#sobbing im actually quite happy with how it turned out 😭
thighsoverlives · 1 year
Her Eyes - Simon's POV of "His Eyes"
⋆ relationship ⋆
Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!reader
⋆ summary ⋆
A mission gone bad. She lies in his arms dying. He should've done more to protect her.
⋆ notes ⋆
i though making this story into Simon's POV would be pretty cool so here it is! i still have no idea where i want to take the Price fic and i havent even started it yet so.. 😭
alsoo! im going to make a tik tok hopefully? i know nothing about posting stuff on tik tok so wish me luck lol! it'll be thighsoverlives just like my tumblr :)
⋆ warnings ⋆
death, heavy angst!
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
hope you enjoy! (●'◡'●)
Her Eyes
When your world comes crashing down some say that all sound ceases. Simon didn't believe that would actually happen until he turned to look at her. He didn't believe it until he saw the bullet rip through her back.
It wasn't real. It couldn't be happening. His breath hitched and his muscles tensed. A mix of emotions he couldn't even describe overtook his body. Bullets were flying through the air and somewhere in the distance, a grenade exploded. But he didn't care, all that mattered was her. He had to get to her. 
Rushing to her side, he knelt over her frail figure. 
“We have to get out of here.” His voice was shaky and hoarse as he gently picked her up and carried her away.
Somehow, you had managed to make it to a building that was isolated from the rest. Somehow you were able to evade the bullets and the grenades. Simon Riley, the defier of death. But yet, as he placed her body to the ground, his cold facade was slipping. 
Death was something that he would experience every single day. But this was different. It was different to hold his world in his arms and watch her fade away. To hold the person who taught him that his broken and bruised heart was capable of loving again. To hold the person who cared for him with every part of their soul. To hold the person that would die for him. To watch the life drain out of their body. To see the pain and the fear in her eyes.
He choked back a sob. It’d be okay. It’d have to. He would give up everything he had built just to see her happy. Even though he found his purpose in the military, he would leave to make sure she was safe. To make sure to be okay. You’d get an evac and he’d be by her side when she woke up in the infirmary. He’d force you both to quit this military business and she could have the house she always dreamed of. The one out in the country. And he’d do anything he could have her alive and well.
Even though he wasn’t by any means the least bit religious he was praying, begging for God to let her stay. He’d promise that he would do anything just so he could have her alive and well.
He was shaking her body. She couldn’t fall asleep. He wouldn’t let her. 
“Simon, I’m so tired.”
His heart was breaking into a million pieces once again. Pieces that she had put back together. She was his world. She was what he lived for. She was the reason he wanted to get better, to keep fighting.
He was shaking. He was consumed with uncontrollable rage and grief. He had worked very hard to be a master at regulating his emotions but how was he meant to do that when his world was collapsing?
He was conditioned to be a war machine. He was taught not to get attached. So why on Earth was he leaning over the crumpled body of the woman who was his world?
He was trying so hard to be strong. Trying to stay calm because he didn’t want her to die scared. He knew that anything he could do would be futile. The wound was bad, very bad. She was dying in his arms and he couldn’t do anything about it. 
He wanted to look at her, to tell her that it would be okay. He wanted to tell her to imagine the house in the country. The cat, the dog, and the child that she had told him so many times she wanted. He wanted to reassure her. But it was futile. He couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eyes. It would only prove his failure.
He should’ve protected her.
Every being in his body urged him to speak. To tell her that he loved her. So that maybe she could know that he really did. He never did the “love” stuff. It had hurt him far too much. But she had loved him so much that he thought he might’ve finally been capable of letting someone in. When he met her gaze, she was looking into his eyes. She had always told him how pretty his eyes were. How they reminded her of a warm, cloudless summer day. Or the ocean. 
He should’ve done more. Why didn’t he protect her? Why couldn’t he protect her?
He couldn’t bring himself to speak. Why couldn’t he bring himself to speak?
He stared into her eyes. Eyes that were so full of love for him. Eyes that he loved gazing into. Eyes that he saw his future in. 
A single tear fell from his eye.
His words were cut off by the bullet that ripped through his chest. 
No. No. No. God, no. He had to tell her that he loved her. She couldn’t die never hearing him say it. 
Two more bullets followed. He crumpled to the ground in a pathetic mess. 
Why didn’t he protect her?
He felt her hand reach out for his. He held it tenderly, lovingly, the way he had just hours ago.
“I love you, Simon.” She had said it so many times before. And she was okay with the fact that he never said it back. But this time it sounded so sad, so defeated. It was a whisper. He knew she was trying so hard to speak even though the blood was spilling into her lungs, drowning her.
Her eyes were fluttering closed.
She needed to know he loved her.
He fought against every wicked part of his body that tried to drag him away. With the worst parts that tried to stop him from saying it. “I love you.” 
Reality was slipping. He was dying, just like her. He squeezed her hand as tight as he could. He prayed that she heard him. He prayed to God that she would die knowing he loved her. It would be the first and last time he ever got to say it to her.
Such a pity he hadn’t said it earlier. 
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nagisagwa · 2 years
MAIN THEME STUFF IS FINALLY DONE (we ignore desktop bc that is too much commitment rn <//3)
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miutonium · 3 years
🍅, 🛏️, and/or 🌻?? For the rainbow ask game, if you want!! :] Also I love your content so much!! <33
Ahhh thank you 😭😭😭 It still makes me cry that someone would enjoy me simping on a cartoon dad here 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕 i still couldn't believe people actually would like to se my content here aaaahhh 😭😭😭
🍅 - What makes your f/o blush?
It's easy to make Utonium flustered. A simple kiss on the cheek is enough to make him blush. He always is the one who makes the grand romantic gesture so he gets flustered when he gets his affection reciprocate. Also I love the thought of Chloe bringing flowers for him one day because she thinks it looks neat when she walks by the florist on the way to work (it was actually on sale but dont tell him that.)
Chloe doesnt get praise often except for her looks. When Utonium praises her or thanked her for what she did, she sometimes will turn beet red when caught off-guard because she rarely gets recognized for other things she did and even more so when someone is interested in her hobby. She blushes when Utonium told her how nice and well-taken her plant collections are and asked if she ever named her plants. She also gets red when he praises her cooking when they had dinner date at her house. Basically, just say she does something good and she will turn red lol.
🛏️ - Give us a sleep-related headcanon!
For no reason at all, Utonium has the ability to fall asleep in just a minute. When he says goodnight, he really means it. Chloe will hear him snores a minute later. She's pretty jealous of him being able to do that lol.
Utonium snores really loud when he sleeps, he goes from mi mi mi mi mi to AAAACCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK back to back, but it doesnt bother Chloe at all because she finds it to be cute and she has tinnitus so it drowns down the ringing in her ears.
Also, Chloe is definitely the big spoon, she hold Utonium on her chest when they sleep. No I do not take criticism.
🌻 - How does your f/o cheer you up?
Im putting for both character hhhh pardon me
Utonium is actually quite sensitive, maybe because of his age but he's much more easier to cheer up. Give him a back rub or squeeze his shoulders while listen to him rant about the issue he deals with that day will make him happy.
If Chloe is the reason he's upset, she cooks his favourite meal and brings it to his office. His heart would immediately melt knowing that even though they're having a fight, she still wants him to eat something so he doesnt fall ill or something 🥺🥺🥺
Overall just treat him extra that day and he'll be a happier man by the end of the day.
As for Chloe, she doesn't get upset that easily but when she's stressed, she really appreciates it when Utonium just hold her in silence and caress her back slowly while she sobbed her heart out on his chest. She usually feels slightly embarassed after she calmed down but she's extremely grateful when Utonium assured her its alright and told her they could have takeouts for dinner or if she doesnt feel like eating, he could fix her a warm bath for the night.
If Chloe and Utonium happens to be arguing, Utonium knows not to talk to her and let her brood in their room until she calms down (while also stays in his office and tries to calm down too since I know he gets agitated when he fights too lol but he knows his limit and knows when to back down when needed) and then he would finally knock on their door and asked if they could talk and usually it ends with her crying again but this time she has Utonium to hold on ;w;
I like to think that in her previous relationship, she never has the chance to actually sit down and talk after an argument and would just fight and fight until either she breaks down or leave until things settles down and she left the issue unresolved in the back burner until it gets bring up again sooner.
It's such a breathe of fresh air for her to be in a relationship where both party can sit down, listen and talk like adults to solve an issue and when Utonium gave her the chance to do so, she couldn't help but feel very appreciated by him and I think that's one of a few things she really likes about him :')
Omg I'm sorry I went off the track I know its about cheering up a person but i just want to add on what will they do if they argue aaaaaa thank you fot the ask 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕
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