#so there's no one size fits all for configuration if you use anything other than a wii remote
overclockedfamicom · 11 months
I figured out how to connect a wii remote to my computer.
I feel unstoppable now!
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grifxmain · 4 months
I don't usually make rant-type posts about games I'm playing (or make my own text posts in general tbh), but I feel like I need to talk about this, even if only to get my own thoughts in order. Heads up that it will be a pretty long post, but the tldr of it is that the new Grand Harvest House is disappointing to me.
So the new Grand Harvest House. I was pretty excited about it since I've been wanting a second story for my house primarily so I can put my bedroom upstairs. (The fact that my bedroom is just attached to the living room is bizarre to me especially since there's no doors.) Hence why I bought the blueprint right away, only to be caught completely off guard by the sheer size of it. Since I wanted to use it as my main house I had intended to put it on my main plot by simply replacing the original Harvest House as I assumed that it would be roughly the same size but just with a second story. Instead the new Grand Harvest House is at least as big if not bigger than the entirety of my previous house.
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Ignoring the miscellaneous items that temporarily had to be thrown on a heap to make space for the new house you can tell that the two houses take up about the same amount of floor space. But unlike the old house which uses a bunch of configurable add-ons to reach that size, the new house is just one big room that takes up all that space.
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Yet despite how large the room is the are very few windows. Now some people might be happy to have that much wall space, I know I've had trouble fitting all the paintings I wanted on the walls of my old house before, but then again you can always opt to remove any windows you don't want by altering the house. But when it comes to altering the windows in the Grand Harvest House for some reason you cannot alter the windows per floor, meaning that if you want big windows on the walls of one floor you are forced to put big windows on the walls of the other floor as well. Speaking of walls, they are taller on the Grand Harvest house than on the older buildings for some reason.
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On the bottom floor this is dealt with by the addition of wooden planks at the top of the wall, however these planks are not added to the walls of the top floor. Which creates some issues with the wallpaper.
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Since the wallpapers were designed for the wall height that all the buildings before this one were the wallpaper is too short for the wall so that the wallpaper repeats near the top. The wall height on the top floor is slightly different on each wall too, so the amount of repeat wallpaper that's visible is different on each wall, which makes it even more noticeable.
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Another strange feature found on the walls of the top floor are these thin wooden dividers. Since these do not exist on the bottom floor and the wall is registered as one big surface - the wallpaper is applied to the wall in its entirety rather than following these sections - they do not serve any actual purpose. Personally I think they look kinda ugly even on a bare wall, but that is of course merely a matter of taste.
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However when applying a wallpaper they create this issue where, because the wall is treated as one big surface, the dividers will sometimes cut off the pattern in weird ways.
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I say sometimes because as seen here there are some wallpapers that do change up the pattern to fit with the dividers, note how the wallpaper starts in the middle of the 'flower' on both sides of the divider.
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Moving on from wallpapers another side effect of the taller walls is that any ceiling lights end up way higher that they are designed for. This is even worse in the middle of the room on the bottom floor as the only place to put up ceiling lights there are the support beams directly under the roof. This is not the end of the world or anything but it just looks a little sad and also gives very little light. Which is especially unfortunate since the room is so large and cannot be divided into smaller rooms, meaning that the entire building will remain dimly lit.
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Even with the new building blocks the room cannot be properly split up as the heights don't line up, but if you could you would not be able to paint the walls made with the building blocks anyway.
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Other than the big room there are 3 spots on the bottom floor to add more rooms, in the same places as the windows just like how it works in the other types of buildings.
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This means that the rooms are not centered in the wall to which the are added, except for the back wall where there is a staircase in the way. If you don choose to add a room it will also spawn in two pillars on the wall where the corners of that room are. However since the walls of the Grand Harvest House are taller than the walls of the add-on rooms this means that those pillars will stop abruptly.
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Lastly, the second floor itself, which is the main feature that this new building is meant to provide. As seen in the pictures it is not so much a full floor as it is just a loft. The part at the front wall of the building is fine, but the two walkways on the sides are a little too slim to really put any furniture it, effectively turning it into dead space.
All this to say that the Grand Harvest House feels a little poorly thought out and is ultimately disappointing to me. It feels as though the people who worked on this only made the house without considering the previous building options and how this new building would fit into that roster. Now I know of course that they have stated that they are looking into more options for second stories in player homes to add in the future, so perhaps something that fits in with the other building options will be coming down the pipeline at a later point. But as it stands right now I find that this house is very difficult to implement into a home just by virtue of the incredibly large scale of the building. That being said I do think that this building could work as a standalone so that is how I will use it, likely by turning it into a sort of community kitchen type space on its own plot to use when I have people over for cooking. I would have liked to be a bit more aware of these issues before purchasing the blueprint for it though. It would have been nice if the patch notes had mentioned the size, since both the trailer for this patch and the preview pictures shown in the patch notes do a poor job of conveying the size of the building due to the perspectives used. I might not have bothered getting the new house at all if I had known about everything I mentioned ahead of time.
EDIT: I found another issue regarding add-ons used on the Grand Harvest House. So I started building the community kitchen I mentioned and actually added add-ons to the building rather than just hovering them over. Specifically I added a fireplace to the back wall and two bay windows in the front wall, but when doing so I realized that this made it so I couldn't change window size anymore. So if you want to change the size of the windows upstairs it means you have to remove the add-on on the lower floor first.
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This isn't the worst, though a bit of an unnecessary hassle, but with the front wall there is the porch in the way so you have to turn the building and look at it from an angle to be able to grab the window add-ons. Which once again confirms this feeling that the Grand Harvest House is just poorly thought-out in terms of practicality
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fluffy-critter · 6 months
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
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So just to be square and straight you need a front fender on ours and rear rear suspension but this configuration and a pink gas tank it's going to be larger and a larger motor in the base will be similar on the bottom and the Chrome motor and a chrome frame and I want to have beige handlebar grips a beige seat and beige sidewalls. I also want long tassels on the handlebar grips and a beige enclosure around the front light which would be big if you can't get the three lights the big one in the middle and two lights all enclosed with the beige leather joint cruise control lady I didn't say anything rude you jerk That's funny though is aren't big changes and he knows it and he's just saying it and on the tank I want the HK symbol the one with the wrenches and stuff I don't like his skull one and he's going to do that and the colors that usually comes in in the right size and he says what about an emblem Harley-Davidson has the name and we can put an emblem instead of the name cuz the name is kind of rude and I say that's nice so you make an emblem out of the one with wrenches and be like Chrome and black and he's going to do that and it's nice and like a closure panel in the middle of the tank with the beige on it and the finish and tank will be pink I kind of like that with the emblem so you went on my idea and it's been better he likes it too and to be an emblem on the gearbox and he said they can show besides motor that says it's kind of like well and he's laughing but that's how you do it so it's not bad and it'll be like the same style as the emblem and we can sell the emblem on everything it's kind of like a badge or a patch like a circular it's true it is circular so he's going to go ahead and do that he's going to post it show people what we're saying
Hera Zues
I got that and I'm going to make the emblem and I know what you're saying Harley-Davidson used to have one as much classier than the name and in this case it's better and safer and some dangerous job and I do need assistance from my people with it anyone who feels like they're up to it. And yeah they do make stuff and they do get things together this will be a fun thing to do so maybe they can make their version they can have a competition and critique them because I like a bike design between us three and they agree and our spouses will help us yes
And we think it might work doing it that way so we get the idea and something to do with Harley Davidson motors and he gets it
Hera I'm already happy with our decision to go ahead with this and we will try and make our vision and we're going to compete
We're going to go ahead and make cars first and block you
Trump Terry c actually said it Terry c but I guess they're into that kind of thing and they are
We'll start making ours now and it's a cool idea to go ahead with this and to do it and really it'd be a nice inexpensive kit people can put together and we can send the frame how welded up and painted and still be less expensive and it's a great idea cuz I was kind of fits inside it you can actually Mount the motor and some other things and you leave out the rest of it and it fits in a smaller box and it's not much smaller but it's smaller and easier to ship
We have built a lot of choppers and this should not be a big deal and we will use the square too idea I know what you're saying we have to get going on it and we're going to try and do that we need factories we need people we need you to volunteer to get it going and I might do the beer thing and it looks horrible and the stupid and it's probably a mistake but if he thinks that I get the neck and we need it for the matrixson really it's kind of me going down the tubes but I'm going to take the max with me and he's never heard it before except from George and maybe Dave now I think I'm going to emulate them and he says I am and it's really God damn nasty but Georgia stuff ends up nasty and things with my stuff is ready and gross and people into it and they're eating cafeteria food and I'm starting to see something he doesn't like that
Terry c
He says he has to eat a lot more he's going to be big but he's just getting fat right now so he's got to slow down on it he's going to get some money later just calm down give me this big huge fat guy with me big fat guy ken
I do love this in holidays you two are going to be huge porkers and he keeps wanting money so I can go out and buy more food he's got enough food now he's got enough food for like 3 weeks
It never happens and you should eat up and rest and it's true too he needs to he's going to have a nice day tomorrow he says he's probably get up late and have breakfast and eat a humongous dinner a little early it's a good idea I just got nuts and everything this is going to be nice I can't wait
This is a lifesaver so we're going to get going on it and we have our teams and he wants to have a build off in other words we're going to do a competition too to get the model we're going to use and it's going to be the same one with a whole bunch of shops of ours so you want to be able to sign on anybody who wants to do the build off and you think you can beat us or we can beat you and no that's what he says I sort of get that and Frank Castle hardcastle Duke nukem Blockbuster in and we want to do the competition and it's going to be for a speed on top speed handling and cost and the whole shebang together we'll have a list but really it's what you want out of a motorcycle so it's top speed and performance safety everything will be accounted for but if the thing goes 490 mph and the cost $20 more we don't care we're going to go with it so go ahead with that now
Thor Freya
Yeah okay we're going to have our own competition but where do we in-house and he says it's not a problem nobody else is doing it they don't have the balls they don't see why their ball is wonders they're ballas wonders and they don't understand why I was allowed you guys are acting nuts but now I do and I didn't know that was going on until like a week ago and we're aware of that too and I know about cadmium he says and it's not and George is around up there and he has one of those mega comet empire ships who says that I'm working for Dan but the other common empire ships are probably George and I'm starting to see something this is going to be hell I can't believe it and Trump is working for Dan too I'm going to get on this
Terry c
Oh okay the hell part is that George might be floating around and there are more than one of those things I'm starting to see it too
Holy s*** this is what we're looking for we got to get on this
It is true we have our dealings with George
Thor Freya
I got to get in line but here I am I'm going to get this going and I got to compete he's right this frame sturdy and it can hold those motors finally something makes sense and they look cheap enough ratty enough I mean this is hell on Earth and this is going to make it worse but okay I can't believe we're doing this but we have to and it's brought back by Jason so he is inviting him to do a build off with himself I guess he says he's going to do it with Brad and he's going to get going on at me thanks it says we used to be friends it sounds kind of the same relationship kind of was
Zig Zag what's the office wants to start up a Sudd company with us and he says I can't do it with you and we have ways of doing it we can ship you products and it says that's kind of the same thing I'm going to look into it cuz this is how I can't do a damn thing he wants to do it he says he has about 20 micro berries they're actually breweries and we can start up tonight and he says he wants to the concert the concept is what we were saying which would be 1 l 2 l and the big mouth to start and he says we're going to make huge beers to start he says yeah 2 l fits in any cork hand he says that's remarkable and they'll buy tons of them it's in human was so stupid I want to go ahead and do this so I'm going to go down and I'm going to start it up I know where to get the stuff and you guys can be sales people and he says we'll try and get over there but this is the idea and you sell it inexpensive and you'll make millions and millions of dollars the first hour and I know I'm going to go ahead and do it I'm going to have a friend drive a truck with Ken Ken has to go so he doesn't drink or take money all that stuff he says he never does and Jason says that it's true Hera says has to watch him like a hawk I got one out there too and no it's not a chicken hawk thank you very much. We're going on this and I'm getting mine in the competition
Zig me too I have a different idea it's kind of swedish it's really fast and it works better Zag you don't need to have the pan on the bottom with all that welding you just use the shoebox cover and turn it upside down and use clips and it's just as strong you don't have all these braces you don't need them and I'm going to do it I'm probably going to win Zag
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casagearhomedecor · 1 year
The Perfect Storage Solution: Stylish New Cabinets with Drawers
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Organization is key to keeping your home tidy and functional. And when it comes to storage, nothing is as classy and simple as convenient cabinets with built-in drawers. Not only do they provide ample space, but they also offer easy accessibility and a clutter-free, out-of-sight appearance. Let’s take a look at how the right storage piece can transform any space for the best.
Endless Storage Options
One of the major advantages of storage cabinets with drawers is their incredible versatility. They come in a huge variety of shapes, sizes, and configurations to fit your needs and style preferences. From tall cabinets with multiple drawers to small ones with only a few, you can choose the options that best suit your space. And the best part? Some drawers are stackable, meaning that you can double, or even triple, your storage capacity without taking up any more floor space.
Organize and Declutter
More than anything, a good cabinet offers the perfect opportunity to organize and declutter your space. You can easily categorize items, putting them in separate drawers to make it quick and easy to find what you need. No more digging through bins or shuffling items around to find what you're looking for. With Casagear's newest collection of quality storage cabinets with drawers, you can easily see where everything is and get what you need in seconds.
Improve Your Aesthetics
Cabinets can do double duty by not only providing storage solutions but also enhancing the charm of your interior design style. They come in a variety of looks, silhouettes, and materials to complement any decor theme.
Our classic wood cabinets can offer a more traditional or rustic look, while metal cabinets can bring a more sleek or modern appearance to your office or workstation. Then, you can choose the perfect finish, from natural wood stains to brilliant colors and white tones to create a curated statement in any room.
Increased Durability
Another great benefit is that Casagear’s hand-picked selection boast extra durability and longevity in their construction. They are built to withstand constant use and provide lasting protection for your items.
They are also a great investment, as they offer long-term storage solutions and are built to last. Unlike smaller storage options, like baskets or bins that can easily wear down or break over time, cabinets are tough and built to last.
Multi-Purpose Solutions
Finally, they can work well in any room and for any type of storage need. They make great kitchen solutions for appliances, pots, and pans, or even in the bathroom for towels and toiletries. The most common placement is in offices, garages, playrooms, or any other room where you need organization and keep lots of materials and goods.
The multipurpose applications for this particular piece of furniture are endless.
So, if you're in the market for extra storage solutions that can help you declutter, stay organized, and improve your aesthetics all at once, you can't go wrong with our selection of premium storage cabinets with drawers. They provide endless options when it comes to size, style, and functionality, and they can fit any room in your home.
Enjoy a tidier, more organized, and functional home for years to come when you shop our newest collection at Casagear-- linked conveniently in this post!
Cheers, and happy shopping!
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newmaniawe · 1 year
7 Things to Know Before Buying a MacBook
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If you’re planning to buy a laptop, the chances are you end up picking a MacBook. All Apple products come with an intuitive operating system and sleek design, and the MacBook is one of them. Hardware configuration is another aspect that will grab your attention.  Before you buy the MacBook, there are several things that you should know to make an informed purchase. Learning about the educational discounts and processing power available on different variants will help you pick the specs that are right for you.  Let’s discuss what you need to know about MacBooks before buying them.  Processor In 2020, Apple launched the Silicon chip and moved away from Intel processors. These chips are more power-efficient and include unified memory and better security. The never-seen-before chip-enabled all Apple devices to share a common architecture.  Due to the common architecture, developers are now able to optimize their apps more easily. Older Intel-based Macs have their own benefits, as they allow you to install Windows with Boot Camp, Silicon MacBooks are simply efficient, so opt for the latter one. Ports & Connections  When working on MacBooks, you will need to connect multiple peripherals to keep the work going. Both MacBook M1 and M2 come with only two Thunderbolt-enabled USB-C ports and an audio jack. In that case, you may turn on AirDrop on Mac to share files wirelessly.  MacBook Pro, both 14-inch and 16-inch, gives you multiple connectivity options that include three USB-C ports with Thunderbolt 4, an SD card slot, an HDMI port, and a MagSafe port for charging. Identify what ports you need and pick a MacBook that fits your needs.  Display Size and Resolution  When buying a MacBook, the display and quality or resolution should be the top concern. Most MacBook models in the current lineup feature a Retina display; some variants are better than their counterparts, so dive through the details before buying one.  For example, the 16-inch and 14-inch models feature a ProMotion display that supports a refresh rate of up to 120Hz. If you are a graphic designer, a photographer, or someone who is concerned about color reproduction, the mini-LED panels will impress you.  RAM and Storage Your MacBook’s memory and storage specifications describe its performance after the processor you select. When it comes to processors, you would want to buy the best option that can give you the highest performance within your budget.  M1 MacBook base models come with 8 GB memory and 256 GB storage, appropriate for users who don’t require working with intensive apps. Depending on the budget, you can opt for 16 GB RAM if you’re a video editor, developer, animator, or filmmaker.  New or Used  Most users spend considerable amounts of time thinking about whether they should buy a new Mac or get a used one. However, the decision should be pretty simple. If your budget allows you to buy a new MacBook, avoid buying a used laptop.  Now only a new MacBook is less prone to security issues, but it gives you a one-year warranty that covers most hardware and software-related issues. AppleCare+ Warranty gives you peace of mind that you won’t spend anything out of your pocket if any problem pops up.  AppleCare + Subscription On buying a new MacBook, you get a 1-year AppleCare warranty which you can extend for as long as three years. Buying AppleCare Plus can be expensive as you need to pay more money upfront, and it can be difficult to handle the repair costs later.  MacBooks usually perform excellently and are not likely to display any hardware or software errors. However, repairing a damaged Mac can be too expensive to deal with. So, make sure to buy extended AppleCare Plus plans as per your budget.  Education Discounts If you are a college student, you can save money with Apple’s Education Pricing plans on purchasing a new MacBook or other Apple products. The special education discount is available exclusively for university students and staff.  With this discount offer, students can save $100 on MacBook Air M1 and M2. Student discounts are available on iPads too. So if you are a student, don’t forget to carry your university ID to the store when buying a MacBook.  The Conclusion  When you are planning to buy a MacBook, wait for seasonal offers and discounts to bag the right deal. Apple Silicon MacBooks give you the best performance ever, and each model comes with an excellent resolution display. With a little more budget, you can buy a MacBook Pro. Since these devices are designed with professional tasks in mind, they deliver performance par excellence. Regardless of the MacBook model you purchase, don’t forget to power it with AppleCare Plus plans.  So, keep these things in mind when you are in the market to purchase a MacBook. Keep your budget in mind when selecting your new laptop, and try not to exceed the limit. Read the full article
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networksupport · 2 years
MDW Groups is proud to present the Network Support Service
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The internet has become a staple in our daily lives. We use it for work, play, and keeping in touch with loved ones. It’s hard to imagine a world without it. But what happens when something goes wrong? Who do you call for help? Introducing MDW Group—your one-stop shop for all your network support needs. From routers and switches to wireless access points and more, we have the experience and expertise to keep your business running smoothly. Don’t let a little hiccup turn into a big headache. Let MDW Group be your go-to partner for all things network support. Contact us today to learn more!
What is network support?
Network support is the process and practice of providing technical assistance to users of a computer network. This can include anything from providing basic troubleshooting help to more complex tasks like configuring networks and servers. Network support is typically provided by a team of IT professionals who are responsible for maintaining the network.
What services does MDW Group offer?
The MDW Group offers network support services that can help your business in a number of ways. We can provide you with the hardware and software you need to keep your network running smoothly, and we can also offer support and advice on how to best use your network to meet your business goals. We can also help you troubleshoot any issues you may be having with your network, and we can provide training to your staff on how to use your network effectively.
What are the benefits of using network support?
There are many benefits to using network support, including:
1. Increased uptime: With network support, you can be confident that your network will be up and running when you need it.
2. Reduced downtime: Network support can help reduce the amount of time your network is down, meaning less lost productivity for your business.
3. Improved performance: With an expert managing your network, you can enjoy improved performance and reliability.
4. Greater peace of mind: Knowing that your network is in good hands can give you peace of mind and allow you to focus on other aspects of your business.
How to get started with MDW Group
If you're looking for comprehensive network support, look no further than MDW Group. We have a team of IT professionals who can help you with all aspects of your network, from installation and setup to maintenance and troubleshooting.
Getting started with MDW Group is easy. Simply give us a call or send us an email and we'll get back to you promptly to discuss your needs. We'll then put together a customized plan that fits your budget and timeline.
With MDW Group, you can rest assured that your network is in good hands. We have the experience and expertise to keep your business running smoothly. Contact us today to get started!
Case studies
MDW Group has been providing network support for businesses of all sizes for over 10 years. We have a team of certified technicians who are experienced in handling all types of network issues.
We have worked with companies in a variety of industries, and our case studies reflect the diverse nature of our clientele. In each case study, we provide a detailed description of the problem that was encountered and the steps that were taken to resolve it.
Our case studies show that we are able to handle even the most complex networking issues. If you are having problems with your network, please contact us so that we can help you get back up and running as quickly as possible.
In today's business world, it is more important than ever to have a reliable network support team in your corner. The MDW Group has a proven track record of providing top-notch network support to businesses of all sizes. We are committed to providing the best possible service to our clients and will work tirelessly to ensure that your network is up and running smoothly. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you take your business to the next level.
Dear visitors if you want to more information about Network Support and our all services please visit our website. We have a website. We welcome you. CLICK HERE
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gotolundon · 2 years
Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap Review_ Is It Worth The Investment_
have you ever considered the impact of [keyword] on our daily lives oculus quest 2 head strap.
Virtual reality is already a huge industry, and it’s only going to grow larger in the coming years. That means there’s a lot of money to be made in the VR space, and that’s where Oculus Quest comes in. Oculus Quest 2 is the successor to Oculus Quest, and it offers a lot of improvements over the original model. In this article, we will take a look at the Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap and see if it’s worth the investment.
What is Oculus Quest 2?
The Oculus Quest 2 is the successor to the original Oculus Quest which was released in early 2018. It is a standalone headset that doesn't require any other devices to function, such as a phone or PC. It features advanced graphics and motion tracking that allows you to experience games and activities like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) without any additional hardware. One of the main reasons why people might want to buy an Oculus Quest 2 is because it offers a much better VR experience than the original Oculus Quest. The new headset has improved sensors that allow it to track movement more accurately and provide a smoother gaming experience. Additionally, it supports both singleplayer and multiplayer modes, which means you can join in on online gaming communities or battle other players head-to-head. Overall, the Oculus Quest 2 is a great choice for those looking for a high-quality VR experience that doesn't require extra equipment. However, there are some downsides worth mentioning. First of all, it's expensive - especially if you're looking to buy one outright rather than rent it - so make sure you're prepared to commit to using this headset for longer periods of time. Secondly, its battery life isn't as good as rival headsets like the HTC Vive or PSVR, so be sure to have plenty of charging options nearby if you plan on using it extensively.
Head Strap Review
Head strap VR headsets have become increasingly popular, especially for those who want to experience a variety of different titles. Oculus Quest is one of the newest headsets on the market, and it offers a unique experience compared to other head straps. There are a few things to consider before making the decision to buy an Oculus Quest head strap. First and foremost, make sure you have a compatible phone. Quest supports iPhones 8 and up as well as Android phones that are at least 6.0 Marshmallow or newer. Second, be aware that Quest comes with two ear cups - one for each side of your head - so you'll need to decide which configuration is best for you. Finally, be prepared to spend some money on an Oculus Quest head strap because it's not cheap. However, if you're looking for a premium VR experience that's different from anything else out there, the investment may be worth it.
Pros and Cons of the Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap
The Oculus Quest 2 head strap is a comfortable and secure way to enjoy virtual reality. However, there are some pros and cons to consider before making the purchase. pros: -Comfortable: The head strap is very comfortable, even after long sessions of VR gameplay. -Secure: The strap is securely fastened around your head, preventing movement or accidental detachment during gameplay. -Adjustable: The straps can be adjusted to fit any size head without having to remove the headset. cons: -Pricey: The Oculus Quest 2 head strap is a bit more expensive than other options on the market. However, its comfort and security make it a worthy investment for serious VR gamers.
After spending some time with the Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap, it is clear that this accessory is worth the investment for any VR enthusiast. Not only does it provide a more immersive experience, but its adjustable design means that everyone can get a perfect fit. If you are in the market for a new head strap, then the Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap should definitely be at the top of your list.
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pergolarific · 2 years
Why Are Metal Carports Best For You?
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If you're looking for a way to protect your car, it's worth considering a Adelaide Hills Carports can be the best option. While it might not be the first thing that comes to mind, they are perfect for protecting cars from rain and snow. They also have many other benefits that make them great for keeping your vehicle safe:
Carports can be customised for more protection.
Metal carports can be customised to provide you with the best protection in all sorts of different ways.
The first way is to add a door. You can choose between double doors or one large door, depending on how many people you want to be able to access your garage. If you'd like to keep the weather out but still let some light in, consider getting windows added so there is better visibility inside the garage.
Finally, if you'd like your metal carport roofed by a hard surface that will last longer than most roofs (which are usually made from asphalt shingles), consider getting it covered with concrete instead!
Carports can be built quickly and affordably.
Adelaide Hills Carports is an excellent choice for a do-it-yourself project. You can find many different types of carports, such as metal and vinyl. They are also available in many different sizes and styles. Adelaide Hills Carports is a great choice for anyone looking for a do-it-yourself project that will last for years to come.
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Carports can be made to fit in smaller spaces.
If you'd like to have a carport, but your driveway is too small for one or you simply don't have room for a large structure, metal carports are the answer. They come in a variety of sizes and configurations that allow you to find one that fits your space perfectly. You can even choose from various colours!
Metal Adelaide Hills Carports are great because they're sturdy enough to support more than just vehicles—they're also great for covering boats and RVs, allowing these valuable possessions some protection from inclement weather without taking up too much valuable property space on land or water!
Carports are more environmentally friendly.
Metal carports are made of recycled materials, which is great for the environment. If you use wood for your carport, you’ll have to cut down trees and clear land to make room for it. With metal, all you need is a large enough space to build your carport on top of the ground. That way, you won’t have to change anything about nature except maybe a few weeds or rocks here and there!
Metal carports are also more durable than wood ones because they don't rot or crack over time like wood does when exposed too much sunlight or water (which happens often if you live somewhere rainy). In fact, metal lasts longer than most other types of material like plastic which means that even after many years it still looks brand new.
Carports offer a lot of benefits to homeowners and businesses. They can be customised for more protection, built quickly and affordably, made to fit in smaller spaces, and are more environmentally friendly.
Source Link :- https://adelaidehillscarports.blogspot.com/2022/11/why-are-metal-carports-best-for-you.html
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fourbyfitouts · 2 years
Five Main Privileges of 4WD Drawer Systems Installation
If you have a truck, or even if you own an SUV, there's no doubt that storage space is at a premium. If you need to pack for a trip or haul items around the town with your vehicle, chances are good that there will be times when what you need won't fit into the available space. That's why some people choose to install 4wd drawers into their vehicles. There are many benefits to installing these systems! Here are just five of them:
Packing Is Easier (and somewhat enjoyable)
With 4wd drawers system, packing becomes easier than ever before. That's because they are so much easier to use than boxes and also more accessible. You don't have to dig through your storage unit or garage looking for a particular item; instead, you can just pull out the drawer that contains it!
There are no awkward corners or points where things get stuck—just smooth surfaces that let everything glide right out of them (or back into them). Plus, since the drawers come in different sizes and configurations based on what you need to store in them (and even come with labels), organizing your items is simple as well.
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Easy To Label and Organise
Since these drawers are designed with ergonomics in mind (so there aren't any sharp edges), labeling each one takes less effort than trying to write on cardboard boxes or other containers because it won't make your fingers sore from gripping onto something rough all day long; plus once labelled properly there shouldn't be any confusion about which box has which thing inside of it!
There are numerous uses for the cargo drawers found on 4WD and utes. The ideal ute drawer system is available whether you want to customize your canopy with all the camping gear you require or simply want a useful way to transport your work tools with you.
Create more space for storage
4WD drawers are designed to create more space for storage, which means you can store more items. But not only that, the way they're organized helps you find things much easier and faster. For example, I have a drawer full of all my cooking utensils. This is great because now I can quickly grab what I need and get back to cooking!
There are also drawers made specifically for tools, clothes and other items that require more space, like sleeping bags or tents.
Many people are concerned about the safety of their valuables and belongings. They want to keep them safe but don't want to hide them in a way that makes it easy for someone to break into the vehicle. A 4WD drawers system is a great solution because it keeps your stuff out of sight while remaining secure.
If you have valuable items stored in your vehicle, many people will take advantage of the opportunity to break into a locked car that is parked on public property, such as a parking lot or street curbside. With these drawers installed, they won't even be able to see what's inside - which means they won't risk trying anything!
We hope we've given you some ideas on how to make your RV more functional, organized, and beautiful. There are so many ways to customize your trailer and make it your own, so don't be afraid to try different things out!
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portmcau · 2 years
Why Should I Purchase a Shipping Container Storage Solution?
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Shipping containers are one of the most popular storage solutions for companies looking to store their items. They're durable, secure and easy to transport, which makes them ideal for businesses that need to ship their products or equipment.
By purchasing a shipping Containers for Sale storage solution from experts, you can rest assured that your belongings will be safe and secure during their time in storage. If any of these reasons are something that would appeal to you, then read on! We will explore each one in more detail below.
They Are Waterproof, Long-Lasting, And Tough
When you buy a shipping container for sale, you are buying a tough and durable storage solution. The containers are built to withstand the elements and can last for years if cared for properly.
They cannot be penetrated by water or other liquids, which means they are perfect for indoor or outdoor storage locations that would otherwise be vulnerable to damage from rain and snowfall.
With proper maintenance and care, your shipping container will last longer than most other types of storage units. Some people choose to paint their shipping containers, while others prefer not to do anything at all because they like how well-used they look!
They Are Transportable
The big advantage of shipping containers is their portability. If you need to move your storage space, it's as simple as calling a truck.
Shipping containers are also easy to stack and store in various configurations. They can be stacked on top of each other or side by side, depending on the amount of space you have available.
They're also easy to modify so that they fit any type of interior structure you might want them to become — from a home office to an artist's studio or even a retail store!
Rodent And Bug Resistant
The steel construction of shipping containers is one of the reasons for their popularity. They are resistant to rodents, insects, and other small pests that can cause damage to your property.
The interlocking metal doors of a shipping container are designed to keep out pests - in fact, they're so strong that you can stand on them! The tight-fitting lids on both ends keep rainwater out and help prevent any smells from escaping inside your container.
That's important because some things we store in our warehouses come with odours that can cause problems over time if they're not kept away from other items. For example we have customers who use their containers as storage solutions for food products such as baked goods or candy bars that need airtight packaging so the freshness stays intact until it reaches its destination.
Various Sizes Are Available
There are a variety of sizes available, ranging from 10'x8 ′ to 45'x8 ′. Although 20' and 40' containers are the most common, other sizes such as 10', 20', 30', and 45' can be found in certain regions. The largest size container (45ft) is suitable for use as a house or business office. If you're looking for something smaller than a 20ft Containers for sale, then many experts carry different types of containers in our inventory that may suit your needs better.
Van-sized shipping containers (also called "car-carriers") for transporting cars internationally or domestically
Dry freight containers (also known as ISO units) that can be used to store almost anything
When it comes to shipping containers for sale, you can find a size or style that fits your needs. These types of storage solutions are perfect for any business looking to expand their storage capabilities, or someone who just wants to get rid of clutter in their home!
Source: https://portmc.wordpress.com/2022/10/31/why-should-i-purchase-a-shipping-container-storage-solution/
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samuelryanlilly · 2 years
Steam Deck First Impressions
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For anyone unaware, the Steam Deck is a handheld gaming computer developed by Valve with the main purpose of getting their Steam library onto a portable platform. After the their commercial flop of the home console the Steam Machine, they basically shifted towards a number of solutions to make sure their next attempt to bring Steam games to more people would go a little smoother. Enter the Steam Deck, a device that's best described as a chunkier yet beefier Nintendo Switch that is specifically tailored to run Steam games quickly and conveniently. I've been using it for roughly a week and half now and wanted to share some of my first impressions.
The physical design is pretty good. While it's a bit big to be going in any pockets and a bit heavy too, it's ergonomically very fitting to the hands. There's enough to hold onto so that makes it feel a bit lighter and to be fair, it's not as big as the promotional materials lead me to believe. For size comparison, it's about as long as the Switch with the Hori Split Pad Pro joycons on, though still thicker. Or relatively similar in size and feel to the Wii U Gamepad, though notably heavier than that. I got the 512GB model but it does have a microSD card slot for external storage expansion. There's also a headphone jack and a USB-C port for charging and peripherals. I tested these out some with headphones and a headset in the jack. I used the USB port to connect a mouse, a keyboard, a controller, and a USB hub to do all three at once no problem. I even connected a USB-C to HDMI cable to use it on my TV in the meantime waiting for the official dock to come out (which has at the time of writing this). I didn't test anything with the bluetooth connection but most of the USB stuff I connected with a USB-A to USB-C adapter with no issues.
After a quick setup I was logged in and ready to start using the Deck. The SteamOS interface here is pretty smooth aside from a few pages that require touch input or a mouse to navigate. You can tweak some settings but the biggest ones are brightness and frames per second because these will make a noticeable difference in battery life. While it's only a 1280x720 16:10 LCD display, being able to play in 60fps with this much powerful hardware is definitely a jump up from a Switch in handheld mode. One of my absolute favorite things they've implemented on the Deck is the compatibility system. Fixed specs means they can test if games are compatible or not pretty easily. Anything with a green check mark is considered great on Deck with full compatibility. A yellow “i” means it'll work but some features may not be ideal for the Deck such as interface, text, and so on. There are unsupported titles which may work just fine but are considered too much of a hassle to get working, among others I'm sure just won't work. I haven't found any yet that failed to launch or run but I did have one poorly optimized indie game become more trouble than it was worth to fix. And then there are the question mark ones that aren't tested enough to categorize. The reason I love this compatibility system is because I can just open up the store or the library, filter for everything with a green check mark, download, and I'm playing. No need to hunt through specs and hope it'll magically work with my configuration.
It's also even easier to play because most games will pick a default template for the Steam Deck controls, but you can also change templates to other presets or custom community ones. Plus the trackpads, touch screen, and extra back buttons give you lots of extra inputs and ways to control games otherwise not well suited to controller inputs. The innards of this machine are pretty respectable as well. Sure, it's no match for a full gaming rig, but for a portable system it does an admirable job delivering great performance and visuals. It feels so nice to just turn on a game, have it work, and be able to play with controller-type controls. I mostly have been watching YouTube stuff on the side while playing and it's great. No need to setup at my computer and plug in all my stuff. I can just pick this up, turn it on, and go. You do need internet for the cloud sync or downloading games, though. Cloud sync actually lets you switch between that and your PC pretty seamlessly. You can also use the auto-suspend of putting the Deck to sleep to resume games later without closing or leaving the system on. So easy and convenient and capable.
Is the Steam Deck a Nintendo Switch killer? Probably not. The libraries don't really overlap a ton so if anything it's like a Switch companion because if you already like playing games that way then you'll probably be more enticed to get through your Steam backlog on the Deck. It could replace it if you used a Switch emulator but that's not likely very legal. And to be fair, while I know you can do tons more with the Steam Deck in terms of emulators and dual booting operating systems and all that, I really just got it to play Steam games. That's what it was made for. And in that regard I think it excels incredibly well. It's a much cheaper alternative to gaming laptop for the ease of portable PC gaming. It's easier to pick up and play at a moments notice to relax than on a PC too. It can play a lot more games with more options and content than modern consoles and handhelds as well. And for anyone on the fence about which way to lean between console and PC, this comes in not only as a good midpoint experience, but also a midpoint price. It's just so impressive and it really does exactly what I've wanted for my Steam games for the longest time. It gives me the ability to spend less time troubleshooting and more time actually playing. If you think you'll like the Steam Deck already, you probably will. Go for it. It's worth it. But we'll see how it holds up past these first impressions as time goes on. I'll keep ya posted. Until then, thanks for listening to me ramble. It's just really nice to still find reasons to be excited about gaming.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/uDrC7yvKnyg
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fluffy-critter · 2 years
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
a few kits are out. and are not as inexpensive and are ok quality wise. have motorcycle motors. and thusly are more pricy. a few are ok. two good. one pretty good. yes. not premium bu ours will be similar. it is going on. and it is for the Motorcycle. and it is good. they build tons of them ok. tons. partiallly assembled and yes ship unassembled. they are about 1200 for the 49cc and two have dot papers they sell the ohters slow less yes. the two sold one trillion yesterday, today ten trillion. and grow. and fast. ten trilliono is huge. china boots up and grows has tons of lanwmower engines unused they are not good for centrifuge motorcycle engines are so we see it. and and it lifts off and this does. they need anything they say. tons will buy this. see it works too. and we piggy back build them use better steel ok.
Hera Zues
we do this now. an make our kits better yes. and send tons. and more after they see it in the literature the actual number and find the catalogue well ok this bike. we see it. teh other one bein built now needed the tank design. seat too. fenders. ok
Thor Freya
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this is the saddle and the tank. the frame the manufacutrer you saw sme thing less of an angle. not this frame. aftermarket cos. have the tanks and seats. the reaf fender plastic and front like this too. but the rear is hugging the tire more no. is like this. but plastic. and replica of honda. the tank is the same but flatter looks better. cowel the same too tons of replcia partss are cheaper too than ohter parts. same mag wheels. briggs and straton 8hp 48cc or so. and 90cc 20 or 25 hp with dot exahast original top end. or speed kit new top end. similar to this the whole thing add for liquid cooling but honda ferrings and imitatin yes. replicas no they call them after market. the frame we chose. tires just like this after market. exhaust looks the same is different. the seat configuration is different but yoou shall see the framehas it. and frame hs extensins not like this for bags or hard bags and more. and we mean it we use the grips and more all aftermarket this year make of rebel differentframe and engine and sprockets
Hera Zues
we checked it all honda rebel afetermarket fits. we need to add a few things. to cover teh engineno it needs air even with cooling. and we need to say this the whole bike is aftermarket honda. good they say good quality. and yes. the price is cheap and we can make if for the prices we stated but tohers will be near 2500 for the 49 but can get the parts here. and we see how.
Thor Freya
we move on it see it. same tank too and different frame, but we can get the frame too for this though the other is better the parts fit and we know it
we do that too. and the aftermarket frame has a support. and it is nice is as steep though.
Thor Freya
we change it later. use the concept now. smaller tires rims if cheaper
Zues Hera
nope one size now and fits all you seect your motor use the gears of the rider, same gears. the sprockets make it work. its like a pto an you gear it up like oursons bike ok
but only two one up front one in back and sprockets included for brigs and stratotn check which engine you have
we make them piggy back. and change it shortly. to do the both thing. now only a knock off. and yes the name and we made some. and reverted to the Honda and good he says. other brands have this not so much though
Thor Freya
we do this now
0 notes
spicysoftsweet · 3 years
the devil is a fornicator, incubus!sukuna x reader
summary: sukuna, a well-known incubus is quite fond of you.
warnings: home invasion, noncon, double penetration, size kink ig, degradation, monster form! sukuna
a/n: there is no plot here just porn lmao. enjoy.
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It’s the dead of night and the incubus has returned, you realize once you’ve awoken in a shock of blinding pain, only to gaze directly into the demon’s endless eyes hovering over you, illuminated dimly by the pale moonlight that streams through your thin curtains.
He grins, revealing rows of gleaming sharp teeth.
“Did you miss me?”
His voice is a snarl that drips heavily in sarcasm, seemingly echoing in the silence of the room.
Tonight, much like every other night, you’re not sure how you ended up caged in two sets of arms stronger than wrought iron, your mind steeped in a deep, impenetrable fog and your body languid and stretched to the limit as you’re all but impaled over a monstrously sized pair of cocks. But it’s a matter of course - the demon Sukuna has picked you and continues to choose you again and again.
There’s more than one reason he’s called the King of Curses.
Aside from the fact that he has claimed you only because you are eternally damned, expletives fall out of his mouth as naturally as rain drops from the sky; harsh, caustic is the feel of his rough hands on your skin, if you can really call them something as human as hands.
“You’re pathetic, really, sniveling all because of a little pain?”
Even though his voice is light and jeering, you’re not meant to answer and you don’t dare to. All you can do is whimper, and your soft, miserable sobs delight him.
“You should be thankful I’ve become somewhat partial to a weak, worthless little thing like you.”
The palm that presses down on your neck, making it hard for you to draw air into your lungs, is so heavy - heavier than the weight of his body that carelessly crushes your fragile one.
Even if he is holding most of his weight, you are still so tiny, so small in comparison to his huge figure. He’s massive, truly, but you’re not exactly sure how large he is...  he visits you under the cover of dark, and you swear the size of his shadow varies each time. 
But the configuration of his form is always the same, and he makes good use of his supernatural anatomy - a hand presses on your neck, another grasps relentlessly at your hair and tugs mercilessly, and two more are placed oppressively on your hips, gripping tightly enough to leave blotchy discoloration on your skin. A tongue that protrudes from somewhere within the dense muscles of his abdomen laps furiously at your bare skin, now covered in a thin layer of sweat from the heat he generates. The rough, wet strokes only worsen your sensitivity but you barely shudder because he holds you so still that you have no agency to move.
But where could you go?
You want to explode.
“It hurts, doesn’t it? Being splayed out like this?” His head lowers so that he can whisper directly into your ear, as he continues to pet your scalp. His fingers curl around your neck, and you gasp involuntarily; you can practically feel the way his lips curl into a smile, his cheek is so close to yours.
Of course it hurts. It hurts so bad, it hurts so good, your heart hurts, your pussy aches.
“I’m too big, aren’t I? You can’t take me in that tight little cunt of yours, can you?” 
It’s true - you shouldn’t be able to take him. In fact, you’re amazed that he manages to fit despite everything, however painfully so, and if your head were a bit clearer, you’d wonder if it’s a bit of magic that keeps you from splitting in half so that he can have his fun night after night. It does help that you’re dripping wet, seeping around him enough that you can feel the unmistakable moist sensation between your legs that is your arousal, more slippery than perspiration.
“What would you do if I got bigger inside you? Will I tear you apart, little one?”
Please have mercy.
Tears are streaming down your cheeks and your body is quivering, and if it weren’t for the fact that he has you pinned down, unable to move an inch, your whole body would be convulsing. You are too full, too tender, too stimulated and he’s barely even moving yet, aside from the occasional tortuous twitch of one of the penises inside you. It’s torture, the way your body clenches desperately around him, pleading for some friction. The rise and fall of your chest as you pant in a strained, almost wheezing cacophony - you don’t dare whine, you’ll take whatever he offers you - seems to delight him, and his hand releases around your neck. He thumbs instead at your quivering lower lip, his own lips pressing onto your neck.
It’s almost a mockery of tenderness, the pecks he gives the curve of your jaw as he jams two fingers now down your throat making you gag. 
He loves to hear you choke, and he sinks his hands into the futon so that he can grasp handfuls of your ass and lift up.
Once he adjusts himself so that he is kneeling onto the bed and your hips are hoisted off the ground, he pushes deeper inside you and you cry out around his fingers in your mouth.
But once he starts moving, you are too stimulated to cry. 
Sukuna fucks you loudly, lewdly, animalistic groans and foul language filling the air as he thrusts in and out of you like you’re nothing but a mere cocksleeve, ignoring whatever screams and moans come out of your mouth. You move so quickly, slammed almost perpendicularly against his pelvis, hard, that your thoughts go from fogged up to scrambled until you’re dizzy and wordless, sniveling, forgetting how to form the words to beg him to stop.
Do you want him to stop? Being fucked dumb maybe the only good part of this curse after all. 
He plays with your pert nipples as he slams you down onto his cocks; he shifts you upright briefly, sitting with his legs crossed to minimize his own effort as he pistons you up and down forcefully onto his lap.
Too many eyes focus in on the grotesque, fucked-out expression you make, your tongue lolling out helplessly and your breasts bouncing recklessly as he moves you.
“You almost look half-decent like this...” he teases, a pleased smirk gracing his hideous smirk. Again, he has to steady you, bringing your arms behind you and holding you taut so that you don’t collapse onto him,  you are nothing but a brainless toy, after all. By this point of the night, he can’t expect you to keep your posture. He’s not that cruel.
“You’re no different than a little lamb. Innocent, cute, powerless. I could swallow you whole.”
You let out a drawn out moan from an orgasm that springs forth from so deep inside you that it reverberates throughout your whole body and he laughs. In fact, he cackles wildly as you jerk violently forward, your shoulders almost risking dislocation as you move due to the fact that your wrists are still firmly in his grasp. 
“Aren’t you going to beg me to stop? Or are you just going to keep cumming like the dirty little cursed slut you are?”
You know he won’t stop. Not for hours. Not until he eventually releases hot, sticky, endless ropes of cum inside you until you pass out, until the next morning where you wake up in a cold sweat after repetitive nightmares of giving birth to hellspawn.
His two upper hands cup your face that is exhausted, weary, miserable, and dazed from fucking that will go on endlessly and for as long as he feels like it. Sucking away all your vital energy. Ruining your soul. Wrecking your body. 
His fingers caress your skin, even if he’s still pounding relentlessly into you and you’re only a few more strokes away from another gut-wrenching climax.
Sukuna kisses you passionately and you don’t think, because if there is anything you know for a fact, it’s that the devil is a liar and tonight’s lie is that you’re anything more than a hapless human he likes to fuck.
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nonbinary-octopus · 3 years
Not Just the Two of Us Chapter 6: A Lot of Information
Wordcount: 1.3 K
Summary: Logan likes to talk about his research. Patton likes to listen to Logan, and he also wants to know more. Win win.
Chapter 1: Confession
[More of my writing]
Virgil and Roman, having done the least before-dinner work, were given the after-dinner chores. Virgil cleared the table, putting the food away and bringing the dishes to Roman, who filled the sink with soapy water and began the washing up.
Every time Virgil brought him a dish, Roman ‘paid’ him for it with a kiss on the lips. They had stacked the plates and gathered the silverware for easier carrying, but after Virgil had carried over a cup in each hand and received a kiss for their delivery, he brought the rest of the dishes over one piece at a time. It took him quite a while to clear the table in this manner.
Patton hopped up to sit on the counter, and Logan leaned against it beside him. “Logan?” Patton asked.
“Are there other configurations? Besides Vee and Triangle?”
Logan considered the question for a moment. “Not for three people,” he said. “There’s really only two ways to connect three nodes, provided one assumes that the nodes are interchangeable. Else there’s four, but three of them are Vees, simply changing who is the vertex. I believe that a polyamorous relationship involving four people is called a Quad, regardless of the particulars of the configuration.”
“How many people can you have?” Patton asked curiously.
Logan looked thoughtful. “I think the upper bound would be determined by a person’s time and availability, as well as interest,” he said at last. “It’s important not to neglect any one partner, so resources would need to be considered. However, my research indicated that a polyamorous network could, in theory, be infinitely large and sprawling, containing many smaller clusters.”
“How does that work?”
Logan shrugged a bit. “Well, suppose you’ve got a triangle,” he said. “Three people, all dating each other. And then suppose one of the people in that triangle has a third partner, who is metamour to the other two members of the triangle. Further suppose that they belong to another triangle or a quad, or perhaps that they and their partner from the first triangle are two parts of a triad or quad or other. And someone from that group has another partner, and so on.
“Or you could have a long chain of people with two partners each. Perhaps one person in the chain has three partners, so they form a Y junction. You could mix and match all these things to make a unique and complex system.”
Patton nodded slowly. “Getting everyone together for dinner must be tricky,” he said.
Logan laughed. “That it would,” he agreed. “I suppose they could do a potluck.” He shrugged. “However, they wouldn’t necessarily all know each other. It’s possible even to not know one’s metamour, let alone one’s metamour’s other partner, or those further down the line. And even if they do all know each other, that doesn’t mean that they get together or share meals — though I’m sure there exist networks which do function that way.”
Patton frowned a bit. “I get not knowing your metamour’s partner, but how could someone not know their metamour? Doesn’t that edge on cheating again?”
“No. In this case, the metamours would be aware that their mutual partner is seeing someone else, and are fine with that, but are not interested in knowing that person.” Logan shrugged. “I understand that many people prefer this version, and while I think I personally would not enjoy it, I can see the appeal.” Patton was still unconvinced, and it must have shown on his face, because Logan added, “I have friends whom you have never met, and I’m sure you have friends I don’t know.”
“That’s different!” Patton protested. “You know all of my other Best Friends, and I’d introduce you to my boyfriend if I had one.”
“Yes, it’s different, but the concept is similar.”
“I’d want to know my metamours,” Patton continued. “If anyone’s that important to my boyfriend, they’re important to me too, and I wanna know them.”
Logan smiled. “Yes, as I said, I’m the same. However, nothing is one size fits all, including polyamory, and there are those for whom it is different.”
Patton considered that, then conceded the point. They were quiet for a moment, watching Virgil present Roman with a fork in exchange for a deep kiss that left soap suds in Virgil’s hair where Roman ran his fingers through it.
“Will Virgil be moving in with you?”
“Perhaps at some point, but not in the near future. We intend to discuss it again when his lease draws near an end. We’re not currently set up here to have three people living in the house full-time, either. Roman is vying for a bigger bed.”
“Isn’t your bed the same size as the air mattress we use for sleepovers?” Patton asked.
“Yes, they’re both queens. However, his argument is not without merit. As comfortable as it is to pile four people together in a ‘cuddle puddle’ once a week, it would feel quite crowded if it were a regular thing every night. Besides, at least one person ends up on the floor by morning as often as not, and I would prefer to avoid that occurring with our regular bed, especially considering that it has a frame and a box spring and is thus rather taller than an air mattress set directly on the floor, and would be much more painful to fall out of.”
“Plus I dunno if I’m ready to share a bed all the time,” Virgil chimed in, offering Roman another fork. Roman took it and kissed him. When they pulled apart again several seconds later, Virgil continued, “I haven’t even shared a bedroom since my crib was in my parents’ room, let alone having the same bed. And no,” he added, putting a finger against Roman’s lips in the ‘shush’ gesture before Roman could say something, “sleepovers every weekend don’t count. Six nights out of seven, I sleep alone in my own bed in my own bedroom in my own apartment. Moving in with you guys is a big step.”
Roman grinned. “You’ve already got a toothbrush in our bathroom and a drawer and a hamper in our laundry room and a key to our front door,” he pointed out.
“So does Patton, I’m not special,” Virgil countered.
Roman looked offended. “On the contrary, you are very special,” he protested. “And anyway, what I was trying to say was that you’re practically half moved in already.”
“I suppose,” Virgil said, leaning into Roman, who held him. “Still a big deal.”
“I know,” Roman said gently. “So I’m gonna try not to push you about it until you’re ready. Even if that’s never. Though I really hope it won’t be never.” He scrunched his nose a bit. “Am I being pushy right now? I can’t tell if I’m being pushy or eager or both.”
“A bit of both,” Virgil answered.
Virgil was quiet for a moment, then said, very softly, “You know, tonight is going to be the first night we share a bed as boyfriends instead of best friends.”
“Yeah,” Roman agreed with a grin. “Kinda exciting.”
Virgil made a soft, mumbled sound of maybe-agreement, turning his face to press directly into Roman’s chest, and Roman added in a gentler tone,
“Kinda scary too, I suppose. Makes you wonder how it’ll change things.”
“Mm-hm,” Virgil mumbled into Roman’s shirt.
“It doesn’t have to change anything,” Roman said soothingly, spreading bubbles on the top of Virgil’s head. “We can still just all pile on the mattress like normal, and fall asleep during a long and meandering conversation, just like every other weekend.”
“I think I'd like that…”
Chapter 7: Sleepover | WIP
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