#so while it inspired me to write the caption and im okay giving it the ship name
tommyssupercoolblog · 3 months
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If I don't get another source collab i'm committing murder /j
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wingcased · 2 years
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i’ve been thinking about mimicry for a while and have felt so drawn to the concept for whatever reason and i decided that if something so.. biological.. could influence me so greatly i should probably try to work out why. so i did, which is what this is, and i realize that i identify closely with the facts of batesian mimicry. i feel like i am this (makes claws with my fists) thing. i am this animal that needs someone to hide behind. i am a follower and a hider and a lover. i want to learn everything there is about you but i dont know if it could ever be for the right reasons because i dont know you. i know that what you have to offer is valuable, i have witnessed it, and so im standing behind you, hiding in your shadow - fitting into your shape - but i dont know that i necessarily like you or want you. i just need you. 
i want to write about love in ways that dont involve saying the word love, which was kind of hard to do as i wrote this and was just as hard when i was thinking of a caption to write for the tweet, but i really do want to improve and i think that part of being a good writer is being okay with kneeling before your readers. i am at the mercy of each and every person who decides what my words mean to them, and i can only hope that they draw from it what i intended to give. 
on this blog, i think i’ll share some of my writing and give my own intentions/thought process on the piece because i like to talk about what inspired me to make what i make (especially since i’m becoming increasingly inspired by science. i love the fact that writers are almost always involved in another passion profession that fuels their artistry. for me it’s bugs), and that way i can leave my main socials generally blank aside from the poetry and not let my intentions skew whatever interpretations may come from the words. :) so yeah. this poem is about obsessive, immature and selfish infatuation. 
batesian mimicry is not nearly as melodramatic though, just survival of the fittest. for the sake of the analogy, this is like a poem from the perspective of p. marginata
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staysuki · 3 years
im writing this review while reading so yes
bruh i didnt know that just sitting there looking good would bring you a scholarship :// maybe thats why my parents had to pay the school fees,,,,,
all the characters here are so lovable wtf 😭😭😭 yEJI IS SUCH A MOOD I LOVE HER SM ,,,, im actly rly curious who new boy is i mean srsly if THE JUYEON is scared of losing against him, just how gorgeous is he????? 2 hwangs and jisung rivalry hmm 👀 nvm seungmin is my 👑 (sry not sry yeji , i still love you) "3rd place gets a thousand dollar cash prize so im in" -> highkey me ,, i would spare the embarrassment id feel for an award that big 👍
I FEEL BAD FOR JISUNG BUT HIM GETTING BULLIED BY LITERALLY EVERYONE IS SO HILARIOUS WTF AHHSAHSHSHSAHASHHAHASHH nvm 2min rivalry is the real one, 2 hwangs vs jisung is so one sided XD and i agree tho, jisung would be the type to make a stan acc dedicated to himself lol i LOVE how minhos captions just says minho 💀 all the phrases are so catchy ,,, how did u even think of this?!?! BRUH CHA FCKING EUNWOOOO???? LMAO GOOD LUCK WINNING AGAINST HIM ,,,, kinda feel bad for him tho ,,, boy getting played by our queen yeji 😔 💔
justice for jisung 😕
2min didnt make it? :( i want to see bad boy seungmin 😠😩 the 2 of them were so confident that theyd win but didnt pass the first round LMAOOOO ,,,, JISUNG AT THE END OF CH 7- IM DYING Y^Y
i still dont know what the poll was for but jisung is bias wrecking me hard, shouldve voted for him 😀👍 yeji opening up at her insecurities made me 😔 💔 eunwoo still deserved better tho Y^Y WHAAAATTT JISUNG X YEJI ???? 🤭🤭🤭 SHOCKED BUT OKAY CUTE HEHE okay jisung yejis the ship but eunwoo ugh still deserves so much so fcking wholesome im srsly crying
i sense drama and im sure af felix would be the cause 👀 i think im getting to see jealous jeongin real soon. they all think hyunjins going to lose, what if he gets the crown???? id want to see their reactions lmao "and not flirt with other people's girlfriends" LMAOOOO and felix's name on jeongins phone XD didnt expect the plot to go this deep,,,, juyeons words at the end were actually inspiring :">
its so beautiful huehue, i thought s2 would be pure crack but you surprised me once again ! im glad it focused more on their relationship in the second half of the story. full of drama but just my cup of tea 😌 i like how yeji and jisung ended together XD the 3rd bonus got me so intrigued, is this what your new hyunjin smau is about? hMMMMM but rest first 😠
- bs
jisung being the comedic relief is such a trope i’m addicted to, i have to stop fr 😔💔 but i just love him sm.
AND THE TWITTER CAPTIONS SJWHSJAJS IT LEGIT TOOK ME A WHILE. i had to sit down and be like ����‍♀️hmmmm. and yeah, justice for eunwoo, i honestly like how i didn’t make him out to be a fuckboy— wanted to pull on those empathy strings 🙈.
AND YES, thank you 🥺💓. again, i really came into this wanting to focus on the “downs” of a relationship beneath all the “ups”. like, it has the feel of a serious series that has a layered comedy on top of it so that it’ll be easier to stomach for the reader because i myself don’t like writing pure angst.
and i’m sorry to disappoint but the ending is an open-and-shut case 😭. the hyunjin smau is a different plot, i just really wanted to give him a one-off spinoff because why not, give the people what they want. daddy jeongin is my fave character tho 💓.
i didn’t wanna make a hyunjin spinoff because this is already such a good ending, i didn’t wanna make the characters live longer than they already need to, i’d be dragging it by that point. i’m pretty satisfied by this, a bit sad to let them go but overall happy it’s over. 💓💓
thank you for the text wall bub 🙏🧍‍♀️
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mulletcal · 4 years
flowers, maybe daisies, might relieve the gloom. - an a.i blurb
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a/n: i lowkey blame @sexgodashton​ for starting this whole mini series of boomer!ash things, but i also adore this because boomer!ash is soft as hell.  and also a lil d*ddy but we don’t need to talk about that.  title is from wait by sweeney todd bc i love it.  alternative title was gonna be from L.G. FUAD by motion city soundtrack
word count: 
warnings: ashton irwin being a thirst trapping, lemon stealing whore. i’m kidding it’s just a solo ash fic w no smut but some mild ash thirst trapping.
‘ashtonirwin started a live video.’
Ashton didn’t often go live on Instagram, but this shelter in place order had left him ultimately bored - writing a song every day before noon, sure, but anything after that was a blur.  Occasionally he would have interviews or live-streams with the band, but on days without that he was left alone with his thoughts, and his thoughts weren’t always the safest place to be; so talking to fans it was. 
It was going well so far, simply asking fans how their quarantine was going - bringing some of them into the livestream so he could talk to some face to face.  One girl in particular had caught his attention when they began to discuss hobbies she had picked up during the time she’d spent at home.
“Yeah, I’m learning to garden.  I have a tomato plant that is just starting to sprout actual tomatoes, so that’s kind of exciting,” She had said, a nervous laugh escaping.
“Well, I would hope that your tomato plant is sprouting tomatoes, it would be a little concerning if it was growing something else,” Ashton replied with a chuckle, the girl giving a small shrug but still laughing along with him.
“You should look into it if you’ve got the room at your house, I bet it would feel rather rewarding to be able to cook something with your own fresh vegetables.”
“Would save me quite a bit of money too.  Can I grow yeast? I’d like to learn how to make my own bread but here in L.A. you can’t find yeast anywhere.”
The conversation continued like that for a few minutes more, Ashton taking only a couple more fans into the livestream after that to talk to before he decided he should probably do something else productive with his day.  Something like learning to garden. 
It surprised Ashton the things you were able to order online during this time - soil being the main thing.  He also read that saving coffee grounds would help, and he was excited at the idea of his insane coffee habit wouldn’t be completely useless.  He ended up buying seeds for tomatoes, mint, sunflowers, lemongrass, and zucchini.  The lemongrass and mint was specifically for Calum, realizing he would be able to dry the plants out once he had harvested them so he could make the man his very own tea.
When his package finally arrived, Ashton spread the packages out, sliding them across the table as though he was some card dealer in Las Vegas.  Thinking the fans would find it amusing, he took a picture of the spread and added it to his story with the caption of ‘pick a card, any card…’.  Maybe it would only be funny to him, but it did prompt a fire reaction from Michael.
It seemed as though the reaction from fans were positive though, them taking to Twitter to let him know their excitement about his new endeavour.  That’s where his weekly livestreams began.  He would show everyone the progress he was making with his plants, and just in general him chatting with fans.  Ashton never really thought of how refreshing it could be to just talk to the fans, without the worry of time restrictions or anyone’s personal safety in the way; in fact, it left him rather inspired, loving their fans even more if it were at all possible.
A particularly warm day in L.A. left Ashton wondering if he should go out to the garden that day - but it was the day he would normally livestream, and he was excited to show what he was up to that day.  Ashton wanted to plant another tomato plant, and also the lemons on his infamous tree had enough for him to make some lemonade so he was going to go through that as well.
Clad in some cut off jeans, or as Calum so affectionately called them his jorts, and a white tank top, he pulled up the live option on Instagram and waited for the people to begin to filter in before he started to speak.
“Hey guys! Just gonna wait for more of you to filter in before I actually head outside, but I thought that since you guys love my lemon tree so much, I’d make some lemonade.  Fuck, I sound like a YouTuber.  Is that gonna be my next career, is just YouTube tutorials on how to make shitty lemonade?” Ashton laughed to himself, slicing the lemon so he could juice it, ignoring the comments he saw about murdering his lemon children.
It didn’t take him long to make the lemonade, making mild conversation with the fans while he stirred in a little bit of sugar and some cheat mint he had ordered while waiting for his own to grow.
“Alright, now that I’m waiting for that to cool, probably best we go outside and check on those tomatoes, hm?” 
It had been weird at first, talking to himself; but he quickly realized that he talked to himself anyways, even without the phone in front of him, so it couldn’t have been too weird for anyone who could overhear him.
“So I wanted to plant another tomato plant today, because everyone can use a friend right now, you know?” He looked into the camera, a smile spreading across his face when he saw the flood of cute little emojis that followed.  “M’gonna be like the Bob Ross of gardening. No mistakes, only happy accidents or whatever it was he said.”
Ashton began to work away at his garden, building up a sweat in the process.  It wasn’t until he leaned back, glancing at his phone did he see a text from Michael flash across the top.
‘Mate, Crystal said stop thirst trapping the fans.’
Ashton’s brow furrowed, unsure of what the text was saying, “Okay so I just got a text from Michael - what’s thirst trapping? And am I currently doing it?”
Of all the comments that followed, he noticed one that said ‘I mean… I’m not gonna say either way but take a look at yourself and get back to us’.  Another one told him that it was when someone wears something in order to provoke risque texts, or gain attention from someone.
Ashton pouted, looking down at his appearance.  He was kind of sweaty, but he didn’t think that the fans would mind him being covered in dirt and sweat, it’s not as though they had to smell him.  Though, he would admit that he needed a shower. 
“Well, since my tomato plant has been… planted next to its’ friend, and I’m apparently thirst trapping you all, I should probably go shower and clean up.  Is me mentioning a shower thirst trapping as well?” Ashton rubbed his face over his hands, a small huff leaving his lips, “I don’t know… Fellow youths, tweet me and lemme know.  Also, may hold a poll later on what to name these guys.” He flipped the camera around, struggling for a moment, to show the sunflowers that were starting to sprout, “M’thinking of naming one Denise.  Just seems like a Denise.”
After his small speech was over, he ended the stream, grinning to himself.  He hadn’t meant to show off his body in such a way, but it was funny to know that even with him hardly doing anything but be himself they still lost their shit.
Glancing around at his garden, he felt himself swell with a mild sense of pride.  He was still a ways off from seeing any fruits of his labour (literally), but it made him feel good knowing he did something with his time at home, instead of slipping further into his mind which wasn’t always the kindest to him.
Ashton realized that when he was gardening, it was similar to songwriting in a way where all of his self doubts and fears went away and he could just pour himself into it - the reward being well worth the risk in the end.
Once his shower was done, he sat outside in his backyard, sipping his lemonade and enjoying the sunshine - realizing that having to stay home wasn’t all too bad, if it meant he could reset his mind, and do some small part to help how he could during that time.
tag list:  @haikucal​ @talkfastromance4​ @softbabiestan​ @boyfriend-cal​ @calum-uncrowned​ @wildflowerirwin​ @irwindoll​ @gosh-im-short​  @thesubtweeter​ @heavenisapeach​ @ridingcthood​ @loveroflrh​ @mantlereid​ @inlovehoodx​ @irwinkitten​ @n-ctarinenga​​ @g-l-pierce​ @thecurlsofgod​
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justsomefluff · 4 years
Hello I was wondering if you could do an ateez reaction to going to a fashion show with their girlfriend 🥺❤
here it is!! sorry it’s so late!! I hope you enjoy! <3
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Okay so Joong is the type to pretend he doesn’t want to go
But then love every second of it
And after your first one, he’s gonna beg you to go to more shows with him
Like every time a model comes out wearing something new, even if the entire look is hideous, he’s gonna complement something about the look
Because he knows how hard the models and designers work to make all this happen
And if there’s a look he really really loves, he’ll look at you and be like
Im gonna buy that for you
Suddenly showering you in complements
“Babe, you’d look so beautiful in that”
“Babe, you’re the most stunning person in here”
And at the end of the night, you’ve both compiled a list of colors and styles you would like to see on each other
So you decide to make each other outfits for the next date you go on
And its just so cute bc Joongie really does draw inspiration from everything he sees
So he totally writes a song about this experience with you
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Seonghwa is not shy about his love for fashion
Like he has his own sense of style, and he loves choosing things that he feels will express his personality
So when you guys get the chance to go to a fashion show together
He’s gonna grade every look under his breath on a scale from 1-10
And then he’ll tell you what he likes most about each style that is presented
He tries not to be too critical though bc he knows that everyone’s tastes are different
Will also ask your opinion on the outfits
Like “ooh what do you think of that one? I really like the textures on it!”
You will both choose your top two outfits 
like you choose them so that you have one you want just for yourself and one that you want for him
And then he does the same
You typically choose similar looks because you know each other’s style super well
And Hwa is totally the type to surprise you by buying you one of the pieces he had seen you eyeing more than the others
“Just as a thank you for coming with me :)”
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His crackhead comes out in full force at fashion shows, believe me
I mean seriously
Every time something comes out that he doesn’t like he insults it in a really funny way
And you’re sitting in the front row so your literally biting your lip so hard to not laugh in front of all these cameras
Like a model comes out with a bunch of feathers on her outfit and Yunho’s just like 
“Heads up, everybody, Chicken Little has just hit the stage!”
Or if he sees something particularly revealing he’s like
“Wouldn’t you love to see me in that, baby”
Like would you just hush already lmao
He takes a picture of every single look that he finds funny, just so he can send them to you later with a funny caption
But he also sees one he really loves
Will take a picture of your side profile when you aren’t looking
And the model is coming down the runway in the background
He will save that picture as his background as a reminder that he is going to get you that outfit someday
But he will try not to let you find out that he was so soft about it lmao
So he tries to keep you from seeing his wallpaper
He really wants it to be a surprise, but he also cant stop looking at the picture and imagining the moment you are finally able to put the outfit on
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(he’s so cute I cant breatheeee)
Yeosang will sit pretty silently through most of it
But do not be fooled
He is judging and critiquing every single look like it is his JOB
The most stone cold poker face you will ever see
Will only crack a smile if you whisper “you’d look so good in that, Sangie”
But when you finally leave he will show you any of the pictures he had taken and start a legitimate conversation about how you liked or disliked each look
Has a grading system lmao
Like you have A-F grading scale, but also categories that each look has to fulfill
Color, texture, fit, overall flow of the patterns and clothing items, etc.
And you can play along for a while before you’re finally like 
“We could be”
Like boy if you don’t-
But then he gives in and he’s like “just tell me which one you loved the most and I’ll tell you if it was good or not”
And then that launches a playful debate about who has better fashion sense
But overall you both had a really good time and plan on making this an annual tradition
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(he’s so breathtaking here im sorry I mean cmon his hair matches his sweatshirt)
This fashionista here
Sees the artistry in every look and compliments literally everything
Very genuine in his appreciation for the work that has been done
Spewing compliments the entire time
“Omg look how intricate all the stitching is.”
“That fascinator is so stunning, look at all the colors wow”
And it’s so cute to just watch him
Like he’s assessing all the models with the biggest doe eyes
He really is like a little kid at Disneyland for the first time
Just so excited and appreciative of every little thing
“I wish our next comeback could be so beautiful like this!”
“Sannie, your comebacks are always beautiful”
It’s just so adorable
And when the designer comes out at the end of each parade of models, you can bet San is cheering the loudest
And he’ll be so inspired and as his makeup noonas to try and replicate some of the looks he had seen
Gets hella motivated and literally starts drawing up ideas that he has for costumes and things
He’s just a sweet baby who sees the beauty in everything and wants to make beautiful things too
And he will always ask your opinion on his drawings
“Do you like this one? Do you think it could work?”
And of course you tell him all of them are fantastic bc they are
And you guys work together to make some of his outfit dreams come true
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At fashion shows, Mingi thrives bc models tend to be really tall for some reason
As a short person, I am offended by tall people’s clothes
Mingi is just looking at the pants like “I bet those would actually fit me on the first try”
And then he’s like “baby, I could be a model”
And you’re like “I already knew that, you’ve always been pretty”
He gets blushy aww
“I’m pretty” UWUUUUUU
And now that you’ve got him going you cant just let that blush fade away I mean its too cute
Don’t squander this opportunity to make our baby blush even harder
So literally every other model your whispering “you’d look better in that”
“You’d be the best model here, Minnie”
And eventually he’s smiling so big and blushing so hard that he’s like “stoop my cheeks hurt”
So you settle for giving him a lil smoochie on his cheek
But then he shall take his revenge
Starts complementing you even more than you had complemented him
Thus begins a complement war
By the end, both of you realize that you’ve ignored the last two sets of models and had just been telling each other how much you love each other over and over
Get a room you guys I mean really
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Wooyoung is a giggly mess
The entire time
Because he thinks every little thing is funny
A model’s makeup is too extreme? He’s laughing
Someone’s hair is too wild? He’s laughing
Someone looks like they rolled straight out of a dumpster? he’s laughing and saying “thats you”
Like SHUT UP lmaoooo
He’s also laughing bc he’s imagining the members in all of the ugly outfits
Like “lmao imagine Hongjoong wearing that big ole hat”
“Imagine Seonghwa wearing those balloon shorts”
Like he’s so annoying lmao
But it does have you both laughing hard enough to get dirty looks from other spectators
Once he eventually calms down and hushes himself, he actually starts getting into it and thoroughly enjoys watching the way the clothes flow when the models walk and stuff
He finds it genuinely interesting to see how each artist has fit the clothes to each specific model’s body type
But he will still fit in some snide comments here and there to make sure you’re fully entertained
Bc if he’s not laughing… is it really Wooyoung
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Okay Jongho is definitely into fashion
Whether he is obvious about his affinity for cool clothes or not, he’s into it okay
And he evaluates every look in terms of “would I look good in that? Would bae look good in that? Would any of the hyungs look good in that?”
Very thoughtful baby
Will take pictures to send to people and be like “this reminds me of you”
Will say it directly to you too
He is also kinda cheesy and poetic about it
“The bright pink reminds me of how happy you make me”
“That blue is like the sky when you’re around: cloudless”
Eventually you’re like “oh shut up ya freak” lmao
And then he’s laughing bc he’s embarrassed that he said all that
He’s like “why am I so cheesy”
And you low-key love it so you just smile at him
But then he keeps taking pictures of the models and eventually starts taking pictures of you bc he just loves you and finds you so breathtaking awww
At the end of the night he’s so sweet to you and thanks you for coming with him and hopes you had a good time and-
You just kiss him and tell him you had a lot of fun and you should definitely do it again next time there’s a show in town
He definitely agrees bc he really just loved sharing that experience with you
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selfcareparker · 3 years
LMAOO I WAS GONNA BRING UP FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLIDER BUT I WASNT SURE IF YOU WERE WATCHING IT HSKAJ (are you liking it? i know it’s only the first episode but ya know, another one tomorrow night- well tomorrow night for me, and did you like wandavision?? i loved it!!)
oh my goodness i’m watching lion king while writing this and i haven’t seen it in a while and i am..... emotional. but anyway, i love that streaming services think that imma pay for them while they charge $50 a month. like yes of course i have that kind of money and i am going to give it to you to watch tv 🙄 that $50 is budgeted to sims thank you. (ALSO SIMS!!! i’ll get to that in a minute) now see if i don’t google levidia right this minute LMAOO, not that i’m gonna use it.. just for the research...
AND HDKSHS SEND THAT CHAOS WALKING LINK LMAO i saw it for the third time with a different one of my friends and she wasn’t the best one to see it with? she literally was on her fucking phone and i was like ok whatever her loss not mine, and idk if you’ve read the books or if you’ve seen it by now, but by the end of the whole movie, after they’ve confirmed THE THING throughout the whole movie she asked the dumbest question and i’m like diD YOU NOT WATCH THE MOVIE, and i guess she didn’t. so. this sounds so vague but i don’t wanna spoil the movie for you just in case lol.
THE STORY LMAOO, so A DIFFERENT FRIEND LOL, like my oldest bff, we had a day together and we wanted to go see chaos walking. and i honest to God thought that no one would be seeing this movie. like NO ONE. every day, i checked the theater seating and no one was there right? plus i really wanted us to have the theater to ourselves. so we sit in the wrong seats, the row in front of us, STILL THINKING WE’RE ALONE. and then these 3 older people came in AND IM ABOUT TO SCREAM FHSJSH AND IM LIKE “are we in your seats?” and they we were like uh yeah, AND IT WAS SO BAD LMAOO , we’re moving and everything would’ve been FINE but my friend’s reclined seat was going down so slow and as it’s going shes LITERALLY SAYING ALOUD “awkward awkward awkward” so she thinks forget it, lemme just get up. HER BAG GETS CAUGHT ON HER CHAIR AND HER FRIES AND THEY SPILL ALONG WITH HER HONEY MUSTARD 😭😭 ALL OVER THE FLOOR! so i’m trying not to laugh lmao but those aren’t even our seats and we just made a mess, so naturally, i get on the floor and start cleaning it up with my napkins (this is going for too long) AND MY FRIEND IS STILL SAYING “awkward awkward awkward awkward” and i’m really abt to crack up bECAUSE LIKE SHUT UP HAHAHA and we’re cleaning it and shit and the oldest lady is gonna say “yeah you’re not gonna make an old lady get on the floor, are you?” AND I WANTED TO LAUGH AND SCREAM AT THE SAME TIME BC DID WE ASK YOU TO, NO, so then i had to get the manager and she helped us clean it, we got new fries and everything was fine, it’s just a crazy story bc LITERALLY WE COULDVE AVOIDED IT AND EVERYTHING BUT THESE ELDERLY PEOPLE HAD TO COME AND SEE THIS MOVIE😭😭 at least the gentlemen was nice.. he helped us clean. but then his wife was like “i aM nOt siTTiNg tHeRe” and at first i thought she was a teenager bc of her stink attitude but her husband was nice. and it’s not like we weren’t cleaning it up, we were!!! like i was so apologetic- anyway.
about sims! do you play console or pc? wait,, you already told me you play pc bc your computer was broken, i’m glad you can play now though :’)) litetally when i read in the tags that you’re playing sims !!!! and are you hyped for bunk beds? i have cc so i’ve had them for a bit, but they were glitchy... but i’m so excited we have them now! i should really play sims today...
GURL IM SO PROUD OF YOU 🥺🥲 i know you aren’t fluent in everything and you aren’t a linguistic genius LMAO but it’s still soooo amazing :’) here i am reading the captions while ur just going hahah, yea i tried duolingo but.... i didn’t stick to it HDJSH talking to you though makes me so interested because you know all these languages, not even studying them like that, but you have this foundation and ahh it’s just super cool. LOL YOU DONT SOUND LAME HAJA IM TELLING YOU ITS SO SO COOL, i’m loving this lesson btw oh my goodness- HSKAJS YOU THOUGHT I WOULD ALREADY KNOW THAT??? HDYSJHS MY ONLY ENGLISH SPEAKING ASS??? HAHAHAHHAH i find that word (Rindfleischetikettie- i’m not gonna write the whole thing i’m sorry) very interesting... like... wow. did you have to google that or did you just know lmao
OKAH THE WATER THING HDKDJDKS UR GONNA TERRIFY ME HAHAH OH MY LORD- first of all CROATIA 😍😍 but thinking about it like that, I WOULD FREAK OUT TOO HAHSGSG i never go that deep into the water, or if i do i have my dad with me lol and i kind of hold onto him bc ive seen/heard too many things about people being dragged into the sea. but i loveee the water (i wanted to be a mermaid soooo bad ohmigosh)
I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW ONE CANNOT LIKE MUSIC ITS AWFUL !! lmao yeah i haven’t even listened to harry’s his first album, everyone says they love it more. I WAS GONNA SAY IMMA LISTEN TO ONLY ANGEL BUT THE WAY YOU DESCRIBE IT HUHAHAH also i have never listened to anything by mgk (i actually had to google who he was IM SORRY😔) i’m tempted to listen tho lol PLEASE JUSTIN BIEBER- I PROMISE IM NOT LAUGHING AT U IVE JUSY NEVER HAD SOMEONE SAY THAT B4!! like i don’t know many people who’ve liked him bUT NOW IM GONNA LISTEN & the cardboard cutout- okay. 😭😭😭
oh my goodness to see the vamps live 🤧 TO SEE ANYONE LIVE PLEASE JJDGSHAHGD and little mix is so good oh my goodness- i actually haven’t been to that many concerts.. i was at my first one, elsie fest (it’s like a broadway thing really) in uhhh october of 2019, yea i took my mom for her birthday bc she loves darren criss and i’m obsessed with glee lmao OH MY GOODNESS YOUVE BEEN TO SO MANY!!! and those are such great artists 😩😩
LMAO UR FINE, hamilton is a musical that lin manuel miranda wrote and i think generally made? i’m obsessed, but basically it was on broadway and then recorded and put on disney+ ... idk i guess it counts a film bc it’s like a movie really cuz it was recorded but in what 2018 or 2016? i don’t remembers the date that is on disney+ but it’s strange how i got into it, a lot of my friends were obsessed and i was like uhh why? and while researching it and watching it, trying to figure out why people love it... i fell in love with it LMAO but the music is FANTASTIC and lin is incredible😭 but yes yes yes i loveeeee high school musical!! my dad actually took my cousins to see it on ice or something (i absolutely forget lmao) but i don’t know how people don’t know hsm. it upsets me.
OKAY IM DOWN TO THE BOTTOM HAHAHA (it takes me so long to respond, now i’m on lion king 2 WHICH IS SO GOOD PLEASE FHHSSHHSHSH) i could respond in chunks but i kind of enjoy responding like this? it feels a bit like a letter but if this whole thing is overwhelming i’ll cut it up lol
+ yes that was me about your fic and sleep and everything lol but it was so good😭 i don’t understand how you write peter so well like you have this ability to capture his.. everything? i’m crine. all the time. over your fics. & i cannot describe my happiness for youuuu :’) i’m so happy you’re writing again 🥺🥰 the thing about how you only want to write the long peter fic but you don’t know how to continue... i feel that so so so hard, i don’t think i told you but ughh i was so blah bc of that feeling of having pent up inspiration for only one fucking thing and not being able to write it. it’s so frustrating 😭
not to add more to this but i need to vent a bit? the situation is definitely different bc with your major it obviously requires for you to ya know, know english lol, but uhm bc i’m homeschooled ive been cheating on all my work SHSHDHSJ like i google the answers but i’m still learning! it’s just..... i find it so unnecessary, like going for an audition no one is gonna say to me “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” like tf??? there’s literally no point. i’m gonna be getting into voice lessons again soon and i’m already doing dance, AND i’ll be doing this summer camp program (more hamilton lol) and thinking about school is only making me stress more, like i haven’t been able to rehearse dance at all this week bc of it...... so
hahaha reading your tags, lonely anon would still be accurate HAHAHHAHA // another add: yea i love ur current theme, i’ve gotten used to “seeing you” like this, but anything will look super pretty :)) ALSO HOW IS IT STILL SNOWING THERE, i swear it’s getting warmer and warmer by the day here 😭🤧
these long ass posts, my gosh🥲 lonely lovely anon <3
Omg yes it does feel like a letter sldkdj and then the few days of waiting also make more sense okay i love this ❣️💕❤️💓❤️💞🧡💜💘(wtf)sksjhz
Dear lovely anon,
ALSKSJVKD yes i‘m liking falcon and winter soldier dlkdh i haven‘t watched the second episode yet but i‘ll watch it tomorrow! but i didn‘t watch wandavision........ eidislskks i was going to but idk i wasn‘t that interested in it and watching series is already too much of a commitment (what can i say i‘m a Sagittarius—🤧 (no i’m joking i actually know NOTHING about starsigns)) didjj that i couldn‘t force myself to watch it, ALSO i hate (idk if this is an unpopular opinion) when every episode is like a whole hour. i‘m rewatching an old series today (it‘s german so i won‘t even get into it) and the episodes are 25 mins each and i‘ve already watched 8 episodes today ridlndjdjd,,, and i feel like if the episodes were an hour each i wouldn‘t have gotten past episode 2 today like idk.... even if series had the same length in total, i prefer when the individual episodes are shorter idk why tho tbh (so yeah i already wasn‘t 100% convinced about watching wandavision so i just couldn’t make myself watch a bunch of 1hour episodes— i‘ve heard that it‘s good tho- but i‘m not much of a series person so. Dldkk (have we talked about this already??? sorry i don‘t remember what i said lol and i couldn‘t find my own post anymore so dkdjsh) (WAIT I JUST CHECKED THE WANDAVISION EPIOSRDES ARENT EVEN THAT LONG??? Okay wait i might watch it now - did you like it? let me know if i should watch it— why did i think they were 60minutes???)
okay another confession i‘ve never watched the lion king????? i mean i watched it when i was a child but i was too young to actually pay attention to any kind of plot i just liked the songs lol sldkdj i‘ve been meaning to watch it for years tho 🦁 (idk it just felt appropriate to put a lion emoji lmoaoo)
OH MY GOD THE CHAIS WALKING/CINEMA STORY AHSJSKKS😭😭😭😭 NOOOOO (very fitting that there was so much chaos when you were watching a film that has chaos in the title loool) and the “awkward awkward awkward“ SAME SKSKSLSKDJ, that‘s literally me 24/7 ahajshshhshshsh. Like i was so skdjdjdkdllsldksnsnsnsb while i read what you sent me djslslsjdjdbdn why are old ladies always so grumpy btw 🥲🥲🥲 at least the man was nice tho! and wait did i read that right... you have fries (which, to me, are called chips dusuusldk) at your cinemas?? (Movie theatres sorry sksjsh) we just have popcorn and nachos and drinks i want chips too when i‘m watching a film what😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺
Also i still haven’t watched it so thanks for not spoiling it!!! (idk when i’ll watch it i’m so bad with films and even worse with series💀💀💀- same with cherry. i literally forgot all about cherry, i was SO hyped when the trailer came out like i’ve never been so excited about a movie... and then it came out... and i still haven‘t watch it like what‘s wrong with me???? Dkdjdjdjdklsl i feel like i‘m not gonna watch it anytime soon tbh, but i wanna watch chaos walking i just have to find the time
Okay and @ your other friend who wasn‘t paying attention like why are you even watching the film then???? but ok (omg this sounds so mean i‘m sure she‘s very nice but in this situation just like❔❔❔)
SIMS ahhh, BUNK BEDS, ahhhh sdljdjdjdkdkdldksj i actually haven‘t played it since the update 🤧🤧 i made both of my sims (enisa (bestselling author already, thank you) and michael (aspiring doctor)) go to university and bro it takes so long 😭😭 and you can‘t do anything else if you want them to do well so literally the last three times i played sims i was just constantly clicking their homework and computerd to write their assignments (i play it in german so idk what its called on the sims) and do their presentations and do them all over again so that they get better or whatever for HOURS, but imma play again soon
also i‘m living my fanfiction life loool, so i made my two sims neighbours (on the same plot tho but i made two small separate houses lol, i still wanted to control both of them at the same time but i made sure they didn‘t interact before i wanted them to skdjdjdk). and first they both experimented and got some experience in the love department you know (all genders, cause i have to live my sexuality even in a pc game slskdjh— wait, i‘ve never lived my sexuality irl like i‘ve done NOTHING nothing with guys nothing with girls (🥲) but maybe that’s why i want to do it even more in the sims) and then they met at uni and realised like hey we‘re neighbours and now they‘re together (but michael accidentally had an alien baby with another woman (who was an alien which i was not aware of) cause i wasn‘t paying attention like i said woohoo not try for baby like michael why is your pull out game so weak tf LSHDDHDJDJSKKDKSKDKS okay but making out and flirting and doing all the fun stuff in the sims turns me on way more than it should PFAHAHHAHSH) so idk why i told you this but I’m creating that neighbour!au in the sims lmaoooo
i did not have to google Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsübertragungsaufgabengesetz (just did it again😌 sisjshhs) but i might have mixed up the words überwachung und übertragung or i might have even forgotten a word skskks but in the end it doesn‘t matter (by linkin park- ok i‘m so sorry it‘s 2 am and i have a headache from having waveformers in my hair all day but i still wanted to reply to this now so sorry if i‘m not making any sense right nowbahahshah)
i wanted to be a mermaid too dldjdksksj like h2O and all those series convinced me i could be one like. i remember i‘d always go in the deep pool and attempt to swim like them in all the series with that wave motion i must have looked so crazy with my goggles as well dkdjsksöksj (i was like twelve but still)
so mgk has two sides one is hip hop/rap which is like ~~~~ idk he has good and bad songs, but his latest album is like punk pop snd I LOVE IT SO SO SO SO SO MUCH, so if you like punk pop I’d recommend his album tickets to my downfall (i don‘t blame yoj if you don‘t like it tho like about a year ago i would have HATED that type of music dkdkdkkd)🥴
Okay talking about music, there‘s this german rapper and he is... not a good person. he‘s literally a criminal and extremely sexist but to me he‘s still hot???????? he‘s even cute at times even tho he has tattoos everywhere and is like 6‘5 and is super aggressive but i see him and i‘m like 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 my heart beats only for you💘💘💘💘and he released a new song today and i watched the video and i‘m wondering wtf is wrong with me 😃 (he did look particularly cute cause he was high so idk he wasn’t really aggressive in this one) 😭 so i thought i‘d share that LMAO IDK
(not saying tattoos aren‘t cute btw i LOVE tattoos imma get some soon, but you know he looks like someone your grandma would be afraid of (and in his case rightfully so💀)
okay wait i‘m getting so tired it‘s 2 am i think i‘ll have to do the rest tomorrow but i wanted to do it now😭🥺🥺 see you tomorrow
it is now 3:42 am and i couldn‘t sleep so here we go again
girl you can laugh at me for liking justin tho skskks i wanna laugh at myself idk, like i said i really really really liked him a few years go, basically my life was at least 50% justin and then he went on a break for a while and released an album last year which i hated 🥴 but this album is wow. (Still weird to me because it‘s literally the definition of pop and i don‘t ever listen to pop?) and it‘s so weird because i used to know so much about justin and had so many friends who loved him as well and now it‘s like I’m listening to someone new? Don‘t get me wrong i never KNEW justin and i never will and i‘m aware of that shahsh but yeah i used to be soooo used to him and it‘s like reconnecting with an old friend and you realise you don‘t know that friend anymore- like you don‘t know them anymore at all. I mean justin is weird nowadays 😂😂😂 so pls laugh at me tbh dskksjsjsh
awww it‘s so wholesome that you gave your mom tickets to the concert 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i gave my mum tickets for pink like 2 years ago and she loved it so much and i was like 🥰🥰🥰 (i went with her) AND OMG GLEE ok so unfortunately i barely remember glee, but i used to watch it too!!!! And it‘s actually on my list of series i wanna watch (again) so youre making me want to watch it even more (but like i said i‘m bad with series so 😩😩😩 who knows when i‘ll rewatch it)
When all this pandemic shit is over (let‘s be hopeful <3333) then you need to go to as many concerts as possible!!!!! i‘ve been to SO MANY and it‘s literally one of the things in my life i‘m the most grateful for, concerts are some of the best experiences i‘ve ever had in my life especially the ones that are in smaller concert halls where you can feeeel the vibe and everyone‘s energy (and that sounds awful thinking about it mid-pandemic 😐) anyway—
Okay omg you‘re absolutely making me want to watch hamilton right now like omg i WANT TO WATCH IT NOW but it‘s 4 am sodndkdldl
what you said about my peter fics🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺like omg i love these emojis they literally just describe how i felt when reading what you said so, yes, 🥰🥺 + thank you :) it really means a lot <3
and no omg i totally get the studying thing. like last year before i graduated .. was that last year? yes wtf omg okaykdjdj, so the last three months before i had my final exams we were just in a lockdown and we didn‘t even have online classes. We had nothing except one teacher who left our group chat (😭) because she was mad at us (?) and one maths teacher who did an online ““lesson““ once a week. he‘d ask: so does anyone have questions. us: . Him: okay, bye then. So. Yeah dndldldj. But we had one online test and it was in german and like i read the book wee were supposed to read? but the questions on the test were all unanswerable (is that a word?) and i had to google everything (got an A tho 🤪 but only because i googled everything so i was so scared that i wouldn‘t be able to get a good result on the final exam because what if i‘d gotten used to just googling everything and i couldn‘t do it by myself anymore? anyway it was all fine in the end but yeah at times i couldn‘t even study because i had so much anxiety about studying and yeah- like this whole annoying cycle. but you said you‘re still studying———- okay wait 👁👄👁 i forgot what i was going to say??????????????????????????????????????????????????? Like wtf. Is wrong with me? And i‘m reading what you wrote again and i just don‘t know what i was going to say? Like i get what you‘re saying obviously but i‘m like? Idk 4am brain ayeee, please vent more if you need to and elaborate further because right now i‘m???? Too dumb to respond to this right now wtf. I‘m so sorry lmao ddlkdjdjd what is even going on like i‘m sitting here open mouthed just like ? But btw the fact that you have Voice and dance lessons is like SO FUCKING COOL like oh my god that is sosososos cool wtf, i was thinking that when you first talked about it too
And “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” ODHDKSLDBDJDOFIDKDNDLDK
Yes i know about the weather dkdkdkjd but it‘s getting (a lot) warmer here too and where i live we kind of get a weird type of wind called föhn (which literally means hair dryer but idk if that‘d the reason why it‘s called that, i‘m too tired to think of whether it makes sense rn) and it gives me headachesssssss and the changing weather is also giving me headaches 😭😭😭😭 so this season right now is just headache season and i hate summer so i wish it would just snow again lmao (okay it‘s getting so late that it‘s early already snd i can hear this bird chirping so fucking loud wtf i‘m also getting a headache 🤧🤧🤧) but at least i can do my new theme soon (i hope it‘ll look good🥺 and omg thank you for what you said about my current theme- i always feel like i‘m so bad with aesthetics, i obviously like my theme but i feel like every single person on tumblr has a theme that is prettier than mine so it was very nice to hear you say that you love it👉🏼👈🏼 (i‘m so used to it by now that i actually hate it lmao so it‘s getting yeeted soon and i‘m making megan thee stallion my pfp 🤪 (if the graphics and shit works out skdjdjdj)
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VIXX Reaction: You waking up after experiencing sleep paralysis (request)
Author's note: i am so so so sorry this requests and other are taking a ridculous amount of time to be done. To be completely honest all the admins and myself are at points in our lives where school and work take priority and we are at a loss of inspiration when it comes to writing. But we are going to donour best to at least get the rest of the requests posted eventually
You’re eyes were closed, you knew they were closed, but somehow you could see everything around you. It was a cool experience really. The only downside was you couldn't move at all.
“So this is what sleep paralysis is like.” you thought to yourself, never having experienced this before.
Although your back was face everything, you could see your alarm clock reading 2:45 am, your boyfriend shuffling in his sleep and a 7 foot tall demon standing at the bedroo. Door. Okay, maybe this whole sleep paralysis thing wasn't so cool after all.
Fear set in in that instant obviously. Your first instinct was to jump out of bed but yeah, you weren’t able to. You weren't even able to scream.
“Fuck” you thought
You fear reached its peak when the demon moved closer
His hooved feet thudded loudly on your floors. He sounded like he weighed a ton.
He moved closer and closer until he stopped at the edge of your bed. He stood there for a long moment, almost taunting you, making you guess what he was going to do next while all you could do was scream internally.
He just stared and stared and stared. Every second that went by his eyes glowed red and it was as if his was growing in height.
He got so tall his horns reached the ceiling.
Suddenly he swung his arm back, and it came flying at you.
It wasn't until now that you were free of the curse and let out a scream for your life.
“Babe quit it!” You could suddenly hear next to you as you sat up in your bed in a cold sweat. Just like that the demon was gone. The lights were on and your boyfriend was squinting up at you in annoyance. “Can you stop with whimpering i can't sleep”he whined again.
“Huh? What? I was screaming! There was a demon right here!” You began to, with extreme detail, explain the sleep paralysis that you just experienced.
“Um…. Wow that's super creepy… even i don't think i can't sleep after that…” He said in a grumble. “You wanna watch some tv? Get your mind off it”
“Yeah, ill to watch it in the living room”
“No! In here dummy.”
“But you have practice in a few hours you need sleep”
“babe i don't care, watch ir in here. It's not like i can sleep anyways after hearing about it.” He said turning the tv on and pulling you close.
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“Wonshik! Wonshik wake up!” your sobbing cries woke him up in an instant.
“Huh? What? What's going on?!?”
You were in a panic clinging onto him, “there was this lady on top of you sucking your soul out! I tried to get her off but i couldn't move!”
“Y/n calm down, what are you talking about?” This was too much to take in at 2 in the morning.
You took a deep breath doing your best to get you thoughts together “there was a creepy grudge lady on top of you sucking your soul out! And i tried to get her off you but i could move and i thought you were dead and then she looked at me and was going to do the same to me!”
“O-ok and then what happened?”
You shrugged “i don't know i was able to move again and she was gone and i-i'm just glad you woke up! I thought you were dead!” you whimpered.
He threw his arms around you holding you tight “babe it's okay. It sound like that was sleep paralysis or something! It's fine everything's fine, im okay.” He reassured. “But hey why don't we watch some tv or something and get your mind of the creepy dream?”
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Even with his eyes closed, the bright light of the lamp on nightstand was able to disrupt his sleep,followed by the sound of labored breathing.
With intense will power, he opened one eye to see y/n sitting up looking shookth.
“Babe you okay?” He barely got out.
“No. Chucky is in here.”
“Chucky! He was going to stab me!” Her word came out with such seriousness.
“Chucky? Like the doll in the movies?” He asked with her eyes closed once more trying to get any sleep he could
“Yes!he was on top of me holding a knife! And i couldn't push him off”
“Babe, it was just a bad dream. Go back to sleep!”
“No it wasn't! It was too real to be a dream!”
He sat up. “Babe yes it was. Tell me, how would a chucky doll be in this house?”
Y/n shrugged.
“And why would the chucky doll be after you?”
She shrugged again.
“And you really think i would let a plastic doll hurt you?”
That got a little chuckle out of her. “No.”
“Exactly. It was just a bad dream ok.” He kissed the top her and gave her a tight squeeze. “I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you. We both have work in the morning, lets get some sleep.”
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His weight was heavy on your chest. Although of small stature, he weighed a ton. You couldn't breath as he sat on you with a demented smile on his face.
You were frozen with fear, unable to push him off or even move your head to scream out for ken to wake up and save you. Your arms were pinned under his legs. There was no way to defend yourself from his hands wrapping around your neck.
He squeezed his hands tighter and tighter. The ghostly figure let out laugh. It was on of pure joy and it sent a chill down your spine.
And then suddenly he was gone. The weight of his body on yours disappeared and you were able to take in air again.
You gagged for air, sitting up to allow your lungs to expand even more.
You leaned over and turned on the lamp to make sure the demon was gone. Now with the room lit, you saw that it really was empty. Everything was how you left it when you fell asleep, even ken lay calm next to you, staring up at you with barely open eyes.
“Y/n, was going on?” He asked in a grumble “turn the light off.”
“No.” You whimpered “ there's a ghost in here or something! It was choking me right now!”
“What?” He asked a bit more alert
“Yes! There was a man and- and he was all black! And he sat on top of me and he was choking me! I kept trying to move and i couldn't!”
Ken looked about the room looking for any evidence of this ghost.
“Huh… well that's not creepy to hear at 3 in the morning” he said sarcastically. “ how about we get dressed and go out for a midnight snack?” He offered as a way to cover up the fact that he was now scared to stay in the room.
(Ignore the gif caption😅)
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You couldn't move no matter how hard you tried. the smoke filled your lungs and the heat intensified as the flames grew closer to the bed. Hongbin was right next to you sleeping soundly , so unaware of the emanate danger.
And what could you do? Nothing.
The flames climbed the walls. The door was charred, your personal belongings became ash.  Your skin burned as you were being suffocated by the black smoke.
And suddenly it gone, all gone.
You were even able to move again. In an instant yo sat up in bed, gasping for air and wiping the sweat off your face.
“Hongbin! Hongbin wake up!” you cried, shaking him awake. “There’s a fire.”
“Wha-what? Fire?” he too jumped up frantically.
Despite his half asleep state, he got out of bed ready to run. “Wait.” he said noticing the cool night air. “There’s no fire.”
“Yes there is.” you said in a bit of confusion, looking around the room and noticing everything was perfectly normal.
“Babe, no there isn't.” he said, taking in a deep breath to smell for smoke. He even went to the door and checked the rest if the apartment.
“But- i could’ve sworn- it’s cuz I’m not joking the flames were everywhere and and i couldn't move and i was trying to wake you up and I couldn’t. it was too real to not be fake!” you felt like you sounded crazy.
Hongbin, put his arms around you and held you tight. “That sounds like sleep paralysis babe. But it’s ok, none it if was real.” he said giving you a kiss on your head. “But let's try to get back to sleep ok? Don;t worry about it too much,. Trust me if there was actually a fire i would make sure nothing happened to you.”
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The presence of the doll was unnerving. You first sensed her in the corner of your room, just standing there oh so calmly as she stared at you with her unblinking porcelain eyes. It wasn't until your eyes met hers that you noticed you were unable to move. No matter how big or small your attempt at movement was, your limbs wouldn't cooperate with your thoughts. You couldn't even speak when you tried to wake up your sleeping boyfriend who was just a foot away.
It was in this state of panic that the doll moved from its original spot. In the blink of an eye she was at the end her your bed, her eyes glowed more intensely in the dark as she stared you down.
Suddenly the lights from what could be the living or the kitchen or whatever else was out the apartment turned on. You only know this happened because you saw bright lights leaked into the bedroom from under the door. You bagan to hear voices. You couldn't make out the words and it didn't sound like anyone you knew, but there were so many sounds of people being in your home.
You continued to try to scream and kick the doll awake and wake up hyuk, but you couldn't move.
The lights from under the door began brighter and brighter and the voice began to to get louder and louder. The lights got so bright, it could project the shadows of the intruders in your homes. You saw there silhouettes on your wall, moving about the apartment. As their voices got more violent, the shadows multiplied and they all began to fight each other. The shouts soon turned into blood curdling screams as it began to sound like a murder was happened right outside your door.
The entire time the doll was slowly moving closer and closer to you until her face was up to yours.
Thankfully, hyuk rolled in his sleep and his leg hit yours, and that somehow broke the curse.
The doll was gone, the lights were gone, the voices stopped, and everything was calm the way it was supposed to be. Even better, you were able to move again.
Immediately you woke up your boyfrind. “Babe! Babe!” you whispered in a hush, paranoid the doll was  still in the room. “Wake up!” you begged as you shook him frantically.
“Huh? What?” he just graoned, barely able to wake up his eys consdiering hte heawvy sleeper eh was.
You proceeded to tell him what eve the heck just happened, very much noticing how craxy you saiounded once you said it all out loud.
He looked up at you, unphased by your words and panicked state. “Babe, chill. That sounds like a bad dream.” he simpley said.
“It wasnt just a bad dream hyuk!”
He rolled back over without a second thought. “Yeah it was, but everything is ok so just sleep.” he said as he knocked out again.
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-Admin Boat
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
admins: Hai everyone! To celebrate another follower milestone, we'd like to present-
RANDOM CRAP THE ADMINS HAVE SAID TO EACH OTHER (via announcements on our KakaoTalk)
(haha i hope this is funny and entertaining for you guys, also this was just us joking/messing around)
we sacrificed our sanity for this.
we need jisoos
i stay shook lol
you can’t not love Diva boo
im getting the joshua roll
jess do you like messi
i ship everyone with everyone
Every carat ever: before discovering seventeen) dang there’s thirteen members… how am I ever going to tell them apart. After like a week: That’s jun’s leg
Me: I refuse to be shorter than lee Jihoon by an inch. My friend: wtf why
So do me a favor and back up to Antarctica thanks
You didn’t see me REGRETTING MY LIFE while editing fam
I was walking out of the movie theater singing mansae
you go to sleep later but wake up earlier what kind of sorcery is this
And they just sat there like, “don’t interrupt the crazy Joshua stan unless you want to die"
I was just having a mental breakdown
Me: “My life is hamburger” | My grandmother: you like hamburger? Go to Mcdonalds | Me: LMAO NO ITS JUST SOMETHING WONWOO SAID
i need to think of romantic cheesy stuff
Whatever group it is GotSeventeen
drink water kids not alcohol
do drugs kids not school
hoshi just chose me i didnt do anything
“kidney function is not a right its a privilege”
Waiting for confetti to fly out of my heart like in aju nice
the fun part is if people want to complain about asks being off, they can't because asks are off
do you ever think of random svt moments at school and you're about to explode and your teacher is like do you think the Pythagorean theorem is funny
does anyone else just feel attacked if your bias so much as breathes I'm sitting here trying to have lunch and a random Joshua moment comes along and I nearly choke
Jeonghan is my main competition with Joshua so you can understand my pain
get you a boyfriend who can make your heart race as much as svt can
right like yo we ain't svt either empty your bank account and go to a fansign bc you ain't getting answers for free
what svt crack watching fan would think of anything besides meanie HONESTLY
lmao I saw the post we are a disaster
we are a hurricane
yea haha no SATAN BEGONE
you know you've spent too long on tumblr when you start referencing yourself
kpop ruined and fixed my life
(a photo of Memesol with chips in his mouth like a duck beak staring into your soul)
yeah yeah I hope they can start dating after like 5 years? bc I want to see mini seventeens
(Seri and me still dying over the hip-hop team's mixtape) SEUNGKWAN COME COLLECT YOUR MAN
(a photo of Wonwoo crying with the caption "*ulgo shipji ana*")
FRICK YOU AND SVT I HATE AND LOVE YOU ALL (finally done freaking out over the hip-hop team's mixtape)
I've already sold my soul to seventeen, what more do you want
when you can't Hangul properly
has Joshua ever cried bc of Naruto
Svt was an experimental group sent to us by other beings in the universe bc they thought the earth was too dark and depressing without them
I must have been too focused on Hoshi's arms
where can I find a cup of black coffee that tastes like cotton candy
tags you'd use on tumblr: #UM #THAT'S ILLEGAL
"hold up is soonyoung 17 years older than me?" "wow what a coincidence" "wtf seri he's 7 years older than you"
me thinks, "okay cmon we can get like 3 au's done today"
reality hits me like, "lmao watchu saying you don't got no time turner"
and I have the soonyoung syndrome
I think I just died and have no more lives left
I have to write dates for thirteen 18+ year old boys
pffffffftttt sleep is for the weak
you're never gonna find another friend like me ;)
we're fuckin screwed
I feel like a swimming fool
wow you doing drugs? lame, I'm writing svt au's GET ON MY MOTHERFUCKA LEVEL
but all my svt songs are my night songs, my shower songs, my hw songs,,,
and I said, "you know I probably couldn't eat that ice cream bc I'm too salty"
I said, "you're a prefect match for that ice cream because you're so sweet" ;)
may Hong Jisoo be my guiding light (crying emojis)
and I thought 'I like suffering so might as well'
my relationship with angst is pretty much the same as my relationship with seventeen
I can't listen to boom boom without a flannel or dress shirt on so I can stick out the side like they do at the beginning choreo:,,,)
I like svt //finger guns// //runs away//
I'd gladly be collected by soonyoung thanks
where do I sell my soul to get a studio version?
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