#sokka sleep talks eats sings and walks i’ve decided
picnicbitchsokka · 2 years
can we talk about how wild sokka sleeps.
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maybe-a-fangurl · 3 years
The Moon and the Sun (Zuko x Reader) Part 11
Part 1 Part 10
You were sitting out by the water, feeling the waves come up and softly flow over your feet before retreating back to the sea. It was the push and pull that you were longing for, but this was as close as you would be able to get to feelings it. Once you had reached Chameleon Bay you had automatically come out to the water, it was a habit you had picked up on when you were traveling through the earth kingdom. You would go and sit out by the water after you landed, either to heal yourself or to just feel the water moving. But as you reached the edge of the shore you realized you couldn’t feel the water flowing like you usually could, and that thought was enough to send you to your knees.
Once your knees hit the ground you fell forward, quickly catching yourself with your hands as you looked down at the sand. You felt as if your whole world was caving in, you felt utterly alone and helpless, abandoned. You closed your eyes, not willing any tears to escape as you slowly pushed yourself up so that you were now sitting with your legs crossed. And when you opened your eyes you just sat there, envying the ocean as the waves came on short to barely touch your feet before being pulled back.
Everyone understood that you had lost a lot during that one night, they didn’t know how much you truly had lost but they didn’t want to ask you. They were scared to ask what happened after they lost you in the tunnels, and they were even more scared to ask how you got the new scar on your face. So instead of asking they watched you sit on the shore, bringing you food and trying to start a conversation but after they realized you didn’t want to talk yet, they stopped asking. They were just content that you were still eating and were somewhat taken care of.
But after four days of you sitting out by the water, not leaving other than to go to sleep, Sokka decided it was time to talk to you. You hadn’t talked to anyone since that night, your last words being to Sokka before you started to sob and couldn’t get anything out. He had just pulled you into his chest, silently hoping that you would be okay and stop crying, but he didn’t realize when the tears stopped the you would also stop talking.
Sokka didn’t say anything as he walked to the shore and slowly sat down beside you, glancing to see that your eyes weren’t red and puffy anymore but instead looked lifeless, and he didn’t know which one was worse. In the past few days they just sat your food beside you before walking away, so when he sat down you knew that he wanted to talk.
“You’re being uncharacteristically quiet.” You said after a few moments of silence, and your voice was so quiet that Sokka questioned whether or not he had heard you.  
“I just didn’t want to talk if you weren’t ready to.” He said in a soft and caring tone, it was the same tone that he used when he confronted you about sneaking out in Ba Sing Se, the same tone that he used when comforting Katara, Aang, or Toph. He looked over at you, hesitating for a moment before he decided that he couldn’t wait any longer to know. “What happened once we were separated?”
“Once we were separated I ended up being found, I thought I was going to be able to get away, but I hit my head and when I woke up Azula was there and had already taken over the Dai Lee. I tried to get out a few times, but it never worked. The day Aang came they were taking me to the Fire Nation and I was able to get away from the Dai Lee agents who were escorting me and then I met up with Katara and Aang.” You paused for a moment as you looked down at your hands, which were now covered in scars that resembled lightening. They were small, barely noticeable, but they were all you could see when you looked down at your hands, and you knew that they stretched up your arms and to your back. “Why were they in the Catacombs that day?”
“Iroh came to us for help on finding Zuko, Azula had captured him and he knew that Katara would be wherever he was.” Sokka said and you couldn’t help but feel a sting in your chest when you realized they were there looking for Katara, not for you. Sokka seen the hurt that crossed your face, and he knew what you thought so he was quick to correct himself. “Y/N we did look for you, but we thought that maybe you hadn’t got out and they destroyed the Dai Lee tunnels so we thought that you were dead. But when Iroh came to us he said that Azula mentioned you to them, it was why she got the best of Zuko.”
“Azula has always used him and I against each other, she knows we make each other weak. That’s why she tried to kill me, she knew he would be stronger without me, no weaknesses and no reason to question which side of the war he belonged on. I know you just see her as a lunatic with fire and lightening but she is smart, smart enough to know that I always thought the best of her. I always knew she would hurt me, I have a scar across my back to prove that, but I never thought she would have it in her to kill me.” You said the words slowly, turning away from Sokka as you thought about the next words that were going to leave your mouth. “But that’s the worst part about it is that she didn’t kill me, at least if she killed me I wouldn’t have to live knowing that she tried to, and that he didn’t do anything about it.”
“Y/n you’re scaring me, you sound like you wish you would have died.” He said as he looked over at you in shock, practically praying that your next words would reassure him that you were going to be okay. Realistically he knew that you weren’t okay, that it would take a while for you to be okay again, but he wanted to know that you knew things would get better.
He just sat there looking at you, waiting on you to say something. But when he seen the tear run down your face he knew he wasn’t getting an answer, because you couldn’t give him one that wouldn’t scare him even more. So instead he just moved closer to you and pulled you into a hug, careful not to hurt you and giving you time to pull away if you didn’t want to be that close to anyone right now. But almost as soon as his arms went around you, you buried your face in his chest as you let out a broken sob.
You cried for a while, him just silently rubbing your back to comfort you. He was scared to say anything in the moment, scared he would make things worse, and even after you stopped crying he stayed silent. You had pulled away from him, now sitting beside him and once again looking out at the water.
“I know you feel like you’ve lost everything, but you haven’t. You still have us. Me, Katara, Toph, and Aang.” Sokka said after a while of silence. And as he looked over at you he felt the same protectiveness he felt when he seen Katara upset. “We’re your family, and we aren’t going to leave you, not like they did.”
“Sokka you have to calm down.” You said in a calm tone as you put your hand on his shoulder, trying to stop him from digging at the rocks that had just collapsed.
“You want me to calm down?!” He yelled as he turned around and looked at you, throwing his hands in the air. “How can you even ask me to be calm in a time like this?” “It’s okay, we’ll find them, and we’ll get out of here.” You said with confidence, but truth was you were terrified. You had traveled with Zuko and had been in a few situations that you didn’t know what to do, but at least you knew where you stood with Zuko, you still had no idea where you stood with Sokka. And that was an important thing to know when you were trapped in a cave with no way out.
Aang trusted you because you helped him escape from Zuko and Katara trusted you because of everything that happened at the North. But you still weren’t sure about Sokka, the two of you had had a few conversations but it wasn’t near the level of openness your conversations with Katara had been.
“I can’t listen to anymore music.” He said in a hushed voice to you, and it took everything in you not to roll your eyes at him. You couldn’t help but think of how the comment was something Zuko would have said, except he would have said it loudly for them to hear while Sokka tried to at least spare their feelings.
“It’s not too bad.” You said back to him with a shrug, he stopped and looked at you for a moment in disbelief.
“You were a ‘bad guy’ you shouldn’t be this optimistic.” He said, using air quotes when he called you the bad guy, as if to not offend you.
“A wise man once said that the way you approach a situation has a greater impact on the outcome than how you deal with the situation.” You said, a smile coming to your face as you thought about the number of times you had heard Iroh say those exact words to Zuko. “So, I like to try to have an optimistic approach to things.”
“You really think we can get out of here?” He asked, and when you nodded he let out a small sigh. “Okay, then I guess we should get moving.”
You gave him a smile as you started to walk behind him, trying not to crowd him as he looked over the map. It wasn’t long before you heard music and it once again took everything in you not to roll your eyes at Sokka when you seen the annoyance on his face from the situation. You knew it wasn’t the most ideal, situation but you honestly didn’t think that it could truly be that bad until you once again came to a dead end.
“Oh great, your plans have led us to another dead-end.” Moku said as he gestured to the wall of the cave that now sat in front of you.
“At least I’m thinking of ideas and trying to get us out of here Moku.” Sokka said as he turned around and glared at him and everyone else except you.
“Wait a minute?” You heard Chong say, causing everyone to look over at him. “We’re thinking of ideas? Because I’ve had an idea for about an hour now.”
“Yes! We’re all thinking of ideas.” Sokka said in a loud, and openly annoyed tone, as he moved his arms around the air.
“What’s your idea?” You asked, causing Sokka’s mouth to drop as he looked over at you in disbelief. You just gave him a shrug as you crossed your arms and looked back over at Chong.
“Well listen to this, if love is the key out of here, then all we need to do is play a love song.” Chong said, and you immediately looked over at Sokka to see him hit his forehead with the palm of his hand, hard enough for you to hear the contact. Chong started to play a song and as he started to walk, everyone followed him.
“I give up.” Sokka said as he shrugged and walked in the direction they were heading, you stood there in disbelief for a moment before jogging to catch up with him.  
“So, do you believe love is really the key to getting out of here?” Sokka asked after a while of walking, and you looked over to see that he was already looking at you.
“I don’t even know if I believe in love.” You said as you let out a sigh and looked down at your hands.  
“Well since your boyfriend is an angry boy with a pony tail, I don’t blame you.” Sokka said in a joking tone, and you just shook your head as you kept your eyes on your hands.
“He isn’t my boyfriend, never was.” You said and when Sokka let out a scoff you looked away from your hands and to him to see disbelief clear on his face. “It’s complicated.”
“Well it must be complicated for you to have feelings for someone like him.” He said, and you just let out a sigh as you crossed your arms tightly over your chest.
“He wasn’t always like that, he used to different. But life was never kind to him, so I guess he just decided that he wouldn’t be kind either.” Once the words left your mouth and you seen the look on Sokka’s face you knew he was about to argue with you, so you were quick to cut him off. “I know you think he is a horrible person and I know you probably think I am a horrible person too for staying on his side for so long. But he was all I had and now that I’ve chose this side to fight on, I don’t have anyone.” “That isn’t true.” He said, and you felt yourself tearing up as you seen the comforting look on his face. “You have us now. Me, Katara, and Aang are your family now.”
You remembered the hopefulness you felt when he told you that you were family in the Cave of the two lovers, but you didn’t realize how truthful the statement was until now. He was right, they were your family and they weren’t going to leave you. So instead of continuing to mourn over everything you had lost, you decided it was time to cherish everything you still had.
“Can we go see everyone else?” You asked as you looked away from the water and over to Sokka, watching as a smile came to his face.
“Yeah, we can.” He said as he stood up from the sand, brushing it off of his legs before helping you up. As you stood up you could see two figures standing by the edge of the makeshift base, and you instantly recognized them.
“It’s about time.” Toph said as you and Sokka reached her.
“Toph be nice.” Katara said in her signature mom tone, which caused a smile to come to your face as you pulled the two of them into a hug, Sokka joining in. You all stood there hugging one another until Toph started to complain about how Sokka was pulling her hair, and when you all pulled away you couldn’t help but smile at them, at your family.
@tpwkatsumu @caswinchester2000 @frickin-bats @winchestergirl907 @eridanuswave @the-firebender-girl @myarthetics @royahllty @izzieserra @akariblue  @coldlilheart @thirstyforsometea @cirtruss @lammello @bigbuckyenergy @aangsupremacy @lozzybowe @duh-dobrik @emogril @justab-eautifulmess @whalerus @im-me-and-noone-else @nataliahaslosthershit @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @slytherky @shemakesfanvids @sokkas-honour @nomin-rights  @miraculous23456
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stupouid · 4 years
Unity (ATLA boys x reader) Chapter 2
Chapter 1| Chapter 2
A/N: this one has lots of cute sokka moments for Y/N!!!!! you go girl!!
I kind of edited this so yeah<3
Warning: like 3 curse words
Word count: over 3k words lelele
ask any questions in my askbox!
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Chapter 2
The Swamp Meeting Sokka and Katara, formally, was… interesting, for Y/N. When Katara saw Aang walking towards the two siblings with Y/N, her first instinct was to freeze her, not even acknowledging the way Aang wasn’t even troubled by Y/N’s presence.
“Katara!” Aang shouted, as he unfreezed the ice that entrapped Y/N. “This is Y/N. She’s King Bumi’s granddaughter, and more importantly, she’s a friend. She defied Princess Azula, Zuko’s sister, to save me. If it wasn’t for her King Bumi and I would probably be fried.”
“I don’t believe you.” Sokka stated. “If you were really King Bumi’s granddaughter, we would have met you weeks ago, the last time we were here.”
“It’s a long story, but I can assure you I’m no threat. I’m not a fire bender or an earth bender, I’m already considered a traitor to the fire nation, and I left my sword and my throwing knives back home. The only way I could possibly hurt you is by chi-blocking, and I’m not even as good as Ty Lee!”
“Hold on. Why’d you say earth or fire bender? And why do we have matching necklaces?” Sokka questioned.
“She’ll tell us while we’re on Appa. Now come on, I have an earthbending teacher to find. Y/N, you wouldn’t happen to know any great earthbending teachers, right?”
“No, I don’t, but I’m tired. And your sky bison is so cute!”
Y/N told Sokka, Katara, and Aang the whole story. How her mother was the princess of Omashu and how she traveled the whole world and had many suitors from different nations (Y/N's mother had multiple water tribe suitors and her favorite had given her a necklace similar to Sokka’s, hence as to why they match), how Y/N's mother had Y/N with a fire nation noblemen which led to Y/M/N being disowned by her family, how Y/N grew up in the fire nation and how Y/N moved to Omashu after her mother’s death, and how Y/N was too scared to set foot anywhere near the royal palace. 
It was a lot for the watertribe siblings to take in, but they sympathized with her as they both lost a mother as well. Ultimately, they decided she wasn’t a threat to them and would help them out when navigating the fire nation and Ba Sing Se, as the girl traveled to many places due to her father and mother’s high status.Katara may have trusted Y/N right away, but Sokka was still suspicious of the girl, and most likely jealous too. 
Sokka certainly didn’t appreciate the fact that Y/N was a better warrior than him even though he was older than her, and he was jealous because of the way she had with a sword. 
Days passed and the four teens were flying over a large forested area, covered with a blanket of fog. Aang was in some sort of trance and Y/N was eyeing the swamp suspiciously, while Sokka sharpened his machete and Katara studied some scroll.
“Hey, you taking us down for a reason?” Sokka questioned. There was no reply from Aang, and Y/N didn’t bother to answer Sokka. The swamp was too… ominous. 
“Aang, why are we going down?”Aang must have snapped out of his trance because he then said, “What? I didn’t even notice.”
“Are you noticing now?” The watertribe boy retorted. Noticing Sokka’s harsh attitude, Katara moved up to the front of the saddle, and said, “Is something wrong?”
“This is going to sound really weird,” Aang started, “but I think the swamp is calling to me.”
Y/N interjected with, “I feel it too. I can hear some sort of… ringing, I guess. It’s weird and I don’t like it.”
Sokka ignored what Y/N said and targeted his next question to Aang. “Well, is it telling you where we can get something to eat? I’m starving!” At this, Y/N rolled her eyes. In the short time that she knew Sokka, she had pinned down three of his personality traits to be talking about food, girls, and his boomerang. Disgusting. 
Y/N tuned out the rest of the conversation until she heard Sokka scream, “You better throw in an extra yip! We gotta move!” And that was when Y/N saw the tornado.
Y/N had never liked tornadoes. She also wasn’t fond of lightning. As Y/N was panicking, she saw Sokka fly off Appa’s saddle. She instinctively reached out for his hand and he grabbed on to it. Y/N saw the look of panic on his face, since Y/N was the person who would decide if he would live or die. She could either let him go here and risk Katara freezing her to death, or bring Sokka back onto the saddle and have him owe his entire life to her. The princess went with the latter. 
As Y/N helped Sokka onto the saddle, Aang created an air shield around Appa. However, Aang was struggling with keeping it intact, and eventually the shield broke and Appa and the rest of the team fell into the swamp. Fortunately, Y/N fell right next to Aang, so he bended the air to give them a soft landing. 
Aang stood straight up and looked around, asking, “Where’s Appa and Momo?” When he didn’t find them right away, he shouted, “APPA! MOMO!” Y/N was laying on a tree root and had no intention of moving until Sokka appeared right before her with a huge-ass grin on his face.
“What? Did ya’ get too tired Princess?” Sokka teased. Y/N's face turned red, totally not from Sokka calling her princess. Her face turned red because he was teasing. Yup.
Fuming, Y/N replied with, “Funny, because I was the one who saved you. Now you owe me your life.” Y/N stood up and brushed off the dirt from her clothes. Sokka was left speechless by the girl, because everything she said was factual. 
Soon the four of them were united and Sokka suggested they start a fire. Aang and Sokka argued while Katara noticed that Y/N was just in the background. Walking over to Y/N, Katara said, “Hey. Are you, uh, okay?”
“What?” Y/N replied, “Oh no, I’m fine. Really. I’m just not a big fan of this place.”
“Oh, okay. Just… let me know if you need anything, yeah?” Y/N simply just nodded in response to Katara. The four kids had dinner and then went to sleep, huddled against each other for warmth. Or more like Katara and Aang were huddled together in the middle, and Sokka and Y/N were on the outside. Suddenly, Sokka screamed, and the rest of the three teens woke up, only to be dragged away by some vines. Y/N tried her best to get out of the vines, but with no weapon (it was with Sokka) or no bending, she was stuck. 
“Guys? GUYS!” she screamed, but no luck. Y/N kept wiggling inside of the vines until they randomly let go.Stepping out of the cage of vines, Y/N was met with a figure. Y/N could tell that the figure was most likely female, so she called out, “Hey lady! Could you uhh… help me find my friends?”The lady didn’t respond, so Y/N started walking towards the woman. Y/N was just about 5 feet away from the mysterious woman until she turned around, and Y/N was met with the face of...her mother.  
“Mom?” Y/N asked, with tears coming to her eyes.“Mom, is that really you?” The mysterious woman just nodded, and Y/N ran over to her, tears streaming down her s/c skin. “Mom!”
“Y/N,” the lady started, “I want you to know that… that the heart wants what it wants. The person you end up with may not be the person you expected. The person you may end up with may have crossed you many times before. But just know that they’re with you for a good reason, and that they love you for you. The person you end up with is an amazing warrior with an intelligent mind.” Y/N didn’t know what else to say. She wasn’t even thinking about love yet, she was only fourteen for spirit’s sake! Nonetheless, Y/N accepted her mother’s advice with a thank you. The young girl was about to embrace her mother when her image started shimmering.
“Mom? Mom!” Y/N called out. 
“Y/N! I love you so, so much! Don’t forget what I said!” Screamed Y/N’s mother, and then she disappeared into the night. Y/N stood there, processing what her mother had told her. Why was it important that she know who she would end up with? She had expected her mother to apologize for not telling her the whole truth, or some information on a powerful earthbender so she could help Aang with his search. 
Y/N shook her head and her h/c hair framed her face. The girl started walking, not sure of where she was going, until she came upon a large clearing. (in reality some vines pushed her until she reached said clearing.) She found a tree root and sat on it, thinking about whatever the hell her mother had just said, until Sokka appeared, along with Katara and Aang.
“What do you guys think you’re doing!?” Sokka shouted, as he put away his machete. “I’ve been looking all over for you!” 
Katara, obviously agitated, replied with, “Well, I’ve been wandering around looking for you! And you, Y/N, where were you?”
Y/N was about to speak, but Aang cut her off with, “I was chasing some girl.” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“What girl?” Katara asked. Y/N couldn’t tell if she was jealous or just plain confused.
“I don’t know. I heard some girl laughing and I saw a girl in a fancy dress.” Aang replied.
“Well there must be a tea party here and we didn’t get our invitations!” Sokka screamed sarcastically. Y/N giggled. Who knew Sokka could actually be funny? “What are you laughing at, Y/N?” said the watertribe boy.
“Nothing!” the h/c haired girl replied. “Nope, nothing at all.”
“I thought I saw mom.” Katara stated. 
“Oh. I thought I saw my mother too.” Y/N uttered. Sokka frowned as he noticed Y/N didn’t seem too happy about it. 
“Really? Did your mother say anything to you? I tried to reach out to my mom but she disappeared before she could tell me anything!” Katara blurted.
“She talked to me about the person I be with in the future. She said they were a skilled warrior who was very intelligent. I don’t know anyone like that though. Except some people in the fire nation, but based on how things are going, that’s a no. But she also said that the person I end up with is not someone I would expect.” Sokka mulled over her words.
“You don’t know anyone like that? What about me? I’m intelligent! And I’m the best warrior in the Southern Water Tribe!” Sokka exclaimed. Hearing Sokka’s words made Y/N blush, but also made her laugh.
“Well, I’m sorry that you were so offended by my mother. I’ll admit, you’re smart, but you could work on your skills with a sword.” Y/N breathed. 
The two kept bickering until Sokka said, “Look, we were all just scared and hungry and our minds were playing tricks on us. That's why we all saw things out here.” 
Katara looked surprised. “You saw something too?” 
Sokka looked away, obviously thinking about what he was going to say next.“I saw… I saw Yue. But that doesn’t prove anything! Look, I think about her all the time, and you and Y/N saw your moms, who you guys probably miss a lot.” 
Y/N knew who Yue was. Despite constantly bickering, there were some times where Sokka and Y/N had deep conversations, conversations Sokka was too scared to have with Katara. They talked about Y/N's past, and how Yue’s death deeply affected Sokka. 
“What about me? I didn't know the girl I saw. And all our visions led us right here.” Aang started walking around, thinking deeply, trying to connect the dots.
“Okay ... so where's here? The middle of the swamp?” Katara questioned.
Y/n cut in. “I think… I think this is the heart of the swamp. It has to be the center. I think it was calling us.”
“It's just a tree. It can't call anyone. For the last time, there's nothing after us and there's nothing magical happening here.” As soon as Sokka said that, a huge seaweed monster appeared before them. 
Sokka screamed and ran straight to Y/N, wrapping his arms around her, while Y/N just stood there trying to understand what the hell had just appeared right in front of them. The monster started attacking the four friends, so they all split up. 
The monster got to Sokka first, picking him up and swinging him around like an infant would with a toy. Aang bended the air to chop off one the arm that was holding Sokka, only to become the next target for the seaweed creature. 
After Sokka was free from the creature’s grasp, Y/N helped the tan boy tear up some of the vines, as he gave her back her sword just seconds ago. Things were going smoothly until Sokka was swiped from the ground, (yes, again) but Y/N chopped off the arm that was holding him. 
Katara was using her water to slice another arm of the creature but the holes the water bender created kept on growing back. Aang was running around trying to lose the vines that were reaching out towards him. Sokka was randomly sucked into the chest of the creature while Y/N was trying her best to reach for his hand. 
Katara froze and then unfroze Sokka, allowing him to get out of the seaweed monster's chest. 
“There’s someone in there!” Sokka shouted to Katara. “He’s bending the vines!” Katara looked over to Y/N and the both nodded, signalling they were about to do something badass.
Katara ran to the left of the monsters body and sliced the monster’s head on using her water bending while Y/N hacked away at the right side of the monster’s body using her sword. The seaweed head of the creature slid off the body, and the man inside the seaweed was exposed. 
Aang shouted, “Why did you call me here if you wanted to kill us!?”
The man inside the monster said, “Wait! I didn’t call you here.” The man was wearing nothing but a loincloth covering his, you know, and a leaf hat on top of his head. 
Almost instinctively Sokka covered Y/N's eyes. Annoyed, she put his hand down and said, “I’m only a year younger than you. I don’t need your protection. I’m mature and I can defend myself just fine. I don’t need you.”
“Whatever. How am I gonna be a warrior if I have no one to protect?” Sokka started. 
“You can protect your sister-”
“The last time I tried to do that, she found the Avatar. Plus, she’s a bender. And the last princess I had to save turned into the moon. You may not be a princess yet, but I’m going to protect you. Think of it as my... redemption.”
At this point Y/N’s face was extremely red. 
“Well I think your redemption is a whole lot of bull. I’m not just some replacement for Yue, Sokka.” Y/N scoffed and started walking towards where the water benders were.Sokka reached for Y/N’s wrist tugged on it, pulling the s/c girl to him. Y/N couldn’t help but think of what happened with Zuko before she left. 
“I didn’t mean it that way, you idiot. You aren’t a replacement of Yue for me. We may fight a lot, but I care about you, Y/N.” 
Y/N thought about his words. She gave him a smile and said, “I guess,” then started walking towards Katara and Aang, who were following the weird swamp man. 
“So, who are you then?” She heard Katara say. The strange man started bending vines out of the way to create a path. 
“I protect the swamp from folks that want to hurt it, like this fella with his big knife.” 
Embarrassed, Sokka put away his weapon, but then said, “See, completely reasonable. Not a monster, just a regular guy defending his home. Nothing mystical about it.”
The strange man, who’s name turned out to be Huu, laughed. “Oh the swamp is a mystical place all right. It's sacred. I reached enlightenment right here under the banyan-grove tree. I heard it calling me, just like you did.” He sat down on the said tree. 
Sokka elbowed Y/N in the stomach and said, “Sure you did. It seems real chatty.” Y/N couldn’t help but giggle and Sokka looked over to the younger girl with a look of confidence on his face. 
“See, this whole swamp is actually just one tree spread out over miles,” Huu started. “Branches spread and sink, take root, and spread some more. One big, living organism. Just like the entire world.” Y/N was amazed. She looked around, her face filled with awe of the place. 
The princess didn’t bother to listen to the rest of their conversation, and rejoined the group when she saw they were all sitting down. 
“In the swamp, we see visions of people we've lost, people we loved, folks we think are gone. But the swamp tells us they're not. We're still connected to them. Time is an illusion and so is death.” Confusion washed over Y/N’s face. Was death really an illusion? Sokka noticed Y/N’s troubled looks and placed an arm on her shoulder, feeling pride in the way she relaxed against his touch. 
“But what about my vision? It was someone I had never met.” Aang questioned. 
“You're the Avatar. You tell me.” replied Huu. Aang mumbled something about how time was an illusion but Y/N didn’t pay attention. 
She was daydreaming about who-knows-what until she heard Aang shout “Come on! We’ve got to hurry!” 
The rest of the teens followed him through the swamp until he led them to Appa and Momo. There was a fight about the creatures, but eventually, Aang had his precious animals back.
Time passed quickly, and suddenly it was night time, and the GAang and the swamp benders were huddled around a fire. Y/N had complained about being too cold despite the swamp being normally warm and Sokka had wrapped his coat around Y/N’s shoulders. 
“How you like that possum chicken?” A swamp bender named Due asked. 
Sokka responded with,“Tastes just like arctic hen.” He shoveled another spoonful of soup into his mouth, then swallowed. “So why were you guys so interested in eating Appa? You've got plenty of those big things wandering around.” 
Sokka pointed at the catgator right next to the swamp benders. Due looked shocked. 
“You want me to eat old Slim? He's like a member of the family!” Due then grabbed a fish from wherever and tossed it towards the catgator. The catgator catched it and Sokka laughed. Y/N couldn’t help but smile when she heard him chuckle, it was like music to her ears. 
“Nice Slim!” Sokka cheered. He then threw a bug at Slim, but the catgator just growled. Y/N giggled.
“Catgators don’t eat bugs, Sokka.” The girl said. Sokka turned his head towards Y/N.
“And how do I know that you’re right, Princess?” Sokka inquired as he poked Y/N’s sides. By now Y/N was giggling like crazy and Sokka looked at the girl like she was the only person on Earth. 
“The girl is right! Bugs are people food!” Due laughed. 
“Where'd you say you was from?” another swamp bender named Tho, asked. 
Katara responded with, “My brother and I are from the South Pole. Y/N was born in the Earth Kingdom Omashu, but lived in the Fire Nation Capital for most of her life. And Aang is from the Southern Air Temple!” 
“Didn't know there was waterbenders anywhere but here.” Tho breathed. “They got a nice swamp there, do they?” Y/N giggled at his statement. According to her mother, Sokka, and Katara, there were zero swamps in the northern or southern water tribes.  
“No, it's all ice and snow.” Katara corrected. 
“Hmm. No wonder you left.” Y/N found this strangely funny for some reason, and she placed her face onto Sokka’s shoulder to stifle her laughs. The watertribe boy’s face turned crimson red, as he had never experienced something like this, not even with Suki or Yue. 
Sokka cleared his throat, and to Katara, he said, “Well, I hope you realize now that nothing strange was going on here. Just a bunch of greasy people living in a swamp.” This made Y/N laugh even harder and Sokka felt extremely confident. 
“What about the visions?” Katara countered.
“I told you, we were hungry. I'm eating a giant bug!” Tears were coming out of Y/N’s eyes, Sokka was acting incredibly stupid. And the way he ate the bug’s abdomen was disturbing and hilarious at the same time. Sokka placed his arm around Y/N in an attempt to be smooth. Y/N, just thinking it was a friendly gesture, allowed it. 
“But what about when the tree showed me where Appa and Momo were?” Aang added. 
Y/N had calmed down a few moments before and was currently sitting straight up, no longer leaning on Sokka, much to his dismay.
“That’s Avatar stuff,” Y/N started. “That doesn’t count.” Y/N fixed her h/c, h/l, and then asked Huu, “How did you make that tornado that sucked us down? It was pretty freaking awesome.”
Huu looked confused. “I can't do anything like that. I just bend the water in the plants.” 
Sokka stood up, then announced, “Well, no accounting for weather. Still, there's absolutely nothing mysterious about the swamp. I’m also tired, so I’m gonna go set up our sleeping bags. Y/N? Care to assist this handsome young fellow?” He held out an arm for Y/N to grab onto. With nothing else to do, Y/N took his arm and stood up. 
“I’m not sure that the term ‘handsome young fellow’ is suitable for you, but I’m tired, so why not?” The two started walking towards Appa, on their way to get their supplies. 
taglist: @emberislandplayers​ @eridanuswave​ @fandomobsessedlife​ @hopefuloperaangelnerd​
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flameo-hotman · 5 years
ZUKKA PROMPT 🔥💧 Zuko fainting and Sokka catching him (they are already a couple). It can be anything. Maybe sickness (he was feeling weird all day for example), maybe stress (maybe because he is already Fire Lord and he has all those meetings), maybe exhaustion (after training with Aang or not sleeping because of Fire Lord duties).
Fire Lords Need Their Rest
“I really hope Zuko’s doing okay,” Sokka sighed as he laid on Appa’s saddle looking up at the sky. “I mean I’ve been gone for-”
“Yeah, a month!” Katara snapped. “It is all you talked about during the solstice. The whole month. Zuko this and Zuko that! Next time just bring him with! I’m more than a little sick of hearing about it!”
Sokka sat up and shouted back, “HEY! You know how Zuko does with the solstice! Fire benders get sick when they don’t have the sun! And it isn’t like I haven’t had to deal with you gushing about YOUR BOYFRIEND endlessly!”
“I’m sorry…” Katara answered looking embarrassed. “I forgot… I shouldn’t have said that. You’re right. You just really miss him, and I hate when I have to be away from Aang.”
“I hate when I have to be away from you too, Katara!” Aang chirped from where he sat steering.
“Oogie!” Sokka groaned before he went back to staring at the sky and worrying about his husband. Was Zuko eating right? Was he getting enough rest? Was he listening to Guards Kenzo and Ming about taking care of himself, like Sokka had instructed Kenzo and Ming to do before he left? Did he remember to let Zuko know that was why their favorite guards were now on him about that stuff?
He thought for a few moments and suddenly recalled the adorable eye roll Zuko had given him when he’d let him know, and Sokka felt himself calm down.
“Hey Aang, how much longer until we get to the palace?”
“Two hours.”
Two Hours Later
Zuko had been in a meeting with General Fong when Ming came and stood at attention with a smile.
“Fire Lord Zuko, Fire King Sokka has just arrived with Water Tribeswoman Katara and Avatar Aang. They are in the courtyard if you would like to go-”
“I’m sorry, but I’m not done talking with-” The unpleasant Earth Kingdom General began, but Zuko was already on his feet and walking out the door.
He paused in front of a particularly shiny and reflective gold statue in the entryway to fix his hair and robes, before heading out into the courtyard, ignoring the look Ming gave him and setting his eyes on his husband. He smiled for the first time all week.
Katara smiled at him, before pointing to him, saying, “Sokka go say hi to your husband, you dork.”
Sokka’s face lit up with his radiant smile as he rushed to envelop the Fire Lord in his arms, and Zuko was home for the first time all month.
“I missed you too.” Zuko sighed as he returned the hug, choosing to ignore the way the world swayed for a moment. Sokka did not need to know that he hadn’t slept in… How many days? Zuko wasn’t sure. He stopped sleeping again after his uncle had gone back to Ba Sing Se.
Right then General Fong came storming out into the courtyard shouting, “We weren’t done talking about the import tax of geminate candy!”
“Another word before I’m done saying hello to my husband, and I am banning the import of the stupid rock candy,” Zuko growled, before tightening his hold on his husband and inhaling the comforting scent of seawater and a scent that screamed Sokka.
Aang laughed at that, before jumping down from Appa, right as Sokka’s stomach growled.
“Ming, tell General Fong that we will have to reschedule our meeting for after lunch,” Zuko ordered with a smile, as he leaned back in the embrace and looked up at his husband. In the past few years, Sokka had shot up in height and stood taller than most people. Stupid Water Tribe genes, making Sokka into a total pillar of muscle that towered over Zuko.
Zuko loved it. He loved how when he stood next to Sokka, he felt safe. He loved how Sokka’s body curled around him, creating a warm alcove of home and safety. He loved how every inch of Sokka was filled to the brim with love and loyalty. He loved Sokka.
He rocked up onto his toes and rewrapped his arms around his husband’s neck, before pressing a kiss to the man’s lips. Sokka happily returned it, before pressing another to Zuko’s forehead.
“I missed you, Beautiful.”
“I missed you too, Sokka,” Zuko replied, smiling. “Now let’s go get you some food.”
Then Zuko turned to Aang and Katara saying, “You don’t mind if I have a private lunch with-”
“Please do.” Katara interrupted. “I can go get something in the city with Aang. I really do not want to see what a private lunch entails.” 
Zuko flushed, but Katara had been absolutely right about the way he planned for his private lunch with his husband to go.
If he had his way, and Zuko knew he would, then he was going to be finding himself thrown onto the table- And oh no… Everything was rapidly swaying, as Sokka let go of him to give his pack to a servant.
“Sokka!” Came the distant sound of Katara shouting, as the ground rushed up to meet the Fire Lord.
Sokka had only stepped away from his husband for a few seconds to hand Shoji his pack, when Katara shouted, “Sokka!”
He whipped around to catch his husband, when he’d realized what she was looking at, just in time. Zuko had fainted or passed out, and Sokka already had a fair idea of why. He had known the moment he caught the earthy scent of makeup on his husband, that the man was likely covering up the shadows of exhaustion on his face. However, in his relief at seeing Zuko for the first time in a month, Sokka had been willing to not bring it up until after their lunch, but now it looked like he was going to have to wait until his husband woke up.
“Ming?” Sokka asked, looking at the guard. “When was the last time the Fire Lord slept?”
He wasn’t going to like the answer. He knew he wasn’t. He had never once asked that question and received an answer that had made him smile. This time was no different.
“Counting the nap he took yesterday, during lunch?”
“Naps don’t count.”
“Five or six days ago.”
Sokka sighed and shifted his husband in his arms, so he was carrying him bridal style. Then he nodded at his sister and headed into the palace. He had known leaving his husband to his own devices for a month hadn’t been a good idea, but he had been so excited to join in the Southern Water Tribe’s celebration of the darkest time of the year when Yue’s light filled their days without interruption. However, if Zuko was going to do this every time he was gone, and he did, then Sokka wasn’t going to be able to do this again.
It looked like he was only going to be able to make it work by bringing Zuko with him and staying for the short period of time that Zuko was able to handle without getting moon sickness.
For now, he had to make sure Zuko got his rest and a proper meal.
He was in love with a complete moron.
When Zuko woke up, he was in bed and curled up in Sokka’s arms. It took him longer than he would like to admit to realize what had happened. When he did realize, he groaned and curled further into the embrace.
How many people had seen him pass out? Did that awful General Fong see? Would the man try and use it as a sign of weakness and use it to exploit Zuko during their negotiations? How would that beetle roach react, when Fire Lord Zuko refused to allow it to be a way to manipulate him?
“I can hear your brain thinking way too hard, Babe.” Sokka sighed, as he let go of Zuko and sat up to grab something off of his nightstand. That something turned out to be food.
Zuko sat up as well now, and his stomach gave a growl of hunger. How long had it been since he had a proper meal and not just bites of food between meetings?
Sokka held out a piece of mango to his mouth, and Zuko looked up from the offered food and at his husband.
“You obviously aren’t responsible enough to feed yourself, if the palace staff’s report is anything to go by, so I’ve decided that making sure you eat is now my job.” Sokka joked with a loving smile, and Zuko accepted the food.
He made eye contact with the Water Tribesman, as he wrapped his lips around the fingers that held the mango chunk, and felt a fierce sense of pride at the way that smile fell and became something sinful. If Sokka insisted on feeding him by hand, then Zuko was determined to make it into a game of how many bites of food did it take to break the man’s control.
He was sure this game would leave them both very satisfied.
He licked away the juice that dampened his lips before practically purring, “Of course. Thank you for being equipped to take care of my needs, my love.”
It didn’t take much more than that and meeting Sokka’s wide eyes with his own fiery gaze to break him.
Round one of this game had left them both extremely satisfied.
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popsunner · 4 years
Moonlit Champion: Part Two, Air
@cubedleo it’s been three weeks but like... tada
A/N: AO3 Link!! Jsjdbvjv bet y’all thought I forgot
Summary: Sokka sighs and crosses his arms as he stands again, walking with his hands tucked under his armpits. “Travel with the Avatar, they said. You’ll have a good time, they said.”
Aang hasn’t let go of Sokka since he woke up, soaking wet under a pile of his crying friends.
To be fair, Toph and Katara have been more clingy lately too, but it’s nothing compared to Aang.
Maybe because he was the one who almost (did?) died back in Ba Sing Se. He wasn’t there when they were all struggling to stay hopeful, to stick together. In simple terms, this isn’t Katara or Toph’s first rodeo.
(Which makes Sokka’s heart ache, when he recognizes Toph’s forced teasing and Katara’s sad smiles.)
“Aang, I kind of need my arm to start this fire,” Sokka says, and he tries not to sound annoyed, because he remembers how hard it was to leave Aang’s bedside after Ba Sing Se, to sleep or eat, let alone make an invasion plan.
“Oh.” Aang untangles his arms from Sokka’s, scooting away to give him room. He doesn’t scoot very far. “Sorry.”
Sokka gives him a small smile, and he watches as Aang’s eyes travel slowly up to stare at his hair.
Yeah, that’s hard to get used to.
“How far do we need to fly tomorrow, Sokka?” Katara asks for the fourth time.
It’s her own way of attaching herself to him, asking him questions like she’s reminding herself he’s there every two seconds. He doesn’t miss the way she watches him start the fire warily, a hand ready by her water pouch.
“Not far, we’ll probably have some down time. Maybe stop at a nearby town?”
“No thanks,” Aang says quietly. Katara gives him a worried look.
Sokka presses his mouth into a tight line. “I’m going to go check on Toph.”
Aang jumps up, “I’ll go with you!”
Sharing a look with his sister, Sokka nods. “Alright air-head, let’s go.”
“Ha! Air-head! Good one,” Katara says, laughing louder than she needs to.
Sokka thinks he might scream.
Aang grabs onto his arm again as soon as they start walking, and Sokka lets him. “Feeling okay, buddy?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Aang squints at him, “Are you okay?”
Sokka wants to say he’ll be better as soon as everyone stops treating him like a child, but instead he just nods. “Just sad about my hair.”
“I think it looks cool!” Aang jumps up with a gust of air, hanging on Sokka’s shoulders so he can see his hair up close. “You and Appa match.”
“Wow, everything I’ve always wanted.” Aang jumps back down, twirling three tiny woven ropes in his hands. Sokka raises an eyebrow. “You’ve been messing with those all week. What are they?”
Aang goes red, and he shrugs. “The Monks always made them whenever one of us got our tattoos. The bands are supposed to symbolize achievement and growth.”
“Huh. Is it for mastering earthbending?”
If possible, Aang goes even redder. “I still have a lot to learn from Toph, there’s no way I’ve mastered earth. They’re… actually for you.”
Sokka looks down at the kid, who’s got his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he tries to tie a knot, and tries to think of something meaningful to say, to thank him. “Oh.”
Aang holds the bands out, and Sokka examines them as he takes them. They’re braided in a way Sokka hasn’t seen before, but the strands bend and curve awkwardly in places Aang made a mistake in the pattern. “Is this orange from your shirt?”
“The blue is from yours!”
Sokka might think that was weird if Aang didn’t look so excited. “Where do I put it?”
“Anywhere you want!” Aang drops onto his back with a huff, sticking his leg in the air. “Mine is on my ankle!”
Sokka laughs. “How about on my wolf tail?” he holds the band out to Aang, “Help me out?”
Aang jumps up to his feet and then to Sokka’s shoulders so fast it makes him dizzy, and Sokka starts walking again, hands wrapped around Aang's ankles to keep him steady as he ties the band through Sokka’s hair.
Toph is sitting next to Appa, throwing berries at random and cackling when Momo dives after them.
At least someone is acting normal. “Hey, Toph.”
“Who’s there?” Jumping to her feet, Toph holds out her arms in a defensive position. After a few seconds, she drops them. “Oh, Sokka, it’s just you.”
“Did I just startle you? With those feet?”
“Hey, back off. It’s hard to get used to that.” Toph points in Sokka’s direction with a huff.
Sokka wrinkles his eyebrows. “Me?”
“Yeah, you’re different now.”
“But you can’t see his hair,” Aang points out, climbing down Sokka’s arm to get to the ground.
Toph rolls her eyes and steps closer to point at Sokka’s chest. “Not his hair, that.”
“You can’t see my scar either.”
“You’re both idiots.” Toph pokes his chest roughly. “Your heart, obviously. Ever since you got back, it’s different.”
Aang’s eyes widen and he turns to press his ear into Sokka’s chest. “Different how? Different bad?”
Toph drops her arm. “Just different. I’m used to your individual heartbeats, and yours sounds… unfamiliar lately.”
“Oh goody.”
“Maybe Katara can heal it?”
“I said different, not broken!”
Sokka pats Aang’s head, then pushes it away from him. “Come on, food time.”
“You’re really telling me you can’t hear the difference?” Toph continues, leaning into Aang’s face.
Aang puts his hands up in surrender. “Should I be able to?”
“Yes! That’s the center of my earthbending! That, by the way, feather brain, I taught you!”
Sokka leans against a tree, watching and trying to decide if he’s annoyed or amused as they argue back and forth. In a few minutes, Toph will tire herself out and they can go eat.
His shoulder slipping from the tree, Sokka stumbles, spinning to try and find the direction of the voice. “Did you guys hear that?”
Aang frowns and looks around. “Hear what?”
“Someone calling for help.”
Toph stretches her hand out towards him, tilting her head to listen as Aang circles to his other side. “No.”
“Help me!”
Sokka spins, startling both his friends. “There it was again!”
“I didn’t hear anything,” Aang says slowly. He points towards the direction of the fire. “Maybe we should go get Katara?”
Toph nods. “I would hear it if someone was there.”
“No! I swear-” When Sokka turns his head, he’s met with two worried looks. Two scared looks. He forces himself to take a breath. “You know, I think we’ve all been on edge lately. Must’ve been a bird.”
That seems to be good enough for Aang, who grabs his arm and Toph’s, pulling them back towards the fire. “Come on, Katara’s waiting.”
Toph glares at Sokka’s shoulder, but doesn’t say anything.
Sokka adjusts the map spread across his thighs awkwardly, trying not to wake up Aang, who’d passed out leaning against his legs an hour ago. Sokka’s calf is starting to cramp up painfully, but at least the kid’s asleep.
Toph is snoring no more than two feet away, both feet planted firmly on the ground and a hand reaching out, just barely brushing Aang’s with her knuckles.
“They look so tiny,” Katara says. Sokka looks up and watches her poke at the dying fire.
“They are tiny.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Katara’s eyebrows furrow, and she keeps her eyes trained on the embers. “Do you ever worry?”
Sokka snorts, “You’re going to have to be more specific.”
“About them.” Katara huffs and begrudgingly adds, “About us.”
“Only every second of every day.”
“I worry too, you know.”
There’s something like indignation in her tone, and Sokka smiles. “I know you do, you don’t exactly hide it.”
“Hey! You’re one to talk about subtlety, Mr. Sneak Attack.”
She has a point. Sokka sticks his tongue out at her.
“Aang said he gave you the band he’s been making,” Katara says, her voice soft again.
Sokka nods and points at his hair. “I think it looks cool. Like dad’s beads.”
“Yeah. The mark of a warrior.”
Sokka smiles at that, Katara doesn’t.
Aang stirs, and his head flops to the side so fast Sokka barely has time to reach out and catch it, adjusting it gently to lay against his knee.
Katara watches him, and says nothing.
The last of the fire goes out as a breeze carries itself through their camp, and the world seems to still around their tired little group.
“Someone please help me!”
Sokka wakes up without the warmth of his friends at his side.
He shivers and stands, looking down at Katara, curled up with Toph and snorts. There’s no way either of them will admit they’d been cuddling in the morning. Aang is snoring, his arms thrown over Sokka’s sleeping form.
Sokka stumbles back and trips.
His sleeping what.
“Alright, Sokka. You’re dreaming.” Sokka stands, brushing himself off. “This is some wacky dream that’s just… weirdly realistic, and you’re going to wake up any second-”
The voice is louder here, and it cuts through Sokka’s skull. Something inside him makes him take off after it without stopping to think.
Low hanging branches and twigs from bushes snap against his arms, and he feels nothing. The ground under his feet is soft, and his breath comes out in puffs of frozen white, like it always did back home. The air is warm.
Everything contradicts itself, and Sokka is having a harder time convincing himself this isn’t real. He reaches up to his head, running his fingers along the band Aang gave him. He debates going back to their camp to try and wake up the group. Animals are supposed to sense things people can’t, right?
Maybe he can go get Momo.
Sokka turns, intent on heading back, and runs smack into a tree he swears wasn’t there before.
Did he get his hands on cactus juice again? Sokka looks down at his hands, clenching and unclenching his fists. “Alright. What would Aang do?”
After a few seconds, Sokka plops down into a sitting position and rests his hands on his knees. He closes his eyes and draws in a slow breath, letting it out again as slowly as his lungs will let him.
Impatient, Sokka opens one eye, scanning the area. No Aang.
“This is probably something about you, right?” Sokka sighs and crosses his arms as he stands again, walking with his hands tucked under his armpits. “Travel with the Avatar, they said. You’ll have a good time, they said.”
No one actually said that and Sokka knows it. He scowls. “Why do I always have to get carried off into weird, spooky places?”
Weird, spookily familiar places.
Sokka’s eyes widen and he stops, resting his hand on a tree trunk. He’s been here before. The air that feels like it’s not there until he tries to breathe, the ground that seems to pulse like a heartbeat under his feet. The changing landscape.
He spent a night here, what feels like years ago. Sokka looks up, spinning in a circle, trying to catch a glimpse of the moon.
There she is, high in the sky and bigger than she ever is in his world.
“What’s going on?” He asks her, gesturing around him. “Why am I back here? How come I don’t have my body this time?”
“She doesn’t usually answer.”
Sokka shrieks and pulls his arms in front of his face, sticking a leg out in front of him, poised to kick. After a few seconds, he lowers his arms, staring at the… spirit? In front of him. “Hi?”
The spirit waves. They look like some sort of cross between a mushroom and a ten year old. Roots run like veins through their arms, sprouting clovers and fungi that shimmer when the moonlight hits them. “I’m glad you came.”
Sokka gasps, dropping his foot back to the ground, “It’s you! You were calling for help!”
“No.” The spirits face darkens. “My twin was.”
“Are you here to help them, Champion?”
Sokka rubs the back of his neck. “Champ who now?”
The spirit squints at him. “You were chosen as the Moon Spirit’s protector, weren’t you?”
“If I say no, are you going to eat me?”
“You have her touch,” The spirit says, reaching out to tug gently on a strand of his hair. “You are her chosen. Therefore you are the Champion of all the spirits under her.”
Sokka just wants to wake up. “That’s… nice.”
“So you will help my twin?”
Sokka opens his mouth to say no, to tell them that they should really just go get the Avatar, since he’s the bridge to the spirit world and all. Before he can say anything, a wave of calm washes over him, and he looks up at the moon. She seems to glare back. “Really?”
The moon, obviously, doesn’t answer, but Sokka sighs and nods at the spirit. “Yeah, I’ll help you.”
The spirit smiles and takes his hand, tugging him forward. “We have to hurry, the sun has infected them.”
“Your twin has a sunburn?” Sokka frowns. “Then we should really get my sister, she’s-”
“Not a sunburn, they’ve been infected.” the spirit yanks harder on his hand. “Moonwalkers don’t belong in sunlight. I told them, and they wouldn’t listen. They never listen to me.”
Sokka snorts. “I know the feeling. What’s your name anyway?”
“You can call me Pan.”
“And your twin?”
“Okay, Pan. How worried should I be about seeing this Puck?”
Pan glances back at him, their gray-green hair falls over their face. “If the sun rises again and they are not saved, I’ll lose them forever.”
“Oh.” Sokka looks up to glare at the moon again. He loves her, he really does, but come on .
“Save me!” the voice from before screams. Pan’s hand changes grip, almost like they’re switching from leading him to hanging on for dear life.
They push past a few more trees and into a clearing and Sokka stops, staring in shock at the sight he’s met with. “You said we have until sunrise?”
Sokka gapes at the yellow dragon in front of him. “Awesome.”
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firenationember · 4 years
Destruction, Everywhere (OC Fic)
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Authors Note: hiii this chapter is pretty short, and I’m sorry for that. It’s a lot of quotes and basically a filler. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Previous Chapters
The next morning, we woke up and quickly packed up our stuff to leave when Toph pointed out that Aang wasn’t there. We searched the palace, but the only sign of him was his staff and a plate of offerings that was riddled with melted wax on a balcony, which usually meant Aang should be here meditating. We all split up, Toph choosing to go with Zuko for a “life changing field trip”. I giggled at the pink blush that appeared onto Zuko’s cheeks as the earthbender held onto his arm. Suki went with Katara to search the town and I went with Sokka on Appa to get an aerial view. When we all got back to the palace empty handed, concern began to form in a pit in my stomach.
Zuko mentioned that he might know of a way to find him, so we travelled to a random tavern that was buried deep in the woods. His way turned out to be asking a woman named Jun for help, because she had a huge creature (a shirshu, Zuko informed us) that could sniff out anyone no matter where in the world they were. Anyone except Aang, it turned out. The panic of the realization that our friend, the Avatar, was missing just two days before the comet really started to set in. The million possibilities of what could’ve happened ran through my head while the others conversed, and I only shifted my attention back to them when Zuko ran towards the flying bison. He came back with a flip-flop that burned the hairs in my nose with its pungent smell. Zuko said that he figured if we couldn’t find the Avatar by ourselves, we’d find someone who could help us: his uncle Iroh. Jun led us to the crumbling walls of Ba Sing Se, telling us the Iroh was near by the way her animal was reacting. She went her own way and we decided we should try to sleep a bit before going in; the moon’s been up for a while now and we were all getting tired.
I woke up not long after laying down to the sudden sound of Toph earthbending, standing up in the same place her tent just stood in. A ring of fire appeared around us and we were all on our feet in the matter of seconds. The others looked to Zuko and I first, both of us shrugging at the fire surrounding us. As I looked around, I noticed two older men standing on the rubble in between the broken walls, two more appearing next to them- none of them familiar. Katara and Sokka were the only ones who didn’t seem confused, instead they shared a knowing smile. One of the old men spoke, the man with wild hair and even more wild eyebrows, cackling to his own statement. Katara explained how they were all masters (a firebender, an earthbender, a waterbender, and a swordsman) and friends they had made along the way. The swordsman, Master Piandao, told us how they were all part of an ancient secret society, “The Order of the White Lotus” Zuko said as the knowing smile reached his face too. It turned out that they were brought together by the Grand Lotus, Zuko’s uncle Iroh, to help with something bigger. The softness that grew in Zuko’s demeanor at the mention of his uncle made my heart flutter, a soft smile spreading on my face. I reached out to give Zuko’s arm a small squeeze when the old earthbender, Bumi, realized our group wasn’t complete before contently reminding us that Aang and Momo would (probably) be okay as long as they have each other.
They guided us back to their camp and we learned how Bumi single handedly took his city, Omashu, back from the Fire Nation on the day of the eclipse. We reached a tall rock which Bumi lowered to reveal “old people camp”, as he affectionately called it. We had only taken a few steps in when I heard Zuko ask about his uncle. Master Piandao pointed to his tent, letting him know where to find Iroh. I was walking with the others and looking at the many tents that made up the White Lotus camp when Katara grabbed my arm, making me stop. She gave her head a nod, using her chin to gesture in the direction of a grand tent, which Zuko now sat in front of. I waved her and the others off with a small smile as I walked over to him, hoping I didn’t startle him.
“Zuko?” My voice was quiet as I kneeled next to him, trying to catch his gaze. He looked at his hands that sat in his lap and looked away from me as I spoke. He let out a small sigh.
“My uncle hates me, I know it. How could he not? He loved and supported me in every way he could, and I still turned against him. How can I face him?” He turned to me, his expression making him look like that little boy I ran into all those years ago, the helplessness he felt with his uncle clear on his face. I gave him a small smile as I place my hand on his shoulder, giving him a comforting squeeze.
“Your uncle loves you, Zuko, it’s clear in the things you say about him. I know you’re not who you used to be, you know you’re more than the mistakes you’ve made, and I’m sure your uncle knows that and more. If you’re truly sorry for what you did- “.
“More sorry than I’ve been about anything in my entire life.” He interrupted quietly.
“Then I’m positive that he’ll forgive you. Go, talk to him, he’ll understand.” His posture straightened and I placed a soft kiss on his cheek before he stood up, walking to the tent before stopping at the entrance and taking a deep breath. I watched as he disappeared into the tent and I walked back to join the others. We were given a tent to share, which was easy considering Toph likes to sleep in her own rock tent anyway, and trying to cram 5 sleeping bodies into a tent was easier than 6- especially when the sixth likes to sprawl out as much as possible. We woke up with the same 4 people we went to sleep with (Sokka, Katara, me and Suki, in that order) and I hazily wondered where Zuko was, realizing he probably stayed with his uncle. The thought made me smile; I knew how much he missed him. Katara and Suki joined me to meet up with Toph and the others, Sokka insisting that he needed “5 more minutes”. He ambled out of the tent with a huge yawn, a few minutes before Zuko and an older gentleman (Iroh, I’m assuming) exited the grand tent he entered last night. I found myself walking towards them, Zuko’s warm eyes meeting mine as we got closer. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his torso before pulling away, quickly remembering that his uncle was standing next to him. I bowed to him, hands held the way I was taught to when bowing to someone in command, and I heard a slight chuckle.
“Such a formal bow, I’m flattered.” I looked up to see Iroh give me a soft bow with his head and I realized the soft rasp in Zuko’s voice must run in the family. “You must be Draya, my nephew just told me so much about you. Although he did not do your beauty justice,” he turned to say the next bit to Zuko, “I can see why the iris reminded you of her. What were the words you used? The perfect balance of ‘strength and delicacy’?” I knew Zuko and I had matching pink cheeks after Iroh’s comment, which was confirmed by his uncle’s soft laugher. We walked to where the others were already eating around a pot of food. Iroh and I sat on either side of Katara with Zuko next to Toph who was sitting next to Sokka and Suki.
“Uncle, you’re the only person other than the Avatar who can defeat the Fatherlord.” I was about to say something when Toph beat me to it. Iroh ignored Zuko’s slip of the tongue, telling us how history wouldn’t interpret that well and how it would be viewed as just another act of senseless violence. Aang had to be the one to face Ozai. “And then… then would you come and take your rightful place on the throne?” Zuko asked, the shred of hope he had left obvious on his face. Our previous conversation about us fixing up and living in the beach house on Ember Island resurfaced in my mind and the thought made me smile to myself. I would give anything to be there again with Zuko instead of here, planning for the fight of our lives. I was watching the conversation in front of me, Iroh looking away at Zuko’s question.
“No. Someone new must take the throne- an idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor.” I watched Zuko’s expression change, looking down at the ground as he questioned his uncle. Iroh reminded Zuko of what he’s done, how how’s found his on honor by himself and how he’s the leader the Fire Nation needs as it rebuilds. Zuko shifted his gaze to me, and I was embarrassed for a split second before I read the expression on his face: determination.
“I’ll try, uncle.” He never let his amber eyes leave mine. With you by my side, anything would be possible. I could read it in his gaze, hear the echo of the words he said to me the night of the play. I gave him a soft smile, so he’d know that I plan to stay right by his side. Toph asked about Aang and Iroh reassured us Aang would follow his destiny when the comet came, just like we all would. He then told us how his destiny was to take Ba Sing Se back from the Fire Nation and return it to the Earth Kingdom, hence why he needed the help of the others in the White Lotus. It was Zuko’s destiny to be there when Firelord Ozai fell so he could assume the throne, the only hope for the Fire Nation to restore its peace.
“But Azula will be there waiting for you.” Iroh informed Zuko, causing his nephew’s expression to harden.
“I can handle Azula.”
“Not alone. You’ll need help.” His uncle quickly retorted. Zuko softened, looking at the ground before quickly looking up.
“Draya, Katara, how would you like to help me put Azula in her place?” He asked, glancing at both of us. I turned my head to meet her gaze and we shared an understanding smirk.
“It would be our pleasure.” Katara spoke while I gave an encouraging nod to Zuko. Sokka realized, with a soft nudge from Iroh, that he, Toph and Suki need to stop the airship fleet. They had to travel on an eel-hound, disgust clear on Toph’s face as she sat with Suki; unfortunately for her, it was the quickest way to the airship base considering it would only take a day which is just in time for the comet. Sokka gave Master Piandao a quick hug before taking rein of the slithering creature. I sat in Appa’s saddle with Katara, Zuko on Appa’s head with the reins, when Zuko asked his uncle what he would do once the comet was over if not be the Firelord.
“After I reconquer Ba Sing Se, I’m going to reconquer my tea shop and I’m going to play Pai Sho every day.” He flipped a Pai Sho tile in his hand before looking over to me. I sat up straight and smiled down from the flying bison’s back “Besides, I think you’re in great company.” He bowed his head slightly with a smile, and I returned the gesture. I looked to the eel-hound, seeing Sokka give a firm nod to Zuko. “Goodbye, everyone. Today, destiny is our friend. I know it.” With Iroh’s farewell, we were off; the eel-hound skittering away as Appa bellowed into the air.
None of us spoke for a long time as we flew to the palace, yet the silence wasn’t heavy. We knew that this was it, this is what we’ve been training for and truthfully, in this moment, what was there to say anyway? I was grateful for the silence, enjoying the wind on my face and the white clouds before they started to turn red. The comet was here. Katara was the first to break the silence, sitting inside the saddle next to the edge, one arm slung over the side. I had slid down to Appa’s head next to Zuko to help with the flying not long after we took off. He was worried that Aang wouldn’t be able to face the Firelord and Katara tried to reassure him that Aang has to come back.
“Everything is going to work out Zuko. We just have to focus on Azula and know that Aang is focusing on your father. We have to trust him because we know he trusts us. All of us.” I glanced over at him while I spoke, and saw him softly sigh before nodding, not offering anymore conversation for the rest of the ride. When the palace was in sight, I felt Zuko shift closer to me until our knees were touching and I smiled at the small gesture, a warm blush creeping onto my cheeks. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, Zuko having taken the reins, and tried to calm the overwhelming feeling of fear bubbling in my stomach. For Aang, for Sokka and Toph and Suki, for Katara, for myself. For Zuko. I took another deep breath, trying to let my fear dissolve with my exhale, and when I opened my eyes, I focused on the one thing I’ve focused on for years: staying alive. I just pray to the spirits that my friends stay alive too. This is it. Everything’s about to change.
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kdinthecity · 8 years
OK, I did not expect this one to come out so angsty! This is for Day 7: Unexpected Visits, and it’s super sad! I’m just warning you. I promise I will follow with Day 8: Spice where Katara visits a sex shop... ooh fun!
I’m actually writing this one in another author’s universe. So, if you don’t like mine, go read hers because it’s way better. So @until-my-last, I hope this is worthy of your awesome Zutara fic, Time Heals Wounds.
Did I warn you that it’s sad? Also, it’s Kataang. I know! So sad! And no cheating, only bonding between Katara and Zuko. Like serious bonding. Oh, and Ume is Zuko’s wife, an OC from Time Heals Wounds.
There were lots of things about turning thirty-five that Katara hadn’t expected.
 First, the recovery after her last pregnancy. It had been hard. Harder than she expected. Harder than the other two. It took much longer for her to feel normal again. And she was unexpectedly relieved when Tenzin weaned. Like this whole baby thing was just so taxing on her—physically and emotionally—and she would be juuuuuuust fine to be done with it.
 But she knew Aang would want more.
 She didn’t expect to get pregnant again so soon, though.
 Her hormones were such a mess, but she really did want to hit him when he said, “That’s great news, Katara! Another chance for an airbender!” It didn’t help that he said it in front of Bumi. Who by now had passed the age where bending ability was typically revealed—or not.
 Tenzin had been such a fitful baby that she was almost certain he’d turn out to be an airbender. The same week she found out she was pregnant, he learned to walk—no, wander. Her little nomad child, she’d come to think of him. Except that she was so very tired in these early stages of pregnancy that she didn’t want to chase a toddler. Surely this had been easier with Bumi and Kya, hadn’t it?
 It was also the same week that Aang was called away to weeklong peace proceedings in Ba Sing Se. The Earth Kingdom was worse than the Fire Nation at maintaining the peace, she decided. They always needed Aang’s help. Then again, King Kuei was no Fire Lord Zuko. And Zuko would probably not ask for help even if he needed it.
 But then her dear friend did ask for help—when she least expected it. And he was there to offer help—when she unexpectedly needed it.
Aang’s one-week trip turned into three weeks which wasn’t altogether unexpected. She would’ve graciously accepted this as typical Avatar duty, if only she hadn’t been so tired—and hot. Did she have these hot flashes last time? It wasn’t even summer, yet. At some point, bending away her own sweat wasn’t worth the energy or the effort.
 Thankfully an air acolyte took a break from her ceaseless praying to lend a hand with the kids. Katara knew she would never have that kind of devotion. Aang probably deserved someone who did. And someone who didn’t resent the idea of having another baby.
 Surely these thoughts were just the hormones talking. She loved her children. And she loved this new life inside her just the same. Didn’t she?
 “Uncle used to say that if you frown too much, your face will stick that way.”
 Katara nearly fainted. But not from hormones. From the sound of his voice.
 “Zuko! What are you doing here?”
 “Well, I realized that I’ve never met Tenzin. So it’s been over a year. And Izumi wanted to see Bumi and Kya. It’s dreadfully boring at the palace.” His tone was uncharacteristically upbeat. The crease in his brow gave him away.
 “No siblings, yet?” It was a personal question that she disliked when people asked her. Especially since she heard no airbenders, yet, instead. But this was Zuko, her best friend. Surely he wouldn’t take it personally.
 Except that unexpectedly, he did, thus confirming her suspicions. “Ahhh, no—um…”
 “Zuko, what is it? Is Ume OK?”
 “She’s uhh—well, we’ve tried, of course. But I think something’s wrong. Not with that. I don’t care about that. She’s just tired all the time. And short of breath. Do you think you could…?”
 “Of course, Zuko. I’d be glad to take a look. Is she here?”
 “No. She didn’t feel up to the journey. I—of course, we have plenty of room for your family at the palace. Come whenever is convenient. Stay as long as you like.”
 “Aang is in Ba Sing Se right now, but when he gets back…”
 A flurry of activity interrupted their conversation. Bumi practically tackled Zuko with a laughing Kya trailing him. Ten-year-old Izumi then appeared with a drooly Tenzin perched on her hip. Katara marveled at how much the young firebender had grown, her childlike features fading into a womanly beauty. There were definite traces of Zuko in her appearance, but glimpses of Ume, too.
 “I heard you’ve been training with the sword, Master Bumi.” Zuko ruffled the seven-year-old’s crazy crop of hair.
 “Yes sir, but I’m hardly a master. I sometimes train with Uncle Sokka… when he’s not busy.”
 “Hmm, you need a master, don’t you?” Zuko’s eyes flickered to Katara, but she didn’t have a good answer to his unspoken question. She taught Kya waterbending, but it was true that Bumi’s own training had been neglected.
 “Yes sir.” The disappointment in the child’s voice was answer enough, though.
 “Tell me, Bumi, have you ever fought with two swords?” Zuko redirected.
 The boy’s chin lifted, and his eyes sparkled. “Like at the same time? That’s impossible!”
 “Well, you have two hands, don’t you?”
 Katara fought the urge to say that her son might not have two hands after swordfighting lessons with Zuko. She could tell, though, by the way his eyes lit up and how Izumi rolled hers that he didn’t get to do this often, if ever.
 So Zuko went off with Bumi, Izumi and Kya practiced their bending moves together, and Katara put Tenzin down for a nap. Suddenly it was very quiet, and she had time for herself. It was most unexpected, and she honestly didn’t know what to do with herself. She decided to prepare the guest room for their unexpected visitors in hopes that they would stay awhile.
 Later that evening, a giddy, sweaty Zuko shooed her out of the kitchen and offered to make dinner. It was such an unusual gesture. Aang never made dinner. She didn’t even expect Zuko to know how to cook. He was royalty, after all. The bigger surprise, though, was that he cooked them meat. She didn’t realize how much she’d missed it—how much it reminded her of home. She didn’t dare ask where it came from, although Bumi answered soon enough.
 “Mom, Fire Lord Zuko took me hunting!”
 “Oh, he did, did he?” She shot her friend a look of warning. It was one thing to teach Bumi the swords, but hunting encroached on their family values.
 Zuko just shrugged. “It wasn’t really hunting. The animal was already hurt, so we kinda… put it out of its misery? I’m a terrible hunter anyway. I couldn’t hit a moving target if I tried.”
 Somehow Katara doubted that. She was about to expound on her reprimand, but Izumi spoke first.
 “Ew, Dad. Can we not talk about our food like that?” She made a fake choking sound. “I think I’m going to become a vegetarian.”
 “Cool. Can we trade families then? Because I want to eat meat everyday!” Bumi popped another bite into his mouth, beaming proudly as he did.
 It was a most unfortunate time for “morning” sickness to hit. Katara quickly excused herself from the table. She didn’t expect Zuko to follow her.
 “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—“ He held back her hair. He actually held back her hair. She held back her tears.
 After she had recovered, both from the retching and repressing, he continued in a calm and soothing voice, “I didn’t mean to make you sick. I didn’t think… of course, if you never eat meat—“
 “No, Zuko, it’s not your fault. I-I’m pregnant.”
 She couldn’t read his expression much like she could read her own emotions in that moment, either. She wondered why he had to be so nice, so helpful, so… perfect. Scarred, yet flawless.
 That was ridiculous, though. Nobody was perfect. The only reason people would overlook each other’s imperfections was if love had made them blind.
 Suddenly, Katara saw the situation all too clearly.
 “I’m tired. I’m going to bed. You and Izumi are welcome to stay, of course. Just make yourself at home.”
 “I’d prefer not to travel at night if that’s alright. We’ll head back first thing in the morning. I appreciate your hospitality.”
 His tone was so formal and his expression so stiff, it was like she was talking to the Fire Lord and not a dear friend. Had he also noticed the shift that had occurred between them, albeit subtle? She couldn’t very well sort through these muddled thoughts and emotions, not in her current state. Perhaps it would be best if she slept through his departure the next day.
 Little did she know what darkness lie ahead in the night and what new light would be cast on their relationship by morning.
 She expected to drift right to sleep, but a slight cramping sensation kept her awake. She blamed it on the meat… at first. Then the pain intensified. Then there was blood. Then water—her hands coated in it, glowing, healing. Then stillness. Then screaming.
 She almost felt like she was outside of herself watching the scene unfold. This couldn’t be happening. No. This wasn’t happening.
 She must have fallen asleep at some point because she woke up the next morning in his arms. She remembered what had happened, but she didn’t remember him.
 “Zuko, wha—“
 “Shhhhhh. It’s OK.”
 Her throat felt raw, so she knew she had been crying—a lot. Still, she managed, “I k-k-killed my baby.”
 Zuko tightened his grip on her shoulders. “What!? Of course you didn’t! These things… just happen. It’s nobody’s fault. You even tried to save your baby. I saw your healing water.”
 She sighed deeply and buried her face in his chest. “But I d-d-didn’t want to be pregnant again. Not so soon. Not when Aang—“ She couldn’t finish. It sounded too selfish to say out loud. But the pressure had become so overwhelming. She couldn’t promise airbending heirs to her Avatar husband no matter how much she wanted to—no matter how hard she tried. She felt like a failure of a wife—and a mother.
 She saw Zuko’s jaw clinch, and she knew what he must be thinking. She didn’t want to portray Aang in a bad light. It certainly wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t even here.
 That’s right. He wasn’t here.
 But Zuko was.
 She nestled deeper into his warmth, his comfort. It was what she needed, and she admitted to herself that she needed it from him. Somehow she knew that Aang would grieve the loss of their child, the chance at another airbender. He would grieve for her. But Zuko—he would grieve with her.
 I’m sorry. That’s something we have in common. It seemed like only yesterday that he’d spoken those words in a cave full of glowing green crystals.
 “It gets easier,” Zuko said suddenly.
 “What?” His words shook her from her reverie.
 “S-s-sorry. That’s not very comforting, I know. I shouldn’t have—“
 “Ume,” she whispered before she realized the name had escaped her lips. The same thing must’ve happened to her—to them. Guilt overtook her. She shouldn’t be here clinging to Zuko when he had a sick wife back at home. She quickly released him and moved away from the bed.
 “Katara, I’m sorry if I did something wrong, I—“ There was pain in his voice and sadness in his eyes, like he was still very much the boy in the cave. But he wasn’t, and they had come so far since then. They were closer than she’d ever expected to become with someone from the Fire Nation, a former enemy, the Fire Lord, even.
 “No, Zuko, it’s fine. You’re… I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’ve been… perfect.”
 She reached out to take his hand and gave it a small squeeze. Her gaze then drifted to the stained bedsheets, and her vision blurred with tears. A warm hand cupped her face, and a calloused thumb swiped across her wet cheek. His touch felt nice, but as she leaned into it, confusion and clarity struck her once again.
 “Zuko, why are you here?”
 “Because I heard you screaming in the night.”
 “No, I mean, why are you here?”
 “Oh. I came to ask you for help.”
 Yes, of course. She sighed and pulled away.
 “And because I wanted to see you.”
 His statement and his smile were so genuine that her tears flowed freely now. There was something so painfully beautiful about this moment they shared together. She would never want to relive it, but she would cherish it all the same. She shuddered at the calm comfort of his next words.
 “Hey. You go get yourself cleaned up. I’ll take care of cleaning up in here. OK? Then, you get some rest, and I’ll get some breakfast ready for when the kids wake up.”
 Yet again, unexpectedly perfect. Or perhaps perfectly unexpected?
 With Zuko, it was always a little unclear.
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