#so they ran off to leave a proposal for the work with the leasing office
kirby-the-gorb · 2 years
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p-artsypants · 3 years
The Ghost of Smokey Joe (1)
Minnie the Moocher
Adrien Agreste was acting bizarre. Stilted body language, plastic smile, and he seemed to have forgotten how close they were. Before she can get the truth out of him, Marinette finds herself as the sole heir to the Gabriel brand and the mansion, following the murder-suicide of both Adrien and Gabriel Agreste. The mystery continues as Tikki explains that Adrien was Chat Noir...but if Adrien is six feet under, why is Chat Noir still running around?
Ao3 | FF.net
This was started before season three ended, though I was busy at the time and couldn’t finish it. Basically, season 4 never happened, and the Peacock Miraculous is still broken. 
At the age of 22, life had a good projection for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She finally got her big break, somewhat thanks to Adrien. She was working at Gabriel, as one of Gabriel Agreste’s lead designers, though she was still technically an intern. Though Adrien didn’t directly have a hand in getting her the job, his continued praise of her work in front of his father probably had something to do with it. 
Though it was never confirmed, Marinette would never have to worry if she got the job on her own merit or not. She did. 
In fact, Gabriel was continually impressed with her work, even after she had landed the position. His harsh criticisms ended with her. Where he never hesitated to rip another designer to shreds for a mistake, Marinette never had to face that rage. 
He just honestly respected her too much to do so. And it helped that she was so gracious with his critiques. Never taking anything personally, and doing everything for the brand. 
Co-workers probably could have been resentful to her, but if they were, it was never outwardly shown. It helped that she readily got along with and tried to be friends with everyone. She took advice to heart, and accepted criticisms professionally. So it was hard to dislike her. Even when she was the one that was accepted into the Agreste Manor to work with Gabriel in person. A rare treat for any employee. And she got to go at least twice a week.
There was just one little tiny problem. 
8 years later, Marinette no longer had a crush on Adrien. Oh no, she was head over heels in love with him. The deepest, most pure, sweet, and sincere love there was. And he had no clue.
It was her curse. As they got older and matured, so did her feelings. He only got more handsome, more friendly and outgoing, and more perfect to her. He learned he was allowed to be affectionate with his friends, her, Alya, and Nino, and didn’t hold back. Marinette was showered in hugs, cheek kisses, and hand holds. All punctuated with the dreaded phrase, ‘you’re such a great friend, Marinette’. 
It’s like he wanted her to suffer. 
As they graduated Collegé, Adrien confessed that he was afraid they’d all grow apart as they went off to University. Marinette took that as a challenge and made sure to invite them to weekly get-togethers. And so friends did they remain. 
And only friends. 
Marinettte came home to her shared apartment with Alya. Her long time best friend was sprawled out in the middle of the living room, surrounded by swatches. 
Marinette laughed at the sight. “Wedding blues?”
“Yes!” Alya shrieked, sitting up. “We’ve been together for 8 years, engaged for six months, and I still haven’t picked our colors yet!”
“I thought you were doing burnt sienna and forest green? You know, a call back to your stint as Rena Rouge and Carapace?” A supposed secret between them up until a few years ago. 
“I can’t. I don’t like the combination anymore. And no matter how temporary, our superhero run should remain a secret. I shouldn’t have even told you.” She started cleaning up the swatches, resigned to know that she wasn’t getting anywhere tonight. “How goes the apartment search?”
Marinette winced. “Not as great as I was hoping. A lot of places that I could afford, but I could afford better with a roommate. I want to have savings, you know?” 
“Did you ask Adrien?” 
Marinette blushed. “You know that’s not a good idea.” 
“Why not? He’s still living at the mansion. And you’re such good friends.” Alya smirked at her. “Or, you could just ask him out. Then live with your parents for a few months until he realizes how perfect you are and proposes.” 
“That’s not going to happen.” 
“Says you! Look, you’re my maid of honor, he’s Nino’s best man. At least ask him out as a pretense to have an official date to the wedding.” 
“A wedding that’s six months away?” Marinette asked, as she hung up her purse and coat. “And what if something catastrophic happens between then?”
“Then you kiss and make up at my wedding.”
Marinette rolled her eyes before heading over to the kitchen. “Alya, he hasn’t dated anyone since Kagami. I think he’s holding out for someone.” 
“Yeah! You!” 
Marinette fondly shook her head. “He’s not.” 
“He is!”
“Did he tell Nino, and he told you?” 
“Well, no. Nino’s been trying for years to get his crush out of him.” 
“Then, there you go. If it was me, Nino would have found out by now. No, it’s someone else. Maybe a married woman, or a man.” 
Alya laughed at that. “Girl, you always go to the worst case scenario. Just…flirt with him a little, prod him with your womanly wiles.” Then she batted her eyes. “Please? For me?” 
“Alright. I’ll see what I can do. You know it’s going to go so well this time, right?”
“That’s the spirit!”
“I was being sarcastic!”
Folks here's a story 'bout Minnie the Moocher,
She was a red hot hoochie coocher,
She was the roughest, toughest frail,
But Minnie had a heart as big as a whale.
The next day at work, Marinette forgot all about flirting. It was a race to finish her project. She had gotten the design approved, and now it was on to start assembling the piece. 
There was a knock at her office door. 
“‘Ome ‘n,” she said with a mouth full of pins. 
Who would arrive except for handsome, angelic, and...pale? Adrien. “Are you busy?” He asked with a small voice. 
Quickly, Marinette shoved the pins into the fabric to hold it in place, and dumped the rest back into the tin. 
“I can take a break.” Anything for you. She thought, offering him a chair. 
“Thanks,” he nearly collapsed into it. Then he looked around the office, for what, she didn’t know. 
“Soooo...what’s up?” 
Adrien didn’t answer right away, still scanning the room, eyes narrowed. He rubbed his palms on his pants. 
“Are you okay?” She pushed a little more. 
“Huh? Oh, uh…” He clenched his fists and swallowed harshly. “Do you…want to have dinner with me tonight?” 
A blush stained her cheeks. “Really?”
“Yeah, um…somewhere private. I want to talk to you about something, but um…it’s a secret.” 
“Well, Alya is going on a late night date with Nino, if you want to come to our apartment. I could just order some Chinese?”
He exhaled slowly and smiled at her. “That sounds awesome, thanks Marinette.” 
“What time? I get out around 6.” 
“I’ll meet you at 7 then?” 
“Yeah, yeah that sounds perfect.” Spurred on by the fact he was finally asking her out on a date, Marinette leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek. 
Adrien blushed furiously before standing. “Um, I’ll see you tonight then. Thanks for um…yeah, I’ll let you get back to work.” 
Marinette continued to grin at him shyly until he left. Then she collapsed in the chair he had occupied. She didn’t have to flirt or do anything! It was finally happening! A date! With Adrien! 
She ran to her purse and snatched up her phone. “Alya!” She called. “Alya, it finally happened! Clear the next 15 minutes and get the popcorn, I need to panic!” 
He gave her his townhouse and his racing horses
Each meal she ate was a dozen courses
She had a million dollars worth of nickels and dimes
She sat around and counted them all a million times
That night, Marinette sat ready and waiting. The apartment was spotless. She had ordered his favorite dish, and wore a cute little green dress (his favorite color.)
“Alright, I’m leaving,” declared Alya. “You two behave.” 
“It’s a first date, Alya. Like we’re going to do anything at all.” 
“Puh-lease, the sexual tension between you two is unbearable. He’s going to be on you like white on rice!” 
“Don’t be so vulgar!” Marinette laughed. “Adrien is a gentleman.” 
“Sure. Anyways, I hope you have fun!” 
“I’m sure we will.”
“Bye girl, bye.” 
“Bye girl, bye!” 
And the door closed. 
Any minute now, Adrien would be knocking. And then what? Would he kiss her cheek like she had? A hug maybe? Or both? What was appropriate for her? Offer to take his coat? Yes yes, that sounded right. Was her hair okay? She brushed her teeth, right? 
“Wine!” She announced. “What wine pairs with Chinese food?” 
“Might I suggest Riesling?” Said Tikki, from her hiding place. 
“Riesling! Riesling…I don’t have Riesling! I don’t know what that is!” 
Tikki laughed at her. “Marinette, just relax. Just do a Rosé. It’s fine.” 
Marinette hurried to the cabinet and fetched a bottle and two glasses. Then she poured one for herself and downed it in one go. “I don’t know if I can do this! I’m so nervous!” 
“You and Adrien are great friends, it’ll go great! Just relax and enjoy it. He’s not even here yet, there’s no reason to panic.” 
“You’re right! I’ll just…I’ll just wait!” 
So she sat and fidgeted. Nothing to do but wait.
And wait she did.
8 o’clock came before she knew it. And she checked her phone. Nothing. 
Did you forget about dinner? She texted.
There was no reply.
“It’s alright Marinette, he’ll come. Maybe he got held up in traffic, or his father needed him for something?” Tikki said encouragingly. 
“Yeah, maybe…he’d at least call, wouldn’t he?” Not waiting for an answer, she called him first. 
“Hey there, it’s Adrien, I’m not available to answer right now…” 
She hung up.
She poured herself another glass. “He wouldn’t just…ghost me?” 
“He cares a lot about you, of course he wouldn’t.” 
“Hey there, it’s Adrien, I’m not available to answer right now…” Another voicemail. 
9 o’clock. 
Poor Min, poor Min, poor Min
“Hey there, it’s Adrien, I’m not available to answer right now…”
The Chinese went cold, and the bottle of Rosé was emptied. 
He never showed up.
I can’t guarantee prompt updates for a little bit. I have some logistics to figure out, but I have a few chapters ready, so I figured I’d start posting! All the chapter titles are songs from my spooky halloween playlist that inspired this fic (and their lyrics will be in the chapters)! You can find that playlist here. The playlist will be updated as the fic goes on.
I hope to post the last chapter on Halloween!
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justlookfrightened · 4 years
Birthday surprises
For the prompt: Jack secretly loves surprise parties
“So how did you celebrate Canada Day when you were growing up?’ Bitty asked, carrying the pie to the table. “Was it like the Fourth of July, with parades and fireworks and red and white bunting everywhere?”
“Sort of,” Jack said. “It wasn’t such a big deal in Montreal, because, y’know, Quebec. A few years ago they made it moving day in Quebec just to screw with the government in Montreal.”
“Moving day?” Bitty asked. “Wait just a second.”
He turned to the counter behind him and picked up a small Candian flag, which he stuck in the middle of the pie.
“Happy Canada Day!”
“Euh, thanks,” Jack said. “Moving day is when everyone’s leases end and their new leases start. So thousands of people are moving on Canada Day. There were always fireworks over the harbor, though. Sometimes we’d go see them if we were in town.”
“Well, then, happy moving day,” Bitty said. “So not much like Madison on the Fourth of July?”
“Bits, nothing is like Madison on the Fourth of July,” Jack said.
“I’m sure the fireworks aren’t as good --”
“I have very fond memories of the fireworks in Madison,” Jack said. “Best fireworks of my life. Are you okay staying here for the Fourth this year?”
Bitty shrugged.
“I guess so,” he said. “The shop’s just getting on its feet, and I can’t really take much time off yet, and that would mean flying down on the morning of the fourth and back the next day. And Mama and Coach said they’d come up to see us for a weekend before school starts down there. We can still go to the fireworks and all here on the Fourth, right?”
“Your parents are coming up?” Jack asked. “Do you know when?”
“Beginning of August,” Bitty said. “Don’t worry, though. I’ll make sure their visit doesn’t conflict with your big birthday celebration.”
“My … what?”
“Your birthday?” Bitty said. “You’re turning 30 a little over a month from today. Don’t tell me you forgot.”
“No, but a big celebration?”
“Oh, no, sweet pea,” Bitty said. “I meant ‘big birthday,’ like turning 30 is a big deal. Not a big celebration for your birthday. I know you don’t like that kind of thing.”
“Oh,” Jack said, looking down at his pie. “Okay. That’s good.”
“Unless you want my parents here for your birthday?” Bitty said. “I was thinking your parents might come, but … I’m sure my folks would be happy to.”
“No,” Jack said. “No, that’s fine.”
“I’m so glad you and Bits decided to do this,” Shitty said, taking another drag on his joint. “You guys aren’t usually around on the Fourth, but the rest of this summer looks crazy for me, and then you have the season coming up. I wouldn’t want it to be too long between visits.”
“Crazy this summer?” Jack said. “What’s up?”
“Work stuff,” Shitty said. “It looks like we’re going to trial against that chemical plant at the end of August, and it’s gonna be like seven days a week getting ready. I already told Lards to prepare for work-widowhood.”
“Yeah?” Jack said. “How’d she take that?”
“I’m not sure,” Shitty said. “You think I’m crazy enough to say shit like that when she’s awake?”
“No, seriously, she’s leaving next week for a six-week residency at some artist colony in the Berkshires, and then she’s got a show to mount for the gallery at the end of August. I’m not sure she’ll even notice.”
“Come on, Shits,” Jack said. “You know she will.”
“I know,” Shitty said. “It’s just fucking hard sometimes, you know? I mean, it seemed like all the lawyers I knew when I was a kid had lunch and played golf all day. Plenty of time for fucking around. Too late I learned it doesn’t work that way in the public interest sector. And who knew being a successful artist was so time-consuming? How do you and Bits make it work?”
Jack shrugged. It was difficult, with his life consumed by hockey and Bitty’s time taken up more and more by a successful career in -- baking media? Jack wasn’t even sure what to call it, since Bits wasn’t just a baker, just a cookbook author, just an Internet and TV personality. He somehow did all of that, and just this summer had lent his name, personality, and talent to a new shop that sold both baked goods and baking equipment (toys for bakers, Bitty called them) in Providence.
“Remember Bits’ birthday in May?” Jack asked.
“Yeah,” Shitty said. “The big two-five. Remember how you wanted to throw him a surprise party? That was never gonna happen. Like that boy would ever let anyone else control the menu.”
“I guess you're right,” Jack said. “But I like surprising him. Remember Betsy II?”
“That was sweet,” Shitty said. “And the proposal at Faber, too, you romantic son of a gun.”
“Who told him about the surprise party in May?”
“Uh --”
“Was it you?”
“Was it Lardo?”
“Um, she maybe told him not to make plans for that day? Because he was telling her he wanted to plan an overnight getaway because it was the only time it would work with your schedule?” Shitty said. “He took it from there. My understanding is that you caved under questioning.”
“Yeah,” Jack said. “I guess I did.”
“But don’t worry, brah,” Shitty said. “If I heard about a plan for a surprise party for you, I would totally warn you. I know you’re not into that.”
“Euh, okay?” Jack said. “But --”
“I got your back, brah,” Shitty said, giving Jack an exaggerated wink and nod just as Bitty and Lardo pushed open the sliding door and carried trays of drinks and snacks to the terrace.
“So what did we miss?” Bitty said. “Fireworks haven’t started yet, have they?”
“Nope,” Shitty said. “You’re just in time.”
“Jack?” Bitty asked, looking up from his laptop. “Do you know where you want to go for your birthday dinner?”
“Birthday dinner?” Jack said. “We’re not having it here?”
“Well, since I know you don’t like parties, and thirty is kind of a big deal, I thought maybe we should go out.”
“Who said I don’t like parties?” Jack said, pausing the tape of the last game of the Stanley Cup final.
“Please, sweetpea,” Bitty said. “I used to have to beg to get you to show your face at a kegster, and your mama’s told the story about you hiding under the bed to get out of going to that banquet more than a dozen times.”
“I was six,” Jack said.
“I know, sugar, and you haven’t changed a bit,” Bitty said. Then his eyes dropped to Jack’s chest, and lower, and Jack suddenly felt warm. “Except in the obvious ways. I was thinking Hemenway’s for seafood or maybe Waterman Grille or Al Forno with your parents. But it might make more sense to go the night before. Hemenway’s at least is closed on Mondays. Then on the night of your actual birthday, we can eat at home. Steaks on the grill, maybe? Do you want to invite your parents for that, too, or have it be just the two of us?”
Jack wanted to protest that he could want a party even if he didn’t want the debauchery of a kegster, and he shouldn’t be judged by his six-year-old self not wanting to go to a stuffy banquet (even if he still didn’t like stuffy banquets). But the moment seemed to have passed, and really, what Bitty was planning was fine.
Maybe he would get a surprise party for his fortieth, when he wasn’t playing and his friends’ careers were more stable and everyone had more time.
“Any of them are good, but Papa really likes Al Forno,” Jack said. “And I guess they can come on Monday for dinner, as long as they leave early.”
“Now, Jack, that’s not very hospitable of you,” Bitty said with a smirk. “I almost think you have plans. Maybe once I finish making this reservation you can give me a preview.”
He pecked at the keyboard for a few more moments and then closed the laptop.
“Ready when you are, Mr. Zimmermann.”
Jack clicked off the TV and followed Bitty to the bedroom.
Jack had put off this call until Bitty left for the market.
It wasn’t like his husband was a busybody or nosy. It was just that, what with Jack’s schedule, and the wedding, and Bitty’s career, they were still in the condo Jack bought for himself in Providence when he signed. It wasn’t really small -- it probably had almost as much square footage as the Haus, and only two of them living there -- but it was mostly open-plan and Bitty would know if Jack was hiding in the office to call his parents. Which he was supposed to have done two weeks ago.
“Jacky!” his mother said. “It’s been ages. I saw those pictures you posted from your beach excursion last weekend. It looked like the two of you had fun. But I didn’t know you got a dog.”
“We didn’t?”
“But Bitty --”
“Was playing with a dog in a lot of the pictures?” Jack said.
The dog had run up to their picnic blanket when they moved off the beach proper, into the shady park, for lunch. Jack wasn’t sure exactly what kind it was. It was black and brown, like he thought of a German shepherd being, but much smaller, with long, skinny legs, a pointy nose and floppy ears.
Bitty had immediately started cooing over and petting the creature, despite Jack pointing out that they didn’t know who it belonged to, if it belonged to anyone, where it had been, if it was friendly.
“You don’t know if this dog is friendly?” Bitty had been incredulous. It was pretty ridiculous, given that the dog was more or less washing Bitty’s face with its tongue while Bitty giggled. “And she has a collar. And a tag. Stand still, girl.”
Bitty had still been trying to read the tag, and Jack was still taking pictures, when a teenage girl ran up, a leash in her hand.
“There you are, Eleanor! I’m so sorry! She just jumped out of the car and took off as soon as I opened the door. Eleanor, come!”
“No worries,” Bitty had said, holding the dog while her person clipped the leash to her collar. “We’re always happy to visit with a friendly puppy.”
Jack had been thinking about adopting a dog ever since, if only to see Bitty giggle so much. A dog that could go on runs with him, and keep Bitty company when Jack had to be gone … it might be a good idea. But it wasn’t something to surprise Bitty with. If they adopted a dog, it had to be a joint decision.
“That was just a dog that got loose and came to visit,” Jack said. “Although now that you mention it, I wonder if Bitty might like to have a dog around. I’ll have to ask him.”
“Judging from those pictures, I’m pretty certain he’ll approve,” Alicia said. “Now, did you need to talk about something?”
“Euh, the plans for my birthday?” Jack said. “Bitty wants to take you and Papa to Al Forno on the second, and then cook dinner here on the third.”
“Bitty wants to?” Alicia said. “What about you?”
“I’m not sure why we need to do both,” Jack admitted. “Either would be fine with me. But he seemed set on going out to celebrate because it’s my thirtieth, and a lot of restaurants are closed on Monday. And he was equally set on celebrating on the day of. But he has to work early the next day, so it’ll be an early dinner.”
“You never did like a lot of fuss,” his mother said, not calling him on what he thought was an obvious … not untruth, exactly, Maybe more of a manipulation? “Grumpypants. Of course your father and I will be there for both.”
“I don’t mind fuss,” Jack said.
“Jack, mon coeur, when have you enjoyed people getting together to focus on you?”
“They had a birthday dinner for me at the Haus,” Jack said. “Before my senior year. Bitty made a pie and everything.”
“Were you part of the planning for this dinner?” Alicia said. “Did you even know about it?”
“It just sort of … happened,” Jack said. “But it was nice.”
“Jack, dear, was that the first time Bitty made a pie especially for you?” his mother asked. “Forgive me, but that might have more to do with your fond memories.”
“Jack, what kind of pie do you want for your birthday?”
Bitty was sauntering between the farmer’s market booths while Jack trailed along, watching Bitty more than looking at the produce.
“Pie?” Jack asked. “Don’t most people get cake for their birthdays?”
“Do you even know me?” Bitty asked, then turned to examine at a table full of cherries.
Jack accompanied Bitty to the farmer’s market almost every Saturday in the summer. It was an errand, sure, but some weeks it was also the closest they got to a date.
Bitty would probably scoff at that. What did they need with dates, now they were an old married couple? Neither of their schedules permitted a regular date night most of the time, anyway. But in the summer, at least, they had Saturday mornings at the market.
“If you know me, you know what kind of pie I want,” Jack said.
“Maple-crusted apple,” Bitty confirmed, then shook his head sadly. “Have you seen these cherries, Jack? Or the blueberries? There will even be decent peaches up here by the beginning of August. Apples won’t be in season for another six weeks or so.”
It was a familiar argument with no heat in it.
Jack shrugged.
“I like what I like,” he said. “And there are always apples available. You know you’ll make it for me. And something else for whoever wants it.”
“See, you do know me,” Bitty said. He stopped in front of the booth with honey soap but paid it no mind. “Jack, are we becoming old and boring?”
“We always were old and boring,” Jack said. “From the beginning of time.”
“First, speak for yourself, old man,” Bitty said. “Second, I’m not sure whether that was a chirp or flirting. Don’t you know you had me at ‘Eat more protein’?”
“That’s not what you said then.”
“Hush,” Bitty said. “I mean, you don’t have to have the same thing for your birthday every year. Branch out a bit. Maybe a pear tart?”
“I wanted to do something different for your birthday, but then everyone went and told you,” Jack said.
“I’m sorry, sweetpea,” Bitty said. “I would have gone along with it and pretended it was a surprise, but I had to get out of other plans somehow. And people did want to eat. Good food.”
“By which you mean your food,” Jack said.
“I like to think I have a reputation to uphold,” Bitty said, stopping to examine some melons. “Truthfully, I kind of wish I hadn’t found out. You give good surprises.”
“Come on, you moose. You know I would have married you after you bought me Betsy II,” Bitty said. “Too bad parties aren’t your thing. Could you imagine a party with all your mom’s A-list friends and your hockey uncles, plus your team and Kent and all? It would be the talk of Providence.”
Jack shuddered.
“Definitely not my thing,” he said.
“I know, sweetpea,” Bitty said. “Besides, celebrating on our own has its advantages. Catch.”
He tossed Jack an eggplant with a smirk
Jack groaned. “Really, Bits?”
“Sorry,” Bitty said. “That was bad. I have what I need. Ready to head home?”
Jack was set up and sitting at his computer, half-listening to Bitty going on about whether his deadlines for the next cookbook were remotely reasonable, when the call from Tater came through.
“Zimmboni!” The image of Tater on the screen waved. “Hey, Tater,” Jack said.
“Is that little B?”
Tater’s face moved, like he was trying to see around Jack.
“Yeah, Bitty’s here,” Jack said, waving a hand to get his husband’s attention. “You want to say hi?”
Bitty leaned over his shoulder.
“Hey, Tater! You look good. How’s the family?” he asked.
“Everyone is good,” Tater said. “My mother and my sister Tatiana want to visit this year, so they can meet the baker I’m always talking about.”
“I’d be honored and delighted,” Bitty said. “Don’t forget those recipes you wanted me to try, alright? We can work on them together. You translate and I bake.”
“You speak better Russian you think!” Tater said.
“That’s what you think,” Bitty said. “I have to go to the shop. ПοКа!”
“Bye, Bits,” Jack said. “So, Tater, how’s the conditioning? You keeping up with it?”
“Of course,” Tater said. “Russian training every day.”
“And Russian home cooking every night?”
“Of course,” Tater agreed, grinning.
“How’s everything else?” Jack said. “When are you heading back?”
“Not long now,” Tater said. “No plane ticket yet, but early August, probably. We have dinner then, yes? To celebrate you becoming an old man.”
“Uh, we can have dinner,” Jack said. “But it doesn’t have to be for my birthday. Just to celebrate getting ready for a new season is enough.”
“Why don’t you celebrate?” Tater said. “I hear from Marty, Snowy, Thirdy, all the guys, that Jack is having a big birthday and didn’t invite them to the party. I say, ‘You know Jack. He probably isn’t even having a party.’ And they say, ‘You’re right, Tater. Jack hates parties.’”
“I don’t hate parties,” Jack said.
“You were not at Marty’s daughter’s party,” Tater countered.
“That was a kid birthday,” Jack said. “And Bitty had to go to New York for work that day, so I went with him.”
“Right,” Tater said. “But Bitty would be here for your party.”
“I’m not having a party,” Jack said.
“But you could if you want,” Tater said. “So you don’t want. So why do you hate parties?”
Jack ignored the question in favor of saying, “Just let me know when you're coming in, and I’ll pick you up at the airport if you want,” Jack said. “As long as you shut up about the party.”
“What party?”
Jack put on the new blue suit that Maman and Bitty had agreed (insisted, more like) that he should buy. He hesitated over the tie: stripes? paisley? miniature hockey sticks that Papa would find amusing?
No. If he couldn’t be sentimental on his birthday, when could he be? He picked up his pale blue tie, the one Bits told him brought out his eyes on his graduation day, and slid it around his neck.
Bitty was already ready, he knew, in a charcoal grey suit that he got from Jack’s tailor. Getting to see Bitty all dressed up almost made it worth it to Jack to put on a suit on a Sunday in the summer. Well, that and the look that Bitty gave Jack when he emerged from the bedroom.
“You always did clean up nice,” Bitty said. He picked up two boxes of baked goods -- a pie in one, and a couple of kinds of cookies in the other.
“You’re taking food to a restaurant?”
“No, of course not,” Bitty said. “The cookies are for Lauren downstairs. She has a shower to go to and she wanted to bring something. They’re shaped like … you know.”
“No, a bridal shower,” Bitty said. “A lingerie shower.”
At Jack’s blank look, Bitty muttered something under his breath and said, “A party where they give the bride-to-be sexy underwear and tell naughty jokes.”
“So the cookies look like underwear?” Jack said, all innocence.
“No, Jack,” Bitty said. “They look like dicks, okay?”
“What about the pie?”
“That’s for your mom and dad,” Bitty said. “We’re supposed to meet them at the hotel. They can drop the pie off in their room and then we’ll go to dinner.”
That meant going inside the hotel, probably. Which meant parking and then retrieving the car, and pleasantries in the hotel lobby, and …
“Are you sure we’ll make our reservation?” Jack asked. “I’d hate to get all dressed up for nothing.”
“Aw, sweetpea, I think I can guarantee that won’t happen,” Bitty said, reaching up to pat Jack’s face and give him a peck on the lips. “Let’s go. I don’t want to be late.”
Jack pulled up at the hotel valet stand, and when he got out, said, “We’ll only be a few minutes. Keep it close, eh?” with a twenty-dollar bill folded into his palm.
“Your folks said they’d meet us down here,” Bitty said, heading into the lobby. His head swiveled and stopped when he caught sight of Jack’s parents at the hotel bar. Both had drinks in front of them. Great. They’d want to finish, and there might be a bill to settle, too.
He followed as Bitty picked his way across the lobby, exchanged a half-hug with his father while his mother swept Bitty into her arms, and then traded places.
“Jack, you look wonderful,” Alicia said, finally letting go and holding him at arm’s length. “You both do. This summer has agreed with you.”
“Thanks, Maman,” Jack said. “You look great too. Um, are you two almost ready to go?”
“The pie, Jack!” Bitty said.
“Oh, and I have something upstairs to show you, Bitty,” Alicia said. “Come up with me and we can leave the pie in the room.”
“Fine,” Bob said. “That’ll give me time to watch the end of this round.”
Jack looked at the TVs above the bar. He couldn’t mean the golf tournament? Who knew what time that would end? But it was that or … competitive cornhole?
“Only a couple more tosses,” Bob confirmed. “If this one pushes that bag in, they’ve got it.”
“You have got to be kidding me,” Jack said.
“Oh, come on, Jack, relax.” Bob said. “It’s fun. Sit down and tell me about your summer.”
“It’s been more Bitty’s summer than mine, with the shop and this new book he’s working on,” Jack said. “He’s been busy.”
“I remember those days,” Bob said. “When I’d finish the season so tired I didn’t know how I’d even haul myself upstairs to the bedroom, and by the time I was ready to face the world again, your mother would be on location on the other side of the world somewhere. I always wondered why our schedules couldn’t align.”
“It wasn’t her fault,” Jack said.
“Of course not,” Bob said. “Any more than it was mine. Hockey season is hockey season, and filming schedules are filming schedules, and cute little shops on streets popular with tourists open during the summer.”
“No, I know,” Jack said. “I wasn’t complaining.”
He stopped at the look his father gave him.
“Okay, I was complaining, but not about Bitty,” Jack said. “Just the way things worked out this summer. I was thinking we could maybe have a party for my birthday this year --”
“You haven’t wanted a birthday party since you were eight!”
“Not a big party,” Jack said. “Just a few people. But Shitty’s in the middle of preparing for a big trial, and Lardo’s off being an artist in residence somewhere, and Tater’s not back yet. Bitty’s too busy to plan anything anyway, and no one would let me plan it.”
“Get it all out, son,” Bob said. “Before your mother and your husband get downstairs. Even if Bitty didn’t plan a party, he did plan this evening for you, and it doesn’t do to feel sorry for yourself on your birthday. Especially when you have someone who thinks the sun rises and sets on you like he does.”
“I know,” Jack said, then caught sight of the time on one of the TVs.
“Oh, no. We’re late for our reservation.”
“We’ll make it.”
“No, we’re late. Already. Maybe I should call them?”
He was picking up his phone when he saw Alicia, carrying a large shopping bag, and Bitty crossing the lobby from the elevator. Bitty was on the phone. Of course he had it handled.
Bitty did not have it handled.
He hadn’t said anything about the reservation to Jack on the way to Al Forno, just squeezed Jack’s hand on the console as they pulled away from the hotel.
“I really hope you enjoy tonight,” Bitty said.
They left the car with the restaurant valet and headed straight into trouble.
“Bittle-Zimmermann, party of four,” Bitty told the maitre d’. “We have reservations.”
The maitre d’ scanned his sheet, made a face, and looked up at Bitty.
“This reservation is for thirty minutes ago,” he said.
“I know,” Bitty said, “And I’m sorry we’re late.”
“Surely half an hour can’t be a problem,” Bob said, trying to shoulder his way into the conversation, folded bill just visible between his fingers. “We promise not to linger. It’s my son’s birthday.”
“Papa!” Jack hissed, tugging at his father’s sleeve like he was eight years old again. “Let Bitty handle it.”
“Yes, Bob,” Alicia said, drawing herself up to full height and looming over the desk. “My son-in-law, Eric Bittle-Zimmermann, has this under control.”
Jack took a moment to be pleased that his mother knew Eric’s name would have more clout than theirs in a restaurant.
“I’m sorry,” the maitre d’ said. “But we gave that table away not five minutes ago. We didn’t think you were going to show up.”
“We can wait for another table,” Bitty said.
“Not tonight,” the maitre d’ said, looking truly regretful. If Bitty had liked the dinner and mentioned it on his vlog, that would have been very good for the restaurant. “We have a large private party coming in. I’m afraid it won’t be possible.”
Bitty’s face fell and Jack’s heart clenched.
“It’s fine, bud,” Jack said. “We have the food for tomorrow at home. We can go make dinner, and then head to the store in the morning. It’s not a big deal.”
“It is a big deal,” Bitty said. “It’s your birthday. I planned this dinner, and it’s my fault it got screwed up. Your mother wanted to show me your present and I got to rambling on … and why can’t I pay more attention? I’m sorry, Jack. I spoiled your birthday dinner.”
“Bitty, it’s okay, really,” Jack said.
“Perhaps next week?” the maitre d’ suggested.
“But then it won’t be Jack’s birthday anymore,” Bitty said.
“Perhaps the gentlemen would take a coupon for their next meal here?” the maitre d’ said. “For the inconvenience.”
“That’s not necessary,” Bitty said. “It was my fault.”
“I insist,” the maitre d’ said.
Jack took the offered envelope and slid it into his jacket pocket.
“Come on, Bits,” he said. “It’s not the end of the world.”
He ducked closer and whispered, “At least we can get out of the suits, eh?”
“Jack!” Bitty said, giggling through his frown. “Your parents are here!”
“Not what I meant, bud,” Jack said, but he grinned, because he’d gotten a laugh from Bitty.
“Need anything before we go home?” Jack asked while they waited for the car. “Or do you want to just pick up dinner on the way?”
“I think we have all the food we need,” Bitty said. “Maybe a bottle of champagne? Shoot, no, it’s just after six.”
“Just after six?” Bob said.
“Rhode Island law,” Jack said. “No packaged liquor after 6 p.m. on Sundays.”
“So unless you want to drop me at home to get started and drive to Attleboro, a champagne toast will have to wait for tomorrow,” Bitty said.
“We don’t need champagne,” Jack said. “Come on, let’s head home.”
Jack drove again, Bitty in the passenger seat next to him, his parents in the back. It was completely normal, and that thought struck him as odd. Here he was, 30 years old tomorrow, married to Eric Bittle, the love of his life. His parents loved Eric, too, and were here to celebrate with them, and in a few weeks he’d be getting ready for training camp for next season. He wished his 18-year-old self could have seen this future. It was better than anything he’d ever expected.
He would have liked to celebrate with Shitty and Lardo, Tater, maybe Marty and Gabby and Thirdy and Carrie, but this was good, too. Better than he had any right to expect.
He stopped at a red light and glanced at Bitty, who was also looking at him, a sly grin on his face.
“What?” Jack said. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“It’s your birthday,” Bitty said.
“Not until tomorrow,” Jack said.
“You know what I mean.”
Jack took Bitty’s hand in the elevator when they got back to the building and held it for the whole ride up. He was still holding it when he got to the door and opened it.
He dropped it as the crowd shouted “Surprise!”
“What the --”
“Surprise, sweetpea,” Bitty said, reaching up to whisper to him. “You can still change out of your suit if you want.”
“Jackabelle!” Shitty was there to claim a hug. He wasn’t dressed in a suit, but he was dressed. Jack probably should thank Lardo for that. And there she was, hanging back, talking to Gabby.
So Marty was here somewhere -- by the pool table, talking to Tater while Snowy lined up a shot. Thirdy was in the corner, deep in conversation with Coach Bittle, and there were Suzanne and Carrie bringing more napkins in from the kitchen.
The island was covered with catering trays from … Al Forno, and Jack could see a maple-crusted apple pie among a selection on the kitchen counter. There was also a cake and some cake pops (for the kids? Were they here?) and it looked like someone (Shitty, probably) had been serving drinks from the bar. There was a bottle of champagne chilling.
Jack’s mother slipped past him to deposit the gift bag on the hall table with the other gifts.
“Happy birthday, Jacky,” she said. “When Bitty said our job was to help distract you, I wasn’t sure we could pull it off. I thought you might insist on leaving for the restaurant too early.”
“You were in on this?” Jack said.
“Everybody was,” Bitty said. “Even the maitre d’ at Al Forno.”
“But the gift certificate …”
“A gift from me to you,” Bitty said. “For when we can have dinner, just the two of us.”
The rest of the evening went by in a blur of conversations and congratulations. Marty and Thirdy’s kids were there, hiding in the guest room, watching gamers play Animal Crossing on YouTube and coloring, but they came out to help blow out his candles.
“What about your trial coming up?” Jack asked Shitty. “And your residency?” he asked Lardo.
“Those are both real,” Lardo said. “But a funny thing about being an artist in residence: They don’t lock you in. And Shits needed a break for a little while.”
Coach Bittle looked tickled to be sharing a room with so many professional athletes, and Suzanne helped Bitty shuttle food and dishes in and out of the kitchen.
“Told you they’d want to celebrate your birthday,” Bitty said. “They flew in this morning and Shitty picked them up at the airport. They were waiting around the corner for us to leave.”
“You do like parties!” Tater boomed at Jack before leaving. “I knew it! But it took your husband to invite me.”
“That’s because it was a surprise, Tater,” Bitty said. “Jack didn’t know.”
Once everyone was gone -- not too late, because it was a Sunday -- Jack helped Bitty stow the leftovers and wash the dishes.
“How’d you know?” he asked Bitty.
“Know what, hon?”
“That I wanted a party,” Jack said. “A surprise party.”
“Jack, sweet pea, you’ve been moping around this house for weeks,” Bitty said. “All woe-is-me because your friends were busy this weekend. Of course you wanted a party. And you wouldn’t have tried to plan a surprise party for me unless you at least didn’t hate the idea.”
“How did you do such a good job planning it?” Jack said. “I really didn’t know.”
“You don’t have a suspicious mind?” Bitty said. ”Now come on. It’s nearly midnight. Let’s get to bed and you can have another birthday surprise.”
Jack groaned when he opened his eyes the next morning. It was late, later than he usually slept anyway. But he’d been up late the night before.
He could hear Bitty in the kitchen, opening drawers and moving plates and cookware around. Coffee was ready, probably.
He got up, dragged a T-shirt over his head and tugged on a pair of shorts, and wandered down the hall.
“Morning, bud,” Jack said.
“Jack, happy birthday!” Bitty said. “Breakfast’s almost ready, and I put all the cards and gifts from last night on the table.”
Jack worked his way through them, shaking his head at Shitty’s selection of boxer briefs emblazoned with the logos of female superheroes and grateful for the small painting from Lardo. There were restaurant gift certificates and a tie from Papa (“You always wear that old blue one!”) and reading glasses from Marty.
Then he opened his mother’s gift. It was a flat box, and it held a red leather leash and collar, along with a gift certificate for adoption fees from the animal shelter.
The enclosed note said, “I think this will be a good gift for both of you, but of course I’m not about to surprise you with a puppy. Take your time deciding which dog to adopt. In the meantime, know that there was also a $10,000 donation in your name to help support all the animals.”
“Bits,” Jack said. “Did you have any plans this morning?”
“Nothing in particular,” Bitty said. “Maybe see my parents at some point. D’you mind if they come for dinner?”
“Of course not,” Jack said. “But do you think we could go to the animal shelter?”
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What was it like when the two first hooked up. Like how did it progress to that? We’re they like a couple for a few years before they had Mia? Was it two years? Or four?
Ok so this is a really poorly written out timeline lol but hopefully it helps enough 🤣
October 2016: they met for the first time after she went to watch Mitch play in his first NHL game but it was literally just that, they met
Halloween 2016: they ran into each other at a bar, recognized one another, talked and then as she was getting ready to leave y/n mentioned how she was getting brunch with Mitch the next day and invited Auston to join and exchanged numbers. He went, and the three had a really great time
Beginning of November to end of December 2016: they began talking all the time, hung out and did lots together. They became very good friends in this time and it was completely platonic until it wasn’t. He even met Nate and her dad and everything, as a friend (and they were very much so catching feelings for each other but were too nervous/stubborn to do anything about it
December 30th 2016: the whole thing that went down with Chris at the bar on Lexie’s birthday happened. Y/n was v drunk and stayed at Auston’s place. They had a heart to heart *almost* kissed but didn’t
December 31st 2016: y/n wakes up full of regret, is upset about Chris, remembers the heart to heart with Auston (and the almost kiss) but is embarrassed and tries to get tf out of there but Auston is a sweet boi and made her breakfast and had Advil and water ready for her when she woke up so she didn’t have it in her to just dip. So, they talked. She stole some of his sweats and ended up staying with him well into the afternoon until he had to break it to her that his family had just gotten to the city and he had to go see them. Which she was fine with, she went to leave and he asked if she’d go to the centennial classic the following day. She said “yeah, me and Steph are going cause mitch and all” and then he said “no, I mean will you go to the classic as one of my plus ones?” Cause he wanted her to be there for him, cheering him on and she was shook, but said yes before leaving and going home for the night
January 1st 2017: she goes to the game, meets up with Steph and a couple of the girlfriends of the team that she’d gotten to know a little bit from always going to games and just being Mitchys “twin” Steph then handed y/n a bag and told her that she was asked to give that to her and in it was a Matthews jersey. Obviously y/n was surprised but also 🥺 so she put it on, they watched the game, Auston won in overtime. Then after the game when she finally got to talk with him, they were so freaking cute and awkward cause they were both feeling all types of ways especially Auston after seeing that she actually wore his jersey (much to mitch’s dismay) and then he officially introduced her to his family, who had all heard lots about her from Auston. It was very sweet, Ema then invited her to join them for dinner and she didn’t want mitch or steph to think she was bailing on them but they told her to go so she did and had a lot of fun. Then that night after they all had gone back to Auston’s condo, his family soon left and almost as soon as they were out the door Auston had y/n pressed against the wall and they were making out. She stayed the night that night.
January 22nd 2017: the two get into a fight. They’ve spent the entire month basically hooking up, spending all of their free time together and seemingly dating to anyone who didn’t know them. They were crazy about each other but then when y/n hinted that yeah, she would maybe like to try an actual relationship out with him, he froze up and made a comment basically saying that he thought what they had going was good (because he’s a stupid boy) and y/n said “I’m not going to be your fuck buddy, Auston. If you don’t want a relationship that’s fine. But I’m not doing just this especially with how I’ve completly fallen for you. I can’t be strung along, not after what happened with Chris. So, if you don’t want whatever this is going on between us to happen then please let me know and I’ll leave you alone.” And she left, pretty heartbroken because she was feeling that all she was good for to him was sex
January 28th 2017: he texts her in the middle of the night after not speaking all week to go skating with him. They go to the rink at harbourfront, which is empty cause it’s so late. They talk, skate, have competitive one on one matches cause Auston brought hockey gear. Then he, out of nowhere, asks her to be his girlfriend and how he’s wanting to give the idea of them as a couple, a shot
February 12th 2017: they’re officially official, everyone knows. Mitch has already sassed them. And she is his date to the centennial gala where they are pictured together as a couple and everything
Off-season 2017: Auston goes back to Scottsdale, y/n stays in Toronto and they do long distance but she does go to Arizona to visit him for two weeks. She meets his friends, really bonds with his family, then goes back to Toronto and he flys back too a couple of weeks later just before summer ends
2017/2018 season: not much happens, they’re very much so together and are just your typical couple. Y/n is in third year at university, spends a lot of time with her boyfriend at his place, but he goes to y/n and Lexie’s place a lot even though it’s not as nice as his condo downtown. Nate moved to Montreal for university after graduating high school that June, y/n’s dad moves to BC
Off-season 2018: y/n again stays in Toronto but does classes online so she can finish her degree a semester early. Auston is in Scottsdale again, but she does go stay with him for a couple of weeks again and brings him to BC with her and Nate to visit her dad and Mya 
2018/2019 season: again, just typical domestic relationship stuff. Y/n finishes university early, works full time at her retail job she had throughout university so she can save up some money because she wasn’t renewing the lease at hers and Lexie’s place since Lexie was moving come September (2019) and she needed to figure something out. Y/n graduated from her program in the spring. Auston, her family (including mitch and Steph), and Auston’s family were there to cheer her on
Off season 2019: y/n works in Toronto, gets hired by an office in her field and is set to start her “adult” job in September. She goes to Scottsdale for a month this time, from mid July to mid August to be with Auston. He’s decided he wants to ask her to move in with him but is a chicken and fucks it up. They fight and she almost goes home but all ends well and she agrees to move in with him
September 2019: y/n starts her job and news of Auston’s charge from when he was in AZ comes to light. Y/n didn’t know about it, was livid and hurt that he didn’t tell her something like that. It was almost a month of them living together, they got into probably their worst fight ever and she stayed at mitch and Steph’s for a few days (it took a bit but they worked it out)
2019-2020 season and 2020 offseason: the events that happen in “Good Life” (keep in mind I wrote that before covid, so that doesn’t exist in this universe)
December 2020: Auston proposes (like in Good Life) and Frank is introduced
End of June 2021: they find out y/n is pregnant
Rest of 2021 and into 2022: the events of “Along For The Ride” part 1 and eventually 2
January 25th 2022: Mia is born
July 30th 2022: they get married
September 2022: they move into their house and out of the condo
Rest of 2022 into 2023: there’s a couple of pieces I wrote like Mia’s 1st Christmas and “Island In The Sun”
Late November 2023: they find out about baby number two, which is where we are right now in the story
Hope this helped! ☺️ sorry it’s a freaking mess though
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cha-lyn · 5 years
Milk & Eggs - Four
Farmer!Bucky x Reader
Words: 1140ish
Summary: Small Town AU // Reader leaves the city to go live with her grandma. She meets an attractive farmer and, no, they don’t hit it off.
Warnings: some cussin’, rudeness on both sides, flirts & fluff ;), also angst maybe
A/N: if ya like it, give it a reblog/like/comment. 
Master List // Previous Chapter  // Next Chapter 
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At exactly 7 o’clock, there was a confident knock on the door. You tried not to skip down the stairs to meet him, but you did and you pushed down the voice in your head that told you why you were doing it.
“Good evening, slick,” he smiled down at you. 
“Hello again. Come in.” You lead him up stairs, showing him where to hang his jacket, grabbing him a beer and yourself a glass of wine. He served you a slice of the pizza and then himself. “Wow, this pizza is so good,” you say. 
Bucky smirked and his ears went a bit red. “So, has douchebag called again?”
“Actually, no. Thanks to you.” You nod at him, raising your glass so that he meets it with his beer. Clink.
“Do you mind me asking why y’all broke up?”
You took a bigger sip of your wine. “He slept with my best friend slash roommate. Days after proposing to me.”
“Damn. M’sorry. Did I say douche bag? I meant fucking ass hole.” You laughed, loudly, head thrown back. 
“Correct you are. I walked in on them in our apartment.” You shake your head.
“Shit. When was that?”
“Ummm… Two days before I got here.” Bucky blanched. “Yeah. Called Grams. Quit my job. Took my name off the lease and got the hell out of Seattle.”
“That’s kinda badass, slick.”
“Thanks,” you get up to get more wine. “Another beer?” 
“That’d be great.” Bucky gets up to help you clear the empty box and plates off the table. You wash them off and he helps you dry them. Your hands brush and you almost drop the plate. You hope that he didn’t notice and turn to push the chairs in. You were very aware that this man was making you feel very flustered. 
“You wanna watch a movie? See what's on TV?” Bucky agrees and the two of you settle on opposite ends of the couch. You flip through Netflix, having several friendly arguments about what not to watch. Finally, you both agreed on the Office. 
“Want some popcorn?” you ask.
“With extra butter please,” was Bucky’s reply.
You returned with the popcorn, extra butter and another beer for him, sitting next to him this time, thighs almost touching. Unlike the night at the bar, the conversation flowed smoothing that night. Bucky said that he identified most with Jim. You threw your head back and laughed at that, saying factually he was more of a Dwight, being a farmer and all. He scowled at you and threw a handful of popcorn your way. 
“How rude,” you scold as you toss some his way. You poke him hard on his side. He jumped out of his skin almost, eyes wide. 
“Hey. Quit it, I can’t be held responsible for what I do when I'm tickled.” You smirk, having no intentions to stop. You pick up the popcorn bowl and places it safely on the coffee table. Bucky laughs nervously. “Don’t you fucking dare, slick. You’re gonna spill my beer!” He shook his head but his eyes twinkled as he took a sip.  
“Or what?” You poke him again and he grabbed your wrist. Your other hand darts around, but he dodges it. He cocks his head at you. You stare pointedly at his lips as you bite your bottom one. He watches your lips for a few seconds before looking back into your eyes. You make another point to look at his, hoping he got the message you were trying to send.
He did.
He released your wrist as he leaned in and met you, lips soft and hesitant. But yours aren’t. You deepen the kiss, giving him the green light to do the same. His hand found your cheek, pulling you closer as his tongue ventured out. Your hands found his hair and you ran your fingers through it. He moaned into your mouth when you pulled at his locks. 
Bucky pulls back suddenly. “AH-shit! Uh. We’ve got a spill, slick.”
You immediately noticing the spilt beer soaking his shirt. “Klutz,” you snickered. “Get up before it gets on the couch!” 
“Look what ya did, slick.” Bucky laughed as he scrambled up from the couch, setting his mostly empty beer bottle next to the popcorn bowl. “I guess this is a sign that I need to go.”
“Nah. Just let me throw it in the wash, Buck.” You reach for the top button
“Uh, no. It’s fine, Y/N,” he leaned away from your hands.
“It won’t take long at all.” Before he can respond, you have the first three top buttons undone in a second. You ran your fingers over his little bit of exposed chest with it’s ridges of scars originating from the left shoulder. Your face changes, looking slightly more solemn, as you notice the widest scar that came from the top of his clavicle across his pectoral to the middle of his chest. 
“Damn, I’d hate to see the other guy,” you say, lightly grazing one of the smaller scars. He pulls back farther, eyes wide. “You okay, Buck?”
“Uh... This is… too much.” You immediately remove your hands from his chest. 
“Sorry, I thought--” He was already buttoning his shirt and backing away from you. “Wait, your shirt is soaked. I’m sure I could find something--”
“It’s fine. I should go.” Bucky interrupted, grabbing his jacket and moving towards the door.  
“Oh,” you slowly followed. He couldn't look you in the eye. You followed him down to the front door. “Well… Dive safe then.” 
“Yea. See you Monday.” He gave you a curt nod, got in his truck and left, not once looking back. 
You double check the locks on the doors and head up stairs. On the TV, Dwight was begging Micheal for something. You sat there for a minute trying to figure out where you went wrong. Finally, you gave up, dumping your wine down the sink and dumping the leftover popcorn in the trash. You go to the list of phone numbers Grams left and contemplated calling him. You put the number in your phone and everything, but never press send. You decided to go to bed instead. 
You woke up early Saturday morning without a hangover, but still feeling like shit. You figured you could get a good head start on the chapel pastries, so you head down to the bakery and get to work. You were in the zone--almost done, two trays were in the oven and you were icing some eclairs--when the bell rang. It was probably, Mrs. Jameson, coming in for her usual Saturday morning muffin before she headed to the farmer’s market, you think.
“I’ll be right out.” You wiped your hands on your apron and rounded the corner only to stop dead in your tracks. “Spencer.”
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@notatallfriendly ​
@thechaoticargonaut     @booktease21 
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lady-une · 7 years
Chapter 11
Well here it is....only 3 more chapters left in the story after this. Big shout out to my lovely beta @tears-of-orphans, your comments and feedback keep me going luv. Oh and if you know of anyone who is really into making mood boards who happens to be into khh please pass their info on to me! I would really love to have one made for the final chapter of this story. As always if you liked the chapter please leave me some feedback and share if you could!
I had just finished with my lineup and was walking around looking for Sarah. I had thought she would have been there to watch me perform but when I scanned the crowd I didn’t see her. I spotted Loco and Chase and walked up to them. I asked if they had seen Sarah but they shook their heads no.
“Where is Jay?”
They looked at each other and before Loco responded, “Not sure, we haven’t seen him in a good minute.”
I nodded my head and took off to find the missing two. I was starting to get worried because no one could find them, even Ji Soo came up to me and asked if I had seen Sarah. I pulled out my phone and was ready to call her when I spotted them. Jay looked happy with a small smile playing on his lips while his hand was on Sarah’s back leading her into the room. Sarah also had a small smile on her face that was also somewhat flushed. Ji Soo had also found them and was taking Sarah away who looked upset now. Jay looked like he was thinking hard on something and then he stuck his hand in his pocket, it looked like he was holding onto something. I saw him smile for a second before he turned to walk towards the snake.
I stood back watching Sarah a little longer being introduced to different people. She tried to act as if she was happy but I could see the pain in her eyes. Something had happened for sure between the two of them. Whatever Ji Soo had said to them must have been bad to make her whole mood change in a matter of seconds. I had an idea of what the two were doing together but I didn’t want to believe it. I had hoped whatever was going on between the two were over and I would be able to be with her. Sarah was left alone finally and I took the chance to talk to her for the first time all night.
I pulled her into a hug and gave her a kiss on her cheek, “Hey princess you looked amazing out there tonight.”
“Thank you, you looked pretty good up there tonight as well.” She said as she smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes nor did her eyes match her words.
“Oh you saw my performance? I was looking in the crowd for you and didn’t see you. Where did you go?”
“Oh, yeah I saw a little bit but then stepped out for some air. It was getting hot in there and I just needed some air.”
“Are you ok?”
“I’m ok but not really. I think this was all a little too much tonight, do you want to go? I’m finished up here and Ji Soo won’t need me anymore.”
I studied her face before nodding and helping her to the back area to collect her things. The whole car ride back home I kept sneaking glances over at her. She was really quiet and a few times I thought she had maybe fallen asleep.
“Sarah are you ok?”
“Yeah I’m good, just tired.”
I didn’t try and push her anymore the rest of the ride home. When we finally got home she went into the bathroom to wash up while I went into the kitchen and sat down drinking some water trying to figure out a way to get her to talk. I heard the shower turn off before she walked out of the bathroom in her robe and went right to the bedroom. I placed my glass down on the counter before I stood up and made my way to the bedroom. The door wasn’t shut all the way so I pushed it open and saw her pulling her pants on. Her hair was up in a tight bun and she had on a thin tank top. I smiled as I watched her applying lotion to her arms. When she got to her shoulder my smile fell from my face as I noticed the mark near her collar bone. She turned around and went to sit on the bed to apply the lotion to her legs. Slowly I walked over to her and asked her again.
“Princess where were you?”
She looked up at me with a confused look, “I told you, I was outside getting some air.”
Now that I was closer to her I could see the bite mark and purple coloring that told me all I needed to know. I closed my eyes not wanting to see Jay’s mark on her body.
“Can you move, I want to go to bed.”
“Oh sorry.”
She got up and went to her side of the bed before she pulled the covers back and climbed in. I walked back to the door to turn the light off before returning to the bed and climbing in. I laid facing away from her, the pain in my chest making it harder to breath just being so close to her. I couldn’t say I loved her but I knew I could easily get to that point. I closed my eyes wonder what hurt more, the fact she lied about where she was or the fact that she fucked Jay and he left his mark.
I woke up pretty early and could hear Gray slowly breathing next to me. I slowly got out of the bed making sure I didn’t wake him. I grabbed some clothes before I shut the door and went to the bathroom to change. I knew what I had to do and I knew it was going to hurt Gray but it was for the best. Once I was washed I left Gray a note on the counter telling him I would be back later before I put my shoes on and walked out.
I went around the block to the coffee shop to grab some food and figure out where to start my search. I didn’t have much money and I didn’t want to ask anyone for any help but I knew it was time to find my own place. I pulled my phone out once I sat down with my order and started looking at some places. As I looked at more places I realized that I wouldn’t be able to stay near here if I wanted to stay within budget. The more I thought on this the more I saw it as a good thing. The further away I was from the studio and where the guys usually hung out after work the less I would run into Jay or Gray. I found a realtor around the area I was looking at and made a call, thankfully they said I could stop by and they could show me a few rooms they had open. I finished my food before going out to catch the bus.
The ride to that side of town was long and while I wasn’t looking forward to the long bus ride every morning I kept reminding myself this was a good thing. The area wasn’t too bad, there were still some store fronts and corner stores along with scattered restaurants. The area didn’t make me as anxious, if anything it reminded me of my neighborhood back home. I found the realtor office after wandering around taking in the neighborhood. When I walked in I was welcomed by an older gentleman who looked to be about my dad’s age.
“Hello, I called earlier about some rooms that were open?”
“Oh yes, please please come in and have a seat.”
I thanked him before I took a seat across from him at a small table.
“So how much do you have for a deposit and how much were you looking to pay a month?”
I told him what I had and what I was looking to pay. He smiled and said he had a few that were vacant at the moment and that he could mark the rent half off since it was already into the month. I thanked him and we got up to go look at the rooms. The first one was very small and didn’t have any room to move around, I could basically sit on a mattress and reach what he called a stove but really it was just an electric warming dish. There was no sink and the bathroom was outside of the room. The next one was a room below a computer café, this one was roomier but it had no air circulation because there were no windows at all. Plus you could hear all the commotion from the café above. The employees were also coming down all the time because the storage room was also down here. The next two were also not a right fit, one was above a bar and the other was above a house and the house owners had a long list of demands for the tenant. I was starting to doubt that I would ever find a place. We walked up to a corner store and he mentions that this was the last one. It was a room on the roof of the store and that I would have full access to the roof as there was nothing being stored up there. We took the back stairs up to the roof and I noticed it wasn’t too large but there was a table to eat on and a place to wash your clothes outside and hang them to dry. The room had an electric lock and when we walked in I was surprised at how roomy it was. When you walk in you are instantly in the kitchen space, there was a sliding door separating the two rooms. The main room was spacious enough for a small bed and a small dresser, there was also a door that opened up to a small bathroom. I knew this was probably as good as I was going to get and we went back to his office to go over the paper work.
I was sitting down at the little table inside the realtor office waiting for him to draft up the documents when an older woman came into the office looking a bit frantic.
“Mister Ma I have a problem!”
The woman ran up to him with tears in her eyes and started talking to quickly for me to follow. From what I could understand her aunt back in the states was very sick and she needed to leave today to get to her. The realtor took her to his desk and they continued talking often looking back at me. I tried to not look up and took out my phone to just scroll through social media while they talked. The realtor came over and cleared his throat to get my attention.
“Miss if I may propose a rather strange offer to you?”
“Go ahead.”
“You see my tenant here needs to leave for the states on a family emergency. Her lease isn’t up for another 5 months, how would you feel like renting out her place with furnishings for the next 5 months. You won’t even have to worry about this month’s rent, and I will charge you the same as the rooftop room.”
“That sounds amazing but I don’t know where it is or what it looks like.”
The woman came over and sat across from me pulling out her phone.
“Here are some pictures, please this would help me out so much. It’s such a nice place and the neighbors are super nice. There is never any kind of issues in the area either. It’s not that far from here in an apartment building that even has an elevator.”
I took the phone from her and looked at the pictures, I was pretty surprised at how nice the apartment was. I was even happier that it was an apartment and not just a small room the size of a storage space.
“It’s only for 5 months, what about when that ends?”
The realtor stepped in, “Depending on if Miss Suae has to stay in the states we can extend the lease at that point or I can help you find another place.”
I sat for a moment looking at the pictures again, I was set to settle on the rooftop room but this was too good of an offer to pass up.
“Sure I will take it.”
The two of them clapped and he brought the paper work over for me to sign. Suae told me she would have everything of hers packed and out of the apartment by the end of the day as she was needing to leave right away. They told me I could move in tomorrow if I wanted to. I paid my fees and was handed the key card for the apartment.
I made my way back home not really looking forward to the conversation I was about to have but the plan was already in motion. When I walked into the apartment Gray was sitting on the couch watching a basketball game and he muted it and turned towards me not looking to happy.
“Where were you?”
“I was out looking at places.”
“Because I wanted to, this was always the plan Gray.”
“Why can’t you just stay here? It’s a big enough apartment for the two of us.”
“Gray you knew this was always going to happen, I told you when I moved in here that I would only stay long enough for me to get some money and then I would be moving out.”
“I know you don’t have enough money to move and you didn’t ask for any help. So again why are you moving?”
“Gray why are you making such a big deal about this.”
“I don’t know why you can’t just stay.”
I was starting to get really frustrated with her answer, she just kept repeating the same line over and over and I wasn’t buying it. There had to be another reason for her to want to move. Images of last night came flooding back in of the two of them coming back and then seeing his mark on her.
“I don’t buy that excuse one bit. Are you moving so you will be able to fuck Jay whenever you want?”
“This has nothing to do with Jay.”
I knew she was lying and I stood up from my spot on the couch and walked over to her pulling her shirt down to expose the mark on her that was starting to fade.
“The wind must have been rather aggressive last night.”
She slapped my hand away and glared at me as I turned to walk back to the couch sitting down before I spoke again.
“I don’t know why you bother trying to lie to me, I saw the two of you walking back together. I know you were with him, I didn’t want to believe it at first. I really wanted to believe you when you said you went out for air but then I saw that mark, his mark…..and I knew instantly my fear had come to life.”
“Gray I’m sorry but you knew I was going through some shit and this is why I didn’t want to stay here. I told you it wasn’t fair to you. That’s why I’m moving, because me staying here isn’t fair to you. I can’t be here feeding into whatever this is between us.”
I stood up feeling the anger inside me rise, “Whatever this is between us? THIS?” I motioned between the two of us. “I thought THIS was a WE! I told you to give me a chance to show you how things could be but you couldn’t even do that! No you couldn’t just let him go could you? You couldn’t just push him from your mind and let me have a shot at making you happy! God Sarah you know how he is, hell he is fucking the snake right now! How could you be so stupid to think he will change. Jay isn’t the take home to mom and dad kind and you know it! He is the guy who fucks you and never calls back!”
“Gray just stop! God I should never have moved in here, I knew this wasn’t going to end well.”
“Of course it wasn’t because you couldn’t stop thinking of Jay! Of Jay my fucking friend and our fucking BOSS! What the fuck Sarah, what part of this sounded like a good idea to you?”
“I fucking told you Gray I was confused.”
“No Sarah, how can you get confused between two guys? This isn’t some kind of drama on the TV Sarah, this is real fucking life! You can be confused about what to eat for dinner or what to wear, but you don’t get confused about what guy you want to fuck!”
“I know and I’m sorry, god you have no idea how sorry I am right now.”
“Sorry doesn’t fix things Sarah. Sorry doesn’t take back that you let him stick his dick inside you! Was this even the first time? How many times have you even fucked him?”
“God this isn’t the first time is it?” My hands went to my hair pulling on it as I was at a loss of words. I looked towards Sarah who I could see the tears building up in her eyes. “No you don’t get to cry and make me feel bad Sarah, you did this. You made the choice to fuck him, you could have said no. One simple word would have stopped all of this, but you chose not to say it.”
“Gray please.”
She reached out for me but I stepped back with my hands up, “I can’t be here right now.”
I stepped around her and went for the door, I put my shoes on and grabbed my things before walking out slamming the door. I leaned against the door trying to calm my racing heart as I heard her crying from the other side of the door. I shook my head and took the elevator down before getting in my car. I called both Loco and Chase but both of them were too busy and couldn’t come out. There was no other place to go so I went to the studio, if anything I could throw myself into some work or just drink the pain away.
I pulled up to the studio and parked the car. I walked in and noticed some lights were on in another room and walked over to see who it was.
“Oh hey Simon, what are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing Gray, what brings you here.”
“I need some space and thought this would be a good place.”
“Well don’t let me stand in your way, unless you want to have some drinks with me?”
“Drinks sound great.”
I walked into his room and sat down on the couch as he pulled a hidden stash of liquor out of his cabinet. For the next couple of hours we sat there drinking and talking about random shit when Simon finally hits me with it.
“Why are you really here Gray, why aren’t you at home with Sarah?”
I sighed looking down at my hands thinking of how to tell him what was going on.
“We fought.”
“Well all couples do that.”
“Yeah but we aren’t even a couple. We are just roommates I guess. I mean fuck man, I am crazy for this girl. God she just makes the world a brighter place, or she used to. I knew she had feelings for Jay, she told me she was confused. How can someone be confused about liking two guys?”
I took another shot before continuing.
“The other day I was looking for her while I was performing and didn’t see her. After I looked for her and when I finally found her she was walking back in with Jay, both of them had a freshly fucked look to them. I didn’t want to believe what I was seeing but later when I got home I saw a bite mark and a hickey on her. Up until earlier tonight she had lied and said she was getting air. She lied up until I told her I knew the truth. She has been fucking Jay but then coming to my bed and sleeping with me, well not sleeping as fucking but just sleeping. We never even got to the point of actually fucking, no I guess that was saved for Jay only. How could I have been so stupid Simon. She wants to move now, says we need space.”
I put my head in my hands while I waited for him to respond. I wasn’t expecting to tell this to anyone but here I am drunk and spilling everything to Jay’s best friend.
“Wow, well I wasn’t expecting that. But man you have to understand you are not stupid and she has every right to be confused. I don’t think you know how charming you and Jay can be, I have sat back for years watching you and Jay charm the panties off hundreds of women. Yes while you tend to stick to one girl longer then Jay, you both are so much alike in the way you work the women. So I can completely understand how she could get confused. Now just hear me out, you might now like what I have to say but you need to hear it.”
“Let Sarah move, let her have the space that not only she needs but you all need. You all deserve to find happiness in life but with the way things are going neither of you three will find it. So let her move and take the time to get your heads straight. Other than work I really think you shouldn’t be contacting each other. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but she won’t ever figure things out with you two hanging around her. The same goes for you, you won’t ever get things straight with your feelings if you see the two of them together or see her. Now I don’t want you to worry about the times she is in the studio. I will run interference between her and Jay so that she has space from him too. So just relax and take this time to do some soul searching. I mean it Gray don’t be trying to hold on to her, that won’t end well for either of you.”
I nodded my head and he stood up to come patt my shoulder before saying he was taking off. Instead of going back home I decided to just finish off the bottle of soju and sleep at the studio. It wouldn’t be the first time I have slept at the studio, but it would be the first time since Sarah moved in.
I woke up to my head feeling like I went 10 rounds with Connor McGregor and when I looked in the mirror I swear my face looked like it too. My eyes were red and swollen along with my face. I closed my eyes at the reflection in the mirror knew I deserved this. I cleaned myself up and took some aspirin before going into the studio. I wasn’t looking forward to this as I was set to go over concept ideas for the MV with Jay.
When I got into the studio I went right up to Jay’s office, I knocked before I walked in to find Jay and Simon sitting on the couch waiting for me.
“Good morning Sarah, I hope you don’t mind me sitting in on this.”
“Not at all Simon.”
I took a seat across from the two guys and we started the meeting going over the ideas I had for the MV. We decided to just go with a basic love story concept, girl meets boy and falls in love. Lots of bright colors and bright lights. Lots of hand holding and long gazes into each other eyes. The dates for the filming were set and a location would be chosen later today and I would be notified of where it would be. I thanked them both and stood to leave. Simon followed me out and asked if he could speak to me for a moment, I nodded and followed him to his office. We walked in and he motioned me to have a seat which I did.
“So last night I was working pretty late and was surprised to find Gray walking into the studio looking pretty upset.”
“Oh so that’s where he went.”
“Yes, he came here. After having some drinks he finally told me what was wrong.”
“He did?”
“Yes, he told me everything.”
I looked down at my hands ashamed that Simon now knew about what was going on between the three of us. I really didn’t want anyone else knowing this, especially Simon.
“I can only imagine what you think of me now. Here I am the American girl who lead both of your friends on. I feel so ashamed right now.”
“I don’t think that, but I can’t say I am happy either. Those two are brothers to me and I am not all that happy that they are both hurting right now. Nor am I happy that said pain is caused by the same reason, their affection for you. But I can understand your feelings, trust me I have seen how these guys are with women.”
“Still doesn’t make this right.”
“I agree it doesn’t, but you moving will help make things better. Gray told me you planed on moving out of his apartment I think that’s the right idea. You all need space to get your head straight. I already told Gray this but you all need to stop any kind of contact outside of work. Take the time to get your heads straight.”
I nodded my head. “Yes, that’s what I was thinking. Could you do me a favor?”
“Depends on what it is?”
“Could you keep the two of them busy? I don’t have anything to do in the studio and my new place is open for me to move in today. If I move while Gray is home he might change his mind and will try and make me stay. Please keep them here so that I can move all my stuff out.”
“I can do that.”
“Thank you Simon, and again I am sorry for the mess I caused.”
“Don’t worry about it Sarah, just fix it.”
I nodded and left the studio. I went straight to Gray’s and started throwing my things into bags and boxed up the rest of my things. Before I called the cab I wrote Gray a letter and left it on the counter. With everything ready I called a cab and got the security guards help with moving the boxes down stairs and loading them into the cab. The ride to the new place was just as long as the bus ride and eventually we pulled up to a decent apartment. I asked the cab driver if he could please help me with the boxes if I paid him extra and he agreed to help me. The driver helped me put everything into the apartment before he left. I stood there in the new place looking everything over. There was a full kitchen and a small dining room table. It opened up into the living room that held a couch. There were two doors in on either side of the couch, one lead to a small bedroom and the other lead to the bathroom. With everything here I took a bus ride this time heading to Jay’s apartment to leave him a letter as well. On the way back I stopped off at the corner to grab some stuff for the apartment. When I got back to the apartment it was dark and I knew the two of them would be heading home soon.
My whole body was aching and all I wanted to do was go home and take a hot shower. I wasn’t looking forward to talking with Sarah but it had to be done. When I got into the apartment it was dark and quiet, I thought maybe she went to bed early and went to check in on her. I opened the bedroom door to find the room dark and empty.
Maybe she stepped out.
I thought to myself as I went back to the kitchen to take an aspirin before I showered. I was reaching for the pill bottle that was on the counter when I noticed it. A folded piece of paper with my name written on it. All thoughts of the pain in my body was gone from my mind, only replaced with dread as I reached for the paper.
I am sorry for doing it this way but I feel it’s for the best. Had I waited for you to get home you would never had let me go. Please don’t think I never cared for you because I do. This mess I put us in isn’t healthy for anyone, that’s why I left. Please don’t ask me where I am, just know I am safe. I talked with Simon and I agree with everything he said. We need time to get our heads straight, so please respect the space I need. I am sorry for everything, please know that. This isn’t a good bye either so don’t think that. We will still see each other at the studio, but let’s keep it processional.
I crunched the paper in my hand before I threw it on the counter and ran back to the room. I opened all her drawers to find them empty, I went to the closet to find all of her clothes gone. The boxes she had in the hall closet were also gone. I stood there in the middle of the hallway hurt and angry. I was angry at her and myself and at Jay. If he had just let her go none of this would have happened. With the anger flowing through my veins like molten lava I grabbed my keys and went to my car pealing out of the parking lot and speeding to the studio. I barely had the car at a stop before throwing it into park and running into the studio. I took the stairs two at a time running up to Jay’s office. I didn’t bother knocking on the door before I burst through them. Jay and Simon were sitting on the couch going over things.
“Gray what’s wrong?”
I walk over to Jay and grab him by his shirt pulling him up, Simon also stood trying to get me to release Jay.
“This is all your fucking fault! If you would have just let her be then this wouldn’t be happening! But no you couldn’t fucking do it! You had to continue playing with her even after you had the fucking snake in your bed. You were the one who pushed her out of your place and it’s you again who is pushing her out of mine! This is all your fucking fault you son of a bitch!”
I pulled a hand back ready to punch him but Simon ran to the other side to get in between the two of us.
“Gray stop this, don’t do something you will regret. Let him go.”
I glared at Jay but did as Simon said and took a couple of steps back.
“What the fuck are you even talking about Gray? Who is gone?”
“Sarah! She is gone, she packed all her shit and left. I know you have been fucking her! I saw the nice little mark you left on her. Why couldn’t you have just left her alone, I would have made her happy. With this back forth thing you have going on it really confused her. Why Jay, why couldn’t you have just left things alone.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, there is no way she would have moved without telling us. I went to walk towards the door but Simon grabbed my arm stopping me.
“Jay don’t.”
“Let me go, I have to go find her. Gray where is she?”
“I don’t know where she is, she told me to not ask either.”
I tried to move again but Simon held on tighter before he pushed me back towards the couch.
“Both of you sit your asses down and listen to me.”
I sat down and Gray took a spot in the chair across from me, I didn’t want to be here to listen to anything. I had to get out of here and find her.
“I get emotions are high for both of you right now but you need to think things through. I know you both have some strong emotions for this girl but you need to know that if you all keep pushing forward with the way things are going no one will get out of this unscathed. Do you really want this issue to ruin your friendship? You two are like brothers, you have been through some rough shit together. But like hell will I sit back and watch you throw all those years away because of a girl. Don’t get me wrong I like her but you two are my priority right now, you guys rank higher than her. I don’t want either of you to try to find her, she will continue coming into work but while she is here it will be a professional relationship only. Nothing other than work will be discussed, as for her MV I will be taking that over. I don’t want either of you involved in her work for the time being. Please don’t let this get out of hand.”
Gray stood and walked out the door not even giving me a second glance. I looked up at Simon knowing he was right but I didn’t want to lose her.
“Jay I fucking mean it, you try and find her or push for something and I will take my shares and find another studio or something. I won’t let you mess this up. You have worked so fucking hard for this, keep that in mind.”
Simon grabbed his stuff before patting me on the back and walking out of my office letting the door shut. I sat back and closed my eyes feeling the tears well up.
“How did I let it get this far.”
I said out loud to my now empty office.
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fandomcentralcity · 7 years
Beautiful Surprise.
Lena sighs.
All she wants to do is go home to her girlfriend and her dog. That’s it.
Instead, she’s here listening to some fucking old, sexist, pimple of a man rant about her new technology that she introduced today.
“… that’s why we shouldn’t have let a woman run this company! … She has no idea what she is doing… She is putting this company at risk…”
Lena tunes him out and starts thinking about when she gets welcomed home by their dog Krypto. He’d jump on her, might knock her down if she didn’t take her shoes off quick enough too.
She chuckles.
There would be boxes everywhere, too. Kara had said yes when she asked her to move in and Lena couldn’t be more excited. After 2 years, it was time. The compromise was they would have to wait a month in order for Kara’s lease to end, AND Kara wasn’t allowed to use her powers. Lena always wanted the experience of moving in with someone, the laughs, and yes even the fights.
She smiles, she can’t wait to get home.
Finally, she’s brought back to reality…
That’s the moment that she loses it.
“Mr. Buchanan, I don’t know how many times I’ve said that this company is nothing like the one that my brother ran. We do not invest in chaos, war or hate. I, for one, am very happy with that fact. I will never run this company like Lex did. Furthermore, I am sick and tired of your sexist, anti-alien, testosterone-driven rants about my technology and the way I’m running this company. Now, I’ve dealt with it for three years and I’m finally done.”
She stands up and glares at him.
“Here’s what I propose: you either step down or I will leak all of your indiscretions, and ALL of your investments to the media.” She states as she slides a packet to him.
Within the packet are pictures him being intimate with women who are not his wife in a dingy hotel room, alleyways, massage parlors, and even in his own bed. There are lists of his investments and how much he’s invested in them. Most of them are… shady, to say the least.
“You wouldn’t- you can’t just- you won’t do-” He sputters as he looks through the contents.
She interrupts him “I can and believe me when I say, I will. Not only will your wife leave you because of the pictures, the people will turn against you, your investments will be gone, you will be ostracized, bankrupt- because we all know it’s really your wife’s money that you are spending- and you will be forced to step down from this board. As much as I would LOVE for that to happen, I believe myself to be above that. So, I give you a choice. Take it or leave it.”
She pauses, and looks around the room.
“Does anyone else have a problem? No? Good. Mr. Buchanan, you can let my secretary Jess know your answer by 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. A second later, you will be seeing all of this information on national news, and do not think you can escape it. I have contacts you can even begin to dream of having.” She picks up her things, and with a "Good day gentlemen.” she storms out of the room.
She is beyond angry. She has had to deal with these incompetent, hateful beings for as long as she’s been the CEO. She is completely done with the whole board, some of which have been here since before she took over. A few of them are still loyal to Lex, like Mr. Buchanan. She has been trying to get them to leave, but that is proving difficult. The only ways they can go are if they step down, or get voted off. Most of the old board she blackmailed out, of course, there are no records of her doing so, nor are there any credible witnesses. Her word is better than theirs, especially if she leaked a scandal or two.
“Fucking idiots.” She numbed as she walks by Jess and into her office.
She grabs her coat, and packs up her things.
“Jess, I’m leaving for the day. Cancel my appointments, and then you can go home.”
“Yes Ms. Luther.”
Lena stops and quirks her eyebrow at Jess.
“I mean, Lena” Jess replies with a smile.
Lena smiles “Better. Enjoy the rest of your day Jess.”
“You too!”
Lena practically runs to her car, eager to go home and leave her awful day at work behind her.
When she gets outside her apartment, - THEIR apartment- she takes a minute to collect herself. She lets her anger from the day go, and eagerly opens the door. “Hey Babe! I’m home!”.
She hears a bark and quickly throws down her stuff and takes her shoes off before a blond blur jumps on her.
Lena laughs, “Hey Buddy, ohhh, I missed you too!! Was today good?! Mine wasn’t as god as yours I bet! Thank you for all the kisses!” She gushes, as she loves on her adorable dog. After Krypto calms down a bit Lena asks, “Where’s your other mama??” Wondering why Kara hasn’t greeted her like she normally does.
Krypto barks and runs down the hallway to the master bedroom where Lena hears Kara squealing.
Lena opens the door, “I’m almost afraid to as-” 
Kara excitedly interrupts as soon as she sees Lena, “I didn’t know you had baby pictures!!!“You were so freaking cute!!!! Well I mean they aren’t baby pictures, but they’re of you as a child and I thought you didn’t have any!!! But you do, and I HAD to go through them because you went through mine. I thought it was okay, but you’re not saying anything so I’m assuming it’s not? If I crossed a boundary-” Kara’s rant stops when Lena holds up her hand.
"Love? Say something please, or emote, because you normally have a reaction when I’m doing something you don’t like. But right now, you’re just… there.” Kara worriedly states.
Lena doesn’t say anything as Kara is talking. She picked up a few of the pictures and started to look at them. She drifts to the floor as tears form in her eyes.
Kara notices and superspeeds to Lena wrapping her arms around her, knowing something serious is going on.
“Hey love, what’s wrong?” Kara asks softly as she turns Lena’s head towards her and gently brushes the tears from Lena’s eyes.
Lena looks back down at the picture in her hand. It’s of her and Lex at the zoo when they were 8. A monkey is on Lena’s shoulder, her dad is handing it a piece of fruit. Lex’s arm is around her, her eyes are on the monkey, and Lex is laughing at her.
She remembers this day. it was her first trip to the zoo, and it was magical. Her favorite part was the otters and the monkeys.
Kara rubbing her arm brings her back to reality.
“That box,” gesturing to the box that the pictures came out of, “is from the Luthor Mansion.” She says as she tries to hold in her tears. “I always assumed that Mother didn’t save any pictures of me, because I wasn’t Lex. She was always very cold to me. In her eyes, I never did anything right. I honestly thought she never loved me. Apparently, I was wrong. I was so, so wrong.” She whispered as she looked to the multitude of pictures around the room.
She looks up to Kara, “She did love me. I always figured she only said that because she wanted something from me; but it’s true. My mother actually loves me.”
Kara held her tighter. “Turn the picture over” she whispers to Lena.
Curious, Lena does, and her breath hitches.
On the picture it said, “May 6th, 1999. Your first zoo trip. You loved the monkeys and otters the most. You absolutely despised the snakes after the King Cobra hissed at you. You hugged me at that moment because you were scared. You smiled more today than you have since you been with us. I love you my darling angel, Momma.”
Lena covered her mouth with her hand.
“They’re all like that” Kara whispers in her ear.
Lena shuts her eyes as tears flow out.
Kara holds her till her body stops shaking, carefully wiping Lena’s tears when they stop flowing, and kisses her forehead.
Lena takes a breath, and looks up, “Can we go through these together? I don’t know if I can do it alone.”
Kara nods with a smile, “Of course love. Do you want to move to the bed first though? I’m getting uncomfortable and I’m an alien. I can only imagine what you’re feeling.” she grins.
Lena chuckles, “Yes, Yes, the puny human is also uncomfortable.” with a kiss, she helps Kara up. Lena starts collecting the pictures from the ground as Kara moves the box closer to the bed.
That night they share laughter, tears, pizza on their bed (“Just this once” Lena states), and memories, becoming closer than ever before.
As they are going to bed, Lena starts thinking about her day. "You know, that was a beautiful surprise to come home to. I had the worst day at work.” she states, slipping on her pajama bottoms.
"Oh? Do tell.” Kara replies.
“Well Buchanan was raving about how I don’t run the company the right way, my technology will never sell, and then he finished his rant by saying Lex would be ashamed about how I am running the company.” She says, getting annoyed again.
“Oooofff, wrong move buddy. What did you do?” Kara asks, slipping under the covers.
“You know that information packet on him I’ve been amassing? Well, he has quite a few indiscretions, and a lot of investments that don’t make him look very good in the public eye. So, I gave him a choice.”
“Good for you! He needs to go.” Kara exclaims.
Lena looks up from brushing her hair, surprised, “I thought you were against me blackmailing them off?”
“That was before Dummie Number Three tried to assassinate you. Twice.” Kara gripes, “You’d think they would learn better by now.”
Lena chuckles, “Yeah, I have a super girlfriend that is always there to protect me, and catch me when I fall.” she winks as she climbs in next to Kara.
“And a super-cool mom that loves you.” Kara adds.
“She’s still the head of Cadmus.” Lena replies, looking at the picture on her bedside table of her family at the zoo.
“Yes, but she loves you. So, there is still hope.” Kara says as she puts her arms around Lena.
“That is true, she does love me.” Looking at all the pictures around the room, all with handwritten notes behind them. 
“You know who also loves you?” Kara asks. “Me.”
“You’re a dork.” Lena chuckles as Kara’s lips meet hers.
“Goodnight, my love.”
“Goodnight Lena.”
That night they fall asleep in each other’s arms, with Lena’s childhood scattered on the furniture in the room, with their dog at their feet.
They didn’t get through all the pictures, but they will. After all, they have the rest of their lives together, and Lena couldn’t be happier.
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eyez-ff-blog · 7 years
○○ eyez | fifty-three
March 22 – New York City
The Italian spot in Tribeca was a frequent spot for the Coles in which their memories there date all the way back back to the early recesses of their friendship; Beija could pack some plates away when she chose to, and with Jermaine being a bottomless pit that would try a multitude of things at least once, she all but dragged him to Pepolino when he notified her that he had never been. She could remember back in her years at NYU where her roommate introduced her to the place. It was expensive to most kids in college, but it was always worth every penny. Ever since she had introduced J to the place, he took her there whenever he could. After-studio dinners and quiet weekend getaways always consisted of their favorite seat by the window and a shared plate of pasta and all the peach tea their waiter or waitress could bring over to the table.
Every time they came back to the city and to this restaurant specifically, Beija was reminded of little things that made her fall in love with Jermaine without even knowing it. They’d sit and talk about every and anything, from the heated debates about the past election—she still didn’t truly understand why he wanted Bernie Sanders to win the Democratic nomination over Hilary Clinton—to the daydreaming they indulged in together, just happy about living in the now and hoping for the best in the future. His intelligence was attractive and his attentiveness to the things she said was touching. Now every time she thought about the restaurant, she realized that it was just their thing that they had. It was one of those foundation blocks that led to a strong friendship which would lead into a roller coaster of a love story.
Even now as she sat at the table across from her husband, she couldn’t keep her eyes off him as her mind jumped from subject to subject. She wasn’t even supposed to be eating pasta—she had put herself on a strict diet while she was pregnant, but Jermaine insisted she ‘splurged’ since they were in their city and embarking on a great feat in two days. The festival that Beija put together was all but complete in planning, and now all that needed to be done was to have it. “Dreamville Presents: The Block Party,” it was called, and featured a weekend of star-studded performances. The festival was actually already in motion—as they sat and ate, tons of teenagers and young adults alike were enjoying a guest list of electronic, dance, and alternative artists with Zeus and Whitney sharing the top billing with The Weeknd. Saturday would be a pure soul lineup full of Neo-Soul, Jazz and easy listening artists that catered to the older crowd. And Sunday would be the final day filled with mega-stars, from Rihanna, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, and Jermaine as the largest artists to perform. Beija was listening to the radio earlier and heard the commercial spot for the event, and the radio VJ notified the public that the festival was being hosted by ‘Grammy Award winning rapper, J. Cole.’
She still beamed in pride at the thought of it.
Grammy weekend was probably one of the most overwhelming of Beija’s life, and she had nothing to do with it personally. She was nervous for Jermaine down to the last second on the clock, so to see him finally nab the awards were nothing short of amazing. She felt like she had a hand in witnessing nearly every step of his long-running career from being a fan to being his partner in both business and pleasure—it was like watching a movie and finally seeing the triumphant end. But she knew it was far from the end of his career and the things that would come from it. She always believed in his potential even when she never knew him, and it wouldn’t change. But as often as she thought about how well he was doing in his career, she thought about her own. She had so many things going on and so much success falling before her feet that she was hoping that she could keep up with herself, let alone him. With the added roles of being a wife and a mother, her uncertainty was always a nagging part of her thoughts. And now with her second child to be due in the summer, she still had her worries both emotional and logical...
“J, I think we should get a bigger house,” Jermaine glanced up from his plate of Tagliolini Al Limone, and he licked his lips briefly before he squinted his eyes in questioning. He grabbed his glass of peach tea and downed it, allowing B’s request to truly register. Beija slightly furrowed her eyebrows at his silence before she used the fork in her hand to push a portion of Penne Con Zucca e Ricotta across her plate. “I mean, I was just thinking about it. With the new baby coming, we have no space. Niya is still fairly young and I don’t want them cramped up in one room together, especially when she’s about to be two,” She explained.
“Okay,” He said before he ran a hand over his hair. He rested the hand upon the back of his head before he leaned back against the plush seat of the booth. “So what do you suggest? Or where, for that matter?” He asked.
“Maybe we can...come back here? There’s plenty homes in the outskirts of the city, then if we ever want to come in town it’s a short ride. Or we can go to Jersey since Ib and Nicole just moved with the girls,” She explained.
“True. There’s an option. Or maybe we could go down to Texas? There’s probably plenty of homes out there, and we can be close to the family,” Jermaine suggested, and Beija nodded as she stared down at her food. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Beija said softly before she glanced up at him. “I’ve been thinking about it, but I also don’t really want to leave our home. I like where we live—we have nice neighbors, we’ve made friends, and plus...you bought that place for me,” She said, and his questioning expression softened a bit. “We found about Niya in that house...you proposed to me in that house. A part of me feels guilty for asking for more when you’ve given me so much already. And I think I’m also being super sentimental,” She shrugged.
“And you know that’s okay, right?” She twisted her lips to the side as a means to disagree, but she knew she really couldn’t; her silence confirmed that. “I’m gonna miss that place too but you’re right about us needing more space. Plus, you really need an office space and although I said I didn’t want to have a recording studio in the house, I might need it for whenever I decide to make another album. I don’t wanna be away so much and have you alone to take care of the kids,” He said. “We’re just gonna have to bite the bullet and get it done. And it will be fine, just like when we moved the first time.” She felt his hand cover hers, and she glanced up to see his eyes on her. “And I don’t want you to feel guilty—you’re not asking out of greed, baby. It’s a logical reason why you asked. Plus, you know I kinda like spoiling you,” He smirked, causing her to chuckle a bit.
“Yeah...alright, alright. I don’t know why I’m being all emotional when I suggested it,” Beija’s chuckle evolved into a soft laugh as J reached over to playfully nudge her cheek. “But go ahead and call Gina, let her know we’ll be back at the hotel soon. I can’t eat another bite,” She pushed her plate away from her.
“I told you to just let us share a plate but your greedy ass just had to have something to yourself,” J teased before letting out a low chuckle.
“Fuck off, because look at how much you ate,” Beija gestured to his nearly empty plate. “I wouldn’t have even gotten half if we shared so hush,” She pouted as she waved over the waiter that was serving them.
Once their bill was paid for and their takeout boxes were filled with leftover food and the lemon tart that Beija bought at the last minute, they headed back towards their ‘vacation apartment;’ after staying in it back in October, Jermaine decided to go ahead and set up a long-term lease for when they had to be within the city. It would prove to be a bit cheaper and more convenient than booking a hotel and now that Ibrahim and Nicole had moved out of the city to Jersey, there was no guest room to bum in. Beija figured it all worked out, but now her mind was clouded with what she would be looking for in a permanent home. She had to make sure it was a lively enough city with a nice neighborhood and proper schools...so much to do, so little time.
When the couple returned to the apartment, Beija could hear Janiya playing with Gina in one of the bedrooms, her childish laughter echoing through the house. “Niya?” She called out, and she heard a sudden flurry of small footsteps.
“Hi!” Janiya greeted her mother warmly as she stopped at the kitchen island, slowing her stride before she walked over to Beija, gently taking the woman’s hand with both of her own.
“I brought you home some pasta, and a treat we can have later,” She watched as Jermaine picked Niya off of the ground, and she smiled warmly at Gina once she laid eyes upon her.
“Were you good for Miss Gina?” J asked, and Niya nodded as she blew a raspberry on his cheek.
“Oh, she’s always good!” Gina laughed a bit as Beija began to rummage through her purse to find her wallet. “She just woke up from a nap not too long ago, so she’ll be up for a little bit,” Beija handed the woman the proper payment before the two shared a quick hug. “I’ll see you guys on Sunday,” She said.
“Gotcha,” Beija let the woman out before closing and locking the door. She slowly walked to the fridge and placed the leftover food inside before she sat her purse on the nearby barstool. “Ugh, my feet are killing me. They never hurt this bad when I had Niy,” She complained as she sat down on the couch.
“They say pregnancy symptoms differ every time. This might just be a new thing,” J said as Niya reached to rub Beija’s belly slowly.
“Belly,” Janiya said before she looked back, and rubbed J’s stomach as well, causing Beija to let out a loud laugh.
“Oh my God—baby don’t bother daddy like that,” B shook her head as she heard the faint vibration of her phone. “J, get that for me?” She requested, and she watched as J grabbed her phone out of his purse, glancing at the caller ID before picking up the phone.
“Hello? ...What’s up, Kieran?” Jermaine relaxed in his seat on the couch as he watched Janiya climb onto him, laying against his stomach comfortably. “She’s sitting right here. Yeah...what?” His tense voice made B sit up a bit straighter, and she watched her husband closely as he listened to her brother over the phone. “Okay. We can come after the show on Sunday. Don’t worry about me, traveling after a show isn’t new. Alright. Love you too,” He hung up, and sighed as he passed Beija her phone.
“What’s wrong?” She asked as she tilted her head.
“Your father’s in the hospital,” He announced, and Beija’s face paled as she felt her stomach turn. She couldn’t immediately respond verbally, but her body was already in motion as she peeled herself off the couch. “B?”
“I have to go,” Beija said softly as she walked towards the bedroom. “You can come after the show, but I need to be there tonight. I’ll get me and Niya a ticket,” As she spoke, she was already shuffling through the closet and dressers to try to pack some clothes.
“Are you sure—...?” Beija was sure Jermaine had more to say but her head wasn’t clear enough to decipher what he had told her. He must have gotten the message, because soon she could feel his presence and saw him helping her pack her things. She was pretty frightened about traveling alone with a small child and being pregnant all at once, but she needed to be with her family.
Beija was able to get two tickets to Houston on a one-way flight, and the whole way there she felt jittery and out of place in comparison to how she had been for the past couple of months. Of course she had her down days, but for the most part she was able to stay emotionally stable. But now she seemed to be so stuck in her thoughts as she flew across the country. She had to wonder what happened to Mekhi or what could be ailing him. He was the picture of decent health for as long as she could remember, and he went to the doctor faithfully to make sure that he stayed that way. So how did he end up in the hospital? She was just hoping he was okay.
Once they got off of the plane, Beija went to pick up she and Janiya’s bags before she led the little girl through the airport. “Mama...hungry,” Niya said softly, and Beija nodded as she glanced down at the girl.
“I know, baby. We can get some food when we get with Uncle ‘Quis,” She said, and she glanced up as they headed outside to where the ‘car pickup’ area was located. She saw Marquis waiting on them, and she approached him before they shared a hug.
“Here, I’ll get your bags,” Marquis grabbed the girls’ luggage and put it in the back of his car before he came around to pick Niya off the ground. “How’s my baby?” He asked as he kissed her forehead.
“Hungry,” Niya answered, and he chuckled as he nodded, opening up the back door.
“We can get some chicken nuggets, alright? Then we’re gonna go see pawpaw,” He said as he helped Niya into the booster seat he had set up in the backseat. Once he got her in the car, he helped Beija in the front before he got in and drove away from the curb. “How was the flight?” He asked as he began his departure from the airport area, making his way towards the freeway.
“Long and tiring. What happened to dad? Is he okay?” Beija asked, and Marquis shrugged as he sighed.
“They’re not entirely sure what happened yet—I know mama found him passed out on the floor, and they took him to the emergency room,” He explained, and Beija sighed as she sank into her seat. “They’ve still got him in the ICU, so you came at a good time,” He mumbled as he kept his eyes on the road.
“I don’t understand. Dad’s always been so careful about his health. He stopped smoking, he barely drinks anymore, always goes to the doctor—what could it be?” B sat back in the seat as she tried to think things over.
“You know, it could just be old age. You know he and mama are getting up there, so for all we know it could just be exhaustion,” Marquis sighed a bit before he tapped his fingers against the wheel. “At least, I hope that’s all it is.”
After getting Janiya some food to eat, the three headed up to the hospital downtown, heading towards the waiting room where everyone was waiting. As soon as Janiya saw Alisha, the girl broke from Beija’s grip and ran towards her. “Nana,” She called out.
“Oh hi, baby,” Alisha scooped Niya into her arms and kissed her cheek softly before she glanced up at Beija, smiling softly. B could see the redness in her mother’s eyes and it was no doubt that she had been crying. “Thank you for coming. I know you had work this weekend,” She said.
“Work comes second to this,” Beija said as she sat down next to her. “J would be here too if not for the fact that he’s performing on Sunday. He’ll be here after though,” She explained.
“I understand,” Alisha softly bounced Niya on her lap as she spoke. “So, they are still trying to figure out what happened to him. The doctor said it would be another 30 minutes,” She explained, and Beija nodded as she stared down at her feet.
“I don’t understand,” Beija mumbled.
“I don’t either,” Alisha agreed.
Within that half hour, Beija had pretty much did all she could to keep her mind off what may had been wrong with her father. Between attending to Janiya’s needs and answering Jermaine’s frequent texts she didn’t have to make much of an effort to keep her mind clear. But every so often she kept circling back to the same thought—she just couldn’t understand this. Mekhi was the healthiest man she knew, and despite the health history of his family he made sure to keep up with himself. For a man his age he was pretty in shape much like Alisha was, so this was a shock for everyone. She was sure that everyone was straying away from the worst case scenario, but Beija couldn’t help but be afraid. She was certain that if worst came to worst that she’d suffer far more than when Rashaad was murdered. Her brother’s removal from the earth was quick and forceful, but if Mekhi was going through something serious, his potential removal would be slow and torturous. Beija would have to watch him die if that was in the cards, and she wasn’t sure if she could take that.
Every time a nurse came into the waiting area Beija seemed to tense a bit, not knowing when it’d be a nurse beckoning for Alisha to tell her whatever news there was to be bestowed upon the family. It was probably unhealthy to be so would up, but she couldn’t help but to worry about her father. “Alisha Demarco?” One of the nurses came into the room.
“Come here Niy,” Beija requested, and once Janiya moved off of her grandmother’s lap, Alisha stood up and headed out of the waiting room to speak with the nurse. The little girl sat in the chair next to her mother, and she yawned as she laid her head on Beija’s arm.
“Sleepy,” Niya complained.
“I know baby. We’ll be going to nana and pawpaw’s house soon, okay?” Beija promised. Once she at least knew what was wrong with Mekhi, she would have Marquis take them back to the house. “Right now, just lean on mama and go to sleep.”
“Kay,” Janiya slowly snuggled against Beija’s side once the woman lifted her arm, and it wasn’t long before she heard the girl’s deep breathing.
Alisha came back into the waiting room, and her children all looked at her expectantly, waiting for whatever news to finally be revealed. “Dehydration,” She announced, and Beija let out a small sigh. “They did say that his heart rate was irregular and higher than usual, so they want to at least keep him for the night to see what the real cause is,” She explained.
“Well that can’t be too bad. Maybe it’s just high blood pressure,” Alonzo reasoned, running a hand down his face. “It’s not life threatening, it seems. So that’s good,” He mumbled.
“Yeah, that’s a bright side,” Kieran stood up slowly before stretching his arms over his head. “Do you want to come home with me, mom? Or do you want to stay here?”
“I think I should stay, but I want to at least go home and shower. Then, you can bring me back,” She said, and he nodded as he pulled his keys out of his pocket.
“I’ll stay here with mama, so I’ll wait here for you guys to come back,” Alonzo announced.
“Come on sis, I’ll take you and Janiya home,” Marquis offered, and Beija nodded as she gently shook Niya to wake her. Once Marquis helped Beija out of the chair, they headed back down to his car and they headed back to their familiar side of town.
Once they got back to the old house, Beija bathed and put Niya to bed before taking a shower herself and getting dressed for bed. As she entered the bedroom, Beija saw her daughter lying in the middle of her old bed, cuddled close to a stuffed animal. She chuckled lowly before she slowly made her way towards the bed, climbing in next to Janiya before she kissed the girl’s forehead. Although she shut off the light, she didn’t fall asleep for some time. Her mind was still at ill ease—until the cause of Mekhi’s dehydration was truly solved, there was no true peace in her mind. She didn’t usually become incredibly antsy when she and Jermaine were apart, but she certainly wished it was already time for him to com down and be by her side. She needed his strength.
That following Monday
“You are a little spider monkey,” Alonzo mumbled as Janiya crawled all over his back, chuckling softly as she hugged the back of his neck. “Your kid’s nothing like you. You were never this clingy as a child.” He teased Beija, who was in the kitchen cooking breakfast.
“She’s only clingy because she doesn’t see much of you and her other uncles. Most of the time she’s pretty independent unless she doesn’t see me or J some days at a time,” Beija explained as she yawned, making sure to watch the bacon she was frying.
“Speaking of, when is he supposed to be arriving?” Zo asked.
“Today—apparently all the flights last night were booked so he had to wait,” B said as she placed the finished strips onto a paper-towel-covered plate. “I think his flight just got in, so he shouldn’t be long now.”
The knock at the door brought the two out of their conversation, and soon they heard the door open. “I’m home,” Kieran announced as he walked into the living room. “And guess who arrived with the wind?” He chuckled softly, and Beija smiled when she heard Janiya’s squeals.
Beija could hear Jermaine interacting with both his step-brothers and his daughter, and before long she felt the warmth of his arms around her. She relaxed against his body and let out a comforted sigh—it was the most relaxed she felt since they had gotten home. “Hey,” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “You okay?”
“Yeah...now I am,” She said before she glanced back at him. “I think they said they’d have an official diagnosis for dad today. Once we eat we were going to head up there,” She said, and he nodded as he ran his hand up and down her stomach.
“You need any help in here?” He asked, and Beija poked her lips out with skepticism. “Don’t be like that. I’m the king of eggs now,” He laughed softly.
“Alright, alright. You go ahead and get a skillet in that cabinet,” She pointed at the proper cabinet where the other pots and pans were. “I still have to make pancakes. While I do that, you can scramble the eggs.”
Once the breakfast was cooked and eaten, most of the children were off to see their father—Beija stayed behind for a bit to bathe Janiya and let Jermaine shower off the plane grime, but they arrived at the hospital some time later. Beija had already grown tired of seeing hospital waiting room. She had been here every single day since she had gotten back to Houston, and the anxiety had never left her. The smells, the sounds, and the fears that consumed her seemed to always rush over here when she walked past the sliding doors. She was slightly more at ease with her husband there, but she still hated the place. She had finally decided that hospitals just weren’t her scene.
“Oh, you’re all here,” Beija glanced up as she saw Mekhi being pushed in a wheelchair, with Alisha and his nurse by his side.
“Hey daddy,” Beija smiled as she stood up and walked over to him. The two shared a hug as she kissed the side of his head. “You scared me,” She mumbled.
“Ah, I’m sorry. But I’m alright, promise,” He nodded as he was embraced by his sons next. “I hope I didn’t worry you all too much. Guess I wasn’t drinking enough that day,” He said.
“Gotta be more careful, pops. What did the doctor say, though? What’s going on with your heart?” Kieran asked.
“Well, that seemed to be the cause of it; apparently my heart has enlarged abnormally,” He said, and the kids grew uneasily quiet at his reveal. “It’s nothing life threatening unless I put myself under any intense stress, which I don’t as it is. They put me on medication and I should be okay,” He nodded.
“That’s still super rough. At least you’re okay,” Marquis commented.
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?” He glanced up and smiled a bit at the sight of Jermaine and Janiya, watching as Niya reached for him. “There’s my angel,” He pulled her into his lap. “You doing alright, J?”
“Yes sir. I’m glad you’re out too,” Jermaine said, and the older man nodded quickly.
“Thank you, son. Let’s go home, though—I want to hear about your concert. Plus I’m hungry and I’m sick of this terrible food,” Mekhi shook his head as the rest of the group laughed.
As the family began to file out of the hospital, Jermaine and Beija kept close to her parents as they headed out of the facility with Janiya still in Mekhi’s lap. The little girl continued to talk her grandfather’s ear off, and he sat and took it all in stride. Beija felt J’s arm drape over her shoulders, and she laid her head against his shoulder before he kisse her forehead. “You feel better now?” He asked.
“Yes. And I really think we should look for houses when we get back. Down here’s where I want to be,” She announced.
“I understand,” He concluded, gently squeezing her shoulder as the two headed out into the spring air.
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