to most forms of magic, but can generally only cast their own brand of magic, which is both innate and also draws on the (spiritual) power of the moon. All werewolves have the ability to even unconsciously cast low-impact spells that help them to maintain their autonomy from the rest of the world. So things like being able to momentarily slip between dimensions to avoid detection, intimidate someone without any apparent reason to be intimidating, influence someone enough so that they may not even remember your face and barely their interaction with you. This draws on the same sources that can cause them to transform, however, so if they are a learned magic user, can overspend themselves enough to restrict transformation. Subtle ones like those mentioned above don't seem to impact their energy as much, if at all.
Increased tolerance for pain and cold resistance, especially in were form.
Can be an embarrassment and not care, because you're a ferocious fuck-off werewolf.
Seemingly endless stamina.
Extremely long lifespan.
Advanced senses can cause migraines, especially in younger werewolves. Also be a huge distraction as your sensitivity to noise and certain smells can be pretty severe.
Advanced healing = more severe pain and incredible amounts of itching during the healing process.
More sensitivity to bright light
Reduced color vision at the cost of better darkvision. Werewolves are mildly colorblind, more severely so in were form. Being a werewolf may only improve the quality of your vision through the subtle changes made to your eye over time through subsequent transformations. This phenomenon is referred to as "Transformation Drift" and can happen to any part of the body, for better or worse.
Repeated transformations too quickly can have some very annoying side effects such as migraine, body aches, nausea, and a feeling of numbness or "static" under the skin and in appendages. Can also result in hair growth that may not fall out even in human form and may take a few more transformations more evenly spread apart in order for it to go away for good.
Transformations can become quicker over time, but will always hurt. Werewolves tend to adapt to this, however, which results in an overall increased pain tolerance.
Transformations are mandatory and must be done at least once a month to maintain good health and prevent a spontaneous transformation. Resisting transformations can result in restlessness, irritability, mood swings, insomnia, severe hunger often followed by nausea and vomiting, fever, tremors, migraines, brain fog, dissociation, and depression. Not necessarily all of those at once, however. Fortunately, there are concoctions made by witches and the like that can treat these symptoms and stave off transformations, but it comes at a high cost.
More prone to certain conditions such as depression and various forms of cancer. May also suffer dementia later in life and "formlock" - the inability to transform.
Can come into direct conflict with their more bestial aspects, especially during certain times of the month when their "Other" or animal instincts are strongest. Some describe it almost as a separate entity entirely that has influence over them, others feel it more as a natural and integrated part of themselves. Particularly those who are natural-born (granted Bittens practically do not exist in this setting, except for Denholm, but that's a whole other basket of worms.) Discipline is required to keep this in check, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous. In more severe cases, this "Other" can manifest as an entirely separate personality.
Sensitivity to silver, albeit this can be mitigated through repeated exposure.
One must live with occasional feelings of paranoia - whether because they feel they have given themselves away or because they're sensitive to the presence of spirits.
Werewolves are strongly drawn to one another, being pack animals, and with their instincts being closer to the surface of their psyche than humans, will feel the need to be close to other werewolves in a community. Not all of them feel this way, however, and there are those - like Autumn - who seem content to be on their own - or are just at the very least much pickier about who they hang out with because reasons. But, for those that require it, it can be a very lonely existence as werewolves are quite rare, and it's never a guarantee you'll get along with the ones you do meet.
Animal instincts can make you seem impulsive and can cause trouble if you're too reckless.
Metabolism may be more efficient than any other animal, but it still requires a steady intake of calories. Werewolves can easily starve themselves, although their bodies will transform as a reflex to resisting death. This can have counterintuitive effects, however, triggering going full beast mode and becoming mindlessly ravenous until sated.
More dense anatomy = poor buoyancy. (Although, there are stories of werewolves simply having walked across the bottoms of lakes.)
Your life will revolve around your transformations, and you will find yourself making a lot of preparations in the event your bestial instincts get the better of you. Stuff like hidden supply caches in typical roaming spots, being sure to take out the garbage on full moons, no wearing tight clothing if you're at risk of transforming, someone just gave you a beautiful silver necklace and expects you to wear it all the time, groceries are expensive, and you need a lot of them, better become good at mending your own clothes, it's going to take way more than one or two beers to get you feeling drunk, etc.
Extremely long life span.
I think that's just about everything. Hope you enjoy this book I just wrote for you, Anon. ^^;
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disappearinginq · 2 years
Blood, snap, and smirk?
9-1-1 Genfic with Buck and Bobby: Because it was his fault that at his own welcome back party, Buck started choking on his own blood on the patio and again had to wake up in the hospital, unsure how he got there.
Slow Horses: Roddy was a lot of things, and despite what he told people, he was not a god. He couldn’t track information that wasn’t there. He could tell Lamb the last place it was on, which was of little help. Just an average corner of an average street, nothing and nowhere of interest nearby. Not even a bloody bus stop.
Hudson & Rex:
There was just…so much blood. In the dog’s fur, on the man’s hands, on his suit jacket and white shirt. And then the dog whined, briefly trying to lift its head, but unable to rise higher than a few inches before dropping back down. “What happened?” Linda demanded, snapping her fingers to Bailey. “Call Dr. Katz, tell her it’s an emergency and they need the OR.”
The blood welled up between Jesse’s fingers even as he pressed down hard enough to make Charlie yelp, and Rex immediately pushed his head against Charlie’s, whining.
Jesse always thought ‘blood drained from their face’ was a literary phenomena. An exaggeration, at the very least. Charlie paled so fast and so completely, he looked like a corpse, and Jesse could see the exact moment Charlie conceded to himself that maybe he wasn’t doing too well.
Charlie looked surprised to see her, his brow furrowing. “When did you- I told them not to bother you.” If Charlie had any blood left in his face, Jesse was sure he would be a violent crimson right now.
Magnum PI 2018: “Shut up!” the man with a harpoon gun snarled, jabbing the pointed end of the spear gun at Magnum’s arm, drawing blood.
It wasn’t fine. He knew it wasn’t fine. His head was killing him, and he could barely see out of one eye thanks to the blood covering it. Smirk:
Bobby smirked, ignoring the half hearted complaint as he picked up another piece of fruit, gently testing the firmness with a few quick squeezes. Deciding it was unripe, he placed it back on top of the pile and continued searching. “I’m not saying that you can’t cook well enough to keep yourself alive. Clearly, you can. But you’re missing the point.”
He hadn’t meant to get lost in thought, the memories making him smile absently as he perused the vegetables on display. Hadn’t even realized he’d done it until he caught Buck staring him, mouth caught somewhere between a frown and a smile that came off more of a smirk even as his brow furrowed, and Bobby assumed he must have missed a question or comment while reminiscing.
Hudson & Rex
Charlie clenched his fist, pulling it up to rest over his heart, and Rex shot to his feet, jumping up with his paws on Charlie’s chest to get a quick kiss and a hug. Sarah tried not to laugh - because Charlie really did need to work on his speech - but it was hard not to. “What’re you going to do when you need to interrogate a suspect?” Charlie smirked at that, and signaled for Rex to get down.
Umbrella Academy
“I’d rather lick battery acid,” Five growled. Diego sighed, scratching at the raised scar tissue on the side of his head. “Trust me, Five, you’re not my idea of a good choice, either. You’re not my first choice. You’re not even my last choice. You’re literally the only choice.” “Guess it’s not happening then, huh?” Five quipped with a smirk, blinking across the living room and back to the bar for his abandoned drink.
Magnum PI 2018
Thomas stared at him. He didn’t hear a single word the man said. The world faded around the edges, tunneling his vision until all he could see was Jahingir. The confident smirk on his face. The pristine white of his perahan turban, the fine embroidery of his coat along the chest. Everything about him was perfect. Pristine. And in that moment, Thomas wanted him to be as ugly on the outside as he was on the inside.
Hudson & Rex
“What happened?” Linda demanded, snapping her fingers to Bailey. “Call Dr. Katz, tell her it’s an emergency and they need the OR.”
Magnum PI 2018
“Hey - hey, doc!” Magnum was suddenly shouting, snapping his fingers to get the nearest corpsman’s attention. “Sarge - Rick - this is important, and I need you to focus. When did you get your rabies vaccine?”
“I am not going.” He enunciated each word with such force she felt herself take a step back. “End of story. And I promise you, Robin wouldn’t make me go.” “Magnum -” He didn’t wait for her to finish whatever thought she had in mind to share, turning abruptly on his heel and marching out across the lawn, headed straight for the boat house. When one of the Lads growled at him passing, he snapped something at them to make the doberman back down almost instantly, and he continued on.
“I’ve survived worse,” Thomas snapped. He took another step and, of its own volition, his leg gave out on him, wobbling for a moment before folding like a cheap chair. He half managed to catch himself, putting one arm out to break his fall, but the jarring impact sent another spike of agony through his head.
Sometimes mere seconds passed. Other times, half an hour. He was jittery and anxious and that just made him angrier. He snapped at people for no reason. Walking too close. Talking too loud. Not having the right coffee in the lounge down the hall. For asking how he was doing. He snapped at TC for asking what he wanted to watch on the TV in his room, and then was angry over being angry for nothing.
“You can’t ask that of me,” Rick snapped, pointing a finger at him. “You don’t get to ask that. It kept me alive. It’s why I’m still here, and it’s why I have to stay, and you cannot even begin to understand how much I need it.”
Whew. That's a lot, and none of it where I expected to find it. Niiiice. Thanks for playing!
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wiseluminarywolf · 9 days
Identifying If Your Toilet Meets ADA Standards
When it comes to ensuring accessibility in public spaces, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) plays a monumental role. One of the areas under its purview is restroom facilities, particularly toilets. In this article, we will delve into everything you need to know about identifying vip portable toilets if your toilet meets ADA standards. Understanding these standards not only ensures compliance but also promotes inclusivity for all individuals, including those with disabilities.
From the height of the toilet seat to the spacing around it, every detail matters. So whether you're a building owner, facility manager, or just someone curious about ADA compliance, stick around as we explore the ins and outs of accessible toilets.
Identifying If Your Toilet Meets ADA Standards
To determine whether your toilet is ADA-compliant, you'll need to familiarize yourself with specific guidelines set by the ADA. This includes understanding various attributes like size, height, and accessibility features that ensure functionality for all users.
What is Considered an ADA-Compliant Toilet?
An ADA-compliant toilet must adhere to specific criteria established by the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). These criteria include:
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Height: The height of an ADA-compliant toilet should be between 17 inches and 19 inches from the floor to the top of the seat. Clearance: There should be adequate clearance around the toilet—at least 60 inches from side to side and 56 inches from the back wall. Grab Bars: These should be installed beside and behind the toilet for support. What Size is the ADA Portable Toilet?
If you're wondering about portable toilets that meet these standards, they generally have a larger maintenance service footprint than standard units. An ADA-compliant portable toilet typically measures at least 60 inches wide by 65 inches deep. This extra space allows for maneuverability for wheelchair users.
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How Do You Make a Toilet ADA-Compliant?
Making a toilet ADA-compliant involves several steps:
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Assess Current Facilities: Start by examining existing toilets for their dimensions and features. Install Grab Bars: Ensure grab bars are installed at appropriate heights on either side and behind the toilet. Adjust Height: If necessary, install a higher toilet or add a raised seat. Ensure Clearance: Check that there’s enough space around the toilet for wheelchair access. The Importance of Compliance with OSHA Rules What are the OSHA Rules for Porta-Potties?
When discussing portable restrooms, it's crucial to consider Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules as well. OSHA guidelines stipulate that portable toilets must be accessible, well-maintained, and adequately supplied with essentials such as hand sanitizers and toilet paper. This ensures sanitary conditions while complying with safety regulations.
How Many People Can Use a Porta Potty in a Day?
While usage can vary based on several factors—like size and type—on average, one porta potty can accommodate about 10-15 uses per hour over an eight-hour workday. Thus you
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govindhtech · 2 months
Micron G9 NAND And 2650 NVMe SSD Storage revolutions
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Unveiling NAND Micron G9
Micron, which last week unveiled the fastest data center SSD on the planet, is once again leading the market and setting new standards with the Micron G9 (9th-generation) NAND. It is now the fastest TLC NAND on the market, with a throughput of 3.6 GB/s, and is currently being sent to customers in the 2650 NVMe SSD.
Micron G9 NAND, which builds on the strengths of Micron earlier NAND technology offers performance that is unmatched for powering AI applications from the cloud to the edge. It is a big step forward in our dedication to innovation, with better power management and higher storage density. Comparatively speaking, Micron G9 NAND is 39% denser and 50% faster than any other NAND currently being shipped.
The Micron 2650 SSD redefines industry standards
Micron unveiled the Micron 2650 NVMe SSD the first client SSD in the world to be shipped with the 9th generation of NAND in the industry, continuing Micron’s pioneering record. It is currently undergoing validation with Micron clients and will be incorporated into workstations, laptops, and desktop PCs for clients.
The Micron 2650 is poised to upend market standards for a budget TLC SSD and improve user experience by using the features and innovations of the Micron 3500 and Micron 2500 SSDs, which we just introduced.
Beyond usual vendor specs that don’t always represent the user experience on their devices, the PC Mark 10 benchmark is widely acknowledged as the standard for evaluating the user experience on desktops and laptops. With an average score of 3861, they have once again raised the bar for PC Mark 10 scores for SSDs of a similar class.
When compared to rival SSDs, Micron score is up to 38% higher when taking into account multiple client workloads. In addition, the average bandwidth of the Micron 2650 SSD is up to 36% faster than that of the competitors. Comparable SSDs have typical access latency that is up to 40% lower.
Micron client SSDs boost the performance of practical applications
Micron SSDs are calibrated to provide an unmatched user experience that will significantly increase the performance of real-world applications. Data processing has never been faster thanks to Micron SSDs, so whether you’re an avid gamer, an artist, or an expert at handling enterprise workloads, your storage won’t stand in the way of your creativity. Modern PCs have a lot of potential, especially as a integrate  AI into our daily work and play.
Micron’s storage excellence strategy is promising
Micron’s commitment to developing cutting-edge storage technology is evident in its forward-thinking outlook. Micron contribute to making sure that Micron clients will always have access to top-notch storage options. Time to first token (TTFT) creation must be shortened and AI model loading must be improved with high-performance storage. Maintaining user experience when running many AI programs on a PC will depend on how well one AI application transitions to the next.
Come along on this adventure with us as Micron spearheads the advancement of storage technologies. Come see us at the FMS (Future of Memory and Storage) event the following week. Please say “hi” if you see me at booth or at Micron customer event.
Micron G9 NAND
Micron 2650 Solid State Drive
Portfolio of Micron client SSDs
Micron Artificial Intelligence Systems
WD, Samsung Semiconductor, Kioxia, Solidigm, SK Hynix, and WD are referred to as competitors. Comparisons of performance and design are based on data that was made available to the public at the time of introduction.
As per the Forward Insights research report, “SSD Supplier Status Q1/24,” SSD comparisons are based on value client SSDs that are currently in production from the top five competitive suppliers List client SSDs by revenue as of May 2024.SKUs with 1TB were used. based on experiments conducted in Micron laboratories.
NVMe Micron 2650 SSD
The first SSD in the world to ship 9th generation (G9) 3D NAND
Upgrade your PC experience by using the Micron 2650 NVMe SSD to make sure your apps offer the optimal user experience on common PC platforms.
With the Micron 2650 SSD, Micron is the first company to ship the 9th generation of NAND in the industry. For all of your daily activities, including work and pleasure, the 2650 surpasses its rivals thanks to its state-of-the-art Micron G9 NAND technology.
With PCMark 10 benchmark test ratings that dominate the class, the 2650 NVMe SSD is built to improve your computing experience.
Cutting-edge NAND technology improves SSD performance and user experience
The industry-leading Micron G9 TLC NAND, a sophisticated building block for state-of-the-art storage solutions, powers the 2650 NVMe SSD. In order to fulfil the high throughput requirements of modern PC systems, Micron G9 NAND, the fastest TLC NAND in the market, offers industry-leading I/O rates of up to 3.6 GB/s and up to a 50% faster data transfer rate.
Storage guarantees that your apps provide the optimal user experience
The exceptional PCMark 10 test results of the Micron 2650 NVMe SSD demonstrate that it offers the greatest possible user experience for daily computing. The Micron 2650 SSD beats competitors in this test, offering users the greatest user experience possible with average scores up to 38% higher, bandwidth improvements up to 36%, and access speeds up to 40% faster.
Superior performance elevates your daily computing experience
Get more out of your applications with class-leading PCIe Gen4 performance and sequential read rates of up to 7,000 MB/s. With up to 70% better sequential read, 103% better sequential write, 156% better random read, and 85% better random write than the competition, it performs best.
Materials and records
Product summary for Micron 2650 NVMe SSD
For comprehensive details on the Micron 2650 NVMe SSD, including a summary of its salient features, technical specs, form factors, available capacities, and performance metrics, view this product brief.
A concise overview of Micron SSD security features
To assist you in matching the wide capabilities of each SSD with your security requirements, this technical document lists the variety of security features available on Micron SSDs, including the Micron 2650 SSD.
Micron SSDs: A safe base for your information
An overview of words and technologies related to SSD security is given in this technical brief.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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financeloan09 · 10 months
Investment plans with high returns
People invest for a variety of reasons. They may do so to build wealth, protect their resources, or achieve a specific life objective. You can invest in short-term investments that offer security and pose little risk if capital preservation is your goal. However, experts advise choosing long-term investments if you want to generate wealth.
Investing money, in the long run, can help you accumulate resources for your later years. They are vital for helping you save for retirement and other important life goals because of the capital appreciation they offer. But are long-term capable of producing investment plans with higher returns?
A long-term investment is one made with the intention of generating significant profits over a minimum of five years.
Although they carry some risk, long-term investments have the potential to offer you much larger returns over a longer period of time than other types of investments. These are appropriate for those who have the financial resources to lay away a certain amount of money for a lengthy period of time.
You do not need to be concerned about market volatility because short-term losses are eventually made up for. They are economical since they lower commission and other management costs over the long term. The power of compounding and long-term investments can help you expand your money dramatically. The rupee cost averaging tool might assist you in increasing your investment's return. Long-term investments help you prepare for your life goals while also generating wealth appreciation and balancing the dangers. They may also aid in forming the habit of saving.
You can choose from a range of long-term investment strategies. To find the investment option that will best help you achieve your objectives, you must first evaluate your needs. ULIPs are among the greatest long-term investment plans since they offer the benefits of both insurance and investing. They can support a range of life objectives, such as retirement planning, children's marriages, and property purchases, among others. Additionally, you are eligible for an annual tax deduction of up to 1.5 lakhs.
Mutual funds called equity funds invest in the stock market. Even though the risks are higher, they allow you the possibility to earn substantial profits. If you choose an ELSS, you can also get tax breaks (Equity Linked Savings Scheme). Equity funds are a great tool for preparing for long-term objectives like retirement, home ownership, or paying for your child's higher education. PPF is one of the best long-term investing solutions. For those investing in the future, this is a relatively secure option. In addition, they offer tax advantages. The real estate market is rising. It has great prospects, and real estate investments typically increase in value over time. But there is also a large upfront cost.
Gold is a popular long-term investment option among Indians and is one of their favored investment products. Among other options, you can invest in gold mutual funds, ETFs, gold bars, or deposit schemes. The investment does, however, have a lock-in term of 3–7 years. Long-term investments do in fact ensure higher returns. To have a chance at making the biggest earnings, you must start investing early and be patient. Additionally, before investing your money, you should think it through and look at the investment's prior results. Your money is safe and your chances of getting better returns are increased as a result. You can also speak with a financial expert to see whether the investment is sound and will help you reach your objectives in life.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Optimism (OP) has posted notable gains today, October 2, trading at $1.45, with a 5% increase in the last 24 hours. Furthermore, its price has gained 15% in the last seven days.  OP’s rise coincides with the improvement in the general crypto market, which showed a remarkable recovery. However, whether OP will sustain the ongoing rally remains to be seen. But a close look at a few technical indicators may provide vital insights into its next price moves.  OP Approaches Overbought Zone As Buyers Sustain Rally OP continues to show positive price momentum as buyers dominate the market. Also, it has formed a fifth consecutive candle on the daily chart, confirming active accumulation by traders. Its rally became prominent on September 29, when it broke above the Donchian Channel (DC) median band. OP flipped the $1.41 resistance level to support today and edges closer to the upper band of the Donchian Channel towards the $2.50 resistance level. If the buyers sustain the rally above the $1.50 resistance, OP will likely move into the overbought zone.  Additionally, the Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) has risen above its signal line, displaying a strong buy signal. Also, the Histogram bars are green, confirming that the buyers are still active. More so, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator displays a value of 64.2 and is rising to the overbought region of 70.  Based on these indicators, OP will likely enter the overbought zone in the coming days, implying that accumulation will continue. However, traders should look out for bearish resistance at the $1.50 level that could serve as a potential entry point for sellers.  OP’s price currently hovers at $1.453 in the daily chart. | Source: OPUSD price chart from TradingView.com What Could Be Behind OP’s Recent Gains? Besides the general recovery in the crypto market, Optimism records exciting developments in its ecosystem. One notable change is a September 29, 2023, proposal to change Optimism’s security model.  According to the proposal, the OP team aims to hand over the admin key for the OP Mainnet to public and decentralized participants. These participants will be the Security Council held accountable for Optimism’s Governance.  Although this proposal awaits approval, it creates engagement in the OP ecosystem, thus increasing investor interest and activity. And this increased activity exerts higher buy pressure on the token.  Furthermore, the Optimism Superchain is another innovation driving ecosystem growth. According to blockchain data provider Covalent, the Superchain is an interlinked blockchain network of individual chains tagged “OP chains.”  Interestingly, builders can use the Superchain to engage in on-chain development. However, they must comply with the Law of Chains, a set of community rules on how teams support public goods and decentralization.  The OP Mainnet is the first member of the Superchain. Again, it has recorded increased daily active addresses, higher than Arbitrum, which is declining in on-chain activity.  BuildOnBase, created by Coinbase, is the second member of the Superchain, aiming to attract billions of users. BuildOnBase ranked as one of the best-performing chains in 2023 and the fastest L2 to reach 100,000 users in 56 days.  These developments are likely driving the growth in the Optimism ecosystem, evident in its recent price surge. 
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quantzigblogs · 1 year
Understanding Wedding Industry Supply Chains
Originally Published on: SpendEdge | Understanding Supply Chains in the Wedding Industry
If reality television shows like Say Yes to the Dress and Four Weddings, or movies like The Wedding Planner (starring Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey and receiving an unjust 16% on Rotten Tomatoes), teach us anything, it's that wedding planning is stressful, expensive, and complicated—and that the wedding industry is extremely lucrative. According to The Wedding Report, the average cost of a wedding in the United States in 2016 was more than USD 26 thousand, and the wedding business in the United States witnessed sales totaling over USD 57 billion. Because of the various types of weddings and wedding products and services available, supply chains for the wedding business can be complex and diversified. Here are a few crucial facts to understand how procurement and supply chains work in this rapidly expanding industry:
Wedding planners and wedding planning services must be able to interact with a diverse range of vendors in various markets. Wedding planners are supposed to be a one-stop shop for couples to decide on everything they need for their wedding, such as bouquets, floral arrangements, centerpieces, cakes, event decorations, invitations…and pretty much anything else brides and grooms may have on their wedding checklist. Because of the complexities and expenditures associated with weddings, wedding planners must ensure that they have a thorough awareness of the various markets with which they work. This will assist them in making sound buying decisions, selecting dependable and high-quality suppliers, and negotiating rates.
Wedding gowns are among the most expensive items sold in the wedding industry. The average cost of a wedding dress in the United States is little more than USD 1,200, with wedding dress accessories (belts, veils, etc.) adding around USD 500 to that total, although a rising number of brides prefer dresses with higher price tags. Changes and customizations raise the price even higher. Visibility and communication throughout the supply chain are critical for bridal gown retailers. They must ensure that each stage of the supply chain—from raw material procurement to fabric production to clothing fabrication, and so on—runs smoothly and on time. Late shipments or damage created throughout the distribution process as a result of faulty packaging can permanently harm a retailer's reputation. The same is true for merchants of tuxedos, bridesmaid dresses, and other types of wedding apparel: timely delivery of high-quality products via an efficient, well-organized supply chain and a sound sourcing and procurement strategy is critical for customer happiness and retention. David's Bridal, one of North America's most popular wedding dress retailers and manufacturers, ensures the safe shipping of their wedding gowns by delivering them in bags and then having them steamed, adjusted, and prepped at the stores where clients are to pick them up.
Anyone who has attended a wedding with a cash bar will attest to the importance of food and alcohol quality and availability. Caterers and other wedding food suppliers may face common procurement and supply chain issues that impact the food and beverage industry, such as food safety and waste. Wedding cake suppliers must be extra careful to ensure that their products correspond to the couple's preferences, dietary restrictions, and allergy-related requirements, which can cost up to USD 500 on average. This includes ensuring that their manufacturing facilities, sourced ingredients, and procedures are safe, free of contamination, and devoid of potential allergens or dangers. They should also guarantee that the vendors of equipment and materials they employ follow proper safety regulations and are open about their ingredients and business methods.
"Love can't always be perfect," Massimo stated in The Wedding Planner. "Love is simply love." However, supply chains can be flawless. The wedding market is a fast-paced, ever-changing one, with new trends coming and going every year. It involves a huge number of diverse suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, and categories, as well as a wide range of products and services and clients served. Supply chain optimization is an absolute necessity for wedding planners, merchants, and other businesses involved in the industry in order to develop a reputation and retain and satisfy customers.
Click here to contact our specialists.
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affamatanbpt · 1 year
Boutique Kitchen Store: Unveiling Hidden Gems for Home Cooks
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There never seems to be enough time in the day. That is why carving out food preparation and enjoying a meal together is so critical to your overall sense of peace. The act of preparing a delicious dish, infused with love and creativity, can be a gratifying experience. Consequently, it's no surprise that a significant number of Americans, especially Northeasterners, embrace the art of cooking on a regular basis.
According to a recent survey, a whopping 69% of Americans cook regularly, with Northeasterners leading the charge at an impressive 78%. These avid home cooks are dishing up an average of 10 tantalizing meals per week, while a remarkable 30% of self-proclaimed "foodies" are creating upwards of 13 mouthwatering meals within the comfort of their own kitchens.
With such a strong culinary culture flourishing, it's only natural that home cooks seek unique and high-quality kitchen accessories to enhance their cooking endeavors. This is where boutique kitchen stores come into the spotlight, offering a haven of hidden gems for those who truly appreciate the art of cooking.
At Affamata, you'll discover a curated selection of kitchen tools and gadgets that cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences. Whether you're a seasoned chef or an aspiring home cook, exploring a boutique kitchen store is like embarking on a treasure hunt, uncovering items that will elevate your culinary creations to new heights.
When you explore our store, you'll find an array of innovative tools that can transform your kitchen into a playground of possibilities. Imagine savoring perfectly grilled sandwiches with the Smart Grill, a versatile sandwich press with adjustable temperature control and non-stick cooking surfaces. This smart appliance combines functionality and style, making it a must-have for any cooking enthusiast. Or, you can open the grill all the way open for the BBQ style cooking that is sure to impress!
If you're a coffee aficionado, the Café Select Professional Espresso & Cappuccino Machine will tantalize your taste buds, allowing you to indulge in the rich aroma and flavors of café-quality coffee right in your own home. With 15-bar stainless steel lined Thermo heating system and enough space for two drinks, you’ll never be out your morning caffeine hit!
For baking enthusiasts, the Bench Scraper is a game-changer. This versatile tool not only helps you effortlessly separate dough, but it also serves as a handy bench knife for precision slicing and dicing. Its ergonomic design and high-quality construction make it a reliable companion in the kitchen. You’ll find tools like this all over social media for baking, separating dough, and even working with salt water taffy!
Let's not forget the Winged Corkscrew, a must-have for wine enthusiasts who enjoy the ritual of opening a bottle with flair. Its elegant and practical design makes uncorking a bottle a breeze, adding an element of sophistication to your culinary adventures.
Cooking at home not only allows for creativity and personalization in the kitchen but also offers a host of health benefits. Research shows that people who cook at home tend to have healthier overall diets without incurring higher food expenses. By utilizing high-quality kitchen accessories from boutique stores like ours, you elevate the taste and presentation of your dishes and prioritize your well-being.
More than tools let’s talk linens! If you want to experience the truly unique side of any boutique kitchen store, take a look at the different printed, themed, and antique-inspired linens for sale. We offer a wide selection of cozies, towels, and table dressings in our Linen Collection that is sure to transform your kitchen and dining space.
So, if you're ready to embark on a culinary adventure and unleash your inner chef, it's time to explore the hidden gems that await you at a boutique kitchen store. Step into a world of innovation, style, and functionality, and let your imagination run wild. Whether you're cooking for yourself, your family, or entertaining guests, the right kitchen accessories can truly transform your cooking experience.
Embrace the joy of cooking and discover the unique tools that will make your kitchen a true reflection of your culinary passion, here, at Affamata!
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meredithjchance · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide for Moving To Frisco TX
Frisco sits on the Northside of Dallas and is among the fastest growing cities in the state.
Despite the rapid growth, Frisco still remains a typical Texan city with fun things to do and that addictive southern hospitality. Nonetheless, if you want to move here permanently, it’s only natural that you would be curious to know more about the city. We can most certainly help you out with this. 
Let’s dig in.
Cost of Living in Frisco, TX Compared to the National Average
The cost of living in Frisco is estimated to be anywhere between 107.3% and 121% of the national average, depending on various sources. This means the city’s cost of living is between 7% and 21% higher than the national average. This makes it slightly more expensive than the national average, but Frisco is still considered among the more affordable cities in the U.S.
 So how does it rank among the most expensive cities?
Frisco ranks 2,466 out of the 5,671 cities in the country and 16th out of the 287 cities in Texas.
Home Prices in Frisco, TX: Median Home Prices and Affordability
Housing costs in Frisco are indexed at 175, which is higher than the 84.3 national average.
To get some perspective, the average for a house in Texas is $316,127, while the median for the same house in Frisco would be $694,988.
On average, homes in Frisco will sell at $252 per square foot,amounting to an average price of $725,000. If you intend on renting, expect to pay around $1,814.
Living in Frisco: Neighborhoods in Frisco, TX
Every family has a top list of must-haves for any location they are considering moving into. For people looking to move to Frisco, rest assured that there are numerous neighborhoods to choose from, each with varying attractions.
Here are some top, hand-picked neighborhoods for your consideration.
Newman Village
Newman Village is on the Westside of Frisco near Legacy Drive, Dallas North Tollway, and EL Dorado Parkway.
All residences in Newman Village are structured around essential amenities like the communal recreation center, tennis courts, and pool. The neighborhood has a handful of hiking and walking trails. Residents looking to keep their fitness levels up will enjoy cycling, biking, walking, and running on these tracks.
Homes here are of varied styles, ranging from 4 to 5 bedrooms and range from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000.
The Trails of Frisco
This is another excellent place to live, and the best part is that the cost of housing is lower than in neighborhoods like Newman’s Village, Stonebriar, and Chapel Creek.
The Trails has a golf course open to the public, with no membership required. There is also easy access to swimming pools, grill parks, bars, lakes, tennis courts, and children’s play areas.
Average home pricing is set at $600,000, with 2-to-bedroom houses going for $450,000 to $1,000,000.
The Grove
The Grove is a relatively new development, conveniently situated to give easy access to multiple Texan cities. This mega community offers incredible amenities like an outdoor courtyard, a pavilion, and a grilling and fire pit center.
There are also over 5 miles of trails and 25 acres of land dedicated to green spaces, making it a perfect haven to raise a family.
It doesn’t end there. The Grove has a dog and soccer park, playgrounds, butterfly parks, pergolas, hammocks, and a stocked fishing pond.
For the outdoor lover, infinity pools and waterfalls might tickle your fancy. There is also a splash pad and fitness center for fitness buffs.
Pricing for housing begins at $700,000 for a small house and can go all the way to $1,700,000 for bigger 5000 square feet homes.
Greyhawk spans over 100 acres of naturally sculpted open spaces with scenic trails, large ponds, and fountains.
The neighborhood is also dotted with gazebos for residents to catch their breath or enjoy the sights and sounds during walks, cycling, and jogging. Residents have access to three community pools, and there are elementary, middle, and high schools for kids in Greyhawk.
The average home price here is $679,426.
Why is Frisco, TX, the Best Place to Move to?
Looking for a new place to call home comes with a level of stress and uncertainty. You need a place where everyone in your family feels like they belong and where individual needs are reasonably taken care of. You also have to look into schools, safety, recreation, and so on. If this feels like a lot, you are in good company.
The good news is that Frisco will likely tick most of your boxes. Here is a list of the top reasons you should consider this city.
1. Crime Rate in Frisco, TX: Lower than the National Average
Frisco is rated among the safest cities in the country. Its violent crime rate is pegged at 9.8, which is much lower than the 22.7 national average.
The city has the first lowest violent crime rate, with 86 reported violent crimes per 100,000 residents.
The city also has the 6th lowest property crime, at 972 crimes per 100,000 residents. Couple this with a drug poisoning mortality rate of 7.3 deaths per 100,000 residents, and Frisco becomes among the safest cities to raise a family.
2. Top Attractions in Frisco, TX
You want to live in a city that’s well-known, or that’s synonymous with something exciting. You will not be short of these living in Frisco.
Some of the top Frisco local attractions to brag about will include:
Frisco athletic center
This is an award-winning 100,000 square feet fitness and aquatic center with over 350,000 gallons of water! You can work out and enjoy the water park. No worries if you have young ones, as there is a children’s area that’s well-covered by the center’s child care program.
Riders field
Watching a game is one thing. Ever thought about watching a game while floating along a river on tubes? Well, you can do this at Riders Field in Frisco.
Star Stadium at Ford Center
The Ford Center is a world-renowned 91-acre training facility that’s home to the Dallas Cowboys. Its 12,000-seat indoor stadium is also something to marvel at.
Toyota Stadium: Where Soccer Fans Unite
This stadium is just as big of a hit today as it was 18 years ago when it opened its doors. This stadium is a special place for soccer lovers as it’s dedicated to the sport, with its 20,500 seating capacity.
3. Location and Transportation: Frisco’s Proximity to Dallas and Other Major Cities
Frisco stretched across two counties in Texas: Collin and Denton County area. It’s bordered by Prosper to the North, Plano to the South, Little Elm to the West, and Allen and McKinney to the east. 
An hour’s drive can take you to the Oklahoma border, and you can be in downtown Dallas in roughly 30 minutes, depending on traffic.
4. Ideal for Families
Most neighborhoods in Frisco have low crime rates and beautiful homes. These, plus the available amenities, make this the perfect place to raise a family.
The museums, amusement parks, green spaces, malls, restaurants, and sporting spots in Frisco all support family living. For example, Frisco has 50 parks spanning an astounding 1,300 acres. With this at your disposal, finding something to do with the kids on weekends becomes a breeze.
The good old southern hospitality also means friendly neighbors will likely welcome your family, and you will be part of a fulfilling community. Frisco tops the list for a family looking for an excellent place to put down some roots.
5. Education: Frisco Schools and School Districts
Frisco ISD (Independent School District) has 74 schools to pick from. These include 12 preschools, 42 elementary schools, 18 middle schools, and ten high schools.
Further, at 14:1, the student to teacher ratio here is lower than the national average, and students also have access to 73 full-time counselors.
Higher education students can also choose to remain in Frisco and attend the Allgood beauty college, the University of North Texas, or the numerous other colleges in the neighboring cities. The proximity of Frisco to Fort Worth and Dallas makes for an easy commute for students who choose to study at either location.
6. Job Opportunities: The Booming Job Market in Frisco, TX
Frisco has an educated workforce, numerous top employers, a thriving business community, and many employment opportunities.
The Frisco Independent School District, the City, T-Mobile USA, and Conifer Health Solutions are the top employers. However, don’t limit your job search to Frisco. 
The city is often referred to as a ‘bedroom community’ because many residents live in Frisco but work outside the city within the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex. For one, the Dallas-Fort Worth area houses the largest concentration of publicly traded company headquarters in the U.S. These naturally provide a host of professional opportunities and career growth.
Planning Your Move to Frisco, TX
Are you still loving the idea of Frisco? If so, then first things first: planning your move and getting a few things set up ensures you have an easier transition.
How Much Do You Need to Move to Frisco
The average living cost for Frisco residents is $2,108. This is slightly higher than the country’s average of $56,310. 
Going by this, a good salary to live in Frisco is anything over $67,572.
Talk to a local realtor
The first thing you need to do before your move is to talk to a realtor and give them your housing preferences, whether you’re looking to rent or own.
Once they find a few units worth considering, it’s advisable to travel to the city to see the house in person, Vis a Vis other amenities, before pinning it down.
A local realtor knows the ins and outs of the towns they operate in and would therefore be able to match you to homes close to your preferences.
Obtain the Texas Driver’s License
New residents of the state of Texas are required to apply for a Texas driver’s license from the Texas Department of Public Safety. This should be done within 90 days of moving to the state.
Read all you need to know on this, including eligibility, requirements, and where to go from this article.
You will need to register your vehicle as well.
Wrap Things Up
While a fresh start in a new city can be exciting, the nitty gritty of the move is not. However, it must be done, and the sooner, the better. Once it’s clear that you will be making a move, begin tying up loose ends and preparing for it in good time.
Small things like canceling subscriptions, issuing notices, and collecting physical medical files can be easily forgotten. Another thing you should consider doing is thorough decluttering. This will ensure that you are only left with valuable items and that you do not pay to transport items you will throw away once in Frisco.
Find a Moving Company
Central to your move is a moving company. Depending on your budget, you can get one that offers you the full package, or you can pay for certain services.
A complete package means the movers will pack your house up, move you and offload your belongings in the new house. You can also have add-ons like junk removal services.
If you’re on a tight budget, you can pay for the move only. This will require you to get the packing done, which will be more manageable if you start early and pack your home up room by room.While researching moving companies, ensure to pick one with a TxDMV license.
One Last Thing
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to find the right moving partner, and that’s us. At Buddy Moving, our job is to make your physical move as easy as possible, so you can focus on settling in. To do this, we have a highly qualified team of movers, a transparent billing system, and come fully licensed and insured. 
If you are excited about your move, don’t dampen your experience with a poorly executed move. Buddy Moving will get you packed, loaded, moved, and unpacked in your new place in no time. You can then focus on settling your family into the fun, warm, diverse Frisco lifestyle. We bet this sounds great, so call us today and let’s make it happen!
source https://buddymoving.com/the-ultimate-guide-for-moving-to-frisco-tx/ from Buddy Moving https://buddymovingtx.blogspot.com/2023/06/the-ultimate-guide-for-moving-to-frisco.html
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paypant · 1 year
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kaiwritesgood · 1 year
“We Cook, We (sometimes) Eat”
Kai Dawkins Final Story – Final Draft
We Cook We (sometimes) Eat
           Westwood Elementary School’s cafeteria is bleak. Pale blue walls surround brown foldable tables and an industrial-looking metal door led to the dismissal area out front. State-distributed public-school lunch staples are stored on wire metal shelves lined up against the corner walls – canned peaches, carrots, and ketchup packets. Last year, these walls remained mostly bare, except for the giant snowflake decorations that showed up annually around December. This year, posters promoting healthy eating and nutrition were on display. One that reads “you are what you eat from your head to your feet” hangs proudly above one of two entrances leading to the hallway, while “school lunch is snow cool” sits comfortably behind two fourth graders enthralled with Beyblades.            Currently, two-thirds the of student population at Westwood are receiving free and reduced lunch assistance as part of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), a federal program that exists to provide students and their families with affordable lunch options. This number is slightly higher than the state average of 50%, which may indicate that the surrounding neighborhood has a higher level of poverty than the state average. To qualify for free and reduced lunch assistance, a family of four must make between $36,000 and $51,000.            Brandi Allen’s afterschool program attempts to mitigate this problem by providing Westwood’s K-5 students with a place to go between the hours of 3:00pm to 6:00pm – after dismissal and up until most parents clock out. On Wednesdays, she hosts a program called We Cook We Eat, in which she leads an interactive cooking lesson for her students. “Next week we’re cooking apples,” she took out her phone and showed me a Pinterest recipe, “simple healthy apple recipes for kids” was typed into the search bar. All the meals Brandi cooks are vegetarian with an emphasis on the variety of different uses for certain fruits and vegetables. “I try to teach healthy eating habits,” she said as she flipped through a pile of paperwork in front of her, “that’s where we’re lacking, as a community. I try to make sure they know they have healthy options available to them. And I try to make them available.”            Affectionately known to the community as Miss Brandi, her main objective remains providing general care, nutrition, food education, and support to the students of Westwood. Oftentimes, students from other classrooms and faculty will poke their heads in, curious about what’s going on in the cafeteria after school. “Soon, we’ll be learning how to make hearty and filling soups for the upcoming cold weather,” Allen further explained, “and also learning how to utilize food banks, SNAP benefits, and more for our families that are food insecure.”            Programs like these attract regulars – kids who attend one year are likely to attend the following year and continue to do so while they’re enrolled. “Most of these kids I had last year,” said Allen, “and usually if kids come one year, they’ll come again the next. Parents’ work schedules usually don’t change from year to year.” Affordability plays a huge role in positive retention rates. After school programs can be unaffordable for many families that attend schools like Westwood, so the state of Pennsylvania provides reduced and/or subsidized rates for families who need assistance covering the costs. “Almost all of these families are on subsidies,” said Allen, “so, none of them really pay the full price. But access is more important than profit in this case.”            While we sat at the teacher table (a nearby lunch table covered in paperwork that faces the kids), Miss Brandi explained that outside of her program, Westwood provides all its students with their own food pantry. She took out her phone and scrolled through her camera roll to show me a photo of a cardboard box sat in the main office. In the box were a few canned vegetables, other canned goods, and a box of generic Cheerios. “This is for the whole school,” she said, handing me the phone. I pinched the screen to get a better look at the variety, or lack thereof. “Usually, kids are supposed to receive the whole box. But that’s all they have right now.” This is why programs like We Cook We Eat are so vital to students and their communities – it’s an attempt to right a socioeconomic wrong.            Miss Brandi’s advocacy extends past Westwood and into local Pittsburgh communities and neighborhoods. She is a part of several other local non-profit organizations in addition to We Cook We Eat.            “I’m super excited about a project that I received grant funding for,” Allen said, her demeanor shifting as her face beamed with hope, “I was in the first inaugural cohort for the Black Vegan Society that is housed out of Baltimore, Maryland. I will be collaborating with them and other folks in my cohort all over the United States to bring more vegan awareness to the African American community and how we can live longer by eating healthier.”            School lunch is a touchy subject, one that evokes a visceral reaction to the mere mention of it. In the United States, where you either eat or starve, it’s an early indicator of wealth and access. For many, that afternoon lunch period is a stark reminder of what it means to be poor in America.            A “food desert” is an area in which access to affordable or good-quality (“healthy”) fresh food is scarce. In today’s world of convenient consumption, these are neighborhoods that simply lack grocery stores, farmer’s markets, supermarkets, and the like. This problem spills over into the schools, directly impacting the lives and diets of the students who attend them.                        When students don’t have access to good-quality food options at home, they rely on the school to fill that gap. During the school day, students and their families can rely on programs like the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) to provide them with either a low-cost or free lunch meal. Currently, this program operates in over 100,000 public and non-profit private schools and residential childcare institutions.            “All sorts of kids from all sorts of backgrounds come to my program,” Allen explained, “primarily we deal with families and children who are living in lower-income areas, who suffer food insecurity and food accessibility issues, and also those who might be experiencing issues due to lack of proper nutrition education and awareness.”            In Pennsylvania, over one million children are receiving lunch through the National School Lunch Program. With numbers that large, it can be safely assumed that not all schools that receive assistance from the NSLP are in food deserts. Some are in dense or urban areas, or areas that have at least one accessible grocery store. But this is also a problem of wealth, not just access. Across the board, foods like fresh produce, fresh cut vegetables, cured meats, and other grocery store staples are largely more expensive than frozen food, “junk” food, snacks, fast food, and the like. Additionally, families who live in or near food deserts and attend NSLP-eligible schools are likely to be on food assistance programs like WIC (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) and SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). While many grocery stores accept SNAP, fresh hot foods are excluded from the program. So, for anything freshly cooked, you’d have to pay out of pocket.            If this seems cruel, it’s because it is. In 2021, there was a total of 7.4 million families living below the poverty line in the United States. In Pennsylvania, that number is 121%. This is a massive amount of people – all of which are being punished simply for being poor. Most adults who grew up poor and went through the American school system can recall a memory of a lunch being taken from them because they did not have money in their lunch account. Many children will tell you that they get used to being hungry. These are the same schools that have lower test scores, lower reading comprehension scores, and lower math scores. And while local politicians try to brainstorm why that is, the answer is right in front of them: hunger.            If a school is a place of learning, then it must prioritize facilitating healthy relationships with food. Negative associations around eating or food-related traumas can greatly affect one’s health and quality of life. Poor relationships with food can cause disordered eating patterns, nutritional deficiencies, as well as both physical and mental health issues. Eating is life-sustaining, yes, but it is also an experience; it’s something you do with loved ones, with friends and family, or with someone you’re just meeting. There’s a reason why people go to lunch together, or people go out to eat as a means of meeting each other, why we eat at weddings, birthdays, and funerals. Not only is it sociable, but it’s also cultural. Every country, every state or province, every city or town, every neighborhood has their dish. And every dish has a story.            Most after school programs provide students with one or two snacks to tie them over for the three hours that they’re there, some organizations have even provided hot meals. But your average program receives boxes full of gourmet options such as Teddy Grahams, Oreo Cookies, Cheez-It’s, and Rold Gold Pretzels. And most of the time, there aren’t enough for everyone to have extra, so you turn away a few hungry kids and wait for some to be picked up before even considering giving out extras.            “We do everything,” Allen continued, “from pickling, to making ice cream, making pasta from scratch, learning the dynamics of body composition, and how eating properly and filling our bodies with nutrients helps us feel better and look better.”            Any country or state that values its people will invest in its children first, as they make up one of the least-protected groups in society and deserve every resource that could possibly be allocated toward them. Children, especially poor children, do not choose the circumstances that they are born into. Penalizing parents and families for being poor only exacerbates the problem. In a country with a $1.64 trillion defense budget, surely, we can feed our kids.
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