#soil chemistry
ourwitching · 4 months
With summer on its way in the Northern Hemisphere, the latest edition of Periodic Graphics in Chemic...
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tenth-sentence · 10 months
Phosphates in fertilisers added to soil can also contain cadmium – and this is the actual culprit.
"Soil: The incredible story of what keeps the earth, and us, healthy" - Matthew Evans
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handweavers · 3 months
trying to learn more about soil and clay for earth pigments purposes (ie using earth pigments for making paint for both fabric printing and watercolours) which i've studied before and have taught classes on working with purchased earth pigments for the above purposes, but i'm trying to understand more about exactly how these pigments form in the soil and thus how to most easily find them outside myself. and the easiest solution i've found is to read my dad's earth science textbook on 'the nature and properties of soils' from 1996 like, for fun essentially, front to back, and try to absorb as much as i can from it
like when i describe myself as a textile artist and talk about making paint and dyes and weaving people think it's exciting, which it can be, but people keep asking me where i get my knowledge from and i can't emphasize enough how much of my life is spent sitting in my house reading 20+ year old university textbooks on soil and ethnobiology papers titled like 'utilizing non-timber forest products in traditional culture: iban dyes of sarawak' while being a high school dropout lol
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hellsite-proteins · 1 month
Can you do the lyrics to "Soil" by Cosmo Sheldrake, I think it'd be fitting
sure thing! i always find his music calming, but for some reason i doubt that the protein form will have the same effect
letter sequence in this ask matching protein-coding amino acids:
protein guy analysis:
i'm not mad so much as i'm confused. this is a weird looking one. disordered loops going all over the place aren't new, and there is a lot of that here. the more unusual part is the long and very curved alpha helix. there is a glycine right around where the bend is, but i still feel like that doesn't fully explain it. interestingly enough, this helix is actually the part of the structure that AlphaFold trusts most. i've simply decided to let this unnatural mess exist and not question too much of why it's like this.
predicted protein structure:
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cartoon coloured by pLDDT
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close up of side chains on bent helix
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starbuck · 8 months
chemistry is a fucking nightmare… every week is me screaming and crying and kicking and frothing and flailing through the problem set, and then i get an A.
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technoregression · 1 month
ngl kinda pissed off with the way the world works like you spend your first 10 20 years just learning learning learning:
when you draw, by hand, a graph and it has an asymptote, you must not in any way indicate that the line diverges or moves away from the asymptote. the formula for calculating temperature loss in an environment!! that was my favourite :<
nutrient agar would be described as a control, a negative control to be precise because in this instance, no growth is expected. a "lawn" of bacteria in a Petri dish is when all individual colonies in an agar plate merge to form a field, or mat, of bacteria
Gel electrophoresis of DNA. endonucleases (restriction enzymes) hydrolyse (cut) the phosphodiester bonds at specific DNA base pair sequences. In the bacteria, the restriction enzymes cut DNA as a protective mechanism against invading foreign DNA. smaller fragments can move faster through the agarose matrix from the cathode to the anode, even though the larger fragments (i.e., 23kb) are more electronegative.
if animals are stressed before slaughter, you may end up with either PSE (pale, soft, exudative - severe short term stress) or DFD (dry, firm, dark - longer term stress). This is because they either suffer a rapid breakdown of muscle glycogen (PSE), or their muscle glycogen is used up during handling, transport, before and after slaughter (DFD).
the literary devices employed by the author work in tandem to elicit an emotional response from the reader by appealing to their sense of humanity, as well as an imagined psychological trauma.
data can be stored on a hard drive next to each other in physical space and we call this contiguous. It's useful for certain data structures, sometimes necessary. But you may not have enough free memory to access or execute programs if it needs to be contiguous. This is where something like a linked list data structure can come in handy.
Metamorphic rocks are are those that have been altered by external forces, such as (and typically) pressure and temperature. Eluviation is the process of clay leaving the A1/A2 horizons and heading toward the B horizon. Illuviation is clay accumulating into the B horizon. Leaching is just the movement of other things like phosphate, nitrates, etc, downward toward bedrock. The triangular soil texture (clay/silt/sand) diagram!
K(S) + H2O(I) → H2(g) + KOH (no idea what this even meant tbh)
I used to know all of that, and more, all at once. But now here I am filling out forms for people and scanning their documents and liaising with insurance, medical, financial, and other companies on their behalf.
"Why am I learning trig? When will we ever need this?" truth is little Timmy, you (on average) won't get to use it, you (on average) won't experience the joy of using these magnificent tools we get to learn at a young age, you (on average) will be robbed of every opportunity to experience this magic.
So. Enjoy it...
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littleplantfreak · 3 months
I talk alot about which characters I wanna kiss and do extremely salacious things to but Suo would be my best friend no gaddam lie we'd have matching best bitches necklaces that make a full heart if you put them together.
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kaesaaurelia · 6 months
Holy shit, did not expect THIS to be the job where my undergrad degree might finally become relevant.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 11 months
The pH can also affect the availability of substances that plants need for growth (figure 11.8).
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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cafffine · 2 years
I still need hours more of study time but some things are starting to make sense the manmade horrors are become somewhat comprehensible
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grenade-maid · 2 years
Also pretty sure the actual dosage in any given pill of my Adderall recently fluctuates like crazy maybe due to the manufacturing/supply shortage because some days it feels totally normal but other days it's like there was hardly anything in there
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ourwitching · 4 months
With summer on its way in the Northern Hemisphere, the latest edition of Periodic Graphics in Chemic...
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
The resultant salts, however, ought to be carbonate of soda and muriate of lime; the latter is present, but not the carbonate of soda.
"Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World, 1832-36" - Charles Darwin
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Sherlock Holmes would love pXRF
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fishsticksart · 1 year
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Henry Alexander, In the Laboratory, circa 1885-87, oil on canvas
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can-we-die-now · 2 years
daddy longlegs :
the first person who came up with the idea of inorganic chemistry must've known how to make meth
consumed it
and then come up with inorganic chem
like BRO WTF
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