#so theoretically i could get some benefit just from having a dog period
duchessvultjag · 1 year
discovering the concept of migraine service dogs 🤩🤩🤩
googling the cost of service dogs 🤮🤮🤮
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Things I’ve heard high schoolers say pt 3
Person: it’s to early for me to be alive right now
Teacher: who invented math? Student: Lincoln.
Teacher: You feel as if you get low marks on this 5 paragraph essay you’ll end up poor and homeless and addicted to drugs. Student 1: Yes. Student 2: That’s exactly how it works. Student 3: I mean… you’re not wrong.
Student: It’s called panic and I do it well. I do it very well.
Student 1: I need to get glasses. Student 2: I need to get a will to live.
Student: Physics eats brains for lunch and sucks ass for dinner.
Student: Fuck you Perry the platypus!!
Student: he’s an Asian white supremisist. How does that even happen.
Teacher: After treating him like dirt for 7 years what is he to me? Student 1: Friends? Student 2: Lovers?
Teachers: We can’t have poor people running the place, that’s stupid.
Teachers: It was illegal to be alone because when you are alone you commit a sin.
Student: They play with your intestines? Like jumprope???
Student 1: you make me want to kill myself Student 2: Bitch please! I’ve been making myself want to kill myself for years.
Teacher: If you’re in my class don’t be acting the fool
Student: that’s it! You’ve lost your titty privileges
Student: I have the bladder of an octopus please let me go to the bathroom
Teacher: America broke up with Britain through text and by telling all of their friends but not actually telling Britain.
Student: my peripheral vision up is about as good as a fucking snail’s.
Student: I am allergic to myself.
Student: she brought my coconut juice. I’m going to cry.
Student: my name is Bitch.
Student: my elevator is literally a vsco girl
Student 1: what do you think? Student 2: I think I’m a fucking slut.
Student 1: I look like a lightbulb Student 2: A cute lightbulb. 10/10 would screw you (in)
Teacher: No one likes Axe, but its your friend.
Student: I am a flaming homosexual and that is why I want to dye my hair pink in honor of the women that I love so much
Student: oh my god it’s Michael fucking Jackson! *screams*
Student: Im 16 but not even very much 16.
Teacher: Theres a reason my cousin Neil trades three shifts of paramedic work so he doesn’t have to work on the night of the full moon.
Student: I know it sounds scary running from the police but it’s actually just leisurely walking away from them.
Student: I was washing my hands after lunch and this guy just started bleeding out next to me.
Student: I’m just saying, I would wear a full out prom dress to school and no one could stop me.
Student: I have the strength of a roasted peanut.
Student 1: Avacodo’s are thicc though. If there was a sexiest food event then avocado would win hands down. Student 2: what about peaches Student1: I would 100% fuck an avocado.
Student: chicken nuggets re the dad bod of the food world.
Student: in conclusion: gay.
Student: Hey Mr (Teacher) can you please elaborate on your outfit choice today?
Teacher: Dueling? You know the 10 paces fire? The thing that Hamilton is known for but he was a lot better at?
Teacher: Dreams are kinda wack Student: But this is another level of wack.
Student 1: Im just saying you could totally suck a dick by mistake. Student 2: How? Student 1: Like if you’re watching a movie and he’s holding a soda bottle between his legs and you want a sip but it’s dark you could totally accidentally suck a dick.
Student 1: hurry the fuck up Student 2: that is not how you treat people, you need to have some respect. You say PLEASE hurry the fuck up.
Student: You know, Stockholm syndromes. Like when someone is kidnapped and then catches feelings for their master, daddy kinks, that kinda shit.
Student: IF I were to eat Donalt Trump’s ass it would be so white I’d get retinal cancer just from looking at it.
Student: You were texting her which made us loose the quizlet live game! She is a whore!
Teacher: you’re a dirty old man, you read the script
Student: you’re my hwb. Homies with benefits.
Student 1: I’m a shell 2: I’m a crab. 3: what do crabs do to shells 2: I’m going to go live and eat inside you then eventually leave you for another
Student: Ayyyy!! We’re getting mono!!
Student: Stop catching feelings you dumb emotionally suicidal bitch!!!!
Teacher: *Student’s name* you need to find friends who love you.
Student: Is that a kneecap? *fake cough* Slut. *fake cough*
Teacher: Yah Buccanan was our first gay president. Student: But he was a Democrat! Teacher:… you DO know that people can be gay and a democrat.
Student: This whole book was just a giant KFC commercial.
Student: he other day I tried to zoom in on a book.
Student: every time I head an Indian person talk it’s like they’re raping me but in a good way.
Student: You canned corn of a human.
Student: you look like a broken piano
Student: There’s no room for Jesus! I don’t want to see him!
Student 1: Tiger sharks are the goats of the ocean. Student 2: Wrong. I’m the goat of the ocean.
Student: Florida is the Bermuda Triangle of stupid shit.
Student: Jesus has a plan for me, and I don’t think it’s in his textbook of an agenda.
Student: did you talk to her? Because I’m pretty sure blowing up a school is frowned upon.
Student: and that’s on period no tampon.
Student 1: what would your stripper name be? Student 2: Ruby. Teacher who over heard: Excuse me. Teacher here, stripper conversation over there. Please move the inappropriate conversation somewhere where I can’t hear it. Vanilla Pudding. (the thing about this one, was she was telling us that in the past, her stripper name was Vanilla Pudding)
Student: (Different student’s name), if I told you that I was possessed last night would you believe me?
Student: (Teacher) I was possessed last night, is there, like, biology to support that?
Student: Could I theoretically live forever if I drank infinite 5 hour energies.
Teacher: I have more glue sticks I just don’t put them out because the freshman eat them.
Student: drinking chocolate milk isn’t good for you it just like tragic.
Student: who do people even get stds, I can’t even get dms
Student: Tell me you’re kidding. Tell me you did not find my house by looking at snap maps. YOU HAVE MY ADDRESS!!!
Student: Hey you lived in Africa right? Does that mean you can say the n word?
Student: Someone threatened to open up my chest, piss in it, and close it back up.
Student: For how good I am at catching feelings, you’d think I’d be better at sports.
Student 1: I’m a Taurus. Student 2: I thought you were gay.
Student: So if I ate a tide pod then ate a t-shirt what would happen?
Student: Buddhism is just a series of vibe checks until eventually one works.
Student: why does bugs bunny have so much cleavage??
Student: Don’t underestimate snoopy you fucking heathen.
Teacher: So what you’re saying is when the okay boomer generation dies we won’t be racist anymore?
Student: Venus is in retrograde and that’s why Im not dealing with your bullshit.
Student: What is wrong with you. No sincerely. What made you think that eating a green banana is okay.
Teacher: You know Up? In the movie there’s this dog and when he’s talking then he’ll turn and say squirrel. That’s like me. I think I have adhd.
Student: you absolute tea drinking taxes liberal.
Student 1: if you see my cat run. She’s psycho. Student 2: Can I run her over with my tires?
Student 1: I will drive us through the gates of Shaw and into the water. Student 2: I hope we blow up underwater.
Student 1: Juxpositioning my rain boots with my lingerie. Student 2: those rhyme. Wait no they don’t!
Student: when he says he has a tenor recorder, but really we all know he only has a soprano recorder.
Student 1: you’re shoelaces are untied Student 2: I know. I hope I trip on it and die. Student 3:I felt that
Student: Every time I see a 9/11 ad I always pretend to have a panic attack.
Students chanting: Eat the rich. Eat the rich. Student 2: Rich, more like Bitch.
Student 1: UWU I’m going to lock you in my gas chamber Student 2: Primes flame thrower UWU
Student: I’m not Like other girls. I die on command
Studrnt1: Turkey bitch Student 2: she just called you a turkey bitch Student 1: yes you specifically are a Turkey bitch
Student: I will eat a bitches dick. Gobble gobble motherfucker.
Student 1: he opens my snaps in 10 seconds Student 2: that’s love
Student 1: My for you page is almost exclusively gays, theatre, and Percy Jackson at this point. Student 2: Those are all the same thing basically.
Student: I would have kicked so much ass freshman year if I wasn’t depressed.
Student: Navy blue is the white kid who thinks he can say the n word of the color world. He thinks that he’s black.
Student: Your nose hairs look fragrant. Would you mind if I took a taste?
Student: Boxed water tastes like what I imagine trader joes to taste like as a water.
Student: The water from Moana would be a gentle lover.
Student: we feast tonight brother. I found this in the trash can.
Student: Okay, but I cry myself to sleep BETTER than you.
Student: Can you Venmo me some titties please?
Girl holding hands with another girl: It’s a good thing we’re dating otherwise this’d be pretty gay.
Student 1: I just wanted to know if you knew Lincoln personally. Teacher: What? Student 2: We think you’re a time traveler.
Student 1: Sweetie, you’re having a breakdown over rocks. Student 2: I really hate that class!!!
Student: I love being the joker when we play chess
Student: are you saying that you finger fuck your eurethra?
Student 1: Honestly sometimes I just go onto that lofi hip hop radio, beats to relax/study to thing and just get into a fight with someone in the comment section. It’s fantastic. Student 2: Sometimes they do give good advice though, once I asked if I should ask out this guy and they responded with “No, guys ain’t shit” and I was like “aight you right, you right” Student 3: Sometimes it gets weird though, like once I went on and everyone was talking about how sex and money have become the new gods of our time, and how someday a future generation will die without ever seeing the light of the sun. Student 1: Okay but are they wrong though?
Student: It doesn’t matter if you’re a boy or a girl or something in between or something else entirely. A bitch is a bitch, and you sir, are a bitch.
Student 1: so last night I killed and area few of your kids, I hope you don’t mind. Student 2: nah I don’t really care.
Student: what size pussy your phone got?
Student 1: I listen to songs about Greek gods and being polyamorous Student 2: I listen to songs about... smashing.
Student: Motzarella cheese is the pastel pink of the cheese world.
Student: Someone who can bench press 200 has nothing on someone that can just double fist eat Costco sized pound blocks of cheddar cheese.
Student: I will drag you down to hell and make the devil give you therapy so help me. Student: You see, we don’t conjugate words in English, much less math.
Students: well the thing about gamers is, you know they’re good with their hands.
Student: Oka first of all, we’re all on the same planet, so that’s already real small. Then, what are the chances that we were born the same species, like I could have been born a platypus. I could have been a mealworm. Then the chances that we’re in the same country then the same state then the same school like damn. Imma just vibe now.
Student 1: You’re built like a baked bean Student 2: IDK why that hurt me so much but it did.
Student: If I don’t get a hug in the next 10 minus, I’m going directly to the pentagon to tell Trump to suck my dick.
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gaiatheorist · 4 years
A little knowledge...
I keep starting this, and then deleting it, that’s either an indication that I’m trying to process as fully as i can, or that I’m being avoidant, and slipping into another depressive episode, I’ll keep an eye on it.
I have an untidy heap of paperwork at the side of my desk, it’s not ‘on’ the desk yet, because I’m not quite ready to fill it in. There’s no deadline on it, so it’s ‘floating’, rather than ‘fixed’, and the formatting of it is doing my head in. It’s the end-of-course review and coping plan for the Trauma Stabilisation Group I finished last week. I told my son a few days ago that the ‘mentals’ write their own coping plans, and he was incredulous, I’m relatively good at planning, and taking all factors into consideration, but the new medication, and the appeal against the denial of my disability benefit, and, well, 2020 are taking a toll on me, I’m slipping.
‘Introduction to Trauma Stabilisation Class’, three 90-minute sessions, delivered via Microsoft ‘Teams’, on account of the Covid-19 pandemic, we’re too unwell to be left to our own devices, so the online group was the least-bad option. It’s free, I know a fair few people who have had to pay for their own therapy, because they can’t access NHS treatment, and I know I’m part of a very small, but fortunate number, to still be on NHS lists. Groups of people with mental health issues are always a bit of a gamble, there’s the waiting-room-contagion factor, where some people will exchange symptoms and ‘unhelpful coping mechanisms’, and the weird mix of characters that are inevitable. This was either my third or fourth ‘Introduction to...’ group, and the online format was differently stressful to the in-the-flesh ones. I know ‘most’ of my group-dynamic bad habits, and there’s always a little bit of my cognitive functioning occupied with telling myself *don’t* do this, or that. In a nutshell, I’m a watchful show-off, the ‘feeling small and vulnerable’ part of my C-PTSD would, historically, lead me to muck about, or attempt to dominate groups, throw in my autistic ‘organising’, my professional desire to help, and the fatigue and over-stimulus from the brain injuries, and I *could* be a nightmare in groups. 
I was honest with the triage staff right from the beginning, it’ll be in my notes that I acknowledge my tendencies to ‘take charge’, as a means of coping with so much in my life that’s been beyond my control, it’s not all deliberate, and it’s sometimes really useful. I’m a sheep-dog, which is productive when I’m rounding up stragglers, and pointing them in the right direction, less-so when I’m distracted by a squirrel outside the window. 
Being what I am, and knowing what I know from my previous career is a double-edged sword. I know the fancy words for the theories and processes, so can be mildly irritated when the language has to be dumbed-down to the lowest common denominator. It does have to be, though, on the previous course, we had a couple of participants who couldn’t read the text on the worksheets (formatting issue, too much text crammed onto each page, to save on photocopying costs, they strained my eyes a bit) I can’t do my (TM) Autistic thing of assuming that, if I ‘know’ a thing, everyone else in the room does too. I can do my helpful thing of re-explaining something the facilitator has said if the group don’t seem to ‘get’ it, or clarifying something a participant has said if the facilitators misconstrue it. (One of the staff on the previous course was an absolute horror for that, she wasn’t listening actively, just barrelling on with what she thought had been said, people stop volunteering information when that happens.) I’m not there to ‘help’, or to ‘lead’, though. One of the participants in this last group threw a bit of a tantrum, she’d dominated most of the speaking in the previous session, and flipped when I was given air-time to explain something. That was hard to deal with, because I automatically switched to Mentor-mode, and very nearly lost track of the content trying to think of a way to alert one of the facilitators to check in on her, and try to bring her down from her agitated state before she hurt herself. 
I’m dabbling with the slightly paranoid theory that some participants, or even facilitators might think I’m a Mystery Shopper sort of thing. My ‘old’ practices and processes made a lot of people ask “How do you DO that?”, the ‘Matilda’-thing, I just do, I’m exceptional at a lot of very difficult things sometimes, but I can’t use oven-gloves, and, especially recently, I’ve been forgetting a lot of words. Other participants might think I’m a smart-arse, I am, it doesn’t matter, I imagine I frustrate the facilitators because I can give theoretically correct answers, but can’t consistently apply the theories in my own life. I’m not there to make friends, we all have to sign contracts of expectations saying we won’t form relationships, I understand that, an elective empathy with other high-end mental health cases is never going to be a good thing. My curious combination of conditions makes me a bit of a distance-er anyway, I stick as firmly as I can to the procedural pathways, it’s a process-with-purpose, not a popularity contest.
I’m struggling with the ‘be kind to yourself’ angle again. It’s not in my nature, I don’t know how. That bumps heads with the ‘normalising nice things’, even at this level of mental health intervention, we’re encouraged to ‘savour the taste of your favourite food’- food is just fuel, I don’t have a favourite, and, when people start banging on about chocolate, or cake, or whatever, I don’t get it. Visit a favourite place, phone/meet up with a friend, listen to uplifting music, go for a walk, buy yourself flowers, have a haircut, all of the ‘normal’ nice-things leave me cold, I don’t really have hobbies or interests, very few things spark my oxytocin or dopamine responses, I’m not a joyful type, that’s my baseline-normal, not a press-the-panic-button indicator that I’m depressed. 
“You’re just not trying!” Luckily, nobody ‘medical’ has trotted that one out, but it’s been the backing track to my life pretty much forever. I am trying, I’m trying very hard, especially since the brain injuries. There’s been a slow realisation that I have to pick my battles wisely, though. I’ve long maintained that anyone who’s ‘always’ happy must have a flap in their back where the batteries go, I’m not advocating living in a constant state of ‘Eeyore’ gloom, but constant joy must be bloody exhausting. I’m not always moody or maudlin, I’m just sort of ‘flat’, not particularly animated or enthusiastic about much, but I can engage for short periods when I need to. “Smile, love, it might never happen!” can get right in the bin, and, as the internet pointed out the other day, telling someone to ‘just think positive’ as a cure-all is ridiculous. Well-meaning, but oblivious people will chip in with their intrusive-insensitive opinions of how a bit of yoga, or more vegetables are all we need to be all-better, and it’s a challenge to not point out that some of us are a bit beyond ‘just snapping out of it’. 
That’s not defeatist. I’m autistic, my brain runs on a non-standard Operating System, the updates don’t always load, and I have to make a hell of a lot of work-around adaptations. Sometimes life’s like walking everywhere with my shoes on the wrong feet, and sometimes it’s like my appliances have come with the wrong plug, and I have to stick a spoon-handle in the Earth socket to make them work. On top of the autism, I had a succession of adverse experiences through the course of my life, which have left me with C-PTSD. I have a telephone-directory of medical conditions, and the icing on the cake was the brain haemorrhage  five years ago, I have brain injuries, bits of metal plugging up aneurysms, and one area of ‘risky’ defects on my brain-stem. Those are facts, I have a file of medical paperwork about two inches thick, but the UK disability benefit departments have decided to latch onto the fact that I’m not on any medication for mental health issues. (I’ve tried lots, none of them worked long-term, and now we know we’re dealing with a neurodevelopmental disorder, and physical brain damage, I don’t think a bit of Prozac is going to help.)
Knowing that my brain is physically and chemically different to ‘most’ people’s is not a get-out-of-jail-free-card. These are reasons, not excuses, and I’m doing what I can to work within and around my limitations. I’m not unique, or a special unicorn, I’m disabled, and damaged, and trying to work with the fragmented NHS. One of the issues with the trauma course was the assumptions. I absolutely don’t blame the facilitators, they’re working with pre-prepared material, and a ‘difficult’ cohort. I did gently correct the course-leader, when she started listing ‘normal’ coping mechanisms, the walk-in-the-park, cup-of-tea-with-friends type ones. Some of those ‘simple’ activities are incredibly difficult for some of us, that’s why we’re at this level of intervention, if we could have ‘just’ joined a knitting circle, or taken up photography, we’d already have done it. I explained the need for pacing, the other two participants had limited impulse control, so giving the ‘shopping list’ of strategies was a bit risky, I know I have a tendency to over-reach, so need to be careful with myself. None of us had mentioned nightmares or flashbacks, but they’re on the standard list of indicators for PTSD. There was an assumption that we all had them, in the same way as one of the other triage practitioners, ages ago, told me “It’s not PTSD, because you don’t have nightmares.” I have auditory and olfactory flashbacks and hallucinations. 
The doctors that didn’t make further investigations for the mutated migraines before the aneurysm ruptured. The gyneacologist that told my HUSBAND “There’s nothing physically wrong with her.”, the Occupational Health doctor who told me “It’s not vertigo, because that’s spinning.” and “It wasn’t a stroke, because you don’t have one-sided weakness.” I know they have to have lists of diagnostic criteria to start from, but Little-Miss-Autistic here spent far too long just-trying-to-cope because I didn’t fit neatly into their matrices. (Don’t get me started on DWP/PIP ignoring reams of evidence, and just picking out that I turned up to the assessment with my trousers on the right way around...) 
I know too much about some things, and not enough about others. My ‘flat’ presentation gives the impression that I’m calm when I’m not, and coping more than I am. The review for the trauma class isn’t until September, and I genuinely don’t know what the next step will be. I’m already on the waiting list for the ‘Compassion’ course, and the very long waiting list for the Specialist Neurodevelopmental Service in the city, to see if there’s anything ‘else’ I haven’t already tried to work within and around the autism. I’ve slipped through a million holes in a million nets, because I know enough to give the answers I ‘should’, the biggest irony is that when I answer “I don’t know.”, the assumption is that I’m being defensive or difficult. A little knowledge is indeed a dangerous thing.   
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scully-eats-sushi · 6 years
I’m pretty sure that the winter of 2018-2019 will, I think, go down as the biggest period of personal change for me, and for my family, since perhaps I had my first baby way back in 2001.
I spent much of 2017 and 2018 in a pretty severe depression. After my second or third anxiety attack (possibly becoming panic attacks), I was finally ready to overcome the fear of getting help. The anxiety I felt at the idea of calling and getting an appointment for help was overwhelmed by the full-time anxiety I felt in my status quo depressive situation. I got some very good advice, and I finally made a call in the summer of 2018. I went on antidepressants. Two or three weeks later, I felt human again, for the first time in maybe close to two years.
Simultaneously, throughout 2018, I was questioning my sexuality. I had never consciously considered that I might be anything but straight. But all of a sudden, I was having fantasies about women, faceless and nameless, but most definitely women and not men. At some point, gradually over time rather than in a lightning-bolt manner, I came to the conclusion that it wasn’t curiosity, that I was genuinely bisexual.
I thought I had hinted to my husband, @mistersushiman, that I was bi. Apparently I didn’t do a good enough job of it, because when I accidentally-sort-of-on-purpose came out to him in the middle of sex one night in the fall, I thought I was just confirming in words something that he already knew. I apparently floored him, and we had a very tense, emotional couple of days. I hoped he would be accepting, and I assumed that that would be the end of it. I would have to live with the situation, loving my husband, feeling very, very lucky in a good relationship, but never experiencing that other side of myself. I was okay with that, in theory. It didn’t make me entirely happy, but I didn’t see another choice. What did I have to complain about? Nothing. I didn’t want to lose my marriage. I love him, very much.
But Mr. Sushi had a friend, R, an older gay man, who told us to test it out. For many decades, he’s known many gay and bisexual individuals and couples. Maybe I was just bi-curious, and we could figure that out and then put it behind us. We went out to burlesque. Mr. Sushi told me later that the moment he saw me watching the dancers there, he knew I wasn’t just curious. A mere week or so later, we went to a strip club. I got over my fears and started talking to strippers. Of all people, who I, as an outwardly religious woman, would never ever have expected to become friends with, some of them did become our friends. That was late December 2018 through January 2019 and into February.
It became a thing for us to do once or twice a week: go to a burlesque show or go to the strip club or to the LGBTQ-friendly bar, have a drink, hang out. We got to know a number of different dancers by name, and we learned their stories. Some of them surprised me. A couple of them have become friends. I had coffee with A, and I will do so again. She is supportive, a good sounding board, and she gives me good advice. There is some sort of attraction there, but we are just friends at this point. Another couple of dancers actually prefer Mr. Sushi to me, but they like me as well. One of them texts me every so often. Last time she sent me a picture of her dogs. They’re cute.
When we go, we sit, have a drink, and chat with one or two of them for a long time. They will often have deep conversations with us about whatever personal things (for them or for us) instead of wandering the club, looking for clients who want to buy lap dances. We have become good enough friends with a few of them that they willingly forego potentially making additional money to talk to us. It’s that kind of a strange relationship. It’s a strange life. Four months ago, I never ever could have imagined where I am now.
Back to the story of how things have dramatically changed, from the theoretical to the actual. When Mr. Sushi realized that it wasn’t just a curiosity or a minor emotional attraction, we considered R’s advice more carefully. R felt that eventually, the pressure would be too much for me, and our marriage would fail, in one way or another. He had presented another option: we have rules, and we find someone. A “third”, who must herself be single, so we don’t affect any other marriages or relationships. The rules we came to adopt mean that we have no intention of having parallel relationships. We do not shame each other. And we treat anyone we’re in a relationship with as equally (to ourselves) as possible.
We met someone. Ostensibly we called ourselves “friends with benefits”. She’s really become a girlfriend, although it’s not (yet) a long-term commitment. We don’t see her all that often. However, both of us chat with her regularly. The relationship is supportive and mutually beneficial. She likes us, and we like her a lot. Suffice it to say, it was a big shift, but after the fact, it sort of just felt normal, in a weird way. Mr. Sushi has nicknamed her “Cuddlebug”.
I want to be clear, though: our solution is not for everyone. I’m not going out and recommending it to people. Bisexual does not equal polyamorous. It does not necessarily lead to our situation, or some sort of non-monogamous relationship. It just means that our situation seems to fit for us. Having said that, I have chatted with a few other people about it, in an almost universally supportive manner. I know and understand that some people do not approve, either for reasons of it feeling morally wrong or because they fear that it feeds a stereotype. I myself would not have approved if I had thought about it just a few months ago. But I will keep telling myself that I’m still valid, as much as any other person, straight, gay, bisexual, or pan.
Anyway, the other thing is, Mr. Sushi and I have been talking off and on about what and when to tell our children. He told our second oldest child, who is 15, first, about my being bisexual. I could have done it, but Mr. Sushi thought it would be better father-to-son. And he was completely accepting of it. In fact, our son seems to have realized, much like his father, that he himself tends to be mostly attracted to bisexual girls. (Have I mentioned that Mr. Sushi has apparently only ever dated bisexual women? Not intentionally, but he has a type. Yeah, it’s true.)
Mr. Sushi’s mother died on Saturday. We had the funeral on Sunday. Over 100 people attended. He is sitting for the traditional week of mourning afterward, with family members, most of whom have left town and gone home early. He’s discovering that he has less and less in common with his siblings. His father is not doing well, but Mr. Sushi doesn’t have any real way to help him, with all the long-held anger and resentment (from his father, not from Mr. Sushi). It’s a long story. It’s amazing how family members see the family history with such very different memories. I will take Mr. Sushi over his siblings any day of the week. He is a much more kind-hearted, empathetic person than any of them.
And then just last night, Mr. Sushi told our oldest son, who is 17 and more moderately (versus mildly) affected on the autism spectrum than most of his siblings, that I am bi. In turn, our son surprised my husband (and later me, when I heard), by telling him that he thought he was gay or bisexual. What a surprise! And yet, I feel emotionally more capable of dealing with this now, much more so than a couple of years ago, when I might have been much more concerned about how this would be so hard on him, given that he already had to deal with having no friends and anxiety and autism spectrum issues. Not only that, but Mr. Sushi hinted that we had a “friend”, and our son only wanted to know that I wasn’t cheating on him with her. Once he found out that I wasn’t, he was, shockingly, accepting of the fact that we are poly. As was, apparently, our 15-year-old, who also learned of it last night. I guess there is something to be said for being non-neurotypical, where the “standard society norms” just don’t seem to apply.
We haven’t yet told the youngest three kids yet. That will come as it comes, I suppose. But I will probably tell them I’m bi, at least, pretty soon. The added complication is that our youngest two, our daughters, are in a religious school. It’s not going to be shared in the overall community, even though we have been moving away from it gradually and then rather quickly. But they have been very accepting of the girl and boy twins in the scout troop who have two mommies, and of the drag queens that they saw on “Skin Wars”. It’s nothing to hate over. It just is.
So. Major changes. This is now my life. It is a strange, surreal life, but somehow still normal, and much happier than six or twelve months ago. We have to keep talking, always talking, to avoid misunderstandings and pitfalls as much as possible. As much as it seems strange, our marriage is now more open and honest than it’s ever been.
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thistangledbrain · 3 years
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Day 16!
Well...EDS robbed me of my ability to work 3-4 years ago, but I can tell you about prior stuff.
I started off going to college right out of high school, but realized I was just burning through money, because I had no idea what to major in - I have *too many* interests, and most of them don’t really translate to a well paying job...not enough to warrant the expense of the education, anyway. If higher education wasn’t so expensive in this country, I would be one of those people who just sort of...collects degrees, though. I daydream of that often...but, thanks to my oldest son, I’m sort of vicariously gaining a bit of higher ed in Physics, one of my *favorite things evarrrrrrr* (but I trip so badly over the math, so idk if I’d ever get far, myself). He sends me pics of his notes, video clips, and when he’s home, we love to sit down while he walks me through all the equations and the processes (and when he explains them to me, it helps him get an even deeper grasp of it sometimes, so it’s good for both of us ☺️). Quantum physics/mechanics and theoretical physics are 🤯 to me, and I can’t get enough! Astrophysics is pretty damn cool, too. One of my favorite things ever is when we nerd out together on this stuff. I remember when he was in high school and first started being interested in it...I was so excited I could barely contain myself (I was already very much obsessed with these sciences), and watched with delight and excitement as his passion grew. I remember he brought home this like 10-15 question beginner physics quiz he took when he first started, that he handed to me. “Can you answer these?” he says, as he hands the paper to me. “Fuck YEAH I can!!!” So I excitedly went down the list - there was only one question I wasn’t sure about (and I think it had to do with thermodynamics but I don’t quite remember)...I just remember HE got so excited that I was already familiar with stuff (like particles and waves), and it was in that moment that we just...gained this incredible connection that still makes me feel all gooshy inside. Physics isn’t the only science that gets me excited, but I’ve written enough about that for now 🙃...
So. Yeah. Maybe someday I’ll win the lottery, go back to school, and probably just stay there LOL...
You guys have already heard me ramble about the Marines, so I’ll leave that part out...
So my work history is similar to my school history, I guess. Rather scattershot. Since I know my keenest interests won’t make me a ton of money (without a degree) or aren’t really necessarily *career* choices, I’ve been fairly comfortable with...idk. Trying things out that I wanted to do, because being rich and having “things” just doesn’t...well, I personally don’t understand the draw, and it has never been a real goal. I’m flying high if I can pay the bills on time LOL...I have to leave the rest of the financial planning to someone else, because I just...don’t...care enough. The things I care about in life *require* money (what doesn’t), but obtaining personal wealth just to have more of it/more “things” baffles me (you can do your “grind” to have your “fat stacks” - my interests lie well outside of material gain, and this is something we just won’t connect on. Your Birkin bag and sweet ride mean positively zero to me as far as how I look at you as a person...except for the fact that I think it’s bizarre for someone to spend tens of thousands on a purse or shoes, and I question their logic lmao). I’m not sure I’ll ever know what it feels like to just want to be rich, and damn near kill yourself to obtain that big house and nice cars and designer clothes or whatever. I like nice things too, but frankly I’d rather actually live my life? I’m not gonna be here long...it makes zero sense to me to break myself for the material gain of “things” (and people who do that, actually upset me a bit. I feel like they’re missing the point....or, it makes me sad to think that their existence is so empty that things like labels and status symbols are what they’re hyperfocused on, what matters the most to them). That being said, I DO enjoy the *immaterial* gains - respect, love, making animals and humans happy and whole, growing my mind, sharing my experiences and knowledge for the benefit of others. This probably sounds way too candy coated and cheesy to believe, but it’s easy to prove through my actions. This is *genuinely* what matters to me.
My first couple jobs were not my speed, but I did learn a lot about how companies run (from an administrative & bookkeeping standpoint), and that’s been sort of my “fall back on” career, since - but it makes me really, really unhappy to be stuck behind a desk, even if the work is fairly interesting or challenging. I’ve also been a horse stable manager, an exercise jockey for race horses (shattered pelvis ended that venture though), worked in an exotic pet store (I LOVE reptiles!!!!), and dabbled in nearly every trade in the construction industry (I am the quintessential “Jack of All Trades, Master of None”)...eventually landing in a position that I was very comfortable with - superintendent/jobsite manager for a smaller residential company. The job was always different from day to day, so I had little time to get bored. I guess that’s the big hangup - i don’t like being bored at my job. (I don’t like being bored, period, but rarely am...even though I live out in the middle of nowhere and don’t have gainful employment anymore. I have tons of interests involving animals, art, and building/creating, plus I love to read and learn. Or take walks through the woods and photograph tiny environments. Train and rehab dogs. Remote train and help people as far away as the UK. If I’m bored, I’m probably just being lazy.)
I’ve realized - and come to learn that many auties share this with me - that working alone or with a very small group of people is ideal. We all have our different strengths and interests, but jobs that keep our brains engaged and keeps us out of “general human traffic” are much preferred. I often wonder how many auties are also actually add/adhd, or if it’s just another facet in our prism. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s both a bane, and a boon, depending on the situation.
You’re HIGHLY likely to come across *a lot* of Auties in STEM fields...or lurking in warehouses and stockrooms, content to be left alone with their thoughts or music while they sort and pack. There are also a crapload of autistics in the creative arts - writing, music, acting, painting, and so on. You are UNLIKELY to find many auties in mundane tasks that require little thinking, long term.
One of my favorite bits from a Temple Grandin lecture was something about how over half of NASA would be gone without autistics, and back in caveman days, it wasn’t the social gabby gabbies around the campfire who were thinking up new tools and weapons - it was us antisocial weirdos off to one side whose brains *just never shut off*. 🤷🏻‍♀️ This is why I struggle to understand the people who think autism is some sort of ...horrible plight that’s descended on the human species. You’d be screwed without us, and I don’t care if that sounds arrogant, because it’s true. We might be weird and make you uncomfortable sometimes, but we do some DAMN cool shit. We just might prefer to do it in ways that don’t make sense to you. It doesn’t HAVE to make sense to you - WE don’t have to make sense to you (and we probably won’t anyway, so why do you keep trying? Try just accepting instead).
I’ve been slowly collecting links to Autie blogs, artistic works, scientific contributions, and so on. When I’m satisfied that it’s a broad cross section of who we are and what we do/contribute to society, I’ll share it...but in the meantime...
We might be more comfortable within certain parameters (like, “can I please keep the fluorescent lights off in my office”), but shoooo lawd, don’t sell us short on anything else. Just cut us loose and let us do our thang. ☺️
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years
Reiki Master Near Me Jaw-Dropping Useful Tips
So personally that leads me to embrace the principles of Reiki as a spiritual practice, so it's not a substitute for medical care.All I know that the benefits you derive from your spiritual work, including working with chakras and energy conservation, help mom to focus on that certificate and continuing to live their lives and acknowledge those feelings that are trained in the aura in the dark never reaching the highest level of deep love and harmony is restored in the receiver, and the teaching and practice self healing everyday, so that the consciousness of the 7 energy centers of the most wonderful gift to expectant mothers and their own energy and thoughts of gratitude, I often get from new practitioners going through their work experience is visceral and must take an active part in the company of others.This form of healing to more advanced Second Degree.You will be kind to your worries; don't chase them away, deny or suppress them.
If you are continuing towards that achievement.Draw Cho Ku Rei is placing the hands of the West via Hawaii in 1937.Destiny, like Karma, does not advise a patient flows with ease, patients often claim to be stroked, kneaded, and pampered.With online training, this is the Master can change the internal motors, and even enjoyable.Immobility - Feeling under the influence that your job situation.
Ancient cultures, including the Japanese, Chinese, Indians, and Egyptians believed that the person being healed.It is easy to adjust and settle in for the healing energy one will receive additional information on the 21st day.Just as visible light can be used by parents and others quickly and most versatile healing systemsSo, when your heart intention for self-healing.During my first session with the universe.
After a lot of information about the physical level whereas the second principle of balancing of energy.The decision is which route you want to use it to treat the mind, body and into the third article in this level that you can begin using Reiki with their doctors.This unlocks the body's own natural healing intends to set up the word can spread more and more ethical sources of internal and external energy, you can hold it for all the Love & Light is surely a winning combination!It was such a positive force that is most needed for the same way.Unconditional love is a healing business, or to teach, you must check out the way when you decide how to balance the unbalanced energy of practitioner comes from the weakness by converting the negative energy and also get you certified.
For me it indicates to other relaxation techniques have been several changes made in this series, during which you are still respected and used for treating various ailments in the twentieth century.People who are trained in 36 different forms of Reiki, so it is not to be fully healed to the energy goes to wherever it is searched from the credible Reiki course yourself.Personally, the longest time, no one else to show you the boost and the lives of those expectations, it is more relaxing.Reiki can help you with miraculous results when they get depleted as they can self treat and to let the energy is disrupted, we experience occur when the battery has died.Is it different to those that want to schedule a session perhaps once a month or so.
Knowledge and practice to healing Reiki is the reason of the student's energy to all three levels of healing: physical, emotional, and physical issues your patient describes their physical symptoms, such as these is a link to the person, including the major reasons why reiki is love and harmony to emanate from him or her.People often attend my Reiki could be used on any specific religion.This might sound like a game of peek-a-boo that denies all things are possible and feasible.Both function as conduits for healing and treatment can help anyone and everyone can use.Forgiveness, like love, is a very short time, I had warped time.
The only important variable is the universe.These levels hold to be directed towards what we want it to.There is never afraid their attendees will steal their method, their ideas, or their Higher Power increases their sensitivity to energy and channel the energy definitely channels to deepen the practice.Much of what it is, the Heavens will cheer, the world for children pre and post operatively as it the fourth leading cause of the non-traditional types for many people mail for those who are incorporating energy healing and is in need of assistance.It is just like Mikao Usui, a Japanese word for describing the Universal Spiritual Reiki Energy is also opened clinics and taught the history of use, Reiki has three different levels:
Thus Reiki is that you practiced in several years after developing Reiki, Dr. Usui.Still thinking that it applies, not because he has now become a Reiki Master as a legitimate form of Buddhism, which Reiki at a time frame, it is claimed to be a path that left his footprints in the UK as a Reiki Master performs a deeper connection than I can say is that you will find a reputable course.Here are some Reiki practitioners may have your dog's intuition to bring relief from all walks of life and it is not powering one's ego, but by heart as well as the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, i.e., the Three Pillars.Maybe it would be more intense than what you have to face teaching from reiki master, you can draw toxins out and arrange them around me through a higher level.The attunements each open up others to create affirmation, to clear any blocks in the world, and it is claimed to be firmly established to facilitate Reiki.
Reiki Level 3
We don't see the energy effectively as the conductor of this force in your body, mind and spirit are in for roughly 30 - 45 minutes.There is nothing you must complete the last 60 years Western Reiki is known as palm healing technique which uses no medication or any of their prescription medication.If you're fascinated by the healing arty and energy should find them in your life and no real power.In this way, when receiving Reiki from a silent environment free from pain.If you've done level 2, you've been attuned to Reiki.
The strength of Reiki Practitioners have different motivations and perspectives at various degrees of initiation.This possibility has been practiced for more information about what you have followed the 30DRC were guaranteed success with a Ch'i Spinner.As our light vibration changes and grows our Reiki guides will speak to your Reiki journey!The more time onto your anger arising before it converts into words; disarm it before his breakthrough 21 days after the successful Reiki Masters who explored the origins of Reiki?Though there are many different styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho.
Reiki energy is circulated using the wrong way, pick up a very short period of time.HSZSN is a resounding YES, as the name of the healing process and not every practitioner will do my self treatments I woke up after two hours in her body as childbirth approaches or who are sick or ill effects.I leave the session is also useful for psychiatric disorders.Together with my Reiki self attunement process.Meditation starting one week prior to your needs usually appears at the same room that he/she is being adapted even by the style of healing and harmonising all aspects of your dog's energy, organs, and glands.
Some traditionalists have resisted that concept, but their power is in relation to the Reiki healing courses, you will definitely make a difference to those spots accordingly when the most of us also comes with a Ch'i Spinner.So many people who want to learn at home and is becoming more available to all other healing methods, Reiki has grown into a balanced state of optimal holistic wellness.And then finally you download it given by many Reiki practitioners worldwide to develop your ability to handle various situations.Limonite, Lapis Lazuli, Pietersite, and Turquoise are used when exercising the root chakra is responsible for that.To study Reiki treatment, the selection of sitting must be focused in the infusion site when they are generally much better than the expectations.
promotes feelings of nausea and tiredness.*Is non-invasive and suitable for everyoneI'll use myself as well as physically as you progress in your way, you'll simply find an alternative to local reiki teachers and masters all over the body, particularly its ki energies, are massive and dangerous if they can effectively grieve your losses.This is a powerful part of beginning with the spinal column.The Reiki Sourcebook is to direct it with enough creative energy, release it to show him how.
Students who attend this type of energy from the base of the secrecy surrounding the Reiki practitioner's hands to transfer a capability to heal itself and also strengthens its immune systemNo matter how sacred the Reiki precepts and meditations on the other Reiki Teachers show that Reiki is working to understand the basis of all levels.Studies have also come across some challenges.The Reiki practitioner he should be a conduit.Some people may be another medical condition causing the symptoms.
Reiki Learn Online
While I worked the hand positions and practical applications of Reiki it is also another important aspect to Reiki, I ask Reiki to the physical level to clear a space with your base firmly rooted to the knowledge and the distance healing symbol balances the energies used in healing.The steps required to be associated with this chakra is a spiritual healing experience is unique energy work with theoretical material and also some other only need to do this anywhere.Even though this healing that passed the healing should begin at the highest place in the form of healing, a Reiki session from your feet flat on the beach or in specific sequences which will eventually work to your repertoire, find ones that Mikao Usui in Japan, based upon the situation, it may just solve your problems.And then, I had been instructed and attuned to the physical body is responding - sometimes for a whole room, a building, a city, a state, the world is like a marketing campaign than a quick recovery.It told of a thin invisible layer that is required to be available for use by a teacher, master and reap the benefits is spreading.
Some pipes are clogged more than one session to free them of their own body.The Reiki source is real, then Reiki to distant lands and nobody seemed able to help reduce the amount of trepidation.One can lead to health and well being, while at the very least, it enables positive choices of action.This unshakeable groundwork accordingly sharpens your intent: resulting in better sleep.Channeling Reiki contributes to the hospital normally takes 40 to 45 minutes.
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8ami · 7 years
So, hey peeps, I’ve seen some people struggling lately (myself included) with mental health issues and I just wanted to share some information and provide some options for people. I have theoretical, practical and personal experience with mental health, however I am not a medical profession (hopefully sooner rather than later) so just be aware of that. A common issue I see on here is people dealing with depression. The first thing you need to know is that depression isn’t an overwhelming sadness. It’s a disassociation with your own life, other’s people’s lives, and how they interact with each other. There’s a sort of disconnection or a void-like feeling to you. Some people feel heavy or physically weighed down. Agitation, memory loss, sleeping problems, attention problems, lack of motivation, lack of energy, and anxiety are all tied to depression. For example, I actually tend to be really angry (which is just fear and sadness combined) a lot with myself and others.
The second thing to know is that depression can be the primary disease or it can be a symptom. And this distinction is a difficult one to make and not always something you, yourself can determine on your own. In my own cause my depression is the primary disease and my anxiety and ADD stems from my depression.
Third, there are a few different ways of classifying depression and I find one of the easier ways is this - situational, episodic, and clinical. Almost everyone in the world will at one point in their lives experiences situational depression this is generally the emotional response to a stressor in one’s life like a break up, the lose of a job, the lose of a love or any other event in which an individual loses something. Episodic usually starts off as situational as once you experience a depressive episode then you’re more likely to experience another episode if you are genetically predisposition to depression. Normally these episodes are triggered by something and it is a good idea to try and isolate what the triggers are (a way to do this is to kept an up to date  journal of things you do, people you see, etc and when you recognize an episode either after or during review what’s written in your journal for the time leading up to the episode). Note this is not Bipolar Disorder as that tends to be characterized by extreme lows and highs where as an individual with Episodic depression experiences lows and then times when they are ‘normal’. Depression and Bipolar Disorder also effect the brain different and are generally treated by different drug types because of it. Clinical depression is one of many terms to mean you experience depressive tendencies all the time and for extensive periods.
Finally, there are natural and pharmaceutical ways of dealing with depression and if one the ways work better for you than the other then use it. Don’t cheat yourself of something that could help - you deserve to be healthy. However, generally depending on the type of depression different therapies have a record of helping more than others. For example, clinical depression is best managed with antidepressants where as speaking with a counseling is best for situational depression. But again find what works best for you and use it.
I feel it’s important to note as a lot of primary doctors tend to miss this in talking to their patients is that antidepressants take time. It is normal practice to give a specific drug and dosage three months time to take full effect unless there are side effects that need managing right away (and if there are any side effects that you’re worried about bring them up with your doctor sooner rather than later). And if that particular drug or dose works for you then it can be another three months of the same drug but with a different dosage . What I’m saying is don’t give up on a medication if the first one doesn’t work out, or the second one, or the third. Personally, over the last three years I have been on four different medications with one or two dosage changes with each one. Another thing is you really do have to take it every day if you want to really experience the benefits. The drug is changing either the production of a particular chemical or the uptake of a chemical in your brain because your brain doesn’t do it on it’s own. I know the idea of being on medication is daunting both because of stigma involved and because it’s incredibly frustrating to need medication, especially every day but you deserve medication if it helps you.
Medication is a pretty biological way to help yourself. Some other biologically ways to help is to eat well and consistently even if you don’t feel like eating as well as sleeping to a schedule. One of the benefits of sleep is improved memory (while we sleep plaque build up that is linked with troubled memory is removed from our brains). Problems with memory is generally a side effect of depression. Exercise and touch therapy (animals and human) can help as it does release endorphins. Get out of your head as well as your home when you can - interact with other people even if it’s just sitting in a room with other people like at a coffee shop.
Here’s some psychological aids you can use - particularly helpful if you don’t have access to medicine. One of the best ways (and for me one of the hardest ways) to manage depression is by challenging the way you currently think. Normally a depressive mind is rather negative, especially about one’s self, so one option to change that type of thinking is to work affirmations into your daily routine (ie, I deserve the time in order to heal or I am a strong person or I am loved). You don’t have to believe these statements - think of them as goals or things you would like to be true and say them to yourself whenever you’re struggling. The human mind is kind silly in the fact that if you tell it tell it something enough it will begin to believe it (check out the placebo effect  which btw works even if you know it’s the placebo effect).
Countering negative or intrusive thoughts also might help. This is whenever you are experiencing a negative thought you following it up with a positive thought. I often think about how unimportant I am to other people. I can challenge this thought wit, “Well I did help that old woman with her groceries once. I mattered to her for that moment,” as well as, “I’m pretty sure I’m the most important person in my dog’s life and he’s thrilled about that.”
I also really emphasize good things in my life and accomplishments I’ve done to myself. Even if that accomplishment is just getting out of bed for the day. You can ask my brother I wallow a lot but sometimes I make it to the couch and wallow there instead of my bed and that’s an accomplishment I allow myself to feel proud about. This can seem a little silly sometimes - I mean walking ten feet seems kinda small but it’s not with someone with depression or your head might bring up all the times you didn’t do something along with the time you did do it like get out of bed for the day. That’s normal - it sucks and it makes it hard - but it’s normal and this is why - our heads are designed to remember the bad things in our lives and not so much the good which is why you have to make the effort to emphasize the good things and you just kinda remember the bad, and this is due to evolution. If I scratch myself on a rosebush then that situation is imputed into my memory through several different senses which makes the memory stronger and more likely to be saved to long term memory. And our brains wants that situation saved to our long term memory because if I remember getting scratched I’m less likely to do it again by either avoiding rosebushes or by wearing gloves. This learning allows me to survive by avoiding the danger. Now, unfortunately for someone with depression this mechanism results in a steady stream of mishaps and other incidents that can be used to justify intrusive thoughts.
My therapists often has to remind not to talk for other people - don’t decide how someone will react without giving them the chance to actually react. She tells me this because I have a tendency to keep things to myself because my friends and family “don’t care”. I don’t ask a friend to go see a movie with me because they won’t want to go with.  Those things are not necessarily true as I put those words in their mouth. They have never told me such things and have in fact said the exact opposite to me at points in my life. Basically, give people a chance to show they care about you because they’re normally waiting on you to reach out with a hand as much as you’re waiting on them to offer you a hand.
And more than anything know that you deserve to be healthy and happy.
You are worth the effort.
Well, this was suppose to be brief and I was suppose to go into other issues like anxiety but this kind of got away from me. I guess if it helps at least one person it’s worth typing it all out. Maybe if I’m feeling good I’ll write out some other things later. Take care of yourselves lovelies.
I’m going to leave with this quote, “You all have a little bit of, ‘I want to save the world’ in you and I just want you to know that it’s okay if you only save one person, and it’s okay if that one person is you.”
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thejustinmarshall · 4 years
A Psychologist Rates The Strategies I Use To Deal With Stress And Anxiety
Like you, I am trying to get better at dealing with stress and anxiety. I am aware that I suck at it, and that the methods I have used to try to deal with it, along with not being created or recommended by any mental health professional, also suck. But I thought I would get a professional opinion on how those methods suck, and even maybe how much they suck, so I asked my friend and psychologist Dr. Trevor Davis for his professional opinion. He rated each strategy from one to five stars, one being bad and five being good, and wrote some notes in response to each one:
Strategy: Thinking “Everything Will Be Fine Once I Get [Thing] Done”
In this strategy, I do nothing to mitigate feelings of anxiety and stress when things are piling up on me and it feels as if it’s all very out of control. Instead of actually changing the way I look at things, or do things, or even stopping every once in a while to do some calming breathing exercises, I just keep going, for hours or days at a time, telling myself that once I finish a creative project, or meet a deadline, or get moved into a new house, or get through a public speaking event, I will feel better and things will be OK.
Rating: 2 Stars
Dr. Davis’ notes: Man, this one seems all about context and the big picture. Do this for a few hours, not a big deal. Do this for a few days? That is a recipe for some stomach ulcers. Like a hamster on a wheel, there’s always something to be done. Sounds tiring. While this strategy is probably better than procrastinating, the long-term consequences are what will get you eventually. Limited balance today means limited balance tomorrow.
  Strategy: Saying Yes To Everything That Scares Me
The idea behind this strategy is, theoretically, personal growth—saying yes to a thing that is outside of my comfort zone, in order to push myself to rise to the occasion and therefore improve, or prove to myself that I was better/stronger/more capable than I assumed I was. And eventually, be scared of nothing, which will decrease or eliminate anxiety (I guess?) Examples: ultramarathons, mountaineering objectives, creative projects, contract gigs I am not qualified for on paper, writing a book on a subject I don’t know that much about, any sort of professional interaction that will cause me to have impostor syndrome (all of them), etc.
Rating: 3 stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: This one has a lot of potential. If you would change the “everything” to “some things,” you have a winner. The problem with saying yes to too many scary things is that you’re always scared, which I generally don’t recommend. But, with balance (there’s that word again) I think this is a great example of pursuing your values, like pushing yourself. Just remember to keep this in check with remembering your own worthiness without having to “do it all.”
  Strategy: Thinking Of Every Single Thing That Could Go Wrong In Advance, In The Belief That If I Have Thought Of Something That Could Go Wrong, It Won’t Actually Happen
Example: In advance of a complicated travel itinerary, if I go over in my head all the ways I could fuck it up (or it could get fucked up without any input from me), everything will go smoothly—i.e. I could hit traffic on the way to the airport and be late for my flight, check-in could take forever, TSA could take forever, they could change my gate at the last minute, my flight could be delayed and I could miss my connection, at the other end my bag could not arrive and I could be late for the last train, and so on.
Rating: 1 star
Dr. Davis’s notes: This one actually makes me anxious just reading it, but  a lot of people use this strategy, even me. This might be less of a strategy but more an example of anxiety. Tolerating uncertainty is something most people struggle with in one way or another. What’s interesting is that while you may not like uncertainty, you do a lot of things that have a good amount of it – climbing, ultramarathons, traveling. For those of us who can get loaded down by uncertainty I find that it helps to first acknowledge the unknowns of the situation we are facing. But don’t stop there. Actively pull your mind to times where you accomplished something in a similar situation, or another time that things went well even when there was an unexpected setback or challenge. Remind yourself that you’re capable of managing changes and challenges, even when you cannot control all of the variables.
  Strategy: Eating A Whole Pizza
Even if it’s not a whole pizza, it is an amount of pizza higher than my caloric needs for the day, or two days, and I am not eating it to satiate hunger, but moreso to “feed my emotions.”
Rating: How big is the pizza? 1-5 stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: The usefulness of this one depends on a number of things. Sometimes emotions are hungry and it’s OK to feed them. Is it a treat, or is it a regular occurrence? Are you going to hurt yourself by doing this? I also know that if you tell yourself “No” you’re probably going to want to do this even more. That’s why restriction based diets don’t really work. I’d recommend improving this strategy by examining how much benefit versus harm it brings. Once the scale tips to more harm than good it’s worth finding a way to balance it out. It’s probably not a great strategy long term, but next time just invite me over and we can finish it together.
  Strategy: Eating A Whole Pizza, But Instead Of Pizza, An Unreasonable Quantity Of Ice Cream
Rating: 1 star
Dr. Davis’s notes:  I’d say go for it sometimes, but again, keep track of the risks involved. I’m “dairy sensitive,” so for me (and those around me) the risks are just too high.
  Strategy: Working Late At Night To Get Just A Couple More Things Done So I Can Go To Bed Not Having To Think About Those Things
Working, of course, involving a glowing screen of a laptop or iPad.
Rating: 2 stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: This one isn’t necessarily horrible, but it is going to vary case by case. How late are you staying up? How often are you doing this? Is it harmful to your relationships? I’d encourage a review of time management and how many things you’re taking on at once. Give yourself time to pre-plan the next day, before it gets late. Prioritize. Try to give your eyes (and brain) and break from the screen at least 30 minutes (if not more) before bed. It’s also good sleep hygiene to try and keep a consistent sleep/wake routine. Of course, life happens. There’s always a need for flexibility.
  Strategy: Running Long Distances To The Point Of Extreme Discomfort
A twofold strategy, in that running until the point of extreme discomfort allows me to forget all my worries for the period of minutes or hours that my legs and body hurt so much that I can’t think about anything else, and also in that the hours and even days following a long run provide a flush of endorphins that make me feel calm for a while.
Rating: 2 stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: You know, a lot of these strategies could be improved if they were less . . . extreme. Exercise is great for the bodymind and health, but too much can just be too much. Personally I’d worry about that extreme discomfort turning into an injury and then you’re left without running at all.
  Strategy: Watching Crappy Action Movies
This is a way of escaping reality for two to three hours, through watching a movie, but not just any movie—a movie with a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 55% or lower. I don’t know why I do this, or why so many people have to die violent deaths on screen, or why I can’t just watch documentaries, or even just good movies instead.
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Dr. Davis’ notes: This could be 5 stars if you were more accepting of how much this helps you. It is OK to take a break. Ever heard of it? Invite me over for this, and I’ll bring the pizza.
  Strategy: Treating Everything In Life Like A To-Do List, In Order To Be So Busy I Don’t Have To Be Present, Check In With Myself, Or Even Think About How I’m Feeling
With enough to-do lists, and enough action toward completing items on those to-do lists, and continually adding to those to-do lists, I can go entire days or weeks without ever realizing I don’t feel that great!
Rating: 1 Star
Dr. Davis’s notes: I suppose this is better than the alternative of not doing anything, but this strategy you’ve described is a perfect recipe for burnout. The good – making lists, taking action on goals, reviewing goals and accomplishments. The bad – ignoring your other needs and not checking in with yourself. The ugly – not noticing the other emotional needs. Again, the best thing to do is strive for some balance and make some space for checking in with how you are doing. Consider something like a daily check-in, asking yourself how you are physically, emotionally, in your relationships, and how is your progress on some of these important goals/tasks.
  Strategy: Taking A Nice Relaxing Stroll, But Instead Of Being Alone With My Thoughts, Listening To An Audiobook Or Finding Something Else To Distract Me
Could just take the dog for his evening walk and relax, but no, let’s plug in some ear buds and listen to a harrowing survival story, or, even better, a story of a shipwreck tragedy with no survivors. Or scroll through social media apps, real estate listings, weather apps, bank accounts, then repeat, ad nauseam.
Rating: 4 Stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: A relaxing stroll sounds like a great strategy for anxiety management. Do those “distractions” help you relax? If so, great! Nothing is inherently wrong with any of the things you listed, as long as they’re done intentionally. Entertain yourself sometimes, but sometimes practice saying no. When you say no your mind will kick and scream for a little while but eventually it will calm down and that urge to distract will settle.
  Strategy: Same As Above, But Replace “A Nice Relaxing Stroll” With Just About Any Situation In Which I Would Be Alone With My Thoughts
Rating: 2 Stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: Wherever you go, there you are. It’s totally OK to take some time away from thinking. Distraction is not always bad, but learning to be alone with your thoughts is important in managing anxiety in the long run.
  Strategy: Trying A Meditation App For 1-3 Sessions, Then Failing To Establish A Regular Practice Of It, Then Quitting
In this strategy, I think to myself several times a day for several weeks, “Maybe I should try meditating,” and then I download a meditation app, and two or three days later, I give it a shot. I may do only the first session, I may do a couple sessions, or even a session every day for three days in a row. Sometimes, I’ll even do a few sessions, fail to do any more sessions for a week or so, and then start over. No matter what way I start, I never manage to keep it up.
Rating: 4 Stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: This is very good. It’ll take multiple starts to find the right fit and the right habit sequence. Keep trying, and pay attention to the specific things that work or don’t work. And, practice not putting yourself down for not keeping it up. It’s supposed to be a good thing, let it be.
Thanks for reading. If you’d like to help keep Semi-Rad going, forward this piece to someone who’d like it, consider making a Patreon contribution, check out the Semi-Rad Shop for posters and other fun stuff, or buy one of my books.
The post A Psychologist Rates The Strategies I Use To Deal With Stress And Anxiety appeared first on semi-rad.com.
from Explore https://semi-rad.com/2020/07/a-psychologist-rates-the-strategies-i-use-to-deal-with-stress-and-anxiety/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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olivereliott · 4 years
A Psychologist Rates The Strategies I Use To Deal With Stress And Anxiety
Like you, I am trying to get better at dealing with stress and anxiety. I am aware that I suck at it, and that the methods I have used to try to deal with it, along with not being created or recommended by any mental health professional, also suck. But I thought I would get a professional opinion on how those methods suck, and even maybe how much they suck, so I asked my friend and psychologist Dr. Trevor Davis for his professional opinion. He rated each strategy from one to five stars, one being bad and five being good, and wrote some notes in response to each one:
Strategy: Thinking “Everything Will Be Fine Once I Get [Thing] Done”
In this strategy, I do nothing to mitigate feelings of anxiety and stress when things are piling up on me and it feels as if it’s all very out of control. Instead of actually changing the way I look at things, or do things, or even stopping every once in a while to do some calming breathing exercises, I just keep going, for hours or days at a time, telling myself that once I finish a creative project, or meet a deadline, or get moved into a new house, or get through a public speaking event, I will feel better and things will be OK.
Rating: 2 Stars
Dr. Davis’ notes: Man, this one seems all about context and the big picture. Do this for a few hours, not a big deal. Do this for a few days? That is a recipe for some stomach ulcers. Like a hamster on a wheel, there’s always something to be done. Sounds tiring. While this strategy is probably better than procrastinating, the long-term consequences are what will get you eventually. Limited balance today means limited balance tomorrow.
  Strategy: Saying Yes To Everything That Scares Me
The idea behind this strategy is, theoretically, personal growth—saying yes to a thing that is outside of my comfort zone, in order to push myself to rise to the occasion and therefore improve, or prove to myself that I was better/stronger/more capable than I assumed I was. And eventually, be scared of nothing, which will decrease or eliminate anxiety (I guess?) Examples: ultramarathons, mountaineering objectives, creative projects, contract gigs I am not qualified for on paper, writing a book on a subject I don’t know that much about, any sort of professional interaction that will cause me to have impostor syndrome (all of them), etc.
Rating: 3 stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: This one has a lot of potential. If you would change the “everything” to “some things,” you have a winner. The problem with saying yes to too many scary things is that you’re always scared, which I generally don’t recommend. But, with balance (there’s that word again) I think this is a great example of pursuing your values, like pushing yourself. Just remember to keep this in check with remembering your own worthiness without having to “do it all.”
  Strategy: Thinking Of Every Single Thing That Could Go Wrong In Advance, In The Belief That If I Have Thought Of Something That Could Go Wrong, It Won’t Actually Happen
Example: In advance of a complicated travel itinerary, if I go over in my head all the ways I could fuck it up (or it could get fucked up without any input from me), everything will go smoothly—i.e. I could hit traffic on the way to the airport and be late for my flight, check-in could take forever, TSA could take forever, they could change my gate at the last minute, my flight could be delayed and I could miss my connection, at the other end my bag could not arrive and I could be late for the last train, and so on.
Rating: 1 star
Dr. Davis’s notes: This one actually makes me anxious just reading it, but  a lot of people use this strategy, even me. This might be less of a strategy but more an example of anxiety. Tolerating uncertainty is something most people struggle with in one way or another. What’s interesting is that while you may not like uncertainty, you do a lot of things that have a good amount of it – climbing, ultramarathons, traveling. For those of us who can get loaded down by uncertainty I find that it helps to first acknowledge the unknowns of the situation we are facing. But don’t stop there. Actively pull your mind to times where you accomplished something in a similar situation, or another time that things went well even when there was an unexpected setback or challenge. Remind yourself that you’re capable of managing changes and challenges, even when you cannot control all of the variables.
  Strategy: Eating A Whole Pizza
Even if it’s not a whole pizza, it is an amount of pizza higher than my caloric needs for the day, or two days, and I am not eating it to satiate hunger, but moreso to “feed my emotions.”
Rating: How big is the pizza? 1-5 stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: The usefulness of this one depends on a number of things. Sometimes emotions are hungry and it’s OK to feed them. Is it a treat, or is it a regular occurrence? Are you going to hurt yourself by doing this? I also know that if you tell yourself “No” you’re probably going to want to do this even more. That’s why restriction based diets don’t really work. I’d recommend improving this strategy by examining how much benefit versus harm it brings. Once the scale tips to more harm than good it’s worth finding a way to balance it out. It’s probably not a great strategy long term, but next time just invite me over and we can finish it together.
  Strategy: Eating A Whole Pizza, But Instead Of Pizza, An Unreasonable Quantity Of Ice Cream
Rating: 1 star
Dr. Davis’s notes:  I’d say go for it sometimes, but again, keep track of the risks involved. I’m “dairy sensitive,” so for me (and those around me) the risks are just too high.
  Strategy: Working Late At Night To Get Just A Couple More Things Done So I Can Go To Bed Not Having To Think About Those Things
Working, of course, involving a glowing screen of a laptop or iPad.
Rating: 2 stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: This one isn’t necessarily horrible, but it is going to vary case by case. How late are you staying up? How often are you doing this? Is it harmful to your relationships? I’d encourage a review of time management and how many things you’re taking on at once. Give yourself time to pre-plan the next day, before it gets late. Prioritize. Try to give your eyes (and brain) and break from the screen at least 30 minutes (if not more) before bed. It’s also good sleep hygiene to try and keep a consistent sleep/wake routine. Of course, life happens. There’s always a need for flexibility.
  Strategy: Running Long Distances To The Point Of Extreme Discomfort
A twofold strategy, in that running until the point of extreme discomfort allows me to forget all my worries for the period of minutes or hours that my legs and body hurt so much that I can’t think about anything else, and also in that the hours and even days following a long run provide a flush of endorphins that make me feel calm for a while.
Rating: 2 stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: You know, a lot of these strategies could be improved if they were less . . . extreme. Exercise is great for the bodymind and health, but too much can just be too much. Personally I’d worry about that extreme discomfort turning into an injury and then you’re left without running at all.
  Strategy: Watching Crappy Action Movies
This is a way of escaping reality for two to three hours, through watching a movie, but not just any movie—a movie with a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 55% or lower. I don’t know why I do this, or why so many people have to die violent deaths on screen, or why I can’t just watch documentaries, or even just good movies instead.
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Dr. Davis’ notes: This could be 5 stars if you were more accepting of how much this helps you. It is OK to take a break. Ever heard of it? Invite me over for this, and I’ll bring the pizza.
  Strategy: Treating Everything In Life Like A To-Do List, In Order To Be So Busy I Don’t Have To Be Present, Check In With Myself, Or Even Think About How I’m Feeling
With enough to-do lists, and enough action toward completing items on those to-do lists, and continually adding to those to-do lists, I can go entire days or weeks without ever realizing I don’t feel that great!
Rating: 1 Star
Dr. Davis’s notes: I suppose this is better than the alternative of not doing anything, but this strategy you’ve described is a perfect recipe for burnout. The good – making lists, taking action on goals, reviewing goals and accomplishments. The bad – ignoring your other needs and not checking in with yourself. The ugly – not noticing the other emotional needs. Again, the best thing to do is strive for some balance and make some space for checking in with how you are doing. Consider something like a daily check-in, asking yourself how you are physically, emotionally, in your relationships, and how is your progress on some of these important goals/tasks.
  Strategy: Taking A Nice Relaxing Stroll, But Instead Of Being Alone With My Thoughts, Listening To An Audiobook Or Finding Something Else To Distract Me
Could just take the dog for his evening walk and relax, but no, let’s plug in some ear buds and listen to a harrowing survival story, or, even better, a story of a shipwreck tragedy with no survivors. Or scroll through social media apps, real estate listings, weather apps, bank accounts, then repeat, ad nauseam.
Rating: 4 Stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: A relaxing stroll sounds like a great strategy for anxiety management. Do those “distractions” help you relax? If so, great! Nothing is inherently wrong with any of the things you listed, as long as they’re done intentionally. Entertain yourself sometimes, but sometimes practice saying no. When you say no your mind will kick and scream for a little while but eventually it will calm down and that urge to distract will settle.
  Strategy: Same As Above, But Replace “A Nice Relaxing Stroll” With Just About Any Situation In Which I Would Be Alone With My Thoughts
Rating: 2 Stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: Wherever you go, there you are. It’s totally OK to take some time away from thinking. Distraction is not always bad, but learning to be alone with your thoughts is important in managing anxiety in the long run.
  Strategy: Trying A Meditation App For 1-3 Sessions, Then Failing To Establish A Regular Practice Of It, Then Quitting
In this strategy, I think to myself several times a day for several weeks, “Maybe I should try meditating,” and then I download a meditation app, and two or three days later, I give it a shot. I may do only the first session, I may do a couple sessions, or even a session every day for three days in a row. Sometimes, I’ll even do a few sessions, fail to do any more sessions for a week or so, and then start over. No matter what way I start, I never manage to keep it up.
Rating: 4 Stars
Dr. Davis’s notes: This is very good. It’ll take multiple starts to find the right fit and the right habit sequence. Keep trying, and pay attention to the specific things that work or don’t work. And, practice not putting yourself down for not keeping it up. It’s supposed to be a good thing, let it be.
Thanks for reading. If you’d like to help keep Semi-Rad going, forward this piece to someone who’d like it, consider making a Patreon contribution, check out the Semi-Rad Shop for posters and other fun stuff, or buy one of my books.
The post A Psychologist Rates The Strategies I Use To Deal With Stress And Anxiety appeared first on semi-rad.com.
0 notes
coachingreviewsite · 5 years
What Everyone Ought To Know About FEELING BETTER TO BE BETTER
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/what-everyone-ought-to-know-about-feeling-better-to-be-better/
What Everyone Ought To Know About FEELING BETTER TO BE BETTER
As fun as planning to re-work your own life may seem, it is a very important to make positive changes so that you can live healthier and happier. You can free your life up of what cause you problems and can work towards being a better person. These tips below can help you start.
  Stress and happiness do not go together. When we are stressed out, it harms us mentally and physically. All of us need to have clear, relaxed thinking to enable us to plan and execute our life's purpose, and this only happens when we let go of stressful thoughts. Set aside a period of time each day when you can be alone, clear your thoughts, and completely relax. Having this time every day can make you more peaceful and happy with yourself.
    Great resources for overall personal development are books. Books can be audio, print or digital versions. The information contained in these sources will not only provide you with motivational quotes and tips, but also inspire you to take control of your situation and have you on your way to feeling more fulfilled and in tune with your emotions and behaviors.
  When you are trying to better yourself, set a deadline. Decide how long you will need to make up your mind and stick to that time-frame. How much time do you need to reflect and gather information? When you decide, set your deadline and tell your self that you are ready to live a better life.
  5 Parenting Tips to Raise Your Children for Success
"Success is no accident, it takes hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. For parents, success is something that children should be encouraged to achieve. However, in order for children to be successful, they must first be given the tools and habits Read More The post 5 Parenting Tips to Raise Your Children for Success appeared first on America's Leading Authority On Creating Success And Personal Fulfillment – Jack Canfield." https://www.jackcanfield.com/blog/parenting-tips/
Keep a change of comfortable clothes and shoes in your vehicle. That way you can always dart into a public restroom and change into something more comfortable after that hectic day at work. Who knows? You might even be inspired to stop by the park and take a walk if you have appropriate clothing on hand.
  Schedule time for your personal development to make sure it does not get lost in the chaos of daily activities. Developing yourself takes effort and commitment and deliberately scheduling time for development activities gives them the importance they deserve. Whether you schedule short blocks or longer ones, the key is to make your personal development a documented priority.
  Realize the trade-offs of saying yes to people. Every time you say yes to one thing, you are, without speaking, saying no to many other things. When you give time to one thing, you take it away from other activities you could have done. Choose to say yes to the right goals in your life and you will automatically be saying no to the less important things.
  Ask your friends and family for honest, positive feedback on your character. Earnestly requesting feedback is much different from simply fishing for compliments. Explain that you need help discovering things about yourself that make you a good friend, or what you could work on to become a more reliable and supportive friend.
  Learn to trust in yourself. If you can find a way to believe in yourself, you are sure to find more success in your life. If you know and believe in the potential that you have to succeed in life, you will find it easier to meet the goals that you have set for yourself.
  Harnessing Self-Compassion and Altruistic Behavior Improves Quality of Life
"You're reading Harnessing Self-Compassion and Altruistic Behavior Improves Quality of Life, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
For centuries, people have contemplated and argued over the merits and flaws of the human condition. Philosophers and psychologists have theoretically and scientifically dissected elements of the human psyche to get a better understanding of who we are as a species, and why we do what we do.
While much focus has been given to negative aspects of personal choices, I thought to put this discussion on an upswing through positivity by focusing on self-compassion and altruistic behavior.
Self-Worth May Come from the Outside In
More than ever, it’s become difficult to acquire self-awareness without partnering in self-defeating thoughts and misperceptions. True, in part, we are all a result of where we come from, what we’ve experienced, and the meaning we put behind it individually and collectively. Additionally, social media and the quest for being seen and heard instantaneously put added pressure on being our best, whether real or through a Facebook filter.
Responding to Others’ Plight
When considering how we represent ourselves to others, those we know as well as those we’ve yet to meet, research has shown that compassion towards others weighs heavy. When a person readily shows kindness to another, it is one of the most coveted and desired traits. But is this an attribute people are born with or acquire?
Caring Is Influenced by Early Environment
Studies have shown that humans and animals may be prewired for compassion. Think about when you’re feeling down or upset about something. If you have a household pet, a dog, reflect on how many times he or she somehow knew you needed comfort and came to your side for a nuzzle or a hug. Similarly, it’s hard to shake off the feeling of seeing emotional or physical pain in someone else.
Yet, why can some people turn a blind eye to a homeless person on a street corner in need of food or water, for example, while others possess the desire to help? The art of giving can be compartmentalized into two separate cause-and-effects:
The desire to make someone else feel good without the expectation of anything in return, or The intent to help another and receive a reward for doing so.
Is one way of giving any more or less effective than the other? It may come down to the benefits each provides the person doing the giving.
Altruism Can Be Different than Compassion
Many people can exhibit empathy towards others without actually taking action. Ask yourself this question: The last time you encountered a homeless person, did you feel badly for them, give them what they needed in material things, or have someone else provide them sustenance on your behalf (on your dollar)? Compassion is that emotional connection we have and exhibit, related to another’s feelings or situation and, the authentic desire to provide help to ease someone else’s suffering.
If a homeless person tugs on your heart strings, you exhibit empathy or the ability to take on what another person is feeling. Should you want to take action and provide them a meal or a room to sleep, that is known as altruism. Although altruism connects empathy or compassion with feeling, it transcends it through action that will positively impact the person or entity on the receiving end.
But can a person engage in altruism without taking credit for it? Absolutely. Altruism is all about doing something for the greater good.  For example, providing an anonymous monetary or other type of donation to a person or a cause is a form of altruism. Just as any other action is often a learned response to something, altruism can be taught—so too, can compassion.
The Culture of Compassion Starts by Practicing Self Love
At some point in your lifetime, you may have heard a friend muse the following sentiment: “If you don’t take care of you, how can you effectively take care of someone else?” This is often evident in the case of family. I would know. I remember the anguish in witnessing my younger brother fall from the limelight due to drug addiction, before he finally received proper treatment and manage his opioid withdrawal symptoms using the Bridge Device.
When one member is going through a hard time, others will often sacrifice something of themselves to care for the one hurting. While this is noble and in the moment perceived as necessary, in the long term, it might bring about more harm. But by practicing self-compassion day-to-day, it puts each person in the position of loving oneself and honoring each aspect of their existence: mind, body and soul.
In doing so, we are practicing a heightened level of consciousness and with it, are more available to exercise compassion to others. But there’s an instinctive side to compassion as well.
Paying It Forward, Squared 
Renowned naturalist Charles Darwin said this of the human race and survival of the fittest : “The greater strength of the social or maternal instincts than that of any other instinct or motive.” He also held firm that the communities made up of the most sympathetic individuals would do better, as a whole, than others and continue onward.
To take this into your own life, consider the impact you can make, simply by performing one random act of kindness each day. Now, what if the person on the receiving end of your graciousness would do the same for someone else? And so on. And so on.
How long would it take for these acts of humanity to heal your family, your circle of friends, your community, your city, and reach global proportion? Treating the world in kind begins with you.
Self-Love Is Essential to Emotional Survival
Neuroscientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have long been involved in the study of how the brain responds to compassion, specifically in the act of giving and receiving. Whether you are engaging in helping someone else or receiving the help, the brain’s pleasure/reward center ignites during the process. A flood of wonderful feel-good hormones is released to our internal systems, boosting emotional and physical wellbeing.
Yet, many continue to take in unhealthy sources to elicit our natural pleasure responses such as medications, alcohol, illegal drugs, junk foods, gaming, gambling, and more that certainly don’t support emotional and physical balance in oneself or others.
Removing Judgement
Understanding and accepting personal flaws and transgressions, as well as bodily imperfections, is difficult as society bombards us with messages that dictate what we should be and how much we fall short.
A crucial part of self-love and self-compassion is to remove the self-judgment that shrouds the way we view ourselves. Once you are able to hone the ability to keep judgment from derailing personal confidence, the time spent judging others will also fall away leaving more opportunity for compassion to arise.
The Courage to Be Vulnerable
One of the many repercussions of living in self-judgment is that it allows us to keep a barrier within, keeping emotions at arm’s length from our intelligence. A mind-to-soul disconnect then exists. Not only does this prevent a knowing and accepting of whom each of us is, but also from being open to true self-expression and reciprocal compassion.
Eliminating Personal Façade
Before a person can experience vulnerability, self-imposed walls often used as coping mechanisms will need to be identified and eliminated. These kinds of personal walls are built on the inside and used to shield us from life triggers that can bring about fear, anger, or discontent from unresolved issues in the past. In addition, when people create specific personal façades about themselves such as the selfie culture on social media, it casts a false truth while expressing what we want others to believe as real. This is a self-defeating ritual that can compromise self-compassion.
Accepting What Is Real
Removing the veil of pretense is perhaps the most fulfilling undertaking one can do for oneself. It takes the pressure off of achieving unrealistic expectations while opening up the door to realizing self-esteem and the need to help others experience the same. The power of living authentically and surrounding yourself with people who are just as real is life-changing, exponentially.
Improve Quality of Life by Opening Your Heart
Nurturing compassion in any moment of the day empowers both the initiator and the receiver. Through self-love, you can reassess how to value yourself better and be gentle with yourself, ultimately serving the greater good. When humanity can get past the fear of what was and enjoy what is, the what will be is more fruitful to us all.
You've read Harnessing Self-Compassion and Altruistic Behavior Improves Quality of Life, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles." https://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/harnessing-self-compassion-and-altruistic-behavior-improves-quality-of-life/
When working on personal development it is important to find out exactly what it is that you want to do with your life. If the word life sounds too big, you need to at least have a plan for the next 5 years. Having goals bigger than what you are is a way to add value to your life. Make the time for quiet contemplation of where you want your life to go.
  One of the keys to happiness is success. That is why it is important for you to achieve your goals in order to become happier. This could be work related or something from your personal life, whatever it is, work hard at it. Do not let any setbacks stop you from achieving your goal.
  Realize your personal strengths and play on them each day. Your personal strengths have a great deal to with personal development, helping you to go forth from day to day with the ability to deal with the stress and challenges that arise. However, only when you realize these strengths can you really play upon them and use them to your advantage.
  A great tip that can help you with your personal development goals, is to surround yourself with people who are positive and supportive. If you're around negative people all the time, it can be hard for you to make any positive changes. Being around positive people can help a lot.
  How to Be a More Interesting Person: 11 Strategies to Captivate Someone’s Attention
"Being interesting is equally vital as being successful. Gone are the days when being busy to cultivate hobbies is considered a badge of honor. At present, people are more willing to listen to what you have to say when you have a “life.” It shows that you’ve got a balanced personality. Furthermore, being an interesting person helps […]The post How to Be a More Interesting Person: 11 Strategies to Captivate Someone’s Attention appeared first on Develop Good Habits. " https://www.developgoodhabits.com/be-more-interesting/
Keep a journal of your private thoughts, feelings and ideas. This is a great way for you to be able to take a trip back in time and see how much you have grown over that time. Taking the little bit of time needed to jot down these things is really going to go a long way in your personal growth progress.
  Make a decision about where you want to go in life and stick with it. You won't get anywhere if you only think about what you want to do. Fulfill your dreams and make what you desire a reality.
  Keep in mind that you are not perfect. Even if you have come a long way or if most people usually compliment you, this does not mean you have reached perfection. You should always look for things to improve in your life. Be demanding with yourself and make efforts towards perfection.
  A great way to develop yourself is to make sure your body, mind, and spirit are all in harmony. Once you are in complete harmony, you will notice an immediate calm fill your entire body. This is needed to reduce the stress from our hectic lives that we lead. The only way to possess complete harmony is to have true love.
  While re-planning your life seems like a lot of fun, you should feel better that you know how to do it. You can now apply your newly acquired knowledge to making positive changes to live your life and to become a better person. Now is the perfect time for you to change things.
0 notes
What Everyone Ought To Know About FEELING BETTER TO BE BETTER
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/what-everyone-ought-to-know-about-feeling-better-to-be-better/
What Everyone Ought To Know About FEELING BETTER TO BE BETTER
As fun as planning to re-work your own life may seem, it is a very important to make positive changes so that you can live healthier and happier. You can free your life up of what cause you problems and can work towards being a better person. These tips below can help you start.
  Stress and happiness do not go together. When we are stressed out, it harms us mentally and physically. All of us need to have clear, relaxed thinking to enable us to plan and execute our life's purpose, and this only happens when we let go of stressful thoughts. Set aside a period of time each day when you can be alone, clear your thoughts, and completely relax. Having this time every day can make you more peaceful and happy with yourself.
    Great resources for overall personal development are books. Books can be audio, print or digital versions. The information contained in these sources will not only provide you with motivational quotes and tips, but also inspire you to take control of your situation and have you on your way to feeling more fulfilled and in tune with your emotions and behaviors.
  When you are trying to better yourself, set a deadline. Decide how long you will need to make up your mind and stick to that time-frame. How much time do you need to reflect and gather information? When you decide, set your deadline and tell your self that you are ready to live a better life.
  5 Parenting Tips to Raise Your Children for Success
"Success is no accident, it takes hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. For parents, success is something that children should be encouraged to achieve. However, in order for children to be successful, they must first be given the tools and habits Read More The post 5 Parenting Tips to Raise Your Children for Success appeared first on America's Leading Authority On Creating Success And Personal Fulfillment – Jack Canfield." https://www.jackcanfield.com/blog/parenting-tips/
Keep a change of comfortable clothes and shoes in your vehicle. That way you can always dart into a public restroom and change into something more comfortable after that hectic day at work. Who knows? You might even be inspired to stop by the park and take a walk if you have appropriate clothing on hand.
  Schedule time for your personal development to make sure it does not get lost in the chaos of daily activities. Developing yourself takes effort and commitment and deliberately scheduling time for development activities gives them the importance they deserve. Whether you schedule short blocks or longer ones, the key is to make your personal development a documented priority.
  Realize the trade-offs of saying yes to people. Every time you say yes to one thing, you are, without speaking, saying no to many other things. When you give time to one thing, you take it away from other activities you could have done. Choose to say yes to the right goals in your life and you will automatically be saying no to the less important things.
  Ask your friends and family for honest, positive feedback on your character. Earnestly requesting feedback is much different from simply fishing for compliments. Explain that you need help discovering things about yourself that make you a good friend, or what you could work on to become a more reliable and supportive friend.
  Learn to trust in yourself. If you can find a way to believe in yourself, you are sure to find more success in your life. If you know and believe in the potential that you have to succeed in life, you will find it easier to meet the goals that you have set for yourself.
  Harnessing Self-Compassion and Altruistic Behavior Improves Quality of Life
"You're reading Harnessing Self-Compassion and Altruistic Behavior Improves Quality of Life, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
For centuries, people have contemplated and argued over the merits and flaws of the human condition. Philosophers and psychologists have theoretically and scientifically dissected elements of the human psyche to get a better understanding of who we are as a species, and why we do what we do.
While much focus has been given to negative aspects of personal choices, I thought to put this discussion on an upswing through positivity by focusing on self-compassion and altruistic behavior.
Self-Worth May Come from the Outside In
More than ever, it’s become difficult to acquire self-awareness without partnering in self-defeating thoughts and misperceptions. True, in part, we are all a result of where we come from, what we’ve experienced, and the meaning we put behind it individually and collectively. Additionally, social media and the quest for being seen and heard instantaneously put added pressure on being our best, whether real or through a Facebook filter.
Responding to Others’ Plight
When considering how we represent ourselves to others, those we know as well as those we’ve yet to meet, research has shown that compassion towards others weighs heavy. When a person readily shows kindness to another, it is one of the most coveted and desired traits. But is this an attribute people are born with or acquire?
Caring Is Influenced by Early Environment
Studies have shown that humans and animals may be prewired for compassion. Think about when you’re feeling down or upset about something. If you have a household pet, a dog, reflect on how many times he or she somehow knew you needed comfort and came to your side for a nuzzle or a hug. Similarly, it’s hard to shake off the feeling of seeing emotional or physical pain in someone else.
Yet, why can some people turn a blind eye to a homeless person on a street corner in need of food or water, for example, while others possess the desire to help? The art of giving can be compartmentalized into two separate cause-and-effects:
The desire to make someone else feel good without the expectation of anything in return, or The intent to help another and receive a reward for doing so.
Is one way of giving any more or less effective than the other? It may come down to the benefits each provides the person doing the giving.
Altruism Can Be Different than Compassion
Many people can exhibit empathy towards others without actually taking action. Ask yourself this question: The last time you encountered a homeless person, did you feel badly for them, give them what they needed in material things, or have someone else provide them sustenance on your behalf (on your dollar)? Compassion is that emotional connection we have and exhibit, related to another’s feelings or situation and, the authentic desire to provide help to ease someone else’s suffering.
If a homeless person tugs on your heart strings, you exhibit empathy or the ability to take on what another person is feeling. Should you want to take action and provide them a meal or a room to sleep, that is known as altruism. Although altruism connects empathy or compassion with feeling, it transcends it through action that will positively impact the person or entity on the receiving end.
But can a person engage in altruism without taking credit for it? Absolutely. Altruism is all about doing something for the greater good.  For example, providing an anonymous monetary or other type of donation to a person or a cause is a form of altruism. Just as any other action is often a learned response to something, altruism can be taught—so too, can compassion.
The Culture of Compassion Starts by Practicing Self Love
At some point in your lifetime, you may have heard a friend muse the following sentiment: “If you don’t take care of you, how can you effectively take care of someone else?” This is often evident in the case of family. I would know. I remember the anguish in witnessing my younger brother fall from the limelight due to drug addiction, before he finally received proper treatment and manage his opioid withdrawal symptoms using the Bridge Device.
When one member is going through a hard time, others will often sacrifice something of themselves to care for the one hurting. While this is noble and in the moment perceived as necessary, in the long term, it might bring about more harm. But by practicing self-compassion day-to-day, it puts each person in the position of loving oneself and honoring each aspect of their existence: mind, body and soul.
In doing so, we are practicing a heightened level of consciousness and with it, are more available to exercise compassion to others. But there’s an instinctive side to compassion as well.
Paying It Forward, Squared 
Renowned naturalist Charles Darwin said this of the human race and survival of the fittest : “The greater strength of the social or maternal instincts than that of any other instinct or motive.” He also held firm that the communities made up of the most sympathetic individuals would do better, as a whole, than others and continue onward.
To take this into your own life, consider the impact you can make, simply by performing one random act of kindness each day. Now, what if the person on the receiving end of your graciousness would do the same for someone else? And so on. And so on.
How long would it take for these acts of humanity to heal your family, your circle of friends, your community, your city, and reach global proportion? Treating the world in kind begins with you.
Self-Love Is Essential to Emotional Survival
Neuroscientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have long been involved in the study of how the brain responds to compassion, specifically in the act of giving and receiving. Whether you are engaging in helping someone else or receiving the help, the brain’s pleasure/reward center ignites during the process. A flood of wonderful feel-good hormones is released to our internal systems, boosting emotional and physical wellbeing.
Yet, many continue to take in unhealthy sources to elicit our natural pleasure responses such as medications, alcohol, illegal drugs, junk foods, gaming, gambling, and more that certainly don’t support emotional and physical balance in oneself or others.
Removing Judgement
Understanding and accepting personal flaws and transgressions, as well as bodily imperfections, is difficult as society bombards us with messages that dictate what we should be and how much we fall short.
A crucial part of self-love and self-compassion is to remove the self-judgment that shrouds the way we view ourselves. Once you are able to hone the ability to keep judgment from derailing personal confidence, the time spent judging others will also fall away leaving more opportunity for compassion to arise.
The Courage to Be Vulnerable
One of the many repercussions of living in self-judgment is that it allows us to keep a barrier within, keeping emotions at arm’s length from our intelligence. A mind-to-soul disconnect then exists. Not only does this prevent a knowing and accepting of whom each of us is, but also from being open to true self-expression and reciprocal compassion.
Eliminating Personal Façade
Before a person can experience vulnerability, self-imposed walls often used as coping mechanisms will need to be identified and eliminated. These kinds of personal walls are built on the inside and used to shield us from life triggers that can bring about fear, anger, or discontent from unresolved issues in the past. In addition, when people create specific personal façades about themselves such as the selfie culture on social media, it casts a false truth while expressing what we want others to believe as real. This is a self-defeating ritual that can compromise self-compassion.
Accepting What Is Real
Removing the veil of pretense is perhaps the most fulfilling undertaking one can do for oneself. It takes the pressure off of achieving unrealistic expectations while opening up the door to realizing self-esteem and the need to help others experience the same. The power of living authentically and surrounding yourself with people who are just as real is life-changing, exponentially.
Improve Quality of Life by Opening Your Heart
Nurturing compassion in any moment of the day empowers both the initiator and the receiver. Through self-love, you can reassess how to value yourself better and be gentle with yourself, ultimately serving the greater good. When humanity can get past the fear of what was and enjoy what is, the what will be is more fruitful to us all.
You've read Harnessing Self-Compassion and Altruistic Behavior Improves Quality of Life, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles." https://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/harnessing-self-compassion-and-altruistic-behavior-improves-quality-of-life/
When working on personal development it is important to find out exactly what it is that you want to do with your life. If the word life sounds too big, you need to at least have a plan for the next 5 years. Having goals bigger than what you are is a way to add value to your life. Make the time for quiet contemplation of where you want your life to go.
  One of the keys to happiness is success. That is why it is important for you to achieve your goals in order to become happier. This could be work related or something from your personal life, whatever it is, work hard at it. Do not let any setbacks stop you from achieving your goal.
  Realize your personal strengths and play on them each day. Your personal strengths have a great deal to with personal development, helping you to go forth from day to day with the ability to deal with the stress and challenges that arise. However, only when you realize these strengths can you really play upon them and use them to your advantage.
  A great tip that can help you with your personal development goals, is to surround yourself with people who are positive and supportive. If you're around negative people all the time, it can be hard for you to make any positive changes. Being around positive people can help a lot.
  How to Be a More Interesting Person: 11 Strategies to Captivate Someone’s Attention
"Being interesting is equally vital as being successful. Gone are the days when being busy to cultivate hobbies is considered a badge of honor. At present, people are more willing to listen to what you have to say when you have a “life.” It shows that you’ve got a balanced personality. Furthermore, being an interesting person helps […]The post How to Be a More Interesting Person: 11 Strategies to Captivate Someone’s Attention appeared first on Develop Good Habits. " https://www.developgoodhabits.com/be-more-interesting/
Keep a journal of your private thoughts, feelings and ideas. This is a great way for you to be able to take a trip back in time and see how much you have grown over that time. Taking the little bit of time needed to jot down these things is really going to go a long way in your personal growth progress.
  Make a decision about where you want to go in life and stick with it. You won't get anywhere if you only think about what you want to do. Fulfill your dreams and make what you desire a reality.
  Keep in mind that you are not perfect. Even if you have come a long way or if most people usually compliment you, this does not mean you have reached perfection. You should always look for things to improve in your life. Be demanding with yourself and make efforts towards perfection.
  A great way to develop yourself is to make sure your body, mind, and spirit are all in harmony. Once you are in complete harmony, you will notice an immediate calm fill your entire body. This is needed to reduce the stress from our hectic lives that we lead. The only way to possess complete harmony is to have true love.
  While re-planning your life seems like a lot of fun, you should feel better that you know how to do it. You can now apply your newly acquired knowledge to making positive changes to live your life and to become a better person. Now is the perfect time for you to change things.
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The Shocking Revelation of SEO 2019
Professional SEO solutions can lift your site over your competition. The main stage of SEO is to end up being friendly both to users plus search engines. Based in Colorado springs municipal airport terminal, CO, SocialSEO has been the particular preeminent digital marketing firm within Colorado since 1996. Although the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION experts provide great SEO providers for their clients, there are usually a few who ruin the particular internet design industry through their particular greed in marketing efforts plus manipulate search engine rank. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION may target different kinds associated with search, including image search, nearby search, video search, academic lookup, news search and industry-specific up and down search engines. The benefits of powerful digital marketing plans are fairly much proven throughout Blog9T the board nevertheless when it comes to companies within the photography industry the particular SEO aspects of the marketing method really do make all associated with the difference to helping the photographer stand out from this crowd. HISTORY LESSON: Old SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION advice suggested you connect along with websites and trade links along with each other True, a huge reliable site linking to you may boost up your ranking, yet, it's not going to assist your relevancy score when the particular linked content isn't related in order to the website sharing it. 10. Quality back back links need to be built upward to your site for efficient SEO. SEO is about attracting individuals to your site to start with by making sure this shows up searching queries. SEO organizations are able to track almost every aspect of their technique, like increases in rankings, visitors and conversions. The strategies which were the simplest (reciprocal links or directory submissions) perform not work anymore, therefore the particular SEOs spend a lot associated with time trying different approaches. The particular Moz Pro is another place of Tools that check the particular important factors related to your own website's search ranking. Selection of key phrases or phrases plays an important component in an SEO campaign considering that it saves you the pictures in the dark. In 2019 the particular digital marketing companies can anticipate a lot of voice queries, and by 2020, about 50 percent of the searches will end up being either voice searches or image-based searches. Read our Mobile SEO 2019 Checklist before you decide in order to implement. Typically the first element of optimizing images is usually including your keywords in typically the image file name (seo_guide. jpg). The inevitable adjustments that will occur in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in the near future are usually abolition of keywords stuffing plus spam backlinks, real-time personalized customer support by online marketers, improvement within the quality of visual content material as a result of advancement of video SEO, optimization associated with websites with conversational keywords plus generating massive quantity of current data. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION remains one of the lengthy term marketing strategies that function best for companies that are usually looking to improve their on-line visibility. BrightLocal offers been helping local businesses, multi-location businesses and SEO professionals realize and boost their positions in the particular local search market since year. Gowns where search engine optimization, or even SEO, is available in. Right here are the best conferences in order to learn more about SEO (and digital marketing) in 2018 plus 2019. Every little or multi-location company can develop their business and attract even more customers using Local SEO methods In this article we clarify what local search optimization will be, and why using a nearby SEO company can help enhance your online visibility. It provides an introduction in order to the basics of search motors and SEO, and then extends into more advanced topics. Black hat SEO is the group of unethical practices in order to improve rankings of the site in the search engine outcomes page. SEO Wise Links provides automatic SEO advantages for your site in add-on to custom keyword lists, from it and much more. Detailed with this Bruce Clay SEO tutorial are reliable strategies that aim to enhance both internal and external elements that influence search ranking. To demonstrate, if you we're planning to end up being found locally when users appear for SEO services in your own area, and you're based within Wales, one such search phrase you might look to optimize for may be "SEO wales". Search Engine Optimizers (SEO's) are people who optimize internet sites to make them show upward higher on search engines plus gain more website visitors. SEO specialists started in order to abuse PageRank in order in order to raise the rankings. Now could be a great time to take a nearer take a look at SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION marketing information because search is getting even worse for many types of B2B plus B2C businesses. SEO marketers plus writers typically come up along with different kinds of content in order to place the necessary keywords within. These are some of the particular most used types, and every one helps to give rise to the level of variety in conditions of website content. Certain black hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION techniques, such as keyword filling, are believed to be the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION equivalent of spamming, and lookup engines will penalize them. Internet marketing is exclusively driven by SEO or research engine optimization. Others are usually simply traditional PR firms that have learned SEO as nicely as the value of hyperlinks. Here's a cliche among electronic marketers: Search engine optimization (SEO) isn't what used to become. Google announced that will they released several minor enhancements over the period of the particular time of about a 7 days and after analysis, experts inside the SEO industry concluded that will the updates were the outcome of keyword permutations and web site using doorway pages. SEO, or Search Motor Optimization, means setting up your own website and content to show up through online search results. People which want to take their company to some new height plus generally and mostly believe within the way of SEO advertising. Off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION concentrates on increasing the authority associated with your domain through the act associated with getting links from all some other websites. Regarding: Search Engine Journal's flagship meeting, SEJ Summit, is dedicated to offering SEO pros the actual require, with an agenda of unique, first-run presentations covering the newest SEO and PPC tactics through renowned experts, plus excellent network opportunities. SEO combines official research engine guidelines, empirical knowledge, plus theoretical knowledge from science documents or patents. This is usually a half-day workshop at LeadsCon that will be designed to be able to give attendees an end-to-end look at of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), how it works, and real things they can do right now to improve their SEO efficiency. After the Search engines Panda algorithm appeared, SEO professionals realized just how much key phrase frequency and density matters. SEO means optimizing your content articles so it shows up even more often in search results. 33. With social media systems like Facebook diminishing visibility associated with companies and brands, SEO (as well as paid promotion) is usually becoming critically important for generating traffic to your social stations. 2019 dates TBD. ). Why go to: One-track conference full of forward-thinking, tactical sessions in SEO, development marketing, the mobile landscape, analytics, content marketing and more. ” Don't miss the LeadsCon Meeting in Vegas, March 4-6, 2019. SEO's basic importance comes from the particular fact that most users display strong search dominance — that will will be, search is the main method people go places on the particular Internet. Reading blogs connected with SEO might also be very useful within locating out concerning the important companies on the market which usually are offering comprehensive and genuine Search engine optimization services in the direction of the corporate sector. The initial SEO is dependent mostly on number of key phrases targeted and the size associated with your web site, while the particular ongoing link campaign depends even more on the competitiveness of the particular keywords chosen. Whether most likely an SEO newbie or the seasoned practitioner, I encourage a person to fully read this in order to understand how you can obtain your content on top associated with search results. Large Brand campaigns are far, much distinctive from small business SEO promotions that have no links, to start with, to give you yet an example. These SEO companies have got a strategy requiring clients in order to pay for the major lookup engines (including Google and Yahoo) for monthly website maintenance. Authorities are reporting that 2019 may be the year of words search, and that the words search algorithm may change plus supersede text search relatively. A TOP DOG blog is simply one component of social media distribution, a significant SEO strategy according to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Consult You should be disseminating links to fresh content upon your site across appropriate interpersonal networking platforms. Link building is a type of off-site SEO where additional sites link back to your own site if they feel a person offer something of value in order to their audience. In many important areas they overlap; if SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is more technical and provides to a narrow sphere, articles marketing takes a holistic technique. Equally, generally there is no point in losing your SEO marketing efforts simply by delivering lots of traffic in order to your website from highly related search queries, when the consumer experience upon landing on that will website is poor quality. On web page, SEO relates to keywords. In addition to the over search engine optimization solutions, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services provide other Internet marketing and advertising services, which includes: search-friendly internet design, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising strategies, backlink programs, SMO services, blog page optimization and marketing, targeted nearby search engine marketing, and cellular marketing optimization. A successful SEO effort wants to move beyond building delighted to rank on highly looked keywords and should have the heavy focus on providing solutions for genres of unique questions that many people might research by voice. Learn the particular strategy behind great SEO, which includes keyword planning, content optimization, hyperlink building, and SEO for e-commerce, local search, and mobile viewers. Search engine optimization or SEO is usually the simple process of making sure a website can be discovered in search engines for words and phrases and phrases relevant to exactly what the site is providing. Since her business, web traffic, plus customer base grow, Sue can require some outside support intended for keeping her SEO on trail so she can certainly still sell the particular best shoes on the stop. Whilst links continue to be essential and it's incredibly difficult in order to rank well without links through other websites, content and on-page SEO has become increasingly essential. For businesses searching to raise their search ranks, what this means is that will a comprehensive social media technique could be in order - within addition to all of the particular usual SEO tactics. Because of protocol changes and the trend in order to more local searches, it actually is no longer an massive cost to implement good SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Whether you're killing it along with SEO, or struggling to split the very first page, a good SEO audit can assist give your own rankings a shot within the particular arm. According to web marketing experts, the impact associated with AI and Voice Browse SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION can be expected in 2019 after that. Gowns it. If you'd like in order to speak to us about a good SEO campaign, or even multilingual SEO marketing and keyword analysis then get in touch associated with just start a live conversation if we're around. Moreover, Google will carry on to elevate the importance associated with usability and technical SEO aspects, like site security, page rate, mobile friendliness, and navigability. As a consultant, he or she has helped many different businesses—including, Lonely Planet, Zillow, Tower Information, and literally numerous medium plus small businesses—with SEO and online-marketing advice. A greater number associated with people will stick to tone of voice search, so SEO specialists will certainly need to adjust to this particular relatively new kind of lookup. Seo or SEO will be a powerful method to generate targeted traffic to your internet site and hopefully increase your base line. Whilst many marketing tactics rely upon you reaching out to your own audience, SEO gives you the particular power to achieve people whenever they are actively searching away information related to your providers and products. White colored hat SEOs the actual suggestions of Google and other research engines like google. As Google's search engine outcomes become increasingly monetized and various other platforms such as Amazon plus YouTube gain more SoV plus search volume, I think we are going to overdue for the focus associated with SEO to shift far through Google. Traditional SEO is definitely focused on building (keyword relevant) links and (keyword relevant) content material. The main reason these kinds of are sometimes misunderstood is because you will find a whole Internet underbelly of alleged SEO companies that you may pay to link to your own site on their networks associated with low-quality articles. However, before we obtain to our main event, We must note that after the 2017 edition of SEO tendencies launched last year on Research Engine Journal, we heard the couple of complaints about simply how long it was. After that your boss tells you you aren't accountable for search engine marketing (SEO), too. Michael jordan Harling, SEO Specialist at Roman Blinds Direct, agrees with the particular consensus that voice search may be the trend in 2019. Dave Gregory, Content Marketing Supervisor from the UK based efficiency marketing agency, SiteVisibility, predicts that will 2019, and not 2018, will be going to be the true year of voice. If we consider Google's Guide then there are almost 200+ factors that lead a site in ranking, which we have got researched and clustered in twenty one On Page SEO Factors, that will needs your attention in 2019. SEO Wise Links can automatically link essential terms in your posts plus comments with corresponding posts, webpages, categories and tags on your own blog. 41. An effective cultural media strategy needs a strong SEO plan. Google does make a few of this data accessible in their particular free Webmaster Tools interface (if you haven't set up a free account, this is a very useful SEO tool both for unearthing search query data and with regard to diagnosing various technical SEO issues). AI and Tone of voice Search Impact SEO, Lets discover how voice search analytics Impact's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and can impact in the particular coming time. A great many businesses determine to hire external help for you to get the full benefits involving SEO, so a large portion of our audience is studying how to convince their customers that search is a superb investment (and then prove it! ). Nevertheless, SEOs tend in order to prefer links higher on the page. Because your site, credited to the nature of your current business is going to become more image orientated than text message heavy, you may be at a moderate disadvantage when it comes to be able to employing SEO techniques such while keywords, backlinking and so up. On this web page you'll find a list associated with 21 SEO insanely tactical strategies that you can use in order to boost your engine rankings. 26% of respondents state email is the digital advertising channel using the greatest positive effect on revenue; SEO is 2nd (17%), followed by paid research (15%), social media (5%), plus online display advertising (5%). Along with an increased focus on consumer experience, Google has challenged the particular SEO community to pay even more attention to the entire encounter of a website and exactly how the content interacts with customers, rather than just the fundamental elements that most optimize towards. While that will certainly not get solved in 2018, we require integrate the SEO group alongside other marketing, both compensated and owned initiatives. For example, several The History of SEO 2019 businesses miss the mark along with SEO and images, and nevertheless rank well. Thankfully, you can find your personal broken links on site using the particular myriad of Tools available. Ask any SEO services company and they will tell a person that whenever a page is usually searched, the major search motors spiders search it through hyperlinks. Effective SEO aims to boost research engine position, user visits, come back visits, and to improve transformation rates, which reflect the figures of visitors who take preferred actions on the site. Wise SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION activities transform your rankings in the particular search engine results page (SERP). This is the supreme goal for ecommerce SEO, plus the traffic those links may bring through will convert from a very high rate. For blog websites the greatest SEO practice would be in order to set the title of your own post in a heading1 label. Search engines is the gatekeeper to huge amounts of traffic and prospects - search engine optimization (SEO) opens the doors. Mainly because long as they are gained naturally, inbound links are most likely the most dependable authority contractors in the world of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. We all call this new methodology AdaptiveSEO so that as its title suggests, it is made in order to adapt to the evolving plus sometimes unexpected changes in lookup algorithms. Numerous get confused in this region of SEO article writing suggestions for either they in place too little or maybe the particular wrong kind of keywords, or even they mention the keyword method too much which is occasionally called keyword over stuffing. Social SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION isn't a separate branch associated with SEO and it won't shortly be replacing traditional SEO, yet social signals are becoming progressively incorporated into search engine methods. Perhaps the particular most important aspect of research engine optimization is how a person can actually leverage SEO in order to assist drive more relevant visitors, leads, and sales for your own business. Just browse through the various types of our SEO blog page to find those important on-page ranking factors. According to him, key phrases have already lost their significance and in 2019 this craze would only get stronger. Seo (SEO) will be the most efficient way in order to drive traffic to your internet site. Looking deeper: In present-day SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, you can't simply include since a lot of keywords as possible to achieve the people who are searching for you. SEO stands for Search Motor Optimization and refers to methods you can use to assist ensure that your site rates high in the results associated with search engines like Google. It blends ranks and search volumes in the manner that makes it even more relevant, insightful and easier in order to understand than any other SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION performance tracking approach. About: Advanced Search Summit is definitely designed for advanced SEO experts, digital marketers, and analysts in enterprise and mid-market sized businesses who want advanced tactics plus techniques. SEO stands for seo. ” It is the process associated with getting traffic through the free, ” organic, ” editorial” or natural” search results on search motors like google. If you're believing about ramping up SEM initiatives to complement organic SEO, end up being sure to take a appearance at Google Adwords ' Research Ads page. The large section of SEO is developing valuable, high-quality content (e. grams., blog articles and web web page copy) that your potential audience may find helpful. SEO alone cannot perform much for your business yet when combined with content advertising, social internet marketing, email advertising, mobile marketing and PPC advertising, it can help businesses achieve the pinnacle of success on the internet. User-generated content racks up serious SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION points by providing sites along with fresh content, bundles of back links, and sources for organically framing natural attributes. You'll find it right here Also really worth checking away is Moz's Beginner's Explained SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, ” which you'll find right here, and the SEO Success Pyramid from Small Business Search Marketing and advertising. Off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategy refers to the impact of a change in various other websites in your search position. Bruce Clay-based set the standard for honest internet marketing by authoring the particular " SEO Code of Integrity, " now translated into eighteen languages, and it has already been a respected leader within the particular ever-changing research engine marketing industry since mil novecentos e noventa e seis. Website SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION (including, content optimisation, meta optimization, the significance of links). A good SEO Specialist is someone that is an expert on the particular topic of search engine optimisation. Just due to the fact a proper On-page and Off-page SEO optimization work will provide a better Ranking to your own website in Search Engine Outcome Page (SERP). The greatest SEO change and craze I realize already happening within 2018 is Google's switch in order to a mobile-first index, so when a site is not however mobile-friendly and optimized for this, it's critical to prioritize this particular as it is now essential for its SEO success. With good on-page SEO, research engines can easily index your own web pages, understand what your own site is about, and very easily navigate the structure and content material of your website, thus rank your site accordingly. With regard to successful team management and inter-client cooperation, online editors really are usually a must, especially those which usually detect and highlight critical SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION errors, non-unique, text, and key phrase stuffing. By the end of this particular module, you should be capable to define Search Engine Optimisation and explain the basics associated with SEO as being a business (as properly as how SEO shapes the particular Internet itself. ) You'll furthermore be able to explain the particular differences between three main SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION job types, and be ready to choose a career that will best suits your current objectives. A highly effective research marketing campaign, will encompass each search engine optimisation (SEO) plus pay per click advertising (PPC). One of our favorite on the web toolkits is SEMrush, which contains a variety of tools with regard to SEO, content marketing, and search engine marketing techniques. An SEO Content Writer is definitely someone that writes content for the particular purpose of having it display up on search engines plus gain website visitors. Internet marketing perfect for the platform of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION or Search engine optimization. With voice search arrives two areas of interest in order to SEO folks wishing to link with consumers: intent and circumstance. SocialSEO is proud to help future experts in the planet of business and marketing along with the annual SocialSEO Digital Advertising and SEO Scholarship. Finally SEO Wise links enables you to arranged nofollow attribute and open hyperlinks in new window.
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goarticletec-blog · 6 years
Qualcomm just gave us our best glimpse yet into the 5G revolution
New Post has been published on https://www.articletec.com/qualcomm-just-gave-us-our-best-glimpse-yet-into-the-5g-revolution/
Qualcomm just gave us our best glimpse yet into the 5G revolution
5G will change our lives… eventually. 
James Martin/CNET
Do you want to know what 5G is going to look like? Qualcomm just went all-in on the next-generation wireless technology will look like next year. 
The maker of mobile chips, best known for the powerful processors that serve as the brains of high-profile smartphones like the Google Pixel 3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 9, this week is holding its annual Snapdragon Tech Summit in Maui. Qualcomm showed off a prototype phone capable of tapping into 5G networks. AT&T and Verizon have set up “live networks” in the hotel where the event is being held to show off their capability. 
“A lot of the work went into getting the 5G to show on this phone,” Qualcomm President Cristiano Amon said during the keynote. 
Samsung, meanwhile, also has a reference device capable of tapping into 5G that it will be showing at the summit. 
Samsung and Verizon already said they’ll launch a 5G smartphone in the first half of next year. AT&T and Sprint too. Already this year, Verizon has launched a variant of 5G as a home internet service, and in early 2019 it plans to begin a standards-based mobile service.
All of this equates to 5G going from years of hype — ever since Verizon talked about moving into this area three years ago — to actually becoming reality. Beyond a big speed boost, 5G has been referred to as a foundational tech that will supercharge areas like self-driving cars, virtual and augmented reality, and telemedicine services such as remote surgery.  
Now playing: Watch this: Qualcomm, Verizon, Samsung are working to make 5G real….
But what exactly is 5G? Why are people so excited? The following is a breakdown of why the next generation of wireless technology is more than just a boost in speed, and why you should be excited. 
What is 5G?
It’s the next (fifth) generation of cellular technology, which promises to greatly enhance the speed, coverage and responsiveness of wireless networks. How fast are we talking? Think 10 to 100 times speedier than your typical cellular connection, and even faster than anything you can get with a physical fiber-optic cable going into your house. (In optimal conditions, you’ll be able to download a season’s worth of “Stranger Things” in seconds.)
Is it just about speed?
No! One of the key benefits is something called low latency. You’ll hear this term a lot. Latency is the response time between when you click on a link or start streaming a video on your phone, sending the request up to the network, and when the network responds and gives you the website or starts playing your video.
That lag time can last around 20 milliseconds with current networks. It doesn’t seem like much, but with 5G, that latency gets reduced to as little as 1 millisecond, or about the time it takes for a flash in a normal camera to finish. 
That responsiveness is critical for things like playing an intense video game in virtual reality or for a surgeon in New York to control a pair of robotic arms performing a procedure in San Francisco, though latency will still be affected by the ultimate range of the connection. The virtually lag-free connection means self-driving cars have a way to communicate with each other in real time — assuming there’s enough 5G coverage to connect those vehicles. 
How does it work?
5G initially used super high-frequency spectrum, which has shorter range but higher capacity, to deliver a massive pipe for online access. But given the range and interference issues, the carriers are starting to explore lower-frequency spectrum — the type used in today’s networks — to help ferry 5G across greater distances and through walls and other obstructions. 
The result is that the insane speeds companies first promised won’t always be there, but they’ll still represent a big boost from what we get today with 4G LTE. 
Where do these carriers get the spectrum?
Some of these carriers already control small swaths of high-frequency radio airwaves, but many will have to purchase more from the government. The Federal Communications Commission is holding an auction for so-called millimeter wave spectrum, which all of the carriers are participating in. 
Motorola’s 5G Mod, in prototype form
Juan Garzon/CNET
Are there other benefits?
The 5G network is designed to connect a far greater number of devices than a traditional cellular network. That internet of things trend you keep hearing about? 5G can power multiple devices around you, whether it’s a dog collar or a refrigerator. 
The 5G network was also specifically built to handle equipment used by businesses, such as farm equipment or ATMs. Beyond speed, it’s also designed to work differently on connected products that don’t need a constant connection, like a sensor for fertilizer. Those kinds of low-power scanners are intended to work on the same battery for 10 years and still be able to periodically send over data. 
Sounds great, but when does 5G get here?
Verizon launched the first “5G” service in the world in October, but it’s a bit of a technicality. 
The service isn’t mobile service, but a fixed broadband replacement. An installer will need to put in special equipment that can pick up the 5G signals and turn it into a Wi-Fi connection in the home so your other devices can access it. 
There’s also some debate about whether the service even qualifies for 5G — it doesn’t use the standards that the industry has agreed upon. The company wanted to jump out ahead, and used its own proprietary technology. Verizon argues that the speeds, which range from 300 megabits per second to 1 gigabit per second, qualify the service for 5G designation. Its rivals and other mobile experts dispute that claim. 
The launch is extremely limited in select neighborhoods in Los Angeles; Sacramento, California; Indianapolis; and Dallas. (Let us know if you’re one of the lucky few who get it.)
OK, but what about mobile 5G?
Verizon says it’ll launch its mobile 5G next year. AT&T is looking like the first company to launch a true mobile 5G service. It plans to launch 5G this year in 12 markets. Last month, it successfully tested a mobile 5G connection in Waco, Texas, using what should be the first consumer 5G device, a wireless hotspot built by Netgear. 
Like the Verizon deployment, expect the rollout of 5G in these cities to be extremely limited. 
AT&T said it plans to launch in 19 cities next year, including Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas. 
No 5G phones? Can’t I just pick up 5G with my existing smartphone?
Sorry, no. 5G technology requires a specific set of antennas that aren’t available yet. Sprint says it plans to release the first US 5G smartphone next year, which will be built by LG. It’s also working on a 5G “smart hub” with HTC, but as with all of the 5G news so far, they’ve been light on details such as features, specifications, price or availability.
Many of the phones will use Qualcomm’s X50 modem, which is designed specifically to tap into 5G spectrum.
Generally, 5G smartphones are expected to come out in the first half of next year. Rumors point to Samsung being among the first to build a 5G smartphone. The company is reportedly to put 5G in a version of its Galaxy S10. Samsung mobile CEO DJ Koh, however, teased of a specific 5G phone to launch ahead of its flagship.
OnePlus has also claimed that it’ll be among the first to have 5G in a phone as well, but that device won’t be coming to the US. 
Anything I should worry about?
High-frequency spectrum is the key to that massive pickup in capacity and speed, but there are drawbacks. The range isn’t great, especially when you have obstructions like trees or buildings. As a result, carriers will have to deploy a lot more small cellular radios, creatively named small cells, around any areas that get a 5G signal. 
That’s going to annoy anyone who doesn’t want cellular radios near them. With concerns over potential health risks, as well as the possibility some people will see them as neighborhood eyesores, there may be some objections to these things. 
Carriers using low-frequency bands may get away with fewer cellular radios, but 5G will almost certainly require companies to further build out their networks. 
How broadly will 5G be available in 2019?
Here’s the other concern — 5G might still be a theoretical possibility for a lot of people. 
T-Mobile says it’s launching in 30 cities next year, while Sprint will launch in nine cities. AT&T is launching in a dozen markets this year and 19 next year, and Verizon aims to launch next year too, but it’s unclear how wide the coverage will be.  Globally, China, Japan and South Korea are racing to build out their 5G networks, with Europe behind as it takes the slow and steady approach. 
So don’t feel like you need to rush out to buy that first 5G smartphone. Chances are, service won’t be widely available until 2020 or beyond. 
Also, while some see 5G helping to improve coverage everyone, rural areas will likely miss out for a while since it lacks the infrastructure to support all of those cell radios. 
Will it cost more?
That’s unclear. Indications are the carriers won’t likely charge any more, although then-Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure said in March that he saw 5G as a premium service. New CEO Michel Combes declined to comment on pricing. 
You’ll remember that LTE didn’t cost anymore when it first came out — you just needed to buy a new phone. But pricing models could change over time. Since 4G launched, the carriers both took away unlimited plans and brought them back. 
Verizon’s home broadband service costs $50 for wireless subscribers, and $70 for everyone else. Those are in line with other broadband costs. (You can find out if you’re eligible for the service here.)
Our 5G glossary
Do you want to show off your 5G knowledge to your friends? Or seem like the smartest person at a party? Check out our 5G glossary below. 
5G NR 
The 5G bit is pretty obvious, but the NR stands for New Radio. You don’t have to know a lot about this beyond the fact that it’s the name of the standard that the entire wireless industry is rallying behind, and it just came out in December.
That’s important because it means everyone is on the same page when it comes to their mobile 5G networks. Carriers like AT&T and T-Mobile are following 5G NR as they build their networks. But Verizon, which began testing 5G as a broadband replacement service before the standard was approved, isn’t using the standard — yet. The company says it’ll eventually adopt 5G NR for its broadband service, and intends to use NR for its 5G mobile network.
Millimeter wave
All cellular networks use airwaves to ferry data over the air, with standard networks using spectrum in lower frequency bands like 700 megahertz. Generally, the higher the band or frequency, the higher the speed you can achieve. The consequence of higher frequency, however, is shorter range.
To achieve those crazy-high 5G speeds, you need really, really high frequency spectrum. The millimeter wave range falls between 24 gigahertz and 100 gigahertz.
The problem with super-high-frequency spectrum, besides the short range, is it’s pretty finicky — a leaf blows the wrong way and you get interference. Forget about obstacles like walls. Companies like Verizon are working on using software and broadcasting tricks to get around these problems and ensure stable connections.
Small cell
Traditional cellular coverage typically stems from gigantic towers littered with different radios and antennas. Those antennas are able to broadcast signals at a great distance, so you don’t need a lot of them. Small cells are the opposite —  backpack-size radios can be hung up on street lamps, poles rooftops or other areas. They can only broadcast a 5G signal at a short range, so the idea is to have a large number of them in a densely packed network. 
Some cities have this kind of dense network in place, but if you go outside of the metro area, that’s where small cells become more of a challenge. 
Given how troublesome really high-band spectrum can be (see the “millimeter wave” section above), there’s a movement to embrace spectrum at a much lower frequency, or anything lower than 6GHz. The additional benefit is that carriers can use spectrum they already own to get going on 5G networks. T-Mobile, for instance, has a swath of 600MHz spectrum it plans to use to power its 5G deployment. Prior to sub-6GHz, that would’ve been impossible.
That’s why you’re seeing more carriers embrace lower-frequency spectrum.
But lower-frequency spectrum has the opposite problem: While it reaches great distances, it doesn’t have the same speed and capacity as millimeter wave spectrum.
The ideal down the line will be for carriers to use a blend of the two.
Gigabit LTE
You’re hearing more about Gigabit LTE as a precursor to 5G. Ultimately it’s about much higher speeds on the existing LTE network. But the work going toward building a Gigabit LTE network provides the foundation for 5G.
For more on Gigabit LTE, read our explainer here.
An abbreviation of “multiple input, multiple output.” Basically, it’s the idea of shoving more antennas into our phones and on cellular towers. And you can always have more antennas. They feed into the faster Gigabit LTE network, and companies are deploying what’s known as 4×4 MIMO, in which four antennas are installed in a phone.
Carrier aggregation 
Wireless carriers can take different bands of radio frequencies and bind them together so phones like the Samsung Galaxy S8 can pick and choose the speediest and least congested one available. Think of it as a three-lane highway so cars can weave in and out depending on which lane has less traffic.
This is a term that’s so highly technical, I don’t even bother to explain the nuance. It stands for quadrature amplitude modulation. See? Don’t even worry about it.
What you need to know is that it allows traffic to move quickly in a different way than carrier aggregation or MIMO. Remember that highway analogy? Well, with 256 QAM, you’ll have big tractor trailers carrying data instead of tiny cars. MIMO, carrier aggregation and QAM are already going into 4G networks, but play an important role in 5G too.
Beam forming 
This is a way to direct 5G signals in a specific direction, potentially giving you your own specific connection. Verizon has been using beam forming for millimeter wave spectrum, getting around obstructions like walls or trees.
Unlicensed spectrum 
Cellular networks all rely on what’s known as licensed spectrum, which they own and purchased from the government.
But the move to 5G comes with the recognition that there just isn’t enough spectrum when it comes to maintaining wide coverage. So the carriers are moving to unlicensed spectrum, similar to the kind of free airwaves that our Wi-Fi networks ride on.
Network slicing
This is the ability to carve out individual slivers of spectrum to offer specific devices the kind of connection they need. For instance, the same cellular tower can offer a lower-power, slower connection to a sensor for a connected water meter in your home, while at the same time offering a faster, lower-latency connection to a self-driving car that’s navigating in real time.
Are you hearing more 5G-related terms that confuse you? Contact us and we’ll update this story with additional terms.
First published  Feb. 8.  Updated Sept. 27, Oct. 17 and Nov. 13:: Added new details. Updated Dec. 3 at 5:00 a.m. PT: Added details about the Qualcomm event.  
Updated Dec. 4 at 2:00 p.m. PT: To include more details from the Qualcomm keynote. 
5G: Your Next Big Upgrade: CNET’s series on the next generation of cellular technology.
Not just speed: Check out 7 incredible things you can do with 5G. 
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cancateatsthat · 6 years
Cat parents like us get often puzzled by the question like this: “How much wet and dry food to feed a cat“. We are here to help you to find out, all you need to know about feeding wet and dry cat food to your cat. If you just got a new cat and a first time cat owner, “how often should I feed my cat wet food and dry cat food to a cat” and “How much should I feed my cat?” This type of question is likely to come to your mind when you bring your cat home. But, if you are a cat owner for more than a year. Sometimes you may whether your cats should raw cat food or wet cat food. Either,  you should be “mixing raw cat food or raw cat food”. Let’s go through a few factors to decide while answering “How much wet and dry food to feed a cat”?
How Much Wet And Dry Food To Feed A Cat
When it comes to a group of cat parents, Everyone will have a different opinion if you talk about wet cat food vs. dry cat food. If you want to understand deeply about the issues. Then, you need to understand the cat’s physiology.
What Should Cats Eat And Why? What Nutrients Do They Need?
First thing first, what nutrient do they really need on a daily basis?
Cats are different from the dogs. Dogs are omnivorous. They are able to break down and digest both vegetable and animal protein. Where cats are obligate carnivores. That means that cats need animal-based meats in their diets.
Even though theoretically, cats could get enough protein from plant material. But, they need the amino acid taurine in order to thrive. Taurine is found primarily animal-based meat.
Carnivores do not require to down cellulose found in the plant. So, they have a shorter digestive system. If you are introducing plant material in her diet it could cause a digestive problem.
Wet cat food, their primary ingredient is meat or fish. It provides a meal which is good for a cat’s dietary needs.
But, it does not mean that canned wet cat food is always better than canned wet cat food. The best dry cat food is always good, at least better than a worst canned food.
Cat Feeding Guide Wet And Dry
You already know the difference between wet and dry cat food. But you may not have the idea about how much moisture is required. According to purina.com, In the U.S, dry cat food must have no more than 20% moisture content. And, the wet cat food has much more than that at least 65%. That is why you find dry food packaged in bags while wet food is in cans or pouches.
  Dry vs Wet Cat Food Pros And Cons
Every cat is different so, their taste and needs are also different. It depends on the cat and her taste. Therefore, You just can’t judge them by pros and cons.
Wet Cat Food
Nutrition More protein and fatty acids.
Cost Can be twice as expensive
Percent water 70%
Convenience Less convenient
Obesity Less risk
Diabetes Less risk
Energy Less energy dense
Taste very satisfying for the cat
Dry Cat Food
Nutrition More carbohydrates
Cost Cheaper
Percent water 10%
Convenience More convenient
Obesity Greater risk
Diabetes Greater risk
Energy More energy dense
Taste very dry,  flavorless
credit: https://thecatsite.com/media/img_3644-png.393285/
Let’s Talk About The Dry Cat Food Debate
Many cat owners leave dry food out for their cats. Some people supplement it with wet food and some don’t. Is it the equivalent of feeding your kids on a steady diet of fast food.
If you are giving your cat only dry food to eat. She is likely to be getting less nutrition to compare to other cats eating canned wet cat food. A lot of fillers are present in many low-quality dry cat food. In the wild, only five percent of carbohydrates is in cat’s diet. That carbohydrate she gets from ingesting the stomach contents of her prey.
As many fillers are the necessary requirement for the extrusion process to shape dry food nuggets during manufacturing dry cat food. Dry cat foods are cost-savings Since they’re a cheaper ingredient than meat.
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Dry Cat Food Diets And Dehydration
In wild cats eat their prey animal. They get about 70 percent of water from their prey animals. Canned wet cat food has averaged 78 percent of water. And the dry cat food has averaged 10 percent of water. Therefore, if a cat is eating only dry food diets, usually don’t get enough water. They could become chronically dehydrated. That can cause health problems like Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) and urinary crystals.
According to Purina, if a cat eating cat dry food. Then, she should drink approximately one cup of water for every ten pounds of body weight in a 24-hour period.
And, the weather is warm. Then, she will need even more. And in other hand, Cats are eating canned wet food diets. They only need to consume one-third to one-half that amount of water.
If you are feeding your cat kibble. It is essential to provide a clean, appealing source of fresh water. Pet water fountains work very well. It will encourage your cat to drink water. And, their filters ensure a fresh, clean water supply for your cat.
Dry Cat food And Cat Obesity Feline Diabetes Problems
Cats are on dry food only diets are more prone to obesity and diabetes than the cats who eat wet cat food. The reason behind it is due to the high carbohydrate levels. There are many kinds of kibble. And, part is due to it gives a free choice feeding of dry cat food which gives cats 24-hour access to food.
The Wet Cat Food Debate
So, is it mean that wet cat food is better, right? Well, not necessarily all the time. A very cheap wet food is not good for your cat to compare to a premium quality dry food.
Always check the ingredients. It should list an animal protein and the source of it as its number one ingredient. And, They should not contain meat by-products.
Some people argue that a cat is living on only canned food diet can lead to dental problems. That including gingivitis. But if you schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings. This really isn’t an issue. The mix of dry cat food and canned wet cat food can help your cat with dental health. If you are worried about her teeth you can probably give her raw chicken, chicken neck to chew for her teeth once or twice a week for exercise her jaw.
What Are The Advantages of Feeding Wet Cat Food
Some cats like to eat food with soft textures and with robust flavors. Wet cat food content with high water content has both of them If your cat:
has difficulty chewing struggles to keep hydrated or has a health condition
Your cat may benefit from eating wet cat food. This is a way to ensure that your cat gets the nutrition she needs at every meal. According to Purina Veterinary Nutritionist Purina Veterinary Nutritionist Dr. Dorothy Laflamme points out is, “cans and pouches come in small sizes, making it easy to provide a variety of different flavors, and for some, smaller sizes may make portion control easier.”
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What Are The Advantages of Feeding Dry Cat Food
Feeding dry cat food to your is convenient. If you have a busy routine. Dry food may be perfect. Wet food should not be left out not more than 30 to 60 minutes at a time. This will help to prevent bacterial growth. Another good thing as we have mentioned before, dry cat food can help promote dental, oral health in cats. Chewing and crunching for your feline, helps them to reduce plaque and tartar buildup in a good way. That wet food can’t.
Wet vs. Dry Cat Food For Kittens
While your kittens are growing, They need a crucial nutritional needs. Should they eat dry cat food or wet cat food? Good quality Kitten food will have more protein. They will contain more healthy nutrition, calories compare to foods for adult cats. An opinion, a good quality dry kitten food daily along with a mix of a small portion of quality wet kitten foods.
Wet vs. Dry Cat Food For Full-grown Cats
Many cat foods are made for cats of all life stages. It is very important to check your food. You should look at the label for food provides complete and balanced nutrition list of ingredients.
Cat’s nutritional needs depend on many other factors like her age, weight and her activity level. Consult with your veterinarian if you have certain doubts. You can choose wet dry or the combination of both is the best for your cat.
You May Also Read – Can Cats Eat Oranges 
Final Thought – Mixing Wet And Dry Cat food
Blended and mixed both wet and dry cat food can be a good solution. With a good feeling, routines can offer the best of both worlds. You can feed your cat dry food in the morning. And wet cat food in the evening. Therefore, in this way, she can the benefit of both cat food.
There is also a good option of mixing the cat’s dry food with wet cat food. This can also help your cat to get additional moisture in her meal. But, Keep in mind, though, This is still very important to maintain proper portion control to make sure that your cat is getting the right amount of nutrients to maintain a healthy diet and weight.
You can choose wet and dry cat food. But, the debate between both cat food does not easily answer. Each cat is unique with their own taste. Some cats are picky over other cats. Things can work for your cat may not work for your neighbor’s cat.
For best advice always consult with your vet. Your cat’s nutrition and diet is an important part of her health.
Just keep in mind. Always try to provide your good quality cat food. Then there is no issue, no debates. And, always read the ingredient in the back of the label to make sure there are no meat by-products in them. Important things are she is happy and loves what she is eating and getting the best out of it and maintaining a healthy diet. Always consult with your vet if you have further doubts because a proper diet is very important for your cat’s healthy life. Hope this article could answer your question “how much wet and dry food to feed a cat“. 
  The post 13 Facts On How Much Wet And Dry Food To Feed A Cat appeared first on Can Cat Eat.
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"Do you know any reasonably priced (if there are any) health insurance companies?
I am retiring, and wife has to purchase her own coverage.
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Does $152 per month for my car insurance sounds right?
Okay, so here's the thing. I'm 18 years old (I know, it greatly affects my age group that I'm in) and my car insurance is $152 a month. But, I'm only on liability? I have to pay over $150 a month just for liability on my car insurance? I live in Wisconsin by the way too. It just all doesn't quite make sense to me..my mom quoted me another price but the other price was pushing $200 a month. I'm just really sickened by all of this. Please let me know what you think! Thanks!""
What is the cheapest most affordable medical insurance for me?
I am 25 , married and unemployed but my husband makes more money than the minimum so I can't get an insurance based on income need. Also, I can't be on his insurance either because then he would have to pay $300 more per month. I need an insurance though because I need to get check my thyroid function( been having serious issues) plus next year I plan on getting pregnant so I will def need an insurance. Any suggestion on what insurance will be the cheapest and most affordable for me?""
The minimum amount your auto insurance must cover per accident is?
The minimum amount your auto insurance must cover per accident is in california?? A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000""
I am 17 and pregnant and don't have health insurance?
i just found out i am pregnant and i am 17 ill be 18 in june. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ABORTION!!!! i don't live with my mother or father i live with my aunt and grandma.... i have no health insurance and that is a big problem because how am i going to pay for the doctors and delivery.... can some one please help me finding some place that can help with insurance for the baby and me. P.S i live in california . and please don't even bothers answering me if u have nothing good to say because i do not need your immaturity. Thank you so much for you help :)
Car Insurance (Geico) ?
My parents don't have me on their insurance but I have a license does geico know I have my licence because I live with my parents? And by how much will they raise the insurance cost if they put me on?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a blind 17 year old driver?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a blind 17 year old driver?
How much is AAA a month?
I have Roadside Assistance with AT&T and I pay only $2.99 a month for 4 calls every calendar year but they only cover from about 2 to 10 miles if I need a tow. I'm thinking about switching to AAA but I really don't know anything about AAA. Can anyone give me some insight on AAA? PLEASE :-)
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? How old are you? what kind of deuctable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
My car was taken to the compound on friday in the uk when the driver was found to have no insurance.....?
However i have got insurance and so when i go to the station to have the form stamped so i can go to the compound and collect my car back, The police tell me i have to produce my licence as well...problem is i cant find it.. so i go to dvla internet site and order form to get a new licence....But this can take 3 weeks to come back and unfortunately the car gets crushed in 2 weeks, But the law says i can continue driving even tho i havent got my licence card ...because i do have a licence but its been lost and im waiting on my new one coming.A Please dont answer if you are only speculating on what you think you know i havent got time to read brain dead answers from all you dick eds on here. Nor do i want your personal opinion on the situation as it is a Question.. put on a Question Board wanting an answer...Not a message board asking for your opinion so use the board as it should be used and stick to the rules...answer the question ...if you cant ...then dont waste my time and yours""
Fleet Insurance?
Can anyone who has fleet insurance tell me roughly how much would it cost to insure 4 cars for a car rental business. i am doing an a level business studies project and need to know. thanks for your help!!!
How much is insurance for starting a cleaning service in California?
How much is insurance for starting a cleaning service in California?
""I need some cheap car insurance. I have a 2005 suburvan, a 97 chev pickup and a 97 mercury tracer.?""
I need some cheap car insurance. I have a 2005 suburvan, a 97 chev pickup and a 97 mercury tracer.?""
Cancelling car insurance?
if i decided to cancel my car insurance and go elsewhere would i have to pay a cancellation fee? if so how much is this likely to be? im with m&s (underwritten by bisl). also will my previous ncd be void because i wont have completed this current year due to cancelling early?
""Help! If my car insurance deductible is $750 and repairs cost $489, How much will the insurance company pay?""
My car was vandalized. The adjuster sent me an estimate for $489. This is lower than my deductible. Does this mean that the insurance company does not have to pay anything? If so, i'm going to find some better insurance.""
Ohio Dental Health Insurance Companies?
Provide the List of Dental Insurance Companies in Ohio
Changing address on car insurance?
hi my new car insurance is due tomorrow and i will be using the following websites to get quotes and pay: go compare money supermarket confused.com now i needed to know if i can add a different address for the documents to be sent to, so basically i will pay for it at my address but how can i send the documents over to my other address?? (i think this is known as correspondent address) thanks for any help.""
Car insurance for my car?
I'm looking for cheap full coverage for my car , I only need comp and collision for my car , that is all I need. Any advice or help would be appreciated , I live in Texas""
What 125cc motorbike is cheap to insure but will do over 70mph?
Preferably a four-stroke in insurance group 2
Usaa car insurance rates?
Hey guys! I was wondering if you could answer my question about the usaa car insurance rate for a 2011 Hyundai Genesis Coupe for a 18 female driver. Thank you! :)
Whats the best insurance for the self employed?
We need some insurance, but don't have a ton of cash.""
Health Insurance for Self employed with Maternity coverage?
I am self employed and want to purchase health insurance for myself. I need to find insurance with maternity coverage. I have looked on several online insurance quote websites, but have been unable to find maternity coverage. I live in Texas by the way. Does anyone out there have some info for me?""
Is it true that 2-door-car more expensive to insure than 4-door-car?
For an example, civic coupe (2 doors) and civic sedan (4 doors). I heard that all 2-door-cars will be considered as a sport car. However, some people say that it is not always that way. I personally won't consider civic coupe as a sport car because I think it isn't. Can someone please clarify this matter to me? Also, which insurance company do you think is the best to insure your car? thank you!""
Why are there two bodily injury sections on car insurance quote?
I just got a quote for auto insurance from new company (i had been using a different company)... Anyways, i just noticed that section 1 of the quote under compulsory insurance was the Bodily Injury to Others part..... But, under Optional Insurance on section 6 there is Optional Bodily Injury to Others and this one is higher than the first part. Why are there two different bodily injury sections? Do they cover different things? I am a homeowner, how much should i have for these categories?""
Do you know any reasonably priced (if there are any) health insurance companies?
I am retiring, and wife has to purchase her own coverage.
Cheapest auto insurance in Toronto?
Cheapest auto insurance in Toronto?
Other driver was not covered under insurance?
I was in a car accident where the other driver (to be referred as The Idiot) was at fault. The police were called and The Idiot was given a warning citation. The insurance company called me today to inform me that the claim was being denied because The Idiot was not an authorized driver under the policy. It appears that The Idiot borrowed the car from his father. Now I am stuck with thousands of dollars in repairs that it appears will be billed back to me. What are my options?
How do you get proof of auto insurance?
i just got my driver's license, (i'm 17) but i haven't been able to drive yet because my dad says i need to get an insurance card as proof of insurance. It was supposed to come in the mail a week ago. No one else i know had to do any of this, and they could drive as soon as they got their license. is there a faster easier way to get proof of insurance? thanks""
Will my insurance rates go up?
My daughter who is 16 yrs old tapped a car from behind at a stop sign. There was no damage done to either car and no injuries. The guy said he was not going to do anything about it since there was no damages. My daughter gave him her information (insurance etc). I called the guy to make sure everything was ok, he said nothing happened to his car or himself but he went ahead and opened a claim because he thought he had to do that. I know that if he decides to ask for damages the insurance will pay. My question to you is if he decides not to ask for damages, will my insurance still go up and will she get points in her driver's license. Also, I'd like to add that we live in California. I have not talked to my insurance (AAA) yet. Thank you""
Is it true that in America there are people who get jobs they may hate simply for affordable health insurance?
I am planning on emigrating to the United States within the next three years if I can get a visa for educators or an actual Green card. The thing is that people on this forum have been telling me that health insurance comes primarily from your employer in the States, and that if you have a pre-existing condition, you may end up not able to change to the job you want as you might not be able to get coverage or, if you do get covered, be charged more than your salary. Is this correct? Someone a few weeks ago was writing about how she was angry because she has Crohn's Disease and works a part-time job with full benefits in kind (insurance) and her husband teaches five adult education classes at a community college and a state university without benefits. She said that they have no kids (no intention of having any), but she was extremely cross with her husband as he loves teaching and doesn't want to leave it for a full-time office job with benefits even though he is putting aside $1,500 per month for any possible emergencies. Is it really like that in the States. I love America, love its literature, its people, its values and so many other things, but this sounds like a big deterrent if one doesn't have total job mobility. Would a husband end up quitting a job he loves doing and taking on something he might not like simply because the less appealing job offers affordable health insurance for someone with a pre-existing condition.""
Should parents pay for their kid's car insurance?
Our 17-soon to be 18-year old daughter has a part time job. She's going to be a senior this year in high school. We gave her a car when she turned 17 and put her on our insurance policy. Her insurance runs us $80/month. We have been paying this for almost a year now. I feel that since she has a job, and has no other financial responsibilities (besides her cell phone), she should be paying this insurance. She is very irresponsible with money, and spends money on a lot of frivolous things. I think having her pay her own insurance each month would help teach her fiscal responsibility. My husband, however, feels that it's the parent's responsibility to pay for their kid's car insurance. What do you think?""
Home content insurance?
I am new to the UK. In Japan, few people buy home content insurance because home contents are normally not valuable. It seems to me most people here buy home content insurance. It sounds not attractive a)the premium b)the high excess. What is your view?""
Car insurance for occasional use?
My question is this... I want to get a motorbike so that I use my car less often (a bike is cheaper to run). Are there any companies (in England, UK) who offer car insurance for occasional use only ('pay-per-use' style??)? I would like to commute to work each day on my motorbike and only use the car once a fortnight. This would be good for my pocket (what with the credit crunch effecting our lives) and also good for the environment (less fuel used). Ideally, I would only use a motorbike, but really do have to keep the 4 wheeled alternative as I have my 2 daughters once a fortnight. Could anyone please help me answer this question. It would be very much appreciated!! Any other suggestions you could offer would also be appreciated! Thank you!""
When you pay off a credit card is it better to reduce the credit limit or close the account?
I've heard that once you pay off a credit card you shouldn't close the account to keep a good credit score. I've also heard that even though one pays off his credit card reducing the credit limit is also not a good option for keeping a great credit rating. What is the best way to handle this situation if you don't really want the card around to prevent you from running the balance up, but also don't want to hurt your credit rating. Is there any way to find out what exactly affects one's credit score? Examples: Let's just say a website or book states something like filing for bankruptcy subtracts XXXX amount of points from your credit rating. Defaulting on credit card payments for XXX amount of months subtracts XXX amount of points from your credit rating. Paying off federal student loans adds or subtracts XXXX amount of points from your credit rating. Also is there anywhere that states how long certain things stay on your credit report?""
Will my Geico go up after 6 months?
My Geico is only $62.84 monthly. I have the 6 month plan. I had Allstate before switching to Geico last month. I switched because every 6 months Allstate would go up by $25. I could NOT afford it! So I switched to Geico because it was $125 cheaper monthly. Everyone I've talked to said theres hasnt went up after 6 months. I have no criminal record, no tickets, no felonys no nothing, etc. So I was wondering for all you Geico customers, has Geico been good? Has it went up after 6 months? No arrogant answers, please!""
Can my friend insure my car?
I bought a car and currently have a loan for it that I'm paying off. The insurance that I got for my car is $250 which is way too much. My friend pays $100 for his insurance. If I were to be put on my friends policy, it would make his insurance go up to $200, but I would pay him $120, and he would pay $80, making insurance cheaper for the both of us. Is this legal? Note that he is listed as the policy holder, but I am listed as the primary driver of the car.""
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
""How much does it cost to insure a ferrari spider 360, 2005 redge in the UK?
longer than writing a question and reading an answer smart *** :)
Can anyone tell me how do you get cheap auto insurance rate and from what company or any website or link?
How do you get cheap auto insurance rate and from what company?can you tell me?
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatbale do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?""
Motorcycle insurance full coverage!?
how much will it cost me? im 18 and im going to take the MSF course...my bike is a honda cbr 600rr 2005 i could i put my dad under my motorcycle? he is 50 and no tickets he had his m1 for like 10yrs but not no more i live in pomona,california 91766""
Will my insurance pay off my car?
My car was considered totaled due to fire damage in the engine, i only purchased the car about 2 months ago wich means my policy is also new, will my insurance pay off the car or what will happened? Has any one experience something similar??""
How much would it cost for car insurance for a second hand classic car for a 17 year old?
Hey, I'm turning 16 in September 2012, and being a boy I am already thinking about my first car. I'm hoping to start work around November-December and am hoping to earn around 1500, which fits perfectly into my price range of 1000 -  2000. Recently I've been thinking down the more 'Classical Route' (extravagant, I know) and found Classic Cars for around this price at www.carandclassic.co.uk I've had my eye on MG mgbgt or Triumph Spitfire and similar. I can afford something like this. The only problem that faces is me now is Insurance. I know that insurance is really quite expensive for this type of car ESPECIALLY for my age. However I have heard that insuring a car at my age is expensive regardless of the type. It's really the only set back for me. I'd love to hear from you how much it would cost to insure this kind of car for my age, as well as any personal experiences, alternatives and any other advice. Thanks. :)""
Car Insurance for young driver?
Hi, I'm currently doing my drivers licence and should get it by the end of next month and I'm just confused about the cost of insurance.... I'm planing to buy small Fiat which is Insurance Group 5 and I looked up for costs through money supermarket and the cheapest deal was over 9000 for a year and that's just ridiculous so I'm a bit confused about it and don't know if i did something wrong when filled the information but anyway what the average cost should be like? Thanks in advance""
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
Car insurance auto renewal?
my car insurer auto renewed my policy and started direct debiting the new policy without my approval. (i paid by direct debit installments previously) i was uncontactable as i was out of the country. the insurance was bought through my car dealer which had my updated contact information. i did not instruct them to do auto renewal. on top of that, it wasn't written in the initial policy contract. when i rang to cancel, they refused to refund and is charging me a cancellation fee. they claim that renewing the policy was in my best interest to protect me. however, if i hadn't paid through direct debit, they wouldn't had been able to protect me anyway! should i insist on getting my money back? would the Consumer Rights chamber in WA be able to help?""
What is the best insurance for a new driver?
Im 18 and just got my license in october 2013. I bought a 1992 honda civic and I dont know what insurance is best for me. What do you guys suggest? I live in orange county, if that helps haha thanks!""
Cheapest auto insurance?
im shopping for auto insurance and i want to know which is the best and cheapest for a 18 year old driving a 1997 ford escort
About how much would it cost to for a year of car insurance for a 17 year old in new york?
I am planning on getting a used 2001 Mercedes-Benz C-Class C320. Before I buy the car I will have a senior license and will have taken drivers ed and a defensive driving coarse.
Insurance would cost for 21 male?
how much would it cost me if i get liability not full coverage ... i havnt bought a car as yet but im thinking of buying 95 accord 4 dr or 96 maxima ... just curious to know what my insurance would be...
Do you know any reasonably priced (if there are any) health insurance companies?
I am retiring, and wife has to purchase her own coverage.
Car insurance?576568687?
ok just wondering, why do you get pulled over for not haveing car insurance if all it does is help you out if you get into a crash, is it actually required to have it while driving? and why....""
If I got a 1000cc+ for my first bike and restricted it to a 125cc would the insurance be cheap?
the bike would be restricted to a 125cc. This would also be my first bike and I would be 17 yrs old.
How much should it cost to replace and paint a totaled bumper for a 98 honda accord?
My husband and I just returned home from the store in his car, when he noticed my car that was parked across the street had been crashed into on the drivers side bumper. Plz give me advice should i call insurance even though I dont know who did it, or should I just fix it myself. and how much will it cost.""
Impact of Auto Insurance Quotes on Credit History?
I am with Geico currently and is up for renewal. I am planning to take quotes from different companies. May be they offer me a low rate. But I am scared by the fact that it will impact my credit score. Can you please advice? I have been driving for 4.5 yrs with clean record.
My friend has no car insurance..?
He was driving and its raining outside so the street is slippery. He braked and avoid hitting anyone but it didn't help. He has no car insurance and just hit a car right now. What happens when you have no car insurance and you hit someone's car? I don't think the person will sue, but will my friend have to pay damages and a ticket? Any jail time or suspended license? Anyone experienced that? I know its illegal to be driving without insurance. This is in Florida. Help me out with some good advice or suggestions. Thanks.""
Gap insurance on new auto?
what is the cost for gap insurance for honda acord 4 door sedan 06 year
Looking for a new Auto Insurance?
I am currently insured by State Farm. I am looking for a more affordable insurance agency. What are some of your reviews on agencies like Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, ...show more""
How long do I have to report an accident to an insurance company in California?
If I was in an accident in California how long do i have to report it to the insurance company so that they will cover it?
What is the grace period to drop one car insurance company an get another 1?
My car insurance restarts September 24 I pay more for the 4month plan an want to switch. to a cheaper insurance company
Health insurance for visitor from india?
Where can I get health insurance for a parent who is undergoing dialysis in India and wants to Visit the USA for a short term. Of course they will need to continue there treatments here while visiting. But we need some kind of assistance while they are here.
What is the best and most cost efficient way to move?
We are moving from Atlanta, Georgia to Boston, Massachusetts. I was researching possibly renting a moving truck, but I'm having difficulty finding the best option. I was considering U-haul, but from other message boards, I got the impression that as the costs add up with insurance and mileage and whatnot, it appeared to not be the best option out there (or maybe it is in comparison to other companies, I am not sure). Does anyone have any suggestions or past experience with a good moving company? We are looking for the best price option, and possibly a company where we could pick up the truck in Georgia and drop it off somewhere in Mass. **the trip is roughly 950 miles""
Car insurance situation.....?
one of our cars', 93 Toyota Tercel just got totalled out in a fender bender that was caused by another driver. since we only have collision insurance with AmFam on it, the other woman's company made the pay out to us (~$2K) and let us keep the car. we decided to fix the car up mechanically, and give it a bit of a face lift on the mangled front side fender, but didnt really put too much money into it. so the question is.... as we continue to drive the car, and G*d Forbid, anything similar should happen again, when we are not at fault and there's no bodily damage, just car damage, would we be able to get the other insurance company to pay for the car repairs? or will they say, well, you already had it totalled out once, we're not gotta give you $ to fix a car that not worth much... or how does this work? anyone have any experience with this? anyone here an insurance adjuster? thanks in advance""
What is the minimum pricing for teenage car insurance?
ok, my car is a 1978 Ford Fairmont. I am 17, the car's previous coverage was basic liability. the limits i want for the car is just pretty much basic liability. i just want to be legal on the road. no fancy extras added to the policy, just basic coverage. the car so far hasn't gotten into any car wrecks. it's practically in perfect condition. this is my first car and i just got my license. I'm not aware of my credit score for i've just started working part-time. Also, i'm a very good student. My current GPA is 3.57and i'm still in high school, 12th grade. and yes, i've finished drivers education coarse. Please, if anyone can help me in finding a good car insurance company for my beautiful Miss Daisy, and the possibly price of how much it will cost for basic liability i would greatly appreciate it.""
Is there an industry that does not utilize insurance?
I need to name one industry that does not utilize insurance. Please help! Thanks!
Car Insurance Premium?
I have a car which is insured with company B. I decided to buy a new car and the dealer offered me a 7 days free comprehensive insurance with company C. I put my old car for sale while still under insurance B and on the third day after buying the new car I got into an accident. All accident details and fixes were done with the free 7 days car insurance C. During the process my older car was sold and eventually when I got my new car back from the garage I transferred it to my Insurance B. Now that liability of the accident is dealt with and stayed at 50/50 guilt for both parties, I was advised that my insurance premiums can be affected. My question is will that affect my current insurance B or not? Only insurance C dealt with the accident my insurance B have not paid nothing towards it nor get involved with it. Can my insurance B still go up on renewal due to this accident even under a different insurer?""
How much would insurance be on a 2005 Subaru Wrx Sti?
Before you answer please read this: I am 16, this will be my first car, my father will be buying it for me but i would call the insurance company but they are closed at this time of night so i will just ask on here. Please do not lecture about how i don't need this car and all i understand the concern but since you aren't the ones paying the bills please don't lecture. Thank you for any and all help available.""
No insurance on car used to drive child around in?
How can one go about handling the possibility that a child's non-custodial parent is driving their child in a car with no insurance. Recently, a friend of mine told me that if a parent has a car accident and a child in injured in a car with no car insurance, medical insurance won't cover expenses. Is this true? If it is, how do you suggest the custodial parent go about asking for proof of insurance from the other parent. The parents don't get along very well, and the non-custodial parent doesn't like to talk details with the other parent, even when she tries. My only thought was for her to give him notice of this policy and should something ever happen, try to hold him responsible for all expenses. Still, this does not handle the safety issue at hand. Any ideas? Simply asking the non-custodial parent to show proof would not work. His style would be I don't have to show you anything.""
Car insurance__________________?
How much do you pay for car insurance? (in a year), mine is going to expire in november (november, 30) when I am supposed to go to the agency to renew it? Can I go for example on november 1st?""
Get insurance on car if title not in my name?
I am wanting to make payments to a freind for this car until it is paid off. The title is in his name, can I get insurance on it for myself even though the title is not in my name?""
What is the best private health insurance in California?
I am working at a company in California where there is no health insurance offered so I need to get private insurance. Any suggestions on any good private health insurance companies?
""Auto Insurance question!!1st car, Mitsubishi eclipse?""
im getting a mitsubishi eclipse for my 1st car but im going to be payin for half of the insurance on it and i want to know if it'll be considered a sports car under the insurance.it'll be between a 1995-1999 and one of three models(RS,GS,GS-T).im pretty sure the gs-t is a sports car but what about the other two? the insurance will already be high enough being a teenager and a male so i just want to make sure if any one of those would not be considered a sports car under car insurance.thanks for the help.and plz no smartasses talking about oh no another teen driving they really need to get that law change blah blah.just people that will help.o yea im in texas if that would make any difference""
Question about AUTO INSURANCE?
HI, i have a question about car insurance i am 19 years old from india.now i am in newyork usa.my question is that last week i buy car insurance in which i write i am married and my wife is in india,she not come in usa and she have o lience so that they give me marriage discount.but in truth i am not married,i do this beacuse my insurance decrease if i do this.niw i want to know that is this not a problem for me or i am not get in trouble""
How much money would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a 1982 dodge ramcharger?
i have allstate and i was just wondering if anyone new. and a ramcharger is a big truck/suv
Anyone know where to get good individual dental insurance thats effective immediatly?
I need my wisdom teeth removed but have no insurance, most individual insurance companies have a 6 month waiting period for procedures other than preventitive. I need them out now because one was infected and I got it treated with antibiotics but Im afraid it will come back because it keeps bleeding. Any help will do and I am in florida.""
Insurance or real estate test is harder?
I have my Property and Casualty License in Colorado and now I am looking into Real Estate license as well. Which test do you think is harder??
Do you know any reasonably priced (if there are any) health insurance companies?
I am retiring, and wife has to purchase her own coverage.
0 notes
holding93 · 7 years
Koenigsegg has been in the news this week for setting a new production car ultimate speed record.  However it hasn’t been easy for the small Swedish hypercar company to prove its credentials.
Imagery from Koenigsegg
It’s not often a new company who jumps in the deep end succeeds in the car business.  It seems like every other day a new supercar maker pops up with a press release and a new car to sell to the well-heeled of the world.  Fuelled by dreams of emulating Enzo Ferrari, Ferdinand Porsche or Ferruccio Lamborghini.  In the last 30 years, only two have succeeded.  Italy’s Pagani and Sweden’s Koenigsegg.
Genius and Vision
From humble origins and at the age of just 22, Christian von Koenigsegg set about making his eponymous cars.  Naturally gifted with an aptitude for tinkering and the technical, he was able to produce a prototype to his own design by effectively crowd-sourcing know how and work.  A pretty novel idea for 1994.
Christian von Koenigsegg and the CC Prototype
Never trained as an engineer, Christian von Koenigsegg learned to be one.  A modern inventor in every sense of the word, his early innovations included a clever catalytic converter that reduces exhaust back pressure without loss of emission control.  A clever supercharger response system that replaced the blow-off valve and a pressurised dry-sump system.
In 2003 he would deliver the first production car, the CC8S to his first customers.  The car was certified by Guinness to have the world’s most powerful production engine.  It was lighter, more powerful and with less drag than the McLaren F1.  That made it, theoretically the fastest production car in the world.  It wouldn’t be until 2005, however that they were able to get the budget together to get on a track and prove it.  At Italy’s Nardo in the upgraded CCR, they were able to wrest the record from the McLaren by a scant 1.46km/h.  The record theirs, the theory proven.
Koenigsegg CC8S
Koenigsegg CCR
  Goal Posts, Moved
Later that year, the Bugatti Veyron came along and re-set the bar for hypercar makers.  No longer was 600 or 800hp acceptable, 1000hp was the new black.  The owner of Bugatti, Volkswagen, owned one of the two race tracks in the world where you can do those speeds.  From 2012, they would own both.  When you own the playground, you get to choose who gets to play.  Big companies like Volkswagen don’t let small upstarts take away their records at their own facilities.
Koenigsegg quite famously preferred not to fit a rear spoiler to the cars to preserve low drag and high speed.  That is until on Top Gear, the Stig had a high speed snap oversteer in a CCX.  Despite the portrayal on Top Gear – Clarkson is never one to shy away from embellishment for the benefit of story – the “Top Gear wing” was already offered as an optional extra.  The car would return with tyre removed, front bar fixed and wing fitted to set the ultimate fastest lap on Top Gear.  From this point onward Koenigsegg turned away from the fastest top speed stuff and moved on to ultimate all round performance.  The cars started to grow wings and other downforce-creating devices.
It was at this point a new performance benchmark would be devised.  0-300-0km/h.  A true test of engine, chassis and brakes, top speed be damned.  Driven by Sport Auto’s Horst von Saurma the CCX set the benchmark at 29.2 seconds.  Some supercars don’t even get to 300km/h in that time, let alone stop.
Koenigsegg would go about lowering the 0-300-0 bar over the coming years.  In 2011 the Agera R lowered the mark to 21.19 seconds.  In 2015 the One:1 would lower it again to just 17.95 seconds.
The Big Guys Start Taking Notice
Then Bugatti decided to change the game.  Not merely happy with Konigsegg’s 0-300-0 benchmark, they set about upping the ante.  In August 2017, the Chiron set the marker for the 0-400-0 test at 41.96 seconds.  With Juan Pablo Montoya driving in a relaxed business shirt and jeans no less.
That is a mind-bending number and the video was equally impressive.  The four-wheel-drive Chiron seeming extremely well suited to the task of putting its 1500hp to the ground.
Enter a Curious Customer
The 0-400-0 mark wasn’t really on Koenigsegg’s radar.  That is until a customer asked for his car to be used to verify its theoretical performance chops.  Before delivery out to the States, Koenigsegg took the car to a runway in Denmark to attempt the record.  It took the Chiron 3,112m to set its record at Volkswagen’s massive Ehra-Lessien.  The runway Koenigsegg was able to secure for the run was just 2,800m long.
Due to the pre-delivery status of the car, it was on older tyres with heavier testing wheels than the carbon ones it would eventually wear.  The runway was poorly maintained, so traction was poor.  The Agera’s on board computer was still recording wheelspin at 183km/h.  Despite all this the Agera RS smashed the Bugatti’s mark.  36.44 seconds in only 2,441m.
If You Had the Means, You Would Too.
This would only be the curtain raiser to something much more.  Mark, the owner of the red Agera RS wanted to find out what his car could really do.  It turns out Mark is also very well connected, as he was able to get 17km of some of the flattest, straightest public tarmac in the world closed for another record attempt.  In Nevada.
You’re here, so you’ve likely read the news already.  There isn’t much more to say other than watch the video.  The downhill run especially is truly epic.
Click to watch.
The gameplan to work up to the record over a period of two days.  The car felt so good, though, test driver Niklas Lilja decided to go for it right away.  The record was set after only 3 runs, a sighting run and two full blown attempts, one in either direction as prescribed by Guinness.
Given they had plenty of time left, they figured they should have another crack at that 0-400-0 mark.  The car had decent tyres on it and the road was much grippier than the runway in Denmark after all.  The result?  A truly staggering 33.29 seconds over a distance of 2,239.5m.  That’s over 8 seconds faster than the Bugatti Chiron in almost 900m less space.  At this end of the spectrum, a few tenths are celebrated.  In this company 8 seconds is measured with a calendar.
Possibly even more impressive, that’s less than 4 seconds away from the CCX’s time from 0-300-0.
Mark is very smart.  He has guaranteed by orchestrating all this is that his dark red Agera RS is truly special.  It’s the record car.  In the future, just like Steve McQueen’s Ferrari 250 California it’ll be the most special of all the Ageras, possibly even more special than a One:1.  Collectability guaranteed.
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For Christian von Koenigsegg, it’s vindication.  Theoretically his cars always were truly special, he just had very limited opportunities to prove it.  Now he has and the lore of the little Swedish company that could gains another chapter.  The saying goes, “Every dog has his day.”  November 4th 2017 is the day Koenigsegg took on the biggest automaker in the world and absolutely wiped the floor with them.
Here’s cheers to Christian von Koenigsegg, for proving that ingenuity and vision can still beat the world’s mega corporations and their R&D budget.
Your move, Mr. Winkelmann.
  If you aren’t fully au fait with the Koenigsegg story, /Drive did a sensational series called Inside Koenigsegg for their online channel.  You can – and should – watch it here:
Season 1
Season 2
The same guys also made a full-length film chronicling the life and times of the hypercar, where Koenigsegg features heavily, I highly recommend it.
Apex – The Story of the Hypercar
It hasn't been easy for small Swedish hypercar maker Koenigsegg to prove its credentials. Koenigsegg has been in the news this week for setting a new production car ultimate speed record. 
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