#so uhhh if you want to read it more easily go to the archived page in the source
twobellsilence · 5 years
hide vs J - magazine interview
From "UV" vol.16 - February 1997. Translated by Ami (LUNATIC ASYLUM, last updated  01/13/2002)
TL Note:  J calls hide "hide-nii", which means "(older) brother hide"! Also on this day of the interview, apparently J turned up with his dog "Sid", while hide turned up with his Tamagocchi....
J: When did I first meet you? hide: When you guys were still called "LUNACY" and were playing in Rokumei-kan. But when I went, the hall was already absolutely full. - That's when you became their fan, right? h: Yep. - What did you like about them? h: The fact that the hall was full of people *LOL*. J: *LOL* - What was your first impression? J: It hasn't changed. h: No, no. Coz I met them when they were always 'fully-armed' *LOL*. They had this manual book or something they followed for when they were on-stage and off-stage *LOL*. Like, even when they weren't on stage, they had to wear this particular hat, & that particular hairstyle, etc. *LOL* They looked exactly the same off-stage as on-stage though. *LOL* J: Yeah, that's true *LOL*. h: Even SUGIZO looked exactly the same usually as when he was on-stage. He really could've gone on stage like that! *LOL* Well, one can say he was more professional back then compared to now, in that he lived up to the fans' expectations *LOL*. - What did you guys talk about then? J: Well, it was our first-meeting, so we didn't really talk about much... But because there weren't many people around us in Kanagawa, where all our members are from, who held strongly to their 'professionalism', I felt really comfortable talking to hide-nii. - It's a famous story that the guys with the most guts in Kanagawa came together to form LUNA SEA. J: Yeah, so I was relieved when I first met hide-nii because I was assured that what we were doing was right. h: (starts laughing) - What's wrong? h: The guy with the most guts in Machida, is INORAN!!! *LOL* (Machida = the town where LUNA SEA started) - *LOL* J: Yeah, that's true. He doesn't really look it, but he's got the most guts! *LOL* He's like the blue bit of a flame, you know? The hottest bit. h: Hey, that was quite good! *LOL* - Did you guys get on well right away? h: At first, I just went to their gig every now and then, & maybe appear at an after-show party, or something like that. We started to get on probably around the time MASS started. - 'MASS' being hide, J, & INORAN's unit, right? You did one track of "DANCE 2 NOISE" called "FROZEN BUG". When was that? J: It was around the time we made our debut. A little before that, we started talking about music, and we found out that we liked the same kinds of music. h: I think that was a bit before "Two Unlimited" was out. We liked 'orchestra-hit', dance-type music. (I might be translating in a really wrong way.... sorry for my lack of knowledge!!) We drunk so much, didn't we? J: Yeah, that was abnormal!! That June was fatal!! *LOL* h: Even if I had a photo-shoot or something, I still ended up in the park the next morning with J *LOL*. J: I remember now! That was a nightmare!! *LOL* - Why were you guys in a park?! *LOL* J: Because all the bars closed, and we had nowhere to go! So we just bought beer and drunk in the park *LOL*. And then while we were drinking, all these old people would come, and then while we're watching with wonder, they'd all start exercising together! *LOL* h: And we used to play basketball beside them *LOL*. We used to play around so much together. We used to REALLY play around *LOL*. J: We were literally 'playing' as well. We used to play 'tag' *LOL*. h: But we'd all still be 'fully-armed' *LOL*. With extensions in our hair and everything *LOL* - That picture is way too weird to imagine *LOL* MASS worked separately, in Los Angeles and Tokyo, right? h: Yeah. Because I went to LA before deciding on anything. J: Our demo tape made about 2 return-trips between Tokyo and LA. When hide first sent us the tape, the song was already in some sort of shape. But then INORAN said "Do you think hide'll get angry if we totally broke this song apart?". So I answered "No, no, doesn't matter! Let's do it" *LOL* And when we did, he really liked it. h: That's why I sang! For the first time in my life! *LOL* If J didn't break the song apart, I wouldn't have sang. So thanx to J, I'm now able to sing in front of people! J: *LOL* - What do you two talk about now? J: We drink as we talk, so we don't talk about much *LOL* h: I'm always drunk, so I don't even remember *LOL* J: But when we first met, I remember hide saying 'ROSIER' was really good. Because LUNA SEA don't have many people (older/younger musician 'brothers') around them who'd say things like that, I remember I got really happy. h: LUNA SEA might be one of the few bands who didn't get caught up in all the 'vertical relationships' of the visual-band world. J: Yea, maybe. Or we can also say that it's coz we purposely displaced ourselves from all that *LOL* h: It's probably coz you were all very 'flat'. You weren't up yourselves, nor were you too modest about yourselves. From an 'older brother''s view, you need some sort of passion from your younger ones, but then if that gets too much, you get really annoyed at them. If you have any of these, you probably end up getting caught up in the vertical relationship. But I think J has this firm belief that "I am only what I am". That's why he's so 'flat'. That's why I thought about doing MASS with him. J: I'm really flattered that he'd say that. Because for me, hide-nii is one of the few musicians that I can really really respect. He's one of the few people who have what I don't have, so I'm like a servant dog to people like him... *LOL* h: I just got goose bumps all over me! *LOL* - I can see that you think of hide like he's your older brother from the way you call him; "hide-nii". J: Yep. I might sound arrogant, but to me, just the fact that this guy is alive is a wonderful thing. h: Shit! Goose bumps part II!!! *LOL* J: That's why I can really feel like I have to work hard. This is the first time I tell hide-nii this, but I sometimes feel like I run into a wall, right? On days like that, I always think of ringing up hide-nii. But then when I pick up the phone, I think of his face, right? And then I think "No, I've gotta do this. I've gotta solve this on my own." I dunno how many times I put the phone down... *LOL* h: You sound like some girl who's in love with me! *LOL* J: *LOL* - What do you think of hide's solo activities? J: I think it's cool. It's really 'hide-world'. It's like something out of a child's toy box. I like the way he's not just showing his living-room, but his closet as well. h: I love the way he says things this way. The way he talks like "although it's someone else's garden". There are some people who say "That bit was good, but that bit wasn't". I just love the way he's always got an introduction saying "though it's someone else's garden anyway...". It's a good stance. - hide, you say things that way as well. Not as a "producer" but as a "receiver". J: But when I went to see his gig at Yoyogi, he didn't play the song I wanted to hear. h: What was it? J: 'DAMAGE'. h: Yeah, I did it on the 2nd day, but you only came on the 1st day. J often comes to our gigs, you see. You know in this world, even though you say things like "Hey, you can come & visit us anytime!", it rarely happens coz many people just get intimidated, right? But J just pops in anytime. That's why our members are always saying "J's so cute!" J: Well, I only go just to act as a 'stopper' for hide-nii & KIYOSHI! *LOL* - Yeah, I heard you guys (hide&KIYOSHI) always used to fight every time you got drunk! h: It's really weird, coz the two who were always fighting are now playing together! *LOL* J: I can't remember how many times I had to stop them...*LOL* - So you were the arbitrator then *LOL* J: Yeah, whenever us three sat together, I was always stuck in the middle *LOL* h: Both KIYOSHI & I knew that J'd stop us if we got out of hand *LOL* J: *LOL* - I really think you guys are similar. J: We have the same blood type; AB. (just a note from ami... I'm AB too!!!! (^^)) h: No way! *LOL* We're not even saying one piece of truth! *LOL* All these words are purely for promotion! *LOL* - "No way"?! *LOL* Don't you think you guys are similar in a way? h: Well, one characteristic of an 'AB' is that they think they're the "one & only" deep down inside *LOL* So we don't like to think that we're similar to anybody! *LOL* J: Yeah, that's true actually. Oh, but that bit's similar then! *LOL* - Good thing you two have quite a 'tidy' relationship to each other. h: Yeah, inside me, it's quite untidy, but I like to look good to the outside, so even though my 'house' is untidy, my 'garden' is clean & tidy. J: uh-huh. - Do you feel like that as well? J: Yeah, I do. I put effort into being like that. That's why I try to listen and see a lot of things to take in. h: The good thing is, it's not just effort that we're putting in. If you like what you're doing, it doesn't feel like you're putting in 'effort' does it? Like when you like a girl, and you're trying to get her. It's not hard-work; it's fun! I think if we have a job like this, we should never forget that. J knows how to balance well between 'fun' and 'work'. He knows that having fun is the primary factor, but he always has something in common with someone else's 'garden'; something he can share with the fans. - The gigs that you two play in are exactly so, aren't they? The primary thing is to have fun yourselves, to dig deep inside you to the core, but then on the other hand, that core has a sort of 'pop'ness that everybody else can enjoy. I think that's why so many people support you two. h: Yeah. Both J and I aren't types of people who make something without showing anyone, and then going on to break it apart also without showing anyone. We tend to break it when everyone's watching *LOL* J: Yeah, that's true *LOL* - By the way, J, you're going to play at the Shinjuku Liquid Room on Mar 2 with the vocal and the guitar of Anarchy, Shigeru Nakano & Shinichi Fujinuma, DJ KRUSH, and also Jun Sawada, a modern art writer (?), in a band called "GaZa". Is this the first of your solo activity series? J: Um, it's a bit different, coz I wasn't really planning on this or anything, so it's not really my solo. - So how did this band form? J: I was having a drink with KRUSH, and he said "I'm bringing my turn table to a radio program, so why don't you bring your bass, and we can play together!" Shigeru and Jun were there as well, so we decided to play together. And when we did, it was quite fun, so we decided to have a gig as well. h: Seems fun! J: But we're drum-less! I was always used to being one part of the rhythm team, so I dunno how this is gonna turn out. But we've got amazing members, so I know it's gonna turn out brilliantly. - According to what I've heard, apparently Jun Sawada is playing "junk"? What does this mean? J: Well basically, he's just gonna throw or drum or do all sorts of things with junk. It's like "Einsturzende Neubauten" on his own *LOL* h: *LOL* J: In LUNA SEA, I'm always longing for perfection. So it's really new and exciting for me to have this border less, clean-white canvas, with everybody pouring on different colours at the same time. h: Oh, I really wanna hear this and see this! I mean, you really don't know what's gonna happen *LOL* - hide, you're gonna be in Los Angeles at that time, but are you gonna come back? h: Yeah, I really wanna see this. - If it was hide, you'll be allowed to join in on the day, won't you?! J: Definitely. h: What?! How is anyone meant to join in among these members?! *LOL* - Is the day hide & J stand on one stage again quite far away? h: I dunno. MASS hasn't split up yet or anything. J: I wanna do it again!
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lnterjection · 4 years
Sleepy Bois Inc and DSMP Fanfic Recs
Uhhh I realized I have a ton of stuff in my bookmarks list and might as well compile a list of favorites because I’m always looking for good fanfics, and this might help some people. Most of these are SBI, though a few focus on things other than their dynamic with each other. Nothing explicit here. Feel free to suggest more recs. 
Fics set in DSMP universe/about DSMP (One-shots first, then longer fics):
One-shots and series of one-shots-
therein lies the madness by sapphicist - 2095 words. Currently says it’s one chapter out of three complete, but can be read as a standalone one-shot. Nice introspective fic on Tommy’s exile and his parallels with Theseus. In 2nd person, but it’s actually done nicely. Mostly angsty, can have hopeful interpretation depending on how you look at it. 
crazy how life goes on without me (2090 words, one-shot) by itisjosh - What if Ghostbur did remember everything, and just pretended to be clueless and vapid? Made me cry. It’s so good. Tortured my heart. 
the inner mechanism of a black box (13521 words, one-shot) by Bee_4 - only work of a series called “system theory”. “Technoblade lets himself get imprisoned for Philza’s sake. He doesn’t plan on being there long. Unfortunately, he’s underestimated Pandora’s Vault. There are things that will make even the Blade fall apart in due time, as it turns out.” Yeah so Techno’s mental health goes out the window in this one and its written brilliantly. There’s comfort at the end, if it helps? 
A State For One Man Is No State At All (5247 words, two-shot) by angstfortheangstgod - “A different version of the festival, in which Dream shows up unarmed, the Community House is left intact, a traitor is executed, and Tommy doesn't betray Technoblade.” Ranboo centric. Angst and comfort. 
All the Kings Men series by MollyPollyKinz - “After Ghostbur's suggestion to do Lads on Tour, Tommy finds himself reunited with his family. However, escaping from Dream is going to be harder than anyone previously thought.” A connected series of one-shots and short fics about Tommy, his exile, his family, and escaping Dream. Well written, good characterization, great studies into the characters themselves.
ad astra per aspera series by cacowhistle - Collection of one-shots that start with Tommy’s exile and expand to be about SBI and their dynamic with each other, including a resurrected Wilbur. Really, really well written and probably my favorite of the “Tommy exile fic groups”. 
the fall of a hero series by cracklesnaple - “After being threatened with being exiled yet again, Tommy takes the decision into his own hands. If those around him can't see that he's given up everything to make this nation what it is, then he's not sure he can stay in L'Manburg any longer.” Series about SBI and mainly Tommy, eventually crossing over into Mianite territory in a way some might enjoy and some might now. Writing’s good, though, which is what I care about.
Longer fics-
Rewind (101002 words, 25 chapters, unfinished, last updated Jan 17 2021) by Anonymous - Best time travel fix-it fic I’ve ever read period. Tubbo and Tommy travel 10 years back from a very messed up future to the first L’Manberg election. Concept may seen a bit weird at first but trust me, holy fuck this is amazing. 
second chances (hurt the most) (8841 words, 4 chapters, unfinished, last updated Jan 17 2021) by Anonymous - “Wilbur wakes up alone in a bloody room, and has to come to terms with living again. (How can he go on, knowing who's blood is on his hands?)”. Amazing fic where resurrection requires someone else’s life as sacrifice. Phil is dead. Wilbur struggles to come to terms with his father’s decision, and his second chance. 
all scotch, no soda (47466 words, 43 chapters, unfinished, last updated Jan 14 2021) by fishstixx - “Vulnerability meant trust, though, and trust was a thing not so easily given. Post-exile and canon divergent, follows the consequences of Tommy’s isolation. Expect chases, heists, bloodshed, and the mending of a family.” Features raccon hybrid Tommy being badass, and I live for it. I really, really love this one. 
DON’T FORGET THAT ICARUS FLEW. (16426 words, 6/10 chapters, last updated Jan 1. 2021) by orpheusaki - “The day before and the days that follow Tommy's exile; told through the eyes of The Blood God.” Techno (and Dream) is a god, and gods often forget how the intricacies of the minds of mortals. He’s trying to get better, however. 
what do you fall for? (16374 words, complete) by tablrcloth - Ranboo centric fic with Techno, Phil and Tommy. Ranboo realizes that playing L’Manberg’s politics is less than ideal for him. What can I say, it’s just really good. 
Breathing’s Just a Rhythm (12631 words, 6 chapters, unfinished, last updated Jan 17 2021) by MollyPollyKinz - “Tommy, Tubbo, Jschlatt, and Dream all end up in the past. (Oh, and the Chat comes too).” Great time travel fic. 
What World Have We Inherited? (73635 words, 12 chapters, unfinished and last updated on Dec 22 2020) by Anonymous (this one has a series with all their works, and they’re all AMAZING). Holy fuck this one is probably one of my favorite fics in the fandom so far. “Wilbur blows everything to hell on the day of the Manburg festival, just like he wanted. When the ashes settle, it's just Tommy and Technoblade. It's not good, but it's better than nothing. It's just them, healing up in a world that never wanted them.” Amazing characterization, worldbuilding, everyone’s internal thoughts are portrayed and written so well. Even if it never updates again I would keep coming back to it. I rec this Anon’s works so much. 
In June, I Changed My Tune (29489 words, 6 chapters, unfinished and last updated on Jan 6 2021) by KryOnBlock - Eret runs away and eventually becomes friends with Techno. Nice cottagecore aesthetic. I have mixed feelings about this one - the writing’s good, descriptions and characterizations are really good. Just that there’s consistent punctuation mistakes and it takes me out of the world a bit. Everything else is good enough for me to continue reading, however. 
stay with him (24353 words, 12 chapters, unfinished, last updated Jan 9 2021) by junipersand - I especially rec the first chapter, which can be read (and originally was) a standalone fic with the summary “Every ghost had a purpose to fulfill. So what was Tommy’s?” Utterly heartwrenching, probably the most emotionally gut-punching bit of writing I’ve ever read in this fandom. It continues with other lore stuff afterwards that eventually branch off from just SBI and Tommy, but man. I don’t think I can ever forget that first chapter. 
I’m not angry at you, well, sometimes I am (52801 words, 16 chapters, unfinished, last updated Jan 14 2021) by sircantus - After Tommy is exiled, he runs away to Techno’s house instead of going off with Dream. SBI decide some revenge and “world domination” is in order. 
Fics set in AUs outside DSMP happenings:
One-shots and series of one-shots-
Empty Crowns AU by UnderUrsa - the SBI + Tubbo are gods, and a family. Series of one-shots. Nicely written, what can I say? Some angst, some fluff.
Secure, Contain, Protect AU by blue000jay - Amazingly written SCP AU. Knowledge of the SCP universe would help with understanding some more meta things, but is not needed to understand most of it. Some angst, disturbing themes around memories but nothing terribly gory.
CLASSIFIEDS. (13804 words, finished). SCP pages on SBI, short stories and audio transcriptions as well as files, lots of good lorebuilding here. Features an escape, + Tubbo!
CONFIDENTIALS. (13232 words, finished). Centers on Dream Team.
ARCHIVES. (1270 words, one-shot). What happened after SBI and Tubbo’s escape from the SCP foundation.
old gods (new gods) AU by WriterWinged - the relatively well known SBI gods AU. Amazingly written, great character interpretations. 
the gods are cruel (none crueler then you) (1394 words, one-shot) - As much the grammatical mistake in the title hurts me it’s no doubt one of the best pieces of work in the fandom. 
and yet they find kindness (and so do you) (2/4 chapters posted) - continuation of “the gods are cruel”. 
there’s a risk to the world (but the kindest are strongest) (2/3 chapters posted) - continuation of “the gods are cruel”. 
SBI Antarctic Princes AU by ScripWriter -  One of several Antarctic Empire AUs, this one just has these two preliminary one-shots but they’re nice bits of fun and neatly written. All fluff and mild hurt with lots of comfort so far. 
Younger Holding On Another (1781 words, one-shot). Techno is a good brother and reassures and newly adopted Tommy. 
But Oh, Don’t You Know How It Goes (2511 words. one-shot). Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur have some “fun” at a boring gala. Phil is very exasperated. 
Antarctic Princes ‘verse AU by BirchWrites - AU where Techno, Tommy, and Wilbur are princes of the Antarctic Empire (well, Techno’s technically the emperor now), but this time the events of DSMP still happen (at least up to the 1st season).
Homeward bound for the arctic ground (10562 words, one-shot). Wilbur and Tommy travel to the Antarctic Empire in person to ask Techno for help in fighting Schlatt. Good worldbuilding and acknowledges Wilbur’s beginnings of insanity while still being rather light.
Surprise Hugs (2542 words, one-shot). Dream doesn’t realize Tommy is Techno’s brother and thinks he’s going to get killed for tackling the infamous Blood God.
Family Reunions (1396 words, one-shot). Fundy never realized he’s loyalty and Techno informs him unexpectedly.
Longer fics-
leave me your starlight (14620 words, 4 chapters, unfinished and last updated Jan 11 2021) by findingkairos - “Once upon a time, Philza Minecraft is the only person who does not shy away from the bloody teen that regularly turns the tide of war. This cements a friendship that will last wars, empires, worlds, and lifetimes.“ Amazing backstory fic on Phil and Techno’s relationships, one of my absolute personal favorites. Very well written and really digs into the intricacies of Techno’s character (or an interpretation of it, but hey, that’s what all fanfiction is).
I was a kid in a village, doing alright, then I became a prince overnight (21736 words, 5 chapters, last updated Jan 13 2021) by sircantus - another Antarctic princes AU, this time centering on 16 year old Tommy catching the attention of Phil, Techno, and Wilbur after thwarting an assassination attempt. Really well written. Actually, I rec all of sircantus’ SBI stuff because they do amazing work.
antarctic adage (26591 words, 4/7 chapters posted, last updated Jan 13 2021) by blue000jay - Another very well written Antarctic princes AU with Emperor/ruler Phil. Are we seeing a pattern yet? blue000jay is another writer I’d rec, with really great SBI stuff.
a renewal of faith, and of family (56684 words, 31 chapters, unfinished, last updated Jan 13 2021) by SolivangantStories - One of the only fics here that doesn’t feature SBI, this one is Tubbo and Dream centered. Basically, the DSMP!Tubbo is executed by Schlatt and wakes up in a world where Manhunt!Dream is trying not to die and is also actually a nice person, to Tubbo’s surprise and confusion. Not SBI and technically not even DSMP, but it’s really good so I’ve decided to rec it anyway.
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kiyye · 7 years
how does one get into homestuck???
Short answer??? Just go to http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6 and start reading!!!!!!!!!!!!! You click the link that says “Enter name” to go to the next page and then keep clicking there.
Longer answer. Homestuck is a webcomic. Depending on what you’ve heard/seen around the internet, it often seems like some huge beast of a thing surrounded by years of fan culture, and that’s partially what it is, but at its core homestuck is also just a story. And a GOOD ASS story in my opinion (but thats coming from someone who’s read it 5 times through and thinks about it on the daily so uhhh im maybe not the most objective critic here??? but gOD I LOVE IT). Homestuck is long, but I know plenty of people who archive read it and love it just as much as I do, so I promise you will be able to get through the whole thing. (If you have not heard anything on the internet about it, either negative or positive -- dont worry about it and start reading!!!!!!!!!)
Another thing to remember is like. Homestuck is a story that in some ways you kind of need to take and make yours??? Personally I would advocate for reading every single bit of it and taking in as much as you can, plus reading bonus content like SBAHJ and the paradox space comics, but again thats coming from me, the most obsessive human being on the planet. I know people who didn’t make it through the troll acts, or skipped over the dancestors, and the story is still meaningful to them. So just read what speaks to you and don’t worry about being a bad and evil fan if you dont want to find every single dialogue option in the minigames. Some people can just sit down and read the whole thing, some people have to take it in small chunks. You can probably guess which kind of person you are based on how you usually read things.
So about the first few pages. I remember when I started reading it I was honestly confused because I thought I had missed some kind of background lore that would explain the things that were happening in the first act or so. But let me tell you: No, there is no required reading pre-homestuck (the author has done other webcomics and there are lots of callbacks to those as well as pop-cultural references and shit, but nothing plot important). If you start at page one, which I have linked above, and then keep reading, you may be like “what the fuck is happening right now, what is a sylladex?” You are supposed to be confused! Just persevere my dude.
Lots of people try to summarize it and do a shitty job because its not something you can easily summarize. But here’s me taking a crack at it? Homestuck is a webcomic about four kids who play a (fictional) game which turns out to not actually be just a game. Originally, it was a forum based text adventure, where fans (real people) would submit commands (for example, “Enter name”), and those would then inform the direction of the comic. The first act is largely comprised of quirky events occurring in a generally mundane setting. It’s just set on regular old earth, but for some reason people have video game-esque inventories, and john keeps fake arms in chests and does all kind of whacky shit. It’s charming but not particularly dramatic. From there, more colorful and complicated events unfold, eventually leading to ALIENS and huge epic flash animations and big bad villains. Shenanigans are had along the way.
This is probably a needlessly long post but I love homestuck on a deep, deep, unexplainable level and I very much want it to feel accessible to new readers!!!!! Here are some other helpful links to help you out if you really want to Get Into The Comic (and the fandom):
Before/during reading:
The homestuck wiki, an essential
This is the mspa “new reader” introduction page. It suggests starting off with problem sleuth but I personally dont think thats necessary. I jumped right into homestuck and was fine.
If you want to save this post, here is some post-reading or maybe during-reading material! I think half of these get linked in the comic but they’re some of my favorite homestuck supplements:
Dave’s blog. Know who dave is first, then this whole masterpiece is fair game
Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff. Same comment as above.
If you’re craving that good good homestuck content, paradox space is a bunch of standalone comics made by artists and fans. its dead now i think but it was a cool project that kept me alive for a summer or two
And uh just off the top of my head, here’s some relevant fandom reading dirk reading for when you’ve consumed all that and you’re sad and desperate for more. These are post-reading -- Come back to these after you finish the comic: Theatre of Coolty. Theatre of Coolty (The Movie). Detective Pony. (I’m so sorry that those are all dirk things). As for non dirk things, there’s Hiveswap, which you can find on steam, and loads and loads of fan videos on youtube that you can get lost in for hours.
I HOPE THIS POST IS HELPFUL TO YOU and i would highly, highly encourage you!!!!!! to read homestuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you’re just looking to start and this is all the information you need, GO FOR IT and pls message me any anecdotes you have because i crave the experience of getting to read it fresh all over again and i Will live vicariously through you. If you have been debating over reading it but you’re not sure if you want to, this is a wonderful post.
Happy reading from a big huge homestuck nerd!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
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