#so whilst we are waiting for someone to come I'm like debating in my head if it is too much hassle to ask if I can leave one of the books
gatheryepens · 1 year
Books are really expensive here lmao...
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Elvis Fuckin’ Presley
Fandom: Elvis Presley, American Actor, RPF, Elvis 2022, The Beatles,
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader
Characters:  Elvis Presley, Female Reader, Jerry Schilling, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, John Lennon, George Harrison, Marty Lacker
Word Count: 3590
Rating: Explicit
Summary: It’s true that they’re four of the best and most talented musicians on the planet. But he’s still Elvis Fuckin’ Presley.
Tags/Warnings: Request, Requested Fic, Sex, Oral Sex, Fingering, Elvis Meets The Beatles, The Beatles, Bel Air, Los Angeles, Reader is English, Kissing, Established Relationship, Jealousy, Insecurity, Elvis is Insecure, Marking Territory, Semi-Public Sex, Doggy Style
As someone whos not v fond of John Lennon this was fun to write.
As someone from Manchester this was hard to write lolol.
Enjoy <3
Updated 8/23
Elvis Tags: @literally-just-elvis-fics @caitlin1996 @notstefaniepresley
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Request: omg could you do like a fic where elvis and reader meet the Beatles (reader is a scouser and from Liverpool) then reader and the Beatles are talking about like there favourite thing from Liverpool and elvis get jealous and lashes out at reader then like kisses her in front of the Beatles like everyone is shocked Memphis mafia are the Beatles are but it ends up with reader and elvis having extremely loud makeup sex whilst the Beatles are downstairs, elvis and the reader come back down stairs and like the Beatles are just in pure shock?
'Do I have to meet them?' Elvis grumbled making me turn around from where I was sitting at my vanity. He was sitting on the edge of the bed slipping his shoes on and paying no attention to me, his words seemingly offered to the universe rather than at me directly.
'Don't be a spoilsport,' I said.
'I'm not being a spoilsport,' he said curtly finally looking up to where I was sat, 'I just don't see why they wanna meet me,'
'Seriously?' I said. Elvis shrugged as if this statement was a fair one. I had to hold back a laugh. Elvis. Elvis fuckin’ Presley. One of the most if not the most famous and successful man on the planet was wondering why someone would want to meet him. I climbed off the stool I was occupying and headed over to him. He wrapped his arms around my thighs, pulling me onto his lap as I wrapped my arms around him.
'They want to meet you because they love you,' I murmured, 'like everyone else does.'
'Even if I'm some dated old has-been?' he asked, the look in his eye was a sincere one, the doubt and fear evident behind his blue gaze which made my heart ache for him.
'You could never be that,' I said kissing his forehead, 'but even so, they won’t wait forever. Come on, let's get this show on the road.'
As I slipped off his lap and offered my hand out for him to take he seemed to debate whether or not he was going to comply before eventually he slipped his strong hand around mine gripping it tightly before the pair of us headed downstairs. The air was different down here. I could feel the excitement coming off of everyone downstairs, whether it was for Elvis himself or the four floppy-haired boys sitting down in the living room waiting for us I didn't know. Though I had to admit I was just as excited as everyone else. Probably more so. Being with Elvis I had become accustomed to celebrities. Some were nice, some were not but at the end of the day, they were all human. What they could do on stage or screen melted back and they became just regular people sometimes even friends albeit slightly more talented than most.  But these boys were different. Not because they were supremely talented. Not because they were 'bigger than Jesus'. But because they were four boys from the same place I came from. Four boys who had grown up similarly to me and made it as big as anyone could be. That was some feat.
When we came into the living room all chattering stopped, a noticeable shift in the air. Elvis made his way through the reams of people, shaking hands with those he needed to with me lagging just a second behind him until we were through the throng. I didn't put myself forward, all of a sudden too shy to speak, and instead, I let Elvis navigate everything. Once the formalities were over and each person introduced Elvis led me to a seat, seemingly ignoring the four men sat opposite us who were watching us in various states of awe as he pulled me down beside him and threw his arm around my shoulders before he started assessing them. No one said anything. Some of the guys were with us though they all seemed unsure of what to do as Elvis didn't speak and neither did the boys. There were no attempts at starting a conversation just a stony silence with them watching him just as closely as he was watching them. It was awkward. As I looked at each of them I felt a million questions bubbling around in my head, how I figured Elvis' fans must feel when face to face with him. After a few minutes of agony, Elvis cleared his throat to speak.
'You know if you're gonna sit there and stare at me all night I'm gonna go to bed,' he said. A titter ran through the room putting everyone at ease though I could tell he wasn't feeling as relieved as everyone else. He was tense whether through shyness or irritation I didn't know. I just hoped he could behave.
The air was cool as I stepped out into the garden in an attempt to try and wake myself up. Though I was having a good time the party had only gotten going late in the evening and so I was flagging a little as the boys talked on.  While I didn't get involved much, my nerves still not really disappearing, I sat obediently next to him listening to them talk and eventually start playing songs together until I could feel my eyes drifting closed. That many bodies and the warmth of an August night left me tired and so I slipped outside hoping not to disturb the party.
I walked over to the edge of the patio looking out across the expanse of houses that made up Beverly Hills. It was only then I heard the movement and looked around to find John and George sitting on our patio furniture with Jerry beside them looking sheepish.
'Sorry,' I mumbled, 'I didn't know you were out here.'
'It's okay,' Jerry said, 'I mean we were just talking.'
'Yeah, feel free to stay,' John said eyeing me up as he patted the spare bit of sun lounger beside him making it impossible for me to flee back into the house. I came and sat down beside him offering them both a soft smile.
'So, what are you guys doing out here?' I said looking at Jerry for an answer rather than the boys.
'It's a bit crowded in there,' George said, 'needed a breather.'
'Yeah it can get a bit like that,' I said.
'I'm just glad someone spoke,' Jerry said, 'for a minute there I thought you were gonna ogle one another all night.'
'Yeah and I'm surprised he didn't boot us out right after,' George said.
'It was a fair question,' John said with a shrug referring to the first thing he had said which had been an immediate character assassination. I figured it wasn't meant to be harsh but asking Elvis about his movie career could be like lighting a powder keg. It wasn't that he didn't like acting or that he didn't appreciate the money it was just that the creative control he yearned for wasn't there. In fact, most of the control wasn't in his hands. Fortunately, if he had taken John's questioning to heart he had managed to mask it well, showing the great actor he could be.
'And anyway, if anyone asks we can just say he didn't understand my accent,' John chuckled.
'I doubt that's an excuse,' Jerry said earning a confused look from John.
'Why not?'
'Well he's got his own translator right here, right Y/N?' he said looking at me.
'Well yeah,' I said.
'You're a Brit?' George asked.
'Even better than that I'm a scouser,' I said.
'Now you say it I can hear a twang,' John said.
'It's not as strong as it used to be I've been here too long,' I said.
'Where abouts are you from?' John asked.
'Speke,' I said, 'though I only lived there until I got to comp then my dad got a job out here and we moved.'
'That's not too far from where I grew up,' John said, 'I was up in Woolton.'
'My Nana's lives up that end. She's not gonna believe I've met you,' I said trying not to cringe at just how gushing my voice sounded though John seemed to like it.
'You're livin' with Elvis Presley and you're Nan's gonna be impressed by us?' George said.
'You're the Beatles,' I said as if it were obvious, 'though there is one question I need answering before I can decide if she'll like you.'
'Oh yeah, what's that?' John asked with a smug smile as he leaned in a little closer to me.
'Are you a red or a blue?'
We stayed out on the terrace for a while though eventually, a night-time breeze settled in forcing us back inside. The house was a warm relief as I stepped inside heading towards the circular sofas people were still dotted along. Elvis looked up as I entered though his strumming didn't slow down as he continued to meet the rhythm of the song Paul was playing on his own guitar. He did however eye me closely reminding me that I was still shrouded in the jacket John had provided in an effort to keep us outside a while longer. I shirked it off and offered it to him though he just took it and threw it on the back of the sofa for safekeeping as he slunk down in a seat next to Paul.
As I sat down beside Elvis he looked at me and I smiled though he didn't offer one in return, his face only darkened as I heard John speak, 'hey Elvis you didn't tell us you had a native in your midst.'
'Huh?' Elvis said somewhat curtly.
'Y/N she's a scouser,' John said.
'Oh really?' Paul said.
'Yeah,' John said, 'we've had a good old chat haven't we.'
'Oh have you,' Elvis said making me squirm in my seat as I saw the jealousy behind his eyes flame.
'Where you from?' Paul said.
'Speke,' I said.
'Oh I've got family from there,' Paul said, 'not that we get back home much these days. What about you?'
'Oh now and again,' I said airily. I don't know why. I hadn't been back to Liverpool in years in fact I rarely spoke about it after having my accent mocked through my teenage years had caused me to drop it for something more subtle but it was still very much a part of me. As Paul started asking me about myself I felt Elvis tense. His strumming had stopped and both he and John were eyeing each other. I tried to ignore them both, keeping my eyes trained on Paul as he continued talking.
'Oh I'm pretty much acclimatised now though Memphis heat is something different in itself,' I said.
'It's the humidity I bet,' Paul said.
'I don't know,' John said, 'it wasn't that warm on the patio. Y/N had to practically sit on my lap to get stop her teeth chattering.'
'It is nearly 2 am,' Paul said oblivious to the staring contest the other men were having but I clocked his words straight away as did Elvis whose grip on my leg tightened for just a second. He didn't say anything though as he placed his guitar down and shifted out of his seat grabbing the attention of the majority of people in the room. He stood, smoothed his shirt and pants out and then looked at the boys in front of him as he said, 'would you excuse me for a minute?'
He then turned and offered his hand out to me awaiting mine to slip into it obediently. I knew better than to reject it and so I allowed him to walk us out of the room followed by perplexed gazes as we disappeared from sight. He led me down the hall to an office, opening the door and gesturing for me to go inside which I did. As I turned around his lips attacked mine kissing me deeply and passionately before he broke apart leaving me breathless.
'E,' I said.
'You two have a good laugh out there?'
'It wasn't like that,' I said, 'all we did was talk.'
'That why you came in wearing his jacket?' he asked pushing me backwards until my thighs hit the desk. His hands were caressing my sides though his face remained indignant as I struggled to explain myself. 
'I was cold and he offered it,' I said.
'Yeah I bet he did,' he said tersely.
'He only did it to be nice,' I said.
'Oh I'm sure being nice was all he was thinking about,' he said, 'especially after how you were gushin' over 'em.'
'I was not gushing over them!' I protested.
'I saw you,' he said, 'all smiles and giggles. Lyin' about going home so you can fit in. When was the last time you went home?'
'Not for a while!' I snapped, 'because my life is here. With you.'
'Not as good as ol Liverpool though is it?' he asked a scouse twang in his voice at the mention of the place.
'I like it here. And maybe I was excited to meet them and yeah it was nice to talk about things I remember for a moment but that doesn't mean I don't like my life. Do you think if I wanted to be back home I wouldn't just go?'
'Maybe you will...I mean you do have more in common with them...maybe one of those guys would be better for you,' he said, the anger he had come at me with was now gone replaced by sadness. He didn't look at me properly as his thumb caressed my side gently but I could see the crux of the problem like a beacon going off. He was feeling vulnerable.
'If you really believe that I might as well leave now,’ I said stroking his face tenderly, ‘I don’t care that we’re not the exact same person. We might be different but I love you no matter what.’
‘Even if I’m not bigger than Jesus,’ he murmured against my fingers.
‘You’re Elvis fuckin’ Presley,’ I giggled, ‘that isn’t half bad either.’
‘Mmm, I guess you’re right,’ he said, ‘but even so.’
‘Even so what?’
‘I wouldn’t mind wiping that smug smile off his face,’ Elvis said. I sighed.
‘E you can’t go fighting with him,’ I said, ‘imagine the press-'
‘Oh I wasn’t talking about fightin’,’ he said and with that, he kissed me once more pulling me close to him as his hand snaked up under my dress making goosebumps rise wherever they touched.
He dropped to his knees kissing up my thighs until I could feel his breath between my legs. His slender fingers teased me over the top of my panties making me shiver with anticipation which made him smirk.
‘E,’ I whimpered as he ran a finger over my clothed sex once more.
‘See, I bet he couldn’t get you like this could he?’ he said.
‘No,’ I breathed shakily.
‘Then let’s show him how it's done huh?’ he said and before I could protest he yanked my panties down and started lapping at me as if I was his first meal in days. I shimmied out of the gathered fabric, allowing him to hook a leg over his shoulder, as my hands fumbled for purchase against the table, my knuckles going white as his tongue roved over a sweet spot.
‘Elvis,’ I moaned making him hum in appreciation. I knew I should keep quiet. There was a houseful of guests most of which were not three rooms away but I couldn’t help myself. Every touch, every kiss, every breath was tantalising, edging me towards bliss moment by moment. He knew how to whip me into a frenzy. How every movement of his tongue or fingers would affect me making me whimper and moan against him.
‘E,’ I whimpered, ‘fuck E.’
‘That’s it,’ he said his fingers pumping in and out of me as he traced his thumb over my clit. He had moved from between my legs, standing in front of me so he could enjoy the show and how much I was coming undone just from his touch.
‘That’s it, honey,’ he coaxed as I moaned loudly, my head falling back. I was teetering over the edge as he worked at a ferocious pace curling his fingers inside me until I was clenching around them, soaking his fingers. As I came back to earth he pulled them out of me, wiping them against his pants with a shit-eating grin on his face.
‘Oh my God,’ I said as the heat rushed back to my face, ‘was I loud?’
‘Incredibly so,’ he said.
‘Oh my god I’m so embarrassed,’ I said but Elvis shook his head.
‘Oh no, don’t think I’m done with you yet honey,’ he said leaning in so I could feel his hot breath on my ear as he whispered in his velvety voice, ‘turn around.’
Before I could comply he flipped me, bending me roughly over the table as his fingers returned to my sex, teasing me gently. I could hear him unbuttoning his pants and pushing them down with his other hand yet I could see nothing as my cheek pressed against the cool wood of the table. I felt him tease against my entrance just a little but he didn’t wait for any permission before he pushed in down to the hilt, filling me completely as he had done a few minutes before only better. It was enough to make me moan again.
‘Oh my God,’ I whimpered as he started to move. As my hands gripped the other side of the table his went to my hips gripping them as he pounded into me building speed like the finish line was already in sight.
‘That’s it baby,’ he grunted, ‘ain’t no one fill you up like I do right?’
‘No one E,’ I moaned.
‘Don’t call me that,’ he said.
‘What?’ I said barely trying able to string my thoughts together enough to know what he was talking about.
‘I’m Elvis. Fuckin. Presley,’ he said each word punctuated by a rough thrust.
‘Elvis,’ I cried feeling another climax rush over me. He continued to slam into me though his breathing had changed to a guttural pant as I trembled around him. I felt him feel for me, his hand moving from my hips as he pulled me up towards him so I was flush against his chest. My hand went to his face, reaching behind so I could coax him on as he had for me. I was sensitive as hell but every movement still felt divine as he buried his face in my neck breathing in small whimpers against me.
When he came it wasn’t as much of a spectacle. He had made me come unhinged, his touch sending me over the edge in whimpers and screams yet for him it was a delighted spill of ecstasy. He felt safe. Secure enough to collapse into me, making me clutch the desk for security. He held me close for a moment, allowing us both to come back to reality before we moved.
As Elvis slipped out of me he used the hem of my dress to clean us both up before he tucked himself back into his pants grabbing my panties off the floor with his spare hand. I offered my hand out for them but he shook his head, slipping them into his pocket with a smug smile.
‘Elvis,’ I said reaching for his pocket but he grabbed my arm and placed it up around his neck, leaning down to kiss me with a smile.
 ‘Uh uh,’ he said, ‘you wore his jacket. I’m keepin’ your panties.’
‘That’s not fair!’ I whined, ‘I can't go back in there not wearing any knickers.’
‘The whole house just heard you get fucked. They’re gonna be surprised you can still walk never mind what panties you’re wearing,’ Elvis said.
‘Elvis!’ I moaned but he shook his head, pressed one more kiss to my lips and then took my hand as I headed to the door.
My cheeks were aflame before we’d even touched down in the living room, even more so as his everyone looked around – a couple of sniggers flowing around the room. I tried to hide behind him but he pulled me out to his side forcing me to centre stage. I tried not to look as he spoke, but I couldn’t help be glance to where John was sitting an irritated look splashed across his face.
‘Sorry guys I’m afraid we’re gonna have to cut the party short,’ Elvis said.
‘Everything okay boss?’ Marty said with concern. He was standing by the patio door, a genuine look of concern on his face which made me wonder if he had been privy to the little show we had just put on.
‘Fine, my girls just uh a lil tired,’ Elvis said punctuating it with a cough that sure sounded like he was trying to hide a laugh. I dropped my gaze to the floor, ‘you understand right?’
‘Sure,’ Paul said standing up to reach his hand out in order to shake his hand. My heart dropped into my Elvis went through the motions of saying goodbye to them the hand that had been used to torment me not five minutes ago now touching that of every man he said goodbye to. I didn’t offer anything but a smile. He and John shook hands albeit a little more roughly than the others before Elvis came back to me, threw his arm around my shoulders and started to lead me upstairs. I glanced behind me just once, finding John watching me as I disappeared up the stairs which made my cheeks flame.
Luckily I never had to see them again though I could always feel a blush settle in whenever I heard Elvis’ rendition of ‘Hey Jude’.
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gayf1hoe · 1 month
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Part 4
Charles’ Pov:
I see M/N storming out of the Mercedes media office as the Ferrari media office is right opposite their's. He looks like a child who's just been told off, curiously I approach George who followed shortly behind M/N.
“Hey George, what's wrong with him” I ask trying not to sound concerned
“Oh you know he's just had about the 1000th lecture about media relations in his career” he responds
“What did he do this time” I make sure that when I say this I don't sound to intrigued
George gives me a look like I'm an idiot and he says “You haven't seen the social media post of him” I shake my head “he's trending on Twitter, it's not hard to miss” as George walks away I pull out my phone and open twitter and see that #M/N L/N is trending. I click on the hashtag and see a photo of M/N and Mick Schumacher hugging in the rainy streets. When I saw that photo I felt a weird feeling, it's one I can't describe. It's almost like a feeling of anger, but I don't know what I'm angry about.
Whilst I'm lost in my thoughts I hear someone shouting “Everything OK Leclerc” I turn around and see Daniel I forge a smile and say “Yeah, it's all fine” however I can tell he doesn't believe me. “You know I can tell you're lying, do you want to talk about it?” I stand there debating whether or not I want to, when I come to a decision, “sure, let's go to catering” as we are sitting in the catering tent. It's quite empty apart from the catering staff and the odd engineer from the other teams.
Daniel breaks the silence, “so mate what's wrong”, I sit in silence for a moment before speaking “It's M/N” I say bluntly and immediately Daniel's posture shifts and he shoots me a look as if to say ‘continue’. “He's so unbearable, he reported me for an accident, he verbally attacked me after the first race, on the podium he ignored me like I was a piece of shit, he is so insensitive, in the club he left early because he had a 'headache' but I know that is a lie because he was seen hanging around with Mick and I don't know why but seeing the photo of them 2 hugging and laughing together just makes me feel….. I don't know…. angry, annoyed”
After my verbose speech Daniel sits in silence and almost immediately says aloud
“Do you love him?”
The question catches me off guard, I'm fairly sure I'm not gay, quite defensively I reply “Absolutely not, I'm not gay, what makes you say that” . “The feelings you felt when you saw that photo wasn't anger it wasn't annoyance it was jealousy, you were jealous that he had left you and gone to Mick, you may not know it but you are inadvertently in love with him, you don't have to be fully gay to like a man.” When he finishes he gives me a look before standing up and before he leaves. He gives me a few words of wisdom
“Think about it, if you love him, you have to come to terms with yourself and your identity before you approach him, and you should probably fix your friendship before getting into a relationship"
As he exits the tent I feel more conflicted than ever, I don't love him, he's made my life hell and he's only been here for one race"
As I make my way to my car to head to the airport, Daniels says “do you love him?” echoing in my mind and as we arrive at the airport and board the plane I open my laptop and type in “am I gay quiz” and click in the link, as I answer all the questions, I click ‘see results and it says “You are 86% Homosexual”, I close my laptop and lean against the window confused about whether I actually know myself as well as I think I do.
Max approaches me from the back of the plane and sits next to me “everything alright, you look like you've seen a ghost” he intrudes with a concerned tone, I reply with a simple “Yep”, we sit in silence for a while it is awkward and tense.
He quickly snatches my laptop and says “let's find something to watch” for a moment I ignore what he says but realise what my last open tab is and try to stop him from opening it, “WAIT”, but it's too late, he sees the screen and he looks at me, he doesn't say anything, he just looks at me.
We are both trying to gather what to say and I say “I took that for a dare, Daniel dared me to do it” he again looks at me questioning my sincerity, I know he isn't buying it but he says “oh OK cool” he then swiftly closes the tab and opens netflix and plays a movie however the whole time I am zoned out, when there is a kissing scene between 2 men and I see Max looking at me I know he did this as a test, that sly little shit, I look intently at the screen not wanting to show a change in emotions as the movie concludes I excuse myself to go to the bathroom.
I stand there for 5 minutes looking in the mirror wondering if I truly recognise what I see in it, I splash cold water onto my face. I exit the toilet and take my seat for landing. I walk down the steps and sigh at the beautiful views of Nice (there is no airport in Monaco).
When I exit the aircraft I see the other aircraft that was carrying the other half of the grid and I see M/N walk out engrossed in conversation with George and Yuki both groups merge together and head towards the car's and we see a list of which people are in what car I quickly locate my name on the list and see which one I am in and instantly want to die:
Car 3:
Charles Leclerc
Oscar Piastri
Yuki Tsunoda
Zhou Guanyu
I see the other 4 expressing their joy at being together and Yuki quickly wraps his arms around M/N, they seem to be really close and good friends I know Yuki and M/N have known each other before F1, they were in Karting together at one point of their childhood and M/N isn't that much younger than Yuki despite towering above him.
We are quickly told to get into the cars which are more like small minivans Yuki sits next to M/N and Zhou and me and Oscar sit next to each other, the others are going to their hotel and I'm being dropped off at home, Yuki and
M/N are constantly touching each other the whole time, Yuki jokingly says M/N has no abs so M/N pulls his shirt off to prove a point and Yuki touches his stomach stating his reason is “I have to check if they are real or not”, I see M/N blushing. It's clear he feels something towards Yuki. And I tell myself Yuki isn't gay but I thought I wasn't, actually I don't know if I am.
As the journey goes on Yuki and M/N are all over each other and we were all playing truth or dare and Oscar had dared Yuki to kiss M/N on the cheek which he does so, and it makes me angry but what Yuki says next makes me even angrier. “That's nothing I remember when we kissed each other on the lips after M/N won the F2 Championship” as soon as he finishes his statement we arrive at my family home I quickly get enraged and confused.
I collect my luggage from the back and they all say in unison except M/N "Goodbye Charles".
As I watch the car drive off I stand there and simply say.
“Am I gay?”
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buttonsfleas · 10 months
I am begging you please make more head cannons for Andy Barclay and his kid 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Alright ;)
Andy barclay x !12!daughter!delilah!reader
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Dad and auntie Kyle are talking about some shit whilst I'm just listening to the Hamilton soundtrack through my earphones. I was on Non-stop and they were arguing Non-stop.
"I'm not a bad driver!" My dad says like he isn't, but he is. I'm suprised how he hasn't been arrested for suspection of a DUI yet.
"You are, dad." I say with a small smirk, but I knew I'd get in trouble.
"Thank you!" Aunt Kyle says happily with a smile. In most debates like this, I'd be on her side.
My dad was discombobulated at how I was on my aunt's side and not his.
My dad does have some pros and cons to his driving, but I just think there's more cons then pros.
As they tept talking, I kept thinking about my mother and her death. I saw her die when I was 4 and I can't belive I still remember. Her blood was gushing out of her stomach on the floor and my dad was heartbroken, I think he still is. I have nightmares from when she died. What if it happened to me? I don't think anyone could slaughter someone's daughter, but chucky would.
On the left backseat next to me was my pink bunny from when I was younger. My godmother from my mother's side got it for me when I was 2 years old and it's the only thing that's keeping me going.
We have boxes of my mom's stuff, but they're just at home. My favourite is her wedding dress when she had to marry my dad when she was 23 and he was 25. It was- wait, it is beautiful.
After a while, we got to a gestation and me and my dad just got out and leaned by the car whilst my aunt Kyle went into the convenice store.
My dad pulls my earphones out and smirks whilst I looked up at him surprisingly.
"Daaad! I was listening to Hamilton!" I say with a sad voice.
"Oh god, not that play where people from the 1800s rap! What is it with that musical anyways?" He asks with a irrated voice and smirk.
"It's a good musical!" I say innocently like I'm backing up thr musical more then my father.
"Maybe I'll have to see." He says with a sly smirk and then ruffles my hair up but I had the perfect French braid.
"Daaad! I spent 2 hours on this in the car!" I say with a sad and innocent but cute voice.
He chuckles softly and smirks and says "Just hold on a sec." And then grabs a hairbrush from the glove compartment of the car and then pulls the hair tie out of my braid and then he makes me hug him and he starts to brush it and braid it. It always felt nice when he did it for me.
I stayed still and quiet and just kept on hugging him as he braided my hair, thinking he'd take a while, but he actually did it under 4 minutes.
"Done." He said with a proud smile.
"Already!?" I ask as I look up at him whilst still hugging him.
"Yeah, kid. Think I forgot how to braid my daughter's hair?" He asked and chuckled softly.
"But I didn't know it'd be this quick! You took like 2 hours before each school day!" I ask as my suprisement turns into a smile.
"I only did that so I could spend more time with my angel." He then lifts me up and spins me around like when I was 6.
"Dad, stop!" I say whilst giggling softly and smiling as I kick around for him to stop.
"Alright, alright." He then drops me down and my aunt Kyle comes back out from the convenice store and walks over to us.
"What were you both doing?" She asks curiously, as my dad was still hugging me but I was being held up on my thighs.
"Just messing around. What's it to you?" my dad asks my aunt with a small smirk and then he kisses my check and drops me down.
"Well, here." She passes my dad black leather gloves and passes me the same.
My dad and I put on our gloves but he whispers to me "just get in the passenger seat." And I was confused.
I just nodded and got in the passenger seat and he got in the driver seat. After we both closed the doors, he leaned over and fully locked mine.
"Dad, what's going on-"
"Just trust me, baby." Hr said reassuringly.
My aunt then came over and knocked on the window after she tried opening the door and said irratatedly "haha, andy. Open the fucking door." But he wouldn't budge.
"Delilah, open the door." She said but I looked over at andy and he shook his head, so I shook my head at her but with eyes that said "I'm sorry".
As she tried getting in, my dad decided to just drive off and I felt bad but listened to the music on my earphones to drain the feelings out.
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Yuta as a cold yet soft mafia boss
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Prompt: 99) “You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream.” from 100 Dialogue Prompts for Mob Boss AU
A/N: just like the Jeno fic, I've always wanted to do a Yuta fanfic and it wasn't until I saw this writing prompt that I'm like, this feels like something Yuta would say.
Warnings: probably some cursing since it's Yuta XD
Now, we all know how cold and scary Yuta looks when in fact he's a big softie. Which is probably one of the reasons why you fall for him; because of how soft whipped he is with you and the rest of NCT.
Like the boy is very much whipped for you that he would even have time to ask you 'have you eaten', 'what are you up to' while being on a mission. The boys also like to tease him about it, even WayV (who we all know are slightly terrified of him)
Would definitely take you out on a date every now and then if he can. A/N: Kay, hold up, we're getting a bit ahead. I forgot to tell you how y'all met XD
So, it was a school night (well, you're in college); and you were quite stress with your final assignment that you decided to go to the nearest convenience store to grab some coffee and snacks to pull an all-nighter.
You wore an oversize hoodie and some sweats (cause comfort is key) and was walking through the snack aisle, about to grab (your favourite snack) when another hand was about to reach for it (ehem, Yuta, ehem)
Despite wanting to grab the snack, you insist the tall, handsome man to have it instead (even if you were wondering how a guy like him like your fave snack). But the man insist you take the snack; which led to the both of you having a little debate and eventually the man took the snack, paid for it but gave it to you, saying that you needed it more
"Take it. Finals are tough and you need the little boost to keep you going. Also, don't worry so much about the result. What matters is you did your best, mkay? See you around kid" the man lectured, giving you a slight smile before leaving with his own coffee
After he left, it took you a while to process what just happened before going back to your dorm and continue your final assignment
But oh how the universe like to bring people together ;)
It was right after your finals and you and your friends decided to have some drink at a nearby bar since you guys were curious and have never experienced the bar aura.
You weren't much of a drinker despite your amazing tolerance in alcohol so you were rather confused what to order until a familiar sound came.
"She'll have the orange-mango crush" a familiar voice stated
Turning around, you saw the same man you bumped into at the convenience store almost 2 weeks ago but this time, he looked way more put together and even wore a suit. Lowkey, your mind was starting to wander around and thinking whether there was going to be a fight or some sort or if this was that typical mafia story you secretly read.
"Didn't think you'd be the type to come to a bar on a school night. You done with your finals kid?" the man asked
"I, uhh, yea. Wait!! What do you mean the type to come to a bar?" you stuttered; not aware that your friends were staring at the both of you
"Don't worry, I don't mean it like it's a bad thing. People do what they want. Who am I to judge. Anyways, you ladies enjoy your night. If there's any problem, don't hesitate to let me, the bartender or the guards know. Also, the drink is on the house" the man winked at you and your friends, giving a slight wave before leaving
Cue your friends immediately plastering you with all sorts of question. Wondering how you met a handsome hunk in the midst of your finals. Not to mention, that handsome hunk even remembers you. Cue you becoming a blushing mess; especially after the bartender came with the drink the man requested for you.
Though you were worried that the drink was spiked, you gave a little sip and it was all fruity and delicious. Mental note to yourself: not only is he good-looking, kind but also has good taste in food; great, just great.
The rest of the night went fairly nice. You and your friends were sipping on your drinks, having a nice chit-chat bout life in general, catching up since you guys were not in the same classes. Once the clock hit 1 am, you figured that it was time to head back to your dorm.
Since you decided to wait for your friends who were calling an uber to head back to their homes since they live near your college. Whilst waiting, you told your friends that you were going to go to the bathroom for a bit.
Right when you came out of the bathroom, a random man tried to hit on you and it made you very uncomfortable that you eventually hit the wall behind you. But luckily, a certain someone came and save the day ;)
"Oi. Hands off the girl. Looks like someone is new to my bar since I don't accept any sort of make-out if there's no consent between two parties. Scram before I make you" your saviour growled, making the man leave you alone
"Are you alright?" the man asked while you were catching your breath
"Yeah. Yea, I am. Thank you again. Uh..." you mumbled
"What is it? Are you sure you're alright?" the man questioned, worried in his tone
"It's just, you've basically helped me twice and I still have yet to know your name" you chuckled, making the man chuckle as well
"If that's really what you want. I'm Yuta" the man called Yuta chuckled
"Thank you, Yuta. I appreciate it" you thanked him, giving him a genuine smile; not knowing what that smile does to Yuta's heart
And folks, that was just the beginning of your relationship. Ever since that night, Yuta made it his goal to get to know you more before actually asking you in a relationship; which, when the time came and Yuta asked you, without thinking twice, you said yes.
Throughout your relationship, Yuta was pretty blunt in telling you what he does as a living and mentioned that while he may live a dangerous life, he still had morals and his job was actually putting down all the bad people hiding in the shadows.
Despite all, you trusted Yuta and he also trusted you. You still had your freedom and was allowed to go wherever with whoever you wanted as long as you told Yuta beforehand. Even throughout your near one year anniversary, both of you knew each other's friend group and you even get to see how soft Yuta was when it comes to his mates.
However, all those sweet moments you both felt like a dream the second Yuta heard news that you were captured by some lowlife gang that NCT made go broke. Hearing the news, it was only a matter of minutes before the whole NCT used their network to find you and create a well thought out plan to get you back.
Once Yuta got you back, he made sure you were alright whilst the other members lock the gang up in their basement. Yuta made sure that you had no injuries; which, if you do, he would tend them himself and if he can't then he'll have someone come but stay by you until you were alright or, until you fell asleep.
After tucking you into bed and making sure you were fast asleep. Yuta peck your forehead for a moment before quietly sneaking off the bed and out of his room, going down to the basement and confronting the gang with some of the other members.
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“You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream. Now, which one of you nutjobs came up with the idea in the first place?!" Yuta growled, smirking once he saw the gang cower in fear
A/N: hope you guys enjoy this Yuta fic that came out of nowhere XD and hope you all stay safe and healthy :) xoxo
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big brother to the rescue.
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❝ request by @meteora-fc: hello hello! hope you're doing well :) i was thinking about a ben miller fic where when they're in the bar towards the beginning the reader is there with her friends and the boys push benny to talk to her bc he's getting distracted from conversation by her across the place. thanks a ton 💖
❝ words: about 1.6k.
❝ a / n: if you'd like to read a second part, lemme know! don’t forget to comment and reblog if you liked it, i’d really appreciate it!
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“C’mon, little brother. She’s been looking at you the whole night”. Will says palming his back, after catching him distracted for the third time.
“Go, before I do”. Frankie challenges him with a petty smile, knowing it’s going to be enough to force the boxer to take the step.
Taking a deep, deep breath, finding in that gesture the encouragement he needs, Benny goes straight to you, waiting for the bartender to serve you another beer.
At first, you don’t notice his presence, until the unknown guy stops by your side leaning too over the bar. You two cross your gazes, sharing a soft smile that makes your knees tremble. The blonde looks really good, but for some reason, you have the feeling that he could be an idiot, so when he throws at you one of those horrible pickup lines, you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“I’m gonna give you advice. Don’t hit a girl like that”. You just reply with a chuckle, referring to his words.
“I’m more into hitting men”.
For a second, where you were about to leave with your drink, you squint at him having a sip and trying to understand the meaning of his affirmation.
“I box, professionally”.
“Oh…” You nod your chin, puckering your lips, showing him that this fact doesn’t impress him at all. “Congrats. Good luck in your next fight”.
Not giving him the chance to continue the talk, you come back to your table under the attentive looks of your friends, who are laughing at the poor guy and the gesture on his face. His brothers, on the other hand, have slapped their faces whilst shaking their heads disappointed. As soon as Benny joins him, Santi slaps the back of his neck, causing him to choke in his beer.
“There must be something wrong with my eyes, ’cause I can’t take them off you? Really, Benny? Really?”
The guys are laughing when Pope repeats his sentence, as Will puts an arm over his shoulders. “You’re lucky to have me… Big brother to the rescue”.
Anna nudges you, making you turn on your stool to watch a second guy walking towards you, very secure of himself. The only thing you wanted tonight was to have fun with your friends and seems it’s not going to be an option. Crossing a leg over the other and nailing an elbow on the table, resting your chin on your palm, you force a smirk when he offers you a kind smile.
“Good nights, ladies, sorry to interrupt. William, a pleasure”.
The man holds your free hand without asking for it to stretch it. Firmly. Like only a soldier would do —as your father does. He turns for a second to his friends, laying his oceanic and hypnotic eyes on you with a charming and funny grimace on his face.
“Sorry ‘bout my brother, you know... too many punches”. He has captivated your friends, who are gasping for him and the honeyed tone he’s using, covered by a raspy voice. “He has watched you looking at him and he was nervous, but he’s not a bad guy. Just a little asshole. But he’s worth it, believe me”.
“Okay”. You reply slowly, raising an eyebrow earning your attention little by little.
“He has begged me to not come, but I think you’re too smart to not have a date with him”.
“Your brother was right, you didn’t have to come. And you’re wrong, more or less. I’m very smart, but having a date with him doesn’t seem a very intelligent idea”.
“Got it. But he’ll be waiting for you at seven in Kaleo’s, tomorrow night”. A negative it’s not an option to the soldier, showing you his perfect white teeth in a huge smile clapping his hands before leaving. “Good night, ladies. Have a good time”.
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Since last night, you've been debating with your friends if you should go to the date just to prove both men were wrong. Lucy would call you crying if you text her in case the guy is another idiot.
The first test is to see if he'd wait for you, arriving thirty minutes later than the hour William told you. Your heart can't help but race a little when you find the blonde boxer sitting on the hood of a black Mustang, in front of the restaurant. Wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans, he has both legs crossed and his hands laced over his lap. Head bowed down and a sigh escaping his lips as he checks the clock on his wrist. Poor guy, he's thinking you are not going to come.
You send a picture of him to the chat group where your friends are asking you if he's still there and, in less than a second, you receive a bunch of heart emojis from all of them. Keeping your phone in a pocket, as you tuck in your hands too, you begin to walk towards him. Step by step. Taking your time with a soft smirk curving your lips as you come closer and closer. Watching him texting someone too, you roll your eyes, imagining it's to some random chick to hang out with, due you have stood him up. Until you're almost leaning above his shoulder and you see he's texting his brother —who is very interested in knowing if you're there or not. You melt as he replies: “amma wait another thirty minutes, maybe there's traffic”.
“You can say to your brother I'm here”. You whisper into his ear, taking him by surprise and causing the boxer to jump off from the hood.
“Oh, fuck. You scared the shit outta m— Where you readin' my phone?”
“Nah, I've some witch in me”. You lie terrible, feeling goosebumps on your arms when his gesture changes suddenly.
A grin like a Cheshire cat decorates his face, offering you his phone as he pressed the small microphone in the bottom right corner.
“Hey, big brother, I came. I hope you weren't wrong”.
“I'm Ben, by the way”. He introduces himself as keeping his phone in a pocket, to offer you his right hand.
“(Y/N)”. You stretch it then, feeling a little nervous at his touch.
“So, this is the plan. We have a beer, and if you think I'm a freak, you can run away before dinner. No questions, no explanations. You just… leave”.
God, that's really sweet. He's nervous too and you can see in his blue eyes how scared he is if you really decide to disappear.
“Deal”. You accept, tilting your head to the restaurant.
A couple of minutes later Ben is sitting in front of you and the first thing that captivates your attention is the fact that he doesn't put his phone on the table. Living in the technology era, everybody keeps an eye on their devices. Constantly. But he's not like everybody. He wants to talk. Know about you. What you do in your free time, what you do for a living, what unveils you at night… And you talk for hours.
Ben tells you what pushed him to be in the army, why he decided to dedicate his life to boxing and he also jokes about how you could fix him up after his fighting. Something like a plan of the future. Together. As friends —as he points out to not make you feel uncomfortable, thinking that he is forcing you to have a relationship. You also discover that your taste in music and movies are very similar, just like your hobbies. And that makes you think about the fact that William will tell you “I wasn't wrong”.
The boxer gladly takes you home, not stopping your chat even when one of the two of you doesn't know what to say, Benny has shown you in some way he enjoys too much the sound of your voice though —how it goes a little higher when you're excited about something, how your throat vibrates when you laugh. And he's falling in love with the disgusted tic that wrinkles your nose when you don't like something, in a funny gesture.
You would die for staying together a little more, but you have obligations to attend tomorrow and your friends haven't ceased sending your texts asking you how it's going. As Ben stops his car next to your house, you sigh not knowing what to do —if just say bye, thank you, ask for his number, kiss him? Yes, you'd like to kiss him right now, but what does it say about you? Should you wait until the second date?
“Got a fight tomorrow night if you're free”. His proposition pushes you back to reality, turning at him on your seat while resting a shoulder against it. “You can invite your friends, mine will be there”.
“Your brother too?” You ask giggling, noticing the change on his grimace to somewhat underwhelmed because of your interest.
“Yeah, he will come”. Ben mumbles pressing his lips after nodding briefly.
“Ugh… Is he the kind of person who has fun saying I told you?”
Ben's gesture suddenly changes again. The shine in his blue deep eyes reappears and you provoke him a strong laugh when you furrow your nose like he literally adores.
“You've had a good night then?”
“Yes”. You don't hesitate to respond, leaning towards him to press your lips on his cheek with a loud kiss.
“See? He told you”. Ben can't help but make fun of you, earning a soft punch to his shoulder that makes him laugh one more time. “It's in the Holou gym, at seven”.
“Okay, I'll not forget it”. You reply, taking your phone and setting an alarm an hour before starting to have time to get ready. “Good night, Ben”.
“Good night, (Y/N)”.
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GENERAL TAG LIST: @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @destynelseclipsa @band-psycho @myakai13 @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @jessprins13 @diaryofkali @ravenmoore14 @starrynite7114 @kenbechillin @miahelen @monkeyluver4546 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @katsav17 @skits90s @wildsould1221
TRIPLE FRONTIER: @phoenixhalliwell @goldielocks2004 @pedritomando @spideysimpossiblegirl @im-an-adult-ish @chibsytelford
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐅𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞
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Imagine: Your parents think your bringing home a boyfriend for Christmas but you don't have one, so you ask someone really nicely to be your fake boyfriend.
Pairings: Human!Klaus x Human!Reader
Warnings: none.
Words: 1895
I was just walking out of Mikaelson Enterprises- where I work as Klaus Mikaelson’s assistant. When I get a call. I look down at the screen and notice an image of my mother pop up. Great. Just what I need after a long day of work. I decided to pick up the phone otherwise she will just hound me.
“Hey Mama. What’s up ?”
“Hello Sweetheart, I just wanted to make sure you were still driving down tomorrow and ask how you are ?”
Crap. I forgot I was meant to be driving home tomorrow.
“Uh yeah, I’m still coming down. Also I’m good, how is everyone ?”
“Good apart from you brother, he got into a fight on his last day of school.”
“Mama, don’t go to hard on him you know he’s having a difficult time at the minute with Dad. I’ll talk to him when I get there.”
“Okay I won’t. Anyway I’m excited to meet this new boyfriend of yours.”
“Uh what are you talking about Mama ?”
“Well you promised you were going to bring your boyfriend home this year so that we could all meet him.”
Shit. When did I say that. Damn my mother for having a good memory at such an old age. What am I going to do ? I could say we broke up….but that would break her heart. Fine. She wants a boyfriend of mine, then she’ll get one.
“Yeah sorry Mama, it must of just flew past me just a moment ago. I’ve had a really long day at work and not much sleep.”
“Are you sure your okay to drive down ?”
“Yeah I'm sure. I gotta go Mama, I love you.”
“I love you, Sweetheart.”
I ended the phone call and stood there debating with myself where to find a boyfriend within the 19 hours before I have to leave. Bearing in mind, I still need to cater to my own needs first like sleep, food and most certainly hygiene. The problem is I can’t just go out on a date and invite him to my parents house. Preferably it needs to be someone that I already know and who doesn't have plans. I’m screwed. I know that everyone I know has plans for christmas. The only person that wasn’t was my boss, but that is in all ways wrong. Even if we have hooked up a couple of times. That’s it, if I promise to sleep with him hopefully he’ll do this for me. God forbid something goes wrong.
I walked back into Mikaelson Enterprises and passed Camille, the receptionist with a big fake smile. She’s hated me ever since she found out I got assistant to Klaus and not her but truthfully it’s because she’s too ditzy and clingy too Klaus, since she has the fattest crush on him but moving on. I got out the elevator, once it reached the top floor where Klaus was. I headed to his door and knocked.
“Come in.”
I opened the door and he looked up from his paperwork with a confused look on his face.
“I thought you’d left Miss Y/L/N.”
“Yeah I did, but my Mom called and reminded me about something. Which is actually why I’m here. Could you please please be my fake boyfriend for the week.”
He looked at me and chuckled. He stood up from his chair and leaned on the front of his desk, just in front of where I was seated.
“Your fake boyfriend for a week ? For what ?”
“Where ? Why ?”
“My hometown. Also it’s because my mom thinks I’m bringing home a boyfriend and she’s going to be so disappointed when I don’t bring anyone back.”
“What do I get out of it ?”
“What do you want ?”
“I want to take you out on an actual date afterwards.”
Woah this just went down an unexpected pathway.
“What ? You want to take me out ?”
“Is there a problem with that ?”
“No ! There’s no problem, unexpected is all.”
“Right okay then, I’ll arrive at yours with my belongings tomorrow morning at 9am.”
“Perfect. I’m leaving at 10am.”
I smiled at him and walked out, surprised by what had just happened. Nevertheless, I got home ate my dinner, showered and went to bed.
When I got up the next morning, I brushed my teeth got some coffee and put my bags in the car. Once I was ready I looked at the time, 8:59 am. I heard a knock on the door and thought it as weird that it could be Klaus since it had only just turned 9am. Weirdo. As soon as I opened the door, I led him to my car and drove off just after he had secured himself in.
13 Hours Later
Luckily Klaus was asleep for the most of it, so I just listened to my music and drove. He woke up with around an hour left on the drive, so we actually had a nice normal conversation. As soon as I pulled up outside the house, my mom and dad were stood outside waiting for me. I got out the car and ran to my dad, who has his arms wide open for me. I jumped into his arms and he held me very tightly and kisses my head. I giggled when he spun me around.
“Hi Daddy, I missed you so much.”
“We all missed you so much more sweetheart.”
I pulled away from my dad and pulled my mom in for a tight hug.
“Hi Mama.”
“Welcome home baby ! Now where is he ?!”
“Oh right.”
I ran over to Klaus, grabbed his hand and quickly whispered in his ear.
“Follow my lead okay.”
He nodded and I held his hand and walked over towards them. We stopped in front of them and my mom couldn’t stop smiling, my dad however didn’t look massively impressed.
“Mom, Dad… this is Klaus Mikaelson. My boyfriend.”
“Mikaelson as in Mikael and Esther Mikaelson ?!”
I looked at my dad confused as he said that, how would he know his parents already when me and Klaus weren’t actually dating. I haven’t even met them and they are the owners of the company I work for.
“Uh yes sir.”
“Dad, how’d you know that ?”
“Me and Mikael don’t get along very well that’s all.”
“Right, well it’s Christmas Eve and it’s getting late already Y/N you’ve been driving so long, why don’t you and Klaus go and unpack in your room and then come down and see everyone to drink some hot cocoa and watch films.”
“Okay Mama.”
I took Klaus in and was immediately bombarded by my youngest niece, Skylar.
“Hey Sky, I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too Auntie Y/N, who is this ?”
“Sky, why don’t you give us 5 minutes and then I will come down and tell everyone okay ?”
“Okay Zia.”
I smiled at her, loving the fact she’s started to embrace her Italian side now than pushing it away.
“So that’s why I don’t understand you when your mad sometimes ?”
“What do you mean, Klaus ?”
“I mean, you speak Italian when you get mad.”
“Oh right, yeah I try not to but it’s just natural.”
“So your fluent ?”
“Oh yeah my whole family is, I was actually born in Italy but we moved here when I was 2 for my Dad’s work, since he used to work in the army.”
“That’s quite cool.”
We headed to my room and I started to unpack until I saw him just standing at my door, not doing anything.
“You know you can unpack if you want, I’ll leave you 2 drawers. There’s not much room elsewhere in the house with everyone here. So your gonna have to stay with me.”
When we finished unpacking, we headed downstairs so I could introduce everyone to Klaus and reunite with my family.
“Hey everybody !”
Everyone turned around with massive grins and I managed to get around and hug everyone.
“Before we go any further, everyone this is my boyfriend Klaus Mikaelson.”
“As in Elijah ?”
What the hell is with my family knowing everyone but him in his family.
“Okay wait, your the second person to mention another one of his family members. Who else knows any Mikaelsons ?”
Three of the eleven-excluding myself and Klaus- raised their hands. My younger sister, my father, my younger brother and my sister’s boyfriend. Eventually, we found out Camilla had slept with his older brother Elijah, my father we already knew had met his parents, Christian used to be friends with Klaus’ younger brother Kol and Blaine used to date Rebekah and while back.
We eventually got over that and sat down as it was late already to watch a film and drink hot cocoa, I felt bad about leaving Klaus isolated from everyone even if Skylar was fussing over him. So I sat next to him on the couch and put a blanket over us before the film started and Skylar relaxed on the other side of me, hugging my side.
Twenty minutes into the film, my nerves from sitting next to Klaus watching films and drinking hot cocoa with my family lessened and I relaxed a bit more. That was until, Klaus put his arm on the back of the sofa and I started to fall asleep-causing me to fall into his side. When my head hit his chest, my eyes opened immediately almost as if they never closed in the first place.
“Sorry, I’m so tired.”
He chuckled and rested his hand on the side of my head bringing it back to his chest.
“It’s fine, it’s what couples do…also you have been driving all day. If you fall asleep, I promise I will take you to bed.”
I looked into his eyes and smiled before I pushed the boundaries I had made in my head and wrapped my arm around his stomach. My fingers brushed against the warm skin on his stomach as his sweatshirt had rode up a bit. I blushed very much and I’m return I felt a chuckled vibrate on my cheeks and Klaus’ hand rest on my hip as my shirt had rode up a little too. I looked up at him and without even taking any thinking time his hand gently but quickly pulled my lips closer to his and pressed them against mine. We made out for a few minutes before pulling away.
“There’s nothing weirder than making out with your boss whilst my 9yr old niece is staring at us.”
We chuckled and looked at her and she immediately averted her eyes.
“I don’t care who’s watching, I’ve wanted to do that for years.”
“Seriously ? Why haven’t you ?”
“I can’t make a spectacle in the workplace.”
“Your such a twat, Thank You for doing this. Your making it hard for me to say no to that date you asked me on. Unless you promise me that is not the last time you kiss me like that because…wow.”
He chuckled and kissed me again. I can quite easily say that I do not regret lying to my mom for once in my life. If it wasn’t for me lying, I wouldn’t have got this opportunity.
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henryobsessed · 4 years
I Took You Home - I’d Like to Return the favor.
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Summary: They have had a day of watching The Witcher but Henry finally gets up the courage to ask if he can return the favor.
Word Count: 2780
Warning: First time Oral: female receiving, smut
Previous Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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"People linked by destiny will always find each other" 
The sun has disappeared, and the night sky was illuminated by the city lights. Henry was fully dressed but still sitting on the couch with Reba. Sometime around the third episode, the washing machine had sung its finishing song then by lunchtime the dryer had betrayed him. No longer able to use his lack of pants to stay shirtless around Reba he had gone to get changed. On his return,  she had made them a simple lunch of sliced meat and salad. Seeing she was captivated by the series and not wanting to go home yet he had invited her back into his arms to continue watching. Henry really didn't mind watching, although he was getting anxious to know what she thought. He might be able to act confident when he needed to but deep down he needed to know that his work was good.
As they approached the final episode the tension he felt grew, she had been silent, absorbing each episode and only pausing for drinks and toilet breaks. He smiled loving the way she had been absentmindedly playing with his hand that was laying in his lap. The silence was unnerving as her TV went blank so much so that he had to ask "Well........." her light chuckle filled the silence. "you sound like me when I'm waiting for my publisher's final thoughts. It’s hard having someone else critique something you have put your heart into" smiling at her words he also chuckled but then said with a serious edge to his voice "your right, I think it's an artist worst and the best trait, we want it to be perfect to do justice to the character but we are our own worst critic and waiting to hear what another says is torcher"
Reba sat up at this comment, she turned to face Henry. He could see the slight concern in her eyes as she reached up a hand to cup his face. Her thumb brushed his cheek sending a shiver running through him, as she said: "you gave Geralt a voice Henry, he is the stoic hard Witcher that he is compelled to be but you also made him loveable." Her praise, and the warmth of her touch wrapped around him. 
Placing his hand over hers he moved it away from his cheek, lowering his lips to kiss her palm whilst keeping eye contact. Smiling as he felt her shiver he said in a deeper, softer voice "Thank you, that means a lot to me coming from you" the startled look on her face let him know she was not used to this kind of praise, or physical contact. Not wanting to frighten her but also feeling emboldened by her words he finally had the courage to ask what had been teasingly in the back of his mind all day "Was this morning a dream or did you give me a, helping hand?" 
He saw the blush creep up her face, as she moved to pull her hand away but he was having none of it, He kissed once more along the soft lines of her palm.
Henry felt a strong connection with this stranger sitting in front of him. Not just in a creative way but there was a physical pull that he had been fighting all day. Hoping to make her comfortable he had bided his time, but the memory of his morning's enjoyment was always on the edge of his memory.  He watched her blush and stutter and then her eyes deepen as his kiss was felt again. She was trying to form words "Y....You thought I was someone else, I didn't want to ss...startle you so I played along" her voice was soft and distracted as he continued to kiss now her wrist eliciting a soft moan from Reba. 
Henry was so turned on by the way her body was responding to his kisses. Hoping she would not turn away his advance he said in a soft seductive voice "I'd like to return the favour if your let me" never one to act without agreement he watched her waiting for an answer.
Reba was struggling to focus, he could see what his kisses were doing, but he could also see her debating with herself. He chuckled watching the decision process as her eyes, nose and mouth played out the fight. Finally, she looked at him with a soft but open look as she said "Ok" that was all he needed to hear as he leaned forward taking her soft lips captive with his own. 
He started out slow, enjoying the softness of her lips, then he ran his tongue softly across her bottom lip. She was so lost the his arms that she did not respond so he tried again to seek entrance. This time she opened allowing his tongue to explore. The sweetness of her mouth was heady as he enjoyed the feeling of a first non-inebriated kiss with Reba. He heard and felt her moan into his mouth as he tenderly explored her delicate small cavern causing his own body to stiffen in response. 
Wanting to explore more than just her mouth he pulled back catching his breath. Her now bright red lips slightly swollen from his ministrations pouted at the loss of contact. He  stood up and extended his hand to her. She looked at him a sudden look of confusion then uncertainty crossing her features, this caused Henry to pause. He wanted to thank her, to give her pleasure but he didn't want to pressure her into something she was not ready for. So taking a breath to slow his actions he smiled at her and said "I won't do anything you don't want to do Reba, you just tell me if you want to stop" taking his hand she smiled an innocent smile and stood as he pulled her to her room.
Once in the bedroom, he kissed her again but this time it was light and gentle. Pulling back he looked at her hoping she could see the connection he was feeling, the desire. Her face was of one lost innocent and uncertain but there was also a wanting he could see dancing in her deep eyes and slight smile. He needed to take it slow, he decided that tonight he would be the one to undress her. She was wearing a simple grey t-shirt and jeans that accentuated her hourglass shape. Leaning in he kissed her again running his hands along the hem of the t-shirts and then spreading his hands under it exploring the feeling of her skin on her back. He was rewarded with another moan as his hands grazed the side of her bra covered breasts. 
He lifted the fabric and breaking their kiss for a breather removed the t-shirt discarding it on the floor.  Henry looked appreciatively as her, the lacey soft pink bra lifted her plump breasts up enticing him to seek them out. This time he gently kissed her neck, the familiar smell from this morning filling his nostrils.
Henry continued to distract Reba by devouring her neck with his mouth and tongue, leaving small mark in their wake. His hands moving to her jeans button and zipper slipping into her waistband, and loosening its snug hold on her body as they slipped to the floor. He then claimed her mouth again lifting her body against his and laying her on the bed. His body covering hers as he felt her small hands wrap around his large muscular frame. Still fully clothed Henry pressed his now tight member against her causing him to groan into her kiss. Pulling back to give himself restraint he reminded himself that this was not about him right now, he wanted to give her pleasure.
Standing back and looked down at her, her hair strewn about, cheeks pink, lips swollen. Her bodies rapid movement’s as she tried to compose herself, breathtaking. Groaning to himself he breathed deeply running a hand through his hair, willing his body to relax, this was a marathon, not a sprint, and he wanted to cherish her tonight.
Mature Content Ahead 18+ read at your own risk
Panting Reba was lost in sensations, so far this weekend, living the attitude "what could it hurt" was starting to get her in hot water. No longer in control of her thoughts, all she could feel was Henry, his sweet and savory kisses which stole her breath away and her rational thought. His warm hands searing her skin as he touched her while trying to rid her of the layers hindering his efforts. The final layer was removed and all that was left was her lacey pink bra and her lace boyleg pants. Her stomach knotted as he picked her up and laid her on the bed. His body enveloping hers as he kissed her passionately, a thrill and dread pooled in her stomach as she felt his hardness rubbing against her inner thigh. Overwhelmed but wanting, all of a sudden he was gone. He had pulled back and was now looking down at her his chest heaving as he seemed to be trying to gain control.
This was nothing like her last time, her only time. That had been 10 yrs ago when she was 17 and it had only lasted a few minutes. He had been only interested in getting inside her and she had been naïve, obedient following his demands. This time already she knew it would be different, she felt different. Henry smiled at her his rakish grin turning her stomach inside out "Sorry, your kisses were just too nice Reba. I'll slowdown" Did she want him to slow down? And what did that mean. Reba gave him a shy smile in return as she watched him undress in front of her. Giggling she compared the two henry's one drunk unable to even get a button undone and the sober Henry confidently removing his precious shirt and hanging it up while she was laid on the bed watching.
He really did look good; it boggled her mind why at 37 he was still single and didn't have a family of his own. All day during their conversations she hadn't seen or heard anything to make her think negatively towards him. Her mind was suddenly brought out of her musings as two warm hands grip behind her knees and pull her towards the edge of the bed. She looked to the muscular man who was now kneeling at the edge of the bed his head leaning down towards her thigh causing her heart to increase in its rhythm. His lips felt a warm wet on her inner thigh, he looked up at her then, a smile on his face as he asked, "Is this ok?"
It took a moment for her to realise he was talking to her as her mind was so focused on the sensations his gentle touch had invoked in he middle. "Reba?" Henry chuckled at her as she realised she hadn't answered "Yes, but Henry, I've never, no one has ever touched me there I......" The look on his face softened as her words sunk in. He leaned gently on her thigh his head resting there for a moment his eyes not leaving hers as he said "Reba, have you had sex before? Experienced an orgasm?" for Reba it really was a surreal feeling having this Man taking the time to find out about her. Asking rather than just taking.
She sat up on her elbows and really looked at him then, his kind words emboldening her to speak frankly "I have had sex but only once when I was 17, it lasted long enough to take my virginity and that was it. I've not had the inclination or opportunity to be with a man like that until now." His eyes held acknowledgement of the trust she was giving him with that knowledge. He softly smiled again, this time kissing softly her thigh before saying between kisses "Well this will be .... a new experience for you,....... but remember ....... if you want to stop....... or don't feel right just tell me. ........I want you to enjoy this ...... not just add it to your bad experiences" by this stage Reba was having trouble staying on her elbows her breathing accelerated as his lips headed closer and closer. He didn't break eye contact with her until he finally reached her warm mound. She trembled as he looked down that smile of his never leaving his face as he leaned in to kiss it.
The sensation sent a heat wave radiating somewhere deep in her belly causing her to leak, she gasped as she felt the liquid seep into her boyleg. Moving to close her thighs in embarrassment Henry chuckled softly looking back up at her. His hands stroking her legs while keeping them apart "It's ok, that's meant to happen Reba. It means I'm doing my job properly." She could feel the redness in her cheeks but his gaze was reassuring so she breathed in deep and relaxed again. Henry tucked his fingers into the waist of her boyleg's, and looked to her for approval which she gave with a slow nod of her head, removed the lacey fabric. The sensation of his fingers burning her hips as he removed her last line of protection.
Now she was laid bare for him. His intense gaze as he looked at her most intimate place made her flood more. His finger touched her inner lips scooping up a little bit of her moisture. Reba watched in horror as he put his finger to his lips and tasted it. She wanted to tell him off, ask him what the hell was he doing but his look of delight silenced her as he hummed with pleasure "you taste good Reba" with that his head bent and she felt his tongues warmth as it licked from her entrance all they way up to where her lips met. If she thought the feeling of his breath on her thighs or his kissed caused wetness, then the feeling of his tongue running through her labia and over the hooded sensitive spot was explosive. The sensations tearing though her middle as he landed on her clit almost made her lift of the bed as her hips arched into his mouth and a loud moan exploded from her lips.
Encouraged by her response Henry seemed to increase his attention as he licked and sucked at her clit causing Reba to moan louder her body arching and writhing unable to control her motions. She felt a build up in her middle an intense pressure that demanded more as she involuntarily reached out and grabbed henrys head her hand kneading his hair urging him to increase the pressure. She felt his response to her action as he moaned into her clit which seemed to be the final thing to tip her over the edge. Colors exploded in her brain, as an involuntary spasm the started in her toes radiated up to her middle causing her to convulse arching up into a sitting position before collapsing flat on the bed. Her breathing erratic, as she felt Henry's warm tongue begin again to it seems almost clean up the torrent of wetness that resulted from her orgasm.
Every now and then as he tended her he would graze her clit causing her to arch again as mini Vulcanic eruptions spread out through her middle. She could hear his chuckle as he gently rubbed her legs and whispered "Wow" She couldn't move, couldn't respond all she could do was breath. She felt Henry get up and lay next to her, he kissed her temple and laid his head next to hers. She knew he was waiting for her to recover to find her voice. Eventually she was able to speak softly in awe of what she had just experience "Is that what it feels like for you?" She could hear his smile as he chuckled "well I don't know, its different for everyone. But it looked like you had mini orgasms straight after I only get one." She laughed at the sound of a pout in his voice at that statement.
Reba finally opened her eyes feeling her heartbeat return to normal, there staring at her studying her face were two beautiful blue eyes with a hint of brown in one. Their depth held a question that she was not sure she was ready to answer. Was she prepared to do more, risk more? He had already shown her an experience that was unlike anything she had ever felt. Was she willing to experience it all. Reba sat up and moved back out into the kitchen grabbing two water bottles from the fridge. Walking back into the bedroom she saw that Henry had made himself comfortable leaning up against the headboard waiting for her. In the look he gave her she saw no sub defuse, no false bravado. Just a genuine kind expression, relaxed and open to accept whatever tonight held. It filled Reba with a calm as she handed Henry the water slipped into the covers and like she had done all day cuddled into his arms and relaxed.  
Next Chapter 6   
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hi !!! as a writing request!! could i ask for platonic todokamimina? they’re a chaotic group and i don’t see them nearly as often as i should </3 thank you so much !! :)
Anything for you, friendo!!! <333
Ao3 link
 Very green.
 Shoto liked green.
 He leant his elbows against the desk and cupped his cheeks in his hands as he stared across the classroom. Aizawa was wrapping up their final lesson, but Shoto couldn't care less. Instead, he admired the way Midoriya rubbed the back of his head as he frantically scribbled down notes, causing his verdant curls to stick out at odd angles. Shoto wanted to run his hands through them.
 'Pretty.' He murmured to himself.
 'What's pretty?' A head suddenly rested on Shoto's left shoulder. He stilled slightly and turned to find Kaminari's curious face, scanning the room.
 'Besides you, of course!' Another voice added, before another head squished against his right cheek and Shoto seriously considered teaching his classmates about the concept of personal space.
 ‘Ashido. Kaminari. I’d appreciate it if you moved.’ When neither of them seemed to take the hint, he raised his arms and pushed them away with a palm to their cheeks.
 When they shrieked and landed on the floor, Shoto gathered his things and stood up. ‘And if you must know, Midoriya is very pretty. I would’ve thought that much was obvious.’
 ‘Wait wait wait!’ Kaminari exclaimed, grabbing onto Shoto’s leg whilst Ashido scrambled to her feet. ‘You have a crush on Midoriya? Dude!’
 ‘I don’t want to crush Midoriya.’ Shoto raised an eyebrow and shook Kaminari off his leg.
 ‘No, he means you like him!’ Ashido squealed, waving her fists around excitedly, but that just made Shoto even more confused.
 ‘Of course I like Midoriya.’ He frowned slightly. ‘I thought everyone did. He’s incredible.’
 ‘Bro.’ Kaminari smacked his forehead with exasperation, whilst Ashido giggled and moved to pat Shoto on the shoulder.
 ‘Todoroki, sweetie, honey, no.’ She snorted, a wobbly smile on her face. ‘We mean, you like Midoriya in a romantic way.’
 ‘What makes you think that?’ He raised his hand to his chin as he considered her words.
 'You just called him pretty!' Kaminari choked out.
 'And?' Shoto tilted his head to the side. 'It's an objective observation. Anyone with eyes would agree Midoriya is pretty.'
 'Ah-' Kaminari raised a finger to argue, but he faltered with a sigh, clearly defeated. 'You got me there.'
 Shoto closed his eyes and nodded once. It was nice being right.
 ‘Well, how do you feel when Midoriya is around you?’ Ashido asked, trying a different route. ‘When he compliments you.’
 ‘I feel… Fuzzy.’ Shoto frowned, trying to picture his best friend in front of him now.
  ‘Wow! That was amazing, Todoroki-kun!’ A bright smile crossed Midoriya’s face, eyes wide and shining with awe. ‘You really are so cool!’
 ‘I feel… Warm. Not like my quirk, like… On the inside, I feel warm.’ He elaborated. ‘And when he says nice things about me, I feel… Good. I want him to say more nice things.’
 ‘Oh bro.’ Kaminari clasped his hands together and rested his cheek against them. ‘That’s adorable. What makes you think he’s pretty?’
 ‘Everything.’ Shoto answered, a little too quickly. When the two of them looked at him, amused, he quickly cleared his throat. ‘His hair looks really fluffy and I want to touch it to see if it feels as nice as it looks. His freckles are really cute and his eyes are always so kind. He makes me feel comfortable.’
 ‘What about his smokin’ hot body?!’ Kaminari interrupted with a smirk. Ashido elbowed him, but couldn’t hide her own grin.
 ‘I said he’s warm, not hot.’ Shoto pointed out, ignoring their antics. ‘But now that you mention it, his body is incredibly nice to look at... And to touch. When he hugs me, he’s so soft despite all the muscle. And his hands are also very pretty - I want to hold them.’
 He trailed off and was met with silence. When he looked up, he found Kaminari and Ashido looking at him with shocked expressions.
 ‘That’s so adorable, Todoroki!’ Ashido squealed.
 ‘Man, you’ve got it bad, huh?’ Kaminari wiggled his eyebrows. ‘Yeah, you definitely like Midoriya romantically.’
 ‘What?’ Shoto narrowed his eyes. ‘I thought that’s how you were meant to feel about your best friend?’
 ‘Well… Yes.’ Ashido bounced her head side to side in thought. ‘But usually not to that level. Like, do you feel the same way about Iida or Yaomomo?’
 Shoto wrinkled his nose at the thought.
 ‘I like them.’ He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling guilty. ‘But I don’t… When I’m with Midoriya, I feel… Home.’
 ‘Do you want to kiss him?’ Kaminari suddenly asked, completely throwing Shoto off.
  Do I want to kiss him?
 He thought about the question. He thought about Midoriya’s lips, slightly chapped from when he’d sometimes chew on them when he was nervous; the way his mouth would move a mile a minute when muttering about heroes and quirks; the blinding smile that would form when he was happy.
 Kissing him sounds like heaven.
 ‘I… I’m not against the idea.’ He felt a blush dust his cheeks and quickly looked at the floor. ‘Okay, maybe I do like Midoriya romantically, but there’s no way he’d like me back.'
 ‘What makes you say that?’ Ashido quirked an eyebrow, sceptical. 
 ‘Because he could have anyone.’ Shoto had to be careful here. He didn’t want to have to explain why Midoriya was way too good for someone like Shoto, who was broken and scarred. He liked Kaminari and Ashido, but he wasn't quite ready to overshare his past trauma with them.
 That was purely a Midoriya thing.
 He considered his words for a moment. ‘His presence is inspiring. He's like the sun and he cares so much. I'd follow him anywhere. People love him and I'm…'
 He trailed off, unsure of how to finish.
 'Gorgeous?' Ashido offered.
 'Cool - excuse the pun.' Kaminari contributed with a smile.
 'Mysterious?' Ashido exclaimed, confident.
 'Weird.' Shoto finished, lamely.
 The room was silent for a minute, before suddenly,
 'Brooo.' Kaminari looked at him, aghast. 'You're telling me that Midoriya won't want to be with you because you're weird? Midoriya? The same Midoriya who mumbles to himself and makes being weird look incredibly endearing?'
 'Oh, honey.' Ashido sighed and patted his shoulder again. 'What my esteemed colleague here is trying to say is… You're both weird, but in different ways. You-' She raised her two index fingers and brought the tips together. '-Complete each other.'
 She batted her eyelids at him and Shoto wondered how he ever got into this conversation in the first place.
 'Right.' He spoke slowly, before grabbing his bag. 'Okay. I'm leaving now.'
 He turned to walk towards the door but was stopped by one pair of arms around his legs and another pair wrapped around his blazer sleeve. The former sent him off balance and he tumbled to the ground, unable to cushion his fall with his ice thanks to Ashido holding his right arm in a vice-like grip.
 'Motherfuck-' His chin smacked the floor, but before he could even process the pain, both of his classmates piled on top of him, muttering a string of apologies that would've been much more appreciated if they weren't simultaneously suffocating him.
 'Wah! Sorry, Todorokiiiii!!!' Ashido exclaimed.
 'Are you okay?!' Kaminari screeched. 'We'll get you together with Midoriya, promise! Will that make you feel better?'
 'Get.' Shoto used every ounce of patience he possessed to keep himself calm. 'The fuck. Off me.'
 Wordlessly, they scrambled off him and he stood, wiping the dust from his uniform. His chin stung and his eyes watered out of reflex, but he maintained his composure. It was nothing Shoto couldn't handle, he'd had worse in the past.
 'Midoriya doesn't want to be with me.' He interrupted. 'So I'd appreciate it if you dropped the matter.'
 As he made his exit, Shoto didn't notice the yellow sleeping bag poking out from around the teacher's desk. He also didn't notice when the person inside it complained about how he wasn't getting paid enough to listen to this shit.
 'What happened to your chin, Todoroki-kun?' Midoriya asked, peering up at Shoto, concern evident in his voice.
 'Tripped over.' He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck and looking off to the side to avoid his friend's blinding gaze.
 He instantly regretted it when his eyes fell on Ashido, grossly kissing the air, whilst Kaminari hugged himself and pouted seductively - whether he succeeded or not was up for debate. Shoto's eyes widened at the sight and he quickly looked back at Midoriya.
  Not today, Satan.
 'It's bruising, Todoroki-kun. Are you sure you're okay?'
 'Erm, yes.' He tried not to blush at the proximity. 'I'm fine, Midoriya-'
 'Stupid Deku!' The loud, obnoxious voice of Bakugou suddenly rang in Shoto's ears. He also noticed how Midoriya seemed to jump three feet into the air at his proclamation. 'Forget about dumb Icyhot! Get the fuck over here now!'
 'C- Coming, Kacchan.' His friend stuttered out, before looking up at Shoto apologetically. 'Sorry about that. I have to go. Promise you're okay?'
 Shoto nodded silently, noticing how Midoriya's smile didn't seem entirely genuine as he made his exit.
  Is he upset?
 Shoto watched him go and allowed himself a moment to consider what it would be like if Midoriya really did like him back. Would he say no to Bakugou in order to spend more time with Shoto? Would they hold hands in the common room? Would Midoriya kiss his chin better?
 He sighed softly at the thought, but was interrupted once more when Kaminari suddenly threw his arm around his shoulder and grinned, as if he hadn't caused Shoto to faceplant the floor not two hours ago.
 'Oh, young love.' He gushed.
 'You've got to use this opportunity!' Ashido punched the air - where had she come from? - and shook him. 'Be the shining knight who saves his love from the dragon!'
 'What the hell are you on about now?' Shoto asked, exhausted.
 'Go rescue your man from Kacchan!' Kaminari scoffed, as if it were obvious.
 'My man?' He raised an eyebrow. 'Midoriya is his own person?'
 'How romantic!' Ashido squealed, linking her arm in his. ‘So noble!’
 Shoto was very confused.
 'No, dude!' Kaminari sounded pained, which Shoto thought was unwarranted. He knew it wasn't a competition, but he also knew for sure that he was definitely in more pain than Kaminari was. 'Midoriya clearly doesn't want to talk to Bakugou, so you should get him to leave him alone. We know how much you love tearing into Kacchan!'
 'Yeah!' Ashido seconded. 'Midoriya can't say no to anyone, so you need to rescue him!'
 'Hm…' Coming to Midoriya's aid was rather tempting, albeit he wished he didn't need to in the first place. 'I don't know what to say though.'
 'We'll help you!'
 Kaminari leant in to whisper in his ear. As he explained his strategy, Shoto nodded along in understanding, and after about 30 seconds, he was ready.
 'Hey, Bakugou!' He called out, causing the blonde to turn and glare at him from across the room. When Midoriya also turned around, Shoto took in his watery eyes and quivering lip, and puffed out his chest, a newfound determination evident on his face.
  Nobody makes Midoriya sad!
 'The fuck do you want, Icyhot?' Bakugou barked.
 Shoto maintained a cool demeanor and recited the first thing Kaminari had told him.
 'You have your entire life to be a piece of shit. Why not take a day off for once?'
 The room went silent, save for Ashido's muffled giggles.
 'HAH?!' Bakugou exclaimed. 'The fuck did you just say to me?'
 'I said I just wanted to tell you…' Kaminari muttered something else in his ear and Shoto nodded. 'You bring everyone so much joy!'
 Even Midoriya tilted his head to the side at that, but he didn't look like he was about to cry anymore, which was progress.
 Bakugou smirked and crossed his arms.
 'That's what I thought you'd said-'
 'I'm sorry, I wasn't finished.' Shoto held a hand out to stop him. 'I was gonna say, you bring everyone so much joy when you leave the room. Maybe you should try it?'
 Bakugou's eye twitched, while Midoriya let out a quiet snigger.
 Shoto felt blessed.
 'Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, you bastard?!'
 Ashido quickly covered his back.
 ‘I'm talking to the human version of period cramps.' Shoto echoed her words. 'That's not something one forgets easily.'
 Midoriya bit his lip to hide a laugh and Shoto allowed himself to become momentarily distracted by the action, the corner of his lip twitching upwards. He didn't even realise Bakugou was storming towards him, until Ashido shoved him away from an explosion.
 He collided with Kaminari, who grasped him by the shoulders and muttered something else, before pushing Shoto away to give him a head start. He raced across the common room and stood behind the sofa. When Bakugou tried to run around it to grab him, Shoto merely sprinted the opposite way, until both of them were stuck, waiting for the other to make a move.
 Of course, Shoto decided this was the perfect opportunity to recite what Kaminari had told him.
 'I love what you've done with your hair, Bakugou. How did you make it come out of your nostrils like that?' He raised an eyebrow and turned to Kaminari. 'But he doesn't have hair coming out of this-'
 Bakugou let out a roar as he leapt over the sofa. Shoto quickly dodged his attack and raced towards Midoriya. He grabbed his friend’s hand and pulled him along with him as he escaped the common room and dashed up the stairs, two at a time, a raging Bakugou in tow…
 Until two pairs of hands suddenly grabbed onto the blonde and dragged him back.
 When Shoto turned around to thank his saviours, he found Kaminari and Ashido restraining Bakugou. With a grateful nod, he saluted his friends for their sacrifice and dragged Midoriya towards his room.
 Once the door locked behind them, he panted for breath, not realising he was still holding Midoriya's hand until he felt a soft squeeze.
 'Thank you for that.' His friend spoke softly. 'Kacchan's really mad though. You might wanna go into witness protection after that little stunt.'
 'I can handle him.'
 'I know you can. I was joking.'
 'Hm.' Shoto smiled slightly when Midoriya giggled, but it was quickly followed by an awkward silence, save the rapid beating of his heart and the deep, shaky breaths he took from the previous excursion. He wanted to say something more meaningful, tell him that he'd gladly enrage Bakugou again if it meant he’d leave Midoriya alone.
 'Y- You can let go now, Todoroki-kun.' Shoto startled and finally turned away from the door to regard his friend, who stared right back at him, both nervous and amused.
 Shoto swallowed heavily and thought about what Ashido and Kaminari told him.
 ‘You're both weird, but in different ways. You complete each other.'
 ‘Do you want to kiss him?’
 He took the plunge.
 'What… What if I don't want to let go?' He tried not to look away when Midoriya's eyes widened in response. 'What if… I want to find more excuses to hold your hand?'
 'Oh, Todoroki-kun.' Midoriya smiled sadly at him and Shoto felt his heart begin to shatter. However, before he could unleash hell on Ashido and Kaminari for mentally talking him into this, Midoriya reached forward and took his other hand in his.
 A calloused thumb rubbed circles against his skin. 'You never need an excuse to hold my hands, I promise.'
 When realisation hit Shoto, Midoriya's smile brightened and he suddenly felt himself being enveloped into a tight hug.
 The next day, Shoto and Midoriya walked into class fifteen minutes early, hands intertwined and leaning against each other.
 Fourteen minutes later, Kaminari and Ashido stumbled through the door to find some gifts on their desks: some hamburgers and a large bowl of natto, respectively. When they scanned the room for the source of this kindness, they made eye contact with Shoto, who flashed them a thumbs up and smiled.
 He may be a man of few words, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate his friends helping him.
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v-velvetykisscs · 3 years
Safety Net
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Note: here’s the update after two months. I’m so sorry, I’ve been going through personal stuff and school has been stressing me out like crazy. Hope you like this !!
Chapter 2:
My heartbeat is ringing in my ears. I watch the figures in the passenger seat attentively, whilst inhaling deeply and exhaling once again. 10 minutes have passed inside of this car, and not a single word has been spoken by Historia or either of the people in the driver and passenger seat. My palms are moist and a warm rush passes through my body. I dig my nails into the soft, damp skin of my palms. My eyes divert to the window of the car, following the fleeting street lights with my eyes before screwing my eyes shut. I'm going to be sick. This dread has formed a coiled-up knot in my stomach, I fear it'll travel up my throat and out.
"What is this?" I state firmly.
Historia turns her head away from her black ballet flats to look at me, rigid strands of her golden hair falling onto her face. Her eyes widen and her eyebrows furrow. She purses her lips as she looks away from me.
I stare furiously into the rear-view mirror.
"Who are you guys?"
The man in the driver's seat, pushes his glasses down onto the bridge of his nose and makes eye contact with me. His dark, thick eyebrows are relaxed and his chocolatey eyes pour indirectly into mine.
"So she didn't tell you."
I've seen those eyes somewhere.
"No, why would I be asking?"
As if on cue, he stops at the red light, turning around slowly.
"She's a feisty one, Krista."
He sports a light brown messy hair-do and leather jacket as a replacement for the white shirt, brown waistcoat and black bow tie.
"What the fuck?! I recognise you, you're the bartender I spoke to back there."
"I'm Jean, Sugar Cube." he smirks, quirking an eyebrow.
I spare him a glance before waiting for the other to speak.
"And I'm Armin." A shorter, skinnier man speaks quietly before turning to give me a small smile. He has short, straw-blonde hair and dusty blue eyes.
"Nice to meet you, although this doesn't answer my question."
The red-light fades to green and Jean turns around and pushes the pedal, resuming his driving.
I focus on Historia again, waiting for her to give me a response.
"I swear I was going to tell you-"
"And I was there to make sure that she would, but when I realised you ran into trouble, I got my baby ready for a swift escape." Jean intervenes.
"Who do you work for?"
"I work at Yeager Corporations, Jean and Armin are my colleagues."
"And where are they taking us?"
"The HQ. It's the safest place at the moment." Armin butts in promptly.
"You obviously don't know the first thing about me but I would definitely feel much safer within the walls of my house."
"I'm sure anyone would, but right now we need to make it to HQ, where the boss will know what to do."
I eye the pair as they slam the front doors of the vehicle and walk to either side of the car to prompt the doors open for us.
I huff, snatching my messenger bag up from the floor, reaching for the door handle. I hold onto it. Jean notices and frowns a little. He speaks loud enough for me to hear him through the glass with a muffle. "Allow me." he insists. I let go of the door handle and wait for him. He moves to the side and I step out of the car. "Thank you" I fix the neat rows of cars parked opposite us instead of making eye contact.
Historia falls behind and walks besides me.
"Why didn't you tell me anything?"
"Because there's more to it."
"God you sound so morbid. Look, I've covered your ass more times than I seem to recall, so nothing you do shocks me. I know you better than anyone else."
"But this is different."
I pause.
"Different how?"
"We're nearly there, ladies."
"Alright Jean."
She wobbles forward as she tries to walk faster than before to avoid resuming our conversation. I glance at her injured foot; her ankle is bruised and battered with purple and blue. It looks as if it's swelling. I move up next to her and hold her arm, putting it gently around my shoulder to support her. I look away from her. There's an elevator. The boys pause and we walk a few more steps. Armin's finger skims over the numbers. He pushes the button. After a while, the metallic doors slide open smoothly.
Stepping out of the lift, Armin strides forward, his shoes clunking somewhat gracefully onto the white marble tiles. Jean follows quickly behind, not wanting to be the one left behind to tail the group. He puffs his chest out, straightening his posture to make himself seem taller and more intimidating. He turns and gives me a side smirk, but I scoff and roll my eyes, not allowing myself to associate with that heathen. Historia places a hand on your shoulder almost comfortingly, ushering you to follow behind Armin and that cocky bastard Jean. I exhale defeatedly, having no choice but to follow along and play their stupid little game. Historia whimpers, her ankle still being in moderate pain and currently untreated. This left her hopeless at the back, hopping along and trying to keep up with everyone else's paces. I check back on Historia every so often to make sure she's okay, and the lift door shuts, leaving only the cityscape lights to illuminate the room. I think to myself for a moment, how blindingly bright it must be here on a sunny day, the room being mostly white, and white being a reflective colour. Is that why mafia bosses wear sunglasses? I guess we'll never know. Focusing myself again, I turn back around to face the backs of Armin and Jean, whispering to one another, Armin occasionally glancing back at me.
"So.. where are we going?" I ask, feeling quite awkward being sandwiched between these weirdos. There was no response from either of them. Only the low chatter and the monotonous sound of a few keyboards typing away filled the silence. In fact, they both stopped whispering and continued to walk. I narrow my eyes, balling my hands into a fist and beginning to pierce my skin with my nails.
"Hello? I know the two of you aren't fucking deaf." This was a bold move from me, adrenaline rushing through my body as my anger levels continued to rise, them both still ignoring me. These fuckers. I look back at Historia hopelessly, asking for assistance with my eyes. She just stares back blankly at me, trying to keep her own balance whilst walking, leaving me to debate whether I should just throw a tantrum in the middle of the workroom, there and then, oblivious to the consequences.
"What the FUCK is this." I raise my voice this time, close to a yell. They both stop and look at each other, then turning back around to me. The sound of Historia's shoes stopped behind me. I gulped, looking up at the two of them. "Our workroom." Armin would finally reply, scarily calm.
Jean intervenes "It's our condo. We make business here, We drink and eat and socialise. No need to get so worked up, you little lemon. We're nearly there."
I let a short, humourless laugh escape, pulling my lips into a horrid smile. Jean smiles, unbothered by my sour attitude. "Bye Hitch!" Jean exclaims, waving at someone; a woman, in chunky, leather Dr. Martens black boots, red fishnet tights, a red lingerie silk dress with a khaki green jacket. She's carrying a black duffel back over her shoulder. She waves back at him with her free hand, smirking. "You have a goodnight" he says to himself. We make a right turn, down a corridor, past white office doors with plastic plaques. We walk past a red haired man, sliding a piece of paper with printed lettering through one of the transparent plates. "Still on prep duty I see, Floch." Jean blurts as he passes the man.
"Shut up Horseface." he retorts bitterly, sparing a quick glance at me before returning to his job. A few steps away sits a nameless mahogany door. Armin takes a nimble step forward, knocking on the door softly. When no one responds, Jean twists the door handle, leaving the door ajar. He slips through and we follow. The room is illuminated by a dim light dangling from the ceiling, above a round, oak table. The table is littered with playing cards, 3 cans of coke and 3 open packets of potato chips on the surface, crumbs splayed all over. The space smells of cheap lavender diffuser. Two people are sitting at the table, simultaneously turning their heads around to look at the commotion. One of them- a woman- with long brown hair, tied back in a dishevelled ponytail and beige skin, has potato chips crumbs on her face. Her chocolate eyes widen at the sight of us. The other, a man- has a buzz cut with prominent, light green eyes that mirror the woman's expression.
"Oh- Jean! We didn't expect you to pay us a visit. Otherwise I might've thought about saving you some of these." The woman admits, her tone guilty as she looks down at the empty, open crisps packets.
"Oh spare me the apology Sasha, these things have a lot of calories in them anyway. I was hoping you'd know where I can find Jaeger."
"Jaeger? He should be in his office, working late." The man adds.
"Thanks Connie."
Connie nods, craning his neck and swinging his chair back, his hands holding the table as he gazes at me curiously.
"Who's this?"
"Y/n, Y/n L/n." I respond before Jean can
Sasha laughs loudly, seeming to have heard that.
We've now walked back to the main lobby and steered towards a set of a coiling staircase. I pause at the bottom of the stairs, grabbing Historia's arm gently. " I'm not letting you go further in the state you're in." I eye Armin, his eyes already fixated on me. "Will you please take care of her?"
Armin nods sharply, walking towards Historia.
"Y/N, I'm okay-" She begins, but I turn around beginning to walk up the steps. "Lead the way" I ordered Jean. At the top, Jean saunters over to a pair of opaque double doors. Next to those are 3 velvet cushion chairs. I stare at him as he brings his fist up on the door, to knock gently.
I gulp.
"Come in." a voice from within says clearly, with a neutral tone.
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Malcolm Reed - Don’t Be An Idiot
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♫ - Aquamarine - Yondeling 
For a lovely Anon, I don’t know if it’s just one person requesting all the Malcolm fics, but I appreciate it anyway, he’s my favourite Enterprise character! Thank you for reading! Hugs! ♡
Joined at the hip was an understatement for the bond between yourself and Trip Tucker. All throughout your youth, the two of you stuck together through everything. Wherever one was, the other was sure not to be too far behind. That was the way you both liked it. A mutual bond between you, you truly were best friends.
This included the two of you working to get accepted into Starfleet Academy, a dream both of you had wished on for years. Trip had taken his course in engineering and you had taken the medical path, having always had the want to help others where you could. Both of you were accepted, and through the years of hard work, your bond only got stronger.
Stationed aboard the Enterprise, you were glad to still be with him. Despite your opposing fields, you spent as much time with him as you could still, savouring the hours you had. Through Trip, you had met others aboard the ship, and made some good friends. You'd also met Malcolm, a quiet man who was a weapons expert. Small conversation here and there often occurred between you, though he seemed far too nervous around you to engage in any more than small talk. Even as the months went on, he stayed the same.
"Hey," you began, stepping into engineering and greeting Trip with a hug, which he gladly returned, lifting you off your feet as you laughed. "We still on for tonight?"
He placed you down and grimaced. "If I can get this sorted out then absolutely. I don't know how long this'll take, darlin',"
"That's alright, I'd rather the ship didn't explode if that's okay with you, Trip." You both broke out in giggles as he pushed your arm playfully. What neither of you did notice was Malcolm, stood not too far away and hearing every word.
Malcolm had, for the longest time, felt something more than friendship for you, though never would he consider acting on it. He thought you and Trip had something going on, and he couldn't be blamed, really; outside eyes could be easily led to believe that. He saw how you looked at Trip, how you laughed with him, how you acted with him. It looked like love to Malcolm, so he kept to himself.
Lingering a little longer to waste the rest of your break, you decided to talk to Malcolm whilst Trip went back to the ship's problem of the week. Sitting beside him, you smiled politely at him.
"Hi, how's your day been, Lieutenant?" your voice was soft, trying to be as friendly as you could.
"Malcolm, please," he corrected with a shy chuckle, and you nodded in acknowledgement. It's been alright, thank you, Y/N. Yours?"
"All the better for seeing you."
Malcolm's cheeks turned red at your words, and he excused himself by 'returning to his duties'. Standing, he walked off and you found yourself staring after him. Why is he so nervous around me? Your mind wandered to what you may have done, and you hadn't realised you were still staring at the door long after he'd left.
"You in there, sweetheart?" Trip's voice brought you back to reality, and you blinked a couple of times to reground yourself. "Thought we'd lost you for good, there. Everything good?"
Before you could answer, Trip followed your train of sight to the door and chuckled. "Ahh, just tell him. Lord knows he ain't gonna tell you."
"Tell him what?" you feigned innocence, and Trip shot you an incredulous look, one that told you without words that he believed none of your act. "No."
"Oh, come on, I see how you look at him, and he does the same, you know. You two are both far too stubborn, Y/N. You get nothin' if you wait for it."
With that, Trip walked off, and you stuck your tongue out behind his back. Your walk back to the medical bay was short, leaving you with your thoughts for a while longer. Did Malcolm really like you like Trip had said? So far into your thoughts as you were, you hadn't realised someone walking the other way, and you walked right into them.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" you protested, looking up to the poor soul; Malcolm. He was on his way back to engineering.
"It's quite alright, the fault was mine." He offered a hand which you took, and you couldn't help the warm feeling you felt inside. Your hands lingered together a little longer, and your eyes fell on his, which were filled with a sparkle you hadn't noticed before. Malcolm's cheeks reddened again, and he nodded at you before heading down the corridor again.
"You alright there, man? Did you run here?" Trip slapped a hand down on Malcolm's shoulder as he entered engineering and laughed, his friend letting out a small chuckle. "You know, Y/N just headed out that way if you- oh my god."
"What?"Malcolm asked, genuinely confused. He was met with Trip's laughter once again.
"You bumped into Y/N, didn't you? You know, you could just mention you'd like to get married."
Malcolm's head shot up and he raised a brow at his friend.
"I would never," he began. "You're with Y/N, I wouldn't come between that."
"I- what?" Trip spoke, with a tone that screamed Malcolm's statement was incredulous. "You think me and Y/N are- here I was thinkin' you were smart."
"I don't-"
"Y/N's my best friend, we've been close since we learned to walk. There's nothing there but a family love, and you're blind if you haven't seen the way Y/N looks at you. I've never seen a gaze linger longer, never seen someone so concerned over a guy who won't even have a proper conversation 'cos he's too scared. Don't be an idiot, man. Go."
As Malcolm took to the corridors of the Enterprise, he pondered Trip's lecture. Had he been that blind? To him, there was no logical reason you would choose him over Trip, not to him. What he was unaware of was how you felt. Reaching the medical bay, he entered, greeted by Dr Phlox and his always present smile.
"What can I do you for, Lieutenant?" he asked, and Malcolm shook his head, looking past Phlox at you, who was currently tapping away at a report. Phlox followed his train of sight and grinned. "In you go, I'll see you later."
"Ah, hello," he began rather quietly, even for him. "How's your report going?"
"Very well thank you, Malcolm. Is everything alright?" you chuckled at his attempt at small talk, and for once, saw him smile at you, a real smile.
"I was wondering if you'd perhaps like to join me tonight for dinner?"
Eyes widening, you took a minute to process if this was happening. The pause, however, was too long for Malcolm, who began to stutter and backtrack. Silencing him with a finger to his lips, you smiled again at the nervous man before you. Placing a hand on his, you entwined your fingers together to calm him.
"That sounds lovely, I'd really enjoy that."
From there, that dinner made history. Neither of you really knew how you had been so lucky to have the other, though it was never a topic for debate. All that mattered was that you had each other, and through anything, that was enough.
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Who's in your bit rn Buster: Diego and Gus Rio: Oh good Rio: well too fast for Tommy Buster: He's got that fucked knee, like Rio: That's a poltie way to say he just got outwitted by a couple of toddlers Buster: Yeah Rio: You want me to come take 'em away or is there someone else in there with Buster: Just me, that was the appeal initially Rio: Lucky you Rio: I've gained a shadow, like Buster: Can't really tell a 6 year old to fuck off Buster: Shame Rio: Yeah Rio: you remember how to sign it if you need to? Buster: 'Course Rio: 👍 Buster: 🍀 Rio: Please Rio: got quite enough pride assaulting me without you starting Buster: Fine Buster: Since you remembered your manners about it Rio: I don't remember you being this concerned with manners, ever Buster: That's how you know I'm taking the piss even when you can't actually keep up Rio: If I hadn't kept up, I wouldn't feel this shit today, like Buster: It don't mean you did Buster: Half of what I had would knock you over Rio: and you don't know the half of what I had Rio: only brought me a few, don't get carried away Buster: I'm not asking for a list, like Rio: You won't be getting one Rio: don't fancy boking to top it off Buster: There weren't any brandy on it, I already checked Buster: You'll be grand Rio: Tah for the concern 😏 Buster: You're so welcome Rio: Okay, take the piss all you like but its weird when you're polite Buster: Fuck you then Rio: More like it Buster: I do aim to please Buster: Everybody knows that Rio: A long way from Chelsea, boyo Buster: No shit Rio: Be home for you in no time Rio: no O'somethings in sight Buster: Counting the seconds, like Rio: Do it quietly Buster: Diego and Gus ain't concerned Rio: not much does them Rio: 'cept being forced to particiate in family shit Rio: got a lot in common Buster: Yeah Rio: monosyllabic is alright but if you go full catatonic, I'll have to tell someone Rio: you know the rules Buster: I know they're meant to be broken Buster: So don't worry about it Rio: Sure Rio: that rule goes without saying Buster: They're on the move Buster: Do you want me to follow 'em? Rio: Can you Rio: I'll head up now but just so they don't get lost lost Buster: Sure Rio: 👍 Rio: [hunt 'em down girl] Buster: [Buster just awkwardly lurking so they don't die] Rio: [just nodding a little like thanks then and 'leave you to it again' before chasing 'em off] Buster: [forever watching her go like it's nothing] Rio: [rip] Buster: [at least most of the fam are having a nice time, god bless] Rio: [if that ain't being a teenager tbh, even if you weren't secretly in love with your cousin, like] Buster: [one is relatable if not the other lol] Rio: [let time pass] Rio: you want a coffee from the cafe? Buster: Less want, more need Rio: Exactly Rio: it'll be shit but I don't have any coke on me either Buster: You're a continual source of disappointment to me, Cavante Rio: Not the magic word Buster: Should be Buster: It's more motivational Rio: Don't change career plan Rio: put it that way Buster: I don't intend to Rio: and I don't need motivating Buster: Just shit coffee, alright Rio: Currently Rio: don't imagine you'll be coming up with any better plans any time soon Buster: I easily could but I can't imagine including you in 'em regardless Rio: Yeah yeah Rio: shut up and don't be a dick whilst I wait for these drinks at least Buster: [pops up like oh hey because that dick 'I'll wait, you sit'] Rio: [shooketh but does best not to show it, goes and sits like] Buster: [doing that whole waiting and paying thing] Rio: [sneak peeks honey Buster: [blatantly has also bought her a 🍪 or something cos nerd so bringing that over] Rio: [when you're confusion but not gonna turn down a free cookie #same and drinking that coffee like you need it to live 'cos you do] Buster: [Likewise drinking that coffee as fast as he can without burning his tongue lol] Rio: [just having a silent coffee break] Buster: [so awkward] Rio: [at least you aren't running away lads] Buster: [proud of you] Rio: [look like better? when they're done] Buster: [clearing the shit away so he don't have to answer because not really lbr] Rio: [can have Grace come find her #obsessed so they don't have to do this rn] Buster: [hey girl hey when he'd literally run off cos she's that annoying haha] Rio: Oh cheers Buster: Don't mention it Rio: can't you come entertain her Rio: you're clearly good with kids Buster: It ain't me she wants Rio: 🙄 I'm tired Buster: I'll go score us some lines then, yeah? Rio: Yeah, obvs Buster: I am gonna get out of here though Buster: So if anyone asks you ain't seen me in ages Rio: Why am I covering for you Buster: 'Cause you're not a snitch Rio: Sure about that one now Buster: Always been sure about it Rio: Off you go then Buster: Cheers for the permission Rio: You don't have it but I'm sure that's part of the appeal Buster: I don't need yours and I don't want theirs Rio: Exactly Buster: It's your own fault you're too popular to come with Rio: I don't imagine I was invited Rio: and how is it anyway Buster: Best big sister ever is likely to be missed in a second, like Rio: not a choice Buster: Yeah it is Rio: not for me Buster: More fool you Buster: Enjoy being tired and bored Rio: Thanks Rio: for not getting it Buster: I get it, I just choose not to pander to it Buster: The way you've made yours ain't my problem Rio: Its beyond apparent that you don't but that's not anyone's but yours today Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: What you said, yeah Buster: Nah but feel free to put words in my mouth if it ends this convo quicker Rio: Talking about you and your sister, actually Rio: not exactly aspirational Buster: Good Buster: Even you can aim higher than she is Rio: She's not the one fucking up Buster: That's debatable Rio: And you have nothing like a majority Buster: Woe's me Rio: Seriously Buster: How will I ever win now? Oh yeah that's right, easily Rio: Only by your own definition Rio: we can all do that, McKenna Buster: Why are you such a loser then? Rio: Because your definition means fuck all to me Buster: And yours means even less than that to me Buster: Save your breath for running around after the kids Rio: 💔 Buster: I know Buster: At least you wear it well though Rio: Thought you would have matured a bit by now Rio: how awkward Buster: Do yourself a favour and don't think about me so much Rio: I'm not pretending I've got somewhere else to be Buster: Me either Rio: uhuh Buster: I've left the shit museum, I don't have to have a destination in mind beyond that Buster: But since you're so interested I'll probably go to the gym Rio: You know they won't let you use the weight machines Rio: you're too little Buster: Hilarious Buster: Last night I was tall Rio: They got age limits Rio: don't want any weird body builder kids Buster: I didn't ask you to worry about how I'm spending the rest of my day Rio: Who's worrying but you Buster: You're going on about it more than my parents ever have about anything so obviously you Rio: so your parents are shit Rio: got it, it was kinda obvious without you banging on about it Buster: It's the first time I've mentioned them so what's actually obvious is that I'm not banging on about anything Rio: Don't cry Buster: You already did that so there's not really much point Buster: I'd just look like a copycat Rio: Yeah, and you're NEVER that 😂 Buster: Not of anything you do, no Rio: just all your really cool friends Buster: They follow my lead Rio: of course Buster: I'll let you know if Diego and Gus are successful in making their own escape and I see 'em on the street Buster: No need to pretend you wanna chat to me beyond that Rio: Not me that can't hold a conversation Rio: but thanks Buster: I never said you can't, I said you don't want to Rio: Same difference, clearly Buster: There's loads of difference Rio: I don't doubt you're able to string together more than two words at a time but if you ain't with me, why would I care Buster: I can be as coherent as you like, the fact remains you don't like it Rio: You haven't said anything worth listening to for years, Buster Buster: And you know why Buster: Until you wanna acknowledge that, Rio, there'll continue to be fuck all to say and even less to listen to Rio: Don't speak to me like that Rio: where the fuck have you been, when have you ever tried to acknowledge it Rio: don't put it all on me when you're just as complicit, good or bad Buster: Don't speak to me at all Buster: You know where I went Buster: Where the fuck are you? Rio: Do I Buster: It's no secret, it's never been Buster: I'm still there, any time you feel like looking me up Rio: You ain't Rio: and maybe I ain't either Buster: It ain't that simple, like it or not Buster: I'm still the same person Rio: I don't see it Rio: we aren't Buster: You see what you wanna see Buster: Just like every fucker else Rio: Who wants this Rio: why would I Rio: its fucking Buster: You made choices that got you here Buster: If you don't wanna be, make different ones Rio: I didn't just make a choice Rio: it was mutual Rio: and it ain't that simple, like it or not Buster: I'm where I need to be, it's that simple for me Rio: You're where your parents put you Rio: you've got no ownership over that Buster: I didn't mean geographically Rio: Neither did I Buster: Then you're wrong, I do have ownership over it Buster: I've done what I've done 'cause I have to do it, end of Buster: I can't be in any other place with you Rio: You could Rio: but you've made your choice Rio: I just hope it is 'yours' Buster: I don't do things for anyone else Buster: That's you Rio: Alright Rio: here's me pretending to believe that Buster: Fuck off Buster: I'm a selfish cunt there's no pretending otherwise Rio: 👍 Rio: not saying you're not giving it your best shot Buster: Nah, you're too busy acting like I backed you into a corner you don't wanna be in Rio: How would you know Rio: did we ever talk about it Rio: no Rio: have you asked since Rio: also no Buster: I know 'cause I used to know you and I still know what matters to you Buster: So we don't need to talk about it Buster: And I'm not gonna ask Rio: Fine Buster: Yeah Rio: Like I said, you have no fucking idea Buster: And what, you really don't think that's for the best? Rio: It's what it is Buster: No, come on, you want me to know you like that Buster: You wanna give any power to me Rio: It ain't about want Rio: pretend all you like Buster: What is it about then? Rio: Don't do yourself down Rio: you know Buster: You're lamenting that chat we never had, you tell me Rio: Forget it Rio: if you aren't gonna at least do me the favour of keeping up Buster: I told you, I'm not a charity Buster: Say it Rio: Neither am I Buster: As far as your boyfriend is concerned, probably reconsider the stance Buster: You could do loads better otherwise Rio: There's nothing wrong with my boyfriend Buster: If that were true he'd get a girl his own age Rio: Well he's always liked me Rio: and I'm better than any girl his age Buster: Oh please Rio: I am Rio: but I don't need you to think so, he already does Buster: I already said you can do better than that cunt, I don't need you to feed me a rehearsed line Rio: I like him Rio: you don't even know him Buster: Thank fuck I don't Buster: He's obviously a nonce Rio: Shut up Rio: you're so childish Buster: Don't let him round your sisters Buster: You'll be too old for him soon Rio: Stop Rio: you aren't funny Buster: It isn't funny Buster: But I'll get my mum to have a word with you before we go, she's got more experience than me Rio: Yeah, make it something it ain't Rio: she's not pissed off with you enough, like Rio: use her trauma for whatever point you think you have Buster: I don't give a shit how angry she is at me Buster: You either Buster: I'm right and he's fucking wrong Rio: Well it ain't your decision is it so Buster: As long as it's yours Rio: Ha ha Buster: Don't Buster: You ain't this stupid Rio: I'm not stupid at all Buster: So stop acting like it Rio: I'm not Rio: he's actually nice Buster: All's forgiven then Buster: Fuck's sake, Rio Rio: What Rio: you either want me to move on or you don't Rio: you can't have it both ways Buster: Any cunt can be nice Rio: Yeah well loads aren't Buster: That don't mean you should settle for the first one who is Buster: If I can have it any way, I'll have it that you do better Rio: Alright, thanks for the input Buster: Come on Rio: You Rio: why do you think you get a say when I just have to watch you making loads of mistakes yourself Buster: You know why Rio: You're in or you're out Rio: and we know which way it is when it comes down to it Buster: End it with him Rio: You're not being fair Rio: you don't talk to me Rio: you won't Buster: I can't be fairer, break up with him and I won't fucking kill him Rio: For God's sake Buster: Bring him into it as well if you want Buster: I don't care Rio: I'm not going to dump someone 'cos you tell me to Rio: if I do it'll be because I want to Buster: As long as you do it, the reason doesn't matter to me Rio: I'm not doing anything right now Buster: I'm not asking you to, you've got til I leave Buster: I can't kill him if I ain't here Rio: He's not done anything, like Buster: I've only got your word for that and it's for shit when you talk about him so Rio: Why is it Buster: Read back all the bullshit you said and ask me that again if you still feel like it's a fair question Rio: It isn't bullshit Rio: he is nice, we argue sometimes or he annoys me but that's normal Rio: I'm not an idiot Buster: Like I said, if you're not, stop acting like one Buster: You can't tell me that him being older ain't weird Rio: You just don't wanna hear it 'cos you've made your mind up Rio: and it's not, it's good, he has a moped and a job so we can actually do things Buster: I don't wanna hear about the things you do, cheers Rio: Don't be gross Buster: Do you love him? Rio: That's way too serious Rio: It's not been that long or Rio: no Buster: Okay Rio: You know how it is Buster: Do I? Rio: 'Course Rio: don't need to be on your socials to know Buster: You can just admit you are, I reckon we're slightly past the feigned indifference Rio: Alright Rio: I'm allowed to Buster: You've always been allowed to do whatever the fuck you want Rio: Backatcha Buster: Just forget it, I'm calmer now Buster: Your boyfriend can live to nonce another day Rio: Really Buster: What? Rio: It's fine, just exactly what I said Buster: Alright Rio: Actually, no it ain't Buster: Yeah well Rio: Don't yeah well me Buster: Don't tell me how to speak Rio: You've really just dropped that to drop it Rio: why Buster: What are you talking about? Rio: Fuck that Rio: don't try to gaslight me too Buster: Calm down Buster: Jesus Christ Rio: No, just 'cos you have doesn't mean I am too Rio: you've just thrown all your bullshit at me and then bounced Buster: That ain't even close to all my bullshit, first of all Buster: Second of all, I told you I was calmer not calm, and you ain't helping Rio: You know what I mean still Rio: and if you don't care why should I Buster: And if I do care, is that actually gonna change anything Buster: 'Course not Rio: It isn't me saying that Buster: So what are you saying? Rio: If you cared, of course it matters Buster: I didn't say it wouldn't Buster: I told you it wouldn't change anything and it won't Rio: Who says Rio: beside you, obviously Buster: Come on Buster: Every reason we had to do what we did and not do other shit are still there Rio: There's no reason it has to be this shit Buster: I'm the reason Buster: I ain't gonna be nice to you, keep hold of your boyfriend for that Rio: You wanna be Rio: I know you're capable Buster: Don't tell me what I want Buster: Or what I'm capable of Rio: Try and tell me either is wrong Buster: I told you years ago, I don't wanna say something I can't take back Rio: Yet you do it all the time Rio: as long as it's something nasty and vile, then that's alright Buster: If it keeps you at arm's length or further then yeah, it is Rio: Alright me Rio: but you do it to everyone Rio: your parents, Nance Buster: They get what they deserve Buster: You think they're all sweetness and light to me? Rio: Of course I don't Rio: you're gonna end up alone though Rio: it needs to be sorted, all of it Buster: How I end up ain't your problem, least of all 'cause there won't be one Rio: Yes it is Rio: I'm not the one pretending I don't give a shit about anyone else in this family Buster: Well you don't have to give a shit about me, like you said, I'm barely in it Rio: You act like you aren't Rio: still are regardless Buster: I won't be as soon as my mum and dad can no longer force me Buster: Hold it together for like another year or two at most and then you don't need to see me Rio: Cool, you wanna be like Joe then Buster: I can do without the intravenous drugs, like Rio: That's not why no one ever talks about him Rio: you ain't stupid Buster: Don't talk to me as though I am then Buster: I know everything you know about Joe Rio: so why do you wanna join that club of 2 Rio: pretend you don't have a family Buster: I keep telling you, I don't follow no cunt Rio: you do keep saying that Buster: This family pretends a lot worse, start your crusade there if you're on one Rio: I try Rio: more fool me, right Buster: Yeah Buster: Cheers for saying it so I don't have to Rio: Fuck this Rio: your absence has been noted, btw Rio: stay wherever the fuck you are out of sight, like Buster: Whatever Buster: In no rush to go home regardless of your warning Rio: You're welcome Buster: I feel it, babe Rio: You know who to blame Buster: I'm not blaming anyone Buster: I'll own it Buster: Even if you don't thank me for leaving you alone Rio: Bullshit Rio: you take out how crap you feel on everyone Rio: so don't fucking own it Rio: blame yourself, actually Rio: or sort yourself out Buster: Cheers but I don't need motivating any more than you did earlier Rio: Such a waste, you Rio: I'm not giving it out to you Buster: Good, don't Buster: 'Cause what's bullshit is you thinking you have any idea what I feel like Rio: Yeah Rio: 'cos happy people act like you, Buster Buster: Most people don't feel the need to put an act on at all, babe Rio: did I say I was happy Rio: no Rio: but you're a miserable prick and it don't take fuck all to see it Buster: Did I ever say I wasn't? Rio: You said I had no idea how you feel Buster: You don't Buster: That don't mean I was putting myself at the happy end of the scale Rio: No shit Buster: What the fuck do you want from me, Rio? Buster: This ain't confession Rio: Can't you just be fucking happy Rio: is that so much to ask Buster: Yeah Buster: Especially when you're the one asking Rio: Well then Buster: Do it for me Buster: You be happy Rio: This isn't about me Buster: For me it is Buster: So much of this shit is about you Rio: Oh thanks Rio: I'm not trying to make you miserable Buster: I didn't mean it like that Buster: I don't want you to be miserable either, that's all Rio: Yeah Rio: I know Buster: You know you would be, yeah? Buster: This way it's not as bad as it could be Buster: And I'm not as bad for you as I could be Buster: End of Rio: Its just Rio: sometimes its hard to believe it could be much worse Buster: I know Buster: How's Edie? Rio: I think she's having a good day Rio: beyond that Rio: you know Buster: Yeah Rio: think she's enjoying them not being here Rio: god knows how it'll be when they're back Buster: Let me know Buster: Not that there's fuck all I can do from Chelsea or anywhere else Buster: But still Rio: There's fuck all I can do from the same house, like Rio: so don't worry Buster: 'Course I won't Buster: I only worry about myself, clearly Rio: 'Course Buster: I can't offer you a good day but if you want a good night Buster: It won't be that hard to find me Rio: ? Buster: What's your question? Rio: I have a few Buster: Fine, what are your questions? Rio: How, where and why are you breaking the rules after laying them down again Buster: Well how is easy, I'll send a cab for you Buster: But I can't predict the future, that was your game, so the where will have to wait Buster: You already know the why Rio: Alright Rio: even though the how was more how are you gonna give me a good night Rio: that's a prediction too, yeah? Buster: Come on, you only wish you didn't know who the fuck I am Rio: Wouldn't waste a wish Buster: Bring your boyfriend if you want, it'll make it even easier for me to beat the shit out of him Rio: Obviously not Buster: I'll allow it 'cause of my feelings about sharing Buster: But it ain't very nice of you Rio: If I wanted to see that, I'd come to one of your matches Buster: The invitation has been extended and been standing for years, babe Buster: It ain't my fault you never wanna cheer for me for some reason Rio: I wonder Buster: Get yourself another coffee, I'll make sure you need it Rio: 😏 Rio: Any excuse to lose the trail of kids behind me for a second Buster: I would come and distract 'em but I'm one of the notorious Irish myself now so Rio: The quickest way to get yourself recognized in here Rio: given the names already in, like Buster: This could be my last night of freedom as things already stand with how many missed calls and angry texts I've got Buster: You're gonna make it count with me, yeah? Rio: 'Course I am Rio: you know me Buster: Good Rio: arguably your lack of freedom will just be more shit like today though, you do realize Rio: so, not really any more punishment than you was getting so you may as well go all in now Buster: I'm going all in anyway Buster: For you Rio: Good Buster: It will be, I've just had the best idea Rio: but I've got to wait and see? Buster: Do you want the surprise or do you wanna help? Rio: You know how helpful I am Rio: shameless Buster: Put together a guestlist of the least cunty people you know then Buster: I have the ideal party venue Buster: And I'm gathering supplies as we speak Buster: If there's any left over wedding booze, take it Buster: I'll say it was me Rio: Alright Rio: I'm in Rio: I won't get caught, or in trouble Rio: but I don't mind taking my share if it did happen Buster: I know but I ain't letting you Buster: Tonight's about making things less shit for you not more Rio: What about you? Buster: What about me Buster: I didn't call a truce for you to question it that hard Rio: Okay, okay Rio: no more questions, deal? Buster: You not gonna ask me where it is? Buster: You'll have to tell your friends, like Rio: Go on then Buster: [sends her the deets cos my idea is that it's a house baze have bought to do up but not done yet hence it'd already lowkey be trashed] Rio: Not even gonna question how much shit you may or may not get in for this Rio: more the merrier? Buster: I said all in 'cause I meant all in Rio: I'm remembering Buster: For tonight you can trust me Rio: Cinderella rules Buster: But if you piss off at midnight I will take the piss out of you Buster: 🤴 or not Rio: Fair Rio: Not that bitch Rio: won't be wearing glass shoes either Buster: I ain't carrying your shoes about whatever they're made of 'cause I'm nobody's bitch Buster: Would be a good weapon though Rio: I don't take my shoes off mid-party either, 'scuse you Rio: gotta commit to the look and deal with the consequences, like Buster: Does it hurt though? Buster: Like actually or are some girls just dramatic Rio: Nah it does Rio: but if you don't do it now you'll be in your 20s still hobbling 'round Rio: gotta toughen up Buster: Good to know Rio: Its your skin being pinched 'til it rubs off, not fun but you know Rio: when you're as short as I am, what's the alternative Buster: Get your boyfriend to carry you Buster: If he wasn't such a pussy Rio: Around a party, all night Rio: okay Rio: not actually a princess Rio: and you need at least four footmen for that, so Buster: I could easily do it Rio: So could he Rio: but you'd both want a drink at some point 😂 Buster: He couldn't carry a dozen eggs, first of all Buster: Second of all, if you can't aim a drink into a lad's mouth while they are carrying you about, what the fuck are you playing at Rio: 😏 Rio: You're ridiculous Buster: If this girl I invited shows her face, I'll show you Rio: You might wanna ask her if she'd like to be carried around first, like Buster: She'll love it Rio: Who doesn't Buster: Exactly Rio: 🙄 Buster: Shut up Rio: I didn't say anything Buster: You don't have to Buster: I received the emoji, like Rio: What would you prefer Rio: Emoji-wise Buster: Do you really want me to answer that, babe? Rio: You can Buster: I know I can, I asked if you wanted me to Rio: Sure Rio: I'm nosy as fuck Buster: You're distracting as fuck Rio: Its been said Buster: Yeah, I just said it Rio: I think you've said it before Rio: as well Buster: It's been true before Rio: Yeah Rio: Who is this girl then Buster: I ain't telling you Buster: You could know her Rio: Well I'll see if she comes, won't I Buster: You can't warn her off when she's already through the door though Buster: She'll see me and not give a fuck about anything else Rio: Why would I do that Buster: If you know her, why wouldn't you? Buster: It's no secret you think I'm a cunt Rio: Anyone I know and like would know that Buster: Whatever Buster: It don't sound like she's coming anyway Rio: Sorry Rio: if its any consolation my boyfriend won't be there 'cos you want him to be Buster: I only want him dead, don't get it twisted Rio: I wasn't implying it was 💕 Buster: I'm not gay 'cause my twin is Buster: Sorry for his loss Rio: I'm sure he's devastated Buster: Undeniably Rio: 😏 Buster: So will she be when she hears how good our party was Rio: Duh Buster: What time do you want your cab? Rio: Earlier side Rio: just in case nan or granddad ask where I'm going Buster: Alright Buster: I'm already there sorting shit so easily done Rio: I can help Rio: I've got the leftovers Buster: Get ready and tell me when you are Rio: 👌 Buster: Not that it matters 'cause I'm stuck wearing this Rio: Don't you think you ALWAYS look good? Buster: Fuck off Buster: I obviously do but I could also obviously do better Rio: You look fine, calm down Buster: Get the word fine out of your mouth in relation to how I look Rio: 😶 Buster: So fucking rude Rio: You don't need me to tell you anything, come on Buster: Shut up then Buster: You're meant to be getting ready Rio: I can multitask Rio: and you're meant to be in truce mode Buster: A truce doesn't turn me into a pussy Rio: That isn't the same thing Rio: you can not tell me to shut up and still not be a pussy, like Buster: You can not tell me I look fine and still not like me Rio: Are you really that offended Rio: I meant it in a good way Buster: Yes Buster: I'd never tell you that you look fine Buster: Fuck fine Rio: Alright Rio: I take it back Buster: Don't bother Rio: Ugh Rio: why not Buster: 'Cause it ain't genuine in the slightest Rio: How do you know Rio: take me at my word Buster: Use better ones and I will Rio: I just tried and you cockblocked me Buster: Try harder Rio: Do you want your ego stroked or not Rio: why make me work for it Buster: There's fuck all you don't have to work for Buster: That ain't a rule I've made Rio: You're being dumb Rio: if I was asking for a compliment, sure Buster: You're being annoying Rio: Well I don't know why we're still talking about this honestly Buster: Like I said, shut up then Rio: You too Buster: Consider it done Rio: I am ready though Buster: Alright Buster: Where do you want picking up from? Rio: I'm gonna walk down to the phonebox from my house Rio: send it there Buster: Okay Rio: How many missed calls are you on? Buster: 37 Rio: Oof Rio: that's rough Buster: It's standard Buster: That trauma we both mentioned, it makes her highkey about shit like this Rio: Nah I get it Rio: have you told her you're safe or anything, like Buster: She knows I'm alive, like Buster: Not that cruel Rio: Good Rio: don't know how in I could go if I was worrying about that, like Buster: Don't worry, when you're got a dead kid the other two automatically step it up in making sure you know they ain't Rio: Makes sense Buster: Can't break all the rules in one day, it'd make tomorrow really fucking boring Rio: Again, no need or reason to argue with that Rio: although I can't promise you a good day either, obviously Buster: You could but I won't hold you to it Buster: Truce'll be over when the party is Rio: Tah for the faith though Rio: forget you said it in the AM too Buster: Forget whatever you like Rio: Is that permission? Buster: Do you need it? Rio: Just taking the piss Rio: always seems to amuse you Buster: Sure it'll amuse the cabbie too Rio: No doubt Rio: I'm a delight Buster: I don't have that much faith in you, babe Rio: Fuck off, like Buster: Definitely don't have enough faith to leave you here on your own if I did Rio: 😑 Bollocks Buster: Nah Rio: I'm a much better host than you Buster: That's the issue Buster: Too welcoming if anything Buster: If only I could trust you as far as I could carry you Rio: Don't be such a dick Rio: you don't know me like that Buster: I know you're too nice Buster: It's not much of a read though, you can calm down Rio: I know what you're saying Buster: Good, I won't need to repeat or rephrase Rio: Me either Rio: fuck off Buster: Fine, see you soon, Cavante Rio: Mhmm Buster: Don't start on the leftovers without me Rio: There's enough to go 'round or I wouldn't bother bringing it Buster: Still Rio: Don't be telling me what to do on top of everything Buster: Come on Buster: I'm asking Rio: and it's bold of you to reckon you can Rio: but don't worry, its in the boot Buster: Fortune favours that shit Rio: Lucky you Buster: Yeah Buster: 🍀🤴 Rio: When it suits Buster: Did you learn nothing at that museum? It's such an advantage how could it not always suit Rio: Not really Buster: Shame on you and obviously a shame in general Rio: 💔 Rio: can tell on me if you like Rio: earn back some brownie points Buster: Not til tomorrow Buster: I probably won't remember by then Rio: so you're a snitch now too Rio: Shame on you and obviously a shame in general Buster: Fuck off Buster: No Rio: Convincing, McKenna Buster: If I need to convince you of that, you can turn the cab around and find something else to do Rio: I've invited everyone now Buster: Don't mean I have to let you in Rio: like to see you try and stop me Rio: don't be a pussy Buster: I know you would but the door'll stop you easy enough Rio: Gonna lock your guests in Rio: very welcoming Rio: they're mostly my mates, in what world am I not getting in Rio: avoid me and I'll avoid you Buster: In what world could I not pick you up and throw you out Rio: Don't fucking touch me Buster: How are you gonna stop me? Rio: Do it and find out Buster: Behave and I won't have to embarrass you in front of your friends Rio: Who do you think you are Buster: Who do you think I am? Rio: I don't care to think about you Buster: Don't underestimate me and you won't have to Buster: I'm trying to give you a good night and you're trying to ruin it Rio: I am not Rio: if you can't say anything at least not entirely unpleasant to me, then don't feel the need to talk to me at all Buster: Likewise Rio: You started it Rio: I was defending myself Buster: Bullshit Buster: Leave your attitude at the other side of the door Rio: No it isn't Rio: you called me a slag and you've got no right or reason so just leave me alone and we'll have no issue Buster: If I had I'd have said it outright Rio: Bullshit Rio: I know what too nice means when you say it like that Rio: because just being nice, isn't an issue at all Buster: It means you're a pushover Rio: Well I ain't that either Rio: so you can still get fucked Buster: For someone who apparently don't care what I think you're really taking my words to heart Rio: I don't let anyone talk to me like that, period Buster: I don't need you permission to speak, end of Rio: Then don't speak to me or about me Rio: you don't have that permission Buster: Avoid me, like you said Buster: There's fuck all else we need to say to each other Rio: I intend to Buster: Good Rio: That, we can agree on Buster: Yeah Rio: [Time] Rio: Are you sure you've given me the right address? Buster: Not a fucking amateur Rio: What is this place Rio: it looks like a decent housing estate Buster: Fingers crossed 'cause my parents have bought it to sell Rio: Ah Rio: that makes sense Buster: Why the fuck did you think I had keys to the house? Rio: I thought it was just an empty Rio: but its too nice around here to be that easy to get in Buster: Like I'm gonna throw a party at a crime scene Rio: Why would it be a crime scene Rio: happens all the time 'round here Buster: Breaking in and trespassing are both crimes for a start Rio: 🙄 Rio: Not if the window was broken 'fore you got there Buster: I'd still be trespassing Rio: Not when its council, think on Buster: It's not Rio: I know Rio: that's why I asked Buster: Whatever just come in Rio: Hold on, this suitcase is heavy Buster: [comes to carry it cos of course he does] Rio: [tries to stop him on principle like no no] Buster: [clearly ignores her and takes it in] Rio: [just 😒 but still coming in, obvs] Buster: [has a look through and takes a bottle out he fancies because start as you mean to go on] Rio: [just looking 'round the gaff like don't mind me] Buster: [letting her cos then he can sneak looks at her cos let's assume she looks 🔥] Rio: [always does but has clearly gone all out with the 'fit 'cos the mood] Buster: [he would've too if he could've, god bless these extra kids] Rio: [couldn't really bring you anything soz boy] Buster: [I'm sure he still looks good cos likewise always does] Rio: [nods like 'not bad' also like quite soon she moves in with Indie and Drew I think so rip] Buster: [when you're trying to check her face cos those injuries but not make it obvious cos you ain't drunk yet] Rio: [we'll pretend not to notice] Buster: [just fucking off upstairs to do something party prep related cos he's looked at her too long] Rio: [should we let people show soon or make them suffer the awks] Buster: [I say let them suffer cos peeps don't usually show til later haha] Rio: [that's what I was thinking] Buster: [great evil minds] Rio: [just be in the kitchen getting shiz out] Buster: You need any help? Rio: Thanks, I was just gonna look in the garage and shed, see if there's any chairs or shit left Rio: can make sure I don't get murdered and help me carry if there is Buster: There's fuck all in the shed unless you wanna sit on a bike all night Buster: But yeah let's check the garage Rio: As likely as me being carried about, I reckon Rio: sounds good Buster: [Appears like oh hey] Rio: [just like come on then] Buster: [have fun in the creepy garage lads] Rio: ['whoever lived here last had loads of shit' it should be packed 'cos garges always are] Buster: [just looking through it for shit that's actually useful cos probably so much that isn't lol] Rio: [try not to trip in your heels babe] Buster: [he would catch you though] Rio: ['can use some of these boxes as tables, at least'] Buster: [takes them through before she can and is straight back] Rio: ['you thought of a career in removals, like?'] Buster: [gives her a look like fuck off cos so offended that's so beneath him] Rio: [🙄 and goes back to rummaging] Buster: [does find some chairs cos why not and is trying to wipe the dust off them without getting covered] Rio: [takes a stack when he's done] Buster: [also grabs a folding up little table cos again why not if they've left loads of shit] Rio: [just looking around like what else do we need to 'cos otherwise what are you gonna do lads] Buster: [looking at like an old tool bench or whatever cos they could put stuff on that but it'll probably be heavy so looking at her like do you want this or no before I make the attempt] Rio: [shakes head like no 'if we need it, you can always get some of the lads to help you later, I'm not getting oil and crap all over me, like'] Buster: [when that gets you thinking about who she's invited so you ain't happy even though you know her boyfriend ain't coming] Rio: [as if she would just invite girls lol oh boy] Buster: [he is so silly and so obvious, good day] Rio: [Ryan should come for that throw forward] Buster: [yaaaas] Rio: [least you can be on your phone giving people deets 'cos nowhere to look but at each other rn] Buster: ['which one of your friends is sorting the music?' cos if it's just speakers and a phone you need less room than like decks so he wants to know how for the layout not just being a judgey prick] Rio: ['Leesha's brother has a proper setup, he's gonna bring it, she's not far away'] Buster: [nodding and going back to drinking whatever he is because the levels of awks] Rio: [just looking at him 'what did you invite me for?'] Buster: ['I already told you' maintain that eye contact always] Rio: [a LOOK] Buster: [you've gotta have one back forever] Rio: ['truce, yeah?'] Buster: ['Yeah' passes her the bottle he's drinking from to make the point] Rio: [takes a swig, still not breaking that eye contact] Buster: [takes it back and takes his own swig also not breaking it] Rio: [smiles at him for probably first time in forever] Buster: [smiling back because can't not] Rio: [better have people showing to interrupt for now] Buster: [get the dj lad in so he can leave her to sort that] Rio: [chat to your friend that came with] Buster: [we can always skip to later when they are drunker and more people are here if you want] Rio: [why not, we know the drill] Buster: [I'm gonna say that girl did show so he's been focused on that since lbr he don't really have that many friends in Dublin cos he hasn't been back much etc] Rio: [Fair] Rio: idk where you are but the downstairs loos lowkey been trashed Rio: might need turn the water off, i think? Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: [Does come and do that cos he could've been upstairs easily enough] Rio: Its a party Rio: [is obvs not just there when he comes down but in the kitchen or some shit] Buster: Cheers for the reminder, like Buster: [let's say he comes back through the kitchen then so they have to cross paths haha] Rio: [shrugs like yeah people are dicks especially drunk people but what you gonna do] Rio: aren't you enjoying yourself then Buster: [reads it and shrugs back 'tonight's not about me, remember'] Rio: [mouths 'still'] Buster: [gets another drink which could mean either yeah cos there are still drinks left or nah and I need this, there's no way to know] Rio: at least it was an ugly bathroom? Rio: be replaced anyway, yeah Rio: [going through to the lounge to dance] Buster: 'Course Buster: Like I said, ideal venue Rio: [reads it and does a thumbs up] Buster: [comes through to dance with this unnamed girl who has come downstairs and found him again] Rio: [god knows who you are tbh] Buster: [generic 13 year old irish white girl ftw thank god he's a good dancer cos the odds that she is are not good] Rio: [just getting her off the dance floor real quick] Buster: [don't embarrass him in front of his cousin/ love of his life and all her friends thank you] Rio: [bless lol] Buster: [she should so leave early like he said he'd take the piss out of Rio for doing though cos then what's he gonna do with himself] Rio: [be bored and drunk, a deadly combo] Buster: [exactly dr phil] Rio: [should go off to the non-broken bathroom with a group of peeps inc. Ryan] Rio: d'ya want some coke Buster: Obviously Rio: Come upstairs then Buster: [does and soz about everyone else he only has 👀 for Rio] Rio: [likewise that twat who's probably mad all these other hoes are here 'cos clearly just wanna ply her with drugs casually but gotta keep it casual for now boy and pretend you're nice] Buster: [thank fuck I said he'd done coke before because I'd die if he made a fool of himself in front of Ryan] Rio: [I like to think she ain't but is 'cos he has, I won't let you fuck it up too hard babe, watch the others, like] Buster: [I like to think he knows she hasn't cos of her reaction when he said he has so he goes first so she can watch him] Rio: [in my head her boyf is less about this life so she's not unlike when Ryan etc so yeah] Buster: [that's legit af cos we all know she does things to please peeps especially at this age etc so] Rio: [exactly dr phil] Buster: [he's just gonna be keeping an eye on her subtly cos don't know how it's gonna hit if you ain't done it before and also Ryan is a dickhead and none of us trust him ever] Rio: [least it lasts for like no time so you gon be fine babe, also yeah let's all get out of this bathroom and away from him tah for your drugs] Buster: [Buster just chatting to one of her female friends who was also there but 👀s on Rio like making sure she's alright] Rio: [why not wander outside 'cos hot] Buster: [definitely gonna follow her even though he's got no excuse] Rio: [just looking up fully expecting anyone else so like 'oh, hiya'] Buster: ['hey' but said so it means are you okay] Rio: [little lol 'tah for making sure I don't die for my ma and that, like' but smiles like, I'm good] Buster: ['it ain't only for her' cos remember neither of them are allowed to die they said] Rio: [obvs remembers that too so just a sad kinda 'yeah' Buster: [turning to go cos she's alright and he don't wanna bring her down that ain't the mood] Rio: ['you off then?] Buster: ['Out of the garden anyway' turns back to look at her again 'coming?'] Rio: ['I dunno, am I invited?' but grins and gets up to come] Buster: [pulls her along but gently not rudely like come on, again no excuse for that have you] Rio: ['Come dance with me or I'm gonna talk and talk to you, like' up in his ear] Buster: [when you're really into her being that close to you but you have to hide it by looking down at her heels like 'trying to keep you alive, remember' and 😏] Rio: [a face like pfft 'I'm not taking them off, remember, come on'] Buster: [does come on because we all know he's wanted to dance with her since forever] Rio: [we all know it's gonna be such a moment but we can pretend its the drugs so fuck it go all out Buster: [literally though because even without their shameless chemistry they're both such good dancers but add that and the drugs and the fact they've never done this with each other and every pent up emotion bye] Rio: [fully gonna have to have a 'big tune comes on so everyone jumps in and they get split up' or else, like] Buster: [true that even though he'll be FUMING and probably have to fight someone now how lads do but we can blame the coke for that too at least] Rio: [we can let 'em have it 'til the last second though 'cos rude like that] Buster: [simply must so it's torturous when they have to stop] Rio: [just gonna go to that hoarders garage whilst he's fighting this lad so 1. you don't see/can't intervene 2. you can be alone and frustrated yourself 'cos who else would be in there, like] Buster: [enough time to have gone by that he's won a fight] Buster: Talk to me then Rio: Yeah? Rio: I see why you needed another line, like Buster: Has your friend got any more? Rio: Unless he's gone through it all Rio: such a fiend Rio: I'll find him Buster: Alright Rio: Where are you anyway Buster: Some cunt got the door stuck on the master bedroom and can't get out Buster: I'm gonna break it down, like Rio: embarrassing Rio: at least they'll have time to get clothed and you aren't a dad Buster: Yeah Buster: Where are you? Rio: on the move now Rio: figure best bets are side of the dancefloor for max perving potential Rio: or out front with their cars doing whatever lads do with cars Rio: looking at 'em Rio: shag 'em, like 🙄 Buster: Careful, that was actually funny Rio: I am funny Rio: you wouldn't know Buster: Well, I wasn't planning to laugh the door off its hinges so behave for a sec Rio: 😏 Rio: just use your brute strength, got it Buster: You don't need much but probably should make sure the cunt in question don't have his nose pressed against the side I ain't on Buster: Or something else Rio: Or someone else Rio: well considerate, you Buster: Exactly Buster: And yeah, but you wouldn't know Rio: 'cos you hate me now Buster: Hilarious Buster: You gonna keep the jokes going for the rest of the night or just til you find your friend? Rio: Hates a strong word Rio: but if I find him I can definitely keep it coming, like Rio: ha what if its him Rio: in the bedroom Buster: Don't do it all without me Buster: Unless he's in there doing some shit to himself with the old tools in the shed, unlikely Rio: Awh, so mean Rio: its probably Dan though, s'always Dan Buster: As long as it wasn't him I beat up Buster: Maybe Rio: what you do that for Buster: I don't know if it was him or not Rio: Yeah but I mean Rio: you know what I mean Buster: Whoever the fuck it was got in my way Rio: excuse me usually works alright for me Buster: 'Cause you're beautiful, everything and anything works for you Rio: you are too Buster: Not to him and it was mutual so Rio: I guess Buster: He was fucking off to the garden to lick his wounds if you wanna see which of your friends it is Rio: How many people do you want me looking for Rio: honestly Buster: You told me you could multitask Rio: I'm already talking and walking Buster: Poor baby Buster: I bet your shoes are killing you by now Rio: They are, actually Rio: sarcasm detected but ignored Buster: I'll find you and carry you, hold on Rio: Now who's got jokes 😏 Buster: This is serious Buster: Do I get any clues as to your location or no? Rio: It's more fun if you come find me Rio: hide and seek Buster: You've got a point Buster: And you're on Rio: Count to ten Buster: [voice memo of the count because how else will she know] Rio: [sends one back and she's just chuckling like nothing else of real importance there babe] Buster: [so cute though] Rio: [honestly where are you gonna hide, like] Buster: [is she gonna be in the hoarders garage again or somewhere else? tbf the trashed bathroom would be a good place cos he wouldn't think to look there until he's checked everywhere else] Rio: [also risky 'cos who else would be in a unusable bathroom so doing it] Buster: [casually looking all round the house but it's not that big so] Rio: you're slow Buster: Your attempts to distract me ain't gonna work Buster: I'm getting us drinks so you can pour mine into my mouth for the full visual, obviously Rio: Hmm Rio: I might be asleep by then Rio: not a clue, although I am straight chilling Buster: Fine, if you don't want yours, I'll give it to your pretty mate Rio: 😠 Rio: play the game Buster: Just 'cause you can't distract me don't mean she couldn't Buster: It ain't my fault she's playing a different game Rio: ugh Rio: shut up Buster: Make me Rio: Can't Rio: you already said Buster: [appears and is giving her a look like okay now make me which isn't dangerous at all] Rio: [just taking her drink and downing it like it's mine as are you bye] Buster: [just watching her do it shamelessly] Rio: ['how do we know who's won?' like do u mean hide and seek or what, we'll never know but all the eye contact rn Buster: [just brushing her lips with his fingers so suggestively like okay boy 1. she does not need you to wipe her mouth thank you and 2. have the decency to not be maintaining that eye contact if you're gonna be so blatant 'sure we can figure it out somehow'] Rio: [just tracing where his fingers were with her own with the vague excuse of wiping him away if she needs it but barely thinking about any of that nonsense right now 'Well, can you walk and think, McKenna?' 'cos not forgot you're meant to be carrying her rn] Buster: [downs his drink so they don't have to worry about carrying it and picks her up effortlessly cos she's smol and he's strong as if that answers that but we know he can't think coherently any time they are that close/ have physical contact] Rio: [such a bad idea all 'round but 0 regrets] Buster: [the fact everybody's gonna see that he's carrying her around this party while they look for Ryan and drugs] Rio: [don't mind them lmao, so blatant for forever, it's not like a platonic piggyback moment and we can all see it] Buster: [Ryan is gonna be so angered] Rio: [not gonna be in a sharing mood] Buster: [if they even find him cos distracted af] Rio: [truly like how are you hiding you're dying when you're that close, you just ain't] Buster: [it's like jj fake dating all over again cos yeah think it through kids] Rio: [but its so real, can't just not when you've got opportunity and excuse] Buster: [literally cos this is the first time they've been together with no fam also around so I don't blame them remotely and they ain't thinking about tomorrow rn even if I am] Rio: [like fr how freeing 'cos there's no chance of being caught unlike always] Buster: [exactly that cos even if any of her friends were aware they're all wasted and doing their own thing too so] Rio: [and what you gonna do, tell her mum, i think not ladies] Buster: [haha that'd be more awks for her friends than the incest they are accusing her of cos don't be a snitch like] Rio: [exactly dr phil, someone, Ryan, ahem, telling her boyfriend she was all over another boy though, possible] Buster: [oooh he would the snek] Rio: [always been snekky and clearly a shit friend already so] Buster: [I'm here for the relationship drama though cos things are already rocky with her and her mans anyway] Rio: [we all know it ain't gonna last much longer, may as well happen now] Buster: [mhmmm cos we all know Ryan would lay it on really thick even if he hadn't been lurking all night and seen them dancing earlier and everything] Rio: [not like he's opposed to outright lying so if he says they banged then her mans will be mad 'cos they ain't so that'll be it over] Buster: [yeah cos fuck you anyway tbh boy you're not a good egg] Rio: [also live for you losing your v to him even though its just a rumour not a trumour Buster: [I wish you could guys but we are evil] Rio: [things have gotta happen lads] Buster: [literally gonna be pondering what we can get away with happening rn as I fall asleep] Rio: [dream on, 'cos obvs things do happen over the years before they full get it together, that much is known so you know] Buster: [I didn't have any dreams cos they were all stressy but they should 'look' for him in places he ain't likely to be but there are likely to be less people around cos blatant] Rio: [I'm with that] Buster: [risky but that's the mood tonight so] Rio: [and lowkey always 'cos can't be tamed, clearly, just adjusting yourself by holding on 'round his neck 'are you tired yet?'] Buster: [looking at her like do I look tired but we all know you just wanna do all the eye contact always] Rio: [😏 'cos you clearly do not wanna be put down either] Buster: [😏 too and in her ear being flirty af and letting your lips brush against her skin like your fingertips did earlier cos why just talk even though she'd hear you fine and you'd have to inconvenience yourself bending and shit like when you can be extra 'So are you having a good night?' Rio: [when you'd just shiver on contact and there's no hiding that so you don't, just nodding 'not bad' 'cos who doesn't love a challenge as if this hasn't gone far enough children] Buster: [carrying on looking for Ryan despite knowing that's not what she meant cos not gonna make it that easy to get what she actually wants obvs] Rio: ['he wouldn't have gone home without saying bye to me' 'cos ain't that the tea] Buster: [laughs like yeah true cos we all know it's the tea] Rio: [oh Ryan] Buster: [takes her to get a drink cos they ain't getting any drugs at this rate] Rio: [gives him his like he said which is akin to sexy crepes] Buster: [no hiding that you're into it] Rio: [in his ear back 'you should drink with me more'] Buster: ['you just wanna be carried around more' and like does a spin or something fun to make the point] Rio: [loling, loving life 'maybe' also cue Ryan spotting y'all instead of you finding him] Buster: ['Definitely' and more silliness until Ryan's ⛈ appears] Rio: [least he won't be obvious that he's gonna snitch 'cos snekky so your night won't be ruined 'til tomorrow but he's still salty enough I doubt he's giving you coke] Buster: [Buster should offer to pay him cos answer to everything so then she can get his wallet out of his pocket cos he's still holding her and can't and obvs no other reason lol] Rio: [we all 👀 you, now debating if he should let 'em or be like nah 'cos pros either way, if he does then he can tell her mans they were getting crunk in all the ways he don't like but if he doesn't its like can't buy everything, Buster] Buster: [I think he should do the whole I don't want your money but give it her anyway cos 1. what you said about her mans and 2. he looks like he's such a good friend for reconsidering etc] Rio: [Solid, let us run with it and you can now leave boy, your purpose has been served] Buster: [go back to the non functional bathroom so you don't have to share with anyone upstairs] Rio: [none for yous bye] Buster: [he should sit on whatever to do the lines but not putting her down so she's sitting on his lap for this so casually] Rio: [nbd that's just chill] Buster: [absolutely the most non event ever] Rio: [you shouldn't like, get up, nah, not at all babe] Buster: [god bless] Rio: [just looking at his eyes like to see how fucked he is but what else are you gonna do rn] Buster: [meanwhile he's looking at her mouth cos wants to kiss her always and forever] Rio: ['you're fucked' but with feeling, good to get the excuse out there] Buster: ['Yeah' but quietly like how he said her name when he was about to kiss her those other times] Rio: ['me too' still not looking away] Buster: [staring back at her like I know] Rio: ['it's weird, isn't it' looking away like she's looking around, shaking her head 'I mean, no one is gonna wake up and stop us now'] Buster: [touching her face so she'll look at him but the way he would've after he headbutted her that time and she got hurt like it's a flashback moment 'Do you want to be stopped?'] Rio: [shakes her head, but slower, so her head ends up resting on his hand, 'You never want to be stopped, like'] Buster: ['I'm not asking myself the question, I know what I want'] Rio: ['What do you want?'] Buster: ['What do you want, it's your party'] Rio: ['That you made for me'] Buster: ['Like you said, it ain't bad, but that's not good enough, so like I said, what do you want?'] Rio: ['Do I have to say it?'] Buster: ['Tell me' cos that doesn't mean she has to use her words it just means he needs to know] Rio: ['You know, Buster, you've always known' and no way to stop you going in for this kiss now] Buster: [letting it happen cos that's their first kiss really, the awkward kid one playing dares wasn't anything like what they wanted it to be for many reasons] Rio: [no one is rushing to claim that even though its so cute god bless, let 'em have this moment so they know its 🔥] Buster: [just gonna make out til your lips are bruised the next day cos that won't be awkward] Rio: [let's hope you've not got some forced family fun to attend lmao, at least someone who doesn't know the toilet is bust/or does not care can interrupt before we go all out here] Buster: [her boyfriend gonna be raging imagine and yeah parties are full of easy interruptions] Rio: [though they might need a like 'the cops/baze are coming' kinda interruption here 'cos we know there's no stopping now you know] Buster: [true the police could shut this down cos then he'll be in even more trouble and there's less chance of them crossing paths these hols] Rio: [yeah that's big trouble, like actual consequences vibe, everyone scatter then] Buster: [baze could even send him home with one of them if we wanted/needed so] Rio: [or all go home in disgrace] Buster: [yeah soz Nance] Rio: [ruin the hol, also leave mcvickers without as much help, all 'round gonna get you on the shit list, wanna skip to tomorrow?] Buster: [oh boy you've really fucked up here and yeah we can skip] Rio: hear you're going home Buster: You heard right for once Rio: how long you in the shit for Rio: forever, like? Buster: Until I do something worse Buster: Or redeem myself by winning something, like Rio: Won't take you long once school starts back up then Rio: somehow nan believed I was somewhere else so Rio: 'trouble' looks like the usual, tied to the kids as per Buster: I told you, they all see what they wanna see 👸 Rio: Sure they'd be more suspicious if the gaff was my parents and the keys were missing Buster: Probably Rio: Or if we didn't hate each other, obvs Buster: Well yeah Rio: I'll invite Nance back next hols Rio: make it up to her Buster: I'd tell her but she ain't speaking or listening to me Buster: If only my parents would shut up as well I wouldn't have a headache Rio: There was only a few days left anyway, she'd be dreading going back regardless Rio: I feel like shit and all, the painkillers ain't touching it Buster: Careful, it almost sounds like you're on my side Buster: [tells her some weird remedy that he's created that he would swear by and probably does actually work cos he's smart like that but I'm not trying to think of rn cos I'm not] Rio: It was my party so Rio: but don't get your parents to patch me into the telling off, I can use my imagination Rio: gotta dedicate all my brain power to the cure rn anyway Buster: Work out too if you can lose your shadow for long enough Rio: Let's not get carried away Buster: Come on, that's bare minimum Buster: You mentioned dedication a second ago Rio: You also don't need to take over for 'em and lecture me Rio: Running 'round after this lot is so much cardio tah 💪 Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: 🙄😏 Rio: did you get caught then Buster: You don't need me to answer that for you Rio: but is that a lowkey humblebrag or a duh, I'm in trouble now, bitch 🤔 Buster: Either/Or Rio: how are your feet Buster: I wasn't wearing heels in case your memory's unreliable Rio: Shame Rio: I meant 'cos of the running we had to do though Buster: I know what you meant Buster: I'm fine Rio: Good Buster: Are you? Rio: I did take my shoes off for that Rio: not gonna let your efforts be for naught, like Rio: very rude Buster: Good Rio: though my house has never felt further Rio: which is saying something Buster: Where's that pumpkin carriage when you want it, yeah? Rio: tbh Rio: maybe my tiara has slipped Rio: 💔 Buster: Impossible Rio: Appreciate the faith Buster: And more realistically all the hair you've got to keep that tiara in place, I'm sure Rio: That actually makes it harder, I'll have you know Rio: how dare you doubt how hard this princess business is Buster: Really? Rio: Have you seen all my hair Rio: its out of control Buster: Yeah so like trap the tiara in, no? Rio: You're such a boy 😂 Buster: Cheers Rio: it wasn't a compliment but its pretty cute Buster: It's a compliment if I take it as one and I am Rio: Have at it Rio: you probably need it Buster: What's that meant to mean? Rio: That you're in everyone's bad book rn Rio: what else Buster: I don't need your pity or their pats on the head Rio: it ain't pity, and you've taken it now Buster: Fuck that Rio: Fine, don't take the compliment Buster: I don't want it Rio: Okay Rio: I'll survive Buster: No doubt Rio: 👌 Buster: We done? Rio: Sure Rio: good luck then Buster: What's luck got to do with anything? Rio: Don't hurt, does it Rio: didn't you learn anything from the museum Buster: I'm already not hurting Buster: And nah, you know I didn't Rio: Your headache gone then Rio: good stuff Buster: There's fuck all you can say or do regardless Buster: Keep your luck for yourself Rio: Suit yourself Buster: I always do Rio: want a round of applause Rio: I'm fresh out Buster: Like you said, I won't have to wait long to get one Rio: Cute Buster: You already said that too Rio: Remains Rio: you can go now Buster: Yeah I could Rio: You wanna Buster: 'Course, I love giving my parents bullshit my full attention Rio: 😇 son, like Buster: If you were any kind of angel you'd get me out of here Rio: You en-route or in your Dublin prison cell still Buster: 🍀 Rio: Never felt less true, yeah Rio: I don't reckon you're getting past your jailers, or I am Rio: divine intervention pending Buster: You'll just have to distract me then Rio: So we're not done here now? Buster: I only asked if we were, my word ain't yet law, babe Rio: That's not what being a lawyer is Rio: hate to burst your bubble 😏 Buster: I know and I've mourned, like Buster: Don't worry about it Rio: Poor baby Buster: I'm neither, hate to burst yours Rio: Well however will I cope Buster: What can I say? You'll just have to Rio: Cold Buster: I did tell you to get me out of the same room as my mum Rio: Ouch Rio: consider myself 🍀 to get off so lightly then Buster: Yeah Rio: Oh, hold up Rio: [the boyfriend drama] Buster: [when you care but you can't say anything because you have to act like you don't so you're just waiting in silence] Rio: I am usually better at distracting Rio: for the record Rio: had to take a call Buster: It's fine I've got packing to do that for me now Rio: I know Rio: don't want my good name being dragged through the mud any more though so Buster: Any more than what? Rio: Oh Rio: people talk too much Rio: someone from the party told Harry on me so we just had a lovely chat, like Buster: You should've let me kill him when I first suggested it Buster: Problem solved Rio: The problem of being reckoning they know shit when they don't Rio: only half of what I've been accused of is even true, that's what fucks me off Buster: If he's believing someone else over you he's a stupid cunt Buster: End of Rio: Wouldn't you Rio: if your girlfriend was seen doing lines and 'all over' some other lad Buster: It wouldn't happen to me 'cause I don't have girlfriends Buster: What does he do when he goes to parties, recite bible verses? Rio: If you had one though, you wouldn't be happy Buster: If I had one she wouldn't give a fuck about other lads Buster: We aren't talking about me Rio: No, we aren't Rio: I'm just saying I get his logic Rio: not the person, people, whatever who felt the need to rat on me Buster: Nobody saw fuck all so whatever they said to him was bullshit Buster: Meaning he ain't basing anything in logic Rio: Doesn't matter now 'cos I've been dumped regardless Buster: I told you to get in there first Rio: I didn't want to Rio: or I wasn't ready Buster: I also told you that you can do better Buster: You will when you want to Buster: It's his loss Rio: I'd love to know who you'd suggest instead, like Rio: Christ Buster: I'l write you a list when I've got time to kill on the plane Rio: Tah Rio: very generous of you Buster: I am Buster: Not that you'd know Rio: Now you've told me I do Buster: The party and your feet not touching the ground for ages wasn't enough for you? Rio: You're the one that said I didn't know Rio: who am I to disagree Buster: It doesn't normally stop you Buster: In fact, you're usually happy to disagree for the sake of Rio: Hardly at the top of my game right now Rio: did just get dumped over the phone, if you missed it Buster: Fuck that, who the fuck's he to count for anything Buster: Can't even end things face to face Rio: That's indefensibly and undeniably shitty Rio: even if I am a coke whore, come say it to my face, like Buster: You tried it and you liked it, that's not a crime Buster: It's a party, having fun is what people do Buster: Except pussies like him apparently Rio: We hadn't slept together Rio: that's why Rio: with what he's been told, said it was obvious I didn't actually like him, you know Buster: He's put in all those nonce hours for what he considers to be nothing, he's gonna be well mad Rio: Shut up Buster: Would you have fucked him if he'd hung in there? Rio: He was my boyfriend Buster: That's a cop out answer Buster: But assuming you mean yeah, the snitch has done you a favour Buster: And if you weren't going to, he'd have dumped you anyway 'cause he's that cunt Rio: It's not Rio: Weren't planning to see if I could make him wait 'til marriage for the craic, like Rio: Whatever, got to own it now Buster: It is 'cause you don't owe him that for the boyfriend label Buster: You either wanna or you don't Rio: No, I know that Rio: but that is what boyfriends are for Buster: Then you did like him and he's full of shit, bringing us back to my original point that he's a fool for believing rumours over you Rio: I did but Rio: its complicated Rio: maybe I didn't like him that much Rio: I didn't wanna do it then wish I hadn't Buster: If you're second guessing it, don't do it Buster: That's a way to keep things uncomplicated Rio: Well I won't now obviously Rio: why do you think I'm out Rio: he'd get over it all if I would Buster: I don't just mean with him Rio: Are you trying to save me, McKenna? 🙏 Buster: You don't need saving Buster: Not that kind of 👸 remember? Rio: I ain't scared or nothing Buster: What have you got to be scared of? Rio: Exactly Rio: I'm not frigid Buster: I don't reckon that'll be the lie he's spreading, babe Rio: No Rio: its not really lies though Buster: That depends what he's saying Rio: He's not like that Rio: not that it matters 'cos whoever told him is Rio: but I don't care about that Buster: You can find out who it was though, yeah? Rio: I'm asking Rio: the friends I can trust Buster: Good Buster: When you know, tell me Rio: Why Buster: You know why Rio: What if it was a girl Rio: you can't beat her up then Buster: If it was, I obviously won't Rio: I've legit got no idea rn though Rio: I must've been way more out of it that I thought Buster: Your friend did give us a fair amount of coke Buster: And there was more wedding leftovers than I reckoned there would be Rio: Gotta over-cater always Rio: especially with booze Rio: how this family do Buster: But with this fam there ain't usually no such thing Rio: just that 🍀 obvs Buster: 'Course Rio: Its gonna be so boring taking all the kids out now Rio: without you two Buster: Lucky for you they never take my phone as punishment Rio: you really thought they woulda Rio: still want a quiet-ish life, I guess Buster: All that bullshit you said about keeping me as a contact for emergencies ain't in this instance Buster: Don't want me to die, do they? Rio: I doubt they're that pissed off, no 😏 Buster: There's still time Rio: that your goal now? Buster: Hardly a goal when it's that easy Rio: Aim high, boy Buster: I always do Buster: But cheers for the encouragement Rio: I'm very supportive Buster: I bet your ex is really missing you already Rio: You're clearly taking the piss but 'course he is Buster: You could just get back with him Rio: I could Buster: I know that's why I said it Rio: I already said why I don't want to though Buster: Alright Rio: Why are you mad, you think he's a perv Buster: I ain't Rio: Okay Buster: There was no point to the party if everything's shit for you again the next day Buster: That's why I'm wound up about it Rio: There was a point Rio: you can't help that everthings a bit shit right now Rio: I'm not even that upset about him, it was coming, like Buster: I don't do powerlessness Buster: There's always something I can do Rio: If you can think of a way to make Edie happy, you're welcome to Rio: you've done loads Rio: it was a good party Buster: I know it's been years but do you remember any of the 🥊 I taught you? Rio: Yeah Rio: the basics Rio: why? Buster: Teach her Buster: It won't make her happy but it's somewhere to put her anger Rio: It's a good idea Rio: I will Buster: How many times do I have to tell you all my ideas are Rio: You've had a decent streak lately Buster: Fuck off Buster: If you're waiting for me to break it that ain't gonna happen Rio: Why would I want that? Buster: Oh right, you're supportive, I forgot Rio: How many times do I have to tell you, like Buster: Only the one Buster: I'm a good listener, very attentive Buster: Not that you'd know Rio: Don't rub it in Rio: that's just mean Buster: Not rubbing anything, like Buster: Gotta finish my packing Rio: 😂 Buster: Sorry to ruin the fantasy Rio: Yeah that's where my head is Rio: not busy myself, like Buster: You're not that busy Buster: And I don't just say I'm good distraction and then answer my phone, I actually am Rio: How rude Rio: You have to be nice to me, I'm so 💔 rn Buster: 'Cause I'm going home, I know Buster: Me too Rio: Yeah right Rio: you're buzzin Buster: I was counting on your wild siblings to take the heat off me so hardly Buster: They're gonna be on high alert now Rio: Still Rio: you wanted to go home 'fore you'd even left Rio: so swings and roundabouts Buster: Yeah right Rio: you can deny it Rio: I won't tell no one Buster: Why would I? Rio: You could sound more sure then Buster: Again, why Buster: I don't have anything to prove to you Rio: Why lie either way Rio: no reason to not be real Buster: I don't lie Rio: Yeah Buster: I can not wanna be here and not be excited to go back as well Rio: 'Course Buster: Real enough for you? Rio: Yeah Rio: its just conversation Rio: like I said, no reason not to Buster: 'Course there are reasons Buster: But I don't give a shit about 'em Rio: Yeah, reason being if you can't face facts Rio: lots of people can't Buster: I know Rio: but that ain't you Buster: Or you Rio: Nope Rio: can ask me anything Buster: Truth ain't as good as dares, but good to know Rio: Obviously Rio: you ain't in enough trouble for your liking, McKenna Buster: It's not the right kind of trouble for my liking, babe Rio: What you gonna do about it then Buster: According to you there's nothing I can do Buster: I'm not getting out and you're not getting in Buster: Tell me when you're done underestimating me and I'll think of something Rio: You said high alert Rio: I can't say I'm coming to see your sister then ignore her Buster: Don't ignore her then Buster: But don't ignore me either Rio: I don't wanna use her Rio: but I do wanna come say bye in person Buster: You ain't using her if you say bye to her too Rio: Okay Rio: I'll see if your 'rents let me in then or shut the door in my face Buster: Nance will let you in Buster: Even though she's in a really bad mood Rio: I can imagine Rio: guess it ain't worth the few extra days to have her fly back alone though Buster: Depends who you ask Rio: Obvs Rio: have you spoken to her like at all since you came here? Buster: You told me to leave her alone Rio: I know Rio: I was asking though Buster: Well the answer's no Rio: That's gonna be rough Rio: probably leave it 'til she's calm-er Buster: It's not like we have anything to say to each other anyway Rio: She might disagree Buster: Yeah but she's unlikely to voice it right now so Rio: Problem for another day Rio: I feel ya Buster: Nah, her problem Rio: Okay Buster: I didn't do any of it to fuck up her holiday Buster: She needs to get over herself Rio: Yeah but it still did, from her perspective Buster: If she can't convince 'em to let her stay, that's her problem too Rio: Yeah Rio: not disagreeing Buster: You don't have to be nice to me, I ain't heartbroken Rio: I'm not being nice Rio: it literally is her problem Rio: what do you want me to say, like Buster: Like I said, shit like that doesn't normally stop you Rio: Funny Rio: There ain't no point Rio: I've said what I need to say about the whole thing already Buster: Alright Rio: Yeah? Rio: You can say what you want Buster: I already did too Rio: Good Rio: we all know where we stand then Buster: Yeah Rio: Do you like school then Buster: Like ain't the word Buster: No cunts like school Rio: Why not Rio: if you're smart and you got mates Buster: It's easy that don't mean it's good Rio: I hate it Buster: 'Course you do Buster: It's boring Rio: There's just so much of it that has no point Rio: if we didn't have to do that, it'd be alright Buster: Not disagreeing Rio: and teachers weren't failures on a power trip Rio: that too Buster: 😂 Rio: It's true Rio: its the job you get when you realise you've got a pointless degree and no other prospects Buster: Not the career you want then? Rio: Ha Rio: no thanks Buster: The hypothetical kids you won't teach now are gonna be gutted Rio: I know Rio: so hot for teacher Rio: but I don't plan to spend my entire life babysitting, soz Buster: Good Rio: Glad you approve Buster: Much as it obviously pains me, like Rio: 😏 Rio: You'll get over it Buster: Did my cure work or have you still got a headache to get over? Rio: I do feel alright now actually Rio: where'd you find that Buster: I'd say trial and error but I don't make mistakes Rio: Still think that? Buster: Show me one Rio: nah Buster: Exactly Rio: maybe I just don't wanna Buster: Maybe you can't Rio: shh Buster: You can say it Rio: what, shut up? Buster: No, if you think the party was Rio: It's if you do Buster: I told you, I don't make mistakes Rio: Good Buster: It was Rio: Yeah Rio: I know Buster: As long as you had a good night that's all that matters Rio: I did Rio: just shame it got cut short Buster: Yeah Buster: Not the ending I wanted Rio: Next time Buster: You gonna throw a party for me? Rio: I owe you now Rio: you will actually have to come back though, can't virtually attend Buster: You could come to London Rio: True Rio: better for your guestlist Buster: It'd be easy enough to get Nance to invite you over Rio: I don't reckon she'd wanna come to the party though Rio: call it a hunch Buster: She's not invited Rio: You're rude Buster: Call it a private party if it makes you feel better Buster: Nobody else is invited Rio: just us? Buster: We've got a hot tub here as well Buster: And I've got more cocktail making skills now Rio: That's still one of the best things anyone's ever done for me Buster: Until I do it even better Rio: when Rio: when can I come, I mean Buster: Probably let my mum and dad calm down Buster: But as discussed, it won't take long once school starts Buster: And Nance'll be happy to have you here once it does Rio: Okay Rio: that's not too long Buster: You are coming to say goodbye, right? Rio: Yeah Rio: I'm on my way Rio: it'll take me a while, couldn't really ask nan to load everyone up, like so I'm on the bus Buster: Okay Buster: It seems like a ball ache but nan wanting to stay for coffee would be worse Rio: She's not invited either Rio: no offense Buster: I'm sure she's pissed off at me as well Buster: Usually is Rio: You won't notice the difference Buster: I won't notice fuck all else when you're here Rio: Buster Buster: Yeah? Rio: I'll miss you Rio: I have Buster: I know Rio: I know Buster: I'm sorry that you're gonna miss me more Buster: Not sorry enough that I'm not still gonna make you Rio: I can handle it Buster: We'll see Rio: You will Buster: Careful, if that's a promise, you have to keep it Rio: I intend to Buster: You also intend not to ignore my sister, so you said Rio: How long have I got, roughly Buster: That's more dependent on her than it is me Buster: I'd give you as long as you want Rio: You're generous, I remember Buster: I'm not gonna let you forget Rio: I wish I could just see you Buster: I can sneak out but that might give us less time Rio: You should stay put Rio: I just know there's only so much time I can be in the bathroom or whatever before its suspect Rio: everyone knows a goodbye between us should take literally 2 seconds so, I'm trying to think of a way Buster: I'll take the dog 'cause that's literally a punishment in itself Buster: Meet me and then when the clock runs down on that excuse I'll head home and you can show up Rio: another 💡 for your collection Buster: Plenty of time for you to still be hungover in the bathroom and whatever else we need Rio: You're good, I'll admit it Buster: You ain't seen nothing yet Buster: Get her to make you food even if you don't want it, she takes fucking ages to do that Rio: Wouldn't call it nothing Rio: but I wanna see more Buster: No denying it was something but you can have everything if you want Rio: Is that a promise? Buster: Yeah Rio: Then I want it Buster: I've missed you too Buster: I will Rio: I know Rio: now you can show me, yeah Buster: 'Course Rio: Good Rio: 'cos there's a lot you missed Buster: You'll catch me up Rio: Be rude not to Buster: We can't have that Buster: You've got a rep for being so polite, like Rio: Exactly Rio: and who would wanna tarnish my 😇 reputation? Rio: not you Buster: Obviously not Rio: 😏 Buster: Rio Rio: Mm? Buster: Never mind Rio: No Rio: go on Buster: I was just gonna say that I've not done loads of shit with other girls, you know Buster: Not yet Rio: That don't matter Rio: you know I haven't either, not everything Rio: it'll still be good Rio: when you want it so bad it can't not be Buster: Unless you want it too bad, then it could be Rio: I know what you're saying but I promise it'll still be good Rio: there's loads of ways to make it last as long as we both want it to Buster: Yeah I know, forget I said anything Rio: Alright but you don't need to be nervous Rio: or anything like that Rio: its just me Buster: That 'just' shouldn't be there though Buster: It's you Rio: I'm in the same boat Rio: you know Rio: I feel like I could explode whenever you're around Buster: You're a girl it doesn't matter if you do Rio: That's not totally true Buster: You know what I mean Rio: Nah, I do, I'm trying to say Rio: its embarrassing Buster: You don't need to be Rio: Well sometimes Rio: I cum so hard I pass out Rio: what if that happened, you'd be so freaked out Buster: I can hold you up, I've already proved how easy you are to carry Buster: Don't worry Rio: As long as you don't Rio: even if we've not got time today Rio: we will Buster: I swear Buster: I'm not worried Buster: I just wanted to tell you 'cause of how socials makes shit look Buster: So you don't think it's you if I fuck it up somehow Rio: I appreciate it, seriously Rio: but I know you Rio: when its just us Rio: I know Buster: I feel that too Buster: Even when I didn't wanna Rio: Its always been good Rio: when we let it Rio: when we could Buster: Yeah Buster: All through your parents wedding I kept thinking about when mine did it Buster: How different everything was between us Rio: so much is Rio: but some things haven't changed, can't Buster: I'm still sorry though Buster: For shit that has Rio: Me too Buster: I don't hate you Buster: I never did Buster: It's not too strong of a word, it's the wrong word Buster: End of Rio: I don't hate you either Rio: and I give a shit about you, no matter what you do Rio: just remember that, yeah Buster: Don't let me forget Buster: We can be friends can't we, like as far as everyone else is concerned Rio: We were before Buster: Exactly Buster: There's no reason you shouldn't be able to come and see me in my own fucking house Buster: Or vice versa Rio: Right Rio: we can easily do it Buster: We can do whatever we want Rio: and I want you Rio: as long as you want me too, I don't care Buster: Jesus, hearing you actually say that is Rio: Its weird how easy it was to say Rio: when I've not been able to for so long, still shouldn't but Buster: When it makes me feel like that you definitely should Rio: There's so much I wanna tell you Rio: that I've never before Buster: So tell me Buster: You're stuck on a bus, what else are we gonna do? Rio: Won't be the first time I've thought about you on this bus ride, like Rio: it does take forever Buster: If we're playing that game there's fuck all places in this house and out of it that I ain't thought of you Rio: I hope so Rio: 'cos I think about you a lot Buster: Make it a contest if you like, babe, I'm confident that I'll win Rio: I won't mind losing to you if this is what it feels like Buster: Did you think about me when you were with him? Rio: Do you really wanna know? Buster: I wouldn't have asked if I didn't Rio: I did Rio: I tried not to but my brain would just go there if it got remotely good, when I couldn't control it Buster: And the more you try not to, the more you do Rio: Exactly Rio: and I can't even pretend he was just bad, its not like he's the only person I've kissed so Buster: Same, I've kissed a lot of girls but I always think about you whoever the fuck they are Rio: and its like, I can't even be mad about it or you 'cos it always makes it so Buster: Exactly Rio: Sometimes I think its the only way I can, with some people, you know Buster: Yeah, I understand that Rio: You're just Rio: you're you Rio: there's no one else like you, I swear Buster: The fact is, there's nobody else on our level Buster: It's me and it's you Buster: I invited that girl 'cause I thought it was just the ones from Chelsea Buster: That's bullshit though Rio: Its like Rio: its really fucking hard to like anyone else when you exist Buster: I know Buster: She wanted to do all sorts to me and with me but I said no Buster: Even though you had a nonce boyfriend at the time Rio: Neither of them is here now Rio: I can make you forget Buster: I already have Rio: Good Rio: I don't like her Buster: Me either Rio: Feeling jealous over you feels so stupid Rio: but I feel it all the time Buster: Don't Buster: I don't give a shit about any of 'em Buster: Ever Rio: I know Rio: and they still get to see you and talk to you and touch you and Rio: just not fair Buster: I want to see you and talk to you and touch you though Buster: I wanted to before I even knew what the fuck that meant Rio: I always wanted you around Rio: and I knew it was different to the way I felt about any of the others Rio: I just didn't know why or how yet Buster: Besides, nobody actually properly does any of those things to me so you can have it Buster: Everything, like I said Rio: People never wanna talk about anything real Rio: never mind the rest Rio: I'm sorry, that I didn't give you more of a chance to tell your side at the wedding Rio: Nancy was just really in a bad way about it when she got here Buster: You've given me more chances than the rest of this fam does Buster: And you had enough you were dealing with Buster: She's always in a bad way about me, forget it Buster: I don't care Rio: I know its hard being the one expected to look after the others Rio: harder when you can't Buster: She's expected to look after herself, that's the only real problem she's got Rio: Still, you're her older brother, that'll always mean something Buster: We ain't kids any more, that means something too Buster: But to her it means she can't run to me or mum to fix everything Buster: It's about time she finally got her head around that, like Rio: That's true too Rio: I think she's trying Buster: Not hard enough, obviously Rio: She'll get there Rio: but right now, its us Rio: and we can talk about anything we want Buster: Yeah we can Buster: And I ain't even wasted, what a headfuck Rio: I don't wish I was Rio: its better Buster: You don't wish you were 'cause your headache's only just gone Rio: well that Rio: and there's nothing to hide behind Buster: You don't need to hide from me Rio: I don't want to Rio: It feels good being real Buster: I don't want you to Buster: I want you to feel good Rio: I want it for you too Buster: I know Buster: Be here and I will Rio: Your dog won't run away will it Buster: Nah, it's smarter than that Buster: and the only one of us who does what it's told, like Rio: Good, because I don't plan to be chasing it around with the limited time we have Buster: Have you got heels on again? Rio: Maybe Rio: but that's not the point is it 😏 Buster: The point is, you ain't gonna erase the high difference if you do or don't Rio: I'm not trying to Rio: I'm trying to reach you Buster: I'll help you Rio: You better Rio: I like being that close to you Buster: What else do you like? Rio: Sitting on your lap was Buster: Good 'cause you'll have to when I take your shoes off, it's been raining Rio: I won't complain Buster: Neither will your poor feet Rio: You can make me feel better Buster: Yeah, I can and I will Rio: You're so fucking Buster: What? Rio: fucking hot Buster: Oh Rio: Oh? Buster: Why does it feel like the first time anyone's ever said that to me? Rio: 'cos you wanted to hear it from me way before anyone else said it Buster: Fuck Rio: Where am I meeting you, only a few stops away Buster: [a location which we can assume is a park or whatever cos the dog] Rio: 5 minutes Buster: It better be 'cause I'm leaving now Rio: I can't last any longer than that, so it has to be Buster: Poor baby Rio: Oh Buster: Oh? Rio: I like it when you call me that Buster: Okay, baby Rio: 🤤 Rio: how can I already hear how good that sounds in your accent, like Buster: How much have you thought about me saying it? Rio: Not quite as much as I think about you saying my name Rio: but I think about that a lot Buster: Get off the goddamn bus now and I'll say it a lot Buster: Along with anything else you want Rio: I'm gonna hold you to that Rio: if I remember to think of anything but you and where I want you anytime soon Buster: I'm gonna hold you for as long as we have so I'd say it's unlikely you'll be able to think clearly Rio: I don't need to think Rio: I need you Rio: now Buster: Say that again Rio: I need you right now Buster: Is this real? Buster: Jesus Christ Rio: I'm serious, deadly Rio: so if you're playing with me right now, I will kill you Buster: I'm not Buster: I just can't believe this is actually happening Buster: That you feel how I do Buster: That we can tell each other Rio: Me either Rio: I've felt like this for Rio: forever Rio: You can tell me anything, seriously Rio: even if its something you reckon I don't wanna hear, I'd rather that than fuck all Rio: 'cos this is Rio: so much better Buster: I couldn't disagree even if I wanted to Rio: Don't Rio: [be showing up] Buster: [I hope there's lowkey somewhere you can hide if this is a park during the holidays and she legit lives here we don't need to be running into randoms rn] Rio: [you can find some quiet corner lads, I believe in you, even if you have to go into the foliage lowkey] Buster: [at least the dog wouldn't care when he picks her up like immediately cos baze have been there, done that honey] Rio: [lord knows those two are forever highkey] Buster: [I love them so much and every time the kids shade them I'm like excuse you] Rio: [ungrateful brats lol, also literally no way she's not kissing on his as they're tryna walk, like girl, anyone could be here, god bless you highkey idiots] Buster: [it's fine cos we know he's as extra and gives as few fucks] Buster: [at least have a glorious make out session before we move you though] Rio: [live your best life kids, when this has been SO long coming you need to be outside rn or we're outing ourselves immediately and you must not] Buster: [at least with them being outside it'll be easy to make them wanna go home cos so many clothes in the way as it's feb] Rio: [it would be chilly af, with that, first time nerves, the dog and baze blowing up your phone like come back, its believable, away you go] Buster: [yeah and we all know you'd wanna touch and see so much of each other cos you're those bitches] Rio: [good god if you ain't gonna go all out after this] Buster: [How the fuck are they gonna keep quiet for real cos he can put his hand over her mouth or whatever but he's a loud bitch his damn self] Rio: [if you can't get it done now with baze and Nancy home, she will have to come to London] Buster: [yas hot tub surprise 2.0 thank you] Rio: [that will be a cute full circle moment also give you some time to not be cockblocked] Buster: [should we still let them now or say they didn't get chance to fully go all in?] Rio: [Hmm, I say mutual 'things' but still not the full thing, enough to miss each other and know its gonna but being realistic about how much time they can have without Nancy at least noticing] Buster: [I vibe] Rio: [Have a final cockblock babe] Buster: [the goodbye is gonna be so cos can't show how gutted you truly are in front of peeps] Rio: [oh babes, at least you can have a lil private one 'cos that's rough] Buster: [we'll get her to London soon kids don't worry] Rio: [do you think they're going tonight or tomorrow] Buster: [in my head I thought tomorrow morning but it can be whenever] Buster: [ooh he should walk her to the bus so they can have their lil goodbye but nobody can stop him cos it's for safety bitch] Rio: [that's a mood forever, oh the emotions rn like] Buster: [like we don't know the time, it could be getting dark by the time she leaves cos Nancy is highkey] Rio: [how distracted she would be the entire time like I'm so sorry girl lol] Buster: [oh you awkward self centred gay how do you not realize] Rio: [what a read] Buster: Talk to me then Rio: I miss you already Buster: Don't Buster: You're gonna be with me really soon Rio: I know Rio: still Buster: Baby Rio: It doesn't feel real Rio: I can't believe it is Buster: But it is Buster: It happened Rio: I know Rio: my lips were already bruised from last night but now Buster: Yeah, mine too Buster: I'm happy that they are Rio: I need to feel you when you're not around Rio: bruises are good Buster: Exactly Buster: I'd almost forgotten that there was a better feeling than winning a fight Rio: I won't let you forget Buster: Good, don't Rio: I ain't going to Rio: we ain't done here Buster: I'm done here but not with you Rio: I'm definitely holding you to that Buster: You can Rio: What else Rio: whilst you're promising me things Buster: Whatever else you want Rio: Everything Rio: yeah? Buster: I promise Rio: I just want you Rio: all that entails Buster: You have me Rio: and you've got me Buster: I don't wanna go Rio: I know Rio: it feels like when we were younger and the holidays always went too fast Buster: Walking away from you was always so shit Buster: And yet again I'm spending all night looking at a packed suitcase instead of you Buster: Fuck all has changed but everything has, like Rio: its fucking surreal Rio: having to say goodbye in front of your family like I don't care at all Buster: We could leave together tomorrow before the flight Buster: It wouldn't be the first supposedly impossible thing I've ever done Rio: you've gotta go back and do your time as a good boy Rio: otherwise they'll never let me come see you Buster: I've gotta be with you now Rio: When's your flight? Buster: [a time] Buster: I can't get on it Buster: I know I can do anything but I can't Rio: We can make this work Rio: I'll come see you before you go Buster: Fuck it, I just won't go Rio: Buster Rio: Its gonna be okay, I promise Buster: Yeah it will 'cause they can't make me board a plane Buster: I'll just stay with you like we both want Rio: Okay and then what Rio: you've got school to smash, all that important stuff Rio: we'll still be together, it won't be like before, not talking or anything Buster: You're more important than any of it Buster: This way nothing goes to shit as soon as I set foot back in London Rio: It won't go to shit, we won't let it Rio: can do anything, right? Rio: we want this, then we'll have it, no matter what Buster: You have to be right about this Rio: I swear, I'll do everything I can to make it okay Rio: better than okay Buster: I won't lose you again, will I? Rio: No Rio: we can't go back Rio: it's out there now and that's a good thing because we can't hide from it Rio: we have to stick together Buster: Alright Buster: Good Rio: You're gonna be so good, baby, I know it Buster: I'll prove it to you Buster: I don't care what I said about not Rio: I believe in you, Buster Buster: Nobody else has ever told me that before Rio: They should Rio: and I mean it Rio: I've always known you're good Rio: and you're going to be even better Buster: I miss you so fucking much Rio: I feel it too Buster: It's not just today either, you know Buster: It's all the time Buster: You were the best friend I ever had Buster: You are Rio: We can be best friends again Buster: Yeah Buster: I'm not gonna fuck it up from now Rio: Me either Rio: I don't wanna waste time missing you for the wrong reasons Rio: I can deal with missing you for this, when I know I'm gonna still be able to talk to you and be with you at the end of it Rio: but that other bullshit is over now, I can't Buster: Like you said, there's no going back Buster: It's forward, no matter what Buster: Like it or not Buster: But I swear you will Buster: 'Cause I won't hurt you ever again Rio: I get it, why you did what you did Rio: why I did it too, we had to Rio: we had to see if it would go away Rio: but it never did Buster: I'm not sorry that it wouldn't Rio: Obviously Rio: I really fucking like you, yeah Buster: I mean, no cunt's ever gonna change my mind, whatever they say or they think Buster: You're perfect, Rio Buster: That's what I think Rio: You're gonna make me cry on this bus Rio: I'm so glad I know you Rio: and if I didn't, I would find a way Rio: because you're different Rio: like you said, me and you, we're on our own level Buster: Don't cry Buster: Not when I'm not there to wipe the tears away, like Rio: I'll be brave Buster: I know Buster: You're properly brave, and not just for a girl either Rio: You're cute Buster: Remember how annoyed I used to be whenever you called me cute Rio: Yeah Rio: you gonna let me now then 😏 Buster: I'm not gonna stop you Buster: Annoyed ain't the word any more Rio: Good Rio: 'cos that's the least of the compliments I wanna give you, honestly Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yep Rio: Don't wanna spoil you though, save some for later Buster: Why not? I wanna spoil you Rio: You always have Buster: Do you want some duty free, like? Rio: I don't need anything Buster: Pretty sure I said want, babe Rio: I want you to get something that makes you think of me Buster: That'll be easy then Rio: Yeah? Buster: You know I think about you all the time Rio: I do now Buster: Come on, you did Rio: I didn't know, I had an educated guess though Rio: I like it when you say it more than just wondering Buster: You can ask me anything you've ever wanted to know Buster: I like talking to you Rio: You're my favourite person to talk to Buster: Good Rio: I think a plane to see you is actually quicker than this bus Buster: It is Buster: You'll see Rio: Do you think I can come one weekend Rio: I don't wanna wait 'til the next holiday Buster: Fuck waiting til Easter Buster: You're coming as soon as we can talk our parents into it Rio: Definitely Rio: shouldn't be that hard Rio: we'll think of something Buster: 'Course Buster: Like you said, I just need to behave Buster: And your parents are pushovers Rio: Pretty much Rio: its just Nance I'm worried about Buster: I'm about to do my homework in full view so if you wanna talk to her, it's a good time to start Rio: I don't know how to do this Rio: long term, its easier if people think we're friends again, right Rio: or at least on better terms Rio: she's gonna be hardest to convince Buster: You could tell her you were at the party Buster: Getting wasted together is a bonding activity in this fam Buster: Or if you don't wanna be complicit in an action that fucked her holiday, use the wedding instead Buster: Say we've been talking since then, it ain't even a lie Rio: It might help, actually Rio: if I take some of that off you Rio: not that you're gonna be besties but it'll work in our favour if it was my party, which it was Buster: I can handle it, you don't need to worry about me Buster: Do what works for you Rio: I know you can Rio: I just reckon its more understandable than a complete 180 Rio: I was helping slag you off a bit with her, like Buster: What did you say about me? 😏 Rio: I don't even know Rio: she was on one, I didn't disagree Rio: just that you're a prick blah blah blah Buster: You're cute Rio: Really Rio: fine, I won't be nice to you, if that's what you like Buster: Yeah you will Buster: You can't help it Rio: You're right but don't be annoying about it 😏 Buster: Well maybe I can't help it Rio: Being annoying Rio: Maybe, babe Buster: Behave, you're not meant to agree with me Rio: 😂 Rio: It's okay, I still like you Buster: I still like you too Buster: I definitely can't help that Rio: Good Rio: I don't want you to stop Buster: I won't Buster: And I don't wanna either Rio: Promise Buster: Yeah I do Buster: On whatever you want me to swear on Rio: I'll think Rio: but I trust you anyway Buster: You can Buster: I didn't drop you and I never will, obviously Rio: and you always stick to your word Rio: with dares and most things Rio: so I do Buster: With everything Buster: And I'd do anything for you, dare or not Rio: Did I mention I miss you already Buster: Yeah but the more you do, the quicker my homework gets done so I can actually do something about it Rio: [sends voice memo saying it loads 'cos cute nerd] Buster: [sends a pic of his finished homework cos likewise] Rio: It's rude how smart you are, honestly Rio: but can't be mad about it right now Buster: It's rude how smart and beautiful and funny and caring you are Rio: shh 😳 Buster: No Buster: [a voice memo full of compliments so I hope you've left the kitchen or wherever you were doing that homework in full view lol] Rio: [gotta be a bit less obvious than that kids lol] Rio: Why are you so nice to me Buster: 'Cause you deserve it Rio: you do too Buster: You've always been nice to me Buster: Even saved my life after all that brandy, right? Rio: It felt that scary at the time, like Rio: drama 👑 and 👸 Buster: Yeah Buster: I couldn't feel it til later, like Buster: But Rio: We've done some pretty stupid stuff yeah Buster: More than our fair share, I reckon Buster: And we'll obviously do loads more Rio: That works for me Buster: London's full of stupid shit Buster: You'll love it Rio: Do you Rio: apart from the cunts Buster: It's less boring than Cambs Buster: Nothing ever happened there Rio: You can take me to all the cool places Buster: Before Nance tries to drag you to all the shit ones Rio: 😏 Rio: Shame I don't have any nerdy gay friends to distract her with.. Rio: I'll have to get on that too Buster: You could bring Junior Buster: It'd be like when we were kids Rio: Not exactly what I meant but I could Rio: though idk if adding to the amount of people we have to avoid is the right idea either Buster: I know what you meant but pimping my sister out isn't the right one either Rio: 🙄 don't make it sound so sordid Rio: but it isn't, she's so shy, bless her Buster: She ain't shy, she just needs to be around the right people Rio: She is quite shy Rio: it's not a bad thing strictly Buster: Whatever Rio: Its not fair, is it Buster: What? Rio: That we live in different countries Buster: We won't always Buster: When we're older we can go where we want Rio: We should Rio: there's so many places I wanna go Buster: Then we will Rio: There's so much I wanna do with you Buster: I want you there whatever I'm doing Buster: We should be together all the time Buster: So much of it has already been wasted Rio: Then I will be Rio: simple as Rio: nothing or no one can get in our way Buster: I have a fight [insert a weekend date for it that's soon] can you come to London then? Rio: I'll ask my parents soon as they're back Rio: but I don't see why not Buster: Okay Rio: I don't know if I wanna see you get hurt Rio: but I'll still cheer you on Buster: You won't see that Buster: I don't get hurt Rio: Don't Buster: Don't worry Buster: There's nobody as good as me Rio: I know Buster: You can watch me play football instead, if you want Rio: No, I wanna Rio: I can just watch you with boxing Buster: Alright Rio: I mean, I'd come to both Buster: It's a standing invitation, like Buster: For as long as I'm doing both Rio: I'll support you in anything, you know that Rio: long as it can just be me and you after, like Buster: It can always be just me and you Buster: Like you said, nothing and nobody's getting in the way Buster: And nothing or nobody's more important to me Rio: Buster Rio: You're incredible Rio: perfect Buster: You are Rio: you Buster: Tell me when you're back home Buster: I'll call you Rio: you could call now Rio: I don't mind Rio: just wanna hear your voice Buster: [obvs does]
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npmeanderingway · 6 years
Beset by raccoons, tick skittishness, and escape from the Bible Belt!
I am going to try and post more often as these long posts are probably boring, sorry! (Though I doubt anyone reads these anymore- partly due to tumblrs awful interface and partly due to my rambley-ness).
Story time- laid down to sleep in my tent in a fairly secluded area in a state park. Suddenly hear a large dog sniffing around- where did that come from? And then a very-non-dog paw is pushed against my tent. I yell, sit up, and whatever it was runs away. I can still hear things moving around nearby and inspection of my tent shows four little claw holes. Hmm.. I figure probably raccoon but so weird that their sniffing noises are so very loud.
I wait a minute or two and sure enough, two raccoons come out of the undergrowth and bee line for my tent again. They should not be so bold! Someone has obviously been feeding them. I have no food in my tent but I do have toiletries (toothpaste and deodarent, etc). I yell at them to scare them off and lay back down. They come back AGAIN. Tenacious buggers.
So I packed up and put everything in my car and slept in it for the night. In my car I actually do have food and had to have the windows rolled down so I didn't sweat myself a puddle, so the raccoons came back. They pawed around and climbed on my car at least three times that they woke me up for. Persistent bastardos!
Hah, I can now say I have likely become a strong voiced advocate for DONT FEED WILDLIFE!
Tick skittishness :(
Found a very large dog tick crawling on my leg whilst relaxing at a picnic table in Missouri. Mentioned it to a ranger and he said they've had more tick reports this year than in the last 3 to 4 combined! Yeesh
That coupled with a woman I met at Zion, who was from Maine, telling me the tick density was so high this year their high school canceled their senior outting for the first time in over two decades made me go down a rabbit hole of tick news and stats. This year is bad! 1/2 of ticks collected in the Hudson Valley carried Lyme disease and in one county (Orange County) 8 out of 10 ticks were carriers. Tick densities (the number of ticks found in a given area they raked nets through) are waaay up and some places are recommending being covered head to toe before hiking. All natural areas in New England recommend performing full tick searches of yourself after all hikes. That sounds very uncomfortable and/or stressful. I am debating whether Acadia can be relaxing with those prohibitions in mind. :( I have a few days to decided but I may postpone Acadia until I can come back during non-prime-tick-season.
Escape from the Bible Belt! Hahaha I am so glad to be in Ohio. Driving through the small rural towns feels like I am in upstate New York already. Greenery, winding roads, small ancient cemeteries, and all towns seem to have been built from the same starting mold. In the center of each is usually a very large roundabout that's big enough to encompass a quarter to half acre of land. On that plot of land are several tall trees, a manicured lawn, and either a gazebo or a war memorial obelisk or both. It occurs everywhere and has a distinct New England rural flair.
Driving through and stopping in the Bible Belt gave new meaning to the term. Technically I grew up within it (I think?) but we never had declarations of "Fetal Life Sanctuary County" (what does that sanctimonious BS even mean), and while every twentieth billboard might have had some religious element, literally every third billboard I passed was some anti-abortion rant or church/jesus saves/you'll burn advertisement. Ohio is a nice change of pace from that, whew.
I'm continuing to move eastward and will soon be all the way to New York. That is crazy! I've almost driven across the US.
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