#so this is sougo
kitamars · 10 months
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listen. hijikata has TWO HANDS
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egophiliac · 11 months
Kamen Rider Card Game, take 4!
so excited for cardcaptor rider!
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daddytoki · 4 months
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this started off as a small project for a friend i'm trying to recruit before spiraling wildly out of control. struggled on how to structure it but oh well i had fun. love me a flowchart
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imbxdateverything · 3 months
Whump List: Gintama
Character: Sakata Gintoki (+ few bonus ones)
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(Image credit: E264)
DISCLAIMER: Gintama is predominately a gag anime. Therefore, most of the earlier episodes (1~100) and a few later ones are mostly comedic in nature, but the whump is still there. Also, I've excluded some hits and bleeds that are purely used in a comedic fashion (such as Gintoki being thrown off a high story building to dispose of a bomb in ep. 5, or getting stuck in an elevator in ep. 174) unless they are part of an arc, otherwise we'd be here for a while. This also means that the episodes rarely have any aftermath, especially outside of arcs. I've added whatever aftermath I saw, but don't expect injuries to stick for longer than a couple of episodes at best.
This post will be extremely long.
Additional notes: i) I've added each arc name for easier viewing, ii) I haven't added the season numbers since Gintama is counted as an overall series, despite having multiple separate seasons (although, I have added the name of the season in which the episodes appear, e.g. "Gintama°" to refer to S4), iii) some episodes with no whump have been added as to not break up arcs, iv) some timestamps have been added between square parenthesis, v) the format used is for easier browsing, hopefully it holds true for there are many things to scroll through, vi) episodes with a red colouring are to indicate some whump moments I highly recommend watching, vii) I've added some extra characters (like Hijikata Toshiro) here and there because it's good whump and I'm definitely not making another list.
Gintama (2006-2010):
E009 - challenged to a fight, cut shoulder, bleeding, in pain
Harusame Arc:
E013 - hangover, attacked, outnumbered, manhandled, stabbed, fall from great height, nightmare, bandaged, collapse, in pain, fights while injured to rescue loved ones
E017 - threatened with a sword to his back, cut hand
E027 - [20:00-21:00] ring fight, blow to the side, blood from mouth
Memory Loss Arc: (overall comedic)
E031 - vehicle accident, bleeding, amnesia, bandaged, hospital, worried loved ones
E032 - amnesia (cont.), tied up, taken hostage, protected by loved ones/friends, memories returned
Umibozu Arc:
E040-041 - no whump
E042 - fight, bleeding, hurt arm, self-sacrifice to save loved one, punched
Infant Strike Arc:
E051 - no whump
E052 - cut shoulder, death (imagined)
Benizakura Arc:
E058 - [hit with hammer, black eye, punched (comedic)], sword fight, slammed into wall, slashed chest, stabbed, blood from mouth, collapse, fainting
E059 - bandaged, [slapped, threatened (comedic)], goes to fight despite injuries
E060 - thrown off vehicle (comedic), [22:00] fight against arc villain begins
E061 - sword fight, in pain, wound reopened, heavy breathing, cut, blood on face, unconscious, captured, rescued, thrown, tired & shaking, supported to walk, fight against multiple opponents
E062 - (aftermath of Benizakura Arc:) bandaged, fussed over by loved ones, (otherwise comedic)
Fuyo Arc:
E069 - [scared, fainting (comedic)], pursued
E070 - fight against multiple opponents (no whump)
E071 - punched, blood from mouth, stabbed, bleeding, in pain
Yagyu Arc:
E076-077 - no whump
E078-079 - (whump for Hijikata Toshiro)
E080 - sword fight, slammed onto ground thrice, panting, hit, bleeding, bruised
E081 - [1st half] attacked, hard fall onto structure. rest is comedic/has no whump
Okita Mitsuba Arc: (Hijikata Toshiro whump)
E086 - angst
E087 - angst, goes to fight against mob on his own, shot in the leg, bleeding, covered in blood, dragging his injured leg behind him, using a wall as support, heavy breathing, surrounded, rescued by friends in time, trouble walking, keeps fighting despite injuries, bandaged & using crutches, crying (off-screen)
Shinsengumi Crisis Arc:
E101-103 - (whump for Hijikata Toshiro)
E104 - bleeding, sword fight, held in place by strings which he fights against, cuts around limbs from strings
E105 - sword fight (cont.), cut shoulder
Guardian Dog Arc:
E107 - [17:30+] attacked, grunting, shot in the arm, bleeding, dizzy, poisoned, falls to his knees, outnumbered, pursued, panting, vomiting, slashed, blood on clothes, shot in the stomach, fall into river
E108 - no whump/aftermath apart from visible bandages around his arm
Ghost Ryokan Arc:
E131 - (overall comedic:) scared, attempt to knock himself out by banging his head on a rock, loved ones get possessed by ghosts & leave him on his own
E132 - (overall comedic:) scared, threatened with loved ones' safety & forced to work, crying, treated badly
E133 - locked in a prison cell, referred to as a dog, breaks out of cell, cornered, thrown, blood from mouth, slammed into wall, punched, bleeding, belittled, beaten up
E134 - knuckles bleeding, punched
Yoshiwara in Flames Arc:
E139 - no whump
E140 - stabbed with kunai (comedic), attacked, hit, blood from mouth, thrown onto ground, worried over loved one
E141 - [17:10] stabbed with kunai (comedic)
E142 - no whump
E143 - [16:00+] fight with arc villain begins, severely outmatched, hurt in front of friends, straining, thrown, bleeding, head grabbed & pinned against the wall, groaning, in pain, collapse, kicked, unconscious
E144 - covered in blood, [13:00] wakes up, fights despite injuries, tired, kicked, spitting blood, slammed into wall, hit on his side
E145 - fight (cont.), panting, takes hit meant for friend; stabbed by 3 kunai, bleeding, groaning, on his knees
E146 - [in the beginning] covered in blood
E150 - [05:30 - 07:05] bloodied (special episode, no follow-up)
Tama Quest Arc:
E167 - (overall comedic:) exploded, punched, smashed with a hammer & shrunk
E168 - face grabbed & head slammed by lookalike, headbutted, bloody nose
E169 - butting heads with his lookalike resulting in general harm (for both), lookalike electrocuted
E170 - more infighting with his lookalike, flown into wall, light angst, lookalike loses limbs (& gets them back shortly after)
Red Spider Arc:
E177 - [2nd half:] surrounded
E178 - attacked by arc villain, stabbed with kunai multiple times, bleeding, slammed against wall & strangled, slashed shoulder & back, fall into water, presumed dead, rescued by friend, bandaged, worried over by loved ones
E179 - bandaged (cont.), angst
E180 - bandaged (cont.), fight with arc villain, stabbed through the hand, bleeding, heavy breathing & tired
E181 - no whump
Gintama' :
E209 - [06:30-10:45] backstory, time in war, fighting, bloodied (special episode, no follow-up)
Kabukicho Four Devas Arc:
E210 - (overall comedic:) pretends to have broken bones, spits blood, stuck in trash bin filled with concrete
E211 - jumps into water to save someone, worried over mother figure, running for an extended period of time, panting, holding himself, heavy angst, flies into rage & attacks strong opponent, fight, thrown, stabbed through forearm with sword & pinned, bleeding, grabs blade with his bare hand, punched, collapse, crawls under heavy rain while injured
E212 - bandaged, slammed against wall & yelled at by friend, angst, punched & comforted by loved ones, surrounded by mob
E213 - bandaged (cont.), fight against mob (no whump)
E214 - bandaged (cont.), fight against multiple opponents while hurt, covered in (so much) blood & bleeding, stabbed twice, heavy breathing, slashed, collapse twice & tired, final 'fight' with 'enemy', (even more bandages as aftermath)
Jail Arc:
E225 - (overall comedic:) arrested & jailed, threatened by warden multiple times, hit on the head & bleeding (comedic), threatened by prisoners & lifted by his shirt, 'stolen' item planted on him so that the warden can harass him further
E226 - prison break (comedic), blood on face (not his)
Baragaki/Thorny Arc:
E244 - [~11:00] hit by car & arrested (comedic)
E245 - chain & ball shackled around his wrist that he briefly uses as a weapon (comedic)
E246 - (whump for Hijikata Toshiro), [near the end] Gintoki reveals his own secret identity
E247 - [~11:30] identity revealed and arrested (comedic)
Gintama': Enchousen:
Kintama Arc:
E253 - forgotten by everyone, angst, mindfuckery, [stripped to his underwear, tied up & whipped (comedic)]
E254 - suicidal & jumps off tall building (an act to save someone), rescued by loved ones
E255 - accused of murder, seen as an enemy, pursued & attacked by friends and loved ones, slashed, bleeding, in pain, protects friends even though they're trying to capture/kill him, fall from great height, heavy breathing, stumbling & grunting, holding his middle
E256 - bleeding, fight w/ arc villain, thrown around, sacrifices self to save everyone, comforted
Courtesan of the Nation Arc:
E257 - (overall comedic:) stabbed with kunai on the head, kicked & nosebleed
E258 - surrounded, imprisoned, freed
E259 - fight against multiple opponents, angry, fight with strong opponent, blood on face, falls down stairs, pierced by poisoned darts, bleeding, paralysed, thrown, protected, fights against strong opponent again, (flashback: war time, bleeding, restrained, loved one gets taken away), straining, punched, spits blood, face grab, pierced & paralysed again, so much blood, unable to move
E260 - covered in blood (cont.), shot with antidote, worried over by friend, goes against strong opponent yet again, hurt & bleeding, slammed, pierced multiple times, fall from great height, (flashback: restrained, bleeding, promise with loved one), stabbed through the arm, hit, spits up blood, impact after fall
E261 - covered in blood (cont.), helped to stand & supported by loved ones, [7:10-7:15] bandaged & surrounded by loved ones, [11:51-12:20] bandaged & walking with crutches
Laser Beam Arc:
E262 - no whump
E263 - pretends to be an asshole & goes to fight the arc villain by himself, overpowered, blood on face, stabbed & pinned to the wall by sword, coughing up blood, almost killed, rescued by loved ones
E264 - covered in blood (cont.), removes blade from his side, collapse, grunting & in pain, spits blood, tries to fight despite injuries, trembling/unsteady & using his sword for support, panting, comforted by loved ones, collapses again, worried over by loved ones
Gintama° :
Joi Patriot Reunion Arc: (overall comedic)
E271 - strangled, (flashback: backstory, time in war, covered in blood, bandaged), at gunpoint/swordpoint
E272 - more backstory & infighting with friends, very scared & jumpy, targeted along with friends, surrounded by 'ghosts', gassed, (more blood in flashback)
Shinigami Arc:
E279 - [near the end] blackmailed
E280 - (flashback: imprisonment, flogged, bleeding), fight
E281 - fight (cont.), shot, bloody clothes, collapse, on his knees, (flashback: reason for imprisonment), accepts death, cut neck & bleeding, in pain from being shot, (flashback: imprisonment, prison escape (post torture), bruised, trouble walking, in pain, using wall to keep from falling & holding himself)
Soul Switch Arc: (very comedic) (entries for both Sakata Gintoki and Hijikata Toshiro)
E287 - [Gintoki:] kicked, chased, [both] hit by truck, soul switched between them (& cat's behind), bickering & punched multiple times. [Gintoki in Hijikata's body:] exploded by grenade & bleeding, at umbrella-point, plunged in water, briefly unconscious. [Hijikata in Gintoki's body:] dangled upside down from great height, head hit & bleeding, dragged, kneed & thrown, at swordpoint, plunged in water, unconscious
E288 - [both] surrounded by loved ones who see each as an enemy, stepped on. [Gintoki in Hijikata's body:] at swordpoint, hit & blood on his head. [Hijikata in Gintoki's body:] rope around neck & dragged by vehicle through the street, blood on his head
E289 - [Gintoki in Hijikata's body:] kicked, head slammed & bleeding. [Hijikata in Gintoki's body:] head slammed & bleeding. [both] thrown
Kaientai Arc: (Tatsuma Sakamoto whump)
E290-291 - some backstory but main focus is on Sakamoto, whump for Sakamoto
Shogun Assassination Arc:
E300 - no whump
E301 - pursued, surrounded, (+ whump for Okita Sougo)
E302 - attacked & pursued by multiple strong opponents
E303 - surrounded by strong opponents, face grabbed & head slammed, thrown onto floor & held in place, hit & blood on his head
E304 - covered in blood (cont.), fight w/ childhood friend begins, (flashback: war, bloodied), cut shoulder, hit multiple times, (many flashbacks to childhoood), thrown, stabbed through the wrist, cut multiple times, collapse
E305 - fight (cont.), (more childhood flashbacks), covered in blood, big slash on chest, heavy breathing, punched & spits blood, kicked & thrown back, tired, (flashback: loved ones in peril, forced to choose), hit & punched multiple times, angst, continues to fight despite everything, (flashback: forced to kill, crying, heavy angst), stabbed in the abdomen & shoulder, spits more blood, strong opponent appears
E306 - covered in blood (cont.), heavy breathing, exhausted, trouble standing & picking up his sword, attacked by many, fights again, helped by previous enemy
E307 - covered in blood (cont.), supported to walk, loved ones worried for him, collapse, in pain, in the hospital & bandaged
Farewell Shinsengumi Arc: (picks up right after the SA arc)
E308 - angst, bandaged (for the duration of this arc), using crutches to walk & limping, bruised, angst, surrounded & at swordpoint
E309 - takes punch meant for someone else, bleeding, at swordpoint, handcuffed, rescued by friend & running away
E310 - (flashback: angst, hand shaking)
E311 - no whump
E312 - cut cheek, (+ whump for Katsura Kotaro)
E313 - (whump for Kondo Isao & Hijikata Toshiro)
E314 - cut shoulder, ambushed, stabbed through the wrist, bleeding, hit by blast & pressumed dead, fight with strong opponent, angst, hurt arm, sword on neck & blood drawn, rescued by loved one, heavy breathing, (+ whump for Okita Sougo)
E315 - (whump for Katsura Kotaro & Kondo Isao)
E316 - everyone's in bandages, angst, saying goodbye
Rakuyou Decisive Battle Arc: (picks up right after the SA & FS arcs)
E317 - nightmare, in hiding, shot at & at gunpoint
E318 - flashbacks to childhood & angst
E319 - shot at, almost falls from great height & rescued
E320 - (whump for Katsura Kotaro)
E321 - (whump for Sakamoto Tatsuma)
E322 - (comedic) fight, illusions of himself killed
E323 - flung back & cannon pointed at him, rescued
E324 - no whump
E325 - picks fight w/ strong opponent, punched & bleeding
E326 - fight (cont.), covered in blood, punched & kicked multiple times, spits blood, face grabbed & held in place, worried loved ones, broken finger, trouble picking up his sword & strapping it to his injured hand, angst, stumbling & collapse, heavy breathing, loved one attempts to protect him & protects loved one instead, slammed against wall & unconscious, wakes up & keeps fighting
E327 - covered in blood (cont.), supported, bandaged & using crutches
E328 - bandaged & crutches (cont.), some angst
Gintama: The Movie 1 (2010) (Benizakura Arc) - sword fight, stabbed, bleeding, collapse, bandaged, fights despite injuries, knocked out, captured, rescued
Gintama: Be Forever Yorozuya (2013) - (flashback: war, cut, cursed), presumed dead, angst, attacked, fight with future self, hit multiple times, spits blood, hair grabbed & face slammed into a wall, kicked down a flight of stairs, more angst, goes back in time to kill his younger self (unsuccessful), fight against multiple opponents, cut multiple times, comforted by loved ones
The ones below will be added as a reblog to this post as soon as I finish the anime.
Gintama: Silver Soul Arc: TBA
Gintama The Final (2021) - TBA
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babygray · 29 days
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Gintama Giant Stuffed Toys (銀魂 添いぐるみ 超BIG ぬいぐるみ), a great gift for birthdays, Christmas, Valentine's Day, or any occasion!
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iwanttobeacheesecake · 8 months
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Kondo was the first friend Sougo had🥹
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
Greetings! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Can i silly request the sadist trio (gin, sougo and kamui but u dont have to do all 3 if u were to pick 1 i would be okay with just gintoki lol) with an s/o who's pretty short in stature and definitely not a fighter by nature and one day they find out their s/o is strong enough to pick them up? Lolol like maybe they save them from peril by catching them bridal style or they're just happy to see them and they end up picking them up in a spinning hug on impulse but in both situations they would have an airheaded ":D" smile on their face lololol! Thank you ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^
Gintoki Sakata:
-His new discovery is your ruin.
-“Oh-oh so you can lift me up? I expect to be lifted up every day, is it clear?”
-Gintoki wasn’t joking, he always comes up with a dumb excuse like “my bones are old” or “I worked so much yesterday, all my muscles are sore can’t even walk”.
-All of this because not only he is a lazy ass, but also because Gintoki loves leaning his head on your shoulder or feeling your arms around him.
Okita Sougo:
-“Oh I didn’t know I was in a relationship with a gorilla” he says while you turn off the stove.
-Sob, he is always so nasty; next time let the boiling hot oil hit him instead.
-Endless teasing, from your short stature to your newfound strength, you can’t win against sadist Kaiser.
-So, he can fight you? If you can lift him up it means you also have enough strength to fight him, right? Right???
-He’ll match your airhead smile for all the wrong reasons.
-For real, now he wants to spar with you and we both know you will never win, not even in your best dream.
-You’ll have to run as far away from him as possible; let’s see if the strength in your legs is the same as the one in your arms…
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sebfreak · 2 months
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More Hashida Kanshichirou
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yukimomodivorce · 12 days
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happy birthday sougo!!
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keroppidreams · 8 months
lord, tell me why there's a genre of jump festa posters featuring the shinsegumi + gintoki holding the shinsengumi™ sausages.
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these are just a few examples. there's way more from other years also why is yamazaki offering them like some kind of otome male lead??
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alatusnms · 5 months
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ア二ナナ + Panoramas
IDOLiSH7 Season 2 - Ep. 2 (Ep. 19 overall)
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kitamars · 10 months
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some soogs
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sidsinning · 10 months
Sougo: god this stupid brat get away from me and my business I hope god strikes you down
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Kagura: *goes awol for 2 yrs*
Sougo, arms extended as he's making grabbing motions at Kagura: China come back already come on did you forget about me you promised
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souglias · 11 months
Sougo returns late after a long day of work on his birthday and he finds that you're still awake.
Sougo x f!reader. Fluff. Timeskip Sougo because takes place during the Forever Yorozuya movie.
Word count: (tbc)
c/w: Swearing, possibly ooc sougo because I'm being really experimental with this, they are married. Also since I usually write for gn!readers, I wanted bring up again that the reader here is female just in case!
The light that streams through the sliding paper doors at the end of the hallway signals to Sougo that you’re awake. That you've been waiting for him.
Hijikata started nagging Sougo about how he should have told you to head to sleep first, and not tire yourself out waiting for him. Sougo retorts that he did and you simply refused to listen.
Before Hijikata could continue, Sougo walks away to your shared room. Out of all the people, Hijikata being the person to lecture him pushed all his buttons.
Sougo wishes he lived in an entire house with you and no one else. But with the White Curse and the crackdown on the rebels, he makes himself content with what he can get.
When he slides the door open, he finds a tea table with a teapot and an almost empty teacup atop it. Beside them is a bowl of cut apples, the flesh of the fruit still a pale yellow. You're next to the table, with a hand in the clothing drawer--his clothing drawer to be exact-- and the other atop of a neatly folded yukata on the tatami.
At the sound of the door opening, you turn towards him and smile. "You're back."
"I told you I'd be back late. You should have gone to sleep."
He sits cross-legged next to you, and he tips the teapot. The amount of tea left is only enough to fill half of the small cup.
"I can't fall asleep without you."
Sougo scoffs, "That's a given with how tea works on you and how much you've drunk, idiot."
In retaliation, you shove a slice of apple into his mouth. The fragrance of the apple only barely tickles his nose. When he bites down on it, the juice fills his mouth, yet the blandness makes him flinch slightly.
"This tastes like fucking piss."
"Oh? I didn't know you knew what piss tastes like. Well, you just have to make do. People don't sell birthday cakes out there anymore. I only found some fruits, which aren't easy to get now, as you know."
He narrows his eyes at you and props one knee up, resting an arm above it.
"You're pretty dumb for someone who's my wife."
You raise an eyebrow at him, prompting him to continue. "Save the money for something else. Get better ingredients and cook some good food for us. I can continue to make the rest jealous and make them beg me to ask you to cook for them too."
It's your turn to scoff, but your frown quickly turns into an amused smile instead.
You place the yukata you took out earlier and a yukata obi in his lap. Shifting yourself behind him, you undo his ponytail and start running your fingers through his hair.
Sougo's scalp tingles when your fingertips brush against his head as you untangle his hair. Fatigue slowly kicks in as he sits in silence. If he closes his eyes now, it would be easy to pretend that the calamity that has befallen Edo has never happened.
He closes his eyes. His surroundings melt away, and only the image of your fingers in his hair drifts in and out of his mind.
After a while, you rest your hands on his shoulders tenderly. Sougo cracks one of his weary eyes open.
"Go wash up, I can still smell the blood on you. I don't sleep beside people who stink."
Sougo hisses at you, but he drags himself out of the room to wash up anyway. When he returns after his shower, he plops himself right in front of you and atop the futon that you've laid on the floor.
"You're a real brat, you know that right? Your sister really spoilt you."
"What can I say? I am an adorable little brother. And couldn't you do this little thing for the birthday boy? The apple slices tasted like shit, so that doesn't count as a present."
You complain and trash him for making you slave away for him, but you still reach for a comb and untangle his hair again for him. It's a mundane task. But the mundane things are what you hold the closest to your heart. When you watched Edo descend into the ruin it is now in, you watched fate rob things that were what people treasured the most.
Soon after, the two of you make yourselves comfortable in the futon in the familiar dark. Your head is tucked under his jaw and his arm is draped over your waist.
With his even breaths, you assume that he's already fallen asleep. Shifting yourself slightly to look at his face, you observe his weary features illuminated by the faint moonlight. You can only imagine how exhausting the day must have been.
You wanted him to share the burden with you. But he wouldn't, always saying that you weren't ready and told you to stay behind. Without thinking, you mumble, "When will you finally let me follow you and fight by your side?"
"Not so soon. You still suck at using a sword."
It takes you everything not to jump.
"I thought you were asleep. And we know that's not true, Saito said I got pretty good. I can use a bow and an arrow too."
Sougo drawls, "Stay here, where it's safe. Only shitheads barge into battles when they have a haven."
"I'm a shithead. You're a shithead."
Silence falls between the two of you, leading you to feel a tinge of disappointment again. He's either fallen asleep or he's dropping the conversation. Sighing, you shut your eyes for the night and give in to the lethargy.
Your eyes widened.
"Tomorrow. You, follow me. We see how."
His response causes your heart to soar. You kiss his jaw before burying your head in the crook of his neck. You're not even sure if he's fully drifted off to sleep, but it's the least of your concerns now.
"Good night and happy birthday, my shithead."
Happy belated birthday you fucking do-S character. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed this!
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themoreeviltwin · 3 months
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I knew I was a Sougo fan but... I didn't know I was this much of a Sougo fan. He's so precious and badass, I love him so much 😭😭
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can he look like that at me pls 👉👈
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babygray · 2 months
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Tinytoki and friends.
銀魂 小さくなっちゃったVer. (Gintama Became Smaller Ver.) illustrations.
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