#oobie rambles
overclockedfamicom · 11 months
Was the Protagonist Bomberman in Bomberman Land for the Wii meant to be nonbinary but nintendo decided to use masculine terms or was this game intentionally meant to be positive towards crossdressing?
Either way I'm all for whatever's going on with the style system
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oobi-oobi · 13 days
I drew all of the Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors characters dying in glue traps
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Feel free to use with credit :)
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cheese-doorstop48 · 10 months
If you want me at my "cute tddk fanart" moments then you also have to take my "cursed tddk fanart" too 🙌
[tddk oobi AU... I'm slightly sane you guys, I promise]
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error-area · 11 months
Is anyone have some type of attachment with Welcome Home? Like in a healthy way, but also in a way where you’re grown attach to it and you’re an avid fan of keeping it up with it. Liking the characters with its own quirks, the only reason why I am still attached with Welcome Home is because I grew up watching Sesame Street and Oobi plus various other puppet media movies growing up. I feel like it’s a 2nd childhood reawakening for me-
Welcome Home has its vintage and classic look. I know I’m saying this but this makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. My inner child makes me feel happy
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oobi-oobi-rambles · 1 year
Check out my art! 🩷 @oobi-oobi 🩷
⚠️ I will reblog spoilers here ⚠️
(please check the tags listed below)
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☆ai: the somnium files (entire series)
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☆chainsaw man
☆master detective archives: rain code
☆monster high
☆in stars and time
I'll try to keep this updated :)
Spoiler Tags
☆zero escape spoilers
☆ai: the somnium files spoilers
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☆danganronpa spoilers
☆ In stars and time spoilers
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please, please, please block these if you haven't experienced the story yet, I beg of you 🥺
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☆tw blood
☆tw gore (using this for any severe or graphic injuries)
stay safe <3
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albinotanuki · 4 months
I would so pay to go to an Oobi Ted Talk just to hear him ramble.
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ceruleanthing · 5 years
I’m suddenly remembering a bunch of horrendously old ocs that lived in a world that was basically a crossover between Oobi and Guardians of Ga’Hoole. I’m pretty sure I still have the lore manual type thing I made for it
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echoorigami · 3 years
Rules: Copy and paste these questions and make your own post, please do not add onto this one, it’ll get too long too fast. Then tag some of your friends to let them know you’d like to hear more about their ocs!
Original by @/queen-breha-organa / BWAH! Thanks for the tag /@Kkrazy256 (do I get rid of this or?)
Name: Liquid
Pronouns: They/Them
Nickname: Disposal (Well that was their original name), Trash Can, Dumpster, God-spill-a, Stinky, Roomba, Oobie (Oobleck), Boupa
One Word To Sum Them Up: Goopy
Noun to Describe Them: Large
Temperament: Friendly, just kinda going about their life mostly peacefully
MBTI Type:  N/A
Enneagram Type: N/A
Other’s First Impression of Them:  Pretty chill, intimating but more from size and "species" more than anything, the person their trash and waste goes to
General Likes: Food (any kind really, they haven't had much good food in their life until Spite came along), hiding in narrow spaces, pissing off Employers and other people they dislike
General Dislikes: Employers, Director Phobos, being kidnapped and asked to obey someone without question when there is no explanation or the reason is bullshit, being attacked by Hank (it's more annoying than anything but still unpleasant), being stuck in their tank all day (it's not too bad but it's boring as fuck)
Romantic Status: Shit that's supposed to be a thing?
Love Interest(s):  Uhhh N/A
Good Friend(s): Tan, Spite, maybe that one agent who gave them a sandwich is very likely dead
Enemy: The Employers (Hank n Phobos aren't really their enemies but more just people they aren't fond of)
Hobbies: Hiding and traversing through pipes, eating, watching other people do things (especially cook) , messing with people, they wonder if their jobs can be considered a hobby since they don't hate them
Songs They Relate To: N/A (I've never been good at finding songs for characters)
Fictional Characters Similar To Their Personality: N/A (there's gotta be someone out there but my head is ~empty~)
Fun Fact: Liquid is one of my more developed characters and a Madness Combat OC at that, even with the gaps in their characters I am still p proud of them. But for an actual fact: Liquid was renamed from Disposal to Liquid by Spite! Spite is very bad at names, think Asgore's way of naming things
Free Space/Ramble: Liquid was originally a janitor! Someone was watching them and got the idea for a living waste processor and Liquid was used as the subject. They were originally as small as they were as a janitor but had a part time job absorbing waste. It ended up taking up a ton of time as they became required to absorb more and more. They were made into a MAG (considered a defect since they lack aggression but they did their job so they weren't disposed) to help allow them to absorb more waste but also stay a janitor. They ended up in a tank full time absorbing radioactive waste, garbage, chemicals, and whatever else and either processing it or ejecting recyclable stuff. Someone gave them a sandwich one and it led to them leaving their tank sometimes to look for food. Their eye sight isn't the best, they have posters of wanted people but can't read them very well. Their memory is also a bit scrambled so they have forgotten a LOT, including their previous life (which I haven't made yet)
Tags: @lettucetanteo @queensqueercourt @rubinjuweldraws
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donnerpartyofone · 3 years
at first i was like, did they really have to have "ramble tamble" AND "ooby dooby" on the same album? then i was like, yeah, ok, fine, let'em do whatever they want.
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overclockedfamicom · 1 year
Super Mario RPG is getting a REMAKE and I didn’t know about this? WHAT?
The only way I found out was while I was trying to find screenshots of the original SNES game to show a friend.
Look I’m excited that Nintendo’s giving it proper recognition for the first time in... Ever (one cameo in a minigame in Superstar Saga and one mii costume in smash bros DOES NOT COUNT), but I’m not sure how I feel about the art direction.
Super Mario RPG had SUCH a unique take on the Mario games, with a sense of grit and obscurity that I’ve only ever seen VAGUELY rivaled in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.
And now they’re converting it to the trademark Mario style...
It’s okay Nintendo, I really think the kids these days CAN handle Mario being in a game that looks a bit different from all the other Mario games from the past ten years.
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oobi-oobi · 3 months
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New abomination... I mean, new profile picture for @oobi-oobi-rambles
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Goodbye Kermit 😔
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animalsontherun · 3 years
Resenha Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cosmo's Factory
Em julho de 1970 o Creedence lançava seu maior sucesso comercial, “Cosmo’s Factory”.
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O álbum dava continuidade aos quatro impecáveis trabalhos anteriores e, ainda é, prévia do último com o líder John Fogerty, o espetacular Pendulum. O clima dentro do estúdio para as gravações não era das melhores e, a relação, Fogerty/resto da banda vinha se agravando, justamente, por John tomar cada vez mais, o papel de "dono" colocando seu irmão Tom, Stu Cook e Doug Clifford como banda de apoio. Apesar disso, o disco é excepcional, um dos melhores dos humildes de San Jose. Gravado com o material mais simples possível, sem muitos canais ou efeitos, sendo produzido pelo prórpio John Fogerty. Conta com quatro covers: “Before You Acused Me” de Bo Diddley; “Ooby Dooby” gravada, também, por Roy Orbison; “My Baby Left Me” e “I Heard It Through The Grapevine”, um dos maiores sucessos de Marvin Gaye. Além de conter excelentes faixas autorais como “Ramble Tamble”, “Travelin’ Band” e “Who’ll Stop The Rain”.
John Fogerty – guitarra, vocais, piano e sax.
Tom Fogerty – guitarra.
Stu Cook – baixo.
Doug Clifford – bateria.
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Also Bu learned more about me than she probably ever wanted to know.
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likeshipsonthesea · 7 years
Ooby Dooby (1/?)
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Inspired by this because I just couldn’t not. The title is from the Wiggles, because Fruit Salad is my jam.
As he sits on a park bench at eight forty-two in the morning, sipping horrible coffee and watching as two toddlers systemically undress a Barbie doll in a sandbox while their mothers gossip about some woman named Susan five feet away, Nursey regrets every decision he ever made. Okay, not every decision, but one decision specifically; his decision to take Lardo up on her bet during their game of flip cup last week.
See, the problem is that Drunk Nursey (an entity deserving of its own capitals) is far more confident than Regular Nursey is on a daily basis. Which means, unfortunately for Nursey’s general wellbeing, that when Drunk Nursey is in control, it usually leads to a further drunken Nursey and also horribly overconfident decisions. So Nursey accepted Lardo’s challenge to a game of flip cup (horrible decision number one) and then, after losing twice, accepted the bet Lardo proposed; if he won, she’d make the cover art for his next novel, but if she won, he had to write a children’s book for her to illustrate.
Neither of them were particularly invested in children’s literature, but Lardo had been itching to do something new since her last gallery opening. Sadly all of the stories she came up with were fairly unimaginative, the best of them being a story about a little girl losing a shoe and realizing in the end that it wasn’t the shoe she had gained, but the friends she made along the way. So yeah, she wanted help.
And Nursey, of course, lost terribly and then proceeded to sign a napkin stating that he couldn’t reneg on his offer, which Shitty got notarized through some definitely sketchy means, so now Nursey was at a children’s park at eight in the morning on a Saturday because he hadn’t had experience with a child since he was one, and he’s pretty sure the nineties was a hundred years ago, kid-wise, and he has no idea what kind of book a child would like to read.
He was half-expecting some indignant mother to come up to him and accuse him of being a pedo or something when something big and fast hits him in the head and knocks the living beejesus out of him.
His coffee, which was shit to begin with because apparently no one thought to start up a good coffee shop near where exhausted parents hang out (really poor decision making on Starbucks’ part), goes everywhere, including Nursey’s pants, leaving a giant brownish stain surrounding the crotch, which implies a confusing mix of pissing and shitting himself at the same time.
“Shit,” he hears someone say, and he’s about to wholeheartedly agree when he looks up and sees the most beautiful lumberjack he’s ever seen in his life. The man, who Nursey can only assume is the lovechild of Aphrodite and Hephaestus who got the best of both worlds from his parents’ genes, has a grimace on his face, holding a blue rubber ball in one hand and a child in his other.
Oh sweet lord who thought it was okay to give this man a child? Nursey thinks helplessly, watching as the wind blows at the man’s gorgeous, soft looking orange hair, ruffling it prettily. He’s got on a red flannel, a t-shirt on under that, and a tan leather jacket over the whole thing that looks worn and soft and Nursey wants to live inside this man’s jacket, what the fuck.
“Are you okay?” the man asks, and Nursey wants to tell him no, no I am not, I just realized that actual mythical beings live among us and I need to sit down for a second, but he doesn’t say that because he has been walking around and talking to people for about twenty four years now, and if that’s taught him anything, you cannot disclose your belief in the supernatural during a first meeting. (He takes a moment to mourn that one date back in sophomore year of college where he rambled on about ghosts for forty minutes and then, when he asked the girl out again via text, she’d just sent back the ghost emoji and a thumbs down. Nursey shakes his head; so harsh.)
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Nursey says. Then he realizes that no, hot coffee in your nether regions doesn’t really put you in the Fine column, but chooses not to correct himself. Hot Lumberjack Father already looks so upset, and Nursey thinks he’s probably about to be arrested for violating the Geneva Convention just by putting that frown on Hot Lumberjack Father’s face.
“I can reimburse you for the dry-cleaning,” the man says, which Nursey almost laughs at because he’s wearing jeans, not a three-piece suit.
“It’s fine, man, they’re just jeans.” He shrugs, frowning down at himself a little because the coffee’s getting cold. “I’ll just put them in the wash.”
“Oh, yeah, sorry.” Hot Lumberjack Father rubs at the back of his neck, sheepish, as the adorable child in his arms has taken the ball from him. The child, Nursey realizes, is obviously HLF’s son (he decides then that he needs an initialism or he’s just be saying Hot Lumberjack Father in his head, which is too many syllables and will take time away from staring at HLF’s face and sighing) as he’s got the same color hair, the same nose, and the same adorable smattering of freckles all over his face. The kid, it seems, is also three seconds from crying.
“Hurt?” the kid asks, whimpering a little, and HLF curses again, softly.
“No, no, Parker, it’s fine, you didn’t hurt him.” It’s instant, HLF turns all of his attention to his kid, bouncing a little instinctively and murmuring soft noises, and Nursey already wants to marry this man just so he can watch him soothe children on a daily basis.
“It’s fine, little dude,” Nursey says, grinning at the kid, Parker, in a way he hopes is charming and not going to get him arrested. “I needed a shower anyway.”
Parker blinks slowly and he’s got the same pretty eyes as his dad does (which Nursey means in a non-creepy, totally factual way) and his lip wobbles. “Weally?” he asks, and fuck it, both HLF and his son have stolen Nursey’s heart, mind, and soul, he is done, he can lie down on the ground and die now because this is everything he will ever need to see.
“Of course,” Nursey says, brightly despite his inner utter collapse of everything he ever thought he knew. “Look at these jeans, they’ve got holes in them.” Nursey adopts a solemn expression. “You’ve done me a big favor, really. Now I can go buy new ones.”
Parker looks hesitant for a moment before smiling shyly, which makes his father sigh in relief, and Nursey is inordinately proud of himself for causing it. “Shopping good,” he says after a moment. “Spidaman.”
HLF waves his free hand haphazardly. “We went shopping the other day,” he explains, “and he got Spiderman pajamas. I think he loves them more than me.” The man rolls his eyes (and Nursey is like three seconds away from telling HLF that Nursey can love him enough for the whole world which is way too much) and adjusts Parker on his hip.
“I hear that. I got a Captain America t-shirt a few months back and it’s the best thing I’ve ever bought.” Nursey is delighted when Parker, and therefore his father, lights up at the mention of Captain America. Which is how he ends up in a half-hour conversation with a two year old about Civil War, which is mostly the both of them agreeing and raving about Sam Wilson, so that’s awesome.
Eventually, as toddlers are wont to do, Parker gets distracted and toddles off towards the sandbox, leaving Nursey alone with HLF (who introduced himself as Dex when there was a break in the conversation. “Hockey nickname,” he’d explained, and Nursey wondered where he could get an engagement ring close by.)
“He doesn’t usually like strangers,” Dex says, watching his son with a practiced ease while still kind of looking at Nursey. He smiles, though, and looks at Nursey fully for a full moment. “You must be special.”
“I like kids,” Nursey manages to get out between internally combusting and thanking Drunk Nursey for getting him into this situation. He doesn’t give Drunk Nursey nearly enough credit sometimes.
Dex’s eyebrows go up just slightly. “You have any?” he asks, and Nursey realizes that sitting on a park bench on a Saturday morning, watching children play, is so exceedingly creepy when you don’t actually have a kid of your own. And he can’t just explain that he’s only here because his drunk self makes horrible decisions, not if he doesn’t want Dex to pick up his son and run away horrified, and Nursey is just about to panic when his mouth somehow gains control without his knowing and answers for him.
“Yeah, he’s about Parker’s age.” What the fuck.
“Oh.” Dex smiles and looks towards the playground. “Which one is yours?”
“He’s not here,” Nursey gets out quickly before his mouth can fuck him over again and point to any random kid out here to claim as his own. He doesn’t care how gorgeous Dex is, he isn’t going to go pick up a random child and risk getting his name on some list just to earn Dex’s affection. “He’s with his mom,” he says, thanking the Lord that he is a writer and can make up fairly good bullshit on the spot. “It’s her weekend.” As an afterthought, he adds, “I missed the noise.”
Dex’s expression goes soft and understanding, and holy fuck Nursey is taking advantage of a young father almost exclusively because he can actually see Dex’s arm definition through three layers of fabric. He is going to hell. “Yeah, I get that.” He looks over at Parker, who is now smiling happily at a handful of sand. “Whenever he stays with my parents I go out of my mind missing him.”
“His mom doesn’t keep you company?” Nursey thought he was hella smooth, inquiring after Dex’s singleness like that, but then Dex’s expression kind of crumbles and Nursey hisses idiot silently to himself.
“Parker’s mom doesn’t really want anything to do with us,” he says, his eyes darkening.
Nursey panics, trying to think of a way to salvage this (which, he’s already fucked, he made up a fictitious child, he isn’t going to save this unless can impregnate a woman like two years ago and/or steal a child, which, nah) and he says, “Her loss, then,” with as much earnest emphasis as he can manage.
Dex looks back at him, his expression turning lighter, considering, as he looks at Nursey. Nursey hopes he’s thinking something along the lines of “You’re really cute and good with my son and I’ll totally forgive you for making up the existence of a human being because I can tell you give good head” but is probably actually “This guy is weird and I should probably get Parker out of here before we end up on the news”.
Dex surprises him, however, because he says, “We have to get going- I have a shift I can’t miss and I need to drop him off at my sister’s beforehand- but we should meet up sometime. Maybe have a playdate?” Dex looks so beautiful, so carefully hopeful like he knows Nursey is going to turn him down, and, look. Really, Nursey is about to turn him down, something about being too busy or how his kid is allergic to the sun (he doesn’t fucking know) but then Dex says, “Parker doesn’t really have any friends his age and it’d be nice if- well, it’d be nice.” And then he smiles, soft and kind and all gorgeous and shit, and come on, you can’t expect Nursey to have that much self control (see: how he got in this situation in the first place).
So he says yes. He gives Dex his number and Dex texts him and then Dex is in his phone, beautifully, godlike, lumberjack, hockey-playing Dex, and Nursey only just manages to keep himself from caressing the screen in front of Dex. Dex calls Parker back over and picks him up again, and they both wave bye with the best matching grins on their faces, and Nursey watches them leave, sighing, because he hadn’t even been thinking about his future beyond this stupid children’s book an hour ago but now he knows, knows, that Dex and Parker are all he wants in his life.
When father and son are finally out of his sight, Nursey makes a group chat on his phone with everyone his knows and trusts (so, like, Shitty, Lardo, and Ransom and Holster, and then he adds Jack for good measure). He sends one message
Nursey to All
anyone know where I can get a toddler?
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Album #413: Creedence Clearwater Revival “Cosmo’s Factory” (1970)
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When I set up my vinyl listening area in my home, this was the first album I took from my mother’s record collection. I still have it, Mom. I love CCR, and I always thought this was their best album.
“Ramble Tamble” starts the album off with such a quick rockabilly tempo that it seems as if lead vocalist John Fogerty is struggling a little just to keep up. Just as one really starts to wonder if he’ll be able to keep up for the duration of the song, the tempo slows way down with an impressive, prolonged instrumental section that borders on psychedelic rock. How good is CCR?
“Before You Accuse Me” is a really good R&B song that fringes on the blues genre. The guitar and piano are second only to Fogerty’s emotional vocal delivery on this track. “Travelin’ Band” is such a good rock song. “Ooby Dooby” keeps the classic rock sound going with a rockabilly influence. I really enjoy the track “Lookin’ Out My Back Door” despite its country influence. Maybe it is more Americana than country. 😉
“Run Through the Jungle” has a darker rock sound to it, but it may be one of CCR’s best tracks. Fogerty plays the harmonica on it; I’m a sucker for a song with a good harmonica solo. If “Up Around the Bend” doesn’t get you moving, you need to check your pulse. It is such a great song. The track “My Baby Left Me” is a return to the R&B sound, which is a sound that CCR clearly can handle. “Who’ll Stop the Rain” is one of the best folk rock songs ever. I often sing it to myself whenever it rains.
CCR’s cover of Marvin Gaye’s song “I Heard It Through the Grapevine” is an epic jam. Coming it at just over 11 minutes, it displays Fogerty’s vocal talents as well as the band’s talent as instrumentalists. There are so many guitar and drum jam sessions throughout this track. The final track “Long As I Can See the Light” is one of my favorite CCR tracks. It may seem like I have a lot, and I do, but I really like this one. The soul that Fogerty leaves in this track is almost too much as he bares it all. 
Rating: 9/10
How I Listened: Borrowed Vinyl
Takeaway: This album has always been in my personal top 10 of all time. I have no idea how it ranked so low on the Rolling Stone list so I have pretty high expectations for the 412 albums that ranked higher than it.
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himboclown · 3 years
I what these drains out so bad aahabagsbshsj
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