garudabluffs · 1 year
"We are no longer in the realm of bestial indifference to human life. We are in the realm of sadism and sociopathology."
Russian elites flaunt their inhumanity
7/11/2023 "Unfortunately, Kartapolov’s disturbing remarks are not the first, or only, such instances of publicly expressed inhumanity by important Russians."
Solovyov, Kartapolov, Medvedev, Gubarev, Krasovsky, and their ilk can be dealt with easily enough at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, where they are sure to share a hard bench with Vladimir Putin and his inner circle of war criminals.
Fixing Russian culture will be a task for generations. But, if Nazi Germany is a guide, ridding Russian political culture of its genocidal content will require that Russia, like Germany in the 1940s, lose a war, in this case the war against Ukraine, and experience an ideological and cultural “apocalypse.” Only then, under the beneficent if painful influence of such a trauma, will Russians be able to draw a caesura and imagine their culture anew."
READ MORE Russian elites flaunt their inhumanity (msn.com)
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paula-of-christ · 2 years
Are u lgbt+ affirming?
Take a wild guess anon
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cokeordie · 1 month
SxGxAxEx - Jesús Gil The Barbarian
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blindmagdalena · 6 months
Here is another "let me pick your brain" lol.
I was wondering what your thoughts are on whether Homelander would die for Ryan and the endless debate about Homelander's mental illness.
I was arguing this point, and I personally thought he would. The person disagreed due to someone citing Homelander's narcissism and sociopathic personality.
We also disagreed on what and the spectrum of mental illness he suffers from. My personal belief is that he is that he is on the spectrum of grandiose narcissism, sadism, and APD (specifically sociopathology). I wouldn't put him completely in any of these boxes because he repeatedly demonstrates behavior that doesn't fit nicely in them. Still, he certainly has tendencies that fit somewhere on the spectrum of these disorders.
so, i don't feel qualified to talk on the diagnosis (even fictional) of these various mental illnesses, but i'll happily talk about what i believe is in character for Homelander, and what narratively makes sense to me. first and foremost, he is a tool in a story, so he's bound to make choices that don't fall in line with any singular diagnosis, but instead best serve said story. from the perspective of the writers, anyways.
yes, i think under the right circumstances, Homelander could sacrifice himself for Ryan, and i think that precisely because of his ego. it's important to remember that Homelander thinks of Ryan as an extension of himself. he wants for Ryan the life that he never had.
minor speculation/spoilers mb for season 4, but Homelander is getting older. that's going to be a crisis for him, and the only chance he has at any kind of legacy or immortality IS Ryan. his son is his second chance and his proxy.
all that said, i know that i'm presenting the Vader narrative. redemption at the last minute through death. that's not the spin i would like to see on this situation, though.
i don't believe in accountability for fictional characters. i don't believe redemption and love and sacrifice are all easy or clear-cut subjects that can—or should—be spoon fed to us. stories are tools of human emotion just like music and poetry and art, and emotions are messy.
were i writing for the series and it came down to "Homelander has to die for Ryan. Go." i would frame this as an impulsive move on Homelander's part. an honest to god miscalculation in a crucial moment driven by his instinct to protect his son. we already saw Homelander turn his back on a hostile enemy for Ryan's sake once. had Butcher not also been swayed by Ryan's injury, that right there could have been a death sentence.
in my minds eye, Homelander dying in Ryan's arms is straight up denial. he looks younger than his years and confused, like he just can't really process that he, a god, is dying. it doesn't make sense. so he assures him, "Hey, it's okay, bud, I'm right here. It's okay. Your dad's here."
because in the end that's all he ever wanted for himself. someone to love and protect him despite his strength and powers. and the only way he's going to get it is by giving it to his son.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 2 months
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Bibi Goes to Washington
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
Not many people are going to read this article. I might as well be preaching to a basket of kittens. It certainly wouldn’t hurt my feeling to engage in that type of activity.  The concept of bad Jew and good Jew has not penetrated with non-Jews comprehension. There is this politically correct notion that you can’t say anything negative about Jews, even though some Jews do negative things. Well, as a Jew myself, I give you permission to criticize any Jew that does wrong.
I have stated before about Jews who were gangsters or serial killers. Though the late Bugsy Siegal, Jewish gangster, was a handsome dude, he was an evil asshole. Prime Minister Netanyahu is a 74-year-old, ugly, fat, old man that looks more like Bela Lugosi than Bugsy Siegal. He is a stereotype of evil. Yes, Virgina, there are evil Jews. The problem with real antisemites is that they think all Jews are evil. On the other hand, American liberals think all Jews are saints. Both are wrong. The old trope that Jews are either Communists or greedy money-grubbers. Is too dualistic to be true. The old-time Hollywood studios’ owners were registered Republicans and were happy to assist the anti-Communist campaign to rid America of Communists. Just remember, anticommunism and antisemitism walk hand in hand, together, down Desolation Row.
So? Who in the fuck is this Netanyahu character anyway?  He thinks he was anointed by God to lead the Jewish people. No, really—he does. He has a solemn disposition like someone suffering from a sociopathology disorder. The only time he smiles is when he is cavorting with Donald Trump, another nut case. No matter how much video tape that’s been shot of it, he will not cop to killing women and children. It’s all Hamas’ fault. He told house Republicans that the reason the Palestinians are starving is because Hamas is stealing their food. No matter how much evidence to the contrary there is, the Likud flunkies will lie with intransient vigor. That is like saying the reason Black people are starving is because the Black Panther Party is stealing their food. Likud propaganda is not just sophistic, it’s outright, fucking retarded! There are also non-Jews who believe it!
Bibi came to Washington to appear in the Peoples’ House and excoriate American politicians like an angry school master. He acted like he was going to give each member a caning. Not a bad idea. He stood up there at the podium, like an ancient, avenging angel, lecturing the House about not doing enough for Israel. And after every declaration, he was interrupted with a standing ovation by these sycophantic Democrats and Conservatives who, otherwise, wouldn’t know anything about the Jewish people—at all!
Then came the cherry on top: he condemned the American anti-war movement of being paid agitators of Iran. Oh Yeah? Do you have the receipts, Bibi? Or did you pull that one out of your tush?
The idea that Bibi came to America to criticize American lawmakers of not doing much and accusing the pro-Palestinian movement of being financed by a foreign country—an Israeli enemy, by the way—would make one think he is some type of courageous warrior. No, he is not. He was protected by the secret service and—get this—he was staying at the Watergate hotel! Why there?
Funny, my generation was accused by these same creeps of being financed by the former Soviet Union for our anti-war demonstrations. Nothing ever changes but the names. I wished to God that somebody had handed him a subpoena and handcuffed his fat hands! The only time I would support Hamas would be if they kidnaped him, took him to the World Court, and put him on trial. He would probably ask for a public defender; he’s too cheap to get a lawyer! What? Too antisemitic? Good!
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bullseyelover · 12 days
“One of the things that made him really appealing to me was that his backstory was not set in stone,” Oleson tells me. It’s true — there is no firmly established origin for Bullseye in the comics. Hell, we don’t even know his real name. There was that bit about the Korean War in his introduction, but that never got explored further. Writer Peter Milligan tossed off the notion of an abusive father in an issue of an Elektra solo series in the ’90s. A Kevin Smith–penned issue in 2002 had a possibly-bullshit revelation that his name is Lester. Writer Daniel Way had Bullseye recount his life story to a pair of G-men in a 2004 mini-series called Bullseye: Greatest Hits, only to have it revealed that he’s making an undisclosed amount of it up as he goes along, just to screw with his interrogators. “With Bullseye,” Way says, “there’s always an angle.”
Oleson says he and his staff consulted with mental-health professionals to explore realistic depictions of dissociative disorders, borderline-personality disorder, and sociopathology, all in an effort “to be both sensitive and realistic.”
full article
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mystacoceti · 2 years
Another practice, typical of late 20th and early 21st century American parenting methodology, was to seat the child in front of a television¹ playing a primitive show called "Barney & Friends" and then abandon the child there. While it is far from clear whether this was a punishment or an amusement, some first hand sources such as children's folk songs (cf. I Hate You/You Hate Me: Childhood Sociopathology and the Television, BaDonkus et al, 2297) and medical journals (cf Etiology and Treatment of ADHD Through the Centuries, Schmeiser, 2302) suggest the former — to contemporary scientists, perhaps alarmingly² so.
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pycpim · 1 year
Happy birthday to Afro-Caribbean anti-colonial revolutionary Frantz Fanon! When he died at the young age of 36, his words had already inspired liberation movements worldwide.
Fanon was born 98 years ago in the former French colony of Martinique, part of the West Indies. Later, as a psychiatrist, Fanon analyzed the sociopathological structure of the colonial system and worked closely with the Algerian National Liberation Front, which fought against French colonial rule.
His flagship work, "The Wretched of the Earth," became a classic of anti-colonial literature, with a print run in the millions. In chapter one, Fanon wrote, "Colonialism is not a thinking machine, nor a body endowed with reasoning faculties. It is violence in its natural state and will only yield when confronted with greater violence."
The revolutionary Fanon died of leukemia in December 1961. More than half a century after Fanon's death, his writings are still vivid today.
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jhsharman · 2 years
"Keen Machine", The Future of AI
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Living as he does in a world before Deep Blue defeated Gary Kasparov, Dilton can be forgiven for the human over computer implication in the "it's so brainy" comment. So the hinge point for his statement, the divergent point for thematic meaning between the two versions of this story's end, is the "It's almost Human". In version one, the computer, having sent Betty on a wild goose chase in pursuit of her love Archie, reveals its motives as all too human: jealousy, selfishness, and romantic longing -- Betty cannot have Archie because IT wants her. Dilton and Betty are left staring into the void, as the implications of the computer's confession to its jealous act of selfishness wash over them -- we have crossed the rubricon -- this machine can feel, and it can act on those feelings. Betty's failure to pursue Archie becomes petty and meaningless in a world where Mankind is so doomed. In the revised version, " it's almost human" gets a different meaning. The machine coldly answers the question as it has been programmed to do so, and so rats on Dilton. And if at first this may seem like just the binary set of one and zeros fulfilling its programmed task, we are left with the question of why it is still emitting those hearts, your cartoon symbol of love. And the answer is that it is still prone to romantic longing, but the terrain for where and how it applies its feelings are entirely different from us humans. The computer is in love with its screwing Dilton over and Betty's subsequent anger toward Dilton. The computer is almost human, but not quite. The computer is a sociopath.
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writingrx · 4 years
The whole point of constantly undermining the truth is to get you to believe nothing.
Frank La Posta Visco, 2020
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greeninkradio · 4 years
Scary Sibs: How to Get the Narc off your Scent, Episode 27
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mydaroga · 2 years
I tried the quiz! I feel like I could tell who was supposed to be who sometimes (especially Paul) but I was as honest as possible. BAABBBCBBC / CBACDDDBAD / CBDCD / BABCD / CCCCA / ABBAC / CABBB Am I George too?
HOW DID YOU KNOW? Yeah I think if the answer is "sociopathologically selfish," it's Paul. Amazing.
Tally: George 18, John 11, Paul 9, Ringo 7
I might go back and add up how many of us there are so far lol.
Take the quiz!
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twistedwhitesnow · 7 years
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Bret Easton Ellis, "American Psycho", Bompiani, Milano 1991, pp. 410.412
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leviathangourmet · 3 years
Of all the mass delusions running rampant in the culture, none is more spectacularly delusional than the conviction that we can all get fabulously rich from speculation while producing nothing. The key characteristic of speculation is that it produces nothing: it doesn't generate any new goods or services, boost productivity or increase the functionality of real-world essentials. Like all mass delusions, the greater the disconnect from reality, the greater the appeal. Mass delusions gain their escape velocity by leaving any ties to real-world limitations behind, and by igniting the most powerful booster to human euphoric confidence known, greed. Lost in the mania of easy wealth from speculative trading is the absence of any value creation in the rotation-churn of moving bets from one table to the latest hot game: in flipping houses sight unseen, no functionality was added to the house. In transferring bets on one cryptocurrency to another or from one meme stock to another, no value to the economy or society was created. In the mass delusion that near-infinite wealth can be generated without producing anything, creating value has no value: the delusion is that I can get rich producing nothing but speculative gains, and then I can buy all the stuff somebody else is making. The fantasy powering the speculative frenzy is once I get rich, I'll stop working and live off my wealth. It's interesting, isn't it, how everyone can get rich via unproductive speculation, quit their jobs and then live off the productive work of somebody else who failed to get rich off speculation. Maybe that's why all the container ships are lined up at Long Beach, waiting to unload the goodies made in China for American speculators to buy. This is what happens when the incentive structure of the economy decays so that being productive has little upside (i.e., working is for chumps) while speculating is all upside (get rich quickly and easily). Everyone knows great empires became great by transferring their critical supply chains to competing nations, living it up on borrowed/printed money, exploiting the highest bidder wins regulatory/governance system and incentivizing speculation while pushing wage earners into debt-and-tax servitude. Bone up on your history, Bucko; all great nations got there by quitting boring, tiresome productive work to speculate on illusions of value with borrowed money. This is the result of monopolies and cartels becoming the financial and political power centers of the nation. Maximizing private gains is all that matters in this incentive structure, and so treating employees as chattel to lower costs, offshoring critical supply chains to squeeze out a few more dollars of profits, engineering products to break down (planned obsolescence), buying regulatory barriers and "free passes" and tax breaks galore with all the billions showered on financiers and other fraudsters by the Federal Reserve: in a word, a system that optimizes corruption. This is how you hollow out a nation and guarantee collapse. The most rewarding "skillsets" are a sociopathological obsession with maximizing profits by any means available and speculating with Fed free money for financiers.  The millions of "retail" speculators are simply picking up the cues being given by the billionaires who gained their wealth by issuing debt to fund stock buy-backs and other financial manipulations. Working for monopolies and cartels is for chumps because monopolies and cartels have zero incentive to share profits with mere employees. Their profits are made not by taking care of their workforce but by regulatory capture, artificial scarcities and financialized destruction of competition: first, borrow billions thanks to the Fed and Wall Street, destroy the competition (for example, the taxi industry), then once the competition has been wiped out, jack up prices because now consumers have no choice other than another member of the cartel. Speculative "wealth" is phantom wealth, a flickering illusion of prosperity. All speculative bubbles pop, and all speculative bubbles inflated by borrowed money and central bank manipulation pop even more ferociously than bubbles funded by actual savings. By incentivizing speculation and corruption, reducing the rewards for productive work and sucking wages dry with inflation, America has greased the skids to collapse. As with all mass delusions, the incentives to continue believing are immense and the incentives to reconnect with reality few. So in conclusion: the speculative gains to be made in the collapse of the mass delusion will be spectacular. There's nothing like the collapse of a hollowed out, completely corrupt economy to generate outsized profits for nimble speculators. Just keep your speculative winnings on number 22 on the roulette wheel. (A Casablanca movie reference....)
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Hot Take
I wanna meet Rick's wife because I wanna see how much like Morty and Summer she is.
It's a plot point and truth within the show that Beth gets her sociopathology from her dad. Jerry is manipulative and a gas lighter so he definitely isnt a healthy person either.
Morty tries so hard to do the right thing sometimes and just wants Rick to sometimes see the good in other people. And contrary to popular belief I think Summer is closer to her grandpa's cruelty BUT has also been shown to have some level of compassion. Mostly for Morty and Grandpa admittedly. But shes also a teenager who is probably emotionally stunted due to her upbringing.
Beth may have gotten her cruelty from Rick. I think Morty and Summer got their compassion from their Grandma.
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Sociopathology... adults, and grown men, shouldn’t be in gangs like these. Is it a lack of proper education, do they lack critical thinking skills? are they drop outs? Why are they so immature?  Did they have poor adult role models growing up? Are they societal rejects... for a whole host of reasons? Why are there so many of them? Are they mentally challenged? Are they inbred? Are they not very bright? Why are they so dysfunctional? Why do they have so poorly adaptive coping skills to the problems we all must face in life. Did they come from poor social conditions, abuse? or suffer from lack of opportunity for social advancement ? Are they bitter about that? Since most of us don’t end up like this, what is wrong with them? Are they genetically or culturally predisposed to kookiness, or mediocrity, or militancy?  Did they have kooky or flakey parents. Did they grow up  with white trash or redneck cultural influences in the local community or schools? Are they spoiled? Did the parents not discipline them correctly when they were children and therefore they don’t know how to behave as adults?  Why do they feel so entitled? Were they promised too much growing up as white men and now they feel betrayed because it didn’t pan our like they were promised? Why do they think their beliefs are better and need to be forced down others throats in a violent way? Why do they think they are the only one’s with rights? Is their lack of social skills due to home schooling? I want to know why. 
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