#so this is jus way i saw it. ya can see all dat as its own hc too if ya wan if i aint Canonically Right anyway..
gurorori · 10 months
fightin the overabundance of tf shu hcs with. idk cis man who just happens to be on e headcanons. i think shu can have just a lil estrogen. as a treat<3 since he's been a good boy<3
naw, yr totally rite & ive actually thought ab this be4 believe it or nawt :3 no1 ever talks ab this apart from specific circles cuz most ppl aint ready but like. totally anyone can choose 2 take any hormones they want if they feel like they'd like the results. dats so fuckin awesome 2 me.
an i think shu on E wld b so cute n thrivin actually. especially since (2 ME) he does seem 2 have dreaded the effects of his puberty on himself - 2 me dats wat his preoccupation with nazuna (cmon he is very often read as 'androgynous' in-universe, n many agree) & other 'youthfully boyish' characters is abt - i feel like the experience of growin up n watchin yr body develop in an undesirable direction was very harsh on him & he's been seekin 2 get close 2 his idea of.. not masculinity in a usual sense but, wat he sees as an ideal 4 himself. i think shu can b androgynous, as a treat, too. i think he'd luv E. say hai 2 fat redistribution & softer skin & less body hair & i think he can grow a bit of boob he deserves it if we bein honest!!!
shu n i goin on E togethr please please please shumEka. pl
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brooklynislandgirl · 3 years
TMIT: for Beth from Tabby while they are trapped in the midnight circus because why not. “So, with all this magick and fae and other weird crap, and we might, y’know, die, I’m gonna ask. Is there some cosmic reason that a shark bit your leg and Riley lost his? Like did you piss off some leg spirit in a past life or is it just coincidence?”
TMI Tuesday || Always Accepting
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Beth can't prove it, though she knows something is off. She knows Ke kilonae exists, and that others of her kind can hear the Chant of Signs that the gods sing, but she has never been able to feel the rhythm to it, never felt its rhyme with her own senses. Has never seen it flow in and around other things, but time within the Circus is...broken somehow. She doesn't know if Tabby's question is meant to distract her from that, or if it's something to help her take a breath of respite while they seem safe enough in the empty fortune-teller's tent.
This circus is a nightmare. They should have felt that the moment they walked past the ticket booth and maybe they had. Ignored it for the enthusiasm of doing something dark and wilful. But the longer they perused the displays, the events the more damaging the incidents became until it was impossible to ignore the obvious; the wyrm-taint of the Midnight Cabaret surrounded them. Then the hunt began. Beth paces through the confines of the tent, bone athame pressed against her thigh just beneath her skirt, and that will be her last choice of defense if Andy doesn't come rescue them soon. Now, the question is odd and she doesn't really want to answer and neither can she really laugh about it. But with all that Tabby has seen and now knows, there isn't a real reason to hold back.
Beth half forms a fist with one hand, crackling the knuckles first on one, then the other and sighs before sitting on a crate pushed up against the sidewall. Her voice is low and there's a wild flutter laced through it.
"So I mean probably no kine I say aftah da t'ings we see tonight gonna sound weird or mebbe...mebbe it will an' ya goddah make of it wha' ya will but..."
How to put this in context. "So... ya saw dem wolves dat walk like men. Garou, dey called. Weah-woofs. But dey no only kind dat change. Gaia...yeah, dat Gaia, da Eart' maddah Herself... she create many many kind. Some are gone now, some are rarely seen. My grandfaddah on my maddah side... he one of dem. We call ourselves Rokea. Means...weah-sharks. He a mano niuhi, man-eatah, a great white...but he doesn't eat people. In fact, he one of da rare ones who heard Sea call him to Unsea. He met oddah changin' kind an' decided to make friends wi' dem, and not enemies. Make oddah Rokea really mad. See...Rokea don' like people. Don' care for any kind not born of Sea. Call dem like my grand-faddah Same Bito, an' have a blood hunt on 'em, to be kill on sight. Long long story an' mebbe I aks him t' tell you some time. "But dis hunt not jus' for Same Bito, but also dey kinfolk. Kinfolk...have changin' blood in dem but are not changers demselves. We important because we are da bridge between changers an' da world, and kinfolk...wheddah animal or human, are da only way dey have to make more. Da one dat bite my leg...I t'ink was tryin' f' figure out if I were kin or changer. But Andy was dere t' save me.
"An' as for his leg....we aren't jus' braddah and sistah. We share a soul between us, an' I know how dat sounds but... He say it best when he say... In da Beginnin', all was One an' da One was all. But some kine happen...an' Da One got broken, into da many. Some pieces small, some pieces big. But every human has a piece of da One inside dem. An' usually, dat piece stay sleeping. Oddah times...it wakes up an' ya get...people like us. Awakened beings who can do magick. Real magick. "Andy an' me...we were always supposed to be one big piece only mebbe we were so big we had to break. Become smaller. Every lifetime we go round... an' we have...life aftah life, in da river of Time.... an' what happens to one almost always happens to da oddah. An' not jus' cause we siblings. Sometimes we're lovers or friends. Sometimes we bitter enemies. Sometimes we don't meet at all, an' dose are our worst lives. Dis time...braddah an' sistah. Like twins, sharin' dat soul. An' it allow him to use some mana but leaves me incapable, an' vice versa. "Wen he wen' had his accident... I felt him dyin' an' every t'ing dat I am an' evah will be reached out t' him in terror, in fear, in as perfect love as could be had...an' it save him from dying. But dat kine magick...comes wi' a heavy cost, Tabs. I didn't know how f' use it wisely at da time. Didn't even really know it existed but dat meant... he was stuck wi' it. Da consequences. So now, even if I know how t' heal him. Give back his leg, heal his scars an' his pain... I nevah can. Not wit'out causin' him such catastrophic injury dat it would surpass what he experience an' neiddah one of us wan' do dat. So really...da cost of livin' was da sacrifice of his leg an' every kine he loved to do before..." She spreads her hands out wide and stares at the back of them like they are two of the very same monstrosities the girls have spent the night running from. "So...really...is my fault." Or it's coincidence. And Beth knows that coincidence is not really real.
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miaxeu · 4 years
      though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, MIA STOEGER is actually a descendent of DIONYSUS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-ONE year old MYTHOLOGICAL STUDIES MAJOR from LOS ANGELES, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite CHARISMATIC & DUPLICITOUS. 
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( y’all dont deserve this real messy intro but im workin w half a bwain cell at 4am so i beg thee 4 mercy. nywyy im the excited new girl who’s hella pumped to meet all ur charas : katya ! feel free to hop in my ims to plot or drop a like and i’ll hop in urs ! x  )
natural acting abilities — her ma’s a hollywoo agent so she started actin real early & now shes a big shot actress. there r more deetz on her career below !
chlorokinesis — it wasnt as natural as acting n she only started working on it when she turned 13 n started going to camps. b4 she just noticed shes good w plants but it wasnt super crazy or nything. its p good now tho ! shes prioritizing vine binding and manipulation 4 the self defense bc awards r cool n all but they dont rlly protecc from monsters ykwim 
levitation — shes trying her best ur honor
alcokinesis  — she cant conjure it or anything, she’s just immune to it ffff
BIO POINTS — cw: drug use ( full biography here )
her mom raised her by herself bc dionysus the party god was out of the picture immediately. she never told mia she’s a demigod & it was always just “ wow ur so talented ” or “ aww u got a green thumb ! ” but when she saw him claim 13 y/o mia by placing a weird hologram over her head while she slept, she knew she had to spill da beanz & tell her kid
ofc mia thought her mom was jus playing sum weird acting exercise w her bc her powers r so lowkey she could highkey just be a Mortal but insert sad whistle, the realizashun & the claiming meant heightened monster threat !! so yea ,,, one ended up chasing her a couple days later rip 
aside from the trauma, mia was ok. mostly bc she ended up cryin for dionysus like any child would n lo & behold he came & helped !!! as he should. nywy she made sure to go to summer camps every year after that but mostly just for protection purposes
she lowkey rlly hates this whole god business esp now that shes grown lmfao deadass thinks she got a bad deal bc life threats arent sexy !!! went to eonia eventually bc its Too Much Man. she just wants to go back to work and her life w the mortals w/o worryin for her life. would deadass fade her father if she could. may or may not be majoring in greek mythology to figure out the logistics of it all out of spite, who knows !
not ! a Drama Queen  —  dont get me wrong, shes hella Extra in the way she moves n acts sorta like shes always bein captured on film. is quick-witted & playful & can be a huge tease/flirt if she feels like it, but miss her w Real Feelings ! totally not sentimental. srsly she will try to rationalize away everything and is just,.,., not good w it. so soz folks, we just keepin it breezy here
ugh, she’s an Actress — aka she can act like she cares tho ! shes very much into keeping ppl on her good side. shes friendly n palatable to everyone bc its how shes been trained & while it doesnt seem fake, its def diff when its genuine
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known —  lemme circle back to the first one, ok so shes good w emotions but only in theory. does intense character work with her roles so she thinks that counts as her having eq when rlly shes just emotionally stunted, projecting n repressing like an idiot
blonde, skinny, rich, & a lil bit of a Bitch — shes only a bitch inwardly or to ppl she trusts enuff to let in on the gossip. if anyone full on opposes her or becomes real emotional, then this lil diva will rear its superiority complex head n snap a lil. will most probably do it v underhandedly n w a smile but it will be Brutal
girls just wanna have FUN ! — shes the child of da party god, so ofc she a true party girl. officially off the rails when she parties. inhibitions ? we dk her. can be insensitive in that case bc smtms its truly no strings attached, tis all abt the fun. likes company a lot & it doesnt even have 2 be loud or particularly abt her, she just likes having people around n the escapism of it all. will make friends with everyone n make sure they have a jolly fun time guaranteed at dionysus parties 
Work Hard, Play Hard — real responsible when it comes to work and commitments and if she trusts/likes u enough, she’ll give it 2 u straight, no bs. def thinks Calling Out is an act of love but maybe does it a lil too harshly smtms. v much into efficiency, sentiments be damned. not the feely words type. will sit next to u or party w u or even pay 4 ur therapist if u need sum1 to talk to. she will Be There while u work thru it, so long as u dont expect her to change n be all emotional n stuff
if she seems a lil contradictory thats bc she kinda is. tis the good ol nurture vs nature. her ma’s a real no nonsense chick n her pops is a frat guy drama geek greek god whos rlly into cottagecore so u get this lil blonde bitch whos sorta teetering on the edges
OTHER INFO  — cw: drug use ( full headcanons here )
re her career, she achieved pegot status when she was 18 aka she truly b dat bitch. shes not super mainstream famous tho, more like indie sweetheart, film snobs/critics fave typa gal. if ya want a trajectory she started w baby commercials then a sitcom from 4-10 ( think modern fam’s lily ) then it was off to the big screen & the stage ! 
mia has a lil bit of a drug habit. its not abusive or dependent, but it is a staple whenever shes parties bc alcohol is useless 2 her. started a lil young too bc hollywoo. primarily uppers/hallucinogens. she smokes weed a lil more liberally but the rest is mostly just an on occasion thing ( which, ngl, is a still a lil problematic when u party a lot rip )
after she got claimed, mia ended up going to demigod camps in a lot of diff places n countries, depending on where production would take her. there was never an established place, more like wherever was nearest when they wrapped up shooting bc monsters afoot n wutnot  
she was always homeschooled but she still managed to go to a prom and homecoming bc party is life. that makes eonia uni p much her first chance at having a normal educational environment & experience and even then its anything but. still tho this is her moment !!! im lit rally begging her to get a personality that isnt her internally rolling her eyes going “ its not that deep ”
might put up a bio/stats page if im feelin sxc but i wud jus like the records to show that mia stoeger is a bi sxc babe bc me ? write a het ? no grassy ass.
POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS — cw: drug use ( full connections here )
omg danny devito i love ur work ! 
,,, p self explanatory sdkjfs sum1 who loves her work ! it can be lowkey/highkey fangirl to a civil admiration
OR alternatively, y/m can Not Be a fan of her work. they might think the storyline of the projects she takes on r too out of touch n highbrow yada yada yada, but yes, we love to see either of it ! 
summer camp sweetheart !  
someone she met when at camp when they were teens ? doesnt matter in what country/city, but mia was only visiting so it was truly a one summer romance typa thing. bc she was younger, im thinkin 13-17 or w/e she was probably sweeter n a lot more emotional then. was it either’s first puppy love ? first kiss ? first “ relationship ? ” idk, do yk ? truly, so many possibilities. nothin set in stone just hmu bub 
summer camp pals ! 
p much the same as above but make it Platonic
party buddies !
or druggie pals. either way works but she wud luv it if theyre both xoxo
friends w benefits !
most probably ( but not limited to ) sum1 she met at a party skdjhsjk is it exclusive ? is any1 starting to develop feelings ? im down 4 nthing n evrything
alexa play true friend by hannah montana !
give mia her college bestie ! her confidant who knows her feels and can call each other out viciously with no ounce of resentment. we stan the friendships !
omg i love ur skirt !
that is the ugliest effing skirt i've ever seen. lmao basically sum1 mia pretends to like or acts civil w but rlly ,,,, Cannot Stand for w/e rzn   
im p much braindead rn but those are just sum ideas !!! ofc the usual staples like the pals, enemies, wutnots are also v welcome we love to see it. if u also have a wc that u think mia would fit in, id luv to know more ! there are also a couple more detailed ones here, but pls feel free to shoot me a msg n we can get 2 plotting x 
( * wipes brow * how did i type so much n say so little rip. mia is also a completely new muse so pls b patient n if i fuq up from time to time, pretend u do not see >.< nywy thnx 4 readin, sweets ! feel free to hmu here or at discord if ya wanna <3333 )
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yukikorogashi · 3 years
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@loyalrot​​ asked: Arthur placed a hand on the top of her head as he stood up from the table, having made and ate her favorite meal together for the day. Really, a part of him wished he could have done more for her birthday, taken her somewhere but the timing wasn’t there. However, promising her a day with him and their dog had seemed to please her enough. Still, he managed to scrounge up something, placing the two wrapped gifts on the table. A drawing kit and a little journal for her own, knowing how much she seemed to like drawing with him. “Happy Birthday, kid,” he said, letting out a small chuckle once she had opened them, “Don’t go gettin’ better at drawin’ than me too quickly, alright?”
   IT WAS ALL THAT SHE COULD HAVE EVER WANTED, truth be told. Finally getting to celebrate her birthday with a LOVING FAMILY that she could call her very own. 
   Call it her lil’ own fairytale, even. For it was all just so MAGICAL in its own right. Seeing as she would now get to awaken each morning to this beautifully rustic home. To the prettily (It was to her, at least, despite some uneven little patches, thanks to her) painted ceiling and walls that she had helped her father with, a few weeks after her arrival here. And look out of the window (One that she could also call her very own!) beside her to see the horses roaming freely across vibrant green fields themselves. Sometimes resting her head down upon the sill itself, as she allowed herself to take it all in...
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   And so, when the big day itself had finally arrived, oh you bet this little one was absolutely READY. Tossing (Flinging even) her blanket back, and leaping right out. “Good. Mornin’. WOOORLD!!! An’ good mornin’ ta all ya HORSEYS!” Giggly greeting the horses themselves, even if they couldn’t hear her from all the way there. And if that itself wasn’t enough to show how excited she was then, Itsuki would then enter the dining room that morning... punching and kicking the air like a little KUNGFU MASTER, of all things. "HYAH!” Doing all of this while she was still in her PJs and slippers, “Good mornin’, pa! Good mornin’, Charleh!”
   And as expected, such a sight would coax a raised brow and a chuckle out of her very own pa. And even a hearty ol’ BOOF from the good boy himself, as he got on up and began snuggling himself up against her. Wagging his tail so hard, that even the rest of his body had to do THE WORM. 
   And while she would busy herself with patting and giving Charlie all the love and attention that he so deserved, it wasn’t long before everything was finally set and ready on the table. With Itsuki giving their dog one big ol’ smooch on the forehead, before heading off to quickly wash her hands, and return to take her seat. Giving a quick thanks to the Lord above, before finally digging in. Enjoying the comfortable silence between them (Save for a few tiny compliments offered in between about how yummy it all was), as they enjoyed this deliciously cooked meal.
   With her pa finishing first, he would place his dishes into the sink before heading off to retrieve something. With Itsuki simply needing to finish up the last of her juice, by the time he had returned.  Giving her a gentle pat of the head, before setting down two colourfully wrapped presents before her. 
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   And as expected of one her age, the sight of 2 GIFTS from the man would cause her to grin just a little too giddily up at him. Offering him the first of MANY THANK YOUS, that was to come. “Oh! Can ah... can ah rea-leh open ‘em now?” Pausing only briefly even after he had told her that she could (Retorting that this wasn't actually Christmas), so would Itsuki then begin working quickly away at the wrapping. Unfortunately tearing its corners a little, but otherwise managing to keep most of it intact as she did. Her pleased squeak sounding more like a stray musical note, as she laid her eyes upon the brand new stationary. Already flipping through the notebook itself, and taking in the clean, brand new pages with a brief caress of her thumb.
   Her pa’s TALENT AT DRAWING was certainly not something she had first expected, when they had first become acquainted. Causing the child to exclaim, gawk, and then finally gush at what she saw upon those very pages. Each time she got to peer from behind and over his very shoulder. Sometimes giving him a wee spook, every now and then. Especially when he got just a little too into a sketch of his. And, it certainly didn’t help matters either, with silent she manages to be during her approach, only announcing her presence just right after like a DINGING BELL held right beside one’s ear.
   “Yer jus’ lahk BOB ROSS!” She had even humorously exclaimed one time, hardly minding the different mediums so clearly used by him and the celebrity painter, "The way ya draw dem trees... dem flowers... if ya had yer own show ah’d watch it!”
   Itsuki would giggle at that, as she would continue to admire her brand new notebook and drawing kit, raising her head up to look at him then.
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   “Ah think it’s gonna take me awhile ta git DAT GOOD, hehe!” She would so kindly assure him with a cheeky grin. Already looking forward to future drawing sessions that they would get to have together. Remembering the time when UNCLE HOSEA and UNCLE DUTCH would settle themselves down upon the couch itself for one of their portrait drawing sessions. One that was only made that much better, as she quietly listened to the rather humorous exchanges made between her pa and them, ever so often. Laughing together, when it became clear that staying put wasn’t exactly their strongest suit, no matter how hard they tried. 
   And, before the man had a chance to leave her side to get those dishes washed. Little arms would quickly wound themselves around his side the best she could. As she gave the man the biggest hug that she could possibly muster. 
   “’Love ya, pa. Thank ya... thank ya fer all-a dis.”
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jinkieswinkies · 4 years
I made a fic where lifeline fixes revenant. I like them together.
Heavy metalic footsteps echoed throughout the corridor. One step slightly becoming louder than the previous.
He was mad. Fuming even. He didn’t like asking for help much, especially anyone from here. He didn’t really care about the other legends much less the supposed mechanic- er closest to a mechanic At least.
A low growl escaped the robot's lips, his hip stuck out at an unnatural angle. Each time he lifted his right leg he wanted to rip it clean off, the high pitched squeak filled his ears and it was getting quite annoying.
He groaned again, ‘fucking great’ he thought.
The games were done for the day so that meant he didn’t have to rush this.
He rolled his eyes, or the bright orbs that would’ve been his eyes. This wouldn't have happened if that dumbass skinbag didn't decide to strike a piece of glass into his right hip. Fucker, they'll pay next game.
What was her name? Bangalore? Bagboar?
Whatever it was, it didn't matter. For sure; next time, she's his first victim. He chuckled deeply, just thinking about what poor skinsuits are pitiful enough to be at the mercy of his hands, got him riled for next time.
That damned whine returned, his thoughts back at hand.
Getting repaired
Grimacing, he stopped his tracks. He's arrived. The one who has close experience with robots. Looking to a slight right, he read the nameplate.
Ajay Che (combat medic)
”Wouldn't call that little pet a robot.” he grumbled.
Huffing, he had second thoughts about this. Glancing to his right hip again, and back to the name planchette. This could slow him down, this needed to be taken care of.
Cursing under his breath, he knocked. Well more like banged. Nothing. Nothing was happening. No response. No sounds coming From inside. Nothing.
He crossed his arms and huffed heavily, it was taking all of him not to just go back to his room. This situation needed to be resolved and if she couldn't help him he'd make her. Still, there he stood In silence until three loud shuffles were heard from inside.
“A’right, a’right. Hol’ on.” Her voice was loud but breathless.
He froze, he didn’t really associate with the other legends much less Ajay. He did not want to talk. At all.
The automatic metal doors slid open, revealing a tired and worn out looking medic.
“Ain’t dis a surprise, what you doin ere?”
He briskly walked inside, ignoring her question. Scanning the room, in the middle he saw a metallic table and a few spare robot parts for her drone.
“Dats a bit rude to jus come in ‘ere like you own da place.”
Shoulders tense, he turns around. He doesn’t know how to respond. How does a conversation like this work? He didn’t like socializing and this was hard as is. Someone else touching this robotic fucking monster of a body. That’s a fucking NO. He already had a hard time accepting this fucking form.
Ajay stared, her eyes full of curiosity. ”Well?”
He was getting angry, the words didn't seem to form out his mouth. Was it not obvious? Did he really need to say more? Just fucking looking at his hip and you'll see why he came here.
She knew and he knew that she knew. So why? Why does she still ask?
”If yah come ere’ to stand and stare den leave I don have time to chat.” she rubbed her temples.
She did look tired But he didn't care. Pointing to the right hip and back to the table.
“F-fix.” He grumbled.
She raised a brow as if challenging him to say more. She hummed. Still looking at him, She wants him to say more.
‘He said fix, why does she still stare at him dumbfounded.’
Her arms crossed, she lets out a tired sigh. “I don have time for dis...chu want sometin ask nicely.”
Knuckles cracking, he let out a feral growl. ”fix. Or else.”
Her face contorted into annoyance. ”look you won't be gettin fixed...yah hear.” She pointed to the door, Getting up close and personal to his face. She demanded. ”Play nice or get out.”
The crimson-plated robot shook with anger. This was not going well and the atmosphere in the room was suffocating. He didn't like her attitude even when she wasn't sassy. A happy go lucky, rich spoon-fed kid who grew up with luxury needed to be put in place.
He didn't care and he didn't fucking like her. Period. This girl, she’s testing him. This ship had a respawn beacon anyways wouldn’t make a difference if she magically disappeared. She acts like she isn’t afraid of death. She’s odd. Something about her pricked his interest but he shoves it away.
Why wasn't she afraid? Why is she provoking him? Obviously, things would just go smoothly if she just did what he asked.
He backed away, he needed this to be done. If this wasn’t resolved then it’s gonna fuck with his performance and If it fucks with his performance then oh boy. He’s gonna fucking throw a fit.
Looking at her eyes, they’re filled with annoyance and tiredness. Her brown eyes dark, making her eye-bags pop out more.
He huffed out his nose. “Fix me.”
He saw her grit her teeth. She opened her mouth. “You-“
He interrupted “Please.”
It took all of him not to shout at her, to force her to fix him. She was a toughy. Something new?
She backed away, briskly making her way to the table. Grabbing the tools on her way, she turned and gestured him to come closer.
He followed suit, wanting no needing for this to be over. He propped himself up on the table.
Having a cocky grin she asked, ”Where?”
Throwing him off, he stared. How dumb can she be???
lip quivering. He simply jutted his hip out and made a simple ”hmmph.”
Rolling her eyes, her arms wrap around his waist to bring him closer.
Surprised, he shouted. ” Be gentle or I’ll fucking kill you!” His Hand twisting into a pointy makeshift knife.
”Yah kill me, yah won't be fixed. Sorry for triggering sometin.” she whispered.
After pulling him closer she rested her hands on his lap, reaching her hand softly onto the left hip to ground the crimson robot. He winced.
He’s always been sensitive, especially near his hips. That’s just how his wires feel. Sensitive. It’s worse since they’re usually exposed. The sad excuse of a shawl covered the majority but not the sides. It’s crazy how Hammond designed his model. Crazy how even then, even after dying. He can still feel things. Not like he messed with anything there anyways.
He grumbled, annoyed with the whole situation he didn’t want to put up a fight.
She chuckled softly, “I see Anita dit a numba on yah hip.”
He wasn’t going to engage in conversation as she wanted. She got enough of cooperation from him.
“I notice, yah know.”
This piqued his interest. “Mmh?”
“I notice yah, yah don like talkin to us.”
He weakly shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t care enough to.” His voice was almost nothing.
Her hands wrapped around the shard of glass, swishing it slowly back and forth.
The murder robots hands gripped the table underneath him. Letting out a shaky breath he whimpered, “Be more careful...”
The shard was a long one and it came out rather easily. The matter was his wires were pulled out as well. Clicking her tongue she grabbed a screwdriver and pried the small space just a little more open.
He wanted to run out of this room right now. He wanted to close his legs. He wanted nothing more to do with this. This stupid sickening feeling, dumb stupid retarded Ajay. “Wa-wait..”
She didn’t hear him. Or did she. Point is his message didn’t cross. Her hands trailed up his exposed wires. Picking the shortest one, she rolled the tip whilst pinching the end to squeeze into place. Making him shudder, His hips jerked. His voice was static and breathless “Wait, I said wait...ho-hold on.”
She rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time today. “Look I know dis hurts but I’m workin as fast as I can.”
Ignoring his pleas she continued with putting his wires back in place.
His right hand gripped her uniform, she didn’t mind or she just didn’t care at this point.
His body trembled with each touch of her fingertips. “Haa...”
Her fingers made their way to the second thickest wire, this one was much more troublesome to get into the right place. Slightly twisting the dark gray wire, she tugged it into place. Next to it, a smaller sized green one stood out, pinching this one just like the first. It found its way into proper standing.
His grip had become increasingly tighter, desperately trying not to roll his hips into her hand. He refused to be like...this. Taking a deep breath he steadied himself.
“Dis is de last wire.” She mumbled.
The last one was...difficult to say the least. Located closest to his pelvic area, she knew she had to be gentle. Sure he may be a robot but it’s courtesy to still treat him with respect.
“Uhm.” He mumbled. “This is the last one right?”
“Jus Said id was.”
If he still had a real working body, his face would’ve been red and his heart would’ve been a Jackhammer. If it was even possible he missed having a heart, missed hearing how it drowned out his hearing when it bumped, missed having it beat when a lover of his said they loved him. He didn’t want to feel this anymore. So small and shy.
Ajay couldn’t pinch this wire, this one was way much thicker than the rest. She had to be more gentle. If it hurt him this much then it was better safe then sorry. (Little does she know. ) She found where it was originally stored rather quickly, stroking the wire, she increased her hold on it.
Revenant let out a high pitched wheeze, his hips rolling into her hand. His legs tightened around her waist.
”wha- what are ya doing?” She stammered, clearly confused.
This was so fucking embarrassing he wanted to fucking die. More than he already wished. “I- you- I said-“
She groaned, “I’m workin as fast as I can. We’re both tired I know but cha gotta work with me, Rev.”
A shiver ran up his would be spine caused him to falter. “Rev?”
“My bad broter. Thought since I’m doin yah a favor I could give cha a nickname..”
“I don’t care and I don’t like it, just finish.” He replied, looking away.
“I would if yah let me go witcha legs.” She snickered.
He jumped, slowly letting go of her. Her hand down back at his right hip, stretching him back out. He leaned back on the metal table with his palms carrying most of his weight.
This felt weirdly intimate, and he didn’t like it. Another shiver went up to his makeshift of a spine. Twisting the darkest wire back into place, she had to squeeze the middle area for it to fit. This time, he couldn’t hold it back. He let out a shuddered breath, Lidded luminescent eyes now found their way closed, hips slowly rolling once again.
Ajay looked up, with a quizzical look on her face. She didn’t bother questioning it but she still wanted to test something.
She squeezed harder and he let out a small mewl. The tips of her fingers found their way traveling ever so delicately down to the thickest part of the wire. Her thumb circling around the base, she felt the failed suppressed shudder throughout his body.
he breathed, “Fuck...”
She hummed, she put the wire back In place but she still wanted to play with him. Hands wrapped on his waist she began feeling his back indents. His panting was audible now. Pressing inwards of one of the indents. His voicebox crackled, letting out a cute “mmph.”
He slowly moved back, letting her climb on semi top of him. His hips rutting against her leg, he was really needy. Whimpering and begging practically. She smirked.
Figured as much, he’s been alive for almost 3 centuries. Nobody to touch him, nobody to make him feel good. She almost pitied him.
“P-please let me.”
Ajay hummed.
Another voice crack, “Ajay-emmhp”
His rutting became more aggressive, more sloppy. He needed this. However, he did come into the room with an attitude. Can’t let that go through can we. Moving her leg back, she got off him.
“N-no..” his hips chased her leg. His eyes flicked to her.
“I fixed yah, chu can leave.” She moved to her desk.
“Wha- I ehm...” he really didn’t know how to respond. He didn’t want to be left feeling this way.
“Yah Heard me.” She snickered.
He covered his face with his arms, he couldn’t do this. He didn’t want to be the only one feeling this way.
His breath still irregular, his voice box struggled to make out coherent words. “i-“
“Yah don’t have tuh say anyting.” She interrupted.
He swallowed. Getting up from the table, he still looked at her.
His thoughts raced. ‘What should I do? I came to be fixed And I was. Why am I feeling this way? I don’t want to anymore.
Why is this happening? Why did that happen?why did I allow that?’
He awkwardly walked up to her desk where she sat. Turning her around, his eyes darted to look anywhere but her face.
Why’d I do this again? I want- I want her to touch me again..
“Hm?” She questioned.
He kissed her cheek and turned to walk out of her room, he heard her giggle. “I’ll see ya in the games, yah smhook.”
Stopping his tracks at the open door, he shouted. “STUPID SKINSUIT!”
“Fuck ya!” She burst out laughing.
He was down the hall when he heard her respond, he wanted to be back in his room. Nobody was going to stop him. Briskly making his way down the hallway. The crimson plated robot found his room on the right.
His back met his bed issued from the company. His Body still ached for her touch. Wanting more. Rolling back and forth like a toddler on the sheets. He shouted, “Stupid SKINSUIT!”
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xenosgirlvents · 4 years
“Fantum maskz! Git ya’ Fantum maskz! Fer da low, low price a’ all da teef in ya gob, you’ze can look jus’ like Warboss Fantum! Jus’ way, way runtier,” a greenskin merchant bellowed, his calls largely drowned out by the countless other merchants jostling to sell their own wares. The Buhzarr, as the Operorks referred to their main marketplace, was extremely busy today, as well it should have been. The Fantum, warboss of the Operork clan and leader of the growing WAAAAGH! Bignoyz, had finally announced that the WAAAAGH! was ready to take off in search of a “Roight gud foight” and new war stories to sing about. As such, the merchants of the highly organized – by Ork standards, at least – primary warclan were capitalizing on the excitement. Lots of excitement meant lots of loose teef, and lots of loose teef meant lots of greenskins looking to spend said teef.
One greenskin in particular watched the clamoring mob with a smile of amusement from on top of a flimsy “apartment” complex, chewing on some dried meat held in her one good hand. La’al had spent an entire year trapped on this planet, and she had adapted fairly well once things had… well, things involving Orks never really calmed down, but they mellowed slightly. Having painted her limbs and skin green, even with her “roight Orky” helmet she still shouldn’t have passed well as a greenskin. She was much shorter and more slender than proper Orks, while also being much taller and well-built than the gretchin populace of The Stayj – the name the greenskins had given to the planet during their stay. But apparently being able to best most Orks who gave her trouble through hand-to-hand combat was all the bhe’ghaal needed to accept “Lildeff” as one of their own.
It had not been a particularly easy year of her life, as the number of new scars crisscrossing her biological components could clearly show, but she was doing much better than she had ever expected she could. Finishing off her meal, she clamped the jaws/visor of her helmet shut again and dropped down a few stories, walking along atop the various merchant awnings a few yards above the densely packed streets of the Buhzarr. Whenever one of the Orks below noticed Lildeff’s unique silhouette and made a gesture or call up to her, she would respond in kind, either waving the new, much more well-made blade she had recently welded to her left arm or replying in Ork tongues, either true Orkish or their human dialect. If she had been Por’faan the bhe’ghaal’s relative camaraderie would likely have made her entire life worthwhile. She had somehow managed to live alongside the antithesis of the Tau’va. And all it had really taken was some strategic displays of force, and occasionally proving that said displays were more than luck.
After a few hours of relatively aimless wandering, occasionally knocking the teef out of a particularly rowdy greenskin to trade for her regular supplies, the prices of which had been dramatically marked up with how many teef were flowing lately, she found herself at the edge of town opposite where she had made her “home,” more a very heavily booby-trapped cave just beyond the outskirts of the shanty-city, and looked upon the fleet, an odd sense of awe in her at the sight. There were more than fifty Mega-Gargants of various size and design parked out in the badlands – and towering above all of them was the Perish Operork Fort, the Fantum’s personal command center. Even to La’al’s T’au sensibilities it was utterly breathtaking. The Perish was so unbelievable in its scale that even the spires of the Imperator titan whose deployment on Dal’yth she had seen recordings of would have barely reached mid-chest on it.
She had never heard of a bhe’ghaal force so well organized or armed as this WAAAAGH! and she took immense pity on the people who would soon face their wrath. She had done what she could to sabotage the construction of many of the Gargants, but with the way Ork technology functioned, the lone Fire warrior held little faith that her makeshift explosives and strategic cutting and acid bathing would do more than slow them down, enough to allow evacuations with a bit of luck. Despite that, she had worked hard to make sure many of the lesser war machines, like the Kans and Dreads, would crash in spectacular fashion within just a few engine activations, and many Mekz, Painboyz, and Nobz among their numbers had met their end along the edge of her blade, glinting in the dark of night.
Wandering out onto the depot field where the fleet was parked up, she gave the titanic machines another looking over, testing and weakening external mechanisms covertly as she went.
“Oi, Lildeff! Ya bring me anyfin’ ta nosh on?” came a shout from several yards up one of the machines, the “Fist uv Maybee Mork,” if memory served. Looking up, La’al rolled her eyes at the severed purple head yelling at her.
“When wuz da last time A’ brought ya’ anyfin’, ya’ daft git? Ya’ dinnae even ‘av a stomach,” she responded, her own accent still not quite gone behind the Ork one she put on.
“’Oo needz a gut ta’ nosh on stuff?” Nashtoof retorted, swinging himself about on the chain dangling his head from the Gargant.
Shaking her head with a chuckle, La’al jumped up to the spot he was hanging from, finding a relaxed position on one of the many “small” guns jutting out of the machine.
“Pretty much any’un not an Operork, Nash,” the “greenskin” said, pulling some jerky out of her bag and impaling it on one of the head’s tusk-like lower canines. Her words were quite true though. La’al herself had decapitated Nashtoof an entire year prior. However, the “kultur” of the Operorks was extensively intertwined with their ability to sing. As such, the clan held zealously to the belief that their heads had literally no need for their body other than to get properly stuck into fights. Admittedly that was fairly important for Orks in general, but Operorks could be a part of the fight without ever needing to swing a blade or pull a trigger. Their songs alone could, as La’al had seen with her own two eyes, whip their brethren into an astonishing bloodlust, make their machinery work with nearly unparalleled efficiency, or even shake the very foundations of mountains.
“Lookin’ for’ard ta’ getting’ off world, finally?” the T’au asked as Nashtoof worked the piece of meat off of his tooth with his tongue.
“Zog yeh!” he responded before finally getting a grip of the food. “Bin way too long wiffowt a gud scrap!” His chewing on the jerky didn’t even muffle his voice, a concept La’al found even stranger than the fact he was speaking without a body. The line of what is possible had to be drawn somewhere, right?
“I’ze gotta say, doh. I get dis odd feelin’ dat we’ze gonna be in for a bigun soonah den latah,” said the bhe’ghaal, an odd darkness and calm coming over him, fully opposite of how any normal Ork would say those words.
“Whyz’at?” La’al asked, looking down at the head with mild confusion and surprise at the tone of his voice.
“Dunno. Jus’… jus’ a feelin’. Sky’ze getting’ dark, doh. Probubly time fer ya’ ta’ leave, den’. All da’ best scraps iz gonna be goin’ on bakk in town,” the hesitant tone and sudden shift of subject put La’al very much on edge. Even so, she nodded and hopped down from the titanic machine.
“Yeah. Prob’ly time. Dinnae wanna miss da’ gooduns. See ya’ round, Nash,” she said, walking back toward town and the sounds of its clamor. She had adjustments to make to the stellar radio she had been cobbling together in her cave over the last year before its first test that night, after all. But still, something was scratching at the back of her head in regards to what Nashtoof had said, and not just the bhe’ghaal’s tone of voice. It was something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Until, like a sun cresting the horizon, it dawned on her.
Snapping around, she looked up at the system’s star, still high in the sky and as yet untouched by the growing storm-clouds. Yet it was growing darker and darker by the moment. Then, the sky began to roar with the sounds of countless fighter craft and dropships falling through the atmosphere.
La’al saw red. Not for the fighters, not for the dropships, not in their Guard colors. No, what drew the fury from the darkest depths of her heart was the drop pods, falling wave after wave into the badlands and sprawling shanty-towns around her. The drop pods. The jet-black drop pods. Marked with the jagged cross.  The Black Templars had brought their eternal crusade back across the Damocles Gulf. And from the Stayj, a bellowing cry of bloodlust and excitement rose to meet them.
(And so the climax approaches. I’ll admit, not totally sure about how well this particular part works out for someone who didn’t write the thing. Deeply sorry if parts of this story feel less than cohesive with one another. Don’t really have much of a commentary at the moment, but as always I’m open for any questions and critiques)
No need to apologize, and sorry I took this long to get back to you! The truth is just that I've had a rough spell and thus was quite inactive for a while, but thank you for still sending me this. 
I do not have too much commentary on this one; I enjoy the closer look at Ork cultural cues and societal nuances, I have always enjoyed those, so seeing something of a market at the outset, for example, was something I enjoyed greatly!
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adevotedappraisal · 4 years
Short Story: Gershom, part two of two
The conclusion of Gershom, a memorable day in the life of the most famous anti-hero in Barbados, one Winston Hall. Enjoy.
 Gershom part two (the night-duppies)
 by Christopher White
Robert mekking good stew now. He should be cutting them carrots in the pot now. Sometimes I want to go by a rum shop and just talk. Don't know wha I would talk to dem about. Maybe cricket. Maybe pussy. Maybe I'll tell them that when it all comes down to it pussy doesn't matter. I'll wait until the sun goes down a little more till I set out for Robert. Wait until the sky turns that fuck up looking orange. Until it looks lazy. Until the birds get dark against it.
 The invincibility or the infallible impression that people may or may not have had of the Prime Minister was of little thought to Winston. It was of little thought to Miriam as well. This was not a result of docility, but, perhaps cynicism. They both thought that businessmen ruled the country and the people in parliament were figure-heads. Such thoughts are ultimately too pat and are only useful in stopping you from going mad because the reality is that you have no idea how the country works, or, more horrifyingly, you have no idea how it should work. Miriam walked down the corridors of the hotel. The waves that dashed themselves against the outside mesmerised the tourists that were staying in the rooms far away from the things in their life, but to Miriam it was just noise on a radio: just something in the background, like when at the Holetown festival there is a man in the background playing conga drums, but you are too busy looking at the vendors and their twirlers and such, and not paying attention to the congas, but you know that it's still there. She thought about how her son would be when he grew up. He'd have strong legs from doing yardwork all the time. He would talk in a deep voice, no, a high pitched quick voice and talk about how fish prices went up and he can't stand it cuz he likes fish. Don't think about what you could have been Winston. Don't think about what you could have been. Don't think about what you could have been. Don't think about what you could have been. Stop thinking about what you could have been. Stop thinking about all of that. If you think about that one more time. Stop thinking about it, you went to rob a cunthole man with some johnnies that was older than you. Anyone would have looked up to them, or thought they knew what they were doing. Don't think about what could have been. It doesn't help. It never helps. You'll just keep pulling at it like when you took mummy's spool of thread and kept pulling it and pulling it until there was thin pink all over the bedroom and mummy beat you, like she should have. Do not think about what could have been. Just piss over there. Don't think about things while you are pissing. If you think about that mistake then you'll start thinking about the other mistakes. Then you'll start to cry again. You want to cry again like a buller? Then don't think about what could have been. Never do it. No one should do it.
The night was stark and everywhere, hiding the tufts of grass that came up everywhere in the village, and cooling the old roofs of the homes and dog houses. The night also turned things into other things by the theatre of its context. A cigarette lighter is paltry in the day-time, but during night, with all that black around, with all those things away from the eye, cigarette lighters become these magic, chain-less amulets, the clear plastic ones becoming savage, simple, flickering crystals of some sort. You hear more, and the hearing prompts your imagination. But ultimately, the night can only be arrogant, because it knows that regardless of all of our clawing advances in technology, of all of our theories for the explanation of things around us, no matter how much we know that eventually the sun will come around again, the night remains arrogant because it knows that you know that things will be hidden whether you like it or not, and who wouldn't be arrogant in that situation? Winston stomped his boots into the slope of the hill as he descended down to one of the paved roads in Suriname. He walked quickly and hid between houses when he saw someone on the road coming towards him. By the side of one house he looked into their window and saw the television, tall and looming. He forgot for a second that those things no longer had knobs to twist, or tabs to pull on. The show on was a garish display of Americana. The characters, a thin, lanky father and his precocious young daughter were talking. The father said "Well all I have to do is go to the video store and explain the whole mix-up to him. It should all straighten out." Then camera three showed the daughter taking a quick, meaningless sip from her brightly coloured cup while she said "Oh yeah, I'm real sure that'll work out smoothly," while the audience laughed. The couple in the house laughed as well, the woman saying "she too cute nuh." Winston didn't understand why that was a joke, and why the girl pronounced 'real' the way she did. Frankly, he thought the girl rude and in need of discipline. Winston darted his eyes around as he got on the road again. The houses were aglow as everyone sat to enjoy the night-time entertainment. One house had an action movie showing, the volume up to amazing levels, explosions rattling out of the surround sound speakers. Winston still had no idea where these people he grew up with were getting the money for this from. He walked up some cement steps to the side door of a house and tapped lightly. "Who it is?" went the voice inside. "De out-man." replied Winston. The door opened. Sergeant Douglass Sergeant stood up in the bathroom stall of the district police station squeezing the last bit of urine from his penis into the toilet with his finger-tips. He walked out the stall and looked at himself in the mirror. His face was round and a rich brown. His teeth had begun to yellow, from the coffee he had started drinking two years prior once he had signed on for this night-shift. He smiled just to see what he looked like when he smiled. He squinted his eyes at the mirror. He slapped his stomach that was becoming prominent now. "More sit-ups" he murmured. Then, he took out his night stick in the empty bathroom. He held it up to his face while still staring at the mirror. He walked left to right holding the stick to his mouth, and then danced, pivoting from one foot to the other, then sang-whispered some songs "Haiti I'm sorry, We misunderstood you, But one day we'll turn around, and look inside you." then "Jah ras-tafri parro-jammo creator of rhythm and tempo..." then he quickly stuffed his stick into his holster as Constable Henry Yarde pulled down the handle of the door to enter.
 Robert's house was a small board house in a side path that you had to walk through light grass to get to. It smelled of a damp smoke, and the curtains were not changed regularly. Still, the floor was cleaned and the kitchen table was clear, except for a scale sitting by the corner. A radio was on in the bedroom, with an ad telling people about preventing a mosquito problem. The wind picked up a little bit causing the window curtains to rise and fall like when you put on bed sheets and you raise it up and it comes down on the flat bed slowly and cautiously. The wind made Winston look around in his chair. "Don't worry Winston." "I cahn help but worry. I ain't expect de wind to rise like dat usually it wouln't be suh dramatic at this time o' de year." "True." Robert said. Then, "you hungry?" "Yeah man." "I got de food in de oven. It was off for a while, you want me to heat it up?" "Nah jus' bring it here." Winston replied. Robert came back with a plate with more rice than anything else, vegetables, onions browning in the gravy. Robert looked at Winston as he ate. He moved his mouth quickly, but scooped up the rice slowly. He looked straight ahead at the wall as he ate. His hands were hardened, fingernails down to the skin and smooth. But his eyes. The eyes Robert saw up close were the same eyes that everyone saw staring up at them from the newspaper whenever Winston escaped from prison, or when he almost got caught again. Some may tell you that Winston became a folk hero because people didn't believe he did it, and they might be right, but only partially so. Because when you see those eyes that pleaded simply by staring ahead it sent out a secondary emotion of pity along with interest. It made one believe that this guy running for his life in God knows where, hopping on boats and stowing away in the hinterland of some island could be your son, or brother, or somebody. No one felt sympathy for hard featured Peter Bradshaw. Even the two youngsters Barry Jack and Sylvian Clarke got no care because they looked like the type of boys that stole your bicycle while you were in the rum shop. No matter how tattered Winston looked in those snapshots of him being carted off by police, his flopping over-bearing locks and all, it could never stop those eyes from peering through at you. Winston would probably kill you at this point if it came down to it, would definitely steal your computer to pay for passage out the island if he could, but for most people, he was just a boy that got turned into a criminal. A hare forced to scrap through the forest while the wolves descended a-growl. None of this has to be true, very little of it even has to make sense. The resultant was that Winston Hall became our folk-hero, our Billy the Kid, our Robin Hood (provided he just stole from the rich plantation fellow), our real life, living, breathing, crazy, exhausted Br'er Rabbit. "Ya got any plans cook up Winston?" Robert asked as he cleaned up his plate. Winston looked up and blinked at him, maybe thinking, maybe just looking. "I got a idea or two is all but most differently I...just gine try to keep moving." he said.
 The two relaxed and talked about their day.  Winston had little to talk about, while Robert talked lightly about world events that might mean something to Winston, or maybe, might be funny to him. He laughed a slight laugh at some moments, and at others remained silent and motionless.  Sometimes he might make a random comment about wanting pussy, other moments he talked about his school days, stories Robert had heard already, but politely listened again.
"Sometimes I is envy you Winston."
"Why de hell you envy me?"
"Man people know bout you.  Nobody ain't know 'bout me.  You is de most famous man in Bim.  More famous then de Prime Minister."
"Maybe," Winston began, "but wha dah mean for me?  Is not like I could run fuh Prime Minister or, or open ah business down Swan Street wif my popularity.  I was reading a book on criminals when I was in Trinidad.  De term fuh criminals like me ain't 'famous', it is 'infamous' - I famous for being bad.  People would smile with me, but call de police in a heartbeat as well. People ain't care 'bout me really."
"You really 'tink so Winston?  People care 'bout you man.  People still believe you ain't deserve nuh death sentence man.  Most people woulda try to escape too.  Dem wid you."
"I doan’ agree.  People like rules too much.  Dey want to believe that everyting would work out right if dey follow de rules.  Until of course tings go bad and dey got to do tings to survive, then they realise.  I mean it is just like, like...Robert you know how prison is man, they got people that deserve to be there, and they got people who jus' catch a bad break.  A lot o' dem get sell out by they family and friends.  A lot of Barbados like to rely on other people - de government, dey foolish husband, policemen, or somebody.  I ain't nuh genius, but I feel that if a bunch o' people meet me, almost all o' dem would go and call de police cuz dey get tell so.  Won't even tink as to why dey doing it."
"That is you fear talkin Winston.  Barbadians care man.  That is you fear," Robert said, while getting up and fishing in the fridge to refresh their beers.  Winston stared ahead at the wall all that time, and when Robert returned to the table and opened the beers with his keychain he began again.
"Somebody is be talking in my head," Winston began, "I doan’ know who it is, it could be my fear telling me all these tings, or it could be my smarts.  Whoever it is, it telling me hide from everyone.  Last time I was comfortable was in Trinidad wid that woman."
"You did love that woman Winston?" Robert asked.
"Yeah, I did love she.  De love turn me different.  I guess love is do that. "
"If you hadn't get caught doin' foolishness..."
"It wasn't foolishness, it was my heart getting de best of me."
"Alright if you didn't get caught following you heart, you feel you woulda live there forever?" Robert asked.  Winston thought and then looked down at the table.
"Maybe. I love this island, but I was comfortable there.  Here my mind is mek me paranoid and nervous.  I jus' cut off from this place.  I might be de most famous man here, but I don't know much bout it Robert.  Trinidad was where tings did at least seem normal. Cuz, for a lil' moment, there was love."  Winston said.
 Winston lightly clapped onto his shin the side of the collins that Robert gave him on his departure as a plastic bag with fruit lightly cheered by his thigh. Overhead the moon went through the trees with an unmistakable sharp glow, features on the face of it like birth-marks, and were one to walk under the leaves of the breadfruit and mango trees and look up, the way that Winston was at the time, the moon might seem to twinkle its pock-marked light to you.  The houses were mostly silent at this point of the night, week-days it was this way. The insects called out into the darkness, creating an instinctual and perpetuating siren, as each insect, perched on their nocturnal pedestal, found a simple and eternal occupation.
 Miriam found the insects creepy.  When the night-noises reached her ear they were not received as a wafting tone poem of tones, but simply murky tension outside the car window on her ride home. Mr. Holford, who worked at the supermarket across the road from the hotel, and who would drop her home in the late night, and tell her smiling stories of the hopeless, irritable and easily confounded customers and employees of the supermarket, and who also would make fumbling compliments of her hair and necklace and would understand when Miriam declined his invites to concerts and exhibitions, and who would stare at Miriam’s rocking buttocks as she walked away from his car after smilingly thanking him, would then beep his car horn as he drove off softly.
 What is that? A car horn. Get behind this house. Make sure that all the lights are off in this house you leaning against. Your knee is okay tonight don’t worry. Who is that there walking?  It’s her. Her hair is frazzled a bit.  Her hips are so gentle.  How does she look so untouched up here in Suriname?  Almost all these women look run-down, chipped at the edges, shaken about a bit.  She’s different.  She is like one of those dreams you have in de morning when ya almost wake up and ya coul’ swear it real but ya is wake up in de grass and ya look around and realise it is de same as yesterday, but ya is put ya hand together and thank God that you coul’ still dream, cuz if not you probably would’ve drowned youself a long time ago.  Wait. Look at her eyes, all open wide in this night.  Is she surprised?  Is she looking for something?  No. No, look.  She’s scared.  Shite you just slip. Hide!  you just made a noise.
 Winston hid behind the house steadying himself with his forearms while Miriam stopped walking and just stared at the direction of the stumble-sound.  In the porous night where most things are hidden but some things escape stood the two, Winston peeping, Miriam listening.
“Who-w-who there?” she asked, amazingly evenly.  Winston paused.
“Nobody. Just a man. I ain’t gine hurt you.” Winston finally said, secreted behind the side of the house.
“You was waiting for me right?”  Miriam said into the night “I ain’t got no lotta money. I work hard t-this , um today. But tek it, tek d-de money, just don’t ra…”
“I ain’t wait for you .  I was jus’ walking through.”
“Then why you was hiding?”  she asked, not rudely, not accusatorily, but simply curiously.  Silence.  She then asked for his name but Winston stretched the silence, pressed rough against the side of the house.  Miriam took a step forward on the road and then listened, and then looked around as Winston crouched low.  He squinted his eyes at the woman taking tentative steps on the road and opened his mouth to say something, anything, to perhaps welcome her into his secret, or to tell her an outrageous and comforting lie while escorting her home, but instead he held firm and watched Miriam walk down the road quickly and determinedly into the shrouding night.
 Through the grass Winston walked, mainly by memory, through the trees that cradled things to sleep and by the edge of a craggy pasture, pocking rocks and dirt with his boots and collins, and in this heavy chaos is where he crouched down and laid by his supplies and run-ragged possessions.  Up into the air he looked, at the wavy and dreamy clouds, barely hiding the wide moon out tonight, and he thought of rushing things, and impoverished motionless things that loomed in his head as always, and then sometimes he would listen and listen as the night-time serenaded, or mocked him perhaps.
 There he slept, back used to the flat earth, dreams sliding in and out of the thoughts. He dreamt of the children in Trinidad & Tobago, the woman’s children that he was around a lot.  He dreamt about his stern lashes he gave them, and he dreamt of him teaching them how to make bow and arrows out of coconut leaves, sharpening the stem into an arrow-point using an old razor from a broken pencil sharpener.  He then dreamt of a hot fire, and of him running, and running, and running, and then floating and flying through the trees away from the fire up and above Trinidad, looking down at the twinkling lights that families would leave on at times. He then thought of when he was captured there, and the children looked at him and asked “Tony, ya ‘un come back?” to which Winston looked at them softly with those doomed eyes of his, and shook his head no, his heavy locks floundering over and about his shoulders.
 This is your life now.  This is your life.  Look at it. Look at the shadows of dem trees.  Doan worry.  We’ll get another plan together.  Remember Robert had said there might be a guy that could get pay off to smuggle you on that boat?  Something will always come up, you just have to hold on until then.  The same thing day in and out until your ship comes in. You know you got what other people doan got.  You got de discipline.  What? Man you gine got to forget about that girl, about this whole fucking country in fact. Just stay down.  Just stay out here, Robert gine set tings in motion. Man doan let you emotions get de better of you.  Look I know she look good.  I know she comforting.  I know you could use some of that comfort.  But let it go.  This is your life now.  This is your life now.  Look at the dark grass over there.  You could stash some things there.  You got to go over to get those carrots from that plot of land.  That is what you think of.  You get as close as you could.  This is your life.  Winston sit down. Winston-
 Winston got up and looked at the slow clouds, then back towards the little line of houses down the grassy slope.  He took up his new cutlass, and walked, shaky, unsure and for the first time in a long time, scared.
 Sergeant Douglass Sergeant walked around the district police station.  He was testy and bored.  He thought about being on the front page of the newspapers quoting something about some murder case he thought up in his mind.  At least a good burglary case involving a well-known minister or a beloved person in the media.  He would tell the reporters, in the most pleasant of voices, about the dangerous circumstances of the whole ordeal.  He thought joyfully of the microphones, of the notebooks scratched with details, of the television cameras with their dull shine on the lens.  In fact, he was drawing a complex, Eiffel Tower looking antennae on his note-book when Orville Lowell came up to him to challenge him to a healthy round upon round of x and os.
 Eagerly Sergeant would scrawl his x in the corner to begin his winning play he had read of in a book dedicated to these puzzles called ‘Tic-Tac-Toe for Winners!’ that he had picked up in a store adjacent to a hotel on the south coast of the island.  He grinned playfully at Lowell, and then at the page as the younger Lowell tried uselessly to circumvent the inevitable.
 The grass slid against the boots of Winston as he walked down the hill.  The rocks, loose on the dirt moved with a murmuring tumble as Winston kicked them or stepped on them on his way down.  He would arch his head, to see through trees and branches, calculating his path towards a house he had never been to, had never scouted out in advance, had never thought of going to until the recent wanderings of his mind.  Overhead the clouds were soft in their movements and the wind was cool against his old shirt and his face, run ragged by years, decades in fact, of worrying in a harsh, coarse manner, and decades of regret.
 Stop this.  Stop this. Stop this I say!
 Miriam opened the door to her son’s room and watched the young boy curled into the edge of his bed, but a calm curl.  He did not claw the bed-sheets like when she would look in on him after the arguments. This was a motionless slumber, a reprieve from the day at school where he was beaten for trying to cheat on his times-table test, and where Janice Peters, the girl he had pleasing thoughts about, laughed at him when he fell down darting between the trees.  He looked up at her as she laughed and then she walked over to him, helping him up as he dusted off his short pants, saying to him “doan cry, you gine get better”, and then she walked away.  Miriam closed the door slowly, the shadow of the door looming slowly over the bed until it darkened the entire room.  She pulled off her shoes and clothes and just laid in the bed, churning her mind as to who that could have been hiding behind the house, desperate not to be seen, and from whence did he come from.  She felt helpless, but also, for no reason, wondered if that man was helpless as well, adrift with no one to answer to, or to answer for.  
 She didn’t exactly want to help him, but rather, to understand him, where he came from, what had him out there at that hour, and what had him so scared, like her. She thought that perhaps he was hiding from the same dark permutations that she supposed existed in those bushy trees and grass up the hill.  Perhaps the world had ravaged him to such a degree that even the plaintive claps of a woman’s shoe-heel on the dirty ground scared him.  She surmised that his mind saw something horrible in people, and that sight drove him to cower noisily, with mouth agast, like in the movie she saw once where the man saw which people were holy, and which were demons of the devil. If only he stared long enough she thought, then maybe he would see that she was no clawed harlot, but that she was as scared as he was, distrustful of the very nature of people as he was, that she acknowledged the way that love spoiled into vengeful control after a long enough time, disappointing her as she was sure it did him, that poor man clawed and scared behind some wooden house, with the taunting night and the duppies all around him.
 Winston stood behind the bare tamarind tree and solidified his approach: he would climb the low pailing surrounding the neighbouring mini-mart and then squeeze through the space he saw on that hill into her premises, and then softly, patiently, meekly tap the windows of the woman’s house until she awoke and then calm her with his eyes and tell her all that was in his foolish heart about her beauty, her unassuming grace, her glad-eyed son, and his own drifting life, polluted with his frenzied volition and shame.
 He arrived at the galvanized pailing, creeping unsure like he had by the Plantation House where this whole legend began twenty or so years ago.  He jumped up to grab the top, but at that moment, his knee shifted around itself, causing him to fall and hit the outside base with a small thump.
 Miriam then heard a thump, small but real.  She startled up and looked out the window at the night.  She surveyed her little back-yard and saw nothing.  She looked at the next door neighbour and saw the stillness she expected.  She supposed it was a dog or cat bumping against the pailing, but she kneeled there on the bed, looking out at the trees that waved in the slight wind.  And then she gasped, her body tensing up uniformly as if expecting a blow at primary school, as if she caught the Holy Spirit at church, as if she was giving birth at the hospital, as she saw a dark man crawling on top of the neighbour’s pailing.
 The District Police Station’s phone rang twice.  The officer listened, grumbled his questions to the caller while scribbling notes, and then he looked at the two men playing and arguing about the 1987 Calypso Finals results.
 I understand you have a fancy towards her but this is no reason to do this.  Think about your knee.  Think about this pulsating, devious pain that moves from your knee towards the rest of your body.  I can’t stop you can I?  I want to. I want you to walk up that slope and disappear into those trees like you have since you came back to this part of the island. Stop thinking of her…you can’t can you? Your beautiful sin.  A booming voice tells you not to eat of the tree, don’t eat that fruit, but you have to, because that woman tells you to right? Right there, is when love, the way we know it, was created.  He looked towards the sky, looking the way that the sky looked now, a combination of tribulation and creation, the way four o’ clock has always looked, and Adam looked at the sky and chose love over unknowable punishment the way poor you from Suriname will choose it.  
 Winston jumped and swung his leg over the tall pailing and fell to the ground.  He looked around the new surroundings and squinted his eyes to see where the path to Miriam’s house would be.  He walked but then fell wordlessly in the soft darkness, soft because of the approaching morning that would shed light to the physicality of this all but never to the motivation, never to the chirping collaborators of the late night, and never to the love that occurred here.
 Sergeant Douglass Sergeant turned the car onto the street where Miriam lived in a careful arc.  Two others were with him – Lowell, the defeated tic-tac-toe player, and Constable Henry Yarde, a young man new to the police force who swore to his dying grandmother that he would do something useful with his life, and as she felt the dying in her along with the heat, the young man pressed his face into her scratchy, paper hands and thanked her for reforming him.  Sergeant knocked softly on Miriam’s door and the door opened silently creating a tension.  “I-I was just looking out my window when Jesus Christ I see a man jump over de pailing of’ de mini mart.”
“Okay yes this we know.” Sergeant whispered, “but in the time it tek for we to get here, you inform de owners o’ de mini mart?”
“Yeah, I call up Jackie and tell she.  She is de daughter. I call she up cuz I know that she cell phone don’t got a loud ring. It does mostly buzz.”
“Good. Good thinking.” Sergeant said. The young policeman looked at her while her gaze was towards Sergeant.  The woman was terrified.  To Yarde, her eyes were a-blaze with fear, unblinking and beautiful.  The wind would pick up for a couple seconds and he would look at her old T-shirt against her widening waist.  He wanted to comfort her and to tell her lies to calm her and after he kissed her, look at her in the morning sun and tell her truth after truth. Meanwhile Sergeant looked at the woman he briefly consoled at Kevin’s funeral and took down the information, caring little for her fear, taking it only to mean that the criminal was a large man. Perhaps he committed more crimes throughout the countryside he theorised.  Perhaps he could come up with a name of the man for the reporters to put on the front page - “countryside killer”, “de slasher”, and then “de jungle demon”.
 The banana tree in the back flopped as Winston leaned against it, slowly putting and then taking weight off of his knee.  He looked around again, and saw that the space leading to the woman’s house was wider than he thought.  He swept his heavy locks back and wiped his brow with his old shirt, and then held his cutlass like you would an eccentric cane and said out to the abdicating night “Hello.  My name is Winston.  People say I do some tings – some o’ dem I do, but some o’ dem I didn’t.  I tink I love you, but I ain’t sure, so, what is you name?”, then he shifted again in the craggy dirt and said “Good night, my name is Winston and I tink I love you. But wha so is you name?” Then he scraped the ground with his cutlass/ bejewelled cane and said “Even if you scared of me I want you to know that I love you.  My name is Winston Hall.  Yes, my name is Winston Hall and I am not ashamed.”
         Yarde walked into Miriam’s house, squinted his eyes and looked back, asking “Ma’am, is there a way we could get from where you live to de mini-mart owner house?”
“Yes. They got a lil’ path that is connect we.”
“Do we just get out into your back-yard and just turn right?”
“Yes, yes, yes ya is just turn right.” She whispered.  Yarde looked at Sergeant Sergeant, who then slid his right hand between his waist and the leather of his pistol.  “Yeah, we gine go in she yard and surprise he, cuz he think he hard, but we gine light up he ass.” And with that he walked through the length of Miriam’s house, walking as if he owned it with no heeding to any decorum, because whatever decorum that was expected usually – whether you took your shoes off or letting the lady walk in front – would mean nothing once police were in your house, partly because of all the urgency in this and partly because of your status in the country.  If it were a rich mover and shaker like a Goddard or a Williams, they would’ve at least asked if they could be shown the way through the house by the head of the house. Miriam noticed this, but pursed her lips because of this expected acquiescence that policemen’s widows exhibited always.
         The sky was still dark, but still becoming lighter on the upper edges of the sky.  Between Winston and the gate to Miriam’s house was a small, easily hop-able fence that separated the small garden that Winston stood upon, and the concrete that led to the back of the mini-mart.  He leaned against the soft banana trees and looked up as the leaves crowded the round and glowing moon, its shining glow fading as the sun began to make its approach upon the island.
         It combs the light of the moon.  Look at the moon being obstructed by the light slice of the banana leaves, the distant craters and darkness of the moon that suggest another place for us humans to go to and make simple at first with our enviable industry, then only to advertise to the people about the advantages of such a place, and then imagine escaping to a place where the best went to the roughest, just like in the westerns you like so much.  Feel that wind.  Understand it.  Believe that it holds a great new thing for you to encounter.  Feel the wind, pregnant with the exhalations of generations of Barbadians and tourists.  Tell yourself you love it.  The people inside of you.  Imagine that they tell stories to their children about you.  Believe that someone is printing out protest banners for you. Hail the goodness that has gotten you this far, that has made you believe in the gospel of survival through the mere occurrence of actions.  Worship the…
 “Freeze, ya rassole cunt.”
“Doan come close.”
“I gine got ta come close.  Cuz see I is de big bad woodsman coming to capture all o’ wunna wolves.  Ya fucking wolves.”
“You sound like you been thinking a lot about what you gine say before you capture somebody.”
“Hush you fuckin’ mouth!” Sergeant Sergeant barked.
“You even know why I here?”  Winston asked. “I ain’t here to steal.  I here for love.  I here to say something to a woman.  Something that I should have said a long time ago.  Let me through so I could tell her.”
“Put down de cutlass son.  I doan know if you got a crush or you in love but come along and we could sort this out.” Sergeant Sergeant said, his hand out-stretched, on the concrete away from the man.
“I tink I love she.”
 Okay run into the trees and then use the trunk of the trees to jump up to the pailing.  You could leap over and be gone before these policemen come.  We could get de dog and be gone from this parish by noon.  Just run and jump!  Your knee will be okay.  You can’t wrestle the policemen to the ground.  You have to retreat.  Run off. Run off into de wild.  Just do a lil’ jump an’ run.  Jus’ do it calm.
 Winston shifted back and looked at the imposing height of the pailing that he could jump over, he supposed.  He saw the three policemen, and he saw them spread out to be of proper use. Winston gripped his cutlass stronger, his arms tensing and straight.
 Then he saw her.  She peeped through the passageway, furtively of course, but he saw her, her great, rounded eyes, her dense, brown skin, filled with a swirling system of emotions by now, brown with the approaching sun.  She was pitied more than admired in her neighbourhood, and the tourists at the hotel were too caught up in the cocaine and flowers of the island to sit and study the beauty of this woman pushing past their rooms.  This perky Barbadiana, full of egregious glee, of blind fear and hate, who went undetected by the visitors, but always constant to this visitor Winston.  He knew no other recourse, could surmise nothing else but the accomplishment of these heated ideas that singed him in the dark.
 He ran towards the policemen.  The shot rang out with a sharp and ranging flight, like the flight of crows.  Winston slumped back, and then lunged forward towards Miriam while the young policeman Yarde shot again.  Winston fell back, squirming at first and then laying still, letting his shoulder-blades touch the ground, and listening to the arched sobbing of the mini-mart owner and Miriam go over the country-side, which was now becoming lighter with this new Age, supplanting the previous Age that began as the Union Jack went down and our flag went up, and ended as the man, arched and crackling on the ground, began to cough his last coughs about love, heard only by the mini-mart owners, the policemen, Miriam, and the curious primary school boy, who stood with his arms folded, staring through the open glass window of his room, with its colour coming alive again in the morning light.
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harrywavycurly · 6 years
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*a/n this is Part One, I hope you enjoy it and I’m so sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted a full length story for Life With Narry and really thank you so much for being so patient! I love y’all, let me know your thoughts and Part Two will be up this week!*
“I already told you I’m not going,” You could practically hear Harry roll his eyes from behind you as he let out a frustrated groan and ran a hand through his hair, you looked over your shoulder at him causing you to just chuckle when you saw how truly frustrated he was.
“Why do you have to be so bloody difficult? Niall will kill me if I can’t do my one task of getting you out of the house for a few hours.” You just shrugged as you went back to making your coffee. “I’ll let you order dessert first,” Harry smiled when he saw you stop stirring your coffee letting him know he had peeked your interest.
“Fine, just act surprised please when we get home.” You just rolled your eyes and nodded your head before you took a sip of your coffee. Harry laughed as he took a step closer to you so he could place a kiss to your forehead. “Happy Birthday Princess.” You smiled at him as he placed another quick kiss to your cheek before pulling away completely.
“Thank you H, now if you don’t mind this birthday girl wants to watch some trashy television.” Harry just chuckled as you walked out of the kitchen and towards the living room with your mug of coffee in your hand and your pajamas still on underneath your comfy robe. Just as you sat down on the couch there was a knock on your door and before you could even think about getting up Harry was already unlocking the door to see who it was.
“Oh uhm,” You looked over at the front door and had to place a hand over your mouth to hide your giggles as Harry backed up causing a few balloons to float up to the ceiling. “Thank you.” You watched him give the delivery person a small smile before closing the door with his foot, his hands where full with a big flower arrangement making you lean over and put your mug on the coffee table so you could stand up and follow him into the dinning room where he sat the arrangement down.
“These are so pretty Harry.” You gushed as you placed a hand on his arm so you could reach up and place a little kiss to his cheek.
“They are quite lovely, but they uh aren’t from me.” You raised an eyebrow as he reached over and grabbed the little card that was in the middle of the flowers. “If that little bloody hobbit got you flowers after he told me not to I’m gonna ring his-“ Harry stopped his rant when he opened the card and soon a smirk was taking over his face making you just give him a weird look as you snatched the card out of his hands.
“Oh my,” You felt your eyes go wide as you looked from the card to the flowers and then back to the card. “Oh my god.” Harry was full on grinning by the time you looked at him with his arms crossed over his chest and a smug look on his face. “Harry how? What even? He knows my address?” Harry laughed as you placed a hand on your forehead as you reread the card for the fifth time.
“I have my ways, besides we are having a party here tonight so yes he has your address, figured if he didn’t come to the party he’d at least have the decency to send you something.” Harry looked away from your face that was still full of shock to the flowers with a nod. “Seems I was right, as usual.” You just smacked his arm with the hand that was on your forehead making him chuckle as he uncrossed his arms so he could drape one over your shoulders so he could pull you into his side.
“Holy shit.” You mumbled as Harry took the card from you as you wrapped an arm around his middle while resting your head on his chest.
“Happy Birthday! I’m so sorry I can’t make it to your party tonight, hope these make you smile and don’t worry we’ll get together for a drink or two when I’m back in town, Dylan.” You felt you cheeks get hot as Harry read what was written inside the card out loud. “Niall is going to blow a gasket, might even have a proper heart attack.” You laughed as you looked up at Harry who just shot you a playfully wink.
“It’s just flowers, haven’t even spoken to the man before.” You explained making Harry just shrug as he leaned over and put the card back in its spot in the arrangement.
“Yes true, but you know what they say. First comes flowers, then comes marriage and you know how Niall is.” You held back your giggles as Harry pulled you a little closer to him. “He doesn’t like to share you.” Harry shot you a wink as he pulled away from you so he could turn and head back into the kitchen to grab his smoothie.
“Right, Niall’s the one who doesn’t like to share.” You teased as you turned and went back into the living room to finish your coffee. “Where is the Irish one anyway?” As if on queue your front door opened causing you to jump a bit making Niall laugh as he closed the door behind him.
“There she is! The birthday Princess!” You laughed as Niall walked into the living room with his arms open wide. “Come on, don’t make me tackle ya like I did last year.” Harry chuckled to himself as he entered the living room with his smoothie in his hand, You just stood up and took a step towards Niall who was quick to engulf you in a giant bear hug.
“That was very funny,” Harry added as he took his usual spot on the loveseat. “Well all until the two of you fell off the bed and the little delicate flower over here got a giant bruise on his thigh.” Niall just flipped Harry the bird as he pulled you even closer to him making your arms wrap around his middle in a tight embrace.
“S’not my fault I bruise easy ya lanky arsehole.” You laughed as Niall pulled away from you, he quickly leaned down and placed a kiss to your forehead and then your cheeks making you giggle and playfully push him away as he tried to place sloppy kisses all over your face. “What’s the matter? Don’t want my love on your birthday? Dats a bit rude innit?” He teased when you finally managed to get out of his grasp and sit back down on the couch.
“I love your hugs and kisses but I don’t need them all-“ You watched Niall go from looking at you to over your head and saw his smile fade as he raised an eyebrow, you knew he was looking at the flowers on your dinning room table.
“What are those?” Harry jumped up from his seat when he saw Niall head for the dinning room, you just stayed seated because you didn’t want to get in the way of what was about to happen. “You got her flowers? And ya went off on me bout gettin her the same gifts an nothin extra from either of us!” Harry just rolled his eyes as Niall reached for the card that was in the arrangement.
“I didn’t get her the flowers ya knob,” Harry watched Niall’s face go from confused to slightly annoyed as he read Dylan’s note. “What? It’s a nice gesture.” He added making Niall roll his eyes as he put the card back where it was as Harry crossed his arms over his chest.
“Dylan? Really Harry? Ya think that’s the best idea right now after what jus happened wit Nick?” Niall asked making Harry just shake his head as Niall placed his hands on his hips and gave Harry a hard glare.
“Oh come off it Niall, it’s a bloody birthday card and some flowers. He’s a nice lad, wouldn’t have invited him if he wasn’t a decent person.” Harry defended as Niall just bit down on his bottom lip, you couldn’t help yourself so you got up off the couch and slowly headed towards the two men. “He’s not Nick, can’t assume everyone is gonna break her heart Niall.” You felt your heart sink a little at Harry’s mumbled words, Niall just let out a sigh and nodded his head.
“Yer right.” Harry’s eyes went wide as his arms dropped from his chest and fell to his sides. “Don’t go lookin at me like that, ya heard me. M’not repeatin it.” You giggled making both of them turn their heads and look at you.
“You two are something else,” Harry just smile as you walked up to them and placed an arm around both of their middles. “Please don’t worry about me, I’m okay and I’m just taking time to enjoy life so please let’s just go and watch some Real Housewives before getting ready for dinner.” Niall just nodded his head and gave you a smile before placing a kiss to the top of your head.
“You know I only watch Real Housewives of Atlanta.” You laughed as Harry shot you a playful wink making Niall nod his head in agreement.
“Dats da best one for sure.” Niall added as you let go of them both so the three of you could go get comfortable in the living room. You soon found yourself sat between Niall and Harry on the couch with one of your throw blankets over you and you head resting on Niall’s shoulder while Harry was busy messing on his phone, probably setting up last minute details for the party that was going to happen tonight, the party that Niall still assumed you had no clue about.
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shadowphoenixrider · 6 years
TrollGust 9 - Dance
(Okay, this was actually difficult, so I reverted back to my trash ship for comfort.)
Draggka didn’t remember what the party was for, but for whatever reason, the hunters of Trueshot Lodge were celebrating something, and with her being the Huntmaster, it seemed rude not to join in.
The drinks flowed freely, and the food was fresh, most probably taken from the foothills below, and there was enough people with instruments to get some music going.
Most of it was familiar tavern songs that crossed both Alliance and Horde boundaries, but each of the races represented at the Lodge took turns with their own music in an unspoken pact between them all. Not that there wasn’t teasing and yelling that dwarven music sounded good only to drunk ears, or that Forsaken had lost all sense of rhythm, but it was good natured and anyone that did want to start a fight got set away from the bonfire to cool off.
Some hunters had been encouraging their Huntmaster to get up and dance, as every else had been doing when their respective music took stage, and Draggka had been politely declining...until it was the trolls’ turn, and she really couldn’t refuse any more.
Draggka didn’t think of herself as a particularly good dancer; she wasn’t terrible, and could follow a beat, but there was no way she could turn heads. The nature of the dance probably could, as whilst most jungle troll women saw as merely emulating the movements of snakes and voodoo rituals, other races found it alluring and some titillating. It was part of the reason Draggka only liked dancing in large crowds or with friends; no one really paid attention to you if you were merely one of many.
That and a raptor came in handy for warding off unwanted suitors.
But tonight was just fun and silliness, with the more acrobatic trolls showing off, whilst the more reserved, like Draggka, stuck to the more simple moves. They were joined by some orcs who particularly enjoyed the music, and tried valiantly to follow along, to equal laughter and whoops of encouragement.
As she danced, however, she felt that familiar prickle of fur on the back of her neck; someone was watching her intently, and from above... Showing no signs that she’d noticed her observer’s gaze, Draggka looked up into the conifer trees stretching up to the darkening sky around them.
She didn’t see it at first, but when the bonfire spat loudly on a lump of wood, its orange glow lit the shape of a large raven perched on a branch. And whilst ravens weren’t unusual in Highmountain, especially near its border with Stormheim, they steered well clear of the higher peaks, where the eagles made their homes.
The hunter tried not to grin. I see you, Archmage.
It wasn’t long before the song finished up, and after the applause, Draggka excused herself, making way around to the back of the Lodge, where the shrines were. Spike followed a little way, but stopped to stand guard, to make sure they weren’t being followed.
The soft sound of wing-beats followed her, descending until she heard the hiss of magic and the sound of boots against snow. Draggka smirked.
“Enjoy da show?” She asked. A deep chuckle rumbled out, footsteps getting closer.
“It wasn’t what I was expecting to see when I took a detour here, but I can hardly complain.” Khadgar said, curling his arms around her waist.
“Ya be bold.” She commented. “Doing dis where anyone can be seeing us.”
“One, Spike will let us know if someone comes along, and two,” Khadgar turned his head, lips brushing against her ear, “I’m feeling a little...inspired, thanks to your performance out there.”
Draggka rolled her eyes. Humans.
“Dat wasn’t fer you, ya know. Dat just be how we usually dance.”
“It is?” She could almost hear his eyebrows rise. “Well, no wonder I couldn’t stay away from your voodoo...”
“Are ya here for a reason, or jus’ to be a nuisance?” The troll asked, turning in his embrace to give him a withering look. Khadgar’s grin remained, unabashed.
“I was here for a casual visit, but as I said earlier, your performance has given me other...ideas...” His grin widened, and she could see his pupils dilate, even in the darkness.
“Uh huh? And what ideas be dey?”
“Well, if you would like to come with me, I could show you an altogether different way to dance...” He purred, arcane twirling around his fingers.
Draggka sighed, shaking her head.
“One of dese days, you’ll seduce me witout using a terrible joke.”
“But tonight is not one of those nights, I hope?” The troll was still surprised how the mage flipped from ‘seductive’ to ‘childishly eager’ in the blink of an eye. He was like a whirlwind sometimes, yet one she had the honour of being in the eye of.
“No, it isn’t.” She smiled. “I don’t know how ya do it.”
“Magic, dear one.” Khadgar pressed a kiss to her lips. “Magic.” He gestured, a portal opening wide next to them. “You first, my lady. I hope I can remember my moves.” He winked at her.
Draggka rolled her eyes again, chuckling, and stepped through the portal.
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itsudemoyoshiwara · 7 years
[01:13] (no name) Lek turned halfway at the sound of her tone, holding onto his shoulder strap while watching her get upset. A soft frown overcoming him at what she said. The slight brusk in his voice was still there just from being so used to speaking like that but he tried to be... comforting? It was obvious the boy wasn't use to do something like that, "Yea... well... ya ain't botherin' me... so quit worrin'." If she started to head to the dorms he rubbed at his head nervously while contemplating something before grunting. Running over and next to her, "Ya'know Cace gamme da crown, right?" [01:15] Lumiere smiles a bit, knowing she wasn't being an annoying fuck though that quickly changes at the mention of the crown. "You should give that back to Teshak. That's what you were going to do, right?" She folds her arms over her chest, obviously pissed. "I took it from Cace earlier because It hought it'd upset you to have it., since you told me to go take care of him earlier and stuff..." [01:23] (no name) Lek frowned a little at her disgussing it, going quiet for awhile as she spoke and seemed pissed. Scrunching up his mouth a little as she mentioned Lek being upset, "It ain't upset me! Not like I care fo' him o' nothang!" Shuffling for the phone in his pocket as an excuse to avoid eye contact as he murmured, "Yea...I was gunna give it back." He cleared his throat and looked down the hallway, "But I can't jus.. do dat. I mean- Cace- wants it in da lost and found." Lek pulled his backpack to the side and shuffled out the crown with Teshak's blood still on it and frowned all the more, "I wanted ta ask dat lil' kid where he bought it so I could by a copy of it or somethang. I mean.." He rotated the crown to look at it and show her, "If he wears a hat dis dumb it's gotta be important to him or somethang ya'know?" His brows lifted up a little before looking down at the item again. [01:23] Moon (rafiel.sporaciao): discussing* [01:25] Lumiere lightens up a bit, cocking her head to the side. "Seems like you care to me. Maybe not about him but, you're generally nice I guess?" Laughing, she covers her mouth and clears her throat after. "We should go give it to him. Cace can kiss my ass. I don't care if I need to be like my sister or whatever the hell he wants to tell me, I'm not listening to him." Ooooh, what a badass. She's so gonna get her ass kicked by Cace one day. :| "I say give it back." [01:29] Callista Macbain was hearing some murmuring when she was across the lobby, and she walked over to what seemed like a small gathering of people and stopped when she was within earshot to hear what was being said. Fixing her glasses a little, she saw Lumi in the crowd, and she would smile to her if the smaller girl's eyes would ever glance towards her direction. [01:30] Lumiere looks over her shoulder after hearing the footsteps headed her direction, "Oh!" Waving quickly to Callista, she smiles at her and returns her attention to Lek; still set on convincing him to return the crown. [01:33] (no name) Lek just glared at her when she called him generally nice and caring >: with a slight suck of his teeth, "Maaaan I ain't no wuss..." At least he lightened up on her laughing even if he thought it was because the girl was joking about it. Quirking a brow about her spoken words of Cace and self consciously checked around like he expected the chairman to just stand behind them all >:| "I know I know.. I'mma give it back aight? I was jus.... gunna clean da blood off. End den put blood on tha fake one or somethang... I dunno if that'd trick Cace. But... " He looked at her a little more concerned, "Ya should watch yo mouth 'round him. He dun play around. Even if he knows yur sis." He looked ready to add something before noticing Lumiere's attention going towards someone else. When she looked back at him he would only stare with a, "Ya'know her?" Stupid question... Lek's having a blonde moment. He's on alotta meds... don't blame him ! ;_; [01:37] Callista Macbain thought maybe her eyes were playing tricks on her at first, but then realized there was only Lumi and another boy with her... shadows like to play tricks with her. Callista waved back when Lumi did, and she took a couple steps towards them, "Hello, Lumi. Is everything okay?" She asked in a pleasant and sincere tone, her sharp green eyes looking between her and Lek expectantly. [01:38] Lumiere knows he's on meds. She gave him some. 8D)) Lum smiles at him at the mention of returning the crown, it's the right thing. Yep. "I don't think Cace gives a rat's ass. The damage has been done. Cace just can't see Teshak with it, is all." Chuckling at his question of Callista, she nods. "Yeah I do. She's a friend."  Her attention turns to Callista and she nods yet again, "Yeah, everything is fine. Lek and I are..." looking to him, she seems a bit confused and continues in a questioning tone, "Hanging out?" Who knows anymore. She's pretty sure they were headed to the infirmary... Bam. Back to Lek, "You should probably wait till Teshak's awake though, so you can let him know." [01:44] (no name) Lek frowned, "Yea... dat's the problem.. Teshil.. Teshak? He fuckin' hates me so... I wouldn't be surprised if he tried ta get payback by struttin' wit it on...." The DC member adjusted that darn lower brim piercing again, looking between the two as the other female moved closer and spoke. He just nodded towards her like some thug would do with a brusk, "Sup." Quirking a brow down towards Lumi, "Uhhh...wha-....I dunno..." He wasn't sure if her asking about hanging out was a trick question or something D:! Whenever she added the last part he rubbed at his brow a little, "Well... yea I was thinkin' dat... don't think he'll wanna see me..I am.. kinda da one that.." He looked off towards the other female like the boy was hoping for her to interupt him as his mouth scrunched a little. He might have beat up Teshak but the guy regreted it. [01:47] Lumiere shrugs, "I can take it for you if you really think he'd react that way." Looking over her shoulder again, she shouts to Callista, "Hey. I'm gonna show this guy to the infirmary. I'll talk to you later or something." Looking back at Lek, she grabs his wrist and starts to drag him towards the infirmary. Crown or not, he needs to quit standing so much. No good for his injuries. Yep.. ((Sorry to ditch you Keaton ;_;)) [01:48] Lumiere pauses next to Callista and smiles to her again, "Hey. Gimmie your number." [01:49] Callista Macbain blinks at Lumi for a moment, "Number? OH, yes! Of course!" She gestured her finger as she said each number, "555-1337." [01:50] Lumiere repeats the number quietly to herself and continues to drag Lek away, "I'll text you later!"
[01:54] (no name) Lek frowned and stretched out his arm a little, "Sure... not like someone wantin' me dead is new really.." Hearing the shout he cringed and looked down at her with flattened brows, "What? Thought ya said bout waitin' for dat kid to wake?!" Feeling his wrist grab he super frowned and stumbled a little being pulled, "Hey wait what?!" He would obviously have risen his rasp voice enough for Callista to hear him, "I ain't goin' back ta dat! It's fuckin' boring ass shit in dere! I'm good, chill CHILL!" Being stopped he went silent and looked at the number exchange rather stupified. Checking over Calli he smirked a little flirtatious with a, "How you doin'?" Suddenly being pulled again would shout the same, "Yo WAIT!" Turning halfway to see Calli, "Can I Have yo numbah too?!" while being dragged XD Flirting at its finest. [01:56] Callista Macbain just kinda looked on with a o_o; face... finding the scene a little too silly to catch the flirtations... not to mention flirts kinda fly over her head anyway. And she just waved at them silently while they went to the infirm. [01:57] Lumiere:  "It's not like I'm leaving you there by yourself, dumbass," she mutters under her breath and his Callista-flirting. As he asks her for her number, she slides her hand  downwards; grabbing his and tugs harder than before. "You really think to flirt with girls you don't know?" Don't get pissed at him, stupid girl. D:< Not like you have a good reason. [02:02] (no name) Lek would have poutted a little at the wave and added with a mutter, "Dude! Ya ruinin' mah flow.." Yea.. blame her for your fail flirting Lek. Frowning a little as he stumbled forward enough to catch up, "Ow ow what?! I can sleep in mah room man..." Eyes widening a little from the tug, "What?! What's wrong wit dat?! IS it against the law to flirt?!" Suddenly he would start to limp alot with painful grunts like she hurt him really badly. [02:04] Lumiere pulls him for quite the distance, not realizing that he's in pain before it clicks. "Oh god," instantly letting go, she turns to him and blushes hard. What a stupid girl! :O "I'm sorr--" Groaning as she remembers that he said not to apologize so much, she squeaks the rest of it out quietly and looks away, covering her face with her scarf like usual. [02:05] Lumiere:  "Do you /want/ her number? I can just give it to you," she adds, taking out her phone and putting the contact in for herself. D: [02:09] (no name) Lek continued to make the pained sounds and grunt until she stopped and seeing her turned around he smirked. It only grew more into a stupid smile as she said oh god and upon her sorry and squeak he would start laughing, "Nahahhahahahaha, -" The smile stayed on mischeviously as he added, "I was jus fuckin' wit you." Seeing the will for Calli's number he quirked a brow and shook his head a little uncomfortable with it, "Nah man I ain't gunna call no chick who didn't gimme dere numbah. Dat's stalker shit." He would laugh again though and add with a tease, "I got ya SO good. Ya gotta chill." His body would have tilted a little to the side like he expected her to bap him on the arm or something from the scare he gave. [02:10] Moon (rafiel.sporaciao): aw thanks XD he was actually suppose to be an NPC but it bothers me to make a character that does things with reason so I developed his background more flesh out like 2 days into rp'ing him and started to enjoy him XD [02:10] Moon (rafiel.sporaciao): does things without reason*
[02:11] Lumiere pouts and puts her phone away, "Fine." She turns away from him, heading towards the  infirmary, not dragging him along this time. "Come on, then." She sounds kinda pissed but, it doesn't really feel like she is. Oh stupid, stupid girl. [02:14] (no name) Lek slouched a little as he followed her in a lighter tone, "Oh comon man really?!" Sucking his teeth a little. If it was someone like Nike and Torri he would he said fuck it and walked off rudely but considering all she's done so far he seemed to actually have some worry in her getting upset. Frowning a little as he walked beside her, "Seriously dude...? It was a joke! Comon!" [02:16] Lumiere turns around and pouts at him, "You're so meaaaaaan." Her cheeks are a little bit red, though it seems she can't help but blush today. Wtf. Getting all up in his face, she looks up at him and sticks her tongue out at him after she calls him a jerk in a playful tone. "It's a joke! Comeon!" Mocking him, ho-ho. WHATNAO. [02:22] (no name) Lek stopped and frowned at the pout, alot of his negative reactions seemed to lead to frowns. Quirked a lip up with a confused and offended, "Whaaaaa-?!" at being mean. He glared at her a little with his mouth scrunched, seeming to get a little angry because.. he had a slight anger problem D: but he did enjoy jokes :> and seeing Lumi stick her tongue out he would lighten up from the angered look that was started to form. Hearing the mock he would drop his jaw a little with a smirk from being beaten at his own game. Nodding softly at it with more of a smirk and looking over her head like he just couldn't believe it with a soft, "Aight aight.. ya got me." [02:25] Lumiere stares him dead on, a smirk on her face. "You gonna go in the infirmary like I'm telling  you to? Or will you resist?" This followed by a chuckle. She stands there, still up in his face and doesn't move. "Huh? Huh?" :o [02:31] (no name) Lek smiled again with a cock of his head and nodding, "Yea yea, I ain't sleepin' in dere though.." Seeing her laugh his facial expression became softer again. He would lean in a little before realizing how close he was to her face and freeze up a little. His eyes relaxing as he looked in hers and went quiet, shifting between her lips and her eyes before playing with a piercing in his own mouth. He seemed to hesitate before finally backing up with a light blush and moving towards the door a little quiet, "Alright.." [02:33] Moon (rafiel.sporaciao): Tiki would sleep on his back and his heal tilted backwards where his white chin showed and slept like that. Like a dog XD [02:33] Lumiere looks at him blankly, not expecting him to give up so easily. "O-okay.. But, you're spending the night," she says, pushing him into the infirmary. [02:36] (no name) Lek turned halfway at her with a pout while still blushing, "Whaaaa-?!" before he was pushed into the infirmary and just stumbled about inside. Clenching his teeth in pain from it but held in a grunt so she wouldn't go apologizing like crazy again. His eyes diverted to Teshak's window to see the demi-human asleep and eased up a little to know he at least wouldn't be glared at all night DX Turning around to Lumiere and walking backwards as he motioned to the whole scenery, "Mmmmmm boring green blob paint. fuuuuun."
[02:38] Lumiere continues to walk forward, forcing him into the room behind him. "Yeeeep, better get used to it, cause even if I have to force you to, you're staying here." Yet again she sounds firm and if he didn't know so by now, she'd stick by it. "Or are you gonna try and leave?" [02:42] (no name) Lek went all D: as she continued to walk forward and tried to walk backwards faster to prevent her from catching up, "Nnnnnaaaaaaahwaaa-?!" Turning around quickly as he brought his shoulders inwards a little, "I'm goin' I'm going damn... crazy chick." He went into the other room after moving the curtain out of the way. Hearing about being forced to stay he frowned again at her, "Well.. bettah hook some damn DSL in here o' somethang... WiFi or some shit.." It was half joking and half true :> He yawned a little but turned to hide it as best he could from her and put a fist over his mouth before adding, "If I leave ya wouldn't know ahnyways." [02:45] Lumiere raises an eyebrow, smirking. "I will if I stay here, too." Her hands find her hips as she looks sooo smug, "I should probably stick around in case Teshak wakes up and something goes wrong." Nodding, she looks at him with that smiiiirk. So cocky all of a sudden. Dang. "Your ass needs to rest and this is the best place for it, right now." Yep. [02:52] (no name) Lek just gave a tired look at her =.= at hearing he wouldn't be able to leave before a smirk came at another tease, "Ohhh really?! Ya wanna stay herr wit mee huh?!" He made a flirty click of his teeth twice and smiled. Just because she had a boyfriend didn't mean he couldn't at least mess with her :> taking a deep breath the boy went to sit down and take off his backpack. Plopping it on the ground with an exhaused grunt with relief from the T-Board's weight lifted off. He dropped backwards in his sit to rest his sore back across the width of the bed while his legs were still off and over the edge. Looking up at the ceiling as he just sigh with a mutter of, "Goodpaingoodpain." that did sound painful in his voice. Yawning again as he shuffled for the mp3 and called out towards her, "So.. Miss Health Poelice, where ya gunna sleep?" [02:57] Lumiere follows him behind the curtain, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Her cocky behaviour doesn't waver as she looks over her shoulder to him, "I'll figure something out, it's not really your concern. You're the one who needs to chill." [02:57] Lumiere sticks her tongue out at him again afterwards. [03:02] (no name) Lek looked over to her with his arms spread out, lifting the left one up to push her a little. His foot kicking the backpack on the floor as it swung about bored. The boy's pierced brow quirked up with a soft, "Pffft!" sound at her attitude, "Don't tell mi ta chill miss thang." Peeking down at the mp3 his thumb rolled across the circle to scroll through the playlist as his voice lowered in a joke, "Well ya COULD get dat friend o' yurs ovah. Sleepen partay Ohhhhhhhh?!" He scooted a little towards the window as if she was going to do some wrestling move backwards onto him. [03:04] Lumiere turns around and sighs. She goes to take off her backpack and would have probably thrown it at him, but he doesn't need to be hit with the heavy book inside. "Callista wouldn't, even if I wanted to do something like that. Don't get your hopes up," she snickers, dropping the bag to the floor with a heavy thud. "You're lucky I don't try to beat you." Mumble mumble. :< [03:11] (no name) Lek shifted himself in a rotation to finally lay properly on the bed while canting his head to look past his feet towards her without having to put too much strain on his collar bone. Whenever she turned around he would just have that stupid smile on his face again, "Hey man, a guy can dream." His voice lingering and soft in a joke again. Only to let another 'Pffft' out upon being beat up, "See. So uptight." He moved a hand up to itch at his brow, knowing completely the hypocrisy in that statement with his anger especially towards non DC members. Digging his heel down to scoot lower and kick lightly at her butt, "Relax will ya?" [03:15] Lumiere squeaks out loud as he lightly kicks her. Instantly she turns around, her face red as she glares at him. "I'm.. I'm not uptight." Looking the other direction, she folds her arms over her chest and pouts. Uptight. Buh. She should leave. "And don't tell me to relax," she pauses, "if you're gonna be a tease." > .> [03:18] (no name) Lek winced as she spun around to face him and just gave this stupified look again as he stared blankly before blinking at her glare. Shifting painfully to sit upright with a small groan and grunt before listening to her. Giving a light smug look towards her more in a 'oh comon' fashion than rude before it vanished at being called a tease. Furrowing his brows a little as he scratched his nose, "What...?" [03:21] Lumiere:  "Nothing. You're lucky you're injured," she mutters quietly as she faces foward, twiddling her thumbs in her lap: her nervous habit. She may have been acting confident today but, in reality, she doesnt do well with boys alone in situations like this. Oh boy if Usagi knew, she'd never hear the end of it. Then again, Usagi has no place to talk. She nods to herself, probably looking silly. [03:26] (no name) Lek frowned, scooting up even more as he sighed. He was about to say something but closed his mouth while watching her move about and... nod to herself. He looked around to try and see if there was a phone in her ear or anything before statting rather confused, "Uhhhh... you a-ight?" Shuffling in his pocket to take out his phone and look down at something before statted, being reminded after seeing names in his contacts. "Oh. Uhhh what was ya name again....dont think ya told me so... yea..." [03:28] Lumiere feels completely stupid, realizing that she'd never introduced herself and had been acting like this. "Oh, shit... Sorry. Uhm. I'm Lumiere. I've heard Cace say your name so..." Back to twiddilng her thumbs again. Stupid, stupid girl. :3 [03:30] (no name) Lek arched up his brow at it, "Uh Lu- wha- Lumuar?" When mentioning Cace he would just shrug with a light, "So...?" Not exactly understanding why she felt so sorry. Hyne knows he wouldn't feel sorry for something like that, or at least let it be shown :C [03:32] Lumiere:  "Just call me Lum or Lumi or something." She pulls her legs up to her chest again like earlier, though she seemed less... Peppy? "So...? You don't need to introduce yourself to me. I know your name." [03:38] (no name) Lek frowned a little, "Well how ya say yur real name err.. full name. It's all ... fanceh and shit." He smiled a little and noting a song on the mp3 would play it with the volume barely audible for him so he could still continue a conversation. Although with knowing the song by heart he still bobbed to the beat while looked back to see her legs pulled up. Looking down and scratching at the side of his nose a little from the mention of his name, "Uh yea... everyone's cahls me dat... uhhh ya look hella uncomftabal like dat." He started to painfully shift again towards the edge of the bed like the boy was planning on standing. [03:40] Lumiere lays her head on her knees, facing away from him. "I'm not really that uncomfortable." She'd gotten quiet all of a sudden, wtf? D: Though, hearing him rustle, she starts to get up herself. Reaching out to him, putting her hand on his shoulder, she presses downward gently to gesture for him to stay put. [03:46] (no name) Lek plopped down from any progress and looked up at her with a frown, "Da hell... ya like a mom o' somethang?" He would start to motion and try to get up again with a painful grunt at the meds were probably wearing off by now, "Sit down on da bed or somethang... just lookin' at ya makes me uncomftabal." He sighed a little, even in offering her his bed he had to do it in a slightly rude fashion to try and hide being nice. :>
[03:47] Lumiere looks at him like, The Hell? "No? But you shouldn't be getting up so much, I'm fine, or I wouldn't sit here," she says, flailing an arm at him. "By the way, how are you feeling? Should I go get more of the medication or...?"  Tilting her head to the side, she looks at him dead on yet again~ :o [03:53] (no name) Lek finally took off his hat and toss it to the ground like the infirmary was a bedroom. His hair cocklicked and tangled in hat hair before plopping his right hand on top and trying to comb it down as best he could, "Well I'm fine, it's not like I'm bleedin' ta death o' nothin'." Seeing the flailing arm he couldn't help but smile and let out a huff of breath in a soft laugh at it. "I guess.. startin' ta get worse again so drugs sound good to me." Flicking his tongue in his mouth to play with his piercings it would make the slightest clanking noise as it hit his teeth while not thinking much of it. Her dead on look just accompanied by his blank one. [03:56] Lumiere nodding, she hops up and makes her way towards the shelf, twiddling her thumbs the entire time. She could probably run off if he ever fell asleep, baw. [03:59] (no name) Lek waited until she left before lifting himself up in a soft groan to look over. Not being able to see her he would just move out of the bed and limp in a stumble towards the wall. Putting his back to it before sliding down with a painful grunt. [04:02] Lumiere fiddles around with the bottles on the shelf, trying to find the same ones from earlier. Seeing the bottle, she takes a few and heads back towards Lek after putting the bottle back in it's rightful place. "Here," quietly said, still. She leans over, hanging her arm over him as if she were going to drop them. "And, I told you not to get up. Are you dumb?" Even if she'd questioned his intelligence, she doesn't say it as if to be mean. [04:06] (no name) Lek scooted his back more comfortably to the wall as she started to come in and fiddled about with his phone to play it off. JUST ACT NATURAL. Looking over and stretching an open palm facing up for the pills, "Got wadder?" Hearing her again he just motioned towards the bed with a slightly annoyed look at being called dumb, "Well looks like ya gotta sit on da bed now. Dis comfy ahnyways so.... it ain't no thang." [04:07] Lumiere sighs as she takes off her glasses to rub the bridge of her nose. "Sit on the bed, or else?" She says it half assedly before turning around again, "I'll go get you something to take that with but, I won't let you have it if you're still on the floor when I come back." Mumble mumble. :< [04:09] Lumiere messing around with the shelves again, she takes a small cup and takes it to the sink. She looks over to her right to see if Lek's still sitting in the floor. >> [04:11] Lumiere checks her phone for a sec, turning red and quickly typing a reply. She shoves it back in her pocket in a flustered rush. "Buh." [ [04:13] (no name) Lek quirked the pierced brow at her while speaking a little more brusk, "What?" He just took a deep breath with a frown before easing up as she offered to get water. Shuffling on the ground as he started to take off his jacket. Why's he taking all his stuff off! D: Well it was night :> Grumbling and mumbling something in return in frustration as grunts were heard upon standing. Limping lightly towards the bed before sitting down on it and waiting for her. Hearing something he tried to peek over with a confused, "Wha-yasaysomethang?" [04:14] Lumiere:  "N-no. Ugh..." Her head hits the wall lightly. Since she's leaning over it anyway, she gets Lek a bit of water and stands there with her head against the wall for a bit. Apparently Callista thought Lek was her boyfriend. That's... Laughable. [04:19] (no name) Lek quirked another brow and tried to lean over and peek, "Uhhhh don't kill yurself fo' damn waddah..." Especially after hearing the thud... what the hell was she doing over there anyways? Taking the water he looked at he just all the more confused and popped the pilled in his mouth. Tilting his back a little to gulp down the cup of water before looking at her again, "Ya nevah answered mah question ya'know. Bout how ta say yur full name." [04:21] Lumiere apparently already gave him the water so, she'd sit down next to him so he wouldn't say anything about it. "Loo-mi-air?" She shrugs. [04:25] (no name) Lek moved over to give her space so the girl wasn't so uptight about sitting down. Looking over to her a little confused, "Loo- mi- yeaaaaaaaaaar.. loo-mi-air?" He smirked a little after hearing himself, "See, told ya. Fancy ass name. It's.. pretty." [04:27] Lumiere scoots back towards him, to try and press his buttons. Totally under the assumption that he moved away for lulz. However, upon hearing that compliment, she blushes yet again. Easy blusher. :c "Th-thanks. It's a dead language." She shrugs again. [04:35] (no name) Lek looked over with a little smirk as she moved closer and only growing into a smile as she blushed, "Ye-" He turned a little and put a fist to his mouth to yawn. Looking back over and blinking more with a slight heavy feeling in his eyes, "Well..." When she wasn't looking he totally checked her out for a moment, "Ya go out wit dat ratboi right?" [04:37] Lumiere:  "Hnn? Yeah. He got expelled though, we haven't been talking as much," she sighs. They're a really awkward couple, plus with all the recent events, they've been seeing each other less. "I dunno," she sighs again. "It's weird. It sorta feels like we're not dating at all and have slight cuddles fests on occasion." The phrase "cuddle fest" making her giggle a bit due to how stupid it must sound. "Why?" Turning to look at him, she props an arm up and rests her head in her palm. [04:44] (no name) Lek looked down and played with the loose threads on his bottom of his baggy shorts, "Uh yea..." He remembered how he reacted to her then, sounding a little down at the thought of the kid getting expelled and Lumi besides the headmaster that had threatened lives. Looking back over as she continued speaking, left leg near his chest while resting against it and the injured one hanging over. Hearing about not dating his eyebrow quirked and he seemed a little.. happier? D: Hearing the cuddle fests though and seeing her giggle he frowned. Getting the wrong assumption as he spoke, "Cuddles fests.. is that.. a new codeword now?" He gave her that goofy smirk of a slight tease all 'what have YOU been doing' look. [04:45] (no name) Lek never answered her question of Why :> [04:46] Lumiere blushes hardcore, waving her hands in front of her face, "N-no! It's nothing like that! We've only ever kissed twice and..." she looks down at her feet with an annoyed expression. "He's the only person I've ever kissed, and it's only been twice." [04:46] Lumiere didn't realize. :D [04:51] (no name) Lek laughed a little with a mischeivious smirk at her hands waving about, "AIght, gon't get yer-" hearing the rest it was a good thing he didn't finish that phrase. Looking a little in disbelief at her, "Really? So dat's yur first boifrend? ....twice... dat's it..?" His head lifted up a little in a tease, "Dat's why yur so uptight!" Lek let a soft, "Pffhfhfhf." Out before asking, "Why old are ya ahnyways?" [04:53] Lumiere rubs the back of her neck, still looking annoyed. "I'm seventeen and sorry that I don't have a bunch of experience under my belt with guys." She asks again, "Why? Huh? How about you? Got a girlfriend? How old are you? What do /you/ do with other people?" She leans towards him, getting in his face yet againnnnnn. "Why you so nosy?" = u= [05:00] (no name) Lek smiled at her getting her panties in a bunch again :> Which he wanted to say so badly if it wasn't for her already flipping about over something like a kiss. Hearing her chains of questions he would leaned away a little and laugh, "Chill chill.." Suddenly blushing a little at what he does with other people. Since as a teenage boy he would sort of think of naughtier things at least in a second or two D:! "Uhh wha-wait what?!" Leaning back even more as she leaned forward and frowning, "Me nosy? Ya da one wit all that questions! I don't gotta girlfriend, uhhh seventeen... and... what's dat sposa mean? What I do? If ya WANNA get into detail..." That probably sounded so wrong, and he knew it. The kid just smirked a little again and expected the girl to freak out some more. [05:02] Lumiere continues to intrude in his personal space by leaning forward still. "Well you're bombarding me with questions, why can't I bombard you with questions?" Her face is red for the millionth time, though she stopped trying to hide it a while ago. However, she does look particularly pissed. Or something. Who knows. "So? Huh? Why you gotta know so much about me if you're gonna get all blah on me." [05:08] (no name) Lek cocked his head a little in a 'holy fuck' manner Dx at her telling him off, "A-ight a-ight... calm yurself geerl." Seeing hear lean forward even more the boy's blush didn't seem to fade one bit. Frowning at her second line of questions, "What...? I ain't gotta know bout you! Was jus askin', chill out. Blah on you? PFffffffft what's dat even mean?! And why ya getting so close ?! HMMM?!" He stopped leaning away so they would be even closer and would bump into her with a higher pitch joking voice, "Jus gotta get cloooooooooosah?!" [05:08] Luctor just enters like a pimp. [05:10] Lumiere stops being stupid as soon as Lek stops moving away. "... You're really odd." Finally realizing what an idiot she is, she snaps back into place, pulling her legs up to her chest and glaring at him. "It doesn't matter." [05:15] (no name) Lek gave her a dumbstruck look of 'yea right' on being called odd, "Pssh okay, me? If yur face gets ahny redder ya gunna be like one of dem Bombs in da fire cave." Seeing her pout he frowned again, leaning into his own knee a little with a slight doze before pulling himself back up. [05:17] Luctor was just here to get some slreeping pills, he finally returned to being an field SeeD after months of staying in Garden, teaching kids.This time he wasnt faking being an sleepwalker last time so he could grope girls :c XD He was strasightforward this time.Taking his pills, he'd hear voiices in the nest room, and decided to check on Lek.And when he did..He stayed silenta nd wide eyed."Oh.Sorry.Carry on what'cha  doing." He'd turn to leave. [05:19] (no name) Lek frowned softly, "Aye wha?! Nah I'm good. I ain't tired.. So ya only kissed him twice? Soooooooo yur pretty much as nub as dey get huh?" the slightest of a smirk as he joked about it. Wincing as he heard somebody and looked over towards Luctor with a slight blush coming back, "What's dat sposa mean?!"
[05:21] Lumiere shoots him yet another glare, "W-what? Am I supposed to throw myself at every available guy?" Turning away from him, she pouts . Her actions seem to repeat themselves a lot, huh... She paid no notice to Luctor and after looking back at Lek, wondered why in the world he'd blush at random. Dirty thoughts probably, the perv. D: [05:28] Luctor shrugs, with a misgiving smirk, a face shown when trolling someone."Oh, I thought I interrupted your fun.With an now obvious irish accent, he'd turn to talk towards Lumiere."Pardon me ingulgence..but a bonny lassy such as ye, wou'd be wasting herself'ith a smug lik'im. " He'd spit his tongue out to Lek."Healing already or not?" [05:30] Lumiere turns, confused with Lutor's accent. "P-pardon..?" o_o [05:32] (no name) Lek would have, before noticing Luctor, added to Lumiere only a smile and shake of his head, "Nah.. but... ya still nub.." When Luctor spoke though Lek seemed to change back into the smug look and brusk tone, "Wha-" Looking between him and Lumi before glaring at the instructor, "Yo watch yo mouf!" His anger was already seeming to come out rather quickly despite how much it didn't even show when Lumiere got poutty or cocky. Shifting in his seat a little with a dirty look like he was ready to stand and ignoring the healing question, "Dont call me smug man, want mah help and gunna start shit den ya not gettin' ahny!" [05:33] Maybel starts rooting around in the first aid box (where ever that is I assume here) cause she just got back from UFO hunting in the grasslands but fell out of a tree and now her leg is bleeding :c it's 5am so nurses are probably sleeping or something. She's making a lot of noise :> [05:45] Luctor would now give Lek an challenging cocky grin."Wonan go at'it, punk?! " " Luctor is just a troll, he wouldnt hurt an wounded person But the loud noises drew his attention and went to check out.Seeing maybel bleeding, he'd frown and nod to her."Let me help." He'd bash around for a bandage and disinfectant.He'd return with both and kneel before her with a smile."Stay still,it may sting abit." So he sprayed the wound and then wrapped the bandage around it :O [05:50] (no name) Lek stood up quickly only to stumble forward and grab the wall. Looking down at his right thigh like he was going to stab it for being injured >:C A small groan of pain as he turned to see Luctor leave and rose his voice, "Have fun wit dat solja bitch cause I ain't gunna help ya if ya wanna keep startin' shit!" Grunting angerly, not knowing where he went or why really :> and looking over at Teshak just to make sure he didn't wake the kid up. his voice remained brusk as he limped back to the bed to plop on it. Speaking too low for Luctor or Maybel to hear, "A disgrace o' a teacha, dat's what. He fuckin' rides his T-Board in da Garden. Should be fired." [05:54] Lumiere leans over and pokes Lek's side, "You should chill out, even if..." 'Cause god knows getting worked up, standing on a bad leg and not staying in bed with injuries is a bad thing. Mhm. Standing, she  simply goes to the corner and sits on the stool there, watching Lek. "You didn't hurt yourself did you?" [05:59] (no name) Lek winced at her poke and pushed her away with a mutter, "Awha-yahey.." Still brusk but not nearly as he just was. Frowning he would just move to lay down as she moved towards the stool. Laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling he would take out the mp3 and turn it on. Leaving the volume low to hear her besides it only being in one ear to begin with, "Nnno." spoken a little blunt. He didn't nearly have that soft and playful mood to him like before. [06:01] Lumiere sighs as she swings her legs, not really sure what to say. "You sure you don't wanna sleep?" Though, she proabably coudn't sleep if he stopped talking to her, so she'd go roam the library and read a book. Something like that. She wasn't really going to stay here but, she was sure as hell going to make sure he stayed here. :| [06:02] (no name) "No propblem.Did it hurt much?" Luctor said with another smile. He was wondering why such a cute little girl was out that late in the night, on top, bleeding.He didn't know much about Maybel, he only first met her at the docks,and gave her food, after learning she was the long missing abducted child by those Galbadians.Plus, she didn't look older than 14,15 maximum to him D: " Well, what were you doing up this late?It's past the curfew." He'd alos troll at them couple inside..cause he can.."AS A MATTER OF FACT..I DONT NEED SOMEONE TO HELP THAT CANT EVEN CONSFICATE ONE THING>Nyahahaa!" Anyway, he'd giggle abit and turn to Maybel awaiting for a answer [06:03] Lumiere continues to be confused by Luctor; thus she ignores him. [06:10] (no name) Lek seemed more awake anyways with his blood at least slightly boiling, "Nah. I ain't tired." Hearing Luctor raise his voice he would slide the mp3 bar quickly to blast the music and drown out most of what Luctor said before a low and brusk that only Lumiere could probably hear with how grumbled it was in his throat, "Probley lost dat sword ahnyway cause ya cant keep it down perv.." He at least didn't shout and rage back like usual since Lumiere and Teshak were there. [06:12] Moon (rafiel.sporaciao): fuckin' perv* D: [06:14] Lumiere frowns, "Aye, chill..." Lek's not very fun when he's pissed. He needs to stop that. He needs to stop that right now. D:< Starting up her usual habit of twiddling her thumbs, she begins to look around the room, feeling terribly awkward. [06:22] (no name) Lek looked over to her with a glare before it eased up with a deep breath. A small frustrated grunt on the exhale before he murmured a softer, "I'm fine." With some more time and calming himself the boy would yawn and look over at her. Lowering the volume a little he lazily kicked off his chucks by pushing at the back and sliding them over the edge of the bed. Peeking over at her again with a more relaxed look, "Ya really jus gunna sit dere da whole time?" [06:24] Lumiere:  "Hnn? Well, yeah. I told you I would. What do you expect me to do?" She shrugs, continuing to twiddle her thumbs. Still feeling rather awkward, she didn't really look at him as she spoke but instead was staring at the ceiling. Like that's gonna help. "I dunno, if you wanna leave the infirmary again, that's fine I guess. Just can't go anywhere terribly far." [06:27] Luctor looked back into the room, or atleast in that generic area and sighed."Well, then I'm expecting 140 gil for that painkiller." :c Ussually he wouldn't ask, but Lek's an ass xD.Then he smiled at Maybel."Well..you don't have to say.." He'd kinda lean in and whisper to her, so only her could hear."..cause there is a DC there.If he asks, I'll cover for you." It is strange that a SeeD is going against the Headmaster, and ontop, an Ex-Instructor.But He sucks ass :c [06:30] (no name) Lek started to get tired again as he calmed down and yawn even again with a few blinks. Smirking a little at her question, "Well... ta not sit in da... nevermind.." Seeing her twiddle the thumbs about he felt a little bothered. He started to get the idea that e probably made things awkward. "Well... uhhh..." The boy went quiet for awhile and frowned, grumling a little as he forced the word out that he rarely used, "Sss....sorry." frowning instantly after using it and shrugged, "Well with yur uptight nub kissing bomb face two steps out da infirm is too far fir you." He wouldn't have heard Luctor's remark because he had did have louder music at the time :C [06:33] Lumiere laughs, covering her face with her scarf again at his apology. It sounded funny and she wasn't sure why he'd apologized. "You tell me not to apologize so much and then you turn around and apologize for no reaso--" Nub kissing bomb face... What. "Aye. It's not my fault that I'm 'nub' at it, whatever that means..." Just like earlier, she tugs her scarf over her face because she can feel herself blushing agaaaaain. Holy shit, Lumi. Suddenly she cares again, too. "Should I make fun of you, too? Huh?" > 3> [06:41] (no name) Lek frowned as she laughed and just ended up blushing a little, "Wh-what's so funneh!?" hearing her explaination he poutted even more and plopped onto his back again, "I had a reason, I got mad. So... yea..." Smirking a little towards her in a more teasing voice, "Yea it is, bet he'd kiss ya if ya weren't so uptight!" He was starting to get use to seeing her pull up the scarf and even in this short time with Lumi doing the action over what seemed like a dozen times it was getting expected of her. Frowning again at making fun of him, "Hey. I don't apologize often." He looked at his mp3 and poutted with a grumble, "So just... enjoy it while it lasts..." [06:43] Moon (rafiel.sporaciao): dont apologize much* [06:44] Lumiere:  "Eh!?" she squeaks loudly. Practically ripping her hands away from the scarf, she points at him. Totally flustered. "I-I'm not uptight! And.. And, ugh! It's not my fault." Her excitement quickly turns into a quiet mumble. "He's just not really the kissing type, I think." 'Cause Marcus is really awkward and stuff. D: [06:46] Luctor frowns since Lek didn't answer and now Maybel was looking for food in her bag."...I think you should eat in your dorm.Its kinda late too.School will open in 3 hours afterall." [06:48] (no name) Lek grinned a little, "Not uptight... says da one flailin' all ova da room about a kiss." Hearing about it being because Marcus wasn't the kissing type he looked over a little confused, "What...? So what is he, a priest o' somethang?" [06:50] Lumiere ponders it for a moment, the action being obvious from her facial expressions while doing so. "Uhmmm... Well, he's not really a relationship person in general, now that I think about it. He's very.. stoic?" She shrugs, propping her arm up on her leg again as she leans forward to rest her head in her hand. "We just don't kiss much," she pauses, looking at Lek for a few moments. "Does being uptight make me unkissable or something?" [07:01] (no name) Lek rolled his shoulder a little with another soft yawn and still seeming dumbstruck, "Stoic?" He flipped out his phone and totally googled that word, "Uhhh endures pain widout showin feelins'? What's dat gotta do widda relations..oh wait.." He seemed to have found the rest of the definition or read the rest of the same one, "Uhhh so he's a robot?" Lek arched a brow and looked more towards her and when she mentioned not kissing much he let out a quick, "Psssh. He's dumb. I mean... He must be gay or somethang ta not wanna kiss ya.." Putting the phone back in his pocket he would start to remove the piercings in case he did pass out, "What?" Lek looked over at her question and stared blankly, looking at her with softer eyes before looking to the ceiling again. Undoing the piercings on the brim of his nose, "I don't mean it like dat.. if ahnythang it jus means ya need ta be kissed mo' or ya'know... get laid.. but you don't seem like dat kinda chick.." He smirked a little and awaited some kind of flailing [07:01] (no name) about from her before adding, "Guys usually like innocent geerls so... it jus makes ya mo' cute."
[07:06] Lumiere sits quietly, listening to what Lek has to say. When she asks if he's a robot, she sorta bursts out laughing. "I've totally called him that before~!"  Glad to know that someone agrees, even if Marcus just turned into an awkward boyfriend robot... thing. Though, once he starts mentioning how he's dumb and all that rot, she looks the other way. You could probably guess why. Mhm. "I'm not cute," she mumbles, flailing her arm half-assedly in his direction. [07:06] Lumiere adds, "And if you're tired, sleep dammit." [07:14] (no name) Lek removed the three and would try to roll on his side aaand that wasn't happening. Besides it already being a pain when twirking the neck it caused the most problem in using shoulder muscles which when he tried to use to get the piercings on the bedpost he would just grunt and groan in pain. Almost rolling off the bed just to succeed with a quite and huffed, "Ah shit.." Before grunting back on his back and just staring at the ceiling. Thinking he might not want to do that for every set of piercings. Moving to his eyebrows to take those out and laughing a little, "Yea.. I think I heard him talk befo' too if I'm thinkin' of the right guy..wait yea the redhead ratboi right? He.. talks... like that sam program on my computer I swear." Taking the eyebrow piercing out fully he moved to his ears. He had alot of piercings! hearing not cute the boy looked over and just glared at her, "Really? Ya still gunan say dat?" Groaning he looked ready to facepalm, "What's up wit women and not takin' a compliment when dey [07:15] (no name) get one? Ya'know... if alotta guys call ya hot.. den ya probley hot. Or else dey wouldn't say that, would they?" Upon her add he would simply put a blunt but playful, "Nope." To the comment. [07:21] Lumiere pouts as she stands, then leaning over him. "You want help with that? You're makin' a lot of noise. Can't be good." Though, without waiting for him to consent, she starts gently removing piercings. "And yes, the rat boy. He's not particularly fond of you, but you knew that." Then again, it's not like Marcus knows when it's apropriate to open his mouth. Aghhh that guy. "He means well though, usually." Holding open her hand, she motions for him to give her the rest of the piercings he'd taken out so she could put them aside. "Yes, I will say that." <Ya'know... if a lotta guys call ya hot. Den ya probley hot. Or else dey wouldn't say that, would they?> "Well it's not like I get that a lo--" Cue blushing, again. D: [07:34] (no name) Lek plopped a hand over his face, "Ahwhat?!" Now he was the one hiding behind something as she started to remove piercings. Blushing a little embarassed as the boy tensed up, "Uh..... N-no whayadoin'?! Ijusthadtroubelgettingemonthathingahhhhhwaitstop!" He would try to manuever away, feeling really strange and shy to have her touching at his face DX He would put two hands over his face and try to cover ears and mouth where there were the only piercings left which made his hand position look like he was reenacting some squid trying to eat his face. Muffling through his hands at her, "Jus... put them.... on tha... bedpost..." Taking a deep breath and easing up a little he just frowned, "I know, nothin' new fo' me. He dunno when ta shut it though..." Yea that was pretty much all their arguments anyways, "He's like a walkin' spellchecka and tries ta act like he's smarter den everyone else..." Looking over with a pout at the open hand before plopping literally around 12 or so piercings from just his ears and [07:34] (no name) and mouth into her hand and some even being connect by three rings which made it more of 3 piercings than one anyways. Peeking up at her with a blank look, "Really? Den they jus scurred da tell ya up front. Cause well... yur hot. So stop thinkin' ya ain't." [07:37] Lumiere continues to blush as she walks to the other side of the bed to place them where he'd said to. Who was she to get flustered by some flirt's comments. She shakes her head, placing them on the bedpost. "Hnnng.." [07:41] (no name) Lek watched her and added a rather quick, "Thanks." that could barely be heard before looking to his mp3. His face probably looked a whole lot different without piercings filling it up, "Somethang wrong?" [07:43] Lumiere:  "Hn? Nothing. Why?" Back to twiddling her thumbs. Yep. "I need to get a grip," she says quickly under her breath,  hoping he wouldn't pick up on it. "Tired, maybe?"
[07:47] (no name) Lek shrugged, "Ya kinda go 'hnnn' or somethang before goin' quiet so... was jus askin'.." Yea he would notice something small like that D: "What dat like.. yur thinkin' noise? Nahaha." Smiling a little now before hearing.... whatever it was. "What?" He leaned forward like she was going to repeat it for him, "Ya meet a ... rip... or..." If she didn't answer he wouldn't push it after noticing her quick response of something else that probably meant the mumbling wasn't something she wanted heard. Which he knew quite a bit about as a mumbler himself, "Uhhh I guess. I'll jus shutup and sleep if yur dat tired." [07:51] Lumiere repeats herself quietly, "I need to get a grip, I said." Yeahhh, she's not looking at him after she says that. Not sure if she should leave, she looks about nervously, feeling sillier than eariler. Yay, awkward Lumi.
[07:53] Lumiere:  "And I'm not that tired. So you don't have to shut up if you don't want to?" Facepalming, she sits down on the floor against the wall, looking up at him.
[07:59] (no name) Lek stops for a moment and watches her, blinking a few times before a smile overcame him. "Damn..." Shaking his head a little about who know D8 When she got all quiet and nervous he was too sure how to react himself in calming her down. "Get a grip frrrooom... T-Boardin'?" He wanted to say something that made her think he was 100% dumbfounded at the sentence although that was the best lie he could come up with at the time. He was usually a good liar, frowning a little and wondering what the hell was his problem. As she talked about not shutting up the boy watched her facepalm. Groaning a little frustrated he would roll painfully near the edge so he could see her better, "Aight well.. ya shuld no I ain't gunna shutup so if ya ain't tired... heh...I feel mad dumb layin' on da bed like some damsel and ya on da floor..." [08:03] Lumiere gives him a look as if he's stupid, "T-Boarding...?" Though, she appreciates his attempt of acting stupid and laughs a little bit. That laugh kinda dies when he starts rolling over to face her, "Oi. Don't move so much--" Haha. Damsel. He speaks really funny, but it's cool. "Sounds fine but, don't. You're injured, I'm not. Only makes sense." All the while, she continues to watch him. What a creeper. ;-; [08:03] Lumiere:  "Don't feel dumb, I mean." [08:11] (no name) Lek rubbed at his hair a little and tried to play it off and have the act of stupidity make some sense, "Uhhnnheh yea... ya'know... ya gotta grip the edge of da board... ta do tricks.. and shit..." He gave a weak smile which he wasn't one to ever fake a smile so it just looked completely failed. Although her laugh eased him up again. He still rolled anyways :> and stayed there despite her complaining about it, "Yea? Welllllllll thaaaaaaaaaaat's yuuuuuuuuuuur opinion." Yea he used that phrase in a lot of arguements but the tone and stretch of the words sounded more joking. "Ya coulda jus gotta... i'dunno... not like I'm restin' much.. da- er.. well.. Ermmmmmmm nevermind.." About 3 sentences went through his had and he just REJECTED them all to keep her from thumb twiddling again D: or maybe to keep him from doing that too :C [08:15] Lumiere smiles at him, laughing again as he fails to think of something to say. "Thanks. Sorry, I'm being really weird, and I need to take your advice and relax," she sighs. 'Cause flirty DC boy who's flirtier with her than her own boyfriend is so tempting.
[08:22] (no name) Lek frowned a little at the thanks since the tough ext.....nah it's a chick it's okay :> He lightened up again and quirked a brow at her apologizing again, "Well why ya wierd.. I mean... somein' up?" He looked looked down at the light starting to shine on the floor and peeked to the ceiling, "Uhhhh what time isit?"
[08:23] Lumiere takes her scarf and throws it in his face, "I don't wanna say-- Ah..." she pulls her phone out of her pocket and flips it open to check, "About 8:30AM. Holy shit." [08:30] (no name) Lek closed his eyes and just lie there like a sitting duck as the scarf plopped on his face and laughing a little he could smell her which made.. his cheeks flush the slightest before taking the scarf from his face. After asking her about the time her would have remembered he had a phone too and reached for it with a, "Wait no nevermind I got da...." although as she pulled her phone out faster he put his back all :| "Nevermind.." looking over see to hear the time and letting out a softer tone, "Nahaha, damn woman. Talk 'bout me gettin' sleep and den keepin' me up all night!" to add to the tease he would grunt a little pain while holding onto the scarf and moving it to the opposite side, "Well.. dis is mine now. Ya break it, ya buy it!" [08:34] Lumiere frowns, blushing a bit, "Sorry. I honestly did mean to get you to sleep."  As he claims her scarf, she stares at him blankly. "You like girly scarves?" [08:37] (no name) Lek shrugged, "I don't care, it was fun so... don't matter if I slept o' not.." When hearing about him liking girly scarves he tried to explain himself, "nah nahnah I mean ya tried ta wack DA FACE-" even if his back was turned he would motion to his whole head, "So ya gotta pa-" He just... gave up.. because the more he explained the more idiotic it sounded and would roll over withh :| expression before he tossed it back at her, "There. You win." [08:40] Lumiere smirks, tossing it back in his face a second time, "Noooo. I broke it, apparently." His antics were pretty cute, agh. At least she was kinda coming to her senses? Though she really should stop. "Changed your mind or something?" [08:44] (no name) Lek pouted a little, "Nah ya didn't break mah face, DIS-" He motioned to by spinning a finger around the whole head while facing her this time before opening his palm and without touching his face made a carwashing motion, -" IS UNSTOPPABLE!" He made that stupid smile again before speaking, "Change mah mind fir what?" [08:46] Lumiere giggles, "Okay, okay." Raising her arms in surrender, she sticks her tongue out at him, "Keeping that girly scarf.?  Iunno. I have others." Though she isn't really sure why he'd wanna keep it. Unless he likes polkadots? [08:50] (no name) Lek flattened his brows with a soft smile from her tongue sticking out, "Huh?" He looked at it and back to her blankly before tossing it towards Lumi, "Why would I keep it? Was jus playin'... Unless ya gotta nice dress ta match it fo' mi?" He quickly shook his hands in the air, "Aaaand now now that was a joke! Don't .... er... yea don't ... say .. wow.. that sounded mad gay.." He just.. facepalmed and tried to make sure Teshak wasn't awake to spread a rumor like that. [08:55] Lumiere wraps the scarf back around her neck as she laughs, "You're funny. And I'm sorry that I'm asking again but, you sure you don't feel like sleeping?" She felt like she should ask, considering what time it is. [08:57] (no name) Lek wasn't sure what was up with him, he's a goof but even moreso now it seemed. It was like watching what he said to prevent from embarassing her just lead to embarassing himself. Giving a quirked smile at being called funny since it just seemed like he was making a fool of himself, "Nnnnnnnthanks.." Rubbing at his eyebrow a little since it felt odd having piercings out sometimes D: He peeked to the light and back to her, "Nah man, I went through like... a tired mode and now dat it passed I'm not even sleepeh no mo'" [08:59] Lumiere scoots closer to his bedside, leaning against it. "You sure? 'Cause I'll sit here and talk to you for days if you let me." [09:02] (no name) Lek watched her scoot closer and laughed a little, "Nahahaha.. yea I'm shur, trust me ba- " He played off a word he was about to say and played with the hole in his lip before continuing, "If I really am tired I'd pass out while yo' talkin' so eitha way da talkin' not gunna botha me.. unless yur gunna yell at me da whole time or somethang. But I doubt it." [09:06] Lumiere looks up at him, grinning widely. "Cause I yell at you all the time." If she really wanted to, she could apologize for their past encounters but. Meh. He'd probably tell her otherwise or somethin'. That and, she didn't feel like she needed to for the first couple times she'd bitched at him. 8D Haha. "Thanks though, talking to you has made me feel better. Yesterday wasn't terribly bad but, I wasn't in a great mood." She adds, with a nervous chuckle, "I know better than to bitch at Cace." [09:13] (no name) Lek grinned a little himself, "Well.." Rubbing at his hair a little while looking around the room, "Yur not dat bad... I mean.. well.. I can tell ya I got alotta geerls here who...derr good at yellin'... trust me.." He frowned a little and rubbed at the brown and yellow bruise healing on his face. Blinking a little confused at the thanks, "What.... I.. did..? Uhhhhh... okay..." He couldn't really remember the last time someone said he actually made them feel better. "What happened yestahday?" Whenever Cace was mentioned he would look off a little before back to her, "Uhhh it was cool. I mean. You sayin' shit ta him.." His voice was quieter, he didn't want to really admit that he probably can't do that. [09:17] Lumiere pokes Lek's nose, giving him an odd look. "Uhm. If you wanna hear about it, I can tell you I guess." It was a particularly serious talk that she'd had with Usagi and well, eh. She felt kinda dumb by the end of it and it ruined her mood for the day, basically. "Eh, but.. Cace is my sister's friend. There's a reason, ya know? He's also my superior in the DC. I need to respect him, even if he pisses me off." [09:21] (no name) Lek went crosseyed when following the finger and starting to move back before it was too late, "Nawha?" rubbing at his nose a little with a frown as he listen. "Uhhh sure I guess.." He wasn't sure how to answer something like that since most female friends he had were... bitches to say the least. Shrugging lightly about Cace, "Yea but... it still took balls.. or .. ovaries.. ovary balls." He paused for a moment before realizing what he said and laughing about it. [09:23] Lumiere laughs with him, finding him to be weirdly charming with his Stupid-Lek-Speak. Mhm. That's what it is. "Wellllll... So, it's like this," she starts. "I'm from Dollet, like I said. 'Rents have a shop and we're pretty comfy. Big family, really close. Never had any issues till I decided I wanted to go train in a Garden, right?" She waits for his reaction before continuing. :o [09:26] (no name) Lek still smiled the slightest even of a centimeter as she started to tell the story, his eyes fixated on her while she spoke. Blinking a few times with a light nod to each key point although Lek being almighty curious he treated it like some story telling show with a questioning, "What kinda shop?" [09:30] Lumiere starts to continue but pauses, smiling a bit. "Does that matter? It's a general shop. Cace used to sell his dad's pelts to us. S'how he knows my sister." Leaning forward a bit more, she reaches up to his face and pinches his cheeks, "But the point is, I was on hella good terms with my family before I decided I wanted to come here.' She rolls her eyes as she lets go. "They want me to stay home and stuff like that. Take care of shop, go get married to a nice boy and let men handle the fighting. They're so old fashioned. It's like they're relics." <Insert Lumi bitching about shit here>
[10:32] (no name) Lek smirked a little, "Nah it's cool.." watching her burry in the blankets or whatnot he would just look at her with a 'wtf are you doing' look. The description of offing herself made him rather puzzled, "Uhhhh..." Hearing it continue he would frown a little, "Selfish..? What's offing mean?" The boy rubbed at his hair a little embarassed from the question but knowing himself he would think of the complete opposite of what it actually meant. [10:33] Lumiere:  "I felt like killing myself? How do you not know what offing yourself means? Buh." She kinda just stays still, hiding her face from him. :T
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brooklynislandgirl · 3 years
Bits and Bobs || Accepting
Two glasses of wine deep and Mikhail has a new game. His fingertips glide back and forth across her wrist and maybe it’s distortion or the fact that everything is surrounded by a nice Sirrah glow but he feels far closer to her than he actually is and that the intensity of his dark eyes seem to block out everything else. Maybe it’s both and she doesn’t realise it yet, but she is very agreeable in this moment. She takes one last sip for the moment and sets her glass down on the coffee table before narrowing her eyes {inadvertently scrunching her nose while doing so} and tilting her head to one side, considering the first question carefully.
what color reminds your muse of mine?
“Oh, dat one easy,” she says as soon as it processes through her mind, distilled into its rawest essence. “Midnight blue. Now you’d t’ink I’d go black but you’re more subtle dan dat. You’ve got depths an’ shallows an remind me of a star strewn sky ovah Mount Ka’ala, highest point on O’ahu, part of Waiʻanae mountains. If ya nevah seen da view from dere, den ya nevah really live an’ it scare me jus’ a lil cause I no like da dark but I t’ink I’d brave it t’ show you. Like take you to see, not shoyu...uh..soy sauce.”
what song reminds your muse of mine?
“Bob Dylan’s Make You Feel My Love. F’I close my eyes, I could almost imagine ya sitting at our piano an’ singin’ it.” She gives a little blushing shrug and clears her throat. It’s a fraction of a key off, and without accompaniment it might sound a little rough.
“When the rain is blowing in your face...And the whole world is on your case...I could offer you a warm embrace...To make you feel my love...When the evening shadows and the stars appear..And there is no one there to dry your tears...I could hold you for a million years...To make you feel my love.”
what scent reminds your muse of mine?
“Dere’s dis library in Prague, da Klementinum, and is one of da most beautiful kine I’ve ever seen. An’ I know ya sit dere an say ‘but Beth, dat no smell...but it is. Subtle. Dream of a million books, paper, parchment, skin. Da binding of glue an’ leather an’ wood. You can smell da ink, too an’ alla bits used t’ make it. An’ dere’s a cleanness, a dustiness, an’ from people, dere’s a hint of colognes or perfumes, no kine quite distinct enough to linger. And of course dere’s always a lil bit coppery tang, a sharp but never cloying sorta aftertaste. And when I breath ya in, is...is like dat. Bes’ way I can describe it.” ~*~ what meme reminds your muse of mine? It’s the first time she’s pulled out her phone in hours. Unlike most people of the modern age, Beth isn’t so attached to the device that she needs to be on it every sparing second, and certainly when she is spending time with someone, they are her sole focus. Her little fingers fly over the screen on their search and is seemingly ignorant to being observed.  Moments like these are rare, when she doesn’t seem painfully aware of every detail in the world around her and the shy smile that blooms is unrestricted, uncultured, and a little crooked.  “Here, dis one.” She offers him the phone.
what sound reminds your muse of mine?
“Jus’ before one storm break, da air all but crackles wi’ ion particles dat ya can feel dance on ya skin. An’ den it get really hush, holdin’ it’s breath. The tide doesn’t roar so much as it hums, expectantly. Tentative kisses on da sand, an’ even da trees shake deir branches before goin’ all still. It’s a combination of all of doze...da loudness an’ da stillness...dat you remind me of. Only happens on ocean coasts, is nevah da same inna city, an’ pity dat.”
what setting reminds your muse of mine?
“Somewhere in da English or Scottish moors, when da sky all grey alla time, an’ every kine is misty an’ green, despite lack of sun. Some kind of dilapidated country estate li’dat Thrushcross Grange from Wutherin’ Heights. One of them white shirts and dark pants. Boots up to your knees. Lurking in half-glass windows. Mebbe is haunted, mebbe not. I can see you ridin’ horses too, for wha’evah is worth.”
She laughs. Takes her glass off the table and gestures at him with it before looking away. It’s too easy to picture him like that. And to come up with a dozen what ifs. It almost feels a little silly. She lifts the wine and takes a less than delicate drink.
what fashion style reminds your muse of mine?
“Dat one coat of yours. One with all dem buckles an’ and silver buttons? Or mebbe a cloak, long an’ dark an’ fluttery in da wind. ‘S nevah dat ya look bad in regular clothes, I mean you make any kine look good, really. Like should have been a model or somet’ing...but I dunno. I jus’ t’ink ya can pull off more historical kine wi’out making it look...cheesy. I t’ink it mebbe your cheekbones or jus’ how slinky you are.” ~*~ what feeling does your muse associate with mine?
This particular one saw the levity drained out of her and enshroud Beth in a sense of...confusion. Brows knit above her gaze and her eyes themselves darken not exactly with suspicion but something in the relative neighbourhood. She grows both quiet and nervous at once. She is silent for almost a full minute. 
She neither explains nor pads out her answer. “Longing.” ~*~
what animal does your muse associate with mine?
“Uhm...” It’s hard one-eighty degree turn from where she’d been to where she’s going with this and perhaps she’s more specific than she ought to be, but if experience has taught Mikhail anything is that Beth’s brain tends to latch onto ideas like lifelines. “Pallid Harrier. Circus macrourus. Is a migratory bird kinda like a hawk or falcon. Scientific name from ancient Greek, in reference to da way it circles its prey in flight, an’ possibly da long tail. Tends to breed an’ hunt in eastern Europe, an’ dere’s a rare kine variant dat live in Britain. Is a beautiful an’ deadly creature, preys on small vertebrates an’ sometimes fish. Doesn’t really belong in da world of man...well, people. Like putting an angel or a god on display an’ den aksin’ dem to treat it wi’ respect.”
what holiday does your muse associate with mine?
“Midwinter. Or Yule. Whatever ya wanna call it, is da winter solstice an’ da longest night of da year. Traditionally celebrated to appease da Wild Hunt, or out of fear of it. I dunno. But as wi’ mebbe all winter holiday, seems like da key to it is celebratin’ with a feast, drinkin’, an’ a sacrifice. Mos’ people now a days forget dat winter ‘til spring were once called da starvation months....an’ by giving up dat blood, dey were ensurin’ survival as well as da sun’s rebirth. But I mean dat in a good way, not nearly as gruesome as it sounds. Uhm...mebbe giving a couple days an’ I come up wi’ some kine mo’beddah an answer.” ~*~ what season does your muse associate with mine?
“Winter. Is my favourite... all da t’ick an’ warm clothes ya get t’ wear, an’ snow...which true story...nevah did see until I came t’ New York when I was sixteen. It was so weird an’ wonderful an’ I kinda fell in love with it. Like waddah-sky-glitter, too hard f’ explain. It’s cocoa an’ coffee, an’ it’s long nights inside with a fire in da hearth, and cuddling up, reading an’ stuff undah da blankets, an...too... Winter’s da best time to surf, da conditions are perfect for killah swells. But like me, I t’ink you prefer da quiet, dim, an’ jus’...intimate nature of a quiet winter night.”
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yukikorogashi · 4 years
💞💖💘💕 don't have to do them all if you don't want to, this just seems cute!
Positivity meme (Slowly Accepting)
Send 💞 and my muses will say something nice about your muse
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   FOR AS NERVOUS AS SHE WAS, there was no denying just how EXCITED she still was-- as she began making way up to the front of the classroom itself. Having even gone through the effort of asking for both her uncles’ feedback, when it came to both her written and oral presentation. Both-- that have certainly needed quite some reworking, as expected. Still, however, that night would prove itself to be exhausting and yet, surprisingly fun. Especially as she sat there and listened to TWO VERY DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEWS on the subject matter itself. Now rewritten and even typed out from the FAMILY TYPEWRITER itself (That she had an absolutely BALL typing on-- that was, until Uncle Hosea stepped in due to the typos she kept making). she was ready. At least, so she wanted to believe... as she looked over her entire class, and over towards her teacher then. As she straightened the essay held firmly within her very hands, Itsuki would clear her throat, straighten her back one more time, and began:
   “Ah ‘ave dreamed about the day dat ah would get ta find a place ah could call mah very own HOME. An’ yet, little did ah know dat he would come in the form of a man named ARTHUR MORGAN. A kind, an’ hardworkin’ man, WHOM ah had only gotten da chance ta meet wit’. When he had paid a visit to the ORPHANAGE-- jus’ so he could HELP OUT. An’ while he ain’t all dat-- oof, sorry-- is not much of a talker, his ACTIONS always spoke louder than words. The day we got ta meet an’ sit ta-gether at the swings, would be the beginnin’ of the BEST DAYS of mah life. As ah would soon enough, be allowed ta call this man... mah own FATHER.
    Now, as ah had mentioned earlier, mah pa-- mm, ‘cuse me-- father, is a hardworkin’ man. Who always gets up before the crack of every dawn, and works his fingers to the bone. On the ranch that he near singlehandedly takes care of. An’ despite that, mah pa still finds the time ta watch o’er me, an’ help me out wit’ mah homework, whenever need it. Every moment we get to spend ta-gether is an ADVENTURE. Even when it comes ta preparin’ DINNER, you’d ‘ave ta be there ta believe it.
  Ah love my pa, an’ uhm just so grateful ta ‘ave him in mah life. He makes me so PROUD ta be his DAUGHTER.”
   And she could only hope, that he felt the same way about her.
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   AND SO WOULD THE REALISATION strike her, so much so like a bolt of lightning shot down from the VERY HANDS OF ZEUS himself. For despite having known the other far longer than she had any other soul in these past few centuries. Kassandra was still far less inclined to openly express herself these days, when compared to how her younger self would most likely have had... so very long ago. Grimacing to herself then as she remembered her attempts. Of the words that she had dared deemed SACCHARINE, Kassandra believed then that it was perhaps for the best that she had long since grown past... such ways.
   “Something nice, you say...” It wasn’t to say that she had nothing at all to say (The complete opposite, in fact), but simply struggled to string those words together in a coherent enough manner, right then and there, “Hm, let me see...” 
   “It has been so long since I have met a man like him. A man as loyal as he. That by the Gods themselves, it almost makes the HEIREIAI’S own actually PALE in comparison.” Remembering back to the very day that he had come to her aid, Kassandra’s first impression of these lands had definitely been salvaged thanks to him. Unlike those MALAKAS to which she had been more than glad to offer a MUCH NEEDED PAY BACK to, later on. “He is a good man...” A wonderful man, A GREAT MAN, in fact. Especially to this Spartan warrior. These few simple words... to which she would continue to struggle in openly expressing, save through a soft gaze from her. Or a touch from calloused fingertips themselves.
   Drifting off for a moment with a gentle purse of her lips, Kassandra’s eyes would then wander off to where he would now stand. As a more evident smile would begin to make its way upon already thoughtful features.
   “... one who has made me smile, if not laugh, so many times now since I have arrived here...” As it became apparent that some playful rough housing had since begun to take place between him and one of the other gang members, Kassandra would snort as she continued to watch them off from the side, “... And one whom I cannot possibly imagine NOT having in my life.”
Send 💖 and my muses will say something nice about you, the mun
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   “... Naw way... is dat... is dat rea-leh ya???” Oh Goddess, just look how much they have changed since she had last met them. As Itsuki would begin to amble through the thick snow, so would a brilliant squeal would leave her as she flopped forward and threw her arms around them in greeting, “It is yoooou! Oh, Rory, it’s been AGES! It’s so good ta see ya again!!!” All too abruptly however, would she stop in her hopping (Humorously sluggish considering how much snow there was out here, but all the same as ENERGETIC as it possibly could be), and give the most POWERFUL POUT that she could muster up at them, “Hmph! Took ya long enough ta visit! Didn’ ah tell ya dat ah was gonna cook us the yummiest din-din da next time ya dropped by? ... Wait, ah didn’? ... Well then.” Wasting no more time then, so would the child begin to guide them back to her hut. With their hand held in her well-worn, but all the soft white mitten. It would offer some semblance of warmth from the cold itself, before a far greater source of heat from the fireplace greeted them from beyond the hut’s entrance drapes.
   “C’mon, sit yerself down, now! Ya need a break frum all’a dat hard work ya’ve been puttin’ in, oh, ah can tell! An’ ‘ave ya been gettin’ enough sleep?” Itsuki simply couldn’t take her eyes off them, as she began setting everything up. Grinning over to them every now and then, as she got the bowls and utensils ready. “Omgosh ah jus’... ah nearly didn’ recognise yer fer a second, y’know? But... ah know it’s ya, da moment ah took a good look at dem PEEPERS of yers! Still as purteh as da last time ah saw am, hehe! Oh-- uhm jus’ so glad ta see dat y’ve been doin’ so well fer yerself, y’know? Ah mean-- ah heard ‘bout how yer doin’ fer da sis. But, uhm so glad dat ah can finall-eh see it fer m’self! An’ jus’ tell ya how PROUD ah am of ya! Yer jus’ kickin’ so much BUTT out there, an’ it shows!”
   As she handed a large bowl of OHAW over to them, Itsuki would still continue to chatter excitedly away.
   “Ya gotta share wit’ me what ya’ve been studyin’ over thar, hehe! Please!”
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   A KNOWING SMILE would begin to grace her lips, as she acknowledged the other with the slightest nod of her head. "And so, do we finally meet... Come, sit with me.” And as she would say those words, the immortal swore that she could hear IKAROS’ near indignant squawk amidst the red cardinals, bluejays, and goldfinches that have chosen to brave the coldest of seasons itself. To which she would silently offer a half-hearted apology, and a sigh through her nose in remembrance. For it was a pity, seeing as he would have liked them. 
   “... Malaka, it amazes me just how well you are able to withstand this cold during every single year!” The statement would leave her in an almost boisterous sort of bark, one that clearly bore jest (While also most likely causing any nearby to jump). If not a desire to lighten the somewhat awkward air between them. After all, while they have known one another for quite some time now-- it would only be now, that they would be allowed to meet one another FACE-TO-FACE. And all thanks to the FATES themselves-- and of course, one other soul that couldn’t be there, right then. “I have most certainly heard a great deal about you, Rory. A shame that it is only now that we would finally have the chance to meet, no?” For their eyes would bear a striking resemblance to the FIESTY CHILD that she would hold near and dear to her heart, after all this time.
   “Now, let me see... Allow this great and powerful immortal to peer into your very soul~” Even as she would snort at her little half-joke, the woman would continue to study the other intently. Reaching out to brush some strands away from their forehead, as she continued to smile down at them. Her expression almost unreadable, before another eventually nod followed, with this one being one of the UTMOST APPROVAL, "Ah, so the tales are true.” Carrying on in her theatrics, Kassandra would sit back ever so slightly as she lifted the STAFF OF HERMES TRISMEGISTUS up to the skies themselves, “You-- Rory--bear the SOUL OF A WARRIOR. A flame that has burned and braved through much.” As she would settle her free hand back upon their shoulder, that mirthful expression was almost comforting. Once again, knowing for all that she had seen, and yet, bearing such WARMTH that she had since begun to offer to only very few, “There is so much waiting up ahead of you, Rory. So much that we are all so excited to see you accomplish... And so, accept this one piece of advice from me: Keep fighting. Promise me this, will you?”
Send 💘 and the mun will say something nice about your muse
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   I will never forget the day when Rory and I started talking about you, after watching that very first trailer that featured you, Mister Morgan. We had such high expectations, and good lord, did you blow it all COMPLETELY OUT OF THE WATER! Heh, like, you aren’t just a handsome outlaw, are you? You ended up being so, SO MUCH more than that. And I thank the lord each day that Rory chose to pick you up as a much. And do SO MUCH JUSTICE when it comes to their HEARTFELT PORTRAYAL of you. We have had so many amazing interactions together, and one of the best things I got to be blessed with over these past years was Itsuki finally getting to have such a wonderful man as her father! And of course, not only that... I see you spending some time with a certain Grecian lady~ Oh, you know the one I’m talking about ~ 😏
   You are most certainly one of the most comforting presences to see now on this site... especially when times are admittedly as rough as they are. And, I hope you know how always make Itsuki’s day, whenever you choose to comment or pop in her inbox to say hi or chastise her, hehe. I just always love seeing you around on my dash, Mister Morgan. And don’t think I forgot those sweet words you left for me on my old blog during one rough day I had. I just wish I had been able to keep a digital copy of it, truth be told. But I will most certainly never ever forget them. 
   Now, forgive me for ending this off like a typical fangirl. But we love you, YES WE DOOOOO!!! And sorry, sir. But I’m gonna have to break social distancing and give you a big ol’ hug now... And of course, thank you so much for the JELLYBEANS! c:
Send 💕 and the mun will say something nice about you, the mun
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   WHEW, I’m sorry this took awhile, but I really wanted to make sure that I got all of this done properly (Especially with ol’ Kassandra, hahaha!). But oh man, oh man... Rory, please. You know what this is going to lead to. When it comes to me gushing about you. Say something nice? ONE THING? PUH-LEASE! You are one of my bestest friends, Rory... and I get so choked up, no matter how many times I say that. I thought you were going to be one of those super cool folks that I was going to just admire from afar. But no, the Gods themselves must be smiling down upon me because we ended up talking and well, the rest is history. We have done so SO MUCH together over the years that it still amazes me to this day, tbh... During some days when we reminisce together, another memory pops up that makes us go “HOLY SHIT, OH YEAH!!!” I am just so happy that we can talk about nearly anything, you know? How we can connect on so many things, tbh. No matter what the subject is, I swear-- we always get into some long-ass conversations, and I just love that so much!!! 
   But oh, what the heck am I doing? I’m suppose to be saying nice things about YOU! And the stuff before is just cheating, so get to it, Becky! Like, Rory... you are just an amazing friend to everyone that knows you tbh. A person that everyone is so lucky to have in their corner. I know so many people feel the same way as me, and can never express their gratitude enough for all that you have done for them as a friend. You are just such a kind, patient, genuine, and empathetic person, and that is honestly so damn rare to find in people these days. Which is why I am always so grateful that I can open up to you on my worst days, and especially when you yourself are so wonderful as to reach out to me and give me a hug first... I’m such a weenie that has since started to huddle in her corner. So when I hear you from behind me, tapping gently on my shoulder the way you do... I’m so grateful, Rory. I truly am...
   And not only that, you know by now that I stan TF out of your writing, and think that you are one of the most amazing writers I have ever known! You know I enjoy tf out of every interaction I get to have with you. Ever amazing interaction we get to have between our muses. And honestly, I will always be one of your biggest fans. Who will be booing and hissing at those who are too blind to see quality when its right in front of them! You are honestly such an intelligent, hardworking and talented individual, Rory... And I can’t say that enough, tbh. If you ever wrote and published a book one day, you KNOW I’m gonna be the first one to preorder it! So you better tell me when you do... catfish? B(
   But just in case I don’t find a good Christmas or EOY meme... I hope you know much I cherish you, bud. How proud I am to bear witness to how far you have come over these past years. I am literally already vibrating here for the day you graduate too tbh. Like ohhhh, I think I need to do a video recording to YELL over just how proud I am when that day comes for you!!! Please continue to fight with all your might, okay, bud? We are all cheering you on, and ofc, I’m always here whenever you need a breather from that tough ass battle. I love you so much, and can’t wait to our next chat on Discord!!!
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harrywavycurly · 7 years
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“Harry they all look the same.” You saw him roll his eyes at you as you took a seat on the plush couch in the middle of the Gucci store.
When Harry called you and asked for you to accompany him on a shopping trip you knew this is where the two of you would end up. What you didn’t expect was to spend half an hour looking at four pairs of black boots that all looked the same.
“This one has a buckle on it,” You turned your head and let out a sigh as Harry picked up one of the boots. “This one has some nice fringe like detail and the other is jus like plain.” Harry was now standing in front of you with two of the boot options in his hands.
“Get the plain one.” Your answer made him tilt his head and furrow his brows as he stared at the two boots in his hands. “Or get them all.” You added making him roll his eyes.
“If ya help me make this decision I will get you one of those sweatshirts that’s like mine you’re always trying to swipe from my closet.” Harry knew that would get your full attention, you quickly stood up and walked over towards the other pairs of boots he was contemplating on buying. He followed you and stood behind you as you tapped your index finger to your chin while giving each boot a once over.
“The plain one is still what I️ would go with.” You turned around and grabbed the plain boot out of his hand causing him to shoot you a confused look. “You have boots with details, from buckles to fringe. But what you don’t have is a simple plain black boot.” You added and this made him nod his head in agreement, he leaned over and placed the other boot he has holding back on the display table.
“I agree, need a boot to wear fo my mo casual days.” This made you laugh as Harry slung his arm over your shoulder as the two of you walked towards the front of the store.
“Now about that sweatshirt.” You looked around the store and a small frown took over your face once you realized they didn’t have any out. Harry just pulled you closer to his side once the two of you made it to the counter so Harry could pay for his boots.
“Can have mine love.” He whispered in your ear before placing a quick kiss to the top of your head. He dropped his arm from your shoulder so he could pull his wallet out from his back pocket. You took this opportunity to walk around the store to avoid hearing the absurd dollar amount Harry was about to drop of a pair of shoes.
You were in front of the store by a window looking at a purse when you heard it, it was a quiet tapping and when you heard it again you turned your head and looked around the store. You only saw Harry and the lovely man who was currently ringing him up. When you turned to look out the window your eyes went wide when you saw you were face too face with an excited fan and her iPhone. You looked around and saw a group of fans outside the door waiting for their chance to see Harry, this wasn’t anything new to you but it still always took you off guard when they snapped pictures of you as well.
“I really didn’t think they would find us here.” You heard Harry let out a groan as his free hand ran through his hair. You just pulled your sunglasses out of your purse and slid them on your face as you walked towards the doors. “Oh, not so fast love.” You felt Harry’s hand grip around your wrist causing you to stop moving and turn your head so you could look at him.
“Want to go out the back?” You questioned and when he saw him start biting at his bottom lip you knew he was thinking of a plan in his head. He released your wrist and you took out his phone and before you could ask who he was calling he put it up to his ear and walked off.
“Okay, I’m going to go out the back where Jeff will be waiting and you go out the front and just head towards the coffee shop.” Harry’s words quickly took you out of your daydream and back to reality. You gave him a confused look as you slid your glasses up to hold your hair back so you could stare at him.
“Harry we can both go out the back, it’s not a big deal.” You reassured him but he just slid on his own sunglasses as he turned to looked at you.
“I can’t be seen with you right now.” You felt your heart drop a bit as his words sunk in. “I’ve had too many rumors about me dating whoever I’ve been see with recently and I don’t need another one at the moment.” You knew he wasn’t happy about people assuming he was dating everyone he was seen with but he never let it affect the two of you before until today.
“People know we aren’t dating Harry.” You shot at him in attempts to make him change his mind about letting you leave with him. “They know me, we’ve been seen together quite a bit and no one has started a rumor.” You added and when he just let out a sigh you thought maybe you had gotten to him.
“Don’t want to risk it.” With that he spun around on his heels as his phone beeped making you assume that it was probably Jeff letting him know he was outside. “Meet you at the coffee shop.” He shouted over his shoulder as he quickly made his way towards the back of the shop and when you heard the back door open and slam closed you felt your heart sink.
You took a deep breath and let it out slowly as you slid your sunglasses back on and headed towards the door. You put on your best smile as you pushed the door open and when the fans soon realized it was just you their smiles faded to looks of disappointment.
“Where is Harry? He left you?” You tired to ignore the slight stinging sensation behind your eyes as the girl you had seen earlier through the window stood in front of you.
“Had an emergency come up.” Was all you said before walking past her and down the sidewalk towards the coffee shop, you saw the black SUV turn the corner and you smiled when you saw it drive towards the coffee shop. Your smile quickly faded as you saw it drive past it, You rolled your eyes as you felt you phone vibrating in your back pocket. You slid your thumb over the lock screen and brought it to your ear as you crossed the street.
“Don’t be mad,” you couldn’t help but let out a sigh as Harry’s voice filled your ear. “Jeff needs me to go over a few things. I will see you at the house tonight. Don’t let Niall pick the movie until i get there. Love you, bye.” And with that you heard the line go dead, you shook your head in hopes to make the tears threatening to slide down your face go away as you slid the phone back into your pocket. You quickly just decided to skip the coffee and head back home thanking the heavens that you didn’t live far.
“He did what?” Niall shouted from the kitchen as you plopped down onto the sofa in your living room. You had just gotten done telling him about your little shopping trip with Harry and to say he was upset was a mild understatement. You just reached for the soft throw blanket that was behind your head as Niall made his way into the living room.
“He doesn’t want to risk it, totally understand that. I mean who would want a rumor going around they were dating me?” You explained as you pulled the blanket down and threw it over your lap.
“Now dats a load of shit and you know it.” You felt Niall sit down next to you and you instinctively leaned into his side as his arm found its way around your waist so he could pull you closer. “He’s a right dickhead fo makin ya walk out da front instead of leavin wit ya. Gonna give em a piece of me mind when he shows up.” You felt Niall’s grip on you tighten as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“I know he didn’t mean it in a rude way Ni.” Your voice was low and you couldn’t help but sniffle a little, you hadn’t even noticed you had tears coming out of your eyes until you reached up and wiped your face with the back of your hand.
“Bloody hell, when did it decide to get cold outside? We live in California for crying out loud.” You sat up a bit when you heard Harry complain as he walked through the front door. Niall quickly got up from his position on the couch and you knew by the look on his face he was about to let Harry have it.
“Better question is when da ya turn into an absolute prick Styles?” Niall crossed his arms over his chest as he glared at a very confused looking Harry who just shrugged off his jacket before hanging it up on the coat hook by the door.
“Am I s’posed to know what the hell you’re goin on about?” Harry shot back at him as he walked towards the kitchen. Niall rolled his eyes and uncrossed his arms as he followed Harry into the kitchen.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before standing up and throwing the soft blanket back onto the couch before turning and heading for the kitchen. You knew if you left Niall in there alone with Harry there would soon be plates and mugs being thrown and that was never fun to clean up later.
“Ya jus gonna up and leave her and Make her walk out into da swarm of fans fo what? To avoid a bloody rumor?” You watched the realization of Niall’s words hit Harry as his face went from a scowl to a look of almost horror as he looked over towards where you were leaned against the entry way of the kitchen.
“She could’ve gotten hurt Harry, all over a stupid bloody rumor that wouldn’t even be dat bad for ya to have goin around right now mater of fact.” Niall snapped at him as he glared back at Niall who took a step in front of you when he saw Harry make a move towards you.
“Oh come off it Niall, not gonna hurt her.” Harry argued causing Niall to roll his eyes as he stood between you and Harry. “I wasn’t thinking.” He added causing Niall to laugh and shake his head.
“No fookin shit ya weren’t thinkin.” This made you laugh a little causing Niall to look over his shoulder at you and shoot you a little wink. You watched Harry let out a huff as he stepped to the side in attempts to be able to reach his hands out towards you but Niall just smacked them down causing Harry’s jaw to clinch, a clear sign he was getting annoyed.
“Niall, move.” Harry’s tone was one of annoyance mixed with anger and you just gave Niall a small smile when he looked at you as if to ask for your permission before moving to the side.
“Make her cry again mate and we will be throwin hands. Dats a promise.” With that you felt Niall lean down and place a quick kiss to your cheek before turning and making his was back to the living room.
You heard Harry let out a sigh of relief as he finally was able to step closer to you and reach for your hands. You slowly looked up towards his face as you felt him intertwine your fingers with his, the corners of his mouth were turned down into a slight frown as you saw his eyes scan over your features.
“I’m so sorry love.” He squeezed your hands as he ducked down a bit so he could look you in the eyes. “I’m an absolute ass, I️ shouldn’t have left ya to face the fans alone. I don’t know why I did that.” You could tell by his tone that he was sorry, but it didn’t really help you feel any better about the situation.
“I know why you did it, you don’t want anyone thinking we are dating. I get it, you have rumors flying around about you all the time. Don’t need one involving me added to the mix.” You dropped your attention from his eyes to the floor so you didn’t have to see his face drop even more as the words came out of your mouth.
“I don’t want you to be a target princess.” You felt him drop one of your hands so he could place his thumb under your chin and lift your head so you were once again looking him in the eyes. “I don’t care if people think we are dating, hell half the nation thinks Niall and I are dating.” You couldn’t help but smile as Harry dropped his hand from under your chin.
“Ha! Ya bloody wish we was datin! Damn good boyfriend I am!” You saw Harry roll his eyes as Niall shouted from the living room causing you to laugh as Harry shook his head.
“What I mean is that I just don’t want you to be a target for anyone to say anything mean or untrue about you love, I am truly sorry fo makin ya walk out the front while I ran off through the back. I still can’t believe I did that, I’m sorry you thought I just didn’t wanna be seen with you.” You felt him drop your other hand and soon you hand his arms wrapped around your shoulders and was being pulled towards his chest. You slowly wrapped your arms around his middle and gave him a little squeeze so he knew it was okay.
“Don’t do it again.” You mumbled into his chest as you felt him kiss the top of your head. He began rocking you back and forth a little as his hold on you tightened.
“So sorry fo makin ya cry petal,” you felt his chin rest on the top of your head as he pulled you as close to him as possible. “Won’t happen again.” You just smiled and nodded as you saw Niall enter the kitchen with a huff and a roll of his eyes as he saw the two of you hugging.
“So about that sweatshirt?” You teased as you lifted your head up from his chest.
“Better buy her da whole store.” Niall stated as he walked over and smacked Harry upside the head causing Harry to drop his arms from your shoulder and try to smack Niall back but he quickly dodged his hands and headed for the fridge. “Dat was for makin her cry again. Told ya we would be fightin.” Harry looked down at you with wide eyes as he made sure you didn’t have any new tears streaming down your face.
“She’s not cryin ya dick.” With that Harry walked over and smacked Niall in the back as he was reaching into the fridge for one of his beers he kept on the bottom shelf. Niall flinched and almost smacked his head on the top shelf of the fridge.
“Jus fo tha I’m pickin the movie tonight.” You rolled your eyes as you watched them bicker at each other like an old married couple. Harry crossed his arms over his chest and pouted as he looked over at you.
“Oh no, I’m not in this. You two figure it out, I will be waiting in the living room.” You explained as you turned and left them standing in the kitchen. You took your usual spot in the middle of the couch covered with your blanket as you heard the two of them argue over if it was a romantic comedy or action movie type of night.
“Well ya made her cry so you don’t get ta pick anythin for tonight. Dats yer punishment.” You held back a giggle at Niall’s words, and soon you saw Harry walk into the living room and drop down next to you looking defeated. You placed a hand over his thigh and gave it pat.
“We are watchin a good ole action movie and havin Chinese!” Niall exclaimed as he sat down in the loveseat after grabbing the remote to the TV off the coffee table. You laughed as you heard Harry let out a groan and run his hands over his face.
“I will buy you the whole Gucci store if you tell him you don’t want Chinese food.” Harry whispered in your ear as he pulled you a little closer to him. You laughed and shook your head no at him making a playful whine come from his lips.
The rest of the night Niall made sure to point out that Harry didn’t get a say in anything from what action movie we were going to watch all the way to what he ordered from the Chinese restaurant. You knew Harry was sorry by the way he made it a point to tell you he loved you every so often during the night, even made sure he left you a certain pink sweatshirt on the end of your bed when he went to go put his new boots away in the closet of the spare bedroom.
You had forgiven Harry because you understood he didn’t care if you were seen together, it happened all the time but at this moment he just didn’t want you to get he same amount of hate the other people he was seen out and about with were receiving. You knew he wouldn’t do anything to deliberately hurt you, this was just his way of protecting you. If there was one thing you knew about Harry and Niall it was that they would do anything to protect you and that’s something you loved about them.
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brooklynislandgirl · 4 years
78. Is there a friend you would willingly have sex with?
Once Bitten || -
Insouciant. Of all the words that she could describe Anakin with right in that moment, that one would make the top of the list, once she crossed off some of the choicer words that leave the echo of soap in the back of her throat. Technically the greenhouse isn’t public, so she wouldn’t actually be saying filthy things where anyone was in danger of overhearing her speak so vulgarly, but she wasn’t also technically in the house and thus would be violating the spirit of the rule she’d learned long ago. So she sticks with insouciant. 
It’s in the way he’s leaning into her. Hands on either side of the work counter, long fingers splayed across the wood, flesh impersonating rays of a shapely sun. It’s in the way he smells like cigarette smoke and Jack Daniels, he smells like rain on the horizon and dew clinging to the underside of leaves. Something else that she can’t put her finger on exactly but its clean, warm, and close, reminds her of salt spray on sea stones; goes right to her head and other places and in the morning she’ll wish that it came in a tiny glass bottle so she could spritz it on her pillows, her sheets. Maybe it's the whiskey barrel sweetness. Maybe it's the way that her hips and the small of her back, and that whole bit of her in between seems to fit just perfectly in the hollow of his own. Not that he’s bouncing against her, fidgeting where he stands, not obtrusively so. She can feel the sides of his converse ~vulcanised rubber, heavy canvas~ against the sides of her bare feet. Denim on chiffon. There’s a fervid kind of energy that envelopes him as it often does but there’s a different hue to it. And that is definitely a result of his voice right against her ear, fanning her cheek with his breath. The way its depth and timbre is something she could soak into, allow to drown out everything else from the sudden racing of her pulse to the way her breath hitches in her throat.
She closes her eyes for a brief moment, allowing her hands to clench the wood in a slightly different way, trying to draw a reserve of strength, of will from the potting soil and the snips of leaves and roots. As if all the resolve in the universe lies there beneath her nails. Answering him honestly is probably the worst thing she can do. Worse than coming up with some kind of specious lie that he would accept if he doesn’t examine it too closely, but one of the things that she likes about him is the way he unravels things, pulling them apart to examine their structure and integrity, before he carefully pieces it back together, often improved in its own way. She’d like to blame the fact that he has a talent for Matter. But even when his anxiety lays siege to his better nature and scrambles up his thoughts so that it takes him long minutes to get around to letting them come out of his mouth, he has a gift of telling personal truths like a well-remembered fairy tale.
She doesn’t mean that in a bad way, but he manages to put some distance between himself and his struggles that is truly remarkable. She doesn’t understand exactly how he does it, or even why, but she can sit there and listen to him for hours, and has done so in some cases. She envies him that particular gift, something she’s never had. Everything that lies inside her head is visceral and in the moment, very few exit lanes that aren’t choked with weeds and debris from growing up under the regime of her father. Moulded and shaped by her brother. And completely shattered by Billy. The black sheep, the long lost prince of a desiccated throne.
Maybe they are broken in different ways. She has more confidence in Anakin than he has in himself, their shyness book ends one another. In turn he has an eye for beauty or whatever it is that attracts him to other people and try as hard as she might, she can see no rhyme or pattern in it. Not that he’s brought strangers to her house that didn’t have little masked faces or fluffy grey wire-fur. She wants to know what drives him, how he finds himself in those places, and what he gets out of them. For once, she’d give her eye-teeth to experience that kind of passion. To feel immolated by the sensuality of it. Biting kisses along slender throat columns. Breathless hands everywhere and nowhere at once. But she knows better. She knows that all the things that are caught up in her head are not safe for public consumption. That they cling to a morality that is alien to everyone else she happens to know, that she can’t shake free of because she isn’t built that way.
He did throw in the qualifying designation of ‘friend’. That’s maybe worse than anything else he could say. The very idea of putting herself out there with someone she loves and trusts enough to be that close to is terrifying. What if they say no. Because they don’t love her life she wants? Worse, what if they do and something goes so catastrophically wrong that it ruins what might have been a perfectly fine, and above all else, platonic relationship?  The idea is so lined with her that she instinctively flinches away from the full exploration of that, she has enough things to lay awake at night in horror over. How does he do it? Make something so intimate and life changing casual? Oh she knows he’s charming, she knows that smile and a wink can get him almost anything he likes, whether it goes in his arm or his nose, or down on him while his fingers are in its hair. Magnetism like that is legendary in her Tradition and a few others. He’s like Kerouac and Morrison in that way, isn’t he? And what does he do when it dissolves at the first touch of the next morning’s dawn? 
Doesn’t he ever feel so lonely that even taking a breath feels like it’s going to crush his chest? Does he ever ache because a friend only lasted as long as it took for the high of their existence to wear off? She knows the answer already from the most abstract sifting through of their conversations.
So really the only thing she can do is be honest. Hope he sees how futile a line of pursuit this is. Because she could imagine letting him into her bed, and not just to curl up with him. She could imagine sharing more than she already has. And invariably, when Anakin slips out one night and doesn’t come back, it’s going to kill her.
By virtue of the ridiculous length of his arms, even if she’s pressed against parts of him, she still manages to turn without elbowing him in the sternum. Her hands leave the wood for only a brief moment before she returns to clutch them in desperate need of moral support. She forces a slight smile as she leans back a little, not realising that she would be so close. That she could see every freckle, that little mole that lives on the corner of his full lower lip. Had she noticed before how deep-set his eyes were, even with the shadows pooled beneath them? Pupils dilated drawing even more attention to that particular shade of blue. Makes it all so hard to find neutral ground to focus on. So she picks that tiny scar that bisects his brow, and reminds her to ask him how he got it, though she’s about a thousand percent sure it’s one of his dozens and dozens of tragic, heart-wrenching stories.
“Lizahd King finally returns. T’ought mebbe ya got lost.” she says, pleased that her voice sounds mostly normal. Her smile becomes something a touch more genuine. 
She presses her lips together and slicks them at the same time, making a tiny sound as her tongue retreats back behind her teeth. “Probably no gonna come as one big surprise t’ ya when I say...yes. An’ no. Look, don’ get me wrong. I love dat we have dis...hundred-clowns-in-a-Volkswagen kine of closeness. An’ I t’ink ya so amazing. So special. But firs’ of all… consider how much older I am. Five years may not seem like a huge deal, but it is. And den dere’s da fact dat in so many ways, I’m becoming ya mentor, is my job t’ teach ya da kine ya gonna need in da long run. An’ I would hate t’ have ya feel like I was some how takin’ advantage of ya.”
She swallows and moves her gaze down, to meet his own. “I’d be lyin’ if I said I nevah t’ought about it since dat one night. Dat I nevah had one dream about you...dat way, an’ felt ashame d’ nex’ morning. I jus’ dunno if...I’m wha’ ya need, wha’ ya want. If ya in a position t’ be wha’ I want an’ need.” It’s so hard to find the words when everything she wants to say seems to go right out of her mind even as she’s trying to get them out. “I knew da minute I saw you dat you were somet’ing special. An’ a part of me has tried t’ protect ya evah since. I worry when ya come home late. When ya don’ come a’ all. I worry dat ya gonna run into someone dat don’ got ya bes’ interest a’ heart, an’ is gonna use you. Make you feel worse about yaself dan ya sometimes do, dat dey gonna hurt you, break your heart, all kinds of bad stuff.”
One hand timorously leaves its perch to come and rest on his cheek. “Guess wha’ I am tryin’ t’ say is… I would. If you asked. If it jus’ happened. But not on purpose, not because I had any ulterior motive oddah dan da fact dat I...care about you so much. And maybe dat’s why I try ignore it. Try ignore you. Sometimes, is real hard t’ do dat. Especially when I can all but taste ya throat between my teeth. Feel ya hands on my skin. Which is why, mebbe, you should ge’ some sleep, yeah?”
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